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Safari Animals

A guide to african safari wildlife.

Enjoying a game drive in Africa to take in a variety of safari animals must be hands down one of the most thrilling natural attractions in the world.

Sub-saharan Africa – and Southern and East Africa in particular – provides an infinite opportunity for incredible wildlife sightings, with a very broad cast of characters. Over 1,100 mammal species live in Africa, 2,600 bird species spend part of all of their lives in Africa, and the African rivers  and great lakes are home to around 3,000 species of fish.

Along with the diversity of wildlife, Africa is a continent where wildlife can be showered with the most superlatives – the biggest animals , the  most dangerous animals , the  fastest animals , the strongest animals , the largest herds , the longest migrations , and so on.

With this breadth and variety in mind we’ve put together the below list of the 15 most iconic African safari animals to roam the continent, along with the best places to spot each of them:

Iconic safari animals list

a pair of lions - the ultimate safari animals

A pair of lions – the ultimate African safari animals

Leaping in at first place is the lion, also known as the king of the jungle. Lions are the largest and most sociable of Africa’s cats . At up to 225 kg, the lion  ( Panthera leo ) really is the king of all savanna animals (not jungle!).

These big cats live in prides of up to 40 lions, and it’s the lionesses who do all the hunting, usually sharing their catches with the males of a pride. Lions are very territorial, and the females generally spend most of their lives within their home ranges.

When you hear them roaring during the night, or the day, you’ll be amazed at how loud and powerful they actually are – don’t worry about not hearing the lions snarls or roars, as they can be heard from up to 8 kilometers away. It really is a once in a lifetime opportunity to see lions hunting, or lion cubs playing with each other (but watch out for those man-eating lions !).

Best places to see Lion: Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, South Africa, Kruger National Park South Africa , Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya , Ngorongoro Conservation Area , Tanzania , Okavango Delta , Botswana .

2. African Elephant

elephant standing in river looking directly at the camera head-on

An African elephant – one of the iconic African animals

The African elephant ( Loxodonta africana ) is the largest land mammal and heaviest land animal in the world , weighing up to 6 tonnes. You will be stunned by the sheer size and presence of these creatures, not only on the first time you see one, but each and every time. The good news is, they’re fairly easy to spot!

Elephants play a vital role in the survival of other species by digging waterholes in dry riverbeds, spreading seeds through theirs faecal matter, and creating natural fire breaks in the landscape with their trails, and they do all this on only 2 hours sleep in a 24 hour period!

Best places to see African Elephant: Addo Elephant Park, South Africa,   Chobe National Park , Botswana , Etosha, Namibia , Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe, South Luangwa National Park, Zambia.

leopard lies on the branch of a sparse tree, with blue sky behind

A beautiful leopard doing what it does best… lounging in a tree

The elusive leopard is one of the shyest and least sociable animals in Africa (though not one of the ‘shy five’ ), but are still opportunistic hunters and are highly adaptable. Watching a leopard carry its prey up a tree is a fantastic sight and one of the best African safari sightings you could hope for.

Slightly smaller than their lion cousins, leopards ( Panthera pardus ) are less rare than you might think, but rely on camouflage and being active at night to stay hidden.

Leopards are solitary, independent creatures, and rarely seen together except during mating, or a mother with cubs. As such they are totally self-reliant, and expert hunters – sometimes killing prey up to twice their size. During the daytime they often lounge around in trees and come to the ground after dark to hunt, taking their prey up into a tree to eat at their leisure.

Best places to see Leopard: Londolozi Game Reserve, South Africa , Moremi Game Reserve , Botswana , Samburu National Park Kenya , South Luangwa National Park, Zambia.

4. Rhinocerous


The most elusive of the big five animals?

Rhinos are something you just need to see in real life to understand how impressive they really are.

Once widespread through sub-Saharan Africa, the rhino has been hunted to the brink of extinction, and is probably the hardest of the big five animals to spot in the wild. There are two species of rhinoceros in Africa – the black rhino ( Diceros bicornis ) and the white rhino ( Ceratotherium simum ).

Whilst white rhinos have made a comeback through conservation efforts across the continent, black rhinos are still very much one of Africa’s most endangered animals , and hardest safari animals to spot. The fundamental differences between the white and black rhino are not color, but rather size, temperament, food preference, and mouth shape.

Best places to see Rhinoceros: Etosha National Park , Namibia ,Hluhluwe–Imfolozi Park, South Africa , Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Kenya , Mkomazi National Park, Tanzania .

5. Cape Buffalo

grumpy cape buffalo

Cape buffalo – the grumpiest of all safari animals!

Weighing in at not too far short of a ton, the African buffalo ( Syncerus caffer ) has a reputation for being bad-tempered and dangerous. Whilst solitary buffaloes can be unpredictable (and dangerous, hence their inclusion in the big five animals), they are usually a docile beast when in a herd… aside from their tendency to stampede en masse when alarmed.

Not sure about the differences between a bison and buffalo ?

Best places to see Cape Buffalo: Chobe National Park , Botswana , Katavi National Park, Tanzania , Kruger National Park, South Africa , Lower Zambezi National Park, Zambia.

cheetak walking in the sunset

Cheetah -the fastest land animal

The cheetah is famous for being the  world’s fastest land animals , reaching speeds of 120 kilometers per hour and can accelerate from 0 to 95 kilometers in just three seconds. These cats need land and space, and seeing one running at full speed is the highlight of any animal safari. But there is more to this cat than just speed; it is beautiful and graceful, and sadly, it’s endangered.

For an animal that hunts during the day, good eyesight, stealth, a spotted coat, and top-notch speed are crucial for survival. The tear marks are among the top distinctive features used to tell the cheetah and the leopard apart .

Best places to see cheetahs: Etosha National Park, Namibia , Okavango Delta, Botswana , Savuti, Botswana , Ruaha, Tanzania.

hyena walking on track - one of the ugly five animals

A cute hyena strolling…

There are four species in the hyena family , varying in size and shape.

Hyenas are unique and vital components of most African ecosystems, both taking advantage of other animals’ kills for easy meals and hunting themselves. The size of a hyena kill or scavenge is generally determined by the size of the hyena’s clan, which can run to dozens. They often hide extra food in watering holes, since nothing is wasted. Hyenas eat every part of an animal, including bones and hooves.

Best place to see hyenas:  Ngorongoro Conservation Area in Tanzania , Serengeti National Park in Tanzania , Masai Mara in Kenya , Chobe National Park in Botswana .

giraffe mother with two young

Giraffe mother with two young

Perhaps the ultimate icon of the African savanna , the giraffe is an unmistakable land mammal known for their long necks and spotted coat (and super-weird giraffe tongue !). They were known by Arab prophets as the ‘queen of the beasts’ because of their delicate features and graceful poise.

With nine subspecies sharing its distinctive characteristics, this African safari animal is the tallest in the world by some way, and amongst the heaviest and largest animals anywhere . The giraffe’s coat is characterized by dark blotches on lighter hair. With age, male giraffes may become darker, and while calves inherit spot patterns from their mothers, each giraffe has a unique coat pattern that sets it apart.

Giraffes have a sharp sense of hearing and smell, another defense against predators, while it can close its nostrils during sandstorms and against ants.

Best places to see giraffe:   Etosha National Park in Namibia, Kruger National Park in South Africa, Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya.

Zebras at waterhole

Zebras at a waterhole

Zebra are perhaps the most stylish of African animals, with their characteristically stunning coats of black and white stripes. These distant relatives of the horse are a frequent sight on any African safari and consist of three different species.

There are many theories about why zebras have stripes , and it seems that perhaps the most likely answer is that the stripes function as a way to deter biting insects like tsetse flies and mosquitos.

Plains zebras play a particularly interesting role in the ecosystem, as they are pioneer gazers, nibbling and feeding on the top-most layer of grass, thereby opening up the grassland for more specialized grazers looking for the short grasses tucked below.

Best places to see zebra: Etosha National Park, Namibia, Makgadikgadi Pans in Botswana, Masai Mara in Kenya, Okavango Delta in Botswana, Samburu National Reserve in Kenya, Serengeti National Park in Tanzania.

hippopotamus walking on land

A hippo – one of Africa’s most dangerous animals

Spending most of their days keeping cool in the water or mud, hippos are semi-aquatic safari animals. They resemble large pigs but are in fact related to the whale species, and despite their large, cumbersome appearance can easily outrun a human, and are known as one of Africa’s most dangerous animals .

Best place to see hippos: Hluhluwe National Park & Kruger National Park in South Africa, Kazinga Channel in Uganda, Liwonde National Park in Malawi, Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, Okavango Delta, Botswana.

11. African Wild Dog

Litter of African wild dog pups

An African wild dog litter

African wild dogs live in packs of around 6-20 and are highly intelligent and sociable. One of the most fascinating sights when watching African wild dogs is the bond they display before a hunt; the wild dogs begin mingling within the group, vocalising and touching each other, working each other up into a frenzy of excitement. Sadly, these animals are highly endangered

Best places to see wild dogs: Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Game Reserve, Tswalu Private Wildlife Reserve and Kruger National Park in South Africa, Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe, Niassa National Reserve in Mozambique, Kwando, Selinda & Linyanti in Botswana.

12. Crocodile

saltwater crocodile - world's biggest reptile

Nile crocodile on the banks of an African river

Truly prehistoric animals are a wonderful thing to witness, so why would you want to miss out on one of the most prehistoric-looking animals on the planet? Despite this ancient appearance they are biologically complex and have a cerebral cortex a four-chambered heart and a functional diaphragm.

One amazing experience, although tense, is watching as they ambush and catch their prey, their powerful gnashing jaws pulling their victims underwater, yes this may seem tragic, but it definitely is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Best places to see crocodiles: Mara River in Tanzania and Kenya, Kruger National Park in South Africa.

13. Wildebeest


Is the wildebeest one of the world’s ugliest animals ?

Wildebeest are primarily grazers, enjoying grass and the occasional shrub and herbs, living in herds of between ten and many thousands. They’re characterized by a long black mane and a beard of hair hanging from the throat and neck, along with their short curved horns, with males weighing up to 250kg.

Best places to see wildebeest: Ngorongoro Conservation Area and the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, Masai Mara in Kenya.

kudu male full body

The majestic male kudu

The kudu is one of the most spectacular African antelopes to be seen on safari. It has been described as one of the most handsome of the antelope family, due to the male’s unique large, corkscrew horns.

The name found its way into the English language courtesy of the Afrikaans of South Africa. The Afrikaans term ‘koedoe’ is a combination of both of zebra and deer.

Best places to see kudu: Across Southern Africa, but particularly likely to spot in Kruger National Park in South Africa, Etosha National Park in Namibia and all the major Zambian parks.

15. Warthhog

warthog in grass

The much-maligned warthog, in long grass

Warthogs are normally found in family groups, where they spend most of their time either looking for food or wallowing in the mud at waterholes. At night they shelter in burrows, entering tail first. Warthogs have a wide distribution across sub-Saharan Africa, with a preference for open woodland and savannahs, and are not endangered.

Best places to see warthogs: Found in all national parks and reserves throughout Southern and East Africa.

So there you have our take on the 15 most iconic safari animals you should be looking out for on your next game drive. What do you think – any controversial picks… or African safari animals that are missing from the list? Let us know in the comments section below!

If you’re looking for more in-depth information on any of these – or other – African animals, you can access this via the links in the sidebar on this page, or check out our animal lists or animal comparisons .

Discover more of our wildlife posts…

Top 7 countries for safaris with kids, 11 ‘charismatic megafauna’ endangered species, what are ‘the big five’ animals, explore six arab nature reserves showcasing dubai wildlife, animals that mate for life, ‘battle at kruger’: the ultimate game drive footage, the biggest birds in the world, african animal baby names, the 11 fastest land animals on earth, top countries for safaris.

  • Botswana safaris
  • Kenya safaris
  • Namibia safaris
  • South Africa safaris
  • Tanzania safaris
  • Uganda safaris

Safari basics

  • Safari animals
  • How to find the right safari company
  • When to go on safari
  • What to take on safari
  • Safari clothing – what to wear
  • Safari rules & etiquette
  • Wildlife spotting tips

Most read articles

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  • Collective nouns for animals
  • Safari movies to watch before you go
  • The world’s fastest land animals
  • Apex predators
  • 10 Fascinating African tribes
  • The biggest animals in the world
  • 17 Epic hybrid animals
  • The world’s ugliest animals
  • Why are flamingos pink?

Africa’s best game reserves

  • Chobe National Park, Botswana
  • Etosha National Park, Namibia
  • Kruger National Park, South Africa
  • Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya
  • Moremi Game Reserve, Botswana
  • Okavango Delta, Botswana
  • Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

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Animales de safari : Los 15 mejores y dónde verlos

Animales de safari

La increíble vida salvaje de África seguro que se lleva una paliza

Pero cuando se trata de saber qué ver y dónde, ¡puede ser todo un campo mental!

Porque el gran continente africano encierra tantos tesoros que decidir por dónde empezar tu viaje si quieres avistar los mejores animales de safari puede ser una decisión difícil.

Y eso por no hablar de dónde debe llevarte tu itinerario, cuánto tiempo debe durar y dónde terminarás tu aventura.

Pero no temas, después de 5 viajes a este increíble continente, he recopilado esta práctica lista de los que, en mi opinión, son los 15 animales de safari más asombrosos y dónde, en este continente, puedes avistarlos más fácilmente.

  • Vacaciones en safari en Kenia: cómo planificar tu viaje
  • Las 55 mejores cosas que hacer en África
  • 9 países más baratos para viajar en África

Esta página contiene enlaces de afiliados, lo que significa que Big World Small Pockets puede recibir una pequeña comisión por cualquier compra sin coste adicional para ti.

#1 Elefantes

África del Sur, Parque Nacional Kruger, Elefante macho

Aquí voy a empezar con uno grande… ¡literalmente!

Sí, los elefantes africanos no sólo son enormes, sino que también forman parte de los «5 Grandes» – los 5 animales de safari que regularmente componen la lista de deseos de la fauna africana, si se quiere!

Gracias a una severa represión de la caza furtiva, los elefantes son uno de los animales de safari más fáciles de ver debido a sus grandes poblaciones y sí, bueno, ¡también su tamaño!

Desde Kenia hasta Sudáfrica, pasando por Namibia y Tanzania, es probable que vea elefantes en casi cualquier nación de «safari» de este continente y en casi cualquier reserva.

Dicho esto, el país en el que vi más elefantes, y en el que se cree que las poblaciones son las más grandes debido a las estrictas y aplicadas normas de protección, es Botsuana.

Diríjase al increíble Parque Nacional del Río Chobe en este país para ver elefantes en el río, en tierra, desde un vehículo terrestre o desde un barco… sí, las oportunidades son infinitas.

Mejor lugar para ver elefantes: ¡Parque Nacional del Río Chobe, Botsuana

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#2 Leopardos

África absoluta, Zambia, Leopardo

En el número 2, es otro de los animales de safari de los 5 grandes, pero estos son ciertamente un poco más difíciles de ver.

De hecho, solo he visto 2 leopardos a pesar de haber realizado innumerables safaris, porque estos grandes felinos son muy sigilosos, silenciosos, tímidos y están bien camuflados.

Como tal, la emoción de ver un leopardo en exclusiva es uno de los puntos más estimulantes de los animales de safari y su gracia y elegancia no hacen sino aumentar este atractivo.

A menudo los viajeros consiguen vislumbrar su primer leopardo en el cráter del Ngorongoro en Tanzania, o en el Masai Mara en Kenia, pero el mejor lugar que recomiendo para ver este encantador animal de safari es uno de los mejores parques de Zambia: el Parque Nacional South Luangwa.

¡Aquí es donde conseguí mi mejor avistamiento de leopardo y la toma que ves aquí!

Mejor lugar para avistar leopardos: Parque Nacional South Luangwa, Zambia

Tanzania, Serengeti, León macho

Y siguiendo con el tema de los grandes felinos, es cierto que uno de los animales más populares y sorprendentes de los safaris que no te puedes perder son los leones.

Sí, así es, los reyes de la selva son tan épicos de ver en la vida real como te imaginas y hacerlo tiene que estar en tu lista de deseos

De nuevo, afortunadamente, los leones son bastante fáciles de ver y un safari por la mañana temprano es la mejor manera de hacerlo.

Fresco de su caza nocturna, y a menudo tumbado al aire libre antes de retirarse a la sombra en el calor del día, un viaje de safari al amanecer es definitivamente la mejor manera de ver una manada de leones, especialmente un grupo de hembras con las crías.

De nuevo, he visto leones en un montón de reservas diferentes a lo largo de África, pero creo que el lugar en el que más he visto -incluyendo un gran número de cachorros, así como un macho y una hembra apareándose- fue en el Serengeti, en Tanzania.

Mejor lugar para avistar leopardos: Serengeti, Tanzania

¿Buscas un viaje económico en África?

Si estás interesado en un viaje inolvidable y a buen precio en África, con guías de confianza, envíame un correo electrónico a [email protected] con algunas ideas sobre dónde quieres ir y te enviaré mis mejores recomendaciones, ¡simplemente!

Además, actualmente estoy ofreciendo a mis lectores un descuento exclusivo en todos los tours de Absolute Africa, lo que significa que ahora puedes viajar aún más en este increíble continente por aún menos.

Simplemente envía a esta empresa líder en viajes por tierra en África un correo electrónico a [email protected] , indicando el código de descuento BWSP, y empieza a planificar tu increíble viaje con ellos hoy mismo.

#4 Rinocerontes

Suazilandia, Parque Nacional de Hlane, Rinoceronte

Y desde los más comunes hasta los más raros, los rinocerontes son definitivamente uno de los animales de safari más difíciles de ver.

Aunque también son uno de los animales de los 5 Grandes, también son uno de los animales de safari más amenazados que hay y sus poblaciones siguen disminuyendo hasta un nivel preocupante.

En muchos parques no quedan rinocerontes o solo unos pocos y, por tanto, las posibilidades de que veas uno pueden ser bastante escasas.

El encantador país que se salva de esta tendencia es la pequeña nación de eSwatini -antes conocida como Suazilandia-, donde las medidas de protección de los rinocerontes van muy bien y hay grandes poblaciones en al menos una de las reservas, concretamente en el Parque Nacional Hlane Royal.

Aquí se puede disfrutar de un safari a pie con rinocerontes y acercarse mucho a ellos, lo cual es increíble.

También se puede disfrutar de esta oportunidad en el Parque Nacional de Matopos, en Zimbabue, y también he visto rinocerontes, desde la seguridad de un vehículo de safari (¡!), tanto en el Parque Nacional de Nakuru, en Kenia, como en el Parque Nacional de Etosha, en Namibia.

Mejor lugar para avistar rinocerontes: Hlane Royal National Park, eSwatini

Kenia, Nakuru, masticando búfalos

Y el último de los 5 grandes animales de safari es el poderoso búfalo.

Estos tipos son bastante comunes y fáciles de ver en toda el África subsahariana, ya que la mayoría de los parques tienen una gran cantidad de ellos.

También los he visto en Sudáfrica, Botsuana, Zimbabue, Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda y Kenia… ¡así que elige!

El mejor lugar para ver búfalos: Parque Nacional Queen Elizabeth, Uganda (porque es una reserva realmente pintoresca)


Nunca se me ocurriría viajar a África sin una cobertura adecuada y siempre recomiendo el seguro de viaje de World Nomads, que he utilizado durante todo mi tiempo en este continente y más allá.

Me encanta su gran cobertura de actividades de aventura – crucial para viajar por África – así como su excelente servicio de atención al cliente y la posibilidad de reclamar en línea, que es muy útil si viajas a lugares remotos durante mucho tiempo.¡

#6 Hipopótamos

Tanzania, Cráter del Ngorongoro, Hipopótamo

Y ahora otra criatura, el hipopótamo es otro animal común de safari que deberías poder ver en la mayoría de las reservas con agua!

Como tal, realmente se trata de los lugares más interesantes para ver hipopótamos y, para mí, ese premio tiene que ir al lago Naivasha en Kenia, donde un crucero al atardecer puede llevarte realmente cerca de estos tipos, con menos turistas alrededor.

Otros de los mejores parques para avistar hipopótamos son el Masai Mara, en Kenia, y el Parque Nacional de South Luangwa, en Zambia; en particular, este último es estupendo si quieres que los hipopótamos se estrellen alrededor de tu tienda de campaña por la noche

Mejor lugar para avistar hipopótamos: Lago Naivasha, Kenia

Kenia, Masai Mara, Hiena sonriente

Las hienas son un animal de safari bastante prolífico, pero debido a que son en gran parte nocturnas, ¡no siempre son tan fáciles de ver como tal vez deberían ser!

Sin embargo, como los carroñeros de África, verlos en plena acción masticando un cadáver es tan alucinante como te imaginas y sin duda una de mis mejores experiencias africanas.

Con la suerte de haber visto a estas criaturas de mandíbula fuerte a través de Tanzania y Kenia, creo que mi mejor experiencia con hienas fue en Etiopía.¡

Sí, en la ciudad de Harar, al este de Etiopía, puedes ver cómo un hombre alimenta a las hienas salvajes mientras éstas le arañan la espalda para comer carne cruda de un palo que cuelga de su boca.

¡Sí, no es broma!

Y si quieres ir un paso más allá, incluso puedes probarlo tú mismo!

De nuevo, ¡no es broma!

Mejor lugar para avistar hienas: Harar, Etiopía


#1 África Lonely Planet – Una gran guía de viaje para esta región con toneladas de información histórica, mapas y consejos principales, el África Lonely Planet le ayudará a obtener lo mejor de su tiempo en esta increíble parte del mundo.

#2 Botella de agua de metal – Llévate una botella de agua de metal a África, para poder comprar agua embotellada de 5 litros (en lugar de botellas de 1 litro) y rellenarla, ayudando al medio ambiente y a tus pequeños bolsillos al mismo tiempo.

#3 Buena cámara – Un safari en África es una de esas experiencias definitivas de la lista de deseos y viajar aquí con una buena cámara te ayudará a conservar los recuerdos. Recomiendo encarecidamente la Sony A6000 sin espejo. Ligera, compacta y robusta, ha sido perfecta para todas mis aventuras de viaje.

#4 Sombrero para el sol – Gran parte de África es cálida y seca. Cuando estés caminando aquí, disfrutando de un safari, haciendo senderismo o tumbado en la playa, estarás expuesto al sol durante largos periodos de tiempo, así que asegurarte de meter en la maleta un sombrero para protegerte adecuadamente es clave. Me encanta este de Hello Sunshine.

#5 Amazon Audible – Viajar por África lleva mucho tiempo – no importa si es en autobús o en barco. Por lo tanto, ¡tener algo que escuchar mientras disfrutas del viaje es imprescindible! Me encanta Amazon Audible, ¡que es el mejor servicio de audiolibros que existe!

Sudáfrica, PN Kruger, Cebra

La hermosa cebra es absolutamente uno de los animales más increíbles de los safaris y no importa cuántas haya visto, nunca me canso de ver grupos de estas hermosas criaturas despojadas con el telón de fondo de las llanuras africanas.

Fácil de ver, pero no por ello menos espectacular, las cebras son abundantes y hay muchos países y parques en los que tienes garantizado su avistamiento.

Sin embargo, mi experiencia más memorable fue en el Hells Gate de Kenia, donde la falta de depredadores en este parque, significa que había más cebras aquí de las que había visto antes… Y, aún mejor que eso, puedes disfrutar de un safari en bicicleta en este parque y acercarte a las cebras sobre 2 ruedas sin el ruido y la barrera de un vehículo entre tú y ellas.

Consulta esta estupenda excursión de un día desde Nairobi a Hell’s Gate si esto te parece algo que te encantaría experimentar.

Mejor lugar para avistar cebras: Parque Nacional Hell’s Gate, Kenia

Tanzania, Jirafa, Serengeti

Al igual que las cebras, las jirafas también son comunes y fáciles de avistar cuando se trata de animales de safari, pero no por ello menos increíbles.

Inexplicablemente gráciles, ver a estos gigantes de cuello largo dando zancadas por las llanuras es algo que nunca olvidarás.

He visto jirafas en casi todos los parques de caza que he visitado en África, pero algunos de mis mejores avistamientos y fotografías (incluida esta instantánea) se produjeron durante mi estancia en el Parque Nacional Hwange de Zimbabue.

Mejor lugar para avistar jirafas: Parque Nacional de Hwange, Zimbabue


Consulta estas opciones muy recomendadas y a buen precio, si buscas formas de avistar animales de safari increíbles cuidado de un excelente y seguro tour de safari en este continente.

#10 Guepardos

Kenia, Masai Mara, Trío de Guepardos

Ahora empezamos a subir el dial, porque entra otro de los animales de safari más esquivos, esos increíbles felinos, ¡los guepardos!

Lo que pasa con el avistamiento de guepardos es que cuando ves uno, sueles ver unos cuantos, porque estos tipos viajan y cazan y se reúnen en grupos.

Esto hace que verlos sea aún más gratificante.

Y los lugares en los que he presenciado grupos de guepardos incluyen tanto el Parque Nacional Etosha en Namibia como el Masai Mara en Kenia, con este último acaparando el primer puesto porque llegamos a ver una coalición de guepardos (sí, ese es el sustantivo colectivo) en pleno flujo de caza!


Mejor lugar para ver guepardos: Masai Mara, Kenia

Tanzania, Ngorongoro, Ñus

La famosa migración de ñus es uno de los mayores espectáculos de animales de safari que existen y una visita imprescindible durante tu estancia en África Oriental si es posible.

Contrariamente a la creencia popular, no se trata de un evento único que sólo ocurre en una determinada época del año.

En cambio, es un proceso continuo en el que los ñus en realidad están continuamente en movimiento, siguiendo las lluvias, y por lo tanto la exuberante hierba, a través de las reservas del Serengeti y Masai Mara.

Esencialmente parte del mismo corredor de vida salvaje, dividido solo por una frontera terrestre, el Serengeti tanzano y el Masai Mara keniano son los mejores lugares para avistar ñus y es fácil visitar ambos parques como parte de un mismo viaje.

Mejor lugar para avistar ñus: Masai Mara, Kenia & Serengeti, Tanzania

#12 Perros salvajes africanos

Sudáfrica, Kruger, manada de perros salvajes

Son uno de los animales más raros de los safaris, pero si consigues verlos, ¡la espera merece la pena!

Sólo he visto una manada de perros salvajes africanos en todo mi tiempo en África, pero avistarles también con cachorros fue absolutamente increíble y sin duda hizo que mi viaje al Parque Nacional Kruger fuera aún más memorable.

Una vez al borde de la extinción, el número de estos increíbles animales está, afortunadamente, aumentando y Kruger tiene uno de los niveles de población más saludables.

Sin embargo, si no consigues avistarlos aquí, hay un santuario en Zimbabue donde puedes ver cómo se crían a mano los que han sido heridos o abandonados.

Obviamente, en la naturaleza es mejor, pero el Santuario de Perros Pintados a las afueras del Parque Nacional de Hwange es una buena segunda opción.

Mejor lugar para avistar perros salvajes africanos: Parque Nacional Kruger, Sudáfrica

Namibia, Etosha, Oryx

El más bonito de todas las especies de antílopes en mi opinión, quedé totalmente hipnotizado por el Oryx.

Sus atrevidas rayas y sus distintivas formas de cuerno/cornamenta realmente los distinguen y sorprendentemente les ayudan a mezclarse con el paisaje de alrededor también.

Dicho esto, una vez que se ve uno, se empiezan a ver muchos porque, al igual que con la mayoría de las especies de antílopes, estos tipos viajan en manadas de gran número, en gran parte con fines de protección.

Menos común en el este de África, es mejor dirigirse al sur de África para ver Oryx y la parte superior de la lista para mí fue Namibia y el poderoso Parque Nacional de Etosha, donde vi un montón.

Mejor lugar para ver orix: Parque Nacional de Etosha, Namibia

#14 Caracales

Tanzania, Cráter del Ngorongoro, Caracal

Y ahora pasamos a los verdaderos lugares raros cuando se trata de animales de safari y de nuevo, volvemos a los felinos.

Sí, el serval es definitivamente uno de los animales de safari más difíciles de ver… ¡probablemente por eso nunca he visto uno!

Pero pisándole los talones al serval, está el caracal, otro gato salvaje que es tan raro como magnífico.

Pequeño, elegante, esbelto e impresionante, el veloz caracal no es ciertamente fácil de ver, dado su súper nivel de camuflaje.

Pero tuve la suerte de ver uno en el Cráter del Ngorongoro de Tanzania, donde la geografía en forma de cuenco de este paisaje literalmente recoge la vida salvaje!

Como tal, definitivamente recomendaría dirigirse aquí si el caracal es uno de los animales de safari que quieres ver.

Mejor lugar para avistar caracales: Cráter del Ngorongoro, Tanzania

#15 Tejones de la Miel

Y en el número 15, es otra joya rara… el tejón de la miel africano.

He visto una de estas increíbles criaturas como parte de un paseo de safari matutino en el delta del Okavango de Botsuana, pero estaba lejos y fue tan rápido que no pude conseguir una instantánea.

Sin embargo, tenga la seguridad de que si ve a uno de estos escurridizos tipos nocturnos, ¡tampoco sentirá que necesita una fotografía para demostrarlo!

Mejor lugar para avistar tejones de la miel: Delta del Okavango, Botsuana

¡Número de bonificación 16! Flamencos

Kenia, Lago Nakuru, Flamencos

Y por último, pero no por ello menos importante, el punto extra de esta lista de los animales de safari más sorprendentes y dónde puedes avistarlos, tiene que ser para el flamenco.¡

Pensé que había descuidado un poco a las aves en este artículo, por lo que puse una entrada extra.

Y aunque fue un cara o cruz entre el avestruz y el flamenco, este último pasó el corte gracias a sus gloriosos colores que nunca dejan de sorprenderme!

Sí, las plumas rosas iridiscentes de estas maravillosas criaturas se distinguen a una milla de distancia, lo que significa que la emoción de haberlas visto tiende a ponerse en marcha incluso antes de que te hayas acercado.

¿Y dónde me he acercado más?

Pues ese premio tiene que ser para el Parque Nacional Nakuru de Kenia: su impresionante entorno lacustre es el lugar perfecto para avistar y fotografiar a estas increíbles aves.

Mejor lugar para avistar flamencos: Parque Nacional de Nakuru, Kenia

Otros animales destacados del safari:

Sudáfrica, Safari, Warthog

Y puedes saber más sobre cuánto costará tu safari en este post que escribí, que detalla muchas variables de gasto, así como algunos consejos para ahorrar dinero.


Animales de safari - Los 15 mejores y dónde verlos en África

Y ahí está, mi lista de los 15 animales de safari más sorprendentes y dónde verlos.

Espero que te haya resultado útil esta guía y, crucemos los dedos, ahora puedes empezar a planear tu increíble viaje a África con un poco más de conocimiento de tu parte!

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15 Animals to See on an African Safari

animalitos safari

The word "Africa" is an evocative one that usually goes hand-in-hand with mental images of vast savanna plains dotted with exotic game. The majority of overseas visitors to Africa will go on  safari and, in doing so, discover that there is nothing more magical than a close encounter with the continent's incredible wildlife. Most of the species one sees on safari are unique to Africa, and many of them are instantly recognizable. In this article, we look at 15 of the continent's most iconic animals, including those that make up the African Big Five . 

TripSavvy / Felicia Martinez

To see a lion in its natural habitat is one of the most humbling, impressive sights an African safari can offer. However, while witnessing a kill is the ultimate prize, you're more likely to see one sleeping than in active pursuit of dinner. Lions spend up to 20 hours a day at rest and are most active at dusk and dawn. They are the most social of all wild cat species, living in prides consisting of between five and 10 adult lions. Tragically, lions are threatened by human expansion throughout Africa, with experts prophesying that populations could fall by as much as five percent in the next 20 years.

Best Places to See Lions: Head to Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park on the border of South Africa, Namibia, and Botswana; or to Tanzania's Serengeti National Park during the wildebeest migration. 

There is nothing quite like the first time you see an  African elephant  in the wild. As the largest living terrestrial animal on Earth, their size alone is overwhelming; but many visitors also find themselves drawn by the elephants' tangible aura of wisdom. Elephants are found in various sub-Saharan habitats, including forests, deserts, and savanna. They are herbivorous, processing up to 600 pounds of vegetation per day. Although most elephants are peaceful by nature, they can be dangerous if provoked; however, they are far more at risk from humans than we are from them. 

Best Places to See Elephants: Vast elephant herds roam Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe and Chobe National Park in Botswana. 

As the tallest animal on Earth, you'd think that giraffes would be easy to spot on safari. However, their distinctive brown and white markings serve as excellent camouflage, and it's not unusual for giraffes to materialize out of the bush just a few feet away. There are nine subspecies found across sub-Saharan Africa, all of which boast blue tongues, stubby horn-like protrusions on their heads, and of course, outrageously long necks. To drink without losing consciousness, the giraffe's neck contains unique veins and valves that regulate the flow of blood to its head. 

Best Places to See Giraffes: Spot large herds of Masai giraffe in the Serengeti, or head to Murchison Falls National Park in Uganda to see the endangered Rothschild's giraffe. 

The elusive  African leopard  is a subspecies of leopard found only in sub-Saharan Africa. Despite its wide range, leopards are among the most difficult of all safari animals to see, as they are both nocturnal and exceptionally wary of humans. Leopards use trees as observation platforms and for protection, and that is where they are most often spotted during daylight hours. They are solitary animals with exceptional predatory skills, including the ability to climb, swim, and drag prey weighing up to three times their body weight up into the trees. Leopards are classified as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. 

Best Places to See Leopards: South Africa's Sabi Sands Game Reserve and South Luangwa National Park in Zambia are famous for leopard sightings. 

White Rhino

Thomas Halle/ Getty Images

The easiest way to tell Africa's two rhino species apart is by the shape of their bottom lip: wide and square for white rhinos and pointed for black rhinos. The name "white" rhino comes from a mistranslation of the Dutch word for "wide." Although the survival of both species is threatened by widespread poaching, white rhinos are more numerous and therefore easier to spot, especially in Southern Africa, where they prefer grassland and savanna habitats. White rhinos are the largest of five extant rhino species. Adult males averaging around 5,100 pounds are also one of the world's heaviest land mammals.

Best Places to See White Rhinos: Hluhluwe–Imfolozi Park and Kruger National Park in South Africa offer a good chance of spotting white rhinos.

Black Rhino

Manuel ROMARIS/Getty Images

Once found across Southern and East Africa, the black rhino is now considered critically endangered, with fewer than 5,000 individuals left in the wild and three subspecies already classified as extinct. Adult black rhinos have no natural predators, and their population collapse is predominantly due to poaching. They are killed for their horns, made of keratin, and exported to Asia for use in traditional Chinese medicine. Unlike white rhinos, which can sometimes be seen living in herds, black rhinos are generally solitary (although the bond between mother and calf is strong). They favor thick scrub and bushland.

Best Places to See Black Rhinos: Etosha National Park in Namibia is a rhino conservation success story with a thriving black rhino population. Kenya's Ol Pejeta Conservancy is another renowned sanctuary for black rhinos.

TripSavvy / Jess Macdonald

The cheetah is the most slender of Africa's big cats, a magnificent animal known for its incredible speed. They are capable of short bursts of up to 70 miles per hour, making them the world's fastest land animal. However, cheetahs often have their kills stolen by other, more powerful predators despite their speed. They are a vulnerable species with only around 7,100 individuals left in the wild, including a tiny population of approximately 40 individuals in Iran. Cheetahs are found throughout Southern and East Africa in wide-open spaces that allow them to reach their top speed while pursuing prey. 

Best Places to See Cheetahs: The Maasai Mara National Reserve provides the ideal habitat for cheetahs. Alternatively, track rehabilitated cheetah on foot at  Okonjima Game Reserve in Namibia. 

African buffalo have a robust build and distinctive fused horns. They are grazers, typically moving in herds, with no natural predators except lions and crocodiles. Unlike other species of wild buffalo, the African buffalo has never been successfully tamed, thanks to its naturally aggressive and unpredictable nature. Although seeing a buffalo herd ranging across the savanna is undoubtedly an unforgettable sight, it's crucial to treat these animals with respect. They are responsible for multiple human fatalities every year and are considered one of the continent's most dangerous species. 

Best Places to See Buffalo: Katavi National Park in Tanzania is famous for its enormous buffalo herds. Chobe National Park is another good bet. 


Hippos are a common sight in Southern and East Africa's rivers, swamps, and lakes. Often found in groups of up to 100 individuals, hippos spend most of their life in water, only leaving their aquatic homes to graze on the riverbanks at dusk. They have several fascinating adaptations, including webbed feet, large canine tusks, and the ability to secrete a kind of natural sunscreen. Male hippos are territorial and, like buffalo, can be exceptionally aggressive when provoked. Similarly, take care never to get between a hippo mother and her calf. 

Best Places to See Hippos:  Zambia's  Luangwa Valley  is home to the world's largest concentration of hippos. The Okavango Delta in Botswana is also full of them. 

Nile Crocodile

After the saltwater crocodile, Nile crocodiles are the world's largest living reptile, with the biggest on record exceeding 20 feet in length. In sub-Saharan Africa, they are found in various aquatic habitats, including lakes, rivers, and deltas. Crocodiles are well camouflaged in the water and are most often spotted sunning themselves on the riverbank. They have been around for millions of years, and with heavily armored skin and powerful jaws, they certainly look prehistoric. Nile crocodiles are perfect predators, employing ambush tactics to take their prey unawares. 

Best Place to See Crocodiles: Watch herds of wildebeest and zebra crossing the Mara River during East Africa's annual migration to see Nile crocodiles in action. 

There are three species of zebra in Africa; the plains zebra most commonly seen throughout East and Southern Africa , and the rarer mountain and Grévy's zebras. Although they may look like domestic horses, zebras are almost impossible to tame; their distinctive stripe patterns are unique to each individual as a human's fingerprints. Zebras live on grass, and in some areas, form great migratory herds to seek out the best grazing grounds. They often create a mutually beneficial relationship with another African species during the migration, the wildebeest . 

Best Places to See Zebra: For sheer numbers, you can't beat the Serengeti or the Maasai Mara during migration season. To see the endangered Grévy's zebra, head to Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in northern Kenya. 

Thomas Retterath/Getty Images

Easily recognizable by their tan, black, and white fur, African wild dogs are the largest (and one of the rarest) canids in Africa. They are highly social animals, living in packs led by an alpha male and female and communicating with a series of high-pitched twittering sounds. Wild dogs hunt as a team, chasing their prey until it collapses from exhaustion. Unlike other social carnivores, weaned pups are allowed to eat first at the kill to give them the best chance of survival. Nevertheless, African wild dogs are endangered, with populations declining due to habitat fragmentation, human conflict, and diseases spread by domestic dogs.

Best Places to See Wild Dogs: Top destinations for spotting wild dogs include Ruaha National Park in Tanzania, Madikwe Game Reserve in South Africa, and Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe.

The most common large carnivore on the African continent, the Hyaenidae family comprises four species of hyena: spotted, brown, striped, and aardwolf. Though their mighty jaws and strong digestive tract are ideally suited for scavenging, hyenas only feed on carrion and other refuse for 30 percent of their meals; for the other 70 percent, they prey on animals of all different sizes and shapes, including wildebeest, antelope, birds, and snakes. Hyena clans can consist of up to 100 members, and individuals will communicate with each other through wailing, screaming, and "laughing." Hyenas (particularly spotted) live in a range of habitats throughout sub-Saharan Africa, from savannas and grasslands to subdeserts and mountains.

Best Places to See Hyena: You can find hyenas in many national parks in Africa, including Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe, Namibia's Cape Cross Seal Reserve , and Ruaha National Park in Tanzania. For your best chance at seeing them, plan to sign up for a night safari.

This antelope species can be subdivided into the greater kudu and the lesser kudu subspecies, both of which can be identified by their white vertical stripes, spots, and chevron pattern between their eyes. Greater kudus are most prevalent throughout southern Africa's lowland Bushveld but can also be found throughout East Africa—particularly Kenya and the Horn of Africa region; similarly, lesser kudus tend to prefer the dense thornbush around East Africa. Males, characterized by elongated horns that can grow up to 6 feet in length, can typically be seen alone or with other bachelors, though you may find them with females during mating season. On the other hand, female kudus live in small herds with their offspring.

Best Places to See Kudu: Greater kudus are best seen in Kenya's Tsavo National Park and Serengeti National Park in Tanzania.

Warthogs thrive in savanna woodland, grasslands, and marshes, taking up natural burrows and abandoned aardvark holes. With the use of their strong neck muscles and padded knees, warthogs will spend the day foraging for food, digging through soil to uncover tubers, roots, berries, and grass. Sows can be found in matriarchal groups comprising up to 40 female warthogs and piglets, while boars prefer to live alone or with other bachelors.

Best Places to See Warthog: Warthogs live all over sub-Saharan Africa but are most common in the eastern and southern parts of the continent. If you want to spot them on safari, consider planning a trip to Kruger National Park , Masai Mara , or South Luangwa National Park in Zambia.

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Safari for You

Top 10 Unmissable African Safari Destinations

The Top 5 Places to See Leopards in Africa

An Introduction to Africa's Big Five Safari Animals

South Luangwa National Park, Zambia: The Complete Guide

Fun Facts About African Animals: The Cheetah

10 of the Best Private Game Reserves in South Africa

How to Plan an Affordable African Safari

Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya: The Complete Guide

13 Amazing Trips to Take Before You Turn 40

Okavango Delta, Botswana: The Complete Guide

Action Wildlife: A Photo Tour

Akagera National Park, Rwanda: The Complete Guide

The 8 Most Adventurous Things to Do in Malawi

The Top 12 National Parks to Visit in Africa

The Top 5 Places to See Lions in Africa

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Divergent Travelers

Top 8 African Safari Animals (and Where to Find Them!)

When you think of Africa you imagine African safari animals. Africa conjures images of charging elephants and roaring lions.

It’s imagery that has had travelers venturing off across the wild frontiers of this expansive continent for centuries in search of adventure and to find the most elusive, dangerous or unique animals of Africa.

Today that tradition continues with the modern-day safari tour, an exciting way to see wild animals and wild landscapes.

There are so many safari animals to spot, from the classic Big Five – that’s lions, rhinos, elephants, leopards, and buffalo – to hippos, and giraffe to name just a few.

We put together this African safari animal guide to help you to figure out the best places to see the animals that you’ve always wanted to in their wild habitats.

Don’t leave home without:   Lonely Planet Africa (Travel Guide)

Table of Contents

African Safari Animals - Lion - Lina Stock

The mighty lion is perhaps the most iconic of all African safari animals. These fearsome beasts roam the plains in their extended pride, hunting prey across the savannas.

The lion is one of the big five safari animals and an animal that any visitor to the African continent will be in search of. While they can be spotted in many areas, your chances are higher in the following parks:

The Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya

At the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, lions are found hunting and stalking prey on the plains. It’s one of the best places to spot these big cats, and in the right season, you may even witness the spectacular Masai Mara Migration passing through.

Our top recommended tours:

  • 4-Day Masai Mara and Lake Nakuru Safari
  • 3-Day Masai Mara and Lake Naivasha Private Safari

Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

The flat, wide territory of the Serengeti is the perfect hunting ground for the lion and game drives here will take you out into the Tanzanian wilderness in search of these beasts, who you may be lucky enough to spot stalking or hunting their prey.

Our top recommended tour:

  • G Adventures Tanzania Safari Experience

The Okavango Delta, Botswana

Lions are usually found on wide, open plains were they can chase down prey, but in Botswana the lions have taken to the waters of the Okavango Delta, living and hunting amongst the reeds and rivers of this beautiful part of Africa.

  • G Adventures Botswana and Zimbabwe Safari
  • G Adventures Okavango Delta and Victoria Falls Overland

Rhino in Africa

The magnificent rhino is one of the most endangered of the big five safari animals in Africa. There are two species of African rhino, white and black, and both are unfortunately hunted for their ivory horns by illegal poachers.

Southern and eastern parts of Africa are the best regions to spot these creatures in the wild, with most concentrated in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Namibia. Rhinos are elusive, but if you spend enough time in Africa, you will see one. Your chances are highest at the following parks:

Kruger National Park, South Africa

South Africa’s Kruger National Park is one of the most famous safari destinations on the African continent, being home to all of the big five animals and much more. It’s one of the best and most accessible places to potentially see the black rhino, and if you are extremely lucky, even the much rarer and more endangered white rhino too.

  • G Adventures Kruger National Park and Swazi Overland
  • G Adventures Explore Kruger and Victoria Falls
  • G Adventures Explore Cape Town and Kruger National Park
  • G Adventures Explore Kruger National Park

Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe

Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe is also home to all the big five animals, and like Kruger, it’s an excellent location to spot the endangered rhino too. Hwange is also easily accessible, and the huge area gives rhinos a wide-ranging territory, and give visitors more chance of seeing more of them.

  • G Adventures The Great Southern Africa Safari
  • G Adventures Southern Africa Safari Adventure
  • G Adventures Zimbabwe and Botswana Safari

Etosha National Park, Namibia

Namibia’s rhino population, black and white, is consistently on the rise. Due to extensive protection efforts, the animal has been brought back from the brink of extinction and is now slowly beginning to recover in numbers, especially within the boundaries of Etosha National Park.

  • G Adventures Cape and Dunes Overland
  • G Adventures Wonders of Namibia
  • G Adventures Wildlife and Wonders of Southern Africa

We also had crazy good luck seeing rhinos in both Matopos National Park in Zimbabwe and Nakuru National Park in Kenya.

African Safari Animals - Juvenile Elephant

3. Elephant

The elephant is another emphatic African animal that evokes all the adventures of the continent in visitors who are lucky enough to see them. They are graceful yet huge and occasionally unpredictable.

Many countries are home to large elephant populations, however, visiting certain places will dramatically increase your chance of spotting one.

Our favorite place to watch elephants in Africa is Hwange National Park. The concentration of elephants here is unrivaled, with numbers up to 30,000 within the park boundaries at any given time.

Chobe National Park, Botswana

Chobe in Botswana is home to thousands and thousands of elephants. In fact, it’s possibly the best place in the world to be guaranteed a sighting. One of the best safaris is to take to the rivers of Chobe on a boat cruise to see the elephants lining the riverbanks.

Addo Elephant Park, South Africa

As the name would suggest, Addo Elephant Park is an excellent location to see elephants. The area is a prime example of successful conservation efforts, as the park was established to protect the eleven remaining elephants in the 1930s. Now there are over 600 wandering within the boundaries.

  • G Adventures South Africa & Swazi Quest
  • G Adventures Hiking South Africa

The Serengeti is one of Africa’s prime elephant habitats. Tanzania’s most famous national park is actually so safe for elephants, that their numbers are dramatically increasing here year after year. Combined with opportunities to spot other safari animals and to even see the huge wildlife migrations at certain times of the year, Serengeti National Park is an excellent location to find elephants.

  • Full-Day Serengeti Tour from Mwanza
  • 3 Days Group Safari Serengeti

Cape Buffalo in Africa

4. Cape Buffalo

The African Buffalo is one of the most unpredictable animals you might encounter on safari. This huge beast has few predators and has even been known to take down lions and even crocodiles. Because of its imposing size and behavior, it’s one of the big five safari animals.

Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania

This Ngorongoro Crater is one of the largest volcanic craters in the world, and it’s also one of Africa’s most biodiverse regions. All the big five are found here, and in particular, the chances of seeing large herds of buffalo roaming the crater’s edge and vast caldera are high.

  • G Adventures Tanzania Camping Safari
  • G Adventures Classic Serengeti & Zanzibar
  • 6-Day Tanzania Camping Safari: Including Ngorongoro Cater and Tarangire National Park from Arusha

South Luangwa National Park, Zambia

This national park was one of the first areas of African land to be protected as a reserve, not for hunting but for conservation and tourism. That tradition continues today, and amongst the flourishing wildlife are found herd after herd of buffalo.

  • G Adventures Serengeti to Victoria Falls Adventure
  • G Adventures Falls, Beaches & Serengeti Adventure

Hluhluwe Game Reserve, South Africa

The buffalo is found across the Hluhluwe Game Reserve in South Africa and is one of the most accessible places in Africa to spot one of these huge and powerful animals.

Leopard in Africa

The elegant, fast and deadly Leopard is the last of the big five in this guide. The spotted big cat is a distinctive and powerful animal, one that stalks its prey and catches them with incredible bursts of speed.

Finding these creatures hunting or stalking in the wild is a humbling experience but you really have to be lucky to see one. We’ve spent a total of 6 months traveling in Africa and have been on countless safaris. We’ve only seen a leopard once.

Leopard’s are found in large numbers within Kruger National Park, and many of these usually shy animals are completely accustomed to safaris, meaning that a trip here is more than likely to result in a sighting.

Don’t leave home without:   Lonely Planet Watching Wildlife Southern Africa (Travel Guide)

The Masai Mara National Reserve is home not only to lions but to leopards too. Here they stalk the plains at night, and a safari at the right time may result in a sighting in more wild conditions than at Kruger in South Africa.

Amboseli National Park, Kenya

This Kenyan national park is situated in the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro and the famous mountain forms an impressive backdrop to this area of natural beauty. Leopards are among the many animals found thriving in the area.

  • G Adventures Kenya Safari Experience
  • G Adventures Safari in Kenya and Tanzania
  • G Adventures East Africa Gorilla & Safari Experience
  • G Adventures Mt. Kilimanjaro Trek

Hippo in Africa

There’s no other animal in the world quite like the hippo, and this impressive yet powerful animal can’t be missed when on safari. The hippo spends most of its life on the water and despite its fearsome teeth and dangerous reputation, it grazes on riverside grass for much of the day.

Okavango Delta, Botswana

The vast wetlands and network of rivers and watering holes of the Okavango Delta are possibly the best place in all of Africa to spot hippos in the wild. The animals are found along the waterways and on the lakes, and a sighting can be pretty much guaranteed.

Zambezi River, Zambia

A river safari along the Zambezi is one of the most exciting ways to see hippos in Africa. The long Zambezi is home to thousands of hippos, and the beautiful river setting can’t be matched anywhere else.

Don’t leave home without: Lonely Planet Watching Wildlife East Africa (Travel Guide)

St Lucia Wetlands Park, South Africa

The wetlands of St Lucia are home to South Africa’s largest hippo population, and it’s the perfect place to see these large creatures. Be careful though, as there are so many they sometimes wander into nearby towns and villages and can be seen simply strolling along streets.

  • G Adventures Kruger & Swazi Overland

Giraffe group in Africa

The strange, bizarre yet wonderfully elegant giraffe is a must-see animal while on safari. The beautiful, long-necked creature will be found on open plains reaching for the tallest branches on the tallest trees, a sight to wonder at in pure amazement.

Like the elephants of Etosha, giraffes also have increased exponentially in numbers at this Namibian national park. It’s all due to successful conservation efforts, and giraffes, as well as other wildlife, are flourishing here.

Arusha National Park, Tanzania

This national park is unique because it’s one of the few places that will allow walking safaris. If you are lucky, ranger-guided walking tours will bring you close to these magnificent animals.

  • G Adventures Wildlife Parks of Tanzania
  • G Adventures Tanzania Active Safari
  • G Adventures Kilimanjaro Marangu Route & Serengeti Adventure

Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania

Tanzania is known for its large giraffe populations, and Selous Game Reserve is a huge wilderness, home to an abundant population and just waiting to be explored by travelers on safari.

  • G Adventures Southern Tanzania Safari

Mountain Gorilla in Africa

8. Mountain Gorilla

If you talk to any adventurer and ask them what one of their top trips was, they will likely tell you gorilla trekking in Africa, if they have done it. If they haven’t, I guarantee you it is on their bucket list.

There is only one place to see this animal in the wild and it is in Africa. They reside in the jungles that spew over the shared borders of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda.

It is possible to see them in all three countries, but the best trekking is done in Rwanda into Volcano National Park on the edge of the Virunga region.

Our top recommended tours to see gorillas:

  • G Adventures Rwanda & Uganda Gorilla Discovery
  • G Adventures Culture & Wildlife, Uganda & Rwanda

More on Africa:

  • 25 Epic Places to Have the Best Safari in Africa
  • Gorilla Safaris in Africa: Everything You Need to Know
  • Ultimate Vaccination Guide for Africa Travel
  • Best Sleeping Bag for Cold Weather From Africa to Greenland
  • 25 Photos That Will Make You Want To Visit Africa
  • Africa Overland Trip Budget-Oasis Overland
  • Oasis Overland Trip Through Africa-What to Expect
  • Great White Shark Cage Diving in South Africa
  • Preparation Guide for Gorilla Trekking in Africa
  • Day in the Life of an Overland Trip through Africa
  • Cape Peninsula Photo Tour in South Africa With Viator

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Lina is an award-winning photographer and writer that has been exploring the world since 2001. She has traveled to 100 countries on all 7 continents. Member: SATW, NATJA, ATTA, ITWA

1 thought on “Top 8 African Safari Animals (and Where to Find Them!)”

I read your article about the big five safari in Africa and it is so informative and interesting. Thanks!!

I would like to mention that the small five safari is possible to experience in Madagascar (African’s country), visitors will get the opportunity to spot lemurs ( the oldest worlds’ primate), chameleons,geckos, giraffe necked weevil, varieties of native frogs in the wild. Lemurs can be spotted in differents area in the big island of Madagascar cause there 104 species of them there and 65% are night active. Each area has their own specific lemurs, from the rainforest to the dry decidous forest.

Best wishes,

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Animals You Can See On a Safari

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Arguably, the most popular destination for enthusiasts to go on a safari is Africa, notably Kenya and East Africa, due to the fauna the continent is home to. For instance, the “Big 5” was a designation given to five animals by hunters due to the difficulty involved in hunting them. However, nowadays, these animals are the species everyone wishes to see the most on a safari. They are the African elephant , the African lion , the black rhino, the Cape buffalo , and the leopard.

Animals to see on a Safari

List of Safari Animals

  • African Brush-tailed Porcupine
  • African Elephant
  • African Lion
  • African Wild Dog
  • Bat-eared Fox
  • Black Rhino
  • Black Wildebeest
  • Black-backed Jackal
  • Blue Wildebeest
  • Brown Hyena
  • Cape Buffalo
  • Cape Mountain Leopard
  • Common Warthog
  • Desert Warthog
  • Elephant Shrew
  • Ethiopian Wolf
  • Giant Pangolin
  • Grévy’s Zebra
  • Ground Pangolin
  • Hippopotamus
  • Honey Badger
  • Long-tailed Pangolin
  • Mountain Gorilla
  • Mountain Zebra
  • Northern Giraffe
  • Plains Zebra
  • Riverine Rabbit
  • Rothschild’s Giraffe
  • Side-striped Jackal
  • Spotted Hyena
  • Striped Hyena
  • Thomson’s Gazelle
  • Tree Pangolin
  • White Rhino
  • African Grey Hornbill
  • African Penguin
  • Cape Glossy Starling
  • Cape Vulture
  • Egyptian Vulture
  • Grey Crown Crane
  • Helmeted Guinea-fowl
  • Kori Bustard
  • Lesser Flamingo
  • Lilac-Breasted Roller
  • Malachite Kingfisher
  • Marabou Stork
  • Masai Ostrich
  • Red-billed Buffalo Weaver
  • Rüppell’s Vulture
  • Saddle Billed Stork
  • Secretary Bird
  • Southern Masked Weaver Bird
  • White-backed Vulture
  • White-billed Buffalo Weaver
  • White-headed Vulture
  • Agama Lizard
  • Leopard Tortoise
  • Nile Crocodile

Some of the best countries that offer safaris are Kenya, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.

While the animals are wild and, therefore, can exhibit unpredictable behavior, a guide will be present to provide protection and keep them safe.

Not at all. In fact, they prevent poaching by incentivizing locals to protect endangered species due to the money provided by these safaris.

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7 Mejores Safaris de África para amantes de los animales en 2024

Cuáles son los mejores safaris de África

¿Cuáles son los mejores safaris de África? Esta es una de las preguntas que más nos hacemos a la hora de buscar el mejor destino para hacer un safari.

Un safari en África es una de las experiencias más alucinantes que se pueden vivir.

Y es que no hay otro lugar mejor que el continente africano para ver animales salvajes en libertad.

¿Te imaginas ver elefantes por primera vez? ¿Y cruzarte con la mirada de un león? ¿Y dormir escuchando hienas a lo lejos?

¿Y qué me dices de montar en globo al amanecer sobre la sabana?

¡Súper emocionante!

Mejores safaris africanos

Si quieres vivir alguna de estas experiencias en primera persona, en este post te cuento los mejores parques nacionales de África para ir en busca de los Big Five –león, elefante, búfalo, leopardo y rinoceronte– y disfrutar de una aventura inolvidable .

✏️ Post content

1. Safari en la Reserva Natural Masai Mara, Kenia

2. safari en el parque nacional kruger, sudáfrica, 3. safari en el parque nacional south luangwa, zambia, 4. safari en el serengueti, tanzania, 5. safari en el bosque de bwindi, uganda, para ver gorilas, 6. safari en etosha, namibia, 7. safari en el delta del okavango, botswana, los mejores destinos de safari en áfrica – conclusión, los mejores safaris en áfrica.

African Safari 4K - Scenic Wildlife Film With African Music

Ahora sí, no me enrollo más. Aquí tienes mi lista con los 7 mejores safaris por África para que puedas elegir el que mejor se ajusta a tus gustos viajeros.

Kenia fue el destino que elegí para mi primer safari en África , y Masai mara es uno de los mejores parques nacionales de Kenia para hacer un safari.

Seguro que te suena de la película Memorias de África ; aunque lo mejor es recorrer el país y descubrir otros parques y reservas.

Sin duda, aquí podrás hacer algunos de los mejores safaris del mundo.

Mejores safaris del mundo

Si me preguntas cuál es el mejor país de África para ir de safari por primera vez , mi respuesta es Kenia o Tanzania, sin dudarlo. Son destinos que llevan muchos años recibiendo viajeros y están especializados en safaris organizados ; por lo que son ideales para iniciarte en el mundo de los safaris fotográficos.

Si haces un safari en Kenia , hay algunas experiencias que deberías de vivir sí o sí. De verdad, ¡no te las pierdas!

  • Presenciar la famosa migración de los ñus cruzando el río Mara, que seguro que has visto en algún documental o en la película de El Rey León.
  • Montar en globo al amanecer en Masai Mara para disfrutar de un safari diferente, mientras ves jirafas, elefantes y cebras desde el aire.
  • Visitar un poblado Masai , y conocer de primera mano sus costumbres y tradiciones.
  • Fotografiar rinocerontes y flamencos en el lago Nakuru , uno de los mejores parques nacionales africanos para ver rinocerontes (y si tienes suerte, verás algún rinoceronte blanco, que están en peligro de extinción).
  • Disfrutar de las mejores vistas del Kilimanjaro desde del parque nacional Amboseli , donde también habita la mayor cantidad de elefantes de Kenia.

> Si quieres saber un poco más sobre este fascinante país, no dejes de leer este post con mis consejos para viajar a Kenia , y el itinerario que hice en mi viaje.

La mejor época para hacer un safari en Kenia es de mayo a octubre, en la temporada seca.

Hay muchos lugares donde hacer un safari en Sudáfrica , pero sin duda, el Kruger es el mejor.

El Parque Nacional Kruger es uno de los más grandes del país en extensión, y es perfecto para hacer un safari por libre .

Este parque te permite entrar con tu propio coche y recorrerlo por tu cuenta, lo que te da mucha libertad para organizar el itinerario y elegir el alojamiento. Eso sí, si vas con tu propio coche, no puedes salirte de los caminos marcados.

Cuáles son los mejores países para hacer un safari

El paisaje es muy diferente al del Masai Mara en Kenia, pero podrás ver a los cinco grandes. ¡Mi primer leopardo lo vi en el parque nacional Kruger! Y es que es uno de los mejores parques de África para verlos.

Dentro del Kruger hay muchos tipos de alojamientos para todos los bolsillos :

Podrás hacer acampada, reservar en tiendas típicas de safari ( lodge ), o alojarte en casitas tradicionales.

Nosotros pasamos varias noches repartidas entre Lower Sabie Rest Camp y Berg-en-Dal Rest Camp, de esta manera, pudimos recorrer varias zonas del parque.  

Y si lo que quieres es hacer un safari de lujo en África , en el Kruger hay alojamientos únicos como el Lion Sands Narina Lodge (donde nos alojamos 1 noche), y reservas privadas como Sabi Sands con alojamientos alucinantes como el Lion Sands River Lodge, (donde pasamos 2 noches), con todos los servicios y comodidades que te puedas imaginar.  

> Si quieres recorrer Sudáfrica por libre en coche (sin duda uno de los mejores viajes que he hecho), échale un vistazo a este post con las 50 cosas que ver y que hacer en Sudáfrica imprescindibles.

La mejor época para hacer un safari en Sudáfrica es de mayo a agosto.

Si buscas un destino menos típico y menos masificado para hacer un safari en África , o ya conoces países como Kenia o Tanzania, te recomiendo que elijas Zambia.

Después de haber hecho varios safaris, decidí viajar a Zambia y conocer algunas zonas del país durante 10 días. ¡Fue todo un acierto!

Es un país alucinante y el Parque Nacional South Luangwa es el destino de uno de los mejores safaris africanos.

Dónde ir de safari en África

Uno de los mejores lugares para hacer un safari en Zambia es el Parque Nacional South Luangwa , al sureste del país:

  • Podrás navegar por el río Luangwa entre hipopótamos , y ver cómo cientos de animales se acercan a beber.
  • ¿Te imaginas bajarte del 4×4 y hacer un safari a pie ? Seguir las huellas de los leones y adentrarte en el parque en busca de cebras o impalas acompañado de un guía experimentado.
  • Es uno de los mejores lugares donde ver perros salvajes (licaones) y la mayor concentración de leopardos de África .
  • Podrás contemplar a la jirafa de Thornicroft , una especia endémica que solo habita en el valle del Luangwa.
  • Disfrutarás de uno de los mejores atardeceres de Zambia , a orillas del río Luangwa.

La mejor época para hacer un safari en Zambia es de de junio a noviembre, y es uno de los mejores destinos donde viajar en septiembre .

Tanzania es otro de esos destinos perfectos para disfrutar de un safari en África.

Además está muy bien organizado, y es un buen lugar para hacer un safari con niños . Los más pequeños disfrutarán al máximo de una de sus mayores aventuras.

Antes de hacer un safari con niños , infórmate bien en tu agencia de viajes si lo haces organizado, o en los alojamientos que hayas elegido durante tu viaje, ya que suele haber límite mínima de edad en algunos de ellos. Normalmente la edad mínima permitida suele estar entre los 4 y los 6 años .

mejor viaje África

¡Recorrer el país en busca de los cinco grandes es una maravilla!

Tarangire, la zona de conservación de Ngorongoro, el Lago Manyara, o Arusha son algunos de los mejores lugares de Tanzania para disfrutar de los animales en libertad.

Pero uno de los grandes parques nacionales africanos y tanzanos es el Parque Nacional Serengeti.

La Gran Migración tiene lugar en el Serengueti, y los ñus y cebras cruzan el río Mara hasta llegar a Masai Mara (Kenia); así que si estás pensando en hacer un safari en Tanzania , puede ser la oportunidad perfecta para ver uno de los mayores espectáculos de la naturaleza.

La mejor época para hacer un safari en Tanzania es de abril a junio, cuando los ñus y cebras están todavía en el parque, antes de la Gran Migración.

Ver gorilas de montaña en Uganda es el sueño de muchos , ¿verdad? Es uno de esos viajes soñados que hay que hacer una vez en la vida. Y yo sueño con ello.

Cuál es el mejor sitio para hacer un safari

No podía dejar de incluirlo en esta lista de los mejores safaris de África porque llevo planificando este viaje desde hace años.

Tiene que ser tan emocionante adentrarte en la selva y poder estar tan cerca de los gorilas, que sólo de pensarlo se me ponen los pelos de punta.

¿Te pasa algo parecido?

En Uganda, varias familias de gorilas viven en el Bosque Impenetrable de Bwindi , al suroeste del país. Por desgracia, los gorilas se encuentran en peligro de extinción, y hacer un trekking y visitarlos es la mejor manera manera de mantenerlos con vida y protegidos .

Sin duda, esos 700 euros que cuesta esta experiencia son los mejores pagados, porque no sólo te llevarás unas horas inolvidables, sino que además de proteger a los Gorilas de Montaña, se reinvierten en las poblaciones locales.

La mejor época para hacer un safari en Uganda es de de junio a septiembre, en enero y en febrero.

Namibia es otro de los mejores países para hacer un safari en África.

Sí, es un país donde predominan los paisajes desérticos, pero en el parque nacional Etosha podrás disfrutar de todo un espectáculo de la naturaleza.

Principales safaris de africa

Te sorprenderá porque apenas hay vegetación y está cubierto por un enorme manto blanco de sal. Allí habita la mayor población de rinocerontes negros de todo África.

La mejor época para hacer un safari en Namibia es entre junio y septiembre.

El delta del Okavango, al norte de Botswana, desemboca tierra adentro en el desierto de Kalahari, y es un refugio de vida salvaje para animales salvajes como cocodrilos, hipopótamos, elefantes, leones y cientos de aves.

Dónde hacer un safari en África

¿Te imaginas navegarlo en Mokoro (una canoa típica ) o sobrevolarlo en avioneta? Y es que un safari en el Delta del Okavango en Botsuana es muy diferente a otros safaris africanos.

El agua lo hace especial y sus atardeceres te dejarán con la boca abierta.

La mejor época para hacer un safari en Botswana es entre mayo a octubre.

Espero que después de leer este post, tengas más claro dónde hacer un safari en África .

Te confieso que es difícil de elegir, porque todos son países increíbles donde podrás ver animales salvajes en libertad, pero dependiendo del tipo de safari , el presupuesto y si viajas sólo, en pareja o con niños, es mejor un país que otro.

Esta lista de los top 7 mejores safaris de África está basada en mi experiencia personal , pero seguro que me he dejado algún destino o parque nacional africano que merezca la pena.

¿Conoces alguno más? Si es así, no dudes en escribir un comentario.

animalitos safari

Sara Rodríguez

Viajera empedernida con una única misión: Ayudarte a planificar tu próximo viaje fácilmente y que lo disfrutes al máximo.

En este blog de viajes encontrarás todo lo que necesitas para inspirarte y organizar tu próxima aventura. Lee más sobre mi aquí.

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4 respuestas a “7 mejores safaris de áfrica para amantes de los animales en 2024”.

Pero que vistas, Dios mediante a finales de este año voy junto con mi familia para alla.

Me encanto tu descripción de los safaris seguramente seguiré tus consejos

¡Muchas gracias Gerardo! Un safari es una experiencia inolvidable.

hola, conoces alguna agencia que organice viajes a Uganda solo para el tour de avistamiento de gorilas? gracias

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Hands up if you’re ready to be dazzled! From a ceremony structure designed to float on water to a jaw-dropping reception room with flowers blooming from every service, we’re swooning over every bit of this wedding. If you can believe it, that’s just the beginning. Julia Kaptelova artfully shot every detail, like the ballet performance guests were treated to and snow falling from the ceiling for the first dance! Prepare to be amazed and take a visit to the full gallery .

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From About You Decor … Our design is a symbol of dawn and a distant endless horizon. Ahead is a long, happy life without any borders. An international couple, Pavel and Cherry, met in London and have been walking together for many years.

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From the Bride, Cherry… My husband and I we decided to have our summer wedding in Moscow because the city is where his roots are. As we knew we were going to have the other wedding ceremony in China, we wanted our Moscow one to be very personal and intimate. We’ve known each other since we were fourteen, together with many of our friends whom we’ve also known for a decade.

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I didn’t want to walk down the aisle twice so the plausibility of my request quickly came into discussion. The open pontoon stage was constructed in order to facilitate the bridal entrance on water, although there were concerns about safety as the last thing we wanted was probably a drowned bride before she could get on stage, picture that! I have to say on that day it wasn’t easy to get on the pontoon stage from the boat, in my long gown and high heels. Luckily my bridesmaids still noticed even though they stood the furthest from me on the stage, and helped me out without prior rehearsal. My girls could just tell whenever I needed a hand or maybe they were just so used to my clumsiness. Who knows 😂

We all love our photographer Julia! She’s so talented and her style is so unique. Our beloved host Alex is exceptional who made everyone laugh and cry. It was truly a blessing to have so many kind and beautiful souls on our big day. Thank you all!

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[iframe https://player.vimeo.com/video/384992271 600 338]

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Photography: Julia Kaptelova Photography | Wedding Planner: Caramel | Cake: Any Cake | Invitations: Inviteria | Rings: Harry Winston | Band: Menhouzen | Grooms attire: Ermenegildo Zegna | Wedding Venue: Elizaveta Panichkina | Bridesmaids’ dresses: Marchesa | Bridesmaids’ dresses: Alice McCall | Bride’s gown : Jaton Couture | Bride’s shoes: Manolo Blahnik | Decor : About you decor | Earrings: Damiani | Muah: Khvanaco Studio | Video: Artem Korchagin

More Princess-Worthy Ballgowns

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I’m still not convinced this Moscow wedding, captured to perfection by  Sonya Khegay , isn’t actually an inspiration session—it’s just  that breathtaking. From the beautiful Bride’s gorgeous lace wedding dress and flawless hair and makeup to the pretty pastel color palette and stunning ceremony and reception spaces, this wedding is almost too good to be true. Do yourself a favor and see it all in The Vault now!

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From Sonya Khegay … It was the last day of April and still very cold in the morning. The weather forecast wasn’t pleasing and no one expected that the sun would come out, but miracles happen and light rain gave way to the warm rays.

I love how all the details went together, you could feel the harmony in everything throughout the entire wedding day from the morning until the fireworks.

A gentle look of the bride, elegant but so airy and unique decor, the fresh and light atmosphere of early spring and, of course, true happiness in the eyes. My heart becomes so warm from these memories, it is always a pleasure to see the birth of a new family of two loving hearts.

Photography: Sonya Khegay | Event Design: Latte Decor | Event Planning: Ajur Wedding | Floral Design: Blush Petals | Wedding Dress: La Sposa | Stationery: Special Invite | Bride's Shoes: Gianvito Rossi | Hair + Makeup: Natalie Yastrebova | Venue: Rodniki Hotel

  • by Elizabeth Greene

You really can’t go wrong with simple: a beautiful Bride , perfectly pretty petals , loved ones all around. But add in an amazing firework show  to cap off the night and simple just became downright extraordinary. Captured by Lena Elisseva , with assistance by  Katya Butenko , this rustic Russian celebration is simply fantastic. See it all in the Vault right here !

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From Lena Eliseeva Photo …  This cozy and warm summer wedding of gorgeous Natalia and Anton was in the middle of June. The young couple decided to organize their wedding themselves, and the day was very personal and touching. I am absolutely in love with rustic outdoor weddings, and this one is my favourite because of the free and easy atmosphere.

All the decor excluding the bride’s bouquet was made by a team of ten friends of the bride and groom. And it was charming – a light and beautiful arch, eco-style polygraphy and succulents, candy-bar with caramel apples and berries – sweet joys of summer.

At the end of ceremony the guests tossed up white handkerchiefs embroidered by Natalia’s own hands.

The most touching moment was the happy eyes of the groom’s grandmother, the most estimable person on the wedding. And the fireworks were a bright end to that beautiful day.

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Photography: LENA ELISEEVA PHOTO | Floral Design: Katerina Kazakova | Hair And Makeup: Svetlana Fischeva | Photography - Assistance: Katya Butenko

These photos from Lena Kozhina are so stunningly beautiful – as in you can’t help but stop and stare – it’s hard to believe it’s real life. But these pics are proof of this gorgeous Bride and her handsome Groom’s celebration at Moscow’s Fox Lodge , surrounded by vibrant colors and breathtaking blooms . Oh, and the idea of prepping for your Big Day outside in the sun ? Brilliant. See more bright ideas right here !

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From Lena Kozhina … When we met with the couple for the first time, we immediately paid attention to Dima’s behavior towards Julia. There was a feeling of tenderness and awe, and we immediately wanted to recreate this atmosphere of love, care and warmth on their Big Day.

Later, when we had chosen a green meadow and an uncovered pavilion overlooking a lake as the project site, it only highlighted a light summer mood with colorful florals and a great number of natural woods. The name of the site is Fox Lodge and peach-orange color, as one of the Bride’s favorites, set the tone for the whole design – from the invitations, in which we used images of fox cubs to elements of serving guest tables and other decorative elements with the corresponding bright accents.

Photography: Lena Kozhina | Event Planning: Ajur Wedding | Wedding Dress: Rosa Clara | Shoes: Marc Jacobs | Catering: Fox Lodge | Makeup Artist: Elena Otrembskaya | Wedding Venue: Fox Lodge | Cake and Desserts: Yumbaker | Decor: Latte Decor

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Out of the Centre

Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

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Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

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To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

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Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

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At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

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The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

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    Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar ...