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「THE BOYZ 2ND JAPAN TOUR : ZENERATION」の開催を記念して THE B JAPAN & THE B JAPAN MOBILE会員様にお楽しみいただけるファンクラブ企画をご用意しました! ぜひコンサートと合わせてファンクラブ企画を盛り上げてください:)


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  • 新潟県民会館 大ホール 5月31日(水) OPEN 17:00 / START 18:00 *FCブース 12:00~開演前まで
  • 神戸ワールド記念ホール 6月3日(土) OPEN 16:30 / START 18:00 *FCブース 11:00~終演後まで 6月4日(日) OPEN 14:30 / START 16:00 *FCブース 10:00~終演後まで
  • 福岡サンパレスホール 6月8日(木) OPEN 17:00 / START 18:00 *FCブース 11:00~終演後まで
  • 長良川国際会議場メインホール 6月26日(月) OPEN 17:00 / START 18:00 *FCブース 12:00~終演後まで
  • 広島文化学園HBGホール 6月28日(水) OPEN 17:00 / START 18:00 *FCブース 12:00~終演後まで
  • さいたまスーパーアリーナ 7月1日(土) OPEN 15:30 / START 17:00 *FCブース 10:00~終演後まで 7月2日(日) OPEN 14:30 / START 16:00 *FCブース 10:00~終演後まで


各公演日に来場者さま限定でハズレなしのデジタル抽選会を開催します! スペシャルな特典が当たるチャンス! さらにご参加いただいた方には参加賞としてもれなくランダムフォトをプレゼント♡ぜひご参加ください! ※抽選会のご参加・賞品のお渡しは開演時間までとなります。



the boyz 2nd japan tour generation


the boyz 2nd japan tour generation

  • 実施会場 全ツアー会場
  • 実施時間 各会場FCブースオープン時間 ~開演まで
  • 対象者 当日のチケットをお持ちの THE B JAPAN もしくは THE B JAPAN MOBILE会員様


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「THE B JAPAN」「THE B JAPAN MOBILE」それぞれのボタンが出てきますので、お客様自身のスマートフォンにてデジタル抽選にご参加ください! ルーレット画面が表示されます。

抽選結果が表示されますので、結果画面を表示した状態でFCブースまでお越しください。 その場で参加賞ランダムフォトのお渡しをさせていただきます! 【ミート&グリート】にご当選されたお客様はご本人様確認のため身分証明書をご提示ください。

<ミート&グリートご当選者様 ご本人確認のための身分証明書について> 【ミート&グリート】にご当選されたお客様はご本人様確認をさせていただきますので必ず下記の身分証をお持ちください。 ●「顔写真入りの身分証明書」…いずれか1点で確認可能です (顔写真付き学生証/パスポート/顔写真付き住民基本台帳カード/顔写真付きマイナンバーカード/運転免許証/顔写真付きクレジットカード/在留カード(外国人登録証明書)) ●「氏名が印字された身分証明書」…いずれか2点で確認可能です (健康保険証/戸籍謄本/戸籍抄本/顔写真の無い学生証/年金手帳/住民票) ※身分証明書は、上記記載のもの以外はいかなる場合でも不可となります。公演当日までに必ずご持参ください。 ※身分証明書をコピーしたものや期限切れのものは不可となります。必ず現物をお持ちください。

<注意事項> ※抽選結果画面はスクリーンショット不可となります。 ※同公演で【ミート&グリート】に複数ご当選された場合、ご参加いただける回数は1回のみとなります。(埼玉公演で複数ご当選された場合は、 ご参加いただく特典会をお選びいただけます。) ※THE B JAPAN/THE B JAPAN MOBILEの両方にご入会いただいているお客様は各公演日ごとに、それぞれアカウントをお持ちの回数分抽選会にご参加いただくことが可能です。一度ご参加いただきますと、それぞれのアカウントごとに当日は同じ結果が表示されます。 ※位置情報をONにしても【抽選参加】ボタンが表示されない場合はこちらをご確認いただくか、会場に設置されたパネルからQRコードを読み込むことで、抽選会にご参加いただくことが可能です。 ※会場限定の抽選会となりますので、QRコードおよびURLのブログ・SNS等への転載はご遠慮ください。 ※景品の引き換えはご当選されたご本人様のみとなります。 ※当選画面は当日のみの有効となります。期限を過ぎた場合お引替えができませんので、必ず開演前までにFCブースまでお越しください。


「THE B JAPAN」「THE B JAPAN MOBILE」のどちらにもご入会されているW会員様へ会場限定ピクチャーチケットをプレゼント! 当日のご入会でも対象となります!

the boyz 2nd japan tour generation

■対象者様 「THE B JAPAN」「THE B JAPAN MOBILE」のどちらにもご入会されているW会員様

■引き換え方法 FCブースにて以下のボタンよりログインの上、W会員認証画面をご提示ください。 お引替えは各公演つき、おひとり様1回までとなります

<注意事項> ※特典は数に限りがございます。上限数に達し次第終了となります。 ※お並びの際には必ず特典引換ボタンよりログインの上、お手元の端末にピクチャーチケット引き換え用のQRコードを表示させた状態でお越しください。 ※会場ごとにデザインが一部異なります。 ※QRコードのスクリーンショットでは特典をお引替えいただくことはできません。


<会場物販の販売時刻について> ●開始時間 新潟公演13時00分〜 神戸公演10時00分〜 ※福岡以降の公演は追って発表させていただきます。 ●販売終了時間 各公演終演後も販売を予定しておりますが、予告無く終演後の販売取り止めや、販売終了が早まる場合もありますのでお早めにお立ち寄りください。

the boyz 2nd japan tour generation

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THE BOYZ 2nd World Tour: Zeneration

  • 1 Background
  • 2 Set lists
  • 5 References
  • 6 Video links

Background [ ]

On April 24, 2023, it was announced that THE BOYZ would be holding their second world tour with revealed dates in Seoul and Japan. [1] It was also announced that the third show in Seoul (May 21) will be live-streamed via Beyond LIVE .

Eric didn't participate at the show in Singapore due to back injury. [2]

On October 27, IST Entertainment announced that THE BOYZ will be having encore concerts from December 1 to 3 in Seoul. [3] It was also announced that the third show (December 3) will also be live-streamed via Beyond LIVE .

Ju Haknyeon didn't participate at the encore shows due to disc stenosis in his lower back. [4]

On October 30, THE BOYZ announced their encore shows in Japan, titled THE BOYZ Fan Con 2024 : Zeneration - Encore in Japan .

Set lists [ ]

The first shows in Seoul have been filmed and was released in DVD and QR on April 5, 2024.

DVD version

References [ ]

Video links [ ].

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THE BOYZ Confirms Asia Leg Of “Zeneration” World Tour

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K-Pop idol group THE BOYZ has announced Asia tour dates for their world tour, ZENERATION . They will start on May 31 in Japan for a total of seven Asian countries.

[ #더보이즈 뉴스] 더보이즈, 두 번째 월드투어 'ZENERATION'개최 지역 발표…亞 12개 도시 15회 공연 '역대급 규모' #THEBOYZ @IST_THEBOYZ — IST ent (@ist_ent) May 23, 2023

Prior to this, they successfully completed the first part of the tour with a concert at the KSPO Dome in Seoul on May 19-21. On the other hand, they will also release their second full-length Japanese album, Delicious , on June 13.

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Update: THE BOYZ Announces 2023 World Tour

Update: THE BOYZ Announces 2023 World Tour "ZENERATION" + Reveals Dates And Locations For Asia Leg Of Tour

Updated May 22 KST:

THE BOYZ has dropped more details for their second world tour “ZENERATION”!

On May 22, THE BOYZ dropped a poster revealing the schedule including the dates and location for the Asia stops of their world tour “ZENERATION.”

After kicking off their tour with three nights of concerts at Seoul’s KSPO Dome from May 19 to 21, THE BOYZ will hold a concert in Niigata, Japan on May 31. They will then perform in Kobe on June 3 and 4 as well as Fukuoka on June 8.

Afterwards, THE BOYZ will head to Taipei for a concert on June 10 and Macau on June 24. The group will follow up with more locations in Japan including Gifu, Hiroshima, and Saitama. The schedule further lists dates for Manila, Singapore, Jakarta, and Bangkok.

the boyz 2nd japan tour generation

Is THE BOYZ coming to a city near you? Stay tuned for more updates!

Source ( 1 )

Original Article:

THE BOYZ is going back on tour!

On April 25, IST Entertainment officially announced that THE BOYZ would soon be heading abroad on their second world tour “ZENERATION.”

The group will be kicking off their tour with three nights of concerts at Seoul’s KSPO Dome from May 19 to 21—and for fans unable to attend in person, the final night of the concert will also be streamed live online.

IST Entertainment commented, “Last year, THE BOYZ’s first world tour was met with cheers. You’ll be able to see performances and energy overflowing with confidence on this [tour] as well.”

Tickets for THE BOYZ’s Seoul concerts will go on pre-sale for fan club members on April 28 at 8 p.m. KST, and the general sale will begin on May 2 at 7 p.m. KST.

Stay tuned for information on the dates and details of THE BOYZ’s upcoming world tour!

the boyz 2nd japan tour generation

In the meantime, check out Younghoon’s drama “ Love Revolution ” with subtitles below:

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2023 THE BOYZ “ZENERATION” 2nd World Tour: Ticket Details

Eunice , Kpopmap Editor

2 min to read

2023 THE BOYZ “ZENERATION” 2nd World Tour: Ticket Details

THE BOYZ Official

After their successful 1st world tour last year and comeback last February with ‘ROAR’, THE BOYZ will be kicking off their 2nd world tour “ZENERATION” next month. The tour cities and detailed schedule will be announced later, and the tour scale is expected to gradually expand and change due to the overwhelming request from fans who are waiting for the popular boy group. You may keep checking this article for more details about this tour, as we will be updating it as soon as further announcements are out.

If you’re interested in getting tickets, check out the details below.

2023 THE BOYZ “ZENERATION” 2nd World Tour

May 19, Friday – Seoul

May 20, Saturday – Seoul

May 21, Sunday – Seoul

May 31, Wednesday – Niigata

June 3, Saturday – Kobe

June 4, Sunday – Kobe

June 8, Thursday – Fukuoka

June 10, Saturday – Taipei

June 23, Friday – Macau

June 24, Saturday – Macau

June 26, Monday – Gifu

June 28, Wednesday – Hiroshima

July 1, Saturday – Saitama

July 2, Sunday – Saitama

July 15, Saturday – Manila

July 20, Thursday – Singapore

July 29, Saturday – Jakarta

August 5, Saturday – Bangkok

August 6, Sunday – Bangkok

– Ticket Sales –

Seoul ( Offline / Online ) / Japan / Macau / Singapore / Jakarta / Manila / Bangkok

 2023 THE BOYZ “ZENERATION” 2nd World Tour: Ticket Details

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The Boyz to embark on world tour 'Zeneration' from May 19

Boy band The boyz [NEWS1]

Boy band The boyz [NEWS1]

Boy band The Boyz will embark on its second world tour ″Zeneration″ [IST ENTERTAINMENT]

Boy band The Boyz will embark on its second world tour ″Zeneration″ [IST ENTERTAINMENT]


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THE BOYZ announce Asia leg of 2023 ‘Zeneration’ world tour

Including shows in Jakarta, Singapore, Bangkok and more

the boyz

K-pop boyband THE BOYZ announced the dates for the Asia leg of their upcoming 2023 ‘Zeneration’ world tour.

  • READ MORE: THE BOYZ live in Paris: a charming display of the boyband’s growth

THE BOYZ have revealed the Asia leg of their 2023 ‘Zeneration’ world tour, featuring 15 shows over seven different counties and territories. The newly released dates come a day after THE BOYZ wrapped up a three-day concert from May 19 to 21 at the KSPO Dome in Seoul.

THE BOYZ’s 2023 Asia tour will kick off at the end of May in Niigata, Japan. Throughout June and going into early July, the boyband will play seven shows throughout Japan, as well as shows in Macau and Taipei.

Thereafter, THE BOYZ will head down to Southeast Asia for five shows across four countries. They include the Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia and Bangkok.

According to a previously statement by IST Entertainment, per News1 , THE BOYZ’s ‘Zeneration’ tour will also heading to the rest of the world later this year.

The agency added that it would announce a more detailed tour schedule at a later date, and that it would continuously expand its scale according to the requests of fans of the group around the world

THE BOYZ’s 2023 ‘Zeneration’ world tour dates are:

MAY 19: Seoul, South Korea 20: Seoul, South Korea 21: Seoul, South Korea 31: Niigata, Japan


JUNE 03: Kobe, Japan 04: Kobe, Japan 08: Fukuoka, Japan 10: Taipei, Taiwan 24: Macau, China 26: Gifu, Japan 28: Hiroshima, Japan

JULY 01: Saitama, Japan 02: Saitama, Japan 15: Manila, Philippines 20: Singapore 29: Jakarta, Indonesia

AUGUST 05: Bangkok, Thailand 06: Bangkok, Thailand


The new tour announcement comes about seven months since the conclusion of their first world tour ‘The B-Zone’ . The 20-date tour took place between May and November 2022, during which THE BOYZ toured the US, Europe, Southeast Asia, and Japan, in addition to a three-night residency in Seoul.

In February, THE BOYZ made a comeback with their eighth mini-album ‘Be Awake’ , which was led by the single ‘ROAR’. The release had also marked the return of members Eric and Sunwoo, after both members went on brief hiatuses in 2022.

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  • IST Entertainment

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THE BOYZ Announces Dates and Venues for 3rd World Tour “ZENERATION II”

THE BOYZ are set for their third World Tour: “ZENERATION II.” On April 8, the group revealed the same.

The tour will commence in Seoul from July 12 to 14, then head to various cities in the United States, including New York on July 19, Atlanta on July 21, Dallas on July 23, Los Angeles on July 25, and San Jose on July 28.

Following this, the group will amaze audiences in Bangkok on August 17 and 18, Jakarta on August 24, Manila on August 25, Macau on August 31, and Kuala Lumpur on September 7.

The excitement continues as they take their performances to Paris on September 13 and London on September 15.

Additionally, the poster hints at more dates and locations to be announced in the future with the tantalizing phrase, “AND MORE.”

Last year, THE BOYZ won completed their second world tour, “ZENERATION,” spanning across 13 cities. This success has only heightened anticipation for their upcoming tour.

Is THE BOYZ bringing their electrifying performances to a city near you? Keep an eye out for further updates!

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THE BOYZ Announces Dates and Venues for 3rd World Tour “ZENERATION II”

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The Boyz World Tour: Zeneration II

The Boyz World Tour: Zeneration II

K-pop sensation The Boyz returns to the US on their latest world tour, Zeneration II. Known for their powerful performances, versatile musical styles, and engaging stage presence, The Boyz quickly gained recognition in the highly competitive K-pop industry. They continue to evolve musically and expand their influence, captivating audiences worldwide with each new release.

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  • Friday 10 AM - 5 PM 
  • Saturday 10 AM - 3 PM

Ticket Office will open three (3) hours before doors on show days. 

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To contact a call center representative please email  [email protected]  or dial  855-285-8499 .


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  • Balloons, permanent markers, spray paint, silly string
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  • Date July 25 , 2024
  • Event Starts 8:00PM
  • Doors Open 7:00pm
  • Availability On Sale Now
  • Lexus Box Rentals Buy Now

Dates & Times

  • July  25 , 2024   /  Thursday @ 8:00PM Add to Cal Buy Tickets

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Both general and accessible seating are available through AXS, Peacock Theater, and Arena; box Office located at 1111 S. Figueroa Street.

Lexus Box Rentals

Elevate your show experience in a Lexus Box rental. Lexus Boxes include access to a VIP entrance, VIP lounge throughout the event, a private bar, and a private box to enjoy the show in style!

For more information, email us at  [email protected] .

There are lots of things to do before and after your event at L.A. LIVE , the leading entertainment district in Los Angeles! Grab a drink, get a meal, catch a movie, visit a museum and much more!

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World tour 2024 - huling el bimbo, event starts 7:00 pm.

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Los Primos Del Este

Event starts 8:00 pm.



    the boyz 2nd japan tour generation

  2. 더쿠

    the boyz 2nd japan tour generation


    the boyz 2nd japan tour generation

  4. Boy band The Boyz adds 12 more cities to their world tour

    the boyz 2nd japan tour generation


    the boyz 2nd japan tour generation


    the boyz 2nd japan tour generation



  2. [더보이즈] 2023 05 21 THE BOYZ 2ND WORLD TOUR : ZENERATION 'THRILL RIDE' 스릴라이드






  1. The Boyz 2nd Japan Tour : Zeneration

    各公演終演後も販売を予定しておりますが、予告無く終演後の販売取り止めや、販売終了が早まる場合もありますのでお早めにお立ち寄りください。. THE BOYZ 2ND JAPAN TOUR : ZENERATION - ZONE|THE BOYZ(ザボーイズ)オフィシャルサイト。. THE BOYZの最新ニュースや ...

  2. THE BOYZ announce 2024 'Zeneration II' world tour

    The dates for THE BOYZ's 2024 'Zeneration II' world tour are: JULY 2024 12: Seoul, South Korea 13: Seoul, South Korea 14: Seoul, South Korea 19: New York, New York 21: Atlanta, Georgia

  3. THE BOYZ 2nd World Tour: Zeneration

    THE BOYZ 2nd World Tour: Zeneration is the second world tour held by THE BOYZ. It began on May 19, 2023 at KSPO Dome in Seoul, South Korea. On April 24, 2023, it was announced that THE BOYZ would be holding their second world tour with revealed dates in Seoul and Japan.[1] It was also announced that the third show in Seoul (May 21) will be live-streamed via Beyond LIVE. Eric didn't participate ...

  4. Beyond LIVE

    Concert Information. [Generation] : A group of individuals belonging to same era, experiencing common culture and music and having common senses. [THE BOYZ:ENERATION] The generation who share and experience everythings with 'THE BOYZ' THE BOYZ:ENERATION's new story to begin in 2023 'THE BOYZ 2ND WORLD TOUR : ZENERATION' * VOD downloads ...

  5. THE BOYZ Confirms Asia Leg Of "Zeneration" World Tour

    May 22nd, 2023. K-Pop idol group THE BOYZ has announced Asia tour dates for their world tour, ZENERATION. They will start on May 31 in Japan for a total of seven Asian countries. [ #더보이즈 뉴스] 더보이즈, 두 번째 월드투어 'ZENERATION'개최 지역 발표…亞 12개 도시 15회 공연 '역대급 규모' #THEBOYZ @IST_THEBOYZ ...

  6. 〔Live〕The Boyz 2nd Japan Tour : Zeneration| Saitama July1

    THE BOYZ 2ND JAPAN TOUR :ZENERATIONさいたまスーパーアリーナ DAY1from A席 Aゲート 200レベル 215・216扉6列305番2023.7.1.Sat.THE B ZONE「Always Together」LIVE映像フル ...

  7. Update: THE BOYZ Announces 2023 World Tour "ZENERATION ...

    After kicking off their tour with three nights of concerts at Seoul's KSPO Dome from May 19 to 21, THE BOYZ will hold a concert in Niigata, Japan on May 31. They will then perform in Kobe on ...

  8. The Boyz、日本ツアー『The Boyz 2nd Japan Tour: Zeneration』最終公演のレポート到着

    the boyz(ドボイズ)が、7月1・2日の2日間、埼玉・さいたまスーパーアリーナにて日本ツアー『the boyz 2nd japan tour: zeneration』の最終公演を開催した

  9. 2023 THE BOYZ "ZENERATION" 2nd World Tour: Ticket Details

    After their successful 1st world tour last year and comeback last February with 'ROAR', THE BOYZ will be kicking off their 2nd world tour "ZENERATION" next month. The tour cities and detailed schedule will be announced later, and the tour scale is expected to gradually expand and change due to the overwhelming request from fans who are waiting for the popular boy group.

  10. Boy band The Boyz adds 12 more cities to their world tour

    Boy band The Boyz will expand its second world tour, "Zeneration," to 12 Asian cities, the band's agency IST Entertainment said Tuesday. The Boyz will kick off the Asian leg of its world tour with performances in Japan's Nigata on May 31 and hold concerts at five more Japanese cities, including Kobe, Fukuoka and Hiroshima, until July 2.


    "[📸] THE BOYZ 2ND WORLD TOUR:ZENERATION IN SAITAMA 初日公演完了🧬日本最後の都市SAITAMAの幕が上がりました THE Bの心泥棒THE BOYZは今日もTHE Bのおかげで幸せいっぱい🥰明日も一緒に走ってください ️‍🔥 THE B 君が好き😘 #THEBOYZ #더보이즈 #ドボイズ #ZENERATION #제너레이션"

  12. The Boyz to embark on world tour 'Zeneration' from May 19

    "The Boyz 2nd World Tour: Zeneration" will kick off with a three-day performance at the KSPO Dome, Songpa District, southern Seoul on May 19, 20 and 21. "The world tour is first focusing on stops all across Japan and multiple Asian cities [...] with the tour planned to expand to more destinations," said the agency in a press release.

  13. The Boyz 2nd World Tour : Zeneration

    THE BOYZ 2ND WORLD TOUR : ZENERATION. subtitle : Genre : [Live Concert] Date: May 19-21, 2023 Venue: KSPO DOME Age Limit : 7 years and over Show inquiry : [email protected] Time : 120 minutes . Ticket Price ※ Please make sure you are signed up and logged in prior to the purchase.


    the boyz japan official @theboyzjapan *再アップ #theboyz 2nd japan tour : zeneration lencore先行&プレリク先行は7日(日)23:59 ...

  15. THE BOYZ announce Asia leg of 2023 'Zeneration' world tour

    THE BOYZ have revealed the Asia leg of their 2023 'Zeneration' world tour, featuring 15 shows over seven different counties and territories. The newly released dates come a day after THE BOYZ ...


    the boyz japan official @THEBOYZJAPAN #THEBOYZ 2ND JAPAN TOUR : ZENERATION さいたまスーパーアリーナ公演の座席表を公開 ⚡️ ファイナル公演まであと少し 💭 みなさん楽しむ準備はできていますか ご来場いただくみなさまはぜひチェックしてくださいね メンバーと一緒に ...

  17. r/the_boyz on Reddit: 230424 THE BOYZ announce 2nd World Tour

    4.8K subscribers in the the_boyz community. "Best we The Boyz!" r/the_boyz is a subreddit dedicated to THE BOYZ, boy group under IST Entertainment. ... 230424 THE BOYZ announce 2nd World Tour 'ZENERATION', to hold a concert at KSPO Dome (South Korea) on May 19 - 21 News ... 230418 TRI.BE confirmed to join KCON 2023 Japan Show

  18. THE BOYZ Announces Dates and Venues for 3rd World Tour ...

    THE BOYZ are set for their third World Tour: "ZENERATION II." On April 8, the group revealed the same. The tour will commence in Seoul from July 12 to 14, then head to various cities in the ...


    the boyz japan official @THEBOYZJAPAN #THEBOYZ 2ND JAPAN TOUR : ZENERATION さいたまスーパーアリーナW会員先行は本日23時59まで ⚡️ お申し込み忘れのないようご注意ください 💨 S席へのアップグレード先行も予定していますのでお見逃しなく 💕 詳細はこちら 🔗 https ...

  20. The Boyz World Tour: Zeneration II

    28. 29. 30. View all events for. June 2024. The Boys World Tour: Zeneration II live in Atlanta at the Fox Theatre July 21, 2024. Tickets at and 855-285-8499.

  21. [230608] The Boyz 2nd World Tour : Zeneration in Fukuoka Part 1

    [230608] The Boyz 2nd World Tour : Zeneration in Fukuoka Part 1𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗕𝗢𝗬𝗭 𝟮𝗡𝗗 𝗝𝗔𝗣𝗔𝗡 𝗧𝗢𝗨𝗥 : 𝗭𝗘𝗡𝗘𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 ...


    "THE BOYZ 2ND JAPAN TOUR : ZENERATIONご来場いただきましてまことにありがとうございます。 公共交通機関の遅延により開演時間を17時20分に変更させていただきます。 開演まで今しばらくお待ちください。"


    Dates & Times. July 25, 2024 / Thursday @ 8:00PM. Add to Cal Buy Tickets.