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What are Round-Trip Transactions?

Complete Explanation of Round Tripping including Purpose, Example, & Risks

Home › Finance › Corporate Finance › What are Round-Trip Transactions?


In the complex world of financial markets and corporate accounting, the term “round-trip transactions” often surfaces amidst discussions of financial ethics, regulatory compliance, and corporate governance.

These transactions, while not inherently illicit, tread a fine line between strategic financial management and the murky waters of manipulative practices.

This comprehensive guide aims to unravel the intricacies of round-trip transactions, shedding light on their purposes, risks, and the legal and ethical considerations they entail.

  • Round-Trip Transactions Meaning

Key Takeaways

The purpose of round-trip transactions, how is round tripping used, round tripping example, the risks and implications of round-trip transactions, legal and regulatory framework, ethical considerations of round trip transactions, detecting and preventing round-trip transactions, what exactly defines a round-trip transaction in financial terms, why might a company engage in round-trip transactions, what are the potential risks of engaging in round-trip transactions, how can round-trip transactions be identified or prevented.

Round-trip transactions refer to a series of transactions in which a company sells an asset to another party with the agreement that the asset will be bought back at a later date, usually at a similar or predetermined price.

This cycle creates the appearance of genuine business activity without any substantive change in the company’s financial position or the asset’s ownership. While round-trip transactions span various industries, they are notably prevalent in the energy sector and financial markets, where companies might engage in these deals to inflate revenue figures or to create a facade of heightened market activity.

The distinction between legitimate and manipulative uses of round-trip transactions hinges on intent and disclosure. Legitimate uses are typically transparent and aim to achieve lawful financial or operational objectives, such as hedging against price fluctuations. Conversely, manipulative practices are designed to deceive stakeholders or regulatory bodies about a company’s true financial health or market activity.

Manipulative Impact on Financial Statements : Round-tripping is primarily used to artificially inflate a company’s revenue and trading volume, misleading stakeholders about the company’s true financial performance and market activity.

Legal and Ethical Risks : Engaging in round-trip transactions carries significant legal and ethical risks, including regulatory penalties and reputational damage, as these practices can be considered deceptive and manipulative.

Importance of Transparency and Regulation : The detection and prevention of round-trip transactions highlight the importance of transparent accounting practices and stringent regulatory oversight to ensure the integrity of financial markets and protect investor interests.

Round tripping is often used to artificially inflate a company’s revenue and trading volume, creating the appearance of a higher level of business activity than actually exists.

This practice can be employed to meet financial targets, influence stock prices, or enhance the attractiveness of the company to investors by manipulating financial statements. By artificially inflating revenue, a company can appear more financially robust and liquid than it truly is, potentially influencing stock prices and investor perception.

The allure of round-trip transactions lies in their ability to temporarily enhance a company’s financial standing without necessitating actual business growth or operational improvements. This can make a company more attractive to investors, lenders, and analysts in the short term, albeit at significant risk.

Companies might engage in round-trip transactions in several different ways. Here are the most common round-trip transactions:

Inflating Revenue : A company may engage in round-tripping by selling an asset to another entity and buying it back at a similar price. These transactions can be recorded as legitimate sales and purchases, artificially inflating the company’s revenue and sales volume without any real change in its economic situation, misleading stakeholders about the company’s financial performance.

Boosting Asset Turnover : By repeatedly selling and repurchasing assets in round-trip transactions, a company can give the impression of higher asset turnover than is actually the case. This can make the company appear more efficient in its use of assets, potentially misleading investors about its operational effectiveness.

Manipulating Market Activity: In the case of publicly traded companies, round-trip transactions can be used to create an illusion of heightened trading activity for the company’s shares. This can influence stock prices by suggesting a higher demand for the shares than actually exists, potentially attracting more investors based on misleading information.

An example of round-tripping involves a company, Company A, selling an asset to Company B for $1 million. Shortly thereafter, Company B sells the same asset back to Company A for approximately the same price, say $1.01 million.

This sequence of transactions makes it appear as though Company A has engaged in $1 million worth of sales, thereby inflating its revenue figures, even though there has been no real change in the economic position of either company.

This practice can be used to manipulate financial statements and give an inflated impression of the company’s financial health and trading volume, potentially misleading investors and regulators.

The primary risk associated with round-trip transactions is the potential for legal repercussions and loss of investor trust. Regulatory bodies in many jurisdictions scrutinize such practices closely, and companies found guilty of using round-trip transactions to manipulate financial outcomes can face hefty fines, legal sanctions, and reputational damage.

Notable incidents, such as the Enron scandal, highlight the catastrophic impact that deceptive financial practices can have on stock prices, market stability, and investor confidence.

Moreover, round-trip transactions can distort market perceptions, leading to inefficient capital allocation and undermining the integrity of financial markets. The artificial inflation of activity or liquidity can mislead stakeholders about market demand, price stability, and the true value of assets involved.

The legal status of round-trip transactions varies by jurisdiction, but there is a growing trend towards stricter regulation and oversight. Financial regulatory bodies worldwide have implemented guidelines and reporting requirements to curb the abuse of such transactions.

The role of auditors and financial regulators is pivotal in detecting manipulative practices, necessitating rigorous examination of financial records, transaction trails, and disclosure statements.

Beyond legal implications, round-trip transactions pose significant ethical dilemmas. The fine line between creative accounting and outright fraud is often blurred, challenging companies to maintain integrity and transparency in their financial reporting.

Ethical business practices and robust corporate governance structures are crucial in mitigating the temptation to engage in deceptive financial maneuvers.

Companies must foster a culture of honesty and accountability, ensuring that all stakeholders can rely on the veracity of financial statements and market activities.

For investors and regulators, identifying potential round-trip transactions involves scrutinizing sudden spikes in revenue or trading volume without corresponding changes in market conditions or company operations. Vigilance and due diligence are essential in assessing the authenticity of reported financial health and operational activity.

Companies, on their part, can prevent misuse by adopting transparent accounting practices, regularly auditing financial records, and ensuring that all transactions are conducted at arm’s length and properly disclosed. As the financial landscape evolves, so too must the strategies for maintaining fairness and integrity in corporate reporting and market transactions.

Round-trip transactions, while a legitimate tool in certain contexts, present a complex challenge in the realm of financial ethics and regulation. As companies navigate the pressures of financial performance and market competitiveness, the temptation to engage in such practices underscores the importance of robust regulatory frameworks, corporate governance, and ethical leadership.

The future of round-trip transactions will undoubtedly be shaped by ongoing efforts to balance financial innovation with transparency and integrity, ensuring the stability and trustworthiness of markets and corporate institutions. In this ever-changing environment, the collective responsibility of companies, regulators, and investors to foster transparency and integrity has never been more critical.

Frequently Asked Questions

A round-trip transaction refers to a set of transactions where an asset is sold and subsequently repurchased by the original seller, often at a similar price, to artificially inflate volume or revenue without any real change in asset ownership.

Companies may use round-trip transactions to meet financial targets or create the illusion of increased business activity, thereby enhancing their financial statements or market valuation temporarily.

Round-trip transactions can lead to legal penalties, reputational damage, and a loss of investor trust if used to manipulate financial statements or deceive stakeholders.

Identifying round-trip transactions involves scrutinizing financial records for transactions that inflate company activity without real economic substance, while prevention requires transparent accounting practices and rigorous financial oversight.


Accounting & CPA Exam Expert

Shaun Conrad is a Certified Public Accountant and CPA exam expert with a passion for teaching. After almost a decade of experience in public accounting, he created to help people learn accounting & finance, pass the CPA exam, and start their career.

What is a Round Trip Flight? (Everything You Should Know)

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A round-trip flight is when you fly from somewhere and then return to that original location.

When you book a round-trip flight, you receive a single ticket that covers both the outbound and inbound legs of the journey.

Round-trip flights are usually cheaper than booking multiple one-way flights, especially for international destinations. But you sacrifice flexibility and have to pay more upfront for a round-trip ticket.

Rescheduling round-trip flights can also be both difficult and expensive. 

Round-trip flights can include layovers and connecting flights . But as long as the start and end points are the same, it’s a round-trip flight. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 How Round Trip Flights Work
  • 2 Round Trip Flights Are Cheaper than One Way Flights
  • 3 You Don’t Have to Fly Both Legs
  • 4 How Long You Can Stay on a Round Trip Ticket
  • 5.1 1. Lower Costs
  • 5.2 2. Lower Taxes
  • 5.3 3. Fewer Cancellation Fees
  • 5.4 4. Vouchers
  • 6.1 1. Changing the date can be more expensive
  • 6.2 2. Expensive domestic flights
  • 6.3 3. High Upfront Costs
  • 6.4 4. Automatic Itinerary Cancellations
  • 6.5 5. Decreased Flexibility
  • 7 One-Way and Open-Jaw Flights

How Round Trip Flights Work

A round-trip flight includes a flight from your original location, let’s call ‘A,’ to your destination, let’s call ‘B,’ as well as a flight from B back to A. 

With a round-trip ticket, you get a flight to B, where you’ll stay for as long as you like before going back to A. 

Round-trip flights are the most popular flights for travelers who are flying for a vacation.

Round Trip Flights Are Cheaper than One Way Flights

Round trips are almost always cheaper than one-way flights when booking with the same airline, with most airlines incentivizing round trips, especially for leisure travel, and especially to international destinations. 

For example:

  • A round trip from London to New York may cost $1,000.
  • A one-way trip to New York City from London might cost $600, and a one-way trip from London to New York City may also cost $600.
  • In this example, you’d save $200 by choosing a round trip with the same airline rather than booking two separate flights. 

But it could be cheaper for you to fly with two different airlines.

Let’s say you find a British Airways flight from London to New York City for $600. But you also find a Delta Air Lines flight from New York City to London for only $300. 

In that case, you’d save $100 by buying two one-way flights from different airlines. 

You Don’t Have to Fly Both Legs

You’re not technically obligated to fly both legs of a round-trip flight.

If you fly the first leg from your location to the destination, you could stay there longer and miss the return flight if you wanted to.

But airlines dislike this behavior and may penalize your flying privileges if you do this repeatedly. 

If you miss the first leg of your round-trip flight, the airline will most likely automatically cancel the return flight, too. 

How Long You Can Stay on a Round Trip Ticket

You can stay on a round-trip flight for as little as one day to as long as a year.

The exact duration you can stay depends on the airline’s booking policies and flight availability. 

Pros of Round Trip Flights

1. lower costs.

Round trips from the same airlines are almost always cheaper than booking two one-way flights.

Round trips for international flights are especially cheaper than purchasing two one-way tickets from the same airline. 

2. Lower Taxes

You only have to pay sales tax once with a round-trip flight.

That’s because you only have to pay for one ticket, which includes both your flights. 

3. Fewer Cancellation Fees

You’ll only be charged a single cancellation fee if you cancel a round-trip flight.

But if you cancel two one-way flights, you’ll pay cancellation fees for both flights. 

4. Vouchers

You can save a lot of money on round-trip flights if you have a voucher, like a companion voucher from a credit card.

You’ll save more when booking round-trip flights, since an individual round-trip flight costs more than an individual one-way flight.

And vouchers can only be used once and are usually a percentage discount. 

Cons of Round Trip Flights

1. changing the date can be more expensive.

Changing the dates for a round-trip flight costs between $0 to $400.

In some cases, it could be so expensive that you’d be better off missing a flight and booking a new one-way flight instead. 

2. Expensive domestic flights

Round-trip domestic flights with the same airline could be more expensive than booking multiple one-way domestic flights with different airlines.

Most airlines are more price competitive for domestic routes rather than international ones. 

3. High Upfront Costs

You have to pay more up-front for a round-trip flight than when booking a one way flight.

4. Automatic Itinerary Cancellations

If you miss the first leg of your round trip, the airline may also cancel your return trip, and you will lose your money.

5. Decreased Flexibility

You have to meet the scheduled flight date and times for a round trip flight.

Whereas with multiple one-way trips, you could just book your return flight whenever you want while at your destination. 

You can technically change your return flight for a round-trip, but it’s often expensive and difficult. 

One-Way and Open-Jaw Flights

A one-way flight is a flight from one destination to another destination that doesn’t include a return flight.

An open-jaw flight i s when you travel from your location to a first destination.

Then you travel to a different subsequent destination(s) and return to your original location from one of the subsequent destinations. 

For example, you could fly from New York to Paris. Then drive from Paris to Berlin and fly from Berlin back to New York.

In conclusion:

  • A round-trip flight is when you fly from your location to another destination, and then fly back to your original location.
  • With a round-trip flight, you purchase one ticket, which gives you an inbound and outbound flight.
  • Round-trip flights are most popular among tourists.
  • Booking a round-trip flight has many advantages over booking multiple one-way flights.
  • Most importantly, round-trip flights are almost always cheaper than multiple one-way flights, especially for international destinations.
  • Round trip flights are also more convenient for people who are only traveling a short time, such as for a vacation.
  • But round trip flights are less flexible and more expensive to alter. 

See Also: A Complete Guide to Airline Operations

Ella Dunham

Ella Dunham, a Freelance Travel Journalist and Marketing Manager, boasts an impressive career spanning eight years in the travel and tourism sectors.

Honored as one of "30 Under 30" by TTG Media (the world’s very first weekly travel trade newspaper), a "Tour Operator Travel Guru" and "Legend Award" winner, Ella is also a Fellow of the Institute of Travel, a Member of the Association of Women Travel Executives, has completed over 250 travel modules, and hosts travel-focused segments on national radio shows where she provides insights on travel regulations and destinations.

Ella has visited over 40 countries (with 10 more planned this year).

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AAA Newsroom

Automotive, Travel, and Traffic Safety Information

Nearly 71 Million People Expected to Travel over July 4th Week

This year’s extended independence day forecast exceeds pre-pandemic numbers, sets new record.

round trip s r l

WASHINGTON, DC (June 20, 2024) – AAA projects 70.9 million travelers will head 50 miles or more from home over the Independence Day holiday travel period*. For the first time, AAA looked at the entire July 4 th week, plus the Saturday before and the Sunday after the holiday. This year’s projected number of travelers for that time period is a 5% increase compared to 2023 and an 8% increase over 2019.

“With summer vacations in full swing and the flexibility of remote work, more Americans are taking extended trips around Independence Day,” said Paula Twidale, Senior Vice President of AAA Travel. “We anticipate this July 4 th week will be the busiest ever with an additional 5.7 million people traveling compared to 2019.”   

Share of Travelers by Mode pie chart and Number of Travelers by Mode table

AAA projects a record 60.6 million people will travel by car over Independence Day week – that’s an additional 2.8 million travelers compared to last year. This year’s number also surpasses 2019 when 55.3 million people traveled by car over July 4 th week. AAA car rental partner Hertz says Dallas, Denver, Salt Lake City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco are the cities displaying the highest rental demand during the holiday week. The busiest pick-up days are projected to be Friday, June 28, Saturday, June 29, and Wednesday, July 3.   

Gas prices are lower than last year when the national average was $3.53. Pump prices will likely continue going down leading up to Independence Day.  At that point, they will likely level off and remain relatively stable until after Labor Day, similar to last year.  An important caveat is hurricane season – underway now – which could affect gas prices should a storm negatively impact Gulf Coast oil production and refining centers.  

The number of air travelers is also expected to set a new record. AAA projects 5.74 million people will fly to their July 4 th destinations. That’s an increase of nearly 7% compared to last year and a 12% increase over 2019. AAA booking data shows domestic airfare is 2% cheaper this Independence Day week compared to last year, and the average price for a domestic roundtrip ticket is $800. Airports will be packed throughout the week. AAA recommends arriving 2 hours early, reserving parking ahead of time, and traveling with carry-on luggage versus checked bags to save time and money.   

More than 4.6 million people are expected to travel by other modes of transportation, including buses, cruises, and trains. This category is seeing an increase of 9% compared to last year, but this year’s number is shy of 2019’s figure of 4.79 million. Cruising continues its remarkable post-pandemic comeback. This time of year, Alaska cruises are in high demand, making Seattle and Anchorage top domestic destinations. Cruise travelers are also finding deals this summer. With new ships coming onto the market – and going for a premium – some cruise lines have been offering targeted discounts to fill older inventory for remaining cabins.  

Best/Worst Times to Drive and Peak Congestion by Metro 

INRIX , a provider of transportation data and insights, says the worst times to travel by car before and on July 4 th are between 2pm and 7pm. Drivers should hit the road in the morning, and travelers returning on Monday, July 8 th should avoid rush hour traffic in the morning and afternoon.  

“Drivers in large metro areas can expect the worst traffic delays on Wednesday, July 3 rd , as they leave town, and Sunday, July 7th, as they return,” said Bob Pishue, transportation analyst at INRIX. “R oad trips over the holiday week could take up to 67% longer than normal. Travelers should monitor 511 services, local news stations, and traffic apps for up-to-the-minute road conditions.”  

Please note that the times listed below are for the time zone in which the metro is located.   

For example, Atlanta routes = ET and Los Angeles routes = PT.  

Source: INRIX  

  Top Destinations 

This July 4 th week, travelers are cooling off in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska – and by the ocean! Seattle, Vancouver, and Anchorage are top destinations because of the popularity of Alaska cruises this time of year. Beaches in South Florida, Honolulu, Punta Cana, and Barcelona are in high demand. Historical sites in European cities like London, Rome, Dublin, Paris, and Athens are also popular. The top 10 domestic and international destinations below are based on AAA booking data.  

Family Road Trip Checklist    

With road trips expected to set a new record this July 4 th week, AAA teamed up with Chicco to share safety tips for families with young children.  

  • Check car seat fit. Before you hit the road, check your child’s weight and height to ensure they’re in the right seat and mode of use – especially when it comes to transitioning from rear to forward-facing. Children should remain rear-facing as long as possible for better protection of their head, neck, and spine in the event of a crash. If you are unsure which car seat is best for your child, Chicco offers a car seat comparison guide.    
  • Double check car seat installation. Even if your car seat is already installed in the car, it’s worth checking everything is safe and secure. An easy at-home way to do this is with the “inch test.” Simply grab the seat at the car seat belt path and pull side to side and front to back. If it moves more than one inch in any direction, uninstall and start over until a secure fit is achieved. For any questions, utilize the car seat manual, QR codes, or online resources like those offered by Chicco.    
  • Secure loose items in the car. Take time to organize and clean up your car before hitting the road. Storage organizers that secure to the back of the driver and passenger seats are simple solutions to make sure everything has a spot, especially loose items that can become projectiles in case of a sudden stop.  
  • Be prepared for the unexpected. Pack an emergency kit with first-aid supplies, water, snacks, blankets, jumper cables, and flares. Make sure your phone is fully charged – and keep a charger in the car – to call AAA or request roadside assistance digitally if your battery dies, you lock yourself out, or you need a tow.   
  • Map your route. Families with young children should plan for frequent and longer stops along the way. Map out your route ahead of time with AAA TripTik and browse hotels, restaurants, and other activities along the way on AAA Trip Canvas.  
  • Bring entertainment. Make sure to place toys and books within reach to keep children entertained. If your kids use tablets or other electronics, make sure the devices are fully charged and pre-downloaded before leaving home. Another fun way to get the whole family excited for the road trip is to create a family playlist of everyone’s favorite songs!   

Holiday Forecast Methodology   

Travel Forecast    

In cooperation with AAA, S&P Global Market Intelligence (SPGMI) developed a unique methodology to forecast actual domestic travel volumes. The economic variables used to forecast travel for the current holiday are leveraged from SPGMI’s proprietary databases. These data include macroeconomic drivers such as employment, output, household net worth, asset prices, including stock indices, interest rates, housing market indicators, and variables related to travel and tourism, including gasoline prices, airline travel, and hotel stays. AAA and SPGMI have quantified holiday travel volumes going back to 2000.   

Historical travel volume estimates come from DK SHIFFLET’s TRAVEL PERFORMANCE/Monitor SM . The PERFORMANCE/Monitor SM is a comprehensive study measuring the travel behavior of U.S. residents. DK SHIFFLET contacts over 50,000 U.S. households each month to obtain detailed travel data, resulting in the unique ability to estimate visitor volume and spending, identify trends, and forecast U.S. travel behavior, all after the trips have been taken.  

The travel forecast is reported in person-trips. In particular, AAA and SPGMI forecast the total U.S. holiday travel volume and expected mode of transportation. The travel forecast presented in this report was prepared the week of May 27, 2024.   

Because AAA forecasts focus on domestic leisure travel only, comparisons to TSA passenger screening numbers should not be made. TSA data includes all passengers traveling on both domestic and international routes. Additionally, TSA screens passengers each time they enter secured areas of the airport, therefore each one-way trip is counted as a passenger tally. AAA focuses on person-trips, which include the full round-trip travel itinerary. As a result, direct comparisons of AAA forecast volumes and daily TSA screenings represent different factors.  

*Independence Day Holiday Travel Period   

For this forecast, the Independence Day holiday travel period is defined as the nine-day period from Saturday, June 29 to Sunday, July 7. Historically, the Independence Day holiday period included only one weekend. This is the first year the Independence Day holiday travel period is a longer timeframe with two weekends included.  

About AAA    

Started in 1902 by automotive enthusiasts who wanted to chart a path for better roads in America and advocate for safe mobility, AAA has transformed into one of North America’s largest membership organizations. Today, AAA provides roadside assistance, travel, discounts, financial and insurance services to enhance the life journey of 64 million members across North America, including 57 million in the United States. To learn more about all AAA has to offer or to become a member, visit   

About S&P Global   S&P Global (NYSE: SPGI) provides essential intelligence. We enable governments, businesses, and individuals with the right data, expertise, and connected technology so that they can make decisions with conviction. From helping our customers assess new investments to guiding them through ESG and energy transition across supply chains, we unlock new opportunities, solve challenges, and accelerate progress for the world. We are widely sought after by many of the world’s leading organizations to provide credit ratings, benchmarks, analytics, and workflow solutions in the global capital, commodity, and automotive markets. With every one of our offerings, we help the world’s leading organizations plan for tomorrow today. For more information, visit .   

About DKSA    

DK SHIFFLET boasts the industry’s most complete database on U.S. resident travel both in the U.S. and worldwide. Data is collected monthly from a U.S. representative sample, adding over 60,000 traveling households annually, and is used daily by leading travel organizations and their strategic planning groups. DK SHIFFLET is an MMGY Global company.   

About INRIX     

Founded in 2004, INRIX pioneered intelligent mobility solutions by transforming big data from connected devices and vehicles into mobility insights. This revolutionary approach enabled INRIX to become one of the leading providers of data and analytics into how people move. By empowering cities, businesses, and people with valuable insights, INRIX is helping to make the world smarter, safer, and greener. With partners and solutions spanning across the entire mobility ecosystem, INRIX is uniquely positioned at the intersection of technology and transportation – whether it’s keeping road users safe, improving traffic signal timing to reduce delay and greenhouse gasses, optimizing last mile delivery, or helping uncover market insights. Learn more at   

Winter is here! Check out the winter wonderlands at these 5 amazing winter destinations in Montana

  • Plan Your Trip

What Are Round Trip Flights

Published: December 4, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Goldina Sanfilippo

  • Travel Essentials & Accessories
  • Travel Guide



Welcome to the world of air travel, where the skies become your playground and the possibilities are endless. Whether you’re planning a vacation, a business trip, or a visit to loved ones, finding the most suitable flight arrangements is crucial. One of the most popular options for air travel is booking round trip flights.

Round trip flights, also known as return flights, are journeys that involve departing from and returning to the same destination. These flights offer a convenient and comprehensive travel experience, enabling you to fly to your desired location and then return to your point of origin effortlessly.

Planning a trip can be an exciting yet overwhelming process, but understanding the concept of round trip flights and their benefits can help make your travel experience smoother and more enjoyable. In this article, we will delve into the world of round trip flights, exploring their definition, benefits, factors to consider when booking, and even provide some tips to help you maximize your travel experience.

Definition of Round Trip Flights

Round trip flights refer to the type of air travel where passengers purchase a ticket for a journey that includes both the outbound and return legs of the trip. This means that when you book a round trip flight, you are securing your transportation for both the departure and the return journey.

Typically, round trip flights are booked between two specific destinations and have a fixed departure date and a fixed return date. These flights are commonly offered by airlines and travel agencies and are available for various travel purposes, including vacations, business trips, and family visits.

When booking a round trip flight, you will often receive a single ticket that includes all the necessary information, such as the departure and return dates, flight numbers, airlines, and any connecting flights if applicable. This makes it convenient and hassle-free to manage your travel arrangements.

Round trip flights provide travelers with the peace of mind of having confirmed return travel arrangements in place. This is particularly beneficial when traveling for a specific duration of time or when there are time constraints for returning to your point of origin.

While round trip flights are generally associated with the same airline, it is also possible to book a round trip journey that involves different airlines. This can offer more flexibility in terms of flight schedules, routes, and pricing options.

Now that we have a clear understanding of what round trip flights entail, let’s delve into the numerous benefits they offer to travelers.

Benefits of Round Trip Flights

Booking round trip flights can offer several advantages for travelers. Let’s explore some of the key benefits:

  • Saving Money: One of the primary benefits of booking round trip flights is the potential for cost savings. Airlines often offer discounted fares for round trip bookings as opposed to purchasing two separate one-way tickets. This can help you secure a better deal and make your travel more budget-friendly.
  • Convenience and Peace of Mind: With round trip flights, you have the assurance of confirmed return travel arrangements. You won’t have to worry about last-minute searches for return flights or dealing with potential price fluctuations. This convenience and peace of mind can make your travel experience much more enjoyable.
  • Flexibility in Scheduling: Round trip flights allow you to plan your trip in advance, knowing the exact dates of both your departure and return. This can be particularly useful for travelers who have specific time constraints or need to coordinate their travel plans with other commitments.
  • Easier Baggage Management: When you book a round trip flight, you can typically check your baggage through to your final destination and collect it upon your return. This eliminates the need to reclaim and re-check your bags during layovers or connecting flights, making your travel experience more convenient.
  • Rewards and Loyalty Program Benefits: If you are a frequent traveler, booking round trip flights can help you accumulate more frequent flyer miles or loyalty points. This can lead to various benefits, such as free upgrades, discounted fares, lounge access, and other perks offered by airlines or their partner programs.
  • Exploring Multiple Destinations: Round trip flights can also be advantageous for travelers who wish to visit multiple destinations. With a round trip ticket, you can include stopovers or layovers in different cities, giving you the opportunity to explore and experience more places during your journey.

Now that we have explored the benefits of round trip flights, it is essential to understand the factors to consider when booking such flights to ensure you make the most informed decisions for your travel plans.

Factors to Consider When Booking Round Trip Flights

While round trip flights offer numerous benefits, there are several factors to consider when booking them to ensure a smooth and enjoyable travel experience. Let’s take a look at some of these factors:

  • Travel Dates and Flexibility: Before booking a round trip flight, it is essential to have a clear understanding of your travel dates. Determine if your dates are fixed or if you have some flexibility. This will help you find the best fares and options that match your schedule.
  • Destination and Route: Consider your destination and the routes available for round trip flights. Some cities may have direct flights from your origin, while others may require layovers or connections. Evaluate the convenience and overall travel time when choosing your destination and routing.
  • Price Comparison: Compare prices from different airlines and travel agencies to find the best deals for round trip flights. Utilize online search engines or aggregators to compare fares, and consider booking directly with the airline’s website for any exclusive offers or rewards they may offer.
  • Baggage Allowance: Take into account the baggage allowance offered by the airlines you are considering for your round trip flights. Check if the allowances are suitable for your luggage needs, especially if you plan to carry additional items or have specific requirements.
  • Flight Duration and Layovers: Evaluate the duration of the flights and any layovers involved in your round trip journey. Longer flight durations or multiple layovers may impact your comfort and overall travel experience. Consider this when making your booking decision.
  • Flexibility and Change Policies: Review the flexibility and change policies of the airline before finalizing your round trip flight booking. Unexpected circumstances may arise, requiring you to modify your travel plans. Understanding the airline’s policies can help you navigate these situations without incurring significant fees or penalties.
  • Travel Insurance: Consider purchasing travel insurance to protect yourself against unforeseen events, such as flight cancellations, delays, or medical emergencies. Travel insurance can provide you with peace of mind and financial security during your round trip journey.

By considering these factors, you can make well-informed decisions when booking your round trip flights and ensure a smooth and hassle-free travel experience. Now, let’s compare round trip flights with one-way flights to understand their differences and when each option is more suitable.

Comparison of Round Trip Flights with One-Way Flights

When planning your air travel, you have the option to book round trip flights or one-way flights. Both options have their advantages and are suitable for different travel scenarios. Let’s compare round trip flights with one-way flights to help you determine which option is best for you:

  • Cost: In terms of cost, round trip flights often offer better deals compared to one-way flights. Airlines tend to offer discounted fares for round trip bookings, making it a more cost-effective option, especially for longer trips. However, if you have flexible travel plans or if your return date is uncertain, booking one-way flights may provide more financial flexibility.
  • Flexibility: If you have a fixed departure and return date, round trip flights offer more convenience and peace of mind. You have the assurance of confirmed return travel arrangements, and you don’t need to worry about booking separate tickets for each leg of your journey. One-way flights, on the other hand, provide more flexibility if you have open-ended travel plans or if you’re unsure about your return date.
  • Multi-Destination Travel: If you plan to visit multiple destinations during your trip, booking one-way flights may be more suitable. This allows you to have different departure and arrival locations, giving you the flexibility to explore different cities without the need to return to your original destination.
  • Business Travel: For business travelers who often have fixed schedules and specific travel requirements, round trip flights can be more convenient. They provide a more structured and streamlined travel experience, with confirmed return dates and convenient baggage management. However, if your business travel plans are subject to change or you have multiple meetings in different cities, booking one-way flights may offer more flexibility.
  • Travel Rewards and Loyalty: If you are part of a frequent flyer program or loyalty program, booking round trip flights may be more advantageous. Round trip flights typically earn more points or miles compared to one-way flights, allowing you to accumulate rewards faster and enjoy benefits such as upgrades, lounge access, and discounted fares.
  • Last-Minute Travel: If you need to make last-minute travel arrangements, one-way flights may be more suitable. They offer flexibility in terms of booking on short notice, and you can choose the most convenient and affordable option for your immediate travel needs. Round trip flights often require advanced booking and may not be available for last-minute travel.

Considering these factors, you can determine whether round trip flights or one-way flights align better with your travel plans and preferences. Next, let’s explore some tips to keep in mind when booking round trip flights to make the most of your travel experience.

Tips for Booking Round Trip Flights

When it comes to booking round trip flights, here are some tips to help you navigate the process and make the most of your travel experience:

  • Compare Prices: Take the time to compare prices from different airlines and travel agencies. Utilize online search engines and aggregators to find the best deals for your round trip flights. Keep in mind that prices may vary depending on the dates, destinations, and booking periods, so be flexible if possible to secure the best fares.
  • Book in Advance: Generally, booking your round trip flights well in advance can help you secure better prices and more options. Airlines often offer discounted fares for early bookings, so be proactive and plan ahead to take advantage of these savings.
  • Consider Alternate Airports: When searching for round trip flights, consider alternate airports near your destination. Sometimes flying into or out of a different airport can lead to significant cost savings. Additionally, exploring nearby airports can provide more flight options and availability, especially during peak travel seasons.
  • Be Flexible with Dates and Times: Flexibility with your travel dates and times can help you find better deals on round trip flights. Consider flying during off-peak hours or choosing weekdays instead of weekends. Being open to alternative dates can increase your chances of finding more affordable options.
  • Subscribe to Fare Alerts: Sign up for fare alerts from airlines or travel websites to stay updated on any discounts or promotions for your desired routes. Fare alerts can notify you when prices drop, allowing you to book your round trip flights at the most opportune time.
  • Check for Package Deals: Sometimes bundling your round trip flights with accommodations or car rentals can lead to additional savings. Explore travel packages or deals that combine multiple components of your trip to get the best value for your money.
  • Review Cancellation and Change Policies: Before confirming your round trip flight booking, carefully review the cancellation and change policies of the airline. Life is unpredictable, and circumstances may arise that require you to modify or cancel your travel plans. Understanding the policies in advance can help you navigate these situations with minimal hassle or additional fees.
  • Consider Travel Insurance: Evaluate the benefits of purchasing travel insurance for your round trip flights. Travel insurance can provide coverage for trip cancellations, delays, medical emergencies, and even lost baggage. Assess your individual needs and determine if travel insurance is a worthwhile investment for added peace of mind.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can make informed decisions when booking your round trip flights and optimize your travel experience. Now, let’s summarize what we’ve learned about round trip flights.

In conclusion, round trip flights offer a convenient and comprehensive travel option for various purposes, including vacations, business trips, and family visits. They provide travelers with the assurance of confirmed return travel arrangements, potential cost savings, and a streamlined travel experience.

When booking round trip flights, it is essential to consider factors such as travel dates and flexibility, destination and route options, price comparisons, baggage allowances, and airline policies. By taking these factors into account, you can make well-informed decisions and optimize your travel experience.

Round trip flights offer benefits such as cost savings, convenience, flexibility in scheduling, easier baggage management, potential rewards and loyalty program benefits, and the opportunity to explore multiple destinations. However, it is important to weigh these benefits against your specific travel needs and preferences to determine if round trip flights are the best choice for your trip.

When booking round trip flights, remember to compare prices, book in advance, consider alternate airports, be flexible with dates and times, subscribe to fare alerts, check for package deals, review cancellation and change policies, and consider purchasing travel insurance. These tips can help you find the best deals, secure your travel plans, and provide peace of mind throughout your journey.

Whether you choose round trip flights or one-way flights, the world of air travel awaits you with endless possibilities. Embrace the adventure, plan your trip wisely, and savor every moment as you embark on your next travel experience.


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Rount-Trip Trading Definition, Legitimate & Unethical Examples

Gordon Scott has been an active investor and technical analyst or 20+ years. He is a Chartered Market Technician (CMT).

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What Is Round-Trip Trading?

Round-trip trading, or "round-tripping," usually refers to the unethical practice of purchasing and selling shares of the same security over and over again in an attempt to manipulate observers into believing that the security is in higher demand than it actually is. By creating fake trading volume , round-tripping can also interfere with technical analysis based on volume data.

This sort of churning behavior differs greatly from the legal open and close transactions of day traders or ordinary investors. After all, every investor ultimately completes a round trip when they buy and later sell a security.

Key Takeaways

  • Round-trip trading generally refers to an unethical market-manipulation technique involving a series of wash trades.
  • Repeatedly buying and selling securities will inflate trading volume and balance sheet figures to game the activity and interest in a stock.
  • Round-trip trading has been seen in several high-profile scandals, including the Enron collapse.

Understanding Round-Trip Trading

Round-trip trading is an attempt to create the appearance of a high volume of trades, without the company behind the security experiencing an increase in income or earnings . These types of trades can be carried out in several ways, but most commonly are completed by a single trader selling and purchasing the security on the same trading day, or by two companies buying and selling securities between themselves. This practice is also known as churning or making wash trades .

Round-trip trading can easily be confused with legitimate trading practices, such as the frequent round-trip trades made by pattern day traders. These traders typically execute many transactions on the same day . However, they do have minimum standards they must practice, such as keeping at least $25,000 of account equity before completing these types of transactions, and reporting their net gains or losses on the transactions as income, rather than pretending gains are investments and losses are expenses.

Another instance of acceptable round-trip trades is a swap trade, where institutions will sell securities to another individual or institution while agreeing to repurchase the same amount at the same price in the future. Commercial banks and derivative products practice this type of trading regularly. But the dynamics of this kind of trading do not inflate volume statistics or balance sheet values.

Example of Round-Trip Trading

One of the most famous instances of round-trip trading was the case of the collapse of Enron in 2001. By moving high-value stocks to off-balance-sheet special purpose vehicles (SPVs) in exchange for cash or a promissory note , Enron was able to make it look like it was continuing to earn a profit while hedging assets on its balance sheets.

These transfers were backed by Enron’s stocks, making the illusion a veritable house of cards waiting to collapse. And collapse it did. In addition to other poor and deceptive bookkeeping practices, Enron was able to fool Wall Street and the public into believing that the company was still one of the largest and most profitably secure institutions in the world when, in fact, it was barely treading water.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) opened an investigation into the activities and several people were prosecuted and imprisoned. The accounting firm that handled Enron’s bookkeeping also went under because of its participation in the deceit. The firm was found guilty of obstruction of justice by shredding paperwork that would implicate members of the board and high-ranking Enron employees.

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. “ Margin Rules for Day Trading .” Accessed May 10, 2021.

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. " SEC v. Andrew S. Fastow ." Accessed May 10, 2021.

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Night 1 of the 2024 U.S. Olympic Track and Field Team Trials featured a host of top U.S. track and field stars vying to seal up their spots at the Paris Olympics, including Sha'Carri Richardson , Ryan Crouser and Athing Mu .

Richardson tripped on her shoelace out of the blocks but still rallied for a dominant win in her 100m heat, while Mu finished third in her first race of the 2024 season. Elsewhere on the track, Yared Nuguse , Shamier Little , and Michael Norman all advanced to their respective semifinals.

In the lone final of the night, Grant Fisher reigned supreme in the men's 10,000m to clinch a spot in Paris along with second-place finisher Woody Kincaid and Nico Young , who finished third. Fisher and Kincaid are both headed to their second Olympic Games, while 21-year-old Young is bound for his first.

Meanwhile in the field events, KC Lightfoot , who finished fourth at the Tokyo Olympics, failed to clear 5.60m and thus could not escape the first round. As a result, Lightfoot is out of Trials and will not compete at the Paris Olympics. Chris Nilsen , who earned silver at the Tokyo Games, and Sam Kendricks , the Rio Olympic bronze medalist, both advanced to the pole vault final.

In the men's shot put, Ryan Crouser , who will aim to win his third consecutive Olympic gold medal this year, advanced to the final alongside Joe Kovacs , who led the way with a 22.13m throw. Crouser had admitted to reporters earlier that he needed surgery for an ulnar nerve issue in his right elbow, and that he also tore a pectoral muscle. But the two-time Olympic champion is one solid night away from his third consecutive Olympic Games.

After one day, Heath Baldwin and Zach Ziemek are leading the men's decathlon, while Brooke Andersen and DeAnna Price set the pace in the women's hammer opening round.

See below for event-by-event results, live updates and highlights.

Men's 10,000m final

In the men's 10,000m, Grant Fisher dominated the final three laps to secure his spot in Paris alongside Woody Kincaid and Nico Young . Fisher finished fifth in the 10,000m at the Tokyo Olympics and will aim to medal next month.


1) *Grant Fisher | 27:49.47 2) *Woody Kincaid | 27:50.74 3) *Nico Young | 27:52.40 4) Drew Hunter | 27:53.35 5) Casey Clinger | 27:59.71 *Secured Olympic spot

Men's 400m Round 1

In the men's 400m heats, 16-year-old Quincy Wilson clocked in at 44.66 seconds to set an under-18 world record, winning his heat in the process. Wilson is a sophomore at the Bullis School in Potomac, Maryland.

Michael Norman , who won Olympic gold in Tokyo in the men's 4x400m relay, also won his heat, finishing in 45.31 seconds. Other winners in the 400m included fellow 4x400m Tokyo gold medalist Vernon Norwood , 2023 world champion Quincy Hall and USC's Johnnie Blockburger .

ADVANCED TO SEMIFINALS (HEAT 1) 1) Quincy Hall | 44.60 2)  Matthew Boling | 44.94  3) Judson Lincoln | 45.09 4) Jenoah Mckiver | 45.26 5) Elija Godwin | 45.53

ADVANCED TO SEMIFINALS (HEAT 2) 1) Quincy Wilson | 44.66 2)  Chris Bailey | 44.86 3) Justin Robinson | 45.15 4) Kennedy Lightner | 45.17 5) Emmanuel Bynum | 45.34 6) Jacory Patterson | 45.46

ADVANCED TO SEMIFINALS (HEAT 3) 1) Johnnie Blockburger | 45.08 2) Bryce Deadmon | 45.21 3) Logan Popelka | 45.22 4) Nathan Kent | 45.42 5) William Jones | 45.40 6) Jevon O'Bryant | 45.51

ADVANCED TO SEMIFINALS (HEAT 4) 1) Vernon Norwood | 45.40 2) Khaleb McRae | 45.54 3) Brian Faust | 45.58 4) Paul Dedewo | 45.75 5) Solomon Strader | 45.76

ADVANCED TO SEMIFINALS (HEAT 5) 1) Michael Norman | 45.31 2)  Evan Miller | 45.70 3) TJ Tomlyanovich | 45.76 4) James Benson | 45.81 5) Trevor Stewart | 45.83

Women's 400m Round 1

Alexis Holmes , who won 2023 world gold in the women's 4x400m relay, logged the fastest time in the women's 400m heats, clocking in at 51.05 seconds to win her heat. She was followed closely by two-time world silver medalist Shamier Little , who won her heat in 50.13 seconds. Little, 29, earned silver medals at both the 2015 and 2023 World Championships and is vying to earn a spot on her first Olympic team.

ADVANCED TO SEMIFINALS (HEAT 1) 1) Lynna Irby-Jackson | 50.89 2)  Bailey Lear | 51.12  3) Talitha Diggs | 51.57  4) Madison Whyte | 51.85  5) Ziyah Holman | 51.96 6) Jania Martin | 52.12 

ADVANCED TO SEMIFINALS (HEAT 2) 1) Aaliyah Butler | 50.44 2)  Isabella Whittaker | 51.18 3) Kendall Ellis | 51.22 4) Na'Asha Robinson | 51.30  5) Jessica McDowell | 52.12

ADVANCED TO SEMIFINALS (HEAT 3) 1) Shamier Little | 50.13 2)  Kimberly Harris | 51.07 3) Jermaisha Arnold | 51.20 4) Paris Peoples | 52.20 5) Ceonna Pipion | 52.28

ADVANCED TO SEMIFINALS (HEAT 4) 1) Alexis Holmes | 51.05 2)  Rosey Effiong | 51.21 3) JaMeesia Ford | 51.55 4) Lauren Lewis | 51.73 5) Courtney Okolo | 51.79 6) Kaylin Whitney | 52.18

ADVANCED TO SEMIFINALS (HEAT 5) 1) Rachel Joseph | 50.92 2)  Quanera Hayes | 50.94 3) Kaylyn Brown | 51.09 4) Jan'Taijah Jones | 51.59 5) Kiah Williams | 52.04

Women's 800m Round 1

Defending Olympic champion Athing Mu headlined the women's 800m. Mu, who won Olympic gold in Tokyo in the 800m, hadn't made her season debut yet due to hamstring soreness, so entered Trials with question marks. But she ran smoothly and quickly reasserted herself, finishing third in her heat with a time of 2:01.73 to advance to the semifinal. Allie Wilson prevailed in Mu's heat, edging the defending gold medalist in 2:01.57.

Other women's 800m heat victors included Michaela Rose , Nia Akins and Juliette Whittaker .

ADVANCED TO SEMIFINALS (HEAT 1) 1) Juliette Whittaker | 2:01.70 2) Sammy Watson | 2:01.72 3) Raevyn Rogers | 2:01.73 4) Valery Tobias | 2:01.78 5) Katherine Mitchell | 2:01.79 6) Kaela Edwards | 2:02.37

ADVANCED TO SEMIFINALS (HEAT 2) 1) Allie Wilson | 2:01.57 2) McKenna Keegan | 2:01.71 3) Athing Mu | 2:01.73 4) Olivia Baker | 2:01.99 5) Makayla Paige | 2:02.12 6) Helen Schlachtenhaufen | 2:02.20 7) Makayla Clark | 2:02.34

ADVANCED TO SEMIFINALS (HEAT 3) 1) Michaela Rose | 1:59.57 2) Ajee Wilson | 2:00.96 3) Addy Wiley | 2:01.17 4) Rachel Gearing | 2:01.17 5) Sophia Gorriaran | 2:01.35 6) Meghan Hunter | 2:01.58 7) Charlene Lipsey | 2:01.63 8) Kendra Coleman | 2:02.45

ADVANCED TO SEMIFINALS (HEAT 4) 1) Nia Akins | 2:01.18 2) Sage Hurta-Klecker | 2:01.30 3) Roisin Willis | 2:02.04 4) Sabrina Southerland | 2:02.39 5) Kate Grace | 2:02.55 6) Kristie Schoffield | 2:02.64

Women's 100m Round 1

Among the main events on Night 1 of Trials was the women's 100m, which featured Sha'Carri Richardson beginning her quest to earn a spot on her first U.S. Olympic team. In her heat, the defending world champion stumbled on her untied shoelace out of the gate but incredibly steadied herself in time to power to the finish and win the heat in 10.88 seconds. Richardson thus earned a spot in the semifinal.

The second-quickest time in the women's 100m heats belonged to Melissa Jefferson , who cruised to win her heat in 10.91 seconds. Jefferson owns two world gold medals in the 4x100m relay but has never competed at an Olympic Games. ADVANCED TO SEMIFINALS (HEAT 1) 1) McKenzie Long | 10.94 2) Aleia Hobbs | 10.97 3) Morolake Akinosun | 11.04 4) Celera Barnes | 11.06 5) Abby Steiner | 11.13 6) English Gardner | 11.17

ADVANCED TO SEMIFINALS (HEAT 2) 1) Dajaz Defrand | 11.05 2) Mikiah Brisco | 11.07 3) Kennedy Blackmon | 11.07 4) Jadyn Mays | 11.07 5) Jada Baylark | 11.12 6) Taylor Anderson | 11.19

ADVANCED TO SEMIFINALS (HEAT 3) 1) Melissa Jefferson | 10.91 2) Jenna Prandini | 11.03 3) Twanisha Terry | 11.07 4) Candace Hill | 11.11 5) Javianne Oliver | 11.15 6) Alyssa Colbert | 11.18

ADVANCED TO SEMIFINALS (HEAT 4) 1) Sha'Carri Richardson | 10.88 2) Tamari Davis | 11.01 3) Tamara Clark | 11.05 4) Semira Killebrew | 11.20 5) Jassani Carter | 11.21 6) Cambrea Sturgis | 11.34

Men's 1500m Round 1

In the men's 1500m, reigning world indoor silver medalist Yared Nuguse finished second in his heat to clinch a spot in the semifinal, trailing just Hobbs Kessler , the 21-year-old phenom. Cooper Teare , a two-time national champion, finished fifth in his heat but did secure a semifinal position.

ADVANCING TO SEMIFINAL (HEAT 1): 1) Colin Sahlman | 3:38.67 2) Casey Comber | 3:38.67 3) Craig Engles | 3:38.69 4) Liam Murphy | 3:38.70 5) Cooper Teare | 3:38.74 6) Matt Wisner | 3:38.85 7) Josh Thompson | 3:38.99

ADVANCING TO SEMIFINAL (HEAT 2): 1) Hobbs Kessler | 3:37.5 2) Yared Nuguse | 3:37.61 3) Vincent Ciattei | 3:37.68 4) Henry Wynne | 3:37.68 5) Elliott Cook | 3:37.78 6) Joe Waskom | 3:37.84 7) Ethan Strand | 3:38.02

ADVANCING TO SEMIFINAL (HEAT 3): 1) Cole Hocker | 3:34.54 2) Luke Houser | 3:35.24 3) Sam Prakel | 3:35.37 4) Nathan Green | 3:35.71 5) Eric Holt | 3:35.86 6) Wes Porter | 3:36.69 7) Brett Meyer | 3:36.70

Women's 5000m Round 1

On the heels of a sensational start to her year, Elle St. Pierre prevailed in her 5000m heat in 15 minutes, 13.82 seconds. St. Pierre is fresh off a 3000m gold medal at the 2024 World Athletics Indoor Championships in Glasgow, Scotland.

ADVANCED TO FINAL (HEAT 1) 1) Elle St. Pierre | 15:13.82 2) Karissa Schweizer | 15:15.42 3) Parker Valby | 15:17.56 4) Whittni Morgan | 15:18.67 5) Allie Buchalski | 15:24.22 6) Abby Nichols | 15:27.55 7) Taylor Roe | 15:30.75 8) Katie Wasserman | 15:35.57 9) Lauren Gregory | 15:35.80 10) Molly Born | 15:45.66

ADVANCED TO FINAL (HEAT 2) 1) Elise Cranny | 16:02.33 2) Ella Donaghu | 16:05.84 3) Rachel Smith | 16:06.92 4) Katelyn Tuohy | 16:09.22 5) Josette Andrews | 16:10.23 6) Emily Infeld | 16:11.64

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Round Trip Time (RTT)

Round Trip Time (RTT) is the length time it takes for a data packet to be sent to a destination plus the time it takes for an acknowledgment of that packet to be received back at the origin. The RTT between a network and server can be determined by using the ping command.

This will output something like:

In the above example, the average round trip time is shown on the final line as 26.8ms.

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Kamala Harris to visit Las Vegas following presidential debate

Vice President Kamala Harris is set to visit Las Vegas Friday following the first presidential debate of the 2024 election.

The vice president’s visit — her fifth trip to Nevada this year — will round out a week of rallies and campaign events hosted by the Biden-Harris campaign in the Silver State.

The campaign said it would host 23 debate watch parties on Thursday night, and it plans to hold nearly two dozen canvass launches and campaign volunteer events during the weekend following the debate.

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump will face off in their first debate in the 2024 election cycle on Thursday. The 90-minute debate is set to begin at 6 p.m.

The Nevada Republican Party and U.S. Senate candidate Sam Brown are also holding a debate watch party Thursday. Interested individuals can purchase a ticket for $20 .

The Biden-Harris campaign is set to hold pre-debate rallies Wednesday in both Las Vegas and Reno with the AFL-CIO and Northern Nevada Building Trades. In Las Vegas, Southern Nevada Building Trades members are set to distribute Biden-Harris yard signs.

Campaign events leading up to the debate have also focused on access to abortion and reproductive care.

Last week U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez , D-N.Y., stumped for Biden in Las Vegas, warning rally attendees that Trump would threaten reproductive care and access to abortion.

On Monday, which marks the second anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, the campaign is set to hold an event with actress Connie Britton and a Texas OBGYN to discuss the impact the upcoming election could have on reproductive care.

The Emerson College Polling/The Hill poll published Thursday shows Trump and Biden neck-and-neck in Nevada. Of the 1,000 registered voters surveyed, 45.5 percent said they support Trump and 42.7 percent indicated they support Biden. Those results are within the poll’s 3 percent margin of error.

The poll also showed 11.8 percent of voters are still undecided.

Contact Taylor R. Avery at [email protected] . Follow @travery98 on X.

©2024 Las Vegas Review-Journal. Visit Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during a campaign event at Bottega Exchange coworking space in Las Vegas Monday, April 15, 2024. (K.M. Cannon/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @KMCannonPhoto

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The complete operation of removing the drillstring from the wellbore and running it back in the hole. This operation is typically undertaken when the bit becomes dull or broken, and no longer drills the rock efficiently. After some preliminary preparations for the trip, the rig crew removes the drillstring 90 ft [27 m] at a time, by unscrewing every third drillpipe or drill collar connection . When the three joints are unscrewed from the rest of the drillstring, they are carefully stored upright in the derrick by the fingerboards at the top and careful placement on wooden planks on the rig floor . After the drillstring has been removed from the wellbore, the dull bit is unscrewed with the use of a bit breaker and quickly examined to determine why the bit dulled or failed. Depending on the failure mechanism, the crew might choose a different type of bit for the next section. If the bearings on the prior bit failed, but the cutting structures are still sharp and intact, the crew may opt for a faster drilling (less durable) cutting structure. Conversely, if the bit teeth are worn out but the bearings are still sealed and functioning, the crew should choose a bit with more durable (and less aggressive) cutting structures. Once the bit is chosen, it is screwed onto the bottom of the drill collars with the help of the bit breaker, the drill collars are run into the hole ( RIH ), and the drillpipe is run in the hole. Once on bottom, drilling commences again. The duration of this operation depends on the total depth of the well and the skill of the rig crew. A general estimate for a competent crew is that the round trip requires one hour per thousand feet of hole, plus an hour or two for handling collars and bits. At that rate, a round trip in a ten thousand-foot well might take twelve hours. A round trip for a 30,000-ft [9230 m] well might take 32 or more hours, especially if intermediate hole-cleaning operations must be undertaken.

Alternate Form: trip

See: bit breaker ,  break circulation ,  derrick ,  derrickman ,  fingerboard ,  run in hole ,  tripping pipe ,  wiper trip

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Definition of round trip

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1837, in the meaning defined above

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“Round trip.” Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 27 Jun. 2024.

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Ukraine war latest: Russia says it is considering nuclear shift - and tells West it is 'playing with fire'; US leads drills after North Korea warhead test

A senior Russian diplomat says Putin is reviewing the country's nuclear doctrine - and warns the West it is "playing with fire". Meanwhile, a Russian navy missile cruiser carries out drills in the Mediterranean. Listen to a Sky News podcast on Putin and North Korea while you scroll.

Thursday 27 June 2024 15:37, UK

  • US warned of 'dangerous illusions' as Russia mulls change in nuclear stance
  • EU signs security agreement with Ukraine in Brussels
  • Ukraine receives latest EU financial support package worth £1.6bn
  • N Korea tests multiple warhead missile - as US leads drills after Putin-Kim pact
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As we've been reporting today, Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been in Brussels for an EU summit.

The Ukrainian president signed three defence agreements — two individual deals with Lithuania and Estonia, plus one with the EU.

The agreement with the EU confirms commitments to help Ukraine in areas of security and defence policy.

So far the texts of the agreements with Estonia and Lithuania have not been made public but both countries firmly support Ukraine’s NATO accession.

Lithuania's president Gitanas Nausėda and Estonia's prime minister Kaja Kallas have also declared their commitments to allocate no less than 0.25% of their GDP for military aid for Ukraine.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy will hold talks with Polish prime minister Donald Tusk next month.

Mr Tusk announced the talks after speaking to Ukraine's president in Brussels.

"The EU understood what Poles have known since the beginning of this war: the defence of Ukraine is the defence of Europe," he said.

Talks between the two leaders will take place before the NATO summit on 9 July in Washington.

The Russian spring offensive into Kharkiv shows the existing level of international pressure on Moscow is insufficient, Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said.

Kyiv's military says it has stabilised the situation after Russian forces launched an assault on a new front in Ukraine's northeastern region.

It was Vladimir Putin's second attempt to advance on Kharkiv, after Ukrainian troops successfully repelled his forces following the invasion in 2022.

Speaking in Brussels today, Mr Zelenskyy said the attack "proves that the existing pressure on Russia for the war is not enough."

The EU today signed a security agreement that entrenches its commitment to help Ukraine in areas of security and defence policy.

The European Union has signed a security agreement with Ukraine in Brussels.

The pact, confirmed today, is intended to complement similar agreements sealed between Ukraine and its allies as it continues its defence against Russia's invasion.

The agreement entrenches the EU's commitment to help Ukraine in nine areas of security and defence policy - including arms deliveries, military training, defence industry cooperation and demining,

Both Lithuania and Estonia signed security agreements with Ukraine also, joining several other countries offering a long-term commitment to help Kyiv, including once the war is over.

Mr Zelenskyy signed a similar pact with US President Joe Biden earlier this month, which will run for the next decade.

Ukraine has received the next €1.9bn (£1.6bn) tranche of financial support from the European Union.

The money arrives via the Ukraine Facility plan, which aims to support Ukraine in its recovery, reconstruction, and modernisation efforts.

It will provide up to €50bn (£42.3bn) in support between 2024-2027.

The plan was first proposed in June 2023, with the first payment of €4.5bn (£3.8bn) being sent to Ukraine in March.

To obtain the support, Ukraine must implement its recovery and reform plan while also upholding democratic mechanisms, the rule of law and human rights.

Once the European Commission can verify these conditions, payments will occur on a fixed schedule every quarter.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy says he is in Brussels to discuss "urgent things" such as Ukraine's air defence and continued talks over the country's European Union membership.

"We have to work on next steps," the Ukrainian president told reporters as he arrived to attend a summit of EU leaders.

He said he and the leaders would discuss "the urgent things -- air defence, that is one".

The EU launched membership talks with Ukraine on Tuesday in Luxembourg, two years on from the country being formally approved as a candidate in June 2022.

"We waited for this, a long period of time," Mr Zelenskyy said, thanking the EU for its approval.

EU leaders are expected to sign a document of security commitments to Ukraine today.

Vladimir Putin says Russia's navy will be boosted by at least 40 new ships in 2024.

In a report by state-run news agency TASS, the Russian leader is quoted as saying that one of the country's main objectives is to "comprehensively upgrade" its naval capabilities. 

This includes "ship, aircraft and coastal components", while there are also plans to improve the infrastructure of naval bases to  "strengthen its positions in the strategically crucial areas of the world ocean, and to drastically improve its combat potential".

Mr Putin said that, compared to previous years where numbers were lower, 2024 would see more than 40 ships and boats received.

"A lot has been done in this area, as our Navy is getting new ships," he said, adding that "repairs and profound refurbishments of equipment" are being carried out.

Russia's defence ministry says it has carried out missile strikes on Ukrainian airfields, which it says it believes have been designated to host Western military aircraft.

Sea-based, long-range Kinzhal hypersonic missiles and drones were used in the attacks, it said.

All designated targets were hit, the ministry added, without naming the list of targets. 

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy has arrived in Brussels today, where he plans to sign three security agreements.

Among those is an agreement with the European Union, which will pledge to keep delivering weapons, military training and other aid to Kyiv for years to come.

In the event of "future aggression", the document, a draft of which has been seen by Reuters, says the EU and Ukraine intend to consult within 24 hours on Kyiv's needs and "swiftly determine" next steps in line with the commitments.

"For the first time, this agreement will enshrine the commitment of all 27 member states to provide Ukraine with extensive support, regardless of any internal institutional changes," Mr Zelenskyy said in a statement.

The draft EU document says its commitments will remain in effect "as Ukraine pursues its European path" and will be reviewed in 10 years at the latest.

Swedish furniture giant IKEA is set to reopen its Kyiv store.

The company, like other multinational brands, closed its stores in Ukraine when Russia launched its invasion of the country in February 2022.

Now it's set to follow in the footsteps of popular retailers H&M, which reopened in November 2023, and Inditex, which owns Zara, by returning to Kyiv.

IKEA's "main priority for the resumption of store operations in Kyiv is the safety of our employees and customers," the Ingka Group, which is part of the Ikea group, told Forbes Ukraine.

"The return and success of H&M was an important signal for the head office of IKEA, and they also closely followed the recovery of Inditex," a source told Forbes Ukraine.

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  5. What Are Round Trip Tickets

    It's important to note that round trip tickets have specific terms and conditions set by the airlines. These may include restrictions on changes to travel dates, penalties for cancellations, and limitations on refunds. Before booking a round trip ticket, it's always recommended to review the airline's policies and understand the terms of ...

  6. What are Round-Trip Transactions?

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  12. Round Trip Transaction Costs: Meaning, Profitability, Example

    Round trip transaction costs refer to all the costs incurred in a securities or other financial transaction. Round trip transaction costs include commissions , exchange and other fees, bid/ask ...

  13. What Are Round Trip Flights

    Let's compare round trip flights with one-way flights to help you determine which option is best for you: Cost: In terms of cost, round trip flights often offer better deals compared to one-way flights. Airlines tend to offer discounted fares for round trip bookings, making it a more cost-effective option, especially for longer trips.

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    Round-trip trading attempts to inflate transaction volumes through the continuous and frequent purchase and sale of a particular security . The term can also be used to refer to the practice of a ...

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    In the men's 400m heats, 16-year-old Quincy Wilson clocked in at 44.66 seconds to set an under-18 world record, winning his heat in the process.Wilson is a sophomore at the Bullis School in Potomac, Maryland. Michael Norman, who won Olympic gold in Tokyo in the men's 4x400m relay, also won his heat, finishing in 45.31 seconds.Other winners in the 400m included fellow 4x400m Tokyo gold medalist ...

  17. Round Trip Time (RTT)

    Round Trip Time (RTT) is the length time it takes for a data packet to be sent to a destination plus the time it takes for an acknowledgment of that packet to be received back at the origin. The RTT between a network and server can be determined by using the ping command.

  18. Kamala Harris to visit Las Vegas following presidential debate

    The vice president's visit — her fifth trip to Nevada this year — will round out a week of rallies and campaign events hosted by the Biden-Harris campaign in the Silver State.. The campaign ...

  19. Round Trip Transatlantic : r/Cruise

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    A general estimate for a competent crew is that the round trip requires one hour per thousand feet of hole, plus an hour or two for handling collars and bits. At that rate, a round trip in a ten thousand-foot well might take twelve hours. A round trip for a 30,000-ft [9230 m] well might take 32 or more hours, especially if intermediate hole ...

  21. Round trip Definition & Meaning

    round-trip: [noun] a trip to a place and back usually over the same route.

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  23. Ukraine war latest: Russia ponders nuclear shift and change in

    During Mr Putin's first visit to North Korea in 24 years, the two leaders signed a mutual defence pact, which Mr Kim lauded as an alliance, but which South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol called ...

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  29. Round-trip transactions costs Definition

    z. Financial Terms By: r. Round-trip transactions costs. Costs of completing a transaction, including commissions, market impact costs, and taxes. Most Popular Terms: Earnings per share (EPS) Beta ...

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