U.S. Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Trip Calculator

Trip vehicles, step 1 of 2. select one or more vehicles..

You can add, edit, and remove vehicles at any time.

You can edit vehicles to personalize the MPG and fuel prices.

Country road

In Step 2, you will enter the trip details including starting point, intermediate stops, and destination.

Enter the Trip

You will be able to modify the route by dragging the route line on the map.

The Trip Vehicles section above will be updated with the cost of fuel for the trip.

Directions and Map

This website is administered by Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

This website is administered by Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the U.S. DOE and the U.S. EPA.

Fuel Cost Calculator

This calculator can estimate fuel cost according to the distance of a trip, the fuel efficiency of the car, and the price of gas using various units.

Related Gas Mileage Calculator | Mileage Calculator

The price of gas may go up or down, but it's always a major expense for most drivers. The average American driver spends about $3,000 per year on gas, according to the American Automobile Association. Some of the practical ways to reduce fuel costs are listed below.

Use public transportation

Walking or biking does not consume fuel, and as such does not accumulate fuel cost. In most cases, public transport alternatives to cars such as buses, trains, and trolleys are viable options of reducing fuel costs. Due to the communal nature of ride sharing, the fuel costs of operating public transport are generally less than the fuel costs associated with each individual operating their own vehicle. In some places, public transport is free. Considering the costs associated with owning or renting a car creates even more incentive to use other modes of transportation.

Also known as car sharing, carpooling is the arrangement between two or more people to travel to a shared destination in a single vehicle. Although a heavier car consumes slightly more fuel, it is usually much more efficient than two people driving separate cars towards the same destination.

Use a more fuel efficient vehicle

Driving a smaller car makes a great difference – the fuel cost is about half for a small sedan than for a very large SUV. Similarly, drive with a less powerful engine than you need. Don't pay for an eight-cylinder engine when four cylinders work just fine. Unless you're hauling heavy loads on a routine basis, the extra cost of a bigger engine results in more money spent on gasoline.

Tune the engine

A properly tuned engine maximizes power and can greatly enhance fuel efficiency. But tuning the car engine is often done to increase horsepower – that's not the way to save on fuel. Make sure the tuner gets the message.

Fixing a car that is noticeably out of tune or has failed an emissions test can improve its gas mileage by an average of 4 percent – this amount will vary depending on the nature of the repair.

Fixing a serious maintenance problem, such as a faulty oxygen sensor, can improve your mileage by as much as 40 percent.

Placing ornaments and ground effects, aerodynamics kits, and airfoils, such as deck-lid spoilers, may make you feel good, but they also increase the car's drag and make it require more fuel. Such accessories offer no real handling enhancements, although they may look nice on your car. Also, place signs or cargo on the roof so that the object angles forward. This will reduce the frontal area of the object, and it will cause less drag, and cause you to use less fuel.

Adjust tires

Make sure the tires are inflated to the right levels. Properly inflated tires can reduce fuel consumption by up to 3 percent. Your tires also lose about 1 PSI per month, and when the tires are cold (e.g., in the winter), their pressure will decrease due to the thermal contraction of the air. It is recommended to check tires at least monthly, preferably weekly. Having properly inflated tires will also help you avoid uneven wear on the tread.

Gas stations don't always have accurate equipment for this purpose. Sometimes gas stations use automatic air compressors that stop at a pre-determined level. To make sure you inflate to the right level, double-check pressure with your own gauge.

Recommended inflation pressures are for cold tires; put about 3 PSI more in if the tires have been driven on a while. Inflate to the pressure recommended by the car manufacturer, not to the level stamped on the tire.

Use the correct motor oil

Gas mileage will improve by 1 percent to 2 percent if you use the manufacturer's recommended grade of motor oil. For example, using 10W-30 motor oil in an engine designed to use 5W-30 can reduce your gas mileage by a considerable amount. Using 5W-30 in an engine designed for 5W-20 can lower your gas mileage by 1 percent to 2 percent. Also, look for motor oil that says "Energy Conserving" on the API performance symbol to be sure it contains friction-reducing additives.

Plan trips carefully

There is no more obvious way to save gas than to drive a shorter distance.

Plan your route carefully. With today's GPS route planners, it's easy to calculate a straight route with the fewest stops and diversions. It is also possible to judge which route will have the least traffic. Take highways instead of local routes or city streets when possible – the steady speed maximizes fuel efficiency.

When driving in a city, try to park in a central location, and then walk from one appointment to another, or take public transportation. Ragged stop-and-go city driving is terrible for your gas mileage. This also saves the high level of gas used in parking and pulling out in a parking lot.

Factors that determine the fuel price

Government intervention.

Governments may intervene in gasoline (referred to as petrol in some parts of the world) markets by taxation, which may raise prices for consumers within or outside the governmental territory. Similarly, certain industries may receive financial support from the government to promote commercial enterprise (a subsidy). Generally, subsidized products or services can be sold at lower prices.

Financial markets

The global oil price fluctuates constantly. The key crudes quoted are Brent and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) in the unit of US$ per barrel. The retail fuel price is closely related to the global oil price fluctuation.

Political elements such as structure, regime, personnel, and events can all affect the cost of fuel. For instance, a change in leadership from a leader who doesn't believe in climate change to one who does may result in changes to the cost of fuel for consumers based on different policies, such as choosing not to subsidize fuel. Political relationships between countries are also a factor; nations can go to war over resources, or form alliances in order to trade, both of which can affect the cost of fuel.

Geographic area

Certain geographical areas or countries in the world have an abundance of oil, while others do not have a single drop. Regional consumers within close proximity of high supplies of oil are more likely to have lower costs of fuel due to ease of access. Areas without their own supply of oil that are isolated from the rest of the world (such as islands in the Pacific) can find fuel to be relatively expensive.

Natural disaster or weather

Earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, major floods, and other such nature-related phenomena can affect the production, manufacturing, and logistics of gasoline, which can possibly affect the price of fuel. For instance, a snowstorm may close certain roads, disallowing the transportation of the resource and driving up fuel costs in these areas. Hurricanes or earthquakes can damage oil refineries, abruptly halting production, which can also eventually increase fuel costs.

Fuel Calculator ⛽

Use this fuel cost calculator to easily calculate fuel cost and the gallons / liters needed to complete a trip. Calculate gas cost or petrol cost - we support miles and gallons, liters and km, etc.

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  • Fuel Needed & Fuel Cost Calculations

Variation in fuel consumption

  • Formula for fuel amount
  • How to improve fuel economy?

    Fuel Needed & Fuel Cost Calculations

In order to calculate the amount of fuel for a given trip using our fuel cost calculator or otherwise, you need to know the total distance you will be covering and the expected average fuel consumption of your vehicle. It works the same way for cars, trucks, buses, vans, SUVs, and even boats and planes. If you also want to calculate the fuel cost of a trip, then you need to know the price per gallon or price per liter at which you can by.

Our calculator supports entering distances in miles and kilometers. In terms of fuel consumption, it is very versatile as it accepts: miles per gallon, gallons per 100 miles, kilometers per liter and liters per 100 kilometers. In the US, miles per gallon and kilometers per liter would more frequently used, while in most of Europe the preferred metric would be liters to travel 100 km and gallons to cover 100 miles. The result in terms of fuel amount is in gallons or liters, and for fuel cost is in the currency you entered it in (you can simply ignore the currency sign, e.g. $ (USD)).

Make sure to account for the variation in fuel consumption when driving within city limits and on highways - usually the consumption is higher in the former case. Always fill your tank with more fuel than you anticipate you would need, especially during winter or when driving through desolate areas or when extreme weather conditions are expected.

    Formula for fuel amount

If you are using mpg (miles per gallon), then the formula for calculating the total amount of gas needed is:

Fuel = Distance / Consumption mpg

For example, if the distance is 500 miles and consumption is 20 miles per gallon, then the fuel you will need for the entire distance is 500 / 20 = 25 gallons.

If you are using gallons per 100 mi to measure consumption, then the formula for calculating the amount of fuel needed is:

Fuel = Distance / 100 x Consumption per 100 mi

For example, if the distance is 300 miles and the consumption is 5 gallons per 100 miles, you will need 300 / 100 x 5 = 15 gallons of gas.

Both formulas are applicable for metric units - km and liters, just make sure you do not mix metric units. Using an online fuel calculator will make sure you do not commit that mistake.

    How to improve fuel economy?

Don't like the numbers you see when you use our tool? If you wonder how you can improve the fuel efficiency of your vehicle so you can cover more miles (or kilometers) with less fuel, we have some tips that can result in significant savings, especially when applied consistently over time. Here is our list of 10 fuel efficiency tips :

  • Drive sensibly - If you drive aggressively - too fast compared to other cars, constantly overtaking other vehicles, and rapid acceleration followed by braking, only to accelerate again wastes a lot of gas. By some estimates, quick starts and hard stops can increase fuel consumption by more than 30% ! This is why this is number one in our fuel efficiency list.
  • Observe the speed limit - Different vehicles have optimal fuel economy at different velocities, but one way to increase gas mileage is to avoid driving at higher speeds. A small reduction of your average speed , say from 70 mph to 60 mph (equivalently: from 115 km/h to 100 km/h) can help you save 10 to 20% due to lower fuel consumption.
  • Follow the leader - drive at about the speed of the vehicle in front of you, if they are following the first 2 tips above. This will make sure you need to accelerate and decelerate as little as possible. If possible, overtake drivers who do not follow them, as it will make it very hard for you to do so. This will result in smaller numbers from our fuel cost calculator.
  • Check your tires - make sure your tire pressure is at optimal levels as indicated in the owner's manual provided by the auto manufacturer. If the pressure is too low your mileage will decrease significantly, not to mention that the car may become dangerous to drive.
  • Smart routing - make sure you take optimal paths to reach your desired destination. Learn the different modes of route selection your GPS employs - the shortest is not always the fastest and idling stuck in traffic will waste fuel. Use services such as Google Maps to check for traffic congestions on the planned route. Using a route you know well can also help improve fuel efficiency, since you will know in advance where it makes sense to increase speed and where it does not, because of a traffic light just ahead.
  • Air conditioning - turning it off will most likely improve your fuel efficiency by 10-15%, and will result in you having more power to accelerate quicker when needed. If it is necessary, make sure you do not set it to unreasonably low or high levels. Air temperature in the range between 64°F - 75°F (18°C - 24°C) is comfortable for most people. Due to the law of thermodynamics, each subsequent degree of heating or cooling requires progressively more energy to accomplish and maintain.
  • Remove excess weight - make sure you remove any unneeded heavy items you have in your trunk. One of the untold benefits of losing weight is that your car will be a bit more efficient as well.
  • Turn cruise control ON - when on a highway, make sure to use your cruise control option. By keeping your speed constant, it will most likely save gas and result in lower fuel costs.
  • Avoid idling - idling means 0 miles per gallon and the larger the car engine, the more gas is wasted when idling. Avoid excessive idling, when possible, in line with point #5 above to keep fuel costs low.
  • Maintain your vehicle - a well-maintained car, truck, van, SUV, etc. will operate at greater efficiency. Exact fuel savings are hard to calculate, as it will depend on the type of maintenance work your vehicle needs. However, good maintenance is sure to lead to fuel savings and smaller cost numbers coming out of our calculator.

fuel cost

All the above advice is fine, but what do you do if you have been following the above advice, yet our tool still shows you numbers that are so high you want to cry? Well, it is most likely time for a new car, or it could be just the fuel price fluctuations over which, unfortunately, neither you nor we have much influence, individually. Fuel prices in most places contain license fees and other state or local government taxes, in some places reaching as much as 50% of the final price. Financial market fluctuations, natural disasters or extreme weather, crisis, as well the geographical area you are in and the local fuel suppliers all influence the price of gas. All you can do is try to observe them and predict when you can get a more decent price.

Cite this calculator & page

If you'd like to cite this online calculator resource and information as provided on the page, you can use the following citation: Georgiev G.Z., "Fuel Cost Calculator" , [online] Available at: https://www.gigacalculator.com/calculators/fuel-calculator.php URL [Accessed Date: 15 Jun, 2024].

     Transportation calculators


Cost of Driving Calculator

Fuel cost calculator, cost to drive between cities.

Travelmath provides an online driving cost calculator to help you determine how much you'll spend on gas for your next road trip. You can enter airports, cities, states, countries, or zip codes to compute the cost of driving between locations. Driving distances are calculated using actual driving directions if they are available, or a GPS-accurate method for the straight line distance . Automatic estimates are provided for local gas prices and vehicle fuel efficiency in miles per gallon (mpg) or liters per 100 kilometers (L/100 km), based on the make and model of your car, SUV, or minivan. Don't let the economy and rising oil prices stop you from taking your next trip. You can use this tool to find out if it's cheaper to fly or drive to your destination.

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Fuel Cost Calculator

Fuel Cost Calculator is a tool to estimate gas costs for your trip. The gas cost calculator is calculated based on the distance in miles or km, miles per gallon, and the gas price per gallon.

Gas Mileage Calculator

The gas mileage calculator is useful for anyone who wants to calculate the costs of driving from one city to another. If you are planning a route trip and is price conscious, then gas costs is definitely something you may want to take into account. The distance, the mileage, and the total fuel costs can add burden to your budget especially if you are travelling long distance. With the rise in gas prices, the cost on fuel can get out of control quickly if you don't plan carefully. At fuel cost calculator, you can use our free gas estimator to help you estimate the total costs on gas and plan accordingly.

How the fuel cost calculator works?

The fuel cost calculator uses the trip distance, miles per gallon, and the current gas price to calculate the total cost when you travel from one location to another. 1. Trip Distance - the distance in miles or kilometers between the two locations. 2. Miles Per Gallon - the number of miles or kilometers that you can travel with 1 gallon of gas. You will travel fewer mileages per gallon when travelling locally, and many more mileages when you are on a highway. The miles per gallon is the average miles that you can travel with one gallon of gas. 3. Gas Price - the current gas price per gallon. With only these 3 inputs, the gas cost calculator will calculate the total costs for you.

How to save money on fuel cost?

There are many ways to save on fuel cost when you are travelling locally and sometimes in long distance. 1. Public Transportation - can sometimes save you money than driving. With driving, you may have to pay toll and stuck in traffic during rush hours. You may also need to pay for parking fees at your destination. With public transportation such as subway, you can often get away with traffic and can do activies that you like during commute such as reading or playing with your phone. If you are someone who does not enjoy driving, taking public transportation may not be a bad option. 2. Carpool - if public transportation is not an option. You can carpool with a coworker if you are driving to work. Carpool allows both of you to save money and having someone to keep you company while driving so you don't get bored. 3. Electric Car - you can also get an electric vehicle like a Tesla to save money on gas costs. With a gas car, you may spend more money on gas than the electricity cost of an electric car. It may be most costly upfront to buy an electric car, but it may save you money in the long run if you are using your car on a daily basis or travelling a lot.

Fuel Cost Table

The fuel cost table shows you the total costs based on your trip distance, price per gallon, and MPG.

Fuel Cost Between Two Addresses

If you are not sure the distance between two addresses, you can serach the fuel cost between two locations with our tool. The tool will return the straight line distance and driving distance between any two locations, and the estimated fuel costs that will take you from one location to the other.

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Today’s AAA National Average $3.459

Price as of 6/14/24


Today’s AAA National Average

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Please select car Maker, Year and Model or MPG

Results display fuel cost based on today's average.

Fuel Price Data Provided By: Oil Price Information Service (OPIS)

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Fuel Cost Calculator

Table of contents

So you planned that trip, and now you are looking for a fuel cost calculator to ensure you will not need to sing for your dinner later. Well, you have come to the right place. Our fuel cost calculator helps you figure out the amount of fuel you will need for your trip. Additionally, it calculates the amount of money you will spend to buy gas to avoid any unexpected shortfall.

Keep reading if you would like to learn:

  • The reason why you need to budget carefully for your trip.
  • The formula we used to calculate how much gas you will need.
  • How we calculated the total cost of gas for your road trip.
  • Whether it is cheaper to drive or fly for your long-distance trip.
  • How to take a road trip without breaking the bank.
  • The process used to calculate the fuel cost per month.
  • How much does a gallon of fuel weigh?

If your ideal vacation trip includes little green men on Mars, this space travel calculator may be just what you need.

Why you should know how much fuel you will need and the cost before buying gas for your trip

With the price of gas going up daily and your buying power steadily declining due to inflation, the unfortunate truth is that it is unwise to plan a road trip without first calculating the cost of gas. After all, gas is not the only thing you will need.

Before you plan your trip, you need to recognize that there can be lots of unexpected expenses when you are away from home. As such careful planning and a detailed budget are most important for a worry-free trip. You can typically expect to spend money on:

  • Entertainment;
  • Emergency repairs;
  • Emergency medical care.

🙋 While we took care of the fuel price in this calculator, you may also check out our speed calculator to help you plan your activities. If you plan to lease a car for your trip, our car lease calculator may also interest you.

Process used by our fuel cost calculator to find how much gas you will need as well as the cost of your trip

To calculate how much fuel you will need, here is the formula used by our fuel cost calculator:

Fuel amount= Distance / Fuel efficiency

For instance, if you wish to travel 100 km with a vehicle with a fuel efficiency of 5 kilometers per liter , substitute these variables into the formula above:

Fuel amount= 100 / 5 = 20 liters

Our calculator also uses the amount of fuel and the cost of gas in your area to calculate the total cost of your trip. For this, we use the following formula:

Trip cost = Fuel amount × Fuel price

So using the amount of fuel given in the above problem, if the price of gas was $7 , then to calculate the amount of money needed for the trip, we put these values into the formula, and we get:

Trip cost = 20 × 7 = $140

What is the best way to take a road trip on a small budget?

If you are planning a road trip for your vacation, but your budget is relatively small, here are a few things you can do:

  • Go during the offseason. Vacation rentals cost less in the offseason. This price reduction is because the demand for these places is relatively low during the off-season. So owners and agents reduce the price to attract more visitors.
  • Take a road trip with others willing to share the cost. Sharing the cost will reduce your individual payment. For instance, if the fuel price for the trip is $1000, you will pay less by splitting that cost five ways between friends. You can do this using our gas cost calculator .
  • Try camping to reduce the cost of accommodation. Campsites cost less than the average hotel.
  • Research fun, entertaining activities that you and your friends can do free of cost or for a small fee. For example, use a map to explore with your team rather than hiring a tour guide.
  • Pack food that you can quickly fix on the go rather than eating in restaurants. The cost of food can eat into your vacation money. As such, finding ways to eat for less can make the difference in the amount and type of activities you will be able to engage in.

Is it cheaper to drive or fly for long distances?

Due to the additional costs for items such as food and accommodation for several days, a road trip across great distances can cost significantly higher for long-distance trips than flying. This can, of course, be affected by these factors:

  • Number of persons on the trip;
  • Whether the cost is shared or not; and
  • Type of accommodation used.

How do I calculate fuel cost?

To calculate the fuel cost, we use one of the following formulas:

  • Fuel cost = (Distance / Efficiency per gallon) × Cost per gallon
  • Fuel cost = (Distance / [100 × Consumption per 100 mi]) × Cost per gallon

Use the first formula if you have the car's efficiency in miles per gallon (mpg).

On the other hand, we use the second formula if the consumption is in gallons per 100 miles.

How do I calculate fuel cost per month?

To find the fuel cost per month:

  • Multiply the distance per day by the number of days per month.
  • Divide this by your vehicle’s efficiency per gallon.
  • Multiply the answer by the price per gallon.

How much does a gallon of gas weigh?

A gallon of gasoline weighs approximately 6.073 lbs in the US.

Gasoline contains additives that affect its final weight. These vary from country to country. As such, it is impossible to give an exact weight worldwide.

Fuel efficiency

Fuel amount

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Calculators » Home & Lifestyle » Trip Calculator

Trip Fuel Cost Calculator

Our online tools will provide quick answers to your calculation and conversion needs. On this page, you can calculate amount of fuel consumed and estimated cost of fuel (gas) for a journey or road trip.

Trip Distance: Mile(s) Kilometer(s)

Fuel Economy: miles per gallon [US] miles per gallon [Imp.] kilometers per liter liters per 100 kilometers gallons [US] per 100 miles

Gas Price: per gallon [US] per gallon [Imp.] per liter

Android: Use this trip fuel calculator offline with our all-in-one calculator app.

Fuel consumption calculation

We calculate the total fuel required to cover the distance with your vehicles fuel economy number and then multiply that with the gas price to find the total fuel cost for the trip.

Select the fuel economy unit used in your country from the options provided viz., miles per gallon (mpg) , kilometers per liter (kmpl) , liters per 100 kilometers and gallons per 100 miles . Our calculator will take care of all conversions required for finding the total fuel consumption and trip cost.

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Fuel Cost Calculator

Calculate fuel costs for your trip with our convenient online fuel cost calculator. Simply input your trip distance, vehicle fuel efficiency, and current gas prices, and get an accurate estimate of your fuel expenses in various currencies. Plan your journeys efficiently and budget effectively with our user-friendly tool.

Introduction of Fuel Cost Calculator

Our Fuel Cost Calculator is a handy tool designed to help you estimate the cost of fuel for your upcoming trips. Whether you’re planning a long road trip or a short commute, our calculator provides quick and accurate results based on your specific inputs.

Input the distance of your trip in kilometers, your vehicle’s fuel efficiency in kilometers per liter, and the current price of gas in your chosen currency. With a wide range of currencies available, including USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, INR and more, you can calculate fuel costs no matter where you are in the world.

Once you’ve entered your details, simply click the “ Calculate ” button, and our calculator will provide you with an estimated fuel cost tailored to your journey. This valuable information allows you to plan your travel budget effectively, ensuring you have the funds necessary for a smooth and stress-free trip.

Whether you’re a frequent traveler or just planning an occasional outing, our Fuel Cost Calculator is a valuable tool to have at your disposal. Take the guesswork out of budgeting for fuel and plan your journeys with confidence using our easy-to-use calculator.


Fuel Cost Calculator – How Much will the Trip Cost?

On this page is a fuel cost calculator , which lets you estimate the cost of fuel you'll spend on a trip. Enter the trip distance, your cost of fuel, and your vehicle's fuel efficiency and the tool will guess how much you'll spend to power your trip.

Fuel Cost Calculator

Using the fuel cost calculator.

The fuel cost calculator is relatively straightforward, but you will have to make a few choices for us to guess at what you'll spend. Please fill in the following fields:

  • Trip Distance (km or mi) - Enter the distance you'll be traveling on the trip, including any excursions you'll take off the main path. You don't need to enter units – the tool will assume miles or kilometers based on what you choose for fuel efficiency.
  • Gas Cost (gal or l) - Enter how much you estimate gas to average over your trip. Use the pulldown menu to select your currency. There's no need to enter gallons or liters; the tool will use your choice under fuel efficiency.
  • Fuel Efficiency - Enter the efficiency of your vehicle, followed by whether it's measured in "kilometers per liters" or "miles per gallon". Note that for the former, the output will be based on kilometers and liters, while for the latter choice it'll be based on miles and gallons.

Fuel Cost Calculator Outputs

Once you're happy with the above inputs, hit the "Compute Fuel Cost" button. The tool will give you two outputs that you can factor into your trip planning:

  • Fuel Used - Based on your inputs, our estimate of how much fuel you'll use over your trip.
  • Cost - Again, based on your inputs, a guess at how much you'll be spending on fuel costs for your trip.

Have a Great Trip!

Hopefully, this was a useful tool to help you budget your fuel costs on your next trip. We wish you safe travels – come back soon, or visit one of our other car, truck, van, and vehicle calculators:

  • Gas Price Hedging Calculator
  • Gas Mileage Calculator

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USA Trip Calculator 🇺🇸

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Embarking on a road trip across the United States is an adventure that promises endless memories and breathtaking sights. However, without proper planning, it can also come with unexpected expenses, especially when it comes to fuel costs. This is where Roadtrip's USA Trip Calculator steps in, offering a tailored solution for travelers seeking to manage their budget effectively while exploring the vast landscapes of the USA.

Why Choose Roadtrip's USA Trip Calculator?

Customized for your journey.

Our USA Trip Calculator is designed with the diversity of American road trips in mind. Whether you're cruising down the Pacific Coast Highway, traversing the historic Route 66, or exploring the scenic byways of New England, our tool provides tailored calculations based on your specific route, vehicle type, and current fuel prices.

Fast and User-Friendly

We know that planning a road trip should be more about excitement and less about hassle. That's why our calculator is designed for speed and ease of use. In just a few steps, you'll have a clear estimate of your trip's fuel costs, allowing you to budget effectively and spend more on experiences.

Always Accessible

The USA Trip Calculator is web-based, making it accessible from anywhere at any time. Whether you're at the planning stage at home or making adjustments on the road, our tool is available on any device, ensuring you have the information you need, when you need it.

Up-to-Date Information

Fuel prices can vary greatly across the United States, and they change frequently. Our calculator uses real-time data to provide the most current prices, ensuring your trip estimates are as accurate as possible.

The Roadtrip App: Elevate Your Road Trip Planning

While the USA Trip Calculator is a great start, the Roadtrip app brings your trip planning to a whole new level:

  • Interactive Map-Based Planning : Use our app's interactive map to plot your route, discover points of interest, and calculate distances accurately.
  • Vehicle Specific Calculations : Enter your vehicle's make and model to get specific fuel efficiency data, making your cost estimates even more precise.
  • Local Fuel Prices : Get updated fuel prices for your entire route, helping you plan your refueling stops wisely and save money.
  • Emission Estimates : For eco-conscious travelers, the app provides estimates of your trip's carbon emissions, helping you to make more sustainable travel choices.

How to Plan Your USA Road Trip for Maximum Savings

  • Plot Your Route : Start by mapping out your journey, including all the major stops you plan to make. This helps in calculating the total distance of your trip accurately.
  • Update Fuel Prices : Input the latest fuel prices, or let our app do it for you in real-time. This step is crucial for an accurate cost estimate.
  • Enter Your Vehicle Details : Providing specifics about your vehicle ensures the calculator can accurately determine your fuel efficiency.
  • Calculate : With all the details in place, hit calculate to receive an instant estimate of your trip's fuel costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How accurate is the USA Trip Calculator? A: Our calculator is highly accurate, provided you input the latest fuel prices and accurate vehicle information. For a more comprehensive planning tool, including live fuel prices and route optimization, the Roadtrip app is the ideal companion.

Q: Is there a fee to use the USA Trip Calculator? A: No, our calculator is completely free to use. For travelers seeking enhanced features and real-time updates, the Roadtrip app offers a full suite of planning tools.

Q: What additional features does the Roadtrip app offer? A: Beyond fuel cost calculations, the app offers route planning with interactive maps, live fuel price updates, vehicle-specific efficiency data, and carbon emission estimates. It's everything you need for a well-planned and budget-friendly USA road trip.

Planning a road trip across the United States doesn't have to be daunting or expensive. With Roadtrip's USA Trip Calculator and the comprehensive Roadtrip app, you have all the tools necessary to plan your journey efficiently, save on fuel costs, and focus on making unforgettable memories. Download the app today and start planning your dream road trip with confidence and ease.

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Fuel Consumption And Fuel Cost Calculator (gas Calculator)

This free fuel consumption calculator estimates the fuel cost of your trip based on average fuel consumption, trip distance, and fuel price! Use this gas calculator to find out consumption and price of the gas instantly!

Fuel Calculator

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With gas prices changing every day (and in every place), it can be difficult to know just how much your daily commute and other trips are costing you.

Fuel Trip Calculator: Calculate Your Fuel Trip Costs Instantly Back to video

Our fuel trip calculator can help! Using fuel efficiency data from Natural Resources Canada, the calculator can estimate how much you’re spending on gas each day — or how much you’ll spend on gas for your next road trip.

Save Money on Fuel Trips with a Top-Rated Fuel Trip Calculator

New: compare new and past models with the driving vehicle comparison tool ..

If you’re looking to cut down how much you spend on gas, Natural Resources has tips for more fuel-efficient driving:

• Accelerate gently

• Drive at a steady speed (50-80km per hour is the most efficient range for many vehicles)

• Coast to decelerate

• Avoid idling

• Avoid carrying unnecessary weight

• Limit the use of air conditioning and other powered accessories

• Limit all-wheel and four-wheel drive

Data for the calculator comes from Natural Resources Canada, which publishes fuel efficiency figures for most makes and models of cars sold in Canada. The calculator assumes a combination of city and highway driving for determining fuel efficiency, so costs will be higher if you drive primarily in a city, where fuel efficiency tends to be lower.

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Fuel Cost Calculator

Certainly! A fuel cost calculator typically helps you estimate how much money you'll spend on fuel for a trip based on factors such as distance, fuel efficiency of your vehicle, and current fuel prices. Here's a simple formula you can use:

In this fuel cost calculator, you have the opportunity to assess and compare the average daily, monthly, and yearly fuel expenses for various types of vehicles, including petrol cars, diesel cars or trucks, and CNG vehicles. Additionally, you can juxtapose the fuel costs of one vehicle with those of another type of vehicle. By adjusting the fuel price to match that of your local gas station or fuel station and inputting the fuel efficiency or gas mileage data, you can obtain estimates of daily, monthly, and yearly fuel expenses for petrol, diesel, or CNG vehicles in India.

Fuel needed (LTR) = Trip distance (KM) / Mileage (KMPH) Fuel cost = Fuel needed * Price per liter

Price Calculated

That's the estimated cost of fuel for your trip.

You can adjust this calculation based on your specific vehicle's fuel efficiency and the current fuel price. Additionally, you might want to consider factors such as traffic, driving conditions, and any detours that could affect your fuel consumption.

Please note that the fuel price provided for India on this page serves as a representation only. You have the option to modify it to reflect a more accurate value specific to your region.

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It’s Road Trip Season and Gas Prices Are Trending Down, According to AAA

Time to plan.

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Westend61/Getty Images

Summer is here and that means one thing: summer road trips. And luckily, gas prices have been dropping just in time to plan an epic cross-country adventure.

Prices at the pump have been trending down lately, and last week saw the largest weekly drop this year with the national average coming in at just $3.48 per gallon, according to AAA . On Monday, prices dropped even lower to $3.45.

“This drop in pump prices appears to have some sticking power for now,” Andrew Gross, a AAA spokesperson, said in a statement. “More states should see their averages dip below $3 a gallon in the coming weeks.”

Of course, not every state is equal when it comes to low prices. Mississippi is the least expensive state to fill up in with gas averaging just $2.94 per gallon. That was followed by Oklahoma, where gas averaged $2.95 per gallon, and both Arkansas and Texas, where drivers will pay an average of $2.97 per gallon.

On the other end of the spectrum is California, which has the highest prices in the country with an average gallon coming in at $4.93. The next highest is Hawaii, where an average gallon costs $4.75, followed by Washington, where you can get a gallon for an average of $4.41. 

In the Northeast, New Hampshire is the cheapest state to fill up in since gas averages $3.38 per gallon, while Pennsylvania is the most expensive with gas averaging $3.67 per gallon.

Lower prices at the pump means it’s easier to take a summer road trip, and there are plenty of incredible routes to choose from , like the road to Hana surrounded by lush cliffs in Maui, the Blue Ridge Parkway through the scenic Great Smoky Mountains, and Florida’s U.S. 1, an overseas highway past breathtakingly blue ocean all the way down to Key West.

If gas prices are too volatile, travelers can also plan a trip in an electric vehicle and can even test it out by renting before committing to buy one.

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Planning a Summer Road Trip? Here's How to Cut Costs

Drivers expect to spend about $2 per mile on average, or about $1,000 on road trips this summer, according to an Experian survey.

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Three girls (6-8 years) sitting on rear seat of car on road trip

Summertime — warm weather, t-shirts, concerts in the park… and budget-friendly road trips. Errr, not so fast. Although drivers plan to travel about 500 miles this summer, according to a new survey by Experian , motorists expect to shell out some serious cash. The survey found that 20% of motorists say they will spend between $1000 to $1,499, even though their average budget is only $1,007. Only 3% plan to spend $100 or less.

“Consumers may not have much control over some of the costs of their vacation, but there are many ways to prepare in advance so that they can save more,” says Rod Griffin, senior director of consumer education and advocacy for Experian . “I always suggest consumers make a budget before finalizing their vacation plans, then research costs for different accommodations, activities and experiences, and book those accordingly.”

Additionally, Griffin suggests leveraging credit cards to earn reward points and discounts to apply toward vacation plans. Check out the best credit cards for gas and EV charging rewards . 

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Graph showing how much survey respondents are planning to spend on a Summer 2024 road trip.

How far will you go?

Only about one in nine road-trippers plan to drive more than 1,000 miles, with the average planned road trip mapped out to about half that, or 512 miles — just enough for motorists driving gas-powered cars to refuel at least once. The average electric car gets about 250 miles on one charge , according to the UC Davis Plug-In Hybrid and Electric Vehicle (PHEV) Research Center. 

Of course, some EVs will get less mileage, and some can get 350 miles or more. Many hybrid models can travel more than 500 miles on a full tank based on the results of Car and Driver’s 75-mph highway fuel-economy test .

Top three road trip expenses

Not surprisingly, most drivers say they expect gasoline (76%) and lodging (61%) to be the biggest expenses on their road trip, and another 47% say food will be one of their big-ticket items this summer. 

The national average price of regular unleaded gasoline slipped to $3.47 per gallon in June 2024 after peaking at almost $3.70 earlier this year. That’s good news for summer travel. In fact, indications are that gas prices are expected to be below average this summer as a result of the U.S. releasing some of its fuel reserves, but they are not likely to fall below $3 per gallon. Honestly, unless you're driving an electric car this summer, you’re looking for ways to save on gas .

Other anticipated costs

Other expected costs while on the road are entertainment (18%), car maintenance (10%) and vehicle rental (6%). Understandably, 15% of those surveyed also mentioned insurance premium costs for their own vehicle or, if they rent, the additional coverage they'll either use or purchase for their rental. Insurance costs have climbed more than 26% since 2023. As such, they have become a constant pain point among many motorists, even on vacation.

Griffin points out that, “consumers can consider splitting costs with friends or family members, sharing hotel rooms and packing food instead of eating out at restaurants for all of their meals to help cut back on some of these expenses.”  

Test drive insurance premiums

As reported by Kiplinger, car insurance rates will likely remain elevated until 2025 , according to Bankrate’s True Cost of Auto Insurance Report . "So, if you think this summer’s road trip may break your budget, Griffin adds, "it may be time to compare car insurance quotes online from top auto insurance carriers."

If you're rethinking your auto insurance, check out Bankrate's tool below to help you compare rates.

Compare auto insurance rates

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For the past 18+ years, Kathryn has highlighted the humanity in personal finance by shaping stories that identify the opportunities and obstacles in managing a person's finances. All the same, she’ll jump on other equally important topics if needed. Kathryn graduated with a degree in Journalism and lives in Duluth, Minnesota. She joined Kiplinger in 2023 as a contributor.

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As Americans hit the road for Thanksgiving, these states have the cheapest gas prices

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There’s good news for Americans who plan to hit the roads next week for Thanksgiving : Gas prices are falling nationwide, even in California. 

The national average for a gallon of unleaded gasoline dropped on Tuesday to $3.353, the lowest since February, according to AAA, a federation of motor clubs throughout North America. Even in California, where prices are among the highest in the country, a gallon of unleaded has fallen to $5.059 per gallon from $5.638 a month ago and $5.138 last week, AAA said.  

Gas app company GasBuddy posted an even lower average price for California. “$5 NO MORE. ... California's average gas price has fallen to $4.996 per gallon, the lowest since August, and it still has plenty of room to fall,” Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy, said in a post Tuesday morning on X, formerly Twitter.

GasBuddy and AAA calculate gas prices slightly differently. GasBuddy calculates its average using data from customers using its app or discounts at local gas stations. AAA used data from swipes by companies’ fleet credit cards at gas stations nationwide. 

What can Americans expect for Thanksgiving travel? 

With AAA predicting that 55.4 million Americans  will travel at least 50 miles between Wednesday, Nov. 22, and Sunday, Nov. 26, and 49.1 million of them driving, “they certainly can be thankful for the decline in gasoline prices,” De Haan said. “Average gas prices have plummeted in all 50 states in the weeks ahead of Thanksgiving.” 

De Haan expects the national average price of gas to drop even further by the time Americans start to travel en masse . He forecasts $3.25 per gallon, saving Americans $573 million during holiday travel compared to last year.

Even so, that’s still the fourth-highest Thanksgiving pump price since 2013, GasBuddy data show. The top three Thanksgiving prices were $3.56 in 2022, $3.39 in 2021 and $3.28 in 2013. 

The lowest Thanksgiving gas prices were $2.05 in 2015, $2.11 in 2020 and $2.13 in 2016, GasBuddy said. 

Why are gas prices falling? 

The drop in gas prices is partly seasonal and partly due to lower oil prices, experts say. Gas is refined from oil, so the cost of crude determines about half the price of a gallon of gasoline. 

Fall also brings a less expensive winter-blend gas that’s formulated to help engines run in the cold. The switch to winter blend alone knocks off several cents per gallon , AAA says. In addition, people usually stay in more to avoid the cold, which means less driving. 

Meantime, oil prices are hovering near the lowest levels since July amid growing concerns of weak global demand as economies in Europe and China show signs of sluggishness, said Craig Erlam, senior market analyst at broker OANDA.  Weak economies produce less, which means they use less oil and gas to make and move people and products. 

Gas prices lead inflation lower: Inflation slowed faster than expected in October. Does that mean rate hikes are over?

Which states have the lowest gas prices? 

According to AAA , states with the lowest average price for a gallon of regular unleaded are: 

  • Texas: $2.790. 
  • Mississippi: $2.840. 
  • Georgia: $2.841. 
  • Louisiana: $2.911. 
  • Oklahoma: $2.913. 

Which states have the highest gas prices? 

According to AAA , the highest average gas prices are in: 

  • California: $5.059. 
  • Hawaii: $4.737. 
  • Washington: $4.496. 
  • Nevada: $4.380. 
  • Oregon: $4.190. 

Are there risks gas prices will shoot up again? 

Yes. If the war between Israel and Hamas in the Middle East widens or Saudi Arabia maintains its production cuts , oil prices could spike and bring gas along for the ride, analysts said. 

Medora Lee is a money, markets, and personal finance reporter at USA TODAY. You can reach her at [email protected] and subscribe to our free Daily Money newsletter for personal finance tips and business news every Monday through Friday.

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Disney’s high prices are driving families to other resorts — and this one may be leading the charge.

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Once you add up park tickets, hotel costs, airfare, gas and food , a family trip to Disney or Universal can end up being more expensive than it is magical.

But the tradition of an annual adventure to an amusement park seems to be going away, according to the Wall Street Journal , with millennial parents opting for multiple “smaller” trips throughout the year instead.

ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA - Nov 26,2010 : Exterior entrance to Disney s Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, California. Disneyland Hotel is a resort hotel located at the Disneyland Resort.

The trend is seeing people go on more local road trips rather than traveling to big-name theme parks — and the Great Wolf Lodge and its expanding franchise is becoming the destination of choice.

Great Wolf Resorts is known for its indoor water parks that are kept at 84 degrees year-round, and there are more than 20 locations in the US and Canada, with more to come.

Between the currently open spots, two that will debut this year in Houston, Texas, and Naples, Florida, and another on the docket in 2025 as part of the Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut, about 90% of the US population will live within a four-hour drive of a Great Wolf Lodge, John Murphy, the company’s chief executive, told WSJ.

Great Wolf Lodge locations are popping up across North America.

“Great Wolf has done a really good job of branding themselves as a true destination,” Josh Martin, president and creative director of Martin Aquatic — a design and engineering firm based in Orlando, Florida, that develops water-based attractions — told the outlet.

Detail of a building in the Disney park in Paris. Disneyland Paris, formerly Euro Disney Resort opened in the year 1992.

“With their expansion, it feels like they’re bringing the destination to you.”

One of the main selling points of Great Wolf Lodge is that everything is in one location.

“Not having to drive to get to the next fun thing was really important,” John Shaw, a 39-year-old consultant who aims to make regular trips with his wife and three kids, told WSJ.

Each Great Wolf Lodge has a range of dining options, so families don't even have to venture outside for food. Pictured is the location in LaGrange, Georgia.

Aside from having multiple waterslides, lazy rivers and other water-based activities, the resorts offer ropes courses, mini golf, bowling alleys, mirror mazes and outposts of Build-A-Bear Workshops.

Each resort also has a range of dining options, so families don’t even have to venture outside for food.

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ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA - Nov 26,2010 : Exterior entrance to Disney s Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, California. Disneyland Hotel is a resort hotel located at the Disneyland Resort.


How to take a budget-friendly RV trip

A helpful guide for planning an affordable RV trip, including budgeting techniques, free places to camp, and useful travel discounts

By Angela McCurren & Roadtrippers

Going on an RV trip doesn’t have to mean big spending or months of saving. With a little bit of research, careful planning, and some simple techniques, you’ll quickly realize just how affordable an RV trip can be.

Advice for non-RV owners

For many non-RV owners, the cost associated with renting an RV for a trip might seem sky high. And while it’s true that renting an RV can sometimes be more expensive than booking a hotel room, there are actually more opportunities to save with an RV.

Related 10 mistakes beginner RVers should avoid

You have the ability to cook all meals, which greatly reduces the amount of money you have to spend on food. You can pack extra gear (bikes, kayaks, surfboards, skis) and eliminate the need to rent these items elsewhere. If you’re traveling with a family or large group, it might be tough to squeeze everyone into one hotel room (most standard hotel rooms can accommodate four people). And some hotels don’t even allow pets, or charge an extra pet fee. But with a wide variety of RV sizes and layouts to choose from, you’re likely to find one that fits your whole crew— dog included —without having to pay double.

Before you hit the road

While most people think of food, gas, and campground costs when putting together a travel budget, one factor that is often forgotten—but is still extremely important—is maintenance. Taking good care of your RV goes a long way in preventing major, costly repairs.

Related The ultimate guide to budget-friendly road trips

Just like a car, your RV’s oil should be changed regularly and the tires inspected frequently. If something in your rig needs fixing, do it sooner rather than later. Letting a problem sit for too long can end up costing you more in the long run. Double-check that your insurance and roadside assistance plans not only cover your tow vehicle but your RV as well. There’s nothing worse than breaking down and finding out that your insurance won’t pay to tow your rig to a mechanic.

Aerial view of an RV motorhome towing an SUV

Plan around peak travel times

When considering prospective destinations, make note of the peak travel seasons and accessibility—for example, fall foliage in New England or holiday weekends at national parks. Peak seasons will not only impact reservations and campgrounds rates but gas and grocery prices as well, which can vary based on demand and time of year. Tours and entry fees may also fluctuate by season, day of week, or even time of day.

To help save money, try to travel during shoulder seasons (commonly early spring and late fall) and visit the most popular destinations on weekdays or during slower hours. If you’re thinking about taking a longer trip—a few weeks or even a few months—consider staying in one place for longer. Most RV parks and campgrounds offer weekly and monthly rates, which can reduce your nightly cost. Minimizing your driving time and staying put can help keep the cost of fuel down as well.

Be mindful of gas prices

When deciding which route to take, try to use an online gas calculator to help budget.  Roadtrippers has a feature that estimates total gas prices based on starting, midpoint, and endpoint destinations, as well as average miles per gallon.

Once your RV-friendly route is set, search for gas stations along the way and compare prices. Even if the difference is just a few cents, that can add up quickly when you’re averaging 9 or 10 miles to the gallon. Try to fill up well in advance of national parks and other popular tourist destinations, top off your tank before you hit a stretch of road with limited fuel stations (these have a tendency to be more expensive), and keep any border crossings in mind. Gas prices can vary by state based on taxes, types of fuel, and other variables like real estate.

Venture off the beaten path

Humans are programmed to do what is familiar and popular, and this includes visiting well-known tourist destinations. However, with a little extra research, you can often find a similar view, a self-guided tour, or an alternative hike without the added crowds or cost.

Another thing to keep in mind is that not every night has to be spent at a five-star luxury RV park. Sure, you might want to budget for one or two nights at a more upscale place, but other nights, your campground may be a roadside pullout,  Bureau of Land Management  (BLM) land, a trailhead that allows overnight parking, or a retail store parking lot open to nomads. 

Roadtrippers  is a useful resource (with reviews) for searching for free or affordable campsites.

To prevent trespassing or illegal overnight stays, always read posted signs and generally don’t stay longer than 14 days.  Roadtrippers members have access to a filter showing business locations that allow overnight RV parking.

When it comes to saving a dime, limiting any unnecessary spending should be top of mind. Here are four things to remember:

More tips for budget-friendly RV travel

Pack for various situations:  Always check the forecast before you go, including average temperatures and storm seasons. Being prepared for various weather conditions will prevent unnecessary shopping trips for warmer clothes, rain gear, or alternative footwear. It doesn’t hurt to travel with an umbrella, a rain jacket, waterproof pants, and warm layers just in case. Some other essentials include sunscreen, bug spray, and extra batteries, as these tend to be more expensive at rest stops and campgrounds.

Crunch the numbers : When researching your route and destinations, look into various pass options for state and national parks. Figure out how often you will visit to determine whether it is cheaper to pay for each entry or to purchase a multi-visit pass, such as  America the Beautiful and  Every Kid Outdoors . Likewise, plan ahead to see if there will be any toll roads or turnpikes on your route. If so, assess whether paying separately is more cost-effective or if you can save money with an E-ZPass or FasTrak account. 

Cook in the RV:  An RV is a home on wheels, which means you can limit the cost associated with restaurants by cooking your own food. However, if you do want to eat at a local restaurant, consider eating there for lunch instead of dinner—lunch menus still allow you to experience the cooking, without paying the premium pricing. When meal planning, be sure to include some of your favorite  road trip snacks  and beverages. This will prevent you from pulling over to buy higher-priced gas station treats. Additionally, food prices will vary by location. Produce, meat, and dairy are almost always more expensive in remote areas and can be harder to find, so stock up before you go.

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Angela McCurren

Angela is a resilience educator and travel writer who lives in her 1992 Ford Econoline Van whenever her house in Phoenix is rented out. You are most likely to find her exploring BLM land, researching her next epic hike, or on one of many "micro-adventures of a lifetime."

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Europe’s air quality status 2024, key messages.

  • Despite ongoing overall improvements in air quality, current EU standards are still not met across Europe.   
  • 96% of the EU’s urban population is exposed to unsafe concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM 2.5 ).
  • The new EU air quality standards introduced in the revised ambient air quality directive — proposed to come into force in 2030 — are more ambitious than the current ones.

This briefing is one in a series to be published by the EEA as part of the Air quality in Europe 2024 package.

It assesses concentrations of air pollutants in ambient air across Europe, comparing them against current EU standards and the 2021 WHO global air quality guidelines . The EU standards were set out in the 2004 and 2008 ambient air quality directives .

Under the European Green Deal (EGD)’s zero pollution action plan , the European Commission set the interim 2030 goal of reducing the number of premature deaths caused by fine particulate matter (PM 2.5 , a key air pollutant) by at least 55% compared with 2005 levels. The ultimate objective is for air pollution to have no significant impact on health by 2050. To this end, the Commission published a proposal to review the ambient air quality directives in 2022. Among other things, it aimed to align the air quality standards more closely with WHO recommendations.

Co-legislators agreed to more ambitious EU air quality standards in February 2024. However, they are still less strict for all pollutants than what the WHO outlines in their air quality guideline levels .

In 2022, despite ongoing reductions in emissions , most of the EU’s urban population continued to be exposed to levels of key air pollutants that are damaging to health (see Figure 1). In particular, almost all of the urban population was exposed to concentrations of PM 2.5 above the 2021 WHO annual guideline level of 5µg/m 3 and to concentrations of ozone (O 3 ) above the short-term guideline level of 100µg/m 3 .

Figure 1. Share of the EU urban population exposed to air pollutant concentrations above certain EU standards and WHO guidelines in 2022

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Notes : Exposure above EU standards: the EU urban population is exposed to PM 2.5 annual concentrations above 25µg/m 3 ; PM 10 daily concentrations above 50µg/m 3 for more than 35 days per year; O 3 maximum daily 8-hour mean concentrations above 120µg/m 3 for more than 25 days per year; NO 2 annual concentrations above 40µg/m 3 ; Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) annual concentrations above 1ng/m 3 ; and sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ) daily concentrations above 125µg/m 3 for more than three days per year. Exposure above WHO guidelines: the EU urban population is exposed to PM 2.5 annual concentrations above 5µg/m 3 ; PM 10 annual concentrations above 15µg/m 3 ; O 3 maximum daily 8-hour mean concentrations exceeding 100µg/m 3 for more than 3-4 days per year; NO 2 annual concentrations above 10µg/m 3 ; BaP annual concentrations above 0.12ng/m 3 ; and SO 2 daily concentrations above 40µg/m 3 for more than three or four days per year. Source : EEA, 2024 .


This analysis highlights pollutants deemed most harmful to human health and those that most frequently exceed the current EU air quality standards and WHO guideline levels.

The concentrations are obtained from monitoring station measurements and are officially reported to the EEA by its members and other collaborating countries [1] . The classification of the monitoring stations and the criteria used to determine their inclusion in the analysis are described here . The number of countries that submitted data and the number of monitoring stations with the minimum data coverage required vary for each pollutant. This is summarised in Table 1 for 2022 and Table 2 for 2023. When referring to countries reporting data above certain levels, it means that they reported at least one station with concentrations that surpassed them.

Data for 2022 and 2023 were extracted from the EEA’s reporting system on 5 March 2024.

The analysis for 2022 is based on officially validated data reported by countries. The analysis for 2023 is based on provisional up-to-date (UTD) data. It may change once fully validated data is received by the EEA and more countries are considered. Validated data for 2023 will only be available later in 2024 and will be presented in the 2025 briefing.

Additional information and further analysis are available in the Eionet status reports ETC/HE 2024/3 (Targa et al., 2024a) and ETC/HE 2024/5 (Targa et al., 2024b), prepared by the European Topic Centre on Human Health and the Environment (ETC HE) .

Further information on the concentrations of air pollutants, including those for previous years, can be found at the EEA’s statistics viewer . Data can be downloaded here .

Apart from the measurements from monitoring stations, some countries also reported 2022 official data from modelling applications, which are available from the Air Quality Modelling Viewer . The results from these modelling applications have been included in this analysis where they implied concentrations above the EU standards.

Navigate the tabs for information on each pollutant: 

  • Other pollutants

PM 10 stands for particulate matter with a diameter of 10µm or less. PM 10 is emitted mainly by the combustion of solid fuels for domestic heating, although industrial activities, agriculture and road transport are also important sources. Some also come from natural sources such as sea salt, Saharan dust or volcanoes, and some (secondary PM) form in the atmosphere as a combination of different gases (for instance, ammonia and nitrogen dioxide). Member States can discount the contribution of natural sources to the total concentrations for compliance assessments as these sources are out of their control, but we do not exclude these sources in this status analysis.

Concentrations above the EU daily limit value for PM 10 are seen mainly in Italy and some eastern European countries (Map 1 and Figure 3). In most central and eastern European countries, solid fuels such as coal and wood are widely used for heating households and in some industrial facilities and power plants. The Po Valley in northern Italy is a densely populated and industrialised area with specific meteorological and geographical conditions that favour the accumulation of air pollutants in the atmosphere. Some concentrations are also above the EU daily limit value in southern Spain and the Canary Islands, mainly due to the natural contributions of Saharan dust ( MITECO, 2023 ).

Map 1. Concentrations of PM 10 in 2022 and 2023 in relation to the EU daily limit value

Note: The map shows the 90.4th percentile of the PM 10 daily mean concentrations, representing the 36th-highest value in a complete series. It is related to the PM 10 daily limit value, allowing 35 exceedances of the 50µg/m 3 threshold over one year. Source: EEA’s AQ e-reporting database.

Table 3. Country status for PM 10 in 2022 and 2023

Note: ( a ) all the reporting countries; ( b ) all the reporting countries except Estonia and Iceland; ( c ) all the reporting countries except Luxembourg. Source: EEA’s AQ e-reporting database.

Figure 2. Percentage of reporting monitoring stations registering PM 10 concentrations above the EU limit values and the WHO guideline levels in 2022 and 2023

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In 2022, 16% of monitoring stations measured concentrations of PM 10  above the EU daily limit value (Figure 2), 84% of which were urban and 12% suburban.

Furthermore, Italy and Poland reported 2022 exceedances of the PM 10  daily limit value based on  assessment models  for 7 and 13 air quality zones, respectively.

Figure 3.  PM 10  concentrations in 2022 by country in relation to the EU daily limit value

Note:  The figure shows, per country, the concentrations of each reported station; the minimum and maximum concentrations; the median and the 25th and 75th percentiles of all the measurements (90.4th percentile of the PM 10  daily mean concentrations).

PM 2.5 stands for particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5µm or less. These particles are emitted mainly from the combustion of solid fuels for domestic heating, industrial activities and road transport. As with PM 10 , they can also come from natural sources and can form in the atmosphere. For compliance assessments, Member States can discount the contribution of natural sources to the total concentrations as these sources are out of their control, but in this status analysis, we do not exclude them. Agricultural emissions of ammonia significantly contribute to forming fine particulate matter in the atmosphere.

PM 2.5 concentrations above the EU annual limit value were seen in Italy and some eastern European countries (Map 2 and Figure 5). As for PM 10 , solid fuel use is the main reason for the situation in central and eastern Europe, together with an older vehicle fleet. In northern Italy, the high concentrations are due to the combination of a high density of anthropogenic emissions and also meteorological and geographical conditions that favour the accumulation of air pollutants in the atmosphere and the formation of secondary particles.

Map 2. Concentrations of PM 2.5 in 2022 and 2023 in relation to the EU annual limit value and the WHO annual guideline level

Source: EEA’s AQ e-reporting database .

Table 4. Country status for PM 2.5 in 2022 and 2023

Notes : ( a ) all the reporting countries, except Iceland; ( b ) all the reporting countries. Source: EEA’s AQ e-reporting database .

Figure 4. Percentage of reporting monitoring stations registering PM 2.5  concentrations above the EU annual limit value and the WHO guideline levels in 2022 and 2023

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In 2022, 2% of monitoring stations registered concentrations of PM 2.5  above the EU annual limit value (Figure 4), 78% of which were urban and 15% suburban. In contrast, 95% of the PM 2.5 reporting stations registered concentrations above the WHO annual guideline level, 76% of which were urban and 20% suburban.

Furthermore, Italy and Poland reported exceedances of the PM 2.5  annual limit value based on  assessment models  for three and one air quality zones, respectively.

Regarding the EU standards related to the Average Exposure Indicator [2] for PM 2.5 , which assesses the general population’s long-term exposure in urban areas, all EU Member States continued to meet the exposure concentration obligation of 20µg/m 3 in 2022, set as a 2015 target under the  ambient air quality directive [3] . Furthermore, for the first time, all Member States [4] met the national exposure reduction target set for 2020.

Figure 5. PM 2.5  concentrations in 2022 by country in relation to the EU annual limit value and the WHO annual guideline level

Note:  The figure shows, per country, the concentrations of each reported station, the minimum and maximum concentrations, the median and the 25th and 75th percentiles of all the measurements (annual mean PM 2.5. concentrations).

Ozone (O 3 ) is a pollutant formed in the atmosphere when heat and light cause chemical reactions between nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including methane (which is also a powerful greenhouse gas ). Emissions of these gases occur from anthropogenic sources and, in the case of VOCs, also biogenic. Ozone is also transported to Europe from other parts of the northern hemisphere and the upper atmosphere. Meteorology plays an important role in forming and dispersing air pollution, and interannual variations in concentrations. This effect is especially significant for ozone.

Map 3. Concentrations of O 3  in 2022 and 2023 in relation to the EU target value

Notes:  The map shows the 93.2nd percentile of the O 3  maximum daily eight−hour mean, representing the 26th-highest value in a complete series. It is related to the O 3  target value. Data are presented here for one year only instead of the average over a three-year period, as stated in the definition of the EU target value for O 3 . Source : EEA’s AQ e-reporting database .

The highest concentrations in 2022 were found in some Mediterranean and central European countries (Map 3 and Figure 7).

Table 5. Country status for O 3  in 2022 and 2023  

Notes : ( a ) all the reporting countries.  The stations in Kosovo, although reported, did not get the minimum data coverage to estimate the relevant ozone statistics. Source : EEA’s AQ e-reporting database .

Figure 6. Percentage of reporting monitoring stations registering O 3  concentrations above the EU target value and the WHO guideline levels in 2022 and 2023

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The long-term EU objective for ozone of 120µg/m 3  was met at 16% of monitoring stations in 2022.

Italy reported exceedances of the O 3  target value for the protection of health based on  assessment models  for three air quality zones. Italy and Poland reported exceedances of the O 3  long-term objective for the protection of health in 9 and 46 air quality zones, respectively.

Figure 7. O 3  concentrations in 2022 by country in relation to the EU target value

Note:  The figure shows, per country, the concentrations of each reported station, the minimum and maximum concentrations, the median and the 25th and 75th percentiles of all the measurements (93.2nd percentile of O 3 maximum daily eight-hour mean). Data are presented here for one year only, not the average over a three-year period as stated in the definition of the EU target value for O 3 .

In 2023, the long-term EU objective for ozone was met at 14% of monitoring stations.

The leading source of nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) is road transport, which emits NO 2 close to the ground, mostly in densely populated areas, contributing to population exposure. Other important sources are combustion processes in industry and energy supply.

Concentrations above the annual limit value were found in many Turkish cities and some big cities with a high volume of traffic (Map 4 and Figure 9).

Map 4. Concentrations of NO 2  in 2022 and 2023 in relation to the EU annual limit value and the WHO annual guideline level

Source :   EEA´s AQ e-reporting database .

Table 6. Country status for NO 2  in 2022 and 2023

Notes : ( a ) all the reporting countries; ( b ) all the reporting countries, except Kosovo; ( c ): all the reporting countries. The stations from Kosovo, although reported, did not get the minimum data coverage to estimate the NO 2 statistics related to the WHO air quality daily guideline level. Source : EEA’s AQ e-reporting database .

Figure 8. Percentage of reporting monitoring stations registering NO 2  concentrations above the EU limit values and the WHO guideline levels in 2022 and 2023

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In 2022, 2% of monitoring stations registered concentrations of NO 2  above the EU annual limit value (Figure 8), 76% of which were traffic stations. Concentrations above the NO 2 WHO annual guideline level were registered at 74% of all monitoring stations, 45% of which were traffic stations.

Belgium, Italy and Poland reported exceedances of the NO 2  annual limit value based on  assessment models  for three, two and four air quality zones, respectively.

Figure 9. NO 2  concentrations in 2022 by country and in relation to the EU annual limit value and the WHO annual guideline level

Note:  The figure shows, per country, the concentrations of each reported station, the minimum and maximum concentrations, the median and the 25th and 75 th percentiles of all the measurements (annual mean NO 2 concentrations).

In 2023, 1% of monitoring stations registered concentrations of NO 2  above the annual limit value, all of which were traffic stations. 68% of monitoring stations registered concentrations above the WHO annual guideline level, 46% of which were traffic stations.

Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP)  is a carcinogenic pollutant emitted mainly from the combustion of coal and wood for heating and, to a lesser extent, from industrial installations and the combustion of agricultural waste.

The highest concentrations  were found in Italy and eastern Europe (Map 5 and Figure 10), where the use of coal and other solid fuels for residential heating is widespread.

Map 5. Concentrations of BaP in 2022

Source: EEA’s AQ e-reporting database

Country status for BaP in 2022: 12 out of 27 reporting countries, all of which were EU Member States, registered values above 1.0 ng/m 3 . Concentrations above 1.0 ng/m 3  were registered at 25% of the reported monitoring stations, the majority of which were urban (78%) or suburban (18%). Greece and Poland reported exceedances of the BaP target value based on  assessment models  for one and 32 air quality zones, respectively.

Figure 10. BaP concentrations in 2022 by country

Note:  The figure shows, per country, the concentrations of each reported station, the minimum and maximum concentrations, the median and the 25th and 75th percentiles of all the measurements (annual mean BaP concentrations).

Country status for  sulphur dioxide (SO 2 )  in 2022:

  • 4 out of 37 reporting countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Türkiye, North Macedonia and Serbia) — none of them EU Member States — registered levels above the EU daily limit value of 125µg/m 3 ;
  • 17 countries, including nine EU Member States, registered values above the WHO daily guideline level of 40µg/m 3 [5] .

In 2022, 1% of reporting monitoring stations registered concentrations above the EU daily limit value and 6% of stations registered concentrations above the WHO daily guideline level.

In 2023, 11 reporting stations outside the EU (nine in Bosnia and Herzegovina and two in North Macedonia) registered concentrations of SO 2  above the EU daily limit value. In the same year, concentrations above the WHO daily guideline level were registered in 13 countries (including 10 EU Member States) out of 33 reporting countries.

Concentrations above the corresponding EU limit or target values were also registered in 2022 for the following pollutants:

  • carbon monoxide (CO) at one station, located in the non-EU Member State of Serbia, out of 35 reporting countries;
  • for benzene and lead, no stations reported concentrations above EU annual limit values in the 28 and 30 reporting countries, respectively. Italy reported exceedances of the benzene annual limit value based on  assessment models  for one air quality zone;
  • arsenic in six stations across three EU Member States (Belgium, Finland and Poland, with two stations each) out of 29 reporting countries. Poland reported exceedances of the arsenic annual target value based on  assessment models  for two air quality zones;
  • cadmium at one station, located in the EU Member State of Bulgaria, out of 30 reporting countries;
  • nickel in four stations located in four EU Member States (Finland, France, Germany and Italy) out of 29 reporting countries.

[1]  The 27 European Union Member States, plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Türkiye. The six West Balkan countries are cooperating countries. These include Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo (the designation is without prejudice to position on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/99 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence). Andorra reports data on a voluntary basis.

[2]  The Average Exposure Indicator (AEI) is based on a three-year average measured at urban background stations. The AEI for 2022 is based on 2020-2022. It assesses the general population’s long-term exposure in urban areas.

[3]  As well as the EU-27, Iceland and Norway also reported an AEI2022 below the exposure concentration obligation. The AEI2022 estimated for Switzerland, Andorra, Kosovo, Türkiye and Montenegro was also below the exposure concentration obligation. On the contrary, the estimated AEI2022 for Serbia, North Macedonia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina was above the exposure concentration obligation.

[4]  Plus Iceland and Norway.

[5]  The 99.18th percentile of the daily values has been considered, meaning three days of exceedance per year.

EEA, 2024. Indicator AIR003 'Exceedance of air quality standards in Europe'

Targa, J., Colina, M., Banyuls, L., González Ortiz, A., Soares, J. (2024a). Status report of air quality in Europe for year 2022, using validated data (ETC-HE Report 2024/3)

Targa, J., Colina, M., Banyuls, L., González Ortiz, A., Soares, J. (2024b). Status report of air quality in Europe for year 2023, using validated and up-to-date data (ETC-HE Report 2024/5).

MITECO, 2023. Evaluación de la Calidad del Aire en España 2022, Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico Secretaría General Técnica. Centro de Publicaciones., NIPO: 665-21-045-X


Briefing no. 06/2024 Title: Europe’s air quality status 2024 EN HTML: TH-AM-24-009-EN-Q - ISBN: 978-92-9480-650-5 - ISSN: 2467-3196 - doi: 10.2800/5970

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For references , please go to https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/europes-air-quality-status-2024/europes-air-quality-status-2024 or scan the QR code.

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