World Orphans

Learn to walk with the vulnerable

“For even as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. ” Mark 10:45

Go on a vision trip

World Orphans Vision Trips encourage, educate, and empower team members toward further advocacy on behalf of the vulnerable, and provide post-trip opportunities for individuals, teams, or churches.

How vision Trips Work

A Trip Experience . . . pre-trip, on-field, and post-trip.

1 - Pre-trip: Learn and Seek

Preparation for each vision trip will vary slightly based on the individuals going on the vision trip, the goals, the leader, and various other factors. Participants will receive a World Orphans handbook as well as other materials to read prior to the trip. Trip leaders and/or other World Orphans staff will lead video calls to facilitate introductions, answer questions and provide training and discussion. Whether it is your very first trip, or you have been many times before, we strongly encourage making time to pray, think, and talk through heart preparation.  We encourage you to take responsibility for digging deeper on a personal level to explore what God is doing in your heart, particularly in regards to this trip. Preparation is an important part of the process and we look forward to working with team members to prepare for each vision trip. 

2 - On-field: Fellowship and Serve

World Orphans trips are highly relational. While vision trips will vary depending on location and goals of the visit, they will include time with our staff learning about the heart of our ministry as well as learning about the day to day impact our staff and church partners are having on the community. You will likely enjoy meals and meetings with some of the church leaders we partner with, and you may have the opportunity to meet caregivers on the receiving end of the church’s ministry. Depending on location and time of year, you may have the opportunity to serve some of our pastors, home based care coordinators, or loan recipients through a nice meal, a special outing, a worship service or a conference/retreat style program. Leave your construction clothes at home and be prepared for good food and fellowship and lots of listening and learning.

3 - Post-trip: Defend and Advocate

We hope that the conclusion of your vision trip is just another step in your overall journey of advocating on behalf of the vulnerable. After all you have learned and experienced, what is God calling you to do? What’s the long-term impact of your trip on you and your church and your community?

After time with brothers and sisters from other cultures, we often find ourselves encouraged as well as challenged. This time may lead us to discover the structures and systems that often trap people in poverty and injustice all throughout the world.  Discoveries like that will often challenge us to confront our own role and contribution to this injustice, whether through our inaction or more actively through our consumer choices, our levels of consumption, etc. Just as Christ came to make all things new, we too are called to work to change those systems, and even our own personal habits, for the sake of those we have come to know and love, and others who share the same challenges.  What’s the next step after your trip?  

World Orphans has various opportunities for you to engage and partner with us at a deeper level.  

1- Join us as an Empowerment Partner, giving monthly as an individual donor to make an impact in the lives of vulnerable families.

2- Join us as a Business Partner, partnering your business to help empower families through economic empowerment. 

3- Join us as a Church Partner, partnering your church with an international church, growing in relationship as you work together to care for orphans and vulnerable families. 

The goal is ACTION. We desire to see you inspired to put your gifts, abilities, resources, and heart into motion to help raise awareness, encourage others to join you in the cause, raise funds to meet various needs, disciple others regarding God’s heart for the fatherless, and mobilize your church to partner with our ministry to empower more churches around the world to rescue and care for orphans. Check out this brief video as you consider what action looks like for you.

Just think. If the church would do what God has commanded us to do in Scripture, would there be an orphan crisis? If every church around the world were mobilized, empowered, and equipped with the resources they need to reach out to their own communities, would there be millions of vulnerable children with no home or family? We invite you to join us in the cause to defend and fight for the orphan by empowering the local church.

Where do Vision teams travel and how long are the trips?

Vision teams typically travel to Guatemala, Ethiopia or Iraq. You can read more about World Orphans ministry in those countries here: Ethiopia , Guatemala , Iraq .

Length of trip varies depending on location and goals of the trip. A Guatemala trip is typically 4-5 days. An Ethiopia or Iraq trip is typically 5-7 days.

Why are vision trips invitation only?

We believe there can be great value relationally in taking trips so partners can spend time together. We also recognize that historically (even recent history) traditional short term trips have caused unintended harm. (We recommend Helping Without Hurting in Short Term Missions if you would like to read more on that topic.) While we love giving people the chance to see our ministry model first hand and meet our incredible international staff and partners, we want to be good stewards and honor relationships with each church, family, and community we serve and keep a strong context of relationship. To that end, outside of committed church partnership, our trips are by invitation only.

Can I bring someone like a fellow pastor or business associate with me?

This is definitely a possibility. We love to network. If you have been invited to participate in a vision trip and have an idea of someone else who would be interested, feel free to contact your trip leader directly and talk with them about the possibility of extending the invitation to one of your contacts.


The trip costs include training materials, airfare, transportation, lodging, travel insurance, ministry supplies, interpreters, visa (if necessary), food, return COVID testing (when necessary) and administrative fees. The only extra money you will need on the field is for souvenirs, sightseeing, or other personal spending not mentioned in the items above. Please note that pre-trip expenses that you incur to prepare for travel are NOT reimbursable with money donated to World Orphans on your behalf. These expenses include, but are not limited to, passport fees, vaccinations, pre-trip COVID test, or other medical expenses, postage/shipping, and phone calls.

How do I cover the cost of the trip?

Each trip and team member has a unique code that allows us to track trip funds. Your team leader will provide you with funding instruction. If you are self-funding, it will be a simple process to submit the funds, including the code that will designate the funds to your trip.

If you would like to fundraise to cover the cost of the trip, World Orphans will provide an online link and instructions for you to personalize and use (via emails, social media, etc.) to gather electronic or check donations. Additionally, World Orphans Mobilization can provide a template for writing a support letter, promoting your vision trip to those around you, and organizing other fundraising events. World Orphans Mobilization is available to assist with fundraising questions.

What are the purpose and goals of a vision trip?

The purpose of a vision trip is to educate, equip, and inspire individuals, church and business leaders, and others, in a deeper love for the orphan, the vulnerable family, and the Global Church. The goal would be to encounter God through our ministry first hand and mobilize trip participants in greater advocacy for the orphan and vulnerable family.

What training and preparation is provided for team members?

As mentioned above, participants will receive a World Orphans handbook as well as other materials to read prior to the trip, and there will be video calls as well. Team members are expected to thoroughly read material that is provided, and team members can expect that World Orphans will answer any questions. World Orphans uses Managed Missions, an online tool geared specifically towards short-term trips, to collect applications as well as house all important information – once you are invited to a trip and apply, World Orphans Mobilization will walk you through logistics of trip preparation as well as work with your team leader on heart level preparation.

How will the effectiveness of a vision trip be measured?

Vision Trips exist to educate and equip believers who are burdened for the vulnerable to move into the role of advocate in some form as a result of their visit with our partners. An effective Vision Trip results in compassionate, proactive advocates. Additionally, all Vision Trips will be evaluated according to The Seven Standards of Excellence as developed by the Standards of Excellence in Short-Term Mission (SOE) .

Can I fund a ministry leader to go on a vision trip?

Absolutely. There are times when finances are a significant barrier to a pastor or other ministry leader participating in a vision trip. For those with the resources to do so, World Orphans Mobilization would welcome the opportunity to provide instructions for submitting funds specifically to cover the cost of a ministry leader participating in a vision trip.

orphans humanitarian trips

Standards of Excellence in Short Term Mission

The Standards of Excellence (SOE) in Short-Term Mission  is an accrediting and resourcing body for those who send, receive, facilitate, and support short-term mission (STM) endeavors.

By adopting the Standards of Excellence in Short-Term Mission and displaying the SOE logo, World Orphans demonstrates that our STMs strive for Christ-centered and effective missions strategies, partnerships, and stewardship. 

As an accredited member, we meet the highest best practice standards established for short-term missions, showing our commitment to quality and excellence in STM.

orphans humanitarian trips

Lebanon Educational Center School Project

Emergency fund for palestinians refugees in eygpt.

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Learn more about our 2024 projects

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How can I serve locally?

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How Can I Help?

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Follow us on instagram @hopehumanitarian as we bring you the latest updates from our trips.

Some of our favorite moments from our trip to Turkey. Follow our next trip!

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We hope you're getting excited to serve! You DO make a difference. Come join us today!

  • Expeditions

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orphans humanitarian trips

  • Our Volunteers

orphans humanitarian trips

International Charity Trips

Volunteer overseas through wcf charity trips.

Seeking purpose through service? Do you want to do something to help people in need, but aren’t sure where to start? World Care Foundation (WCF) will put you at the heart of where you can make a lasting difference.

Through charity trips, we deploy volunteers to countries where people are in desperate need of assistance. WCF volunteers support refugees and other vulnerable people, by taking part in our aid work and development projects. These include:

  • Distributions in refugee camps.
  • Support visits to vulnerable families.
  • Repairing and/or relocating refugee homes.
  • Hands-on activities to help refugees.
  • Social and moral support for orphans and refugee children through fun activities.

Our volunteers are people like us, who believe in helping others, without compromising their dignity. If that describes you, then sign up with WCF charity trips. You’ll get to learn more about other countries, cultures and people. You’ll experience first-hand the resilience and awe-inspiring struggles of people surviving crises. You’ll see for yourself the massive difference your contribution makes to helping them with the challenges they face. And lastly, you’ll meet new people who’ll likely become life-long friends.

2024 WCF Charity Trips destinations: Lebanon & Türkiye

With several trips planned from July 2024 to March 2025, you’ll be sure to find a deployment that’s suitable for you.

No experience necessary: On all the trips, you’ll be accompanied by seasoned humanitarian workers who’ve been involved in years of aid work. All you need is your courage, compassion and a can-do attitude to help.


JULY:   26.7.2024 – 31.7.2024 

COST:   400 + Flights (5 Day Trip Inc One Night In Istanbul)

Includes accommodation (2 people sharing a twin room), local transport & food., a day in istanbul , personal development , basic islamic reminders , a day at our orphanage , visiting camps and helping refugees , games and fun activities   , family, sisters group.

Dates & Destination of Trips Below.

COST:  £300 + Flights 

Includes accommodation (2 people sharing a twin room)  & local transport

COST:  £350 + Flights 



Cost:  £300 + flights .

Includes accommodation (2 people sharing a twin room)  & local transport

COST:  £350 + Flights 

For more information:

WhatsApp: 07561 065158

Email: [email protected]


Stay in touch

Sign up to recieve our newsletter, scotland office, england office, world care foundation, information, accreditations.

orphans humanitarian trips

World Care Foundation | Charity Details Registered in Scotland SC046662. Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO)

love and defend orphans

Bring me hope – orphan mission trips, volunteer & help orphans, love & defend orphans.

Volunteer on short-term mission trips to provide orphan from orphanages and foster homes with love, hope, a sense of worth, and long-term advocacy. Check out our volunteer page to get involved! 

One of the most common questions we get about our our mission trips to China to help children from orphanages and foster homes is, “What does a week look like?”  We decided to give you a glimpse of what YOU could do for a week, to change an orphan’s life.  Whether you are planning on volunteering or sponsoring an orphan, here is a week at Bring Me Hope camp!

 Day 1: “The kids are coming”

Kids coming to camp

This is one of the most exciting parts of camp.  Seeing the little faces peering out of the bus as they pull up to your camp location.  One by one these kids, both excited and nervous, exit the vehicle and are paired with you.  Their little hands slide into yours and you make your way back to your lodging, preparing for the rest of the week.

orphans humanitarian trips

Day 2-4: “We are family”

Kids with Volunteer

Throughout the day you and your family group will go out to experience many firsts.  These include swimming, going to the beach, eating ice cream, singing songs, coloring, crafting, shopping for snacks, playing games and of course your nightly dance parties.  While this is fun and an incredible experience, it’s the in-between moments that change lives…the times of comforting your child when they are sad, the times of carrying them around when they are too tired to walk and moments of just listening and loving them in the midst of the days events.  This is what brings healing and shows your child what it means to be loved and valued.

orphans humanitarian trips

Day 5: “The last day is just the beginning”

The last day of camp is just the beginning. We have seen how camp not only impacts the orphans while at camp, but continues long after camp. We have seen children adopted, advocated for, and helped in many different ways. Your job is just starting…and you are responsible to make that child’s voice heard, advocating for their needs!

orphans humanitarian trips

For another awesome picture of camp, check out our documentary, Hannah’s Story and also don’t forget to check out our website to sponsor an orphan or volunteer in China.

For the kids!

Caitlyn & Bring Me Hope Team

Orphans from Orphanage – Mission Trip – Volunteer in China

TO LOVE: Our five day summer camps center around bringing  forgotten children  out of orphanages to experience  a week of fun, love, and attention . This often includes many firsts for the kids—their first time swimming, eating ice cream and hearing “I love you”. Demonstrating God’s love in  action  is what camp is all about

TO DEFEND:  Most overseas trips end  when you fly home, leaving you with only memories and pictures. However, our desire is for you to continue to have an  impact  long after you’ve left camp. Through our advocacy program, you can bring  awareness  to your child’s needs and even help find  adoptive families . Our goal is to equip volunteers to  defend vulnerable children.

VOLUNTEER: Visit our volunteer page for the most current volunteer opportunities.

DONATE: Visit our donation page for ways to support Bring Me Hope.

orphans humanitarian trips


DAY 1:  The kids are coming! Today,  you become a proud “parent”  as you and your translator(s) are paired with 1-2 children to form a  family group.  Spend the day getting to know each other before you begin an amazing week of camp!

DAY 2-4:  Let the fun begin! Camp is filled with activities for your family group to enjoy together. From arts & crafts to talent shows to dance parties, this is a week for your child to explore new experiences in a safe environment. You will have the unique opportunity to  empower  these children and show them  unconditional love  during camp. These are the moments that Bring Me Hope Camp was created for!

DAY 5:  Today is the day that the children go home to the orphanage. It’s a bittersweet celebration of the relationships you’ve created and how far your family group has come in just 5 short days. It becomes more than just the last day of camp. Some volunteers have been able to help children get adopted, receive medical care, and help with other needs.

AFTER CAMP:  Bring Me Hope will provide you with the skills and training to make a greater impact on these children’s lives when you fly back home. You will be given the privilege to be an  advocate  for the children’s needs and help them find adoptive families!

orphans humanitarian trips


“An amazing experience that doesn’t stop when camp is over.  Not only did I get to love orphans for a week, but I was also able to come home and try to find the kids families! It is life changing!” – Caitlyn Barkalow

“Just finished my first month of volunteering at summer camp and I am moved by what they do. Seeing the joy in the kids’ faces everyday instilled hope in me. Thank you Bring Me Hope for the opportunity to know these orphans by name and to love them! Best summer ever!” – Christina Lopatin

“Most beautiful children, most beautiful ministry, most beautiful experience that changes you into something more beautiful. What are you waiting for? Go.” – Rose Cannon

“I have been to Bring Me Hope five times, one was when I was an orphan and the rest I returned to Bring Me Hope Camp as a volunteer. I just love Bring Me Hope Camp, it is a great mission to reach out to the un-reached children who are lost in the darkness and the translators. Being Me Hope is the first one who truly showed me what true love, hugs, kindness, and warm home feels like. For the past thirteen years of my life in the orphanage, I have never knew what it is feels like to have a loving family until I went to Bring Me Hope Camp.” – Eden Robinson-Robertson

Coronavirus creates urgent need!

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Thank you for considering helping support Bring Me Hope! Please email with any questions or for updates.

David Bolt – Director of Bring Me Hope

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Bring me hope.

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  • AS NEEDED FUND (Helps fund Ukrainian school & year-round projects and expenses)

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Orphan Care

  • East Africa
  • Eastern Europe
  • Middle East

Caregiver Support

  • Trauma Training
  • Financial Support
  • Plan a Visit

Our Mission

  • Explore Boaz
  • Orphan Advocate Training
  • The Orphan’s Abba
  • Mission Trip Application
  • Watch “Heart of Boaz”

Two children holding hands

Faith-Based Healing for Orphans: The Impact of Forgiveness

Children putting their hands together

How to Help Orphans Around the World From Home

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  • Keynote Guest Speaker
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An orphan ministry that goes beyond helping a single child.

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Adoption isn’t the answer to the global orphan crisis.

In fact, only 1% of 153 million orphaned children worldwide are eligible for adoption..

This leaves the remaining 99% of abandoned children to live in miserable conditions and puts them at a much higher risk of being:

We believe that every child deserves a safe and loving home where they can learn about and experience the love of Jesus.

Experience the heart of boaz, explore how innovative whole-home care, specialized caregiver training, and humanitarian aid help children thrive..

Girl smiling at camera, doing a craft

God knew that all abandoned children would be without families and need our help to survive.

In fact, in James 1:27, He specifically tells us to actively meet the needs of orphans.

Since 1999, that’s exactly what our orphan ministry has been able to do. The Boaz Project partners with like-minded people who want to make a real difference in the lives of abandoned children by helping them:

  • Feel safe, secure, and loved
  • Overcome trauma
  • Stay within their own community & culture
  • Get to know Jesus

Help children overcome trauma & break the cycle of poverty for generations to come.

The Boaz Project does not offer individual child sponsorships. This is because supporting caregivers and their entire home provides immediate safety for multiple children and creates a more secure future by:

  • Establishing successful whole-home care models
  • Dignifying caregivers by channeling aid through them
  • Providing specialized trauma training for caregivers
  • Enabling children to receive an education
  • Giving children the chance to know Jesus

Will you be part of helping children not just survive— but truly thrive?

Children facing away from camera at event

Children shouldn’t be left to fend for themselves on the streets where they are neglected, abused, and trafficked.

Christians in many countries have responded to god's call to care for children in need within their community—even though they lack resources. together, we partner with these amazing couples to bring healing, love, and security to abandoned children..

If you feel the weight of this responsibility and the desire to make a real difference, consider becoming a financial partner with us.

You can support orphans and The Boaz Project with your prayers, time, fundraising efforts, and so much more.

orphans humanitarian trips

I've volunteered with this organization in a variety of ways over the last 20 years because their model of ministry is fantastic! This non-profit assists orphans, supports caregivers, and engages the community in the effort to do so. They live out their desire to "inspire and equip leaders in their own communities to care for orphans." I trust this organization with my financial donations because year after year they prove to be faithful with finances as well as with the hearts of the people they minister to.


An organization that is doing what many 3rd world countries are not - supporting orphans. Only 1% of orphans are adoptable in the world; the rest are left with no hope of being saved from their circumstances. The Boaz Project takes volunteers passionate about their purpose and supports caregivers of orphans around the world. . . If you are looking for an organization to be a part of and support, this is a great one to do so.

Restore hope & share the love of Jesus with children who desperately need it.

Get involved and make a difference., receive regular updates and prayer requests., transform the lives of abandoned children., did you know that only 1% of the world's orphans are eligible for adoption, in a world where millions of orphans are often overlooked, the dire reality is that 99% of them have no hope of adoption. this leaves them vulnerable to harsh conditions, abuse, and the looming threat of human trafficking., helping these children is an uphill battle in desperate need of champions like you..

parallax background

Help break the cycle of prostitution & poverty for orphaned children around the globe.

Because god knew that abandoned children would need help to survive, he tells us to actively meet the needs of orphans in james 1:27., and, that’s exactly what we’ve been doing since 1999 by focusing our support on entire homes, caregivers, and communities—instead of individual children..

If you also feel the weight of this responsibility and the desire to make a real difference , consider partnering with us . Through our innovative in-home care model, specialized caregiver training, and humanitarian aid, you’ll help children not just survive—but truly thrive.

When you choose to partner with The Boaz Project, you'll restore hope, ensure a brighter future through education, and share the love of Jesus with children who desperately need it.

Just imagine the impact you can have—from saving a child from the horrors of the streets to helping them become community leaders, educators, and nurturers of the next generation.

Join the James 1:27 Circle Membership

Get prayer updates & news.

  • First Name *
  • Last Name *
  • Send me all of them. (avg. of 4-6x's/mo.)
  • Send me some of them (including prayer requests). (avg. of 2-3x's/mo.)
  • Send me a few of them. (avg. of 1-2x's/mo.)
  • Volunteer Information & Opportunities: Ways you can serve orphans
  • Upcoming Trip Information: Opportunities to travel and love on orphans
  • Donation Receipts: Save us $ with e-receipts
  • Please unsubscribe me from all Boaz email

What does an orphan mission trip include?

  • Hotel accommodations
  • In-country transportation
  • Application support and fees for your Visa
  • In-country language assistance
  • All meals in-country
  • Ministry curriculum and supplies
  • Cross-cultural training and preparation
  • Trip insurance
  • International medical insurance
  • Fundraising assistance

Apply for a mission trip.

Step 1 of 8 - basic information.

  • India Training/VBS Trip: September 20-29, 2024 | Deadline: May 3, 2024 | Trip Cost: $3,235
  • Kenya VBS Trip: November 16-26, 2024 | Deadline: June 29 , 2024 | Trip Cost: $3,035
  • How did you hear about this trip? * From church, a friend, Google? We'd love to know how you found out about our trips.
  • Name as it appears on your passport (or how it will appear) * It is crucial that we have your name exactly as it is written in your passport.
  • Date of Birth * Month Day Year
  • Name * First Last
  • Address * Street Address Address Line 2 City Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Northern Mariana Islands Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah U.S. Virgin Islands Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Armed Forces Americas Armed Forces Europe Armed Forces Pacific State ZIP Code
  • Email **Please note: We will use this extensively as a way to communicate with you. *
  • Main Contact Phone *
  • Marital Status * Single Married Divorced Widowed
  • Employer Name *
  • Work Phone Number *
  • Do you have any special medical needs? *
  • Do you have any special dietary needs? *
  • Please explain your felony conviction
  • Emergency Contact Person *
  • Primary Phone *
  • Alternate Phone
  • If you have been on a trip with The Boaz Project, there is no need to fill out this information again. Please click "Next!"
  • Why would you like to be a part of this missions experience? *
  • Do you have overseas experience? If yes, please describe: *
  • Please describe your personal relationship with Jesus Christ: *
  • How does one obtain salvation? *
  • How is the Lord calling you to serve currently? *
  • How do you view the Bible? *
  • Reference One *
  • Reference One Phone *
  • Reference One Email *
  • Reference Two (Non-Family Member) *
  • Reference Two Phone *
  • Reference Two Email *
  • Reference Three (Non-Family Member) *
  • Reference Three Phone *
  • Reference Three Email *
  • Home Church Name *
  • Pastors Name *
  • Home Church Phone *
  • How long have you been a member? *
  • Speaking in a Church
  • Teaching Sunday School
  • Leading/Teaching Bible School
  • Teaching Crafts
  • Drama/Skits
  • Construction
  • Electrical Work
  • Passport Issuing Country
  • Passport Number
  • Passport Expiration Date Month Day Year
  • I agree to The Boaz Project's Statement of Faith
  • I am willing to either show proof of Covid vaccination or produce at your expense a negative test result, per airline or government regulations in the countries we travel to or through? Testing must be done according to mandated guidelines and timeframes and at your expense.
  • I understand that if I do not follow The Boaz Project's recommended medical and health protocols and bring appropriate documentation with me, I must accept the consequences of those decisions, for example: Being turned away at the airport or immigration and unable to travel due to not meeting the requirements of our destination or layover countries | Being quarantined abroad | Having to stay behind in a foreign country while the team returns home | Paying significant upfront costs that may be associated with a change in itinerary, medical care, or medical evacuation | Communicating with our travel insurance company | Covering any costs not covered by our travel insurance | Serious illness or death
  • I am willing to wear a mask if requested to by airline, airport, local authority, or team leader?
  • I understand that any acceptance to a Boaz Project trip will be pending until I have submitted a background check which will be obtained at my expense ($16)
  • I understand that a non-refundable deposit of $50 is due
  • Your submission of this application online will count as a digital signature for the following statement: I understand that travel to a foreign country may include risks beyond the control of The Boaz Project, Inc. While I expect the leadership of The Boaz Project to use wise judgement, I will not hold it responsible for unexpected events, including lost or stolen passports, visas or personal items. I also understand that a trip may be cancelled due to not meeting the required number of applicants, political situations, or health risks, etc. Funds raised above the support requirements will be used at the discretion of The Boaz Project's board of directors. If I should be unable to attend the selected trip, costs incurred in my name will be covered through the funds raised on my behalf or be billed to me. I agree that The Boaz Project may use photographs of me or photographs taken by me with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and web content. By initialing below & submitting this application, I indicate that I have read, understand, and agree to the terms above. I also claim that all of the information I have provided on this application is true to the best of my knowledge.
  • Enter your initials: *
  • Please take a minute to review your answers before you press the "Submit" button: {all_fields}

Orphan Advocate Training Certification Levels

Learn about the mission and vision of The Boaz Project through activities such as watching an Encounter webinar, exploring our website, and following us on social media. You will also have the opportunity to meet and interact with your Orphan Advocate Training Coach, who will help you as you go through the levels.

Gain more insight into the realities of the orphan crisis through reading "The Orphan’s Abba" and visiting The Boaz Project YouTube page. You will also meet The Boaz Project staff.

Grow in your understanding of the orphan crisis, meet some houseparents by reading their stories, and create your own "Pick 2" with options like watching a movie and completing a creative project utilizing your unique skill set.

Enhance your knowledge of healthy attachments for orphans, watch a webinar about Eastern Europe’s institutional orphanage system, and visit the Boaz office virtually or in person.

Utilize all of the knowledge you have gained throughout training to develop methods based on your personal experience to share the mission and vision of The Boaz Project with others. Read a portion of our first level Houseparent Trauma Training and use your unique skills to impact orphans with a special project. Completing Level 5 gives you the option to apply to become an OAT Coach and/or a Regional Coordinator for The Boaz Project.

Do I have to live near Greenwood, Indiana to complete the training?

No! This certification is intentionally created to allow opportunities for anyone in any location to fully participate.

How much of a time commitment is it?

This is completely up to you. The entire process is self-directed. There are no deadlines, and you may take as much or as little time as you need to complete each course.

Can I do this training with my spouse? Or a friend?

Yes! Going through the training with a spouse or friend can provide accountability and motivation. As you progress, you may be able to accomplish more together!

How much will it cost?

All Orphan Advocate Training courses are free to join! While you may choose to spend money while completing some projects, there are only minimal costs involved (such as a book or a few supplies) depending on which course you choose to do.

Is there an age requirement to become a Certified Orphan Advocate Trainee?

This would be answered on a case-by-case basis. This would also be open to middle schoolers or high schoolers looking to complete volunteer hours (i.e. National Honor Society) or build college applications. We always encourage young people to be involved if they feel led by God to do so!

What if I don’t have any social media accounts?

We will adjust your requirements to accommodate you and provide different opportunities to engage.

If I complete the five-level Orphan Advocate Training Certification, can I put it on my resume or LinkedIn profile?

Yes! When you complete each level, you will receive a certification that you can use to enhance your professional profile and to show involvement in community service.

Will I be able to get a signed letter to verify my volunteer hours?

We are sorry that we cannot verify volunteer hours that are done outside of the office or an event due to the fact that these hours are not supervised. However, we can write about the quality of work that was done, your commitment level, and the training courses achieved. We can also say that your self-reported, unsupervised hours fit into the typical number of hours that are usual for that course.

How do I get started?

If you think you would like to begin Orphan Advocate Training, please complete the form below, and you’ll be assigned an OAT Coach. Once your coach reviews your information, he/she will send you an email with your next steps!

Who do I contact if I have any other questions?

Please complete the form below or contact [email protected] with any questions.

Corporate Sponsorship Levels

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Whispers From Childrens Hearts Foundation

Humanitarian Trips

Both locally and globally, you can become a volunteer to go on humanitarian service missions to visit children in orphanages and hospitals. Volunteers play and engage with the kids of all ages, providing companionship, support and love.

orphans humanitarian trips

Whispers From Children’s Hearts (WFCH) Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is dedicated to recognizing and supporting charities that benefit the needs of children.

During these missions, trained volunteers facilitate age-appropriate, therapeutic activities adapted from Lisa Haisha’s unique SoulBlazing™ coaching program.

We dress up and play games, do magic tricks and perform for the kids. This type of interactive play addresses the many multi-dimensional attributes of a child’s emotional health and physical wellness, as well as their mind, body and spirit connection.

Visits To Local Children’s Hospitals

In partnership with the Whispers From Children’s Hearts Foundation, we offer local trips to hospitals to help cheer up children with life threatening diseases and debilitating illnesses. We organize volunteers that are both kids and adults to visit local children’s hospitals as SoulBlazing™ Caped Crusaders.

We aim to brighten their day and then give them gifts, including their own fleece superhero-hooded capes. It’s a fun and rewarding way to give back and make a difference. Watch this fun music video we made about these inspiring experiences.

International Volunteer Voyages

Our ever-expanding team of volunteers travel the world to orphanages and hospitals offering soul care and many forms of support. Our global volunteers assist in building schools and homes worldwide. In addition, our team brings much needed supplies, love and unwavering support to children who are sick or suffering from life-threatening diseases by playing games that are imaginative and transformative.

We also join forces with other nonprofits that are doing similar work. Watch this quick video of one of our humanitarian trips to Costa Rica that we organized through the wonderful people at Women of Global Change.

International Mission Trips to Orphanages

When Lisa and her husband Lee, went to Cambodia to interview the founder of a safe house for abandoned and mistreated kids, this was the first time Lee had taken a trip like this. After returning, and watching the footage they shot at the orphanage, the idea came to both of them: they wanted to help as many kids as possible around the world, and share that powerful experience with others.

Together, the couple formed The Whispers From Children’s Hearts Foundation with the aim of introducing more people to the needs of worldwide orphanages and to spread the word on how to get involved.

By fostering cross-cultural awareness marked by compassion, peace and love, The Whispers From Children’s Hearts Foundation is building bridges of understanding and awareness across the world.

Since then, Lisa and Lee have been offering international mission trips to orphanages in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Every person that has joined these travel missions has benefitted from the unforgettable and life-changing experiences they witnessed with The Whispers From Children’s Hearts Foundation.

Finding Hope & Wonder: Deaf and Mute Orphans of Peru

Lisa travels the world to learn about different cultures through their children. The orphanage in Peru was a more difficult and unique experience because the children were deaf and mute. Through sign language and quality time she earns their trust.

Giving, Giving, Giving: The SOS Orphanage in Cairo

Lisa Haisha visits the SOS Orphanage in Cairo where the financial and social situation of those coming from rural areas has become increasingly difficult and precarious, and the number of orphaned and abandoned children has continued to increase.

Lisa Haisha Interviews Founder of Secret Society, Damanhur

Lisa Haisha traveled to the spiritual center of Damanhur to meet the inhabitants and investigate the world-famous temples. She speaks with its founder, Falco, about finding one’s passion and leaving a legacy.

The Pharaohs Left Pyramids. What Will Your Legacy Be?

Lisa Haisha gains inspiration from the Pyramids that took 20-30 years to build by hand. Imagine. If we didn’t have so much to do and so many errands to run, in our day to day life, what could we build? What would our legend be?

The Raw Truth of Iraq: Lisa Haisha Returns to Her Roots

Lisa Haisha, Hollywood Therapist, Spiritual Correspondent and Humanitarian takes you into the hearts and souls of people in Iraq – how they live and think.

Helping Hearts Orphan Missions

Photo gallery, volunteer/trip info, our board members, help change a soul for eternity.

Trips and Costs

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Deputy Administrator Isobel Coleman Travels to the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin, Germany

For Immediate Release

Office of Press Relations [email protected]

Trip Advisory

On June 11-12, Deputy Administrator Coleman will attend the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC), held this year in Berlin, Germany. URC is dedicated to the swift recovery of Ukraine since Russia’s war of aggression. Deputy Administrator Coleman will meet with leaders from partner governments and the private sector to mobilize continued international support for Ukraine’s recovery, reform, and modernization. There, she will also reiterate the United States’ continued commitment to the Government of Ukraine as it works to build a more prosperous future in the face of Putin’s full-scale invasion.

Related Press Releases

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United states announces additional humanitarian support for flood-affected areas of brazil.

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Orphan Outreach

The mission of orphan outreach is to glorify jesus christ by having a significant, long-term impact on orphaned and vulnerable children , equipping each child for a fulfilling, independent christian life in their community., we restore  hope for orphaned and vulnerable children so that every child will experience god's love and know jesus as savior., where we work, guatemala , honduras , india , kenya , latvia , nepal , russia , ukraine , and the  united states, this is what we do:, our  priorities.


We Provide Holistic Care.

We focus on the four essentials every child needs to thrive. 


We Promote   Family .

We work to ensure every child has a safe and loving home environment.

We Prepare for  INDEPENDENCE .

We help equip orphaned and vulnerable children to reach their fullest potential in life.

We Protect the  RIGHTS OF CHILDREN .

We champion the rights of children by developing best practices and advocating for quality care for the orphaned and vulnerable.


Orphan prevention, promoting safety, well-being and permanency for children through community-based programs, including schools, after-school initiatives, and  early childhood development., special needs, providing therapeutic care and permanency for children with physical, medical, intellectual, and developmental special needs and disabilities., offering holistic support and mentorship to help orphaned children transition well into independent adult life., child welfare reform, strengthening governmental and community relationships to impact policies and improve outcomes for orphaned and vulnerable children..

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Download a PDF of Who We Are

glorify Jesus Christ

Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. (Psalm 82:3) 

Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless;  plead the case of the widow. (Isaiah 1:17) 

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (James 1:27)

significant, long-term impact

We focus on ministry that shapes all the ways kids develop, shaping the quality, direction, and destiny of their lives. We do that through:

  • Fostering Relationships
  • Creating defining moments
  • Providing quality programs/services

orphaned and vulnerable children

  • More than 140 million children globally are orphaned; 
  • 1.5 million children have been orphaned due to COVID-19 alone; 
  • Only 10% of orphans who age out of traditional residential care are able to successfully transition into adulthood.

fulfilling, independent Christian life

We provide each child with the skill sets, competencies, and know-how to live a productive, fulfilling life.  We do that by:

  • Providing every child with opportunities to hear the Gospel, embrace the life-changing love of Jesus Christ, and grow in their faith through regular bible study.  
  • Offering every child a quality education that creates opportunities to use their gifts and talents well.
  • Giving every child the training needed for healthy human relationships.
  • Preparing every child with the tools to be resilient and self-reliant.
  • Mentoring every child to have a mature perspective as they learn to balance their place in the world and their relationship with God.  


We will always respect your privacy.

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orphans humanitarian trips


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  3. Humanitarian trip to Cambodia

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  5. China Mission Trips │ Orphans from Orphanage & Foster Homes

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  1. 2 orphans fawn (baby deer) hang out

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  1. Trips

    World Orphans Partnership trips strengthen Church Partnerships by enabling two churches to build relationships and serve together in a mutually beneficial capacity. Click below to read more about and apply for your specific World Orphans church partnership trip. Find Your Church Partnership Trip.

  2. Go on a Journey Trip

    World Orphans Vision Trips encourage, educate, and empower team members toward further advocacy on behalf of the vulnerable, and provide post-trip opportunities for individuals, teams, or churches.

  3. Orphan Outreach

    What will you do on a short-term Mission Trip? Orphan Outreach mission trips mobilize individuals and churches to serve orphans and vulnerable children at Orphan Outreach's partner programs. You could: ... Occasionally we may ask trip participants to carry humanitarian aid and items needed for ministry in the country. To save the cost of having ...

  4. Hope Humanitarians serving communities around the world

    We are Hope Humanitarians. We come from many different backgrounds, but have one unified mission. We serve the world's most vulnerable with an emphasis on refugees and orphans. We work in 9 different countries around the globe and support people struggling through 4 of the top 5 international refugee migrations. We are the donors. We are the volunteers.

  5. Missions to Africa

    As your mission trips outfitters we aim for evangelization, African orphans outreach, and your life changing experience. Missions to Africa . Mission organizations, ... Mission Team Leaders Your goals may be centered on humanitarian needs, spiritual growth, or service to a specific culture or tribe. We understand.

  6. Orphan Outreach

    About this Trip. Join Orphan Outreach in serving children in Guatemala. This is an 8 Day/7 Night mission trip to Guatemala. This team will visit Chimaltenango. ... Occasionally we may ask trip participants to carry humanitarian aid and items needed for ministry in country. This would be on a volunteer basis and any cost for the bag would still ...

  7. Orphanage Support Services Organization (OSSO)

    Help orphans worldwide reach their potential. Travel, go on adventures, and give your time to children in orphanages.

  8. International Charity Trips

    Through charity trips, we deploy volunteers to countries where people are in desperate need of assistance. ... Social and moral support for orphans and refugee children through fun activities. ... No experience necessary: On all the trips, you'll be accompanied by seasoned humanitarian workers who've been involved in years of aid work. All ...

  9. Camp Archives

    Volunteer on short-term mission trips to provide orphan from orphanages and foster homes with love, hope, a sense of worth, and long-term advocacy.

  10. China Mission Trips │ Orphans from Orphanage & Foster Homes

    Volunteer on short-term Christian mission trips to provide orphans and orphanages & foster homes with love, hope and long-term advocacy.

  11. Blog

    Volunteer on short-term mission trips to provide orphan from orphanages and foster homes with love, hope, a sense of worth, and long-term advocacy. ... Chinese, Humanitarian, Missions Trips, Orphans on June 11, 2020 by admin. Orphans from Orphanage - Mission Trip - Volunteer in China. 1 Reply.

  12. Global Orphan Ministry

    An orphan ministry that goes beyond helping a single child. Through innovative in-home care models, specialized caregiver training, and humanitarian aid for an entire home, you'll help children not just survive—but truly thrive.

  13. Humanitarian Trips

    Humanitarian Trips. Both locally and globally, you can become a volunteer to go on humanitarian service missions to visit children in orphanages and hospitals. Volunteers play and engage with the kids of all ages, providing companionship, support and love. ... Deaf and Mute Orphans of Peru. Lisa travels the world to learn about different ...

  14. Helping Hearts Orphan Missions

    Helping Hearts Orphan Missions is a non-profit 501c3 organization, which provides international humanitarian aid to children in Russia, Haiti and through out the world. Please donate or join us on a mission trip. The impact on the children, and yourself, will be deeply felt.

  15. Orphan Outreach

    2007. Orphan Outreach establishes ministry programs in Guatemala, Honduras, India and Russia -serving 1,000 orphaned and vulnerable children Orphan Outreach leads first mission trips to Guatemala, India and Russia Orphan Outreach begins providing humanitarian aid to vulnerable children in the United States

  16. Mission Trips

    Welcome to the mission trips sector of orphan outreach ministry: Warm Blankets Orphan Care International. Our purpose is to provide life changing experiences for both you and the kinships in parts of the world that have the greatest need. We are your individual, small group, family or church mission trips outfitters, looking forward to lead your short term mission trips to visit kinships in ...

  17. Deputy Administrator Isobel Coleman Travels to the Ukraine Recovery

    On June 11-12, Deputy Administrator Coleman will attend the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC), held this year in Berlin, Germany.

  18. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Elektrostal

    Things to Do in Elektrostal, Russia: See Tripadvisor's 801 traveler reviews and photos of Elektrostal tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in June. We have reviews of the best places to see in Elektrostal. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.


    Alliance, Zheleznodorozhny: See traveler reviews, candid photos, and great deals for Alliance, ranked #1 of 2 B&Bs / inns in Zheleznodorozhny and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  20. Together we can restore hope

    Interested in Traveling on a Mission Trip? Please let us know where you are interested in traveling and any questions you may have as we begin planning for mission teams. First Name *. Last Name *. Zip Code *. Email *. I am interested in traveling to: Guatemala. Honduras.

  21. Zheleznodorozhny, Russia: All You Need to Know Before You Go (2024

    Zheleznodorozhny Tourism: Tripadvisor has 1,133 reviews of Zheleznodorozhny Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Zheleznodorozhny resource.

  22. Electrostal History and Art Museum

    Before posting, each Tripadvisor review goes through an automated tracking system, which collects information, answering the following questions: how, what, where and when.

  23. Orphan Outreach

    orphan outreach sponsor child mission trip volunteer donate texas Special Report Restoring Hope in Ukraine and Eastern Europe Learn more now. Learn more now. You help us restore hope! ... Humanitarian relief, as we support the transport of humanitarian aid relief to various parts in Ukraine.

  24. Together we can restore hope

    Who We Are. The mission of Orphan Outreach is to glorify Jesus Christ by having a significant, long-term impact on orphaned and vulnerable children, equipping each child for a fulfilling, independent Christian life in their community.