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Mike Marcum: What Happened to Him? Where is He Now?

 of Mike Marcum: What Happened to Him? Where is He Now?

In ‘Merris Monday: Time Traveler or Wild Grifter, the Tale of Madman Mike Marcum,’ the listeners are transported back in time to the year 1995 when a curious 21-year-old man, Mike Marcum, began building a time machine. To realize his vision, he had to resort to stealing, for which he spent some time in jail. A couple of years later, he vanished without any trace, giving rise to all kinds of speculations and questions about his experiment and disappearance. So, is Mike Marcum real? And is the podcast itself based on a true story? Let’s find out.

Mike Marcum Was a Missouri Resident Who Wanted to Build a Time Machine

In 1995, the 21-year-old electrical engineering student, Mike Marcum, residing in Stanberry, Missouri, began formulating the idea of building a time machine from scratch on his house’s porch. It is said that his main motive behind it was to be able to learn and use the future lottery numbers to make himself rich. While experimenting with a contraption known as Jacob’s ladder, he claimed that he had noticed something surreal — a circular vortex.

mark 2 travel machine

Mike checked the effect by throwing a metal screw and said that it vanished before reappearing a few feet away a second or two later. Believing that the screw traveled through time, he decided to level up his work but the setup caught fire, destroying the contraception. This setback only fueled his determination further as, due to the need for $20,000 worth of transformers, he broke into the St. Joseph Light and Power Generating Station in King City, Missouri, and robbed six transformers for his project.

Later, while Mike was testing a few things, he caused a power outage in his neighborhood, attracting the attention of the authorities. When they found out about the stolen transformers, he was arrested . Shortly after his release a few months later, he received an invitation from Art Bell to talk about his time machine on Coast to Coast Radio. He explained his plans to build a time machine in detail and got the nickname “Madman” on the radio show. As the word spread about his bigger and improved project, he received donations to realize his vision of creating an electromagnetic vortex big enough to fit a human through it.

A year after his first appearance, Mike made another appearance on the Coast to Coast Radio show in 1996, where he revealed that he was only a month or so away from completing his legal time machine project, and would only take his phone with him when he finally tests the machine himself. However, in 1997, under some mysterious circumstances, he disappeared without any warning, leaving the whole world wondering if his time machine actually worked or if he vaporized himself in the process.

Where is Mike Marcum Now?

After Mike Marcum’s disappearance, a listener on the radio show highlighted a 1930 case where the police found a dead man on a California beach inside a strange metal tube with a mobile-like device in his possession. Implications were made that it could have been Mike, but the theory was later debunked when it turned out that he decided to stay away from the public eye deliberately, which was made clear on his third public appearance on Art Bell’s new Midnight in the Desert radio segment on September 4, 2015.

Being his first public interview in 18 years, Mike had quite a lot of updates he wanted to share with the listeners, including the fact that he lost his house to a fire and how all the pieces of equipment were destroyed again. According to sources, he was homeless for a short period of time and lived in Hawaii in the late 2010s. Still dedicated to building a time machine, he reportedly launched a GoFundMe campaign in 2016 to get sufficient funds to continue his experiments.

More recently, in February 2022, Mike posted his update on the Reddit page Paranormal Forum and confirmed that he was alive and well, still residing in Hawaii. In the post, he wrote, “Rumors are a-blazing that I am dead, not well, and had time traveled to 1930 something where I died on a beach in a tube. Whoever posted those pictures of a redhead, that is also not me. It was some school kid with my name that someone long ago attributed to me. Whatever was found in the 1930s was not me and I’ve read that was debunked but can’t find the article.” Later in the year, by September 2022, Mike reportedly moved to Ohio, where he continues to pursue his same old goal of building a time machine.

Read More: Best Time Travel Movies on Netflix


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The Who Shelf

The Who Shelf

Doctor who book & audio news, dalek mark iii travel machine: combat training manual.

One of the first things I covered on this blog was the TARDIS Manual back in 2018 and now the same team of writers and artists are back with the Dalek Combat Training Manual – a visual breakdown of the Doctor’s arch foes.

This combat manual is a collation of vital intelligence gathered by Time Lords over centuries. It is invaluable to anyone engaging the Daleks in battle. Know your enemy. Cover Blurb

mark 2 travel machine

The team of Richard Atkinson, Mike Tucker and Gavin Rymill are back together for this release with Atkinson and Tucker on writing duties and digital artist Rymill handling the visuals.

In particular, Rymill 3D modelling work made the TARDIS manual a particular treat, with details like Missy’s TARDIS console room. There’s no shortage of easter eggs here either, with insanely elaborate drawings and cross-sections, including the city on Skaro circa The Magician’s Apprentice and seemingly every model of Dalek ever depicted on screen, recreated in loving detail.

The Dalek World - Dalek Combat Manual (c) BBC Books

As frequent contributors to the worlds of Doctor Who, Atkinson and Tucker have lent their unique storytelling sensibilities to the book. As with the visuals, these have references to obscure Doctor Who trivia threaded neatly throughout. We also get the “field reports” – breakdowns of Dalek episodes both classic and modern.

The Spiridon Incident - Dalek Combat Manual (c) BBC Books

It’s a credit to Tucker and Atkinson that they can retell old stories with the tone of military detachment while also making the narrative extremely compelling. As well as inventing backstory for the things we saw onscreen but went unexamined. I mean, where else are you going to find out why the Recon Dalek from 2019’s Resolution took some creative liberties with the design of his casing? Sure, it could just be that it was working with local materials. But isn’t it more fun to discover that he was emulating an early Dalek design adapted for reconnaissance? The book is full of little things like this.

The Reconnaissance Scout - Dalek Combat Manual (c) BBC Books

If you liked the TARDIS Manual, this is exactly what you’d expect and exactly what you want. If, like me, you’re less interested in the cold data and more in narrative then this is a nifty accompaniment to Dalek stories with its background details. Either way, the love and effort that’s gone into this tome means it’s well worth checking out.

What’s your favourite Dalek variant? Let me know in the comments.

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Dalek Casing (Mk. III Travel Machine)

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The Mark III Travel Machine is the machine that a Kaled mutant lives inside of from birth to death. Most known as a Dalek Casing , the Travel Machine was developed by Davros so that his genetic experiments could have a machine in which they would be able to live and become the supreme beings of his vision.

First Developed [ ]

The Travel Machine is equipped with a telescoping right arm with a suction cup on the end. The left arm is a gun that can be manually installed in the casing.

Once the machine was perfected, the Mark III Travel Machines were renamed by Davros as the Daleks .

During the Time War [ ]

During the Time War , the Daleks advanced their casings. The Mark III Travel Machines are now powered by Background Radiation and are protected by the vacuum of space and a shield that is capable of melting bullets before they could hit the Dalek.

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Mark I Travel Machine

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The Mark I was the name given by Davros to a Travel Machine prototype , the casing of the first Dalek that he created. It was an experimental life support unit modeled after his own chair. Besides the transplanted Thal brain, it included a life support matrix, an optical stalk, feeding tubes and was activated by a power conduit with only 92% distribution. ( AUDIO : Guilt ) According to the Dalek Combat Training Manual , Davros abandoned this prototype and then his next model before settling upon the Mark III travel machine . ( PROSE : Dalek Combat Training Manual )

mark 2 travel machine

According to another account, Davros' chair was the Mark I, and his initial designs were the Mark IIs . ( PROSE : The History of the Daleks ) Another account had Davros present an early prototype machine before he had constructed his own advanced chair, after which he unveiled Dalek One . ( PROSE : Davros Genesis ) In any case, the Daleks were later perfected by Davros in the Mark III Travel Machine . ( TV : Genesis of the Daleks )

History [ [edit] | edit source ]

Meeting a young Davros before the accident that scarred him, the War Master realised the ideas of what would one day become the Dalek travel machine were "already forming in [his] head". ( AUDIO : From the Flames )

The first Mark I Travel Machine created by Davros hosted the brain of Baran , a captured Thal spy . ( AUDIO : Guilt )

Davros' claims to have designed the Daleks' travel machines were later contradicted by the Daleks themselves under the command of the Dalek Prime , who instead claimed that he had stolen the designs from other scientists and then passed them off as his own. ( PROSE : War of the Daleks ) Indeed, in one account, the very first Dalek casings were originally the " Dalek War Machines " designed by the scientist Yarvelling for use in the war against the Thals before the mutated Daleks claimed them as protection against the harsh conditions of the devastated, irradiated Skaro. ( COMIC : Genesis of Evil ) Nevertheless, there were many other accounts that credited Davros with the invention of the casing. ( AUDIO : From the Flames ; PROSE : The Whoniverse , et. al)

Behind the scenes [ [edit] | edit source ]

mark 2 travel machine

  • "Mk I Dalek" is the fan name given to the first model of Dalek casings , as seen in TV : The Daleks and COMIC : Genesis of Evil , some of whom were also seen on the restored Skaro attending to the dying Davros in TV : The Magician's Apprentice . They are distinguishable by their lack of slats. In this terminology, the "Mk II" is the Dalek design with the dish from TV : The Dalek Invasion of Earth , with the "Mk III" — tying back to the designation of the standard Dalek casing from Genesis of the Daleks — being for the one with slats first seen in TV : The Chase . [1] Within in-universe sources, however, there is little room given for Davros' Mark I Travel Machines to correspond to the Daleks in The Daleks , as the clear intent behind Genesis of the Daleks was that it took place prior to The Daleks . The term of Dalek War Machine is given instead, in COMIC : Genesis of Evil , as the original name for the casings seen in the first few Dalek television stories. The Dalek Combat Training Manual would later name the "Mk I" and "Mk II" Dalek models as Type I and Type II .
  • The Davros Connections documentary depicts what the Mark I looks like in an animation matching an extract of the " Guilt " audio. In it, a black sphere on grey skirt colour scheme was used, no actual top casing existed but only a bare metal framework over a green mutant linked to a green luminescent sphere behaving like a Luminosity discharger and an eyestalk .

Footnotes [ [edit] | edit source ]

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Navigating the Differences Between MARK I and MARK II

Still thinking whether to go with Mark I or Mark II Degritter? Or maybe even suspecting that MARK II is just a clever marketing ploy? Let us put your mind at rest and address the differences between the two machines. While their form is similar, there are distinct improvements hidden inside. 

MARK II includes all the best features of the earlier model, but it also has a new edge. Most notably more efficient ultrasonic architecture – and when talking about ultrasonic record cleaning machines, that’s what makes a world of difference.

Pulse Mode and why do we keep talking about advanced ultrasonic architecture?

It does come down to the technicalities, but the new ultrasonic solution is what essentially makes the MARK II more energy efficient, while being more powerful. So how is that even possible? 

It comes down to Pulse Mode functionality, which is a resource preserving way of harnessing ultrasonic power. With Pulse Mode, the MARK II uses short ultrasonic pulses with higher energy to clean surfaces. However, since ultrasonic cleaning is not continuously on – as is the case with MARK I – the average power consumption is lower, while the peaking pulses are significantly higher, improving the overall cleaning effect. 

mark 2 travel machine

Narrower sweeping window for Frequency Sweep

Both the MARK I and MARK II machines have Frequency Sweep functionality. The resonant frequencies of the ultrasonic transducers differ slightly and because of this it is difficult to drive multiple transducers with a one fixed frequency. Frequency Sweep constantly moves ultrasonic frequency up and down within a few kHz. With sweeping frequency the machine is tapping into different resonances of the transducers ensuring equal cleaning effect.

mark 2 travel machine

However, the MARK II has improved the Frequency Sweep functionality with a more precise sweeping window. Narrower sweeping window reduces the amount of time the ultrasonic amplifiers are not working on their resonance frequency. Simply put, this is good because with narrower Frequency Sweep the loss of energy on MARK II is reduced.

Fault detection

With the new ultrasonic generator, we also significantly improved the fault detection. The control boards in the new MARK II machines now periodically check up on the internal state of the ultrasonic amplifier and if the amplifier is not feeling well, the device will notify the user. 

With MARK I machines, the device had a simplified overview of the ultrasonic generators status and on very rare occasions, it was possible for the ultrasonic cleaning to fail without the machine notifying the user about it. This is no longer possible with the MARK II.

mark 2 travel machine

How much better is MARK II at cleaning?

To assess the effect and power of the ultrasonic architecture on both machines, we have run countless tests during the development phase, ranging from electrical measurements at ultrasonic emitter level to cleaning dirty records. 

To illustrate the cleaning efficiency and the cleaning effect we have filmed an aluminium foil test on both of the machines . During the test a thin sheet of foil is placed in the machine and ultrasonic cavitation will dislodge small pieces out of it. The resulting tiny holes will illustrate the efficiency of the machine. Running foil tests is a common practice by all ultrasonic cleaner developers, as it gives a simple visual representation of the machine’s performance.

According to our tests, the MARK II is about 20-30% more efficient than the MARK I. The same results were also revealed with the foil test. 

Is ultrasonic cleaning safe if it breaks foil?

The ultrasonic cleaners will break the aluminium foil with ease, but this does not mean your valuable discs will have holes in them. With the foil, the rigidness of aluminium allows the material to break. Plastics such as vinyl will not be affected by this. Ultrasonic cleaning at 120 kHz is delicate and safe for vinyl records .

Still the most user-friendly ultrasonic record cleaning machine

We started designing the original Degritter with convenience and usability in mind and these are principles that we continue to apply to both versions of the machine. However, there are some tweaks in the MARK II that make the user’s experience even better and more reliable. 

The most noticeable difference for the MARK II is the new user interface, which uses icons rather than text. The new user interface is easier to navigate and does not require knowledge of the English language. (The user interface was released with a software update in the end of 2023 and for the older MARK II machines it was introduced with software update)

Notable improvement on the MARK II are also the buttons. They’re heavy, with a distinct “click”. This allows for a better grip when pushing and turning the knobs, giving you easier control over the machine’s programmes. 

mark 2 travel machine


Has there ever been any details on the mark II travel machine

I think the Mark 1 showed up in I, Davros, but I’m not sure if we’ve ever seen the Mark II.

AdamWard 666's avatar

@Alexj98 Watch the story The Daleks Invasion of Earth the Daleks in that story are Mark 2s

That doesn’t make sense. Genesis is set well before Dalek Invasion of Earth, and Davros introduced the Mark IIIs in Genesis.

So wait what are the mark IIs

McCoyForever's avatar

I think the Mark IIs might be those tanks that have the Dalek skirt, but instead of the usual Dalek shoulder section and dome, there is a frame with an exposed mutant connected to lots of wires, which I think was to demonstrate how the mutated Kaleds would look inside the shells. So I think the Mark III is just putting the shell on top of this framework, adding little bits and adding a ray gun.

If your talking about the things in davros audio there the mark I

What do you think?

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Mark II DB

Matt Findlay - 24/01.2024

New for 2024 is the MARK II DB (Database) 

We have had a lot of feedback on the Mark I and Mark II annealer over the years. We have decided that now is the time to give the Mark II a new interface to make it easier and more intuitive to use. The Mark II DB comes with all the annealing capabilities of the original Mark II with some added benefits and improvements.

Firstly, and most obviously we have removed the old buttons and LCD interface and replaced them with a more modern touch screen (Similar in feel to a smart phone). We have also added a more powerful processor which allows the user to store many programs that have been generated previously. Users can now analyze a case using AZTEC mode and then once the setting is generated, name and save that setting which can be loaded for future use. Changing between annealing settings now is as fast as swapping out the pilot.

mark 2 travel machine

We have simplified the feel of the annealer by making animations, text and layout clear and to the point, which we feel will enhance the ergonomics of the annealer greatly. 

mark 2 travel machine

In order to pass FCC/EMC and electrical safety testing there are additional internal shielding enclosures which isolate the screen from any source of high voltage. These additional manufacturing requirements do come with a cost and we have to slightly increase the price of the new model to $1675 USD. One major benefit of these enclosures is that this touch screen will be user replaceable . If there is a problem with the touch screen for whatever reason, say you drop something heavy on it and crack it, you don’t need to have it shipped back to us to fix. Now you can simply remove the old one and install a new one.

Another small update we have made is changing over to the much more abundant USB-C type port replacing the antiquated USB printer port.

mark 2 travel machine

We hope to release the MARK II DB in late March. We will provide updates on the release date.



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Dalek Travel Machines - Mark 4 Travel Machine

Generation 03

Following the destruction of his initial batch of loyal Daleks created on the planet Necros , Davros drew up blueprints for an improved casing. This Mark Four Travel Machine became the foundation for the drones within Davros&##039; own Dalek Empire and achieved a great number of victories over the Loyalist Dalek forces (those loyal to the Dalek Prime). In most respects, this casing was superior to the Mark Three casing . At the conclusion of the civil war, the Dalek Prime briefly considered implementing the Mark Four as the standard casing for the Dalek Empire. Ultimately this design was rejected as a product of Davros' insanity, but elements of its design were incorporated into the Mark Three casing.

The Mark Four took the Mark Three design as a starting point and improved on it. The majority of the casing was similar to the Mark Three, and the untrained eye could often confuse the two. The luminosity dischargers were of a more efficient design, and the "eyestalk" allowed for superior targeting and a number of enhanced vision modes that were unavailable to previous designs. The standard "sucker" arm attachment was of a new, slot-lock design but it retained the extendible data-probe. As with all casings, alternative arm configurations could be installed from outlets in Dalek ships and buildings. The energy weapon usually seen was a different design to those of previous casings, and the output was reduced slightly to limit the drain on the casing's reactor. This made the weapon somewhat less effective than that of the Mark Three casing.

The majority of the differences between the external casings were aesthetic ones that had no real bearing on the casing's function as a mobile habitation unit and war machine. As with previous designs, there were fifty-two (52) sensor globes located around the skirt section of the casing. The formula of the bonded-polycarbide used in the construction of the Mark Four was improved over the previous iterations, the lattice providing better protection to the occupant. The power generator of the Mark Four was more powerful and the motive unit allowed for extended periods of levitation up to sixty centimetres in height. Advanced gyroscopes meant that the Mark Four allowed for quicker acceleration and sharper cornering than the previous deisgn.

A scout version of this casing was sighted on many battlefields. This consisted of a larger, wider base unit (similar to the attachment seen on Mark Two Travel Machines ). This variation was far more manoeuvrable and faster than any other standard casing. Additionally, the sensors installed within the casing were more sophisticated than in any equivelant casing – from the data gathered rapidly by Scouts, a more thorough view of a planned assault area could be derived than by using orbital scanners and ranger-scopes only. Two downsides to this casing were its limited fire-power capability (sufficient for the extermination of a good number of life forms, but not so useful against the Loyalist Dalek faction) and the lighter polycarbide shell which provided less protection to the occupant.

Remembrance of the Daleks, Emperor of the Daleks, Terror Firma. Scout model – Remembrance of the Daleks (Novelisation).


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  3. Travel Machine

    Davros developed a series of Travel Machines to house the mutated remains of his species, the Kaleds. This culminated in the Mark III Travel Machine, which he named Dalek. (TV: Genesis of the Daleks) By one account, Davros' chair was the Mark I Travel Machine, and his initial Dalek designs were the Mark IIs. (PROSE: The History of the Daleks) Another account had Davros present an early ...

  4. Mark I Travel Machine

    The Mark I was the name given by Davros to a Travel Machine prototype, the casing of the first Dalek that he created. It was an experimental life support unit modeled after his own chair. Besides the transplanted Thal brain, it included a life support matrix, an optical stalk, feeding tubes and was activated by a power conduit with only 92% distribution. (AUDIO: Guilt) According to the Dalek ...

  5. Mike Marcum: What Happened to Him? Where is He Today?

    Mike Marcum Was a Missouri Resident Who Wanted to Build a Time Machine. In 1995, the 21-year-old electrical engineering student, Mike Marcum, residing in Stanberry, Missouri, began formulating the idea of building a time machine from scratch on his house's porch. It is said that his main motive behind it was to be able to learn and use the ...

  6. WedgeDoc's Dalek Guide

    The Mark One Travel Machine Casing Fifty-two (52) Sensor globes fed data about the external environment to the Kaled mutation housed in the dome section of the travel machine. The casing featured two arm sockets that could be fitted with a number of different arm attachments, including various manipulation arms, computer interface ports, tools ...

  7. WedgeDoc's Dalek Guide

    Dalek Travel Machines - Mark 3 Travel Machine In Use By. Generation 01, Generation 02, Generation 03, Generation 04.. Overview. At the very end of the Kaled-Thal war, Davros revealed the Mark Three Travel Machine to the assembled members of the Kaled Science Elite. It was shortly after this reveal that the name "Dalek" was first used to refer to the Kaled mutant and its habitation casing.

  8. Dalek Mark III Travel Machine: Combat Training Manual

    This combat manual is a collation of vital intelligence gathered by Time Lords over centuries. It is invaluable to anyone engaging the Daleks in battle. Know your enemy. Cover Blurb. Doctor Who: Dalek Combat Training Manual. The team of Richard Atkinson, Mike Tucker and Gavin Rymill are back together for this release with Atkinson and Tucker on ...

  9. Mark III Travel Machine

    The Mark III Travel Machine was Davros's optimum design for the travel machine to house his genetically engineered Kaled mutants. He would call his invention a Dalek, an anagram of the word Kaled, to reflect the reconfigured Kaled life form within. The term would come to be used to refer to the life form as well as the machine. (PROSE: Dalek Combat Training Manual, TV: Genesis of the Daleks ...

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    It was hoped that the technology used in this submersible would allow travel to the deepest parts of the ocean. Development. The Super Falcon was designed by Graham Hawkes. ... Mark II. The redesigned Super Falcon is 5.9 m (19 ft) long, 1.4-2.7 m (4.6-8.9 ft) wide (wings folded or extended, respectively), 1.6 m (5.2 ft) tall, and a launch ...

  11. Dalek Casing (Mk. III Travel Machine)

    The Mark III Travel Machine is the machine that a Kaled mutant lives inside of from birth to death. Most known as a Dalek Casing, the Travel Machine was developed by Davros so that his genetic experiments could have a machine in which they would be able to live and become the supreme beings of his vision.. First Developed []. The Travel Machine is equipped with a telescoping right arm with a ...

  12. WedgeDoc's Dalek Guide

    Dalek Travel Machines - Mark 5 Travel Machine In Use By. Generation 05, Generation 06, Generation 07, Generation 08. Overview. The first of the standard casings to be designed entirely by Dalek science units, the Mark Five Travel Machine was a vast improvement over all previous models. Specifically designed and constructed to combat Time Lord ...

  13. Mark I Travel Machine

    The Mark I was the name given by Davros to a Travel Machine prototype, the casing of the first Dalek that he created. It was an experimental life support unit modeled after his own chair. Besides the transplanted Thal brain, it included a life support matrix, an optical stalk, feeding tubes and was activated by a power conduit with only 92% distribution.

  14. Mark 2 tools. Are they a significant improvement? : r/Stationeers

    MK2 tools like others said are for higher temperatures on the advanced planets. The Heavy Drill, Advanced Tablet and the Arc welder are actual improvements over the starting tools. At this point the MK2 tools seem like they are more for confusing newbies than anything else. Mk2 is a terrible name for them. Please change devs.

  15. Annealing Brass Cases

    Multiple fans are installed in our annealer to keep the circuitry and inductor cool. After 40 - 50 cases have been annealed, the top of the unit behind the pilot will start to feel warm to the touch. This is normal. The MARK II annealer features auto adjusting fans which will increase in power as the annealer warms up.

  16. UPDATE: Here's what happened to Mad Man Marcum and his Time Machine

    Marcum attempted to construct a time machine in 1995 on the porch of his house in Stanberry, Mo., because he wanted to get winning lottery numbers from the future. "That's right," Gentry County Sheriff Eugene Lupfer said. "That's just exactly right.". Lupfer had worked the Marcum case and remembered it well.

  17. Mark III Travel Machine

    The Mark III Travel Machine was Davros's optimum design for the travel machine to house his genetically engineered Kaled mutants. He would call his invention a Dalek, an anagram of the word Kaled, to reflect the reconfigured Kaled life form within. The term would come to be used to refer to the life form as well as the machine. (PROSE: Dalek Combat Training Manual, TV: Genesis of the Daleks ...

  18. MARK I versus MARK II

    Running foil tests is a common practice by all ultrasonic cleaner developers, as it gives a simple visual representation of the machine's performance. According to our tests, the MARK II is about 20-30% more efficient than the MARK I. The same results were also revealed with the foil test.

  19. WedgeDoc's Dalek Guide

    Dalek Travel Machines - Mark 6 Travel Machine In Use By. Generation 09. Overview. During the course of the Time War, a number of backup plans were conceived by the various strategic groups such as the Cult of Skaro and the Eternity Circle for the possibility of Dalek defeat. One such was the use of Gallifreyan technology to store an army of Daleks which were then hidden away in the void ...

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    small travel size, works, and actually sounds pretty good with its built in amp

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    Big Finish Productions; The Companion Chronicles; Jago and Litefoot; The Lost Stories; Bernice Summerfield series; Gallifrey audio series; Audio Adventures in Time & Space

  22. Mark II DB

    Matt Findlay - 24/01.2024. New for 2024 is the MARK II DB (Database) We have had a lot of feedback on the Mark I and Mark II annealer over the years. We have decided that now is the time to give the Mark II a new interface to make it easier and more intuitive to use. The Mark II DB comes with all the annealing capabilities of the original Mark ...

  23. WedgeDoc's Dalek Guide

    Dalek Travel Machines - Mark 4 Travel Machine In Use By. Generation 03. Overview. Following the destruction of his initial batch of loyal Daleks created on the planet Necros, Davros drew up blueprints for an improved casing. This Mark Four Travel Machine became the foundation for the drones within Davros&##039; own Dalek Empire and achieved a great number of victories over the Loyalist Dalek ...

  24. 'World needs new 1964 moment,' UN Trade and Development ...

    In her opening statement at the Global Leaders Forum to mark the 60th anniversary of UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Secretary-General Rebeca Grynspan highlighted the organization's new, forward-looking agenda.. She underscored its renewed commitment to advocating for developing countries in an increasingly interconnected, complex and multipolar global economy.