Fine Wines

The Domaine de la Tour Blanche is above all a family affair. Winemakers from father to son since 1628, the current 13th generation still produces its wines in oak barrels dating from 100 to 120 years. For the work of the 8 hectares of vines, the watchword is natural.

Domaine de la Tour Blanche Gewurztraminer 2019

More information.

Domaine de la Tour Blanche Vendanges Tardives Gewürztraminer

Domaine de la Tour Blanche Vendanges Tardives Gewürztraminer

la tour blanche gewurztraminer

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la tour blanche gewurztraminer

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la tour blanche gewurztraminer

DOMAINE DE LA TOUR BLANCHE Sporen Gewurztraminer 2007 • Gd cru - blanc

Guide Hachette des Vins 2010

Domaine De La Tour Blanche Sporen Gewurztraminer 2007 blanc : L'avis du Guide Hachette des Vins 2010

Vins de alsace grand cru.

Achetez vos vins de Alsace grand cru en vente privée avec 1Jour1Vin

la tour blanche gewurztraminer

Moltès - Alsace Steinstück 2022 (Vin orange)


Domaine Trimbach - Alsace Riesling Clos Sainte-Hune 2018


Jean-Baptiste Adam - Alsace Riesling Grand Cru Wineck-Schlossberg 2019


Domaine Trimbach - Alsace Riesling Cuvée Frédéric Emile 2015


Domaine Wach - Sylvaner Duttenberg 2020


Zind-Humbrecht - Pinot Gris Roche Calcaire blanc 2022

Détail du vin Domaine De La Tour Blanche Sporen Gewurztraminer 2007 blanc

Quelle note du Guide Hachette le vin Domaine De La Tour Blanche Sporen Gewurztraminer 2007 blanc a-t-il obtenu ? Dans quelle édition a-t-il été noté ? Le Domaine De La Tour Blanche Sporen Gewurztraminer 2007 blanc a obtenu la note de 0 étoile , ce qui correspond à un vin cité . Ce vin a été noté dans l’édition 2010 du Guide Hachette Vins.

Combien de bouteilles de Domaine De La Tour Blanche Sporen Gewurztraminer 2007 blanc ont-elles été produites ? 1 300 bouteilles de cette cuvée ont été produites.

Comment est élevé le vin Domaine De La Tour Blanche Sporen Gewurztraminer 2007 blanc ? Ce vin est élevé en fût.

À quelle température est-il recommandé de boire le vin Domaine De La Tour Blanche Sporen Gewurztraminer 2007 blanc ? Nous recommandons de servir ce vin à une température comprise entre 08 à 12 °C.

Les vins du même vigneron

Domaine de la Tour Blanche  2019


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Domaine de la Tour Blanche - Vendanges Tardives Gewürztraminer

Domaine de la Tour Blanche Vendanges Tardives Gewürztraminer

Arômes du vin et analyse olphactive, accords mets et vins avec du vendanges tardives gewürztraminer, les accords qui marchent parfaitement avec le vendanges tardives gewürztraminer.

  • Poulet à la crème et champignons
  • Poulet au curry lait de coco et noix de cajou
  • La pâte à galettes de blé noir traditionnelle
  • Tajine de poulet
  • Boulettes de boeuf scandinaves
  • Omelette aux girolles, ail et persil
  • Saumon vapeur mariné aux herbes
  • Spaghetti à la napolitaine
  • Parillade de poissons et fruits de mer
  • Quiche à la crème et au thon
  • Aile de raie à l'échalote
  • Daube de thon
  • Pizza au saumon
  • Tartines saumon mozzarella au four
  • La pizza de juliette
  • Vrais hamburgers
  • Salade rafraîchissante aux endives, pommes et noix
  • Lasagnes bolognaise

Les accords mets et vins originaux avec le Vendanges Tardives Gewürztraminer

  • Cari de crevettes (recette réunionnaise)
  • Fajitas au poulet
  • Marinade de crevettes
  • Daurade au four
  • Pastilla aux fruits de mer

Dessert sucré

  • "the" charlotte aux fraises
  • Muffins très simples
  • Tiramisu aux speculoos
  • Flan pâtissier traditionnel

Le Vendanges Tardives Gewürztraminer du Domaine de la Tour Blanche s'accorde généralement assez bien avec des plats de poisson gras , plat épicé ou dessert sucré comme par exemple des recettes de pavés de saumon à la crème , dal lentilles au lait de coco ou pain perdu .

Détails et informations techniques sur le Vendanges Tardives Gewürztraminer du Domaine de la Tour Blanche

Découvrez le cépage: gewurztraminer.

Le Gewurztraminer rosé est un cépage trouvant ses premières origines en France. Il permet de produire une variété de raisin spécialement utilisée pour l'élaboration du vin. Il est rare de trouver ce raisin à manger sur nos tables. Cette variété de cépage est caractérisé par des grappes de petites tailles, et des raisins de petits calibres. On peut trouver le Gewurztraminer rosé dans plusieurs vignobles: Alsace, vallée de la Loire, Languedoc & Roussillon, Jura, Champagne, Lorraine, Provence & Corse, vallée du Rhône, Savoie & Bugey, Beaujolais, Sud-ouest .

Informations sur le Domaine de la Tour Blanche

Le Domaine de la Tour Blanche fait parti des plus grands domaines au monde. Il propose 20 vins à la vente dans la région d'Alsace à venir découvrir sur place ou à acheter en ligne.

La région viticole d'Alsace

L'Alsace, située à l'extrême nord-est de la France , se distingue des autres régions viticoles françaises par ses fortes influences franco-germaniques. Ces influences sont le résultat d'un va-et-vient entre les souverainetés allemande et française au cours des derniers siècles. Elles se manifestent non seulement dans l'architecture et la culture alsaciennes, mais aussi dans les vins. Les vins d'Alsace sont produits sous trois grandes appellations : Alsace et Alsace Grand Cru pour les vins blancs tranquilles ( Doux et secs), et Crémant d'Alsace pour les vins mousseux.

Actualités liées à ce vin

Langlois : le spécialiste des fines bulles de loire.

Le chenin en étendard Quatre kilomètres de caves souterraines creusées dans le tuffeau : voici les conditions optimales dans lesquels vieillissent les crémants de Loire blanc brut de la maison Langlois, pendant vingt quatre mois au minimum (le double des règles de l’appellation), suivis de trois mois de repos après dégorgement. Une patience qui permet aux vins de déployer toute leur complexité aromatique, leur identit ...

Notre classement 2023 des 8 meilleurs livres sur le vin à mettre sous le sapin

Les fêtes passent, mais les écrits restent. Pour Noël, l’une des valeurs sûres à offrir à un amateur de vin et spiritueux reste contre vents et marées l’une des meilleures sorties de l’année. Voici les 8 livres qui nous ont enchantés. Une philosophie du vin – Pierre-Yves Quiviger, pour les platoniciens avinés Beaucoup sont les normaliens et les agrégés qui ne contribuent pas à démentir les a priori qui collent à la peau des intellectuels, cens&eacu ...

Connaissez-vous l’AOP Languedoc Pézenas ?

A l’heure où les feuilles de vigne jaunissent avant de tomber pour nourrir le sol, Toutlevin est allé se balader dans les vignes de l’AOP Languedoc Pézenas. Une dénomination qui a déjà tout l’air d’une appellation à part entière avec des marqueurs d’identité forts et une typicité unique dans le verre. Autour de la cité qui a vu grandir Molière, le terroir n’est pas avare de caractère. Marqué par l’activité volcanique, il délivre une éruption de plaisir sur la concentration de fruits rouges, d’ar ...

Le mot du vin: Fruité

Vin dont le nez se caractérise d'abord par des arômes rappelant l'univers des fruits. Un vin à boire jeune est essentiellement fruité, mais tous les vins offrent en premier lieu ce type d'arômes qui peuvent évoluer avec le temps, des parfums de fruits frais, aux fruits cuits, compotés, confits, à l'eau-de-vie.

Autres vins du Domaine de la Tour Blanche

Domaine de la Tour Blanche - Riesling

Autres vins de la région d'Alsace

Domaine Trimbach - Clos Sainte Hune Riesling Alsace

Autres vins doux similaires

Domaine Ostertag - Fronholz Vendanges Tardives de Gewurztraminer

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Vintage & Co

Gerwurztraminer – Domaine De La Tour Blanche

What to expect:

Fine and elegant with notes of Lychee and roses. Fresh, crisp, high in acidity with notes of honey and ginger.

€ 19.50

  • Description
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Production Area Alsace, France

Terroir Granite, limestone, schist, clay, gravel, chalk, loess, and the local pink sandstone called grés de Vosges

Grapes Gerwurztraminer 100%


Hand picked, followed by little skin contact to emphasize the underlying aromas.  Soft pressing and transferred 50% to stainless steel tanks and 50% in oak barrels.  Fermentation lasts from 1 to 6 months under controlled temperatures ranging between 11 to 14°C.

Maturation in 50/50 stainless steel tanks and oak barrels for a maximum of 10 months

Golden yellow

Fine and elegant with notes of Lychee and roses

Fresh, crisp, high in acidity with notes of honey and ginger.

Food pairing :

Appetizers, pork, salmon and tuna, spicy food, poultry and soft cheeses

Alcohol:  13.5% Vol.

Serving Temperature:

Aging Potential :

up to 7 years

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disney alaska cruise pregnant

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Has anyone gone a cruise pregnant?

  • Thread starter fairytalelover
  • Start date Jan 12, 2013



Dis veteran.

  • Jan 12, 2013

Just wondering if it would be ok to go on a Disney cruise pregnant. Curious to hear about pregnant women's experiences.  

I can't answer your question directly, but I suspect that quite a number of people have been pregnant when they got off their Disney cruise .  



fairytalelover said: Just wondering if it would be ok to go on a Disney cruise pregnant. Curious to hear about pregnant women's experiences. Click to expand...



Yes! I went on my first cruise when I was 5 months pregnant. It was a RCCL cruise on the Nordic Empress (which is something else these days). It was great! Of course I couldn't drink, but no issues what so ever. As long as you're not past the 24 weeks and have had a healthy pregnancy so far, I don't see any problem with it. Definitely run it past your ob/gyn though.  


I sailed at around 16 weeks with my first. I had no issues at all on the cruise. It was wonderful and relaxing. I had a touch of morning sickness too but I would have had that at home as well so I guess I'd choose the cruise!  


I cruised celebrity century at 23 weeks. It was great! That was when the limit was 28 and not 24 weeks. I just stayed hydrated and out of the hot tubs and away from alcohol!  


One time I saw a guy wear cut-off jean shorts to d

I read the title of this thread quickly and thought it said "Has anyone ever gotten a cruise pregnant?" "I love Disney cruises so much I want to take them behind the middle school and get them pregnant!" - Tracy Jordan  


I cruised about 23 weeks pregnant. All cruise lines are very strict regarding gestational age of the pregnancy. Disney was actually the most liberal stating that women must be 24 weeks at the START of the cruise. The other cruise lines wouldn't let you on if you are 24 weeks at ANY POINT of the cruise. I joked with my DH stating that I was lower risk than some of our traveling friends with mobility issues (falls) or those guest that imbibed too much, but in reality the issue is the age/viability of a fetus and the medical center's inability to care for a pregnant women/fetus after they hit a certain point. I had no issues on the ship, obviously wasn't able to drink, but having to schelp around luggage, carry-ons, a stroller and a 21 month old on and off a plane was a lot for this former momma to be!  


Question anything the facts don't support.

  • Jan 13, 2013


I was 23w pregnant on HAL 5 years ago. I am not a big drinker even when not pregnant, so that wasn't an issue. It was totally fine, except one day, when I was at a cooking class -we were told that we would be eating there, but the class was running REALLY late, so the food was delayed by a long time. (We also had to stand for a long time... this all added up.) I suddenly felt terrible, so I left and went back to our room; I knew that I just needed to eat (it felt like low blood sugar - it wasn't subtle), but it totally freaked out my husband because I looked awful. This had nothing to do with the cruise, of course, except that on land I made sure I always had snacks with me - it didn't occur to me on the cruise that this would be an issue (I mean, seriously - it's a CRUISE). After that, I was not allowed to leave the room without a stash of granola bars and the like. Otherwise, it was fine. I was extra careful about water on excursions, but that's just a good idea anyway.  



SuperDry said: I suspect that quite a number of people have been pregnant when they got off their Disney cruise. Click to expand...


maria-fan-22 said: Apparently DCL thinks so too… DCL Commercial - Little Souvenir Click to expand...

We went when I was 14 weeks. I had been suffering from pretty bad morning sickness that thankfully went away about a week before we sailed. I will caution you not to over do it. We had a great time till the last two days. I decided to always take the stairs to counterbalance all the food I was eating and ended up bleeding. At 14 weeks there was not really anything I could do but rest. I was very anxious till I was able to get an ultrasound when we got home. Everything was fine but it was very upsetting.  

time flies-now I'm Mom to a whole Z pack!

Zandersmom said: I was 5 months pregnant with twins on my first Disney cruise. Despite the fact that I looked way, way beyond 24 weeks pregnant, all of the CMs were very nice and no one questioned why I looked so gigantic. I felt great other than when I stood for too long or walked too far, though that was easy to plan around. Plenty of relaxing things to do! My biggest regret was paying for a couples massage. I thought that it would be a nice surprise for my husband, but unfortunately the two massage therapists were not educated in pregnancy massage at all. We were in this tiny room, and they kept me positioned on my back, needless to say, it was not what I hoped, though still worth a laugh with my DH. I'm a huge of fan of cruising with DCL pregnant or not. Pregnant, you can save money on drinks and have less guilt while eating for 2...or 3. Have fun! Click to expand...


How funny. I completely forgot that I went on my Dream 2011 October cruise pregnant until I read this thread. There was nothing special about being pregnant. They never asked for medical info, no one really noticed I was pregnant. I walked more carefully down the stairs, took elevators when I could (kids tend to run on the stairs and I didn't wanna fall down) and I took it really slow. I definitely got my money's worth by eating waaaaaaay more than I normally can handle (that pregnancy appetite). I was about 4-5 months pregnant I believe. Also for Pirate's night, I got there early and pulled up a chair with my mom so that I could sit and watch the festivities and fireworks instead of crowding around and standing (risking ppl bumping into me, etc). I cancelled my massage b/c although I noted on the reservation that I needed a pregnancy-trained masseuse, they were ambivalent about assigning me one. They told me at the reception that I just need to "remind" them at check in. No thanks. No risking wasting my own time or getting someone who wasn't trained. Also skipped Aquaduck, for obvious reasons. That was a bummer. But I had done it before so wasn't too disappointed.  



SuperDry said: I can't answer your question directly, but I suspect that quite a number of people have been pregnant when they got off their Disney cruise. Click to expand...

Earning My Ears

My one and only cruise was while I was about 16 weeks pregnant. The best part was that I didn't have to worry about sucking my stomach in after eating so much! Also saved money by not buying alcoholic drinks, although I did have a few of the non-alcoholic drinks of the day. I used sea bands and brought along preggie pops to help with any potential sea sickness, but didn't really have any sickness while on board. With two young kids with us, we went to bed pretty early each night (by 9pm), so we really took it easy. But I don't know if that would have been any different if I weren't pregnant! Next cruise (April 20 from Galveston), no one is pregnant, so we are really looking forward to trying some of the night time activities.  

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10 things to know about sailing on a Disney Alaska cruise

Summer Hull

I don't like to pick favorites, but we just got back from what may have been our most enjoyable vacation to date: a three-generation family cruise to Alaska on Disney Cruise Line . The trip had it all: nature, excitement, relaxation, scenery, entertainment, food, fun, swimming, hiking and so much more.

If you're considering sailing on a Disney cruise to Alaska, realize it's a big adventure. It's a once-in-a-lifetime type of trip in terms of length, distance and financial commitment. But our group of travelers ranging from 7 to 74 years old all loved it.

For cruise news, reviews and tips, sign up for TPG's cruise newsletter .

With our cruising crew now off the ship and back home in the lower 48, here are 10 things to know before you set sail on a Disney Alaska cruise.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

The cheapest time to book is the day cruises go on sale

Let's talk about the price upfront. An Alaska cruise is one of the more expensive Disney Cruise sailings, and it's pricier than similar itineraries on other cruise lines. Once the cruises go on sale, the prices often only go up.

Because of this, one of the best ways to save on a Disney cruise is to book your Alaska sailing the first day it goes on sale. You can get additional discounts from booking through an agent offering an onboard cruise credit. Plan far enough in advance, and you can save 10% by putting $250 down on your next cruise when you're already sailing on a Disney ship. We used all of these money-saving tricks — and the Alaska vacation was still very expensive.

For example, the cheapest Alaska sailing in 2024 is about $5,000 for a family of four in a windowless inside cabin and over $8,000 in a room with a private balcony. Those prices are for shoulder-season May and September sailings; the peak June through August sailings, such as the early June one we were on, cost more.

Disney Premier Visa Card : Earn a $300 statement credit after spending $1,000 on purchases in the first three months of account opening + unlock Disney-specific perks

'Glacier day' is a marathon, not a sprint

The "glacier day" on the ship can be confusing if you haven't done it before and don't know what to expect.

Essentially, the ship will sail as close as it safely can (both for the ship and wildlife) to one of a few glaciers. For example, it's common on sailings to head to the Stikine Icefields, though weather and conditions do play into exactly where you may go on a given voyage.

No matter where you head, you will not be getting off the ship to set foot on a glacier on the glacier viewing day; it's a view-from-a-ship experience. However, you can book an excursion that leaves from the cruise ship to get a closer view of the glacier on a smaller boat for an additional fee ($199 for kids and $299 for adults).

On our sailing, the captain explained that it was a marathon day and to pace yourself watching the "show" of the scenery on deck ... and he was right.

As the day went on and we got closer, the scenery got better and better. If we had gotten our fill of looking around the deck that morning, we'd have missed some of the best views that came that afternoon.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

Just before dinner, we sailed close to a waterfall. The whole day was an incredibly special experience because the view changed from hour to hour. You need to keep checking back outside, so you don't miss anything.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

Related: These are the best Alaska cruises

Book some excursions — but price them carefully

Don't sail all the way to Alaska and just walk around the shops near the pier in cities like Juneau and Skagway, especially if this is a once-in-a-lifetime trip.

On the other hand, you don't need to book the $800 helicopter excursions to the glaciers to have a good time (though those flights look amazing). You can find plenty of full- and half-day tours in the $100 to $300 range that are excellent. But no matter how you choose to spend your days, get out and experience something you can only do in Alaska in at least one or two ports.

We loved the excursion in Juneau that included an hour at the Mendenhall Glacier (though 30 more minutes would have been ideal), whale watching and a surprisingly good outdoor salmon bake. It was expensive at $279 for adults and $199 for kids, but it was a highlight of the trip, and I wholeheartedly recommend it if those activities sound fun to you.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

In Skagway, we booked an excursion that included learning about dog sledding, interacting with sled dog puppies, gold panning and a ride on the White Pass railroad . Unfortunately, the train portion of our excursion was canceled due to mechanical issues, but normally the tour is the same price as the Juneau excursion. Without the train, it came to $169 for adults and $119 for kids — and you can book it that way from the start.

While I can't speak to the train portion (I hear it's worth doing), the dog sled demo and gold panning were quite enjoyable. And this was a perfect example of how in Alaska, nothing is set in stone. It is common for operators to make adjustments to excursions based on weather, safety concerns and other factors. Helicopter and small plane tours are especially likely to be canceled or adjusted. My advice is to be flexible and not stake the trip's success on any one excursion.

For the long, multi-faceted excursions that get you a good distance away from the ship, booking through Disney makes sense, even if it is a little more expensive, as the ship won't leave without you if your tour gets delayed. In one port, we did see a group on a ship come back right at the designated sailaway time, which I'm sure would have been extremely stressful if they'd been traveling independently.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

With other, shorter excursions, it can make a lot of sense (and save a lot of dollars) to book on your own directly with a tour operator.

For example, by booking directly, we paid much less for the silly but fun Disney-branded lumberjack show right next to the ship in Ketchikan. Booking direct also lets you take advantage of discounts, such as lower rates for veterans or active military. The show takes place a few steps from the dock, so there's no risk of not returning to the ship on time.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

Oh, and whatever you do, make a point to get the sweet fry bread in Skagway from the Klondike Doughboy. It's a 10-minute walk from the ship and worth every step and penny.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

Related: 15 Alaska cruise mistakes you don't want to make

You can warm up with free hot chocolate

Disney tries to think of everything, so complimentary hot chocolate is always waiting for you on deck during glacier day and at the pier as you return from port. It's a small touch, but one that was a fun treat when we got a bit chilly.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

If you're looking for an adult version that will warm you to the bones, keep an eye out for bar carts out on deck during glacier viewing. You get a cool Alaska-themed reusable cup with the price of your drink.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

Choose the late dinner

Days are long in Alaska, both in terms of the time in port and the sun itself.

For example, in Skagway, we were in port from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. With Disney, you need to choose the early or late dinner seating, and while eating late may sound like a bad idea with kids, it's the best choice on an Alaska cruise. If you choose the early dinner, you're being seated at 5:45 p.m. every night. Not only is the sun going to be up for at least four more hours, but you'll have to cut your port time short to make it to dinner on time.

Your show time is opposite your dinner time, so if you have late dinner, you see the show early. On a typical seven-night Alaska cruise, the ship puts on only three Broadway-caliber shows, which are usually scheduled on sea days or on days you leave ports earlier. It's not as big a trade-off to miss a few minor shows as missing out on port time to get to dinner at 5:45 every night.

On a night when you're wiped out and don't want to do a late dinner, you can always order free room service or visit the quick-service option up on deck for a burger, pizza, chicken fingers and other casual quick bites. Hands down, late seating is the better option in Alaska.

Pro tip: Don't miss lobster night on the ship, where you can order as many lobster tails as your heart desires.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

Related: Is Disney Cruise Concierge Level worth it ?

Characters aren't in their Alaska outfits every day

If you're going to spend the bucks to sail on a Disney cruise, you need at least one photo with Mickey, Minnie or their friends in their Alaska-exclusive outfits.

Typically, the first (and arguably best) time you'll see them in these outfits is on glacier day. You'll see the times and locations in your Disney Navigator app once on board, and you can bet there will be lines — some of the longest you may encounter on the cruise.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

I recommend getting at least one photo with the characters out on the top pool deck on glacier day as it's the most sure-fire time to do so, and it's the best only-in-Alaska backdrop.

If you're planning your day around the photo sessions, don't choose the morning option if you care about background because you'll likely not be right up to the glacier, snow and ice yet.

Wait until later in the day for photos, so you'll be closer to the glacier. During our sailing, Mickey was on the glacier side of the ship multiple times that day, but it wasn't visible in the background until just after lunchtime.

Glacier day isn't the only time Mickey and his friends wear these adorable outfits. On our cruise, they also wore them the day we were in Skagway. In fact, as we sailed away from port, we ran into Mickey out on Deck 4 — with no line — waving goodbye to land with the rest of us.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

Pro tip: Have one person get to the spot where the characters will be on deck about 30 minutes before the stated time to secure your spot in line. Sometimes the line can get too long to take more guests even before the official photo start time.

Related: Is the Disney Visa worth it?

It's easy to overpack

I get it — packing for an Alaska cruise is tough.

You're packing for glaciers, chilly outdoor adventures and potential rain but also for a cruise, swimming and a dress-up night or two. In the summer, even in Alaska, it can be warm. But of course, on a glacier, it can be cold.

During our early June sailing, we swam in the heated pools, dunked in the hot tubs and careened down the waterslides multiple times on both sea days and port days.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

While the time of year and the forecast for your sailing should influence what goes in your bag, try and resist the urge to overpack. Bring too much stuff, and your cabin will feel crowded with your belongings, you'll be less nimble and flexible in the airport and you won't have as many options for ground transportation. Plus, you'll spend more time packing and unpacking.

For a cruise to Alaska, you'll need layers, including accessories like a vest, hat and gloves you can take on or off. What you often don't need much of, at least during the summer months, is a variety of winter gear. It's possible you may not need a super heavy winter coat at all, but you will need rain gear and possibly a fleece vest or jacket, so you can probably opt for layers over individual bulky pieces, especially in June, July and August.

Our coldest day was the morning of the glacier day when it was windy and overcast out on deck. The weather went from the high 40s that day to the high 70s and sunny at other times, but we didn't need much bulky winter gear.

Here's a guide to packing for an Alaska cruise to get you started. The thing we used the most: magnetic hooks to hold and organize all those layers inside the stateroom, so get some of those, for sure.

Related: When is the best time to sail to Alaska

disney alaska cruise pregnant

The 'Frozen' deck show isn't a must-do But the stage show is a must-see

Most of the elements of our Disney Cruise to Alaska were exceptional, but the much-anticipated "Frozen night" with deck show wasn't one of those things. It was fine; the littlest kids enjoyed it, and if it's convenient for you to pop up and see, then do it. But don't plan your evening around it or stress if you are tired and need to miss it, especially if you don't have young kids.

Elsa and her friends led a 15-minute sing-a-long and show with a minute or so of "snow," but it rated two out of five snowflakes in my book.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

An earlier Frozen-themed indoor party, where there was an interactive activity to decorate the maypole, was almost more interesting, in my opinion. Look forward to Frozen night and attend some of the events and activities, but don't expect anything to knock your socks off.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

That said, the "Frozen" Broadway-caliber stage show in the Walt Disney Theater is exceptional and not to be missed — but also somewhat confusingly not offered on Frozen night.

So to recap: You can skip Frozen Night and the deck show, but make a point to attend the Frozen show in the Walt Disney Theater.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

Plan an extra day in Vancouver

Disney cruises to Alaska leave from Vancouver, as opposed to Seattle, where some other lines embark passengers for their Alaska sailings.

I highly recommend arriving in Vancouver at least the day before the cruise departs to ensure you don't miss it (that happened to some folks on our sailing) but also to enjoy the city. Plan an extra full day to enjoy Vancouver if you can. It's as fun and interesting as some of the Alaskan ports.

An easy excursion to do, even if you have just a few hours in Vancouver, is the Capilano Suspension Bridge Park. Free shuttles leave from multiple downtown spots to the park, including from near the port itself, and it's a fabulous way to spend a few hours on land, or rather, in the trees.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

The highlights are the suspension bridge itself and some other walkouts that take you all around the large park with great views of the trees, river, ponds and more. Sometimes there's live music, cozy fires to warm up by and free talks from staffers to learn about the totem polls, wildlife and other aspects of the park.

You don't need a verandah room

We started with the price, and we'll close with it.

Rooms with verandahs (aka balconies) always cost more on cruises than inside cabins and rooms with ocean views through a window. But on an Alaska Disney cruise, verandah rooms don't just cost a few hundred dollars more — they cost a whole lot more, usually to the tune of thousands of additional dollars for the stateroom over the cost of an ocean-view cabin.

Looking at prices for four on the early June 2024 seven-day sailing similar to the one we took this year, it costs an additional $4,000 to go from an ocean-view to a verandah.

If you have the money to spend, go for it and enjoy it. But if you don't, or if booking that room type means having to skip excursions or not being able to afford other trips, then relax and book the ocean view. It's also fabulous.

My parents had a verandah room, and they loved having that balcony. This was my dad's first cruise at 74 years old, so the trip really might be a once-in-a-lifetime thing. My dad said having a verandah made the trip at least 25% more enjoyable overall, which is a large amount of happiness, and they spent time out there each day. (It also made their room about 35-40% more expensive.)

disney alaska cruise pregnant

Right next door to them, my girls and I had an ocean-view room. We had just as excellent of a cruise as they did.

It was fun to look out the window and see where we were, but honestly, I'd happily sail in an interior room if it meant we got to do the cruise all over again.

All my favorite moments of the trip happened outside the room, and I don't think that would have changed if we had a balcony. I enjoy having a balcony on warm Caribbean and Mexico sailings more than in Alaska, where it can be windy and chilly outside as the ship is moving.

Additionally, on truly exceptional viewing days, you probably don't want to be confined to the specific angle you can get from your cabin. Better to embrace the 360-degree view from out on the top deck.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

That said, if you have mobility limitations or other logistical issues that will keep you in the room more often (aka a frequently napping little one), then the equation may shift because you do want to see and enjoy where you are. If you need to do that from your room, book the verandah if possible.

Related: Which type of cruise cabin is right for you?

Bottom line

It's highly unlikely you'll regret taking a Disney Alaska cruise.

Alaska is special, cruising is special, and a Disney cruise to Alaska is incredibly special. You can feel the shared appreciation for the journey with the other passengers. It's a camaraderie of sorts as you spot and point out wildlife on deck, talk about what you did in port at the bar in the evenings, and even agonize over what to pack in the unofficial Facebook groups leading up to the sailing.

Sailing with Disney specifically costs more than many other options, but getting to experience Alaska while interacting with favorite characters, seeing amazing Disney shows in the evening and relaxing while Disney Cruise Line took care of everything made what was already a great trip one of our favorites of all time.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

If I were to add an 11th thing you should know about sailing on an Alaska Disney cruise, it's that you're going to be really sad when it's over.

I saw plenty of real tears the final night and on the morning of debarkation. At the risk of sounding like a cheesy commercial, the only real solution for this will likely be to start planning either a return trip to Alaska or another Disney Cruise ... or both. If you feel that happening to you a few days into the trip, be ready to put that $250 deposit down on a future sailing to get the 10% discount before you get off the ship and it's too late.

That's exactly what we did, so at the end of seven magical days, it wasn't "goodbye" — it was "see ya real soon."

Related reading:

  • How to save money on a Disney Cruise
  • Best Disney Cruise Line tips and tricks
  • Review of Disney Magic, the original ship in the Disney fleet
  • Best Alaska cruise tips to help you make the most of your time aboard and ashore

cruise news

  • Cruise News

Coast Guard Airlifts Pregnant Passenger from Disney Ship

Picture of Andrea Santillan

Andrea Santillan

  • April 17, 2024

The US Coast Guard conducted a medical evacuation to assist a pregnant passenger on a Disney Cruise Line ship on Monday.


According to reports, the 35-year-old woman had been experiencing pregnancy-related complications and required more comprehensive medical care than Disney Fantasy could provide. 

The woman was airlifted to the helicopter on a stretcher, with the vessel’s physician accompanying her. She was then brought to the airport in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and transferred to Centro Médico, a hospital in San Juan. 


Disney Fantasy was on a seven-day Eastern Caribbean sailing when the emergency occurred. The Dream-class vessel left Port Canaveral on April 13 with scheduled stops at The Bahamas, Disney Castaway Cay, St. Thomas, and Tortola. It will return to its Florida homeport on the 20th.

#Breaking @USCG MH-60T Jayhawk helicopter crew from Air Station Borinquen medevaced a pregnant woman needing higher level of care on land from #Disney Fantasy cruise ship approx. 180 miles off Puerto Rico, Monday. #SAR Read more and imagery: — USCGSoutheast (@USCGSoutheast) April 16, 2024

How well-equipped are cruise ships’ medical facilities?

Cruise ships offer 24-hour medical support through at least one doctor and two nurses. Their facilities are designed to treat minor non-urgent health issues like gastrointestinal and respiratory concerns. They are also capable of stabilizing patients who are experiencing life-threatening conditions. 

A disney cruise ship docked at a port with a clear blue sky above, and a nearly empty parking lot in the foreground.

In addition, these vessels have pharmacies and quarantine procedures to help them deal with common illnesses. 

Life-threatening injuries or conditions like heart attacks, serious falls, and pregnancy complications (as was the case for the Disney Fantasy passenger) may require medical evacuation so that necessary procedures can be administered.

While medical evacuations may require payment from passengers, a travel insurance policy can help offset unexpected expenses.

Disney Cruise Line’s pregnancy policy states women at or beyond 24 weeks of pregnancy at embarkation or during the cruise will be denied boarding for safety reasons.

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Wandermust Family

Taking an Alaska cruise with baby in tow

By: Author Wandermust Daddy

Taking an Alaska cruise with baby in tow

Are you considering taking an Alaska Cruise with baby in tow and looking for tips and tricks to help make your sailing easier and more enjoyable. Well look no further! In this guide we will not only tell you some of our general cruising with a baby tips but tell you how to enjoy and what to do in Alaska Cruise ports with toddlers and of course what to pack for an Alaskan Cruise with toddlers. 

Important Note : This post may contain affiliate links which means if you click through and make a purchase I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you!

Table of Contents

Alaska Cruise with baby tips and tricks 

Princess cruise ship in Alaska - Taking an Alaska cruise with baby tips

Princess cruise ship in Alaska – Taking an Alaska cruise with baby tips

Alaska has to be one of the top cruise destinations anywhere in the world. The reason for this is because it is hard to visit Alaska without a cruise and involves long journeys and difficult terrain. Certainly for those traveling with babies, a cruise is the easiest way to visit Alaska.

If you want to visit Alaska on a cruise with a baby then these tips will help ensure you book the right ship and line, pick the right excursions and make sure you don’t forget to pack anything important.

Can babies go on Alaska cruises?

Cruising with a baby - baby friendly cruises

Cruising with a baby – baby friendly cruises

So probably the first question you have about taking your first cruise  to Alaska with babies is “Can babies go on Alaskan cruises?”. And the good news is for the most part the answer is absolutely yes but there are some caveats. 

That is because babies under 1 year of age are not usually permitted on cruises where the itinerary contains two or more consecutive cruise sea days (i.e. days where you don’t dock in port). This is done for health and safety reasons. 

If you would prefer to have an itinerary that has more cruise days then you may want to consider waiting until your little one turns 1 and do an Alaska cruise with a toddler instead. 

The other thing to remember is some cruise lines are adults only i.e. Virgin Cruises and Viking so these aren’t possible to do a cruise with a baby with. 

Is it safe to take a baby on a cruise to Alaska?

Probably the number one question we are asked by people considering their first cruise vacation with kids is “ Is it safe to take kids on a cruises ?”

In our opinion cruises are a safe vacation. In fact babies are in fact easier to cruise with than toddlers as they are not on the move. 

However you should always keep your little ones well supervised particularly in open air areas. 

What is the best cruise line for families with babies going to Alaska? 

Norwegian cruise ship in Alaska - Taking an Alaska cruise with toddlers tips

Norwegian cruise ship in Alaska – Taking an Alaska cruise with toddlers tips

When you are cruising with a toddler or older children to Alaska you really need to think about child friendly amenities. However you need to consider this less with babies as they have less opinions and entertainment needs.

However for parents of babies there may be some things that are important to you i.e.

  • Babysitting on your cruise
  • Laundry facilities on your ship 
  • Royal Caribbean Line,
  • Holland America

Disney Cruises is also a line that cruises in Alaska however it comes with a premium price tag. I personally would wait to cruise Disney with preschoolers and toddlers and older children who will enjoy the meetings more. However Disney does provide a lot of baby friendly amenities so if your budget allows this too could be a great choice.

Note: going on a Disney Cruise check out these best Disney Cruise Instagram captions or these general cruise instagram captions for your family vacation photos. 

Best Cabin on Alaska Cruises for Families

Cruising with infant tips - what stateroom should I book?

Cruising with infant tips – what stateroom should I book?

It is always a dilemma choosing the type of cabin on a cruise line but I think this dilemma is amplified when cruising with a baby and then add in a destination as scenic as Alaska it really becomes a minefield. 

The three main factors when picking a cabin with kids are:

  • safety i.e. do you want a balcony
  • scenery – there is usual some scenic cruising on Alaska cruises. 
  • brightness – can your toddler sleep at night if it is still light as days are long in Alaska. 

Personally for an Alaska cruise with a baby, especially if your baby is not yet mobile I would choose a balcony cabin. That way adults after bedtime can use the balcony for drinks and enjoy the scenic cruise in their own space. 

For more information o n room types check out our post here

And if you want to know more about cruise suites you can see our review here. 

What to Pack for babies on a cruise to Alaska

docked cruise ship - Can you Cruise Holland America with kids

Can you Cruise Holland America with kids


The thing about Alaska is even if you are traveling in the summer it can be cold, especially for a baby in a stroller. Generally speaking it is recommend that babies have one extra layer to adults when in the cold. 

We recommend packing for babies in Alaska:

  • onesies 
  • thick socks
  • booties 
  • gloves 

that way you have plenty of layers to keep adding in the cold in dining rooms where there is air conditioning, on deck and when near glaciers or on boats such as when whale watching. 

And don’t forget waterproofs as Alaska is very rainy and being soaked could really ruin your day in port and isn’t healthy for a little one. 

Also don’t forget formal wear. Unless you are cruising on Norwegian Cruise Line, there will be a cruise formal night on your Alaska cruise. Therefore you may want to pack a cute outfit for your little for those important formal night photos.

Baby Essentials

Baby essentials that you should take on cruises are:

  • formula (if you use)
  • pacifiers 

We recommend taking enough of all of these with you on the ship to last your entire vacation as these aren’t readily available in towns or on the ship and if they are you will be paying a premium for them. 

Important note : when you embark on a cruise your bags will be take away and returned to you at the end of the day (hopefully) in your stateroom. 

It can take awhile to get your bags back so be sure you have all your essentials to last you through the day and overnight by packing your cruise embarkation day bag properly. 

We usually go for low irritation toys that can be used outside the stateroom such as colouring, sticker books and jigsaws which can help keep your toddler entertained on cruises at dinner etc without having to use electronics and things that also work for when they are in a stroller. 

Umbrella Stroller or compact stroller

Space is a premium on cruise ships so make sure your stroller is compact.

For a full guide on what the best stroller for cruise travel is click here! 

Whenever we are traveling with a baby we think about if we need a carrier, a stroller or both.

For Alaska we recommend taking both as carriers are needed on some port excursions such as hikes in the rainforest at Ketchikan. 

Should I take a car seat on a cruise?

Whether or not you should take a car seat on an Alaskan cruise will largely depend on what type of excursions you are planning on doing and who you are doing them with and if you plan on using it if you are flying with baby to embarkation.

If you plan to take any excursions by car this is going to be necessary unless your private tour operator can supply these.

However you will also need to consider the size of the car seat. Staterooms on cruise ships are small so having a more compact car seat to reduce the space it takes up in your room. 

Potentially if comfortable for your little one you could use the car seat attachment for your stroller. 

Do you have any other questions about cruising to Alaska with a baby? Drop us a comment below and we will do our best to answer

  • Cruise and Hotels
  • Disney Cruise
  • Disney Cruise Pregnancy Form: Everything You Need to Know for a Safe and Enjoyable Cruise Experience

Disney Cruise Pregnancy Form: Everything You Need to Know for a Safe and Enjoyable Cruise Experience


Embarking on a Disney Cruise while pregnant can be an exciting and memorable experience. However, it is important to be well-informed and prepared to ensure the safety and enjoyment of both the expectant mother and her baby. One crucial aspect of the process is understanding and completing the Disney Cruise Pregnancy Form. In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know about the Disney Cruise Pregnancy Form, including its purpose, important considerations, and how to complete it accurately. Whether you are a first-time cruiser or a Disney enthusiast, this article will provide you with the essential information to have a safe and enjoyable cruise experience.

Please find below the most important points to know about the Disney Cruise Pregnancy Form:

Important Points to Know:

By understanding the purpose, requirements, and limitations of the Disney Cruise Pregnancy Form, expectant mothers can enjoy a safe and worry-free cruise experience. It is always advisable to consult with trusted sources and healthcare professionals to ensure the well-being of both mother and baby. With the right preparation and knowledge, a Disney Cruise can be a magical and memorable adventure for expecting families.

Sources: – Disney Cruise Line: []( – American Pregnancy Association: [](https://americanpregnancy.

Do I have to tell Disney Cruise Line I am pregnant?

When planning a Disney Cruise, it is important to consider if you need to inform Disney Cruise Line about your pregnancy. For the safety and comfort of both the mother and the baby, it is recommended to disclose your pregnancy at the time of booking or as soon as possible. This allows the cruise line to provide necessary accommodations and medical assistance if needed. Disney Cruise Line follows guidelines set by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, which state that women who have entered their 24th week of pregnancy during the cruise are not permitted to sail. In case of any concerns or questions, it is advisable to consult with your healthcare provider before embarking on the cruise. For more information on Disney Cruise Line’s pregnancy policy, please visit their official website: https://disneycruise.disney.go.

How can I enjoy Disney while pregnant?

When it comes to enjoying a Disney cruise while pregnant, there are a few things to keep in mind for a safe and enjoyable experience. First and foremost, it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before making any travel plans. Once you have the green light, be sure to familiarize yourself with the Disney Cruise Line’s pregnancy policy and complete the necessary paperwork, such as the Disney Cruise Pregnancy Form. This form will provide important information about your pregnancy and ensure that the cruise staff is aware of any special accommodations or considerations you may need. Throughout your cruise, take advantage of the various amenities and activities available onboard. From relaxing spa treatments to delicious dining options, there are plenty of ways to indulge and have fun while taking care of yourself and your baby. Remember to listen to your body, stay hydrated, and take breaks when needed. With proper planning and mindful self-care, you can have a magical and memorable Disney cruise experience while pregnant. For more detailed information and guidelines, please refer to the official Disney Cruise Line website: https://disneycruise.disney.go.

Is it worth going to Disney pregnant?

Taking a Disney Cruise while pregnant can be a safe and enjoyable experience, provided you are aware of certain guidelines and precautions. The Disney Cruise Pregnancy Form is a comprehensive resource that covers everything you need to know, from medical considerations to onboard activities. It is essential to consult with your healthcare provider before embarking on a cruise, ensuring that you have a healthy and uncomplicated pregnancy. While some activities and amenities may have restrictions for pregnant passengers, there are still plenty of enjoyable experiences to be had, such as relaxation at the spa, delicious dining options, and exciting live entertainment. By following the guidelines outlined in the Disney Cruise Pregnancy Form, you can have a memorable and safe cruise experience for both you and your baby. For additional information and resources, visit [source link].

How can I enjoy a cruise while pregnant?

When planning a cruise while pregnant, it’s essential to prioritize safety and comfort. Disney Cruise Line provides a comprehensive pregnancy form that covers all the necessary information to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. To make the most of your cruise, consider following these guidelines: consult your healthcare provider before booking, review the onboard medical facilities and policies, familiarize yourself with activities and amenities suitable for expecting mothers, and pack essentials for a comfortable journey. By adhering to these recommendations, you can relax and enjoy your cruise while taking care of your well-being and that of your baby. For more information, visit the official Disney Cruise Line website:

Disney cruise pregnancy proof

Planning a Disney cruise while pregnant? Ensure a safe and enjoyable experience with the Disney Cruise Pregnancy Form. This essential document provides vital information about guidelines, restrictions, and necessary precautions for expectant mothers. By completing the form, you can communicate your specific needs and concerns to Disney Cruise Line, allowing them to tailor their services to ensure your comfort and well-being. With a focus on safety and enjoyment, Disney Cruise Line takes extra measures to accommodate pregnant guests, including providing specialized dining options, onboard medical care, and even spa treatments tailored to your needs. So, if you’re looking to embark on a magical cruise adventure while pregnant, make sure to thoroughly complete the Disney Cruise Pregnancy Form for a worry-free voyage. For more information, check out Disney Cruise Line’s official website at [insert link].

In conclusion, it is clear that understanding the Disney Cruise pregnancy form is essential for expectant mothers planning to embark on a cruise vacation. By following the guidelines and policies set forth by Disney Cruise Line, pregnant guests can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience while onboard.

First and foremost, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with Disney Cruise Line’s policy regarding pregnancy. This information can be found on their official website ( under the “Planning Center” section. The policy outlines the restrictions and guidelines for pregnant guests, including the required completion of a pregnancy form.

Completing the pregnancy form accurately and honestly is of utmost importance. This form serves as a vital document that allows the cruise line to assess the level of risk associated with a guest’s pregnancy and make appropriate accommodations. It is essential to provide all relevant information, such as the expected due date and any underlying medical conditions.

To ensure a seamless process, it is advisable to submit the pregnancy form as early as possible. Disney Cruise Line recommends submitting the form at least 12 weeks prior to the embarkation date. This early submission allows the cruise line’s medical team to review the information provided and determine the suitability of the cruise for the expectant mother.

Furthermore, it is essential to consult with your healthcare provider before planning a Disney Cruise during pregnancy. Your doctor can provide valuable advice and address any concerns you may have regarding your specific situation. They may also provide a medical clearance letter, which can be submitted along with the pregnancy form to further facilitate the approval process.

Once onboard, pregnant guests should be mindful of certain restrictions and guidelines for their safety. It is important to avoid activities that may pose a risk to both the expectant mother and the unborn child. These activities typically include certain water slides, hot tubs, and strenuous physical activities. Disney Cruise Line provides detailed information about these restrictions in their official Guest Policies and Safety information (

Additionally, it is crucial to purchase travel insurance that covers pregnancy-related issues. This provides peace of mind and financial protection in the event of any unforeseen complications. Many reputable travel insurance providers offer specific coverage for pregnancy, so it is advisable to research and select a plan that best suits your needs.

In summary, understanding the Disney Cruise pregnancy form is essential for a safe and enjoyable experience while onboard. By familiarizing yourself with the policies, completing the form accurately, consulting with your healthcare provider, and adhering to the onboard guidelines, you can ensure a memorable vacation while safeguarding your health and the well-being of your unborn child.

Remember, it is always recommended to consult official sources such as the Disney Cruise Line website ( and reach out to your healthcare provider for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding pregnancy and cruise travel.

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Alaska Cruises

Pregnant Women and Infants

Since the cruise lines are not equipped with major medical facilities onboard, they have established very strict policies with regard to expectant mothers and infants. Each cruise line requires expectant mothers to provide a physician's letter (faxed in advance or hand delivered at the time of check-in) stating that the guest is in good health, fit to travel, and that the pregnancy is not high risk. The letter must also include the expected date of the child's birth.

Typically, a letter is not required for infants to travel. However, each cruise line has a minimum age requirement for guests traveling, which will be verified upon check-in at the pier. This minimum age requirement varies by cruise line and even itinerary. Always tell your Vacations To Go cruise counselor if you are pregnant or planning to cruise with an infant to insure you meet all required guidelines.

American Cruise Lines Pregnant Women : Permitted to board during any phase of pregnancy. There are no restrictions. Infants : Minimum age is 1 month old.

Carnival Cruise Line Pregnant Women : Prohibited to sail if she will enter the 24th week of pregnancy before or at any time during the cruise. Infants : Infants must be at least 6 months of age at the time of embarkation in order to sail on most cruises. Children must be at least 12 months of age at the time of embarkation in order to sail on trans-ocean crossings and remote itineraries, where there are more than 2 consecutive sea days. Children must be 12 months of age on Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, South Pacific and Trans-Pacific cruises if it includes at least one International port (Pacific Islands, New Zealand, New Guinea, Singapore and Hawaii) or includes more than 2 consecutive days at sea.

Celebrity Cruise Line Pregnant Women : Celebrity Cruises cannot accept guests who will be more than 23 weeks pregnant at any time during the cruise or cruise tour. All guests are required to sign a health questionnaire upon check-in to ensure they are aware of the preganancy policy. If you have already booked a cruise or cruise tour and not meet this requirement, please contact your travel agent. Infants : Infants sailing on a cruise must be at least 6 months old as of the first day of the cruise/cruisetour. However, for trans-Atlantic, trans-Pacific, Hawaii, select South American cruises/cruisetours and other selected cruises/cruisetours, the infant (as of the first day of the cruise/cruisetour) must be at least 12 months old. For the purposes of this policy, any cruise that has 3 or more days consecutive at sea will require infants to be 12 months old on the first day of the cruise/CruiseTour.

Crystal Cruise Line Pregnant Women : Permitted to board if pregnant for 24 weeks or less on day of disembarkation. Infants : Minimum age is 6 months. Crystal reserves the right to limit all children under the age of 3 years.

Cunard Cruise Line Pregnant Women : Permitted to board if pregnant for 24 weeks or less on day of disembarkation. Proof of EDD and Fitness to travel will be required by the medical department prior to travel and can be faxed to (661-753-0122) or e-mailed to [email protected] Infants : Minimum age is 1 year for trans-Atlantic cruises, trans-Pacific cruises, World cruises and World cruise segements. Minimum age is 6 months for all other sailings.

Disney Cruise Line Pregnant Women : Women who have entered their 24th week of pregnancy as of their embarkation date, or who will enter their 24th week of pregnancy during their cruise will be refused passage due to safety concerns. Neither a physician’s medical statement nor a waiver of liability will be accepted. Infants : Minimum age is 6 months on most itineraries. The minimum age for Transatlantic and Panama Canal itineraries is 1 year.

Holland America Cruise Line Pregnant Women : Women cannot have begun their 24th week of pregnancy at any time before or during the cruise. If you are pregnant or sailing with a guest who is pregnant they must provide a physician’s letter stating the expected due date, medical fitness to travel and the pregnancy is not high risk. Please also include your name, booking number, ship and sailing date. Please fax your letters to our Access & Compliance Department at 800-577-1731. Infants : Minimum age is 12 months of age for trans-Atlantic sailings or any other itinerary which in the opinion of the Medical Department present a significant risk to infants between 6 and 12 months of age; minimum age is 6 months for all other sailings.

Hurtigruten Cruises Pregnant Women : Women who are more than 28 weeks pregnant are required to notify Hurtigruten at least 14 days before departure and produce a medical certificate confirming fitness to travel. Each case is considered individually. It is recommended that the passenger consult her doctor. Infants : The minimum age for Antarctica sailings is 5 years old. There is no age restriction for all other destinations.

Lindblad Expeditions Pregnant Women: Permitted to board during any phase of pregnancy. There are no restrictions. Infants: No minimum age requirements.

Norwegian Cruise Line Pregnant Women : Norwegian will make every effort to accommodate you, providing you will not enter the 24th week of pregnancy at any point during the cruise. Please include your cruise details in an email to the Access Desk ( [email protected] ) with a medical certificate establishing your due date prior to your cruise. Infants : Minimum age is 6 months. For sailings with three or more consecutive days at sea, infants must be 12 months old at the time of sailing.

Oceania Cruise Line Pregnant Women : Permitted to board if pregnant for 24 weeks or less on day of disembarkation. Doctor's note required.* Infants : Infants must be at least 12 months of age on the day of boarding.

Ponant Pregnant Women : Women can be up to three months pregnant on the date the cruise ends, except on expedition cruises. Infants : On classic cruises, children under one year of age shall not be authorized to embark. On expedition cruises, children must be 6 years or older, except cruises aboard Le Commandant Charcot, and must be fully independent during all activities. Children must be 8 years or older to embark on expedition cruises on board Le Commandant Charcot.

Princess Cruise Line Pregnant Women : Pregnant women are not allowed to sail if they are entering the 24th week of their pregnancy at any point during the cruise. All pregnant women are required to produce a a healthcare provider's report containing the date of her last menstrual period, expected date of delivery, and the pregnancy risk status.  Infants : Infants must be at least 6 months of age at the time of embarkation in order to sail. Children must be at least 12 months of age at the time of embarkation to sail on trans-ocean crossings and remote itineraries, where there are more than 2 consecutive sea days. The minimum age for escorted cruisetours is 5 years.

Regent (Radisson) Cruise Line Pregnant Women : Women who are 24 weeks along or more, or will reach 24 weeks by the end of the cruise, will be unable to take the cruise. All pregnant women must travel with a written letter of permission from their doctor. Infants :  Infants must be six months of age as of the first day of the cruise. For voyages that have three or more consecutive days at sea, infants must be at least one year of age as of the first day of the cruise. Guests traveling with a young infant that does not meet the infant policy will be denied boarding. 

Royal Caribbean Cruise Line Pregnant Women : Royal Caribbean International cannot accept guests who will be more than 23 weeks pregnant at any time during the cruise or cruise tour. All guests are required to fill out a Public Health Questionnaire prior to arrival or at the pier attesting that they are not more than 23 weeks pregnant. If you have already booked a cruise or cruise tour and not meet this requirement, please contact your travel agent. Infants : Infants sailing on a cruise must be at least 6 months old as of the first day of the cruise/cruisetour. However, for trans-Atlantic, trans-Pacific, Hawaii, select South American cruises/cruisetours and other selected cruises/cruisetours, the infant (as of the first day of the cruise/cruisetour) must be at least 12 months old. For the purposes of this policy, any cruise that has 3 or more days consecutive at sea will require infants to be 12 months old on the first day of the cruise/CruiseTour.

Seabourn Cruise Line Please see Cunard Cruise Line's guidelines.

Silversea Cruise Line Pregnant Women : Permitted to board if pregnant for 24 weeks or less on day of embarkation. A medical certificate establishing fitness is required. Infants : Minimum age is 6-12 months depending on cruise ship. Parents must notify Silversea of any children 6-12 months and sign a waiver. Silversea does not provide for the care or entertainment of children, and reserves the right to limit all children under 3 years old.

Viking Cruises Pregnant Women : Viking is unable to accommodate women past their 24th week of pregnancy. Infants : Viking is dedicated to adults and therefore does not carry children or teenagers under the age of 18.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

Disney Alaska Cruise Packing List With Free Printable

Making our Disney Alaska cruise packing list caused me tons of anxiety when planning this long anticipated family vacation. I spent hours contemplating versatile clothes, debating the need for waterproof items, and obsessing over every detail. I’m here to share our complete printable Disney Alaska Cruise packing list to save you from stress and make your packing experience easier. 

  • Disney Alaska Packing Tips
  • Vancouver Packing List
  • Packing An Embarkation Day Bag
  • Disney Wonder Alaska Cruise Packing List
  • Semi-Formal, Formal, and Frozen Night
  • Cold Weather and Waterproof Gear
  • Medical Supplies
  • Miscellaneous Packing List
  • Printable Disney Alaska Cruise Packing List

Disney Alaska Cruise Packing Tips

Suitcases line the hallways outside Disney Wonder on Disney Alaska cruise embarkation day

Pack Coordinating Colors

Disney Alaska cruises tend to be long vacations with most Disney Wonder sailings seven or more nights long. Add on a couple days pre- or post-cruise in Vancouver and that’s a lot of clothes and sometimes wildly different climates.

To simplify packing we chose clothes in similar color schemes to make mixing and matching easier. There’s nothing worse than getting to the end of a long trip and finding the pieces that are still clean don’t look right together.

Accessories Help Transform An Outfit

A pair of jeans and a plain shirt can get an elevated look with a few accessories. Switch tennis shoes to boots, add a belt and jewelry, and top it with a jacket or cardigan for a surprisingly different outfit.

You Really Need Waterproof Gear When Disney Alaskan Cruise Packing

Rain drops cover the hood and rain jacket of a teen girl while her pants show water marks from the rain in Ketchikan

Deciding what waterproof gear to pack for our Disney Alaska cruise was my biggest internal debate. Would we really need waterproof hiking boots and raincoats?

Ultimately I bought waterproof boots, pants, and rain jackets for each of us and it was totally worth it. 

We used our waterproof gear at least half of the days we were on our Disney Alaska cruise. It poured on us in Ketchikan, it rained on our glacier viewing day, and thin waterproof pants made our Juneau Mendenhall Glacier Dog Sledding excursion more comfortable.

It’ll Seem Like Overpacking, But It Isn’t

We routinely travel for up to six nights in a carry-on only. While making our packing list and gathering items I thought for sure I would regret bringing as much as we did. 

As we prepared to go home, I was shocked how little was left unused. There were only a handful of unworn items, like a couple shirts, one nice dinner outfit, some socks, and undergarments.

Despite over packing a little, having the right variety of clothes regardless of the weather was fabulous. I felt like our Disney Alaskan cruise packing list worked perfectly for us.

If you really want to trim this packing list I would suggest reducing the number of cruise casual dinner outfits or formal wear. Everything else is essential in our experience.

Packing Cubes Keep Everything Organized

Jeans sit inside a packing cube waiting to be zippered closed

I am a huge fan of packing cubes even when packing light for Disney World . Using them to compress clothes saves space and keeps me organized.

For example, I packed all of our Frozen night clothes and accessories in one cube, pajamas in another and so on. Packing cubes make finding what you need faster and are easily stackable in the Disney stateroom closets.

In Case Of Emergency Use Onboard Laundry

There are laundry rooms onboard Disney Wonder in case you need to launder some clothes while on your Alaska cruise. However, the machines were almost always full when we would go to iron our clothes.

Disney Alaska Cruise Packing List

Disney Wonder with mountains in the background and ice filled water in front during a Disney Alaska Cruise

Although it’s tempting to jump straight to our free printable Disney Alaska cruise packing list at the end of this article I encourage you to read these sections first. It’s best to understand how the clothes are used and our specific recommendations for brands or styles which makes the list even more useful.

I’m including a quick summary of Disney Alaska cruise items to pack under each subsection. If I mention something under a section, for example comfortable shoes, I won’t repeat that item again in another section. The complete list is included in the free Disney Alaska packing list printable.

We packed everything on this list for three people in a large checked bag, a medium checked bag, three carry-on bags, and two personal items with the help of compression packing cubes (affiliate link: Buy on Amazon ).

Vancouver Clothes

Totem poles representing Vancouver's indigenous people educate visitors in Stanley Park

Disney Wonder embarks and disembarks from Canada Place in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia. We are unsure if, or when, we will make it back to BC which is why we decided to spend three days pre-cruise exploring the best of Vancouver. 

The Disney Alaska cruise season runs from May through September each year. Weather varies widely depending on the month, and sometimes even by the day.

Expect Vancouver highs in the low 60’s in May, mid-60’s in June, low 70’s in July and August, and September dipping back into the mid-60’s. Vancouver nighttime lows for Alaska cruise season are relatively consistent from high 40’s to high 50’s.

Researching the 10 day forecast is helpful, but anytime a vacation lasts a week or longer it isn’t unusual for the forecasted weather to change once you’ve left home. That’s why packing a variety of clothes is so important on this kind of trip.

Imagine our surprise when upon arrival in Vancouver the forecast had dramatically shifted. Instead of expected temps in the low 70’s our mid-July trip had days of 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

A girl wears shorts and a t-shirt crossing the Capilano Suspension Bridge in Vancouver before taking a Disney Alaska Cruise

This unexpected heat wave made me grateful I packed a pair of shorts last minute. They only took up a little space, but made hiking and exploring in Vancouver more comfortable.

After two unseasonably warm days the temperatures shifted to more average Vancouver weather. In fact, our Vancouver embarkation day was quite cool with clouds and a high of 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

We also packed jeans, short and long sleeve shirts, extra layers for chilly nights like a fleece jacket, and one casual chic outfit for dinner. While these items work for Vancouver many are also crucial for the cruise. 

3 nights in Vancouver:

  • 1 pair of shorts
  • 1 pair of pants
  • 2 short sleeve shirts
  • 2 long sleeve shirts
  • 1 layer (sweatshirt, sweater, shacket, fleece)
  • Dinner outfit with dress shoes (optional)
  • Comfortable walking shoes
  • Pajamas and slippers
  • Socks and undergarments (1 for every night plus 2 extra in case of flight delays)

Embarkation Day Bag

Cloudy skies frame Disney Wonder's empty pool on embarkation day

Guests must drop off all luggage in a central location before embarking on Disney Wonder. However, you are allowed to carry on a personal item for embarkation day. 

Packing your embarkation day bag is important since this will be the only luggage you’ll have access to for several hours. All important documents, passports, IDs, and prescription medications must be in the day bag. 

We also packed swimsuits, cover ups, and swim shoes in case we wanted to take advantage of a relatively empty pool and waterslide. Embarkation day was also the warmest day we had on this ship so it was the only time our kids used their suits. 

Pro Tip: Planning to swim on embarkation day? Pack essential cosmetics for touch-ups in case your luggage arrives late.

The adults in our group used swimsuits to take advantage of the adult only hot tub a couple times during our Alaska cruise.

Embarkation Day Bag:

  • Passports and IDs
  • Travel documents
  • Prescription and OTC medications
  • Swimsuits, cover-ups, pool shoes
  • Dry bag for wet swim gear
  • Basic makeup for touch ups in case luggage arrives late

Disney Alaska Cruise Clothes

Daytime outfits.

A woman poses with Tiana in jeans, tennis shoes, a black mockneck shirt and oversized plaid on a Disney Alaska Cruise

We cruised in mid-July and used almost exclusively long sleeve shirts, extra layers, and long pants. Those cruising at the beginning or end of the season should bring less short sleeve shirts and more long sleeves to combat the cooler temperatures.

Most days on our Disney cruise we wore jeans, long sleeve shirts, and layers like a sweater, flannel, fleece, or sweatshirt. Inside the ship is kept a comfortable temperature, but when heading out to the decks we often needed a jacket, too.

In general these same clothes are perfect for port days, but often require adding waterproof shoes and rain jackets.

Some guests also bring special clothes, for example red and black buffalo checked flannel shirts, to match Disney character outfits exclusive to Alaska cruises.

Daisy Duck meets guests in a red and black buffalo check plaid dress, sherpa lined boots, and a jacket

Cruise Casual Dinner Attire

Except for Frozen, formal, and semi-formal nights my daughter and I switched from our casual clothes into simple dresses at dinnertime. My husband usually changed into a dress shirt or a sweater.  

Cruise casual dinner attire on Disney Cruise Line simply means “no swimwear or tank tops” at dinner. In our experience most guests wore casual, but not sloppy, clothes to dinners.

Palo, the adult only restaurant on Disney Wonder, has a dress code. Pack polished casual clothing, like dresses, dress pants and a blouse/collared shirt, or jeans in good condition with nice shoes.

T-shirts, swimwear, sports attire, and other similar casual clothing is not allowed when dining at Palo. 

We reused our Palo brunch outfits for dinner another night. This kept us from having to pack an additional polished casual look. 

Some guests opt to stay in casual clothes for dinners other than formal and semi-formal. If you do this you won’t look out of place. This worked in our favor because our luggage arrived too late to change for dinner on our embarkation day.

Purses and Backpacks

I used a backpack as my embarkation day bag and then used this same packable backpack for some port adventures.

For walking around the ship, or casual excursions like the Ketchikan Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show , I used a small purse or lululemon belt bag. These smaller bags worked well to hold basics like our Key To The World card, IDs, credit cards, and other essential items.

7 nights on Disney Alaska Cruise:

  • 3 or 4 pair of pants
  • 7 long sleeve shirts
  • 3 layers (sweatshirt, flannel, sweater, shacket)
  • 3 or 4 Dinner/Palo outfits (optional)
  • If you opt out of Frozen, formal, and semi-formal night I would pack and additional pair of pants and a couple sweaters in case you want fresh clothes at dinner
  • Backpack and/or purse

Disney Cruise Line Semi-Formal, Formal, and Frozen Night Attire

Disney Cruise Line has three special nights during an Alaskan cruise: semi-formal, formal, and Frozen night. All three are optional and you’ll see people very dressed up while others are  wearing cruise casual during these special dinners. Do what makes you feel most comfortable!

Frozen Night

Frozen night takes place on the same day as your glacier viewing. Find a special Frozen inspired menu, a short deck show between the dinner seatings, and some cute snowy photo backgrounds. 

A woman poses in front of blue Alaska glacier waters in her Elsa Disneybound with blue dress, snowflake accessories, and side braid

My daughter and I opted to Disneybound for Frozen night. I wore a simple blue dress (affiliate link: Buy on Amazon ), did a side braid, and wore some snowflake jewelry to represent Elsa. 

Elizabeth Disneybounded as Anna with a magenta cardigan, black mock turtleneck, a royal blue skirt and black boots. It was comfortable, cute, and everyone immediately knew she was Anna.

A teenage girl Disneybounds as Anna in a magenta cardigan, blue skirts, and black boots while meeting Belle on Disney Wonder

My husband opted for a dark blue shirt and ice blue tie with nice slacks to coordinate with our outfits. Some of our group wore a full set of Lederhosen while others opted for cute après ski style sweaters. However, lots of guests wore normal dinner attire during Frozen night. 

Formal and Semi-Formal Nights

A woman poses with Chip and Dale wearing a dressy black jumpsuit for Disney Alaska Cruise semi-formal night

We pre-purchased unlimited photos for our Disney Alaska cruise which gave us dozens of fun memories from staged portraits to character meet and greets. 

Disney Cruise Line recommends “dress pants with a jacket or a suit for men, and dress or pantsuit for women” as suggested formal wear.

My husband wore dress pants, a dress shirt, and tie on these nights. I chose a simple off-the-shoulder black dress and a dressy jumpsuit while my daughter did some cute dresses.

Some people got glam with sequins and tuxes while others wore jeans. I felt great in our slightly dressed up outfits, got a couple family pictures, and happily changed to jeans after dinner. Again, do what makes you happy.

Frozen night, Semi-Formal, Formal Nights:

  • Frozen inspired clothes like our Disneybound Anna and Elsa
  • 2 formal or semi-formal outfits

Waterproof and Cold Weather Gear For Disney Alaska Cruises

Everyone recommends waterproof boots and rain jackets for a reason, you really do need them on an Alaskan cruise. If for some reason you have dry weather and blue skies rejoice in your good fortune instead of cursing that you packed waterproof gear.

A woman wearing a winter hat, TriClimate coat, gloves, and waterproof boots poses with Minnie Mouse in front of a cloud covered Alaskan shore

Warm And Waterproof Jackets

I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on our waterproof shoes, pants, and rain jackets since I wasn’t sure how much we’d use them. Waiting until late January and early February let me snag some discounted items, but not too late that sizes ran out.

My first investment was NorthFace Tri-Climate jackets for each of us. The flexibility of using the thin down coat and rain jacket separately, or zippered together for added warmth, made this the perfect Disney Alaska cruise coat for us.

Now that I invested in the TriClimate I find myself reaching for it often in spring, fall, and not-so-cold winter days. Here’s a link to my NorthFace TriClimate (Affiliate link: Buy on Amazon ) in the same style, but different color.

Waterproof Shoes

When picking waterproof boots I wanted something stylish, but functional. I found these white Sorel waterproof hiking boots that kept my feet warm and dry, but also looked edgy with my Alaska uniform of jeans, t-shirts, and shackets. Now that I invested in these boots I can’t tell you how many times I’ve worn them which makes me super happy about the purchase (affiliate link: Buy on Amazon ).

My husband ordered a different style of Sorel boots to protect him from the elements, but they don’t look like most traditional waterproof hiking boots. He can pair them with super casual clothes and even nice jeans with a sweater (affiliate link: Buy on Amazon ).

Elizabeth ended up with adorable Hunter boots which worked well especially with wool socks.

Hat and Gloves

A hat and gloves are easy to pack, work well to keep you warm, and we used them a lot on our Alaskan cruise. We chose a flannel lined cable knit beanie and inexpensive knit gloves which worked perfect for our mid-summer cruise. 

Guests at the beginning or end of Alaska cruise season should swap our thinner knit gloves for something warmer to combat the extra chill. 

Waterproof Pants

A teenage girl stand on Mendenhall Glacier snow pack in waterproof boots, pants, NorthFace jacket, and warm beanie with a helicopter in the background

I didn’t order waterproof pants until a couple of weeks before our trip. I struggled to justify the extra cost not knowing how much we’d actually use them. On our Alaska cruise the waterproof pants got used two times on port excursions, but we should have also worn them walking around Ketchikan in the rain.

The pants I finally bought were thin and easily slipped over what we were wearing which made them easy to pack.

The first time we used them we took a tender for close up glacier viewing where most of the viewing platforms are outside. It was steadily raining as we started our journey and I was glad to have all our waterproof gear.

We also used them to keep our pants dry when dogsledding on Mendehall Glacier . While I’m glad we had the waterproof pants, I am grateful they weren’t too expensive since we only used them twice.

Waterproof Gear:

  • Packable down coat (or combination warm, waterproof jacket)
  • Rain jacket
  • Waterproof hiking boot or shoe
  • Hat and gloves
  • Waterproof pants

Disney Wonder stateroom bathroom with small vanity and sink

This is a very personal list, but I’ll suggest all the basics including items we skip for completeness. Disney Cruise Line provides large multi-use bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash bolted into the shower.

Disney Wonder has a split bathroom with two sinks. One sink has liquid hand soap and the other has bar soap provided.

Although we don’t love the provided toiletries they work fine and save us from having to pack extra items. However, I always pack lotion because it isn’t always provided.

Bring basics like toothpaste, a toothbrush, deodorant, hair products, face serums, lip balm, razors, shave gel, make-up, make-up remover. We also bring hair tools like a straightener and curling iron, but there is a hair dryer provided in the room.

Although Alaska is quite rainy, there are days in Vancouver and Alaska full of sunshine. Be ready for slightly overcast and sunny days by packing sunscreen.

Pack electric shavers, but if they need to be plugged in there is only one special outlet in Disney Cruise Line staterooms.

Other nice to have toiletries are perfume or cologne, nail polish, nail polish remover pads, nail clippers, nail files, and tweezers. 

For certain guests, packing menstrual products from home makes the trip more comfortable than grabbing one of the limited options onboard.

Disney Alaska Cruise Toiletries:

  • Shampoo, conditioner, body wash (optional)
  • Toothpaste and toothbrush
  • Face wash and serums
  • Hair products
  • Razors and shave gel
  • Make-up and make-up remover
  • Straightener and/or curling iron
  • Electric shaver
  • Perfume or cologne
  • Nail polish and nail polish remover pads
  • Nail clippers and files
  • Menstrual products

Disney Alaska Cruise Medical Supplies

Disney Wonder in ice filled water in Alaska

When packing, always bring all prescription medications in labeled containers with enough to last an extra few days in case of emergency. And don’t assume you can buy your usual over the counter medications in Vancouver or at the Alaska ports.

Alaska ports of call usually have small, poorly stocked pharmacies which don’t have a large selection of medications. And because Vancouver is in Canada the over the counter medications available can vary wildly from what you can buy at home. 

For example, one of us forgot Astelin, an intranasal antihistamine for allergies. Since Astelin and similar medications are not available over the counter in Canada, it was a couple of rough days of allergy symptoms that could have been avoided. 

There are sharps containers provided in Disney Cruise Line bathrooms which means you won’t need to bring a large container unless you spend a lot of time in Vancouver pre- or post-cruise.

Sea sickness is always a concern on cruises. Thankfully Disney Alaska cruises follow the inside passage which is relatively protected from large waves. 

We always pack Sea Bands, a non-medication option that uses pressure points to reduce sea sickness symptoms. I also pack over the counter Dramamine All Day Less Drowsy Motion Sickness Relief for adults and used to pack a kid’s version when Elizabeth was younger.

Elizabeth and I often get seasick on Bahamian cruises, but didn’t need to use any of our usual treatments for Alaska. However, I still recommend packing sea sickness treatments to be safe.

It’s a good idea to pack some adult and children’s pain relievers like Tylenol and Advil, some cough and cold meds, and a thermometer. We also bring our own band-aids and hydrocortisone cream to manage small issues without needing onboard care.

Disney Alaska Cruise Medical Items:

  • Prescription medications
  • Over the counter medications
  • Sea sickness treatments (affiliate link: Buy on Amazon )
  • Adult and children’s pain relievers
  • Thermometer
  • Cough and cold medications
  • Hydrocortisone cream

Miscellaneous Disney Alaska Cruise Items

This final section is full of random seeming items that are really important on a Disney Alaska cruise. 

While you use phones less on a Disney cruise than at the theme parks, phones are still needed for the Navigator, a list of the day’s activities, and onboard texting. 

Pack phone chargers for nightly recharges. Since outlets are limited we used this charging block (affiliate link: Buy on Amazon ) which plugs into one outlet, but simultaneously charges up to six devices.

Pack a camera to document this once-in-a-lifetime experience. More adventurous guests should bring a GoPro for hands-free action shots perfect for active shore excursions. 

A teen girl uses binoculars to look out over the shores during a Disney Alaska Cruise

Binoculars are helpful for scouting the shoreline for animals or finding whales in the water. Some animal sighting excursions also recommend packing binoculars. We found this pair (affiliate link: Buy on Amazon ) that are relatively compact, but worked well for this trip and also one to Maine.

Since the weather swings from rainy to overcast to sunny by the moment we were glad to have our sunglasses with us. Sunglasses are crucial if dogsledding on Mendenhall Glacier, too.

A woman smiles wearing sunglasses and a warm beanie at the Mendenhall Glacier dog sled camp

Disney characters are everywhere on Disney Alaska cruises and packing supplies makes for the perfect opportunity to collect autographs. While we used to use autograph books they just sat around after our trips. 

Over the last few years we have started making Disney autograph pillowcases and Disney autograph ornaments instead. These autograph items get a lot more use and remind us of the fun we’ve had at Disney. 

Bug spray is another easily overlooked, but essential item to pack for a Disney Alaska cruise. In July there were a shocking amount of bugs despite relatively cool weather. We were grateful to have bug repellent which kept us comfortable during several port adventures.

Lastly, the days are very long during an Alaskan cruise. During our July cruise the sunrise was around 4 am and sunset around 11 pm, with some variations by day and location. 

We were grateful for the blackout curtains, but packed sleep masks for additional help blocking light that still filtered in around the edges. I always pack ear plugs, too, but thankfully didn’t need them on this particular trip.

Disney Alaska Cruise Miscellaneous Items

  • Phone charges
  • Camera and GoPro
  • Disney character autograph supplies
  • Sleep mask and ear plugs

Final Thoughts On Our Free Printable Disney Alaska Cruise Packing List

Deciding what to pack for a Disney Alaska Cruise is overwhelming, but our free printable Disney Alaska Cruise packing list makes it easy!

Thanks for hanging in there! I know that was a lot to cover, but packing well for an Alaska cruise is extremely important. Between starting in a foreign country to only stopping in very small ports of call, having essentials on hand keeps everyone comfortable.

Ready to pack or start buying essentials? Here’s a link to our free printable Disney Alaska Cruise packing list to keep you organized and get ready for your trip.

For more tips on taking your first Disney Alaska cruise use our full planning guide which has more details about this amazing vacation. 

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Disney Cruise Alaska 2024 & 2025 Guide: ESSENTIAL Tips For Your Cruise

Disney Cruise Alaska 2024 & 2025 Guide: ESSENTIAL Tips For Your Cruise

The Alaska Disney Cruise is a once in a lifetime experience. The below cruise review and tips are based on our recent seven day Disney Cruise Line Alaska itinerary that sails from Vancouver to Alaska. This guide will continue to be updated to provide advice for the 2024 and 2025 Disney Cruise Alaska seasons.

Onboard our cruise we had family ranging in age from 20 to 80+. On the last night of our trip I got everyone together and we talked through all the Disney Cruise tips we should pass on. This guide is based on those insights.

With the below tips I hope to prepare you for your future Disney Alaska cruise and give you everything you need to know to plan. We'll cover what month to book your cruise, an overview of the Disney Wonder ship, onboard activities, premium dining, what to pack for your cruise, Alaska Disney Cruise Line excursions, and more.

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In this planning guide:

When to Take a Disney Cruise to Alaska

disney cruise vancouver to alaska

The Disney Cruise Line Alaskan sailings on the Disney Wonder occur throughout the summer “warm” months. The first 2024 Alaska sailing begins on May 13, 2024 and the last sailing ends on September 23, 2024 (the Disney Cruise Line 2024 dates were announced here ). We don't yet the 2025 Disney Alaska Cruise dates. The sailing stretch throughout the summer months in Alaska.

These are the key factors to consider for picking your Alaskan Disney Cruise dates:

  • When are kids in school? The May and September sailings will be less expensive and may even not be fully booked because kids will still be in school. Some of the same school discounting effects can be felt for the very beginning of June and very end of September as well. If you are not confined to summer school schedules, you may want to consider a sailing at the beginning or end of the Alaskan cruising season.
  • Weather? The later in the season you plan your cruise the higher the potential for rain during your trip. You can see on this Juneau, Alaska monthly climate averages that the average rainfall by month is double in September what it is in May. Even with that said, during our August trip we only had one real day of rain during our trip when we were in Ketchikan, Alaska. This port is actually one of the rainiest cities in the U.S. and receives nearly 235 days of percipitation per year . A weather note – most think of Alaska as cold. Throughout the summer months the temperatures do not get too low and during our sailing were about 60 degrees. Pretty comfortable when in pants. Some days we saw lots of sun and others we had light rain and wind. More in our packing list section.

You can view the currently available dates for Summer 2024 on the Disney Cruise Line website (Summer 2024 dates just released). After viewing the dates be sure to come back and request a FREE quote from our travel partner for your cruise . For a limited time Mickey Visit readers get up to a $400 onboard credit.

As you'll see in the listings of available sailings, there are a range of length options for your trip…

Best Disney Cruise to Alaska – Which Length to Pick

disney fab five characters in alaskan outfits

Disney Cruise Line offers multiple Alaska itineraries that range from five to nine nights. Our recent Disney Cruise to Alaska was a seven night itinerary. The seven night Disney Alaska cruise is offered the most of any of the lengths of sailings.

The seven night cruise includes stops at Dawes Glacier; Juneau, Alaska; Skagway, Alaska; and Ketchikan, Alaska.

Here's some more context on each of the destinations listed for the various lengths of cruise:

  • Juneau, Alaska is the state's capital and the largest town that the ship stops in during the Alaskan cruise. The town has some noteworthy food options (see below for excursions) and was the closest that we got to any glacier.
  • Skagway, Alaska was the access point for the last gold rush. This old gold rush town is the jumping off point for excursions into the Yukon. Excursion options include a historic railway line with stunning vista views, helicopter tours, and tours of the old town.
  • Ketchikan, Alaska is the rainiest place in the world and features an old town built on stilts above a creek, salmon runs, Native American totem polls, and a lumberjack show. This port is the closest to Vancouver in Alaska and all Disney Alaskan Cruises stop here.
  • Dawes Glacier, Alaska is not a port but is a location that the boat pulls into for one day of all Alaska sailings. The boat enters the cove near the glacier and then rotates slow so that all sides of the boat get an angle of the glacier. There is an option for an excursion here to go out on a smaller boat that goes closer to the glacier. Though Dawes was scheduled as part of our itinerary, we actually didn't stop here. Scroll down and read what happened in our Disney Cruise to Alaska tips section.
  • Sitka, Alaska was not a port that we visited during our seven night Disney Cruise sailing to Alaska but we heard the highlights revolve around the Russian history of the city (this was the capital of the territory when Alaska belonged to Russia) and the outdoor excursions which are similar to the excursions offered in the other ports.

Choosing Your Alaska Stateroom – Do you need a Verandah room for your Alaskan cruise?

verandah room view disney cruise line alaska

While we do outline each of the various stateroom options for all of the Disney Cruise Line ships in our general guide to the Disney Wonder , there is special reason to consider your room option carefully for the Disney Cruise to Alaska.

For many cruises you could take the same approach that we take for hotels near Disneyland – why pay for the room if you are going to be out of the room the entire trip exploring and having fun? You may want to reconsider this for an Alaskan cruise as the itineraries are longer and the outdoor spaces are colder due to the Alaskan weather. With our group's age range for this trip (from 20 years old to 80+ years old), there was almost always someone in the room who wasn't keen to be out exploring. We were very happy to have a Verandah room during our Alaskan Disney Cruise and enjoyed waking up to views and having the option to check out the view without having to get warmer clothes on and go up on deck.

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There is plenty to do throughout the ship and plenty of spaces for lounging outside of your room but the Verandah was truly a highlight for our days at sea. Even for the days when we were coming into port, it was delightful to watch our approach from the comfort of our own balcony.

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The room shown in the photos here is a Deluxe Verandah room. There is a queen bed and the couch the converts into twin sleeper.

How much does a 2024 Alaskan Disney Cruise Cost?

The prices for the cruise vary dramatically by room type and date of sailing. We asked our travel partner to pull some sample pricing for cruises so that we could include them here for your reference.

For the seven night sailing that leaves May 22, 2023 for two people an interior room costs  $3,574.94 and an exterior deluxe verandah 5C category room with an unobstructed view and regular balcony size costs $8,012.94 .

Compare this to the seven night sailing that leaves on July 17, 2023 in the heart of the summer. For two people an interior room costs  $4,708.94 while an exterior Deluxe Verandah 5C category room with an unobstructed view and regular balcony size $11,148.94 .

The seven-night sailing that leaves on May 13, 2024 for two people in an interior room starts at $3,490 and an exterior verandah room starts at $6,347 . The exact prices are not available yet as booking details are not yet open.

Compare this to the seven night sailing that leaves on July 8, 2024, in the heart of the summer. For two people an interior room costs $4,635 while an exterior Deluxe Verandah 5c category room with an unobstructed view and regular balcony size is $11,495.2. As you can see, the more popular summer months when kids are out of school are more expensive.

Again, as you are considering your Disney Cruise to Alaska, be sure to request a FREE Disney Cruise line vacation quote from our travel partner . When you book with our partner you'll receive up to a $400 onboard credit .

Onboard Disney Cruise Line Programming

disney alaska cruise pregnant

There are a variety of onboard Disney Cruise Line offerings to fill your days at sea and evenings. From lavish entertainment (see Disney Cruise Line entertainment section below) to educational programs to fitness offerings, there really are tons of ways to stay busy during the days at sea. Your Disney Cruise Line Personal Navigator app has information on all times for all activities onboard the ship. Make sure everyone in your party has downloaded the app before your departure.

Though we were onboard a unique Alaskan Disney Cruise (our trip was part of the Disney Vacation Club Member Cruise ) we did still experience quite a bit of the normal programming that is offered by the Disney Cruise Line on a standard Alaskan cruise.

One of the highlights on the onboard programming was the educational nature presentations . All of the adults in our group attended all three of the talks given by the naturalist that was onboard. His three presentations were on the fjords and waterways, whales and water ways, and Alaskan bears and salmon. Each of the presentations was educational and added to our excursion experience by providing context on our trip on land. The programming was well put together and could be interesting to all ages. If you have a nature curious preteen and up, I would recommend bringing them along to the presentation. Other topics sometimes presented by the naturalist include information on the Klondike Gold Rush and Vancouver Life.

Some of the other offerings on the Alaska Disney Cruise on the Disney Wonder include:

  • The Art of the Theme Tour is a tour of the ship that focuses on the details and history built into the ship. You'll find fun features in the carpet and hear stories on design details. I also always like to take the opportunity to connect with another Cast Member.
  • There is trivia with varying themes offered throughout the trip. Some themes include movie quotes trivia, Disney theme park trivia, sports trivia, and PIXAR trivia.
  • In the Buena Vista Theater (the smaller of the two theaters onboard the ship) there are a variety of the latest movies from Disney playing . During our 2022 sailing we saw Togo (story about an Alaskan sled dog), Thor: Love and Thunder, and Encanto. The list is always updated with the latest Disney movies that were released but there is usually a film that ties into the Alaskan cruise theme like Togo or Brother Bear that is always offered.
  • There is evening live music and entertainment available in the lounges. These offerings vary by cruise but we saw a lounge singer during our sailing. The songs are ones that you'll know and performances have specific themes.
  • For an additional charge, you can join an alcohol tasting class or mixology class . These experiences do fill up so you should book them when they open for booking. See dates the varying dates that excursions and activities open to guests below.
  • Throughout your stay you'll get to experience super fun folded towels and napkins. Each night when you return to your stateroom you'll find a folded towel animal on the bed waiting for you. There is a class where you can learn how to fold your own napkin and towel animal .
  • For the musically excited, a night time karaoke and silent disco are offered.
  • Throughout the trip you'll have lots of opportunity to join in playing BINGO . Be sure to check when there is presale of BINGO cards so that you don't end up waiting in the queue when you arrive to play.
  • There is a very popular Match Your Mate game show where you and your significant other are challenged to see how well you know each other with trivia questions. This is a fan favorite!
  • There are activities for every interest onboard the Disney Cruise to Alaska – you'll also find a cooking class demonstration and animation class .

The dates that guests can book onboard experiences (tastings, spa, nursery, Royal Court Tea), Alaskan excursions, and adult dining at Palo (details below) vary by sailing history with Disney Cruise Line . Once you have paid for your cruise in full, first time Disney Cruise Line guests can book 75 days before sail date, Silver Castaway Club members can book 90 days before sail date, Gold Castaway Club Members can book 105 days before, and Concierge Guests and Platinum Castaway Club Members can book 120 days before your sail date.

Alaska Disney Cruise Character Meet and Greets

disney character meet and greets

Throughout our Disney Cruise there were characters everywhere. The Disney meet and greet limitations for the Disney Cruise Line had been recently lifted and we experienced a completely normal character meet and greet experience onboard our cruise. Many times throughout our trip I would be walking from one activity to the next and bump into a character just wandering. Multiple times I saw Thor wandering the hallways looking for someone to engage with.

thor on disney wonder

All character meeting times are listed in the app. Our favorite character meet and greets were with the Disney fab five in their Alaskan outfits. For anyone excited about rare Disney meet and greets, these photos are super exciting. The best opportunity to take these photos comes on the Dawes Glacier day. On this day the characters will be up on the top deck outdoors so you can get an iconic Alaskan view in the background. I recommend arriving about fifteen minutes before the scheduled photo time to meet Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse up here. We started with Mickey Mouse and then jumped over to the line for Minnie Mouse. There were other times we saw opportunities to wait in line for characters (on the formal night the fab five is out in tuxedos) but were happy just to have these outdoor photos.

Don't be afraid of a short line for a memorable photo with your favorite character.

Fitness Offerings Onboard the Disney Wonder

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The fitness center and spa offers a number of scheduled workout classes. During our sailing there were complimentary offerings that included a mile walk around the ship and a morning yoga class . I opted to try one of the premium experiences and purchased the personal training experience . You could opt for a two pack or four pack of classes. There was a discount if you went with the four pack. I decided just do purchase the two pack as I wanted to workout some on my own during the trip as well. The cruise really flies by. I was glad that I only purchased the two day experience.

The gym is at the very front of the Disney Wonder and has a wide array of fitness machines. I typically like to start my workout with a run. I did this everyday except for one when the boat was moving a little too much for the treadmill and I opted for the stationary bicycle instead. The fitness center also has a nice locker room. I actually ended up showering in the locker everyday of our trip after our workout instead of using the shower in our stateroom.

In Skagway I went for a run off the ship. When facing the town from the port I ran to the left and found a foot bridge. Over the bridge there was a dirt trail with work out stations (pull up bars, sit up bench, etc) all along it. This was a great way to get off the ship and get a workout in outside before our excursion for the day. I ran about 3.5 miles here.

Disney Cruise Line Sense Spa and Salon Offerings

The Disney Wonder has a full spa offering onboard with a suite of services. The spa rooms have massive windows with sweeping views from the top of the ship.

Some of the offerings at the spa include a Rainforest aromatherapy room, steam room, and sauna. There are also comfortable locker rooms for changing before and after the treatment. As I mentioned above, I used the locker rooms throughout our cruise after the weight room even when not getting a treatment.

The spa is available for guests 18 and older and reservations can be made online or after 1 pm in person at the spa on the first day of your cruise. An 18% gratuity will be applied to all spa and fitness services.

If you are interested in a manicure or a pedicure, consider booking your time slot for the first day of your trip for stunning views of Vancouver as you sail away. There is also a rainforest room which features a steam room and relaxation area. You can pay for a day pass or pass for your entire trip.

Disney Wonder Cruise Kids Activities

disney alaska cruise pregnant

There are kids clubs and activities for kids of all ages. There are five different areas on the ship designed to service kids from toddlers to teens.

There are five different lounge options: the “it’s a Small World” nursery, Disney’s Oceaneer Club, Oceaneer Lab, Edge, and Vibe. You can view all the various kid activities in the Disney Cruise Line app.

All of the kids clubs except the “it's a Small World” nursery are included with the price of the cruise. The nursery is an additional fee and requires reservations.

On embarkation you and your child can tour the kids clubs together to calm any nerves. This is also when you'll register your child for the club. You can also pre-register your child before the cruise here .

Keep in mind that kids are not fed by the kids clubs so even though your child will likely want to stay in the club all day you will have to grab them for meals. This is also something to keep in mind when booking any Palo reservation that may conflict with your child's eating timing.

Disney Wonder Entertainment Available On Alaskan Cruise

During the cruise to Alaska there are a number of Broadway-caliber shows that are performed in the Walt Disney Theatre. The shows vary by sailing length. On nights when one of the Disney shows are not taking place in the theater, there will be some sort of variety show act performed.

The shows on the Disney Wonder are:

  • “Frozen, A Musical Spectacular” is a full retelling of the Frozen story with huge musical acts that runs just over an hour. The production value is incredible, the musicians are very impressive, and Olaf was hilarious.
  • “The Golden Mickeys” is a musical medley show that features songs from Disney films of past and present. A story is also woven in between the musical acts that a stage manager is suddenly pushed into the spotlight when she has to host the show at the last minute. By the end of the show, the host realizes that anything is possible.
  • “Disney Dreams – An Enchanted Classic” is a musical medley show that pulls in classic Disney musical numbers when a young girl who is losing her belief in magic is visited in her dreams by characters from Disney classics and is helped along the way by Peter Pan and Tinker Bell.

Shows are typically performed twice nightly so that they are opposite your dinner seating. If you have a late dinner you'll watch the earlier show and if you have an early dinner seating you'll watch the later show.

deck party disney cruise line alaska frozen

There are also two deck shows that occur during the cruise:

  • The “Mickey's Sail-A-Wave” party is a send off deck party with all of your favorite Disney characters that occurs right as the ship is pulling out of Vancouver. This show takes place in the mid-afternoon.
  • The “Freeze the Night Away” deck party is a Frozen themed deck party with your favorite songs and characters from Frozen. Snow comes down at the end of this show. The night of our deck party is truly was freezing and we were bundled up enjoying the entertainment on deck. This show takes place after both dinner seatings have been completed.

Choosing Your Disney Cruise Line Alaskan Excursions

ketchikan excursion creek street

There are a wide array of excursions for Disney Cruises to Alaska. Guests can opt for the most extravagant helicopter ride to dog sledding or just enjoy a leisurely walk around town. CAUTION – You will likely have sticker shock. Some excursions are hundreds of dollars per person. Remember that you are in Alaska for a once in a lifetime Disney Cruise. Be sure to budget for these excursions as you plan for your trip.

Disney Cruise Line sells excursions directly. For research sake I compared prices between the offering from Disney Cruise Line and booking some experiences on our own. The pricing was often the same or only slightly more when purchasing from Disney when I could find it. For many of the more upscale experiences, there was no clear way to find the offering directly online to comparison shop as the experience was curated specifically for the cruise line. There are always vendors just off the ship selling other excursion offerings but be warned that if you take a third party excursion and do not get back to the ship before the official departure time the ship will leave you behind. This warning and a very real story of passengers being left behind in Juneau, Alaska after their seaplane couldn't fly back from the glacier due to lack of visibility scared us enough not to consider outside excursions.

When you purchase an excursion from Disney you'll check in for the excursion in D-Lounge and then be escorted to the correct transportation by a Cast Member.

Here were our trip reports for each Alaskan port we experienced:

Skagway – The White Pass and Yukon Route Railway was about a three hour train loop up the trail to the Yukon gold rush. The experience was well put together though after about 2 hrs we wished that we were back at the base. You'll follow the same route up and then back down. The train picks up directly at the ship.

railway yukon

We heard others who opted for a long hike, to rent a car and drive up into the Yukon (Skagway is the only port that we visited that is actually connected to the rest of the country by road), and taking an old town shuttle tour around the town itself. I would have loved to go on a long hike but due to others in our group with less mobility we opted to spend time together on the railway experience. This was a great way to see the sights and spend time together.

fried dough skagway must stop disney cruise vancouver to alaska

After our railway tour we still had a chance to walk around the town. We stopped at a Christmas shop and enjoyed chatting with the owners who turned out to spend winter in San Diego, California. We also enjoyed fried dough from the Klondike Doughboy . This is a must stop for your day in Skagway that you'll find on one of the side streets. Finally, we watched a National Parks historical film on the “last gold rush” that lead to the original establishment of Skagway as the gateway for gold seekers to sail to before a treacherous journey over the mountain to the site where gold was discovered. I enjoyed the context that the film provided. The film can be found in the National Parks building at the end of the street closest to the cruise ship slips.

whale watching juneau

This is a screenshot of the video I captured of the whales coming right up near our boat. The photo doesn't do the experience justice.

Juneau – At Juneau we participated in a whale watching and trip to the Mendenhall glacier . We were picked up by bus from the ship and then taken to a boat for the whale watching tour. We had whales get very close up to the ship and flip their tale. Just like the Pacific Life commercials ! This was an excellent experience getting into nature.

disney cruise to alaska mendenhall glacier waterfall

After our long morning on the boat we got back on the bus and headed to the Mendenhall Glacier. All along the ride we had very fun narration from our bus driver who shared a look into what it is like living in Alaska. She was witty and provided a look into the actual life rather than just giving facts and figures. A real highlight! At the Mendenhall Glacier we walked out to the waterfall. They claim this walk is an hour roundtrip but it only took us 45 minutes and that includes at least 10 minutes talking photos at the waterfall. Our bus then dropped us off in the heart of Juneau and we walked through some of the shops and found lunch.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

We opted to enjoy the fish tacos at Deckhand Dave's . We debated going to Tracy's Crab Shack but decided we didn't want another large sit down meal for lunch. We were very happy with our pick to enjoy the tacos. After lunch we also found GREAT fudge from the Alaskan Fudge Company . Both great options!

Ketchikan – As I shared above, Ketchikan is one of the rainiest cities in the United States so it was raining during our day here. It rained on and off throughout the day and the sky was gray all day. The ship docks right in town. In the morning we walked through the various shops in town and I took a longer walk up the river beyond Creek Street. The amount of salmon floating peacefully in the river was astounding. There were hundreds just hanging out in the shallows. In the afternoon we enjoyed the Lumberjack Show . This is an activity you could easily purchase tickets directly from the venue if you wanted to.

lumberjack show alaska

There isn't much of a savings for the headache of booking through an outside payment system but the option is there. The show was lots of fun. In the format of a US vs Canada competition, professional lumberjacks completed impressive stunts with their saws. The show also pulls in audience participation. We saw kids of the friends also on the trip get pulled in and have a great time participating. This experience is tons of fun for the entire family.

Fun Disneyland Fact – Did you know that in the summers of 1987 and 1988 there was a “State Fair” event that included a Log Rolling and Lumberjack Show? The show was found along the Rivers of America area.

alaska disney cruise hot chocolate excursion return

When you get back on the ship there's always a Cast Member with hot chocolate and cookies ready to greet you.

For 2 of the 3 days in port we opted to return to the ship for lunch rather than sitting down at any of the restaurant in town. We enjoyed eating at Triton's restaurant on the ship and appreciated the sit down service. After lunch we easily returned back into town for more exploring and some of our group opted to stay on the ship.

WiFi During Your Disney Cruise Line Alaska Trip

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I can't say this more overtly. The WiFi onboard the ship worked well for messaging and looking things but do not rely on it for downloads. Save any digital material that you want to have available. If you need a book downloaded for your Kindle or podcast downloaded for the gym, do everything you can to download these before leaving for your trip.

While there is WiFi onboard the Disney Wonder, it is expensive and runs out quickly. Even when you are on the WiFi there were certain apps that did not work at all.

In our experience iMessages came through over the WiFi even when we didn't have our WiFi package turned on. For messaging between people in your party onboard, there is a messaging option within the Disney Cruise Line app. This worked fine.

In each port I was able to get on my normal Verizon phone plan with no difficulties. I even used it as a hotspot from my computer to send email. Be sure to check on your phone plan for use in Canada for your days coming into Vancouver.

Disney Cruise Line App Review

disney cruise alaska

At first the Disney Cruise Line app was difficult to use. The interface is not intuitive to begin with but once you figure out how to locate activities it works well.

When you first get onboard, go through the activities listed and select the various onboard activities that sound interesting to you. To get the activities, click on the “Explore” section and click the day you want to view. There is also an option to filter by activity type – filtering by movie for instance. This schedule that you create will then cause the app to send you push notifications. The “Add Plans” button in the app doesn't work as expected and just suggests paid activities to you. Make sure to click the “Explore” section for details on everything happening onboard.

Disney Wonder Pools

The pools and water slide are open throughout the cruise to Alaska. We opted to quickly ride the waterslide the first day that we were onboard to check that box as we knew that our departure day from Vancouver would be the warmest day to enjoy the pools on the cruise. I recommend getting on the slide that first day to enjoy it while it is still sunnier outside. There were plenty of people enjoying the waterslide throughout the voyage but we were glad to have ridden it the first day.

Entering the pool area could be jarring at times. I would walk out on to the deck and be greeted with icy winds in the morning but also the upbeat tunes of “La Bamba”.

I actually used the pool almost everyday of the trip. In the early evening before our show I would try and get up to the adult pool area and hot tub. This area was a little more peaceful than the others and it was nice to meet other guests in the hot tub to swap stories on their experience.

How Food Works Onboard Disney Cruise to Alaska

rotational dining disney wonder

For Dinner:

Onboard the Disney Wonder there are three different restaurants that you will rotate through for dinners during your voyage. Each night you'll go to your assigned restaurant and your same waiter and assistant waiter will be there ready for you. Throughout your trip you'll get to know the wait staff and they'll get to know your preferences. In our group one member took her water without ice and by the second night she was already receiving her water with no ice without asking.

dinner on disney wonder

The menus shift each night of the cruise and are somewhat reflective of the theme of the restaurant.

Our waiters encouraged us to order anything on the menu that looked interesting. Each night I started with one of the soups of the day and some other appetizer before my main course. We sometimes also ordered an additional main course if we all wanted to try it.

Some of the food highlights that stuck with us – the Beef Wellington, the Banoffee pie (a chocolate, banana, whipped cream dessert), and the carmel ice cream that we enjoyed one evening (we ordered that ice cream every night afterwards too!). Another lesson. Always ask for the food that you want even if it isn't on the menu. My grandmother wanted a blue cheese wedge salad because the other salads on the menu were not something she was interested in. Amazingly our server had a wedge salad based on her specifications at the table 5 minutes later. My aunt was craving asparagus and they also delivered. Overall we were very impressed with the kitchen's ability to accommodate requests.

animators palate show

These were some of our drawings during the fun Animator's Palate show.

The three main restaurants are: Triton's, Tiana's Place, and Animator's Palate. Be sure not to miss the second night at Animator's Palate as there is a very cute show where everyone in the group draws a character and then that character comes to life on screens around the restaurant.

There are two dinner seatings – an early seating at 5:45 pm and a later seating at 8:15 pm. We had the later dinner seating which meant that we would be eating much later than we were used to at home. This also led us to snack much more going into the evening because we weren't going to eat until so much later. You have the opportunity to switch seating times in the app if you have a preference.

Palo For Upscale Dinner and Brunch:

palo brunch

There is an upscale adults only restaurant onboard called Palo that is an additional charge. We opted to enjoy both brunch and dinner here. The restaurant does book up so be sure to book your Palo experience when it becomes available for your Disney Cruise. Though I have a full review coming soon, I will share that we far preferred the variety that came with brunch at the restaurant.

For Breakfast and Lunch:

breakfast buffet disney wonder

Throughout the day there are a variety of food options constantly available. The Cabanas restaurant is open with a buffet for breakfast and lunch. For a sit down breakfast or lunch, the central sit down restaurant, Triton's, is also available. We started the cruise having our breakfast at Cabanas and then shifted over to eating breakfast at Triton's after we realized that our evening waiter was often there and we could have the same great table service as we did at dinner. The quality of breakfast food was also better at Triton's. I had very similar omelette orders at both locations and the Triton's omelette was far superior.

There are also quick service restaurants on the upper deck that serve sandwiches, hamburgers, chicken tenders (super good!), pizza, Asian style bowls, and of course soft serve. There is never a bad time to order soft serve on the cruise! Make sure you get in the habit of grabbing one otherwise the cruise will slip by. It is never too cold for Disney Cruise Line soft serve ice cream!

Additional Charge Food

There are a couple of food locations that are an additional charge. There are concession stands outside the theaters selling popcorn, soda, and candy. There are also a number of lounges with additional cost alcoholic beverages. On the top deck there is also a bar / coffee place that is for adults only. This Cove Bar feels a lot like a comfortable Starbucks.

The regular dinner restaurants also have extra charge alcohol as an option.

On Your First Day Onboard:

disney wonder food options

When you first board the Disney Wonder in Vancouver each restaurant will be open for you to enjoy lunch. On our first day we had lunch at Tiana's Place and enjoyed the sit down service. We could also have opted for the quick service options or buffet at Cabanas.

In addition to the above there is included 24/7 room service onboard. Let's just say, you really aren't going to go hungry. It is much more important to think about what you aren't going to eat than to worry about what you are.

There is also a water and soda station on the Deck 9 pool deck. We brought reusable water bottles and popped up here to refill them throughout the trip. There are a couple of water bottle fill stations on the upper deck by the pool and in the gym.

water and soda free disney cruise line

Disney Cruise Line Vancouver, Canada Boarding Process

disney alaska cruise pregnant

To board the Disney Wonder in Canada we went through a number of different checks including US customs.

For your arrival, you'll want to pack a carry on bag with anything you need throughout your first afternoon. You'll keep this bag with you and your other baggage will be sent to your room.

If anyone in your group has trouble walking long distances you may want to get a wheelchair for the walk through the check in process. There is lots of winding back and forth through the Disney Cruise Line security, customs, passport control, and then boarding the ship.

After you check in, you'll be directed to the ship where your room key will be waiting for you outside your door.

Disney Cruise Line Vancouver to Alaska COVID Testing

disney wonder ship alaska

For our COVID test we used OnPoint testing . This was a virtual service where a proctor would watch you take your own approved at home COVID test and then sign off on the result.

For only $14.99 per person we were able to easily test from our own home. Three of us tested during the same 10 minute Zoom call. This was much simpler, less expensive, and easier than attempting to test when we got to Vancouver or using the official Disney Cruise Line vendor.

What to See in Vancouver Before Your Disney Cruise

vancouver near disney cruise

I definitely recommend arriving to Vancouver at least one day before your Disney Cruise. Our flight arrived around 3 pm into Vancouver which gave us some time to enjoy the city before leaving to check in with Disney for our cruise the next morning. You'll also want to arrive the night before so that you aren't anxious about any flight delay that might cause you to miss the departure. The city feels far larger than it's official population (650,000 people) with innovative architecture and stunning views that blend the ocean, mountains, and city to one. In Vancouver, the spirit of adventure only grows as you lean into your anticipation for your Disney Cruise to Alaska – “the final frontier”.

Here were our highlights of Vancouver, Canada before the cruise:

First, we enjoyed Granville Island. This market place of food and artisans is absolutely a tourist trap but is one for good reason. On our clear skies day the market was crowded with locals and tourists enjoying the sun, food and entertainment. The market has the same feeling of active marketplace as Pike's Place Market in Seattle and Redding Terminal Market in Philadelphia but seems to have more food stalls. During the summer months when you'll be here before your Disney Alaska Cruise, expect a very warm afternoon.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

At the market we had great fish and chips from Celine's Fish and Chips, pad thai, and a german sausage plate. The fish and chips were the absolute highlight and we returned for another order.

To get to Granville Island you'll want to use Uber or Lyft from Downtown Vancouver (read my guide to Uber and Lyft at Walt Disney World for discount codes if you've never used the rideshare services before). If you are all mobile, be careful not to call your rideshare directly to Granville Island as your car will end up in a massive lineup while trying to drop you off and the price for the ride will be more expensive. Instead, put in “Blue Hat Bistro” for your drop off location. Return here after your time at the market to avoid headache as well.

After Granville Island we walked around in Gastown which is right near the cruise terminal that our ship was leaving from the following day. We enjoyed seeing the cobblestone streets here and then walked out along the seawall near the cruise terminal. We ogled the massive cruise ships thinking about the Disney Wonder that we would board the following day. It was a lot of fun to walk along the sea wall from here. We watched as sea plane after sea plane followed the same landing pattern swooping in from the clear blue sky that was just turning to dusk.

vancouver morning city to alaska

The next morning I went out for a run along the seawall and through Downtown Vancouver. The views along the seawall were stunning. I made a quick stop for a last minute electronics need at an Apple Store and then it was time to get onboard the Disney Wonder for our cruise.

Packing for Disney Alaskan Cruise

You can also see our Disney Cruise Line Packing List for a full perspective on what you need to bring with you.

A couple packing list notes:

  • There is a formal night onboard the ship but you do not have to participate if you don't want to. During our sailing about 40% of the passengers we saw were dressed up, but plenty did not.
  • There are slippers and a robe in your stateroom for your use throughout the trip.
  • For those using a cane, walking sticks were a nice option that my grandmother utilized instead of a cane during this trip.
  • We did not plan on doing any laundry during our Alaska cruise but we ended up using the laundry machine after our rainy day in Ketchikan to dry out our clothes. The machines can be operated by tapping your room key and charging the laundry to your room.
  • Make sure to bring your binoculars and consider getting a camera extension for your iPhone to increase your zoom strength.
  • Each guest 21 years and older may bring a maximum of 2 bottles of unopened champagne or wine or 6 beers on to the ship at the beginning of the voyage and at each port. The beverages must be carried onboard in your carry-on luggage.

alaska disney cruise laundry

General Disney Cruise to Alaska Tips

  • The stars in the carpet design in the main hallways all point towards the front of the ship.
  • Watch the morning show with the cruise director. We really enjoyed the witty humor from our cruise director, Stephen. We bought in and had a lot of fun watching the show.
  • Be ready for anything! During our sailing there was a tugboat strike in Vancouver that was completely outside of Disney's control. The strike led us to leave Vancouver eight hours late which meant that we had to skip Dawes Glacier to make up for lost travel time. This was obviously disappointing (Disney added a state room credit for all guests even though the situation was beyond their control), but we still had a great day weather wise and all the characters were still out with the same celebration.
  • There are free charms and a free charm bracelet that are available for guests everyday at a specific time. My aunt and grandmother enjoyed picking up a charm each day. By the end of the trip they had a complete bracelet. The charms are meant to get you in to the store looking at jewelry but they are still a cute keepsake.
  • You can tip the Cast Members that work on the cruise at the beginning or end of your sailing. There's a good tip calculator here to think about amounts.
  • As with anything Disney, mention if you are celebrating a special occasion while onboard. There are always magic makers looking to help!
  • Get outside! The views throughout your cruise are just incredible. Bring enough layers so you are always comfortable stepping out to your own verandah or the general decks so you can take in the majesty of the inside passage.

Take a look at a nice promo video from Disney here that captures many of these views:

disney cruise to alaska

We were hosted on this cruise to Alaska by Disney Vacation Club so that we could provide coverage of the Disney Vacation Club Member Cruise and witness some of the highlights from Disney Plus day. All opinions expressed here are our own.

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Here are some of our other guides helpful planning guides

  • Disney Wish – Tour of Disney's Newest MEGASHIP
  • How Much Does a Disney Cruise Cost? 2024 Pricing Explained
  • Guide to Disney Cruises – What You Need to Know
  • Top Tips For Your First Time Disney Cruise
  • Review of the Disney Vacation Club Member Cruise – Worth It?
  • Walt Disney World Hotel Reviews – Best Hotels On Property

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About Gavin Doyle

Gavin Doyle is a best-selling author and founder of Mickey Visit. He is an expert on helping families save money and experience more at Disney, Universal, and beyond. He has been featured in The New York Times, Forbes, ABC7, Travel+Leisure, the OC Register, Orange County Register, LA Times, Yahoo! News, and more.

Education: University of Southern California Favorite Ride: Guardians of the Galaxy - Mission: Breakout! at Disney California Adventure

Read more about Gavin.

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2 comments add your comment

All the tips in the above article are super helpful. Thank you

Glad it was helpful! Thank you for the feedback. Have a great cruise!

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US Coast Guard Medivacs Pregnant Woman from Disney Fantasy

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In a daring rescue operation on Monday, April 15, 2024, a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter successfully airlifted a 35-year-old pregnant woman from the Disney Fantasy cruise ship. The vessel was sailing approximately 180 miles Northwest of Puerto Rico.

The Coast Guard transported the woman to Centro Médico Hospital in San Juan for urgent medical attention. When she arrived, her condition was stable.

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The operation highlighted the readiness and skill of the Coast Guard crews in handling medical emergencies at sea.

Disney Fantasy’s captain alerted the Guard Sector Charleston to the medical situation in the late hours of Wednesday as the woman was experiencing complications with her pregnancy. The cruise ship, which was on its way to the Eastern Caribbean, requested immediate medical evacuation for the woman.

The woman’s name and health complications have not been revealed to safeguard her privacy and that of her traveling companions.

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The Coast Guard promptly dispatched an MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter from Air Station Clearwater, Florida. An HC-130 Hercules airplane supported the helicopter crew, providing aerial coverage and communication support during the operation.

“Our crew was able to quickly, safely, and efficiently execute a long-range MEDEVAC  for the patient to receive the higher level of care she required ,” Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr. Todd Stephens said about the rescue.

Video footage released by the Coast Guard shows the helicopter hovering over the cruise ship as the woman was hoisted aboard in a stretcher. The skilled maneuvers of the helicopter crew ensured that the operation was carried out smoothly despite the challenges posed by operating at such a long distance from land.

USCG KEEPING US SAFE: On Monday, a U.S. Coast Guard medivac safely removed an American passenger from the @DisneyCruise Line Fantasy cruise ship 180 miles northwest of Puerto Rico. The 35-year old pregnant passenger developed health complications and was transported to the Centro… — Port Canaveral (@PortCanaveral) April 16, 2024

This incident reminds us of the unpredictable nature of health issues that can arise at sea and the importance of the Coast Guard’s rapid response capabilities.

The Disney Fantasy, part of the Disney Cruise Line fleet, resumed its journey shortly after the operation. Disney Fantasy has medical facilities and trained medical staff, but certain conditions require hospital-level care that only a shore-based facility can provide.

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The Disney Cruise Line has not released a statement regarding the incident but maintains that the safety and well-being of their passengers are their top priorities. The Coast Guard’s prompt response and successful evacuation underscore their vital role in maritime safety and emergency medical services.

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NDR - Alaska Cruise Planning

Hi! I am in the research phase for an August 2026 Alaska cruise. I’m hoping to book the minute the itineraries open for the best room and excursion selection. This would be me, DH, DS10 (omg) and DS7 (in 2026) and my parents.

I don’t think we will be doing Disney or my fave RCL for this because we’ve decided that Glacier Bay is an essential for us and neither of those lines go there. Right now we are looking at a 7 night one-way trip to/from Vancouver on Princess cruise lines. The itineraries have not been released yet so I do not know which ships will be sailing.

I have done TONS of research but still feel a tiny bit outside of my comfort zone. From the different lines to the different ships to the different ports, etc. I welcome any advice or mini-trip reports, etc. Others can please feel free to ask their questions here too! I will post some specific questions in a bit. Thanks for all the help!

I’ve only done NCL Bliss roundtrip out of Seattle last July, and I’m doing the same again in October (same ship, slightly different itinerary… we get Glacier Bay this time!). My main advice is don’t worry too much about what room you get, because an Alaska itinerary is pretty busy, and you’re really not in the room that much. We had a super bougie Haven suite last year and while the bigger room was nice for my mom (who spent a lot more time in the room), we barely used any of the Haven perks. This cruise I’m in a 3 person interior (unless the price drops and I can get them to upgrade us… good chance of that because the ship seems to be at least 50% empty and were only 106 days out).

Be aware that the cruiselines have all just come to an agreement with the city of Juneau that will dramatically reduce port calls there starting next year (like, they will have reduced daily ships, and there’s also a ballot initiative to have no ships at all one day a week with no ships at all) so itineraries will look different going forward… I don’t think any of them have announced how they will be planning around that yet.

Thanks! So interesting about Juneau. That is where a lot of the good excursions are. I will have to watch the itineraries.

Thanks for the confidence with the room! We originally were looking at two connecting balcony rooms for the 6 of us. But the Princess rooms seem to be significantly smaller than RCL rooms so the bunks come out of the ceiling on top of us even in a balcony room! So now we are planning to get two interior rooms for my family and a mini suite for my parents. Even if we pay for a portion of my parents room (so we can share their balcony) it comes out a lot cheaper!

Northbound vs. Southbound: We would like to do 2-3 days in Vancouver and 4-5 in Alaska. But I can’t really decide the order. The flights are definitely a factor and I was leaning southbound just so that when we are all done in Vancouver it’s just a straightforward direct flight home. But that puts a ton of travel on the front end.

I welcome advice on this as it’s my biggest conundrum right now. @clonghurst do you have any thoughts? Sounds like you are somewhat familiar with flights.

We did Golden Princess from Vancouver to Whittier (7 days) in August 2019 followed by a tour package where we took a train to one of the cruise lines lodges near Denali then bused to another lodge and then to Anchorage where we stayed overnight before flying home.

We did a forest hike in Ketchikan and walked around the town, took the train trip to the Yukon in Skagway and went on a whale watching trip in Juneau. Glacier Bay was incredible. We spent part of the time there on our balcony enjoying the views without the crowds on the upper deck.

As I mentioned earlier, I definitely recommend a balcony cabin for the chance to sit outside and enjoy the view. We also really liked the talks by the naturalist about what wildlife we could expect to see. She set up on deck as we went through certain areas to point things out.

There were a lot of forest fires happening during our trip that did impact the land portion of our package. If we’d been a day later we wouldn’t have been able to take the train at all and there was concern we might not be able to get to Anchorage by bus on our way back or that our flight might not be able to take off because of the smoke! Luckily for us everything worked out with no delays.

Another thing about the balcony is that when the ship is underway it can be very windy on the balcony… this is less so during the scenic cruising portion, but we doing we wanted to be somewhere we could easily see the other side at those times, so we usually were in public areas at the front or back of the ship. We went on the balcony on embarkation day, and I had coffee there a couple of mornings but other than that we never used it even though we had great weather.

Flying from Anchorage to Vancouver was super easy and I imagine the reverse would be as well.

Thank you so much for the details! I wish they were still sailing the Golden Princess!

We definitely want at least one balcony and my parents would be fine with us wandering across the hall in PJs to take in some early morning glaciers.

I am looking deeply into the Princess Lodges. They look great and there is a Copper River (creek!!) one that reminds me of Disney. I’m very worried about the length of the train rides with the kids though. I was alternatively looking at Homer and Kadilak Island instead of going to Denali but I’m not sure it’s that much shorter.

My parents are actually planning to fly into Calgary/Banff and do the scenic railroad from there to Vancouver. That’s a bucket list item for them but I don’t think it’s family friendly.

There are a few (like 4 I think) “family suites” that are basically 2 bedrooms that would work for us but they are located completely forward and so many reviews said that the balcony was huge but completely unusable! Plus you had to “call” for the price so we knew they weren’t for us!

Surprisingly enough, the annoying flight for me on the one way itinerary is the one going between Vancouver and Detroit. There are no nonstops, so it’s nearly as long a travel day as the flight to or from Alaska!

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Alaska Cruises

The breathtaking beauty of nature. the magic of disney., ports of call.

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disney alaska cruise pregnant

Video shows Coast Guard rescuing pregnant woman from Disney cruise

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A pregnant passenger aboard Disney Fantasy had to be airlifted from the cruise ship after experiencing health complications. 

The  U.S. Coast Guard  said the cruise line requested medevac services with its San Juan, Puerto Rico, sector Monday morning due to the 35-year-old woman requiring "a higher level of medical care ashore." Soon after, a Coast Guard MH-60T Jayhawk helicopter and an HC-144 Ocean Sentry aircraft from Miami made their way toward the ship's spot in the Atlantic Ocean, 180 miles northwest of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico.

Video shows the aircraft approaching above the ship before a rescuer lowers down onto it by rope. The Coast Guard said that was the Jayhawk crew's "rescue swimmer," who prepared a "rescue basket and litter to safely hoist the patient and  cruise ship  doctor" aboard the chopper.

Seven people can be seen in the footage carrying the patient on a stretcher toward an area where one team member attached her and the cot to a hanging rope. She was then lifted to the helicopter door and brought safely inside.

Emergency medical personnel local to San Juan, Puerto Rico, met the Coast Guard aircrew and the patient at the city's Fernando Luis Ribas Dominicci Airport, then transported the woman to a local hospital, the military body said.

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While no passengers were injured, the cruise line confirms that two firefighters were treated for smoke inhalation.

"Our crew was able to quickly, safely and efficiently execute a long-range MEDEVAC for the patient to receive the higher level of care she required," said Lt. Cmdr. Todd Stephens. "This case demonstrates the value of good crew resource management and the capabilities of our Jayhawk helicopter."

"The competency displayed by the Disney Fantasy crew and the Coast Guard personnel and units involved made all the difference," said Ensign Michael Riccio, Coast Guard Sector San Juan operations unit leader for the case.

The woman's name and the reason for her medical emergency were not made clear as of Tuesday evening. 

Disney Cruise Lines'  website  states it has a doctor and nurse on call 24/7 in the event of medical emergencies onboard, while a daily clinic is available for non-emergent care.

It also says  pregnant women  are permitted to sail with the company, but those who are past their 24th week or who will enter their 24th week during the voyage cannot be permitted passage due to safety concerns.

"Neither a doctor's medical statement nor a waiver of liability will be accepted," the website states. "In addition, Disney Cruise Line cannot be held responsible or liable for any complications relating to pregnancy at any stage."

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Disney cruise line fall 2025 to spring 2026 itineraries.

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Disney Cruise Line announced itineraries from Fall 2025 to Spring 2026 for the Magic, Wonder, Dream, Fantasy legacy ships, plus the newer Treasure and Wish. This post covers the destinations, followed by commentary on pricing, what’s missing, DCL pent-up demand, and booking ASAP vs. waiting.

Note that “opening day” booking for the general public will begin on June 28, 2024. Do not call today–these itineraries cannot be booked yet by anyone. Prior to that, there will be a staggered advance booking period beginning next Monday. Here’s the eligibility timeline:

  • June 24, 2024 – Pearl Castaway Club Members
  • June 25, 2024 – Platinum Castaway Club Members, Golden Oak Club Residents
  • June 26, 2024 – Gold Castaway Club Members
  • June 27, 2024 – Silver Castaway Club Members, Disney Vacation Club Members, Adventures by Disney Insiders
  • June 28, 2024 – All Guests

It’s always a good idea to use an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner to do the work for you, but especially for opening day bookings. For one thing, using them to book your cruise is a great way to save time and stress. For another, their services are free to you since they’re paid commission by DCL on the reservation. You can also book directly on or by calling Disney Cruise Line at 888-325-2500. Anyway, here are full details about the DCL Fall 2025 to Spring 2026 sailings…

Four ships–the Disney Fantasy, Disney Wish, Disney Treasure and Disney Dream–will regularly sail to one or both of Disney Cruise Line’s signature island destinations, Castaway Cay and/or Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point, offering voyages filled with even more Disney magic.

Tropical itineraries await with sailings from the Pacific Coast and Gulf of Mexico in late 2025 and early 2026. A third season of voyages will embark across Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific on the Disney Wonder from October 2025 to February 2026.

As part of Disney Cruise Line’s collection of themed sailings, families will make memories on beloved holiday cruises with Halloween on the High Seas and Very Merrytime sailings in September, October, November, and December 2025.

Here’s a graphic offering an easily digestible visual rundown of Disney Cruise Line’s Fall 2025 to Spring 2026 sailings:

disney alaska cruise pregnant

For even more details, here’s a listing of every single Disney Cruise Line sailing for these two seasons:

disney alaska cruise pregnant

When it comes to commentary, as I shared back when the Summer 2025 Itineraries were announced, we cancelled all of our cruises last year when we found out Sarah was pregnant. We had booked the inaugural sailing to Lighthouse Point, but also cancelled that when the opening date for Fantasy Springs at Tokyo DisneySea was announced ( first world/blogger problems ).

With the benefit of hindsight, I’m glad we didn’t end up going to Lighthouse Point early-on. The fly problem does appear to be very real, but also something that’s completely fixable. I doubt Disney is going to be chased off the island by insects, although it would be mildly amusing if they had to abandon ship, so to speak, because they didn’t take bugs into account. More likely, they’ll figure it out–and quickly. As someone who hates bugs (not “scared” of them, just cannot stand them), that would have driven me crazy and I probably would’ve overreacted (negatively) to the pests.

On the other hand, as someone who clocks at least 20,000 steps every single day when visiting Walt Disney World, I probably would have “underreacted” to the walk along the pier to Lighthouse Point. Honestly, I wouldn’t have thought anything of it if others didn’t say anything, and have admittedly chuckled a little when seeing so many  people post screenshots of their phone stopwatch showing times of like 9 to 12 minutes. That’s the walk from the Little Mermaid rooms to the bus stops at Art of Animation.

Am I missing something? Maybe so, as this walk also isn’t shaded. ( Disney didn’t think to add shade? Who would’ve guessed?!?! ) Perhaps it feels worse than the normal ~10 minute stroll at Disney, especially since it’s an expanse of nothingness in direct sunlight and you can see how far you need to go from the outset. That might be daunting. Regardless, I’m also optimistic DCL will come up with solutions to this if it’s truly problematic.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

In terms of these actual itineraries, the biggest things that stick out to me are a lack of sailings out of San Diego and New York City in Fall 2025. There’s probably good reason for this, as Disney Cruise Line now has a second home port in Florida, so there’s no “need” to send a ship to NYC. Also, we frequently saw last-minute deals on those itineraries, which is part of why that became an aspirational itinerary for me. Guess we should’ve done that when we had the chance–now we’ll have to find a different way to Quebec.

The lack of San Diego sailings for Halloween and Christmas is more surprising. California is a large and highly populous state. (Not that New York isn’t.) It’s also home to a huge Disney fan base. (Again, not that New York isn’t.) It’s just wild to me that Disney Cruise Line wouldn’t want to have the fan-favorite seasonal sailings out of California.

Perhaps I’m underestimating the demand out of Florida as Walt Disney World guests do land and sea cruises? If it isn’t as high out of San Diego, maybe the same should be better marketed with Disneyland + DCL? After all, Disneyland at Halloween and Christmas is far better than Walt Disney World!

Nothing else really sticks out to me, but also, I do not purport to be a DCL expert. The itineraries out of NYC and San Diego are the ones I’ve most wanted to do, and those aren’t available, so that’s very apparent to me. Perhaps the ‘replacements’ are far better options that resonate more with DCL diehards, and I’m just oblivious to it.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

Every year opening day price-points make waves on social media, as prices always jump. This is not really a surprise at this point, but it’s nonetheless easy to be taken aback when first seeing each year’s prices…especially if you remember what prices were 5 years ago.

This has been  especially true  with Disney Cruise Line in the last couple of years as compared to the post-reopening period. We talk a lot about pent-up demand, and it’s important to recognize that DCL has seen a tremendously lagged version of that. Remember, there were restrictions in place through 2022, and ‘revenge travel’ didn’t really arrive in full force until last year.

We’ve had some sticker shock in looking at DCL prices lately, especially as compared to the post-reopening period when Sarah went on several sailings with friends–there were a ton of last minute steals back then. Now, it’s the opposite. Sorta like Walt Disney World in 2022 when resort discounts were scarce.

My  hope  is that a similar scenario plays out with Disney Cruise Line. That pent-up demand will start exhausting itself, discounts will return, and pricing will trend back towards “normal” levels. It does seem like that’s finally starting to happen, thankfully, but I’m not sure to what extent. I just know we have seen more deals and have heard reports that there are even better options available to Cast Members.  Progress!

Nevertheless, it’s worth noting that opening day stateroom rates are  usually on the lower end of the eventual pricing spectrum. Which is to say that as itineraries start to book up and stateroom inventory becomes more scarce, rates invariably increase. Pricing is demand-based, with cruises in recent years rarely decreasing in price–increases are far more common. (Basically, this is my warning to not  bank on the exhaustion of pent-up demand leading to price decreases. It will happen with some sailings, but do not count on it happening across the board. History is not on your side.)

disney alaska cruise pregnant

Ultimately, it’ll be interesting to see what happens with Disney Cruise Line, just like all other aspects of travel. We already have Megatron’s first cruise booked for this year (finally getting the chance for a do-over of the Very Merrytime Cruise) and my guess is that we’ll be doing another sailing in 2025, but probably in summer rather than any of these (especially since there’s no San Diego).

From my perspective, summer is the ideal time to do Disney Cruise Line–it’s my least-favorite time to travel pretty much everywhere else due to climate and crowds. (“Everywhere else” meaning the places I like to go: theme parks and National Parks.) Since the ships are capacity-constrained, largely indoors, and have a cool breeze outside in the evenings, I find them to be great summertime alternatives to the normal tourist destinations. There’s more to it than that, but anyway, that’s a rundown of the Disney Cruise Line itineraries for Summer 2025!

Planning to set sail aboard one of the Disney Cruise Line ships? Read our comprehensive Disney Cruise Line Guide to prepare for your trip, plan entertainment and other activities, and learn what to expect from your Disney cruise! If you want personalized recommendations for Disney Cruise Line itineraries, ships, and more, click here to get a cruise quote from a no-fee Authorized Disney Vacation Planner . They can find you all of the current discounts, and help you plan the details of your cruise!


What do you think of these Fall 2025 and Spring 2026 Disney Cruise Line itineraries? Any that appeal to you? Thoughts on pent-up demand for cruises starting to exhaust itself? Have you spotted any (worthwhile) DCL deals recently? Will you be booking on opening day, or taking a wait and see approach hoping to score a deal later? Do you agree or disagree with our perspective? Any questions we can help you answer? Hearing your feedback–even when you disagree with us–is both interesting to us and helpful to other readers, so please share your thoughts below in the comments!

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Written by Tom Bricker

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I wonder if part of the reason Disney Cruise line is no longer doing much with the Canadian Maritimes has to do with Bar Harbor, Maine’s new port restrictions – no more than 1,000 guests from any given ship can disembark per day. I think Bar Harbor is usually included on those itineraries, right? There has been a decent amount of news coverage up here in Maine over the issue. The town just recently decided to overhaul the permitting system, in addition to the cap voted on in 2022.

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Out of curiosity, when does Disney traditionally announce Alaska and Europe itineraries?

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Your wrong about Lighthouse Point – the walk was no worse than walking around one of the parks, such as going from Tomorrowland to Fantasyland at WDW and they will not be able to install shade on the pier as they move all of the support vehicles and the refrigerated truck to and from the pier to the island on days boats are docked which leads to a height restriction. As for the flies by the time we returned to Lighthouse Point for our second time on the inaugural cruise they had already taken several steps to address the fly situation and already had additional plans to mitigate the issue – Lighthouse Point is very different from Castaway Cay so I hope people visit there with an open mind and don’t expect Castaway Cay when they arrive – personally my family of 2 adults and 4 kids hands down preferred Lighthouse Point to Castaway – it’s a true island feel with the bonus amenities of bathrooms, outdoor showers, food, and an amazing kids club without being too commercial.

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So what am I wrong about?

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This was great! I’m thinking the Disney Destiny may fill in the NYC/San Diego gaps (fingers crossed), but I also read on some blog elsewhere that its port will be Miami.

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I was very surprised about the lack of Fall 2025 San Diego cruises as well, but then I thought, maybe Disney Destiny will do inaugural sailings out of San Diego in Fall 2025. That would be amazing, although probably just wishful thinking.

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Like you, I wish I had taking the NYC to Canada itinerary when I had the chance.

The sticker shock is REAL. We have a deposit down for one of the Eastern Med/Greek Island cruises next summer, but I am finding similar routes at half the price ( and well less than half for some cruise lines). My non-Disney-crazed spouse is keeping me grounded: our kids aren’t really into characters, we are vegetarian and generally indifferent to Disney World and other cruise dining, we are high energy tourists looking to pack as much as possible into our port visits, and the premium price would otherwise pay for an additional trip. Sigh.

On Lookout Cay – it’s the commute and not necessarily the pier walk that bothers me. We unexpectedly loved Royal Caribbean’s wacko private island, in part because our multi-generational party (full of strollers and wheelchairs) were in and out of the ship all day, as energy levels and naps dictated. I don’t think that will work with a 30-45 minute walk-and-tram commute to the beach.

“…we are high energy tourists looking to pack as much as possible into our port visits, and the premium price would otherwise pay for an additional trip…”

This would be the outcome-determinative portion for me. Well, that and really wanting the Disney experience. But if you won’t spend much time on the ship and the difference would pay for another trip…it’s an easy decision not to do DCL.

Royal Caribbean’s “wacko” (nice way of putting it) stuff is interesting to me. I can absolutely see the appeal, but both the Oasis class and the island look overwhelming–and not in a good way. To each their own, though!

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Thanks for distilling all this info into an easy to access format. You’re really out here doing the Lord’s work, Tom 🙂

Crazy idea: I’ve seen creators in the Disney space with WAYYYYY less following than you organize cruises for their communities. Have you considered a DTB cruise? A lot of us are going to be cruising anyway, and personally I’d kill for a Tom Bricker “How to Take Vacation Photos That Don’t Suck” seminar during a sea day!

We debated doing group events along these lines pre-COVID, but they never came to fruition for a number of reasons. Having a baby is probably the final nail in the coffin on that idea.

That’s probably for the best. I’d like to think that I now do better at interacting with readers in chance encounters (versus a decade ago), but doubt I could maintain the energy for an entire cruise. Also, teaching a photography class probably wouldn’t be a good idea. I respect teachers immensely because I know translating ability into teaching is a rare skill–and one that I definitely do not have.

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so Tom, that’s a clear ‘yes’ to hosting a cruise? Sign us up!

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Thinking of booking a cruise? Here are the lines you should — and shouldn't — sail with.

  • Before you book a cruise , it's important to understand that not all cruise lines are equal.
  • Each cruise line has amenities, entertainment, and experiences tailored to specific cruisers.
  • Carnival is good for families, Virgin Voyages for solo adults, and Cunard for mature travelers. 

Insider Today

I am a very, very avid cruiser. Last year alone, I spent 73 days on cruise ships .

I've sailed with most major lines, from kid-focused Disney Cruise Line to the sometimes-naughty Virgin Voyages. When people ask me which cruise ships I recommend , my answer isn't so straightforward.

Each cruise line is unique, offering amenities, entertainment, and experiences tailored to specific cruisers. What you book will depend on your needs, wants, budget, and what you'd rather avoid.

So, I've done some research about popular cruise lines and combined my personal experiences to help you decide which cruise line to book with.

After all, this is kind of the year of the cruise , with travelers predicted to set sail at some of the highest rates in years throughout 2024.

Here's what you need to know about some of the major cruise lines before you book your next trip.

Editor's Note: Price ranges were calculated at the time of publication based on available listings on each cruise site. Cruise pricing is per person, based on double occupancy and the cheapest stateroom/fare available. Prices were calculated before taxes, port charges, and other fees. Itineraries with added tours built-in were not included when calculating this information.

Carnival Cruise Line

disney alaska cruise pregnant

Cost: $ | Prices range from $156/pp for a two-day getaway from Sydney to $3,273/pp for a 10-day Alaska cruise

Ideal for: Budget travelers, intergenerational groups, families, and partiers

Skip if: You're looking for a high-class, elegant experience or a quiet, laid-back vibe

Highlight: All Carnival cruises come with itineraries loaded with fun activities. Some ships have especially exciting features like the first roller coaster at sea, SkyRide zip-line-style aerial bikes, and themed parties.

Possible cons: This is not a cruise line for those who like to wear a tux or ball gown or have a quiet cruise experience.

Launched in 1972, Carnival Cruise Line is one of nine cruise lines owned by parent company Carnival Corporation & plc. It's the company's largest cruise line, with 27 ships. Its cruises typically range from two days to 29 days.

Carnival Cruise Line offers year-round cruises in Australia, The Bahamas, the Caribbean, and Mexico and seasonal cruises in Alaska , Bermuda, Canada, Europe, Hawaii, and New England.

Celebrity Cruises

disney alaska cruise pregnant

Cost: $$ | Prices range from $233/pp for a three-night Key West & Bahamas cruise to $6,912/pp for a 7-night Galapagos cruise

Ideal for: Couples, families, and solo travelers

Skip if: You're looking for a slower-paced classic cruise

Highlight: All Celebrity Cruises come with amazing outdoor spaces like The Lawn Club with real grass on the top deck of Solstice Series ships and the Rooftop Terrace on Millennium Series ships. You also won't want to miss the Magic Carpet , which allows guests to hang out while suspended above the ocean on some ships.

Possible cons: This is not a cruise line for those who want to attend lectures about their ports of call.

Celebrity Cruises began sailing in 1997. There are 16 ships, which sail on itineraries ranging from three to 19 nights to nearly 300 ports of call in 70 countries.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

Cost: $$$ | Prices range from $249/pp for a two-night cruise from Southampton, England to Hamburg, Germany, to $19,158/pp for a 111-night World Voyage

Ideal for: Sophisticated travelers and mature cruisers

Skip if: You're looking for a high-energy cruise, hoping to travel with children , or craving adventurous activities

Highlight: All Cunard cruises come with white-glove service. You won't want to miss Cunard's famous 3:30 p.m. afternoon tea, gala evenings, and fine dining arranged by stateroom grade.

Possible cons: This is a very formal cruise with strict dress codes. You won't find water slides or pool parties here.

Founded in 1840, Cunard offers a classic cruise experience with cruises ranging from two to 116 nights.

Its four ships sail to Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.

disney alaska cruise pregnant

Cost: $$$ | Prices range from $422.40/pp for a two-night cruise from Sydney to Brisbane, Australia, to $5,592/pp for a 12-night Mediterranean with Greek Isles cruise

Ideal for: Disney adults , families, and intergenerational groups

Skip if: You don't want to vacation around a bunch of children and you crave peace and quiet

Highlight: All Disney Cruise Line cruises come with heaps of Disney magic in the way of special events and details. You won't want to miss character meet and greets, pirate-themed parties with fireworks, and passengers trading pins and leaving treats inside decorative pouches hung on stateroom doors.

Possible cons: There is a significant child population on most of these cruises and not much adults-only entertainment. Dinners in the main dining can get loud, and, just like at the theme parks, there can be many queues for activities and other offerings.

Disney Cruise Line first set sail in the 1990s and has five active ships, with the new Disney Treasure set to debut in December. The line has sailings all around the globe, and most range from two to 15 nights.

Holland America Line

disney alaska cruise pregnant

Cost: $$ | Prices range from $94/pp for a one-day Pacific Northwest cruise to a $27,399/pp for a 132-day Grand Voyage

Ideal for: Music lovers and sophisticated world travelers who appreciate European hospitality and smaller ships

Skip if: You're young, traveling with children, or want to party

Highlight: All Holland America Line cruises come with a dose of Dutch hospitality and elegance. During my cruise with the line, I enjoyed the Dutch cuisine and Music Walk , which features live performances at B.B. King's Blues Club, Rolling Stone Rock Room, and Billboard Onboard.

Possible cons: The line takes its formal nights really seriously and attracts an older crowd.

Holland America Line has had ships sailing the globe for over 140 years. Its 11 ships cruise to more than 425 ports of call on seven continents, and cruises range from one to 118 days.

MSC Cruises

disney alaska cruise pregnant

Cost: $ | Prices range from $80/pp for a three-night Mediterranean cruise to $46,149/pp for a 116-night World Cruise

Ideal for: Budget travelers, families, intergenerational groups, big groups

Skip if: You're looking for lots of food options or top-tier entertainment

Highlight: All MSC Cruises offer great value — and good pizza

Possible cons: The cruise fare does not include many dining options, and the evening entertainment skews old-school and a bit more basic than some other cruise lines that do Broadway-worthy shows.

MSC Cruises has 22 ships, with one more projected to join its fleet by 2025. The line has sailings all around the globe, and most range from two to 118 nights.

Norwegian Cruise Line

disney alaska cruise pregnant

Cost: $$ | Prices range from $79/pp for a one-day Australia cruise to $4,379/pp for a 10-day European cruise

Ideal for: Couples, families, and solo cruisers

Skip if: You're looking for structure, ballroom dancing, and fancy dinners

Highlight: All Norwegian Cruise Line cruises offer freestyle dining. You won't want to miss its Broadway-level shows and generous drink package, which is often offered complimentary.

Possible cons: This is not a cruise line for those who like formal dress codes, and some dislike the à la carte pricing.

Norwegian Cruise Line has been sailing the world for over 57 years. Its 19 ships visit 400-plus ports on seven continents, and cruises typically last one to 25 days.

Princess Cruises

disney alaska cruise pregnant

Cost: $$ | Prices range from $127/pp for a two-day Australia Seacation to $24,098/pp for a 98-day World Cruise

Ideal for: Mature solo travelers, couples, and retirees

Skip if: You're looking for lots of activities and party vibes. Princess Cruises tend to attract an older crowd, and the shows and activities reflect this. There aren't many events offered each day. On the three cruises I sailed with Princess, the entertainment was primarily musicals, piano players, and singers backed by an orchestra. There were only a handful of children on each cruise.

Highlight: All Princess Cruises offer Discovery and Animal Planet-exclusive shore excursions — and many have an excellent onboard lecture series.

Possible cons: This is not a cruise line for those who like to party, love water slides, or have teenagers.

Founded in 1965, Princess Cruises has 16 ships that sail to 330 destinations worldwide on itineraries from three to 111 days

Royal Caribbean

disney alaska cruise pregnant

Cost: $$ | Prices range from $196/pp for a two-night Hong Kong cruise to $8,266/pp for a 13-night Arctic Circle cruise

Ideal for: Couples, families, and intergenerational travelers

Highlight: All Royal Caribbean cruises come with fun activities and a broad range of entertainment options. Some have the Ultimate Abyss , the tallest slide at sea, or the glass capsule North Star , the tallest viewing deck on a cruise ship. You won't want to miss the Oasis Class ships' seven distinctly themed neighborhoods and Royal Promenade, a mall-like thoroughfare with shops, restaurants, and lounges that runs the length of the ship.

Possible cons: Many of its ships are mega-ships, so this isn't the line for you if you want a more intimate trip.

Founded in 1968, Royal Caribbean sails to about 240 destinations on six continents. Cruises range from two to 22 nights.

Royal Caribbean has many of the world's largest cruise ships in its fleet of more than 20 vessels.

Virgin Voyages

disney alaska cruise pregnant

Cost: $$ | Prices range from $415/pp for a four-night roundtrip cruise from England to Amsterdam to a $3,072/pp for a 13-night Canada, Carolina, and Miami cruise

Ideal for: Child-free travelers, health enthusiasts, the glamorous, and those who don't like strict rules

Skip if: You want a classic cruise, need structure, or can't handle playfulness (and, sometimes, naughtiness)

Highlight: All Virgin Voyages are child-free, and everyone gets unlimited WiFi, access to group fitness classes, and gratuities included in their fare. You won't want to miss its famous Scarlet Night, 20 eateries (every venue is considered specialty dining), and eclectic shows like "Untitled DanceShowPartyThing."

Possible cons: There aren't traditional song-and-dance shows, assigned dining times, and nightly portrait photography

Virgin Voyages has been sailing its "Lady Ships" inspired by superyachts since 2021. Three nearly identical ships are currently in service, and a fourth one is set to set sail later this year.

Virgin Voyages sails to about 100 destinations in Australia, Europe, the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, and the United Kingdom on cruises ranging from three to 16 nights.

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Health | ‘Gray area’ of life or death: The horrible…

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Health | ‘gray area’ of life or death: the horrible scenario that faces many pregnant women rushed to florida’s ers, us supreme court to decide on emergency abortion care.


Anya had been only 16 weeks’ pregnant when her water broke unexpectedly. She rushed to a Coral Springs hospital in distress. Although the doctor providing emergency care told her that her amniotic sac had ruptured, he gave Anya antibiotics and sent her home. Anything more would violate Florida’s 15-week abortion ban in effect at the time, he told the Cooks.

“Even though she was carrying a baby that would not survive and was at risk for infection or hemorrhaging, we were sent home,” Derick said.

Distraught, Anya went to the Hollywood salon, telling her husband that if she died she wanted her hair to be funeral-ready.

Anya and Derick Cook endured a heartbreaking and harrowing pregnancy loss, complicated by Florida's abortion law.

Shortly after arriving, Anya went into the bathroom and delivered the stillborn baby alone, blood hemorrhaging from her body onto the floor and the umbilical cord dangling and still attached to her lifeless daughter. She called Derick in a panic to help her.

“I followed what I had seen on medical shows to cut my daughter’s umbilical cord and help my wife deliver the placenta,” Derick said. Paramedics rushed Anya to Memorial Regional Hospital, where she went into surgery for 12 hours with a medical team trying to save her life. At some point, Derick said, a doctor asked him how badly he wanted to save his wife’s uterus, unsure whether the medical team could save both.

“I know she should have never been in a life-or-death situation trying to have our child,” Derick said.

Florida’s emergency physicians and obstetricians had already been grappling with scenarios like Anya’s, when the state’s more restrictive law went into place.

On May 1, a new six-week abortion law went into effect in Florida with exceptions to allow doctors to perform an abortion in life-threatening situations, including an ectopic pregnancy, a woman’s water breaking early, or a trophoblastic tumor that forms in the uterus. With those exceptions, which Florida doctors say are common scenarios in emergency departments, doctors must interpret how soon they can intervene to end a pregnancy.

“That’s the gray area,” said Dr. Daniel Christie , a South Florida fertility and IVF physician. “How close to death does a woman need to be to say, ‘Now we can do something to save the life of the mother?'”

While Florida hospitals are trying to come up with policies and protocols for how to protect a mother’s life, and address emergency abortion care, attention has shifted to the U.S. Supreme Court.

A U.S. Supreme Court decision expected this month will determine whether women can receive emergency abortion care or whether state abortion bans prevent it.

A nearly 40-year old federal law called the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) requires Medicare hospitals to provide stabilizing care to all patients experiencing a medical emergency. Until now, hospitals have defined “stabilizing care” to include emergency abortion.

In Idaho, when a pregnant patient has complications, abortion is only legal to prevent the woman’s death, not to help stabilize her. The Biden administration sees that as a direct conflict, and the Justice Department sued Idaho, asserting the federal emergency care law preempts the state’s abortion ban.

In a court filing, Idaho physicians warned the court that patients are being harmed by the state’s total abortion ban. They described cases in which women facing serious pregnancy complications were either sent home from the hospital or transferred out of state for care.

“What is going on now in Idaho could easily happen in Florida,” said Dr. Leonardo Alonso , an emergency medicine specialist in Jacksonville.

If the Supreme Court sides with Idaho, Florida doctors  — like others around the country — will be forced to wait until a patient is at the brink of death before intervening.

“What this means is a pregnant woman in an emergency situation may be able to get to the ED, but when she gets there, she may not necessarily get the care she needs,” said Dr. Cecilia Grande, a Miami gynecologist.

Most emergency doctors practicing in Florida at this time have done so only while Emergency Medical Treatment act has been the guiding law, said Dr. Damian Caraballo , a Tampa emergency phyisican and past president of the Florida College of Emergency Physicians.

“The ruling could change the way people practice,” he said. “If they get rid of EMTALA, it becomes a whole new wild west in practicing emergency medicine.”

If the Supreme Court rules that the Medical Treatment Act doesn’t apply to abortion care, a pregant woman suffering a life-threatening complication could be told in an emergency room that there’s nothing that the doctors legally can do, even when medically there is, Caraballo said. The doctors would have to stand by and wait for patients to decline.

“When people who make laws who don’t practice medicine, it creates a huge conundrum that could harm patients through unintended consequences,” Caraballo said.

Ultimately, emergency physicians call in hospital obstetricians to decide treatment for pregnant patients in pain, bleeding, or who might have a dangerous infection.

Dr. Shavonne Ramsey-Coleman, market medical director for Ob Hospitalist Group , works on staff as an obstetrician for hospitals in Boynton Beach, Miami and South Miami. When she treats a pregnant women in distress, she says she puts the mother’s life first. “If we see women who are in situations where they’re hemorrhaging, or they’re dying actively, we are going to take care of those patients — period.”

But Ramsey-Coleman acknowledges wiith Florida’s abortion ban, navigating when and how aggressively she intervenes is tricky.  If obsetricians wait too long, the patient can lose a massive amount of blood, end up with sepsis, or develop lasting damage to her organs and her future fertility.

“The law now in Florida is decently clear, but there are always some gray areas. Each hospital has a legal team, and we take it to them and the ethics committee to help us suss it out,” she said. “Every hospital is a little bit different in how they are handling it.”

Some women will be asked to wait, she said.  “Unfortunately, there are patients having to leave the state for some of the treatments and therapies if they are unwilling to wait a day or two or three.”

Christie, the IVF doctor, said he helped Anya Cook after her uterus surgery and expects to see more women in her situation if Medical Treatment Act no longer exists as the guiiding federal law.

“Fertile couples who were hamstrug because they had appropriate care withheld will now be coming to see me because they need my service, and things internally in the woman have become so wrecked I may or may not be able to correct what damage has been done,” he said. “The law needs to recognize it’s not just saving a life — it’s about what you are jeopardizing when a pregnant woman is left untreated.”

Derick Cook says nearly 18 months after his tragedy, he is watching for the Supreme Court ruling, hoping it will ensure a family’s right to emergency abortion care. He wants men to know this issue affects them too, as fathers.

“It’s very scary when your wife is bleeding and you don’t know what to do,” he said. “When you want your wife to get the help she needs and instead get turned away, that’s scary, and that’s gonna be scary for a lot of families across this nation.”

Sun Sentinel health reporter Cindy Goodman can be reached at [email protected] .

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disney alaska cruise pregnant

7 amazing cruise itineraries to book in 2024

I don't know about you, but each year, as the weather turns cold, I start daydreaming about getting out of Dodge — or, in my case, Pennsylvania. My mind wanders to cruises that will take me to places where the temperature is warmer, but I also take a hard look at the (exceptionally lengthy) list of places I'm longing to visit.

After digging through what's new for 2024, I've come up with a shortlist of sailings that I think are noteworthy. They range from a standard Bahamas voyage with a new twist and an extended Alaska sailing that includes a foray across the Arctic Circle to more far-flung destinations in the Asia-Pacific region.

Dream on, dear reader, and add these to your list of 2024 cruise itineraries.

Note: All prices listed are per person, based on double occupancy, unless otherwise noted. Fares do not include taxes and fees.

For more cruise news, reviews and tips, sign up for TPG's cruise newsletter .

Seabourn's 'Kimberley Expedition: Waterfalls and Wandjinas' itinerary

Last year, the Australia and New Zealand cruise region gained momentum following the pandemic shutdown. In 2024, the hardly populated Australia region of The Kimberley is gaining popularity. Luxury cruise brand Seabourn will be offering a series of six 10-night voyages between Broome and Darwin on expedition vessel Seabourn Pursuit during what will be early winter in the southern hemisphere.

The line's " Kimberley Expedition: Waterfalls and Wandjinas " will take passengers to places along the coast few passengers are able to visit to see the stunning teal waters and horizontal waterfalls of Talbot Bay, sample wines in the Hunter River Region and check out nature preserves in Wyndham.

Details: The first sailing, from Darwin to Broome, embarks on June 12. The final voyage, from Broome to Darwin, departs on Aug. 1. Prices start from $6,134 per person ($613 per person, per night), double occupancy, for the July 2 cruise. All accommodations are suites with balconies.

Celebrity's 'Best of Japan' and 'Vietnam and Thailand' cruises

The number of voyages in Asia was trending upward notably prior to 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic brought cruising in the region to an extended halt. And it's once again on the rise. Following that curve, Celebrity Cruises will be running new 11- to 13-night Asia sailings in 2024 on two ships — Celebrity Millennium and Celebrity Solstice — that bring stops in Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Thailand.

What's notable about the offerings is that they will aim to immerse passengers further into the destinations by including overnights in a total of 11 ports across all itineraries. That means more time to explore Hanoi's Old Quarter as the sun sets, indulge in nighttime gastronomy in Hong Kong, visit one of Bangkok's many markets, or learn why Osaka is known for street food.

Details: Celebrity Millennium's " Best of Japan " cruises run from early mid-March to early October. At press time, the least expensive fares — for a 12-night sailing — start from $1,330 per person ($111 per person, per night) for an inside cabin. It travels round-trip from Yokohama and visits Hiroshima, Pusan and other ports, including Osaka, where the ship will overnight.

Celerbrity Solstice's Vietnam and Thailand cruises kick off in mid-January and run through March. The ship will resume them again in the fall of 2024 and run through the winter season. Prices start from $1,255 per person ($105 per person, per night) for an inside cabin. The voyage sails from Hong Kong to Singapore with stops in Da Nang and Koh Samui, plus overnights in Hanoi and Bangkok.

SeaDream's 'Yachting the Adriatic & Greek Isles' sailing

Here's one to put on your radar if you're looking to book — but not necessarily sail — in 2024. It's a new Mediterranean itinerary that doesn't start up for nearly three more years, in 2026. The SeaDream routing brings stops at seven ports that are rarely visited by cruise passengers. During the seven-night voyages, there will be calls at Primosten, Croatia; Cesme, Turkey; Cetubal, Portugal; and Kythira, Kythnos, Syvota and Tinos, Greece — making these sailings unique and well-suited to anyone who loves the region but who's looking for new places to experience.

SeaDream's small ships, each of which carries just 112 people, are able to reach locales about which passengers on megaships can only fantasize. Couple that with excellent service, and you'll be visiting the Our Lady of Loretto statue in Primosten, touring the Cesme Castle and lounging on stunning Greek beaches from a home base that puts you squarely in the lap of luxury.

Details: An itinerary that includes three of the seven new ports is the 11-night " Yachting the Adriatic & Greek Isles " itinerary from Venice, Italy, to Athens, Greece, departing on Aug. 8, 2026, on SeaDream I. Prices start from $10,399 per person ($946 per person, per night) for a room with a porthole view.

Holland America's 'Alaska Arctic Circle Solstice' Legendary Voyage

Alaska is an absolute must for anyone who enjoys the vastness of untouched wilderness, the wildlife it houses and adventurous pursuits it provides. (Think whale-watching, hiking on glaciers and salmon fishing.) However, Holland America 's Westerdam is hosting a 28-day sailing that's anything but your standard cruise to the Last Frontier .

Passengers will visit the usual Alaska ports, such as Ketchikan, Sitka and Juneau, with scenic sailing through the Inside Passage, past Hubbard Glacier and to Glacier Bay. But they can also expect less-common stops at places like Nome, Kodiak, Anchorage (with an overnight) and Homer. Plus, about halfway through, this cruise crosses the Arctic Circle — a rite of passage for many travelers.

Details: Holland America's 28-day " Alaska Arctic Circle Solstice " cruise — one of the line's Legendary Voyages, known for longer durations and a unique mix of port calls — sails June 9-July 7, round-trip from Seattle. Inside cabins start from $5,299 per person (about $189 per person, per night).

Silversea's summertime French Polynesia cruises

Another consideration for future travel is Silversea Cruises , which is featuring its first full-summer season in French Polynesia in 2026. Silver Whisper will offer two immersive itineraries, including overnights, across 17 voyages between April and September.

Passengers can choose seven-night sailings that visit idyllic favorites like Tahiti, Moorea and Huahine and which also include overnights in Bora Bora. Or, they can cruise for twice as long by selecting a 14-night voyage that calls on the same ports as the seven-night option but with Fakarava, Nuku Hiva, Fatu Hiva, Atuona and Tahuata added.

Details: Silversea's seven-night voyages begin April 6, 2026, and start from $5,650 per person ($808 per person, per night) for an ocean-view cabin.

The line's 14-night sailings start on April 20, 2026. Fares start from $10,450 per person ($747 per person, per night) for ocean-view accommodations.

New Bermuda voyages on Carnival Venezia

Beginning in May of 2025, Carnival Cruise Line 's Carnival Venezia will sail a series of eight four- and five-night cruises to Bermuda from New York. These itineraries are notable because the line is aiming to increase its presence there but also because the style of the ship is new to even most of the brand's most dedicated passengers.

In 2022, Carnival announced its Costa by Carnival concept after revealing it would be transferring ships from its Costa sister brand to the Carnival fleet. Now, when travelers visit the Gibb's Hill Lighthouse or check out the island's renowned pink-sand beaches during a sailing on Carnival Venezia, they can enjoy both the Italian style of the ship and Carnival's fun atmosphere and high service standards.

Details: Voyages kick off on May 22, 2025. Prices start from $429 per person ($108 per person, per night) for an inside cabin on a four-night cruise departing Sept. 18, 2025.

Disney Cruise Line's Lighthouse Point itineraries

Disney Cruise Line 's new Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point , a private destination on the Bahamian island of Eleuthera, is set to open in June with a three-night preview sailing on June 6 aboard Disney Magic. Following the initial voyage, the line will run regular three- to seven-night voyages to Lighthouse Point on Disney Magic, Disney Fantasy and Disney Dream.

The island will feature a dedicated family beach and water play area, an arts and culture pavilion focused on Bahamian culture, 20 family cabanas, an adults-only beach and a selection of shore excursion options.

Details: Prices for itineraries that include Lighthouse Point start from $624 per person ($208 per person, per night) for a three-night cruise on Disney Magic. The cruise departs Nov. 5 and sails from Fort Lauderdale's Port Everglades to San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Have cruise questions? TPG has answers:

  • Banned items: What not to pack for a cruise
  • Man overboard: Why do people fall off cruise ships?
  • What is baked Alaska, and why is it paraded around cruise ships?
  • What are the largest cruise ships in the world?
  • What is a gentleman host on a cruise?
  • What is the Jones Act and how does it affect cruise ships?
  • What is a lido deck on a cruise ship?
  • What's a cruise cabin guarantee and will it save you money?
  • What's the difference between a cruise concierge and a butler?

Editorial disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are the author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, airline or hotel chain, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities.

Wat Arun is one of the well-known landmarks of Thailand

A: Women who have entered their 24th week of pregnancy as of their embarkation date or who will enter their 24th week of pregnancy during the cruise will be refused passage due to safety concerns. Neither a doctor's medical statement nor a waiver of liability will be accepted. In addition, Disney Cruise Line cannot be held responsible or ...

Jan 12, 2013. #9. I cruised about 23 weeks pregnant. All cruise lines are very strict regarding gestational age of the pregnancy. Disney was actually the most liberal stating that women must be 24 weeks at the START of the cruise. The other cruise lines wouldn't let you on if you are 24 weeks at ANY POINT of the cruise.

All the major cruise lines have the same pregnancy policy: Guests are allowed to cruise through their 23rd week of pregnancy. If you will enter your 24th week before or any time during your cruise, you are not allowed to sail. The cruise lines are firm on this policy, so don't bother asking for an exception.

Before you book your cruise -- or once you learn you're pregnant if you're already booked -- check in with your doctor and make sure that cruising (along with the destinations you're planning to ...

February 23, 2024. Taking a Disney Wonder Alaska cruise is a great way to experience nature with all the comforts and fun of a Disney vacation. Use our Disney Alaska cruise planning timeline and tips to make the most out of this expensive, but incredible vacation. Disney Alaska Cruise Planning Timeline. 12 months or more before Alaska cruise.

New Summer 2024 Itineraries. Disney Treasure. Our Ships

Alaska Cruises. Search for Disney Cruise Line Alaskan Cruises. 0 $ 0. View Cruises . With rugged arctic beauty and outdoor adventure in spades, Alaska is a destination brimming with family appeal. Kids will get a kick out of Port Adventures like gold panning and dog sledding while adults will be awed by its spectacular fjords, waterfalls and ...

The US Coast Guard conducted a medical evacuation to assist a pregnant passenger on a Disney Cruise Line ship on Monday. (Photo USCG) According to reports, the 35-year-old woman had been ...

The Disney Cruise Pregnancy Form is a comprehensive resource that covers everything you need to know, from medical considerations to onboard activities. It is essential to consult with your healthcare provider before embarking on a cruise, ensuring that you have a healthy and uncomplicated pregnancy. While some activities and amenities may have ...

Find helpful information about Alaska cruises. Powered by Vacations To Go, with over 8 million happy customers since 1984. My Account ... Disney Cruise Line Pregnant Women: Women who have entered their 24th week of pregnancy as of their embarkation date, or who will enter their 24th week of pregnancy during their cruise will be refused passage ...

The complete list is included in the free Disney Alaska packing list printable. We packed everything on this list for three people in a large checked bag, a medium checked bag, three carry-on bags, and two personal items with the help of compression packing cubes (affiliate link: Buy on Amazon ).

The Disney Cruise Line Alaskan sailings on the Disney Wonder occur throughout the summer "warm" months. The first 2024 Alaska sailing begins on May 13, 2024 and the last sailing ends on September 23, 2024 (the Disney Cruise Line 2024 dates were announced here ). We don't yet the 2025 Disney Alaska Cruise dates.

Alaska cruises on the Disney Wonder are not cheap. The 7-night itineraries for 2024, for a family of 3, start at $4,196. But everyone says a verandah room is a must-do for an Alaska cruise (our thoughts on this shortly), so already you're looking at closer to $10,000. Getting 50% off this cruise would be serious value.

A Disney cruise is all but guaranteed to be an amazing, relaxing and downright fun vacation, but knowing what to pack for a vacation on Disney Cruise Line can be a little overwhelming, especially ...

US Coast Guard Medivacs Pregnant Woman from Disney Fantasy. In a daring rescue operation on Monday, April 15, 2024, a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter successfully airlifted a 35-year-old pregnant woman from the Disney Fantasy cruise ship. The vessel was sailing approximately 180 miles Northwest of Puerto Rico. The Coast Guard transported the woman ...

Hi! I am in the research phase for an August 2026 Alaska cruise. I'm hoping to book the minute the itineraries open for the best room and excursion selection. This would be me, DH, DS10 (omg) and DS7 (in 2026) and my parents. I don't think we will be doing Disney or my fave RCL for this because we've decided that Glacier Bay is an essential for us and neither of those lines go there ...

View Cruises. For assistance with your Disney Cruise, please call . Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM Eastern time; Saturday and Sunday, 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM Eastern time. Guests under 18 years of age must have parent or guardian permission to call. Experience a Disney Cruise Line Alaskan voyage with exotic locales, first-rate ...

Dramatic video captured the moment a pregnant woman suffering medical complications was airlifted from a Disney cruise ship. Footage posted by the US Coast Guard shows a rescuer being lowered onto ...

On Jun 15, 2024 Heidi from WA Asked Please note that experiences, policies, pricing and other offerings are subject to change and may have changed since the date of this answer. I'm going on the Alaska cruise on the Disney Wonder from July 1,2024 through July 8.

A pregnant passenger aboard Disney Fantasy had to be airlifted from the cruise ship after experiencing health complications. The U.S. Coast Guard said the cruise line requested medevac services with its San Juan, Puerto Rico, sector Monday morning due to the 35-year-old woman requiring "a higher level of medical care ashore." Soon after, a Coast Guard MH-60T Jayhawk helicopter and an HC-144 ...

When it comes to commentary, as I shared back when the Summer 2025 Itineraries were announced, we cancelled all of our cruises last year when we found out Sarah was pregnant. We had booked the inaugural sailing to Lighthouse Point, but also cancelled that when the opening date for Fantasy Springs at Tokyo DisneySea was announced (first world/blogger problems).

Cost: $ | Prices range from $156/pp for a two-day getaway from Sydney to $3,273/pp for a 10-day Alaska cruise. ... Disney Cruise Line first set sail in the 1990s and has five active ships, with ...

Family-friend Disney Cruise Line is a relatively small cruise brand, with just five ships (one of its biggest rivals in the family cruise market, Royal Caribbean, has 26 vessels). But that doesn't ...

Juneau, Alaska, the capital city of the Last Frontier State and a major cruise port, has set a daily limit of 16,000 cruise ship passengers allowed to disembark in the destination Sundays to ...

CELEBRATION, Fla., June 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Disney Cruise Line released two seasons of thrilling itineraries, spanning sailings from fall 2025 to spring 2026. ... Alaska, The Bahamas ...

Anya and Derick Cook endured a heartbreaking and harrowing pregnancy loss, complicated by Florida's abortion law. (Anya Cook/Courtesy) Shortly after arriving, Anya went into the bathroom and ...

Details: Holland America's 28-day "Alaska Arctic Circle Solstice" cruise — one of the line's Legendary Voyages, known for longer durations and a unique mix of port calls — sails June 9-July 7 ...

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Vin blanc, Alsace, Gewurztraminer

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  1. White Wine from Alsace

    la tour blanche gewurztraminer

  2. Gewurztraminer La 4ème Tour 2021 › KUENTZ BAS

    la tour blanche gewurztraminer

  3. B My Bordeaux: Château La Tour Blanche

    la tour blanche gewurztraminer

  4. La Tour Blanche 2007 375ml

    la tour blanche gewurztraminer

  5. Alsace

    la tour blanche gewurztraminer

  6. Vin Gewurztraminer

    la tour blanche gewurztraminer


  1. Baby Bok Choy with spicy ginger chili sauce


  1. Domaine de la Tour Blanche 2017 Gewurztraminer (Alsace)

    All tastings reported in the Buying Guide are performed blind. Typically, products are tasted in peer-group flights of from 5-8 samples. Reviewers may know general information about a flight to provide context—vintage, variety or appellation—but never the producer or retail price of any given selection. When possible, products considered flawed or uncustomary are retasted.

  2. Domaine de la Tour Blanche Gewurztraminer

    Find the best local price for Domaine de la Tour Blanche Gewurztraminer, Alsace, France. Avg Price (ex-tax) $15 / 750ml. Find and shop from stores and merchants near you.

  3. Domaine de la Tour Blanche Gewürztraminer

    A White wine from Alsace, France. See reviews and pricing for this wine.

  4. Domaine de la Tour Blanche 2014 Gewurztraminer (Alsace)

    Subdued floral notes signal a restrained Gewurztraminer. The palate has ample freshness and gentle perfume, making for a subtle wine that plays down the fragrances but boosts the spiciness. It

  5. Domaine de la Tour Blanche Sporen Gewürztraminer Alsace Grand Cru

    A White wine from Alsace Grand Cru, Alsace, France. See reviews and pricing for this wine.

  6. 1970 Domaine de la Tour Blanche Gewurztraminer

    Critics have scored this wine 88 points. Gewurztraminer wines are perfumed with aromas ranging from blossom to lychee and orange peel, all with a relatively full body, low acidity a ... Stores and prices for '1970 Domaine de la Tour Blanche Gewurztraminer, Alsace' | prices, stores, tasting notes and market data.

  7. Gewürztraminer du Domaine de la Tour Blanche

    Le Gewürztraminer du Domaine de la Tour Blanche est un vin blanc de la région d'Alsace. En bouche ce vin blanc est un vin puissant principalement marqué par le sucre résiduel.

  8. Late Harvest Wine from Alsace

    The Domaine de la Tour Blanche introduces us here to its late harvest cuvée made from botrytised or overripe grapes. These grapes are more concentrated in sugar and give very round, full-bodied and greedy wines.

  9. Domaine de la Tour Blanche Gewurztraminer 2019

    The Domaine de la Tour Blanche is above all a family affair. Winemakers from father to son since 1628, the current 13th generation still produces its wines in oak barrels dating from 100 to 120 years. For the work of the 8 hectares of vines, the watchword is natural.

  10. Domaine de la Tour Blanche Vendanges Tardives Gewürztraminer

    A Dessert wine from Alsace, France. See reviews and pricing for this wine.

  11. 1890 Domaine de la Tour Blanche Gewurztraminer

    Find the best local price for 1890 Domaine de la Tour Blanche Gewurztraminer, Alsace, France. Find and shop from stores and merchants near you.

  12. Domaine de la Tour Blanche Sporen Gewurztraminer 2007

    La Tour Blanche? L'ancienne prison des bourgeois de Riquewihr où la famille Klach s'est installée. Aux commandes, Daniel Klack, avant lui, Jean Klack et toute une lignée remontant à Guillaume, né au XVIIes. Le domaine (5 ha) comprend une vigne de gewurztraminer dans le Sporen d'où provient ce millésime. De couleur or pâle, ce 2007 mêle au nez la rose, les fruits confits et un soupçon ...

  13. Gewurztraminer Domaine de la Tour Blanche vin blanc d'Alsace AOC

    Le gewurztraminer est un cépage emblématique d'Alsace. Il peut être vinifié en moelleux mais aussi en sec. Le Domaine de la Tour Blanche nous propose ici une cuvée moelleuse mais sans lourdeur, qui développe de riches arômes de fruits, de fleurs et d'épices. A déguster sur de la cuisine exotique épicées, des fromages à pâte ...

  14. White Wine from Alsace

    A seductive and rich wine, with very expressive aromas

  15. Vendanges Tardives Gewürztraminer du Domaine de la Tour Blanche

    Le Vendanges Tardives Gewürztraminer du Domaine de la Tour Blanche est un vin doux de la région d'Alsace. Ce vin s'accorde généralement bien avec de la volaille, du poisson gras ou du fromage doux.

  16. Domaine de la Tour Blanche 2015 Gewurztraminer (Alsace)

    The nose boasts the pure perfume of Damask rose which runs right through with floral intensity on the off-dry palate. Some peach and lychee join but the rose florals are the chief aromatic. The palate

  17. Gerwurztraminer

    Products search. Home / White Wine / French Whites / Gerwurztraminer - Domaine De La Tour Blanche / White Wine / French Whites / Gerwurztraminer - Domaine De La Tour Blanche

  18. Gewurztraminer Vendanges Tardives Domaine de la Tour Blanche vin blanc

    Gewurztraminer Vendanges Tardives Domaine de la Tour Blanche vin blanc d'Alsace est aussi disponible dans le rayon Demi-bouteilles , mais aussi dans les rayons Vin blanc d'Alsace et Lorraine , Demi-bouteilles de vin blanc , Vin blanc Gewurztraminer , Vin blanc moelleux et sucré .

  19. Domaine de la Tour Blanche 2018 Muscat (Alsace)

    A subtle hint of orange peel plays on the nose of this wine. The palate comes in with freshness, even zestiness that has a phenolic grip, while floral overtones add charm. The finish is dry.

  20. la tour blanche gewurztraminer

    Domaine de la Tour Blanche Sporen Gewürztraminer Alsace Grand Cru. Domaine de la Tour Blanche Gewürztraminer. Structure gustative du gewürztraminer du domaine de la tour blanch

  21. Domaine de la Tour Blanche 2017 Riesling (Alsace)

    All tastings reported in the Buying Guide are performed blind. Typically, products are tasted in peer-group flights of from 5-8 samples. Reviewers may know general information about a flight to provide context—vintage, variety or appellation—but never the producer or retail price of any given selection. When possible, products considered flawed or uncustomary are retasted.

  22. Domaine de la Tour Blanche 2018 Pinot Blanc (Alsace)

    Hints of apple and pear appear shyly on the nose of this wine. The palate presents these in a package of harmonious, lemony freshness, full of ease and fruit. It finishes dry and bright.

  23. Vin blanc, Alsace, Gewurztraminer, épicerie fine et cadeaux gourmands : vin blanc, alsace, gewurztraminer en stock livrés en 24/48h.