
11 Better Ways To Say “Safe Travels”

“Safe travels” is a polite way to wish somebody well on their upcoming journey. However, there are better ways to be polite and reassuring to your friends when they’re ready to go somewhere (often by plane). This article will share the best alternatives for such a case with you.

What Can I Say Instead Of “Safe Travels”?

There are plenty of ways to use “safe travels” in more exciting manners. You should check out one of the following:

  • Have a good flight
  • Happy landings
  • See you on the other side
  • Let me know when you arrive safely
  • Stay safe out there
  • Enjoy your trip
  • Have a relaxing time away
  • Happy travels

Better Ways To Say Safe Travels

The preferred version is “be safe” because it keeps it simple. It’s a common phrase we use when we want to wish someone well, and we don’t want them to come across any complications or dangers that might occur if they’re not “careful” enough.

“Be safe” is great to show we care about someone. It lets them know that we worry about them, and we want them to stay “safe” no matter what happens. It works regardless of the method of transport for the journey as well, which makes it a good general phrase.

It’s common for family members to use the phrase “ be safe ” when seeing each other off. This shows that there is a lot of love behind the phrase and that it works well to show how much you care about someone’s wellbeing.

Here are a few ways we might be able to use this phrase:

  • Be safe out there. I know you like to find trouble, but for once, I’d love it if you looked after yourself!
  • Be safe on your way out! I would love to hear from you and see the pictures of all the things you get up to.
  • Don’t forget to message me when you get there! Be safe, and I love you!

“Safe trip” is a simple phrase we can use to make sure someone knows we care. Using words like “safe” reminds people that we worry about them. Even if we are not physically there with them, we hope they are “safe” and do not get into trouble.

This phrase works well regardless of the trip that someone is taking. It could be a long-distance or a short-distance trip. Likewise, it could be by car, plane, boat, or something else entirely!

This phrase works in the following situations:

  • Safe trip, Yuri! I’ll miss you, but I know you’ll be thinking about me while you’re away.
  • Safe trip back to your hometown, then. Let me know when you get there safely.
  • Safe trip, old friend. I’ll see you again whenever you’re next in town!

Have A Good Flight

“Have a good flight” is appropriate to use when someone is going to get on a plane . We use “flight” here to be specific, which helps us to show that we know what someone is getting up to and what they’re likely going to expect from their journey.

We can use this phrase in the following ways:

  • Have a good flight! I’m sure you can get all the food and drink you want on there!
  • Have a good flight, and don’t forget to let me know when you land safely!
  • Have a good flight! There’s nothing to worry about, and you know it’ll all be okay!

Happy Landings

“Happy landings” specifically highlights the “landing” portion of a journey. It works well when someone is going on a plane, and we want them to be “happy” throughout the course of their journey.

Here are a few useful examples of how this one works:

  • Happy landings, fella! Don’t forget that they really like their tips out there when you’re dining out!
  • Happy landings, then! I’ll miss you every second, so I want you to send me all the photos you can!
  • Happy landings! Don’t forget to explore some of the local scenery!

See You On The Other Side

“See you on the other side” is an informal idiom that works well in many cases. We can do it when we know that someone will be returning to see us again soon. “The other side” indicates the place where we will be staying while they go on a journey.

Check out some of these examples to see how it looks:

  • See you on the other side, then! Have a great holiday!
  • Have a great time away, Fred! See you on the other side!
  • I’ll be here waiting for you as always! See you on the other side!

Let Me Know When You Arrive Safely

“Let me know when you arrive safely” is a calm way to let someone know that you are worried. When they arrive at their destination, we can ask them to “message” us to ease our minds and show us that they are thinking about us even after their journey.

We could also use a phrase like “text me when” instead of “let me know when.” If we want to be more specific about the manner of messaging, this phrase works just as well.

This phrase works well in the following ways:

  • Let me know when you arrive safely, please! You know how much I worry about you while I’m not around!
  • Text me when you arrive safely, please! I want to know just how much fun you’re getting up to.
  • Let me know when you arrive safely! I’ll miss you every second that you’re away.

Stay Safe Out There

“Stay safe out there” is a good way to show that you care about someone. “Stay safe” helps to let them know that you’ll be looking out for them and that you want them to explore, but in a reasonable way that won’t cause them harm.

We typically use this phrase when someone is going on a long-distance journey. “Out there” is a good indicator of that.

Check out some of these examples to see how it works:

  • Stay safe out there, then! I know you’ll make all the best choices while you’re away.
  • Stay safe out there! I’ll miss you, but I know you’ll be having an absolutely adoring time!
  • Stay safe out there. You never know what hijinx you might get into, so make sure you text me!

Enjoy Your Trip

“Enjoy your trip” is a simple way to show someone that you care. It helps to let them know that we want them to “enjoy” themselves. While trips can sometimes be boring (especially long-distance ones), we want people to feel like they can still have fun.

This simple phrase works as follows :

  • Enjoy your trip, Michael! Let me know when you arrive so we can discuss the adventure more!
  • Enjoy your trip! Don’t forget to immerse yourself in the local culture when you get there!
  • Enjoy your trip! I expect you to be fluent in German by the time you get back, okay?

Have A Relaxing Time Away

“Have a relaxing time away” works well in many cases. It’s most effective when we know that someone is inclined to worry (whether about the journey or the place they’re going). If we want to calm them down, this phrase works well.

These examples will help you make more sense of it:

  • Have a relaxing time away! Remember, you don’t need to worry about a thing when you get on that plane!
  • Have a relaxing time away! If anyone deserves it, it is most certainly you!
  • Have a relaxing time away! I’m going to miss you, but I know you’ll be back in no time!

Happy Travels

“Happy travels” works really well when we want people to feel “happy” on their journey. “Travels” can refer to any method of transport, but the idea is that they’ll be spending a long time getting from point A to point B, and we want them to feel “happy.”

Perhaps one of these examples will help you make more sense of it:

  • Happy travels, mate! I know you’ll love it over there in Australia, but you must tell me all about it.
  • Happy travels, Sue! I’ll miss you, so don’t forget to write to me every day about what you do.
  • Happy travels, Dan! Thank you for coming to see me again, and I’ll see you again soon, yeah?

“Bon voyage” is a great way to wish someone well before they go on an adventure. It’s French (and Italian), and it means “good journey.” It’s a commonly-used exclamation in English when we want to wish somebody well for something they’re going to do.

It’s also comforting because it shows that we do not wish any problems to come their way when they’re on their journey.

  • Bon voyage, my little friend! I’ll see you again when you return!
  • Bon voyage, then! I will miss you, but I hope you get a chance to text me a bunch when you get there!
  • Bon voyage! I love you so much, and I’ll definitely miss you while you’re away.

You may also like: Safe Travels – Meaning & Usage (Helpful Examples)

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here .

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  • “Made It Home Safe” vs. “Made It Home Safely” – Correct Version
  • Be Safe, Stay Safe, or Keep Safe? [Helpful Examples]
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safe travel in email

English Recap

10 Professional Ways to Say “Safe Travels”

safe travel in email

Plenty of phrases work as interesting ways to say “goodbye” to someone.

Things like “safe travels” and “take care” are popular. Although, “safe travels” might not hold up as well in professional contexts.

So, it’s worth having a few alternatives prepared.

This article has gathered some synonyms to show you a better way to say “safe travels.”

Is It Polite to Say “Safe Travels”?

It is polite to say “safe travels.” Overall, it’s a very popular choice to use as a farewell when someone is going away for a while (i.e., on vacation).

However, it’s unprofessional in an email. You can say it in spoken situations, even if they’re formal, but we don’t recommend using it in emails.

It is appropriate to say “safe travels” as a polite farewell. So, feel free to use it in most situations (besides an email).

Here’s an example showing you how it works:

Safe travels , Jackie! I hope you have the best time out there with the others.

  • It’s very friendly and joyful.
  • It’s a great way to say goodbye to people you care about.
  • It’s a little too conversational for an email.
  • It doesn’t work unless someone is going traveling (meaning it’s limited).

Clearly, “safe travels” isn’t the best choice to include in a business email. Therefore, you should have a few professional alternatives ready to go.

Keep reading to learn what to say instead of “safe travels.” We will share some great formal synonyms to mix things up.

What to Say Instead of “Safe Travels”

  • Enjoy your trip
  • All the best for your trip
  • Enjoy your vacation
  • Have the best time away
  • Enjoy your time off
  • I hope you travel safely
  • See you after your travels
  • Best wishes on your travels
  • Make the most of your travels
  • Safe journey

1. Enjoy Your Trip

When people spend time away from work, it’s likely they’re doing so to enjoy themselves and relax. After all, work can get stressful and difficult. We all need to unload sometimes.

Therefore, “enjoy your trip” is a great formal alternative to “safe travels.” It shows you hope someone has a good time away from work.

We recommend using it when emailing clients . This phrase works well when your client is about to leave on holiday. It’ll put them in a good mood (providing they read your email before leaving).

Check out the following example while you’re here:

Dear Daniel, Thank you so much for getting back to me on such short notice. I hope things go well while you’re away. Enjoy your trip , Bradley Smith

2. All the Best for Your Trip

You can always use “all the best” at the end of an email. It’s a very common way to sign off a formal email . But you don’t have to stop there.

Try adding “for your trip” to the end of it when someone is going on vacation. “All the best for your trip” is a polite and friendly phrase that works as an email closer.

It shows you wish someone the best time away . Again, work can be stressful. So, any time people get the chance to get away from it should be the best time away!

Here’s an email example that should help you understand it:

Dear Duncan, I appreciate that you’re out of the office now until the 25th. However, I would like to say thank you for all your help. All the best for your trip , Dean Watmore

3. Enjoy Your Vacation

Simplicity is key in emails. Overly complicated language or long-form sentences can make your emails undesirable to read. People may even skip over them.

So, why not keep your synonyms simple like “enjoy your vacation.” It’s a better way to say “safe travels” that keeps things friendly and formal .

You can use it regardless of the connection you have with the recipient.

For instance, it works well when emailing employees . If they’ve booked some vacation time, use it when sending your last email to them.

We also recommend reviewing this email sample:

Dear Ailee, This is great news. I knew you were working on something big for us. I’m so happy you’re on our team. Enjoy your vacation , Brent Fikowski

4. Have the Best Time Away

Another great way to close an email is “have the best time away.” It shows you how to wish someone safe travels in a more polite and formal way.

It’s best to use this when emailing your boss . It keeps things civil and friendly , allowing you to wish them well when you know they have time off booked.

It’s highly effective in most formal emails, though. It doesn’t just have to work for your boss.

As long as you know someone has booked some time away, feel free to include it at the end of an email.

Don’t forget to review this sample email:

Dear Miss Adams, Thank you for reaching out to update me. Of course, I’ll let you know as soon as I have more information to share. Have the best time away , Brian Donovan

5. Enjoy Your Time Off

“Enjoy your time off” is a formal way to say “safe travels.” It works really well when someone has booked vacation time at work, and you want to wish them well.

Generally, this phrase works better when emailing employees . It’s quite a polite and friendly alternative, showing that you’re happy to grant them time off.

After all, if you’re the boss, employees usually have to ask you for vacation time. So, you’ll know when it’s coming up. If you remember it and wish them well, you’ll sound like you care more.

This email example will help you understand it better:

Dear Melissa, I will let you know as soon as I find out more about your application. I have high hopes for you. Enjoy your time off , Brenda Carlisle

6. I Hope You Travel Safely

“Safe travels” in itself isn’t a bad way to wish someone well before a trip. However, it’s too informal. A formal rewording should help to make it more appropriate in formal emails.

You can reword it to say “I hope you travel safely.” This is much more professional and works well when wishing someone well before a vacation.

Try it as an email closer when speaking to coworkers . It shows you want them to enjoy themselves while they’re away and get to their destination unscathed.

We also recommend reviewing the following example:

Dear Kylie, Of everyone in the office, you certainly deserve vacation time the most. So, I hope you enjoy yourself out there. I hope you travel safely , Jon Wells

7. See You After Your Travels

When someone goes on vacation, it’s usually only for a week or two at a time. Therefore, they’ll be back at work in no time. So, you’ll see them again soon.

You can use “see you after your travels” as another way to say “safe travels.” It suggests that someone is going away for a few weeks , but you plan on seeing them after they return.

For instance, you can use it when colleagues book time off . It shows you’re happy to see them getting away from work and can’t wait to hear about what they get up to on their return.

Here’s a useful example to show you how it works:

Dear Maria, I have contacted our client to see what they want to do with the system. I’ll be in touch when they reply. See you after your travels , Ben White

8. Best Wishes on Your Travels

Generally, “best wishes” is used as a formal email closer. It’s similar to writing things like “all the best” and “best regards.”

You can extend it, though. Add “on your travels” to create “best wishes on your travels.”

This is a very polite and friendly way to close an email. It shows you hope someone makes the most of their time off .

Check out this example if you still need help:

Dear Mitchell, This is the only time I can arrange the meeting. Don’t worry; I’ll provide notes for you on your return. Best wishes on your travels , George Marshland

9. Make the Most of Your Travels

It’s all too easy to get caught up at work and let stress consume you. It then becomes easy to also forget to take the time to enjoy yourself when you book time off work.

However, with “make the most of your travels,” this problem tends to disappear. It’s a great way to close a friendly and formal email .

We recommend using it when you want someone to have the best vacation . It reminds them to enjoy themselves because they won’t be at work for a few days.

Perhaps this email sample will also help you:

Dear Bryan, Opportunities like this don’t come up often. I’ll let you rest for now, but we’re going to need to work together when you return. Make the most of your travels , Melanie Beau

10. Safe Journey

The problem with “safe travels” is that “travels” makes it a little too conversational. You can eliminate this issue by switching “travels” with “journey.”

Now, “safe journey” is a more professional alternative. It helps you to sound more polite and respectful in an email and is a better way to say “safe travels.”

You can use it when emailing employees who are planning a trip. It’s highly effective and allows you to retain a formal tone.

Here’s a great email example to help you with it:

Dear Stuart, Thank you so much for your reply. I appreciate you’re busy trying to sort out your trip, but I’ll have a few answers for you when you return. Safe journey , April O’Neill

  • 10 Professional Synonyms for “Please Let Me Know”
  • 9 Formal Ways to Say “I Hope Everything Is Going Well”
  • 10 Polite Ways to Say “Bring to Your Attention”
  • 9 Other Ways to Say “I Look Forward to Meeting You”

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Speak with Confidence

How to Say “Have a Safe Trip” in an Email: Formal and Informal Ways

When it comes to sending emails, it’s important to maintain a warm and friendly tone while conveying your message effectively. If you’re looking for ways to wish someone a safe trip in your email, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll discuss both formal and informal ways to express this sentiment. While there may be regional variations, we’ll focus on universal phrases that can be used in various contexts. So, let’s explore some tips and examples to ensure your well wishes come across in the best possible way.

Table of Contents

Formal Expressions of “Have a Safe Trip”

Formal emails often require a more professional tone, so it’s important to use appropriate language to convey your message. When expressing the sentiment of “have a safe trip” in formal emails, consider using the following phrases:

  • “Wishing you a safe journey” : This is a classic and widely-used expression. It conveys a sense of well-wishing without being overly informal.
  • “May you have a safe and smooth trip” : This phrase adds an element of wishing for a smooth journey, ensuring both safety and convenience for the recipient.
  • “I hope your trip goes smoothly and safely” : This expression is slightly more casual but still appropriate for formal emails. It demonstrates your concern for the recipient’s journey.

Informal Ways to Say “Have a Safe Trip”

Informal emails allow for a more relaxed and friendly tone, so you have more room to play with your choice of words. Here are some informal phrases you can use to wish someone a safe trip:

  • “Have a safe trip!” : This simple and straightforward expression is a timeless way to convey your well wishes informally.
  • “Travel safely” : This shorter phrase offers a friendly and casual tone, while still expressing your genuine concern for the recipient’s well-being during their journey.
  • “Wishing you a safe journey ahead” : This phrase adds a touch of formality to an otherwise informal wish. It strikes a balance between a friendly tone and a hint of elegance.

Tips for Expressing “Have a Safe Trip” in an Email

Now that we’ve explored some formal and informal ways to say “have a safe trip” in an email, let’s delve into some additional tips to enhance your message:

1. Personalize your message

Adding personalized details like the destination or purpose of the trip can make your well wishes even more meaningful. For example, “Have an amazing and safe trip to Paris!” or “Wishing you a safe and successful business trip to London!”

2. Use positive and encouraging language

While expressing your concern for the recipient’s safety, it’s important to use positive language that enhances their excitement and confidence about the trip. Incorporate words like “exciting,” “adventure,” or “enjoy” to make your email more uplifting.

3. Share helpful travel tips or resources

If you have relevant experience or knowledge about the recipient’s destination, consider sharing helpful travel tips or resources. This gesture not only shows your genuine care but also provides valuable information for their trip.

4. Convey your availability for assistance

Assure the recipient that you are available for any assistance they might need during their trip. Whether it’s providing emergency contact information or offering advice, letting them know you’re there to help can provide added comfort.

Example: “Should you need any assistance or have questions during your trip, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m more than happy to help in any way I can.”

5. Wrap up with a warm closing

End your email with a warm closing to leave a lasting positive impression. Phrases like “Take care,” “Safe travels,” or “Looking forward to hearing about your adventures” are great options to consider.

Knowing how to wish someone a safe trip in an email is an important skill for both formal and informal communication. By using the appropriate phrases and tips provided in this guide, you’ll be able to express your well wishes in a warm and genuine manner. Remember to personalize your message, use positive language, and offer assistance if needed. So, whether it’s a friend, colleague, or family member, don’t hesitate to spread positivity and wish them a safe and enjoyable journey!

Related Guides:

  • How to Say “Have a Safe Trip Back Home”: A Guide with Tips and Examples
  • Guide: How to Say “Have a Safe Trip Home”
  • How to Say “Have a Safe Trip” in Georgian
  • How to Say “Have a Safe Trip” in Macedonian
  • How to Say “Have a Safe Trip” in Spanish: Guide with Tips and Examples
  • How to Say “Have a Safe Trip” in Turkish – Formal and Informal Ways
  • Tips on Wishing Someone a Safe Trip Back Home
  • How to Say “Safe Trip” in Korean: A Comprehensive Guide

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Strategies for Parents

Is It Correct to Say “Safe Travels”?

By: Author Dr. Patrick Capriola

Posted on Published: September 9, 2021

It’s early in the morning, and you have your suitcase by your side. You’re holding your tickets, climbing in the car that will take you to the airport when, behind you, your friend waves and shouts, “Safe travels!” You stop for a second because the phrase sounds a bit weird — is it correct to say “Safe travels”?

It is correct to say “safe travels” as a way to express your wishes for someone’s safe and healthy trip. This phrase is typically used during a goodbye and is one of the last things you would say to someone you wish to have a safe journey. You usually only hear it in the phrase “safe travels” or when it comes with a possessive adjective.

Here, we’ll take a look at the usage and grammar of the phrase “Safe travels” and then look at some of the most frequently asked questions surrounding the expression. 

Is It Grammatically Correct to Say “Safe Travels”?

If you’ve ever wondered if “Safe travels” is grammatically correct, in short, yes: it is grammatically correct. Although the phrase may sound a bit strange at first, it is actually right. So let’s discuss why it is technically correct.

The plural noun “travels” might seem a little weird to you because it is an old word; people don’t really use the word “travel” as a countable noun very much these days. Instead, “travel” is usually a verb. 

However, the phrase “Safe travels” — along with other specific phrases and usages that include the plural countable noun “travels” — has kept the word alive in very specific situations. 

This means that, even though we don’t say the word “travels” very often, it is grammatically correct, especially when you use it in the phrase “Safe travels.” 

So, the main reason why it is correct to say “Safe travels” is because it is a widely accepted and clearly understood English pleasantry that has stood the test of time. Since the expression “Safe travels” has such wide and clear usage by English speakers, we consider it correct. 

The Many Forms of “Travel”

If you’re wondering if the phrase “Safe travels” is correct, then it probably has a strange ring to your ears. This perception is most likely thanks to the plural form of the noun “travel” that appears in the expression. So why does it sound weird? It has to do with the form of the word “travel.”

Travel as a Noun or Verb

The word “travel” has a few different forms in English ( source ). For example, you probably think of a verb when you hear the word “travel.” You might picture taking a trip or going on a vacation. The verb “to travel” is the most popular form of this word.

However, “travel” is also a noun; in fact, it is a countable noun ( source ). So, you can use the word “travel” as the subject or object of a sentence. This also means that the noun “travel” can have both a singular and a plural form ( source ). So why does “travels” still sound a bit strange?

Contemporary Expressions

The noun form of “travel” isn’t prevalent anymore. In the past, people used “travel” as a countable noun much more frequently, but nowadays, we usually opt for other ways to express the noun form of “travel.”

For instance, a more popular way to use the verb “to travel” in noun form is to use the gerund, “traveling.” Both “travel” and “traveling” are nouns; however, “traveling” is the more popular and contemporary way to talk about the action of moving from one place to another. 

Another countable noun that has replaced “travel,” especially when you’re using the plural form of the noun, is the synonym “trip.” Consider these two examples:

  • I keep a journal when I travel; I make notes about all of my travels.
  • I keep a journal when I travel; I make notes about all of my trips.

The second sentence sounds much more modern, and only one word is different. You can see how the plural noun “trips” sounds much more typical in today’s English.

Here’s another thing you should know about this tricky noun: if you’re going to use the plural noun “travels” outside of the phrase “Safe travels,” it will usually take the possessive ( source ). So, instead of asking a friend, “How was your trip?” you can ask, “How were your travels?” 

Of course, this sounds a bit archaic, but it is technically grammatically correct. 

The Adjective “Safe”

So, since the word “travels” is an acceptable plural countable noun, it makes sense that it should come with an adjective. Thus, the adjective “safe” in the phrase “Safe travels” modifies the word “travels.”

We have to use the adjective form of “safe” rather than the adverb form since the word “travels” here is a noun and not a verb. However, don’t get confused: when you use the verb form of the word “travel,” you should use the adverb “safely.”

Review the following example sentences to see the differences between “Safe travels” and “travel safely.”

Whenever Jane drives, she travels safely : she wears her seatbelt and follows all traffic rules.

As Jane was leaving for her long road trip, I stood in the driveway and called out, “ Safe travels !”

The pilot said, “We want everyone to travel safely , so we’ve upgraded all of our safety and emergency equipment.”

The pilot said, “We hope you enjoy the flight, and we wish you all safe travels !”

From these examples, you can see the difference between the adjective “safe” and the adverb “safely.” 

We use the adjective form of “safe” with the plural countable noun “travels,” while we use the adverb form “safely” with the verb form of the word “travel.” The adjective comes before the noun, while the adverb comes directly after the verb. 

For more information about using adjectives and adverbs correctly, you can check out the article “ Doing Well or Doing Good: Can Both Be Correct? ”

How Do You Say, “Safe Travels”?

safe travel in email

So, now that we’ve broken down the expression, how can you use it in action? You usually say (or write) the phrase “Safe travels” right before your friend goes on a trip. It’s a quick and easy way to show them that you hope their trip — whether it’s a long vacation or just the drive home — goes smoothly.

“Safe travels” is an expression that you’re more likely to hear when you’re speaking or texting with a friend. It’s not a very formal phrase, so you will probably see or hear it in a conversation rather than an essay or formal document.

It’s also very likely that you will see the phrase “Safe travels” written in places like an airport, a train station, or a bus stop. You can find this quick and easy phrase mostly in informal situations, although it’s not inappropriate in a formal situation, either. 

“Safe Travels” FAQs

If you still have a few questions about the phrase “Safe travels,” you’re not alone! Here are some of the most popular questions about the expression “Safe travels” and some helpful explanations to help you use it correctly every time. 

Is “Safe Travels” a Complete Sentence?

To put it simply, “Safe travels” is not a complete sentence on its own. To create a complete sentence, you need a subject and a verb. This requirement means that you need to define who or what is doing or being something and then define what they are doing or being.

So technically, the phrase “Safe travels” is just a noun with an adjective to modify it. However, when we use the expression “Safe travels” in English, it can stand alone without a verb because it is a pleasantry. 

You might not be familiar with the word “pleasantry,” but you’ve certainly seen and heard many examples of them. A pleasantry is an expression or phrase that people use to show positive wishes, and you usually use it for a specific context or occasion. 

An example of a popular pleasantry is “Happy birthday.” You say “happy birthday” to a specific person on a particular day of the year. And even though it technically isn’t a complete sentence, it expresses a complete thought and stands alone.

Just like “Happy birthday,” “Merry Christmas,” or “Good morning,” the phrase “Safe travels” can stand by itself, even though it technically isn’t a complete sentence. 

Most people accept this because they understand that you are wishing them well when you use these pleasantries, even when it’s not a complete sentence with a noun and a verb.

For more examples and information about using English pleasantries in conversation and writing, you can check out the articles “ Greatly Appreciated: Meaning and Proper Usage ” and “ Is It Proper Grammar to Say, ‘Looking Forward to Talking to You’? ”

What Can I Say Instead of “Safe Travels”?

It’s always a great idea to express positive wishes to your friends, coworkers, or even your boss before they travel. But perhaps you’ve used the phrase “Safe travels” several times in your past emails or correspondences, so you might be looking for new ways to express the same sentiment.

There are lots of pleasantries that English speakers use when a friend, family member, or colleague is leaving for a trip. If you’re looking for other ways to say, “Safe travels,” then check out this list of examples:

  • Have a safe trip!
  • Wishing you an excellent vacation!
  • Hope the trip goes smoothly!
  • Have a nice flight/drive/ride!
  • Bon voyage!

These phrases all have a very similar meaning to “Safe travels,” and you can use them to send well wishes and good intentions to your friends or colleagues before they set out on a trip. That way, you can send them off with a smile!

safe travel in email

How Do You Say “Safe Travels” in an Email?

Generally, you’ll find the phrase “Safe travels” at the end of an email. It’s usually the sign-off after the main part of the message, right before you sign your name at the end of the email.

You might be wondering if it’s professional or acceptable to add “Safe travels” to an email. In most settings, it’s perfectly fine to add this expression to the end of an email, whether you’re writing to a friend, family member, coworker, or boss. 

It’s professional enough to send to everyone without adding too formal or heavy a tone to your message. This article was written for 

Although “Safe travels” isn’t a complete sentence, you can still use it as a pleasantry in conversation or as a sign-off for an email or a message. Like many phrases and expressions in English, the wide usage and easy understandability of “Safe travels” makes it correct. 

Final Thoughts

Even though the phrase “Safe travels” may sound a bit strange at first, it is a correct and grammatically accurate way to wish a friend, family member, or colleague a nice trip. The expression “Safe travels” is a light and positive way to send your friend off on their vacation or to wish them well before their journey.

You can use the word “travels” as a countable noun in this phrase, although it’s not a very popular plural noun in contemporary English. It was a widely-used word in the past, but nowadays, people prefer to use the synonym “trips.”

Of course, the word “travels” has remained part of the modern English language thanks to the phrase “Safe travels” and other specific usages of the word. 

You can use the phrase “Safe travels” in an informal or professional setting: it is versatile and appropriate for all occasions, from casual conversations to formal work emails. 

While “Safe travels” is not technically a complete sentence all by itself, it is a common phrase that can stand alone. This type of expression is called a pleasantry, and there are many widely-used pleasantries in the English language; “Safe travels” is just one example.

10 Other Ways to Say “Safe Travels” (With Examples)

Whether you’re seeing a loved one off on a trip or sending your best wishes to a colleague headed to a work conference, “safe travels” is a common and well-meaning farewell. But after saying it repeatedly, the phrase can start to feel stale.

If you’re looking for some fresh alternatives to “safe travels” to swap in now and then, you’re in luck. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing other ways to wish fellow travelers safety and happiness as they embark on their journeys.

From classic phrases to new spins, these options will help you send off friends and family with sincerity, style, and a bit more creativity.

So if you want to add variety and meaningful substitutes to your travel blessing vocabulary , read on for other ways to say “safe travels!” I’ll provide some context and examples for each phrase, so you’ll know just when to deploy your new additions.

Whether it’s a text to your sister before her cross-country road trip or an email sign-off to colleagues headed to a conference, these safe travel sayings will come in handy.

Is it professional to Say “Safe Travels”?

Yes, it is professional to say “Safe travels” when bidding farewell to colleagues, clients, or business associates who are embarking on a trip. Here’s why this phrase is suitable for professional settings :

Saying “Safe travels” shows care and consideration for the person’s well-being and safety during their upcoming journey . It’s a courteous phrase that expresses concern for their welfare.

Unlike “Have fun!” or “Enjoy your vacation!” which can come across as too casual, “Safe travels” maintains professionalism and thoughtfulness.

The phrase also acknowledges the common work-related reasons for travel like conferences, meetings, and client visits . It’s an appropriate sentiment for business trips. Wishing someone “Safe travels” reminds them to take precautions and care when traveling for work reasons.

Lastly, “Safe travels” is universally inoffensive . It’s unlikely to cause any issues or cross professional boundaries. The phrase spreads positivity without being overly familiar. Compared to giving a hug or clapping someone on the back, a simple verbal sendoff like “Safe travels” is safest for professional relationships.

What to Say Instead of “Safe Travels”

  • Have a smooth journey!
  • Wishing you a safe journey!
  • Bon Voyage!
  • Travel safely!
  • May your journey be free from trouble!
  • Wishing you a peaceful voyage!
  • Journey mercies!
  • May your travels be trouble-free!
  • Have a secure trip!
  • Safe journey ahead!

1. Have a smooth journey!

“Have a smooth journey!” is a warm, friendly expression often used to wish someone well before they embark on a trip.

It implies a hope for a hassle-free experience , devoid of complications or difficulties.

This phrase is versatile and can be used in both informal and formal contexts, making it suitable for a variety of situations, from a friend embarking on a vacation to a colleague traveling for business.

“As you head off to the mountains, have a smooth journey! I hope the roads are clear and the weather is kind to you.”

2. Wishing you a safe journey!

This phrase conveys a heartfelt desire for someone’s safety and well-being during their travels. It’s a bit more formal than “Have a smooth journey!” and emphasizes the aspect of safety.

This makes it particularly suitable for expressing concern and care, especially in situations where the journey might involve some risk or when speaking to loved ones.

 “With the storm forecasted for this weekend, wishing you a safe journey to the coast. Please be careful on the roads.”

3. Bon Voyage!

“Bon Voyage!” is a French term widely adopted into English, carrying a sense of elegance and worldliness.

It translates directly to “good journey” and is often used when someone is embarking on a significant trip, particularly overseas.

This phrase adds a touch of sophistication to your farewell and is perfect for someone who appreciates a bit of flair.

 “Heading off to Paris for the first time is such an exciting adventure, Bon Voyage! May your trip be as fabulous as the city itself.”

4. Travel safely!

This expression is a straightforward , sincere wish for someone’s safety during their travels. It’s versatile, suitable for both close personal relationships and more formal acquaintances.

The emphasis on safety makes it especially appropriate when the person is traveling to a place with known risks or through challenging conditions.

“You’re driving late at night, so travel safely! Let me know once you’ve arrived.”

5. May your journey be free from trouble!

This phrase is a more elaborate way of wishing someone a smooth and safe journey. It has a slightly formal tone and is ideal for situations where you want to convey a more in-depth, thoughtful message.

 This expression is suitable for both personal and professional contexts , particularly when you want to emphasize the absence of difficulties or obstacles.

“As you embark on this new chapter by moving to another city, may your journey be free from trouble! I hope everything goes smoothly with your relocation.”

6. Wishing you a peaceful voyage!

This expression conveys a desire for a tranquil travel experience. It’s particularly suitable for leisure trips, such as vacations or cruises, where relaxation is a key goal.

The term “voyage” gives it a slightly more formal or poetic feel, making it great for written communication or more formal farewells.

“Your cruise around the Caribbean sounds like a dream, wishing you a peaceful voyage! May the seas be calm and the skies clear.”

7. Journey mercies!

“Journey mercies” is a phrase that originates from a religious or spiritual context, asking for divine protection over someone’s travels.

It’s a warm, heartfelt expression, often used in communities or among individuals who share a spiritual bond. It’s suitable for conveying deep concern and care for someone’s well-being.

“As you head off on your missionary trip, journey mercies! May you be kept safe and guided throughout your journey.”

8. May your travels be trouble-free!

This phrase is a kind wish, hoping that someone’s travels go smoothly without any issues or difficulties.

 It’s a versatile expression, suitable for both personal and professional contexts, and it conveys a genuine hope for an easy and uneventful journey.

“I know how much you’ve been looking forward to this road trip, may your travels be trouble-free! Enjoy every moment of your adventure.”

9. Have a secure trip!

This expression emphasizes the aspect of security and safety during someone’s travels.

It’s a straightforward, sincere way to express concern for someone’s well-being , making it suitable for situations where there might be concerns about the travel conditions or destination.

“With the recent news about the area you’re visiting, have a secure trip! Make sure to stay informed and cautious.”

10. Safe journey ahead!

This phrase is a forward-looking wish, implying a continuous state of safety throughout the entirety of someone’s journey.

It’s a versatile expression, fitting for both casual and formal situations, and conveys a comprehensive wish for safety that extends beyond just the departure.

“You’re embarking on such an exciting journey across the country, safe journey ahead! I can’t wait to hear all about your adventures when you return.”

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10 Other Ways to Say “Safe Travels”

safe travel in email

If someone is going on a trip, it’s polite to wish them “safe travels.”

However, it’s good to have options, so you might want to find more ways to express this sentiment.

You might also be finding that “safe travels” is too informal for your needs.

Either way, we have the alternative phrases you need just below.

Other Ways to Say “Safe Travels”

  • Have a safe journey
  • Wishing you a pleasant journey
  • Have a nice trip
  • Enjoy your journey
  • Have a safe trip
  • Get there safe and sound
  • Travel safely
  • Happy travels
  • Hope your journey is free from danger


  • “Safe travels” is a grammatically correct phrase that you can use to wish someone well before a journey.
  • As a more formal alternative, you can try using “have a safe journey.”
  • If you’re looking for another informal option, try using “bon voyage.”

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If you’re still wondering how to say “safe travels” in different scenarios, don’t worry! We’ve selected a formal and informal alternative to look at. Moreover, this includes explaining which situations you can use each in and providing some handy example sentences. 

After that, we’ll discuss the correctness of “safe travels.”

Have a Safe Journey (Formal)

Another way to say “safe travels” is “have a safe journey.”

This is a formal synonym , so you can feel comfortable slipping it into an email to your boss , like in the example below:

Dear Frederick, Thanks for clarifying that. Have a safe journey and enjoy your time away. Kind regards, Tanya

Additionally, like “save travels,” this phrase focuses on the trip someone is taking rather than the destination they’re going to.

As such, while you can use “have a safe journey” when someone is going on holiday, you can also use it for shorter trips, like in the below example:

Person 1: Do you have a long drive home? Person 2: Yes. It’s about three hours. Person 1: Ah, that is long. I hope you have a safe journey .

Furthermore, in English, phrases tend to be considered more formal if they use more words, so this phrase comes across as less casual than “safe travels.”

Consequently, it’s a good option when you’re speaking to someone whom you think would appreciate a more formal tone , like an old-fashioned senior member of your work team.

Bon Voyage (Informal)

An informal alternative to “safe travels” is “bon voyage.”

This phrase is an example of a loanword . English is full of loanwords, which are terms that are in another language but are used with the same meaning in English. 

“Bon voyage” comes from French, as do many of the loanwords in English. The translation of this popular phrase is literally “safe journey” or “safe trip.” However, it’s also used to express general good wishes to anyone embarking on a journey.

Here are some example sentences:

Person 1: Are you on holiday next week? Person 2: Yes. I’m going to Greece. Person 1: That sounds lovely. Bon voyage !

Person 1: I won’t be in the office tomorrow. I’m going to be in London for a couple of days for a conference. Person 2: Oh, I bet that’ll be loads of fun. Bon voyage !

Furthermore, tonally, this phrase is at the same level of informality as “safe travels.”

As such, you should feel comfortable using it as an alternative in any scenario where you would use the original phrase.

Is It Correct to Say “Safe Travels”?

“Safe travels” is a grammatically correct phrase that is commonly used to wish someone well when they’re embarking on a journey.

It is best suited for informal circumstances , as it comes across as rather friendly , as illustrated by the two example sentences below:

  • Thanks for staying so late today, everybody. Now feel free to head home and safe travels .
  • Safe travels for your trip to Greece next week. Planes almost never crash!

In short, our list of synonyms can help you if you are looking for an especially formal version of this phrase or if you want to change up your language in informal circumstances.

However, when expressing good wishes to someone embarking on a journey, the original phrase is perfectly fine!

We hope you now feel confident using “safe travels,” as well as the alternative synonyms that we’ve explored. If you found this page useful, why not bookmark it so you can travel back any time?

  • 14 Other Ways to Say “Looking Forward to the Interview”
  • 12 Other Ways to Say “Please Feel Free to”
  • 12 Other Ways to Say “I Hope You Are Okay“
  • 14 Other Ways to Say “I Am Reaching Out to You”

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20+ Creative Ways to Say “Safe Travels” to Someone

By: Author Hiuyan Lam

Posted on Last updated: October 20, 2023

Categories Wishes & Celebrations

20+ Creative Ways to Say “Safe Travels” to Someone

“Safe travels” is a term that has a literal meaning. One way of wishing someone “safe travels” is to say “have a safe trip” or “travel safely.”

Other ways to say “safe travels” include “have a safe journey” or “travel well.” Here are 25 other ways to say that you hope travelers are safe and enjoy the journey.

Wishing family members “safe travels”

  Saying goodbye to the family can evoke plenty of emotion.   You will miss the family member who is traveling but you also want to wish them well, express your love, and express your desire for them to return safely.   The following phrases are less common than “safe travels” as they express more emotion and show the closeness of the family bond.  

airplane window seat view flight sky and field

  All of the above phrases talk about making memories and enjoying the adventure.   They encourage family members to make the most of the opportunity but they also express love, appreciation and a sense of anticipating their return.  

Other ways to say “safe travels” to a close friend

  When close friends go traveling, you often wish that you could go with them.   At the same time, you want them to have the very best travel experience and come home safely so you can find out all about their adventures.   Close friends often travel together and if you’re the one that’s left behind for some reason, here are some other ways to say “safe travels” to your close friend.  

road travel city transportation airplane airplane roof fly wing wing engine flight air houses motor

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Wishing a work colleague “safe travels”

  When a work colleague goes traveling, what you say will depend on how well you know the person. When you know the person well, you can be more lighthearted, whereas if it’s someone you don’t know as well, your tone will be more formal.   Whether you want to wish a colleague a safe journey in person or you prefer to write a card or send an email, here are some other ways to say “safe travels” to a work colleague.  

Person holding iphone capturing image of the plant

  As you can see, some of the above suggestions are more formal than others. If a colleague is a close friend, you can use the phrases that are more intimate and light hearted, such as looking after a plant or catching up on office gossip.  

How to say it to someone who is afraid of flying

  Do you know someone who is afraid of flying and about to go on a flight? Many people have different levels of fear when it comes to flying and some are unable to fly at all because they have such a big fear of flying.   A fair number of people have at least some trepidation when it comes to flying. Helping to cheer them up with some humor or reminding them that flying is safe can help them to overcome their fear and set off in good spirits.   Here are some other ways to say “safe travels” and let those afraid of flying know you are thinking about them and you wish them well for the trip.  

woman looking outside the plane window travel

20 Other Ways to Say “I Hope All Is Well” in Emails

Wishing someone traveling in a pandemic “safe travels”

  One of the main reasons we travel is because we love to explore and have new experiences.   During a pandemic with many countries around the world in lockdown, travel of all kinds has been impacted and people are less willing to travel.   As people are beginning to travel again, they are experiencing some changes. There are all the safety protocols they have to follow that can be tiresome. However, there are far fewer people traveling, so that has certain advantages.   Expressing “safe travels” to someone traveling in a pandemic carries more of a sense of urgency than when you are just wishing someone a pleasant journey. However, people also tend to joke a little as a way of coping in difficult circumstances.   Here are some ways to say “safe travels” during a pandemic, It is often better to emphasize the positive rather than the negative aspects of traveling.  

man person looking up to the flight schedule

A final word

  Travel used to be a perilous affair full of danger but today, the most you usually have to deal with is delays, lost luggage, obnoxious fellow passengers or turbulence.   “Safe travels” is a term that’s evolved to mean more for the trip itself than the transport to get there.   As you can see from the examples above, there are many other ways to say “safe travels.”  


Husband and wife duo with a passion for travel and documenting the journey along the way!

Have a safe flight - 15 different ways to say it

20 Ways to Say Have a Safe Flight!

Do you have a loved one who is about to go on a flight and looking for a clever way to kick off their trip letting them know you’re thinking of them? Then this list of 20 different ways to say have a safe flight is perfect for you.

The list below encompasses some of the most common terms used to wish someone a safe journey. Most of these are terms used for journeys involving flights, however, some are generic for any type of travel.

Before we jump into the list of different ways to say have a safe flight, here are a few other travel-related posts you may be interested in.

  • 13 Clever ways to ask:  How was your trip?
  • How we accumulated over 600,000 points and miles in one year
  • How to plan a trip using Google My Maps
  • 15 different types of vacations
  • How to get a complimentary trip to Atlantis Bahamas

safe travel in email

If you’re limited on time, then here’s a short list:

Have a Safe Flight Sayings

  • Have a safe flight!
  • Safe travels!
  • Text me when you land!
  • Enjoy the trip!
  • Enjoy the trip! See you next fall! (humor)
  • Wishing you a relaxing time in the sky
  • Wishing you a safe and joyful journey ahead
  • Have a blast and don’t enjoy it too much!
  • Looking forward to hearing about your trip!
  • I hope you have smooth skies!
  • Bon Voyage!
  • Have a safe journey, I’ll be thinking of you!
  • Can’t wait to see you when you get back, I wish I was with you!
  • Have a safe journey and a relaxing vacation!
  • Safe flight, can’t wait to have you home, safe and sound!
  • Happy travels!
  • If you fly into turbulence, just think you’re on a roller coaster and enjoy the ride!
  • Don’t be nervous, flying is the safest form of travel!
  • The chances of a plane crash are 1 in 11 million (according to The Economist)
  • There are over 80,000 flights flown every day

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15 different ways to say have a safe flight

Most common ways to say have a safe flight

The two most common ways to wish someone a safe flight is “Have a safe flight”, “Safe travels”, and “text me when you land” The saying “safe travels” is more broadly used and accepted for any mode of transportation. This could come in handy especially in a setting where you do not know exactly how someone is traveling.

Creative ways to say have a safe flight

The phrases listed below are less common than “have a safe flight” and “safe travels” but could add some spice to your conversations with your loved ones!

  • Enjoy the trip! See you next fall!

For the fearful travelers

If your loved one is afraid to fly, then these statistical phrases may help ease their fear.

It’s really remarkable how safe flying is, the fact that there are over 80,000 flights flown every single day and so many security measures in place to ensure everything operates as planned.

20 different ways to say have a safe flight

Tips for a safe flight

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  • Travel Tips

If your loved one is new to flying, then here are a few helpful tips to ensure everything goes smoothly

  • This is especially true for flying out of a major city hub. If you’re flying out of a major city and flying internationally, then you may want to arrive at the airport 2-3 hours before the departure time.
  • If possible, consider bringing only a personal and a carryon for your trip and avoid checking a bag. This will save you money since most airlines charge you to check bags (some charge you for carryons as well). It will also save you time since you do not have to worry about dropping your luggage off at the gate.
  • Flights tend to dehydrate you, so do your best to hydrate well throughout the flight.
  • The mobile app allows an airline to send push notifications directly to your phone indicating you of any gate changes, delays, and more.
  • Checking into your flight online often saves you time and money. Then you can pull up your boarding pass directly on your phone without having to worry about losing your paper boarding pass ticket.
  • Some flights are hot and some are cold, I always bring an extra layer to keep me warm during a flight. If I get hot I can always take it off!

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Track your loved one in real-time

It is relatively easy to track your loved ones adventure with today’s technology. I use an app called Flight Radar 24 , which allows you to track the exact flight they’re on and pinpoint exactly where they are in the sky.

have a safe flight 20 different ways to say safe travels

This is also great if you want to know if there will be any delays or exactly when they land.

You can use this app for other things as well, like exploring the map view and seeing every plane in the sky! It’s amazing to see how many planes are actually in the sky at once.

In general, it’s always good to stay in close contact with your loved ones, especially when they’re away from you! Letting them know you’re thinking of them with a simple text message goes a long way!

I hope this list of how to say have a safe flight adds some flavor to your conversations and if you want to help continue to grow this list then please leave a suggestion below in a comment!

Also if you know someone who just came back from a trip and want to ask them about it, then check out our 13 clever ways to ask extend the question, how was your trip?

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It sure was helpful when you said that you must do your best to do well throughout the flight since lights tend to dehydrate you. This is something that I will share with my parents since they mentioned that they are planning to rent a helicopter for a tour next week. They have been wanting to tour different places since last year, and they want to do their adventures before the year ends.

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13 Professional Ways to Say “Safe Travels”

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Alex Carter

In the world of travel and hospitality, expressing good wishes for someone’s journey is a common practice. Commonly used phrases like “Safe Travels” often sound too casual or overused. This article will introduce you to 13 professional alternatives that you can use to bid someone a safe journey.

Section 1: The Importance of Farewell Greetings in Professional Settings

In the professional world, the way we communicate plays a significant role in fostering relationships. Expressing good wishes for someone's journey is a thoughtful gesture that can leave a lasting impression. It is especially important when the recipient is a client, a business associate, or a colleague.

A professional farewell greeting can convey respect, show understanding, and demonstrate good manners. It can also help to strengthen professional relationships and promote a positive company culture. Bidding someone a safe journey in a professional and unique way can set you apart and make your message more memorable.

Section 2: Professional Alternatives to "Safe Travels"

Here are 13 professional alternatives to the phrase “Safe Travels.” Each of these phrases is accompanied by a scenario-based usage:

Section 3: Tips for Using Professional Farewell Greetings

When using professional farewell greetings, it's crucial to consider the context and the relationship you have with the recipient. If you're speaking to a colleague you're close to, more informal phrases might be appropriate. For business partners or clients, more formal language may be suitable.

  • Personalize your message: Tailor your farewell greeting to match the recipient's journey. For example, "Have a safe flight" is more suitable for air travel.
  • Consider the nature of the trip: If the trip is work-related, phrases like "Wishing you a successful journey" or "Hope your trip goes well" may be more fitting.
  • Keep it brief: Don’t overcomplicate your message. A simple yet thoughtful phrase can effectively convey your good wishes.

Section 4: Common Mistakes to Avoid

It's also important to avoid certain pitfalls when using professional farewell greetings.

  • Avoid being too casual or overly formal: The tone should be professional but not stiff or impersonal. Avoid using slang or overly formal language that might sound insincere.
  • Don’t make assumptions: Avoid making assumptions about the nature of the journey. Unless you're sure, don't assume the trip is for pleasure or business.
  • Watch your timing: Be sure to deliver your farewell greeting at an appropriate time. Saying it too early or too late might make it seem like an afterthought.

Section 5: Putting It into Practice: Real-World Examples

Here are five real-world scenarios where you can use these professional alternatives to "Safe Travels":

Section 6: The Art of Bidding Farewell

Bidding someone a safe journey in a professional manner goes beyond merely saying "Safe Travels". It's an art that involves understanding the context, knowing the individual, and choosing the right words. By using these 13 alternatives, you can add variety to your farewell greetings, make them more memorable, and strengthen your professional relationships. So the next time you need to wish someone a safe journey, remember these phrases and use them to leave a lasting impression.

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16 Other Ways to Say “Safe Travels”

Alex Velikiy

When we say goodbye to someone going on a trip, we often wish them “safe travels.” But sometimes, we want to find a different way to say it.

This article gives you 16 other phrases to wish someone well on their journey. Each one is explained with details on how and when to use it, making your farewell message feel just right.

Is It Correct to Say “Safe Travels”?

The phrase “safe travels” is correct to use and carries a warm, friendly tone. It’s often seen as informal and polite , making it perfect for casual conversations or personal messages. While not typically used in highly professional settings , it’s a common expression to wish someone well on their journey.

Due to its informal nature, “safe travels” is best used with types of recipients like friends, family members, or colleagues with whom you have a fairly relaxed relationship. It’s most appropriate for communication through informal channels like emails, text messages, or direct conversations.

Email example:

Now, let’s consider the pros and cons of using this phrase.

  • Conveys friendliness and shows care.
  • Suitable for a wide range of informal situations.
  • Easy to use with no need for elaborate explanation.
  • May not be appropriate for very formal or strictly professional communications.
  • Could be perceived as overly casual in certain contexts.

While “safe travels” is widely accepted and understood, someone might want to use an alternative phrase to match the level of formality of their message or relationship with the recipient.

16 Other Ways to Say “Safe Travels”

Looking for different ways to wish someone well on their journey? Here are 16 alternatives to “safe travels” that might fit your message perfectly:

  • Have a safe trip
  • Travel safely
  • Have a good trip
  • Have a safe journey
  • Safe journey
  • Wishing you a safe trip
  • Have a pleasant trip
  • Best wishes on your travels
  • Wishing you a safe and enjoyable journey
  • Have a smooth journey
  • Safe and pleasant travel
  • Take care on your trip
  • Enjoy your travels
  • May your journey be smooth

1. Have a safe trip

This alternative is very close to the original phrase but adds specificity by mentioning the trip . It’s perceived as friendly and informal , making it ideal for casual conversations. Compared to “safe travels,” this phrase might suggest a singular journey rather than multiple travels.

Have a safe trip” is best used when speaking to friends or family members about a specific trip they are about to embark on. It’s suitable for emails, text messages, or in-person conversations.

2. Travel safely

This synonym for “safe travels” places emphasis on the action of traveling safely. It comes across as both polite and informal , making it perfect for a broad range of situations. It does not specify the mode of transportation or the destination, making it universally applicable.

“Travel safely” can be utilized among friends, family, or even colleagues, provided the context does not demand high formality. It is versatile and fits well in emails, social media messages, or text messages.

Email sample:

3. Have a good trip

While still informal , “Have a good trip” shifts the focus from safety to the overall experience of the trip. It’s a warm, considerate way to express good wishes. This phrase can be used interchangeably with the original but might be slightly more casual.

This expression is suited for casual interactions with friends, family, or colleagues about to go on a trip. Suitable for use in emails, social media, or text messages, especially when you want to sound warm and caring.

4. Have a safe journey

“Have a safe journey” is very similar to “Have a safe trip” but the word “journey” can make it sound a bit more formal. It’s a friendly, caring way to wish someone well. This option is as easy to use as the original, but it might be seen as a bit more formal because of the word choice.

This phrase works well when speaking to someone you know well or to acquaintances in both personal and semi-formal contexts. It’s a good fit for emails, cards, or face-to-face conversations.

5. Safe journey

“Safe journey” is a shorter version of the previous alternative. Dropping the “Have a” makes it sound a bit more casual and direct. This form is quite informal and straightforward, ideal for when you’re in a rush but still want to send good vibes to someone embarking on a trip.

Great for text messages, quick emails, or even shouted across a room as someone is leaving. It’s perfect for friends, family members, and colleagues you share a good rapport with.

6. Wishing you a safe trip

This phrase is a bit more formal and elaborated, adding a touch of personal warmth and care. By explicitly saying “wishing you,” it makes the sentiment feel more deliberate and heartfelt. This choice is a tad more formal than simply saying “safe travels.”

Suitable for use in both personal and professional contexts, especially when you want to convey genuine well-wishes. It works well in emails, letters, or cards.

7. Have a pleasant trip

This alternative focuses on the quality of the trip, hoping that it’s not just safe, but also enjoyable. The use of “pleasant” makes it sound friendly and cordial. While similar to “Have a safe trip,” it adds a wish for the traveler’s overall happiness during their journey.

It’s great for when you’re talking to friends, family, or colleagues in a light-hearted manner. Suitable for texts, emails, or spoken conversation.

8. Best wishes on your travels

This phrase offers a warm, heartfelt send-off and goes beyond just wishing safety. It’s a bit more formal and comprehensive, covering not only the aspect of safety but also the general good fortune and experiences one might have while traveling. It’s ideal for when you want to convey a sense of care and consideration.

Best suited for longer trips or when sending someone off on a significant journey. It works well in written forms like letters, cards, or emails to friends, family, or colleagues you have a close relationship with.

Here’s an example:

9. Wishing you a safe and enjoyable journey

This alternative is both formal and thorough, incorporating wishes for safety and enjoyment. It’s a phrase that conveys a deep level of thoughtfulness, showing that you care not only about the person’s safety but also about the quality of their experience.

This phrase is suitable for close friends, family, and colleagues, especially for significant journeys. Ideal for more thoughtful messages, be it through email, card, or a face-to-face farewell.

10. Have a smooth journey

When you say “Have a smooth journey,” you’re focusing on the ease and comfort of travel, hoping that the person encounters no difficulties. It’s a bit more informal but still very caring. This makes it perfect for when you know someone might be anxious about their trip.

Great for use among friends, family members, or colleagues you’re close with. This phrase fits well in texts, emails, or verbal goodbyes, especially if the journey might involve multiple modes of transport or complex travel plans.

11. Safe and pleasant travel

This version combines wishes for both safety and enjoyment, making it a considerate and polite way to bid someone goodbye. It’s slightly more formal than just wishing “safe travels,” and can easily be used in both personal and professional contexts.

Because it encompasses both safety and pleasure, it’s great for sending off someone close to you or a colleague with whom you have a friendly relationship. Fits nicely into emails, letters, or as part of a farewell speech.

12. Take care on your trip

“Take care on your trip” is a more informal , direct way to express your concern and well-wishes. It implies a personal touch and shows that you care about the person’s well-being while they are traveling. This phrase is less about the journey’s physical aspects and more about personal safety and care.

Perfect for close friends, family members, and colleagues, especially if you know they’re undertaking a journey where they might need to be reminded to look after themselves. Good for texts, quick calls, or emails.

13. Enjoy your travels

This phrase brings a light and cheerful sentiment to your farewell, focusing more on the joy and excitement of traveling. It is informal and suggests a genuine desire for the traveler to have a great time. It’s perfect when you know someone is going on a trip for pleasure.

Use “Enjoy your travels” when talking to friends, family, or colleagues who are about to depart on a holiday or an adventure. It’s ideal for emails, social media posts, or in casual conversation to express your excitement for their upcoming trip.

14. Bon voyage

“Bon voyage” is a French term meaning “have a good trip.” It brings a touch of sophistication and is often used when someone is going on a significant trip. This phrase is informal yet can feel a bit more special or fancy because of its French origin.

It’s suited for close relationships and when you want to add a touch of elegance to your farewell. “Bon voyage” works well in spoken goodbyes, written messages, or social media posts, especially for those who appreciate a bit of flair.

15. Godspeed

“Godspeed” is an old-fashioned way to wish someone well, implying a prayer for God to make someone’s journey quick and safe. It’s more formal and carries a deeper sense of care and protection. While not commonly used in everyday conversation, it adds a poignant touch when used correctly.

This phrase is well-suited for someone going on a potentially perilous journey or when you want to convey a very strong desire for someone’s safe return. It’s often used in written messages, during significant farewells, or in religious contexts.

16. May your journey be smooth

This phrase wishes the traveler an easy, trouble-free experience, emphasizing the smoothness of the journey ahead. It is slightly formal but remains friendly and caring. It’s a thoughtful alternative to wishing someone “safe travels,” especially when you know they might be nervous about their trip.

Great for anyone you care about, including friends, family, and colleagues, particularly for trips that might have been stressful to plan or are full of uncertainty. Appropriate for use in emails, letters, or heartfelt conversations.

Final Thoughts

Saying goodbye to someone who is traveling doesn’t have to be routine. With these 16 alternatives to “safe travels,” you can match your farewell to the mood, your relationship with the traveler, and the nature of their journey. Whether you choose a formal expression like “Godspeed” or a more casual “Enjoy your travels,” your words can add a personal touch to your farewell.

Alex Velikiy

CMO of Rontar. I’m interested in entrepreneurship, sales and marketing. As part of my day-to-day routine I do everything from creating marketing strategy to starting advertising campaigns. Sometimes I write for our marketing blog. When not at work, I do sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and keep up on everything that is connected with this.

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30 Creative Ways to Say "Have a Safe Flight!"

When your loved ones are hopping on a plane, you want them to have a safe journey no matter where they go. But sometimes it can be hard to come up with the right words other than "have a safe flight." Here are some alternative phrases to try!

  • Gravel Travel
  • Team Gravel

When someone you care about is hopping on a plane, you want them to have a safe journey no matter where they go.

But sometimes it can be hard to come up with the right words other than "have a safe flight."

This phrase can sound a bit generic and hollow like you're simply going through the motions of a goodbye rather than truly wishing them a safe trip.

Of course, wishing someone a safe flight is completely acceptable. It comes from a good place and is a nice reminder that you have their safety in mind.

But if you're looking to make your sentiment feel more meaningful, here are some alternative phrases to try: 

have a safe flight infographic

1) "Stay safe up there"

This phrase emphasizes that you have their safety in mind, even when they're miles away.

2) "Safe travels"

If you've been reading our travel blog, you've probably noticed how we sometimes sign off with the phrase "Safe travels!" We love it! It has a lighthearted feel, but still carries the same sentiment as "have a safe flight."

3) "Bon voyage"

This is a classic French phrase that translates to "good journey." It adds a bit of flair to your sendoff.

4) "Fly safe!"

This is a great choice if you want to keep your message short and sweet.

5) "Have a wonderful trip"

This phrase is perfect if you want to focus on the excitement of the journey rather than solely emphasizing "have a safe flight."

6) "Happy travels!"

Another Gravel Team favorite for signing off, this phrase puts a positive spin on the journey.

7) "See you soon"

If you have plans to reunite soon, this phrase may be a better choice. It implies that you have faith they will have a safe trip and be back to hang out soon.

8) "Cheerio!"

This British phrase translated to "goodbye" is another great way to add a little bit of pizzazz to your send-off.

9) "Wish you wings"

This phrase is a cute play on the idea of having "wings to fly."

10) "Happy landings"

One of the "happiest" safe flight wishes out there, this one focuses on the end of your loved one's journey by wishing them a happy arrival before they even take off.

11) "Safe skies"

This is a great choice if you want to emphasize the importance of air safety.

12) "Blessed be the journey"

This phrase is from an old Gaelic blessing. It implies that you have faith the trip will be free from problems.

13) "Have a great flight"

This phrase is a bit more upbeat than the classic "have a safe flight." It implies that the person may have an enjoyable journey in addition to a safe one.

14) "Fly high, fly far"

This is a great choice if you have a more adventurous person in mind.

15) "Text me when you land"

This is a fun way to remind them that you want them to have a safe trip and check in when they arrive.

16) "Godspeed"

This phrase sounds like something out of Star Trek , but its etymology dates back to the 1500s, with Merriam-Webster recording its first use in Middle English as God spede you. This loosely translates to "may God speed you [to your destination]."

17) "Take care"

This phrase is a classic, but still conveys the sentiment that you have their safety in mind.

18) "Enjoy the ride"

This phrase goes beyond the generic "have a safe flight." It's great if you want to emphasize that your wish is for them to have a good journey in addition to a safe one.

19) "Vaya con Dios"

This is Spanish for "Go with God." And like the above "Godspeed," you don't have to say it with religious intent. If anything, it's a badass way of saying "safe travels!"

20) "Happy wings"

This is a play on the phrase "happy trails." It implies that you have faith the journey will end happily.

21) "Go have an adventure!"

This phrase is great if your loved one is an intrepid traveler who's always looking for the next great adventure.

22) "Blue skies ahead"

This is a great reminder that the skies have yet to be explored.

23) "Go see the world"

This one is great if your loved one is going on their first international trip and may be nervous about the journey ahead. Reassure them with this phrase rather than just saying "have a safe flight."

24) "Keep the altitude"

This is a great way to have fun with the idea of flying. It means keeping the same adrenaline rush no matter where the journey takes you.

25) "I'll be here"

The thought of someone being present to greet them upon their return provides a comforting assurance that makes any voyage worthwhile.

26) "If you run into a little turbulence, pretend you're on a roller coaster!"

Safe flight wishes don't have to be so serious all the time. Add a bit of humor with this lighthearted phrase and help your loved one stay positive on their journey.

27) "Don't forget to have fun!"

Much like the above, this phrase is a great reminder to enjoy the journey and not take it too seriously.

28) "Sky's the limit"

One of the most motivating "have a safe flight" alternatives, this phrase emphasizes the open-ended possibilities of not only the journey ahead but also life in general.

29) "It's okay to clap"

Too often we refrain from joining a few others in applauding the pilot's safe and smooth landing after a flight. This phrase is a great way to show the plane crew some love and let them know they did a great job!

30) "Have a safe journey"

Sometimes, the flight is just a means to a greater end. Wishing someone a "safe journey" implies that the destination is just as important as the voyage itself.

have a safe journey toy plane

The Last Word

The phrase "have a safe flight" is a classic, but there are lots of other ways to express your well-wishes as someone takes off on their journey.

Adding a unique phrase like "Keep the altitude" or "I'll be here" shows the special bond of friendship or family, and it's a great way to make sure your loved one knows you have faith in them.

So have some fun with it, and as we like to sign off here: Happy travels! ✈️ 🧳 😃

P.S.: For more travel tips, hacks, and quotes , check out the rest of our blog!

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  • Safe Travels or Safe Travel? Which is the Correct Expression?
  • Learn English
  • James Prior
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  • Updated May 6, 2023

Safe travels or safe travel

The next time someone you know is traveling somewhere or going on a trip, you might want to wish them a safe journey without any problems. But, what is the correct expression for this? Is it “safe travels” or safe travel”?

Let’s take a look at the correct way to wish someone a safe journey.

Table of Contents

Safe travels or safe travel?

Both safe travels and safe travel are correct ways of wishing someone a safe journey. However, “safe travels” is much more commonly used.

Safe travels

The meaning of safe travels is to wish someone a safe journey and good fortune on their trip.

Safe travels implies that the person being spoken to is involved in some sort of extended traveling where there will be more than one “travel”. For example, they could be about to go traveling around South America or Asia. Alternatively, it implies that several travels or journeys will occur within a singular trip. Therefore, safe travels uses the countable form of the noun, because there is more than one travel.

Safe travel

Safe travel uses the uncountable form of the noun. It refers to all of the travels the person being spoken to might collectively make on a particular trip. Although you’ll rarely hear this used.

Travel safe, on the other hand, is a lot more common. This is a polite way of wishing someone a safe journey. It is a friendly imperative that is often used when seeing off friends or family before a trip and expresses that you hope they have a pleasant, uneventful journey.

When is the correct time to wish someone safe travels?

You can wish someone safe travels when you want to wish them a good, safe journey. This might be before they are going to teach English abroad, going on holiday, or if they’re embarking on a long trip home.

Other ways to say safe travels

There are also other ways to express safe travels, such as:

  • Travel safely.
  • Have a good trip.
  • Have a safe trip.
  • Have a safe journey.
  • Drive safe.
  • Bon voyage.

You can also say safe trip and safe journey, but we usually add “Have a..” in front of this.

What about bon voyage?

Yes, I know what you’re thinking, doesn’t Bon Voyage sound French? Well, yes, it is French and it literally means “safe journey” or “have a good trip”. It is one of a number of foreign words that are used in the English language.

Conclusion: Safe travels

So, until next time, I wish you safe travels! Best wishes for your onward journey through the English language .

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Two Minute English

Is It Correct to Say “Safe Travels”?

Marcus Froland

March 28, 2024

When it comes to saying goodbye, we often find ourselves stuck in a maze of words, searching for the perfect phrase that conveys our well wishes without sounding too cliché. You might have heard people use the term “safe travels” and wondered if it’s grammatically correct or just another colloquialism that’s found its way into our everyday language. It’s a common scenario at airports, train stations, and even in casual conversations when someone is about to embark on a journey.

The English language is like a living organism; it grows, evolves, and adapts to suit the needs of its speakers. This evolution brings about changes that sometimes challenge the traditional rules we’ve come to accept. The phrase “safe travels” sits at this intersection of change, raising eyebrows among purists while being embraced by modern speakers for its simplicity and warmth. But before you decide which side you’re on, there’s more to this story.

The debate around “safe travels” opens up a broader conversation about language evolution and how we communicate care in different contexts. So, as you stand at this linguistic crossroads wondering which path to take, remember that words are more than just syntax and semantics; they’re carriers of emotion and intention. And perhaps there’s no simple answer—but isn’t the journey of discovery what truly enriches our understanding? Stay tuned as we delve deeper into this intriguing topic.

When you want to wish someone well on their journey, saying “ Safe travels ” is perfectly fine. This phrase is a common way to express your hope that their trip goes smoothly and without any problems. It’s used in casual conversations, often when saying goodbye to someone who is about to go on a trip. The term “ travels ” here covers all parts of the journey, not just one trip. So, if you’re looking for a simple and warm way to wish someone well before they leave, “Safe travels” is a good choice.

The Origin and Use of “Safe Travels”

The phrase “safe travels” is a popular expression conveying good fortune and safety to someone who is about to undertake a journey, be it extended travels or multiple journeys within one trip. The countable noun form “travels” suggests various stages of the journey or different destinations involved. It also reflects a historical context where travel posed greater risks, making the sentiment behind safe journey wishes all the more meaningful.

Over time, “safe travels” has persisted as a way to wish someone well on their journey, regardless of distance or destination. The expression has transcended borders and language barriers, becoming a universal travel courtesy.

Understanding the Expression

At the core of the meaning of safe travels lies a heartfelt wish for loved ones and even strangers to have an enjoyable, incident-free journey. While travel has become safer in the modern age, the sentiment behind safe travels remains as potent as ever. It is a succinct way to convey your care and concern for the welfare of the traveler.

“Safe travels” is more than just a casual farewell; it functions as a heartfelt reminder to take care and remain vigilant throughout the course of a journey.

When and Where to Use It

In determining when to say safe travels , it is important to consider the context and the type of journey being undertaken. “Safe travels” is suitably used when someone is about to go on a significant trip, such as traveling abroad, or embarking on a long journey home. It is not typically used for short commutes. It carries the connotation of wishing well for the entirety of the person’s travel plans, including any transfers and destinations.

Here are some examples of scenarios where using safe travels would be appropriate:

  • Seeing off a friend at the airport before their international flight.
  • Wishing a coworker well as they depart for a long-distance business trip.
  • Sending a message to a family member embarking on a road trip or cruise vacation.

Ultimately, the appropriate context for travel wishes such as “safe travels” depends largely on the nature of the journey and the relationship between the individuals involved. However, with its universally positive meaning, “safe travels” can generally be used in a wide variety of travel-related situations without causing offense or confusion.

Grammar Behind “Safe Travels” and “Safe Travel”

Understanding the grammar of safe travels and related travel expressions involves distinguishing between countable and uncountable nouns. “Safe travels” employs the plural form of the noun “travel” to indicate multiple journeys or aspects of a trip, such as various flights, layovers, and destinations. On the other hand, “safe travel” uses the uncountable form of the noun to encompass the general concept of traveling safely.

Both “safe travels” and “safe travel” are grammatically correct, albeit with nuanced differences in meaning and connotation. Using “safe travels” tends to be more inclusive, addressing the various stages, stops, or layers of a person’s trip. Meanwhile, “safe travel” focuses on the broader theme of travel safety without explicitly referring to the multiple elements within a journey.

“Safe Travels” = wishing safety for multiple journeys/aspects of a trip “Safe Travel” = wishing safety for the overall concept of traveling

Various travel expressions also incorporate countable and uncountable nouns. For example:

  • Flights : countable, refers to individual airplane journeys
  • Trip : uncountable, denotes an overall voyage consisting of one or more legs
  • Vacations : countable, signifies several separate holiday experiences
  • Holiday : uncountable, represents the general concept of leisure time away from home

Ultimately, both “safe travels” and “safe travel” remain valid ways to wish someone well on their journey. Keep in mind the subtle distinctions between them when deciding which phrase best suits the particular context or trip in question.

Comparing “Safe Travels” with Other Farewell Phrases

Whether you are heading to a nearby town or embarking on an international adventure, well-wishers often use farewell phrases to convey their hopes for a safe and enjoyable journey. Though “safe travels” is a popular travel-related expression, there are several other phrases that can be used to wish someone well on their journey. In this section, we will discuss some common alternatives to “safe travels” and explore the cultural variations in parting words .

Common Alternatives to “Safe Travels”

Depending on the context of the journey and the relationship with the person leaving, there are various ways to express similar sentiments as “safe travels.” Among the most common alternatives are:

  • Travel safely
  • Have a good trip
  • Have a safe journey
  • Have a safe trip

Travel safely , have a safe journey , and have a safe trip all share a similar intention of wishing someone safety during their travels. In contrast, have a good trip leans more towards wishing a positive experience on the journey. Similarly, drive safe emphasizes car travel safety and is most fitting for road trips or shorter journeys that involve driving. The classic French phrase bon voyage means “good trip” or “safe journey,” and has been incorporated into the English language as an elegant alternative to “safe travels.”

Cultural Variations in Parting Words

Cultural expressions of farewell often have deep historical roots and vary from one society to another. These differences can provide added nuances to the conventional travel wishes , emphasizing the divergent aspects of different traveling experiences. Some examples of cultural variations include:

  • Gute Reise – A German phrase meaning “good trip” or “safe journey”
  • ¡Buen viaje! – A Spanish expression meaning “good trip” or “have a nice trip”
  • 祝你一路顺风 (Zhù nǐ yílù shùnfēng) – A Chinese phrase, which translates to “wish you a smooth journey”
  • いってらっしゃい (Itterasshai) – A Japanese expression used when someone is leaving home, meaning “please go and come back”

These international travel phrases not only demonstrate the rich variety of linguistic expression but also shed light on shared wishes for safe and pleasant travel experiences across cultures.

When considering which farewell phrase to use, take note of the relationship with the traveler, the specific context of their journey, and the intended message you aim to convey. While “safe travels” is an appropriate and versatile expression, slight variations in wording or even incorporating a phrase from another culture can add sincerity and personal charm to your well-wishes.

The Appropriateness of “Safe Travels” in Different Contexts

Understanding the appropriateness of using the phrase “safe travels” can significantly impact our social interactions. Knowing when to use this expression is essential for context-specific travel wishes that effectively convey our sentiments for a traveler’s wellbeing and safety. Let’s explore some examples to demonstrate the appropriate use of “safe travels” in various situations.

International Travel or Multi-city Tours

When wishing someone well as they embark on a long journey, such as international travel or a multi-city tour, “safe travels” is an ideal choice. In these instances, the person is likely to experience multiple legs of their journey, and the phrase acknowledges their entire adventure.

For routine or short-distance travel, it’s more appropriate to use phrases like “drive safely” or “have a good ride.” These expressions are better suited for wishing well to those embarking on a daily commute, a quick trip to the store, or carpooling short distances.

Remember, the key lies in matching the phrasing with the context to offer genuine well-wishes that resonate with the traveler and their particular journey.

Vacation and Leisure Travel

A more personalized way to convey travel wishes for friends and family heading off on vacation might be “enjoy your vacation” or “have a great time.” This would emphasize a focus on relaxation and leisure, while still acknowledging the importance of their safety and security during the trip.

  • Safe travels – International travel, multi-city tours
  • Drive safely – Short-distance travel, routine commutes
  • Enjoy your vacation – Vacation and leisure travel

Always consider the context when choosing the right travel wishes to express your sentiments. “Safe travels” is most suitable for longer journeys and complex trips, while other phrases like “drive safely” are better for routine, short-distance travel.

Modern Travel and the Relevance of “Safe Travels”

Despite significant advancements in technology and improved safety measures, modern travel still has its share of risks. For this reason, the expression “safe travels” remains relevant in the present day, serving as a form of polite or phatic communication. Moreover, the phrase symbolizes goodwill towards travelers, regardless of the decreased frequency of historical travel dangers.

Although the risks involved in traveling may differ from what they were in the past, contemporary travel methods are far from risk-free. Today, modern travel safety encompasses a range of potential threats, including terrorism, global pandemics, and natural disasters. The wish for “safe travels” demonstrates a continued concern for navigational challenges, advocating a cautious and informed approach to travel.

Safe travels – a timeless phrase that transcends the evolving challenges of global exploration.

The relevance of travel wishes like “safe travels” lies in addressing the emotional needs of a traveler. In an era of information overload, having someone express concern about your safety in the form of travel wishes can provide emotional assurance. Wishing someone “safe travels” acknowledges the risks involved while conveying hope for a successful journey, fostering a sense of comfort and calmness in the traveler.

  • Flight delays and cancellations
  • Theft or loss of personal belongings
  • Health concerns and travel-related illnesses
  • Rapidly changing political situations

As a timeless expression, “safe travels” can be tailored to address various travel risks and provide comfort for the traveler, irrespective of the type of journey or destination. This versatile phrase maintains its importance in conversations by symbolizing a genuine care for the traveler’s safety and well-being.

Phatic Expressions and Why We Use Them

Phatic expressions are social gestures that facilitate interactions without necessarily carrying substantial or literal meaning. They are used to maintain a sense of politeness and connection in conversations. One such expression is “safe travels,” which, while not necessarily reflecting genuine concern for the safety of the traveler, serves to exhibit politeness and maintain social bonds.

The Psychology Behind Wishing Someone Well

The act of wishing someone well through expressions like “safe travels” can be explained by the psychology of farewells and the importance of establishing goodwill during parting moments. Farewells often evoke mixed emotions, as they signify both an end to the current interaction and the beginning of a new one. By wishing someone well, we are intentionally channeling positive energy into the parting moment, thereby fostering an optimistic outlook for the future.

“Safe travels,” while not necessarily reflecting genuine concern for the safety of the traveler, serves to exhibit politeness and maintain social bonds.

The act of wishing well psychologically consists of two parts. First, it serves to affirm the value of the individual and their experiences during their journey. Second, it provides a space for the person to feel acknowledged and supported, both emotionally and mentally, as they embark on their travels. In essence, these expressions contribute to maintaining and strengthening social connections while promoting a sense of unity and shared joy through the act of traveling.

  • The significance of affirming the value of the individual and their experiences
  • The importance of providing emotional and mental support
  • The role of shared joy in strengthening social connections

The use of phatic expressions , such as “safe travels,” might seem trivial at first glance, but they play a crucial role in interpersonal communication. Farewells carry psychological weight and impact our emotions. By acknowledging the importance of these moments in our lives and using polite expressions to wish someone well, we contribute to a healthier and more supportive social environment.

Positive Alternatives to “Safe Travels”

While “safe travels” is a popular and well-intended expression for conveying good fortune and safety to someone embarking on a journey, it may inadvertently bring attention to potential travel risks . To focus on the exciting, enjoyable aspects of travel, consider using some of these positive and encouraging travel phrases instead:

“Have a good trip!” “Enjoy your trip!” “Have a good vacation!” “Have a good flight!”

These positive travel expressions emphasize the pleasure and fun that awaits the traveler, without referencing the unintended dangers of travel. Additionally, the well-known French phrase bon voyage conveys a similar optimistic sentiment, wishing the traveler a delightful and memorable journey.

Ultimately, the choice of farewell phrase depends on your specific relationship with the person traveling and the context of their trip. Regardless, any of these encouraging travel phrases can convey your warm wishes and positive intentions toward their journey.

Concluding Thoughts on Wishing Someone “Safe Travels”

As we’ve seen, the phrase “safe travels” is part of a long-standing tradition of offering good wishes to those about to embark on a journey. Regardless of changes in travel safety over time, these simple yet heartfelt expressions endure as significant elements of our social interactions. They speak to our collective need to show support and convey care for one another.

At its core, the usage of “safe travels” and similar expressions serves as a reflection of our shared values and empathy towards fellow travelers. In doing so, we acknowledge the exciting and sometimes challenging aspects of travel while hoping for positive and meaningful experiences. Furthermore, these phrases help forge and maintain connections, even as journeys lead us across different paths.

Ultimately, whether saying “safe travels,” “travel safe,” or any other alternative travel expression, the intent is the same—we wish the traveler a pleasant and secure journey. These gestures, as small and customary as they may be, play a valuable role in promoting camaraderie and understanding in a world that is constantly on the move.

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125 Good Travels and Have a Safe Trip Messages [w/ Quotes]

Here is a look at some of the best ways to wish someone a fun and safe trip for various situations, whether a family member, a best friend, or an acquaintance.

#1 You are about to join the ranks of worldly explorers. As you voyage to new lands in search of adventure, I hope you find it to be all you dreamed of and more. May your sailing be as smooth as your stay is exciting. I hope you have an unforgettable time. I will be here, awaiting your return. Have a safe flight and a pleasant journey.

#2 Take every new breath deeply and enjoy the places you visit. Find new food, new music, new friends, and see life through new eyes. Fill your heart with new joy, and try different things. You may just find something you love around every corner. Happy travels!

#3 Whether you’ll be swimming through rivers or climbing over mountains, I wish you a safe journey and lots of sweet memories. So dive in, take your time, appreciate the moments, and return safely when it’s time. Have a wonderful trip and happy trails!

#4 Traveling the globe allows us to see and experience a great many things. I hope that your eyes drink in all the scenery, that your ears soak in every language, and that your heart fills up with each step you take on foreign soil. Safe travels on your trip.

#5 I hope your trip is as safe as a padded panic room. I wish you nothing but good food, great company, and warm days. I look forward to enjoying the photos and stories you bring back with you. And if there are gifts included, even better! Unless it is a postcard – you can leave that behind. Have a wonderful trip.

#6 Regardless of where your trip is taking you, be sure to embrace the journey. Whether you are far or near, there are plenty of good things to see. With every winding road comes a new opportunity to explore and uncover more joy. So open your mind to all the possibilities of each adventure and have a safe trip back home!

#7 Smooth travels to you. I know you will be back, but while you are gone, living the good life, I will be here missing you. Be safe and make it count. As glad as I am that you are getting this incredible opportunity, I hope you will not make a habit of it!

#8 There is no place like home. But it is only by leaving that we appreciate how true this is. I hope you have a splendid trip, with no shortage of laughter and fun. When you return, I hope the memories you have made will be enough to last a lifetime. Mostly, I wish you safe travels and a very good time along the way.

#9 I hope you have a wonderful visit with welcoming people and sunny skies. And even though it will not be as awesome without me, I hope you have fun all the same. But next time, please take me with you! For now, a souvenir will buy my forgiveness. (Better make it a good one.) Have a safe trip back!

#10 Have fun on your trip! If it is anything like we have seen in the movies, you are about to discover a whole new side to yourself. There is nothing quite like stepping out of your comfort zone and pushing yourself to do new things. Do not underestimate how courageous you are. I wish you a safe and enjoyable journey.

#11 Hey globetrotter! I hope you have a good trip. I will miss seeing your face around town, but I look forward to countless photographs when you get back. I hope your trip there is short, smooth, and hassle-free. May you have as much rest as you do fun. I am so happy that you have this incredible opportunity to travel.

#12 You are going on a trip? I am green with envy. I have no choice but to live vicariously through you on social media. So you had better make sure this experience is worthy of an audience. Make new friends. Have new experiences. Do things most of us would not dare to. And next time, take me with you. Have an extraordinary trip!

#13 Bon voyage! I hope your trip is the stuff of epic novels. The excitement of new adventures. The hypnotic sounds of an undiscovered world. The inviting blend of smells in the air. May your senses be awakened in extraordinary ways. I cannot wait to hear the tales you bring back upon your return. Sending you safe journey wishes.

#14 As you embark on this journey, I hope you discover new things and explore new cultures. May the people you encounter be full of life. May the places you visit be luxurious and historic. May your experiences be so extraordinary they entwine with the fabric of who you. May you return slightly different to when you left. Have a safe and memorable trip.

#15 You’re off to see tremendous sights. You’ll reach new heights and find new favorite places. Congratulations on the memories you’ll create, and all the people you’ll meet. Don’t forget to take pictures. Have a safe and wonderful trip!

#16 Wanderlust is a driving force of life. It calls us to see more of the world than we ever thought possible. We learn with every step outside our comfort zone. I’m so excited for you to begin your adventures. Good luck, and don’t forget to write. Bon Voyage!

#17 You’ve seen what you wanted to see, and now it’s time to return home. Do not be troubled by the time that has passed. I hope you find warmth in the experiences you’ve created. Until we meet again, may the wind never blow you off course. Have a safe trip home.

#18 Life is full of opportunity. I hope your travels bring you an abundance of fun and joy every minute of your trip. Stay safe and please keep in touch. I would love to hear about the great places you have seen and the adventures you have had.

#19 If I could collect all the flowers in a field, I would give them all to you as I say farewell. Let your daydreams become your reality and choose to go where nobody ever dreamed you’d be. Traveling is the best medicine for your soul. I wish you serenity and safe travels as you embark on this journey of a lifetime.

#20 When you return from your travels, you won’t be the same person. Your body will be more relaxed and your mind clearer. Little things won’t matter anymore. It’s one of the most satisfying moments in life to be able to travel and explore the planet. Take this time to embrace the changes and have a nice journey.

#21 Don’t allow fear to get in the way of your exploring. Forget about planning or any type of schedule, and just embrace your freedoms. Look for the places that warm your heart and allow them to write lots of wonderful memories. Be free, be safe and step on all the cracks! These will lead you to the places most people are afraid to explore.

#22 A voyage is a unique experience that allows us to learn about the world and meet new people. It is through this opportunity that we are newly shaped as we take these encounters with us forever. I want to wish you safe travels and I hope you enjoy your trip.

#23 Taking your first trip is like taking a sip of water for the first time. It will give you not only a thirst for more travel, but you will not be able to quell that thirst with anything else but more trips. I wish you safe and good travels.

#24 Whether you travel by car, by train, by boat, or by airplane, taking any kind of journey is an exciting venture that should be experienced by all. It is more than just a stamp in a passport, but a door to new worlds. I hope you have a safe trip.

#25 Traveling is an addictive and enjoyable pursuit. Much like the ocean wind that calls out to the sailor in port, once it gets in your skin, you will never look back. It will call to you regularly and soon you will able to think of nothing else. Enjoy your travels.

#26 Making the decision to travel comes with the knowledge that you may experience some bumps in the road. So, to you I say, may your luggage never be lost, your flights all feel like short naps, and your passport always be full of stamps. Have a fun and safe trip.

#27 Whether this is your first time traveling or your one-hundredth trip, whether it feels like a new world you are visiting or like coming home, may you never lose the desire to explore our planet and seek out new adventures. I hope you have a safe and enjoyable trip.

#28 The dream of travel can draw us in like a moth to a flame. It can inspire us to learn new languages, to try new cuisines, and can even change our way of thinking. May your dreams of traveling always be alive. I hope you have a safe trip.

#29 I believe that traveling is what allows us to learn about the world and is what makes us human, for it is when we stop traveling that we cease to learn. I encourage you to never stop learning about the world around you. I hope you enjoy your trip.

#30 I know that traveling can be like a bug that we can’t quite shake off. It can infect us and give us a restless spirit to always want to see more. Good travels to you and may you never run out of new destinations to check off your list.

#31 Wishing you all the best on your travels. May you stay safe and happy in your adventure to new places. I am excited for you and look forward to hearing how things go. You are my best friend and our friendship will continue to span all the miles you will ever cross.

#32 Dear friend, I am hoping your trip goes well. May the road you take lead to much personal happiness in the future. Though there may be mountain tops and valleys, I am sure you will find the path that leads to your best future. Stay on it when you find it.

#33 Hoping all your plans go well and that your journey brings the sense of beginning a new season to your life. Traveling can be tiring but so rewarding, especially when you meet kind people on the way. Trusting that will be your experience. Wishing you smooth sailing and happy travels.

#34 As you travel mile upon mile, please know that you are thought of in the kindest way. I am sure all will go well for you, and that this will become an amazing time to cherish for years to come. Remember your destination is only part of the experience, so enjoy the scenery on the way.

#35 Airports are fascinating places, so don’t get distracted with the people-watching and miss your flight home. I hope that everything goes according to plan as you buckle up and take off. Warm thoughts for a safe flight and a happy journey are winging their way to you right now.

#36 Hope that your journey is full of blue skies, with interesting people and beautiful places. May you travel safely to your destination and find that you feel right at home there. Settling in somewhere will take longer than getting there, but I am sure you are going to love it.

#37 Wishing you all the best on your travels. Remember that gas stations are not readily found in the middle of nowhere. Rooting for you as you embark on this expedition. Soon you will be a long way from where you were, as future opportunities lie ahead, beckoning you into new things. Have a wonderful time.

#38 I hope your journey is sprinkled with fun surprises, and plenty of time to take in the view as you go. They say road trips are an opportunity to think and process. Stay safe and awake as you drive. We would love to know when you make it safely home.

#39 Wherever you go, know that warm thoughts and hopes for a safe journey accompany you. You will never really be alone if you reach out and make new connections. It will be an amazing experience. Hope you can be present in the moment and make the most of every new sight. Have a great trip.

#40 There’s an entire universe out there waiting to be explored. Now is your chance to dig deep and find whatever it is you’re looking for. Whether you choose to climb the impossible or just take a dip in the pool to soothe your soul, have a wonderful and safe trip.

Have a Safe Trip & Safe Travel Quotes

“Adventure is worthwhile in itself.” Amelia Earhart

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” Confucius

“Live life with no excuses, travel with no regret.” Oscar Wilde

“I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.” Mary Anne Radmacher

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by.” Robert Frost

“People don’t take trips, trips take people.” John Steinbeck

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” Helen Keller

“We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls.” Anaïs Nin

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” Andre Gide

“Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost.” Erol Ozan

“Travel can be one of the most rewarding forms of introspection.” Lawrence Durrell

“If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness and fears.” Cesare Pavese

“Actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures.” Lewis Carroll

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did.” Mark Twain

“A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” Tim Cahill

“Don’t tell me how educated you are, tell me how much you have travelled.” Mohammed

“There is no moment of delight in any pilgrimage like the beginning of it.” Charles Dudley Warner

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

“To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.” Aldous Huxley

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” Mark Twain

“Once a year, go somewhere you have never been before.” Dalai Lama

“Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” Miriam Beard

“Every man can transform the world from one of monotony and drabness to one of excitement and adventure.” Irving Wallace

“Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures.” Lovelle Drachman

“I’m in love with cities I’ve never been to and people I’ve never met.” Melody Truong

“Because he had no place he could stay in without getting tired of it and because there was nowhere to go but everywhere, keep rolling under the stars.” Jack Kerouac

“All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.” Martin Buber

“Not all those who wander are lost.” J.R.R. Tolkien

“The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready.” Henry David Thoreau

“If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay home.” James Michener

“The gladdest moment in human life is a departure into unknown lands.” Sir Richard Burton

“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” Gustav Flaubert

“Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the journey.” Babs Hoffman

“I travel because it makes me realize how much I haven’t seen, how much I’m not going to see, and how much I still need to see.” Carew Papritz

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” Henry Miller

“The life you have led doesn’t need to be the only life you have.” Anna Quindlen

“I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.” Mark Twain

“Without new experiences, something inside of us sleeps. The sleeper must awaken.” Frank Herbert

“The journey not the arrival matters.” T.S. Eliot

“We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment.” Hilaire Belloc

“Remember that happiness is a way of travel – not a destination.” Roy M. Goodman

“Surely, of all the wonders of the world, the horizon is the greatest.” Freya Stark

“I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” Susan Sontag

“Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life.” Jack Kerouac

“He who would travel happily must travel light.” Antoine de St. Exupery

“Travel far enough, you meet yourself.” David Mitchell

“Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.” Seneca

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” Neale Donald Walsch

“If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine. It’s lethal.” Paulo Coelho

“Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.” Anita Desai

“To awaken alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world.” Freya Stark

“Travel is glamorous only in retrospect.” Paul Theroux

“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” Ibn Battuta

“Jobs fill your pocket, but adventures fill your soul.” Jamie Lyn Beatty Thi

“The most beautiful in the world is, of course, the world itself.” Wallace Stevens

“The more I traveled the more I realized that fear makes strangers of people who should be friends.” Shirley MacLaine

“A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” John A. Shedd

“Oh the places you’ll go.” Dr. Seuss

“Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.” Suzanne Collins

“It is better to travel well than to arrive.” Buddha

“A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.” Lao Tzu

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” Saint Augustine

“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.” Jennifer Lee

“Once the travel bug bites there is no known antidote, and I know that I shall be happily infected until the end of my life.” Michael Palin

“Travel is never a matter of money but of courage.” Paulo Coelho

“I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.” Oscar Wilde

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” Marcel Proust

“The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are.” Samuel Johnson

“A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.” John Steinbeck

“Like all great travelers, I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than I have seen.” Benjamin Disraeli

“Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all of one’s lifetime.” Mark Twain

“If we were meant to stay in one place, we’d have roots instead of feet.” Rachel Wolchin

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Lao Tzu

“We travel for romance, we travel for architecture, and we travel to be lost.” Ray Bradbury

“Travel makes a wise man better but a fool worse.” Thomas Fuller

“For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.” Robert Louis Stevenson

“No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.” Lin Yutang

“The first condition of understanding a foreign country is to smell it.” Rudyard Kipling

“The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one’s own country as a foreign land.” G.K. Chesterton

“Our happiest moments as tourists always seem to come when we stumble upon one thing while in pursuit of something else.” Lawrence Block

“There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.” Robert Louis Stevenson

“And then there is the most dangerous risk of all – the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.” Randy Komisar

“I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on earth, then I ask myself the same question.” Harun Yahya

“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” Anthony Bourdain

“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm, and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” Jawaharial Nehru

safe travel in email

Is it “Safe Travel” or “Safe Travels?” (Correct Grammar + Examples)

safe travel or safe travels

Is the correct phrase “safe travels” or “safe travel?” When telling someone that they should have a safe trip or a safe upcoming travel, does the word “travel” have an “s” letter or does it not have an “s” letter?

Learn the correct spelling of the phrase in this short American English guide.

Is it “safe travel” or “safe travels?”

The correct phrase is “safe travels,” with an “s” letter. The reason why this form is correct is that someone who is traveling would be doing so in the plural form. We would say have “safe travels” rather than a safe “travel.”

What to say instead of “safe travels”

Here are alternatives someone could say rather than saying “safe travels”:

  • Have a good trip.
  • See you soon.
  • Have a safe trip.
  • Have a wonderful journey.
  • Have a good time.
  • Bon voyage.

Can you say have a “safe journey?”

Yes. Having a “safe journey” is another way of telling someone that you wish their upcoming trip or travel be a safe one. A journey is sometimes referred to as travel, considering it is both an adventure and the act of arriving at a predetermined destination.

What does “bon voyage” mean?

Bon Voyage is a French term that means, “have a good trip.” It is common for “bon voyage” to get used in American English as a common phrase.

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About the author

Dalia Y.: Dalia is an English Major and linguistics expert with an additional degree in Psychology. Dalia has featured articles on Forbes, Inc, Fast Company, Grammarly, and many more. She covers English, ESL, and all things grammar on GrammarBrain.

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100+ Examples for Safe Journey Wishes Messages that Inspire

Explore a treasure trove of 100+ inspiring safe journey wishes messages and discover the perfect way to send love and well wishes to your loved ones!

Life is an incredible journey, filled with adventures, challenges, and opportunities. As our loved ones embark on their own journeys, whether for business, pleasure, or any other reason, it's natural to wish them well and pray for their safety. Sending heartfelt Safe Journey wishes is a thoughtful way to express your love, care, and encouragement.

In this article, we'll provide you with over 100 examples of Safe Journey wishes messages that inspire and uplift. Whether you're sending these wishes to a family member, a friend, a colleague, or anyone close to your heart, these messages will convey your warmest thoughts and best wishes for their safe travels.

But remember, if you ever find yourself seeking even more personalized or thematic Safe Journey wishes, you can turn to Anakin AI's AI Content Generator . It's a powerful tool that can assist you in crafting the perfect message for any occasion, ensuring your loved ones feel your presence and care even when you're miles apart.

Now, let's explore a wide array of Safe Journey messages that you can use to brighten someone's travels.

safe travel in email

10 Messages for Wishes of Safe Journey

  • Wishing you a safe journey filled with beautiful moments and unforgettable experiences. Take care and enjoy every step of the way!
  • May your journey be safe and smooth, and may you return home with a heart full of joy and wonderful memories. Have a great trip!
  • Sending you my warmest wishes for a safe journey. May you find happiness and adventure wherever you go. Take care and have a fantastic trip!
  • As you embark on this new journey, may you be surrounded by love, peace, and protection. Wishing you a safe and enjoyable trip!
  • Bon voyage! May your journey be filled with excitement, laughter, and amazing discoveries. Have a safe trip and come back with stories to tell!
  • Safe travels, my dear friend! May your journey be free from any obstacles and may you find beauty and serenity in every destination you visit.
  • Wishing you a safe journey as you explore new horizons. May you find inspiration, happiness, and fulfillment along the way. Enjoy your trip!
  • May the road ahead be smooth and the skies above be clear. Have a safe journey and may you return home with a heart full of wonderful memories.
  • Sending you my best wishes for a safe and pleasant journey. May you have a fantastic time and come back refreshed and rejuvenated.
  • May your journey be filled with laughter, love, and amazing adventures. Wishing you a safe trip and a memorable experience!

10 Messages for Safe Travel Wishes

  • Wishing you a safe and enjoyable journey as you set off on your travels. May you have wonderful experiences and return home with a heart full of joy.
  • Safe travels, my friend! May your journey be filled with beautiful moments, new friendships, and amazing discoveries. Take care and have a fantastic trip!
  • As you embark on this new adventure, may you be surrounded by love, protection, and good fortune. Wishing you a safe and memorable trip!
  • Bon voyage! May your travels be filled with excitement, happiness, and unforgettable experiences. Have a safe trip and enjoy every moment!
  • Sending you my warmest wishes for a safe journey. May you have smooth travels and return home with a heart full of beautiful memories.
  • May your journey be filled with laughter, love, and wonderful surprises. Wishing you a safe trip and a fantastic time wherever you go!
  • Safe travels, my dear! May your journey be filled with amazing sights, delicious food, and unforgettable moments. Have a great trip!
  • Wishing you a safe and pleasant journey as you explore new destinations. May you find inspiration, peace, and happiness along the way.
  • May your travels be filled with adventure, new experiences, and cherished memories. Have a safe trip and enjoy every moment to the fullest!
  • Sending you my best wishes for a safe and enjoyable journey. May you have a fantastic time and return home with stories to tell!

10 Messages for Safe Trip Wishes

  • Wishing you a safe and smooth trip as you embark on this new adventure. May you have wonderful experiences and return home with a heart full of joy.
  • Safe travels, my friend! May your trip be filled with excitement, laughter, and amazing discoveries. Take care and have a fantastic time!
  • As you set off on your journey, may you be surrounded by love, protection, and good fortune. Wishing you a safe and memorable trip!
  • Bon voyage! May your trip be filled with happiness, adventure, and unforgettable moments. Have a safe journey and enjoy every step of the way!
  • Sending you my warmest wishes for a safe trip. May you have smooth travels and return home with a heart full of beautiful memories.
  • May your trip be filled with laughter, love, and wonderful surprises. Wishing you a safe and enjoyable journey to your destination!
  • Safe travels, my dear! May your trip be filled with amazing experiences, delicious food, and unforgettable sights. Have a great time!
  • Wishing you a safe and pleasant trip as you explore new places. May you find inspiration, peace, and happiness along the way.
  • May your trip be filled with adventure, new discoveries, and cherished memories. Have a safe journey and enjoy every moment to the fullest!
  • Sending you my best wishes for a safe and enjoyable trip. May you have a fantastic time and return home with stories to share!

10 Messages for Have a Safe Journey and Take Care

  • Have a safe journey, my dear! Take care of yourself and enjoy every moment of your travels. Wishing you a wonderful trip filled with happiness and adventure.
  • As you embark on this new journey, remember to take care of yourself and stay safe. May your travels be filled with joy, love, and amazing experiences.
  • Have a safe journey, my friend! Take care and enjoy every step of the way. May you return home with a heart full of beautiful memories and stories to tell.
  • Wishing you a safe and pleasant trip. Take care of yourself and have a fantastic time exploring new places and creating unforgettable memories.
  • Have a safe journey, my dear! Take care and stay healthy. May your travels be filled with happiness, peace, and wonderful adventures.
  • As you set off on this new adventure, remember to take care of yourself and stay safe. Wishing you a fantastic trip and a safe return home.
  • Have a safe journey, my friend! Take care and enjoy every moment of your travels. May you have amazing experiences and return home with a heart full of joy.
  • Wishing you a safe and enjoyable trip. Take care of yourself and make the most of every opportunity that comes your way. Have a great time!
  • Have a safe journey, my dear! Take care and stay safe throughout your travels. May you find happiness, love, and inspiration in every destination.
  • As you embark on this new adventure, remember to take care of yourself and stay safe. Wishing you a safe journey and a wonderful time exploring new horizons.

10 Messages for Happy Journey Wishes

  • Wishing you a happy journey filled with laughter, love, and amazing experiences. May every moment of your travels bring you joy and happiness.
  • Happy journey, my friend! May your travels be filled with beautiful sights, delicious food, and unforgettable memories. Have a fantastic trip!
  • As you set off on this new adventure, may you find happiness, peace, and inspiration in every destination. Wishing you a joyful and memorable journey.
  • Bon voyage! May your journey be filled with happiness, excitement, and wonderful surprises. Have a happy and safe trip!
  • Sending you my warmest wishes for a happy journey. May you have smooth travels and return home with a heart full of beautiful memories.
  • May your journey be filled with laughter, love, and amazing adventures. Wishing you a happy trip and a fantastic time wherever you go!
  • Happy journey, my dear! May your travels be filled with joy, new friendships, and unforgettable experiences. Have a great time!
  • Wishing you a happy and pleasant journey as you explore new destinations. May you find inspiration, peace, and happiness along the way.
  • May your travels be filled with adventure, new experiences, and cherished memories. Have a happy journey and enjoy every moment to the fullest!
  • Sending you my best wishes for a happy and enjoyable journey. May you have a fantastic time and return home with stories to share!

10 Messages for Happy Journey

  • May your journey be filled with happiness, laughter, and wonderful experiences. Wishing you a happy and safe trip to your destination!
  • Happy journey, my friend! May your travels be filled with joy, love, and amazing discoveries. Take care and have a fantastic time!
  • As you set off on this new adventure, may you find happiness, peace, and fulfillment in every destination. Wishing you a joyful and memorable journey.
  • Bon voyage! May your journey be filled with happiness, excitement, and unforgettable moments. Have a happy and safe trip!
  • May your journey be filled with laughter, love, and wonderful surprises. Wishing you a happy trip and a fantastic time wherever you go!
  • Happy journey, my dear! May your travels be filled with joy, new friendships, and amazing experiences. Have a great time!
  • Wishing you a happy and pleasant journey as you explore new places. May you find inspiration, peace, and happiness along the way.
  • May your journey be filled with adventure, new discoveries, and cherished memories. Have a happy journey and enjoy every moment to the fullest!

10 Messages for Safe Travels Message

  • Wishing you safe travels as you embark on this new adventure. May your journey be filled with beautiful moments and amazing experiences.
  • Safe travels, my friend! May your trip be filled with joy, love, and wonderful discoveries. Take care and have a fantastic time!
  • As you set off on this new journey, may you be surrounded by love, protection, and good fortune. Wishing you safe travels and a memorable trip!
  • Bon voyage! May your travels be safe, exciting, and filled with unforgettable memories. Have a great trip and enjoy every moment!
  • Sending you my warmest wishes for safe travels. May you have smooth journeys and return home with a heart full of beautiful memories.
  • May your travels be filled with laughter, love, and amazing adventures. Wishing you safe and enjoyable trips to all your destinations!
  • Safe travels, my dear! May your journey be filled with amazing experiences, delicious food, and unforgettable sights. Have a great time!
  • Wishing you safe and pleasant travels as you explore new places. May you find inspiration, peace, and happiness along the way.
  • May your travels be filled with adventure, new discoveries, and cherished memories. Have safe journeys and enjoy every moment to the fullest!
  • Sending you my best wishes for safe and enjoyable travels. May you have a fantastic time and return home with stories to share!

10 Messages for Wishing Travel Safe

  • Wishing you a safe and smooth journey as you travel to new destinations. May you have wonderful experiences and return home with a heart full of joy.
  • Travel safe, my friend! May your journey be filled with excitement, laughter, and amazing discoveries. Take care and have a fantastic trip!
  • As you set off on this new adventure, may you be surrounded by love, protection, and good fortune. Wishing you safe travels and a memorable trip!
  • Bon voyage! May your travels be safe, happy, and filled with unforgettable moments. Have a great trip and enjoy every step of the way!
  • May your travels be filled with laughter, love, and wonderful surprises. Wishing you safe and enjoyable trips to all your destinations!
  • Travel safe, my dear! May your journey be filled with amazing experiences, delicious food, and unforgettable sights. Have a great time!

10 Messages for Message for a Safe Travel

  • Sending you my best wishes for a safe and enjoyable journey. May you have smooth travels and return home with a heart full of beautiful memories.
  • Have a safe travel, my friend! Take care of yourself and enjoy every moment of your trip. Wishing you a fantastic time and safe returns.
  • As you embark on this new adventure, may you be surrounded by love, protection, and good fortune. Wishing you a safe and memorable journey!
  • Bon voyage! May your travels be safe, exciting, and filled with unforgettable experiences. Have a great trip and enjoy every step of the way!
  • Sending you my warmest wishes for a safe travel. May you have smooth journeys and return home with a heart full of joy and happiness.
  • Have a safe travel, my dear! Take care and stay safe throughout your journey. May you find happiness, peace, and inspiration in every destination.
  • Wishing you a safe and pleasant travel as you explore new places. May you find beauty, serenity, and happiness along the way.
  • Sending you my best wishes for a safe and enjoyable travel. May you have a fantastic time and return home with stories to share!

Sending Safe Journey wishes is a meaningful way to show your concern and affection for someone setting out on a new adventure. Whether it's a short trip or a long journey, your thoughtful words can provide comfort and reassurance.

As you use the variety of Safe Journey messages provided in this article, remember that Anakin AI's AI Content Generator is always available to help you create customized messages tailored to the specific circumstances and preferences of your loved ones. With this powerful tool, you can ensure that your well-wishes resonate deeply and bring joy to those embarking on their travels.

So, the next time someone you care about is about to journey to new horizons, use these messages as a starting point to convey your love, support, and best wishes for their safe and memorable journey. May their travels be filled with adventure, discovery, and moments of joy, and may they return safely to share their tales of exploration with you. Safe travels!

Best 100+ Messages for Witty Good Morning

OneMinute English Logo

Safe travels or Safe travel? Which is correct?

When you want to wish someone to have a journey that is completed without a problem you can say “Safe Travels”. Safe travel is ok but not commonly used.  

Correct Ways to wish someone a safe journey:

  • Safe travels
  • Bon voyage 
  • Travel safely 
  • Drive safely
  • Have a safe trip
  • Have a nice trip
  • Have a safe journey

The reason we use safe travels is that we often associate travelling with many different trips and not just one trip.

Safe travel is ok to use but in modern English, it is just not common. 

We often want to wish someone a nice journey but we know that we will see them again so we just want to wish them a journey that is safe from danger. 

If you will not see the person for a long time then it is better to say goodbye. You can find many ways to say goodbye in this article here.

Travel safe or travel safely?

Travel safely is correct because in this case travel is a verb and to modify the verb we need to use the adverb “safely”

Can you say Safe trip or Safe journey?

Yes, you can say “Safe trip” or “Safe Journey” but we usually use “Have a….”.

John: I am leaving now, see you later!

Peter: Have a safe trip!

Peter: Have a safe journey! 

Bon Voyage – Wait isn’t that French? 

Yes, Bon Voyage is the French for Safe travels or literally “have a good trip”

It is common to use bon voyage in English because people are often going on a trip to a foreign country so people use it to sound more exotic.

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I've traveled to over 80 countries by myself. Here are 8 things I do to stay safe.

  • After traveling solo since I was 18, I've hit over 80 countries.
  • I've made my fair share of mistakes, but I've learned how to stay safe while traveling alone.
  • Simple measures, like sharing my location, have helped me avoid unwanted situations.

Insider Today

I've been traveling on my own since I was 18. After visiting over 80 countries and 13 years of trial and error, I've learned a few important safety tips.

Although flight prices seem to be rising ahead of the summer surge, they're significantly cheaper than this time last year, so I'm itching to plan my next trip.

I follow these rules everywhere I travel — it doesn't matter how upscale or "safe" the destination is supposed to be.

Although some situations are unavoidable, here's what I do to stay safe and alert while traveling solo.

I always share my location and itinerary with someone close to me.

safe travel in email

Before a trip, I always share my flight and hotel information with my mom. I've also gotten into the habit of sharing my live location with her (indefinitely).

Other than the fact that it gives her a sense of security, I know that if anything were to happen (or if she doesn't hear from me when expecting to), she would have enough information to make a few calls and confirm I'm safe.

It only takes a few minutes but can make a huge difference in the long run.

Wearing a flat crossbody or belt bag under my clothing is key.

safe travel in email

I always avoid wearing backpacks and those trendy see-through bags — there's no need to make someone curious. I don't like having my purse and valuables super exposed because it makes me a prime target for pickpockets.

Although it's easier to wear belt bags in colder environments when I'm wearing layers, I can still manage in lighter clothing.

Lululemon's Everywhere Belt Bag, Athleta's Pacesetter Run Belt, and Peak Gear's Travel Money Belt have been my go-to for traveling . They're small and thin enough to wear under my clothing but can hold my essentials (cash, credit cards, a phone, my passport, and copies of my ID).

I don’t wear my expensive bling or designer pieces.

safe travel in email

I typically want to look good for photos, but wearing expensive clothing and stand-out jewelry always attracts unwanted attention.

Wearing shiny necklaces and a stack of bangles while sporting a Gucci tracksuit makes it look like I have money, which is the opposite of what I want someone to think when I'm traveling alone.

It also means I'm less likely to successfully negotiate or barter a good price on items in markets.

There are basic things I research about each city or town I’ll be staying in.

safe travel in email

I'm a super spontaneous traveler. Although I usually have a list of places I want to visit, I rarely follow a day-by-day itinerary.

Regardless, once I know where I'm going, I always take time to plan which area to stay in and book hotels in advance . I try to find the best neighborhoods, then I explore a list of hotel options and select them based on reviews, location, and overall vibe.

I also always ask the front desk staff if there are any areas I should avoid once I check in — not everything is online.

Sometimes, I'll even look for female-oriented hotels or ones with mostly female staff members because that makes me feel a little more comfortable.

Looking lost or scared is asking for trouble.

safe travel in email

How you carry yourself is a big deal. If I'm lost, I typically use the app, which allows me to use maps even while offline.

I try to pop into a coffee shop — or even a bathroom stall — to look at the map and get my bearings. If I can't find a place to make a pitstop, I'll walk to a more populated area with lots of traffic.

If worse comes to worse, I'll just hail a taxi to take me back to my hotel.

Looking lost makes it pretty obvious you're a tourist and gives the impression that you're willing to accept help from anyone. Unfortunately, some people take advantage of situations like that.

For the same reasons, I also never walk around looking frightened, even if I'm freaking out on the inside.

There are different transportation apps all over the world, so I make sure I have the right one.

safe travel in email

Not everywhere has Uber or even many taxis. I always look up popular transportation apps wherever I'm traveling and download them on my phone.

I usually even enter and save my credit card information, so I'm ready to roll and don't find myself stuck when I reach the destination.

I make sure I have enough cash with me.

safe travel in email

I've traveled to places where credit cards aren't widely accepted, or I can't withdraw cash from ATMs.

To avoid that panic, I always carry cash and exchange it for the local currency at the airport or hotel.

I don't keep it all on me when I'm exploring — I just carry some with me and leave the rest safely locked in my suitcase.

I've learned to not say yes to everything.

safe travel in email

When I travel alone, I'm bound to meet new people, and sometimes they invite me to parties or for drinks. But I always politely decline.

Nothing good has ever come from drinking with strangers in a foreign place, in my experience. And I always want to be clear-minded enough to pick up on strange or dangerous situations.

I don't even share my plans with strangers I meet, and I never post my real-time locations on social media.

It might seem obvious, but I also don't accept rides from strangers because then they'll know my whereabouts.

safe travel in email

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11 Emails You Should Be Sending To Your Travel Clients

Being an online-based travel business means that email is a crucial communication channel that connects you to your clients. When used correctly, email outreach is a tool to build business relationships, connect with clients, and market your tours and travel products. To simplify things for you, we have put together 11 important business email templates that you should be using in your travel business.

Depending on the milestone your clients are at, there are specific communications you should be sending out each step of the way. From when they book to beyond when the experience is over, sending a few strategic emails can add to a seamless booking journey and keep clients engaged with your travel business.

Download 11 free business email templates

11 Business Email Templates To Engage Your Travel Clients

1) a welcome note.

This is an important one for setting the tone of new relationships and welcoming travelers to the family. It follows after a person sets up an account profile on your website, or subscribes to your newsletter or travel offer.

Business email templates used for welcome notes are friendly, conversational, and often automated. Include an introduction to your travel company, as well as guidance on what is going to happen next. That could be a booking confirmation once a deposit has been paid, or regular newsletters to keep everyone updated on what is happening in your company.

It should also highlight how the person can contact your team should they have any questions. Another good idea is to provide links and pointers to specific sections on your website, such as your latest tour offerings or blog post.

A happy reader checking a welcome email on a computer

2) The Booking Confirmation

With any luck, this will be one of the business email templates that you use most frequently.

Once a client has booked your tour or activity and paid their deposit, this email confirms their reservation.

First off, you want to thank them for their business.

After that, confirm what it is that they have just signed up for. Highlight all the important details such as the dates, times, location, number of guests, the amount paid, cancellation policies, possible add-ons, etc.

Finally, include a welcome pack that prepares them for what is ahead. If there is any information that they need in advance to help them get organized ahead of the trip, now is the time to include it. This could be an outline of visa processing times and regulations if you are traveling internationally, or details of the required fitness level if your tour is an active one.

The purpose of this is to give your clients plenty of time to plan their lives and avoid a last-minute rush.

3) Personalized Upsell Email

Every sale you make is an opportunity to upsell or cross-sell your travel products. Even if your client did not opt for any extras at the time of booking, this might become more relevant to them a little further down the line with the deposit out of the way.

Take a look at their reservation to see how you can enhance their travel experience. From there, send a personalized email with offers that you think they would find useful or relevant for their trip.

As an example, your international clients may decide they now wish to purchase travel insurance from you after all. Alternatively, they could decide that the extra cooking and tasting class is something that they feel like doing.

4) Travel Dossier and Itinerary

As soon as your clients pay the full balance due for their tour or activity, it is time to send a dossier and itinerary.

This is a detailed document that provides them with all the necessary information before the experience takes place. It is usually most useful just before they leave on the journey as it includes things like packing tips, meeting and departure points, emergency contacts, weather forecasts, etc.

Woman checking a travel business newsletter email on her computer

5) Newsletters

Newsletters are business email templates used to engage potential, current, and repeat clients . Use this newsy email to curate and share some of the latest industry news, your amazing promotions, or recently published blog posts among other things.

The idea is to keep the people who have signed up, engaged and aware of what is happening with your business and the industry that they are interested in. While they may not be ready to make a purchase, regularly providing them with useful information and sending them back to your website will keep your travel business fresh in their minds.

  • Encourage people to share your email newsletter or send it to a friend if they have found it useful
  • Be consistent – decide whether you want to send this weekly, fortnightly, or even monthly
  • Include an unsubscribe or manage preferences link to your newsletter. Not everyone will be a repeat client and the last thing you want to do is unintentionally spam them

6) Latest Travel Offers

While this can go out in your newsletter, initially, it is more beneficial to send a separate email containing the details of your newest travel offers, tours, activities, or retreats.

With just the information related to new products included, you can place a greater focus on the fabulous new experiences you have on offer. It is a means to update your clients and potentially get new sales.

Your latest offers can always be marketed as:

  • Seasonal: Summer Sale, Early Bird Deals, Spring Break Offer, etc.
  • Date-specific: Valentine’s Getaway Sale, Cyber Monday, Black Friday Deals, etc.
  • Limited-time: Flash Sale, Last available spaces, End-of-summer Sale, etc.

And so much more! Put your creativity to the test and make sure to put out offers that resonate with your customers. Also, if you’re adding conditions like a “ valid through” disclaimer, make sure you send these emails out with enough time for your clients to make a decision and plan ahead.

7) Personalized Emails

Personalized emails let your clients know that you value them. It can be as simple as offering them a free activity or discount code on their birthday, or reminding them of the great time they had on the anniversary of the first tour booked with you.

Going the extra mile to create a one-on-one connection can prove to be a valuable reminder of your travel business.

You can also tie these personalized emails to referral programs. Make your clients feel special and offer them a personalized promo code for them to share with friends and family.

Woman browsing through her emails on her phone during lunch

8) Post-Trip Thank You

Sending an email to your clients post-trip to say thank you does two things.

First, it means you end off on a good note, which can help to keep communication lines open in the future. The post-trip email speaks volumes about how much you care for your customers and establish a long-term relationship with them that will result in more business for you. Even if they may not be the ones traveling next time, maybe a referral they made based on their good impression is. 

Second, it gives you a chance to ask them to leave a review of the experience they just had. Building a strong review profile is a great marketing tool for your travel business, and happy clients fresh off your tour will be eager to share their thoughts on it with their peers if asked to do so.

9) PR Pitch Email

If your travel company is doing something cool, embarking on a sustainability campaign, launching an internship program, etc. spread the word! Whether you have a PR professional within your team or you are a great communicator, public relations are very important for your brand.

PR pitch emails are outreach efforts directed toward news outlets, bloggers, journalists, or public figures to showcase the value of a story/initiative and why it should be addressed. To define who to write to, you need to deeply understand your target audience and customer profiles: what information they consume, where they get it from, and what will resonate with them and enhance your brand’s core values. 

These emails need to be short and sweet, unambiguous and concise. Nevertheless, the most crucial part of the email is definitely the subject line. Many journalists, media outlets, and public figures receive hundreds of emails per day, so it’s not uncommon for them to just skim through their inboxes and click on the most relevant subject lines they encounter. A great tip for this can be adding “PR Pitch” to the beginning of the email and then typing in the specifics. 

10) New Product Launch Email

Emails will always be an excellent way to spread the news with your existing client base whenever you want to promote a new tour, retreat, or trip planned. Showcasing new offers and experiences to people that have already traveled with you and know the quality of your products is an effective way to re-engage and drive more repeat business.

A new product launch email should always showcase the value of the experience and what makes it different from your competitors and your existing tour catalog. If you have the chance to make it more visual and inspirational than informative, that will add a lot to the email and the engagement it’ll generate with your customers. 

Remember that the email should serve as a quick and attractive overview of your product rather than a complete description. The goal of these emails is to get your contacts to click on links to your website that contain more information about the tour or have them reply with inquiries. 

Man reading a travel business email on his phone

11) Re-engagement Email

Re-engagement or re-marketing emails are the best way to “wake up” contacts that haven’t interacted with your business in a while. Engaging with these contact lists is vital for your business because the more active and engaged users your have (translated into email open rates, click rates, and overall interaction) the more positive signals will internet service providers receive, keeping your emails out of the much-dreaded spam lists.

Re-engagement emails need to offer an incentive or great information to gain your recipient’s interest again. You can tailor your email’s content based on what list of contacts you’re targeting. Here are some of the options you can use:

  • Contacts that requested information and never replied to your message
  • Contacts that couldn’t travel with you because of budget reasons
  • Contacts who couldn’t travel with you because of availability
  • Contacts that traveled with you in the past and didn’t book again

The key here is to understand why they became disengaged in the first place and try to target that pain point in your email. If the reason was budget, you could try offering a discount for their next trip. If the issue was the lack of availability, you can offer early booking access. For contacts that you never heard of again, there are a thousand possibilities! You can try showcasing what makes your travel company unique or share different options for the tour they originally requested.

For these emails, as well as in the newsletter, it’s important to offer your contact the option to unsubscribe to maintain a healthy contact list.

Final Thoughts

Some parting advice – put yourself on the receiving end. Are your emails adding value, or are they overly promotional, too frequent, not relevant? Use these business email templates wisely to maximize your connection with travelers, and optimize their experience with your company.

Email is not going away, every year it grows stronger! So you need to step up your game in order to win the engagement race in a sea of crowded inboxes. Always make sure you understand your audience, their interests, needs, and formats, to keep a healthy and engaged contact list that’s ready to convert or become your brand’s top ambassador.

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We’re committed to your privacy. WeTravel uses the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content, products, and services. You may unsubscribe at any time.

About the author

Zaky Prabowo (he/him)

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Authorities advising against travel across Cherokee County, IA

Taken in Cherokee, Iowa

CHEROKEE, Iowa (KTIV) - Authorities in the Northwest Iowa county of Cherokee are saying the area may experience historic flooding this weekend. Because of this, Cherokee County Emergency Management is advising no travel if at all possible.

According to emergency management, they’ve gotten reports from long-time Cherokee County residents that they are seeing water levels they’ve never seen before.

As of Saturday afternoon, the only roads that can get drivers through Cherokee County are the bridge at 480th Street, L51 at Quimby and C66 at Washta.

Some of the closures reported as of 2 p.m. include these roads in the town of Cherokee:

  • Highway 3 bypass
  • Old 21 and 515th St.
  • Intersection of Beech St./Reddington Ave.
  • Intersection of Maple/Waterbeech
  • Water st and East Main
  • Roosevelt and East Maple, no eastbound traffic
  • East elm and Reddington Ave.
  • East locust and 1st, can’t go south
  • 59 and Beech St., can’t go east
  • Hwy 59 between Locust and Beech
  • Locust and 2nd

These county roads have also been closed:

  • L Ave and 430th St. closed off
  • C16 through L51-M Ave.
  • Barnes Road south of 480th St. closed
  • middle road between 470th and C16
  • 430th and L Ave.
  • 470th and O Ave.

These are just some of the road closures, as the Cherokee County Roads Department says they can’t keep up with all the them. Authorities urge people to stay off the roads if at all possible and to remember if you see a flooded road, turn around.

Cherokee County is not the only one advising against travel. Lyn, Sioux O’Brien, Clay, Emmet and Dickinson Counties are also strongly discouraging travel Saturday.

Copyright 2024 KTIV. All rights reserved.

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  4. “Safe Travels”: Meaning, Usage & Examples

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  5. Bon Voyage! 30 Safe Flight Wishes for Friends

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  6. Top 10 Tips for safe travel

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  1. Guide: How to Say "Safe Travels" in an Email

    Formal Example: Dear [Recipient's Name], As you embark on your journey, I wanted to take a moment to wish you a safe journey. May your travels be safe and smooth, and may you return refreshed and invigorated. Please take care and have a wonderful time! Best regards, [Your Name] Informal Example: Hey [Recipient's Name]!

  2. 11 Better Ways To Say "Safe Travels"

    There are plenty of ways to use "safe travels" in more exciting manners. You should check out one of the following: Be safe. Safe trip. Have a good flight. Happy landings. See you on the other side. Let me know when you arrive safely. Stay safe out there.

  3. 10 Professional Ways to Say "Safe Travels"

    5. Enjoy Your Time Off. "Enjoy your time off" is a formal way to say "safe travels.". It works really well when someone has booked vacation time at work, and you want to wish them well. Generally, this phrase works better when emailing employees.

  4. How to Say "Have a Safe Trip" in an Email: Formal and Informal Ways

    1. Personalize your message. Adding personalized details like the destination or purpose of the trip can make your well wishes even more meaningful. For example, "Have an amazing and safe trip to Paris!" or "Wishing you a safe and successful business trip to London!". 2. Use positive and encouraging language.

  5. Is It Correct to Say "Safe Travels"?

    However, the phrase "Safe travels" — along with other specific phrases and usages that include the plural countable noun "travels" — has kept the word alive in very specific situations. This means that, even though we don't say the word "travels" very often, it is grammatically correct, especially when you use it in the phrase ...

  6. 10 Other Ways to Say "Safe Travels" (With Examples)

    Wishing you a peaceful voyage! Journey mercies! May your travels be trouble-free! Have a secure trip! Safe journey ahead! 1. Have a smooth journey! "Have a smooth journey!" is a warm, friendly expression often used to wish someone well before they embark on a trip. It implies a hope for a hassle-free experience, devoid of complications or ...

  7. How to correctly use the expression "safe travel (s)"?

    "[I wish you] safe travel." uses the uncountable form of the noun. It refers to an amalgamation of all of the travels one might undertake in the specific time period. "[I wish you] safe travels." uses the countable noun. We understand that a number of separate travels will occur, perhaps in a single trip with stopovers. Notes:

  8. "Safe Travels": Meaning, Usage & Examples

    The meaning of "Safe travels" is "have a safe journey.". We use this expression when we want to wish someone a safe journey. The whole phrase is "I wish you safe travels," yet it is often abbreviated as "safe travels," with the "I wish you …" part simply implied. You can also tell someone "safe travels" when you want ...

  9. 10 Other Ways to Say "Safe Travels"

    Person 1: That sounds lovely. Bon voyage! Person 1: I won't be in the office tomorrow. I'm going to be in London for a couple of days for a conference. Person 2: Oh, I bet that'll be loads of fun. Bon voyage! Furthermore, tonally, this phrase is at the same level of informality as "safe travels.".

  10. 20+ Creative Ways to Say "Safe Travels" to Someone

    08 "Your dream has always been to travel the world. Have an unforgettable time and experience the thrill of each moment.". You May Also Like: 25 Creative Ways to Say "Take Care". 09 "Do some crazy things you wouldn't think of doing at home and have a blast. I'll try not to have too much fun while you're away!

  11. 20 Ways to Say Have a Safe Flight!

    Most common ways to say have a safe flight. The two most common ways to wish someone a safe flight is "Have a safe flight", "Safe travels", and "text me when you land" The saying "safe travels" is more broadly used and accepted for any mode of transportation. This could come in handy especially in a setting where you do not know ...

  12. 13 Professional Ways to Say "Safe Travels"

    Here are 13 professional alternatives to the phrase "Safe Travels.". Each of these phrases is accompanied by a scenario-based usage: Phrase. Scenario-Based Usage. Have a smooth journey. When a client is going on a business trip. Wishing you a comfortable journey. When a colleague is traveling for a conference. May your journey be hassle-free.

  13. 16 Other Ways to Say "Safe Travels"

    Here are 16 alternatives to "safe travels" that might fit your message perfectly: Have a safe trip. Travel safely. Have a good trip. Have a safe journey. Safe journey. Wishing you a safe trip. Have a pleasant trip. Best wishes on your travels.

  14. 30 Creative Ways to Say "Have a Safe Flight!"

    This phrase emphasizes that you have their safety in mind, even when they're miles away. 2) "Safe travels" If you've been reading our travel blog, you've probably noticed how we sometimes sign off with the phrase "Safe travels!" We love it! It has a lighthearted feel, but still carries the same sentiment as "have a safe flight." 3) "Bon voyage"

  15. Safe Travels or Safe Travel? Which is the Correct Expression?

    Safe travel uses the uncountable form of the noun. It refers to all of the travels the person being spoken to might collectively make on a particular trip. Although you'll rarely hear this used. Travel safe, on the other hand, is a lot more common. This is a polite way of wishing someone a safe journey.

  16. Is It Correct to Say "Safe Travels"?

    Both "safe travels" and "safe travel" are grammatically correct, albeit with nuanced differences in meaning and connotation. Using "safe travels" tends to be more inclusive, addressing the various stages, stops, or layers of a person's trip. Meanwhile, "safe travel" focuses on the broader theme of travel safety without ...

  17. 125 Good Travels and Have a Safe Trip Messages [w/ Quotes]

    May your sailing be as smooth as your stay is exciting. I hope you have an unforgettable time. I will be here, awaiting your return. Have a safe flight and a pleasant journey. #2 Take every new breath deeply and enjoy the places you visit. Find new food, new music, new friends, and see life through new eyes.

  18. Is it "Safe Travel" or "Safe Travels?" (Correct Grammar + Examples

    The correct phrase is "safe travels," with an "s" letter. The reason why this form is correct is that someone who is traveling would be doing so in the plural form. We would say have "safe travels" rather than a safe "travel.".

  19. 100+ Examples for Safe Journey Wishes Messages that Inspire

    10 Messages for Message for a Safe Travel. Sending you my best wishes for a safe and enjoyable journey. May you have smooth travels and return home with a heart full of beautiful memories. Have a safe travel, my friend! Take care of yourself and enjoy every moment of your trip. Wishing you a fantastic time and safe returns.

  20. 117 Safe Travels Messages For Your Suitcase Packing Friends

    14.) As long as you have an open mind, an able body, and a benevolent heart, you will be safe everywhere. 15.) May your journey be safe and smooth, and may you enjoy your trip. 16.) Safe journey, my dear friend! Have fun and be well. 17.) I hope your journey is carefree and that you enjoy yourself while you are gone.

  21. Safe travels or Safe travel? Which is correct?

    When you want to wish someone to have a journey that is completed without a problem you can say "Safe Travels". Safe travel is ok but not commonly used. Correct Ways to wish someone a safe journey: Safe travels. Bon voyage. Travel safely. Drive safely. Have a safe trip. Have a nice trip.

  22. Sending your Safe Journey Wishes to friends and family

    A short, quick message to wish them on their way. Sometimes you have to let the photo do all the talking. Bon Voyage and get there safe. Safe Travels. Enjoy your journey. Get there safe and sound. Wishing you a safe journey and a relaxing holiday when you arrive. May your journey be free from stress and bring you home safely.

  23. Tips for Staying Safe Traveling Alone, Frequent International Traveler

    You can opt-out at any time by visiting our Preferences page or by clicking "unsubscribe" at the bottom of the email. Advertisement I've been traveling on my own since I was 18.

  24. 11 Emails You Should Be Sending To Your Travel Clients

    Being an online-based travel business means that email is a crucial communication channel that connects you to your clients. When used correctly, email outreach is a tool to build business relationships, connect with clients, and market your tours and travel products. To simplify things for you, we have put together 11 important business email ...

  25. Authorities advising against travel across Cherokee County, IA

    Authorities advising against travel across Cherokee County, IA. Taken in Cherokee, Iowa (Caleb Smith) ... Black Hills Energy provides safety tips for natural gas during issued flood safety warning.

  26. Boeing Lost Hundreds of Bad 737 Parts, Whistleblower Says

    A Boeing Co. quality inspector alleged that the planemaker mishandled and lost track of hundreds of faulty parts, some of which he said may have been installed on new 737 Max planes, the latest ...