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AR Apps in Travel and Tourism: Everything You Need to Know

  • By Yuvraj Singh

Ar apps in travel

The world of travel and tourism is undergoing a revolutionary transformation, thanks to the advent of Augmented Reality (AR) technology. Augmented Reality apps are reshaping the way people explore destinations, interact with attractions, and immerse themselves in the cultural tapestry of the world. 

From virtual tours that transport users to far-off locations to real-time information overlays that provide context and historical insights, AR is becoming an indispensable tool for modern travelers. 

In this blog, we’ll explore everything you need to know about AR apps in travel and tourism! So, without any further ado, let’s get started!

What are AR Apps in Travel and Tourism?

How does ar apps in travel and tourism work, ar in travel and tourism: key market takeaways, types of ar travel applications.

  • Reasons AR in Travel and Tourism Is Getting Indispensable 

AR in Travel and Tourism: Industry Scope

Must-have ar features in travel and tourism, development steps for ar apps in travel and tourism , factors that affect the cost of implementation of ar in travel and tourism, top examples of ar apps in travel and tourism, essential technology stack needed for ar apps in travel and tourism, frequently asked questions.

Augmented Reality (AR) apps in travel and tourism represent cutting-edge solutions that harness AR technology to revolutionize the exploration of destinations as well as the engagement within the tourism industry. Seamlessly blending digital content with the real-world environment, these innovative applications consequently deliver interactive and immersive experiences for travelers.

Consequently, by superimposing captivating virtual elements onto the user’s physical surroundings, AR apps seamlessly provide real-time information, offer mesmerizing virtual tours, and effectively bridge language barriers, ultimately enhancing the richness and enjoyment of the travel experience.

Augmented Reality (AR) technology is rapidly gaining popularity and transforming various industries, from gaming and entertainment to education and healthcare. But how does this fascinating technology actually work? In this blog section, we’ll delve into the underlying principles of AR and explore the mechanics behind its seamless integration of digital content into the real world.

Sensing the Environment:

The first step in AR involves sensing and understanding the user’s environment. AR devices use various sensors, such as cameras, depth sensors, and GPS, to gather real-time data about the surroundings. The cameras capture images and videos of the physical environment, while depth sensors measure the distances between objects and the device. GPS provides location data, enabling AR to incorporate location-based content.

Mapping and Tracking:

Once the environment is sensed, AR technology needs to accurately map and track the physical space and objects within it. This process, known as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), combines sensor data with advanced algorithms to create a digital representation of the real world. The AR system continuously updates this map as the user moves, thus, ensuring precise tracking of objects and maintaining alignment between the digital content and the physical space.

Overlaying Digital Content:

The heart of AR lies in its ability to overlay digital content onto the real-world view. Using the mapped environment and tracking data, AR devices consequently, project virtual objects, images, or information onto the user’s field of view. Thus, this superimposition creates the illusion that the virtual content coexists with the real world seamlessly.

Displaying the Augmented Reality:

AR experiences can be delivered through various devices, ranging from smartphones and tablets to smart glasses as well as headsets. Each device employs different display technologies to showcase the augmented content. Smartphones and tablets use their screens to show the AR overlay, while smart glasses and headsets typically use transparent displays to blend digital content with the user’s natural view.

Interaction and User Interface:

AR technology offers multiple ways for users to interact with the digital elements they encounter. This can include touch gestures, voice commands, as well as hand or eye tracking. The user interface design plays a crucial role in making AR experiences intuitive and user-friendly, thus, ensuring that users can seamlessly engage with the virtual content.

Real-time Rendering and Processing:

To maintain a fluid and realistic AR experience, real-time rendering and processing are essential. AR devices must quickly process sensor data, track movements, as well as render the virtual content to ensure minimal lag and a seamless blend of digital and real-world elements. However, this demands powerful processors and efficient algorithms that can handle the computational load in real-time.

Based on a report from Statista, the Augmented Reality market is projected to expand from 5.91 billion U.S. dollars to a staggering 198 billion U.S. dollars by the year 2025. Additionally, the latest report indicates that there will be approximately 1.96 billion mobile AR users worldwide by 2021, and this number is expected to rise to 2.4 billion by 2023.

AR Apps in Travel

The travel and tourism industry holds immense potential for the development and integration of Augmented Reality (AR) applications. With AR technology, travelers can experience destinations like never before, enhancing their exploration and creating memorable experiences. 

AR can provide virtual tours, allowing users to preview and virtually visit attractions and landmarks before their actual visit. It can also offer interactive guides, providing real-time information and historical insights about the surroundings. 

AR applications can revolutionize navigation by offering AR wayfinding and location-based information, simplifying the process of exploring unfamiliar places. Moreover, AR can transform cultural immersion by bringing artifacts and historical moments to life through virtual exhibits and storytelling. 

The possibilities are endless, and as AR technology continues to advance, the travel and tourism industry can leverage its capabilities to offer immersive, personalized, as well as unforgettable experiences to travelers around the world.

If you’ve been curious about how to harness the power of AR in travel apps, here are the three main types of AR implementations:

Location-based AR:

Location-based AR, also known as geolocation AR, leverages GPS data to overlay virtual content on the user’s real-world surroundings. Travel apps equipped with location-based AR can identify a user’s location and provide relevant information about nearby landmarks, attractions, restaurants, as well as points of interest. Imagine strolling through a charming city, and as you point your smartphone towards historical monuments, the app instantly displays historical facts, architectural details, as well as user reviews—all in real-time. Thus, this type of AR enhances travelers’ understanding of their surroundings and adds an extra layer of excitement to their journey.

Marker-based AR:

Marker-based AR involves using predefined visual markers, such as QR codes or image recognition, to trigger the display of augmented content. In travel apps, these markers can be strategically placed at specific locations or landmarks. When users scan these markers with their devices, the app recognizes them and overlays relevant virtual information. For example, a museum could have markers next to each exhibit, and visitors can scan them to unlock interactive displays, historical videos, or 3D models related to the artifacts. Marker-based AR adds a sense of interactivity and engagement, consequently, enabling travelers to unlock hidden experiences with a simple scan.

SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) AR:

SLAM AR is the most advanced and immersive type of AR, combining real-time location tracking with environmental mapping. Consequently, this technology allows users to explore AR experiences without the need for markers or pre-existing data. Instead, the app dynamically builds a map of the environment while simultaneously tracking the user’s movements within it. For travel apps, this means users can interact with virtual elements in any space they choose to explore, from hotel rooms and city streets to natural landscapes. SLAM AR offers unparalleled freedom as well as flexibility, consequently, making it ideal for creating truly immersive and captivating travel experiences.

Reasons AR in Travel and Tourism Is Getting Indispensable  

Let’s explore why AR is becoming increasingly indispensable in the world of travel and tourism.

Enriched Exploration and Immersive Experiences:

AR technology elevates the way travelers explore and engage with destinations. Virtual tours powered by AR allow users to immerse themselves in 3D visualizations of accommodations, attractions, and historical sites, enabling them to virtually step into new worlds before they arrive. This pre-trip engagement builds excitement and anticipation, creating a more enriching and immersive travel experience.

Real-time Information and Navigation:

AR offers real-time information overlays on the user’s view, providing valuable context and details about nearby points of interest. Therefore, travelers can access historical facts, cultural insights, and restaurant recommendations, consequently, making sightseeing more informative and enjoyable. AR navigation tools guide tourists through unfamiliar places, thus, making it easier to find their way around and discover hidden gems.

Bridging Language Barriers:

Language barriers can pose challenges for travelers in foreign countries. However, AR-powered translation tools provide on-the-spot language translation, allowing users to understand signs, menus, and local conversations in their native language. This feature fosters better communication and deeper cultural immersion, enhancing the overall travel experience.

Interactive and Gamified Exploration:

AR gamification adds an element of fun and excitement to travel experiences. Travelers can participate in interactive scavenger hunts, quizzes, and challenges while exploring destinations. Gamified experiences not only entertain but also educate users about the local culture, history, and traditions, fostering a deeper connection with the places they visit.

Personalized Recommendations and Itineraries:

AR can analyze user preferences as well as previous travel history to offer personalized recommendations and itineraries. Consequently, by suggesting attractions, activities, and dining options that align with individual interests, AR creates tailor-made travel experiences that cater to the unique tastes of each traveler.

Preserving and Reviving Cultural Heritage:

AR enables the preservation and revival of cultural heritage by bringing historical landmarks and artifacts to life. AR-powered virtual exhibits and reconstructions allow tourists to witness ancient civilizations, historical events, and architectural wonders as they once existed, fostering a deeper appreciation for cultural heritage.

Marketing and Branding Opportunities:

For businesses in the travel and tourism industry, AR offers exciting marketing and branding opportunities. Brands can use AR to create immersive advertisements, interactive campaigns, as well as engaging experiences, consequently, setting themselves apart in a competitive market and hence, captivating potential customers.

The integration of Augmented Reality (AR) technology into the travel and tourism industry has opened up a world of endless possibilities, transforming the way people explore and experience new destinations. As this revolutionary technology continues to advance, its scope within the travel industry expands, promising to reshape the future of travel in exciting ways.

Enhanced Destination Previews

One of the significant advantages of AR in travel and tourism is the ability to offer enhanced destination previews to potential travelers. AR-powered apps allow users to virtually tour destinations and attractions, giving them a taste of what to expect before they book their trips. Travelers can explore museums, historical sites, natural wonders, and hotels in virtual reality, making more informed decisions and ensuring their itineraries match their interests and preferences.

Immersive On-site Experiences

AR enhances on-site experiences by providing travelers with interactive guides and virtual information overlays. Imagine standing in front of an ancient ruin, pointing your smartphone, and instantly accessing historical facts, architectural details, and engaging stories about the site’s past. AR brings history to life, enriching travelers’ understanding and appreciation of their surroundings.

Gamified Exploration

AR gamification has taken travel experiences to a whole new level. By integrating game elements into the exploration process, travelers can embark on interactive scavenger hunts, solve puzzles, and complete challenges while sightseeing. These gamified experiences not only entertain but also encourage deeper engagement with local culture and heritage.

Personalized Recommendations

AR technology can analyze users’ preferences, behavior, and previous travel history to offer personalized recommendations. Whether it’s suggesting nearby attractions, restaurants that match their culinary preferences, or tailored itineraries, AR applications can create bespoke travel experiences, catering to individual tastes and interests.

Overcoming Language Barriers

Language barriers can be a significant hurdle for travelers in foreign countries. AR-powered translation tools provide real-time language translations, enabling travelers to communicate more effectively with locals, read signs, menus, and navigate unfamiliar areas confidently.

Promotional and Marketing Opportunities

For businesses in the travel and tourism industry, AR offers new and creative ways to promote their services and destinations. From virtual tours of accommodations to interactive advertisements and branded AR experiences, companies can captivate potential customers and stand out in a competitive market.

AR Art Installations and Cultural Events

AR art installations and cultural events have become a captivating way to celebrate local traditions and heritage. It can be used to animate historical events, bring folklore to life, and add a touch of magic to traditional festivals, attracting tourists and engaging the local community.

As Augmented Reality (AR) technology continues to gain momentum in the travel and tourism industry, savvy businesses are leveraging its capabilities in order to enhance user experiences and set themselves apart in a competitive market. Here are some must-have AR features that are revolutionizing the way people explore as well as engage with destinations worldwide.

Interactive Virtual Tours:

Virtual tours powered by AR have become a game-changer in the travel industry. Integrating interactive 3D models and detailed visualizations, these tours allow travelers to virtually explore accommodations, landmarks, museums, and attractions before they arrive. Users can interact with digital content, move around, and get a feel for the place, making informed decisions and heightening anticipation for their upcoming adventures.

Real-time Information Overlays:

Providing real-time information overlays is an indispensable AR feature for travelers on-the-go. AR apps can identify as well as display relevant details about nearby points of interest, historical facts about landmarks, restaurant reviews, and more as users point their devices at different locations. This feature adds depth to the travel experience, enriching travelers’ understanding of their surroundings while enabling spontaneous exploration.

Language Translation Assistance:

Overcoming language barriers is a common concern for travelers, especially in foreign countries. AR-powered language translation features offer a seamless solution. With just a point-and-scan, travelers can translate signs, menus, as well as other text into their native language, thus, facilitating communication and making the experience more comfortable and enjoyable.

Gamified Sightseeing:

Gamification adds an element of fun and excitement to sightseeing. AR-powered gamified experiences encourage travelers to explore destinations with interactive challenges, quizzes, and scavenger hunts. These activities not only entertain but also educate travelers about the local culture, history, and traditions, fostering a deeper connection with the destination.

Historic AR Time Travel:

Transporting travelers back in time through AR is a compelling feature that appeals to history enthusiasts. By overlaying historical images, videos, and reconstructions onto present-day locations, travelers can witness historical events and understand how the destination has evolved over time.

Personalized Recommendations:

AR can analyze users’ preferences as well as previous travel history to offer personalized recommendations. From suggesting nearby attractions based on interests to recommending restaurants that match culinary preferences, personalized AR recommendations create a tailor-made experience for each traveler.

AR Wayfinding and Navigation:

Navigating unfamiliar cities or complex attractions becomes more accessible with AR wayfinding and navigation. Artificial Reality apps can provide step-by-step directions overlaid onto real-world views, thus, helping travelers reach their destinations efficiently without the need to constantly consult maps or GPS.

AR Art Installations and Experiences:

AR art installations and cultural experiences have gained popularity in the travel industry. These installations bring artwork, folklore, and traditional performances to life, thus, enhancing the cultural immersion for travelers as well as creating unforgettable memories.

Let’s take a closer look at the key development stages for creating AR apps in travel and tourism:

Define the Objectives and User Experience:

The first step in AR app development is to clearly define the objectives of the app. Therefore, determine what value the app will bring to travelers and how it will enhance their experiences. Identify the target audience as well as create user personas to understand their needs and preferences. Designing an intuitive and user-friendly interface is crucial in order to ensure a seamless and engaging AR experience.

Research and Content Creation:

Thorough research is essential to gather accurate information and visual assets related to the travel destination. Therefore, collaborate with experts, historians, and local guides to collect historical facts, cultural insights, and relevant data. Create high-quality 3D models, images, and videos that will be superimposed onto the real-world environment, consequently, providing captivating visualizations for travelers.

Choose the AR Development Platform:

Selecting the right AR development platform is a critical decision. There are various AR development kits and tools available, each with its strengths and limitations. Consider factors such as platform compatibility, device support, and the level of customization required. Popular AR platforms include ARCore for Android and ARKit for iOS.

Implement AR Features and Interactivity:

Integrate the desired AR features into the app, such as virtual tours, real-time information overlays, and language translation capabilities. Ensure that the app provides smooth and responsive interactions with virtual content. Implement gamification elements to make the app more engaging and encourage user participation.

Perform Rigorous Testing:

Thorough testing is crucial to ensure the app functions flawlessly in different environments and on various devices. Test the app for usability, performance, and compatibility. Identify and resolve any bugs or glitches that may affect the user experience.

Optimize for Performance and Speed:

AR apps require a considerable amount of processing power and data, which can impact the app’s performance. Optimize the app for speed and efficiency to deliver a seamless and responsive AR experience to users. Consider data compression techniques and streamline content delivery to minimize load times.

Beta Testing and Feedback:

Before launching the app to the public, conduct beta testing with a group of users. Gather feedback and insights to identify areas for improvement and user satisfaction. Iteratively make enhancements based on the feedback received.

Launch and Promote the App:

Once the app is refined and ready, launch it on app stores, making it accessible to travelers worldwide. Promote the app through various marketing channels, including social media, travel websites, and collaborations with travel agencies. Highlight the unique features and benefits of the AR app to attract potential users.

Let’s delve into the key elements that influence the cost of implementing AR in travel and tourism:

Complexity of AR Features

The complexity of the AR features to be integrated plays a vital role in determining the cost of implementation. Basic AR functionalities, such as location-based information overlays and simple virtual tours, may have a lower cost compared to more advanced features like markerless AR, interactive gamification, or real-time translation capabilities. The complexity of the features directly affects the development time, resources required, and consequently, the overall cost.

Content Creation and Customization:

Creating high-quality and engaging AR content demands skilled developers, designers, and 3D artists. Customizing the AR experiences to align with a brand’s identity and the unique aspects of a destination requires additional effort and expertise. The complexity of the content and the level of customization contribute to the overall cost of AR implementation.

Hardware and Devices

The choice of AR hardware and devices is a significant cost consideration. Different AR experiences may require specific devices, such as smartphones, tablets, smart glasses, or headsets. While smartphones are the most accessible option for users, specialized AR hardware may be required for more immersive experiences. The cost of procuring or developing the required hardware is an essential factor to consider.

Platform and Compatibility

AR applications need to be compatible with different platforms and operating systems, such as iOS and Android. Ensuring smooth functionality across various devices, screen sizes, and resolutions can increase development time and cost. Additionally, ongoing updates and maintenance for compatibility with new devices and software versions may add to the overall cost of implementation.

Data and Connectivity:

AR experiences often rely on real-time data, such as location-based information, content updates, or language translation databases. Ensuring seamless connectivity and data accessibility is crucial for a seamless AR experience. The cost of data storage, hosting, and ensuring uninterrupted connectivity may impact the overall implementation cost.

Testing and Quality Assurance

Thorough testing and quality assurance are essential to deliver a seamless and bug-free AR experience. Testing across different devices, environments, and scenarios requires time and effort. Investing in comprehensive testing is critical to identify and rectify issues, which can impact the overall cost of implementation.

Training and Support

After the AR solution is deployed, providing training and support to users, staff, or partners may be necessary. Ensuring that users can navigate the AR application effortlessly and addressing any technical queries or issues may involve additional costs.

Augmented reality (AR) is transforming the travel and tourism industry. AR apps are now being used to provide travelers with a more immersive and informative experience. Here are some of the top examples of AR apps in travel and tourism:

Google Arts & Culture: 

Google Arts & Culture is a free app that allows users to explore art and culture from around the world. The app uses AR to overlay 3D models of artworks, sculptures, and historical artifacts onto the user’s surroundings. This allows users to see these objects up close and personal, even if they are not physically located in the same place.

Wander is an AR travel guide that uses GPS to overlay information about nearby attractions onto the user’s view of the world. This information can include things like historical facts, photos, and reviews. Wander also allows users to create their own AR tours.

HoloLens Tour Guide:

HoloLens Tour Guide is an AR app that allows users to create and experience interactive tours of historical landmarks. The app uses 3D models and holograms to create a realistic and immersive experience.

AirPano is an AR app that allows users to explore 360-degree panoramic views of popular tourist destinations. The app uses GPS to overlay these views onto the user’s surroundings, consequently, giving them the feeling of being there in person.

Augmented Reality City:

Augmented Reality City is an AR app that allows users to explore cities like they have never seen them before. The app uses AR to overlay information about landmarks, businesses, and other points of interest onto the user’s view of the city.

To develop augmented reality (AR) apps for travel and tourism, you will need a suitable technology stack that enables the creation of interactive as well as immersive experiences. Here’s a list of essential components for building AR apps in this domain:

AR Development Platforms: 

Choose an AR development platform that provides tools and libraries to create AR experiences. Some popular choices include:

  • ARKit (for iOS) – Apple’s AR framework
  • ARCore (for Android) – Google’s AR framework
  • Unity with Vuforia – For cross-platform AR development
  • Unreal Engine with ARKit and ARCore plugins – Another option for cross-platform AR development

3D Modeling and Design Software: 

To create 3D models and assets for your AR app, you’ll need software like:

Location-based Services (LBS):

Integrate location-based services to enhance the travel and tourism experience. This can be done using APIs like:

  • Google Maps API


Implement geolocation to determine the user’s current location and provide relevant AR content based on their surroundings.

Computer Vision and Object Recognition: 

To recognize real-world objects or images, you’ll need computer vision libraries like:

  • TensorFlow Lite

Cloud Services:

For more complex AR experiences, consider using cloud services for processing and storage. This can include:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Backend Development:

Set up a server to handle user data, preferences, and interactions. Common technologies for backend development include:

  • Ruby on Rails

Frontend Development: 

Create the user interface and interactions using:

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • React, Vue.js, or Angular

Choose a database to store user-related information and app data. Options include:

APIs and Integrations:

Consider integrating with various travel and tourism APIs to provide users with relevant information, such as hotel bookings, flight details, and local attractions.

Mobile App Development: 

If you’re building a native app, you’ll need to use:

  • Swift for iOS development
  • Java or Kotlin for Android development
  • Testing and Debugging Tools: Use debugging tools specific to your chosen platform for a smooth development process.

User Interface (UI) Design:

Design the user interface for a seamless AR experience. Tools like Adobe XD, Figma, or Sketch can be useful for this purpose.

Version Control: 

Employ version control systems like Git to track changes in your codebase and collaborate with other developers efficiently.

The travel and tourism industry is embracing this transformative technology to unlock unprecedented possibilities for both travelers and businesses. With AR’s interactive virtual tours, real-time information overlays, and personalized recommendations, travelers are empowered to make informed decisions, explore the world at their pace, and delve into destinations like never before. 

We excel in creating captivating mobile applications, driven by our expertise in both front-end and back-end development. Our team ensures a flawlessly seamless and immersive AR app experience that will captivate your users.

If you have a project in mind related to AR in app development, we invite you to reach out to us today. Let’s start a conversation about your specific requirements and how we can bring your vision to life.

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augmented reality apps for tourism

Q. What exactly is Augmented Reality (AR) in the context of travel and tourism?

Augmented Reality in travel and tourism refers to the technology that overlays virtual content, such as 3D models, images, and information, onto the real-world environment. AR apps enable travelers to interact with digital elements while exploring destinations, enhancing their experiences and providing real-time insights.

Q. How are Augmented Reality apps transforming the way travelers explore destinations?

Augmented Reality apps offer interactive virtual tours, allowing travelers to virtually visit accommodations, attractions, and landmarks before their trip. With AR navigation and real-time information overlays, travelers can access historical facts, local recommendations, and contextual details about their surroundings, consequently, enhancing their understanding and enjoyment of the destination.

Q. What impact does Augmented Reality have on overcoming language barriers during travel?

Augmented Reality apps can facilitate communication in foreign countries by offering real-time language translation. By scanning signs, menus, and conversations, travelers can receive instant translations in their native language, thus, making it easier to navigate and engage with the local culture.

Q. How does Augmented Reality enhance cultural immersion for travelers?

AR Apps in travel and tourism enrich cultural immersion by bringing historical landmarks and artifacts to life. Moreover, travelers can witness ancient civilizations, historical events, as well as traditional performances, fostering a deeper appreciation for the cultural heritage of the destination.

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Yuvraj Singh

Yuvraj Singh

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Augmented Reality in Tourism and Travel

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October 18th, 2023

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Augmented Reality in Tourism and Travel

Augmented reality (AR) is revolutionizing the way we travel and interact with the world. From interactive maps and personalised recommendations to remote assistants and translation apps, the potential for AR usage in tourism is boundless. The virtual tourism market alone is set to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 30.2% between 2023 and 2028, to reach a valuation of $23.5 billion. There is no doubt that augmented reality is reshaping the tourism industry, empowering brands to remain relevant in a competitive and changing market space.

With informative overlays and augmented attractions, this transformative technology seamlessly blends the physical and digital to offer new immersive experiences. Augmented reality in tourism doesn’t only enhance customer satisfaction but enables next-level marketing and opens up new revenue streams for travel businesses.

Let’s explore the many ways that the use of augmented reality in travel and tourism can shake up your business with remarkable competitive advantages.

Key Takeaways

  • AR enables travel operators to enhance their services by offering simplified navigation, on-demand destination information, and eliminating language barriers.
  • AR helps agents and operators improve travel personalization—a key component to fostering engagement and customer satisfaction.
  • AR in travel opens avenues for new revenue streams and improves consumer confidence by allowing customers to gain detailed insights before committing to a booking.
  • AR tourism tools in hospitality establishments can significantly reduce operational and administrative costs. They can also help drive bookings to on-site services and improve guest experiences.

How Can AR Enhance Travel Experiences?

As the quality of augmented reality improves and increased accessibility leads to lower implementation costs, AR is becoming increasingly popular as a travel tool. Whether it’s a museum visit or a trip to a foreign country, AR promises to change, improve, and expand the very nature of travel and tourism.

Enabling the Use of AR Travel Guides to Explore Destinations Virtually

Although the experience of travel is proverbially priceless, the truth is that it can put quite a dent in your client’s pocket. An augmented reality travel guide can help ensure that the destination your clients spend their money on is just as beautiful as the brochure promises.

Using AR, tourists can explore famous landmarks, interactive museums, and natural wonders from the comfort of their own homes. They can view 3D models of iconic buildings like the Eiffel Tower or the Taj Mahal and even take virtual walking tours through bustling city streets or far-flung wilderness. An example of this is the travel app Antarctic Heritage Trust AR , which takes users on an expedition to Antarctica. Here a user can explore the icy landscape with 360º images and videos and access artefacts from the buildings.

AR also allows tourists to learn about the history and culture of a destination through interactive exhibits, historical reenactments, and educational games. Augmented reality travel apps can depict how an area looked in the past and restore historical scenes and events. It can also invite users to preview exciting new sites currently under construction.

Historik is a tourism app that recreates historic buildings and objects at specific points of interest. By pointing their mobile camera at a landmark, travelers can access a visual representation of the history and significance of the site. They can swipe through artefacts and even set up self-guided tours.

The Benefits of an AR Travel Guide

By allowing your clients to explore destinations virtually with integrated AR, you’ll offer the following unique benefits:

  • Increased accessibility – AR technology allows people with limited mobility or disabilities to experience and explore destinations that might otherwise be inaccessible to them.
  • Improved buyer confidence – By first experiencing a destination virtually, travelers can make more informed decisions. When they book the real adventure, they’ll be sure to pick the right option for them, reducing the risk of refunds and complaints.
  • Enhanced educational opportunities – AR can provide interactive and informative experiences that truly add value. It can be used to efficiently inform travelers about the history, culture, and natural wonders of a destination.

Leveraging AR to Navigate Unfamiliar Places

With its ability to blend the virtual and physical, tourists can use AR for navigation. When exploring an new area, a traveler can point their mobile phone camera into the street and sit back while an AR tourist guide superimposes directions on the view. With real-time directions and a visual orientation of where they are, they can navigate unknown places with ease.

For example, the AR tourism app World Around Me highlights nearby ATMs, restaurants, hotels, attractions, hospitals, shops, and transportation stops. Similarly, PeakVisor enhances outdoor activities by providing interactive guides for hiking trails, mountaineering, and adventure sports.

Using AR to Entertain Guests

AR can add a new dimension to your guest experiences at museums, art galleries, historical sites, and other attractions. Besides offering augmented reality tour guides on the traveler’s mobile phone, AR apps can also offer real-time information about paintings, artefacts, animals, and more.

For example, Museum Buddy offers self-guided tours, object narrations, museum maps, and a wealth of information for some of the world’s most popular museums. What would traditionally be a one-way viewing encounter can now become an immersive cultural experience, enabling visitors to truly submerge themselves in an era or environment.

Additionally, AR travel gaming apps such as Geocaching engage visitors in virtual treasure hunts or invite them to solve puzzles. This can take exploring parks, zoos, gardens, and historical sites to a new level of fun.

How Can AR Improve Customer Satisfaction in Travel and Tourism?

Integrating AR into customer experiences is key for travel and tourism companies that wish to stay competitive. In 2021, the AR market was worth $8.6 billion, and it is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 38% by 2030.

This rapid expansion only serves as testament to how powerful AR is in helping businesses deliver better customer service.

How Can AR Improve Customer Satisfaction in Travel and Tourism?

Using AR to Provide Personalized Travel Experiences

With competition fiercer than ever, the key to standing out is providing a high quality, uniquely personal experience. In fact, 63% of customers say they will stop using a brand if it uses poor personalization tactics .

With ready-made packages and all-inclusive deals, traditional travel itineraries and activities are often a one-size-fits-all approach. But what if you could tailor every part of your customer’s journey, certain that they will love what they get? You can. With AR integrations and features, your clients can book a room after virtually browsing multiple options, seamlessly navigate points of interest to them, and enjoy interactive, tailored itineraries.

Improving Customer Communication and Collaboration Through AR

Using AR, customers can leave reviews and ratings for places they visit in real time. This feedback is invaluable for travel and hospitality businesses and can help to enhance communication with your audiences. You could also consider implementing useful features like AR avatars or virtual representatives to guide customers through their travel experiences. These avatars can provide assistance, suggest activities, and answer common questions, improving communication and customer support.

How Can AR Increase Travel and Tourism Revenue?

AR features can captivate visitors, streamline the travel experience and drastically enhance visitor interactions. From informative overlays to real-time translations, these tools can drive engagement, confidence and ultimately consumer spending.

How Can AR Increase Travel and Tourism Revenue?

AR can also help travel and tourism businesses to move into new markets and expand their offerings in ways that differentiate them from their competitors. Here are some opportunities for building new revenue streams using AR:

Enhanced Virtual Tours

Users can explore destinations virtually, navigate attractions, and even interact with virtual elements in real time. This technology opens up opportunities to generate revenue through augmented tours, ticket sales, and partnerships with local businesses.

Virtual Shopping Experiences

AR technology can transform traditional souvenir shopping. Using AR-enabled apps or devices, tourists can virtually try on clothing, accessories, or test products before purchase.

This not only enhances the shopping experience but provides a unique way for travel companies to generate additional revenue. They can partner with local retailers to offer exclusive discounts and promotions for AR shoppers. This creates a win-win situation for both travelers and businesses.

Smartify’s eShop platform, for instance, lets users access art from galleries like The National Gallery in London and buy prints, souvenirs, mementos, and gifts directly from their smartphone.

Augmented Advertising

With AR-enabled devices, marketers can create interactive and engaging advertisements that blend seamlessly with real-world environments. Featuring creative design work and animation, these campaigns extend your brand into the digital layer and can be highly impactful.

Gamification in Travel & Tourism

With integrated game-like features, users can participate in interactive challenges, complete quests, and earn rewards as they explore different destinations. Jurassic World Alive is a prime example of this. The app invites users to find virtual dinosaurs in different real-world locations, enabling them to learn about the ancient creatures at the same time.

Applying this concept in various settings can make travel more engaging and educational. It also provides opportunities for travel and tourism companies to generate additional revenue. They can offer premium game experiences, extra features, or in-game purchases and upgrades.

AR as a Tool to Boost Sales and Conversion

AR as a Tool to Boost Sales and Conversion

By providing virtual tours of destinations, cruise ships, and leisure facilities, travel agents and marketers give potential customers a sneak peek into holiday bliss. This can increase interest and likelihood of booking.

AR also makes it easy for travelers to book day tours on demand. They can browse and engage in activity options from within an app—and use the same app to instantly book the activity. This is especially useful for weather-dependent activities or to avoid long lines.

How Can You Leverage AR in the Hospitality Industry?

Leveraging augmented reality in hospitality has the power to turn your customer experiences—and your bottom line—around. AR tools can reduce operational, training, and administrative costs, improve the guest experience, and drive more bookings.

AR in Hotels

Holiday Inn uses augmented reality to offer virtual 360º hotel tours to prospective visitors. These tours help users to:

  • Decide which room size is the best fit for them
  • Get a realistic idea of amenities
  • Explore leisure and dining facilities
  • Evaluate the suitability and capacity of conference and event rooms
  • Explore room upgrade advantages and compare the benefits
  • Gain a comprehensive overview of the facility layout, room privacy, noise levels, and views

Furthermore, you can integrate AR with social media platforms to create interactive and shareable content, increasing brand exposure and engagement.

Training Hotel Staff Using AR

AR can enable employees to learn in a hands-on manner. They can use AR tools to visualize complex processes, simulate real-life scenarios, and receive real-time feedback. They can also practise handling customer-facing scenarios in an augmented environment and receive enhanced training with interactive guides and demonstrations.

Improving Guest Services With AR in Hotels

AR brings a whole new dimension of convenience to the way guests interact with hotels. With virtual concierge services, visitors can instantly access information, make bookings, and request assistance by simply scanning their surroundings. Whether it’s making a dinner reservation, finding out how the entertainment system works, or getting directions to the fitness center, guests can access everything in the palm of their hand.

Holding a mobile phone camera toward the entertainment system might cause an overlay with instructions to appear on the screen. Or, as a user points their camera down the hallway, the AR application might superimpose directions to the restaurant, spa, or fitness center

AR can also enhance dining experiences. By scanning a menu, guests could access information or ingredients, or even see how the dish was prepared. They could also scan a bottle label, as in the case of Chronic Cellars Purple Paradise , to access games.

Similarly, prestigious Scotch whisky brand The Glenlivet partnered with Rock Paper Reality to create a virtual tasting room , so as to expand whisky access and education to a new swathe of younger consumers. The Sample Room experience immerses users in the heart of a 360º tasting room, where they can learn more about the story behind the brand’s 18-, 21- and 25-year expressions—all by scanning a QR code on the back of a bottle. An AR tool like this offers twofold advantages for hospitality establishments: educate staff on the fly, and enhance the guest experience.

Augmented Reality: The Future of Tourism

Augmented Reality: The Future of Tourism

Augmented reality is transforming the tourism industry and shaping the future of travel experiences. It holds immense potential to offer travellers a whole new way to explore and engage with the world around them.

Rock Paper Reality can help you take full advantage of this technology to drive growth in your travel or tourism business. From Fortune 500s to start-ups, we’ve been helping companies leverage the latest technology to drive growth strategies for over a decade.

Our team of highly skilled innovators looks forward to bringing your augmented reality vision to life. Let’s chat .

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Augmented Reality in Tourism – Elevating the Traveling Experiences

augmented reality in tourism

The travel and tourism industry has done fairly well with simulations – virtual reality, putting on expensive headsets, and whatnot. If you think this way, you are partially correct. It is one of the industries that has witnessed massive growth. Augmented Reality in tourism is one of those developments that has benefited tourism the most, growing from $15.52 billion worth of industry in 2023 to a projected $21.44 billion in 2024. It represents a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 38.1% between 2023-2024. It is not just growing in size, but it is also elevating how we travel to a certain extent in multiple ways.

Augmented Reality in Tourism – Top Use Cases

Today Augmented Reality is finding application in various ways, transforming how travelers experience destinations virtually. Here are the two main ways folks use AR to elevate people’s experience in traveling.

AR City Tour

Who doesn’t want to spend their days traveling to new cities and enjoying the varying cultures that sprout from there? Watching the Eiffel Tower in the morning and the Taj Mahal in the evening, doesn’t that sound like a dream for any traveler? With AR and its hyper-realistic augmentation, we are finally close to a world where it’s possible. 

Many brands have already started to offer tours to particularly famous regions and cities. In the upcoming years, it will be perfected to a point where people can enjoy the ambiance of their dream city without worrying about travel expenses or work leave.

AR Museum Tour

Traditional museums are transforming. At least, many of them are on it -adding elements to the setup that excite modern-day travelers. Recently, many museums have started to provide AR tours, and visitors are embracing it. Imagine watching an ancient ship through 3D models or adorning armor worn by kings with AR museums. It is not just interesting but super cool now.

How is AR enhancing the tourism experience?

The most compelling ways AR is enhancing tourism are:

1. You can navigate unfamiliar places in AR for better awareness.

AR travel apps allow users to explore and preview unfamiliar destinations before visiting with the help of Interactive 3D maps that provide spatial awareness and logistics recreation, enabling its users to simulate walking through and practice navigating a new place, reducing uncertainties and giving them more confidence. It also lets visitors know what to expect and plan accordingly to avoid issues, navigate efficiently, and make the most of new destinations.

2. AR travel guides allow you to explore destinations from home.

It provides 3D renderings and interactive visuals of tourist destinations, allowing people to virtually explore them before visiting. You can know the ins and outs of the place you will visit beforehand and make decisions based on that.

3. AR tourism amplifies your recreation and entertainment needs.

AR technology allows immersive virtual tourism experiences, reducing costs and environmental impact. There are also Collaborative travel plans and gamified tours that add entertainment and make it more accessible and engaging. 

How is the hospitality industry using AR?

Hospitality relies heavily on tourism, and it is also using AR for its growth. Here are the many ways they are using it:

1. Virtual room previews

Hotels use AR to let guests view and customize rooms before booking. It provides immersive experiences previewing accomodation and helps them explore the various options available during the visit. It also reduces the rate of cancellation for the hotels, thus reducing the losses.

2. Interactive guides

AR-based interactive guides give tourists self-guided tours of insights that feel surreal. For first-time visitors, it is a great utility when they can view and have a closer look at the intricacies of what they will likely get on their physical visit. It is a preview of the destination, its attraction attributes, and all other related information in an interactive and immersive manner, improving the overall experience.

3. Menu previews

Restaurants use AR so visitors can closely view food and beverage options digitally before ordering in their own space. Customers can see the ingredients and the finished dishes and interact with them uniquely. 

4. Promotions and packages

Packaging is a great way to integrate AR and woo potential customers. Also, magazines, promotional collaterals, and brochures can attract tourists. And the hospitality industry is already pairing it with lucrative discounts to incentivize bookings.

5. Gaming and entertainment 

Hotels embed AR games and visuals to make stays more engaging and personalized. These games and entertainment modules are related to local interactions, making it engaging for the visitors while they enjoy unparalleled experiences on their travels.

6. Operational efficiency 

AR headsets assist staff with tasks like room servicing, maintenance checks, and locating items faster. Instead of visiting each room to perform the tasks, AR-based models can help them choose the rooms and places that need the most attention, increasing overall efficiency.

How is Augmented Reality in tourism benefiting the industry?

With AR in their various business applications, tourism elevates the tourists’ experience. The industry is going through a qualitative change and is abstracting many benefits:

Higher customer satisfaction

Reducing logistical uncertainties and stress for travelers is a big advantage. Previewing destinations and understanding navigation in advance make people feel more satisfied and in control during the real trip. It contributes to greater customer satisfaction.

Greater sales and conversion

AR and tourism apps encourage bookings by giving people an exciting preview of locations. The simulated previews enable customers to experience destinations first-hand from home. It builds confidence in the trip and increases conversion rates for related bookings like hotels, flights, and packages. 

Improved collaboration

AR allows different tourism providers to collaborate and offer enhanced combined experiences. For example, a museum can partner with a local restaurant to provide an immersive exhibit tour and dining package. Alternatively, a hotel can collaborate with transit providers to offer AR previews of the city and how to navigate different sites.

What AR holds for tourism in the future?

Augmented Reality in the travel industry is forecast to grow steeply, reaching $78.14 billion by 2028. It reflects a 38.2% CAGR between 2024-2028. Many new variables will come into play to make this possible, like:

Multi-sensory experiences

Future Augmented Reality tourism may incorporate more senses beyond just visuals and audio. Tactile elements allow users to feel textures and environments. Smells could be simulated to make the experience more lifelike.

More convenient booking/planning

Augmented Reality apps may integrate firmly with travel booking platforms and providers. Users could book flights, hotels, and attractions directly within the AR experience for more seamless trip planning.

Expanded accessibility 

AR holds the potential to make tourism more inclusive for those with disabilities or other limitations. People who cannot easily travel could still experience environments and cultures right from their homes.


Gaming elements will increase engagement in tourism AR. Competitive scavenger hunts and other interactive adventures will be embedded in travel experiences.

Social connection

Augmented Reality in tourism will enable new ways to travel remotely with friends and family through shared virtual environments. The social connections of real trips can be replicated.

By elevating the experience for travelers and convenience for stakeholders, AR in tourism is a much-welcome change. If you are looking for a game-changing technology or want to level up the experience you provide your customers, consider PlugXR’s intuitive platform. Sign up or book a demo now to know more!

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How to use augmented reality (AR) in the tourism and hotel sector

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Eva Lacalle

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Are you looking to take your hotel to the cutting edge of the modern guest experience? Maybe you should consider AR. Tourism marketing can be brought to new levels just by unlocking the power of augmented reality. This technology is one of the ways innovation is not only changing the customer experience but also transforming the tourism and hospitality sectors, and the limits are still yet to be explored.

This article will talk about AR, and explore the ideas and benefits for how to use AR in the tourism and hotel sector to boost your business above and beyond the competition.

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What is AR or augmented reality?

AR or augmented reality is a kind of technology that uses digital components to change a person’s perception of their surroundings using a compatible device such as a smartphone. Unlike virtual reality, which changes your surroundings, AR allows real-world elements to come to life to create more interaction, whether that be points of interest or restaurants. 

This technology is yet to be exploited to its full potential, but the benefits and the ideas for how to use it in the tourism and hotel sector are definitely worth exploring. It’s all part of having a more connected guest , allowing you to provide an experience that both increases engagement and that is also personalized and modern with services like online guest services and a self-service kiosk.

What are the benefits of using augmented reality?

There are many benefits to using augmented reality in the tourism sector, and with smartphones rarely out of our hands, there’s a lot of potential waiting to be unlocked.

Because AR can be accessed and amplified by mobile devices, it’s a great marketing tool for hotels to promote their business and provide interactive content in order to help influence traveler’s decisions – and boost trust among potential clients. 

Another benefit of AR technology is that it allows hotels and other services in the hospitality industry to enhance both the surrounding area and the actual product they are selling, i.e the hotel and its rooms. Once tourists arrive at your hotel, they can easily visualize the rooms and hotel without even entering, which is a great way to convert new guests and turn them into lifelong customers. 

Furthermore, AR allows potential guests to look at the products and services in a more interactive way , and can even instigate last minute booking decisions by providing readily accessible information like pointing the direction to your hotel with arrows. AR is essentially like having a 24/7 guide in your pocket which can also serve as a translator while at the same time making any tourist spot more attractive. 

benefits of using augmented reality

Five ideas for how to use AR in the tourism and hotel sector

AR has many potential uses in the tourism and hotel sector, as we’ve already discussed. From guiding visitors through a city to providing reviews and important information for potential guests about your hotel; from helping customers find restaurants to enhancing tourist spots with a 3D experience – the possibilities are endless.

Let’s take a closer look at some ideas of how to use this technology to aid the tourism and hospitality sectors.

Excursions and attractions

Transform a traditional tour into something of the future by using AR to amplify top visitor sites, whether that be allowing people to see what the area looked like in the past or how the landmark transformed over time. This can be done with 3D models and other live representations of important historical figures.

Augmented reality can provide gamification, navigation, and quiz possibilities while on an excursion that can make the tour and the touristic attractions all the more interesting.  

Make your hotel more interactive

We’ve talked about how AR technology can be a great marketing tool to guide first-time visitors to your hotel, but it should be noted that it’s also a great way to retain guests and make their experience more interactive.

A regular tourist map can come alive with AR technology allowing guests to see places of interest, restaurants, bars and more. Your hotel restaurant can even use AR to allow guests to view the menu and ingredients in a different way seeing the dishes from their smartphones in 3D. 


Augmented reality can be used to make navigating to your hotel more fun. The app can point out landmarks on the way, and make directions available in many languages. If your guests aren’t sure where to go there can be interactive arrows that point them in the right direction. They can even preview your hotel before they step inside. 

Guest services 2.0

Hotels are always looking for ways to provide a better experience to guests, and augmented reality can be a great tool to do so.

The technology can break language barriers between guests and staff so that explaining the features of the hotel is all the easier and more accessible. Together with a virtual concierge that provides online check-in and check-out as well as messaging, you can be sure to offer a digital guest journey that provides a stellar digital 2.0 experience. 

Integrates with other technology 

Use AR to integrate with other technologies like beacon technology. This allows your hotel to more easily market to your guests and upsell through push notifications. Through push notifications, hotels can provide special offers or discounts with partner businesses, or vice versa, the partner businesses can promote your hotel. This technology can even be used to unlock hotel rooms once the guests get close to their room. 

We’ve looked at augmented reality in the tourism and hotel sector, the benefits and ways to use this technology. It is without a doubt a powerful tool to bring about new business opportunities and to provide enhanced travel experiences.

Furthermore, it can allow you to attract potential customers, as well as expand your services by using new technologies to reach new audiences. Read more about reimagining the future of guest experiences.

Using modern devices and tools allows you to break down language barriers, enhance navigation and boost your bookings by offering a one-of-a-kind experience. Using new technologies increases your visibility and brand perception while catapulting your hotel into the digital age, and setting your hotel apart from the competition.

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Eva has over a decade of international experience in marketing, communication, events and digital marketing. When she's not at work, she's probably surfing, dancing, or exploring the world.

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Extended reality in tourism: 4 ways vr and ar can enhance the travel experience.

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Travel is a sector that I’m particularly passionate about, and one that’s suffered immensely in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. As the industry looks to the future, one of its biggest concerns will be how to improve the whole travel experience and reduce some of the “pain points” that come with travel. I believe VR and AR could help with this.

Here are four ways VR and AR can make travel better.

Extended Reality In Tourism: 4 Ways VR and AR Can Enhance The Travel Experience

1. Virtual travel

VR allows us to explore new places without physically traveling there, leading some to speculate whether virtual travel could ever replace the real thing. Personally, I don’t think it will. Virtual travel could never compete with the sights, sounds, smells and sensations of being in an exciting new place. But there’s certainly value in being able to explore parts of the world virtually – not least because we can check out destinations before we decide whether to travel there in real life.

Virtual travel can also help visitors experience destinations that are remote, difficult to get to, or need to be preserved without humans trampling around all over the place. The Patagonia VR experience on Oculus Rift is one example of a particularly rich virtual travel experience. Exploring the mountain landmark of Monte Fitzroy, and specifically Laguna Sucia, the remote glacial lake that lies at the foot of the mountain, this VR experience gives users access to a stunning glacial lake that’s hard to reach in real life.

2. Virtual hotel tours

Thanks to virtual tours, holidaymakers can check out hotels in more detail before they book – kind of like a “try before you buy” (or “fly” as the case may be). Several upscale resorts are now embracing virtual tours as a way to show off their stunning locations and world-class amenities, including a number of resorts in The Maldives. Importantly, many of these tours can be experienced using just a smartphone, tablet, or computer, meaning you don't need a headset to explore your next holiday destination.

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In one example, Atlantis, the Palm in Dubai – situated on The Palm Jumeirah, the famous manmade palm-shaped archipelago – has created a stunning 360 panoramic VR video. The video provides a whistle-stop tour of the hotel's key features, taking in the impressive lobby, the Royal Bridge (the biggest suite in the hotel), one of the underwater suites (yes, underwater ), the famous Nobu restaurant, the aquarium, pool, and waterpark, and finishing with a nighttime stroll around the gardens.

3. Test drive excursions and attractions

As well as checking out different hotels, VR can also help travelers test drive different trips and excursions on offer in their chosen destinations. In other words, you can try out various experiences to decide how you really want to spend your time and money when you arrive on vacation. Virtual excursions can therefore help holidaymakers get more out of their precious vacation time.

But VR trips may also help to encourage bookings in the first place – meaning, a customer may be more inclined to book a vacation once they’ve got a better idea of the fantastic excursions on offer in a resort. British travel agent Thomas Cook experimented with immersive VR experiences that allowed customers to try out different excursions, including a helicopter tour of Manhattan. The company reported a 190 percent uplift in bookings for New York vacations after customers tried the five-minute New York VR experience in store. That has to make travel companies, keen to increase bookings after the pandemic, sit up and take notice.

4. Immersive navigation

So, you’ve virtually visited your chosen destination in advance, taken a VR tour of your hotel, and even tried out a few virtual excursions. Now you’ve arrived at your destination and are ready to hit up your first landmark. If only you could find it…

This is where AR can help – specifically, AR-infused navigation. As the go-to navigational app for most of us, it’s no surprise that Google Maps now incorporates an AR feature for those who are navigating on foot. (At the time of writing, it’s not available for users who are driving.) Called Live View and announced in 2019, the AR route-finding feature is available on all ARCore and ARKit-enabled mobile devices, and in any locations where Google already has Street View. The idea is simple: using the Google Maps app and said AR-enabled device, big arrows, and easy-to-follow directions are overlayed onscreen onto the street view, to guide users on which direction to walk and where to turn.

The idea may be simple, but it’s small advances like this that help to make international travel a heck of a lot easier. So, if you ever end up lost in a busy foreign city, or if you simply struggle to make sense of 2D maps, AR-enhanced route-finding is for you.

Read more about extended reality technologies in my new book, Extended Reality in Practice: 100+ Amazing Ways Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality Are Changing Business and Society . It’s packed with real-world examples from travel, hospitality and many other industries.

Bernard Marr

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10 Augmented Reality Travel Apps to Try in 2022

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Over a recent couple of years, augmented reality has progressed significantly in smartphone technology. It has become a powerful tool for companies and marketers, letting them change how individuals view their environment. 

According to recent estimates , 1.7 billion mobile augmented reality (AR) consumer devices will be present worldwide by 2024, which is expected to rise from 1.1 billion AR users.

Augmented reality has grown in popularity over the past few years within the travel sector. AR enhances real-world visuals viewed on a mobile device with digital layers of information, giving consumers a more thorough understanding of their environment. 

Travel apps based on AR can easily draw users in with their interaction and immersive experiences. The future of AR in travel applications appears bright, with enormous potential to revolutionize the tourism industry.

Let’s highlight and discuss the best 10 AR travel applications you should try in 2022.

1. Smartify

With the Smartifiy application, you can quickly identify art work and obtain relevant information. Smartify can be downloaded for free on any smartphone.

The Wallace Collection in London, The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the Louvre in Paris, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York all use Smartify. The app offers users recorded conversations with the artist as well as comprehensive information about the artwork they are viewing. The intention is to provide a more engaging narrative as opposed to the dry information found in most audio tours and catalogs.

Learn more about Smartify here .

AR City is a long-awaited application. It has long been an ambition to be able to show directional arrows heading to your location onto the windscreen of your vehicle or a set of wearable AR glasses.

With the help of Blippar’s AR City app, you can explore and traverse more than 300+ cities all around the world. AR City layers 3D views of your environment on top of a real-world perspective as you move toward your location. Augmented map content, which includes street names, structure names, and other relevant places of interest, can give you more details about the surroundings around you in some larger metropolitan areas and towns.

Learn more about AR City here . 

3. Horizon Explorer

Horizon Explorer describes what you are looking at while displaying the horizon and surrounding skyline. All you need is to aim your camera toward a hill, hamlet, pond, or another landmark, and Horizon Explorer will identify it, show you a map, and provide details on the location. The labels and positioning are significantly more stable thanks to ARKit technology than was previously feasible.

When you are flying high, you can look down at the landscape below you to get a sense of what lies beyond the nearby hills. In order to see what lies behind hills, you may also view the scale-model 3D map.

Learn more about Horizon Explorer here . 

4. World Around Me

World Around Me (WAM) is the ideal resource for visitors, locals, and travelers who wish to learn everything there is to know about their surroundings. Feel at home anywhere in the globe by exploring places like restaurants, gyms, hospitals, etc., simply by waving your smartphone around you! Allow WAM to guide you on an entertaining tour of your neighborhood.

Modern AR technology is combined with a smooth, liquid interface in WAM to provide exciting and helpful information to every location you visit. It gives you a fresh viewpoint that allows you to view the surroundings with a seamless and simple AR perspective. WAM also displays place names, ratings, and distance. With just one tap, you can access business ratings, contact information, and hours.

Learn more about World Around Me here . 

5. HoloMaps

Holomaps is the first virtual reality and AR program that allows users to navigate through a holographic simulation while displaying real information.

The HoloMaps Store Version incorporates Bing 3D with more than 200 towns and landmarks. HoloMaps can be used both locally and remotely, individually or in collaboration, with coworkers and clients. Contextually pertinent information is added to the map through the integration of data sources. This is demonstrated using Twitter, real traffic, and the HoloMaps Store Edition. 

Learn more about HoloMaps here .                                                                                             

6. Bus Time London

If you don’t know the paths, bus timetables, and closest stops between your accommodation and your goal, traveling within a new city can be difficult. Bus Time London is an augmented reality travel software that simplifies traversing London’s streets.

The app, which incorporates augmented reality, uses a phone’s camera and GPS position to assist travelers to identify the closest bus stop to where they are. You can plan trips to one or more locations in addition to viewing bus schedules. The app also uses AR technology to display directions on top of actual streets and identify bus stations nearby to ensure that you never get lost. 

Learn more about Bus Time London here . 

7. CityGuyd

Through the innovative use of Augmented Reality (AR) technologies, CityGuyd offers tourists a more convenient, cheap, and engaging tour-guide experience.

You only get information depending on your location. The software offers the convenience of one app with all the information found in a trip guidebook.

Learn more about CityGuyd here .

8. Wikitude World Browser

Activate the app and position your phone’s camera in any broad direction to activate Wikitude. Structures, monuments, or other items in your camera’s field of vision that have Wikipedia or Qype data available will show up with a marking that contains that object’s details . In addition, you can use Google Map-based data to locate more than millions of points of interest.

You may also utilize a “Screen Capture” feature to capture a snapshot of your AR screen and store it for future use or share it with a friend. The program includes over 100 million points of interest from around the globe.

Select your area and the range from it that you are eager to see data from and determine whether you want to search information for “your area” or a limited location. This is a terrific application that may complement your well-planned excursions by giving you more places to visit and things to see during your downtime.

Learn more about Wikitude World Browser here . 

9. Viewranger

Viewranger is a mapping and hiking app with some fantastic features, including downloadable maps. It might be a terrific addition to your outdoor excursions if you can figure out how to use it and are willing to spend some money.

While the map and linked routes features are simple to use, as a viable alternative to other navigation or GPS tracking applications, ViewRanger is an excellent program. The option to download maps for offline use is the largest benefit.

Learn more about Viewranger here . 

10. Senditur

Senditur is made to be your traveling companion, someone you can ask for advice when you’re in a bind. The app’s huge database will assist you in learning about the towns, cities, temples, castles, and museums that are all around you. As long as the device includes a GPS sensor, its primary function can be performed without internet access or mobile storage.

You can quickly recognize various locations nearby with the use of augmented reality technology. You can always choose what you want to see because the app lets you filter the listings by category and distance.

Learn more about Senditur here . 

It’s impossible to overstate the value of AR in the travel and tourism sector. The potential of AR is so great that it may even open up entirely new business prospects for you. Even though the travel industry has AR-based apps to assist you, the number remains small. With daily research and advancement in the AR industry, AR tourism will be blessed with more AR apps in the coming times.

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How is Augmented Reality Reshaping the Travel & Tourism Industry?

How would you feel if you could travel around the world and see world-famous destinations while sitting in one place?

If this sounds like fiction then time to change your mind.

In 2018, a Tokyo-based company First Airlines launched the world’s first virtual aviation facility . In this augmented & virtual reality airline, customers can book flights and wear AR headsets, dine on in-flight meals, and visualize global tourist spots.

World’s leading travel accommodation company Airbnb recently integrated augmented reality into their application. The new AR feature lets customers explore properties virtually before booking and gives a fully immersive travel experience.

Airbnd Virtual Ex

So, augmented reality technology isn’t an emerging trend anymore. It is now becoming a significant part of the travel & tourism industry. Whether it is an airline, travel agency, hospitality & accommodation facility, or travel booking, the entire travel sector is leveraging the power of AR technology.

Augmented reality (AR) in the travel and tourism market is projected to reach $4.02 Billion between 2023 and 2030 at a CAGR of 4.5%. The travel and tourism sector is witnessing massive growth due to the increasing adoption of AR/VR technology.

So how is augmented reality reshaping the travel & tourism sector? In this blog, you will know how AR technology helps in transforming the travel experience. And also why AR-based travel app development is a future-proof investment for businesses.

Table of Contents

What is augmented reality?

Augmented reality (AR) is an immersive technology that integrates virtual environments with real-world scenarios. It is an innovative technology concept that allows users to overlay real-world objects with 3D virtual graphics. Augmented reality aims to provide an immersive and interactive experience through digital elements, sounds, and other sensory stimuli. It gives the power to users to visualize in the real world which is not possible in reality by other means.

How does augmented reality work in travel & tourism?

Augmented reality in the tourism industry works in several transformative ways. It eliminates the barriers of time, money, and distance for people who are very passionate about exploring the world. AR works as a boon for those who are unable to travel to international destinations due to unavoidable circumstances.

It is because AR enables users to visualize real-world scenarios from any location. In simple words, AR makes tours from home. In addition to this, augmented reality technology assists travel agencies and tourism businesses to enhance their customer experience.

By using AR in travel applications or software they can improve their services. And thus, they achieve better revenue growth. So, augmented reality works in the travel & tourism industry in various ways which-

1. Giving more information about places: By Integrating augmented reality into the travel app makes the application more powerful and feature-rich. The travel app is able to give extra information while displaying things such as public transport, pharmacies, bus stops, etc.

2. Real-time virtualization: Augmented reality enables the user to create a custom virtual environment. Users need to point out the smartphone’s camera where they are and get instant information or augmented scenes.

3. Gamification: PokemonGo is one the greatest successful examples of gamification of augmented reality in travel. This gaming app utilized augmented reality with travel in gamification form. Hence, AR works as a gamification method in travel & tourism


Current market state of augmented reality in the tourism sector

Augmented reality technology is dramatically transforming the travel & tourism sector. From providing an immersive experience to giving adequate information, AR technology enhances the travel experience like no other.

Even the best travel app development companies and tourism agencies have already implemented AR in their existing system and applications. Consequently, they have witnessed substantial growth with AR-powered travel solutions. And this growing adoption of augmented reality in tourism is opening more opportunities for travel businesses. If you look at the current market statistics,

  • The revenue in the augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) market is estimated to gain $31.12 Billion in 2023.
  • The AR/VR in the travel and tourism industry is projected to reach $4.02 at a CAGR of 4.5% by 2030.
  • Around 70% of consumers feel that augmented reality technology could overtake VR in the near future.
  • AR software holds the largest market share in the entire AR/VR market with a market volume of $11.58 Billion in 2023.

Hence, seeing the latest market statistics and trends, it is evident how tremendously augmented reality in the tourism sector is expanding. And this is because of the following benefits of AR technology.


  • Faster and easier access to essential travel-related information
  • Smooth, accurate, and engaging navigation
  • Real-time interaction with local places or tourist spots
  • Share exciting facts and data with others
  • Offer more convenient and comfortable travel services
  • Effective marketing & advertising for hotels and travel agencies

Popular Examples of Augmented Reality in Tourism & Travel

  • Google Maps Live View
  • Yelp Monocle
  • Airbnb’s AR
  • National Geographic AR
  • Google Lens
  • The Gatwick Airport Passenger app
  • Horizon Explorer
  • Wikitude World Browser
  • World Around Me

How is augmented reality reshaping the travel & tourism industry?

1. augmented travel experience.

One of the top ways AR technology is transforming the travel & tourism industry is by providing interactive and immersive tour experiences. Augmented reality allows users to get virtual or interactive tours of travel destinations or tourist spots. By using AR-based travel apps, users can go on virtual tours of famous landmarks while being in one place.

They can also use such apps to get extra information while traveling about ancient buildings, landmarks, and locations. AR also assists in location-based technology for mobile apps to give proper navigation and city tour guides. Hence, augmented reality in tourism acts as an amazing way of learning and exploring world places and getting interactive AR tour experiences.

2. AR-powered Self-Guided Tours

For tourists, traveling to new places without a local tour guide is extremely challenging. It is always not so easy to find a reliable guide who can help you nicely through the top places with a well-guided tour explanation. But with the advent of augmented reality in tourism things are getting fully revolutionized. AR technology empowers travelers or tourists with self-guided tour ability.

They can use AR headsets or AR mobile apps for object recognition. And get full information about local places like museums, food joints, stations, historical landmarks, etc. This use of augmented reality in tourism has brought a disruptive change. Top mobile app development companies and tourism businesses are increasingly adopting AR technology in their solutions to build innovative travel solutions.

3. Travel From Home

Ever thought of visiting world-famous tourist destinations without leaving home? It might appear strange at first glance, but AR technology has broken the old traditions. Now, it is not mandatory to leave your home for traveling destinations. With AR-powered mobile apps, users can simply watch and virtually explore world-famous destinations or ancient places.

Not only this but by using AR glasses, people can get an immersive tour experience with various interactive elements. And thus enjoy engaging augmented travel experiences. It is AR technology that has disrupted the concept of travel from home in the tourism industry. Therefore, due to its growing demand, businesses are highly interested in the inclusion of virtual reality in mobile apps to increase customer engagement .

4. Interactive Advertising and Marketing

The travel and hospitality industry highly relies on advertising and marketing. Hotels, accommodation facilities, and travel agencies need to promote their products and services effectively to increase sales and revenue. Augmented reality technology also helps hotels and other travel businesses improve their marketing. AR allows travel businesses to provide virtual tour guides of rooms, hotels, and accommodation facilities.


Many hotels are currently using AR to allow their users to take a 360-degree view of rooms before booking and give enhanced customer satisfaction. They also offer AR tour facilities through web or mobile apps to assist customers in decision-making. Hence, augmented reality & app development together are transforming the advertisement and marketing practices in the tourism sector.

5. AR-based Travel Mobile Apps

The travel and tourism industry has been using mobile apps for over a decade. From ticketing booking to hotel reservation and travel planning to buying travel packages. Mobile apps are being used in several ways to offer multiple travel services. However, due to increasing innovation and technological advancement, the travel industry needed innovative technology for bringing their digital offerings to the next level.

And AR technology here empowers the travel & tourism industry by developing innovative and feature-rich travel apps. Businesses hire dedicated mobile app developers to build next-gen travel mobile apps using AR that satisfy today’s user’s expectations and needs. Today, there are a variety of AR travel apps that allow users and businesses to take more advantage of their travel mobile apps. For instance

  • Location-based AR app
  • Marker-based AR application
  • Marker-less applications
  • SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Software)
  • AR City tour apps

The Bottom Line

Augmented reality is an innovative technology. It provides many benefits to the travel & tourism industry. With AR, travelers can see a deeper vision of places and enjoy a never-feel-like travel experience. It helps travel businesses and other subsidiaries to upgrade their existing services and achieve better outcomes and sales growth.

Therefore, augmented reality in the tourism industry is emerging as the hottest trend and opening wider scope for the future. And this AR penetration in the travel sector has broadened the business scope for startups and new business ventures. They can come up with custom or innovative travel solutions using AR technology.

But developing smart AR-based travel solutions requires an intelligent approach and the right use of technology. hence, it is advisable to take assistance from the best mobile app development company that holds specialization in building AR-based travel solutions. And RippenApps is one such reliable company that can assist you turn your innovative AR travel app concept into a feature-loaded application.

Schedule a Free Consultation and Discuss Your Project

Q1. What are the use cases of augmented reality in travel and tourism?

There are multiple use cases of augmented reality technology in the travel and tourism sector such as Interactive destination exploration, Historical and Cultural Immersion, Navigation and Wayfinding, Language Translation, Museum and Exhibit Enhancements, Virtual Guides, Marketing and Promotions, enhanced Hotel and Accommodation Experiences, Augmented Travel Experiences, and more.

Q2. How much does it cost to build AR travel mobile app?

Developing an AR-based travel mobile application requires dedicated AR tech stacks and other supportive technology to build essential augmented reality features. So, the final cost of AR app development depends on multiple factors. We advise you to consult a professional mobile app development company and get a price quotation as per your project requirements.

Q3. What are the popular examples of augmented reality in tourism?

There are many examples that demonstrate the effective use of augmented reality for travel and tourism purposes. Some of the popular examples are Google Maps Live View, Airbnb’s AR Try Before You Book, National Geographic AR, AR City, etc.


Connect with us to discuss your Project.

Vaibhav Sharma

Vaibhav Sharma

Vaibhav Sharma is the Business Head of RipenApps, the fastest-growing mobile app development company. Holding expertise in creating a user experience, he has a firm grip on product strategizing that gives clients a clear roadmap of their product development lifecycle.


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5 Ways Augmented Reality is Enhancing the Tourism Experience

Marc Truyols

What Is Augmented Reality AR? 

How is augmented reality used in tourism, the benefits of ar for tourism industry professionals, challenges and limitations of augmented reality in tourism, case studies: successful ar implementations in tourism, best practices when using augmented reality , what is the future of augmented reality in tourism, how to get started with ar in the tourism industry, frequently asked questions (faq).

Augmented reality (AR) can truly transform the way people discover and explore new places. By combining physical exploration with digital elements, travelers are able to gain deeper insights into different cultures while making memories along the way.

In today’s world, more and more travelers are turning to technology to add excitement and convenience to their trips. That’s why the hospitality and travel industry has explored ways to leverage innovative applications to empower travelers.

New tech offers tourists new experiences, and that’s precisely what augmented reality (AR) is doing. The new tourist wants to visit a destination and create a fully immersive, interactive, and unforgettable experience.  

Augmented reality in tourism

With a population of around 82 million , Gen Z makes up the majority of the U.S. consumer population and generation ready to travel that travel companies need to be targeting. Gen Z is tech-addicted and highly connected , making them a powerful target demographic for businesses to reach.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss what augmented reality is, its current use in the tourism industry, its benefits and challenges, as well as case studies and applications. We will also explore its potential future developments.

First off, let’s define what augmented reality is.

Simply put, augmented reality (AR) technology adds a digital layer to the physical world.

Users can scan an object, specific location, or image using a smartphone or an AR-enabled device to see additional information that is not visible to the naked eye. Visual and auditory elements such as graphics, text, animations, 3D models, videos, sound effects, and more can be combined to create an immersive experience.

For example, tourists can point their device at a historical monument and see its history or virtual models overlaid on the physical world, providing new perspectives on old landmarks.

Not to be confused with virtual reality (VR) , which replaces the real world with a completely digital one, AR simply builds on the reality that is already there.

Mixed reality (MR) is an interactive experience combining aspects of both physical and virtual worlds. Users can realistically interact with virtual objects.

As stated by Meta , “AR and VR will add a new layer of presence to our lives, giving us the opportunity to connect in immersive, authentic ways, regardless of physical boundaries. And we’re already seeing signs that point to the desire—and need—for these new technologies.”

How augmented reality works in tourism

The possibilities of augmented reality in the travel industry are vast and open up a world of personalized, meaningful, engaging, educational experiences. Here are just a few of the ways in which augmented reality is currently being used to revolutionize tourism:

1. Navigation and Wayfinding

Travel brochures and physical books are becoming less popular. With technological advancements, information can now be shared through various means. One of those ways is AR.

Augmented reality can make an unknown city navigable. Tourists can access information about their destination and area while they explore through their smartphones. Travelers can use AR to find restaurants, bars, shops, transport, activities, and hotels making navigation in unfamiliar areas quicker, more convenient, and personalized. 

Statistica estimates that the mobile AR market is expected to grow from $21 billion in 2023 to $36.2 billion by 2026 .

Hotels can utilize AR or VR technology to provide guests with virtual tours of rooms and hotel amenities. That way, guests can easily navigate the hotel property and take advantage of the available amenities.

2. Interactive and Immersive Experiences

People like stories, and AR brings those stories to life , creating unforgettable experiences by enhancing and complementing the natural beauty of a place. AR technology in tourism allows visitors to immerse themselves in new experiences, transforming them from passive observers to active participants .

The 2023 Global Travel Trends Report from American Express Travel states that “Travelers want authentic experiences that give them a taste of local culture and let them explore hidden gems that friends back home don’t know about.”

The interconnectedness between a place and technology enhances a traveler’s experience and allows them to experience the extraordinary. Augmented reality gives travelers a front-row seat to these new experiences by making places more interactive, immersive, and meaningful.

3. Museums and Cultural Heritage Sites

One of the biggest benefits of AR is how it can enhance the educational value of tourism . Instead of reading plaques and passively listening to audio guides, tourists can use AR to interact directly with their environment.

Benefits of Augmented Reality in Tourism

AR-powered apps can help museums create AR experiences and tours that act as their own personal tour guide . This represents both the future of tours and a departure from traditional organized tours.

Travelers can now interact with and fully immerse themselves in the environment. This includes recreating authentic places and simulating historical events to take you back in time through a 360-degree experience.

Imagine being able to see how the Colosseum in Rome looked in its prime or how the ancient city of Pompeii looked before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. With AR, tourists can experience history like never before and better understand a location’s culture and heritage.

4. Language Translation and Communication

AR technology bridges language barriers , making communication easier for tourists and locals. Visitors can use AR apps to translate signs and menus, enabling them to interact with locals in their own language or even eliminating the need to stop and ask for directions.

By combining augmented reality with image recognition and voice commands, travelers can communicate more freely with locals.

5. Personalized Recommendations and Trip Planning

Many travelers conduct extensive research before and during their trip, and AR technology makes it easy for them to access the right information at the right time and in the right place.

AR apps can provide travelers with tailored experiences and information based on their needs and preferences . For example, they can offer personalized recommendations on what to do or where to eat near the traveler’s location. These tailored experiences can often be accessed through beacon technology, which we will discuss later.

Tourism industry professionals can significantly benefit by using augmented reality as it can be a valuable tool for increasing customer satisfaction, average order value, and the bottom line.

1. Enhanced Visitor Engagement

Businesses in the travel industry can use augmented reality to enhance their existing selling points and offer customers a glimpse of the experience or destination they are promoting.

According to Threekit , “AR product experiences are 200% more engaging as they deliver double the levels of engagement compared to their non AR equivalent.”

By giving visitors a personalized, immersive experience, businesses can better engage and inspire them to take action. For example, a museum could enhance visits by providing a tour highlighting exciting facts or information about the exhibit as visitors move through the museum.

2. Increased Revenue Opportunities

A unique experience can trigger users to book the trip or experience and choose you over the competition. Travelers already want to go to a specific location, but they are looking for a unique experience that augmented reality can bring. 

Snapchat found, “For Travel, Snapchatters expect to spend more than they typically would when AR is a part of their travel planning journey . This is because AR helps them be more confident in making decisions about the trip and ultimately planning longer trips by adding travel excursions or other add-ons to the itinerary.”

3. Better Customer Insights and Data Collection

Augmented reality helps gather helpful information on how customers engage with their surroundings and what services or experiences they prefer. Knowing where customers spend the most time or what they are looking for can help tailor their experiences and make them more memorable.

Understanding the important role of technology in tourism can provide better customer insights and data to inform the implementation of augmented reality. It can also help organizations identify patterns, make decisions faster, and improve the customer experience.

4. Improved Destination Marketing

Destination marketing has been vastly improved over the years. One of the best ways to draw in travelers during their trip-planning process is through immersive experiences. 

For example, hotels can create an immersive experience and transport travelers to their destinations through their smartphones. Travelers can experience what it would be like to be in their hotel room, eating at your restaurant, or sitting at the pool.

While AR has many benefits, it is still a highly advanced technology. Specific challenges must be addressed before they can become mainstream. Let’s take a look at the most common ones.

1. Technological Barriers and Infrastructure Requirements

The major players in augmented reality are facing difficulties in delivering satisfactory products to their customers. Google Glass was released to the market in 2013 but failed to make a lasting impact. By March of 2023, Google had stopped selling the Glass Enterprise Edition. The main reason for this failure was its high price tag . Mark Zuckerberg is developing AR glasses which are expected to launch in 2024 but may take longer to roll out.

The biggest barrier to making augmented reality well a reality is technological limitations. Specifically within the travel industry, using augmented reality apps in travel locations with weak network coverage can be difficult, fragmenting the user’s experience.

Research conducted by the International Journal of Engineering Business Management states, “Mobile devices will need to have fast CPU, large RAM capacity, a camera and Wi‐Fi or 3G enabled Internet connection which will allow data transmission.” With that being said, almost all smartphones are equipped to support mobile AR applications.

Even though accessing AR technology through smartphones is easy for users, hardware limitations exist , such as processing power, limited battery life, and small phone screens. To produce compelling and quality augmented reality content, one needs specific expertise and equipment. Therefore, weighing the cost against the potential gains is advisable.

2. Privacy and Data Security Concerns

When booking flights, hotels, or other travel services, tourists may need to share personal information like their name, address, and credit card information. Unfortunately, others could use this information maliciously, leading to fraud and identity theft.

Google’s glasses recorded videos and took pictures without people’s knowledge or consent, leading to significant concerns regarding privacy and data security. In large part, augmented reality is accessed through people’s smartphone cameras , so it is important to clearly understand how this data will be used and who will have access.

Third-party cookies are bits of code that are added to websites to monitor user activity. This monitoring can infringe on users’ privacy rights if not explicitly stated. To address this, tourism businesses must ensure they have clear guidelines to protect user data. Some regions have imposed regulations like GDPR that restrict the use of third-party cookies. 

Tourism apps and services often use location tracking for customized recommendations and travel advice . This can improve the travel experience but also raises privacy concerns.

3. Balancing authenticity and digital enhancement

Using AR technology during travel can have both positive and negative effects. While it can enhance the overall experience, excessive use may reduce the authenticity of the destination.

Augmented reality is meant to enhance, not replace, the physical location. Travelers travel to a destination to experience it for themselves. Instead of replacing the experience, AR should be used to empower travelers with real-time information and insights about their experiences. It should also provide them with the ability to explore and discover new things on their own.

4. Environmental and Social Impacts

To use AR technology responsibly and ethically , evaluating its potential impact on a location’s environment and social aspects is important. Governments and organizations must establish guidelines to safeguard tourist destinations as technology advances.

The most notable AR application that has been adopted by many users is Pokemon Go, an interactive game designed to get users out to explore different locations within a city. Let’s explore the various implementations in tourism.

Google Maps and Translate

Google Maps allows users to explore a new location virtually while traveling or before visiting. They are continuing to improve their augmented reality capabilities. Soon users will be able to point their phone at a restaurant or hotel and see its reviews.

Travelers can use AR to better understand foreign languages. Google Translate allows users to translate signs and menus by pointing their smartphone camera at the object they want to translate.

The Metaverse

Meta has made significant investments in the development of the metaverse . They have demonstrated the power of augmented reality in action by allowing users to virtually be placed inside a shark cage in South Africa. Users can scan a QR code on their website to take them to the Facebook app.

AR Tour Guides 

For example, the Colosseum in Rome has a self-guided tour with augmented reality on the Colosseum & Roman Forum. In Paris, you can tour the city with an AR tablet .

Beacon Technology 

Beacon technology is small Bluetooth devices called beacons that transmit a unique signal between a nearby device and a specific location. 

When a smartphone or AR-enabled device picks up a signal, it can use AR technology to display an overlay in the real world. This was the case with Pokemon Go.

Target the Right Audience

To make your AR application more effective, you should determine which users would benefit most and customize it to meet their specific needs. Doing so will ensure that the application resonates with users, leading to higher engagement and a greater return on your investment.

Keep it Simple

Make sure that the user interface is intuitive and easy to use, with minimal steps necessary for completing tasks. The more complex the interface, the less likely users interact with your application.

Invest in Quality Content

Ensure that the visuals, audio, and text used are high quality to ensure a positive user experience. Low-quality content can lead to a lack of adoption and impede the user’s ability to interact with your application.

The tourism industry is on the cusp of significant innovation and technological advancements powered by augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR).

3 keys about the future of Augmented reality in tourism

Predictions for AR Technology Advancements in Tourism

Augmented reality allows travelers to experience a destination more realistically and interactively before they even step foot in it. 

New Experiences 

It has the potential to unlock a wide range of new experiences for travelers. For example, you can enable customers to tour hotels, attractions, and restaurants virtually. You can also create virtual tours of cities, allowing travelers to explore even more of the destination they are visiting.

Increased Accessibility 

In addition, as augmented reality becomes more accessible through smartphones and AR-enable devices , tourism organizations can use this technology to visually represent their destinations and encourage transactions.

Better Travel Experience

AR will increasingly be used to improve the overall travel experience by providing interactive and personalized tours, activities, and transportation. This means that tourists will have access to comprehensive information and multimedia content about their environment , allowing them to have a deeper understanding of their chosen destination.

An article by the School of Hospitality, Food, and Tourism Management stated that “ By encouraging tourists use AR, destinations could utilize this technology to enhance tourists’ experience during different stages of a trip , i.e. pre-travel stage: trip planning information and guidance, during travel stage: on-site experience, and post-travel stage: satisfaction information.”

The Role of 5G and IoT in AR Tourism Experiences

Using a network of connected devices and sensors, the combination of 5G and IoT technology can potentially enhance the AR experience in tourism.

5G networks offer faster and more reliable connectivity due to increased bandwidth and lower latency; the AR experience can be smoother and more responsive.

The role of 5G in AR Tourism Experiences

The IoT enables multiple devices to communicate with each other and connect to the internet quickly and reliably. For example, When a tourist visits a specific area of a museum, beacon technology can trigger the display of relevant information.

This combination of technology helps to create hyper-realistic augmented reality experiences for tourists.

The Integration of AR with Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR)

As we defined earlier, the integration of augmented, virtual, and mixed reality combines these different technologies to create an enhanced experience tailored and personalized for the user.

For example:

  • Augmented reality can enhance an experience or destination by adding interactive elements or contextual information to the environment
  • Virtual reality can transport the user into an entirely new reality
  • Mixed reality takes virtual and augmented reality and combines them into a single unified experience

Depending on the user’s needs and the intended application, different combinations of these technologies can create an immersive experience.

New Business Models and Opportunities for Tourism Professionals

As augmented reality and other related technologies become more accessible, the industry will inevitably have to adjust its business models.

New business models and opportunities for tourism professionals

The introduction of these technologies opens up the possibility of new services and opportunities, such as virtual tours, hotel room previews, and interactive attractions. 

Tourism professionals can also use this technology to provide an enhanced customer experience by personalizing content for each individual needs .

In addition, they can use this technology to collect data and insights about user behavior, allowing them to use these insights to create new business models and jump on new opportunities. 

Getting started with Augmented Reality in the tourism industry

1. Evaluating the Needs and Goals of Your Business

Figuring out what the business needs to accomplish with an AR experience is the first step in getting started with AR. Assess how adopting AR technology could help you achieve your business goals. Whether it be increasing customer engagement or furthering the brand’s reach. Then you can brainstorm potential ways to incorporate AR into your existing offerings.

2. Choosing the Right AR Platform and Tools

The second step is identifying the right platforms and tools that you’ll need to create the AR experience you envision. Do your research and consider the goals of your project when selecting a platform.

You will likely outsource this project to a qualified AR development company . To find the right team, look for one with experience creating custom experiences for businesses like yours.

3. Building Partnerships and Collaborations

Collaborating with other tourism industry professionals and local vendors to develop innovative AR-based experiences. For example, teaming up with a hotel chain to create an immersive virtual tour of their property or working with a travel agency to build an interactive map of the region.

4. Measuring Success and ROI

Use analytics and data to measure the success of your AR-based tourism experience and its impact on customer engagement. This includes tracking user engagement, conversion rates, and other key performance indicators.

In conclusion, augmented reality is changing the way we experience tourism. From enhancing education to creating unique experiences, AR adds excitement to exploring historical and cultural locations. 

Destinations, travel agencies, and tour operators can embrace AR technology to create a more personal experience for tourists, enhancing customer experiences while catering to their constantly evolving needs and desires. 

As advancements in AR technology continue to progress, we can only expect new ways for tourists to interact with their surroundings. It’s safe to say that we are heading towards a more immersive and fulfilling tourism experience.

Augmented reality is a relatively new technology that can bring products, services, and offerings to life like never before. Small businesses can stand out from the crowd by creating one-of-a-kind immersive experiences for their target audience. This level of customization helps engage customers and draw them deeper into the brand and products they offer.

The costs associated with implementing AR in tourism depend on the project’s complexity, the type of content used, and any additional features or services wanted. For example, a hotel room tour might require 3D modeling. In contrast, an AR tour may require software development to create interactive 3D visuals. To maximize their AR experience, businesses should research their specific needs and allocate their budget accordingly.

For a successful experience, it’s important to make AR experiences accessible to all visitors. This can be achieved by businesses taking into account the needs of all users, considering factors such as visual and auditory impairments, cultural considerations, language barriers, and any other accessibility issues. To create an engaging and accessible AR experience for all visitors, businesses should offer clear instructions and ensure the content is easy to consume.

The use of AR can assist in promoting sustainable and responsible tourism by offering visitors an enjoyable and informative experience.  Through interactive AR programs, businesses can offer insights into a destination’s culture, environment, and history. Companies can tap into the uniqueness of a location and provide immersive learning experiences to educate visitors on sustainable and responsible practices.  AR can also be used to present the potential environmental, social, and economic impacts of certain decisions, inspiring visitors to be more conscious of their actions while traveling.

Businesses should consider legal and ethical considerations when incorporating AR in tourism. It is crucial to obtain necessary licenses or permissions for the content or technology used in the AR experience to ensure compliance with the law. In addition, it’s beneficial to consult a lawyer about possible copyright or trademark conflicts when creating an AR experience.

5 Ways Augmented Reality is Enhancing the Tourism Experience

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Marc Truyols

Marc Truyols has a degree in Tourism from the University of the Balearic Islands. Marc has extensive experience in the leisure, travel and tourism industry. His skills in negotiation, hotel management, customer service, sales and hotel management make him a strong business development professional in the travel industry.

Mize is the leading hotel booking optimization solution in the world. With over 170 partners using our fintech products, Mize creates new extra profit for the hotel booking industry using its fully automated proprietary technology and has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue across its suite of products for its partners. Mize was founded in 2016 with its headquarters in Tel Aviv and offices worldwide.

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augmented reality apps for tourism

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How are Augmented Reality Apps Reshaping Travel and Tourism

AR Reshaping Travel and Tourism

Role of AR in Travel apps

Types of ar travel applications, location-based , marker-based , scope of augmented reality in travel and tourism industry, hotels and accommodations, augmented tourist destinations, immersive navigation , local transit , beacon technology and push notifications, augmented reality gamification, augmented reality eliminating language differences, ar for city tours, ar for museums, importance of augmented reality in the travel industry, easy access to information, better marketing and advertising, enhanced convenience and comfort, makes tourist places more attractive.

If you’ve ever played Pokemon Go, tried decorating your home using the IKEA app, used those wacky Snapchat filters or tried different styles of makeup using the L’Oreal app, then you have had a brief encounter with Augmented Reality. This new technology is transforming every facet of life to a great extent. The advent of AR has also opened doors for several industries to enrich their customer experience. According to a Statista report, the Augmented Reality market is predicted to grow from 5.91 billion to 198 billion U.S. dollars by the year 2025.


Like every industry that is leveraging the benefits of AR, the travel and tourism industry has also witnessed tremendous growth with this emerging technology. AR is playing a crucial role in transforming the tourism landscape and boosting travel experiences for tourists.

In today’s fast-paced world, travelers love the ease of searching and booking tours on the go. So, if you want to catch a travelers attention in a sea of widely varying travel applications, AR-based travel apps can come in handy by offering a unique competitive advantage.

Instead of replacing the real world elements like Virtual Reality does, AR overlays digital components over real ones to render a rich and visually appealing experience of the existing places.

The role of AR in travel apps has infinite possibilities. It has immense potential to assist and bring innovative changes to the travel and tourism industry. 

Basically what AR really does is, it alters and enhances people’s perceptions of their physical surroundings when seen through a particular device. 

Pokemon Go became the first widely popular augmented reality game. But instead of just another game, this AR application brought players out into the street and made them move and travel a lot.

Thanks to the commercial success of Pokemon Go, it became evident that the market is ready for innovation and implementation with regards to augmented reality.

AR is highly beneficial for travel app development and it is emerging as a useful tool for businesses and marketers. It allows them to transform the way customers observe their surroundings. AR-based travel apps quickly engage customers with its interactivity and render an immersive user experience.

According to a latest report , by 2021, there will be an estimated 1.96 billion mobile AR users worldwide. And by 2023, the number is estimated to grow to 2.4 billion mobile AR users worldwide. 

Mobile Augmented Reality (AR) Users Worldwide

If you have been wondering how to integrate AR in travel apps, you can do it in one of the following ways: 

AR apps that track locations are termed as location-or position-based applications. Location-based apps rely mostly on GPS, accelerometer or digital compass data.

Pokemon Go uses GPS data to determine the user’s location and decides whether or not to show him a Pokemon.

The location-based approach to augmented reality is perfect for developing AR based city tours or navigation applications. 

Marker-based AR technology has diverse applications. Marker-based AR or recognition based AR provides us detailed information about the object, after performing object recognition. It senses the object in front of the camera and offers on-screen information. 

Markers may be codes, physical objects or printed images. Marker-based AR technology is most commonly used in various types of AR travel applications.

Thomas Cook travel company, for example, offers digital content with a marker-based AR app, in addition to printed materials. 

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) software easily identifies objects around the user. SLAM technology makes use of complex algorithms to identify colors, patterns and other characteristics of physical objects.

 SLAM technology is the most modern one and involves smooth-running high-end hardware. 

Travel and tourism is an extensive sector, entailing aspects such as transportation, hospitality, accommodation, tourist destinations, local transit and many more. While AR technology is relatively new in the mobile app development domain, the role of augmented reality apps in tourism and travel apps is ever growing. 

The future of augmented reality in tourism looks bright and it has immense potential to transform each one of these aspects. The innovative use cases of augmented reality travel and tourism are emerging every now and then and here are certain examples of how augmented reality can be used in travel app development . 

Scope of AR in Travel and Tourism industry

Augmented Reality services offer Hotels and accommodations boundless potential to engage interactively with guests and travelers. AR empowers businesses to provide information to potential customers in an immersive manner, with 360-degree visual tours and display of 3D views. 

Providing information in an interactive manner can increase demand for bookings as customers feel more confident about the property. 

Furthermore, businesses can also improve their in-house services by enabling the guests to use AR-powered apps to navigate the property and make use of the amenities available to them. 

Travelers these days already have access to their smartphones wherever they go . By enhancing the physical environments using interactive hotel elements you can encourage customers to visit local sights. 

For instance, some hotels have an interactive wall map in rooms through which guests can explore pertinent information regarding local travel destinations with much ease.  

Augmented Tourist Destinations

Another implication of augmented reality in tourism is interactive tours of tourist  destinations and landmarks. AR-based apps can facilitate augmented tours of ancient locations, buildings, landmarks and enable users to know more about them. Just pointing the app towards a building or landmark can present a visual of the entire history and events that happened there, thereby offering an amazing experience to the travelers and helping them learn and explore more, in real-time.

This feature of travel apps can be extended beyond just augmented reality travel destinations. For instance, a user may point their phone at a restaurant and instantly be provided with menus and reviews. Augmented destinations can allow tourists to collect information on the go about relevant points of interest and take experiences to the next level. 

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Augmented Reality travel apps ensure that travelers never get lost in a foreign city or in a remote location regardless of the language barriers. Instead of asking for directions, visitors can use AR-based navigation apps to easily reach their destinations. The features of travel apps features such as arrows and pointers   make it easy to follow instructions. Additionally, such apps combine the device camera with Google Maps to provide immersive navigation and make the experiences even better. 

Google Maps is an absolute pioneer in offering real-time directions. Google Maps announced their new development in April 2018 using Augmented Reality to facilitate spatial orientation.This Augmented Reality app combines real-time street view with navigation tips and additional information that travelers might need.

Local Transit

AR is significantly improving local transit. Even in foreign locations things become so much more easy and secure with AR based travel apps, that provide interactive map views of roads, traffic, destinations and best places to travel in the city. Besides using such apps when traveling by cabs, tourists can also use them when traveling by public transportation.

In addition, AR apps may eliminate the need for tourist guides in the future as every pertinent information that a traveler needs will be available on their smartphone. Infact, with AR a metro map can be transformed into an engaging augmented reality travel guide, that too, in a multitude of languages.

Beacon Technology and Push Notifications

Another fascinating use of augmented reality involves the application of beacons , which operates through Bluetooth. In the travel and tourism sector, this particular technology is extremely useful since it allows businesses and marketers to send push notifications or activate certain functions when people enter a specific location.

One of the best examples for the use of this technology is Starwood Hotels .They use beacons to allow customers to unlock their hotel rooms when they are within close proximity to the door. It can also be used to send users maps, reviews, menus, special deals or discount vouchers when needed. 

Augmented reality has often been used in the gaming world but now even the travel industry is beginning to take advantage of this and rightfully so. A hotel or a hospitality company may enhance their customer experience by incorporating an element of fun into their physical environment with the use of an augmented reality tourism app.

For instance, Best Western uses AR to allow children to see Disney characters in their premises. For adults AR apps can enable users to redecorate rooms and customise it as per their liking. 

It is enticing to travel to a foreign destination but quite difficult without having a translator to guide you. Reading signs, menus and other information becomes a difficult task in a foreign land. However, with AR technology, smartphones can be utilized to translate a number of foreign languages. Such apps translate objects and text using augmented reality and render an immersive, engaging experience to travelers around the world.

A major benefit of augmented reality is the capacity to enhance or alter the view of the world around. Tourists can learn more with AR apps and view the current architectural artifacts in detail. 

Augmented reality applications can show how the area around the landmark looked in the past and restore historical events. It can also transfer the traveler to the future, demonstrating buildings that are only planned today.

One of the best examples of augmented reality in travel and tourism is the Paris, Then and Now app , which takes a traveler back in time to the Paris of the 20th century providing unforgettable insights and a unique experience altogether. 

AR for Museums

All thanks to augmented reality opening up newer avenues, museums are no longer a boring place. Through AR travelers can easily learn how different technical devices worked, how prehistoric animals looked and explore more about how masterpieces were created in an engaging manner. 

For instance, there is an application named Story of the Forest created by the National Museum of Singapore which is quite similar to Pokemon Go. With the help of this AR app, visitors can search for different plants and animals. Users not only get entertained but also learn about where different plants grow and where certain animals live.

Now that we have discussed in detail the role of AR in travel and tourism apps, let’s dive in to see how augmented reality is beneficial for travel app development . 

Today, apps have become a travelers’ best companion and besides solving several pain points, AR-based travel apps help businesses by enhancing their services and offering personalized experiences to their customers. The possibilities that AR opens up are endless.

Importance of AR in the travel industry

Tourism is a thriving industry. It allows people to open up to new experiences,explore new destinations and appreciate cultures other than their own. By leveraging the power of augmented reality, you can choose your destinations and experiences in a much more enriching manner. 

AR can be accessed through mobile devices which makes access to information portable and simple. For example, you can find information and reviews of nearby locations, locate Wi-Fi hotspots and even check a weather forecast in real time.

AR-based advertising and marketing has the potential to drive travelers ‘ decisions since they are able to visualize properties and services much more interactively. AR technology empowers travel companies to provide unique and imaginative narratives, with virtual tours that render the app users almost lifelike experiences. Besides influencing booking decisions, marketing strategies focused on AR boost trust and can convert first-time guests into loyal customers.

Infact, Expedia has reported that the interactive content from travel brands influences over 78 percent of traveler’s decisions.

Timely availability of on- the-go information can make all the difference to the experiences of travelers and that is something that mobile apps make happen. AR-based tourist apps help travelers find the way through arrows and other navigation-related signs into an unfamiliar city. An AR app acts as a 24*7 guide and helps eliminate language barriers for international users.

It enhances users’ convenience and comfort right from booking tickets and hotels to finding the best destinations for eating, drinks, shopping, and exploring popular tourist destinations.

AR technology allows travel app developers to incorporate 3D models of places and landmarks of historical significance. Users can have an immersive experience and enjoy  journeying through time. AR technology is doing wonders in making theme parks and zoos more appealing to visitors. Combining art and science with culture and architecture, the groundbreaking AR technology can make any tourist spot more attractive than ever. 

Augmented reality has the power to strengthen the four pillars of the tourism industry: 

Transportation – Guide visitors to various routes available in an unknown city. Accommodation – Provide information about reviews and other important aspects of hotels. 

Catering – Inform travelers about the types of food available at different restaurants.

Tourist spots – Ensure that tourist destinations are more attractive with an enhanced 3D experience. 

The importance of augmented reality in the travel industry can’t be stressed enough. The potential of AR is enormous to the point that it can help you unravel completely new business opportunities. Travel industry is usually selling experiences and AR not only solves an array of pain points but also provides an enhanced travel experience. AR is capable of expanding the customer base of hotels, booking services, local restaurants, and all other stakeholders in the industry. We hope that this article has helped you understand why is Augmented Reality the future of travel industry and how is augmented reality used in tourism app development.

As a leading travel and tourism app development company , we suggest integrating AR in your travel app solutions. It can take your business to the next level. Besides knowing the AR technology inside out, we have a rich domain expertise in the travel industry and can build custom mobile app solutions for your business .

augmented reality apps for tourism

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The travel industry is one of the most burgeoning industries and with the rapid development of mobile apps, travel companies are leveraging mobile phones to enhance efficiency as well as agility in this increasingly competitive marketplace. travel mobile apps are affecting the booking as well as the planning process of the tourism industry. nowadays, a….

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Augmented Reality Apps for Tourism

Augmented Reality Apps for Tourism

Imagine taking a lengthy backpacking trip through Europe with an interactive map of all the cathedrals, museums, castles and other landmarks, complete with information on the cultural significance of each location—all at your fingertips. Augmented reality (AR) tourism has made this a reality. The technology adds digital layers of data to real-world images viewed via a smartphone, helping users gain a more comprehensive appreciation of their surroundings without a cumbersome, physical brochure.

The goal of augmented reality in tourism is to offer travelers additional guidance and entertainment options as they explore new terrain. The first travel app to incorporate AR was Tuscany+ , which labeled itself as an “interactive, real-time guide” to help with navigation and cultural learning.

Since then, more and more companies have found ways to improve the tourist experience with augmented reality apps , including unorthodox cases such as Pokemon GO encouraging people to get off their couches and find digital creatures in surrounding areas. AR technology has evolved plenty since its early days, with augmented reality apps for tourism now offering some of the most sophisticated capabilities for travelers.

Augmented Reality Tourism: Picking the Right Hotel

You can read all the reviews in the world about a hotel, but you won’t know what the place is actually like until you get there. Thankfully, augmented reality travel apps now make it possible for travelers to check out the digs without physically being there in the form of virtual 3D tours of hotels.

Some hotels allow you to examine various room options via the tour, as well as features such as swimming pools, gyms, bars and restaurants. These apps also give users a solid idea of restaurants, entertainment and other tourist attractions near the hotel.

One such hotel that offers an augmented reality app is the Mansion at Casa Madrona in California. The app has been successful in helping the property attract more guests by displaying its amenities and offering them a more personalized experience with accommodations to suit their needs.

Hotels can benefit greatly from the use of augmented reality apps to showcase what’s inside them. Essentially, these apps serve as marketing tools that improve a hotel’s reputation and attract customers.

Travel Apps: Finding the Best Route to Your Destination

Traveling used to be a logistical nightmare, as you would have to buy guides with updated bus departure and arrival times, routes and information on the local traffic. Even if you planned your trip to a tee, you might end up on the wrong bus or miss your bus altogether.

App developers have now made it easier to figure out how to get around when traveling. For example, Mapway Limited developed Bus Times London . This travel app uses augmented reality to create a digital path to your destination through a live feed on your smartphone’s camera. It’s a similar idea to regular mapping apps, but you can see the route in front of you with a higher degree of accuracy.

The app is quite intuitive, as it creates a path that begins with your real-time position, then follows a line that includes a red icon that marks your bus stop. You can also find buses by following the path, and Bus Times London adjusts your path if you deviate from it, finding alternate ways to reach your destination.

While we already have apps for bus routes in certain metropolitan areas, there is a lot of potential to expand this idea to other cities, towns and countries thanks to the magic of AR. With this technology, you can give travelers a good idea of traffic conditions, the weather, bus and train routes and real-time alerts to enhance their itineraries, all in one screen.

Tourism Apps: Breaking Down Language Barriers

Perhaps the biggest challenge of entering a foreign country is attempting to get a grasp of the language in a short period of time. Many people will buy a traveler’s guide to the city in order to learn common phrases and hand gestures. However, even with these guides, you will still experience difficulty when you encounter a situation you did not anticipate.

Common language barrier issues when traveling abroad include not knowing what to order in a restaurant because you can’t read the language or not knowing if you’re on the right street because you can’t read the signs. AR can now help with such conundrums, as companies like Google have developed advanced translation apps that leverage this technology.

The Google Translate app makes it easy to translate a word into English from another language or vice versa. Nevertheless, the app won’t help if you see a sign in Japanese that you’re unable to translate because you don’t know how to type it in. Enter Word Lens, an extension of the Translate app. This app lets users snap a picture of a foreign language on the streets, on a menu or elsewhere, then the app immediately translates it into the language of your choosing. The app isn’t perfect just yet, but it can handle live translations in 30 languages.

In this case, augmented reality is combined with object identification and translation technology to tackle the language barrier issues that plague travelers. These apps represent one of many ways you can use a well-crafted augmented reality travel app to create a better connection between tourists and locals, allowing users to gain a deeper appreciation of other cultures while also enjoying a hassle-free trip.

Augmented Reality Apps for Tourism: Changing the Face of Travel

With the help of augmented reality, you can help travelers enjoy a tourist experience with mobile apps that cover everything from booking a hotel room to navigating their surroundings to translating foreign languages. AR offers endless business opportunities for companies interested in advancing their position in the tourism industry, attracting customers and increasing their bottom line.

If you’re hoping to implement augmented reality technology into your tourism app, you will need a developer with the talent and experience to help you achieve your goals. The team at 7T specializes in augmented reality, and we’re also well-versed in other emerging technologies such as virtual reality , artificial intelligence , blockchain and natural language processing .

7T is headquartered in Dallas , but we also work with clients in Austin , Houston , and beyond. If you’re ready to discuss your project, we invite you to contact us today .

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augmented reality apps for tourism

How augmented reality enhances tourism and the travel experience

New technologies are not at odds with more traditional tourism . Augmented reality , which is so attractive in fields such as leisure and entertainment, opens up numerous possibilities for attracting travelers and providing them with new experiences.

According to Statista data published in August 2022, the mobile augmented reality market was worth an estimated $12.45 billion in 2021, a figure that is expected to increase to $17 billion in 2022 to grow to $36 billion by 2026. In addition, the number of users is expected to grow as spending on corporate and industrial software and consumer digital experiences increases.

With this data and the attractiveness of augmented reality for tourism, the way to travel and experience new places is more attractive to consumers. In this post, we talk about the possibilities of augmented reality in tourism and travel , which is part of the new smart tourism (the union of tourism experiences with new technologies). Do you want to know how to apply it, so your customers have more attractive trips?

picture about augmented reality and travel and tourism industry

Table of Contents

Augmented reality in the travel and tourism industry

Augmented reality in the tourism industry makes it possible to eliminate the barriers of time, money, and distance for those who are passionate about seeing the world and, for various reasons, are unable to travel; in other words, it makes it possible to do tourism from home . But not only that: it also complements the experience of those who visit a natural park, a monument, or a beach, to give various examples.

In this sense, augmented reality in the intelligent tourism industry can be applied, for example, in:

  • Extra information and service. Lifetime guides are accompanied by a virtual one that complements what we see in the real world. Also, an application can display public transport stops, pharmacies, police stations, or tourist information points before our eyes.
  • Live resources. By pointing our smartphone’s camera at the street where we are, and with geopositioning activated, we can receive instant information about nearby places that stand out: restaurants, monuments, tourist information points…
  • Games (gamification). The success of Pokémon Go demonstrated the playful importance of augmented reality. For example, games such as Ingress lead users to walk through cities to conquer matter portals stored in places such as monuments or squares. With gamified experiences, museums, amusement parks, and visitable public buildings… can attract the attention of children and teenagers. In the manner of Ingress, treasure hunts could be created to make the journey through an environment more fun.
  • Recreating the past. By pairing augmented reality with virtual reality, we create immersive brilliant tourism experiences that take us back decades or centuries; for example, if we put on a helmet or hold our cell phone in front of our head, we will see what life was like in the place we are in the past. This way, a more theatrical experience increases knowledge about a business.
  • Visualization of gastronomy. Items on restaurant and cafeteria menus can be scanned so diners can check the actual size of the food before ordering.

picture about augmented reality and tourism

Advantages of using augmented reality in tourism

  • It gets new users , thanks to the suggestive power of new technologies.
  • Improve the user experience , as they receive more information about the place without having to search for it in different sources. Thus, they save time in, for example, locating restaurants to stop for lunch, discovering where the points of most significant interest are, or finding public transport stops.
  • It moves cities forward in the area of smart cities .

Augmented reality and tourism: examples

When smartphones started to expand more than ten years ago, tourism already knew how to take advantage of the possibilities of augmented reality. Tuscany+ was the official augmented reality app of the Italian region of Tuscany. The user received information of interest by focusing the camera on a street or building in one of its cities.

Tourism and augmented reality apps

More than a decade later, augmented reality is used to explore the streets and the interior of buildings. In the Casa Milà in Barcelona, there is an immersive experience to learn about the construction of this building by Antoni Gaudí and the family that paid for it.

Suppose we continue talking about Spain and focus on historical recreations in the iOs and Android stores. In that case, there are applications to see what life was like in Spanish cities such as Madrid several decades ago or how the Roman theater of Cartagena in Murcia shone.

In recent years, Google has valued the importance of augmented reality apps. In 2016 and 2017, the Play Store awarded World Around Me, an Android (but also iOS) app that shows travelers while walking nearby places of most interest, with a score. Clicking on each one reveals more information and a map to reach them.

All these are examples of how tourism is reinventing itself in the age of new technologies. If you want to attract new audiences and surprise the ones you already have, we help you to generate excitement and knowledge in your audience .

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Augmented Reality in Travel: How AR Can Enrich Tourists’ Experiences While on Vacation

augmented reality apps for tourism

Let’s imagine the traveler who is only planning a vacation. Before going on a journey, the traveler needs to find out transport routes and timetables, places to stay, local attractions, entertainments, and food.

There is a large amount of reference information for tourists. It is remarkably difficult to distinguish your business from other travel companies publishing tons of marketing texts, photos, animations, and videos.

How do you make the traveler pay attention to you? The augmented reality application can come in handy to highlight your competitive advantages.

With the help of the AR app, you can display useful information in an intuitive, user-friendly interface. Augmented reality in travel is an ideal tool for storytelling, which combines informative content and entertainment.

Augmented reality travel app quickly engages customers with its interactivity and provides a unique user experience.

travel and tourism

People travel because they live exciting experiences. This wish for novelty can be used by travel businesses, who can provide customers with adventure activities and offer them new engaging ways to discover the world using augmented reality.

Pokemon Go shows an example of how you can use modern digital technologies to make travel experience even better.

Pokemon Go became the first mass-popular augmented reality game. But instead of an isolated game at home, this AR application brought players out into the street and made them move and travel a lot.

Thanks to the commercial success of Pokemon Go, it became clear that the market is ready for the mass use of augmented reality.

How does AR technology work?

First, the augmented reality  (AR) application captures the image of the surrounding environment. In the Pokemon Go, as well as in most AR applications for a mass user, it is made with the built-in camera of a smartphone or tablet.

The AR application scans the captured image to determine where it should be overlaid with the AR objects. Following that, the app sends a request to the database for obtaining proper information.

In the end, the augmented reality application gathers a comprehensive picture using a captured image of the environment around you and additional information.

For the user, all these processes in the augmented reality applications occur in the blink of an eye. When you play Pokemon Go and find yourself in the Pokemon’s habitat, it instantly appears on the screen. In addition, if you go to another place without catching the Pokemon, it will disappear from your screen.

Moreover, in many augmented reality applications, you can interact with objects. So, you don’t only watch the Pokemon, but catch it. Interactivity is particularly essential for creating a fascinating effect on the augmented reality travel app.

augmented reality in tourism

See also:   From Games to Music to Sports: How Augmented Reality is Changing Entertainment

Types of augmented reality applications

Different approaches are used for analyzing the environment in AR applications. Let’s look at some of them.

1. Location-based

AR applications that track locations are called location- or position-based. Location-based apps usually rely on GPS, accelerometer or digital compass data.

Pokemon Go uses GPS data to find out the location of the user and determine whether to show him a Pokemon or not.

The location-based augmented reality approach is suitable for creating city tours or navigation apps.

2. Marker-based

Marker-based AR apps respond to specific predefined triggers. Markers can be codes, printed images or physical objects.

At the moment, marker-based AR technology is the most widespread in different types of AR travel applications.

For instance, Thomas Cook travel company with the marker-based AR app provides digital content in addition to printed materials. And, Jinsha Site Museum in China uses marker-based augmented reality technology to animate artifacts and recreate ancientries.

Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) technology recognize objects around the user. SLAM technology uses complex algorithms to identify colors, patterns or other features of physical objects.

SLAM technology is the most advanced and requires high-end hardware to run smoothly. Therefore, most augmented reality developers create location-based or marker-based AR travel apps.

ar app for travel

What are the use cases of AR in the travel industry?

Let’s look at how a traveler can get more benefits from the journey by using various possibilities of augmented reality.

AR for travel guides

The interactive AR travel guide can immediately provide up-to-date background information in a convenient form, show the three-dimensional sights or interactive videos.

An example of AR travel guide is the AR City app. Now, this AR app provides the enhanced map content for more than 300 cities. Additional information includes street and building names, relevant points of interest.

AR City also provides a traveler with augmented reality navigation hints. Thus, the traveler gets all the necessary information in one augmented reality travel application.

ar app screenshot

Augmented reality for hotels

The use of augmented reality in the hotel business is impressive with its diversity.

Travelers can use an augmented reality hotel guide when they’re looking for a hotel to stay in. For example, Thomas Cook travel company advertises Sentido hotels with such interactive AR-based tours. With the mobile AR app, customers can receive extra content by scanning printed or online images in Thomas Cook’s brochures.

In order not to get lost in a large hotel, travelers can use the navigation AR application to find a dining room, a swimming pool, a spa or an entertainment area.

A traveler will always get entertained in the augmented hotel environment. Below we can see the example at the Holiday Inn that created an AR hotel experience for visitors. With the AR app, visitors can watch funny, realistic pictures of celebrities in the hotel rooms.

In addition, when tourists get bored with watching celebrities, they can take advantage of the interactive AR map of the neighborhood to find out what places are worth visiting. The Hub Hotel in the United Kingdom provides this opportunity, using the AR app to animate maps on the walls of its hotel rooms.

augmented reality application

AR for city tours

A considerable advantage of augmented reality is that it is capable of enhancing or changing the view of the surrounding world. With the AR apps, tourists can not only learn more and view the existing architectural objects in detail but also make time travel.

Augmented reality applications can show how the area looked in the past, restore historical events or vice versa, transfer the traveler to the future demonstrating buildings that are only planned today.

For example, the augmented reality travel app Paris, Then and Now Guide, transfers a traveler to Paris of the 20th century providing a unique experience and unforgettable impressions.

ar application

Real-time AR directions

Real-time AR directions are especially suitable for traveler in a large city with intensive traffic.

Passengers of the New York subway can use the AR application Tunnel Vision, which shows the location of trains, the load of stations and other useful information in real time.

The user only needs to download a free AR travel application and point a smartphone at the wall map in the subway.

An unconditional leader in the provision of real-time directions is Google Maps. In April 2018, Google Maps shared their new development using augmented reality to facilitate orientation in space.

This augmented reality application combines real-time street view with navigation tips and additional information that the traveler might need.

augmented reality applications

AR for parks and zoos

Augmented reality applications in parks and zoos are especially relevant for families with children.

Children quickly get tired and become irritable if you need to stand in a queue or walk for a long time. An entertaining application similar to Pokemon Go or a fun quiz will captivate the child and the time will fly by for both child and parents.

The AR application can also help navigate the park or the zoo easier. Travelers can visit places of interest without worrying to get lost.

Some zoos create comprehensive edutainment AR applications. One such example is the Antarctic Journey in Phillip Island Nature Parks (Australia).

This augmented reality app deserves the highest ratings of visitors thanks to the feeling of a real walking along the ice with penguins.

Augmented reality for museums

With the use of augmented reality, museums have ceased to be a boring place.

For example, the National Museum of Singapore created the application Story of the Forest, similar to Pokemon Go. With the help of the AR application, visitors hunt for different plants and animals. At the same time, they not just get entertained but also learn about where plants grow and where the animals live.

Augmented reality has a limitless use in museums. It gives an opportunity to learn how different technical devices work, see how the prehistoric animals looked, observe how the art masterpieces were created, track the development of historical events and much more.

What are the top AR apps in travel?

At the moment, you can find a large number of applications using augmented reality in travel and tourism. But among them, there are AR travel apps that stand out with their unique ideas, the ideal technical embodiment and an extraordinary interest for travelers.

Google Translate Word Lens

In May 2014, Google acquired Quest Visual – the augmented reality app development company, which produced Word Lens. From that moment, Word Lens became one of the functions of Google Translate.

With the help of augmented reality technology, Word Lens recognizes printed texts in 30 different languages and instantly shows the translation on the screen of your mobile device. Word Lens identifies different fonts and is highly accurate in translation.

Word Lens is available to all users for free. At the same time, the AR application has a powerful global message, making a huge step towards eliminating language barriers.

Scadi is a unique augmented reality application for visitors of Alpine ski resorts. The Times, Forbes, National Geographic and other major media have covered this application.

Scadi uses advanced algorithms to create the most comfortable, safe and exciting routes for skiers and snowboarders. For this purpose, Scadi combines several technologies: the collection of geodata, analysis of the movements and behavior of the user during the ride, and augmented reality.

Scadi is not only an offline map of about all ski slopes in the Alps and a personal guide which takes into account the skill level of the skier. This AR app is also an exciting game with the collection of gems, which turns the ride into a real adventure.

Augmented reality travel app Scadi is free of charge. But some exclusive features are only available in the premium version.

SmartGuide for Casa Batllo museum in Barcelona, Spain

The famous house-museum Casa Batllo designed by Gaudi in 2014 released a premium guide using augmented reality technology.

SmartGuide is a sophisticated high-tech AR application that provides the perfect image quality.

SmartGuide highlights unique features of Casa Batllo with the help of interactive videos. When the user points the tablet camera to certain interior objects, they come to life on the screen.

SmartGuide is now available in 11 languages. Despite the high cost, thousands of travelers used this premium guide. Still, most users say that SmartGuide provides a unique experience worth its money.

What value does AR bring to travel businesses?

Aside from the clear benefits for tourists, the use of augmented reality has exceptional advantages for travel businesses.

Let’s look at the benefits of augmented reality in the travel and tourism industry in more detail:

  • The AR app can become a unique promotion and marketing tool, differentiating your business from the competitors.
  • Augmented reality travel applications create a wow effect on your customers. Thus, clients advise your product to their friends, share their pleasant experience on social networks and can even start marketing buzz around your travel business.
  • With the free AR travel app, you can increase customer loyalty. You can provide users with free additional services, for example, an interactive map of the area or fun AR applications.
  • Augmented reality is well suited to increase the popularity of tourist destinations. In the augmented reality application, you can introduce local attractions in an entertaining interactive form and make travelers want to visit them in reality.
  • Augmented reality can animate those areas that are usually considered to be boring, for example, visiting museums and exhibitions. You can send your customers on a journey through times, show how a masterpiece was created, or explain how something works.
  • Augmented reality apps are useful for creating comfortable conditions for a family vacation. With the help of augmented reality travel applications, you can entertain children while standing in a queue, during long walks or educational events.
  • With the help of AR travel app, you can significantly increase the cost of your services. For instance, you can sell premium AR tours or other offers for high-end clients.
  • Augmented reality applications are well suited for upselling some products and services. For example, you can give users discounts for completing the AR quiz. Thus, you introduce your products and also increase revenue.

Augmented reality allows you to choose the most suitable option for your travel business and highlight your strengths for the customers.

augmented reality app development

Final thoughts

In the past few years, you can observe many examples of using augmented reality in travel and tourism.

Augmented reality perfectly accomplishes the reference function for travel guides, translation services or for providing real-time AR directions.

AR can also serve for entertainment purposes, for example, enhancing the reality with funny three-dimensional images or game-like applications.

Today, augmented reality application development is very popular in the field of tourism. Mobile AR apps do not require any expensive equipment. Modern smartphones and tablets efficiently run augmented reality applications.

If you think that using augmented reality in travel and tourism makes sense, we are willing to provide you with more detailed information on this topic and do our best in AR development.

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Travel and Tourism with Augmented Reality

Augmented reality travel apps, whether are location-based, with image or object recognition, have a proven ability to enhance the travel and tourism services. creating unforgettable experiences and visual storytelling for travelers is the key to a sustainable business model in the tourism industry. with augmented reality travel apps, you can enrich our real environment by adding the endless list of virtual audiovisual effects, like videos, 3d models, animations and custom sounds..

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Attract guests while they are planning a trip or tour

Convert the stressful travel planning into a fun experience. City maps, transportation schedules or street signs could be improved with virtual interaction visible through the phone camera. Knowing that tourists pay less attention to simple travel brochures, with augmented reality travel apps it is possible to present information on a new level with 3D animations. Searching for accommodation, transportation, restaurants or reviews can become an adventure in itself.

Travel Planning - Travel and Tourism with Augmented Reality

AR for a new level of hotel hospitality

Augmented reality travel apps provide unlimited opportunities to engage guests and drive bookings. Informational overlaid content displayed with videos, 360 tours, or even gaming interaction can motivate guests to check all-round room tours and engage with all your available services. You can impress your guests with AR indoor navigations showing a full spectrum of hotel services in an immersive but also in a user-friendly way.

Hotel Marketing -  augmented reality travel apps

AR Restaurant Menu

Food and drink menu can also be displayed in a creative way, and easily turned into an advertising resource for social media. That could motivate a wider audience to have their own augmented experience at your restaurant with powerful positive word-of-mouth. Knowing that “after a full belly all is poetry” – with augmented reality travel apps you can entertain your customers while they are waiting for their order.

AR Restaurant - augmented reality travel apps

Sightseeing for fulfillment

Adding a layer of digital guidance, visual content, and even 3D characters for entertainment, to exact physical location, makes specific POI more informative and interactive for tourists. AR applications convert your mobile phone into your personal virtual tourist guide. AR technology enables you to receive captivating information while walking around. Additional AR content is also easily shareable on social media in real time, which also motivate tourists.

Dresden - augmented reality travel apps

AR Storytelling

Travelers and exhibition visitors expect to hear and see interesting stories. Augmented reality travel apps allow you to display these stories through a combination of images and words. Let your tour guests see the events from the past in front of their eyes. Historical and cultural content in different languages can be integrated to create real-time visual adventures. Location and time could be used as markers for augmented reality technology, same as sculptures or paintings. Informative or other specific content will be delivered in the chosen format to the visitor’s smartphone on specific time or location.

AR storytelling - augmented reality travel apps


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Mobile Applications in Tourism: A Tale of Two Perspectives

  • Conference paper
  • First Online: 25 November 2022
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  • Gorete Dinis   ORCID: 8 , 9 , 10 ,
  • Maria Carlos Lopes   ORCID: 8 , 10 &
  • Adelaide Proença   ORCID: 8 , 11  

Part of the book series: Communications in Computer and Information Science ((CCIS,volume 1675))

Included in the following conference series:

  • International Conference on Advanced Research in Technologies, Information, Innovation and Sustainability

604 Accesses

The evolution of mobile devices has allowed the development of features, such as mobile applications (apps), which have contributed to making tourism services and destinations more accessible, significantly changing consumer habits. Currently, apps made available by mobile devices occupy a prominent place in the daily lives of individuals. Thus, the objective of this paper is, on the one hand, to understand the use and satisfaction of mobile applications in the context of tourist trips carried out by the Portuguese and, on the other hand, to know the offer of tourism-related apps available on the Google Play Store and App Store. For that, a quantitative methodology was applied, through the development and application of a survey through social media, between December 21, 2020 and January 8, 2021, and the quantification and description of travel and tourism Apps available in online stores in January 2021. In general, it can be observed that the respondents are knowledgeable and users of travel-related apps, especially in accommodation, navigation, and lodging field. The study offers a valuable contribution to the knowledge of consumer behavior in tourism and the app market.

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This work was financially supported by the research unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policy (UIDB/04058/2020), funded by national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology.

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Polytechnique Institute of Portalegre, Portalegre, Portugal

Gorete Dinis, Maria Carlos Lopes & Adelaide Proença

GOVCOPP - Research Unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies, Aveiro, Portugal

Gorete Dinis

CiTUR - Research Center for Tourism, Innovation and Development, Algarve, Portugal

Gorete Dinis & Maria Carlos Lopes

VALORIZA - Research Center for the Valorization of Endogenous Resources, Portalegre, Portugal

Adelaide Proença

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University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal

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BITrum Research Group, Leon, Spain

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Dinis, G., Lopes, M.C., Proença, A. (2022). Mobile Applications in Tourism: A Tale of Two Perspectives. In: Guarda, T., Portela, F., Augusto, M.F. (eds) Advanced Research in Technologies, Information, Innovation and Sustainability. ARTIIS 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1675. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 25 November 2022

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-031-20318-3

Online ISBN : 978-3-031-20319-0

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