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Gold pressed latinum Wildstorm

Gold pressed latinum in 2376 .

Latinum was a rare substance which was prized by many civilizations in the Alpha Quadrant , including the Ferengi Alliance . For use as currency , liquid latinum was usually suspended within gold or gold dust which produced gold-pressed latinum . ( DS9 episode : " Who Mourns for Morn? "; CCG set: Rules of Acquisition , card: "Gold-Pressed Latinum")

Latinum is usable as a currency specie because it is one of the few materials incapable of being replicated . Gold, which can be replicated, is unusable as a currency specie, and is useful only as a container for liquid latinum, due to gold's non-reactive nature. ( TNG novel : Balance of Power )

  • 1 Denominations and design
  • 2 Sources and provenance
  • 3 Latinum mining locations
  • 5.1 Connections
  • 5.2 References
  • 5.3 External link

Denominations and design [ ]

Denominations of gold-pressed latinum, in order of increasing value, include the slip, the strip, the bar and the brick. One bar of gold-pressed latinum is equal to twenty strips or 2,000 slips of latinum. ( CCG set: Rules of Acquisition , card: "Gold-Pressed Latinum") The exchange rate for bricks is unknown, but Quark implies that bricks are worth considerably more than bars.

Latinum denominations also included dekabars, hectobars and kilobars. ( TNG novel : Balance of Power )

A latinum slip measures 2½ x ¼ x 1 inches, a strip measures 3½ x ½ x 2½ inches, a bar measures 5 × ½ × 2½ inches and a brick measures 8 x 1 x 4 inches. ( Star Trek Auction Listings )

The gold casing carried a maker's mark; the lack of such a mark normally indicated that the bar was stolen, or was counterfeit. ( SCE eBook : Malefictorum )

Maura's latinum

Single bar of gold pressed latinum in 2370

Sources and provenance [ ]

Latinum was found naturally in the form of crystals which can be mined . Such crystals typically formed near pockets of nickel , iron , pergium , or cobalt . ( DS9 novel : Devil in the Sky )

A Federation survey of the Davon system sometime before 2348 found traces of latinum on the moon Davonia . In 2355 , the planets and moons of the Maxia Zeta star system were discovered to be richly endowed with many minerals and materials, including latinum. And in 2370 a group of Horta discovered deposits of latinum on Baraddo , Bajor 's outermost moon . Daribund also had latinum deposits. ( DS9 novel : Devil in the Sky ; TNG - The Lost Era novel : The Buried Age )

A large amount of latinum supposedly exists underground on Ferenginar .( DS9 reference : Legends of the Ferengi )

Quark in the mirror universe had never heard of latinum, but it was used in the Alliance and previously in the Terran Empire . ( DS9 episode : " Crossover ", , ST novels : Dark Passions, Book One , Dark Passions, Book Two , ST short story : " Mirror Universe ", " The Greater Good ", " The Worst of Both Worlds ", " Bitter Fruit ")

Latinum mining locations [ ]

  • S'mtharz ( Federation )
  • Cillers ( Romulan , coordinates -4181, -40)
  • Maclyyn ( Klingon )
  • Hann ( Federation , coordinates -4836, -19)
  • Nasturta ( Romulan , coordinates -4540, -16)
  • Ciara ( Klingon )
  • Lainey ( Federation )
  • Biruin ( Romulan , coordinates -4048, -2)
  • Hoeven ( Klingon )
  • Losti ( Federation )
  • Koltiska ( Romulan , coordinates -4572, -146)
  • Phelan ( Klingon )
  • Noakyn ( Federation , coordinates -4763, 10)
  • Gradientes ( Romulan , coordinates -4383, 12)
  • H'Atoria ( Klingon )
  • Sinisser ( Federation )
  • Robeton ( Romulan , coordinates -4131, 30)
  • Vendor ( Romulan , coordinates -4209, 112)
  • Beta Penthe ( Klingon
  • Barnard's Star
  • Dessica ( Romulan , coordinates -4679, 407)

The Son'a used latinum to adorn their clothing and their furniture. ( ST movie : Insurrection )

Other uses for latinum include valuable brooches and earrings. ( DS9 episodes : " The Forsaken ", " Rules of Acquisition ")

The Olympic Games awarded latinum medals. ( DS9 - The Lives of Dax short story : " Old Souls ")

Appendices [ ]

Connections [ ], references [ ].

  • PIC novel : Firewall

External link [ ]

  • Latinum article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • 1 The Chase
  • 2 Preserver (race)
  • 3 Tzenkethi

latinum star trek

Latinum is a rare silver liquid used as currency by the Ferengi Alliance and many other worlds. It cannot be replicated. For ease of transaction, latinum is usually suspended within gold to produce "gold-pressed" latinum. (DS9: "Who Mourns for Morn?")

Denominations of gold-pressed latinum, in order of increasing value, include the slip, the strip, the bar and the brick.

  • 1 Latinum Items
  • 2.5 Further values
  • 2.6 Guidance

Latinum Items [ edit ]

latinum star trek

Renewal scroll inscription pens

Quark was selling renewal scroll inscription pens during the Bajoran Gratitude Festival. The pens were latinum-plated. (DS9: "Fascination")

Hair brooch

Lwaxana Troi's latinum hair brooch was stolen while she was on Deep Space 9 in 2369. (DS9: "The Forsaken")

Tooth sharpener

Quark had to use wooden chew-sticks while Rom used a latinum tooth sharpener when they were children. (DS9: "Family Business")

The Divine Treasury

Quark states that the Divine Treasury is made of pure latinum. (DS9: "Little Green Men")

Quark suggests that Odo could have a latinum-plated bucket to sleep in. (DS9: "Q-Less")

Waste extraction fixtures

According to Nog, the waste extraction fixtures in the Nagal Residence are plated with latinum. Quark suggests that, if made Grand Nagus, he would (rather indulgently) replace them with solid latinum fixtures. (DS9: "The Dogs of War")

Bajoran earring

Maihar'du gives Kira Nerys a latinum Bajoran earring. (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition")

Relative values [ edit ]

Slips [ edit ].

latinum star trek

One hundred slips of gold-pressed latinum are equal to one strip. (DS9: "Body Parts")

Ferengi put one slip of gold-pressed latinum into the throne of the Grand Nagus. (DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs")

Quark gives Brunt one slip of latinum 'for his troubles' during his visit on behalf of the Ferengi Commerce Authority. (DS9: "Family Business")

Quark pays his Bajoran employees one slip of latinum a day during the Cardassian Occupation. (DS9: "Things Past")

Quark puts two slips of gold-pressed latinum in to his bust of the Blessed Exchequer, adding another two when making an extra request. (DS9: "The Emperor's New Cloak")

Quark offers two slips to the first Ferengi to reach the infirmary. (DS9: "The Magnificent Ferengi")

In the Tower of Commerce in 2372, it cost three slips of gold-pressed latinum to sit down. (DS9: "Family Business")

In the Tower of Commerce in 2372, it cost seven slips of latinum to use the elevator. Quark exclaims that this is greater than his previous visits to the tower. (DS9: "Family Business")

Quark sells a sick Changeling to Odo for eight slips of latinum. When he thought it was dead he asked for five slips and when he thought it was alive he increased this to ten slips, finally leveling the deal at eight because it was "sick". (DS9: "The Begotten")

Quark charges Rom ten slips of latinum for a crate of root beer to be given to Nog. (DS9: "The Ascent")

In the last game of tongo that Jadzia Dax plays with Quark she wins with a Full Consortium and is owed ten slips. (DS9: "Afterimage")

Strips [ edit ]

latinum star trek

One strip of gold-pressed latinum is equal to one hundred slips. Twenty strips are equal to one bar of latinum. (DS9: "Body Parts")

Quark says that a strip of latinum would pay for a couple of spins of the dabo wheel. (DS9: "Sanctuary")

Nog and Jake Sisko plan to play dom-jot for a strip of latinum a go. (DS9: "Life Support")

Doctor Orpax, one of the most expensive doctors on Ferenginar, charges two strips of latinum just to walk into the waiting room. (DS9: "Body Parts")

Elim Garak almost buys Jadzia's freedom from a Cardassian guard during the Occupation of Bajor. (DS9: "Things Past")

On Cardassia IV, an overseer is offered the services of Kira Nerys for two strips of latinum. (DS9: "The Homecoming")

Quark asks for three strips of latinum for one memorial disk of Plegg. (DS9: "The Alternate")

Nog offers to sell his pyjamas to Rom for three strips of latinum but settles for two. (DS9: "Little Green Men")

Jadzia Dax staked William T. Riker three strips of gold-pressed latinum when his winning streak ran dry. (DS9: "Defiant")

During a game of tongo, Jadzia Dax stated that the purchase price would be three strips. (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition")

Quark owed Jadzia Dax three strips of latinum. (DS9: "Meridian")

During a game of tongo, Jadzia Dax stated that the opening risk would be five strips. (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition")

A cadet's uniform from Garak's shop for Nog cost Rom five strips of latinum. (DS9: "Facets")

During a game of tongo, Jadzia Dax stated that the sell price would be eight strips. (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition")

Nog sells the holosuite program A Visit with the Pleasure Goddess of Rixx to Julian Bashir for ten strips of latinum. (DS9: "Little Green Men")

Jadzia Dax wins fifteen strips of latinum off of Quark in a tongo game. (DS9: "Business as Usual")

A dress from Garak's shop would cost seventeen strips of latinum, but Quark offers twenty for it. (DS9: "Profit and Loss")

Bars [ edit ]

latinum star trek

One bar of gold-pressed latinum is equal to twenty strips or 2,000 slips of latinum. (DS9: "Body Parts") Note: In an auction, Quark suggests that one bar and twenty five strips is lower in value than two bars. This contradicts the idea that there are twenty strips in a bar. (DS9: "In the Cards")a latinum bar, measures 4.75 × 0.5 × 2.25 inches.

Tiron pays Quark one bar of latinum and a precious jeweled ring for a custom holosuite program. Apparently, this is quite generous, as Quark suggests that he could "move into a holosuite" with that much latinum. (DS9: "Meridian")

Jadzia Dax loses two bars in a tongo game. (DS9: "The Darkness and the Light")

Ishka made three bars of gold-pressed latinum by investing in a Hupyrian beetle farm. (DS9: "Family Business")

Quark pays three bars of gold-pressed latinum for the wreckage of a ship that crashed in the Gamma Quadrant. (DS9: "The Abandoned")

Nog predicted that he could earn four bars of gold-pressed latinum from selling 5,000 wrappages of Yamok sauce.

The Noh-Jay Consortium traded seven tessipates of land on Bajor for five bars of gold-pressed latinum. (DS9: "Progress")

Nog's life savings in 2373 equaled five bars of gold-pressed latinum. (DS9: "In the Cards")

Yranac asks for five bars of gold-pressed latinum in exchange for sharing information. (TNG: "Gambit, Part I")

Quark wagers Vash five bars of latinum that Benjamin Sisko would win a fight against Q. (DS9: "Q-Less")

Quark accepts five bars of latinum to retrieve a strongbox from Deep Space 9 for Pallra. (DS9: "Necessary Evil")

Quark says that five bars of latinum will buy him five Nausicaans, a fast ship and very few questions to break Rom out of the Dominion's cells. (DS9: "Favor the Bold")

Quark estimates (possibly generously) that a day's business in his bar is about five bars of latinum. (DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight")

Morica Bilby received a wage of five bars of latinum a week for services rendered as a shipping consultant. The salary increases to ten then twenty and finally thirty bars a week. (DS9: "Prodigal Daughter")

Quark offered to take the Promethean quartz-like lifeform off of Vash for seven bars of gold-pressed latinum rather than to auction it off. (DS9: "Q-Less")

Bidding for the Verathan statue in Quark and Vash's auction started at ten bars. (DS9: "Q-Less")

Elias Giger paid ten bars of gold-pressed latinum for an Andorian chest containing a pre-Surak Vulcan bracelet, a 6th century Bajoran mandala, a 23rd century ion-transtator and a Willie Mays baseball card from Earth dated 1951. (DS9: "In the Cards")

Rom concedes that ten bars of latinum is an overly generous finders fee. (DS9: "The Magnificent Ferengi")

Quark offers Pel ten bars of latinum to help start a new life. (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition")

Quark sells one hundred gross of self-sealing stem bolts to Emi for ten bars of latinum. (DS9: "Prophet Motive")

When William Riker becomes the only customer in Quark's to win triple down dabo, Quark gives him vouchers for twelve bars of latinum. (TNG: "Firstborn")

Quark reluctantly increased the amount he would pay Vash for the Promethean quartz-like lifeform from seven bars to eighteen, which Vash declined. (DS9: "Q-Less")

Krax sells one memorial disk of Zek for twenty bars of latinum, suggesting it will double in price within a year. (DS9: "The Nagus")

During an evacuation of Deep Space 9, Quark offers twenty bars for a seat on a transport off the station, increasing this from an original offer of five, followed by ten. (DS9: "The Siege")

One of Quark's customers didn't pay a "rather extensive" bar tab that came to twenty-two bars including the interest it accumulated. Quark said, although he would be offered eight bars, he would accept twelve. (DS9: "Return to Grace")

Quark's last offer to Vash for the Promethean quartz-like lifeform was thirty bars, which Vash declined. (DS9: "Q-Less")

Quark sells an item in his auction of Vash's finds to a buyer called Kolos for thirty-six bars of latinum. (DS9: "Q-Less")

Bidding for a knife in Quark and Vash's auction started at forty bars. (DS9: "Q-Less")

Zek offered a reward of fifty bars of gold-pressed latinum for the return of Ishka. (DS9: "The Magnificent Ferengi")

Quark sells an item in his auction of Vash's finds to his cousin Stol for one hundred and five bars of latinum. (DS9: "Q-Less")

Quark sells a necklace (an item in his auction of Vash's finds) to a buyer called Rul the Obscure for one hundred and fifty-one bars of latinum. (DS9: "Q-Less")

Zek can buy two thousand tons of Kohlanese barley for one hundred and eighty-nine bars of latinum. (DS9: "Prophet Motive")

Quark sells 42 of the 80 Rings of Paltriss to Ashrock for one hundred and ninety-nine bars of gold-pressed latinum. (DS9: "Melora")

In late 2374, Quark made a profit of 200 bars of gold-pressed latinum when he sold Denevan crystals to a Nausicaan entrepreneur. (DS9: "The Sound of Her Voice")

Vash suggests that they start the bidding for one of her artifacts from the Gamma Quadrant at two hundred bars of latinum. (DS9: "Q-Less")

Vash predicts the value of the Promethean quartz-like lifeform at around 350 bars of gold-pressed latinum, rather than Quark's prediction of seven bars. (DS9: "Q-Less")

In 2373, Brunt bids 500 bars of gold-pressed latinum for all 52 disks of Quark's remains. (DS9: "Body Parts")

On stardate 47182.1, Quark attempted to evacuate with six hundred bars of gold-pressed latinum. (DS9: "Invasive Procedures")

Ah-Kel and Ro-Kel intend to charge one thousand bars (non-negotiable) for an 'ornately carved metal sphere'. (DS9: "Vortex") Janel Tigan said that the broken waveguide in 14-3-A would make him lose one thousand bars a day. (DS9: "Prodigal Daughter")

A buyer called Kolos offers three thousand bars for an item from the Gamma Quadrant in an auction of Vash's finds. (DS9: "Q-Less")

Rom offers to buy Quark's bar for five thousand bars of gold-pressed latinum, although he expected Quark to haggle up to at least eight thousand. (DS9: "The Dogs of War")

1,000,000 bars

Q offers one million bars of gold-pressed latinum for the boxed quartz from Vash's collection (although we're sure he was insincere about his bid). (DS9: "Q-Less")

10,000,000 bars

Gaila offers ten million bars of gold-pressed latinum to Quark in an attempt to keep him in the world of weapon sales. (DS9: "Business as Usual")

Bricks [ edit ]

latinum star trek

The exchange rate from bricks to bars is unknown

Brunt bribes Quark with sixty bricks of gold-pressed latinum to make him financial adviser to the Nagus. (DS9: "The Dogs of War")

1,000 bricks

During the Lissepian Mother's Day Heist that took place on Lissepia in 2365, 1,000 bricks of gold-pressed latinum were stolen. Larell had told Quark that Morn had won the 1,000 bricks of gold-pressed latinum in the Lissepian Lottery. (DS9: "Who Mourns for Morn?", "The Sound of Her Voice")

Further values [ edit ]

Seventeen bars, three strips, and five slips

The total of Rom's life savings in 2373 and the amount he bids for Quark's remains. (DS9: "Body Parts")

Thirteen kilograms

Tahna Los gives Lursa and B'Etor thirteen kilograms of latinum in exchange for a canister of bilitrium. (DS9: "Past Prologue")

Three cases

The dowry for the wedding of Tholian Ambassador that visited Deep Space 9, stolen while at the station. (DS9: "Defiant")

10,000 isiks

Martus Mazur gives Alsia ten-thousand isiks of latinum, the profits from their club. (DS9: "Rivals")

All the latinum in Quark's possession at the time of an evacuation of Deep Space 9 can fit in one case. (DS9: "The Siege")

Guidance [ edit ]

The following provides guidance and comparison on the value of latinum for specific items. Further details of each item may be seen above.

  • Cadet's uniform - 5 strips
  • Dress from Garak's Clothiers - 17-20 strips

Life savings

  • Nog - 5 bars
  • Quark - 600 bars
  • Rom - 17 bars, 3 strips and 5 slips
  • Morica Bilby - 5-30 bars a week
  • Quark's employees during the Cardassian Occupation - 1 slip per day
  • Janel Tigan - more than 1,000 bars a day
  • Quark - 5 bars a day

Holosuite programs

  • A Visit with the Pleasure Goddess of Rixx - 10 strips
  • Custom holosuite program - 1 bar
  • Ferengi Alliance

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Gold-Pressed Latinum

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Gold-Pressed Latinum Asset icon

Denominations of gold-pressed latinum, in order of increasing value, according to canon include the Slip, the Strip, the Bar, and the Brick. Within Star Trek Online, the Latinum Ingot and the Latinum Pile are also mentioned as potential denominations. The Ingot is positioned between the Strip and the Bar, the Pile is placed after the Brick.

Energy credit icon

  • 2 Vendors accepting GPL
  • 3 Duty officer assignments using GPL
  • 5 External links

Trophies [ | ]

Slips [ | ].

Latinum Slips trophy

One hundred slips of gold-pressed latinum are equal to one strip.

Strips [ | ]

Latinum Strips trophy

Twenty strips are equal to one bar of latinum. The exchange rate from strips to ingots is unknown, but presumably less than twenty strips.

Ingots [ | ]

Latinum Ingots trophy

The exchange rate from ingots to bars is unknown.

Latinum Bars trophy

One bar of gold-pressed latinum is equal to twenty strips or 2,000 slips of latinum. The exchange rate from bars to bricks is unknown.

Bricks [ | ]

Latinum Bricks trophy

The exchange rate from bars to bricks is unknown.

Piles [ | ]

Latinum Pile trophy

Piles are a hypothetical currency denomination. The exchange rate from bricks to piles is unknown.

Vendors accepting GPL [ | ]

  • Hadron ( Deep Space 9 )
  • Greelan ( Drozana Station )
  • GPL Conversion Unit ( Deep Space 9 , Drozana Station , Nimbus III , Q's Winter Wonderland )
  • Ferengi Trader ( Risa )

Duty officer assignments using GPL [ | ]

Faction Both

See also [ | ]

External links [ | ].

  • Latinum at Memory Alpha , the Star Trek Wiki.
  • Latinum at Memory Beta , the non-canon Star Trek Wiki.
  • 2 Playable starship
  • 3 Delta Recruitment

Latinum is a valuable material in the Star Trek universe that has evolved into a common currency among various alien races.

In its natural state, latinum is a silver liquid [1] . It has no known industrial uses, but its rarity and the fact that it cannot be replicated have made it a valuable substance. For ease of handling, it is often placed within strips, bars, or bricks of gold - hence its informal name of "gold-pressed latinum." Latinum-plated jewels or tools are considered valuable items [2] .

Latinum is the standard currency of the Ferengi , [3] Bolian, and Lissepian [4] central banks and the de facto currency for interstellar trade by independent systems [5] .

  • ↑ DS9 "Who Mourns for Morn"
  • ↑ DS9 "Family Business"
  • ↑ DS9 "Ferengi Love Songs"
  • ↑ DS9 "Prodigal Daughter"

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How to Mine Latinum in Star Trek: Fleet Command

How to Mine Latinum in Star Trek: Fleet Command

Star Trek: Fleet Command lets you explore star systems, build ships, mine resources, complete missions, join alliances and battle other gamers. One of the important tasks in the game is Mining. You will need to perform your daily goals, for missions, and to complete events. In Star Trek: Fleet Command, mining is a great way to gather new materials, especially crystals and ore. There are plenty of different crystals and ores to collect, and while you can produce some at your station (like tritanium and dilithium), you will need to send out your fleet to collect the other materials. In this article, we will explain how to mine Latinum in Star Trek: Fleet Command.

RELATED – All Swarm Locations in Star Trek: Fleet Command

Latinum can be mined throughout the Neutral Zone and the Faction Zones, and best mined with the purpose-built Ferengi D’Vor. The base rate on these nodes improves in higher-level systems. Furthermore, there’s a 1 in 8 chance of spawning a “rich” raw latinum node, which offers mining at double the rate. Suliban is a special system and has only rich nodes of various qualities.

After entering a system, you can set a course for nodes allowing you to salvage these materials. You’ll have to find each node manually as there doesn’t seem to be any specific mining areas in Star Trek Fleet Command.

RELATED – How to Use Armadas in Star Trek: Fleet Command

It can be refined from level 16 in the refinery on a 22hr cooldown. The refining process converts raw latinum into latinum at a guaranteed rate. The conversion process produces ship parts for the Ferengi D’Vor as a byproduct. There are two systems in Borg space that have the fastest raw latinum nodes in the game.

You’ll need special latinum cells acquired by hitting assimilated traders in Borg space and refining the ‘Latinum Antiques” they provide in order to gain access to these systems. Latinum nodes can be found in the following systems:

RELATED – How to Use and Understand the Refinery in Star Trek: Fleet Command

latinum star trek

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Star Trek Fleet Command (STFC) Mining Locations Here are some of the best Star Trek Fleet Command Mining Locations for Dilithium, Crystal, Gas and Ore in Star Trek Fleet Command

This article is part of a series of articles. Please use the links below to navigate between the articles.

  • Star Trek Fleet Command Officer Assignments
  • Star Trek Fleet Command Hostile Drops (NPC Drops)
  • Star Trek Fleet Command (STFC) Mining Locations
  • Star Trek Fleet Command Jellyfish Parts Mission Guide

Mining is an essential activity in Star Trek Fleet Command (STFC) to produce raw materials which you can refine and use to upgrade your starbase and ships.

ECS Fortunate - Star Trek Fleet Command

Boost mining productivity by assigning the correct officers to your ship and gain bonus mining speed and defence against other players.

Here are some of the best systems in Star Trek Fleet Command for Mining that all-important resource.

Latinum Mining Locations

Raw Latinum nodes have been added to 25 systems in the galaxy. The base rate on these nodes improves dramatically in higher-level systems. Additionally, they have a 1 in 8 chance of spawning "rich" raw latinum, which mines at double the base rate! Suliban is a special system and has only rich nodes of various qualities.

Raw latinum can be refined from level 16 in the refinery on a 22hr cooldown. The refining process converts raw latinum into latinum at a guaranteed rate. The conversion process produces ship parts for the Ferengi D'Vor as a byproduct.

Dilithium Mining Locations

Dilithium can be found in level 9 systems and above. Try exploring level 9 or higher systems to find dilithium. If you find a location not on this list, let us know in the comments below.

An easier way to obtain dilithium which is quicker and less likely to end in your ship being attacked is to farm hostiles . Certain factions drop up to 100 dilithium crystals with bonus amounts in PVE chests. Check the link to find which systems are best to farm dilithium.

Systems with 2-Star Raw Gas

Raw Gas can be found in 3 Grades 2, 3 and 4 stars - and refines into Common, Uncommon in the 2, 3 Grade and an additional Rare quality for the 3 and 4 Star.

Also, it can be sourced throughout the Neutral Zone and the Faction Zones, with the latter, also providing it in large planet-sized quantities with nothing to differentiate it therefore merely clicking on a planet will reveal it's a resource within.

Systems with 2-Star Raw Crystal

Raw Crystal can be found in 3 Grades 2, 3 and 4 stars - and refines into Common, Uncommon in the 2, 3 Grade and an additional Rare quality for the 3 and 4 Stars.

Systems with 2-Star Raw Ore

Raw ore can be found in 2 Grades 2 and 3 stars - and refines into Common, Uncommon in the 2, 3 Grade and an additional Rare quality for the 3 Star.

Systems with 3-Star Raw Crystal

Systems with 3-star raw gas, systems with 3-star raw ore, related articles these articles may also be of interest to you.

latinum star trek

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This post has 20 comment(s). Why not join the discussion!

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On Tuesday 5th of March 2024, SkizzleFritz said

What about G4 and G5?

On Tuesday 29th of November 2022, Andrew Lamb said

First time user! Helpful

On Friday 10th of January 2020, said

Coridan has dilithium

On Friday 3rd of January 2020, Darius said

Congrats, great guide!

On Monday 2nd of December 2019, Dave said

Aruna has 3* gas.

On Thursday 24th of October 2019, Omar Jones said

No dilithium in Rigel

On Tuesday 8th of October 2019, Ted Ole Valentinsen said

-And the big mystery: Where are the 4* locations???

On Wednesday 9th of September 2020, BretJames replied

TEDDI, It's BretJames ?? Where have you been!

On Sunday 6th of October 2019, David said

Amador in the neutral zone has G3 Crystals

On Friday 11th of October 2019, RasanzVK replied

No, only 2 star

On Tuesday 1st of October 2019, Psyphon said

There is no dilithium in Noakyn

On Saturday 28th of September 2019, Bluelion80 said

Where are the grade 4 locations?

On Monday 11th of November 2019, Bob replied

There are no 4* yet, they are coming in later update

On Thursday 19th of September 2019, Talgromar said

Aruna system in Fed Space, level 21, sys num 37068128, has 3* gas now after the node additions

On Thursday 5th of September 2019, Gary K. said

Sorenle is level 21, not 12 -- and has both 2-star gas and ore

On Wednesday 21st of August 2019, Paul said

Thanks. This is very useful and a huge time saver

On Saturday 10th of August 2019, Gary K. said

Nelve is only 2-star raw crystal - no dilithium.

On Thursday 1st of August 2019, Eric said

Azha (S:849541812) Is 2* Raw Crystal

On Monday 29th of July 2019, Sharp said

What about the 3 star ore locations

On Thursday 25th of July 2019, a said

No 3-star Ore locations, apart from one in the 2star list.

About the Author Tim Trott

Tim Trott is a creative photographer, traveller, astronomer and software engineer with a passion for self-growth and a desire for personal challenge.

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Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Episode 4 Recap

Episode 4 of Star Trek: Discovery sees Burnham and Rayner team up to save the Discovery and its crew from a time travel wormhole.

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What happened in star trek: discovery episode 4, how does star trek: discovery episode 4 end.

Episode 4 of Star Trek: Discovery aired on Paramount Plus this week,as it approaches the halfway mark in the fifth and final season. The sci-fi spin-off series consists of ten episodes, with one airing each week until the finale on May 30. The show began in 2017, and Season 5 has been praised for its serialized storytelling and exciting visual effects. Star Trek: Discovery stars Sonequa Martin-Green, Callum Keith Rennie, Doug Jones and Anthony Rapp.

The fourth episode of Star Trek: Discovery 's final season sees Burnham and Rayner put their differences aside when they realize they are in a wormhole and have traveled back in time. They must fight to save the Discovery and the crew on board, by facing off with bounty hunters, Moll and Lák.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Episode 3 Recap

Star Trek: Discovery Episode 4 sees Moll and L’ak meeting with a dodgy dealer. They hand him a bag of the latinum and the dealer tries to raise the price of it, and it turns out Moll has poisoned the latinum, and takes the item from the dying dealer. L’ak is uncertain. But Moll assures him they’ll get ahead of the USS Discovery . She continues that once they have the Progenitor’s tech, they’ll be free. She tells him they have to hurry to catch Discovery on Trill. It is revealed that the device obtained from the dealer is the same one planted on Adira Tal in the final moments of the previous episode.

Elsewhere, the device activates in Adira’s quarters on the Discovery, and the device hops off the uniform and runs across the room and disappears into a girder.

In his lab, Stamets spots the bug and watches as it disappears into the wall. Captain Michael Burnham gets a report from Owo, revealing that she’s picking up some odd readings, and something has broadcast a signal from the ship. Burnham and Captain Rayner try to beam to the bridge, but they go nowhere.

The ship is moving but the lights flicker and a klaxon sounds. Rayner asks if they are under attack, as Burnham tries to contact the bridge but nothing seems to be working. Burnham and Rayner head to the bridge on foot and find the rest of the crew unconscious and wearing 23rd-century Starfleet uniforms. Rayner and Burnham realize they’re in a wormhole and have traveled back in time. Discovery follows Burnham as she goes through the wormhole into the future. Turns out, they haven’t just traveled back in time, but they’re actually jumping through time.

Burnham arrives in the future and explains the situation, and that she's undertaking an important mission for the future Discovery . Burnham demonstrates her personal knowledge of several crew members to prove her story , as Airiam, Tilly and the rest of the crew are confused at her appearance.

They remain skeptical of Burnham’s claims, but she says she will convince Airiam, and everyone will trust her judgment in the end. Burnham reveals she saw Airiam die, and she recounts the climax of “Project Daedalus.” Airiam convinces the rest of the crew of Burnham's legitimacy, and asks what help Burnham needs from them. Elsewhere, in the lab, Rayner and Stamets prepare to tackle the temporal shield, but a phaser wielding TB and Rhys interrupt their plans.

YB orders Stamets to shut down the warp core, but Rayner suggests Burnham come down, but there’s no time for that, and she urges Rayner to handle the situation. Rayner convinces Rhys they’re from the future with the knowledge he learned during interviews, but YB is still not convinced.

Rayner tells the story about Burnham arriving at the bridge and not feeling like she belongs. He tells YB she deserves to be there, and pleads with her to trust her instincts, which he knows are currently telling her to stand down, with YB seemingly convinced. Discovery ’s warp bubble is broken, and Rayner puts the device on the chronophage. Another time jump occurs, and they arrive back to the present day, which is fully intact.

Burnham orders Rayner to go to see Culber to tend to his hand injury, while Rayner states that it isn’t lost on him that what made them successful was their closeness with the crew. He admits he can be stubborn like Burnham used to be, but Burnham concludes they make a good team.

Star Trek: Discovery episode 4's ending sees the rest of the crew caught up on the chronophage. In the six hours since the time jumps began, the DOTs have found a warp signature that matches M’ak’s ship. Rayner compliments Rhys on his theory, which proved to be accurate. However, M’ak’s trail disappears, as Burnham orders the bridge crew to get to work on solving the mystery.

Early history [ ]

Childhood [ ].

Quark was born on Ferenginar to Keldar and Ishka ; he had one younger brother , Rom .

As children, Quark and Rom roomed together, much to his own and Rom's annoyance, particularly because, Quark used to " stay up late every night, plotting and scheming. And, " Rom recalled years later to his brother, " when you think, you mumble . And if there's anything I can't stand, it's listening to you mumble. " ( DS9 : " Prophet Motive ")

Like all good Ferengi children, Quark idolized his father who tended to blame all his financial failures on his domineering wife . Quark himself grew up being teased by other children because his mother did not behave like other Ferengi females and, for example, wouldn't chew his food for him and she talked to strangers. Quark grew to resent his mother, while his brother Rom, always a more compassionate sort, tended to take her side and always seemed in her good graces. Quark complained once that while Rom got a latinum tooth sharpener , he had to make do with wooden chew sticks . ( DS9 : " Family Business ")

Ishka later recalled that when Quark was a lobeling , he used to be " such a miserable child. " ( DS9 : " Profit and Lace ")

Leaving home [ ]

Quark left his home quickly upon achieving the Age of Ascension in 2351 , while Rom stayed on for ten more years . ( DS9 : " Family Business ") His father advised him against leaving Ferenginar, noting that he could make a profit at home, but Quark ignored his advice, opting instead to follow the 75th Rule of Acquisition – " Home is where the heart is, but the stars are made of latinum " – and left Ferenginar. ( DS9 : " Civil Defense ")

When forced many years later to confront his mother over her illegal business dealings, Quark learned that his father's failures were due to his own failings as a businessman and that if it hadn't been for his mother's prudence and business sense, the family would have gone bankrupt a long time ago. Despite Keldar's short comings with respect to profits, Ishka nonetheless stood by him as he was a wonderful husband and father.

Despite their mutual animosity, Ishka noted that Quark was very much like her, both personality wise as well as with respect to having a keen eye for business, whereas Rom was more like his father: a goodhearted man without the "lobes" for business. ( DS9 : " Family Business ")

Early career [ ]

As a young man, and in accordance with the Ferengi By-Laws , section 105, subparagraph ten, Quark purchased an apprentice position with the District Sub-Nagus . True to the 33rd Rule of Acquisition, Quark " licked his [boss'] boots like you couldn't believe, " and for his effort he was doted by the Sub-Nagus, becoming his " golden boy ." While Quark earned himself a way " on the high road to the top of the Ferengi business world. "

Unfortunately, he forgot the 112th Rule of Acquisition: " Never have sex with the boss's sister . " Disgraced, Quark was fired and broke, and his world fell apart, later admitting " you only get one shot at the latinum stairway . If you miss it, you miss it. " ( DS9 : " Playing God ")

During the mid- 2350s , Quark served for eight years aboard a Ferengi freighter . A fact he shared with Odo, when Odo was surprised to learn Quark knew how to operate transporter controls . Quark admitted that " I must have witnessed the procedure hundreds of times. " ( DS9 : " Babel ")

As the ship's cook , Quark commonly carried a disruptor pistol with him at all times, because (in Quark's words) " every member of the freighter's crew thought himself a food critic . " ( DS9 : " The Way of the Warrior ")

It was also during this period that Ferenginar was hit by the Great Monetary Collapse , where he was "hundreds of light years away", and during which time, he suffered great heartbreak "knowing that rampant inflation and currency devaluation were burning like wildfires through the lush financial landscapes of my home. It still depresses me even today. I remember thinking my accounts needed me, and there was nothing I could do. I felt so, so helpless." ( DS9 : " Homefront ")

One of Quark's early business ventures was a plot, where he, along with his cousin Barbo , sold defective warp drives to the Tarahongian government . Following the discovery, Barbo was betrayed by Quark to the authorities, and Barbo was left to rot behind the bars of a detention center while Quark kept all the profits. ( DS9 : " The Nagus ")

In 2362 , Quark and his business partner Fallit Kot together schemed to hijack a shipment of Romulan ale . Not entirely successful, Quark gave up Kot to the Romulans to avoid serving prison time, while Kot was arrested and sentenced to eight years in a Romulan prison. ( DS9 : " Melora ")

The same year, Quark loaned his cousin Gaila an amount of latinum to start up a munitions consortium . Gaila promised Quark to pay him back in a shuttle should he become a success. ( DS9 : " Little Green Men ")

Quark's Bar [ ]

Cardassian occupation [ ].

Never able to fully recover from his failed apprenticeship , Quark's most lucrative opportunity came along around early 2363 when he became the proprietor and bartender of Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House and Holosuite Arcade – better known simply as "Quark's" – located on the Promenade of the Cardassian space station Terok Nor in orbit of Bajor . ( DS9 : " The Magnificent Ferengi ")

Shortly after his arrival, Quark began selling food illegally to the Bajorans . ( DS9 : " Profit and Loss ") He later justified his actions, stating that " I ran a black market for anyone who could pay. Never exactly thought of myself as kind. " That included adding a " little extra ginger tea " to a package he once gave Vaatrik Pallra . ( DS9 : " Necessary Evil ") It was also during this time he became romantically involved with Natima Lang , an agent of the Cardassian Communication Service . Taking advantage of her position, he stole her personal access codes to steal money from the Cardassian government . ( DS9 : " Profit and Loss ") He also had good "business" relations with a Cardassian Military officer named Boheeka whose career Quark accidentally ruined. ( DS9 : " The Wire ")

In 2364 , Morn walked into the bar and sat down at Quark's bar for the very first time. Though Quark thought that "he was just another customer passing through," years later , he reminisced that " Little did I know he'd become such an important figure in my life, " as he " was always someone we could count on for a cheerful smile and an entertaining story. " ( DS9 : " Who Mourns for Morn? ")

Quark Cardassian neck trick

Quark mimicking the Odo 's Cardassian neck trick .

In 2365 , Kira Nerys , a member of the Bajoran underground , paid Quark to cover her with an alibi . While Odo was investigating Vaatrik 's murder , he entered Quark's. Despite trying to be casual and discreet, he was unable to hide his role and connection to Dukat . Asked about Kira, Quark insinuated that she was performing a sexual favor for him as an added "incentive" for him to hire her. Odo however knew more about Kira and realized that Quark was lying . Years later, when confronted with the truth, Quark admitted that Kira paid him to provide her with an alibi . ( DS9 : " Necessary Evil ")

Quark memory 2366

Quark as he appeared in 2366

In 2366 , Quark picked three Bajoran laborers to work at his bar, offering " Twelve hours of work, two five-minute breaks , one slip of latinum each. " ( DS9 : " Things Past ")

The same year, Quark was visited by Livara , a known smuggler and Romulan spy who posed as the captain of a Talavian freighter , who started to work in the Cardassian occupied Bajoran sector . Quark was uneasy about the prospect of Livara's co-conspirators being brought in for "questioning", since Livara had offered to sell Quark maraji crystals . ( DS9 : " Things Past ")

Federation-control [ ]

Quark packing up his bar

Quark closing up his bar

Quark was considering closing his bar and leaving the station following the departure of the Cardassians and the station's occupation by the Federation . However, the station's new commander, Benjamin Sisko , coerced him into staying and keeping his bar establishment open, essentially blackmailing him with the fact that his nephew, Nog, was incarcerated aboard the station at that time. ( DS9 : " Emissary ")

He later became involved with Rao Vantika who had taken over Bashir's body in a smuggling operation. ( DS9 : " The Passenger ")

QuarKira surprise

A holographic Kira gone horribly wrong

Quark helped Verad and his cohorts to board the station illegally because he thought he was buying contraband goods. In reality, Verad wished to steal the Dax symbiont , with Quark helping the crew stop Verad and thus saving Jadzia's life by faking an injury so that he could be taken to sickbay and allow Bashir to immobilize one of Verad's team, subsequently releasing Odo from the container he'd been trapped in. Quark also ran a crooked racquetball game between O'Brien and Bashir in order to steal customers from a rival bar. He tried to make a sexual holoprogram of Kira without her permission in order to sell it to one of his best customers, named Tiron . This plan was foiled when Kira substituted Quark's head onto the image of her body. Quark also tried to cheat the Wadi , the first race that made contact from the Gamma Quadrant. When they visited his bar, he cheated them at dabo . When the Wadi found out, they made Quark play the Wadi game chula with some of the station's personnel used as game pieces. Quark believed that it was a life and death game, but in the end, it turned out to be harmless. ( DS9 : " Invasive Procedures ", " Rivals ", " Move Along Home ", " Meridian ")

In 2369, Quark became involved with Vash . She had returned from the Gamma Quadrant where she had spent time with Q . He arranged an auction to sell off some of the items she brought back with her. One of the items was a crystal that caused a gravimetric power drain on the station. It was beamed out into space before it destroyed the station. ( DS9 : " Q-Less ")

Quark Corleone

Quark as a temporary Nagus

Also in 2369, Quark became Grand Nagus of the Ferengi Alliance after the apparent retirement of Grand Nagus Zek . Unfortunately for him, this was only a temporary position, as Zek had faked his death in order to test his son Krax . ( DS9 : " The Nagus ")

When Quark's former business partner Fallit Kot returned to the station in 2370 , he attempted to kill Quark, but instead entered into a business deal with him. The deal turned bad when Fallit Kot killed one of the partners and kidnapped Melora Pazlar and Jadzia Dax , holding them as hostages . ( DS9 : " Melora ")

When Major Kira asked Quark to hire the Bajoran musician Varani in the hope that Varani's music would help her people recuperate in the wake of the Cardassian Occupation, profits declined sharply. Mesmerized by Varani's beautiful playing, the customers in Quark's Bar stopped gambling, eating and drinking as they enjoyed the soothing melodies. Quark panicked and got hold of Kira as soon as possible; although she made him keep his promise to hire Varani for a full month, Kira asked the man to play something livelier, which met with Quark's approval. ( DS9 : " Sanctuary ")

That same year, the Skrreea refugees came aboard Deep Space 9 in droves, which Quark found thoroughly distasteful. On top of not buying anything, the former residents of the Gamma Quadrant flaked and left dead skin all over his bar; tensions came to a head when his nephew Nog provoked a Skrreean boy into a fight. Quark was more than happy to see the Skrreea leave the station several days later. ( DS9 : " Sanctuary ")

This year also marked Quark's first trade negotiation with the Dominion , when he was designated as Zek's chief negotiator in talks with the Dosi . With the help of Pel , a female Ferengi disguised as a male, he tried to buy wine from the Dosi. At the time, it was illegal for Ferengi females to do business, and Quark almost got into trouble with the Grand Nagus. He briefly became romantically involved with Pel. ( DS9 : " Rules of Acquisition ")

Quark was almost murdered after he retrieved a list of collaborators from the station for a Bajoran woman named Pallra . This incident reopened a five-year old murder case. ( DS9 : " Necessary Evil ")

Quark, Enterprise-D viewscreen

Quark contacted by the Enterprise -D

In 2370, Quark, via a communication from Deep Space 9 to the USS Enterprise -D , provided Commander William T. Riker with the location of the Duras sisters , Lursa and B'Etor . While communicating with Riker, Quark voided his winnings from playing dabo at his bar. ( TNG : " Firstborn ")

Not only was Quark the first to deal with the Dominion via the wine sale with the Dosi, he, along with Benjamin Sisko, was one of the first to meet the soldiers of the Dominion. During a camping trip in the Gamma Quadrant, he and Sisko were captured by the Jem'Hadar . They were rescued along with an alien named Eris . After returning to the station, it was Quark who found out that Eris, a Vorta , was an agent of the Dominion (albeit because he had been studying a device that she claimed had been blocking her telekinetic abilities in the hopes of duplicating and selling it only to determine that the device didn't actually do anything). ( DS9 : " The Jem'Hadar ") Quark also tried to con Ensign Harry Kim into buying worthless Lobi crystals when he visited Quark's in 2371 - nearly blackmailing him into buying the entire set by threatening diplomatic consequences when the ensign mentioned having been warned about Ferengi as a Starfleet Academy cadet - but Kim was saved from his scam by Tom Paris , who, once the two were out of earshot, expressed surprise that Kim had apparently failed to heed the warnings about Ferengi issued at the Academy. ( VOY : " Caretaker ")

Ferengi awkward moment

Quark deals with family business

Quark had many dealings with Grand Nagus Zek and Brunt , the Ferengi Commerce Authority 's chief liquidator. Quark helped Zek regain his senses after he was affected by the Prophets and re-wrote the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition. The new rules were in direct contrast to the old ones that emphasized greed. Quark was able to convince the Prophets to change Zek back. Later that year, he met Brunt, who was investigating Ishka, Quark's mother, who violated Ferengi law by earning profit. Quark got his mother out of trouble when she agreed to give back the profits, or so Quark and Brunt thought, for she kept two-thirds. ( DS9 : " Prophet Motive ", " Family Business ")

Hanok and Quark

Disarming the warhead

He later helped disarm a Jem'Hadar torpedo that was stuck in the hull of the USS Defiant , saving the ship from destruction. ( DS9 : " Starship Down ")

Brunt showed up to make Quark's life miserable in 2372 when Quark's employees, led by Rom, formed a labor union . The employees refused to dissolve the union even after Brunt threatened them. As a result, Brunt had his Nausicaan thugs beat Quark to show the employees what could happen to them. Quark secretly conceded to the demands of the workers and they in turn dissolved the union. Later that year, Quark was told he had a fatal illness. He auctioned off his body parts to the highest bidder, not knowing that it was Brunt. When he found out that it was a mistake and he did not have the illness, Brunt still insisted that he keep the contract by killing himself or Brunt would revoke Quark's business license for breaking the contract and a supreme Ferengi law and he would not be allowed to earn profits. Quark ultimately broke the contact and Brunt confiscated everything in his bar. Quark was able to reopen with the help of his friends on the station. ( DS9 : " Bar Association ", " Body Parts ")

Quark as Lumba

Quark surgically altered to appear female

In return for restoring his license, Quark tried to break up his mother and Zek, who had fallen in love. He later learned that Zek was becoming forgetful, and Ishka had been helping him. Brunt wanted the relationship over with so that Zek could not function, and Brunt could become Nagus. Once again, Quark foiled Brunt's grab at power, but he kept his license. In 2374, Brunt again tried to become Nagus. He had Zek deposed because Zek was promoting female rights. Quark was surgically altered to temporarily become female and as Lumba , she convinced Nilva , one of the most influential Ferengi, to support Zek, and was returned to power. ( DS9 : " Ferengi Love Songs ", " Profit and Lace ")

As the resident bartender, Quark concocted new beverages from time to time. One of his less successful creations was " Quarktajino ", a self-named decaffeinated version of raktajino . He created the drink at the request of Chief O'Brien, who wanted Major Kira to stop drinking caffeinated beverages while she carried his child . Both the chief and the major thought the drink tasted horrible, and O'Brien refused to pay for it. ( DS9 : " Nor the Battle to the Strong ")

Quark's infested with tribbles

Quark is surrounded by tribbles.

Quark's branded mug

Advertisements for Quark's are not well received

Quark, his brother Rom and his nephew Nog were once transported in time to Earth of 1947 . This became known in Earth history as the Roswell Incident . ( DS9 : " Little Green Men ")

Quark became involved with an arms dealer named Hagath when his cousin Gaila offered him a job with Hagath when Gaila retired from the business. Although Quark's new role helped him cope with his recent financial issues, he eventually helped break up the arms ring when he was horrified to realize that money was being made by people's deaths, coupled with the realization that he had lost many of his allies among the station's crew due to their disgust at his new role.Quark risked his life to intentionally sabotage an arms deal for the Regent of Palamar , which ended up getting him killed, thereby saving approximately 28 million lives. ( DS9 : " Business as Usual ")

Quark also visited the mirror universe . His counterpart there had been killed by the Alliance. He and Rom were able to rescue the Nagus from the Alliance and help the rebels capture the leader of the Alliance. ( DS9 : " The Emperor's New Cloak ")

Dominion War [ ]

The Magnificent Ferengi

Quark and his team of Ferengi commandos

After the Dominion captured Deep Space 9, Quark remained on the station and continued to run the bar, pleased at the flow of income that the Dominion occupation of DS9 had brought his business. When Kira challenged him on this point, Quark, showing a rarely seen softer side to his personality, responded honestly that he missed the Starfleet personnel just like she did but, at least the Dominion occupation was nowhere near as brutal as the previous Cardassian occupation had been. Quark was instrumental in turning the tide against the Dominion. Quark cunningly obtained secret information from Damar by sharing a bottle of Kanar with him. Quark learned that Damar was bringing down the minefield. He also discovered how and when it was coming down, which he quickly informed the Deep Space 9 resistance cell .

It was Quark who suggested they get a message out to Starfleet. Together, they figured out a way to get a secret message to Captain Sisko by using Morn as the carrier. Sisko then formulated Operation Return , thereby saving the Alpha Quadrant. ( DS9 : " Behind the Lines ")

He also aided in helping the Defiant retake the station, when he freed Kira and Rom from the holding cells during the attack and they were able to deactivate the weapons on the station. ( DS9 : " Sacrifice of Angels ")

Later, he led a group of Ferengi in rescuing Ishka from the Dominion, for an exchange at Empok Nor . ( DS9 : " The Magnificent Ferengi ")

Quark got involved with Morn's former associates, thinking Morn was dead, and went looking for the latinum they had stolen in a heist with Morn. He also participated on Sisko's baseball team when they played against Sisko's Vulcan rival in the holosuite . ( DS9 : " Who Mourns for Morn? ", " Take Me Out to the Holosuite ")

He later accompanied Worf on a mission to destroy the Dominion shipyards so that Jadzia could enter Sto-vo-kor . ( DS9 : " Shadows and Symbols ")

Quark kills a Jem'Hadar

Quark is drawn into the fight

Quark's moment of truth came in 2375 during the siege of AR-558 . During a savage Jem'Hadar attack, he saved Nog, who was wounded, by killing a Jem'Hadar who had entered into the infirmary. ( DS9 : " The Siege of AR-558 ")

Later that year, Quark was visited by Grand Nagus Zek on Deep Space 9, thinking he would be named his successor. Instead, Rom became Nagus. ( DS9 : " The Dogs of War ")

At the end of the war, he remained on the station. Colonel Kira, who assumed command, told Quark she would watch his every move. Quark stated that the more things change, the more they stay the same. ( DS9 : " What You Leave Behind ")

Later life [ ]

By 2380 , Quark had diversified into working model kits of Starfleet ships and installations. On the top of the box, the packaging featured 'QUARK' on the top left corner, the 'A' replaced with a simplified Starfleet insignia , and an "Authentic Kit" claimer on the bottom left corner, along with the Starfleet insignia. One kit available was the USS Cerritos with parts to create functional lights, a computer system (with verbal output ), phaser banks , and warp nacelles capable of propulsion. These were powered by a miniature warp core that could be ejected and destroyed by a warp core breach ; the nacelles were known to be hot to the touch after operation, as was the warp core. At least some of the ship's past and present crew were also included as miniatures at the time the kit was released, such as Beckett Mariner and Brad Boimler . Another kit that was available was of Deep Space 9, which included miniatures of both Ezri and Jadzia Dax. ( LD : " An Embarrassment Of Dooplers ")

By 2381 , Quark had a franchise chain of his original bar called 'Quark's Bar', such as an establishment on Qualor II , another on Starbase 25 and had a total of 21 such franchises across the Alpha Quadrant at the time. In 2399 there was one on Freecloud . ( LD : " We'll Always Have Tom Paris ", " An Embarrassment Of Dooplers "; PIC : " Stardust City Rag ")

He also had a Quark's Express line of smaller establishments. As part of his growing renown, he had a gift shop added to his bar on DS9 that offered Quark memorabilia for sale. A system of 'Quark Bucks' could be used for the gift shop instead of gold-pressed latinum . ( LD : " Hear All, Trust Nothing ")

In 2381, a Karemma delegate came onboard Deep Space 9 with the intent on reopening post-war trade negotiations with the Federation. When it was discovered a brand-new replicator Quark used, the Quark 2000 , used Karemma technology, the Karemma disabled both the station and the USS Cerritos and captured Quark in the confusion. The Karemma were stopped by Ensign D'Vana Tendi , who unwittingly stowed away on their ship with fellow ensigns Sam Rutherford and Mesk . Upon learning that the Karemma intended on arresting Quark for his theft, Captain Carol Freeman negotiated for Quark's freedom in exchange for 76% of all his franchises' profits, a deal everyone was happy with, except for Quark. ( LD : " Hear All, Trust Nothing ")

In 2399, Cristóbal Rios ' fabricated interfacer legend also contained a reference from Quark – referred to as "Mr. Quark of Ferenginar ", according to which Rios had helped him in some trouble with the Breen to Quark's satisfaction. According to Rios, it had been quite a foofaraw . ( PIC : " Stardust City Rag ")

In 2401 , Quark was identified as a known associate of the Ferengi Sneed in his Starfleet Criminal Record . ( PIC : " Disengage ")

According to an extremely unreliable, unverified and likely fictitious account , on the bridge of the USS Enterprise ; when a Post Mainframe Acid-Cardassian Ten Forwardcore band was playing a song , Quark was shown in a playback on the main viewer that showed him holding a key chain with a heart shape on it. ( VST : " Walk, Don't Run ")

While being a typical Ferengi who zealously adheres to the Rules of Acquisition, Quark is more intelligent and crafty than many of his race in addition to being an extremely irritable and cynical individual, especially when comes to his complicated relationships with his family. Unlike his mother, Ishka, brother Rom and nephew Nog, who fully embraced Federation values of equality and generosity, Quark saw himself as a bastion of traditional Ferengi business practices. He relished flouting the law, held his mother in contempt for daring to wear clothes and perform business deals, and was a firm believer in the fundamental law of Ferengi culture: once you have their money, you never give it back. He threatened to dock his brother's pay when he nearly died of an ear infection. ( DS9 : " Bar Association ", " Body Parts ")

He particularly loathed the Federation, which he expressed in his hatred for root beer , a cloying, bubbly, sickly sweet force bent on corrupting the core of Ferengi culture. ( DS9 : " The Way of the Warrior ", " Facets ")

Nonetheless, by Ferengi standards, Quark was a compassionate and generous man who is occasionally open to business deals with highly favorable terms even up to being willing to sell needed supplies at cost to parties in difficult circumstances. ( DS9 : " Profit and Loss ") Quark also negotiated and gave into many of the demands of the union formed by his brother Rom at his bar. ( DS9 : " Bar Association ") This behavior was considered anathema to the Ferengi authorities, especially to Brunt , an agent of the Ferengi Commerce Authority who persecuted Quark numerous times and inflicted severe punishments on him for his deviance. His time in destitution, and the aid offered him by his Starfleet friends, made Quark realize the nature of his conscience and the value of friendship. ( DS9 : " Body Parts ")

Personal relationships [ ]

Friendships [ ].

Morn was perhaps Quark's oldest friend and patron. Morn first entered Quark's in 2364 during the Occupation. When he first saw him, he thought he was just another customer, but Quark didn't realize how important he'd be. In many ways, Morn was a mascot for the bar, and sales often dipped when he was away on business trips, prompting Quark to buy a holographic representation of the barfly. Morn thought highly of Quark and in fact named him his sole heir (at least when he faked his death). When Quark first met Morn, he had a full head of hair, but after the Lissepian Mother's Day Heist , Morn lost his hair because he stored his latinum in his second stomach. Quark did obtain a hair growth formula for his patron but was skeptical of his desire to grow his hair back. Morn was known for being quite chatty, which occasionally annoyed Quark. There was one minor hiccup in their relationship: Quark repeated a rumor that the Dominion was planning to attack the station, causing Morn to break a bar stool over his head then run naked across the Promenade yelling " We're all doomed! " Then Morn ran into the Bajoran temple and prayed for deliverance. Quark trusted Morn enough to allow him to run the bar while he, Rom, and Nog took a trip to Earth. In an alternate timeline, Quark eventually sold his bar to Morn. ( DS9 : " Who Mourns for Morn? ", " Blaze of Glory ", " Little Green Men ", " The Visitor ")

Jadzia Dax [ ]

Quark and Dax had a long-term friendship while together on the station. She understood and liked Ferengi. She spent long hours with Quark playing tongo and dabo. Quark often confided in Jadzia and asked her advice. Quark was infatuated with Jadzia, but she thought of him as a friend, and did not return his romantic feelings. ( DS9 : " Valiant ", " Tears of the Prophets ") When she was killed, Quark was extremely upset. He participated in attacking a Dominion shipyard to honor her and help her gain entrance to Sto-vo-kor . ( DS9 : " Image in the Sand ", " Shadows and Symbols ") The only major interruption in their friendship occurred when Quark became business partners with Gaila and Hagath in their arms dealing operation. Dax was utterly disgusted to discover that Quark participated in that industry and refused to even speak to him. However, once Quark managed to double-cross Hagath and Gaila and leave the business they resumed their friendship. ( DS9 : " Business as Usual ")

Ezri Dax [ ]

When Ezri Dax came aboard the station Quark was immediately attracted to her. However, he faced both Worf and Julian Bashir as rivals for her affection. In fact, he even attempted to enlist divine help in eliminating Bashir as a romantic rival. Quark's feelings were not totally unrequited, and Ezri maintained a friendly relationship with the Ferengi. ( DS9 : " The Emperor's New Cloak ")

Kira Nerys [ ]

Kira grabbing Quark

Quark getting reprimanded by Kira

Kira Nerys had a cool relationship with Quark that was initially hostile based on her considering him to have "collaborated" with the Cardassians during the occupation of Bajor. ( DS9 : " Shadowplay ") This antagonism was also influenced by the sexist attitude of Ferengi toward females. ( DS9 : " Rules of Acquisition ") She was not beyond taking advantage of his connections and unique skills, however, and even asked him to hack into the Vedek Assembly database on one occasion. ( DS9 : " The Collaborator ")

When Quark became aware of important information about how the Dominion would bring down the minefield, he decided to help Kira before Operation Return . Her attitude towards him further softened when he rescued her (as well as Rom, Leeta, and Jake) out of Terok Nor's holding cells. ( DS9 : " Behind the Lines ", " Sacrifice of Angels ") This act influenced her to recommend the Federation aid him by providing a Vorta POW to exchange for his mother when she was taken hostage by the Dominion later that year. ( DS9 : " The Magnificent Ferengi ")

It was thanks to Quark that Kira would come to her senses and realize the true nature of Bareil Antos when he was planning to steal a Bajoran Orb. Specifically, Quark commented that he had noticed Bareil was spending a lot of time at the Bajoran shrine and that it looked to Quark as though Bareil were "casing" it as to find the best way to break into it. ( DS9 : " Resurrection ")

Julian Bashir [ ]

When Julian Bashir met Quark, they had little, if any, interaction. However, over time Quark and Bashir got on more friendly terms, which usually involved Quark offering Bashir a new holosuite program, which Bashir would occasionally deny. Although Quark was known to deal with illegal substances, he found it awkward to ask Bashir for bio-mimetic gel at the request of Altovar , and when Bashir refused, Quark apologized for interrupting his lunch with Garak . Another sign of the doctor and Ferengi's friendship was when Quark's business license was taken away, Bashir gave him some brandy to keep the bar running. ( DS9 : " Distant Voices ", " Body Parts ")

Other signs of friendship included the fact that Quark allowed Bashir to keep his dart board in his bar, where Bashir played darts with Chief Miles O'Brien. In addition, both become jealous of Jadzia and Worf's marriage, and even more jealous and upset after they announced that they wanted to have a baby. ( DS9 : " Tears of the Prophets ")

After Jadzia died, both Quark and Bashir (and O'Brien) decided to help her get into Sto-Vo-Kor , to Worf's disapproval. ( DS9 : " Shadows and Symbols ")

Quark later became increasingly jealous of Bashir and Ezri's blossoming friendship, going as far as to bribe his god to get Bashir off the station for a while so he could impress Ezri. ( DS9 : " The Emperor's New Cloak ")

Jake Sisko [ ]

Quark was opposed to the fact that Jake and Nog became fast friends on the station. That said, as Jake grew, he learned to tolerate the boy. As Jake grew older, he could sometimes be found in Quark's, offering observations or giving the Ferengi some advice. Jake once attempted to use Quark for character research in order to better understand the criminal mind. ( DS9 : " The Sound of Her Voice ")

Romance [ ]

Natima lang [ ].

Quark and Natima Lang

Quark and Natima Lang embrace in 2370

Quark had had a one-month love affair with Natima Lang in 2363, which ended when he stole Cardassian Communication Service money using her access codes. She admired him for selling food to the Bajorans before she realized he was doing it just for profit. When she returned to the station with some of her students in 2370, Natima was still very upset at him for betraying her, but she eventually forgave him due to Quark's advances and they attempted to rekindle their relationship. Unfortunately, Lang was forced to leave Quark again to flee the Cardassian authorities with her students for being political dissenters. Even though he initially resisted the idea of losing her again, Quark reluctantly helped them escape by giving them a cloaking device to get them past a Cardassian warship. ( DS9 : " Profit and Loss ")

Quark had his next romantic fling with Grilka , a Klingon , whose husband Kozak , Quark had killed accidentally. In danger of losing her house and property, she kidnapped Quark and married him. D'Ghor , brother to Kozak, wanted to inherit his brother's property. Quark proved that D'Ghor was trying to bring down the House of Kozak by financial means. Grilka was given her house back, divorced Quark, and gave him a passionate kiss for his help. Two years later, Grilka returned to the station to ask Quark's help in the financial aspects of her house. They spent a great deal of time together – so much so that one of her bodyguards challenged Quark to combat. Using a special device, Worf was able to control Quark's body and help him win the combat. Grilka and Quark resumed their affair. ( DS9 : " The House of Quark ", " Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places ")

After the incident of exposing D'Ghor's crimes at considerable personal risk, Quark gained considerable respect in the Klingon community as a Ferengi of unusual bravery. ( DS9 : " The House of Quark ")

Adversaries [ ]

Quark and Odo, 2369

Odo and Quark in 2369

From the time they met aboard Terok Nor, Odo and Quark were bitter adversaries. When Odo came to Quark's looking for the proprietor, the fact that Odo was asking questions related to a murder alerted Quark that this was the shapeshifter conducting an investigation for Gul Dukat . When Quark identified Odo as the one he heard could do a Cardassian neck trick – one that would be very popular at the bar – Odo was annoyed. In their initial meeting, it was obvious that the two would not get along. As time went on, Odo was the only person among the station's security force whose vigilance Quark did not believe he could overcome when conducting criminal activities, due in part to Odo's status as a Changeling . On one occasion during a dream sequence, Odo has the satisfaction of seeing Quark trapped in a security cell...and unable to get out!

Through the years, though, they gained a mutual respect for each other. They enjoyed insulting each other, and Quark felt that Odo was the closest he could get to a best friend. Their relationship fluctuated as much as a love/hate one would. Quark was also one of the few people who suspected Odo's feelings toward Kira and encouraged him to reveal them to Kira. Quark was also one of few people who believed that Odo was innocent when an old enemy of Odo's, Ibudan , was found murdered ( DS9 : " A Man Alone ").

Quark engaged in numerous shady ventures that Constable Odo routinely interrupted.

For instance, in 2369, Quark attempted to buy a stolen crystal through a pair of Miradorn , Ah-Kel and Ro-Kel , but he was suspiciously honest and would not pursue the deal without a bill of sale. When Croden , a visitor from the Gamma Quadrant interrupted the transaction to steal the crystal, it was revealed that Odo had been posing as a glass and was in the room; though Quark went free due to his "legal" behavior, he had in fact hired Croden to steal the jewel. ( DS9 : " Vortex ")

Odo and Quark in crashed Rio Grande

Quark trapped with Odo on a class L planet

In 2371, Odo caught Quark, along with Morn, attempting to stage a Vole fight , which was illegal on the station. ( DS9 : " Through the Looking Glass ") Despite incidents such as these, Odo let the Ferengi "get away" with a transaction every now and then. ( DS9 : " The Sound of Her Voice ")

When they were both marooned on an inhospitable planet, they saved each other's lives and eventually were able to send out a distress call, saving them both. ( DS9 : " The Ascent ")

As Odo left the station to join the Great Link, Quark found him to say good-bye. He stated that Odo loved him, which he probably did. Odo later admitted to Kira before entering the Great Link that he would miss everyone aboard DS9, even Quark. ( DS9 : " Crossfire ", " The Ascent ", " What You Leave Behind ")

Quark's greatest rival was FCA Liquidator Brunt. Brunt almost seemed to delight in making Quark's life miserable. This included blackmailing Quark into trying to stop his mother's business activities and having Nausicaan goons physically assault Quark in retaliation for allowing a strike to linger. Perhaps Brunt's greatest "triumph" over Quark involved revoking his FCA business license for violating the terms of contract that would have allowed Brunt to legally kill Quark. Because of Ishka's influence with Grand Nagus Zek, Brunt was terminated from his position as an FCA liquidator. When Brunt walked into the bar when Quark was preparing a rescue team to rescue Ishka, Brunt called them "a child, a moron, a failure, and a psychopath ." He eventually rose to become acting Grand Nagus after a coup led by Zek's political enemies, but thanks to Quark soon lost his job. When Brunt believed that Quark was going to succeed Zek, he immediately attempted to get on Quark's good side and did his best to suck up to him. ( DS9 : " Family Business ", " Bar Association ", " Body Parts ", " The Magnificent Ferengi ", " Profit and Lace ", " The Dogs of War ")

Benjamin Sisko [ ]

Benjamin Sisko was not especially fond of Quark, but he tolerated the Ferengi entrepreneur. Sisko essentially blackmailed Quark to remain on the station, threatening to send Nog to prison for an attempted break in and theft of ore samples. In exchange for the boy's freedom, Quark agreed to become a community leader, and would not face any Starfleet interference if he ran fair games. ( DS9 : " Emissary ") Sisko used Quark when he needed to, such as in making first contact with the Founders through the Karemma or in bribing Quark to drop assault charges against Grathon Tolar so that there would be no record of his presence on the station. ( DS9 : " The Search, Part I ", " In the Pale Moonlight ")

However, Sisko did not grant Quark a blank check, and could punish Quark as he needed. For example, he threatened to collect back rent if Quark did not settle the strike crippling his bar. ( DS9 : " Bar Association ") Furthermore, when the Bajoran Provisional Government instructed Odo to drop arms dealing charges against Quark (presumably on the behest of Hagath), Sisko gave Quark a very stern warning that any minor infraction would be met with a harsh punishment. Later, when he dressed down Quark's charges and accusations, Sisko was happy (deep down) that he severed all business ties with Hagath, and forgave the Ferengi. But he didn't let him go without punishment, citing that certain repairs in a cargo bay would have been substantial. When Quark offered to pay "in installments", Sisko agreed fully. ( DS9 : " Business as Usual ")

If it wasn't for Quark, Sisko would not be alive for the Federation's conflict against the Dominion, something for which even Sisko was grateful. Both the Ferengi and Sisko essentially uncovered the first Vorta encountered as a Dominion spy. ( DS9 : " The Jem'Hadar ")

When Quark's business license was revoked, Sisko was kind enough to be among those who helped Quark reopen his bar. ( DS9 : " Body Parts ")

Worf and Quark, 2372

Worf turning away in disgust of Quark

In general, Quark was a "shade of gray" aboard the station, something to which Worf did not easily become accustomed to. Just as Odo let Quark get away with things, Quark gave Odo tip-offs occasionally, if only because the Rules of Acquisition stated, " Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies. " Worf, who was unaccustomed to Quark's nature, became frustrated that Odo did nothing while Quark was conducting a black-market deal with a Markalian criminal. The Klingon interrupted the deal to arrest them, only to find that the bag in which Quark had been holding his latinum was Odo, who had wanted to use Quark to infiltrate a larger smuggling ring and now had to settle for the middle-man due to Worf's interference. ( DS9 : " Rules of Acquisition ", " Hippocratic Oath ", " Crossfire ")

In the words of Julian Bashir, Quark was not exactly Worf's "favorite person." Possibly stemming from Klingon prejudice about Ferengi, that they were dishonorable and obsessed with money, Worf tried to keep his contact with Quark to a minimum. A few run-ins occurred, such as when Quark modified the replicators on the Defiant to dispense Quark's theme merchandise. Worf was insulted when Jadzia Dax proposed to get married in Quark's Bar. Furthermore, Worf was not very happy when Quark attempted to join on Worf's quest to have Jadzia's soul sent to Sto-vo-kor . However, Worf did help Quark from time to time, such as teaching him about Klingon courtship rituals and even apologized to Quark for acting rude to him. ( DS9 : " Bar Association ", " Hippocratic Oath ", " You Are Cordially Invited ", " Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places ", " Shadows and Symbols ")

Quark loved his brother, but like a good Ferengi, treated him like a servant . Quark often swindled Rom out of his share of the profits. In fact, Rom's contract for Quark's Bar actually stated that everything that went wrong in the bar was Rom's fault. ( DS9 : " Heart of Stone ") Sometimes though, Quark would watch over Rom and took care of him. When Rom was arrested by the Dominion , Quark swore he would do whatever it took to save Rom from execution. ( DS9 : " Favor the Bold ") He made Rom his partner in many business adventures and provided latinum for Rom.

On Rom's naming day, Quark substituted Rom's presents with old vegetables and sold them for more than their father had paid for them. ( DS9 : " Rivals ")

Quark was pleased to find out that Rom had embezzled money from the Ferengi Benevolent Association and noted that their father Keldar would have been too. ( DS9 : " Prophet Motive ")

Rom was a technical genius and progressed from Quark's servant to part of DS9's maintenance crew; on one occasion, when Quark found out Rom was a spy for the United Federation of Planets, his only comment was "The Federation must be really desperate!" ( DS9 : " Call to Arms ")

Nog was Quark's nephew, and as such he initially treated him similarly to Rom. When Starfleet first took over control of the station, Quark used Nog in an attempt to steal ore samples that the Cardassians left behind. ( DS9 : " Emissary ") Quark was very much opposed to allowing Nog to have contact with the "hew-mons" on the station (especially his friendship with Jake Sisko), fearing that they were a corrupting influence on the boy. This further intensified when Nog decided to apply to Starfleet Academy , ( DS9 : " Heart of Stone ") even going so far as to attempt to sabotage one of Nog's entry examinations. ( DS9 : " Facets ") When Starfleet permanently posted Nog to Deep Space 9, Quark was not above expressing his disapproval of Nog's career choice. However, Quark also had no problem taking advantage of the boy either. For example, he once used the fact that Jake Sisko and Nog were taking a school field trip to the Gamma Quadrant in order to attempt to manipulate Benjamin Sisko. He did, however, genuinely care enough about him to the point of risking his life to protect him during a Jem'Hadar attack while on an expedition to resupply a Federation outpost during the Dominion War. ( DS9 : " The Siege of AR-558 ")

Ishka was Quark's mother. She drove him crazy. She was not a typical Ferengi woman: she liked to earn profit, she wore clothes, and she became an adviser and lover of the Grand Nagus Zek. This caused Quark many problems, especially with Brunt. But Quark loved her very much and supported her with a generous stipend. In 2371, upon the discovery Ishka was earning profit, he went to Ferenginar to get her to confess to her crimes so she would not be sold into indentured servitude and degrade Quark's reputation. He was successful, although she only admitted to having about a third of what she actually had earned. ( DS9 : " Family Business ")

Leeta was Quark's Bajoran sister-in-law. Initially they knew each other because Leeta worked as a dabo girl for Quark. Quark was skeptical of Leeta's professed attraction to his brother ( DS9 : " Let He Who Is Without Sin... ") and did not do much in helping the couple get together, and in fact actively attempted to dissuade Rom from marrying her. When the couple did tie the knot, Quark did not seem to believe that the marriage would last long. ( DS9 : " Call to Arms ")

Gaila was Quark's cousin and a weapons trafficker. As a result of his highly risky business, he made much more profit than Quark did running a bar, and was rich enough to afford his own moon (property that made Quark very jealous). For repayment of a loan that helped Gaila get started in the business he gave Quark a Ferengi shuttlecraft known as Quark's Treasure . However, Galia had hoped that the sabotage that he had done to it would kill Quark. Gaila allowed Quark to become involved in his weapons dealing with the known trafficker Hagath. However, Quark soon developed moral reservations about working in this industry, and managed to double-cross Gaila and Hagath. The result was that General Nassuc dispatched a "Purification Squad" against the two. Gaila managed to escape them but was eventually arrested for vagrancy on Thalos VI . Quark paid his fine and the two became partners in Quark's rescue attempt of his mother. When he discovered that Quark was trying to cheat him out of reward money, Gaila attempted to kill Quark, but instead killed the Ferengi's bargaining chip: the Vorta Keevan . ( DS9 : " Little Green Men ", " Business as Usual ", " The Magnificent Ferengi ")

  • Father - Keldar (deceased)
  • Grandfather - Adred
  • In-law - Prinadora

Alternate timelines [ ]

Quark maths

The Quark math program on Gaia

  • In a timeline in which Harry Kim was never assigned to the USS Voyager , Quark instead tried his Lobi crystal scam on Tom Paris - the much more intemperate Paris attacked him, was arrested by Odo, and was therefore still sitting in a holding cell when Voyager was thrown into the Delta Quadrant . ( VOY : " Non Sequitur ")
  • In one alternate timeline , Quark abandoned Deep Space 9 when the Federation relinquished control of it to the Klingon Empire . He later bought a moon with Rom. Nog told Jake Sisko that Rom "stops it falling out of orbit." Morn stayed on Deep Space 9 and took over Quark's Bar in that timeline. ( DS9 : " The Visitor ")
  • Another alternate timeline took place on Gaia , where the crew of the USS Defiant crashed two hundred years in the past. Jadzia Dax programmed a simulation of Quark from the ship's security files to teach math to the children born there. Yedrin Dax noted " Quark was always good with numbers. " ( DS9 : " Children of Time ")

Holograms [ ]

Quark hologram with face in food

Quark and Garak use a hologram to determine the best way to kill Quark

Quark was holographically duplicated on a number of occasions.

  • In 2372, during the strike of the employees of his bar Quark created several holographic versions of himself, although they did not function well. When Constable Odo came into the bar he thought one of the holographic waiters was actually Quark and was surprised when the program broke down and the tray with glasses it carried hit the ground. Quark told Odo that he bought this program from a Lissepian , who unfortunately forgot to inform him that certain energy sources can interfere with the imaging system. ( DS9 : " Bar Association ")
  • A hologram of Quark was used by Garak to show Quark which ways he could assassinate him when Quark was considering killing himself. Garak broke the neck and the hologram's head fell into a meal. Quark considered this method and then refused it. ( DS9 : " Body Parts ")
  • A holographic recreation of Quark was used by Luther Sloan of Section 31 in 2374 when Sloan tried to recruit Bashir into the organization. ( DS9 : " Inquisition ")
  • According to a malfunctioning holoprogram , Quark sold Garak a fake propaganda holo to get the Romulans into the Dominion War . He even gave him a key chain and half- price root beer floaties . ( VST : " Holograms All the Way Down ")

Memorable quotes [ ]

" It's good to want things. " " Even things you can't have? " "Especially things I can't have. "

" The way I see it, humans used to be a lot like Ferengi. Greedy, acquisitive, interested only in profit. We're a constant reminder of a part of your past you'd like to forget. [...] But you're overlooking something. Humans used to be a lot worse than the Ferengi. Slavery, concentration camps, interstellar wars. We have nothing in our past that approaches that kind of barbarism. You see? We're nothing like you. We're better. "

" Rom only has a son to think about. I have a business. "

" I have a dream. A dream that one day all people, Human, Jem'Hadar, Ferengi, Cardassians, will stand together in peace around my dabo tables. "

" I am Quark, son of Keldar, and I have come to answer the challenge of D'Ghor, son of whatever. "

" Respect is good, but latinum's better. "

" Of course it's your fault. Everything that goes wrong here is your fault. It says so in your contract. "

" ...this is my disruptor pistol. The one I used to carry in the old days when I was serving on that Ferengi freighter. " " I thought you were the ship's cook. " " That's right, and every member of that crew thought he was a food critic. "

" I did expand my simple bar in 21 franchises across the Alpha Quadrant, and somehow, I remain humble. "

" I thought you said your plan would make us both happy. " " Well, you're happier being poor than in prison, aren't you? " " NO!!! "

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • TNG : " Firstborn "
  • " Emissary " (first appearance)
  • " A Man Alone "
  • " Captive Pursuit "
  • " The Passenger "
  • " Move Along Home "
  • " The Nagus "
  • " The Storyteller "
  • " Progress "
  • " If Wishes Were Horses "
  • " The Forsaken "
  • " Dramatis Personae "
  • " In the Hands of the Prophets "
  • " The Homecoming "
  • " The Circle "
  • " The Siege "
  • " Invasive Procedures "
  • " Cardassians "
  • " Rules of Acquisition "
  • " Necessary Evil "
  • " Second Sight "
  • " Sanctuary "
  • " The Alternate "
  • " Armageddon Game "
  • " Whispers "
  • " Shadowplay "
  • " Playing God "
  • " Profit and Loss "
  • " Blood Oath "
  • " The Maquis, Part I "
  • " The Maquis, Part II "
  • " The Wire "
  • " The Collaborator "
  • " The Jem'Hadar "
  • " The Search, Part I "
  • " The Search, Part II " (simulation only)
  • " The House of Quark "
  • " Equilibrium "
  • " Second Skin "
  • " The Abandoned "
  • " Civil Defense "
  • " Meridian "
  • " Defiant "
  • " Fascination "
  • " Past Tense, Part I "
  • " Life Support "
  • " Heart of Stone "
  • " Destiny "
  • " Prophet Motive "
  • " Visionary "
  • " Distant Voices "
  • " Through the Looking Glass "
  • " Explorers "
  • " Family Business "
  • " Shakaar "
  • " The Adversary "
  • " The Way of the Warrior "
  • " The Visitor "
  • " Hippocratic Oath "
  • " Indiscretion "
  • " Rejoined "
  • " Starship Down "
  • " Little Green Men "
  • " The Sword of Kahless "
  • " Our Man Bashir "
  • " Homefront "
  • " Crossfire "
  • " Sons of Mogh "
  • " Bar Association "
  • " Accession "
  • " Rules of Engagement "
  • " Hard Time "
  • " Shattered Mirror "
  • " The Muse "
  • " For the Cause "
  • " To the Death "
  • " The Quickening "
  • " Body Parts "
  • " Broken Link "
  • " Apocalypse Rising "
  • " The Ship "
  • " Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places "
  • " Nor the Battle to the Strong "
  • " The Assignment "
  • " Trials and Tribble-ations "
  • " Let He Who Is Without Sin... "
  • " Things Past " (telepathic vision only)
  • " The Ascent "
  • " Rapture "
  • " The Darkness and the Light "
  • " The Begotten "
  • " In Purgatory's Shadow "
  • " By Inferno's Light "
  • " Doctor Bashir, I Presume "
  • " A Simple Investigation "
  • " Business as Usual "
  • " Ties of Blood and Water "
  • " Ferengi Love Songs "
  • " Children of Time " (computer simulation only)
  • " Blaze of Glory "
  • " Empok Nor "
  • " In the Cards "
  • " Call to Arms "
  • " A Time to Stand "
  • " Sons and Daughters "
  • " Behind the Lines "
  • " Favor the Bold "
  • " Sacrifice of Angels "
  • " You Are Cordially Invited "
  • " Resurrection "
  • " Statistical Probabilities "
  • " The Magnificent Ferengi "
  • " Who Mourns for Morn? "
  • " Far Beyond the Stars "
  • " One Little Ship "
  • " Honor Among Thieves "
  • " Change of Heart "
  • " Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night "
  • " Inquisition " (hologram only)
  • " In the Pale Moonlight "
  • " His Way "
  • " The Reckoning "
  • " Valiant "
  • " Profit and Lace "
  • " Time's Orphan "
  • " The Sound of Her Voice "
  • " Tears of the Prophets "
  • " Image in the Sand "
  • " Shadows and Symbols "
  • " Afterimage "
  • " Take Me Out to the Holosuite "
  • " Chrysalis "
  • " Treachery, Faith and the Great River "
  • " Once More Unto the Breach "
  • " The Siege of AR-558 "
  • " Covenant "
  • " It's Only a Paper Moon "
  • " The Emperor's New Cloak "
  • " Field of Fire "
  • " Chimera "
  • " Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang "
  • " Penumbra "
  • " 'Til Death Do Us Part "
  • " Strange Bedfellows "
  • " The Changing Face of Evil "
  • " When It Rains... "
  • " The Dogs of War "
  • " What You Leave Behind "
  • VOY : " Caretaker "
  • " Hear All, Trust Nothing "
  • " Trusted Sources " (photograph only)
  • " Holograms All the Way Down " (hologram only)
  • " Walk, Don't Run " (background only)

Background information [ ]

Character creation [ ].

Quark was played by Armin Shimerman in all of his appearances.

The Joan Pearce Research Associates noted in their initial report on the names and terms used in the DS9 pilot script that the word "Quark" was coined by Murray Gell-Mann "to denote a theoretical particle." Gell-Mann actually borrowed the word from James Joyce's 1939 novel Finnegans Wake : " Three quarks for Muster Mark. " ( The Making of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine [ page number? • edit ] )

According to Michael Piller , one of the main inspirations for Quark's character was the bartender played by Frank McHugh in the 1939 Michael Curtiz film Dodge City , which also starred Errol Flynn . ( New Frontiers: The Story of Deep Space Nine , DS9 Season 2 DVD special features) Piller also once stated that " Quark was probably the most fun, the most easily definable character we had. We knew exactly the role he was going to play. " ( Crew Dossier: Quark , DS9 Season 6 DVD special features)

The original, 1992 Writers' Bible for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine [2] described the character thus:

Armin Shimerman initially appeared as Quark in " Emissary " with the prosthetic nose designed for Max Grodénchik 's Rom, as his own nose was still being created. The prosthetic nose designed specially for Shimerman first appeared in " A Man Alone ". ( Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion  (p. ? ))

Speaking in 1992, shortly after filming had begun on " Emissary ", Armin Shimerman said of Quark, " I get along with most of the occupants of the station fairly well, but the Federation has this problem with me; they think of me as repugnant, although I think of myself as charming, they think of me as reprehensible, although I know I have a code of ethics, but they need to deal with because I'm a leader of the community. I'm a capitalist. The Federation is in the process of maintaining peace and stability in this sector of space. I'm only interested in that as much as it can make a profit for me. If prosperity and stability are unprofitable, then I'm going to the Cardassians , who are waiting on the edge, ready to leap in and take over if the Federation should leave. " ( Quark's Story , DS9 Season 2 DVD special features)

Character development [ ]

Speaking in 1999 , shortly before filming finished on " What You Leave Behind ", Shimerman said of Quark, " He started out as a rather greedy, insidious Ferengi character, much like the Ferengi from Next Generation . And as he resided on Deep Space 9, with a small community and other cultures, primarily the Human culture and the Bajoran culture, he began to assimilate into their ways, and his behavior became more and more Human, more and more empathetic, more and more congenial, and that was the growing arc for Quark. " ( Quark's Story , DS9 Season 2 DVD special features)

Speaking in 2002 , Shimerman pointed out, " One of the great misunderstandings about Quark is that he was constantly cheating people of things and dealing in black market goods. This is absolutely true in the first two seasons. But the truth of the matter is, Quark became very domesticated after about the second season , and yet the characters on the show, and the audience, continued to believe he was always a scoundrel. I came to realize that after a time, he really wasn't stealing anymore. Yes, he was worried about his bottom line, but he was no longer actually doing nefarious things, he was no longer cheating, yet because he had started out that way, the characters in the show never really forgave him for a past life, a past life that he needed to do in order to survive under two oppressive regimes. Under the new regime, the regime of the Federation and the Bajorans, he became more domesticated and learned to take on the principles of the new society. And that's what happened over the seven years; he mellows out, and becomes more a part of the society he's living in, but it's the sort of subtle a normal Human being might go through if they found themselves surrounded by a new society. " ( Crew Dossier: Quark , DS9 Season 6 DVD special features)

Shimerman would have liked to have seen Quark marry, stating, " I wonder, having been married for 34 years, how marriage would have tamed Quark one way or another. It would also be fascinating to know what kind of woman my character would have fallen in love with. I tend to think, from his past relationships, he would like a sort of a woman who was her own person. A little bit domineering, intellectual, and quite beautiful and I guess I am describing all the elements of my true wife, Kitty , but I think I would like to see that for Quark as well. " [3]

Star Trek Insurrection [ ]

Quark on Baku planet

Quark on the Ba'ku planet, in a scene cut from Insurrection

A scene featuring Quark in Star Trek: Insurrection was devised by Michael Piller and Rick Berman while Piller was writing the film's first draft script. He later recalled, " We thought the discovery of a fountain of youth would suggest all sorts of profitable possibilities to him. " ( Fade In: The Making of Star Trek Insurrection [ page number? • edit ] ) Armin Shimerman subsequently filmed Quark's cameo appearance for Star Trek: Insurrection , but his scenes were deleted prior to the film's release. Additionally, Quark was originally intended to make an appearance in TNG : " Chain Of Command, Part I ", but due to the pilot for DS9 being scheduled to air weeks after that episode, Quark was rewritten as DaiMon Solok . ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion  (2nd ed., p. 228))

Quark's relationship with Odo is a clear homage to the classic 1942 Michael Curtiz film Casablanca , with Quark in Humphrey Bogart 's role of Rick Blaine and Odo as Claude Rains ' Captain Louis Renault. ( citation needed • edit )

Along with Q, Morn and Evek , Quark is one of only four characters to appear in all of the first three Star Trek series based in the 24th century: Star Trek: The Next Generation , Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , and Star Trek: Voyager . Quark, Julian Bashir, Morn, Admiral Chekote , and Gul Evek are the only characters to appear in Deep Space Nine prior to appearing in The Next Generation . Quark is one of five characters to appear in two live action episodes intended as series premieres.

Apocrypha [ ]

In the DS9 relaunch novels , Quark laments that his bar is likely going to have to close when Bajor joins the Federation and converts to the Federation's moneyless economy because it will put him out of business. Just as Quark prepares to close the bar down, he finds out that Rom has opened diplomatic relations between Ferenginar and Bajor, and that Rom has also arranged to have Quark's Bar be the official Ferengi Embassy to Bajor. This officially makes Quark the Ferengi Ambassador to Bajor and his bar sovereign Ferengi territory, allowing him to maintain it and still charge latinum for all his services.

In the novel The 34th Rule , Quark, Rom, and several Ferengi were interned at the Gallitep labor camp in 2372 when war was briefly declared between Ferenginar and Bajor. During their stay, they endured hideous treatment at the hands of the camp's insane warden, Colonel Mitra. After they escaped, Quark and Rom traveled to Ferenginar with Captain Sisko aboard the Defiant and successfully aided him in defusing the tense situation between the two worlds.

By the setting of Star Trek Online (2409/10), Quark appears to have become a successful business man, as evidenced by the fact that he no longer runs his own bar and that a dabo hologram of Leeta is produced by Quark Enterprises (which could, in theory, be a business connected to Rom, as it was his wife being recreated by Quark). He makes his official appearance in the game with the release of the "Victory is Life" expansion in June 2018, voiced once more by Armin Shimerman, and once again appearing in his bar on DS9. Much like his cousin Gaila had at one point, Quark mentions he now owns his own moon, and has debated turning his bar into a franchise, having "a Quark's in every quadrant." In the mission "Quark's Lucky Seven," a sequel of sorts to " The Magnificent Ferengi ", Quark leads another commando team to reclaim the Sword of Kahless from the Iconians and ensures its delivery to his ex-wife Grilka (now married to Worf), as part of a plan to bring the Klingon Empire fully into the conflict with the Hur'q .

Quark (alternate reality)

Quark of the alternate reality

The alternate reality version of Quark appears in the Star Trek: Ongoing story arc The Q Gambit where he is a merchant hired by his old friend Julian Bashir to smuggle Spock and Dr. Leonard McCoy off Bajor in cargo containers and get them back to the USS Enterprise . Aboard Quark's ship, Spock and McCoy meet Kira Nerys, who makes plans take a shuttle to the hidden base of the Free Federation Resistance and supply them when she asks Quark wrap up the Reckoning Tablet and bring it aboard, but Quark reveals he will not be helping them. Opening the cargo bay doors to reveal Cardassian soldiers, he explains to them that the Dominion made him a better offer than the Resistance and have won his loyalty.

External links [ ]

  • Quark at
  • Quark at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Quark at Wikipedia
  • 1 Abdullah bin al-Hussein

Star Trek: Fleet Command Wiki

Raw Latinum

  • View history

Details [ ]

Latinum can be mined throughout the Neutral Zone and the Faction Zones , and best mined with the purpose built Ferengi D'Vor .

Locations of systems & resources are also mostly found at links above.

The base rate on these nodes improves dramatically in higher-level systems. Additionally, they have a 1 in 8 chance of spawning a "rich" raw latinum node, which offers mineing at double the rate. Suliban is a special system and has only rich nodes of various qualities.

It can be refined from level 16 in the refinery on a 22hr cooldown. The refining process converts raw latinum into latinum at a guaranteed rate. The conversion process produces ship parts for the Ferengi D'Vor as a byproduct. See more information at the Official Release Notes .

Latinum Node

Latinum nodes can be found in the following systems

Latinum Locations [ ]

  • 1 The Swarm
  • 3 Faction Reputation

latinum star trek

Star Trek: Best Book-Only Characters

  • The Star Trek novels introduce unique characters like Akaar and Treir, adding depth to the expansive Starfleet universe.
  • Characters like Nick Keller and Elias Vaughn bring new perspectives to the post- DS9 era, facing challenging galactic events.
  • Mackenzie Calhoun leads the USS Excalibur in a new hero ship series, showcasing tactical genius in the New Frontier books.

Just like the universe itself, the Star Trek franchise is huge and far-reaching, encompassing several television shows, and numerous video games, movies, and books. While many of Star Trek 's most iconic characters appear in various series and films, there are many other great characters who only feature in alternative media sources. For instance, the final frontier has spawned some memorable video game-based characters .

Star Trek: 8 Most Powerful Federation Starships, Ranked

Yet perhaps the richest source of characters is the now questionably canon series of books that take place following The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine . From fresh takes on classic species like the Andorians and Orions, to some of Starfleet's finest officers, the Star Trek novels are a treasure trove of notable figures.

Leonard James Akaar

First appearence: star trek mission gamma book one: twilight.

  • Author: David R. George III
  • Publication Date: September 2002

Leonard James Akaar is unique among novel-only characters in that he does, in fact, make a blink-and-you'll-miss-it appearance on televised Trek . "Friday's Child," an episode of The Original Series , ends with his birth; however, the Capellan royal would not be seriously fleshed out until 2002's Mission Gamma: Twilight . By the time of the Deep Space 9 novels, Akaar had risen through the ranks of Starfleet to become an influential admiral with the ear of the Federation president.

Akaar's strategic mindset and steely resolve proved essential in preserving the Federation through some of its darkest periods, including the Borg invasion depicted in the Star Trek: Destiny series. The Starfleet legend may have been born in The Original Series , but the Star Trek novels were where he made his name.

First Appearence: Star Trek: Demons of Air and Darkness

  • Author: Keith R. A. DeCandido
  • Publication Date: September 2001

Star Trek features many inspirational female characters, from Kira Nerys to Katherine Janeway. However, few are as resourceful or as motivated as Treir , an Orion Dabo girl who transformed Quark's Bar into a highly successful business during the post- DS9 novels. Following her escape from Orion servitude, Treir earned her place as Quark's right-hand woman by implementing a series of radical reforms, including hiring a Dabo boy to attract more customers.

Star Trek: The Fates Of Every Live-Action TV Show's Main Character

Treir may not play a significant role in the canon-shattering events depicted in the Deep Space 9 novels, but this ruthless businesswoman helped to make Star Trek 's prose universe feel like a living, breathing place. If anyone is capable of giving Quark a run for his latinum, it's her.

Nick Keller

First appearence: star trek new earth: challenger.

  • Author: Diane Carey
  • Publication Date: August 2000

New Earth , a series of six novels that take place between Star Trek: The Motion Picture and The Wrath of Khan , was intended to act as a backdoor pilot for a new narrative focusing on Commander Nick Keller . In the final novel, Keller takes command of a makeshift starship in order to defend the human colony of Belle Terre from alien attack. Keller was conflicted between overthrowing his inept captain and preserving the lives of his comrades, and it's a great shame that a full series based on the space cowboy's adventures never emerged.

Interestingly, author Diane Carey based Keller's appearance on Scott Bakula, who would go on to play Captain Jonathan Archer in Star Trek: Enterprise . Keller, however, would make only two more appearances in the Star Trek universe, with both being part of the multi-series Gateways crossover event.

Elias Vaughn

First appearence: star trek: avatar (book one).

  • Author: S. D. Perry
  • Publication Date: July 2001

Elias Vaughn was a Starfleet officer and intelligence operative who joined Deep Space 9's command staff following the end of the Dominion War . Despite only holding the rank of commander, Vaughn's expertise proved a boon to the Federation outpost, and he played a role in several key events, including the USS Defiant 's post-war exploration of the Gamma Quadrant (depicted in the Mission Gamma sub-series).

Star Trek: 8 Impressive Things Kirk Did Before Joining The USS Enterprise

Vaughn was haunted by the death of his wife, Ruriko, and his troubled relationship with his estranged daughter, Prynn. This relationship was complicated by the fact that Prynn was also assigned to Deep Space 9. However, father and daughter were eventually able to reconcile–but not without some bumps along the way.

Christine Vale

First appearence: star trek: the belly of the beast.

  • Author: Dean Wesley Smith

While William Riker's USS Titan has made notable appearances in Star Trek: Lower Decks , the starship's adventures were originally chronicled in a series of spin-off novels. These books featured Christine Vale , a former detective turned Starfleet officer, as Riker's second-in-command. Vale was initially unwilling to take the post, as she disliked the idea of Riker working so closely with his wife, Deanna Troi.

Luckily, Vale took the post, which allowed her to act as a counterweight to any of Riker's Troi-related biases. During her time aboard the USS Titan , she helped to explore the Beta Quadrant and fend off a Borg invasion. Indeed, her record was so good that, following Riker's promotion to admiral, she took command of the Luna -class starship.

Thirishar ch'Thane

From their initial appearance in 1967's "Journey to Babel" and 2001's "The Andorian Incident," references to Star Trek 's Andorians were true and far between. One important detail was disclosed in The Next Generation , however: Andorians have four sexes , with all four required for successful reproduction.

The character of Thirishar ch'Thane (or "Shar") was a response to this premise. Shar served as Deep Space Nine's science officer following the end of the Dominion War, but was torn between his commitments to Starfleet and to his mating group, who wished him to return to Andor. This dilemma was further complicated by a dangerous decline in Andorian fertility, which threatened to cause the Andorians' extinction in the long term. Shar was eventually able to use his scientific knowledge to help solve the Andorian fertility crisis.

The Jem'Hadar are one of Star Trek 's most iconic creations , a powerful race of warriors motivated by their addiction to the chemical ketracel-white. During the Dominion War of 2373–2375, the Jem'Hadar were central to the Dominion assaults which nearly overwhelmed the Federation Alliance.

8 Best Starfleet Ships During The Dominion War

After the war's conclusion, Taran'atar , a Jem'Hadar without a ketracel-white dependency, was sent to Deep Space Nine as a cultural observer. Taran'atar's struggle to adjust to the Alpha Quadrant during peacetime makes for fascinating reading, as does seeing the fearsome warrior growing closer to his former enemies. Taran'atar's story takes some strange twists and turns, but he remains a fascinating character.

Mackenzie Calhoun

First appearence: star trek new frontier: house of cards.

  • Author: Peter David
  • Publication Date: July 1997

In 1997, Pocket Books published the first of Peter David's New Frontier books. While these novels included several characters from TV Trek (mostly notably Commander Shelby from "The Best of Both Worlds" ), they focused on a new hero ship, the USS Excalibur , and a new captain: Mackenzie Calhoun . Calhoun, an alien warrior modeled after Mel Gibson, was depicted as a tactical genius capable of beating Starfleet's toughest challenges–including the infamous Kobayashi Maru test.

Calhoun soon became a fan-favorite, with his New Frontier series including over 20 volumes. The Xenanian captain was even popular enough to be made into an action figure, the only example of this honor being bestowed on a character originating from any of Star Trek 's novels.

Created by Gene Roddenberry

First Film Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Latest Film Star Trek Beyond

First TV Show Star Trek: The Original Series

Latest TV Show Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Creation Year 1966

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Published Apr 16, 2024

WARP FIVE: Callum Keith Rennie on Discovery's Gruff First Officer

The Star Trek: Discovery actor talks Rayner's second chance, command style, and more!

SPOILER WARNING: This article contains story details and plot points for the fifth season of Star Trek: Discovery.

Graphic illustration featuring Rayner and the actor who portrays him, Callum Keith Rennie

Getty Images /

Welcome to Warp Five,'s five question post-mortem with your favorite featured talent from the latest Star Trek episodes.

We're only three episodes into Star Trek: Discovery 's final season, but the stakes could not be higher. Not long after saving the entire galaxy from the Dark Matter Anomaly, Captain Michael Burnham and the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery is handed a Red Directive mission from Dr. Kovich.

An 800-year-old science vessel was found on the edge of the Beta Quadrant. Aboard that ship is "something vital to the security of the Federation." They are to retrieve that artifact; however, they're not the only ones on the hunt for the artifact's ancient power. While chasing two criminals in the fifth season opener, " Red Directive ," Burnham comes across Captain Rayner and the U.S.S. Antares who is also hot on their trail and unwilling to let Moll and L'ak go as easily as the Discovery captain. had the opportunity to speak with actor Callum Keith Rennie on making first contact with Star Trek , demotions and second chances, his approach to Discovery 's newest distinguished yet gruff first officer, and more.

Point of First Contact

Callum Keith Rennie as Rayner on Star Trek: Discovery

"Under the Twin Moons"

Like many others, Rennie was first introduced to the franchise with The Original Series in his youth.

"My first contact with Star Trek was watching it on TV with the original," remembers Rennie. "That's the one that I always reference. If it comes on, I watch it still. For me, I did see all of those other variations as they came out, but I held onto my Spock and my Jim Kirk."

For the Love of the Federation

While pursuing Moll and L'ak on a sand runner, Rayner lifts his fist in the air in excitement of the thrill of the chase in 'Red Directive'

"Red Directive"

In "Red Directive," as Burnham and Discovery is in hot pursuit of this season's main antagonists, Moll and L'ak, they soon learn that the Antares captain has been pursuing them for quite some time, and he refuses to let the slippery pair go each time they're within grasp.

When asked how big of a threat Moll and L'ak, as well as the Progenitor tech, pose to the Federation? Rennie teases that more will be revealed in time, "He has a history [with them] that will be explained later."

Speaking on the choices we've seen Rayner make in response to the two criminals, he shares, "That's Rayner's style of command. His is, 'We're to get those people; we're not to make concessions.' There's no other way outside of what he wants to do. His drive is to succeed; 'Pick a thing, I'll go do it.' That's what he knows how to do."

The distinction is clear; Rayner is a gruff, smart Starfleet captain who holds a clear line between commander and crew — he leads, they follow. His approach is, you get the job done and apologize later.

In an earlier discussion with , executive producer and co-showrunner Michelle Paradise noted, "What's interesting about [Captain Rayner] is that he is going to be a bit of an antagonist, but not in a bad guy way. He's going to push Burnham, and we'll get to see new sides of Burnham and new growth in Burnham because of her interactions with him."

He has a storied track record of wartime success. In " Under the Twin Moons ," Federation president Rillak has to remind him that times have changed and they're no longer at war. However, the Antares captain sees threats everywhere, arguing that the Breens are in-fighting, the Orions are regrouping, and war is always a possibility. Not only that, Moll and L'ak now have a head start at retrieving a piece of technology with unbelievable power. He wants everyone to stop living in a "candy-colored holo fantasy."

The Fallout of Q'Mau

A hologram of Captain Rayner appears in Discovery's Engineering room to aid Tilly and Adira as they monitor Burnham and Saru's presence on Lyrek in 'Under the Twin Moons'

During Burnham and Rayner's first run-in, while Discovery 's captain sabotages the fleeing thieves' ship while on the hull of their ship, she tells the Antares captain to release its tractor beam hold as the enemy vessel's warp bubble is starting to collapse and her ship can't beam her out to safety while she's in the diminishing bubble. Then, while on Q'Mau together, Rayner continues to pursue Moll and L'ak on his own leaving Burnham and Cleveland 'Book' Booker behind; stating he doesn't have time for their "strategic advantages." Rayner plans to thwart their getaway by detonating the explosive charges hidden in a mountain's entrance, risking the potential of harming those living on the settlement of Q'Mau. Burnham reminds him they're on a non-Federation planet undertaking a highly sensitive and classified mission. When the detonation spirals into a fast-moving avalanche that would decimate the local inhabitants, Discovery requests Antares aid them in creating a shield to block the avalanche as there is not enough time to evacuate. However, Rayner holds off on letting Antares leave orbit at the risk of allowing the two thieves to evade them again.

When Rayner is held accountable for his actions as Federation Headquarters holds an inquiry to the events on Q'Mau. Despite his commendable 30 years of service to Starfleet, and his longstanding friendship with Admiral Vance, the Antares captain was forced to take an early retirement.

"Here's a guy who's been in command for 30 years," Rennie distills. "He goes in to help Burnham and her crew, and then the next thing you know, he's dismissed. So, all of that is bad. If he didn't show up to participate in any of that, he would still just be running his own crew and doing his own thing. He'd be happy on the Antares until the end of time. But he went to help, he made a decision that caused a problem, and then he was fired, sent out to pasture, and he has to make a decision to go, 'Am I done or am I not done?'"

Second Chances and Second Contacts

A Ferengi bartender prepares a drink for a pensive Rayner who sits at the bar in the Discovery lounge in 'Jinaal'


Valuing Rayner's aid he provided her crew while she was on Lyrek, Captain Burnham tells Rayner she'd like for him to be part of her crew — her first officer position has opened up — and she knows he's not ready to end his Starfleet career here. After all, no one understands the value of a second chance more than Burnham herself.

Reflecting on the opportunity presented to his character Rayner, Rennie notes, "He wants to try to be a better person. He's looking at his stuff going, acknowledging at times that he's been too impulsive and doing the the thing that he shouldn't have done, and but doing it anyway."

On his second chance, Rennie adds, "Does he want to be retired or does he still want to be part of the Federation and Starfleet? And he makes that choice, believing, 'What's the worst that can happen? They'll fire me again.'"

An important component of modern Star Trek has been to show the many facets of Starfleet and the Federation. It's not a monolithic institution incapable of faults.

"You do the best job you can at the given moment, and sometimes that works out and sometimes that doesn't," reflects Rennie. "You have to be, 'Well, let's take that risk.' From a commander standpoint, nothing's infallible. There's certain missions that only certain people will be assigned to because of their style. He's the man for the job," before teasing, "You'll soon discover why he's a little harsh at times."

In " Jinaal ," while Burnham heads to the surface of Trill to unlock their latest crew, Rayner is tasked with getting to know the senior crew better. While his first impression wasn't great, he now has the opportunity to make a second first impression. Unfortunately for him, his second contact isn't off to a great start when he offers the crew 20 words to provide him insight into them.

It's not going to be an overnight scenario for Rayner to change his ways. "He doesn't want to participate with the Discovery crew the way Burnham wants him to be a team player," he explains. "He's not in that space yet. He's not good at, 'Let's all be friends.' It's not his style."

Joining the Discovery Family

At Discovery's lounge, Rayner looks over towards Tilly as she waits for her drink from the bartender in 'Jinaal'

Rennie's experience joining a series in its final season mirrors Rayner's experience joining a tight-knit crew.

"Coming into a show, you're a new kid in school, you don't know who you're going to be friends with," states Rennie. "You don't know if you're going to get along with anybody. Much like Rayner is there to do his work, I'm there to do my work. But, my [personal] experience was fun. Episode to episode, time spent with everyone, you warm up. There's a warmth that just grows as you move along [with Sonequa Martin-Green and this cast], and you've become part of something."

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Christine Dinh (she/her) is the managing editor for She’s traded the Multiverse for helming this Federation Starship.

Star Trek: Discovery Seasons 1-4 are streaming exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S., the UK, Canada, Switzerland, South Korea, Latin America, Germany, France, Italy, Australia and Austria. Seasons 2 and 3 also are available on the Pluto TV “Star Trek” channel in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. The series streams on Super Drama in Japan, TVNZ in New Zealand, and SkyShowtime in Spain, Portugal, Poland, The Nordics, The Netherlands, and Central and Eastern Europe and also airs on Cosmote TV in Greece. The series is distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution.

Stylized and filtered image of Michael Ansara as Commander Kang

Screen Rant

Star trek: discovery season 5's callum keith rennie on captain rayner challenging burnham's authority.

Screen Rant interviews Callum Keith Rennie about how his new character, Captain Rayner, fits into Star Trek: Discovery season 5.

Warning: SPOILERS for Star Trek: Discovery Season 5

  • Callum Keith Rennie brings a fresh dynamic to Star Trek: Discovery season 5 as Rayner, challenging Burnham's authority and mission.
  • Rayner's complex backstory and reluctance to form connections add depth to his character and create a compelling conflict with Burnham.
  • The final season of Star Trek: Discovery promises an epic adventure across the galaxy, with dangerous foes vying for an ancient power.

Callum Keith Rennie intriguingly shakes up Star Trek: Discovery season 5 as Rayner, the former Captain of the USS Antares who joins the USS Discovery as the new First Officer.

Although at odds with Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green), Rayner accepts her offer to become Discovery's new Number One, so he can continue to hunt the villainous Moll (Eve Harlow) and L'ak (Elias Toufexis). Rayner also wants to fulfill his Red Directive mission and help Burnham find the ancient treasure of the Progenitors , which has the power to create life. But Rayner isn't looking to make friends or warm up to the USS Discovery's crew.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Returning Cast & New Character Guide

Screen Rant spoke to Callum Keith Rennie about how he and Rayner fit into Star Trek: Discovery season 5, Rayner's unrevealed backstory, and where Star Trek ranks in his remarkable career of starring in several major franchises and hit TV shows.

Callum Keith Rennie Discusses How Rayner Fits Into Star Trek: Discovery Season 5

Screen Rant: Rayner is already one of the best foils for Burnham in Star Trek: Discovery . Tell me about Rayner and what makes him tick, from your point of view.

Callum Keith Rennie: I think he comes from a different time. I mean, from the creation of Rayner, he comes from a more authoritarian dictatorship-style shiip commander, and The Burn, and a kind of a warring Kellerun mentality. And his jam. And it's a little act first, think later style. Let's not have a conference. Let's just do stuff.

I love the friction between Burnham and Rayner. But I also love the counterbalance that's already been shown in the way they behave towards each other.

Callum Keith Rennie: Yeah, there's a bit of like he's holding his tongue. And he's trying. I mean, that's the part that I find interesting is that he knows he's maybe his last legs here. And so he's creating conflict.

What I find really interesting, too, about Rayner is that he's been a Captain in Starfleet for 30 years, and Burnham has been Captain for 2 years. But there's now this shift in the balance of power between them. What can Burnham learn from Rayner, and vice versa?

Callum Keith Rennie: I think Rayner is learning forgiveness, and second chances, and someone put a hand out and not to bite that hand. But he is still caught in who and what he has been, and how he's functioned for so long. It's hard for him to drop that. So I think through the process of the season, there's a bit more of an understanding, of listening, compassion, and a sense of camaraderie rather than man against alien, or against the galaxy, or one guy can do it all. And for Burnham to go, 'Oh, this wildcard and that kind of style of things can help too.' So there's an amalgamation of the two of them into a functioning unit.

Rayner is on the right ship if he's going to learn compassion, and cooperation, and empathy. That's kind of Discovery's deal.

Callum Keith Rennie: Yeah, and it's hard for him. That was the fun of playing this guy. 'I don't fit in here.' And coming into a show that was already very well established, you're the new kid in school. You don't know who your alliances are gonna be. You don't know how any of it works. And so you just have a chip on your shoulder, and just try to get through. And let's see what happens. So it was interesting.

There's More To Learn About Rayner In Star Trek: Discovery

I assume Rayner has a first name and a backstory we're going to find out at some point.

You may. There's a backstory that kind of lets you know why he's wired the way he's wired, and why the Moll and L’ak thing is getting him in a way that's wound him up, maybe.

One little backstory tidbit that has already been revealed is that Rayner and Admiral Vance (Oded Fehr) were friends , and they worked together back in the day. I think that's really cool. I would love to see flashbacks or something of Rayner and Vance in a previous Starfleet.

Callum Keith Rennie: There were things. I think there were lots of opportunities if it was moving on to another season. It was all set up in the way where you go, ‘Oh, let's throw in this and this.’ And then, if it had continued, then you would get backstory bits. You would have gotten a type of history that was completely different.

I'm so glad you brought that up because it was actually one of my questions. This is the final season. But were there ideas or plans for you to stay on so we get to explore Rayner if Discovery got a season 6?

Callum Keith Rennie: Yes… We assumed it was gonna continue. We weren't shooting [season 5] as ‘this is the final season.’ They'd left loose ends going because we can put that into next season, this and that, and blah, blah, blah, all of those pieces of the puzzle that showrunners and writers are very good at so. Because I finished the season and I went, ‘Well, okay. I learned a lot. And I can't wait to come back and do other things.’

How Will Captain Rayner Rank In The Star Trek Universe?

I don't know if you've watched Star Trek Picard, but Rayner has already been compared very favorably to Todd Stashwick playing Captain Liam Shaw . And it's a pretty big compliment. Because people hated Shaw at first, and they came to love him. He's now a beloved character. And I feel like Rayner is on that same trajectory.

Callum Keith Rennie: It's good to be [hated]. And I don't know that reference though I will look it up. But [Rayner] was like, 'I don't want to be liked.' Like, he was coming in and going, 'It's not my job to be liked. And it's not my job to be liked as the captain of a ship, either.' So it was fine. Like, I went, 'If I'm hated, that might be better.' (laughs) And then, through the writing, I go, 'Oh, I see this. They're creating places of understanding and connection.' There's a journey for him. It's not just one singular path.

In episode 3, Rayner meets Discovery's crew, and then you had one-on-one meetings with everybody. And you played everything very stone-faced, but was there anything the cast said or did that actually cracked you up in real life? Because some of the stuff they were saying was hilarious.

Callum Keith Rennie: No. That sequence was... there were some bits of it that... things change in editing. But I was like, 'Dismissed. Get out. Beat it. Quick, quick, quick, quick.' The edit actually made it a lot softer than it was. It is a lot harder.

Is there a scene or a moment in season 5 that has happened yet, or it's still to come, that you loved shooting, and you can't wait for everybody to see?

Callum Keith Rennie: I mean, on first viewing, there's always a kind of like a disconnect for me. I watched [episodes] three and four again last night, and I really dug it. I really dug parts of it that I hadn't seen before. I love specific moments and where Burnham and I ended up sometimes, and it's quiet, it's not a bunch of noise. But not a specific scene because sometimes you start a scene one way, and you think know what this will be, and you go, 'Oh, this was really nice'. But you kind of have to see it to go, 'Oh, I really dug that.' And so, last night watching 50, there were some really beautiful things between Burnham and Rayner that I really got a kick out of.

504 is incredible. Without spoiling, it's the best episode I've seen so far of season five. A fantastic Star Trek episode.

Callum Keith Rennie: We're all over the place. 503 was me going, 'I want what I want.' And I have to listen to the captain of the ship tell me how to meet people who I don't want to meet. And I want to follow Moll and L'ak, I want to get Moll and L'ak, I want to do my mission. And I'm used to doing my thing my way. I'm not gonna wander around [and] have people come to me. I don't care. Okay, next, beat it. And it's an episode of, 'Who is he on the ship left to his own devices?' He's going to do his own thing. So it was fun to play.

Callum Keith Rennie Has No Idea About Star Trek's Impact On His Legacy

You've been a part of a lot of franchises. You've been in Marvel, you've been Battlestar Galactica , your career is amazing. Where does Star Trek rank for you now?

Callum Keith Rennie: Where does it rank in all of that? It ranks as the last job. You know, you've been in this business for a long time. You've done a bunch of things. But I do often have to remind myself by looking at [my] resume and I go, 'Oh, yeah!' Because there's a part of me that forgets it. I like working, and I like doing stuff, but I always kind of forget the history of it until I look at it. It's like looking at old pictures: 'I remember that. I remember that. Oh, I remember her. I remember that. I remember that director. I remember that day. I remember that burrito. I remember all of that.' It's been an amazing career of lots of ups and downs and, some really great, solid shows like this one, and Battlestar, and Californication. Things I'm very, very proud of.

I hate to break it to you, but you're going to be known as Rayner forever now within Star Trek. And this is a fan base that follows you and will stay with you forever. Are you looking forward to doing conventions, meeting the fans, and being part of that?

Callum Keith Rennie: I've done one convention ever. And that was for Battlestar once in London, England, because somebody had dropped out, and then someone said, 'Do you want to?' and I'm like, 'I'm not sure'. This might have been 15-16, maybe 12 years ago. There's a place where I can see how participation in [Star Trek] is interesting. Again, I'm working on the show. I'm not thinking of any of that stuff. I actually don't know anything about it because I don't know the Star Trek world. Like the Battlestar world post-show I didn't participate in. So I did the show, the show is over, then you move on to the next thing. It was never holding on to history. But this one may be different just because I had no idea the volume of things that were going to show up, and the amount of people and interviews and all of that stuff. I'm just amazed.

About Star Trek: Discovery Season 5

The fifth and final season of Star Trek: Discovery finds Captain Burnham and the crew of the USS Discovery uncovering a mystery that will send them on an epic adventure across the galaxy to find an ancient power whose very existence has been deliberately hidden for centuries. But there are others on the hunt as well … dangerous foes who are desperate to claim the prize for themselves and will stop at nothing to get it.

Check out our other Star Trek: Discovery season 5 interviews here:

  • Sonequa Martin-Green
  • David Ajala and Doug Jones
  • Wilson Cruz, Mary Wiseman & Blu del Barrio
  • Alex Kurtzman & Michelle Paradise

New episodes of Star Trek: Discovery season 5 stream Thursdays on Paramount+

Source: Screen Rant Plus

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‘It’s A Different Energy’: Star Trek: Discovery’s Callum Keith Rennie Compares Working On The Paramount+ Show To Battlestar Galactica, And I See Where He’s Coming From

The actor's made another big splash in the sci-fi genre.

Star Trek: Discovery ’s final season is finally underway on the 2024 TV schedule , and there’s a newcomer who’d come aboard the main cast for this last hurrah. Callum Keith Rennie is starring as Rayner, a Kellerun Starfleet officer who thrived during wartime, but is having trouble adjusting to peace. Of course, Battlestar Galactica fans know Rennie well from having played Leoben, the #2 model Cylon, so with another major sci-fi credit on his resume, I was curious to learn how his experiences on the two shows compared to one another when I spoke to him for CinemaBlend. He described Discovery as having a “different energy” from Battlestar , and I see where he’s coming from.

Ahead of the premiere of Star Trek: Discovery Season 5’s third episode, titled “Jinaal,” to Paramount+ subscribers , I had the pleasure of chatting with Callum Keith Rennie about his experience in this massive corner of the sci-fi genre. The actor clarified what he meant by “different energy,” as well as shared what was similar about these professional experiences for him, with these words:

Battlestar was such a long [time ago]… I mean, to me it feels like such a long time ago. There’s a difference because it’s a different energy. Battlestar had a real earthy feel… there I am, playing a Cylon, but it felt earthy, the dialogue had an earthiness to it. But again, another space show with a wonderful group of people that you really care about everybody, everybody cared about each other. So that was interesting because Discovery had that, Battlestar had that, where everybody’s on everybody’s team and trying to build them up, and everybody does their best. It was very nice.

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While Battlestar Galactica certainly had its fair share of fantastical elements, Callum Keith Rennie’s use of the term “earthy” is pretty apt. The show may have followed the remnants of humanity trying to follow a new home on Earth as the Cylons hunted them down across the galaxy, but revival of the same-named 1978 series was definitely more grounded compared to a lot of other sci-fi projects. This included through the dialogue, and I can understand why Rennie brought that up, because with Star Trek, there’s a lot more technobabble thrown in.

That aside, Rennie also noticed that camaraderie between the starring characters as a big similarity between Star Trek: Discovery and Battlestar Galactica . The circumstances and challenges these respective crews have to face out in space are quite different, but in the midst of that, they’re all there to support one another through these difficult times. As far as Discovery goes, here’s hoping that Rayner gets on board with that particular program soon now that he’s Michael Burnham’s first officer. Things run a lot differently there compared to when he was captaining the Antares , and as seen in “Jinaal,” Rayner’s going to have to adjust the way he interacts with those he commands in order to be an effective leader on this title ship.

There are now seven episodes left to go until Star Trek: Discovery is over, so keep visiting CinemaBlend for more coverage on this series and the upcoming Star Trek TV shows . Unfortunately, if you’re looking to revisit Callum Keith Rennie’s time as Leoben in Battlestar Galactica , that show currently isn’t streaming anywhere, so you’ll either need to purchase your own physical or digital copy of it.


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Adam Holmes

Connoisseur of Marvel, DC, Star Wars, John Wick, MonsterVerse and Doctor Who lore, Adam is a Senior Content Producer at CinemaBlend. He started working for the site back in late 2014 writing exclusively comic book movie and TV-related articles, and along with branching out into other genres, he also made the jump to editing. Along with his writing and editing duties, as well as interviewing creative talent from time to time, he also oversees the assignment of movie-related features. He graduated from the University of Oregon with a degree in Journalism, and he’s been sourced numerous times on Wikipedia. He's aware he looks like Harry Potter and Clark Kent.

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  1. Latinum

    Latinum was a rare silver-colored liquid metal that was used as currency by the Ferengi Alliance, the Cardassians, and many other worlds. For ease of transaction, latinum was usually suspended within bits of gold as a binding medium to produce gold-pressed latinum. (DS9: "Who Mourns for Morn?") Smuggling latinum was considered a crime by the Enolians. (ENT: "Canamar") Latinum was deeply ...

  2. star trek

    Latinum is a rare and valuable metal that is mined and refined on various planets and moons, and minted into currency by the Ferengi. Learn about its possible chemical composition, physical form, and role in the Star Trek universe from this question and answer site.

  3. Star Trek 101: Latinum

    Learn about the Ferengi's precious liquid metal currency, latinum, in this entry from Star Trek 101: A Practical Guide to Who, What, Where, And Why. Find out how latinum is used, traded, and valued in the Star Trek universe.

  4. Star Trek: What Is Latinum?

    Latinum is a rare and valuable substance used as currency in the Star Trek franchise, especially by the Ferengi. Learn about its origin, properties, forms, and worth in this article.

  5. Latinum

    Latinum was a rare substance which was prized by many civilizations in the Alpha Quadrant, including the Ferengi Alliance. For use as currency, liquid latinum was usually suspended within gold or gold dust which produced gold-pressed latinum. (DS9 episode: "Who Mourns for Morn?"; CCG set: Rules of Acquisition, card: "Gold-Pressed Latinum") Latinum is usable as a currency specie because it is ...

  6. A Rare Slip of Latinum

    The Perth Mint, following the release of previous Star Trek coins, has announced a limited edition Gold-Pressed Latinum Slip commemorating the cultural phenomenon from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Struck from 1-oz of 99.9% pure silver, the unique bar is fully gold-plated and inclu des the maker's mark. Lat inum, as seen on DS9, was a rare ...

  7. Latinum

    Gold Pressed Latinum Strips. Nature decays, but latinum lasts forever. - 102nd Rule of Acquisition. Latinum is a rare silver liquid used as currency by the Ferengi Alliance and many other worlds. It cannot be replicated. For ease of transaction, latinum is usually suspended within gold to produce "gold-pressed" latinum.

  8. Gold-Pressed Latinum

    Star Trek Online Wiki. in: Currency. Gold-Pressed Latinum. Latinum is a rare silver liquid used as currency by many worlds, most notably the Ferengi Alliance. Latinum cannot be replicated and the reasons for its rarity are unknown. Latinum is usually suspended within the element gold to produce the currency Gold Pressed Latinum (GPL) .

  9. [Star Trek] What exactly is latinum, and why does it need to ...

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  11. Latinum

    Latinum is a valuable material in the Star Trek universe that has evolved into a common currency among various alien races.. In its natural state, latinum is a silver liquid.It has no known industrial uses, but its rarity and the fact that it cannot be replicated have made it a valuable substance. For ease of handling, it is often placed within strips, bars, or bricks of gold - hence its ...

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  13. How to Mine Latinum in Star Trek: Fleet Command

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  17. Best use of latinum : r/STFC_Official

    Official Subreddit for all things Star Trek: Fleet Command, an MMORPG by Scopely. ... Ship parts, common resources and to complete events that give latinum (eg ship xp events, building and research where the rewards are officer based - recruit tokens and officer xp). I'm lvl 33 going on to 34, and you just can't get enough common rss without ...

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    Sean Cochran. Directed By. Lee Rose. Star Trek: Discovery Episode 4 sees Moll and L'ak meeting with a dodgy dealer. They hand him a bag of the latinum and the dealer tries to raise the price of ...

  19. Quark

    Quark was a 24th century Ferengi and the eponymous proprietor of Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House and Holosuite Arcade on space station Deep Space 9 (previously known as Terok Nor). He was a constant thorn in the side, sometime adversary, sometime confidante of station Security Chief Odo.Even though he engaged in numerous shady ventures, by Ferengi standards, Quark was a compassionate and ...

  20. Raw Latinum

    Latinum can be mined throughout the Neutral Zone and the Faction Zones, and best mined with the purpose built Ferengi D'Vor. Locations of systems & resources are also mostly found at links above. The base rate on these nodes improves dramatically in higher-level systems. Additionally, they have a 1 in 8 chance of spawning a "rich" raw latinum node, which offers mineing at double the rate ...

  21. How do I get more Latinum? I just started the game today

    Anyway, it got a little easier at 10 since your base can then synthesize dillithium (albeit very very slowly). Saving up latinum, getting out your credit card, or waiting until you're level 30+ seems like the main way to get some of the premium upgrades like "Prime Damage". Anyway, most of it seems to come from the 24 hour box and from ...

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  25. 'It's A Different Energy': Star Trek: Discovery's Callum Keith Rennie

    Star Trek: Discovery's final season is finally underway on the 2024 TV schedule, and there's a newcomer who'd come aboard the main cast for this last hurrah.Callum Keith Rennie is starring ...