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trip away song

21 Best Songs About Vacation

Vacations can be a time to rest, re-energize and discover new things, so it’s not a surprise that so many artists have found inspiration whilst traveling and have created many songs about vacationing.

From bucket list adventures to poolside lounging, these songs have certainly made me crave a little R and R away from home.

If you’re dreaming of a staycation and some downtime at home, then you can still don your headphones and fantasize about your next trip away.

Here are the best songs about vacations and taking some well-deserved time off. 

“Holiday” – Madonna

This classic track from Madonna is brimming over with vacation joy. A refrain of “Holiday! Celebrate!” leaves no room for uncertainty – we are traveling away, and we are thrilled about it. A good vacation is the cure for all the world’s ills according to Madonna. 

“Holiday” was Madonna’s first mainstream hit in several countries including the US and UK, but it was never originally intended to be a single. The song proved an unexpected hit, getting picked up by radio stations thanks to its infectious hook. 

trip away song

“Shotgun” – George Ezra

Ezra is ready to take off in “Shotgun”, a laidback hit that propelled the singer into a new stage of his career. Ezra dreams of a European road trip down sunny roads and past unfamiliar architecture and stakes his claim on the most popular seat in the car. The song contains all the summer vibes you could wish for, including an obligatory mention of bikini bottoms and a very British shoutout to lager. 

trip away song

“Permanent Vacation” – Aerosmith

Aerosmith decide to live everyone’s dream in this energetic ode to warmer places – specifically St Tropez, a place that they “really, really need”. It’s an invigorating getaway track, other than a slight detour in which Steven Tyler starts insulting his sister. 

“Permanent Vacation” was the title track of Aerosmith’s ninth studio album of the same name, which marked their shift into pop-metal. It’s a shift you can hear in this track, with its upbeat chorus and jaunty, Beach Boys-esque melody. 

trip away song

“Vacation” – The Go-Go’s

Who amongst us doesn’t dream of running away to a tropical island to shake off heartbreak? The Go-Go’s lament a love affair gone sour in this new wave track and resolve that the only cure is a vacation “meant to be spent all alone”. However, they find that they may have underestimated how easy it is to get an ex out of your head, even on holiday. The track was first released on vinyl in 1982 and also had a holiday-inspired B-side – “Beatnik Beach”. 

trip away song

“Leaving On A Jet Plane” – John Denver

This 60s track has remained the saddest song about flying away on an airplane since it was first written. We don’t know why the couple Denver sings about are separating, and we don’t know how long for, but we do know that neither of them are happy about it. Denver himself has admitted that the track strikes a “lonely and anguished” chord in him. 

A cover version by folk group Peter, Paul and Mary made the song a hit, allowing Denver to reclaim it in later years once he became more successful. Denver never revealed what the motivation behind the track was, but the cover was widely assumed to be referencing the Vietnam War. 

trip away song

“Vacation” – Dirty Heads

There’s no need to go far from home to get that holiday feeling according to the Dirty Heads. They’re on vacation everyday thanks to a successful music career and the opportunities that come with it. Most of us can only dream of having a career that feels like a holiday, but if you’re one of the lucky few, then congrats! Feel free to happily bop along to this track. 

trip away song

“Island In The Sun” – Weezer

Weezer are so relaxed on their trip that it’s hard for them to find the words to express it, or even to have a single thought without their minds drifting happily away. They’re truly in a world of their own – an enviable state of bliss. 

“Island In The Sun” is often ranked up with the best Weezer songs due to its cheerful hook and impressively laidback lyrics. Despite this, it was not initially planned to be on  Weezer , the band’s 2001 album, but was included at the last minute. 

trip away song

“Holiday” – Vampire Weekend

This one will be relatable for many – Vampire Weekend are burying down under the covers and waiting it out until the holidays roll around. The song and especially the music video were intended to exemplify the band’s ‘fish out of water’ feelings as they navigated life in Los Angeles and attempted to fit in, wondering if a little time away would fix all of their problems. We’ve all been there. 

trip away song

“Margaritaville” – Jimmy Buffet

Buffet rattles through all the cliches you can expect to see on holiday in this breezy track about Florida and a particular drink that Buffet discovered there. It became his most recognisable track, and even led to Buffet opening a chain of restaurants under the same name, so that fans could literally escape to Margaritaville. There’s even one in Key West, where the song is set. 

trip away song

“Kokomo” – The Beach Boys

Written for the film  Cocktail,  “Kokomo” describes a fictional utopia near Florida Keys where two lovers enjoy an idyllic island vacation on the beach. The song also references plenty of real islands, but none of them seem quite as idyllic as Kokomo. In contrast to the remote, peaceful island described in the song, the video was filmed at Walt Disney World in Florida. 

trip away song

“Holiday” – Little Mix

Little Mix feel like they’re on holiday all year long when they’re in love. Describing a warm new love, they explain how their new lover makes them feel like they’re on vacation whenever they touch. He practically puts the sun in their sky and they’re looking forward to some long, hot nights. 

This easy dance track was just as much fun to write as it is to listen to. Whilst penning the summer anthem, the group revealed that they were drinking champagne in the studio. Wanting to write something that would match their happy, carefree vibes, they came up with ‘Holiday’.

trip away song

“On The Beach” – Chris Rea

The beach is a romantic place, as Chris Rea sets out in ‘On The Beach’. Whilst the lyrics of the song aren’t that specific, Rea makes it very clear that the beach in his memory was the setting of a vacation romance that he looks back on fondly.

This beach isn’t just romantic, but mystical. “The secrets of the summer I will keep,” sings Rea. “The sands of time will blow a mystery.” This summer romance may be staying largely under wraps, but it’s no secret how much Rea obviously enjoyed his vacation. 

trip away song

“Come Fly With Me” – Frank Sinatra

Sinatra’s winning vocals seduce the listener into holiday mode as he invites them on an international flight somewhere exotic. Bombay, Peru, it doesn’t matter – Sinatra just wants to go somewhere. He’s convinced that a vacation is the key to a perfect romance and he can’t wait to get started. The weather is apparently perfect for “a flying honeymoon” and he’s keen to take full advantage. 

Sinatra already had a bit of a reputation as a jet-setting romancer, so ‘Come Fly With Me’ fit perfectly with his image. It became one of his most popular tracks and was often sung at concerts. 

trip away song

“Wake Up” – Hilary Duff

Duff is tired of the media speculation – she needs a vacation pronto. This won’t be the kind of trip where she spends her days relaxing by the beach , though. Instead, Duff is looking to dance her worries away in any city around the world that she can get to. “Could be New York, maybe Hollywood and Vine,” she sings, “London, Paris, maybe Tokyo…” There’s something happening wherever Duff is, so any destination could be her perfect party vacation. 

trip away song

“Anywhere” – Rita Ora

Rita Ora is itching for a vacation in this wistful dance track. She doesn’t mind where it is, as long as her lover is there too. Keen to go somewhere where no one knows her name, her perfect vacation will involve no involvement from the media, but just a few days of peace with the person she loves. 

Ora wrote ‘Anywhere’ after growing sick of her routine in LA. She was dreaming about getting away from the city and channelled her wanderlust into her studio session. The video, shot on the streets of New York, involved her kissing random passers-by.

trip away song

“The Sea” – Morcheeba

Have you ever felt like you’ve left part of your heart behind on holiday? So have Morcheeba. The band describe a trip to the seaside that they can’t stop dreaming about. The scavenging seagulls and crashing waves have a hold on them, and now they’re finding themselves intensely missing their vacation. After living free by the sea, they’re finding it hard to adjust back to everyday life. 

trip away song

“Summer Nights” – John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John

This classic musical theatre song from Grease depicts a teenage summer romance. Whilst on vacation with their respective families, Sandy and Danny embark on a fling that ends when the weather grows colder. Still, they’re left with plenty of memories from their vacation, which they eagerly relate to their friends. Teenage cliches like walking along the beach, holding hands and staying out a little later than they’d usually be allowed all feature. 

trip away song

“Summer Holiday” – Cliff Richard & The Shadows

“We’re all going on a summer holiday,” sings Cliff Richard cheerfully. “No more working for a week or two.” This gentle ditty is the ultimate feel-good, relaxed celebration of that holiday feeling. With its happy riff and optimistic lyrics, ‘Summer Holiday’ captures how we all feel heading off on vacation. 

‘Summer Holiday’ was written for the movie of the same name starring Cliff Richard. Despite being released in the winter, the song topped the UK charts for 14 weeks. 

trip away song

“Holiday” – Dizzee Rascal

Dizzee Rascal is convinced that the listener needs a vacation. He’s even written their packing list for them – their passport, a bikini, and… that’s it. Whether it’s a rave or a relaxing beach trip, he’ll do whatever they want, as long as they’re ready to jet off with him. His only stipulation is that they don’t look at his ugly passport photo and that they let him buy them as much food as they can eat. Sounds like a good deal. 

trip away song

“Summer Nights” – Rascal Flatts

Rascal Flatts couldn’t be more ready for a vacation. It’s time to wind the car roof down, get their flipflops off and head to the beach. They’re not looking to relax in the sun though – they’re eagerly awaiting the sunset so that their holiday can really begin. The most exciting part of their summer vacation happens when it’s getting dark and everyone’s a few drinks in. They’ve got plenty of instructions for the guys, but the ladies? “Y’all keep doing y’all’s thing.”

trip away song

“Run Away With Me” – Carly Rae Jepsen

Carly Rae Jepsen wants to get to know her new lover on some distant shores, and she wants to leave now. She tells him to pack a bag so that they can leave while everyone’s still sleeping and run away on vacation together. There’s no specific destination in mind – “Baby, take me to the feeling,” she tells him instead. Any vacation spot is perfect as long as it’s just the two of them flying to it in the clouds over the city. 

trip away song

Final thoughts

No matter where you’re going – or not going, the right playlist can set the tone for the best trip of your life. Just get this vacay playlist organized, slather on the sun-cream, and turn the music up. 

trip away song

Caitlin Devlin

Caitlin Devlin is a music, entertainment and lifestyle writer based in London. When she’s not creating playlists for Repeat Replay, she’s reviewing gigs and interviewing artists for Ticketmaster UK and thinking about what her Spotify Wrapped will look like this year.

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Trip Away Lyrics as written by David Michael Navarro Perry Farrell

Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.

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trip away song

I think the title is a fair indication that this song is about tripping.

Perry sure did like his drugs...

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The Ultimate Travel Playlist: 100 Best Travel Songs (with Lyrics and Videos)

Katie Hammel

Katie Hammel

July 18, 2023

10 min read

Music has the power to transport us, change our moods, and conjure memories. And, for many travelers, music is closely linked to travel. It can helps us understand the people and culture of a place, break down language barriers, and sear certain moments into our memories forever.

With help from members of our Travel Community and Going staff, we've created the ultimate travel playlist of 100 travel songs. Some reference specific places, others showcase the musical talent of a specific country, and others simply celebrate the joy of exploration.

Here, in no particular order, are 100 of our favorite travel songs.

56 songs that reference specific places in the title or lyrics

Sure, some of these songs, such Paris by the Chainsmokers or Toto’s Africa , actually have little to do with the specific place; it’s just used as the title or the setting for the story. But others not only reference a country or city, they also evoke a specific sense of that particular place or tell a story about that destination.

For example, in Marrakech Express , Crosby, Stills & Nash recount scenes from a train ride Nash actually took in 1966. In London Calling , the Clash sing about the social issues facing London in the late 70s. In Walking in Memphis , Marc Cohn croons about his experience wandering the city. And Simon & Garfunkel's America was inspired by a road trip that Paul Simon took with his girlfriend.

Here are some of our favorite songs that mention a specific city or country, and a snippet of the lyrics.

Listen when:  you're on a $388 flight to Vienna, or a $671 flight to Johannesburg, or a $353 flight to Paris, or...

1. Kathmandu – Bob Seger

I think I'm going to Katmandu

‍ That's really, really where I'm going to

If I ever get out of here

That's what I'm gonna do

I know my plane is due

The one that's going to Katmandu

Up to the mountain's where I'm going to

K-k-k-k-k-k Kathmandu ‍

2. One Night in Bangkok – Murray Head

One night in Bangkok and the world's your oyster

The bars are temples but the pearls ain't free

You'll find a god in every golden cloister

A little flesh, a little history

I can feel an angel sliding up to me

3. I've Been Everywhere – Johnny Cash

I've been everywhere, man

Crossed the deserts bare, man

I've breathed the mountain air, man

Travel, I've had my share, man

I've been everywhere

I've been to

4. Africa – Toto

The wild dogs cry out in the night

As they grow restless, longing for some solitary company

I know that I must do what's right

As sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti

I seek to cure what's deep inside, frightened of this thing that I've become

It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you

There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do

I bless the rains down in Africa

Gonna take some time to do the things we never have

Bonus: Check out the 2018 cover by Weezer and this awesome 2016 video from Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard.

5. Marrakech Express – Crosby, Stills & Nash

Take the train from Casablanca going south

Blowing smoke rings from the corners of my my, my, my, my mouth

Colored cottons hang in air

Charming cobras in the square

Striped jellabas we can wear at home

Don't you know we're riding on the Marrakesh Express

6. Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) – Shakira

Today's your day

You paved the way

If you get down get up oh oh

When you get down get up eh eh

Tsamina mina zangalewa

This time for Africa

7. San Francisco – Scott McKenzie

If you're going to San Francisco

Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair

You're gonna meet some gentle people there

8. London Calling – The Clash

The ice age is coming, the sun is zooming in

Engines stop running, the wheat is growin' thin

A nuclear era, but I have no fear

'Cause London is drowning, and I, I live by the river

9. Galway Girl – Ed Sheeran

You know, she played the fiddle in an Irish band

But she fell in love with an Englishman

Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand

Said, "Baby, I just wanna dance"

With my pretty little Galway girl

You're my pretty little Galway girl

10. Istanbul (Not Constantinople) – They Might Be Giants

Every gal in Constantinople

Lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople

So if you've a date in Constantinople

She'll be waiting in Istanbul

Even old New York was once New Amsterdam

Why they changed it I can't say

People just liked it better that way

11. Ramblin’ Man – the Allman Brothers Band

I'm on my way to New Orleans this mornin'

I'm leavin' out of Nashville, Tennessee

They're always having a good time down on the bayou

Lord, them Delta women think the world of me

Lord, I was born a ramblin' man

Tryin' to make a livin' and doin' the best I can

And when it's time for leavin'

I hope you'll understand

That I was born a ramblin' man

12. Aux Champs-Élysées – Joe Dassin

Aux Champs-Elysées, aux Champs-Elysées

Au soleil, sous la pluie, à midi ou à minuit

Il y a tout ce que vous voulez aux Champs-Elysées

In English:

Champs-Elysees, Champs-Elysees In the sun, in the rain, at noon or midnight There is everything you want on the Champs-Elysées

13. Lovers in Japan – Coldplay

Tonight, maybe we're gonna run

Dreamin' of the Osaka sun

Ohh, ohh, ohhh

Dreamin' of when the morning comes

14. Barcelona – George Ezra

Every time you have to go

Shut my eyes and you know

I’ll be lying right by your side

In Barcelona

15. April in Paris – Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong

I never knew the charm of spring

I never met it face to face

I never knew my heart could sing

I never missed a warm embrace

Till April in Paris, chestnuts in blossom

Holiday tables under the trees

April in Paris, this is a feeling

16. Blue Hawaii – Elvis Presley

Come with me

While the moon is on the sea

The night is young

And so are we, so are we

Dreams come true

In blue Hawaii

17. Back in the U.S.S.R. – The Beatles

Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out

They leave the West behind

And Moscow girls make me sing and shout

That Georgia's always on my mind

Aw come on!

Yeah I'm back in the U.S.S.R.

You don't know how lucky you are boys

Back in the U.S.S.R.

18. Rio – Netsky featuring Macklemore

It’s the “Rio” remix, you should see us

Swimming in the ocean like the pool is hella heated

Expedited Visa and I’m posted with my feet up

Parasailing over beaches, got my girl from Ipanema

19. Barcelona – Ed Sheeran

And you and I we're flying on an airplane tonight

We're going somewhere where the sun is shining bright

Just close your eyes

And let's pretend we're dancing in the street

20. Havana – Camila Cabello

Havana, ooh na-na

Half of my heart is in Havana, ooh na-na

He took me back to East Atlanta, na-na-na, ah

Oh, but my heart is in Havana ‍

21. In America – Neil Diamond

Everywhere around the world

They're coming to America

Every time that flag's unfurled

Got a dream to take them there

Got a dream they've come to share

22. Tennessee – Arrested Development

They tell me my ears are so young

Go back, from whence you came

My family tree, my family name

For some strange reason it had to be

He guided me to Tennessee

Take me to another place, take me to another land

Make me forget all that hurts me, let me understand your plan

23. Paris – The Chainsmokers

We were staying in Paris

To get away from your parents

You look so proud

Standing there with a frown and a cigarette

Posting pictures of yourself on the internet

24. Graceland – Paul Simon

The Mississippi Delta was shining

Like a National guitar

I am following the river

Down the highway

Through the cradle of the civil war

I'm going to Graceland

25. Carolina in My Mind – James Taylor

In my mind I'm gone to Carolina

Can't you see the sunshine?

Can't you just feel the moonshine?

And, ain't it just like a friend of mine

To hit me from behind?

Yes, I'm gone to Carolina in my mind

26. New York State of Mind – Billy Joel

Some folks like to get away

Take a holiday from the neighborhood

Hop a flight to Miami Beach or to Hollywood

But I'm takin' a Greyhound on the Hudson River line

I'm in a New York state of mind

27. Walking in Memphis – Marc Cohn

Saw the ghost of Elvis

On Union Avenue

Followed him up to the gates of Graceland

Then I watched him walk right through

Now security they did not see him

They just hovered 'round his tomb

But there's a pretty little thing

Waiting for the King

Down in the Jungle Room

When I was walking in Memphis

I was walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale

Walking in Memphis

But do I really feel the way I feel?

28. America – Simon & Garfunkel

Cathy, I said as we boarded a Greyhound in Pittsburgh

Michigan seems like a dream to me now

It took me four days to hitchhike from Saginaw

I've gone to look for America

29. Mexico – James Taylor

Way down here you need a reason to move

Feel a fool running your stateside games

Lose your load, leave your mind behind Baby Jane

It sounds so simple I just got to go

The sun's so hot I forgot to go home

Guess I'll have to go now

30. California – Phantom Planet

Hustlers grab your guns

Your shadow weighs a ton

Driving down the 101

California here we come

Right back where we started from

California, here we come.

31. Chicago – Sufjan Stevens

I fell in love again

All things go, all things go

Drove to Chicago

All things know, all things know

32. Kokomo – The Beach Boys

Off the Florida Keys, there's a place called Kokomo

That's where you want to go to get away from it all

Bodies in the sand, tropical drink melting in your hand

We'll be falling in love to the rhythm of a steel drum band

Down in Kokomo

Aruba, Jamaica, oh I want to take you to

Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama

Key Largo, Montego, baby why don't we go

down to Kokomo, we'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow

That's where we want to go, way down in Kokomo

33. Sweet Home Alabama – Lynyrd Skynyrd

Sweet home Alabama

Where the skies are so blue

Lord, I'm coming home to you

34. Vertigo – FM Belfast

We are going far away

Don't you look down

You are high above ground

We are driving with our friends

We are driving to a faraway place

35. California Love – Tupac and Dr. Dre

Say what you say, but give me that bomb beat from Dre

Let me serenade the streets of L.A

From Oakland to Sacktown

The Bay Area and back down

Cali is where they put they mack down give me love!

California, knows how to party

In the city of L.A.

In the city of good ol' Watts

In the city, the city of Compton

We keep it rocking

36. Malibu – Miley Cyrus

But here I am

Next to you

The sky is so blue

37. Midnight Train to Georgia – Gladys Knight and the Pips

He's leaving

On that midnight train to Georgia

And he's goin' back

To a simpler place and time

And I’ll be with him

I'd rather live in his world

Than live without him in mine

38. California Dreaming – The Mamas and the Papas

All the leaves are brown

And the sky is grey

I've been for a walk

On a winter's day

I'd be safe and warm

If I was in L.A.

California dreamin'

On such a winter's day

39. New York Groove – Ace Frehley

Many years since I was here

On the street I was passin' my time away

To the left and to the right,

Buildings towering to the sky

It's outta sight in the dead of night

Here I am, and in this city, with a fistful of dollars

And baby, you'd better believe

I'm back, back in the New York groove

40. Miami – Will Smith

Party in the city where the heat is on

All night, on the beach till the break of dawn

Welcome to Miami

Bienvenidos a Miami

Bouncin' in the club where the heat is on

I'm goin’ to Miami

41. Vienna – Ultravox

The music is weaving

Haunting notes, pizzicato strings

The rhythm is calling

Alone in the night as the daylight brings

A cool empty silence

The warmth of your hand and a cold grey sky

It fades to the distance

The image has gone only you and I

It means nothing to me

This means nothing to me

42. Viva Las Vegas – Elvis Presley

Bright light city gonna set my soul

Gonna set my soul on fire

Got a whole lot of money that's ready to burn

So get those stakes up higher

There's a thousand pretty women waitin' out there

And they're all livin' devil may care

And I'm just the devil with love to spare

Viva Las Vegas, viva Las Vegas

43. Rocky Road to Dublin – The Irish Descendants

Well in Dublin next arrived, I thought it'd be a pity

To be so soon deprived a view of that fine city

So then I took a stroll down among the quality

Me bundle it was stolen in a neat locality

Something crossed me mind, then I looked behind

No bundle could I find upon me stick a-wobblin'

Inquiring for the rogue, said me connaught brogue wasn't much in vogue

On the rocky road to Dublin

44. Beverly Hills – Weezer

Beverly Hills

That's where I want to be (gimme, gimme)

Livin' in Beverly Hills

Rollin' like a celebrity (gimme, gimme)

45. Surfin' USA – The Beach Boys

Haggerties and Swamies

Pacific Palisades

San Anofree and Sunset

Redondo Beach L. A.

All over La Jolla

At Waimea Bay

Everybody's gone surfin'

Surfin' U.S. A.

46. I'm Shipping Up To Boston – Dropkick Murphys

I'm a sailor peg

And I've lost my leg

Climbing up the top sails

I've lost my leg!

I'm shipping up to Boston, whoa

I'm shipping off to find my wooden leg

47. Hello Seattle – Owl City

Hello Seattle, I am a manta ray

Deep beneath the blue waves

I'll crawl the sandy bottom of Puget Sound

And construct my summer home

48. God Blessed Texas – Little Texas

God blessed Texas

With His own hand

Brought down angels from the promised land

Gave 'em a place where they could dance

If you want to see heaven, brother, here's you chance

I've been sent to spread the message

49. Taj Mahal – Sam Roberts Band

Sitting with you on the banks of the Ganges

Stealing a kiss on the streets of Bombay

Caressing your hair like the wind through the palm trees

I never dreamed that anyone could take you away

Keep on keep on keep on singing

I'm building a beautiful statue

To make sure that no one forgets you

50. Alaska – Maggie Rogers

I was walking through icy streams

That took my breath away

Moving slowly through westward water

Over glacial plains

And I walked off you

And I walked off an old me

Oh me, oh my, I thought it was a dream

So it seemed

51. Miles from Minnesota – The Lower 48

Yes next year we'll go traveling

Our escapades so baffling

Our sovereign love returning to the sea

We'll be miles from Minnesota then

Writing letters we won't send

For no words shall contain what will be

Well your sweet voice and my rough hands

When darkness prowls we will dance

Through bluffs and fields and orchards with the moon

Yes next year we will leave this place summer's kiss is just a taste

Fall's warm embrace is coming to us soon

Oh! We've got everywhere to go

You should sleep, I'll see you in the morning

52. Take Me Home Country Roads – John Denver

Almost heaven, West Virginia

Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River

Life is old there, older than the trees

Younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze

Country roads, take me home

To the place I belong

West Virginia, mountain mama

Take me home, country roads

53. Miles Away – The Maine

I took a trip up the west coast

Was searching for a temp so low

And a summer high

The Sun swayed and set slow

Made waves with some friends I know

Got lost in the ebb and flow

Of the drifting tide

I didn't ever want to come down

From that west coast rush and summer high

And easy, peaceful sense of time

54. Brazil – Declan McKenna

I wanna play the beautiful game while I'm in Brazil

'Cause everybody plays the beautiful game while out in Brazil

'Cause it's all you've ever wanted, and it's all that you want still

Don't you wanna play the beautiful game out in Brazil?

55. Under African Skies – Paul Simon

Joseph's face was as black as the night

And the pale yellow moon shone in his eyes

His path was marked

By the stars in the Southern Hemisphere

And he walked the length of his days

Under African skies

56. Take It Easy – The Eagles

Well I'm a standin' on a corner in Winslow, Arizona

Such a fine sight to see

It's a girl, my lord, in a flatbed

Ford slowin' down to take a look at me

Come on baby

Don't say maybe

I gotta know if your sweet love is gonna save me

We may lose and we may win

Though we will never be here again

So open up, I'm climbin' in

Take it easy

26 awesome international songs

A song’s title or lyrics don’t need to explicitly mention a specific place; sometimes it's the artist, the melody, the language, or simply the emotion of the song that ties it in our memories to a place we love.

Whether it’s the sultry sounds of Gotan Project’s Amor Porteno taking us back to a tango club in Buenos Aires, or the ethereal sounds of Hoppípolla from Sigur Rós transporting us to the otherworldly landscapes of Iceland, these international songs make us think of the places they are from or written about.

Listen when:  you're on your cheap flight to Iceland, or packing for your trip to Seoul, or strolling the streets of Paris, or driving the backroads of Scotland, or...

57. The Last – Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra

58. let the music play – shamur, 59. la vie en rose – edith piaf, 60. gangnam style – psy.

61. Immigrant Song – Led Zeppelin

62. money (that's what i want) – cheryl k, 63. royals – lorde, 64. rewrite – asian kung fu generation, 65. redemption song – bob marley, 66. dreams – the cranberries, 67. little busters – the pillows, 68. jai ho – a.r. rahman.

69. Counting Stars – Nujabes

70. i’m gonna be (500 miles) – the proclaimers, 71. sni bong – dengue fever, 72. jungle drum – emiliana torrini.

73. On and On – VIXX

74. beds are burning – midnight oil, 75. amor porteño – gotan project, 76. dui bu qi – transition, 77. sirocco – ulrich schnauss and jonas munk, 78. mi gente – j balvin.

79. Hoppípolla – Sigur Rós

80. somewhere over the rainbow – israel kamakawiwoʻole, 81. land down under – men at work, 82. guantanamera – celia cruz.

‍ 18 great songs about travel and wanderlust

Finally, the last songs on the list are those that inspire us to get out and see the world, that commiserate with those us of suffering from the travel bug, and that celebrate the beauty of a life less ordinary.

Listen when: you're suffering from an acute case of wanderlust or dreaming of your next great adventure.

83. Born to be Wild – Steppenwolf

Get your motor runnin'

Head out on the highway

Lookin' for adventure

And whatever comes our way

Yeah Darlin' go make it happen

Take the world in a love embrace

Fire all of your guns at once

And explode into space

84. Roam – The B52s

Roam if you want to

Roam around the world

Without wings, without wheels

Without anything but the love we feel

85. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For – U2

I have climbed the highest mountains

I have run through the fields

Only to be with you

I have run, I have crawled

I have scaled these city walls

These city walls

But I still haven't found

What I'm looking for

86. Come Fly with Me – Frank Sinatra

Come fly with me, we'll fly, we'll fly away

If you can use some exotic booze

There's a bar in far Bombay

Come on fly with me, we'll fly, we'll fly away

87. On the Road Again – Willie Nelson

On the road again

Goin' places that I've never been

Seein' things that I may never see again

And I can't wait to get on the road again

88. Road to Nowhere – Talking Heads

We're on a road to nowhere

Come on inside

Taking that ride to nowhere

We'll take that ride

I'm feeling okay this morning

And you know

We're on the road to paradise

Here we go, here we go

89. Life is a Highway – Tom Cochran

Life's like a road that you travel on

When there's one day here and the next day gone

Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand

Sometimes you turn your back to the wind

There's a world outside every darkened door

Where blues won't haunt you anymore

Where the brave are free and lovers soar

Come ride with me to the distant shore

We won't hesitate, break down the garden gate

There's not much time left today

90. When I’m Gone (Cups Song) – Anna Kendrick

I’ve got my ticket for the long way ‘round

The one with the prettiest of views

It’s got mountains, it’s got rivers, it’s got sights to give you shivers

But it sure would be prettier with you

When I’m gone

You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone

You’re gonna miss me by my walk

You’re gonna miss me by my talk, oh

91. Born to Run – Bruce Springsteen

Someday girl I don't know when

We're gonna get to that place

Where we really wanna go

And we'll walk in the sun

But till then tramps like us

Baby we were born to run

92. Send Me On My Way – Rusted Root

Well, I would like to hold my little hand

And we will run, we will, we will crawl, we will

I would like to hold my little hand

And we will run, we will, we will crawl

Send me on my way (on my way)

93. Margaritaville – Jimmy Buffett

I blew out my flip flop

Stepped on a pop top

Cut my heel had to cruise on back home

But there's booze in the blender

And soon it will render

That frozen concoction that helps me hang on

Wastin' away again in Margaritaville

Searchin' for my lost shaker of salt

Some people claim that there's a woman to blame

But I know it's my own damn fault

94. Moon River – Audrey Hepburn

Two drifters, off to see the world

There's such a lot of world to see

We're after the same rainbow's end, waitin' 'round the bend

My huckleberry friend, moon river, and me

95. Leaving on a Jet Plane – Peter Paul, and Mary

My bags are packed

I'm ready to go

I'm standing here outside your door

I hate to wake you up to say goodbye

But the dawn is breakin'

It's early morn

The taxi's waitin'

He's blowin' his horn

Already I'm so lonesome

I could cry

So kiss me and smile for me

Tell me that you'll wait for me

Hold me like you'll never let me go

I'm leavin' on a jet plane

I Don't know when I'll be back again

Oh, babe, I hate to go

96. The Passenger – Iggy Pop

I am a passenger

And I ride and I ride

I ride through the city's backside

I see the stars come out of the sky

Yeah, they're bright in a hollow sky

You know it looks so good tonight

I stay under glass

I look through my window so bright

I see the stars come out tonight

I see the bright and hollow sky

Over the city's ripped-back sky

And everything looks good tonight

97. Vacation – The Go-Go's

All I ever wanted

Had to get away

Meant to be spent alone

98. Homeward Bound – Simon & Garfunkel

Every day's an endless stream

Of cigarettes and magazines

And each town looks the same to me, the movies and the factories

And every stranger's face I see reminds me that I long to be

Homeward bound

I wish I was

Home where my thought's escaping

Home where my music's playing

Home where my love lies waiting

Silently for me

99. No Roots – Alice Merton

I like standing still, but that's just a wishful plan

Ask me where I come from, I'll say a different land

But I've got memories and travel like gypsies in the night

I count gates and numbers, then play the guessing game

It's just the place that changes, the rest is still the same

And a thousand times I've seen this road

A thousand times

I've got no roots, but my home was never on the ground

100. Fly Away – Lenny Kravitz

I want to get away

I want to fly away

Yeah, yeah, yeah ‍

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Katie Hammel

Katie is Going's Director of Content Marketing. She has been to 30+ countries, prefers markets to museums, hates cucumbers, and dreams of one day living in a small cabin by the sea in Iceland. Originally from Detroit, she lived in Seattle and Chicago before settling in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and their two cats.

Published July 18, 2023

Last updated December 28, 2023

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From backseat singalongs to nomadic anthems, the best road trip songs capture the feeling of freedom that’s sometimes just a car ride away.

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The requirement for any good road trip is great songs. Whether you’re embarking on a solo trip down the highway or gathering for a vacation with friends and family, you’re going to need some tunes to keep you company along the way. We’ve collated classic driving songs from throughout the eras and assembled the best road trip songs to fire up as you head out on the open road.

Listen to some of the best road trip songs for your next vacation on Apple Music and Spotify .

25: Youngblood Hawke: We Come Running

With its driving beat and epic build up, this indie-pop song from LA pop-rockers Youngblood Hawke will get you revving down the highway. They spell it out directly, inviting the listener to head “for the open door, tell me what you’re waiting for”.

24: blink-182: What’s My Age Again?

In just under two and a half minutes, blink-182 ’s ‘What My Age Again’ is pop-punk perfection. This song cooks and there’s nary a second wasted, which is exactly what you want in the best road trip songs.

23: The Killers: Mr Brightside

Pomp, bombast, killer riffs and melodies is one way to set you free, even when stuck in traffic. “Mr. Brightside” from The Killers ’ debut album, Hot Fuss , is the rare road trip song that can get you through the traffic blues and out of the “cage” that is the daily grind.

The Killers - Mr. Brightside (Official Music Video)

22: Nirvana: Breed

Just like Appetite For Destruction , Nirvana’s Nevermind features an endless array of road trip songs, but there’s one standout track that sounds like burning rubber. With its blast of feedback and machine-gun intensity, “Breed” will get everybody headbanging in the backseat.

21: Sammy Hagar: I Can’t Drive 55

This is a classic highway vacation song. If the Red Rocker can’t you get to go past the speed limit (which we’re not officially condoning), nothing else will. Sammy Hagar’s breakout solo single has been blasting out of every car stereo since 1984, and has never stopped.

Sammy Hagar - I Can't Drive 55

20: Katy Perry: Teenage Dream

When there’s a long stretch of road ahead, sometimes you want psychedelic acid rock where you can put cruise control on and zone out, but when you’re traveling on vacation with a crew, singalong pop anthems are the best road trip songs. Katy Perry ’s ode to the endless possibilities of adolescence will have you sticking your head out the sunroof like a drunk teen on prom night.

19: Warren G (featuring Nate Dogg): Regulate

Few songs encapsulate an entire era better than this 1994 G-funk classic. Between Warren G’s storytelling and Nate Dogg’s smooth vocals, this is the song you can blast whether you’re cruising in your drop top or mid-sized sedan.

Warren G - Regulate (Official Music Video) ft. Nate Dogg

18: John Mellencamp: Pink Houses

This slice of heartland rock isn’t all that it seems. John Mellencamp seems to paint the perfect picture of the American dream, but if you keep listening, it’s really the indictment of a broken system. On one hand it remains a misunderstood political song but on the other, it’s a great road trip song.

17: The Rolling Stones: (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction

Tapping into that feeling of wanderlust, The Rolling Stones ’ search for satisfaction landed them their first No.1 hit . From Charlie Watts’ propulsive drumming to Mick Jagger’s cracking vocals and Keith Richards’ fuzz-box riff, “Satisfaction” beckons you to the road and the dancefloor.

16: U2: Where The Streets Have No Name

Like the morning’s first light coming over the desert highway, this U2 anthem begins with the sound of heavenly organs that quickly build to a driving rhythm led by The Edge’s arpeggiated guitar lines. Political origins aside, the song conjures images of the American West and the open road. It’s hard not to feel nostalgia when you glide in and out of traffic.

U2 - Where The Streets Have No Name (Official Music Video)

15: Guns N’ Roses: Appetite For Destruction

Forget road trip songs, this is a road trip album. From the menacing “Welcome To The Jungle” to the soaring “Rocket Queen” that closes Guns N’ Roses ’ Appetite For Destruction , you won’t find an album of songs better suited to a road trip vacation than this.

14: Dr. Dre: Let Me Ride

Any G-funk track is made for driving, but this cut from The Chronic is the ultimate road trip song. Between the Parliament-sampling chorus and Dre ’s evocative verses, “Let Me Ride” was tailor-made for summer driving… and is even better if you’re cruising around in a drop top.

Dr. Dre | Let Me Ride | Interscope

13: Bob Seger: Hollywood Nights

While Bob Seger sings about “looking down at the lights of LA” in this 1978 hit, the anticipation of a night on the town is universal. Seger’s frantic vocals and epic storytelling, combined with the uptempo music, is the perfect formula to speed towards the horizon.

Hollywood Nights (Remastered 2011)

12: Cyndi Lauper: I Drove All Night

Some people escape the “sticky and cruel” city by seeking solace in the great outdoors. Not Ms. Lauper. Her vocal calisthenics are just the motivation to drive all night to see your lover.

11: Snoop Dogg: Gin And Juice

Another slice of G-funk heaven. You don’t need hydraulics to roll with the melodic flow of “D-O-double-G.” Released during the heyday of gangsta rap, Snoop took the wild antics of his hometown, Long Beach, and turned them into an idyllic summer jam.

Snoop Dogg - Gin And Juice

10: Jackson Browne: Running On Empty

Few artists embodied the late 70s Laurel Canyon sound quite like Jackson Browne. “Running On Empty” isn’t a hard road rocker, but Browne could turn the most mundane experiences (like running out of gas) into a metaphor for missing out on the connections in life.

9: The Beatles: Day Tripper

The Beatles have an endless catalogue of travel tunes, from “Ticket To Ride” to “Drive My Car,” but “Day Tripper” is the real road trip song. Featuring one of the best guitar riffs of all time , “Day Tripper” is not so much about a quick getaway but about trying on the hippie lifestyle for a day or two.

Day Tripper (Remastered 2015)

8: Stevie Wonder: Master Blaster (Jammin’)

This could be included among the best vacation road trip songs for the intro alone, but the whole thing swings with a swagger that won’t (hopefully) have you swerving from side-to-side. Stevie Wonder ’s tribute to Bob Marley saw Stevie moving away from his typical one-man show and inviting a whole crew to boogie down.

Master Blaster (Jammin')

7: Willie Nelson: On The Road Again

Country music is littered with dirt-road anthems, but one of the true classics is Willie Nelson ’s ode to the nomadic life, “On The Road Again.” Nelson was tasked with creating an original song for the aging rocker character he played in the film Honeysuckle Rose . Willie delivered and nabbed an Oscar nomination in the process.

6: Tom Cochrane: Life Is A Highway

Canadian treasure Tom Cochrane is a household name up north, but in rest of the world he’s best known for this highway song anthem that’s become the perfect pep talk for hitting tarmac.

Tom Cochrane - Life Is A Highway (Official Video)

5: Prince: Little Red Corvette

Prince seemingly never suffered from either writer’s block or a shortage of sexual metaphors, as evidenced on his 1983 classic, “Little Red Corvette.” This tale of an ill-fated one-night stand was supposedly inspired by his bandmate Lisa Coleman’s pink Edsel, but “little red Edsel” just isn’t as catchy a refrain.

4: The Beach Boys: Fun, Fun, Fun, I Get Around

Both of these Beach Boys tunes helped define the 60s driving culture, particularly in the winding highways of Southern California. Tight harmonies and terrific rhythms, these songs will transport you to the windswept cliffs of the Pacific Coast Highway, driving along with the top down.

I Get Around (Stereo)

3: Tom Petty: Runnin’ Down A Dream

“Free Fallin’” is a great singalong, but when it comes to essential Tom Petty road trip tunes, “Runnin’ Down A Dream” takes the cake. Thanks to the highway imagery and scuzzy guitar riffs, this hard-charging song is best listened to with the windows down and your foot on the gas.

Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - Runnin' Down A Dream (Official Music Video)

2: Bruce Springsteen: Born To Run

No survey of the best road trip songs would be complete without The Boss. Bruce Springsteen ’s entire body of work unpacks the experience of small-town living and the feeling that escape is just a car ride away.

1: Steppenwolf: Born To Be Wild

You don’t need a bike or road leather to blare this Steppenwolf classic. Most famously featured in the film Easy Rider , Jon Kay’s invitation to “head out on the highway” is a song that became an American anthem and a call for rebellion.

Born To Be Wild

Honorable Mentions

Looking for more great road trip playlist songs for your next vacation? With compulsively sing-along lyrics, these tunes are perfect for lonely highways where you just want to shout out your open car window.

John Denver – Take Me Home, Country Roads The Proclaimers – I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) Tracy Chapman – Fast Car Lynyrd Skynyrd – Sweet Home Alabama The Eagles – Take It Easy Fleetwood Mac – Go Your Own Way Sheryl Crow – Everyday Is A Winding Road The Grateful Dead – Truckin’ Toto – Africa Arcade Fire – Keep The Car Running Ray Charles – Hit The Road Jack Bon Jovi – Living on a Prayer Ike & Tina Turner – Nutbush City Limits Don McLean – American Pie The Allman Brothers – Midnight Rider Outkast – Hey Ya Rascal Flatts – Life Is A Highway Van Morrison – Bright Side of the Road Sufjan Stevens – Chicago Rihanna – Shut Up And Drive The Eagles – Hotel California The Allman Brothers Band – Ramblin’ Man Elton John – Tiny Dancer Simon & Garfunkel – America Pointer Sisters – I’m So Excited ABBA – Waterloo Dolly Parton – 9 to 5 Billy Joel – Piano Man Paul Simon – Graceland

Looking for more options? Check out our list of the best songs about cars and driving .


June 26, 2019 at 7:37 pm

Golden Earring – Radar Love

June 27, 2019 at 5:16 pm

Mountain Jam, The Allman Brothers Band

August 2, 2019 at 8:34 am

Neil Young : White Line, DriveBy, Albuquerque, Trans Am

September 21, 2019 at 4:00 pm

Joanne Nagen

September 25, 2019 at 5:02 pm

John Hartford Steam Powered Aeroplane; Joe Bonamassa Drive; Govt Mule Travellin Tune; Greatful Dead Truckin;Jerry Reed’s Eastbound and Down …..as Roy Rogers said Happy Trails to you Thanks

September 25, 2019 at 6:29 pm

“It’s a Car!” by Sean Morin is a little-known but extremely fitting, perfect vibe, catchy little road trip song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3piktwUcP0

Mike Einhorn

May 28, 2020 at 5:24 am

Bruce Springfield?

September 18, 2021 at 7:27 am

Rolling Down the Highway – BTO Rockin’ Down the Highway – DOOBIE BROTHERS Highway Star – DEEP PURPLE

How’s these NOT make the list?

Belvin Sweatt

January 7, 2022 at 1:08 am

You left out the best one— Sniff and The Tears—Drivers Seat.

January 7, 2022 at 12:01 pm

Here is my Road Trip playlist: Windows are Rolled Down – Amos Lee Call Me The Breeze – Lynyrd Skynyrd Florabama – JJ Grey & Mofro Mustang Sally – Buddy Guy f. Jeff Beck Going to California – Led Zeppelin Hotel California – Eagles Road to Nowhere – Talking Heads Tangled Up in Blue – Bob Dylan Me and Bobby McGee – Janis Joplin Joy – Lucinda Williams Breakdown – Jack Johnson Comin’ Home – Lynyrd Skynyrd Take the Long Way Home – Supertramp Till the Sun Comes Up – Jack & Weatherman

June 3, 2023 at 5:42 am

The triffids – Wide Open Road

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Iggy Pop

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More Jane's Addiction lyrics

  • True Nature
  • To Match The Sun
  • Then She Did
  • Mountain Song
  • Just Because
  • Classic Girl
  • Curiosity Kills

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  • · Let Me Down Slowly Lyrics Alec Benjamin
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  • · Goodbyes Lyrics Post Malone
  • · Caught Up Lyrics Majid Jordan
  • · The Hunted Lyrics Saint Asonia
  • · Never Be Sorry Lyrics Old Dominion

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65 Songs About Travel & Adventure For The Ultimate Wanderlust Playlist

Add these songs to your travel playlist to fuel your wanderlust..

By Izzy Casey — Last updated on Jun 28, 2023

woman smiling for songs about wanderlust

There's nothing better than having music in your life that encompasses what you are doing or how you are feeling. And what better time to have music explain your feelings than on vacation?

Whether you're looking for the perfect songs to accompany your travel videos or are putting together a playlist for your vacation, these songs about traveling will fuel your wanderlust and set the tone for adventure.

65 Best Songs About Wanderlust, Travel & Adventure

1. "go your own way" by fleetwood mac.

If you haven't heard this song before, it will likely become your favorite travel song. It's one of those travel songs that's infused with the best travel tips: go your own way.

RELATED: 7 Reasons People Who Travel A Lot Are More Likely To Be Successful

2. "Leaving On A Jet Plane" by Peter, Paul, and Mary

You can listen to music while traveling by downloading songs to your phone. If you're traveling by plane, this song will definitely set the mood for you. John Denver also has a popular recording of it.

3. "On The Road Again" by Willie Nelson

This song is absolutely perfect for road trips . Pump up the music and sing along with your friends.

4. "Come Sail Away" by Styx

You don't have to be literally sailing away for this song to resonate. Sailing away, metaphorically speaking, can represent leaving home to jump into the unknown.

5. "Road To Nowhere" by Talking Heads

This is a great song to rock out to when you're traveling to a new destination for the foreseeable future. When moving, you might have to wrestle with a lot of bittersweet, complex emotions. This song is perfect for coping with those changes.

6. "Midnight Train To Georgia" by Gladys Knight & The Pips

This Grammy Award-winning song is about traveling from L.A. to Georgia on a train that departs at midnight.

7. "Travelin’ Man" by Ricky Nelson

Or a traveling woman, or traveling person, of course. This song is quite literally about traveling, so it will be perfect for any travel-themed playlist.

8. "Homeward Bound" by Simon & Garfunkel

Ever wanted to travel so you could avoid home? This song is about leaving home and constantly being reminded of it.

9. "Send Me On My Way" by Rusted Root

This is a song about moving forward in life — but being happy and hopeful about it.

10. "Life Is A Highway" by Rascal Flatts

"Life Is A Highway" is a metaphor for living life to the fullest and taking big risks.

RELATED: The Best Road Trip Songs To Sing (& Rock Out To) While Driving

11. "Space Oddity" by David Bowie

"Space Oddity" came out the same year that astronauts landed on the moon: 1969.

12. "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman

If you're driving down the road in a fast car — or even a slow one — this song will be perfect for your travel playlist.

13. "Orinoco Flow" by Enya

In this song, the narrator fantasizes about sailing away and traveling the world.

14. "See The World" by the Kooks

Want to see the world? Turn this song up to the full blast.

15. "Road Trippin'" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers

This song is perfect for your road trip playlist, as it is all about going on a road trip.

16. "Hot Fun in the Summertime" by Sly & The Family Stone

Nothing screams summer vacation like hot fun summertime.

17. "Malibu" by Kim Petras

"Malibu" is such a good vacation song. It's perfect for relaxing and chilling by the beach.

18. "Island in the Sun" by Weezer

"Island in the Sun" is all about sailing away to a fantasy beach. If only escaping your problems could be so easy.

19. "Surfin’ USA" by The Beach Boys

The music was based on “Sweet Little Sixteen” by Chuck Berry. This song covers all of the best surfing locations in the United States.

20. "California Gurls" by Katy Perry ft. Snoop Dogg

California Girls — they're undeniable! If you've ever been — or lived — in California, it might not ring true. But it definitely covers all of the California stereotypes that potential tourists might assume are accurate.

21. "School’s Out" by Alice Cooper

Nothing better than the end of the school year! What's more fun than celebrating the beginning of summer with a little Alice Cooper?

22. "Don’t Worry, Be Happy" by Bob Marley

This carefree song will perfectly put your work-life woes on pause. Close your eyes, take a breath, listen to this song, and enjoy yourself.

RELATED: What Traveling The World For 450 Days Taught Me About Relationships

23. "Soak Up The Sun" by Sheryl Crow

Traveling to a sunny place? This song is perfect for listening to by the pool or beach.

24. "Vacation" by The Go-Go's

What better way to celebrate your vacation than with a song that's literally called "Vacation"?

25. "It's Nice To Go Trav'ling" by Frank Sinatra

It's nice to go traveling, don't you think? Rocking out to this song is the best way to enjoy your travels.

26. "Meet the Parents" by Kim Petras

In this song, Kim Petras sings about taking someone to the beach, Paris, Miami, and New York.

27. "Galway Girl" by Ed Sheeran

The song is about a narrator that falls in love with a girl from Galway, Ireland.

28. "New York, I Love You" by LCD Soundsystem

What better way to embrace the Big Apple than with this song? Though it's about contradictions and a love/hate relationship with New York City, it's a reminder for anyone traveling that this city has a lot of heart.

29. "Night in Bangkok" by Murray Head

Bangkok is the capital of Thailand, and this song is great for traveling, as it describes what a literal night in Bangkok looks like.

30. "Free Man In Paris" by Joni Mitchell

Ever been to Paris? Ever been to Paris listening to this song? It's perfect for the first or next time your plane lands there.

31. "Paris, Tokyo" by Lupe Fiasco

Lupe Fiasco said he wrote this song because he loves Paris and Tokyo!

32. "American Boy" by Estelle ft. Kanye West

In this song, one of the narrators asks the other to take her to New York and L.A. And if either of those locations is your destination, you can rock out to this jam on the way there.

33. "Destination Calabria" by Alex Gaudino ft. Crystal Waters

This song is about leaving home without a plan set in stone.

RELATED: 5 Liberating Reasons Why You Should Consider Traveling By Yourself

34. "Havana" by Camila Cabello

Camila Cabello is from Havana, so who better to sing a song about this beautiful city than a native?

35. "Sweet Home Alabama" by Lynyrd Skynyrd

Whether you're visiting Alabama or just love the tune, it's a great song about never forgetting your roots.

36. "A Thousand Miles" by Vanessa Carlton

"A Thousand Miles" is a fun travel song, especially if you're traveling a thousand miles (or more!) away from home.

37. "I’ve Been Everywhere" by Johnny Cash

This song is great if you've been traveling all over the place and is known to inspire wanderlust in anyone who listens.

38. "Everywhere" by Fleetwood Mac

Though "Everywhere" may not be about travel specifically, it conveys the lovely feeling of being anywhere in the world with your love by your side.

39. "Roam" by the B52s

This song invites you to explore the world, wherever you want, whenever.

40. "My Traveling Star" by James Taylor

"My Traveling Star" explores the tension between home and the road.

41. "Come Away With Me" by Norah Jones

This song is all about asking someone to leave with you.

42. "Shut Up and Drive" by Rihanna

Definitely consider adding this to your road trip playlist, especially if the driver talks too much.

43. "The Long Way Around" by The Chicks

Any song by The Chicks will suffice for your road trip blues.

RELATED: 75 Happy Songs To Make You Smile & Feel Good

44. "Route 66" by Nat King Cole

Route 66 is one of the most famous routes in the United States. So if you're planning to drive the entire 2,000-mile stretch, consider adding this one to your wanderlust playlist.

45. "I Left My Heart In San Francisco" by Tony Bennett

This is the perfect song when moving feels more bittersweet than sweet.

46. "Montego Bay" by Amazulu

Montego Bay is Jamaica's third most populous city, and this song is all about relaxing.

47. "Proud Mary" by Tina Turner

Originally performed by Creedence Clearwater Revival, this song is about a steamboat traveling up and down the river. But its deeper meaning has an encouraging message to appreciate the simple things in life outside of bills and work.

48. "On Top of The World" by Imagine Dragons

This song is all about moving forward and letting go of the past . It's an anthem that radiates positivity, and its upbeat energy and empowering message of triumph make it a perfect choice for a road trip or adventure.

49. "I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)" by The Proclaimers

This song is perfect for road trips. It's one of those songs that everyone loves to sing along to in a car.

50. "Runaway" by Kanye West

This song is perfect for any trip, especially if you're traveling to get away from your problems.

51. Bruno Mars TikTok Song

This Bruno Mars remix is a staple for travel TikTokers.

52. TikTok Snapping Song

Transition your travel videos with a snap with this song in the background for a cool effect.

53. "Sunny Day" by Ted Fresco

This upbeat song adds a fun, lighthearted mood to your travel videos or wanderlust playlist.

54. "Vacation" by The Dirty Heads

This has quickly become the ultimate vacation video song thanks to TikTok.

55. "Paradise" by Bazzi

Show everyone a piece of your own paradise with this wanderlust song.

56. "Knee Deep" by The Zac Brown Band ft. Jimmy Buffet

An ultimate vacation goal is what this song represents. The Zac Brown Band and Jimmy Buffet paint a picture of a peaceful oceanfront property and not worrying about anything.

RELATED: Why I Travel To Cure My Broken Heart

57. "Empire State of Mind" by Jay-Z ft. Alicia Keys

Anyone going to New York City will be inspired by the glamorous and freeing descriptions of the concrete jungle.

58. "Traveling Alone" by Passenger

The song discusses wanting to travel all over, even if you're alone. So, if you have wanderlust this song is right up your alley.

59. "Down Under" by Men at Work

This classic 80s hit is all about how amazing Australia is. Once you hear it, you'll definitely want to visit the land down under.

60. "Guaranteed" by Eddie Vedder

This song was written for the film "Into The Wild" and won a Golden Globe. Why not add an award-winning hit to your playlist?

61. "Vienna" by Billy Joel

"Vienna" by Billy Joel discusses the importance of slowing down in life and enjoying the moment. It reminds us to take a break and smell the flowers.

62. "Born To Be Wild" by Steppenwolf

If you love riding along the open road, this song is for you. Originally recorded in 1968, it was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

63. "Graceland" by Paul Simon

This recording is a timeless masterpiece that has a vibrant and uplifting musical journey. Its introspective lyrics capture the essence of growth and exploration.

64. "Come Fly With Me" by Frank Sinatra

"Come Fly With Me" was written specifically for Frank Sinatra, and is a romantic song where Sinatra invites listeners to visit exotic places with him, like Peru and Bombay.

65. "Travelin Band" by Creedence Clearwater Revival

This is a high-energy rock and roll classic that captivates listeners with its infectious rhythm and spirited guitar riffs. You have to tap your feet when you hear it!

RELATED: 35 Best Songs About Life To Keep You Motivated On Your Journey

Izzy Casey is a freelance writer, former YourTango writer and associate editor, and copy editor who received her MFA in Poetry from the Iowa Writers' Workshop. Her work has been published in Corriere della Sera, The Iowa Review, Bennington Review, Gulf Coast, Black Warrior Review, BOATT, NY Tyrant, and elsewhere.

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75 Travel Songs to add to your Playlist in 2024 – Mixtape #2

Nour De Wilde Salhab - Hostel Expert on Hostelgeeks.com

We curated the second mixtape of the best travel songs.

This list features classic songs about traveling to brand new tracks.

You can find more travel songs here:

  • Summer Mixtape #1 for the perfect travelers playlist
  • 17 best Backpacker Songs you’ve to know
  • 10 songs for exploring the world

This list features a lot of cool songs you’ve to put on your phone. However, and always remember this, go out there and create your own travel songs.

What do we mean by that?

During your travels you will end up in a lot of fun situations.

You will collect memories, and a few songs will take part in it. Then, when you are back home or wherever, you will hear this special song in the radio – and it takes you right back to those fun situations you will cherish forever.

For us, this is for instance “We don’t talk anymore” – we traveled Vietnam for 3 months and some local in every single village, town and city played it at least once. We turned crazy, yet it’s today a part of the experience. Then in Labuan Bajo, while taking the boat cruise around the Komodo National Park, the boat crew only had only one song to play, HIOKO TOBELO 2 – Yopie Latul .

Read : +180 short travel stories

75 Travel Songs to Wanderlust

Okay, enough of the mambo jambo. Turn on your audio and hit the play button. This list of the best 75 travel songs is waiting for you.

I included my personal favorite travel song as #75.

Update : We had to break the songs in several pages, otherwise the page takes too long to load.

Please be patient and wait for the YouTube video to load.

1. Ricky Nelson – Travelin’ Man

I’m a travelin’ man I’ve made a lot of stops all over the world And in every part I own the heart Of at least one lovely girl

I’ve a pretty Señorita waiting for me Down in old Mexico If you’re ever in Alaska stop and see My cute little Eskimo

Oh, my sweet Fraulein down in Berlin town Makes my heart start to yearn And my China doll down in old Hong Kong Waits for my return

Pretty Polynesian baby over the sea I remember the night When we walked in the sands of the Waikiki And I held you, oh so tight

2. The Melodic – “On My Way”

I found an open door (I’m on my way) I think of love once more (I’m on my way)

Precious time on your own Seeing more than you care to say And the mist falls away (I’m on my way)

At times I’ve tried to feel (I’m on my way) With the thoughts I tried to steal (I’m on my way)

Left forgotten like young love All the choices I am made of When the push comes to shove

3. Passenger – Traveling Alone

Australian man, Scandinavian tan, Kicking stones round a square. Sat for a while and carved out a smile, As if someone would care.

Said I’m a long way from the Gold Coast. Furthest I’ve ever known, Oh and this just ain’t my home. It was my wife’s idea, but she’s no longer here. She left me travelling alone.

I never heard silence ring out like a bell. I never heard silence like last night in my expensive hotel. Well, I’m loving a shadow, I’m trying to catch the rain. But I never heard silence ’til I heard it today.

She walked out of the hotel, I could still smell the smoke of the burning heart left inside. She said men are all assholes And life’s a bad joke. She laughed and started to cry.

See, ten years with this man, And a life time of plans, Oh, and I loved him to his bones. Now I’ve lines on my skin And he’s traded me in. He left me travelling alone.

Well, I never felt silence hit me like a train. I never felt silence like blood coursed through my veins. Well, I’m loving a shadow, and I’m trying to catch the rain. I never heard silence ’til I heard it today. I never felt silence ’til I felt it today.

4. Band of Horses – The Funeral

I’m coming up only to hold you under I’m coming up only to show you wrong And to know you is hard, we wonder To know you, all wrong we were

Ooh-ooh Ooh-ooh

Really too late to call, so We wait for Morning to wake you, that’s all we got To know me as hardly golden Is to know me all wrong, they were

At every occasion, I’ll be ready for the funeral Every occasion, once more, it’s called the funeral Every occasion, know I’m ready for the funeral Every occasion, oh, one billion-day funeral

5. X Ambassadors – Renegades

Run away with me Lost souls and reverie Running wild and running free Two kids, you and me

6. Noah And The Whale – Blue Skies

This is a song for anyone with a broken heart This is a song for anyone who can’t get out of bed

I’ll do anything to be happy

Oh, ’cause blue skies are coming

But I know that it’s hard

This is the last song that I write while still in love with you This is the last song that I write while you’re even on my mind

’cause it’s time to leave those feelings behind Oh, ’cause blue skies are coming But I know that it’s hard

7. Coldplay – Adventure Of A Lifetime

Turn your magic on, to me she’d say Everything you want’s a dream away We are legends, every day That’s what she told him

I feel my heart beating I feel my heart beneath my skin I feel my heart beating Oh, you make me feel

Like I’m alive again Alive again Oh, you make me feel Like I’m alive again

8. Red Hot Chili Peppers – Californication

Psychic spies from China try to steal your mind’s elation And little girls from Sweden dream of silver screen quotation And if you want these kind of dreams it’s Californication It’s the edge of the world and all of western civilization

The sun may rise in the East at least it’s settled in a final location It’s understood that Hollywood sells Californication Pay your surgeon very well to break the spell of aging Celebrity skin is this your chin or is that war you’re waging?

9. Of Monsters and Men – Dirty Paws

Jumping up and down the floor My head is an animal And once there was an animal It had a son that mowed the lawn The son was an OK guy They had a pet dragonfly The dragonfly it ran away But it came back with a story to say

Her dirty paws and furry coat She ran down the forest slope The forest of talking trees They used to sing about the birds and the bees The bees had declared a war The sky wasn’t big enough for them all The birds, they got help from below From dirty paws and the creatures of snow

10. Foo Fighters – These Days

One of these days, the ground will drop out from beneath your feet One of these days, your heart will stop and play it’s final beat

One of these days, the clocks will stop and time won’t mean a thing One of these days, their bombs will drop and silence everything

But it’s alright, yeah it’s alright, said it’s alright Easy for you to say Your heart has never been broken Your pride has never been stolen Not yet, not yet, one of these days I bet your heart ‘ll be broken I bet your pride ‘ll be stolen I’ll bet, I’ll bet, I’ll bet, I’ll bet One of these days, one of these days

11. David Bowie – Heroes

I, I wish you could swim Like the dolphins Like dolphins can swim Though nothing, nothing will keep us together

We can beat them, forever and ever

Oh, we can be heroes just for one day

I, I will be King And you, you will be Queen Though nothing will drive them away We can be heroes just for one day We can be us just for one day

12. Ben Howard – Old Pine

Hot sand on toes, cold sand in sleeping bags I’ve come to know that memories Were the best things you ever had The summer shone beat down on bony backs

So far from home where the ocean stood Down dust and pine cone tracks We slept like dogs down by the fire side Awoke to the fog all around us

The boom of summer time We stood Steady as the stars in the woods So happy-hearted

And the warmth rang true inside these bones As the old pine fell we sang Just to bless the morning

13. The Byrds – I Wasn’t Born To Follow

Recommended by the Hostelgeeks community member Alexandra.

No I’d rather go and journey Where the diamond crescent’s glowing And run across the valley Beneath the sacred mountain And wander through the forest

Where the trees have leaves of prisms And break the light in colors That no one know the names of

And when it’s time I’ll go and lay Beside the legendary fountain ‘Till I see her form reflected

In its clear and jewelled waters And if you think I’m ready You may lead me to the chasm Where the rivers of our visions Flow into one another

14. Imagine Dragons – Not Today

There she goes in front of me Take my life and set me free again We’ll make a memory out of it Holy road is at my back Don’t look on, take me back again

We’ll make a memory out of it We finally fall apart and we break each other’s hearts

If we wanna live young, love, we better start today It’s gotta get easier, oh easier somehow

‘Cause I’m falling, I’m falling Oh easier and easier somehow

Oh I’m calling, I’m calling And it isn’t over, unless it is over I don’t wanna wait for that It’s gotta get easier and easier somehow But not today Not today

15. Mumford & Sons – Hopeless Wanderer

You heard my voice, I came out of the woods by choice Shelter also gave their shade But in the dark I have no name So leave that click in my head And I will remember the words that you said Left a clouded mind and a heavy heart But I am sure we could see a new start So when your hopes on fire But you know your desire Don’t hold a glass over the flame Don’t let your heart grow cold I will call you by name I will share your road

But hold me fast, hold me fast ‘Cause I’m a hopeless wanderer And hold me fast, hold me fast ‘Cause I’m a hopeless wanderer

16. Paper Lions – Travelling

Travelling the road, last known is where I want to be My compass directing, electing, an open road with golden trees But there’s an old man in need on the ground, I try not to make a sound He holds out his hand as I walk away, I hear him say

Please don’t be a stranger in my place Travelling come to a tavern for a momentary rest

I see the old man that I passed on the road in his distress As I turned to go I can hear him say, “Son, stay. Have a drink, I’ll pay.” Let bygones be gone, it’s all in the past, we raise a glass Please don’t be a stranger in my place

What if I could be what you wanted me to be What if I could see what you wanted me to see Come on and show me Please don’t be a stranger in my place

17. Ramon Mirabet – Home Is Where The Heart is

Shining sun means new start.

it’s time for me to face my fate

and follow my heart.

I’m coming home,

I’m coming home.

home is where the heart is.

it’s never late to find the answer up in the stars.

18. Dream Land (Road Trip)

19. Our adventure – The Long Valley

20. The Weeknd – Wanderlust

Is it so hard to say the same thing? And you’re so weak to say the same thing And burn a hole into your apprehensiveness And let the wildfire shine And repeat after me

Good girls go to heaven, And bad girls go everywhere And tonight I will love you And tomorrow you won’t care

You’re in love with something bigger than love You believe in something stronger than trust

Wanderlust Wanderlust

21. Creed – With Arms Wide Open

Well I just heard the news today It seems my life is going to change I close my eyes, begin to pray Then tears of joy stream down my face

With arms wide open Under the sunlight Welcome to this place I’ll show you everything With arms wide open With arms wide open

22. The Lumineers – Ho Hey

I been trying to do it right (Hey) I been living a lonely life (Ho) I been sleepin’ here instead (Hey) I been sleepin’ in my bed (Ho) I been sleepin’ in my bed (hey ho)

so show me family (Hey) all the blood that I will bleed (Ho) I don’t know where I belong (Hey) I don’t know where I went wrong (Ho) but I can write a song (hey)

23. Bastille – Pompeii

I was left to my own devices Many days fell away with nothing to show

And the walls kept tumbling down In the city that we love Grey clouds roll over the hills Bringing darkness from above

But if you close your eyes Does it almost feel like Nothing changed at all? And if you close your eyes Does it almost feel like You’ve been here before?

24. Green day – Time of your life

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go

So make the best of this test, and don’t ask why It’s not a question, but a lesson learned in time It’s something unpredictable, but in the end it’s right I hope you had the time of your life

So take the photographs, and still-frames in your mind Hang them on a shelf in good health and good time Tattoo’s of memories and dead skin on trial For what it’s worth, it was worth all the while

It’s something unpredictable, but in the end it’s right I hope you had the time of your life

25. The Script – Hall of Fame

Yeah, you could be the greatest You can be the best

You can be the King Kong banging on your chest You could beat the world You could beat the war

You could talk to God, go banging on his door You can throw your hands up You can beat the clock You can move a mountain You can break rocks You can be a master Don’t wait for luck Dedicate yourself and you can find yourself

26. Red Hot Chili Peppers – Road Trippin’

Road trippin’ with my two favorite allies Fully loaded we got snacks and supplies It’s time to leave this town it’s time to steal away Let’s go get lost anywhere in the U.S.A.

Let’s go get lost, let’s go get lost

Blue you sit so pretty West of the one Sparkles light with yellow icing, just a mirror for the sun Just a mirror for the sun Just a mirror for the sun

These smiling eyes are just a mirror for So much as come before those battles lost and won This life is shining more forever in the sun Now let us check our heads and let us check the surf Staying high and dry’s More trouble than it’s worth in the sun

27. Moby – Porcelain

In my dreams I’m dying all the time Then I wake it’s kaleidoscopic mind I never meant to hurt you I never meant to lie

So this is goodbye? This is goodbye

Tell the truth, you’ve never wanted me Tell me

28. Imagine Dragons – On Top of the World

If you love somebody Better tell them why they’re here ’cause They just may run away from you

You’ll never know what went well Then again it just depends on How long of time is left for you

I’ve had the highest mountains I’ve had the deepest rivers You can have it all but not til you move it

29. Part-Time Friends – Here We Are

Silence Ici nos âmes tutoient le ciel Et nos hymnes éternels

Here we are L’aube de nos dernières transes Laisse un vide immense

Here we are Je t’emmène une dernière fois suivre cette lumière qui ne s’éteint pas

Here we are Something rise and fall We thought we never lost control

Here we are

30. Crystal Fighters – Love Natural

Everyone, anyone who want to hear Move in a little closer, let me tell you about A love natural, oh that love actual Love that you just can’t help feeling

When feelings with meanings keep on appearing And it’s almost midnight, the time is coming up The time is getting closer, the time is almost here Life is upon us and the time for love is here and now

When I look at you, oh I feel my heart Oh, I feel your love deep inside

Oh, love natural, I can’t believe how you do it to me You make me feel, oh how you say, feel so special Oh, love natural, I can’t believe how you do it to me You make me feel, oh how you say, feel so special

31. Luis Fonsi – Despacito ft. Daddy Yankee

Sí, sabes que ya llevo un rato mirándote Tengo que bailar contigo hoy (DY) Vi que tu mirada ya estaba llamándome Muéstrame el camino que yo voy (Oh)

Tú, tú eres el imán y yo soy el metal Me voy acercando y voy armando el plan Solo con pensarlo se acelera el pulso (Oh yeah)

32. U2 – Song For Someone

You got a face not spoiled by beauty I have some scars from where I’ve been You’ve got eyes that can see right through me You’re not afraid of anything they’ve seen I was told that I would feel nothing the first time I don’t know how these cuts heal But in you I found a rhyme

33. José González – Stay Alive

There’s a rhythm in rush these days Where the lights don’t move and the colors don’t fade Leaves you empty with nothing but dreams

In a world gone shallow In a world gone lean

Sometimes there’s things a man cannot know Gears won’t turn and the leaves won’t grow There’s no place to run and no gasoline

Engine won’t turn And the train won’t leave

Engines won’t turn and the train won’t leave I will stay with you tonight

Hold you close ‘til the morning light In the morning watch a new day rise We’ll do whatever just to stay alive We’ll do whatever just to stay alive

34. Don’t fight it, Feel it – AronChupa

Oh baby when the band is playing

Oh and that solid beat

Oh make you wanna move,

make you wanna groove

Make you wanna pat your feet

When we dance close together

With your cheek close to mine

And you begin to feel a funny little thrill

Moving up your spine

35. The Chainsmokers – Paris

We were staying in Paris To get away from your parents And I thought, “Wow If I could take this in a shot right now I don’t think that we could work this out” Out on the terrace I don’t know if it’s fair but I thought “How Could I let you fall by yourself While I’m wasted with someone else”

If we go down then we go down together They’ll say you could do anything They’ll say that I was clever If we go down then we go down together We’ll get away with everything Let’s show them we are better

36. Alvaro Soler – Sofia

Sueño cuando era pequeño Sin preocupación en el corazón

Sigo viendo aquel momento Se desvaneció, desapareció

Ya no te creo, ya no te deseo, eh oh Solo te dejo, solo te deseo, eh oh

37. A R I Z O N A – Oceans Away

I never let My guard go down But you messed me up When you came around When the high wore off

Know you needed space But I don’t wanna wait I don’t wanna mistake Few thousand miles and an ocean away But I see the sunrise, oh, just like the other day Picture your eyes as I fall asleep Tell myself it’s alright, oh oh, as the tears roll by

38. Angus and Julia Stone – Big Jet Plane

She said “hello mister, pleased to meet ya” I wanna hold her, I wanna kiss her She smelled of daisies, she smelled of daisies She drive me crazy, she drive me crazy

Gonna take her for a ride on a big jet plane Gonna take her for a ride on a big jet plane Hey hey Hey hey

39. OK Go – Here It Goes Again

It could be ten, but then again I can’t remember half an hour since a quarter to four Throw on your clothes, the second side of Surfer Rosa And you leave me with my jaw on the floor

Just when you think (think) you’re in control Just when you think (think) you’ve got a hold Just when you get on a roll Here it goes, here it goes, here it goes again Oh, here it goes again I should have known, should have known, should have known again But here it goes again Oh, here it goes again

40. Traveling Wilburys – End Of The Line

Well it’s all right, riding around in the breeze Well it’s all right, if you live the life you please Well it’s all right, doing the best you can Well it’s all right, as long as you lend a hand

You can sit around and wait for the phone to ring (end of the line) Waiting for someone to tell you everything (end of the line) Sit around and wonder what tomorrow will bring (end of the line) Maybe a diamond ring

Well it’s all right, even if they say you’re wrong Well it’s all right, sometimes you gotta be strong Well it’s all right, as long as you got somewhere to lay Well it’s all right, everyday is judgment day

41. Bright Eyes – “First Day Of My Life”

This is the first day of my life Swear I was born right in the doorway I went out in the rain, suddenly everything changed They’re spreading blankets on the beach

Yours was the first face that I saw I think I was blind before I met you I don’t know where I am, I don’t know where I’ve been But I know where I want to go

And so I’d thought I’d let you know That these things take forever, I especially am slow But I realized that need you And I wondered if I could come home

I remember the time you drove all night Just to meet me in the morning And I thought it was strange, you said everything changed You felt as if you just woke up

42. Sons Of The East – Come Away

She sits and she waits by the tree And she thinks no one comes to me Heard it before She stand there all alone Staring blank at her telephone But she’s sure, so sure

Come away with me, baby Join me in my car We can go real far away Away from here

She wants to know his name Wants his wealth, but not his fame Watch your pride

43. Depeche Mode – Enjoy the Silence

Words like violence Break the silence Come crashing in Into my little world

Painful to me Pierce right through me Can’t you understand? Oh my little girl

All I ever wanted All I ever needed

Is here in my arms Words are very unnecessary They can only do harm Vows are spoken

To be broken Feelings are intense Words are trivial Pleasures remain

So does the pain Words are meaningless And forgettable All I ever wanted All I ever needed

Is here in my arms Words are very unnecessary They can only do harm

44. Gladys Knight & The Pips – Midnight Train to Georgia

L.a. Proved too much for the man (Too much for the man, he couldn’t make it) So he’s leavin’ the life he’s come to know, ooh (He said he’s goin’) He said he’s goin’ back to find (Goin’ back to find) Ooh ooh ooh, what’s left of his world The world he left behind Not so long ago

He’s leavin’ (leavin’) On that midnight train to Georgia (Leavin’ on the midnight train) Yeah, said he’s goin’ back (Goin’ back to find) To a simpler place in time (Whenever he takes that ride) oh yes he is (Guess who’s gonna be right by his side)

45. The Sounds – Painted By Numbers

Could I act like you, and put a smile on face? Not even for a second would I lie to myself.. Too many things are missing And there’s a tear in my eye It’s not a question or an answer

But it will change you mind We’ll be the same tomorrow ‘Cause we’ve all been painted my numbers We dance and eyes will follow You said it was love I said I’d like you to be mine

46. Kings Of Convenience – I’d Rather Dance With You

I’d rather dance with you than talk with you So why don’t we just move into the other room There’s space for us to shake and hey, I like this tune

Even if I could hear what you said I doubt my reply would be interesting for you to hear Because I haven’t read a single book all year And the only film I saw, I didn’t like it at all

I’d rather dance, I’d rather dance than talk with you I’d rather dance, I’d rather dance than talk with you I’d rather dance, I’d rather dance than talk with you

47. Alphaville – Forever Young

Let’s dance in style, let’s dance for a while Heaven can wait we’re only watching the skies Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?

Let us die young or let us live forever We don’t have the power, but we never say never Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip The music’s for the sad man

Can you imagine when this race is won? Turn our golden the faces into the sun Praising our leaders, we’re getting in tune The music’s played by the, the madman

48. Sting – Englishman In New York

I don’t take coffee, I take tea, my dear I like my toast done on one side And you can hear it in my accent when I talk I’m an Englishman in New York

See me walking down Fifth Avenue A walking cane here at my side I take it everywhere I walk

I’m an Englishman in New York Oh, I’m an alien, I’m a legal alien I’m an Englishman in New York Oh, I’m an alien, I’m a legal alien I’m an Englishman in New York

49. Incubus – Wish You Were Here

I dig my toes into the sand The Ocean looks like a thousand diamonds Strewn across a blue blanket I lean against the wind Pretend that I am weightless And in this moment I am happy happy)

50. Kodaline – All My Friends

So it starts We go back to your house We check the charts And start to figure it out

And if it’s crowded, all the better Cause we know we’re gonna be up late And if you’re worried about the weather Then you picked the wrong place to stay That’s how it starts

51. R.E.M. – Leave

Nothing could be bring me closer Nothing could be bring me near Where is the road I follow? Believing, leave

It’s under, under, under my feet The scene spread out there before me Better I go where the land touches the sea There is my trust in what I believe

52. Mr. Brightside – The Killers

Coming out of my cage And I’ve been doing just fine Gotta gotta be down Because I want it all It started out with a kiss How did it end up like this? It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss Now I’m falling asleep And she’s calling a cab While he’s having a smoke And she’s taking a drag Now they’re going to bed And my stomach is sick And it’s all in my head But she’s touching his chest now He takes off her dress now Let me go And I just can’t look, it’s killing me And taking control

53. David Bowie- Space Oddity

Ground Control to Major Tom Ground Control to Major Tom Take your protein pills and put your helmet on

Ground Control to Major Tom Commencing countdown, engines on Check ignition and may God’s love be with you

54. Queen – Don’t Stop Me Now

Tonight, I’m gonna have myself a real good time I feel alive and the world I’ll turn it inside out, yeah And floating around in ecstasy So don’t stop me now don’t stop me

‘Cause I’m having a good time, having a good time I’m a shooting star, leaping through the sky Like a tiger defying the laws of gravity I’m a racing car, passing by like Lady Godiva

I’m gonna go, go, go There’s no stopping me I’m burnin’ through the sky, yeah Two hundred degrees That’s why they call me Mister Fahrenheit I’m traveling at the speed of light I wanna make a supersonic man out of you

55. Mando Diao – Dance With Somebody

Break your happy home learn to sing alone to the music, to the music Clap your hands and shake on a summer’s day to the music, to the music

I’m falling in love with your favorite song I’m gonna sing it all night long I’m gonna dance with somebody dance with somebody dance dance dance

56. David Gray – “Sail Away”

Sail away with me honey I put my heart in your hands Sail away with me honey now, now, now Sail away with me What will be will be I want to hold you now, now, now

Crazy skies all wild above me now Winter howling at my face And everything I held so dear Disappeared without a trace Oh all the times I’ve tasted love Never knew quite what I had Little darling if you hear me now Never needed you so bad Spinning ’round inside my head

57. Foster The People – Pumped up Kicks

Robert’s got a quick hand He’ll look around the room, he won’t tell you his plan He’s got a rolled cigarette, hanging out his mouth he’s a cowboy kid Yeah found a six shooter gun In his dad’s closet hidden oh in a box of fun things, I don’t even know what But he’s coming for you, yeah he’s coming for you

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks You’d better run, better run, out run my gun All the other kids with the pumped up kicks You’d better run, better run, faster than my bullet All the other kids with the pumped up kicks You’d better run, better run, out run my gun All the other kids with the pumped up kicks You’d better run, better run, faster than my bullet

58. Gorillaz – Clint Eastwood

I ain’t happy, I’m feeling glad I got sunshine in a bag I’m useless but not for long The future is coming on I ain’t happy, I’m feeling glad I got sunshine in a bag I’m useless but not for long The future is coming on It’s coming on It’s coming on It’s coming on

59. Weezer – Island In The Sun

When you’re on a holiday You can’t find the words to say All the things that come to you And I wanna feel it too

On an island in the sun We’ll be playing and having fun And it makes me feel so fine I can’t control my brain

60. Modest Mouse Float

I backed my car into a cop car the other day Well, he just drove off – sometimes life’s okay I ran my mouth off a bit too much, ah what did I say? Well, you just laughed it off and it was all okay

And we’ll all float on okay And we’ll all float on okay And we’ll all float on okay And we’ll all float on anyway, well

A fake Jamaican took every last dime with that scam It was worth it just to learn some sleight of hand Bad news comes, don’t you worry even when it lands Good news will work it way to all them plans We both got fired on, exactly, the same day Well, we’ll float on, good news is on the way

61. MGMT- Kids

You were a child Crawling on your knees toward him Making momma so proud But your voice is too loud

We like to watch you laughing Picking insects off of plants No time to think of consequences Control yourself Take only what you need from it A family of trees wanting to be haunted

62. Franz Ferdinand – Take Me Out

So if you’re lonely You know I’m here waiting for you I’m just a cross hair I’m just a shot away from you And if you leave here You leave me broken, shattered, I lie I’m just a cross hair I’m just a shot, then we can die

63. Black – Wonderful Life

Here I go out to sea again The sunshine fills my hair And dreams hang in the air

Gulls in the sky and in my blue eyes You know it feels unfair There’s magic everywhere

Look at me standing Here on my own again Up straight in the sunshine

64. Beirut – Elephant Gun

If I was young, I’d flee this town I’d bury my dreams underground As did I, we drink to die, we drink tonight

Far from home, elephant guns Let’s take them down one by one We’ll lay it down, it’s not been found, it’s not around

Let the seasons begin – it rolls right on Let the seasons begin – take the big king down

65. Eagles – Hotel California

On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim I had to stop for the night.

There she stood in the doorway; I heard the mission bell And I was thinking to myself ‘This could be heaven or this could be Hell’ Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way There were voices down the corridor, I thought I heard them say

66. The Cranberries – Zombie

Another head hangs lowly Child is slowly taken And the violence, caused such silence Who are we mistaken?

But you see, it’s not me It’s not my family In your head, in your head, they are fighting With their tanks, and their bombs And their bombs, and their guns In your head, in your head they are crying

67. The Strokes – You Only Live Once

Some people think they’re always right Others are quiet and uptight Others they seem so very nice nice nice nice (oh-ho) Inside they might feel sad and wrong (oh no)

Twenty-nine different attributes Only seven that you like Twenty ways to see the world (oh-ho) Twenty ways to start a fight (oh-ho)

68. The Black Keys – Lonely Boy

Well I’m so above you And it’s plain to see But I came to love you anyway So you pulled my heart out And I don’t mind bleeding Any old time you keep me waiting Waiting, waiting

Oh, oh-oh I got a love that keeps me waiting Oh, oh-oh I got a love that keeps me waiting I’m a lonely boy I’m a lonely boy Oh, oh-oh I got a love that keeps me waiting

69. Come With Me Now – Kongos

Come with me now Come with me now

Woah come with me now I’m gonna take you down

Woah come with me now I’m gonna show you how Woah come with me now I’m gonna take you down

Woah come with me now I’m gonna show you how

Afraid to lose control And caught up in this world I’ve wasted time, I’ve wasted breath I think I’ve thought myself to death

70. Passenger | The Wrong Direction

When I was a kid the things I did were hidden under the grid Young and naive I never believed that love could be so well hid With regret I’m willing to bet and say the older you get It gets harder to forgive and harder to forget It gets under your shirt like a dagger at work The first cut is the deepest but the rest still flipping hurt You build your heart of plastic Get cynical and sarcastic And end up in the corner on your own

‘Cause I’d love to feel love but I can’t stand the rejection I hide behind my jokes as a form of protection I thought I was close but under further inspection It seems I’ve been running in the wrong direction oh no

71. Billy Joel – Travelin’ Prayer

Hey Lord, take a look all around And I’d a find where my baby’s gonna be Hey Lord, would ya look out for her tonight ‘Cause she is far across the sea Hey Lord, would ya look out for her tonight And make sure that she’s gonna be alright And things are gonna be alright with me

Hey Lord, would ya look out for her tonight And make sure that all her dreams are sweet Said now, would ya guide her on the roads And make them softer for her feet Hey Lord, would ya look out for her tonight And make sure that she’s gonna be alright Until she’s home and here with me

72. Creedence Clearwater Revival – Travellin’ Band

Seven thirty seven comin’ out of the sky Won’t you take me down to Memphis on a midnight ride I want to move Playin’ in a travelin’ band Yeah Well I’m flyin’ ‘cross the land tryin’ to get a hand Playin’ in a travelin’ band

Take me to the hotel baggage gone, oh well Come on, come on won’t you get me to my room I want to move Playin’ in a travelin’ band Yeah Well I’m flyin’ ‘cross the land, tryin’ to get a hand Playin’ in a travelin’ band

73. Have Love, Will Travel – The Sonics

Wow,Have love Whoa baby will travel Uh huh, uh huh,have love Woah baby will travel I said if you need loving then Mm,hmm,I’ll travel

Yeah,I’ll travel from Main to Mexico Just to find a little girl that loves me so No matter when, no matter where I’ll be I’m looking for a woman that’ll satisfy me

74. Queens Of The Stone Age – Go With The Flow

She said “I’ll throw myself away, They’re just photos after all” I can’t make you hang around. I can’t wash you off my skin. Outside the frame, is what we’re leaving out You won’t remember anyway I can go with the flow But don’t say it doesn’t matter anymore I can go with the flow Do you believe it in your head? It’s so safe to play along Little soldiers in a row Falling in and out of love With something sweet to throw away. But I want something good to die for To make it beautiful to live. I want a new mistake, lose is more than hesitate. Do you believe it in your head? I can go with the flow But don’t say it doesn’t matter anymore I can go with the flow Do you believe it in your head?

75. Maïa Vidal – Our Place

Last but not least, the ultimate travel song to wanderlust. I’d like to stay here For a while And go wild You’ll call me crazy But I don’t care ‘Cause I know where

Where I go where I go, you’re gonna take me Where I go where I go, you’re gonna take me Take me for a ride, And I’ll be by your side

Just let me stay here A little while We’ll go wild They’ll call us crazy But I don’t care ‘Cause I’ll be where you are

This all happened fast But I know how I feel Like you were the sand And I was the se

Extra 76. Sky on the Loose – Inkfield

Do you want an insider tip for cool travel songs? Then listen into Inkfield’s Sky on the Loose. Inkfield is a solo solo indie rock act from Edinburgh, UK.

Here are the lyrics.

Messaging like nights before, crashing through the wall I’m using all my strength and breath, I’m gonna show them all

You talk of my impending doom, no promise nor a myth You justify avoiding me to sell out on a whiff

Oh if I, I want to be the lonely one, I want to be the only one And if I, lord I And if I, I want to be the chosen one, I want to be the chosen one And if I, lord I

Don’t you tire of telling me? ‘The world ends at the sky, You’re just a little fish another simple passer by, All your songs and poetry are droplets in the sea’ I said ‘That is ok for you, your words won’t follow me!’

Sum it up: The 75 Travel Songs

By now your notebook should be full and you should have taken lots of notes.

This is your ultimate list of best travel songs. We tried to make a compulsive list of all the important things you have to put on your iPod, your Smartphone and Spotify list.

More travel songs here:

Again, this is your inspiration. Take it with you, let is inspire you, but make sure you add your own travel songs to your very own memory list.

The world is wide and there is a lot of adventures out there, waiting for you to live them.

We are Hostelgeeks, and we are here to help you to travel smarter, longer, and especially safe. We collect for you the best hostels in the world, the 5 Star Hostels.

Do you have your own favorite travel song?

We would love to grow this list, add more travel tracks to it. Leave us a comment with your favorite ones, we are curious what songs you love when you are on the road.

Love, cheers and safe travels,

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Travel Songs to wanderlust

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Adventure is Out There – AJR Ends of the Earth – Lord Huron Send Me On My Way – Rusted Root I’m Gonna Be – The Proclaimers Roads – Glenn Yarbrough Cups – Anna Kendrick Back Home – Andy Grammer Internacionales – Bomba Estéreo Drive All Night – Needtobreathe

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Meaning of Trip Away by Jane's Addiction

"Trip Away" by Jane's Addiction is a song that explores various themes of desire, experimentation, and escapism. The lyrics suggest a longing for alternative experiences and a desire for unconventional forms of pleasure.

The opening lines, "Mama, lick on me now / No care / Put me on the bad side / Oh, so bad / I wanna make you love," can be interpreted as a desire for risk and indulgence, seeking excitement and pleasure without concern for consequences. The repetition of the line "Put me on the bad side" reinforces this notion of deviance and seeking out forbidden experiences.

The line "Wanna, wanna watch your eyes / Dip them in a honey glass / Mirror mine / Roll them high" suggests a longing for a deep connection and an intense exchange of emotions with another person. The metaphor of dipping eyes in a honey glass and mirroring each other suggests a desire to experience a heightened emotional and sensory connection.

As the song progresses, the lyrics continue to explore themes of freedom and escape. Lines like "Wanna be wild animals / Lay down in a shady den / See the spring / Color in" express a desire to break free from constraints and explore a more primal and instinctual side. This sense of liberation is further emphasized with the repetition of "Drip away" and "Trip away," suggesting a desire to let go of one's current state and escape into a new reality.

The bridge of the song provides a moment of reflection and contemplation. Lines such as "Take my eye / Do not wonder why / I've come to the crux" indicate a willingness to fully surrender oneself to experience, even if it may seem unconventional or misunderstood by others. The references to trespassers, the miser, and convenience highlight a rejection of societal expectations and a desire for personal liberation.

The final lines of the song, "Tripped away the summer days / Some are gone / Some are O.K / Summers gone / Some are making love / I love to watch you / Love to watch you / Drip away," evoke a sense of nostalgia and a bittersweet acknowledgement of the passage of time. It suggests that while some experiences may fade and change, there is still a desire to find beauty and fulfillment in the present moment, embracing the transient nature of life.

In summary, "Trip Away" explores themes of desire, pleasure-seeking, and escape. It expresses a longing for alternative experiences and a rejection of societal norms, urging listeners to embrace their desires and find liberation and connection in unconventional ways.

This meaning interpretation was written by AI. Help improve it with your feedback

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Here Are 25 Songs That Give Everyone The Itch To Travel

It’s impossible to list every awesome travel inspiration song ever written, but here are 25 that cut across genre and stir up wanderlust.

Music and travel often go hand in hand. Listening to banging beats helps stave off boredom while we wait in the airport lounge for our flight. It keeps our mind occupied on long flights or train rides. It comforts us when we’re away from home for an extended period of time. We sing along to it in the car, inadvertently making it the soundtrack to our road trip and creating memories we’ll look back on fondly one day. But exactly what makes a good travel inspiration song? Though there’s not one defining answer, it can often be found in the lyrics, words that somehow capture aspects of travel we relate to or that allow us to fantasize we’re somewhere far away. Music videos enhance our emotions even further, and make us wish we were there just like the people on our screen, on that island, or that mountain top, sharing in their experience.

There are travel themed songs that many consider to be classics; ‘Route 66’ by Nat King Cole, Johnny Cash’s ‘I’ve Been Everywhere’ or Frank Sinatra’s ‘Come Fly With Me’ for example. Those are just a few that while not listed here, still deserve recognition and a listen. It’s impossible to list every super fantastic travel inspiration song ever written in the history of music, but here are 25 that cut across genre and decade, stir up wanderlust, and bring out our inner bohemian. Think of it as a potential playlist for your next trip.

25 California Dreamin’ - The Mamas and The Papas

I love a lot of things about my home county. The Lake District has, in my opinion, some of Britain’s most astounding views. Our landscape is incredible. I’m passionate about our farming industry and the shellfish that comes from our coast. But heck, it rains a lot here. We actually get more rainfall a year than anywhere else in England and on those rainy days, I’d easily swap it all for California.

See, California seems to have everything I need. It has the valleys and mountain ranges that I adore so much. It has the seafood and a massive agriculture industry, but it doesn’t have the rain. Then, let’s not forget the bonus of a built-in wine region.

A semi-autobiographical song by The Mamas and The Papas is a song that many of us can relate to even if we’ve never been to California or experienced the drudgery of winter. We all know what it’s like to be living in one place while wishing we could be somewhere else, enjoying a much happier existence, especially if we’ve already had a taste of the good life. Listening to this one gets us thinking that it might be time to turn the dream into a reality.

24 Do You Want To See The World? - The Kooks

A little lyrical decoding work might be needed to know if this song is about a figurative journey or a literal one but we choose to believe it’s the latter. The notion of travel is there (though less directly than in other entries on this list) with lines about leaving, being the passenger and sailing away. But perhaps the inspiration to travel begins and ends with the opening lyrics: ‘Do you want to see the world in a different way?’ to which we answer a resounding yes.

23 Permanent Vacation - Aerosmith

Permanent Vacation is basically the old school version of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). In the song, after receiving a letter from a friend telling him about the hot weather in Montego Bay, Lead singer Steven Tyler realizes that he “really really need[s] to get away [to] Saint-Tropez”. We’ve all seen our friends in their vacation photos splashed across our social media, looking like they’re having the time of their life. And just like this song, it makes us want to pack our bags.

22 Midnight Train to Georgia - Gladys Night and the Pips

Most songs in this list deal with travelling for positive reasons. But Midnight Train to Georgia is a case of pursuing a dream and when that dream doesn’t work out, we’re left in a nightmare. So what do we do? Go back to where we started from. Home. Written between the lines is the message that giving up on a dream is sad, but at least he tried, and the decision to leave is an empowered one. He should hold his head high, and so should we.

21 Ventura Highway - America

Inspired by a real road trip that band lyricist Dewey Bunnell took with his family when he was in seventh grade, Venture Highway conjures all of those good feels we have on a road trip. While there’s no real Ventura highway (though there is a highway 101 that runs through Ventura County, California), it doesn’t really matter. We imagine ourselves speeding down any open road with the sunroof down, a blazing sun above, and the wind in our hair, just like the song says.

20 King of the World- First Aid Kit

Family vacations are great but if you’re not at that stage of life, you may want to give this song a listen and use it as a reason to see a bit of the world before you settle down. It’s about being a wanderer, trying to figure things out, starting your day off in one place and finishing it in another. As you observe the mundane and cross paths with strangers on your journey, somewhere along the way you feel like you belong nowhere but everywhere at the same time. You’re at once “the queen of nothing and the king of the world”.

19 Free Man in Paris - Joni Mitchell

If you’ve ever felt like a different person when travelling abroad, then Free Man in Paris is your jam. Mitchell wrote the song based on comments made by her record label President about the stresses of his job, but how being in Paris made him feel “unfettered and alive”. Implicit in the lyrics is the idea that who we are can get buried beneath deadlines, appointments, and meetings. But when we’re elsewhere, the change of scenery brings out our alter ego. Suddenly we’re not only a new person, we feel more in tune with who we truly are. A trip away can bring us back home.

18 Fast Car - Tracy Chapman

Yet another song with driving involved but this time with some very sombre themes. Unlike Ventura Highway, there are no happy vibes to be found in Chapman’s Fast Car. Instead, it’s a story about travelling out of necessity and survival, not in search of love or adventure. Still, it motivates those of us pondering over making a life-changing decision: stay and continue to live in misery or leave and never come back. Choosing to not just travel but leave is always a big risk. But it’s a choice that can make all the difference.

17 Get Here - Oleta Adams

Sometimes we travel not to see someplace, but to see someone . We all have people in our life that matter to us but unless you’re lucky, they don’t all live in the same city. Get here is about letting a loved one know that no matter how far away, they are missed and someone is awaiting their return. Hearing Oleta Adams’ soulful and emotional rendition of the lyrics is enough to make anyone think about taking a trip back home.

16 Barcelona - George Ezra

George Ezra’s better-known track might be ‘Budapest’, but it’s his song ‘Barcelona’ which captures the sense of nostalgia that comes after spending time in a country that’s not home. Ezra wrote it based on his 1-month stay in a room he rented from a total stranger in Barcelona. If we can’t go back to a place we’re wistful for, we can at least take a mental mini-trip as Ezra does, singing:

“Every time you have to go

Shut my eyes and you know

I’ll be lying right by your side

In Barcelona”.

15 Have Love, Will Travel - The Sonics

If you’re single, looking for love and willing to cross borders to find it, then this Sonics cover of a 1959 song can help you get the word out. It’s like a personal ad set to music and the message couldn’t be more clear; he’s a guy that’s willing to travel for any girl that's got love for him, “No matter when no matter where I'll be I'm looking for a woman that'll satisfy me”. Who says love has to be complicated?

14 Leaving Las Vegas - Sheryl Crow

Imagine you’ve spent your whole life living in the same place, or conversely, chose to leave your hometown and live abroad. Fast forward to years later and things have become mundane. You’ve grown tired of surroundings, of your routine, and of seeing the same faces all the time. It dawns on you that you’ve had it. Officially. Leaving Las Vegas is about when a place has lost its charm and the realization that it’s time move away and move on. Listen to it when you want to say goodbye not just to a city, but a time in your life.

13 Paris - Tokyo Lupe Fiasco

Part of being an artist is about going on tour and travelling around the world. While it must have its drawbacks, on this track Lupe’s mostly highlighting some of the benefits. It allows him to be a jet-setter, as the lyrics suggest, and whether he’s rapping to his girlfriend or a groupie, I hope she takes him up on his offer to go with him. She should do it for those of us who wish we could “go to sleep in Paris and wake up in Tokyo”.

12 Around the World - Kings of Leon

Travel inspiration here doesn’t come from the lyrics necessarily but from the song’s video. Watching it we’re taken around the world, from Sweden to Chile, Nicaragua to Spain as various dance groups perform traditional and modern dance routines. The joy that the performers exude while highlighting various cultures is infectious, giving us the travel bug. We want to go to some of those mountain tops and town squares, immerse ourselves in a different culture, and maybe even dance a little.

11 American Boy - Estelle feat. Kanye West

This song may seem like an odd choice for this list at first but in some ways, it’s a classic travel love story about a boy and a girl who meet while on holiday and sparks fly. What follows is a potential long-distance relationship with one asking the other to play tour guide when they visit their hometown. Moral of the story: a chance meeting abroad can bring you unintended benefits like a foreign lover, and maybe even dual citizenship.

10 On the Road Again - Willie Nelson

You don’t have to be a musician on the road to appreciate the sentiment behind this Willie Nelson song. Perhaps the quintessential track for bohemians and gypsies, what it’s really about is doing what you love, and for some, that means being constantly on the move, quite literally. It appeals to the nomad in all of us with Nelson’s lyrics about ‘Goin' places that I've never been, seein' things that I may never see again’ succinctly summarizing why most travel in the first place

9 Two Tickets To Paradise -Eddie Money

Let’s be honest: when work is boring and life is a drag, who hasn’t daydreamed about dropping everything and taking off on a much-needed vacation? Eddie Money’s Two Tickets to Paradise indulges this fantasy, leaving us wishing our lover, like the singer, would show up, tell us to pack our bags then whisk us away to ‘paradise’, that same night, no questions asked. The song is an ode to spontaneous travel, and a reminder that sometimes the trips we plan the least for, turn out to be the best.

8 Destination Calabria - Alex Gaudino feat. Crystal Waters

With dance music (that’s EDM to you millennials) it’s usually all about the beat, not the words, but on this track, you get the best of both worlds. You don’t need this song as an impetus to visit Calabria, that picture-perfect Southern region of Italy with turquoise waters and a rugged coastline, but a listen to the lyrics definitely doesn’t hurt. Crystal Waters tells us to leave everything behind, including the city, the pollution and life’s worries to go to “a paradise of love and joy...where we belong”. Any objections? Didn’t think so.

7 Tour The World - Renald Francoeur

If you’ve got kids and want them to be as passionate about travel as you are, then Renald Francoeur’s ‘Tour The World’ will do the trick. Part song, part geography lesson, every country in existence as of 2013 is in this 8-minute track (though there are skeptics out there). Truth be told, you’d be hard pressed to find this on anyone’s playlist, but watch the entertaining and informative illustrated video as you listen, and you’ll quickly realize even us adults need to brush up on our world knowledge.

6 Orinoco flow - Enya

A song about a river that flows through Colombia, Venezuela, and Brazil? Or a nod to the studio in London where it was recorded with which it shares its name? The title inspiration is debatable but what’s not is Enya’s haunting and otherworldly voice imploring us to ‘sail away, sail away, sail away’. The song cleverly rhymes popular destinations with lesser known places (‘from Fiji to Tiree’), piquing the curiosity of even the most well travelled. New age music isn’t for everyone, but the strong imagery in Orinoco flow is enough to make anyone who loves to travel a fan.

101 Road Trip Songs to Play on Your Next Drive

Young couple driving convertible at sunset

  • From top movie picks to celebrity scoops and travel advice, Brittany writes on a wide range of topics for The Knot.
  • While Brittany is a contributing writer for The Knot Worldwide, she also provides shopping content for publications like BuzzFeed, CTV and The National Post.
  • Brittany has a Bachelor of Arts in media and communications studies, along with minors in creative writing, theater studies and music performance. ...

There's nothing quite like a thrilling adventure behind the wheel, and no journey is complete without the best road trip songs to accompany you on your ride. Whether you're planning a solo expedition, a road trip honeymoon or a fun-filled outing with the bach party crew, the right driving music playlist can transform your lengthy car rides into unforgettable experiences.

From powerful rock anthems that'll have you cranking up the volume to mellow acoustic tunes that set the mood for scenic drives, our editors have curated a list of 101 road trip songs that are so good, they might as well be considered road trip essentials . With the wind in your hair, the sun on the horizon and road trip music on the speakers, you're bound for a memorable adventure. Sit back, fasten your seatbelts, and feel the beat with these road trip songs.

In this article:

The Knot's Top 10 Road Trip Songs

Road trip songs about driving, classic road trip songs, singalong road trip songs, country road trip songs, summer road trip songs, groovy road trip songs, road trip playlist names.

Califormication album cover

From funky beats to cinematic electro-pop, here are the absolute best road trip songs curated by our editors.

"Road Trippin'" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers

Here's a mellow, acoustic track by the Red Hot Chili Peppers that captures the essence of wanderlust and the open road, making it an essential tune for any road trip playlist.

"Pull Up To The Bumper," Grace Jones

This sultry groove may not be talking about a car's bumper per se, but it's an iconic disco classic that is perfect for staying energized on late drives.

"California Dreamin'" by The Mamas & the Papas

This timeless anthem beautifully expresses the longing for warmth and sunshine, making it an evergreen song choice for dreamy road trip escapes.

"I Wish," Stevie Wonder

Stevie Wonder's "I Wish" is a funky masterpiece that's impossible not to groove along with while driving to an exciting destination.

"Mr. Brightside," The Killers

As a chart-topping indie-rock hit, "Mr. Brightside" by The Killers is the perfect blend of nostalgia and catchy energy, making it a must-play track for car sing-a-long sessions.

"You Go Down Smooth," Lake Street Dive

When it comes to songs for the road trip of your dreams, look no further than Lake Street Dive's "You Go Down Smooth." With Rachael Price's mesmerizing vocals, this soulful song was made for winding down on a moonlit journey.

"Nightcall," Lovefoxxx, Kavinsky

Fans of the 2011 film Drive will instantly recognize this cinematic electro-pop track. It's a must-play on late night drives through vibrant cityscapes.

"Could Heaven Ever Be Like This," Idris Muhammad

With its hypnotic groove and a unique blend of jazz and disco elements, this iconic track by Idris Muhammad belongs on every list of road trip songs.

"Son of a Preacher Man," Dusty Springfield

Jam-packed with soul and charm, this classic song is ideal for a breezy cruise down memory lane.

"Coming Home," Leon Bridges

This heartfelt tune is a great companion for the long drive home after an epic road trip adventure.

The Beatles Rubber Soul

With lyrics and melodies that amplify the joy of hitting the open road, these road trip songs about driving also serve as powerful metaphors for life's journey. They're perfect driving songs, but many of them will resonate beyond the literal act of hitting the road, too.

"Fast Car," Tracy Chapman

"Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman is a heartstring-tugging ballad that paints the picture of chasing freedom down the open road — a relatable journey for anyone who loves getting the heck out of Dodge when push comes to shove.

"Keep Driving," Harry Styles

In this Harry Styles road trip song, the lyrics "should we just keep driving?" serve as a metaphorical invitation to persevere through life's chaos, no matter how absurd or challenging it may become.

"Life Is a Highway," Tom Cochrane

This electrifying anthem cranks up the volume on the joys of life as a never-ending highway, making it an absolute must-have for your road trip playlist.

"No Particular Place to Go," Chuck Berry

This rock 'n' roll hit by Chuck Berry is a total blast, capturing the thrill of cruising around with your sweetheart, with no particular place to go.

"I Can't Drive 55," Sammy Hagar

Here's a high-energy rock song that rebels against speed limits and embodies the need for speed — but please, don't take these lyrics literally!

"Drive My Car," The Beatles

Who can resist grooving to The Beatles' "Drive My Car"? It's a pop-rock classic that's practically woven into our musical DNA. With its clever lyrics, it turns the whole idea of driving into a wild ride of ambition and success

"Running on Empty," Jackson Browne

Hit play on "Running on Empty" by Jackson Browne when you're in a nostalgic and reflective mood.

"King of the Road," Roger Miller

"King of the Road" by Roger Miller is a foot-tapping country classic that embraces the carefree simplicity of life on the open road, where the journey is the real treasure.

"Highway to Hell," AC/DC

AC/DC's "Highway to Hell" is an electrifying rock anthem that'll have you revving up for your road trip and the wild ride of life.

"I Drove All Night," Cyndi Lauper

Buckle up for an 80s track that'll whisk you away on a nostalgia-fueled journey. This one's a love song that uses driving as a metaphor for the extraordinary lengths someone will go to be with their special someone.

"Six Days on the Road," Dave Dudley

In "Six Days on the Road" by Dave Dudley, you can practically smell the diesel fumes and taste the trucker's coffee as he sings about life on the asphalt, making you want to hit the road for a cross-country road trip.

"Brand New Cadillac," The Clash

This musical joyride by The Clash features roaring guitars and frenetic beats that'll make you feel like you're speeding down the highway in a vintage muscle car.

"Cruisin'" by Smokey Robinson

Smokey Robinson's "Cruisin'" is the ultimate serenade to the special someone sitting in your passenger seat, inviting you to take a musical journey where love and the open road merge in perfect harmony.

"Truckin'" by the Grateful Dead

"Truckin'" by the Grateful Dead is the ultimate road trip anthem, a groovy tune that'll have you nodding along to its rhythm while dreaming of endless adventures on the highway.

"Riding in My Car," Elizabeth Mitchell

If you're going on a road trip with kids, this delightful song about driving will make all of you want to roll down the windows and sing along with a carefree heart.

Get your party started

"mustang sally," wilson pickett.

This is the kind of song that'll make you want to hit the gas pedal and let your inner wild child take the wheel, with a chorus so catchy you'll be humming it long after the ride's over.

"Boyfriend's Car," Colour Me Wednesday

With its upbeat melody and cheeky lyrics, "Boyfriend's Car" by Colour Me Wednesday will make you want to grab the car keys and hit the road with your best pals.

"Get in My Car," BRONCHO

With lyrics like "I like to go fast, I like to go far, won't you open that door? Get in my car," this catchy song by BRONCHO is a fab pick for adventure seekers and dreamers alike. You'll love its catchy beat and unique vocals.

"Road to Nowhere," Talking Heads

Lyrically, "Road to Nowhere" reflects a sense of journey and searching for meaning in life. It uses driving and the open road as a metaphor for life's uncertain and often directionless path.

The Rolling Stones Sticky Fingers

From Willie Nelson's "On the Road Again" to "Lovely Day" by Bill Withers, these timeless classics are quintessential driving songs for any road trip adventure.

"On the Road Again," Willie Nelson

With its catchy melody and heartfelt lyrics, this country hit has become an anthem for travelers and adventurers, resonating with anyone who's ever felt the call of the highway and the excitement of a new journey.

"Life in the Fast Lane," Eagles

"Life in the Fast Lane" by the Eagles is a rock masterpiece known for its driving rhythm and vivid lyrics that capture the allure and perils of a fast-paced, high-octane lifestyle.

"Take Me Home, Country Roads," John Denver

Here's a beloved folk classic that evokes a sense of nostalgia and the longing for the familiar, making it an essential song for those returning to their roots.

"You're So Vain," Carly Simon

Everyone will be singing along to this sassy, upbeat song by Carly Simon. It'll help to turn those lengthy hours behind the wheel into a fun and memorable road trip experience.

"Wild World," Cat Stevens

This ballad speaks to the bittersweet farewells and reflections often encountered during a road trip, offering a great soundtrack for those moments of contemplation.

"Rich Girl," Daryl Hall & John Oates

Daryl Hall & John Oates' "Rich Girl" is a groovy, feel-good tune that infuses a sense of carefree luxury and adventure into your journey, making it perfect for the road.

"Highwayman," The Highwaymen, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash

This epic country ballad that weaves together tales of life, death, and reincarnation along the roadways, creating an emotionally resonant narrative for your travels.

"Wild Horses," The Rolling Stones

"Wild Horses" is the kind of song that'll add depth and emotion to your journey, inviting reflection and a deeper connection with the landscape, the people you're with and the places you're heading.

"The Long and Winding Road," The Beatles

Here's a classic ballad by The Beatles that'll take you through the scenic landscapes of life, reminding you that even the most twisty-turny journeys can lead to beautiful destinations.

"Riders on the Storm," The Doors

With haunting melodies and Jim Morrison's evocative vocals, this is one of the best road trip songs for cruising along rain-soaked highways, conjuring a cinematic journey into the unknown.

"Easy," Commodores

The Commodores' "Easy" is a smooth and soulful road trip anthem, providing a laid-back groove that matches the leisurely pace of a scenic drive.

"Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey

This iconic road trip song is pretty much synonymous with the enduring spirit of adventure. Its memorable chorus and anthemic sound make it an uplifting and powerful addition to any road trip playlist.

"Rearviewmirror," Pearl Jam

This driving song by Pearl Jam is a great song for shaking off the past and hitting the gas on life's highway, leaving regrets in the dust. With Eddie Vedder's emotive vocals, it's the ultimate anthem for forward momentum.

"Lovely Day," Bill Withers

"Lovely Day" by Bill Withers is a classic song known for its uplifting and feel-good vibe, making it a go-to track for brightening any lengthy drive.

Like a Rolling Stone, Bob Dylan

Characterized by catchy melodies, easy-to-remember lyrics and an irresistible urge to belt out the words, these singalong road trip songs belong on your driving music playlist.

"Dancing in the Moonlight," King Harvest

With its infectious and carefree melody, "Dancing in the Moonlight" by King Harvest is perfect for late-night drives, where passengers can't help but sing along to the feel-good lyrics.

"Like a Rolling Stone," Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan's "Like a Rolling Stone" offers a timeless anthem for soul-searching road trips, with its poetic lyrics and memorable melody that invites passionate singing from all passengers.

Chicago Bachelorette Party

"Hey Jude," The Beatles

A singalong standard, "Hey Jude" by The Beatles is tailor-made for group road trips, with its unforgettable "na-na-na-na" chorus that's impossible not to join in on.

"September," Earth, Wind & Fire

This high-energy, funk-infused hit that will have everyone in the car grooving and harmonizing to its infectious melodies.

"My Girl," The Temptations

A soulful gem, "My Girl" by The Temptations is an absolute must-sing during any road trip, with its heartwarming lyrics and soothing harmonies.

"You Make My Dreams Come True," Daryl Hall & John Oates

This upbeat pop classic is an instant mood-lifter, making it an ideal choice for a car full of enthusiastic passengers, ready to sing along to the fun, uplifting chorus.

"Stand by Me," Ben E. King

"Stand by Me" is a timeless ballad that brings people together with its comforting lyrics, making it a natural addition to your list of road trip songs.

"Jolene," Dolly Parton

Dolly Parton's "Jolene" offers a fabulous opportunity for passengers to show off their vocal skills while engaging with this iconic country hit.

"All Star," Smash Mouth

"All Star" is an upbeat and spirited tune that encourages animated singalongs, particularly for those who grew up watching Shrek.

"Bennie and the Jets," Elton John

Elton John's "Bennie and the Jets" combines a memorable melody with quirky lyrics, creating playful moments that are perfect for singing along on the road.

"Brown Eyed Girl," Van Morrison

With its feel-good lyrics and folk-rock melody, "Brown Eyed Girl" is an enduring singalong that'll bring warmth to any car ride.

"Eye of the Tiger," Survivor

This high-energy anthem is a favorite for group singalongs, especially when you need a motivational boost on the road.

"Tambourine Man," Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan's "Tambourine Man" combines poetic storytelling with a memorable melody, providing ample opportunities for passengers to harmonize and get lost in the music.

The Chicks Wide Open Spaces cover

These country road trip songs are perfect companions for scenic drives, offering a soundtrack that resonates with the sights and sounds of driving out in the countryside and making your road trip one to remember.

"Wide Open Spaces," The Chicks

"Wide Open Spaces" is a country classic by The Chicks (formerly known as the Dixie Chicks), with lyrics that capture the feeling of setting out on the open road, making it an anthem for wanderers.

"Fast Cars and Freedom," Rascal Flatts

Rascal Flatts' "Fast Cars and Freedom" is an up-tempo country song that embodies the spirit of a carefree road trip, complete with a driving beat and lyrics about adventure.

"Wagon Wheel," Old Crow Medicine Show

Originally penned by Bob Dylan and later reimagined by Old Crow Medicine Show, "Wagon Wheel" is a beloved folk-country song that conjures images of a scenic journey on a dusty trail.

"I've Been Everywhere," Johnny Cash

This high-energy, tongue-twisting song lists an array of places, creating a sense of vicarious travel for the listener.

"Take a Back Road," Rodney Atkins

Rodney Atkins' "Take a Back Road" is a feel-good, country-rock tune that encourages taking the scenic route and embracing life's little detours.

"Drivin' My Life Away," Eddie Rabbitt

Here's an upbeat country track that captures the nomadic spirit of road tripping, with a chorus that's hard not to sing along with.

"Amarillo by Morning," George Strait

George Strait's "Amarillo by Morning" is a classic country ballad that paints a vivid picture of the open plains and the longing for home, making it an ideal song for a cross-country journey.

"I Walk the Line," Johnny Cash

A Johnny Cash classic, "I Walk the Line" conveys devotion and steadfastness, making it a song that resonates with travelers as they embark on their journey.

"Daytona Sand," Orville Peck

"Daytona Sand" by Orville Peck is a modern country song with a nostalgic sound that evokes a sense of wanderlust and the feeling of freedom on the road.

"Here You Come Again," Dolly Parton

Dolly Parton's "Here You Come Again" is a timeless country hit that conveys a sense of longing and anticipation, with Dolly singing about the return of a past love.

Lana Del Rey Born to Die

Whether it's a drive to the beach, a cross-country journey or simply cruising with the windows down, these summer road trip songs will set the soundtrack for sun-soaked moments on the road.

"Riptide," Vance Joy

Vance Joy's "Riptide" is a folk-pop song with an infectious melody and a carefree spirit, making it a perfect accompaniment for a summer drive along the coast.

"As It Was," Harry Styles

"As It Was" by Harry Styles is a sunny and laid-back track that embodies the nostalgia of summer, ideal for a leisurely road trip.

"I Follow Rivers," Lykke Li

Here's an upbeat indie-pop song with an adventurous spirit, evoking a sense of wanderlust and exploration.

"Alaska," Maggie Rogers

Maggie Rogers' "Alaska" is a fusion of folk and electronic elements, creating a unique sound fit for capturing the essence of a summer adventure.

"Summertime Sadness," Lana Del Rey

This melancholic yet captivating song captures the bittersweet feelings of summer's end, making it perfect for late August or September road trips.

"Cruisin' to the Parque," Durand Jones & The Indications, Y La Bamba

"Cruisin' to the Parque" is a soulful track with a groovy, retro vibe that sets the mood for a relaxed summer road trip.

"Texas Sun," Leon Bridges, Khruangbin

"Texas Sun" is a collaboration between Leon Bridges and Khruangbin, offering a fusion of soul and funk that pays homage to the Texan landscape, making it a fantastic choice for a Lone Star State adventure.

"Old Pine," Ben Howard

Evoking nostalgia and longing for the outdoors, this song by Ben Howard is the perfect driving music — especially if you're driving into the woods for an epic camping trip with your pals.

"Postcards From Italy," Beirut

Beirut's "Postcards From Italy" is a folk-infused song with a continental flair, evoking images of sun-drenched European road trips and Mediterranean coastlines.

"Home," Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros

This joyful, folk-rock anthem radiates a sense of togetherness and nostalgia, making it ideal for shared road trip memories.

"Summer of '69," Bryan Adams

Bryan Adams' "Summer of '69" is a classic rock hit that brims with nostalgia, celebrating the memories of youthful summer adventures.

"Walking on Sunshine," Katrina and the Waves

An enduring pop song, "Walking on Sunshine" exudes a carefree, upbeat energy that makes sense for a summertime joyride.

"Eternal Summer," Strokes

This indie rock track might be one of the best road trip songs ever, capturing the hazy and timeless feeling of driving in the summertime.

"All Summer Long," Kid Rock

This song is the ultimate summer soundtrack, sampling two iconic rock songs: Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Sweet Home Alabama" and Warren Zevon's "Werewolves of London."

"Good Vibrations," The Beach Boys

The Beach Boys' "Good Vibrations" is a legendary surf-rock track that radiates sunny and beachy vibes, making it synonymous with the spirit of summer.

"Island in the Sun," Weezer

This feel-good, alt rock song that embodies the dream of finding an idyllic paradise, which is totally fitting for a dreamy summer road trip.

"How Long Do I Have to Wait for You?," Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings

With vintage vibes and a groovy, horn-laden melody, this soulful track by Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings will undoubtedly enhance your summer road trip playlist.

"Franklin's Tower," Grateful Dead

The Grateful Dead's "Franklin's Tower" is a jammy and bluesy track that embodies the free-spirited atmosphere of summer music festivals and road trips.

"Sugar Man," Rodriguez

Rodriguez's "Sugar Man" is a folk-rock song with an aura of mystery and adventure, a perfect fit for a road trip seeking the unknown.

"You And Me," Penny & The Quarters

This soul ballad by Penny & The Quarters sets a romantic and nostalgic tone for a summer road trip, filled with love and longing.

"Heavy California," Jungle

Jungle's "Heavy California" is an electrifying funk and soul-infused track that exudes energy and excitement, making it a top-notch summer road trip song choice.

"Cecilia," Simon & Garfunkel

Simon & Garfunkel's "Cecilia" is a beloved folk-rock song that captures the carefree essence of youth and summertime fun.

"Me and Julio Down by the School," Paul Simon

This Paul Simon song is an upbeat tune that celebrates youthful adventures, making it a great addition to your summer road trip music list.

Vulfpeck Thrill of the Arts

With funky basslines, rhythmic guitar riffs and infectious melodies, these groovy road trip songs are perfect for making those long journeys more fun.

"Back Pocket," Vulfpeck

"Back Pocket" by Vulfpeck is a funk-infused track with a catchy, danceable groove and an infectious bassline, making it a great choice for a lively road trip playlist.

"Young Hearts Run Free," Candi Staton

Candi Staton's "Young Hearts Run Free" is a classic disco song with an upbeat tempo and lyrics that'll inspire a little car seat dancing.

"Long Way Home," Durand Jones & The Indications

This soulful, groovy track will set a mellow, yet rhythmic mood for your journey.

"Oh, Loretta," Sex on Toast

"Oh, Loretta" is a fun and funky tune by Sex on Toast, with a mix of soul and pop elements, with lyrics that'll add a hint of humor to your road trip music selection.

"You're Mine," The Funk Brothers

The Funk Brothers' "You're Mine" is a smooth and soulful track that embodies the classic Motown sound and infuses a groovy atmosphere into your adventure.

"Pusherman," Curtis Mayfield

This funk and soul masterpiece, known for its gritty rhythm and lyrics, is perfect for adding a touch of grit to your selection of road trip songs.

"Give Up The Funk," Parliament

"Give Up The Funk" by Parliament is a funky anthem with an irresistible beat and memorable hooks, igniting a lively vibe during your long journey.

"Le Freak," Chic

"Le Freak" is a disco classic by Chic, known for its catchy melody and danceable groove, making it an ideal choice to keep the good vibes flowing during your road trip.

"Last Dance," Donna Summer

Donna Summer's "Last Dance" is an energetic disco hit that encourages passengers to bob their heads and sing along, setting the stage for a memorable time on the road.

"You Haven't Done Nothin'," Stevie Wonder

Stevie Wonder's "You Haven't Done Nothin'" is a groovy track with a social message, mixing soul and funk elements to keep the journey's energy flowing.

"1612," Vulfpeck

This funky track has a playful rhythm with killer vocals that's sure to bring a smile to the faces of your fellow road trippers.

"Down in Mexico," The Coasters

The Coasters' "Down in Mexico" is a famous rhythm and blues track with a sultry and captivating groove you'll want to play more than once on your next road trip.

Woman driving by boyfriend sitting in car

Whether you're cruising through scenic landscapes, embarking on an epic adventure or seeking the perfect soundtrack name for your journey, here are a few road trip playlist names to consider before putting together your next road trip music list.

  • Highway Harmonies
  • Cruisin' Classics
  • Sun-Kissed Highway Jams
  • Road Trippin'
  • For the Open Road
  • Driving Fast
  • Golden Hour on the Road
  • Summer Road Trip
  • Coastal Cruisin'
  • Backroad Beats
  • Open Road Remixes
  • Country Roads Collection
  • Sizzlin' Summer Sounds
  • Road Trip Mixtape
  • Sunny Drives

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150+ Road Trip Songs: Your Ultimate Driving Playlist

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The Best Road Trip Music

A road trip wouldn’t be a road trip without a good old sing along. Whilst on the road, regardless of how you sound, singing at the top of your lungs is just de rigueur – in fact, it’s road trip law!

There are so many amazing songs to choose from that I’ve had a great time compiling our playlist of road trip songs. I’ve been transported back through time to my favourite memories and karaoke nightmares, and been introduced to some fantastic new songs.

Forget about the 100 best road trip songs, we’ve broken down the top 150+ of the best songs for road trips! Each category has its own amazing road trip playlist, and there is also a combined Spotify ultimate playlist for a road trip, with four hours of travelling songs. So, warm up those pipes and get ready to belt out some fantastic tunes on the open road!

road trip songs

Classic Road Trip Songs

No matter what year you were born, or your musical taste, most of you will have heard and know the lyrics to these classic rock songs, making them really good songs to drive to. From Hotel California to Space Oddity, these are some of the greatest songs, by the greatest artists of all time. They also include some of the best guitar solos ever recorded. A great addition to any road trip playlists.

  • The Eagles – Hotel California
  • Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody
  • Lynyrd Skynyrd – Sweet Home Alabama
  • Tom Petty – Free Fallin
  • AC/DC – Highway to Hell
  • The Beatles – Here Comes The Sun
  • Creedence Clearwater Revival – Bad Moon Rising
  • The Rolling Stones – Sympathy for the Devil
  • The Kinks – You Really Got Me Going
  • Fleetwood Mac – Go Your Own Way
  • David Bowie – Space Oddity
  • Don McLean – American Pie
  • Bob Segar – Old Time Rock & Roll
  • Abba – Waterloo
  • Elton John – Rocket Man
  • The Doors – Light My Fire
  • Bob Dylan – Like A Rolling Stone
  • Ray Charles – Hit The Road Jack
  • Allman Brothers Band – Midnight Rider
  • Willie Nelson – On The Road Again
  • Aretha Franklin – Respect
  • Billy Joel – Piano Man
  • Chuck Berry – Johnny B. Goode
  • The Beach Boys – Surfin U.S.A
  • Neil Diamond – Sweet Caroline
  • Van Morrison – Brown Eyed Girl
  • Bachman Turner Overdrive – Taking care of Business
  • Johnny Cash- Ring of Fire
  • Simon & Garfunkel – Mrs Robinson
  • Led Zepplin – Kashmir
  • Nina Simone – Sinnerman
  • Golden Earring – Radar Love
  • Jackson Browne – Stay

Get the classic road trip songs playlist here

Ashphalt road with yellow markings going towards large mountains range with car in the far distance and trees along either side of the road.

DJ’s & Collaborations

Some of the best songs for driving are collaborations. Two or three amazing artists bringing together their unique sounds can result in pure magic, and these are a great addition to any chill road trip songs playlist.

  • David Guetta ft. Sia – Titanium
  • Calvin Harris ft. Rag’n’Bone Man – Giant
  • Dr. Dre, Eminem ft. Skylar Grey – I Need a Doctor
  • Dua Lipa and Elton John – Cold Heart
  • Rihanna and JAY Z – Umbrella
  • Robin Shultz and Lilly Wood- Prayer in C
  • David Guetta ft. Estelle – One Love
  • Calvin Harris ft. Dua Lipa – One Kiss
  • Beyonce and JAY Z – Crazy in Love
  • Diddy Dirty Money and Skyler Grey – Coming Home
  • Sigma ft. Paloma Faith – Changing
  • David Guetta ft. Becky Hill, Ella Henderson – Crazy What Love Can Do
  • Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris – We Found Love
  • Rudimental and John Newman, Alex Clare – Not Givin In
  • Sean Paul and Dua Lipa – No Lie
  • Ed Sheeran and Khalid – Beautiful People
  • JAY Z and Alicia Keys – Empire State of Mind
  • Blackstreet, Dr Dre and Queen Pen – No Diggity
  • Santana and Rob Thomas – Smooth
  • Kanye West, Rhianna and Paul McCartney – FourFiveSeconds
  • Nelly and Kelly Rowland – Dilemma
  • Eve and Gwen Stefani – Let Me Blow Ya Mind
  • Rudimental and John Newman – Feel The Love
  • The Chainsmokers and Coldplay – Something Just Like This
  • Amy Winehouse and Mark Rowland – Valerie
  • Eminem abd Dido – Stan
  • Run D.M.C and Aerosmith – Walk This Way

Get the alternative road trip songs playlist here

trip away song

Road Trip Songs from the Twenties (2020 – 2022)

There is a bigger selection of all types of music than ever before, and a lot of the new artists are very exciting. However, Kate Bush and Running Up That Hill making a comeback after 30 years just goes to show that there’s room for everyone. Use these songs to help create your modern road trip playlist.

  • Lizzo – About Damn Time
  • Doja Cat – Say So
  • Tones and I – Dance Monkey
  • Kate Bush – Running Up That Hill
  • Adele – Easy On Me
  • Charli XCX – Yuck
  • Gayle – abc
  • Charlie Puth – Light Switch
  • Florence + The Machine – King
  • Harry Styles – As It Was
  • Beyonce – Summer Renaissance
  • The Weekend – Out Of Time
  • Camilla Cabello – La Buena Vida
  • Jessie Ware – Free Yourself
  • Amber Mark – Bliss
  • Ellie Goulding – Easy Lover
  • Dua Lipa – Love Again

Get the twenties playlist here

white campervan on a great road with pine trees and mountains surrounding the road

Late Noughties (2011-2019) Road Trip Songs

In 2011 Spotify really started to take off, gaining over 1 million subscribers. This new way of listening allowed you to play music your own way, whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted, and changed the way we buy and listen to music forever. Creating a songs playlist of your favourites led to people discovering new music, which they wouldn’t have heard otherwise. These are some of the best road trip songs of the 2000s.

  • Adele – Rolling in The Deep
  • Paloma Faith – Crybaby
  • Robin Thicke – Blurred Lines
  • Mumford & Suns – I Will Wait
  • Rag’n’Bone Man – Human
  • The Weekend – Blinding Lights
  • Mr. Probz – Waves
  • Klangkarussell – Sonnentanz
  • Parov Stelar – The Sun
  • Arctic Monkeys – I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor
  • Rihanna – Diamonds
  • Lorde – Royals
  • Jess Glynn – Hold My Hand
  • The Chainsmokers – Don’t Let Me Down
  • Bruno Mars – 24k Magic
  • Pharrell Williams – Happy
  • Twenty One Pilots – Stressed Out
  • Coldplay – Viva La Viva
  • Mylie Cyrus – We Can’t Stop
  • Harry Styles – Adore You
  • Sia – Chandelier
  • Robyn – Dancing On My Own
  • Ed Sheeran – Shape of You

Get the late noughties playlist here

trip away song

The Early Noughties (2000-2010) Best Driving Songs

Anything goes as far as music from the early noughties, there wasn’t a particular genre that stood out and no new genres really emerged. Still, we had some fantastic music from really iconic bands. Include these great tunes on your road trips songs playlist.

  • Coldplay – Yellow
  • The Killers – Mr. Brightside
  • Muse – Uprising
  • Florence + The Machine – You’ve Got The Love
  • Kings of Leon – Sex on Fire
  • Alicia Keys – Fallin’
  • Gnarls Barkley – Crazy
  • Nelly Furtado – I’m Like A Bird
  • India.Arie – Video
  • Lady Gaga – Just Dance
  • Eminem – The Real Slim Shady
  • Keane – Somewhere Only We Know
  • Black Eyed Peas – I Gotta Feeling
  • Coldplay – Clocks
  • Black Eyed Peas – Where is the Love
  • Snow Patrol – Chasing Cars
  • Stereophonics – Dakota
  • Madonna – Hung Up
  • Kaiser Chiefs – I Predict A Riot
  • The Fratellis – Whistle For The Choir
  • Kelly Rowland – Work
  • The Strokes – Last Night
  • Franz Ferdinand – Take Me Out
  • Green Day – Boulevard of Broken Dreams

Get the early noughties playlist here

Grab our road trip packing list, road trip checklist & road trip planner when you subscribe for our monthly newsletter, cool road trip remixes.

If you fancy listening to something a bit different, check out these fantastic remixes on SoundCloud.

  • Moby – Almost Home – Vijay & Sofia Zklatko Remix
  • Tracey Chapman – Stand By Me – Fabien Lanciano Remix
  • Calvin Harris & Disciples – How Deep is Your Love – Chris Lake Remix
  • Chaka Khan – Ain’t Nobody – Laurent Wild & The Discoh Family Edit
  • Hall and Oats – I Can’t Go For That – Pomo Remix
  • Clean Bandit – Rather Be – JackLNDN Remix
  • Chic ft. Sugarhill Gang – Good Times Vs Rappers Delight – Jet Boot Jack Remix
  • Dusty Springfield – Son of a Preacher Man – Bergeque Edit
  • Sia – Cheap Thrills ft. Sean Paul – Bruno Torres Remix
  • The Chainsmokers & Halsey – Closer – R3hab Remix
  • Wiz Khalifa Ft. Charlie Puth – See You Again Bauke Top Remix
  • Dire Straits – Sultans of Swing – lg Oliver Remix
  • Fleetwood Mac – Dreams – Gigamesh Edit
  • Sade – Smooth Operator – Dj S Bootleg Dance Remix
  • Naz – Old Town Road – B.R.T Official Remix
  • Snow Patrol – Mysterious ways
  • Parra For Cuva – Wicked Game

Get the cool remixes playlist here

An overhead image of a car on a sandy beach with trees.

Best 90’s Road Trip Songs

The nineties were one of the most inventive and creative periods for music. The decade saw grunge really take off in the USA and the battle of Brit pop in the UK. These different genres still influence music today. So if you’re going on an American road trip or to drive through Europe, add these songs to create your perfect road trip songs playlist.

  • Nirvana – Smells like Teen Spirit
  • Red Hot Chilli Peppers – Under the Bridge
  • Pearl Jam – Even Flow
  • Faithless – Why Go?
  • Alanis Morissette – Ironic
  • The Cranberries – Linger
  • The Verve – Bitter Sweet Symphony
  • R.E.M – Losing My Religion
  • TLC – Waterfalls
  • Blur – Park Life
  • Oasis – Don’t Look Back In Anger
  • Sheryl Crow – All I Wanna Do
  • Natalie Imbruglia – Torn
  • Fugees – Killing Me Softly With His Song
  • 4 Non Blondes – What’s Up?
  • Radiohead – Creep
  • No Doubt – Don’t Speak
  • The Goo Goo Dolls – Iris
  • Sixpence None The Richer – Kiss Me
  • Lenny Kravitz – Are you Gonna Go My Way
  • Guns N’ Roses – Don’t Cry
  • The Cure – Friday I’m in Love
  • Weezer – Buddy Holly
  • Ace of Base – All That She Wants
  • 10,000 Maniacs – These Are Days
  • The Commitments – Mustang Sally
  • George Michael – Freedom! ’90
  • Fatboy Slim – Praise You
  • Tom Cochrane – Life is a Highway

Get the 90’s road trip songs playlist here

winding road across islands and sea in Norway

Best 80s Road Trip Songs

The eighties are one of my favourite eras for music, it was also when MTV started and launched the music video, I’ll never forget the first time I saw the video for Thriller, it was pretty epic! The likes of punk rock, new wave and out and out pop gave us some of the greatest tunes ever. Add these tunes to your song list.

  • A-ha – Take on Me
  • Culture Club – Karma Chameleon
  • Bon Jovi – Livin’ On A Prayer
  • Eurythmics – Sweet Dreams
  • Madonna – Like A Virgin
  • Bryan Adams – Summer Of ’69
  • Cyndi Lauper – Girls Just Wanna Fun
  • Michael Jackson – Thriller
  • Tears for Fears – Shout
  • Toto – Africa
  • Katrina & The Waves – Walking on Sunshine
  • U2 – With or Without You
  • Guns N’ Roses – Paradise City
  • Soft Cell – Tainted Love
  • Tracy Chapman – Fast Car
  • Simple Minds – Don’t You
  • The Human League – Don’t You Want Me
  • Bruce Springsteen – Born in the U.S.A
  • Prince – Little Red Corvette
  • The Clash – Rock the Casbah
  • Men At Work – Down Under
  • Frankie Goes To Hollywood – Relax
  • Duran Duran – Girls on Film
  • Spandau Ballet – Gold
  • Chris Isaak – Wicked Game
  • Pet Shop Boys – West End Girls
  • New Order – True Faith
  • Whitney Houston – I Wanna Dance with Somebody
  • Pat Benatar – Heartbreaker
  • The Boomtown Rats – I Don’t like Mondays
  • The Police – Message in A Bottle
  • The Bangles – Manic Monday
  • The Proclaimers – I’m Gonna Be / 500 miles
  • Wham – Club Tropicana
  • Phil Collins – In The Air Tonight
  • The Communards – Don’t Leave Me This Way
  • The B-52’s – Love Shack

Get the 80s road trips songs playlist here

Woman hanging out of RV window wearinh mirror shades

Best Driving Power Ballads

Everyone loves a power ballad! These emotionally charged love songs are just begging you to belt them out at the top of your lungs! Anytime you are going to travel, include these on your road trip songs playlist.

  • Foreigner – I Want To Know What Love Is
  • Bryan Adams – Everything I Do
  • Journey – Don’t Stop Believin
  • Cutting Crew – I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight
  • Heart – Alone
  • Guns N’ Roses – November Rain
  • Boston – More Than a Feeling
  • Bonnie Tyler – Total Eclipse of the Heart
  • Richard Marx – Right Here Waiting
  • REO Speedwagon – Can’t Fight This Feeling
  • Meatloaf – Paradise By The Dashboard Light
  • Foreigner – Waiting for a Girl Like You
  • Berlin – Take My Breath Away
  • Europe – The Final Countdown
  • Crowded House – Don’t Dream It’s Over
  • Poison – Every Rose Has Its Thorn
  • Survivor – Eye of the Tiger
  • Starship – Nothing’s Going to Stop Us Now
  • Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes – The Time of My Life
  • Alannah Myles – Black Velvet

Get the driving power ballads playlist here

trip away song

Disco Road Trip Songs

Disco disco disco – if these tunes with their rhythmic beats don’t get you singing and moving to the music then nothing will. Keep an eye on that speed limit in case you get carried away! Perfect for those summer road trips.

  • Abba – Dancing Queen
  • Gloria Gaynor – I Will Survive
  • Earth Wind and Fire – Boogie Wonderland
  • Bee Gees – Stayin’Alive
  • Diana Ross – Upside Down
  • The Trammps – Disco Inferno
  • Donna Summer – Hot Stuff
  • The Pointer Sisters – I’m So Excited
  • Earth Wind and Fire – Let’s Groove
  • Chic – Le Freak
  • Cool and The Gang – Celebration
  • Lipps Inc – Funky Town
  • Chaka Khan – I’m Every Woman
  • Earth Wind and Fire – September
  • The Emotions – Best of My Love
  • Cheryl Lynn – Got to Be Real
  • The Jacksons – Blame it On the Boogie
  • Peaches and Herb – Shake Your Groove Thing
  • Kylie Minogue – Can’t Get You Out of My Head
  • Scissor Sisters – I Don’t Feel Like Dancing
  • Barry Manilow – Copacabana

Get the disco road trip songs playlist here

An image of the top of a palm tree next to a sign post, with dozens of signs in different colours pointing to different places. A blue sky is in the background

Your Ultimate Driving Playlist

Get every single one of these amazing road trip songs bundled into an ultimate road trip songs playlist to keep you singing along for nearly four hours!

Looking for more road trip tips & resources? Check out these top posts…

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Driving to Spain from UK: Best Routes & Driving Tips

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Driving to France from UK: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know

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Driving from UK to Germany: Best Routes, Costs & Tips

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Tips for Stress-Free Holiday Road Trips with Your Family

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Driving in Turkey – Absolutely Everything You Need to Know!

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Driving in Georgia – Your Ultimate Guide

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best road trip songs


  1. Travel Song

    trip away song

  2. Trip Away

    trip away song

  3. the best road trip songs to sing along to

    trip away song

  4. Best Road Trip Songs for Family Travel! Perfect Vacation Tunes!

    trip away song

  5. New Spotify Analysis Reveals the Most Popular Road Trip Songs of 2021

    trip away song

  6. 31 BEST Travel Songs for 2024 (perfect travel music + how to download)

    trip away song


  1. Go Away

  2. Badjack & Dayce Williams

  3. Whim Away (Remastered 2022)

  4. Departure (Remastered)

  5. Sail Away (2004 Remix)

  6. When the Words Go Away


  1. Ella Mai

    Ella Mai - Trip (Lyrics) Download Ella Mai - Trip (Lyrics): Follow me on Instagram for awesome pictures: https://instagram.com/unique_vibes_official/ Foll...

  2. Trip Away! Original

    Midsummer Night's Dream Project with "Trip Away!" Track from Baz Lurhman's "Something For Everybody" Album. Not making money off of this if there is a proble...

  3. The Meaning Behind The Song: Trip Away by Jane's Addiction

    Trip Away, a powerful song by Jane's Addiction, delves into the depths of human experience and tackles complex themes of self-discovery, addiction, and the pursuit of happiness. Released in 1997 as part of their album "Kettle Whistle," this song quickly became a fan favorite and has since garnered a reputation as one of the band's most ...

  4. Still Corners

    Buy "Strange Pleasures" here: https://megamart.subpop.com/releases/still_corners/strange_pleasuresFollow Still Corners:http://www.stillcorners.com/http://sti...

  5. Ella Mai

    [Verse 2] Boy, you know we cool when I ain't waitin' But I act a fool when I don't get it And I'm steady bruisin' just to save this But I tripped on your love, now I'm addicted [Pre-Chorus] And ...

  6. 21 Best Songs About Vacation

    A refrain of "Holiday! Celebrate!" leaves no room for uncertainty - we are traveling away, and we are thrilled about it. A good vacation is the cure for all the world's ills according to Madonna. "Holiday" was Madonna's first mainstream hit in several countries including the US and UK, but it was never originally intended to be a ...

  7. Jane's Addiction

    Trip Away Lyrics: Mama, lick on me now / No care / Put me on the bad side / Oh, so bad / I wanna make you love / Wanna, wanna watch your eyes / Dip them in a honey glass / Mirror mine / Roll them

  8. Jane's Addiction

    Drip away Trip away Trip away Trip away Trip away Trip away Way out Way out Oh, mama lick on me I'm as tasty as a red plumb Baby thumb Want to make you love Want to be wild animals Lay down in a shady den See the spring Color in Watch the stony winter Drip away Trip away Trip away Trip away Trip away Trip away Way out Way out Take my eye Do not ...

  9. Still Corners

    The Trip Lyrics: Time has come to go / Pack your bags, hit the open road / Our hearts just won't die / It's the trip keeps us alive / Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh / Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh / Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh / Ooh-

  10. 100 BEST Travel Songs for the Ultimate Travel Playlist

    Another American classic deserving of top travel song status. Here I Go Again - Whitesnake. Heaven Is A Place On Earth - Belinda Carlisle. The no.1 song to put on when you finally come across your true heaven on earth. I Get Around - Beach Boys. Such a perfect road trip song & an epic addition to a summer playlist.

  11. The Ultimate Travel Playlist: 100 Best Travel Songs (with ...

    We are going far away. We are going far away. We are going far away. From Utah. Don't you look down. Don't you look down. You are high above ground. We are driving with our friends. We are driving to a faraway place ‍ 35. California Love - Tupac and Dr. Dre . Say what you say, but give me that bomb beat from Dre. Let me serenade the streets ...

  12. Best Road Trip Songs: 25 Tunes For Highway Driving Vacations

    Head Out On The Highway: The 25 Best Road Trip Songs. From backseat singalongs to nomadic anthems, the best road trip songs capture the feeling of freedom that's sometimes just a car ride away.

  13. Trip Away lyrics by Jane's Addiction

    Trip away Trip away Trip away Trip away Trip away Way out Way out Oh, mama lick on me I'm as tasty as a red plumb Baby thumb Wanna make you love Wanna be wild animals Lay down in a shady den See the spring Color in Watch the stoney winter Drip away Trip away Trip away Trip away Trip away Trip away Way out Way out Take my eye Do not wonder why I ...

  14. Jane's Addiction 'Trip Away' (Official)

    Music video for 'Trip Away' by Jane's Addiction. Shot at the Roxy. Video remastered. Originally shot w/ 3 Super 8 cameras, transferred to 3/4" video and ed...

  15. 65 Songs About Wanderlust And Travel For The Ultimate ...

    65 Best Songs About Wanderlust, Travel & Adventure. 1. "Go Your Own Way" by Fleetwood Mac. If you haven't heard this song before, it will likely become your favorite travel song. It's one of those ...

  16. 75 BEST Travel Songs 2024 with Typical Songs (Videos + Lyrics)

    75 Travel Songs to add to your Playlist in 2024 - Mixtape #2. Awesome and epic travel songs always come in handy when you travel this world. Every adventure deserves great background music. Heck, the music can play an essential of the whole travel experience. We curated the second mixtape of the best travel songs.

  17. Meaning of Trip Away by Jane's Addiction

    "Trip Away" by Jane's Addiction is a song that explores various themes of desire, experimentation, and escapism. The lyrics suggest a longing for alternative experiences and a desire for unconventional forms of pleasure.

  18. Here Are 25 Songs That Give Everyone The Itch To Travel

    23 Permanent Vacation - Aerosmith. Permanent Vacation is basically the old school version of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). In the song, after receiving a letter from a friend telling him about the hot weather in Montego Bay, Lead singer Steven Tyler realizes that he "really really need[s] to get away [to] Saint-Tropez".

  19. Trip Away by Sitting Bull

    Another "one and done" from 1971, the best year for music ever. Easy to see why, this compact disc is not very good. It does have two or three nice tracks but in general, not so good. I guess you have to hear Trip Away for yourself. It probably depends on your mood when you hear this. Some will say this very good and some will say it sucks.

  20. 101 Best Road Trip Songs For Your Driving Music Playlist

    From powerful rock anthems that'll have you cranking up the volume to mellow acoustic tunes that set the mood for scenic drives, our editors have curated a list of 101 road trip songs that are so good, they might as well be considered road trip essentials.With the wind in your hair, the sun on the horizon and road trip music on the speakers, you're bound for a memorable adventure.

  21. Trip Away

    Trip Away by Sitting Bull released in 1971. Find album reviews, track lists, credits, awards and more at AllMusic. ... AllMusic provides comprehensive music info including reviews and biographies. Get recommendations for new music to listen to, stream or own.

  22. TALK

    https://www.lordofthefliesandbirdsandbees.com/THE DEBUT ALBUM FROM TALKOUT Now, Listen/Download: https://talk.lnk.to/LOTFBBIDStream/download "Run Away to Mar...

  23. 150+ Road Trip Songs: Your Ultimate Driving Playlist

    Late Noughties (2011-2019) Road Trip Songs. In 2011 Spotify really started to take off, gaining over 1 million subscribers. This new way of listening allowed you to play music your own way, whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted, and changed the way we buy and listen to music forever.