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15 Best Places to Visit in Guyana

Enticingly off-the-beaten-track, Guyana is a real hidden gem of South America.

With colonial influences including all of the Netherlands, Britain and France, some pretty post-colonial town centers and a wild and untouched backcountry that goes from mist-topped tepuis to wild virgin rainforests, it’s hardly surprising there’s so much to see and do.

Let’s have a look at the best places to visit in Guyana :

1. Georgetown

Georgetown, Guyana

The place where so many Guyanese come to shop, work and play is actually something of a shadow of its former self.

In fact, there’s no question that Georgetown’s golden age came with the height of the colonial powers here, a fact that its name – made in honour of England’s King George III – implies.

Miners, plantation builders, architects, statesmen and more all flocked to this corner of Demerara-Mahaica to play their part as the city went from Dutch to French to British rule, imbuing the town with the likes of Stabroek Market and whitewashed St George’s Cathedral as they went.

The Parliament Building is also worth a stop-off, while the national museum is a great place to get acquainted with local history.

Oh, and the Demerara Rum Distillery is a welcome break from the heritage!

Boat selling fruits and vegetables, Linden

For almost a whole century, the settlement of Linden has been Guyana’s primary mining hub, with thousands of prospectors and miners making their way to this tropical spot to pull bauxite from the hills that line the Demerara River.

Today, the history and development of this mining past is chronicled in the Linden Museum of Socio-Cultural Heritage in the centre of town, revealing the evolution of the place from tented outpost in the early 1900s to mechanised industrial center today – even if many of the shaft mines have now shut down.

Other travelers will want to make a beeline for Gluck Island on the Essequibo to the west, with its red howler monkeys, colossal lily pads and tropical bird watching.

3. Kanuku Mountains

Kanuku Mountains

The great peaks of Kanuku are divided in two by the long and winding water channels of the Rupununi River, separated into a duo of diamond-shaped highland regions that are both famed for their wealth of mammalian species and old growth forests.

It’s actually rather rare that travels will make their way this deep into the southern recesses of the nation, passing the tepui peaks of Potaro-Siparuni and traversing great stretches of savannah and lowland forest to get here.

Those who do come, however, can spy out the rare harpy eagle, giant otters in the riparian habitats and the colossal (though now rare) pirarucu fish.

Bartica, Guyana

Straddling the channels of the Essequibo River where it joins the meanders of the Cuyuni and gives way to the wilder, less inhabited heartlands of Guyana, Bartica was once known as the ‘Gateway to the Interior’.

It was a popular stop-off for prospectors and miners making their way to the far-flung gold and mineral dig sites that erupted by the bucket load between the mountains of Potaro-Siparuni in the last century, while today it still bustles with cargo barges and river-dwelling folk, all of whom happily hop between the town’s Brazilian eateries and clutch of bubbling local beer bars during the weekend.

5. New Amsterdam

New Amsterdam

Since its foundation in the middle of the 18th century, New Amsterdam – the regional capital of East Berbice-Corentyne – has flitted from Dutch masters, who held sway over the lowland plantations here from the citadel of Fort Nassau up the valley (the remains of which can still be visited today), to the British, who endowed it with ground-breaking sanitation laws and attracted the likes of Cesar Castellani (perhaps the most famous architect to grace Guyana with his work).

As testimony to Castellani’s influence, the masterful facades of the New Amsterdam Public Hospital still adorn the streets, while New Amsterdam’s trio of downtown strips pulses with marketplaces and light industry to boot.

6. Port Mourant

Port Mourant

Port Mourant is a small and welcoming little town on Guyana’s Atlantic coastal stretches, famed for its prolific output of cricketers (the sound of cork on willow is the usual backing track to daily life here!) and as the birthplace of the county’s revered ‘Father of the Nation’: Dr Cheddi Jagan.

The down-to-earth spot is also a great place to glimpse Guyana’s agricultural heartland, with famer’s markets touting fresh fruits straight from the fields.

A resident population of students add a youthful edge to the place, while the nearby urban center of Rose Hall is interesting in that it’s Guyana’s smallest town.

7. Kaieteur National Park

Kaieteur Falls, Kaieteur National Park

The jewel of the Potaro-Siparuni region is a vast and expansive protected area that rises and falls with the great bulwark ridges of the Guyana tepuis.

Dressed in thick, monkey-dotted, jaguar-stalked rainforests and covering a whopping 62,000 hectares, it’s hailed as the ecotourist hotspot for the country.

And while the biodiversity and untouched virgin woods are real pulls, the piece de resistance here is unquestionably the Kaieteur Falls.

Cascading a mind-blowing 226 meters down the escarpments of the Pacaraima Mountains, these dwarf both the Niagara and Victoria Falls alike, and cast plumes of tropical mist into the jungle airs all around.

Yes sir, a trip here is a must!

8. Orinduik Falls

Orinduik Falls, Guyana

Carving their way out of the rocks that roll out from the Pakaraima Mountains in the western reaches of Guyana, just on the border with Venezuala, the Orinduik Falls offer something a little different to the country’s great cascading cataracts that fall from the top of its tepui hills.

Visitors who make their way to these far-flung spots can enjoy a more up-close-and-personal experience, swimming in the plunge pools and hiking the ridges around the site, taking in the layers and terraces of rock as they go.

What’s more, the channels of the Ireng River offer up oodles more waterfalls along their courses, like the more remote Kurutuik Falls in the jungles to the north.

Essequibo River, Parika

Tin shack docks and streets of purring scooters form the heart of riverside Parika; a down-to-earth port town on the banks of the Essequibo.

At once gritty and welcoming, this gateway to the Essequibo Islands and river boat terminal is a fine place to sample the real, raw character of Guyana’s coast.

Don’t miss the buzzing market that erupts in the town each Sunday.

Haggling locals descend by their hundreds, flitting between the stacked stalls of bananas and coconuts, dubious parrot-sellers and fish emporiums.

Parika is also the jumping off point for Baganara Island – a well-kempt luxury resort island in the midst of the Essequibo waters.

10. Shell Beach

Shell Beach, Guyana

A salt-sprayed section of the Guyana Coast, where the Atlantic rollers meld with the Caribbean currents out at sea and mangroves sprawl and crawl along the sands to the shore, Shell Beach is unquestionably the most famous beach in the country.

But people don’t come to sunbathe and swim.

They come for the turtle nesting phenomena that occurs every year from late-March to late-summer, when sea turtles of all shapes and sizes – leatherbacks and hawksbills and olive ridleys and greens – flock to the shoreline to lay their eggs.

Heading here is also a great chance to see some of South America’s undeveloped coastline, where rustic villages and bamboo huts pepper the lagoons and the sand is fringed with wild stretches of jungle.

11. Mount Roraima

Mount Roraima

Arguably the most glorious of all the South American tepuis, sheer-cut Mount Roraima is a table top mountain that rises like a petrified oblong of chiselled rock, right on the edge of Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana.

Largely unknown, the mountain is actually one of the most ancient geological formations on the planet, with its roots back in the Precambrian period more than two billion years ago.

It lurches vertically from the ground, soaring 400-meters straight up from the grasslands and woods below.

A challenge even for the most experienced hikers and mountain climbers, the top of the plateau here is a treasure box of natural wonders, with uber-rare pitcher plants and algae, reptilians and amphibians inhabiting the summit, untouched and unhindered by the predators in the flats below.

12. Iwokrama Forest

Iwokrama Forrest, Guyana

The Iwokrama Forest represents one of the last remaining swathes of pristine primeval rainforest on the planet.

It sits nestled in the very heart of the country, where the sheer-cut tepuis of the highlands give way to the tropical lowlands, feeding the verdant canopies with their countless arrays of glorious waterfalls and mountain streams.

The forest is famed for its soaring canopies (which hits heights of a whopping 30 meters in some sections), where oodles of endangered bats, harpy eagles, multi-coloured frogs and lizards all flit between the waxy boughs and the undergrowth.

Jaguars, giant armadillos and howler monkeys are among the curious beasts too, and travelers can opt to safari here across rope bridges and mud tracks from one of the few lodges that now pepper the river channels.

13. Kamarang

Kamarang Great Falls

Far-flung Kamarang in the depths of western Guyana comes shrouded by great swathes of old-growth rainforest.

The remote and largely inaccessible spot (the most popular way to get here is by private charter plane) was once just a humble Amerindian tribal settlement on the edge of the wild Pacaraima Mountains, which rise in stepped rock terraces and table-topped bluffs all over the region forming the bulwark of rock that is now the border with Venezuela.

Today, Kamarang is something of a boomtown, famed as the home of some of Guyana’s richest mineral and gold veins.

It’s also something of an up-and-coming tourist spot, with the uber-dramatic and largely unseen Kamarang Great Falls lurking amidst the jungles close by!

14. Fair View

Fair View, Guyana

Fair View is a tiny conglomeration of bamboo homes and stilted longhouses that rises from amidst the waxy canopies of Potaro-Siparuni – the wild and virtually unexplored hinterland that forms the very heartlands of Guyana.

Inhabited by welcoming Amerindian folk with a perennial smile, the spot was only connected to the rest of the country by road in 1992, meaning this one’s Makushi traditions and intimate connection with the Iwokrama woodlands that dominate all around are just about as raw and real as they come.

Travelers head here for up-close-and-personal cultural encounters, to hike Guyana’s primeval forests and to swim in the plunge pools of the Kurupukari Falls alike.

15. Anna Regina

Anna Regina

Indelibly clean and well-to-do, Anna Regina is a patchwork of whitewashed garden fences, pristine frontispieces and sun-splashed streets.

Fruit vendors line the roadways touting tangerines and mangos, while the Damon Monument – the town’s main historical attraction – pays homage to the martyred slave rebel who helped with revolts in Essequibo during the first half of the 19th century.

Anna Regina is also the base for hitting the resorts around Mainstay Lake, where charming cottages abut the water and mix with the earthy villages of indigenous Arawak folk beneath a canopy of palms.

15 Best Places to Visit in Guyana:

  • Kanuku Mountains
  • New Amsterdam
  • Port Mourant
  • Kaieteur National Park
  • Orinduik Falls
  • Shell Beach
  • Mount Roraima
  • Iwokrama Forest
  • Anna Regina

Worldly Adventurer

21 Unique Tourist Attractions You Can’t Miss in Guyana

By Author Steph Dyson

Posted on Last updated: 6th October 2023

When you hear the name “Guyana”, what do you think? 

  • Perhaps that it’s a place in Africa?
  • Maybe the location of the Jonestown massacre?
  • Or, well, not much?

Whichever it is, this English-speaking country (yes, really!) on the northeastern edge of South America is as surprising as it is under-the-radar. I’ve spent close to six years exploring South America but Guyana blew me away. 

It’s a place brimming with nature. While the Amazon jungle further south might be scientifically more biodiverse, around 80% of Guyana is covered in tropical rainforest, meaning that the opportunities for spotting elusive and, in some cases, giant wildlife are abundant. 

It’s also a country committed to sustainable tourism, meaning that you can visit safe in the knowledge that your trip is doing a little bit of good towards protecting a critical slice of global biodiversity. 

But, with visitor numbers only reaching some 280,000 annually, Guyana is also a country that you can also expect to share with few others. When I visited, I saw just two other groups of tourists in a two-week trip. 

A violet sunset reflects in a lake filled with giant water lilies in Guyana.

There’s a lot about this country that makes it unique, and these 21 things to do and tourist attractions that you can find in Guyana are just the tip of the iceberg….but they’re also a great place to start. 

Guyana tourist attractions: Natural wonders and striking landscapes 

1. admire the might of kaieteur falls.

While Angel Falls in Venezuela might take the title of world’s tallest uninterrupted waterfall, and Iguazú Falls in Argentina might be the continent’s most famous, there’s another equally spectacular waterfall and landmark that few visitors have heard about: Kaieteur Falls. 

Kaieteur Falls in Guyana is one of the world's most spectacular waterfalls

There’s a reason that Kaieteur Falls features on all itineraries to Guyana. Firstly, it’s the world’s largest single drop waterfall by volume, particularly during the rainy season (May through July) when it’s at its fullest. 

Wondering How You Can Plan A Once-in-a-Lifetime Trip to Guyana?

It’s genuinely difficult getting around Guyana without a tour. Roads are in poor condition and many of the sites are only accessible with a private plane or motorboat. I travelled to Guyana with Wilderness Explorers , a local company that has spent 25 years developing sustainable tourism in Guyana and organizing once-in-a-lifetime trips for intrepid travelers. The trip was truly incredible – and saved me so much time trying to get around alone.

They’re now offering Worldly Adventurer readers a 5% discount on all of their hand-crafted Guyana itineraries – just mention Worldly Adventurer when you enquire!

Wilderness Explorers logo

But secondly, there’s no denying the drama of the setting. Tucked into the Guyanese interior and protected by a wall of thick rainforest, Kaiteur Falls is only accessible by a one-hour flight from the capital, Georgetown, or a two-day hike. 

As you arrive by air, flying over the falls for the ultimate in bird’s-eye views as the jungle undulates into the distance below, it’s hard to shake off the feeling that you’re in a real-life Jurassic Park. Although, probably without the dinosaurs…

2. Enjoy sunset from the waters of the Essequibo River at Baganara Lodge

In the language of one of the many Amerindian tribes still living here, Guyana translates as “land of many waters” and it’s a fitting description. 

A vast network of rivers snakes across the territory, with these waterways providing a necessary means of getting from the capital out into the interior and the many remote lodges that feature in any trip to Guyana. 

Sunset over the Essequibo River in Guyana.

A case in point is Baganara Lodge. Surrounded by jungle, it lies on a private 185-hectare island in South America’s third largest river, the Essequibo. This watery location means its top of the class when it comes to spots to watch the sunset in Guyana. 

As the day comes to a close, take a speedboat downriver to visit Parrot Island where thousands of yellow-crowned and orange-winged parrots arrive in a squawking, heaving mass at sunset to roost for the evening. 

Alternatively, kick back at the lodge where, cocktail in hand, you swim in the river’s warm waters as the sun dips behind the jungle canopy.

3. See the world’s largest lily 

Amateur botanists will want to head out to the calmer waters of Guyana’s lakes, where there’s a strong chance they’ll encounter the world’s largest water lily, the Victoria amazonica . 

In Guyana the sun glows along the tree-lined horizon and is reflected in a lake covered in giant waterlilies.

Growing up to six feet in diameter, the leaves of this water lily are able to support the weight of a baby ( there’s many photos to prove it ). 

But while their size is extraordinary, there’s another reason this lily pad is worth tracking down: as a result of pollination, its flowers change from white to red overnight.  

You can see the beginnings of this process at dusk, as the flowers begin to unfurl. One of the best places is near Rewa Eco-Lodge , where rare birds flit above the lily-strewn waters and baby caiman crawl out of the waters onto the lily pads to await their prey. 

4. Catch dawn breaking over the rainforest canopy

Early birds will find themselves at home in Guyana, where dawn is always a splendid affair. There’s no better place to experience the awakening of a new day than at the Iwokrama Canopy Walkway, located just a short hike through the jungle from ATTA Rainforest Lodge in the very centre of Guyana. 

A fascinating tourist attraction, this rope walkway leads to a viewing platform in the rainforest canopy of Guyana.

Built into the treetops of the Iwokrama Reserve some 30 metres above the forest floor, the walkway is a series of viewing platforms connected by suspension bridges that provide the finest views across the jungle.  

As the sun lifts over the rainforest canopy, the hum and buzz of life recommences. Listen out for the sharp squawk of scarlet macaws overhead and the distant deep roar of the howler monkeys as they begin their morning song.

5. Climb a mountain for incredible rainforest views 

Guyana isn’t a country known for its long hikes, but there are still plenty of opportunities to stretch your legs here. 

Walking in the rainforest might rank as a hot and sweaty thing to do in Guyana, but it’s one that promises extraordinary rewards, particularly at the Awarmie Mountain, a trail accessed from the remote Rewa Eco-Lodge. 

Views of the jungle from the Awarmie Mountain, a tourist attraction in Guyana

A short, rocky path climbs up the side of Awarmie, a low mountain clad with jungle. When it finally emerges out of treetops, the trail has reached the open mountaintop, where boulders the size of cars are interspersed with thick grasses and every angle grants views for miles across the rainforest. 

Spend an hour or so relaxing here and you’ll find your patience rewarded; on our visit, pairs of red-and-green and blue-and-yellow macaws passed directly overhead, their resplendent feathers bright against the blue sky above. 

Guyana tourist attractions: Wildlife experiences

6. catch a glimpse of big cats in the wild.

Guyana is home to over 225 species of mammal and, thanks to the unspoilt nature of its interior, it’s a fantastic place to spot some of the continent’s most mesmerizing big-cat residents. 

Dirt highway through the Iwokrama Reserve at dusk

The jaguar is the largest of South America’s cat species and while sightings are rare, they’re not impossible. You’ve got a strong chance of encountering them in areas of primary forest across the country, particularly at dawn and dusk when they’re most active. 

You might also see the rarer puma, a smaller cat that prefers higher rocky terrain. Luck was on our side when I visited Guyana: we spotted a juvenile puma wandering across the road in broad daylight on the road through the Iwokrama Reserve. 

7. Hunt down the Goliath Birdeater, the world’s largest spider species

Arachnophobes look away: there’s one resident of the jungle that you probably don’t want to meet on your vacation. The Goliath bird-eating spider – named as such because it was allegedly once caught eating a hummingbird – is the largest tarantula on earth and about the size of a human fist. 

A frightening tourist attraction, a tour culminates in seeing a goliath birdeater tarantula crouched under the flashlight on the forest floor in Guyana.

Eagle-eyed rangers from Rewa Eco-Lodge managed the incredible feat of tracking their burrows down and you can trek into the jungle with them to encounter one of these enormous spiders. 

Luckily, while its venom poses a problem for small rodents, it’s less harmful for humans. If you can bear to get close enough, admire the harpoon-shaped hairs that cover its legs and which are used to attack predators. 

8. Help out with one-of-its kind black caiman research

Ever wanted to get close to a black caiman? While it’s probably not on everyone’s bucket list, catching a caiman alongside the crack team of researchers at Caiman House in the Rupununi is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. 

For ecotourists, this researcher shows a volunteer how to help with black caiman research in Guyana.

Officially one of the largest reptiles in the world, they can grow to over 15 feet in length and are a terrifying predator – at least for animals, not humans. While the species is listed as of least concern on the UN Red List, research into its lifespan and habits is limited.  

With the help of tourists, Caiman House have been steadily changing this. Since 2005, researchers have caught and registered over 700 black caiman – and you can get involved. 

A staff member at Caiman House on an expedition to capture a caiman for scientific research in Guyana

Head out at night onto the jet-black waters of the Rupununi with the researchers, who catch a caiman, bring it ashore to take 24 different measurements, before releasing it back into the water.

It’s a thrilling – and completely safe – experience and another way of seeing how your tourism dollars are boosting conservation efforts throughout Guyana. 

9. Paddle out in a dugout canoe or kayak

While speedboat is the transport of choice for the Guyanese people who live along the country’s rivers, there are plenty of slower means of getting around and appreciating Guyana’s spectacular nature.

Overlooking a lake from the front of a dugout canoe in Guyana.

At Baganara Lodge, you can take kayaks out onto a nearby narrow dyke that flows through the dense rainforest. Early morning along this waterway, it’s possible to catch sightings of red howler monkeys or hear the calls of toucans echoing across the forest. 

At Caiman Lodge, wooden canoes built in the traditional dug-out style can be paddled out onto a vast oxbow lake where otters play in the shallows and birds such as green kingfishers, Muscovy duck and the rare agami heron wait in the undergrowth on the lake-shore. 

10. Follow a local cowboy to find giant anteaters

One of the animals I was most keen to see in Guyana was another of the country’s most elusive giant species: the giant anteater.

Ecotourists have the chance to see a rare giant anteater on the grasslands of Guyana.

This shuffling creature, measuring up to seven feet from its long, sensitive nostrils to its brush-like tail, inhabits the plains of the Rupununi region.

What’s more, you’ve a fair chance of spotted roaming through the grasses hunting for ants and termites. 

Probably the best destination in Guyana to find it is in the private reserve grasslands of Karanambu Lodge .

Ride with this cowboy on a chestnut horse in the grasslands of Guyana.

In this part of the savannah, local cowboys demonstrate a knack for locating this giant beast and, on my trip, we came across two: one wandering the grasses beside the side of the road and another one sleeping beneath the shade of a sandpaper tree.

11. Learn about otter conservation at Karanambu Lodge

As you travel along the rivers through the jungle and the Rupununi grasslands in Guyana, it’s always worth keeping an eye on the water itself.

While caiman and capybara are frequent sightings along the river bank (particularly in the two dry seasons, February through March and September and October), one of the river’s most captivating residents is much harder to spot: the giant river otter. 

Two endangered giant river otters follow their keeper at Guyana's Karanambu Lodge - a fantastic tourist destination.

This endangered mammal is a truly unique creature to encounter on a trip to Guyana, where you may well see it fishing or playing near its holt. To learn more about the animal and the threats facing the species – which range from hunting to becoming a pet – there’s no better place to visit than Karanambu Lodge. 

The late Diane McTurk, the former owner of the lodge, received global acclaim for her work rehabilitating orphaned otters; and these are efforts that her nephew and his wife continue to this day. 

An otter with a fish in its mouth at Karanambu Lodge Guyana

Their lodge is an essential place to visit in Guyana because, by doing so, you’re supporting their efforts of education and conservation through the Rupununi region.

Better still, you may well get a chance to see one of these beautiful playful creatures as it’s being reintroduced to the wild.  

12. Go horseback riding through the savannahs of the Rupununi

In the deep south of Guyana, the Rupununi plains offer an alternate universe to the dense forests of the jungle that covers most of the country. Here, there are plenty of adventure activities for those wanting to appreciate the open terrain during their vacation. 

Horseback riding in the Rupununi in Guyana, one the must-do tourist attractions in Guyana, South America

At Waikin Ranch, a working cattle ranch, you can join the cowboys out in the fields by taking a ride on one of their working horses.

A canter out into the grasslands brings you to bush islands, patches of jungle in the middle of the open plains home to birds and mammal species, as well as picture-perfect places from which to watch the setting sun.  

13. Fish for the world’s largest freshwater fish 

There’s a reason anglers are flocking to Guyana and it’s thanks to the arapaima. Considered one of the world’s largest freshwater species fish, the arapaima can weigh up to 200 kilograms (well over twice the weight of an average adult male).  

Four people in a dugout canoe paddle over a lake.

While population sizes diminished rapidly over the past twenty years, the conservation actions of the guides and community at Rewa Ecolodge have brought the species back from the brink. 

The river now brims with arapaima and an unmissable thing to do while staying at the lodge is to head out by boat to fly-fish. Catch a whopper, pose for a photo and then, in the name of sustainability, throw it back into the water – fishing is on a catch and release basis after all. 

14. Spy the Guianan cock-of-the-rock’s mating dance

While mammals might steal the show when it comes to wildlife watching in Guyana, birders will find the country a veritable playground for discovering some of South America’s most beautiful species. 

A bright orange Cock-of-the-rock bird sits on a tree branch in Guyana attracting both tourists and a mate.

Across the country, leks are where the both sexes of the Guianan cock-of-the-rock gather for extravagant mating displays. Tangerine-coloured males show off their plumage to the females as part of a noisy and colourful courtship display, which takes place in March – although you can spot the birds congregating in these places throughout the year. 

One of the easiest mating grounds to find is at Kaieteur Falls, while other destinations in Guyana such as ATTA Rainforest Lodge also have access to leks. 

15. Find harpy eagles nesting 

The final of Guyana’s giant creatures can be found in the forests of Guyana. Named after the namesake creatures of Greek mythology, the harpy eagle is a truly staggering bird that measures over a metre in height.

It’s considered the heaviest and most powerful of all eagle species, particularly given that its claws are longer than those of a grizzly bear. 

This solitary tree is the home to a massive harpy eagle nest in Guyana.

Like the Guianan cock-of-the-rock, there are known nesting sites located across Guyana. ATTA Rainforest Lodge and a number of the other lodges across the country have access to harpy eagle nests where – with luck – you may find a female raising its young. 

Their nests are extraordinary, measuring over a metre in diameter and wedged into the treetops up to 40 metres above ground – roughly the height of a ten-storey building. To get a good look, be sure to bring your binoculars!

Guyana tourist attractions: History and modern life

16. spend a day in georgetown, guyana’s scruffy but charming capital .

While the country’s scruffy capital is certainly not the main appeal of Guyana, most visitors spend at least a day or two in Georgetown. Here, Guyana’s colonial past mingles with the dirty and noisy reality of any modern-day city. 

A church spire in Georgetown, Guyana

You’d be hard pushed to call Georgetown pretty, but there is a certain charm to its streets. In the centre of the city, faded wooden mansions look on as horse and carts carrying lumber trot nonchalantly across busy intersections filled with taxis and fearless motorbikes. 

The architecture here is one of the main points of interest. A wander through the city brings you to the most curious buildings, including the restored, Anglican St George’s Cathedral, which, painted white and built from wood, looks a bit like an iced cake. 

17. Stay in a historic lodge frequented by presidents and royalty

While in Georgetown, make sure you spend a night at Cara Lodge, one of the city’s most luxurious accommodations.

Like many of the historic buildings in the capital, it started life as a 19 th -century stately home for one of Guyana’s bourgeois families. 

Tourists in Guyana gather around a rustic table and chat over pieces of chicken.

Since its conversion to a hotel in the late 1990s, Cara Lodge now offers the perfect blend of history and modernity. Delicate verandas and polished hardwood floors have been preserved from the original building, while modern comforts (such as much needed AC) have been added to the hotel’s 34 bedrooms. 

However, part of the hotel’s appeal is its colourful history, which has seen it opening its picture-perfect doors to guests including members of the British royal family, as well as other dignitaries such as former American president, Jimmy Carter. 

18. Tour Guyana’s final remaining sugar cane plantation 

If there’s one thing you need to learn about Guyana before you visit, it’s the fact that this country is powered by rum. Drink it with chilled ginger ale or lime and be sure to complement its taste: it is a point of pride for the locals. 

Barges filled with sugar cane stalks are tied in the canal at one of Guyana's last sugar plantations.

But to learn about where it comes from, hop on a tour of one of just three still-functioning sugar cane plantations in Guyana. Established by Dutch colonisers, the Lenora and Uitvlugt plantation is the only one in the world to use a unique form of transportation for moving the sugar cane between the fields and the factory: punts. 

In fact, tourists get to board one too (transformed for passengers rather than sugar cane) as you float out along the canal system and you learn about a key part of the country’s colonial history. 

19. Take a sundowner on Guyana’s only highway 

Perhaps Guyana’s most unique feature is its lack of roads. Because of its vast network of rivers, boat travel has superseded over-ground transport, and, as a result, Guyana is home to just one highway – which, to this day, remains unpaved. 

Two men chat at a popular tourist attraction - a mobile roadside bar on the only highway in Guyana.

For a truly quirky thing to do in Guyana, stay at ATTA Rainforest Lodge, a charming hotel surrounded by the rainforest of the Iwokarama Reserve. Accessed by vehicle along the red dust of the highway, this lodge offers a singular sunset activity: a sundowner out on the road. 

While enjoying a chilled beer on a highway might not sound like much fun, it’s certainly a bizarre experience as staff from the lodge bring deck chairs and coolers of beer for you to sit out on the dusty road as the dusk falls. 

Avoid getting too relaxed, however: while the road is closed at night to traffic, you should still keep your eyes peeled for toucans in the treetops and big cats padding across the highway. 

20. Stay at one of the country’s indigenous lodges 

While the world debates the merits of tourism and how travellers can have a positive impact on the places they visit , the people of Guyana have been quietly proving how easy sustainable tourism can be.

Everywhere you go, eco-lodges operated by local indigenous people have been setting the standard for eco-conscious and socially responsible tourism. 

A brightly-billed toucan sits in a treetop against a cloud-filled sky in Guyana.

Check out Rewa Eco-Lodge , a 24-bed lodge deep in the jungle and run by the indigenous people of Rewa Village. Started thanks to a grant from Conservation International, this lodge is staffed by local community members.

Their ancestral knowledge about the habitats of animals and their behaviours make this an ideal place to learn about the rainforest and to catch sightings of many of its most evasive creatures. 

ATTA Rainforest lodge in the Iwokrama Reserve, a tourist attraction in Guyana

What’s more, the community has been involved in several initiatives to protect wildlife and the forest, meaning that by visiting, you’re supporting the conservation of over 350 square kilometres of virgin land from logging, mining and other environmentally-damaging industries. 

Guyana tourist attractions: Food and dining

21. tour bourda market and enjoy a guyanese feast at backyard café.

With a population encompassing cultures as varied as Indian, African and indigenous Amerindian, there’s no better to place to dive into this mix than with a tour of Bourda Market in Georgetown.

A man smiles in front of a sign for the Backyard Cafe in Guyana.

Covering four blocks in the centre of town, this market spills out onto the roadsides, with a furore of noise as stall owners heckle passers-by.

Products on sale include everything from everyday vegetables to fruits you’ve never seen before in your life and questionable looking bottles of brown sludge that claims to cure impotence. 

An unforgettable thing to do in Georgetown is to explore the market accompanied by local chef Delven Adams, who introduces you to vendors as you buy ingredients for lunch and sample local dishes such as dhal and fresh coconut water mixed with rum. 

In Guyana a man adds rum to a coconut to create a popular local drink.

Back at his restaurant, the Backyard Café , the day’s shopping is transformed into a spectacular display of local Guyanese dining. Highlights include baked fish rubbed with garlic and herbs and delicious fruit juices – again, infused with rum if you want!

My trip to Guyana was in partnership with the Guyana Tourism Board and Wilderness Explorers . As always, my opinions (and absolute LOVE of Guyana) are all my own.

Wednesday 8th of June 2022

When we visited Guyana in 2013, there were no books or guides, there was literally nothing available to help with planning the trip. I found a forum where a gentleman recommended Wilderness Explorers. We contacted them and they did absolutely fantastic job helping us with planning based on our budget and the things we wanted to do. It was an unforgettable experience! I'm glad you got to visit this beautiful country as well.

Friday 4th of August 2023

@Steph Dyson, can you refer me to those wilderness explorers

Steph Dyson

Thursday 23rd of June 2022

Thanks Anya! I had such a great time with Wilderness Explorers and now know the owners very well. They're an absolutely brilliant company and do a fantastic job of sharing what is one of South America's hidden gems! Steph

Tewah laurita

Thursday 12th of May 2022

wow such an amazing place to visit I will be travelling to Guyana just to visit this places

Have a great time! Steph

Keith Thomas

Monday 14th of February 2022

I left Berbice Guyana 45 years and I visited seldomly. In 2019 I there to spend 3 months, but spent 1 year instead due covid-19. I also went in 2121 to attend my mother's funeral. guyana was and is greatly improved and I am preparing to go back and live. Some of scenes I am aware of because I served in the Guyana Defense Force in the 60s and 70s. I always told my American friends how beautiful Guyana is see you soon.

Wednesday 9th of February 2022

Looking for things to when we arrive for our family reunion in July...This has been most helpful...Thank you!!!

Tuesday 15th of February 2022

You're welcome! Steph

Tuesday 23rd of March 2021

I was born in Guyana I left 42 years ago. I am amazed at the beauty of Guyana I am now about to retire and looking forward to enjoy these place . It is truly an amazing land to visit and widen your horizon . I toured Europe the Middle East and most of the USA .My heart is still in Guyana.

Thursday 25th of November 2021

Wonderful! It's such a lovely country! Steph

15 FUN Things To Do In Guyana – Ultimate Guide (2024)

Guyana is one of the most adventurous, raw, and serene countries in South America. And it goes without saying that there are so many fun things to do in Guyana!

I spent 10 days in Guyana and it was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had! But what exactly is there to do, and what are the best places to visit in Guyana?

This guide will cover 15 incredible Guyana tourist attractions, from simple day trips to more adventurous excursions in the savannah and rainforests.

Whether you’re a nature lover, a history buff, or just looking for a new place to explore, I guarantee you’ll find something on this list of top things to do in Guyana.

Rupununi River 9

Table of Contents


Let’s start this what to do in Guyana guide with all the essentials you should know about the country, like the country’s location, the best time to visit, and more.


Guyana is located in the northeastern part of South America, bordering the Atlantic Ocean, between Venezuela, Suriname, and Brazil. The country is about the size of Idaho, and its capital city is Georgetown.

Other than being the only English-speaking country in South America, it’s covered by 80% of tropical rainforest which means it’s a stunning place to visit.

guyana 2


Guyana has a lot of forests and several waterways, making it difficult (and expensive) to get around.

Transfers between locations are infrequent, and you’ll have to use charter planes (typically departing from Georgetown’s Eugene F. Correia International Airport), 4X4 vehicles, and boat excursions.

In addition, in Georgetown, there is a minibus system that covers routes between the capital to Lethem as well as other destinations.

That being said, and because traveling in Guyana is so difficult, guided tours and excursions are the most convenient method of transport.

A reputable tour company can assist with the planning of a trip and I’ll go into more detail about this below.


The best time to visit Guyana is between late August and late September or in February and March.

The reason for this is that the rainy season has already ended, everything is lush and green, and most Guyana tourist attractions will be open.

There are two rainy seasons in Guyana to be aware of and they are mid-April to the end of July and mid-November to January.

Rewa 8

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Basically, to discover all of the best places to visit in Guyana, it’s recommended to book a multi-day excursion with a tour company.

I personally traveled with Wilderness Explorers , one of the most reputable adventure tour companies in the country.

They have many different tour packages to choose from with the option to customize your itinerary the way you like it.

Wilderness Explorers offers different tours from the “Rewa, Rainforest, and Kaieteur Explorer” to the “Guyana Nature Experience” which covers the most impressive Guyana highlights.

Click here to view all tour packages, which include all the best Guyana attractions.



Guyana is the only English-speaking country in South America that receives approximately 4,000 visitors each year, which is the same amount Machu Picchu receives in one day!

It’s safe to say that you won’t experience any crowds or over-tourism here.

Another one of the interesting Guyana facts is that it’s a country with diverse ethnicity and cultures.

It has a rich architecture that reflects its British colonial past and cuisine with various influences from other parts of the world such as East India, Portugal, and China.

A famous dish in the country is “Seven Curry” which is cooked with mashed pumpkin, curry powder, and brown sugar, among other ingredients, and served with rice or roti.

Guyana is home to the longest single-drop waterfall in the world, Kaieteur Falls, which is a whopping 226 meters tall.

Apart from that, cricket is the most popular sport in Guyana. The Guyanese enjoy playing softball cricket, beach cricket, as well as football.

kaieteur falls 3


The currency is the Guyanese Dollar and $1 USD is the equivalent of $207 GYD.

I recommend withdrawing cash from an ATM when arriving at the airport or exchanging currency before leaving your home country as you won’t find many ATMs outside of the cities.

Guyana is a beautiful country with friendly locals everywhere you go and you’ll enjoy a tropical climate.

While there is limited WiFi and internet service, the country is an up-and-coming eco-tourism destination.

With plenty of bugs and insects, spiders, mosquitos, and flies, Guyana is not for the faint-hearted.

But, those who venture to Guyana South America, and can deal with the bugs, will be rewarded with an unforgettable life experience.

In regards to the visa on arrival, it’s free for tourists coming from North America, Australia, and Europe and you’ll be able to stay up to 90 days.

georgetown guyana 10

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Guyana is filled with an abundance of natural beauty and it has a lot to offer when it comes to travel destinations.

Whether you want some time in nature or want to explore the bustling capital city, there is something for everyone.

Here is your complete guide on 15 unmissable things to do in Guyana!


Georgetown is full of life and I recommend wandering around and visiting the markets in town, especially Bourda Market and Stabroek Market, 2 of the best things to do in Georgetown Guyana.

Of course, don’t miss out on delicious food like Pepperpot, Metemgee, and the Seven Curry.

After the market, make sure to visit St. George’s Cathedral, another one of the top Guyana places to visit that is worthy of including in your itinerary.

Apart from that, you should know that Guyana was originally colonized by the Dutch in the 1600s and later became a British colony, and you can visit several museums here to learn about its history such as The Guyana National Museum and The Museum of African Heritage.

Below are some of the must-do things in Georgetown:

  • Singing Chef Adventures experience – Book here:
  • Buy a fresh coconut from Buddy – located next to the Bourda Market, Buddy has been selling coconuts here for 50 years
  • Try the puri at Tony’s Puri Shop
  • Visit the Manatees in the National Park
  • Sunset river cruise on the Demerara River

guyana 3

The BEST Hotel in Georgetown Guyana

Guyana Marriott Hotel Georgetown

Need a place to stay? Guyana Marriott Hotel is conveniently located in Georgetown.

Whether you’re here to explore the sights or relax in comfort, Guyana Marriott Hotel offers the best of both worlds.


Nappi Creek and Kanaku Mountains are located in the very southwest corner of the country, boasting some of the most unique Guyana tourist attractions.

To get here, you’ll first have to fly to Lethem just a short 1-hour flight from Georgetown with Trans Guyana Airways.

From Lethem Airport it’s a 1.5-hour drive and you’ll take a 4×4 transfer across the savannah to reach the Nappi Creek trailhead which leads deep into the rainforest in the Kanaku Mountains.

It’s an easy to moderate 2-hour hike along the creek to where you’ll reach the campsite at the Aquarium Pool which is a scenic natural pool that is formed at the bottom of a small waterfall with rock jumping spots.

Spend the afternoon swimming in the natural pools, trying your luck at catching some fish, enjoy a BBQ dinner cooked on an open fire, and then sleep in a hammock under a tarp-covered campsite.

The following morning, enjoy a hearty breakfast before hiking for 2-hours to a panoramic viewpoint that overlooks the savannah and the Kanaku Mountains.

nappi creek 9


The Caiman House Field Station is a research and conservation center that focuses on projects along the Rupununi River. The Field Station is home to several projects like building classroom libraries in all three villages.

It’s one of the best things to do in Guyana since you’ll have the opportunity to meet local craftspeople like the Wabbini builders, who create village jobs and bring income to the village.

Apart from that, you can also participate in a field study of the Black Caiman, which is the largest of the alligator family and an endangered species.

You will observe the capture from a boat and even get the opportunity to assist in data collection.

The Caiman House is definitely worth the trip and it’s a unique way to improve Guyana’s future among locals.

nappi creek 30

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Another of the unmissable tourist attractions in Guyana is taking a boat trip on the Rupununi River.

It’s such a beautiful experience as you’ll be able to spot wildlife in abundance such as Giant Otters, Jabirus, Bat Falcons, King Vulture, Howler Monkeys, and White-necked Jacobins.

Just like me, you may not have heard of these species before, right?

Apart from that, the boat will cruise up along the riverbanks so that you’ll get a chance to bird-watch and see some monkeys jumping and swinging around the treetops.

It’s hard to find more unique Guyana places to visit when visiting!

Rupununi River


Pakaraima Mountain Inn is situated in the stunning Aranaputa Valley, one of the places to go in Guyana. Experience authentic hospitality and interesting stories from the host Charles, his lovely wife, and his son Sebastian.

The Pakaraima Mountain Inn is a family-owned business nestled right in the Pakaraima mountains.

It’s a great place to take a deep breath and relax from the fast pace of life as well as experience the authentic hospitality Guyana has to offer.

You’ll be far away from civilization and surrounded by large savannah and green hills, and that alone is worth coming for.

The food is fantastic, of course, just like anywhere else in the country, and the hosts couldn’t be any more friendly.

Some fun-fuelled activities when staying at Pakaraima Mountain Inn include:

  • Travel upstream on the Jolly Otter Pontoon
  • Enjoy some cold beers and a swim in the river
  • Wildlife watching along the river banks
  • Cruise through the valley in a Unimog ex-army truck

Rupununi River 19

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The Iwokrama Canopy Walkway is located near the southern border of the Iwokrama Reserve in Guyana’s southwestern interior.

There are four suspension bridges that lead to three different platforms, with the highest reaching point of more than 30 meters above ground level.

After exploring the Iwokrama Rainforest and Canopy Walkway, enjoy a comfortable stay at Atta Rainforest Lodge.

One of Guyana’s must-see birds, the Crimson Fruitcrow may be viewed from the area around the lodge and it’s also home to a large and growing family of Black Curassow that frequently passes through.

iwokrama rainforest 17


Within the Iwokrama Rainforest, take a short trail to a nesting site to see the amazing Guianan bird, the Cock-of-the-rock.

Cock-of-the-rocks are found in the highlands of South America and are one of the most strikingly beautiful birds in the world.

Males have a bright orange crest and are very territorial, making them one of the most interesting birds to observe. They are also known for their loud calls, which can be heard for miles around.

If you’re lucky enough to spot a Cock-of-the-rock in the wild, you’ll be treated to one of nature’s most incredible sights.

These birds are truly magnificent creatures and are well worth seeking out on your trip to Guyana.

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Surama is located in the center of Guyana, and the village is encircled by the forest-covered Pakaraima Mountains.

The locals in Surama are predominantly Macushi indigenous people and the Surama Eco Lodge, where I stayed and where you should stay, is managed and maintained by the whole community.

Needless to say, you’ll be transported into a new, totally different world.

Wander around the village, go for a short hike across the savannah, and take a boat ride on the Burro Burro River to discover the astonishing wildlife in the region.

Surama 4

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Rewa Village is located on the border between North Rupununi and South Rupununi, where the Rewa River enters the Rupununi River.

Rainforests and mountains surround the area and it plays home to a variety of animals.

Rewa Eco-Lodge was a community-founded project built in 2005 and since then they have established a sustainable eco-tourism business.

The lodge is located on the river bank overlooking the Rewa River, with tables and chairs available for relaxing while sitting near the water, and a restaurant serving up some very delicious Guyanese cuisine.

I really liked my spacious bungalow as it was clean and airy, and it came with bed netting, a hammock on the deck, a work desk and wardrobe, and a private outdoor bathroom.



After a beautiful night in nature at Rewa Eco-Lodge, get on a boat and go for a short ride to the opposite bank of the Rupununi River.

Following a fifteen-minute walk from the boat, you’ll arrive at the incredible Lily Pond, one of the many Oxbow Lakes.

The beautiful environment is enhanced with a wooden deck that extends over the pond, allowing excellent views of the Victoria Amazonica, the world’s biggest waterlily, and Guyana’s national flower.

Also in the Lily Pond lives the Arapaima, the world’s largest-scaled freshwater fish which are abundant in many of the lakes. They can grow up to 10 feet long and weigh up to 440 pounds!

You can also spot other wildlife such as the Black Caiman, and various species of birds.

Besides the wildlife, the Lily Pond is a great location for sunset overlooking the pond from the wooden deck.

Rewa 9

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The Awarmie Mountain range is located in the Rupununi area, just a short boat ride away from Rewa Eco-Lodge where most people begin their journey.

You’ll start the trip with a 40-minute boat journey to the foot of the mountain, and if you’re lucky enough, you’ll get the chance to meet the local Makushi people in the village on the way to the trailhead.

The hike to the summit of Awarmie Mountain takes about 1.5 hours. It’s not a technical hike, but the trail is steep and the humidity can be very evident.

On the way, you’ll be able to see several different species of birds, some of which are only native to Guyana.

When you reach the top you’ll be rewarded with extensive panoramic views across the rainforest, savannah, and the Rupununi River.

Rewa 17


When you’re in the Rewa region, another one of the most adventurous (or scary) things to do in Guyana is observe the Goliath bird-eating spider, the biggest spider in the world.

The term “bird-eating” came from an early 17th-century copper engraving that shows one of them eating a hummingbird.

That being said, it’s unusual for the Goliath Bird-eating Spider to capture birds, despite its name. They mostly feed on rodents, frogs, toads, lizards, and even snakes in the wild.

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Kaieteur Falls is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world and you can easily understand why it’s one of the best places to visit in Guyana.

Kaieteur Falls is the longest single-drop waterfall in the whole world, 226 meters to be exact!

This waterfall is located within the Kaieteur National Park, and not only is it a stunning sight to see but it’s also home to many different animals.

In fact, the high humidity levels and the continuous spray from the falls make it the perfect environment for bladderwort, bromeliad, and yellow-eyed grass birds, among others.

Apart from that, you’ll have the opportunity to see golden frogs, Cock-of-the-rock, and even a jaguar if you’re lucky! Simply put, it’s a paradise for tourists and locals alike!

Make sure to have your camera at the ready and bring your best lenses for landscape photography because Kaieteur Falls is one of the most outstanding sights you’ll see in your lifetime!

kaieteur falls 5

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Over 300 years ago, El Dorado Rum was first distilled in Guyana.

This rum quickly became one of the most prestigious rums in the world due to its unique flavor profile, and the locals are VERY proud of it.

In fact, El Dorado won 8 consecutive awards for the world’s best rum, and you can find it pretty much everywhere in the country.

I recommend visiting a distillery to sample all the different versions like the 5-year, 12-year, 15-year, and 21-year bottles.

Apart from that, some limited editions exist, such as the El Dorado 50 Years Grand Special Reserve Rum, which is worth over $3,000.

Today, El Dorado Rum is still produced in Guyana and is enjoyed by rum lovers all over the world.

Thanks to its unique flavor profile, El Dorado Rum is truly a one-of-a-kind spirit and you’ll definitely want to try it when you visit.

guyana 3 1


Last but not least on this list of awesome things to do in Guyana is visiting the Wichabai Ranch and learning how to become a rancher.

Wichabai Ranch offers a full 4-day program full of activities that you have certainly never done before.

First things first, settle in with Justin and Erin, two lovely hosts at the ranch, and learn new skills on your very first day.

Here, you can live out your wildest cowboy dreams; become a South American Vaquero by cracking a bullwhip, lassoing a cow, collecting the cattle, tracking a jaguar, practicing leathercraft, grating cassava, and maybe riding a wild bull!

You will also go to a nearby village to work with Cassava and place a camera trap to capture footage of wild animals in their natural habitats like jaguars, monkeys, caiman, and even anteaters.

guyana 6


When visiting Guyana, here is a list of items I highly recommend bringing with you:

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  • Mexico: 4 Week Mexico Itinerary
  • Guatemala:  2 Week Guatemala Itinerary
  • Cuba: 10 Day Cuba Itinerary
  • Peru: Backpacking Peru – 3 Week Itinerary
  • Bolivia: Things To Do In Bolivia
  • Brazil: 2 Day Rio De Janeiro Itinerary
  • Argentina: Things To Do In Argentina
  • Chile: Things To Do In Chile


So there you have it – 15 awesome activities and Guyana things to do that are not to be missed on your trip!

I hope you find this guide helpful and will enjoy these great experiences as much as I have.

From visiting the Oxbow Lakes to eating delicious food in Georgetown to spotting incredible flora and fauna in Kaieteur Falls, there is something here for everyone.

If you have any questions, please comment below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

For a quicker response, be sure to join Jonny Melon’s Travel Tribe on Facebook and post your questions or recommendations about the things to do Guyana offers to our awesome community.

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Bucket List Journey

Ultimate Guyana Bucket List: 12 Places to Visit

From bird watching in the dense rainforest to pirana fishing to taking a puddle jumper to the spectacular Kaieteur Falls , the adventurous things to do in Guyana will certainly wow you. The lessor known South American country sits between Venezuela, Brazil, and Suriname, and actually sees its fair share of tourists each year. The main city of Georgetown is definitely the most popular place to visit in Guyana, but if you are looking for outdoorsy adventure and wildlife, head outside of the city center for epic activities and breathtaking attractions. 

So, if exploring rainforests, going on exciting hikes, and interacting with the locals is your thing, then immediately put the English-speaking country on your bucket list . Warning: this country is not the place to visit if all you want to do is unwind at a fancy resort pool sipping a fruity cocktail.

interesting places to visit in guyana

Guyana Bucket List: Places to Visit & Things to Do in Georgetown (& Beyond)

1. stay at an eco lodge in the rainforest.

How often do you get a chance to stay smack dab in the middle of a rainforest? Some of the best places include the Rewa Lodge situated at the meeting point of the Rupununi and Rewa Rivers (that’s where I stayed!). Stay in traditional benabs (native huts) or a rustic cabin with good facilities. But, be warned, you may get some unwanted visitors. As a matter of fact, we had a tarantula hanging out in the rafters above our bed, another guest had a monkey visitor and one neighboring cabin had a mouse in their house .

Annette at an Eco Lodge

Surama Lodge is located on the north Rupununi savannagh surrounded by the forested Pakaraima Mountains is scenic with opportunities to observe wildlife. Not too far away is the Rock View Lodge which also has comfortable private rooms with fully equipped restrooms. Due to its secluded location, most visitors arrive (and/or leave via plane) to this lodge. Caiman House Field Station in Yupukari Village, central Rupununi is yet another interesting place to stay and also help in conservation and r esearch projects. Whichever lodge you choose will be able to assist in organizing all the adventures for your trip in Guyana.

interesting places to visit in guyana

2. Go on an Overnight Rainforest Mountain Hike

You can start the adventurous Awarmie Mountain hike from the base of the mountain, which most people arrive to by boat (booked through their lodges). The first fifteen minutes of the hike are an easy walk where, if you are lucky, you will pass by the Makushi people who will be cooking up some traditional cassava root for lunch.

From there be prepared for about an hour and a half strenuous hike to the top. What is strenuous? Typically that length of trek is nothing to worry about for me, but this is a HARD hike with a seriously steep and rocky incline (to the point we were practically rock climbing). Plus, it is even more challenging if you add in hot weather with high humidity with carrying a 20+ pound backpack. With all that said, the sweat is handsomely rewarded with superb views from the top.

Once you make it to the peak, your guides will set up a camp that has a makeshift toilet and hammocks (which were surprisingly comfortable!). Next morning, make your way back to base in half the time.

interesting places to visit in guyana

3. Go Pirana Fishing

If you are looking for a seriously adventurous thing to do in Guyana, then pirana fishing is absolutely it. About 90% of the rivers and lakes in South American country have pirana (piranha) and fishing for them is not only a sport, but a way of life. The freshwater fish are infamous for their very sharp triangle-shaped teeth and strong j

aws that produce a forceful bite (have you ever seen the scary movie of the same name?). 

A pirana fishing tour will typically have you start by making your own rod from local tree branches, then finding live grub (a little beetle) that is found inside of a kokerit seed. A canoe will take you out to the middle of the river where you can cast your line to see if you can get a bite. All your catch will be eaten for lunch!

interesting places to visit in guyana

4. Search for Turtles on Shell Beach

Imagine seeing the giant leatherback turtle, many of which have a length of over six! You can spot four endangered species of sea turtles including the leatherback, hawksbill, green, and olive ridley turtles at Shell Beach on the Atlantic coast of Guyana. The beach is a nesting ground for turtles who come here to lay eggs between February and August. Go with a local guide to the beach at night, the preferred time for turtles to dig holes on the shore and lay eggs. The eggs take around two months to hatch, then baby turtles make their way to the waters to start the cycle of life all over again.

If you are looking for a Guyana Tour, Dagron Tour’s Big Game Safari includes a stop at shell beach and many other Guyana attractions on this list!

 leatherback sea turtle near the beach.

5. See an Arapaima (The Largest Scaled Freshwater Fish in the World!)

It’s a fact that Guyana’s birds, animals and marine life will constantly surprise you–the Arapaima is one such impressive creature. Usually found in the Ripunni, Essequibo and Amazon River Basin, these fish often grow up to eight feet in length. Unfortunately, fishing has led to dwindling numbers, so conservation efforts are now in place.

The staff at Rewa Ecolodge will take you through the Grass Pond by canoe where you just may get a close-up views of this large scaled freshwater fish.

interesting places to visit in guyana

6. Enjoy Bird Watching

One of the best things to do in Guyana is to go bird watching as there are more than 800 species of these winged wonders in all shapes, sizes and colors. I promise you, it won’t be boring! Among the most popular places to view them is the Iwokrama rainforest that has a superb concentration of birds. You are likely to spot many different species such as the harpy eagle, black throated ant shrike, red-and-green macaws, olive green tyrannulet and cock-of-the-rock.

Wildlife specialist/tour operator Leon of Leon Moore Nature Experiences can take you on an unforgettable birdwatching adventure.

Annette standing on top of a car for bird wacthing

7. Explore the Capital City of Georgetown

From a quaint cathedral to a distillery to a memorable farmer’s market, Guyana’s capital city of Georgetown has so much to offer. Don’t miss getting a taste of the local rum at Guyanas last remaining distillery, El Dorado Distillery . Stop by the  St. George’s Cathedral , a gothic beauty built in 1842. Peruse dozens of booths at the farmers’ markets that line the streets. And when you are ready to relax with a delicious Guyanese meal, head to the Backyard Café. Chef Delven Adams and his partner Malini Jaikaran will make you feel at home with their warm hospitality and scrumptious local food. Sit under a canopy of trees with the fragrance of herbs in the air as you dig into fresh, organic food.

Annette visiting a market in Georgetown

PS: there’s also nothing wrong with just randomly exploring the streets to take a peak into the life of the Guyanese. It truly is fascinating! 

A photo inside Georgetown St. Georges Cathedral

8. Visit an Indigenous Village

Understanding the local way of life is something I enjoy while visiting any place. In Guyana, places such as Rewa and Surama are villages inhabited by indigenous people. The eco-lodges here are operated by Amerindians, and the community consisting of tribes such as the Makushi people are actively involved in the eco-tourism business.

They have a simple way of life and live in harmony with nature. You can take a tour of the villages and stop by places such as the school, small stores, medical centers and a few houses. Plus, you may see activities such as making cassava, basket weaving and working in gardens or farms.

interesting places to visit in guyana

9. Walk the Iwokrama Canopy Walkway

For wildlife sightings (and a little adventure), visit the Iwokrama Canopy Walkway , situated 33 meters (100+ feet) above the rainforest floor. You have to climb around 200 steps to reach the walkway of suspension bridges in the tree canopies with viewing platforms. Get a bird’s eye view from this height and a chance to spot animals, birds, insects, reptiles, and tree and plant species. Dawn walks on the walkway and night walks in the area are ideal times to see some amazing species. If you are really lucky, you might spot a jaguar on the dirt road outside!

Annette trying the Canopy Walk

FYI: Iwokrama Canopy Walkway is a few minutes walk from ATTA Rainforest Lodge . 

Annette trying the Canopy Walk

10. Go Nightspotting

Would you like to see a few creatures of the night in the rainforest? Head to the Iwokrama Reserve to see some wildlife after dark. You might see a jaguar, reptiles and critters (we saw a tree boa!). You have a choice to go nightspotting by boat, by 4×4 vehicle and by foot. Either one you choose will take you to different night places to visit that are sure to have some critters lurking about.

Another creature found in Guyana is the caiman from the alligator family. You can go on a creatures of the night tour from the Caiman House Field Station to see caimans, tree boas, frogs and birds or participate in an overnight caiman capture and release research activity on the Rupununi River.

Tourist Nightspotting on Guyana

11. Marvel at Kaieteur Falls

While Niagara Falls, Iguazu Falls and Victoria Falls are all more popular on things to do before you die lists, Kaieteur Falls in Guyana is off-the beaten-track but just as amazing. It is the world’s widest single-drop waterfall and one of the world’s most powerful waterfalls with an immense volume of water from the Potaro river plummeting down a cliff at a height of more than 700 feet in the Kaieteur National Park.

You have two main ways to reach this isolated spot—one is on a small aircraft and other is a 5-day overland journey. The plane lands on an airstrip near the falls from where you proceed on foot to viewing points. An overland trip involves land transport, hikes, boats and a final ascent on a mountain called “oh my god”. Yes, you will probably utter this as you make the steep climb. 

Read More:  Guyana’s Kaieteur Falls: One of South America’s Best Waterfalls

interesting places to visit in guyana

12. Eat Cassava

A trip to Guyana is incomplete with tasting a staple food of the locals, cassava—something I ate regularly. It is a shrub with an edible root transformed into pulp to make the sauce-like cassareep. Usually, cassareep is used as a condiment to make dishes, especially the popular pepperpot served with bread.

Two other food items made from this plant are cassava bread and farine. The residue from cassava juice is dried and baked to make cassava bread. Farine is also made from the residue and can be added to sugared milk for a healthy drink or to thicken soups. Bonus bucket list points for trying all three! 

interesting places to visit in guyana

All of these wonderful places to visit and things to do in Guyana will not only quench your wanderlust but also teach you about a different culture and way of living. 

More About Guyana

Cartagena Colombia Bucket List: 42 Top Things to Do Cusco Peru Bucket List: 30+ Things to Do in Machu Picchu’s Gateway City A Guide to Piranha Fishing (& Eating) in the South American Rainforest Amazon Jungle Travel: 45 Things to Pack for the Rainforest Guyana’s Kaieteur Falls: One of South America’s Best Waterfalls An Adventurous Guyana Tour: Jungle Mountain Climb in Rupununi Piranha Fishing in the Rainforest Rivers of Guyana

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11 thoughts on “ultimate guyana bucket list: 12 places to visit”.

This is the first article I’ve found that a blogger has written on Guyana. We’re doing a huge trip in 2022, and it’s so difficult to find info on it. Did you find Guyana safe to travel independently? And I’ve never thought of it before, but you can bet that Piranha fishing is now firmly on my bucket list. Thanks.

I’ve always heard great things about the Kaieteur Falls and hoped to visit! There are amazing helicopter tours you can take as well. Thanks for sharing such an amazing list!

You should definitely visit Kaieteur falls. It is such a beauty.

Yes, I am from guyana and it’s very safe to travel!

Aana, I’m also from Guyana and I wouldn’t say it is safe to travel there. I suggest travelling with company. The locals will know you’re from abroad and they’re not always kind or hospitable. Beware. Good luck.

Piranha fishing goes right on top of must do’s. Thank you for sharing this delightful list.

To GOD BE THE GLORY. Patrick Griffith

My home land Guyana is a beautiful tropical rainforest… it’s a wonderful place to visit and even more to see… thanks bucket list boss for including us..

Thank you very much Annette. All 12 things are very attractive. How many days would one need in order to see it all using the most expeditious form of travel? Cheers, Mark

I would say about 10 days would be good. Any shorter and you really be running from place to place, but it’s totally doable.

I am from Guyana. I lived and worked in places more than 90 percent of Guyanese. I have been to places from way south Rupununi, to Lethem ,to the North and South Pakaraima, Lower, middle and Upper Mazaruni, including Kaikan, Purima, Waramadong, Kamarang, |Chi-Chi, Haieka, “Big Meamu, Little Meamu, Chiti-go King, Ankoko,, Eterinbang, Karapau Mountain, Monkey Mountain, Kato, Orinduik, Itaback, Kamana, Maikwak, Waipree, Muribong, Tapa, Kopinang, Amatuk, Waratuk, Kaieteur, These are only some of the places I have lived and worked. I have travelled in on many rivers and tributaries including Mazaruni, Cuyuni, Essequibo, Demerara, Potaro, Kuribrong, Konawaruk, Issenaru, Semang, Jawalla , Kako, Kukui. I been very close to the mighty Roraima. Karanambo, International rivers such as Wenamu River, Ireng River, Cuyuni where it borders with Venezuela, These are only some of the places. There are many more, too many to mention. Additionally, I have worked/travelled on the Essequibo Coast from from the Charity-Pomeroon to Supernaam, The Leguan, Wakanaam, Bartica, the entire West Bank, East Bank to Linden , Ituni to Ebini, Rockstone trail from Linden to Kurupukari, Georgetown to Rosignal to New Amsterdam to Moleson Creek

I love the rainforest of Guyana, I have more than ten years working/travelling these places. I travelled by air, by boat, and by woodskin canoe, and by walking for long hours. I have seen the Timerhi Rock paintings in the Karowrieng river I really enjoyed travelling and working in Guyana. The best and most hospitable people live in the “interior” Travel you will enjoy it, providing you like challenges.

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10 Best Places to Visit in Guyana

Welcome to the enchanting world of Guyana, a hidden gem nestled on the northeastern coast of South America. With its lush rainforests, stunning waterfalls, and rich cultural heritage, Guyana offers travelers an immersive experience  unlike any other .

As we embark on this journey, we’ll discover the 11 best places  to visit  in Guyana, each offering its unique blend of natural beauty, adventure, and cultural richness. From the majestic wonder of Kaieteur Falls to the vibrant streets of Georgetown, there’s something for everyone to explore and enjoy in this captivating country.

1. Kaieteur Falls: The Majestic Wonder

Kaieteur Falls stands as a majestic wonder amidst the lush rainforests of Guyana, captivating visitors with its sheer beauty and raw power. Plunging from a height of 741 feet, it is one of the tallest single-drop waterfalls globally, making it a must-see destination for nature enthusiasts and adventurers  alike .

Located in the heart of the Potaro-Siparuni region, Kaieteur Falls is surrounded by pristine wilderness, adding to its allure.  As water  cascades over the cliff edge, beautiful places in guyana , it creates  a mesmerizing spectacle, with mist rising and rainbows forming in the sunlight.  Visitors can witness this breathtaking display from various viewpoints,  each  offering a unique perspective of the falls and the surrounding landscape.

Aside from its natural beauty, Kaieteur Falls holds cultural significance for the indigenous Patamona people, who consider it a sacred site. 

Whether you’re marveling at its sheer size, feeling the mist on your skin, or simply soaking in the tranquility of the surroundings,  a visit to  Kaieteur Falls is an unforgettable experience that will leave you in awe of the wonders of nature.

2. Georgetown: Exploring the Capital City

Georgetown, the vibrant capital city of Guyana, beckons visitors with its rich tapestry of culture, history, and charm. Situated on the banks of the Demerara River, this bustling metropolis is a melting pot of diverse influences, reflecting the country’s multicultural heritage.

Exploring Georgetown is like embarking on a journey through time, with its colonial architecture, bustling markets, and lively streets steeped in history. Stroll along the cobblestone pathways of the UNESCO-listed historic district, where elegant wooden buildings adorned with intricate fretwork stand as a testament to the city’s colonial past.

Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of Stabroek Market, places to visit in georgetown , guyana, where vendors sell everything from fresh produce to handmade crafts,  while the sounds of soca and calypso music fill the air. Take a leisurely walk along the picturesque seawall promenade, offering stunning views of the river and the iconic Demerara Harbour Bridge.

For history enthusiasts, Georgetown offers  a treasure trove of museums and landmarks, including the majestic St. George’s Cathedral, the National Museum of Guyana, and the iconic Parliament Building.  Delve into the city’s past and gain insight into its rich cultural heritage.

From its bustling streets to  its  historic landmarks, Georgetown captivates visitors with its unique blend of old-world charm and modern vibrancy, making it a must-visit destination in Guyana.

3. Iwokrama Forest Reserve: A Wildlife Paradise

The Iwokrama Forest Reserve  stands as  a true wildlife paradise, nestled  within  the heart of Guyana’s pristine rainforests.  Spanning over one million acres, this vast expanse of untouched wilderness  is teeming  with a rich diversity of flora and fauna, making it a haven for nature lovers and conservationists alike.

Iwokrama Forest Reserve A Wildlife Paradise

As you venture into the depths of the Iwokrama Forest Reserve, you’ll  be greeted  by towering trees, lush vegetation, and the symphony of sounds emanating from the jungle canopy. This biodiverse ecosystem is home to  a myriad of  species, guyana tourism packages , including jaguars, giant otters, harpy eagles, and countless other rare and endangered creatures.

One of the highlights of visiting the Iwokrama Forest Reserve is the opportunity to embark on guided nature walks and wildlife spotting expeditions led by knowledgeable local guides.  Traverse winding trails through dense rainforests, where you’ll have the chance to encounter elusive wildlife species in their natural habitat.

For bird enthusiasts, the Iwokrama Forest Reserve is a birdwatcher’s paradise, with over 500 species of birds recorded within its borders. Keep your eyes peeled for vibrant toucans, majestic macaws, and the iconic harpy eagle soaring overhead.

In addition to its rich biodiversity, the Iwokrama Forest Reserve plays a vital role in conservation efforts and sustainable development initiatives in Guyana.  By visiting this pristine wilderness, travelers  not only  have the opportunity to connect with nature  but also contribute to the preservation of  one of the world’s most precious ecosystems.

4. Shell Beach: Witnessing Marvelous Marine Life

Shell Beach, nestled along the remote coastline of Guyana, offers visitors a unique opportunity to witness marvelous marine life in its natural habitat. Stretching for over 90 miles along the Atlantic Ocean, this pristine beach  is named  for the countless shells that wash ashore, places to visit in berbice guyana , creating a breathtaking mosaic of colors and textures.

One of the most remarkable sights at Shell Beach is the nesting ritual of endangered sea turtles, including the iconic leatherback, green, and hawksbill turtles. From March to August each year, these majestic creatures return to the beach where they were born to lay their eggs, creating a mesmerizing spectacle of nature.

Under the cover of darkness, visitors can join guided tours to witness this extraordinary event  firsthand,  as mother turtles emerge from the ocean to dig their nests and deposit their eggs in the sand. As dawn breaks, hatchlings emerge from their nests and make their perilous journey to the sea, guided by the light of the moon and stars.

Aside from sea turtles, Shell Beach is also home to a diverse array of marine life, including dolphins, manatees, and countless  species of  fish and crustaceans. Snorkeling and diving enthusiasts can explore vibrant coral reefs and underwater ecosystems teeming with life, while birdwatchers can spot migratory seabirds and shorebirds along the coastline.

Whether you’re marveling at the sight of nesting sea turtles, snorkeling among colorful coral reefs, or simply soaking in the tranquility of this remote beach paradise, Shell Beach offers an unforgettable experience for nature lovers and adventurers alike.

5. Kanuku Mountains: Trekking in Nature’s Lap

The Kanuku Mountains, situated in the southwestern region of Guyana, offer a captivating invitation to trek through nature’s pristine embrace.  Spanning over 6,000 square kilometers , this rugged and biodiverse landscape is a haven for adventurers seeking to immerse themselves in the beauty of the wilderness.

Trekking through the Kanuku Mountains is like embarking on a journey through untouched wilderness, where mist-shrouded peaks, lush rainforests, and cascading waterfalls await at every turn. As you traverse winding trails and rugged terrain, you’ll  be surrounded  by a symphony of sounds emanating from the dense canopy above, from the chirping of exotic birds to the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze.

One of the highlights of trekking in the Kanuku Mountains is the opportunity to encounter rare and elusive wildlife species that call this pristine ecosystem home.  Keep  your eyes peeled for jaguars, giant otters, tapirs, and  a myriad of  other fascinating creatures that roam freely in their natural habitat.

For those seeking a more immersive experience, day trips from georgetown guyana , guided trekking expeditions are available, led by knowledgeable local guides who share their expertise on the region’s flora, fauna, and indigenous cultures. These treks offer a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of nature and the importance of conservation in preserving fragile ecosystems like the Kanuku Mountains.

6. Rupununi Savanna: An Expanse of Natural Beauty

The Rupununi Savanna sprawls across the southern reaches of Guyana, offering an expanse of natural beauty that captivates visitors with its serene landscapes and abundant wildlife. This vast savanna, stretching for hundreds of miles, is a testament to the unspoiled wilderness that defines Guyana’s interior.

Rupununi Savanna An Expanse of Natural Beauty

As you venture into the Rupununi Savanna, you’ll be greeted by rolling hills, sprawling grasslands, and scattered patches of forest, creating a picturesque panorama that stretches as far as the eye can see. The golden hues of the savanna are punctuated by meandering rivers and tranquil lakes, providing vital lifelines for the diverse  array of  flora and fauna that call this region home.

One of the highlights of exploring the Rupununi Savanna is the opportunity to encounter its rich wildlife, including iconic species such as giant anteaters, capybaras, and jabiru storks. Birdwatchers will delight in the chance to spot colorful macaws, toucans, and herons against the backdrop of the open sky.

For those seeking adventure, the Rupununi Savanna offers  a myriad of  activities, from guided nature walks and birdwatching excursions to river cruises and wildlife safaris. Whether you’re exploring on foot, by boat, or atop a horse, every moment spent in the Rupununi is filled with the thrill of discovery and the wonder of nature’s bounty.

But perhaps the most captivating aspect of the Rupununi Savanna is its sense of tranquility and solitude, offering visitors a rare opportunity to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of modern life and reconnect with the natural world. Whether you’re watching the sunset paint the sky in hues of orange and pink or gazing up at the canopy of stars that blankets the savanna at night, the beauty of the Rupununi is sure to leave a lasting impression on your soul.

7. Guyana Zoo: A Close Encounter with Wildlife

The Guyana Zoo offers visitors a unique opportunity for a close encounter with wildlife in the heart of Georgetown, the capital city of Guyana.  Situated on the  outskirts of the city , this zoo is home to a diverse array of native and exotic animal species, providing an educational and immersive experience for visitors of all ages.

As you step into the Guyana Zoo, you’ll be greeted by the sights and sounds of the natural world, from the playful antics of monkeys swinging from tree to tree to the majestic presence of big cats prowling in their enclosures. The zoo’s well-designed habitats aim to replicate the animals’ natural environments, creating a comfortable and enriching space for them to thrive.

One of the highlights of visiting the Guyana Zoo is the opportunity to observe rare and endangered species up close, including jaguars, giant river otters, and the iconic harpy eagle.  Through guided tours and interactive exhibits, visitors can learn about the importance of wildlife conservation and  the role that  zoos  play  in protecting endangered species.

For animal lovers, the Guyana Zoo offers a range of experiences, guyana famous for, from feeding sessions and keeper talks to behind-the-scenes tours and wildlife encounters. Whether you’re hand-feeding giraffes or getting up close to a sloth, these interactive experiences provide a deeper understanding of the animal’s behavior and habitat needs.

8. Guyana National Museum: Delving into History and Culture

The Guyana National Museum stands as a beacon of history and culture in the heart of Georgetown, inviting visitors to delve into the rich tapestry of Guyana’s past. Housed within a stately colonial-era building, the museum showcases a diverse collection of artifacts, exhibits, and interactive displays that offer insight into the country’s fascinating heritage.

As you step through the museum’s doors, you’ll  embark on a  journey through time, from the prehistoric era to the present day. Explore exhibits that chronicle the indigenous cultures of Guyana, showcasing intricate pottery, tools, and artwork that offer a glimpse into ancient traditions and customs.

One of the highlights of the Guyana National Museum is its collection of artifacts from the colonial period, including relics from the Dutch and British colonial administrations. From antique furniture and household items to documents and photographs, these exhibits provide a window into Guyana’s colonial past and its impact on the country’s development.

For history enthusiasts, the museum offers a treasure trove of exhibits that delve into  key  moments in Guyana’s history, from the arrival of the first European settlers to the struggles for independence and beyond. Learn about the diverse communities that have shaped Guyana’s identity, from Amerindian tribes to African slaves and indentured laborers from India, China, and Portugal.

But perhaps the most poignant aspect of visiting the Guyana National Museum is the opportunity to connect with the stories of ordinary people whose lives have  been shaped  by extraordinary events. From tales of resilience and triumph to moments of tragedy and loss, these stories serve as a reminder of the human experience that transcends time and borders.

9. Bartica: The Gateway to the Interior

Bartica, known as the “Gateway to the Interior,”  serves as  a vibrant hub for adventure and exploration in Guyana’s vast interior regions. Nestled at the confluence of the Essequibo, Mazaruni, and Cuyuni rivers, this bustling town offers visitors a gateway to the untamed wilderness and cultural riches of the hinterland.

Bartica The Gateway to the Interior

As you arrive in Bartica, you’ll  be greeted  by the sights and sounds of a bustling waterfront town, where boats bob along the riverbanks and colorful markets bustle with activity. This lively atmosphere sets the stage for an unforgettable journey into the heart of Guyana’s interior.

One of the highlights of visiting Bartica is the opportunity to embark on river expeditions to remote and pristine destinations. From tranquil boat rides along the meandering rivers to thrilling excursions into the dense rainforests, Bartica offers a range of adventures for nature lovers and thrill-seekers alike.

For those interested in cultural exploration, Bartica provides a gateway to indigenous communities that call the interior home. Immerse yourself in the vibrant traditions and customs of the Amerindian peoples, learning about their way of life, traditional crafts, and spiritual beliefs.

Aside from its natural and cultural attractions, Bartica also offers modern amenities and conveniences for travelers, including comfortable accommodations, restaurants serving delicious local cuisine, and shops selling handmade crafts and souvenirs.

10. Essequibo River: A Journey Through History

The Essequibo River invites travelers on a captivating journey through history, meandering through the picturesque landscapes of Guyana’s interior and bearing witness to centuries of human endeavors and natural wonders.

As one of  the  longest and largest rivers  in Guyana , the Essequibo holds a significant place in the country’s past, present, and future.  Its waters have been a lifeline for indigenous communities, European explorers, and modern-day adventurers alike, shaping the course of history and leaving an indelible mark on the landscape.

Embarking  on a journey  along the Essequibo River unveils a tapestry of historical landmarks and cultural treasures, each telling a story of the people who have inhabited its shores for generations. From ancient Amerindian settlements to colonial outposts and bustling river towns, the Essequibo is a living testament to the resilience and ingenuity of the human spirit.

One of the highlights of exploring the Essequibo River is the opportunity to visit historic Dutch and British settlements that dot its banks. These remnants of Guyana’s colonial past offer a glimpse into a bygone era, with crumbling forts, stately plantations, and charming colonial architecture providing a window into the country’s rich heritage.

But the Essequibo River is not just a journey through the past ; it is  also a voyage into the heart of Guyana’s natural beauty.  Along its meandering course, travelers will encounter lush rainforests teeming with wildlife, tranquil creeks and tributaries, and breathtaking waterfalls cascading into the river below.

 Guyana offers a tapestry of breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cultures, and rich history waiting to  be explored . From the majestic wonders of Kaieteur Falls to the bustling streets of Georgetown, the pristine wilderness of the Iwokrama Forest Reserve  to  the cultural treasures of the Guyana National Museum, every corner of this diverse nation beckons travelers with its unique allure.

Whether you’re an adventure seeker, a history buff, or a nature enthusiast, Guyana has something to offer  for  everyone. Its untamed wilderness, rich biodiversity, and warm hospitality make it a destination unlike any other, promising unforgettable experiences and lifelong memories.

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The 4 best things to do in Guyana for adventure seekers

Felix Zeltner

Sep 20, 2022 • 8 min read

Beautiful blue sky reflecting in the Amazonia Basin river. Corocoro river goes along Yutaje Community whicth mean in the native language:  River Foam (Espuma del Rio)

Around 95% of Guyana is wilderness © Douglas Olivares / Getty Images

Perhaps one of the most intimate and underrated travel destinations, Guyana sits on the shoulder of South America . It’s slightly larger than France, but with just 790,000 inhabitants, it’s one of the least-populated countries on earth. 

About 95% of the land is ruled by wilderness, from wild savannas and meandering earth-tone rivers to misty plateau mountains, all enclosed by one of the few remaining pristine rainforests in the world. It's the ultimate spot to disconnect; you will rarely spot other travelers if any at all.

If you’re an experienced traveler with a budget to spend on unparalleled adventures – like staring down the world’s largest single-drop waterfall or going on a nightly paddle to catch caimans – get ready to fall in love. 

After my recent family trip to Guyana, these are what I think are the top things to do there year-round (even during the rainy season).

Vendors sell produce at Stabroek market in Georgetown, capital city of Guyana, South America

1. Stroll and snack your way through Georgetown

Start your trip in the country’s capital of  Georgetown . Everybody in this former British colony speaks English and drives on the left side of the road. 

Venture into downtown G-town on foot on a workday morning to orient yourself. Downtown has a friendly vibe, and Georgetowners are very welcoming. However, make sure to leave any unnecessary valuables behind in case of theft and see the city most safely during daylight hours.

Start your walk near the State House, where Guyana’s president lives. From there, you’ll find plenty of tasty dining spots.  For a taste of France, grab a coffee, sandwich or pastry at Petit Four . If you're craving Indian flavors, opt for a curry and roti at Shanta’s Puri Shop , a long-standing popular hole-in-the-wall establishment further down the block.

Before heading to Main Street, continue your stroll through the lush Promenade Gardens (accessibility varies with rainfall). Enjoy refreshing coconut water from one of the street carts as you take the shaded route on the capital’s promenade.

Tip: Download WhatsApp on your phone before your trip. Almost everyone in Guyana – even small shops and restaurants – uses WhatsApp to communicate.

Then head south until you reach St George’s Cathedral . Though currently under renovation and closed off to the public, this 143-ft-high structure (one of the tallest wooden buildings in the world) is still impressive from the outside. 

Circle around and head towards the river to dive into the thriving bustle of Stabroek Market , the busiest market in the country. Or walk the other way to the less hectic Bourda Market . If you’re feeling adventurous, ask a vendor to help you try a fruit you haven’t eaten before. Sapodilla, anyone?

To cool off after your walk , message the Marriott Hotel  on WhatsApp  and ask for a day pass to their swimming pool. As the largest in the city, this pool is fit for a palace.

Tip:   If you like your cab ride from the airport, get the driver’s number; you might end up with a friend who will make getting around much easier.

View of The beautiful powerful Kaieteur waterfall on a clear Sunny day against the background of the jungle, the height of the waterfall is 221 meters

2. Fall for (not into) Kaieteur

Once you have settled into the capital, check out Guyana’s main attraction:  Kaieteur Falls . You can best reach this thundering wonder via airplane from Georgetown’s city airport – or else it's a treacherous, five-day (minimum) trek through thick rainforest. Most tour operators in Guyana offer day trips to Kaieteur, including transportation to and from the airport, a plane ride with a local airline, a knowledgeable guide and snacks on the ground.

We booked our tour with  Wilderness Explorers ,  one of the region’s most well-known tour operators. Roraima Tours, Air Guyana Tours and Dragon Tours are also popular options; Rainforest Tours is known for its overland treks.

Our first glimpse of the rainforest interior left us speechless (or only capable of “oohs” and “aahs”) when our eight-seat plane emerged from a bumpy storm cloud. Below, a mighty waterfall surrounded by thick untouched green resembled a fantasy world from a video game. The waterfall  plunges 250m (820ft) to the bottom of the gorge – five times the height of Niagara Falls – hence the title, “largest single-drop waterfall in the world.” 

The falls are named after local chief Kai, who is said to have sacrificed himself by paddling over the drop and plunging into the gorge to restore peace in a tribal war. Some Guyanese avoid the area entirely because they believe it's mystical and dangerous. 

On getting closer to the drop, trembling from the tens of thousands of gallons of water falling per second just a few feet away, it almost felt scary being so exposed to a natural superpower.

Where the wild things are: tracking Guyana's iconic wildlife  

The falls are surrounded by Kaieteur National Park, one of the first protected areas in all of Latin America and the Caribbean since 1929. It’s all part of the 2-billion-year-old Guiana Shield – one of the most biodiverse areas on earth where new species are discovered frequently.

Maybe the most important thing to know for your visit is that Guyana’s most celebrated site is free of human touch. There are no guardrails. No kitschy souvenir shops. No hotels. In the rainy season, you might be the only tourist among local families, scientists or mining managers taking a day off. On the ground, I felt humbled, out of place and utterly powerless in the face of undisturbed nature.

If you feel overwhelmed or begin to experience vertigo, step back and ask your guide to point out the wildlife nearby. You may spot tiny golden rocket frogs, morphos (South America’s largest butterflies) or one of the hundreds of species of birds living behind the curtain of water. 

3. Lime like a pro

When you return to Georgetown from Kaieteur or any other adventure in the interior like birdwatching, fishing, wildlife-spotting or jungle trekking – it’s time to just lime.  To lime, or "liming," is maybe the best Guyanese word. It simply means to hang out. The term is used in other parts of the Caribbean, but in Guyana, liming is a lifestyle – and there are oh-so-many spots to lime around Georgetown.

Start in the home of chef Delven Adams, who returned to Guyana after living in the US and, together with his partner Malini Jaikarran, created the Backyard Café in their suburban home.  Adams cooks fresh market-to-table Caribbean-inspired cuisine for a few guests each day.

Reservations should be made days or weeks in advance (and with some persistence) to be one of the lucky few customers. Be on time, or you might lose your seat at the table.

If you don’t make it to the Backyard, try the Oasis Café downtown, another couple-owned, outdoor garden-like bistro that serves cakes, pastries, breakfast sandwiches and a lunch buffet.  If you prefer to dine indoors during hot or rainy weather, try one of the Indian restaurants like  Aagman , which serves up favorites like crispy fried okra, aka Kurkuri Bhindi, and butter chicken.

Once you get the hang of hanging, go all out on any evening  (though Sundays are best) and take a cab to the Sea Wall, deemed the liming capital of the world. The concrete embankment was built by Dutch settlers and has been expanded several times since the late-1800s through labor from settlers, prisoners and locals to protect the below-sea-level shoreline.   Over time, it has become a favorite hangout spot.

Good places to start liming are on the corners of Vlissengen Road or Sheriff Street. Check out the Sea Wall’s murals with a drink in hand, listen to the music and then lime with everybody catching a cool breeze at the wall: dates, dance parties, family gatherings and motorcycle parades.

4. Plan a short trip to Suriname 

There used to be a French, British, Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish Guiana. The Spanish and the Portuguese eventually folded into Venezuela and Brazil while French Guiana remained. The British and the Dutch left their colonies in (somewhat controlled) independence, leaving what is now Guyana and Suriname, the smallest country in South America.

Leaving Guyana and heading overland towards one of its siblings is an adventure in itself; remote cowboy towns and irregular river crossings dot the journey. To start, go on the day-long trip southeast to Suriname , across the Courantyne River. 

While a bridge connecting the two countries is planned, the only official way to cross the river is by ferry. Be warned: it runs on a murky schedule with crossings at least once a day, and there’s little to no schedule information available until you arrive at the terminal. 

Leave Georgetown before 4am with a packed breakfast and lunch. Have your e-visa , passports and vaccine requirements ready. Pick an experienced driver as cattle and donkeys tend to do morning jaywalks along the route, and speeding is common.

If your driver drops you off at the ferry terminal and doesn't take you further (which is common), ask for help locating another driver to continue to Paramaribo – Suriname's capital. Some drivers make the journey back and forth between the two countries several times a week, and you will most likely find one on board with their car. 

After going through immigration, you can grab something to eat (like ice cream and chips) at the kiosk inside the terminal. Once aboard the ferry, enjoy the breeze and lime your way across the bronze-colored Courantyne River. 

You won’t know you’ve left Guyana until you’ve passed under Suriname’s flag on the other side. Stay in Suriname for a day or two to explore the untouched jungles of Brownsberg Nature Reserve and the Dutch architecture of Paramaribo before taking the regional airline back to where you started.   

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10 Incredible Sights and Things to Do in Guyana

Wondering which are the best attractions, top sights, and overall best things to do in Guyana? From the great outdoors to the cities, we have your back.

Seated snugly between Venezuela and Suriname on the northeast side of mainland South America is a small country known by the name of Guyana. Known as the third, smallest country on the continent with the second smallest population, Guyana can be easy to miss among the large titans in South America. It would be a mistake to ignore this small nation. Rich with colorful culture, friendly people, breathtaking landmarks, and diverse wildlife, Guyana has a lot in store for those that choose to visit it! 

interesting places to visit in guyana

Even with the recent boom in tourism in the past years, Guyana’s tourism industry has fallen behind compared to its larger neighbors. Due to a combination of government policies, negative perceptions, and lack of attention, not many tourists visit Guyana even today. Recently the country has increased its efforts in widening its tourism industry while at the same time keeping the goal of sustainable tourism . 

With how much Guyana has to offer, tourism is looking to rise as more and more people discover the wonders of the country. When planning your next trip, it’d be a good idea to consider giving this English-speaking (yes, Guyana is the only country in South America with English as its main language!) country a try. 

interesting places to visit in guyana

Here are 10 incredible things to do in Guyana that you shouldn’t miss during your visit!

Taste the Local Cuisine

A mixture of African, Creole, Chinese, European, Amerindian, Portuguese, and East Indian flavors awaits those who want to try out the local cuisine of Guyana. This can be attributed to their history.

Being colonized by the Dutch and French before becoming a British colony, Guyana has felt the arrival of many different people from across the globe throughout the centuries. This diversity of demographics is now seen as a source of pride for the country, with its national anthem referring to itself as “The Land of Six Peoples”.

With such a massive influence on the small country, it has become the foundation of the Guyanese culture that it is today. 

Cassava and sweet potato are some of the main sources of carbohydrates in Guyana. When you’re there, make sure to try out their cassava flatbread. Made from drying grated cassava into flour, these round pieces of flatbread have a chewy texture and nutty taste. It is even more delicious when topped with some peanut butter or sliced avocados.

The flatbread goes best with Pepperpot, Guyana’s national dish. A stew of Amerindian origin, Pepperpot uses meat, cassareep (a bitter cassava extract), cinnamon, hot pepper, and vegetables to create a dark, hearty stew. The Guyanese also love their curry, being one of their most popular dishes, as well as cook-up rice (legumes, meat or fish, fresh herbs, and rice cooked in coconut milk).

When you’re done eating, you can wash it all down with Guyana’s many fruit drinks or try out some of their more interesting drinks such as Ginger Beer , Mauby (a drink made from tree bark!), or Sorrel.

Experience the Lights of the Diwali Festival

interesting places to visit in guyana

Guyana’s culture is diverse and varied, and this extends to their national holidays as well. Due to the number of cultures that make up their population, Guyana’s national holidays tend to be religious ones. The Diwali Festival of Lights is just one of the many festivals brought by the varied cultures across the globe. 

In Guyana, a beloved way of celebrating the Festival of Lights is with the Dharmic Sabha Countrywide Motorcades. This is a tradition that started in 1974 where the motorcades began humbly with only a few lit vehicles and horse-drawn carriages. But over the years, it has vastly expanded with new lights, complex, beautiful setups, and fireworks.

This adds a unique Guyanese touch to the traditional Hindu festival, a must-see for those that can save the date.

Watch Turtles Hatch at Shell Beach

In the Barima-Waini region lies Shell Beach, a stretch of beaches 120 kilometers long and a nesting site for many kinds of turtles. From March to August, the green sea turtle, hawksbill turtle, leatherback sea turtle, and olive ridley sea turtle regularly use Shell Beach as their nesting spot, making the beach an important conservation spot.

Accessible either through plane or boat, one can go and travel to the beach to observe the majestic turtles coming ashore to lay eggs or see the hatchlings make their journey back to the sea. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for the avid wildlife tourist.

Shop at the Stabroek Market in Georgetown

The largest city and capital of Guyana, Georgetown is a sight to behold. Nicknamed the “Garden City of the Caribbean”, this quaint city is where the majority of tourists will congregate for the duration of their visit.

The city still contains many colonial-style wooden buildings such as the iconic St. George’s Cathedral and the City Hall. The latter is known for its artistic design and was proposed by the government of Guyana to be listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

interesting places to visit in guyana

While staying at Georgetown, one must make sure to visit the Stabroek Market. It is one of the busier places in the city. This serves as one of the central hubs of transportation in the area. It is also the biggest market in the city.

It has a large clock tower with a design similar to the Victorian era architecture of Great Britain. That large clock stands as the centerpiece of the bustling market. Even before its official designation, the site has been used as a trading center for many centuries. Housed by a large iron and steel structure, the market is also one of the oldest structures still in use. 

From fresh fruits such as grapefruit, pomegranates, mangoes, and avocados, to fresh meat, vegetables, and handicrafts, the vibrant market is loaded with interesting things to buy. Just remember to take the necessary precautions when visiting the market and take care of your possessions.

Go Museum Hopping in Georgetown

Guyana national museum.

While staying in Georgetown, a great way to spend your time is to visit the numerous museums in the city. One museum you can visit is the Guyana National Museum, the largest museum in Guyana. This museum was established way back in 1868.

It presents the geographical and archeological history of Guyana as well as its nature and wildlife. It also houses most of Guyana’s general artifacts. 

Walter Roth Museum of Anthropology

The oldest anthropology museum in Guyana, the Walter Roth Museum of Anthropology, was established in 1974.

Being a non-profit institution, its goal is to collect and conserve artifacts of the ancient cultures of Guyana. The museum is a great place to learn more about the history of the Amerindian cultures of Guyana, with nine different tribes residing in the country today. 

Castellani House

Formerly a housing for government officials back in the late 19th century, the Castellani House was changed to the National Art Gallery in 1993. This museum houses Guyanese art and is used as a location for numerous art exhibitions.

It is one of the best places to see the culture and creativity of the Guyanese people.

Sample Fine Wines at the Pandama Winery

Just a drive away from Georgetown, the calming Pandama Retreat and Winery is a great treat for the wine lovers out there. It is also a relaxing escape to nature from the large city. The retreat provides a place to stay as well as other recreational activities to enjoy such as a natural blackwater creek and hiking trails. 

But perhaps the most unique experience there would be the wines. The Pandama Winery offers a selection of wines made from exotic fruits such as sorrel, soursop, and carambola. There are even stranger flavors to try out such as hot pepper and eggplant.

For those that don’t drink , the winery offers a selection of gourmet red and white wine vinegar. With the abundance of fruits in Guyana, the taste of wines made from fresh fruits is sure to delight you.

Walk Above the Iwokrama Forest Canopy

Traveling back out of the bustling city of Georgetown, experience the diverse wildlife and greenery of Guyana by traveling south to the Iwokrama Forest. It is located in the Guiana Shield and is one of the four last pristine tropical forests in the world! The forest is also known for its high diversity of fish and bats and contains much amazing flora and fauna. 

A good way to experience this is to go on a canopy walk in the forest. Located at the Atta Rainforest Lodge, the canopy walk is a series of bridges and platforms suspended 30 meters high into the forest canopy. Walking through the dense greenery, you’ll be astounded to see many reptiles, amphibians, and butterflies that inhabit the Guiana Shield.

Bird watchers will be able to enjoy seeing numerous species of endemic birds such as parakeets, macaws, and potoos as well as the majestic harpy eagle! If you’re lucky, you may also be able to spot monkeys such as red howlers and weeping capuchins. 

Travel through Guyana’s Extensive Rivers

interesting places to visit in guyana

While you could use planes to get to your destination in Guyana, there is also another fun alternative . With the name Guyana coming from the indigenous Amerindian language for “Land of Many Waters”, you’ll soon understand the reason behind this when you are boating down the numerous rivers of the country. 

A great way to travel through the country is by riding a boat down the rivers of Guyana. From kayaking down the lower Essequibo river to canoeing the Burro Burro and Rupununi Rivers, boating through the rivers of Guyana will let you experience the nature of the country all around you, bringing you to places inaccessible by other means of travel. 

For those more adventurous, there are also many rivers suitable for whitewater rafting and expedition-style kayaking! You should keep an eye out as you travel through the river network for exotic birds, mammals, fish, and plant life.   

On the Potaro River

Visit the Kaieteur Falls

interesting places to visit in guyana

Visiting the Kaieteur Falls is sure to be one of the highlights of your trip to Guyana. Flowing down the Potaro River from the Pakaraima Mountains, the Kaieteur Falls is a breathtaking, massive waterfall. With a 226-meter height, the Kaieteur Falls is known as the largest single-drop waterfall in the world. Located in the Kaieteur National Park, the trip to the falls alone could be a reason to visit. 

Like the rest of Guyana, the park is inhabited by beautiful and diverse creatures and plants, from the bright orange Guianan cock-of-the-rock to the small, endemic, golden dart frog. Traveling to the Kaieteur Falls is a whole journey of its own.

You can get there by taking a plane from Georgetown or a five-day trek overland (if you are more adventurous). Seeing this remote (and surprisingly not very visited) falls is worth the time and effort. 

Look for Apex Predators at the Rupununi Savannah

Located between the Rupununi River and the Brazilian and Venezuelan Borders, the Rupununi Savannah is a mix of tropical grasslands, savannas, and shrublands. Home to the indigenous Wapishana, Macushi, Wai-wai, and Patamona people, the Rupununi Savannah was designated by the Guyana Government as a protected area.

The savannah contains a high level of biodiversity, being a mix of the Amazon and the Guiana Shield. Here, one could expect to find arapaima, black caiman, jaguars, giant otters, and giant anteaters. 

Going to the Rupununi Savannah takes a plane or helicopter ride from Georgetown, then a tour using heavy all-terrain vehicles. During the rainy season of April to June, the heavy floods make touring through the savannah dangerous, so check the dates if you plan on going to the savannah in advance!

From wine sampling to museum hopping to river trekking and savannah hiking, Guyana has something exciting for everyone. A hotspot of biodiversity and untouched wilderness, Guyana is a wonderful country for anyone that wants to experience nature at its wildest.

While still relatively unvisited, it’s only a matter of time until more and more of the world find out about the natural and cultural wonders of this small, South American country. 

When planning your next trip, consider being ahead of the curve and marking Guyana as your next destination. Make sure to see these wonderful sights before the crowd starts to flow. It’ll be an adventure that you’ll never forget!

interesting places to visit in guyana

Julien Mordret is the guy behind Exploration Junkie. He loves to share his passion and experiences with travel, nature, and photography. He’s crazy about all things and his explorations are fueled by his unlimited curiosity.

interesting places to visit in guyana

Things To Do In Guyana

Travel essentials.

Ideal duration: 4-6 days

Best Time: January to February, August to September Read More

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  • Church & Cathedral (1)
  • Culture/Neighbourhuud (1)
  • Waterfall (1)

1. Kaieteur Falls

Kaieteur Falls

1 out of 8 Things To Do in Guyana

Located right in the middle of an ancient jungle, Kaieteur Falls offers an enchanting view and a lifetime experience.

2. Demerara Distillers

Demerara Distillers

2 out of 8 Things To Do in Guyana

Demerara Distillers is a place for those with big sweet tooth and people who enjoy understanding the process of sugar making.

3. Guyana National Museum

Guyana National Museum

3 out of 8 Things To Do in Guyana

Guyana National Museum is an ideal place to get a peek into the countryÕs cultural, social and political history.

4. Canopy Walkway

Canopy Walkway

4 out of 8 Things To Do in Guyana

Canopy Walkway is a perfect way to explore the wilderness of Guyana with spectacular bird's-eye of its dense forest.

5. Botanical Gardens

Botanical Gardens

5 out of 8 Things To Do in Guyana

Known for its hidden nooks and corners and wide range of birdlife, Botanical garden of Guyana is place for those seeking a quest amid nature.

6. St. George Cathedral

St. George Cathedral

6 out of 8 Things To Do in Guyana

With an impressive architecture, St George's Cathedral is a place not to be missed while in Georgetown.

7. City Hall

City Hall

7 out of 8 Things To Do in Guyana

Built in neo-Gothic style, City Hall is one of the prominent buildings of Georgetown offering its visitors a peek into its colonial past.

8. Roy Geddes Steel Pan Museum

Roy Geddes Steel Pan Museum

8 out of 8 Things To Do in Guyana

This museum is for music lovers where one can explore the various Caribbean steel pan instruments.

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6 Incredible Places You’ll Only Find in Guyana

October 8, 2018 by Silvia 15 Comments

the best places to visit in guyana, including where to stay and how to organize your Guyana trip ( Kaietur Falls, Rewa Lodge, ATTA Lodge and Canopy Walk and Surama Eco Lodge )

I returned from Guyana last week, and I’m still in a sort of dreamy haze from the trip. Like whenever anyone has asked me how my time visiting Guyana was, I just get this silly smile on my face. It was  lovely .

Except for the bug bites. I keep waking Dan up in the middle of the night informing him that I have to go cut off my limbs – why is it that bites always itch so much more at night?? I think I’m going to have to tape oven mitts to my hands tonight so that I can’t scratch.

But back to Guyana. I knew very little about the country before visiting, especially because I didn’t actually organize my trip to Guyana, so I didn’t have to figure out where to go in Guyana myself. This trip was arranged by the Guyana Tourism Authority, who invited me along with four other bloggers to explore the country for ten days. And wow did they do a stellar job of putting our itinerary together.

I mean, I haven’t seen all of the country so I guess I can’t say for sure that we went to all of the best places to visit in Guyana, but I’m guessing the tourism board knows what they’re doing. We went to some truly spectacular places, and if you’re wondering where to visit in Guyana, I can highly recommend all of these gems.

Table of Contents

We started and finished our trip in Georgetown, Guyana’s capital city. Guyana’s coast is quite different culturally from the interior, and definitely has a Caribbean vibe to it even though it’s technically on the Atlantic Ocean.

And thanks to the British colonialist love for outsourcing labor first to black slaves and then to indentured servants from India and China, you’ll see a wide range of ethnicities here.

On our first day in Georgetown we took a tour of the Demerara rum distillery , which ended in a rum tasting that once again confirmed my inability to taste anything in alcohol except alcohol. But I imagine if you’re into rum the tour and tasting would have been great fun!

And then on our last day in Georgetown we had a meal at Backyard Café – except when I put it like that it sounds like we just stopped by a restaurant for some food, which was not the case at all.

Instead we met up with the owner Delven at a local market, where we picked out the produce and fish for our meal. The market was a total throwback to the big food markets I used to shop at when I lived in Thailand, and it made me kind of nostalgic for Asia!

georgetown guyana market

And then in the afternoon we returned to the backyard of his home, which he has set up into a beautiful little café and bar. Not only was the food super delicious – probably the best meal I had in Guyana – but Delven was happy to answer all of our questions about Georgetown so it was a great way to get an inside peek at life here.

interesting places to visit in guyana

So if you’re ever in Georgetown I can highly recommend contacting Delven and setting up a meal at his cafe – you can arrange it all through his Facebook page .

Rewa Eco Lodge

I’m not sure if I should play favorites but… Rewa Eco Lodge was my favorite place in Guyana. There, I said it.

Aah just thinking about it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! Sort of like the fuzzy spiders adorning the walls in my room there!

Yes guys, Rewa Lodge is an eco lodge, and with the way the bungalows are built with gaps between the walls and ceiling to allow airflow (something I hugely appreciated during those hot nights!), a lot of little creatures can make their way into the rooms.

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Silvia Lawrence (@heartmybackpack) on Sep 30, 2018 at 7:26am PDT

It’s funny thinking back to Rewa, because it was the start of our time in the rainforest and our introduction to living in harmony with the bugs. In other words, there were a lot of screams. Like, a  lot of screams. But, as we would learn over the course of our eight days in the rainforest, the bugs weren’t there to harm us, and we were safe tucked tightly into our mosquito nets.

We were at Rewa for three days, filling our time fishing on the river, exploring the jungle, and learning how to use a bow and arrow. So basically we got to play like kids for three days and it was SO fun. In fact if we had returned to Georgetown after Rewa Lodge I already would have thought the trip well worth it.

community based tourism fishing guyana

Awarmie Mountain

Not going to lie, I was more than a little nervous when I saw a mountain hike on our Guyana itinerary. I mean, I love mountain hikes, but not when it’s hot out! And then I read that we’d be camping in hammocks on top of the mountain and I nearly pulled out of the trip altogether.

But I’m so glad I didn’t! Yes the hike was steep and I arrived at the top soaked in sweat, but it was also pretty short so we managed it in less than an hour.

In fact I’d say the hike was actually way easier than I had anticipated, mostly because it was so short. And wow were we rewarded with some views at the top.

hiking awarmie mountain guyana north rupununi

As for sleeping in a hammock, I won’t say it was the best sleep I’ve ever had, but actually it was a pretty good sleep. I thought getting comfortable in a hammock would be impossible, but I feel like if I had another night or two practice I’d really get the hang of it.  lol get it?

mount awarmie guyana hiking camping in hammocks

And again, while I had expected to be too freaked out by all the creatures wandering about at night to sleep, I felt quite safe tucked away in my mosquito net. I mean, jaguars definitely can’t rip through a mosquito net, right?

Plus it was so cool to wake up on top of a mountain!

ATTA Lodge & Canopy Walk

After returning from Awarmie Mountain and having a final breakfast at Rewa Lodge, we headed a couple of hours down the river and then drove for another forty minutes to ATTA Lodge & Canopy Walk .

ATTA Lodge was definitely the fanciest feeling of all the lodges – like if I were to recommend somewhere for my parents to visit in Guyana, I would send them to ATTA Lodge. The room was clean and felt quite enclosed so I was less scared of bugs here, and I’d say ATTA had the best food of all the lodges (though Rewa’s was also very good).

atta lodge and canopy walk guyana

But the coolest thing about ATTA Lodge was their canopy walkway, where we could walk on hanging bridges through the rainforest canopy.

atta lodge canopy walk north rupununi rainforest guyana

You can see more of ATTA Lodge as well as my time at Rewa Lodge and on Awarmie Mountain in my vlog from my first few days in Guyana here:

Surama Eco Lodge

The final community-run eco lodge we stayed at was Surama Eco Lodge , which also happens to be the north Rupununi’s very first community-run eco lodge, established in 1998.

surama eco lodge north rupununi guyana

The lodge is located in the prettiest setting, and I loved waking up here and heading up to the communal hang out area with its gorgeous views out over the savannah.

surama eco lodge north rupununi guyana

We also got to spend a fair bit of time in Surama village, which has around 300 inhabitants. We stopped in at the school, spoke with the manager of the local radio station, and attended a performance by two Surama cultural groups.

surama village guyana

If you want to really get a feel for life in Amerindian communities in Guyana, Surama Eco Lodge is the perfect place to visit. It’s also really close to the airstrip, so you won’t have much of an overland journey after flying in.

Kaieteur Falls

I would have been super sad about getting on our plane back to Georgetown on our last day in the Rupununi, but I was actually so excited because we were taking a detour to Kaieteur Falls, Guyana’s most famous tourist site!

All the photos I had seen made Kaieteur Falls look epic, so I was preparing myself for disappointment, but it turned out that the falls are even more spectacular in real life. And that’s coming from a Norwegian who is usually not the least bit impressed by other countries’ waterfalls.

On entering Kaieteur our pilot made sure to make two loops around the falls so that both sides of the plane would see them, and I remember thinking that just this glimpse of Kaieteur Falls from above had made the trip well worth it, so I didn’t even care what they would look like up close.

kaietur falls guyana waterfall

Lol Kaieteur Falls was even better up close.

kaietur falls guyana waterfall

One of the coolest things about Kaieteur Falls is that there are no railings or fences set up at any of the viewpoints. We visited three viewpoints, and all of them had left the area untouched in its original natural beauty. Oh and there were also no other tourists there. Just us!

Kaieteur makes sure to stagger the groups visiting the waterfalls so that it’s just a few people with a guide, who watches closely over everyone and makes sure no one goes too close to the edge. It was also great visiting with someone who knew so much about the waterfall and its history, so I really hope they’re able to keep it like this.

kaietur top tourist site guyana

I feel like the falls were best captured on video, which you can see in my second vlog from Guyana here:

Organizing your own Guyana itinerary

Most people visit Guyana’s interior with the help of the Guyana Tourism Authority or a tour guide, as things like flights and transportation have to be arranged well in advance, especially as there aren’t many vehicles in the Rupununi.

While our trip was organized by the tourism authority, we were accompanied by Leon Moore, who runs his own tours. You can contact him through his Facebook page here to discuss what sort of Guyana itinerary would be right for you.

rainforest tour guyana bird watching

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Ashley of Ashley Abroad says

October 8, 2018 at 3:58 pm

Guyana is stunning and so magical. Also that is by far the most beautiful waterfall I’ve ever seen!

Lauren says

October 9, 2018 at 6:59 am

I’ve been to Surama. Many years ago when they were still building the eco-lodge I was part of a program that helped support the build. So glad to see it was completed to well and that people are enjoying it.

Prakash says

October 9, 2018 at 5:28 pm

Thanks you did a great job

Russell D'Abreu says

October 10, 2018 at 4:08 am

I really enjoyed reading about your trip to Guyana. It brought back many fond memories of growing up there. It’s been 44 years since I left Georgetown and have never been back so I probably won’t recognize too much any more. Although I lived there for 14 years of the first 19 years of my life, I never saw Kaiteur falls or the Rupununi. Being a teenager there was so good that nothing else mattered other than the social aspect of the West Indian culture and sense of humour of Guyanese people. The one thing I never miss is the bugs and they gave every imaginable kind you could find on this planet.

October 10, 2018 at 6:41 pm

I was going to comment on Delven and his pie (was it purple? What was on it) and the bow and arrow (brilliant), but then I got caught up in the views. Wow, those view around the waterfall!

Dominique | says

October 12, 2018 at 6:42 pm

Friends of mine who visited Guyana solo told me it’s their most unloved country. They felt Georgetown was very dangerous, and all tours they tried to arrange were cancelled because the tour companies seized to exist or didn’t pick them up. They did visit the Kaieteur waterfall. You know, I’m stubborn. It’s still on my wishlist because I’d like to check out the country for myself 🙂

Subrina says

October 19, 2018 at 5:43 pm

Georgetown is not dangerous i think u need the rite people to take u around guyana it would be fun Georgetown is the city it mite be scary but its beautiful linden is a place to visit the mineing town so many creeks and hills to view

Anna Makridi says

October 13, 2018 at 12:05 pm

Such a nice post! Thanks for sharing!

Tina Reiser says

October 15, 2018 at 12:30 pm

It looks amazing!

Joanne @ Travel Visa UK says

October 17, 2018 at 6:44 am

You get to go to so many cool places! Guyana is somewhere that I’ve only heard of before, but seeing these pictures is amazing. Thanks for posting this!

Silvia says

October 18, 2018 at 7:46 pm

I felt so lucky to get to go, especially when I saw how amazing it is!

Chris Gopaul says

March 12, 2019 at 6:50 am

I am a Guyanese entertainer and I’m super happy that you guys visited and are sharing your experiences. Guyana is a paradise, it encompasses the essence of the entire Caribbean. It is so vast that i myself, being born in Guyana and thought to have travelled to most places in Guyana am now learning of places that i didn’t know exist through your vlog. Thank you so much.

Nelson says

May 12, 2019 at 6:41 am

Hi Chris! I hope you are ok. You are the very first guy from Guyana I’ve ever communicated with. Do you think you can contact me with someone related to education in Guyana? some place to learn how to program computers, how to develope Android Apps? I happens to be be an Apps Developer with knowledge on several computer languages, and would love to go and teach in Guyana while I spend a few weeks half vacations half working. If you can do me that favor I would be very grateful. Thanks in advance. Big hug from Argentina.

Olivia says

June 3, 2020 at 4:55 am

This sounds amazing!! About how much did it cost?

Sara Vanderelzen says

February 13, 2023 at 9:00 pm

I am going to Guyana this May and I was wondering how you got from Rewa Lodge to Atta Lodge. I cannot find any information on this. Any help you can give is very appreciated!

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interesting places to visit in guyana


  1. 15 places to visit in Guyana in 2020

    interesting places to visit in guyana

  2. 21 Dazzling Tourist Attractions That Will Make You Fall In Love With Guyana

    interesting places to visit in guyana

  3. 21 Dazzling Tourist Attractions That Will Make You Fall In Love With Guyana

    interesting places to visit in guyana

  4. 21 Dazzling Tourist Attractions That Will Make You Fall In Love With Guyana

    interesting places to visit in guyana

  5. Pin on Places I Want to Go & See!

    interesting places to visit in guyana

  6. Overlanding Travel to Guyana

    interesting places to visit in guyana


  1. THE BEST Guyana Campgrounds 2024

    Compare Prices & Save Money with Tripadvisor® (World's Largest Travel Website). Search for Amazing Hotel Deals and Save Money Today.

  2. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Guyana (2024)

    Iwokrama Canopy Walkway. 71. Nature & Wildlife Areas. The Iwokrama Canopy Walkway is a series of suspension bridges and decks of up to 30 metres in height and 154 metres in length, located in the Iwokrama Forest. It gives visitors a new view of the mid…. 5. Guyana National Museum. 102. Speciality Museums.

  3. 15 Best Places to Visit in Guyana

    Let's have a look at the best places to visit in Guyana: 1. Georgetown. Source: flickr. Georgetown, Guyana. The place where so many Guyanese come to shop, work and play is actually something of a shadow of its former self. In fact, there's no question that Georgetown's golden age came with the height of the colonial powers here, a fact ...

  4. 21 Unique Tourist Attractions You Can't Miss in Guyana

    3. See the world's largest lily. Amateur botanists will want to head out to the calmer waters of Guyana's lakes, where there's a strong chance they'll encounter the world's largest water lily, the Victoria amazonica . The flowers of the giant waterlily transform as the evening draws close.

  5. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Guyana (UPDATED 2024)

    4. Iwokrama Canopy Walkway. 71. Nature & Wildlife Areas. The Iwokrama Canopy Walkway is a series of suspension bridges and decks of up to 30 metres in height and 154 metres in length, located in the Iwokrama Forest. It gives visitors a new view of the mid…. 5. Guyana National Museum. 102.

  6. 13 Best Things To Do In Guyana

    Fish. Fishing is one of the most popular things to do in Guyana, and one of the most popular activities offered at Rewa Ecolodge. The most ambitious fish to catch is the Arapaima, the largest scaled freshwater fish (as the fish is highly protected, it is a catch and release kind of fishing). Otherwise, you can go piranha fishing and even catch ...

  7. 15 FUN Things To Do In Guyana

    VISIT KAIETEUR FALLS. Kaieteur Falls is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world and you can easily understand why it's one of the best places to visit in Guyana. Kaieteur Falls is the longest single-drop waterfall in the whole world, 226 meters to be exact!

  8. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Guyana (Updated 2024)

    Things to Do in Guyana, South America: See Tripadvisor's 9,908 traveller reviews and photos of Guyana tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend or in August. ... so this made it even more fun. The pilot was professional, plane well maintained, we were weighed, load balanced. The total flight time return was approximately just ...

  9. Must-see attractions Guyana, South America

    Discover the best attractions in Guyana including Kaieteur Falls, St George's Cathedral, and Canopy Walkway. Lonely Planet. Destinations. Planning. Inspiration. Shop. Search. Saves. Open main menu. ... During daylight hours, the Promenade Garden in Cummingsburg is a quiet place to relax, read and enjoy the flowers and tropical birdlife. ...

  10. 12 Wonderful Places in Guyana to Visit

    Guyana's Parliament Building in Bartica, one of the most beautiful places in Guyana. 2. Georgetown. Guyana's vibrant capital city, Georgetown, is a monument to the diverse array of cultures and historical periods that make up the nation. Georgetown is a harmonious blend of colonial charm and modern dynamism.

  11. Ultimate Guyana Bucket List: 12 Places to Visit

    9. Walk the Iwokrama Canopy Walkway. For wildlife sightings (and a little adventure), visit the Iwokrama Canopy Walkway, situated 33 meters (100+ feet) above the rainforest floor. You have to climb around 200 steps to reach the walkway of suspension bridges in the tree canopies with viewing platforms.

  12. 10 Best Places to Visit in Guyana

    4. Shell Beach: Witnessing Marvelous Marine Life. Shell Beach, nestled along the remote coastline of Guyana, offers visitors a unique opportunity to witness marvelous marine life in its natural habitat. Stretching for over 90 miles along the Atlantic Ocean, this pristine beach is named for the countless shells that wash ashore, places to visit ...

  13. A first-timer's guide to Guyana

    A multicultural, vibrant country teeming with rare wildlife, Guyana is yet little-known and little-visited. Even those who live there don't tend to venture too far from the coast. Those who do make the effort to explore are met with one of the most untouched and majestic landscapes to be found, populated with bright rainforest birds and giant mammals, untrammeled trails and charming lodges.

  14. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Guyana (2024)

    When walking around the Botanical Gardens of Georgetown one will also come upon the 'Place of the Seven Ponds', the final resting place of several important figures of independent Guyana's early history. The most conspicuous construction here is the Mausoleum to socialist President Forbes Burnham, who passed away in 1985.

  15. Guyana Travel Guide: 10 BEST Things to do in Guyana

    How to Travel the World for (Almost) Free: // Here are the 10 best things to do in Guyana.==================...

  16. 4 best things to do in Guyana

    3. Lime like a pro. When you return to Georgetown from Kaieteur or any other adventure in the interior like birdwatching, fishing, wildlife-spotting or jungle trekking - it's time to just lime. To lime, or "liming," is maybe the best Guyanese word. It simply means to hang out.

  17. 10 Incredible Sights and Things to Do in Guyana

    While staying in Georgetown, a great way to spend your time is to visit the numerous museums in the city. One museum you can visit is the Guyana National Museum, the largest museum in Guyana. This museum was established way back in 1868. It presents the geographical and archeological history of Guyana as well as its nature and wildlife.

  18. Georgetown Guyana: 10 Truly Incredible Things To See And Do

    One of the highlights of visiting the Botanical Gardens of Georgetown, Guyana, is that even though it's a city park it is an incredible place to do birdwatching. Another highlight is the Victoria Lilies, which are really huge water lilies that apparently can hold a weight of more than 45 Kg - that's 99 pounds!

  19. Top Things to Do in Guyana

    An excellent road trip to the mining town of Linden, see the blue lakes and learn the history of this town. Call or WhatsApp 592-700-5252 for tours to this amazing site They depart at 7:30am and travel along the highway to linden; stops are the blue lake, commercial area and several historic sites. Lunch is included at Watooka guest house

  20. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Guyana 2024 (with Photos)

    Iwokrama Canopy Walkway. 71. Nature & Wildlife Areas. The Iwokrama Canopy Walkway is a series of suspension bridges and decks of up to 30 metres in height and 154 metres in length, located in the Iwokrama Forest. It gives visitors a new view of the mid…. 5. Guyana National Museum. 102. Speciality Museums.

  21. 8 Best Things to do in Guyana 2024

    3. Guyana National Museum. Guyana National Museum is an ideal place to get a peek into the countryÕs cultural, social and political history. 4. Canopy Walkway. Canopy Walkway is a perfect way to explore the wilderness of Guyana with spectacular bird's-eye of its dense forest. 5. Botanical Gardens.

  22. 6 Incredible Places You'll Only Find in Guyana

    Rewa Eco Lodge was my favorite place in Guyana. There, I said it. Aah just thinking about it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! Sort of like the fuzzy spiders adorning the walls in my room there! Yes guys, Rewa Lodge is an eco lodge, and with the way the bungalows are built with gaps between the walls and ceiling to allow airflow (something I ...

  23. Homes bulldozed in Timor-Leste ahead of Pope visit

    Authorities have spent around $18m (£13.6m) on the pontiff's three-day visit, which begins on 9 September. "We are very sad," Zerita Correia, a local resident, told BBC News.