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Travel web sites: You still need to compare

After closely evaluating the six largest independent travel web sites, we wish we could recommend just one as your one-stop shopping tool. But while several excel in certain areas, none outshines the others in all aspects of booking.

Consumer Reports Travel Letter, in conjunction with Consumer WebWatch, has examined the six largest integrated travel sites: Cheap Tickets, Expedia, OneTravel, Orbitz, TravelNow, and Travelocity. In the end, we found that to get the best fares you have to comparison shop. Not only does no one site do it all, but Southwest, the largest low-fare airline in the country, is not listed in any of them. However, our study clearly explains which are the best and worst sites.

CRTL found that Expedia beat its competitors in providing the greatest number of lowest fares but that Travelocity offered the best array of low fares coupled with viable flight choices. Travelocity had the best booking tools. Expedia and Travelocity also had the best customer service and privacy & security policies.

Our full report is available in our  Consumer Reports Travel Letter Electronic Edition . It provides answers to these questions:

  • Which site provided the greatest number of lower fares?
  • Which site suggested that the best flight between Miami and Atlanta included a stop in Newark?
  • Which was the only site that provided flights and fares for every query?
  • Which two sites did not allow us to cancel bookings via a toll-free number?
  • Most important, which were the best overall sites?

Orbitz, which is owned by five major airlines, performed well at providing lowest fares and viable flights, but it was edged out in most tests by either Expedia or Travelocity. The technological divide between the larger three sites and the others-Cheap Tickets, OneTravel, and TravelNow-is so considerable that CRTL cannot recommend the smaller sites at all, unless the consumer is looking for deeply-discounted and nonrefundable fares.

The CRTL study also found that it is getting harder to find the best fares through a travel agent. Between 24 and 78 percent of the time, each of the six sites offered prices equal to or lower than those posted in the largest computer reservations system used by travel agents. That’s a big change from when CRTL tested travel web sites in Oct. 2000, when the range was between 6 and 22 percent.

CRTL has brought an unprecedented level of expertise and repetition to its testing of travel booking methodology. First we selected 10 busy domestic nonstop routes and created itineraries likely to be used by both leisure and business travelers. Then we simultaneously requested flight and fare data from the six sites during nine separate test sessions, for a total of 540 flight queries. All testing was done in real-time conjunction with our outside consultant, who made identical queries via a DOT-regulated computer reservations system. When undertaking such testing, CRTL has called upon the full resources of Consumers Union, including the Research, Statistics, Survey, Fact-Checking, and Legal Departments. We conducted these tests anonymously and off-premises, at various times of the day and week.

Once again, our extensive testing raised serious questions about potential bias and the way in which flight information is displayed, due to the relationship between travel web sites and the airlines that own or advertise on them. Consumers Union has expressed these concerns by officially requesting that the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulate integrated travel web sites the way it regulates computer reservations systems used by travel agencies.

CRTL, which is published by Consumers Union, accepts no advertising and has no marketing ties to any travel companies. The publication accepts no free gifts or trips.

Through its grantors, Consumer WebWatch funded the research for CRTL’s latest examination of independent airline ticket-booking web sites. Consumer WebWatch staff also participated in the research. Consumer WebWatch ( www.consumerwebwatch.org ) is a project of Consumers Union, supported by grants from The Pew Charitable Trusts, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, and the Open Society Institute. Its mission is to investigate; inform; and improve the credibility of information on the web. The project will accomplish that mission through research, through establishment of guidelines for better information practices on the web to benefit consumers, and through ratings of sites based on their compliance with those guidelines.

Rebooting customer experience to bring back the magic of travel

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In the 2020 report, “ The travel industry turned upside down ,” McKinsey & Company partnered with Skift Research to document the unprecedented impact that COVID-19 had on the travel sector. 1 Seth Borko, Wouter Geerts, and Haixia Wang, “ The travel industry turned upside down: Insights, analysis, and actions for travel executives ,” September 22, 2021, McKinsey.com. One year later, we find that the travel sector is bouncing back—yet recovery still has a long way to go.

Although 2021 performance has improved considerably, the Skift Recovery Index shows it is still 35 percent below pre-pandemic levels globally. Furthermore, different geographies tell vastly different recovery stories as a result of varying travel restrictions, COVID-19 case counts, and the strength of domestic travel markets. North America shows strong recovery performance, while many Asian countries are showing lower recovery scores as they remain far more cautious in opening their borders (Exhibit 1).

In this report, McKinsey and Skift Research assess the current traveler experience and find mixed signals. While surveys and customer satisfaction rating analyses show many travelers are satisfied with their experiences—some, surprisingly, more so than before COVID-19—a deeper look at the data reveals troubling undercurrents.

Despite high satisfaction ratings, negative sentiment is on the rise. 2 “ US consumer sentiment during the coronavirus crisis, McKinsey survey results ,” May 13, 2021, McKinsey.com. Furthermore, operational capacity is strained, staffing challenges are widespread, airline complaints are up, rental cars are hard to come by, and hotel amenities and services remain substantially pared down.

Given the seeming contradiction between performance and satisfaction, the true situation may simply be that leisure travelers are happy to be on the road again after a year of being stuck at home. As travel volumes increase and business travelers return, there is potential for a wave of customer dissatisfaction—at a time when loyalty is up for grabs.

Will travel players manage to reboot customer experience before travelers’ “honeymoon phase” comes to an end? Or will thinning customer patience shock the system?

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Customer experience is the challenge of the recovery.

Whether it’s more tailored products, greater digital parity with analog services, or faster turnaround, customer expectations of what great customer experience (CX) looks like have shifted significantly. COVID-19 only accelerated these trends, leaving the travel ecosystem in a game of catch-up.

In this changing landscape, travel companies that prioritize CX can gain loyalty, build resilience, and future-proof their businesses.

Yet while travel executives may believe their companies deliver strong CX today, our research indicates there is room for improvement. Common challenges include inconsistency in CX across products, services, and digital; difficulty predicting customers’ sentiment without having to ask them; and time lags in going to market with updates, releases and enhancements.

This report explores the critical role of CX in the travel industry at this pivotal moment in time. Travel executives can ask themselves:

  • Do you believe your customer experience is consistently high across product, service and digital? Research shows that you can aim higher.
  • Do you know the sentiment of your customers without ever having to ask them? Research shows that you can understand your customers more deeply.
  • Do you move as fast today as you did when the pandemic first struck? Research shows that you can move faster.
  • Ultimately, how can you be more intentional about unlocking the value of customer experience and bringing back the magic of travel?

Travel companies are still absorbing COVID-19’s financial impact, and investing in CX now may seem too great a burden for many of them. But companies that prioritize CX during a downturn stand to outperform their competition for years to come—as McKinsey research on the 2007–09 downturn has shown. 3 Dago Diedrich, Nicholas Northcote, Tido Röder, and Karolina Sauer-Sidor, “Strategic resilience during the COVID-19 crisis,” March 2, 2021, McKinsey.com. Indeed, wise investment in CX may be key to the industry’s survival, and flourishing, in a post-pandemic world.

There are mixed signals around the current customer experience

As travel volumes are starting to return in many parts of the world, stories have begun to surface about problematic travel experiences. 4 Elaine Glusac, “6 ways to tame airline nightmares,” New York Times , August 24, 2021, nytimes.com; Hannah Sampson, “Tourists in Hawaii are driving U-Hauls because rental cars are so expensive,” Washington Post , May 3, 2021, washingtonpost.com. Has the travel experience in fact gotten worse? The answer is not clear cut as there are mixed signals around the current customer experience.

On the surface, traveler satisfaction does not appear to have declined during the pandemic

Perhaps surprisingly, Skift Research’s Traveler Tracker survey found that more than 80 percent of leisure travelers were satisfied with their Summer 2021 flight and hotel experiences—indeed, nearly half rated their trips as better than those they’d experienced pre-COVID-19 (Exhibit 2). 5 Skift Travel Tracker, July 2021. Similarly, a Travelsify analysis of over 60 million hotel guest reviews found minimal changes in review scores, and a Transparent analysis of vacation rental property ratings found that current scores are comparable to 2019 levels. 6 Travelsify Hotel Brand DNA®, January 2018 to December 2019 and January 2020 to July 2021; Transparent analysis from January to August 2019, 2020 and 2021.

These surprising “satisfaction” rating findings may be the result of leisure travelers simply being happy to be on the road again.

Despite steady satisfaction ratings, negative sentiment is on the rise

As time passes, travelers may become less willing to lower their expectations and accept sub-par service under the guise of “safety.” A sentiment analysis of Tripadvisor reviews from the United States, Europe, and Asia found the emotional intensity of customer reviews increased considerably from 2019 to 2021 (Exhibit 3). Perhaps unsurprisingly, given the pandemic-induced impacts to hotel operations, the shift in sentiment was driven primarily by more negative views on cleanliness, food standards, and service.

Business travelers may not be as understanding as leisure travelers have been

Business travelers typically travel more frequently than leisure travelers, and often have higher expectations; they have long complained at higher rates than leisure travelers, and COVID-19 has only exacerbated this divide. The American Customer Satisfaction Index shows that 38 percent of business passengers complained to the airline, double the rate of leisure travelers. 7 American Customer Satisfaction Index, ACSI Travel Report 2020–2021, April 27, 2021, theacsi.org. Particularly as corporate travel volumes return, companies may see a decline in satisfaction.

There is a potential for a wave of dissatisfied customers at a time when loyalty is up for grabs

In fact, a McKinsey consumer survey found that customers are twice as likely to try new brands and experiences as a result of COVID-19 and 75 percent of US consumers tried a different store, website or brand during the pandemic. 8 “ US consumer sentiment during the coronavirus crisis, McKinsey survey results ,” May 13, 2021, McKinsey.com. This is particularly important in the travel sector with its strong reliance on loyalty programs.

Now is the time for companies who have maintained their satisfaction and performance levels to reprioritize CX and gain an even greater competitive advantage.

A travel boom is looming. But is the industry ready?

A travel boom is looming. But is the industry ready?

Three strategies to transform your customer experience.

This report presents three strategies for travel entities to use to transform CX during the recovery. First, aim higher than your competitors, and aspire to bring back the magic of travel. Second, look forward , using a robust measurement toolkit to understand your customers better. Last, move fast , leveraging a nimble, agile organization to implement insights swiftly).

Aim high—aspire to bring back the magic of travel

The travel industry once set the gold standard for CX, with the offer of memorable journeys and adventures. Travel companies should aspire to bring back the magic of travel by first expanding their view of CX from being human-centered to include digital as well.

Then travel companies can build an emotional connection that exceeds customer expectations. Travel brands must sell the way they make their guests feel : well rested in advance of an important meeting; awestruck at a beautiful destination; recharged after a getaway; appreciated after a heartwarming, personal farewell as they disembark from a plane on the way home. Companies can build these emotional connections by leveraging the science behind delight: While satisfaction is a rational assessment of reality minus expectations; delight is emotional, and is experienced as a result of joy and surprise. 9 Adapted based on research by Chitturi et al. (2008), Kim et al. (2015), Oliver et al. (1997), and Zeithaml et al. (1996). Travel companies can aspire to delight, not just satisfy.

Look forward—understand your customers better

To deliver on ambitious aspirations, travel companies need a deep understanding of their customers. This can be challenging because, as COVID-19 demonstrated, customer needs and expectations are constantly shifting. Travel companies can build a more robust measurement toolkit by leveraging data already at their fingertips. The next frontier of measurement is knowing what your customers want and need without asking.

A more mature toolkit should be holistic and aim to measure the majority of customers by leveraging internal and external data such as social media, booking and mobile systems, and operational systems. Now more than ever, travel companies cannot afford to spend on low-impact interventions, so a toolkit should be prioritized and pinpoint impactful touch points along the end-to-end journey. It should also be predictive and anticipate satisfaction and lifetime value in real time. For instance, companies can apply machine learning to large and dispersed data sets, creating predictive models of sentiment and behavior. Finally, a toolkit should be prescriptive and use data to guide interventions that maximize ROI.

Move fast—implement insights quicker

Real-time insights are only impactful if companies can act on them quickly. As more travel companies invest in measurement toolkits and CX systems, the next frontier lies less in the data and insights, and more in the speed at which that data can be put to use. For many travel companies, COVID-19 was a crash course in agility. As global travel resumes, it is important to harness the crisis-induced momentum through two organizational strategies: breaking down silos to ensure that bureaucracy does not diminish CX, and iterating journeys with customers and employees.

CX is more than a feeling, more than a department, more than a phase in the customer journey. Rather, it is a customer-centric way of doing business, one that requires analytical leadership, cross-functional collaboration, and continuous iteration to deliver great user experience.

Travel companies, with their legacy of strong emotional relationships with consumers, have much to gain from fostering excellent CX, aided by the power of modern digital systems to measure impact and predict behavior. Those who fail to take advantage of this moment may risk falling behind. With changing consumer preferences after COVID-19, CX is an area where businesses can shine: building performance uplift and standing out from the competition—while bringing back the magic of travel for customers.

Vik Krishnan is a partner in McKinsey’s San Francisco office; Kevin Neher is a senior partner in the Denver office; Maurice Obeid is a partner in the New York office; Ellen Scully is a consultant in the Seattle office; and Jules Seeley is a senior partner in the Boston office.

The authors would like to thank Filipa Douma, Jasperina de Vries, Haixia Wang, Seth Borko, and Wouter Geerts for their contributions.

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The latest travel data.


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U.S. Travel has temporarily paused our monthly data newsletter, however, the latest travel data is still available via the U.S. Travel Insights Dashboard . This dashboard is updated each month (member login required).

The U.S. Travel Insights Dashboard , developed in collaboration with Tourism Economics, is supported by more than 20 data sources. The dashboard is the most comprehensive and centralized source for high-frequency intelligence on the U.S. travel industry, tracking industry performance, travel volumes and predictive indicators of recovery including air and lodging forecasts, DMO website traffic, convention and group trends, travel spending and losses, traveler sentiment, among others to measure the health of the industry.

Key Highlights January 2024:

  • Travel appetite started the year on a softer note, but overall growth continued. Air passenger growth remained positive, up 6% versus the prior year but lower than the double-digit growth seen through 2023. Foreign visits remained strong, up 24% YoY.
  • Hotel room demand continued a trend of slight contraction falling 1% versus the prior year, while short-term rental demand grew 1%, a lower rate than 2023.
  • A particular bright spot was that group room demand within the top 25 markets displayed solid growth of 9% relative to the prior year.
  • The outlook for the economy remains fairly optimistic due to the strength of the labor market, looser financial conditions and healthy household and nonfinancial corporate balance sheets. This has filtered through to slightly higher consumer sentiment in February.
  • Sentiment is also growing for upcoming leisure travel in 2024. The share of travelers reporting having travel plans within the next six months increased to 93% in January from 92% in December, according to Longwoods International’s monthly survey.
  • Travel price inflation (TPI) fell slightly in January as a result of falling transportation prices. Sticky services inflation should see relief from decelerating wage growth. However, upside risks stem from rising healthcare costs, supply chain disruptions and slowing labor supply. Source: U.S. Travel Association and Tourism Economics

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Additional monthly insights are available through the full U.S. Travel Monthly Data Report, exclusive to members. Please inquire with  membership  if you are interested in learning about becoming a member of U.S. Travel Association. 

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The Best Travel Medical Insurance of 2024

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Allianz Travel Insurance »

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Seven Corners »

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GeoBlue »

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WorldTrips »

Why Trust Us

U.S. News evaluates ratings, data and scores of more than 50 travel insurance companies from comparison websites like TravelInsurance.com, Squaremouth and InsureMyTrip, plus renowned credit rating agency AM Best, in addition to reviews and recommendations from top travel industry sources and consumers to determine the Best Travel Medical Insurance Plans.

Table of Contents

  • Allianz Travel Insurance
  • Seven Corners

Buying travel insurance is a smart move for any type of trip, but you may not need a policy that covers everything under the sun. If you don't need coverage for trip cancellations or delays because you're relying on your travel credit card to offer these protections, for example, you may find you only need emergency medical coverage that works away from home.

Still, travel medical coverage varies widely based on included benefits, policy limits and more. If you're comparing travel insurance plans and hoping to find the best option for unexpected medical expenses, read on to learn which policies we recommend.

Frequently Asked Questions

The term travel insurance usually describes a comprehensive travel insurance policy that includes coverage for medical expenses as well as trip cancellations and interruptions, trip delays, lost baggage, and more. Meanwhile, travel medical insurance is coverage that focuses on paying for emergency medical expenses and other related care.

Travelers need international health insurance if they're visiting a place where their own health coverage will not apply. This typically includes all international trips away from home since U.S. health plans limit coverage to care required in the United States.

Note that if you don't have travel health insurance and you become sick or injured abroad, you'll be responsible for paying back any health care costs you incur.

Many travel insurance policies cover emergency medical expenses you incur during a covered trip. However, the included benefits of each policy can vary widely, and so can the policy limits that apply.

If you're looking for a travel insurance policy that offers sufficient protection for unexpected medical expenses, you'll typically want to choose a plan with at least $100,000 in coverage for emergency medical care and at least that much in protection for emergency medical evacuation and transportation.

However, higher limits can provide even more protection from overseas medical bills, which can become pricey depending on the type of care you need. As just one example, Allianz says the average cost of emergency medical evacuation can easily reach up to $200,000 or more depending on where you’re traveling.

Your U.S. health insurance policy almost never covers medical expenses incurred abroad. The same is true for most people on Medicare and especially Medicaid. If you want to ensure you have travel medical coverage that applies overseas, you should purchase a travel insurance plan with adequate limits for every trip. Read the U.S. News article on this topic for more information.

The cost of travel medical insurance can vary depending on the age of the travelers, the type of coverage purchased, the length of the trip and other factors. You can use a comparison site like TravelInsurance.com to explore different travel medical insurance plans and their cost.

  • Allianz Travel Insurance: Best Overall
  • Seven Corners: Best for Families
  • GeoBlue: Best for Expats
  • WorldTrips: Best Cost

Coverage for preexisting conditions is available as an add-on

Easy to purchase as needed for individual trips

Relatively low limits for medical expenses

No coverage for trip cancellations or trip interruption

  • Up to $50,000 in emergency medical coverage
  • Up to $250,000 in emergency medical evacuation coverage
  • Up to $2,000 in coverage for baggage loss and damage
  • Up to $600 in baggage delay insurance
  • Up to $1,000 for travel delays
  • Up to $10,000 in travel accident insurance
  • 24-hour hotline assistance
  • Concierge services


Purchase comprehensive medical coverage worth up to $5 million

Coverage for families with up to 10 people

Low coverage amounts for trip interruption

Medical coverage options vary by age

  • Up to $5 million in comprehensive medical coverage
  • Up to $500,000 in emergency evacuation coverage
  • Up to $10,000 in coverage for incidental trips to home country
  • Up to $25,000 in coverage for terrorist activity
  • Up to $500 in accidental dental emergency coverage
  • Up to $100 per occurrence in coverage for emergency eye exams
  • $50,000 in coverage for local burial or cremation
  • 24/7 travel assistance
  • Up to $25,000 in coverage for accidental death and dismemberment per traveler
  • Up to $500 for loss of checked baggage
  • Up to $5,000 for trip interruptions
  • Up to $100 per day for trip delays
  • Up to $50,000 for personal liability

Qualify for international health insurance with no annual or lifetime caps

Use coverage within the U.S. with select providers

Deductible from $500 to $10,000 can apply

Doesn't come with any nonmedical travel insurance benefits

  • Up to $250,000 in coverage for emergency medical evacuation
  • Up to $25,000 for repatriation of mortal remains
  • $50,000 in coverage for accidental death and dismemberment

High limits for medical insurance and emergency medical evacuation

Covers multiple trips over a period of up to 364 days

Deductible of $250 required for each covered trip

Copays required for medical care received in the U.S.

  • Up to $1,000,000 of maximum coverage
  • Up to $1,000,000 for emergency medical evacuation
  • Up to $10,000 for trip interruptions
  • Up to $1,000 for lost checked luggage
  • Up to $100 per day for travel delays
  • Up to $25,000 in personal liability coverage
  • Medical coverage for eligible expenses related to COVID-19
  • Ability to add coverage for your spouse and/or child(ren)
  • Repatriation of remains coverage up to overall limit
  • Up to $5,000 for local burial or cremation 
  • $10,000 to $50,000 for common carrier accidental death

Why Trust U.S. News Travel

Holly Johnson is an award-winning content creator who has been writing about travel insurance and travel for more than a decade. She has researched travel insurance options for her own vacations and family trips to more than 50 countries around the world and has experience navigating the claims and reimbursement process. In fact, she has successfully filed several travel insurance claims for trip delays and trip cancellations over the years. Johnson also works alongside her husband, Greg, who has been licensed to sell travel insurance in 50 states, in their family media business.

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Best and Worst Phone Plan Providers

Here are the top wireless carriers based on value, data service, customer support, and more

Photo illustration of a cell phone split in half with a thumbs up and a thumbs down.

Switching to a new wireless carrier may seem like a hassle, but according to a recent Consumer Reports members survey, it’s well worth the effort. While more than 40 percent of respondents said they had been using their current provider for over a decade, 7 percent had changed services in the previous 12 months—and some saved more than $40 a month.

“Verizon and AT&T are clearly getting outmaneuvered for new customers by the smaller providers,” says Martin Lachter, a research program leader in CR’s survey department. “The biggest reason for this is cost.”

Some people reported that their new provider gave them better customer service, cellular coverage, call quality, and/or data speed.

Thinking of making the leap to another carrier yourself? To help you out, we’ve combed through the survey data to come up with this list of the best (and worst) phone plan providers. (CR members can consult our phone service ratings , too.)

In our 2023 survey, 51,858 CR members shared their views on their providers’ offerings, including the value of the service they use, customer support, data service (cost, reliability, and speed), cellular reception, and consumer experience.

Note that our methodology for scoring providers has changed a bit since last year. The tweaks prevent a carrier from receiving an artificially inflated satisfaction score, bringing this year’s ratings more in line with a provider’s overall performance. 

But before you switch, keep in mind that it could have an impact on your data speeds and coverage, so it’s worth checking how much data you and others on your current plan use per month. (Log in to your wireless provider’s website and review your bills.) Then choose a new plan that gives you enough high-speed data before the speed is reduced. Be sure to read the fine print on the company’s website and see if and when it reduces data speeds.

Best of the Big Three

AT&T , T-Mobile , and Verizon dominate the market, but they certainly don’t command our members’ hearts. If you had to pick a clear winner, it would be T-Mobile, which finished 10th among the 19 services in our ratings with middle-of-the-road marks across the board for value, customer support, data service, and cellular reception. 

A significant percentage of CR members who changed providers went to T-Mobile, often drawn to the company’s cheaper plan options. Many noted that they received better customer service and/or data speeds after they went to T-Mobile. The company’s plans start at $55 per month (or $50 per month for customers 55 years and older) for one phone line with 50 gigabytes of high-speed data.

In contrast, AT&T finished dead last in our ratings, behind 18 other companies, big and small. It got a poor mark for value and a weak mark for customer support, though data service and cellular reception were both rated adequate. AT&T offers a one-line unlimited call, text, and data plan for $50 per month. 

Verizon is just one step above AT&T in our ratings, falling short when it comes to customer support and getting a poor mark for value, although data service and reception are rated as acceptable. Of those CR members who had switched providers in the previous 12 months, more reported leaving Verizon than any other carrier, primarily citing cost. In fact, the number of CR members who reported leaving Verizon is more than four times higher than the number who reported joining its service. 

CR members who switched to either AT&T or Verizon were also more likely to have their monthly costs increase and discover unexpected charges or fees on their bills than those who switched to T-Mobile or a smaller provider.

U.S. Cellular , now on the verge of being purchased by T-Mobile , earns the title of third-worst carrier, due in part to its low rating for value. Its marks for customer support, data, and reception are all middle of the road.

Best Small Wireless Provider

At the top of our ratings chart you’ll find a bunch of mobile virtual network operators ( MVNOs ). Due in large part to their low-cost plans, these MVNOs are now attracting new customers at a clip. In fact, nearly four times as many CR members reported switching to a smaller provider—rather than leaving one—in the 12 months before the survey. 

Companies like these provide low-cost service by purchasing minutes and data from AT&T, T-Mobile, or Verizon, thereby saving on the operation costs tied to owning a cellular network. When network traffic is heavy, though, the big carriers slow service for MVNO customers before their own.

Consumer Cellular scored the best of all the cell phone services—including the Big Three: Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile—on our ratings list. It’s the only wireless provider to earn an excellent rating in the categories of customer support and data service. (And solid customer support can be hard to come by, we learned. Thirty-four percent of CR members who had contacted customer service in the year before taking the survey reported problems with customer service, such as long wait times and unhelpful solutions to problems.)

Consumer Cellular also earned an excellent score for value and our second-highest rating for cellular reception.

The service operates on the networks of AT&T and T-Mobile, and its plans start at $20 per month with 1GB of data for a single line. Each additional line costs a flat $15 per month. The company offers an AARP discount and its own Consumer Cellular-branded flip phones.

Other MVNOs worth considering are Mint Mobile , Ting , Cricket , and Google-Fi , which rank in that order for overall satisfaction, just behind Consumer Cellular.

Mint Mobile and Ting are the two companies other than Consumer Cellular to earn a top mark for value. Operating on the networks of T-Mobile and Verizon, Ting offers a pay-as-you-go data plan starting at $10 per month, as well as plans with monthly data allotments starting at $25 per month and unlimited data plans starting at $45 per month.

Mint Mobile uses T-Mobile’s network. Its plans, which it sells in 3-, 6-, and 12-month buckets, start at $15 per month with 5GB of data. (Fun fact: Funny man and movie star Ryan Reynolds is a part owner of the company.)

A final top performer, Google Fi, which is operated by Google and runs on the T-Mobile network, was midlevel for customer support and cellular reception but received a strong mark for value and data service. The provider offers two unlimited data plans for $50 or $65 per month when adding a single line.

Best for Cellular Reception

Only four companies in our ratings—all MVNOs—earned strong scores for reception: Consumer Cellular, Credo Mobile, Cricket, and Ting. Every other cell service provider earned a middle-of-the-road rating. 

Credo Mobile runs on Verizon’s network and donates a portion of its revenue to socially progressive causes that its customers vote on. The company also earns a solid score for data service and a midrange score for value. We didn’t receive enough survey responses to rank its customer support. Credo Mobile’s plans start at $35 per month for a single line with 1GB of data.

Cricket—also mentioned above as one of the best overall small service providers—runs on AT&T’s network. In addition to its well-regarded cellular reception, the company gets favorable marks for value and data service. Cricket offers a discount if you opt for a yearlong plan and pay $300 up front. That plan is $25 per month for a single line and unlimited data. The next cheapest unlimited option is a $55-per-month plan. 

Best for Minimal or No Data Usage

If you don’t need a lot of cellular data—for example, if you often have access to a WiFi network—it may be worth looking at wireless companies that charge for data on a per gigabyte basis. These plans can provide even steeper discounts.

Ting’s Flex plan, for example, costs just $10 per month per line for unlimited talk and text. Data is then $5 per gigabyte. And Google Fi’s Flexible plan charges $10 per gigabyte of data after you pay for a base $20 per month plan. Google’s plans also include built-in VPN, which can improve safety on unsecured networks.

Melanie Pinola

Melanie Pinola covered smartphones, home office products, and a wide range of other technology topics for Consumer Reports. A seasoned service journalist, her work has appeared in the New York Times, Popular Mechanics, Laptop Magazine, PCWorld, and other publications. Follow Melanie on X, formerly known as Twitter @melaniepinola .

Courtney Lindwall

Courtney Lindwall is a writer at Consumer Reports. Since joining CR in 2023, she’s covered the latest on cell phones, smartwatches, and fitness trackers as part of the tech team. Previously, Courtney reported on environmental and climate issues for the Natural Resources Defense Council. She lives in Brooklyn, N.Y.

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Air Travel Consumer Report: March 2024 Numbers

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) today released its Air Travel Consumer Report (ATCR) on airline operational data compiled for the month of March 2024 for on-time performance, mishandled baggage, mishandled wheelchairs and scooters, and 1st quarter oversales. The ATCR is designed to assist consumers with information on the quality of services provided by airlines. 

For March 2024, 0.9% of flights were cancelled, lower than the 1.3% cancellation rate for March 2023 and the 2.0% cancellation rate for pre-pandemic March 2019.  

DOT expects that airlines will operate flights as scheduled and that when they do not, airlines will provide consumers the services promised when a flight is cancelled or delayed because of an airline issue. After a two-year DOT push to improve the passenger experience, the 10 largest airlines now guarantee meals and free rebooking on the same airline and nine guarantee hotel accommodations. Consumer-friendly information regarding airline commitments to their customers is available on the Department’s Airline Customer Service Dashboard at FlightRights.Gov . DOT also pushed airlines to provide fee-free family seating and rolled out a new family seating dashboard that highlights the airlines that guarantee fee-free family seating, and those of the 10 largest that do not, making it easier for parents to avoid paying junk fees to sit with their children when they fly.

DOT recently announced two final rules that require airlines to provide automatic cash refunds to passengers when owed and protect consumers from costly surprise airline fees . These rules will significantly expand consumer protections in air travel, provide passengers an easier pathway to refunds when owed, and save consumers more than half a billion dollars every year in hidden and surprise junk fees. Provisions of the final rule on airline refunds were fortified through the FAA reauthorization bill that President Biden signed into law on May 16, 2024.

In addition, DOT is improving transportation for individuals with disabilities. In July 2023, DOT finalized a rule which requires airlines to make lavatories on new, single-aisle aircraft more accessible. Then, in February 2024, DOT issued a proposal to address other barriers that Americans who use a wheelchair encounter when it comes to air travel by, among other things, proposing to mandate enhanced training for airline employees and contractors who physically assist passenger with disabilities and handle passengers’ wheelchairs.

Further, when necessary, DOT takes enforcement action against airlines and ticket agents that fail to comply with the Department’s aviation consumer protection requirements. In 2023, DOT issued the largest fines in the history of the consumer protection office. This includes a $140 million penalty against Southwest Airlines for failing passengers during the 2022 holiday meltdown. That penalty, which was in addition to over $600 million DOT already ensured was refunded by Southwest to passengers, requires Southwest to establish a $90 million compensation system for passengers affected by significant delays and cancellations beginning April 30, 2024.  Additionally, DOT has helped return nearly $4 billion in refunds to travelers since the pandemic began.

In April, DOT announced the launch of the bipartisan Airline Passenger Protection Partnership with 18 state attorneys general to investigate airlines and ticket agents and hold them accountable when they violate aviation consumer protection laws. The partnership significantly expands the Department’s oversight capacity by establishing a new fast-track system prioritizing misconduct cases from state attorneys general who uncover unfair or deceptive airline practices. Through the partnership, DOT will provide state attorneys general with access to the federal complaint database and help ensure that airlines cooperate with state investigations.

Flight Operations

The 623,409 flights operated in March 2024 were 102.47% of the 608,387 flights operated in March 2023. Operated flights in March 2024 were up 2.47% year-over-year from the 608,387 flights operated in March 2023 and up 13.46% month-over-month from 549,439 flights operated in February 2024. 

"U.S. Airlines Operated Domestic Flights: March 2022-MArch 2024. Operated=Scheduled - Canceled"

In March 2024, the 10 marketing network carriers reported 628,786 scheduled domestic flights, 5,377 (0.9%) of which were cancelled. In February 2024, airlines scheduled 552,691 domestic flights, 3,252 (0.6%) of which were cancelled. In March 2023, airlines scheduled 616,234 domestic flights, 7,847 (1.3%) of which were cancelled.

March 2024 On-Time Arrival

In March 2024, reporting marketing carriers posted an on-time arrival rate of 78.7%, down from 83.7% in February 2024 and up from 75.4% in March 2023. The year-to-date on-time arrival rate for 2024 is 78.3%.

Highest Marketing Carrier On-Time Arrival Rates March 2024 (ATCR Table 1)

  • Hawaiian Airlines – 87.2%
  • Delta Air Lines Network – 84.8%
  • United Airlines Network – 81.8% 

Lowest Marketing Carrier On-Time Arrival Rates March 2024 (ATCR Table 1)

  • Frontier Airlines – 66.4%
  • JetBlue Airways – 68.4%
  • Spirit Airlines – 69.6%

For the first three months of 2024, the reporting marketing carriers posted an on-time arrival rate of 78.31% up from 76.89% for the same period in 2023.

March 2024 Flight Cancellations

In March 2024, reporting marketing carriers cancelled 0.9% of their scheduled domestic flights, higher than the rate of 0.6% in February 2024 and lower than the rate of 1.3% in March 2023. The year-to-date cancellation rate for 2024 is 1.7%.

Lowest Marketing Carrier Rates of Cancelled Flights March 2024 (ATCR Table 6)

  • Delta Air Lines Network – 0.2%  
  • Hawaiian Airlines – 0.6%   
  • Allegiant Air – 0.6%    

  Highest Marketing Carrier Rates of Cancelled Flights March 2024 (ATCR Table 6)

  • Frontier Airlines – 2.7%    
  • Spirit Airlines – 1.7%    
  • JetBlue Airways – 1.4%    

For the first three months of 2024, the reporting marketing carriers posted a cancellation rate of 1.7%, equal to 1.7% for the same period in 2023.

Complaints About Airline Service

The release of air travel service complaint data in the Air Travel Consumer Report (ATCR) has been delayed primarily because of the continued high volume of complaints against airlines and ticket agents received by the Office of Aviation Consumer Protection (OACP) and the time needed to review and process these consumer complaints. The Department is investing in modernizing its system for handling consumer complaints with the support of a Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) investment to improve the customer experience for the tens of thousands of consumers who use the system each year and enable OACP to more effectively engage in oversight of the airline industry. 

As DOT modernizes its system, given the continued high volume of air travel service complaints concerning airlines and ticket agents, DOT has revised how it processes consumer complaints received after June 1, 2023. From June 2023 until the date its system is modernized, DOT intends to revise the ATCR to display consumer submissions (complaints, inquiries, and opinions) as opposed to complaints for this period. The Department will continue to display civil rights complaints in the ATCR in a similar manner as before and anticipates publishing submission and civil rights complaint numbers for June 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 in June 2024.

Tarmac Delays

In March 2024, airlines reported six tarmac delays of more than three hours on domestic flights, compared to 10 tarmac delays of more than three hours on domestic flights reported in February 2024. In March 2024, airlines reported one tarmac delay of more than four hours on an international flight, compared to two tarmac delays of more than four hours on international flights reported in February 2024. 

Airlines are required to have and adhere to assurances that they will not allow aircraft to remain on the tarmac for more than three hours for domestic flights and four hours for international flights without providing passengers the option to deplane, subject to exceptions related to safety, security, and Air Traffic Control related reasons. An exception also exists for departure delays if the airline begins to return the aircraft to a suitable disembarkation point to deplane passengers by those times.

The Department investigates extended tarmac delays.

Mishandled Baggage

In March 2024, reporting marketing carriers handled 43.1 million bags and posted a mishandled baggage rate of 0.52%, higher than the rate of 0.48% in February 2024, but lower than the rate of 0.58% in March 2023.

For the first quarter of 2024, the carriers posted a mishandled baggage rate of 0.58%, lower than the first quarter 2023 rate of 0.64%.

The Department began displaying the mishandled baggage data as a percentage (i.e., per 100 bags enplaned) in January 2022. This is consistent with the manner that the mishandled wheelchairs and scooters rate is calculated and displayed.     In the prior three calendar year reports (2019 to 2021), the Department calculated the mishandled baggage rate based on the number of mishandled bags per 1,000 checked bags. 

Mishandled Wheelchairs and Scooters

In March 2024, reporting marketing carriers reported checking 65,793 wheelchairs and scooters and mishandling 859 for a rate of 1.31% mishandled wheelchairs and scooters, higher than the rate of 1.30% mishandled in February 2024 and lower than the rate of 1.33% mishandled in March 2023.

For the first quarter of 2024, the carriers posted a mishandled wheelchair and scooter rate of 1.36%, lower than the rate of 1.40% in the first quarter of 2023.

To address many of the significant barriers and challenges experienced by passengers who use wheelchairs, the Department has proposed a rulemaking that, if adopted as proposed would make it an automatic violation of the Department’s Air Carrier Access Act regulations for airlines to mishandle a passenger’s wheelchair. This Notice of Proposed Rulemaking would also enhance training requirements for airline personnel who provide hands-on transfer assistance to passengers and handle wheelchairs. The proposal is available at https://www.regulations.gov , docket number DOT-OST-2022-0144.


Bumping/oversales data, unlike other air carrier data, are reported quarterly rather than monthly. For the first quarter of 2024, the 10 U.S. reporting marketing carriers posted an involuntary denied boarding, or bumping, rate of 0.27 per 10,000 passengers, lower than both the rate of 0.29 in the first quarter of 2023 and higher than the rate of 0.20 in the fourth quarter of 2023.

Incidents Involving Animals

As part of its IT modernization, DOT’s Office of Aviation Consumer Protection (OACP) is improving the options for covered carriers to submit their monthly and annual Reports on Incidents Involving Animals During Air Transport. While the new system is being developed, OACP is permitting covered carriers to delay submission of reports on incidents involving animals during air transport. Annual data on such incidents will be published when DOT receives carriers’ complete submissions of the 2023 data. 

In March 2024, carriers reported zero incidents involving the death, injury, or loss of an animal while traveling by air, down from the two reports filed in February 2024, and equal to the zero reports filed in March 2023.

Consumers may file air travel consumer or civil rights complaints online at   https://secure.dot.gov/air-travel-complaint , or they may mail a complaint to the Office of Aviation Consumer Protection, U.S. Department of Transportation, C-70, W96-432, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590.

The ATCR and other aviation consumer matters of interest to the public can be found at https://www.transportation.gov/airconsumer .

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Best International Travel Insurance for June 2024

Affiliate links for the products on this page are from partners that compensate us (see our advertiser disclosure with our list of partners for more details). However, our opinions are our own. See how we rate insurance products to write unbiased product reviews.

If you're planning your next vacation or trip out of the country, be sure to factor in travel insurance. Unexpected medical emergencies when traveling can drain your bank account, especially when you're traveling internationally. The best travel insurance companies for international travel can step in to provide you with peace of mind and financial protection while you're abroad.

Best International Travel Insurance

  • Best overall: Allianz Travel Insurance
  • Best for exotic travel: World Nomads Travel Insurance
  • Best for trip interruption coverage: C&F Travel Insured

Best for medical-only coverage: GeoBlue Travel Insurance

  • Best for families: Travelex Travel Insurance
  • Best for long-term travel: Seven Corners Travel Insurance

How we rate the best international travel insurance »

Compare the Best International Travel Insurance Companies

As a general rule, the most important coverage to have in a foreign country is travel medical insurance , as most US health insurance policies don't cover you while you're abroad. Without travel medical coverage, a medical emergency in a foreign country can cost you. You'll want trip cancellation and interruption coverage if your trip is particularly expensive. And if you're traveling for an extended period of time, you'll want to ensure that your policy is extendable. 

Here are our picks for the best travel insurance companies for international travel.

Best overall: Allianz

Allianz Allianz Travel Insurance

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Good option for frequent travelers thanks to its annual multi-trip policies
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Doesn't increase premium for trips longer than 30 days, meaning it could be one of the more affordable options for a long trip
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Some plans include free coverage for children 17 and under
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Concierge included with some plans
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Coverage for medical emergency is lower than some competitors' policies
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Plans don't include coverage contact sports and high-altitude activities
  • Single and multi-trip plans available
  • Trip cancellation and interruption coverage starting at up to $10,000 (higher limits with more expensive plans)
  • Preexisting medical condition coverage available with some plans

Allianz Travel Insurance  offers the ultimate customizable coverage for international trips, whether you're a frequent jetsetter or an occasional traveler. You can choose from an a la carte of single or multi-trip plans, as well as add-ons, including rental car damage, cancel for any reason (CFAR) , adventure sport, and business travel coverage. And with affordable pricing compared to competitors, Allianz is a budget-friendly choice for your international travel insurance needs. 

The icing on the cake is Allyz TravelSmart, Allianz's highly-rated mobile app, which has an average rating of 4.4 out of five stars on the Google Play store across over 2,600 reviews and 4.8 out of five stars from over 22,000 reviews on the Apple app store. So, you can rest easy knowing that you can access your policy and file claims anywhere in the world without a hassle.

Read our Allianz Travel Insurance review here.

Best for exotic trips: World Nomads

World Nomads World Nomads Travel Insurance

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Coverage for 200+ activities like skiing, surfing, and rock climbing
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Only two plans to choose from, making it simple to find the right option
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. You can purchase coverage even after your trip has started
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. If your trip costs more than $10,000, you may want to choose other insurance because trip protection is capped at up to $10,000 (for the Explorer plan)
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Doesn't offer coverage for travelers older than 70
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. No Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) option
  • Coverage for 150+ activities and sports
  • 2 plans: Standard and Explorer
  • Trip protection for up to $10,000
  • Emergency medical insurance of up to $100,000
  • Emergency evacuation coverage for up to $500,000
  • Coverage to protect your items (up to $3,000)

World Nomads Travel Insurance  offers coverage for over 150 specific activities, so you can focus on the adventure without worrying about gaps in your coverage. 

You can select its budget-friendly standard plan, starting at $79. Or if you're an adrenaline junkie seeking more thrills, you can opt for the World Nomads' Explorer plan for $120, which includes extra sports like skydiving, scuba diving, and heli-skiing. And World Nomads offers 24/7 assistance, so you can confidently travel abroad, knowing that help is just a phone call away. 

Read our World Nomads Travel Insurance review here.

Best for trip interruption: C&F Travel Insured

C&F C&F Travel Insured

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Offers 2 major plans including CFAR coverage on the more expensive option
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Cancellation for job loss included as a covered reason for trip cancellation/interruption (does not require CFAR coverage to qualify)
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Frequent traveler reward included in both policies
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Up to $1 million in medical evacuation coverage available
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Medical coverage is only $100,000
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Reviews on claims processing indicate ongoing issues
  • C&F's Travel Insured policies allow travelers customize travel insurance to fit their specific needs. Frequent travelers may benefit from purchasing an annual travel insurance plan, then adding on CFAR coverage for any portions of travel that may incur greater risk.

C&F Travel Insured offers 100% coverage for trip cancellation, up to 150% for trip interruption, and reimbursement for up to 75% of your non-refundable travel costs with select plans. This means you don't have to worry about losing your hard-earned money on non-refundable travel costs if your trip ends prematurely. 

Travel Insured also stands out for its extensive "reasons for cancellation" coverage. Unlike many insurers, the company covers hurricane warnings from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Read our C&F Travel Insured review here.

AJM Global Inc GeoBlue Travel Insurance

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. A subsidary of Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Offers strong medical plans as long as you have a regular health insurance plan, but it doesn't have to be through Blue Cross
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Offers long-term and multi-trip travel protection
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Multiple complaints about claims not being paid or being denied
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Does not provide some of the more comprehensive coverage like CFAR insurance
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Buyers who do get claims paid may need to file multiple claim forms

GeoBlue Travel Insurance offers policies that covers emergency medical treatments when you're abroad. While GeoBlue lacks trip cancellation coverage, that allows it to charge lower premiums than the other companies on this list. 

GeoBlue plans can cover medical expenses up to $1 million with several multi-trip annual plans available. It offers coinsurance plans for trips within the U.S. and 100% coverage for international trips. It also has a network of clinics in 180 countries, streamlining the claims process. It's worth noting that coverage for pre-existing conditions comes with additional costs. 

Read our GeoBlue Travel Insurance review here.

Best for family coverage: Travelex Travel Insurance

Travelex Travelex Travel Insurance

Trip cancellation coverage for up to 100% of the trip cost and trip interruption coverage for up to 150% of the trip cost

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Options to cover sports equipment
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Option to increase medical coverage
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Can cancel up to 48 hours before travel when CFAR option is purchased
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Affordable coverage for budget-conscious travelers
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Includes generous baggage delay, loss and trip delay coverage
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Optional "adventure sports" bundle available for riskier activities
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Only two insurance plans to choose from
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Medical coverage maximum is low at up to $50,000 per person
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Pricier than some competitors with lower coverage ceilings
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Some competitors offer higher medical emergency coverage

Travelex travel insurance is one of the largest travel insurance providers in the US providing domestic and international coverage options. It offers a basic, select, and America option. Read on to learn more.

  • Optional CFAR insurance available with the Travel Select plan
  • Trip delay insurance starting at $500 with the Travel Basic plan
  • Emergency medical and dental coverage starting at $15,000

Travelex Travel Insurance offers coverage for your whole crew, perfect for when you're planning a family trip. Its family plan insures all your children 17 and under at no additional cost. The travel insurance provider also offers add-ons like adventure sports and car rental collision coverage to protect your family under any circumstance. Got pets? With Travelex's Travel Select plan, you can also get coverage for your furry friend's emergency medical and transportation expenses. 

Read our Travelex Travel Insurance review here.

Best for long trips: Seven Corners

Seven Corners Seven Corners Travel Insurance

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Diverse coverage options such as CFAR, optional sports equipment coverage, etc.
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Available in all 50 states
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Prices are higher than many competitors
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Reviews around claims processing are mixed
  • Trip cancellation insurance of up to 100% of the trip cost
  • Trip interruption insurance of up to 150% of the trip cost
  • Cancel for any reason (CFAR) insurance available

Seven Corners Travel Insurance offers specialized coverage that the standard short-term travel insurance policy won't provide, which is helpful if you're embarking on a long-term trip. You can choose from several plans, including the Annual Multi-Trip plan, which provides medical coverage for multiple international trips for up to 364 days. This policy also offers COVID-19 medical and evacuation coverage up to $1 million. 

You also get the added benefit of incidental expense coverage. This policy will cover remote health-related services and information, treatment of injury or illness, and live consultations via telecommunication. 

Read our Seven Corners Travel Insurance review here.

How to Find the Right International Travel Insurance Company 

Different travelers and trips require different types of insurance coverage. So, consider these tips if you're in the market to insure your trip. 

Determine your needs 

Your needs for travel insurance will depend on the type of trip you're taking. You'll need to consider your destination and what you'll be doing there, either business, leisure, or adventure traveling. Policies covering adventure sports and activities will cost more. Longer, more expensive trips will also cost more. 

Research the reputation of the company 

When researching a company, you'll want to closely review the description of services. You'll want to see how claims are handled, any exceptions, and limitations.

You'll also want to look at the company's customer reviews on sites like Trustpilot, BBB, and Squaremouth, as this will provide insight on the quality of customer service and the claims process. You should also take note of whether companies respond to customer reviews.

Compare prices

You can get quotes through a company's website or travel insurance aggregators like InsureMyTrip and VisitorsCoverage. You'll need to be prepared to provide the following information about your trip:

  • Trip destination(s)
  • Travel dates
  • Number of travelers
  • Traveler(s) age/birthday
  • State of residence
  • Total trip cost

For companies that offer travel medical insurance, you'll also want to play around with the deductible options, as they can affect your policy premium. 

Understanding International Travel Insurance Coverage Options

Travel insurance can be confusing, but we're here to simplify it for you. We'll break down the industry's jargon to help you understand what travel insurance covers to help you decide what your policy needs. Bear in mind that exclusions and limitations for your age and destination may apply. 

Finding the Best Price for International Travel Insurance

Your policy cost will depend on several factors, such as the length of your trip, destination, coverage limits, and age. Typically, a comprehensive policy includes travel cancellation coverage costs between 5% and 10% of your total trip cost.

If you're planning an international trip that costs $4,500, you can expect to pay anywhere from $225 to $450 for your policy. Comparing quotes from multiple providers can help you find a budget-friendly travel insurance policy that meets your needs.

Why You Should Trust Us: How We Reviewed International Travel Insurance Companies

We ranked and assigned superlatives to the best travel insurance companies based on our insurance rating methodology . It focuses on several key factors, including: 

  • Policy types: We analyzed company offerings such as coverage levels, exclusions, and policy upgrades, taking note of providers that offer a range of travel-related issues beyond the standard coverages. 
  • Affordability: We recognize that cheap premiums don't necessarily equate to sufficient coverage. So, we seek providers that offer competitive rates with comprehensive policies and quality customer service. We also call out any discounts or special offers available. 
  • Flexibility: Travel insurance isn't one-size-fits-all. We highlight providers that offer a wide array of coverage options, including single-trip, multi-trip, and long-term policies.
  • Claims handling: The claims process should be pain-free for policyholders. We seek providers that offer a streamlined process via online claims filing and a track record of handling claims fairly and efficiently. 
  • Quality customer service: Good customer service is as important as affordability and flexibility. We highlight companies that offer 24/7 assistance and have a strong record of customer service responsiveness. 

We consult user feedback and reviews to determine how each company fares in each category. We also check the provider's financial rating and volume of complaints via third-party rating agencies. 

Read more about how Business Insider rates insurance products here.

International Travel Insurance FAQs

The best insurance policy depends on your individual situation, including your destination and budget. However, popular options include Allianz Travel Insurance, World Nomads, and Travel Guard. 

You should pay attention to any limitations regarding covered cancellations, pre-existing conditions, and adventure activities. For example, if you're worried you may have to cancel a trip for work reasons, ensure that you've worked at your company long enough to qualify for cancellation coverage, as that is a condition with some insurers. You should also see if your destination has any travel advisories, as that can affect your policy. 

Typically, your regular health insurance won't cover you out of the country, so you'll want to make sure your travel insurance has adequate medical emergency coverage. Depending on your travel plans, you may want to purchase add-ons, such as adventure sports coverage, if you're planning on doing anything adventurous like bungee jumping.

Travel insurance is worth the price for international travel because they're generally more expensive, so you have more to lose. Additionally, your regular health insurance won't cover you in other countries, so without travel insurance, you'll end up paying out of pocket for any emergency medical care you receive out of the US.

You should purchase travel insurance as soon as possible after making payment on your trip. This makes you eligible for add-ons like coverage for pre-existing conditions and CFAR. It also mitigates the chance of any losses in the days leading up to your trip. 

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Air Travel Consumer Report: March 2024 Numbers

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WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) today released its Air Travel Consumer Report (ATCR) on airline operational data compiled for the month of March 2024 for on-time performance, mishandled baggage, mishandled wheelchairs and scooters, and 1st quarter oversales. The ATCR is designed to assist consumers with information on the quality of services provided by airlines. 

For March 2024, 0.9% of flights were cancelled, lower than the 1.3% cancellation rate for March 2023 and the 2.0% cancellation rate for pre-pandemic March 2019.   

DOT expects that airlines will operate flights as scheduled and that when they do not, airlines will provide consumers the services promised when a flight is cancelled or delayed because of an airline issue. After a two-year DOT push to improve the passenger experience, the 10 largest airlines now guarantee meals and free rebooking on the same airline and nine guarantee hotel accommodations. Consumer-friendly information regarding airline commitments to their customers is available on the Department’s Airline Customer Service Dashboard at  FlightRights.Gov . DOT also pushed airlines to provide fee-free family seating and rolled out a new family seating dashboard that highlights the airlines that guarantee fee-free family seating, and those of the 10 largest that do not, making it easier for parents to avoid paying junk fees to sit with their children when they fly.

DOT recently announced two final rules that require airlines to  provide automatic cash refunds to passengers when owed  and  protect consumers from costly surprise airline fees . These rules will significantly expand consumer protections in air travel, provide passengers an easier pathway to refunds when owed, and save consumers more than half a billion dollars every year in hidden and surprise junk fees. Provisions of the final rule on airline refunds were fortified through the FAA reauthorization bill that President Biden signed into law on May 16, 2024.

In addition, DOT is improving transportation for individuals with disabilities. In July 2023, DOT finalized a rule which requires airlines to make lavatories on new, single-aisle aircraft more accessible. Then, in February 2024, DOT issued a proposal to address other barriers that Americans who use a wheelchair encounter when it comes to air travel by, among other things, proposing to mandate enhanced training for airline employees and contractors who physically assist passenger with disabilities and handle passengers’ wheelchairs.

Further, when necessary, DOT takes enforcement action against airlines and ticket agents that fail to comply with the Department’s aviation consumer protection requirements. In 2023, DOT issued the largest fines in the history of the consumer protection office. This includes a $140 million penalty against Southwest Airlines for failing passengers during the 2022 holiday meltdown. That penalty, which was in addition to over $600 million DOT already ensured was refunded by Southwest to passengers, requires Southwest to establish a $90 million compensation system for passengers affected by significant delays and cancellations beginning April 30, 2024.  Additionally, DOT has helped return nearly $4 billion in refunds to travelers since the pandemic began.

In April, DOT announced the launch of the bipartisan Airline Passenger Protection Partnership with 18 state attorneys general to investigate airlines and ticket agents and hold them accountable when they violate aviation consumer protection laws. The partnership significantly expands the Department’s oversight capacity by establishing a new fast-track system prioritizing misconduct cases from state attorneys general who uncover unfair or deceptive airline practices. Through the partnership, DOT will provide state attorneys general with access to the federal complaint database and help ensure that airlines cooperate with state investigations.

Flight Operations

The 623,409 flights operated in March 2024 were 102.47% of the 608,387 flights operated in March 2023. Operated flights in March 2024 were up 2.47% year-over-year from the 608,387 flights operated in March 2023 and up 13.46% month-over-month from 549,439 flights operated in February 2024. 

Line chart showing U.S. Airlines operated domestic flights in March 2022 through March 2024

In March 2024, the 10 marketing network carriers reported 628,786 scheduled domestic flights, 5,377 (0.9%) of which were cancelled. In February 2024, airlines scheduled 552,691 domestic flights, 3,252 (0.6%) of which were cancelled. In March 2023, airlines scheduled 616,234 domestic flights, 7,847 (1.3%) of which were cancelled.

March 2024 On-Time Arrival

In March 2024, reporting marketing carriers posted an on-time arrival rate of 78.7%, down from 83.7% in February 2024 and up from 75.4% in March 2023. The year-to-date on-time arrival rate for 2024 is 78.3%.

Highest Marketing Carrier On-Time Arrival Rates March 2024 (ATCR Table 1)

  • Hawaiian Airlines – 87.2%
  • Delta Air Lines Network – 84.8%
  • United Airlines Network – 81.8% 

Lowest Marketing Carrier On-Time Arrival Rates March 2024 (ATCR Table 1)

  • Frontier Airlines – 66.4%
  • JetBlue Airways – 68.4%
  • Spirit Airlines – 69.6%

For the first three months of 2024, the reporting marketing carriers posted an on-time arrival rate of 78.31% up from 76.89% for the same period in 2023.

March 2024 Flight Cancellations

In March 2024, reporting marketing carriers cancelled 0.9% of their scheduled domestic flights, higher than the rate of 0.6% in February 2024 and lower than the rate of 1.3% in March 2023. The year-to-date cancellation rate for 2024 is 1.7%.

Lowest Marketing Carrier Rates of Cancelled Flights March 2024 (ATCR Table 6)

  • Delta Air Lines Network – 0.2%  
  • Hawaiian Airlines – 0.6%   
  • Allegiant Air – 0.6%    

  Highest Marketing Carrier Rates of Cancelled Flights March 2024 (ATCR Table 6)

  • Frontier Airlines – 2.7%    
  • Spirit Airlines – 1.7%    
  • JetBlue Airways – 1.4%    

For the first three months of 2024, the reporting marketing carriers posted a cancellation rate of 1.7%, equal to 1.7% for the same period in 2023.

Complaints About Airline Service

The release of air travel service complaint data in the Air Travel Consumer Report (ATCR) has been delayed primarily because of the continued high volume of complaints against airlines and ticket agents received by the Office of Aviation Consumer Protection (OACP) and the time needed to review and process these consumer complaints. The Department is investing in modernizing its system for handling consumer complaints with the support of a Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) investment to improve the customer experience for the tens of thousands of consumers who use the system each year and enable OACP to more effectively engage in oversight of the airline industry. 

As DOT modernizes its system, given the continued high volume of air travel service complaints concerning airlines and ticket agents, DOT has revised how it processes consumer complaints received after June 1, 2023. From June 2023 until the date its system is modernized, DOT intends to revise the ATCR to display consumer submissions (complaints, inquiries, and opinions) as opposed to complaints for this period. The Department will continue to display civil rights complaints in the ATCR in a similar manner as before and anticipates publishing submission and civil rights complaint numbers for June 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 in June 2024.

Tarmac Delays

In March 2024, airlines reported six tarmac delays of more than three hours on domestic flights, compared to 10 tarmac delays of more than three hours on domestic flights reported in February 2024. In March 2024, airlines reported one tarmac delay of more than four hours on an international flight, compared to two tarmac delays of more than four hours on international flights reported in February 2024. 

Airlines are required to have and adhere to assurances that they will not allow aircraft to remain on the tarmac for more than three hours for domestic flights and four hours for international flights without providing passengers the option to deplane, subject to exceptions related to safety, security, and Air Traffic Control related reasons. An exception also exists for departure delays if the airline begins to return the aircraft to a suitable disembarkation point to deplane passengers by those times.

The Department investigates extended tarmac delays.

Mishandled Baggage

In March 2024, reporting marketing carriers handled 43.1 million bags and posted a mishandled baggage rate of 0.52%, higher than the rate of 0.48% in February 2024, but lower than the rate of 0.58% in March 2023.

For the first quarter of 2024, the carriers posted a mishandled baggage rate of 0.58%, lower than the first quarter 2023 rate of 0.64%.

The Department began displaying the mishandled baggage data as a percentage (i.e., per 100 bags enplaned) in January 2022. This is consistent with the manner that the mishandled wheelchairs and scooters rate is calculated and displayed.     In the prior three calendar year reports (2019 to 2021), the Department calculated the mishandled baggage rate based on the number of mishandled bags per 1,000 checked bags. 

Mishandled Wheelchairs and Scooters

In March 2024, reporting marketing carriers reported checking 65,793 wheelchairs and scooters and mishandling 859 for a rate of 1.31% mishandled wheelchairs and scooters, higher than the rate of 1.30% mishandled in February 2024 and lower than the rate of 1.33% mishandled in March 2023.

For the first quarter of 2024, the carriers posted a mishandled wheelchair and scooter rate of 1.36%, lower than the rate of 1.40% in the first quarter of 2023.

To address many of the significant barriers and challenges experienced by passengers who use wheelchairs, the Department has proposed a rulemaking that, if adopted as proposed would make it an automatic violation of the Department’s Air Carrier Access Act regulations for airlines to mishandle a passenger’s wheelchair. This  Notice of Proposed Rulemaking  would also enhance training requirements for airline personnel who provide hands-on transfer assistance to passengers and handle wheelchairs. The proposal is available at  https://www.regulations.gov , docket number DOT-OST-2022-0144.


Bumping/oversales data, unlike other air carrier data, are reported quarterly rather than monthly. For the first quarter of 2024, the 10 U.S. reporting marketing carriers posted an involuntary denied boarding, or bumping, rate of 0.27 per 10,000 passengers, lower than both the rate of 0.29 in the first quarter of 2023 and higher than the rate of 0.20 in the fourth quarter of 2023.

Incidents Involving Animals

As part of its IT modernization, DOT’s Office of Aviation Consumer Protection (OACP) is improving the options for covered carriers to submit their monthly and annual Reports on Incidents Involving Animals During Air Transport. While the new system is being developed, OACP is permitting covered carriers to delay submission of reports on incidents involving animals during air transport. Annual data on such incidents will be published when DOT receives carriers’ complete submissions of the 2023 data. 

In March 2024, carriers reported zero incidents involving the death, injury, or loss of an animal while traveling by air, down from the two reports filed in February 2024, and equal to the zero reports filed in March 2023.

Consumers may file air travel consumer or civil rights complaints online at   https://secure.dot.gov/air-travel-complaint , or they may mail a complaint to the Office of Aviation Consumer Protection, U.S. Department of Transportation, C-70, W96-432, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590.

The ATCR and other aviation consumer matters of interest to the public can be found at  https://www.transportation.gov/airconsumer .

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How to Get the Best Car Insurance

Ryan Brady

Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us. This influences which products we write about and where and how the product appears on a page. However, this does not influence our evaluations. Our opinions are our own. Here is a list of our partners and here's how we make money .

For a lot of people, buying car insurance is like buying sliced bread. It’s not the most exciting purchase, and the options all seem similar. So thrifty shoppers might simply reach for the cheapest thing on the shelf. But like cheap bread, cheap car insurance may leave you wishing you spent a little more on quality.

“The cheapest is not always the best,” warns Jessica McNally, an agency owner with Goosehead Insurance in Dallas. That’s because there are lots of factors that make up a car insurance company. And while price is one of them, it’s best to look at the bigger picture.

Here’s what to look for when picking the best car insurance company.

1. Choose a financially stable company

The best car insurance companies have plenty of money on hand to pay for customers’ claims. It’s important to check an insurer’s financial stability before buying a policy, especially if it’s a smaller insurer you’ve never heard of.

There are several independent agencies that evaluate the financial strength of insurance companies. One example is A.M. Best. You can use its online search tool to find an insurer’s financial strength rating. Companies with a rating of A or higher are considered to have an excellent ability to pay out customer claims.

2. Check customer satisfaction ratings and reviews

Not every insurer is customer-first. That’s why it’s important to research the customer satisfaction of insurers you’re considering.

You can turn to surveys from companies like J.D. Power to find insurers with the best customer satisfaction scores [0] J.D. Power . Auto Insurance Customer Satisfaction Plummets as Rates Continue to Surge, J.D. Power Finds . Accessed May 21, 2024. View all sources . Or, if you don’t mind doing a little detective work, you can compare customer complaints against insurers by using the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ website . But take other people’s emotionally charged comments about companies or agents you might read online with a grain of salt, McNally advises.

3. Look for convenience

A great auto insurer should offer multiple ways to manage a policy. For example, some insurers allow customers to use a mobile app to file and track claims. But it’s hard to tell how simple it’ll be to file a claim or perform other essential tasks, like paying your premium, before becoming a customer.

Some telltale signs that an insurer will be easy to work with are high mobile app ratings, flexible customer service hours and an easy-to-use website with helpful content. Consider asking a company representative to walk you through the claims process to learn what you’ll need to do if you have to file a claim. And pay attention to how the company communicates with you. "If they don't properly communicate, well, that's a warning sign," says Michael DeLong, a research and advocacy associate for the nonprofit Consumer Federation of America.

4. Pick an affordable company

Car insurance premiums are stretching to record-breaking heights [0] U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS . Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) . Accessed May 21, 2024. View all sources , and almost half of U.S. consumers shopped for a new car insurance policy in the past year, according to an April 2024 report by J.D. Power [0] J.D. Power . Half of Auto Insurance Customers Currently Shopping for New Policies, J.D. Power Finds . Accessed May 21, 2024. View all sources . The best car insurance companies offer competitive rates and a variety of potential discounts.

It’s not hard to get car insurance quotes online from many companies. Make sure you compare the same coverage options throughout the quote-gathering process. And don’t forget to look for car insurance discounts, like breaks for being a good driver, paying your premium in full or driving a new car.

More tips to find the best car insurance

When shopping for the best car insurance, keep the following tips in mind.

Assess your needs. Before buying car insurance, take a moment to reflect on what’s important to you and your family. For example, maybe you prioritize affordability and a well-polished mobile app, but don’t need accident forgiveness .  

Consider small insurers. There are lots of small insurance companies you’ve probably never heard of. These regional insurers may provide lower rates and better customer service than the big companies you see advertised on TV.

Work with an independent agent. While it may be easy to get quotes yourself, independent car insurance agents and brokers can streamline the process. These experts vet companies and compile quotes from small and large insurers on your behalf. Independent agents and brokers can especially come in handy if you have a less-than-perfect driving record and can’t find insurance on your own.

Do your research. Search online for recent mentions of a company in the news before buying a policy, recommends DeLong. If you find a company has lots of recent lawsuits against it, you may want to think twice about signing on the dotted line. “And if they've had to pay out settlements, that's an even bigger red flag,” DeLong says.

Shop around once a year. Make a practice of shopping for car insurance every year — especially if price is important to you. Insurers adjust car insurance rates regularly, so what might have been the most affordable option last year may no longer be a bargain.

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  22. Sustainability & Consumer Behaviour 2023

    Read our latest findings on sustainable consumer and their lifestyles among other influences, have shaped consumer behaviours on sustainability in 2023. ... Your finance team will have a key role in ESG disclosure as non-financial information becomes a part of many companies' annual reports.

  23. Landscapers & Landscaping Companies in Elektrostal'

    Search 84 Elektrostal' landscapers & landscaping companies to find the best landscaper for your project. See the top reviewed local landscapers in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia on Houzz.

  24. Fence Companies & Installers in Elektrostal'

    Search 42 Elektrostal' fence companies & installers to find the best fence contractor for your project. See the top reviewed local fence companies and installers in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia on Houzz.

  25. Siding Contractors & Companies in Elektrostal'

    Search 36 Elektrostal' siding contractors & companies to find the best exterior and siding contractor for your project. See the top reviewed local exterior and siding contractors in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia on Houzz.

  26. Elektrostal

    Major companies include: Elektrostal metallurgical factory; Elektrostal chemical-mechanical factory ... Elektrostal is linked by Elektrichka suburban electric trains to Moscow's Kursky Rail Terminal with a travel time of 1 hour and 20 minutes. Long distance buses link Elektrostal to Noginsk, Moscow and other nearby towns. Local public transport ...