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Vítejte na Mallorce!

Mallorca , největší ostrov španělského souostroví Baleáry , je synonymem pro ideální dovolenou. Mallorca (česky též Mallorka) má typické středomořské klima se slunečním svitem přes 300 dní v roce, azurové moře s množstvím krásných pláží , útesů a zátok, horské masivy, kouzelné vesnice i pestrou přírodu. Není divu, že patří mezi nejoblíbenější turistické destinace na světě.

Srdcem Mallorky je úrodná pláň, usazená mezi dvě pohoří: velkolepou  Serra de Tramuntana  na severu (světové dědictví UNESCO) a Serres de Llevant na jihu. Pobřeží Mallorky dosahuje 550 kilometrů, z toho 50 kilometrů připadá na písečné pláže, kterým dominují dva zálivy – Alcudia na severu a Palma na jihu. Hlavní město ostrova, půlmilionová Palma de Mallorca , je zároveň hlavním městem Baleárských ostrovů.

Jedna z proslulých „calas“, Cala Figuera, Mallorca

5 důvodů, proč si vybrat pro dovolenou Mallorcu

  • Fantastické písčité pláže a průzračné moře. Na Mallorce můžete vybírat z organizovaných, dlouhých pláží s živou atmosférou i z romantických zátok „ calas “, vklíněných mezi útesy.
  • Krásná příroda a autentické mallorské vesnice . Zážitkem je pohoří Serra de Tramuntana, přírodní parky Mondragó, Albufera a Cabrera, vesnice Valldemossa, Deia, Soller a Fornalutx.
  • Architektonické památky , které zachycují zajímavou historii ostrova od Římské a Byzantské říše, přes arabské období až po Aragonské a Španělské království.
  • Zábava , noční život a vynikající baleárská kuchyně . Mallorca je ostrovem, kde není problém najít skvělou restauraci, hudbu nebo taneční klub.
  • Možnost zahrát si tenis na kurzech u slavného mallorského rodáka Rafaela Nadala ve městě Manacor. Mimo to, plážové a vodní sporty jsou samozřejmostí všude na Mallorce.

Nejzajímavější lokality, kam se vydat na dovolenou na Mallorce

Jihozápad mallorcy.

Oblast Palma Nova a Magaluf vyniká krásnými plážemi z jemného písku, rušným nočním životem, vyhlášenými diskotékami a množstvím zábavních a vodních parků. Elegantní letovisko Paguera se pyšní krásnou dvojitou pláží a příjemnou pěší zónou s obchůdky, restauracemi a kavárnami. Živá střediska El Arenal a Can Pastilla v zálivu Palma nedaleko hlavního města propojuje 8 kilometrů dlouhá pláž, lemovaná promenádou s palmami, která žije 24 hodin denně.

Věděli jste? Jak se domluvit na Mallorce? I když úředními jazyky jsou španělština a katalánština, domorodci nejčastěji hovoří dialektem „mallorquí“, což je mix katalánštiny a místních nářečí, pro turisty prakticky nesrozumitelný. V turistických centrech není problém domluvit se německy a anglicky.

Sever Mallorcy

V zálivu Alcúdia s mimořádnou, 9 kilometrů dlouhou písčitou pláží leží letoviska Alcúdia s kouzelným historickým centrem a Playa de Muro .

Jihovýchod Mallorcy

Mezi nejkrásnější romantické, písečné zátoky členitého pobřeží Calas de Mallorca patří Cala Mondrago, živým centrem oblasti jsou Cala D’Or a přístav Porto Petro. Středisko S’Illot u krásné, široké pláže s jemným pískem v zálivu Cala Moreia je ideální místo pro výlety na sever či do vnitrozemí ostrova. V blízkosti Sa Coma a Cala Millor , dvou živých letovisek s fantastickým koupáním na širokých otevřených plážích, leží přírodní přístav Porto Cristo a krasové „dračí” jeskyně.

Katedrála La Seu, Palma de Mallorca

Otázky a odpovědi k dovolené na Mallorce

Oblasti v destinaci - mallorca.

  • Cala Canyamel
  • Cala Mandía
  • Cala Mesquida
  • Cala Millor
  • Cala Murada
  • Cala Ratjada
  • Cala Sant Vicenc
  • Calas de Mallorca
  • Can Pastilla
  • Can Picafort
  • Colonia Sant Jordi
  • Costa dels Pins
  • Palma de Mallorca
  • Playa de Muro
  • Playa de Palma
  • Port Adriano
  • Port d´Andratx
  • Port de Pollenca
  • Portals Nous
  • Puerto Cristo
  • Puerto de Soller
  • Puigderrós
  • San Agustin (Španělsko)
  • Santa Ponsa

Mapa - Mallorca

Nejlépe hodnocené hotely - mallorca, mariant park, vibra beverly playa, globales samoa, globales playa santa ponsa, mix colombo, flamboyan caribe, globales palmanova palace, iberostar club cala barca, iberostar playa de muro, ciudad laurel, palia sa coma playa, aluasun continental park, club es talaial, universal castell royal, eix platja daurada, club simo aparthotel, hipotels bahía grande, calimera fido gardens, fergus club europa, hm dunas blancas, thb bamboo alcudia, thb gran bahía, hm alma beach, eix alcúdia, eix lagotel, bq alcudia sun village, globales pionero santa ponsa park, hipotels don juan, kontaktujte nás.

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Sjednejte si schůzku v nejbližší pobočce. Šetřete čas a nechte nás vypracovat vhodnou nabídku.

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Zpětné volání

Návštěva pobočky

Dotaz k zájezdu

Kontaktujte nás

  • Zpětné volání Zanechte nám svůj telefon a náš odborný poradce vás bude kontaktovat.
  • Návštěva pobočky Sjednejte si schůzku v nejbližší pobočce. Šetřete čas a nechte nás vypracovat vhodnou nabídku.
  • Dotaz k zájezdu Nejste si 100% jistí výběrem zájezdu? Jsme připraveni zodpovědět všechny vaše dotazy.

Zájem o službu

  • Calas de Mallorca

Alua Calas de Mallorca Resort

  • Kategoryzacja hotelu

Kat. EximTours 4* Kat. lokalna 4*

- Calas de Mallorca - ok. 50 m od przystanku autobusowego - ok. 200 m od plaży - ok. 800 m od centrum miejscowości - ok. 12 km od Portocolom   - ok. 62  km od lotniska

- piaszczysta, publiczna - leżaki i parasole (płatne)

Pokoje Double Standard SeaView Balcony - klimatyzacja - TV-SAT, telefon - Internet Wifi , sejf, minibar (płatny wg. konsumpcji) - łazienka (wanna/prysznic, WC,  suszarka do włosów) - balkon/taras - widok na morze Pokoje Junior Suite Standard SeaView Balcony - przestronne - widok na morze - wyposażone podobnie jak pokoje standard Pokoje Family Standard SeaView Balcony - widok na morze - sypialnia i oddzielny pokój dzienny - wyposażone podobnie jak pokoje standard

  • Sport, Relaks, Rozrywka

Bezpłatnie: - 2 baseny zewnętrzne - leżaki i parasole przy basenie - sala fitness/siłownia - animacje w ciągu dnia i wieczorem dla dzieci i dorosłych Płatne: - zabiegi i masaże

- 2 baseny - mini klub 4-12 lat - junior klub 13-17 lat

HalfBoard (HB) – śniadanie i kolacja w formie bufetu. Napoje do kolacji płatne. All Inclusive (AI) – śniadanie, obiad, kolacja w formie bufetu, pomiędzy posiłkami przekąski, kawa, herbata, ciasto. Lokalne napoje bezalkoholowe i alkoholowe dostępne są bezpłatnie w godz. i barach wyznaczonych przez hotel.

  • Restauracje i bary

- restauracja główna, dania w formie bufetu, kuchnia lokalna i międzynarodowa - 4 bary

  • Dodatkowe informacje

- odnowiony w 2016 r. - 483 pokoi - 2 budynki - winda - recepcja - pralnia (płatna) - parking (płatny) - punkt wymiany walut - Internet Wi-Fi - wypożyczalnia samochodów   - akceptowane karty kredytowe: Visa, MasterCard, American Express -

Katowice (WizzAir); Cena zawiera bagaż podręczny (40x30x20); Klienci mogą dokupić dodatkowy bagaż o wadze 10 kg (55x40x23) - Usługa EXBAG - 420 zł/osobę Do każdej rezerwacji istnieje także możliwość dokupienia bagażu rejestrowanego o wadze; - 20 kg -  700 PLN (od 01.06 - 30.09)/ 630 PLN (od 01.10 - 31.10)/590 PLN (wyloty do 05.05)/530 PLN (od 06.05 - 31.05) - 32 kg -  880 PLN (od 01.06 - 30.09)/ 680 PLN (od 01.10 - 31.10)/750 PLN (wyloty do 05.05)/580 PLN (od 06.05 - 31.05) Uwaga! Jeżeli bagaż lub dodatkowe usługi zostaną dodane już po potwierdzeniu rezerwacji ich cena będzie wyższa

Warszawa (WizzAir); Cena zawiera bagaż podręczny (40x30x20); Klienci mogą dokupić dodatkowy bagaż o wadze 10 kg (55x40x23) - Usługa EXBAG - 400 zł/osobę Do każdej rezerwacji istnieje także możliwość dokupienia bagażu rejestrowanego o wadze; - 20 kg -  770 PLN ( wyloty do 05.05 i od 01.06 - 30.09)/ 560 PLN( wyloty od 06.05 - 31.05)/610 PLN(od 01.10 - 31.10) - 32 kg -  840 PLN ( wyloty do 05.05 i od 01.06 - 30.09)/ 610 PLN( wyloty od 06.05 - 31.05)/670 PLN (od 01.10 - 31.10) Uwaga! Jeżeli bagaż lub dodatkowe usługi zostaną dodane już po potwierdzeniu rezerwacji ich cena będzie wyższa

Berlin Brandenburg (RyanAir); Cena zawiera bagaż podręczny (40x20x25) Klienci mogą dokupić dodatkowy bagaż o wadze 10 kg (55x40x20) - Usługa EXBAG - 240zł/osobę, Do każdej rezerwacji istnieje możliwość dokupienia bagażu rejestrowanego o wadze; - 20 kg - 400PLN (do 31.05 i od 01.10 - 31.10)/500PLN (od 01.06 - 30.09) Uwaga! Jeżeli bagaż lub dodatkowe usługi zostaną dodane już po potwierdzeniu rezerwacji ich cena będzie wyższa

Warszawa Modlin (RyanAir); Cena zawiera bagaż podręczny (40x20x25) Klienci mogą dokupić dodatkowy bagaż o wadze 10 kg (55x40x20) - Usługa EXBAG - 210zł/osobę, Do każdej rezerwacji istnieje możliwość dokupienia bagażu rejestrowanego o wadze; - 20 kg - 400 PLN (do 31.05 i od 01.10 - 31.10)/450PLN (od 01.06 - 30.09) Uwaga! Jeżeli bagaż lub dodatkowe usługi zostaną dodane już po potwierdzeniu rezerwacji ich cena będzie wyższa

Warszawa Chopina (RyanAir); Cena zawiera bagaż podręczny (40x20x25) Klienci mogą dokupić dodatkowy bagaż o wadze 10 kg (55x40x20) - Usługa EXBAG - 210zł/osobę, Do każdej rezerwacji istnieje możliwość dokupienia bagażu rejestrowanego o wadze; - 20 kg - 400 PLN (do 31.05 i od 01.10 - 31.10)/470PLN (od 01.06 - 30.09) Uwaga! Jeżeli bagaż lub dodatkowe usługi zostaną dodane już po potwierdzeniu rezerwacji ich cena będzie wyższa Kraków (RyanAir); Cena zawiera bagaż podręczny (40x20x25) Klienci mogą dokupić dodatkowy bagaż o wadze 10 kg (55x40x20) - Usługa EXBAG - 170zł/osobę, Do każdej rezerwacji istnieje możliwość dokupienia bagażu rejestrowanego o wadze; - 20 kg - 420 PLN (do 31.05 i od 01.10 - 31.10)/480PLN (od 01.06 - 30.09) Uwaga! Jeżeli bagaż lub dodatkowe usługi zostaną dodane już po potwierdzeniu rezerwacji ich cena będzie wyższa

Wrocław (RyanAir); Cena zawiera bagaż podręczny (40x20x25) Klienci mogą dokupić dodatkowy bagaż o wadze 10 kg (55x40x20) - Usługa EXBAG - 180zł/osobę, Do każdej rezerwacji istnieje możliwość dokupienia bagażu rejestrowanego o wadze; - 20 kg - 380 PLN (do 31.05 i od 01.10 - 31.10)/460PLN (od 01.06 - 30.09) Uwaga! Jeżeli bagaż lub dodatkowe usługi zostaną dodane już po potwierdzeniu rezerwacji ich cena będzie wyższa

Poznań (RyanAir); Cena zawiera bagaż podręczny (40x20x25) Klienci mogą dokupić dodatkowy bagaż o wadze 10 kg (55x40x20) - Usługa EXBAG - 240zł/osobę, Do każdej rezerwacji istnieje możliwość dokupienia bagażu rejestrowanego o wadze; - 20 kg - 360 PLN (do 31.05 i od 01.10 - 31.10)/440PLN (od 01.06 - 30.09) Uwaga! Jeżeli bagaż lub dodatkowe usługi zostaną dodane już po potwierdzeniu rezerwacji ich cena będzie wyższa

Drezno (RyanAir); Cena zawiera bagaż podręczny (40x20x25) Klienci mogą dokupić dodatkowy bagaż o wadze 10 kg (55x40x20) - Usługa EXBAG - 170zł/osobę, Do każdej rezerwacji istnieje możliwość dokupienia bagażu rejestrowanego o wadze; - 20 kg - 450 PLN (do 31.05 i od 01.10 - 31.10)/450PLN (od 01.06 - 30.09) Uwaga! Jeżeli bagaż lub dodatkowe usługi zostaną dodane już po potwierdzeniu rezerwacji ich cena będzie wyższa

Berlin Brandenburg (EasyJet) Cena zawiera bagaż podręczny (45x36x20) - 15 kg - 470 PLN - 23 kg-  540 PLN Uwaga! Jeżeli bagaż zostanie dodany już po potwierdzeniu rezerwacji jego cena będzie wyższa.

Wilno (Air Baltic - samolot rejsowy) Cena zawiera bagaż podręczny 8 kg (55x40x23) oraz małą torebkę (40x35x12), Do każdej rezerwacji istnieje możliwość dokupienia bagażu rejestrowanego o wadze; - 23 kg - 320 PLN Uwaga! Jeżeli bagaż zostanie dodany już po potwierdzeniu rezerwacji jego cena będzie wyższa. Berlin Brandenburg (Eurowings) Cena zawiera: bagaż podręczny (40x30x25), za dopłatą bagaż rejestrowany 23 kg/280 zł 

Galeria zdjęć

Hotel Alua Calas de Mallorca Resort wakacje

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Zainteresowanie usługą

THE 10 BEST Palma de Mallorca Tours & Excursions

Palma de mallorca tours.

  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Ports of Call Tours
  • Scenic Railroads
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Likely to Sell Out
  • Special Offers
  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

mallorca exim tours

1. Luxury Catamaran sailing with welcome Drinks Tapas Max10-12Person

mallorca exim tours

2. Full Day Tour to the Best Beaches and Coves of Mallorca

mallorca exim tours

3. Mallorca in One Day Sightseeing Tour with Boat Ride and Vintage Train

mallorca exim tours

4. Mallorca Catamaran Small Group Cruise with Tapas

mallorca exim tours

5. 2 h. Boat tour from Cala Figuera to Caló del Moro and S´Almonia

mallorca exim tours

6. Spanish Cooking Experience in Mallorca

mallorca exim tours

7. Half Day Sailing Excursion along the Coast

mallorca exim tours

8. Palma: Mallorcan Cooking Class With 5+ Tastings

mallorca exim tours

9. Palma Bay Catamaran Half-Day Cruise

mallorca exim tours

10. Private Sailing with Paella and Tapas in Palma de Mallorca

mallorca exim tours

11. Mallorca Midday or Sunset Sailing with Light Snacks and Open Bar

mallorca exim tours

12. boat rental

mallorca exim tours

13. Quad BikeTour (in summer with Cliff Jumping and Snorkeling)

mallorca exim tours

14. The Award-Winning PRIVATE Food Tour of Mallorca: The 10 Tastings

mallorca exim tours

15. Full-Day VIP Tour in Balearic Islands

mallorca exim tours

16. Mallorca Wine Experience Palma Old Town

mallorca exim tours

17. Mallorca Full Day Tour by Train, Tram and Boat

mallorca exim tours

18. Direct pass to Tablao Flamenco Alma - Seating Zone B

mallorca exim tours

19. Sunset Tour Mallorca: Sunset boat trip with music & good atmosphere

mallorca exim tours

20. Half Day Sailing Excursion along the Coast with Sunset

mallorca exim tours

21. Explore Mallorca Driving a GT Cabrio Car

mallorca exim tours

22. PRIVATE TOUR of Palma de Mallorca: Highlights & Hidden Gems

mallorca exim tours

23. Palma de Mallorca Easy Bike Tour

mallorca exim tours

24. Boat Trip from Cala Figuera to Calo de Moro, S'almonia, Cala Màrmols. Mallorca.

mallorca exim tours

25. Spanish Cooking Class Palma meals+drinks 7 dishes Full meals

mallorca exim tours

26. Palma de Mallorca Bay Boat Trip

mallorca exim tours

27. Catamaran Sailing in Palma Mallorca includes Aperitif and BBQ

mallorca exim tours

28. Barca Samba: The best boat experience in Mallorca

mallorca exim tours

29. Valldemosa and Valley of Soller Tour in Mallorca

mallorca exim tours

30. Food Tasting Walking Tour in Palma with a Local

What travelers are saying.

Karen S

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Mallorca Views

Enjoy a perfect tour.

With the local guide Alejandro Piñeiro

mallorca exim tours

Our Top Excursions

The most demanded excursions by users!

Palma City

Cathedral, Almudaina Palace, Island Council, City Hall, Shopping area, Plaza Mayor, various Churches, Market Hall, etc.

Palma Legends

Palma Legends

Palma is full of legends. Everything between the Spanish mainland and Genoa and Pisa in the 14th century & 18th century had to pass through the Majorcan waters.

Palma Patios

Palma Patios

We will visit some of these beautiful courtyards of old town palaces, where I will explain the traditions and history of various courtyards.

Palma Cathredal

Palma City & Cathedral

Almudaina Palace, Island Council, Town Hall, Shopping Area, Plaza Mayor, etc. The tour ends with a visit to the famous Cathedral.

Palma Tapas

Palma Tapas Tour

We will visit 3 different tapas bars with their special tapas of the respective bars or pinchos. I will show you this other world of Spaniards.

Palma Bicycle Tour

Palma Bicycle Tour

3 hours tours where you not only see the old town. We will also arrive outside the old town, where the Mallorcans live.

View other popular tours

We also offer different kind of tours and services!

Mallorca Excursions


Island Tour




Formentor + Market

Routes for cruise passengers.


Cuevas del Drach Route


Palma + Valldemossa Route

Explore all excursions (18)

Why choose Mallorca Views

Our tours & excursions are awesome because we have...

A super familiar treatment

I really love that people feel comfortable and in a familiar atmosphere to have the best harmony and pleasant tour excursion possible.

A true local guide

I have been living in Mallorca for three decades, so I really know the secrets of the island and I would be proud to share it with you.

An official guide certificate

I specialized in tourism and business in the University of the Balearic Islands and I worked in responsible positions in the tourism industry.

What Clients say Some comments from our clients

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Kristina var f = new Date(); document.write(f.getFullYear());

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Jack var f = new Date(); document.write(f.getFullYear());

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Herald var f = new Date(); document.write(f.getFullYear());

  • Switzerland
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mallorca exim tours

Tours to Mallorca

Walk or cycle the beautiful island of Mallorca. Get away from the coastal strip mass tourism and discover the rugged Tramuntana mountains. And of course, no trip to Mallorca would be complete without a visit to a stunning sandy beach and some delicious local food.

Ways to explore Mallorca

Walking and trekking, discover our mallorca tours.

Immerse yourself in a world of picture-postcard landscapes with our  small group tours  to Mallorca. Follow your  expert local leader  for a  walking tour of Mallorca's spectacular coastline bejewelled with golden sand beaches and secluded turquoise coves. Head inland to the unspoilt Sierra de Tramuntana mountains to discover jagged peaks and pretty hilltop towns set within the verdant valleys. 

Our Mallorca tours

Walking in mallorca.

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An adventure travel company you can trust

Unforgettable experiences.

From big wows to hidden gems, our tours leave you feeling that you've really explored.

Expert tour leaders

Chosen for their great knowledge of your destination and a passion to make your trip extraordinary.

Small groups

Average groups of 11; solos, couples and friends, united by a desire for authentic experiences.

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How we operate sets us apart; our flexible booking policy, our loyalty scheme & sustainable approach.

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7 questions answered about your first walking holiday

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7 questions answered for your first cycling holiday

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First solo trip with Explore? Top 7 questions answered

Palma walking tours

MALLORCA PREMIUM TOURS: Visit Mallorca with locals

Our tours in mallorca.

Do you want to top off your holiday in Mallorca? Find a personalised private tour in the language of your choice: English, Spanish ,  French , German and Catalan . Add value to your plans and let your imagination run wild with one of our official guides from Mallorca Premium Tours and members of the Balearic Association of Tourist Guides. Since 2014, we have created a family of professionals who are dedicated exclusively to transmit everything we know about the Balearic Islands, in a rigorous, entertaining and entertaining way.

Guided tours Palma

Enjoy a different experience with Mallorca Premium Tours!

Visits and cultural routes through the old town of Palma. All our guided tours combine history, legends, curiosities and anecdotes that make Palma a great little city with a unique historical legacy.

And unlike other tours, we adapt to you!

Our official and local guides are at your disposal to make the perfect guided tour for you. Choose from Spanish , English, German  or French .

Visitas guiadas Palma

Private tours in Mallorca

Discover the magical island of Mallorca with Mallorca Premium Tours.

We organise walking tours through some of the most charming and spectacular villages of la Serra de Tramuntana such as Valldemossa , Deià , Sóller and Port de Sóller .

Besides, you can also visit with us the spectacular  Caves of Artà.

Tell us where you want to go and we will take you.

Do not hesitate to ask us!

Tours por los pueblos de Mallorca

Groups and companies

Mallorca Premium Tours organises activities for companies,  team building or group of friends.

Here we will try to work mainly the creativity through imagination and teamwork, interpreting different roles and solving some of the most fascinating riddles of the city of Palma.

Try a different adventure in Mallorca!

Tours privados team building para grupos y empresas

What to see in Mallorca?

Mallorca is the largest island of the Balearic Islands, a jewel of the Mediterranean that hides a great history, lots of monuments, curiosities, legends and many activities to do.

Discover the island of Mallorca with our official guides , exclusive tours from our experts.

Here are some ideas or activities of what to see and what to do in Mallorca.

Visit Valldemossa

If you come to Mallorca, you cannot miss the unique village of Valldemossa, located in a natural environment with a singular cultural heritage. It was built on the site of an old Islamic farmhouse more than 9 centuries ago.

You will find tiles in every doorway and façade that will lead you to the birthplace of the only Mallorcan Saint and patron saint of Valldemossa: Catalina Tomas i Gallard.

You can also visit the palace of King Sancho of Mallorca, which was later transformed into the Valldemossa Charterhouse.

Inside you will be able to recognise the cells of the Carthusian monks of the Order of Saint Bruno. From the 19th century onwards, they were adapted and converted into private quarters that were rented out to the first foreign travellers who came to the islands: Frédéric Chopin and his wife “George Sand”, as well as the famous Archduke Lluis Salvador.

To visit the village of Sóller is to travel back in time. Its curious name comes from the Arabic ‘suliar’, which means golden bowl, an apt name to describe the fertile valley of orange trees that surrounds it.

To wander through the streets of this beautiful town wrapped in black limestone is to mingle with the Mallorcan architecture and French-influenced palaces that coexist with Modernist buildings such as the neo-Gothic church of San Bartomeu and the bank of Sóller.

Try the original train and tram, which for more than a century connected this corner of the island with the city of Palma.

Visit Soller

In a privileged enclave in the Serra de Tramontana, halfway between Valldemossa and Sóller, you will discover Deià. A magical place, surrounded by the torrent des Racó and its beautiful stone streets. If you go to the parish church of San Juan Bautista, just behind it is the cemetery. Many of the painters, musicians and poets who have lived in Deià and who came here in the 1960s and 1970s are buried there, such as the famous writer Robert Graves, whose tomb is today almost a place of pilgrimage and his house a museum.

But what really makes this place special is its location at the top of the village with incredible views of the Mediterranean Sea.

If there is a sacred place for anyone who practises cycling, it is Sa Calobra. The cycling route to and from this place is considered one of the most emblematic cycling routes in the world. A relentless 9.5 km climb that beats many top cyclists and awakens the ambition of many others looking to add a new challenge to their personal list.

How about enjoying, as long as it’s not high season, a beach with crystal clear turquoise waters surrounded by immense mountains.

The Torrent de Pareis at its mouth is the deepest canyon in Europe. Many hikers walk the route of the torrent in the months of low rainfall.

Visit Sa Calobra

Visit the monastery of lluc.

The Sanctuary of Lluc is a place of pilgrimage and considered a spiritual centre in Mallorca, founded at the beginning of the 13th century, which attracts pilgrims from all over the world. Its name (Lluc) comes from the name given by the Romans to the natural site where the sanctuary is located (Lucus), which meant “sacred forest”.

The Virgin of Lluc is the patron saint of Mallorca. Legend has it that a shepherd boy found the image of the Virgin of Lluc on the mountain while driving his father’s sheep and goats. The image was then taken to the local parish priest. However, the next day it reappeared in the place where the little boy had discovered it. It was therefore concluded that the Virgin wanted to remain there, so a small chapel was erected at the exact spot where she had been found.

Get to know the municipality of Alcudia with more than 2000 years of history, when the Roman consul Quintus Caecilius Metellus incorporated Mallorca into the Republic of Rome in the year 123 B.C., founding Palma and Pollentia. During the Muslim domination it was a farmhouse, and after the Christian conquest, during the reign of Jaume II, the medieval walls surrounding the city centre were built. You can stroll around and contemplate from the top the beauty of this “most faithful city”, a title granted by Charles I in 1523 for remaining faithful and not joining the revolt of Ses Germanies .

You can also spend the afternoon on the beach of Alcanada , ideal for families as there is an area with trees where you can have a picnic in the shade. From the sand you can see the Alcanada lighthouse built in the 19th century.

Visit Alcúdia

Visit pollensa.

To walk through the town of Pollensa is to travel through more than 10 centuries of history. It is said that the area was known as Al-Bulansa in Islamic times and with the Romans as Pollentia, although the Roman city of Pollentia is currently in the municipality of Alcúdia.

The cultural richness of this medieval town, founded in 1229, shows us the Roman bridge, the parish church of Our Lady of the Angels, the tower of Albercuix, among others.

You will also enjoy the wonderful landscape that surrounds this place surrounded by high mountains, valleys and the coastline that has the longest coastline of the whole island of Mallorca.

The Cap de Formentor is a privileged enclave far from the most touristy areas of Mallorca that has served as inspiration for numerous artists who have found an escape valve for their poems and paintings.

It is made up of cliffs over 100 metres high from which we can enjoy spectacular views.

In addition to the different viewpoints and the marvellous calas to see in Formentor (Cala Formentor, Cala Figuera and Cala Murta), you must visit the Formentor lighthouse and the Albercuix watchtower. We also recommend you to visit the surrounding villages: Pollença, Alcúdia or Deià.

Visit the Cap de Formentor

Visit artà and the caves of artà.

Totally off the beaten track of mass tourism, the municipality of Artà has managed to preserve the traditions of a hospitable and typically Mediterranean village.

You will enjoy its cobbled streets, the Conqueror’s Square and the Sanctuary of Mare de Déu de Sant Salvador. A mid-14th century building (completely restored in the 18th century), it is located at the top of Puig de Salvador, 509 metres above sea level. The views are spectacular.

Just 900 metres away, you will find the Talayotic settlement of Ses Païses, one of the most important and best-preserved archaeological sites in the Balearic Islands. And finally, in the coastal area, about 12 km away, you can enter the marvellous caves of Artà.

Visit Sineu

Visit binissalem.

In Binissalem, you can find remains from the Talayotic, Roman and Islamic periods. Its wells and canals (reflected in the local toponymy) are remnants of other times.

In the 18th and early 19th centuries, there are buildings in Binissalem that have consolidated the village as a historic-artistic site (1983), such as Can Marc, Can Beltran, Can Garrover, Can n’Antic, Can Novell, Can Corneta, Can Tiró de Ses Bolles.

Considered the capital of the wine region, it was the first area to receive a DO (Denomination of Origin) in 1991. It is a good place to taste the local wines among its different wineries.

Information & contact

+34 683 31 71 92

[email protected]

Visit Palma old town and the Cathedral

Mallorca Free Tour

Book this tour with our family Mallorca Free Tour. 

  • ONLY FRIDAYS at 10:30  A.M
  • Tickets to the Cathedral included.

Walking tours in Palma

Discover Palma de Mallorca with our private walking tours through the Old Town.

Take a walk and discover the history of the city of Palma de Mallorca. With our walking tours you can learn about the history of the old town of Palma together with its curiosities, anecdotes and magical corners that will make your visit a unique experience.

Private tours in Palma

Our walking tours are designed to discover Palma in a private way, without crowds and at your own pace. We adapt to your tastes.

With Mallorca Premium Tours you can design your own route or be guided by our official local guides to create your perfect walking tour for you and your companions.

Exclusive walking tours in Mallorca

In addition to walking tours through the Old Town of Palma de Mallorca, you can also discover some of the most charming towns in the Serra de Tramuntana such as Valldemossa, Sóller and Deià or even get to Artà, a small town in the eastern part of Mallorca and visit its magnificent caves, a wonder of nature.

Visit the Old Town Palma

An example of a private walking tour may be the main area of ​​the Old Town, also known as “Emblematic Palma”.

On this private tour you will discover the most emblematic historical buildings in the city of Palma de Mallorca, such as the Royal Palace of l’Almudaina, built during the Muslim period (10 th century) and residence of governors and kings in Palma de Mallorca and of course the Cathedral of Mallorca, considered one of the most spectacular cathedrals in the Mediterranean Sea. In addition to strolling through squares, alleys and visiting the entrance to the Palma City Hall where the giants are exhibited, the famous “correfoc” del Drac de na Coca. Without forgetting the modernist and historicist buildings that since the 20 th century we find in Palma such as Can Forteza Rey and Can Corbellà respectively.

Visit the Cathedral of Mallorca and the Bellver castle

On this private tour we will show you the jewels of Palma de Mallorca: The Cathedral of Mallorca (also known as La Seu ) built between the 13 th and 17 th centuries in a Gothic style. Its location near the sea makes it the “Cathedral of the Sea”, the only cathedral reflected above the sea.

The other Gothic architectural wonder is Bellver Castle. Built in the 14 th century by Jaume II, it was conceived as a palace-fortress for Mallorcan royalty and strategically located to prevent future attacks. This castle has a circular floor plan and has been used as a residence, a refuge in during plagues and rebellions, a military and civil prison and currently functions as a history museum for the city of Palma.

Visit Valldemossa and Sóller

Valldemossa, a place of peace and quietness. It is worth going through its cobbled streets and observing the entrance of the houses and businesses where we can find a small ceramic plaque with the image of the saint of Santa Catalina Tomàs. It is also essential to visit La Cartuja, an old 14 th century royal palace, transformed into a Carthusian monastery in the 15 th century and currently a museum; and taste its most exquisite pastry: the famous Coca de Patata.

Sóller stands out for the modernist buildings, built in the 20 th century, highlighting the Can Prunera house-museum and the parish church of Sant Bartomeu. You cannot leave Sóller without having tasted homemade ice cream and oranges, or having travelled on the famous Tren de Sóller, a wooden train opened in 1912.

Top Tours in Majorca, Spain

Majorca tours.

  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Private Tours
  • Ports of Call Tours
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Likely to Sell Out
  • Special Offers
  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

mallorca exim tours

1. Luxury Catamaran sailing with welcome Drinks Tapas Max10-12Person

mallorca exim tours

2. Full Day Tour to the Best Beaches and Coves of Mallorca

mallorca exim tours

3. Mallorca in One Day Sightseeing Tour with Boat Ride and Vintage Train

mallorca exim tours

4. Mallorca Catamaran Small Group Cruise with Tapas

mallorca exim tours

5. 2 h. Boat tour from Cala Figuera to Caló del Moro and S´Almonia

mallorca exim tours

6. Spanish Cooking Experience in Mallorca

mallorca exim tours

7. Alcudia Boat Trip with Drinks, Tapas, SUP & Snorkel

mallorca exim tours

8. Half Day Sailing Excursion along the Coast

mallorca exim tours

9. Caves of Drach Half-Day Tour with Boat Trip and Music Concert

mallorca exim tours

10. Half Day Guided Tour in Soller Train and Tram

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11. Palma Bay Catamaran Half-Day Cruise

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12. 2 Hours Boat Rental in Santa Ponsa without License

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13. Private Sailing with Paella and Tapas in Palma de Mallorca

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14. Mallorca Midday or Sunset Sailing with Light Snacks and Open Bar

mallorca exim tours

15. Romantic Sunrise Balloon Tour in Majorca

mallorca exim tours

16. boat rental

mallorca exim tours

17. Quad BikeTour (in summer with Cliff Jumping and Snorkeling)

mallorca exim tours

18. The Award-Winning PRIVATE Food Tour of Mallorca: The 10 Tastings

mallorca exim tours

19. Boat Rental in the Coast of Santa Ponsa

mallorca exim tours

20. Full-Day VIP Tour in Balearic Islands

mallorca exim tours

21. 3-Hour Beach Horse Riding to Discover the Beauty of Alcudia Bay

mallorca exim tours

22. Full, Half Day, or Sunset Sailing Experience with Tapas & Drinks

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23. Mallorca sailing tour with tapas and wine

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24. Mallorca Wine Experience Palma Old Town

mallorca exim tours

25. Mallorca Full Day Tour by Train, Tram and Boat

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26. Sunrise Boat Trip in Mallorca with Dolphin-Watching

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27. Sunset Tour Mallorca: Sunset boat trip with music & good atmosphere

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28. Half Day Sailing Excursion along the Coast with Sunset

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29. Explore Mallorca Driving a GT Cabrio Car

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30. PRIVATE TOUR of Palma de Mallorca: Highlights & Hidden Gems

What travellers are saying.

Karen S

  • Baleárské ostrovy

Mallorca od EXIM tours

Změnit filt

Iberostar Playa de Muro hotel

  • Playa de Muro

EXIM tours

HM Alma Beach

  • Can Pastilla

BQ Alcudia Sun Village

BQ Alcudia Sun Village

Fergus Club Europa

Fergus Club Europa

HM Tropical

HM Tropical

  • Playa de Palma

Flamboyan Caribe

Flamboyan Caribe

Sol Barbados

Sol Barbados

BelleVue Club Mallorca

BelleVue Club Mallorca

AluaSun Continental Park

AluaSun Continental Park

Kyrat Amarac Suites

Kyrat Amarac Suites

  • Cala Millor

THB Bamboo Alcudia

THB Bamboo Alcudia

VIVA Blue & Spa

VIVA Blue & Spa

Viva Cala Mesquida Resort & Spa

Viva Cala Mesquida Resort & Spa

  • Cala Mesquida

Často kladené otázky

Jaké jsou ceny dovolených v oblasti mallorca.

Ceny začínají na 12 689 Kč, nejdražší zájezd stojí 107 890 Kč.

Z jakých typů stravy je možné vybírat?

Aktuálně je v nabídce all inclusive , bez stravy , plná penze , polopenze , snídaně .

Jaké jsou možnosti dopravy?

K dispozici je do oblasti Mallorca doprava letecky ( z Brna , z Českých Budějovic , z Ostravy , z Pardubic , z Prahy ).

Jsou k dispozici nějaké slevy?

Vybírat můžete z last minute , first minute .

Které hotely jsou nejlépe hodnocené?

Klienti nejlépe hodnotí v oblasti Mallorca hotely: HM Alma Beach (97%), Sol Katmandu Park & Resort (93%), JS Miramar (88%), Fergus Club Europa (86%), Iberostar Playa de Muro hotel (85%).

Které hotely jsou u klientů oblíbené?

Nejoblíbenější hotely v oblasti Mallorca jsou podle cestovatelů tyto: Hotel Globales Playa Santa Ponsa , Globales Palmanova Palace , Condes de Alcudia , Globales Samoa , JS Miramar .


Centre for Doctoral Training in Russian, Slavonic & East European languages and culture


State Archive of the Modern History of the Saratov Oblast'

Address: 410600, Saratov Oblast, Saratov, ul. Sakko i Vantsetti, 57

You can reach the archive by trolleybus no 15; marshrutka no. 79; buses nos. 53, 6, 90, 2 (stop: Krytyi rynok) or trolleybus nos. 2, 2A (stop: ul. Vol'skaia)

Web: Email:  [email protected] Phone:  (452) 27-16-77/ (452) 73-57-03/ (452) 26-41-49 Fax:  (452) 27-16-77 Archive Director:  Anatolii Alekseevich Gerasimov Chief Archivist:  Svetlana Mikhailovna Solomatina

Opening Hours:  Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 0900-1700

Bring an official letter from your university. If you have a local contact at a university in Saratov, it's a good idea to have them call ahead.

You can order up to 10 files in the reading room. There is usually a two-day wait, but you can stack orders in a queue

No computers are allowed. You should get there early, as the reading room can sometimes fill up. However, if you have a local contact in the archive or in the city, you can negotiate with the archive director to let you carry a computer into another, smaller reading room. There are plenty of places to eat on the main streets by the archive.

Next steps:

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Director: Dr Katarzyna Zechenter

Administrator: [email protected]

Phone: + 44 (0)207 679 8772

Postal address:

CEELBAS CDT UCL SSEES 16 Taviton Street London WC1H 0BW


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    Enjoy a Perfect Tour with the local guide Alejandro Piñeiro +34 652 854 325. MALLORCA ISLAND'S OFFICIAL CERTIFED GUIDE; Mallorca Views ... "One of the best tour we've ever done. Mallorca is a paradise! Thank you for this great tour and mood." Herald "Alex is the born guide! He explained everything in a very enjoyable and fun way, besides ...

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