Come Visit Or Come And Visit: Which Is Correct?

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re trying to find the answer to this question, and you’re not alone. Many people struggle with choosing the right phrasing when it comes to this expression. But don’t worry, I’m here to help.

I know just how important it is to use the right language to effectively communicate your message. That’s why in this article, we’ll explore the nuances of ‘Come Visit’ and ‘Come And Visit,’ and help you choose the right one for your specific situation.

We’ll also examine their usage in everyday conversation, and provide examples of each to help you understand the difference.

So whether you’re a writer, marketer, or simply someone looking to improve your language skills, this article has something for you. So let’s get into it.

Which Is Grammatically Correct, And Why?

One of the questions that frequently comes up is whether it’s grammatically correct to say ‘come visit’ or ‘come and visit’. So, which is correct and why?

The short answer is that ‘come and visit’ is grammatically correct. The reason for this is that ‘and’ is a coordinating conjunction that is used to join two independent clauses

In this case, ‘come’ and ‘visit’ are both independent clauses and ‘and’ is necessary to join them together.

On the other hand, ‘come visit’ is technically a sentence fragment. While it’s commonly used in conversation and informal writing, it’s not considered proper grammar.

In formal writing, it’s important to use the full form ‘come and visit’.

It’s worth noting that this is a relatively minor issue, and most people won’t even notice if you use ‘come visit’ instead of ‘come and visit’.

However, if you want to ensure that your writing is grammatically correct and polished, it’s best to err on the side of caution and use the full form.

For example, in some dialects or regional variations of English, it’s common to drop the ‘and’ in phrases like ‘come visit’. Additionally, in poetry or creative writing, there’s often more leeway with grammar and syntax.

In summary, ‘come and visit’ is the grammatically correct form of the phrase, and should be used in formal writing or when you want to ensure that your writing is polished.

However, there are exceptions to this rule, and in some dialects or creative contexts, ‘come visit’ may be acceptable.

Why Is Come And Visit Us Used? 

Have you ever seen a sign or an advertisement that says ‘Come and visit us’? Maybe you’ve heard a friend or a family member use that phrase when inviting you over to their house. But have you ever wondered why we use this particular phrase?

First and foremost, the phrase ‘Come and visit us’ is a friendly and inviting way to ask someone to spend time with you.

Whether it’s a business inviting potential customers to check out their products or services, or a friend inviting someone over for dinner, ‘Come and visit us’ is a warm and welcoming way to extend an invitation.

Another reason why ‘Come and visit us’ is used is that it can help create a sense of community and belonging.

When a business or organization invites people to visit them, they’re inviting people to become a part of their community and to experience what they have to offer.

Similarly, when a friend invites someone to their home, they’re inviting them to be a part of their personal community and to share in their life experiences.

In conclusion, the phrase ‘Come and visit us’ is used because it’s a warm and welcoming way to invite someone to spend time with you.

It has its roots in Middle English and Latin, and it can help create a sense of community and belonging.

So, the next time you see a sign or hear someone say ‘Come and visit us,’ remember that it’s more than just an invitation – it’s an invitation to connect and build relationships.

Why Is Come Visit Us Used?

‘Come visit us’ is a phrase that has been used for decades, and for good reason. It is a simple, yet effective way to encourage people to physically visit a location, whether it be a store, restaurant, or any other type of business.

One of the main reasons why ‘come visit us’ is such a popular phrase is because it appeals to our human need for connection.

In today’s digital age, it’s easy to feel disconnected from the world around us. We spend so much time on our phones and computers that we forget about the importance of face-to-face interactions.

By inviting people to come visit a physical location, businesses are able to create a sense of community and connection that is hard to replicate online.

Of course, the effectiveness of ‘come visit us’ as a call-to-action also depends on how it is used. It’s important for businesses to be creative and come up with unique ways to use this phrase in their marketing efforts.

For example, a restaurant may use ‘come visit us for our daily specials’ or ‘come visit us to try our new menu items’.

By incorporating specific details, businesses can make this phrase more compelling and increase the chances of people actually visiting.

How Is Come And Visit Us Used In A Sentence? 

‘Come and visit us’ is a commonly used phrase that can be used in a variety of contexts. From personal invitations to business advertisements, this phrase has become a staple in our everyday language.

Here, we’ll take a closer look at how ‘come and visit us’ is used in a sentence and explore some of the different ways this phrase can be incorporated into your everyday communication.

Let’s start with the basics. The phrase ‘Come and visit us’ is often used to convey a sense of urgency or enthusiasm in an invitation.

By using the conjunction ‘and,’ we emphasize the invitation and make it sound more welcoming and informal.

For example, if you’re inviting a friend to come over to your house, you might say ‘Come and visit us!.’

The use of ‘and’ here conveys a sense of excitement and enthusiasm, which makes your friend feel more welcome and appreciated.

  • Personal Invitation: ‘Hey, why don’t you come and visit us next weekend? We’d love to have you over for dinner.’

Come Visit Or Come And Visit

Another common usage of ‘Come and visit us’ is in a business or commercial setting. Companies often use this phrase in their advertising campaigns to encourage customers to visit their store, office, or website.

The use of ‘and’ here conveys a sense of urgency and importance, which makes the invitation sound more compelling.

For instance, a store might say ‘Come and visit us for our end-of-season sale!’ or a website might say ‘Come and visit us for the latest deals and discounts!’

The use of ‘and’ in both these examples adds emphasis and encourages the customer to take action.

  • Business Advertisement: ‘Come and visit us at our new location and see our latest products in person!’

Come Visit Or Come And Visit

Finally, ‘come and visit us’ can be used to create a sense of community and belonging.

Whether you’re inviting someone to your home or encouraging them to check out your business, this phrase communicates a sense of openness and inclusivity.

It invites people to become a part of your community and to share in your experiences. Here’s an example:

  • Creating Community: ‘We’re having a neighborhood block party next weekend. Come and visit us and get to know your neighbors!’

Overall, the phrase ‘Come and visit us’ is a versatile and effective way to invite someone to visit you, whether in a personal or professional setting.

The use of ‘and’ adds emphasis, urgency, and warmth to the invitation, making it sound more genuine and appealing.

How Is Come Visit Us Used In A Sentence?

Let’s take a closer look at the usage of ‘Come visit us.’ Unlike ‘Come and visit us,’ the phrase ‘Come visit us’ does not use the conjunction ‘and,’ which makes it sound more direct and straightforward.

The phrase ‘Come visit us’ is commonly used when the invitation is more formal or professional in nature.

For example, if you’re inviting a colleague or business partner to your office, you might say ‘Please come visit us at our headquarters.’

The use of ‘Come visit us’ in this context conveys a sense of professionalism and formality, which is appropriate for a business setting.

In addition to being used in a professional setting, ‘Come visit us’ can also be used in a personal setting to invite friends or family to visit.

For example, if you’re inviting a friend to your home, you might say ‘Come visit us this weekend.’ The use of ‘Come visit us’ in this context conveys a sense of warmth and hospitality, which is appropriate for a personal invitation.

Another common usage of ‘Come visit us’ is in the context of travel and tourism. Cities and countries often use this phrase to invite tourists to visit their destination.

For example, a tourism board might say ‘Come visit us in sunny California!’ The use of ‘Come visit us’ in this context conveys a sense of excitement and invitation, which is appropriate for attracting tourists.

  • Tourist Attraction: “If you’re ever in town, be sure to come and visit us at the local museum. We have some amazing exhibits on display.”

Overall, the key to using ‘Come visit us’ in a sentence is to keep it simple, direct, and inviting.

Whether you’re using it in a personal or business context, this phrase is an effective way to communicate your desire to spend time with others and build relationships.

So, the next time you’re extending an invitation, consider using ‘Come visit us’ as a warm and welcoming way to invite others into your life.

The answer to the question ‘Come Visit’ or ‘Come and Visit’: Which is correct?’ is that both are acceptable and commonly used in different contexts.

‘Come visit’ is a more casual and friendly invitation, often used among friends and family. It can also be used in marketing or advertising to create a sense of personal connection with the audience.

‘Come and visit,’ on the other hand, is a more formal invitation, often used in professional or business settings. It can also be used to emphasize the importance of the invitation or to convey a sense of urgency.

Ultimately, the choice between ‘come visit’ and ‘come and visit’ depends on the context and the tone you want to convey.

Both are grammatically correct, and the important thing is to use the one that feels most appropriate for the situation.

So, next time you’re inviting someone to come over, consider your relationship with them and the context of the invitation.

Whether you choose ‘come visit’ or ‘come and visit,’ make sure to do so with a friendly and inviting tone that will make your guests feel welcome and appreciated.

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Putting 'Myself' Where 'Me' or 'I' Usually Goes

Some of those who opine about such things will assert that myself should only be used in two circumstances: as a reflexive pronoun, as in "I burned myself while pulling the cake out of the oven," or for emphasis: "I made the cake myself." But their opinions do not preclude such sentences as these:

I'm excited to announce that Noah and myself are opening a bakery. My mother has told Noah and myself that we make very good cakes. If you'd like us to make you a cake, please talk to Noah or myself.

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Pictured (left to right): Me, Myself, I

In these instances myself is inhabiting space we more often see occupied by I or me . In the first example "Noah and myself" is the subject of the verb; "Noah and I" is the more common choice. In the second example "Noah or myself" is the object of the preposition to ; "Noah or me" is the more common choice. And in the third example "Noah and myself" is the object of the verb; "Noah and me" is the more common choice.

Myself in these settings has been objected to since the late 19th century, though critics have never been able to put their collective finger on what's so bad about it. It's been called snobbish, unstylish, self-indulgent, self-conscious, old-fashioned, timorous, colloquial, informal, formal, nonstandard, incorrect, mistaken, literary, and unacceptable in formal written English.

We find the usages, however, to be widespread even in literary sources dating back at least four centuries. While we no longer use myself alone as the subject of a verb, Shakespeare and Ben Jonson thought it was fine, as did Emily Dickinson:

Somehow myself survived the night — Emily Dickinson, poem, 1871

Today, though, when people use myself in the position of subject-of-the-verb these days, it's typically part of a compound subject:

… Conan Doyle was the kind of Edwardian man of letters for whom certain retro bookmen such as myself and Mr. Dirda retain especial affection. — Larry McMurtry, Harper's , November 2011

This has been true for some time:

Both Williams, and Desmoulins, and myself are very sickly … — Samuel Johnson, letter, 2 Mar. 1782 From the moment Mrs. Washington and myself adopted the two youngest children … — George Washington, letter, 20 Sept. 1799 ... the Post, & not yourself, must have been unpunctual. — Jane Austen, letter, 1 Nov. 1800

In our files we also have plenty of 20th century examples from such competent users of English as T. S. Eliot, Harry Truman, E. M. Forster, and W. H. Auden, and the use continues in the current century as well:

One of the members of the Senate committee—and I—my group and myself have been working with both committees in the House and the Senate and their staffs. — Brigadier General David McGinnis, speaking on PBS News Hour , 21 May 2014

The use of myself as the object of a verb and as a predicate noun, as in the example "My mother has told Noah and myself that we make very good cakes," is likewise long-established:

... appointed Mr. Francis, then attorney-general and myself to draw up constitutions for the government of the academy. — Benjamin Franklin, Autobiography, 1788 ... it will find him here, as it will myself. —Thomas Jefferson, letter, 27 Feb. 1809

Our files have examples from the words of E. B. White, Flann O'Brien, Frank O'Connor, and Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., too. And it continues to be used:

We'd rented a house on the beach…. The "we" included the writer Ann Beattie; her husband, Lincoln Perry; and myself. — David Wiegand, The San Francisco Chronicle , 22 Mar. 2016

The reflexive pronoun seems particularly popular after words whose status as preposition or conjunction is a matter of some dispute, words like as , than , and like :

... an eager lover like myself. —William Wycherly, The Country Wife, 1675 ... no one would feel more gratified by the chance of obtaining his observations on a work than myself … — Lord Byron, letter, 23 Aug. 1811 ... to see a man, who ... in the dusk looked for all the world like myself. — Robert Frost, letter, 10 Feb. 1912 ... as to which I felt no one to be trusted but myself. — Henry James, The Art of the Novel, 1934 They are no doubt people that you know—your acquaintances and neighbors. People, I'll admit, like myself. — Alan Feuer, The New York Times , 26 Jan. 2013

But it is also historically and currently found as the object of ordinary prepositions:

The pheasant I gave to Mr. Richardson, the bustard to Dr. Lawrence, and the pot I placed with Miss Williams, to be eaten by myself. — Samuel Johnson, letter, 9 Jan. 1758 So much for my patient—now for myself … —Jane Austen, letter, 17 Nov. 1798 ... it will require the combined efforts of Maggie, Providence, and myself. — Emily Dickinson, letter, April 1873 There are also two captions for Hokinson, one by myself and one by my secretary. — James Thurber, letter, 20 Aug. 1948 Indeed I hope that you will have time, amongst your numerous engagements, to have a meal with my wife and myself. — T. S. Eliot, letter, 7 May 1957

What we see after all this is that myself gets used where we expect to see me or I in the spoken or written words of poets, politicians, playwrights, novelists, essayists, and even lexicographers. It is not new and it is not rare. It's true that many of the examples are from speech and personal letters, suggesting familiarity and informality. But the practice is by no means limited to informal contexts. Only the use of myself as sole subject of a sentence seems to be restricted; all our examples of that particular use are from older poetry.

But what's going on here anyway? Why do we see a reflexive pronoun in places where other pronouns belong? Well, there are two theories, both of which are a bit technical.

The first has to do with syntax. When we look at languages as systems we see that there are "rules" that languages follow. These aren't rules that are imposed on a language; they're rules that describe how the language functions. In English, verbs and prepositions are said to govern the nouns that are their complements —that is, in very simple terms, they determine the form taken by the nouns (or pronouns) that complete their meaning. For example, the preposition for requires them rather than they in a sentence like "The cake is for them." Linguist Noam Chomsky has suggested that compounds like "Noah and myself" block the assignment of case (which determines the form required) by verbs and prepositions; this makes it possible for a pronoun in the compound to be other than it would be alone. In "talk to me," to governs the pronoun and requires me ; but in "talk to Noah and __," the preposition to is blocked from its usual governing duties and the result is a variety of grammatical options: "talk to Noah and me," "talk to Noah and I," and "talk to Noah and myself."

The second theory involves a linguistic study called discourse analysis. As the examples we've shown demonstrate, almost all the instances of myself above occur in contexts where the speaker or writer is referring to himself or herself or to the listener or the reader as a subject of the discourse, rather than as a participant in it. According to discourse analysis this is the way that English ordinarily works. Discourse analysis doesn't explain third person reflexives very well, but, in spite of what the critics may think, this use of the first (and second person) reflexives is a common and standard, though not mandatory, feature of the language.

All this being said, it's still of course true that sometimes myself appears where me or I is usual because a writer or speaker thinks it simply sounds more sophisticated or "correct." There may also be an uneasiness with me generally for people who took to heart lessons that taught "my friend and I will be there" as preferable to "my friend and me will be there," without fully recognizing that "they saw my friend and me there" is also preferred. It may also be that some people think that myself is somehow gentler or more refined than the direct me or I ; in its similarity to yourself , himself , and herself it perhaps suggests a parity between oneself and others.

Whatever the reasons for using myself in instances like those discussed, people who choose to employ it are in good company. There's no reason it shouldn't continue to hum along in the language for another few hundred years.

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How to Choose Between "I" and "Me" Correctly

Last Updated: May 19, 2024 Approved

This article was co-authored by Michelle Golden, PhD . Michelle Golden is an English teacher in Athens, Georgia. She received her MA in Language Arts Teacher Education in 2008 and received her PhD in English from Georgia State University in 2015. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 83% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 997,371 times.

When relating a story, do you wonder whether to say, "Hector and I went to the movies," or "Hector and me went... ." Here, you would say, "Hector and I went to the movies," but (despite what your mother may have told you) "Hector and I" is not always correct. "The race was won by Hector and I" is just as ungrammatical as "Hector and me won the race." It's easy to choose correctly if you remember a few simple steps.

I and Me Usage Cheat Sheet

visit to me or visit me

Choosing Between I and Me

Step 1 Remember the difference in case between the pronouns.

  • Nominative – The nominative case is used when the pronoun is the subject (e.g. "I rode in the car") or, when speaking very formally, after a form of "to be" (e.g. "It is I," would be formal, "It's me" would be informal). [2] X Research source
  • Accusative – The accusative case is used when the pronoun is the object (e.g. "He drove me to work") or with prepositions (e.g. "between you and me," not "between you and I"). [3] X Research source

Step 2 Think like a native.

  • If you're trying to determine which pronoun to use in a sentence with a compound subject, try the sentence using only the pronoun part of the subject. Whichever pronoun, I or me , sounds right alone is the one to use in the compound subject

Step 3 Reduce or simplify the sentence.

  • Mentally delete all other subjects or objects so that the sentence is reduced to its simplest form, with just "I" or "me" remaining. In this example, you would be left with "Me went to the store" and "I went to the store."
  • Now, it's much easier to see that "I" is correct.

Step 4 Avoid

  • "Harry and me went to the store." (Change it around so that Harry's out of the picture and it's just about you - you would never say, "Me went to the store.")
  • "Who's at the door?" You answer, "It's me." (No, no, no! You would really properly say, "It is I." Consider a related sentence: “That writer is me.” Try reversing the word order, [6] X Research source and you end up with “Me am that writer.” You use nominative pronouns such as "I" after forms of “to be” (i.e. am , are , is , was , were , be , being , and been ). The “to be” functions as an equal sign, so the nouns and pronouns on both sides of the “equal sign” are nominative.
  • "The cake was made by Justin and I." (Would you ever say, "The cake was made by I"?)

Step 5 Use pronouns correctly in comparisons to prevent ambiguity.

  • "She likes Winifred more than I" means that "She likes Winifred more than I like Winifred."
  • "She likes Winifred more than me" extends to "She likes Winifred more than she likes me."
  • Writing out the implied words can help you avoid ambiguity and use the correct word in context.

Community Q&A


  • Teachers, don't forget to look at the other wikiHows in the English grammar category for additional articles on grammar that you can easily incorporate into your teaching. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Remember to figure out proper usage before you begin to speak; consider saying the sentence desired silently to yourself to determine if you are using the proper word. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Practice in your head before you say it until it becomes automatic. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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About This Article

Michelle Golden, PhD

To choose between “I” and “me” correctly, start by simplifying the sentence by removing any other subjects or clauses until only the “I” or “me” remains with the verb. For example, if the sentence is “Hector and I went to the store,” remove “Hector and.” You can then see that “I went to the store.” makes more sense than “Me went to the store.” For a cheat sheet from our Language reviewer to help you decide between “I” and “me,” read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Improving Your English

How to use I, me, and myself correctly: English grammar rules

visit to me or visit me

There are two common mistakes that occur when it comes to using I, me, and myself .

First is the incorrect use of ‘I’ instead of ‘me’ in sentences like “Sandy asked Jason and I to arrive early for the meeting.”

Second is the incorrect use of ‘myself’ instead of ‘me’ in sentences like “Please contact Paul or myself if you have any questions.”

Why are we so afraid to use ‘me’ correctly? These errors occur among native speakers just as much as English learners – if not more – so let’s take a look at the reason for the confusion and the grammar rules that show how to use I, me, and myself correctly .

looking at i me and myself in the mirror

I vs me vs myself

Let’s begin by defining what these words mean and the function they perform in a sentence. Keeping these functions in mind will help you decide when to use me or I .

‘I’ is a subject pronoun

The first person singular subject pronoun, I, refers to the person performing the action in a sentence. You use it to talk about yourself doing something.

For example:

  • I ate an apple.
  • I prefer cats to dogs.
  • I would love to live in Italy one day.
  • I don’t own a television.

The other subject pronouns are: you, he, she, it, we, and they. It can be helpful to remember these if you are unsure when to use ‘me’ or ‘I’, because you may find it easier to distinguish between ‘he’ and ‘him’, for example.

‘I’ is one of the words that is always capitalized when written in English .

‘Me’ is an object pronoun

The first person singular object pronoun, me, refers to the person the action is being done to in a sentence. You use it to talk about someone doing something to you (or for you).

  • Julia gave me a beautiful bouquet of flowers when I retired.
  • You told me that you were going to cook dinner!
  • My husband is going to take me out for dinner tonight.
  • Does anyone want to ask me anything before I leave?

The other object pronouns are: you, him, her, it, us, and them.

‘Myself’ is a reflexive object pronoun

Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and object of a sentence are the same , i.e. when a person does an action to themselves. Therefore, you use the first person singular reflexive object pronoun ‘myself’ when you are the recipient of your own action.

  • I treated myself to a massage for my birthday.
  • I am asking myself why I agreed to this.
  • I injured myself playing tennis yesterday.
  • I’m going to make myself a coffee.

Common mistakes using I, me, and myself

The most common mistake that people make is to use ‘myself’ and ‘I’ instead of ‘me’. You’ll also see ‘me’ used where ‘I’ is the correct choice.

The following sentences all demonstrate INCORRECT usage of I, me, and myself:

  • Please let Tabitha or myself know if you have any problems. (Should be ‘Tabitha or me’)
  • Me and Gary are having a barbecue this weekend. (Should be ‘Gary and I’)
  • The group will be run by Jenny and I. (Should be ‘Jenny and me’)
  • The award will be presented by myself. (Should be ‘me’)
  • Please address any inquiries to myself. (Should be ‘me’)

Some people perhaps think that using ‘myself’ or ‘I’ in sentences like these can make the writer sound more formal, sophisticated, or professional. However, this is not the case unless the reader has the same misperception.

If these are the kinds of mistakes you’re worried about making, it can be helpful to use a writing assistant tool like Grammarly. It highlights possible errors in your writing as you type, so you can check them and make corrections. Why not try it for free ?

visit to me or visit me

Is it you and I or you and me?

When deciding whether to use ‘and I’ or ‘and me’, you must identify whether you are the subject or the object of the verb. In other words, are you doing the action, or is someone else doing it to you?

  • Why don’t you and I grab a coffee sometime? (subject of ‘grab’)
  • Please tell Sasha that my father and I appreciate her help. (subject of ‘appreciate’)
  • Alistair and I will prepare dinner tonight. (subject of ‘prepare’)
  • Liz bought donuts for you and me! (object of ‘bought’)

To decide between ‘you and I’ and ‘you and me’ specifically, consider whether you would replace the phrase with ‘we’ or ‘us’. ‘We’ represents ‘you and I’, whereas ‘us’ represents ‘you and me’.

Note that ‘you and me’ is sometimes acceptable as a subject in informal settings, but you shouldn’t use it in business communication or when taking an English test.

Me vs myself

When deciding whether to use ‘me’ or ‘myself’ in a sentence, consider this: Is somebody else doing the action to you, or are you doing it to yourself? Or, are you doing the action to someone else – in which case the correct pronoun is ‘I’?

Here are some examples to illustrate:

  • Please could you email Sam or me when the report is complete? (object of ’email’)
  • My sister surprised my husband and me by offering to babysit for the weekend. (object of ‘surprise’)
  • I have ordered new office chairs for myself and Dylan. (reflexive)
  • Either Sam or I will call you next week. (subject of ‘call’)

Another trick is to try removing the other person (or people) from the sentence. This may make it clearer when to use ‘me’ or ‘I’.

“Verity and … would like to express our appreciation.”

What should fill the gap: I, me, or myself?

Well, let’s remove Verity from the picture for now. Which of these would be correct:

A. I would like to express my appreciation. B. Me would like to express my appreciation. C. Myself would like to express my appreciation.

It’s A, of course. So the correct answer is: “Verity and I would like to express our appreciation.”

Let’s look at another example:

“Please let Fina or … know if you need any help.”

Removing Fina for a moment, would it be correct to say:

A. Please let I know B. Please let me know C. Please let myself know

The answer is B, so the full sentence should read: “Please let Fina or me know if you need any help.”

Hopefully, this tip will help you pick correctly between I vs me vs myself in the future. Make sure you also know the difference between your and you’re , as these words are often confused as well.

Which word comes first? Is it ‘and me’ or ‘me and’?

When referring to someone else and yourself with the pronoun ‘I’, it’s considered good practice to put yourself last in the list.

  • Samir and I can’t make it to the show.
  • Marcel, Tim, Paula, and I are organizing a surprise party for Vincent.

When using ‘me’, it doesn’t matter so much where the pronoun appears. You could say ‘him and me’ or ‘me and him’, for example.

  • David asked if you could email the report to me and him when it’s ready, please. (Could also be ‘him and me’)
  • Our mother gave my sister and me matching pajamas for Christmas. (Could also be ‘me and my sister’)

The same goes for ‘myself’; you can say ‘myself and’ or ‘and myself’.

  • I decided to buy cupcakes for myself and Lily. (Could also be ‘Lily and myself’)
  • I’m going to book a spa day for my husband and myself. (Could also be ‘myself and my husband’)

When to use ‘myself’ to add emphasis

There is one other way we can use ‘myself’ in English, but we have left this until the end because it doesn’t cause quite as much confusion as the examples we have covered above.

When used for emphasis (we call this an emphatic pronoun), ‘myself’ appears in addition to the subject and object. This means that ‘myself’ can be removed without altering the meaning of the sentence, for example:

  • I, myself, believe that we should take action straight away.
  • Nobody helped me to cook dinner; I had to do it myself.
  • I gave the letter to her myself.

Some emphasizing transition words could also come in handy here.

So next time you’re unsure whether to use I, me, or myself, don’t just automatically default to using ‘myself’, assuming it will sound good. More importantly, don’t deliberately use ‘myself’ to try and make yourself sound more formal.

Check the points listed here to be sure you are using I, me, and myself correctly in any situation.

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Is it ok to say “come visit me”? Or I have to say “come and visit me/come to visit me”? See a translation

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Well, each of these can technically be used and understood. However, come visit me is more informal and slang unlike the other two options ^-^

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visit to me or visit me

The last two sound more natural and are more commonly used.

visit to me or visit me

It's okay to say that. To friends that's all that's needed. To others you should say " Can you come visit me", or " Please come and visit me".

@ryuuuuu you're welcome ^-^, @ryuuuuu yes, i think that's common with friends ^-^, @ryuuuuu you're welcome.

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  • If somebody says :nice to see u. Should i say “ me too” or “ you too”?????? :’>
  • Who wanna talk to me? “ I do” Is it correct to say I do? Or should I say “me” or “iam” ?
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  • レストランで食事をするシーンです。 A I've never had steak for breakfast before. 今まで朝食にステーキを食べたことなんて一度もないわ。 B It's ...
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Which one is correct? "She will come to visit me" or "She will come visiting me"?

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She will come to visit me

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

  • She will come to visit me next weekend.
  • He came to visit me at the hospital.
  • They are coming to visit us during the holidays.


  • She will come and visit me.
  • She will visit me.
  • She will come over to visit me.
  • She will come see me.

She will come visiting me

This phrase is correct but less commonly used in English.

  • She will come visiting me in the afternoon.
  • He enjoys coming visiting me on weekends.
  • They will be coming visiting us next month.

Last Updated: March 24, 2024

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Kenny smith has yet to hear from charles barkley about retirement: ‘never called me’.

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Charles Barkley’s retirement plans left his longtime partner shocked that he not only learned about it on TV like everybody else, but also that there was no acknowledgment of his longtime TNT co-hosts.

“He never called me. He never told me,” Kenny Smith told The Post at the NBL Next Stars event Monday celebrating Australia’s National Basketball League. “He still hasn’t called me and told me, ‘Kenny, I’m retiring.’ ”

Asked what he thought of Barkley’s announcement a little over a week ago , Smith said from the Peak Event Space at EDGE in Hudson Yards, “I was just surprised he didn’t thank me, Ernie [Johnson] and Shaq [O’Neal]. You’re going to retire and not thank us?”

Smith, the NBL Director of Player Initiatives, added that he thought about posting a message on Instagram reading, “New guitarist needed, serious inquiries only.”

Kenny Smith, the NBL Director of Player Initiatives, and French teenager Alex Sarr, a projected top-three pick in the 2024 NBA Draft who played for the NBL's Perth Wildcats last season, speak during the NBL Next Stars event at Peak Event Space at EDGE in Hudson Yards on Monday.

Barkley, perhaps the most famous TV analyst in any American sport, said after the NBA Finals that next season will be his last on television.

The shock announcement followed reports of TNT’s parent company, Warner Brothers Discovery, losing its bid for the NBA’s media rights with the next contract.

As a result, next season would be the last on TNT before the coverage would shift to Amazon and NBC while also remaining on ESPN/ABC.

Barkley and Smith have been analysts together on TNT’s popular “Inside The NBA” studio show for nearly 25 years.

O’Neal joined after he retired in 2011.

There’s been talk of their recreating the show on another network, but Barkley squashed the idea on NBA TV right after the Celtics won the championship last week.

Basketball analyst Charles Barkley on air before the National Championship game between the Purdue Boilermakers and the Connecticut Huskies at State Farm Stadium.

“I’ve talked to the other networks, but I ain’t going nowhere other than TNT,” Barkley, 61, said. “But I have made the decision that, no matter what happens, next year is going to be my last year on television. And I just want to say thank you to my NBA family. You guys have been great to me. My heart is full with joy and gratitude.”

Barkley seemed emotional during the interview but, as Smith noted, never mentioned his TNT co-hosts.

“Next year, I’m going to just retire after 25 years,” Barkley said, “and I just wanted to say thank you. And I wanted y’all to hear it from me first.”

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Pastor Robert Morris resigns from Gateway Church after child sex abuse allegation

Robert Morris has resigned as senior pastor at Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, three days after confessing to engaging in “sexual behavior” with a child over the course of a few years in the 1980s.

The board of elders at Gateway made the announcement Tuesday in a statement to NBC News.

“The elders’ prior understanding was that Morris’s extramarital relationship, which he had discussed many times throughout his ministry, was with ‘a young lady’ and not abuse of a 12-year-old child,” the church leaders said in their statement, noting that they had not known the victim’s age or the length of the alleged abuse. “Even though it occurred many years before Gateway was established, as leaders of the church, we regret that we did not have the information that we now have.”

The megachurch also announced it had hired the law firm Haynes & Boone to conduct an independent review of the allegations to ensure elders had a complete understanding of what happened.

Robert Morris, center, founding pastor of the megachurch Gateway, during a service at the church in Fort Worth, Texas.

Morris, a former member of President Donald Trump’s spiritual advisory committee, had long told a story to his congregation and church leaders about a “moral failure” involving sexual sin when he was a young minister in his 20s.

Last week, Cindy Clemishire, now 54, revealed in a post on the church watchdog site The Wartburg Watch that she was 12 when Morris first sexually abused her in 1982. The alleged abuse continued for more than four years, Clemishire told NBC News on Monday.

Gateway and Morris responded to Clemishire’s allegation by releasing statements on Friday and Saturday acknowledging that Morris had engaged in “sexual behavior with a young lady” and stating that the “sin was dealt with correctly by confession and repentance.”

Clemishire released a statement Tuesday saying she had “mixed feelings” about Morris’ resignation. 

“Though I am grateful that he is no longer a pastor at Gateway, I am disappointed that the Board of Elders allowed him to resign,” she said in the statement. “He should have been terminated.” 

Clemishire added that she had repeatedly disclosed the abuse to church leaders and pastors, including at Gateway, but it was not until she spoke publicly that action was taken. 

Morris did not respond to a message requesting comment.

Gateway officials did not respond to a message from NBC News on Tuesday asking why church leaders issued a statement referring to Clemishire as a young lady after she’d publicly revealed she was a child when the abuse began.

Morris is known for his efforts to advance conservative Christian morality through government and Republican politics. As news of the allegations against him spread in national media, some of his allies have distanced themselves from him.

A spokesperson for Trump said Morris was not working with the presidential campaign. And Texas state Reps. Nate Schatzline and Giovanni Capriglione, both Republicans representing areas where Gateway has campuses, issued statements condemning Morris’ actions. 

“Pastor Morris must be held accountable,” Capriglione wrote shortly before Morris’ resignation was announced. “The pain he has caused cannot be erased, and he should face the consequences of his crimes. I stand with any victims and will continue to fight for their rights and safety.”

In their official statement, Gateway elders expressed remorse over their handling of the situation.

“For the sake of the victim, we are thankful this situation has been exposed,” the statement said. “We know many have been affected by this, we understand that you are hurting, and we are very sorry. It is our prayer that, in time, healing for all those affected can occur.”

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Mike Hixenbaugh is a senior investigative reporter for NBC News, based in Maryland, and author of "They Came for the Schools." 


Ian machado garry: it's going to take me or shavkat rakhmonov to beat ufc champ leon edwards, share this article.

undefined Ian Machado Garry thinks it’s the new wave of welterweights that could pose problems for Leon Edwards .

Edwards (21-3 MMA, 13-2 UFC) defends his welterweight title in a rematch against Belal Muhammad (23-3 MMA, 14-3 UFC) in the UFC 304 main event July 27 at Co-op Live in Manchester, England.

Garry sees Edwards retaining his title and only gives himself, or former Kill Cliff FC teammate Shavkat Rakhmonov (18-0 MMA, 6-0 UFC) a chance of dethroning Edwards.

“It’s hard to bet against Leon,” Garry told MMA Junkie. “It’s hard to see what he’s done over the last two years and the way he’s been able to evolve and dominate. He’s very, very talented. I’ve been able to spend time at Renegade until he sh*t the bed and his coaches got scared, but he’s very, very talented. He’s very well-rounded, and I think he’s a problem for everyone in the division because he’s that good.

“It’s going to take someone of my caliber, of Shavkat’s caliber to come up here and really bring him to the wire and prove that we are the new generation in this sport and take that belt from him. So for me, I see Leon still being the champ come the end of July, and I genuinely do see Shavkat being the next guy that’s going to get the opportunity.”

Garry (14-0 MMA, 7-0 UFC) meets Michael Page at UFC 303 on June 29 from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. He sees a win pushing him one step closer to title contention.

“I don’t think, I probably need to do one more,” Garry said. “I want one more. I’m not rushing. I’ve told you this for a long time. I had six fights planned, I have that plan, it’s still in full flight, and when I’m ready, I’m going to take a crack at that belt, and I will get my belt, I will get my crown, and I will dominate this division for as long as I want.”

If he had to put money on it, Leon Edwards favors Michael Page over Ian Machado Garry at UFC 303

Ufc champ leon edwards denies 'insecurities' claim by ian machado garry, gives his side of gym conflict, daniel cormier doesn't blame leon edwards' gym for not wanting ian machado garry back, ian machado garry no longer welcomed at leon edwards' team renegade, unhappy with 'weak-minded' decision.

For more on the card, visit MMA Junkie’s event hub for  UFC 304 .

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Crazy town singer shifty shellshock death investigated as possible overdose, shifty shellshock crazy town singer's death investigated as possible od.

Crazy Town frontman Shifty Shellshock 's sudden death is under investigation ... and law enforcement sources tell us cops are looking into the possibility of a fatal drug overdose.

We're told police and fire responded to Shifty's L.A. area home Monday afternoon, after someone stopped by the house and found his body on the floor.

Our sources say drug paraphernalia and a lighter were found near the body ... which is why police are treating his death as a possible OD.

We're told Shifty -- whose real name was Seth Binzer -- is believed to have been dead for more than 24 hours before his body was found.

As we reported ... the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner announced Seth's passing , and an investigation is underway to determine the cause of death.

Our sources say the case will now be handled by the coroner, who will determine the cause and manner of death.

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An autopsy has been completed, but the cause of death is listed as "deferred" ... indicating nothing can be confirmed until results from the toxicology report come back.

FWIW, Seth recently announced he was sober and on the journey to bettering himself. He was only 49.

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I went to visit him to/at/ in (place)

  • Thread starter Mustermisstler
  • Start date Jul 21, 2015



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  • Jul 21, 2015

Hello everybody, I have a question about what preposition to use with the following sentences: I went to visit him to his work. I went to visit him at his work. I went to visit him in his work. I visited her in hospital. I visited her at the hospital. Thank you  

At his work and in (the) hospital , although at his work doesn't really work for me, I'd say at work or at his workplace.  

The Newt

"At the hospital" or (less commonly) "in the hospital" work in US English; we can't delete the definite article as the Brits do. "At his work" is acceptable, but as SReynolds suggests there are better alternatives.  

Would you really say that I visited him at the hospital is more common than I visited him in the hospital ? In my personal experience, in the hospital is much more frequently used.  

SReynolds said: Would you really say that I visited him at the hospital is more common than I visited him in the hospital ? In my personal experience, in the hospital is much more frequently used. Click to expand...

What is the heat index near you today? See map of real-feel temperatures across the US

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Summer may not have officially arrived , but the heat has.

A heat wave will settle and persist across the Great Lakes, Ohio Valley and the Northeast through the next few days, according to the National Weather Service.

In New England, temperatures are expected to reach the mid- to upper 90s Tuesday and Wednesday, and could hit the century mark Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. The NWS says "numerous record-tying/breaking high temperatures are possible."

From eastern Iowa to the Atlantic Coast of Maryland and up to northern Maine,  heat advisories were set to take effect  at noon and remain active until Thursday night,  according to the National Weather Service .

The agency warns that the early arrival of the heat, the duration, abundant sunshine and lack of relief overnight will "increase the danger of the heat wave beyond what the exact temperature values would suggest," especially for those with inadequate air conditioning.

As of Tuesday morning, over 64 million people in the U.S. were under heat advisories, with a majority of them being in the Northeast and Midwest.

Tuesday weather outlook: Extreme heat and, yes, some snow and below-freezing temperatures

US temperature, heat index map

All of western New York could experience heat index values, or  "feels like" temperatures , as high as 104 degrees Tuesday. In parts of Indiana and Michigan, the apparent temperature could fall between 95 to 100 degrees through the week. In Washington, D.C., meteorologists anticipate heat index values up to 101.

The weather service forecasts heat indexes in the triple digits across a swath of New England on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. While hot weather is not uncommon this time of year, the magnitude of the heat wave and its early arrival is notable.

Heat safety tips

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Weather Service and other agencies recommend that people avoid being outside during the hottest time of the day when there's active heat advisories in effect. For those who don't have that option, experts suggest working in the shade as well as taking frequent breaks and drinking plenty of water.

During periods of extreme heat, temperatures inside unpowered vehicles can reach deadly temperatures in minutes. People should never leave children or pets inside cars unattended, especially during a heat wave, the weather service says.

People at greatest risk are young children, elderly people, outdoor workers and those who have chronic diseases, mental illness or take certain medications that make it difficult to regulate their body temperatures, the  CDC said . Additionally, those who may not have access to reliable AC are at risk, as are others who live in areas called urban heat islands that are warmer due to more pavement and buildings – and less green space.

Experts previously told USA TODAY  it's best to check in on those who may be vulnerable with heat.

Beat the heat: Here's what a heat wave really is, plus how to keep yourself safe

National weather watches and warnings

Contributing: Christopher Cann, USA TODAY

Gabe Hauari is a national trending news reporter at USA TODAY. You can follow him on X  @GabeHauari  or email him at [email protected].


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  1. grammaticality

    Visit of sounds like it should be followed by who was doing the visit, for example:. The visit of the president went flawlessly, the president is safe. Visit at and visit to both sound fine to me, with the minor difference that one of them implies the distance traveled, like in the following examples:. I went to Europe last year. = My visit to Europe last year was great.

  2. Come Visit Or Come And Visit: Which Is Correct?

    The short answer is that 'come and visit' is grammatically correct. The reason for this is that 'and' is a coordinating conjunction that is used to join two independent clauses. In this case, 'come' and 'visit' are both independent clauses and 'and' is necessary to join them together. On the other hand, 'come visit' is ...

  3. Putting 'Myself' Where 'Me' or 'I' Usually Goes

    What we see after all this is that myself gets used where we expect to see me or I in the spoken or written words of poets, politicians, playwrights, novelists, essayists, and even lexicographers. It is not new and it is not rare. It's true that many of the examples are from speech and personal letters, suggesting familiarity and informality.

  4. come visit vs visit?

    Oct 4, 2020. #6. I'd like to know why they do not say "He's the one who often comes visit me." in informal AmE. I think maybe it's related to pronouncing 'comes visit me'. They say 'come visit me', but they don't say 'comes visit me'. Maybe 'come visit us' is easier to pronounce than 'comes visit us', and they do not use 'comes visit us'.

  5. phrases

    Is there any difference between visit someone or come to visit someone?For example: My old friend visited me yesterday.. My old friend came to visit me yesterday.. I have heard English native speakers say both. If both have the exactly same meaning then why would a native English speaker say the second sentence when it is longer?

  6. How to Choose Between "I" and "Me" Correctly: 5 Steps

    Remember the difference in case between the pronouns. Both I and me are pronouns that we use to refer to ourselves, but I is nominative, suitable for use as the subject of a sentence or clause, and me is accusative, suitable for use as the object of a verb.. Nominative - The nominative case is used when the pronoun is the subject (e.g. "I rode in the car") or, when speaking very formally ...

  7. When to use I, me, and myself: English grammar rules

    Amanda N September 19, 2023. There are two common mistakes that occur when it comes to using I, me, and myself. First is the incorrect use of 'I' instead of 'me' in sentences like "Sandy asked Jason and I to arrive early for the meeting.". Second is the incorrect use of 'myself' instead of 'me' in sentences like "Please ...

  8. difference

    1. The word pay in "pay a visit" can imply some kind of urgency, need, obligation, or recompense. I just chipped my tooth on something hard in that salad, it might have been a piece of walnut shell. I'm going to have to pay the dentist a visit. If those bullies have been stealing your lunch money, we're going to have to pay the principal a visit.

  9. Quora

    We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.

  10. Is it ok to say "come visit me"? Or I have to say ...

    Well, each of these can technically be used and understood. However, come visit me is more informal and slang unlike the other two options ^-^|The last two sound more natural and are more commonly used.|@ryuuuuu Yes, I think that's common with friends ^-^|It's okay to say that. To friends that's all that's needed. To others you should say " Can you come visit me", or " Please come and visit me".

  11. visit us vs visit with us : r/EnglishLearning

    But "visiting with us" doesn't unusual to me either. The writer of this sentence probably included "with" because it makes it sound like it's a longer stay, whereas "visiting us" might sound more like a short visit. Probably because the phrase "staying with" usually implies a long visit and it always includes "with". But ...

  12. A Simple Trick for Knowing When to Use 'and Me' or 'and I'

    But the easiest way to figure out whether you want "and me" or "and I" is to cover up, cross out, or mentally delete the other name and the word "and" from the sentence, then see if it ...

  13. Visit with vs visit to

    There is a slight difference between the two phrases "visit to" and "visit with" a pharmacist. Using "visit to" conveys the idea of actually going to the location of the pharmacist and asking advice. Using "visit with" conveys the idea of actually being in the presence of the pharmacist and seeking his/her advice. THis is a difference between ...

  14. She will come to visit me or She will come visiting me?

    Both phrases are correct, but they have slightly different meanings. 'She will come to visit me' implies that she will come specifically for the purpose of visiting you. 'She will come visiting me' suggests that she will come and engage in the activity of visiting you while she is there. Last Updated: March 24, 2024.

  15. and to those who are flooding me with intolerable racism—

    don't mess with the star wars fans !!!!😠😠😠 We don't recognize your show as Star Wars. this is 🗑🗑🗑

  16. Charles Barkley didn't tell Kenny Smith about retirement: 'Never called me'

    Charles Barkley's retirement plans left Kenny Smith shocked that he not only learned about it on TV like everybody else, but also that there was no acknowledgment of his longtime TNT co-hosts.

  17. You can contact John, Jane or me (myself) for more information

    Visit Stack Exchange. ... However, the original example (a naked myself used as an emphatic me) is considered by many (and I personally agree) to be poor style. And many people may (wrongly, IMO) consider it incorrect. So I'd generally suggest avoiding it unless you really do need the emphasis for some reason. And even then, you can get ...

  18. Pastor Robert Morris resigns from Gateway Church after child sex abuse

    Robert Morris has resigned as senior pastor at Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, three days after confessing to engaging in "sexual behavior" with a child over the course of a few years in ...

  19. Come visit/ Come to visit

    Dec 23, 2010. #2. Hola Dwarf, I think either way is commonly spoken and heard. However, I would say: I would like you to come visit me at my place. (no specific reference to location) or. I would like you to come to Paris and visit me at my place. (I'd use "to" when speaking about a specific location for the visit to occur.)

  20. Katy Perry Wears Long Dress Featuring Lyrics to Unreleased Song

    See Tabitha Brown And Hot Hubby Chance Vacaying In Cabo! Bhad Bhabie Livin' Best New Mama Life, Twerking on Yacht, Partying Katy Perry Wears Wildly Long Red Dress ...

  21. Howard Stern Calls Viral 'Hawk Tuah' Girl Dad's Worst Nightmare

    Check it out ... HS says the appeal of this gal -- who's been ID'd as Hailey Welch-- is that she's so uninhibited ... but then, he explains why this is every father's worst nightmare.. As a dad of ...

  22. Ian Garry: I don't see anyone but me or Rakhmonov beating Leon Edwards

    So for me, I see Leon still being the champ come the end of July, and I genuinely do see Shavkat being the next guy that's going to get the opportunity." Garry (14-0 MMA, 7-0 UFC) meets Michael Page at UFC 303 on June 29 from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. He sees a win pushing him one step closer to title contention.

  23. Crazy Town Singer Shifty Shellshock Death Investigated As ...

    See Tabitha Brown And Hot Hubby Chance Vacaying In Cabo! Bhad Bhabie Livin' Best New Mama Life, Twerking on Yacht, Partying. Crazy Town Singer Shifty Shellshock Death Investigated As Possible Overdose

  24. I went to visit him to/at/ in (place)

    Hello everybody, I have a question about what preposition to use with the following sentences: I went to visit him to his work. I went to visit him at his work. I went to visit him in his work. I visited her in hospital. I visited her at the hospital. Thank you

  25. What is the heat index near me today? See US map of real-feel temps

    Summer may not have officially arrived, but the heat has. A heat wave will settle and persist across the Great Lakes, Ohio Valley and the Northeast through the next few days, according to the ...

  26. Video: Taylor Swift brings Travis Kelce on stage in London

    Taylor Swift brought Travis Kelce on stage during her concert at London's Wembley Stadium. The NFL star was part of a transition during the "Tortured Poets Department" setlist. Swift will ...