Ellie's Travel Tips

Small Ship Cruising: An Expert’s Ultimate Guide!

Have you heard of small ship cruising — where every journey feels like an exclusive club, each destination a hidden gem waiting to be unearthed?

Gone are the sprawling buffets and endless queues. Instead, think gourmet meals with fresh, local ingredients; think docking at untouched ports where larger vessels dare not tread.

small ship cruising

What Exactly is Small Ship Cruising?

Picture this: You’re aboard a vessel, not overwhelmingly massive, yet comfortably spacious. The waves crash softly against the ship, and every crew member knows your name. Welcome to the world of small ship cruising.

Defining the Small Ship Experience

At its core, small ship cruising is about intimacy and personalization. But what classifies as a “small ship”?

  • Size & Capacity: Small ships typically accommodate anywhere from 50 to 300 passengers. Compared to the colossal cruisers which can house thousands, this is quite the cozy gathering.
  • Facilities & Amenities: Unlike their mega counterparts, small ships might not have sprawling theaters or numerous specialty restaurants. Instead, they focus on quality over quantity — think gourmet dining experiences, personalized services, and tailored onboard activities.
  • Crew to Passenger Ratio: One of the standout features of small ship cruising is the enhanced crew to passenger ratio. This often translates to personalized attention, with crew members remembering your preferences, be it that morning latte or your favorite wine.

Big Cruisers vs. Small Ships: A Quick Comparison

  • Itinerary & Ports: While large ships dock at major ports, small ships can navigate tighter waterways, giving you access to off-the-beaten-path destinations. Ever dreamt of docking right in the heart of a quaint coastal town? Small ship cruising makes this possible.
  • Onboard Experience: Mega cruises are often about the glitz and glam — casinos, Broadway-style shows, and themed nights. Small ships, on the other hand, might offer enrichment lectures, local performances, or even cooking demonstrations centered around the destination’s culture.
  • Interaction & Community: On a smaller ship, it’s easier to get to know your fellow travelers. By the end of your voyage, you’re not just disembarking with memories, but also with new friends who’ve shared in your experiences.

To sum it up, small ship cruising is less about the extravagant bells and whistles and more about curated, authentic experiences. It’s about connecting — with the destinations, the culture, the onboard community, and perhaps, even with oneself.

small cruise ship

The Unique Advantages of Small Ship Cruising

Let’s dive deep into the unmatched charms of small ship cruising and the experiences they promise.

Intimate Atmosphere

  • Feels Like Home: The moment you step on board, you’ll notice the difference. The friendly nods from fellow travelers, the cozy nooks perfect for reading, and the bespoke design details that give the ship its distinct personality.
  • Personalized Service: With fewer passengers to attend to, the crew has more time for you. Whether it’s a special meal request or arranging a last-minute onshore excursion, they’ve got your back.

Unique Destinations

  • Uncharted Waters: Small ships can navigate narrower channels and dock at smaller ports . This means you get to explore secluded bays, charming coastal towns, and regions untouched by mass tourism.
  • Longer Stays: Without the rush of catering to thousands, many small ship cruises offer extended port times, sometimes even overnight stays, giving you ample time to truly soak in a destination.

In-Depth Exploration

  • Local Connections: Many small ship cruises prioritize engaging local guides, offering you insights and stories that only a local would know.
  • Theme-based Cruising: Passionate about wildlife? Or perhaps history’s your jam? From culinary delights to art appreciation, there’s likely a themed cruise out there tailored for your interests.

Cultural Emphasis

  • Enriching Onboard Activities: Instead of blockbuster movies or casino nights, think lectures on regional history, wine-tasting sessions, or even local dance performances.
  • Engage with the Locals: Smaller groups mean you can have more genuine interactions, be it a meal at a local’s home or a craft workshop in a village.


  • Eco-friendly Operations: Many small ships are increasingly adopting green practices, from waste management to using sustainable materials.
  • Support Local Economies: Visiting less-touristy areas and emphasizing local products and services, small ship cruises often contribute more directly to local economies.

Imagine cruising the serene backwaters of Kerala , docking at a remote Alaskan village, or navigating the narrow canals of Venice, all without the chaos of large crowds. That’s the magic of small ship cruising. It’s not just a journey from port A to port B; it’s an immersive experience, a deep dive into the soul of every destination.

small cruise ship in port

Considerations Before You Book

Before you set sail into the cozy realm of small ship cruising, let’s weigh anchor for a moment. While the allure is undeniable, there are a few things to mull over to ensure you’re making the right choice for your nautical escapade.

Price Point

  • A Premium Experience: Small ship cruises often come with a heftier price tag compared to the mass-market cruise liners. But remember, you’re paying for exclusivity, personalization, and unique destinations.
  • Value for Money: While the upfront cost might be higher, consider what’s included. Many small ship cruises bundle in excursions, fine dining, and even gratuities, offering great value.

Fewer Onboard Activities

  • A Different Pace: If you’re used to jam-packed entertainment schedules of larger cruises, the tranquil pace of small ships might be an adjustment. There’s entertainment, but it’s of a different sort: think stargazing, intimate musical performances, or enlightening talks.
  • Savor the Quiet Moments: Use this opportunity to reconnect with yourself or bond with fellow travelers. Sometimes, the lack of distractions is the best distraction.

Varied Passenger Demographics

  • Typically Mature Crowds: The serene nature and cultural emphasis of small ship cruising often attract a more mature audience. However, this can vary. Some adventure-themed cruises might draw a younger crowd.
  • Choose Wisely: Do a bit of research to find a cruise that aligns with your age group and interests. After all, the onboard community plays a significant role in your overall experience.

Less Anonymity

  • Everyone Knows Everyone: On a smaller ship, there’s a good chance you’ll get to know most of your fellow passengers . If you value your solitude, this is something to ponder.
  • Balancing Act: While you’ll forge some great friendships, there are still plenty of spots on the ship to have a quiet moment to yourself. It’s all about finding your perfect balance.

Embarking on a small ship cruise is like dining at a boutique restaurant instead of a bustling food court. It’s curated, personal, and intimate.

Yet, as with all travel, aligning your expectations is key. Know what you’re signing up for, and chances are, you’ll come back with tales of an unforgettable voyage, where the journey was just as enchanting as the destinations.

small ship cruising through fjords

Anchoring at Unique Shores: Top Destinations for Small Ship Cruising

Sailing on a small ship unlocks a treasure trove of destinations.

Without the constraints of size, these ships maneuver into tucked-away harbors, drift along narrow rivers, and anchor in secluded bays that larger vessels simply can’t reach.

Let’s chart a course through some of the top destinations, with a special spotlight on the most unique ports of call.

Galápagos Islands, Ecuador

  • Why It’s Unique: A haven for biodiversity, this archipelago brims with endemic species. From blue-footed boobies to marine iguanas, the wildlife here has evolved without much human interference.
  • Must-Do: Snorkel with playful sea lions or witness the courtship dance of albatrosses.

Svalbard, Norway

  • Why It’s Unique: Deep within the Arctic Circle, Svalbard offers polar landscapes and midnight sun. It’s one of the best places to spot polar bears in the wild.
  • Must-Do: Explore glacier fronts by Zodiac or hike across tundras dotted with wildflowers.

Komodo Island, Indonesia

  • Why It’s Unique: Home to the fearsome Komodo dragon, this UNESCO World Heritage site is also surrounded by coral reefs teeming with marine life.
  • Must-Do: Watch Komodo dragons in their natural habitat and dive into the crystal-clear waters.

The Mekong River, Cambodia & Vietnam

  • Why It’s Unique: Cruising the Mekong unveils the heart of Southeast Asia, from floating markets to ancient temples.
  • Must-Do: Visit the magnificent Angkor Wat complex and sample local cuisine at a riverside village.

The Douro Valley, Portugal

  • Why It’s Unique: Winding through terraced vineyards, the Douro River is the lifeblood of Portugal’s wine country.
  • Must-Do: Sip on world-class port wines and immerse yourself in the region’s rich history.

The Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia

  • Why It’s Unique: Far from the main tourist trail, these islands are a bastion of Polynesian culture and natural beauty.
  • Must-Do: Attend a traditional dance performance or explore lush valleys dotted with ancient petroglyphs.

Patagonia & Cape Horn, Chile

  • Why It’s Unique: At the edge of the world, Patagonia’s fjords, glaciers, and peaks are an adventurer’s dream.
  • Must-Do: Witness the might of glaciers calving into the sea and spot diverse wildlife, from Magellanic penguins to Andean condors.

The Kimberley, Australia

  • Why It’s Unique: A rugged and remote region, The Kimberley boasts dramatic landscapes, ancient rock art, and cascading waterfalls.
  • Must-Do: Take a scenic flight over the horizontal waterfalls and explore deep gorges carved by time.

These cruise destinations highlight the beauty of small ship cruising: the ability to intimately connect with some of the world’s most pristine and less-traveled corners. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, history buff, or simply seeking solitude, there’s a unique port of call waiting to be discovered.

cruise ships at sea

Choosing the Right Small Ship Cruise for You

By now, you might be daydreaming of distant shores, imagining yourself aboard one of these intimate vessels.

But how do you find that perfect small ship cruise tailored just for you? Let’s navigate those waters together!

Determine Your Ideal Destination

  • Exotic Locales: From the turquoise waters of the Maldives to the icy expanse of Antarctica, small ships cover a broad spectrum of destinations. Jot down your bucket list places.
  • Off-the-Beaten-Path: Remember, one of the strengths of small ship cruising is accessing those elusive spots larger ships can’t reach. Research hidden gems!

Themed Cruises – What’s Your Passion?

  • Nature & Wildlife: Join expeditions to places like the Galápagos Islands, where nature takes center stage.
  • History & Culture: Step back in time with cruises focusing on ancient civilizations, like those around the Mediterranean.
  • Culinary & Wine: Some cruises cater specifically to the palate, stopping at famed wine regions or areas known for their gastronomic delights.

Assess the Ship Amenities

  • Luxury vs. Adventure: While some ships pride themselves on opulence, others might be more functional, especially those designed for challenging terrains like the Arctic.
  • Wellness & Recreation: Interested in spa treatments or yoga sessions on the deck? Check what’s on offer before you book.

Sustainability and Ethical Practices

  • Eco-friendly Initiatives: If you’re environmentally conscious, research ships that prioritize green practices.
  • Community Engagement: Some cruises emphasize building genuine local connections, supporting communities both socially and economically.

Read Reviews & Testimonials

  • Peer Insights: Fellow travelers’ experiences can provide a wealth of knowledge. Platforms like Cruise Critic or TripAdvisor offer valuable reviews.
  • Look for Patterns: A one-off complaint might be an outlier, but if multiple reviews point to a certain issue, take note.

Consult a Travel Advisor

  • Expert Guidance: Specialized travel agents can match you with the ideal cruise based on your preferences.
  • Exclusive Deals: Sometimes, agents have access to deals or perks not available to the general public.

Selecting the right small ship cruise is like choosing a bespoke suit. It’s not about the broad strokes but the finer details that make it uniquely yours. With some research, intuition, and perhaps a dash of wanderlust-driven impulse, you’ll find that dream voyage that speaks directly to your traveler’s soul.

cruise packing tips

Packing Essentials and Tips for Small Ship Cruising

Okay, you’ve got your ticket in hand, your excitement’s through the roof, but now comes the slightly daunting task: packing.

While it might be tempting to pack that gigantic sun hat or the third pair of evening shoes, remember, space is at a premium on small ships.

Don’t fret though; I’ve got your back! Here’s your go-to guide for packing like a pro with some highlights of the top cruise essentials .

Understand the Dress Code

  • Casual Elegance: Unlike the mega liners with their gala nights, most small ship cruises lean towards a more relaxed dress code. Think smart-casual.
  • Theme Nights: Some ships might have theme dinners or local culture nights. It’s worth checking in advance.

Versatility is Key

  • Layering: Due to the intimate nature of the ship, you might experience varied temperatures from the deck to the lounge. Layers are your best friend.
  • Mix and Match: Opt for clothing that can be easily mixed and matched to create different outfits without overpacking.
  • Sturdy Shoes: Especially if you’re on an expedition cruise, a good pair of walking shoes is essential for those onshore excursions.
  • Deck Shoes: A pair of non-slip shoes can be a lifesaver on wet decks.
  • Dress Shoes: If your cruise leans on the more formal side, you will want to pack your favorite pair of dress shoes.

Gadgets and Gear

  • Binoculars: On scenic routes, these are a boon! Whether it’s spotting wildlife or admiring distant landscapes, you’ll be glad you packed them.
  • Camera & Extra Batteries: While the memories will last a lifetime, photos are the tangible tokens of your journey. Don’t forget extra memory cards!

Personal Essentials

  • Medications: Always carry necessary medications, preferably with a doctor’s prescription, especially if you have specific medical needs.
  • Sun Protection: A good SPF, hat, and sunglasses are crucial, especially for tropical or open-sea destinations.

Sustainability Gear

  • Reusable Water Bottle: Many small ships are eco-conscious and have water refill stations, reducing the use of plastic.
  • Eco-friendly Toiletries: Biodegradable soaps and shampoos are great, especially if you’re traveling to sensitive environments.

Local Etiquette and Customs

  • Respectful Attire: If your cruise stops at culturally conservative destinations or religious sites, packing some modest clothing is wise.
  • Small Gifts: For cruises that emphasize community interaction, it might be a nice gesture to carry small gifts from home as tokens of appreciation.

Packing for a small ship cruise isn’t just about stuffing your suitcase, but curating a collection of cruise accessories that enhance your voyage. With each item you pack, think of the adventures it’ll be a part of. And always leave a little space — not just for souvenirs, but for the experiences and stories you’ll bring back.

cruise ship anchored near shore

Overcoming Common Concerns: Debunking Small Ship Cruise Myths

Settling into your plush cabin, you might overhear murmurs from fellow cruisers. Myths and misconceptions tend to float around, especially when it comes to less conventional modes of travel. Let’s address some of these concerns head-on and set the record straight on small ship cruising.

1. “Small ships feel cramped and restrictive.”

  • Reality Check: While cabins might be slightly cozier than the mega liners, many travelers find the atmosphere intimate and personalized. Plus, with fewer passengers, public spaces like lounges or decks rarely feel crowded.

2. “Limited amenities mean a less luxurious experience.”

  • Reality Check: It’s about quality, not quantity. The amenities on small ships are thoughtfully chosen, often exuding an elegance and charm you won’t find on larger ships. Some small ships are downright opulent, rivaling the best luxury hotels on water.

3. “I’ll get seasick on a smaller vessel.”

  • Reality Check: While it’s true that smaller vessels might feel the sway of the ocean more, modern stabilizing technology helps mitigate this. Plus, most small ship itineraries prioritize calmer waters. If you’re prone to seasickness, there are plenty of remedies, both medicinal and natural, to keep nausea at bay.

4. “Dining options are limited.”

  • Reality Check: Think quality over vast buffets. The dining on small ships often emphasizes gourmet meals, fresh ingredients, and regional specialties. And with fewer guests to cater to, dietary preferences and restrictions are often better accommodated.

5. “There’s not much to do onboard.”

  • Reality Check: While you might not find an ice-skating rink or a ten-story slide, small ships offer a curated range of activities. From enlightening lectures to wine-tasting events, the focus is on enriching, culturally immersive experiences.

6. “Small ships are only for older folks.”

  • Reality Check: While certain cruises might attract a mature demographic, there are plenty tailored to younger travelers, families, or adrenaline junkies. Think kayaking expeditions, diving cruises, or even music-themed voyages.

Like any travel experience, small ship cruising is about personal preferences. Myths arise from second-hand tales or outdated perceptions. The key is to approach the journey with an open mind and a dash of adventurous spirit. Remember, in the world of travel, experiences are as vast and varied as the oceans themselves — and there’s a ship out there for every kind of sailor.

small cruise sailing by cliff

Making the Most of Your Small Ship Cruise Experience

Alright, sea adventurers! Now that we’ve sailed through the logistics and debunked myths, let’s talk about how you can truly make your small ship cruise unforgettable. After all, it’s not just about the destination, but the myriad moments in between. Here’s your treasure map to maximizing your cruise experience.

Engage with Onboard Experts

  • Local Guides & Lecturers: Many small ship cruises have onboard experts—historians, marine biologists, or cultural enthusiasts. Attend their talks, ask questions, and dive deep into the heart of your destinations.

Embrace Onshore Excursions

  • Explore Beyond the Port: Small ships often dock at lesser-known ports. Go beyond the typical tourist spots and delve into local communities, markets, or hidden nature trails.
  • Opt for Local Experiences: From cooking classes to traditional dance performances, immerse yourself in the local culture. It’s these memories that often leave the most lasting impact.

Connect with Fellow Travelers

  • Share Stories: The intimate setting of a small ship provides an excellent backdrop for meaningful conversations. Swap tales, share travel tips, and perhaps forge friendships that go beyond the voyage.

Keep a Travel Journal

  • Document Your Journey: At the end of each day, jot down your experiences, thoughts, and observations. Over time, this journal will become a cherished keepsake, a time capsule of your adventure.

Indulge in Onboard Amenities

  • Pamper Yourself: Many small ships offer spa treatments, massages, or wellness sessions. Take a day to relax and indulge—after all, you’re on vacation!
  • Stargazing: Without the glaring lights of a big city, the night sky at sea is a spectacle. Lie back on the deck and gaze up. If you’re lucky, you might even catch a meteor shower!

Limit Digital Distractions

  • Unplug & Unwind: While many ships offer Wi-Fi, consider taking a digital detox. Embrace the present, soak in the views, and truly disconnect to reconnect.

Be Open to the Unexpected

  • Spontaneous Adventures: Perhaps the ship docks at an unplanned port, or you stumble upon a local festival onshore. These unexpected moments often make for the most memorable stories.

Every traveler embarks on a journey with their own set of hopes and dreams. While your ship charts its course across the waters, chart your own course through the experiences and connections you make. As you stand on the deck, with the wind in your hair and the horizon stretching out, remember: the true magic of small ship cruising lies not just in the destinations, but in the journey itself.

eco-friendly cruise ships

Ensuring Sustainability: Eco-Friendly Small Ship Cruising

Amid the gentle lapping of waves and the soothing hum of the ship’s engine, it’s easy to get lost in the wonder of the vast ocean and the untouched landscapes you’re journeying through. But it’s crucial to remember our responsibility as travelers: to leave no trace. The world of small ship cruising has been making waves (pun intended!) in eco-friendly practices. Let’s dive into how you can ensure your cruise is as green as it is grand encouraging activities of ecotourism .

1. Choose Eco-Conscious Operators:

  • Research & Credentials: Look for cruise operators with clear environmental policies, conservation partnerships, or sustainability certifications.
  • Eco-friendly Ships: Many new ships are being designed with advanced energy-efficient technologies, reduced emissions, and wastewater treatment systems.

2. Mindful Excursions:

  • Low Impact Activities: Opt for non-intrusive activities like kayaking, bird-watching, or snorkeling that don’t disturb local ecosystems.
  • Guided Tours: Qualified guides ensure that interactions with wildlife and sensitive areas are respectful and sustainable.

3. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:

  • Minimize Plastic Use: Bring a reusable water bottle and avoid single-use plastics. Many small ships have onboard water filtration systems, providing safe and cold drinking water.
  • Mindful Souvenirs: Avoid purchasing products made from endangered species or sensitive resources. Opt for locally made, sustainable goods.

4. Engage in Citizen Science:

  • Onboard Programs: Some cruises offer programs where travelers can assist in data collection for marine biology research, bird counts, or even stargazing. It’s a way to contribute to scientific knowledge while having fun!

5. Carbon Offsetting:

  • Travel Footprint: While cruising has its environmental impact, consider offsetting your carbon footprint. Some companies offer carbon offset programs, investing in renewable energy or reforestation projects.

6. Educate & Advocate:

  • Learn Along the Way: Attend onboard lectures about the local ecosystems, conservation efforts, and cultural preservation. The more you know, the more you care.
  • Spread the Word: Upon your return, share your sustainable travel experiences and lessons with friends and family. Inspiring others can have a ripple effect.

7. Local Community Support:

  • Economic Impact: Patronize local businesses, artisans, and markets. Your expenditures contribute directly to the welfare of local communities.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Respect local customs, traditions, and etiquettes. It’s all about mutual respect and understanding.

Navigating the pristine waters and exploring hidden gems of our planet is a privilege. With that privilege comes responsibility. By embracing sustainable practices, we can ensure that the wonders of our world remain untouched and vibrant for generations to come. Remember, every drop in the ocean counts. Make yours one of positive impact.

Austria Landmarks

Planning Your Next Voyage: Tips for Repeat Small Ship Cruisers

So, you’ve fallen in love with the world of small ship cruising – who could blame you? The intimate settings, the untapped destinations, the camaraderie among fellow travelers; it’s a uniquely enriching experience. If you’re contemplating setting sail once again, or perhaps even making it an annual affair, here are some pro tips to make every trip better than the last.

1. Loyalty Programs:

  • Earn As You Cruise: Many cruise lines offer loyalty programs, providing perks such as discounts on future bookings, onboard credits, or even exclusive excursions.
  • Member-Only Events: Being part of a loyalty club might grant you access to special events, private dinners with the captain, or behind-the-scenes tours.

2. Try Different Routes:

  • Expand Your Horizons: If you loved your Mediterranean jaunt, why not try the Baltic next? Or swap the icy landscapes of Antarctica for the tropical allure of the South Pacific. Every route has its own charm.
  • Off-peak Adventures: Consider cruising during shoulder seasons. You’ll experience destinations in a different light, often with fewer tourists and milder weather.

3. Diversify Your Experience:

  • Different Ships: Even within the small ship category, there’s diversity. From luxury yachts to expedition vessels – switch things up to gain a fresh perspective.
  • Themed Cruises: Look for cruises focusing on specific interests: wine and dine routes, wildlife-focused voyages, or even photography-centric cruises.

4. Build a Network:

  • Stay Connected: Keep in touch with fellow cruisers you met on previous voyages. Not only can you reminisce about past adventures, but you can also plan future trips together!
  • Online Forums & Groups: Engage in online communities dedicated to small ship cruising. They’re treasure troves of tips, reviews, and firsthand experiences.

5. Document Your Journeys:

  • Photography: Upgrade your photography gear or skills. Each cruise can be an opportunity to capture more stunning visuals.
  • Blogging: Consider starting a travel blog or a YouTube channel. Share your experiences, insights, and stories with a wider audience.

6. Leverage Early Bird & Last-Minute Deals:

  • Plan Ahead: Many cruise lines offer enticing discounts for early bird bookings. Secure your spot and save some bucks!
  • Be Spontaneous: On the flip side, if you’re flexible with dates and destinations, last-minute deals can offer fantastic value.

The allure of small ship cruising isn’t just in the initial discovery but in the countless layers of experiences it offers on subsequent voyages. With each new journey, you deepen your understanding, refine your tastes, and broaden your horizons. So, anchors aweigh, dear cruisers – the world’s vast seas and rivers await your return.

FAQs: Navigating the Waters of Small Ship Cruising

We understand that embarking on a small ship cruising journey might leave you with a sea of questions (pun absolutely intended!). Here’s a compilation of the most frequently asked queries to steer you in the right direction.

1. What exactly defines a “small ship” in cruising?

  • Typically, a small ship carries between 50 to 300 passengers. This contrasts with larger cruise liners that can host thousands of travelers.

2. Are small ships safe?

  • Absolutely! They are equipped with modern safety equipment and protocols. Moreover, their smaller size often allows them to navigate challenging waters more adeptly than larger vessels.

3. What should I pack for a small ship cruise?

  • This largely depends on your destination and itinerary. However, consider packing versatile, layered clothing, a good pair of walking shoes, and any specialty items (like binoculars for wildlife viewing or a swimsuit for warmer climates).

4. Is there Wi-Fi on board?

  • Many small ships offer Wi-Fi, though it might not be as fast as you’re used to ashore. Some remote destinations might have limited or no connectivity.

5. How is the dining experience on a small ship?

  • Dining on small ships often focuses on quality, with fresh ingredients and regional specialties. The setting is typically more intimate, and chefs can cater to specific dietary needs more readily.

6. Are small ship cruises suitable for families?

  • While some cruises cater specifically to adults, many are family-friendly, offering activities and excursions suitable for younger travelers.

7. What is the price range for small ship cruises?

  • Costs vary widely based on destination, ship luxury level, and length of voyage. However, given their niche nature, small ship cruises tend to offer a more premium experience compared to large ship cruises.

8. Can I charter an entire small ship for a private cruise?

  • Yes, many operators offer full ship charters, perfect for special events, family reunions, or corporate retreats.

9. Are there medical facilities on board?

  • Most small ships are equipped with basic medical facilities and have a medical professional on board. However, for specific concerns or needs, it’s essential to check with your cruise line in advance.

10. Can I join a small ship cruise solo?

  • Absolutely! Many small ship cruises cater to solo travelers, offering single cabins or roommate-matching services to ensure you have a comfortable and social experience.

11. How environmentally friendly are small ship cruises?

  • While it varies by operator, the small ship cruise industry has been proactive in adopting sustainable practices, from eco-friendly ship technologies to responsible excursion protocols.

12. What’s the best way to book a small ship cruise?

  • You can book directly through cruise operators, or through travel agencies and platforms that specialize in cruises. If you’re looking for deals or have specific needs, consulting a travel advisor can be beneficial.

Whether you’re testing the waters or ready to dive in headfirst, we hope these answers guide you towards a smooth sailing experience. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to drop us a line. Happy cruising!


How To Draw A Cruise Ship | in 8 Easy Steps

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Here’s how to ace the perfect drawing of a realistic cruise ship using eight simple steps! This engaging tutorial will not only teach you how to sketch this robust vessel, but also how to enhance it with the use of background elements and color.

A cruise ship is a large boat used to transport passengers on various kinds of journeys. Cruises are meant to be relaxing, scenic and fun for all guests.

This is probably why most of these ships often feature ameneties including pools, parks, dining lounges and sometimes even concert halls. That’s a pretty good indicator of how big these oceanic vehicles can get.

What you will need

  • A4 sheet of paper
  • Pencils (HB, 2h and 3b)
  • A ruler (optional)
  • Coloring kit
  • 30-35 minutes

how to Draw a Cruise Ship 

I recommend studying the outline before you begin drawing. This is a great way to get yourself familiar with each step beforehand! Also, make sure you have all of the required drawing tools with you. Because this drawing is fundamentally a combination of shapes put together, a ruler and eraser will definitely be needed!

How to draw a cruise ship

Step 1: Draw the cruise ship body

Start by flipping your paper in a landscape orientation to gain more drawing room. Tackle the cruise ship’s body first, seeing as you will be adding all of the other components onto it later on.

Draw an inverted trapezoid in the middle of your paper. To achieve this shape, you’re going to have to draw a horizontal line at the base of the paper first. Then, draw two diagonal lines from each end of the horizontal line. These lines should be slanted outward, and the line on the left should be longer than the right.

Finally, draw a horizontal line on the upper side to close the structure. As the slanted lines are of unequal lengths, there will be a slope in the middle of the upper line, as shown in the image below.

  • Flip your drawing paper in a landscape orientation to ensure more space
  • Draw an inverted trapezoid in the center of your drawing paper
  • Make sure your shape matches the one in the image below

How to draw a cruise ship body

Step 2: Draw Two decks

The decks are the upper part of the ship that’s usually seen above water. This is where passengers go out to get some fresh air, take in the oceanic views, and make use of the amenities.

To complete this step, draw a long horizontal rectangle on top of the ship’s body for the first deck. Because we’re adding two, draw another rectangle above it. Ensure the upper one is smaller and has diagonal sides, and you’re good to go!

  • Draw a long horizontal rectangle on top of the ship’s body for the first deck
  • Add the second deck by drawing a smaller rectangle above the first one
  • Ensure the smaller deck has diagonal lines on the sides

How to draw Two decks of a cruise ship

Step 3: Draw two smoke stacks and wind tower

Draw two wide vertical rectangles next to each other on top of the right side’s upper deck. The length of both of these rectangles should be the same to execute a sleek design. Add a little horizontal rectangle on top of each smoke stack to cap it off and make it look a bit more realistic.

Lastly, draw a thin vertical rectangle on top of the left side of the upper deck to represent the wind tower. You want to make sure the length of the wind tower is longer than the two smoke stacks, as this is how it often appears on real-life ships.

  • Draw two rectangles on the right side of the upper deck for the smoke stacks
  • Draw a vertical rectangle on the left side of the upper deck for the wind tower
  • Ensure the wind tower is longer than the smoke stacks for a realistic look

How to draw two smoke stacks and wind tower of a cruise ship

Step 4: Draw windows on the Two decks

The decks usually have several rooms on them to provide passengers with scenic views of the ocean, so they’re a great addition to consider for your cruise ship sketch!

To add the windows, draw a series of small rectangles within the width of both decks. Draw nine small rectangles that are all the same size and aligned on the same spot on the bottom deck.

Then, draw six small rectangles on the upper deck that are relatively the same size as the ones added to the bottom deck. For this deck though, draw three rectangles next to each other on the left, and three next to each other on the right.

  • Draw nine small rectangles on the bottom deck for the bottom windows
  • Draw six small rectangles on the upper deck for the top windows
  • Make sure the top windows have three on one side and three on the other

How to draw windows on the Two decks of a cruise ship

Step 5: Draw the railings on the main body

To add this cool safety feature, draw two horizontal lines parallel to the upper line of the main body. Then, draw several vertical lines connecting these parallel lines to the main body of the cruise ship. There should be a short gap between the vertical lines for a neat design.

  • Draw two horizontal lines above the upper line of the main body
  • Add a series of short vertical lines between the main body and horizontal lines
  • Ensure there’s a small space between each vertical line for a neat design

How to draw  railings on the main body of a cruise ship

Step 6: Draw the main body windows

The decks are not the only part of a cruise ship that contain rooms. Seeing as cruise ships often transport thousands of passengers at a time, there are also rooms below deck, and these rooms require windows, as well.

So for this step, draw a total of nine small circles along the center of the main body. To avoid making them too clustered, separate the circles in a pair of three . Draw three circles next to each other on the left, three in the middle, and three on the right, and you’re good to go!

  • Draw a total of nine small circles on the center of the main body
  • Separate the circles in a pairing of three to avoid overcrowding the space
  • Draw three on the left, three on the center and three on the right

How to draw main body windows  of a cruise ship

Congratulations! Your Cruise ship Drawing is complete

If you followed along and completed all of the steps in one go, well done! Use this time to give your drawing hand a well-deserved break as you evaluate the outcome of your sketch.

Compare your drawing with the image below and make any necessary adjustments. It’s best to get this out of the way now so you can devote all of your attention to the remaining steps. You surely don’t wanna miss out on those!

How to draw a cruise ship

Taking your cruise ship drawing to the next level 

As you are probably already aware, cruise ships don’t fly in the air or run on the streets as other vehicles do. They float on sea.

Right now, there’s not really much perspective in your drawing. The viewer may not easily realize that it’s a cruise ship since the surrounding doesn’t really give off that vibe. For that reason, you need to upgrade your drawing and add more details to it.

Step 7: Adding a background

Draw multiple waves under the ship’s body to pull off the oceanic scenery. To do this, first draw a large wavy shape surrounding the bottom part of the cruise ship. Then, add a few wavy strips within the width of the round shape. These strips are going to transform into waves once they’re colored in.

How to draw a cruise ship

step 8: Adding color 

To spice up your drawing, add some vibrant colors to improve the appeal and realism of it. This will definitely give your drawing a lively look. Use a combination of your favorite colors to differentiate between each element on the ship.

We used dark blue to color the ship’s body in our drawing. Red color for the smokestacks and wind tower. Black color for the railings and a light blue color for the windows. You can use similar colors in your drawing or customize it according to your taste . Just make sure to color the drawing in a tidy manner.

How to draw a cruise ship

You can add a flag at the top of the second deck for a nice personalized touch.

Feel free to create a name for your ship and then add it somewhere along the bottom of the cruise ship.

To give your drawing even more context, add a sun and a few birds above your ship to depict the time of day. If you’re going for a night time scene, draw a moon and a few stars surrounding the ship.

Interact with other artists on YouTube to share your experience drawing a cruise ship and possibly gain some extra tips.


This guide explains how to draw a cruise in eight simple steps. First, we drew the cruise ship body. Then we made two decks, two smokestacks, and the wind tower. After that, we drew the windows on the two decks and the railings on the main body. Finally, we upgraded the drawing.

All these steps are quite simple. We’re confident your drawing will be amazing if you follow these steps. You might have to keep practicing for a better result, so go for it again if you think your drawing doesn’t look that good. Ultimately, you’ll have a beautiful cruise ship in no time!

How to draw a cruise ship

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Easy How to Draw a Cruise Ship Tutorial

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How to Draw a Cruise Ship

For students that are learning about transportation, or perhaps want to dream up an exotic vacation getaway to Timbuktu, drawing a giant cruise ship might be just the ticket. This one is full of large and simple shapes and could even include a little lesson about perspective. After all, seagulls that are closer will always look larger than those that are far away. It’s what perspective is based on, and teaches students to pay attention to the size and scale of things in their drawing too.

Preview of Cruise Ship Tutorial

How to Draw a Cruise Ship

Cruise Ship Materials

  • Drawing Paper . This is the good stuff you can buy in bulk for a good price.
  • Pencils. I like how this brand always makes nice dark lines.
  • Black Marker. A permanent marker will give you a dark black color.
  • Crayons . The larger packs are nice for more color choices.
  • Note: All of the above are Amazon affiliate links.

How to Draw a Cruise Ship Directions

Time needed:  45 minutes

How to Draw a Cruise Ship

simple cruise ship

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Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Start by adding texture and details to the cruise ship
  • Use shading and bold colors to create depth and make the ship stand out
  • Enhance the background with waves or a clear blue sky to add movement and depth
  • Share and showcase your artwork to leave a lasting impression.

Gather Your Materials

simple cruise ship

Start with Basic Shapes

Add details to the body of the ship, draw the deck and windows.

  • Begin by drawing the outline of the deck, making sure it’s proportionate to the rest of the ship.
  • Add details such as railings, stairs, and any other structures that may be present on the deck.

Add Lifeboats and Other Accessories

Create the Funnel and Smoke

Draw the waves and water, add color and shading, fine-tune the details, showcase your artwork, frequently asked questions, what are some common mistakes to avoid when drawing a cruise ship, how can i make my cruise ship drawing look more realistic, are there any specific techniques or tips for drawing the waves and water around the ship, can you provide any suggestions for adding additional elements, such as seagulls or dolphins, to the artwork, what are some alternative ways to add color and shading to the cruise ship drawing.

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From a young age, Asra was drawn to the power of words and their ability to transport readers to far-off lands and magical realms. Her fascination with travel and cultures from around the globe fueled her desire to become a travel writer, and she set out on a journey to turn her dreams into reality.

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Meet Asra, a talented and adventurous writer who infuses her passion for exploration into every word she writes. Asra’s love for storytelling and her insatiable curiosity about the world make her an invaluable asset to the Voyager Info team. From a young age, Asra was drawn to the power of words and their ability to transport readers to far-off lands and magical realms. Her fascination with travel and cultures from around the globe fueled her desire to become a travel writer, and she set out on a journey to turn her dreams into reality.

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How to Draw a Cruise Ship

All aboard for a luxurious voyage! In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to draw a cruise ship, a grand watercraft designed for leisurely travel and relaxation. Grab your pencils and paper, and let’s embark on this artistic journey together!


Materials Needed:

Perfect For:

  • Draw a long, curved rectangle for the hull of the cruise ship.
  • Add several curved rectangles on top of the hull, each one slightly smaller than the one below, to create the decks and cabins.
  • Sketch rows of small rectangular windows on each deck.
  • Draw a large, elongated oval at the top of the ship to represent the pool area.
  • Sketch two or three tall, thin rectangles at the back of the ship for the smokestacks.
  • Add details like railings, lifeboats, flags, and a radar dome.
  • To add context, you can draw a tropical island or a bustling port in the background.

Easy Cruise Ship Drawing for Kids – Step by Step Tutorial


Bravo! You’ve successfully learned how to draw a cruise ship, an extravagant watercraft that offers a dream vacation on the high seas. Keep practicing, and soon you’ll be able to create a whole fleet of cruise ships ready to set sail in your artistic oceans!


👇 Don’t Forget to Check Other Boats/Watercraft 👇

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About the cruise ship.

A cruise ship is a large passenger vessel that is designed for long-distance travel and entertainment. They are often used for recreational purposes, such as cruising to tropical islands or European cities.

Cruise ships can be like floating cities, with many amenities such as restaurants, theaters, swimming pools, and shops. They can offer a unique way to see the world while enjoying all the comforts of home.

Overall, cruise ships are a popular way to travel and can provide a luxurious and exciting vacation experience.

Protect Your Trip »

The 26 best new cruise ships for 2024.

Check out these exciting new vessels before booking your next cruise.

The Best New Cruise Ships

Water park on back end of Royal Caribbean's Icon of the Seas.

Courtesy of Royal Caribbean International

Royal Caribbean's Icon of the Seas will be the world's biggest new cruise ship.

Cruising is one of the fastest growing sectors of tourism, with passenger numbers projected to reach 37.2 million by 2025, according to Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA). Cruise lines are responding to this growth by building new (and often, larger) vessels with all the bells and whistles, including technological advancements that are more environmentally friendly and create the capability to use alternative fuels.

U.S. News has compiled this roundup of new cruise ships that have just set sail or are scheduled to launch later in 2023 and in 2024, plus a preview of new ships coming in 2025 and beyond. The list includes everything from expedition and luxury yacht-style vessels to reimagined ships and megaships – plus the debut of a brand-new cruise line.

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  • New ships for 2024
  • New ships for 2025 (and beyond)

Oceania Vista: May 2023

Oceania Cruises' Vista ship Atrium with staircase.

Courtesy of Oceania Cruises

Top feature: Luxurious, distinctive spaces

Fares begin around: $2,899 per person (double occupancy) for a 10-night Caribbean cruise

Sails to: Mediterranean, Caribbean

Debuted in May 2023, Oceania Vista is the first ship in Oceania Cruises ' new Allura class and the line's first new ship in 10 years. The 1,200-passenger, all-veranda vessel features a fresh interior design inspired by nature. The elegant new signature spaces include the dramatic Grand Staircase, the reimagined Martinis bar, the clubby Grand Lounge and 180-degree ocean views from the floor-to-ceiling windows at Horizons.

Another highlight of the new ship is the luxurious Aquamar Spa + Vitality Center. Elevated dining concepts on Oceania Vista include the new venue Ember, wellness-inspired cuisine at Aquamar Kitchen and The Bakery at Baristas, which specializes in French and Italian pastries.

Book an  Oceania  cruise on GoToSea, a service of U.S. News.

Carnival Venezia: May 2023

Exterior of Carnival Venezia outside St. Thomas.

Courtesy of Carnival Cruise Line

Top feature: Italian-style ship

Fares begin around: $419 per person (double occupancy) for an eight-night cruise to the Bahamas

Sails to: Caribbean, Bermuda, Canada and New England, Panama Canal

Originally built for the Chinese cruise market in 2019, Carnival Venezia first sailed throughout Asia under the Costa Cruises brand. It headed to Europe in 2020, then was reintroduced as a Carnival Cruise Line vessel in 2023. The rebranded ship, now homeported in the U.S., features Carnival's "Fun Italian Style" concept, with Venetian-style artwork and the Piazza San Marco atrium – not to mention Italian-inspired beverages and dishes at venues like Frizzante, Amari, Marco Polo, the Canal Grande Restaurant and La Strada Grill.

The 4,090-passenger ship has classic Carnival favorites, too, like Bonsai Teppanyaki, Fahrenheit 555 Steakhouse, Piano Bar 88 and the Serenity Bar. Guests will also find Carnival's Serenity Adult-Only Retreat, three kids clubs, the outdoor SportSquare and onboard water park WaterWorks.

Find a  Carnival  cruise on GoToSea.

Resilient Lady: May 2023

Exterior of the Resilient Lady.

Courtesy of Virgin Voyages

Top feature: New and exciting entertainment offerings

Fares begin around: $2,550 per person (double occupancy) for a seven-night cruise to the Greek islands

Sails to: Europe, Middle East, Asia, Australia and South Pacific

Virgin Voyages' third adults-only ship , Resilient Lady , debuted with its MerMaiden voyage sailing the Greek islands in May 2023. The new 2,762-passenger ship offers the same features as its sister ships, including more than 20 dining venues with menus created by Michelin-starred chefs, an impressive fitness and wellness program, and superyacht-inspired cabins.

The immersive entertainment is one highlight on the new Virgin ship, with shows like rock 'n' roll "Persephone," a concept from the Brooklyn nightclub House of Yes produced by Kaleidoscope Immersive. The Supper Club Series featuring Another Rose is a new show by Randy Weiner of theatrical performance "Sleep No More." The evening with the Supper Club includes a dining experience with cabaret and acrobatic performances in a tale of ill-fated love.

Explore  Virgin Voyages  deals on GoToSea.

MSC Euribia: June 2023

The Carousel Lounge on the MSC Euribia.

Courtesy of MSC Cruises

Top feature: Commitment to sustainable cruising and environmental stewardship

Fares begin around: $219 per person (double occupancy) for a seven-night Northern Europe cruise

Sails to: Northern and Western Europe

The LNG-powered MSC Euribia has several features that exemplify the line's commitment to sustainable cruising , including an advanced onboard wastewater treatment system and energy-saving equipment like smart heating, air conditioning and ventilation. MSC Euribia's hull, decorated with the hashtag #SaveTheSea, was designed by artist Alex Flämig and is also a symbol of MSC Cruises ' dedication to preserving our fragile marine ecosystem.

One of the most striking features on MSC's fifth (and final) Meraviglia-class ship is the two-story Galleria Euribia. The 360-foot-long Mediterranean-style promenade – lined with shops, restaurants and bars – sits beneath the longest LED dome at sea. Another highlight is the Carousel Lounge at the aft of the ship. The new space features floor-to-ceiling windows, indoor and outdoor areas, and Big Band at Sea: a 19-piece in-house group of musicians and entertainers. MSC Euribia can accommodate up to 6,327 passengers.

Compare  MSC Cruises  on GoToSea.

Viking Saturn: June 2023

The Deluxe Veranda Stateroom aboard the Viking Star.

Courtesy of Viking

Top feature: "Residential design" (found on all Viking ocean vessels)

Fares begin around: $2,799 per person (double occupancy) for a seven-night Mediterranean cruise

Sails to: Mainland Europe, British Isles, Iceland, Mediterranean and India

The 930-passenger Viking Saturn is the ninth ship in the Viking Ocean Cruises fleet and identical in design to its eight sister ships. The all-veranda vessel offers six categories of accommodations ranging from the 270-square-foot Veranda Stateroom to the spacious 1,448-square-foot Owner's Suite. On board, guests will enjoy the sleek, elegant Scandinavian-inspired public spaces and lounges. The line's enrichment program includes lectures with resident historians, TED Talks and sessions with world-renowned guest speakers. There are eight dining venues featuring destination-focused cuisine, the Nordic Spa with its snow grotto, two pools and hot tubs, and a sports deck.

Book a  Viking Ocean cruise on GoToSea.

Norwegian Viva: August 2023

Guests in Haven Courtyard and pool aboard the Norwegian Viva:.

Courtesy of Norwegian Cruise Line

Top feature: Indulge Food Hall

Fares begin around: $629 per person (double occupancy) for an eight-night Greek islands cruise

The line's second Prima-class ship, Norwegian Viva mirrors the elevated design of sister ship Norwegian Prima . The new ship features six complimentary dining venues, including globally inspired dishes at Indulge Food Hall, pub fare at The Local Bar & Grill and 270-degree ocean views at the beautifully redesigned main restaurant, Hudson's.

The Haven on Viva is the most exclusive and spacious private enclave in Norwegian Cruise Line 's fleet; it was designed by one of Italy's leading designers, Piero Lissoni. Guests will also find updated styling at Mandara Spa. There's no shortage of entertainment on Viva; it's home to the first free-fall dry slide in the world, a three-story racetrack, high-tech mini-golf and the musical "Beetlejuice." Viva has the capacity to carry up to 3,099 guests.

Find a  Norwegian Cruise Line  itinerary on GoToSea.

Explora I: August 2023

The Conservatory Pool & Bar on the Explora I.

Courtesy of Explora Journeys

Top feature: Luxury details and design, with a focus on sustainability

Fares begin around: $3,000 per person (double occupancy) for a six-night cruise to the Caribbean and Columbia

Sails to: Mediterranean and Western Europe, Caribbean and Central America, U.S. (including Hawaii) and Canada, Red Sea and Arabian Peninsula

Explora I is the first of six luxury vessels for new cruise line Explora Journeys. Owned by the Aponte family and MSC Group, the elegant 922-guest ship combines Swiss precision with modern European craftsmanship, offering suites and residences that are comfortable and spacious enough to be considered "homes at sea."

Guests can explore 14 decks offering nearly 27,000 square feet of outdoor space. Lounge at four pools (one with a retractable glass roof), book a rejuvenating body treatment at the spa, work out at the fitness center or browse the boutiques. There are also six dining venues, 12 bars and lounges, and a Chef's Kitchen for culinary classes and private dining. Regional wine pairings will accompany the onboard dining experience, which includes Pan-Asian, Mediterranean and French cuisine, as well as classic steakhouse offerings.

Compare  Explora Journeys  cruises on GoToSea.

Silver Nova: August 2023

S.A.L.T. Kitchen aboard the Silver Nova.

Courtesy of Silversea Cruises

Top feature: Ship's asymmetrical deck plan, which offers more open spaces and higher ceilings

Fares begin around: $3,850 per person (double occupancy) for a seven-night cruise to Central and South America

Sails to: Caribbean, Central America, South America, U.S. West Coast, Alaska, Canada, Asia, Australia and New Zealand

Silversea Cruises' newest ship is the 728-guest Silver Nova . The 12th vessel in the fleet is ultra-luxurious and offers one of the highest space-to-guest ratios in the industry. Two highlights are the ship's asymmetrical design and aft suites, which have 270-degree views. Silver Nova's nine dining options include S.A.L.T. Kitchen's destination-inspired menus, Silversea 's classic dining experience at Atlantide and French cuisine at La Dame. Silver Nova is also Silversea's most environmentally friendly vessel yet.

Explore  Silversea  cruises on GoToSea.

Seven Seas Grandeur: November 2023

Regent Suite Bathroom aboard the Seven Seas Grandeur.

Courtesy of Regent Seven Seas

Top feature: "Journey in Jewels," the first Fabergé egg at sea

Fares begin around: $3,799 per person (double occupancy) for a seven-night cruise to Mexico and Central America

Sails to: Mediterranean, Caribbean and Panama Canal

The 746-passenger Seven Seas Grandeur will be Regent Seven Seas Cruises' third Explorer-class vessel when it launches late this fall. While Grandeur is similar to its two sister ships, Explorer and Splendor , the new vessel features updated lounges, restaurants, spa spaces and suites. The line's signature Regent Suite – coming in at an impressive 4,443 square feet – has also been redesigned by Miami firm Studio DADO.

A few additional standout spaces include the art nouveau design of the Observation Lounge (located at the bow of the ship) and the reimagined Serene Spa. The stunning new Compass Rose is the ship's main dining room. Meanwhile, the onboard art collection is also notable: Seven Seas Grandeur will set sail with the first Fabergé egg at sea.

Compare  Regent Seven Seas  cruises on GoToSea.

Celebrity Ascent: November 2023

Private dining room at Le Voyage restaurant aboard the Celebrity Ascent.

Courtesy of Celebrity Cruises

Top feature: 32 restaurants, bars and lounges, including the redesigned Le Voyage by Chef Daniel Boulud

Fares begin around: $756 per person (double occupancy) for a seven-night cruise to Puerto Rico and the Caribbean

Sails to: Europe, Caribbean

The fourth ship in Celebrity Cruises' Edge class, Celebrity Ascent , will accommodate up to 3,260 passengers and offer the same features as other ships in the series. There are 32 bars, lounges and restaurants, including the newly designed Le Voyage by Chef Daniel Boulud.

Other favorites from the Edge-class ships will return on Ascent, such as the multideck Sunset Bar and an open-air Rooftop Garden with floating pools that are cantilevered over the edge of the ship. It's also home to Celebrity's Magic Carpet, a multipurpose 90-ton deck that moves up and down the side of the ship between Decks 2, 5, 14 and 16; it's used for everything from tendering passengers to hosting happy hours and private functions and late-night parties. Guests will also find Celebrity 's innovative Infinite Veranda staterooms and the exclusive ship-within-a ship concept of The Retreat.

Book a  Celebrity Cruises  itinerary on GoToSea.

Carnival Jubilee: December 2023

Carnival Jubilee under construction.

Top feature: Two new ocean-themed zones, Currents and The Shores

Fares begin around: $669 per person (double occupancy) for a seven-night Western Caribbean cruise

Sails to: Western Caribbean

Carnival's newest ship in the Excel class, Carnival Jubilee , will offer six zones (fun themed areas) for up to 6,631 passengers. The LNG-powered vessel features two new zones: Currents and The Shores. Currents is an immersive space with innovative technology such as LED windows and a wave-shaped LED Ceiling. Located on Decks 6 and 7, the space offers new venues for imbibing, dining and listening to live music, such as casual bar Inks, Ph.D and stylish lounge The Golden Mermaid. This is also where you'll find Emeril's Bistro 717.

The Shores, located on Deck 8, features a three-deck-high art installation of a school of fish, a boardwalk, and vibrant colors throughout the indoor and outdoor spaces. Dining and bar venues include Rudi's Seagrill, Cucina del Capitano and Marina Bar. Enjoy other returning Carnival favorites on Jubilee such as the BOLT sea coaster, Waterworks, SportSquare, the Serenity Adult-Only Retreat, Guy's Burger Joint and BlueIguana Cantina.

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Icon of the Seas: January 2024

The Royal Loft Suite aboard Royal Caribbean's Icon of the Seas.

Top feature: Largest cruise ship in the world, carrying up to 7,600 passengers

Fares begin around: $1,930 per person (double occupancy) for a seven-night Western Caribbean cruise

Sails to: Eastern and Western Caribbean

Icon of the Seas is the first Icon-class vessel in the Royal Caribbean International fleet – and the first new class of ship since 2014. When the massive vessel debuts in January 2024, it will replace Royal Caribbean's Wonder of the Seas as the largest ship at sea (Icon of the Seas is 6% larger). The ship features eight distinct neighborhoods – including the new Surfside neighborhood, a colorful space geared toward family fun with kids clubs, Splashaway Bay, themed eateries and bars, adjacent staterooms and more.

There are four additional new neighborhoods as well. Thrill Island features Category 6, the largest water park at sea, while Chill Island boasts the line's first swim-up bar and The Hideaway features the first suspended infinity pool at sea. AquaDome, the impressive glass-enclosed space at the top of the ship, is home to the AquaTheater, panoramic ocean views, a waterfall, and bars and restaurants.

Sun Princess: February 2024

Park19 lookout and splash pad on the Sun Princess.

Courtesy of Princess Cruises

Top feature: Princess Cruises' largest ship and the first in the line's Sphere class

Fares begin around: $577 per person (double occupancy) for a seven-night Eastern Caribbean cruise

Sails to: Caribbean, Mediterranean

Sun Princess will have many new attractions when it launches in early 2024. It has the most balconies on any Princess Cruises ' ship, and you'll find exciting new dining, activity and entertainment offerings. One notable highlight is Park19, a top-deck space with activities for kids of all ages, including the Sea Breeze Rollglider, the first ride of its kind on a cruise ship. This new attraction soars 19 decks high and offers unparalleled views of the ocean below.

Cruisers can enjoy additional spaces like a two-story dome that is a pool during the day and a stage for shows at night; the European-inspired Piazza, which offers ocean vistas from nearly every angle; the Princess Arena, a high-tech performance space; the elegant three-story Horizons Dining Room; and the new Wake View Terrace with an infinity pool. There are also new styles of accommodations and expanded offerings for young children, tweens and teens. Sun Princess can accommodate up to 4,300 passengers.

Queen Anne: May 2024

The Bright Lights Society show bar on Cunard Line's Queen Anne.

Courtesy of Cunard Line

Top feature: The Pavilion, a glass-enclosed pool area with a retractable roof

Fares begin around: $1,199 per person (double occupancy) for a seven-night Western Mediterranean cruise

Sails to: Canary Islands, Mediterranean, Northern and Western Europe, Iceland, British Isles, Australia, Asia, Africa and Indian Ocean

When Queen Anne launches in spring 2024, it will be Cunard Line's 249th ship since the company's inception in 1840, and the line's first new vessel in 14 years. The 3,000-passenger ship will feature a fresh, modern design, yet still give a nod to the Cunard's art deco past.

Once on board, guests will discover new entertainment venues like the Bright Lights Society show bar and more wide-open spaces throughout the ship, as well as Cunard 's first two-story theater. New international dining options include Japanese restaurant Aji Wa with sushi and omakase menus, plus Indian cuisine at Aranya. Queen Anne also offers an extensive health and wellness program in collaboration with health group Mareel that features a large thermal suite, a spa pool and a top-deck wellness studio.

Find a  Cunard  cruise on GoToSea.

Utopia of the Seas: July 2024

The Ultimate Abyss slide on Royal Caribbean's Utopia of the Seas.

Top feature: Three- and four-night ultimate weekend getaways

Fares begin around: $471 per person (double occupancy) for a three-night Bahamas cruise

Sails to: Bahamas, Perfect Day at CocoCay (Royal Caribbean's private island)

Utopia of the Seas will be Royal Caribbean's sixth (and final) Oasis-class ship when it debuts in summer 2024. With a capacity of 5,668 passengers, the vessel will join the line's other Oasis- and Icon-class ships as the largest cruise ships sailing on the high seas. The ship will have the same eight neighborhoods as other Oasis-class ships, including Central Park, The Boardwalk and the Pool & Sports Zone.

The 40-plus food and beverage options will include new additions like the Pesky Parrot bar and a themed "mixed reality" dining experience that takes place on a train. A reimagined playscape is another addition, with nets, games, puzzles, slides and climbing walls for junior cruisers. The line's Ultimate Abyss – a dry slide with 10 stories of thrilling twists and turns – will now stretch an additional 43 feet, making it the longest dry slide at sea.

Explora II: August 2024

Top feature: Luxurious cabins

Fares begin around: $4,500 per person (double occupancy) for a seven-night Mediterranean cruise

Sails to: Caribbean and Central America, Mediterranean, Arabian Peninsula and Red Sea, India, Indian Ocean and Africa

As sister ship to Explora I, Explora II will offer the same transformative travel experience for 922 guests. The luxury vessel will feature 461 oceanfront suites with private terraces. Cruisers can take advantage of 11 culinary options across six dining venues, a dozen indoor and outdoor bars and lounges, and a Chef's Kitchen. Guests will also have access to four pools, 64 private cabanas and wellness facilities.

Silver Ray: Summer 2024

Exterior of the Silver Ray.

Top feature: One of the most spacious ships ever built; extraordinary space-to-guest ratio

Fares begin around: $4,000 per person (double occupancy) for a nine-night cruise to South America

Sails to: Mediterranean, Northern Europe, British Isles, South America, Caribbean and Central America

Silver Ray, Silversea's second Nova-class ship, is scheduled to set sail in summer 2024. The 728-passenger, low-emissions vessel will offer the same advanced hybrid fuel technologies as its sister ship, Silver Nova. It will also have Silver Nova's horizontal layout and asymmetrical design, creating more open public areas and providing suites with 270-degree views. In addition, guests on board the luxury vessel will have their choice of eight dining venues and a wide selection of bars and lounges, including The Marquee, a new alfresco restaurant.

Viking Vela: December 2024

Wintergarden on a Viking ship.

Top feature: Larger than Viking's other ocean vessels, carrying up to 998 passengers

Fares begin around: $4,999 per person (double occupancy) for a 12-night northern lights cruise

Sails to: Scandinavia, British Isles, Iceland

Measuring 748 feet long and 101 feet wide, Viking Vela will be the line's largest ship when it debuts at the end of 2024. It will accommodate 68 more passengers than its sister ships, but feature Viking's signature veranda staterooms, public spaces, amenities and dining venues. Seasoned Viking cruisers can look forward to favorites like The Nordic Spa, the Wintergarden, Mamsen's, the Explorers' Lounge, the Sports Deck, Manfredi's Italian Restaurant and The Chef's Table.

Disney Treasure: December 2024

The Grand Hall of the Disney Treasure.

Courtesy of Disney Cruise Line

Top feature: Debut of new Disney Parks-inspired onboard venues

Fares begin around: $4,028 per person (double occupancy) for a seven-night Caribbean cruise

Sails to: Eastern and Western Caribbean, Castaway Cay (Disney Cruise Line's private island)

Fans of Disney Cruise Line will find many familiar venues, attractions and restaurants on the new Disney Treasure, sister ship of Disney Wish . However, there will also be plenty of new features, including the theme of the ship: adventure. The Grand Hall, inspired by the movie "Aladdin," is designed with dark shades of blue, turquoise and gold and features a golden statue of a magic carpet with Aladdin and Jasmine.

Plaza de Coco replaces Disney Wish's "Frozen" dining experience with a two-night Mexican, "Coco"-themed theatrical dinner show. Meanwhile, "Disney The Tale of Moana" – a Broadway-style production based on the film "Moana" – will be exclusive to Disney Treasure. Adults will also find new lounges, such as the Jungle Cruise-themed Skipper Society and the Periscope Pub, which is inspired by "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea." Disney Treasure can carry up to 4,000 passengers.

Explore  Disney Cruise Line  deals on GoToSea.

MSC World America: Spring 2025

MSC's new futuristic ship – and sister ship to MSC World Europa – will be based in Miami and sail the Caribbean. The LNG-powered, 6,762-passenger ship will offer more than 420,000 square feet of public space and many of the attractions found on World Europa, such as the MSC Luna Park Arena and World Galleria. There will also be more than 30 dining venues, bars and lounges, as well as the line's private enclave, MSC Yacht Club.

Oceania Allura: June 2025

Oceania Allura will be the eighth ship in Oceania's fleet, the second vessel of the line's Allura class and the sister ship to Oceania Vista. The 1,200-passenger Allura will offer the same upscale amenities as Vista, as well as a new Chef's Studio and one of the highest space-to-guest and staff-to-guest ratios in the cruise industry. Allura is scheduled to debut in June 2025.

Star Princess: August 2025

Star Princess is scheduled to set sail in 2025 as the sister ship to Sun Princess. The 4,300-passenger, LNG-powered ship will offer the same features as Sun Princess, including the Dome, the Piazza and the line's Signature Collection Suites. The vessel will also have 29-plus restaurants and bars.

Star of the Seas: Summer 2025

Royal Caribbean plans to introduce Star of the Seas – the second Icon-class vessel and sister to Icon of the Seas – in summer 2025.

Disney Cruise Line: 2025

Disney purchased the former Global Dream from Genting's Dream Cruises in 2022, when it was still being built at the German shipyard MV Werften. Disney plans to base the ship in Singapore for at least five years, offering Disney vacations to the Southeast Asian market. When it launches in 2025, the vessel will be the line's seventh ship and is expected to carry 6,000 passengers. Another newly built, currently unnamed Disney ship is planned to debut in 2025, as well.

Norwegian Cruise Line: 2025 and beyond

The third Prima-class ship is expected to be approximately 10% larger than the first ship in the class, Norwegian Prima (143,535 gross tons). The following ships for the line are anticipated to be even larger, with the fifth and sixth Prima-class vessels (debuting in 2027 and 2028) weighing as much as 171,000 gross tons.

Celebrity Cruises

Celebrity's fifth Edge-class ship will be more eco-friendly, thanks to the addition of a new tri-fueled engine model and the capacity to store three different kinds of fuel, including methanol. The effort toward net-zero emissions and more sustainable cruising is a partnership between Royal Caribbean, the French shipyard Chantiers de L'Atlantique and the technology firm Wärtsilä. A debut date for this ship has not yet been announced.

Why Trust U.S. News Travel

Gwen Pratesi has been an avid cruiser since her early 20s. She has sailed to destinations around the globe on nearly every type of cruise ship built, including the newest megaships, luxury yachts, expedition vessels and traditional masted sailing ships. She used her extensive experience with cruises to write this article. Pratesi covers the travel and culinary industries for major publications, including U.S. News & World Report.

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10 Luxury Cruise Lines That Will Make You Want to Ditch Plane Travel Forever

Explore cruise lines that embody the VERANDA spirit, offering luxury and well-appointed design around every corner.

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Silversea is the “jewel in the crown” of the Royal Caribbean Group, not to mention the original luxury cruise line, first entering the space in 1994. The company touts 12 all-inclusive ships with destinations all over the world. Whether you want to explore the American West Coast, South America, Northern Europe and the British Isles, Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, or even Antarctica, Silversea has a cruise to fit your fancy.

Speaking of fancy, the most luxurious cruise that Silversea offers is its 125-Day Chile to Norway sail, which rings up at $94,700. You don’t have to invest that much to enjoy a Silversea cruise, though. No matter which type of suite you book, you can expect butler service, optional 24/7 in-suite dining, endless access to premium beverages and craft cocktails, and complimentary caviar around the clock.

Paul Gauguin

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Paul Gaugin stands out for its single-ship escapade into the luxury cruise space. With a variety of cruises that explore French Polynesia and the South Pacific, Paul Gauguin is a small-ship cruise line with 7-, 10-, 11-, and 14-night itineraries that focus on intimate experiences, delectable cuisine, stunning stateroom balcony views, butler service, and more. With a 1:1.5 crew-to-guest ratio, you can rest assured knowing that all of your needs will be met aboard the m/s Paul Gauguin.

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Scenic Luxury Cruises & Tours

scenic luxury cruises and tours veranda luxury cruise lines

Scenic is unique in that it not only offers luxury ocean cruises but river cruises, too. The brand prides itself on operating and innovating with guest experience in mind. As such, all of its cruises have so much to offer voyagers, from extensive dining, leisure, and wellness options to striking design elements that will make you want to stay aboard for much longer than your itinerary.

Scenic Luxury Cruises & Tours has nine ships with oceanic destinations spanning from the Arctic and Europe to the Caribbean and Australia. Meanwhile, if you find yourself in France, you may want to check out Scenic’s beloved river cruises, in which you can tour the Seine in the utmost style.

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Ponant has a fleet of 13 luxury cruise ships with destinations dotting the globe. The award-winning French cruise line is beloved for its tailor-made voyages, in which guests have access to myriad bespoke experiences both on and off board, from in-room dining to once-in-a-lifetime immersive excursions.

Since Ponant ships offer smaller capacity—more akin to a private yacht experience—they’re able to navigate private ports and preserved locations that large-scale cruise ships are unable to access. While aboard Ponant’s all-inclusive ships, you can anticipate exceptional French cuisine, delicious fine wines, complimentary Champagne and spirits, room service, and more.

Of course, if you need further inspiration to look into the cruise line, perhaps the fact that three-mast yacht, Le Ponant, is part of the Relais & Châteaux portfolio will do the trick.

Explore Ponant Cruises

crystal cruises veranda luxury cruise lines

Crystal is renowned for its personalized voyages all over the world, not to mention its palatial suites that will leave you picking your jaw up off the floor. In addition to well-appointed design, the cruise line offers an impressive dining experience, with authentic cuisines from all over the world. So whether you’re in the mood for American, Italian, Peruvian, or Japanese food, you’ll have ample options to choose from.

It’s also worth mentioning that the luxury cruise line took it to the next level with its spa, Aurora Spa. The gorgeous, sea-view spa offers a variety of face, body, salon, and healing treatments, including massages, facials, acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, and even IV drip therapy—so you won’t have to worry about feeling hung over at sea (especially considering the cruise line offers complimentary Champagne, fine wines, and premium spirits).

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Windstar Cruises

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Windstar Cruises operates a six-ship fleet dedicated to extraordinary sailing experiences. With small ships that carry less than 350 passengers, Windstar prides itself on offering guests intimate, aesthetic, unforgettable voyages spanning from Asia and Australia to Italy and Iceland.

While the staterooms and suites are stunning and the shore excursions are aplenty, it’s the food that really stands out aboard Windstar. As the official cruise line of the James Beard Foundation, Windstar offers a number of themed culinary cruises with food and bev from some of the most notable chefs of today, including Maxime Bilet (The Cooking Lab) and Jose Mendin (Pubbelly Noodle Bar, Habitat, Baja Bao).

Explore Windstar Cruises

The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection

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The Ritz-Carlton is synonymous with luxury, so it’s no surprise that the company extended into oceanic adventures with a fleet of three superyachts. Where the Evrima was built in 2021, the Ilma and Luminara yachts are forthcoming in 2024 and 2025.

While classic cruise lines have a capacity in the thousands, often edging upward of 4,000, the Ritz-Carlton superyachts offer a more curated experience to 500 passengers or less. From the outside, the yachts are sleek and serene, fitting in beautifully with the sea. Within Evrima’s walls, though, moody modern interiors with magnificent ocean views await.

Guests can look forward to soaking tubs, expansive private balconies complete with sun beds and a whirlpool, walk-in wardrobes, and more. As far as destinations are concerned, The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection embarks on oceanic adventures in the Mediterranean and Caribbean.

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Seabourn is a luxury cruise line that speaks to our soul—and for more reasons than the simple fact that it touts a “Veranda Suite Upgrade.” The luxury cruise line sets sail in the Arctic, Canada and New England, the Amazon, Arabia, Africa, and India, and more.

Each of the fleet’s yachts, which carry between 458 and 600 guests, is outfitted with ocean-view suites only, so no matter what excursion you book, you can anticipate traveling in luxury style with a picturesque backdrop. You can also look forward to mouth-watering cuisine courtesy of renowned chef Thomas Keller.

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Cunard is known for its iconic black funnels, yes, but more so for its unparalleled large-scale onboard experiences. Although each of the cruise line’s ships carries upwards of 1,500 passengers, the four-ship fleet is adored for its luxury itineraries, stylish design, tranquil spa offerings, delectable cuisine, and unmatched comfort at sea.

Truly, if your goal is to book an unforgettable, Instagram-worthy cruise, Cunard is the way to go. From the stunning suites (decked out in pops of rich color, sumptuous textiles, and spectacular lighting) to the picturesque destinations, Cunard has it all.

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Regent Seven Seas Cruises

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If you want to get the most bang for your buck when booking a luxury cruise, Regent Seven Seas Cruises is a prime pick. The all-inclusive cruise line crafts a new definition of the category with complimentary roundtrip airfare, free unlimited shore excursions, include 2- to 3-night land programs, on-the-house bar and lounge experiences, and more.

The six-fleet cruise line is also known for its gorgeous interiors, complete with modern aesthetics, Art Deco embellishments, stunning chandeliers, and more. When traveling with Regent Seven Seas Cruises, guests can traverse the seven seas, with destinations in Africa and Arabia, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, the Caribbean and more. And if you don’t want to pick a single destination, there’s always the option to book a grand voyage or world cruise, which can last up to 168 days and cost upwards of $100,000.

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Want an easy, cheap way to travel internationally? Cruise the Caribbean.

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Nearly every time Kristin Chapman takes a cruise, she heads to the Caribbean .

The 38-year-old medical librarian has been on more than a dozen cruises, and itineraries packed with a variety of tropical destinations in the region have kept her coming back.

“What I really found enjoyable about the Caribbean was it really does give you the longer port days because the islands are so close together,” said Chapman, who lives in Connecticut. “It does make you feel like you have had more of an experience in where you're going, rather than the days at sea that you have in between different islands (on some other cruises).”

Caribbean cruises offer an easy, often affordable way to travel internationally from the U.S. “It’s a great way to check off a bunch of countries on your map,” Mike Harris, director of sales at online travel agency The Cruise Web.

Why are Caribbean cruises so popular?

Caribbean itineraries are the default choice of many cruisers – and with good reason. 

“Specifically, for the American market, it’s close to home,” said Harris. Cruise lines sail to the Caribbean from ports in cities ranging from Miami to Baltimore to New York City. “These are domestic ports that a lot of the country can drive to,” he added.

Once travelers set sail, there is something for everyone. “The versatility of the Caribbean is what makes it unique,” Harris said. That’s true of both the wide range of cruise lines operating there – including post-COVID-19 newcomers like Virgin Voyages – as well as its mix of beaches, cuisine, history, adventurous activities like cave tubing and zip lining and nightlife.

That combination of factors has proven increasingly compelling to guests. Demand for Caribbean cruises was up nearly 5% in the first two quarters of the year compared to the same time in 2019, according to Cruise Lines International Association, the industry’s leading trade organization.

The Caribbean’s market share in the industry is also at 44%, an increase from 34% in 2019, said Michele Paige, CEO of the Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association.

Pro tip: Cruises that leave from the Caribbean, like a Carnival Cruise Line sailing Chapman took from San Juan, Puerto Rico, tend to have fewer sea days and maximize your time in port.

When is the best time to take a Caribbean cruise?

The region has long been seen as a “warm weather destination” where travelers can go to escape the cold, according to Paige.

But in recent years, more lines have begun offering Caribbean sailings all year. “They have year-round great weather, but it’s more than just the weather,” she said.

Still, Harris said passengers will find the most variety of ships there from November through March. “You'll get the big contemporary ships, you get the medium premium brands, but you also get the very small deluxe and luxury brands that are going to very small, exclusive islands that a lot of people just haven't heard of,” he said.

In the summer, smaller ships typically reposition elsewhere – like Alaska or Europe – and the Caribbean is mostly populated by big ships catering to families with kids out of school.

( Click here for USA TODAY’s cruise line guide ).

Are Caribbean cruises expensive?

Because so many itineraries are offered throughout the year, Harris said travelers can often find cheaper sailings than in some other destinations. “You can find a Caribbean cruise for as low as $60 a day, all the way up to $2,200 a day just depending on the experience you’re looking for,” he said.

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Upcoming Caribbean cruises

◾ Royal Caribbean International’s Independence of the Seas ship will sail a four-night Eastern Caribbean itinerary departing Nov. 15. The cruise will sail round-trip from Miami with a stop in Labadee, Haiti. The fare starts at $272 per person based on double occupancy, according to the line’s website .

◾ Norwegian Cruise Line’s Norwegian Sun ship will sail a 12-day Caribbean cruise round-trip from Baltimore, departing Dec. 9. The cruise will stop in San Juan; Philipsburg, Sint Maarten; Basseterre, Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint John’s, Antigua and Barbuda; Saint Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands; Tortola in the British Virgin Islands and Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. Cabins start at just under $849 per person based on double occupancy, according to the line’s website .

◾ Carnival Cruise Line will offer a round-trip six-day Western Caribbean sailing from Galveston, Texas, leaving Dec. 10. The sailing on the line’s Carnival Dream ship will visit Costa Maya and Cozumel in Mexico, as well as Belize. Available cabins currently start at $809 per guest based on double occupancy, according to Carnival’s website .

◾ Silversea Cruises’ Silver Dawn ship will depart on a 10-day cruise from Bridgetown, Barbados, to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on Jan. 26. Passengers will visit Bequia in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Castries, Saint Lucia; Saint John’s; Gustavia in St. Barts; Saint Thomas; Spanish Town in the British Virgin Islands; and San Juan. Fares currently start at $5,350 per guest based on double occupancy, according to the luxury line’s website .

Nathan Diller is a consumer travel reporter for USA TODAY based in Nashville. You can reach him at [email protected].

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  • Vercynis 3.4 years ago
  • BlackThuNDR 2.9 years ago
  • Spenzerointernational 3.4 years ago
  • Leopahd 2.9 years ago

General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 57.4ft (17.5m)
  • Length 256.1ft (78.0m)
  • Height 84.6ft (25.8m)
  • Empty Weight 71,612lbs (32,482kg)
  • Loaded Weight 94,870lbs (43,032kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.142
  • Wing Loading 439,839.3lbs/ft 2 (2,147,483.6kg/m 2 )
  • Wing Area 0.0ft 2 (0.0m 2 )
  • Drag Points 203654
  • Number of Parts 565
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 2,143

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This can fly lol

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Hello! I was scrolling by cruise ship posts and I came across this lovely cruise ship post, and I was wondering if you could build and post either Carnival Legend or Carnival Panorama, they are both cruise ships from Carnival Cruise Line and I found out there were no posts on those ships. I chose you because I have trust in you. If you can do this successfully, I will be very pleased. @TheIronGamer300

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@TheIronGamer300 Can the cruise ship sink?

oooh this cruise is so beautiful i wish it existed in real life uwu

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holy- it's from the same guy who made my chick plane fly! instant upvote Nice work man! keep it up! :D

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Looks luxury

@ChrisPy Only titled it like that because the one I first uploaded I completely forgot them!!

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I've never seen a mobile friendly cruiser


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Now imagine: Cruise Ship (Without Life Boats)

Titanic: Why is everyone looking at me?!

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This is amazing

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How to Draw a Cruise Ship: A Step-by-Step Guide


How to Draw a Cruise Ship

Imagine yourself on a cruise ship, sailing the open seas. The sun is shining, the waves are crashing, and the wind is in your hair. You’re surrounded by beautiful scenery and the company of your loved ones. It’s the perfect vacation.

If you’re an artist, you can capture this feeling of freedom and adventure by drawing a cruise ship. This guide will show you how to draw a simple but realistic cruise ship, step-by-step. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

Cruise ships are some of the most iconic and luxurious vessels in the world. They offer a unique travel experience, allowing passengers to explore new destinations and enjoy all the amenities of a five-star hotel. If you’re looking to draw a cruise ship, this tutorial will show you how.

Step 1: Gather your materials

To draw a cruise ship, you will need the following materials:

  • Tracing paper (optional)
  • Colored pencils, markers, or crayons (optional)

Step 2: Draw the basic shape of the cruise ship

The first step is to draw the basic shape of the cruise ship. To do this, start by drawing a large rectangle for the hull of the ship. The rectangle should be about twice as long as it is wide.

Next, add a smaller rectangle for the bridge. The bridge should be about one-third the size of the hull.

Finally, draw a series of curved lines for the deck. The deck should be about one-third the height of the hull.

Step 3: Add details to the cruise ship

Now that you have the basic shape of the cruise ship drawn, you can add details to it. To do this, you can use a ruler to draw the windows and doors of the ship. You can also add smokestacks, lifeboats, and other features.

If you want to add color to your drawing, you can use colored pencils, markers, or crayons. You can also use watercolors or acrylics to paint your drawing.

Drawing a cruise ship is a fun and rewarding experience. By following these steps, you can create a beautiful and realistic drawing that you can enjoy for years to come.

Here are some additional tips for drawing a cruise ship:

  • Use light pressure when you’re sketching the basic shapes of the ship. This will make it easier to erase any mistakes.
  • Use a ruler to draw the windows and doors of the ship. This will help you to create accurate and consistent lines.
  • Add details to the ship gradually. Start with the basic shapes and then add more details as you go. This will help you to create a more realistic drawing.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment with different colors and techniques. This is your drawing, so you can make it look however you want.

With a little practice, you’ll be able to draw beautiful cruise ships that will impress everyone who sees them.

Step 3: Add details to the cruise ship.

Once you have the basic shape of your cruise ship drawn, you can start adding details to make it look more realistic. Here are a few things you can do:

  • Draw windows and doors on the bridge.
  • Add railings to the deck.
  • Draw flags and other decorations.

Drawing windows and doors on the bridge

To draw windows and doors on the bridge, start by drawing a rectangle for each window. Then, draw a smaller rectangle inside each window to represent the glass. For the doors, draw a rectangle with a semicircle on top.

Adding railings to the deck

To add railings to the deck, draw a series of parallel lines along the edge of the deck. The lines should be close together, but not touching.

Drawing flags and other decorations

You can draw any kind of flags or decorations you want on your cruise ship. Some popular choices include:

  • American flag
  • Canadian flag
  • Pirate flag
  • Mermaid flag

Tips for adding details to your cruise ship

  • Use a light touch when drawing the details. You can always add more details later if needed.
  • Make sure the details are proportional to the rest of the ship.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment with different colors and designs.

Step 4: Color your cruise ship.

Once you have finished adding details to your cruise ship, you can color it. You can use any colors you want, but here are a few suggestions:

  • Use blue or green for the water.
  • Use white for the ship’s hull.
  • Use red, orange, or yellow for the ship’s superstructure.
  • Use black for the ship’s windows and doors.
  • Use gold or silver for the ship’s decorations.

Tips for coloring your cruise ship

  • Use a light touch when coloring the ship. You can always add more color later if needed.
  • Make sure the colors are proportional to the rest of the ship.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment with different colors and techniques.

Drawing a cruise ship is a fun and rewarding project. By following these steps, you can create a beautiful and realistic drawing that you can be proud of. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!

How to Draw a Cruise Boat?

Q: What materials do I need?

A: You will need the following materials:

  • A piece of paper
  • A colored pencil or marker (optional)

Q: What is the first step?

A: The first step is to draw a basic outline of the cruise boat. This will include the hull, the deck, and the masts.

Q: How do I draw the hull?

A: The hull is the bottom of the boat. It is shaped like a rectangle with a curved bottom. To draw the hull, start by drawing a long, straight line for the bottom of the boat. Then, draw a curved line at the top of the boat.

Q: How do I draw the deck?

A: The deck is the top of the boat. It is flat and rectangular. To draw the deck, start by drawing a horizontal line across the top of the hull. Then, draw a vertical line down the center of the deck.

Q: How do I draw the masts?

A masts are the tall poles that support the sails. To draw the masts, start by drawing two vertical lines on the deck. Then, draw a horizontal line across the top of the masts.

Q: How do I add details?

You can add details to your cruise boat by drawing windows, doors, and railings. You can also add flags and other decorations.

Q: How do I color my cruise boat?

You can color your cruise boat with any colors you like. You can use colored pencils, markers, or paint.

Q: What are some tips for drawing a cruise boat?

Here are some tips for drawing a cruise boat:

  • Start with a simple outline.
  • Add details gradually.
  • Use light pressure when you are drawing, so you can erase your mistakes easily.

Q: What are some common mistakes people make when drawing a cruise boat?

Some common mistakes people make when drawing a cruise boat include:

  • Drawing the hull too small or too large.
  • Drawing the deck too high or too low.
  • Drawing the masts too short or too tall.
  • Forgetting to add details.

Q: How can I improve my drawing skills?

There are many ways to improve your drawing skills. Here are a few tips:

  • Practice regularly. The more you draw, the better you will become.
  • Look at other artists’ work for inspiration.
  • Take classes or workshops.

Here are some key takeaways from this blog post:

  • The different parts of a cruise boat include the hull, the superstructure, the funnels, the masts, and the lifeboats.
  • The steps involved in drawing a cruise boat include sketching the hull, adding the superstructure, adding the funnels and masts, and adding the details.
  • It is important to use reference images when drawing a cruise boat in order to get the proportions correct.
  • You can use different drawing materials to create your cruise boat, such as pencils, pens, markers, or paints.

We hope that you enjoyed this blog post and that you will try drawing your own cruise boat. Happy drawing!

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Dale Richard

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simple cruise ship

Best Carnival cruise ships: Here’s which ship you should sail, based on your travel style

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Choosing a Carnival cruise ship is no simple task, especially if you’re new to cruising. As one of the largest cruise brands in the world, Carnival Cruise Line has more than two dozen vessels in its fleet, offering everything from megaship adventures to smaller-ship experiences. Many variables — price, embarkation dates, travel companions, ship size and amenities, and destination — can shape the way you make your choice.

So, what is the best Carnival cruise ship? Here are my picks for the top options in several categories.

For more cruise guides, news and tips, sign up for TPG’s cruise newsletter .

Mardi Gras: Best Carnival cruise ship for families

The best Carnival cruise ship for kids is undoubtedly Mardi Gras . Not only is it one of Carnival’s newest vessels, but it’s also one of the largest, and it has tons of activities to keep families with children busy.

At the expansive kids club, daily programming includes scavenger hunts, arts and crafts, and video games. The club draws in young cruisers and gives them space to make friends and play with peers. Beyond the dedicated kids facilities, the ship has a massive arcade and many top-deck diversions. One of these is the Ultimate Playground — a space encompassing a ropes course, waterslides and Bolt, the first-ever roller coaster at sea . (Note that the arcade and Bolt cost extra.)

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Mardi Gras is full of fantastic family-friendly dining, including the line’s Dr. Seuss-themed Green Eggs and Ham Breakfast (for a small fee). The ship also includes pizza, soft-serve ice cream, Shaq’s fried chicken and Guy Fieri burgers in its fares. Even the pickiest of eaters will be satisfied. Kids can order off special menus in the complimentary main dining rooms and join in their waiters’ rollicking dance performances just when they start to get antsy sitting still.

The ship also does a nice job of accommodating families of all sizes and budgets. Many of Mardi Gras’ standard cabins sleep at least four people, and the ship offers connecting cabins.

Its Family Harbor staterooms provide access to a special family lounge area with TVs, sitting areas and internet stations. Breakfast is offered there each morning, and snacks and drinks — including free soda — are provided throughout the day. So, you never have to go far when the kids need a snack. Cabins in the Family Harbor category feature a nautical theme, plenty of storage and space to sleep at least four people.

Mardi Gras’ new sister ship, Carnival Celebration, is also a fantastic option in this category, offering a nearly identical experience (with just a few changes in the names and themes of specific venues).

Carnival Horizon: Best ship for luxury lovers

Let’s be clear: Carnival is not a luxury cruise line, nor does it offer huge suites on most ships. The suites it has are smaller than most other brands’ high-end accommodations, and they do not include amenities like butler service.

With that in mind, one ship that offers slightly more exclusive options is Carnival Horizon — the second vessel in Carnival’s three-ship Vista class. It offers a top-deck, adults-only Serenity sun deck area; an extensive menu of spa treatments, salon services and fitness classes at the onboard Cloud 9 Spa; and a handful of upmarket cabin offerings.

If you’re into wellness, relaxation and self-care, check out the spa and fitness center’s manicures, pedicures, facials, massages, teeth whitening treatments, acupuncture, anti-wrinkle procedures, state-of-the-art cycling classes, thermal suite, hot tubs, saunas and steam rooms for a fee. For digs that include pampering, try a Cloud 9 Spa cabin to receive extras like complimentary thermal suite access and two free yoga or Pilates classes.

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If exclusive stateroom enclaves are what you seek, you’ll want to book one of the ship’s Havana Cabana cabins. They come in several varieties, from 185-square-foot insides to Havana Suites, which offer 260 square feet of interior space (with a dividing wall to separate sleeping and living areas), plus a 100-square-foot patio area with loungers and a hammock. All Havana Cabana cruisers get access to an exclusive lanai and pool deck. With a suite booking, you’ll also receive priority embarkation and disembarkation.

If a traditional suite is more your style, consider a Grand Suite, which includes priority embarkation, disembarkation and dining times, as well as access to the Havana pool area. Note, however, that Grand Suites run only 345 square feet with 85-square-foot balconies — disappointing when you consider some of Royal Caribbean’s largest rooms are nearly five times that size.

The only ships on which you’ll find larger accommodations are the line’s newest: Mardi Gras, Carnival Celebration and Carnival Jubilee, all of which house Presidential Suites. Those accommodations offer 1,120 square feet of space with 600-square-foot balconies and separate living and sleeping areas. However, the ships — part of the line’s Excel Class — are so large and attract so many families that I’ve ruled them out as the most luxurious.

Carnival Conquest: Best ship for budget travelers

If you’re on a budget and simply looking for one of the cheapest Carnival cruise ships, a solid bet is Carnival Conquest. It offers Bahamas and Caribbean voyages of three to five nights. Think of it this way: The shorter the cruise , the less expensive it will be.

Plus, it sails from Miami, one of the world’s largest cruise hubs. More ships leaving from a specific port means more competition, which can drive prices lower.

Related: The 8 classes of Carnival ships, explained

Carnival Conquest is one of the line’s oldest ships, but it’s also a ton of fun. Because short sailings tend to attract a more lively crowd, passengers can expect lots of dancing, socializing and late nights at Henri’s Dance Club. During the day, passengers enjoy spending time around the pool and grabbing free burgers from Guy’s Burger Joint.

It’s also one of the few vessels left in the fleet that still features jaw-dropping interiors designed by renowned architect Joe Farcus, who made Carnival synonymous with quirky patterns, bright colors and neon lights.

At the time of publication, prices started from $47 per person, per night, for an inside cabin.

Carnival Sunrise: Best Carnival cruise ship for singles

Unfortunately, Carnival has been slow to adopt solo cabins, meaning that no ships in its fleet offer accommodations for one.

Because all staterooms are designed for double occupancy, it’s generally a rule that a person traveling alone must pay both fares. This means they would pay twice as much per person as two people sharing a room.

Related: The best cruise ships for solo travelers

In order to make the single supplement as affordable as possible, solo Carnival cruisers will want to balance finding an inexpensive vessel with choosing one that sails short itineraries. They’ll also probably want one that’s a bit livelier (read: not the oldest in the fleet).

A great contender for the title of best Carnival ship for singles is Carnival Sunrise. Formerly Carnival Triumph, the ship was completely gutted, overhauled and renamed in 2019. Although it originally debuted in 1999, it feels fresh and nearly new. It offers the line’s signature Serenity adults-only sun deck, RedFrog Pub, Alchemy Bar and a slew of lounges, nightclubs and daily activities.

Combine that with short, affordable voyages from Miami, and you can sail to the Bahamas or Caribbean for four or five nights from as little as $104 per night if you’re solo. Short sailings also tend to draw a more fun-loving, social crowd. So, if your goal is to mingle and potentially meet other solo cruisers, you stand a good chance on Carnival Sunrise.

Carnival Pride: Best ship for retirees

Retired travelers have all the time in the world to take longer cruises, which generally allow them to visit more far-flung locales. Those trips can come with a substantial price tag, which is why, as a budget option, Carnival is such a great choice.

In particular, Carnival Pride’s voyages consist of nine- and 12-night itineraries to the Baltic, British Isles and Iceland on a regular cadence. Longer voyages mean more time to explore but also fewer children and less of a frat party vibe. (Take note if you’re thinking of bringing your grandkids.)

Related: The 7 best cruises for seniors who love to travel

Carnival Pride is one of the oldest ships sailing for Carnival. That actually works in its favor if you’re a retiree who enjoys smaller ships and vintage design — in this case, more artwork and decor by Farcus.

In addition to a comedy club and an onboard spa, the ship also offers an adults-only sun deck, several bars and lounges, and plenty of dining options and daily activities to stave off boredom on longer voyages.

Bottom line

So, which Carnival cruise ship is the best? It all depends on your specific preferences. Whether you’re searching for an inexpensive vacation, a family-friendly vessel or a ship that will take you on a longer voyage to Europe, there’s a Carnival cruise to fit your taste and budget.

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Editorial Disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are the author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, airlines or hotel chain, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities.

Best Carnival cruise ships: Here’s which ship you should sail, based on your travel style

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Royal Caribbean cruise ship expert reveals the biggest danger he constantly worries about

Royal Caribbean cruise ship expert reveals the biggest danger he constantly worries about

The royal caribbean employee worries big time about this natural phenomenon.

Tom Earnshaw

Tom Earnshaw

A cruise ship expert working for Royal Caribbean has revealed the biggest danger that leaves him constantly worried.

Founded in 1968, Royal Caribbean is one of the world's leading cruise lines working out of Miami, Florida, taking millions of people around the globe every year on a wide range of holiday offerings .

The company's flagship ship - Wonder of the Seas - can carry more than 7,000 passengers.

There's also Serenade of the Seas, which is used by Royal Caribbean's for its Ultimate World Cruise where it travels right around the world for nine months straight .

Key to making all of these voyages an overwhelming success is the thousands of people employed to making the paying customer's holiday as perfect as it can be, from tidying their room and cooking the food in ship restaurants to helping with organising excursions and making cocktails .

There is also a tonne of vital work done that passengers will never see; the behind the scenes jobs that keep the ship well oiled in every sense.

That includes drill work in case of extreme events such as a fire.

Things are obviously a little different if such an event happened at sea, given you can't just walk away from it like you could on the high street. This is where safety drills are put in to action and staff become essential to controlling risks faced by you on board.

But such an event is not top of the list of worries when it comes to life on Royal Caribbean cruise ships.

It's tradition to wave off from a cruise ship as it leaves port (Paul Hennessy/Anadolu via Getty Images)

No, that goes to another phenomenon that doesn't happen on board the ship at all. And it's 'unforeseen', which is terrifying.

The top spot goes to the storms that cannot be tracked.

"You're anticipating, where's the storm going to be? Where's my ship going to be? What am I going to do with my ship," according to Craig Seltzer, who has worked as Royal Caribbean's Chief Meteorologist for the last nine months.

Speaking to Mark Sudduth of Hurricane Track over on YouTube, Seltzer explained that there is real difficulty when it comes to tropical storms and hurricanes moving across multiple itineraries planned for the ship.

Royal Caribbean's Icon of the Seas is the largest cruise ship in the world (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

The ship has to physically avoid these if they can, which includes docking at ports not planned - a logistical nightmare for those trying to find space.

He said 'you want to get tropical storms from the beginning' with a big push on long term forecasting, which includes risk management of different outcomes.

On top of the two regular weather patterns monitored - which are port weather and voyage weather - there is the fear of unforeseen weather events.

Stormy weather can cause real problems (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

The problem with this is the inability to properly monitor the weather from shore due to how far out in the ocean storms can be happening.

Micro-bursts of stormy weather form part of this phenomenon; something Seltzer himself experienced when he'd only been on the job for a month.

He'd checked in with one of the ship's captains and believing everything was fine with winds at 40 knots.

An hour later, the captain called him to say winds were now up to 65 knots. That's 46mph to 74mph, so quite a big difference and pretty bloody windy.

Seltzer said: "I'm like, what is happening? It's ahead of what the forecast was.

"It's not even near what the forecast was, and it's higher than what the forecast was."

Such events can cause big problems for a cruise ship, with the sudden change in gusts potentially blowing deck chairs around on the top decks.

Topics:  Cruise Ship , Holiday , Travel , US News , Weather , World News

Tom joined LADbible in 2024, specialising in SEO and trending content. He moved to the company from Reach plc where he enjoyed spells as a content editor and senior reporter for one of the country's most-read local news brands, LancsLive. When he's not in work, Tom spends his adult life as a suffering Manchester United supporter after a childhood filled with trebles and Premier League titles. You can't have it all forever, I suppose.

@ TREarnshaw

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    Step 2: Draw the basic shape of the cruise ship. The first step is to draw the basic shape of the cruise ship. To do this, start by drawing a large rectangle for the hull of the ship. The rectangle should be about twice as long as it is wide. Next, add a smaller rectangle for the bridge.

  26. Best Carnival cruise ships: Here's which ship you should sail ...

    Choosing a Carnival cruise ship is no simple task, especially if you're new to cruising. As one of the largest cruise brands in the world, Carnival Cruise Line has more than two dozen vessels in ...

  27. Cruise Ship Easy Drawing Tutorial

    Thanks for visiting Pikasso Draw, the best place to learn how to draw. Learn How to draw easily with our simple method. Simply SUBSCRIBE and Allow Notificati...

  28. Royal Caribbean cruise ship expert reveals the biggest danger he

    A cruise ship expert working for Royal Caribbean has revealed the biggest danger that leaves him constantly worried. Founded in 1968, Royal Caribbean is one of the world's leading cruise lines ...

  29. Carnival Cruise Line Advises Guests About Sports Broadcasts

    Carnival Cruise Line Brand Ambassador John Heald has responded to guest inquiries and complaints about sports broadcasts onboard various ships, advising travelers about what can and cannot be ...