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A Beginners Guide To Freeletics – The 12 -15 Week Workout

best freeletics journey for muscle gain

Are you tired of mundane workout routines and ready to embrace a fitness journey that feels more like a warrior’s quest? Look no further than Freeletics – a revolutionary workout program taking the fitness world by storm.

Imagine a workout routine combining the intensity of a Spartan race with the convenience of your living room – that’s Freeletics. Unlike traditional gym sessions, Freeletics ditches the need for fancy equipment and intimidating weight racks. Instead, it relies on your body weight, pushing you to harness your strength, speed, and agility.

Freeletics isn’t just about sculpting muscles; it’s a mindset, a way of life. The core philosophy revolves around pushing your limits, breaking barriers, and unlocking the potential within. Say goodbye to monotonous reps; Freeletics challenges you with dynamic, high-intensity workouts that engage your body and mind. It’s a holistic approach, transforming not only your physique but also your mental resilience.

For fitness newbies, navigating the labyrinth of workout options can be overwhelming. This is where Freeletics stands out – providing a structured roadmap for your fitness journey. Having a well-defined plan isn’t just about preventing chaos; it’s about optimising results. Freeletics guides beginners through progressive exercises, ensuring a gradual and safe transformation.

Table of Contents

Embarking on Your Freeletics Journey: A Beginner’s Guide

Embarking on Your Freeletics Journey

Getting started with Freeletics isn’t just about the sweat – it’s about the mindset, the goals, and the journey.

Prep Your Mind and Body

Before diving into Freeletics, gear up mentally and physically. Clear your mind, embrace the challenge, and ensure your body is ready for the journey ahead. It’s not just a workout but a commitment to your transformation.

Reality Check and Goal Setting

Take a moment to assess where you stand. Be honest about your current fitness levels. Set realistic goals – small victories pave the way for big wins. Whether starting from scratch or tweaking an existing routine, understanding your starting point is the compass for your fitness adventure.

Crafting Your Workout Calendar

Your journey needs a roadmap. Create a workout schedule that suits your lifestyle. Balance is key. Ensure a mix of strength, cardio, and rest days. Tailor it to your rhythm. This is about something other than pushing too hard but consistency and gradual progress.

Gear Up with the Essentials

Equip yourself with the basics. Comfortable workout attire, proper footwear, and a water bottle are your workout companions. Prepare your environment, whether the living room or a backyard space, making it conducive to your fitness mission.

Start Small, Aim Big

Freeletics is about progression, not perfection. Begin with manageable exercises, gradually amplifying the intensity. Celebrate each milestone – it’s the journey, not just the destination. Small victories build the foundation for significant accomplishments.

Listen to Your Body

Your body communicates. Pay attention. If it’s signalling fatigue or discomfort, acknowledge it. Rest is not a setback; it’s a crucial part of the process. Adequate recovery ensures your body bounces back stronger, preventing burnout and injuries.

Document Your Progress

Keep a workout journal or use the Freeletics app to track your journey. Documenting your progress serves as motivation and allows you to tweak your plan as needed. It’s a tangible reminder of how far you’ve come.

Connect with the Freeletics Community

Join the vibrant Freeletics community. Share your experiences, seek advice, and celebrate victories together. The support network keeps you motivated and introduces you to diverse perspectives and insights.

What General Guidelines To Follow While Doing Freeletics

In Freeletics, holistic wellness is the cornerstone of a triumphant fitness journey. Nutrition, sleep, mindfulness, and consistency are not just complementary but essential components fueling your transformation. Embrace them, and watch your Freeletics journey unfold into a story of strength, resilience, and unparalleled achievement.

Nutrition: Fueling Your Freeletics Journey

Nutrition is the powerhouse behind your Freeletics success. Opt for a well-balanced diet rich in proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Consider pre and post-workout nutrition to maximise performance and aid recovery. Consult a nutritionist to tailor your eating habits to align with your fitness goals.

Quality Sleep: The Unsung Hero

Don’t underestimate the power of quality sleep. Adequate rest is when your body repairs and strengthens itself. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night, creating a sleep routine that syncs with your workout schedule. Sleep is the secret weapon in your Freeletics arsenal.

Mindfulness And Stress Management

In the chaos of daily life, find moments of calm. Incorporate mindfulness techniques like meditation or deep breathing. Stress can hinder progress, so managing it is as crucial as your workout routine. A focused, stress-free mind enhances your overall well-being.

Consistency Is Key

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a sculpted physique. Be consistent with your Freeletics program. Set a rhythm that suits your lifestyle and stick to it. Consistency breeds habits, and habits lead to lasting transformation.

Regular Assessments and Adjustments

Periodically reassess your fitness levels and goals. Adapt your workout routine accordingly. If exercises become too easy, it’s time to level up. Conversely, if challenges seem insurmountable, consider dialling it down temporarily. Flexibility is the key to long-term success.

Freeletics: Crafting Strength and Stamina in 12-15 Weeks

Crafting Strength and Stamina in 12-15 Weeks

Embark on a transformative fitness journey with Freeletics’ 12-15 Week Mastery Plan.. Whether you’re a beginner or a fitness enthusiast, this adaptable program caters to all levels, ensuring an achievable and rewarding odyssey towards your fittest self.

Before you start the program, make sure to understand following points:

Program Overview

Embark on a fitness journey with the 12-15 week Freeletics workout – a structured journey designed to sculpt your body and elevate your endurance. Planning a manageable timeframe, this program is the roadmap to a fitter, stronger you.

Gradual Progression and Skill Mastery

Freeletics isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon tailored for your success—progress at your pace, mastering each skill before advancing. The program ensures a seamless evolution from basic moves to advanced exercises, turning novices into fitness virtuosos.

Adaptability for All Fitness Levels

Whether you’re a gym guru or a workout rookie, Freeletics welcomes all. Its adaptable design caters to different fitness levels, offering modified versions for beginners and intensified challenges for fitness enthusiasts. No matter where you start, the program flexes to match your capabilities, making the journey achievable and rewarding.

Decoding the Components of the Freeletics Workout

Decoding the Components of the Freeletics Workout

Embarking on the Freeletics journey means diving into a dynamic world of fitness, where each component plays a crucial role in sculpting a resilient and powerful physique. The following are the components of an effective Freeletics workout:

Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises form the core of Freeletics, featuring push-ups, squats, burpees, and more. These moves aren’t just simple; they’re power-packed. They’re the backbone, sculpting strength and endurance.

Push-ups, squats, burpees, etc, are your workout VIPs, the squad that makes the magic happen.

Think strength that stands tall and endurance that outlasts with these bodyweight exercises. These exercises are your secret weapon for a fit and fierce body.

Cardiovascular Workouts

Cardiovascular workouts keep the heart racing and the body burning. It’s not just about breaking a sweat; it’s about shattering limits.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is where you sweat buckets but smile after. HIIT is your turbo boost for torching calories and building stamina.

Forget the ordinary. Running, jumping jacks, sprints – these cardio champs spice up your routine, turning every workout into a heart-thumping adventure.

Flexibility And Mobility Exercises

Flexibility and mobility exercises are the unsung heroes. Stretching and mobility drills aren’t just for yoga buffs; they’re your backstage pass to a fluid and flexible body.

Stretching and mobility drills hold much importance. Picture your body as a well-oiled machine. Stretching and mobility are the oil that keeps everything moving smoothly.

Consider doing yoga or dynamic stretching routines. It’s not about touching your toes; it’s about touching greatness. Yoga or dynamic stretching isn’t just for Zen vibes; it’s your ticket to a body that moves like poetry.

Sample 12-15 Weeks Freeletics Workout Plan for Beginners

Embarking on a transformative fitness journey requires more than a routine; it demands a comprehensive plan aligning with your goals. The sample Freeletics workout plan is not merely a workout plan; it’s a structured pathway designed for beginners to delve into the world of Freeletics systematically.

Over 12 weeks, this program establishes a solid foundation, progressively intensifies the challenge, and propels you towards peak performance. Whether you aim to build strength, enhance endurance, or simply embark on a fitness adventure, this detailed plan ensures a holistic approach, combining bodyweight exercises, cardiovascular workouts, and flexibility routines.

Weeks 1-2: Establishing the Foundation

Day 1: Full Body Strength

  • Warm-up (5 minutes): Jumping jacks, arm circles, leg swings.
  • Bodyweight squats: 3 sets x 12 reps.
  • Push-ups: 3 sets x 10 reps.
  • Burpees: 2 sets x 8 reps.
  • Plank: 3 sets x 20 seconds.
  • Cool down (5 minutes): Stretching and deep breathing.

Day 2: HIIT Cardio

  • Warm-up (5 minutes).
  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): 20 seconds of intense exercise (e.g., jumping squats), followed by 40 seconds of rest – Repeat for 15 minutes.
  • Cool down (5 minutes): Gentle jogging and stretching.

Day 3: Active Recovery

  • Light cardio (brisk walking, cycling) for 30 minutes.

Day 4: Lower Body Focus

  • Lunges: 3 sets x 12 reps per leg.
  • Glute bridges: 3 sets x 15 reps.
  • Side plank: 2 sets x 20 seconds per side.
  • Jumping jacks: 2 sets x 15 reps.
  • Cool down (5 minutes).

Day 5: Rest or Light Activity

Day 6: Cardio and Bodyweight Mix

  • Running or brisk walking: 20 minutes.
  • Bodyweight squats: 2 sets x 15 reps.
  • Push-ups: 2 sets x 12 reps.
  • Burpees: 1 set x 10 reps.

Day 7: Rest

Weeks 3-6: Progressive Challenge

  • Maintain the same structure as weeks 1-2 but increase the intensity by adding one set to each exercise.

Day 5: Active Recovery

Day 6: Extended Cardio and Strength

  • Running or brisk walking: 30 minutes.
  • Bodyweight squats: 3 sets x 15 reps.
  • Push-ups: 3 sets x 12 reps.
  • Burpees: 2 sets x 10 reps.
  • Cool down (7 minutes): Include more stretching.

Day 7: Rest or Light Activity

Weeks 7-10: Advanced Progression

  • Continue with the same structure but incorporate more challenging variations of bodyweight exercises (e.g., diamond push-ups and jump squats).

Day 6: Increased Cardio and Strength

  • Running or brisk walking: 40 minutes.
  • Bodyweight squats: 3 sets x 20 reps.
  • Push-ups: 3 sets x 15 reps.
  • Burpees: 2 sets x 12 reps.
  • Cool down (7 minutes): Focus on flexibility.

Weeks 11-12: Peak Performance

  • Maintain the same structure but push the intensity further with additional reps or sets.

Day 6: Final Challenge

  • Running or brisk walking: 45 minutes.
  • Advanced bodyweight exercises (plyometric push-ups, jump squats): 3 sets x 15 reps.
  • Cool down (7 minutes): Deep stretches.

Final Words

The Freeletics workout program extends beyond sets and reps; it’s a holistic transformation. This isn’t just a workout routine; it’s your passport to a fitter you. The bodyweight exercises are your powerhouse, sculpting strength and stamina. Cardio pushes your limits with every sprint and jump, and flexibility exercises keep your body fluid and agile.

Stay consistent, but listen to your body to make the most of this program. Fuel up with good eats, rest when needed, and recover actively. This isn’t a race; it’s a commitment. Celebrate each milestone, track your progress, and enjoy the journey. With Freeletics, you’re not just working out; you’re unlocking a stronger, better you – one push-up, sprint, and stretch at a time.

  • PiYo Workout – Low Impact Home Workout To Get A Killer Body
  • Quintessential Quads – Leg Day Workout Variations To Define Your Thighs
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Freeletics Review 2023: Is the App Worth It?

October 19, 2023 By Daniel Louwrens, B.S., PT | Reviewed By: Jess Billitz, B.S., CPT

Just like we all need a little help with taxes, most of us need help to design and create workout programs. But if you’re too lazy to do either, what do you do?

See Our Top Recommended Fitness Program for Aesthetics I’ve been helping beginners get lean and ripped for over 10 years. Here’s the program that I recommend for faster transformations.

Taxes, yeah , that’s between you and the IRS. However, the Freeletics App offers you plenty of workout help … apparently. Let’s see if it’s worth it in this Freeletics review.

What is Freeletics?

Freeletics is a fitness app developed by Freeletics GmbH, which also developed Freeletics Nutrition. The app is available on both the App Store and the Google Play Store and currently sits at a rating of around 4.6 stars (as of February 2023).

It was developed with one goal in mind — to give users the best digital coaching at the best price possible. With more than 54 million downloads, it’s safe to say most people are probably benefiting from the app.

Just like many other fitness apps, they also offer some workout equipment and attire on their site . They also offer a community function on their app, something you don’t see very often. This allows you to engage with other users of the app online.

The biggest change compared to other training apps is the fact that this app doesn’t just give workouts. No, you’ll be met with weeks worth of training.

Yup, that’s right . You’ll get access to a full training plan, which means they must’ve put some real thought into the app’s development.

Some of their main workout types include:

  • Strength and stamina
  • Start strong
  • Run & burn
  • Hybrid Strength
  • 15-minute fitness
  • Weights-free gains (bodyweight training)

But are they any good?

How Does Freeletics Work?

As mentioned already in this Freeletics review, the app gives you full workout plans that don’t just give you one or two ideas. Instead, they give you weeks of plans to execute. They provide a rundown of what the plan will look like, and then you’re off to the races.

Here’s what you’ll see inside the fitness app:

Plans A-Plenty!

Having full workout plans is a blessing that’s so rare, it could be their entire selling point. When you open the app, you’re met with various categories (aka Training Journey), all with their own workouts within.

Other training journeys include “relieve stress”, “improve fitness”, and “increase endurance”…

Once you’ve selected your training journey plan, you also have the option to personalize your plan slightly.


Following a plan relies heavily on your ability to sustain the effort. Any coach or athlete would tell you that an in ability to sustain any effort based on your fitness level will only burn you out and leave you disappointed.

Thus, Freeletics offers some personalization to make their plans way more sustainable.

Once you’ve selected your plan (see above), the app asks some basic questions to discover:

  • Training days per week
  • Equipment available
  • Exercises that you cannot do
  • Do you want to incorporate sprinting/running?
  • Do you have limited training space?
  • Would you like to train quietly?

The personalizations make it easy to mix training styles like weightlifting with bodyweight exercises for example. In the same session you could be busting out bench press and then sprawled on the floor doing push ups.

Once you’ve entered all of your information, you’re greeted with a somewhat personalized training program.

Each workout routine includes:

  • Warm-ups to prep your body for the stress
  • The main body of the sessions (doing the work)
  • Video demonstrations to avoid injuries
  • Active cool-downs to safely lower your heart rate

It’s like a digital personal trainer, and things look pretty good…

Furthermore, you have the ability to add your own exercises based on the muscle groups you want to hit. This adds a new layer of customized workout plans to the mix.

Heck, you even get a pop-up asking if you want more, in which case, a challenge is offered. I think yes…

These challenges are typical “Complete ‘x exercise’ for 400 reps,” etc. Pretty nice if you’re a very competitive person and a whole workout doesn’t satisfy your training appetite. You even have the ability to create your own challenge!

This is definitely the part of the fitness app that’s there simply to improve UX and UI. This is like your typical Facebook-like feed where other athletes and users can post workouts, achievements, and the aforementioned challenges.

Who is Freeletics Good for?

For this Freeletics review, we were planning to break down exactly who the app is for and who it isn’t for, but in reality, everyone would do extremely well with this app .

There’s no denying just how good this app is at creating workouts while still giving the user some freedom to adjust things based on fitness level, equipment available, target muscle groups, or anything else.

Whether you’re looking to improve general fitness or seeking to gain strength at an amateur level, this app has something to offer.

Who is Freeletics Not for?

Strength athletes.

This isn’t to say their strength programs aren’t good. In fact, they’re pretty well designed.

However, getting swole and dirty strong requires a dismally complex program. It requires a lot of intricate analysis of the person in question to see where their weaknesses are and how to fix them.

I’m not even sure other apps can accommodate this.

But you can tell that Freeletics is better suited for people wanting endurance training or leaner physiques.

Am I being incredibly anal? When the app is this good, you kinda have to be. There’s so little wrong with it that you have to judge it strongly.

How Much Does Freeletics Cost?

The Freeletics app will run you different amounts based on how many months you purchase a subscription for.

There’s a free version of the app that gives you access to a number of workouts, single exercises, runs, and audio sessions, but the free version was designed to be limited.

Here how the price breaks down once you outgrow the free version:

Additionally, Freeletics offers a nutrition coach element for meal plans and such that adds about $1 per week onto your paid version depending on the duration.

Freeletics Promo Code

A number of Freeletics promo codes are floating around, but one that may give a 30% discount off the purchase price is FREELETICS_JENNABORON. Noob Gains is not affiliate with Freeletics so you’ll probably be supporting another brand with this code.

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Freeletics FAQs

Is freeletics good for beginners.

Absolutely . Not only do they have various programs for beginners , but those training journeys aren’t all focused on one goal. Some are focused on building muscle, while some help you lose fat, etc. This makes the app incredibly appropriate for beginners, and they don’t overstimulate the user with options to alter their own workouts.

Is Freeletics Good for Building Muscle?

It depends on how hard you work . Any plan will work if you do it well enough, and the same goes for the hypertrophy plans offered by Freeletics for gaining muscle. The app won’t complete all the workouts or do the push-ups and pull-ups for you.

Is Freeletics Worth the Money? (Price)

Yes , even with the most expensive version of $34.99 for a few months of access, the pricing makes sense. This is pretty affordable compared to other training apps considering the customizations, video demo library, among other things included.

How Many Calories Do You Burn with Freeletics?

Firstly, the number of calories you burn will depend on a myriad of factors, such as age, gender, etc. The training sessions, in general, will burn between 200 – 300 calories , depending on which one you go for. If you’re stronger than the average individual, you might burn even more.

Is Freeletics Good for the Gym?

Yes, especially if this is your first workout in a gym . Having a gym membership can be intimidating, but with the guidance the fitness app provides, you should be bangin’ and clangin’ in no time.

Is Freeletics Free?

There is a free version of Freeletics, but it’s limited to specific workouts, exercises, runs, and audio sessions. The paid version, starting at $34.99 for 3 months gives access to everything.

Freeletics Alternatives

Without beating around the bush, the only way Fitbod holds a candle to Freeletics is with its ability to create workouts easier (their UI is better). Over the course of writing this Freeletics review, we’ve discovered the app has more options, has full programs, and offers more adaptability based on all the data of the user.

Apple Fitness Plus

The big thing with this app is, of course, you need an Apple device. That excluded, the Apple Fitness Plus app is relatively okay but like other fitness apps, doesn’t compete on the same level as Freeletics.

Freeletics is a full-blown workout partner with the knowledge, full workout plans, and the ability to track effective workouts. Very few (if any) workout apps can compete…

Isn’t Trainerize done with a coach or PT? You’re right, and the fact is that the Freeletics app is Trainerize without the human being on the other side.

The team who designed the Freeletics workouts and the UI did such a good job that the virtual coach could theoretically replace a whole coach easily. This is something that’s so unbelievable that I might download the app (and not use it because I prefer a pen and book), purely because they deserve the money for their efforts.

Freeletics Reviews

Again, we go to the wonderful world of Reddit to see the unbiased opinions of users. On this thread , a commenter had the following to say:

“I’ve been using Freelethics for three years now and for me, the biggest benefit is the coach and the programming. I don’t have to think about which exercises to perform. I just turn on the app and do what it tells me which makes me exercise consistently. Sure, the exercises are “basic” but in my mind, that doesn’t matter. There are no magic bullet exercises that will get you into shape. Hard work and showing up will though.”

Another thread had the following comment:

“I don’t have pics but went from 84 kg to 68 with Cardio VBurn. Starting with 2 times a week, progressively adding a day whenever I felt it. Ended with 5 days a week, mostly meat-free, no soda.

What have I noticed physically? Less fat… And way more constitution.

In total worked out for about 7 months or so, just restarting Cardio Burn when I finished Hell Week. Currently on a break but eager to start again.”

When you look at all the reviews online, they’re all really good, and most users praise the pre-made Freeletics workout routines. Another factor people love is the ability to edit those plans so they fit the lives of the users (whether that’s using machines or body weight as resistance). Best of both worlds.

Freeletics Before and After

Strong words from us can spur strong opinions, but a picture is worth a thousand words…

So, that’s how many strong opinions? (we’re not doing the math)

Either way, there are some amazing before and after transformations that Freeletics can take credit for. One such transformation comes from forum user siflu89 who turned his soft belly into a chiseled six pack.

There’s an older YouTube video (8 years old to be exact) that’s a montage of various transformations with many of them being pretty impressive. Yes, the messaging is a little cheesy, but damn some of these people really got ripped.

3 Freeletics Pros

They look further than just fat loss.

… which is rare in the world today. Freeletics has quite a few offerings focused on fitness and muscle gain , both of which will lead to fat loss indirectly as well. Combined with the nutrition app, this would lead to better results.

The Paid Subscription is Pretty Low

Their paid subscription isn’t that expensive compared to other key competitors. They also have quite a few different options, which makes choosing an applicable one quite easy. Their marketing is also really tasteful, as a little sidenote…

They Still Offer You the Ability to Adjust Pre-Made Workouts

In other words, you’re never tied down to specific workouts. Not only that, but they ask so many questions to ensure you’re 100% comfortable with the workout before you start it that it’s somewhat impossible not to have the perfect Freeletics workout…

Freeletics Cons

I don’t mean to be that guy… but there are none?

Well, none that are going to bother 99% of the population. In order for you to actually find problems, you’d need to ask the app something it was never developed to do in the first place.

The Freeletics app might not be for professional athletes , but for everyone else, it’s spot on. Professional athletes would also be better off hiring professional coaches, as their needs will change daily.

Again, don’t ask something of something that it was never designed to do in the first place.

Freeletics Reivew – Final Thoughts

Am I really giving the app 5 out of 5 at the risk of losing credibility in our Freeletics review?

You’re damn right I am.

This app meets all the needs that the average user will ever need. The biggest of which is the fact that they have full workout programs planned that will last months, as well as:

  • The ability to adjust and edit those workouts as needed
  • Yes/no questions to make sure they give you a workout program that you can follow sustainably
  • Pricing that’s fair and somewhat cheap
  • They even offer a nutrition app that’ll help you finish the trifecta of fitness (training, diet, and recovery)

When you look at this app at face value, it’s virtually perfect. When you zoom in and try to find smaller details that might be wrong, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a single thing out of place.

Maybe the most experienced of lifters might want to look elsewhere. But that literally means hiring a personalized coach — which runs you $150 per month, minimum.

See what good value the app is now?

Rating: 5.0 out of 5

About Daniel Louwrens, B.S., PT

My name is Daniel Louwrens, and I have been helping people reach their respective fitness goals for the past 8 years. I graduated with a BSc in Chemistry, but found my love and passion in Fitness, Health, and Nutrition. I now coach people online at my own business, but also coach under other businesses such as Sky Calisthenics, Muscle & Brawn, and Lars Fitness.

I want more from my Dumbbell Gain journey

Hi everyone, I have been using Freeletics for 3 years and I’m very happy with it. I started with bodyweight journey, then as soon as dumbells journey became available, I switched to it with the goal to increase the muscle mass. Today I’m running my 5th Dumbell Gain journey. I think my body responded very well and I’ve seen good muscle gain so far. I set the app to train 4 days a week, and I can use many weights - up to 40Kg per dumbell.

My goal is to continue increasing muscle mass for at least another year, but now I’m starting to have some doubts. Being at the 5th Journey, with always the same exercises, I have the feeling that I’m reaching a point were my workout sessions are “too easy” and the progression is slowing down.

There are two reasons:

  • My average sessions is composed by warmup + 2 or 3 exercise groups + abs + cooldown. Many times, the exercises have no more than 2 or 3 sets. I started feeling them too short and sometimes I even add 1 more set simply because… “I can do it”.
  • Speaking about time: the average duration of my workout sessions goes around 45 minutes. I did went to the gym in the past 5-6 years, still doing bodybuilding, and I remember my sessions lasted up to 1 hours and half. The feeling is that, in those gym years, my progresses were faster compared to now.

So, it is not a matter of weights, they are fine for the single set. The problem is the short number of total sets and the general duration of the training session. I’m feeling I need to push harder in order to continue to gain mass.


I think it’s important to:

  • Consider that an average 45 minute session duration is really within the expected session length of this Training Journey (45-60 minutes).
  • Remember that you should indeed feel, after some sessions that it was relatively “easy”. The Coach does not expect you to reach failure after every session.


That being said, there is probably a point where training with really much larger weights is more appropriate if you wish to continue lifting increasingly heavy weights, and something like Barbell Gain may be more suitable.

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Get the app now for free.

Begin working out from home with the Fitness app for bike and dirt bike riders

Training apps became stars to adapt us to exercise at home. In this post, we are going to review Freeletics and some other training apps to tell you what we think about the most popular training apps in the world.

Here you will find comparisons, benefits, cons, and alternatives that apply to everything from getting a well-defined abs pack for the summer, gaining muscle or finishing the MX competition so easy that we almost want another one.

Shall we get started?

The Training Journey

Freeletics starts by showing us what it calls the Training Journey. This is basically where our experience with the app begins, and where we start to customize our training by defining goals.

What are the goals that Freeletics divides us between in its free version?

  • Gain Muscle 
  • Get in shape 
  • Eating better
  • Strengthen the mind

It then moves on to ask us how fit we are or what our level of training is so far. 

The color palette we found in this Freeletics review is quite wide because it ranges from people who if they sit on the floor have trouble getting up, to those who consider themselves advanced athletes.

For example, if you ask it to do a strength-oriented workout , the app might ask you how many push-ups you were able to do to get a clearer benchmark.

In its free version, Freeletics gives you access to a library of exercises, each with a video showing how to do them correctly.

You’ll also see that the exercises are arranged by level, from beginner and intermediate to advanced. 

Freeletics offers a dashboard to view your profile and check your progress.

From this Freeletics review , we can tell you that the workouts are quite intense, considering the average fitness level of the users.

Entrenador revisando Freeletics

Ready to pay for progress? The fitness coach in the app steps in

Let’s say you’re not satisfied with what the free version offers you, you’re falling into the typical gym dullness and you think you need something a little more personalized, something to challenge you. Here steps in “The Coach”.

The Coach is the plus of the paid version of this app. Here the artificial intelligence of Freeletics will adapt to many more factors such as your age, weight, availability, and abilities.

So basically, this coach, is an algorithm that personalizes the app more to your needs ( alike to the POWERING app’s algorithm )

Want to drastically improve how you riding skills?

There are plans to purchase this version that can be for three months, a semester, or a year.

The most important thing about the paid version and what the virtual coach gives you is access to plans. 

In addition to being personalized, you are referred to other applications within Freeletics such as Bodyweight, Gym, Running, and Nutrition.

The workouts in the app don’t have a set time limit. 

But among the other interesting things we noticed in this Freeletics review is that the app measures the time it takes you to do an exercise and compares it with the previous time so that you have a reference of the dynamics of your training.

Freeletics Review

Music and rest adaptations in your Freeletics workout routine

We all like to train with music, don’t we? Well, maybe the best music for our ears is the engine of our machine, but the interesting thing here is that the app can be integrated with Spotify.

One of the complaints about previous versions of this app was the lack of music, but that is no longer a problem.

Or at least it is not for those who have Spotify Premium. The Spotify function can be activated within Freeletics and from there, anyone can choose their own playlist or one of those proposed by the training app itself.

A coach to get back to training: Among other new features, Freeletics now offers a special coach for the return to training. 

Yes, if you have stopped exercising for a while or simply had a long break, the virtual coach (in the paid version) will give you a new plan to get you back on the gas little by little, taking care of the typical injuries caused by lack of training.

Freeletics review. It is worth paying for?

Many people wonder if it really makes sense to pay for what Freeletics offers. 

We are not the ones to lean towards a yes or no because we don’t know about your particular goals, but we’re going to review the most important things that Freeletics gives us and what it still has to offer.

We’ll leave the final answer to you.

  • It’s pretty easy to follow, you won’t usually get lost in the directions the app gives you.
  • The video demonstrations are very good. They give importance to technology and we already know how key it is to maintain a good form if we want to avoid injuries and get the most out of the exercise.
  • The progression that shows you as you progress through the workouts is a plus. By this, we mean that if one day the app makes you lift too much weight, chances are that with your feedback at the end of the class in the comments you can correct it for the next one. That’s very important if you’re training with a virtual trainer.
  • Getting to the point where the app puts together a training program for you is pretty simple. It’s nice to be able to reach that point without wasting so much time and the design of the app responds very well in that sense.


Who does Freeletics work for?

The app is for anyone who wants to train in general to stay in shape and has no specific sports goals. 

It also works well as a “gym” if you have the necessary equipment to do so. The downside is that it doesn’t offer as many variations if you don’t have some elements such as Olympic bars and dumbbells.

The options offered by the app in that case go to the applications inside the application such as Bodyweight exercises or running training.

The app’s dedicated bodyweight feature is great for fitness enthusiasts who don’t have time or are constantly traveling.

If you have a very specific and performance-oriented training goal this app is probably not ideal for you. 

Freeletics training

An alternative for initiate fitness levels, the Nike training app

This app is very good in terms of the number of workouts and the proposal of different workouts according to muscle groups, specially if you level of fitness is not too high. 

It has some variants that Freeletics lacks in terms of workouts with different levels of equipment. 

Its extension with workouts developed by athletes who are part of the Nike firm is an interesting coup for fans.

You’ll come across full yoga, flexibility, and running sessions. 

All of this is great to broaden the spectrum a bit, training is not just about strength, you have to give a lot of attention to aspects such as flexibility.

If you like running or just incorporate it into your endurance training for bikers you will find the Nike Run Club app very useful to track your movements and give you data about your sessions.


The 8 fit app

This app offers you a library of training programs and although it has some functions to customize, like the others it does not adapt to very specific objectives or injuries that the athlete may have.

It does offer a meal plan and some very cool meditation exercises to sleep. 

The bad thing? In the free version, access to workouts is quite limited. It won’t let you customize your workout or get meal plans.

Does it require the equipment?

No, and here is the good trick of 8fit compared to other apps of its kind. It was designed to adapt very well to home exercise and all the workouts are bodyweight.

Again, very interesting if you have a basic fitness level or don’t have specific sports goals. 

The few that are not, only require resistance bands and dumbbells, which is much cheaper and accessible to everyone.

If what you like most about the app are the pilates and yoga exercises (which are great for working on your flexibility and mobility) we recommend having a good mat at home. 

Remember that it is always possible to set up different gym variations depending on the space and money you have . 

Flexibility training

Differences between the POWERING App and other training apps

  • POWERING developed a specific training system for off-road riders, the 8RiderSkills Method.
  • We know what a rider needs for each modality. It doesn’t matter if you are training for trial, motocross, enduro, rally, etc. Each discipline has details that make it unique and training them is what will put you one step ahead of the rest.
  • We don’t focus on goals like fat loss, muscle gain, or maintenance, although these are achieved through meal plans. 
  • We have a hydration calculator designed for off-road sports.
  • Strategic planning: Our app plans based on your schedule and the fitness peaks you need to reach. Traditional training apps aim to increase the load around very general goals, but that won’t work for you if you aim for specific goals. Our mission is that on the day you have a competition, or just want to feel good riding with your friends, you get to 100 percent. 
  • The exercises we work on are aimed at developing the 8 physical skills that every rider needs to develop. 


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The must-have app for amateur riders, get it for free.

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Download the Freeletics app and start your fitness journey

Your goals, your training. Access a personalized training program featuring bodyweight, gym or running workouts - tailored to your level, skill and goals - with our iOS and Android apps.

Freeletics Training App

Efficient workouts for results

Short but intense training sessions for maximum results.

Want to lose weight, gain muscle or just improve your fitness level? With Freeletics, you decide how and when you want to train. Let the digital Coach design short but intense fitness sessions that will deliver the results you’re looking for.

Freeletics Training


  1. Gain muscle with Freeletics! 15 weeks Freeletics result

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  2. Freeletics Gain Muscle Nutrition Guide

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  3. Freeletics Strength Guide

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  4. Exercice du sport en Vidéos : Gym Twin Workout Routine

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  5. AMAZING MAN body TRANSFORMATION Freeletics, Bodyweight to gym MUSCULATION !

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    best freeletics journey for muscle gain


  1. I would like to know the best training journey : r/freeletics

    Best body weight journey for muscle build is probably Weights Free Gain. Shred & Burn is also very good. I think best for gaining muscle mass overall is Barbell Gain. Dumbbell Gain is also great. I haven't tried the kettlebell journey. 3. Reply. Freeletix_is_shorter.

  2. Gain muscle with Freeletics

    There are two things two keep in mind when focused on muscle gain: #1: Aim to get stronger and stimulate muscle growth by challenging the muscles and forcing them to adapt to more repetitions and/or heavier loads. To ensure that you are targeting the correct muscles, you need to focus on executing each exercise with a good technique at all ...

  3. Choose your Freeletics Training Journey

    Select the Journey that best suits your main fitness goal and preferred type of training. Bodyweight Training Journeys: Get started, lose weight, get fit, gain strength. Running Training Journeys: Lose weight, increase endurance and speed, combine running with bodyweight training. Weights Training Journeys: Gain strength, get toned, build muscle.

  4. Best freeletics journey

    Jerzy7 January 1, 2023, 11:13am 1. I am wondering what s the best freeletics journey for me. I am 29 yo, 171cm with 77 kg, body fat 18%, I don't know whether to start shred and burn or weight free gain, I need to lose a little belly fat, very little. I have been training for two year with Freeletics, changed my body and appearance and I m ...

  5. All you need to know about your Dumbbell Training Journey

    As a repetition-based Training Journey, this means that you will be given an exercise to perform and a set number of repetitions to complete. For example, you may be given 4 sets of 12 Dumbbell Bench Presses to perform at a given weight. Because of this format, we have some recommendations for you to make the most out of your Training Journey.

  6. The most effective Freeletics exercises

    Now let's get to the most important question: Which Freeletics exercises can help you lose weight or gain muscle the fastest? In principle, the fastest way to your goal is always a well-rounded training routine where all muscle groups are addressed. ... Burpees are the both the best-loved and most-hated Freeletics exercise. But above all, the ...

  7. My next training journey to gain muscle mass

    Hi, my name is Javier. I am 40 years old and I am 1.83cm tall. After a strong diet and a lot of cardio I have lost a lot of weight (18kg, from 96kg to 78kg), but I have also lost muscle. My goal now is to gain muscle mass but trying not to gain weight and losing the fat that I still have left. I started using Freeletics a few weeks ago and I am about to complete the " Fit For Life ...

  8. Freeletics Journey: 12-15 Weeks Freeletics Transformation

    Freeletics: Crafting Strength and Stamina in 12-15 Weeks. Embark on a transformative fitness journey with Freeletics' 12-15 Week Mastery Plan.. Whether you're a beginner or a fitness enthusiast, this adaptable program caters to all levels, ensuring an achievable and rewarding odyssey towards your fittest self. Before you start the program ...

  9. Bodyweight Training Journeys

    These 6 week training plans are a great way to get familiar with Freeletics exercises and movements by focusing on Interval trainings to build endurance and strength. Fit For Life (M) (F) Cardio** Muscle** - 18 Sessions. The goal of this Training Journey is to help you feel younger and more active by mastering the basics of Freeletics.

  10. Which Journey is best for more aesthetic muscle gain

    ADMIN MOD. Which Journey is best for more aesthetic muscle gain. Hello, I'm about to finish up my first freeletics journey (hybrid strength). I've also been on a cut while doing this. I'm going to do a couple more weeks after I finish of just maintaining my routine, then want to start a new journey while I do a long, slow, clean bulk (about 10% ...

  11. Freeletics Review 2023: Is the App Worth It?

    Freeletics is a fitness app developed by Freeletics GmbH, which also developed Freeletics Nutrition. The app is available on both the App Store and the Google Play Store and currently sits at a rating of around 4.6 stars (as of February 2023). It was developed with one goal in mind — to give users the best digital coaching at the best price ...

  12. Freeletics Training Journeys

    More than your average fitness plans, Freeletics offers Training Journeys. These structured, scientific and creative cycles have been designed to help you achieve your personal goal in the most motivating and efficient way possible. Read on to learn more about the Training Journeys available in your Freeletics app. Whether you just want to ...

  13. Freeletics Weights Journeys

    Freeletics Weights Journeys. Freeletics Weights Journeys are strength-based workout plans that are focused on muscle gain and definition. The training experience is built upon compound lifts as they activate multiple muscle groups with just one movement. These are exercises such as squats, deadlifts, bench press, push press, and rows.

  14. Gain muscle with Freeletics

    There are two things two keep in mind when focused on muscle gain: #1: Aim to get stronger and stimulate muscle growth by challenging the muscles and forcing them to adapt to more repetitions and/or heavier loads. To ensure that you are targeting the correct muscles, you need to focus on executing each exercise with a good technique at all times.

  15. I want more from my Dumbbell Gain journey

    Hi everyone, I have been using Freeletics for 3 years and I'm very happy with it. I started with bodyweight journey, then as soon as dumbells journey became available, I switched to it with the goal to increase the muscle mass. Today I'm running my 5th Dumbell Gain journey. I think my body responded very well and I've seen good muscle gain so far. I set the app to train 4 days a week ...

  16. Update: Freeletics Training Journeys

    Here's what you can expect with our latest update. We recently made improvements to the way you train with the Coach. The Freeletics training system now offers unique, time-framed Training Journeys that cater more to your needs and focus solely on your goals - from beginning to end. Read on to learn about the recent update, and what these ...

  17. Has anyone had success with muscle in the Hybrid Muscle or Barbell Gain

    Weight days will be a few weeks of higher reps (3x8) right into an explosive body weight exercise, followed by a 5-6 weeks of 5x5 with the big lifts, and then wrapping up with a few weeks of 3x3 at a high weight. Then your hell week at the end with no weight days. My first round I added strength, got more explosive, and look better.

  18. Our coaches test famous training apps: Nike, 8fit and Freeletics review

    Training apps became stars to adapt us to exercise at home. In this post, we are going to review Freeletics and some other training apps to tell you what we think about the most popular training apps in the world.. Here you will find comparisons, benefits, cons, and alternatives that apply to everything from getting a well-defined abs pack for the summer, gaining muscle or finishing the MX ...

  19. Intensive workouts & individual training plans

    With Freeletics, you decide how and when you want to train. Let the digital Coach design short but intense fitness sessions that will deliver the results you're looking for. Get a personal Training Journey based on your fitness level. High intensity training: anytime & anywhere. Start training today!

  20. starting freeletics, how do I gain muscle? : r/freeletics

    That´s why bodybuilders diet before contest, even at the expense of losing muscle mass. If you look at the bodies the top male gymnasts have, I believe that is the maximum amount of muscle you can get with Freeletics (and those gymnasts probably train with weights also, and have been training for years, and have very favourable genetics).