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wandering albatross mating behavior

  • Diomedeidae
  • Diomedea exulans
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Wandering Albatross

The Wandering Albatross is a massive bird known by many names. In various regions, people call this bird a Snowy Albatross, Goonie, and White Winged Albatross.

Not only are they the largest of the 22 albatross species, but they also have the longest wingspan of any bird. Their wings commonly measure up to 10 ft. across, and the largest confirmed specimen had a wingspan over 12 ft. across! Read on to learn about the Wandering Albatross .

Wandering Albatross in flight Photo by: Ed Dunens https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

Description of the Wandering Albatross

This species of albatross has white plumage, or feathers, with darker wings. Their wing feathers are black, and speckled with varying degrees of white. Young birds have brown feathers, which become white as they age.

This bird’s wingspan is quite large, and averages 10 feet across, though some individuals are larger. Finally, their beaks are moderately long, with a hook at the end to help grasp fish.

Interesting Facts About the Wandering Albatross

This species has the longest wingspan of any living bird … Ever! However, that is not the only notable thing about the Wandering Albatross.

  • Monogamous Mates – Once a Wandering Albatross has found a suitable mate, it continues to breed with that bird for the rest of its life. They are doting parents, and take great care in rearing their chicks. It sometimes takes up to 10 months for the chick to learn how to fly and become independent of its parents.
  • Time Constraints – Obviously when it takes 10 months to raise a single chick, it can be difficult to jump right back into parenthood. For this reason, Wandering Albatrosses breed once every 2 years.
  • Slow to Mature – Adult albatrosses don’t even begin reproducing until they are about 10 years old on average. They sometimes join the other birds at the breeding colonies and perform mating displays. However, most of the time they do not find a mate and begin to breed until they are around 10 years old.
  • Slow Growth – Unfortunately, because these birds are so slow to mature, and they breed at a very slow rate, their populations do not increase quickly. Because of this, when their populations decline it takes a long time for them to make a comeback. Humans pose threats to these birds in a number of different ways, and the IUCN lists the species as Vulnerable .

Habitat of the Wandering Albatross

These birds spend the vast majority their life flying over, or floating on the surface of, the ocean. They inhabit the open ocean, primarily where the waters are deep, and fish are plentiful. The only time they come to land is for the mating season. During this time, colonies of birds land on plateaus, valleys, and plains.

Distribution of the Wandering Albatross

There are several different subspecies of Wandering Albatross, all of which live in the open oceans of the Southern Hemisphere. Outside of the breeding season, they roam the open oceans in between Antarctica and the southern coasts of Africa, South America, and Australia. Their primary breeding colonies are on various islands across the Southern Hemisphere, including South Georgia, Macquarie, Amsterdam Island, and more.

Diet of the Wandering Albatross

This seabird unsurprisingly feeds primarily on fish and other aquatic organisms. They eat fish, octopus, squid, shrimp, and krill.

They also scavenge on the remains of carcasses, as well as feeding on the scraps from commercial fishing operations and other predators. Though they can dive if they need to, they catch most of their food at the surface of the water.

Wandering Albatross and Human Interaction

Unfortunately, humans are extremely detrimental to these birds. Sailors have killed birds, both at sea and in nesting colonies, for decades. In fact, humans are the only known predator of adult albatrosses.

Nowadays it is illegal to harm these birds, though killing does still occur. Sadly, they frequently, and accidentally, become trapped in fishing nets or on fishing lines. Humans have also introduced many different feral animals to their breeding islands, and these animals eat the eggs and chicks.


Humans have not domesticated this species of bird in any way.

Does the Wandering Albatross Make a Good Pet

No, the Wandering Albatross does not make a good pet. Their huge wings carry them across open ocean, which would make them a poor household pet. It most places, it is illegal to harm, harass, capture, or kill these birds.

Wandering Albatross Care

These birds do not often find themselves in zoos. The only time any albatross species lives in a zoo or aquarium is when something has severely injured them in some way.

During those times, zoos attempt to heal and rehabilitate the birds, and release them back into the wild if possible. Albatrosses that live in zoos because they cannot survive in the wild act as ambassadors to the plight of their species.

Behavior of the Wandering Albatross

This species is quite social, even outside of the breeding season. While in the open ocean, small groups of Wandering Albatrosses forage together. These groups frequently converge upon one another when feeding opportunities, like bait balls or fishing vessels, arise.

As the breeding season arrives, huge colonies of birds flock to their breeding grounds together. Birds searching for mates perform elaborate courtship displays, and mated pairs renew their bonds.

Reproduction of the Wandering Albatross

Every 2 years a pair breeds and produces a single egg, usually in December. Both the male and the female help incubate the egg, which hatches after 2.5 months. Once the chick hatches the parents alternate between keeping it warm and fishing for food.

After the chick is a month old, both parents leave it alone to hunt for food. It takes between 9 and 10 months for the chick to learn how to fly and gain independence.


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wandering albatross mating behavior

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Wandering Albatross

Diomedea exulans

Known for its majestic wingspan and far-ranging travels, the Wandering Albatross is a captivating presence in the Southern Ocean's expanse. As the bird with the widest wingspan globally, this remarkable creature glides effortlessly across vast oceanic distances, its brilliant white plumage and solitary habits making it a unique symbol of the wild, open sea.

On this page

Appearance and Identification

Vocalization and sounds, behavior and social structure, distribution and habitat, lifespan and life cycle, conservation status, similar birds.

Males and females have similar plumage

Primary Color

Primary color (juvenile), secondary colors.

Black, Grey

Secondary Colors (female)

Secondary colors (juvenile).

White, Grey

Secondary Colors (seasonal)

Wing color (juvenile).

Large, Hooked

Beak Color (juvenile)

Leg color (juvenile), distinctive markings.

Black wings, white tail, large pink beak

Distinctive Markings (juvenile)

Darker than adults, brown beak

Tail Description

White with black edges

Tail Description (juvenile)

Brown with white edges

Size Metrics

107cm to 135cm

250cm to 350cm

6.72kg to 12kg

Click on an image below to see the full-size version

Pair of Wandering Albatrosses

Juvenile Wandering Albatross

Wandering Albatross resting on the sea

Wandering Albatross in-flight over the ocean

Wandering Albatross at nest with downy chick

Primary Calls

Series of grunts and whistles

Call Description

Most vocal on breeding grounds, otherwise silent

Alarm Calls

Loud, harsh squawks

Daily Activities

Active during day, rests on water surface at night

Social Habits

Solitary at sea, social on breeding grounds

Territorial Behavior

Defends nest site during breeding season

Migratory Patterns

Non-migratory but wanders widely at sea

Interaction with Other Species

Occasionally forms loose flocks at sea

Primary Diet

Fish, Squid

Feeding Habits

Surface seizes and scavenges

Feeding Times

Day and night

Prey Capture Method

Plunge-diving, surface-seizing

Diet Variations

May eat carrion

Special Dietary Needs (if any)

Nesting location.

On ground on isolated islands

Nest Construction

Mound of mud and vegetation

Breeding Season

Every other year

Number of clutches (per breeding season)

Once every two years

Egg Appearance

White, oval

Clutch Characteristics

Incubation period.

Around 80 days

Fledgling Period

Approximately 9 months

Parental Care

Both parents incubate and feed chick

Geographic Range

Circumpolar in Southern Ocean

Habitat Description

Open ocean, breeds on remote islands

Elevation Range

Migration patterns, climate zones.

Polar, Temperate

Distribution Map

Please note, this range and distribution map is a high-level overview, and doesn't break down into specific regions and areas of the countries.


Lifespan range (years)

Average lifespan, maturity age.

7-10 year(s)

Breeding Age

Reproductive behavior.

Monogamous, long-term pair bonds

Age-Related Changes

Younger birds are darker, gain white plumage with age

Current Status

Vulnerable (IUCN Red List)

Major Threats

Longline fishing, plastic ingestion, climate change

Conservation Efforts

Protected under international law, conservation programs on breeding islands

Population Trend

Slow but steady population decrease due to threats

Royal Albatross

Diomedea epomophora


Other names:

Snowy Albatross, White-winged Albatross

Population size:

Population trend:

Conservation status:

IUCN Red List

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Albatrosses: Facts about the biggest flying birds

The biggest flying bird in the world can go for years without touching land, has complicated, comical mating dances that take years to learn, and might even help scientists track down illegal fishing vessels.

A black-browed albatross getting ready to take off at the Falkland Islands.

Albatrosses are big, majestic birds that can be found soaring above most of the world’s oceans.

These frequent fliers are known for spending months in the air without touching down, as well as having some unique mating arrangements. However, thanks to harmful fishing techniques and predation by invasive species, albatrosses around the world are either under threat or endangered.

There are 23 species of albatrosses, though arguably the most famous is the wandering albatross ( Diomedea exulans ), which is the largest flying bird in the world. This bird has a 11-foot (3.4 meter) wingspan, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica — even bigger than the famous California condor — and it uses those massive flappers to travel thousands of miles in a single journey.

Related:   Your dumb party balloons are killing all the seabirds

A life in the air

But rather than flapping its wings, wandering albatrosses (and many other large albatrosses) travel such far distances by holding their extended wings in place so that the air rushing around the wings generates lift, similar to an airplane's wings. An airplane forces air over its wings with an engine, whereas albatross take advantage of the extremely windy latitudes in the southern oceans. 

This latitude range is "called the 'roaring 40s' and 'furious 50s' for a reason," said Andrea Angel, the Albatross Task Force manager with Birdlife South Africa, a nonprofit organization dedicated to bird conservation. With near constant wind in their environment, albatrosses are able to "lock their elbow joints and literally just fix their wings [in place] and just glide," Angel said. The birds also use something called "dynamic soaring," which involves changing the angle of their wings relative to the wind, to maximize the lift generated — a similar technique could help unmanned research aircraft stay aloft for months, the Independent reported .

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An albatross can go a year or more without setting foot on land, Angel said, although the birds do touch down in water in order to feed on the squid and fish that make up their diet. In fact, it's the tiny alpine swift, not the albatross, that holds the record for non-stop distance flying, as reported in a 2013 study published in the journal Nature Communications . 

As for sleep, Angel said that it's very likely that albatrosses sleep on the wing. A 2016 study published in Nature Communications described how a distant cousin of the albatross, the frigatebird, has many, seconds-long periods of sleep while flying, suggesting that sleeping in the air is definitely possible for other long-distance traveling seabirds. And, based on microchip-tracked movements of albatrosses, "they can [fly] for hours on end, and so it is theorized that they do sleep on the wing," Angel said. "It's an accepted fact [that] because of their movements, they have to sleep."

A wandering albatross flying.

All albatrosses are very long-lived. The oldest wild bird in the world is a Laysan albatross ( Phoebastria immutabilis ) named Wisdom, who was tagged in 1956 at the Laysan albatross colony at Midway Atoll in the North Pacific Ocean when she was already a mature adult. That makes her at least 66 years old, but she's likely older, and she's still going strong — as of 2018 she was still raising chicks, NPR reported . According to Breck Tyler, a lecturer at the University of California, Santa Cruz and retired research scientist who studied the Laysan albatross colony on Midway Atoll for decades, there are other Laysan albatrosses just a few years younger than Wisdom, so "she's probably not an outlier."

Related: World's oldest wild breeding bird is expecting her 41st chick

Although they're seabirds, albatrosses are generally poor divers, with few exceptions. The wandering albatross can only dive about 2 to 3 feet (0.6 to 1 m) into the ocean, yet based on an analysis of its diet, scientists are pretty sure the wandering albatross eats squid that live deeper in the water, and are too big for an albatross to convincingly take down. It's possible the large bird just waits until a squid swims up to the surface, but a more convincing hypothesis is that the birds are actually eating squid bits that have been vomited up by whales, as described in a 1994 study published in the journal Antarctic Science . 

After a meal of whale upchuck, an albatross might wash that down with some refreshing seawater. All seabirds have a gland above their eyes that functions like a miniature kidney, allowing them to drink salt water and excrete it through the tip of their beak, according to the Travis Audubon Society .

Albatrosses mate for life, but aren't exclusive

Because albatrosses mate for life, picking the right partner is a major decision. All species of albatross have some sort of complicated mating dance. For the Laysan albatross, the dance has 24 separate, complex steps, and it takes years for males to learn them all, Tyler said. And until the young males can master the choreography, they won't find a mate, he said. The females can afford to be picky, so if a male's sequence of honks, whistles, wiggles and neck thrusts doesn't impress her, she'll just move on to the next suitor. 

A courting Laysan albatross pair.

But once a pair does form, the "divorce rate" of albatrosses is among the lowest in the animal kingdom, and because albatrosses are so long-lived, these pairs can persist for decades. For this reason, it's been posited that albatrosses are the "most romantic" bird. But that human characterization ignores some key facts about albatrosses, Tyler said.

An albatross mating pair only sees each other a few days a year, when they meet at their breeding grounds. After a few days of catching up, the pair takes turns incubating the egg; one stays behind while the other forages for food. After about 90 days, and when the chick is big enough, the mating pair go their separate ways for the rest of the year, according to the Cornell Lab’s All About Birds .

Related: Adorable photos of baby shorebirds

Although they mate for life, albatross pairs aren't exclusive. Casual sex between non-paired birds, and even forced copulation, is not uncommon, the New York Times reported in 2010 . A 2006 study published in the journal IBIS found that out of 75 wandering albatross couples, about eight had chicks that weren't fathered by their mother's primary mate.

And in many albatross species, female-female pairs are quite common (so far, male-male pairs haven't been reported), as Live Science has previously reported . Those females rely on "cheating" paired males or unpaired males to fertilize their eggs, and then the two females raise a clutch of two eggs together, without a male's involvement, the Times reported. Laysan albatross males and females look virtually identical, so unless you were specifically looking for evidence of same-sex pairs, you'd likely miss them, the Times said — and it's likely that many other species of birds, especially if there aren't enough males to go around, form similar pair bonds, Tyler said.

A southern royal albatross pair and their chick.

Threats to albatrosses

All but one species of albatross are either threatened, endangered or likely to become so, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature . The biggest threats are invasive species at the birds' nesting grounds, and fishing vessels, which unintentionally snare birds when they're pursuing tuna and other commercial fish, Angel said.

Many of the world's albatrosses nest on islands that were once used as whaling vessel stopovers, Angel explained. With the human ships came cats and rats and mice. Gough Island in the South Atlantic, for example, is one of the most important seabird colonies, home to 24 different species of birds and multiple types of albatross. But the colony is gruesomely preyed upon by invasive mice that have evolved to be a much larger than normal size without the presence of predators, Hakai magazine reported . 

Perhaps because they have no other predators that would attack them this way, Albatross have not evolved a way to defend themselves against a mouse attack, and so some of the adults sit motionless, letting "the mice nibble on their flesh while they steadfastly incubate their egg." On a number of important bird islands, conservationists are launching aggressive mouse-eradication programs to attempt to save the remaining birds, National Geographic reported .

Related: In photos: Mice brutally attack and devour albatross on Gough Island

At sea, albatrosses face a different threat: fishing vessels. Albatrosses are pretty good at detecting fishing vessels — so good that researchers think the birds, outfitted with tiny radar detectors, could be used to find boats operating illegally, The New York Times reported. 

Large fishing vessels have onboard processing facilities where fish heads and tails and guts are removed and dumped back into the sea, which attracts all sorts of seabirds. "It is a seabird spectacle," Angel said. But as the trawler is dumping fish guts, it's simultaneously dropping the giant fishing net back into the ocean for the next catch. Seabirds, including albatrosses, get entangled in the net cables and dragged under water, then drown. And longline fishing boats, in which a 30-mile-long (48 kilometer) floating fishing line is set with hundreds of baited hooks, also attract seabirds which see the enticing meal from the surface, but get caught on the hooks and drown. 

BirdLife South Africa has reduced albatross deaths in the local trawl fishery by 99% by simply encouraging boats to use bird-scaring streamers and shifting the time that the boats dump out the fish waste to after the net is set. But worldwide there's still much more work to be done when it comes to encouraging commercial fishers to practice more seabird-friendly fishing techniques.

Additional resources:

  • Learn more about the relationship between birds and humans on Midway Atoll with this feature from American Bird Conservancy
  • Watch a Laysan albatross perform its complicated (and comical) mating dance .
  • View not-quite-live-cam shots of albatrosses on Bird Island near the Antarctic Circle on BirdLife International’s Facebook page .

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Rachel is a writer and editor based in Washington, D.C., who covers a range of topics for Live Science, from animals and global warming to technology and human behavior. Rachel also contributes to National Geographic News, Smithsonian Magazine and Scientific American, and she is currently a senior editor at Next City, a national urban affairs magazine. She has an English degree with a journalism concentration from Adelphi University in New York.

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Diomedea exulans wandering albatross

Geographic Range

Wandering albatrosses are found almost exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere, although occasional sightings just north of the Equator have been reported. ( Birdlife International, 2006 ; Shirihai, 2002 )

There is some disagreement over how many subspecies of wandering albatross ( Diomedea exulans ) there are, and whether they should be considered separate species. Most subspecies of Diomedea exulans are difficult to tell apart, especially as juveniles, but DNA analyses have shown that significant differences exist. ( Birdlife International, 2006 ; Shirihai, 2002 )

Diomedea exulans exulans breeds on South Georgia, Prince Edward, Marion, Crozet, Kerguelen, and Macquarie islands. Diomedea exulans dabbenena occurs on Gough and Inaccessible islands, ranging over the Atlantic Ocean to western coastal Africa. Diomedea exulans antipodensis is found primarily on the Antipodes of New Zealand, and ranges at sea from Chile to eastern Australia. Diomedea exulans amsterdamensis is found only on Amsterdam Island and the surrounding seas. Other subspecies names that have become obsolete include Diomedea exulans gibsoni , now commonly considered part of D. e. antipodensis , and Diomedea exulans chionoptera , considered part of D. e. exulans . ( Birdlife International, 2006 ; Shirihai, 2002 )

  • Biogeographic Regions

Wandering albatrosses breed on several subantarctic islands, which are characterized by peat soils, tussock grass, sedges, mosses, and shrubs. Wandering albatrosses nest in sheltered areas on plateaus, ridges, plains, or valleys.

Outside of the breeding season, wandering albatrosses are found only in the open ocean, where food is abundant. ( Birdlife International, 2006 ; Shirihai, 2002 )

  • Habitat Regions
  • terrestrial
  • saltwater or marine
  • Terrestrial Biomes
  • savanna or grassland
  • Aquatic Biomes

Physical Description

All subspecies of wandering albatrosses have extremely long wingspans (averaging just over 3 meters), white underwing coverts, and pink bills. Adult body plumage ranges from pure white to dark brown, and the wings range from being entirely blackish to a combination of black with white coverts and scapulars. They are distinguished from the closely related royal albatross by their white eyelids, pink bill color, lack of black on the maxilla, and head and body shape. On average, males have longer bills, tarsi, tails, and wings than females. ( Birdlife International, 2006 ; Shirihai, 2002 ; Tickell, 1968 )

Juveniles of all subspecies are very much alike; they have chocolate-brown plumage with a white face and black wings. As individuals age, most become progressively whiter with each molt, starting with the back. ( Birdlife International, 2006 ; Shirihai, 2002 ; Tickell, 1968 )

D. e. exulans averages larger than other recognized subspecies, and is the only taxon that achieves fully white body plumage, and this only in males. Although females do not become pure white, they can still be distinguished from other subspecies by color alone. Adults also have mostly white coverts, with black only on the primaries and secondaries. ( Birdlife International, 2006 ; Shirihai, 2002 ; Tickell, 1968 )

Adults of D. e. amsterdamensis have dark brown plumage with white faces and black crowns, and are distinguished from juveniles by their white bellies and throats. In addition to their black tails, they also have a black stripe along the cutting edge of the maxilla, a character otherwise found in D. epomophora but not other forms of D. exulans . Males and females are similar in plumage. ( Birdlife International, 2006 ; Shirihai, 2002 ; Tickell, 1968 )

Adults of D. e. antipodensis display sexual dimorphism in plumage, with older males appearing white with some brown splotching, while adult females have mostly brown underparts and a white face. Both sexes also have a brown breast band. ( Birdlife International, 2006 ; Shirihai, 2002 ; Tickell, 1968 )

With age, D. e. dabbenena gradually attains white plumage, although it never becomes as white as male D. e. exulans . The wing coverts also appear mostly black, although there may be white patches. Females have more brown splotches than males, and have less white in their wing coverts. ( Birdlife International, 2006 ; Shirihai, 2002 ; Tickell, 1968 )

  • Other Physical Features
  • endothermic
  • homoiothermic
  • bilateral symmetry
  • Sexual Dimorphism
  • sexes alike
  • male larger
  • sexes colored or patterned differently
  • Average mass 8130 g 286.52 oz AnAge
  • Range length 1.1 to 1.35 m 3.61 to 4.43 ft
  • Range wingspan 2.5 to 3.5 m 8.20 to 11.48 ft
  • Average wingspan 3.1 m 10.17 ft
  • Average basal metabolic rate 20.3649 W AnAge


Wandering albatrosses have a biennial breeding cycle, and pairs with chicks from the previous season co-exist in colonies with mating and incubating pairs. Pairs unsuccessful in one year may try to mate again in the same year or the next one, but their chances of successfully rearing young are low. ( Shirihai, 2002 ; Tickell, 1968 )

After foraging at sea, males arrive first at the same breeding site every year within days of each other. They locate and reuse old nests or sometimes create new ones. Females arrive later, over the course of a few weeks. Wandering albatrosses have a monogamous mating strategy, forming pair bonds for life. Females may bond temporarily with other males if their partner and nest are not readily visible. ( Shirihai, 2002 ; Tickell, 1968 )

  • Mating System

Copulation occurs in the austral summer, usually around December (February for D. e. amsterdamensis ). Rape and extra-pair copulations are frequent, despite their monogamous mating strategy. Pairs nest on slopes or valleys, usually in the cover of grasses or shrubs. Nests are depressions lined with grass, twigs, and soil. A single egg is laid and, if incubation or rearing fails, pairs usually wait until the following year to try again. Both parents incubate eggs, which takes about 78 days on average. Although females take the first shift, males are eager to take over incubation and may forcefully push females off the egg. Untended eggs are in danger of predation by skuas ( Stercorarius ) and sheathbills ( Chionis ). ( Shirihai, 2002 ; Tickell, 1968 )

After the chick hatches, they are brooded for about 4 to 6 weeks until they can be left alone at the nest. Males and females alternate foraging at sea. Following the brooding period, both parents leave the chick by itself while they forage. The chicks are entirely dependent on their parents for food for 9 to 10 months, and may wait weeks for them to return. Chicks are entirely independent once they fledge. ( Shirihai, 2002 ; Tickell, 1968 )

Some individuals may reach sexual maturity by age 6. Immature, non-breeding individuals will return to the breeding site. Group displays are common among non-breeding adults, but most breeding adults do not participate. ( Shirihai, 2002 ; Tickell, 1968 )

  • Key Reproductive Features
  • iteroparous
  • seasonal breeding
  • gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate)
  • Breeding interval Breeding occurs biennially, possibly annually if the previous season's attempt fails.
  • Breeding season Breeding occurs from December through March.
  • Average eggs per season 1
  • Range time to hatching 74 to 85 days
  • Range fledging age 7 to 10 months
  • Range time to independence 7 to 10 months
  • Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female) 6 to 22 years
  • Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female) 10 years
  • Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male) 6 to 22 years
  • Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male) 10 years

Males choose the nesting territory, and stay at the nest site more than females before incubation. Parents alternate during incubation, and later during brooding and feeding once the chick is old enough to be left alone at the nest. Although there is generally equal parental investment, males will tend to invest more as the chick nears fledging. Occasionally, a single parent may successfully rear its chick. ( Shirihai, 2002 ; Tickell, 1968 )

  • Parental Investment
  • provisioning


Wandering albatrosses are long-lived. An individual nicknamed "Grandma" was recorded to live over 60 years in New Zealand. Due to the late onset of maturity, with the average age at first breeding about 10 years, such longevity is not unexpected. However, there is fairly high chick mortality, ranging from 30 to 75%. Their slow breeding cycle and late onset of maturity make wandering albatrosses highly susceptible to population declines when adults are caught as bycatch in fishing nets. ( Birdlife International, 2006 ; Shirihai, 2002 ; Tickell, 1968 )

  • Range lifespan Status: wild 60 (high) years
  • Average lifespan Status: wild 415 months Bird Banding Laboratory

While foraging at sea, wandering albatrosses travel in small groups. Large feeding frenzies may occur around fishing boats. Individuals may travel thousands of kilometers away from their breeding grounds, even occasionally crossing the equator.

During the breeding season, Wandering albatrosses are gregarious and displays are common (see “Communication and Perception” section, below). Vocalizations and displays occur during mating or territorial defense. ( Shirihai, 2002 ; Tickell, 1968 )

  • Key Behaviors
  • territorial
  • Average territory size 1 m^2

Wandering albatrosses defend small nesting territories, otherwise the range within which they travel is many thousands of square kilometers. ( Shirihai, 2002 ; Tickell, 1968 )

Communication and Perception

Displays and vocalizations are common when defending territory or mating. They include croaks, bill-clapping, bill-touching, skypointing, trumpeting, head-shaking, the "ecstatic" gesture, and "the gawky-look". Individuals may also vocalize when fighting over food. ( Shirihai, 2002 )

  • Communication Channels
  • Perception Channels

Food Habits

Wandering albatrosses primarily eat fish, such as toothfish ( Dissostichus ), squids, other cephalopods, and occasional crustaceans. The primary method of foraging is by surface-seizing, but they have the ability to plunge and dive up to 1 meter. They will sometimes follow fishing boats and feed on catches with other Procellariiformes , which they usually outcompete because of their size. ( Birdlife International, 2006 ; Shirihai, 2002 )

  • Primary Diet
  • molluscivore
  • Animal Foods
  • aquatic crustaceans

Although humans formerly hunted wandering albatrosses as food, adults currently have no predators. Their large size, sharp bill, and occasionally aggressive behavior make them undesirable opponents. However, some are inadvertently caught during large-scale fishing operations.

Chicks and eggs, on the other hand, are susceptible to predation from skuas and sheathbills, and formerly were harvested by humans as well. Eggs that fall out of nests or are unattended are quickly preyed upon. Nests are frequently sheltered with plant material to make them less conspicuous. Small chicks that are still in the brooding stage are easy targets for large carnivorous seabirds. Introduced predators, including mice, pigs, cats, rats, and goats are also known to eat eggs and chicks. ( Birdlife International, 2006 ; IUCN, 2006 ; Shirihai, 2002 ; Tickell, 1968 )

  • skuas ( Stercorariidae )
  • sheathbills ( Chionis )
  • domestic cats ( Felis silvestris )
  • introduced pigs ( Sus scrofa )
  • introduced goats ( Capra hircus )
  • introduced rats ( Rattus rattus and Rattus norvegicus )
  • introduced mice ( Mus musculus )

Ecosystem Roles

Wandering albatrosses are predators, feeding on fish, cephalopods, and crustaceans. They are known for their ability to compete with other seabirds for food, particularly near fishing boats. Although adult birds, their eggs, and their chicks were formerly a source of food to humans, such practices have been stopped. ( IUCN, 2006 ; Shirihai, 2002 )

Economic Importance for Humans: Positive

Wandering albatrosses have extraordinary morphology, with perhaps the longest wingspan of any bird. Their enormous size also makes them popular in ecotourism excursions, especially for birders. Declining population numbers also mean increased conservation efforts. Their relative tameness towards humans makes them ideal for research and study. ( Shirihai, 2002 )

  • Positive Impacts
  • research and education

Economic Importance for Humans: Negative

Wandering albatrosses, along with other seabirds, follow fishing boats to take advantage of helpless fish and are reputed to reduce economic output from these fisheries. Albatrosses also become incidental bycatch, hampering conservation efforts. ( Birdlife International, 2006 ; IUCN, 2006 ; Shirihai, 2002 )

Conservation Status

Diomedea exulans exulans and Diomedea exulans antipodensis are listed by the IUCN Red list and Birdlife International as being vulnerable; Diomedea exulans dabbenena is listed as endangered, and Diomedea exulans amsterdamensis is listed as critically endangered.

All subspecies of Diomedea exulans are highly vulnerable to becoming bycatch of commercial fisheries, and population declines are mostly attributed to this. Introduced predators such as feral cats , pigs , goats , and rats on various islands leads to high mortality rates of chicks and eggs. Diomedea exulans amsterdamensis is listed as critically endangered due to introduced predators, risk of becoming bycatch, small population size, threat of chick mortality by disease, and loss of habitat to cattle farming.

Some conservation measures that have been taken include removal of introduced predators from islands, listing breeding habitats as World Heritage Sites, fishery relocation, and population monitoring. ( Birdlife International, 2006 ; IUCN, 2006 ; Shirihai, 2002 )

  • IUCN Red List Vulnerable More information
  • US Migratory Bird Act No special status
  • US Federal List No special status
  • CITES No special status


Tanya Dewey (editor), Animal Diversity Web.

Lauren Scopel (author), Michigan State University, Pamela Rasmussen (editor, instructor), Michigan State University.

the body of water between Africa, Europe, the southern ocean (above 60 degrees south latitude), and the western hemisphere. It is the second largest ocean in the world after the Pacific Ocean.

World Map

body of water between the southern ocean (above 60 degrees south latitude), Australia, Asia, and the western hemisphere. This is the world's largest ocean, covering about 28% of the world's surface.

uses sound to communicate

young are born in a relatively underdeveloped state; they are unable to feed or care for themselves or locomote independently for a period of time after birth/hatching. In birds, naked and helpless after hatching.

having body symmetry such that the animal can be divided in one plane into two mirror-image halves. Animals with bilateral symmetry have dorsal and ventral sides, as well as anterior and posterior ends. Synapomorphy of the Bilateria.

an animal that mainly eats meat

uses smells or other chemicals to communicate

the nearshore aquatic habitats near a coast, or shoreline.

used loosely to describe any group of organisms living together or in close proximity to each other - for example nesting shorebirds that live in large colonies. More specifically refers to a group of organisms in which members act as specialized subunits (a continuous, modular society) - as in clonal organisms.

  • active during the day, 2. lasting for one day.

humans benefit economically by promoting tourism that focuses on the appreciation of natural areas or animals. Ecotourism implies that there are existing programs that profit from the appreciation of natural areas or animals.

animals that use metabolically generated heat to regulate body temperature independently of ambient temperature. Endothermy is a synapomorphy of the Mammalia, although it may have arisen in a (now extinct) synapsid ancestor; the fossil record does not distinguish these possibilities. Convergent in birds.

offspring are produced in more than one group (litters, clutches, etc.) and across multiple seasons (or other periods hospitable to reproduction). Iteroparous animals must, by definition, survive over multiple seasons (or periodic condition changes).

eats mollusks, members of Phylum Mollusca

Having one mate at a time.

having the capacity to move from one place to another.

the area in which the animal is naturally found, the region in which it is endemic.

generally wanders from place to place, usually within a well-defined range.

islands that are not part of continental shelf areas, they are not, and have never been, connected to a continental land mass, most typically these are volcanic islands.

reproduction in which eggs are released by the female; development of offspring occurs outside the mother's body.

An aquatic biome consisting of the open ocean, far from land, does not include sea bottom (benthic zone).

an animal that mainly eats fish

the regions of the earth that surround the north and south poles, from the north pole to 60 degrees north and from the south pole to 60 degrees south.

mainly lives in oceans, seas, or other bodies of salt water.

breeding is confined to a particular season

reproduction that includes combining the genetic contribution of two individuals, a male and a female

associates with others of its species; forms social groups.

uses touch to communicate

that region of the Earth between 23.5 degrees North and 60 degrees North (between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle) and between 23.5 degrees South and 60 degrees South (between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic Circle).

Living on the ground.

defends an area within the home range, occupied by a single animals or group of animals of the same species and held through overt defense, display, or advertisement

A terrestrial biome. Savannas are grasslands with scattered individual trees that do not form a closed canopy. Extensive savannas are found in parts of subtropical and tropical Africa and South America, and in Australia.

A grassland with scattered trees or scattered clumps of trees, a type of community intermediate between grassland and forest. See also Tropical savanna and grassland biome.

A terrestrial biome found in temperate latitudes (>23.5° N or S latitude). Vegetation is made up mostly of grasses, the height and species diversity of which depend largely on the amount of moisture available. Fire and grazing are important in the long-term maintenance of grasslands.

uses sight to communicate

Birdlife International, 2006. "Species factsheets" (On-line). Accessed November 07, 2006 at http://www.birdlife.org .

IUCN, 2006. "2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species" (On-line). Accessed November 06, 2006 at http://www.iucnredlist.org .

Shirihai, H. 2002. The Complete Guide to Antarctic Wildlife . New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

Tickell, W. 1968. Biology of Great Albatrosses. Pp. 1-53 in Antarctic Bird Studies . Baltimore: Horn-Schafer.

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  • Family Diomedeidae albatrosses Diomedeidae: pictures (27) Diomedeidae: specimens (6)
  • Genus Diomedea royal and wandering albatrosses Diomedea: pictures (5) Diomedea: specimens (4)
  • Species Diomedea exulans wandering albatross Diomedea exulans: information (1) Diomedea exulans: pictures (3)

To cite this page: Scopel, L. 2007. "Diomedea exulans" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed June 14, 2024 at https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Diomedea_exulans/

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Wandering Albatross

These remarkably efficient gliders, named after the Greek hero Diomedes, have the largest wingspan of any bird on the planet

Wandering Albatross

Region: Antarctica

Destinations: Bouvet Island, Antarctic Peninsula, South Georgia

Name : Wandering Albatross, Snowy Albatross, White-winged Albatross ( Diomedea exulans )

Length: Up to 135 cm.

Weight : 6 to 12kg.

Location : All oceans except in the North Atlantic.

Conservation status : Vulnerable.

Diet : Cephalopods, small fish, crustaceans.

Appearance : White with grey-black wings, hooked bill.

How do Wandering Albatrosses feed?

Wandering Albatrosses make shallow dives when hunting. They’ll also attempt to eat almost anything they come across and will follow ships in the hopes of feeding on its garbage. They can gorge themselves so much that they become unable to fly and just have to float on the water.

How fast do Wandering Albatrosses fly?

Wandering Albatrosses can fly up to 40 km per hour.

wandering albatross mating behavior

What are Wandering Albatross mating rituals like?

Wandering Albatrosses mature sexually around 11 years of age. When courting, the male Wandering Albatross will spread his wings, wave his head around, and rap his bills against that of the female while making a braying noise. The pair will mate for life, breeding every 2 years. Mating season starts in early November with the Albatrosses creating nests of mud and grass on one of the Sub-Antarctic islands. The female will lay 1 egg about 10 cm long, sometime between the middle of December and early January. Incubation takes around 11 weeks, the parents taking turns. Once the chick is born the adults switch off between hunting and staying to care for the chick. The hunting parent returns to regurgitate stomach oil for the chick to feed on. Eventually both parents will start to hunt at the same time, visiting with the chick at widening intervals.

wandering albatross mating behavior

How long do Wandering Albatrosses live?

Wandering Albatrosses can live for over 50 years.

How many Wandering Albatrosses are there today?

There are about 25.200 adult Wandering Albatrosses in the world today.

Do Wandering Albatrosses have any natural predators?

Because they’re so big and spend almost all of their lives in flight, Wandering Albatrosses have almost no natural predators.

7 Wonderful Wandering Albatross Facts

  • The Wandering Albatross is the largest member of its genus ( Diomedea ) and is one of the largest birds in the world.
  • Wandering Albatrosses are also one of the best known and most studied species of birds.
  • Diomedea refers to Diomedes, a hero in Greek mythology; of all the Acheaens he and Ajax were 2 nd only to Achilles in prowess. In mythology all of his companions turned into birds. Exulans is Latin for “exile” or “wanderer.”
  • Wandering Albatrosses have the largest wingspan of any bird in the world today, stretching up to 3.5 metres across.
  • Wandering Albatrosses are great gliders – they can soar through the sky without flapping their wings for several hours at a time. They’re so efficient at flying that they can actually use up less energy in the air than they would while sitting in a nest.
  • Wandering Albatrosses have a special gland above their nasal passage that excretes a high saline solution. This helps keep salt level in their body, combating all the salt water they take in.
  • Wandering Albatrosses get whiter the older they get.  

wandering albatross mating behavior

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wandering albatross mating behavior

Wandering Albatross Fact File

The wandering albatross is the largest flying bird . Their wingspan is up to 3.5m (11ft) across. These wings are incredibly slender giving them very good aerial grace while flying.

A wandering albatross is colored white across most of its body with black on the wingtips. Their may also be a black tip to the tail and wavy lines across the breast in some individuals. Some also have a pinkish spot behind the ears. Females and males differ only in the females having brown speckles on the crown.

Their feet are colored a pale flesh color and have webbing between the toes which acts as brakes when they come in to land.

Protruding from the head is a yellowish-pink bill which has a small hook at the end. On either side of this are tubular nostrils which provide an excellent sense of smell.

The body of a wandering albatross measures 1.1m (3.5ft) long and weighs 8-11.5kg (18-25lbs).

Wandering albatross are carnivores. Their diet is composed of sea creatures such as fish, krill and squid. Most of their prey is taken at the surface or during shallow dives. Carrion may be taken including of larger species such as penguins or seals.

Increasingly these birds will follow fishing boats and take any items which are thrown aside.

wandering albatross

Scientific Name

Diomedea exulans

Conservation Status

8-11.5kg (18-25lbs)

1.1m (3.5ft)

3.5m (11ft)

35-40 years


These birds have a wide range running circumpolar around the Subantarctic Ocean. They can be found on land in the following countries - Angola, Antarctica, Argentina, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, Australia, Bouvet Island, Brazil, Chile, Falkland Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, French Southern Territories, Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Italy, Japan, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, New Zealand, Norfolk Island, Panama, Portugal, Réunion, Saint Helena, South Africa, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Tonga, United States and Uruguay.

While breeding they will nest in open or patchy vegetation on an exposed hillside. During the rest of the year they fly above the southern ocean.

wandering albatross


Breeding takes place in summer starting in December. Pairs are monogamous and form for life though females may find another mate if hers is not present when she returns to the nesting site and it is not uncommon for mating to occur outside of mated pairs.

Males return to their nesting site first and will make a nest or reuse one from previous years. The females will join them over the course of the next few weeks and locate their mate.

Pairs breed once every two years. If they fail to breed or their chick does not survive they may try again in the same season or the next year.

They undertake a courtship display which includes spreading the wings, clapping the bill and uttering a moaning call.

Their nest is made out of mud and vegetation and is placed on an exposed ridge.

Both parents will work together to incubate a single egg. The egg is incubated for 78 days. Once the chick hatches the parents will brood it for four to six weeks.

Following this the parents will leave the chick at the nest while they go off to feed. The chick continues to rely on its parents for food for 9-10 months. The parents may leave them alone for weeks at a time though while they go to feed. The chick is fed with regurgitated food.

They will first breed around 11-15 years old though they start returning to the colony at 6 years old.

Wandering albatross may spend up to 50 days out over the water flying and foraging for food. During the breeding season they will reduce the length of these trips.

While on these foraging trips they will travel in small groups. During the breeding season large numbers will come together at the breeding sites.

A range of vocalizations are made including croaks, bill-clapping and trumpeting.

wandering albatross

Predators and Threats

Eggs are preyed upon by skuas and shearwaters. Their nests may also be targeted by introduced species such as cats, goats, pigs, rats and mice. Humans have previously hunted them in small amounts.

One of the largest developing threats for this species is long-line fishing. They can become entangled in these lines while hunting for food.

Quick facts

Their scientific name comes from a Latin word for ‘living in exile.’

They are occasionally called the ‘snowy albatross’ as they are so white. Others refer to them as the white-winged albatross.

Photo Gallery

wandering albatross

Photo Credits

Under License

By Lieutenant Elizabeth Crapo, NOAA Corps: NOAA Photo Library - anim0672Uploaded by Snowmanradio, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=15550183

Middle Two and Bottom

By JJ Harrison (https://www.jjharrison.com.au/) - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=20760374

Burnie, D., 2011. Animal. 3rd ed. London: DK

Ambrose, J., 2015. Wildlife Of The World. 1st ed. London: Dorling Kindersley, p.

Birdlife.org.au. 2020. Wandering Albatross | Birdlife Australia. [online] Available at: < https://birdlife.org.au/bird-profile/wandering-albatross > [Accessed 5 December 2020].

Antarctica.gov.au. 2020. Wandering Albatross. [online] Available at: < https://www.antarctica.gov.au/about-antarctica/animals/flying-birds/wandering-albatross/ > [Accessed 5 December 2020].

Tikkanen, A., 2020. Albatross | Bird. [online] Encyclopedia Britannica. Available at: < https://www.britannica.com/animal/albatross > [Accessed 5 December 2020].

Scopel, L. 2007. "Diomedea exulans" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed December 05, 2020 at https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Diomedea_exulans/

Waugh, S.M. 2013. Wandering albatross. In Miskelly, C.M. (ed.) New Zealand Birds Online. www.nzbirdsonline.org.nz

Environment.nsw.gov.au. 2020. Wandering Albatross - Profile | NSW Environment, Energy And Science. [online] Available at: < https://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/threatenedSpeciesApp/profile.aspx?id=10907 > [Accessed 5 December 2020].

Bouglouan, N., 2020. Wandering Albatross. [online] Oiseaux-birds.com. Available at: < http://www.oiseaux-birds.com/card-wandering-albatross.html > [Accessed 5 December 2020].

wandering albatross mating behavior

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  • Kingdom Animals
  • Class Birds (10,906 sp)
  • Order Procellariiformes – Albatrosses & petrels (140 sp)
  • Family Diomedeidae – Albatrosses (15 sp)
  • Genus Diomedea – Great albatrosses (2 sp)
  • Species Wandering albatross

Wandering albatross

The humongous bird with the largest wing span of 3.5 m (11.5 ft) – seems straight out of a fantasy movie

wandering albatross mating behavior

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These magnificent seabirds are renowned for their effortless gliding abilities, often seen soaring gracefully over vast expanses of water in search of food.

Despite their elegant aerial maneuvers, wandering albatrosses are not without their challenges when it comes to takeoff and landing. Their large wings and heavy bodies make these maneuvers somewhat clumsy, particularly in strong winds or turbulent conditions. However, once airborne, they are masters of flight, capable of covering immense distances with minimal effort.

Wandering albatrosses are opportunistic feeders, preying primarily on fish and squid . They are known to scavenge for food near fishing vessels, eagerly consuming any scraps or discarded catch they encounter. However, their voracious appetites can sometimes lead to overindulgence, resulting in a temporary inability to fly due to the weight of their full stomachs.

One of the most remarkable aspects of wandering albatross behavior is their lifelong monogamous partnerships. These birds form strong bonds with their mates, often lasting for decades. During the breeding season, pairs engage in elaborate courtship displays, including synchronized dances and vocalizations, to reaffirm their commitment to each other.

Breeding colonies of wandering albatrosses are typically found on remote islands in the Southern Ocean, where they nest on open ground or cliffs overlooking the sea. Females lay a single egg, which both parents take turns incubating until it hatches. The chick is then cared for by both parents, who work together to provide it with food and protection until it is ready to fledge.

As wandering albatrosses age, they undergo a transformation in their appearance. The distinctive black markings on their plumage fade over time, giving way to a predominantly white coloration. Despite this change, these birds remain as magnificent as ever, embodying the wisdom and resilience acquired over their long lives.


wandering albatross mating behavior

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Get to know me

Terrestrial / Aquatic

Altricial / Precocial

Polygamous / Monogamous

Dimorphic (size) / Monomorphic

Active: Diurnal / Nocturnal

Social behavior: Solitary / Pack / Herd / Colony

Diet: Carnivore / Herbivore / Omnivore / Piscivorous / Insectivore

Migratory: Yes / No

Domesticated: Yes / No

Dangerous: Yes / No

30% decline over the past 70 years

Snowy albatross White-winged albatross Goonie

D. e.s exulans D. e. gibsoni

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  • Wandering Albatross Facts

A wandering albatross soaring through the sky.

The sight of a flying wandering albatross overhead is spectacular. These large feathered birds have the largest wingspan of any birds - they can reach up to 11 feet! This makes the wandering albatross the largest bird of the albatross species. Their wings are adapted for floating on the sea surface and gliding for several hours without even flapping. They are among the few birds that survive on salty water. This is because they possess a salt gland on the top of the nasal passage that enables them to desalinate and control the salt level in their bodies.

5. Physical Description

wandering albatross mating behavior

The wandering albatross is a white bird with large wings that can span up to eleven feet. The feathers on their wings are black at the top and white at the bottom. The longest wingspan measured by was 12 feet by 2 inches, although unverified reports claim that a giant wandering albatross was once sported and could have a wingspan of up to 17 ft 5 inches. The long wingspan allows the bird to float in the air without the need to flap its wings for a couple of hours. Its average length is about four feett 5 inches, but the females are known to be slightly larger than their male counterparts. A young albatross is chocolate brown and turns white as it ages, and the features on top of their wings turn black as they approach adulthood. The wings of the male are more white than those of the males and also possess a faint peach spot on both sides of their heads. Their beaks are long, pink and hooked to allow them to pick and hold on to fish.

wandering albatross mating behavior

The wandering albatross feeds on small marine animals such as fish, crustaceans, and cephalopods. However, they are known to follow boats and sea cruisers, hoping to feed on leftover handouts. They can spot a school of fish from above the water and make a shallow dive to catch its prey. After eating they are known to use their wings to float helplessly on the water, a situation that makes them prone and vulnerable to attack.

3. Habitat and Range

wandering albatross mating behavior

The wandering albatross is known to breeds in several islands north of the Antarctic Circle including the Crozet Islands, Prince Edward Islands, South Georgia Island and Macquarie Island. It feeds off the coast of New Zealand, preferably the Kaikoura Peninsula. They spend their time flying and only land to either feed or breed. They cover long distances across the southern oceans. One banded bird was reported to have traveled about 3,730 miles in just twelve days!

2. Behavior

wandering albatross mating behavior

The wandering albatross reaches sexual maturity at the age of 11 years. Wandering albatrosses mate for life. The albatross begins creating nests made of mud and grass in preparation for the mating in early November. The females begin laying 10cm long eggs between 10 December and 5 January. The incubation period is about eleven weeks, and parents take turns to care for the eggs. After hatching, the parents will also take turn switching off between caring for the chicks and hunting. They regurgitate stomach oil for the chicks to feed on. After a couple of weeks, both parents leave to hunt and take longer periods out in the sea before returning to their nests.

1. Other Important Wandering Albatross Facts

wandering albatross mating behavior

Relationship with Humans

Although their long wings benefit the birds immensely, thier wings historically have also made them target for sailors who captured the birds and used their wing bones to make tobacco pipes. Some early explorers of the southern seas found companionship in the birds during their solitary escapades and believed that whoever shot the bird would have an evil fate on him. The bird would accompany ships and boats for days without landing on either land or water. Tales from sailors narrate that the bird would fly tirelessly in both harsh and moderate weather. The Maori people of New Zealand baited the albatross and used them as a source of food and used their wing to create flutes, needles, and fish hooks.

The bird is at risk from human activities, particularly longline fishing. Due to their aggression during the hunting of fish, the birds get caught up in fishing lines while targeting baits means for fish. They drown while attempting to free themselves or are made easy prey by predators. The most recent statistics conducted in 2007 revealed that there were about 8,114 pairs of breeding birds compared to 8,500 pairs in 1998. Pollution, climate change, and loss of habitat are also major threats to the birds.

Conservation Efforts

The IUCN considers the wandering albatross to be a vulnerable species. Every year, about 7% of hatched birds die. The Crozet Islands, in the southern Indian Ocean, are home to the largest number of these birds, totaling about 2,000 breeding pairs. The South Georgia Island accounts for 1,553 pairs. Their population on the South Georgia Islands is shrinking at a rate of 1.8% per year although the number of birds at the Crozet Islands is considered to be stable for the most part. The Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) has initiated measures to reduce accidental trapping of the birds in South Georgia by 99%, a measure that has also been adopted by other fishing organizations. The islands in which the birds occupy are protected reserve - the Macquarie Islands have been designated as a World Heritage site while the Crozet and Kerguelen are nature reserves. Appendix II of the Convention on Migratory Species also protect these birds from loss of habitat through human activities. Mitigation measures and the banning and relocation of fishing operations from the feeding grounds of these birds are some of the measures taken to recover their population.

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Meet the Largest Flying Bird in the World: The Wandering Albatross

Published: July 15, 2023

wandering albatross mating behavior

The animal kingdom is filled with diverse incredible creatures, each with unique characteristics and abilities. Among them, the wandering albatross stands out as one of the most fascinating birds on the planet. With a wingspan of over three meters, it proudly holds the title of the largest flying bird in the world. These majestic creatures are known for their long-distance flights over the open ocean and remarkable resilience in surviving harsh weather conditions. Get ready to be amazed by this remarkable bird’s incredible abilities and features!

albatross the longest living species of bird

Soar to any section below!

Physical Characteristics

The wandering albatross can span over three meters, making it the largest flying bird in the world. This feature sets the wandering albatross apart from all other birds, giving it a unique and majestic appearance. As for their weight, albatrosses are relatively light despite their size, weighing in at around 7-11 kilograms.

The wandering albatross’s wingspan is a marvel of nature. Its wings are incredibly long and broad, specifically suited to gliding over long distances. Although they may look cumbersome, these wings are perfectly designed to give the bird maximum lift while minimizing drag during flight. This allows the wandering albatross to fly great distances without too much energy.

wandering albatross mating behavior

Feather Colors

The wandering albatross is mainly white, with black feathers on its back and wings. The color of its feathers gives the wandering albatross a striking appearance and serves a practical purpose. The white feathers help the bird blend with its surroundings, making it less visible to potential predators. On the other hand, the black feathers on its back help absorb heat, which is important when flying over the open ocean.

The wandering albatross’ beak is distinctive, with a hooked shape perfectly suited to its diet. These birds are primarily scavengers and will eat anything from squid to fish, with the occasional seal carcass thrown in. Their hooked beak helps them rip apart tough materials, such as fish skin, which they swallow whole.

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Behavior And Lifestyle Of The Wandering Albatross

wandering albatross mating behavior

The wandering albatross is not just a remarkable bird because of its physical characteristics, it also showcases fascinating behaviors that have captivated researchers and bird enthusiasts alike. In this section, we delve into the distinct behaviors of the wandering albatross, including its breeding habits, migration patterns, hunting techniques, and socialization within flocks.

Breeding Habits

Breeding is a crucial part of the wandering albatross’s life cycle, and they typically breed on remote sub-Antarctic islands. These islands provide a haven for the birds to mate and rear their young without the threat of predators. Breeding pairs will mate for life; every breeding season, they will mate and produce a single egg that they take turns incubating. During incubation, the male and female albatrosses stay in the nest to keep the egg warm. Once the egg hatches, the parents feed the chick, regurgitating food from their stomachs to feed their young.

wandering albatross mating behavior

Migration Patterns

One of the most unusual behaviors of the wandering albatross is its long-distance migration patterns. These birds can fly thousands of kilometers over the open ocean, often without resting, for months. The albatrosses do this to find food, as their main source of nutrition is squid and fish, which they hunt in the open ocean. The wandering albatross also has a unique way of navigating their migrations. They use the Earth’s magnetic field as a guide, using their ability to sense the Earth’s magnetic field to orient themselves and navigate their journeys.

Hunting Techniques

When it comes to hunting, the wandering albatross has developed unique techniques that allow them to thrive in the harsh and challenging conditions of open ocean hunting. They use their incredible eyesight and sense of smell to locate squid and fish in the water. Once they spot their prey, they use their long, powerful wings to fly just above the water’s surface, dipping their beaks into the water to snatch up their meal.

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Socialization Within Flocks

The wandering albatross is a highly social bird, often forming large flocks when not breeding. These flocks provide safety and companionship for the birds while on their long journeys. They also perform elaborate courtship rituals within these flocks, using intricate dance moves and calls to attract potential mates.

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Conservation Status Of The Wandering Albatross

albatross flying

The wandering albatross is undoubtedly one of the most striking birds on the planet. Unfortunately, it is one of the most vulnerable species and is listed as “endangered” under the IUCN Red List , meaning it is at risk of extinction. The wandering albatross faces numerous threats to its population, including climate change, habitat loss, and human activities such as fishing, pollution, and plastic waste.

Threats To Wandering Albatross Population

Climate change has caused a significant impact on the wandering albatross population. Changes in water temperature and ice cover affect the bird’s food supply, which can result in lower breeding success rates. The increase in plastic waste has also led to many albatrosses suffering entanglement and ingestion of plastic debris, resulting in death. The longline fishing industry is another serious threat to their population, with these birds accidentally killed by fishing hooks and nets.

Conservation Efforts

Several conservation efforts have been implemented to combat these threats to the wandering albatross population. The Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP) is an international agreement aimed to conserve albatross and petrel species and reduce the impact of harmful fishing practices.

The ACAP framework has implemented measures such as using bird-scaring streamers and setting longline fishing at night to avoid seabirds. There are also efforts to reduce plastic pollution through cleanup projects and recycling campaigns.

Success Stories

Despite the threats, there are some success stories. For example, in Macquarie Island, a designated United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO ) World Heritage Site, the wandering albatross population is thriving due to strict conservation measures, including removing introduced animals such as rats and rabbits, which prey on the bird’s eggs and chicks.

Further efforts have led to the reduction of bird deaths due to fishing hooks. In South Africa, using small circle hooks has reduced the number of albatrosses caught in fishing gear by over 90%. These hooks do not harm the birds and can be easily removed if caught.

The wingspan of a Wandering Albatross can reach up to 11 feet, the largest of any bird in the world.

Wandering Albatross mainly feeds on fish and squid and can travel up to 600 miles daily to find food.

Wandering Albatross can live for up to 50 years and are known for their lifelong monogamous breeding pairs and unique courtship rituals.

YouTube video

The wandering albatross is an extraordinary bird that continues to capture the hearts and minds of scientists, birdwatchers, and nature enthusiasts worldwide. Its remarkable wingspan, ability to fly long distances over the open ocean, and resilience in harsh weather conditions are just a few qualities that set this bird apart from its peers. It’s no wonder that the wandering albatross is the world’s largest flying bird. With all its fantastic abilities and characteristics, it’s an animal kingdom marvel that deserves all the admiration and respect it gets.

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Wandering Albatross Facts

Wandering albatross profile.

In 1961, Dion and the Del Satins had a song from the perspective of an albatross. It wasn’t accurate on many counts, but it did get one thing right: they get around.

The Diomedea exulans, more commonly known as the wandering albatross is perhaps the most accomplished wanderer of any animal, with routine voyages of hundreds of kilometres per day on record-breaking wings.

They are a large seabird with a circumpolar range in the Southern Ocean, and sometimes known as snowy albatross, white-winged albatross or goonie.

Wandering Albatross Facts

Wandering Albatross Facts Overview

The wandering albatross breeds on islands in the South Atlantic Ocean, such as South Georgia Island, Crozet Islands, Prince Edward Island and others.

They spend most of their life in flight , and land only to breed and feed.

These are phenomenal birds, capable of surviving some of the harshest weather conditions even at the most vulnerable stages of their development.

They are slow to reproduce, spending extra time to develop into one of the biggest and most specialised animals in the air.

Sadly, this is what makes them vulnerable to population declines, and longline fishing vessels are responsible for many adult deaths.

Interesting Wandering Albatross Facts

1. they can travel 120k km (75k) miles in a year.

The Wandering albatross might be the most wide-ranging of all foraging sea birds, and maybe of all animals. They’ve been tracked over 15,000 km in a single foraging trip, capable of speeds of up to 80 kmph and distances of over 900 km per day. 1

Wandering Albatross in flight

2. They’re monogamous (mostly)

This goes against the entire theme of the Del Satins song and is probably why it’s no longer used as a learning aid in the zoological curriculum.

Contrary to the promiscuous subject of the ‘60s hit, the Wandering Albatrosses mate for life and are (on average) monogamous.

When breeding, they take on incubation shifts, and it’s during these periods when the wanderer goes out on their epic voyages to return with food for their family.

Still, there’s an element of personal preference when it comes to breeding.

Most females will take a year or two off after the long and arduous task of reproduction. During this time the parents will go their separate ways, only to reunite when the time is right.

In these periods, some females will take on a temporary mate, so they can squeeze out one more chick before reuniting with their permanent nesting partner. 2

3. Wandering albatross are active in moonlight

When on these journeys, the albatross is almost constantly active. During the day they spend the entire time in the air, and while they don’t cover much distance at night, they were still recorded almost constantly moving – never stopping for more than 1.6h in the dark.

They appear to travel more on moonlit nights than on darker ones.

All of this data comes from satellite trackers attached to some birds, which are always going to skew the results.

Flying birds are optimised for weight, and trackers add to this weight, so there’s necessarily a negative effect on the individual’s fitness when lumbering them with a tracker.

Still, these subjects were able to outlast the trackers’ batteries on many occasions, and it’s safe to assume they’re capable of even more than we can realistically measure!

Wandering Albatross low sun

4. They have the largest wingspan of any bird in the world

One advantage that an albatross has over, say, a pigeon, when it comes to carrying a researcher’s hardware, is that it doesn’t need to flap much.

The albatross is the bird with the longest wingspan of any flying animal – growing up to 3.2 m (10.5 ft), and these wings are meticulously adapted for soaring.

The Guiness Book of Records claims the largest wingspan of any living species of bird was a wandering albatross with a wingspan of 3.63m (11 ft 11) caught in 1965 by scientists on the Antarctic research ship USNS Eltanin in the Tasman Sea.

Research has suggested that these wings function best against slight headwinds, and act like the sails of a boat, allowing the bird to cover more ground by “tacking”, like a sailboat: zig-zagging across the angle of the wind to make forward progress into it. 3

5. Fat chicks

As mentioned, these voyages are usually a result of foraging trips for their chicks.

The environment for a growing albatross is one of the least conducive for life. Freezing winter storms and exposed ledges make for a hilly upbringing for the baby birds.

Fed on a healthy diet of regurgitated squid, these albatross chicks grow to enormous sizes. On nesting sites, it’s not uncommon to find a fluffy baby albatross weighing up to 10kg.

These chicks are heavier than their parents, and they need the extra mass to protect them from the Winter season while they grow into fledglings. They’re also such big birds that they take longer than a season to reach maturity.

It takes around ten months of feeding, back and forth from the ocean every few days, for the parents to grow a healthy adult offspring.

6. Being a parent takes practice

When inexperienced parents were compared with those who’d brought up chicks before, it was found that their chicks are a little slower to fatten up, at least in the first few months.

Parents would feed less regularly, but with much larger amounts, and it seems to take a while to get the routine down.

By the end of the breeding season, these differences disappeared and the parents became fully qualified.

7. 25% of chicks die when they leave the colony

The huge chicks have one of the longest rearing periods of any bird, and this is after an 11-month incubation period! And if they survive all this, they still have a long way to go.

There’s a period of 3 to 7 years during which the young chick will leave the colony alone and spend the entire time at sea.

During the first two months of this learning phase, 25% of chicks die. This is a critical time for the young birds, but if they survive, they’ll return to the colony and find a mate. 4

Wandering Albatross chick wanting to take flight

8. They’re good sniffers

These birds feed primarily on smelly things like squid, and they’ve developed a very keen sense of smell to find them from downwind.

Wandering Albatrosses have one of the largest olfactory bulbs of any bird and they’re honed to fishy aromas.

They combine this sense with strong vision to identify productive areas of the ocean for hunting and foraging. 5

9. They are part of a ‘species complex’

When multiple species are so similar in appearance and other features, it makes their boundaries unclear and this group is known as a species complex.

The wandering albatross was long considered the same species as the Tristan albatross and the Antipodean albatross. Along with the Amsterdam albatross, they form a species complex.

Taxonomy of animals in general is tricky, and some researchers still describe them as the same species.

Wandering Albatross nesting

10. The wandering albatross is vulnerable

The ICUN has classified the wandering albatross as vulnerable, and the last study of their population size in 2007 indicated there were an estimated 25,000 birds.

The biggest threat to their survival is fishing, in particular longline fishing. This is where a long mainline is used with baited hooks, and they are prone to accidental catching of birds, as well as dolphins, sharks, turtles and other sea creatures. Pollution, mainly from plastics and fishing hooks is also a problem for birds such as the wandering albatross.

Convervation efforts are underway to reduce bycatch of albatrosses and some breeding islands are now classified as nature reserves.

Wandering Albatross Fact-File Summary

Scientific classification, fact sources & references.

  • Jouventin, P., Weimerskirch, H (1990), “ Satellite tracking of Wandering albatrosses “, Nature.
  • GrrlScientist (2022), “ Divorce Is More Common In Albatross Couples With Shy Males, Study Finds “, Forbes.
  • Richardson, P. L., Wakefield, E. D., & Phillips, R. A. (2018), “ Flight speed and performance of the wandering albatross with respect to wind “, Movement Ecology.
  • Weimerskirch, H., Cherel, Y., Delord, K., Jaeger, A., Patrick, S. C., & Riotte-Lambert, L. (2014), “ Lifetime foraging patterns of the wandering albatross: Life on the move! “, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology.
  • Nevitt, G. A., Losekoot, M., & Weimerskirch, H. (2008), “ Evidence for olfactory search in wandering albatross, Diomedea exulans “, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

8 Amazing Facts About Albatrosses

wandering albatross mating behavior

  • University of Georgia

wandering albatross mating behavior

  • Harvard University Extension School
  • Animal Rights
  • Endangered Species

An albatross is a large, magnificent seabird capable of soaring incredible distances without rest. Long viewed with superstitious awe by sailors, they spend most of their time gliding over the open ocean. Most people around the world rarely get a glimpse of these unique birds because even when they do visit dry land, it's often only to breed on remote islands before going back out to sea. Despite the distance they've managed to maintain from people, however, most albatross species are now threatened with extinction due to human activities.

In hopes of raising their profile and illustrating why we're lucky to share the planet with them, here are a few things you may not know about the amazing albatross.

  • Common Name: Albatross
  • Scientific Name: Diomedeidae
  • Average Lifespan in the Wild: 30 years
  • IUCN Red List Status: Two critically endangered, seven endangered, six vulnerable, six near threatened, and one of least concern
  • Current Population: Black-browed albatross: 1.4 million; Wandering albatross: 20,100 ; Tristan albatross: 3,400 to 4,800

1. One Albatross Has the Largest Wingspan of Any Living Bird

The wingspan of a wandering albatross ( Diomedea exulans ) measures up to 12 feet across, which makes it the largest extant bird on Earth in terms of wingspan. This helps the wandering albatross soar 500 miles in a day and maintain speeds of nearly 80 miles per hour for eight hours straight without even having to flap its wings.

Part of the secret is locking elbow joints, which enable the bird to keep its wings extended for long periods at no energy cost from its muscles. Additionally, the birds have mastered dynamic soaring, which involves flying along a continually curving path in a way that extracts energy from the gradient of wind velocity, or wind shear. And because albatrosses inhabit areas of the world with reliably strong winds, dynamic soaring provides access to "an unlimited external energy source," one study said.

Engineers have long tried to mimic the albatross' impressive flying abilities with aircraft.

2. They Can Go Years Without Touching Land

Mike Hill / Getty Images

Once they fledge, albatrosses may spend a year or more at sea without setting foot on land, most of which is spent flying. Touching down in the water puts them at risk of shark attacks, so they touch down only briefly to feed. It's widely believed that albatrosses must be able to sleep while flying. Evidence of that behavior is still lacking, but it has been documented in the closely related frigate.

3. They Can Live and Raise Chicks Into Their 60s

USFWS - Pacific Region / Flickr / Public Domain

All albatrosses are long-lived birds that can survive for many decades. Some live well beyond 50. The best-known example comes from a Laysan albatross ( Phoebastria immutabilis ) named Wisdom, who was first banded by scientists in 1956 at Midway Atoll.

Wisdom continued returning to Midway for more than half a century, raising some three dozen chicks. In 2021, Wisdom turned 70 and was still breeding, making her one of the oldest known breeding birds .

4. They Mate for Life (With Some Wiggle Room)

Albatrosses mate for life . They form a long-term bond with one partner and are often said to have the lowest "divorce rate" of any bird; mated pairs virtually never split up until one dies.

These pair bonds don't necessarily adhere to the human definition of romance. Albatross pairs spend limited time together, meeting up only briefly at their breeding grounds until their egg is laid. Then, they take turns incubating the egg and foraging for food. Eventually, both birds must search for food to keep their growing chick fed.

Once their chick fledges after about 165 days, the pair separates for the rest of the year, reuniting only when it's time to breed again. They are socially monogamous, which means they bond with a single partner but sometimes breed outside that relationship.

5. They Court Each Other With Elaborate Mating Dances

Enrique Aguirre Aves / Getty Images

Because choosing a partner is such a momentous decision for albatrosses, they need a good system for identifying top candidates. They court each other with elaborate mating dances that develop over time and eventually become unique to each pair.

The wandering albatross has at least 22 distinct dance components. Their moves include head rolls, bill snaps, sky points, bowing, yammering, and yapping. The Laysan albatross' two dozen moves include whinnies, head flicks, bill claps, air snaps, stares, and sky calls. These components are combined into a sequence that's unique for each couple.

6. They Can Smell Food in the Water From 12 Miles Away

For more than 100 years, birds were believed to have little or no sense of smell—an idea put forth even by famed naturalist and bird artist John J. Audubon. Now we know that birds can not only smell but that scent seems to be a crucial part of the way many seabirds find their food.

Yet even for strong-nosed seabirds, following a scent trail on the open ocean isn't easy. Their food may send plenty of pungent clues downwind, but air turbulence at sea chops up the odor plume, creating spotty patches of scent that are hard to follow. According to a 2008 study, in which researchers fitted 19 wandering albatrosses with GPS sensors, the birds often approached food by flying upwind in a zigzag pattern, which seems to improve their chances of tracing an intermittent odor plume back to the source.

Sight is important, too, the researchers noted, but smell may contribute to as many as half of the albatross' in-flight food discoveries, which can be made from as far away as 12 miles.

7. Some Albatrosses Form Female-Female Pairs

dsischo / Getty Images

Female Laysan albatrosses sometimes pair with other females. This phenomenon is especially prevalent on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, where the breeding colony is predominantly female and about 31% of all mated pairs consist of two females. These female-female pairs raise chicks together after their eggs are fertilized by either unpaired males or via extra-pair copulation with already-paired males.

Female-female pairs fledge fewer chicks than female-male pairs do, but it is a better option evolutionarily than not breeding at all, researchers noted in a 2008 study. And since pairing with another female allows birds to reproduce who might not otherwise have had the opportunity, the behavior seems to be an adaptive response to local demographics.

8. They Are at Risk of Extinction

Of the 22 albatross species recognized by the IUCN, 15 are threatened with extinction, and nine species are listed as either endangered or critically endangered (including the wandering royal albatross and the Tristan albatross).

Many albatrosses are dying at sea, fatally ensnared by fishing lines and nets, but many are also dying as eggs and chicks at their breeding grounds due to the presence of invasive predators like cats and rats. Ocean plastic also poses a growing threat to albatrosses , with chicks sometimes fed a dangerous mix of plastic debris by their unwitting parents.

While it's true that an albatross can go years without ever touching land, the birds do sometimes rest on the water. They generally avoid resting for too long in the water, though, because of the risk of sharks.

Although they look similar and are both considered seabirds, albatrosses and seagulls are not related. The albatross is a member of the family Diomedeidae , the seagull belongs to Laridae . The former is a carnivore and the latter an omnivore. Albatrosses are also much bigger.

Albatrosses can be found in the Southern Ocean and North Pacific. They prefer Antarctic, sub-Antarctic, and subtropical waters. They primarily occur in the Southern Hemisphere with a few exceptions, such as Hawaii's population.

Save the Albatross

  • Make sure the seafood you buy is sustainable. Groups like the Marine Stewardship Council and Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch offer information making it easier to buy fish caught with bycatch-free and seabird-safe methods.
  • Because ocean plastic can originate from virtually anywhere, you can support albatross conservation simply by using less plastic and recycling whatever you do use.

" Albatrosses ." IUCN Red List .

BirdLife International. " Diomedea exulans ."  The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2018: e.T22698305A132640680.

BirdLife International. " Diomedea dabbenena ."  The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species  2018: e.T22728364A132657527.

" Largest wingspan for a bird species (living )." Guinness World Records .

Sachs, G., et al. " Experimental Verification Of Dynamic Soaring In Albatrosses ." Journal Of Experimental Biology , vol. 216, no. 22, 2013, pp. 4222-4232, doi:10.1242/jeb.085209

Rattenborg, Niels C., et al. " Evidence That Birds Sleep In Mid-Flight. "  Nature Communications , vol. 7, no. 1, 2016, doi:10.1038/ncomms12468

Pickering, and S.P.C & S.D Berrow. " Courtship Behaviour Of The Wandering Albatross Diomedea Exulans At Bird Island, South Georgia. " Marine Ornithology , vol. 29, no. 1, 2001, pp. 29-37.

Averett, Nancy. " Birds Can Smell, And One Scientist Is Leading The Charge To Prove It ." Audubon , 2014.

Madin, Kate. " Seabirds Use Their Sense Of Smell To Find Food. " Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution .

Nevitt, G. A., et al. " Evidence For Olfactory Search In Wandering Albatross, Diomedea Exulans ."  Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences , vol. 105, no. 12, 2008, pp. 4576-4581, doi:10.1073/pnas.0709047105

Young, Lindsay C., et al. " Successful Same-Sex Pairing In Laysan Albatross ." Biology Letters , vol. 4, no. 4, 2008, pp. 323-325,  The Royal Society , doi:10.1098/rsbl.2008.0191

Young, Lindsay C., and Eric A. VanderWerf. " Adaptive Value Of Same-Sex Pairing In Laysan Albatross ." Proceedings Of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences , vol. 281, no. 1775, 2014, p. 2013-2473, doi:10.1098/rspb.2013.2473

" Diomedea Sanfordi: Birdlife International ." 2018.  IUCN.

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What is the mating ritual of the albatross?

Alan Hernbroth

The albatross is a large seabird found across the southern oceans. Albatrosses are known for their elaborate mating rituals and lifelong pair bonds. The mating ritual of the albatross is a complex process that reinforces the strong lifelong bond between mating pairs.

The courtship ritual begins when albatrosses return to their breeding colonies after spending several years at sea. Unmated male albatrosses will arrive before the females and begin staking out nesting territories. They use vocal calls, posturing, and ritualized dances to establish dominance. This helps determine which birds will pair up for mating.

When a female albatross arrives at the colony, the male will initiate an elaborate mating dance to catch her attention. He spreads his wings, points his beak skyward, and sways back and forth. If the female is receptive, she will mirror his motions. The pair will dance together, billing and preening each other’s feathers. This dance helps the birds assess each other’s fitness for mating.

Pair Bond Formation

Once a pair of albatrosses takes a liking to each other, they will spend several days or weeks getting to know each other. They reinforce their bond by preening, sitting together, and sleeping side-by-side. The male will also search for a suitable nest site to impress his potential mate.

The pair will gradually synchronize their mating dance routines. This is a sign that their bond is strengthening. As the bond solidifies, the pair will breed for life. The female will lay a single egg that the parents take turns incubating for around 70 days.

Nesting Rituals

Albatrosses do not build nests in the traditional sense. They lay their egg directly on the bare ground or vegetation. However, mating pairs do engage in ritualized nesting behaviors.

Once the egg is laid, parents will develop an elaborate greeting ritual. Whenever one parent returns from sea to relieve the incubating partner, they engage in vocal calls, sky-pointing, and synchronized dancing. This helps reinforce their pair bond throughout the incubation period.

The nesting habitats of albatrosses are also hotbeds of ritualized territorial behavior. Albatrosses are highly aggressive in defending their nesting territories from intruders. They will stab at, bite, and slap trespassing birds with their large wings.

Chick Rearing

After hatching, the albatross chick is cared for by both parents. One parent will guard the chick while the other soars out to sea to hunt for food. When the foraging parent returns, mates perform elaborate greeting rituals. Then they exchange parenting duties so the other bird can go forage.

The mating rituals continue as the parents court each other during exchanges at the nest. This behavior strengthens their lifelong bond and ensures continued cooperation in raising their offspring.

As chicks get older, parents engage in ritualized behaviors to encourage them to fledge. They will stop feeding chicks, harass them verbally and physically, and even abandon them for short periods. This pushes the chick to take its first flight to sea.

Lifelong Bonds

Albatrosses maintain their pair bonds for life. Each year they reunite at the breeding colony and perform mating rituals. Even when they are too old to breed, albatross couples will still go through mating rituals. Their bonds last until one partner dies.

Unusual Courtship Rituals

Within the standard albatross mating sequence, researchers have noted intriguing exceptions. Some males have been observed courting other males with mating dances. Same-sex pairs will build nests together and even foster abandoned eggs. The motives are unknown, but this behavior reveals the complexity of albatross pair bonding instincts.

Interspecies breeding attempts also occur. Albatrosses may court penguins or other seabird species. But these instances rarely result in hybrid offspring. The strong natural instincts to find an albatross mate usually prevent outbreeding between species.

Regional Variations

Not all albatross species follow the same ritualistic mating behaviors. Some of the key regional differences include:

Laysan albatrosses

– Males build mud nest pedestals to attract females. – Ritualized beak fencing is common. – They perform moon-watching dances under the full moon.

Black-footed albatrosses

– Males throw their heads back during mating dances. – Pairs will tap their bills together when greeting. – They nod their heads during ritualized sky-pointing.

Wandering albatrosses

– Males clatter their bills to produce a rattling sound. – Crouching with dropped wings is a common courtship posture. – Pairs whistle duets when greeting each other.

Why Such Complex Rituals?

Scientists are not certain why albatrosses evolved such intricate mating rituals. But there are a few key theories:

– Rituals test and demonstrate fitness between potential mates. – Synchronized dances strengthen lifelong pair bonds. – Ritualized behaviors enhance cooperation in chick rearing. – Displays stimulate hormones that trigger breeding instincts. – Regular practice of rituals maintains bonds during long separations.

The elaborate rituals are energy-intensive displays that reveal important information about each bird’s health, experience, and commitment to mating for life.

The mating rituals of the albatross are sophisticated behavioral sequences passed down over generations. They form an important part of reinforcing monogamous bonds and breeding success. Pairs mate for life and continue performing rituals even after breeding years have passed. Regional variations exist between different species, but the core sequences of courtship dancing, pair bonding, territorial defense, and chick rearing remain similar across the albatross family. The rituals enhance communication, demonstrate fitness, stimulate breeding hormones, and maintain lifelong bonds. After years apart, albatross couples still recognize each other and renew their pair bond through intricate and beautiful mating dances.

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Wandering Albatross

Table of Contents

Scientific Classification

Table of content.

wandering albatross mating behavior

Physical Description

Size : They measure at around 3 ft 6 in to 4 ft 5 in (1.07-1.35 m).

Weight : Adult wandering albatrosses typically weigh between 13 and 28 lbs (5.9-12.7 kg).

Color : The plumage for juveniles is chocolate brown which becomes whiter with age. The wings in adults are white with black around the tips while the female’s wings have more black on them. The bill and feet are pink.

Sexual Dimorphism : Males are a little bit larger than females.

Wingspan : They have the largest wingspan among birds , measuring at around 8 ft 3 in to 11 ft 6 in (2.51-3.5 m).

The two recognized subspecies of the wandering albatross are D. e. exulans (nominate subspecies) and the D. e. gibsoni (also known as Gibson’s albatross).


The breeding range for the wandering albatross includes South Georgia Island, Crozet Islands, Prince Edward Islands, Kerguelen Islands, and Macquarie Islands. It also feeds around the Kaikoura Peninsula on New Zealand’s South Island east coast.

They inhabit subantarctic islands with tussock grass, sedges, shrubs, mosses and peat soils. They nest on ridges, plateaus, valleys, and plains.

wandering albatross mating behavior

Wandering Albatross Pictures

wandering albatross mating behavior

Wandering Albatross Images

  • These birds spend most of their lives in the air, traveling long distances.
  • They live in small groups during their forages in the sea.
  • They become rather social during the breeding season.
  • They are territorial towards members of the same sex during the breeding season and defend their nesting area with vocalizations.

Wandering albatrosses eat fish, squids, and crustaceans.

Mating & Reproduction

These birds mate for life and mate every other year. Males reach the breeding grounds before females and locate the same nesting sites they had used the previous season, although they may also choose to build new ones. Females arrive after males. The breeding season usually occurs between December and March. The female lays one egg per breeding season which is then incubated for 74-85 days. Both parents take part in incubation.

The hatchling stays in its parents’ care for up to 9 months of age, after which they achieve independence. They reach sexual maturity by the time they are 9 years old.

wandering albatross mating behavior

Wandering Albatross Chick

wandering albatross mating behavior

Wandering Albatross Size

Wandering albatrosses can live for up to 50 years.

Sounds & Communication

These birds communicate by croaking, bill-clapping, bill-touching, trumpeting, and pointing towards the sky with their bills.


  • The large wings of the wandering albatross help them fly for vast distances over several hours without flapping. For every meter of drop in altitude, they can travel 22 meters in distance.
  • The salt gland at the nasal passage helps them desalinate their bodies of the excess salt they come in contact with because of their oceanic lifestyle.
  • They can dive up to a meter into the ocean to catch their prey. They, however, prefer to catch the fish from the surface of the ocean.

wandering albatross mating behavior

The Wandering Albatross

wandering albatross mating behavior

Wandering Albatross Flying

Adult wandering albatrosses have no predators. Eggs, hatchlings, and juveniles, on the other hand, are preyed upon by sheathbills and skuas. In addition to these two, several introduced animals like goats, pigs, rats, mice, and cats also eat the chicks and eggs.

IUCN Conservation Status

The International Union for Conservation of Nature lists the wandering albatross under their ‘Vulnerable’ category.

Interesting Facts

  • The wandering albatross is the biggest bird in its genera and one the largest in the world.
  • One individual lived to be 60 years old in New Zealand. She was named ‘Grandma.’
  • Another banded individual was recorded to have traveled 3,730 miles in just 12 days.

wandering albatross mating behavior

Wandering Albatross Wingspan

wandering albatross mating behavior

Wandering Albatross Bird

  • http://www.coolantarctica.com/Antarctica%20fact%20file/wildlife/wandering-albatross.php https://oceanwide-expeditions.com/to-do/wildlife/wandering-albatross https://beautyofbirds.com/wandering-albatrosses/ http://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Diomedea_exulans/#ff4ee5a1ac2a7a07a049350b7c9b6fbc https://www.britannica.com/animal/albatross#ref243427 http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/22698305/0

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Albatross Behavior-AnimalBehaviorCorner

Albatross Behavior

wandering albatross mating behavior

Albatross behavior is a captivating subject that offers insights into the remarkable lives of these majestic seabirds .

With their impressive wingspans and unique adaptations , albatrosses have long fascinated researchers and nature enthusiasts alike.

From their intricate courtship rituals to their unparalleled navigational abilities, delving into the world of albatross behavior unveils a plethora of intriguing behaviors that shed light on their survival strategies and ecological significance.

In this article, we’ll uncover the hidden facets of albatross behavior, exploring everything from their foraging techniques to their role in marine ecosystems.

Join us as we soar into the realm of albatross behavior and unravel the mysteries that make these birds a true marvel of the natural world.

1. Albatross Characteristics

Albatrosses are large and majestic seabirds with a wingspan of up to 12 feet, making them the largest of all flying birds. They have long, narrow wings that help them soar for miles over the ocean in search of food. Albatrosses also have webbed feet that enable them to land on the water’s surface and stay afloat.

Albatross Behavior-AnimalBehaviorCorner

Their feathers are typically white or grey with black markings around their eyes and wingtips which help camouflage in their environment.

Albatrosses usually weigh between 6-10 pounds but can grow up to 22 pounds. They have strong beaks which they use to catch prey at sea such as fish, squid, crustaceans , and even carrion.

2. Albatross Habits

2.1. albatross diet.

Albatrosses are incredibly unique birds that have varied diets depending on the species. As seabirds , albatrosses typically rely on a seafood-rich diet and feed primarily on krill, squid, octopus , fish, crustaceans , and other types of marine life.

To survive during the winter months when food is scarce in their migratory breeding grounds, some species of albatross will also scavenge from fishing vessels out at sea or even consume carrion that has washed up onto the shore.

Albatross Behavior-AnimalBehaviorCorner

Most albatrosses have a high degree of dietary plasticity as they can adapt to changes in prey availability due to seasonal fluctuations or changes in oceanic conditions.

In addition to seafood and carrion, some species may also feed on smaller invertebrates such as flies, worms , or larvae found along the shoreline.

2.2. Habitat of Albatross

The habitat of albatrosses varies greatly depending on the species. Most albatross species live in the Southern Hemisphere and inhabit islands including New Zealand, Chile, South Georgia, and other smaller islands located near Antarctica.

However, some species live in the Northern Hemisphere such as in the Galapagos islands, Hawaii, Japan, California, and Alaska.

Albatrosses typically nest on islands that offer plenty of vegetation, ground cover, and nesting sites.

They prefer areas with sandy beaches or low-lying grasslands as these provide them with a safe place to build their nests and raise their young.

2.3. Albatross Mating Behavior

Albatross mating dance.

The albatross mating dance is a unique and fascinating spectacle to witness. These large seabirds , found in oceans around the world, are especially well known for their elaborate courtship displays .

Albatross Behavior-AnimalBehaviorCorner

From graceful bowing motions and synchronized swaying of their wings to beautiful vocalizations , the albatross mating dance is a truly captivating sight to behold.

To begin the courtship process , male albatrosses will often perform an intricate choreography that includes dipping their head low toward the ground, clacking their bills, preening, and flapping their wings in unison with their partner.

This behavior is thought to be used as a way of displaying strength and vigor; it also serves to mesmerize potential mates into submission!

Once two birds have paired off, they may continue this delightful duet for hours on end, making it one of nature’s most beloved performances.

Albatross Mating

When it comes to albatross mating , the female lays a single sub-elliptical egg and both parents take turns incubating it for 70-90 days before it hatches.

During this period, both parents will take shifts on the nest ensuring that their offspring is safe from any potential predators .

Albatross Behavior-AnimalBehaviorCorner

After hatching, the young chick will remain in its natal region until it is ready to fledge, which can take up to 280 days!

During this time, both parents continue tending to their young until they reach adulthood and can fly off into the wild on their own.

2.4. Albatross Social Behavior

Albatrosses are one of the most remarkable birds in the world , not just for their size but also for their social behavior .

These majestic birds are known to live in large colonies and engage in activities that demonstrate sophisticated social interactions. Every bird has its own distinct personality, which creates a unique social dynamic amongst albatrosses.

Albatrosses often form long-term pair bonds as they mate for life. Their social behavior is characterized by an intricate series of vocalizations that help the birds communicate with each other .

These vocalizations are used to identify members of a particular albatross family or flock, for courtship and mating activities, or to express alarm or warnings of danger.

Albatrosses also form strong bonds between parents and chicks through a variety of physical contact behaviors like preening and head-pushing.

3. Albatross Behavioral Adaptations

Albatrosses are the largest seabirds in the world and have developed a variety of behavioral adaptations to their environment. These adaptations have enabled them to thrive for millions of years, despite changes in climate and other environmental conditions.

Albatross Behavior-AnimalBehaviorCorner

The most notable adaptation is their long-distance flight capability. Albatrosses can soar over huge distances without tiring, making them ideally suited for life at sea.

They use dynamic soaring as an energy-saving technique, flying upwind for a period before gliding back down with the wind beneath them. This allows them to cover vast distances while expending minimal energy.

Albatrosses are a species of seabirds that inhabit the world’s oceans and skies. While they may seem like majestic creatures, these birds have many behavioral adaptations that enable them to survive in their environment.

In addition to their impressive flight skills, albatrosses also possess excellent navigational abilities. They can navigate by detecting subtle changes in wind speed and direction or by using stars or other landmarks as reference points.

4. Albatross Predators

Albatrosses are one of the most iconic species of seabirds , and their populations have been decreasing greatly in recent years due to various threats. The main predators of albatrosses are mammals like cats and rats. These animals will prey on albatross eggs, chicks, and even adults in some cases.

While these predators pose a significant threat to albatross population numbers, human activities have been identified as the primary cause of their decline.

Commercial fisheries accidentally capture thousands of albatrosses every year while fishing for other species; however plastic pollution is now considered to be one of the greatest dangers facing these birds.

5. Albatross Facts

Albatrosses are one of the most iconic and recognizable birds in the world . With their massive wingspan, impressive aerial skills, and incredible migrations across the globe, these fascinating creatures are beloved by birdwatchers everywhere.

Albatross Behavior-AnimalBehaviorCorner

Here are some amazing facts about these majestic seabirds that you may not have known before:

1. Albatrosses are part of an ancient family of seabirds called Procellariiformes. They are mainly found in the Southern Hemisphere with some species found in Northern Hemisphere.

2. There are about 22 species of albatross, of which 15 are threatened species according to the ICUN red list of threatened species.

3. Albatrosses are large, long-winged seabirds that spend much of their life soaring over the oceans. Their wingspan can be up to 12 feet, with the Wandering Albatross species having one of the biggest wingspans.

4. They have streamlined bodies and narrow, pointed bills that help them catch their prey in the water.

5. Albatrosses are some of the most skilled flyers in the bird kingdom. They use their long wings and light body to glide through the air without flapping their wings.

6. Albatrosses can glide for hours thanks to the shape of their wings. The top part of their wing is curved, and the bottom is straight. This aerodynamic design allows them to soar on updrafts caused by waves and wind while moving very little.

7. Albatrosses are seabirds and spend most of their time over the ocean. They can travel great distances over the ocean without flapping their wings.

8. Albatrosses have thick bills with sharp edges that they use to slice their prey into bite-size pieces. They mainly feed on fish, squid, and crustaceans .

Albatross Behavior-AnimalBehaviorCorner

9. Albatrosses nest in colonies on the ground. They prefer the top of a high cliff or an isolated island to ensure that predators have difficulty reaching their nests.

10. Albatrosses are monogamous and mate for life .

6. Frequently Asked Questions about the Albatross

Where do albatross live.

Most albatross species are found mainly in the Southern Hemisphere, such as near Antarctica, South Africa, South America, New Zealand, and Australia. Fewer species inhabit Northern Hemisphere regions like North America (Alaska, California), Japan, the Galapagos Islands, and Hawaii.

Albatrosses have adapted to life on coastal waters and open oceans as well as islands. They feed on fish and squid by swooping down from their high-altitude perch to catch unsuspecting prey near the water’s surface.

How Long Do Albatross Live?

The albatross can live for up to 50 years depending on the species. Their longevity is mainly due to their slow maturation rate and low reproductive output , meaning they take longer to reach sexual maturity and lay fewer eggs than other bird species .

Additionally, their life expectancy is also affected by climate change and other human impacts on their habitats.

What Do Albatross Eat?

The primary food source for many species of albatross is small fish, squid, and shrimp which they catch while swimming or diving in the water.

They also feed on krill, jellyfish , crustaceans , mollusks, and other small sea creatures they find while flying over the ocean. Some species may even scavenge scraps of food from boats or fisheries.

Do Albatross Eat Mice?

Albatrosses are large seabirds that inhabit the oceans across the world and feed primarily on squid and fish.

Although they can also eat other types of sea life such as crustaceans , it is not a common sight to see an albatross eating a mouse , as they do not typically hunt them in their natural habitat.

Are Albatross Monogamous?

Yes, albatrosses are monogamous birds that typically mate for life. They form strong pair bonds with their partners which they mate with each season.

Once they have found a partner, they remain loyal to them until one of the birds dies or until circumstances change.

Are Albatross Endangered?

Of the around 22 species of albatross, seven of them are classified as Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

For example, the Amsterdam Albatross is listed as an Endangered species, while the Tristan Albatross is listed as Critically Endangered on IUCN’s Red List 2018.

In conclusion, albatross behavior is an incredibly fascinating and complex phenomenon that can teach us a lot about the birds’ social interactions and environment.

Albatrosses offer unique insights into the evolution of seabird behavior , as well as different strategies for dealing with their changing habitats.

Their long lifespans and large populations also provide researchers with valuable data on how they adapt to climate change, pollution, and other environmental changes.

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wandering albatross mating behavior


An albatross aloft can be a spectacular sight. These feathered giants have the longest wingspan of any bird—up to 11 feet! The wandering albatross is the biggest of some two dozen different species. Albatrosses use their formidable wingspans to ride the ocean winds and sometimes to glide for hours without rest or even a flap of their wings. They also float on the sea's surface, though the position makes them vulnerable to aquatic predators. Albatrosses drink salt water, as do some other sea birds.

These long-lived birds have reached a documented 50 years of age. They are rarely seen on land and gather only to breed, at which time they form large colonies on remote islands. Mating pairs produce a single egg and take turns caring for it. Young albatrosses may fly within three to ten months, depending on the species, but then leave the land behind for some five to ten years until they themselves reach sexual maturity. Some species appear to mate for life.

Albatrosses feed primarily on squid or schooling fish, but are familiar to mariners because they sometimes follow ships in hopes of dining on handouts or garbage. Albatrosses have a special place in maritime lore and superstition, most memorably evoked in Samuel Taylor Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner .

Relationship with Humans

Some albatross species were heavily hunted for feathers that were used as down and in the manufacture of women's hats. The Laysan albatross was important to the indigenous hunters of the northern seas. Excavations of Aleut and Eskimo settlements reveal many albatross bones and suggest that the birds were an important part of human diet in the region.

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The Wandering Albatross

The Wandering Albatross, also known as Diomedea exulans, is a majestic seabird that belongs to the albatross family. This species is renowned for having the largest wingspan of any living bird, reaching an impressive measure of up to 11 feet. With their long, slender wings, they effortlessly glide through the air, utilizing air currents to cover great distances over the southern oceans. These beautiful birds have a white plumage, with black outer wing feathers and a distinctive pinkish bill. They possess a keen sense of smell, allowing them to locate food sources such as fish and squid from great distances. Wandering Albatrosses are known for their lifelong monogamous relationships and elaborate mating rituals, consisting of intricate dances and vocalizations.

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Wandering albatross : diet, predators, aggression, and defensive behaviors, what do wandering albatrosses eat.

Wandering Albatrosses primarily feed on fish, squid, and crustaceans. They are skilled predators that use their keen eyesight to spot prey from high above the ocean's surface. They are known to travel long distances in search of food, often following fishing vessels to scavenge for leftovers.

Do Wandering Albatrosses have any predators?

Wandering Albatrosses are impressive birds with few natural predators due to their large size and ability to soar long distances. However, their eggs and chicks are vulnerable to predation by invasive species such as rats and feral cats on their breeding islands. In some cases, adult albatrosses may also fall prey to large birds of prey like skuas.

Are Wandering Albatrosses aggressive?

Wandering Albatrosses are not typically aggressive birds. They are known for their peaceful nature and spend a majority of their time flying over the open ocean in search of food. They do, however, display aggression towards intruders near their breeding colonies to protect their mates and nesting sites.

Do Wandering Albatrosses fight?

Wandering Albatrosses are not known to engage in physical fights with each other or other species, as their territorial disputes are usually settled through displays of courtship or aggressive behavior. These displays involve posturing, vocalizations, and bill-snapping rather than actual physical violence.

How do Wandering Albatrosses defend themselves?

Wandering Albatrosses have evolved several strategies to defend themselves against potential threats. One of their main defenses is their ability to fly long distances over the ocean, allowing them to escape from danger quickly. They also rely on their large size and sharp beaks to ward off predators or rivals if necessary.

What is the biggest weakness of Wandering Albatrosses in a fight?

One of the biggest weaknesses of Wandering Albatrosses in a fight is their vulnerability on land. While they are powerful and agile flyers, albatrosses are not well-equipped for ground combat. Their long wings and legs make them less maneuverable on solid ground, leaving them at a disadvantage against smaller, more agile predators that may ambush them near their nesting sites.

Fun Fact : These amazing seabirds have a lifespan of approximately 50 years, with some individuals being recorded to live up to 70 years, making them one of the longest-living birds in the world.

Fun Fact : The Wandering Albatross nests on remote islands, such as the sub-Antarctic islands of South Georgia and the Crozet Islands. They create their nests on rugged terrain, where they lay a single egg and take turns incubating it, with both parents sharing the responsibility equally.

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FWS Pride: Laysan Albatross

A graphic of an albatross sitting in front of a Rainbow and a blue sky. The silhouette of two birds can be seen in the distance.

In celebration of Pride Month, we are spotlighting Laysan albatross (or mōlī in ōlelo Hawai‘i)— one of many animal species that displays same-sex breeding behaviors including courting, intimacy, co-parenting, and forming decades long monogamous partnerships. 

In a population with fewer males than females, same-sex pairing among female mōlī has been observed for decades in Hawai‘i and has proved to be an adaptive reproductive strategy. Every breeding season, female birds in same-sex partnerships successfully nest, incubate eggs, and raise their chick together. 

Why Some Mōlī Have Two Mothers    

A large watermelon sized chick with a downy head, white feathered chest and gray feathered wings opens its mouth up for a yawn. It looks awkward and adorable.

Laysan albatross colonies within the main Hawaiian Islands typically have a skewed sex-ratio with more female albatross than males. This is because Laysan albatross have female biased immigration. In other words, females are more likely than males to immigrate from outer islands to new colonies on the main Hawaiian Islands. 

With an abundance of females, male mōlī are selective when forming pair bonds. Female birds that are rejected by males or prefer a female partner will partner with one another and rely on a chance opportunity to copulate with a male and have their egg fertilized.  

Two eggs the size of small avocados in a ground nest made of pine needles.

Both females can lay a single egg each year, but only one will ultimately be incubated. Mōlī, like all seabirds, can only raise one chick each nesting season. The physically demanding 60 days of egg incubation followed by 165 days of chick rearing is physically demanding and raising just a single chick to fledge requires two dedicated parents.  

Parenting duties do not differ between the sexes with one exception; the female lays the egg, and the male takes the first incubation shift while she goes out to sea to feed and recover lost nutrients. In female-female pairs, while the pair will only incubate one egg, both birds may lay an egg. The female bird that takes the first incubation shift does not get time to recover before the approximately three weeks long fast required while she awaits her partner's return. During this time, she is more likely to abandon her egg than a male bird taking the first incubation shift. However, research suggests that if an egg hatches, female-female couples are just as successful at getting their chick to fledge as their male-female counterparts.  

A group of four large white birds. Two are dancing together, one has its beak open. They are in a forest, with a blue sky behind them.

Most of what we know about female-female albatross pairings is from a 2008 study at Ka‘ena Point Natural Area Reserve on O‘ahu. Dr. Lindsay Young and Dr. Eric VanderWerf collected data on breeding cycles over the course of four years as part of their doctoral research at the University of Hawai‘i. 

Of the mōlī included in the study, male-female pairs were about twice as successful at hatching and raising their chick to fledge as their female-female counterparts, (they had a 59% success rate versus 31%). Even with this disparity, female-female pairing has proven successful as the alternative of not pairing, would produce no offspring at all. 

There is Still More to Learn  

Volunteers all over Hawai‘i, including on Kaua‘i, continue to collect weekly data on Laysan albatross throughout their nesting seasons. Dr. Young hopes to use this data and conduct further research on the long-term success of chicks raised by two female parents.  

Dr. Young has also observed another adaptive breeding strategy— Laysan albatross forming “throuples,” with two female birds raising a chick with one male. “They've got three parents feeding them,” said Dr. Young in a May interview with USFWS, “and those chicks are fat.” 

Making Parenthood Possible  

a woman in a green T-shirt and black latex gloves takes an egg from another gloved hand. She is holding a clipboard. There is and albatross sitting on a next with an egg beside it.

Laysan albatross started to expand their range across the Pacific in the late 1960s, going beyond their typical Northwestern Pacific Island demographic. With more birds in new airspace, bird-air strike collisions near U.S. Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF) became increasingly problematic.  

In 1988, adult birds were deterred away from the PRMF and their eggs were legally destroyed to discourage them from establishing a permanent colony. This was part of the BASH or Bird-Air Strike Hazard reduction program to protect this population of Laysan albatross, a near-threatened species. The program was unsuccessful. Mōlī are typically as loyal to their nesting grounds as they are to their mate and continued to nest at PMRF.   

In 2005, the U.S. Navy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and U.S. Department of Agriculture partnered to initiate an “albatross egg swap” program where fertilized eggs laid by Laysan albatross on the PMRF were replaced with unfertilized eggs from pairs at the Kīlauea Point National Wildlife Refuge (KPNWR) and at nearby private properties. Shortly after the program was founded, the non-profit Pacific Rim Conservation joined the cause and undertook most of the egg relocation and egg incubation associated with the translocation projects.  

Most of the fertilized eggs from PMRF were given to female-female pairs who are naturally less likely to have their own fertilized egg. This egg swap program not only gave these mōlī mothers a chance to foster chicks, but it also prevented the destruction of many fertilized eggs that outnumbered that of available male-female nests.   

By 2012, the albatross egg swap program was scaled down in part due to legislation imposed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture that limited the placement of foster eggs on private properties that lacked adequate fencing to protect the mōlī against predation. Around this same time, USFWS on Kaua‘i was unable to accept foster eggs, leaving only a small fraction of properties eligible to accept PMRF eggs.   

Still, fertilized Laysan albatross eggs from PMRF continued to be placed across the North Shore of Kaua‘i as well as the neighboring island of O‘ahu, mostly given to female-female albatross pairs nesting on approved private properties. And in 2022, translocation efforts at the Kīlauea Point National Wildlife Refuge were resumed with 14 eggs from the Missile Range placed under pairs with an unfertilized egg. 

Click and Clack - A Success Story 

Two large white birds with gray wings sit over a foot tall over their mango sized gray downy chick

Throughout the 2000s, a long-term female Laysan albatrosses pair named Click and Clack nested in a small residential community on Kauai’s North Shore. For over a decade the couple captured the hearts of their human neighbors who observed them courting, preening, and nuzzling. Throughout the 14-years that they were regularly monitored, they successfully raised four chicks to fledge.      

Click and Clack’s partnership was cut short when Clack, identifiable by band #643, did not return from sea in 2019. Community members mourned the missing bird. “This neighborhood really cares about these [birds], and they watch over them,” said Cathy Granholm, Department of Natural Land Resources, Division of Forestry Division volunteer,  who has been collecting data on the birds since 2005.   

Click has since paired with another female mōlī. The small community of bird lovers that surrounds them continue to watch and wait in hopes of celebrating future success stories of female-female raised Laysan albatross chicks on Kaua‘i and across the Hawaiian Archipelago.  

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  2. Wandering albatross, engaged in mating display

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  2. The Wandering Albatross (Diomedea exulans)Wonderful to look at, majestic in Flight

  3. The Wandering Albatross (Diomedea exulans)Wonderful to look at, majestic in flight

  4. Rarely Seen Albatross Mating Dance

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  1. Wandering Albatross

    Length. 107-135. cm inch. Wingspan. 2.5-3.5. m ft. Described as "The bird which made the breeze to blow" the wingspan of a Wandering albatross ( Diomedea exulans) is the longest of any bird. It lives up to its name when it takes fishing trips that last 10-20 days and can cover 10,000 km while using hardly more energy than when sitting on its nest.

  2. Does the Albatross Really Mate for Life?

    When searching for a mate, albatross do a little dance, make a little love, get down for life. Every year, after wandering far and wide across the ocean, albatross will return to the same partner, perform their same secret dance and start nesting. ... (and in seabirds that rate can rise to 100%) most also engage in EPC. This mating strategy ...

  3. Wandering Albatross

    The wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans) is the largest extant bird. ... The breeding season starts in early November and lasts until March. The birds gather in large colonies on remote islands and build their nests from mud and grass. The female produces one egg, and the parents take turns incubating it. The egg hatches after around 11 weeks.

  4. Wandering Albatross

    They sometimes join the other birds at the breeding colonies and perform mating displays. However, most of the time they do not find a mate and begin to breed until they are around 10 years old. ... Behavior of the Wandering Albatross. This species is quite social, even outside of the breeding season. While in the open ocean, small groups of ...

  5. Wandering Albatross Bird Facts (Diomedea exulans)

    Vulnerable. Known for its majestic wingspan and far-ranging travels, the Wandering Albatross is a captivating presence in the Southern Ocean's expanse. As the bird with the widest wingspan globally, this remarkable creature glides effortlessly across vast oceanic distances, its brilliant white plumage and solitary habits making it a unique ...

  6. Albatrosses: Facts about the biggest flying birds

    The wandering albatross can only dive about 2 to 3 feet (0.6 to 1 m) into the ocean, yet based on an analysis of its diet, scientists are pretty sure the wandering albatross eats squid that live ...

  7. ADW: Diomedea exulans: INFORMATION

    There is some disagreement over how many subspecies of wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans) there are, ... Outside of the breeding season, wandering albatrosses are found only in the open ocean, where food is abundant. ... Behavior. While foraging at sea, wandering albatrosses travel in small groups. Large feeding frenzies may occur around ...

  8. Wandering Albatross

    What are Wandering Albatross mating rituals like? Wandering Albatrosses mature sexually around 11 years of age. When courting, the male Wandering Albatross will spread his wings, wave his head around, and rap his bills against that of the female while making a braying noise. The pair will mate for life, breeding every 2 years.

  9. Wandering Albatross

    Behavior. Wandering albatross may spend up to 50 days out over the water flying and foraging for food. During the breeding season they will reduce the length of these trips. While on these foraging trips they will travel in small groups. During the breeding season large numbers will come together at the breeding sites.

  10. Wandering albatross facts, distribution & population

    One of the most remarkable aspects of wandering albatross behavior is their lifelong monogamous partnerships. These birds form strong bonds with their mates, often lasting for decades. During the breeding season, pairs engage in elaborate courtship displays, including synchronized dances and vocalizations, to reaffirm their commitment to each ...

  11. Seabird breeding behavior

    Wandering albatross performing the "sky calling" part of its mating dance at its colony on the Kerguelen Islands, 2004. Courtship stage [ edit ] The courtship stage of breeding is when pair bonds are formed and occurs before copulation and occasionally continues through the copulatory and chick-rearing stages of the breeding phenology .

  12. Wandering Albatross

    Wandering Albatross Behavior. When hunting for food, these snowy birds can make shallow dives to scoop up their prey, although they prefer surface fishing. They will also feed on floating debris, and they will follow ships to eat the garbage thrown overboard. ... Each breeding pair mates on dry land, on one of the islands within their range ...

  13. Wandering Albatross Facts

    Behavior . The wandering albatross reaches sexual maturity at the age of 11 years. Wandering albatrosses mate for life. The albatross begins creating nests made of mud and grass in preparation for the mating in early November. The females begin laying 10cm long eggs between 10 December and 5 January. The incubation period is about eleven weeks ...

  14. Meet the Largest Flying Bird in the World: The Wandering Albatross

    One of the most unusual behaviors of the wandering albatross is its long-distance migration patterns. These birds can fly thousands of kilometers over the open ocean, often without resting, for months. Breeding is a crucial part of the wandering albatross's life cycle, and they typically breed on remote sub-Antarctic islands.

  15. Wandering Albatrosses (Diomedea exulans) Information

    The Wandering Albatrosses, Snowy Albatross, or White-winged Albatross, Diomedea exulans, is a large seabird from the family Diomedeidae which has a circumpolar range in the Southern Ocean.. It was the first species of albatross to be described and was long considered the same species as the Tristan Albatross and the Antipodean Albatross.In fact, a few authors still consider them all subspecies ...

  16. 10 Wandering Albatross Facts

    1. They can travel 120k km (75k) miles in a year. The Wandering albatross might be the most wide-ranging of all foraging sea birds, and maybe of all animals. They've been tracked over 15,000 km in a single foraging trip, capable of speeds of up to 80 kmph and distances of over 900 km per day. 1. 2.

  17. 8 Amazing Albatross Facts

    Evidence of that behavior is still lacking, but it has been documented in the closely related frigate. ... In 2021, Wisdom turned 70 and was still breeding, ... The wandering albatross has at ...

  18. What is the mating ritual of the albatross?

    Within the standard albatross mating sequence, researchers have noted intriguing exceptions. Some males have been observed courting other males with mating dances. Same-sex pairs will build nests together and even foster abandoned eggs. The motives are unknown, but this behavior reveals the complexity of albatross pair bonding instincts.

  19. Wandering Albatross Facts, Lifespan, Predators, Pictures

    Size: They measure at around 3 ft 6 in to 4 ft 5 in (1.07-1.35 m). Weight: Adult wandering albatrosses typically weigh between 13 and 28 lbs (5.9-12.7 kg). Color: The plumage for juveniles is chocolate brown which becomes whiter with age. The wings in adults are white with black around the tips while the female's wings have more black on them.

  20. Albatross Behavior

    Albatross Mating Behavior Albatross Mating Dance. The albatross mating dance is a unique and fascinating spectacle to witness. These large seabirds, ... Their wingspan can be up to 12 feet, with the Wandering Albatross species having one of the biggest wingspans. 4. They have streamlined bodies and narrow, pointed bills that help them catch ...

  21. Albatrosses

    An albatross aloft can be a spectacular sight. These feathered giants have the longest wingspan of any bird—up to 11 feet! The wandering albatross is the biggest of some two dozen different species.

  22. Patterns of aging in the long-lived wandering albatross

    Of note, the wandering albatross is one of the few seabirds that exhibits significant sexual dimorphism in size, with males generally ∼20% larger than females (44, 45). Males also tend to invest more in the provisioning of larger chicks ( 24 ), although overall breeding duties are shared almost equally ( 22 , 26 ).

  23. Wandering Albatross: Predator-Prey Interactions, Fights, and Aggressive

    Wandering Albatrosses are known for their lifelong monogamous relationships and elaborate mating rituals, consisting of intricate dances and vocalizations. Wandering Albatross. Size. Wingspan: 10 to 11.5 feet (3 to 3.5 meters) Weight. 9 to 11 pounds (4 to 5 kilograms) Speed. 79mph (127km/h) Key Strength.

  24. FWS Pride: Laysan Albatross

    In celebration of Pride Month, we are spotlighting Laysan albatross (or mōlī in ōlelo Hawai'i)— one of many animal species that displays same-sex breeding behaviors including courting, intimacy, co-parenting, and forming decades long monogamous partnerships. In a population with fewer males than females, same-sex pairing among female ...