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Company Travel Policy

A company travel policy is designed to outline a business's travel arrangement procedures and guidelines, stipulating which travel expenses are paid for by the company and how to manage the reimbursement process. A company travel policy should include a purpose statement, scope, authorization and reimbursement section, and travel arrangement processes.

Creating a detailed company travel policy will help ensure all business trips run smoothly, are secured ahead of time, and adhere to all company requirements.

Company Travel Policy - Free Template

Download this company travel policy template in Microsoft Word format.

Company Travel Policy Template:


When employees travel for company-related purposes, it is [ company name's ] responsibility to provide safe and reliable travel arrangements. This company travel policy serves to clarify the conditions and parameters of a company-paid trip.

The purpose of this company travel policy is to (a) outline the authorization and reimbursement process for travel arrangements and expenses; (b) list the company-paid travel expenses; and (c) establish protocols that oversee the travel arrangement process.

This company travel policy applies to all employees under contract at [ company name ], including paid interns, contractors, as well as seasonal, part-time, and full-time employees. [ Company name ] sees traveling out of the city, state, and/or country as a fully paid business trip, as well as one-day trips that are [ number of hours ] hours away from the office.

Authorization and Reimbursements.

All company travel arrangements must be authorized by senior employees at least [ number of weeks/months ] before the expected travel date, depending on the circumstances and the required travel arrangement period. Employees are not permitted to authorize their own travel arrangements.

Employees are expected to submit a Travel Expense Report at least [ number of days/weeks ] after the first business day back at work. On the Travel Expense Report, employees must include all company-paid expenses and personal expenses. The finance department is responsible for examining the Travel Expense Report and finalizing reimbursement payments.

Travel Arrangement:

All travel arrangements must be reserved at least [ number of weeks ] weeks before the travel date. The finance department is responsible for the booking and payment of all transportation, accommodation, and travel-related expenses.

Travel Expenses.

[ Company name ] employees are entitled to a company-paid travel ticket for any means of transportation the employee(s) require, including a [ type of class ] return plane, boat, train, and/or coach ticket, [ number of meals ] meals, and [ number of luggage ] luggage.

While traveling, employees can use a company-paid taxi service from and to the airport, hotel, and business location. If an employee wishes to travel for personal reasons, they will be financially responsible for the travel fare.


[ Company name ] employees are permitted to stay in a [ number of stars ][ type of accommodation ] while traveling for company purposes. The finance manager is responsible for securing the [ type of accommodation ] room and paying for an employee's stay.

Other Expenses.

[ Company employees ] will be reimbursed for [ number of meals ] lunch(s) and [ number of meals ] dinner(s) for a maximum of [ $/meal amount ] per meal. If an employee is hosting a client of [ company name ], the entire meal will be reimbursed.

In addition, if an employee requires a meeting, boardroom, or conference room while traveling, [ company name ] will book the room and make payment.

Personal Travel.

[ Company name ] will not be financially responsible for any personal expenses and travel arrangements. If an employee chooses to travel with a partner, [ company name ] is not responsible for their partner's accommodation, leisure, and/or travel expenses. An employee is required to submit this information on the Travel Expense Report and produce payslips for their expenses only.

International Travel.

If employees are required to travel out of the country for business, [ company name ] is financially responsible for all travel arrangements, including accommodation, transportation, visas, travel insurance, and medical expenses. International business trips must be authorized at least [ number of months ] before the expected travel date.

The finance department is required to submit a Travel Expense Report before and after the trip. Both reports must be signed off by at least two senior officials before and after the trip.

Company Credit Card Policy

What should be included in a travel policy?

  • Introduction .
  • Purpose statement .
  • Authorization and reimbursements .
  • Travel arrangement (both business-related and personal) .

What is corporate travel policy?

A corporate travel policy is a formal document that details the procedures and rules of business-related trips. The policy mainly focuses on the arrangements, expenses, and authorization processes.

How do you write a travel expense policy?

Use our free, customizable company travel policy template in Word format.

What is a travel and expense policy?

A travel and expense policy is an alternative name for a company travel policy, which outlines the travel arrangements and expenses required on a company-paid business trip.

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Employee handbook, expense reimbursement form, conflict of interest policy, code of ethics, professional code of conduct.

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Travel Expense Policy

It is the policy of [Company Name] to reimburse staff for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred during approved work-related travel.

Employees seeking reimbursement should incur the lowest reasonable travel expenses and exercise care to avoid impropriety or the appearance of impropriety. Reimbursement is allowed only when reimbursement has not been, and will not be, received from other sources. If a circumstance arises that is not specifically covered in this travel policy, then the most conservative course of action should be taken.

Business travel policies are aligned with company reimbursement rules. All business-related travel paid with [Company Name] funds must comply with company expenditure policies.

Authorization and responsibility

Staff travel must be authorized. Travelers should verify that planned travel is eligible for reimbursement before making travel arrangements. Within 30 days of completion of a trip, the traveler must submit a travel reimbursement form and supporting documentation to obtain reimbursement of expenses.

An individual may not approve his or her own travel or reimbursement. The travel reimbursement form must be signed by the executive director or the director of finance (for travel over $[amount]) or by the business manager (for travel under $[amount]).

Travel and reimbursement for members of the management team must be approved by the executive director or the director of finance and will be reviewed annually by the internal auditor.

Designated approval authorities are required to review expenditures and withhold reimbursement if there is reason to believe that the expenditures are inappropriate or extravagant.

Personal funds

Travelers should review reimbursement guidelines before spending personal funds for business travel to determine if such expenses are reimbursable. See Section II: Travel Expenses/Procedures for details. [Company Name] reserves the right to deny reimbursement of travel-related expenses for failure to comply with policies and procedures.

Travelers who use personal funds to facilitate travel arrangements will not be reimbursed until after the trip occurs and proper documentation is submitted.

Vacation in conjunction with business travel

In cases in which vacation time is added to a business trip, any cost variance in airfare, car rental or lodging must be clearly identified on the travel request form. [Company Name] will not prepay any personal expenses with the intention of being "repaid" at a later time, nor will any personal expenses be reimbursed.

Occasionally it may be necessary for travelers to request exceptions to this travel policy. Requests for exceptions to the policy must be made in writing and approved by the executive director or by the director of finance. Exceptions related to the director's or the director of finance's expenses must be submitted to the opposite person or to the treasurer of the board of trustees for approval. In most instances, the expected turnaround time for review and approval is five business days.

Travel Expenses/Procedures

General information Authorized business travel for staff that includes prepayments must be pre-approved.

Reimbursement of parking, mileage, gasoline in lieu of mileage and ferry or bus passes do not require requests if they are under $[amount]. Requests for reimbursement of expenses over $[amount] are to be submitted on a travel reimbursement form.

Permissible prepaid travel expenses Before the travel, [Company Name] may issue prepayments for airfare, rail transportation, rental vehicles, conference registration fees and cash advances. Applicable policies and methods of payments for these prepayments follow.

Airfare. Travelers are expected to obtain the lowest available airfare that reasonably meets business travel needs. Airfare may be prepaid by the business office.

Travelers are encouraged to book flights at least [amount of time] in advance to avoid premium airfare pricing.

Coach class or economy tickets must be purchased for domestic or international flights with flight time totaling less than five consecutive hours excluding layovers.

A less-than-first-class ticket (i.e., business class) may be purchased at [Company Name]'s discretion for domestic or international flights with flight time exceeding five consecutive hours excluding layovers.

Airfare may be purchased with a credit card or check through the business office with a request for payment form.

Rail transportation. [Company Name] will prepay rail transportation provided that the cost does not exceed the cost of the least expensive airfare.

Rental vehicles. [Company Name] will pay for approved use of a rental vehicle. See the section on reimbursements below in this section.

Conference registration fees. Conference registration fees can be prepaid with a credit card or check through the business office with a request for payment form. Business-related banquets or meals that are considered part of the conference can be paid with the registration fees; however, such meals must be deducted from the traveler's per diem allowance.

Travel advances. Cash advances are authorized for specific situations that might cause undue financial hardship for business travelers. These situations are limited to staff traveling on behalf of [Company Name]. A maximum of 80 percent of the total estimated cost can be advanced.

Expenses associated with the travel must be reconciled and substantiated within two weeks of the return date. The traveler must repay [Company Name] for any advances in excess of the approved reimbursable expenses. The department initiating the travel is responsible for notifying the business office to deposit any excess funds into the appropriate departmental account.

Travel advances are processed by submitting a completed request for payment form and travel request form to the business office. Reimbursement for any remaining expenses is processed on a travel reimbursement form approved by the designated approval authority.

Reimbursements Requests for reimbursements of travel-related expenses are submitted on a travel reimbursement form. This form must be accompanied by supporting documentation. If the requested reimbursement exceeds 20 percent of the total pre-trip estimate, the travel reimbursement form must be signed by the executive director or the director of finance.

These forms must be submitted to the business office within two weeks after the trip is completed. Travel reimbursement forms not submitted within this time frame require exception approval from the executive director or from the director of finance.

Reimbursement of travel expenses is based on documentation of reasonable and actual expenses supported by the original, itemized receipts where required. Reimbursements that may be paid by [Company Name] are shown below.

Airfare. If the airfare was not prepaid by the business office, an original itemized airline receipt, an e-ticket receipt/statement or an Internet receipt/statement is required. The receipt must show the method of payment and indicate that payment was made.

Rail transportation. If rail transportation was not prepaid by the business office, an original itemized receipt, original e-ticket receipt/statement or Internet receipt/statement is required. The receipt must show the method of payment and indicate that payment was made.

Automobile (personally owned—domestic travel). A valid driver's license issued within the United States and personal automobile insurance are required for expenses to be reimbursed. Drivers should be aware of the extent of coverage (if any) provided by his or her automobile insurance company for travel that is business or not personal in nature.

Reimbursement for use of a personal automobile is based on the [Company Name] mileage rate.

A staff travel reimbursement form is required for reimbursement of all vehicle-related expenses, including gasoline, wear and tear, and personal auto insurance. As of [date], the rate is [$] per mile. Travelers may opt to request reimbursement for actual gasoline expenses in lieu of the [Company Name] mileage rate. In these instances original, itemized receipts are required.

Automobile (rental—domestic travel). Reimbursement for a commercial rental vehicle as a primary mode of transportation is authorized only if the rental vehicle is more economical than any other type of public transportation, or if the destination is not otherwise accessible. Vehicle rental at a destination city is reimbursable. Original receipts are required.

[Company Name] authorizes reimbursement for the most economic vehicle available. In certain circumstances larger vehicles may be rented, with supervisory approval. The rental agreement must clearly show the date and the points of departure/arrival, as well as the total cost. Drivers must adhere to the rental requirements, and restrictions must be followed. Original receipts are required.

When vehicle rentals are necessary, [Company Name] encourages travelers to purchase collision damage waiver (CDW) and loss damage waiver (LDW) coverage. [Company Name] will reimburse the cost of CDW and LDW coverage; all other insurance reimbursements will be denied.

Drivers should be aware of the extent of coverage (if any) provided by his or her automobile insurance company for travel that is business or not personal in nature.

Parking fees, tolls and other incidental costs associated with the vehicle use are not covered by the rental agreement.

Travelers are strongly encouraged to fill the gas tank before returning the vehicle to the rental agency to avoid service fees and more expensive fuel rates.

Conference registration fees. If the conference fee was not prepaid, [Company Name] will reimburse these fees, including business-related banquets or meals that are part of the conference registration. Original receipts to support the payment are required. If the conference does not provide a receipt, then a cancelled check, credit card slip/statement or documentation that the amount was paid is required for reimbursement.

A prorated amount for the meals provided must be deducted from the traveler's per diem. See Meals (per diem) for more detail. Entertainment activities such as golf outings and sightseeing tours will not be reimbursed.

Registration fees paid directly by an individual will not be reimbursed until the conference is completed.

Lodging (commercial). The cost of overnight lodging (room rate and tax only) will be reimbursed to the traveler if the authorized travel is 45 miles or more from the traveler's home or primary worksite.

Exceptions to this restriction may be approved in writing by the executive director or by the director of finance.

[Company Name] will reimburse lodging expenses at reasonable, single occupancy or standard business room rates. When the hotel or motel is the conference or convention site, reimbursement will be limited to the conference rate.

Only single room rates are authorized for payment or reimbursement unless the second party is representing the agency in an authorized capacity. If the lodging receipt shows more than a single occupancy, the single room rate must be noted. If reimbursement for more than the single room rate is requested, the name of the second person must be included.

Meals (per diem). Per diem allowances are reimbursable for in-state overnight travel that is 45 miles or more from the traveler's home or primary worksite.

Per diem allowances are applicable for all out-of-state travel that is 45 miles or more from the traveler's home or primary worksite.

[Company Name] per diem rates are based on the U.S. General Services Administration Guidelines, which vary by city location. In addition to meals these rates include incidental expenses such as laundry, dry cleaning and service tips (e.g., housekeeping or porter tips). Incidental expenses, unless specifically cited in this policy, will not be reimbursed.

Per diem reimbursements are based on departure and return times over the entire 24-hour day and are prorated accordingly.

If a free meal is served on the plane, included in a conference registration fee, built in to the standard, single hotel room rate or replaced by a legitimate business meal, the per diem allowance for that meal may not be claimed.

Receipts are not required for per diem allowances. Per diem allowances are reimbursed after the trip is completed.

Business meals. Travelers are required to follow [Company Name] expenditure policies when requesting reimbursement for business meals. Original itemized receipts are required.

Business expenses. Business expenses, including faxes, photocopies, Internet charges, data ports and business telephone calls incurred while on travel status, can be reimbursed. Original itemized receipts are required.

Parking. Original receipts are required for parking fees (including airport parking) totaling $[amount] or more. The lodging bill can be used as a receipt when charges are included as part of the overnight stay.

Telephone calls. The costs of personal telephone calls are the responsibility of the individual.

Tolls. Original receipts are required for tolls totaling $[amount] or more.

Miscellaneous transportation. Original receipts are required for taxi, bus, subway, metro, ferry and other modes of transportation if costs are $[amount] or more for each occurrence.

Visa, passport fees and immunizations. If these items are required for international travel, their reimbursement is left to the discretion of your supervisor. If approved by the designated authority, original itemized receipts are required.

Nonreimbursable Travel Expenses The following items that may be associated with business travel will not be reimbursed by [Company Name]:

  • Airline club memberships.
  • Airline upgrades.
  • Business class for domestic flights or first class for all flights.
  • Child care, babysitting, house-sitting, or pet-sitting/kennel charges.
  • Commuting between home and the primary work location.
  • Costs incurred by traveler's failure to cancel travel or hotel reservations in a timely fashion.
  • Evening or formal wear expenses.
  • Haircuts and personal grooming.
  • Laundry and dry cleaning.
  • Passports, vaccinations and visas when not required as a specific and necessary condition of the travel assignment.
  • Personal entertainment expenses, including in-flight movies, headsets, health club facilities, hotel pay-per-view movies, in-theater movies, social activities and related incidental costs.
  • Travel accident insurance premiums or purchase of additional travel insurance.
  • Other expenses not directly related to the business travel.

Travel for Non-Employees Additional costs for travel, lodging, meal or other travel expenses for spouses or other family members will not be reimbursed unless the individual has a bona fide company purpose for engaging in the travel or attending the event. Such travel is generally limited to senior management and should occur infrequently.

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Company Travel Policy: The Complete Guide + A Free Template

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Traveling on business has become the norm in our busy, work-oriented society, and so is a company travel policy with this trend.

Despite all the technological advancements, getting a chance to talk to clients face to face or pitch a business project in person still beats sometimes messy communications apps. 

Since travel is neither cheap nor easy, it's best to set clear expectations and rules ahead of time. A company travel policy will outline the procedures for employees on company-paid trips to avoid any issues that might arise in the process.

Our comprehensive guide to company travel policies will give you an idea about the kind of information and provisions the Policy should include. 

We'll also provide you with a free template that you can use to quickly deploy a company travel policy of your own.

What Is Travel Policy?

A company travel policy, also known as a corporate travel policy, is an  internal document that outlines how business-related expenses are handled within the company . 

It covers everything from defining what a business-related expense is and isn't to how to remain safe if traveling alone and everything in between. Most importantly, it makes it clear who's in charge of approving expenses and reimbursements and who takes care of the actual booking.

Among other things, a travel policy can include:

  • Booking responsibilities and the choice of company-approved travel agencies
  • Total budget (lodging, travel, daily meals, etc.)
  • Company-paid and out-of-pocket expenses
  • The approval process and the person in charge of it
  • The approval of reimbursements
  • Preferred company vendors and partners
  • Travel debriefing process
  • Travel insurance carrier
  • Exceptions to rules for any reason

As you can see, a travel policy is about much more than just saying whether an employee can fly business or not.  Instead, a corporate travel policy is about foreseeing all the situations that can arise from business trips and staying on top of them .

Why Do Companies Need a Travel Policy?

Streamlining processes saves companies a lot of time and money in the long run. Be it onboarding new employees, paying out bonuses, or organizing business trips,  having a system in place will make the process more efficient and reliable .

More importantly, rules and  policies protect both parties from unexpected events and expenses  that could arise from misunderstandings.

A travel policy will help employees manage both business and personal expenses more reliably while also giving them the freedom to book and organize trips how they please.

When employees have strict guidelines, they'll always know what's coming out of their pocket and what expenses the company will incur. 

On the other hand, companies will reduce unnecessary overheads by making it clear what is reimbursable and what isn't. An employee on a business trip with a business card in their wallet can quickly lose sight of the purchases they're making. Your Policy should clearly say what the limit to such expenditures is and draw a line.

A company travel policy will also contribute to fairness and positive company culture as there will be the same set of rules that applies to everyone.

Approving and reimbursing expenses won't be left to the whims of individuals — instead, everyone will abide by the same guidelines.

Another important point needs to be clarified when we're talking about company travel policy. What exactly falls under the category of business travel? We'll address that issue in the section below.

What Counts as Traveling on Business?

Any international or domestic journey that the employee undertakes for the company constitutes traveling on business .

In some cases, companies might try and define what a business trip is depending on the distance that the employee has to travel, but in essence, it should all fall under traveling on business.

It shouldn't matter whether a company is reimbursing its employee for just a bit of gas or a transoceanic flight — if the employee was traveling at the company's behest, all their expenses should be covered.

Of course, this goes only for the expenses mentioned in a company travel policy, which is yet another reason to have such a document in the first place.

How Do You Write a Business Travel Policy?

Now that we've gotten the "what" and "why" out of the way, it's time to address a frequent question:  how do you write a business travel policy?

Writing any Policy can feel daunting since there is a lot to cover and keep in mind. We'll help you write an effective travel policy, step by step. First and most importantly - let's see what you need to include in this document.

What Should Be Included in a Travel Policy?

When you want to create a company travel policy for employees, it's important to include information they really need. For example,  reimbursement is vital for your team , so it should be properly addressed. 

Your employees need to understand what they can get reimbursed for and how to claim those expenses. The reimbursement procedure must be a part of a comprehensive corporate travel policy.

And, of course,  safety is a crucial component  of travel policy for companies. You want this document to have value for your team and to add a layer of protection, so it needs to include travel insurance and emergency procedures too. This is especially important nowadays, given the fact that both Coronavirus and Monkeypox are circulating the globe. 

The list below will give you an idea of the basics that are usually included in the company travel policy for employees:

  • The introductory part  that explains what will the travel policy cover and why it is important for the employees
  • The travel booking procedure  and business travel booking tool - are both approved by you. This section should also contain exact timeframes for booking and approvals
  • Expense categories  include details on what's reimbursable in each one. Your Policy should clearly state whether items like meal expenses are included. 
  • Non-reimbursable purchases . This part of the travel policy is important, as it cites what isn't covered and therefore must be paid by the employee if they want it.
  • Expense reports and reimbursement requests  - how to submit them
  • Travel support and emergency procedures , including travel insurance and duty of care vendors 

These are the essential elements that are usually listed in a corporate travel policy. Still, you are free to expand it or tailor it in any other way, so it suits your business needs.

Pro tip:  Before you make your corporate travel policy official, reach out to one or more frequent travelers for feedback. They'll be able to fill any gaps and assess whether it's clear and to the point.

Avoid Common Company Travel Policy Mistakes

The most frequent mistake companies make when creating their travel policies is making the document  too challenging to understand . This means that the Policy is either too loosely and unprofessionally written or that it's too strict and bureaucratic.

Both of these extremes make understanding travel policies unlikely.

Give your policy structure and decide on a tone of voice you'd like to use throughout the document. Then, try to be as consistent as you possibly can. The tone can be serious and official, but it doesn't have to be robotic. If your employees need a lawyer to make heads or tails of your Policy, you haven't done a good job.

Another common mistake is  not using technology to your full advantage .  Tracking mileage , employee expenses, and  their location  and then aggregating that data can help you manage travel budgets accordingly. Without tech-based solutions, you'll have to record every receipt and every tiny detail of the employee's trip. It's time-consuming, ineffective, and annoying at best.

Read our article on the best GPS employee tracker apps and find out which solution is right for your business.

Get Your Free Company Travel Policy Template Now

Now that you've learned how to create an effective and comprehensive corporate travel policy, we'll provide you with more guidance on the matter:  a sample company travel policy for employees in a PDF format . You can download and print it or use it as a foundation for your internal document.

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Benefits of Having a Corporate Travel Policy

Key elements of a corporate travel policy, creating a corporate travel policy, best practices for implementing a corporate travel policy, ensuring compliance with a corporate travel policy, sample corporate travel policy, what is a corporate travel policy, and why is it important, what should be included in a corporate travel policy, how can organizations create an effective corporate travel policy, the bottom line.

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How to Set a Corporate Travel Policy: Key Elements, Best Practices, and Compliance

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A corporate travel policy is a set of guidelines and best practices that govern employee travel. Organizations that have corporate travel policies use them to ensure that all employees follow the proper protocols when booking business-related travel and logging expenses.

While travel policies are often standard for large corporations, smaller businesses can also benefit from instituting them.

Key Takeaways

  • A corporate travel policy is essential for organizations to manage travel expenses, ensure compliance, and streamline processes.
  • Key elements of a corporate travel policy include travel booking procedures, expense reimbursement guidelines, travel safety measures, and approval processes.
  • Best practices for implementing a corporate travel policy include effective communication, employee training, and regular policy review and updates.

Having a corporate travel policy can yield a range of benefits, both for business owners and their employees.

From the perspective of business owners, a corporate travel policy can allow you to:

  • Monitor employee travel expenses to ensure accuracy and detect possible instances of fraud
  • Establish guidelines for which hotels, airlines, and other travel organizations that employees may book through
  • Ensure that employees understand which travel expenses may be submitted for reimbursement
  • Organize expense data accurately and quickly
  • Remain compliant with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax rules and regulations regarding business travel
  • Minimize waste and streamline your accounting systems

On the employee side, having a standard corporate travel policy in place can help employees avoid a scenario where they may be waiting weeks or months to be reimbursed for expenses they’ve paid out of pocket because the company can’t verify what they spent.

Employers should take care to understand which business travel expenses are deductible and which ones are not under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) .

There’s no one-size-fits-all corporate travel policy template or blueprint that businesses can follow. That’s an advantage, however, as it allows you to create a travel policy that fits your business’s needs.

Generally speaking, a corporate travel policy should cover rules and guidelines for the following:

  • Airline, hotel, and rental car reservations
  • Other transportation expenses , such as rail travel or ride-sharing
  • Employee spending, as it pertains to meals, entertainment, phone calls, and other necessary expenses
  • Parking fees and toll passes
  • Acceptance of gifts when meeting with clients, or expensing of gifts presented to clients
  • Medical care and travel insurance
  • Currency exchange fees and international banking
  • Employee submissions of receipts for reimbursement
  • Review, approval, and payment of submitted expenses
  • Personal safety of employees
  • Security of business equipment or documents

When in doubt, it’s better for a corporate travel policy to cover more ground rather than less. Making your organization’s travel policy as comprehensive as possible can help to avoid confusion with regard to which expenses are acceptable and when employees can expect to be reimbursed.

Creating a corporate travel policy is a multistep process. Breaking each step down can make it easier to manage and create a policy that’s tailored to your business’s needs.

Identify Your Objectives

First, consider what you need a corporate travel policy to do for you. Are you primarily interested in minimizing costs or preventing abuse? Do you want to ensure that employees are booking with approved organizations and taking steps to remain safe while they’re traveling? Considering your top three objectives can offer a good starting point for developing your corporate travel policy.

You can use those insights to draft a purpose statement outlining the policy’s intentions. This doesn’t need to be lengthy, but it should convey what the policy is designed to do.

Get Your Team Involved

A corporate travel policy is only as good as its ability to meet the needs of those who are expected to adhere to it. Asking some questions about your team and your business’s travel activities can help you pin down what your policy should cover.

For example, ask yourself the following:

  • Do any employees require special accommodations for travel related to a health condition or disability?
  • Are there any destinations that the business travels to regularly?
  • Are there any preferred hotels, airlines, or rental car companies that the business likes to use?
  • Is there a preferred process for booking trips or answering questions?
  • Who will be responsible for approving bookings, answering employee questions, approving expenses, and submitting them for payment?
  • How will employees pay for expenses they book?
  • If employees are using corporate credit cards , what rules are they expected to follow?
  • How will they submit those expenses for reimbursement, and what information will they need to provide?

Polling your employees can further inform your decision making. For example, an employee who travels frequently may know which hotels are better than others or which airlines offer the best rates. Your employees may appreciate being given a chance to share their insights and opinions on what the company’s travel policy should look like.

If you’re considering corporate credit cards for employees, look for one that allows you to set individual spending controls for each card.

Draft the Policy, and Review It Carefully

Once you’ve collected all the feedback you think you’ll need, you can get to work on fleshing out your corporate travel policy. Again, you want to be thorough in detailing the policies and procedures that you expect employees to follow.

After you’ve written out the first draft, go through your policy a second time. Is there anything that could be explained more clearly? Any areas that may cause confusion for employees? Anything you’ve left out entirely?

You may need to review your travel policy several times to make sure you’re covering all of the most important bases. Once you have the language down, you can review it one final time to check for spelling and grammar errors.

Share the Policy with Your Staff

The final step after creating a corporate travel policy is conveying it to everyone in the company who’s affected by it. If employees don’t know what’s in the policy, it’ll be very difficult for them to adhere to it.

Remember that you’ll need to repeat this step anytime you make changes to the policy. If you add something new or take something away, it’s your duty to convey that to your employees so they’re aware of the changes.

Once you’ve created a corporate travel policy, you’ll need to implement it. These tips can help with introducing your company’s travel policy and enforcing it.

  • Ensure that employees know who they can direct questions to regarding business travel bookings, expense reporting, and reimbursement.
  • Set a specific time frame for submitting expenses for reimbursement and processing payments to employees.
  • Consider scheduling an employee meeting or workshop to walk through the details of the travel policy and answer any questions that might arise.
  • Ensure that all new hires get a copy of the travel policy.
  • Regularly review and update your travel policy if necessary.
  • Conduct monthly reviews or audits of travel expenditures to check for errors and potentially detect fraud or abuse.

It’s also important to specify what consequences, if any, employees may face if they’re found to be noncompliant with the policy. That may include having travel privileges restricted or, in a worst-case scenario, dismissal if evidence of fraud is found.

Ensuring compliance with your company’s corporate travel policy is important from a cost perspective, as you don’t want to blow your travel budget. There are different tactics you can use to maintain compliance across all stakeholders .

  • Update your policy regularly to reflect the company’s latest practices and guidelines.
  • Simplify the policy if necessary to avoid confusion.
  • Clearly communicate compliance expectations, as well as the consequences of noncompliance, to all employees.
  • Ensure that the policy is detailed thoroughly during the onboarding process for new hires.
  • Conduct regular reviews and audits of travel expenses to look for any signs of noncompliance.
  • Consider using a business travel management tool or software to keep track of bookings and expense reporting.

You may also place safeguards on travel bookings to prevent employees from straying outside the boundaries of the policy. For example, if you use a corporate travel agency, you might direct the agency to automatically reject any attempted bookings that don’t involve a preferred travel partner.

Corporate travel policies are common across a variety of industries, from finance to retail to the government. Examples of organizations that maintain corporate travel policies include:

  • JPMorgan Chase & Co.
  • Columbia University
  • U.S. Department of the Interior

All of these sample policies have similar characteristics, in that they outline the purpose of the policy, specify the rules that apply to booking accommodations, and offer detailed instructions to employees on how to submit expense reports for reimbursement. It may take some time to work out your travel policy, but reviewing examples like these can give you an idea of what to add.

If writing a detailed corporate travel policy yourself seems daunting, you may consider outsourcing this task to a consultant who’s experienced in compliance.

A corporate travel policy establishes the guidelines for booking travel expenses and submitting them for reimbursement. Travel policies can also extend to things like personal safety and security of business equipment or documents. Having a corporate travel policy is important for minimizing fraud and abuse, while ensuring more accurate record-keeping.

At a minimum, a corporate travel policy should outline approved practices for booking airfare, hotels, rental cars, and other necessary travel expenses. It should also detail the process for submitting expenses for reimbursement, including how expenses are approved and when employees can expect to be paid.

The first step in creating an effective corporate travel policy is understanding what your business needs. Forecasting your budget for business travel and setting proper limits on which expenses are acceptable are the next steps. Organizations must also ensure that all employees are aware of the corporate travel policy and understand how to adhere to it.

A corporate travel policy may be a necessity if your employees take regular business trips to meet with clients or prospective clients, attend professional conferences or seminars, or participate in career training. If you don’t yet have a policy in place, you may want to set that as a priority for your business. Having a clear policy to follow leaves little room for misunderstandings and mismanagement of travel privileges.

Internal Revenue Service. “ Understanding Business Travel Deductions .”

JPMorgan Chase & Co. “ JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. Supplier Travel and Expense Policy .”

Best Buy Partner Portal. “ Vendor Travel and Expense Reimbursement Policy .”

Columbia University, University Policies. “ Travel Expense Policy .”

U.S. Department of the Interior. “ Travel .”

Starbucks. “ Non-Partner Travel and Business Expense Standard—U.S. and Canada .”

sample of travel policy

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travel expense policy

Building a better travel and expense (T&E) policy: step by step 

A travel and expense policy (T&E) is a dynamic set of rules regulating how employees book travel. From setting budgets on flights and accommodations to standardizing the process for expense reports, your T&E should answer any (and all) questions about company travel, so you don’t have to. 

But whatever the scope of your policy, its main purpose is to control spending. Defining specific guidelines makes it much easier to predict how much individual travelers will spend – and determine if you need to get that number down.  

Plus, with a corporate travel expense policy in place, there’s no room for ambiguity. An expense is either authorized, or it’s not. Say bye-bye fraud. 

What happens without a T&E policy? 

Let’s just say, what can go wrong, will probably go wrong.  

At the end of the day, a travel and expenses policy aims to streamline business processes, save costs, and eliminate fraud. If these factors go unaddressed, you leave yourself vulnerable to:  

  • Overspending due to hidden costs if expenses are not under constant supervision. 
  • Expense reports arriving late or without essential information if employees are unaware or unsure of specific guidelines. 
  • A rise in fraudulent expense claims in the form of duplicate, exaggerated, and misreported business expense claims. 
  • Without guidelines, fraudulent behavior cannot be controlled or addressed, and, therefore, encouraged further. 
  • Without a fixed way of recording and storing expense data, you’re left with no insights into spending trends and patterns.    

T&E is not one-size-fits-all 

No two companies are the same, so naturally, not every company’s travel and expense policy is going to look the same. For example, some companies will need to reimburse incidentals, but that won’t really apply for others. Some provide per diem allowances while others only reimburse actual expenses. You get the picture. 

The key to creating an effective and dynamic travel expense policy is to first figure out your organization’s specific needs from a control and spend perspective. And to figure out what you need, you’ll need to analyze your current expenses. Here’s some key factors to consider:  

  • How much does an average business trip cost? 
  • What percentage of your employee’s travel? 
  • How often do they travel? To where? 
  • What is your return-on-investment (ROI)? This can be easy or difficult to measure depending on the nature of the trips.  

(Pssst! All that data sound like a daunting task? Don’t worry – travel management software   can make this process so much easier. 

Defining the scope of your T&E policy 

Now that you know what you need, it’s time to set your guidelines.  

Keep in mind: T&E policies are meant to manage and regulate the process for submitting an expense report. As you create it, here are a few expense categories to keep in mind:   

1) Transportation 

Transportation expenses can include airfare, train or bus tickets, car rentals, and taxi or ride-sharing services. A comprehensive travel and expense policy should clearly state which modes of transportation are allowed and what limits are in place for each. 

For example, team members may be allowed to rent a car for up to a certain cost per-day or only use a ride-sharing service for trips under a certain distance. Are your employees flying first or business class? The policy should clearly state which class of flight bookings will be applicable for reimbursements.  

2) Lodging 

Accommodations are another important aspect of business travel. The policy should state the hotels or hotel chains your employees are allowed to stay and what the maximum per-night rate is – and be sure to consider the discounted rates your travel management company  can offer you. 

If hotels aren’t being booked through your travel booking software or dedicated travel consultant, make sure you drive travelers to your preferred booking solution. This way you can define capping amounts for hotel bookings and are not overpaying for hotels or other accommodations. 

3) Meals and Per Diems 

When defining a corporate travel expense policy, remember not to overlook meals and incidentals. The per diem – also known as a subsistence allowance – should cover these expenses, including meals, snacks, incidentals (such as laundry or tips), and even entertainment expenses. It should also provide guidance on what types of meals are covered and what limits are in place. 

For example, employees may be allowed to expense a certain amount for lunch and dinner, but not breakfast or alcoholic beverages. Most importantly, set clear boundaries not to mingle personal and business expenses. So even though your policy does cover a few drinks with clients during a sales pitch, team members shouldn’t use it as an excuse to turn up at happy hour on the company dime. 

4) Corporate credit card expenses 

These cards are typically issued to employees who frequently travel for business, allowing them to charge expenses directly to your company. Not every organization implements corporate credit cards for travel, but if you’re one of the companies that do, you’ll need to lay some ground rules.  

The expense policy should outline what types of expenses are allowed to be charged to the card (like airfare, hotel rooms, and meals), who can use one, and what limits are in place. Just as with per diems, discourage employees from using this card for non-business purposes by emphasizing the consequences for violating policy.   

Creating an effective T&E policy 

Every organization requires rules and regulations to perform its day-to-day operations smoothly. As such, you’ll need to think beyond the basics and deeply consider the current state of your travel expenses. 

A well-written and well-communicated travel and expense policy streamlines travel expense management for the company and simplifies the employee process. 

And trust us: you don’t want to get stuck scrambling for receipts when employees return from a training event or leave them in the dark while waiting for expense reimbursements (talk about a hit to employee morale). 

But the work doesn’t end after successfully writing your first draft. Like any operation, an efficient T&E policy is enforced and consistently refined.  

Communicate your policy to your employees. And if they try to claim excess reimbursement? Stand by your policy. Afterall, it’s there for a reason. 

If your policy says it won’t pay for extra luggage fees, don’t pay them. If it sets a maximum mileage rate, don’t pay above that. The easier you make it to comply, the more your employees will guide themselves. 

Phew – that was a lot. If the thought of building a business travel expense policy for your organization from scratch has you running for the nearest exit, don’t fret. Check out our travel policy  template  to guide the first draft of your policy.  

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The world of corporate travel is always changing.  Sign up and never miss a beat. 

What is Travel Policy?

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sample of travel policy

Table of Contents

In this policy, you will get, sample policy, legal/medical expenses, transportation expense, local transportation, accommodation, on trip expenses, responsibilities of the employee.

A travel policy is basically a company’s rules and procedures that outline how their employees should approve, book, and sponsor travel for business-related purposes. Corporate travel policies are normally created by the Finance Manager and the Travel Manager. They typically abstract things like if an employee can travel in business class, before how many weeks they should book their trips, or if there are certain precautions employees must take when traveling alone. Travel policies aren’t just rules. They shouldn’t be confusing and too restricting. Rather, travel policies can positively affect both travelers and businesses.

A company travel policy is affected by how your company travels, who travels, and why they travel. However, there are some things that need to be in any company’s policy. There are some challenges to the travel policies formulated in general. They are that the travel policies are challenging to understand, they are not enforced using technology, and they come across as overly bureaucratic. With our Travel Policy Template, you can overcome these challenges and have an easy-to-understand policy for your organization’s employees.

  • Approved travel booking tools.
  • Limit of cost of the booking (hotels, flights, ground transportation).
  • Notable exceptions or rules for costlier cities or routes.
  • Reimbursement process.
  • Permitted and not permitted expenses.
  • Travel debriefing process.
  • Travel insurance carrier.
  • Duty of care vendor or procedures.


‘Name of the Company’ summarizes the provisions for business related travels in its travel policy. In this policy, instructions and explanations are given for every possible expenses. This policy contains the responsibilities on the part of the employees. Every employee must read and understand the given duties and shall conduct accordingly.

This policy defines the process and the eligibility for travel within and outside the country on business visits. The company expects the employee to travel expeditiously and comfortably to meet the business needs. It is also expected that the employee to be conscious to the cost to company and avoid wasteful expenses.

The policy is applicable to all employees of the company.

In case of travelling to other countries, all the expenses for getting a visa(exceptthe expenses for passport) will be covered by ‘Name of the Company’ . All the medical expenses like traveller’s medical insurance, examinations, vaccinations etc., will be covered by ‘Name of the Company’ directly. In case of travel related accidents, the medical fees will be covered by the traveller’s insurance. If not, ‘Name of the Company’ will reimburse partial/full medical expenses

For transportation via plane, the Company will pay for a two-way ‘Class’ classticket, meal (as included in the ticket) and One luggage and a carry bag. Theemployee is entitled to bear the expenses of extra luggage or duty free purchases. If the employee is using any other mode of transport, the company will reimburse for ‘class’ tickets. With the exception of unforeseen trips, the bookings must be done at least ‘TimeFrame’ in advance. This must be done with a written approval of the ‘JobTitle’ . Receipts for all the other expenses must be kept and submitted to the ‘JobTitle’ at the end of the trip.

When reached at the destination, taxis can be used to commute in the area for business purpose. The employee must especially hold the receipt for traveling back and forth between airport and hotel, and traveling to any remote placeforthe purpose of business. Transportation expenses for tourist place or places visited for personal reasons including exploring or site seeing will not be reimbursed. The reimbursement limit in case of local transport is not more than ‘Amount in Currency’ .

The company shall pay for a ‘Categorise Hotel (_ star or best hotel inthearea)’ Hotel for the employee to stay during business visits. If the employee decides to stay longer than originally planned, due to any personal reasons, the company is NOT entitled to pay for the stay of such extra days. Expenses for extra room will NOT be paid. This provision is not considered if the employee had to change the room for reasons beyond his control that made the existing room unsuitable for staying. The Hotel Room must not cost more than ‘Amount in Currency’ a night.

The employee is entitled to be reimbursed for the lunch and dinner for the business trip. This amount shall not be more than ‘Amount in Currency’ per meal. If the employee is travelling with the non-employee, ONLY the expenses for employee’s meal shall be reimbursed. Separate bills must be maintained for this purpose. In case the employee has lunch/dinners with clients, in such case, the whole amount of the bill will be reimbursed. In case of bills exceeding ‘Amount in Currency’ per meal for client lunch/dinner, an approval from ‘Job Title’ must be required.

The employee shall keep in mind that company’s resources are not their own. He shall plan the trip with reasonable expenses. The employee should collect the bills and receipts for every business related expense done on the trip. The Employee must submit all the bills/ receipts to the ‘Job Title’ within ‘Number of days’ days after returning from the trip. The expenses would be reimbursed within ‘Time Frame’ or with the next payment, after it has been approved.

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Travel Policy for employees  

The following reasons explain the need of a Travel Policy for employees and these various reason to make this important to have travel policy in place for a company.

Sample Travel policy gives standardised rules and regulations which are to be followed while on travel.

It saves time of employees as with business Travel Policy in place processes and procedures are clearly mentioned so an employee’s time is not wasted in making arrangements.

Travel Policy

Corporate Travel Policy

Corporate Travel Policy results in better analysis with the inputs received from employees review. Better analysis results in better decision making.

Travel policy helps in cost management.

Travel expense policy helps to keep an eye on the overall travel expense.

It determines do’s and don’ts of conduct/behaviour while travelling.

Travel policy for employees includes

Travel Guidelines for employees to be followed while travelling.

Complete travel policy format

Details of company travel policy & procedure

Details of boarding and lodging as per HR travel policy

Details of the process to be followed for travel arrangements and related aspects as per travel policy template

Arrangements for local conveyance in the city ,travel to be done

Entitlements details as per different levels.

Different categories of cities and how entitlement differs in these cities.

Per Diem details

Travel insurance while on international travel

Safety & security of employees

Corporate travel policy best practice

Disclaimer: The content prepared has been created with greatest care. These policies have been prepared for sample. However, for accuracy and completeness.

HRhelpboard.com cannot guarantee. The user is therefore requested to professionally check or to have professionally checked the suitability of all content for its use


Travel Policy Sample

Phase  1.

3. General guidelines to be followed in policy

4. The Company approved travel agency.

5. Travelling by air

a. Guidelines

b. Class to be chosen

c. Customized Air Ticket

d. Flight Insurance

e. Cancellation of travelling

f. Loss of airline ticket

g. Transportation from Home to airport

6. Road transportation

a. Car on rent

c. Use of personal cars

d. Sharing of Ride

7. Rail  transportation

Phase  3

a. Entitlement  for International travel

b. Classification of countries

c. Domestic travel entitlements

d. Per diem entitlements for international travel

e. Classification of cities as per domestic travel

f. Per diem entitlements for domestic travel

9. Meal expenses

10. Entertainment  Expenses

11. Process for expense reporting

b. Expense payment

c. Miscellaneous  expense

d. Medical emergency

e. Laundry charges

f. Spouse/ guests/ personal travel combined with business

1. Purpose: The Purpose of travel policy is to ensure that the travel expense of the company is controlled by establishing certain standards. Employees must control business travel expense by making the sound judgment with respect to use of company funds. Travel is an important aspect for carrying out the business, it is expected from employees that they will follow the "travel guidelines for employees “while travelling and would provide documentation in support of the same. It is also meant to reimburse the amount spent by an employee when on international or domestic travel.

2. Scope: The policy includes all the regular employees of the company. Non-adherence with policy while on business travel for company's business include stringent disciplinary action which may even lead to termination . 

3. General guidelines to be followed  in the policy 

1. A travel request must be approved before proceeding on any international or domestic travel. 

2. Any international or domestic travel request must be raised and followed as per the company travel policy and procedure.

3. If there is any change in the travel ( domestic or international) due to any reason and it is more costly then the approval that has already been taken, a fresh travel request need to be raised in this case.

4. The details on all exceptions with respect to the policy must be explained on the travel request form in case there is an exception and it needs to be approved by  HOD and director.

5. All employees are expected to travel to the countries which are allowed as per the company's guidelines. No exception in this regard will be entertained.

6. Any employee who requires travelling for the business purpose must get the approval in advance by the department head/ director. 

7. An email need to be sent to the finance department along with approval mail to get the travel advance.

8. Most economical mode of travel would be reimbursed.

9. All the tickets for any kind of travel international or domestic must be approved by the travel help desk.

10. Food expenses are allowed only as per the limit of entitlements.

11. No expense will be reimbursed for alcoholic beverages or cigarette etc.

12. In the case of business travel wherein food expenses are taken care of the client in such case only incidental expenses can be claimed.

13. In case an employee gets ill while on business travel the expenses occurred while taking the treatment will be reimbursed on actual bill and doctor’s prescription. However, if the illness is for more than 3 days special approval needs to be taken from director / HOD.

14. The expense report with travel request submitted to the finance department must consist of original boarding pass and travel -tickets, along with complete tour report maintained date wise. Any deviation from the tour programme shall be approved by the business head/director as applicable.

15. In case an employee wants to combine business stay with personal vacations, it must be duly approved by the director/HOD. It should be noted that no reimbursement would happen for any personal expense.

4. The Company  approved travel agency

All travel arrangements must be made through the travel agency which is approved by the organisation. Any arrangements if made by some other travel agency need to have approval from director/HOD. In case the travelling services are not provided by the organisation approved agency, in that case, any local agency can be contacted as per the Corporate travel policy .

5. Travelling by Air: 

A . Employees are expected to take the lowest airfare while travelling. By considering the lowest airfare common sense need to be applied as the expense must not exceed the amount mentioned in Travel Policy. The undermentioned guidelines to be followed while travelling by air for the company's business purpose. 

1. There should not be more than 1 stoppage in case of domestic travel and the stoppage must not exceed more than 2 times in the case of international travel.

2. It must not increase the travelling time for more than 2 hours in case of domestic travel and more than 4 hours when it comes to international travel.

3. It is advised to book only through the company approved travel agency as it provides savings in both domestic and international travel. Also, the benefit both for the company and employee lies with the fact that it will book a ticket with the lowest logical fare available with the air carrier.

4. As per the Company travel policy any exception need to have approval from the director and above.

5. Any kind of additional fee which is occurring due to any reason like seat up gradation etc. will not be reimbursed.

B. Class to be Chosen

1. While on air travel, organisation employees are expected to fly in the economy class which comes under the category of economical fare. Business class is allowed only for director level and above.

2. All policy exception must be noted on the travel request form and must be approved in advance by the director and above level.

3. Baggage fee will be reimbursed.

4. In case any rebooking is done, it must be reimbursed in case of emergency only.

C. Customized  Air tickets

Following the Travel expense policy customization of the air ticket is not allowed. It can't be upgraded or downgraded and any expense occurred in case of up gradation will not be reimbursed by the company. On similar ground downgrading of air ticket is also not allowed. However, the air carrier itself downgrades the ticket for any reason the refund must be made to the organisation. For the employees who travel often the points accrued due to frequent flying by the employee can be used for personal purpose.

D. Flight Insurance

The business travel policy makes it clear that while purchasing the ticket from the company authorised agency, the employee is covered under the business travel accident insurance. In case an employee purchases some other insurance coverage it will not be reimbursed by the company.

E. Cancellation of Travelling:

In case of any cancellation done to the already planned business trip, the employee must inform the travel help desk who in turn will check from the agency as soon as possible. The ticket can be refunded if it is possible; the same need to be checked by the travel agency with the air carrier.

F. Loss of airline ticket:

If the paper air ticket has been issued but it is lost due to any unforeseen reasons in such case the travel agency must be contacted immediately so that they can check from the air carrier as well. Best practices in corporate air travel must be followed.

G. Transportation from home to airport

The most economical means of transportation must be chosen while commuting from home to the airport and vice versa.

6. Road  Transportation

A . Car on Rent: Like air travel, most effective and economical means must be chosen in case of ground transportation also. The various means of ground transportation means the use of alternative transportation before deciding on car rental.  Like travel agency, the organisation also has a tie-up with the most usable car rental company. 

B. The car on rent must be taken from the company booked vendor. In case vendor car is not available, the most economical vendor should be chosen. 

C. Any reservation to have a car on rent must be chosen from the travel agency approved by the organisation. 

D. The employee must ensure that proper and economical rate is charged at the time of rental.

E. The Car can be rented when there are no other means of transportation available, It is either more costly or impractical.

F. The employee is required to refill a car before returning it to the rental company.

1. In case of travelling to an international location as per the International travel policy for employees,  the expense for taxi must not be more than the cost of a car rental.

2. Use of taxi shall be done only in case no other means of transport is available. Generally, the use of a taxi is not encouraged as other services which are more economical are available. In most of the cases, public transport must be used.

C.Use of personal cars :

The employee can use the personal cars for business travel in case it is more economical than other means of transportation. The amount spent by the employee can be reimbursed on actual. However, before the start of travel, approval needs to be taken from HOD and immediate reporting manager.

D.Sharing of Ride

If 2 employees are travelling to the same location, they are advised to share the ride.  

7. Rail Transportation

Rail transportation can be available by the employee in case travel distance is less than 12 hours.

The rail travel fare is reimbursed as per the entitlement. However, like air class, Rail transportation must be done in the most economical way.

9. Meals Expenses :

1. The company policy states that expenditure occurred on meals ( breakfast, lunch or dinner) will be reimbursed while the employee is on business travel. This is defined under "Company travel policy and procedure".

2. Every 24 hours from the scheduled departure will be counted as a day.

3. In case food bills are claimed for any client or on entertainment per diem allowance will be reduced.

4. Meal expenses are reimbursable whenever the company business travel demand stays for overnight.

5. When the business travel is for 1 day, Meal expenses are reimbursable under the following conditions:

Breakfast : If the employee is required to leave home 3 hours early than the normal time.

 Dinner: If an employee cant return home within 3 hours or more after normal           working  hours.

10. Expenses  held on entertainment :

The company by solving the “ Purpose of travel policy “

However, it should be noted that only those reimbursement are allowed which is contributing towards the business purpose.

11. Process for Expense reporting:

A. guidelines followed as mentioned under “travel policy for employees”..

  • All expenses report must be raised through a web-based expense system.
  • All reports must be submitted within 15 days of return from a business trip.
  • If reports are delayed for more than 15 days, it will be considered late.
  • In case the business travel is for more than a month's time expense report must be submitted on a weekly basis through a web-based system.
  • The expense report must have the following items:
  • Travel request form.
  • Actual expense bill related to the meal, transportation etc.
  • If possible, the employee must try to submit expense bill on miscellaneous articles also.
  • Any exception made to the employee must be attached to the expense report.
  • Expense  Payment
  • All the expense payment is made by the finance department.
  • The expense report along with the bill is submitted to the finance department who in turn validate the bills and makes the payment to employee account.
  • In case of international travel, employees are issued with the credit card./li>
  • The application form for issuance of credit card can be obtained from the web portal.
  • The credit card must be used only for the business purpose, in case it is used for the personal expense it must be indicated clearly in the expense report and payment must be made directly to the company.
  • Miscellaneous  Expenses
  • The company will reimburse calls made for business purpose while travelling. The calls made for the business purpose must be marked clearly in the expense report.
  • The company also encourages the employee to be in touch with the family to maintain communication. So, it will reimburse reasonable personal calls made by the employee. However, before the start of business travel, the employee must submit a declaration with contact details which he/she will be calling while travelling.

      D . Medical Emergency

In case of any medical emergency while travelling for business purpose the organisation insurance carrier will provide referral and support service. The details on the same can be obtained from the travel desk.

      E . Laundary charges

The company will reimburse necessary laundary charges if stay in the location is for business purpose and is more than 7 days.

      F . Spouse/Guest/personal travel combined with business:

Any kind of travel expenses occurring for guest or family member will not be reimbursable.

Spouse/ guests can share the accommodation till the time there is no additional cost to the company.

Revision of the policy

  • The company reserves the right to revise, modify any or all clauses of this policy depending upon the demand of business.

 Explanation of the policy 

  • Corporate HR department will be the sole authority to interpret the content of this policy.                                

Template Sample - 2

Objective :   The objective of the Company travel policy is to lay down guidelines which are to be followed by an employee on domestic or international travel for official work and also to ensure that the travel of employees is effectively managed.

Purpose :  The purpose of travel policy is to make guidelines for travel related to business and to provide protection against any kind of misrepresentation and to ensure all reimbursement for the expense done on travel

Eligibility :   This policy applies to all the regular employees of the company and management trainees

Classification of Cities as per Domestic Travel Policy

​classification of countries as per international travel policy for employees, ​company travel policy and procedure.

As per the procedure followed in company travel policy, all business travel must be approved by immediate reporting manager and HOD as per the domestic travel policy. Also as per the HR travel policy any international travel made by employee must also be informed to Human Resource Department and an approval is must to be taken from immediate reporting manager, HOD and HR. All expenses in case of domestic and international travel are made as per the eligibility of expense made under travel expense policy.


Guidelines for travel policy for employees in india and international travel policy for employees.

All Travel request must be raised by an employee on HRMS tool. Request must be made 30 days prior to the start of travel. This  travel guidelines for employees is mandatory to be followed.

All guest house /Hotel facility will be made available by travel desk as per the entitlements mentioned in the Company Travel Policy.

As per travel policy Hotel /Company guest house arrangement will be done by travel desk once travel request has been raised and approved on HRMS tool depending upon the eligibility criterion. In case on urgent travel when bookings have not been made by travel desk an employee can book a hotel as per eligibility criterion and can later on claim the amount on actuals.

Airport pick and drop can be made by radio taxi/local conveyance depending upon the availability and the same can be reimbursed on submission of actual as per company travel policy & procedure.

The number of days will be counted from the time of departure till the time of arrival as  per business travel policy.

Any extension of stay due to personal reason will not be counted as official travel and no reimbursement for personal stay will be made.

All Claims must be raised on HRMS tool. Filling of Travel expense report is must even in case all expenses were made by company directly as per travel policy format.

As per Travel Policy All travel request must be duly approved by the approving authority. An automatic notification will reach employee and travel desk after approval. Once approved travel desk can make necessary arrangement after coordinating with employee.

All travel expense must be settled within 15 days of return from the tour. In case of delay from employee end/travel desk an escalation email will be sent to immediate reporting manager and HOD as per Travel expense policy.

Travel   advance, if any, to be paid to employee will be credited to employee account.

Any Travel expense not been used by employee on travel, such amount shall be returned to accounts department with a confirmation mail.

All reimbursement bills must be supported by original bills / receipts etc.

In case an employee is accompanying seniors from level above their own level on domestic travel arrangement in such case bookings will be done as per eligibility criterion only.

Employee cannot avail higher class facility then their own entitlements.

Any arrangement made over and above the eligibility criterion the same will be deducted from employee salary.

In case 2 or more employees travelling to the same destination up to level 2 & 3, twin sharing arrangement will be made. However separate arrangement will be made for level 1

Team entertainment expense will not be counted as part of travel expense claim.

In case employee is suppose to take client for dinner/Lunch, amount will be reimbursed on actual. However email approval to be taken from immediate reporting manager before any such event.

Cancellation of travel shall be duly informed to travel desk at least 2 days before the travelling date and must have a valid reason.

In case flight/ train missed by employee without any valid reason, the amount will be recovered from employee salary.

Leave can be allowed to an employee on tour on a case-to-case basis by the HOD. No other charges will be admissible for such period of leave.

If any company assets are lost while on tour the same should be informed to the concerned authority immediately. In case no action taken company reserves the right to recover the amount of lost assets from employee salary.

Food claim exclude Alcohol and tobacco.

In case an employee is using own vehicle /company leased car vehicle to an outstation city in such case reimbursement can be made at the rate of Rs. 9/KM . This clause is not applicable from office to home or vice versa.

For local travel in outstation city an employee can avail local transport/Taxi depending upon eligibility and availability of transport. This amount can be reimbursed on submission of actual.

Travel expense report in case found fake, serious disciplinary action will be taken against the employee. Such an act can lead to termination also.

All Air travel should be by economy class.

All arrangement for international travel shall be made by travel desk/admin. Department

International travel for an employee must be approved by immediate reporting manager, HOD, HR and director.

It is as per the corporate travel policy while on international travel it is the employee’s responsibility to control travel and meal expense.

In case arrangement for employee is made in company guest house in the country of travelling expenses for meals, refreshment and other expenses will be given as 20% of entitlement as mentioned in the corporate travel policy.

All payments while on international travel can be made by credit card, the amount can be reimbursed on submission of  actual. The points however earned by use of credit card can be used by an employee on personal use.

All claims which are made by foreign exchange / foreign currency can be settled with accounts department on submission of actual, upon return from travel. However all  foreign exchange must be drawn from an authorised agent. It is as per business travel policy.

Most economical preferably local transport must be availed for ground transportation.

In case employee is making own stay in such case an allowance is paid for $125 in lieu of hotel expense.

Travel Entitlements as per Travel policy for Employees in India

travel policy -Travel Entitlements in india - hrhelpboard

Travel Entitlements as per Travel expense Policy for International travel policy for employees

Per diem entitlement for international traveler.

I nsurance coverage :   Insurance coverage is provided by the company to its international traveler. The insurance cover is provided by the company

​Items which are not covered under Travel Expense Policy

The non reimbursable expenses which are not covered under the Corporate Travel Policy are as follows:

  • Family Care items.
  • Dry cleaning.
  • Expenses for personal entertainment.
  • Any change of airline class or change from economy to business class.

​Local conveyance expense and working on a holiday

Employees are encouraged to use public transportation wherever possible or the most economical means of transport. In case of emergency if an employee has to use some other means of transport in such case approval is required from immediate reporting manager & HOD.

Also if an employee has to work on holiday or weekend as per the need of hour while travelling to some international location, he/she will be paid 800 Rs. Per day.

​Process to be followed for domestic & International travel

The process to be followed by an employee while going on domestic/ international travel as per travel policy template is explained below. Generally the process to take pre approval is mandatory both in case of domestic as well as international travel however if any changes they are highlighted separately.

Travel Policy Process

​Safety & Security of Employees While on travel (Domestic travel or International travel)

  • One of the most important aspects of any business travel policy is to protect employees while on international or domestic travel. Some of the measures that are being taken is as follows:
  • As per the travel policy format employee is suppose to inform travel desk & immediate reporting manager about their stay with the help of an itinerary.
  • They are also suppose to provide their hotel contact number as soon as they reach the destination.
  • Time to time intimation of their stay and plan of the day
  • Insurance cover as provided by the company on international travel.
  • The practices mentioned in the travel policy template are some of the best practices as they include:
  • Employee friendly practices
  • Details on reimbursable and non reimbursable items
  • Clear and easy to follow process & procedure for travel.
  • Information about safety and security
  • Insurance Coverage.

Revision of the Travel policy

The company reserves the right to revise, modify any or all clauses of this policy depending upon demand of business.

Explanation of the Travel policy ​

Corporate HR department will be sole authority to interpret the content of this policy.

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10 travel & expense policy samples, templates & resources

sample of travel policy

Published on January 14, 2023

sample of travel policy

So it's time to write your company's expense policy. And either you have no idea where to start, or you've done this before and you just want to make sure that you hit all the important points.

Either way, we've got you covered. We've pulled together a handful of useful templates that you can copy directly. And perhaps more useful are the seven real-world expense policies from companies and institutions you've heard of.

See how each approaches its travel and expense requirements differently, and what they each expect from employees. Then use these insights to write a successful policy that team members actually use .

Let’s begin with a collection of ready-to-copy templates to help you create your company expense policy.

Disclaimer : The real expense policy examples below were easily found online and not provided by the businesses themselves. They are to be used for the purposes of comparison and inspiration, and Spendesk will happily remove them from this post if requested.

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Real travel & expense policy samples.

We’ll share hands-on, ready-to-use policy templates shortly. But perhaps more valuable is to see the real travel and expense policies successful companies use .

We’ve pulled out the most noteworthy aspects of each below, and you can click the links to see them in full. Read through a few and decide which company’s approach best matches your own philosophy . It’s always nice to know that there are thriving, famous institutions that think the same way you do.


You don’t need a link to see the full Netflix expense policy - it only contains five words:

“ Act in Netflix’s best interests. ”

For obvious reasons, this has become famous. And it matches Netflix’s overall culture code, which includes a full section on Freedom and responsibility . It’s a fascinating document, including a few highlights:

Our vacation policy is “take vacation .” We don’t have any rules or forms around how many weeks per year. Our leaders make sure they set good examples by taking vacations, often coming back with fresh ideas, and encourage the rest of the team to do the same.

Our parental leave policy is: “ take care of your baby and yourself .” New parents generally take 4-8 months.

Each employee chooses each year how much of their compensation they want in salary versus stock options . You can choose all cash, all options, or whatever combination suits you.

If that sounds like the kind of company you’re building - and you’re willing to back it up - then perhaps the Netflix approach is right for you.

Basecamp’s expense policy is not quite as simple as Netflix’s, but displays a similar ethic. We don’t have the full policy itself, but rather a set of key benefits given to Basecamp employees. These were shared by CEO Jason Fried in a 2016 blog post.

The most important aspect shared is the company’s “no-red-tape business account.” Every employee gets their own American Express card. There’s no need to ask for approval for transactions - just be reasonable.

Which is clearly a highly trusting approach to managing spending. But if you plan to replicate this, you’ll still need to ensure you have a clear process for documenting transactions - otherwise your finance team will be forever in the dark.

Because this post is full of fascinating nuggets, we’d better share a few more:

Employees receive a $100/month massage allowance.

They also receive $100/month towards their gym, yoga studio, or fitness pursuit of choice.

Employees can work from anywhere in the world. “Move cities, keep your job.”

There’s plenty more to read in there. It may not be the exact expense policy that employees use when spending, but it’s fascinating just the same.


In a word: classic. The document is comprehensive and contains all the main expense categories and key pieces of information you’d expect to find. It’s a good example of a more prescriptive (but still easy to follow) policy .

Here are a few highlights:

The BBC has a written sustainable travel policy , and explicitly requires staff to use public transport where possible.

There are specific rules governing “ late night/early morning transport ” (LNEMT), which makes sense given the operating hours of its radio and television channels.

Employees may claim interest incurred on personal credit cards if reimbursement from the BBC was late and this was the reason for the interest.

There are a huge range of incredibly specific rules in this document. Which makes for a very interesting read.

Allowances for things like food, accommodation, and mileage follow HMRC’s recommendations, as you’d expect. Read our detailed explanation of HMRC’s travel expense rules .

Note : This is an older document - last updated in 2015. So it’s possible that it’s no longer 100% up to date. But nonetheless, it’s worth looking through it to see what inspiration you can draw.

As an enormous international company, it’s probably not surprising that FedEd’s policy reads like a legal document more than a set of guidelines . The company likely feels that can’t afford to be unclear about its rules, and has been quite exhaustive in stating what’s permitted.

It’s up to you whether this matches your own philosophy. At Spendesk, we prefer overarching guidelines to prescriptive rulebooks. This suits us better.

Here are some noteworthy sections of FedEx’s travel and expense policy:

The first page of the policy explicitly states that “termination” is a possibility if employees don’t follow the policy . Which makes sense, but isn't always spelled out in a simple policy document.

Expense reports should be submitted on a weekly or per-trip basis . The latter is quite standard, but submitting reports weekly can easily put a huge burden on both travelling employees and finance teams.

Team members are expected to keep all of their receipts for 12 months . This has likely been updated with more companies using e-receipts these days. If not, that’s quite a tall order.

Vice Presidents and above are permitted to travel first class , while other employees are expected to fly coach (economy). For flights longer than six hours, business class may be allowed.

Because this travel policy is so detailed, there’s plenty more of interest to explore.

Bank of England

Similar to FedEx’s, Bank of England’s policy and long and detailed. Similar to the BBC, Bank of England is a public entity and therefore takes fiscal responsibility seriously.

The policy begins by setting out two clear operating principles :

The value-for-money principle : because the bank is accountable to Parliament and the public, it needs to take good care of spending.

The integrity principle : “we should not be influenced by the prospect of personal advantage or gain. We must use the Bank’s resources responsibly for the public good, not to profit personally.”

While quite exhaustive, this policy does read as though written by those with the best interests of both employees and the institution at heart. The language is clear and easy to understand , and many of the ideas are based on what’s good for the individual.

For example, “wellbeing is also important. Travelling long distances and being away from family and friends has a cost. The Bank wants staff to be able to perform at their best when travelling for work.”

This shows that, even if long and quite technical, a good expense policy can also show the care with which a company treats its team .

Dartmouth College

Dartmouth’s travel and expense policy is one of the more legal and technical policies we’ll see. It’s written more like a piece of legislation than a “clear and simple” playbook . Whether that suits your business is your own call, but it probably makes it more difficult to follow for employees.

On the other hand, it’s very comprehensive . And we might imagine that Dartmouth employees are naturally more used to technical and academic writing than the average company employee.

Similar to others we’ve seen above, the document sets out a list of non-allowable expenses, which is important if you want your policy to be exhaustive. It also states clearly the likely penalties if the policy isn’t followed properly.

It’s also worth examining the procurement section near the beginning of the policy . If your business handles lots of high-value purchases, you may be interested in the rules set out by Dartmouth.

Victoria University of Wellington

We can compare Dartmouth’s policy with another academic institute: Victoria University. Similarly, this policy is formulated like a legal document, setting out very clearly what’s permitted and what isn’t.

Despite this, it’s fairly easy to understand and is only 9 real pages of text . Which compared with some others isn’t too daunting.

A few things worth noting:

All University travel should be economy class , with a few narrow exceptions. These exceptions are not related to job description.

For meals, mileage, parking fees, and other on-the-road travel expenses, the University doesn’t state a fixed amount covered . Instead, it will cover “all ordinary, necessary and reasonable expenses required for the individual to undertake approved University travel.”

The second page sets out the ethical framework upon which the whole document was written .

Expense policy templates

Putting an expense policy together is often a long, drawn out process. You need buy-in from different teams, managers, and executive leadership, to ensure you’ve covered all your bases.

And even then, there’s no guarantee that everyone will read and appreciate your hard work. Expense policies are regularly overlooked or ignored , and many employees prefer to do things their own way.

Which is frustrating, of course.

Given this, it doesn’t make sense to devote hours and hours to writing it from scratch. Instead, take one of these templates and tailor it to your own company’s needs .

This is a very clear and easy to understand expense policy , written in plain English (which is always important). It can be downloaded in DOC format, with spaces for you to fill in managers’ names, points-of-contact, and any other important information.

You know, a template.

And a very good one at that. If you simply want a plug-and-play expense policy that you can get live in a hurry, this is the perfect place to start.

Corporate Traveller

This PDF from Corporate Traveller isn’t exactly a copy/paste template like the two above. But it includes the firm’s recommended top 10 elements to include in your own policy.

Some of these don’t feature in our other listed templates, but may be good ideas. For example, “traveller profile forms” which ask frequent travellers for information to the company which might help in an emergency. This isn’t rocket science, but it’s the sort of thing that you might easily forget.

This template is specifically for employee expense reimbursements . We always advise you avoid expense claims , but since most companies still rely on them on some form, it’s a good idea to make sure the rules are clearly stipulated.

Further resources

If all the above isn’t enough information and inspiration to draft a winning expense policy, here are two more excellent resources that give you principles and foundations to build upon.

Expense policy 101: understanding the basics

Company expense policy: a guide for modern businesses

Spend management guide for growing businesses

Create the perfect T&E policy with help from others

As we've seen, there's plenty of inspiration available for finance leaders and managers to craft a winning travel and expense policy. It doesn't have to be a chore.

And on top of the excellent examples we've shared, get help from the people around you. A good expense policy isn't simply a top-down affair. If other team members have input - not just your finance team - you can be confident that your policy will reflect what's best for the whole company.

In the end, it's about writing something that people will actually follow . More often than not, that means a simple, clear, and concise travel and expense policy.

And even better, it might mean a policy that's built into the tools your teams use every day. That's how it works here at Spendesk, and we'd love to help you achieve the same outcome:

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More reads on Expense management

sample of travel policy

Modern budgeting reports: how to improve budget control

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Business expense categories: a list for growing businesses

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5 tips to process expense reports efficiently

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The complete guide to corporate travel policies

A guide to corporate travel policies, how to improve travel policy compliance with travelperk, what is a travel policy.

  • Booking procedure and approved corporate travel company
  • Allowable cost of booking (hotels, airfare, ground transportation)
  • Special exceptions or rules for more expensive cities or routes
  • Preferred company vendors
  • Approval process for trips that exceed typical limitations
  • Reimbursement process
  • Permitted and not permitted expenses
  • Travel debriefing process
  • Travel insurance carrier
  • Duty of care vendor or procedures

Why create a business travel policy?

Benefits for travelers.

  • Flexibility and autonomy to book their own travel within guidelines
  • Safety first! (Travelers’ whereabouts are tracked)
  • Reduce confusion and hassle with travel booking

Benefits for the company

  • Reduce spikes in travel spend and gain control
  • Reduce friction and frustration over expenses and reimbursements
  • Reduce total costs on business travel and optimize your company's budget
  • Increase fairness and foster a positive company culture

What should be included in a corporate travel policy?


Start writing your own corporate travel policy with our comprehensive template

Lodging policy guidelines, travel and entertainment policy guidelines.

  • Spending limits for meal expenses (either on a per meal or per day basis)
  • Rules on what is allowed when employees are entertaining clients (meals, alcoholic beverages, etc)
  • Clear instructions regarding situations where alcohol can and cannot be expensed , and a maximum amount that can be spent on alcohol per head
  • List of unallowable personal expenses, such as laundry services, mini-bar charges, and personal phone call charges
  • Instructions on information, original receipts, and other documentation required in order to process reimbursements

Air travel policy for employees guidelines

Guidelines for business class bookings, guidelines on using business frequent flyer miles for personal use, common challenges with travel policies.

  • Travel policies are difficult to understand
  • No one reads them or remembers them
  • Travel policies are not enforced using technology
  • Travel policies come across as overly bureaucratic

How to market your corporate travel policy

Make sure that your corporate travel policy is visible and accessible, create a comprehensive faq, encourage employee feedback, travel policy problems by the numbers.

  • 64% of millennials understand their company’s travel policy but still book outside of it.
  • 72% of businesses haven’t met their desired level of travel policy compliance.
  • 50% or more of hotel bookings are outside of corporate policy.

How to bake your policy into the booking process

  • How to write a travel policy
  • Best practices for travel policies
  • A travel policy template
  • How to improve policy compliance
  • How you can automate a travel policy

Achieving 100% travel policy compliance has never been so easy

What to consider when creating a business travel policy for startups, “bleisure” travel, younger employees may prefer to self-book travel, alternative lodging options.

Train Plane Travel

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Travel and Entertainment Policy

  • Advances – Employees should use their corporate credit card or other personal credit card whenever possible.  Cash advances up to $300 will be made upon receipt of a check request (Form #XXXX) signed by the supervisor.  Employees must return unused advances following completion of a trip along with an expense report (Form #XXXX).  Travel advances must be accounted for within 30 days of receipt, complete with appropriate documentation and reported on an expense report.  A second advance will not be made if a previous advance is outstanding.
  • Air Travel – All air travel arrangements are to be made through the approved travel agency, Travel Leaders.Airfare is to be booked at the lowest available fare, assuming there is no more than one stop or one connecting flight for each flight segment, or within five percent of the lowest available fare.   If the lowest fare is a penalty fare, the traveler should use good business judgment in deciding whether the penalty fare option should be booked.  If there is a good to fairly high likelihood of the travel needing changing, the penalty ticket should not be booked and the traveler should choose the next lowest fare or a fare within 5% of the lowest fare.  Requests for nonstop service, specific carriers or specific airports will not be accepted by Travel Leaders unless the fare is within 5% of the lowest available fare or there has been prior approval by the Controller.Travelers should attempt to make arrangements 30 days in advance, but no less than seven days in advance to secure the lowest possible airfare. Travelers must fly coach class.  If traveling internationally, business class travel is acceptable if the travel segment exceeds 10 hours of scheduled flying time and/or the travel is in intra-regional areas outside the U.S. and Canada where extreme differences in check-in privileges result from traveling business class.  Frequent flyer benefits can be used to upgrade the travel class at the traveler’s expense. All air travel is to be booked on a commercial common carrier.  Charters are to be used if it is the only reasonably convenient way to get to a certain place at a certain time and/or it has an associated cost benefit.  Chartered aircraft must have the prior approval of the Controller. When a trip is in progress and changes are necessary, arrangements can be made via the Travel Leaders toll-free 800 number. The purchase of flight or luggage insurance is a personal expense to the employee and is not reimbursable.  The Company provides insurance for accidental injury or death for all employees traveling on Company business. No more than two elected officers may travel together on the same aircraft. For reimbursement of air travel, the passenger receipt must be attached to the expense report documenting the business trip.
  • Airline Club Membership – The Company will reimburse, for Vice President and above who travel frequently, the expense of one airline club membership per year, not to exceed $300.
  • Travel Management Agency – The travel agency of record is Travel Leaders and is to be used for booking flights and making reservations for hotels and car rentals.  The agency is responsible for assisting employees in managing its travel policy and selecting the most cost effective travel arrangements.  Travel Leaders is a full service travel agency and can support all offices through the use of overnight carriers and point of departure ticket printing.
  • Approval of Expense Reports – All expense reports are to be approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor.  The supervisor should validate the business purpose for the expense, the reasonableness of the expense and the completeness of the documentation.  Partially completed, unapproved or poorly documented expense reports should be returned to the employee.  Reimbursement will only be made for properly documented and approved expenses.
  • Automobile Rental – The Company will reimburse the reasonable rental of a compact or mid-size automobile.  All automobile rental reservations should be made through Travel Leaders.When traveling in the U.S., employees should decline the optional collision damage insurance and other rental insurance coverage offered by most car rental companies.  The Company provides adequate car rental insurance for travel within the U.S. through its corporate insurance policy and will not reimburse employees for any additional coverage.When traveling outside the U.S., employees should purchase all insurance coverage offered by automobile rental agencies.  The Company will reimburse the employee for the additional coverage. Rental cars should not be used when a shuttle service is available or when taking a taxi would be less expensive than renting a car.  Many hotels provide free limousine service to and from the airport.  The traveler should use the less-expensive mode of transportation as long as it does not interfere with the efficient conduct of business.  Rental cars should be refueled before returning the car to the rental company.
  • Babysitting/Child Care Fees – Normal daytime child care expense is an expense of the employee.  However, for employees whose job responsibilities do not normally require travel, an occasional out-of-town overnight business need may require that arrangements, other than family, be made for child care.  In this situation, with approval by the Controller, the Company will reimburse the reasonable cost of child care.
  • Cellular/Mobile Phones – The Company will reimburse for the incremental business use cost of a cellular or mobile phone.  Good business judgment should be used in deciding whether a cellular or mobile phone call is appropriate in the given business situation.  Proper documentation is required.  The phone bill must be provided with each call documented with the name of the client or the business purpose for the call.  The Company will not purchase or lease the equipment.
  • Conventions and Seminars – The Company will reimburse the reasonable cost of conventions and seminars as long as they relate to the employee’s job function or business.
  • Credit Cards and Fees – Most credit card companies will issue a card without any annual fee.  However, the Company will pay the annual credit card fee for one credit card for employees with regular business needs.  The amount of reimbursement will be up to but not to exceed the fee of a corporate credit card.
  • Currency Conversion – It is the Company’s desire that when traveling to foreign countries, the employee shall neither gain nor lose as a function of changes in currency exchange rates.  Money can be converted at competitive rates at the arrival airport and converted back to U.S. dollars prior to departure.  When converting money, the foreign exchange receipt showing the conversion must be submitted for reimbursement.Most expenses incurred in foreign travel should be charged to a credit card.   The traveler will be reimbursed upon the receipt of both the original receipt and receipt of the credit card monthly statement which gives the actual currency settlement in terms of U.S. dollars.  If circumstances warrant, a deposit against these anticipated expenses will be made if the risk exists of exceeding credit limits such that future business travel is in jeopardy.All foreign exchange commissions and fees related to cash expenditures will be reimbursed by the Company.
  • Dry Cleaning/Laundry – Reasonable expenses for dry cleaning and laundry will be reimbursed if they are incurred as a function of continuous business travel away from home for a period of seven or more days.
  • Entertainment – Generally the Company will reimburse the reasonable cost of entertainment as long as a bona fide business purpose exists and a business discussion occurs during the event, immediately before or immediately following the entertainment event.  Examples of entertainment include nightclubs, cocktails, theater, country club or sporting events.  Entertainment expenses require additional documentation relative to the duration of the business discussion, nature of the discussion, the business reason for the entertainment, the expected benefit to be derived, and the names and titles of attendees.  The reimbursement for tickets is limited to the face value or less (i.e. scalper prices are not reimbursed).  As a reminder, the Company can only deduct 50% of entertainment cost for tax purposes.
  • Expense Reimbursement – Travelers should file expense reports within five days after completion of the trip.  The Company will not reimburse an employee if the expense report is submitted 45 days or more after the expense was incurred.  If international travel is involved and the traveler charges a foreign currency expense that misses the next billing statement, the 45-day limit will be extended to 75 days.
  • Fines – The Company does not reimburse fines or court costs associated with traffic, parking or speeding tickets incurred in conjunction with Company travel.  Employees are encouraged to be good corporate citizens by complying with all state, federal and municipal regulations.
  • Frequent Flyer Program – Employees are encouraged to use frequent flyer awards for purchase of Company travel as a way of staying within budget.  However, the Company allows employees to use travel vouchers awarded in conjunction with a frequent flyer program or travel passes given in exchange for flight delays, cancellations or inconveniences, or as a promotion of the airlines for upgrades to business class, first class or personal travel.  If frequent flyer miles are used for Company travel, no reimbursement for value will be made.  Any premium incurred because an employee selected an air carrier for its frequent flyer program is to be paid by the employee.
  • Gratuities and Tips – Excellent service is always appreciated and should be recognized.  Guidelines suggest that an adequate level of expression for good services is up to 15% of the value of the service received.  The Company will reimburse tips up to 15%.  For documentation purposes, tips should be included on the charge card payments.  Tips for $5.00 or more, not documented, will not be reimbursed.
  • Hotels/Lodging – All hotel/lodging reservations are to be made through Travel Leaders, our designated travel agency.  They will ensure use of preferred hotels with which the Company has negotiated rates.  In cases where no preferred hotel is available, they will secure a hotel at a rate within the range of acceptable per diems which vary by city.  If an employee wishes to stay in a non-preferred hotel and/or accommodations exceed the rate negotiated with the preferred hotel, prior approval by the Controller is required for the difference in rate and must be incurred as a personal expense. Most hotels require an advance deposit or credit card number to guarantee “late arrival.”  When guaranteed reservations have been made and travel plans change, employees are responsible for contacting the travel agency or the hotel to cancel the reservation and avoid a “no show” charge.  When canceling a reservation, the employee should request and make note of the name of the hotel associate making the cancellation, time of call, and cancellation number.  The employee should also remind the hotel to remove the reserve charge from the employee’s credit card.  The Company will not reimburse for a “no show” charge unless it can be demonstrated the charge was incurred for reasons beyond the traveler’s control.The Company will not reimburse for temporary use of hotel health clubs, massages, in-room movies or other items of personal comfort. Frequent travelers should obtain a Company-sponsored telephone credit card and use this card in making long distance calls while on business travel. All hotels provide room receipts.  The request for reimbursement must include the hotel bill detailing all the charges incurred.  In the instance of a shared room, the names of all occupants must be listed. When free lodging is provided by a friend, relative, another employee, or a business acquaintance, a gift of appreciation is appropriate for the host or hostess.  Expenditures of up to $50 will be reimbursed for the gift.  The receipt for the gift or the meal along with an explanation for the charge must accompany the expense report for reimbursement.  This expense is in lieu of a lodging charge.
  • Insurance – Automobiles, Personal Items – It may be necessary for an employee to use their personal vehicle for Company business.  It is assumed the employee is adequately insured and meets the statutory minimum insurance requirement in order to operate a motor vehicle on public roads.  Damage losses of personal items left on Company property or with an employee while on Company business are losses of the individual and subject to their personal insurance coverage.
  • International Travel – Special tax rules apply to international travel of more than seven days or where the travel will be a combination of business and personal.  The personal expense portion of the trip must be identified.  Any personal tax incurred as a result of personal travel is an expense of the employee.
  • Meals – Meals generally fall into one of three categories: meals with a client, with fellow employees, or alone while away from home.  Only those meals with a client present will be reimbursed by the Company.  Generally, meals should be reasonable under the circumstances so as not to be considered lavish or extravagant.  The business purpose for the meal must be clearly stated and meet IRS substantiation requirements.  All reimbursement for meals over $25, including tip, must be accompanied by a credit card receipt.  A restaurant stub with an amount written on it does not meet the “adequate documentation” requirement.  In addition to the business purpose and a receipt, the expense report must also include the names of the people for whom the meal was purchased.   Meals between employees and lunches purchased while traveling away from home will not be reimbursed by the Company as these are routine personal expenses incurred by the employee during the normal business day.
  • Medical Charges – Medical charges incurred while away from home should be submitted to the employee’s health insurance provider and will not be reimbursed as travel and entertainment expenses.
  • Mileage – The Company will reimburse an employee for business miles driven on their personal vehicle at the allowable IRS rate.  This rate is inclusive of all costs of owning and operating an automobile other than parking fees.  Business miles are considered miles driven:Between the office and a subsequent work related destination.After your first business stop.  If your first business stop is the office, the miles driven to the work location in excess of the miles between work and home (i.e. if going to the airport from your home, report only the miles from the office to the airport).  If the distance from your home to the airport is less than the distance from your home to the office, then no reimbursement will be made. If an employee elects to drive instead of fly, the mileage reimbursement is limited to the lesser of mileage or airfare and other associated travel expenses.
  • Parking – The Company will reimburse for parking while on Company business.  When parking at the airport, while out of the city, the employee is encouraged to use the long term parking facility which is less expensive than the short term parking facility.  The business purpose for parking, like all other business expenses, must be stated and documented with a receipt.
  • Personal Travel – Personal travel is not reimbursed by the Company.  If an employee takes a combination business trip and vacation, any additional cost incurred as a function of the non-business component of the trip must be incurred as a personal expense and paid by the employee.Travel to a foreign country for business, other than a convention, the duration of which is seven days or less, will be reimbursed.  If non-business activity accounts for 25% or more of the time spent outside of the U.S., or the trip is more than seven days, the expenses allocable to the non-business activity will not be reimbursed.  Any personal travel while on international business must first be approved by the employee’s supervisor and the additional expenses must be incurred as a personal expense and paid by the employee.  If any portion of the trip is deemed personal and the employee is a principal officer or related to the employer (i.e. owner), one half of the cost of the airfare is also deemed to be personal. Travel days are not considered personal days.Foreign travel for a convention is treated like any other foreign travel as long as it directly relates to the employee’s work; and it is as reasonable for the convention to be held in a foreign country as it is in the U.S. because other attendees are not from the U.S.
  • Receipts and Documentation – Travel and entertainment expense documentation must be adequate and sufficient to support: The amount (i.e. a receipt) The fact that the employee paid it The time, place, date and description The business purpose or benefit The business relationship of the person or persons entertainedReceipts are required as support for all expenses.  If the expense is $25 or more, a credit card receipt is required as well.  On the rare occasion where a receipt is not provided, a written statement from the employee as to what happened can substitute.  Legitimate business expenses such as books, subscriptions, or dues charged to a credit card over the phone requires the credit card receipt and invoice.  A chronic problem with an employee where receipts are not provided will result in expenses not being reimbursed.  To avoid duplicate payments, original receipts must be attached.  The corporate charge card detail and photocopies of the charge card detail are not considered original receipts by the IRS and are not acceptable documentation. Expenses denominated in a foreign currency charged to a credit card will not be reimbursed until a credit card settlement statement, relative to currency exchange, is provided.
  • Refunded/Unused Tickets – The employee must return any and/or all unused tickets to the travel agency in order to get the money refunded.  If the traveler is at the airport, the ticket can be credited against the new ticket.
  • Relocation – Employee relocation expenses are governed by a separate policy and administered through the Human Resources Department.  The procedures and forms used for reimbursement or payment of relocation expenses will be provided to the employee.  Relocation expenses are subject to certain personal and business tax regulations.  Therefore, there must be a review of the planned relocation package during the employment offer stage.  A review by the Human Resources Department and the Controller are required before the offer is extended to the employee.  Once an agreement is reached, the employee is to submit all relocation expenses to the Human Resources Department for approval and will then submit the relocation expense report to the Controller for processing.
  • Spouse – Travel, Expenses – The Company does not pay for the cost of the spouse traveling with an employee unless having the prior approval of the Controller.  On occasion it may be deemed necessary and appropriate that a spouse travel with the employee, in which case appropriate expenses will be reimbursed and reported as income to the employee on a non-grossed up basis.  The business reason for the traveling spouse must be part of the supporting expense documentation and it must be approved by the Controller.  Some expenses that might be incurred are hotel upgrades to double occupancy, per person cab fare rates, airfare, meals and entertainment.
  • Taxis and Limousines – The Company will reimburse the properly documented, reasonable cost of taxis and limousines.  However, limousines that are extravagant or lavish (i.e. stretch limousines) will only be reimbursed up to $50 per day provided a receipt for the service is attached.
  • Telephone – While traveling on business, the Company will reimburse personal calls up to 30 minutes per day (if using a calling card) or up to $15 per day (if a calling card is not used).
  • Theft – Company property is insured.  It is assumed that associates also maintain adequate insurance on their own personal property.  The Company will not cover the cost of lost or damaged personal property as a function of business travel or Company sponsored events.  Articles purchased as a result of lost luggage should be charged to and paid for by the responsible airline and will not be reimbursed by the Company.
  • Train Travel – Train travel to a relatively close destination is considered an adequate means of travel and will be reimbursed if the cost is less than any other means of transportation.  However, when circumstances warrant, cross country travel by train which exceeds five hours will be considered personal travel and will not be reimbursed.
  • Travel Approval – The employee and the employee’s supervisor are accountable for the management of travel costs.  Therefore, all travel (job related and non-job related) must be reviewed and approved by the employee’s supervisor prior to the trip.  Review and approval/denial should depend upon rationale such as the business purpose, who is traveling, and anticipated costs.  This policy takes precedent over the supervisor’s approval.


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Travel Policy For Employees in India with Corporate Travel Policy Sample

Navigating travel policies 🌏✈️ for your team? Whether it's intra-India journeys or just passing through, having a crystal-clear travel policy is the key to smooth operations. Grab our user-friendly Company Travel Policy designed specifically for the Indian context.

What is a company travel policy?

A company travel policy is a formal document that outlines the rules and procedures that an employee should follow while traveling for official business. The guidelines are established from the initial booking stage up to the reimbursement process. 

The travel is typically overseen by a travel manager/travel agency or the HR department of the organization. The ultimate aim of the travel policy is responsible travel expenses management. The policy establishes a clear set of procedures for booking your travel, getting reimbursed for approved expenses, and choosing the appropriate modes of transportation like company cars, flights, or local options. 

Typically it works like as long as your expenses during the trip are business-related, they will be reimbursed according to the policy's guidelines. This ensures transparency and aligns individual travel decisions with the company's financial responsibility.

Why is a travel policy for employees mandatory?

A well-crafted travel policy ensures that travel arrangements and accommodations are streamlined and in alignment with the company's values and budget. Plus, it provides employees with a clear understanding of what's expected, reducing any potential ambiguities.

In short, an effective travel policy strikes a balance, addressing both the business's operational needs and ensuring employee comfort and safety during official travels.

Purpose of a travel policy in organizations

The purposes of a travel policy are as follows:

1. It specifies what constitutes business travel, allowable expenses, booking procedures, approval processes, and reimbursement methods.

2. Pre-Travel approvals, like determining who can travel, why, when, and how. It also offers guidelines on the permissions required for booking travels, accommodations, and entire business trip itineraries.

3. Spending limits are clearly defined. This sets clear expectations about how much the company is willing to pay for each aspect of a business trip. For instance, what class of flight or type of hotel, expenses related to transportation, lodging, meals, entertainment activities, and even minor expenses like phone calls.

4. It outlines the duty of care responsibilities, including safety resources and emergency response procedures. The safety protocols ensure that both the traveling employee and their work materials are safe and secure. It also ensures adherence to relevant legal and tax regulations in the locations employees travel to.

5. To ensure a smooth and efficient reimbursement process, it details the systematic steps employees must follow. This includes gathering required documentation like original receipts and invoices, understanding the specific submission channel (online portal, form, or email), and adhering to defined deadlines.

Scope of a travel policy for organizations in India

All official employees of [company name], including full-time, part-time, contractors, and paid interns, are covered by this company travel policy. This policy applies to any business-related travel that takes an employee [number of hours] or more away from their primary work location, whether within India or internationally.

Why is a travel policy necessary for employees in India?

A company travel policy is not legally required in India, however, a well-designed company travel policy offers numerous advantages for both the organization and its employees.

Firstly, it promotes responsible expense management by outlining clear guidelines for travel costs and preventing unnecessary spending. Secondly, it fosters efficiency and transparency by establishing a defined system for booking, approvals, and reimbursements. 

Additionally, the policy demonstrates the company's commitment to employee well-being by providing resources and procedures for safety and emergencies while traveling. 

It ensures compliance with local laws and regulations, minimizing legal risks for both the company and its workforce.

Moreover, the policy promotes fairness and consistency by setting clear standards for all employees, eliminating ambiguities, and ensuring equal treatment. Finally, it fosters a sense of responsibility among employees when handling company funds, minimizing the risk of misuse or fraud.

In essence, a well-crafted travel policy serves as a vital framework for responsible and efficient business travel, benefiting both the organization and its employees within India and beyond.

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Company travel policy for employees in India - The guidelines

A company-approved travel agent refers to a travel agency or booking service that has been officially sanctioned by the business for organizing travel arrangements. These agents assist the business's employees with bookings, ensuring compliance with company policies, and guiding them through required procedures.

Modes of Travel:

  • Car Travel:
  • When employees wish to rent a car or use the company vehicle for business trips, they must seek approval from the relevant supervisor.
  • This often entails the employee submitting a travel request form, available either online or offline.
  • All expenses incurred during the journey must be documented, typically using a travel expense form.
  • Any incidents or damages must be reported promptly to the concerned representative.
  • Reimbursement decisions are based on the submitted travel expense forms and the company's travel policies.
  • Bus Travel:
  • The company’s travel guidelines may discourage employees from booking luxury or premium seats, advocating instead for the most economical option.
  • Restrictions might apply to luggage, travel time, and the number of employees travelling together.
  • For bookings, employees should reach out to the designated travel coordinator.
  • Cancellation procedures require employees to adhere to specific guidelines and timeframes.
  • Just as with car travel, travel expense forms are needed for reimbursement.
  • Flight Travel:
  • Employees should use the company-approved agency or the designated online booking platform to ensure the company benefits from the most favorable fares.
  • Depending on the trip's nature, employees might be limited to booking the lowest-cost airfare or be permitted to opt for luxury seating.
  • The company discourages last-minute flight changes due to potential extra costs. Necessary changes must be approved by the respective manager.
  • As usual, travel expense forms are essential for claiming reimbursement.

Lodging refers to temporary accommodation, often rented for the trip's duration. Within the company's travel policy:

  • The business provides a list of pre-approved lodging options.
  • Specific roles, like team leads, primarily use these arrangements.

Employees are guided to:

  • Book company-endorsed hotels at reasonable rates, avoiding luxury accommodations unless necessary.
  • Opt for lodgings proximate to the business event or meeting venue.
  • Any extra lodging expenses must get supervisor approval.
  • Always respect hotel policies and procedures.

Meal Expenses:

  • Meal expenses start accruing from the time of departure.
  • Alcohol and expenses for an employee’s companion might either be non-reimbursable or need pre-approval.

Documentation is essential for all meal-related expenses. Specific conditions include:

  • Reimbursement applies for travels beyond a certain distance or time away from the business base.
  • Allowances for daily meal expenses during overnight stays.
  • Meals during international trips are reimbursed based on the relevant time zone.
  • Emergency expenses should be thoroughly documented.

Business Expenses:

  • Beyond standard travel costs, certain business expenses may require special approval.
  • These can include fees for seminars, conferences, or specific vehicles for business travel.
  • Employees should always provide accurate documentation for these expenses.

Visa and Passport Fees:

  • Business-related visa and passport expenses are covered.
  • All expenses should be documented with receipts.
  • The policy may contain certain limitations regarding these costs.

Travel Context:

Employees may need to travel for various business reasons such as client meetings, event attendance, visits to other company locations, research, or representing the company in various capacities. The company covers transportation, accommodation, and per diem expenses for these trips.

Legal/Medical Expenses:

Should employees travel to countries requiring visas or other entry documentation, the company covers all relevant costs, excluding passport issuance. The same applies to specific travel-related medical expenses. In case of travel accidents, medical fees might be covered by workers’ compensation insurance or partial/full reimbursements from the company.

Transportation Costs:

Employees traveling on company business are entitled to certain standards of transport, including premium economy airfare (or business class for executives) and premium seats on other means of transport. All travel should ideally be booked well in advance, with certain company representatives handling the bookings after obtaining the necessary managerial approvals.

Should employees wish to book their transport, managerial approval is required, especially for the selected fares. Driving expenses, such as gas and tolls, are reimbursable up to a set limit.

Local Transportation:

Upon reaching their destination, employees can utilize taxis for business-related transportation. Reimbursements cover taxi rides for business activities, not personal excursions. Public transport and car rentals are also options, but certain guidelines apply, especially regarding the type of rented vehicle.


Accommodation guidelines allow for stays in 3-star hotels or the best available option in the area. The company may have special arrangements with certain hotels. Employees can extend their stay for personal reasons, but any additional costs are borne by the employee. Room-related charges, unless due to unavoidable circumstances, aren't covered.

Traveling with Non-employees:

The company permits employees to share their company-booked room with a partner, friend, or family member, as long as it doesn't result in additional charges for the company. However, the company won't cover expenses for the non-employee companion, except for certain shared expenses like taxis.

Trip-Related Expenses:

During a business trip, meal expenses have a set reimbursement limit. In situations involving client meetings, the senior-most employee present should handle the bill, which the company fully reimburses up to a certain threshold.

These are some of the important guidelines mentioned in a company travel policy for employees.

Authorization of the employee travel 

To ensure responsible spending and smooth reimbursements, employees traveling for business are required to follow specific procedures. This includes obtaining prior approval from their supervisor, ensuring travel arrangements are reasonable, and adhering to the company's travel reimbursement policy.

Pre-approval is required in the following cases:

  • Business class airfare.
  • Luxury hotel accommodations.
  • Lodging expenses beyond standard rates.
  • Conference/seminar fees.
  • Visa/passport fees (international travel).
  • International travel expenses.
  • Other exceptional expenses (check policy for details).

After their trip, employees must submit a comprehensive travel expense report that includes all travel-related expenses like transportation, meals, lodging, and incidentals, along with supporting documentation like receipts. Only expenses that comply with the company's travel policy and are considered reasonable will be reimbursed.

Non-reimbursable travel expenses as per the travel policy

It's vital to familiarize yourself with the company's travel reimbursement policy to understand which expenses are reimbursable and those that are not. Some of the non-reimbursable travel expenses include:

  • Personal entertainment (movies, expensive meals, luxury stays).
  • Traffic violations and fines.
  • Expenses incurred due to illegal activity or policy breaches.
  • Last-minute cancellations/postponements (unless approved).
  • Travel companion expenses (unless pre-approved).
  • Lost/stolen personal or work items.
  • Travel insurance costs.
  • Expenses due to personal choices.
  • Any expenses not pre-approved or not covered by the policy.

This is a general guide, not a legal document, and may not cover all laws under the Indian Labour law. Neither the writer nor Pazcare will be liable for any legal consequences arising from its use. Consult with a legal professional to ensure compliance and adapt this guide to your business needs.

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