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Tour d’Uetli

Tour d’Uetli

About the race

The team from Tour Uetli have put together an interesting concept in the hills and woods close to Zurich.

Consisting of 3 stages between May and June, they have set out 3 different 5km courses for you to run whenever you want. Runners record their runs on strava and the team use GPS data to rank everyone. It is possible to run the trails as many times as you want and just your fastest time will count towards your ranking.

NB: We have estimated next year’s dates based on last year’s dates. We’ll update as soon as we have more info. RTA makes every effort to keep this page up to date.

Der junge Klassiker am Uetliberg

7. tour d'uetli, die siebte tdu ist geschichte: 372 registrierte, 211 rangierte und 86 errungene badges – grande gewonnen haben – nicht zum ersten mal – elena howald-roos und florian howald. allen finishern, etappen-bezwingern und badge-ergatterern herzliche gratulation ‍, das ist die tdu: jede woche eine neue strecke, die während zwei wochen gelaufen werden kann. die drei etappen zählen in die gesamtwertung der tour. schöne (unbekannte) trails am uetliberg, spass und tempo sind garantiert.

Gefällt dir das Format? Dein freiwilliger Beitrag macht diese Tour möglich - Danke!

Gefällt dir das Format? Dein freiwilliger Beitrag (login erforderlich) macht diese Tour möglich - Danke!

Ein grosses Merci für deine Unterstützung!

Save the date: Die dritte Tour d'Uetli startet am 10. Mai 2021! Auf drei Etappen, die Spannung versprechen. More to come!

🌧 Dente del Tasso geschlossen 🌧

Wir möchten die Trails schonen und haben am 21. Mai die Etappe Dente del Tasso gestoppt.

  • Die Dente del Tasso zählt nicht mehr in die Tour, hier geht es zur Rangierung hors classement (bis 21. Mai).
  • La Petite Fontaine ist offen und zählt bereits seit 21. Mai in die Gesamtwertung.
  • Die Tour wird um eine Woche verlängert und erhält mit Allez Allée eine wetterfeste dritte Etappe.

Wir hoffen auf euer Verständnis und freuen uns auf die Fortsetzung der Tour!

Die Tour d'Uetli - auf einen Blick

Drei Etappen, ein hoher Trail-Anteil und Strecken, die Freude bereiten.

Während der Tour kannst du jede Woche ab Freitag eine neue Etappe entdecken und sie während zwei Wochen (bis am Sonntag) so oft laufen wie du möchtest. Nur die schnellste deiner Zeiten fliesst in das Ranking ein. Die Zeitmessung funktioniert über dein eigenes GPS-Gerät und wird automatisch mit der Rangliste synchronisiert.

Du unterstützt die Zukunft der Tour d'Uetli? Wir bedanken uns herzlich mit einem goldenen Profilbild bei dir!

Badges Badges Badges... denn nicht nur die Schnellsten werden belohnt, es gibt drei Auszeichnungen zu holen, die  deinen Namen auf der Rangliste zieren:

Nach insgesamt fünf Efforts hast du dir den Bienli-Badge verdient.

Sei nachtaktiv (Etappenstart zwischen 21:00 und 07:00 Uhr) und erhalte den Fledermaus-Badge.

Laufe am Hattrick-Wochenende (10.-12. Mai) alle Etappen an einem Tag und zaubere den Hasen aus dem Hut.

Neueste Resultate

Deine Unterstützung macht den Unterschied!

Gefällt dir die TdU? Deine Unterstützung macht die Tour möglich: Hier die Tour unterstützen,

Die 7. TdU ist zwar vorbei, aber man darf noch gerne unterstützen. Unser Dank geht an:

Die Etappen

27.5.2024 21:47

(EN below) Die siebte TdU ist Geschichte. Eine Geschichte, die du mitgeschrieben hast! 372 Registrierte, 211 Rangierte und 86 errungene Badges – Grande!!

Gewonnen haben – nicht zum ersten Mal – Elena Howald-Roos und Florian Howald. Top! Mit weniger als einer Minute Rückstand gelang Astrid Hochart fast das Kunststück, Elena noch zu überholen. Allen Finishern, Etappen-Bezwingern und Badge-Ergatterern herzliche Gratulation!

In Kürze tauchen die Namen aller Supporter auf – dank ihnen können wir die Tour d’Uetli werbefrei und in Eigenregie führen, danke! Spenden sind natürlich weiterhin willkommen. 

Danke für deine Teilnahme und wir freuen uns auf nächstes Jahr! Vielleicht mit weniger steilen Anstiegen und vielleicht mit weniger Regen. Aber wiederum mit einer grossen Portion Abenteuer.

The seventh TdU is history. A history that you helped write! 372 registered, 211 ranked and 86 badges won - Grande!!!

The winners- not for the first time - are Elena Howald-Roos and Florian Howald. Less than a minute behind, Astrid Hochart almost managed the feat of overtaking Elena. Congratulations to all finishers, stage conquerors and badge recipients!

The names of all supporters will appear shortly - thanks to them we can run the Tour d'Uetli without adverts and on our own, thank you! Donations are of course still welcome.

Thank you for your participation and we look forward to next year! Perhaps with fewer steep climbs and maybe less rain. But again with a big dose of adventure.

tour de uetli

15.5.2024 20:12

(EN below) Bald bricht die letzte TdU Woche an! 365 Registrierte, 207 Rangierte und 60 Badges - die Ausgabe 2024 ist bereits die zweit erfolgreichste und wir haben noch eine ganze Woche vor uns! Lass uns die Erlebnisse auf den Strecken teilen und feiern - komme am Pfingstmontag, 20. Mai, ab 16:00 zum Hohensteinplatz (Ziel der Funiculaire) und trinke ein Bier mit uns!

The last TdU week is coming up soon! 365 registered, 207 ranked and 60 badges - the 2024 edition is already the second most successful and we still have a whole week to go! Let's share the experiences on the routes and celebrate - come to Hohensteinplatz (finish of the Funiculaire) on Whit Monday, May 20, from 16:00 (until at least 18:30) and have a beer with us!

tour de uetli

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Hey $$firstname$$

Schön, dass du dabei bist! In dieser Tour steckt neben viel Liebe und Arbeit auch einiges an finanziellen Ausgaben. Hilf' uns, diese zu decken und ermögliche weitere Touren.

Danke, $$firstname$$

Schön, dass du mit deiner Unterstützung der Tour eine Zukunft gibts. Du bist für uns die Nummer 1 - Kudos!

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Home » Hiking Trail

Uetliberg • Three trails to the top of this Zurich mountain

  • Zürich Region
  • Last Updated: 30 Mar 2020
  • By Tanya, Founder of Swiss Family Fun

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It took me over a dozen years of living in Zürich before I ever hiked up Uetliberg, the mountain overlooking Zürich. It seemed pointless if I could take a train up there and skip the climb. But after my first time up the mountain, I was hooked and now I hike up there often because it’s an excellent free workout and close to home. I have three trail options below, which are a good starting place.

I offer this information because there are lots of tiny paths leading to Uetliberg, but most are not well maintained and can be dangerous, especially after wet weather. I’ve done a couple of these by mistake (see example below) and they are not worth the effort. The wider trails I show below are much safer options.

tour de uetli

On multiple occasions, I’ve seen people scrambling up these non-official trails, emerging through the bushes at the top rather flustered, having to climb over a barrier to reach the viewpoint. Totally unnecessary and risky.

All of my recommended trails are well maintained trails but do include very steep climbs/descents, which can be hard on the knees and sometimes slippery with loose gravel. So wear good shoes and use good judgement. That said, you’ll see all sorts of casual walkers with inappropriate footwear and normal clothing strolling slowly up the mountain.

Uetliberg Kulm • Your goal

All of these trails lead to the Uetliberg Kulm, a viewpoint looking over Zürich. You can easily reach this by train and an easy 600m walk ( info about that here ). But it’s much more satisfying when you hike up.

tour de uetli

There is a restaurant and hotel at the top. There are toilets, but require a CHF 1 coin to enter. There is a tower you can climb. It is currently CHF 5/person to go up, which I think is much too expensive! If you want just north of the viewpoint staying on the ridge, you’ll come to a picnic area with a playground and water fountain.

tour de uetli

Option 1: Up & Back – Föhreneggweg to Uetlibergweg

This trail simply goes up and down Uetliberg on parallel trails, the shortest option here. If you live in Zürich, you could probably fit this in while the kids are at school in the morning and still make it back home in time to cook lunch. I’ve shown the trail starting from the Albisgüetli stop (end of the line for Tram 13) at the base of Uetliberg, right near the trailhead that starts in the forest.

There are two parallel trails going up the mountain. I usually go up the trail on the right on the map below and down the other one. The section on the right is labeled “exponiert”, which means it’s exposed with sections not in the forest, so you get views to the lake. The trail on the left is all in the forest with no views. Both trails are very steep, but well maintained.

Here’s one of the viewpoints on the way up Uetliberg.

tour de uetli

Some of the stairs on the trail up.

tour de uetli

Option 2: Loop – Gratweg to Hohensteinweg

This trail is a loop, hiking up Uetliberg, then north along the ridge (aka Gratwegli) then down the Hohensteinweg, then back along the Panorama trail on the edge of the forest. This is a good option if you want to hike longer but want to loop back your starting point or if you don’t want to leave the city.

The trail down feels less challenging that the way up because there are more switchbacks and more stairs, which make the climb/descent slightly easier.

tour de uetli

Option 3: Waldegg to Hohensteinstrasse

This is the easiest option and you can make it even easier by taking the train one direction, so just hiking up or just hiking down.

There is a large parking lot at Birmensdorferstrasse 12, 8142 Uitikon Waldegg where I’ve started the trail shown below. The bus stop Waldegg, Birmensdorferstrasse is also near here, serviced by many bus lines.

If you want to take the train there or back, use the Uitikon Waldegg station, which is a short walk from the parking. There are a few parking spots next to this train station if you prefer.

At about the halfway point there is a very nice playground and picnic area at Hohensteinplatz .

tour de uetli

Extra credit: Hike up Uetliberg, then Panorama trail to Felsenegg

2020.03.30 – Since this relies on public transportation to return to your starting point, best to save this option for after the Covid19 lockdown.

This trail climbs up to Uetliberg, then heads south on the Panorama/Planeta trail to Felsenegg , where you can ride the cable car down to Adliswil, which saves you about 1.5km distance and 400m of elevation descent. In spring 2020, that cable car is currently being replaced and won’t be done at the earliest until 30.April 2020. So at the moment, you’ll need to hike down.

You’ll need at least 4 hours for this one because the hike ends at the Adliswil train station and you’ll need to take the train back to Zürich. I marked the trail starting at the Saalsporthalle train station at Sihlcity (Train S4, Tram 5 & 13), which is convenient because train back from Adliswil stops here. But you could shorten this trail by taking tram 13 to the Albisgütli stop and start there.

If you do ride the Felsenegg cable car, note that the ticket is part of the Adliswil ZVV zone, so the same as buying a ticket from Adliswil train station . So just buy a ticket from here to your final destination. If you are going to Zürich, it costs about CHF 3.20.

Here are a couple views along the Panorama trail. It’s an easy path, with gradual ups and downs. More details for the Panorama/Planet trail here .

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Picture of Tanya, Swiss Family Fun

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9 Responses

thank you this looks amazing! I am visiting Zurich and want to do option 2 – I don’t mind a hard climb, but are there any points where you walk on the edge of a cliff, where you need to be careful not to fall? or when you climb the steep mountain you are still safe from falling?

I don’t recall any parts near a cliff edge. Parts of the trail are steep though and you need to walk slowly so you don’t slip.

I was thinking, are these trails “hike-able” during winter months? Any experience? I mean safety-wise could they be dangerous because of ice/mud? Also, beauty-wise, which time of the year you would say is the best time to go for it?

Thanks in advance!

It depends on the snow situation. I wouldn’t suggest it if there is snow, ice or mud. It wouldn’t be too dangerous as there are no cliffs to fall off. But you could get hurt slipping on the ice or mud. Much better to ride the train to Uetliberg and walk along the ridge instead. But during winter, there isn’t often snow up there. So just check the conditions before heading out.

My wife and I almost skipped the mountain because we found out the train is not running on weekdays and this is the last day I was free from work. After we found your blog we decided to hike up on route 1 and it was great. Thanks so much for writing this!

I’m glad you were able to visit Uetliberg with the hike. But I’m positive that this train runs on weekdays. I’ve ridden it lots of times on weekdays.

So glad to learn about these short routes at Zurich. I would be going there in coming February. I am from Hong Kong and loves hiking in my place. Hope to do some gentle hiking when I go to Switzerland then. Thanks, Tanya.

Hi there, thanks for this post. I was searching for an easy way to go there with my family and your second option, Uetliberg – Waldegg to Hohensteinstrasse, looks like the best one for me. Cheers Alessandro

The easiest way is to simply ride the train 🙂 Hope you had fun!

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Tour d'Uetli - Alle Etappen

Tour d'Uetli - Alle Etappen

Collection von LaceUp

Alle Etappen der Tour d'Uetli - die schönsten Trails am Uetliberg, handverlesen.

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  • Distanz 101 km
  • Zeit 15:06 Std
  • Höhenmeter 4.400 m

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tour de uetli

Uetliberg, Switzerland: Guide To Zurich’s Mountain

uetliberg winter

Considering conquering Zurich’s local mountain? The Uetliberg is a popular way to spend a day high above Zurich for a reason. With spectacular panoramic views of Zurich and the Alps in the distance, what is not to love.

In this detailed guide, I’ve covered everything you need to know about the Uetliberg. From some fun facts about the mountain to the best times to visit and things to do once you’re at the top. Read on to learn more about the Uetliberg, and see exactly why you head up there soon!

Table of Contents

Uetliberg History


There’s evidence that the top of the Uetliberg has been settled since the Neolithic , so this local mountain has a surprisingly rich history. The oldest archaeological artifacts uncovered at the mountain are from 4000 BC.

An oppidum once existed at the top of the Uetliberg hill, most likely during the Iron Age. It was considered one of the most significant fortifications from this time period in entire Switzerland, and the remains of the ancient wall system are still visible at the Uto Kulm summit.

It’s worth noting that certain archeological sites had to be entirely destroyed during the construction of the Uetliberg railway, including a burial site from the 5th century BC.

In general, the Uetliberg has always been of great importance to the Swiss. In previous centuries it was an essential part of the city’s defense systems, while nowadays it mostly serves as an escape from all the big city noises and crowds.

Related Reading

Best views in zurich: 8 spots you should not miss, how to get to the uetliberg.

tour de uetli

The easiest way of getting to the Uetliberg is by train from the Zurich main station. It takes about 20 minutes to get to the mountain train station, and then you’re only about 10 minutes away from the Uetliberg lookout tower and the viewpoint.

A return ticket for this journey will set you back CHF 17.60. That’s the price for adults – there’s a 50% discount for children of ages 6-15, while the youngest travelers get to travel for free.

Hiking along the Planetenweg on the Uetliberg

Alternatively, you can also hike from Zurich to the Uetliberg if you want. Depending on where you start in the city, it can take you anywhere from 45 minutes to two hours.

The simplest way up is from the Triemli tram stop using the Hohensteinweg. This is also a toboggan run in winter.

When I was last up there I saw a lot of people coming up from Albisgüetli, the only challenge then is that you are not directly at the top of the mountain, so it usually takes longer to get to the restaurant and viewing tower.

It’s also possible to take the cable car to Felsenegg from Albisgüetli and then hike along the ridge to the Uetliberg from there. This is the least strenuous way of getting there apart from taking the train to the top.

Things to Do on the Uetliberg

Uetliberg Hiking

The most popular thing to do on the mountain is to climb the observation tower. It offers a beautiful panoramic view of the entire city and Lake Zurich, and it’s the main reason why most people bother to visit the mountain.

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Hiking is a close second. The Uetliberg boasts a great system of well-marked hiking routes you could explore for days. The Planetenweg Trail is one of the most popular hikes here; it’s a fairly easy route marked by planets from the solar system.

The mountain is also popular for mountain biking. One mountain bike route starts right next to the barbecue area and takes you all the way to the Triemli station in the city. There’s one more route that is shorter but steeper at times, and it’s more popular among experienced MTBers who just want to rush down the mountain fast.

The Uetliberg isn’t popular only in the summer season – Zurich’s local mountain gets a tonne of visitors in the winter as well. Uto Kulm hotel organizes a Christmas market at the top of the mountain, plus there are plenty of opportunities for sledding and tobogganing.

Things To Do In Zurich: History, Culture, and Swiss Delicacies

Where to eat on the uetliberg.

Benches and seats at the top of the Uetliberg

You can eat wherever you want if you remember to pack a picnic basket and take it with you. The Uetliberg mountain is a great place for picnics, especially on clear and sunny days when you can enjoy fabulous views of the city and Lake Zurich while snacking on some delicious local cheese.

There are lots of benches and seats at the top, where you can soak up the sun and enjoy the panoramic views of Zurich and Lake Zurich below.

Uetliberg Uto-Kulm Hotel & Restaurant

Alternatively, there are a couple of restaurants at the top of the mountain where you can enjoy meals prepared by professionals. They mostly serve Swiss cuisine, so this is a great opportunity to try some of the famous local delicacies like cheese fondue and rosti. Uto Kulm , Maiensäss , and Uto-Staffel are the closest restaurants to the observation tower and the Uetliberg station areas.

Where to Stay near the Uetliberg

Uto Kulm is the only hotel on the mountain, and it’s situated right next to the lookout tower. It’s a good place to stay if you want easy access to all the important attractions, but it’s also the priciest option.

There are a couple of guesthouses atop the mountain, but it’s not like you’ll be spoiled for choice. The Pfadiheim guesthouse offers accommodation for groups and it’s situated in the southern area of the mountain. Im Sonnenbühl is a guesthouse less than five minutes away from the Uetliberg train station.

Tips When Visiting the Uetliberg

Many of the hiking trails on the Uetliberg are stroller and wheelchair-friendly, so most people and children can easily explore them.

Layer up. Even though you’re traveling just 20 minutes outside the city, you’re still heading up a mountain. It’s always colder there than it is in the city, especially in the early mornings and afternoons.

Go early if you want to avoid crowds. This is particularly important if you’re visiting in the summer season since that’s when the mountain is most popular.

Bring some cash/coins. Access to the observation deck is 2 CHF and the card terminal doesn’t always work, so it’s best to have some cash on hand.

12 Mountains Near Zurich: Which Should You Explore?

Frequently asked questions about the uetliberg.


How much time do you need to get to the Uetliberg?

To get to the Uetliberg takes around 20 minutes by train from Zurich HB main station. It takes around 2 hours to walk the same distance. However, you can hike up in under an hour from the Triemli tram station.

Is it possible to drive to the Uetliberg?

It is not possible to drive to the top of the Uetliberg or anywhere near the top. However, you can drive to the bottom and park there or drive to the southern parts of the mountain where it is less developed.

It’s also worth noting that you can drive through the Uetliberg via a long straight tunnel through via the Zurich ring road.

Is it possible to walk from Zurich to the Uetliberg?

Yes, it’s possible to walk from Zurich to the Uetliberg. On a beautiful day, it’s even the preferred method of traveling from the city to the mountain. The shortest way from Zurich to the Uetliberg is along the Hohensteinweg from Triemli tram station. It takes around 45 minutes to hike up. From downtown Zurich to the top of the Uetliberg can take you around 2 hours in total.

Is the Uetliberg worth visiting?

The Uetliberg is worth visiting if you enjoy hiking and scenic city views. It offers 360-degree panoramic views of Zurich and its surroundings, as well as distant views of the Alps. There is also a myriad of hiking trails that you can explore, many of which are easy and stroller-friendly.

There are also a few restaurants at the top of the mountain, which offer the best local delicacies, ice cream and drinks along with panoramic views.

If you are more into museums and shops, you might not love this excursion so much. But if you enjoy spending time in nature and you want to discover some of the magnificent nature Switzerland is famous for around the planet, the Uetliberg is definitely a good preview.

tour de uetli

2 thoughts on “ Uetliberg, Switzerland: Guide To Zurich’s Mountain ”

Hi Ashley, is Uetliberg covered in snow this time of the year? We will be in Zurich for 4 days beginning Dec. 31 2023 and our kids want see snow.

Hi Eia, At the moment not. The weather has been very warm for winter and everything has melted. I can see Uetliberg from my window :> You could check – closer to the date. But honestly, it only happens some weeks a year. A better bet is the area around Einsiedeln or worst case Hoch Y Brig, or Flumserberg mountains (ski resorts) Hope that helps Ashley

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Hiking on the Uetliberg

Hiking to the uetliberg.

The Uto Kulm – the peak of the Uetliberg at 871 meters above sea level – is an attractive hiking destination from the city of Zurich.

At the peak are several hiking routes and trails with spectacular views, which are also easy to manage by families with children. Hiking to the peak of the Uetliberg is possible from various parts of the city and takes about one hour:

  • From Albisgüetli (terminus on tram line 13), the Denzlerweg is full of variety and takes you to the peak in a fairly straight direction.
  • Also starting at Albisgüetli, the Laternenweg leads to the top slightly further west.
  • Hohensteinweg will take you from Triemli (terminus on tram line 14) up along a mountain shoulder. This trail is especially popular as a toboggan run in the winter.
  • A forest trail leads from the parking lot in Uitikon-Waldegg to the peak. This path is less steep than the others.

Hiking trails around the Uetliberg

Numerous paths and tracks – including real mountain trails – lead through the forested area. The best-known trail is the spectacular Gratweg from Uetliberg via Felsenegg to the Albis Pass or further across the Albishorn to Sihlbrugg village. On , by the way, the Uetliberg is one of the highest-rated destinations – it will enchant you too.

Links to hiking trails

Ridge trail Uetliberg - Sihlbrugg

Panorama trail Uetliberg - Felsenegg

Uetliberg - Türlersee

Planet Trail hiking reports hiking routes

The Uetliberg on holidaycheck

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The Üetliberg ist Zurich's home mountain. Views over Zurich city, the Glarner Alps, central Switzerland and parts of the Mittelland – at best from the climbable viewing tower.

Uetliberg at a glance

Zurich’s home mountain is reached today by train from the main station; and since1875 (although with some interruptions) a standard-line train has travelled with ease to the "Üezgi". And here the tradition-steeped Hotel and Restaurant Uto Kulm  offers top views and treats. No less scenic is also the highland hike through our solar system on the planet path  to Felsenegg. Altitude: 869m Accessibility: Direct train connection from Zurich’s main train station View: Zurich  city, lake  of Zurich, Glarner and central Switzerland Alps, Mittelland Attractions: Viewing tower (chargeable), planet path to Felsenegg Culinary aspects: La Bellezza covered terrace, scenic restaurant with breakfast buffet and gourmet menu 14 rooms for up to 650 people for meals and festive gatherings Overnight stays: 55 rooms, four-star comfort, sauna Groups: 12 seminar rooms for up to 300 participants, all-inclusive seminars Winter: Mountain rail, hotel, restaurant open in winter; Üetliberg–Triemli toboggan run with sufficient snow Special comments: Special attraction: Special attraction: One of the steepest standard gauge adhesion trains in Europe with 70% gradient Please note: Fully included in the Swiss Travel Pass/GA travelcard. Buy Swiss Travel System tickets

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Discover Zurich

City Tour and Train Trip to the Uetliberg


  • Audioguide in 11 languages
  • City tour of Zurich
  • Unaccompanied Train ride to the Uetliberg
  • Superb views of Zurich

On this tour through Zurich´s historical center, guests see the city´s business and financial district, the world-famous Bahnhofstrasse shopping mile, the main museums, the university quarter, part of the picturesque Old Town, and the Limmatquai with its historical guild houses. They can also listen to a comprehensive commentary about Zurich´s history, culture and attractions via a modern audio guide system.

Subsequently an unaccompanied train ride takes participants up Zurich´s very own “mountain”, the Uetliberg (871 m/2,858ft), also known as the “Rooftop of Zurich”. A short walk from the top station to the Restaurant Uto Kulm is rewarded by spectacular views over the city and lake as far as the Alps in the distance. Anyone tackling the stairs to the top of the observation tower will find themselves at 900 m (2,953ft) above sea level, from where they can enjoy an even more magnificent panorama.

Between June 5-9, 2023, the tour is without an audio guide, but with an in-person guide in English and German.

Time and Duration

Available on the following days, additional information.

This tour is partly guided.

Operator: Partner company

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Le Tour Ride 2024

July 21 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.

Le Tour Ride 2024

Le Tour Ride 2024 brings to life the start of the Tour 70 years ago in Amsterdam, celebrating the 2024 Tour.

On July 21, participants will experience a French-style cycling tour, retracing the steps of the 1954 Tour de France start in Amsterdam. Seventy years ago, cyclists exited the Olympic Stadium for the first meters of the ’54 Tour.

Starting and finishing near the Sporthallen Zuid, Le Tour Ride Toertocht follows the initial route of the 1954 Tour. After the ride, cyclists can watch the final stage of the 2024 Tour (Monaco – Nice) on a large screen, surrounded by a charming French atmosphere. Routes from Amsterdam offer 80KM, 120KM, or 160KM options, with two refreshment stations along the way.

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Primoz roglic wins vuelta a espana for 4th time, ties record after year of change.

  • Nick Zaccardi ,
  • Nick Zaccardi

Slovenia’s Primoz Roglic won a record-tying fourth Vuelta a Espana, capping a 12-month stretch that included leaving his team of eight years and withdrawing during the Tour de France.

“It’s just a lot of sacrificing,” he said. “It’s not only me -- my family, everyone around. We all sacrifice. We all live for it.”

Roglic, 34, won Friday’s 19th Vuelta stage with a summit finish, erasing Ben O’Connor’s five-second edge in the overall standings and taking a lead of 1:54 of his own over the Australian.

Roglic expanded that to 2:02 on Saturday’s penultimate stage with another summit finish.

VUELTA A ESPANA: Final Standings

That was a very comfortable lead going into Sunday’s finale, a 15-mile time trial into Madrid. Roglic was second-fastest on the day behind Swiss Stefan Kueng and finished 2:36 ahead of O’Connor in the final overall standings.

Roglic tied the record of four Vuelta titles held by Spain’s Roberto Heras (2000, ’03-05).

The Vuelta is one of cycling’s three, three-week Grand Tours along with the Giro d’Italia (held in May) and the Tour de France (July).

Fellow Slovenian Tadej Pogacar won this year’s Giro and Tour and skipped the Vuelta. Rarely does a rider compete in all three Grand Tours in one season.

Slovenia, with the population size of New Mexico, became the first nation to sweep all three men’s Grand Tours in one year since Great Britain in 2018: Chris Froome (Giro), Geraint Thomas (Tour), Simon Yates (Vuelta).

In 2023, Roglic won the Giro. His team at the time — Jumbo-Visma — became the first team to win all three Grand Tours in one year, according to cycling media.

But Roglic had ceded the team leader role to Dane Jonas Vingegaard, the 2022 and 2023 Tour de France winner.

After the season, he moved to Red Bull-Bora-Hansgrohe, which had recorded one Grand Tour podium finish since its inception in 2010 (Jai Hindley’s 2022 Giro win).

At July’s Tour de France, Roglic crashed in stages 11 and 12 and withdrew before 13, his third consecutive Tour DNF. He shifted focus to the Vuelta, which he won in 2019, 2020 and 2021.

He became one of, if not the overall favorite with Tour podium finishers Pogacar, Vingegaard and Remco Evenepoel skipping the season’s final Grand Tour.

American Sepp Kuss, last year’s Vuelta winner, finished six and a half minutes behind O’Connor on the sixth stage and continued to bleed time.

Over the last two weeks, Roglic reeled in O’Connor. He all but wrapped up the title Saturday amid what Bora-Hansgrohe director Patxi Vila called “a wave of illness” that struck teammates overnight.

If Roglic has designs on completing his Grand Tour trophy cabinet at the Tour de France, that will be a tougher task.

He is older than all but one previous Tour winner (Firmin Lambot, who won the 1922 Tour at age 36). Meanwhile, Pogacar is 25, Vingegaard is 27 and Evenepoel is 24.

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Tour d'Espagne | Premier succès pour Kung, dernier mot pour Roglic : le résumé de la 21e étape

Primoz Roglic a remporté le Tour d'Espagne pour la quatrième fois, égalant dimanche à Madrid le record du nombre de victoires dans la Vuelta. Il a assuré son titre en prenant la deuxième place du contre-la-montre final, 24,6 kilomètres dans les rues de la capitale espagnole, derrière le Suisse Stefan Küng, qui s'offre son 1er succès sur un Grand Tour. Le résumé en images. Les chaines Eurosport sont disponibles au sein des offres Canal+, Prime Video, Bouygues Telecom et Free avec TV by Canal

Le Tour de Romandie féminin s’est transformé en grande fête du sport à Morges

Dimanche, sous la pluie, morges a accueilli la dernière étape du 3e tour de romandie féminin. à cette occasion, la municipalité a organisé son premier festival des sports..

Le Tour de Romandie Féminin a offert un joli spectacle, dimanche, dans les rues de Morges.

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La Tour-de-Salvagny: un mort et une personne en urgence absolue après un grave accident de la route

Les numéros d'appel des urgences et des pompiers (image d'illustration).

Les numéros d'appel des urgences et des pompiers (image d'illustration). - FRED TANNEAU / AFP

Un grave accident de la route a causé la mort d'une personne, ce vendredi 6 septembre, dans la soirée, à La Tour-de-Salvagny (Rhône).

Une autre victime est en urgence absolue et a été transférée vers un hôpital de la région.

Un seul véhicule est concerné dans cet accident, rapportent les pompiers du Rhône. Les faits se sont produits au niveau de l'avenue du Casino, sur la commue de la Tour-de-Salvagny.

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Tour of Britain 2024: Route map for every stage

The tour of britain is under way with stages set across the country and all the action available on the small screen.

The peloton passes through the town centre on stage one of the 2024 Lloyds Bank Tour of Britain Men in Kelso in the Scottish Borders. Picture date: Tuesday September 3, 2024. PA Photo. See PA story CYCLING Mens Tour. Photo credit should read: Jane Barlow/PA Wire. RESTRICTIONS: Use subject to restrictions. Editorial use only, no commercial use without prior consent from rights holder.

Some of the world’s best cyclists are currently taking to the roads across the country for the Lloyds Bank Tour of Britain Men 2024.

Starting in Scotland, the six stages of the race organised by B ritish Cycling will snake their way down to end up in the ferry port of Felixstowe in Suffolk over six days from 3 to 8 September.

A total of 18 teams from 12 countries are taking part, including six which participated in this summer’s Tour de France, with 108 riders on the road.

Among the big names on two wheels competing are TeamGB Olympic gold medallist Tom Pidcock and Belgian Olympic double gold medallist Remco Evenepoel, both fresh from Paris.

We take a look at where the road race will be heading over the next few days.

Riders during stage one of the 2024 Lloyds Bank Tour of Britain Men in Scots View in the Scottish Borders. Picture date: Tuesday September 3, 2024. PA Photo. See PA story CYCLING Mens Tour. Photo credit should read: Jane Barlow/PA Wire. RESTRICTIONS: Use subject to restrictions. Editorial use only, no commercial use without prior consent from rights holder.

Stage 1: Tuesday 3 September – Scottish Borders

Stage one has already happened with French cyclist Paul Magnier winning the race in the Scottish Borders.

Competitors covered the 113.1- mile course in around four hours, starting and finishing in Kelso and passing through Coldstream, Gordon, Melrose, Denholm, Jedburgh and St Boswells on route.

The route featured two loops, enabling spectators in Kelso and Melrose and on the King of the Mountains climbs at Scott’s View and Dingleton to see the race in action twice.

tour de uetli

Stage 2: Wednesday 4 September – Darlington to Redcar

Stage two is a 94-mile race which heads from Darlington, for the first time since 2009, through the Tees Valley and North Yorkshire to Redcar.

The stage crosses the Cleveland Hills and the North York Moors National Park to the coast at Robin Hood’s Bay via a series of short, sharp climbs.

Going via Whitby, this stage features climbs at Lythe Bank and the iconic Saltburn Bank twice.

Riders set out at 11am and are expected to finish by mid-afternoon.

tour de uetli

Stage 3: Thursday 5 September – Sheffield to Barnsley

From the start of stage three in Sheffield, the climbing will begin almost immediately as the race heads west, skirting the Peak District National Park with the first climb coming on Long Lane above Loxley.

There will be another peak to conquer at Jawbone Hill before riders can settle down and pass through Chapeltown, Wath upon Dearne, Swinton, and Maltby before a sprint in the market town of Tickhill.

Skirting Doncaster via Conisbrough and Denaby, cyclists will then loop around the north of Barnsley through Royston and Darton before a climb at Hound Hill, a final challenge for riders before the finish.

tour de uetli

Stage 4: Friday 6 September – Derby to Newark

Stage four will kick-off from Derby, for the first time in the 20-year history of the modern race, getting under way at 11am from outside of the Derby Arena.

Elvaston, Borrowash, West Hallam and Heanor all feature as the Tour speeds through the roads of Derbyshire for the first time since 2015, crossing into Nottinghamshire at Eastwood and continuing through Hucknall, Ravenshead, Blidworth, Southwell and Tuxford, before crossing the River Trent to race south to the finish alongside Sconce and Devon Park in Newark-on-Trent.

The East Midlands stage route includes an intermediate sprint, in the closing miles of the race at Collingham, before finishing shortly after 2pm.

tour de uetli

Stage 5: Saturday 7 September – West Northamptonshire

Stage five on Saturday gets under way at 11am from the University of Northampton’s Waterside Campus.

Leaving the campus, cyclists will head west from Northampton, through Daventry and then onto a loop south of the town and tackle climbs at Newnham Hill and Bullshill.

They will then pass through Abthorpe, Wappenham, Helmdon, Culworth, Byfield and Hellidon before looping around Northampton by way of Watford, West Haddon, Naseby, Kelmarsh and Brixworth for the approach to the finish via Sywell and Ecton at around 2.30pm.

tour de uetli

Stage 6: Sunday 8 September – Lowestoft to Felixstowe

The sixth and final stage of the Tour takes place in East Suffolk, for the first time, on Sunday 8 September

The 98.5-mile section gets under way at 10.30am from Lowestoft’s Promenade heading inland via Beccles and Bungay and then south through Halesworth, Framlingham, and Saxmundham, before racing along the Suffolk coast between Thorpeness and Aldeburgh.

The second half of the route takes in Snape, Wickham Market, Kesgrave, and Martlesham before riders cross the finish line on Sea Road in Felixstowe at around 2.45pm.

tour de uetli

How can I watch the Tour of Britain?

Spectators can watch the peloton live as it passes through their area from the road side.

But if you can’t make it to any of the stages, then it is also being shown on the small screen.

The race will be free to watch live on organiser British Cycling’s YouTube channel here .

UK viewers will also be able to catch up on the action on ITV4 – stages will be shown live daily from around 11am until 3pm (BST) and there will be an hour-long highlights programme at 8pm daily.

The racing will also be available to stream via ITVX.

Cylcing fans can also see the racing live on Discovery+ from 2pm to 4pm (BST).

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Grenoble et son agglomération

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Cyclisme Stephen Williams remporte le Tour de Grande-Bretagne

Stephen Williams (Israël-Premier Tech) a remporté le Tour de Grande-Bretagne dimanche, alors que Paul Magnier et Tom Pidcock ont abandonné.

Stephen Williams a remporté une deuxième étape et le général. Photo Sipa

Le Gallois Stephen Williams (Israël-Premier Tech) a remporté le Tour de Grande-Bretagne, son troisième succès en 2024, devant l'Ecossais Oscar Onley et le Français Tom Donnenwirth, parvenu à se hisser sur le podium à l'issue de l'ultime étape, dimanche. Le coureur gallois de 28 ans, vainqueur de deux étapes dans la semaine, succède au Belge Wout van Aert , non aligné cette année, et enrichit son palmarès après avoir remporté le Tour Down Under en janvier et la Flèche Wallonne en avril.

L'espoir français Paul Magnier a été contraint à l'abandon dimanche après avoir été impliqué dans une chute, selon son équipe Soudal Quick-Step. Sixième au général avant le départ, le puncheur de 20 ans a été le grand animateur du tour en remportant trois des six étapes, toutes au sprint. Le Britannique Tom Pidcock, récent champion olympique de VTT, a lui aussi jeté l'éponge durant l'ultime étape terminée à Felixstowe, une cité portuaire du Suffolk dans l'Est de l'Angleterre.

Meilleur sprinteur du Tour de Grande-Bretagne, Paul Magnier chute et abandonne sur la dernière étape

Trois victoires, un premier maillot distinctif... paul magnier a encore franchi un cap en grande-bretagne, tour de grande-bretagne : l'isérois paul magnier double la mise.

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Alaphilippe 14 e , Evenepoel 29 e

Le Slovène Matevz Govekar a coupé la ligne d'arrivée en tête, s'imposant lors d'un sprint massif devant le Danois Rasmus Pedersen et le Britannique Ben Swift. Quatrième au général dimanche matin, Donnenwirth (26 ans) a grappillé une place grâce aux sprints intermédiaires de la journée. Le coureur de Décathlon AG2R La Mondiale, arrivé sur le tard chez les professionnels, a éjecté du podium le Britannique Mark Donovan pour quatre secondes.

Le Français Julian Alaphilippe , vainqueur du tour de Grande-Bretagne en 2018, a terminé à la quatorzième place. Son coéquipier Remco Evenepoel , double médaillé d'or aux JO 2024, se classe vingt-neuvième.

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  • Remco Evenepoel
  • Wout Van Aert

Meilleur sprinteur du Tour de Grande-Bretagne, Paul Magnier chute et abandonne sur la dernière étape

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  1. 7. Tour d'Uetli: Trailrunning vom 19. April bis 19. Mai 2024 am

    An der Tour d'Uetli, dem Trailrunning Etappenrennen am Uetliberg, können sich sportbegeisterte Personen aus der Region Zürich gegenseitig messen, anfeuern und ein positives Erlebnis in der Natur haben. Ohne feste Termine und ohne Massenstarts, aber mit richtigen Strecken und vergleichbaren Resultaten. Neue Trails, jede Menge Spass und Tempo sind garantiert!

  2. Tour d'Uetli

    The team from Tour Uetli have put together an interesting concept in the hills and woods close to Zurich. Consisting of 3 stages between May and June, they have set out 3 different 5km courses for you to run whenever you want. Runners record their runs on strava and the team use GPS data to rank everyone. It is possible to run the trails as many times as you want and just your fastest time ...

  3. 6. Tour d'Uetli: Trailrunning vom 28. April bis 29. Mai 2023 am

    April bis 29. Mai 2023 am Uetliberg in Zürich. Der junge Klassiker am Uetliberg. 6. Tour d'Uetli. Schön wars - wir sehen uns im nächsten Frühling! ‍. Das ist die TdU: Jede Woche eine neue Strecke, die während zwei Wochen gelaufen werden kann. Die drei Etappen zählen in die Gesamtwertung der Tour.

  4. Uetliberg • Three trails to the top of this Zurich mountain

    Option 2: Loop - Gratweg to Hohensteinweg. This trail is a loop, hiking up Uetliberg, then north along the ridge (aka Gratwegli) then down the Hohensteinweg, then back along the Panorama trail on the edge of the forest. This is a good option if you want to hike longer but want to loop back your starting point or if you don't want to leave ...

  5. Tour d'Uetli

    Alle Etappen der Tour d'Uetli - die schönsten Trails am Uetliberg, handverlesen.

  6. Uetliberg

    April 3, 2019. Create a Copy of This Tour. Edit a Copy. Select Starting Point. Open in Planner. Download GPX file. Print. Uetliberg - Trail Running rund um Zürich is an expert run: 15.9 km and takes 02:17 h. View this route or plan your own!

  7. Uetliberg

    Uetliberg - Zurich's Very Own Mountain

  8. Tour d'Uetli

    Alle Etappen der Tour d'Uetli - die schönsten Trails am Uetliberg, handverlesen. komoot. Entdecken; Routenplaner; Features; Entdecken. Tour d'Uetli - Alle Etappen. LaceUp. Tour d'Uetli - Alle Etappen. Collection von LaceUp. 15 Touren. 13:00 Std. 89,5 km. 3 680 m. 3. Alle Etappen der Tour d'Uetli - die schönsten Trails am Uetliberg, handverlesen.

  9. Uetliberg

    Wolframplatz 21. 8045 Zürich. Phone +41 (0)44 206 45 11. Advertisement. The Uetliberg with its summit at the Uto Kulmo 871 metres above sea level towers above the roofs of Zurich. From the top you can enjoy a magnificent panoramic view of the city of Zurich, Lake Zurich and the Limmat Valley up as far as the Alps.

  10. Uetliberg, Switzerland: Guide To Zurich's Mountain

    Top view of Uetliberg. The easiest way of getting to the Uetliberg is by train from the Zurich main station. It takes about 20 minutes to get to the mountain train station, and then you're only about 10 minutes away from the Uetliberg lookout tower and the viewpoint. A return ticket for this journey will set you back CHF 17.60.

  11. Hiking

    Hiking to the Uetliberg. The Uto Kulm - the peak of the Uetliberg at 871 meters above sea level - is an attractive hiking destination from the city of Zurich. At the peak are several hiking routes and trails with spectacular views, which are also easy to manage by families with children. Hiking to the peak of the Uetliberg is possible from ...

  12. Uetliberg

    Altitude: 869m. Accessibility: Direct train connection from Zurich's main train station. View: Zurich city, lake of Zurich, Glarner and central Switzerland Alps, Mittelland. Attractions: Viewing tower (chargeable), planet path to Felsenegg. Culinary aspects: La Bellezza covered terrace, scenic restaurant with breakfast buffet and gourmet menu.

  13. City Tour and Train Trip to the Uetliberg

    On this Tour, urban explorers can enjoy a tour of the city combined with a train ride up Zurich´s very own "mountain", the Uetliberg. Book Public Tour. Audioguide in 11 languages. City tour of Zurich. Unaccompanied Train ride to the Uetliberg. Superb views of Zurich. On this tour through Zurich´s historical center, guests see the city´s ...

  14. The Best Views in Zurich: A Guide to Uetliberg Mountain

    On the car-free mountain of Uetliberg, the Uto Kulm Hotel provides a wonderful setting to enjoy a filling meal and fantastic views. Featuring well-appointed rooms, a sauna area, an ice grotto, and several dining options, Uto Kulm Hotel is well worth a visit. There is another restaurant, Uto Staffel, nearby, around 600 meters away.Uto Staffel is one of the highest restaurants in the city of Zurich.

  15. Magnier seals hat-trick of Tour of Britain stage wins

    France's Paul Magnier made it three stage wins on this year's Tour of Britain with victory on day five in Northampton. The Soudal Quick-Step rider won the opening stage in Kelso before triumphing ...

  16. Le Tour Ride 2024

    Le Tour Ride 2024 brings to life the start of the Tour 70 years ago in Amsterdam, celebrating the 2024 Tour. On July 21, participants will experience a French-style cycling tour, retracing the steps of the 1954 Tour de France start in Amsterdam. Seventy years ago, cyclists exited the Olympic Stadium for the first meters of the '54 Tour. ...

  17. Primoz Roglic wins Vuelta a Espana for 4th time, ties record after year

    At July's Tour de France, Roglic crashed in stages 11 and 12 and withdrew before 13, his third consecutive Tour DNF. He shifted focus to the Vuelta, which he won in 2019, 2020 and 2021. He became one of, if not the overall favorite with Tour podium finishers Pogacar, Vingegaard and Remco Evenepoel skipping the season's final Grand Tour.

  18. Tour d'Espagne

    Primoz Roglic a remporté le Tour d'Espagne pour la quatrième fois, égalant dimanche à Madrid le record du nombre de victoires dans la Vuelta. Il a assuré son titre en prenant la deuxième ...

  19. Mago De Oz: Feliz No Cumpleanos Tour

    Find and buy Mago De Oz: Feliz No Cumpleanos Tour tickets at the House of Blues Houston in Houston, TX for Oct 18, 2024 at Live Nation. Home Page. Skip to ticket list. Mago De Oz: Feliz No Cumpleanos Tour. More Info. Fri • Oct 18 • 7:00 PM House of Blues Houston, Houston, TX.

  20. Le Tour de Romandie féminin s'est transformé en grande fête du sport à

    Dimanche, sous la pluie, Morges a accueilli la dernière étape du 3e Tour de Romandie féminin. À cette occasion, la Municipalité a organisé son premier Festival des sports.

  21. La Tour-de-Salvagny: un mort et une personne en urgence absolue ...

    Une personne est morte dans un grave accident de la route survenu à La Tour-de-Salvagny, ce vendredi 6 septembre dans la soirée. Un autre individu a été transporté à l'hôpital en urgence ...

  22. Tour of Britain 2024: Route map for every stage

    The 2024 Lloyds Bank Tour of Britain is under way with cyclists taking to the roads in six stages across the country (Photo: Jane Barlow/PA) By Sally Guyoncourt September 4, 2024 12:47 pm

  23. Cyclisme Williams remporte le Tour de Grande-Bretagne, Paul Magnier

    Stephen Williams (Israël-Premier Tech) a remporté le Tour de Grande-Bretagne dimanche, alors que Paul Magnier et Tom Pidcock ont abandonné.

  24. LEA auf Tour 2024/2025: Konzert-Termine und Auftritte im ...

    Mehr über die Termine und Städte ihrer Tournee sowie Infos zu den Tickets erfahren Sie hier bei mehr als Nachrichten. Menu. Aktuelles . Politik ... "Von der Schönheit und Zerbrechlichkeit der Dinge" Tour: Support TJARK: 05.09.2024, 19.00 Uhr: Bremen, Pier 2: LEA: 07.09.2024, 19.00 Uhr: Dortmund ...