Beach in Curaçao with Momondo logo overlay

How to Use Momondo to Find Cheap Flights

Scott Keyes

Scott Keyes

August 6, 2023

Momondo is a mainstay for the cheap flight community. Simply put, it is one of the best flight search engines for getting the cheapest fare possible .

As opposed to better-known sites like Expedia and Priceline , Momondo does not actually sell flights. Instead, Momondo operates as a meta-search engine, scouring hundreds of online travel agencies (OTAs) to find the cheapest possible fare.

What is Momondo?

Momondo is a travel aggregator and search site that shows you flights, hotels, car rentals, and activities for your chosen dates and location. It was founded in 2006 and is now owned by Booking Holdings, which also owns Trivago, Skyscanner, and Kayak.

What Momondo is good at

Momondo excels in a number of areas:

  • Searching everywhere at once : Instead of searching various online travel agencies one-by-one, it’s far quicker and easier to search them all simultaneously in Momondo.
  • Finding the cheapest fares: Many times the cheapest fare for a given flight is found not at Orbitz or Travelocity, but rather with a small upstart online travel agency. Momondo surfaces those fares so you can compare them to booking directly with the airline and decide if the savings is worth booking with a smaller OTA.

What Momondo is bad at

Here’s where Momondo lags:

  • Searching a range of dates : Though Momondo is really good at finding the cheapest price for a specific date, there’s no good way to see the cheapest fare over a number of weeks or months. (Put zero stock in the fare graph they pull up when you’re running a search, it’s fare estimates and bad ones at that.)
  • Flexible destinations : You can only search one specific destination city at a time rather than multiple. Though you can put in regions like “Western Europe” we’ve found the results to be unreliable.
  • Completing searches quickly : Whereas Google Flights takes a fraction of a second to pull up fares, it can take upwards of a minute for results on Momondo to load because it's searching hundreds of sites at once.

Eagle-eyed readers will notice that Momondo’s weaknesses mirror Google Flights’ strengths and vice versa. This is why with many deals, using both sites in tandem is the best strategy.

How to use Momondo to find flights

Best practice when searching for flights is to start your search on Google Flights, find the best route and dates, then check those dates in Momondo to see if there’s a lower price there.

Let’s walk through an example together. Say you’re a romantic, so you’re planning a trip to Europe for Valentine’s Day, but you’re self-conscious about appearing cliche, so you’re thinking Amsterdam instead of Paris.

You start in Google Flights, poke around at various dates, and find flights from Atlanta to Amsterdam for $596 roundtrip from February 12-19.

search in Google Flights.

Pulling up Momondo, you input the exact same route and dates like so:

then search in Momondo.

Remember that Momondo searches usually take an internet eternity (30+ seconds) to complete; big patience is required. You’ll know it’s done when the wheel in the upper left stops spinning and shows this:

Momondo sample search progress bar.

Momondo found the exact same flight for $559, a price drop of $37 from Google Flights.

viewing results in momondo.

In this case, Google Flights’ $596 fare is sold directly by United and Momondo’s $559 fare is sold by Bargainairticket, a relatively small online travel agency. If you want to book that fare, just click the green “Go to site” button.

The question of whether to book a flight with an online travel agency you may not have heard of is a tricky one; we have a more thorough writeup in our complete guide to online travel agencies (OTAs) .

To get more information about a particular flight routing, click DETAILS in the lower left corner. If you’re interested in the flight but don’t want to book with Bargainairticket (or whichever site has the absolute cheapest fare) you can see how much other online travel agencies are selling the flight for by clicking PRICES.

All fares shown include taxes.

How to use filters to find the best flights on Momondo

Unlike Google Flights where you can set filters anywhere in the search process, with Momondo you can only filter results after you’ve already begun the search.

All the Momondo filters can be found on the left-hand side, including number of stops, trip duration, trip times, airports, airline(s) and/or alliance(s), booking sites, economy or first class, price, aircraft, and various other flight characteristics.

Booking multi-stop flights on Momondo

Momondo makes it easy to search for open-jaw and multi-stop flights as well (along with one ways). Just select "multi-stop" from the dropdown above the flight search box and then input your dates and locations as usual.

multi-stop flight on momondo.

Booking car rentals, hotels, activities and more on Momondo

In addition to flights, Momondo performs its same search magic on hotels, car rentals, travel packages, and activities. You can even search for train and bus tickets. As with flights, Momondo itself does not sell any of these, but rather directs you to the OTA, hotel, train company, or car rental agency where you can book.

Momondo is one of our most-used search sites, simply because it often unearths lower fares than what you can find on Google Flights, other OTAs, or direct with the airline. Sometimes the price difference isn't much and in that case we recommend booking directly with the airline, but in other cases the price on Momondo may be significantly lower. Either way, we always recommend a quick search on Momondo to see if they have a lower fare than what you've found elsewhere.

Frequently asked questions about Momondo

Who owns momondo .

Momondo is owned Booking Holdings, which also owns a number of other travel companies, including Trivago, Skyscanner, and Kayak.

How does Momondo make money?

Momondo makes a commission every time someone books a flight, hotel, car rental, tour, or train ticket through a link in their search results.

Why is Momondo so cheap?

Momondo takes a smaller commission from the airlines, hotels, and other travel providers, and that savings is often passed on to the consumer. Additionally, Momondo works with a lot of smaller OTAs that sometime undercut the competition on select categories as a marketing tactic.

Is Momondo trustworthy? 

Momondo itself is a reputable company but it's important to remember that Momondo itself isn't the one selling you the flight, hotel room, or other service. They are simply showing you the available options and when you go to book you'll be passed on to an online travel agency (OTA), which is where things can get complicated. Some of these smaller OTAs don't have great customer service, and if something goes wrong (like a flight disruption) it can be hard to reach someone for help, or you may get passed back and forth between the OTA and airline with each claiming its the other's responsibility to help you. We recommend booking with the airline directly when it offers a great price, but sometime the price you can find on Momondo is so much lower that it's worth taking the small risk and booking with the OTA.

Momondo booking alternatives and other cheap flight booking resources:

  • Travelocity
  • Google Flights

Get more tips on finding great deals in our Ultimate Guide to Cheap Flights , or join 2 million members of Going and get cheap flight deals sent directly to your inbox.

Scott Keyes

Founder & Chief Flight Expert

Published August 6, 2023

Last updated December 21, 2023

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Momondo Review [2024]: Are Their Cheap Flights LEGIT?

* This article contains affiliate links, which help run this site at no extra cost to you.

TL;DR: After using Momondo, we recommend it if you want a search engine that quickly sorts through the best discounts for your airlines tickets, hotels, and car rentals. You’ll see negative Momondo reviews out there, but in writing this Momondo review, we consider the site trustworthy—the key is to thoroughly vet any third-party sites that it directs you to for booking.

Whenever I travel, I have to be certain that I’ve found the best deal available. I pride myself on finding the cheapest flights, rental cars, or hotels. 

Rather than choosing a destination and paying the cost–whatever it is–I prefer to follow the deals.

Traveling where I find the best deals helps me be able to travel more frequently. And who doesn’t like the sound of that?

I’ve added Momondo to my travel arsenal because it’s an all-in-one search engine. It’s a great way to save and cut your search speed in half. 

There are pitfalls to using budget travel websites. Some travel deal sites can be confusing or seem like a scam.

Momondo might feel illegitimate because it’s one of the lesser-known sites. 

So, is Momondo legit? Keep reading my Momondo review to find out.

A view looking over the shoulder of a man sitting at a white desk, looking at a computer monitor displaying flight search results on the Momondo website.

Table of Contents

What is Momondo?

A screenshot of the Momondo 'About us' page.

Momondo is a free travel metasearch engine that compares flight deals, hotels, vacation packages, and car rental prices throughout the industry. 

Travel shouldn’t be exclusionary. People worldwide should be able to experience travel, and that’s what Momondo helps with. It aims to allow others to be curious, take the plunge, and buy that flight. 

Momondo’s booking process is simple. They don’t personally sell flights or hotel rooms. Instead, they show you the prices and then bring you to that company’s website. 

Momondo is a great place to start your search for the cheapest flights.

Once you’ve found the deals you’re after, Momondo Flights will send you directly to the airline booking sites to purchase the flight.

How Does Momondo Work?

A view of a white desk with a computer monitor sitting on it, displaying the Momondo website 'About' page.

Momondo is a metasearch engine, which means they retrieve information from across the internet and put it all in one place, similar to Google Flights.

Search engines like Momondo are all over the internet, but some are better than others. To see for yourself, you’ll want first to tap the ‘flights’ button on the left sidebar to find flight deals. 

Type in the search engine which airport you want to fly out of and which airport you want to fly to. Next, choose your desired departure date. 

For a round-trip flight, select your return date and then click search. Momondo will show you a list of different flight options you can choose from. 

Momondo doesn’t use cookies on its website, which means you don’t have to worry about increasing prices because you keep visiting. 

The best way to save money on flights is to have flexible dates. Momondo has a handy tool for this exact purpose. When you choose your travel dates, you’ll notice the word ‘exact’ after either departure or return. 

To opt for flexible dates, you can switch this for up to three days before or after your dates. The search results that will pop up will be for those range of dates instead of only for an exact timeframe. 

This flight search tool has helped me find fantastic deals over the years. As a result, I’ve traveled to some of my bucket list locations for pennies on the dollar. 

Momondo offers a multi-city flight option. You’ll want to click the round-trip or one-way button to find cheap flights through multiple locations. 

Clicking that button will also allow you to select ‘multi-city.’ Here, you can add more locations and dates. 

I’ve used this feature a bunch when traveling through Europe. It’s so easy and cheap to fly from one country to another. It helps me plan my trip more efficiently. 

A Quick Look at Momondo as a Company

Screenshot of the Momondo 'About us' page.

In 2006, Momondo was founded in Copenhagen, Denmark. 

Booking Holdings Inc. acquired Momondo for $500 million in 2017. Kayak, another popular search engine website for travel deals, manages Momondo. 

Over the years, Momondo has won many awards for their work. In 2010, Travel + Leisure named it the “best travel website for finding bargain deals.”

Later, in 2017, Momondo earned the title of the “best flight comparison website for multi-city and mobile.” 

You might be wondering how Momondo makes money since they don’t have any booking fees. It’s pretty simple. 

Momondo gets paid for redirecting you to the consumer’s website. They also display travel-related ads to their visitors. This payment style is how they can keep the site free of charge!

Momondo Review: My Experience With Using Momondo

A POV-shot of a man's hand holding up an iPhone showing flight times in the Momondo app, with a soft-focus living room in the background.

You’ve come to this Momondo review to answer one big question: “Should I use Momondo to find cheap flight deals on my next trip?” Read on for answers.

Momondo Flights

I love using Momondo to find cheap flights . The best experience I had with it was when I visited Europe. I wanted to figure out which route was the most affordable for me to fly. 

I typed my departure airports into their search bar and clicked search. This tool helped me find the perfect route to save the most money. 

Other travel sites don’t have the multi-flight tool and simply don’t offer as many customization options. I wish they did! Many travelers have the same problem, and this tool helps save a lot of time. 

Momondo Hotels

Using Momondo to find great hotel deals is another way to use this site to its fullest potential. Combining a cheap flight with cheap accommodation can make your vacation affordable. 

Momondo’s hotel search engine will find different hotel deals by looking at some of the best websites. Mostly, Momondo tends to recommend Agoda or . 

Another great thing about Momondo is the types of accommodations. During that same trip to Europe, I was able to save even more on the grand hotel deals Momondo offered. 

Momondo will also search for apartments and homestays. Other booking sites don’t have as many results for accommodations and hotels. 

Momondo Car Rentals

Recently, I was in Puerto Rico, which is one of those places in Latin America where you need a rental car to get around. 

I love the freedom of having a rental car, but the price can be daunting sometimes. That’s where the Momondo low prices come in handy. 

Momondo lists its “great deals” at the top first while also showing the company’s rating. They also make it easy to filter which cars you prefer.  

This feature comes in handy because sometimes you need an SUV. Having an SUV or 4WD vehicle in Puerto Rico is helpful for going on hikes. If the price was low enough and the company had decent reviews, we booked directly.

Momondo’s filters helped us save hundreds of dollars per week and made Puerto Rico a little more affordable. 


A view looking over the shoulder of a man sitting at a white desk, looking at a computer monitor displaying the Momondo website.

Free to Use

I wouldn’t use Momondo if it wasn’t free. There are too many other travel sites that are super useful and cheap. 

Many popular sites that help you search for cheap flights are also free to use. A free-to-use site is an industry-standard.

Seeing ads is just the price you have to pay. Most travelers should be okay with seeing an ad if it means getting a cheap flight. If the site is popular, they have ads.

Fly Anywhere Feature

The fly-anywhere flight search option is one of my favorite tools for finding cheap flights. I often use it when I’m traveling for extended periods. 

Other booking sites, such as Skyscanner, use this feature as well, which helps me plan my trip more efficiently.

Flight Alerts Option

Flight alerts are fantastic if you’re like me and know you’ll travel soon. Not everyone has time to look up cheap flights constantly. 

Flights can fluctuate greatly depending on how far out that flight is. I like to add flight alerts so I don’t get stuck paying for an expensive flight. 

To add flight alerts, turn on the price alert option on the left-hand side after searching for a flight and enter your email.

A view of a white desk with a computer monitor sitting on it, displaying the flight search results on the Momondo website, with a glass. ofwater sitting on a coaster beside it.

3rd Party Search Engine

3rd party search engines are widespread these days. I use many different 3rd party search engines to find cheap flights. 

Many Momondo reviews will suggest that they’re scamming, but they’re only an information collector. Pay attention to where they send you before writing bad Momondo reviews.

When you aren’t booking directly through an airline, it can be tricky to get a refund. Situations can occur where Momondo won’t be able to give any money back. 

Similar Deals to Other Sites

Momondo offers some great deals, but none of these are out of the ordinary if you know where to look. They have “private deals,” but you can find these exact deals elsewhere. 

Momondo is still a tremendous all-in-one site for cheap flights and car rentals. However, this site doesn’t have unique travel deals that others don’t have, so I end up using multiple sites.

Momondo Cancellation & Exchange Policy

A screenshot from the FAQs page on the Momondo website, showing their Cancellation & Exchange Policy.

Since Momondo is a 3rd party flight search tool, they may not be responsible for canceled flights. You’ll have to speak with the travel provider for flight issues.

You should always read over the terms & services before booking. 

FAQs About Momondo

A view looking over the shoulder of a man sitting at a white desk, looking at a computer monitor displaying the FAQs page on the Momondo website.

Is Momondo a trusted site?

Is Momondo legit? Yes! There have been some bad Momondo reviews over the years. Once you understand the terms & services, however, you’ll realize that Momondo isn’t to blame. 

You make every booking through the travel partner site and not Momondo. Momondo only shows you different prices. Most travelers are used to these sites.

After reading many Momondo reviews, it’s clear some people are still getting scammed. The main thing is to pay attention to what website they bring you to. If the price or prices are too low to be accurate, be wary. Momondo is simply an aggregator of information. 

Is Momondo the same as KAYAK?

Momondo is technically not the same as KAYAK, but it has similar features, and KAYAK manages it. You might end up finding the same flight results on KAYAK as you do on Momondo. 

Is Momondo the cheapest?

Momondo has cheap tickets, but it’s not the cheapest. A lot of other great sites have reasonable prices, too. Prices fluctuate a lot when you’re looking for a cheap flight. 

Flexible travel dates will give you the best chance of finding cheap flights. Try to purchase your ticket during the Goldilocks window! 

How does Momondo make money?

Momondo makes money through advertisements and affiliate-style sales from airline/hotel providers. When you’re booking a flight, Momondo earns a commission from that purchase.

Their commission doesn’t affect the ticket price for the flight. You can count on the Momondo cheap prices to be legit. 

Does Momondo include Southwest?

Momondo technically shows Southwest flights but not the prices. You have to click “view deal” to see the ticket price.

Is Momondo legit for hotels?

Momondo isn’t just effective for a flight search. Momondo’s cheap hotels include deals from sites like and Agoda .

Momondo will send you to the hotels’ site for booking, similar to when you’re booking a flight. Try it out on your next trip! 

Conclusion: So, is Momondo safe to book with?

A POV-shot of a man's hand holding up an iPhone showing hotel search results times in the Momondo app, with a soft-focus living room in the background.

What’s the verdict on my Momondo review? When it comes to Momondo, cheap price options are abundant.

Based on that alone, I’d give them five stars! Momondo is an easy and fast way to get search results for booking hotels, flight deals, and rental cars. 

Momondo Flights is their most popular section, and you can still find reasonable prices there. That said, there are other competitors out there that might have a cheaper deal. 

Many customers, including myself, have found Momondo helpful when planning a vacation.

Finding cheap flights is a breeze on Momondo, but they’re often the same price as what you’ll find on Google Flights.

If the cost of your time is important, I highly suggest adding this site to your arsenal of travel tools. Momondo reviews might seem hit or miss sometimes, but the prices don’t lie! 

If you pay attention to what site the travel deal is on, then Momondo is safe to book directly with. 


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Phillip Anderson

Phillip Anderson is a freelance travel writer, personal trainer, and adventure enthusiast. With years of travel experience under his belt, Phillip is an expert in finding the best deals through travel apps and websites. He knows how to find cheap domestic and international flights, like a flight to Peru for as low as $350.

When looking for cheap accommodations, Phillip combines his knowledge of websites like Airbnb, & Hostelworld with more unique sites like TrustedHousesitters, for even more savings. Whether it’s flights, accommodations, or local experiences, he teaches travelers to make informed decisions, ensuring their adventures are both memorable and economical. For more from Phillip, check out his website,

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a view looking over the shoulder of a man sitting at a white desk, looking at a computer monitor displaying flight search results on the Momondo website, with the text overlay, "Momondo Review."

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Need a change of scenery? Our Anywhere search will find you a great deal for a destination you haven't thought of yet! Your next vacation starts right here Find, compare & book flights, hotels, and car rental with momondo’s beautiful all-in-one travel and reservation app We believe that everybody should be able to travel - and there's no better place to start dreaming and planning than the momondo app. A beautiful, user-friendly design makes it easy to search and compare from hundreds of travel sites at once. Find just the right flight, hotel or car rental for your next vacation or business trip, at great prices. Save on travel deals with exclusive Mobile Rates available only on the app. FIND THE BEST FLIGHT DEALS AVAILABLE FROM 900+ TRAVEL SITES • We search major airlines, low cost carriers and travel agencies to give you an easy overview of all the airfare options • We highlight airline ticket options with no change fees, to make it easy to book with flexibility • With this reservation app, you can make a flight booking directly from your device, wherever you are • Filter plane tickets by the factors that matter to you, including number of stops, departure and arrival time, duration, airlines and ticket type • Cheapest, quickest or best flight deal? With one click you can see which ticket is the best deal according to your needs • Not ready to book? Save your results for later, or share them via email or text • Search without worry - the prices you see are never affected by your searches • Beautiful and easy to use – finding the perfect plane ticket doesn’t have to be tricky and dull SEARCH THOUSANDS OF CAR RENTAL OFFERS AT ONCE • See rental car deals in 70,000+ locations • Filter your search to see eco-friendly options like hybrids and electric vehicles • Easily filter to only see car rentals with free cancellation and enhanced cleaning • Total transparency, no surprises - see the total cost of your car rental up-front SEE DEALS FROM 3M+ HOTELS AND ACCOMMODATIONS IN ONE PLACE • Search from all the major booking, accommodation, and rental comparison sites as well as individual hotel websites to find the best place to stay • Use our filter to find stays with free cancellation, so you can cancel and re-book a hotel or vacation rental for free if you find a better deal • See ratings based on millions of real guest reviews, so you know what everyone else is saying about a property before you book • Looking for something close to home? Get inspired with amazing hotel ideas in your area. • Find last minute hotel deals with the Around Me Tonight feature • Sort accommodation results by cheapest, closest, best review, or most popular • Search by the amenities that matter most to you • Beautiful and user-friendly – finding a place to stay has never looked this good or been this easy A PERSONALIZED SEARCH EXPERIENCE • Create your own momondo profile to keep everything the way you like it • Not just a reservation app. Save and sync your preferences, your search history and all your favorite flights and hotels • Search from one device – and book from another. LOOKING FOR INSPIRATION? Not sure where to go? Our Explore feature makes it easy to find destinations within your budget. Your next best vacation destination may be somewhere you’ve never even heard of! Download the momondo travel app now and open your world

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Editors’ Notes

Slogging through endless hotel and airline websites for the best bargains—ugh, right? This app’s our answer—it puts everything from cheap fares to lush accommodations in one place. And if you ever find yourself stranded, Momondo can instantly hook you up with the nearest available rooms. It's just the best vacation companion ever. (Apologies to our families.)

Best traveling app

I absolutely love the Momondo app! It's a fantastic tool for organizing trips and finding cheap flights. The user-friendly interface makes it a breeze to search for and compare flight options. The app's ability to provide a wide range of flight choices, along with helpful filters, ensures that I always get the best deals. Plus, the price alert feature is a game-changer, helping me snag those unbeatable fares. Momondo has become my go-to travel companion, and I can't recommend it enough for anyone looking to plan their next adventure!

Be really careful where this app is redirecting you

I’ve loved the speed and ease of this app, but recently realized I need to be more vigilant about where it is sending you for the deals. Searched for flights, and upon selecting one we liked, was redirected to a different site, “Flights Mojo.” If this happens to you, DO NOT purchase a flight from Flights Mojo, they are absolutely a scam company. After completing our reservation, we received an email that it was not complete until we called them. The number took us to a call center abroad where we are informed that the flights we reserved are not available, and then the operator tried to extract more money for completely different flights through completely different cities. It was *extremely* difficult to leave the call with any assurances that we weren’t being charged, and we are still really worried about having given them credit card info. Other reviews of Flights Mojo online have nightmare stories about reservations cancelled and no refunds issued, demands for more and more fees as well as photos of identification and credit cards to be sent. Lots of people left high and dry when they try to use tickets. I have no idea if Momondo does any vetting for where it sends you with searches, but please be aware that in this instance they’re allowing a very sketchy company to solicit your financial information.

App Privacy

The developer, Momondo , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

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The following data may be collected and linked to your identity:

  • Financial Info
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Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. Learn More


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Traveling can be thrilling but also overwhelming, especially when it comes to planning and budgeting. Momondo, a free travel search site, offers a solution by comparing prices for flights, hotels, and car rentals from numerous travel sources globally. This momondo review dives into how it stands out in the crowded travel market.

TL;DR – Key Takeaways:

  • Momondo’s High Rating : Trustpilot gives it 4.2 out of 5 stars from over 15,000 reviews.
  • Free Price Comparison : Offers comprehensive flight, hotel, and car rental comparisons.
  • Trusted by Travel Experts : Praised by industry insiders like Sarah Stocking from Lonely Planet.
  • User-Friendly Interface : Easy navigation for efficient travel planning.
  • Global Coverage : Access deals from hundreds of travel sites worldwide.

Momondo’s Unmatched Popularity and Trust

According to Trustpilot, Momondo boasts an impressive average rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars based on over 15,000 reviews.

This statistic speaks volumes about its reliability and user satisfaction.

Why Momondo Reigns in the Travel World

Momondo isn’t just another travel aggregator. It’s a comprehensive platform that provides more than just price comparison. Here’s why it’s a favorite:

  • Price Transparency : It’s known for its free service, offering unbiased price comparisons.
  • Global Reach : Whether it’s a local getaway or an international adventure, Momondo has it covered.
  • Expert Endorsements : Sarah Stocking, Lonely Planet’s Destination Editor, endorses Momondo for its efficiency in tracking prices for dream trips.

The Seamless Experience of Using Momondo

The appeal of Momondo lies significantly in its user-friendly interface, which is a hit among users for its simplicity and efficiency. When you log onto Momondo, you are greeted with a clean, uncluttered layout that makes navigation a breeze. The search functionality is robust yet straightforward, allowing you to input your travel details with ease. Whether it’s a last-minute business trip or a long-awaited vacation, finding options is just a few clicks away.

What makes Momondo particularly appealing is its filtering capability. You can fine-tune your search results based on a range of criteria like price range, flight duration, number of stops, and even airline preferences . This level of customization is not just about providing numerous options; it’s about delivering the most relevant ones, making the planning phase of travel less daunting and more enjoyable.

Moreover, Momondo integrates a colorful yet functional design with interactive elements like price calendars and a ‘flight insight’ feature. These tools offer additional layers of information, such as the best time to fly or which days offer cheaper rates, enhancing the decision-making process for savvy travelers.

The Downsides: A Fair Assessment

However, like any service, Momondo is not without its imperfections. A point of contention for some users has been the occasional disparity in prices . When you select a deal on Momondo and get redirected to the provider’s site, there are instances where the final price might slightly differ from what was initially displayed. This issue often stems from real-time price fluctuations in the travel industry, which can be a common occurrence in many travel comparison sites, not just Momondo.

It’s important for users to understand that while Momondo endeavors to provide the most up-to-date information, the dynamic nature of travel pricing means that absolute accuracy can’t always be guaranteed. Hence, it’s always advisable to double-check the final booking price on the provider’s page before making a commitment.

The Secret Sauce of Momondo: Insider Tips

Seasoned travelers often have a few tricks up their sleeves, and one of them is leveraging tools like Momondo to their full potential. A valuable feature that Momondo offers is the price alert system. By setting up alerts, you can monitor the prices of flights to your chosen destination over time. This means that you get notified when the prices drop, allowing you to book your flight at the most cost-effective time.

Furthermore, frequent users of Momondo suggest playing around with flexible dates if your schedule allows it. Sometimes, shifting your travel dates by even a day or two can lead to significant savings . Momondo’s interface makes it easy to compare prices across different dates, providing a comprehensive view of the cheapest times to travel.

Another insider tip is to explore alternative airports. Larger cities often have multiple airports, and prices can vary considerably between them. Momondo’s search algorithm takes this into account, offering you a broader range of options and sometimes uncovering hidden, more affordable routes.

While Momondo is an extremely helpful tool in the travel planning process, maximizing its benefits requires a combination of understanding its features and being adaptable in your travel plans. Whether it’s through setting price alerts, being flexible with your dates, or considering alternative airports , Momondo offers a multitude of ways to tailor your travel experience to your needs and budget.

A Personal Touch: My Experiences with Momondo

As an avid traveler, I’ve found Momondo to be an invaluable tool in planning budget-friendly trips. Its comprehensive search results and easy-to-use filters have consistently saved me time and money.

The Final Verdict: Is Momondo Worth It?

In the world of travel planning, where convenience and cost-saving are paramount, Momondo emerges as a standout choice. It’s not just the extensive database of travel options that makes it a worthy tool, but also the meticulous way it simplifies the daunting task of travel planning. The user-friendly interface is a key highlight, making it accessible to both seasoned and novice travelers alike. It’s one thing to offer a plethora of options; it’s another to make navigating through those options a smooth and stress-free experience. Momondo excels in this regard.

The reliability of Momondo cannot be understated. It consistently offers a comprehensive view of available travel deals, helping you make an informed decision. This is not just about finding the cheapest flight or hotel room; it’s about finding the best value for your money. Momondo’s strength lies in its ability to balance cost with convenience, presenting options that align with various travel preferences and budgets.

Another significant aspect to consider is the time saved. The convenience of having a single platform that aggregates information from hundreds of travel sites cannot be overstated . In a fast-paced world, the efficiency that Momondo brings to travel planning is invaluable. For those who value their time and seek to avoid the hassle of hopping from one travel site to another, Momondo is a godsend.

Additionally, the versatility of Momondo in terms of global coverage is a huge plus. Whether you’re planning a domestic trip or an international adventure, the platform provides you with a wide array of choices, ensuring that no destination is out of reach. This global reach, coupled with the detailed filtering options, makes Momondo an indispensable tool for both leisure and business travelers.

In conclusion, considering its blend of comprehensive search capabilities, ease of use, reliability, and time-saving features, Momondo is indeed a worthwhile tool for anyone looking to plan travel efficiently and affordably. It effectively demystifies the complexities of travel planning, making it more accessible and enjoyable. For those seeking to explore the world without the burden of overwhelming travel logistics and high costs, Momondo is definitely worth considering.

FAQs About Momondo

How accurate are momondo’s price comparisons.

Momondo generally provides accurate and up-to-date pricing, though occasionally there may be minor discrepancies.

Can I Book Directly Through Momondo?

No, Momondo redirects you to the provider for booking.

Is Momondo Available Worldwide?

Yes, Momondo offers services globally, making it a versatile tool for international travel planning.

Does Momondo Have a Mobile App?

Yes, Momondo offers a user-friendly mobile app for on-the-go travel planning.

How Does Momondo Earn Revenue?

Momondo earns revenue through redirecting users to travel providers’ sites and displaying advertisements.

  • Momondo – Official Website
  • Trustpilot’s Momondo Rating
  • Sarah Stocking’s Endorsement

This post is also available in: English

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One response to “Momondo Review: Your Gateway to Affordable and Exciting Travel Experiences”

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How to find cheap flight deals with momondo


Momondo Reviews | Is Momondo Legit and Reliable? (Cheap Flights)

Intro (What You Need to Know: Momondo Reviews)

If you spend a lot of time traveling, you probably already know a few tips for finding cheap flights. New websites consistently crop up, promising to be the best flight comparison site that will save you tons of money on your travel expenses.

One of these lesser-known sites, Momondo, has many frequent fliers beginning to wonder, “Is Momondo legit?”

According to various Momondo reviews on the Internet, this might be one the best flight comparison sites despite its new-kid-on-the-block status. Compared to your standby, whether it’s Expedia, Travelocity or Kayak, do Momondo flights and prices stack up?

This Momondo review will dive into questions like, “Is Momondo reliable?” and “What is Momondo?” Find out now if this flight comparison site will help or hinder your future travel plans.

What Is Momondo?

New websites designed to make your life simpler are always popping up, but what is it that makes Momondo different?

Much like some of the giants of the industry, the company’s aim is to create a free, independent online flight search that shows the pricing for several airlines in one clear and consistent place.

Momondo flights are not so much aimed at being the least expensive but at providing an opportunity for travelers to spend time in the real world instead of searching through multiple travel options.

momondo reviews

Not only can you only book cheap Momondo flights, but the site also allows you to find great prices on hotels and car rentals. One Momondo review pointed out that the site is able to unearth cheaper flights than on other sites for domestic routes as well as solely international routes (when your departure and arrival are both outside of North America). No matter where you’re flying from, Momondo is reliable enough to trust for simple routes.

According to the same Momondo review in the New York Times, its ability to handle complex flight routes is a little fuzzier.

When tested with a complicated, multi-stop extravaganza, featuring stops in North America and South America, Momondo cheap flights were unavailable when it came time to book.

What is Momondo? What sets it apart from the other travel sites that already exist? The next section of our Momondo review outlines how the site sets you up with built-in tips for finding cheap flights and the other unique features you’ll need to plan your next trip.

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Momondo Review of Features

There are a handful of unique features that have Momondo vying for a top spot as one of the best flight comparison sites available today:

  • Price calendar : If you want to book a flight through Momondo, cheap flights are displayed on its price calendar so that you can maximize savings if you have flexibility in your travel dates. One of the best tips for finding cheap flights is to be flexible in your travel dates. You can alter the price calendar to show various dates throughout one specific month or throughout the entire year depending on just how flexible you can be. In AdvisoryHQ’s search, Momondo’s price calendar showed that a several dollars could be saved by choosing a departure date a few days later than the original one.
  • Airport suggestions: Trying to decide which airport to fly out of? Some Momondo reviews would consider this to be a winning feature. If you select a flight out of one airport when an alternative location nearby has a less expensive flight, Momondo is reliable enough to provide you with the suggestion. You can even opt out of particular airports that are nearby if you’ve had a bad experience with one. The filter options allow you to pick and choose which airports you’re open to traveling through.
  • Priorities: Momondo flights give you the choice of which is more important to you: your time or the price. You can find cheap Momondo flights, but they might also include a six-hour layover. However, the fastest flight may also be the most expensive. Rank your priorities to get a more customized search. In the example below, you can see how easy it is to find both the cheapest and the quickest flight as well as the Momondo recommendation.
  • Trip Finder: You want to go on vacation but aren’t sure exactly where you want to go. The trip finder can help you plan a trip around what’s important to you based on your budget, preferred climate, the activities you want to enjoy, and timing. The Momondo reviews will even recommend hotels, best travel times, and must-see attractions in a particular area.

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Momondo Reviews : Where Does the Site Excel?

In a review from the New York Times , traveler Seth Kugel experimented with fifteen travel sites, including some of the well-known names as well as some of the lesser-known. His aim was to determine which sites were best for which situations. The results? On Momondo, cheap flights were one of the biggest bonuses. His Momondo review concluded that it wasn’t the least expensive flight option, but it ranked only a few dollars above the cheapest option .

momondo review

Another Momondo review concludes that the ratings feature is helpful when sorting through results . Each flight is ranked on a scale of one to ten, based on the length of the flight combined with the price. A long flight with a high price tag receives a lower score. By choosing to sort your flights this way, Momondo reviews conclude that this feature makes your results more easily understood and filtered.

Indie Traveller reached a similar conclusion regarding the quality of Momondo’s search results in its Momondo review: the price calendar and ability to prioritize which features are most important to you make searching even easier . Its Momondo review even includes a new feature, known as flight insight , which is not yet available on all routes but certainly seems promising.

Flight insight’s primary goal, according to a Momondo review, is to help you better understand what drives the prices for the flight you are interested in booking. It offers helpful tips, like the cheapest time frame to book before your flight, which weeks are least expensive to travel, and which carrier offers the cheapest flights available. The charts and graphs let you see when you might want to schedule your next trip.

Momondo reviews can conclude that the site definitely has a lot of features that make it a worthwhile travel site. It offers plenty of tips for finding cheap flights, and they are frequently the least expensive site out there. However, where does Momondo leave room for improvement? In the next section, we will take a look at where the Momondo reviews say the site could stand to make a few changes.

Where Can Momondo Improve?

As with all things, Momondo might be the best flight comparison site, but any review will include a few ways of how the site could improve its services.

In a USA Today article detailing the benefits of flight comparison sites, Momondo frequently found the cheapest flights, but they involved at least one stop while others were able to provide low prices on non-stop flights. Similar to the view of the Momondo review in the New York Times , a more complex route is also not the ideal situation for a flight comparison on

Another Momondo review commented on the fact that it provides only pictures of the airline logos instead of the names of the airlines themselves. For unseasoned travelers, this can be a headache because not all the logos are easily recognizable.

Overall, not many Momondo reviews point to large areas of improvement. The minor adjustments they suggest could even be more of personal preference than for ease of use. Momondo reviews are fairly clear that the site works well and provides an excellent value to consumers who are searching for reliable and well-priced flights.

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Consumer Ratings

Momondo reviews from the users themselves are a helpful tool in determining if Momondo is indeed the best flight comparison site. Is Momondo reliable? Is Momondo legit? These are questions that only users who have used its services can answer.

Trust Pilot , a well-known consumer review site, collected Momondo reviews from over 600 travelers and granted the site an 8.9 out of 10 stars . Eighty percent of the Momondo reviews gave the site a full five-star rating while only five percent of reviews gave it the lowest possible rating. review

Blue Stacks , an Android app rating site, created a Momondo review for its mobile app. With many of the same user-friendly features and the ability to book Momondo flights on the go, it granted the app a 4.1 out of 5 stars. Its list of pros included:

  • Multiple sources for low airfare (the site has over 700 sources for Momondo cheap flights)
  • Suggestions for alternative travel dates
  • Options for selecting nearby airports for less expensive fares
  • An attractive interface

Blue Stacks’s one major source of contention was that not all flights are able to be booked directly within the app . Some flights may have this capability, but others will redirect you to the airline’s official website to book your tickets.

Is Momondo Reliable?

With many travelers feeling overwhelmed in finding the best flight comparison site, some are wondering, “Is Momondo legit?” Based on the Momondo reviews from well-seasoned travelers and the ease of discovering its benefits on your own, it’s easy to conclude that Momondo is reliable for booking your next trip. Whether you’re looking for a non-stop flight or the least expensive flight, Momondo cheap flights has something to offer.

Save a few dollars on your next vacation by taking advantage of Momondo’s tips for finding cheap flights. No Momondo review would be complete without emphasizing how useful the priorities and price calendar features can be. Plan your next vacation during the ideal time by making the best use of the features available through Momondo.

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Reasonable efforts have been made by AdvisoryHQ to present accurate information, however all info is presented without warranty. Review AdvisoryHQ’s Terms  for details. Also review each firm’s site for the most updated data, rates and info.

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How to find cheap flight deals with momondo

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How to use Momondo to Find Cheap Deals for Flights, Hotels, and Car Rentals

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How to use Momondo to Find Cheap Deals for Flights, Hotels, and Car Rentals

What is Momondo?

Flight insights, price comparisons, momondo deals, momondo mobile app, final thoughts.

We may be compensated when you click on product links, such as credit cards, from one or more of our advertising partners. Terms apply to the offers below. See our Advertising Policy for more about our partners, how we make money, and our rating methodology. Opinions and recommendations are ours alone.

There are so many different booking websites out there that it can be hard to know where to go to find the best deals.

We’ve previously gone over some of the best websites to use for cheap flights , hotels , and car rentals and have broken down some of the most popular sites like Orbitz, ,  Google Flights , and Trivago . Now it’s time to take a deep dive into Momondo.

Momondo is a travel metasearch engine that helps you search for and compare prices from other websites all in 1 spot. Once you find a deal you like, you’ll be transferred to a different website (usually an online travel agency or independent site) to complete your booking.

Here’s what you need to know to use Momondo to find cheap flights, hotels, car rentals, and vacation packages.

A travel metasearch engine based out of Copenhagen, Denmark, Momondo is part of Booking Holdings, Inc, the group that owns other popular sites like Kayak , ,  Priceline , and Agoda.

Momondo helps you find the best deals on flights , hotels , rental cars , and vacation packages . You’ll use Momondo to search for and compare prices on lots of booking sites (online travel agencies or individual company sites), then you’ll be transferred to your chosen site to complete your booking. You won’t actually book anything through Momondo.

Best of all, Monmodo is free to use — the site makes money through ads and referral fees paid by the booking websites.

How to Using Momondo to Find Cheap Flights

Searching for a cheap flight on Momondo is simple and only requires a few steps.

Momondo’s home page defaults to the flight search page , so you just need to input your departure city, destination city, and travel dates and then click Search . You can specify one-way vs. round-trip, the number of passengers, and the class of service above the main search box.

How to search for flights on Momondo

Next, you’ll see your search results. At the top of the page, you’ll notice a graph that shows you how the prices for your trip vary by the day. This can be really helpful if you have flexible travel plans! You’ll be able to filter your search results using the parameters on the left side of the screen. Then you can sort your results using the 4 options above the list (Cheapest, Best, Quickest, Custom).

Momondo Flight Search Results

Each search result gives you a lot of information at a glance. In addition to the basics like flight times, you’ll be able to see:

  • The airline’s policies regarding COVID-19
  • The specific airline or Mix & Match ; Mix & Match is used when a roundtrip flight includes more than 1 airline (in this instance, you’ll have to book your ticket as 2 one-way tickets on 2 different booking sites)
  • The rating: a happy face rating system shows the balance between the price and average flying time of your selected flight
  • The class of service

Flight search results on Momondo

When you click on View deal , you’ll be taken to the booking website to continue your reservation. If you book a Mix & Match fare, open both booking windows and confirm that both flights are still available before completing your reservation.

Hot Tip: If you have some flexibility and aren’t sure where you want to go, search Anywhere as your destination and you’ll get the top deals for your selected travel dates.

The Flight Insights feature is a great perk when using Momondo to find cheap flights. You’ll be able to access this information on your flight search results page.

Momondo flight insights

When you click on this, you’ll get lots of great information about your specific route including:

  • Cheapest month, day, and time to fly to your destination
  • Cheapest airline and route to fly to your destination
  • Cheapest time to buy a ticket

While all of this information is just an estimate and prediction based on past history, these insights can really help in deciding when to purchase a ticket.

Momondo flight insights for cheapest flights

Let’s take a look at some price comparisons to see if using Momondo can save you money on your next flight.

For the first example, we searched for the cheapest round-trip flight from Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP) to Miami (MIA) through Momondo, as well as some other popular booking websites.

In the second example, we searched for the cheapest prices for a flight from Los Angeles (LAX) to Honolulu (HNL)

As you can see, in the first example, each website we checked offered the same low price across the board. In this case, you’d be better off booking directly through the airline or through an online travel agency that offers rewards, like Orbitz .

In the second example, Momondo actually came in as the highest price. It should be noted that Momondo listed lower-priced tickets but they were never available when we clicked through to the booking website.

Hot Tip: Keep in mind that metasearch engines and online travel agencies, including Momondo, don’t include flights from Southwest Airlines .

How to Use Momondo to Find Cheap Hotels

In addition to flights, you can use Momondo to search for cheap hotel prices.

Click on Hotels in the main menu, then input your destination and travel dates.

Momondo Hotels

You’ll be able to filter your results list using the options at the left side of your screen and then sort your list using the drop-down arrow right above the list. To search for a hotel by location, click on the map icon in the upper left-hand corner.

Momondo Hotel filtering and sorting options

Each hotel search result will display some basic information, including a rating and price. The featured price (often sponsored) might not always be the lowest! To see all the prices available, click on the drop-down arrow. Just as when searching for a flight on Momondo, when you click on View Deal , you’ll be taken to the booking website to complete your reservation.

Momondo Hotel Search results

For this price comparison, let’s take a look at 2 hotels in Fort Lauderdale. All prices are for a week-long stay including all taxes and fees.

*Includes daily $25 resort credit

In the first example, the hotel’s own website offered the cheapest price plus a daily resort credit. Momondo was in the middle of the pack when it came to price.

In the second example, the lowest price is also found on the hotel’s website, but all of the websites were within about $30 of each other.

Hot Tip: If you book a hotel that has a loyalty program like Marriott or Hyatt , you usually won’t earn points when you book through a third-party website and any elite status you have might not be recognized at the hotel.

How to Use Momondo to Find Cheap Car Rentals

In addition to flights and hotels, you can use Momondo to search for and compare car rental deals.

To search for a rental car on Momondo, click on Car Rental in the main menu, then enter your pick-up location and rental dates.

Momondo Car Rental

Your results list will also include a map so you can search by location. Use the options across the top of your screen to narrow your search and use the drop-down arrow if you’d like to sort your list by price.

Car rental search results on Momondo

Each result will give you lots of information, including the type of car, whether or not the rental comes with free cancellation, the car rental agency, and the booking website . If you see a drop-down arrow by View Deal , that means there are multiple booking website options. Click on View Deal to get transferred to the booking website to complete your rental.

Car rental options on Momondo

Let’s look at how much it costs to rent a car through Momondo versus some other popular car rental agencies.

Both of these examples are for a week-long rental including all taxes and fees. The first example compares prices for the cheapest option available, and the second example compares prices for a specific type of vehicle.

In both of these examples, Momondo offered the lowest price by far! While you’re not guaranteed to always find the lowest price on Momondo, there’s a good chance you could save money.

Bottom Line: When you’re renting a car, be sure you’re using a credit card that covers car rental insurance. Many cards carry enough coverage so that you won’t have to pay for an additional policy through your car rental agency.

How to Use Momondo to Find Cheap Vacation Packages

If you prefer booking your flight and hotel together, you’re in luck, because you can search for vacation packages on Momondo, too.

Click on Packages in the main menu and input your departure city, destination city, dates of travel, and the number of travelers.

Momondo Vacation Packages

You’ll choose your hotel first. In addition to the regular hotel filtering and sorting options, you’ll see Airlines and Stops filtering options for the flight portion of your package.

Momondo Vacation Packages sort and filter

Your search results will show the package price as well as the booking website. For flight options, click on See all at the bottom of each search result.

Momondo Vacation Packages search results

When you see Hacker Fare listed instead of a booking website, that means that your package will consist of elements from more than 1 booking website. To get a Hacker Fare, you’ll need to book your package in multiple parts.

Momondo Vacation Package hacker fare

Can you save money by booking a vacation package through Momondo? Let’s find out.

Example #1: A week-long stay in Miami at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach including a hotel room, round-trip airfare, and all taxes and fees for 2 people

Example #2: A 4-night stay in Mexico at the Hard Rock Hotel Cancun including a hotel room, round-trip airfare, and all taxes and fees for 2 people

Unfortunately in the first example, Momondo is the most expensive by far — over $2,000 more expensive than any of the other prices! In the second example, they’re in the middle of the pack price-wise.

Booking a hotel and flight together is generally a good way to save some money, but it’s always good to price out your options on several websites before booking.

Be sure to check out our guide to the best credit cards to book vacation packages to ensure you get the maximum value from your purchase.

If you’ve got a lot of flexibility and are after a great deal, check out the Deals section on Momondo . You’ll find it by clicking on More in the main menu, then clicking on Deals .

Momondo Deals

In this section, you’ll enter your departure city, then you can search for All Deal s , or you can narrow down your search to a specific region, month, or budget . You can make your search as wide or narrow as you’d like.

Searching for deals on Momondo

The Momondo mobile app lets you book a flight or hotel room on the go. You’ll find much of the same functionality as on the website like the Anywhere search function and the price calendar.

Plus, you’ll be able to use the Draw on Map feature with the Momondo app. This neat tool allows you to draw an area on the map to limit your hotel search — quite handy when you’re looking for a hotel in a specific location.

Momondo is a travel metasearch engine that helps you sort through prices from lots of other websites. After you’ve searched and compared prices on Momondo, you’ll be transferred to the booking website to complete your reservation.

Momondo is free to use so it’s a good tool to help you find the best prices on hotels, flights, rental cars, and vacation packages. While Momondo’s prices won’t always be the lowest, there is some opportunity to save money, so it’s worth checking out when you’re comparing prices for your next vacation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you use momondo.

Momondo is a website you can use to search for and compare prices on flights, hotels, rental cars, and vacation packages. You’ll use the site like any other metasearch engine or booking website you’re familiar with. Then, once you’ve found a deal you like, you’ll be transferred to a booking website (an online travel agency or independent site) to complete your reservation.

How is Momondo vs. Kayak?

Momondo and Kayak are similar websites and are actually owned by the same company. With both sites, you’ll be able to search for and compare prices on thousands of flights, hotels, and rental cars. Momondo is a little more simple than Kayak, which also includes restaurants, vacation rentals, and road trips.

How can I find Momondo Deals?

You can find the best deals on Momondo by click on More then Deals in the main menu at the top of your screen. From here you can search for deals from your home city. You’ll be able to search for all deals or you can narrow your search by region, month, or budget.

Was this page helpful?

About Katie Seemann

Katie has been in the points and miles game since 2015 and started her own blog in 2016. She’s been freelance writing since then and her work has been featured in publications like Travel + Leisure, Forbes Advisor, and Fortune Recommends.


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Andaluzija, Granada-Cordoba-Sevilla

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Kalendar putovanja

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  • 01.05. Dolomiti - planinska bajka
  • 01.05. Rim, 4 dana avionom
  • 01.05. Azurna obala sa St. Tropezom
  • 02.05. Bavarska, romantična Bavarska LAST MINUTE 299 €
  • 16.05. Pariz putovanje avionom, 4 dana
  • 16.05. Andaluzija, Granada-Cordoba-Sevilla
  • 17.05. Milano, Bergamo i Talijanska jezera
  • 17.05. London, s izletom u Stonehenge i kraljevski dvorac Windsor
  • 25.05. Kina, velika tura
  • 29.05. Kapadokija i Istanbul
  • 30.05. Budimpešta, 3 dana autobusom
  • 30.05. Skandinavija, autobusom i brodovima
  • 30.05. Toskana, pod suncem Toskane
  • 30.05. Malta, Mediteranska ljepotica
  • 30.05. Kopenhagen, 4 dana zrakoplovom
  • 31.05. Kuba - 10 dana
  • 31.05. Malta, odmor na Malti, 31.5.
  • 13.06. Švicarska alpskim željeznicama PREMIUM
  • 20.06. Njemačka dolina Rajne
  • 21.06. London – putevima Harry Pottera
  • 23.06. Skandinavija, 7 dana - avionom, autobusom i brodovima
  • 24.06. Apulija i Amalfitana
  • 24.06. SAD - New York s izletom u Washington, 8 dana
  • 25.06. Nordkap, Rovaniemi i Laponija
  • 29.06. New York s izletom u Washington
  • 07.07. Krstarenje zapadnim Mediteranom luksuznim brodom - Barcelona i Rim
  • 24.07. Dolomiti, odmor u Dolomitima
  • 25.07. Švicarska Alpskom željeznicom Bernina
  • 31.07. Nizozemska ljetna tura
  • 01.08. Nordkap i Skandinavija
  • 02.08. Istanbul, 5 dana PREMIUM
  • 11.08. Lisabon i Porto
  • 19.08. Norveški fjordovi i Oslo
  • 19.09. Norveška krstarenje poštanskim brodom
  • 03.10. Krstarenje Island i Farski otoci
  • 06.10. Meksiko, Majansko nasljeđe Yucatana
  • 19.10. Madrid i Andaluzija, jesen
  • 16.11. San Marino, Rimini i Ravenna, 3 dana
  • 16.11. Oman - dragulj Arapskog poluotoka

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    You start in Google Flights, poke around at various dates, and find flights from Atlanta to Amsterdam for $596 roundtrip from February 12-19. Pulling up Momondo, you input the exact same route and dates like so: Remember that Momondo searches usually take an internet eternity (30+ seconds) to complete; big patience is required.

  3. Momondo Review [2024]: Are Their Cheap Flights LEGIT?

    Momondo is a free travel metasearch engine that compares flight deals, hotels, vacation packages, and car rental prices throughout the industry. Travel shouldn't be exclusionary. People worldwide should be able to experience travel, and that's what Momondo helps with. It aims to allow others to be curious, take the plunge, and buy that flight.

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  5. ‎momondo: Flights, Hotels, Cars on the App Store

    Find, compare & book flights, hotels, and car rental with momondo's beautiful all-in-one travel and reservation app. We believe that everybody should be able to travel - and there's no better place to start dreaming and planning than the momondo app. A beautiful, user-friendly design makes it easy to search and compare from hundreds of travel ...

  6. Momondo Review: Unlocking Affordable Travel Adventures

    This momondo review dives into how it stands out in the crowded travel market. TL;DR - Key Takeaways: Momondo's High Rating: Trustpilot gives it 4.2 out of 5 stars from over 15,000 reviews. Free Price Comparison: Offers comprehensive flight, hotel, and car rental comparisons. Trusted by Travel Experts: Praised by industry insiders like ...

  7. Cheap Flights: Compare Flights & Flight Tickets

    momondo searches hundreds of other travel sites at once to get you the information you need to make the right decisions. ... You'll have to complete two separate booking flows after you select this deal on our site, but it's worth it if you can save money over a traditional round-trip with one supplier. It's an advanced way of getting the ...

  8. The Internet's Cheap Flights Search Engine

    Whether you use an in-person travel agency or an online travel agency website, they all make their money the same way: They take a cut of the sale. These commissions are OTAs bread and butter. Momondo, per their own site, only requires 25% of the commission pie, which they claim to be amongst the best commission rates in the industry.

  9. Is Momondo Legit and Reliable? (Cheap Flights)

    Trust Pilot, a well-known consumer review site, collected Momondo reviews from over 600 travelers and granted the site an 8.9 out of 10 stars. Eighty percent of the Momondo reviews gave the site a full five-star rating while only five percent of reviews gave it the lowest possible rating. Chart from Trust Pilot.

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  11. Use Momondo for Cheap Flights, Hotels & Car Rentals [2023]

    Momondo helps you find the best deals on flights, hotels, rental cars, and vacation packages. You'll use Momondo to search for and compare prices on lots of booking sites (online travel agencies or individual company sites), then you'll be transferred to your chosen site to complete your booking. You won't actually book anything through ...

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    momondo searches across hundreds of travel sites, from major hotel booking sites to independent hotel sites, so you can find and compare cheap hotel prices worldwide. Our hotel finder is completely free to use - no hidden charges or fees - and the hotel deals you see are never affected by your searches, no matter how many you make.

  13. How to Use Momondo to Find Cheap Flights

    Confirm the Deal on the Airline's Website. Once you select the flight you'd like to book, click "View Deal.". Momondo will redirect you to the airline booking site to view the trip, read the fine print, and purchase tickets. Say you browse through Momondo flights but don't make a purchase.

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    Introducing a whole new way of seeing the world. Some see travel as packages, fitting neatly into square boxes, we see something very different. A new experience, a smile, a taste... a moment. We ...

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    Mondo Travel | 270 followers on LinkedIn. We see the world differently! | Introducing a whole new way of seeing the world. Some see travel as packages, fitting neatly into square boxes, we see ...

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    We see something very different in travel - come explore with Mondo. All Holidays. South Pacific. Asia. Europe. USA/Canada. South America. Australia. Hawaii. Africa. Ocean Cruises. River Cruises. Sports. Shows and Events ... * available on in store international travel purchases of $500 or more, terms and conditions apply. Payments & Finance ...

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