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star trek online caitian ships

Atrox & Aspero Carriers

One of the good things about Star Trek Online is that we get to see starship designs from other species. And the moment I saw the two Caitian-designed carriers I knew I had to stat/run them.

star trek online caitian ships

The Atrox -class is described as follows:

To deal with the increasing threat of the Klingons and the tactical advantage they have with their carriers, the Federation has called upon their member worlds for assistance. In response, the Caitians made their fierce Atrox Carrier available to Starfleet. A true carrier, the Atrox has been updated by the Caitians and the Starfleet Corps of Engineers with modifications that give it some of the abilities of a science vessel, including subsystem targeting and bonuses to Shield and Auxiliary power. These abilities allow the Atrox to support its fighters as well as other ships in its fleet.

And here are the stats I’ve assigned to it:

  • FIGHTER WING (See the Typhon-class for this Talent)
  • Tertryon Beam Arrays (Medium Range, Piercing 2, Area/Spread)
  • Photon Torpedoes
  • Quantum Torpedoes

star trek online caitian ships

The Aspero -class is described as follows:

The Caitian Aspero Support Carrier is a powerful upgrade to the  Atrox -class platform. This carrier is capable of adopting to multiple roles, thanks to the flexibility offered by its massive twin hangar bays. As is necessary to command so many small craft, the starship features immense networking and sensor capabilities. All of this is contained by a potent structural integrity field and substantial shielding.

It has the same Departments, Scale, Weapons, and Talents as the Atrox -class above, with the following adjustments to its Systems Scores:

If you would like to see these carriers in action, I highly recommend coming to check out the Series Premiere of Star Trek: Euthenia on Tuesday, September 14th at 9:00 PM EDT (GMT-4) on my Twitch!

star trek online caitian ships

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Write ups of these carriers seem a bit lacking without details on the Stalker fighters the carrier normally carries. And have the Shikaris escorts gotten a treatment yet? While I doubt you could carry them internally like in STO, it seems likely that their carriers would likely have a few of their own escort vessels along as part of the carrier group.. even if more standard federation ships are also present.

I considered doing a Stalker fighter write-up, but essentially they wouldn’t be all that different from the shuttles we see in the Command Supplement. AFAIK the Shikaris haven’t been stat’d yet either.

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Published Jan 10, 2014

The Federation Caitian Atrox Carrier

star trek online caitian ships

A true carrier, the Atrox has been updated by the Caitians and the Starfleet Corps of Engineers with modifications that give it some of the abilities of a science vessel, including subsystem targeting and bonuses to Shield and Auxiliary power. These abilities allow the Atrox to support its fighters as well as other ships in its fleet.

star trek online caitian ships

NOTE: Purchase of this ship from the C-Store will make its owner eligible for a Fleet Ship Module reduction when purchasing the new Fleet Caitian Atrox Carrier that became available in Tier 3 Fleet Spires with the launch of Season 8.

We hope you enjoy this incredible ship and we’ll see you in-game!

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Tuesday 1 May 2012

New caitian ship in sto.

star trek online caitian ships

To deal with the increasing threat of the Klingons and the tactical advantage they have with their carrier ships, the Federation has called upon their member worlds for assistance. In response, the Caitians made their fierce Atrox Carrier available to Starfleet. A true carrier, the Atrox has been updated by the Caitians and the Starfleet Corps of Engineers with modifications that give it some of the abilities of a science vessel, including subsystem targeting and bonuses to Shield and Auxiliary power. These abilities allow the Atrox to support its fighters as well as other ships in its fleet. The Atrox comes standard with two hangar bays, each stocked with Caitian Stalker Fighters. These stealth fighters can mask their energy signature and are equipped with Tetryon Pulse Cannons and a Thoron Device. Caitian Stalker Fighters can be launched from any Flight Deck Cruiser or Carrier.

star trek online caitian ships

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Memory Alpha

  • 1 Starfleet career
  • 2.3 Montgomery Scott
  • 3.1 Appearances
  • 3.2 Background information
  • 3.3 Apocrypha
  • 3.4 External links

Starfleet career [ ]

M'Ress' primary role on the Enterprise was that of the relief communications officer , a role she fulfilled in the absence of Lieutenant Uhura . Her duties included activating intership and intraship communications, as well as the activation of any alert signals ordered by the Captain. Occasionally M'Ress, as with Uhura, also acted as temporary science officer when first officer Commander Spock was part of landing parties or on away missions .

In 2269 , M'Ress operated the communication channels for Captain Kirk when he was contacted by a Romulan commander whose battle cruisers had intercepted the Enterprise for violating the Neutral Zone . ( TAS : " The Survivor ")

M'Ress at communications station

M'Ress at the communications station

During the Enterprise 's visit to the Shore Leave Planet , later that year, M'Ress was key in coordinating between Captain Kirk's landing party and the duty officer , Lieutenant Commander Scott . Among the messages she coordinated was a notice to the crew that all shore leaves were canceled until further notice, when it was determined that the planet's master computer had malfunctioned. During the attempted recovery of Uhura, who had been taken hostage, M'Ress arranged for the transport of a phaser bore . As the rescue attempt continued, M'Ress coordinated between the shuttlebay and Scott, relaying notice of the emergency rescue party's attempted shuttlecraft launch. When it was finally realized that the planet was somehow responsible for the ship's malfunctions, M'Ress became concerned about the change in the planet's behavior – from providing fun and amusement to hostility. When Scott tried to maneuver the ship from orbit, he requested a printout of the guidance computer 's last orders. In reviewing the orders, she noted that something was very strange, and that the only reason why the new orders were not being carried out was because Lieutenant Arex had had all the engine controls manually locked. As the Enterprise crew continued their attempt to rescue the landing party, M'Ress reported that communications remained jammed. Once the situation on the surface was resolved, and communications were restored, M'Ress passed along word from Kirk that shore leave was to commence immediately. ( TAS : " Once Upon a Planet ")

She was again on duty on the bridge when Harry Mudd was taken aboard the Enterprise from Motherlode . She monitored ship-to-shore communications with the rescue party after Mudd had taken Christine Chapel hostage. When Spock beamed down to the surface of the planet to help Kirk find Mudd and Chapel, M'Ress also manned the main science station , for Spock, to keep track of the whereabouts of Spock and Kirk. ( TAS : " Mudd's Passion ")

During the Enterprise 's visit to Lactra VII , M'Ress was stationed on the bridge when a Lactran youth , who had been inadvertently beamed on board the ship, came onto the bridge. M'Ress was initially startled by the creature's sudden appearance. She then inquired what she wanted everyone to do after the Lactran had picked Scott up. She and the rest of the crew left the bridge while Scott attempted to communicate with the creature. ( TAS : " The Eye of the Beholder ")

M'Ress continued duty as the relief communications officer in 2270 , where she was stationed when Uhura was temporarily in command of the bridge during the Enterprise 's mission to Delta Theta III . ( TAS : " Bem ")

M'Ress was again on the bridge later that year, when the Enterprise 's computer fell under the influence of an energy field . As the crew of the ship fell victim to numerous practical jokes , M'Ress noticed fog emerging from the turbolift door. When she pointed out the anomaly, Kirk – who suspected her observation was another practical joke – told her, "Really, M'Ress, you're going to have to be a little more clever than that." M'Ress later reported McCoy , Sulu , and Uhura were still in the recreation room and not responding to the captain's call to stations. ( TAS : " The Practical Joker ")

M'Ress (Skin a Cat)

M'Ress is offended by a comment made by her commanding officer

During an account that was anything but canon detailing an attack on the Enterprise by several D7 class battle cruisers ; moments before the ship was destroyed by the Klingons , the captain of the Enterprise told Spock that he knows what to do. Spock asks him how they should go about it, since their warp drive and impulse drive was down, making retreat an impossibility. The captain then tells Spock "there's more than one way to skin a cat ."

M'Ress immediately turns around from her console , looking at her commanding officer , clearly offended by what he had said. The captain then apologizes to her, not meaning anything by it. She then extends her claws and asks him how he would feel if she said "there's more than one way to disembowel a Human ." The captain continues trying not to offend her, only to end up offending many other crewmembers on the bridge . Due to being distracted by everyone's resistance to his use of figures of speech , he was unable to properly give his orders to get them away from the Klingons, and as a result, the ship was destroyed. ( VST : " Skin a Cat ")

Tendi, Arex, Scotty and M'Ress

M'Ress with Arex, Scotty and Tendi

Another account that described a nonsensical setting in which the crews of the Enterprise and the USS Cerritos were actors in their own cartoon shows , a party was being celebrated on the bridge of the Enterprise in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of their show . Unfortunately, the fun turns into an argument when the TOS era crew became offended by a remark that Tendi made, which implied that there show wasn't as good as her show. M'Ress was offended when Tendi told her that their animation was a little stiff. M'Ress then told Tendi that "maybe you guys move around too much; you ever think of that?" At one point Scotty and Arex took their pants off to mimic the orgy scene from Tendi's cartoon and M'Ress took off her bra and they all ran around in circles on their bridge pretending to have an orgy.

Tendi asked them to put their pants back on, and then she told them what she meant to say was that she's standing on the shoulders of giants . M'Ress was offended by this metaphor since it implied that they were to be pack mules . The argument continued until William T. Riker with his trombone and Hikaru Sulu with his keyboard exited the turbolift and stepped onto the bridge. They once they realized that there was an argument instead of a party going on they decided to tell them that love was the answer. They even decided to play their own brand of music to celebrate. M'Ress joined in playing a tambourine . However, the party was interrupted by an attack from another fleet of Klingon D7 class battle cruisers, which caused an explosion on the bridge. ( VST : " Walk, Don't Run ")

M'Ress, photograph

A photo of M'Ress

In 2381 , a framed photograph of M'Ress was among several others displayed on the walls of a bar on Starbase 25 . ( LD : " An Embarrassment Of Dooplers ")

Relationships [ ]

M'Ress and Arex share lunch

M'Ress and Arex share lunch

In 2270, M'Ress shared lunch in the mess hall with Arex , who invited Scott to join them, but Scott declined because he was just going to grab a sandwich and get back to work. At the time, however, the ship's computer was under the influence of an energy field, which caused the food synthesizer to go haywire. Observing the resulting effect, a mountain of food piling up at Scott's feet, M'Ress began to laugh, apologetically, before Scott accused the two of causing the practical joke. When Arex defended himself and M'Ress, Scott told them to tell that to the captain, because he was going to put the two on report for the incident. ( TAS : " The Practical Joker ")

In 2269, upon hearing Spock 's passion-filled request to accompany an away team to rescue Christine Chapel , she responded to Montgomery Scott 's surprised reaction, " Spock? In love? " by agreeing with the engineer 's disbelief: " I can't imagine. " ( TAS : " Mudd's Passion ")

Montgomery Scott [ ]

M'Ress and Scott embrace

M'Ress and Scott

M'Ress had a brief romantic interest in Scott, while the ship was under the influence of Harry Mudd 's love potion which had inadvertently spread through the ship's ventilation system . M'Ress' interest in Scott came in response to a joke he had made, to which she replied, " You're funny, and very attractive for a Human . " Once the effects of the potion wore off, and Scott began to complain of a " hangover to shame all previous hangovers, " M'Ress snarled, " Not so loud, you fool. " In response, Scott snapped back, stating, " Yeah, well, all of a sudden, I don't like you much, either. " ( TAS : " Mudd's Passion ")

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • " The Survivor "
  • " Once Upon a Planet "
  • " Mudd's Passion "
  • " The Eye of the Beholder "
  • " Bem " (no lines)
  • " The Practical Joker "
  • LD : " An Embarrassment Of Dooplers " (photograph)
  • " Skin a Cat "
  • " Walk, Don't Run "

Background information [ ]

The voice of M'Ress  file info was provided by Majel Barrett in Star Trek: The Animated Series , and by Cristina Milizia in Star Trek: very Short Treks .

In the final draft script of " Mudd's Passion ", M'Ress was described as "a felinoid female, delicate, sleek, reminding one of an Earth Siamese or Abyssinian cat." The same script went on to say, " Her fur is a soft cream color; her voice has a distinctive purr in it. "

According to M'Ress' Lincoln Enterprises biography , she graduated from Starfleet Academy "three years ago", specializing in communications and computer translator systems. She quickly rose in rank to lieutenant in a mere two years after graduation. Prior to her assignment on board the Enterprise , she had served aboard a scout and the USS Hood . The same biography states that M'Ress was close friends with Uhura and Nurse Chapel . In her spare time, she pursued her interests in Federation and galactic planetary histories , including the areas of anthropology and archaeology . Her artistic interests included writing free-form poetry and performing in the ship's small theater company.

Apocrypha [ ]

PP MRess

Peter Pan Records rendition

In the Star Trek: New Frontier novels , her full name is given as Shiboline M'Ress .

M'Ress appeared in the Peter Pan Records story entitled " Passage to Moauv ". However, in the comic that accompanied the record, she was shown with green hair, blue skin, and no feline features.

She also appeared briefly in the novels The Galactic Whirlpool and Provenance of Shadows . She later made several appearances in the first volume of DC's Star Trek comics , which was set after Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home and, after a time jump into the 24th century, became a regular character in the New Frontier novel series.


M'Ress tires of talking

In the DC Comics series, from " The Stars in Secret Influence " to " Haunted Honeymoon ", Hikaru Sulu and M'Ress have a brief relationship.

The novels and comics provide the following information about her family:

  • M'Mar is her mother
  • M'Nault is her sire (" The Ambergris Element " novelization in Star Trek Log 5 )
  • M'Nass is her little sister
  • M'Rest and M'Sitt are her brothers

She is briefly referenced in The Face of the Unknown as being Uhura's trainee, indicating that her assignment to the Enterprise predated Arex's, as his transfer was imminent, but had not yet happened by the end of the novel.

External links [ ]

  • M'Ress at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • M'Ress at Wikipedia
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)

Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers ! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy , the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG , Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online , as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant . Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{ spoiler }}, {{ spoilers }} OR {{ majorspoiler }} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU

  • Memory Beta articles sourced from Star Trek Online
  • Carrier classes
  • Science vessel classes
  • Federation starship classes
  • Caitian starship classes
  • 25th century Federation starship classes
  • Science carrier classes
  • Support carrier classes
  • Atrox class starships
  • Aspero class starships

Aspero class

  • 2 Known ships
  • 3.1 Connections
  • 4 External link

History and specifications [ ]

During the Klingon Civil War of 2411 , the Khitomer Alliance launched a new, tier-6 rated variation of the 25th century science carrier . The support carrier was initially represented by four starship classes, one by each leading Alliance member. The prototype of each class - the CDS Aspero , JHV Support Carrier , RRW Ra'nodaire and IKS Vo'devwl - performed a maneuver together and deployed their hangar pets .

The Aspero was an built on the existing Caitian tier 5 Atrox -class carrier platform. Unlike the Atrox , which deployed individually-operating Stalker -class fighters , the Aspero launched Stalker fighter squadrons which operated in sync. Due to the larger size, the fleet upgrade of the Aspero class, available to fleets operating a tier-3 shipyard at the Fleet Starbase , could launch Shikaris -class support frigates . ( STO website : House Divided : Cross Faction Support Carrier Bundle )

By default, this class was fitted with Mk-rated scaling shield array , deflector array , impulse engines , and matter anti-matter warp core . Fore weapons included a pair of tetryon beam arrays and one quantum torpedo launcher . This arrangement was mirrored on the three aft weapon slots.

As a class of science vessel , this class came with built-in subsystem targeting abilities. Rated as Rank I, this vessel could target, one at a time, auxiliary subsystems , weapons, engines, and shields.

As a carrier , the Aspero could direct its hangar pets to attack hostile targets, escort a friendly target, intercept munitions and hostile fighters, and recall for repair and refuelling. ( STO - House Divided mission : " Welcome to Earth Spacedock ")

In the 25th century , the hull design of the Aspero -class support carrier allowed its commanding officer to choose from different livery materials . These could be modified by Starfleet Shipyards Operations . The material options included numbered Types, Upgrade and Fleet . ( STO - House Divided mission : " Welcome to Earth Spacedock ") Aspero hull materials:

  • Caitian Type 1
  • Caitian Type 2
  • Caitian Type 3

Furthermore, the installation of deflector shields from specific factions modified the hull appearance, including shields from the Reman Resistance , the Breen Confederacy and the Dominion . ( STO missions : " Coliseum ", " Cold Storage ", " Boldly They Rode ")

Caitian Type 1.

Known ships [ ]

  • CDS Aspero (also USS Aspero )

Appendices [ ]

Connections [ ], external link [ ].

  • Caitian Aspero Support Carrier article at The Star Trek Online Wiki .
  • 1 Lamarr class
  • 2 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 3 Odyssey class
  • Playable Alien starships
  • Fleet starships
  • Tier 5 Ship
  • Science Carriers
  • Hangar Bay: 2
  • Atrox starships
  • Playable Caitian starships
  • Fleet Caitian Atrox Carrier
  • VisualEditor

Faction Federation

  • Caitian Atrox Carrier
  • Caitian Aspero Support Carrier
  • Fleet Caitian Atrox Carrier (T6)

Release date: November 12, 2013 The Fleet Caitian Atrox -class Carrier is a Tier 5 ( Level 50) Science Carrier which may be flown by Starfleet characters, including Federation-aligned Romulan Republic and Dominion characters. All faction restrictions of this starship can be removed by having a level 65 KDF character or by purchasing the Cross Faction Flying unlock from the Zen Store .

  • 2 Starship Mastery
  • 3.1 Subsystem Targeting
  • 3.2.1 Carrier commands
  • 4.1 T5-X upgrade
  • 5 Ship Comparison
  • 6 Admiralty ship
  • 8 External links

Overview [ | ]

To deal with the increasing threat of the Klingons and the tactical advantage they have with their carriers, the Federation has called upon their member worlds for assistance.

In response, the Caitians made their fierce Atrox Carrier available to Starfleet. A true carrier, the Atrox has been updated by the Caitians and the Starfleet Corps of Engineers with modifications that give it some of the abilities of a science vessel, including subsystem targeting and bonuses to Shield and Auxiliary power. These abilities allow the Atrox to support its fighters as well as other ships in its fleet.

Starship Mastery [ | ]

Abilities [ | ], subsystem targeting [ ].

The Fleet Caitian Atrox -class Carrier comes with built-in Subsystem Targeting abilities. These built-in abilities stay at Rank I and do not automatically rank up when acquiring higher tier Science starships. They are separate from Subsystem Targeting abilities gained through Tactical Space Bridge officer abilities .

Target Auxiliary Subsystems icon (Federation)

Activating a subsystem targeting ability will upgrade all energy weapons to inflict a stacking power drain on the foe's targeted subsystem for the next 10 seconds. They will also have a small chance to knock the targeted subsystem offline for a short duration.

Hangar bays [ | ]

This ship can launch attack wings of [ Hangar - Stalker Fighters ] in its standard configuration, loaded into the two hangar bays, though other Hangar Pets can be equipped for launch.

Launch Stalker Fighters icon (Federation)

Carrier commands [ ]

Carrier Command - Attack icon (Federation)

Standard configuration [ | ]

Shield Array icon

Fore Weapons

Tetryon Beam Array icon

Aft Weapons

Hangar - Stalker Fighters icon

T5-X upgrade

By using an [ Experimental Ship Upgrade Token ] , the Fleet Caitian Atrox -class Carrier may be upgraded to T5-X , unlocking an extra ship device slot, universal console slot, and the ability to slot an extra starship trait . Note that upgrading the Caitian Atrox Carrier , the standard non-fleet version of the Fleet Caitian Atrox Carrier, will not apply the upgrade to this starship.

Ship Comparison [ | ]

Admiralty ship [ | ].

Shipshot Background Admiralty

Gallery [ | ]


Starboard view.

Starboard view.

The Hangar bay.

Caitian Atrox Carrier with M.A.C.O. & Adapted M.A.C.O. Space Set

Caitian Atrox Carrier with M.A.C.O. & Adapted M.A.C.O. Space Set

Caitian Atrox Carrier with Omega Force Space Set

Caitian Atrox Carrier with Omega Force Space Set

External links [ | ]

  • Season 5 Dev Blog #43 at the Official website
  • 2 Playable starship
  • 3 List of canon starships


  1. Playable Caitian starships

    Playable Caitian starships Category page. Edit VisualEditor View history Talk (0) Pages in category "Playable Caitian starships" The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total. C. Caitian Aspero Support Carrier ... Star Trek Online Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.

  2. Caitian

    Caitians are a felinoid race with distinct cat-like features. As their homeworld, Cait, has been a Federation member as early as 2286, Caitians are known to serve both in Starfleet and on the Federation Council. They're known throughout their quadrant for their intelligence, curiosity, loyalty and love of beauty. Caitians' interlocking personal and clan relationships can create large family ...

  3. Caitian Aspero Support Carrier

    Release date: August 20, 2020The Caitian Aspero-class Support Carrier is a Tier 6 Science Carrier which may be flown by Starfleet characters, including Federation-aligned Romulan Republic and Dominion characters. All faction restrictions of this starship can be removed by having a level 65 KDF character or by purchasing the Cross Faction Flying unlock from the Zen Store. This starship can be ...

  4. Caitian Aspero Support Carrier ~ STARSHIP VISUAL REVIEW ~ Star Trek Online

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  5. Caitian

    Set in 2409, the computer game Star Trek Online features the Caitians as a playable species of the Federation faction, which also employs ships of unique Caitian design, e.g., the Atrox Carrier, Aspero Support Carrier, Shikaris Escort, and Stalker Stealth Fighter. According to their description, Caitians are "known throughout their quadrant for ...

  6. Atrox & Aspero Carriers

    The Caitian Aspero Support Carrier is a powerful upgrade to the Atrox -class platform. This carrier is capable of adopting to multiple roles, thanks to the flexibility offered by its massive twin hangar bays. As is necessary to command so many small craft, the starship features immense networking and sensor capabilities.

  7. Caitian Aspero Support Carrier's Fiery Entrance

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  8. Star Trek Online

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  9. The Trek Collective: Star Trek Online's new support carriers

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  10. Caitian Atrox Carrier

    Release date: May 3, 2012The Caitian Atrox-class Carrier is a Tier 5 (Level 50) Science Carrier which may be flown by Starfleet characters, including Federation-aligned Romulan Republic and Dominion characters. All faction restrictions of this starship can be removed by having a level 65 KDF character or by purchasing the Cross Faction Flying unlock from the Zen Store. Players can obtain this ...

  11. The Federation Caitian Atrox Carrier

    The Federation Caitian Atrox Carrier. By Star Trek Online. A true carrier, the Atrox has been updated by the Caitians and the Starfleet Corps of Engineers with modifications that give it some of the abilities of a science vessel, including subsystem targeting and bonuses to Shield and Auxiliary power. These abilities allow the Atrox to support ...

  12. Cross Faction Support Carrier Bundle

    This release marks Star Trek Online's second-ever bundle with starships from four different factions, and the second time a T6 Science Carrier has been sold in the C-Store. Quite an exciting opportunity indeed! ... Fleet Caitian Atrox Support Carrier [T6] Ship Details: Faction: Starfleet and Starfleet-aligned; Tier: 6; Required Rank: Must ...

  13. Star Trek Online

    Hello Captains, in today's ship review I will look at the Fleet Caitian Atrox Carrier upgraded to T5-U. We'll go over the build, looks, and see what this th...

  14. Allied Escort Bundle Stats

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  15. Help with Caitian Aspero Carrier : r/stobuilds

    Ship Loadout: Caitian Aspero Support Carrier. Slot Item Notes Fore Weapon 1 Tetryon Beam Array ... This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related ...

  16. Caitian Atrox first draft build : r/stobuilds

    r/stobuilds. A Subreddit for the discussion of space and ground builds and mechanics for the game Star Trek Online. MembersOnline. •. Truly_Khorosho. Caitian Atrox first draft build. I've had this character concept rattling around in my head for a good long while, and finally managed stay focused on it for long enough to come up with a build ...

  17. The Trek Collective: New Caitian ship in STO

    The Star Trek Online blog has been updated with details of a new Caitian ship, soon to be released in the game. Here's how they describe it: To deal with the increasing threat of the Klingons and the tactical advantage they have with their carrier ships, the Federation has called upon their member worlds for assistance.

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  19. M'Ress

    Sci-fi. Star Trek. Lieutenant M'Ress was a female Caitian Starfleet operations division officer who served aboard the USS Enterprise under Captain James T. Kirk during the final two years of a historic five-year mission. M'Ress' primary role on the Enterprise was that of the relief communications officer, a role...

  20. Aspero class

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  21. Hangar

    Caitian Support Frigates are a type of Hangar Pet for Starfleet characters and their allies, including Federation-aligned Romulan Republic and Dominion characters. They are obtained and unlocked with the purchase of either Support Carrier: Caitian Aspero Support Carrier Fleet Caitian Atrox Carrier (T6) Caitian Support Frigates are exclusive to any full Carrier - any vessel with two hangar bays ...

  22. 20% Ship Sale

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  23. Playable starship

    For an overview of non-playable starships within Star Trek Online, see the Non-playable starship article Playable Starships in Star Trek Online are as much a part of a player's avatar as their Captain. Players are granted ships by their faction as they progress in rank. At each new rank between Level 10 and Level 40, players are given a free starship token for the respective tier. The last ...

  24. Fleet Caitian Atrox Carrier

    Release date: November 12, 2013The Fleet Caitian Atrox-class Carrier is a Tier 5 (Level 50) Science Carrier which may be flown by Starfleet characters, including Federation-aligned Romulan Republic and Dominion characters. All faction restrictions of this starship can be removed by having a level 65 KDF character or by purchasing the Cross Faction Flying unlock from the Zen Store. Players can ...