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Total Drama World Tour - My Way(New Version)


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1
  • 3 Walk Like An Egyptian Part 2
  • 4 Super Crazy Fun-Time Japan
  • 5 Anything Yukon Do I Can Do Better
  • 6 Broadway Baby
  • 7 Slap Slap Revolution
  • 8 Can't Help Falling In Louvre
  • 9 Newf Kids On The Rock
  • 10 Jamaican Me Sweat
  • 11 I See London...
  • 12 Greece's Pieces
  • 13 The Ex-files
  • 14 Picnic At Hanging Dork
  • 15 Sweden Sour
  • 16 Niagara Brawls
  • 17 Chinese Fake-Out
  • 18 African Lying Safari
  • 19 Awwwwww, Drumheller
  • 20 Hawaian Punch
  • 21 Rankings
  • 22 Final Note

Introduction [ ]

A while back I decided to make a WT my way blog, and it got a lot of attention. Unfortunately, it was anything but how I wanted the season to go, and I hit a sort of writers block. But now I am back, and I bring to you TDWT - My Way. I think this season had potential, but ultimately it fell flat on it's face and became my second least favorite season. I'm going to fix that in this blog.

Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 [ ]

  • Notes: None
  • Eliminated: Duncan
  • Reason For Elimination: Duncan quit the show because he couldn't stand singing a whole season.
  • Comment: To be honest, Duncan is one of my favorite characters, but he made it so far in both my previous seasons that he had to go here to give more characters screentime. Also, I find this quitting relatable as I would do the exact same thing given the chance.

Duncan is eliminated in Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1

Walk Like An Egyptian Part 2 [ ]

  • Notes: Ezekiel does not lose the stick, Lindsay does. Alejandro reveals he helped Team Amazon to appear a gentleman and fool the rest of the cast into thinking he is nice. DJ DOES NOT gain a curse this episode.
  • Winners: Team Amazon
  • Losers: Team Victory
  • Bottom Two: Ezekiel & Lindsay
  • Reason For Bottom Two: Ezekiel wasn't very well liked.
  • Eliminated: Lindsay
  • Reason For Elimination: Lindsay lost the stick for her team, which caused her teammates to vote her out.
  • Leshawna, Bridgette, DJ, Harold and Ezekiel voted for Lindsay
  • Lindsay voted for Ezekiel
  • Comment: My TDA final 2 eliminated back to back? Nice! To be honest, while this is going to be a real hot take of an elimination, Lindsay had no real potential this season, especially since she actually remembers Tyler in my series.

Lindsay is eliminated in Walk Like An Egyptian Part 2.

Super Crazy Fun-Time Japan [ ]

  • Notes: Ezekiel is starting to show feelings for Bridgette, which creeps her out a little bit, and makes her confused. Tyler misses Lindsay but his teammates help him to move on and help in the challenge.
  • Bottom Two: Harold and DJ
  • Reason For Bottom Two: DJ failed the pinball challenge miserably, with being mauled by a Panda Bear in the process, so his team voted him out over Harold, however...
  • Eliminated: Harold
  • Reason For Elimination: Harold quit the game because he felt like he dishonored his team, Al also had a play in this.
  • Leshawna, Bridgette, and Ezekiel voted for DJ
  • DJ and Harold voted for Harold
  • Comment: This is looking more like the reversed order of my TDA lol. Anyways, while I like Harold, his elimination here is important for next episode.

Harold is eliminated in Super Crazy Fun-Time Japan.

Anything Yukon Do I Can Do Better [ ]

  • Notes: This episode is just like canon, except replace Bridgette with Leshawna, whom gets the stuck to a pole treatment because of Alejandro, and DJ does not hit a baby seal while he gets his team lost, since there is no curse in my series. Ezekiel tries talking to Bridgette again and she is starting to warm up to him as a friend.
  • Winners: Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot
  • Bottom Two: Leshawna and DJ
  • Reason For Bottom Two: DJ got his team lost because of his crying. Leshawna learned of this.
  • Eliminated: Leshawna
  • Reason For Elimination: Alejandro knew that with Harold gone, Leshawna would be more vulnerable, so he flirted with her more and tricked her into kissing a pole. Leshawna realizes what a fool she was, but is still voted off for being the reason why he team lost, and because she cheated on Harold.
  • Bridgette, Ezekiel and DJ voted for Leshawna
  • Leshawna voted for DJ
  • Comment: I'm sorry I gave Leshawna the Bridgette treatment, but I promise it will work out in the end. And don't worry, people won't think Leshawna cheated on Harold with a POLE, as that was ridiculous and stupid in the canon version with Bridgette.

Leshawna is eliminated in Anything Yukon Do I Can Do Better.

Broadway Baby [ ]

  • Notes: Team Victory are almost eaten by the alligator when DJ realizes it's his pet Vince! The two reunite before DJ and his team have to leave to catch up to the other contestants. Unfortunately, DJ still gets attacked by snapping turtles, but he doesn't harm any of them. The episode is still a reward challenge.
  • Losers: Team Chris
  • Comment: Other than giving Team Victory more plot, I didn't really change much.

Slap Slap Revolution [ ]

  • Notes: Sierra isn't as obsessed with Cody, and like earlier episodes, loves the whole cast and Chris as well(though Cody is obviously her favorite). As a result she doesn't sing as creepy of a song as in canon.
  • Winners: Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot(Alejandro didn't take any dumb dive, it was so pointless!)
  • Bottom Two: Ezekiel and DJ
  • Reason For Bottom Two: Ezekiel had rad skills, but Heather bested him and it costed his team the win.
  • Eliminated: DJ
  • Reason For Elimination: DJ was bad at the slapping challenge and Ezekiel saw him as a bit weak despite being sort of friends with him, and Bridgette was closer to Ezekiel, so she voted for the big jock.
  • Bridgette and Ezekiel voted for DJ
  • DJ voted for Ezekiel
  • Comment: I apologize for the long wait for an update. Anyways, i'm so sorry for eliminating another Team Victory member, but no one could really go here other than DJ. At the very least he had a good run, having no curse and all.

DJ is eliminated in Slap Slap Revolution.

Can't Help Falling In Louvre [ ]

  • Notes: The Am-AH-zon race was a reward challenge, and Team Victory won that challenge. This episode, there is no curse, and Bridgette and Zeke work hard to win again. Noah tries to convince Owen during the challenge that Izzy is not safe and should not be trusted. Sierra isn't faking her sadness, and her and Cody settle it at the end up the episode.
  • Winners: Team Amazon: After their loss in the Amazon, Gwen is not trusted by anyone on Team Amazon, except Cody, but she eventually proves her worth by helping her team win.
  • Losers: Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot
  • Bottom Two: Alejandro and Izzy
  • Reason For Bottom Two: The Spaniard reminded Izzy of Justin, and she just liked everyone on team Chris better.
  • Eliminated: Izzy
  • Reason For Elimination: Alejandro was getting tired of Izzy's craziness, especially since it wasted time and caused their team to lose. So, he convinced Noah and Tyler to vote her off, which they agreed to. Noah then proceeded to convince Owen, which from all of Noah's convincing throughout the episode, reluctantly gives in. He regrets it after though, apologizing to Izzy. She says she doesn't mind, as she had a lot of fun, and the jumped out the plane.
  • Alejandro, Noah, Tyler, and Owen voted for Izzy
  • Izzy voted for Alejandro
  • Comment: Did you really think I was going to diminish Team Victory back to back like that? No way! Besides, Izzy made it so far last time, she didn't need to go far again. Also all the other members of team Chris are too important.

Izzy is eliminated in Can't Help Falling In Louvre.

Newf Kids On The Rock [ ]

  • Notes: Since there is no lone member on Team Victory, Heather and Alejandro don't manipulate anyone on team Victory. The Duncan rock Courtney sees is actually Duncan! After Team Amazon loses, despite the delinquents displeasure, Chris makes him join the game and puts him on Team Chris. Oh, and Gwen has no crush on Duncan, as she still is with Trent in my series.
  • 2nd Note: Chris announces that the episode is a reward, sparing Team Amazon from elimination.
  • Winners: Team Chris and Team Victory
  • Losers: Team Amazon
  • Comment: As for Duncan returning here, I wanted him to come earlier to make it feel less forced. There will be no Gwuncan, I have other plans for his character. Thanks to User JoshTheKing3 for the idea for this return.

Jamaican Me Sweat [ ]

  • Notes: Chris allows Team Victory to take turns individually on the board challenge. The order goes Bridgette, Ezekiel, then Bridgette.
  • Losers: Team Victory: Alejandro rigged Bridgette's second run by smashing the board, just like he did with DJ in canon since he noticed her surfer skills helped her a lot in the first round.
  • Bottom Two: Bridgette and Ezekiel
  • Reason For Bottom Two: They were the last members on their team.
  • Eliminated: Ezekiel
  • Reason For Elimination: There was a tie, as both of them voted for each other to stay in the game, so Chris decided to eliminate Ezekiel since he annoyed him more than Bridgette. The homeschool wished Bridgette good luck and then went out the plane.
  • Chris and Bridgette voted for Ezekiel
  • Ezekiel voted for Bridgette
  • Comment: Ezekiel is a great character, and I'm so glad he got this far, but Bridgette had more potential in this season. At the very least, he didn't go feral, and now has a new friend, and a better reputation among the cast.

Ezekiel is eliminated in Jamaican Me Sweat.

I See London... [ ]

  • Notes: The ripper's identity is an intern. The capture order is, Alejandro, Duncan, Sierra & Cody, Bridgette, Tyler, Heather, and Courtney and Gwen. Owen and Noah successfully catch the ripper like in canon. There is NO GWUNCAN KISS.
  • Eliminated: Bridgette
  • Reason For Elimination: Bridgette was the last member of her team, and she lost because her whole team(herself) was out while both teams still had players in after her.
  • Comment: And R.I.P Bridgette. I think she deserved more than what canon gave her but she was the last member of her team, and everyone else had more plot. Sorry about killing Team Victory guys. :(

Bridgette is eliminated in I See London...

Greece's Pieces [ ]

  • Notes: No Gwuncan plot here. Instead, Alejandro is flirting with Courtney so he can take down a strong player, and Duncan is starting to get jealous, which causes him to volunteer for the bear challenge.
  • Bottom Two: Alejandro, Noah and Tyler
  • Reason For Bottom Two: Duncan voted for Alejandro because he was flirting with his girlfriend. And Tyler voted for Noah because he was weak in the challenge.
  • Eliminated: Tyler
  • Reason For Elimination: Tyler failed the final challenge for his team and was really bad at sports, and Alejandro saw no use for him anymore, so he also voted for him.
  • Alejandro, Owen, and Noah voted for Tyler
  • Duncan voted for Alejandro
  • Tyler voted for Noah
  • Comment: I'm so sorry for eliminating Tyler here, I know he's a fan favorite, and I really like him too, but I couldn't justify anyone else going here because of voting reasons. Besides, the irony of eliminating Tyler in a sports episode, in Greece for that matter, is fantastic. At the very least, he got to compete in all three seasons.

Tyler is eliminated in Greece's Pieces.

The Ex-files [ ]

  • Notes: Alejandro's manipulation of Courtney is growing, which Duncan is really against, starting a rivalry between the two during the challenge. Noah tries to get the two to work together, but it all falls apart, another reason being Owen's uselessness in the challenge, which slows them down even more. Duncan and Courtney meet up, and he tells her that he has suspicions about Alejandro. Courtney promises to be wary of the Spaniard.
  • Bottom Two: Alejandro and Duncan
  • Reason For Bottom Two: Duncan voted for Alejandro due to their rivalry.
  • Reason for Elimination: Alejandro knew the delinquent grew to be one of his biggest rivals, so he convinced a reluctant Noah to vote with him, the schemer planning to take him out next episode. As for Owen, Alejandro hypnotized him into voting Duncan. Enraged, Duncan swore revenge before Chris shoved him out of the plane.
  • Alejandro, Noah, and Owen voted for Duncan
  • Comment: I could have milked Duncan and Alejandro's rivalry to merge, but again, no one else could here but Duncan due to plot and voting reasons. If you noticed, I changed Duncan from jerk and cheater, to noble jealous boyfriend, and I think it worked out really well for his character.

Duncan is eliminated again in The Ex-files.

Picnic At Hanging Dork [ ]

  • Notes: Heather and Gwen's rivalry replaces Courtney and Gwen's canon one, and the two tries to convince the rest of their teammates to vote each other out. Alejandro tries flirting with Courtney, but she turns him down, which angers Alejandro.
  • Bottom Two: Heather and Gwen
  • Reason For Bottom Two: Heather convinced Sierra to vote out Gwen with her due to her starting that Gwen is Cody's crush. Gwen convinced Courtney and Cody to vote out Heather. Unfortunately, Cody is too disoriented and votes sierra accidentally, causing a tie. The tie is to feed koalas. It's a close call, but...
  • Eliminated: Gwen
  • Reason For Elimination: Gwen was just bit slower than Heather(there is no allergy), so she loses the tiebreaker. She tells Heather to suck it before dropping out the plane.
  • Heather and Sierra voted for Gwen
  • Gwen and Courtney voted for Heather
  • Cody accidentally voted for Sierra
  • Comment: Gwen was a much better character due to no love triangle plot, but I thought her rivalry with heather was the perfect excuse to eliminate her. It's unfortunate that she only makes merge once in the first three seasons though.

Gwen is eliminated in Picnic At Hanging Dork.

Sweden Sour [ ]

  • Notes: Noah and Alejandro try to manipulate Owen in this episode just like with in canon with Duncan and Al. The episdoe remains the same, as a reward challenge, but this time, Heather is the one who would have gone home.
  • Comment: I really enjoyed writing the episodes after London, it was fun to come up with a new plot not involving the love triangle. What predictions do you have for merge?

Niagara Brawls [ ]

  • Notes: Blainley debuts into the game, it's now the merge. The couples are: Alejandro and Heather, Sierra and Cody, Noah and Courtney, and Owen and Blainley. Noah spends the episode trying to convince others to vote out Alejandro. Owen is positive with Blainley, but it get's to the point where he can't take her attitude anymore.
  • Immunity: Heather and Alejandro: They bickered a lot but answered all the questions right.
  • Bottom Three: Noah, Sierra, and Blainley
  • Reason For Bottom Three: Blainey's spoiled and rotten attitude insured that she racked up some votes, including Noah, since Alejandro was immune, and Cody voted for Sierra in hopes others would as well. But in the end...
  • Eliminated: Noah
  • Reason For Elimination: Alejandro was getting annoyed with Owen, but he figured Noah was more of a threat, him being able to expose his true nature, so he convinced Heather, Sierra, and Blainley to vote with him. Noah is shocked by this, and as a final warning tells Owen to beware of eels.
  • Alejandro, Heather, Sierra, and Blainley voted for Noah
  • Noah, Courtney, and Owen voted for Blainley
  • Cody voted for Sierra
  • Comment: While I was originally going to eliminate Owen here, I changed my mind. Alejandro would not be so stupid as to eliminate someone because of annoyance instead of someone who could expose him. At the very least, Noah made merge this season and got more development.

Noah is eliminated in Niagara Brawls.

Chinese Fake-Out [ ]

  • Notes: Owen is psyched about the eating part of the challenge, and does really well. Chris states that the last person across the great wall would be eliminated. Alejandro doesn't get anyone to cheat for him.
  • Immunity: Owen(it's and eating challenge, duh)
  • Bottom Two: Sierra and Blainley
  • Reason For Bottom Two: Cody and Blainley voted for Sierra due to her creepiness.
  • Eliminated: Blainley
  • Reason For Elimination: People really didn't like Blainley, and she cheated with the help of Chef.
  • Also Eliminated: Courtney
  • Reason For Elimination: Courtney was the last to cross the finish line due to Alejandro seeing her as a threat and being angry with her rejection of his manipulation back in Picnic At Hanging Dork. He made her fall into a land mine in order to get her out.
  • Alejandro, Heather, Sierra, Owen voted for Blainley
  • Cody and Blainley voted for Sierra
  • Comment:  Oh Blainley, how I hate her. She does not deserve to make it farther than this. I wanted her to eliminated last episode, but I decided to give her one more episode. Also, sorry for robbing Courtney, but there was no more plot left for her.

Courtney and Blainley are eliminated in Chinese Fake-Out.

African Lying Safari [ ]

  • Notes: The second part of the challenge is the campers having to catch a lion, not Ezekiel.
  • Immunity: Alejandro
  • Bottom Two: Sierra & Owen
  • Reason For Bottom Two: Cody desperately tried to get rid of her, convincing Owen to help him.
  • Eliminated: Owen
  • Reason For Elimination: Alejandro convinced Sierra and Heather to vote him out with him due to his likability and the fact that he had a personal grudge with him.
  • Alejandro, Heather, and Sierra voted for Owen
  • Cody and Owen voted for Sierra
  • Comment: Sorry for the super long update, I've just lacked motivation. Anyways, I think it's only fair to let Owen get this far, considering he is a great character and got eliminated early in my TDI.

Owen is eliminated in African Lying Safari.

Awwwwww, Drumheller [ ]

  • Bottom Two: Alejandro and Cody
  • Reason For Bottom Two: Same as canon.
  • Eliminated: Sierra
  • Reason For Elimination: Same as canon.
  • Heather, Cody, and Sierra voted for Alejandro
  • Alejandro voted for Cody
  • Comment: Couldn't change this one. It was too good. However, it was a bit unfair considering Alejandro was saved by an accident.

Sierra is eliminated in Awwwwww, Drumheller!

Hawaian Punch [ ]

  • Eliminated: Cody

Cody is eliminated in Hawaiian Punch.

  • Heather's ending: Same as canon.
  • Alejandro's ending: Same alternate ending as canon.
  • Official Winner: Heather
  • Comment: This was the perfect final two, and really the only option for it as well. Heather was a great anti-hero, and Alejandro was a good villian. I wouldn't change this finale.

The final two of the third season.

Rankings [ ]

1st - Heather (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Hawaiian Punch)

2nd - Alejandro (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Hawaiian Punch)

3rd - Cody (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Hawaiian Punch)

4th - Sierra (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Awwwwww, Drumheller!)

5th - Owen (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to African Lying Safari)

6th - Blainley (From Niagara Brawls to Chinese Fake-Out)

7th - Courtney (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Chinese Fake-Out)

8th - Noah (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Niagara Brawls)

9th - Gwen (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Picnic At Hanging Dork)

10th - Duncan (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 and from Newf Kids On The Rock to The Ex-files)

11th - Tyler (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Greece's Pecies)

12th - Bridgette (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to I See London...)

13th - Ezekiel (From Walk Like An Egyptain Part 1 to Jamaican Me Sweat)

14th - Izzy (From Walk Like An Egyptain Part 1 to Can't Help Falling In Louvre)

15th - DJ (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Slap Slap Revolution)

16th - Leshawna (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Anything Yukon Do I Can Do Better)

17th - Harold (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Super Crazy Fun-Time Japan)

18th - Lindsay (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Walk Like An Egyptain Part 2)

Final Note [ ]

And I'm done! The first three my way blogs are completed. I'm honestly pretty proud of my work, but I don't think I'll be doing more my ways for a while. My next goal is to do theory and what if blogs for a while, which I'm really excited for. Sooner or later I might get around to ROTI My Way though. Thank you all for reading!


  1. Total Drama World Tour My Way

    total drama world tour my way

  2. Total Drama World Tour: My Way

    total drama world tour my way

  3. Total Drama World Tour My Way!

    total drama world tour my way

  4. Total Drama World Tour My Way

    total drama world tour my way

  5. total drama world tour elimination my way

    total drama world tour my way

  6. Total Drama World Tour || My Way

    total drama world tour my way


  1. Total Drama World Tour My Way

  2. Total Drama World Tour My Way #totaldrama

  3. Total Drama Mega Tour My Way

  4. Total Drama World Tour My Way Remake

  5. Total drama world tour 2 my way!



  1. Total Drama World Tour - My Way (New Version)

    Total Drama World Tour - My Way (New Version) BurnTheInternetUser • 14 September 2020 • User blog:BurnTheInternetUser. Contents. Introduction. A while back I decided to make a WT my way blog, and it got a lot of attention. Unfortunately, it was anything but how I wanted the season to go, and I hit a sort of writers block.

  2. Total Drama World Tour (My Edition/My Way) - YouTube

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  3. Total Drama World Tour (Full Cast): My Way - YouTube

    Total Drama World Tour (Full Cast): My Way. Kalo's Total Drama. 1.73K subscribers. Subscribed. 979. 67K views 1 year ago. Hello everyone! Thank you for watching my video! If you liked...

  4. Total Drama World Tour: My Way Chapter 1: Anything Yukon Do ...

    18 contestants travel around the world for a lot of challenges, & only one can leave with 1 million dollars! Who will it be? Total Drama belongs to Fresh TV & Teletoon. (Co-written by Cody Fanatic & Jameels3.)

  5. Total Drama World Tour: My Way (Season 3) - YouTube

    Total Drama World Tour: My Way (Season 3) Art_Fright. 322 subscribers. 244. 14K views 1 year ago. The wait is finally over! I bring you the third My Way so far, I had some...

  6. Total Drama World Tour: My Way Chapter 1: Welcome to the ...

    This new season we are traveling around the world! 17 contestants: 14 veterans and 3 newbies! First up: Beth!" Beth steps out of the bus and smiles at the camera.

  7. gman5846 User Profile | DeviantArt

    TDWT My Way: Episode 4. NOTE: Episodes 1-3 will remain the same as canon. Chris: “Last time on Total Drama World Tour... Steeped in a tradition, Japan's modern allure is as fascinating as its rich history. Here, our competitors experienced Japan's innovative entertainment.

  8. Total Drama World Tour: My Way Chapter 25 ... - FanFiction

    Total Drama World Tour: My Way By: gman5846. 18 contestants travel around the world for a lot of challenges, & only one can leave with 1 million dollars! Who will it be? Total Drama belongs to Fresh TV & Teletoon. (Co-written by Cody Fanatic & Jameels3.)

  9. Total Drama World Tour My Way Part 1 : r/Totaldrama - Reddit

    Changes: In this version Ezekiel goes over to be with his friend Lindsay and his crush Bridgette, all three surf down with Alejandro. Lindsay hasn’t forgotten Tyler in this version. Eva is trying to improve on her temper, she makes it to the finish line first.