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  • Monday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Thursday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Friday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Saturday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Sunday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM

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Librairie Aladin


Cabinet Maître Nafaâ LARIBI

Local Government Office

Bureau Régional CNSS Tunis Nord

Post Office

La Poste Montplaisir




Clinique Montplaisir


La Coccinelle


الحمد لله و الصلاة و السلام على رسول الله  

⭐⭐⭐   ( الموفنبيك سابقا)   فندق المدينة الجديد, فندق المدينة الجديد يقدم مستوى خدمات 4 نجوم, كل غرفة في فندق المدينة الجديد مزودة بإنترنت لاسلكي مجاني في الغرف وتوفر بار صغير وحذاء قماشي داخلي. كل غرفة تشمل حمام داخلي فيه أثواب حمام ومجفف شعر فندق المدينة الجديد أو كما يسمى سابقا موفمبيك يقع جنوب المسجد الحرام أقرب جهة للروضة الشريفة وعلى بعد دقائق من البقيع و مسجد الغمامة محاذي لمركز للتسوق كما يوفر كامل وسائل الراحة بإمكان ضيوف الفندق الجلوس وتناول المأكولات العالمية في المطعم بشكل يلائم هؤلاء الذين يرغبون بالبقاء بالقرب عند وقت تناول الطعام , فندق المدينة الجديد قريب من المسجد النبوي. يبعد الفندق مسافة دقائق سيراً على الأقدام من البقيع وبازار القديمة.

فندق سويس اوتيل المقام  ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐ ⭐

aya travel tunis

Omra VIP - Court Séjour

الحمد لله و الصلاة و السلام على رسول الله

من خلال هذا   ال برنامج  الجديد  توفر تونزي بوكنغ عمرة امكانية القيام بمناسك العمرة بطريقة سهلة و مريحة دون التقيد بفترة زمنية مطولة. و لقد جهزنا لمعتمرينا جملة من العروض المتنوعة ب  6- 7 او 8 أيام  تمكنهم من  التمتع بجميع الشعائر و الزيارات الممكنة في ظروف ممتازة

بالنسبة للسكن بمكة اخترنا فنادق 5 نجوم ذات تقييم عالي توفر خدمات جيدة و تمتاز بقربها من الحرم. باستطاعة معتمرينا من خلال هذه البرامج التمتع بخدمة النقل الخاص من و الى مطار جدة الدولي و الاحاطة من طرف مرشد محترف للمساعدة على أداء مناسك العمرة

الإقامة بمكة   فندق 

: هذا السعر يشمل

ثمن استصدار التأشيرة  ☑  

  تذكرة الطيران في اتجاه  جدة  و العودة من جدة مع امكانية تغيير السعر وقت التأكيد النهائي   ☑

 التنقل على سيارة خاصة    ☑

 السكن  مكة  حسب البرنامج       ☑

 المزارات  في مكة  ☑

 حقيبة سفر و حقيبة يدوية و حجاب للنساء  ☑

 المرافقة و التأطير طوال الرحلة  ☑

  التأمين على السفر في تونس  و السعودية  ☑

: هذا السعر لا يشمل

الطابع الجبائي ب 60د   ☑

 معلوم الوزن الإضافي للحقائب في حالة تجاوز الوزن المسموح به   ☑

 المصاريف الخاصة  ☑

aya travel tunis

كل غرفة في فندق المدينة الجديد مزودة بإنترنت لاسلكي مجاني في الغرف وتوفر بار صغير وحذاء قماشي داخلي. كل غرفة تشمل حمام داخلي فيه أثواب حمام ومجفف شعر فندق المدينة الجديد أو كما يسمى سابقا موفمبيك يقع جنوب المسجد الحرام أقرب جهة للروضة الشريفة وعلى بعد دقائق من البقيع و مسجد الغمامة محاذي لمركز للتسوق كما يوفر كامل وسائل الراحة بإمكان ضيوف الفندق الجلوس وتناول المأكولات العالمية في المطعم بشكل يلائم هؤلاء الذين يرغبون بالبقاء بالقرب عند وقت تناول الطعام فندق المدينة الجديد قريب من المسجد النبوي. يبعد الفندق مسافة دقائق سيراً على الأقدام من البقيع وبازار القديمة

فندق ه يلتون للمؤتمرات ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐ ⭐

يقع فندق هيلتون للمؤتمرات في وسط المدينة مباشرةً،كما تتيح لك الإقامة فيه مساحة وقت هائلة بفضل موقعه المثالي الذي يضعك في قلب الحدث.

فهو على بعد مسافة قصيرة فقط من الحرم .

يوفر فندق هيلتون للمؤتمرات إطلالات رائعة، كما يقع بالقرب من المسجد الحرام، وعلى بعد خطوات قليلة من بوابة دخول الشبيكة للعمرة.

فيما يعتبر موقع مكان الإقامة مناسباً لاستكشاف مدينة مكة المكرمة، ويضم هذا الفندق 3 مطاعم ومركز للياقة البدنية ومركز للأعمال يعمل على مدار 24 ساعة. تحتوي جميع الغرف المكيّفة في هذا الفندق على تلفزيون بشاشة مسطحة مع قنوات فضائية،

كما تشتمل الغرف على حمّام خاص، وتتوفر أردية حمّام ونعال لراحتك، فيما يتميز فندق مكة هيلتون للمؤتمرات بخدمة الواي فاي مجاناً في جميع أنحاء مكان الإقامة.

ستجد العديد من الخدمات متوفرة في فندق هيلتون للمؤتمرات لضمان إقامة استثنائية لكل المسافرين.

Bas Prix Omra Tunisie 2024

Envie d'un voyage spirituel pour vous ressourcer et vous dépayser, mais aussi de retrouver la paix intérieure ?

Pourquoi pas une omra au départ de la Tunisie ?

Les meilleurs Prix Omra Tunisie 2024 sont au rendez-vous chez TunisieBooking. 

l'Arabie Saoudite propose des périples adaptés aux besoins et aux capacités de chacun.

Les paysages seront d'une grande beauté et les locaux assez conviviaux pour vous assurer un bouleversement total et réussi.

Manasik Al Omra : 

- manasik al omra pour les femmes :.

Il y a certaines règles à respecter pour faire un omra au mecque pour les femmes. Notamment, il faut se tailler les ongles, les aisselles et le pubis avant de mettre la tenue traditionnelle. Ce genre de voyage a pour but de rechercher l’absolution. Vous devez donc être dans une intention de bénédiction complète. 

•  L’arrivée à la ville sacrée de La Mecque

Le pèlerinage commence toujours sur le point désigné par la loi. Pour visiter la mecca, vous devez commencer à Dhoul holéfa si vous êtes de Médine. 

• Le Tawaf d’arrivée (tawafou El-Quodoum) :

La Omra a un caractére sacré, il est caractérisé notamment par 3 étapes que l'on appelle aussi le 3omra.

Le Tawaf est le second critére de ce pélerinage.

Il s'agit d'une démarche qui consiste à tourner sur le Kaaba .

C'est un acte obligatoire avant d'entrer dans la mmosquée.

Ainsi, vous assurrez mériter les châtiments d'Allah. 

•  Le Sa’i entre Safa et Marwa

Les femmes auront l'occasion de visiter un lieu de grande portée culturelle pour les musulmans, le Sa'i entre Safa et Marwa. Elles sont placées à proximité de al kaaba.

« Umra » en termes arabes, le omra tunisie est un petit pèlerinage dans la ville sainte. Les périples vous permettent notamment de visiter en profondeur La Mecque, en Arabie Saoudite. Les guides proposent cependant des circuits différents pour les femmes et les hommes. 

Manasik Al Omra pour les hommes :

Le Omra peut se faire à n’importe quelle période de l’année. Pour ce faire, il faut un minimum d’agencement. Explorer la meka nécessite plusieurs jours de voyage, nécessitant la préparation d'hébergement en cours de route.

• L’arrivée à la ville sacrée de La Mecque

La visite sacrée de la mecca concerne toujours la ville sainte. Pour effectuer un voyage, une destination doit être sélectionnée en tenant compte de la ville de destination. 

Lors de l'atteinte du lieu consacré d'Al Haram Al Makki, une interruption du Talbiya est requise.

Avant de pénétrer dans la ville sainte, il est nécessaire de respecter certains rituels, incluant un Ghusl ou un nettoyage intégral du corps.

Il faut en outre attendre que le jour se lève avant de pénétrer dans le Makkah ou La Mecque. 

Selon les makkah live que l’on peut voir notamment sur internet, vous devez accomplir le tawaf avant de pénétrer dans la mosquée. Il s’agit d’un rituel sacré qui honore Allah et l’endroit saint que vous vous apprêtez à fouler. Pour ce faire, vous devez faire le tour du kaaba. 

• Le Sa’i entre Safa et Marwa

Après le tawaf, le pèlerin devra accomplir le sa’i entre safa et marwa. Il devra prendre la direction de Sfa en récitant quelques versets du Coran. 

Des voyageurs franchissant des montagnes avec le Coran comme chant, sont vus sur Makkah TV qui diffuse des images de la Mecque. Après avoir eu la permission d’Allah, il descend Safa et va en direction du Mont de Marwa. Le tout se fait en marche à pieds.

La différence entre Omra et Hajj : 

Certains voyageurs confondent souvent Omra et Hadj. La principale différence étant que le Hajj est un alhaj obligatoire pour les musulmans. Omra est une cérémonie spirituelle qui peut être vécue à n'importe quel moment et préférable n'est autorisée qu'une seule fois dans une vie. Les rituels sont également différents d’un cas à un autre. 

Infos sur votre voyage vers l’Arabie Saoudite :

Pour l’organisation de votre visite de maka mokarama, faire appel à une agence de voyage tunisie omra 2023 peut sembler nécessaire. Il faut considérer certains facteurs pour profiter pleinement de l'expérience spirituelle des lieux sacrés.

- La Ville de départ de la Tunisie : Tunis 

Pour une omra 2024 tunisie par facilité, au départ de la Tunisie, l’agence de voyage Tunisiebooking.com vous proposent un départ de Tunis.

C'est une nouvelle passionnante que notre agence commence la saison de Omra pour en 2024.

Cette opportunité offre à la possibilité de vivre une expérience spirituelle profonde et significative en accomplissant ce pèlerinage important.

Il est extrêmement bénéfique de mettre à votre disposition une gamme diversifiée d'options de paiement pour vos services. 

De plus, je vous incite vivement à effectuer vos inscriptions dès maintenant pour assurer la réservation et la confirmation de vos emplacements.

Cela vous permettra non seulement de vous assurer une expérience de voyage en toute tranquillité, mais également de profiter d'un éventail complet de choix pour répondre à vos préférences de paiement.

Ne tardez pas à inscrire pour saisir cette opportunité exceptionnelle et vous assurer une place pour cette saison passionnante de voyages de Omra en 2024.

Ainsi,le point le plus connu étant madina munawara, plus communément connu sous le nom de Médine de nos jours.

Les prestataires se chargent de réserver des hébergements en cours de route, essentiellement tourné vers le macca pour un Omra confort et réussi. 

- Les Villes d’arrivées à l’Arabie Saoudite : Al Madina ou Makkah

Le périple commence en Arabie Saoudite à Al Madina ou La Meque. L’organisation et la gestion du voyage incomberont à notre agence de voyages. 

Pour les omra 2024 rammadhan, aucune collation ne sera bien évidemment proposer. Cependant, des hébergements doivent être préparés pour les pèlerins. Pour un omra 2024  pas cher tunisie, pensez à comparer nos offres en ligne.

- Durée du vol :

 Il faut en moyenne 5 heures de vol pour arriver à Arabie Saoudite et se lancer dans le Omra 2024.

Le tarif de billet d’avion compris dans le prix. Dès votre arrivée, vous joueriez d’un hôtel confort. Ce sera également le cas pendant toute la durée d’hébergement au madina ou à Macca.


AYA TRAVEL Agence de Voyage : Fiche d’Identité Société, Wiki, Adresse & Contact


aya travel tunis

La société AYA TRAVEL est une agence de voyage  Licence A GRAND TUNIS, l’agence AYA TRAVEL est installée à  RUE DU JAPON, IMM MONACO, RDC BUR N 3- MONTPLAISIR TUNIS et fondée par M.  Kabil Ben Malek  .

Wiki & Informations société AYA TRAVEL

Informations générales.

  • Dénomination : AYA TRAVEL
  • Année de création : N/A
  • Secteurs d’activité : Agence de voyage /  prestataire de services
  • Numéro de téléphone : 71 90 47 36

L’agence de voyage AYA TRAVEL propose les activités suivantes :

  • Organisation des voyages
  • Réservation d’hôtels et séjours


  • Du Lundi au Vendredi : 08h30 à 18h00
  • Samedi : 08h30 à 13h00
  • Dimanche: repos

Ces horaires ne tiennent pas compte des jours fériés et jours de fête. Pour savoir si l’agence est ouverte ces jours, contactez-le .

Administration & Forme juridique

  • Forme juridique : SARL (société à responsabilité limitée)
  • Gérant : Kabil Ben Malek
  • Zone & License : Licence A GRAND TUNIS
  • Effectifs : De 0 à 10 Employés
  • Nature de l’établissement : Siège
  • AYA TRAVEL est membre de la fédération tunisienne des agences de voyages et de tourisme

Si vous connaissez la société AYA TRAVEL, n’hésitez pas de laisser un commentaire avec votre avis !

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IADE Tunisia from 20 to 24 November, 2024 | Exhibition,Static Displays,Djerba Airshow,Conferences,Congress | Djerba Zarzis International Airport



Phone: +216 99 711 626 | +216 23 505 000 | fax: +216 71 904 005 | email: [email protected], iade tunisia 2022 hotels, any reservation made through the aya travel agency gives you the benefit of a free transfer, double room + breakfast and dinner are included + transfer: from 215 dt (72€) /night/person extra single 45 dt (15€), sentido bellevue park, double room + breakfast and dinner are included + transfer: from 210 dt (70€) /night/person extra single 30 dt (10€), iberostar selection kantaoui bay, iberostar selection diar el andalous, double room + breakfast and dinner are included + transfer: from 230 dt (77€) /night/person extra single 50 dt (17€), barceló concorde green park palace, * from hotel to iade tunisia : 8:00am to 10:00am | return transfer: 4:00pm to 6:00pm, supported by.

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Discover, Connect, and Ignite Innovation

At iade tunisia 2024.

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Scheduled from 20 to 24 November 2024 and taking place at Djerba Zarzis International Airport. The International Aerospace & Defense Exhibition will deploy its wings for the third time.



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Destination du mois, la jordanie.

Découvrez la beauté de Wadi Rum

Découvrez la beauté de Wadi Rum

Amman - Visitez ce lieux unique !

Amman - Visitez ce lieux unique !

Une expérience innoubliable à la Mer Morte

Une expérience innoubliable à la Mer Morte

Les ruines exceptionnelles de Jerash

Les ruines exceptionnelles de Jerash

La sublime Petra

La sublime Petra

Nos circuits avec départs garantis.

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Les Perles de la Jordanie

Les Perles de la Jordanie

Les 7 Emirats

Les 7 Emirats

Mystique Rajasthan

Mystique Rajasthan

Nouveaux Visages de Colombie

Nouveaux Visages de Colombie

La Réunion en liberté

La Réunion en liberté

Le Yucatan Autrement

Le Yucatan Autrement

Vietnam à La Folie

Vietnam à La Folie

Croisière sur le Nil Scarabée

Croisière sur le Nil Scarabée






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Bons plans du mois

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Événements & fêtes

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3 nuits à Dubai, Hôtel 5*, vols directs de Toulouse

3 nuits à Dubai, Hôtel 5*, vols directs de Toulouse

AYA DÉSIRS DU MONDE - Le spécialiste des vacances, séjours, circuits, croisières et voyages culturels

Spécialiste reconnu du Moyen-Orient depuis plus de 30 ans avec plus de 50 destinations sur les différents continents de la planète, chaque client désireux de partir à la découverte du monde se laissera transporter. Toutes vos envies de voyages pourront être réalisées et toujours plus de circuits originaux en départ garantis et sur vols réguliers appuyés sur un savoir-faire inégalé. Aya Désirs du Monde s’est confirmé en son leadership et son positionnement de tour-opérateur spécialisé sur le Moyen Orient et propose un large choix de destinations dans le monde.

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Travel to Tunisia in 2024: Tips + Itinerary

By Joan Torres 20 Comments Last updated on April 12, 2024

travel to Tunisia

From the most epic Roman ruins in Africa to crystal Mediterranean beaches, the Sahara and a great Berber culture, Tunisia is a small piece of land with a lot to offer and is a great alternative to Morocco as, basically, you get a similar Maghrebi culture with the difference that many parts of Tunisia remain unvisited and the country is mostly free of the classic scams.

The golden era in which Tunisia used to be a prime tourist destination came to an end with the 2015 terrorist attacks   – unfortunately – but, even during those times, the vast majority of visitors were resort-like tourists, the most adventurous ones visiting the most typical tourist attractions on an organized tour.

Even my parents visited Tunisia for a few days many years ago, but went there with everything organized.

This means that Tunisia hasn’t really witnessed the arrival of independent travelers and I believe this is one of the things that make any trip to Tunisia a great travel experience, as you will be continuously meeting curious, kind-hearted locals everywhere you go.

No more than a few hours from any European city by air, this is perhaps, the closest and easiest exotic, offbeat destination to visit during your 1 or 2-week holiday.

This guide contains everything you need to know to travel to Tunisia , including travel tips and a compelling 2-week itinerary.

I also recommend you read: How to visit Tunis in 3 days

traveling to Tunisia

In this Tunisia travel guide you will find:

Table of Contents

  • Getting there
  • Travel insurance
  • Best time to visit
  • Tour or not?
  • The people, the country
  • Moving around
  • Is it safe?
  • Day 1, 2 – Tunis
  • Day 3 – Sousse
  • Day 4 – Monastir
  • Day 5 – Kairouan
  • Day 6 – El Jem
  • Day 7 – Sfax
  • Day 8, 9 – Tataouine & around
  • Day 10, 11 – Tozeur & around
  • Day 12 – El Kef
  • Day 13 – Jugurtha Tableland
  • Day 14 – Dougga
  • More information

eSIM for browsing, calling and planning your itinerary in Tunisia

With Holafly , you can now get an electronic SIM card for Tunisia from home with just 2 clicks.

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🪪 How to get a tourist visa for Tunisia

Pretty much any nationality can get a 3-month visa-free on arrival.

🛫 How to get to Tunisia

How to travel to tunisia by air.

Tunis International Airport has connections with several European cities and other major cities in Africa. I recommend you check on Tunisair and Skyscanner. I personally flew from Barcelona with Tunisair.

How to travel to Tunisia by land

Tunisia has a border with Algeria and Libya .

  • Algeria – You can travel to Tunisia from Algeria and use the entry point near Tabarka – not sure if foreigners can use the other borders.
  • Libya – You can’t really cross from Libya, not because the border is closed but because, currently, Libya is not issuing tourist visas and the only way to get in is via an agency who will fake a business visa for you, and they don’t recommend you enter or exit via Tunisia, as it would not be credible that you came to Libya for business purposes.

Tunisia itinerary 7 days

🚑 Travel Insurance for Tunisia

For Tunisia, get IATI Insurance :

  • All types of plans: from families to budget backpackers
  • Covers both short-term trips and up to 1-year long trips.
  • Covers senior citizens too
  • Readers of this blog can get a 5% exclusive discount

⛅ Best time to visit Tunisia

The best thing about Tunisia is that this is really a year-round destination.

The northern part of the country is purely Mediterranean, with mild winters and hot summers so, if you fancy the beach, July and August should prove best, and towns and cities are great to visit any time of the year. The arid south, however, is best visited in winter, otherwise, the heat might not let you enjoy it that much.

I visited Tunisia for 3 weeks from mid-April to the beginning of May and it was the perfect time. The weather in the northern part was absolutely pleasant, with a little rain sometimes, and the heat in the southern part was still quite bearable.

best time to visit Tunisia

Should you travel in Tunisia independently or on an organized tour?

I visited Tunisia 100% independently, and I recommend you do the same.

However, if you are short of time and want to visit specific places on organized tours, I recommend you use GetYourGuide , a website where you can book any type of tour, from half-day trips to several-day tours with just one click.

🕌 The people and the culture

They are too African to be considered European, but they are too European to be considered African.

These are the words from an expat American woman living in the city of Tunis who I had the chance to meet during my trip to Tunisia.

Along with Beirut , Tunis might be the most secular and open-minded Arab city and you just need to go to the city center and see how people dress.

You find traditional, religious people too, of course, but the beauty of Tunis, and Tunisia in general, is that everybody is free to practice Islam the way they please and, on most occasions, you won’t be judged.

places to visit Tunisia

This is why in Tunis you are likely to see a young girl with a short skirt walking in a local market among other women wearing the full hijab, a mix you will rarely see in other Arab countries.

Sousse, Monastir and Sfax are other modern cities with a significant number of liberal people, especially among the young generation.

However, religion still plays an important role in Tunisia’s society. Even Tunis has its traditional districts and the rural areas are very conservative.

But what is true is that in Tunisia there isn’t much fundamentalism compared to other Arab nations and countries in the Middle East.

visit Tunisia

Arabic is the official language in the country, and I believe it is quite similar to the Arabic spoken in Morocco and Algeria.

However, it is very different from other Middle Eastern countries, from Egypt to Oman .

In fact, they don’t even understand each other. When I was living in Dubai, in my office there were Arabs from all the Arab countries and Tunisians would always address Middle Easterners in English.

French & English – Given this used to be a French colony, except for uneducated people from rural areas, pretty much everybody in the country speaks impeccable French, and the best educated Tunisians also have good English, so traveling in Tunisia doesn’t imply any language barrier.

people Tunisia

🍲 Food: What can you eat when you visit Tunisia?

Just before my trip to Tunisia, I had spent around 5 weeks in Morocco, so I wasn’t really expecting to taste many different flavors, but I was very wrong.

First of all, Tunisian food is extremely spicy. Like a lot spicy, sometimes Indian-level spicy.

I don’t know why, but Tunisia must be the only Mediterranean country that uses chilis in their cuisine. They love it and also a chilli sauce named harissa , which they put everywhere.

One Tunisian lady told me that every time she travels to Europe, even if it is just for a few days, she always brings some harissa .

Moreover, due to its proximity to Italy, Italian food is a thing here, and the truth is that spaghetti with tomato sauce is a staple, something you can order in any local eatery for less than $1 sometimes, but it isn’t very good pasta to be honest.

Overall, Tunisian food is good, however, whereas in the city of Tunis (and Sousse as well) I had quite a few feasts, in the rest of the country most places would only serve very basic stuff, especially in the south, Tozeur and El Kef.

Tunisian food

Must-try dishes in during your trip in Tunisia

  • Brik – The most popular snack in Tunisia consists of a filled fried pastry, usually with egg or tuna. By the way, Tunisians love tuna.
  • Ojja – Sort of a tomato stew that comes in different versions, from local sausage ( mergez ) to seafood. Ojja is available in pretty much any local eatery.
  • Cous-cous – Maghrebi star-dish, and the Tunisian version is very spicy.
  • Seafood – In the coastal towns of Tunisia you can find some really great seafood, the most remarkable I ate being some stewed octopus in a tomato gravy, absolutely tender and delicious. I ate it in Sousse, in a restaurant called Cafe Bellar.

Tunisian cuisine

🛺 How to move around: transportation

Remember to get travel insurance for Tunisia I strongly recommend IATI Insurance as it has COVID-19 coverage + 5% discount 5% discount if purchasing via this link

Typically, there are 2 ways to travel around Tunisia:

Traveling around Tunisia by train

The Tunisian train is great. It is reliable, relatively fast and just soooo good. There is a train line that goes along the coast all the way to Gabés and, as far as I am concerned, the whole line is fully operational.

During my visit, however, the line that connects Tunis with Gabés through Tozeur, in the west of the country, had been closed for several years, but it seems they have already resumed all trains. In any case, you can check timings on the official railway website .

Traveling around Tunisia by louage

Louages are the local mini-vans which basically, you will ride for traveling to places you can’t reach by train. I used them to travel to Kairouan, El Kef and Tozeur and some places in the south. They are very cheap.

💰 Money, budget and costs

In Tunisia, they use the Tunisian Dinar (TND) and approximately:

1 USD = 3.15 TND

Most cities will have ATMs and changing either € or USD should be very easy.

How much does it cost to travel to Tunisia?

Tunisia is cheap, much more than Morocco, mainly because of the currency’s devaluation after the massive drop in tourism. Cost of the most typical things:

  • Street sandwich (falafel) – 1-2 dinar
  • Local meal  (1 ojja) – 5 dinars
  • Meal in a good restaurant – 20 dinars
  • Entrance fees to places like Dougga ruins, ribats, fortresses, museums – 8 to 12 dinars
  • Budget hotel – 20-30 dinars
  • Mid-range hotel – From 40-50 dinars
  • Transportation – I paid around 4-7 dinars for most train journeys, same for louage.

On a tight budget, I seriously think you can go backpacking in Tunisia for $ a day 20.

Please note that the below table is just an approximation.

aya travel tunis

⚠️ Is it safe to travel to Tunisia?

Tunisia has had some safety concerns in the past, especially throughout 2015, and that was the main reason why tourism dropped dramatically.

However, the situation has improved drastically and for a better understanding, I recommend you read my analysis:

Is Tunisia a safe country to visit?

Tunisia Itinerary – Places to visit in 2 weeks

How long should you go backpacking in Tunisia for?

I personally spent almost 3 weeks, went a bit slower than the suggested itinerary and visited one or two additional places not included here such as Djerba Island.

Tunisia 2-week travel itinerary map

Day 1, 2 – Visit the capital of Tunis

A third Mediterranean, a third European and a third North African, Tunis is a city with many cultural contrasts and most likely, the starting point of your Tunisia travel itinerary.

On the one hand, the old city is composed of an African, Maghrebi medina, not very different from the ones you would find in Morocco, but without the feeling of being in a tourist trap.

And, on the other hand, you also have the European part of town, which is filled with French-style facades, boulangeries and a relatively Westernized atmosphere.

In addition, think about all the nightlife, nice restaurants, the Roman ruins of Carthage and the Mediterranean-like district of Sidi Bou Said, and I seriously believe that traveling to Tunisia just for visiting Tunis is truly worthwhile.

Things to do in Tunis

I spent whole 5 days in Tunis, and managed to squeeze the things I visited in a 3-day travel guide

aya travel tunis

Where to stay in Tunis

Backpacker Hostel – Medina Youth Hostel   – Located in the heart of the medina, this is the most backpacking-friendly hostel in Tunis.

Mid-range hotel – Dar La Leila – Super nice, traditionally decorated lovely hotel, the top-rated hotel in Tunis, and super charming staff.

Top-end hotel – Dar El Jeld Hotel and Spa – A 5-star but traditional hotel that offers all the luxuries.

Best tours in Tunis

I recommend you look for tours via GetYourGuide .

Carthage and Sidi Bou Said – Roman ruins of Carthage and the Santorini-like city of Sidi Bou Said.

Bardo Museum & Medina – The classic medina + the museum containing one of the largest collections in the world of Roman mosaics.

aya travel tunis

Day 3 – The resort-like town of Sousse

This is the prime tourist destination in the country, for foreigneirs and Tunisians alike, but for independent travelers, it feels a bit odd.

It feels weird because the coastal front line of the new part of town is composed of ugly, mass tourism-like buildings, restaurants with over-priced menus and just the kind of trashy tourism I would try to run away from.

However, Sousse is the city that witnessed all those unfortunate terrorist events from 2015 , so during my visit in the month of May, it felt like a real ghost town and, in any case, the old part of Sousse is a great place to get lost in, among its narrow alleys.

Moreover, Sousse is a good base to explore a few places around such as Kairouan, Monastir or El Jem. I mean, you can find accommodation in those cities but Sousse has the largest offer of hotels, restaurants, and cafés so, for me, it made sense to hang out there for a while.

Looking for visiting Sousse on a tour? CLICK HERE TO CHECK ALL AVAILABLE TOURS IN SOUSSE

Things to do in Sousse

  • Medina – Like all medinas in Africa, the medina of Sousse is a maze of streets where the highlight is getting lost and escaping from the main souvenir area.
  • Great Mosque – From the 8th century. They make you pay an entrance fee, a bit unusual for being a regular mosque, but Tunisia is mostly like that.
  • Ribat – Old Islamic fortress from the 8th century. It contains one of the oldest praying halls in Africa.
  • Sousse Archaeological Museum – I am the least museum-friendly person but I loved the museum of Sousse because it contains some of the largest collections of Roman mosaics, including a massive one of Medusa . Check the official website for timings.

Ribat – A ribat is a small Arabic fortress typically found along the northern African coast, and built during the first years of the Muslim conquest. Most coastal towns in Tunisia have their own ribat and they tend to be pretty well-preserved. The word ”ribat” means ”defense of Islam”.

things to do in Sousse

Where to stay in Sousse

Budget/backpacker – Hotel Paris – Basic hotel with relatively good Wi-Fi inside the medina. I stayed here.

Mid-range – Dar Antonia – Traditional, fancy dar in the medina.

How to get to Sousse from Tunis

There are several trains a day running to Sousse from Tunis central station.

A ticket would typically cost 10,000 dinars and it takes a bit more than 2 hours.

Tunisia travel guide

Day 4 – Day trip to Monastir

If you have the time, Monastir is a pleasant town that was founded as a Phoenician trading settlement more than 2,000 years ago.

Monastir is a peaceful, free-of-crowds town, as the touristic area is quite far away from the center, so it has managed to keep a certain charm, plus in my opinion, Monastir has the most well-preserved ribat in the country, a set of labyrinthic passages and stairways that seem taken from a movie.

Moreover, Monastir is the birthplace of Habib Bourguiba , the man who lead the country to independence from France and ruled the country from 1956 to 1987.

Other than that, Monastir is an all-right place to hang around for a while.

My visit here was a peculiar one. After visiting the ribat , I met with one local lady who had contacted me through Instagram and she took me to the local radio station’s offices – she was working there – and I kind of kept staring at what they were doing for a while.

Then, we went to Habib Bourguiba’s mausoleum.

You can also visit Monastir on an organized tour (along with Sousse) from Tunis. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

How to get Monastir from Sousse

Monastir is a 20km train ride from Sousse and trains run continuously throughout the day for $1 or less.

The Great Roman Civil War Do you know about the famous Roman Civil War between Julius Caesar and Pompey ? It was the war that led Rome from a Republic to an Empire, and the last stage that guided Julius Caesar to victory occurred on the battlefield between Sousse and Monastir. The coolest thing about it is that today’s Monastir was Caesar’s base, and Sousse was Pompey’s. They even made a TV series on Netflix.

Tunisia travel tips

Day 5 – Day trip to Kairouan, the holiest city in Tunisia

Some sources claim Kairouan is the holiest Islamic city in Africa, and the fourth in the world after Mecca, Medina and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem.

I am not sure about that, however, because I have been to other places in the Middle East and Africa with the same claim but it is a fact that this is the holiest place to visit in Tunisia and the atmosphere is so different from anywhere along the coast, so low-key, so traditional and overwhelmingly welcoming.

Interested in visiting Kairouan on a guided tour? CLICK HERE TO SEE ALL AVAILABLE TOURS IN KAIROUAN

things to do in Kairouan

Things to do in Kairouan

At the Great Mosque, you can purchase one ticket that allows you to visit several sites and these are the ones I visited:

  • Great Mosque – From the 7th century, one of the holiest Islamic places in Africa.
  • Bir Barouta – An Ottoman-era building that was built around a well which apparently, connects to another well in Mecca. Sadly, they enslaved a poor camel that spends his day turning the well’s wheel.
  • Zaouia of Sidi Sahab – Very beautiful Muslim complex with Andalusian-style tiles.

How to get to Kairouan from Sousse

There isn’t a train line passing through Kairouan, so you need to take a louage , which takes a bit more than 1 hour.

Sousse bus station is outside of town, here: 35.809717, 10.636374.

Mullah stories In Kairouan (in Zaouia of Sidi Sahab) I was approached by a kind Tunisian who gave me a 30-minute Islamic lesson in an attempt to persuade me to consider converting to Islam, and it was only 30 minutes because very kindly, I told him I had to leave. A very intense man, but I have bumped into many of those in my travels, and they always tell you the story of a British or an American who found God, hence inner-peace and happiness, after listening to his words.

Tunisia travel blog

Day 6 – Day trip to El Jem, an impressive Roman amphitheater

El Jem was one of my favorite places in my Tunisia itinerary.

This is home to one of the most epic Roman amphitheaters in the world, in fact, the 3rd largest one, built in the 2nd century, but for obvious reasons, it is much less crowded than the one in Rome.

trip to Tunisia

Around 1km from the amphitheater, there is an archaeological museum also containing plenty of Roman mosaics, many of whom feature the scene when wild animals were released into the arena to eat convicts.

You must get the ticket at the amphitheater’s office, and it also includes the museum entrance.

Since it is on the way to Sfax, I took a train from Sousse early in the morning, visited El Jem for a few hours, and then I could easily get a train to Sfax.

Next to El Jem’s train station, there is a fancy hotel whose staff were kind enough to keep my backpack while I visited the city.

How to get to El Jem from Sousse

It’s a 1-hour train journey from Sousse central train station

Looking for guided visits to El Jem? CLICK HERE TO SEE ALL AVAILABLE TOURS TO EL JEM

things to do in el Jem

Day 7 – Sfax, the coolest medina in Tunisia

Before traveling to Tunisia, I had read in a guidebook that the locals of Sfax were believed to be very thrifty hard-workers.

In my experience, most guidebooks are always filled with unlikely quotes but upon my arrival in Tunis, I spent some time discussing my Tunisian itinerary with a local guy who told me the exact same thing.

And, perhaps, this is the reason why, despite being untouched by tourism, Sfax has some sort of cosmopolitan feel by African standards, and many people there seem to be very open-minded.

Additionally, Sfax is also home to the best medina in the whole Tunisia, very big and authentic which hasn’t been spoiled yet by the arrival of tourists.

Things to do in Sfax

  • Getting lost in the medina – As I said, this purely African medina is very traditional and authentic.
  • Abandoned Synagogue – Tunisia used to be home to a large Jewish community and, in Sfax, there is an abandoned synagogue.
  • Place de la Republique – French-style buildings at the entrance to the medina.

Where to stay in Sfax

There are 2 budget auberges (one next to other) 2km north west outside of the Medina.

For more hotel options in Sfax,

Jews in Tunisia Tunisia today has one of the largest Jewish communities in the Arab world, mainly living in Tunis city and Djerba Island. Of course, most of them migrated to Israel after the Israel-Palestinian war but many of them remain and a few synagogues are still functional, another fact that proves overall the tolerance in Tunisia.

Sfax Tunisia

Day 8, 9 – Tataouine & around: southern Berber lands

The lesser-visited southern part of Tunisia is an arid territory that extends all the way to the Libyan border.

Berber villages, camels, ancient ksars (fortified Berber villages), and just remoteness and inhospitality, no wonder why George Lucas decided to shoot Star Wars in these lands.

This is just so different from any place you visited in Tunisia, way more conservative and home to the Berbers, the indigenous people of North Africa before the Arabs came.

How to visit Tataouine The area is vast, touristic sites are scattered, and there is no public transportation. I mean, there are a few buses but it is not a convenient way to move around, not even for backpackers. The best way to explore this area is by either renting a car or going on a tour. I rented a car for a day in a rental car office in Medenine and paid less than $25.

things to do in Tunisia

Things to do in Tataouine & around

On a normal path, you will need an entire day to visit these places, and still, you may have to rush a bit. If you want to leave early in the morning, I suggest you rent the car on the day before, as rental car shops didn’t open until 9-10am.

The ”green pins” from the previous interactive map mark the following places:

  • Ksar Ouled Soltane – The most well-preserved ghorfas in the area. Ghorfas are ancient 4-story buildings that Berbers used to store the grain.
  • Chenini – For me, this was the best place to visit in Tataouine. A massive ancient ksar from the 12th century sitting on a hilltop. Gorgeous.
  • Guermassa – Another great ksar, not as epic as Chenini’s but still great. I only saw it from the bottom because it takes almost 1 hour to go up and I didn’t have time. The top, however, can be reached by 4WD.
  • Ghomrassen – Off the beaten track modern town with pretty cool local architecture, and the ideal place to stop for lunch.
  • Ksar Hadada – This ksar used to be a movie set for Star Wars. I am not a big Star Wars fan, so for me, it was not that interesting, as it was nothing more than some commercial, over-restored ghorfas .

things to see in Tunisia

Where to stay in the area

I recommend you stay in Tataouine.

Budget – Auberge Alferdaus – An all right auberge/pension for budget travelers and backpackers.

Apartment – Dar Essadeg – Full traditional apartment.

Mid-range – Sangho Privilege Tataouine – For a comfortable stay, this oasis hotel has great facilities, including a pool, and it is not expensive at all for what you get.

things to do in Tataouine

Day 10, 11 – The oasis-town of Tozeur & around

Tozeur is a pleasant oasis town with a very unique old quarter whose buildings are made of bricks (hand-made apparently) and a base from which to explore other mountain oases and check out potential camel caravans.

They claim that those oases have been inhabited for 10,000 years.

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you will know that I like to be honest, and the truth is that this was my least favorite part of my trip to Tunisia.

First of all, because all those landscapes are in my opinion, a small version of the ones you find in north Oman , a country I visited multiple times. And second of all, because this was the only place where the main sites were just packed with tourists, many of them being the irresponsible type. But to be fair, it also didn’t help that the weather was awful (loads of wind and sand).

But anyways, traveling is extremely subjective and you might have a different experience.

Like Tataouine, the area around Tozeur is best explored by car or on an organized excursion. Most hotels can arrange it for you. I personally explored all places with a local friend I had met on Instagram.

things to do in Tozeur

Things to do in Tozeur

Please see the ”orange pins” from the previous interactive map.

  • Chebika – A small village home to a massive palmeraie.
  • Tamerza – Another small village with a palmeraie, a small canyon, and a waterfall.
  • Midès – And another small oasis village but the highlight is the stunning views you get to see from the road that leads to it. 
  • Ong Jemal – A desert famous for its sunsets and the location of a Star Wars movie set, where the original decoration still remains. Tour agencies will tell you need a 4×4 to reach the place but it is not true.

Where to stay in Tozeur

Budget – Residence Warda – A budget pension good for backpackers.

Mid-range – Residence Loued – A very pleasant traditional hotel at the heart of the Old City.

How to get to Tozeur from Tataouine

The journey is rather more than 300km.

From Tataouine, you need to take a louage to Medenine and from Medenine, another one to Gabés (not sure if you can find a direct one from Tataouine).

If you are lucky and trains are functional, you should be able to take a train from Gabés to Tozeur. Otherwise, take a louage from Gabés to Gafsa and from Gafsa to Tozeur.

can you travel to Tunisia

Day 12 – El Kef, traditional off the beaten track town

El Kef and the area around was my favorite part of my Tunisia itinerary.

It is a barely visited town and the top of the medina features a kasbah from where you get stunning views of the city and the green meadows surrounding it.

It has a very authentic, traditional atmosphere as well. I spent 3 nights here – as I used it as a base to explore some places around – and didn’t bump into a single tourist.

Where to stay in Le Kef

There aren’t many options, but I stayed in a hotel close to the Medina named Hotel Sicca Veneria , where I paid $15 a night. It was good!

How to get to Le Kef from Tozeur

It’s a long way, around 330km.

From Tozeur, you need to first get a louage to Gafsa. From Gafsa, a second louage to Kasserine and from Kasserine to Le Kef. It takes the entire day.

things to do in El Kef

Day 13 – Day trip to Jugurtha Tableland

This off the beaten track gem was the top attraction I visited in Tunisia.

A natural military fortress, Jugurtha Tableland is a massive flat-topped mountain that rises above 1270 meters, and that has been used as a fortress for centuries, from the Romans to today’s Tunisian Army.

That’s why this is kind of a sensitive place, especially because this is a border area from where you see Algeria – stunning views of Algeria, by the way – so having a guard with you all the time is a must (free of charge).

travel guide to Tunisia

How to get to Jugurtha Tableland from El Kef

From El Kef bus station, you can take a louage to the border town with Algeria named Qalat as Sanan.

Most likely, the driver will already know about your intentions, so he will drop you at the police station, where they will make you answer a few questions and register for visiting Jugurtha.

I was extremely stupid to forget my passport in El Kef but, luckily, my Spanish ID was enough for them.

Then, the police helped me looking for a taxi to take me to the bottom of Jughurta (4km), and I paid the equivalent of around $10.

Once you arrive, an official guide will welcome you and take you to the top.

It also possible to camp at the top, but you will have to get permission at the police office, and a guard will be with you all night – I mean, they have their own huts. However, be aware that it is extremely windy.

Jugurtha tableland

Day 14 – Day trip to Dougga Roman ruins

When I traveled to Tunisia, I also got the chance to check out this amazing place, a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1997 named Dougga,

Dougga has some of the most impressive Roman ruins I have ever seen outside of Rome, probably more stunning than the ruins of Baalbek in Lebanon , or Jerash in Jordan , not only for the ruins themselves, which are in great conditions but also because Dougga was set up in a prime, fertile location, today surrounded by beautiful olive trees and wheat plantations.

Absolutely gorgeous.

Dougga is dominated by the perfectly well-preserved Capitol, dedicated to Jupiter, but you can also find many other temples in good conditions and an amphitheater.

Allow yourself a few hours to visit the area and try to come by the end of the day, when little crowds are gone and, if possible, on a weekday.

why visit tunisia

How to get to Dougga from El Keff

It was a bit complicated.

From El Kef, I took a louage to a village named Al Karib. Once in Al Karib, I asked for a louage going to Dougga town, which is 4km from the ruins, but everybody kept me saying there weren’t any, so I decided to hitchhike the remaining 20km, but it was a bit hard, as nobody would stop, don’t know why.

Then, on my way walking from Dougga town to the ruins, a kind man – a worker – picked me up.

Coming back to El Kef was fairly easy, as I just got in the first louage that passed by. By the way, from Dougga, you could easily go back to Tunis.

Dougga ruins Tunisia

❗ More information for backpacking in Tunisia

📢 In my Travel Resources Page you can find the list of all the sites and services I use to book hotels, tours, travel insurance and more.

Get the Tunisia Travel Guide by Lonely Planet – A bit outdated but so far, the only one available.

aya travel tunis

All guides and articles for traveling in Tunisia destination

  • Tunis Travel Guide
  • Is Tunisia Safe?

Travel guides to other countries in Africa

  • Ethiopia Travel Guide
  • Eritrea Travel Guide
  • Somaliland Travel Guide
  • Travel Guide to Sudan
  • Travel Guide to Egypt
  • Libya Travel Guide
  • Mali Travel Guide
  • Travel Guide to Mauritania


what to do in Tunisia


Great blog and info as always:)Am supposed to go to Tunisia in october for 2,5 weeks ,still plan on going if……

Love reading your post, as it brings so many great memories. We have done 2 weeks roadtrip around the country too, but left the northern part for next time – I sure hope to be able to return soon and that these crazy times will be just a bad memory. All the best!

Has anyone rented a car and drove around Tunisia independently?

I did, in the south. Very easy

Man, let me tell you something and you can take it as a fact: any Arabic speaker can speak freely with another Arabic speaker from anywhere in the world. Yes, there are diferences and they can tell roughly from where the other dude is. Like I can tell a Texan from an Australian.

Hey Joan: Another great trip report. Currently planning my itinerary for my summer trip to Tunisia. This will largely be a RnR/beach vacay but looking to include some side excursions. Will likely position ourselves in Sousse and wondering if Dougga is doable as a day trip via public transportation? Also how does it compare to the amphitheatre in Busra, Syria?

Just want to make sure, the train to Sousse from Tunis is 10,000 Dinars or more than 3,000 USD for a 2 hour train ride?

Hi Joan, Thank you for a great introduction to Tunesia. Being European I typically spend my vacations at tourist hotspots in Spain, Greece, or Italy. It’s nice – but far from the adventure you’re describing. Need to convince the rest of my family to become a bit more adventourous 🙂

Mega helpful. Thank you.

Is there anyway to get from Sousse to Dougga?

Thank you for the information. Planning on a 2-week trip end of April 2023. Trying to source information about the Northern part especially traveling from/to Tunis – Bizerte – Cap Engela – Tabarka – Tunis

I’d love to visit Dougga. You said it’s possible to get back to Tunis from Dougga, is there a louage going between the two?

Hi Sarah, not from Dougga, since that is an archaeological site, but from nearby villages or towns.

Good evening, Hope everything is fine. I am planning to go to Tunisia and I wonder if there is a way to go from Medénin to Djerba Island by public transportation. If you know if there is a way I would like you to confirm it to me. Thank you in advance

Hey, I don’t remember exactly but I did go there by bus. It should be easy, just go to the bus station and ask for it

hello joan . i am planning to visit tunisia in august and move around with louages. in your article you mentioned that you visited tozeur with a louage. do you remember if it was direct ( tunis – tozeur ) or i have to change a bus in another city ? also , the station in which louage leave ( from tunis ) is called moncef bey , right ? any information will be helpful . thanks in advance and also thank you for sharing all these travel informations for countries that are not so visited . greetings from greece 🙂

Hi Konstantina! I traveled slowly from Tunis to Tozeur, stopping in many places in between, so I can’t really tell!

Hola Joan, qué tal?

A ver si hay suerte y ves el mensaje a tiempo. Estoy en Túnez y en unos tengo pensado visitar la zona alrededor de Medenine/Tataouine y estoy buscando un sitio para alquilar coche un día. Me podrías pasar el nombre, la ubicación o algún contacto aún mejor del sitio dónde alquilaste tú?

Muchas gracias, saludos!

Hola Jack, lamentablemente jamás me apunté la dirección, pero todo lo que hice fue buscar en Google Rent a Car

hello , thank you for writing about Tunisia but I think you should update your prices for the food , those prices must be from 10 years ago !

They are from 2019 but if you have any updated prices, they are most welcome 🙂

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Update April 12, 2024

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Tunisia Travel Advisory

Travel advisory july 13, 2023, tunisia - level 2: exercise increased caution.

Reissued with obsolete COVID-19 page links removed.

Exercise increased caution in Tunisia due to terrorism. Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory.  

Do not travel to:

  • Within 30 km of southeastern Tunisia along the border with Libya due to terrorism.
  • Mountainous areas in the country’s west, including the Chaambi Mountain National Park area, due to terrorism.
  • The desert south of Remada due to the military zone.
  • Jendouba south of Ain Drahem and west of RN15, El Kef, and Kasserine, next to the Algerian border due to terrorism.
  • Sidi Bou Zid in central Tunisia due to terrorism.

Country Summary:  Terrorist groups continue plotting possible attacks in Tunisia. Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs, museums, resorts, hotels, festivals, nightclubs, restaurants, religious sites, markets/shopping malls, government facilities and security forces. A country-wide state of emergency, which grants security forces more authority to maintain civil order and enables the government to focus on combating terrorism, is in effect. 

The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in some areas of Tunisia. U.S. government employees must obtain special authorization to travel outside greater Tunis.  

Read the  country information page  for additional information on travel to Tunisia. 

If you decide to travel to Tunisia:

  • Exercise caution when using public transportation, due to safety and security concerns.
  • Avoid demonstrations and crowds.
  • Monitor local media for breaking events and be prepared to adjust your plans.
  • Avoid staying overnight outside of the main cities and tourist locations.
  • Obtain comprehensive medical insurance that includes medical evacuation.
  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter . 
  • Follow the U.S. Embassy in Tunisia on  Facebook  and  Twitter .
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for Tunisia.
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest  Travel Health Information  related to your travel.  
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .

Border with Libya – Level 4: Do Not Travel

Developments in Libya continue to affect the security situation along the Tunisian-Libyan border in areas such as Ras Jedir and Dehiba along with the cities of Ben Guerdan and Medenine. The border with Libya is frequently closed to all traffic with short notice for extended periods. The Department of State advises U.S. citizens not to travel to Libya. 

Visit our website for  Travel to High-Risk Areas .

Western Mountains and Chaambi Mountain National Park – Level 4: Do Not Travel

Terrorist groups continue to operate in mountains of Western Tunisia. 

The Desert South of Remada – Level 4: Do Not Travel

The desert south of Remada is designated as a military zone by the Government of Tunisia. Special authorization is required for travelers wishing to enter the military zone.

Jendouba El Kef and Kasserine near the Algerian Border – Level 4: Do Not Travel

Terrorist groups continue to operate in these areas. 

Sidi Bou Zid in Central Tunisia – Level 4: Do Not Travel

Terrorist groups continue to operate in this area. 

Travel Advisory Levels

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aya travel tunis

Travel in Tunisia – 10 Best Tips for Independent Travellers

Independent travel in Tunisia is easier than most people would expect.

This country has a fantastic transport network to help you discover all of the highlights and more.

Hi, we’re Rach & Marty!

We’ve visited every country in the world and want to help you get the most out of your travels!

Whether you need an expertly planned itinerary , some experienced hints and tips , or just craving a delicious food adventure , we’ve got you covered!

We may earn affiliate commissions from websites we link to, at no cost to you. Click here for details.

Travel in Tunisia

Many visitors, particularly Europeans, head to Tunisia as part of a week-long all-inclusive package deal.

The drawcard is the beaches along the Mediterranean coastline of Tunisia and the competitive prices for many chic resorts.

But if you’re interested in discovering Tunisia beyond just the resorts and tourist towns, you’re in for an exciting time.

For adventurous travellers looking for a destination to explore in more depth, I’d recommend Tunisia.

If you ask us, this North African nation is so underrated. We had an amazing few weeks of discovering this country and its diversity.

Read our best tips for travel in Tunisia below and our detailed 14-day itinerary for Tunisia , and you’re all set!

10 Best Tips for Independent Travel in Tunisia

We travelled to Tunisia in late November and early December 2021.

The prices quoted in this itinerary for Tunisia are in local currency, Tunisian Dinar (TND).

At the time, 1 USD = 2.9 TND

Table of Contents

1) Get a SIM Card on Arrival or Buy a digital eSIM

The wifi and internet are not very reliable in Tunisia so I’d recommend picking up a SIM Card for your phone with one of the providers at the airport.

There are several to choose from and they all offer similar data plans. I got an Orange SIM Card for free at the airport, then topped it up with 10GB for 20 TND (USD $7). You can also get 2GB for 10 TND.

Alternatively, an easier option would be to get an eSIM for Tunisia. This eSIM gives you 1GB data for 7 days . The price is $9.50; you can download it on your phone within minutes. Once you’ve arrived in Tunisia, you’re all set to go.

Note: Before buying an eSIM, you must ensure your phone is compatible. Check this on Airalo website before making any purchase.

Travel in Tunisia will be easier if you’re connected

It means you can access the BOLT app and order a ride, book your hotels on the go with  Booking.com  and find reviews on the best places to eat in Tunisia.

If you’re a food-lover like me, don’t miss my post on  the 8 most popular street foods in Tunisia  that you must try.  

2) Download BOLT Ridesharing App

Download the BOLT App before you arrive, (or when you’re here). It will save you time and money.

If your French or Arabic language skills are non-existent, this app will help you get from A to B without hassle. 

travel in tunisia Bolt App

It’s a useful tool to learn what fares typically costs from A to B and it works similarly to Uber.

The main difference is that you must pay cash (Tunisian dinar) for your fare directly to the driver once your ride is complete.

3) Get a Bank Account that doesn’t charge International Transaction Fees 

There is no good reason why you should still be paying International transaction fees or ATM withdrawal fees in 2022. Banks have come a long way over the years.

If you haven’t signed up for a bank account with ING Direct yet, then you’ll most likely be paying unnecessary bank fees when you travel to different countries. 

During my trip to Tunisia (read  our 14-day itinerary for Tunisia here ) I was charged 12 TND ($4.20) each time I withdrew local currency from an ATM.

But, because I have a bank account with ING Direct, every ATM bank fee was reimbursed to me. It’s fantastic! I’m also refunded for any foreign transaction fees charged while travelling abroad with this bank.

For more information about ING and why it’s the best debit card for travellers,  read our post with more information .

Need an online account that lets you send money, get paid, and spend money internationally? A Wise account provides these services, and it will save you loads of cash in International fees.

Send your first International transfer for FREE when you sign up here for a Wise account.

4) Download Maps.me App and use louage for transport

One of the best tools to get around Tunisia is the Maps.me  app. You can download offline maps of the country, so you never have to use mobile data to get around.

The map also shows hiking trails and walking paths, which Google Maps doesn’t have.

Although Tunisia has a great train network between cities and buses, it is much faster to use louage. Louage is the name for small vans that connect all cities and towns.

You go to the dedicated station in town, buy a ticket from the ticket office, and sit in the van that fits 8 people.

Once the van is full, it departs directly to the final destination. It is the fastest way to get from A to B in Tunisia whiteout using taxi or your own car.

Travel Tunisia Lounge station

  • 🔥 Hot Tip: Book accommodation in advance on Booking.com
  • 🎟 Book your attractions and tickets online: We recommend Viator and GetYourGuide
  • 🔋 Stay charged: This Belkin Power Bank is essential!
  • 📸 Join a Group Tour: Find some amazing Group Tours here
  • ✅ Get Connected with an eSIM: Fast, easy and affordable! View easy eSIM options here

5) Booking.com offers the best range of accommodation for travel in Tunisia

We love  Booking.com . It’s one of the most used apps on our phones. This is our go-to for booking accommodation on our  adventure to visit every country worldwide .

Time and time again, Booking.com offered us the best accommodation and prices as we travelled around Tunisia.

The best part is that the app is straightforward, and you pay in local currency or credit card once you arrive at your accommodation provider.

In many cases, the app gives you the option to reserve the hotel for your selected date, and if you need to change it or cancel, there are often no cancellation fees. 

6) Drink Only Bottled Water or Bring a LifeStraw

Avoid drinking the tap water in Tunisia and stick to bottled water. Large bottles of water (1.5L) can be purchased from small shops and supermarkets for about $0.25.

Better yet, bring along a LifeStraw filtered water bottle.  You will be helping the environment reduce plastic waste, and you can take it with you on your future travelling adventures.

7) Check Viator to book experiences in Tunisia

Tunisia has some amazing highlights and places to visit. There’s so much to see from visiting Star Wars film set locations, desert day trips in the south, or the epic amphitheatre in El Jem.

If you’re travelling solo or want to share the experience, consider checking out either  Viator  or GetYourGuide website.

Browse and book activities for travel in Tunisia and all over the world. We love that if plans change, you can cancel most bookings for free up to 24 hours before they start.

We’d highly recommend this cooking class in Tunis  and this day trip to Kairouan and El Jem .

8) Download XE currency converter

This is a tip we’d recommend for travel in Tunisia and for every country you visit. We regularly use XE Currency Converter to convert currency and exchange rates when on the go.

I’d recommend downloading the app to your phone and adding the Tunisian Dinar (local currency) to your browser.

Whenever you need to withdraw currency at an ATM or change other foreign currencies in Tunisia, you can double-check you’re getting the right rate within seconds on XE. 

I frequently use my XE app to calculate the prices of goods in supermarkets and at markets if I’m buying souvenirs or food.

aya travel tunis

The Perfect 14 Days Itinerary for Tunisia

many hands eating fish foods from Africa

15 Most Popular Foods From Africa

9) Exchange your Tunisian Dinars before your departure 

As you explore and travel in Tunisia, remember to keep any foreign currency receipts or ATM currency withdrawal receipts with you.

Before departing Tunisia, ensure you convert all of your Tunisian dinars to Euros/USD (or another hard currency) before you depart. Tunisian Dinars are impossible to exchange once you’ve departed the country.

If you exchange currency at the airport before your departure, you may be asked for the receipt proving where you got the cash initially.

travel in tunisia tunisian dinar

10) Travel Insurance

Make sure you get Travel Insurance before hitting the road. We recommend Heymondo & SafetyWing Travel Insurance.

Click here and get 5% off Heymondo from us!

Read more about  the 2 Best Travel Insurance Companies

Where to Stay in Tunis

Most flights from around the world will likely arrive in Tunis, the capital city of Tunisia.

My final tip for independent travel in Tunisia is to reserve at least your first-night accommodation here to begin your trip. My recommendations for affordable, comfortable, and well-located hotels, for any budget are listed below.

Budget : Dar Ya  – A great budget option in the heart of Medina. Rooms are clean and comfortable, yet only shared bathroom facilities are available. Breakfast is included in the price.

The staff is very welcoming and helpful in providing local knowledge to explore Tunis and the surrounding area. Check prices here.

Midrange : Dar Ben Gacem  – A beautifully restored old Tunisian home, now a boutique hotel. The rooms are beautiful, and an amazing breakfast is included in the rate (the best omelette and coffee in Tunisia).

The young staff is always around to help with anything you need, even if it’s to prepare you a hot pot of tea or coffee after a long day of exploring. Check prices here.

Luxury:  Treat yourself: Hôtel Belvédère Fourati  – If you’ve got the budget that allows a swish stay in this hotel in Tunis, I recommend it. Check prices here.

Get Connected with eSIM

aya travel tunis

Get connected easily on your travels—buy an eSIM! An eSIM works like an app: buy it, download it, and get connected in minutes! It’s easy, affordable, and convenient. Keep your original phone number, too!

Click below and view which eSIM data plan you need for your next adventure. Use our referral code: RACHEL5045 , to get $3 off your first purchase !

Travel Tips for Tunisia

We recommend you read our post about the  Perfect 14 Days Itinerary for Tunisia.  This is the route we took, and it was ideal.

We’ve included prices and details of local transport, where to stay, and essential information to ensure smooth travels here.

Check out these 5 unique things to do in Medina, Tunis.  And, our post explaining  8 of the best street eats in Tunisia  cannot be missed!

Also, it’s worth checking out our ESSENTIAL Packing List for Africa . We used this exact packing list to travel to all 54 African nations.

If you’re interested to read about some of our crazy adventures, our 2019 recap of our travels in West Africa will give you an idea of how it was. And, if you’re considering travelling to West Africa yourself, read these 17 Important Things to Know Before Travelling to West Africa .

Our  African Food Map – A Food Guide to 54 Countries  is a great read, so be sure to check it out.

For more travel advice, tips, and useful websites we use to travel the world, head to our  Travel Resources Page .

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Travel Planning Resources

✈️ Flights : We use Skyscanner to book cheap flights worldwide.

🏨 Accommodation :  Booking.com is our preferred platform for booking hotels and accommodation.

🏥 Travel Insurance : We recommend Heymondo ( Get 5% off Heymondo)  & SafetyWing

🚌 Transportation : Trainline is the best website to reserve trains. We use Omio to book transport worldwide. For travel in Asia, we use 12Go.  

🚘 Car Rental : We use DiscoverCars to book rental cars worldwide.

👫 Group Tours :  G Adventures OR compare multi-day tours worldwide with Tourradar .

📸 Day Tours & Trips :  GetYourGuide  & Viator are the only two platforms you need.

📚 Lonely Planet: The Best Range of Travel Guides & Ebooks , and FREE Shipping! (use code RACHELDAVEY10 for a 10% discount)

🎒 Luggage :  Osprey Farpoint 40L Backpack  or  Samsonite Luggage Range.

🛄 What to Pack:  Don’t forget your Universal charger and a good  power bank .  To help you pack the essentials, here is our ULTIMATE Packing List for all Travellers .

🐶 Become a House Sitter:  Join Trusted Housesitters and enjoy FREE accommodation worldwide. Use our invite to receive 25% off your new membership.

💰 Send Money Anywhere: WISE  &  Revolut  are the best online accounts that let you send money, get paid, and spend money internationally. Both are so easy to use and way cheaper than any bank transfer.

📶  Stay Connected: Airalo eSIM allows you to get connected the moment you land at your destination, and you can avoid those expensive data roaming charges. We LOVE this product! Use promo code NOMAD15 for 15% off ALL eSIMs (new Airalo users only) OR use NOMAD10 for 10% off ALL eSIMs (for existing Airalo users)

✅ Check out our Travel Gear  and  Travel Resources for more valuable tips to save you money!

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3 comments . leave new.

aya travel tunis

Very helpful and essential tips, especially in regards to the SIM Card… I mean you gotta have wifi , thanks for sharing

aya travel tunis

Thank you for all the great tips! I’m curious if you would recommend driving in Tunisia? Additionally, are credit cards accepted, or mainly cash is needed?

aya travel tunis

Yes, we recommend driving around Tunisia. We saw several groups of travellers doing so, most of them in 4WD vehicles. We used credit/debit cards to pay for accommodation and restaurants (we use and recommend WISE, read more here https://transferwise.com/invite/u/racheld364 ), but we always had local currency to pay for shared taxis/local transport, street food snacks and some entry fees to some cool attractions. Hope you have a great time, we really loved exploring this underrated country 🙂

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    Day 1, 2 - Visit the capital of Tunis. A third Mediterranean, a third European and a third North African, Tunis is a city with many cultural contrasts and most likely, the starting point of your Tunisia travel itinerary. On the one hand, the old city is composed of an African, Maghrebi medina, not very different from the ones you would find ...

  13. Aya Travel

    Aya Travel. 3 Rue du Japon. 1073 Bab El Bhar - Montplaisir. Tunis - Tunisia Afficher le téléphone. Pas d'évaluations. Agences De Voyages. A Bab El Bhar, Infobel répertorie 10,866 sociétés enregistrées. Le chiffre d'affaires de ces sociétés est estimé à 71.112 milliards et elles emploient un nombre d'employés estimé à 161,148.

  14. AyaTravel Omra (@aya_travel_tunisia)

    282 Followers, 28 Following, 7 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from AyaTravel Omra (@aya_travel_tunisia)

  15. Tunisia Travel Advisory

    Exercise increased caution in Tunisia due to terrorism. Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory. Do not travel to: Within 30 km of southeastern Tunisia along the border with Libya due to terrorism. ... 1053 Tunis, Tunisia. Telephone +(216) 71-107-000. Emergency. 71-107-000, press 0 and ask for the duty officer. Fax +(216 ...

  16. Travel Nursing Agency

    Just click & go. As America's largest travel nursing agency, and a leading allied and locums agency, we make things simple. We provide you with the opportunities, resources, technology and support you need to grow your career. Traveling with Aya is as easy as 1-2-3. Register now and complete your profile. Be as detailed as possible.

  17. Tunisia Travel Guide: Know Before You Go

    Winters are warm, and summers are (very) hot. Late autumn and winter are the rainiest season, with spring and summer being quite arid. Further south, Tunisia's climate falls in line with its desert landscape. In hotter seasons the desert can exceed 38°C or 100°F, and is prone to sandstorms.

  18. Travel in Tunisia

    4) Download Maps.me App and use louage for transport. 5) Booking.com offers the best range of accommodation for travel in Tunisia. 6) Drink Only Bottled Water or Bring a LifeStraw. 7) Check Viator to book experiences in Tunisia. 8) Download XE currency converter. 9) Exchange your Tunisian Dinars before your departure.

  19. Aval Voyages Omra

    Aval Voyages Omra, Tunis, Tunisia. 9,473 likes · 3,961 talking about this · 5 were here. Plus de 25 ans d'expériences, de réussite et de succès. Durant...

  20. Bio

    Aya Chebbi, is a Pan-African feminist and diplomat whose mission is the liberation of African women and girls. She rose to prominence as a voice for democracy during 2010/2011 Tunisia's Revolution, which toppled a twenty-three-year dictatorship.She has single handedly transformed the youth leadership space across Africa and impacted over one million young people.

  21. Aya Chebbi Website

    Ms. Aya Chebbi, a multi award-winning Pan-African feminist. She rose to prominence as a voice for democracy and shot to global fame as a political blogger during 2010/2011 Tunisia's Revolution. She received the 2019 Gates Foundation Campaign Award and was named in Forbes' Africa's 50 Most Powerful Women and New African Magazine List of ...

  22. Atlas Travel

    Atlas Travel. 334,563 likes · 9,034 talking about this. ATLAS EVENTS TUNISIA est la 1ère agence de voyage en Tunisie qui offre des promotions permanentes...

  23. Sidi Bou Said Travel Diary

    Sidi Bou Said Travel Diary | Tunis, Tunisia. 6/16/2023. Sidi Bou Said, the Santorini of North Africa. Although I've visited this blue and white city several times before, I've finally decided to document it in my summer of 2015.