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Global Youth Travel Awards 2023 Launched by WYSE Travel Confederation

travel news travel awards travel awards applications consumer voted award student travel conference

By Herman Nolan | 2023-07-27 11:44:09

youth travel award

The four consumer-voted travel awards (Best Youth Tour Operator, Best LGBTQ+ Experience, Best Travel App, and Best Hostel) give travel businesses an opportunity to market themselves. At the same time, they allow young travelers to express their opinions about the best youth travel.

The Global Youth Travel Awards, held annually by the WYSE Travel Federation, recognize outstanding performers in several fields of international travel for youth and reward industry stakeholders who make an important contribution to this industry.

The nominated Awards (Best Responsible Tourism Initiative, Outstanding Contribution towards the SDGs, Best DEI, Best Marketing Campaign, Best Travel Technology Provider, Best Work-Experience Provider, Best Education Abroad Provider, Extraordinary Experience, WYSTC Partnership Award) allow organizations the opportunity to present a project or program, product/service/campaign that has had an impact on the industry in the past year.

The four consumer-voted travel awards (Best Youth Tour Operator, Best LGBTQ+ Experience, Best Travel App and Best Hostel) give travel businesses an opportunity to market themselves. At the same time, they allow young travelers to express their opinions about the best youth travel.

"We are delighted to expand the awards categories once again this year," said David Chapman, Director General at WYSE Travel Confederation. "The reintroduction of the popular consumer-voted awards allow customers to have their say and travel organizations to be recognized for their dedication to making youth travel a safer, smoother and more expansive experience."

The deadline for applications and votes for the consumer-voted award is Friday, August 18, 23:59 CEST. The winners will be announced at the World Youth and Student Travel Conference in Lisbon, Portugal on 15 September 2023.

Source: traveldailynews.com

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WYSE Travel Confederation

World Nomads wins Best Responsible Tourism Campaign Global Youth Travel Award

Feb 16, 2022

Winner of the Global Youth Travel Award for Best Responsible Tourism Campaign Innovation: Travel Better Guest: Jon Whitby, GM Marketing and Brands, World Nomads

youth travel award

The Travel Better campaign was designed to inspire people to travel responsibly at a time when acting responsibly was crucial. World Nomads’ goals were to raise brand awareness, educate and inspire their audience about responsible travel, grow and engage a community of like-minded travellers, and strengthen relationships with travel organisations and non-profits that share their brand values.

Why such a campaign? Since World Nomads’ inception, responsible travel has been one of our brand pillars. We’ve always aimed to support sustainability and leave a positive footprint on the places we visit. The pandemic took that to another level. As travel was put on pause, we took the time to reflect. As the world started to re-open, we wanted our nomads to re-imagine travel as a force for good and empower them with the tools to make responsible choices. That’s how Travel Better was born.

How did the Travel Better campaign evolve? Led by our marketing team, with the help of the design, web and partnerships teams, the Travel Better campaign featured an enter-and-win storytelling contest to amplify our message and encourage travellers to participate in the conversation around responsible travel. We also created an engaging landing page, which featured our Responsible Travel Manifesto and responsible travel articles aimed at educating our audience.

Throughout the campaign, we tested our messaging and creatives – including subject lines and imagery—and measured success through open rates for our emails and click-through-rates for web pages to see what would resonate with our audiences. We made adjustments to optimise our channels, focusing the campaign on the top relevant messages.

During the month-long campaign, we achieved 5 million campaign impressions through multi-channel sources; 55,000 sessions on the Travel Better campaign landing page; 10,000 campaign entries from travellers in 100 countries; 25,000 sessions on responsible travel articles and established partnerships with responsible brands, such as OneSeed Expeditions, Hostelworld, Light My Fire, and Tomorrow’s Air.

What are some of the unique challenges for the Travel Better campaign? Timing for the campaign was a challenge; this was the first global campaign since the pandemic started. While travel sentiments had improved at that time, most of the world was still trying to handle high COVID-19 case counts, low vaccination rates and travel or border restrictions. While the campaign’s intent was to inspire travellers to start thinking about travel mindfulness, the idea of travel still seemed far away for some travellers.

How do you see responsible tourism campaigns changing in the future? What needs to change on the business and consumer sides to make a significant shift towards sustainable tourism? As the COVID-19 pandemic created a global pause in travel, we have all seen the benefits this pause has brought to the world in terms of environmental impact, reduction in pollution, and more. It seems inevitable that as travel returns, travellers will be looking to encourage those improvements and seek experiences that continue in this direction. Travel campaigns will focus on sustainability, responsibility and respect for people and the planet.

Tourism businesses need to recognise there is an appetite for small tour group numbers, cities offering green credentials and improvements, sustainable accommodation and transport options and to encourage their growth. Consumers need to insist on those choices being available and to choose them over more traditional forms of travel that only benefit the traveller not and the places and people they visited.

How has World Nomads benefited from WYSE Travel Confederation and its community? WYSE Travel Confederation has been a constant source of insight, when international travel has been so difficult, the sharing of experiences and commentary from our peers in other countries has been invaluable. It goes without saying, we have never once come away from an event empty handed when it comes to leads and opportunities to follow up.

The Global Youth Travel Awards recognise the tremendous achievements our peers in the travel sector have made, particularly during such a challenging period. So, to us, these awards represent an opportunity to celebrate the resiliency and fortitude of the youth travel sector and also to showcase some projects we completed that we are particularly proud of.

Join WYSE Travel Confederation

If you’d like to join WYSE Travel Confederation and benefit from new connections, free access to industry  research , informative  webinar  sessions, discounts on industry  events  and brand exposure within the youth and student travel industry, click below to view our  membership options and find out more.

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Rustic Pathways Wins Best Youth Travel Award for Third Time in Four Years | Rustic Pathways

For the second consecutive year and the third time in four years, rustic was awarded the best youth tour operator during the annual global youth travel awards....

Rustic Pathways Wins Best Youth Travel Award for Third Time in Four Years

Rustic Pathways Wins Best Youth Travel Award for Third Time in Four Years

For the second consecutive year and the third time in four years, Rustic was awarded the Best Youth Tour Operator during the annual Global Youth Travel Awards Friday in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Rustic also won the award in 2017 and 2015 , and was the runner-up in 2016.

The awards are presented at the annual  World Youth and Student Travel Conference  by the World Youth Student and Educational (WYSE) Travel Confederation to recognize outstanding performers in the youth, student, and educational travel industry.

Rustic Social Media and Influencer Marketing Manager Liz Cortese accepts the 2018 Best Youth Tour Operator award in Edinburgh.

The Best Youth Tour Operator is one of four awards given based on consumer voting. Thank you again for your support and for making Rustic the leader in high school community service and adventure travel.

More than 10,000 students traveled with Rustic in 2018 on spring break and summer programs, teacher-led trips, and gap year semesters in 21 countries around the world. They participated in more than 100 different programs, developing new skills, and contributing to sustainable community service with our local partners.

Join us next year to help increase that impact around the world! Click below to r equest a free copy of our spring break and summer programs catalog today. 

Jack Weinstein

Content production manager.

Jack has spent his professional career as a writer and editor. Before joining Rustic, he worked as a journalist in Kansas and Colorado, taught English in Swaziland, and transitioned to marketing roles in the Boston and New York startup worlds. Jack is excited to channel his love of storytelling and his appreciation for education as Rustic’s Content Production Manager. When not working, Jack is either watching baseball or planning his next adventure. Jack and his wife, Blythe, live in Brooklyn.


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Prize catch: the British Youth Travel Awards 2023

Lauren Billings

Top players in the youth, student and educational travel industry receive recognition for their key roles in the UK youth travel market.

One might say an aquarium is an odd venue for an award ceremony; except maybe the Outstanding Fish Awards. My money is on angel fish, personally.

The next logical choice would, of course, be the British Youth Travel Awards (BYTAs)! Organised by BETA, Wednesday night’s ceremony was in honour of the amazing businesses working in the UK youth travel market.

For those nominated, the deep blue waters, circling sharks, and smiling clownfish made a unique backdrop, representative of the distinct contributions each nominee gave to the world of educational travel this year.

Anchors away!

youth travel award

Once everyone was seated amongst the vibrant tropical fish – themselves watching on in fascination, or perhaps confusion – an evening of celebration and achievement was dutifully kicked off.

‘Through the BYTAs, we’re delighted to be able to reward the excellent work and high standards that our members and industry stakeholders demonstrate, from creating new and innovative products, to programmes for young travellers, to outstanding examples of customer service.’ said BETA Chairman, Steve Lowy, sporting his glorious Movember ‘tache.

Starting with just a single category back in 2007, the awards have since grown to 12, representing over 40 businesses; each one a winner in their own right for the vital roles they play in the industry.

And as everyone in the room would agree, travel is an important and enriching experience, but it can also be a privilege. Wednesday night’s celebration was kindly in aid of the Family Holiday Charity (FHC), an organisation that works with families experiencing hardship to give them the joy of travel. Through their kind donations, BETA was able to raise over £5000 for FHC this year.

The big fish

Across a sea of winners, one particular standout was Camp Leaders , an organisation who sends kids to Summer Camps in the US as part of a ‘cultural exchange experience’. Camp Leaders came away with two gold awards for Best Innovation and Best Customer Service, and a further silver award for Best Support Service.

Speaking of their achievements, Camp Leaders told the Gazette:

‘We’ve been to the awards before, but this is our first time winning gold. Since COVID we’ve invested so much in our customer service, our technology, and our support. We’ve got an amazing team with us who work hard and listen to our customers. It’s great to be recognised for what we’ve done.’

youth travel award

As the ceremony came to a satisfying close, the winner of the Outstanding Achievement Award was announced. This award is reserved for an individual who has made a significant contribution to the sector in the last 12 months. Accepting this accolade on Wednesday, was Murray Roberts of St Christopher’s Inns.

Murray has worked in hospitality his entire life, and is commended as an inspirational figure who has helped to guide many people through their careers in the industry.

‘I’ve been working 20-odd years in this sector and love it to bits,’ Murray told the Gazette. ‘We’ve been striving to get more recognition for the youth travel sector from British tourist boards, Visit Britain, and so on. If you focus on youth tourism, people will keep coming back. Look after them when they’re young.’

A sea of hope

With the night ebbing away, attendees basked in the glory of their peers’ worthy achievements. The passion of hard workers in such a key industry was palpable and will surely drive them to create even more meaningful experiences in the new year.

Emma English, Executive Director of BETA, said the night’s ceremony was a ‘clear indication the youth travel market is thriving’:

‘It has been an honour to recognise those in the industry who are going above and beyond to adapt, provide services and support young travellers in the UK.

‘The thriving businesses celebrated, both finalists and award winners, at the British Youth Travel Awards 2023 is a promising indication of a thriving sector. With businesses and industry experts positively approaching International student recruitment, supporting lobbying and adapting services, it bolsters the UK as a hub of higher education and learning.’

For the full list of winners, click here .

To support the Family Holiday Charity, click here .

And finally, congratulations to all the winners and nominees!

Lauren Billings

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FEBS Youth Travel Fund grants

FEBS Youth Travel Fund (YTF) grants support participation of PhD students and young postdoctoral scientists from the FEBS area in events in the FEBS Advanced Courses programme.

In addition, transcontinental YTF awards may be offered by some FEBS Advanced Courses as a result of support from IUBMB for participation of scientists from outside the FEBS area in these events.

Information for YTF applicants

For details of YTF awards available for a particular FEBS Advanced Courses, and how to apply, please check the relevant course website: the value of the awards will vary between courses, and applications are made to the  individual course organizers via their event website.

Eligibility criteria

The eligibility criteria for YTF awards are as follows, and only in exceptional circumstances may any of these conditions be waived.

For YTF awardees from the FEBS area:

  • The applicant normally should be not older than 35, and should be registered as a PhD student or should be a postdoctoral scientist within five years of having completed a PhD thesis (however, duly justified career breaks such as compulsory national service and parental leave may be considered);
  • The applicant should be registered as a PhD student at an institute of higher learning in a country where there is a FEBS Constituent Society or should be a postdoctoral scientist working in a country where there is a FEBS Constituent Society (for FEBS Constituent Societies, see the  Societies  section of the website);
  • The applicant must be a member of a FEBS Constituent Society and provide a valid certificate of membership;
  • The applicant should not have received a grant from the Youth Travel Fund to attend a FEBS Course / Workshop in the current year or previous year, nor a Bursary to attend the FEBS Congress in the current year, nor a grant to attend the FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum in the current year;
  • The applicant cannot be a resident of the country hosting the event;
  • For awards with travel funding, only travel within the FEBS area from the applicant’s current country of residence to the country hosting the FEBS event is supported;
  • Young scientists from the Organizers’ laboratories are not eligible for FEBS YTF awards.

Please note that the number of meeting travel awards you have previously received from FEBS (FEBS Congress Bursary, FEBS YSF grant, and FEBS YTF award for FEBS Advanced Course) may also be taken into consideration in your selection.

For ytf awardees from outside the febs area:.

  • The applicant should not be older than 35, should be registered as a PhD student at an institute of higher learning in a country where there is an IUBMB-adhering body but not a FEBS Constituent Society, or should be a postdoctoral scientist within five years of having completed a PhD thesis, working in a country where there is an IUBMB-adhering body but not a FEBS Constituent Society;
  • The applicant must be a member of an  IUBMB-related society  and provide a valid certificate of membership;
  • Awards will only be made to support travel from the applicant’s current country of residence to the country hosting the FEBS event;

Information for Course Organizers

As part of their application to the FEBS Advanced Courses programme, organizers of lecture courses, practical courses and workshops can apply for YTF grants to support participation of PhD students and young postdoctoral scientists from the FEBS area in their event. These grants may be a maximum of €800 per person and are to be used as a full (or, in exceptional circumstances, partial) covering of the registration fee (including accommodation and meals). They may also support travel costs.

Following the allocation of a set sum for FEBS YTF grants by FEBS, the organizer should select candidates on merit, bearing in mind the eligibility criteria set by FEBS (see above). The application procedure for FEBS YTF grants and a link to this page of FEBS eligibility criteria, or the same criteria, should be presented on the course website. The YTF applicants should send their completed applications together with documented proof of their eligibility and a recommendation letter from the current or previous supervisor (if applicable) to the organizer by the deadline announced.

The selected candidates will receive a FEBS Treasury YTF form, to be returned to the FEBS Treasury for approval at least 8 weeks before the event’s start date.


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The ICFP 2025

Youth trailblazer award, the 2025 international conference on family planning (icfp) secretariat is proud to support the fifth icfp youth trailblazer award, applications are now closed ..

Formerly known as the Youth Travel Award or Youth Leader Video Contest , the ICFP 2025 Youth Trailblazer Award aims to amplify and highlight the voices of young leaders (aged 18-35) in the global family planning and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SHRH) field through active planning and participation in the 2025 ICFP conference.

Those who receive the ICFP 2025 Youth Trailblazer Award will be funded to attend ICFP 2025 in Bogotá, Colombia happening 3–6 November 2025. Awardees will also actively participate in planning activities for ICFP, have speaking roles at ICFP, and engage in other conference opportunities that raise the voices, perceptives, and experiences of youth in the global family planning community. See submission details below and use this application form to apply,


youth travel award

Submission Details

To apply for the icfp 2025 youth trailblazer award, young leaders must:.

  • Be between the ages of 18-35 on 1 November 2025 .
  • Submit an online application . Young leaders may only submit one application. Team applications are not permitted.
  • Upload a 3-minute maximum video to YouTube or Vimeo about their work and the impact they would make at ICFP 2025 ( view video submission specifications below ).

All entries must be submitted by 20 May 2024, 11:59 pm EDT .

For more information:

See the following 2025 ICFP Youth Trailblazer Application Guidelines with full rules, resources, and frequently asked questions (FAQs).

  • Download Guidelines (EN)
  • Download Guidelines (FR)
  • Download Guidelines (ES)

Video Submission Specifications

Submit your full ICFP 2025 Youth Trailblazer Award application (including video) using this form .

  • The video submission must be at least one (1) minute in length and may not exceed three (3) minutes in length.
  • The video should highlight your passion as well as experience as a leader in the family planning and reproductive health field. The video should also show your creativity and your ability to successfully convey an effective, powerful message to an audience.
  • You must speak during the video.
  • You may use photos or graphics in your video.
  • The submission must be your original work . You, the applicant, must hold all rights to every element within your video submission, including the copyright. You may get assistance from organizations or individuals (e.g., video equipment and production help), but the actual video must depict your unique qualifications as a young leader.
  • Please ensure clarity of video, image, and sound in the submission.
  • The submission must be in English, French, or Spanish. Submissions in other languages should include English, French, or Spanish subtitles.
  • In-depth audio/video equipment is not needed to create a high-quality, successful submission video. You can use devices like mobile phones or computer webcams to film the video. In the case that you do not have access to equipment or cannot, for other reasons, create a video, please contact [email protected] . Attempts will be made to connect you with local organizations or other sources of support.
  • You may also be able to use existing material, such as previously recorded speeches as support; however, new material that specifically relates to the ICFP 2025 Youth Trailblazer application is required and should be the focus of the video.

Video Content Restrictions:

  • The video must not contain material that violates the rights of others, including but not limited to privacy, publicity, and or intellectual property rights (including copyright, trademark, or patent right).
  • The video must not contain copyrighted music, images, footage, artwork, or videos not owned by you as an applicant.
  • The video must not contain any background music.
  • The video must not contain inappropriate, indecent, obscene, hateful, or discriminatory materials that violate international human rights.

Use of Submitted Videos:

The ICFP Secretariat reserves the right to use all submitted videos in any way deemed appropriate in the future, including in promotional materials. Participants in this award application accept this condition and provide ICFP the right to use their entries.

For additional information and resources related to video submission specifications, please see the full ICFP 2025 Youth Trailblazer Application Guidelines in EN , FR , and ES .

Application Town Hall / Q&A Sessions

The ICFP Secretariat and youth team hosted interactive question and answer (Q&A) sessions discussing elements related to the ICFP 2025 Youth Trailblazer Award application . Please see the sessions below available in English, French, and Spanish:

English Session

youth travel award

Spanish Session

***Upcoming Spanish-language ICFP 2025 Youth Trailblazer Application Q&A Session taking place on Thursday, 2 May 2024 at 5 PM ET. Learn more here ***

youth travel award

French Session

youth travel award

Meet Previous Trailblazer Winners

Get to know the amazing cohort of ICFP 2022 Youth Trailblazers who were selected from Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and South America!

Frequently Asked Questions

For questions about the application process, please review the following FAQs as well as the full ICFP 2025 Youth Trailblazer Application Guidelines (available in EN , FR , and ES ). If your question is still not answered in these resources, please email [email protected] .

Am I eligible to apply for the ICFP 2025 Youth Trailblazer Award?

To be eligible for the ICFP 2025 Youth Trailblazer Award, you must be between the ages of 18–35 on 1 November 2025 . Youth from all countries are encouraged to apply. You may only submit one application. Team applications are not permitted.

How can I apply and where do I find more information?

  • Eligible young leaders should apply using this online application form .
  • All applicants are encouraged to view the full ICFP 2025 Youth Trailblazer Application Guidelines in EN , FR , and ES .
  • Please note that this is a video award contest as described in the application guidelines.

What is the deadline for applications?

The deadline for full submission of applications is 20 May 2024, 11:59 pm EDT , including video uploading (The deadline has been extended from the previous date of 6 May 2024).

If selected, how many days can I expect to spend at the conference and where?

The ICFP 2025 Youth Summit will take place in Bogotá, Colombia on 1–3 November 2025. The full ICFP 2025 conference will take place in Bogotá, Colombia on 3–6 November 2025. Youth who are sponsored via the ICFP 2025 Youth Trailblazer Award will be expected to participate in at least one ICFP Subcommittee leading up to the conference, the ICFP Youth Summit, and the 2025 ICFP.

Where can I find past examples of ICFP Youth Trailblazer videos?

Check out video examples from past Youth Trailblazer Award winners here .

  • Meet the 2022 ICFP Youth Trailblazer Award winners .

What is covered if I am awarded the ICFP 2025 Youth Trailblazer Award?

Young leaders awarded the ICFP 2025 Youth Trailblazer Award will receive a full sponsorship to attend the ICFP conference in Bogotá, Colombia . This includes registration to attend the ICFP Youth Summit on 1–3 November 2025 and ICFP conference on 3–6 November 2025, accommodations, and a stipend for meals.

Will I be attending the conference in person?

ICFP 2025 is scheduled to take place in person in Bogotá, Colombia on 3–6 November 2025. The 2025 ICFP Youth Trailblazer Award winners will be sponsored to attend the conference in person . As a condition of this award, winners will be required to abide by any and all regulations set by conference organizers, including protocols related to COVID-19. The ICFP Secretariat will assist all winners, to the best of its ability, to meet any ICFP participation requirements set forth by the government of Colombia, the international travel industry, and ICFP conference organizers. If a winner is unable to abide by the regulations, they may participate in the conference virtually.

If, for any reason beyond the ICFP Secretariat’s control, the 2025 ICFP cannot take place in person, ICFP Youth Trailblazer Award winners will participate virtually in the conference.

When will I be notified about the status of my application?

Winners will be notified and announced in June 2024 .

Will I receive a certificate for my participation?

Yes, you will receive an electronic certificate for your participation after the ICFP 2025 conference.

The application asks me to pick from a list of skills. What if I do not fit into any of the skills listed?

As an applicant, you have the option to choose “other” and will be able list out up to three skills you have that have to do with family planning or sexual and reproductive health and rights. If you feel you do not have enough experience but want to gain some of those skills, please explain more in the open-ended question about ICFP and your skills.

What are ICFP subcommittees, and does it matter which one(s) I select on my application?

The ICFP International Steerng Committee (ISC) Subcommittees are the organized groups of community members who plan focused ICFP events and various other conference elements on specialized topics. Youth Trailblazers join these subcommittees soon after they are formed to help plan and implement ICFP activities. Trailblazers will have the choice to hear about each subcommittee before committing to one, though the selections made on the initial Trailblazer application will be taken into consideration.

Here is the list of the current ICFP 2025 subcommittees:

  • Advocacy & Accountability
  • Communications
  • Demographic Dividend
  • Humanitarian & Crisis Settings
  • Population, Health, and Environment
  • Private Sector
  • Program Implementation
  • Shifting Power and Advancing Equity in Global Health

My internet/country restrictions will not allow me to upload a video on YouTube or Vimeo. How else can I send in my application?

Please email [email protected] explaining your situation. In extreme cases, we will accept videos via WhatsApp if all other methods fail.

In the application form, there is a link required for the video. Does that mean you have to first upload the video on the internet?

Yes, you must upload your submission video to the internet ( either via YouTube or Vimeo ) and share the link in your online application form. You will have to make the video publicly available or unlisted and downloadable so that when you submit the URL, we can access your video. If you create a password for your video, please let us know what the password is.

Create a free account on YouTube or Vimeo using the links below:

What kind of video submission is required? Is it a video of the applicant talking about family planning or skits about family planning?

The purpose of the video submission is to highlight your experience with family planning and sexual and reproductive health, your creativity , and your ability to successfully convey an effective, powerful message to an audience. You may use photos or other graphics, but you must also speak during the video.

The submission must be your original work. You, the applicant, must hold all rights to the submission including the copyright. You may get assistance from organizations or individuals (e.g., for equipment and production) but the actual video must depict your unique qualifications for this award.

I really want to apply but have no equipment to make a video. What do I do?

In-depth audio/video equipment is not needed to create a high-quality, successful submission video. Applicants can use devices like mobile phones or computer webcams to film their video.

If you do not have access to equipment or cannot for other reasons create a video, please email [email protected] . Attempts will be made to connect you with local organizations or other sources of support. You may also be able to use existing material such as recorded speeches; however, it is encouraged that new material is added that specifically relates to the conference application.

What is the average length for the submission video?

The average length of videos is two (2) minutes.

The video submission must be at least one (1) minute and may not exceed three (3) minutes in length. Your video should be no more than three (3) minutes . Please ensure clarity of video, image, and sound in the submission for ease of visibility on multiple screen types.

What criteria is being considered in the selection of successful applicants?

ICFP 2025 Youth Trailblazer Award applications (including video submission) will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

1. Communication Skills

  • How well does the applicant communicate their message in the video?
  • Are they able to convey their ideas with clarity, passion, and persuasion?

2. Creativity and Engagement

  • How creatively does the applicant present their message in the video?
  • Does the video capture the audience’s attention and leave a lasting impact through innovative storytelling or presentation techniques?

3. Showcasing Experience as a Young Leader

  • Does the video effectively showcase the applicant’s experience and contributions as a youth leader in the family planning and reproductive health field?
  • Do they highlight their unique experiences and accomplishments in a compelling and engaging manner?

4. Vision for AYSRHR Advancements

  • How well does the applicant articulate their vision for advancements or changes in adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health and rights (AYSRHR) that they would like to see promoted or discussed at ICFP 2025?
  • Are their ideas specific, impactful, and forward-thinking?

5. Innovative Approaches

  • How effectively does the applicant articulate their plans to incorporate innovative approaches into their proposed contribution to the 2025 ICFP?
  • Are their ideas for leveraging advancements in digital health, social media advocacy, virtual engagement, or other tools clear and impactful?

6. Skills and Expertise

  • Does the applicant provide a clear description of the skills they believe they can bring to the 2025 ICFP?
  • Are these skills relevant and aligned with the needs of the conference, such as FPNN reporting, plenary speaking, panelist roles, facilitation, storytelling, etc.?
  • Do they showcase confidence in fulfilling these roles?

I am above 35 years of age, what other options do I have to receive sponsorship to attend the conference?

You may participate as an abstract presenter. Abstract submission guidelines will be available closer to the ICFP 2025 conference date. Subscribe to the ICFP newsletter here to stay updated on the latest news and happenings (including information on topics like abstracts).

Examples of Trailblazer Roles

Throughout the planning and implementation of the latest ICFP (ICFP 2022), the ICFP Youth Trailblazers played a vital part in the success of the conference, taking on various roles, including (but not limited to):

  • Session speakers
  • Session moderators
  • Opening ceremony speaker
  • Youth Plenary organizers and speakers
  • UHC Plenary speaker
  • Phil Harvey Award winners
  • Lunch with Leaders keynote speaker
  • WHO ICFP Scientific Writing, Mentoring, & Coaching course facilitator
  • Youth Lounge organizers
  • ICFP LIVE Stage & FPNN management/support
  • ICFP press/media support
  • Power-shifting co-chair
  • Youth Pre-conference session facilitators
  • Youth Pre-conference hosts
  • Roundtable organizers & facilitators
  • Poster judges
  • Bayer Symposium moderator

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Global Youth Travel Awards

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Meet the 2023 finalists

Global Youth Travel Awards 2023

The Global Youth Travel Awards (GYTAs) formally recognise outstanding performers across several fields of international youth travel.

The winners of the GYTAs will be announced on the final evening of the World Youth and Student Travel Conference (WYSTC) in Lisbon on 27 September 2024.

Keep reading to find out the finalist organisations!

Nominated Award Finalists

youth travel award

The awards for nominated categories are an opportunity for organisations within the youth travel industry to let the industry know they are best-in-class for a particular category.

Best Responsible Tourism Initiative


Abraham Group

Experiment e.V

Experiment e.V

Outstanding contribution to the sdgs.

Projects Abroad 1 -Whale & pumas

Projects Abroad – Whale and Puma Conservation in Patagonia, Argentina


African Impact

Best dei initiative.

AFS Intercultural Programs

AFS Intercultural Programs



Best marketing campaign.

Tourism Northern Territory

Tourism Northern Territory


Best Education Abroad Provider

Study in Portugal Network

Study in Portugal Network


Centre for Global Citizenship Studies

Best travel tech provider.


Best Work Experience Provider

Alliance Abroad

Alliance Abroad Group

Roots Interns

Roots Interns

Extraordinary experience.


World Nomads

Penda photo tours

Penda Photo Tours

The wystc partnership award.

Hanover & Alliance Abroad Group

Hanover & Alliance Abroad Group

Go Abroad


Consumer-voted award finalists, best hostel.


Wake up! Hostels

Viajero Hostels

Viajero Hostels

Best lgbtq+ travel experience.


Oscar Wilde Tours

The Queer Travel

The Queer Travel

Best travel app.




Best Youth Tour Operator

INTRO Travel

INTRO Travel

Welcome to Travel

Welcome to Travel

Awards ceremony & gala dinner.

youth travel award

Kiplinger Readers' Choice Awards 2024: Travel Rewards Credit Cards

The Kiplinger Readers’ Choice Awards celebrate the best travel rewards credit cards.

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Kiplinger Readers' Choice Awards 2024 list of travel rewards credit card winners.

Kiplinger Readers' Choice Awards Categories

About the Kiplinger Readers’ Choice Awards

The Kiplinger Readers’ Choice Awards aim to recognize and celebrate the best products and services in the personal finance arena. We asked you, our Kiplinger community, to help us name the products and services you think have delivered excellent value in the past year.

The survey results, which we’re sharing here in our second annual Readers’ Choice Awards, offer valuable insight into which providers shine when it comes to your everyday interactions and experiences with them. Our Awards recognize excellence in everything from credit cards, banks and brokers to insurers, tax software and financial apps.  For each category, we’ve listed an overall winner that earned the highest score. We’ve also highlighted other products and services that earned above-average scores for various criteria we asked readers to assess.

By voting, our community has helped us form our guide to the very best financial products. These are the products and companies that you think stand out from the crowd.

Kiplinger Readers' Choice Awards: Travel Rewards Credit Cards

These cards provide the greatest value to frequent travelers, who can redeem points or miles for flights, hotel reservations, car rentals and more. Some come with perks such as rental car insurance and access to airport lounges. Readers judged travel rewards credit cards on the strength of customer service, how likely they would be to recommend the card to others and how satisfied they are overall with the card.

OVERALL WINNER: Capital One Venture X

Outstanding for:

  • Customer service
  • Most recommended
  • Overall satisfaction

This card handily beats the competition for delivering many of the benefits you would expect from a premium travel card but with a relatively low annual fee of $395. “The annual fee pays for itself if you do almost any travel,” wrote one reader.

Earn 10 miles per dollar spent on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel , five miles per dollar for flights reserved through Capital One Travel, and two miles per dollar on all other spending. Cardholders also get a $300 annual credit toward travel bookings through Capital One, a bonus of 10,000 miles on each yearly account anniversary, reimbursement of the application fee for expedited airport security screening with Global Entry or TSA PreCheck, and free access to three lounge networks: Capital One’s airport lounges, Priority Pass and Plaza Premium.

Chase Sapphire Preferred

This travel card wins honors for each aspect readers judged. One respondent wrote that it offers the “best benefits, like primary car rental insurance and travel insurance.”

Chase Sapphire Preferred, which has a $95 annual fee, offers five Chase Ultimate Rewards points per dollar on travel that you purchase through Chase Travel (two points per dollar on other travel spending); three points per dollar on restaurants, online grocery purchases and select streaming services; and one point per dollar on other spending. You can transfer points to the card’s travel transfer partners, including Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards, United MileagePlus, Marriott Bonvoy and World of Hyatt. Or redeem points for travel bookings through Chase, among other options.

Chase Sapphire Reserve

Chase’s premium credit card, which charges a $550 annual fee, provides benefits including a $300 yearly statement credit for travel purchases, membership with Priority Pass Select for airport lounge access, credit of up to $100 every four years for a Global Entry, TSA PreCheck or NEXUS application fee, and perks such as room upgrades at certain luxury hotels. “This card pays for itself,” one reader says.

Cardholders also get 10 points per dollar spent on hotels and car rentals purchased through Chase’s Ultimate Rewards portal and five points per dollar for flights booked through Chase Travel . These rewards kick in after you’ve spent $300 on travel. You also earn three points per dollar at restaurants and on other travel worldwide. As with Sapphire Preferred, you can transfer points to travel partners or redeem them for travel bookings.

American Express Gold

Earn four points per dollar spent at U.S. supermarkets (on up to $25,000 spent per year; one point per dollar thereafter). Cardholders also earn four points per dollar on dining or food delivery, three points on air travel, and one point on other spending. The most lucrative way to redeem points is for airfare booked through Amex Travel or as transfers to hotel or airline partner programs. The annual fee is $250.

Capital One Venture Rewards

Cardholders, who pay a $95 annual fee, get five miles per dollar on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel and two miles per dollar on all other spending. Redeem miles for statement credits on travel purchases or travel bookings through Capital One, or transfer miles to partner airline and hotel loyalty programs. 

“The website makes it easy to use rewards benefits to cover travel purchases,” one reader says. An additional perk: Reimbursement of the application fee for TSA PreCheck or Global Entry.

The Platinum Card from American Express

Readers especially appreciate this card for its excellent customer service. “You can always talk to a human who can help,” says one respondent. “In 30+ years, I have found that American Express always has my back!” says another.

Frequent travelers can offset the card’s $695 annual fee by taking advantage of its bountiful perks and valuable points structure. Travelers enjoy access to a range of airport lounges, including Amex’s Centurion lounges as well as those in the Airspace, Delta Sky Club, Escape, Plaza Premium and Priority Pass Select networks. “The lounge access is hard to beat,” says one survey respondent. 

You get up to $100 in application-fee reimbursement for TSA PreCheck or Global Entry, too. Plus, get yearly credits of up to $200 for incidental fees with one airline you choose, $200 for select hotel bookings through Amex, and $189 for membership with the CLEAR airport security screening program.

Cardholders earn extra points on various purchases, including five Membership Rewards points per dollar for flights booked with airlines or through Amex Travel (on up to $500,000 spent per year) and on prepaid hotel bookings through Amex. Exchanging points for flights booked through Amex or for certain gift cards are among the most favorable redemption options.

  • Wealth Managers
  • Donor-Advised Funds
  • Cash Back Credit Cards
  • Airline Rewards Credit Card Programs
  • Hotel Rewards Credit Card Programs
  • National Banks
  • Internet Banks
  • Full-Service Brokers
  • Tax Software
  • Auto Insurance Companies
  • Peer-to-Peer Payment Services
  • Homeowners Insurance Companies

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Ellen writes and edits personal finance stories, especially on credit cards and related products. She also covers the nexus between sustainability and personal finance. She was a manager and sustainability analyst at Calvert Investments for 15 years, focusing on climate change and consumer staples. She served on the sustainability councils of several Fortune 500 companies and led corporate engagements. Before joining Calvert, Ellen was a program officer for Winrock International, managing loans to alternative energy projects in Latin America. She earned a master’s from the U.C. Berkeley in international relations and Latin America. 

  • Lisa Gerstner Editor, Kiplinger Personal Finance magazine
  • Emma Patch Staff Writer, Kiplinger's Personal Finance

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Kiplinger Readers' Choice Awards 2024 list of internet bank winners.

Kiplinger Readers' Choice Awards The winners of the Kiplinger Readers’ Choice Awards' best internet banks category. Our awards celebrate the very best products and services in personal finance.

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youth travel award

youth travel award

TARC now offering 2024 Summer Youth Pass

L OUISVILLE, Ky. (WAVE) - TARC is again offering Louisville’s youth unlimited summer travel with their Summer Youth Pass, according to a release.

Officials said the pass covers the fare cost on all TARC routes from June 1 through August 31.

There will also be a Summer Pass available for adults with a MyTARC fare card that will cover the same dates. However, this can only be received at the same time as a Summer Youth Pass, and only one adult pass will be issued for every child’s pass, according to the release.

The passes are now available to load onto a MyTARC fare card, officials said. Those who would like to activate a Summer Youth Pass may visit a TARC location, either Union Station at 1000 West Broadway or the Nia Center at 2901 West Broadway.

For those without a reloadable MyTARC student-ID card, one will need to be purchased at one of the two TARC locations for an additional one-time setup fee of $5.

For more information, click or tap here .



  1. Awards

    youth travel award

  2. Camps International wins ‘Best Sustainable Organisation’ at the Global

    youth travel award

  3. 2018 Global Youth Travel Awards winners

    youth travel award

  4. Awards We Have Won

    youth travel award

  5. Another British Youth Travel Award for World Nomads

    youth travel award

  6. 2023 Global Youth travel Award winners announced

    youth travel award


  1. 2023 Global Youth travel Award winners announced

    The four consumer-voted awards offer travel businesses the opportunity to promote themselves, and at the same time, young travellers to voice their opinions on the best of youth travel. The winners were announced at a gala dinner on the final evening of the World Youth and Student Travel Conference (WYSTC) in Lisbon on 15 September 2023.

  2. WYSE Travel Confederation announces 2021 Global Youth Travel Award

    The 2021 Global Youth Travel Award winners are: Excellence in Travel Industry News Coverage The PIE. New Diversity and Inclusion Initiative Au Pair in America - DEI Learning Journey Series. Notable Innovation TruTravels - Travel Styles. Best Responsible Tourism Campaign World Nomads - Travel Better. Effective Use of Marketing

  3. WYSE Travel Confederation announces winners of the 2022 Global Youth

    MEDIA RELEASE. The winners of the six Global Youth Travel Awards (GYTA) were announced during a gala dinner on 30 September, during the final evening of the 2022 World Youth and Student Travel Conference held in Lisbon, Portugal.. Sponsored by International Experience Canada in 2022, WYSE Travel Confederation's annual GYTAs recognise outstanding contributors to the youth and student travel ...

  4. World Nomads Wins 2023 Global Youth Travel Award

    The Global Youth Travel Awards spotlights organizations that consistently exceed expectations in catering to the needs and aspirations of young travelers. World Nomads' win in the Extraordinary Experience Award category reaffirms its position as a trailblazer in the travel industry and a leading advocate for youth empowerment through travel.

  5. Global Youth Travel Awards 2023 Launched by WYSE Travel Confederation

    The Global Youth Travel Awards, now in their 13th year, are open to any organization that works with youth travelers. The four consumer-voted travel awards (Best Youth Tour Operator, Best LGBTQ+ Experience, Best Travel App, and Best Hostel) give travel businesses an opportunity to market themselves. At the same time, they allow young travelers ...

  6. Home

    The best of British celebrated - paving the way in a £28.6bn industry. On 23rd November 2023 in London, The British Educational Travel Association (BETA) honoured the businesses paving the way in the £28.6 billion UK youth, student and educational travel market at the British Youth Travel Awards. BETA - a not-for-profit member association - represents over 120 organisations, some of ...

  7. World Nomads wins Best Responsible Tourism Campaign Global Youth Travel

    Winner of the Global Youth Travel Award for Best Responsible Tourism Campaign Innovation: Travel Better Guest: Jon Whitby, GM Marketing and Brands, World Nomads World Nomads is a fast-growing online travel company that provides inspiration, advice, safety tips and specialized travel insurance for independent and adventure travellers exploring almost anywhere in the world.

  8. Categories

    2023 Awards Ceremony. This award recognises youth, student and educational travel businesses that are truly committed to being sustainable, responsible and ethical in how they operate and interact with customers, the wider community and the environment. This award recognises the transport provider that can demonstrate a commitment to quality ...

  9. Winners

    Congratulations to all of the winners and finalists in the 2023 British Youth Travel Awards. The British Youth Travel Awards are co-ordinated by BETA reward and celebrate the excellent work and high standards that our members and industry stakeholders demonstrate through their work year on year. From creating new and innovative products and ...

  10. World Nomads Wins Two Global Youth Travel Awards

    "The Global Youth Travel Awards are important for spotlighting industry leaders that are influencing the next generation, and it's a real honor to be recognized for our responsible travel initiatives," he says. The Footprints Network (Footprints), which won the Outstanding SDG Contribution, is a micro-giving program that started in 2004. ...

  11. InterExchange Wins Global Youth Travel Award for Innovation

    The Notable Innovation award recognizes a travel or tourism organization that has developed an innovative product or service that was new to the youth and student travel industry in 2022. We are very proud and honored to share this recognition and award with our colleagues and partners at the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE).

  12. Awards

    The four consumer-voted awards offer travel businesses the opportunity to promote themselves, and at the same time, young travellers to voice their opinions on the best of youth travel. The winners were announced at a gala dinner on the final evening of the World Youth and Student Travel Conference (WYSTC) in Lisbon on 27 September 2024.

  13. Rustic Pathways Wins Best Youth Travel Award for Fourth Time in Five

    For the third consecutive year and the fourth time in five years, Rustic was awarded the Best Youth Tour Operator during the annual Global Youth Travel Awards in Lisbon, Portugal. Rustic also won the award in 2018, 2017 and 2015, and was the runner-up in 2016. The awards are presented at the annual World Youth and Student Travel Conference by ...

  14. Rustic Pathways Wins Best Youth Travel Award for Third Time in Four

    For the second consecutive year and the third time in four years, Rustic was awarded the Best Youth Tour Operator during the annual Global Youth Travel Awards Friday in Edinburgh, Scotland. Rustic also won the award in 2017 and 2015, and was the runner-up in 2016. The awards are presented at the annual World Youth and Student Travel Conference ...

  15. Youth Trailblazer Award

    The 2025 International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) Secretariat is proud to support the fifth ICFP Youth Trailblazer Award! Applications Are Now Open. Formerly known as the Youth Travel Award or Youth Leader Video Contest, the 2025 ICFP Youth Trailblazer Award aims to amplify and highlight the voices of young leaders (aged 18-35) in the global family planning and sexual and ...

  16. Prize catch: the British Youth Travel Awards 2023

    'The thriving businesses celebrated, both finalists and award winners, at the British Youth Travel Awards 2023 is a promising indication of a thriving sector. With businesses and industry experts positively approaching International student recruitment, supporting lobbying and adapting services, it bolsters the UK as a hub of higher education ...

  17. Youth Travel Fund grants

    FEBS Youth Travel Fund (YTF) grants support participation of PhD students and young postdoctoral scientists from the FEBS area in events in the FEBS Advanced Courses programme. In addition, transcontinental YTF awards may be offered by some FEBS Advanced Courses as a result of support from IUBMB for participation of scientists from outside the ...

  18. FAQ

    The winners in each category will be announced at the Awards Ceremony Sea Life London Aquarium, London on the 22nd of November 2023. When and where will the Award ceremony take place? The Awards Ceremony will take place at the Sea Life London Aquarium, London on the 22nd of November 2023. What is the dress code?

  19. 2025 Youth Trailblazer Applications Now Open

    Mar 21, 2024. The 2025 International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) Secretariat is proud to support the fifth ICFP Youth Trailblazer Award! Applications are now open. Formerly known as the Youth Travel Award or Youth Leader Video Contest, the ICFP Youth Trailblazer Award aims to amplify and highlight the voices of young leaders (aged 18 ...

  20. 2021 Global Youth Travel Awards ceremony

    The 2021 Global Youth Travel Awards are sponsored by International Experience Canada. International Experience Canada (IEC) gives youth the opportunity to travel and work in Canada for up to two years. There are 3 different kinds of work and travel experiences available: working holiday, young professionals and internship.

  21. Trailblazer Application

    The 2025 International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) Secretariat is proud to support the fifth ICFP Youth Trailblazer Award! Applications Are Now CLOSED.. Formerly known as the Youth Travel Award or Youth Leader Video Contest, the ICFP 2025 Youth Trailblazer Award aims to amplify and highlight the voices of young leaders (aged 18-35) in the global family planning and sexual and ...

  22. Spiers, Cooke to be honored with 2024 ABCA Service Awards

    The ABCA Travel and Youth Baseball Service Awards were introduced at the 2023 ABCA Convention and honor coaches who have made or are making significant contributions to youth in their community through the sport of baseball. Mike Spiers, who passed away in 2013, was a trailblazer in travel baseball. He founded Amateur Baseball Development (ABD ...

  23. Most Valuable Travel Rewards In 2024

    Below is the extent to which travel rewards support award travel: Airline miles (69%) Hotel points (60%) Car rentals (37%) Cruise lines (26%) Airline and hotel points typically provide the most ...

  24. Best Education Provider

    This award acknowledges a product or experience that provides the youth, student and educational travel market with a dedicated customer experience. This award is suitable for UK based entrants from the following sectors: language and summer schools, education providers, academic programme suppliers and others that are providing valuable and ...

  25. GYTA Finalists

    The Global Youth Travel Awards (GYTAs) formally recognise outstanding performers across several fields of international youth travel. The winners of the GYTAs will be announced on the final evening of the World Youth and Student Travel Conference (WYSTC) in Lisbon on 27 September 2024. Keep reading to find out the finalist organisations!

  26. Kiplinger Readers' Choice Awards 2024: Travel Rewards Credit Cards

    These cards provide the greatest value to frequent travelers, who can redeem points or miles for flights, hotel reservations, car rentals and more. Some come with perks such as rental car ...

  27. TARC now offering 2024 Summer Youth Pass

    LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WAVE) - TARC is again offering Louisville's youth unlimited summer travel with their Summer Youth Pass, according to a release. Officials said the pass covers the fare cost on ...