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can a wandering jew live in water

How To Care For A Wandering Jew Plant (Your Complete Guide)

When it comes to houseplants able to brighten up indoor spaces, it doesn’t get much more colorful than the variegated foliage of a Wandering Jew plant ( Tradescantia zebrina ). With their hardy nature and ease of care, they are a perfect choice for those feeling they kill everything they bring indoors. We’ve listed a quick summary of their care below.

How To Care For A Wandering Jew Plant: Grow your Wandering Jew in well-drained soil, kept moist but not soggy through regular watering. Create humidity, keep indoor temperatures between 50°F (10°C) to 85°F (29°C) and fertilize monthly.

Continue reading because we’ve taken all the guesswork out of caring for your Wandering Jew and keeping it healthy and happy for years to come.

How To Care For A Wandering Jew Plant

Wandering Jew plants belong in the Commelinaceae family, which includes around 652 different species. The family is made up of herbs, climbers and several epiphytes, with some used as outdoor and indoor ornamentals like Wandering Jew.

There are three different plants commonly known as Wandering Jews; Tradescantia fluminensis , Tradescantia pallida , and Tradescantia zebrina. Of the three, Tradescantia zebrina is the most common one grown and has the most eye-catching and colorful foliage. All three have the same requirements for care and good growth.

Native to Mexico and Guatemala, Wandering Jew is classified as a tender evergreen perennial that performs well planted outdoors in frost-free regions. Those living in cooler environments can easily grow it as an indoor plant planted either in containers or in hanging baskets. Outdoors it’s typically used as a quick-growing groundcover.

Although a common name shared with several very different plants, Wandering Jew is often called Inch Plant , due to the leaf margins being spaced about an inch apart. You may also find Wandering Jew listed as Zebrina Pendula , but is synonymous with Tradescantia zebrina and is the same plant.

how to care for a wandering jew plant tradescantia zebrina

When it comes to Wandering Jew plants, it’s all about the attention-grabbing foliage. The succulent stems give way to leaves that are a deep purple on their undersides with the upper portion striped in silvery-gray and greenish-blue. The oval leaves grow to about 2.5 inches long and the stems grow about 2 feet long. It makes a beautiful plant used in hanging baskets, with the long stems cascading over the side.

Even grown indoors, Wandering Jews have a fast rate of growth and before you know it, the plants will be spilling over your container’s or hanging basket’s sides. Whereas some indoor plants seem to take forever to fill out, this isn’t a problem with properly cared for Wandering Jew plants.

There are several other cultivars (varieties) of Wandering Jew, which include:

  • ‘Purpusii’ has unstriped, hairy foliage that is either solid red or reddish-green.
  • ‘Quadricolor’ produces metallic-green foliage striped in red, white and green.

Wandering Jew plants are the ideal candidates for beginner houseplant gardeners due to their hardiness and robust growth. Below we’ve outlined all the basics of their proper care, as well as identifying and preventing any potential problems so you can enjoy your Wandering Jew for years to come. The best indoor plants are those that are happy and healthy.

wandering jew plant care guide tradescantia zebrina

Soil Conditions For Wandering Jew Plants

Wandering Jew plants tolerate growing in a wide range of soils provided they drain well. Although they do tolerate and prefer moist conditions, the soil must drain properly to prevent root and stem rot from occurring. Therefore, it is necessary to use a lighter weight soil mixture in your pots rather than heavier soils that don’t provide proper drainage.

Straight potting soils are usually too heavy, retain too much moisture and have a tendency to leave the soil soggy. You can use a heavier potting soil in your soil mixture, just be sure to incorporate a lighter soil mix to provide the Wandering Jew the drainage required for healthy growth.

Commercial potting mixes work well and many have a slow-release fertilizer mixed in, which cuts down on the need for frequent feedings. The slow-release blends usually continue to fertilize the Wandering Jew for about three months.

You can also make your own soil by mixing several ingredients together such as:

  • Using equal parts of compost and a potting mix.
  • Mixing equal portions of compost, peat and potting soil or a potting mix.
  • Using equal portions of a course sand, compost and potting soil or a potting mix.

Whatever soil you choose to use, just make sure it drains well and contains a bit of fertility for the best performance of your Wandering Jew plants.

Preferred Light Conditions

Although Wandering Jew plants tolerate lower light conditions than many houseplants, to help retain those striking colors the plant is known for, place the container in a location indoors receiving filtered sunlight. If your plant starts losing some of the color in the foliage, move it to a location that receives a bit more light.

In addition, if the lower portion of the stems start suffering leaf drop, the Wandering Jew isn’t get enough light and needs to be relocated to a brighter area inside the home.

Once the warm weather of spring arrives and if you’d like to give your Wandering Jew a bit of a break from its indoor location, place it in an outdoor spot that receives partial sun to partial shade. Moving it to an outdoor location with too much sun may leave the foliage sunburned.

Indoor Temperature Requirements

In the Wandering Jew’s native environment, temperatures are consistently warm without the threat of frosts or freezes. Generally, if the indoor temperatures inside your home are comfortable for you, they will also be comfortable for your Wandering Jew plant.

Indoor temperatures between 50°F (10°C) to 85°F (29°C) are a good range for your Wandering Jew plants. Plants grown in this temperature range produce the healthiest growth.

If you gave your plants a break from their indoor location, just make sure to bring them back indoors before the cold weather of winter strikes.

Water Requirements

Wandering Jews prefer soils that are regularly kept moist, not soggy, compared to many indoor houseplants. However, this doesn’t mean the soil should be kept so wet they never begin to dry out. Keeping the soil too wet for too long promotes rot to set in and you may end up killing your Wandering Jew plants. Your Wandering Jew is more likely to forgive you if you forget to water over watering too much and too often.

A good rule to follow is if the soil starts to feel like it’s about to become very dry, apply water. It’s easy to know exactly when to water by:

  • Sticking your finger into the soil and if the top inch is starting to feel dry, water until it runs from the container’s bottom drain holes.

During the warm growing season of spring through summer, you can probably expect to water once each week. However, during winter when the Wandering Jew goes into dormancy (its growth slows), you will probably only need to water about every other week.

wandering jew plant care guide tradescantia zebrina

Humidity Requirements

Compared to many tropical plants grown indoors, Wandering Jew plants aren’t quite as fussy about humid conditions , but still need some humidity for the best growth and performance. Don’t let the thought of creating a humid environment stress you out because replicating humidity for your indoor plants is relatively easy and basic.

  • Fill a spray bottle with room temperature water and mist the Wandering Jew several times each week.
  • If you’re growing the Wandering Jew in a container and not in a hanging basket, you can set the pot on a tray of pebbles. As you water, the water seeps from the bottom drain holes onto the tray of pebbles and as it evaporates, it creates a humid environment around the plant.
  • If your bathroom gets the appropriate amount of light for the Wandering Jew, you can allow it to grow there. Due to the regular use of water in a bathroom, moisture is created, creating the humidity the Wandering Jew requires.

Fertilizer Needs

Unless the soil mixture contains a slow-release fertilizer blend, which feeds the Wandering Jew for about three months, fertilizing monthly is sufficient for proper growth. You have several choices when it comes to fertilizer you can use for your Wandering Jew plant.

  • Use a houseplant fertilizer applied at half-strength, applied when you do your regular watering.
  • Use an all-purpose, water-soluble blend for outdoor and indoor plants, applied at half-strength and used during your regular watering schedule.
  • If your soil mixture didn’t contain a slow-release fertilizer or it’s been about three months, if one was contained in the soil, you can reapply slow-release fertilizer granules sprinkled over the top of the soil. Follow the package directions on amounts.

When it comes to the appropriate time of year to fertilize the Wandering Jew, only fertilize while it’s actively growing, which is spring throughout summer. In winter, the plant goes through a dormant stage and all growth slows, so there is no need to apply fertilizer. Wait until spring arrives before you resume fertilizing the plant.

The one thing you will need to pay attention to when it comes to fertilizing is the buildup of salts in the soil, which can result in foliage burns. Wandering Jew plants have a low tolerance to salty soils. Preventing any salt buildup is relatively simple:

  • If the plant isn’t too big, you can take the entire pot to your sink or bathtub and allow water to run slowly through the soil for about five minutes, flushing out any salts.
  • If the plant is too big for indoor flushing, take it outside and allow water from the hose to run slowly through the soil for about five minutes. Allow the water to drain and then bring the plant back indoors.

Pruning Requirements

The pruning needs of Wandering Jew plants are low. If you want to control the size of the plant and promote bushier growth, you can pinch off the tips of the stems. To keep the plant always looking its best, you can trim off any broken, dead or damaged stems and leaves throughout the year.

When using pruning tools to trim your Wandering Jew always make sure they are clean so you don’t transfer any diseases or pests to your plant. This is as easy as wiping off the blades with alcohol.

Some people experience skin irritations when handling the cuttings due to the sap , so if you are unsure if you are one of these unlucky gardeners, it might be best to wear gardening gloves when pruning or handling Wandering Jew cuttings.

Potting Needs

If you purchased your Wandering Jew already potted in a hanging basket or 1-gallon container, it should thrive as is for a year or more before it requires repotting. However, if you received rooted cuttings in smaller containers like 4- to 6-inch pots, you most likely need to repot them into something a bit larger so they can grow properly.

This also cuts down on the need for repotting in a month or two as the Wandering Jew begins to outgrow its present pot.

When it comes to the pot’s material, any type works quite well for growing this plant from clay to plastic. However, if you grow your Wandering Jew in a pot made of a porous material like terra cotta, the soil is going to dry quicker than if it was growing in a plastic pot. This means you will need to water more frequently.

Once your Wandering Jew starts getting too big for its present container, it’s time to repot it into one that is around 1- to 2-inches larger. Although the plant likes a moist soil, make sure the pot has bottom drainage to prevent the possibility of rot due to conditions that are too wet.

If you like, you can dress the container up by placing the draining one inside a decorative pot without bottom drain holes, but be sure to empty out any additional water once the inner pot thoroughly drains.

I think a decorative outer pot can add so much to the beauty of your houseplants, so I do this with almost all of my houseplants. Read this article which discusses my favorite decorative planters if you need some inspiration.

Potting and repotting your Wandering Jew is basic:

  • Gently remove the Wandering Jew from its present container, being careful not to break the succulent stems.
  • Fill the new container that drains about a quarter of the way full with a fertile, well-drained potting mix.
  • Check the Wandering Jew’s root system and if it’s growing bunched together and filled the previous pot, gently tease the roots apart with your hands.
  • Place the Wandering Jew into the new container and finish filling it with soil.
  • Water the Wandering Jew until it runs from the bottom drain holes and place in a bright location indoors.

how to care for a wandering jew plant tradescantia zebrina

Propagating New Plants

When it comes to propagating new plants, Wandering Jew is about as easy as it gets. Even if you have never done this before you should have success starting its cuttings. When you trim to control its size, don’t throw those cuttings away but use them to start additional plants.

You have two choices when it comes to rooting your cuttings and both are easy. The first thing you will want to do is obtain your cuttings. Trim off a 4- to 6-inch cutting from the mother plant and you’re ready to start rooting.

Rooting in Soil

  • Fill a 6-inch to 1-gallon container that drains with a rich, well-drained potting mix. Water the soil to settle it.
  • Make about a 2-inch indentation in the soil where you want to place the Wandering Jew cutting.
  • Remove the bottom leaves from the cutting where you will be inserting it into the soil. You can do this by pinching them off with your fingers.
  • Place the cutting into the indentation and firm the soil up around it with your fingers.
  • Water the soil again and place the cutting in the same light conditions where the mother plant was thriving. Keep the soil moist but not soggy.

Roots should form in about four weeks and after about eight weeks, the Wandering Jew cuttings should form a new root system.

Rooting in Water

  • Fill a glass jar or plastic container with about 3-inches of room temperature water.
  • Pinch off any leaves from the section of the Wandering Jew cutting that will be submerged in the water.
  • Place the cutting in the water and situate the container in a bright indoor location.
  • Change the water in the container about every other week, or when cloudy.

You should start seeing new roots form on the cuttings in several weeks. Once the roots are several inches long, you can repot the cuttings into a draining container filled with fertile, well-drained soil.

Disease Problems

Wandering Jew plants grown indoors are hardy and don’t have major diseases that plague them. However, rot is their biggest enemy and caused by soils that are too heavy and do not drain properly, retaining too much water. Overwatering and planting in pots that don’t drain are other causes of rot problems.

When rot rears its ugly head you’ll notice the bottom stems, as well as the foliage turning black, becoming mushy and the entire plant collapses. If this happens and seems to start affecting the entire Wandering Jew plant, you can trim off healthy, unaffected sections of the stems and repot into fresh, clean soil. Since there is no saving the rot-infected sections, you will have no choice but to discard those portions of the plant.

Steps for preventing problems with rot include:

  • Using lightweight potting mixes that drain well and aren’t too heavy, which leads to the soil remaining too wet for too long. Some types of potting soils have a tendency to be heavy and need mixing with a potting mix, compost, coarse sand or peat.
  • Don’t overwater your Wandering Jew. Although they prefer growing in moist soils, this doesn’t mean constantly soggy soil. Stick your finger into the soil and if the top inch is starting to become dry, apply water until it runs from the bottom of the pot.
  • Make sure the pot you are growing your Wandering Jew in has bottom drainage. If you have placed the pot inside a decorative one that doesn’t drain, make sure to empty all the water from it after you have watered.

Pest Problems

Although indoor Wandering Jew plants are not big candidates for problems with pests, several can cause an infestation and problems. As with any pest problem indoors or outside in the garden, quick control is always the best option to keep your plants healthy. It also assures the pests do not migrate to your other plants causing even bigger problems and headaches.

The pests most likely to infest your indoor Wandering Jew plants are:

  • Aphids: Aphids come in a host of different colors and are tiny, pear-shaped, sap-sucking insects that usually congregate in large masses along the Wandering Jew’s stems. In large infestations, they can kill the plant or severely weaken it. If the infestation is small, you can wipe the pests off the stems with a moist cloth. However, if the infestation is large, you will probably have to spray the plant with an insecticidal soap or Neem, reapplying as suggested on the package.
  • Spider Mites: Spider mites are another sap-sucking pest that if left unchecked can quickly kill or weaken the Wandering Jew. It is easy to tell if you have a spider mite problem as these tiny, white pests spin fine webbing that covers the plant. Spider mites can be the bane of houseplants so quick control is necessary. Use an insecticidal soap or Neem and spray the entire plant, reapplying as suggested on the product label.
  • Whiteflies:   Whiteflies are other sap-sucking pests that can quickly kill or weaken your Wandering Jew if not quickly controlled. They are another easily identifiable pest, as just touching the plant sends the tiny whiteflies from the plant’s foliage and into the air, hovering right above it. Control the problem with an insecticidal soap or Neem, spraying the entire plant and reapplying as suggested on the product’s label.
  • Mealybugs:   Sap-sucking mealybugs show up on the Wandering Jew as cottony masses covering the stems and crotches of the foliage. Control the problem by spraying the entire plant with insecticidal soap or Neem, reapplying as suggested on the product’s label. If the infestation is small, you can also wipe them from the stems and leaves with a damp cloth.

wandering jew plant care guide tradescantia zebrina

Is Wandering Jew A Perennial?

Wandering Jew plants are considered a tender, evergreen perennial. Unlike annuals, and if grown in preferred conditions with proper care, Wandering Jews should live and keep on growing for quite a few years, both indoors and outside.

Why Are My Wandering Jew Plant’s Leaves Losing Their Color?

If your Wandering Jew is growing in light conditions that are too low, the leaves will start to lose their color and become duller. When grown indoors and to keep the bright color on the foliage, make sure the Wandering Jew is growing in a location receiving bright light.

Why Are My Wandering Jew’s Leaves Dropping?

Wandering Jew plants grown in light conditions that are too low will start dropping leaves at the base of their stems. Solve the problem by moving the plant to an indoor location that is brighter. For the best leaf color and growth, they prefer an indoor location receiving bright light.

Why Are My Wandering Jew Cuttings Rotting In Soil?

If your Wandering Jew cuttings are rotting in soil it could be one of two things causing the problem. The soil you are growing the cuttings in may be infected with a fungus that is infecting them with rot.

You can solve the problem by planting the cutting in a sterile, well-drained potting mix. Another cause might be the soil is remaining too soggy and the container doesn’t drain.

Make sure you are using a soil that drains well and doesn’t remain soggy, do not overwater and use a container with bottom drainage. Water the cuttings when to top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

Can I Root Wandering Jew Cuttings In Water?

Wandering Jew cuttings root quite well in water. Fill a container with several inches of water, remove any leaves that would be submerged and stick the cut end into the water.

Fill the container with fresh, clean water about every other week. You should start seeing root form on the cuttings in several weeks. Once the roots get several inches in length, you can repot the cuttings in a draining container with rich, well-drained soil.

Are Wandering Jew Plants Toxic?

When it comes to humans, Wandering Jew’s sap can cause skin irritation in humans that are allergic to it. Therefore, it’s best to wear gardening gloves when handling or pruning the plant.

The plant is listed as toxic to dogs and cats, due to its tendency to cause skin allergies and dermatitis. To keep your pets and children safe, make sure you situate your indoor Wandering Jew out of the reach of both.

If you’d like some indoor plants that are non-toxic, check out this article which discusses my favorite non-toxic houseplants.

Do Wandering Jew Plants Produce Blooms?

When grown outdoors, Wandering Jews produce small, three-petaled, lavender flowers, but the plant rarely ever blooms grown indoors as a houseplant.

Can I Grow Wandering Jew Outdoors?

Wandering Jew plants grow as perennials planted outdoors in frost-free climates, however, those with cooler weather can plant outdoors and treat it as an annual.

What’s The Growth Rate For Wandering Jew Plants?

When grown in proper conditions with proper care, Wandering Jew plants are considered fast growers.

Many thanks for reading my guide to Wandering Jew care. This really is a great indoor plant for your home. Beautiful and easy to care for, its hard to go wrong.

If you want more help with looking after your indoor plants, check out the rest of my articles , and head over to my resources section , where I have some great recommended resources, books and equipment to help you grow healthier, more beautiful plants.

Grow. Play. Every Day!

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Wandering Jew Care: How to Grow a Long and Luscious Inch Plant (Tradescantia Zebrina)

Tradescantia zebrina (commonly known as wandering Jew, spiderwort, or inch plant) is popular for a reason: This beginner-friendly houseplant is low-maintenance and grows quickly. It’s also super easy to propagate more plants so you can fill your home with more of the colorful striped foliage the species is known for.

Linda Ly

Written by Linda Ly

Wandering Jew plant care: complete growing guide for Tradescantia zebrina (inch plant)

When it comes to vigorous, colorful, and easy-to-grow hanging houseplants, there aren’t many that can compare to Tradescantia zebrina (known more commonly as wandering Jew—and I’ll touch on the history of that name below). Whether you’re a houseplant beginner or a veteran, most indoor gardeners have owned one of these potted plants at some point. 

Keep reading for everything you need to know about Tradescantia zebrina and growing this stunning houseplant in your own home.

Disclosure: If you shop from my article or make a purchase through one of my links, I may receive commissions on some of the products I recommend.

Close-up of wandering Jew plant leaves

About inch plants

Natural habitat.

Tradescantia zebrina is a native of Central and South America, from Mexico down to Colombia, as well as the Caribbean. Here, it forms part of the undergrowth in lightly forested and often very moist areas. It can form very dense, wide mats thanks to its creeping growth pattern and ability to throw roots extremely quickly.

Unfortunately, its vigorous growth has also made Tradescantia zebrina an invasive plant in some regions. This includes Hawaii, Brazil, and Australia, where the species easily takes hold in moist, forested areas.

As a 2019 study carried out in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest notes, this is problematic due to the species choking out native plants.

Some of the above was caused by careless gardeners allowing bits of the plant to get into the wild, where they quickly root. If you’d like to grow spiderworts like this one in your garden, please make sure to dispose properly of any trimmings left after pruning!

This also applies to zebrina’s popular cousins, like Tradescantia fluminensis, T. pallida, and T. spathacea.


It’s not difficult to see why Tradescantia zebrina gained popularity as a houseplant. Wandering spiderwort plants (not to be confused with spider plants , another beginner-friendly species) are low-maintenance and grow just about anywhere—they even just grow in water !

Easy care and quick growth aside, spiderworts are also just good-looking plants. The pointed, oval leaves on thin, fleshy stems overlap slightly and are characterized by their zebra pattern in purple and silvery green. The leaf undersides are deep purple in color and the tiny, three-petaled flowers are bright pink.

Although this species is naturally a creeping plant, it’s often grown indoors in hanging planters. As long as the plant is provided with enough light, the foliage will be very dense and brightly colored, forming a spectacular waterfall that can reach more than 3 feet in length.

What’s in a name? In the case of common houseplants, sometimes a lot.

Tradescantia zebrina is a classic houseplant (I found mention of it in a 1964 German book about houseplants, but it’s probably been around longer than that!) and among most English speakers, it has long been known as wandering Jew. This is probably a reference to the “wandering” nature of the plant, as it does have a creeping growth pattern.

The legend of the wandering Jew is hundreds of years old and is now commonly considered to be rooted in antisemitism. It describes a Jewish man cursed to walk the planet until the Second Coming because he taunted Jesus on his way to the cross.

Because of this, the plant name has partly fallen out of fashion and has been the source of much debate in the plant world over the past few years. 

Some plant enthusiasts have embraced the alternative “wandering dude,” which I personally think is a great option.

“Inch plant” (houseplant enthusiasts don’t agree on whether this refers to the fact that it can grow an inch a day, or that you only need an inch of stem to propagate it), “spiderwort,” or “wandering spiderwort” are also popular alternatives, though these are common names for other Tradescantia varieties, such as Tradescantia Nanouk.

The best way to avoid any confusion is to just stick to the scientific name.

Tradescantia zebrina (wandering Jew) with bicolor (green and cream) leaves and pink flowers

Inch plant varieties

There are three subspecies of inch plant (wandering Jew): Tradescantia zebrina var. zebrina, var. flocculosa, and var. mollipila. Unsurprisingly, after it having been a popular houseplant for so many years, nurseries have also managed to create a whole bunch of cultivars through selective cultivation.

A few of the popular Tradescantia zebrina cultivars you may come across in your local plant store include, but are certainly not limited to:

  • Tradescantia zebrina ‘Quadricolor’: Yep, as the name suggests, this one adds an extra color to the mix. The leaves are cream, pink-purple, light green, and dark green.
  • Tradescantia zebrina ‘Burgundy’: Characterized by its very dark purple coloration.
  • Tradescantia zebrina ‘Silver Plus’: Less purple, more shiny silver.
  • Tradescantia zebrina ‘Red Gem’: Less silver, more intense (light) purple.
  • Tradescantia zebrina ‘Purple Joy’: Less silver, more dark purple. 
  • Tradescantia zebrina ‘Tikal’: A rare, naturally occurring variety that collectors pay a pretty penny for.

Do keep in mind that most of these cultivars aren’t patented and the amount of mislabeling and variation within a cultivar are both huge. Just growing your wandering Jew in lower-light conditions can completely change the way it looks, so it’s not surprising that confusion sometimes reigns supreme.

Luckily, care is the same across all cultivars, so your best bet is to just enjoy your plant even if you’re not sure what Tradescantia variety you’re dealing with!

Where to buy wandering Jew plants:

  • California Tropicals
  • Daylily Nursery
  • The Green Escape

Tradescantia zebrina (wandering Jew or inch plant) with deep purple, green, and cream foliage in a yellow container, shot against a blue background

Caring for an inch plant

Light and temperature.

It’s important to provide your Tradescantia zebrina with enough light. It’s tempting to use plants to brighten up dark, shaded spots in your home, but that just doesn’t work with this one: It loses its dense growth pattern and beautiful coloration in low light.

To prevent your wandering dude plant from growing sparse and green, place it near a window that gets bright indirect light. Some full sun isn’t a problem either, but do make sure you acclimate it gradually to a higher light location.

Temperature-wise, this species is a lot hardier than many of the tender tropicals we like to grow in our homes (like Anthurium andraeanum and Begonia maculata ).

Wandering dude plants can handle a very wide range of temps, making it perfect for those chillier windowsills that your other plants may not appreciate. Room temperature is ideal, but anything between 50°F to 85°F will keep them happy.

Water and humidity

Your Tradescantia zebrina will appreciate lightly moist soil. You can water a bit more during the summer months, when the plant is actively growing and needs a lot of moisture, and less during winter, when soil tends to take significantly longer to dry. 

If you’re not sure whether it’s time to water your wandering Jew plant yet, you can always turn to the age-old trick of sticking a finger in the soil.

  • If it still feels damp, wait a little longer, until the first inch or two has dried. 
  • If it feels bone dry, you’ve waited too long; you may also see limp leaves on your plant at this point. It’ll bounce back, but not always without lasting damage. 
  • If the soil feels wet, you watered too much and need to keep an eye out for root rot.

As for humidity, given its rather wet natural habitat, wandering Jew does appreciate higher air moisture levels. The great thing is, though, that it doesn’t demand it. As long as you keep its soil lightly moist and the air isn’t extremely dry, your plant should do well.

Soil and planting

Wandering Jew is not fussy about its potting mixture at all. I’ve grown it in pure houseplant potting soil with no additives. If you do want to take things to the next level, you can add some perlite and/or peat moss, although this is really not a must. 

Most houseplant enthusiasts like to place their wandering Jew in a hanging planter so they can enjoy the look of the leaves cascading down. This is not a must, though. You can also emphasize the species’ creeping growth habit by filling up a large, shallow planter, growing it in a terrarium, or even keeping it in water on a semi-permanent basis.

Recommended products for wandering Jew plant care:

  • FoxFarm Ocean Forest Potting Soil
  • Espoma Organic Potting Mix
  • Perfect Plants Organic Perlite


Like most other houseplants, Tradescantia zebrina appreciates a bit of fertilizer during the growing season, which extends from spring to early fall. You can use a normal houseplant fertilizer according to the instructions on the bottle.

Don’t fertilize during the winter months unless your plant is growing well. It doesn’t need extra nutrients if it’s inactive.

Recommended fertilizers for wandering Jew plants:

  • Houseplant Resource Center Liquid Fertilizer for Houseplants
  • Instant Biologics Instant Plant Food (Fizzing Nutrient Tablets)
  • Maxsea All-Purpose Seaweed Plant Food


There’s a good chance you’ll have to prune your Tradescantia zebrina regularly, because as I mentioned, this is a very quick grower. It also roots very easily, so any trimmings can be replanted! I’ll describe how to do this in the section on propagation below.

Aside from stem trimming, you can remove any dead leaves, which are bound to pop up from time to time in very dense plants like this species.

Dividing or repotting

Inch plants don’t grow by producing plantlets at their base like many other houseplants (such as spider plants ) do. Instead, inch plants spread by rooting along the stems.

This means that division is not really the way to go; keeping these plants manageable is usually done through pruning. You can shape your plant by pinching off any long, leggy stems to create a fuller appearance and control its spread.

You’ll notice that Tradescantia really doesn’t mind being a bit cramped in its planter. Still, it’s a good idea to provide your plant with some fresh soil every year or two by repotting it.

Close-up of pink flower on a tricolor wandering Jew (inch plant)

Propagating an inch plant

If you’ve never propagated a houseplant before, this is truly one of the best species to start with. It’s known for rooting extremely quickly in both water and soil, meaning it’s easy to fill endless planters to keep or give away.

All you need to propagate your Tradescantia zebrina is a pair of clean scissors. Here’s how you do it:

  • Snip the ends off existing branches. An inch or two with a few leaves works best.
  • Remove the leaves at the bottom so part of the stem is exposed.
  • Place the cutting in a glass of water to root or plant it directly in soil. You can put cuttings back in the mother plant’s pot to give her a fuller appearance on top.
  • It can take a little longer during the winter months, but the first roots should appear within a week or so. You can give soil cuttings a slight tug to verify they’ve rooted.
  • Once the first signs of new foliage appear, you’ll know your propagation attempt has been a success! 
  • If you propagated in water, you can leave the rooted cuttings in water almost indefinitely, although you can also pot them up in fresh soil.

Wandering jew (spiderwort) plant with green and silver leaves

Common questions about inch plant care

How do i make a wandering jew plant bushy.

By their very nature, wandering Jew plants are not bushy. Their creeping growth habit means they naturally grow leggy over time, especially in containers.

However, you can mimic a fuller appearance by strategically pinching off any long, spindly stems to shape the plant more. These stems can also be replanted near the mother plant.

As the baby plants grow, they’ll help fill in sparse areas and create the illusion of a bushy wandering Jew.

How long do wandering Jew plants live?

Wandering Jew plants have a limited lifespan of just a few years, and as a potted plant, you’ll notice your wandering Jew becoming very leggy after just two to three years.

Unlike other fast-growing plants that benefit from pruning, cutting back a wandering Jew doesn’t work well to renew its growth; it simply controls the spread.

The best way to keep your plant coming back year after year is to propagate new plants from stem cuttings, which—fortunately—is super easy with a high success rate.

Is wandering Jew perennial?

Wandering Jew (Tradescantia zebrina) is a trailing evergreen perennial in its native habitat (USDA hardiness zones 9 through 12). Where it’s not winter hardy, wandering Jew is grown year-round as a houseplant.

Are wandering Jew plants toxic to cats and dogs?

Wandering Jew is not considered outright toxic, but it can cause some skin irritation. If your pet gets into your plant, don’t worry too much, although it can be a good idea to have a look in its mouth to make sure there’s no excessive swelling. Be sure to offer water. To prevent skin rash, it can be a good idea to wear gloves if you need to handle your wandering Jew plant. This especially applies if you have sensitive skin.

Racism in Taxonomy: What’s in a Name?

Chiba de Castro, W. A., Xavier, R. O., Garrido, F. H., Romero, J. H., Peres, C. K., & da Luz, R. C. (2019). Fraying around the edges: negative effects of the invasive Tradescantia zebrina Hort. ex Bosse (Commelinaceae) on tree regeneration in the Atlantic Forest under different competitive and environmental conditions. Journal of Plant Ecology, 12(4), 713-721.

Encke, F. (1964). Pflanzen fur Zimmer und Balkon; Auswahl, Pflege, Vermehrung.

can a wandering jew live in water

I'm a plant lover, passionate road-tripper, and cookbook author whose expert advice and bestselling books have been featured in Time, Outside, HGTV, and Food & Wine. The National Parks Cookbook is my latest book. Garden Betty is where I write about modern homesteading, farm-to-table cooking, and outdoor adventuring—all that encompass a life well-lived outdoors. After all, the secret to a good life is... Read more »

We bought a full grown Bolivian Jewel mid summer last year. It was in a 14” raised pot and flowing 2 foot over the sides. It was beautiful next to our fountain outside. We live in Minnesota so we had to discard it in the late fall since we had no place to care for it in the house. Since we can’t find another like it we’d like to plant one from scratch but how. We still have the pot and riser but have no idea how to start from that. One plant, a few or just how many to make a bushy over grown plant so it looks like the one we purchased last year. Does this make sense or should we just forget it since it is already the middle of May. The greenhouse that we bought it from last summer doesn’t have any this year, just small ones in 4” pots. Thanks

If you can only grow it as an annual (and won’t be overwintering it indoors), you can plant a few smaller ones together to make them look fuller as they grow.

It seems counterproductive to talk about the problematic origin of the name wandering Jew, recommend multiple alternative names (including scientific), but then continue to call it wandering Jew in the rest of the article. If the name is anti-Semitic just set a good example and use a different name.

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Wandering Jew: Types, Care, and Propagation

Table of contents, • the wandering jew - an introduction.

can a wandering jew live in water

Wandering Jew, also called the Inch plant, can be credited for starting the whole trend of plant swapping. Years before indoor plant gardening became a profitable business, friends, family, and fellow plant parents swapped cuttings of the Wandering Jew.

The Wandering Jew is native to tropical and temperate climates and grows vigorously with very little care. In fact, the name Wandering Jew comes from the fact that if the plant is left to its devices in the open, the plant will grow invasively to wander the ends of the earth.

Tradescantia Zebrina, earlier known as Zebrina Pendula, is a species of creeper loved across the globe for its bright purple foliage. When grown indoors in planters, the tradescantia can be grown all year round in home gardens, even by gardeners who have no real gardening experience.

☆ Common names

can a wandering jew live in water

Inch plant, Spiderwort, Wandering jew, Wandering zebrina, Zebra plant

• Types of Inch Plants

This beautiful plant has over 70 popular varieties and more often than not you can find most of these varieties in your neighborhood growing with abandon in either hanging plants or as ground cover. Some of the most common tradescantia varieties are:

1. Tradescantia Fluminensis

This variety has fleshy ovate leaves with white and green variegations attached to fleshy stems. It has triangular white flowers with three petals.

2. Tradescantia Zebrina

can a wandering jew live in water

The variegated leaves resemble the stripes of a zebra, the purplish-green leaves have a silver edge. One of the hardiest and quickest growing wandering jew varieties.

3. Tradescantia Pallida

Also famous as the Purple heart plant for its deep purple foliage and light purplish-pink flower. It stands out amazingly both as ground cover and as hanging plants. Tradescantia blossfeldiana: The thick green leaves have a fuzzy texture with a white and green variegated upper side and a purple underside. The plant has clusters of beautiful blue, purple, white, and pink flowers.

4. Tradescantia Sillamontana

This plant has beautiful symmetry with leaves growing on thick succulent-like stems covered in white fuzzy hair. It produces magenta flowers in season.

5. Tradescantia Spathacea

can a wandering jew live in water

Also famous as ‘moses in a blanket’, ‘oyster plant’, or ‘boat lily’, it's almost succulent like in nature. It has dark green leaves with purple underside growing in spiral patterns

• Wandering Jew (Tradescantia)  P lant Care

The Wandering Jew plant is easy to grow in Indian climates and can add beautiful color to any home garden. A great plant for new plant parents, it is a joy to grow. Let’s take a look at the detailed guide for creeping inch plant care. Spiderwort plants are mostly carefree. One of the only points of contention in growing this as a houseplant is getting the right moisture level.

can a wandering jew live in water

The creeping-Inch plants love bright indirect light but also do great with a few hours of direct light. Plant your wandering jew plant near a south-facing window where it can get at least 6 to 7 hours of bright indirect light. Growing your spiderwort in North-facing balconies and terraces is also a good idea. If the colour or variegations on the leaves start to diminish then it is a clear sign of low light. Shift your plant to an area with brighter light conditions.

can a wandering jew live in water

The wandering jew plant likes its potting mix to be kept uniformly moist at all times but not soggy at all. Under indirect light conditions, water your wandering jew plant once per week or when the top soil dries out. Don't let the soil dry out completely.

However, when watering your dried potting mix, water it in batches to ensure that the soil absorbs all the water and it just doesn’t run out of the planter. Water a little and then wait for a while for the soil to soak up the water before watering it again till it drains out of the drainage hole at the bottom of the planter.

The creeping inch plant is not very finicky about the soil it grows in. It thrives in a well-draining but rich potting mix. The key points to be kept in mind is allowing the topsoil to dry in between waterings and also aerate the soil once in a while. Since the spiderwort plant loves moist potting mix, it is very important that it is well-draining and well-aerated so root rot can be avoided.

4. Fertilizers

can a wandering jew live in water

Use a well-balanced and generic houseplant fertilizer for your wandering jew plant. They are not heavy feeders and do well with both root and foliar application every 15 days. Use a good quality fertilizer like the Ugaoo Plant Tonic for this. Dilute the fertilizer as instructed and apply directly to roots once in 15 days and put it in a misting spray and do a foliar application too once in 15 days. The foliar application guarantees bigger and showier leaves. However, don't overfeed the plant as it causes the leaves to lose their variegations.

can a wandering jew live in water

The Spiderwort plant does not require any pruning as such. Pruning for the creeping inch plant comes into play in two instances; one is to remove dead foliage and the other is to manage the shape and growth pattern of the plant. When left to its own devices, the spiderwort plant becomes leggy, to keep your plant fuller, prune the stems from time to time or pinch back at least one-fourth of the branch length.

Simply use sharp clean pruning shears or scissors to prune away stems at the required length, and cut at an incline in between leaf nodes. To remove dead or yellowing leaves, just pinch it away ensuring the leaf stalk is also removed from the main stem.

Buy Pruning Shears

• propagating wandering jew plant.

The easiest plant to propagate, the wandering jew can be propagated by anyone with a pair of scissors to take cuttings. Simply take 1 to 2-inch long cuttings of the plant, with at least 1 leaf node. Plant the cuttings in a moist potting mix or propagate in water. Keep the setup in a spot with bright indirect light.

• Problems With the Inch Plant and How to Deal with Them

can a wandering jew live in water

Like many plants, the spiderwort can be plagued by aphids and spider mites. In case of infestation, spray the plant with neem oil solution to get rid of the pests and as preventive measures. In case of heavy infestations, prune away the infested parts.

Buy the Wandering Jew Plant


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Wandering Jew Plant (Tradescantia or Spiderwort): Care, Types, Images and More

Wandering Jew Plant (Tradescantia or Spiderwort ): Care, Types, and Growing Tips

The wandering Jew plant is a common name for different species of plants that belong to the Tradescantia genus. There are around 75 different types of plants in Tradescantia genus and some are called inch plants, spiderwort, striped wandering Jew, Boat Lily, Purple Queen, or flowering inch plant. Wandering Jew plants are great house plants because they are relatively easy to care for. They are also easy to grow because the wandering Jew plant propagates easily from cuttings.

Some types of wandering Jew plants have green and gold leaves, some have reddish leaves, and others have green fuzzy leaves. There are also types of wandering Jew plants that flower. Depending on the species, the wandering Jew plant could have purple, white, or pink flowers.

How to care for wandering Jew plant : For the Tradescantia or spiderwort plant to thrive, grow in a plenty of indirect light and plant in fertile, moist potting soil with good drainage. Make sure the soil isn’t too dry or too damp and keep medium humidity levels. The ideal temperature range is between 65°F (18°C) and 75°F (23°C). You can fertilize every four weeks during the growing season with a diluted liquid houseplant fertilizer.

In this article, you will find all you need to know about this delightful houseplant. You will also get tips and ideas on how to care for your wandering Jew plants.

Wandering Jew Plant (Tradescantia or Spiderwort) – Overview of the Plant and Its Flowers

The botanical name for wandering Jew plant is Tradescantia zebrina and is also called the inch plant. However, the name wandering Jew is given to many herbaceous perennial plants in the Tradescantia genus. ( 1 )

Species of Tradescantias naturally grow outdoors in countries in Asia, Africa, Central and South America, and Australia. Varieties of wandering Jew plants also thrive well indoors, where, like their garden varieties, they grow well when it is warm, sunny, and moderately humid.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, various varieties of Tradescantias are regarded as invasive plants in the wild. However, it is the fast-growing nature of spiderworts, wandering Jews, and inch plants that makes them perfect houseplants. ( 2 )

Many people like to grow wandering Jews or spiderworts in hanging baskets or grow them in pots to decorate a garden.

What does a wandering Jew look like?

Plants from the Tradescantia varieties have leaves that seem to grow in all directions (hence the term “wandering Jew”).

One of the distinct features about foliage on wandering Jews is that many of them have striped leaves. Sometimes, the leaves can be purple and silver stripes, whereas other types of Tradescantias have leaves that are almost all silver. ( 3 )

You may also notice that some varieties of wandering Jew plant have different colors on the underneath of the leaf. For example, the Tradescantia zebrina has green/silver leaves on the upper side and deep red or burgundy colors on the underside.

Wandering Jew flower

Wandering Jew houseplants also produce attractive flowers. These flowers can sometimes be white or can range in color from pink to various shades of lilac and purple. ( 3 )

However, plant lovers don’t usually grow wandering Jews indoors or outdoors for their blooms. It’s the beautiful variation of leaf colors that makes various types of Tradescantias so desirable houseplants.

Types of Wandering Jew (Spiderwort) Plants

The most popular types of Tradescantia plants to keep indoors are Tradescantia fluminensis ( spiderwort ), Tradescantia pallida ( purple heart ), and Tradescantia zebrina ( wandering Jew ).

Wandering Jew or inch plant ( Tradescantia zebrina )

This type of  wandering Jew houseplant has purple and green leaves with a stripe pattern that resembles zebra’s stripes. There are types of wandering Jews that have bluish green leaves and purple hues on the underside.

Tradescantia zebrina

Tradescantia fluminensis (spiderwort)

There are a number of types of Tradescantia that are called spiderwort. This is distinguished from some Tradescantias as it has ovel shiny dark green leaves with pointed tips which are slightly fleshy .

Tradescantia fluminensis (spiderwort) - Picture of wandering Jew plant with white flowers

Picture of wandering Jew plant with white flowers

Tradescantia pallida (purple heart)

This type of spiderwort plant is also commonly referred to as wandering Jew. The T. pallida houseplants have vibrant purple leaves and light pink flowers when they bloom.

Tradescantia pallida (wondering Jew) with flowers (purple heart)

Wandering jew plant with deep purple leaves and light purplish-pink flowers

Tradescantia callisia

The leaves of T. callisia varieties are sometimes referred to as creeping inch plants. They have remarkably stripy leaves made up of green and white stripes.

Tradescantia callisia - Picture of green wandering jew

Picture of green wandering jew

Wandering Jew Plant Care (How to Grow Spiderwort or Tradescantia)

Caring for wandering Jew plants is fairly simple and straightforward. All plants in the Tradescantia genus enjoy moist soil, sunny but indirect sunlight, and warm conditions.

So, it doesn’t matter if you have fuzzy leaf Tradescantias, purple queen varieties, spiderworts, or wandering Jews, they all require the same type of care.

Light requirements for Tradescantias

To make sure that wandering Jew plants grow successfully, they require a good amount of light. This ensures that they grow with healthy leaves that have a vibrant green, silver, purple, or lilac colors.

The best place to place wandering Jew plant or spiderworts is in an east- or west-facing location. This means that they get plenty of natural light without being in direct sunlight when the sun is at its strongest.

The only exception is if you have Tradescantia pallida plants with dark purples leaves. They usually thrive in direct sunlight, although you should regularly check them in the summertime to make sure the sun isn’t too strong.

One sign that your Tradescantia isn’t getting enough light is if the color of their leaves starts to fade.

Best growing temperature for Spiderwort or Tradescantia

One of the reasons why wandering Jew plants are good for the home is that they thrive in room temperature.

The best temperatures for growing any type of Tradescantia plant is between 65°F (18°C) and 75°F (23°C). The houseplants also thrive in conditions that are described as “average humidity.”

If you grow Tradescantias outdoors, you should be aware of a drop in night temperatures and lower temperatures during winter. You should bring Tradescantias indoors if the temperature drops.

Best watering techniques for wandering Jew plant care

To care for your inch plant, spiderwort, or wandering Jew, you should keep the soil moist.

The best way to water a wandering Jew is to water the soil thoroughly and let the water drain out the bottom. Another way to water your purple house plant is to put water in the plant pot tray and allow the plant to soak up as much as it needs.

Some beginners who start caring for houseplants such as Tradescantias for the first time buy a soil moisture gauge to help get the soil moisture levels just right.

When it comes to proper watering for your wandering Jew, always make sure the soil isn’t too dry or too damp. Usually, weekly watering in the summertime is enough to keep your Tradescantia growing well.

The best fertilizer for wandering Jew houseplants

The reason why Tradescantias are so easy to care for is that they don’t usually require any feeding.

If you decide to encourage your inch plant or spiderwort to grow faster, then choose a liquid organic fertilizer mixed at half strength and use once a month.

Most houseplant growers don’t feed their wandering Jew plants in the fall or winter as they tend to become “leggy” or “straggly.”

Which type of soil to use for Tradescantias

To properly care for wandering Jew varieties of houseplants, you only need to plant them in regular potting soil.

How to prune wandering Jew plants

In time, Tradescantia plants require some cutting back and pruning. This helps to give your houseplant a bushier appearance and also gives you plenty of cuttings to propagate.

For Tradescantia pruning, you just need to pinch off the stem tips to leave about ¾ of the length. This will encourage your plant to grow better and become more attractive.

Growing Plants from Wandering Jew Cuttings

Even for the most novice of houseplant owners, propagating any type of Tradescantia plant is very easy. After you have cut back your “leggy” wandering Jew stems, you will have a large number of cuttings that you can use to grow new house plants.

How to propagate wandering Jew plant leaves

To prepare your wandering Jew cuttings or purple heart plant cuttings for propagation, you need a couple of stems about 1-2 inches long. Remove all the leaves apart from 2 or 3 at the end of the stem.

There are 2 ways you can grow wandering Jew plants from cutting:

  • The first way is to just put a cutting in potting soil and wait for it to grow. All you have to do is make sure that the soil is kept moist and not overly damp.
  • The other way to grow a Tradescantia from a cutting is to put the stem in water. You should notice that new roots start to grow within a week. When you notice new roots growing, you can transfer your cuttings to a pot to grow a new houseplant.

Wandering Jew Outdoor Plant Care

Tradescantia plants are great garden plants and grow well outdoors in warmer zones in the U.S. (USDA growing zones 9-11). In fact, it is because they grow so well outside in warmer countries and are quite invasive that they are classed as a weed in certain countries.

You can easily care for any Tradescantia plants to add color and beauty to your garden. Purple hanging plants or wandering Jew vines with stripy leaves can grace any patio, doorway, or garden area.

As with caring for wandering Jews or spiderworts indoors, Tradescantia plants growing outdoor should be protected from direct sunlight. So, place your plants in shady areas of the garden. But it’s good to remember that some bright light will help the wandering Jew plant produce more flowers.


Also, frost can damage the plant, so, if you live in areas where fall and winter temperatures drop below 10°F (12°C), you should take them indoor and continue to grow them as houseplants.

Problems with Wandering Jew Plant (Spiderwort)

Even though it is relatively easy to care for wandering Jew plants, you can still come across certain problems.

Let’s look at some growing tips for Tradescantia plants to avoid or remedy some common problems.

The most common pest when growing wandering Jews indoors are bugs such as spider mites or aphids . The appearance of these pests on your bushy spiderwort or inch plant may be a sign that conditions are too dry.

To help remedy the problems of pests on your Tradescantia, mist the leaves regularly and make sure the soil is moist enough. You may need to wash off the mites with water to help get rid of the infestation.

One of the beauties about caring for wandering Jew plants indoors or outdoors is that they are not susceptible to disease. Usually, any discoloration of the leaves or poor growth is connected to the soil being too dry or too damp.

Fungal infections

Overwatering spiderworts, inch plants, or wandering Jews can cause a fungal growth called botrytis to develop in the roots.

Brown leaves

As with most problems associated with caring for Tradescantias, brown leaves can also indicate that the growing environment isn’t right. The leaves of your wandering Jew could have turned brown because of too much or too little sunlight. Also, too much watering can affect leaf health.

Where to Buy Wandering Jew Plants

Many garden centers and online stores stock many different varieties of wandering Jews. You will also find that Tradescantia cuttings are available online.

Because many different types of wandering Jews are so easy to grow yourself, you could ask a friend for a cutting if they have the plant. You can also get more Tradescantia houseplant or garden plants by propagating cuttings from plants you already have.

FAQ Related to Wandering Jew Plant (Tradescantia)

Do they need any pruning.

To properly care for wandering Jews, the leaves and stems require pruning. The stems can grow quite long and start losing their leaves from the base. The best time to prune any Tradescantia plant is just before the growing season in late winter or early spring.

You may also find that Tradescantias grow better if you give them a mild prune in late summer.

How to prevent wandering Jew roots from rotting?

Go easy on the watering to stop Tradescantia plants’ roots from rotting. Water them enough to keep the soil moist during summertime and only occasionally in the winter.

Are wandering Jew plant leaves toxic to animals?

While not toxic to cats or dogs, the leaves of wandering Jew plants can cause irritation. If you have pets that like to nibble on leaves, you can still benefit from the beauty of Tradescantias if you grow the outdoor plant in hanging baskets.

Can I grow my Tradescantia plant outdoors?

Yes, you certainly can. Wandering Jew plants grow well out of doors in warm climates. During the summertime, you can move your indoor houseplants to the garden and place them away from direct sunlight.

Dashes of purple colors, bright pinks, or interesting green and purple stripped leaves can make an interesting feature in any garden or balcony.

Can you train a wandering Jew plant?

Tradescantia plants are easy to train because their stems can grow very long and you can wrap them around objects. Wandering Jew plant stems can grow up on trellises or obelisks or up around any other item.

Heavily pruning wandering Jews in late winter can also help to train the plant to grow into a colorful bush.

How fast does wandering Jew plant grow?

Tradescantia cuttings should start growing roots within a week or so. Once the plant is established, you can expect it to grow about an inch every week. Some people claim this is the reason that some Tradescantias are called inch plants.

Can Tradescantia houseplants cause allergies?

The sap of wandering Jew plants or prolonged skin exposure to its leaves could cause allergic reactions.

The journal Allergy reports that indoor plants such as Tradescantia can also cause symptoms such as itching of the throat, swelling, wheezing, and runny eyes and nose. ( 4 )

Do wandering Jew varieties have any health benefits?

Although not widely used, extracts from Tradescantia zebrina have certain medicinal properties. You can buy inch plant herbal liquid extracts that are said to have many antioxidant properties.

Researchers have found that therapeutic compounds in Tradescantia extracts have antibacterial, anticancer, and antioxidant uses. ( 5 )

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Featured image for Wandering Jew Plant Care – How to Plant, Grow and Help Them Thrive

Wandering Jew Plant Care – How to Plant, Grow and Help Them Thrive


Tradescantia zebrina, commonly called the Wandering Jew plant, is a striking houseplant known for its variegated leaves tinted with green, silver, and purple. It originated in Central America and Mexico’s tropical regions. So, the Zebrina is a perfect choice for growing indoors. The good news is that Wandering Jew plant care is not difficult at all!

Key Takeaways

  • Zebrina is a low-maintenance, fast-growing plant.
  • The Zebra Plant makes an excellent choice for beginner gardeners because care isn’t overly complex.
  • This plant quickly fills up empty spaces in your indoor landscaping efforts.
  • Pruning is good for Zebrinas. It maintains their shape and keeps them from becoming invasive.

Wondering about the Wandering “Dude”

The Zebrina has numerous nicknames (many from cultivars), including Silver Inch Plant, Striped Trad, Striped Wandering Creeper, Purple Heart Plant, Small Leaf Spiderwort, Moses in the Cradle, and Zebra Plant. Because the name Wandering Jew is offensive to some, gardeners usually use one of these, the botanical name, or the new moniker, Wandering Dude.

The flowing leaves on this plant measure about ½ inch long and about ¼ inch wide. When used outdoors, they make a colorful ground cover. The flowers are pink to purple and bear brownish seeds. Take care when you work with the zebra plant. The sap proves irritating to some people.

Light Play: When Zebrina is in bright light, the colors become even more vibrant. If you have a window location with indirect light, the exposure enhances leaf pigments. It is very visually appealing.

The Basics of Wandering Jew Plant Care (Zebrina)

In taking care of any indoor plant, there are certain important points in your care routine.

  • Temperature: Zebrina plants thrive when the temperature is around 70 degrees. Keep the plant away from drafts or air conditioning ducts.
  • Light: South or eastern-facing windows work best, provided the light is indirect. If they’re not getting enough sun, they become spindly.
  • Water: Keep your inch plant moist. Avoid over-watering or letting the plant’s soil dry out completely.
  • Soil: Plant your Wandering Dude in a peat-based potting mix with good drainage.
  • Humidity: Good news! The average humidity in your home should work fine.

Wandering Jew Plant Care

The Battle of Fronds vs. Flowers: Many people buy houseplants for their flowers. Zebrinas do produce delicate petals, which look charming. However, the true allure of the Wandering Dude is its foliage.

Wandering Jew Plant (Zebrina) Needs

When you’re looking for a beautiful backdrop to your indoor garden efforts, Zebrina fills that need. Mix the type of container you use for greater visual impact. You can take your plants for a summer stroll, but you cannot leave them outdoors during winter.

Except for Purple Queen Zebrina, which loves direct light, the fronds of these plants will burn if left in direct sunlight for too long. If you have a window that gets light in the morning and indirect light later, the Wandering Dude will thrive.

Tip: Turn your pots periodically so all sides of the plant benefit from sunlight.

If you’d like to expand your Zebrina family, propagation is simple. It begins with taking a stem cutting. Look for a healthy stem and snip it below a node. You can then root it in a glass of water or put it directly into the soil. A little rooting compound improves the results from direct soil planting.

Choosing a Wandering Jew Plant for Your Home

Inch Plant (blossfeldiana): Thick, fuzzy leaves with purple undersides. It blossoms in flower clusters of white, rose pink, or blue. Mature height 6-12 inches.

Longpipes (Wild Crocus): These bluish-purple flowers appear from May until June. It’s thin, arching leaves grow up to 7 inches long. If you have a rock feature inside, longpipes will do well there.

Moses-in-a-basket (Oyster Plant; Boat Lily): The dark green leaves are sword-like and grow in a spiral. The undersides of the foliage are purple, and it blossoms with white flowers. Dwarf plants are 6-12 inches tall and require 6-8 hours of indirect light daily. The vibrant purple undersides of this plant’s leaves are truly striking.

There are two popular variants of Moses-in-a-Basket. One is a Tricolor, bearing pink, green, and cream leaves. The other is a Golden Oyster with bright gold-yellow leaves.

Pallida: A native of Mexico, Pallida goes by the name Purple Heart. The foliage is eggplant purple, adorned with light pink flowers bordering on orchid—a good choice for hanging baskets. Grows 1-2 feet tall and wide.

Striped Inch Plant (River Spiderwort, Speedy Henry): Average size is 12” x 12”. The plant’s leaves are dark green, shiny, and pointy (2 inches). Striped inch plants blossom with white flowers.

Virginia Spiderwort: Bright green narrow leaves topped with violet, three-petaled flowers that measure 2” across. Each flower only lives for a day, but there are so many you won’t notice. This is a larger member of the Wandering Jew family, with an adult height of 18-20 inches and a width of 12-18 inches.

White Velvet: Gray-green leaves covered in white hairs distinguish this Wandering Jew from others. It blossoms for about a month in bright pink-purple flowers. Received the Award of Golden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society. Mature height: 12 inches.

While humans suffer no illness from Zebrina, ingestion by pets can be toxic. Keep this in mind when placing them around your indoor garden.

Wandering Jew Plant Watering Techniques

Wandering Jew Plant Watering

While these plants handle random overwatering, it won’t continue being healthy if left waterlogged too long. When you apply water, do so from the base of the plant. Watch and you can see the water absorption. Alternatively, you can take the plant to your sink and give it a good bottom watering until the liquid comes out of drainage holes. Let it finish in the sink, then put it back in place.

When you walk through your home, regularly check your plant’s soil. Put your finger down to the ½ inch point in the soil. If it’s dry, then water. Because your Wandering Jew may grow at different rates throughout the year, this test alleviates guesswork.

If you are busy and may forget, try an aqua globe.

Vertical Space: If you want a plant to fill some of your vertical space, you’ll be happy to know Zebrina can be trained. By using a support, you can guide it toward climbing. Use a moss pole or trellis as a support system.

Wandering Jew: Potting and Repotting

Tradescantia are fast growers, so you may need to repot it every two or three seasons. When it’s time, you want to give the plant a larger container and fresh soil. Zebrina’s roots will start peeking out of drainage holes to tell you they need more space. Alternatively, they may move up the side of the pot toward the container’s edge.

When you remove the plant from the current container, begin by putting it down on its side. Hold the pot with one hand and the base of the foliage with the other. Gently wiggle (the stems can be quite delicate). Once it slides out, shake off old soil and inspect for signs of disease or pests.

Potting and Repotting Wandering Jew

As a generalization, Zebrina represents adaptability, growth, and resilience. Because of its hardy nature, this plant has become a metaphor for overcoming adversity and showing grace during times of transformation. It is an emblem of the human spirit’s perseverance and enduring hope. In literature, the flower appears as a symbol of beauty, strength, faith, and diligence.

Dream books say the Wandering Jew appearing reminds you all is not lost. Stay true, stand tall, and succeed. If you’re holding the flower, it portends luck and prosperity.

Pruning and Maintenance

Because this plant grows quickly, heavy pruning is good for it. Make it an addition to your regular Wandering Jew care routine. Trim off long tendrils, dead leaves, and weak growth. Pinch off new growth and thin it out. This helps create a bushy appearance and transforms the plant into something suitable for your indoor efforts.

Sometimes, per their name, Zebrina goes a-wandering. It becomes leggy stems with few leaves. Keep those trimmed down so the plant can focus its energy more effectively. If you’re plants look rather dull, trimming is the trick for promoting thick leaves.

Perhaps the most important reason for pruning Wandering Jews is to keep them healthy. Removing unhealthy or dead parts deters fungus and disease.

When: Indoor plants often follow nature’s lead, resting during fall and winter. So, give them their haircut in spring or early summer at the latest.

Zebra Plants and Therapeutic Properties: Inch plants have antioxidants and antimicrobial properties. In areas like Jamaica, people treasure them as a treatment for high pressure and cough while applying leaves for swelling. In China, this plant has the name “Water Turtle Grass.” It’s recommended for kidney disorders. Mexicans have an inch plant leaf decoction used as a tonic. Along the same lines, Guyana healers brew the leaves and offer the tea for influenza and digestive issues.

Blooming and Resting Periods

This plant’s flowers benefit from a dormant period the previous winter. Since it’s indoor, you’ll need to put the Zebrina in an area hovering around 60F. Reduce water. You want the soil to dry for two weeks between irrigation. Always use room-temperature water so you don’t shock your plants.

Once the Wandering Jew is growing, you’ll need to water it once a week. Now is the time for fertilization.

There is a legend that surfaced in the 13th century. It says that a Jewish person taunted Jesus on his way to crucifixion. As a result, the person was cursed to walk the earth until the second coming. Another sad account was that of a condemned man separated from his sister by the Bering Straight. He set out to find her, yet wherever he traveled, plagues followed. There is no happy ending here. The fellow never finds his sister.

There is no question that the Wandering Jew is diligent and sometimes invasive, so perhaps some of those characteristics contributed to the plant’s name.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Wandering Dudes rarely have pests indoors. Occasionally, you may find aphids or spider mites. You can wash both off the leaves or use a natural insecticide.

When you see small white webs on the undersides of leaves, that’s a spider mite. They like it warm and dry, so amp up the humidity using a household humidifier near the plant. Spray it periodically. Should the critters persist, wash the plant in your sink.

Signs of Aphid infestation include:

  • Weakened growth
  • Yellowing, twisting, or curling leaves
  • Small white flakes on the leaves (this is the result of aphids shedding their exoskeleton)
  • A sticky, shiny substance on leaves and stems (honeydew)
  • Black, sooty mold (a result of honeydew)
  • Diseased plants (aphids carry over 100 different viral diseases that can settle into the Wandering Jew)

Neem oil is a trusted remedy. Apply, then re-apply in a week. Continue more applications until they’re gone.

When it comes to disease, most develop because of over-watering, which leads to root rot. Roots can only retain so much water before they start getting mushy. The good news is you can remedy this easily. Reduce your watering schedule and improve the drainage in the soil. Just add some coarse sand or perlite.

Black patches and white powdery particles on your plant’s leaves reveal fungal issues like leaf spots, botrytis, and powdery mildew. Clean away affected foliage. Make sure your plant isn’t over-watered. If you get stuck and the fungus won’t go away, you should dispose of the Wandering Jew and sterilize the container before reusing it.

In an odd twist, you can grow wandering jew plants in water. You will need to change the water every 4 days and add a little fertilizer (3:1 ratio in freshwater). Using purified water is best. Salt and chlorine can adversely affect these plants. Also, make sure the water is at room temperature. With the right lighting, you can keep Zebrina alive in water for a long time, much like money plants.

Troubleshooting Common Wandering Jew Problems

  • Bare stems and spindly growth: Over the years, this is natural. However, in younger plants, it may indicate a lack of light, water, or fertilization.
  • Loss of leaf color: When variegated leaves begin turning all green, your plant is getting too much direct sunlight.
  • Limp stems: Typically means a lack of water, but could be a sign of insects.

Word Play: The Inch Plant’s name is descriptive to a T. This foliage grows approximately one inch every week! It can also propagate itself using only an inch of stem.

Frequently Asked Questions About Jew plant

Does a wandering jew plant need sun.

Yes, but not direct sun. An area with indirect light is best for these plants. Turn the plant periodically so all sides get filtered light regularly.

How do you care for a wandering Jew indoors?

Now, you may have Wandering Jews that are just indoor plants. But if you have outdoor pines, you; 'll need to bring them into your home before the threat of frost. They’ll do just fine in your household landscape as long as you give them adequate light and proper watering.

How often do you need to water a wandering Jew plant?

If your Wandering Jew develops mushy stems, you’re over-watering it. Don’t automatically bring over the water pail. Check the soil. If it’s dry down to 1”, it’s safe to add moisture. Otherwise, wait.

How long will wandering Jew last?

Wandering Jews are fairly hardy. As long as you care for them correctly, your Tradescantia plants will live for many years.

How big do wandering Jews get?

Much depends on the type. Most plants don’t grow beyond one foot tall but may have longer (2-foot) stems.

Zebrina plants have a rich history and a variety of interesting traits. It thrives in a variety of environments, and has alluring striped leaves, and people enjoy looking at it. When you want to add some living greenery to your indoor garden, Zebrina is one possibility. It’s exotic yet understated, and you will enjoy it for years to come.

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How to Grow a Spiderwort Plant

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Crystal Bolin Photography / Getty Images

In This Article

Within the Tradescantia genus, you'll find 75 herbaceous perennials commonly referred to as spiderwort, including the popular houseplants T. fluminensis, T. pallida, and T. zebrina— each of which has numerous common names of their own. No matter which variety you're drawn to, these are hardy, fast-growing, and low-maintenance species. Their attractive colorful foliage will trail, spread, or climb, making them especially striking in hanging planters —or in any corner of your space that could use a burst of color. That said, some varieties of the Tradescantia family are toxic to pets, so keep it away from furry family members. Here's how to care for and propagate these beauties in your own home.

  • Botanical Name: Tradescantia ( T. fluminensis , T. pallida , T. zebrina )
  • Common Name: Spiderwort, inch plant, flowering inch plant
  • Plant Type: Herbaceous perennial
  • Mature Size: 6–9 inches high, 12–24 inches wide
  • Sun Exposure: Bright, indirect light
  • Soil Type: Well-drained potting soil
  • Soil pH: Any
  • Toxicity: Toxic to pets

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Spiderwort plants can do well even with a bit of neglect, so you can let the soil just dry out between waterings. Cut back on watering during the winter months, when growth slows. To fertilize, feed your Spiderwort with a water-soluble fertilizer, diluted to half-strength, every two weeks during the spring and summer, if needed.

After the first year of growth, your spiderwort plant may lose some foliage near the base of the stems. Rather than cutting back the plant to make it look fuller, simply take cuttings from healthy branches when it’s looking leggy, and root them in the same container with the mother plant. Periodically remove dried-out or discolored leaves.

Best Growing Conditions for Spiderwort Plants

While spiderwort plants are highly adaptable , they thrive best in medium to bright indirect light. If you notice the markings on the leaves fading, move it to a brighter spot; just make sure it's out of direct sunlight. Plants in brighter conditions are more likely to flower.

Plant your Spiderwort in a well-drained, all-purpose potting soil. It'll grow best in a warm, temperate space with temperatures between 55 degrees and 70 degrees. These plants like to be watered regularly, allowing the soil to be partially dried out between waterings. If you notice yellow leaves and limp stems, you're likely underwatering. Conversely, dulling leaf color can be a sign of overwatering.

Spiderwort plants trail beautifully from hanging planters, window boxes, containers on high shelves, or window sills with western or eastern exposure. Thanks to their spreading growth habit, these plants work great in large containers, too.

Pinch off the growth tips at the ends of the plant's branches to encourage bushy growth and discourage leggy growth. These tips can be saved to propagate new plants.

Types of Spiderwort Plants

While there are many species in the Tradescantia genus, common varieties feature a wide range of colors and patterns. For example, T. zebrina , also called inch plant, has pale silvery stripes on its dark green and purple leaves and bright purple undersides. T. padilla , or purple heart, features solid dark-purple foliage and fuzzy, elongated leaves. Another popular cultivar, T. albiflora ‘Albovittata’, displays light green leaves with thin white stripes. 

ArtesiaWells / Getty Images

How to Propagate Spiderwort Plants

Tradescantia plants can be propagated any time of year and it's so quick and easy that you don't even need to use rooting hormone or a special rooting medium. You can simply propagate them in soil or water . Here’s how:

How to Propagate Spiderwort Plants in Soil

Step 1: Take several cuttings at the ends of branches, using a clean, sharp blade to make a cut at a 45-degree angle just under a leaf node. The cuttings should be four to six inches long. Remove the bottom set of leaves from the stem of each cutting.

Step 2: Fill a 6-inch pot or hanging basket with all-purpose potting soil to 1 inch below the top of the container. Poke holes about 2 inches deep evenly spaced around the pot and plant one cutting in each hole, gently patting the soil around the stems to hold them in place.

Step 3: Water your cuttings, and keep the soil evenly moist. Place in a spot with bright, indirect light. In a few months, you'll have a full, leafy new plant.

How to Propagate Spiderwort Plants in Water

Step 1: Snip 4- to-6-inch cuttings from healthy stems of your spiderwort plant, using a clean, sharp blade to make a cut at a 45-degree angle just under a leaf node. Remove the bottom set of leaves from each stem.

Step 2: Put your cuttings in a glass or jar of water, ensuring that at least the bottom leaf node stays submerged. You should see new roots begin to emerge within a week or so.

Step 3: After about two weeks in water or when the new roots are a few inches long, plant your cuttings in all-purpose potting mix, and care for them as usual.

Naeem shahrizadegan / Unsplash

Common Problems With Spiderwort Plants

While Spiderwort plants are generally easygoing, making them a great choice for first-time plant parents, they're still prone to problems stemming from poor care and environmental issues like any other houseplant.

Leaves Fading

Leaves fading or losing variegation is often a sign that your Spiderwort isn't getting an adequate amount of light. Relocate your plant to a brighter area of your home.

Stem Rotting and Leaves Turning Yellow

Keep an eye out for soft, rotting stems and yellowing leaves—commons signs of root rot, which can occur when the soil in your container is too wet. Let the soil partially dry out between waterings, making sure that at least the top two to three inches of soil is dry.

Leaves Curling and Dropping

If you notice your Spiderwort leaves are curling up, drying out, or dropping altogether, this is likely due to under-watering. Adjust your watering schedule to give your plant more regular hydration. Note that some leaf drop close to the base of the plant where older leaves are found is normal.

Leggy Growth

Believe it or not, it's natural for your Tradescantia to become leggy and spindly after a few years. They're known to have a limited life span of just two to three years, so if this is the case, it's best to propagate as many stems as possible and discard the parent plant. If your plant is still young, however, leggy growth can also be caused by too little light or water.

Insects like mealybugs and spider mites can also cause leaf drop, loss of color, and rotting stem. Treat an insect-infested plant by dabbing leaves with rubbing alcohol or spraying with insecticidal soap.

Potting and Repotting Spiderwort Plants

Tradescantia are fast growers and may need repotting every couple of seasons. If your Spiderwort plant's roots are crowded, you may choose to repot it in spring—but only if the roots have completely filled the inside of the pot.

Select a pot that is at least 1 to 2 inches wider than the current container. Any type of pot works, but the soil will dry out more in a porous pot like terracotta, so you will need to water more often. Line the new pot with fresh soil. Carefully loosen the plant's root ball around the edges of the current container before gently pulling it out. Place it in the new pot and fill with more fresh soil, then lightly water.

Be careful when handling fragile stems during the repotting process. If any do break off, save them to propagate or root in your plant's container. 

How to Get Spiderwort Plants to Bloom

Many varieties of Spiderwort plants may produce small, three-petaled flowers in purple, pink, or white when they're happy. Plants in brighter conditions with enough (but not too much) water are more likely to produce these dainty blooms, so adjust accordingly if your flowering variety isn't producing.

Are Spiderwort Plants Easy to Care For?

Yes, members of the Tradescantia family are known for being easygoing and low maintenance, making them excellent beginner houseplants. They're adaptable to many environments as long as they're receiving adequate light and water.

How Fast Do Spiderwort Plants Grow?

Given proper care, these plants are enthusiastic spreaders, often growing up to an inch a week—some even credit the nickname "inch plant" to this statistic. You can expect a full-grown plant about six months after planting as a seedling, or in even less time if you start with a sprout or cutting.

How Long Can Spiderwort Plants Live?

Unfortunately, Spiderwort plants don't age very well—they typically only last two to three years before they begin to look leggy, bare, and untidy. If your plant is looking worse for wear, it might be time to propagate new specimens via cuttings and discard the original plant.

Inch Plant . ASPCA.

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10 houseplants that can easily be grown in water

No green thumb needed. all you need is water to propagate these pretty, low-maintenance houseplants..

can a wandering jew live in water

The best part about these low-maintenance plants?

You can never overwater or underwater – the number one killer of house plants – they grow in water.

1. Wandering Jew

Hanging plants are often the easiest to root in water alone. Simply submerge cuttings from a mature Wandering Jew plant in a jar of water, taking care to submerge only the stem and not the leaves, as the latter submerged in water will rot the cutting. Leave in an area with plenty of sunlight, and watch it root in just a few weeks’ time.

You’ll want to grow this well – known as the money plant, this succulent is said to bring good luck and fortune into your life. It won’t take much effort, either. Propagate a jade plant putting a few leaves by a water source – not even in one! – and they’ll start rooting. We kid you not,  here’s the proof ! After which, though, you’d want to plant them in soil.

can a wandering jew live in water

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3. Paperwhites

Grown from bulbs, Paperwhites need nothing more than water – and perhaps some pebbles to anchor them in the vase – to grow into clusters of beautiful blooms. Take care to keep the water level just below the base of the bulbs, but no higher, to prevent rotting.

Simply leave a few stems in a container of water – the warmth of your kitchen in Singapore allows basil to thrive wonderfully. Once they’ve grown out, mature leaves are great sprinkled on homemade pizza or thrown into your omelette.

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Like basil, sage stems grow roots in water, and begin to sprout more leaves in a matter of weeks. Make sure your sage plant has enough light and fresh air, and replace the water to keep it clean, as it’s an easy target for mold to grow.

Pluck a few stems of an almost-mature thyme plant, just before the plant starts to flower (these are most likely to sprout), and place them in water. Thyme tends to dry out pretty quickly, but TLC isn’t tedious – simply sprinkle them with water when needed.

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Who needs the supermarket when you can grow your own salad? There’s a reason why hydroponic farmers love growing leafy veggies like spinach, lettuce, and bok choy – and it’s the same reason why you’ll love it – they grow wonderfully in water beds without much need for extra care.

8. Lemon Balm

Take a few fresh stems and place it in a jar of water. Better yet, keep the plant outside until it grows fresh leaves before bringing it indoors. Bonus: the lemony, minty scent will fill your kitchen with a fresh fragrance.

9. Arrowhead

After all, these are pond plants. Grow arrowhead plants from its corms in a pot of water, with some pebbles to allow the plant to root itself. Arrowhead plants grow quickly, and will begin to vine, too, so if you intend to grow them for a long time, it’s more advisable to grow it in soil.

10. Aluminum Plant

This tropical houseplant is well-loved in Singapore for its striking metallic silver patterns embossed on its deep green leaves. Tip: They’re beautiful when grown in hanging baskets!

This article was originally published on Her World .


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How to Make Wandering Jew Bushy and Bigger | 5 Best Tricks

Ralph Astley

2-Minute Read

Don’t know how to make wandering jew bushy and bigger with these tips, it’ll exceed all your expectations.

Want your tradescantia to become the bushiest and boldest on the block? No problemo! Training it that way is as easy as baking a pie as long as you know what to do and how to do it!

18 Different Ways to Grow Wandering Jew Indoors

The number #1 trick to make wandering jew bushy.

prunning Wandering Jew

Instead of just pinching (you should keep doing it) or cutting the tips, do a little more. Selectively prune individual stems! Identify the leggiest or longest ones and prune them back a little. This allows you to maintain a more compact overall shape while encouraging equal denser growth.

Other Tricks to Make Wandering Jew Bigger, Bold, and Bushier

Here’s the good news: this is one of the easiest plants to grow, which means you won’t need to struggle a lot to make your wandering dude look that way.

2. Pick the Right Pot

Avoid too large or too small pot – finding a balance is the key and to ensure you pick the right one – go for a container that’s about one or two sizes bigger than the root ball of the plant.

For small plants, a 6-8-inch container is a good choice to start. Examine the roots annually. If they are circling the bottom or poking out through drainage holes and the plant looks exhausted, it’s time to repot. You can also divide the plant in half and plant it back in the old pot.

If you want your wandering jew to be bigger, go for a 10-12 inches pot.

3. Find a Sunshine Shade Spot

You need to give your Wandering Jew some sunshine, but not too much. They love a bit of morning sun or gentle light throughout the day. Here’s what you can do:

Find a spot where the plant gets 2-4 hours of direct morning sunlight and indirect light for the rest of the day.

4. Plant Multiple Cuttings in the Same Container

When you are done pruning the plant, don’t throw away the cuttings! Use them to your advantage by propagating them in the same pot!

What this will do is it will create more plants in the same pot, making them all appear as one – creating the effect of a very old bushy specimen!

Propagating Wandering Jew in Water |  Growing Tradescantia Plant in Water

5. fertilize it right.

Treat your Wandering Jew to a snack every 3-4 weeks in the growing season – dilute the balanced liquid fertilizer to 1/4 of its strength and feed the plant. You can also mist the foliage with Epsom salt solution once in 2 weeks to make your plant look more lustrous.

Some Quick Tricks

  • Keep things warm and toasty. Wandering Jews like it between 60-90°F (15-32°C). Say no to extreme drafts and sudden temp surprises.
  • Keep things looking sharp by giving your Wandering Jew a quarter turn (Potted ones) every time you water. Let all its sides get a bit of sun.

Stick to these easy-peasy tips, and soon you’ll be the proud parent of the bushiest Wandering Jew in town. Happy growing!

Wandering Jew Care | How to Grow an Inch Plant Indoors

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Please update the name of this plant. No one is calling it that anymore. As it is a sign of bigotry.

KJ get over it

Funny to comment on the name, but give no suggestion as to what to replace it with. The technical name for the plant is Tradescantia Zebrina. Hopefully a zebra does not get offended.

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How To Grow And Care For Purple Heart Plants

Pretty, purple, and practically indestructible.

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Plant Attributes

Purple heart plant care, types of purple heart plants, propagating purple heart plants, potting and repotting purple heart plants, overwintering.

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Common Problems With Purple Heart Plants

Frequently asked questions.

The 'Purple Heart' ( Tradescantia pallida ) is a hardy plant with a stunning color payoff. It's a beautiful perennial with long, trailing stems that resemble rambling vines. Commonly planted in pots or displayed in hanging baskets, purple hearts are aptly named, as their foliage appears in silvery purple and violet hues.

Tradescantia  species are perennials in the family Commelinaceae, also known as the spiderwort family.  Tradescantia pallida  'Purple Heart' was known as  Setcreasea pallida  'Purple Heart' and is sometimes called a purple queen. Purple heart is native to the Gulf Coast region of Mexico and can grow to heights of one and a half feet tall and wide. Its purple leaves are long and oval-shaped, producing small purple flowers in summer. This striking appearance makes it perfect for everyday use as an ornamental plant in gardens and along borders or driveways. However, as all  Tradescantia  plants are toxic to  people  and  pets , be mindful of where you grow this trailing plant—juice from the leaves or stems can cause skin irritation for some people and even some dogs.

The Southern Living Garden Book  explains, "Types grown as houseplants should be given bright indirect light and kept fairly moist; feed them with a general-purpose liquid houseplant fertilizer twice a month from spring through fall, once a month in winter." When planted outdoors, the purple heart plant grows best with regular watering and a balance of full sun and light shade despite being relatively drought-tolerant. On the other hand, growing a purple heart in full sun will help it develop a bright purple color. Growing it in the shade will make it appear more green than purple. Purple heart plants need rich, moist, well-draining soil to grow. Stems are notoriously fragile and can break off very easily.

While these plants are popular for pots and hanging baskets, they are also sometimes employed as ground cover plantings because of their hardiness. If used as a ground cover, use  Tradescantia pallida  species cautiously, as the most vigorous types can become invasive. Be sure to choose a less rambling type and be an attentive gardener to keep it corralled in your yard.

Plant purple heart plants in full sun to grow vibrant purple stems. Plants growing in partial shade will appear more green than purple. Indirect or filtered light helps avoid leaf burn or scorch, but too little sunlight will cause foliage to drop.

Purple heart plants grow in loose, airy, moist, and well-draining soil. Drainage is essential for the purple heart, but these plants are relatively adaptable to soil pH, ranging from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. Supplement soil with perlite to assist with drainage.

Plants need more water when establishing, but after a few years are relatively drought-tolerant. Allow the soil to drain entirely and wait until the top few inches of soil are dry. Weekly waterings should suffice for established plants, but more during the blooming season or periods of extreme heat.

Temperature and Humidity

Purple heart plants thrive in humid climates, so if growing as a houseplant, use a humidifier to mimic tropical conditions. When grown outdoors, the purple heart plant will die back in the winter when temperatures reach below 40°F, but the roots stay alive. Dry air causes foliage damage. While adaptable to a range of temperatures, frost can cause permanent damage to plants.

Fertilize purple heart plants twice a month throughout the growing season—spring to fall—with a diluted liquid balanced fertilizer. Too much fertilization can cause leaf burn, so reduce feedings to once a month during the winter.

Beyond the purple heart plant, other Tradescantia  species are also widespread. 

  • Tradescantia pallida  'Variegata': This plant, producing striped pink-and-red foliage, is used in pots or as ground cover and thrives in full sun with moderate water. 
  • Tradescantia virginiana  'Virginia spiderwort': A Southern classic with foliage that has a grassy appearance. It produces short-lived flowers in a rainbow of shades, many of which bloom for only one day.
  • Tradescantia   sillamontana ' White Velvet': This plant is an easy-to-grow evergreen perennial known for oval gray-green foliage. This variety makes a distinctive groundcover in areas with warm areas. 

The purple heart plant has a quick growth rate, so pruning often will prevent the plant from getting too spindly or leggy. After flowering finishes in the spring, cut back growth using sharp pruning shears and pinch off stems to encourage new branching. Wear gloves when pruning in the summer to avoid sap from contacting your skin.

Seedlings for the purple heart plant can sometimes be challenging to come by. This plant propagates quickly from any part of the plant by placing it in adaptable soil or water. Here is how to propagate the purple heart plant through stem cuttings:

  • This delicate plant breaks easily, so choose a three-to-six-inch branch and cut it with a sharp knife or scissors below the leaf node. 
  • Dip the cutting in a rooting hormone and place it directly into a container filled with potting soil or water. 
  • Move the entire container into indirect sunlight for one to two weeks and keep the cutting moist. 
  • After roots emerge, transplant new growth to its final location. 

If growing the purple heart plant as a houseplant, repotting might be necessary if the roots extend to the edge of its current container. Moving plants to new pots occurs most often during the growing season. Transplant into a larger container filled with moist potting soil. Make sure to maintain plenty of drainage holes to prevent root rot. 

Purple heart plants can survive cold weather, but frost typically kills the tops of the plant. Fortunately, it will sprout again from its roots when spring returns. 

Nurturing purple heart plants as a houseplant is also a great option if you want to avoid them dying over the winter. It will thrive in an indoor environment. Purple heart plants are lovely to look at and have nearby, but they also help to improve air quality by filtering pollutants and respiratory irritants.

If you live in an area with temperatures that reach below 40°F, then bring plants indoors to prevent cold damage. 

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Deer usually ignore these plants. However, a few pests love to make purple heart plants their home. Look for leaf beetles, scales, mealybugs, aphids, vine weevils, caterpillars, slugs, and snails. Small holes may appear on the foliage if a pest infestation occurs, but soapy water or an insecticide can help if the issue persists. 

Root rot is a common disease that occurs when the plant has poor soil drainage or a lack of oxygen. This fungal disease can also spread through the soil. Use sterilized pruning shears to remove infected areas or move plants to a new location with soil that is not contaminated.

Purple heart plants are relatively hardy, but issues such as overwatering, improper sun exposure, or soil nutrient imbalance can cause issues. Here's what to know when caring for the purple heart plant:

Leaves Turning Yellow

Yellowing leaves often signify overwatering. Overwatering can also cause a nutrient imbalance in the soil, so wait until the top few inches of soil are dry and ensure plenty of drainage holes in containers. Older plants might experience yellowing leaves because of age, but this is natural. 

Leaves Turning Black/Brown

Similar to yellow leaves, brown leaves are systematic of old age in plants. Purple heart plants have foliage that turns brown when it lacks moisture or humidity. Additionally, leaves turn brown when overexposed to sunlight. If growing plants indoors, use a humidifier or move the plant into the bathroom when showering to help encourage humidity.

Purple heart plants growing indoors require similar care instructions as those growing outside. Provide plants with full sun exposure for most of the day, but do not burn the foliage. While relatively drought-tolerant once established, the purple heart plant needs frequent watering throughout the winter. Add a humidifier near the plant to help avoid brown dried leaves.

The purple heart plant thrives year-round in mild climates as far north as USDA Zone 6. In regions with colder temperatures and frost conditions, pruning can help protect the plant and conserve its energy for the following spring. The purple heart plant will resprout from the roots in the spring if cared for throughout the winter.

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Wandering Jew Winter Care: Complete ‘How To’ Guide

  • By Kaci Reigns
  • Updated April 27, 2024

You may have heard about the wandering Jew plant. This beautiful plant is an excellent choice as an indoor or an outdoor plant. If you're wondering how to care for these low-maintenance plants in the winter months, you're in luck. We've done the research and have compiled some of the best ways to care for your plant during the winter!

Here are some tips for caring for your wandering Jew plant in the winter:

  • Reduce the amount of watering
  • Ensure that you have sufficient humidity
  • Keep the plant away from cold drafts
  • Stop fertilizing
  • Avoid pruning
  • Put your plant in a sunny location

This quick-growing, low-maintenance plant is very popular because it is easy to grow! Keep reading to learn more about the changes you need to make in winter for the wandering Jew and more critical information about this wonderful plant!

the Tradescantia zebrina in brick flowerpot of leaves is color purple, Wandering Jew Winter Care: Complete 'How To' Guide

Wandering Jew (Dude) Winter Care

the Tradescantia zebrina in brick flowerpot of leaves is color purple

The inch plant ( Tradescantia zebrina ) is also known as the wandering Jew. More recently, the plant has been called the wandering dude (a less offensive term). Regardless of its name, this plant is a tropical plant that is only hardy for USDA zones eight through 11.

Inch plants are commonly grown as houseplants. They have a low frost tolerance. However, you still need to adjust the care you give these plants in the wintertime.

Watering green indoor potted plants in ceramic and metal pots with a green plastic watering can on a bright wooden surface in a room. Growing beautifully and thriving in full or partial shade.

Inch plants are dormant during the winter months. Their dormancy means that you need to cut back on watering. During the plant's growing months, you need to keep the soil moist and well-draining.

In the fall and winter, you can allow some of the soil to dry out before watering. You want to do this because the plant isn't growing as rapidly and doesn't require as much water.

Allow the first two inches of soil to dry out for large plants before watering again. You should only allow up to the first inch of soil to dry out for smaller ones.

Humidity Levels

Close up of steam from the air humidifier during heating period, surrounded by houseplants Plant care. Increasing moisture in the apartment

Your wandering dude will still need humidity during the winter. In fact, you may have to increase the humidity levels in your home during the winter. This is because most people use their heaters during this time. Yes, it keeps homes warm, but it also takes away the moisture in the air.

You'll know that you need to adjust your humidity levels if you notice leaves with brown edges or falling leaves. To increase your humidity levels, you can use a humidifier.

Another option is to use a pebble tray. Pebble trays are small dishes filled with rocks and water. You place your plant on top of it, which increases the nearby humidity.

Avoid Cold Drafts

Draft Excluder Under Window Blocking Cold Air From Traveling Around

Remember that inch plants are native to tropical regions with higher temperatures. They do well when indoor temperatures are between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. For the most part, this is within the range most at which people keep their homes.

However, be careful to avoid any cold drafts from your windows. Your inch plants must be brought inside when outdoor temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. A cold breeze, even indoors, can cause severe damage to your wandering dude.

Stop Fertilizing

Woman pouring granular fertilizer into pot with house plant at table, closeup

You should stop fertilizing your inch plants during the fall and winter months. Remember, the plants are dormant in the winter. Even if you see new growth, the plant isn't growing rapidly enough to warrant any fertilizing.

It can be challenging to determine if you've over-fertilized your plants. The symptoms can easily be confused with overwatering. However, keep an eye out for yellowing and wilting leaves and leaves dropping. You may also notice a crusty white surface on the soil.

Avoid Pruning

Woman pruning hortensia plant with shears outdoors, closeup

Technically, you can prune your wandering dude plant during the winter months. However, you need to be incredibly careful. New growth can occur when pruning during the fall and winter. Unfortunately, this can lead to weak and leggy growth.

The best time to prune your wandering dude is during the active growing period. These plants can handle a hard pruning in the spring.

Keep Sunlight Levels High

House plants on window. Orchid, cactus, blue flower, violet, carnation, succulent, cala

Wandering dudes prefer areas with bright indirect light when grown indoors. They prefer this amount of sunlight year-round. So, even though we get less light, your plant still wants the same amount.

Consider the area where your inch plant is currently. If your plant is at a north-facing window, you may need to move it. You can move it closer to the window or near a south-facing window. South-facing windows are best for getting light without any glare and heat like with east- or west-facing windows.

Another option is to use a growing light. This can help you control the amount of light without moving your plant.

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When To Repot Wandering Dudes

You shouldn't repot your wandering dudes in their dormant months. Changing containers when your plant isn't actively growing can cause shock or root rot.

If you're going to repot, first determine if your plant needs it. Tradescantia can be invasive . You don't have to worry about it overtaking your home. However, its invasive tendencies mean you may not have to repot it as often as you think.

If your wandering dude has roots growing out of its container or slower growth, you should switch to a larger container.

How To Repot

Select a pot that is at least two inches wider and deeper than your current container. It should also have drainage holes. You can also choose a pot that is wider than it is deep. These types of plants typically have shallow roots, so you don't necessarily need the extra space on the bottom.

Water your plant and put on a pair of gloves before repotting your wandering dude. You'll have to work carefully and away from pets and kids. These plants are toxic.

Move your plant's vines to the side and lay the pot horizontally. Then gently remove the plant from its container. You can put your gloved hand between the soil and the container wall to move the plant out.

Put a layer of soil at the bottom of the new container. Then make sure the plant's root ball is untangled. Next, put the plant into the container and fill the sides up with soil. Water the inch plant from above to help settle the soil.

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What Problems Do Wandering Dude Plants Have?

For the most part, there are no serious issues that you have to worry about for the wandering dude.

However, you should be on the lookout for a few common diseases. Root rot is commonly caused by poor drainage or overwatering. Stem rot can also occur if moisture is left on the plant.

Wandering dudes can be affected by aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, thrips, and slugs. If your plants are being grown exclusively as houseplants, then you don't have to consider slugs.

You should still monitor your plant for signs of other small pests. When left unchecked, aphids and mealybugs can attract ants, and thrips can spread disease to other parts of the plant.

Final Thoughts

The wandering dude, or wandering Jew, is an easy-to-care-for tropical plant that requires a little bit of care to survive the winter.

Be wary of over-watering and cold drafts, which can be damaging for your plant. Keeping that in mind, you'll have a happy, healthy plant to prune and fertilize come springtime!

Are you looking for more wandering dude information? Check out one of the posts below.

Why Is My Wandering Jew Dying [And What To Do]

Will A Wandering Jew Climb A Trellis?

I look forward to receiving new gardening tips!

I always enjoy learning new things about gardening

Yes it help me very much a lot to understand and why it dries up and falls off

I like wondering who’s the pretty they’re pretty easy to take care of you can clip and reboot them make us more Fuller and bigger pinch back and they get full too and I’m going to try to send a picture if I can thank you 😊

I got some samples now I’m having them in the jar of water rewarding and see what happens soon as it works to get up small pots to see if it if I can get it going good 😊

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Home | Tradescantia Nanouk

close up of the bright pink and green leaves of Tradescantia Nanouk

Images Depict Mature Plants

Tradescantia Nanouk

Tradescantia albiflora 'nanouk'.

The Pink Wandering Jew plant is a flowering house plant known for its vibrantly variegated pinkish-purple and lime green foliage. Give it indirect sun and watch its colors come to life in your home.

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Pink Tradescantia Nanouk Plants for Sale Online

Tradescantia Nanouk is a house plant that has most likely taken over your social media feeds. It's known for its purple, hot pink, and green striped foliage. This tropical plant prefers breaks between watering which makes it fairly low-maintenance. The Tradescantia Nanouk is native to Mexico, South and Central America, and the Caribbean.

This quality house plant thrives very well as an indoor vining plant. Grow this plant in bright, indirect sunlight for optimal vibrant blooms, and place it somewhere that’s not accessible to pets or small children. The Tradescantia Nanouk plant looks great in a hanging basket or stands where it can show off its vining growth habit, and unique foliage.

Tradescantia Nanouk Hardiness Zone 9-11

How to Care for Tradescantia Nanouk

Before you buy a Pink Wandering Jew plant, make sure to read about the care instructions that are required and recommended to keep this plant healthy and thriving!

What is the best light for My Pink Wandering Jew Plant?

What is the best light for My Pink Wandering Jew Plant?

Pink Wandering Jew Plants need bright, indirect light. Place your plant in a north or east-facing window to help enhance its vibrant foliage. However, too much direct sunlight will cause the purple and pink colors of the foliage to fade. Outside, Wandering Jew Plants don't handle full sun very well. This plant prefers shade or part sun to maintain its variegated foliage. Too much light will burn the leaves.

How do I fertilize Pink Wandering Jew Plants?

How do I fertilize Pink Wandering Jew Plants?

When fertilizing your Pink Wandering Jew plant, any all-purpose foliage fertilizer works great. If you're looking for a powder, quick release fertilizer check out Jack's Classic Indoor plant food. You simply mix it with water to provide quick nutrients to your plant. Osmocote Indoor/Outdoor is a granular option that is a slow release fertilizer that should be applied when potting or planting.

How do I water My Tradescantia Nanouk?

How do I water My Tradescantia Nanouk?

It is okay to allow your house plant to dry out on occasion. They don't do best when sitting in water for too long. If they are watered too often they will usually get crown rot, meaning the plant will die from the roots upward. We recommend watering your Pink Wandering Jew plant weekly during the summer, and less frequently in the cooler winter months.

What is the best soil for pink Wandering Jew Plants?

What is the best soil for pink Wandering Jew Plants?

Wandering Jew Plants require a very well-draining soil. They also prefer their soil to be slightly dryer in between watering. Regular potting mix with sand works well for plants potted in containers. Also make sure your plant is potted in a a pot with drainage holes. This will help any excess water to drain out instead of sit at the bottom of your pot. If planting outside, try to avoid any areas where your soil will get too moist.

Frequently Asked questions

How do you propagate wandering jew plants.

It is extremely simple to propagate your Pink Wandering Jew plant. First, cut a stem about 4 to 6 inches long that already has several leaves on it. Ideally, this should be one of the healthiest and strongest stems. Next remove the leaves at the bottom of the stem, and place it in a jar of water. Make sure that there are no leaves under the surface of the water, or they could rot. We recommend you change the water every couple of days to keep it clean. After a few weeks, the cutting should begin to root. You will begin to see little white roots branching off the green stem you placed in the water. Allow it to develop a couple of weeks longer before transferring to potting soil. After potting, give it a good, deep watering.

Is Wandering Jew Toxic to Cats?

The Pink Wandering Jew plant is toxic to dogs, cats, and horses. Contact with this plant can result in dermatitis, or skin irritation. The sap within its stems will bother your pet's digestive tract if ingested. It is important to take all preventative precautions, or choose one of the many non-toxic plants we have available. Read our blog to find a list of pet-friendly houseplants!

How to Prune Wandering Jew Plants?

In reference to its name, Pink Wandering Jew plants grow long tendrils that can spread, or hang, depending on where the plant is placed. Try placing your plant in a hanging pot, its vines will hang beautifully as your plant grows. If you would rather keep the plant compact, you can trim off new growth and long stems. This can be done at any point in the year. In addition, it is important to remove dead or dying stems to maintain the plant's health and vigor.

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Wandering Jew

Contexts -- The Wandering Jew

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Water for Life

This portion calls on us to make clean water a focal point of our action and advocacy.

By Carol Towarnicky

can a wandering jew live in water

The Hebrew phrase mayim hayim translates as “living waters.” These waters are, indeed, the waters of life. The sense of the idiom, according to modern translator Robert Alter, is that the water is not stagnant, but flowing, either from a spring or river. “The…ritual,” he writes, “is designed to carry off the impurities from the place inhabited by the community (Alter, The Five Books of Moses ).”

Illness & Water

While water’s function of carrying disease away from the camp is central to the par a shah , the phrase “living waters” also provides a description of what the water brings to the community. The words “living waters” convey how essential clean fresh water is to all people. It provides for sanitation and health, both in treating illness and in preventing it.

The par a shah makes the assumption that illness is inevitable. The word “when” is used repeatedly to introduce the instructions for healing (Leviticus 15:12, 13, 16, 19, 25, 28). This phrasing calls on us to ensure that we can treat illness, as well as prevent it as much as possible. In this context, we are directed to ensure access to clean water in order to restore health and life.

Note that the Torah assumes that, even in the desert, living waters will be available for cleansing and purification. In a sense, ensuring that the Israelites had access to flowing water for drinking and sanitation was essential to their national survival. Yet in the modern global community, billions of people lack access to the water they need to live and thrive.

The lack of clean water endangers the health and economic well-being of more than a third of the developing world. According to the United Nations, 2.6 billion people–42 percent of the world’s population–lack access to basic sanitation. This results in preventable child and adult deaths and disease, and expands the divide between rich and poor.

Improving sanitation can dramatically improve the lives of individuals and communities. Every dollar spent on improving sanitation and hygiene results in up to 34 dollars saved in health, education, and social and economic development.

The International Year of Sanitation

2008 is the International Year of Sanitation, part of the International Decade for Action on Water declared by the United Nations in 2005. While significant progress is being made on providing safe drinking water, the drive to increase sanitation is well below its targets.

The major barrier, says U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, is a lack of political will. Our elected leaders have not made water a priority and neither have we. Here again, the Torah teaches us.

The Israelites who fell ill, who became impure with skin afflictions and discharge, were not neglected by the community. Rather, they were cared for by the most revered members of the community, the priests. The religious and political leaders themselves stepped out of the mishkan and walked among the people to engage personally with lepers.

Imagine the implications for our global community if political and religious leaders paid regular visits to those suffering from preventable diseases, to those denied access to sanitation, to those without living water. Providing a spotlight for the current reality would build political will. It is when leaders step out of their houses of leadership and walk among the community that real needs begin to be addressed.

The name of the U.N. movement for water and sanitation is called “Water for Life.” This week’s par a shah calls on us to raise our voices to make clean water a focal point of our action and advocacy.

Carol Towarnicky is a freelance writer in Philadelphia.

Pronunced: TORE-uh, Origin: Hebrew, the Five Books of Moses.

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  2. How To Care For A Wandering Jew Plant (Your Complete Guide)

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  3. Wandering Jew Plant Care & Complete Growing Guide

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  4. Wandering Jew Plant: Types, How to Grow and Care for Beginners

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  5. Wandering Jew Plant Care & Complete Growing Guide

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  6. Wandering Jew Plant Care & Complete Growing Guide

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  1. Propagating Wandering Jew (Tradescantia) In Water Or Soil

    The growth nodes on wandering jew plants are located along the stem or just below a set of leaves, and look like small bumps. Some may even have tiny root nubs already forming. Can you grow wandering jew from cuttings? Yes, you can easily grow wandering jew from cuttings by rooting them either in water or soil, even if you're a beginner.

  2. Propagating Wandering Jew in Water

    How to Grow Wandering Jew Plant in Water. Things You'll Need: Clean jar or vase. Sharp knife, scissors, or gardening clippers. Instructions: Find a healthy stem and snip off a 5-6 inches long cutting just below the node. Remove the bottom leaves from the stem but save the top few and dip the end in a rooting hormone.

  3. Wandering Jew Plant Care & Complete Growing Guide

    Wandering jew plants are super easy to propagate. Take cuttings that are 3-4″ long, and include a couple of leaf nodes. Dip the cut ends into rooting hormone, then stick them in moist soil. Don't allow the soil to dry out, and keep the air around the cuttings humid. A propagation chamber makes this simple.

  4. How To Care For A Wandering Jew Plant (Your Complete Guide)

    Fill a 6-inch to 1-gallon container that drains with a rich, well-drained potting mix. Water the soil to settle it. Make about a 2-inch indentation in the soil where you want to place the Wandering Jew cutting. Remove the bottom leaves from the cutting where you will be inserting it into the soil.

  5. Wandering Jew Care: How to Grow a Long and Luscious Inch Plant

    You can water a bit more during the summer months, when the plant is actively growing and needs a lot of moisture, and less during winter, when soil tends to take significantly longer to dry. If you're not sure whether it's time to water your wandering Jew plant yet, you can always turn to the age-old trick of sticking a finger in the soil.

  6. Wandering Jew: Types, Care, and Propagation

    The easiest plant to propagate, the wandering jew can be propagated by anyone with a pair of scissors to take cuttings. Simply take 1 to 2-inch long cuttings of the plant, with at least 1 leaf node. Plant the cuttings in a moist potting mix or propagate in water.

  7. Wandering Jew: Complete Plant Care and Growing Guide

    Start by using a clean, sharp blade to make a 45-degree cut just beneath a leaf node to take 4- to 6-inch cuttings from healthy wandering jew stems. Take off the leaves at the bottom of each stem. Place the cuttings in a glass or jar of water, making sure that the bottom leaf node is immersed.

  8. Wandering Jew Plant (Tradescantia or Spiderwort): Care, Types, Images

    The best way to water a wandering Jew is to water the soil thoroughly and let the water drain out the bottom. Another way to water your purple house plant is to put water in the plant pot tray and allow the plant to soak up as much as it needs. ... Also, frost can damage the plant, so, if you live in areas where fall and winter temperatures ...

  9. Tradescantia Plant Care: How to Grow & Maintain It

    Watering and Fertilizing. Tradescantia loves moisture. Don't ever let your plant get too dry, especially in winter. To keep soil evenly moist, a regular watering schedule is best. Water until water drains through the bottom of the pot, taking care that your plant won't sit in water. Tradescantia thrives in humidity, and they love regular ...

  10. Wandering Jew Plant Care

    In an odd twist, you can grow wandering jew plants in water. You will need to change the water every 4 days and add a little fertilizer (3:1 ratio in freshwater). Using purified water is best. Salt and chlorine can adversely affect these plants. Also, make sure the water is at room temperature.

  11. How to Grow Wandering Jew (Spiderwort)

    Wandering Jew can grow 6 to 9 inches tall and spread 12 to 24 inches. It grows quickly. So quickly that when grown in the soil as a groundcover, it spreads aggressively and has been classed as an invasive species in South Africa and the Galapagos Islands. ... Water it enough so that water comes out of the drainage hole. Immediately empty the ...

  12. How to Grow and Care For a Spiderwort Plant

    Poke holes about 2 inches deep evenly spaced around the pot and plant one cutting in each hole, gently patting the soil around the stems to hold them in place. Step 3: Water your cuttings, and keep the soil evenly moist. Place in a spot with bright, indirect light. In a few months, you'll have a full, leafy new plant.

  13. 10 houseplants that can easily be grown in water

    Hanging plants are often the easiest to root in water alone. Simply submerge cuttings from a mature Wandering Jew plant in a jar of water, taking care to submerge only the stem and not the leaves, as the latter submerged in water will rot the cutting. Leave in an area with plenty of sunlight, and watch it root in just a few weeks' time.

  14. 10 Indoor Vines that Grow in Water

    8. Swiss Cheese Plant. plantinggeek. Botanical Name: Monstera Adansonii. The Swiss Cheese Plant, also known as Monstera deliciosa, is one of the most popular Indoor Vines that Grow in Water. Tip: Take a cutting from a healthy, mature plant and place it in a water-filled container.

  15. How to Make Wandering Jew Bushy and Bigger

    Wandering Jews like it between 60-90°F (15-32°C). Say no to extreme drafts and sudden temp surprises. Keep things looking sharp by giving your Wandering Jew a quarter turn (Potted ones) every time you water. Let all its sides get a bit of sun. Stick to these easy-peasy tips, and soon you'll be the proud parent of the bushiest Wandering Jew ...

  16. How To Grow And Care For Purple Heart Plants

    Here is how to propagate the purple heart plant through stem cuttings: This delicate plant breaks easily, so choose a three-to-six-inch branch and cut it with a sharp knife or scissors below the leaf node. Dip the cutting in a rooting hormone and place it directly into a container filled with potting soil or water.

  17. Wandering Jew Winter Care: Complete 'How To' Guide

    Move your plant's vines to the side and lay the pot horizontally. Then gently remove the plant from its container. You can put your gloved hand between the soil and the container wall to move the plant out. Put a layer of soil at the bottom of the new container. Then make sure the plant's root ball is untangled.

  18. 4 in. Pot Purple Wandering Jew Plant Non-Flowering

    Wandering Jew plant care requires bright indirect light. If the light is too dim, the leaf markings will fade. Keep the soil slightly moist, but don't water directly into the crown as this will cause an unsightly rot in your wandering Jew plant. Care should be taken, particularly in winter, that the plant doesn't become too dry. Mist wandering Jew plants frequently.

  19. Tradescantia Nanouk Wandering Jew

    Tradescantia Nanouk Wandering Jew - Live in a 4 Inch Pot - Tradescantia Albiflora - Rare and Elegant Indoor Houseplant (1) ... It is heat tolerant and can be used as a water or bog plant. Prince Tut looks great in large containers either alone or as a thriller in large combinations. It also is wonderful in the landscape, where it grows best ...

  20. Tradescantia Nanouk for Sale

    The Pink Wandering Jew plant is a flowering house plant known for its vibrantly variegated pinkish-purple and lime green foliage. Give it indirect sun and watch its colors come to life in your home. ... Water Requirements: Likes to dry out between watering: Uses: Excellent as a border or in a container or hanging basket, inside or out: Growzone ...

  21. Wandering Jew

    In 1903, Wandering Jew was owned by a Mr George White and was recorded as the last steamer to reach Walgett in 1912. ... the main item being partly visible above current water levels being an iron structure, possibly the boiler. There have been no archaeological diving inspections at the wreck site.

  22. Contexts -- The Wandering Jew

    Contexts -- The Wandering Jew. The Wandering Jew, a figure in European legend, scorned Jesus on his progression to the cross at Calvary, and as punishment for that was doomed to wander without end until the Second Coming. This mythic figure, then, reenacts in Christian terms the primal alienation experienced by Cain in Genesis. As early as the ...

  23. Water for Life

    The words "living waters" convey how essential clean fresh water is to all people. It provides for sanitation and health, both in treating illness and in preventing it. The parashahmakes the assumption that illness is inevitable. The word "when" is used repeatedly to introduce the instructions for healing (Leviticus 15:12, 13, 16, 19 ...