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Field Trip Proposal Template: A Comprehensive Guide + Free Template Download + How to Write it

Planning the perfect field trip with a field trip proposal template.

As a teacher or school administrator, organizing a successful and educational field trip requires careful planning and preparation. To ensure that the field trip is beneficial for both students and educators, a well-thought-out proposal is essential. A field trip proposal template serves as a valuable tool in outlining the details of the excursion, including its purpose, learning objectives , logistics, and budget. Unlike a standard proposal, a field trip proposal template is specifically tailored to address the unique considerations and requirements of organizing a school trip . In this article, we will explore the importance of using a field trip proposal template and how it can streamline the planning process for a memorable and enriching educational experience.

Field Trip Proposal Template

Title of field trip proposal, example: exploration of local ecosystems.

Description: Our field trip will involve exploring the various ecosystems in our local area, including a visit to a nearby forest, a river, and a wetland. Students will have the opportunity to observe and learn about the different plant and animal species that inhabit these environments, as well as the importance of preserving and conserving natural habitats.

Educational Objectives : – To understand the interconnectedness of different ecosystems – To learn about native flora and fauna – To appreciate the importance of environmental conservation

Activities: 1. Guided nature walk through the forest 2. Observing and identifying plant and animal species 3. Water quality testing at the river 4. Bird watching at the wetland

Logistics: – Date: April 15th – Location: Local forest, river, and wetland – Duration: 6 hours – Transportation: School bus

Budget: – Transportation: $500 – Guides and educators: $300 – Supplies (binoculars, field guides, water testing kits): $200 – Total: $1000

Rationale: Exploring local ecosystems will provide students with a hands-on learning experience and foster a deeper understanding of the natural world around them. This field trip aligns with our science curriculum and will enhance students’ environmental literacy.

My advice on Title of Field Trip Proposal: Be sure to clearly state the focus and purpose of the field trip in the title. This will give stakeholders a clear understanding of what the proposal entails from the outset.

Risk Assessment for Field Trip

Example: geological field trip.

Hazards: 1. Uneven terrain and rocky outcrops 2. Exposure to the elements (sun, wind, rain) 3. Potential encounters with wildlife 4. Sustaining injuries while hiking

Control Measures: 1. Students will be briefed on safe hiking practices and will be required to wear appropriate footwear. 2. Students will be advised to bring sunblock, hats, and rain gear as needed. 3. Educators will be equipped with bear spray and first aid kits. 4. Students will be encouraged to stay in groups and be mindful of their surroundings during the hike.

Emergency Procedures: – In the event of an injury, educators will have first aid training and will be able to provide immediate medical assistance. – In case of wildlife encounters, students will be instructed on how to react and educators will take necessary precautions to ensure student safety.

Assessment: The risk assessment has been thoroughly reviewed and appropriate control measures have been put in place to ensure the safety of all participants during the field trip.

My advice on Risk Assessment for Field Trip: When conducting a risk assessment , it’s important to identify potential hazards and devise effective control measures to mitigate any risks. This demonstrates a proactive approach to safety and helps to instill confidence in stakeholders.

Consent Form for Field Trip

Example: parent/guardian permission slip for museum field trip.

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We are planning an educational field trip to the local museum to enhance our students’ learning experience. The trip is scheduled for May 1st and will involve guided tours and interactive exhibits related to our history curriculum. We are seeking your permission for your child to participate in this enriching opportunity.

Details of Field Trip: – Date: May 1st – Location: Local museum – Departure time: 9:00 AM – Return time: 3:00 PM – Cost: $10 per student (includes admission and transportation)

Emergency Contact Information : In the event of an emergency, we will contact the primary guardian listed on the school records. Please ensure that your contact information is updated and accurate.

Permission and Consent: I, [Parent/Guardian Name], give permission for my child, [Student Name], to participate in the museum field trip on May 1st. I understand that all reasonable precautions will be taken to ensure my child’s safety and well-being during the trip.

Signature: _ _ _ _ [Parent/Guardian Signature] Date: _ ___

Emergency Contact Information: – Name: _ _ _ – Relationship to student: _ _ _ – Phone number: _ _ _ __

My advice on Consent Form for Field Trip: When creating a consent form, it’s important to provide all necessary details about the field trip, including the purpose, location, and emergency contact information. This ensures that parents/guardians are fully informed and can make an informed decision about granting permission for their child to participate.

Download free Field Trip Proposal Template in Word DocX, Powerpoint PPTX, and PDF. We included Field Trip Proposal Template examples as well.

Download Free Field Trip Proposal Template PDF and Examples Download Free Field Trip Proposal Template Word Document

Download Free Field Trip Proposal Template Powerpoint

How do I fill out the Field Trip Proposal Template?

You can fill out the Field Trip Proposal Template by simply entering the required information in each section of the template. Be sure to provide all necessary details about the proposed field trip, including the purpose, destination, activities, and budget.

What information should be included in the Purpose section of the Field Trip Proposal Template?

In the Purpose section of the Field Trip Proposal Template, you should include a clear and specific explanation of why the field trip is being proposed. This may include educational objectives , cultural enrichment, or team-building activities, depending on the nature of the trip.

Are there any specific guidelines for selecting a destination for the field trip?

When selecting a destination for the field trip, it’s important to consider factors such as the educational value, safety, accessibility, and cost. Additionally, you should ensure that the chosen destination aligns with the purpose of the trip and provides meaningful learning opportunities for the participants.

How should I determine the budget for the proposed field trip?

To determine the budget for the proposed field trip, you should consider costs such as transportation, admission fees, meals, and accommodations (if applicable). It’s important to be thorough and realistic when estimating expenses to ensure that the trip is financially feasible.

What should be included in the Activities section of the Field Trip Proposal Template?

In the Activities section of the Field Trip Proposal Template, you should outline the specific activities and experiences that participants will engage in during the trip. This may include guided tours, workshops, interactive demonstrations, or hands-on learning opportunities.

What is the approval process for the field trip proposal?

The approval process for the field trip proposal may vary depending on the organization or institution. Typically, the proposal will need to be reviewed and approved by relevant stakeholders, such as department heads, school administrators, or event coordinators. It’s important to follow any specific guidelines or protocols for submitting and obtaining approval for the proposed trip.

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Contoh Proposal

Contoh Proposal Field Trip

Field trip merupakan kegiatan yang kerap berlangsung di sekolah. Kegiatan ini membutuhkan proposal sebelum pelaksanaannya. Beberapa contoh proposal field trip bisa disusun dengan format yang berbeda, tergantung lembaga yang membuatnya.

Namun, contoh-contoh tersebut bisa membantu dalam penyusunan proposal kegiatan yang baru. Untuk mendapatkan contoh proposal yang baik dalam menyusun rencana kegiatan field trip, simak informasi lengkapnya berikut ini.

Table of Contents

Pengertian Proposal

Pengertian Proposal

Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), proposal memiliki arti sebagai rencana kegiatan yang tertuang dalam rancangan kerja. Di sisi lain, para ahli juga menjelaskan bahwa proposal memiliki pengertian sebagai rencana yang disusun untuk kegiatan tertentu.

Penyusunan proposal sangat dibutuhkan untuk pelaksanaan sebuah kegiatan. Mulai dari kegiatan umum, pendidikan, hingga kegiatan penelitian semuanya membutuhkan proposal. Maka dari itu, proposal ini harus selesai sebelum kegiatan berlangsung.

Karena berupa rencana, proposal dapat dijadikan sebagai pedoman dalam pelaksanaan setiap kegiatan. Jenis tulisan ini juga bersifat formal dengan bagian yang sistematis. Adapun tujuan dan struktur proposal ini sebagai berikut:

1. Tujuan Penulisan Proposal

Sesuai penjelasan sebelumnya, proposal disusun dengan tujuan utama sebagai rencana tertulis dari sebuah kegiatan. Namun, dibalik tujuan utama tersebut, ada beberapa tujuan lain yang membuat keberadaan proposal sangat penting, di antaranya:

  • Sebagai bentuk pengajuan izin untuk melakukan kegiatan, sebab proposal diajukan kepada pihak terkait.
  • Sebagai bentuk pengajuan bantuan dana kepada sponsor yang berkaitan dengan tema atau tujuan kegiatan.
  • Sebagai bentuk ajakan kerjasama kepada pihak luar yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan.
  • Sebagai bukti tanggung jawab pelaksanaan kegiatan.
  • Sebagai alat evaluasi setelah kegiatan selesai dilaksanakan.
  • Sebagai arahan dalam melaksanakan kegiatan.

2. Struktur Proposal

Proposal akan diajukan kepada berbagai pihak. Karena itu, dokumen penting ini juga berisi tanda tangan dari pihak yang bertanggung jawab terhadap kegiatan. Inilah yang menyebabkan proposal bersifat resmi dan harus disusun secara sistematik.

Secara umum, susunan sistematik atau struktur proposal terdiri dari tiga bagian, yaitu pendahuluan, isi, dan penutup. Pada bagian pendahuluan, akan tercantum latar belakang kegiatan, tujuan, tema kegiatan, serta nama kegiatan.

Sedangkan, bagian isi memuat informasi yang lebih terperinci seputar kegiatan yang akan berlangsung. Beberapa isi tersebut meliputi landasan kegiatan, lokasi, waktu, sasaran kegiatan, susunan acara, susunan panitia, hingga anggaran dana kegiatan.

Terakhir, bagian penutup menyertakan halaman pengesahan dengan tanda tangan pihak terkait. Tidak sedikit pula yang menyertakan lampiran, seperti perhitungan anggaran dana lebih terperinci hingga beberapa bagian yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan dalam penutup ini.

Baca juga: Contoh Proposal Kegiatan Napak Tilas

Pengertian Kegiatan Field Trip

Pengertian Kegiatan Field Trip

Field trip atau kegiatan lapangan merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang membutuhkan proposal. Biasanya, kegiatan ini dilakukan oleh lembaga pendidikan, mulai dari TK hingga universitas. Memahami contoh proposal field trip akan membantu penyusunan proposal ini dengan baik.

Kegiatan ini biasanya dilakukan dengan berkunjung ke berbagai tempat bernilai sejarah, seperti museum atau candi. Tujuannya untuk memberikan pengalaman berwisata dengan nilai pendidikan kepada peserta didik.

Ada juga field trip yang bertujuan untuk mengajak peserta didik merasakan langsung pengalaman melakukan pengamatan. Biasanya, kegiatan ini dilakukan di lokasi yang memiliki sumber daya untuk pengamatan tertentu, misalnya di pantai untuk pengamatan hewan laut.

Baca juga: Contoh Proposal IHT

Contoh Proposal Field Trip Download

Memahami contoh proposal akan membantu proposal sebuah kegiatan ditulis dengan baik dan benar. Pasalnya, contohnya berisi bagian-bagian yang dibutuhkan dalam sebuah proposal. Beberapa contoh proposal yang bisa dijadikan acuan, di antaranya:

Ternyata, field trip sangat penting untuk menunjang proses belajar peserta didik. Kegiatan ini juga membutuhkan proposal sebelum pelaksanaannya berlangsung. Maka dari itu, diperlukan contoh proposal field trip untuk membantu penyusunannya.

  • Contoh Proposal Pemilihan Ketua OSIS
  • Contoh Proposal IHT
  • Contoh Proposal Kegiatan IPNU IPPNU
  • Contoh Proposal Pameran Buku
  • Contoh Proposal Bisnis Jasa Bimbel
  • Contoh Proposal Permohonan WC PAUD
  • Contoh Proposal Gedung Sekolah Swadaya Masyarakat

Photo of author adalah website yang menyediakan contoh proposal berbentuk PDF dan Document siap download dari berbagai kebutuhan mulai dari proposal pendidikan sampai proposal pemerintahan.

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Field Trip Project Proposal Template

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Planning a field trip can be a daunting task, especially when you're trying to get approval from multiple stakeholders. But fear not! ClickUp's Field Trip Project Proposal Template is here to save the day.

With this template, you can easily create a comprehensive project proposal that will impress decision-makers and ensure a successful field trip. Here's how it can help:

  • Clearly outline the objectives, budget, and logistics of your field trip
  • Present a detailed itinerary and schedule to showcase the educational value
  • Collaborate with team members and gather feedback in real-time
  • Track the progress of your proposal and stay on top of deadlines

Whether you're planning a school outing or an educational excursion, ClickUp's Field Trip Project Proposal Template has got you covered. Get started today and make your field trip dreams a reality!

Benefits of Field Trip Project Proposal Template

Planning a successful field trip requires careful organization and coordination. With the Field Trip Project Proposal Template, you can:

  • Clearly outline the purpose, objectives, and logistics of the field trip
  • Provide a detailed budget breakdown to ensure proper allocation of funds
  • Identify potential risks and develop contingency plans to ensure the safety of participants
  • Streamline the approval process by presenting a comprehensive proposal to stakeholders
  • Save time and effort by utilizing a pre-designed template that covers all essential aspects of a field trip project proposal.

Main Elements of Field Trip Project Proposal Template

ClickUp's Field Trip Project Proposal template is the perfect tool to plan and execute successful field trips. Here are the main elements of this Whiteboard template:

  • Custom Statuses: Keep track of the progress of your field trip project with two statuses - Open and Complete, ensuring that all tasks are completed before the trip begins.
  • Custom Fields: Utilize custom fields to capture important information such as trip location, budget, transportation details, and participant details, making it easy to access and organize all necessary information.
  • Custom Views: Access two different views - the Project Proposal view and the Getting Started Guide view. The Project Proposal view allows you to outline the project plan, set goals, and assign tasks, while the Getting Started Guide view provides a step-by-step guide to help you kickstart your field trip project.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Collaborate with your team members, assign tasks, set due dates, and communicate seamlessly within ClickUp to ensure a smooth and successful field trip experience.

How to Use Project Proposal for Field Trip

Planning a field trip can be a complex task, but with the Field Trip Project Proposal Template in ClickUp, you can streamline the process. Follow these 6 steps to create a comprehensive field trip project proposal:

1. Define the purpose and objectives

Start by clearly defining the purpose of the field trip and the specific objectives you hope to achieve. Are you aiming to provide a hands-on learning experience, foster team building, or expose students to a specific industry? Clearly outlining your goals will help guide the rest of the planning process.

Use the Goals feature in ClickUp to create and track your field trip objectives.

2. Identify the target audience

Determine the target audience for your field trip. Is it a school group, a corporate team, or a community organization? Understanding the demographics and interests of your audience will help you tailor the trip to their needs and preferences.

Create custom fields in ClickUp to capture important information about your target audience.

3. Research and select a destination

Research various destination options that align with your objectives and target audience. Consider factors such as accessibility, educational value, safety, and cost. Once you have a shortlist of potential destinations, gather more information about each one to make an informed decision.

Use the Docs feature in ClickUp to compile and compare information about different destination options.

4. Develop an itinerary

Create a detailed itinerary that includes all the activities, visits, and timelines for the field trip. Consider the logistics, such as transportation, meals, and accommodations if necessary. Make sure to include a balance of educational and recreational activities to enhance the overall experience.

Utilize the Calendar view in ClickUp to visually plan and organize your field trip itinerary.

5. Estimate the budget

Determine the estimated budget for the field trip by considering all the expenses involved, including transportation, entry fees, meals, and any additional costs. It's important to be as accurate as possible to ensure that you can secure the necessary funding.

Use the Table view in ClickUp to create a budget spreadsheet and track expenses for your field trip.

6. Prepare the project proposal

Pull all the information together to create a comprehensive project proposal. Include a summary of the purpose and objectives, target audience, destination selection, itinerary, and budget estimate. Clearly communicate the benefits and value of the field trip to gain support and approval from stakeholders.

Use the Docs feature in ClickUp to create a professional and visually appealing project proposal.

By following these 6 steps and utilizing the Field Trip Project Proposal Template in ClickUp, you can effectively plan and present a compelling field trip proposal that meets your objectives and delights your target audience.

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Get Started with ClickUp's Field Trip Project Proposal Template

Teachers and educators can use this Field Trip Project Proposal Template to streamline the process of planning and organizing educational field trips for their students.

First, hit “Get Free Solution” to sign up for ClickUp and add the template to your Workspace. Make sure you designate which Space or location in your Workspace you’d like this template applied.

Next, invite relevant members or guests to your Workspace to start collaborating.

Now you can take advantage of the full potential of this template to plan a successful field trip:

  • Use the Project Proposal View to outline the details of your field trip, including the purpose, destination, and learning objectives.
  • The Getting Started Guide View will help you create a step-by-step plan for organizing and executing the field trip.
  • Organize tasks into two different statuses: Open and Complete, to track progress.
  • Update statuses as you complete tasks to keep team members informed.
  • Assign tasks to team members and set due dates to ensure accountability.
  • Communicate with stakeholders using Docs and Comments to keep everyone in the loop.
  • Monitor and analyze progress to ensure a smooth and successful field trip.

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  • Jail Diversion Project Proposal Template
  • Maintenance and Repair Project Proposal Template
  • Intramural Project Proposal Template
  • Beauty Salon Project Proposal Template
  • Marketing Project Proposal Template

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36+ SAMPLE Field Trip Proposal in PDF | MS Word | Google Docs | Apple Pages

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Field Trip Proposal Template

Download this field trip proposal template design in word, google docs, apple pages format. easily editable, printable, downloadable..

Ensuring that your proposal has all the essential information about your upcoming field trip will help you get the approval. If you need help in creating the proposal, we have created a Field Trip Proposal Template just for you!

Our template has strategically used a simple and brief format complete with details relevant to the purpose of your field trip, significance, schedule, and budget. Our team of professional business writers ensured that the content of this template maintains relevance, brevity, and clarity for higher chances of approval.

No need to stress about the effectiveness of your proposal when you use our editable and printable template. Download now!

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24 Best Ideas for Field Trips for Schools for All Ages

24 Ide Terbaik untuk Karyawisata untuk Sekolah untuk Segala Usia

Leah Nguyen • 08 Agustus 2023 • 6 min merah

Bagian terbaik saat Anda menjadi siswa mungkin adalah melakukan kunjungan lapangan sekolah (tidak ada pekerjaan rumah, tidak ada duduk-duduk menunggu jam istirahat, siapa yang tidak menyukainya?)

Itu sebabnya sebagai seorang guru, datang dengan kunjungan lapangan yang memastikan para siswa memiliki waktu dalam hidup mereka tetapi juga edukatif telah menjadi prioritas utama.

Berikut adalah 24 ide luar biasa untuk kunjungan lapangan untuk sekolah yang menawarkan banyak kesenangan dan pelajaran hebat!

Pentingnya Field Trip dalam Pendidikan

Ide kunjungan lapangan taman kanak-kanak, ide kunjungan lapangan sekolah dasar, ide kunjungan lapangan smp dan sma, ide kunjungan lapangan sekolah rumah, tanya jawab umum (faq).

field trips for schools

Kunjungan lapangan ke sekolah memberikan banyak aspek positif bagi jalur pembelajaran siswa. Mereka bisa:

• Memberikan pengalaman belajar langsung: Siswa belajar paling baik ketika mereka memiliki kesempatan untuk secara langsung mengalami dan berinteraksi dengan apa yang mereka pelajari. Kunjungan lapangan memungkinkan siswa membuat koneksi dunia nyata dengan konsep kelas, misalnya, kunjungan lapangan ke museum sains akan membuat siswa berinteraksi dengan eksperimen nyata yang hanya mereka lihat melalui buku teks.

• Tambahan kurikulum: Kunjungan lapangan dapat melengkapi dan memperkuat apa yang siswa pelajari di kelas. Mengunjungi tempat-tempat yang terkait dengan topik kurikuler membawa pelajaran hidup.

• Kembangkan keterampilan dunia nyata: Kunjungan lapangan memberikan kesempatan bagi siswa untuk melatih keterampilan seperti observasi, pemikiran kritis, kolaborasi, dan komunikasi dalam suasana otentik di luar sekolah.

• Menginspirasi pembelajaran berkelanjutan: Menjelajahi tempat baru dapat memicu keingintahuan dan motivasi siswa untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang topik terkait saat mereka kembali ke kelas. Kunjungan lapangan memicu imajinasi siswa dan rasa ingin tahu yang alami.

• Menumbuhkan pertumbuhan sosial dan emosional: Kunjungan lapangan ke sekolah dalam kelompok memberi siswa kesempatan untuk interaksi sosial, kerja sama tim, tanggung jawab, dan kemandirian – keterampilan yang berkontribusi pada pembelajaran dan pengembangan sosial-emosional.

• Mengekspos siswa ke orang dan tempat baru: Kunjungan lapangan memperluas pengalaman siswa dan keterpaparan pada dunia, membantu mereka membangun latar belakang pengetahuan dan kosa kata. Ini bisa sangat berharga bagi siswa yang kurang terlayani.

Apa Ide Bagus untuk Perjalanan Lapangan?

Dari homeschooling hingga sekolah menengah, kunjungan lapangan ke sekolah ini akan membawa kenangan indah bagi siswa dan memperkaya pengalaman mereka dengan dunia luar.

Field trips for schools - Kindergarten

#1. Kebun Binatang – Anak-anak suka melihat dan belajar tentang berbagai binatang di kebun binatang. Fokus pada pameran binatang dan serangga yang lebih kecil. Anda dapat berkolaborasi dengan kebun binatang agar pemandu wisata berbicara tentang satwa liar dan perilaku hewan.

#2. Peternakan – Melihat hewan ternak dari dekat seperti domba berbulu halus dan kelinci lucu pasti akan memikat semua anak kecil. Mereka juga dapat memetik hasil bumi, dan mengalami kehidupan pedesaan secara langsung. Kebun binatang sangat menyenangkan bagi anak-anak taman kanak-kanak.

#3. Kebun raya – Bunga berwarna-warni, tanaman, dan ruang luar membuat kebun raya menjadi pengalaman yang kaya sensorik bagi anak-anak taman kanak-kanak. Pertimbangkan ruang ramah anak jika tersedia.

#4. Stasiun pemadam kebakaran – Melihat petugas pemadam kebakaran dalam kehidupan nyata seperti mengamati pahlawan super dalam misi, dan si kecil pasti menyukainya! Anak-anak suka melihat truk pemadam kebakaran sungguhan, bertemu petugas pemadam kebakaran, dan mempelajari keselamatan kebakaran dasar. Banyak stasiun menawarkan tur stasiun dan demonstrasi.

#5. Kebun – Memetik dan mencicipi produk segar di kebun buah-buahan menghubungkan anak-anak dengan siklus alam sambil melibatkan banyak indera. Anda dapat menghubungi kebun buah setempat dan menanamnya terlebih dahulu, tetapi berhati-hatilah jika ada anak yang alergi terhadap buah tersebut.

#6. Kelas memasak – Pelajaran memasak atau membuat kue secara langsung memungkinkan anak-anak taman kanak-kanak untuk mengembangkan keterampilan matematika, melek huruf, dan keterampilan motorik halus melalui persiapan makanan dan mengikuti resep.

Field trips for schools - Primary school

#7. Pusat alam – Kunjungan lapangan ke pusat alam memberikan kesempatan bagi anak-anak untuk mengalami dan belajar tentang alam bebas melalui pendakian, aktivitas, dan pameran yang dipandu.

#8. Panti jompo – Kunjungan lapangan lintas generasi ke sekolah memberi anak-anak kesempatan untuk berbicara dan belajar dari senior sambil membawa kegembiraan bagi penghuninya. Anak-anak seusia ini sering terhubung dengan mudah dengan orang tua.

#9. Akuarium – Tangki yang penuh dengan ikan, kura-kura, pari, dan makhluk air lainnya menginspirasi keajaiban siswa sekolah dasar. Banyak akuarium memiliki program interaktif dan kolam sentuh.

#10. Teater – Menonton pertunjukan langsung yang dirancang untuk anak-anak memberi siswa pengenalan seni pertunjukan dengan cara yang interaktif dan menarik.

#11. Berkemah – Berkemah di luar ruangan selama 1 hari menyediakan banyak kegiatan. Pengamatan alam, memasak di luar ruangan (jangan lupakan S'mores), program api unggun, dan permainan akan menghidupkan pengalaman berkemah bagi siswa.

#12. Kunjungan museum virtual – Tidak dapat mengatur kunjungan lapangan tahun ini? Tidak masalah karena ada banyak yang menarik tur museum virtual yang dapat Anda tunjukkan kepada siswa di kelas. Anda dapat melipatgandakan keterlibatan dan diskusi dengan menyelenggarakan kuis interaktif untuk menguji pengetahuan siswa setelahnya.

Selenggarakan game kuis seru dengan AhaSlides

Pelajaran dapat dipelajari dengan cara yang menyenangkan. Buat kuis menarik untuk siswa dengan templat pendidikan gratis kami❗️

Field trips for schools - Middle and high school field trip ideas

#13. Kampus perguruan tinggi – Mengunjungi kampus perguruan tinggi setempat dapat menginspirasi dan memaparkan siswa pada kemungkinan masa depan serta memberikan pengalaman belajar yang menarik.

#14. Museum seni – Museum seni menawarkan pameran dan program yang disesuaikan untuk remaja yang memaparkan mereka kepada seniman baru dan mengembangkan literasi visual dan keterampilan berpikir kritis mereka.

#15. Museum sains – Pameran langsung dan aktivitas interaktif di museum sains menghidupkan konsep dengan cara menarik yang menarik minat remaja.

#16. Proyek layanan masyarakat – Kesukarelawanan sebagai kelas untuk proyek layanan masyarakat mengajarkan keterampilan yang berharga sambil melibatkan siswa dalam masalah dan penyebab sosial yang penting. Anda dapat memilih tempat penampungan hewan, bank makanan, atau tempat penampungan komunitas. Pilihannya tidak terbatas, tergantung pada apa tujuan pembelajaran Anda.

#17. Tur bisnis/industri – Menjelajahi bisnis lokal atau bidang industri yang relevan dengan minat siswa dapat memberikan koneksi dunia nyata dan paparan karier potensial. Hal ini juga mendorong siswa untuk mengetahui pentingnya usaha kecil dalam mendukung perekonomian lokal.

#18. Area rekreasi dalam ruangan – Area ini seringkali dilengkapi dengan aktivitas seru seperti panjat tebing dalam ruangan, zipline, dan permainan petualangan yang akan memacu adrenalin bagi darah muda. Mereka juga memiliki kegiatan membangun tim yang sempurna untuk mempererat dan mempelajari semangat kerja tim.

Field trips for schools - Homeschool field trip ideas

#19. Pasar petani – Ajak anak Anda ke pasar petani setempat untuk belajar tentang hasil bumi, berbicara dengan petani, dan mendapatkan ide untuk makanan. Anak-anak dapat membantu memilih makanan segar untuk dimasak di rumah, menjadikan ini pelajaran ikatan yang menyenangkan.

#20. Lokakarya pengrajin – Mendaftar untuk pelajaran merajut atau merenda kelompok hanya untuk anak-anak. Ini adalah cara langsung yang bagus untuk mempelajari keterampilan hidup yang berguna.

#21. Taman trampolin – Cocok untuk segala usia, taman trampolin adalah pilihan kunjungan lapangan dalam ruangan yang unik untuk pendidikan jasmani dan bersosialisasi selama homeschooling. Anak-anak juga banyak berolahraga.

#22. Studio kerja – Pengrajin seperti ahli keramik, peniup kaca, pekerja kayu, dan lainnya dapat menyambut kelompok siswa untuk mengamati dan belajar dari proses kreatif mereka. Anak-anak datang dengan inspirasi.

#23. Budaya dunia VR – Di era teknologi, kita dapat berkeliling dunia dari kenyamanan rumah kita. Lengkapi anak dengan headset VR dan biarkan mereka menjelajahi berbagai lokasi di seluruh dunia untuk mempelajari setiap budaya yang berbeda secara imersif.

#24. Tempat pertunjukan seni – Teater, ruang orkestra, gedung opera, dan perusahaan tari menawarkan tur di belakang panggung, lokakarya, dan kuliah untuk siswa dari segala usia. Anak-anak dapat terinspirasi oleh proses kreatif.

Dengan perencanaan yang tepat, bimbingan, dan struktur yang sesuai usia, kunjungan lapangan ke sekolah dapat memberi siswa kesempatan untuk belajar langsung, membangun tim, mengembangkan tanggung jawab dan kemandirian, dan melepaskan diri dari dunia luar – semua manfaat pendidikan yang berharga. Pastikan keamanan, kesiapsiagaan, dan tujuan pendidikan diprioritaskan dalam perencanaan Anda.

Apa itu kunjungan lapangan di kelas?

Field trip di dalam kelas adalah tamasya di luar sekolah yang memiliki tujuan pendidikan.

Apa tujuan dari kunjungan lapangan?

Tujuan utama kunjungan lapangan untuk sekolah adalah untuk memberi siswa pengalaman pendidikan di luar buku teks dan ruang kelas yang melengkapi dan memperkuat tujuan kurikuler sambil mengembangkan keterampilan penting dan kecenderungan sosial pada siswa. Kunjungan lapangan menawarkan manfaat “tak terlihat” yang melampaui tujuan akademik langsung.

Bagaimana Anda mengatur kunjungan lapangan sekolah?

Berikut adalah langkah-langkah kunci untuk mengatur kunjungan lapangan sekolah yang sukses: · Identifikasi tujuan pembelajaran · Dapatkan persetujuan administratif · Koordinasi logistik · Rencanakan pelajaran pra-perjalanan · Siapkan pendamping · Melakukan kunjungan lapangan · Melakukan debriefing setelah perjalanan · Mengevaluasi dan meningkatkan.

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Leah Nguyen

Kata-kata yang mengubah, cerita yang melekat. Saya mengubah ide-ide kompleks menjadi narasi yang menarik - membantu audiens belajar, mengingat, dan mengambil tindakan.

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Proposal Field Trip: Menikmati Petualangan Seru di Luar Kelas

Apakah kamu bosan dengan pembelajaran di dalam kelas yang monoton? Jika iya, maka proposal field trip bisa menjadi solusi yang tepat. Field trip adalah kegiatan belajar di luar kelas yang memberikan pengalaman langsung kepada siswa. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas tentang proposal field trip dan manfaat yang bisa didapatkan dari kegiatan ini.

Apa itu Proposal Field Trip?

Proposal field trip adalah dokumen yang berisi rencana kegiatan belajar di luar kelas yang diajukan kepada pihak sekolah atau institusi terkait. Proposal ini mencakup tujuan, rincian kegiatan, anggaran, serta manfaat yang akan didapatkan dari field trip tersebut.

Field trip bisa dilakukan ke berbagai tempat, seperti museum, kebun binatang, taman nasional, pabrik, dan tempat wisata lainnya. Dalam proposal field trip, penting untuk menjelaskan tujuan dari kegiatan ini, baik itu terkait dengan mata pelajaran tertentu atau pengembangan sosial dan keterampilan siswa.

Manfaat Proposal Field Trip

Proposal field trip memiliki manfaat yang sangat penting dalam pendidikan siswa. Beberapa manfaat tersebut antara lain:

1. Pengalaman Belajar yang Langsung

Dengan melakukan field trip, siswa dapat belajar secara langsung melalui pengalaman nyata di lapangan. Mereka dapat melihat, merasakan, dan mengamati langsung objek yang sedang dipelajari. Hal ini akan memperkuat pemahaman siswa terhadap materi pelajaran.

2. Pengembangan Keterampilan Sosial

Selain pembelajaran akademik, field trip juga dapat membantu mengembangkan keterampilan sosial siswa. Mereka akan belajar bekerja dalam kelompok, berkomunikasi dengan teman sekelas, dan berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar. Hal ini akan membantu meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam beradaptasi dan bekerjasama dengan orang lain.

3. Memperluas Wawasan dan Pengetahuan

Melalui field trip, siswa dapat memperluas wawasan dan pengetahuan mereka di luar materi pelajaran yang diajarkan di kelas. Mereka dapat mengetahui lebih dalam tentang topik tertentu, seperti sejarah, lingkungan, seni, dan lain sebagainya. Hal ini akan membuat mereka lebih tertarik dan termotivasi dalam belajar.

4. Memotivasi Siswa dalam Belajar

Field trip dapat menjadi momen yang menyenangkan bagi siswa. Mereka dapat belajar sambil bermain dan menikmati petualangan di luar kelas. Hal ini akan meningkatkan motivasi dan minat siswa terhadap pembelajaran. Ketika siswa merasa senang dan tertarik, mereka akan lebih mudah untuk mengingat dan memahami materi pelajaran.

5. Menciptakan Kenangan yang Berharga

Field trip juga merupakan kesempatan untuk menciptakan kenangan yang berharga bagi siswa. Mereka akan mengalami petualangan seru bersama teman sekelas dan guru. Kenangan ini akan membekas dalam ingatan mereka dan menjadi pengalaman belajar yang tak terlupakan.

Cara Membuat Proposal Field Trip yang Efektif

Untuk membuat proposal field trip yang efektif , ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan:

1. Tentukan Tujuan dan Manfaat

Jelaskan dengan jelas tujuan dari field trip dan manfaat yang akan didapatkan oleh siswa. Hal ini akan membantu meyakinkan pihak sekolah atau institusi terkait untuk menyetujui proposal.

2. Rincian Kegiatan

Sertakan rincian kegiatan yang akan dilakukan selama field trip. Misalnya, kunjungan ke museum, kegiatan observasi di alam, atau partisipasi dalam workshop tertentu. Jelaskan juga metode pembelajaran yang akan digunakan selama kegiatan ini.

3. Anggaran dan Sumber Dana

Proposal field trip juga harus mencakup anggaran yang dibutuhkan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan ini. Jelaskan dengan jelas sumber dana yang akan digunakan, baik itu dari pihak sekolah, sponsor, atau partisipasi siswa.

4. Persiapan dan Keselamatan

Jelaskan persiapan apa saja yang perlu dilakukan sebelum field trip dilaksanakan. Sertakan juga langkah-langkah keamanan yang akan diambil selama kegiatan ini, untuk menjaga keselamatan siswa.

5. Evaluasi dan Tindak Lanjut

Proposal field trip juga harus mencakup evaluasi yang akan dilakukan setelah kegiatan selesai. Jelaskan bagaimana hasil dari field trip ini akan dievaluasi dan bagaimana tindak lanjutnya.

Proposal field trip adalah dokumen yang penting dalam mengajukan kegiatan belajar di luar kelas. Melalui field trip, siswa dapat memperoleh pengalaman belajar yang langsung, mengembangkan keterampilan sosial, memperluas wawasan dan pengetahuan, serta meningkatkan motivasi dalam belajar. Dengan menyusun proposal field trip yang efektif , diharapkan kegiatan ini dapat disetujui oleh pihak sekolah atau institusi terkait, sehingga siswa dapat menikmati petualangan seru di luar kelas.

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Monday 31 July 2017

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The Charnel-House

From bauhaus to beinhaus.

proposal field trip sma

Le Corbusier’s project for the Palace of the Soviets (1928-1931)

The radiant city: elements for a doctrine of urbanism for the machine age  (1933), le corbusier.

The Main Auditorium: an audience of 15,000. Open-air platform: 50,000 people. And perfectly regulated acoustics. Small auditorium: 6,500 people. Huge crowds can move about at their case of the esplanade. Cars are on a lower level; the parking lot is beneath the auditoriums.

General ground-level plan: The natural declivities of the ground are left untouched. Automobiles are assigned a circuit on either side, in the open or underground. The circuit leads to the various entrances: an automatic classification of all visitors. Pedestrians never come into contact with cars. (There can be 25,000 people inside the Palace, and 50,000 more on the open-air platform).

Le Corbusier’s sketches of the Palais des Soviets

proposal field trip sma

1932: Project for the Palace of the Soviets in Moscow

1928-1931 moscow classified traffic system.

The ground is devoted to movement: pedestrians, cars.

Everything above the ground (the buildings) is devoted to stability.

No similarity between the two. The ground beneath the buildings must be freed, for regular streams of cars and lakes of pedestrians. The streams flow directly to certain entrances; the pedestrians are widely scattered. This makes for a new economy of layout.

The streams of cars can flow in sunken beds or along elevated highways. Starting 5 meters above the ground, buildings take on definite shape. Distribution of traffic has been achieved below, on the ground.

Here, the dynamic functions: distribution of sorts of traffic.

(Pilotis on the ground level).

Here, the static function is expressed by offices, club, and auditorium. 1928. Palace of Light Industry (first called the Tsentrosoiuz) in Moscow. Now built.

Master plan for the urbanization of the city of Moscow

. In 1931, Moscow officials sent me a questionnaire, admirably thought out, about the city’s reorganization. If only all cities would send out such questionnaires! Their lot would be improved.

The theoretical drawings of the “Radiant City” were made in order to answer this questionnaire. They form a theory of urbanization for modern times.

My “Answer to Moscow” caused an unexpected reaction: its technical aspects were hailed in flattering terms. But the cornerstone of my work was freedom of the individual, and this was held against me. Doctrinal vehemence prevented any worthwhile discussion. Capitalist? bourgeois? proletarian? My only answer is a term expressing my line of conduct and my ingrained revolutionary attitude: human . My professional duty, as architect and city planner, is to achieve what is human .

Charitable colleagues — Frenchmen, too, and far from being “Reds” — proclaimed to all who would listen or read, “that I wanted to destroy Moscow.” Whereas they themselves, if only they were called upon, would, etc.…

The plate which appears opposite (last in the “Radiant City” series), is not a program for Moscow’s destruction but on the contrary, for its construction. It shows zoning and axes of movement along which the city could gradualIy achieve a position of supple ease, expansion without difficulty, and so forth. This plate shows a specimen of urban biology.

So far, only the International Congress for Modem Architecture, the C.I.A.M. has required its members to seek the lines of vital communication which can bring a city into efficient contact with its surrounding region. (A task which will fall to the 5th Congress).

Corbu’s iconic model of the Palais des Soviets

proposal field trip sma

Palace of the Soviets in Moscow

. The administration building, on the left, is independent of the ground. Not only is the ground freed but, moreover, the expanse of open space beneath the building forms a highly architectural frame for the landscape seen in the background.

On the right, impressive ramps lead the way to the open-air platform for 50,000 people.

By contrast, 15,000 can reach the main auditorium from ground level by means of a continuous inclined plane, becoming concave until it reaches the seats. No stairways, not even a single step can be tolerated in a public building — and certainly not “monumental” stairways!

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proposal field trip sma

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Home » Europe » Moscow

EPIC MOSCOW Itinerary! (2024)

Moscow is the heart of Mother Russia. Just the mention of this city conjures images of colorful bulbous pointed domes, crisp temperatures, and a uniquely original spirit!

Moscow has an incredibly turbulent history, a seemingly resilient culture, and a unique enchantment that pulls countless tourists to the city each year! Although the warmer months make exploring Moscow’s attractions more favorable, there’s just something about a fresh snowfall that only enhances the appearance of the city’s iconic sites!

If you’re a first-time visitor to Moscow, or simply wanting to see as much of the city as possible, this Moscow itinerary will help you do just that!

proposal field trip sma

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Best Time To Visit Moscow

Where to stay in moscow, moscow itinerary, day 1 itinerary in moscow, day 2 itinerary in moscow, day 3 and beyond, staying safe in moscow, day trips from moscow, faq on moscow itinerary.

Here is a quick look at the seasons so you can decide when to visit Moscow!

The summer months (June-August) are a great time to travel to Moscow to take advantage of the enjoyable mild temperatures. This is considered peak travel season. Bear in mind that hotel prices rise along with the temperatures!

when to visit moscow

If you’re planning a trip to Moscow during fall (September-November) try to plan for early fall. This way the temperatures will still be pleasant and winter won’t be threatening.

Russian winters (December-February) are not for the faint of heart as Napoleon learned to his peril. Some days the sun will be out for less than an hour, and snow is guaranteed. Although winters are exceptionally cold, this is when you’ll get a true glimpse of the Moscow experience!

The best time to visit Moscow is during spring  (March-May). The temperatures will begin to creep up and the sun begins to shine for significant portions of the day. Hotel rates will also have yet to skyrocket into peak ranges!

proposal field trip sma

With a Moscow City Pass , you can experience the best of Moscow at the CHEAPEST prices. Discounts, attractions, tickets, and even public transport are all standards in any good city pass – be sure invest now and save them $$$ when you arrive!

Moscow is a large city with many accommodation options to choose from. Staying in a location that fits with your travel plans will only enhance your Moscow itinerary. Here is a brief introduction to a few great areas of the city we recommend checking out!

The best place to stay in Moscow to be close to all the action is Kitay-Gorod. This charming neighborhood will put you within walking distance to Moscow’s famous Red Square, thus cutting down on travel time. This will allow you to see more of the city in a shorter amount of time!

where to stay in moscow

It’s surrounded by restaurants, cafes, bars, and shops. If you’re a first-time visitor to Moscow, or just planning a quick weekend in Moscow, then this area is perfect for you!

Another great area to consider is the Zamoskvorechye district. This area of the city offers a blend of new and old Moscow. It has an artsy vibe and there are plenty of fun sites you can explore outside of the main touristy areas of Moscow.

Of course, as in all areas of Moscow, it’s close to public transportation that will quickly connect you with the rest of the city and make your Moscow itinerary super accessible!

Best Airbnb in Moscow – Exclusive Apartment in Old Moscow

Exclusive Apartment in Old Moscow

Modern and cozy, this apartment is in the heart of Old Moscow. Bordering the Basmanny and Kitay-Gorod districts, this two-bedroom flat is walking distance to the Kremlin and Red Square. Safe, quiet, and comfortable, this is the best Airbnb in Moscow, no question!

Best Budget Hotel in Moscow – Izmailovo Alfa Hotel

moscow itinerary

The Izmailovo Alfa Hotel is a very highly rated accommodation that provides all the components necessary for a comfortable trip to Moscow. There is an on-site restaurant, bar, fitness center, and an airport shuttle service. The rooms are modern and spacious and are equipped with a TV, heating/air conditioning, minibar, and more!

Best Luxury Hotel in Moscow – Crowne Plaza Moscow World Trade Centre

moscow itinerary

If you’re touring Moscow in luxury, the Crowne Plaza Moscow World Trade Centre is the hotel for you! Elegantly furnished rooms are equipped with a minibar, flat-screen TV,  in-room safes, as well as tea and coffee making facilities! Bathrooms come with bathrobes, slippers, and free toiletries. There is also an onsite restaurant, bar, and fitness center.

Best Hostel in Moscow – Godzillas Hostel

moscow itinerary

Godzillas Hostel is located in the center of Moscow, just a short walk from all the major tourist attractions and the metro station. Guests will enjoy all the usual hostel perks such as self-catering facilities, 24-hour reception, Free Wi-Fi, and security lockers. This is one of the best hostels in Moscow and its wonderful social atmosphere and will make your vacation in Moscow extra special!

Godzillas Hostel is one of our favourites in Moscow but they’re not taking guests right now. We’re not sure if they’re closed for good but we hope they’ll come back soon.

An important aspect of planning any trip is figuring out the transportation situation. You’re probably wondering how you’re going to get to all of your Moscow points of interest right? Luckily, this sprawling city has an excellent network of public transportation that will make traveling a breeze!

The underground metro system is the quickest and most efficient way to travel around Moscow. Most visitors rely exclusively on this super-efficient transportation system, which allows you to get to pretty much anywhere in the city! It’s also a great option if you’re planning a Moscow itinerary during the colder months, as you’ll be sheltered from the snow and freezing temperatures!

moscow itinerary

If you prefer above-ground transportation, buses, trams, and trolleybuses, run throughout the city and provide a rather comfortable alternative to the metro.

Moscow’s metro, buses, trams, and trolleybuses are all accessible with a ‘Troika’ card. This card can be topped up with any sum of money at a metro cash desk. The ticket is simple, convenient, and even refundable upon return to a cashier!

No matter which method you choose, you’ll never find yourself without an easy means of getting from point A to point B!

Red Square | Moscow Kremlin | Lenin’s Mausoleum | St. Basil’s Cathedral  | GUM Department Store

Spend the first day of your itinerary taking your own self guided Moscow walking tour around the historic Red Square! This is Moscow’s compact city center and every stop on this list is within easy walking distance to the next! Get ready to see all of the top Moscow landmarks!

Day 1 / Stop 1 – The Red Square

  • Why it’s awesome: The Red Square is the most recognizable area in Moscow, it has mesmerizing architecture and centuries worth of history attached to its name.
  • Cost: Free to walk around, individual attractions in the square have separate fees. 
  • Food nearby: Check out Bar BQ Cafe for friendly service and good food in a great location! The atmosphere is upbeat and they’re open 24/7!

The Red Square is Moscow’s historic fortress and the center of the Russian government. The origins of the square date back to the late 15th century, when Ivan the Great decided to expand the Kremlin to reflect Moscow’s growing power and prestige!

During the 20th century, the square became famous as the site for demonstrations designed to showcase Soviet strength. Visiting the Red Square today, you’ll find it teeming with tourists, who come to witness its magical architecture up close!

The Red Square

The square is the picture postcard of Russian tourism, so make sure to bring your camera when you visit! No matter the season, or the time of day, it’s delightfully photogenic! 

It’s also home to some of Russia’s most distinguishing and important landmarks, which we’ve made sure to include further down in this itinerary. It’s an important center of Russia’s cultural life and one of the top places to visit in Moscow!

In 1990, UNESCO designated Russia’s Red Square as a World Heritage site. Visiting this historic site is a true bucket-list event and essential addition to your itinerary for Moscow!

Day 1 / Stop 2 – The Moscow Kremlin

  • Why it’s awesome: The Moscow Kremlin complex includes several palaces and cathedrals and is surrounded by the Kremlin wall. It also houses the principal museum of Russia (the Kremlin Armory).
  • Cost: USD $15.00
  • Food nearby: Bosco Cafe is a charming place to grat a casual bite to eat. They have excellent coffee and wonderful views of the Red Square and the Moscow Kremlin!

The iconic Moscow Kremlin , also known as the Kremlin museum complex, sits on Borovitsky Hill, rising above the Moscow River. It is a fortified complex in the center of the city, overlooking several iconic buildings in the Red Square!

It’s the best known of the Russian Kremlins – citadels or fortress’ protecting and dominating a city. During the early decades of the Soviet era, the Kremlin was a private enclave where the state’s governing elite lived and worked.

The Kremlin is outlined by an irregularly shaped triangular wall that encloses an area of 68 acres! The existing walls and towers were built from 1485 to 1495. Inside the Kremlin museum complex, there are five palaces, four cathedrals, and the enclosing Kremlin Wall with Kremlin towers.

The Armoury Chamber is a part of the Grand Kremlin Palace’s complex and is one of the oldest museums of Moscow, established in 1851. It showcases Russian history and displays many cherished relics. Definitely make sure to check out this museum while you’re here!

The Moscow Kremlin

The churches inside the Moscow Kremlin are the Cathedral of the Dormition, Church of the Archangel, Church of the Annunciation, and the bell tower of Ivan Veliki (a church tower).

The five-domed Cathedral of the Dormition is considered the most famous. It was built from 1475–1479 by an Italian architect and has served as a wedding and coronation place for great princes, tsars, and emperors of Russia. Church services are given in the Kremlin’s numerous cathedrals on a regular basis.

The Grand Kremlin Palace was the former Tsar’s Moscow residence and today it serves as the official workplace of the President of the Russian Federation (Vladimir Putin seems to have bagged that title for life) .

Insider Tip: The Kremlin is closed every Thursday! Make sure to plan this stop on your Moscow itinerary for any other day of the week!

Day 1 / Stop 3 – Lenin’s Mausoleum

  • Why it’s awesome: The mausoleum displays the preserved body of Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin .
  • Cost: Free!
  • Food nearby: Khinkal’naya is a charming Georgian restaurant with vaulted ceilings and exposed brick. It’s a popular place with locals and right next to the Red Square!

Lenin’s Mausoleum, also known as Lenin’s Tomb, is the modernist mausoleum for the revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin. It’s located within the Red Square and serves as the resting place for the Soviet leader! His preserved body has been on public display since shortly after his death in 1924.

It’s located just a few steps away from the Kremlin Wall and is one of the most controversial yet popular Moscow attractions!

Admission is free for everyone, you’ll only need to pay if you need to check a bag. Before visitors are allowed to enter the mausoleum, they have to go through a metal detector first. No metal objects, liquids, or large bags are allowed in the mausoleum!

Lenins Mausoleum

Expect a line to enter the building, and while you’re inside the building, you’ll be constantly moving in line with other visitors. This means you won’t be able to spend as long as you’d like viewing the mausoleum, but you’ll still be able to get a good look. Pictures and filming while inside the building are strictly prohibited, and security guards will stop you if they see you breaking this rule.

The mausoleum is only open on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday – unless it’s a public holiday or a day scheduled for maintenance. The hours it’s open for each day are limited, make sure to check online before you visit to make sure you can fit this into your Moscow itinerary for that day!

Insider Tip: The Lenin’s Museum is there for people to pay their respect; remember to keep silent and move along quickly, it’s not intended for people to congregate around. Also, men are not allowed to wear hats and everyone must take their hands out of their pockets when inside the building.

Day 1 / Stop 4 – St. Basil’s Cathedral

  • Why it’s awesome: A dazzling designed cathedral that showcases Russia’s unique architecture. This cathedral is one of the most recognizable symbols of the country!
  • Cost: USD $8.00
  • Food nearby: Moskovskiy Chaynyy Klub is a cozy cafe serving food items and pipping hot tea; it’s the perfect place to go if you’re visiting Moscow during the winter months!

Located in the Red Square, the ornate 16th-century St. Basil’s Cathedral is probably the building you picture when you think of Moscow’s unique architecture. Its colorful onion-shaped domes tower over the Moscow skyline!

The cathedral was built from 1555-1561 by order of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. It was designed with an iconic onion dome facade and enchanting colors that captivate all who see it. Fun fact: If you’re wondering why Russian churches have onion domes, they are popularly believed to symbolize burning candles!

This iconic cathedral has become a symbol of Russia due to its distinguishing architecture and prominent position inside the Red Square. It’s one of the most beautiful, wonderful, and mesmerizing historical cathedrals in the world!

St. Basils Cathedral

The interior of the church surprises most people when they visit. In contrast to the large exterior, the inside is not so much one large area, but rather a collection of smaller areas, with many corridors and small rooms. There are 9 small chapels and one mausoleum grouped around a central tower.

Visiting the inside is like walking through a maze, there are even small signs all around the cathedral tracing where to walk, and pointing you in the right direction! The walls are meticulously decorated and painted with intricate floral designs and religious themes.

The church rarely holds service and is instead a museum open for the public to visit.

Insider Tip: During the summer months the line to go inside the cathedral can get quite long! Make sure to arrive early or reserve your tickets online to guarantee quick access into the cathedral!

Day 1 / Stop 5 – GUM Department Store

  • Why it’s awesome: This is Russia’s most famous shopping mall! It’s designed with elegant and opulent architecture and provides a real sense of nostalgia!
  • Cost: Free to enter
  • Food nearby: Stolovaya 57 is a cafeteria-style restaurant with a variety of inexpensive Russian cuisine menu items including soups, salads, meat dishes, and desserts. It’s also located inside the GUM department store, making it very easily accessible when you’re shopping!

The enormous GUM Department Store is located within the historic Red Square. It has a whimsical enchantment to it that sets it apart from your typical department store.

A massive domed glass ceiling lines the top of the building and fills the interior with natural sunlight. There are live plants and flowers placed throughout the mall that give the shopping complex a lively and cheerful feel! A playful fountain sits in the center, further adding to the malls inviting a sense of wonder and amusement!

The GUM department store opened on December 2, 1893. Today, it includes local and luxury stores, including Fendi, Louis Vuitton, Prada, and many more! There are numerous cafes, restaurants, and even a movie theater inside!

GUM Department Store

For a special treat, head into Gastronom 1. This 1950s-style shop sells gourmet food items, like wine, freshly-baked pastries, cheese, Russian chocolate, and of course, vodka! Also, be on the lookout for a bicycle pedaling ice cream truck with an employing selling ice cream!

The ambiance is simply amazing, a trip to this idyllic shopping mall is an absolute must on any Moscow itinerary!

Insider Tip: Make sure to carry some small change on you in case you need to use the restroom, you’ll need to pay 50 rubles – or about USD $0.80 to use the bathroom in GUM.

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Novodevichy Convent | Gorky Park | State Tretyakov Gallery | All-Russian Exhibition Center | Bolshoi Theater

On your 2 day itinerary in Moscow, you’ll have a chance to use the city’s excellent public transportation service! You’ll explore a few more of Moscow’s historic highlight as well as some modern attractions. These sites are a little more spread out, but still very easily accessible thanks to the metro!

Day 2 / Stop 1 – Novodevichy Convent

  • Why it’s awesome: The Novodevichy Convent is rich in imperial Russian history and contains some of Russia’s best examples of classical architecture!
  • Cost: USD $5.00
  • Food nearby: Culinary Shop Karavaevs Brothers is a cozy and simple place to have a quick bite, they also have vegetarian options!

The Novodevichy Convent is the best-known and most popular cloister of Moscow. The convent complex is contained within high walls, and there are many attractions this site is known for! 

The six-pillared five-domed Smolensk Cathedral is the main attraction. It was built to resemble the Kremlin’s Assumption Cathedral and its facade boasts beautiful snowy white walls and a pristine golden onion dome as its centerpiece. It’s the oldest structure in the convent, built from 1524 -1525, and is situated in the center of the complex between the two entrance gates.

There are other churches inside the convent as well, all dating back from many centuries past. The convent is filled with an abundance of 16th and 17th-century religious artworks, including numerous large and extravagant frescos!

Novodevichy Convent

Just outside the convent’s grounds lies the Novodevichy Cemetery. Here, you can visit the graves of famous Russians, including esteemed authors, composers, and politicians. Probably the most intriguing gravestone belongs to Russian politician Nikita Khruschev!

The Novodevichy Convent is located near the Moscow River and offers a peaceful retreat from the busy city. In 2004, it was proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The convent remains remarkably well-preserved and is an outstanding example of Moscow Baroque architecture! 

Insider Tip: To enter the cathedrals inside the complex, women are advised to cover their heads and shoulders, while men should wear long pants.

Day 2 / Stop 2 – Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure

  • Why it’s awesome: A large amusement area in the heart of the city offering many attractions!
  • Cost: Free! 
  • Food nearby: Check out Mepkato, located inside Gorky Central Park for a casual meal in a cozy setting. There are indoor and outdoor seating options and the restaurant is child-friendly!

Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure is a large green space in the heart of Moscow. The park opened in 1928, and it stretches along the scenic embankment of the Moskva River. It covers an area of 300-acres and offers a lovely contrast from the compact city center.

You’ll find all sorts of wonderful attractions, from boat rides to bike rentals to tennis courts and ping-pong tables, and much more! there are an open-air cinema and festive events and concerts scheduled in the summer months.  A wide selection of free fitness classes is also offered on a regular basis, including jogging, roller skating, and dancing!

Although many of the options you’ll find here are more suited for outdoor leisure during the summer, you’ll also a selection of winter attractions, including one of Europe’s largest ice rinks for ice-skating!

Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure

If you’re trying to decide what to do in Moscow with kids, the park also offers several venues designed specifically for kids. Check out the year-round Green School which offers hands-on classes in gardening and art! You can also feed the squirrels and birds at the Golitsinsky Ponds!

The park is very well maintained and kept clean and the entrance is free of charge, although most individual attractions cost money. There is also Wi-Fi available throughout the park.

With so many attractions, you could easily spend all day here! If you’re only planning a 2 day itinerary in Moscow, make sure to plan your time accordingly and map out all the areas you want to see beforehand!

Day 2 / Stop 3 – The State Tretyakov Gallery

  • Why it’s awesome: The gallery’s collection consists entirely of Russian art made by Russian artists!
  • Food nearby : Brothers Tretyakovs is located right across the street from the gallery. It’s a wonderfully atmospheric restaurant serving top quality food and drinks!

The State Tretyakov Gallery was founded in 1856 by influential merchant and collector Pavel Tretyakov.  The gallery is a national treasury of Russian fine art and one of the most important museums in Russia!

It houses the world’s best collection of Russian art and contains more than 130, 000 paintings, sculptures, and graphics! These works have been created throughout the centuries by generations of Russia’s most talented artists!

The State Tretyakov Gallery

The exhibits range from mysterious 12th-century images to politically charged canvases. The collection is rich and revealing and offers great insight into the history and attitudes of this long-suffering yet inspired people!

All pictures are also labeled in English. If you plan to take your time and see everything inside the museum it will take a good 3-4 hours, so make sure to plan your Moscow trip itinerary accordingly! This gallery is a must-see stop for art lovers, or anyone wanting to explore the local culture and history of Russia in a creative and insightful manner! 

Insider Tip: When planning your 2 days in Moscow itinerary, keep in mind that most museums in Moscow are closed on Mondays, this includes The State Tretyakov Gallery!

Day 2 / Stop 4 – All-Russian Exhibition Center

  • Why it’s awesome: This large exhibition center showcases the achievements of the Soviet Union in several different spheres. 
  • Food nearby: Varenichnaya No. 1 serves authentic and homestyle Russian cuisine in an intimate and casual setting.

The All-Russian Exhibition Center is a massive park that presents the glory of the Soviet era! It pays homage to the achievements of Soviet Russia with its many different sites found on the property.

The center was officially opened in 1939 to exhibit the achievements of the Soviet Union. It’s a huge complex of buildings and the largest exhibition center in Moscow. There are several exhibition halls dedicated to different achievements and every year there are more than one hundred and fifty specialized exhibitions!

All Russian Exhibition Center

The Peoples Friendship Fountain was constructed in 1954 and is a highlight of the park. The stunning gold fountain features 16 gilded statues of girls, each representing the former Soviet Union republics. 

The Stone Flower Fountain was also built in 1954 and is worth checking out. The centerpiece of this large fountain is a flower carved from stones from the Ural Mountains! Along the side of the fountain are various bronze sculptures.

You will find many people zipping around on rollerblades and bicycles across the large area that the venue covers. It’s also home to amusement rides and carousels, making it the perfect place to stop with kids on your Moscow itinerary! Make sure to wear comfortable shoes and allow a few hours to explore all the areas that interest you!

Day 2 / Stop 5 – Bolshoi Theater

  • Why it’s awesome: The Bolshoi Theater is a historic venue that hosts world-class ballet and opera performances!
  • Cost: Prices vary largely between USD $2.00 –  USD $228.00 based on seat location.
  • Food nearby: Head to the Russian restaurant, Bolshoi for high-quality food and drinks and excellent service!

The Bolshoi Theater is among the oldest and most renowned ballet and opera companies in the world! It also boasts the world’s biggest ballet company, with more than 200 dancers!

The theater has been rebuilt and renovated several times during its long history. In 2011 it finished its most recent renovation after an extensive six-year restoration that started in 2005. The renovation included an improvement in acoustics and the restoration of the original Imperial decor.

The Bolshoi Theater has put on many of the world’s most famous ballet acts! Tchaikovsky’s ballet Swan Lake premiered at the theater in 1877 and other notable performances of the Bolshoi repertoire include Tchaikovsky’s The Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker!

Bolshoi Theater

Today, when you visit the theater, you can expect a magical performance from skilled singers, dancers, and musicians with the highest level of technique!

If you don’t have time to see a show, the theater also provides guided tours on select days of the week. Tours are given in both Russian and English and will provide visitors with a more intimate look at the different areas of the theater!

The stage of this iconic Russian theater has seen many outstanding performances. If you’re a fan of the performing arts, the Bolshoi Theater is one of the greatest and oldest ballet and opera companies in the world, making it a must-see attraction on your Moscow itinerary!

moscow itinerary

Godzillas Hostel

Godzillas Hostel is located in the center of Moscow, just a short walk from all the major tourist attractions and the metro station.

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Cosmonautics Museum | Alexander Garden | Ostankino Tower | Izmaylovo District | Soviet Arcade Museum

Now that we’ve covered what to do in Moscow in 2 days, if you’re able to spend more time in the city you’re going to need more attractions to fill your time. Here are a few more really cool things to do in Moscow we recommend!

Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics

  • Hear the timeline of the ‘space race’ from the Russian perspective
  • This museum is fun for both adults and children!
  • Admission is USD $4.00

The Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics is a museum dedicated to space exploration! The museum explores the history of flight, astronomy, space exploration, space technology, and space in the arts. It houses a large assortment of Soviet and Russian space-related exhibits, and the museum’s collection holds approximately 85,000 different items!

Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics

The museum does an excellent job of telling the full story of the exciting space race between the USSR and the US! It highlights the brightest moments in Russian history and humanity and is very interesting and fun for all ages!

If you’re a fan of space or just curious about gaining insight into Russia’s fascinating history of space exploration, make sure to add this to your 3 day itinerary in Moscow!

The Alexander Garden

  • A tranquil place to relax near the Red Square
  • Green lawns dotted with sculptures and lovely water features
  • The park is open every day and has no entrance fee

The Alexander Garden was one of the first urban public parks in Moscow! The garden premiered in 1821 and was built to celebrate Russia’s victory over Napoleon’s forces in 1812!

The park is beautiful and well maintained with paths to walk on and benches to rest on. The park contains three separate gardens: the upper garden, middle garden, and lower garden.

The Alexander Garden

Located in the upper garden, towards the main entrance to the park is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with its eternal flame. This monument was created in 1967 and contains the body of a soldier who fell during the Great Patriotic War!

The park stretches along all the length of the western Kremlin wall for about half a mile. Due to its central location in the city, it’ll be easily accessible when you’re out exploring The Red Square.

It provides a bit of relief from the city’s high-energy city streets. Bring a picnic lunch, go for a walk, or just sit and people watch, this is one of the best Moscow sites to wind-down and relax!

Ostankino Television Tower

  • Television and radio tower in Moscow
  • Currently the tallest free-standing structure in Europe
  • Make sure you bring your passport when you visit, you can’t go up without it!

For spectacular views of the city, make sure to add the Ostankino Television Tower to your itinerary for Moscow! This impressive free-standing structure provides stunning views of the city in every direction. The glass floor at the top also provides great alternative views of the city!

Ostankino Television Tower

It takes just 58 seconds for visitors to reach the Tower’s observation deck by super fast elevator. The tower is open every day for long hours and is a great site in Moscow to check out! There is even a restaurant at the top where you can enjoy rotating views of the city while you dine on traditional Russian cuisine or European cuisine!

The tower is somewhat of an architectural surprise in a city that is not known for skyscrapers! To see the city from a new perspective, make sure to add this stop to your Moscow itinerary!

Izmaylovo District

  • The most popular attractions in this district are the kremlin and the flea market
  • Outside of the city center and easy to reach via metro
  • Most popular during the summer and on weekends

Travel outside the city center and discover a unique area of the city! The Izmaylovo District is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, and one of the coolest places to see in Moscow! The two main attractions we recommend checking out are the Kremlin and the flea market.

The Izmailovo Kremlin was established as a cultural center and molded after traditional Russian architecture. This colorful complex is home to several single-subject museums, including a Russian folk art museum and a vodka museum!

Izmaylovo District

Next to the Kremlin is the Izmailovo open-air market, which dates back to the 17th century! The market is connected to the Izmailovo Kremlin by a wooden bridge. Pick up all your Russian souvenirs here, including traditional handicrafts, paintings, books, retro toys, and Soviet memorabilia!

You will find many hand-made and hand-painted options available at higher prices, as well as mass-produced souvenir options at lower prices!

Museum of Soviet Arcade Games

  • Closed on Mondays
  • Filled with old arcade games that visitors get to try out!
  • The museum also includes a small cafe and burger shop

For something a little different, check out the Museum of Soviet Arcade Games! The museum features roughly 60 machines from the Soviet era, including video games, pinball machines, and collaborative hockey foosball! The machines inside the museum were produced in the USSR in the mid-1970s.

Museum of Soviet Arcade Games

The best part is, most of the games are still playable! Purchase tickets and try the games out for yourself! The museum also has a neat little screening room that plays old Soviet cartoons and an area with Soviet magazines! This unique attraction is a fun addition to a 3 day itinerary in Moscow, and an attraction that all ages will enjoy! 

Whether you’re spending one day in Moscow, or more, safety is an important thing to keep in mind when traveling to a big city! Overall, Moscow is a very safe place to visit. However, it is always recommended that tourists take certain precautions when traveling to a new destination!

The police in Moscow is extremely effective at making the city a safe place to visit and do their best to patrol all of the top Moscow, Russia tourist attractions. However, tourists can still be a target for pickpockets and scammers.

Moscow has a huge flow of tourists, therefore there is a risk for pickpocketing. Simple precautions will help eliminate your chances of being robbed. Stay vigilant, keep your items close to you at all times, and don’t flash your valuables!

If you’re planning a solo Moscow itinerary, you should have no need to worry, as the city is also considered safe for solo travelers, even women. Stay in the populated areas, try and not travel alone late at night, and never accept rides from strangers or taxis without a meter and correct signage.

The threat of natural disasters in Moscow is low, with the exception of severe winters when the temperature can dip below freezing! Bring a good, warm jacket if you visit in Winter.

However, please note that Russian views on homsexuality are far less accepting than those in Western Europe. Likewise, Non-Caucasian travellers may sadly encounter racism in Russia .

Don’t Forget Your Travel Insurance for Moscow

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Now that we’ve covered all the top things to see in Moscow, we thought we’d include some exciting day trips to other areas of the country!

Sergiev Posad (Golden Ring)

Sergiev Posad Golden Ring

On this 7-hour guided tour, you’ll visit several scenic and historic areas of Russia. Start your day with hotel pick-up as you’re transferred by a comfortable car or minivan to Sergiev Posad. Admire the charming Russian countryside on your drive and enjoy a quick stop to visit the Russian village, Rudonezh!

You’ll see the majestic Saint Spring and the Church of Sergiev Radonezh. You’ll also visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, one of the most famous Orthodox sites in Russia!

Lastly, you’ll swing by the local Matreshka market and enjoy a break in a nice Russian restaurant before returning to Moscow!

Day Trip to Vladimir and Suzdal

Day Trip to Vladimir and Suzdal

On this 13-hour trip, you’ll discover old Russia, with its picturesque landscapes and white-stoned beautiful churches! You’ll visit the main towns of the famous Golden Ring of Russia – the name for several cities and smaller towns north-east of Moscow.

Your first stop will be in the town of Vladimir, the ancient capital of all Russian principalities. The city dates back to the 11th century and is one of the oldest and the most important towns along the Ring! Next, you’ll visit Suzdal, a calm ancient Russian town north of Vladimir with only 13,000 inhabitants!

The old-style architecture and buildings of Suzdal are kept wonderfully intact. If you’re spending three days in Moscow, or more, this is a great option for exploring the charming areas outside the city!

Zvenigorod Day Trip and Russian Countryside

Zvenigorod Day Trip and Russian Countryside

On this 9-hour private tour, you’ll explore the ancient town of Zvenigorod, one of the oldest towns in the Moscow region! As you leave Moscow you’ll enjoy the stunning scenery along the Moscow River, and make a few stops at old churches along the way to Zvenigorod.

Upon arrival, you’ll explore the medieval center, including the 14th-century Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery. Next, you’ll take a break for lunch (own expense) where you’ll have the chance to try out the Russian cuisine! Next, you’ll visit the Museum of Russian Dessert and sip on tea at a Russian tea ceremony.

The final stop of the day is at the Ershovo Estate, a gorgeous place to walk around and enjoy nature!

Day Trip to St Petersburg by Train visiting Hermitage & Faberge

Day Trip to St Petersburg by Train visiting Hermitage and Faberge

On this full-day tour, you’ll enjoy a a full round trip to St Petersburg where you’ll spend an exciting day exploring another popular Russian city! You’ll be picked up from your hotel in Moscow and be transferred to the train station where you’ll ride the high-speed train ‘Sapsan’ to St Petersburg.

Upon arrival, you’ll start the day by touring the Hermitage Museum and the Winter Palace. Next, you’ll visit the Faberge Museum, where you’ll explore the impressive collection of rare Faberge Eggs! In the afternoon, enjoy a sightseeing boat ride and a traditional 3-course Russian lunch.

If you’re spending 3 days in Moscow, or more, this is an excellent trip to take!

Trip to Kolomna – Authentic Cultural Experience from Moscow

Trip to Kolomna - Authentic Cultural Experience from Moscow

On this 10-hour tour, you’ll escape the city and travel to the historic town of Kolomna! First, you’ll visit the 14th-century Kolomna Kremlin, home to the Assumption Cathedral and an abundance of museums!

Next, enjoy lunch at a local cafe (own expense) before embarking on a tour of the Marshmallow Museum – of course, a marshmallow tasting is provided!  Your final stop is the Museum of Forging Settlements, where displays include armor and accessories for fishing and hunting.

Discover this beautiful Russian fairytale city on a private trip, where all of the planning is taken care of for you!

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Find out what people want to know when planning their Moscow itinerary.

How many days you need in Moscow?

We recommend that you spend at least two or three days in Moscow to take it all in.

What’s the best month to visit Moscow?

The best time to visit Moscow is over the spring, from March to May as temperatures are mild, crowds are thin and prices are reasonable.

What are some unusual things to do in Moscow?

I mean, queuing up to see an almost 100 year old corpse is pretty unsual! Check out Lenin’s Mausoleum if you fancy it!

What are some fun things to do in Moscow?

The Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics is a fun place to explore the famous space race from the perspective of the ‘other side’!

We hope you enjoyed our Moscow itinerary! We’ve made sure to cover all the Moscow must-sees as well as some unique attractions in the city! Our addition of insider tips, favorite food stops, and day trips from Moscow is an added bonus and will guarantee you make the most out of your exciting Russian vacation!

Immerse yourself in the modern and traditional Russian lifestyle! Get lost in museums, witness awe-inspiring architecture, and indulge in Russian cuisine! Spend the day strolling through all of the charming sites of Moscow, admiring the beautiful scenery and discovering the city’s fairytale-like enchantment!

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And for transparency’s sake, please know that some of the links in our content are affiliate links . That means that if you book your accommodation, buy your gear, or sort your insurance through our link, we earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you). That said, we only link to the gear we trust and never recommend services we don’t believe are up to scratch. Again, thank you!

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Moscow Tours & Travel Packages 2024/2025

Our 63 most popular moscow trips. compare tour itineraries from 45 tour companies. 308 reviews. 4.7/5 avg rating., popular moscow tours.

St Petersburg & Moscow in Style - Winter

St Petersburg & Moscow in Style - Winter

  • Explore the majestic St Petersburg & Moscow on private city tours
  • Admire the rich Russian history, art and architecture
  • Travel to Moscow on a highspeed train
  • Enjoy the local cuisine in stylish restaurants

Golden Ring of Russia

Golden Ring of Russia

Lower Volga Voyage

Lower Volga Voyage

  • Visit magnificent Red Square and Kremlin and examine the collection at theKremlin’s State Armory.
  • Experience Russia’s diverse musical traditions at lively folk music performances
  • Explore Volgograd, the site of the decisive battle of World War II’s eastern front

Best of Russia

Best of Russia

Volga Dream Russian River Cruise

Volga Dream Russian River Cruise

Highlights of Russia

Highlights of Russia

St Petersburg & Moscow in Style - Summer

St Petersburg & Moscow in Style - Summer

White Russian - 7 days

White Russian - 7 days

  • Discover Moscow's UNESCO-listed Red Square, home to spectacular St Basil’s Cathedral, Lenin's Mausoleum and the historic GUM Department store
  • Explore the grounds of Moscow's mighty Kremlin, with its numerous governmentbuildings, gold-domed cathedrals and the giant tsar bell
  • Celebrate New Year's Eve in Moscow!
  • Take in the highlights of St Petersburg including a guided tour of the exquisite Church on Spilled Blood, Peter & Paul Fortress and Cathedral
  • Take a guided tour of the remarkable Hermitage Museum at the Winter Palace

All Moscow , expedition cruises, self guided adventures and vacation packages. Find the best guided and expert planned vacation and holiday packages. Read more about Moscow

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Small Group Moscow Tours

Small Group Moscow Tours

Vodka Shot - 6 days

  • Explore the beautiful city of St Petersburg, including the exquisite Church on Spilled Blood, Peter & Paul Fortress and Nevsky Prospekt
  • Marvel at the dazzling array of art and exhibits in the world-famous Hermitage Museum, at the Winter Palace in St Petersburg
  • Discover a lavish residence of the tsars on a day trip to Catherine Palace at Tsarkoe Selo (winter: mid-October to April) or Peterhof Palace and gardens (summer: May to mid-October)
  • Take in the highlights of the capital on a walking tour, visiting Moscow's famous Red Square, home to the historic GUM Department Store, Lenin’s Mausoleum and spectacular St Basil’s Cathedral
  • Take a guided tour of the Moscow Kremlin, Russia’s political power house. Stroll around the grounds of this fortified complex, visit the Kremlin's cathedrals and see the mighty Tsar Bell

Route of the Romanovs - 10 days

Route of the Romanovs - 10 days

  • Learn about the last days of the Romanovs in Yekaterinburg, visiting the sites where Tsar Nicolas II and his family were assassinated and buried
  • Straddle two continents at the famous obelisk Europe/Asia border marker in Yekaterinburg
  • Experience the Trans-Siberian railway on an overnight train journey from Moscow to Yekaterinburg

New Year's in Moscow - 9 days

New Year's in Moscow - 9 days

  • Visit Catherine Palace at Tsarkoe Selo on Christmas Day and marvel at the incredible Amber Room
  • Spend a night in Novgorod, an ancient city by the Volkhov River - explore the kremlin, cathedral and other sights and enjoy a traditional Russian banya (sauna)

Back in the USSR - 7 days

Back in the USSR - 7 days

Russian Revolution - 9 days

Russian Revolution - 9 days

  • Visit historic Novgorod, an ancient city which straddles the Volkhov River. Explore the attractive riverside kremlin and experience a traditional Russian banya (sauna)

The Snowball - 6 days

The Snowball - 6 days

  • Visit Catherine Palace at Tsarkoe Selo and marvel at the incredible Amber Room

Mood for Moscow - 4 days

Mood for Moscow - 4 days

  • Head underground to visit a Stalinist-era Soviet Bunker on an optional excursion
  • Stroll to the vibrant Izmailovo Market, which lies behind the walls of an ancient Kremlin, and shop for an array of souvenirs

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Moscow reviews & ratings, capitals of the north.

some hotels could have been better

It was jam packed with every place I wanted to go and see. I especially love my photo of us setting out on the night time river cruise in St Petersburg and the Peter...

I really did not buy much and what I did buy was small gifts for others .


Good hotels, some better than others. Interesting itinerary

Too rushed. Optional tour rather too short

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    2019. PROPOSAL PhD BIDANG HADITH. Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin. Proposal PhD Degree Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin Tahun: 2015-2019 Tajuk: Isu Keselamatan Makanan Menurut Perspektif Hadith: Analisis Terhadap Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana di Lembah Klang. Download Free PDF. View PDF. PP NO 66 2015 MUSEUM. Museum Anatomi FKUAJ. Download Free PDF.

  2. Field Trip Proposal Template: A Comprehensive Guide + Free Template

    Planning the Perfect Field Trip with a Field Trip Proposal Template. As a teacher or school administrator, organizing a successful and educational field trip requires careful planning and preparation. To ensure that the field trip is beneficial for both students and educators, a well-thought-out proposal is essential. A field trip proposal template serves as a valuable tool in outlining the ...

  3. √ Contoh Proposal Field Trip (Download PDF & DOCS)

    Contoh Proposal Field Trip. Field trip merupakan kegiatan yang kerap berlangsung di sekolah. Kegiatan ini membutuhkan proposal sebelum pelaksanaannya. Beberapa contoh proposal field trip bisa disusun dengan format yang berbeda, tergantung lembaga yang membuatnya. Namun, contoh-contoh tersebut bisa membantu dalam penyusunan proposal kegiatan ...

  4. Contoh Proposal Field TRIP

    lembaga pendidikan di kota Medan, SMA Al Fityan Medan berupaya mengembangkan kemampuan anak didiknya dalam kegiatan Field Trip. Kegiatan ini diarahkan dalam upaya pencapaian tujuan belajar dengan menciptakan suatu lingkungan atau kondisi yang baru dan sesuai dengan kenyataan yang ada. Hal ini akan berkaitan dengan proses KBM. Dengan

  5. Field Trip Project Proposal Template

    ClickUp's Field Trip Project Proposal template is the perfect tool to plan and execute successful field trips. Here are the main elements of this Whiteboard template: Custom Statuses: Keep track of the progress of your field trip project with two statuses - Open and Complete, ensuring that all tasks are completed before the trip begins. ...

  6. 36+ SAMPLE Field Trip Proposal in PDF

    Step 1: Choose A Topic. Before you can make a field trip proposal, you must first pick a topic for the Tour. Find a topic that will be interesting for the kids. Choose something that can enhance the learning objectives of the students. Pick something where you can have any activity that can be fun for all the kids.


    Proposal ini merencanakan field trip kelas XI MIA 1 dan XI MIA 2 SMA Al Fityan Medan ke Wisata Mangrove Kampung Nipah pada 3 November 2022. Tujuannya adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa bidang MIPA dan cakrawala berpikir melalui pengalaman langsung di wisata alam tersebut. Siswa akan belajar sejarah, budidaya, dan manfaat mangrove serta membuat video dokumentasi sebagai tugas.

  8. 36+ SAMPLE Field Trip Proposal in PDF

    Permit Chaperone: In the select trip proposal, you can state that children can get a supervisors. with parents will get so they can go with their children go the field trip, they can like the trip preferable. possessing a chaperone is a good thing since to school will not be solely responsible for of safety for the kids. Because they can ...

  9. Proposal Field Trip

    Proposal kegiatan field trip SMA Adria Pratama Mulya berisi rencana pelaksanaan kunjungan belajar siswa kelas X dan XI ke Kawasan Wisata Terpadu Cakrawala Nuansa Nirwana, Bogor pada tanggal 28-30 April 2017. Tujuannya adalah meningkatkan pemahaman siswa terhadap materi pelajaran melalui praktik langsung di lapangan dengan tema "Fun Education".

  10. Proposal Kegiatan Fieldtrip Sma Bungaraya

    Scribd adalah situs bacaan dan penerbitan sosial terbesar di dunia.

  11. Field Trip Proposal Template

    If you need help in creating the proposal, we have created a Field Trip Proposal Template just for you! Our template has strategically used a simple and brief format complete with details relevant to the purpose of your field trip, significance, schedule, and budget. Our team of professional business writers ensured that the content of this ...

  12. SMA Aisyiyah 1 palembang: PROPOSAL FIELD TRIP

    Peserta. Peserta terdiri dari siswa berjumlah 280 dan 12 guru pendamping. 8. Susunan Panitia (terlampir) Demikianlah Proposal Field Trip SMA 'Aisyiyah 1 Palembang ke Graha Teknologi Jaka Baring, semoga kegiatan ini dapat bermanfaat dan berjalan dengan lancar sesuai dengan harapan kita bersama. Palembang, Februari 2013.

  13. Proposal Kegiatan Field Trip

    Proposal Kegiatan Field Trip | PDF. Scribd adalah situs bacaan dan penerbitan sosial terbesar di dunia.

  14. PDF Penerapan Metode Field Trip Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Penguasaan

    PENERAPAN METODE FIELD TRIP SEBAGAI UPAYA MENINGKATKAN PENGUASAAN KONSEP DAN KECERDASAN NATURALISTIK SISWA PADA MATERI TUMBUHAN BERBIJI ... Sahabat satu almamater SMA Negeri 1 Singaparna, Siti Sharah yang selalu memberikan dukungan dan tidak pernah lelah mendengarkan keluh kesah penulis. 15. Teman seperjuangan Departemen Pendidikan Biologi 2015 ...

  15. SMA Call for Proposals

    Call for Standard Observing Proposals -2021A Semester: Now Closed. SMA expects the call for semester 2021B to be released in Jun/July 2021. Questions or comments regarding the Standard Observing Proposals can be addressed to. [email protected] .

  16. PDF Laporan Field Study Kota Yogyakarta Universitas Gadjah Mada Batik

    kegiatan field study, kami diberi tugas untuk membuat sebuah laporan dalam bentuk karya ilmiah mengenai yang dikunjungi di Kota Yogyakarta, yang diantaranya adalah Universitas Gadjah Mada, Batik Allussan dan Desa Wisata Krebet. B. Rumusan Masalah Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas, maka rumusan masalah dalam karya ilmiah

  17. 24 Ide Terbaik untuk Karyawisata untuk Sekolah untuk Segala Usia

    Kunjungan lapangan ke sekolah- Ide kunjungan lapangan sekolah dasar. #7. Pusat alam - Kunjungan lapangan ke pusat alam memberikan kesempatan bagi anak-anak untuk mengalami dan belajar tentang alam bebas melalui pendakian, aktivitas, dan pameran yang dipandu. #8. Panti jompo - Kunjungan lapangan lintas generasi ke sekolah memberi anak-anak ...

  18. Proposal Field Trip: Menikmati Petualangan Seru di Luar Kelas

    Untuk membuat proposal field trip yang efektif, ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan: 1. Tentukan Tujuan dan Manfaat. Jelaskan dengan jelas tujuan dari field trip dan manfaat yang akan didapatkan oleh siswa. Hal ini akan membantu meyakinkan pihak sekolah atau institusi terkait untuk menyetujui proposal. 2.

  19. TEACHER MY ADVENTURE: Contoh Proposal Kegiatan Fieldtrip di SMP

    Contoh Proposal Kegiatan Fieldtrip di SMP. PROPOSAL FIELD TRIP 2017. GOES TO PELITA VILLAGE CISEENG BOGOR. SMP ISLAM AL SYUKRO UNIVERSAL. Jalan Otista Raya Gg. H. Ma'ung No. 30 Kec. Ciputat. Kota Tangerang Selatan (15411) Telp. (021) 7443322 Fax. 7443526. 2017. A. PENDAHULUAN.

  20. Le Corbusier's project for the Palace of the Soviets (1928-1931)

    It was one of the last modern structures erected in Russia. Le Corbusier's design for the Palace of the Soviets (1931) fell within the period of Stalinist reaction. With the ceiling of the great hall suspended on wire cables from a parabolic curve, it was Le Corbusier's boldest accomplishment up to that time.

  21. EPIC MOSCOW Itinerary! (2024 Guide)

    EPIC MOSCOW Itinerary! (2024) Moscow is the heart of Mother Russia. Just the mention of this city conjures images of colorful bulbous pointed domes, crisp temperatures, and a uniquely original spirit! Moscow has an incredibly turbulent history, a seemingly resilient culture, and a unique enchantment that pulls countless tourists to the city ...

  22. AVSIM Library

    AVSIM Library - Search Results. in AVSIM File Library and below. Moscow City X DEMO is a very detailed model of Moscow metropolitan area in Russia, together with lite sceneries of 7 airports (UUWW Vnukovo, UUDD Domodedovo, UUBW Zhukovski, UUMO Ostafyevo, UUBM Myachkovo and UUMB Kubinka), many heliports and thousands of buildings. This product ...

  23. Top Moscow Tours & Vacations 2024/2025 [reviews & photos]

    Moscow Tours & Travel Packages 2024/2025. Our 63 most popular Moscow trips. Compare tour itineraries from 45 tour companies. 308 reviews. 4.7/5 avg rating. Choose your trip style: