Journey to a Confident Smile: Fixing an Underbite with an Orthodontist

March 28, 2024

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We get a lot of questions about underbites and how to fix them, so we thought this would be a great opportunity to share our thoughts with you about this topic.

What is an underbite? It is that slight misalignment where your lower teeth jut out a bit more than your upper teeth when you close your mouth. The technical definition is: occlusion in which the lower incisor teeth overlap the upper. 

How do we fix this? First things first, let's talk about the diagnosis. If you've noticed that your lower teeth seem to be playing peek-a-boo whenever you smile, and you're wondering if it's something that needs fixing. Cue the orthodontist! These dental wizards are experts in diagnosing and treating various dental issues, including underbites.

Your journey typically begins with a consultation at Somerville Orthodontics. This is a friendly chat with your orthodontist, where you get to express your concerns and goals for your smile. Dr. Lee would then conduct a thorough examination, which might include X-rays, photographs, and possibly 3D scans of your teeth. This helps him get a clear picture of your bite and jaw alignment.

Once Dr. Lee confirms if you indeed have an underbite, he will discuss your treatment options and his recommendations to correct your bite and straighten your smile. Oftentimes we can accomplish this with orthodontics and elastic bands alone, or various skeletal appliances (depending on age), however in some cases oral surgery may be the best option in combination with orthodontic treatment. If that is something we need to explore we will guide you and support you through the process.  

Now, let's talk about the journey to fix that underbite. Brace yourself (pun intended, again) because it's a bit of a commitment, but totally worth it in the end. If you go the traditional braces route, you'll be making regular visits to Somerville Orthodontics to adjust your braces and ensure everything is progressing as planned. It might feel like a marathon at times, but remember, every adjustment is a step closer to that perfect smile.

If you choose clear aligners, you'll still have regular check-ins with Dr. Lee, but the process might feel a bit more flexible since you can remove the aligners when needed. Plus, no need to worry about food getting stuck in your braces!

Throughout your treatment journey, Dr. Lee will be your trusted guide answering questions, and cheering you on every step of the way. And before you know it, voilà! Your underbite is a thing of the past, replaced by a confident, radiant smile that you'll be proud to show off.

So, if you find yourself on the quest for a straighter smile and bid farewell to that  underbite, remember that Dr. Lee and the team at Somerville Orthodontics are just a consultation away. Embrace the journey, trust the process, and get ready to dazzle the world with your beautiful smile!


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Fowler Orthodontics


Can Braces Fix An Underbite?

An underbite, also known as a Class III malocclusion, is a dental condition where the lower teeth protrude further than the upper teeth when the jaws are closed. This misalignment can affect not only the aesthetics of your smile but also your oral health and overall well-being. If you’re dealing with an underbite, you might wonder, “Can braces fix an underbite?”

At Fowler Orthodontics , we understand the concerns and questions that arise when facing dental issues like underbites. With our commitment to providing quality orthodontic care and a deep understanding of the orthodontics industry, we’re here to shed light on the possibilities of underbite correction.

In this article, we’ll delve into the world of underbites, explore the potential of braces in addressing this condition, and share how Fowler Orthodontics approaches underbite correction. Discover how our expertise and personalized treatment plans can transform your smile and enhance your oral health.

Let’s embark on a journey to uncover the answers to your questions about underbites and the role of braces in achieving a harmonious and confident smile.

Understanding Underbites

An underbite is a dental condition where the lower teeth protrude beyond the upper teeth when the jaws are closed. This misalignment can result from various factors, including genetic predisposition, childhood habits, or a combination of factors. Understanding the causes and effects of underbites is crucial to exploring the possibility of correction through orthodontic treatment, including braces.

Causes of Underbites  

Underbites can develop due to a variety of factors, including:

  • Genetics: A family history of underbites can increase the likelihood of developing this condition.
  • Childhood Habits: Thumb sucking, prolonged pacifier use, or tongue thrusting during childhood can contribute to the development of an underbite.
  • Jaw Misalignment: Irregular growth of the upper and lower jaws can lead to an underbite.
  • Tooth Alignment: Displacement or malpositioning of individual teeth can also contribute to an underbite.

Impact of Underbites  

Beyond the aesthetic concerns associated with an underbite, this condition can have several effects on your oral health and overall well-being:

  • Chewing and Speech: Underbites can affect your ability to chew food properly and may lead to speech difficulties.
  • Oral Health: Misaligned teeth can be challenging to clean, increasing the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath.
  • Jaw Pain: Underbites can cause jaw pain and discomfort due to the irregular bite.
  • Self-Confidence: A visible underbite can impact your self-esteem and confidence in your smile.

Now that we’ve gained insight into what underbites are and their potential causes and effects, let’s explore the question: “Can braces fix an underbite?” In the following section, we’ll delve into the role of braces in addressing this dental condition.

Can Braces Fix an Underbite?

If you’re dealing with an underbite, you may be wondering if braces can provide a solution. Braces have been a trusted and effective method for correcting various orthodontic issues, including underbites. Let’s explore how braces can play a role in addressing this condition.

The Role of Braces  

Braces are orthodontic devices designed to align and straighten teeth over time. They consist of brackets attached to the teeth and wires that exert gentle pressure to guide the teeth into their proper positions. While braces are often associated with straightening crooked teeth, they are also capable of correcting underbites.

Braces for Underbite Correction

Braces can effectively address underbites by gradually shifting the misaligned teeth and jaws into their correct positions. Here’s how the process typically works:

  • Assessment: Your orthodontist will conduct a thorough examination to assess the severity of your underbite and determine the best course of treatment.
  • Treatment Plan: A personalized treatment plan will be created, outlining the specific steps needed to correct your underbite using braces.
  • Brace Application: Brackets will be bonded to your teeth, and wires will be attached. These components will work together to apply consistent pressure on your teeth and jaws.
  • Adjustments: Periodic adjustments will be scheduled to ensure that your underbite is gradually corrected. During these appointments, the orthodontist may tighten the wires or make other necessary modifications.
  • Monitoring Progress: Your orthodontist will closely monitor your progress throughout the treatment period to ensure that your underbite is improving as planned.

Orthodontic Success at Fowler Orthodontics

At Fowler Orthodontics, we take pride in our expertise in underbite correction. Our team is dedicated to creating personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique needs. We understand that addressing an underbite is not just about aesthetics; it’s about improving your oral health, speech, and overall well-being.

With a focus on patient comfort and satisfaction, we strive to make your orthodontic journey a positive and transformative experience. Our commitment to using the latest advancements in orthodontic technology ensures that you receive the most effective and efficient treatment possible.

In the next section, we’ll delve deeper into Fowler Orthodontics’ approach to underbite correction and how our personalized treatment plans can help you achieve a harmonious smile.

The Fowler Orthodontics Approach

At Fowler Orthodontics, we understand that each orthodontic case is unique, and underbite correction requires a tailored approach. Our commitment to excellence and personalized care sets us apart when it comes to addressing underbites with braces.

Expertise and Experience

Dr. Fowler and our experienced team of orthodontic professionals have successfully treated numerous cases of underbites. Our in-depth knowledge of orthodontics, combined with years of experience, allows us to develop effective treatment plans that yield remarkable results.

Comprehensive Assessments

The journey to correct an underbite begins with a thorough assessment. During your initial consultation, we will examine your dental and jaw alignment, taking into account the severity of your underbite. This comprehensive evaluation forms the foundation of your personalized treatment plan.

Customized Treatment Plans

No two underbites are alike, and neither are our treatment plans. We believe in tailoring our approach to suit your unique needs. Your treatment plan will outline the specific steps, duration, and expected outcomes of your underbite correction journey.

Cutting-Edge Technology

Fowler Orthodontics is committed to staying at the forefront of orthodontic technology. We employ the latest advancements in braces and orthodontic tools to ensure the most efficient and comfortable treatment experience possible.

Patient-Centered Care

We prioritize your comfort and well-being throughout your orthodontic journey. Our team is dedicated to creating a welcoming and supportive environment where you can feel at ease during your underbite correction.

Transformative Results

Our ultimate goal is to provide you with a harmonious smile and improved oral health. Underbite correction can enhance your self-confidence and overall quality of life. We take pride in witnessing the transformation of our patients’ smiles and the positive impact it has on their lives.

In the following sections, we’ll explore case studies and success stories, the benefits of underbite correction, and the steps involved in seeking underbite correction at Fowler Orthodontics.

The Benefits of Underbite Correction

Choosing to correct your underbite with braces at Fowler Orthodontics can lead to a multitude of benefits that extend beyond a beautifully aligned smile. Let’s explore the advantages of underbite correction:

Improved Aesthetics  

Underbite correction enhances the aesthetics of your smile, boosting your self-confidence and self-esteem. You’ll feel more comfortable showcasing your smile to the world.

Enhanced Oral Health

A corrected underbite contributes to better oral health. Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean and maintain, reducing the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath.

Enhanced Chewing and Speech

With a corrected underbite, you’ll experience improved biting and chewing abilities, making mealtime more enjoyable. Additionally, speech difficulties associated with underbites may be resolved.

Jaw Comfort  

Underbite correction can alleviate discomfort and pain associated with jaw misalignment. You’ll experience increased comfort in your daily life.

Balanced Facial Profile

Correcting an underbite can lead to a balanced and harmonious facial profile, enhancing your overall appearance.

Long-Term Dental Health

Addressing your underbite now can prevent potential dental issues in the future, such as excessive wear on teeth or TMJ-related problems.

Enhanced Self-Confidence

A corrected underbite can significantly boost your self-confidence, positively impacting various aspects of your life, from personal relationships to professional opportunities.

Customized Treatment

At Fowler Orthodontics, we offer personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs. Your underbite correction journey will be designed with your unique situation in mind.

Expert Guidance

Dr. Fowler and our experienced team will guide you through every step of the process, ensuring your underbite is corrected effectively and comfortably.

By choosing Fowler Orthodontics for your underbite correction, you’re taking a significant step toward a healthier, more confident future. Our commitment to patient-centered care and transformative results sets us apart as your trusted partner in achieving a harmonious smile.

In the next section, we’ll explore the steps involved in seeking underbite correction at Fowler Orthodontics.

Consultation and Treatment Process

Embarking on the journey to correct your underbite with braces at Fowler Orthodontics begins with a comprehensive consultation and treatment process designed to address your unique needs. Here’s an overview of what you can expect:

Initial Consultation

Your underbite correction journey starts with an initial consultation at our state-of-the-art facility. During this visit, you’ll meet our experienced orthodontic team, including Dr. Fowler. We’ll discuss your concerns, perform a thorough examination, and take diagnostic records, including X-rays and impressions.

Personalized Treatment Plan

Based on the assessment, we’ll create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific underbite. This plan will outline the recommended approach, expected duration, and anticipated results.

Braces Application  

Once you decide to proceed with underbite correction, we’ll schedule your braces application appointment. Our expert orthodontic team will carefully bond brackets to your teeth and attach wires to initiate the correction process.

Periodic Adjustments

Throughout your treatment, you’ll attend regular adjustment appointments at Fowler Orthodontics. During these visits, we’ll fine-tune your braces, ensuring that your underbite is gradually corrected.

Monitoring Progress  

Dr. Fowler and our team will closely monitor your progress, tracking the alignment of your teeth and the correction of your underbite. Any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan will be made to achieve the desired results.

At Fowler Orthodontics, our patient-centered approach ensures that you are well-informed and comfortable throughout every step of your underbite correction journey. We’re dedicated to providing you with the highest quality of care and support on your path to a harmonious smile.

Choosing Fowler Orthodontics for your underbite correction journey means choosing excellence, expertise, and personalized care. Our commitment to transforming smiles goes beyond aesthetics; it extends to your overall oral health, comfort, and self-confidence.

At Fowler Orthodontics, we understand the significance of addressing underbites, and our experienced team, led by Dr. Fowler, is dedicated to providing you with the best possible care throughout your treatment. Our patient-centered approach ensures that you are at ease every step of the way.

With our customized treatment plans, cutting-edge technology, and expert guidance, you can trust us to deliver remarkable results. Correcting your underbite not only enhances your smile but also contributes to better oral health, improved chewing and speech, and increased self-esteem.

Your journey to a harmonious smile begins with a simple consultation. Contact us today to schedule your initial visit and take the first step toward underbite correction. We look forward to partnering with you on this transformative journey.

Don’t let an underbite hold you back any longer. Discover the benefits of underbite correction at Fowler Orthodontics and embrace a future with a confident, beautifully aligned smile.

Get started today and experience the Fowler Orthodontics difference.

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  • 3943 SW Douglas Way, Lake Oswego, OR 97035

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Can Braces Fix An Underbite?

When it comes to orthodontic concerns, underbites are a topic that often raises questions. An underbite, medically known as a class III malocclusion, occurs when the lower teeth protrude further than the upper teeth. This dental misalignment can not only affect the aesthetics of your smile but also impact your oral health.

At  Dischinger Orthodontics , we understand the importance of addressing underbites and ensuring our patients achieve a healthy, confident smile. In this article, we’ll explore the fascinating world of underbites and answer a common query: Can braces fix an underbite?

Let’s dive into the details to uncover the role of braces in correcting this malocclusion and how personalized orthodontic care can make a significant difference.

Understanding Underbites

Before we delve into whether braces can fix an underbite, it’s essential to comprehend what underbites are and how they develop. An underbite occurs when the lower jaw extends farther forward than the upper jaw, leading to a misalignment of the teeth. This malocclusion can manifest in various ways, from a mild misalignment to a more pronounced underbite.

Underbites can be caused by a combination of genetic factors, childhood habits like thumb-sucking or tongue-thrusting, or irregular growth of the jaws. Some common signs of an underbite include:

  • The lower front teeth extending beyond the upper front teeth.
  • Difficulty chewing or biting food.
  • Speech problems, such as lisping.
  • Jaw pain or discomfort.
  • Uneven wear on the teeth.

Living with an underbite can have both aesthetic and functional consequences. It can affect your self-confidence due to the appearance of your smile and may lead to dental health issues like tooth decay and gum problems.

Fortunately, orthodontic treatments, including braces, can be highly effective in addressing underbites. These treatments aim to realign the teeth and jaws, restoring harmony to your smile and improving oral health. Let’s explore how braces play a pivotal role in correcting underbites.

Treatment Options for Underbites

When faced with an underbite, seeking orthodontic treatment is crucial to correct the issue. Orthodontists are dental specialists with expertise in diagnosing and treating malocclusions like underbites. They offer various treatment options tailored to the individual needs of each patient.

Here are some of the common treatment options for underbites:

Braces are one of the most effective methods to correct underbites. Traditional braces consist of metal brackets and wires that gradually shift the teeth into their proper positions. In the case of underbites, braces work on aligning the upper and lower teeth correctly, helping to bring the lower jaw back into its ideal position.

Invisalign is an alternative to traditional braces and is often preferred by those looking for a more discreet treatment option. Invisalign uses a series of clear, removable aligners that gradually move the teeth. While it may not be suitable for severe underbites, it can be effective for milder cases.

Jaw Surgery

In some instances, especially when the underbite is severe and caused by significant jaw misalignment, orthognathic surgery may be recommended. This surgery involves repositioning the upper or lower jaw to correct the underbite. While it may sound daunting, orthognathic surgery can have life-changing results, both functionally and aesthetically.

Functional Appliances

These are specialized orthodontic devices used primarily in children and teenagers. Functional appliances aim to modify jaw growth patterns and are effective when the underbite is due to issues with jaw development.

Elastics (Rubber Bands)

In cases of underbites, orthodontists often use rubber bands in conjunction with braces to help shift the jaws into the desired position. Patients are instructed on how to wear these elastics correctly to aid in the correction process.

It’s essential to consult with an experienced orthodontist to determine the most suitable treatment option for your specific underbite. They will conduct a thorough evaluation, which may include X-rays and dental impressions, to create a customized treatment plan.

Remember that untreated underbites can lead to various oral health issues, including tooth wear, jaw pain, and difficulties with speech and eating. Seeking timely orthodontic intervention can not only enhance your smile but also improve your overall oral health and quality of life.

In the next section, we’ll explore how braces can play a pivotal role in fixing underbites and the benefits of choosing this treatment option.

Braces are a highly effective orthodontic treatment for correcting underbites. They have been used for decades to address various types of malocclusions, including underbites, and have a proven track record of success. So, the simple answer is yes, braces can fix an underbite. Let’s dive deeper into how braces work to correct this condition.

An underbite typically occurs when the lower jaw protrudes beyond the upper jaw, causing the lower front teeth to sit in front of the upper front teeth when the mouth is closed. Braces can effectively address this issue by gradually moving the teeth and, in turn, repositioning the jaw to achieve the ideal bite alignment.

Here’s how the process works:

Initial Assessment

The first step in fixing an underbite with braces is a comprehensive orthodontic assessment. During this evaluation, your orthodontist will assess the severity of the underbite, the position of your teeth, and the alignment of your jaws. X-rays and dental impressions may be taken to create a detailed treatment plan.

Braces Application

Once your treatment plan is established, your orthodontist will attach braces to your teeth. These braces consist of brackets that are bonded to each tooth and wires that connect the brackets. The wires are tightened periodically to exert pressure on the teeth, gradually moving them into the correct positions.

Correcting the Underbite

Braces work by applying consistent pressure on the teeth and jaws. In the case of an underbite, this pressure is strategically applied to guide the lower teeth backward and the upper teeth forward. Over time, this movement helps align the jaws and correct the underbite.

Regular Adjustments

Throughout your treatment, you’ll visit your orthodontist for regular check-ups and adjustments. During these appointments, the orthodontist will assess your progress, make any necessary wire adjustments, and ensure that the treatment is progressing as planned.

Retention Phase

Once your braces have successfully corrected the underbite, you’ll enter the retention phase. During this stage, you may be fitted with a retainer, which is a removable appliance that helps maintain the newly achieved alignment. Wearing a retainer as directed is crucial to prevent any regression.

It’s important to note that the duration of orthodontic treatment for underbites can vary widely depending on the severity of the condition and individual factors. Some patients may complete treatment in a year or two, while others with more complex cases may require more extended treatment.

In addition to effectively correcting underbites, braces offer various advantages, such as improved oral health, enhanced aesthetics, and increased confidence. They are a trusted and time-tested solution for achieving a harmonious and functional bite.

In the following sections, we’ll delve into the specific benefits of choosing braces to fix an underbite and why consulting with an experienced orthodontist like Dr. Bill Dischinger at Dischinger Orthodontics is essential for successful treatment.

Benefits of Correcting Underbites

Correcting an underbite with braces goes beyond just achieving a more aesthetically pleasing smile. It offers a wide range of benefits that significantly impact your oral health, overall well-being, and self-confidence. Here are some of the key advantages:

Improved Bite Functionality

One of the most significant benefits of correcting an underbite is the restoration of proper bite functionality. An underbite can make biting, chewing, and speaking more challenging. Braces help align the teeth and jaws, enabling you to eat and speak comfortably.

Enhanced Facial Aesthetics

Underbites can affect the appearance of your face, particularly the profile. By repositioning the lower jaw and upper teeth, braces can improve facial aesthetics, leading to a more balanced and harmonious look.

Better Oral Health

Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean and maintain. Correcting an underbite with braces reduces the risk of oral health issues such as tooth decay, gum disease, and uneven wear on the teeth.

Alleviation of Discomfort

Individuals with underbites may experience discomfort, jaw pain, and headaches due to the misalignment of the jaws. Braces can alleviate these discomforts by aligning the jaws correctly.

Enhanced Self-Esteem

A corrected underbite can boost self-esteem and confidence. Feeling good about your smile and facial appearance can have a positive impact on various aspects of your life, including social interactions and professional opportunities.

Long-Term Dental Health

Addressing an underbite at an early stage with braces can prevent more severe dental issues in the future. It’s an investment in your long-term dental health.

Speech Improvement

Some individuals with underbites may have speech difficulties. Braces can help improve speech clarity and articulation by aligning the teeth and jaws correctly.

Customized Treatment  

Orthodontic treatment for underbites is highly customizable. Your orthodontist, such as Dr. Bill Dischinger at Dischinger Orthodontics, will tailor the treatment plan to your specific needs, ensuring optimal results.

Minimal Disruption

Modern orthodontic advancements, such as clear aligners and ceramic braces, offer discreet treatment options, minimizing the visual impact of braces during your daily life.

Long-Lasting Results

Once your underbite is corrected with braces and the treatment plan is followed correctly, the results are typically long-lasting. Consistent retainer wear after braces help maintain the corrected bite.

It’s important to note that the benefits of correcting an underbite extend far beyond aesthetics. While achieving a beautiful smile is undoubtedly a desirable outcome, the functional and health-related advantages are equally essential. Seeking the expertise of an experienced orthodontist like Dr. Bill Dischinger ensures that you receive the best possible care and enjoy these benefits to the fullest.

Personalized Orthodontic Care at Dischinger Orthodontics

At Dischinger Orthodontics, we understand that every patient is unique, and so are their orthodontic needs. When it comes to correcting an underbite or any orthodontic issue, we take a personalized approach to ensure the best possible outcome.

Here’s what you can expect when you choose Dischinger Orthodontics for your underbite correction:

Comprehensive Evaluation

Our journey towards correcting your underbite begins with a thorough examination. Dr. Bill Dischinger and our experienced team will assess your dental and facial structure, taking X-rays and impressions as needed to create a complete picture of your condition.

Tailored Treatment Plan

Based on our evaluation, we’ll create a customized treatment plan designed to address your specific underbite concerns. This plan will outline the steps involved, the expected timeline, and the types of braces or aligners that may be suitable for you.

Advanced Technology

We leverage state-of-the-art orthodontic technology to ensure precise diagnosis and treatment. This includes 3D imaging, which allows us to visualize your teeth and jaws in detail, ensuring the most accurate treatment planning.

Treatment Options

We offer a range of treatment options to correct underbites, including traditional braces, clear aligners, and other innovative orthodontic techniques. Our team will explain the pros and cons of each option, helping you make an informed decision.

Ongoing Support

Throughout your orthodontic journey, our team will provide ongoing support and guidance. Regular check-up appointments will allow us to monitor your progress, make necessary adjustments, and address any questions or concerns you may have.

Comfort and Convenience

We prioritize your comfort and convenience. Our friendly team will ensure that your orthodontic appointments are as stress-free as possible, and we offer flexible scheduling options to accommodate your busy lifestyle.

Dedicated Orthodontist

Dr. Bill Dischinger is a skilled and experienced orthodontist with a deep commitment to providing high-quality care. He and his team are dedicated to helping you achieve a beautifully aligned smile and a well-balanced bite.

Lasting Results

Our goal is to provide you with lasting results. We’ll work with you to establish a retainer routine after your braces or aligner treatment is complete, ensuring that your corrected underbite remains stable over time.

Choosing Dischinger Orthodontics means choosing personalized care from a team that’s passionate about creating healthy, beautiful smiles. We’re here to guide you through your orthodontic journey, answer your questions, and support you every step of the way.

If you’re wondering, “Can braces fix an underbite?” the answer is yes, and we’re here to make it happen for you. Contact Dischinger Orthodontics today to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward a confident, healthy smile.

An underbite may pose functional and aesthetic challenges, but with the right orthodontic care, it can be effectively corrected. At Dischinger Orthodontics , we’re dedicated to helping you achieve a well-balanced bite and a confident smile.

Our personalized approach, advanced technology, and experienced team set us apart in the field of orthodontics. We understand that no two patients are alike, which is why we tailor treatment plans to your unique needs. Whether you require braces, clear aligners, or other orthodontic techniques, we have the expertise to guide you toward the best solution.

Choosing Dischinger Orthodontics means choosing a partner in your journey toward improved oral health and a beautiful smile. Our commitment to your comfort and satisfaction is unwavering, and we’ll be with you every step of the way.

So, can braces fix an underbite? Absolutely, and we’re here to make it happen for you. Don’t let an underbite hold you back—schedule a consultation with Dr. Bill Dischinger and the Dischinger Orthodontics team today. Together, we’ll work toward a future filled with smiles and confidence.

Discover the benefits of personalized orthodontic care at Dischinger Orthodontics and take the first step toward a transformed smile. Your journey to a well-aligned bite and enhanced self-esteem begins here.

Ready to embrace the advantages of orthodontic treatment at Dischinger Orthodontics? Contact us today to get started!

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Dental Health Society

Can Braces Fix an Underbite?

Can Braces Fix an Underbite?

Orthodontic treatments, including braces, have been transforming smiles and improving oral health for decades. Among the many dental issues that braces fix, one common concern is an underbite. An underbite occurs when the lower teeth andjaw stick out further forward than the upper teeth, creating an imbalance in the bite. Braces can correct an underbite, here is the process involved, and what patients can expect when fixing an underbite.

What is an Underbite?

Before discussing the role of braces, it’s essential to understand what an underbite is and how it develops. An underbite is one type of malocclusion or misaligned bite. Others include an overbite or crossbite. 

An underbite can result from various factors, including genetics, jaw misalignment, and prolonged thumb-sucking or pacifier use in childhood. Having teeth not meet properly is more than just a cosmetic issue; underbites can lead to functional problems such as difficulty in chewing, speech impediments, and joint problems that cause jaw pain .

Why is Fixing an Underbite Important?

Fixing an underbite is crucial for several reasons. First and foremost, correcting an underbite ensures the upper and lower teeth align correctly . This alignment reduces the risk of dental issues such as tooth wear, chipping, and damage. Speech improvement is another important aspect, as underbites can lead to speech difficulties that can interfere with effective communication. It can also alleviate jaw pain and discomfort.

Fixing an underbite not only enhances oral health but also contributes to improved overall well-being and quality of life by boosting self-confidence and creating a symmetrical smile.

Braces definitely play a crucial role in correcting underbites and can be more effective than other methods such as Invisalign . However, the approach and timeline can vary based on the severity of the underbite and the patient’s age. Here’s how braces can help:

1. Traditional Braces:

For less severe underbites, traditional braces can be highly effective. Brackets and wires are used to apply consistent pressure on the teeth, gradually shifting them into the correct position.

Orthodontists may use additional tools like elastics or springs to specifically target the underbite, encouraging proper alignment between the top and bottom teeth.

2. Headgear and Braces:

In some cases, especially when addressing underbites in children, orthodontists may recommend headgear. Specifically, headgear used for underbite correction is often referred to as “reverse-pull” or “facemask” headgear.

Headgear is a dental appliance designed to guide the upper jaw forward and promote forward growth while also gently restraining the growth of the lower jaw. This helps correct an underbite by aligning the upper and lower teeth properly.

braces fixing an underbite

3. Functional Appliances:

Functional appliances are orthodontic devices designed to correct underbites and other malocclusions by influencing the growth and positioning of the jaw and teeth. These appliances are typically used in children and teenagers while their jaws are still growing. 

Here are some common functional appliances used to fix an underbite:

  • Bite Plate: A bite plate is a removable appliance that covers the upper or lower teeth and is used to reposition the jaw by encouraging proper alignment. It can be adjusted over time to guide the bite into the desired position.
  • Twin Block Appliance: This removable appliance consists of two separate pieces, one for the upper teeth and one for the lower teeth. The patient can only close their teeth when the jaws are in the correct position. Over time, this encourages the upper and lower jaw to adapt naturally, eventually correcting the underbite.
  • Herbst Appliance: The Herbst appliance is a fixed orthodontic device that is attached to the upper and lower molars. It holds the lower jaw in a forward position, allowing the upper and lower teeth to fit together correctly.

4. Surgery and Braces:

The majority of patients do not need to resort to surgery, but extreme cases of severe underbites may require a combination of orthodontic treatment and corrective jaw surgery. Braces are used to align the teeth, while surgery can reposition the jaw to achieve the desired bite.

How Braces Fix an Underbite: The Orthodontic Journey

Undergoing orthodontic treatment to correct an underbite is a process that requires patience and commitment. Correcting an underbite with braces can take anywhere from one to three years. Here is what a patient can expect from start to finish:

Consultation and Evaluation: Fixing an underbite begins with an initial consultation with an orthodontist. They will assess the underbite’s severity, discuss treatment options, and create a personalized plan best suited for the patient’s underbite.

Braces Installation: Once the treatment plan is in place, braces will be installed on the teeth. Patients will need to attend regular appointments for adjustments and to monitor progress throughout treatment.

Treatment Duration: The length of treatment can vary but typically ranges from one to three years, depending on the complexity of the underbite.

Oral Hygiene: Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is crucial during treatment to prevent issues like cavities or gum disease. Special care is needed to clean around the braces. An interdental brush or floss threader can help the patient clean between wires and around brackets.

Retainers: After braces are removed, teeth have a natural tendency to shift back to their original positions. Retainers help prevent regression and maintain the corrected bite by holding the teeth in their newly aligned positions. They provide stability to the newly aligned bite and allow the surrounding bone and tissues to adapt to the changes.

Braces Can Fix an Underbite

Braces can correct underbites, providing not only a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing smile but also improved oral health and functionality. If you or your child is dealing with an underbite, seek a consultation with a Dental Health Society professional right away. Orthodontic treatment for an underbite requires time and patience, but the results are well worth the effort.

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What Is An Underbite? How Can You Fix It With Braces and Surgery?

Amanda Napitu

An underbite occurs when the lower teeth sit further forward than the upper teeth . This condition is often genetic, and underbite correction is usually recommended to avoid problems later in life.

It is possible to fix an underbite in adults and children; surgery and dental braces are common treatment options, along with some others. Here, we’ll talk you through everything that you need to know about this  type of dental malocclusion and how it may affect you or your child.

Table of contents

  • 1 What is an underbite?
  • 2 Do I need underbite correction?
  • 3 How to fix an underbite
  • 4 Underbite and cleft palate and lip
  • 5 Underbite correction on the NHS
  • 6 Conclusion

What is an underbite?

underbite braces

An underbite occurs when the lower jaw sits further forward than the upper jaw, causing the lower front teeth to stick out. This condition occurs in around 5-10% of the population.

In lots of people an underbite jaw is barely noticeable, with the lower teeth resting just slightly in front of the upper teeth. In more severe cases, there can be a very noticeable gap between the sets of teeth. No matter the severity of the bite misalignment, underbite correction is generally recommended because of the problems it can lead to if untreated.

What causes an underbite? 

Most cases of underbite teeth are genetic in origin; if at least one parent has (or had) an underbite then the chances of their children having an underbite increases. The condition is linked to cleft lips and palates, and the following childhood behaviours are also potential underbite causes:

  • Thumb sucking
  • Tongue thrusting
  • Overuse of a dummy
  • Bottle feeding for too long

It may be that the upper jaw is to short and hasn't developed properly or the lower jaw protrudes too far – or a combination of the two.

Do I need underbite correction?

over and under bite

If your child or baby has an underbite, it is best to start treatment early , when their bones are more easily moved. Without treatment, there are lots of potential problems your child could face.

One of the big differences between an underbite and overbite is that some small overbite is natural, whereas no kind of underbite is considered ‘normal’. There are lots of problems that come along with having underbite teeth, and the longer you wait to correct them the harder the treatment may be. Problems can include:

  • Problems with biting and chewing food properly
  • Speech issues such as slurring and lisping
  • Facial pain because of abnormal strain or pressure on the jaw
  • Increased chances of childhood tooth decay
  • Worn down tooth enamel and cracked teeth
  • A differently shaped face than normal
  • Sleep apnea
  • Mouth breathing
  • Lower self esteem

Here, Dr Chang talks through the problems that children can experience with underbite teeth, and why early intervention is important:

How to fix an underbite

There are a number of ways that have been developed to successfully fix an underbite . Your dentist will explain the best dental care for your situation, but below you can find an overview of the most common treatment options.

Usually, two or more of these treatments will be combined to provide the most effective, long-term solution for you, your child, or your baby with an underbite.

An underbite occurs when the lower teeth and jaw extend outward farther than the upper front teeth. When left untreated, the condition can create a host of problems – both cosmetic and functional – and it can also lead to a number of dental and health concerns. 

A severe underbite can change the look of a person’s face and can even make them look upset or angry when they really aren’t.

Having an underbite also means your jaw can’t function the way it should, which may cause issues with speech, chewing and swallowing. In addition, your individual teeth may be damaged by improper contact due to the underbite.

Correction of an underbite can be a complex issue, but there are great treatment options available. The orthodontist is usually the best place to start.

Once corrected, you will feel less stress on your teeth, jaws and facial muscles, and will love the change in your smile and bite function.

Dr. Greg Nalchajian, Nalchajian Orthodontics

Upper jaw expander

In cases where an underbite jaw is caused by the upper jaw not developing fully, a jaw expander helps it develop to the correct shape. This is a metal device that fits over the back teeth. It gradually pushes out the teeth and expands the palate. Some devices are removable, like a retainer, while others are fixed orthodontic treatments.

jaw expander

This is one of the least noticeable forms of underbite correction ; unless you laugh or yawn, nobody is likely to see the top of your mouth or back teeth where it sits. People who have used a jaw or palate expander say that it can be painful, but some discomfort is expected when you are manipulating the jaw bone. Since jaw bones don’t fuse until around age 12 or 13, starting this treatment at a young age will make things a little bit easier.

A jaw expander is normally used for around one year, but it depends on how much teeth movement is required. Once the treatment is complete, patients have to wear a retainer for a while so that new bone can grow, making the overbite correction permanent.

Reverse pull headgear

Another method of underbite correction is a reverse pull face mask or headgear. This sounds quite scary, but is it a normal way to fix an underbite. The headgear rests on the forehead and chin and attaches to braces or a retainer using elastic bands to pull the upper teeth slowly into position.

A study has shown this method of underbite treatment to be up to 75% effective overall, even more so if treatment is started before the age of ten.

The headgear may be used in conjunction with a chin cap or cup. This device fits over the head, from the crown to the chin, and is designed to reduce the growth of the lower jaw, helping the upper and lower teeth become aligned more quickly.

To get the most benefit, the device should be worn as often as possible; certainly every night, and perhaps even during the day. Your child may not mind wearing it while watching TV or doing homework, but wearing it to school and social events is another matter. Still, you should follow your orthodontist’s advice, because correct use should reduce the need for underbite surgery later on.

Underbite braces

underbite clear braces

Along with the methods mentioned above, braces are normally part of underbite treatment . As with orthodontic treatment for other problems, such as overbite, crossbite and open bite , underbite braces will twist, push, and move your teeth into a better alignment.

If you or your child are treated as an NHS patient, only metal braces will be offered. As a private patient, however, you will have the option of other, less noticeable orthodontic treatments such as clear braces (pictured).

After treatment for underbite with braces, you will need to wear a retainer to maintain the progress you have made.

The following timelapse shows how underbite treatment with braces (and no surgery) is possible:

Invisalign for underbite correction

It's also possible to use Invisalign aligners for an underbite in many cases. These clear aligners are almost invisible, making them a popular option for people who don't want it to be obvious that they are wearing braces.

woman at invisalign underbite consultation

It may be possible to treat an underbite with Invisalign braces alone, or they might be incorporated into a course of treatment that includes underbite surgery too.

To check whether you or your child are a suitable candidate for Invisalign underbite treatment you can take a free Smile Assessment online or book an appointment online with an Invisalign dentist. We always recommend visiting a dentist or orthodontist before starting any treatment.

Tooth extraction

Sometimes, an underbite can be caused by having too many teeth in the lower jaw. If this is the case, your dentist will likely advise you have some teeth removed. Extraction may also be necessary to help braces work effectively, as it frees up space for the rest of the teeth to move into.

Tooth extraction is normally done under local anaesthetic, although general anaesthetic may be used for complicated or multiple extractions. This is a common process which is usually quick, simple and pain-free. The dentist just pushes or twists the tooth to loosen it in the socket, then takes it out. You can read more about the tooth extraction process and recovery in our separate guide.

Underbite jaw surgery

Sometimes the problems with an underbite jaw are quite severe and will require surgery. Underbite jaw surgery can involve a few different things, depending on where the surgeon identifies the problem.

The lower jaw might need to be pushed back and repositioned, or the underbite surgery might focus on the upper jaw. Either way, there will small screws and plates inserted around the bones to make sure that they don’t move back. Occasionally, both the upper and lower jaws will need adjustment.

jaw surgery

Your surgeon will talk you through what the difference will be in your underbite before and after the surgery. Some common changes include:

  • Improved speech
  • A different face shape
  • Better dental hygiene
  • Decreased risk of enamel erosion and tooth decay

This type of surgery isn’t uncommon and you can ask your surgeon or dentist to show you underbite surgery before and after pictures if you are worried about the changes in appearance.

There aren't normally any scars from underbite surgery because all of the incisions are made inside the mouth. The jaws may be wired following the surgery, or an internal frame placed in the mouth, to make sure the bones heal in the correct position.

Patients are recommended to take 2-4 weeks off school or work after underbite jaw surgery. Treatment usually involves the use of braces before or after surgery, or both.

Underbite treatment summary

Here is a brief overview of the different underbite treatment options :

Underbite and cleft palate and lip

There is a likelihood that babies born with a cleft palate or cleft lip will also have an underbite, because their upper teeth and jaw bone haven't developed properly.

Generally, underbite surgery is needed to correct the problem and is unlikely to be much different to the surgery outlined above. Some surgery to fix issues with the cleft may be done at the same time, or it many be carried out separately. Your NHS Cleft Team will walk you through the treatment, and you can seek support from  CLAPA too.

Underbite correction on the NHS

Underbite surgery costs nothing through the NHS for children under 18 years old, while for adults the  band 3 treatment charge  of £282.80 applies. The NHS only covers dental surgery and orthodontic work for adults when deemed medically necessary, which it often is in the case of an underbite.

In any case, your dentist will be able to tell you if you are eligible for NHS treatment. As an adult, NHS underbite surgery costs will cover everything required to treat the condition, including any braces you wear for your underbite before and after your operation. If you have to pay privately, you can find out more about the cost of braces for adults in our separate guide.

Underbites are a lot less common than overbites; only about 5-10% of people will experience this condition, and it really should be treated in every case. This can help improve the patient's oral health as well as their self esteem. The range of possible treatment options to fix an underbite means there will be a method that suits you or your child.

When a baby has an underbite diagnosed, a treatment plan can be put into place to ensure the least invasive correction technique is used. The success rates of treatment when done early are really high, and even if surgery is needed, it will make a big difference to your child's oral health and overall wellbeing in the years to come.

Remember that underbite braces needn't involve conspicuous metal brackets and wires. Removable clear aligners are a popular choice because of their appearance and convenience. Compare our top recommended brands below:

  • Treats up to 90% of Cases
  • Up to 40% cheaper than Invisalign
  • Buy now, pay later in interest-free instalments.
  • Rated 4.9/5 on Trustpilot
  • As seen on 5, BBC, 4, DailyExpress, TheMail
  • Get 5% OFF with our discount code DENTALY5OFF and FREE Whitening and Retainers worth £790

Smile White offers a hybrid model for clear aligner treatment. You have 3 in-office appointments, so your dentist can ensure in person that your treatment is going as planned.

That means that, unlike other clear aligners, Smile White can treat even the more complex cases of bite misalignment.

To get started:

  • Take a free smile assessment to see if you're eligible
  • Or book your free e-consultation with no obligation

Every treatment comes with free teeth whitening , so you can whiten your teeth while you straighten them!

underbite braces journey

  • Hybrid in-office and remote treatment
  • In-person visits with your orthodontist for safe, effective treatment
  • Treats even complex cases of misalignment
  • Various pricing options

Discover the flexibility and effectiveness of Impress Invisible Braces, the hybrid orthodontic solution that blends in-person care with the convenience of remote appointments. Suitable for both kids and adults, Impress offers a range of treatment options designed to cater to various needs, from mild to severe cases of misalignment. With the initial consultation happening in person, you're assured of a tailored treatment plan that can address even the most complex orthodontic issues.

Impress Treatment Plans:

  • Impress Super Light ($6,999):  Perfect for mild cases, this plan promises results in up to 3 months, making it the quickest route to a better smile.
  • Impress ($4,599):  Designed for moderate cases, this option aims to perfect your smile within 4-10 months.
  • Impress Plus ($5,599):  Tailored for moderate cases requiring a bit more time, this plan spans 11-14 months.
  • Impress Advanced ($6,999):  The go-to choice for complex cases, offering comprehensive treatment over 11-24 months.
  • Teens ($4,599):  Specifically designed for teenagers, this plan addresses mild cases within 4-10 months, ensuring a confident smile during those crucial years.
  • Impress Kids ($4,599):  Offering orthodontic treatment for children, this plan covers a period between 8-18 months, setting the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles.

With flexible payment plans available, starting your journey to a perfect smile has never been easier or more accessible. Whether you're looking for a quick fix or need extensive treatment, Impress Invisible Braces provide a tailored solution that meets your needs and budget. Click below to get started!

underbite braces journey

  • Free retainers and whitening
  • Nighttime aligners available
  • 0% interest finance options
  • £1,395 £1,295 or £83.33/month

NewSmile is a Canadian company that brought its clear aligners to the UK market in 2022. NewSmile aligners are made from the clearest material and the company offers excellent service at the best price.

They don't have any physical locations, so you'll need to purchase an aligner kit to get started. One of their Impression Specialists will guide you through the process on a video call when you're ready.

NewSmile aligners are very affordable, costing just £1,395 (currently discounted to £1,295). But even better, this price includes whitening foam to use in your aligners, plus your first set of retainers!

Choose their daytime package for treatment in 4-6 months, or nighttime aligners for a more discreet treatment that takes 8-10 months. Both options come with 0% interest payment plans available.

How do you fix an underbite in adults?

Underbite correction in adults usually involves braces, perhaps combined with surgery or headgear. Your treatment options will depend on how severe your underbite is.

How much does it cost to fix an underbite?

Underbite treatment is usually available on the NHS free for children. Adults who are eligible for NHS underbite treatment will pay the Band 3 treatment fee. Private treatment costs will vary greatly. That's because there are so many variables with the treatment itself.

Can you get rid of an underbite without braces?

Not everyone needs braces to fix an underbite, but there aren't really any natural or DIY treatments . It's best to visit a dentist for a full assessment of your case. Clear aligners are one way to avoid fixed metal braces, and they are suitable for many mild and moderate cases of underbite.

NHS:  How much will I pay for NHS dental treatment?  Consulted 16th May 2019.

CLAPA:  Jaw surgery . Consulted 17th May 2019.

The Angle Orthodontist:  Long-term Efficacy of Reverse Pull Headgear Therapy . Consulted 17th May 2019.

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underbite braces journey

Can Braces Fix An Underbite?

An underbite, often referred to as a “bulldog” or “prognathic” bite, is a dental condition where the lower teeth protrude in front of the upper teeth when the jaws are closed. This misalignment can affect not only the aesthetics of your smile but also your overall oral health and function. Many people wonder if braces can correct an underbite, and the answer is a resounding yes.

At Scaffidi Orthodontics , we understand the concerns and questions you may have about underbites and orthodontic treatments. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of underbites, their causes, and most importantly, how braces can effectively fix this condition. We’ll take you through the journey of underbite correction and explain why choosing the right orthodontic care is crucial for achieving a healthier, more confident smile. So, if you’ve ever wondered, “Can braces fix an underbite?” – read on to discover the answer and how Scaffidi Orthodontics can help you achieve a beautifully aligned smile.

Understanding Underbites

Before delving into how braces can fix an underbite, it’s essential to understand what an underbite is and what causes it.

An underbite is a type of malocclusion, which means “bad bite.” It occurs when the lower teeth extend further outward than the upper teeth when the jaws are closed. This misalignment can result from a variety of factors, including:

  • Genetics: Underbites can run in families, and if one or both parents have an underbite, their children may be more likely to develop it.
  • Childhood Habits: Thumb-sucking, tongue-thrusting, or prolonged use of a pacifier can contribute to the development of an underbite in children.
  • Jaw Irregularities: Problems with jaw development can lead to underbites. For instance, an overgrowth of the lower jaw or an underdevelopment of the upper jaw can cause this condition.
  • Trauma or Injury: Accidents or injuries to the face or jaw can result in an underbite.
  • Oral Health Issues: Missing teeth or overcrowded teeth can affect the alignment of your bite, potentially leading to an underbite.

Understanding the underlying cause of your underbite is crucial for determining the most appropriate treatment, which may include orthodontic care with braces.

At Scaffidi Orthodontics, we conduct a thorough examination and assessment to diagnose the cause and severity of your underbite. This evaluation is the first step in developing a personalized treatment plan to address your specific needs and provide you with the best possible outcome.

Causes of Underbites

Underbites, also known as Class III malocclusions, can have various causes. Understanding these causes is vital for determining the most effective treatment, including whether braces can fix an underbite. Here are some common causes of underbites:

  • Genetics: One of the primary factors contributing to underbites is genetics. If your parents or grandparents had underbites, you may be genetically predisposed to develop one as well. It’s essential to consider your family’s dental history when assessing your risk.
  • Jaw Development: Irregularities in jaw development during childhood and adolescence can lead to underbites. For instance, an overgrowth of the lower jaw or an underdevelopment of the upper jaw can result in a misaligned bite.
  • Childhood Habits: Certain childhood habits can exacerbate underbites or contribute to their development. These habits may include thumb-sucking, tongue-thrusting, or using a pacifier for an extended period.
  • Trauma or Injury: Accidents or injuries to the face and jaw can cause misalignments, including underbites. Such trauma can disrupt the normal development of the jaw and teeth.
  • Oral Health Issues: Dental problems like missing teeth or overcrowding can affect the alignment of your bite and contribute to the development of an underbite.
  • Early Tooth Loss: Losing primary (baby) teeth prematurely can disrupt the natural alignment of permanent teeth, potentially leading to an underbite.

Identifying the underlying cause of your underbite is crucial for developing an appropriate treatment plan. At Scaffidi Orthodontics, our experienced orthodontists will perform a comprehensive evaluation to determine the cause and severity of your underbite. This evaluation guides us in crafting a personalized treatment strategy, which may include the use of braces to correct the misalignment and enhance your oral health and aesthetics.

Orthodontic Solutions

Orthodontic treatment is often the recommended approach for correcting underbites, including the use of braces. At Scaffidi Orthodontics, we offer a range of orthodontic solutions tailored to address underbites effectively. Here’s how braces can play a crucial role in fixing an underbite:

Braces for Jaw Alignment

Braces are versatile orthodontic devices that can correct misalignments in both the upper and lower jaws. For underbite correction, braces work by applying controlled pressure to the teeth and jaws, gradually shifting them into their proper positions.

Traditional Braces

Traditional metal braces consist of brackets, wires, and bands. The brackets are attached to the teeth, and wires are threaded through them. By adjusting the tension of the wires over time, an orthodontist can guide the jaws and teeth into alignment.

Clear Aligners

In some cases, clear aligners like Invisalign may be a suitable alternative to traditional braces for addressing underbites. These virtually invisible aligners are custom-made to fit your teeth and exert gentle pressure to move them into the correct positions.

Retention Devices

After the active phase of orthodontic treatment, retention devices like retainers may be recommended to maintain the corrected bite. These devices prevent the teeth from shifting back into their previous positions, ensuring a lasting and stable result.

It’s important to note that the duration of treatment and the specific approach used may vary depending on the severity of the underbite and individual patient needs. Our experienced orthodontists at Scaffidi Orthodontics will conduct a thorough examination, including X-rays and digital imaging, to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your underbite.

Whether you or your child is dealing with an underbite, our team is dedicated to providing exceptional care and delivering a healthier, more harmonious smile. We understand that each patient is unique, and we’ll work closely with you to achieve the best possible outcome through orthodontic treatment with braces or other suitable methods.

Braces for Underbites

Underbites, where the lower teeth protrude in front of the upper teeth, can be effectively treated with braces. At Scaffidi Orthodontics, we have extensive experience in correcting underbites using orthodontic solutions tailored to each patient’s unique needs.

How Braces Work for Underbites:

Braces are designed to correct misaligned teeth and jaws. In the case of an underbite, braces apply controlled pressure to gradually move the lower teeth back and the upper teeth forward, bringing them into proper alignment.

Traditional metal braces consist of brackets, wires, and bands. Brackets are attached to each tooth, and wires are threaded through them. Your orthodontist will adjust the tension of the wires during regular appointments to guide your jaws and teeth into the correct positions.

In some instances, clear aligners like Invisalign may be suitable for correcting mild to moderate underbites. These virtually invisible aligners are custom-made to fit your teeth snugly and exert gentle pressure to move them into the desired alignment.

The Treatment Process:

The journey to correcting an underbite with braces typically involves the following steps:


Your orthodontic journey starts with an initial consultation. During this appointment, our experienced orthodontists at Scaffidi Orthodontics will assess your underbite’s severity and discuss your treatment options.

Customized Treatment Plan

Once it’s determined that braces are the best course of action, our orthodontists will create a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan will outline the duration of treatment, the type of braces to be used, and the expected results.

Brace Placement

If traditional braces are chosen, the process begins with the placement of brackets on your teeth. These brackets act as anchors for the wires that will guide your tooth movement.

Regular Adjustments

Throughout your treatment, you’ll have periodic appointments at Scaffidi Orthodontics. During these visits, our orthodontists will adjust the tension of the wires to ensure your teeth are moving according to plan.

Monitoring Progress

We closely monitor your progress to ensure your underbite is gradually correcting. Adjustments are made as needed to achieve the desired results.

Brace Removal

Once your underbite is successfully corrected, the braces will be removed. At this stage, you’ll likely transition to retainers to help maintain your newly aligned bite.

Benefits of Braces for Underbites:

  • Improved Aesthetics: Braces not only correct functional issues but also enhance your smile’s appearance.
  • Better Oral Health: Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of dental issues like cavities and gum disease.
  • Enhanced Functionality: Correcting an underbite can improve your bite, speech, and overall oral function.
  • Boosted Confidence: A more harmonious smile often leads to increased self-confidence and self-esteem.

Schedule a Consultation at Scaffidi Orthodontics:

If you or your child is dealing with an underbite, don’t hesitate to contact Scaffidi Orthodontics for a consultation. Our experienced team will assess your unique needs and create a customized treatment plan to achieve a beautiful, healthy smile.

The Process of Fixing an Underbite with Braces

Correcting an underbite with braces is a carefully planned and gradual process that aims to achieve optimal jaw and teeth alignment. At Scaffidi Orthodontics, we take a systematic approach to ensure our patients receive the best care. Here’s an overview of the process:

Initial Consultation

Your journey towards a corrected underbite begins with an initial consultation at Scaffidi Orthodontics. During this meeting, our skilled orthodontists will:

  • Examine your dental and facial structure.
  • Assess the severity of your underbite.
  • Discuss your treatment options, including braces.
  • Answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Following a comprehensive assessment, our orthodontists will create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. This plan outlines:

  • The duration of your treatment.
  • The type of braces recommended for your condition (e.g., traditional metal braces or clear aligners).
  • The anticipated results.

Braces Placement

If braces are chosen as the preferred treatment option, the next step is the placement of braces on your teeth. For traditional braces, this involves:

  • Attaching small brackets to each tooth using a special adhesive.
  • Securing these brackets with wires and elastic bands.
  • Ensuring proper positioning to enable controlled tooth movement.

During your treatment, you’ll have periodic appointments at Scaffidi Orthodontics for adjustments. These appointments are crucial for ensuring the gradual movement of your teeth and jaws into the desired positions. Our orthodontists will:

  • Tighten or replace wires as needed to maintain consistent pressure.
  • Make any necessary modifications to your braces.

Progress Monitoring

We closely monitor your progress throughout the treatment period. This involves:

  • Regularly evaluating the alignment of your teeth and jaw.
  • Making adjustments to your braces based on your specific treatment plan.

Once your underbite is successfully corrected, typically over the course of several months to a few years, your braces will be removed. This is an exciting moment, as you’ll get to see your beautifully aligned smile.

After brace removal, it’s common to transition to retainers. Retainers help maintain the new position of your teeth and prevent them from shifting back to their original alignment. Our orthodontists will provide guidance on how to use and care for your retainers.

Enjoy Your Transformed Smile

With the underbite corrected and your smile beautifully aligned, you’ll enjoy the benefits of improved oral health, enhanced aesthetics, and increased self-confidence.

At Scaffidi Orthodontics, we are committed to providing top-notch orthodontic care to our patients. Fixing an underbite with braces is just one of the many ways we help our patients achieve their best smiles and optimal oral health.

Scaffidi Orthodontics’ Approach

At Scaffidi Orthodontics, we take pride in our patient-centric approach to orthodontic care. Fixing an underbite with braces is not just a process; it’s a journey towards a healthier, more confident smile. Here’s what sets our approach apart:

Experienced Orthodontists

Our team consists of highly experienced and skilled orthodontists who specialize in treating a wide range of orthodontic issues, including underbites. Dr. David Scaffidi leads our practice with decades of experience and a commitment to staying at the forefront of orthodontic advancements.

Personalized Treatment Plans

We understand that each patient is unique, and no two underbites are exactly alike. That’s why we create customized treatment plans for every individual. Your journey begins with a comprehensive consultation where we assess your specific needs and design a plan tailored to you.

State-of-the-Art Technology

Scaffidi Orthodontics invests in cutting-edge orthodontic technology to ensure the most accurate diagnoses and efficient treatments. From 3D imaging to advanced treatment techniques, we leverage the latest tools to enhance your experience.

Transparent Communication

We believe in open and transparent communication with our patients. From explaining your treatment options to addressing any concerns you may have, our team is here to guide you every step of the way. We want you to feel informed and confident throughout your orthodontic journey.

Comfortable and Welcoming Environment

We understand that visiting an orthodontist can sometimes be intimidating. That’s why we’ve created a warm and welcoming environment where you can feel at ease. Our friendly staff is dedicated to ensuring your comfort during every visit.

Holistic Oral Health

At Scaffidi Orthodontics, we don’t just focus on fixing underbites; we consider your overall oral health. We aim to create a balanced and harmonious bite, which not only improves aesthetics but also contributes to better long-term oral health.

Continued Support

Our commitment to your well-being doesn’t end when your braces are removed. We provide comprehensive post-treatment care, including guidance on retainers and regular check-ups to maintain your beautiful smile.

Whether you’re considering braces for an underbite or any other orthodontic treatment, Scaffidi Orthodontics is here to offer compassionate care and exceptional results. We believe that everyone deserves a smile they can be proud of, and we’re dedicated to making that a reality for our patients.

Benefits of Underbite Correction

Underbite correction with braces offers numerous advantages that extend far beyond achieving a more aligned smile. At Scaffidi Orthodontics, we’re committed to improving both the aesthetics and functionality of your teeth. Here are some of the key benefits of underbite correction:

Enhanced Aesthetics  

One of the most apparent benefits of underbite correction is the improvement in your smile’s appearance. Braces can gradually shift misaligned teeth into their proper positions, creating a more harmonious and attractive smile.

Improved Bite Function

Underbites can lead to issues with bite function, making it challenging to chew food properly. Correcting an underbite can restore normal bite function, making it easier to enjoy your favorite meals and reducing the risk of dental problems caused by improper chewing.

Speech Improvement  

Severe underbites can sometimes affect speech clarity. By correcting the underbite, braces can help improve pronunciation and speech patterns, enhancing your overall communication skills and self-confidence.

Reduced Jaw Pain  

Underbites can place undue stress on the jaw joint, potentially leading to discomfort and pain. Correcting the underbite can alleviate this strain, reducing jaw pain and promoting better oral comfort.

Lower Risk of Dental Issues

Misaligned teeth and underbites can contribute to various dental issues, such as tooth decay, gum disease, and uneven wear on teeth. By aligning your teeth and correcting the underbite, you can lower the risk of these dental problems, ultimately leading to better long-term oral health.

Boosted Self-Esteem

A straighter, well-aligned smile can significantly boost your self-esteem and confidence. When you feel good about your smile, you’re more likely to smile more often and confidently, which can have a positive impact on your personal and professional life.

Easier Oral Care

Cleaning misaligned teeth can be challenging, leading to an increased risk of plaque buildup and cavities. With a corrected underbite, your teeth will be easier to clean, making it simpler to maintain good oral hygiene and prevent dental issues.

Long-Term Oral Health  

Underbite correction isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about ensuring your oral health for years to come. By addressing the underbite, you reduce the risk of future dental problems, potentially saving you from more extensive treatments down the road.

At Scaffidi Orthodontics, we understand the transformative power of underbite correction. Our experienced orthodontists are dedicated to providing you with a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. Through the use of state-of-the-art braces and orthodontic techniques, we aim to help you achieve a healthier, more beautiful smile that can positively impact various aspects of your life.

In the next section, we’ll delve deeper into the process of fixing an underbite with braces and what you can expect during your treatment journey.

Consultation and Treatment

If you or your child are dealing with an underbite, the journey to correction starts with a consultation with our expert orthodontists at Scaffidi Orthodontics. During this initial appointment, we’ll carefully assess the severity of the underbite and discuss your treatment options.

Here’s what you can expect during the consultation and treatment process:

Comprehensive Evaluation

Our orthodontists will conduct a thorough examination, including digital X-rays and 3D scans, to get a complete understanding of your dental structure and the underbite’s specifics.

Personalized Treatment Plan

Based on the evaluation, we’ll create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. This plan may involve the use of traditional braces or other orthodontic appliances.

Brace Selection

If braces are recommended, we’ll discuss the type of braces that will work best for you or your child. Advances in orthodontic technology mean you have choices, from traditional metal braces to more discreet options like clear braces or Invisalign.

Treatment Timeline

We’ll outline the expected timeline for your underbite correction, including the duration of treatment and any follow-up appointments required.

Patient Education

Our team will ensure you fully understand the treatment process, including proper care and maintenance of braces. We’ll address any questions or concerns you may have to ensure you’re comfortable with the journey ahead.

Remember that correcting an underbite with braces is a gradual process, but with our experienced orthodontists and state-of-the-art technology, you’re on the path to a healthier, more confident smile. The first step is reaching out to schedule your consultation and take that important step towards underbite correction.

At Scaffidi Orthodontics , we understand the physical and emotional impact of an underbite. Our dedicated team of orthodontic professionals is committed to providing you with effective and personalized solutions. We firmly believe that braces can be a transformative treatment for underbites, offering not only improved oral health but also a boost in self-confidence.

Choosing braces for underbite correction is a decision that can lead to a lifetime of benefits. Whether you’re a parent seeking treatment for your child or an individual considering orthodontic solutions, know that you’re in capable hands with our experienced orthodontists.

Don’t let an underbite hold you back from enjoying a healthier, happier smile. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a beautifully aligned bite. Together, we’ll create a treatment plan that not only corrects your underbite but also enhances your overall oral health and well-being.

Remember, a more confident smile starts here at Scaffidi Orthodontics.

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Invisible Braces

Fix Underbite with Invisible Braces

underbite braces journey

An underbite, characterized by the lower teeth protruding beyond the upper teeth, can pose not just cosmetic concerns but also potential issues with speech, eating, and oral health. As dental technology advances, individuals facing this condition have more options than ever, including the discreet choice of invisible braces.

These clear aligners offer a less noticeable and often more convenient treatment compared to traditional metal orthodontics. Bridging the gap between aesthetic aspirations and dental health, and understanding how invisible braces can tackle an underbite is the first step towards a transformed smile and restored confidence.

Understanding Underbite and Invisible Braces

An underbite , or prognathism, is a prominent dental malocclusion characterized by the anterior projection of the mandibular teeth beyond the maxillary teeth. This condition poses functional, aesthetic, and psychosocial challenges to affected individuals.

In recent years, invisible braces—commercially known as clear aligners—have emerged as an efficacious modality for the orthodontic management of underbites. This article delineates the clinical presentation of underbites and elucidates the mechanism by which clear aligner therapy rectifies this malalignment.

Within the realm of orthodontic anomalies, an underbite holds a position of clinical concern due to its impact on mastication, speech, and facial morphology. The genesis of this condition can often be traced to genetic etiologies or developmental discrepancies between jaw sizes. Timely correction is essential not only for the restoration of function but also for the improvement of the patient’s self-esteem and overall oral health.

Clear Aligner Therapy as a Treatment Modality

Clear aligner therapy represents an innovation in orthodontic treatment, which offers an aesthetically appealing alternative to traditional braces. These transparent, removable orthodontic devices are custom-fabricated using advanced computer modeling to fit snugly over the teeth and exert controlled forces that incrementally guide dentition into alignment.

The Mechanism of Underbite Correction

Initial assessment.

The journey to correct an underbite with clear aligners commences with a comprehensive dental assessment, including diagnostic imaging and impressions of the dental arches, to ascertain the underbite’s severity and complexity.

Strategic Planning

Following the analysis of diagnostic data, orthodontists devise a treatment plan. This involves the sequencing of tooth movements and the fabrication of a series of aligners that progressively accomplish the shifts necessary for bite correction.

Gradual Mandibular Repositioning

Clear aligners apply consistent pressure on the mandibular teeth, guiding them toward a more retrusive position. Concurrently, the maxillary teeth may be advanced, fostering an improved intercuspation and occlusal relationship.

Supplementary Techniques

Adjunctive strategies, such as interproximal reduction or the incorporation of attachments, can enhance aligner efficacy by providing additional grip and precise directional forces.

Compliance and Monitoring

Patient adherence to wearing the aligners for the recommended duration daily—typically 22 hours—is pivotal to treatment success. Periodic evaluations and adjustments ensure ongoing progress and address any emerging challenges.

Retention Phase

Upon reaching the desired alignment, retainers are mandated to maintain the corrected position of the teeth, forestalling relapse.

Invisible braces , via clear aligner therapy, provide a viable and increasingly preferred methodology for ameliorating underbites. This discreet, patient-friendly approach is reinforced by technological advancements and professional expertise, permitting a harmonious occlusion to be attained with minimal intrusion into daily life.

As research and clinical practice continue to refine and validate such techniques, clear aligners are sure to maintain their position at the forefront of orthodontic solutions.

Consultation with Orthodontist

Orthodontic consultations serve as the cornerstone for devising an effective treatment plan for underbite correction using invisible braces . A thorough evaluation by an orthodontist is imperative to ascertain the complexity and uniqueness of each case, thereby ensuring a personalized treatment approach.

During the consultation, the practitioner conducts a comprehensive intraoral examination complemented by radiographic analysis and digital scanning. This allows for a meticulous assessment of the skeletal and dental components contributing to the underbite. Such diagnostic tools enable the orthodontist to discern the severity of the malocclusion—whether it is predominantly dental, skeletal, or a combination of both.

Evaluating Periodontal Health

Furthermore, an orthodontic consultation provides a platform for evaluating the patient’s periodontal health. Healthy gums are an essential foundation for orthodontic maneuvers as clear aligner therapy relies on the ability to effectuate dental movements within the alveolar bone. Any periodontal disease must be addressed before commencing treatment to prevent exacerbation of the existing condition.

Review Dental History

Another pivotal aspect covered during the consultation pertains to the patient’s dental history and the presence of any restorative work that might influence the treatment plan. Crowns, bridges, and dental implants present specific challenges and require individualized strategies for inclusion in the clear aligner protocol.

Additionally, an orthodontic consultation avails the opportunity to discuss treatment duration, frequency of aligner changes, and anticipated follow-up visits, ensuring patient understanding and setting realistic expectations. This also includes detailing the necessity for aligner wear compliance, typically on the order of 20-22 hours per day, which is crucial for successful outcomes.

In cases where an underbite is coupled with other dental concerns such as crowding, spacing, or crossbite, the consultation allows for the development of a comprehensive and multidisciplinary treatment strategy. Such complexities often necessitate a phased approach, combining various orthodontic techniques to achieve the desired result.

Provide Information

It should also be emphasized that the consultation enables the orthodontist to furnish the patient with information regarding potential risks and limitations of clear aligner therapy in underbite treatment.

While invisible braces offer an aesthetic and comfortable alternative to traditional orthodontic appliances, they may not be the optimal choice for every patient. Discussing these nuances ensures that the patient makes an informed decision.

Establishing Rapport

Finally, the orthodontic consultation is crucial for establishing a rapport between the practitioner and the patient, which is fundamental for fostering a collaborative treatment atmosphere. Open communication is essential for addressing concerns and modifying the treatment as it progresses.

In sum, the orthodontic consultation is an indispensable step, designed to ensure that each patient receives a tailor-made treatment plan, considering their specific dental anatomy and needs. Without this critical foundation, the application of clear aligner therapy would lack the precision and customization necessary to correct an underbite effectively.

Invisible Braces

Invisible Braces Treatment Plan

Creating a personalized treatment plan for an underbite using invisible braces is a sophisticated and multi-faceted process that demands a deep understanding of dental anatomy, orthodontic biomechanics, and individual patient variables.

The development of such a treatment plan begins after an exhaustive orthodontic evaluation, which includes the steps previously delineated.

Design a Tailored Treatment Strategy

To design a tailored treatment strategy, the selection of the appropriate invisible braces system is essential. The market offers various brands, each with its nuances in design and function.

The chosen system must be adept at generating the necessary forces to facilitate underbite correction while accommodating the individual’s specific orthodontic needs.

Create Personalized 3D Models

Following the selection of an invisible braces system, a thorough digital analysis is undertaken. This involves the creation of personalized 3D dental models through high-resolution imaging and scanning technologies.

These models afford a virtual representation of the teeth and jaw, facilitating precise simulation of tooth movements. The exact pathways by which the teeth will shift into their desired alignment are meticulously planned.

This planning includes the determination of the sequence and degree of each movement, thereby customizing the series of aligners to effectuate the transformation.

The patient’s digital model is employed to engineer a set of custom-fabricated aligners. Each aligner is worn for a designated period, typically one to two weeks, before progressing to the next in the series, slowly coaxing the teeth into a more favorable position.

With underbites, the focus is often on shifting the lower teeth backward and/or bringing the upper teeth forward to achieve an optimal bite alignment.

Establish Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Interdisciplinary collaboration with other dental specialists may be warranted, particularly in complex cases where an underbite is compounded by other craniofacial discrepancies.

Adjunctive therapies, such as maxillofacial surgery or restorative dental procedures, might be integrated into the treatment protocol to ensure a comprehensive approach.

Monitor Progress

The rate of progress is closely monitored through periodic check-ins with the orthodontic practitioner. Adjustments to the treatment plan are made as necessary, based on the patient’s response to the aligners and ongoing oral health status.

Emphasis on open communication channels between the patient and the orthodontist facilitates the identification and timely rectification of any noncompliance issues or unexpected treatment responses.

Throughout treatment with invisible braces, the surrounding gingival and periodontal conditions must be preserved, demanding a rigorous oral hygiene protocol prescribed by the practitioner. This aspect of patient education underscores the symbiotic relationship between orthodontic correction and overall dental health.

Design a Retainer

Finally, upon reaching the desired correction, the production of a retainer is indicative of the transition into the maintenance phase. The retainer is custom-designed from the final alignment model to ensure the stability of the correction achieved. Wear of this device is typically lifelong during nocturnal hours to prevent relapse.

In summary, the intricate process of devising a personalized treatment plan for an underbite with invisible braces blends state-of-the-art technology with specialized orthodontic expertise.

By adhering to a meticulously crafted blueprint for tooth movement alongside diligent observation and patient collaboration, successful outcomes can be attained, culminating in improved function, aesthetically pleasing results, and enhanced psychological well-being for the patient.

Using Invisible Braces to Fix Your Underbite

Embarking on the journey to correct an underbite with invisible braces marks the beginning of not only enhancing one’s dental alignment but also improving overall oral functionality. It’s a path that requires commitment and patience but promises transformative results.

With a tailored treatment plan from a skilled orthodontist and the latest advancements in orthodontic technology at your disposal, achieving a harmonious bite and a more balanced smile is a tangible goal.

The invisible braces experience is a testament to the power of modern orthodontics: a discreet and dynamic approach to achieving oral health and aesthetic harmony.

underbite braces journey

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At Pachter Orthodontics, we want to change lives, not just correct smiles.

Turn Problems into Positivity: Your Underbite Fixed with Braces

Better smiling through braces.

girls laughing and walking

Are you thinking about seeking orthodontic treatment for a brand-new smile? There are plenty of steps to straightening your smile, and one of the first things that we look at is how your teeth have decided to misbehave. A very common issue that we see at Pachter Orthodontics is prognathism , or the development of an underbite. If you have an underbite, you’re likely looking to make a big change with braces. After all, positivity starts with a smile, and it’s hard to feel good about your grin when you’re worried about your bite. Today, we’re going to be looking at your journey to a picture-perfect smile can be easy, simple (and maybe even a little bit fun) with an underbite fixed with braces.

When You and Your Jaw Don’t Jive: What is an Underbite?

Everyone has a unique smile. But sometimes you might feel like your smile is a little too unique – especially if you’re living with an underbite. But what exactly is an underbite? When your lower jaw is placed too far forward in your mouth, your lower teeth overlap your top teeth. Of course, jaw problems are no joke. An underbite can lead to difficulty enjoying your favorite meals, pain during chewing or biting, or even irreversible wear and tear on your teeth. You may even find yourself having trouble talking.

Whether you’re dealing with a minor or severe underbite, problems with speaking and eating mean one big thing. You probably aren’t enjoying your funky grin. That’s why Pachter Ortho wants to get your teeth moving the right way – so you can have the smiliest smile on the block!

Understanding Underbites (and What Makes Them Happen)

We’ve talked about how different kinds of bites come about, and it’s amazing – there are a ton of things that can change how your teeth tango! Underbites are no different. There are three main causes for underbites in children and adults.

Sometimes, people can inherit an underbite from mom or dad. Genetics determines how your jaw and teeth are shaped, so it’s no surprise that your family can have underbites lurking in their DNA. Another cause is bad childhood habits . Tongue thrusting, thumb sucking, and overuse of pacifiers can cause many bite problems – including underbites. And the third potential culprit? An unexpected injury that changes how your jaw grows or sits, creating an underbite.

smiling girl with coffee drink

Your Underbite Fixed with Braces: Secrets to Smile About

Let’s cut the chitchat and get down to business. We know what you’re really here for. You want to know what you can do about it! Well, don’t worry. We’ve seen it all, and we’ve got just the tool for you: braces .

Creating a picture-perfect smile is our big secret to how we change lives. And one of the best ways to transform a smile is good, old-fashioned braces. Braces are an amazing smile-adjusting tool that can take all but the most severe underbite cases and turn them into a brand-new grin. While some severe underbites may take additional surgery to correct, braces can help or fix your underbite most of the time. By making small changes to your teeth and jaw position over time, braces realign your mouth. Basically, they take whatever party you have going on in there and get your teeth all dancing in a row – right where they’re supposed to be.

Be Bold or Discrete with Positively Awesome Braces

Both older and younger patients are often nervous about getting braces – and we don’t blame you. It’s a big change to both your routine and how you look. But braces are better than ever before! Revolutionary isn’t a word we use lightly around here – but it’s exactly how we describe the modern era of braces technology. There are so many options, you won’t believe it– whether you want to be bold or blend in, you’ll always be stylish.

Living your best smile is easier (and more comfortable) than ever. If you’re not happy about your smile, it’s hard to grin at even the best things in life. Stop avoiding the cameras and frowning when you look in the mirror. It’s time to say out with your underbite and in with your perfect grin. How? Go ahead and schedule your smile assessment with your local orthodontic office to get started on the path to positivity!

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Types of Underbite Correction Treatments

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Medically Reviewed By Colgate Global Scientific Communications

Achieving and maintaining a beautiful smile is a worthy goal. A mouth full of perfectly aligned teeth is a great indicator of your general health.

But if you have an orthodontic or facial issue causing your lower teeth to stick out, you might be experiencing problems affecting your overall health and well-being. Lucky for you, treatments abound for people with either misaligned teeth resulting in an underbite or with lower jaw protrusions. Depending on your situation, you can take steps to achieve that beautiful smile.

What Is an Underbite?

An underbite, clinically known as a Class III malocclusion, is when your lower teeth overlap your upper teeth. You or your child might have an underbite ranging from a mild misalignment (your upper and lower rows of teeth almost meet) to an acutely pronounced underbite (your teeth don't meet at all). The latter could be the result of a prognathism, a protrusion of the lower jaw.

Depending on the severity of your underbite, you or your child might experience these issues:

  • Eating difficulties
  • Speaking issues
  • Chronic jaw or joint (TMJ) pain, as well as headaches and earaches
  • Cracked or worn-down teeth
  • Tooth decay from wear of tooth enamel
  • Chronic mouth breathing, halitosis, and bacterial infections
  • Sleep apnea, snoring, and other nighttime breathing difficulties
  • Emotional stress brought on by bullying or by people expressing disapproval of your appearance.
  • Low self-esteem

Underbite Correction Methods

To correct an underbite, you and your dental professional have a few great options. The correction method chosen depends on factors such as the extent of the underbite and you or your child's age. In fact, you can begin correcting a child's underbite as early as possible so your dental professional can more easily manipulate their bones and palate.

Some overbites might require only one of the following correction methods or a combination of methods.

Braces : Whether metal, clear, or "hidden," braces are the most common way to align your bite. Though you or your teenager might need to wear braces for two to three years – and a retainer after the braces come off – this is probably the least expensive, most effective way to fix your underbite.

Reverse-Pull Face Mask: Resembling braces headgear, this mask is designed for children around 10 and younger before their bones fuse. It wraps around a child's head and pulls the upper jaw back into the correct position using metal bands fastened to the upper back teeth. A chin cup typically helps keep the mask in place.

This mask option is highly effective as long as your child wears it as frequently as possible, particularly while sleeping and at home.

Upper Jaw Expander: Your orthodontist will fit this wire-frame device across your palate. Every night, you'll use a special key to widen the expander a tiny amount. The process gradually causes the upper jaw to widen until the lower teeth no longer close against the outside of the uppers.

You'll usually wear the expander for about a year and then replace it with a retainer to promote proper bone growth. Though effective for teens and adults, the expander can work most efficiently in children whose bones are still forming.

Tooth Extraction : If you have too many lower teeth, causing them to protrude, you might fix your underbite by having the extra teeth pulled. This can be a one-off procedure or done in conjunction with other methods.

Surgery: If your underbite is due to your jaw sticking out much further than normal, your dental or medical professional might prescribe one of these surgeries:

  • Orthognathic Jaw Surgery: This correction surgery requires moving your lower jawbone to fix your protruding jaw. In this process, your oral and maxillofacial surgeon separates the bone in the jaw's rear part from the front part and then modifies it. This enables the part of the jaw carrying the lower teeth to be repositioned further back.

This can be an outpatient surgery or require brief hospitalization. Though complete healing might take 9 to 12 months, you can go back to school or work after one to three weeks.

  • Le Fort III Osteotomy: An oral and maxillofacial surgeon moves a person's entire face forward in this procedure. Performed when a person's face appears to have sunk in above the lower jaw, this surgery can greatly modify a person's appearance and functionality. Typical surgery healing times apply.

Cosmetic Approach: In mild cases, non-surgical cosmetic dentistry can reshape the lower teeth and then fit veneers to the uppers. Though it doesn't fix the underbite, it makes it less visible and sufficiently improves the jaw's functionality.

Bite alignment is seldom perfect, especially at a young age, but treatments are available to get your teeth perfectly positioned. Talk the treatments over with your dental and medical professionals. Whether correcting your bite or your jaw placement, you deserve to be fully able to eat, speak, sleep, and smile.

Oral Care Center articles are reviewed by an oral health medical professional. This information is for educational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist, physician or other qualified healthcare provider. 

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Underbite Correction for Children, Teens & Adults

underbite braces journey

In this article

What is an Underbite?

An underbite , also called a class III malocclusion, occurs when the lower front teeth overlap the upper teeth. It can be a cosmetic issue or a cause of various health problems.

Underbites can range from mild to severe and generally involve mandibular prognathism , where the lower jaw is pushed forward.

Orthodontic treatment is required to correct an underbite. This can include a wide range of options depending on the severity of the underbite and the patient’s age.

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Early intervention is recommended for correcting the problem without surgery. Once a person’s bones and adult teeth have fully formed, shifting their positions is more difficult, and surgery may become necessary.

Underbite Complications

While some people live happily with mild underbites, severe cases can have complications that interfere with daily life. These include:

  • Trouble speaking
  • Difficulty eating and drinking
  • Mouth and face discomfort due to misalignment of the jaw
  • Obstructed breathing and sleep apnea
  • Poor lip closure (mentalis strain)
  • Tooth decay , gingivitis , and other oral health issues
  • Bad breath ( halitosis )

These complications can become more severe as people get older, and harder to correct without surgery. Clear aligners can save you thousands of dollars compared to braces. Learn about clear aligners.

What Causes an Underbite?

If someone has an underbite, it’s generally present before they hit puberty. Underbites are often hereditary, especially if they involve a high degree of skeletal (jawbone) involvement.

Childhood habits are the other main factor in developing an underbite. Thumb sucking, poor chewing habits, and excessive pacifier use can all contribute to an underbite or other type of malocclusion.

Obstruction of the upper airway during childhood can lead to a habit of mouth breathing. This can also play a role in the formation of an underbite.

Straighten your teeth at a fraction of the cost. Learn about clear aligners .

Underbite Correction Options

There are several methods for correcting an underbite, and effective treatment may include more than one method. These range from jaw surgery to using orthodontic treatments and devices.

If treatment is performed while a person is young and still growing, an orthodontic appliance can often resolve the problem. These appliances are less effective for adults, who may need surgery to align their jaws correctly.

Both children and adults can benefit from braces or clear aligners such as Invisalign. These correct the dental aspects of the underbite, while appliances and surgical procedures handle the underlying issue with jaw alignment.

Underbite Correction for Children

The American Dental Association (ADA) and American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) state that children should first see an orthodontist when they are 7 years old. 13 The earlier underbite treatment starts, the simpler and less expensive it will be.

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners use advanced technology to help fix an underbite. Patients wear customized try for two weeks at a time for a minimum of 22 hours a day.

They are only taken out to eat, drink, brush, and floss. With time, the jaw and teeth gradually move into a straighter position.

However, correcting underbites with clear aligners can be difficult. These devices always have the same capabilities to move teeth like traditional braces.

Traditional orthodontics is more likely to have a successful outcome in cases of moderate underbites.

Braces are the most common way to correct an underbite. Traditional braces are made up of several components. Metal brackets that cement directly onto tooth surfaces are known as conventional (buccal) braces. 

Lingual braces have the same components as conventional braces, but they’re fixed to the back of the teeth. Lingual braces are more esthetic than conventional braces. 

Metal brackets hold the wires that shift the teeth into the correct position. Braces can also include separators or spacers that create room between the teeth.

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Rubber ties hold wires to the metal brackets, and rubber bands attach to the upper and lower brackets to apply pressure. This helps create a perfect bite.

Children can opt for colorful rubber bands on their metal braces. Ceramic braces (which are usually clear or tooth-colored) are also available.

Reverse-Pull Headgear

The reverse-pull facemask wraps around a child’s head. It slows down the growth of the lower jaw in an attempt to allow the upper jaw to “catch up.” It’s especially likely to be used for underbites caused by an underdeveloped upper jaw (and not just an overdeveloped lower jaw).

The headgear consists of a metal frame with pads that fit comfortably against the forehead and chin. This frame is connected to attachments on the top front and back teeth using elastic bands.

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The force exerted by the pads against the attachments allows the upper jaw to come forward to match the lower jaw. 

Reverse-pull headgear is usually worn for at least 12 hours a day. It’s most effective when worn between the ages of 5 and 7 because the child’s jaws still have plenty of time and room to grow.

A chin cap, also called a chin cup, is another form of orthodontic headgear that restricts the growth of the lower jaw. It works similarly to reverse-pull headgear.

The main difference is that chin caps attach completely outside the mouth rather than to the teeth. They’re kept in place on the chin with elastic bands that go over the top of the head.

Upper Jaw Expanders

A palatal expander is a wire-frame appliance that orthodontists fit across someone’s palate (the roof of the mouth). At prescribed intervals, a key is used to widen the expander by a small amount. The upper jaw expands gradually until the lower teeth no longer sit outside the upper teeth.

People usually wear the upper jaw expander for a year. It’s often replaced with a retainer afterward.

Baby Tooth Extractions

Baby tooth extractions are a standard underbite treatment for children. With early tooth extractions, there is room for permanent teeth to grow straight.

Orthodontists try to avoid extracting a child’s permanent teeth. However, in severe underbite cases, permanent tooth removal may be needed to allow for the movement of the other teeth.

Underbite Correction for Late Teens & Adults

Adults with an underbite require different orthodontic treatment than a child with the same condition.


Invisalign and other in-office clear aligners can also fix some adults’ underbites. However, severe underbites may require Invisalign treatment (or braces) and surgery. Speak with a dentist or oral surgeon to discuss possible treatment plans.

Dental braces are commonly used to treat underbites in people of all ages. This is because they exert the amount of pressure needed to perform complex tooth realignments.

Adults who do not want visible metal braces can opt for transparent ceramic braces , or lingual braces , which run behind the teeth. Both of these options may help boost confidence and make people less self-conscious.

As with clear aligners, braces treatment may realign the teeth, but surgery may still be required to bring a person’s jaw into the proper position.

Orthognathic (Jaw) Surgery

Most board-certified oral surgeons can successfully correct underbites using a procedure called mandibular osteotomy. This surgery shortens and reshapes the lower jaw:

  • First, bilateral controlled fractures are created, during which some of the jawbone is removed
  • The mandible is then repositioned to sit correctly in the best possible dental arch alignment for the face
  • Once properly aligned, the upper and lower jaws are held in place with wires, titanium plates, and screws. Patients must follow a liquid diet until the jaw heals.

Recovery and Risks

During recovery after underbite surgery, jaw pain and discomfort can develop. Patients may also need to wear braces for approximately a year to align their teeth.

Underbite surgery also comes with some risks, including general anesthesia reactions, infection, bleeding, and scarring.

However, for most adults, surgery is the only option for correcting a skeletal underbite.We recommend at-home clear aligners if you have mild teeth misalignment. View our top recommendations .

An underbite, or class III malocclusion, involves lower teeth that sit in front of the upper teeth. It often results from an overdeveloped or misaligned lower jaw and/or an underdeveloped midface or upper jaw.

A variety of treatments are available for an underbite. Which treatment method (or combination of methods) works best will depend on the severity of the case and the person’s age.

For children, a combination of braces and orthodontic headgear may be used. Mildly misaligned teeth may be treatable with clear aligners. For fully developed adults, surgery will likely be necessary to correct an underbite.

What’s Next?

Discover the best fit for your smile.

Explore top at-home clear aligner brands .

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  • Santana, Lucas Garcia, et al. “ Influence of heritability on occlusal traits: a systematic review of studies in twins. ” Progress in Orthodontics, 2020.
  • D’Onofrio, Linda. “ Oral dysfunction as a cause of malocclusion. ” Orthodontics & craniofacial research, 2019.
  • Grippaudo, C et al. “ Association between oral habits, mouth breathing and malocclusion. ” Acta otorhinolaryngologica Italica, 2016.
  • Amr-Rey, Omaya, et al. “ Association between malocclusion and articulation of phonemes in early childhood. ” The Angle Orthodontist, 2022.
  • Zere, Edlira et al. “ Developing Class III malocclusions: challenges and solutions. ” Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dentistry, 2018.
  • Azamian, Zeinab, and Farinaz Shirban. “ Treatment Options for Class III Malocclusion in Growing Patients with Emphasis on Maxillary Protraction. ” Scientifica, 2016.
  • Eslami, Sara, et al. “ Treatment decision in adult patients with class III malocclusion: surgery versus orthodontics. ” Progress in Orthodontics, 2018.
  • Park, Kitae E., at al. “ Orthognathic Surgery to Improve Facial Profile: Assessment, 3-Dimensional Planning, and Technique. ” Aesthetic Surgery Journal Open Forum, 2021.
  • “ Underbite. ” Invisalign.
  • Tran, Khai, and Lori Picheca. “ Orthodontic Treatment for the Management of Pain or Impacted Teeth in Patients with Malocclusion: A Review of Clinical Effectiveness and Guidelines. ” Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health, 2017. 
  • “ Dental braces and retainers. ” Healthdirect Australia.
  • “ Extractions (removal) of baby teeth. ” Queensland Government.
  • Consumer. “ When Should Your Child See an Orthodontist? ” American Association of Orthodontists, 2021.

underbite braces journey

How Can Braces Fix Overbites And Underbites?

How Can Braces Fix Overbites and Underbites

An overbite and underbite are bite problems that shouldn’t hold you back from your dream smile. At Manhattan Family Orthodontics , we’re dedicated to helping you understand your bite issues and bring you a perfect smile.  Let’s explore how braces can be the key to overcoming overbites and underbites.

How We Correct Your Bite

Our doctors build a treatment plan with you in mind. We decide your orthodontic treatment based on your specific malocclusion, your age, and any special accommodations you may need. Let’s look into the types of braces we provide to fix overbites or underbites so you can be more familiar with them before your treatment begins.

Braces Explained

Braces are a tried-and-true method of treatment at Manhattan Family Orthodontics. They’re able to fight even the toughest overbite or underbite. Braces provide continuous pressure to your teeth and jaw, slowly moving them into the right place. 

Braces consist of two main pieces: brackets and an archwire. The orthodontist fixes brackets directly to your teeth to serve as anchor points for the archwire. They then fix the archwire across your brackets to guide your teeth as they move. 

By visiting us every few weeks, we’ll adjust your archwire to keep precise force on your smile. We’ll slowly correct your malocclusion by moving your teeth and jaw, making your dream smile appear.

Depending on whether you have an overbite or underbite, we may pair your braces with an appliance, such as headgear or palatal expanders. These can help encourage the forward growth of the upper or lower jaw. However, we may recommend surgery for the most severe of cases.

Exploring Your Braces Options

If you are about to start your braces journey with us, there are two different types that you have the option for. Metal Braces are one of our most common treatments. Able to handle the toughest cases, metal braces are robust and efficient and use metal brackets to attach to your teeth. They’re very visible, with a reflective metal shine that you may not like.

On the other hand, there’s a less visible option in clear braces . These use ceramic brackets that blend with your teeth’s natural color, making them less noticeable. While more aesthetically pleasing, they are a little weaker when compared to metal braces due to their different material.

Tackling Overbites & Underbites

At Manhattan Family Orthodontics, we want to tackle overbites and underbites early and effectively. With treatment options for any smile, our goal is to bring you a smile you’ll love. 

During your first consultation with us, we’ll look into your past dental history, take some X-rays and photos of your teeth, and come up with a treatment plan that fits you. The choice of treatment usually depends on the severity of your case and the specific needs or wants you or your child may have.

How Can Braces Fix Overbites And Underbites?

What You Need To Know About Malocclusions

Your jaw and your teeth work best when they’re lined up. However, they don’t always like to agree and can become misaligned for many different reasons. When your teeth and jaw aren’t aligned, we call this condition a malocclusion. Malocclusions can appear in different forms, but two of the most common are overbites and underbites.

Navigating Underbites

An underbite is when the lower front teeth go out further than the upper front teeth. It’s the least common and most severe malocclusion you can have. Most times, underbites are skeletal, which means the jaw rather than the teeth cause misalignment.

Genetics and outside habits and events, such as an injury, can still cause underbites. With a prominent lower jaw, you’re more at risk for serious health and bite issues. 

Overbites and underbites can both lead to functional and aesthetic concerns. At Manhattan Family Orthodontics, we’ll make sure you have all the details on which malocclusion you have and what complications can arise from not treating them. 

Addressing Overbites

An overbite is when the upper front teeth go out further than the lower front teeth. It’s the more common of the two, with many having a slight overbite. While not all overbites require  treatment, more severe cases can harm your smile. 

Overbites can either be dental or skeletal. The position of your teeth causes dental overbites, while the structure of the jawbone causes skeletal overbites. Both of these can come from genetics or habits from your childhood, such as thumb-sucking or prolonged pacifier use. 

Your Bite Problems

Overbites and underbites are more than aesthetic problems. They also complicate your oral health and well-being. If left untreated, you can face some nasty problems.

Bites & Teeth

If your smile is misaligned, you may face new challenges in cleaning and protecting your teeth. Teeth that aren’t aligned due to malocclusion can experience uneven wear and tear, leading to tooth enamel decay, heightened risk of cavities, and tooth sensitivity.

Misaligned teeth are also difficult to clean. Daily oral hygiene practices can be more challenging, resulting in plaque buildup and gum disease.

Finally, protruding teeth from an overbite or underbite can have a higher chance of injury from trauma. Accidents or impacts to the mouth or jaw can damage misaligned teeth.

Bite Issues & Health

The biggest problem that an overbite or underbite can bring is the function of your jaw. When you have a malocclusion, it can impact your chewing, swallowing, and speech and even lead to TMJ disorders. 

When you have a malocclusion, you won’t be able to chew your food properly. This situation can result in not breaking down large bites enough before swallowing, which creates hazards.

Both overbites and underbites can affect the positioning and the movement of your tongue. This can lead to speech impediments, challenges in articulation, and general pains in everyday chatting. TMJ disorders are when there’s undue stress on the jaw joint and muscles and can bring on some serious discomfort. 

Confidence & your bite.

An overbite or underbite can affect your self-esteem and confidence. This can bring social and emotional challenges, especially for teens. Your teen may even experience social anxiety, avoiding social situations, and even bullying.

How Can Braces Fix Overbites And Underbites?

Smile Bright With Manhattan Family Orthodontics

At Manhattan Family Orthodontics , we believe everyone deserves a smile they can be proud of. No matter the type of malocclusion you’re facing, our team is here to support you every step of the way toward achieving your perfect smile. Don’t wait to transform your smile and your confidence. Schedule your free consultation with us at either our uptown or downtown office today and see how we can make your dream smile a reality.

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Treating Underbite

Understanding and Treating Underbite: A Comprehensive Guide

Underbite, medically known as Class III malocclusion, is more than just a cosmetic concern. This dental and/or skeletal, where the lower teeth extend beyond the upper teeth, can significantly impact oral health, speech, and facial appearance. Understanding underbite, its causes, and treatment options is crucial for those affected and for promoting general oral health awareness.

Causes of Underbite

– Genetic Factors: Often, underbite is a hereditary condition. If parents or close family members have an underbite, their children will likely develop the same condition.

– Childhood Habits: Prolonged habits like thumb-sucking, excessive use of pacifiers, and bottle-feeding can lead to developmental issues in the jaw and teeth, resulting in an underbite.

– Jaw Misalignment: At times, underbite is due to misaligned jaw growth, where the lower jaw develops more rapidly or is positioned ahead of the upper jaw.

Effects of Untreated Underbite

Leaving an underbite untreated can lead to a host of problems:

– Dental Issues: An underbite can cause uneven wear on the teeth, leading to tooth decay and periodontal diseases.

– Speech Problems: It might affect speech, leading to difficulties in articulation and clarity.

– Facial Asymmetry: Over time, an untreated underbite can alter the shape of the face, resulting in asymmetry and potential self-esteem issues.

– Eating difficulties

– Chronic jaw or joint (TMJ) pain , as well as headaches and earaches

– Sleep apnea , snoring, and other nighttime breathing difficulties

– Low self-esteem

Underbite Treatment Options

Braces: a common solution for underbite alignment.

Braces are a prevalent method for correcting underbites, catering to various age groups. They come in different types, such as metal, clear, or ‘hidden’ braces, and are often considered the most cost-effective and efficient solution. Typically, braces need to be worn for two to three years, followed by a retainer to maintain the alignment.

Reverse-Pull Face Mask for Children

The Reverse-Pull Face Mask is specifically designed for children under 10 years, targeting the alignment of the upper jaw. It involves a mask-like device that wraps around the head. The mask is most effective when worn at least 12 hours/day to achieve an orthopedic effect.

Upper Expansion with Self-ligating Braces

Historically, an Upper Jaw Expander is a device fitted across the palate, usually for a duration of about a year. It involves nightly adjustments using a special key to gradually widen the upper jaw, ensuring the lower teeth do not close against the uppers. Today, in most cases, I can achieve the expansion needed with self-ligating braces, the natural pressure from the tongue, and special archwires.

Alternative Methods for Underbite Correction

Tooth extraction: addressing overcrowding.

In cases where overcrowding of the lower teeth leads to an underbite, tooth extraction might be a viable solution. This can be a standalone procedure or combined with other corrective methods.

Surgical Approaches to Severe Underbites

Orthognathic jaw surgery.

This surgical method involves repositioning the lower jawbone to correct a protruding jaw. It requires a separation of the bone in the rear part of the jaw from the front, allowing the lower teeth to be repositioned. The recovery period can range from one to three weeks for returning to work or school, with complete healing taking 9 to 12 months.

Le Fort III Osteotomy

A more comprehensive surgical approach, Le Fort III Osteotomy, is used when the entire face appears recessed above the lower jaw. This procedure involves moving the entire face forward, significantly altering appearance and functionality.

Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADs)

TADs are like mini-implants that are placed in strategic areas. In most cases, the lower jaw is moved back to correct the position of the jaw. This can be a great alternative to orthognathic surgery. 

Cosmetic Dentistry: A Non-Surgical Option

In milder cases, cosmetic dentistry may offer a solution by reshaping the lower teeth and fitting veneers to the upper teeth. While this doesn’t correct the underbite structurally, it improves its visibility and enhances jaw functionality.

Seeking Professional Help

Consulting an orthodontist is vital for anyone with an underbite. They act as the quarterback in your case and work with other providers to achieve the best result in your case. Treatment plans are highly individualized, considering the severity of the underbite, patient age, and personal preferences. The study by McIlvaine et al. (2014) highlights the complexity of treatment choices, emphasizing the importance of professional guidance. The study assessed the feasibility of randomizing surgical versus non-surgical treatments for Class III malocclusion in cleft lip and palate patients. It found that most parents and patients were unwilling to accept random treatment assignments, with a significant portion likely to drop out if dissatisfied with the treatment. This highlights the challenges of conducting randomized trials in surgical settings and suggests the need for alternative research models.

Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment of underbite are imperative. Each case can be effectively managed with a range of treatment options available, from braces to surgery. Consulting with us at SmileHaus Orthodontics ensures a treatment plan tailored to individual needs, promoting better oral health and overall well-being.

Q&A Section

Q1: At what age is it best to start underbite correction?  

A1: All children should be seen by an orthodontist by age 7. Underbite correction can begin at that time if necessary, especially for methods using the Reverse-Pull Face Mask, as they are more effective during growth.

Q2: Can braces alone correct an underbite?   

A2: Depends on each case. Braces are a standard solution for underbites and can be effective independently, especially when underbites are less severe. Your orthodontist may also be able to correct the bite with aligners (like Invisalign).

Q3: What are the recovery times for underbite corrective surgeries?  

A3: Recovery times vary. Orthognathic Jaw Surgery takes 1-3 weeks to return to normal activities and 9-12 months for complete healing. Le Fort III Osteotomy follows typical surgery healing times.


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Correcting Underbites with Invisalign: A Gentle Approach

Correcting Underbites with Invisalign: A Gentle Approach

Correcting Underbites with Invisalign: A Gentle Approach

1. Understanding Underbites: What you need to know about this common dental issue

An underbite is a common dental issue that occurs when the lower jaw extends beyond the upper jaw, causing the lower front teeth to overlap the upper front teeth. This misalignment can lead to a variety of problems, including difficulty chewing, speech difficulties, and an uneven bite. It is important to understand the causes, consequences, and treatment options associated with underbites in order to effectively address this issue.

  • Genetics: Underbites can be hereditary, meaning they can be passed down from parents to their children.
  • Jaw and tooth development: Irregular growth patterns of the jaw or misalignment of the teeth during childhood can contribute to the development of an underbite.


  • Poor oral health: Underbites can make it challenging to properly clean your teeth, increasing the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and cavities.
  • Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ): The misalignment caused by underbites can put excess strain on the jaw joint, leading to TMJ pain and discomfort.
  • Facial aesthetics: Underbites can affect the appearance of your face, potentially impacting self-confidence and overall facial harmony.

1. Understanding Underbites: What you need to know about this common dental issue

2. The Gentle Approach: How Invisalign can correct underbites with comfort and precision

Invisalign is a revolutionary orthodontic treatment that provides a gentle approach to correcting underbites. With its state-of-the-art technology, Invisalign offers unmatched comfort and precision in the correction process, making it a popular choice among patients seeking a discreet alternative to traditional braces.

Unlike traditional braces, which use brackets and wires, Invisalign aligners are made of clear, smooth plastic that is custom-made to fit snugly over your teeth. These aligners are virtually invisible, allowing you to go about your day-to-day activities with confidence. With Invisalign, there are no unsightly metal brackets or wires to worry about, and you can remove the aligners when eating, brushing, or flossing.

  • Comfort: Invisalign aligners are made from smooth plastic, eliminating the discomfort often associated with traditional braces. The aligners are custom-made to fit the contours of your teeth, ensuring a comfortable and snug fit.
  • Precision: Invisalign utilizes advanced computer technology to create a series of aligners that gradually shift your teeth into their proper position. Each set of aligners is worn for about two weeks before being replaced by the next set in the series, allowing for precise and gradual movement.
  • Discreet: The clear, plastic material used in Invisalign aligners makes them virtually invisible. This allows you to smile confidently throughout your treatment, without feeling self-conscious about the appearance of your aligners.

Overall, Invisalign offers a comfortable, precise, and discreet solution for correcting underbites. Its innovative technology and clear aligners make it an attractive option for those seeking a more convenient and aesthetically pleasing orthodontic treatment.

2. The Gentle Approach: How Invisalign can correct underbites with comfort and precision

3. Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces: Why many patients prefer the discreet and gentle solution

When it comes to achieving a straighter smile, the choice between Invisalign and traditional braces is a common dilemma. Invisalign, often hailed as the more discreet and gentle option, has become increasingly popular among patients of all ages. Let’s dive into why many individuals are opting for this innovative orthodontic treatment over traditional braces:

1. Discreet appearance: One of the biggest advantages of Invisalign is its virtually invisible appearance. The clear, custom-made aligners blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, making them an ideal choice for those who are conscious about the aesthetic impact of braces. With Invisalign, you can feel confident throughout your treatment without feeling self-conscious about your smile.

2. Enhanced comfort: Traditional braces can sometimes cause discomfort due to the metal brackets and wires. In contrast, Invisalign aligners are made from smooth, BPA-free plastic that is designed to fit snugly over your teeth. The absence of metal components reduces the chances of irritation and mouth sores, offering a more comfortable experience. Plus, there are no painful adjustments required, as you simply switch to a new set of aligners every few weeks.

3. Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces: Why many patients prefer the discreet and gentle solution

4. How Invisalign Works: Unveiling the step-by-step process of underbite correction

Invisalign is an innovative orthodontic treatment that helps correct underbites effectively and discreetly. Let’s dive into the step-by-step process of how Invisalign works to correct underbites:

1. Initial Consultation: The first step is to schedule an appointment with an experienced Invisalign provider. During this consultation, your dentist or orthodontist will evaluate your bite, take impressions of your teeth, and discuss your treatment goals.

2. Custom Treatment Plan: Using advanced technology, your provider will create a custom treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan includes a 3D representation of the desired final result, showcasing the gradual movement of your teeth.

3. Invisalign Aligners: Once the treatment plan is finalized, a series of custom-made aligners will be produced specifically for you. These aligners are made of a comfortable, nearly invisible plastic material and will be worn for approximately 20-22 hours per day, only removing them to eat, drink, brush, and floss.

4. Gradual Teeth Movement: As you wear each set of aligners, they gently and gradually shift your teeth in the desired direction. Approximately every one to two weeks, you will switch to the next set of aligners in the series, which will continue to guide your teeth towards the intended position.

5. Regular Check-Ups: Throughout your Invisalign journey, you’ll have periodic check-ups with your provider to monitor your progress and ensure everything is going as planned. These check-ups typically occur every six to eight weeks, allowing for any necessary adjustments to be made.

6. Treatment Completion: Once your teeth have moved to their desired positions, your provider will determine that your treatment is complete. To maintain the new alignment, a retainer may be recommended to wear at night or according to your provider’s instructions.

Underbite correction with Invisalign offers an effective and convenient alternative to traditional braces. During your treatment, you can enjoy the freedom of removing the aligners for special occasions and while enjoying your favorite foods. With Invisalign, you’ll have the confidence of a beautiful smile throughout your underbite correction journey.

4. How Invisalign Works: Unveiling the step-by-step process of underbite correction

5. Personalized Treatment Plans: How your unique underbite will be addressed with Invisalign

When it comes to addressing your unique underbite, Invisalign ensures a personalized treatment plan tailored specifically to your needs. With Invisalign, you can say goodbye to uncomfortable braces and hello to discreet, virtually invisible aligners that align your teeth gradually over time.

Here’s how your personalized treatment plan with Invisalign works:

  • Initial Consultation: During your initial consultation, our orthodontist will assess your underbite and determine if Invisalign is the right solution for you. They will examine your teeth, take x-rays, and discuss your treatment goals.
  • 3D Scan: Next, we’ll take a detailed 3D scan of your teeth using our state-of-the-art iTero scanner. This allows us to create a digital model of your mouth and plan the precise movement of your teeth throughout the treatment process.
  • Customized Treatment Plan: Based on the 3D scan, our orthodontist will customize a treatment plan that addresses your underbite. Each set of aligners will be designed to gradually shift your teeth into their proper alignment, resulting in a more harmonious bite.
  • Frequent Aligner Changes: Throughout your treatment, you will receive a series of custom-made aligners. Every two weeks, you will switch to a new set of aligners, each one bringing you a step closer to your desired smile.
  • Regular Check-Ups: Approximately every 6-8 weeks, you will visit our office for a check-up. Our orthodontist will monitor your progress, make any necessary adjustments, and provide you with your next set of aligners.

With Invisalign’s personalized treatment plans, you can achieve a properly aligned bite without the hassle or visibility of traditional braces. So why wait? Schedule your consultation today and take the first step towards a more confident, beautiful smile!

6. Invisalign Aligners: Discovering the comfortable and removable solution that gradually fixes underbites

Underbites can make simple tasks like chewing and speaking more difficult. If you’re tired of dealing with the discomfort and inconvenience, Invisalign aligners may be just the solution you need. These clear, custom-made aligners are designed to gradually correct underbites, providing a comfortable and removable alternative to traditional braces.

With Invisalign aligners, you can embrace a more confident smile without the hassle of metal wires and brackets. Here’s what makes them an excellent choice:

  • Comfortable: Invisalign aligners are made of smooth, BPA-free plastic, ensuring a comfortable fit that won’t irritate your gums and cheeks like traditional braces.
  • Removable: Unlike braces, you can easily remove Invisalign aligners for eating, drinking, and oral hygiene routines. Enjoy your favorite foods without restrictions!
  • Discreet: The clear aligners are virtually invisible, so you can straighten your teeth without drawing unnecessary attention . Smile confidently throughout the process!
  • Gradual improvement: Invisalign aligners work by applying gentle, controlled forces to your teeth over time, gradually shifting them into their correct positions. Say goodbye to underbites and hello to a well-aligned smile!

Don’t let underbites hold you back any longer. Discover the wonders of Invisalign aligners and experience a comfortable, removable, and effective solution for correcting underbites. Schedule a consultation with a certified Invisalign provider today and take the first step towards achieving the smile you’ve always dreamed of!

7. The Benefits of Invisalign for Underbite Correction: Why patients find it more convenient and effective


Invisalign offers a range of benefits for underbite correction, making it a popular choice among patients seeking orthodontic treatment. One of the main advantages is its convenience. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are removable, allowing for easier oral hygiene maintenance. Patients can easily brush and floss their teeth without any obstacles, reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum diseases. Moreover, the ability to remove the aligners also means that you can continue to enjoy your favorite foods without restrictions. Say goodbye to the days of avoiding sticky or hard-to-chew foods!


Not only is Invisalign convenient, but it is also highly effective for underbite correction. The clear aligners are custom-made to fit your unique dental structure, gradually shifting your teeth into their correct positions. Invisalign employs advanced 3D technology to create a personalized treatment plan, ensuring precise and gradual movements. With regular check-ups and the replacement of aligners every few weeks, you will notice visible improvements in your underbite and overall smile. Invisalign’s efficient and subtle approach allows you to achieve the desired results while maintaining a natural appearance.

8. The Invisalign Experience: Real patients share their journey to correcting underbites

Welcome to the inspiring stories of real patients who have undergone the transformative Invisalign treatment to correct their underbites. By sharing their experiences, these individuals hope to provide a glimpse into the incredible progress they achieved with Invisalign and the positive impact it had on their lives. Each unique journey serves as a testament to the effectiveness and life-changing capabilities of this innovative orthodontic option.

In these heartfelt testimonials, you will discover how Invisalign not only straightened their teeth but also improved their overall oral health and self-confidence. With Invisalign’s virtually invisible aligners, these patients experienced discreet treatment without the traditional metal braces. Through determination and consistency, they successfully corrected their underbites, achieving a more harmonious bite and a stunning new smile. Inside their stories, you will find the key milestones, challenges, and triumphs they encountered along the way, and gain valuable insights into their personal experiences of using Invisalign.

  • Enhanced comfort: Patients describe the comfortability of Invisalign aligners, praising their smooth texture and lack of sharp edges.
  • Ease of maintenance: Learn about the hassle-free oral care regimen required with the removable Invisalign trays, making brushing and flossing a breeze.
  • Visibility: Discover how the transparent aligners provided an inconspicuous treatment option so patients could maintain their natural appearance throughout the process.
  • Life-changing results: Hear about the life-changing effects Invisalign had on patients’ self-esteem, quality of life, and overall dental health.

Immerse yourself in these empowering tales of personal growth and transformation, and gain valuable insights to help you envision your own journey to correcting underbites with Invisalign. Whether you are considering orthodontic treatment for yourself or a loved one, the stories shared here can inspire and provide you with the information you need to take the first step towards a more confident smile.

9. Maintaining Oral Health: How Invisalign supports proper dental care during underbite correction

Invisalign is a modern solution for correcting underbites while also supporting proper oral health. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign uses clear aligners that are virtually invisible, making them more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.

One of the key ways Invisalign promotes dental care during underbite correction is through its removable aligners. Unlike fixed braces, Invisalign can be easily taken out for brushing and flossing, allowing for better oral hygiene. With Invisalign, you can maintain your regular brushing and flossing routine, ensuring that your teeth and gums stay healthy throughout the treatment process. Additionally, the aligners themselves are smooth and comfortable, reducing the likelihood of irritation or sores in the mouth.

  • Removable aligners allow for easy brushing and flossing
  • Smooth and comfortable aligners reduce mouth irritation
  • Clear aligners are virtually invisible and aesthetically pleasing

Thanks to Invisalign’s innovative approach, you don’t have to compromise on your oral health while correcting your underbite. With its removable aligners, smooth design, and nearly invisible appearance, Invisalign ensures that you can maintain proper dental care throughout the treatment process, promoting a healthy smile and overall well-being.

10. After Underbite Correction: How Invisalign helps maintain your new aligned smile

After undergoing underbite correction with Invisalign, it’s important to maintain your newly aligned smile to ensure optimal results. Invisalign offers several benefits to help you maintain your beautiful smile and improve your oral health.

Customized Retainers: Invisalign provides custom-made retainers specifically designed to fit your teeth after underbite correction. These retainers are comfortable to wear and help keep your teeth in their new aligned position. By wearing these retainers as prescribed by your orthodontist, you can prevent relapse and ensure long-term success of your underbite correction.

Easy Oral Hygiene: One advantage of Invisalign is that the aligners are removable, which makes it easier to maintain good oral hygiene . Unlike braces, where food particles can get trapped, Invisalign aligners can be taken out for brushing and flossing. This helps prevent plaque buildup and reduces the risk of gum disease and tooth decay.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is an underbite and why is it important to correct it? A: An underbite occurs when the lower jaw protrudes further than the upper jaw, resulting in the lower teeth overlapping the upper teeth when biting down. While it may not always seem like a significant issue, leaving an underbite untreated can lead to various problems such as uneven wear on teeth, difficulty chewing, jaw pain, and even speech issues. Correcting an underbite is vital for maintaining dental health and overall well-being.

Q: What is Invisalign and how does it work for correcting underbites? A: Invisalign is a modern orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear, removable aligners to gradually shift the teeth into their desired position. In the case of underbites, Invisalign employs gentle pressure and strategically placed attachments to guide the lower teeth back and align them with the upper teeth. This process ensures a comfortable and effective correction, catering to the patient’s specific dental needs.

Q: How long does it typically take to correct an underbite using Invisalign? A: The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the underbite and the individual’s dental condition. In general, Invisalign treatment for underbites may take anywhere from several months to a year or longer. During your initial consultation, an experienced orthodontist will evaluate your situation and give you a more accurate estimate of how long your Invisalign journey might be.

Q: Is Invisalign a suitable alternative to traditional braces for correcting underbites? A: Absolutely! Invisalign offers a discreet and comfortable alternative to traditional braces for underbite correction. Unlike braces, Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible and can be removed for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing. This means you can enjoy your favorite foods and maintain your oral hygiene routine without any disruption. However, it is important to wear the aligners for a recommended 20-22 hours per day for optimal results.

Q: Are there any discomfort or pain associated with Invisalign treatment for underbites? A: While some patients may experience temporary discomfort or mild pressure at the beginning of each new aligner stage, it is generally less painful than traditional braces. Invisalign aligners are custom-made to fit your teeth perfectly, minimizing any potential irritation. Additionally, the gradual movements of the teeth with Invisalign result in fewer sore spots than braces, making the treatment more comfortable overall.

Q: Can anyone with an underbite use Invisalign for correction? A: Invisalign is suitable for many cases of underbites, but it ultimately depends on the severity of your specific condition. Your orthodontist will examine your teeth and jaw to determine if you are a good candidate for Invisalign. In more extreme cases, alternative treatment options, such as traditional braces or surgery, may be recommended. However, Invisalign has been successful in correcting a wide range of underbite issues for many patients.

Q: Is wearing a retainer necessary after Invisalign treatment? A: Yes, wearing a retainer is crucial after completing your Invisalign treatment to maintain the corrected position of your teeth. This ensures that your underbite doesn’t relapse, allowing you to enjoy the long-term benefits of your treatment. Your orthodontist will provide specific instructions on how and when to wear your retainer, which is typically used initially on a full-time basis and gradually transitioned to nighttime wear over time.

Q: How can I find an experienced orthodontist who specializes in Invisalign treatment for underbites? A: To find an orthodontist experienced in treating underbites with Invisalign, you can start by asking your regular dentist for a recommendation. Additionally, you can visit the official Invisalign website or consult with local dental associations to find accredited orthodontists who specialize in Invisalign treatments. Be sure to schedule a consultation to discuss your specific underbite concerns and treatment options with the orthodontist before making a final decision.

Thank you for taking the time to read our article on correcting underbites with Invisalign, a gentle approach to achieving a beautiful smile. We hope you have found it informative and enlightening.

Correcting underbites can often seem like a daunting task, but with Invisalign, it becomes a comfortable and effective journey. By using a series of virtually invisible aligners, this innovative technology gently moves your teeth into their proper position, gradually correcting your underbite over time.

One of the most appealing aspects of Invisalign is its gentle approach. The removable aligners allow for a more comfortable experience compared to traditional braces. With Invisalign, you won’t have to worry about discomfort from wires or brackets that can irritate your gums and cheeks.

What sets Invisalign apart is its flexibility. Unlike traditional braces, you can remove the aligners whenever necessary, allowing you to enjoy your favorite foods without restrictions. This feature also makes brushing and flossing easier, ensuring optimal oral hygiene throughout your treatment.

Throughout the process, you will visit your orthodontist periodically to receive new sets of aligners, custom-made to fit your unique smile. With each new set, you will notice your underbite gradually improving, bringing you closer to the smile you’ve always desired.

Invisalign is suitable for many different cases of underbites, from mild to more severe. The treatment is designed to address the specific needs of each individual patient, ensuring effective results. Your orthodontist will guide you through the process, providing personalized care and monitoring your progress to ensure optimal outcomes.

The journey to correcting your underbite with Invisalign is a partnership between you and your orthodontist. By following their guidance and wearing your aligners as instructed, you will be one step closer to achieving the smile of your dreams.

We hope this article has shed light on how Invisalign can gently and effectively correct underbites. Remember, a beautiful smile is not only aesthetically pleasing but also plays a significant role in your overall dental health.

If you are considering correcting your underbite, we recommend consulting with an experienced orthodontist who can evaluate your case and determine if Invisalign is the right solution for you. Take the first step towards a confident smile and schedule a consultation today.

Thank you again for reading, and best of luck on your journey towards a well-aligned, harmonious smile.

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underbite braces journey

Braces Journey

A comprehensive guide to underbite

8 March 2024

Underbite teeth condition that can be treated with braces.

An underbite is a type of malocclusion (improper bite) where your lower front teeth protrude beyond your upper front teeth. While a mild underbite may not cause any teething issues (pun intended), it may affect your oral health. Let’s dive in to learn more about underbites and what we can do to align your teeth!

How does an underbite affect you?

Underbites come in different forms, with their severity varying from mild to more pronounced cases. The primary cause is a misalignment of the upper and lower jaws, where the lower teeth protrude beyond the upper teeth. Left untreated, underbites can lead to various complications, affecting not only oral health but also your overall well-being. 

While mild cases may not cause significant problems, severe underbite can often lead to various functional and aesthetic concerns. That’s why early intervention is important to prevent it from getting worse.

The difference between underbites and overbites

The way that the teeth overlap determines whether an underbite or an overbite. When the mouth is closed, the lower teeth sit in front of the upper teeth due to an underbite, which is caused by the lower jaw projecting forward. On the other hand, an overbite occurs when the lower front teeth are partially or completely covered when the mouth is closed due to the upper front teeth overlapping them vertically.

What are the common symptoms of underbites?

It is essential to recognize the symptoms of an underbite to facilitate timely intervention. Identifying these signs encourages individuals to seek professional assessment and intervention in order to address the root cause. Several indicators that may aid in identifying an underbite include:

  • Visible protrusion of the lower jaw: This presents the most noticeable indication of an underbite, impacting facial aesthetics.
  • Difficulty chewing and biting: The misalignment in the bite poses a challenge to proper food chewing, potentially resulting in inefficient breakdown.
  • Speech difficulties: Underbites can influence speech patterns, leading to issues like lisping or slurring.
  • Jaw pain and discomfort: The misalignment places stress on the jaw muscles and joints, causing pain and discomfort.
  • Trouble closing or opening the mouth fully: In severe instances, there may be restrictions in the full range of jaw movement.
  • Biting the inside of the cheek or tongue: Misaligned teeth heighten the risk of unintentionally biting the soft tissues inside the mouth.
  • Facial asymmetry: Over time, an underbite can modify facial features, including a shorter upper jaw and a more prominent chin.

What are the effects of having an underbite

Neglected underbites may give rise to various complications impacting both oral health and overall well-being. Correcting underbite at an early stage can help prevent effects such as:

  • Increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease: The misaligned teeth can be harder to clean properly, increasing the risk of cavities and gum inflammation.
  • Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ): The misalignment can strain the jaw joint and cause pain or discomfort leading to TMJ pain, headaches, and earaches.
  • Wear on teeth: Underbite tends to have a wear effect on the teeth. It can cause asymmetrical wear on teeth that increases the likelihood of dental issues like cavities and gum disease.
  • Sleep apnea: In severe cases, the underbite can contribute to sleep apnea by obstructing the airway to cause breathing difficulties during sleep.
  • Low self-esteem and social anxiety: The aesthetic concerns associated with underbites can affect self-confidence and social interactions.

Understanding these complications underscores the importance of early intervention and corrective measures like underbite braces to prevent the progression of these issues.

Fixing underbites with Invisible Braces

A set of Zenyum clear aligners.

A common and effective way of correcting underbite is through braces methods. This can range from traditional metal braces to more discreet options like clear aligners . It’s important to note that correcting underbite through braces depends on various factors, and it is recommended to consult with a dental professional. 

Zenyum Invisible braces can be used to align your teeth for a better smile. It features a set of fully customised invisible braces that are designed fit snugly over your teeth and gently shift your teeth into their desired positions. 

Based on the severity of the underbite condition, Zenyum Invisible Braces can be used to correct teeth alignment. Through gradual application of pressure, Zenyum Invisible Braces enable teeth movement over a period of time based on the severity of one’s teeth condition.

Unlock a more confident smile

Choose Zenyum Invisible Braces to get straighter teeth

underbite braces journey

FAQs on Underbite:

While mild underbites may be addressed with Invisible Braces, it’s always best to consult a trusted expert to determine the most suitable plan for your specific teeth condition.

The duration of your Smile Journey varies depending on the severity of the case. While mild cases might require you to wear Zenyum Invisible Braces for an average duration of 7 months, more severe cases can take 15 months on average.

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    1. Rockabellabaker. • 6 yr. ago. That's amazing! I wish I could have fixed my issues with braces and elastics. One side of my jaw was longer than the other with led to a whole load of problems so surgery was my only option. Good luck with the rest of your progress, your teeth look awesome! 1. r/braces.

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