UK Travel Planning

UK vs US [101 things to know before you arrive]

By: Author Tracy Collins

Posted on Last updated: May 24, 2024

Are you excited to be visiting the UK but a little nervous about some of the differences you may encounter?

For American visitors heading to the United Kingdom, there are more than a few unique differences to keep in mind. From driving on the left side of the road to language variations and cultural discrepancies, we have compiled a list of 101 things to know before you arrive.

I start the article with some of the most common things that are often mentioned in our UK travel planning Facebook group.

You will then find the excellent notes US visitor Kathryn Johnson provided following her first trip to the UK.

Kathryn (who chats to me about her trip in episode #56 of the podcast as well as episode #66 when we discuss some of these differences in detail) kept a diary of things that she noticed were different – things that may take some US visitors by surprise.

If you are heading from the US to the UK, please take a read. We know you will find the information in this article incredibly helpful.

1. Drive on the left (be careful when crossing the road)

2. ice cubes, 3. lifts/elevators, 4. air conditioning, 6. bedding – top sheets, 7. packing bags in the supermarket, 8. no outlets in the bathroom, 9. washcloths, 10. us dollars are not the currency in the uk, 11. book restaurants ahead, 12. language differences, 13. 24-hour clock, 14. dates are written differently, ☕️ food, drink and restaurants, accommodation.

  • Public transportation
  • 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Travel to Scotland
  • Miscellaneous

🇬🇧 UK vs US 🇺🇸 14 things to know

In the UK we drive on the left side of the road, which may feel rather unfamiliar to American drivers.

Apparently, the practice dates back to the days of horse-drawn carriages when drivers sat on the right side to have a clear view of oncoming traffic! Shifting to driving on the left allowed drivers to have their right hand free to greet others or defend themselves.

Of course, driving in the UK may be slightly more challenging these days if you are used to driving on the right. If you are not used to driving on the left, we recommend preparing for your trip with Tripiamo .

Another consequence is that you will inevitably look the wrong way when crossing the street! So make sure to look right, then left, then right again (you will see LOOK RIGHT painted on many roads)

When you order a drink, you will discover that ice cubes are not served in large quantities. In fact, you will most probably be asked if you actually want ice.

I know this can be a shock for some visitors. It’s just that in the UK, we prefer to pay for the drink rather than have a glass full of ice!

If you want a large amount of ice in your drink, make sure to ask when you order. Otherwise, you may be very disappointed with the one or two cubes you will receive!

In older buildings, such as hotels with heritage status, lifts may not be available. This means you may need to climb stairs to reach your room or navigate other areas of the building.

To avoid any inconvenience, make sure to confirm the presence of a lift when booking your accommodation. This simple precaution can save you from hauling luggage up multiple flights of stairs.

Unlike some parts of the US, the UK does not have a particularly warm climate. As a result, air conditioning is not as prevalent in accommodations and public spaces. Many buildings in the UK are designed to retain heat, as it tends to be colder.

While some hotels may offer air conditioning, it is always wise to check before booking, especially during the warmer summer months. Alternatively, hotels often provide fans for guests’ comfort.

Unlike in the US, where tipping is considered customary, tipping in the UK is not obligatory. You will find that service charges (generally 10 – 12.5%) are often included in bills at restaurants.

Leaving a small gratuity for good service is always appreciated, however (read more about tipping in our guide to visiting London for first-time visitors )

One notable variation between the UK and the US is the absence of top sheets in most hotels, bed and breakfasts, and guest houses in the UK.

Instead of using top sheets, the UK primarily relies on duvets(with regularly washed covers).

If you prefer having a top sheet, it’s advisable to bring one with you to ensure your comfort during your stay.

In the UK bring your own reusable bags to the supermarket (or purchase at the store) and remember to pack the bags yourself.

Unlike the US (and Australia), where the person working on the till packs as they scan, in the UK, it is up to you to pack your own groceries.

There are no electrical outlets in UK bathrooms – this is primarily due to safety regulations. Bathrooms are considered wet areas, and installing outlets there could increase the risk of electric shocks or short circuits.

To use electronic devices in the bathroom, such as hairdryers or shavers, utilize outlets located in other areas of your accommodation.

A wash cloth or flannel is one example of UK vs US differences.

In the UK, washcloths are called flannels or facecloths. While some hotels may provide washcloths, they are regarded as personal items, and their availability cannot be guaranteed.

If using a washcloth is essential to your routine, consider bringing your own or purchasing disposable ones to have during your trip.

The official currency in the UK is the British Pound (£)

While some cash may be useful (withdraw at an ATM after arrival), you will find that contactless transactions are the norm.

Read our article – How should I bring money to the UK – a complete guide to cash and cards

Popular restaurants can fill up quickly in bustling cities like London, particularly during peak hours and weekends.

We recommend making reservations in advance to ensure you secure a table for the date and time you desire.

Tip: If you have your heart set on a Sunday roast, please book ahead, as many Brits go out for this traditional meal, too!

Understanding the differences in terminology can prevent confusion during your UK trip. In the UK, the ground floor refers to what Americans label as the first floor. So, if you’re searching for accommodations and notice references to ground floor, remember that it corresponds to the first floor in the US.

Being familiar with this distinction will help you accurately evaluate accommodation options based on your preferences.

While English may be the primary language spoken in both the UK and the US, there are subtle language differences between the two. For example, the UK refers to “chips” as what Americans call French fries, “crisps” as chips, “biscuits” as cookies and “lift” as an elevator.

The 24-hour clock format (military time) is frequently used in the UK, especially in transportation schedules and timetables.

This format provides a standardised and unambiguous way of indicating time, eliminating potential confusion between AM and PM eg 7:00 (AM) and 19:00 (PM)

Try to familiarise yourself with this system, as it will help you navigate public transportation and schedules more effectively.

In the UK, dates are typically written in the format of day/month/year (e.g., 15/07/2023), as opposed to the month/day/year format commonly used in the US.

This difference arises from the logical progression of the date structure, starting with the smallest unit (day), followed by the month, and then the year. Being aware of this distinction will help you interpret dates correctly during your stay in the UK.

🇬🇧 UK vs US 🇺🇸 by Kathryn Johnson

Kathryn and family and me May 2023

I was extremely fortunate to meet Kathryn when she booked an itinerary consult with us in 2023 for her trip in May of that year. I was even more fortunate to meet up with Kathryn and her family in London and spend a few hours exploring with them.

In addition to the podcast episodes, Kathryn kindly passed on her excellent notes, which I am sharing with you here.

Kathryn’s tips are listed in relevant sections – food, drink and restaurants; accommodation; shopping; public transportation; travel to Scotland & finally, miscellaneous.

☕️ COFFEE: there is no half-and-half in the UK. You can ask for single cream, which is the closest they have to what we know, but not all coffee shops have it. I found a lot of the coffee tended to be a little weak, so I always asked for “an Americano with milk” and it was perfect for my morning coffee.

* Starbucks was fine for Americanos and cold brews 

* FCB (found in train stations) was very good for Americanos

* Rosslyn (Cannon St.) had excellent coffee

⭐️ Things close earlier in the UK than they do in bigger cities in America… even on a weekend. Pay attention to when kitchens close in pubs.

 ⭐️ When buying bottled water, take time to read the label carefully. Still and sparkling water are sold everywhere, and the bottles are pretty much identical except for the words printed on the front and the cap colour. 

⭐️ Allergies and disabilities are taken very seriously, and when in London, we were asked at every restaurant if any of us had allergies. The UK was one of the few places where people truly understood the difference between a tree nut allergy (which my daughter has) and a peanut allergy (which she does NOT have.)

It’s helpful to know the UK seems to have two labelling distinctions for allergies… a label will state “free from [ALLERGEN]” or, it says “may contain [ALLERGEN].” The 14 common allergens are listed in the ingredients in bold.

Frequently, an item seemed to have no tree nuts, but the warning would say “may contain tree nuts.” The UK does not have a distinction between “may contain,” “made on shared equipment,” or “processed in a facility that also processes tree nuts.”

Any of these three warnings are just lumped together under “may contain” … so ask questions and make your own informed decision!

⭐️ Every place seemed to have ample gluten-free options for those who need it.

⭐️ Iced tea is not a thing in the UK. And when you order a soft drink, you get ONE, no refills. Ask for ice, since it’s not automatic.

⭐️ When at a restaurant, ask for tap water, otherwise they will bring you (and charge you) for bottled water.

⭐️ British bacon is more like thin ham (like Canadian bacon) and they tend to call what we know to be bacon “American bacon” or “streaky bacon.” (Note – if you want crispy bacon you may have to ask 😀)

⭐️ The pace in restaurants in the UK is far more relaxed than in America. At almost every meal, we had to look for a server to request our check.

It took a couple of experiences for us to realize that the person who takes your order may not be the same person who brings your food and may not be the same person who brings your check.

Because they do not appear to work individually for tips, it seems all the staff carries the load equally. Instead of waiting for who you think is your server to refill your water or to ask question about a menu item, just ask anybody working there.

⭐️ Every restaurant we went to had a built-in 10% or 12.5% service fee that was the tip. All of our restaurant bills were paid at the table via a card reader, and we were never asked about adding extra tip money.

⭐️ If Americans want to live a little dangerously, eat some clotted cream (illegal in the USA) and drink a Scottish Irn-Bru . (Also banned! Except there is a reformulated version sold in America – but it’s not the same.)


🏨 Washcloths are not a common thing in the UK. I bought compressed 100% cotton washcloths from Amazon that were perfect for us. They are not thick, but one would last through an entire shower, and I used another one each night to wash my face.

🏨 Most of our accommodations only had shower gel, so I travelled with a small bar of soap as my skin does better with that.

🏨 Be aware that “the first floor” isn’t the ground level floor – it’s one floor ABOVE the ground floor. The UK second floor is the American third floor.

🏨 Our accommodations did not have Kleenex and no place seemed terribly generous with their napkins. I recommend carrying a travel-size tissue pack and some napkins in your backpack or purse. We also carried a travel pack of Wet Wipes .

🏨 There are no top sheets in the UK, so we travelled with a top sheet as I prefer to sleep with a very light sheet on me, and not a duvet. The duvets are washed between every guest, and they use lighter-weight duvets during the summer… but it was still too much for my preferences.

🏨 The outlets in the UK need to be turned on to work. We found most of them had a toggle switch on the switch plate. In one of our rentals, there was a bank of toggle switches that we needed to turn on to work the various kitchen appliances.

🏨 There are no electrical outlets in the bathrooms… just get used to drying your hair in the bedroom or in the central room. All our accommodations had hair dryers, so I didn’t need to bring my own. We only brought plug adapters and extra phone batteries to charge our phones.

🏨 Toilet water levels are much, much lower than we are used to. Whereas American toilets are always at least half-full of water, the toilets in the UK have what looks to be a couple of cups of water.

🏨 Shower curtains don’t seem terribly popular and weren’t in any of our accommodations. Instead, there was a glass wall or door, covering only half the shower area. Be mindful of that so you don’t step out of the shower and into a little pool of water on the bathroom floor.

🛍 When in London, they do not have bags in grocery stores. (Some had the option to buy a plastic bag.) Many places outside London offered bags, but we frequently had to pay for them. We carried a string backpack with us and also a compact foldable bag that came in handy almost every day.

🛍 Boots is a chain owned by Walgreens, and it sells products similar to those of Walgreens.

🛍 Sainsburys and Tesco were the two grocery stores we frequented the most. There were express versions of these stores in some train stations, and scattered about all parts of London. Waitrose is another grocery store chain, but we never went into one as we didn’t have them in the area we stayed.

🛍 Stores close much earlier in the UK than in America, especially on a Sunday.

🛍 If you plan to buy any groceries to keep in your accommodation, consider traveling with some twist ties or binder clips, or even Ziploc bags . The binder clips I brought doubled as a clip to close up the loaf of bread and also hang up a cardigan to dry after I hand-washed it in the sink.

🛍 When buying souvenirs, read the labels! There is a lot made in the UK, but there is also a lot that is made in China. 

🛍 We did a lot of our souvenir shopping and grocery stores… They have the best price on chocolates, candy, shortbread, tea, etc.

🛍 Before buying alcohol to bring home, make sure it is not already exported to the USA! I talked to a whiskey expert, and he told me about some that are not exported… there is a very smoky whiskey that is only sold at Edinburgh Castle , and I was able to buy small bottles of that to bring home, along with another brand that is not exported. 

P ublic transportation


🚇 The tube system is not very handicapped-friendly overall, so definitely do your research in advance if someone in your travelling party cannot climb stairs.

🚇The tube and train station agents are incredibly helpful and knowledgeable… talk to them and ask questions! There are small pocket-sized tube maps, which we found invaluable to get a “big picture” of the system.

🚇 We took the Heathrow Express – it’s air-conditioned, and bringing luggage onboard was no issue.

🚇 The main tube lines with air conditioning are the District, Circle, Hammersmith & City, Metropolitan, and the Elizabeth line. All the rest – no air conditioning (Note – there are upgrades planned to add air conditioning to some lines)

🚇 This should go without saying, but carry hand sanitiser . The tube station is very heavily used, and it was almost always crowded no matter what time of day we travelled.

🚇 We noticed almost nobody spoke on the tube except later in the evening on the weekends. 

🚇 Midwest-style chitchat is not a thing in the UK. We had one cab driver who chatted a little bit, but overall, they were basically silent! Almost nobody spoke on the Heathrow Express between the airport and Paddington station. Even the airport was eerily quiet compared to Midway or O’Hare in Chicago. Almost nobody chatted with other people while waiting in various queues.

🚇 Citymapper was the most helpful app for getting around. There is a small learning curve for knowing how to use it properly, so I do recommend trying it out in your home city before you head to the UK. Citymapper was able to track us even when we were deep underground on a tube… I would still receive pop-up instructions, telling me where to get off and exactly where to walk… even when other apps didn’t work and iMessage had no service.

🚇 At the Covent Garden tube – take the lift and not the stairs!!! There are 192 stairs between the tube and ground level which we learned the hard way.

🚇 The overground trains leave on time, so do not be late! We always allowed an extra 20 and 30 minutes before the train left and we are so glad we did!

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 T ravel to Scotland


🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 The train ride to Scotland was easy and beautiful, and it was worth it for our family to pay the extra money for first class. It includes all hot and cold beverages, sandwiches, some hot dishes, chips, cookies, and other snacks.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 We took the LNER line from London to Edinburgh , and there was plenty of storage for luggage as long as it was not large. There was overhead storage space for bags and carry-ons and our 23-inch suitcase was able to fit too. Another woman had a larger suitcase, and it did not fit overhead and all of the space on the luggage shelf was filled up.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 The train advertises USB ports on the train, but we found it was extremely slow to charge our phones so we stopped using it. This is when the portable charger came in handy!

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 We utilized a luggage storage facility across the street from Kings Cross, and it was worth every penny to not drag around an extra suitcase to Edinburgh. For peace of mind, we left an AirTag in our suitcase.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Scotland has the best tap water I’ve ever tasted. England also has delicious water, but Scotland’s was outstanding. No need to buy bottled water in the UK unless you’re out and about and thirsty and need to refill your water bottle!

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Google Maps lies in Edinburgh! We walked from Waverley station to Edinburgh Castle, and Google Maps said it was an 11-minute walk that was mostly flat. In fact, it felt straight uphill and we stopped every three minutes to breathe! 

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 The Hop on hop-hop-off bus in Edinburgh was a wonderful tour, and I would highly recommend people use it as a way of getting from point A to point B. We did not see a whole lot of cabs in Edinburgh.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Have some cash for buskers. Most of the people we saw were phenomenal musicians. Many of them also had QR codes for online tips!

M iscellaneous


📝 London felt incredibly safe and we noticed there were not a lot of homeless people/beggars. They were not nearly as aggressive as some we have encountered in Chicago.

📝 LOOK UP! So much beautiful detail!

🙆‍♀️ I highly recommend doing calf stretches every morning before you ever leave your accommodation.

⛔️ Don’t follow the crowd when crossing streets, but wait for the walk/don’t walk signal. It’s the only way to navigate the streets safely! Pay attention to the LOOK RIGHT/LOOK LEFT painted on the ground at most intersections.

🚦 We noticed the stoplights turn yellow right before they were going to turn green, which we really liked.

🚶‍♀️ There seems to be no rhyme or reason for which side to walk on, and more than once, we overheard other Americans comment on it. With the exception of standing to the right when on an escalator, or a moving walkway, it’s kind of every man for himself!

✅ Carrying a portable charger is vital! If you are an avid phone user, take many photos and use your phone for navigation, I would recommend at least a 20000mAH portable charger/power bank. They are not cheap, but they are worth every penny to get a good one that lasts. Read our guide to what to wear and what to pack for London.

🔎 Google search everything! We were not sure how to use the washing machine in our unit, but there was a YouTube video that walked us through it.

🧺 Our washing machine was actually a washer and dryer combo which I have never seen before. It was very tiny and the wash and dry cycle combined was over five hours, we learned to do one small load every night so we didn’t fall behind.

🧺 Laundry tends to come out extremely wrinkly, so plan accordingly. You probably can’t remove something and wear it immediately.

💧 I carried a very small spray bottle and would fill it with water then spray the hems of capris so I could flatten them and we hung them to dry on the drying rack in our accommodation.

❓ Ask questions about anything you don’t understand – the majority of Brits we encountered had no problem answering our questions! I had a pickle and cheese sandwich and what we Americans consider a pickle is not with the British consider a pickle!

🧃 Almost all the straws we encountered in the UK were paper. Consider travelling with a metal or silicone straw if you don’t like paper straws.

🚽 With a couple of exceptions to the rule, the UK bathrooms are very small. Whenever possible, leave your jacket, purse, bags, etc., with someone in your travelling party. The bathrooms are not places you visit to freshen up or brush your hair or touch up make-up… they are functional toilets and places to wash your hands. We do love that the bathrooms offer great privacy with no gaps in their stall doors. We also really liked that the bathrooms automatically said “occupied” when the door was locked similar to in an aeroplane.

🚽 We only saw one pay bathroom and it is when we were in the Camden area. While Americans are used to bathrooms in almost every store and gas station, in the UK, they are few and far between. (They are plentiful in museums and ticketed attractions and restaurants.) We were very purposeful to use the bathroom anytime it was available.

💷 We could have gotten away without bringing any cash to the UK, and we ended up using less than 50 pounds over the course of two weeks… almost all of it was extra tips to various people. We did see a few signs in some smaller shops advising of a minimum charge for a credit card… it was typically very low. (£6 – £10)

❓ We regularly asked the guides and volunteers, and even the beefeaters, etc. their favourite part of each attraction/point of interest we were at – you will find some very fun, hidden gems and lesser-known info about each location! They never steered us wrong when we would ask them, “What often gets passed by that we shouldn’t miss at [XYZ location]?” 

💳 We opened a credit card with no international fees specifically for our trip to the UK. We ordered one card in the name of each traveller, but it was all tied to the same account. Because each chip was different, we had zero issues with that when we were tapping in and out of the tube. We had much better luck hovering our card over the reader versus laying the card on the reader. 

🗣 Most people know this… Brits say “chips” and we say french fries. Brits say “crisps” and we say chips. Brits say “biscuit” and we say cookie. Brits say “lift” and “brolly” and we say elevator and umbrella. We say “pants” and Brits think “underwear.”

🗣 Aubergine is an eggplant and courgettes are zucchini. Please do NOT refer to your waist pack as anything other than that. “Fanny pack” is not acceptable as it’s a crude word for the female private parts.

✅ By keeping these differences in mind, you’ll be better prepared to navigate the UK’s cultural nuances and make the most of your visit.

🇬🇧 ❤️ Embrace the unique experiences and enjoy your time in this fascinating country!

Podcast episodes

  • Episode 47 – Practical tips for visiting the UK
  • Episode 4 – Tips for first-time visitors to London
  • Episode 7 – Things to know before you visit England!
  • Episode 55 – UK vs US (part 1)
  • Episode 66 – UK vs US (part 2)
  • Episode 56 – Kathryn’s trip report
  • Travel Photography
  • Asia Travel


UK vs US [101 things to know before you arrive]

Ozzy Poet

M iscellaneous


📝 London felt extremely protected and we observed there weren’t plenty of homeless folks/beggars. They weren’t almost as aggressive as some now we have encountered in Chicago.

📝 LOOK UP! A lot lovely element!

🙆‍♀️ I extremely suggest doing calf stretches each morning earlier than you ever depart your lodging.

⛔️ Don’t observe the group when crossing streets, however look ahead to the stroll/don’t stroll sign. It’s the one strategy to navigate the streets safely! Take note of the LOOK RIGHT/LOOK LEFT painted on the bottom at most intersections.

🚦 We observed the stoplights flip yellow proper earlier than they have been going to show inexperienced, which we actually favored.

🚶‍♀️ There appears to be no rhyme or motive for which aspect to stroll on, and greater than as soon as, we overheard different Individuals touch upon it. Aside from standing to the suitable when on an escalator, or a transferring walkway, it’s form of each man for himself!

✅ Carrying a moveable charger is significant! In case you are an avid cellphone person, take many photographs and use your cellphone for navigation, I might suggest no less than a 20000mAH moveable charger/energy financial institution. They don’t seem to be low cost, however they’re value each penny to get a superb one which lasts. Learn our information to what to put on and what to pack for London.

🔎 Google search every thing! We weren’t certain use the washer in our unit, however there was a YouTube video that walked us via it.

🧺 Our washer was really a washer and dryer combo which I’ve by no means seen earlier than. It was very tiny and the wash and dry cycle mixed was over 5 hours, we realized to do one small load each evening so we didn’t fall behind.

🧺 Laundry tends to return out extraordinarily wrinkly, so plan accordingly. You in all probability can’t take away one thing and put on it instantly.

💧 I carried a really small spray bottle and would fill it with water then spray the hems of capris so I may flatten them and we hung them to dry on the drying rack in our lodging.

❓ Ask questions on something you don’t perceive – the vast majority of Brits we encountered had no downside answering our questions! I had a pickle and cheese sandwich and what we Individuals think about a pickle just isn’t with the British think about a pickle!

🧃 Virtually all of the straws we encountered within the UK have been paper. Contemplate travelling with a metallic or silicone straw should you don’t like paper straws.

🚽 With a few exceptions to the rule, the UK bogs are very small. Each time potential, depart your jacket, purse, baggage, and many others., with somebody in your travelling celebration. The bogs usually are not locations you go to to clean up or brush your hair or contact up make-up… they’re useful bogs and locations to scrub your palms. We do love that the bogs supply nice privateness with no gaps of their stall doorways. We additionally actually favored that the bogs robotically stated “occupied” when the door was locked much like in an aeroplane.

🚽 We solely noticed one pay toilet and it’s once we have been within the Camden space. Whereas Individuals are used to bogs in virtually each retailer and gasoline station, within the UK, they’re few and much between. (They’re plentiful in museums and ticketed points of interest and eating places.) We have been very purposeful to make use of the toilet anytime it was accessible.

💷 We may have gotten away with out bringing any money to the UK, and we ended up utilizing lower than 50 kilos over the course of two weeks… virtually all of it was further tricks to numerous folks. We did see a number of indicators in some smaller retailers advising of a minimal cost for a bank card… it was sometimes very low. (£6 – £10)

❓ We recurrently requested the guides and volunteers, and even the beefeaters, and many others. their favorite a part of every attraction/focal point we have been at – you will see that some very enjoyable, hidden gems and lesser-known data about every location! They by no means steered us improper once we would ask them, “What typically will get handed by that we shouldn’t miss at [XYZ location]?” 

💳 We opened a bank card with no worldwide charges particularly for our journey to the UK. We ordered one card within the title of every traveller, nevertheless it was all tied to the identical account. As a result of every chip was totally different, we had zero points with that once we have been tapping out and in of the tube. We had a lot better luck hovering our card over the reader versus laying the cardboard on the reader. 

🗣 Most individuals know this… Brits say “chips” and we are saying french fries. Brits say “crisps” and we are saying chips. Brits say “biscuit” and we are saying cookie. Brits say “raise” and “brolly” and we are saying elevator and umbrella. We are saying “pants” and Brits suppose “underwear.”

🗣 Aubergine is an eggplant and courgettes are zucchini. Please do NOT consult with your waist pack as something aside from that. “Fanny pack” just isn’t acceptable because it’s a crude phrase for the feminine non-public components.

✅ By conserving these variations in thoughts, you’ll be higher ready to navigate the UK’s cultural nuances and take advantage of your go to.

🇬🇧 ❤️ Embrace the distinctive experiences and luxuriate in your time on this fascinating nation!

Ozzy Poet

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London in Real Life

Ultimate Smackdown: UK vs US: Which is Better?

Let’s do the ultimate comparison: UK vs US. Which country is better to live in for cost of living, lifestyle, jobs, safety, education, weather, healthcare, social life, ease of travel, etc? 

As an American expat who has lived a long time in both countries, I’m putting my homeland and my adopted homeland head to head.

Who wins in the US vs UK battle? Let’s look at the major points of comparison.

uk vs us: which one is better to live in? Images of Union jack flag and american flag next to each other

1. UK vs US: Size & Population

The US is much bigger than the UK, both in land area and population. 

us vs uk size and population: maps with statistics for both countries compared

United Kingdom (UK) 🇬🇧

  • Size: Approximately 242,495 square kilometers (93,628 square miles).
  • Population: Estimated at around 68 million people .
  • Divided into: 4 countries (England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland)

United States (US) 🇺🇸

  • Size: Approximately 9.8 million square kilometers (3.8 million square miles).
  • Population: Estimated at over 331 million people.
  • Divided into: 50 states 

2. US vs. UK: Climate and Geography

The UK and US both offer diverse geographical landscapes and climates. There’s more variation in the US climate, because it’s a much larger landmass.

us vs uk climate and geography: bullet point lists and maps illustrating the differences between the landscape and weather in the us vs uk

  • UK 🇬🇧: The UK has a temperate climate with generally mild temperatures, frequent rain, and limited extremes . Since the UK is much smaller, the weather and geography is fairly similar throughout the nation. Elevations are flatter than in the US.
  • US 🇺🇸: The US is huge and has wildly different climates depending on where you live. Its landscapes include everything from expansive plains and deserts to high mountain ranges and extensive coastlines. There’s a climate and landscape for everyone in this massive country.

3. UK vs. US: Language

You may think both countries speak English and that’s all there is to it, but it’s more complex than that!

english language in the us vs uk: common words used in both places that have different meanings. bullet lists of words with colorful graphics

UK English 🇬🇧

English is the predominant language in the UK, with distinctive accents and dialects varying regionally. Welsh, Scottish Gaelic, and Irish are also recognized regional languages in respective areas, and many, many other languages are spoken as the UK is a glorious melting pot of cultures.

Accents vary widely and some are very hard to understand for Americans. There are also more “slang” words for things than in the US. Some words in the US have totally different meanings in the UK, (i.e. “pants” in the UK= “underwear” in the US). 

American English 🇺🇸

English is the primary language spoken in the US, but with no official language at the federal level. Spanish is also widely spoken, reflecting the country’s significant Hispanic population.

Some words in the UK have totally different meanings in the US, like “biscuit” – which is either a cookie or a fluffy pastry, depending on where you are!

4. Cost of Living: US vs UK

The cost of living in major cities of both the UK and the US can be quite high, but on average, the cost of living in the US is slightly lower than in the UK. 

In both countries, cost of living varies widely between major cities and rural areas. 

us vs uk cost of living: comparison bullet lists with colorful graphics comparing rent, groceries, prices, and taxes

Housing: Living in the UK 🇬🇧

Housing costs in the UK, especially in London and other major cities, can be pretty high. The average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in a city center like Manchester is roughly £1,200 per month, and rent is even higher in London.

Housing quality is worse in the UK , with less amenities and poor design. 

Housing: Living in America 🇺🇸

Housing costs in the US vary widely. In major cities like New York or San Francisco, rent can be comparable to London , but generally, there are more affordable options available across the country. The average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in city centers ranges from $1,200 to $3,000.

Housing quality in the US is good, with air conditioning, amenities, and quality work. 

Groceries: Living in the UK 🇬🇧

The cost of groceries in the UK is generally moderate . A monthly grocery bill for one person might range between £150 and £250. Fruits and veg tend to be much cheaper in the UK than in the US, because they’re easily and quickly imported from nearby countries. 

Groceries: Living in America 🇺🇸

Grocery costs in the US are similar to the UK, but can vary based on location and dietary preferences. On average, a monthly grocery bill for one person would be around $400 . Fresh produce tends to be much more expensive in the US, as it has to travel longer distances to the consumer. 

General Consumer Prices: US vs UK

  • UK 🇬🇧 : Consumer goods and services, including clothing, electronics, and dining out, can be slightly higher priced than in the US.
  • US 🇺🇸: Generally, consumer goods and services are less expensive in the US compared to the UK, partly due to lower sales tax and a larger market.

Taxes in the US vs UK

  • UK 🇬🇧: In the UK, income tax is progressive , with rates increasing as income rises. It starts at 20% for basic rate taxpayers and can go up to 45% for additional rate taxpayers. National Insurance contributions are also required, and VAT (Value Added Tax) is applied to most goods and services.
  • US 🇺🇸: The US also has a progressive income tax system , with federal tax rates ranging from 10% to 37% based on income brackets. Most states also impose their own income taxes. Sales tax varies by state and locality – there’s no nationwide VAT equivalent.

5. Healthcare

Healthcare systems in the UK and US are vastly different. The UK has universal healthcare – meaning every UK citizen is entitled to and can access free doctors appointments, medications, surgeries, etc. The US does not have universal healthcare. 

healthcare in the us vs uk: bullet point list comparisons with colorful graphics comparing both countries

  • UK 🇬🇧: The UK offers universal healthcare through the National Health Service (NHS), which is free at the point of use. However, private healthcare and insurance are also available.
  • US 🇺🇸: Healthcare in the US is significantly more expensive and is primarily insurance-based. Even with insurance, out-of-pocket costs can be high.

6. Transportation & Travel in the US vs UK 

The UK and Europe in general have better public transportation systems than the US. Most major cities in the US have decent public transport, but not always. 

transportation and travel in the us vs uk: bullet point list comparisons for public transport and ease of travel in both countries with colorful graphics

  • UK 🇬🇧: Public transportation is widely available, especially in cities, and is relatively affordable. The cost of owning and maintaining a car can be high due to fuel prices, insurance, and zoning in major cities. If you live in a major city in the UK like London or Manchester, you generally don’t need a car. 
  • US 🇺🇸: In most of the US, you need a car to get around. Public transportation is less extensive, especially in smaller cities and rural areas. Even in major cities, public transport can be limited. Reliance on cars is high, and while fuel is cheaper than in the UK, insurance and maintenance costs can add up. 

Ease of Travel in the UK vs. US 

  • UK 🇬🇧: It’s easy to get to most places in the UK by train. You can even get to other countries by train, like France, Germany, The Netherlands, etc. Flights within Europe are generally cheap and short. Within in hour on a train, you can see some of the most incredible historic places and cities in England.
  • US 🇺🇸: It’s hard to travel between most areas in the US without a flight (or a very long drive). Public transportation between states is limited, except for a few places on the East Coast. Flights within the US are expensive, and international flights are even more expensive and take a long time. 

7. Employment Opportunities

The UK tends to have more employee-friendly policies regarding time off and work-life balance, while the US offers a highly dynamic job market with potentially higher earnings, but less in the way of benefits and PTO (paid time off).

jobs and work culture in the US vs UK: bullet point lists comparing the US vs UK job market, benefits, PTO and maternity leave

Job Market & Salaries 

  • UK 🇬🇧: The UK job market is diverse, with strong sectors in finance, healthcare, engineering, technology, and the creative industries. Salaries are generally lower in the UK and Europe than in the US. 
  • US 🇺🇸: The US job market is one of the largest and most dynamic in the world, with leading industries including technology, healthcare, retail, and manufacturing. Salaries in the US are generally higher than in the UK, but your take-home pay will usually deduct healtcare costs.
  • UK 🇬🇧: Employee benefits in the UK typically include healthcare (supplemented by the NHS, or private healthcare options), pension schemes, and parental leave. Many companies offer additional benefits like gym memberships, wellness programs, and flexible working arrangements.
  • US 🇺🇸: Benefits in the US vary widely by employer but often include health insurance, retirement plans (like 401(k)), and sometimes stock options, especially in tech companies . Healthcare benefits are particularly important in the US due to the lack of a universal healthcare system.
  • UK 🇬🇧: The UK is more generous with time off. Employees are entitled to at least 28 days of paid leave per year (including public holidays). Maternity leave is also notably generous, with up to 52 weeks of leave, 39 of which are paid.
  • US 🇺🇸: The US does not have a statutory minimum for paid vacation or public holidays. On average, American workers get about 10 days of paid vacation per year. Maternity leave is less generous, with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) providing 12 weeks of unpaid leave.

Work Culture

  • UK 🇬🇧: The work culture in the UK tends to emphasize a better work-life balance. Standard working hours are around 37-40 hours per week, and there is a growing trend towards flexible working arrangements. Though in demanding jobs like in tech, finance, and healthcare, working hours are longer.
  • US 🇺🇸: The work culture in the US is often considered more demanding, with longer working hours and a strong emphasis on achievement and productivity. The standard workweek is typically 40+ hours, but it’s not uncommon for employees, especially in certain industries, to work really long hours.

8. UK vs. US: Education 

Education is a crucial factor for families moving abroad . Both the UK and US boast robust and comprehensive education systems, each with its unique strengths. 

education comparison us vs uk: bullet point lists comparing the education systems and costs in both countries

Education Structure

  • UK 🇬🇧: The education system in the UK is divided into four main stages: primary education, secondary education, further education, and higher education. Children in the UK start primary school at the age of 4 and continue until 11-12 years old, followed by secondary school until 16. After that, they can choose to pursue further education (like A-levels or vocational qualifications) and then move on to higher education (university).
  • US 🇺🇸: In the US, the education system is typically divided into three levels: elementary (primary) school, middle (junior high) school, and high (senior high) school. Children start elementary school around the age of 5-6 and complete high school by 18. After high school, students can choose to attend higher education institutions, including colleges and universities.

Quality of Education

  • UK 🇬🇧: The UK is known for its high standards of education, particularly in reading, science, and mathematics. The UK system is more test and exam-based than the US, and students need to choose their focus earlier on in their schooling, usually starting around age 13-14. 
  • US 🇺🇸: The US also offers a high-quality education, with a strong emphasis on creativity and innovation. There is less testing – though standardized testing is common in each state – which may make it better for students with anxiety. Education is generalized and not focused on one particular path until a student reaches university. 

Higher Education

  • UK 🇬🇧: Higher education in the UK typically involves three-year undergraduate degrees and one-year master’s programs. UK universities are known for their rigorous academic standards and research focus. The cost of university education for domestic and EU students is capped by the government, but international student fees can be quite high.
  • US 🇺🇸: In the US, undergraduate programs usually last four years, with a flexible curriculum that allows students to explore various subjects before declaring a major. Graduate programs vary in length. The US is known for its diverse higher education options, but the cost of university education is generally higher than in the UK, even for domestic students.

9. Lifestyle and Culture

These two countries couldn’t have more different lifestyles and cultures. Just because they both speak English doesn’t mean they’re alike!

lifestyle and culture of living in the us vs uk: bullet point comparisons of history, customs, social structure and more

History & Culture 

  • UK 🇬🇧: Since the UK is older, it has a much richer history. You can see the old Roman walls of London and the ancient relics of Stonehenge on the same day. The UK’s museums and galleries are world-renowned, and usually free to attend.  
  • US 🇺🇸: Though there are historic sites in the US, they’re much more spread out. The East Coast has more historic locations and museums than the West Coast. 
  • UK 🇬🇧: Though there are great restaurants in the UK, the food scene isn’t as innovative and imaginative as in the US. Restaurant and takeaway quality is generally lower in the UK. 
  • US 🇺🇸: Though it varies greatly across the US, there are generally tons of innovative, creative, and award-winning restaurants in most cities across the US. Most worldwide food trends stem from US restaurants and chefs. 

Social Norms & Etiquette 

  • UK 🇬🇧: People in the UK are generally more reserved and harder to get to know . Inviting someone to your house isn’t as common, and social engagements usually need to be booked in advance. Pubs are the heart of social connections, and most people go to the pub several times a week, and especially if there’s a football match . 
  • US 🇺🇸: People are generally friendlier in the US, though this varies across states and cities. Having people over to your home is common, and spur-of-the-moment plans are more normalized. There’s less emphasis on drinking culture and going to bars, depending on the state & city. Tipping culture can be overwhelming, and it’s not that big a deal in the UK .

10. Safety and Security

The major difference in safety between the US and the UK is gun control. This is a big factor that lots of expats consider important when moving between countries. 

crime and safety in the uk vs us: bullet point list comparisons of gun control, crime statistics and feeling of safety in both nations

  • UK 🇬🇧: The UK is generally considered safe , with relatively low crime rates compared to global standards. The country has strict gun control laws, which significantly limits access to firearms for the general public. The presence of armed police officers is limited to specific units and situations.
  • US 🇺🇸: The US is a large country with varying levels of safety depending on the region. Urban areas tend to have higher crime rates, though most communities are generally safe. The US has a higher rate of gun violence compared to the UK , partly due to more permissive gun laws and a higher rate of gun ownership. Mass shootings and gun-related homicides are more common in the US. Policing in the US is more militarized compared to the UK. The presence of armed police officers is standard. 

11. Immigration and Visas

Navigating the visa and immigration process can be complex in both countries. Here’s the basics. 

immigration us vs uk: bullet point list comparisons of the ease of immigration in both countries

  • UK 🇬🇧: The UK offers various visas, including work, student, and family visas, with a points-based immigration system for skilled workers. The process can be complex, requiring applicants to meet specific criteria, including financial thresholds and English language proficiency.
  • US 🇺🇸: The US immigration system provides a range of visa options, including employment-based, family-sponsored, and diversity visas. The process is known for being intricate and lengthy, often involving rigorous application procedures and substantial waiting periods.

12. Social Welfare and Government Policies

Understanding the different government policies, taxation systems, and social welfare benefits in the UK and US is key: they’re very different. 

social welfare systems in the uk vs. us: how they're different and similar

  • UK 🇬🇧: The UK has a comprehensive social welfare system, providing universal health care (NHS), unemployment benefits, and state pensions. Government policies also focus on social housing and support for low-income families through various welfare schemes. As an expat, you are usually not entitled to any of these schemes (except for healthcare).
  • US 🇺🇸: The US social welfare system includes programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, but with less extensive coverage compared to the UK. Government policies often emphasize individual responsibility, and welfare benefits can vary significantly between states.

US vs UK: Pros and Cons Summary

Which place is better to live in? Let’s look at the major pros and cons of each.

pros of living in the us vs uk: list of pros of each nation

  • Pros of Living in the UK 🇬🇧: If you like a milder climate, lower food costs, univeral healthcare, really great public transport and not having to own a car, better work/life balance, and lots of things to see and do, living in the UK might be for you.
  • Pros of Living in the US 🇺🇸: If you want both mountains and plains with varying weather, lower overall prices and taxes, have good health insurance, like driving, and want a higher salary, friendlier people, and good customer service, living in the US might be for you.

cons of living in the uk vs us: list of disadvantages of living in both places

  • Cons of Living in the UK 🇬🇧: If you’re easily frustrated by bureaucracy and red tape, high taxes, frustrating medical systems, lots of exams, dreary weather, poor housing quality and less friendly people, living in the UK is probably not for you.
  • Cons of Living in the US 🇺🇸: If you’re scared of guns and mass shootings, living in the US is not for you. If you hate driving a car, not being able to travel abroad easily, crazy weather changes, less social welfare support, expensive healthcare, and less PTO, living in the US might not be for you.

Which is Better: US or UK?

Choosing between living in the UK and the US totally depends on your individual preferences, your career goals, and your lifestyle choices. Some expats fall in love with their new country and never look back. Some expats try it and hate it.

It’s impossible to summarize all the pros and cons of living in the US vs UK in one article, but hopefully looking at these major points of comparison has given you a good place to start.

What are your reasons for wanting to move? What are your reasons for wanting to stay? Think long and hard before you begin your adventure of moving abroad – you have to be doing it for the right reasons, or your heart won’t be in it.

More on Moving Abroad: 

The Ultimate Moving Abroad Packing Checklist: 7 Do’s and Don’ts 

How to Ship Your Stuff Moving Abroad: The Basics

Should I Move to London? The Ultimate Compatibility Quiz 

Should I Leave America? 15 Questions to Plan Your Expat Adventure

Ultimate Guide to Life in the UK Test: How to Pass the 1st Time

5 Types of UK Visas and how to get them 

Driving in the UK: A Super Simple Guide for Foreigners

Moving to the UK from the US: 10 Ways Your Life Will Change, Guaranteed

Moving to London from the US: How Can I Accomplish It? 

The Average Cost of Living in London: What’s the Real Price?

The Truth About Moving Abroad: Expectations vs Reality 

Moving Abroad Checklist: 7 Steps to Change Your Life for Good 

101 Top Motivational Life Abroad Quotes to Fuel Your Adventure

Living in Australia vs UK: What 11 Aussie Expats Want You to Know 

33 Terrible & Wonderful Differences: London Houses vs American Houses

Pros and Cons of Living in London: Is it right for you? 

The Best Areas to Live in London for Singles, Couples and Families

Tips for finding Short Term Rentals in London 

Moving to London Checklist

First time Renting in London: How to and tips

Where are the Best Primary Schools in London? Here’s What the Data Says

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  • Travel Planning Guide

A Travel Price Comparison for Families, Couples, and Backpackers the UK vs. the USA for Museums & Attractions, Families, Food, and Nightlife


  • Pros & Cons
  • Museums & Attractions
  • Culture & History
  • Small Towns
  • National Parks
  • Adventure & Outdoor Activities
  • Watersports
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Backpackers
  • Transportation
  • More time in the UK or the USA?
  • Which is Cheaper, the UK or the USA?
  • When to Visit the UK or the USA?
  • Weather: the UK vs. the USA

Should you visit the United Kingdom or the United States of America?

Which is cheaper to visit which is more expensive for vacation.

If you're trying to decide where to visit between the UK or the USA, this travel comparison, which includes costs, can help. The overall cost of travel is usually a consideration when deciding where to go next, and the cost comparison down below can help you decide based on the average prices from other travelers along with your own travel budget.

We'll start with a quick overview, and below we will go into all of the details.

United Kingdom

Scottish Highlands

The UK is a historic, traditional, and prosperous country. This is also a very beautiful destination which attracts plenty of visitors. It's also known for nightlife, live music, food, and hiking.

The United Kingdom, also commonly referred to as Great Britain, offers visitors a diverse set of experiences and attractions throughout the large cities, small town, and countryside. Consisting of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, travelers can explore a deep and rich history and culture along with modern attractions and beautiful, diverse landscapes. From cities such as London, Edinburgh, Cardiff, and Belfast, it's easy to get out into the smaller towns and countryside to explore the mountains, coastline, and agricultural regions of this island nation.

United States of America

Big Sur, California

The United States of America is a prosperous, large, and beautiful country. The famous beauty of this place is one of the main draws. Other popular activities here include history and culture, skiing, nightlife, and live music.

As a large country, the USA offers a diverse number of experiences and activities for visitors. From huge cities to wide open national parks, it offers something for everyone. Travelers can find beaches, mountains, historical attractions, and plenty of open roads to explore.

UK and USA: Pros and Cons

  • Popular museums and historical sights
  • Great culture, history, and arts
  • Good music scene
  • Good for hiking
  • Great road trips
  • Family-friendly
  • Good for couples and romance
  • Good for backpackers and budget travelers
  • Good for students
  • Easy public transportation
  • Impressive beauty
  • Less attractive beach
  • Less popular for skiing
  • Not as many national parks
  • Less adventure activities
  • Not so many mountains
  • Popular beach
  • Popular for skiing
  • Beautiful national parks
  • Beautiful mountains
  • Less culture and history
  • Less popular for students
  • Public transit not as usable

New York City

How is the UK different from the USA?

Which is better for a holiday.

Below we will examine the differences and similarities between the UK and the USA. With this information, you can decide for yourself which place is better for your next trip.

Are the Museums and Historical Sights Better in the UK or the USA?

Head to The UK if you're looking for good museums or notable landmarks, as it has more to offer than The USA.

Visitors will find world class museums and historical sights in The UK that are not to be missed. Visitors will find some terrific museums not just in London, but all over the country. For starters, the British Museum is world famous, but York also has the Railway Museum. The smaller town of Bath has its Baths, and you'll find plenty of art galleries all over such as Kelvingrove in Glasgow or the McManus in Dundee.

London : The city has so many iconic sights that we can't list them all, but some of the most famous include the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, and the British Museum. You can fill many days exploring the treasures found at each of the venues.

Edinburgh : The most famous sights include the Edinburgh Castle, the Palace of Holyroodhouse, and the National Museum of Scotland. There are also kid-friendly museums like Camera Obscura.

Bath : The main draw to Bath is the rich history and most sights are focused on the area's spa city past. The Roman Baths are a highlight of a trip to the city, but other not to be missed places include Bath Abbey, the Royal Crescent, and Pulteney Bridge.

You'll find a good number of museums and monuments packed into The USA. Almost every major city, and many smaller towns, offer multiple museums to explore. Washington DC is perhaps one of the best places to browse museums, as it has dozens, and many are free. This includes the famous Smithsonian museums on the national mall. Also, New York City offers some very famous museums such as the Guggenheim and the Met, as well as many others. Chicago, L.A., San Francisco, Philadelphia, Boston, and many other cities offer a wide range of art museums, historic museums, and cultural galleries where the public can learn and explore about any topic. Many cities also have family-friendly children's museums and science museums that are fun to explore, too.

NYC : The sights and museums around the city are too numerous to list, but some of the most famous include the Statue of Liberty, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art, Central Park, and the Empire State Building. This is a city that is filled with iconic landmarks and you could spend weeks here and still not see it all.

Los Angeles : The city has an eclectic list of monuments and museums. Notable landmarks include the famous Hollywood sign, Griffith Observatory, the Getty Center, and the Petersen Automotive Museum.

Chicago : There are countless landmarks, museums, and iconic sights in the area. Some of the most famous are the Art Institute of Chicago, Adler Planetarium, and the Museum of Science and Industry. Notable landmarks include the famous Willis Tower - formerly the Sears Tower, Buckingham Fountain, and the iconic Cloud Gate (the bean).

Philadelphia : The city has a rich history with a number of museums and monuments. Popular sites around the city include the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and the National Museum of Jewish American History.

San Francisco : The city's landmarks are as diverse as the people who live there. The most recognizable landmark is the famous Golden Gate Bridge, but visitors also enjoy seeing Alcatraz Island, the Legion of Honor, the Palace of Fine Arts, as well as the small but fascinating Cable Car Museum.

Boston : The city itself feels like a living museum. It is famous for Faneuil Hall, the Museum of Fine Arts, the Isabelle Stewart Gardner Museum, the USS Constitution, as well as the many sites along the Freedom Trail. There are also many museums on the campuses of the world renowned universities in the city.

DC : The city has world class museums that are often free. The Smithsonian Museums are arguably some of the most impressive museums in the United States. The city also has a large collection of monuments that are dedicated to past presidents or historical events. Many are best experienced at night when the sun sets and the lights come on.

Atlanta : The museums range in topic from history to science and art. The country's largest aquarium, the Georgia Aquarium, is in Atlanta as well. It's home to whale sharks, stingrays, and a diversity of marine life. Other museums around town include the Atlanta History Center, the Fernbank Museum of Natural History, the High Museum of Art, the World of Coca Cola, the David J. Sencer CDC Museum, and the Delta Flight Museum. There are also many monuments and sites including the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site.

See also Cheap Tours and Things To Do in Charleston, South Carolina .

Is the UK or the USA Better for Culture, Arts, and History?

Overall The UK is considered to offer more history, cutlure, and arts to visitors than The USA.

The UK is known for its world-famous historical and cultural sights and attractions. Thousands of years of history is on display all over the U.K. With historical destinations such as London, Stonehenge, Edinburgh, Cardiff, numerous castles, and historical small towns, history lovers will find plenty to do here.

See also Free and Cheap Things To Do in Belfast , and The Castles of Scotland .

The USA is a very nice destination to visit for history and culture, as it has some sights worth visiting. Most of the historical cities in the U.S. are found on the eastern side of the country, as this is where the oldest cities are located. Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Charleston, and St. Augustine offer some of the most historic attractions in the U.S. However, history lovers can also find Native American history all over the country, especially in the southeast, mid-west, and in the Rocky Mountains.

See also 7 Free Things to do in San Diego .

Is the UK or the USA Better for Big City Activities?

The USA offers more big cities to explore than The UK.

Visitors will also find so much to do in The USA, as the large cities offer many sights and attractions. With major cities full of attractions such as New York, Chicago, L.A., Boston, San Francisco, Seattle, Miami, there's no shortage of urban activities, attractions, nightlife, restaurants, and culture. America is full of large cities with skyscrapers, museums, and urban activities, so it's easy to find a few that peak your interest and explore them for a few days each.

See also Things to do in Chicago , Things to Do in Manhattan in New York City , and Best Things to Do in San Francisco .

The UK has large cities with plenty of activites for visitors as well. London is the first name that comes to mind when thinking of large cities in Great Britain, and rightly so as this huge global city attracts visitors from everywhere because of its history, museums, theatre, nightlife, food, and monuments. After London, the U.K. has many large cities with their own atmosphere and cultural experiences to offer. Liverpool, Manchester, Cardiff, Edinburgh, and Belfast all have terrific attractions, nightlife, and cuisine for visitors.

See also 1 Day in London On A Budget , and The Best Things to Do in Glasgow .

Is the UK or the USA Better for Small Towns and Villages?

The UK generally has a wider variety of smaller towns and villages than The USA.

The UK is a great destination to visit small towns and villages just waiting to be explored. Some of the most popular and scenic small towns in England include St. Ives, Bath, Castle Combe, Bibury, and Shaftesbury. And in Scotland, don't miss Tobermory, Anstruther, Linlithgow, St. Andrews, and others. In Wales, you'll find beautiful scenery in Tenby, Solva, Rhossili, and others. Outside of Belfast in Northern Ireland, you'll find small town charm in Bangor, Kilkeel, and Portstewart. All of these towns across the nation offer that traditional quaintness that visitors seek from a typical town in the countryside. You'll find pubs, historic architecture, the occasional ruins of castles and churches, farms, and more.

The USA is a very nice destination to see some small towns which are not to be missed. Plenty of small towns can be found across the United States with historical charm and a friendly vibe. Many of these small towns are in the mountains and offer scenic views, while others are near the beach or even outside of larger cities. The small towns of New England are especially popular because they have that typical American charm along with plenty of modern conveniences for visitors.

Is the UK or the USA Better for Theater?

Overall, The UK is considered to be a more popular choice for theater-goers.

Famous for its theaters and plays, you'll find world-renowned shows in The UK . The London theatre scene is world famous, and when visiting, seeing a show is a must. But venture further into the rest of the country for even more. Stratford-upon-Avon is the birthplace of Shakespeare, after all. You'll find even more theatre experiences in Manchester, Edinburgh, Brighton, Cardiff, and more.

London : The West End theater district is where you'll find the most popular musicals. Famous theaters include Apollo Theatre, Palace Theatre, and Piccadilly Theatre. There are often Wednesday matinees that are a bit cheaper than the evening shows. You may also be able to get discounted last minute tickets if you're visiting during the less touristy times.

Stratford-Upon-Avon : Shakespeare enthusiasts must check out a Shakespeare play at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. There are often tickets available the day of for a reduced price.

The USA attracts a wide-range of world-class performances. New York City is the home of Broadway, after all, where world-class plays, musicals, and concerts debut at a number of famous and historic theaters. Many of these shows go on to tour the nation and visit the many theaters that can be found in almost any large or small city so that local audiences can see famous shows in their home towns. Furthermore, major cities such as Chicago, L.A., Las Vegas, and Boston have theater districts with multiple venues where visitors and locals alike can experience new and touring productions.

NYC : Visiting Broadway is a quintessential NYC experience. Whether you enjoy the theater or simply want to experience something new, seeing a Broadway show is a true bucket list activity.

Chicago : Theater is big here with many of the major Broadway productions visiting the city. There is also an endless list of smaller, local theaters to choose from.

Las Vegas : Long running shows along with traveling Broadway productions make the theater scene here diverse and entertaining.

See also New York City on a Budget .

Is the Food Better in the UK or the USA? Which Country Has the Best Restaurants?

Both The UK and The USA offer great local cuisine and restaurants.

Dining out in The UK is an experience not to be missed. In the last few decades, the food scene in Great Britain has taken off as world-class chefs have opened restaurants featuring menus from all corners of the globe. When visiting the U.K., you'll be pleasantly surprised by the quality and creativity of the food. That being said, traditional British food itself is not particularly famous. Fish and Chips, meat pies, black pudding, bangers and mash, and "toad in the hole" (sausage in batter) tend to be first on people's lists of interesting foods to try when visiting. But they are not the final say in modern British cuisine anymore.

York : Meat pies, fudge, and fish and chips are just some of the culinary experiences you'll find here. The Shambles Market has vendors that sell a wide variety of cuisines. There are also food trucks throughout town that offer affordable and delicious meal options.

The food selection at local restaurants is excellent in The USA . Food in the United States can vary significantly by region. Many large cities have popular restaurant scenes with famous chefs and world-class food. Smaller towns, however, might only offer some common chain restaurants. Southern cuisine can be different than the recipes found in New England, as well as that from the west coast. Also, as America is a diverse nation, it's very easy to find cuisine from other cultures. Mexican food is very popular, and different regions of the U.S. offer their own version of it such as Tex-Mex. Generally, some of the most famous places for the best food include New York, New Orleans, San Francisco, Chicago, and Las Vegas, although there are plenty of others.

NYC : The city has a diverse variety of restaurants, with everything from local dives to Michelin star options. There are many neighborhoods that are notable for their ethnic cuisine, particularly Little Italy and Chinatown. Quintessential NYC dishes include NYC pizza, NYC hot dogs, bagels, and Chinese dim sum.

Los Angeles : As a huge and diverse city, there is no shortage of amazing food options around town. There are a wide range of cuisines represented and many different neighborhoods that specialize in specific types of food. Popular dishes around town include Cobb Salads, Mexican Tacos, and the French Dip Sandwich.

Chicago : With everything from award-winning luxury restaurants to local dives, this city has something for everyone. It also has very distinct local flavors and dishes that create an identity and bring great pride to the locals. While you're in town you have to try the famous deep dish pizza, Chicago style hot dogs, and Italian beef.

San Francisco : There are local dives as well as five star restaurants, with everything in between. Popular local dining experiences include sourdough bread bowls and Dungeness crab at Fisherman's Wharf, and dim sum in Chinatown. Head away from the touristy neighborhoods if you want to sample some of the more local restaurants around town.

Austin : It is credited with being the original food truck city and you'll find many diverse food truck options around town. There is also amazing Mexican food, world renowned Texas barbecue, and many modern restaurants that reflect the city's culinary influence.

DC : This city is among the most diverse in the country, so you can find restaurants from almost any cuisine here. It's worth exploring and stepping out of your comfort zone. There are popular neighborhoods for Ethiopian, Korean, Thai, Japanese, and Chinese food, among many others.

New Orleans : It has rapidly grown into one of the United State's most well known foodie destinations. It's the birthplace of bananas foster and popular for it's gumbo, crawfish etouffee, jambalaya, and red beans and rice. While there are a number of celebrity chefs from New Orleans, you'll also find many local restaurants that aren't as well known but are equally worth visiting.

Las Vegas : It has become famous for it's all-you-can-eat buffets, which you'll find in almost every hotel along the strip. To fully experience the sin of gluttony, head for one of the more luxurious hotels, which have the more expensive, but also higher quality buffets. Celebrity chefs have also opened many five star restaurants around town that you must try.

Is the UK or the USA Better for Nightlife?

It's hard to distinguish whether The UK or The USA has a better nightlife scene.

The people in The UK know how to have a good time. London is one of the most popular cities in the world for nightlife. From bars and clubs to theatre shows, the activity in the city is always pulsing. Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh, Belfast, and other large cities also have plenty of nightlife options, too, with active nightclubs, varied music scenes, and theatre productions.

London : Some of the best neighborhoods for nightlife are Camden, West End, Soho, and Shoreditch. There are many festivals, concerts, and shows worth checking out and the nightlife scene is diverse enough that there really is something for everyone.

Glasgow : The city has some of the best nightlife in the entire country. There are clubs, bars, techno warehouses and more. Some of the best clubs include Sub Club, The Berkeley Suite, and The Garage.

See also London's Party Hostels .

The nightlife in The USA has something for everybody. Most cities and beach towns offer some sort of nightlife and bar scene, although some are better and more popular than others. New York, Chicago, L.A., Miami, Las Vegas, and New Orleans have some of the most famous nightlife scenes. And generally speaking, most larger cities have a central area of clubs, bars, pubs, theatres, and live music. At beach destinations, often the main boardwalk or town center will come alive at night with restaurants turning into a vibrant nightlife scene later on.

NYC : Known as the city that never sleeps, you can be assured that NYC has some of the best nightlife in the world. There are world class bars and clubs, but also local venues that have a more relaxed atmosphere. Several famous clubs include Paul's Cocktail Lounge, Le Bain, and Avant Gardner.

Los Angeles : The city's nightlife scene is as diverse as the city itself. There are glamorous clubs where you might spot a celebrity, as well as local dives with a more down-to-earth vibe. Some of the most famous clubs in the city include Academy, Avalon, and Boardner's.

Chicago : It has a wide range of activities at night, with everything from theater and comedy clubs to dance venues, sporting events, and local bars. It's easy to fill many evenings with whatever activity appeals to you. Popular bars and clubs include the Smart Bar, Beauty Bar, and Le Nocturne.

Austin : It's nightlife is centered around its thriving live music scene. Head for Sixth Street for some of the most popular bars and clubs. There are also many music festivals and outdoor concerts, particularly during the summer months. Popular bars and clubs around town include the White Horse, the Rose Room, and Antone's Nightclub.

New Orleans : The nightlife scene is at its best during Mardi Gras. But year-round you'll find Bachelor and Bachelorette parties, spring breakers, and anyone who wants to enjoy a crazy time heads to New Orleans. New Orleans is a destination that attracts partiers any time of the year, and the French Quarter is the place to be if you're looking for a party.

Las Vegas : From posh dance clubs to glitzy cocktail bars, its nightlife scene puts this city on the map. Many people forget to sleep here, whether they're gambling away their money, checking out a world class show, or partying in one of the many clubs.

Miami : From the posh nightlife clubs in South Beach, to the local salsa dancing venues in Little Havana, Miami is a city that thrives with energy. There are many world-renowned clubs that keep the music and drinks flowing through the entire night. There's also a glitzy and glamourous scene where the wealthy like to see and be seen.

Daytona : Spring break is when the parties are at their peak. For the most active nightlife head to A1A from Ormond-by-the-Sea to Ponce Inlet, Main and Beach Streets, and Seabreeze Boulevard, ONE DAYTONA and International Speedway Boulevard in Daytona Beach, and Granada Boulevard in Ormond Beach.

See also Party Hostels in Miami Beach and South Beach , Party Hostels in San Diego, California for Backpackers, Students, and Solo Travellers , and Party Hostels in Hawaii .

Is the UK or the USA Better for Music?

Live music enthusiatsts will find something to enjoy in either The UK or The USA .

The UK has become a hotbed of musicians and artists. London is the obvious choice if you're looking for live music, as it hosts nightclubs, bars, theatre shows, DJ events, and more. But other cities around Great Britain also have their own music scenes, especially Liverpool, Manchester, and Belfast. From family-friendly theatre productions to raving dance-filled nightclubs to intimate venues, there is something musical for everyone.

London : Famous music venues include Dominion Theatre, the Roundhouse, and Dublin Castle.

Birmingham : The city has long been a haven for musical creativity, and its influence over the global music scene is apparent. Popular music venues around town include Ghetto Golf, Digbeth Dining Club, and the Sunflower Lounge.

Glasgow : Known to some as "the city of music", you'll find a wide range of music venues, live shows, festivals, and even a great underground music scene.

Liverpool : Known as the birthplace of the Beatles, the city has been established as a rock and pop capital since the 1950s.

Edinburgh : In addition to a wide range of live music venues, there are also a number of music festivals held in town.

The USA has a thriving music scene. Several cities are known for their music, and visitors can experience live music and concert events most of the year. New York, New Orleans, L.A., Austin, Nashville, Las Vegas, and other cities offer their own style of music and should be on anyone's must-visit list. Whether it's live music in a small bar or a huge concert, the diverse number of shows and events will cater to anyone's preferences.

NYC : Popular music venues include Music Hall of Williamsburg, Radio City Music Hall, Beacon Theatre, and Forest Hills Stadium.

Los Angeles : Music, movies, and show business - it's all part of what Los Angeles is known for. Several famous music venues include The Greek Theatre, Whiskey a Go Go, and The Roxy Theatre.

Chicago : The city is the birthplace of such interesting styles as modern gospel and the Chicago style blues.

Detroit : Few cities have such an influential music industry. It's home to Motown and is well known for its soul music, jazz, blues, and rap.

Austin : Music is what gives this city its character. There are many live music venues, concerts, and music festivals to experience. Austin has influenced many music genres such as rock, blues, jazz, hip hop, punk, and country.

Memphis : There are plenty of live music venues in the downtown area that you can explore. Several of the most famous include B.B. King's Blues Club, Handy Park Pavilion, and Blues City Cafe. The city is known for its influential role in several music genres including the blues, soul, and rock 'n' roll. There are also many music related museums and attractions in town like Graceland, the Rock 'n' Soul Museum, the Blues Hall of Fame and Stax Museum of American Soul Music.

Nashville : The city is famous for country music, blues, and rock and roll. Popular venues include The Basement, The 5 Spot, and The Cannery Complex.

New Orleans : The city is known for its music festivals that feature jazz, blues, and many other types of live music. The Jazz Festival is a great time to visit.

Is the UK or the USA Better for Beaches?

The USA is considered to be a more popular beach destination than The UK.

You'll have a great beach vacation in The USA. With multiple coastlines and a diverse array of beach areas, the United States offers plenty of amazing beach vacation opportunities. The east coast from Florida up to Maine is lined with both smaller towns and larger cities that offer beaches. Some are popular and active, while others are quiet and relaxed. Some of the more popular destinations include the beaches in Florida such as Fort Lauderdale and Daytona, Hilton Head and Myrtle in South Carolina, the Outer Banks of North Carolina, Virginia Beach, Ocean City to Rehoboth in Maryland and Delaware, the Jersey Shore, Long Island, and Cape Code in Massachusetts. On the West Coast, you'll find gorgeous beaches from San Diego in Southern California all the way up through L.A. and the Bay Area. The coastlines of Oregon and Washington also have stunning beaches to visit. The gulf Coast from Florida to Texas experiences warmer weather almost all year, and attracts large crowds with blue water and white sandy beaches. Furthermore, Hawaii offers plenty of amazing beaches as the islands have a tropical climate.

Los Angeles : Ranging from beaches with stunning natural beauty to those with glamourous and fun atmospheres, this city has a number of beaches to choose from. There are many fun and high-energy urban beach settings, and there are also beaches that are lined with parks and offer a more natural environment. Some of the most popular are Santa Monica, Malibu, Huntington Beach, and Redondo Beach.

San Diego : The city has great beaches with tidal pools and interesting sea life at low tide. Adults and kids alike will enjoy hitting the beach when the tides are out and looking for local critters in the tidal pools. Popular beaches in the area include La Jolla Cove Beach, Coronado Beach, and Pacific Beach.

Miami : If you're looking for long sandy beaches, luxury yacht clubs, and fine dining restaurants, the area's beaches have them all. Some of the best beaches in the area include the world-famous South Beach, the North Beach Oceanside Park, Sunny Isles Beach, and Surfside. Many beaches are lined with high rise hotels that offer an urban beach experience.

Honolulu : Nearby there are countless beach destinations such as the famed Waikiki Beach. There are also more local and lesser known stretches of sand where you can escape the tourist crowds. Other great beaches in the area include Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve, Magic Island, and Lanikai Beach.

Saint Petersburg : You'll find great sandy beaches with calm blue water and a relaxed atmosphere. Some of the best beaches include Egmont Key, Fort DeSoto Beach, Maximo Beach, and St. Pete's Municipal Beach.

Fort Lauderdale : With seven miles of beautiful sandy beaches, a fun boardwalk, and impressive views, the beaches here are among the best in the area. They are surprisingly walkable and, while there can be crowds, there's still a laid-back and relaxing atmosphere.

Clearwater : Clearwater Beach is on many lists as one of the best beaches in America. It's the most popular beach in the area and it spreads out over 2.5 miles. Sand Key Beach is another popular destination as is the pristine Caladesi Island State Park.

Santa Monica : Santa Monica Beach is large and lined with bike trails. It's also filled with activity and you'll find many water sports, beach volleyball, and surfing in the area. There's also the famous Santa Monica Pier, which has an amusement park aquarium, Ferris wheal, dining, and shopping.

See also The Best Things to do in Boca Raton .

The UK is a good spot to see the beach. The southern coastline of Britain has a variety of beach areas, some with wide sandy beaches lined with restaurants, boardwalk shops, and other fun activities. While the water is generally cold, the summer months are still quite popular. Some of the more visited spots include St. Ives, Brighton, Newquay, Bournemouth, and West Wittering. This is just a few, and many more areas are favorites with locals, too.

Is the Shopping Better in the UK or the USA?

Shopping is a popular activity in both The USA and The UK .

Browsing through shops is a popular activity in The UK . London offers plenty of shopping experiences all over the city, and has various neighborhoods with different styles, trends, and vibes. Other large cities also have their own shopping districts where locals and travelers alike can find anything they want from clothes to gifts to locals artisan crafts.

London : With so much iconic shopping around town, it's hard to decide where to go. Head to Oxford Street, Regent Street, or Piccadilly Circus for a quintessential British shopping experience.

Shopping is a popular activity when visiting The USA . New York City, Chicago, L.A., San Francisco, Miami, and Las Vegas are just a few of the popular cities with terrific shopping neighborhoods. Almost anything can be found in the U.S. from fashion trends to gifts, and from crafts to electronics. Many regions of the country specialize in their own styles and industries where visitors can buy unique, custom made items such as furniture, glassware, jewelry, or special cooking ingredients.

NYC : The shopping is as diverse as the city itself. Head for Fifth Avenue for high end shopping or check out any of the many street markets for local items. New York is known for its many flea markets where you can find vintage items at a good price. And if you're looking to pick up a souvenir shirt or knick knack, there are plenty of souvenir shops around town as well.

Los Angeles : Although it's most famous for the high end shopping at Rodeo Drive, there are actually many different shopping venues throughout the city. Other famous shopping areas include Robertson Blvd and the Grove.

Chicago : There are countless neighborhoods that are filled with boutiques, local vendors, and art galleries. The city has some of the country's best shopping opportunities, and the most notable area is the famous Michigan Avenue and the Magnificent Mile.

San Francisco : The city has excellent shopping from local vendors to recognizable brands. Union Square, Embarcadero, Fillmore Street and Haight Street are some of the best neighborhoods for shopping.

Las Vegas : The city's shopping scene combines high end brands with a style that is uniquely Las Vegas. Many hotels have their own malls or shopping areas where you can buy designer names or visit flagship stores.

Atlanta : There are a number of great shopping districts around town. Atlantic Station is popular with a movie theater and ice skating. Buckhead has boutique and local vendors and Lenox Square has a large shopping mall.

Miami : The city has every high end brand you could want, along with diverse neighborhoods with local finds and unique purchases. You'll find many diverse shopping opportunities that are influenced by the city's cultural scene. You'll also find many souvenir stands and t-shirt shops.

Minneapolis : Known for the megamall, Mall of America, this is a shopper's paradise. Mall of America is the largest shopping mall in the country and it even has an aquarium and a theme park within it. In addition to this iconic shopping mall, Minneapolis also has many shopping districts including the Minnehaha Mile.

Is the UK or the USA Better for Christmas?

The UK usually beats out The USA for activites during the Christmas season.

The UK is an extremely popular place to visit during the Christmas season. While London is an easy choice for the holiday season, as it decorates major landmarks and offers fun winter activities, plenty of other locations around the country are also worth visiting. Edinburgh has a festive atmosphere as well with large trees, festivities, and decorations. Bath, Cardiff, York, and Bournemouth all put on their own activities, too.

London : There's Hyde Park Winter Wonderland, outdoor ice skating, and beautiful Christmas lights throughout the city. You can also listen to Christmas Carols in Trafalgar Square or see a classic Christmas show.

Plenty of visitors enjoy Christmas activities while in The USA. Plenty of smaller towns decorate for the holiday season with large trees and lights which invite visitors to experience their festive spirit. Large cities also decorate with Christmas lights and trees, and put on festivals and markets. New York and Washington D.C., for example, both have tree lighting events, public ice skating rinks, and theatre shows and concerts with holiday themes.

NYC : Christmas in the city is a quintessential experience. From the Christmas tree and ice skating at Rockefeller Center to seeing a live performance of the Nutcracker, everyone enjoys the holidays in New York.

DC : With it's beautiful lights and holiday shows, Christmas is beautiful in the capital of the United States.

Orlando : Christmas at Disney World is lots of fun. There are decorations and all kinds of seasonal activities around town.

Aspen : There are a number of beautiful activities that will bring the holiday season to life in the town.

Vail : The town is a winter wonderland during the holidays. Check out the iconic Christmas tree lighting and wander through the fairytale streets.

Breckenridge : From sledding to sleigh rides and hot chocolate, this town is absolutely magical during the Christmas season.

Is the UK or the USA Better for Skiing?

While The UK and The USA both offer snow skiing, overall The USA has more to offer.

The USA is a well-known ski destination which attracts visitors from far and wide. The ski resort areas in the Rocky Mountains offer some of the best skiing in the country. With ski towns such as Aspen, Breckenridge, Vail, Telluride, and more offering world-class skiing, this is a great region for ski-lovers. Another popular region in California where Lake Tahoe and other nearby resorts are very popular The Appalachian mountains don't offer the same quality of skiing, but they are very popular because of their affordability and accessibility to east coast cities.

Park City Utah : Two ski resorts are nearby, Park City Mountain and Deer Valley Resort. Park City Mountain is the largest resort in the United States. There are 7,300 acres that include two different base areas, 41 lifts, and 6 terrain parks. There's ski-in ski-out access from the town's Main Street, and options for skiers and snowboarders of all levels. Deer Valley Resort is a ritzy and upscale option that is more glamorous and high class.

Aspen : Near the town, there are 4 separate ski resorts. In town you'll find Aspen Mountain, which is known for it's black-diamond runs. Aspen Highlands, a couple miles away, has a mix of slopes and is less crowded. Buttermilk attracts many freestyle skiers and Aspen Snowmass is considered one of the best family-friendly ski areas.

Vail : This ski town has produced its share of Olympians. Vail is the third largest ski resort in the US and it has 31 lifts and 195 runs. There are five different bowls that offer beautiful views.

Breckenridge : This is one of the most recognizable ski destinations in the world. It has diverse terrain that is good for all levels including beginners, intermediate, and expert skiers. The resort also has the tallest chairlift in North America.

Sun Valley : There are plenty of slopes that are accessible by lift as well as backcountry terrain for those who are more adventurous. The ski areas include Bald Mountain, which is next to Ketchum, and Dollar Mountain, by Sun Valley. Bald Mountain is best for advanced skiers and Dollar Mountain has options for beginners and intermediates.

Beaver Creek : Beaver Creek Ski Resort is a top ski destination with 26 lifts and 149 different trails. It climbs to an elevation of 11,440 feet and the village is filled with ski-in/ski-out accommodation. There's also an excellent ski school.

Snow skiing is available in The UK as a fun activity. Aberdeenshire in Scotland offers a handful of ski resorts such as Glenshee and Lecht. Also nearby you'll find Cairngorm mountain and Glencoe. A few more ski resort areas can be found in Cumbria, and a few more around the mountainous areas of central Britain. However, the skiing at these resorts does not compare to those in mainland Europe, but they are still fun for the locals or anyone who wants to make a short and quick trip for some downhill runs.

Is the UK or the USA Better for Hiking?

The UK and The USA are both places where visitors can find great hiking trails.

You'll find a nice variety of hiking trails around The UK . Hiking and "walks" are very popular ways to experience and explore the beautiful landscapes of the U.K., as a number of long routes weave their way through the countryside and along the coastline. It's quite popular to do a multi-day walk with stopovers in quaint towns, especially as many of these walks are on routes with easy elevation and clearly defined paths with good signs. Some of the more popular routes include the Hadrian’s Wall Path, The Cleveland Way, Norfolk Coast Path, and Cotswold Way. If it's more strenuous mountain hiking that you're after, definitely visit one of the national park areas such as Cairngorms, Peak District, Lake District, or Snowdonia, as they all offer mountain trails with gorgeous scenery.

Isle of Skye : Hikes on the island range from family-friendly to some of the most challenging in Scotland. The setting is dramatic and beautiful and the hikes are a varied as the landscape. Some of the most popular hikes include the Fairy Pools, the Old Man of Storr, Neist Point Lighthouse, and the Quiraing.

Snowdonia National Park : There are approximately 1,500 miles of walking paths and hiking trails in the area. You can hike to waterfalls, along beaches, or to the top of Mt. Snowden. Aber Falls is a popular trail or you could explore lakes and try to see wild ponies along the Llyn Idwal Trail. For a particularly strenuous and adventurous trail, head to Glyder Fawr or The Snowdon Horseshoe Circular Walk.

Outer Hebrides : The islands offer some of the area's best hiking. You'll pass by stunning beaches, see unique wildlife, and enjoy a remote and tranquil setting. Follow the Hebridean Way, which covers the full length of the archipelago. It spans 156 miles and goes through 10 islands with 2 ferry trips.

Lake District National Park : There's a huge selection of hikes to choose from in the area, ranging from easy strolls to more strenuous climbs. The park offers some of the best hiking in the country and you can spend days exploring. Some of the favorite hikes in the area include Scafell Pike, Helvellyn, and Catbells.

Many visitors go to The USA for the hiking trails. The Rocky Mountains and the mountain ranges in California are some of the most popular spots for hiking, as they offer breathtaking views and hikes with a range of challenges. On the eastern side of the U.S. the Appalachian mountain range offers plenty of trails, including the famous Appalachian Trail which runs from Georgia to Maine, and is intertwined with many smaller trails which are perfect for day hikes. Alaska is also a hiker's dream, as much of the state is untouched wilderness with protected park areas. Even Hawaii offers various beautiful hikes through the interior of the tropical island ecosystems.

Los Angeles : In and around the city you'll find world class urban hiking with views of the mountains and the ocean. Some of the most well-known hikes include the Charlie Turner Trail to Mount Hollywood, Runyon Canyon, and the Sara Wan Trailhead at Corral Canyon.

San Francisco : The city's hikes take in the dramatic views of the bay and city. Just outside of town there are also countless hikes through the Redwoods and along the coastline. Popular hikes in the area include Lands End, Tomales Point Trail at Point Reyes National Seashore, and Muir Woods.

Honolulu : Both in the city and nearby you'll find world famous hiking trails that offer spectacular views and breathtaking landscapes. There are many natural landmarks and dramatic mountains. Moanalua Valley Trail, also known as the Stairway to Heaven, is one of the top hiking trails in the area. Other popular options include Kuliouou Ridge Trail and Diamond Head Crater Hike.

Colorado Springs : There are both world-famous hiking areas, as well as lesser known hikes that the locals often prefer. Some of the more famous places include Garden of the Gods, Pikes Peak, and Manitou Incline in Manitou Springs. For families, check out Seven Bridges Trail or Mount Muscoco Trail. Loud's Cabin is a longer trail that also includes Seven Bridges Trail.

Anchorage : The town is surrounded by wilderness and it's not hard to escape into nature. You can choose between short walks, long day trips, and multi-day treks, with everything in between available as well. There are more than 300 miles of hiking trails near town and several favorites include Byron Glacier Trail, Thunderbird Falls Trail, and Flattop Mountain.

Santa Barbara : Just outside of town are countless hiking opportunities that offer spectacular ocean views. Popular hikes include Inspiration Point, San Ysidro Trail, and Cold Spring East Fork.

Flagstaff : Nearby you'll find world class hikes through surreal landscapes and diverse environments. The area is filled with desert landscapes and varied rock formations that are best explored on foot. Trails range in length and skill level, but whatever your ability, the hiking in the area is among the best.

Hilo : You'll find incredible hikes in the area to many impressive waterfalls. There are also coastal trails and hikes to spectacular viewpoints.

See also Almost Heaven: A Shenandoah Weekend Escape , and Hiking Day Trips from Seattle on a Budget .

Is the UK or the USA Better for its National Parks?

The USA usually beats out The UK for its wide range of national parks.

The USA offers world class national parks for visitors. No other country compares to the United State when it comes to its national park system. With more than 85 million acres of land, and covering every state in the nation, the park system manages large national parks all the way down to small monuments, and also protected wildlife areas. Some of the most popular parks in the United States include Yellowstone, Yosemite, the Grand Canyon, Zion, the Everglades, and the national monuments in Washington D.C. With hundreds of park areas to visit that include a diverse number of landscapes from mountains to beaches, it's no surprise that they are so popular with visitors and locals alike.

The UK is a good destination to visit the national parks. A few of the most popular national parks in the U.K. include Snowdonia, Peak District, Lake District, Cairngorms, and Loch Lamond. Most of these parks offer beautiful mountain scenery, rivers, camping, lakes, and outdoor experiences for the whole family.

Is the UK or the USA Better for Adventure Travel?

The USA generally offers more adventure travel options for travelers than The UK.

The USA has some adventurous travel experiences that often attract visitors. Many destinations offer exciting activities such as paragliding, ropes courses, ziplines, bungee jumping, watersports, and more. You'll often find these activities in the mountains, near national park areas, or at the beach. Prices can vary by location, but since the U.S. is so large, a wide range of activities and experiences can be found all over.

The UK is a good destination for those who seek adventure travel experiences, as there are a few options to explore. Some of the more popular areas to participate in adventure sports are in the more wilderness regions and national parks of the nation. Zip lines, rock climbing, kayaking, paragliding, river rafting, and canyoning are all popular in the mountainous areas. Surfing is sometimes found along the coast, too.

Is the UK or the USA Better for Visiting the Mountains?

While The UK and The USA both have beautiful mountain areas, overall The USA is considered to be better for visitors.

With world-famous mountain scenery, The USA attracts many visitors interested in both mountain scenery and outdoor activities. Multiple mountain ranges across the country provide ample space to explore, experience outdoor activities, hike, camp, visit national parks, and ski in the winter. The Rocky Mountains in the west, along with the ranges in California up to Washington are full of high peaks, ski resorts, national parks, and hiking trails. On the east coast, you'll find the much older Appalachian range. Here the mountains are covered in forest and are full of hiking and camping opportunities as well as adventure sports, small towns, ski resorts, and local culture.

See also The Best Things to do in the Poconos .

The UK is a good destination to visit the mountains, as there are some fun activities. Many of the national parks in Britain offer gorgeous mountain scenery with hiking, horseback riding, adventure sports, camping, and more. Snowdonia, Peak District, Lake District, Cairngorms, and other parks have plenty of mountain adventures waiting for visitors. Also, the northern areas of Scotland are rugged and mountainous. The Hebrides for example, offer amazing natural landscapes where the mountains meet the sea to the north.

Is the UK or the USA Better for Watersports?

While The UK and The USA both have plenty of watersports, overall The USA is considered to be better for travelers seeking these activities.

The USA has some watersports activities that attract many visitors. Up and down all of the coastal areas, it's easy to find plenty of aquatic activities such as boating, fishing, jet skis, wind surfing, snorkeling, scuba diving, and more. Many of these activities are even more prevalent in popular beach areas in Florida, Southern California, Hawaii, and Texas. Prices will vary by location, too.

The UK is a good destination to participate in watersports, as there are some fun activities. Surfing is popular in some areas of the coastline such as Cornwall and in Snowdonia National Park. It's also possible to find a few river rafting outfitters around the country, too. Kayaking, fishing, and boating are all quite popular along the shore, too.

Is the UK or the USA Better for Outdoor Activities?

While The UK and The USA both have plenty of outdoor activities, overall The USA is considered to be better for travelers seeking outdoor adventures.

The outdoor activities and experiences of The USA attract many visitors. As it's a large and wide open country, plenty of outdoor activities can be found in the mountains, the coastal areas, and the great plains. Hiking and camping are popular all over, and other activities such as horseback riding, fishing, and biking are popular around park and wildlife areas, too. Swimming and beach activities are also common not just at the coast, but at lakes and rivers in the interior. For some of the most scenic outdoor spots with the most activities, visit the Rockies or the Appalachian mountains, the west coast, Alaska, or Hawaii.

See also 12 Unique Things to Do in Orlando , and A Southwest Itinerary .

The outdoor activities and attractions of The UK are worth exploring. Outdoor activities in Great Britain include hiking, horseback riding, kayaking, adventure sports, camping, and more. It's easy and accessible to get out into nature here from the big cities, and a diverse array of activities can be found.

Is the UK or the USA Better for a Road Trip?

The USA is usually considered to be a better destination to explore on a road trip than The UK.

The USA is often synonomous with road trips because of the open roads, beautiful landscapes, and room to explore. The concept of the great American road trip has been made famous by both television and travelers alike. With wide open spaces to explore and quality highways, anyone with a vehicle can head out to America's great destinations to visit the national parks, beaches, big cities, and mountains. Keep in mind that the distances between cities can be quite large, but road trippers can find plenty of small towns and interesting road-side attractions almost everywhere in the country. Several common road trip routes can be followed in the U.S. It's common for travelers to drive up or down the east coast or the west coast visiting major cities, national park areas, and the beautiful beaches. Another popular route is to visit the national parks in the southwest around Colorado, Utah, and southern California. Or, head from Chicago through the Dakotas and Montana towards Seattle. No matter what your destination, it's easy to rent a car or even a camper van and head out on the highway.

See also Southwest Itinerary .

The UK is an extremely popular destination for those that want to take a road trip. The roads in the U.K. are great, and with plenty of small villages, national park areas, seaside destinations, and historical sites, a road trip is a great way to see the country.

Is the UK or the USA Better for Families?

The UK and The USA are both great destinations for the whole family.

The UK is an amazing family-friendly country to visit. From the big cities to the countryside, if you're traveling with kids you'll find something great to do. London has family-friendly museums and attractions such as science museums, the Tower of London, and amusement parks. Plenty of beach resort areas are found along the coastline, too, such as in Blackpool, Cornwall, the Isle of Wight, or Paignton. Head north to Snowdonia for hiking and watersports, or to Scotland for the lakes, historic railways, and castles. Kids of all ages, and parents also will love if.

London : Whether you do a Harry Potter Tour, take a ride on the London Eye, or enjoy afternoon tea, there are plenty of activities for kids around town. The Harry Potter Studio Tour is fun for everyone, but should be booked well in advance as it sells out. Theatre enthusiasts will enjoy catching a musical in West End and sampling dim sum or a hot pot in Chinatown. There are often Wednesday matinee showings that are perfect for kids with early bedtimes.

York : The city does an amazing job bringing history to life in a way that kids will enjoy. The JORVIK Viking Centre transports visitors back in time and introduces them to a fully immersive viking experience. The York Dungeon is great for older kids as long as they don't scare easily. Actors and special effects offer a terrifying and entertaining visit through a York dungeon. Harry Potter fans will enjoy exploring the potion shops and broomstick stores along the iconic Shambles, which is said to be an inspiration for J.K. Rowling's Diagon Alley.

The USA is an extremely popular country to visit for families. Almost every city in the U.S. has family-friendly activities such as amusement parks, museums, historical sites, and more. Most of the coastal areas offer great beaches, and plenty of mountain ranges full of outdoor activities are available as well. Kids will love the national parks and the city activities equally.

Los Angeles : With its many amusement parks, including nearby Disneyland, and its countless family-friendly parks and playgrounds, there is no shortage of things to do with kids around the city. Favorite activities include the amusement parks, exploring Venice Beach, a trip to the California Science Center, and taking a Warner Brothers Studio Tour.

Chicago : The city has a large number of activities for kids, including zoos, Shedd Aquarium, impressive children's museums, and large and elaborate playgrounds in Millennium Park. It's easy to keep kids entertained in this very kid-focused city.

San Antonio : The RiverWalk is a fun family-friendly area. There's also Six Flags, SeaWorld and the San Antonio Zoo as well as a number of museums and other amusement parks in the area. It's easy to spend days having a great family vacation in this area and you can combine history, culture, and entertainment all in one setting.

San Diego : The city is filled with kid-friendly activities that everyone can enjoy. There's the world-class zoo, several amusement parks, the beaches, aquariums, and more. The year-round warm weather makes it easy to spend plenty of time outdoors in parks, playgrounds, and beaches where kids can stretch their legs and run around.

San Francisco : With its many outdoor parks, hiking trails, beaches, and kid-friendly museums, this city makes a great family-friendly destination. There are also many amazing playgrounds with stunning views of the bay and city. Head to Chinatown for some unique and kid-friendly food, or down to Pier 39 for fun activities that the whole family can enjoy.

Boston : It's filled with history, but there are also many activities for kids who need a break from all of the historical stuff. Popular activities for all ages include the Museum of Science, the New England Aquarium, and exploring the waterfront, gardens, and parks around town.

Honolulu : There are many kid-friendly beaches, hiking trails, and activities that appeal to families. While Waikiki Beach can get crowded, it is also a great option for kids. Kids will also enjoy snorkeling with sea turtles, swimming with dolphins, or taking surfing lessons. For a cold treat, everyone can enjoy shave ice and the perfect way to wrap up a day is a fun luau.

Orlando : Known as a theme park capital, here you'll find the iconic Disney World, as well as Universal Studios, SeaWorld and many more. While most people spend their vacation at the Disney or Universal resorts, there is also an endless supply of less mainstream parks and activities in the area.

See also Disney World , The Great Smoky Mountains with Kids , and The Best Cocoa Beach Vacation Rentals for Families .

Is the UK or the USA Better for Couples?

The USA offers a wider variety of romantic activities for couples than The UK.

Couples visit The USA frequently as it offers plenty of romantic activities. Plenty of romantic destinations can be found at the beach, in the mountains, and in the big cities. New York, Charleston, New Orleans, San Francisco, Las Vegas, and Hawaii are just a few of the famous romantic destinations which attract couples. Honeymoon resorts can also be found in the Rockies or on the beaches. Or, if you're looking for an isolated cabin in the woods to escape the city, those are easy to find, too.

NYC : From a beautiful carriage ride through Central Park, to a romantic river cruise at night, there is an endless list of unique activities that couples can enjoy in the city. Whether you're interested in theater, the arts, music, or nightlife, this city has it all.

Los Angeles : It is a large, sprawling city with tucked away romantic scenes that are perfect for a couple's getaway or a dream honeymoon. There are also trendy nightclubs, world-class restaurants, and high-energy beaches that make for iconic date activities.

San Diego : For adventurous couples, there are many outdoor activities that you can enjoy together. The beaches offer a great playground for adults who enjoy the water and warm weather. There are also restaurants and a great nightlife in San Diego.

Las Vegas : The city has become a mecca for weddings - whether impromptu or luxuriously planned out. With it's glamourous resorts and wide variety of entertainment options, couples can enjoy a fun-filled visit here.

Honolulu : Romantic resorts, beautiful beaches, and stunning hikes make this a top honeymoon destination for couples. The city has an energy that is unlike anywhere else on the Hawaiian islands, but there are also nature trails and outdoor adventures nearby. There are a diversity of restaurants that highlight both local and international cuisines, and a nightlife scene that will keep you entertained.

Fort Lauderdale : Fine dining, beautiful beaches, and great shopping make for a great romantic getaway. Couples and honeymooners love relaxing at the beaches in Fort Lauderdale. A sunset walk on the beach and a stay at a romantic resort will make for an unforgettable trip.

Charleston : This beautiful city is one of the most popular wedding destinations in America. It's a very romantic setting with beautiful hotels and bed and breakfasts that are perfect for couples on their honeymoon or looking for a romantic setting.

Santa Barbara : The town is a stunningly beautiful destination with beautiful beaches, excellent shopping, and nice resorts that make for a great honeymoon or romantic trip.

See also The Best Airbnb's in the Florida Keys for a Romantic Couple's Getaway , Romantic Things to do in Savannah , and The Best Romantic Cocoa Beach Condos for Couples on Airbnb .

The UK is a nice destination for couples. Plenty of destinations in Great Britain are great for couples. London for starters has many nice hotels, restaurants, and romantic spots around town. Or, head to the countryside of Scotland or Wales for castles, beautiful natural scenery, lakes, and more. If you're looking for an active trip, check out some of the national park or wilderness areas such as Lake District, Snowdonia, or Cairngorms. Also, many of the beach destinations have nice resort areas for couples, too.

London : With every type of entertainment that you can imagine, this city is the ultimate couple's getaway. There are world class musicals, evening concerts, and restaurants of every style, cuisine, and budget. It's easy for couples to fill days in this vibrant city.

Bath : With its beautiful architecture and fascinating history, this city is perfect for couples. Take a canal cruise or wander through the scenic areas to enjoy a romantic trip.

Snowdonia National Park : Explore the beautiful outdoor scenery by taking one of the many hikes in the park. There are many diverse walking routes or you can head to the top of Mt. Snowden. There are also waterfalls and castles that couples can explore.

See also Hostels in Liverpool for Solo Travellers, Groups, & Couples .

Is the UK or the USA Better for Backpackers and Budget Travelers?

While The USA and The UK are both good for backpackers, overall The UK is more popular.

Backpackers come from all over to visit The UK . The overall price of travel in the U.K. can be quite high, so backpackers and budget travelers will need to plan ahead to find affordable accommodations and entertainment options. London in particular offers plenty of hostels and budget accommodation options, but they are still priced higher than in many other cities. Smaller cities, towns, and destinations in the countryside can usually be more affordable. Prices aside, the overall amenities and infrastructure for budget travelers and backpackers are everywhere and very frequent. It's easy to find lower-priced options everywhere, along with plenty of free and cheap activities, so don't let the overall costs dissuade you from visiting.

London : Although the city is very expensive, it has tons of hostels, affordable restaurant options, and great public transit. There's a huge backpacker network here and it's easy to meet other travelers. The nightlife scene is also second to none.

Edinburgh : The city has some good hostels and an active nightlife, so it's not hard to find other travelers to hang out with. It's a well visited city with many areas that attracted younger travelers or students.

Lake District National Park : There are plenty of camping options throughout the park with a range of hookup facilities to meet everyone's needs. Waterfront campsites are also available.

See also Hostels for Solo Travellers, Female Travellers, & Couples in London, England , London's Party Hostels , and London Hostels Near Kings Cross .

The USA is a good country to visit for backpackers. Generally, the U.S. is a fairly expensive country, which can make traveling on a budget difficult in many areas. A lack of affordable public transit doesn't help either. However, many cities offer budget accommodation options and a variety of cheap dining options along with free or cheap activities. New York, Boston, and other New England cities tend to offer hostels for budget travelers, as does San Francisco, Austin, and Chicago. Free or cheap museums and attractions can also be found in most major cities. Out in the countryside, though, you'll need your own transportation, which can increase your travel costs.

Grand Canyon : Backpackers and budget travelers can take in one of America's most notable landmarks while camping at the large and affordable national park campground.

Death Valley National Park : Backpackers will enjoy hiking and camping in a unique desert environment. There are several campgrounds in the area that range from primitive to developed.

Joshua Tree National Park : There are campgrounds and hiking trails that are popular with backpackers and nature enthusiasts.

Sequoia National Park : Backpacking through the park will let you experience places that most visitors don't make it to. This is the best way to truly enjoy the nature, serenity, and beauty of the park.

Yosemite : Campgrounds and back country trails make this area a backpacker's paradise.

Bryce Canyon National Park : For most visitors, this park is a short stop, but for those who want to experience it in depth, there are many backcountry hikes that let you enjoy a very different side to the park. You'll need a permit, but the backcountry lets you enjoy a peaceful solitude that you won't find in the more touristy areas.

Zion National Park : This is a world-famous rock climbing, hiking, and backpacking destination. There are many opportunities for backcountry camping, but you are required to purchase a permit.

Redwood National Park : There are miles of backcountry trails that let you can explore the park in relative peace and solitude. This is an amazing way to experience the park, but do make sure you purchase a permit in advance.

See also Staying Near Union Square in San Francisco's Hostels , New York City Hostels Near Times Square , and Hostels in New York City for Couples, Solo Travellers, & Groups .

Is the UK or the USA Better for Students?

The UK is generally a better country for students than The USA.

The UK is a great destination for students. Students will find not only a huge number of universities in the U.K., but also a large support network on top of affordable travel opportunities. Many of the major universities around the country are in locations with fun activities, vibrant nightlife, and affordable sights and attractions.

London : The city has a number of universities and is a popular study abroad destination. It's also a very diverse city, so international students will feel right at home.

Birmingham : With world class academic institutions and a very diverse and international population, this is a popular place for international students to study.

Oxford : At its heart, Oxford is a college town and students are at the heart of the city and its culture.

Cambridge : The town is home to more than 25,000 students who come from 140 different countries. This is one of the most iconic university towns in the world, and there's really no better place for students to visit or reside.

St. Andrews : At its heart, this is a university town with a long standing history in teaching. You'll find the town's population doubles when students are in town.

See also Hostels in Glasgow, Scotland for Students, Backpackers, and Solo Travellers , Hostels in England for Backpackers and Students , and Hostels in Scotland for Backpackers and Students .

It's common for students to visit The USA. As Universities can be found all over the country, it can be easy to fit right in with the student crowds in most major cities and smaller college towns. Almost every university has a neighborhood nearby with bars, nightlife, affordable dining options, and other related activities.

NYC : The city has a diverse population, and international students will feel right at home here exploring the city. There are also plenty of major universities including NYU, Columbia University, and Cornell University.

Los Angeles : International students have long flocked to this for its major universities and diverse setting. Major universities in the area include UCLA, the University of Southern California, and the California Institute of Technology.

Chicago : The city has a large number of universities that bring in students from around the country and around the globe. It's a huge international city with economic ties and many opportunities connected to the universities.

San Diego : With its young population and many universities, international students will feel right at home in San Diego. There are also many great outdoor activities for the adventurous.

Boston : It is a city of students, with a number of world renowned universities located here including Harvard University, Boston College, and MIT. Many neighborhoods are filled with students and there are many student-centered activities around town including festivals and an active nightlife scene.

DC : International students come from around the world to study, learn, intern, and work in the capital of the United States. There are many internships available through the federal government as well as NGOs and nonprofits.

Daytona : It's one of the original Spring Break destinations, and the trend continues. If you're a student looking to cut loose, you'll find plenty of likeminded vacationers in the area, with many bars and hotels catering specifically to the younger crowd.

Chapel Hill : It's a quintessential college town. UNC has a nice campus and Franklin Street is the main spot for restaurants and shopping. Most of the students live near or on campus, but once you head further out things get more suburban.

See also Party Hostels in San Diego, California for Backpackers, Students, and Solo Travellers , and Hostels in Washington DC for Solo Travellers, Students, and Backpackers .

Is the UK or the USA Easier for Transportation? Which is Easier to Get Around Without a Car?

While The USA and The UK both offer transportation options, overall the system in The UK is considered to be better.

The UK has a world-class transit network to take passengers everywhere in the country. Public transit in the cities, combined with the national railway system makes it very easy for travelers to move around the country without their own car. London as well as other major cities are also hubs for airlines with connections abroad. Also, as an island nation, a huge number of ferry services connect Britain to Ireland as well as mainland Europe. The smaller islands just offshore are also connected by regular ferry routes, too.

  • It's very easy and convenient to travel by train.
  • Travel by bus is possible.
  • Travel by car is possible.
  • It's possible to travel by airplane.

While The USA offers some public transit options, it might not be your first choice. Public transportation can be inconsistent, as some major cities offer good transit systems, while others offer nothing at all. Furthermore, if traveling long distances, traveling without a car is often very inconvenient. America is a country of highways and the wide open road, making it perfect for long road trips. However, if you need to travel by train or bus, you'll find a limited number of destinations, long rides, and high prices. Air travel is very common if you're planning to go any longer distances, too. Many foreign visitors end up renting a car or joining an organized tour.

  • It's possible, but usually challenging, to travel by train.
  • It's possible to travel with an organized tour.
  • Traveling by car is extremely popular.
  • Traveling by airplane is very common and fairly easy.

Is the UK or the USA more Comfortable for a Trip?

The UK and The USA are both modern and comfortable places to visit.

Generally, The UK is considered to be a comfortable and luxurious place to visit. Whether you're traveling on a budget or looking for higher-end luxurious accommodations, Great Britain offers a high-standard of living and travel for visitors. As a modern, affluent nation, tourists will find comfortable amenities at any price point along with an extensive network of transportation to get around the country. Nice restaurants, delicious food, and an abundant supply of professional tour operators and entertainment venues make a trip to the U.K. very easy, convenient, and comfortable.

People often come to The USA because it is such a comfortable and luxurious destination. Because the United States is a modern, wealthy, and developed country, almost everywhere will offer comfortable accommodation options, nice restaurants, and an extensive tourist infrastructure. High-end and mid-range hotels are everywhere for all types of travelers looking for comfort, luxury, or relaxing vacations.

Is the UK or the USA more Touristy?

The UK and The USA are both quite touristy, seeing a large number of visitors every year.

The UK sees a large number of visitors. London, Edinburgh, various castles, seaside resorts, and some of the national parks can be heavily touristy, especially in the peak summer months. Some of the smaller popular cities and towns for visitors also include Stratford upon Avon, Bath, Cambridge, Inverness, Stonehenge, and more. Despite the number of tourists, these destinations are still very manageable if you're on a trip and wish to see everything. It's also quite easy to avoid the crowds by escaping the larger cities or travel during non-peak seasons.

Plenty of tourists come to The USA every year, as it's a popular destination. Because the United States is such a large country, many areas can be very busy with tourists while other regions remain sparsely visited and more authentic. Some of the largest tourist destinations include the more famous cities such as New York, Orlando (Disney World), Las Vegas, San Francisco, Boston, Charleston, Chicago, and Washington D.C. Many of the national parks can also get quite crowded, especially Yellowstone, Yosemite, the Grand Canyon, and others on the highly traveled southwestern loop of national parks. Furthermore, many beach areas can be very busy, especially in the summer. For a less touristy experience, it's possible to visit other cities and smaller towns which still offer scenic beauty and fun activities.

For some great organized tour ideas, see The Best Family-Friendly Tours to United Kingdom , The Best Hiking & Trekking Tours in United Kingdom , The Best Historical Tours in United Kingdom , The Best One Week (7-Day) Tours in United Kingdom , The Best 3-Day Tours in United Kingdom , The Best 2-Week Tours in United Kingdom , The Best Bicycle Tours in United Kingdom , Tours for Outdoor and Nature Lovers in United Kingdom , The Best Coach Bus Tours in United Kingdom , The Best Adventure Tours to United Kingdom , The Best Sightseeing Tours in United Kingdom , The Best Romantic Tours for Couples in United Kingdom , The Best Luxury Tours to United Kingdom , The Best Budget Tours to United Kingdom , The Best Tours for Seniors to United Kingdom , The Best 3-Day Tours from Edinburgh , The Best 3-Day Tours from London , The Best One-Week (7-Day) Tours from London , The Best One-Week (7-Day) Tours from Edinburgh , The Best 10-Day Tours from London , The Best 10-Day Tours from Edinburgh , The Best 2-Week Tours from London , The Best 2-Week Tours from Edinburgh , The Best Family-Friendly Tours to United States of America , The Best Wildlife Tours to United States of America , The Best Hiking & Trekking Tours in United States of America , The Best Historical Tours in United States of America , The Best 10-Day Tours in United States of America , The Best One Week (7-Day) Tours in United States of America , The Best 2-Week Tours in United States of America , The Best 3-Week Tours in United States of America , Tours for Outdoor and Nature Lovers in United States of America , The Best Coach Bus Tours in United States of America , The Best Adventure Tours to United States of America , The Best Train & Rail Tours in United States of America , The Best Sightseeing Tours in United States of America , The Best Cruise Tours and Packages in United States of America , The Best Cultural Tours in United States of America , The Best Photography Tours in United States of America , The Best Camping Tours in United States of America , The Best Romantic Tours for Couples in United States of America , The Best Walking Tours in United States of America , The Best Tours Under $1000 in United States of America , The Best Luxury Tours to United States of America , The Best Tours for Seniors to United States of America , The Best Contiki Tours to United States of America , The Best G Adventures Tours to United States of America , The Best One-Week (7-Day) Tours from Las Vegas , The Best One-Week (7-Day) Tours from Anchorage , The Best One-Week (7-Day) Tours from Los Angeles , The Best One-Week (7-Day) Tours from New York City , The Best 2-Week Tours from New York City , The Best 2-Week Tours from Anchorage , The Best 2-Week Tours from San Francisco , and The Best 2-Week Tours from Los Angeles .

Kauai Coastline, Hawaii

Should I spend more time in the USA or the UK?

How long in the uk or the usa.

In either the United Kingdom or the United States of America, you'll find plenty of activities to fill your time. Most visitors tend to spend more time in the United States of America than the United Kingdom because of the overall number of sights and activities. Usually, 5-14 days is a good amount of time for the United Kingdom, and 7-21 days is enough time in the United States of America.

Families should spend more time in the United States of America than the United Kingdom. Because of the many family-friendly attractions and fun things to do for kids in the United States of America, it's a great place to visit with the whole family.

Couples should spend more time in the United States of America than the United Kingdom. You'll find plenty of romantic sights and fun activities in the United States of America that are perfect for a weekend getaway or a longer couple's trip.

Backpackers and budget travelers should spend more time in the United States of America than the United Kingdom if your budget allows for it. With a larger number of budget-friendly sights, good nightlife, and active things to do, anyone traveling on a budget would have a good time in the United States of America.

  • How many days should I spend in the UK or the USA? Ideal Length of Stay --> UK 5-14   USA   7-21

A weekend in the UK or the USA?

In the UK, you'll find live music, food, and hiking. The length of your trip often depends on your style of travel. Hiking can easily take up a good amount of your time here, too. Since there is so much to do in the area, a weekend is probably not enough for all of it.

The USA is a great place to explore. With so much to do, a weekend is probably not enough time to see everything. Your budget might influence how long you stay.

Five days in the UK or the USA?

The UK is a great place to explore. It is common to spend five days here. Hikers are also drawn to this area. Five days is a great amount of time to relax and see the many things that the UK has to offer. Anyone can find something fun to do here.

It's hard to know how much time to spend in the USA. Many travelers plan to spend time at the national parks on their trip. With so much to do, five days is probably not enough time to see everything. It has many unique tourist attractions and fascinating things to do.

A week in the UK or the USA?

It's hard to know how much time to spend in the UK. In the UK, you'll find hiking, shopping, and museums. Many visitors also spend a good bit of time hiking. With all of its activities, you can easily fill one week here.

Many travelers enjoy the theater, wildlife, and adventure travel when visiting the beautiful destination of the USA. This country offers a variety of activities to choose from. Make sure you spend some time in the national parks, too. If you have one week, this is a great place to go. This would be the perfect place to spend one week, as it has just the right amount of activities.

Two weeks in the UK or the USA?

It's hard to know how much time to spend in the UK. In the UK, you'll find hiking, shopping, and museums. Many visitors also spend a good bit of time hiking. Two weeks is a great amount of time to relax and see the many things that the UK has to offer.

Many travelers enjoy the theater, wildlife, and adventure travel when visiting the diverse destination of the USA. This country offers a variety of activities to choose from. Many visitors spend time at the beach while visiting the area. If you have two weeks, this is a great place to go. With all of its activities, you can easily fill two weeks here.

Joshua Tree National Park, California

Which country is cheaper, the USA or the UK?

These are the overall average travel costs for the two destinations.

  • UK Prices USA Prices
  • Average Daily Cost Per person, per day UK $ 194 USA $ 285

The average daily cost (per person) in the UK is $194, while the average daily cost in the USA is $285. These costs include accommodation (assuming double occupancy, so the traveler is sharing the room), food, transportation, and entertainment. While every person is different, these costs are an average of past travelers in each country. What follows is a categorical breakdown of travel costs for the UK and the USA in more detail.


  • Accommodation Hotel or hostel for one person UK $ 96 USA $ 130
  • Accommodation Typical double-occupancy room UK $ 192 USA $ 260

Compare Hotels in the United Kingdom and the United States of America

Looking for a hotel in the United Kingdom or the United States of America? Prices vary by location, date, season, and the level of luxury. See below for options and compare which is best for your budget and travel style.


Hotels in the United Kingdom

Hotels in the United States of America

Kayak helps you find the best prices for hotels, flights, and rental cars for destinations around the world. Compare prices for multiple destinations when planning your next trip.

Local Transportation

  • Local Transportation Taxis, local buses, subway, etc. UK $ 37 USA $ 46

Typical Local Transportation prices in the UK

Here are some examples of typical transportation prices from actual travelers in the UK:

  • Taxi Ride $ 19
  • Heathrow Express $ 23
  • Luggage Storage $ 10
  • Local Bus $ 4.56
  • Rail to Airport $ 14
  • London Map $ 1.63
  • Oyster Card $ 45
  • 24 Hr Bus Passes (for 2) $ 25
  • Ferry to Isle of Wight $ 20
  • Parking $ 2.53
  • Toll Way - Mersey tunnel $ 2.15
  • City bike hire Liverpool $ 7.60

Hired Cars and Shuttles in the UK

Some specific examples of transportation prices in the UK:

  • Liverpool: BUS Transfer to/from John Lennon Airport: $5.82
  • Manchester: 1-Wsy Airport Bus Transfer to/from Leeds: $6.94
  • Manchester Airport: BUS Transfer to/from Liverpool: $6.94
  • Edinburgh Airport: Bus Transfer: $6.95
  • London: Bus Transfer between Heathrow Airport & Premier Inn: $7.59
  • London: Bus Transfer Between Heathrow Airport & Radisson RED: $8.60
  • London: Transfer Heathrow Airport to/from Renaissance Hotel: $8.60
  • Bristol Airport: Bus Transfer to/from Cardiff: $11
  • Stansted airport: Bus transfer from/to Cambridge: $12
  • Manchester Airport: BUS Transfer to/from Birmingham: $12
  • Southampton Airport: BUS Transfer to/from Portsmouth: $12
  • Glasgow: Easy Bus Transfer Between Airport and City Center: $13

Typical Local Transportation prices in the USA

Some typical examples of transportation costs in the USA are as follows:

  • Taxi to SFO $ 45
  • 2 Subway Passes $ 4.50
  • Rental Car for One Day $ 35
  • Parking $ 14
  • Rental Car for One Day $ 38
  • Taxi Ride $ 10
  • Rental Car $ 56
  • Rental Car for a Day $ 60
  • Full Tank of Gas $ 90
  • Whistle Stop Cafe (for 2) $ 50
  • Parking $ 19

Hired Cars and Shuttles in the USA

Some specific examples of transportation prices in the USA:

  • Airport to Port Canaveral Suv Transfer up to 6 pax: $187
  • Anaheim Resort Private Transfer to or from Los Angeles.: $75
  • Atlanta Airport (ATL) - Private transfer from/to Atlanta City : $97
  • Boston hotels to Flynn Cruise Port - Departure Private Transfer: $116
  • Charleston Airport (CHS) to Charleston city - Round-Trip Private Transfer: $174
  • Chicago to Chicago O'Hare Airport (ORD): Departure Transfer: $57
  • Des Moines Airport (DSM) to Des Moines - Round-Trip Private Transfer: $109
  • Fort Lauderdale Airport Private Transfer to Port Everglades: $160
  • Honolulu HNL Airport Round-Trip Private Transfer in SUV: $271
  • Luxury transfer between San Francisco and SFO Airport: $130
  • Miami Airport Executive Transfer Service: $190
  • Miami Airport and Port of Miami luxury private transfers: $102

Is it cheaper to fly into the UK or the UK?

Prices for flights to both the USA and the UK change regularly based on dates and travel demand. We suggest you find the best prices for your next trip on Kayak, because you can compare the cost of flights across multiple airlines for your prefered dates.

  • Food Meals for one day UK $ 47 USA $ 58

Typical Food prices in the UK

Below are a few samples from actual travelers for food and meal costs in the UK:

  • Lunch at Starbucks $ 16
  • Morning Tea $ 3.16
  • Ice Cream $ 3.80
  • A Quick Snack $ 5.06
  • Dinner $ 28
  • Breakfast $ 11
  • Dinner at Filling Station $ 13
  • Afternoon Tea at Fortnum & Mason $ 49
  • Morning Tea $ 8.04
  • Pastry $ 6.33

Food Tours and Cooking Classes in the UK

Also, here are some specific examples of food and dining related activities in the UK.

  • Borough Market Food Tour - Self Guided: $6.58
  • London: Borough Market Self-guided food tour: $7.20
  • Dinner and Live DJ at A Fancy Restaurant: $17
  • (Thur 7pm) Comedy Magic Show includes 1x Pizza & 2 glasses of Prosecco: $26
  • Manchester: Hard Rock Cafe with Set Menu for Lunch or Dinner: $30
  • Edinburgh: Hard Rock Cafe with Set Menu for Lunch or Dinner: $32
  • Hard Rock Cafe Manchester with Set Menu for Lunch or Dinner: $33
  • London: Hard Rock Cafe with Set Menu for Lunch or Dinner: $35
  • Picadilly Circus: Hard Rock Cafe Set Menu Lunch or Dinner: $36
  • Hard Rock Cafe London Old Park Lane with Set Menu for Lunch or Dinner: $38
  • Traveling Spoon Nepalese Momos Private Online Cooking Class: $40
  • Roast Dinner Cruise: $41

Typical Food prices in the USA

Some typical examples of dining costs in the USA are as follows:

  • Lunch in downtown Charleston for two $ 21
  • Lunch for Two at Epcot $ 29
  • Large Slurpee & 2 Hot Dogs $ 5.63
  • Buffet Breakfast for Two $ 53
  • Charcoal & Lighter Fluid $ 8.54
  • Casual Lunch (for 3) $ 27
  • Expresso & cookie at Pier 70 $ 7.00
  • Cashews at Pike Place Market $ 6.00
  • Lunch for Two at Pike's Landing $ 63
  • Totem Inn Breakfast for Two $ 46
  • Jimmy John's Lunch (for 2) $ 11
  • Indian Food Dinner (family of 4) $ 81

Food Tours and Cooking Classes in the USA

Also, here are some specific examples of food and dining related activities in the USA.

  • Self Guided "The North End Pizza, Cannoli and Picnic" Solo Walking Tour : $5.50
  • The Downtown Mall Food Tour: $17
  • 1 Hour of Chocolate Pizza Making Class in Jacksonville: $18
  • Online Cooking Class Beijing Dumplings by Chef Sunflower Li: $20
  • New Orleans: Cajun and Creole Cooking Class with Meal: $38
  • Orlando: The Outta Control Magic Comedy Dinner Show: $38
  • The Outta Control Magic Comedy Dinner Show in Orlando: $38
  • Dallas: West Village Happy Hour Food Tour: $39
  • 1-HR cooking class: $40
  • New Orleans Demonstration Cooking Class with Meal: $42
  • East Austin Food Tour: $44
  • Polish Cultural Workshop with Pierogi Dinner - Appleton, WI: $45


  • Entertainment Entrance tickets, shows, etc. UK $ 35 USA $ 55

Typical Entertainment prices in the UK

Here are a few typical costs in the UK for activities, ticket prices, and tours that come from previous visitors:

  • Two Tickets to a Concert $ 105
  • Show Tickets $ 41
  • Movie Tickets $ 10
  • London Symphony Orchestra $ 44
  • Movie Tickets for Two $ 15
  • Donation for Storytellers $ 7.60
  • Bike Rentals (for 2) $ 25
  • Newspaper $ 1.08
  • Luss Highland Games Entrance Fee (for 2) $ 15
  • Two Bike Rental $ 43
  • Thermal Bath Spa $ 44
  • Warwick Castle (2) $ 75

Tours and Activities in the UK

Here are a few actual costs in the UK for available activities, ticket prices, and tours:

  • London: British Museum Express audio tour with mobile app: $1.80
  • Tour Inverness - Scotland self-guided tour app: $2.14
  • Edinburgh: First Discovery Walk and Reading Walking Tour: $3.21
  • Glasgow: First Discovery Walk and Reading Walking Tour: $3.21
  • Liverpool: First Discovery Walk and Reading Walking Tour: $3.21
  • Oxford: Discovery Walk & Reading Walking Tour: $3.21
  • Manchester: First Discovery Walk and Reading Walking Tour: $3.21
  • Edinburgh Scavenger Hunt and Best Landmarks Self-Guided Tour: $3.27
  • Edinburgh: Escape Game and Tour: $3.75
  • Carfax Tower Entry Ticket: $3.86
  • A Camp Self-Guided Tour of London with Paul Baker: $4.00
  • Manchester: Self-guided city walking tour with mobile app: $4.20

Typical Entertainment prices in the USA

Some typical examples of activities, tours, and entrance ticket prices in the USA are as follows:

  • Pub Crawl $ 10
  • Comedy Show Tickets $ 56
  • Uncle Pleasants Show $ 15
  • Spa Treatments $ 200
  • Lottery Ticket $ 5.00
  • Diving with Manta Rays for Two $ 162
  • Pirate Museum (for 2) $ 23
  • Hershey Chocolate World (for 3) $ 75
  • Six Flags (family of 4) $ 199
  • Horseback Riding Photos $ 22
  • White Water Rafting Photo $ 20
  • Ferry for Two $ 46

Tours and Activities in the USA

Some specific costs of activities, tours, and entrance tickets for the USA are as follows:

  • Tour Shopping and Food Boston self-guided tour app: $2.14
  • NYC: Best Of Central Park Self-Guided Scavenger Hunt & Tour: $3.00
  • Central Park NYC: First Discovery Walk and Reading Tour: $3.22
  • Santa Cruz Must Sees: A Self-Guided Driving Tour: $3.99
  • Salem: Self-Guided Scary Ghosts & Witch Trials Audio Tour: $4.00
  • Self Guided Audio Ghost Tour in Savannah in 6 Languages: $4.00
  • Self Guided Audio Ghost Tour in New Orleans in 6 Languages: $4.00
  • Charleston Self-Guided Ghost Tour in 12 Languages: $4.00
  • Cleveland Browns Football Game Ticket at First Energy Stadium: $4.06
  • Los Ángeles self-guided tour App - multilingual AudioGuide: $4.29
  • App Self-guided tours with Audioguide Salem: $4.29
  • App self-guided tour Celebrity homes in Beverly Hills: $4.29
  • Alcohol Drinks for one day UK $ 16 USA $ 27

Typical Alcohol prices in the UK

Below are a few samples from actual travelers for alcohol and nightlife costs in the UK:

  • A Couple Beers $ 11
  • Beers at pub $ 6.84
  • Beers at Pub $ 7.72
  • Beers $ 6.33
  • Beer & Wine $ 18
  • Drinks at the Pub (for 2) $ 9.56
  • Pitcher of Pimms $ 19
  • Drinks at the Walnut Pub (for 2) $ 13
  • Bottle of Wine $ 15
  • Ciders at Kilted Skirlie $ 4.43
  • Half Pint at Tollbooth Tavern $ 2.09

Sample the Local Flavors in the UK

Here are a few nightlife and alcohol tours and activities from local tour providers in the UK:

  • Bristol’s Best Brewery Taprooms: A Self-Guided Audio Tour: $5.99
  • Self Guided Audio Tour in London Old Pub Crawl: $7.62
  • Edinburgh: Pub Crawl with Free Shots & Discounts: $11
  • Historic Pub Walking Tour of London: $13
  • Brewery Tour & Tasting: $18
  • Gin Tasting for Two at Judith’s, Shakespeare Distillery: $18
  • Manchester: Guided Bar Crawl with Shots and Nightclub Entry: $19
  • Cardiff Pub Crawl: Bar Crawl - Drink Deals & Free Shots: $19
  • Edinburgh Bar Crawl: 5+ Venues, Free Shots, Free Club Entry: $19
  • Guided Distillery Tour in South Wales: $19
  • Belfast: Pub Crawl and Bar Walking Tour with Two Drinks: $19
  • Tayport Distillery Tour & Tastings: $19

Typical Alcohol prices in the USA

Some typical examples of the costs for nightlife and alcohol in the USA are as follows:

  • Camping $ 20
  • Evening at a Bar $ 32
  • Drinks at Camp Fire (for 2) $ 40
  • A Night of Shots $ 36
  • Beer $ 7.30

Sample the Local Flavors in the USA

Some specific costs for nightlife related activities in the USA:

  • New York Rooftop Pub Crawl: $1.00
  • Chinatown San Francisco’s Bar Crawl: An Audio Tour: $4.99
  • Private Self Guided Tour and Bar Crawl in Chinatown San Francisco: $5.00
  • Galveston Island Brewing Brewery Tour with Beer Tasting : $10
  • Hop on, Hop off Craft Brewery Bus Tour in New Orleans: $10
  • Largo: Distillery Tour and Tasting, Hand Crafted spirits: $12
  • Epic Savannah Bar Crawl: By Let’s Roam: $12
  • Tampa Bar Hunt: Tampa Takeover Bar Crawl: $12
  • Epic San Antonio Bar Crawl: By Let’s Roam: $12
  • Self Guided Adventure Hunt: Scorching Scottsdale Bar Crawl: $12
  • Epic Naples Bar Crawl: By Let’s Roam: $12
  • Alexandria Bar Hunt: Ye Olde Pub Crawl through Old Town: $12

When we compare the travel costs of actual travelers between the UK and the USA, we can see that the United States of America is more expensive. And not only is the United Kingdom much less expensive, but it is actually a significantly cheaper destination. Since the UK is in Europe and the USA is in North America, this is one of the main reasons why the costs are so different, as different regions of the world tend to have overall different travel costs. So, traveling to the United Kingdom would let you spend less money overall. Or, you could decide to spend more money in the United Kingdom and be able to afford a more luxurious travel style by staying in nicer hotels, eating at more expensive restaurants, taking tours, and experiencing more activities. The same level of travel in the United States of America would naturally cost you much more money, so you would probably want to keep your budget a little tighter in the United States of America than you might in the United Kingdom.

The Hoodoos of Bryce Canyon National Park

When is the best time to visit the UK or the USA?

Both destinations experience a temperate climate with four distinct seasons. And since both cities are in the northern hemisphere, summer is in July and winter is in January.

As an island nation in the north, the U.K. experiences cold winters and mild summers. It's common for it to rain most of the year, although it's not usually a pour, but more of a drizzle most of the time. In Scotland and Northern Ireland in particular it can be more rainy than in the southern areas, but not by much. Despite the cold and rain, it does not snow very frequently except for in the mountain areas. When visiting, prepare for cooler weather and rain, even in the summer months.

Generally, the mainland United States enjoys four seasons with cold winters and hot summers. The southern regions generally have mild winters with much longer summer seasons. You'll find these warmer climates in Florida and the regions from Texas westward to Southern California. Expect very cold winters in the mid-west and the Rockies, too. Alaska has it's own cold-weather climate with somewhat moderate summers, and Hawaii is mostly tropical year-round.

Should I visit the UK or the USA in the Summer?

The summer attracts plenty of travelers to both the UK and the USA. The summer months attract visitors to the UK because of the beaches, the hiking, the music scene, and the family-friendly experiences. Also, the beaches, snorkeling, the hiking, the music scene, and the family-friendly experiences are the main draw to the USA this time of year.

In the summer, London is cooler than New York City. Typically, the summer temperatures in London in July average around 18°C (64°F), and New York City averages at about 77°F (25°C).

New York City receives a lot of rain in the summer. In July, London usually receives less rain than New York City. London gets 46 mm (1.8 in) of rain, while New York City receives 4.5 inches (114 mm) of rain each month for the summer.

  • Summer Average Temperatures July London 18°C (64°F)   London   77°F (25°C)

Should I visit the UK or the USA in the Autumn?

The autumn brings many poeple to the UK as well as the USA. The hiking trails, the shopping scene, the music scene, and the natural beauty of the area are the main draw to the UK this time of year. Also, many travelers come to the USA for the hiking trails, the shopping scene, the music scene, and the natural beauty of the area.

In October, London is generally cooler than New York City. Daily temperatures in London average around 12°C (53°F), and New York City fluctuates around 57°F (14°C).

London usually gets less rain in October than New York City. London gets 58 mm (2.3 in) of rain, while New York City receives 3.1 inches (78 mm) of rain this time of the year.

  • Autumn Average Temperatures October London 12°C (53°F)   London   57°F (14°C)

Should I visit the UK or the USA in the Winter?

Both the USA and the UK are popular destinations to visit in the winter with plenty of activities. Many travelers come to the UK for the museums, the Christmas ambience, the shopping scene, the theater shows, and the cuisine. Also, many visitors come to the USA in the winter for the skiing, the museums, the Christmas ambience, the shopping scene, the theater shows, and the cuisine.

New York City can get quite cold in the winter. Be prepared for some very cold days in London. London is much warmer than New York City in the winter. The daily temperature in London averages around 4°C (40°F) in January, and New York City fluctuates around 31°F (-1°C).

In January, London usually receives less rain than New York City. London gets 52 mm (2 in) of rain, while New York City receives 3.4 inches (86 mm) of rain each month for the winter.

  • Winter Average Temperatures January London 4°C (40°F)   London   31°F (-1°C)

Should I visit the UK or the USA in the Spring?

Both the USA and the UK during the spring are popular places to visit. Many visitors come to the UK in the spring for the beaches and the natural beauty. Furthermore, most visitors come to the USA for the beaches and the natural beauty during these months.

In the spring, London is cooler than New York City. Typically, the spring temperatures in London in April average around 9°C (48°F), and New York City averages at about 52°F (11°C).

London usually gets less rain in April than New York City. London gets 45 mm (1.8 in) of rain, while New York City receives 3.8 inches (98 mm) of rain this time of the year.

  • Spring Average Temperatures April London 9°C (48°F)   London   52°F (11°C)

Typical Weather for New York City and London

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United Kingdom

Travel Advisory July 26, 2023

United kingdom - level 2: exercise increased caution.

Reissued with obsolete COVID-19 page links removed.

Exercise increased caution in the United Kingdom due to terrorism.

Country Summary:  Terrorist groups continue plotting possible attacks in the United Kingdom. Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, local government facilities, hotels, clubs, restaurants, places of worship, parks, major sporting and cultural events, educational institutions, airports, and other public areas.

There is also a risk of isolated violence by dissident groups in Northern Ireland, focused primarily on police and military targets.

Read the  country information page  for additional information on travel to the United Kingdom.

If you decide to travel to the United Kingdom:

  • Be aware of your surroundings when traveling to tourist locations and crowded public venues.
  • Follow the instructions of local authorities.
  • Monitor local media for breaking events and adjust your plans based on new information.
  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program  ( STEP ) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for the United Kingdom.
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest  Travel Health Information  related to your travel and return to the United States.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .

Embassy Messages

View Alerts and Messages Archive

Quick Facts

Must be valid for the duration of your stay in the United Kingdom   (If you have onward travel to countries outside the United Kingdom, you should check the passport validity requirements for each additional country on their respective information pages.)

Must have at least one page

Not required for stays less than six months.

Embassies and Consulates

U.s. embassy london.

33 Nine Elms Lane London, SW11 7US United Kingdom Telephone: +(44)(20) 7499-9000 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: +(44)(20) 7499-9000 Fax: +(44) (20) 7891-3845 Email:   [email protected]

U.S. Consulate General Edinburgh, Scotland 3 Regent Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 5BW Scotland Telephone: 013-1556-8315 / from the United States: 011 (44)(13) 1556-8315 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  020-7499-9000 / from the United States: 011 (44)(20) 7499-9000 Fax: 0131-557-6023 /from the United States: 011 (44) 131-557-6023 Email:   [email protected]

U.S. Consulate General Belfast, Northern Ireland Danesfort House, 223 Stranmillis Road, Belfast BT9 5GR Northern Ireland, United Kingdom Telephone: 028-9038-6100 / from the United States: 011 (44)(28) 9038-6100 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: 01253-501106 / from the United States: 011 (44) 1253-501106 Fax: 028-9068-1301 / from the United States: 011 (44)(28) 9068-1301 Email: [email protected]

Destination Description

Learn about the U.S. relationship to countries around the world.

Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

  • To enter the United Kingdom, your passport must be valid for the entire duration of your planned stay.
  • Starting June 2019, U.S. passport holders will be able to use the ePassport Gates upon arrival in the United Kingdom. U.S. citizens who had previously registered for the UK’s Registered Traveller Service (RTS) should now also use the ePassport Gates on arrival in the UK.
  • If you are planning onward travel after departing the UK, note that many other countries require at least six months’ remaining validity on your passport to enter. If you are bound for Continental Europe, please see our  U.S. travelers in Europe page for additional details.
  • Visas for specific categories of visitors must be obtained prior to travel. Visit the  UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) website to determine if you need a visa to enter the United Kingdom. We cannot intervene on your behalf when you apply for a UK visa, nor can we advocate for your admission into the UK if you are denied entry.
  • Students and prospective students should visit the  UKVI website  to determine if they need a visa.
  • For some U.S. travelers, especially students, an entry stamp is required.  Please consult this website  for more information.
  • Unpaid and paid workers, interns, volunteers, charity workers, and temporary workers can find information about obtaining a visa on the  UKVI website .
  • Visitors traveling to the United Kingdom to get married, even if they do not plan to reside there, must obtain a visa in advance. See the  UKVI website  for visa information.
  • Surcharges apply to certain categories of visas, generally those involving work, study, or residency for more than six months. More information is available on the  UKVI website  and in our Health section below.

The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors to or foreign residents of the United Kingdom.

Find information on  dual nationality ,  prevention of international child abduction  and  customs regulations  on our websites.

Safety and Security

Terrorist groups continue plotting possible near-term attacks in Europe. The UK Security Service publishes specific reasons for any changes in the threat level and recommended actions for the public via its  UK threat levels website .

There is the potential for  isolated violence  related to the political situation in Northern Ireland. The Police Service of Northern Ireland assesses there is a continued threat of violence from dissident groups in Northern Ireland, focused primarily on police and military targets, and may involve the use of  firearms  and  explosives . Tensions may be heightened during the summer marching season (April to August), particularly on and around the July 12 public holiday.

Avoid areas of demonstrations  if possible, and be careful within the vicinity of demonstrations. Demonstrations occur frequently in and around city centers and areas where tourists frequent. Even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and possibly escalate to violence.

The phone number for  police/fire/ambulance emergency services  is  999  in the United Kingdom and  112  in Gibraltar. You should also use these numbers to report security threats or suspicious packages. Also see information for  contacting police from abroad .

  • Be cautious and aware of your surroundings.
  • Be vigilant, as  pickpocketing ,  mugging,  and “snatch and grab” theft of mobile phones, watches and jewelry can occur.
  • Do not leave bags unattended in restaurants, pubs, hotel lobbies, and parked cars.
  • Be alert to other criminal schemes, such as  impostors  posing as undercover police officers and “fining” tourists for bogus minor offenses. A legitimate Metropolitan Police Services officer will never demand an immediate cash payment.
  • Use only licensed Black Cabs or pre-ordered car services (minicabs) . Unlicensed taxis or private cars posing as taxis may offer low fares, but in some instances, travelers have been  robbed  or  sexually assaulted  while using these cars. See Transport for London for additional information on cabs and car services .
  • Avoid using ATMs that look temporary in structure or location  or are located in isolated areas – they may not be legitimate. Use ATMs located inside a bank branch.

Scams : Before sending any money to individuals you have never met in person, visit the  Embassy London website  for more information about  internet financial scams  and how to protect yourself.

See the  Department of State  and the  FBI  pages for information on scams.

Victims of Crime : Report crimes to the local police at 999 (United Kingdom) or 112 (Gibraltar) and contact the U.S. Embassy at +(44) (20) 7499-9000.

  • Local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting crimes.

See our webpage on  help for U.S. victims of crime overseas .

  • help you find appropriate medical care
  • assist you in reporting a crime to the police
  • contact relatives or friends with your written consent
  • explain the local criminal justice process in general terms
  • provide a list of local attorneys
  • provide our information on  victim compensation programs in the United States
  • The Victim Support website  is maintained by an independent UK charity to help people cope with the effects of crime
  • A Northern Ireland-based independent charity maintains a similar  victim support website
  • In Scotland, victims of crime should contact  Victim Support Scotland
  • provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support if you are destitute
  • help you find accommodation and arrange flights home
  • replace a stolen or lost passport

Domestic Violence:  U.S. citizen victims of domestic violence may contact the Embassy for assistance.

Tourism:  The tourism industry is generally regulated and rules are regularly enforced. Hazardous areas/activities are identified with appropriate signage and professional staff is typically on hand in support of organized activities. In the event of an injury, appropriate medical treatment is widely available throughout the country. Outside of a major metropolitan center, it may take more time for first responders and medical professionals to stabilize a patient and provide life-saving assistance. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance . 

Local Laws & Special Circumstances

Criminal Penalties:  You are subject to local laws. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. 

Furthermore, some laws are also prosecutable in the United States, regardless of local law. For examples, see our website on  crimes against minors abroad  and the  Department of Justice  website.

  • You will be arrested if you bring pocket knives, blades, mace or pepper spray canisters, or any part of a gun into the United Kingdom . Please refer to the UK government publication  Travelling to the UK , which details the items visitors are prohibited from bringing into the United Kingdom.
  • Penalties against  alcohol-related  and other  in-flight  crimes committed aboard aircraft to and from the United Kingdom are stiff and are enforced with  prison sentences . Please also see  our information on U.S. customs regulations  covering your return to the United States.
  • Controlled Substances: UK law prohibits possession and trafficking of controlled substances and narcotics, including some substances that may be legal to possess under the law of certain U.S. states. More information on controlled substances is available here . Individuals who violate UK drug laws may face penalties including fines or prison sentences.

Arrest Notification:  If you are arrested or detained in the United Kingdom, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Embassy immediately. See our  webpage  for further information.

Special Circumstances:

  • The legal drinking age in the United Kingdom is 18. Parents and organizers of school trips should read our  Students Abroad website  to help plan a safe and enjoyable experience.
  • Scotland’s “drink drive limit” law was amended to a lower level (roughly .05 BAC) and is stricter than the rest of the United Kingdom (roughly .08 BAC). This means that  driving after even one drink  can result in a charge of driving under the influence.
  • The United Kingdom has very strict gun control laws, and importing firearms is extremely complicated.  Information on applying for a firearm and/or shotgun certificate can be found on the  London Metropolitan Police Firearms licensing webpage .  Licenses from England or Wales may not be valid in Scotland; please check with the appropriate authorities.  For firearms certificates for Scotland, please check with  Police Scotland .

Faith-Based Travelers:  See our following webpages for details:

  • International Religious Freedom Report  – see country reports
  • Human Rights Report  – see country reports
  • Hajj Fact Sheet for Travelers
  • Best Practices for Volunteering Abroad

LGBTI Travelers:  There are no legal restrictions on same-sex sexual relations or the organization of LGBTI events in the United Kingdom.

See our  LGBTI Travel Information  page and section 6 of our  Human Rights report  for further details.

Travelers Who Require Accessibility Assistance:

  • UK law requires that all public service providers (except in the transportation sector) make “reasonable adjustments” to ensure their services are available to persons with disabilities.  Nevertheless, code exemptions permit many older buildings to have steps up from the street.
  • Getting around in cities may be difficult at times because sidewalks can be narrow and uneven.
  • Most London Underground and UK National Rail System stations are not readily accessible for people with disabilities.  Many stations do not have elevators, and have stairways and long corridors for changing trains or exiting to the street. Many UK buses are equipped with lowering platforms for limited-mobility or sight- or hearing-disabled travelers.
  • Many taxis have swivel-entry seats or retractable ramps to ease entry.
  • Disabled parking permits (known as “blue badges”) are issued by local government councils throughout the country. Visit the  UK government website  for contact information. Some councils may not offer permits to temporary visitors.

The  Transport for London  and  National Rail  websites provide information for passengers with disabilities.

Students:  See our  Students Abroad  page and  FBI travel tips .

Women Travelers:  See our travel tips for  women travelers .

While medical services are widely available,  free medical care  under the National Health System (NHS) is allowed only for UK residents, certain EU nationals, and some visa holders.

An NHS surcharge is assessed on certain visa applicants at the time of application.  Tourists and short-term visitors will not be assessed the surcharge, but will be charged 150 percent of the cost of any medical treatment they receive from the NHS. Unpaid balances of £1,000 or more can result in being barred from return to the United Kingdom.

  • The U.S. government does not pay medical bills, and U.S. Medicare is not valid overseas.

Medical Insurance:  Make sure your health insurance plan provides  coverage overseas . Most care providers overseas only accept  cash payments . See our webpage for more information on insurance coverage overseas.

  • We strongly recommend  supplemental insurance  to cover medical evacuation.

Carry  prescription medication  in original packaging, along with your doctor’s prescription. Traveling with sufficient supplies to last the duration of your trip is recommended. Mailing prescriptions is prohibitive and may be delayed or rejected by British customs.

Certain prescriptions available in the United States are classified as a "controlled drug"  in the United Kingdom and cannot be brought into the country without applying for and obtaining a prior license. This includes prescriptions for medical marijuana or products containing CBD and THC.  Please visit the for additional information. 

Vaccinations:  Be up-to-date on all  vaccinations  recommended for international travel by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Further health information:

  • World Health Organization
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC)

Travel and Transportation

Road Conditions and Safety:  Road conditions in the United Kingdom can differ significantly from those in the United States.

  • In contrast to the United States, UK traffic drives on the left.  Read the  Highway Code  before driving.
  • Emergency call boxes  (orange telephone booths with “SOS” printed on them) are found at half-mile intervals along motorways. White and blue poles point in the direction of the nearest call box. Call boxes dial directly to a motorway center. Use these phones rather than a personal cell phone, because motorway center personnel will immediately know your exact location.
  • Generally,  pedestrians do not have the right of way  and should not expect vehicles to stop for them.

Many U.S. citizen pedestrians are injured, some fatally, every year in the United Kingdom, because they forget that oncoming  traffic approaches from the opposite direction  than in the United States.  Exercise extra care when crossing streets; remain alert and look both ways before stepping into the street.

Traffic Laws: 

  • UK penalties for driving under the influence of  alcohol  or  drugs  are strict and often  result in prison sentences .
  • Using a  hand-held cell phone  or similar device while driving is  illegal  in the United Kingdom. Only hands-free phones may be used. You will be  fined , or in the case of an accident,  arrested  and serve time in  prison .
  • The speed limit on highways/motorways in the United Kingdom is 70 mph, or lower when posted.
  • You will be  detained  and  arrested  if you cannot provide a UK address to receive a subpoena or are about to depart the United Kingdom and have to be brought to court quickly for a motoring offense.
  • In Central London, a congestion charge is levied on all drivers who pass through the congestion zone. You will be  fined  or  arrested  if you do not pay the charge. See  Transport for London  for more information about driving in London.

Public Transportation:  Public transport in the United Kingdom is extensive.

  • Information on disruptions to London transportation services can be found on the  Transport for London  website.
  • Information about the status of National Rail Services can be found on the  National Rail Enquiries  website.
  • Bus and train service information in Northern Ireland can be found on the  Translink  website.
  • Bus and train service information in Scotland can be found on the  Traveline Scotland  website.

See our  Road Safety page  for more information. For specific information concerning UK driving permits, vehicle inspection, road tax, and mandatory insurance, refer to the  UK Department for Transport  website or the  Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency  website.

Aviation Safety Oversight:  The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the government of the United Kingdom’s Civil Aviation Authority as being in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for oversight of United Kingdom’s air carrier operations. Further information may be found on the  FAA’s safety assessment page .

Maritime Travel: Mariners planning travel to the United Kingdom should also check for U.S. maritime advisories and alerts at . Information may also be posted to the U.S. Coast Guard homeport website and the NGA broadcast warnings website (select “broadcast warnings”).

For additional travel information

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
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  • See  traveling safely abroad  for useful travel tips.

Review information about International Parental Child Abduction in the United Kingdom . For additional IPCA-related information, please see the International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act ( ICAPRA ) report.

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Can UK residents travel to the US and what are the Covid restrictions?

Britain announced it will no longer require fully vaccinated americans to self-isolate, but the move has yet to be reciprocated.

Travellers to England who have received both doses of a vaccine in the UK will no longer need to isolate at home for 10 days after visiting an 'amber list' country.

Travellers to England who have received both doses of a vaccine in the UK will no longer need to isolate at home for 10 days after visiting an 'amber list' country.

Follow the latest updates on the Covid-19 pandemic

UK Transport Minister Grant Shapps announced that fully vaccinated passengers arriving from amber-list countries will no longer have to quarantine if their shots were administered by either a US or EU-approved manufacturer.

“Whether you are a family reuniting for the first time since the start of the pandemic or a business benefiting from increased trade – this is progress we can all enjoy," he said.

The move will undoubtedly make travel from the US to the UK a much less arduous prospect – but what about the reverse? How easy is it for people from the UK to travel to the US? Will they face quarantine? Will they need to provide proof of vaccination?

Before these questions are answered, here are the newly announced rules for travel from the US to the UK.

What's changed for travellers going from the US to the UK?

Any fully vaccinated passenger coming from the US, which is on the UK's amber list, will no longer need to isolate if their shots were administered by a US-approved manufacturer.

On the current list of approved vaccine manufacturers in the US are Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. AstraZeneca on Thursday announced it would be deferring its application for US approval until the autumn.

Previously, only travellers from the US who had been inoculated by the UK's NHS were eligible to skip the period of self-isolation.

Will people entering the UK from the US need to have a Covid test if fully vaccinated?

Such travellers will still have to undergo pre-departure Covid-19 screening and take another test two days after landing in England.

They will also need to provide proof of US residency.

When will the US-to-UK travel changes come into effect?

The changes came into effect at 4am British Summer Time on Monday, August 2.

Can people travel from the UK to the US?

Current rules mean that it is not possible for most people from Britain to travel to the US if they have been in the UK in the previous 14 days.

These rules also apply to travellers from Ireland, Schengen Area countries, Iran, Brazil, China or South Africa.

There are some exemptions, however. The UK government said that "US citizens and permanent residents of the US, certain specified close family members and certain other limited categories of visa holders (such as UN staff and diplomats) are exempt".

This cohort can enter the country and will be subject to the normal entry requirements stipulated on the US embassy website .

The news is far better for prospective tourists to the US from the UAE .

What are the rules for travellers entering the US from the UAE?

There are no coronavirus-related restrictions for people arriving in the US from the UAE, guidelines from the US Department of Homeland Security showed, although travellers need to have proof of a negative Covid-19 test taken no more than three days before flying.

Visitors can also show proof of having recovered from the virus in the past three months .

Travellers must also have a valid visa, as always, but the final decision on whether they can be admitted to the country will be made by a US Customs and Border Protection officer at a port of entry.

Visitors should also check state rules. While many states have removed restrictions, others still have some in place.

Can you travel from the UAE to the US during the pandemic?

Can you travel from the UAE to the US during the pandemic?

Will there be a US-UK travel corridor?

This has been mooted as a possibility for a while now but nothing concrete has materialised – despite US tourists being allowed to travel throughout the EU after it was added to America's safe travel list.

In June, America's chief medical adviser, Dr Anthony Fauci, told ITV News he felt that if the UK continued its positive vaccination trajectory, "it would be in a very favourable position" by the end of the summer.

This was before the Delta variant took hold in the UK and showed signs of doing the same in the US .

Trips from the UK across the pond may have to be put on ice for some time yet, much to the travel sector's chagrin.

UK travel: green, amber and red list countries

'My dead son was dropped in my lap': Indian woman recalls horror of crush at Hathras

clock This article was published more than  2 years ago

Everything you need to know about traveling to the U.K.

travelling uk vs us

This story has been updated.

In London , it’s not immediately obvious that the world is still dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. In the halls of Borough Market, you’ll see maskless, smiling faces of patrons and shopkeepers back to business as usual. On the Tube, few masks, if any, make an appearance. At the airport, travelers can now enter the country without testing, quarantines or proof of vaccination.

“The city is full of life. The city is full of people,” says Jim Strong, president of Strong Travel Services , who recently returned from a trip to London.

A local's guide to London

The United Kingdom lifted all remaining travel restrictions in March, after two years of complicated rules. In the wake of that change, here’s everything you need to know to get prepared for a trip to the U.K.

What to know about restrictions

Britain has removed all of its coronavirus travel restrictions. Visitors from any country are welcome, regardless of vaccination status, and no longer need to test before their trip or complete a U.K. passenger locator form before arriving.

Travelers are not required to mask on flights and public transportation, although the government does encourage doing so in crowded, enclosed spaces.

How to dine and explore

Travel experts, including Strong, say London is one of the most popular European destinations for travelers this year, so plan ahead in anticipation of competition.

“Now that the testing requirement to return to the U.S. has been removed, I think we’re going to see much more intense interest in traveling, not only to London, but to all of Europe,” Strong says.

If there are certain attractions you’d like to visit or restaurants you’d like to eat at, be sure to make reservations.

“If you are going to the London, you must — in our opinion — do everything possible to have things prearranged, such as cars and drivers, restaurant reservations, entrance into certain sites,” Strong says.

Many attractions have ended limited-entry policies, making it more convenient to visit, but some remain.

“Everything is operating as it was pre-covid, however, sometimes at a diminished level,” Strong says, noting that he has seen London hotels and restaurants not operating at full capacity or limiting reservations because of staffing issues.

Richard Cooke, general manager of the Balmoral hotel in Edinburgh, Scotland, recommends that travelers talk to the concierge at their hotel and get a few reservations on the books, whether you’re hoping to tour the Macallan Distillery in Speyside or go to a football match.

“We have a bar with over 500 single malts,” Cooke says. “It’s been busier than ever with guests trying things they’ve never tried before or seeking to understand differing nuances. It’s a thirst for knowledge.”

Where to get a coronavirus test

It is no longer required to test before returning to the United States. If you’d still like to test, you can pack a self-test or find them for purchase from U.K. shops and pharmacies. You may be able to have one arranged at your hotel, but if that’s not the case, you can make an appointment at a pharmacy near you. The U.S. Embassy in the U.K. has a list of local labs to find tests . Testing is also available at Heathrow Airport .

More travel tips

Vacation planning: Start with a strategy to maximize days off by taking PTO around holidays. Experts recommend taking multiple short trips for peak happiness . Want to take an ambitious trip? Here are 12 destinations to try this year — without crowds.

Cheap flights: Follow our best advice for scoring low airfare , including setting flight price alerts and subscribing to deal newsletters. If you’re set on an expensive getaway, here’s a plan to save up without straining your credit limit.

Airport chaos: We’ve got advice for every scenario , from canceled flights to lost luggage . Stuck at the rental car counter? These tips can speed up the process. And following these 52 rules of flying should make the experience better for everyone.

Expert advice: Our By The Way Concierge solves readers’ dilemmas , including whether it’s okay to ditch a partner at security, or what happens if you get caught flying with weed . Submit your question here . Or you could look to the gurus: Lonely Planet and Rick Steves .

travelling uk vs us

You will now need a negative COVID-19 test before flying to the US from the UK

Melanie Lieberman

Hours after United and Delta announced new COVID-19 test requirements for passengers traveling to the United States from the United Kingdom, the U.S. government said it would expand the mandate to all arrivals from the U.K.

The order, which will go into effect on Monday, Dec. 28, 2020, will require all travelers from the U.K. to provide a negative PCR or antigen test taken no more than 72 hours before departure, according to a statement from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Passengers must provide written documentation of the laboratory test result to their airline before boarding (either hard or electronic copies are acceptable, though we recommend keeping a paper copy on you just in case), and airlines must deny boarding to anyone without a negative test result.

"This new order is consistent with the measures that have been taken so far to increase our ability to detect and contain COVID-19 proactively and aggressively," said the statement from the CDC.

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The new screening requirements follow a string of travel bans and flight cancellations designed to contain a troubling variant of the novel coronavirus , which is thought to be up to 70% more transmissible, the CDC said.

Earlier this week, British Airways agreed to require New York-bound travelers from London to have proof of a negative COVID-19 test, following a request from New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Virgin Atlantic and Delta also imposed screening requirements for New York-bound flights, the Associated Press reported , followed by United on Thursday.

Gov. Cuomo also implored the U.S. government to take action by requiring a negative test for all travelers on flights arriving in the U.S. from the U.K. and to consider banning all travel from Europe.

"It's high time the federal government takes swift action, because today that variant is getting on a plane and landing in [New York-JFK], and all it takes is one person," Gov. Cuomo said in a statement .

Though the nationwide mandate doesn't go into effect until Dec. 28, some airlines are already requiring passengers to comply. Virgin Atlantic began requiring all passengers ages 6 and up to provide a negative pre-departure COVID-19 test on Dec. 24. According to The Washington Post , Delta's requirement is the same. United's testing policy, which goes into effect on Monday, applies to children 5 and older.

Air travel between the U.S. and the U.K. has already been drastically reduced, and with strict Tier 4 travel restrictions limiting travel to, from and within many parts of England (including London and the city's surrounding boroughs) dreams of a travel corridor linking New York City and London seem to have been dashed. In fact, despite a surge in the holiday season travel, the industry seems to be slipping back into a hibernation similar to what we saw in the dark, early days of the coronavirus pandemic.

And experts worry these new travel restrictions and testing requirements may be too late to curb the spread of the new strain, which was first identified in late September. If it hasn't already reached the U.S., the current screening measures may not be enough to contain it.

One Flight Every 9.5 Minutes: U.K. to U.S. Travel Reaches All-Time High

Gordon Smith , Skift

July 4th, 2024 at 9:08 AM EDT

It might be Independence Day, but the sky-high ties between the two countries have never been stronger.

Gordon Smith

As the United States celebrates July 4 and the Declaration of Independence from British colonial rule, there are signs that the two nations have never been closer. 

New data shows that the number of flights between the U.K. and the U.S. will reach an all-time high in July. Analysis by Cirium forecasts 4,674 one-way flights between the two countries this month. On July 4 alone, almost 150 aircraft will depart the U.K. for the transatlantic crossing. 

For context, this means that throughout the month of July, a flight will depart the United Kingdom for America, on average, once every 9.5 minutes. 

The record-breaking numbers smash pre-pandemic highs, with flights up 1.5% this month versus the same time in 2019. Looking even further back, July 2024’s numbers are up more than 21% compared to a decade earlier. 

Which Airline is the Biggest Player?

A total of ten airlines are scheduled to fly passengers between the two countries this month. British Airways leads the pack in terms of total departures, with hometown rival Virgin Atlantic following in second place. 

American Airlines, United, and Delta take the third, fourth, and fifth spots respectively. Other carriers plying relevant routes include JetBlue, Norse Atlantic, Aer Lingus, TUI, and Singapore Airlines. 

While London Heathrow has the lion’s share of routes, Gatwick, Manchester, and Edinburgh airports are among those also offering nonstop flights to the United States.

An Uneven Result

While the overall number of flights has never been higher, a deep-dive of Cirium data by Skift suggests that the picture is not universal across all airlines.

American, Delta, United, and TUI have actually registered small drops in total capacity between the two countries versus a year earlier.

However, big additions from Virgin Atlantic, British Airways, and JetBlue have created a net increase year-on-year across all operators. 

It should also be noted that summer traditionally represents the peak of the transatlantic flying season. While July has more than 4,600 one-way departures between the two countries, January 2025 is projected to have fewer than 3,600.

JetBlue is among the big-name brands to have canceled some London flights for the coming winter. Airlines may also choose to use smaller aircraft at quieter periods.

Airlines Sector Stock Index Performance Year-to-Date

What am I looking at?  The performance of airline sector stocks within the  ST200 . The index includes companies publicly traded across global markets including network carriers, low-cost carriers, and other related companies.

The Skift Travel 200 (ST200)  combines the financial performance of nearly 200 travel companies worth more than a trillion dollars into a single number.  See more airlines sector financial performance . 

Read the full methodology behind the Skift Travel 200.

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Tags: airlines , american airlines , british airways , delta air lines , jetblue airways , tourism , transatlantic travel , Travel Trends , united airlines , virgin atlantic

Photo credit: An American Airlines Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner at Los Angeles Airport. Vincenzo Pace/ / Vincenzo Pace/

I moved back to the US after 25 years in the UK. People abroad were more polite than Americans, but I never quite fit in there.

  • Dana Mayer moved back to the US after living in the UK for 25 years.
  • She used to get frustrated by the British tendency to accept mediocrity.
  • Now, she cringes when Americans demand a free meal because their drinks arrive five minutes late.

Insider Today

I wasn't prepared for how much the US had changed when I moved back. I'd been living in the UK for 25 years, but when the pandemic kicked off in March 2020, I decided it was time to go home.

It wasn't until returning that I realized how British I'd become and that "home" was more difficult to define. Now, after having lived almost half my life in each country, I feel equally in love with both, although for very different reasons.

I struggled with a lack of personal space in the UK — some of that stemmed from the UK's population density being almost eight times that of the US per square mile, according to World Bank Open Data .

This translated into tiny homes with common walls even in the countryside and jostling for sidewalk space in the cities. It also seemed to result in a populace averse to talking to or making eye contact with strangers in order to protect their perceived sanity.

Size and space struck me when I returned to the US

Fresh out of COVID quarantine, I was visiting a friend in a New York City suburb, looking around their giant kitchen with its oversize fridge. I didn't even have to go outside to their huge lawn or the wooded roads surrounding the property to feel my energy expand into what was simply more space per person.

This was also when I spotted an enormous orange pepper on the kitchen counter that looked like a mutant interloper. Was this actually food? Was it a pepper crossed with some kind of alien Godzilla? It was so big that I took a picture. I spent the rest of the day laughing at its size.

In keeping with the American freewheeling mentality, expansive personal space, and a business mindset that allows for growth and experimentation, the pepper, as well as other fruits, vegetables, and even portions, in the US are typically bigger.

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In the UK, the small peppers fit into small houses, and the food was closer to its natural form. Their relatively closed mindset of "we've always done it this way" actually kept their food closer to the source, but we'll see how big their peppers get in the years ahead.

The pandemic gave me time to reflect on a lot of things I missed about the UK — the National Health Service, the intelligent level of public discourse, and the newscasters without plastic hair. There was also the quiet dignity of the seemingly closed people who would keep you out of their inner circle until, finally, they let you in in a grounded, loyal way.

In contrast, folks in the US often unravel their whole life story to me while standing in the Target checkout line.

But I never quite fit in while living in the UK

In the UK, I always felt like an outsider in some ways, especially when doing things like playing Trivial Pursuit. No matter how long I lived there, I never got most of the cultural references because it wasn't where I'd grown up. I'm glad now that in the US, I don't have to explain to anyone of my generation what candy corn is or who Magilla Gorilla , a 1960s cartoon, is.

Still, I'm torn between the American expectation of excellence, which can be over-the-top and relentless, and the British tendency to accept mediocrity, brush problems under the carpet, and sometimes have a more peaceful life as a result.

When I first came to the UK , I waited tables at a tourist-trap restaurant where the food was overpriced and microwaved rubbish. When I went to the table and asked about the meal, almost every British customer replied, "It was lovely," in a shy, sheepish way.

Years later, my British ex-boyfriend, who held a high-level management position and told people what to do all day at work, used to get embarrassed when I asked restaurant staff to please wipe the table because it was dirty. As an American I'd grown up feeling entitled to a clean table when paying for service in a restaurant. Now, I cringe when I see Americans in restaurants demanding a free meal because their drinks arrive five minutes late.

Four years after moving back to the US , I'm grateful for the personal space, the "yes!" mentality, and the abundance of nature. But I do miss the cultivated hedgerows of the UK and the quiet, more-reserved style of its people.

And no matter how much affinity I felt with the land there, there's also some knowing and grounding with the land here, which feels as if it cannot be replicated anywhere else. Perhaps because this is where I was originally rooted.

July 4, 2024: This story has been updated to remove mention of peppers in the US being massive due to the genetic engineering of crops.

Got a personal essay about relocating that you want to share? Get in touch with the editor: [email protected] .

Watch: All the differences between Tim Hortons in the US and the UK

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  • Passports, travel and living abroad
  • Travel abroad
  • Foreign travel advice

Safety and security

There is a high threat of terrorist attack globally affecting UK interests and British nationals, including from groups and individuals who view the UK and British nationals as targets. Stay aware of your surroundings at all times.   

UK Counter Terrorism Policing has information and advice on  staying safe abroad  and what to do in the event of a terrorist attack. Find out  how to reduce your risk from terrorism while abroad .

Terrorism in the USA

Terrorists are very likely to try and carry out attacks in the US.

Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places visited by foreigners. You should remain aware of your surroundings, keep up to date with local media reports and follow the advice of local authorities. Targets could include:

  • crowded areas
  • transportation networks
  • public events

The  US Department of Homeland Security  provides current alerts within the US and its territories.

Protecting your belongings

Do not leave passports in rental cars, especially not in the boot. Gangs may target vehicles driven by people who look like tourists.

Violent crime

Violent crime and gun crime rarely affect tourists, but take care in unfamiliar areas. Try not to walk through quieter areas alone, especially at night. You can find public advisories and information about recent incidents on local law enforcement websites.

Mass shooting incidents can happen but are a very small percentage of murders. The US Department of Homeland Security has advice on what to do in an active shooter incident .

Research your destination before you travel and follow the advice of local authorities. Crime linked to illegal drugs is a major issue in Mexican states bordering Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas. Some foreign nationals have been victims of crime in the border regions, but there is no evidence they were targeted because of their nationality.

Protests are common and can become violent. Follow the instructions of local authorities who may introduce curfews or emergency orders. If you attend peaceful protests:

  • be mindful of your surroundings
  • move away if there are signs of trouble
  • follow the instructions of local authorities

Laws and cultural differences

US states may have different laws. While you are in a state, you are subject to both that state’s laws as well as national (federal) law.

Personal ID

Always carry a passport showing you have permission to enter or remain in the US.

Alcohol laws

The national legal age for buying and drinking alcohol is 21. Some states have different laws. If you are aged 20 or under, check state laws before drinking or buying alcohol.

Illegal drugs and prison sentences

Possession or trafficking of illegal drugs in the US can carry a long prison sentence and a fine. Check state laws to make sure you follow laws on possession and use of controlled substances. The US Department of Justice provides a list of all controlled substances .

LGBT+ travellers

The US is a very diverse society and attitudes towards LGBT+ people differ hugely across the country. You can find more detail on LGBT+ issues in the US on the  Human Rights Campaign website.

Read more advice for LGBT+ travellers . 

Transport risks

Road travel.

If you are planning to drive in the US, see information on driving abroad  and  check the driving rules in the states you’ll be visiting .

You can use a UK photocard driving licence to drive in the US. You may need to get the 1949 version of the international driving permit ( IDP ) as well. IDP requirements vary in each state. For more information, consult individual states’ Department of Motor Vehicles as well as the  American Automobile Association (AAA) .

You cannot buy an IDP outside the UK, so get one before you travel.

If you still have a paper driving licence, you must take another form of photo ID, such as your passport. You can also exchange your paper driving licence for a photocard licence .

Hire car companies often have stricter requirements for their customers, such as a year of driving experience, a higher minimum age and holding an IDP .

Vehicle safety

When travelling by car, you should:

  • check weather conditions before a long car journey, particularly in mountainous, isolated or desert areas where services may be limited
  • not sleep in your car by the road or in rest areas
  • avoid leaving any items on display in your car
  • stay on main roads
  • use well-lit car parks

If you’re in an accident, ask any other drivers involved to follow you to a public place and call the police.

Petrol stations

Petrol stations that do not display the price of fuel usually charge considerably more than the national average. They’re often close to tourist destinations and airports. Make sure you know the price of fuel before using these services.

Before you travel, check the security measures you’re likely to face at the airport on the  Transportation Security Administration ( TSA ) website. If you have a medical condition or disability and need assistance, contact TSA Cares .

To monitor airport conditions in the US, check the Federal Aviation Administration website.

Extreme weather and natural disasters

Find out what you can do to prepare for and respond to extreme weather and natural hazards . 

Snowstorms can disrupt critical infrastructure, and cause power cuts, or delays and cancellations in major transport hubs. Contact your travel company or airline before you travel.

The Atlantic hurricane season normally runs from June to November. The Pacific hurricane season normally runs from May to November. Hurricanes can affect coastal regions, Hawaii and Guam. The South Pacific tropical cyclone season normally runs from November to May and can affect American Samoa.

You should:

  • monitor approaching storms on the  US National Hurricane Center website
  • follow instructions from local authorities, including evacuation orders
  • visit the  Federal Emergency Management Agency ( FEMA ) website  for information on preparing for extreme weather and evacuating


While earthquakes can happen anywhere without warning in the US, Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Washington and the entire Mississippi River Valley are at higher risk for earthquakes.

The FEMA website has advice about what to do before, during and after an earthquake .

Tornadoes can happen anytime depending on weather conditions. The FEMA website has advice about what to do before, during and after a tornado .

Volcanic eruptions  

There is volcanic activity across parts of the US with Alaska, Hawaii, California, Washington and Oregon having the largest number of active volcanoes. You should follow the advice of local authorities, including any evacuation orders.

The FEMA website has advice about what to do before, during and after a volcanic eruption .

Forest and brush fires (wildfires) are a danger in many dry areas, particularly in canyons, hills and forests. High winds can mean fires spread rapidly.

  • monitor local media and  weather reports
  • follow the advice of local authorities, including any evacuation orders
  • be careful in areas recently affected by wildfires, as there may be mudslides during heavy rainfall

For more information visit the  National Interagency Fire Center  and  Fire Research and Management Exchange System  websites.

For information about wildfires in California, see the  CAL FIRE website.

Arctic travel

Parts of the US are in the Arctic Circle, including some very remote areas of land and sea. Emergency medical assistance and search and rescue are limited in these areas. See  Arctic travel safety advice .

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  • extreme weather

Here Is the Path ‘Dangerous’ Hurricane Beryl Is Expected to Take

H urricane Beryl has left at least 10 people dead across the Caribbean islands and that number is expected to rise as telecommunication channels are restored, according to Reuters . The storm will pass through the Cayman Islands on Thursday, where it is expected to bring “strong winds, dangerous storm surge, and damaging waves” according to the National Hurricane Center . It is expected to reach the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico early Friday. 

The hurricane has been downgraded to a Category 3, meaning that its wind speeds have slowed since late Monday, when it became the earliest storm to develop into a Category 5 hurricane at that point in the season. But even at Category 3, the storm is strong enough to severely damage homes, snap trees, and disrupt electricity and water supplies for days or even weeks. 

On Wednesday, the storm pummeled the Southern coast of Jamaica, where it l eft thousands of people without electricity . The city of Kingston  recorded wind speeds of nearly 50 mph for 12 hours straight between 1 p.m. local time on Wednesday and 1 a.m. local time on Thursday . 

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Beryl set records when it developed into a Category 5 hurricane earlier in the week. It’s high wind speeds are indicative of an exceptionally aggressive start to the Atlantic hurricane season this year, which usually peaks between the months of August and October. 


The hurricane continues to cause devastation  as it plows through the Caribbean. “In half an hour, Carriacou was flattened,” Grenadian Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell said on Monday , as Beryl sustained winds of 150 m.p.h. Mitchell visited Carriacou and Petite Martinique in the aftermath of the hurricane’s “total” destruction, which has damaged or destroyed an estimated 98% of the Carriacou’s buildings , including its main health facility and airport. 

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2024 U.K. election is set to overhaul British politics. Here's what to know as Labour projected to win.

By Emmet Lyons

Updated on: July 4, 2024 / 5:25 PM EDT / CBS News

London —  British voters voted Thursday in the United Kingdom's first general election since 2019, with an exit poll projecting the Labour Party notching 410 seats for a decisive win over the Conservative Party. 

Among those seen heading to their local polling stations were incumbent Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, whom Conservative Party voters were forecast to boot from power after 14 years running the government, and his chief rival and likely replacement, Labour Party leader Keir Starmer.

Here's what to know about the 2024 British general election.

Who is up for election in the U.K.?

British voters were not directly electing a new leader on Thursday. Under the United Kingdom's parliamentary system, voters choose their local representatives for the lower house of Parliament, the House of Commons. 

On Thursday, there are 650 parliamentary seats up for grabs, each of which will be occupied by one Member of Parliament (MP) in the House of Commons. For any single party to win an outright majority in the Commons, it would need to win at least 326 seats — over half of those available. Any party that does that gets to form the next government, with its leader becoming the prime minister.

An exit poll projected the Conservative Party garnered just 131 seats, with the Labour Party forecast to win 410 seats.

[ Yes, King Charles III is Britain's formal head of state. You can read here about what limited power that actually conveys. ]

General election in Britain

Parliament was formally dissolved on May 30 when Sunak called the election, as is procedure, but prior to that, Sunak's long-ruling Conservative Party held an outright majority of 345 seats, giving it significant power to set the policy agenda.

The U.K. has what is called a first-past-the-post system, which means voters receive a ballot paper with a list of candidates from different parties and select only one of their choice. The candidate from each constituency with the most votes wins the seat — with no specific threshold required. So if, for instance, there are six candidates in a particular race, they will all be from different parties, and even if the candidate with the most votes only wins 25% of the total, they still win the seat.

If a voter believes their favorite candidate has a low chance of winning, they can choose to vote tactically and put their X next to another candidate's name — effectively a second choice — if they feel that candidate has a better chance of winning. This tactic is generally seen as a way for a voter to help block a candidate deemed highly unfavorable, but who stands a reasonable chance of winning, from gaining the seat in a race.

In practice, this system means that a political party could win a healthy share of votes on a national level but not win a proportional share of the seats. Smaller political parties in the U.K. have long argued that the first-past-the-post electoral system has thus helped to cement the power of Britain's two biggest parties — the incumbent, right-leaning Conservative Party, often called the Tories, and their main rivals, the more left-leaning Labour Party. 


What is the U.K. election timeline?

Voting begins in the U.K. general election on Thursday morning, and most constituency results are expected by early Friday morning, although this may take longer in some more rural parts of the country — particularly if the vote tally is close or subject to a recount. 

There is usually an early indicator of the overall results of a U.K. general election as a joint exit poll is released by British broadcasters Sky News, ITV and CBS News' partner network BBC News immediately after the polls close. That poll projected Labour's victory.

The exit poll generally provides an accurate representation of the final results and can be expected by about 10 p.m. on Thursday local time (5 p.m. Eastern).

U.K. election predictions and polling data

Polls and political analysts have predicted for many weeks that Labour will sweep to a landslide majority in Parliament. If the latest polling data proves accurate, Sunak's 18-month tenure will end and Britons will wake up Friday morning to a new party in charge of the country for the first time in 14 years.

Those 14 years of Conservative rule have been marked by political and economic turmoil , with a rotating cast of five Conservative prime ministers occupying 10 Downing Street in the last eight years alone.

The latest polling by the major independent data analysis group YouGov shows Labour in the lead by a 17-point margin, with 39% of those polled saying they intend to vote for Labour versus 22% of the public who say they will cast their votes for the Conservatives. 

Labour candidates are projected to win 430 seats in the House of Commons, which would be a massive 228-seat gain for the party. The Conservatives are projected to hold onto just 130 seats, which would be a seismic loss of 235 seats.

Who is Keir Starmer, the likely next prime minister?

Starmer was elected by party members to lead Labour in 2020, right after the party suffered its worst general election defeat in 85 years. He immediately declared it his mission to make the party "electable" again.

Four years later Starmer, 61, is poised to take Britain's top job.

He's faced frequent criticism for a perceived lack of charisma, but his efforts to drag Labour back toward the center of British politics to give it broader voter appeal seems to have paid off.

General election in Britain

Throughout his leadership of the party, Starmer has methodically frozen out elements of Labour's far-left, socialist-leaning wing, which ran the party under previous leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Starmer's deliberate shift from socialism to centrism has been criticized by pundits and voters who hew to the left, and Labour may lose some votes to smaller parties such as the Liberal Democrats and the Green Party but, given the polling, it seems to have been a winning strategy overall.

Is Britain bucking the trend of Europe's shift to the right?

The expected shift to a center-left Labour government in Britain bucks the trend in Europe, as far-right parties have been on the rise across the continent in recent years. 

In the first round of voting in France's parliamentary elections on Sunday, Marine Le Pen's far-right, anti-immigration National Rally Party moved within reach of becoming the largest political party in France. The party took a third of the votes in a first round that drew a historically high turnout.

If voters maintain that trend in the decisive second round of voting on July 7, it will mark an unprecedented shift to the right for the French.

Last month's European parliamentary elections also saw a record number of far-right legislators win seats, with right wing candidates across Europe's three main economies — Italy, France and Germany — making gains by campaigning on opposition to issues including immigration , support for Ukraine and green environmental policies . 

While a Labour victory would be a move against those political winds on the continent, Britain has also seen a surge in support for far-right candidates in this election cycle.

Nigel Farage may be familiar to Americans as an ally of former President Donald Trump . His firebrand anti-immigrant rhetoric became hugely influential in the movement that led to Britain's "Brexit" from the European Union .

After decades languishing on the far-right fringe of British politics, unable to win a seat in Parliament despite eight previous attempts, Farage looks set this year to finally claim the seat for his local constituency of Clacton, in southeast England.


Farage's far-right Reform Party is only projected to pick up a total of about five seats in Parliament, including Farage's own, but YouGov projects overall support for Reform nationally at about 15% of the electorate, and from its current position with zero seats in the House of Commons, it seems the party is heading for a significant increase in popularity. 

Political analysts say Reform's anti-immigrant messaging is largely eating into the Conservative Party's vote share.

So while Farage won't be taking power anytime soon, it looks like he is about to step back into the limelight of British politics and, with a sizable share of public support, he may find himself wielding an outsized influence on the politics of Britain's Conservative Party as it tries to rebuild itself in the wake of what could be a devastating election.

CBS News' Frank Andrews contributed to this report.

  • Nigel Farage
  • Rishi Sunak
  • Conservative Party
  • Keir Starmer
  • European Union
  • United Kingdom
  • Labour Party

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How many people watched the presidential debate? Check the ratings for Trump-Biden debate

The tv ratings for trump and biden's first presidential debate of 2024 are in and show that 51.27 million viewers tuned in to cnn to watch the showdown..

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President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump went back and forth Thursday during the first presidential debate of 2024 on CNN, and TV ratings show that millions tuned in to watch the two candidates argue about the Russia-Ukrainian War, the U.S. border and their golf swings.

Around 51.27 million viewers watched the 90-minute Biden and Trump debate last night, according to CNN . The debate went live at 9 p.m. ET and CNN anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash co-moderated the event.

The CNN Presidential Debate was aired on CNN, CNN International, CNN en Español, CNN Max and it was available to stream without a cable login on The event was simulcast across 22 networks, CNN reported.

  • CNN ranked first across broadcast and cable TV networks with 9.53 million viewers.
  • Fox News Media (Fox News, Fox Business Network, Fox Broadcast, and streaming) drew 13.4 million viewers, a Fox News Media spokesperson told USA TODAY. The Fox News channel had 9.276 million viewers.
  • ABC News had 9.21 million viewers
  • MSNBC garnered 4.122 million viewers, CNN said.
  • NBCUniversal News Group (NBC News, MSNBC and Telemundo) averaged 9.934 million total viewers on linear, according to Nielsen Fast Nationals.

TV plus digital streaming for CNN, CNNE, CNN MAX and HLN generated a combined total average audience of 12.3 million total viewers, according to the network.

Prep for the polls: See who is running for president and compare where they stand on key issues in our Voter Guide

“Across CNN’s digital platforms, the debate was CNN’s biggest debate ever and tied with our biggest live stream event ever with 2.3 million concurrent live views at 9:47 p.m,” the network said.

How did Trump vs Biden 2024 compare to previous presidential debates?

In comparison, 73.1 million viewers watched the first presidential debate of 2020 between Trump and Biden, according to Nielsen Media . The ratings from Thursday night's debate reflect a 35% drop in audience from 2020, CNN reported.

The 2020 debate occurred on Sept. 29, 2020, and was hosted at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. The 2020 debate was aired on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, TEL, UNI, PBS, CNN, CNNe, Fox Business Network, FOXNC, MSNBC, Newsmax, Newsy, VICE and WGNA.

Trump and Biden's infamous first debate fell behind in viewership only to the 80.6 million who tuned in to watch the Jimmy Carter and Ronald Regan debate in 1980, and the 84 million who watched the Hillary Clinton and Trump debate in 2016, according to Nielsen Media.

When is the second presidential debate?

The second presidential debate is scheduled for Sept. 10 on ABC, and David Muir and Linsey Davis will serve as the moderators.

The second debate's format has not been announced, but candidates will have to meet the qualifications to participate, including receiving at least 15% in four separate national polls, appearing on enough state ballots to reach the 270 electoral vote threshold and agreeing to follow the rules of the event.

Vice presidential debate scheduled for the summer

Despite Trump not selecting a vice-presidential running mate yet, a debate between current VP Kamala Harris and Trump's eventual VP is scheduled for later in the summer on CBS News. An official date has not been announced, but Harris' team confirmed it will take place on either July 23 or August 13, according to CNN .

The possible frontrunners to be Trump's VP are North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, and Sens. J.D. Vance of Ohio, Tim Scott of South Carolina, and Marco Rubio of Florida.

Contributing: Sarah Gleason/ USA TODAY, Emily DeLetter/ USA TODAY and George Fabe Russell/ USA TODAY

Money blog: Bar charges holidaymakers £690 for two drinks; savers have a rare opportunity - but it might be the last hurrah

Welcome to the Money blog, your place for personal finance and consumer news and tips. Leave a comment on any of the stories we're covering below.

Thursday 4 July 2024 20:01, UK

  • Barclaycard cutting minimum repayments - but it could cost you a lot of money
  • Bar charges holidaymakers £690 for two drinks
  • Great British mortgage divide - as people pay off all debt seven years earlier in some parts of country
  • New record high for US stocks - as FTSE indexes also up
  • M&S to launch clothing repair service

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  • Basically... What is income tax?
  • Money Problem : 'I hired a car via EasyJet but they are directing my complaint to someone else - what can I do?'
  • Best of the Money blog - an archive

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John Lewis is keeping its school uniform prices frozen for the fourth year running.

The department store chain also offers parents an online school uniform checklist to help prepare for the start of the new year.

It also offers a free shoe-fitting service, while some of its newer school uniform products released in the last three years have not seen a price rise.

John Lewis school uniform buyer Cydney Ball said: "Our customers trust us as the one-stop-shop for all things back to school."

Cineworld is drawing up plans to axe dozens of British cinemas as part of a radical restructuring that would also include extensive rent cuts.

Sky News has learned that the company, which until last year was listed on the London Stock Exchange, is considering closing about a quarter of its roughly-100 British multiplexes.

Cineworld also wants to renegotiate rent agreements at a further 50 sites, with the remaining 25 untouched by the restructuring.

Sources said the proposals were expected to be formally outlined to creditors including landlords in the coming weeks.

Read the full story here...

A safety charity has warned England fans against buying cheap electronics online amid a "blitz" of advertising.

Electrical Safety First is urging fans bombarded with ads for discounted goods "don't bring it home" in a new campaign to raise awareness of unregulated online marketplaces.

The charity have previously uncovered substandard and dangerous electrical products across major online marketplaces.

Examples of such include portable heaters posing a serious risk of electrocution, hair straighteners and hair dryers featuring illegal UK plugs and e-bike chargers that pose a fire risk.

"Football, and other global sporting events, are experiencing advertising blitzes by major online marketplaces across the globe, and at a time when millions of people are struggling with finances, we understand how appealing low-cost deals will be," said Electrical Safety First's chief executive Lesley Rudd.

"But it's important for fans to remember that they risk scoring an own goal if the deal they bag turns out to be a substandard or dangerous product.

"Substandard electronics can have serious consequences for your safety and an innocent purchase could put you and your family at risk."

The charity makes the following suggestions to consumers selecting electronics from online marketplaces:

  • Pay attention to the plug - if a product is listed with a foreign plug and travel adaptor, do not buy it.
  • Do not buy on price alone - not all bargains are worth it
  • Make sure you do your homework if you decide to buy products below high street retail prices.
  • Beware of a product with solely glowing reviews, especially if the reviewers are not verified.
  • Make sure you know where the supplier is based - a "" URL doesn't guarantee the website is UK-based.
  • If there is no address supplied, or there is just a PO Box, be wary; many dodgy electrical goods are manufactured overseas.
  • Look for websites that allow you to pay safely – these have a padlock symbol in the address bar of the website you are visiting. If you cannot see it, do not enter your payment details.

Consumer spending on car purchases has risen three times faster than for public transport journeys, new figures show.

Around £57.4bn was spent in the UK on new and used cars in 2023, up 6% on five years earlier, according to AA analysis of Office for National Statistics data.

By comparison, consumer spending on public transport - including rail, buses, flights and taxis - was £60.9bn, representing a 2% increase on five years ago.

AA head of roads policy Jack Cousens claimed the figures highlight how vital motoring was for people in the UK, as well as the country's finances.

He said: "These latest ONS figures underline the UK's reliance on cars and the huge amounts of money they generate for the economy - not to mention VAT on that spending, and other tax.

"Cars are not just necessary but essential on so many levels. Even if a significant amount of car use was transformed into take-up of public transport, the impact on the economy and other income generation would be dramatic.

"Just think how much councils would lose if a high percentage of cars stopped turning up to their car parks or needing parking permits, and getting fined.

"The key question is whether what consumers spend on cars would translate into income for public transport and cover the cost of infrastructure investment to enable that.

"It seems that getting travelling consumers to fork out for their own transport and its maintenance, and then tax the heck out of them, is a pretty good deal for the public purse."

Running a car also accounted for a large chunk of the £78.6bn spent on what is described as the operation of personal transport, with spending on fuel and lubricants up 20% since 2018 to £41.7bn.

New car purchases down

But despite the fact more consumers are spending money on cars than on public transport, the number of purchases of new cars by private buyers has declined for nine months in a row, new figures show.

The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) said 67,625 new cars were registered by private consumers in June, down 15.3% from 79,798 during the same month last year.

Ian Plummer, commercial director at Auto Trader, said: "With average new car prices rising almost 40% over the last five years, it's clear cost is the culprit.

"Manufacturers are responding with discounts but they're failing to keep pace, which is forcing many buyers to opt for a used alternative.

"Whoever forms the next government needs to address electric car affordability and provide long-term stability for the market."

Environmental impact

Despite comments from the AA, the billions of pounds spent by consumers every year on cars is having a clear effect on UK roads - where overall traffic levels in 2023 were 2.2% higher than the previous year.

More cars on the roads means more air pollution, which is among the biggest environmental health risks facing people in the UK.

Burning petrol and diesel fuel creates harmful by products like nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide, while vehicles emit carbon dioxide, the most common human-caused greenhouse gas.

Even electric vehicles produce particulate matter from the friction between their tyres and the road.

Researchers from University College London estimated that 48,625 adults die prematurely each year in the UK due to particulate matter pollution. 

Presently, 79% of the UK exceeds the World Health Organization's (WHO) annual mean guideline for safe fine particulate matter levels. 

A Greek restaurant has faced criticism for its "rip off" prices.

Holidaymakers have been warned to stay away from DK Oyster on the popular holiday island of Mykonos, which has received swathes of bad reviews on  Tripadvisor .

The restaurant, which describes itself as being an "oasis of ultimate luxury and extravagance", has an average star rating of two on the website - although, in the interests of balance, it has 4.8 on Google reviews.  

Angry punters say they were lured into buying a drink at DK Oyster after being told the sunbeds were free, only for the prices for those drinks to be sky-high.

Among the latest to complain is Lori E, who said she returned home from her Greek holiday to see a charge of $876 (£690) for two drinks.

She wrote: "Total rip off! Make sure you get a receipt before leaving and check your credit card because they over charge. 

"Was told beds were free to sit it if we order food or drink. No problem....ordered 2 drinks which we afterwards saw were 51 euros each. 

"If that wasn't crazy enough we returned to the states and had a $876 charge on our account. FOR 2 DRINKS!!!"

The tourists are now trying to dispute the charge with their credit card company after never receiving a paper copy of a receipt.

Responding to the Tripadvisor review, DK Oyser said: "Our sunbeds come with minimum consumption, so we encourage all visitors to check the menus, before placing their orders. 

"I would like to note that our menus are displayed on blackboards near the entrance, showing the prices of our food and drinks to keep our guests informed."

Other reviews claim DK Oyser charged them £253 for sea bass and £100 for a jumbo shrimp that "wasn't cooked properly".

DK Oyster has been contacted for comment.

Iceland is set to partner with parenting website Mumsnet to launch a range of children's products.

Mumsnet CEO Justine Roberts, and the brand's partnership director Sarah Murray-Muncila, met with members of Iceland's innovation team last week to work on the products.

According to The Grocer , the new products will hit the stores in early 2025.

"We've been working on something truly special in partnership with Iceland Foods," Mumsnet said.

"Big things are happening for little ones."

Iceland has launched several new collaborations in recent months, including exclusive products with brands such as Slimming World, MyProtein and boxer Tyson Fury's Furocity.

It's not just a big day in the UK with voters heading to the polls but also in the US with 4 July celebrations taking place.

And there's plenty to celebrate for those with a stake in US stocks. 

Last night, there was another record high for the S&P 500 index that tracks the share price performance of the 500 largest companies listed on US stock exchanges.

The performance of companies on the tech firm-heavy New York-based NASDAQ too reached a new high.

It came as Elon Musk's Tesla saw its share price reaching a six-month high, along with the rise and rise of trillion-dollar AI microchip maker Nvidia.

Today and tomorrow will likely be quieter as the US markets close. 

In the UK, both the Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE) 100 and 250 indexes are up - 0.76% in the list of 100 most valuable companies and 0.42% in the 101st to 250th most valued firms. 

While the pound does by buy less euro than it did earlier this month, with £1 equal to €1.18 it's still buying more than during most of the last year.

Against the dollar, sterling has held the gains of the last few weeks and a pound will get you $1.2749. 

There is no let up for motorists as the oil price is sticking around the two-month high mark. A barrel of the benchmark Brent crude oil costs $86.59.

As house prices continue to rise, so too does the age at which young people can expect to own their own home. 

Unfortunately, even the ceiling of the term "young people" isn't far off from being challenged - with fresh research suggesting that the average age of a first-time buyer in the UK is 33 years and 8 months old, according to Mojo Mortgages . 

In comparison, in 1960, the average first-time buyer was 23 years old, according to separate research by Keepmoat Homes. 

Comparatively, however, the average age of a first-time buyer in 2014 was 32 years, 6 months old, according to the Office for National Statistics. 

During the same period, the average price of a house in the UK rose from around £188,000 (January 2014) to £282,000  ( January this year). 

Back to today's figures - and those in Wales are able to buy their homes the youngest, with the data suggesting the average first-time buyer there is 31 years old. 

Naturally, the older you buy a home, the later in life you'll pay off a mortgage. 

With an average mortgage length of 30 years, it seems the average UK first-time buyer isn't expected to be mortgage-free until they are 63 years and 8 months old.

And if you live in the capital, you'll surpass the current retirement age at 66 years, 8 months. 

Here's a full breakdown of how old first-time buyers are, the average mortgage length and age they can expect to be mortgage-free by region... 

A lot of people have had to renegotiate or extend their mortgages thanks to soaring interest rates in recent years - and the data from Mojo tells us a little about that too.

The study found extending your mortgage term by 10 years (to 35 years) will cost today's average first-time buyer an extra £110,640, which may impact later life planning and their pension.

Barclaycard is cutting the minimum amount its customers have to repay each month.

While the move may sound like good news on the surface, it could well mean you're in debt for longer and end up paying more interest. 

At the moment, most Barclaycard customers have a minimum repayment of 3.75% of their balance, 2.5% of their balance plus interest, or £5. 

But, from 22 July, that will change to the highest amount out of: 

  • 1% of their balance
  • 1% of their balance plus interest

This means if you are currently only paying the minimum on your card, you'll likely repay less each month. 

But, minimum amounts are designed to keep people in debt for as long as possible, and lowering them just makes this period even longer.

MoneySavingExpert says the change means it could now take a customer with a £1,000 debt an extra decade to pay it off, if they only pay the minimum amount.

On average, it says it will take 19 years and three months to clear and the interest will total £1,655. 

Founder of MoneySavingExpert Martin Lewis says the change is "worryingly under the radar" and urged customers to check if their repayments are set to the minimum amount.

"Minimum repayments have always been credit card firms' secret weapon. Letting people repay little looks appealing – hence why Barclaycard says this is about 'flexibility'. Yet it takes flexibility to kick your own backside, and this will hurt some just as much," he said.

A Barclays spokesperson told Sky News: "We regularly review our products and from July, some Barclaycard customers will see changes to their minimum monthly payments, alongside adjustments to the APR.

"Customers will benefit from a reduction in their minimum monthly repayment and the vast majority have no change to APR, while some will receive a decrease.

"We have made these changes to increase flexibility for our customers and have been clear in our communications that paying more than the minimum can help customers clear their balance sooner and pay less interest." 

Marks and Spencer is to launch a clothing repair service next month.

The retail giant has teamed up with clothing repair and alterations experts SOJO, which was founded in 2021 by Josephine Philips, to give clothes "another life".

From August, M&S customers will be able to book a bespoke repair service through a new online hub, "M&S Fixed by SOJO".

Repairs will start from £5 and be carried out by SOJO's in-house repair team.

The items will then be returned directly to the customer's doorstep within seven to 10 days.  

Richard Price, managing director of clothing and home at M&S, said: "Through the launch of our repair service, we're making it even easier for customers to give their clothes another life, whether they are using our new repair service or long-standing clothes recycling scheme."

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    Get updates for all countries. Get advice about travelling abroad, including the latest information on coronavirus, safety and security, entry requirements and travel warnings.

  14. United Kingdom International Travel Information

    Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories.

  15. USA entry requirements: Who can travel to the USA from the UK?

    The USA reopened to fully vaccinated UK travellers in November 2021. Despite being fully vaccinated, holiday makers must take a Covid test within one day of departure. Unvaccinated children can also travel to the USA and must also take a test if aged two or older. However, unvaccinated adults are still not allowed to travel to the USA for tourism.

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    The landmass of the USA is 40 times bigger than the UK, and its population is five times greater; 318.9 million people live in America compared with just 64.1 million people in Britain. Dovercourt railway station, in Essex, England, serving a local population of about 17,000.

  17. Can UK residents travel to the US and what are the Covid ...

    The UK government said that "US citizens and permanent residents of the US, certain specified close family members and certain other limited categories of visa holders (such as UN staff and diplomats) are exempt". This cohort can enter the country and will be subject to the normal entry requirements stipulated on the US embassy website.

  18. Everything you need to know about traveling to the U.K

    Everything you need to know about traveling to the U.K. By Natalie B. Compton. Updated June 14, 2022 at 11:58 a.m. EDT | Published October 5, 2021 at 1:34 p.m. EDT. A graphic of the U.K. flag ...

  19. UK vs US Travel Habits Compared

    UK vs US travellers compared. Here at Go City, we know that no two sightseers are the same. And that got us wondering, how different are travel habits between British and American travellers? To find out, we surveyed 2,000 US and UK travellers - and we've made some interesting discoveries! Intrigued?

  20. UK vs USA: Which One Is Better? 14 Biggest Differences

    9. Food in the USA vs UK. It is to be expected that the kind of cuisine that is popular in the US and the UK differ culturally. In reality, the UK bans much food that is permitted in the US. Food with the same name in the US and the UK may differ noticeably due to regulatory variations. Eggs are a good example of this difference.

  21. Travelers from the UK must test negative for COVID-19 before flying to

    Hours after United and Delta announced new COVID-19 test requirements for passengers traveling to the United States from the United Kingdom, the U.S. government said it would expand the mandate to all arrivals from the U.K.. The order, which will go into effect on Monday, Dec. 28, 2020, will require all travelers from the U.K. to provide a negative PCR or antigen test taken no more than 72 ...

  22. Massive AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon outage for US customers traveling

    An international roaming outage is leaving customers of the three major US mobile carriers in the dark, making it difficult or impossible for American customers who are currently out of the ...

  23. Flights Every 9.5 Minutes: UK to US Travel Reaches All-Time High

    The Skift Travel 200 (ST200) combines the financial performance of nearly 200 travel companies worth more than a trillion dollars into a single number. See more airlines sector financial performance .

  24. US Vs. UK Life: Differences According to American Who Just Moved Back

    Dana Mayer moved back to the US after living in the UK for 25 years. She used to get frustrated by the British tendency to accept mediocrity. Now, she cringes when Americans demand a free meal ...

  25. Safety and security

    Vehicle safety. When travelling by car, you should: check weather conditions before a long car journey, particularly in mountainous, isolated or desert areas where services may be limited. not ...

  26. Hurricane Beryl: Here Is the Storm's Expected Path

    A fter Grenada's leader called the damage incurred by Hurricane Beryl "unimaginable," Jamaica has called a nationwide curfew as locals brace for the arrival of the record-breaking storm ...

  27. What is the U.K. election timeline?

    After 14 years of Conservative party rule, U.K. voters look set to choose a different path. Here's how the election works and what the polls show.

  28. Hurricane Beryl charges toward Jamaica as record-breaking ...

    Hurricane Beryl, now a potentially catastrophic Category 5 storm, has set its sights on Jamaica after leaving at least one person dead and inflicting ruin across entire islands in the Caribbean on ...

  29. President debate ratings show millions tuned in to watch Trump vs Biden

    President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump went back and forth Thursday during the first presidential debate of 2024 on CNN, and TV ratings show that millions tuned in to watch the two ...

  30. Ask a question or make a comment

    In the UK, both the Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE) 100 and 250 indexes are up - 0.76% in the list of 100 most valuable companies and 0.42% in the 101st to 250th most valued firms.