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How to Design ER Diagrams for Travel and Tourism Booking Systems

Designing an efficient and effective database is important for any Travel and Tourism Booking System . Entity – Relationship ( ER ) diagrams play a vital role in this process, helping to visualize the database structure and define the relationships between various entities. In this article, we will explore the key concepts and best practices for designing ER diagrams specifically for the needs of Travel and Tourism Booking Systems. By following these guidelines, we can create a well-organized and scalable database schema that meets the requirements of your booking system.

ER Diagrams for Travel and Tourism Booking Systems

A Travel and Tourism Booking System typically involves several key entities, such as users , bookings , accommodations , flights , and activities . Each of these entities has specific attributes and relationships that need to be carefully defined in the ER diagram. For example, a booking may be associated with one or more accommodations , flights , and activities , while a user can make multiple bookings over time. Below we will understand all the entities and attributes and relationships between them.

Travel and Tourism Booking System Features

  • Detailed user registration involves capturing essential details such as name , contact information , and password .
  • Additional security measures like two – factor authentication may be implemented for enhanced security .
  • Search functionality allows users to find flights, accommodations, and activities based on various criteria such as destination, dates, and preferences.
  • Booking functionality enables users to reserve and pay for their selections, with real-time availability updates.
  • Customer profiles store user information, booking history , and preferences (e.g., seat preferences , dietary restrictions ).
  • Personalized recommendations based on past bookings and preferences can enhance the user experience.
  • Integration with payment gateways (e.g., PayPal , Stripe ) allows for secure online transactions .
  • SSL certificates and encryption protocols ensure that sensitive information is protected during payment processing.
  • An administration dashboard provides administrators with tools to manage bookings, check inventory, and analyze user data.
  • Features may include booking management, inventory tracking , user management , and reporting capabilities .

Entities and Attributes of Travel and Tourism Booking System

1. user: represents individuals who interact with the system.

  • UserID (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each user.
  • Username: Name chosen by the user for login.
  • Password: Securely stored password for login authentication.
  • Email: Email address associated with the user’s account.
  • Name: Full name of the user.
  • Address: Physical address of the user.
  • Phone: Contact the phone number of the user.

2. Booking: Records details of each reservation made by users

  • BookingID (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each booking.
  • UserID (Foreign Key): References the user who made the booking.
  • BookingDate: Date when the booking was made.
  • TotalAmount: Total amount payable for the booking.
  • Status: Status of the booking (e.g., pending, confirmed, cancelled).

3. Flight: Stores information about available flights

  • FlightID (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each flight.
  • Airline: Name of the airline operating the flight.
  • DepartureAirport: Departure airport for the flight.
  • DestinationAirport: Destination airport for the flight.
  • DepartureDateTime: Date and time of departure.
  • ArrivalDateTime: Date and time of arrival.
  • Price: Price of the flight ticket.
  • AvailableSeats : Number of available seats on the flight.

4. Accomodation: Represents available lodging options

  • AccommodationID (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each accommodation.
  • Name: Name or title of the accommodation.
  • Location: Location or address of the accommodation.
  • CheckInDate: Date for check-in.
  • CheckOutDate: Date for check-out.
  • PricePerNight: Price per night for the accommodation.
  • AvailableRooms: Number of available rooms in the accommodation.

5. Activity: Manages information about activities or tours available

  • ActivityID (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each activity.
  • Name: Name or title of the activity.
  • Location: Location or address of the activity.
  • Date: Date of the activity.
  • Time: Time of the activity.
  • Price: Price of the activity.
  • Capacity: Maximum capacity or number of participants for the activity.

Relationship Between These Entities

1. user – accommodation relationship (many-to-many) :.

  • Users can book multiple hotels, indicating a user can make bookings for different accommodations.
  • Every accommodation can be booked by multiple users, meaning a hotel can have bookings from different users.

2. User – Booking Relationship (Many-to-One) :

  • Many bookings can be associated with one user, showing that a user can make multiple bookings over time.

3. User – Activity Relationship (Many-to-Many):

  • Users can book multiple activities, allowing a user to participate in various activities.
  • Every activity can be booked by multiple users, indicating that an activity can have participants from different users.

4. Booking – Activity Relationship (Many-to-One) :

  • Many activities can be associated with one booking, meaning that a booking can include multiple activities.

5. Booking – Accommodation Relationship (Many-to-One) :

  • Many hotels can be associated with one booking, showing that a booking can include stays at multiple hotels.

6. Booking – Flight Relationship (Many-to-One) :

  • Many bookings can be associated with one flight, indicating that a booking can include a flight reservation.

ER Diagram of Travel and Tourism Booking System


ER Diagram for Tr

Tips and Tricks to Improve Database Design

  • Normalize your database schema to do away with redundancy and maintain statistics integrity.
  • Use suitable information kinds and constraints to make sure facts accuracy and performance.
  • Index frequently queried columns for quicker retrieval.
  • Implement proper errors coping with and logging mechanisms to track and clear up troubles.
  • Regularly reveal and optimize database overall performance for higher scalability.
  • Consider destiny scalability and versatility even as designing the database schema.
  • Document your database schema comprehensively to facilitate maintenance and collaboration.

Overall, designing ER diagrams for Travel and Tourism Booking Systems is essential for creating a robust and scalable database structure. By accurately defining entities , relationships , and attributes, you can ensure that your database meets the specific requirements of your booking system. A well-designed ER diagram provides a clear visualization of the database schema, facilitating effective communication among stakeholders and developers. It also helps in identifying potential issues early in the development process, leading to a more efficient and successful implementation. Overall, investing time and effort in designing ER diagrams can greatly contribute to the overall success of your Travel and Tourism Booking System.

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Travel management system - Entity-relationship diagram example

This ER diagram illustrates a Travel Management System involving Customers, Bookings, Destinations, Hotels, and Flights. Customers make bookings, each associated with a destination. Destinations have hotels and flights linked to them. The relationships between these entities demonstrate how customers make bookings for destinations, and how destinations are connected to hotels and flights, facilitating travel arrangements.


Travel management system diagram code in Gleek

     Integer customerId PK "Unique Identifier for the customer"

     String customerName "Name of the customer"

     String customerEmail "Email of the customer"

     String customerPhone "Phone number of the customer"

     Integer bookingId PK "Unique Identifier for the booking"

     Date bookingDate "Date of the booking"

     String bookingStatus "Status of the booking"


     Integer destinationId PK "Unique Identifier for the destination"

     String destinationName "Name of the destination"

     String destinationDescription "Description of the destination"

     Integer hotelId PK "Unique Identifier for the hotel"

     String hotelName "Name of the hotel"

     String hotelAddress "Address of the hotel"

     Integer hotelRating "Rating of the hotel"

     Integer flightId PK "Unique Identifier for the flight"

     String flightNumber "Number of the flight"

    Date flightDeparture "Departure date of the flight"

    Date flightArrival "Arrival date of the flight"

Customers {1}-makes-{1..n} Bookings

Bookings {1}-for-{1..n} Destinations

Destinations {1}-has-{1..n} Hotels

Destinations {1}-has-{1..n} Flights

About ER diagrams

We often make an entity-relationship (ER) diagram, ERD, or entity-relationship model, in the early stages of designing a database. An ERD is perfect for quickly sketching out the elements needed in the system. The ERD explains how the elements interact. ER diagrams can be shared with colleagues. Their simplicity makes them ideal even for non-technical stakeholders.

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Table of Contents

Drawing er diagrams: all you need to know.

ER diagrams, also known as entity relationship diagrams, are invaluable tools for visualizing and understanding complex data relationships. In this comprehensive step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of drawing an ER diagram, equipping you with the skills to create accurate and meaningful diagrams for your projects.

Preparing to draw an ER diagram

Before starting to draw an ER diagram, it is essential to gather requirements and identify the entities involved. This preparation phase sets the groundwork for creating a comprehensive and effective ER diagram.

Consider the following steps:

1) Start by understanding the goals and objectives of your project. Gather all necessary information about the system or database you are working with.

2) Identify the main entities involved in the system. These entities can represent real-world objects, concepts, or people.

3) Consider the relationships between the identified entities. Determine how they interact and depend on each other.

How to draw an ER diagram: Step-by-step guide

Now, let's dive into the step-by-step process of drawing an ER diagram, which will enable you to create a well-structured and visually appealing representation of the data relationships. You can use Miro's ER diagram tool to help you get started.

Step 1: Defining entities

Start by identifying the main entities in your system. Entities are objects or concepts that have data to be stored. For example, in a university database, entities might include "Student," "Course," and "Instructor."

As you record entities, also think about the associated attributes which will be included in your diagram. Attributes are the properties or characteristics that describe the entity. For example, attributes for the entity "Student" could include student ID, name, address, and date of birth.

Step 2: Establishing relationships

Establishing relationships between entities is a crucial aspect of an ER diagram. Relationships define how entities are connected or associated with each other. For example, a "Student" entity may be related to a "Course" entity through an "Enrolls In" relationship.

There are various ways relationships between entities are modeled. Cardinality, which refers to the numerical relationships between entities, describes the number of instances of one entity that can be related to the number of instances of another entity through a relationship.

Common relationship types include one-to-one ( each instance of an entity is associated with exactly one instance of another entity, and vice versa) , one-to-many , and many-to-many .

As you draw out relationships, also consider the participation constraints of each relationship. This determines whether a relationship is mandatory or optional for an entity.

Step 3: Adding attributes

Attributes provide additional information about entities. Add relevant attributes to the entities identified in the previous steps.

Specify the properties and characteristics of each attribute. For example, if you have an attribute called "Age" for the "Student" entity, define its data type (integer, string, etc.) and any constraints associated with it.

Step 4: Refining the Diagram

In this final step, we focus on refining the ER diagram to enhance clarity and readability. Organize the entities and relationships in a logical and intuitive manner. Group related entities together and arrange them in a way that reflects their connections.

Review the diagram for clarity, ensuring that it effectively communicates the relationships between entities. Share it with other stakeholders to get their feedback.

Tips and best practices for drawing an ER diagram

To ensure accuracy and optimize your ER diagram creation process, consider the following tips:

• Use proper naming conventions for entities and attributes to maintain consistency and clarity. Descriptive and meaningful names make the diagram more understandable.

• Keep the diagram concise, focusing on the most relevant entities and relationships. Avoid unnecessary complexity that might hinder comprehension.

• Validate the diagram against project requirements to ensure it accurately represents the system. Regularly review and update the diagram as the project progresses.

Tools for drawing ER diagrams

When it comes to drawing ER diagrams, having the right tool can make a significant difference in your productivity and the quality of your diagrams.

Miro's entity relationship diagram template provides a helpful starting point, allowing you to jump-start your diagramming process and customize it to fit your specific needs, or you can start from scratch by making a diagram with an ERD shape pack.

Drawing an ER diagram is a vital skill for effectively visualizing data relationships. With our comprehensive step-by-step guide, you now have the knowledge and expertise to create accurate and meaningful ER diagrams. Start leveraging the power of visualizing data relationships with confidence and take your projects to new heights.

Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep refining your ER diagramming skills and unlock new possibilities in data visualization.

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Travel Management System ER Diagram

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This ER (Entity Relationship) Diagram represents the model of Travel Management System Entity. The entity-relationship diagram of Travel Management System shows all the visual instrument of database tables and the relations between Customer, Bookings, Travel Agency, Payments etc. It used structure data and to define the relationships between structured data groups of Travel Management System functionalities. The main entities of the Travel Management System are Travel Agency, Customer, Cabs, Bookings, Charges and Payments.

Travel Management System entities and their attributes :

  • Travel Agency Entity : Attributes of Travel Agency are agency_id, agency_name, comapny_type, agency_description, agency_address
  • Customer Entity : Attributes of Customer are customer_id, customer_name, customer_mobile, customer_email, customer_username, customer_password, customer_address
  • Cabs Entity : Attributes of Cabs are cab_id, cab_name, cab_type, cab_description
  • Bookings Entity : Attributes of Bookings are booking_id, booking_hotel_id, booking_title, booking_type, booking_date, booking_description
  • Charges Entity : Attributes of Charges are charge_id, charge_service_id, charge_amount, charge_total, charge_type, charge_description
  • Payments Entity : Attributes of Payments are payment_id, payment_customer_id, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_description

Description of Travel Management System Database :

  • The details of Travel Agency is store into the Travel Agency tables respective with all tables
  • Each entity ( Payments, Cabs, Charges, Customer, Travel Agency) contains primary key and unique keys.
  • The entity Cabs, Charges has binded with Travel Agency, Customer entities with foreign key
  • There is one-to-one and one-to-many relationships available between Charges, Bookings, Payments, Travel Agency
  • All the entities Travel Agency, Charges, Cabs, Payments are normalized and reduce duplicacy of records
  • We have implemented indexing on each tables of Travel Management System tables for fast query execution.

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12 Types of Perms, Explained

Discover which perm is best for your hair type.

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@imaanhammam / Instagram

When thinking about perms, the images that come to mind span from ’80s Jheri curl mullets to Carrie Bradshaw's infamous curls in the early ’90s. But these permed styles are not just a thing of the past. Permanent solutions are back on the scene, making waves of all shapes and sizes and catering to every hair type. Whether you have limp, fine strands that crave body and volume, or are simply looking to avoid a plethora of product buildup to keep your hair's movement intact, there is a perm out there to solve your hair woes.

"Most perms work best on virgin or healthy hair, however, you can perm pretty much any hair type as long as the hair is not compromised from bleaching, previous perms, or the use of other harsh chemicals such as relaxers and so on," says hairstylist Mateo Lara.

We tapped Lara and hairstylist Briana Dunning to explain every type of perm there is.

Meet the Expert

  • Briana Dunning is a hairstylist specializing in body wave perms at STRIIIKE Salon in Beverly Hills, CA.
  • Mateo Lara is a hairstylist specializing in multi-textured perms at Benjamin , a salon in West Hollywood, CA.

Keep reading to learn what the experts have to say about the various perms available and which one may be best for you.

Body Wave Perm

For individuals who want to achieve body and texture to the hair, a body wave is the perm for you, according to Lara. "Body waves offer a softer, more natural-looking wave," adds Dunning. "It can also provide added texture and longer-lasting blowouts."

To create these effortless, natural-looking waves, "normally larger rods are used to create the look, giving it less of a curl," Lara explains. Larger rods and a more mild solution are the keys to this perm giving you that loose, desirable movement. The ideal hair type for this treatment? "Anyone with straight hair or inconsistent waves who wants to have more texture or wants to get a soft, natural wave," says Dunning.

Spiral Perm

"Depending on the density of the hair, spiral perms with their spiral-shaped curls are going to give medium-maximum volume," Dunning explains. The rods used for spiral perms are usually on the smaller side and applied vertically rather than horizontally. "The curls are normally tighter and last longer due to the thinner perm rods used," says Lara. "This will give a fuller, longer look to the hair."

If you're considering an all-over, voluminous curl pattern à la Sarah Jessica Parker circa 1990, the spiral is the perm for you.

Multi-Textured Perm

Dunning tells us that if you're someone with straight or wavy hair and you're looking for movement that's less uniform, with more of a natural-looking curl, you're likely striving to get the look of a multi-textured perm. Inconsistency in the curl size is what makes it look so effortless and natural.

"Multi-textured perms are my absolute favorite," says Lara, who specializes in the look. "These perms use a combination of different-size rods to create that more believable, natural-looking curl." The results are a very perfectly imperfect, natural type of movement.

Straight Perm

Not all perms are curly. The catch that differs a straight perm from other straightening treatments? Well, it's permanent. (Hence its name).

"This isn’t something people normally ask for anymore," says Lara. "They tend to do a keratin treatment or Brazilian blowout instead." While a keratin treatment or a Brazilian blowout is a semi-permanent option with a shorter lifespan that smoothes over the cuticle, a straight perm is actually entering the hair shaft and altering the bonds of the hair for a longer-lasting effect. "A straight perm is great for someone with curly or frizzy hair who wants it to be straight and smooth," says Dunning.

"There are two main types of straight perms," she says, noting that their differences lie in the type of chemical formula that's used. One formula that's "thio"-based, "is ideal for those with type 2a (wavy/curly) to 3c (curly/coily) hair," Dunning explains. "Then there's a sodium hydroxide formula, which is the better option for types 3b (curly/coily) to 4c (kinky/coily)."

Once you've tried either one of these solutions to get the straightened hair you've always longed for, Dunning warns you should never try the other formula. "Even if it’s just on the ends or you feel that it’s been a 'long time,' those chemicals are still in there and can have devastating effects, basically making the hair melt—think Nair hair removal," says Dunning. No thank you. Even the decision to do a straight perm is solidified in permanence, so be sure you're ready to commit to this look for the long haul.

Stack perms typically bring to mind a very '70s look. "This is a technique in which you use different perm rod sizes and focus on the middle and lower area of the head," says Lara. Straighter and smoother at the root, a stack perm lets the party live at the ends, like Lara explains, where along with the right haircut, it provides an effortless shape to the hair.

"This used to be a popular style method for graduated bobs," says Dunning, "giving them that stacked look." This is also how the rods are applied, stacked one on top of the other, and graduating away from the scalp as they move their way up. If you have a straight bob and are looking to add a lot of volume to your ends, Dunning suggests the stack perm as your best bet. Lara, in full support, notes a stack perm will "create fullness and a layered appearance to your hair."

Root perms are on the rise, and as you can imagine, this treatment gets applied to only the roots of the hair, matching the texture of your mid-shaft and ends. The main goal of a root perm is to create volume at the roots, and it can do this on curled or straightened hair. It's particularly great for anyone who usually blow-dries their hair, Dunning notes, saying that the bump from the rod application may be more visible if you typically air-dry.

While a root perm can also be done as a touch-up to the pre-existing perm that's grown out (similar to the touch-ups you'd get with your hair color), a pre-existing perm is not required. "The root perm is for someone who has limp hair and needs volume near the base," Lara explains. "It’s also great for frizz control, and can give the hair a bouncy appearance."

Partial Perm

Partial perms, as you'd likely guess by their name, are not applied to the entire head of hair but only to designated areas. According to Lara, partial perms work best with shorter haircuts. "It’s one of my favorites perms for shorter hair, especially on men," he explains, because of its ability to add movement and texture to the top while the sides of the hair, around the ears, and the hairline remain short and tapered.

When looking for products to maintain your perm, reach for a sulfate-free, high moisture shampoo and conditioner. "I also recommend hair oil and a deep conditioning mask from time to time, as perms sometimes create dryness," says Lara.

According to Dunning, a spot perm is commonly used to create uniformity for curly-haired strands. "Often people with curls have multiple textures to their hair, including entire sections that can be entirely straight." A partial perm provides the ability to balance out those stubborn areas and better blend in with the rest of the hair's natural movement.  

When it comes to rod size and placement, "you'll end up using whatever your stylist sees to be fit for the hair type," says Lara. The spot perm is all about meeting specific, individual needs.

Digital Perm

​​According to Lara, a digital perm is created with a "salon styling stand device machine, which uses a solution that isn’t as harsh as a classic perm and also infrared heat." The machine has detachable rods that come in different sizes and achieves a natural wave or soft curls.

Dunning adds that a digital perm is "great for more coarse/resistant textures of hair to create a soft, springy wave or curl." This updated version is also more gentle on the hair but the heat element helps to give a defined wave on more resistant hair.

Volumizing Perm

"A volumizing perm is great for individuals who don’t want curly hair necessarily but want a wave, body, and bounce to their hair," says Lara. To achieve this look, do the same steps as a classic perm minus the neutralizing, which will be done after removing the rods.

Pin Curl Perm

Usually seen on bobs and shorter hairstyles, a pin curl perm is when hair is wrapped in paper, creating the desired curl pattern, and holding it in place with a flat clip. Lara says that this technique creates soft waves and gives light volume to the hair.

Beach Wave Perm

"I love doing these types of perms," says Lara of the beach wave-style perm. "I achieve this look by using longer, medium-sized foam rollers and wrapping the hair loose and in a parallel placement." For an extra beachy vibe, leave the ends out when curling.

Dunning adds that flexi-rods are used to create an effortless, natural looking wave in hair. "This is not a springy curl, it's more of a relaxed wave. The rod size determines if there is more or less movement," she says.

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11 Famous Perm Wrapping Patterns & Techniques (For 2023)

perm wrapping pattern and techniques

The pattern you wrap your hair around the perm rods decides how the curls will finally look. There are many perm wrapping patterns to choose between the one look that will suit your hair the best.

Hairstylist experiment with different tools and techniques to create diverse perm looks. For example, in a basic perm, you will get loose or tight curls depending on the diameter of the perm rods.

However, with the evolution of hair perm, there are over 50 perm looks to say hello to your future curls. All of these looks are created using different perm-wrapping patterns.

While some of these perm patterns get you a voluminous hair look, others are good at producing tighter curls or ringlets. You may even get your personalized hairstyle by putting your hair on the perm rods in any unique style.

Below, I have put together some of the most famous and fantastic perm wrapping patterns of the modern day. So, Let’s explore each of them!

Unique Perm Wrapping Patterns To Get You Perfect Curls

Combining the different wrapping techniques helps you pull off natural-looking perms that add volume to your manes. In the following, I have discussed the most famous perm wrapping patterns.

1. Piggyback Hair Perm Wrapping

The piggyback perm rolling pattern is ideal for creating natural-looking curls on mid to long-length hair.

This perm wrap technique employs two perm rods for each subsection of the hair strands.

You will roll the smaller rod from the mid-length of your sub-sectioned hair down to the roots. It does not require the endpaper.

While wrapping your hair down from the mid-length, you must ensure the hair left above remains untangled.

Do you know why this wrapping technique is called piggyback? The smaller perm rod carries the larger rod on its back.

Once you have rolled your hair around the smaller perm rod, now is time to wrap the remaining hair.

First, use the perm paper to wrap your hair ends and then roll them down to already rolled manes on the larger perm rod.

In the next heading, I have embedded a youtube video that will further help you master piggyback and windmill perm wrap patterns.

2. Windmill Perm Wrap Technique

The windmill perm wrapping pattern is an excellent alternative to the piggyback wrap technique.

Once you have sectioned your hair, wrap the perm paper around your hair ends and start rolling hair around the perm rod.

When halfway through your sectioned hair length, place the band or strap over the perm rod and stop wrapping.

Take the new perm rod, and place it a few centimetres down the first with no endpapers. Hold the first perm rod and give it a single swirl around the second one.

As a result, you will have both perm rods in a shape of a windmill. Move them down to the hair roots like windmill wheels while wrapping your hair.

3. Savage Perm Wrapping Pattern

The savage perm wrapping pattern is also similar to the piggyback technique. It also employs two different perm rod sizes on each hair subsection.

However, there are a few exceptions!

You will need two different diameters and sizes of rods.

Start wrapping your hair from mid-length down to the roots on a bigger diameter and smaller length rods. You will not need endpaper for this step.

To roll the hair above mid-length, choose a smaller diameter rod than the earlier one and roll your hair from the ends to the already wrapped manes in a spiral pattern.

Plus, you will need perm paper for this step!

Combining these two perm-wrapping techniques creates a more natural curly look with a mix of different curl sizes.

4. Braided Hair Perm

Did you know that you can perm over braids to create bouncy and textured hairstyles?  French braid perm  is in trend nowadays. 

Using this technique, you can get tight or loose curls with a perm kit where you don’t need to employ perm rods.

The whole procedure of braid perm is almost the same as a conventional perm. 

The challenging part is braiding your hair correctly to produce ringlets or waves.

If you have experience getting yourself any braid, this perming technique can do a miracle for your locks.

Once you have decided which shape and size of curls you want, you will need to look out for a braid pattern that you can employ instead of perm rods.

There are plenty of different braiding pattern tutorials available on youtube. You can learn any and give your braid-like curls with a perm kit. 

5. Piston Perm Wrapping Technique

The piston perm wrap method is an effective way to add volume and texture to your hair. This technique results in bouncy, textured curls with plenty of movement and body.

Piston curls get their name from the process of wrapping hair around rods in an up-and-down motion, creating curls that point in various directions.

The alternating wrap direction creates a mix of curl sizes and shapes for a naturally tousled, beachy style.

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to wrap your hair using the piston pattern:

  • Section clean, towel-dried hair into four sections. Work on one section at a time.
  • Take a 1-inch wide subsection and place the end on the perm rod.
  • Wrap hair around the rod in a clockwise direction to the scalp.
  • At the halfway point, reverse direction and wrap hair counterclockwise to the scalp.
  • Alternate wrapping clockwise and counterclockwise to the end of the subsection.
  • Secure the hair tightly to the rod with end papers.
  • Repeat the process with all sections, alternating wrap direction with each rod.
  • Process rods according to perm solution instructions.

6. Stacked Perm Pattern

 Stacked perm wraps create amazing bouncy curls that fall perfectly into place, giving you a defined pile of gorgeous ringlets with tons of body. Trust me; it’s worth trying out this look!

It’s called stacked because strands are wrapped vertically in different directions, stacking the curls on each other.

The wrap direction is alternated to build up curl formation and allow curls to mesh together.

Here is a step-by-step procedure for wrapping hair in a stacked pattern:

  • Section clean, towel-dried hair into four quadrants. Work on one section at a time.
  • Take a 1-inch subsection and place the ends on the perm rod.
  • Wrap the hair around the rod toward the scalp.
  • When you reach the scalp, reverse direction and wrap the hair around the rod toward the ends.
  • Continue wrapping vertically in alternating directions until you reach the end of the subsection.
  • Secure the hair tightly on the rod with end papers.

7. Croquignole Spiral Perm

Croquignole means wrapping your hair around rods, starting from ends and moving inwards.

This perm-wrapping pattern is as simple as anyone asks. Firstly, you will start from the lower back of your head.

If your head has five parts, from the frontal hairline to the lower back, select the one part behind your head and section the hair into two parts vertically.

Divide them as if you are to braid these two sections.

Subsection hair into 6-8 parts and wrap them around regular perm rods.

Now for the remaining of your head, use flex rods for wrapping in the spiral fashion.

Wrap the hair in different directions to give the perm a natural look.

What do I mean by different directions?

While wrapping the hair on Flexi rods, you can roll the rods forward and reverse direction.

Think of holding the rod between your thumb and its adjacent finger, touching the tips of your thumbs with the fingers, and moving them downwards; it’s a forward way of rolling the perm rods.

Moving the fingers in from the base of your thumbs to the tips will be the reverse wrapping direction.

8. Gemini Perm Wrap Pattern

For a Gemini perm wrapping pattern, when you select the subsection of your hair to roll around the rods, further divide it into two parts before rolling.

Roll one part on a smaller diameter perm rod using the endpaper. Next, wrap the remaining part on a larger diameter perm rod.

Also, make sure you roll hair around the pair of rods in different directions.

The idea behind employing this technique is to create near to naturally curly hair look.

9. Bricklay Perm Rolling Technique

Bricklay pattern perm requires two different lengths of rods. If the larger one is 8 cm, the smaller one would be 5 cm or less. Moreover, it does not need the pre-sectioning of the hair that’s usual for other perm patterns.

For the first step, take the lengthier perm rod, and place it horizontally adjacent to your frontal hairline. Now select the section of hair the same as the length of the perm rod.

Lift the sectioned hair at the 90-degree angle straight over your head, comb it, and place double endpaper at the hair ends.

Wrap the selected section around the rod.

For the second step, you will need two smaller length rods that cumulatively equal the length of the first rod.

Select the section of hair just as you did in the first step with the larger perm rod. Divide it into two equal parts matching the length of two smaller perm rods.

Use single perm paper or its alternative to wrap the ends of these subsections and roll your hair around the smaller rods.

Repeat both steps for the remaining hair.

10. Vintage Perm Pattern

A vintage glam perm pattern is an excellent way to create soft romantic waves on your naturally straight hair.

You will need 10-15 Flexi rods or the usual perm stick with a 1.6 to 2.0 cm diameter.

Moreover, you will roll your hair on these perm rods in two directions, away and toward your face.

You won’t need to section your hair into equal parts. However, the sections should not be too varied from each other.

At the front of your head, you will wrap hair on the perm rods in a direction moving towards your face. For the back, you can do the contrary.

On the sides, you can do a mix of both directions.

11. Spiral Hair Wrapping Perm Pattern

You will need more perm rods than the usual perm for a spiral perm wrapping pattern.

Hair is sectioned as you will go through the pattern.

Select a section of hair and secure the remaining hair with a clip— further subsection your hair according to the perm rod size.

After wrapping the perm paper at the ends, roll the hair around the rods for one to two revolutions.

Once the hair ends are secure on the roller, wind the perm rods around your hair to give it a twisted shape.

This process is repeated throughout your hair. However, each new section will be rolled in the opposite direction as the first one is wrapped.

Wrapping Up

There are multiple perm wrapping patterns to choose between the one that will suit your hair the best. Above, I have explained a few of them. You can further search the pattern by its name on youtube to watch the video tutorials.

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What to Know Before Getting a Perm

Want to hack your hair texture? Read this.

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The world of perms is undeniably complex. Not only do they involve a chemical process that borders on scientific, but they encompass an array of styles—straight, wavy, and curly. The appeal is that you can change your hair texture and thus simplify your daily styling process. But before you impulsively book an appointment to give it a try, doing your research is of utmost importance. Rest assured, we’re here to guide you. Ahead, we’re breaking down everything you need to know about how to get the perfect perm for your hair type.

What is a perm?

Let’s start with the basics: “A perm, is short for ‘permanent wave,’” says Aaron Grenia , co-founder of IGK Hair Care and it’s “a popular hairstyling method that adds texture, volume, and shape.” 

Modern perms aren’t as aggressively fluffy as those of the ‘70s and ‘80s—and they're easier on the hair, too. They’re “generally milder and less damaging compared to older formulations and often have shorter processing times,” the expert adds.

Even the tools have evolved. “Modern perms offer a variety of rod sizes and shapes, allowing for more customized and natural-looking curls or waves,” he adds. Older techniques, on the other hand, “often produced uniform and sometimes overly tight curls.”

Perm Processing Time

Getting your hair permed can take several hours, so make sure you have lots of free time on your calendar before booking an appointment. And do your research ahead of time, selecting a salon that specializes in perms. Don’t be afraid to do a deep dive into your prospective stylist’s  Instagram feed to ensure you like—and trust—their work. 

After consulting with a hairstylist about your desired result, they’ll thoroughly wash your hair to remove any styling products, oil, or dirt before sectioning your hair and wrapping it around perm rods or rollers, says Grenia. The size and type of rod they use determine the size and type of your new curls or waves. (They’ll wrap the hair “tightly for smaller, tighter curls, or more loosely for larger, looser waves,” he adds).

Once the hair is wrapped around the rods, your hairstylist will apply a chemical solution. “This breaks down the disulfide bonds in the hair, which are responsible for the hair's natural shape,” explains Grenia. After that, you’ll sit pretty as your hair processes, which varies in time depending on your hair type. On average, it’s around 15 to 20 minutes, per Grenia.

After the processing time is complete, your hairstylist will remove the perm rods and then rinse your hair to ensure it’s free of the chemical solution. “A neutralizing solution will be applied to lock in the new curl shape,” says Andrew Zumbo , an American Crew stylist and ambassador. “This neutralization step is vital because it reforms the hair bonds in the new curly or wavy shape you desire,” he adds. 

Finally, your hairstylist will rinse your hair again and unwrap it from the rods. “The hair is then gently rinsed once more, and a conditioning treatment may be applied to restore moisture and maintain the health of the hair,” Grenia concludes. 

Who is the best candidate for a perm? 

Not everyone is an ideal candidate for a perm. After all, they “work best on hair that is naturally straight or has a slight wave,” says Grenia. “Hair that is already very curly may not take to the perm solution as well and could result in overly tight or frizzy curls.”

You should proceed with getting a perm if your hair is unhealthy. “If your hair is damaged, overly processed, or has a lot of split ends, you may not be the best candidate for a perm,” he warns. “The chemicals in the perm solution can further weaken damaged hair.”

How long does a perm last?

How long a perm lasts ultimately depends on a variety of factors, says Grenia, including your hair type, the type of curls or waves you’ve chosen, your hair care routine, and how fast your hair grows. He says that, on average, it can last anywhere from two to six months before needing a touch-up. 

Can I perm my hair at home? 

Do-it-yourself perms have become popular on social media platforms like TikTok, but the hairstylists consulted for this piece advise against doing it on your own. “While DIY hairstyling can be fun and cost-effective for some tasks, perming is a complex chemical process that requires professional expertise to ensure both safety and successful results,” cautions Grenia. “Potential risks of a DIY perm include chemical irritation or burns, under or over-processing, and damage to the hair.”

Different Types of Perms 

In your 1:1 consultation with your hairstylist, you’ll determine which style is best for you. “The perm today has a modern revamp to create more lived-in and relaxed curls and waves, as opposed to that of your grandmother's tightly set perm that reigned supreme back in the day,” says Zumbo. 

The expert notes that the following types of perms are highly sought-after today:

Spiral Perm

A spiral perm is ideal for those who want defined and textured curls, says Zumbo. To get this look, the pro explains that the hair is "wrapped around long rods in a spiral pattern" to create "uniform curls that start at the roots and cascade down."

Body Wave Perm

Prefer looser, gentler waves? A body wave perm might be the perfect option. Per the pro, it “involves wrapping sections of hair around larger rods to achieve a more relaxed and natural-looking wave pattern. Unlike tight curls, body wave perms give a softer and subtler texture, providing volume and movement.”

Beach Wave Perm

For loose, tousled waves that look like you spent the day by the ocean, Zumbo recommends a beach wave perm for a fuller, more voluminous look.

Volume-Boosting Perm

If volume is your top priority, consider a root perm, as seen here. Zumbo emphasizes that this type of perm is tailored to add lift and volume, making it ideal for individuals with fine or thin hair.

Straight Perm

Straight perms are also known as "thermal reconditioning," notes Zumbo. The point, as you might guess, is to straighten curly or wavy hair. He says it’s “popular among individuals with frizzy or unruly curls that want a sleek and smooth look that’s long-lasting.

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This diagram shows what happens during a total solar eclipse

  • A total solar eclipse will be visible from Texas to Maine on Monday.
  • This cosmic event occurs when the Earth, sun, and moon align perfectly.
  • One diagram shows how a total solar eclipse works, and why it darkens the sky in the middle of the day.

A total solar eclipse will turn afternoon skies dark from Texas to Maine on Monday.

During the eclipse, the moon will cross between the Earth and the sun, completely blocking out the sun's light. If you're in the moon's shadow, the sky will go dark for about three to four minutes, depending on your location.

It's the climax of a cosmic dance between our planet , the moon, and the sun.

What causes a total solar eclipse

During a total solar eclipse, three key conditions happen at the same time: The moon is in the "new moon" phase; the moon crosses the plane of the Earth's orbit ; and the moon is at its closest point to Earth in its orbit.

When those conditions are just right, the Earth, sun, and moon line up. This diagram shows how that looks:

Then, if you're in the path of totality — which is basically the center of the moon's shadow, called the umbra — the moon appears to obscure the sun.

If you're in the penumbra — the outer region of the moon's shadow — you'll see a partial solar eclipse , where the moon appears to partially overlap the sun.

A total solar eclipse happens somewhere on Earth about every 18 months on average. It's rare for one to occur in any single place, though, because of the complex movements of the Earth and moon.

The moon orbits Earth every 29.5 days, while Earth has its own orbit around the sun. The moon's orbit is tilted about five degrees, which is large enough to keep its shadow off the Earth and the Earth's shadow off the moon most of the time.

There are two points — called nodes — where the moon's orbit crosses the Earth's plane. In the diagram above, the moon is lined up on a node.

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The moon aligns with the nodes and the sun about twice per year, which is how we get eclipses. A solar eclipse happens when the moon is between the Earth and sun. A lunar eclipse happens when the moon is on the other side of the Earth, farthest from the sun.

What the total solar eclipse will look like

In the path of totality on Monday, where the moon's umbra falls over Earth, the total solar eclipse will have 10 distinct phases , each with different amounts of the sun visible from the ground.

The phenomenon kicks off with what's called first contact, when the moon starts to pass across the sun. After about an hour, the moon will almost completely mask the sun, and you'll start to see a bright light radiate out of the sliver of remaining sun, known as the "diamond ring."

Then the moon will fully eclipse the sun, turning the sky dark in the middle of the day.

During totality only the sun's outermost atmosphere, called the corona, will be visible glowing around the dark disc of the moon.

After that, the moon will continue to travel across the sky to form another crescent. The eclipse ends when the moon ceases to cover the sun.

Types of solar eclipses

There are three types of solar eclipses .

Total solar eclipses, like this one, occur when the moon appears to completely cover the sun. If the moon only somewhat covers the sun, that's a partial eclipse . Many people who are near the path of totality, but not in it, on Monday will see a partial eclipse.

The third type, an annular eclipse , occurs when the moon is too far from Earth to fully block out the sun from our perspective. The outer edge of the sun remains visible as a bright ring around the moon.

A total solar eclipse is considered the most spectacular. Globally, only about a third of all solar eclipses are total.

The next total solar eclipse in the contiguous US will be in 2044.

How to watch the eclipse

If you plan to watch the eclipse, make sure you are wearing ISO-certified eclipse glasses . These are 1,000 times darker than regular sunglasses. Without them, staring at the sun could damage your eyes.

The only safe time to look at the eclipse without glasses is during totality.

Leanna Garfield and Anaele Pelisson contributed to an earlier version of this post .

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