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Write a Good Travel Essay. Please.

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Kathleen Boardman

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Editor’s Note: We know that many of you are looking for help writing travel experience essays for school or simply writing about a trip for your friends or family. To inspire you and help you write your next trip essay—whether it’s an essay about a trip with family or simply a way to remember your best trip ever (so far)—we enlisted the help of Professor Kathleen Boardman, whose decades of teaching have helped many college students learn the fine art of autobiography and life writing. Here’s advice on how to turn a simple “my best trip” essay into a story that will inspire others to explore the world.

Welcome home! Now that you’re back from your trip, you’d like to share it with others in a travel essay. You’re a good writer and a good editor of your work, but you’ve never tried travel writing before. As your potential reader, I have some advice and some requests for you as you write your travel experience essay.

Trip Essays: What to Avoid

Please don’t tell me everything about your trip. I don’t want to know your travel schedule or the names of all the castles or restaurants you visited. I don’t care about the plane trip that got you there (unless, of course, that trip is the story).

I have a friend who, when I return from a trip, never asks me, “How was your trip?” She knows that I would give her a long, rambling answer: “… and then … and then … and then.” So instead, she says, “Tell me about one thing that really stood out for you.” That’s what I’d like you to do in this travel essay you’re writing.

The Power of Compelling Scenes

One or two “snapshots” are enough—but make them great. Many good writers jump right into the middle of their account with a vivid written “snapshot” of an important scene. Then, having aroused their readers’ interest or curiosity, they fill in the story or background. I think this technique works great for travel writing; at least, I would rather enjoy a vivid snapshot than read through a day-to-day summary of somebody’s travel journal.

Write About a Trip Using Vivid Descriptions

Take your time. Tell a story. So what if you saw things that were “incredible,” did things that were “amazing,” observed actions that you thought “weird”? These words don’t mean anything to me unless you show me, in a story or a vivid description, the experience that made you want to use those adjectives.

I’d like to see the place, the people, or the journey through your eyes, not someone else’s. Please don’t rewrite someone else’s account of visiting the place. Please don’t try to imitate a travel guide or travelogue or someone’s blog or Facebook entry. You are not writing a real travel essay unless you are describing, as clearly and honestly as possible, yourself in the place you visited. What did you see, hear, taste, say? Don’t worry if your “take” on your experience doesn’t match what everyone else says about it. (I’ve already read what THEY have to say.)

The Importance of Self-Editing Your Trip Essay

Don’t give me your first draft to read. Instead, set it aside and then reread it. Reread it again. Where might I need more explanation? What parts of your account are likely to confuse me? (After all, I wasn’t there.) Where might you be wasting my time by repeating or rambling on about something you’ve already told me?

Make me feel, make me laugh, help me learn something. But don’t overdo it: Please don’t preach to me about broadening my horizons or understanding other cultures. Instead, let me in on your feelings, your change of heart and mind, even your fear and uncertainty, as you confronted something you’d never experienced before. If you can, surprise me with something I didn’t know or couldn’t have suspected.

You Can Do It: Turning Your Trip into a Great Travel Experience Essay

I hope you will take yourself seriously as a traveler and as a writer. Through what—and how—you write about just a small portion of your travel experience, show me that you are an interesting, thoughtful, observant person. I will come back to you, begging for more of your travel essays.

Take Notes in a Cute Journal

travel experience with family essay

Keep track of all the crucial details- and even the ones you might forget, in a durable and refillable journal.

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The benefits of travelling with family


Recently updated on June 12th, 2024 at 08:33 am

From the beginning of a journey to long after arriving home, travelling with family can be one of the most rewarding adventures you can have together. While travel enables families to form a stronger bond, children also benefit from new experiences and adults gain a greater appreciation for what’s around them. Read on to find out why travelling with family truly is life enriching.

Trafalgar Family trips

1. It encourages family bonding

Away from life’s everyday distractions and long working hours, families are able to spend uninterrupted time together. Even the simplest experiences, such as a meal, can become cherished memories. Take a look at what travel bloggers, World Travel Family suggest for keeping everyone happy on the road.

Trafalgar family trip recommendation: European Wonderland

Trafalgar Family trips

2. It promotes  a global education

In recent years, studies have shown that travel benefits children’s education, as well as their ability to adapt socially. Experiencing new cultures often means children are more open minded. Take our London and Paris tour package , for example. This trip takes you through two unique countries, back-to-back, giving children a direct experience of how two different cultures are set up, letting them compare and evaluate how different societies do things differently.

Children are also thought to absorb knowledge more effectively through experiential learning, so while trying new cuisines and getting to know local customs, they may even pick up a little of the language. What’s more, travelling responsibly teaches the importance of protecting the environment.

Trafalgar family trip recommendation: Gladiators and Gondolas

Trafalgar Family trips

3. Travelling with family reminds you to appreciate the little things

Children are naturally more inquisitive than adults, which will help open your eyes to what’s around you. Seeing children’s reactions to the world’s most extraordinary sights makes you appreciate them even more. Children also have a tendency to ask more questions, so by trying to provide an answer, the whole family can learn something new.

Trafalgar family trip recommendation: Shamrocks and Leprechauns

Trafalgar Family trips

4. Travelling with family is  life enriching

Travel teaches children the importance of making memories and enjoying experiences, rather than wanting possessions. Family adventures promote independence, self-confidence and interpersonal skills. Days spent hiking through the mountains and swimming in the sea, promote an active lifestyle and appreciation of the outdoors. Finally, travel inspires children and gives them new ideas and fresh perspectives which can be used throughout their life.

Trafalgar family trip recommendation: Castles and Kilts

Take a look at some of our exclusive family tours and experience the benefits of travelling with your family with Trafalgar.


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Mr Greg's English Cloud

Short Essay: My Adventurous Trip

Writing about an adventurous trip not only lets you relive the experience but also allows you to share the thrills and lessons learned with others. Whether you scaled mountains, navigated foreign cities, or embarked on a wilderness safari, each moment holds a story worth telling. Here’s how to craft a compelling short essay about your adventurous trip that captures the essence of your experience.

Table of Contents


Begin with an attention-grabbing opener that sets the tone for your adventure. This could be a vivid description of a pivotal moment, a surprising fact about your destination, or a brief anecdote that sums up the spirit of the adventure. Introduce the destination and the purpose of your trip, leading into a thesis statement that outlines what your essay will cover.

The body of your essay should consist of several paragraphs, each focusing on different aspects or key experiences of your trip. Here’s how to structure it:

  • The Journey Begins:  Describe how you prepared for the trip and your feelings as you set off. This sets the stage and gives context to the narrative.
  • Key Adventures:  Focus on one or two significant adventures. Describe the setting, the people involved, and the activity itself. Use sensory details to bring scenes to life (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste).
  • Challenges and Overcoming Them:  Share challenges you faced during these adventures. Describe how you dealt with these situations, what you learned, and how these experiences changed you. This adds depth to your narrative and makes it more engaging.
  • Cultural Encounters and Insights:  If your adventure involved interacting with different cultures or environments, describe these experiences. What new understandings did you gain? How did they impact your perception of the world?

Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points. Reflect on the overall impact of the trip on your life and outlook. End with a reflective thought or a lesson that readers can take away from your adventures.

My Adventurous Trip Essay Example #1

Traveling is one of the most exciting experiences one can have in life. It allows us to explore new places, meet different people, and create unforgettable memories. My recent adventurous trip was one such experience that I will cherish for a lifetime. The trip involved hiking through a dense forest, crossing a river, and reaching the summit of a mountain, where I enjoyed a breathtaking view. Despite facing challenges such as unpredictable weather and rough terrain, the trip was a memorable and rewarding experience. In this essay, I will share my experience of this adventurous trip, highlighting the challenges, the exhilarating moments, and the memories that I will cherish forever.

Our trip started with hiking through a dense forest. The forest was full of tall trees, colorful flowers, and chirping birds. The trail was steep and rocky, and we had to be careful while walking. The forest was so dense that we could hardly see the sun, and the air was full of freshness. We had to take breaks in between to catch our breath and hydrate ourselves. As we walked, we could hear the sound of a river, and after a few hours of hiking, we finally reached the river. The river was wide and had a strong current, and we had to cross it to continue our journey. We had to be careful while crossing the river, and we held hands to maintain our balance. The water was cold, and we could feel the current pushing us, but we made it to the other side, feeling proud of ourselves.

The highlight of our trip was reaching the summit of the mountain. The climb was steep and exhausting, but the view from the top was worth every effort. From the top of the mountain, we could see the entire valley, and it was a sight to behold. The sky was clear, and the sun was shining brightly, making the view even more beautiful. We took pictures and sat there for a while, enjoying the serene beauty of nature. We could hear the sound of birds and feel the cool breeze on our faces. It was a moment of pure bliss, and we felt grateful for being able to witness such a beautiful view.

Despite facing challenges such as unpredictable weather and rough terrain, the trip was a memorable and rewarding experience. We had to face unexpected rain and strong winds, which made the climb more challenging. We slipped a few times, but we managed to keep going, motivated by the thought of reaching the summit. The journey was long and tiring, but the memories we created were worth it. We bonded with our fellow travelers, shared laughter, and created memories that we will cherish forever. The trip taught us to be resilient, to push ourselves beyond our limits, and to appreciate the beauty of nature.

In conclusion, my adventurous trip was an unforgettable experience that allowed me to explore the beauty of nature, push my limits, and create memories that I will cherish forever. Hiking through a dense forest, crossing a river, and reaching the summit of a mountain were challenging but rewarding experiences. Despite facing unpredictable weather and rough terrain, we persevered and created memories that will stay with us for a lifetime. The trip taught us the importance of resilience, perseverance, and appreciation for the beauty of nature. It was an experience that I will always treasure and would love to relive again.

My Adventurous Trip Essay Example #2

My adventurous trip was an experience of a lifetime. It was a chance for me to step out of my comfort zone and explore the great outdoors. The trip was filled with activities such as hiking, camping, and kayaking. The beautiful scenery and wildlife sightings made the trip memorable. Overcoming challenges such as inclement weather and physical exertion added to the sense of accomplishment and adventure. In this essay, I will share my experiences of this unforgettable trip.

Hiking was one of the most exciting activities of the trip. We started our hike early in the morning, and the trail was challenging, but the view was worth it. The trail led us through dense forests, and we saw wildflowers, butterflies, and birds along the way. We stopped for a break at a small waterfall, and the sound of the water was soothing. As we continued our hike, we came across a steep incline, which was physically demanding, but we pushed on. At the peak, we were rewarded with an incredible view of the valley below. The sense of accomplishment we felt after completing the hike was indescribable.

Camping was another activity that added to the adventure of the trip. We set up our tents near a lake, and the view was breathtaking. We spent the night sitting around a campfire, roasting marshmallows, and sharing stories. The night sky was clear, and we saw countless stars, which was a beautiful sight. The next morning, we woke up early to go kayaking on the lake. The water was calm, and we saw fish jumping out of the water. We even saw a family of ducks swimming nearby. Kayaking was a peaceful and relaxing experience.

The trip was not without its challenges, however. We faced inclement weather during our kayaking, and it was physically demanding. The waves were strong, and the water was choppy. We had to navigate our kayaks through the waves carefully. At times, it was nerve-wracking, but we were able to push through and complete the activity. Overcoming these challenges added to the sense of adventure and accomplishment.

In conclusion, my adventurous trip was an experience that I will cherish forever. The activities such as hiking, camping, and kayaking, the beautiful scenery and wildlife sightings, and the challenges we faced made the trip unforgettable. It was an opportunity for me to step out of my comfort zone, explore the great outdoors, and create memories with friends. I hope to have more opportunities like this in the future.

My Adventurous Trip Essay Example #3

Going on an adventurous trip is an experience that many people crave. It is an opportunity to explore new destinations, push oneself to the limit, and create unforgettable memories. I recently had the chance to embark on one such journey, and it was an experience that I will never forget. My adventurous trip involved hiking through a dense forest to reach a remote waterfall. Along the way, I encountered challenging terrain and had to navigate through rough terrain. Despite the difficulties, the stunning views and sense of accomplishment made the trip a truly unforgettable adventure. In this essay, I will describe my trip in detail, highlighting the challenges and the rewards that came with it.

The first part of my adventurous trip involved hiking through a dense forest to reach a remote waterfall. The trail was not well-marked, and the terrain was challenging, consisting of steep inclines, muddy patches, and slippery rocks. The dense foliage made it difficult to see the path ahead, and we had to rely on our instincts and map reading skills to find our way through. The forest was alive with the sounds of birds and small animals, and the air was fresh and invigorating. As we got closer to our destination, the sound of rushing water became louder, and we knew we were getting close. Finally, after several hours of hiking, we arrived at the waterfall, and the sight before us was breathtaking. The waterfall was a powerful force of nature, cascading down from a height of over 100 feet. The water was crystal clear, and the surrounding rocks were covered in moss and ferns. It was a sight that made all the hiking and exertion worth it.

The second part of my adventurous trip involved navigating through rough terrain. The terrain was rocky and uneven, and we had to be careful not to slip or fall. At some points, the trail was so steep that we had to use ropes to climb up or down. The weather was also unpredictable, and we had to be prepared for sudden rain or wind. Despite the challenges, the sense of adventure and excitement kept us going. We were a group of friends, and we encouraged and supported each other along the way. We shared food and water, helped each other over difficult patches, and cheered each other on when we reached a milestone. The journey was not just about reaching the destination; it was also about the bonds we formed and the memories we created.

The final part of my adventurous trip was the sense of accomplishment that came with it. After several hours of hiking, navigating challenging terrain, and enduring unpredictable weather, we finally reached our destination. The feeling of standing in front of the waterfall, surrounded by the beauty of nature, was indescribable. It was a sense of accomplishment that came from pushing ourselves beyond our limits, from facing our fears and overcoming them. We took pictures, laughed, and savored the moment. It was a feeling that stayed with us long after the trip was over. The adventurous trip was not just a physical journey; it was also a journey of the mind and the spirit.

In conclusion, my adventurous trip was an experience that I will never forget. It involved hiking through a dense forest to reach a remote waterfall, navigating through rough terrain, and the sense of accomplishment that came with it. The trip was challenging, but it was also rewarding. It reminded me of the beauty of nature, the importance of perseverance, and the power of friendship. It was an experience that taught me to appreciate the simple things in life and to embrace the adventure that comes with it.

Final Tips for Effective Writing

  • Use Vivid Descriptions:  Make your narrative vibrant and engaging by using descriptive language that paints a picture for the reader.
  • Incorporate Dialogue:  Adding conversations can enhance the storytelling aspect of your essay, bringing characters and scenes to life.
  • Keep It Structured:  Even in a short essay, maintaining a clear structure helps keep the narrative focused and easy to follow.
  • Proofread:  Check for any grammatical errors or typos to ensure your essay is polished and professional.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

In his spare time, he likes to compete in powerlifitng events and the odd strongman event!

Whatsapp: +85259609792

[email protected]

travel experience with family essay

Travel: Personal Experience

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

One of my passions is travelling. Travel involves visiting new places and meeting new people and having varied experiences. I come originally from Romania and have travelled to UK and US. I remember the quote by Samuel Johnson: “All travel has its advantages. If the passenger visits better countries, he may learn to improve his own. And if fortune carries him to worse, he may learn to enjoy it”. I have had the luck of visiting better countries and I believe my travel experiences have taught me a lot about human life and helped me expand the way I see things.

When I first travelled within Romania, it opened my eyes to how other people live. I saw how people lived happily even though they did not have much money or luxuries. It taught me that to be happy, money is not the only thing. I must have an attitude to be happy with what I have. It also taught me to accept people from different races and colors. When I travelled abroad, I saw new cultures and different lifestyles.

It was very exciting and adventurous. I learnt to enjoy these new experiences, to become part of these varied cultures by taking their food, wearing their dresses, etc. This has created in me the awareness that people all over the world are basically the same but they are different in the cultures – have different ways of talking, singing, enjoying, dancing, writing, building, dressing and conducting business. I have acquired a more global perspective of the world we live in. My knowledge has thus expanded because of my travel.

Self-confidence is another quality that I developed as a result of travelling. Whenever I travel, I had to be responsible for my own luggage, tickets and documents. I had to be careful in taking flights and cabs. When I was in my home country, I used to be shy to talk to new people. But during my travels, I learnt to talk to strangers and ask for help whenever I needed it. This gave me the confidence that I can make new friends. Also, new places sometimes had new customs that I had to adapt to.

Travel is the time I use to read and listen to music. This also gives me the time to reflect deeply on my life’s goals and where I am right now. It is an ideal opportunity to break free from a routine lifestyle. I feel very much relaxed during my travel and enjoy seeing new scenes and landscapes. It gives me time to discover more about myself. For example, when I was in Los Angeles, I saw a rock music performance at a club where everyone danced. I had not danced earlier at clubs. But when I joined the fun, I was surprised to realize that I enjoyed the experience a lot.

Travel also gives me a sense of being free and independent. It makes my mind open to new experiences all the time. Even during a flight, I get to taste new food, hear a new language, see new ways of dressing and listen to new kinds of music. This is very exciting and I thoroughly enjoy my life during these moments.

Through my travels, I have made many new international friends. Conversing with them has helped me understand their cultures better and I also have opportunities of improving my English which is now very important when travelling in UK and US. Moreover, as I intend to study in United States, it is good to improve my language skills before I begin my studies. Travelling to the United States has also helped me absorb their local culture and understand the value of hard work.

Above all, whenever I return to Romania after my travels, it helps me appreciate my home country a lot. I value Romanian culture and the warm way in which people relate to each other. I can appreciate it all the more when I travel abroad. Thus, my passion for travel while giving me fun, dreams and confidence, has also educated me, helped me embrace new cultures and new communication skills, adopt a more global perspective, improve my English and given me lots of good friends and wonderful memories. It has made me a richer person internally.

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IvyPanda. (2021, September 28). Travel: Personal Experience.

"Travel: Personal Experience." IvyPanda , 28 Sept. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Travel: Personal Experience'. 28 September.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Travel: Personal Experience." September 28, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Travel: Personal Experience." September 28, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Travel: Personal Experience." September 28, 2021.

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How To Write a Good Travel Essay

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How To Write a Good Travel Essay - Guide with Examples


“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.”

-Gustav Flaubert

Packing the duffel with the bare essentials and hopping into the car, getting behind the steering wheel and driving with no perfect destination in mind – we all dream to live such a life, don't we? Travelling to unseen places and exploring what it has to offer can be an enriching experience. However beautiful can travel be as an experience, writing a travelling essay can be quite a challenge. It may seem easy to come up with the ideas that you want to include in the essay but putting them into coherent sentences can be difficult. Your words should be impactful enough to be able to sweep the readers off their feet and take them on the cliff or make them feel the saline breeze on a beach.  

A perfect travel essay must reflect the journey and highlight the little-known facts about the region. It should be infused with the character and culture of the place. If you are feeling stymied while writing a travel essay, then we have some brilliant tips for you that can make the task considerably easy for you.

8 tips for an outstanding essay on travelling

Here are 8 tips that you can cash on to produce a winning travelling essay:

  • Be specific with the destination

Before you choose a topic for your travel essay, keep the time spent in the location in mind. If your trip is just for a couple of days, then do not make the mistake of writing about an entire city. Think it out practically – is it possible to travel through a city in just a few days? Take for instance your essay is about London. It is quite an insurmountable task to be able to cover all the distance even in a week. So stick to a particular destination so that you can include the nuances and minutest details of the place to paint a picture in the reader’s mind with your words. 

  • Less guide, more exploring

Also, the destination need not be about an exotic locale. It can be a story about an idyllic rustic location in the suburb of the teeming city. It can be about a cottage up on the hills with just the view of snowy valleys and iced peaks. Your words should give the sense of exploring and not touring. The essay should not be like a guide. It should be a view of the location through your lens.

  • Know the location like the back of your hand

Before starting to write a travel essay, do your research. A travel essay isn’t a made-up story so there should not be any fake information. Readers will be looking for more than just the necessary information about the must-visit tourist attractions. So you need to go beyond the surface and include more about the history of the place. Just do not write about the restaurants – talk about the cuisine of the place and the story behind it, if any. To get into the innermost recesses of the location, you can speak to the residents of the area. To bring richness in your travel essay, you must reveal another side of the destination.

  • Include the nitty-gritty

The key to an impressive travel essay is to be able to break down the location into kernels and write the core details about them. As mentioned earlier, so not just write about the tourist attractions and restaurants in the destination. Write about the lesser talked streets and unknown landmarks and the history behind them. If the place is known for its delicacies, write about how the cuisine has evolved and who had started it. From quaint bookstores to ice cream parlours to run-down shabby pubs – shed light to such nuances to bring your essay to life. You can even mention the negative things that you have faced in the place – like irregular transport modes or impolite locals. These little details will help you make your essay more impactful.

  • Be creative with the writing style

Since a travel essay is more like an anecdote, there is no specific format to write it. Therefore, a travel essay gives you the scope of setting your foot into the unchartered areas of creativity. You have got the creative freedom to write what you want. You can study how the natives of the locale speak and learn some of the basic words and phrases they use. To put them into writing you can read the local newspaper to get the pulse of the city you are in. Using the colloquial lingo can help the reader get a closer peek into the lives of the people living in the place. It will reflect a slice of how they live their way of life. Your words should be simple and yet impactful to portray and not just merely narrate. Touch every bit of the rust in the roof to make the reader feel like they are on the same journey with you.

  • Make it personal

The travel essay is your story. So add some personal experience in the story and at the same time do not make it self-indulgent. Include stories that can resonate with all your readers. Your experiences should be able to bring the reader back to the travel destination and connect him with the place. It should be the perfect blend of narration of the experiences you had while on the trip along with a vivid description of the place. To achieve the balance, write your essay in first person perspective to give a real touch to the story. Include the most interesting bits that will help the reader connect with you. You can even include the quotes of natives living in the area you had visited.

  • Start with a captivating catch

Like every essay, the introduction is the key to make it an impressive read. The opening should be capturing enough to attract the reader’s attention. It should leave an impact and should make them want to go on reading the piece. Start with an unknown fact about the place and leave it hanging from the cliff. Use a tone of suspense to excite the readers to keep them guessing about the contents of the essay.

  • Make it vivid with images

For certain places, words may fall short in being able to explain the exact description of a place. You cannot describe how the sky looked with the mountains seemingly touching the clouds or the horizon fading beyond the sea. Certain things cannot be explained in words – like the color of the sky or the water! This is where pictures come in! Providing real images of the place in between can help the readers stay connected. Vivid photos can also make the readers understand the story better by bringing them closer to it. So make sure you take breathtaking pictures of the place you are writing about. The images will help your essay stay in the readers’ mind longer.

With the above tips, we are sure you will be able to write an excellent travelling essay  that will impress your professor and fetch you a good grade.

And if you are still unsure about putting these to use, then below is a winning sample to show you how it is done!

Travelling essay sample

I have visited London several times, and yet it is amazing how I find something new to explore every time I visit the capital city. My visit last autumn too did not fail to surprise me. With the hustle and bustle and the rich royal history, London city has a lot to offer. Since I just had a few days to spare, I wanted to make the best out of this trip.

Although vast and sprawling, I decided to visit most of the city on foot this time. Now since in my previous visits I had seen most of the tourist-y attractions already, I wanted to take the path less travelled this time to discover the hidden gems of the city. The last time I had been to London, I had missed out on the chance to visit the chock full of literature and history that awaited me in the Shakespeare Globe Theatre. Being a student of literature, visiting the place where the Bard of Avon once enacted the plays he wrote was a spellbinding moment. And guess what? I also caught a staging of the Macbeth before I left the place. Before heading towards the Hyde Park tube station, I grabbed some of London’s famous Fish ‘n’ Chips from the oldest food market of the city, the Borough Market. From Hyde Park to Tower Hill in under fifteen minutes by Tube, I began exploring the Tower of London. It was there that I heard a guard speaking about where he hailed from. A quick conversation with Peter, I had gotten intrigued to know more about his village – Suffolk in Lavenham. I asked him how to get there and Peter, being the quintessential helping guide that Londoners are known to be, told me that I could either take a car from central London. Or I could wait for the next day and take the train from Liverpool to Sudbury and then take the bus route 753 and reach in around two hours. Having nothing to do, I spent that day in the British Museum and walking on Oxford Street.

The next morning, I started my journey to the quaint village of Suffolk. I had picked up a book about the village where I learned that the village had once housed Henry III in 1257. And a bonus for all the Harry Potter fans – the village also starred in ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’ as Godric’s Hollow where Hermoine and Harry are seen to be visiting Bathilda Bagshot. On reaching the village, the first thing that grabbed my attention was the picture-perfect silhouette of prosperous medieval England with all the half-timbered houses. The lime-washed and brightly coloured buildings added an idyllic element to the village with the De Vere House standing out from the rest. Adding to the rustic touch was the fifteenth-century St Peter Church with its soaring height of a 141ft tower. The autumn breeze welcomed me as I walked on the leaf-covered high streets. I saw some young guns cycling around in a park and called out to them for directions. My stay for the trip was an Air BnB home-stay where I had to put up with an elderly couple – the Havishams. I still remember how on reaching the gate of the house, I had caught a waft of crumpets and hot scones. After an exchange of banalities followed by me gorging on the scones, I had found out about the hidden gems from Mr Havisham who happened to be quite a cheerful talker. He told me what a must-visit Hadley’s was when in Suffolk. I had then set out with a local map to find the hidden gem. On reaching I had found that Hadley’s was a cutesy ice cream shop, almost run down, run by an old lady. Here Rebecca told me how the ice cream parlour was opened back in the 1850s and was still known for their hand-made sorbets.

Like the sorbet, my stay in Suffolk had been a sweet experience – a trip of revelation. The tour – with all the lonely walks – had in an inexplicable way helped me to get my perspectives right. It isn’t the exotic locales and the flight above the clouds that make travelling my drug. Rather, it is little but beautiful discoveries like Suffolk that feed my wanderlust. Thank you, London. Thank you for being a wonderful experience, once again.   

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Travel: Personal Experience

  • Categories: Personal Growth and Development Tourism

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Published: Jan 29, 2024

Words: 519 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

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Personal growth through travel, cultural understanding and empathy, the formation of lasting memories.

  • Larson, R., & Verma, S. (1999). How children and adolescents spend time across the world: Work, play, and developmental opportunities. Psychological Bulletin, 125(6), 701-736.
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  • The World Bank. (2021). Poverty. Retrieved from

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Pure Travel

How To Write a Good Travel Essay

  • March 18, 2020

Travelling is one of the most exciting parts of everyone’s life. In the same way, this experience has the potential to be a fascinating topic for your writing assignments.

Writing a travel essay requires minimal creativity because trips are full of extraordinary events by their nature, as well as dramas and cultural findings. So, there’s no need to make things up or think through ideas while you are writing this kind of essay. To make life even easier you can even order essay .

However, as easy as it may sound, turning a travel experience into a piece of writing can be a bit challenging for students. Because if not careful, they will end up writing some dull clichés about a bunch of different places, and nothing more.

If you’ve never read any trips or you don’t have enough time to write a paper, you can quickly get your essay written by making use of available writing services. However, here we present some practical guidelines to help you write an exceptional essay:

Select Your Favorite City

Sometimes a trip is explicitly taken to collect information for an essay. If this is true about you, take your time to choose your destination carefully. Do some research before deciding on the city. Read about various regions and see which ones inspire you the most.

Your task here is to share useful information with people and get them involved in your journey. If you can’t enjoy your own trip, how can you let others have fun while reading the story? So it’s essential to choose a destination that you are interested in.

Choose a Few Attractions

Every city or town usually has several tourist attractions. If you attempt to include every single place you visited on that journey, your writing would be a boring list of city attractions that can be found anywhere, such as a tourist website.

Rather than mentioning multiple sights, focus on two or three places, and provide detailed information about them. Let readers know few, but know well.

Another point is that famous attractions are not proper choices for your writing because almost everyone knows the basic information about these places. Put your focus on unknown sites, remembering that people want to hear about something they have never heard.

Write a Compelling First Paragraph

Your first paragraph is usually the most important one. It’s where you convince the readers you had an incredible trip – one that has something new to teach your audience and is worth reading about.

Start with an unusual tradition you witnessed, an interesting dialogue you had, or a cultural misunderstanding you faced during your journey.

Use your sense of humor. Be as innovative as you can. No matter what you do, the final aim is to engage the readers and make them stick to your story.

Show Rather Than Tell

‘Showing’ is what makes a difference between a boring and outstanding travel essay. When you show something with your words, you actually describe what you experienced in full details. However, when you tell something, it’s like you’re just giving a brief report on what you did.

Readers won’t understand what an incredible park, a fabulous road, or a fantastic building means unless you show it to them. Showing makes the readers feel they’ve been there with you.

Therefore, don’t merely rely on telling where you went. Instead, add specific descriptions about that place, talk about your feelings, and paint an imaginary picture of that space in the minds of readers.

Images serve as a complement to your verbal description as they help readers imagine your story better.

One or two pictures is enough, but try to pick the most breathtaking ones that are more related to your narrative. Also, remember that vivid shots are always a better option than black and white ones because they are more eye-catching and can better intrigue the reader’s curiosity.

Keep It Simple

The primary purpose of writing a traveling essay is to entertain your readers. So, there’s no need to show off by using literary words or highly academic structure. Instead, use an active voice, try to be friendly, and bring readers closer to your story.

In this kind of essay, your writing intelligence depends on your ability to amuse people and your art of describing scenes, not using a lot of fluffy sentences.

Describe What You Achieved

If your traveling experience didn’t teach you anything or couldn’t make a positive change in your life, it would be a significant loss of time and money. Every great experience comes with great achievement. This can be as small as a shift in your beliefs, or as big as making wonderful friends. Whatever the accomplishment is, it’s worth telling your readers about it.

Give Readers a Good Ending

Every fantastic narrative begins with a good starting point, continues with a climax, and ends with a reasonable conclusion. Plan your paragraphs before writing. Think about the ways you want to start your story, go through the rising action, and then slow it down gradually to let readers know they are reaching the end of the story. If you end your writing in the middle of the turning point where the reader is reading the most thrilling part of the story, they might get puzzled and confused. It’s like putting an obstacle in front of a high-speed runner and making him stop all of a sudden.

Bottom Line

Travels are full of new experiences. Sometimes a short trip gives you a handful of stories to tell your future grandchildren. They have a lot to teach us and therefore, a lot to talk about. So why not use them as a subject for your writings? The next time you will be searching the net for online essay writing services with “interesting topics to write my essay,” think about your traveling experiences and bring everything you can remember on the paper. Then, google some “help write my essay tips” to learn the main guidelines for writing a travel essay.

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Essay on Trip With Family – Short Essay & Long Essay upto 1500 Words

Short Essay on Trip With Family

Essay on Trip With Family: Traveling with family can be a wonderful experience filled with laughter, bonding, and unforgettable memories. Whether it’s a road trip to a nearby destination or a grand adventure to a far-off land, the time spent exploring new places and creating shared experiences can strengthen the bonds between family members. In this essay, we will delve into the joys and challenges of embarking on a trip with family, and how these experiences can shape our relationships and create lasting connections.

Trip With Family Essay Writing Tips

1. Start by brainstorming and outlining your essay. Think about the key moments and experiences from your trip with your family that you want to highlight in your essay.

2. Begin your essay with a captivating introduction that sets the scene for your trip. You can start with a descriptive anecdote or a memorable quote to grab the reader’s attention.

3. Use vivid and descriptive language to paint a picture of your trip for the reader. Describe the sights, sounds, and smells of the places you visited with your family.

4. Share personal anecdotes and stories from your trip to make your essay more engaging and relatable. Talk about the funny moments, the challenges you faced, and the lessons you learned during your time with your family.

5. Reflect on the impact of the trip on your relationship with your family. Did you bond over shared experiences? Did you learn something new about each other? How did the trip strengthen your family ties?

6. Include details about the destinations you visited, the activities you did, and the people you met during your trip. This will give your essay depth and provide context for your experiences.

7. Use transitions to connect your ideas and ensure a smooth flow between paragraphs. This will help your essay to be well-organized and easy to follow.

8. Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points you discussed and reflecting on the overall significance of the trip with your family. Consider how the trip impacted you personally and how it brought you closer to your family.

9. Edit and revise your essay to ensure clarity, coherence, and correctness. Check for grammar and spelling errors, and make sure your writing is concise and focused.

10. Finally, consider sharing your essay with your family members to get their feedback and perspective on the trip. Their insights may help you to further refine your writing and capture the essence of your shared experience.

Essay on Trip With Family in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Family trips are a great way to bond and create lasting memories with loved ones. 2. Planning a trip with family involves choosing a destination that appeals to everyone’s interests. 3. It is important to set a budget for the trip and plan activities that fit within that budget. 4. Packing essentials such as clothing, toiletries, and any necessary medications is crucial for a successful trip. 5. Researching the destination and creating an itinerary can help maximize the enjoyment of the trip. 6. Family trips provide an opportunity to explore new places, try new foods, and experience different cultures. 7. It is important to involve all family members in the planning process to ensure everyone’s preferences are taken into account. 8. Family trips can also be a time to relax and unwind from the stresses of everyday life. 9. Creating fun and engaging activities for the whole family to participate in can make the trip more enjoyable. 10. Overall, family trips are a wonderful way to strengthen relationships and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime.

Sample Essay on Trip With Family in 100-180 Words

Last summer, my family and I went on a trip to the mountains. It was a much-needed break from our busy lives and a chance for us to bond and create lasting memories together. We spent our days hiking through the lush forests, exploring hidden waterfalls, and enjoying picnics by the riverside.

One of the highlights of our trip was when we visited a local farm and learned how to milk cows and make cheese. It was a fun and educational experience that we all enjoyed. In the evenings, we would gather around the campfire, roast marshmallows, and share stories.

The trip brought us closer together as a family and allowed us to disconnect from the stresses of everyday life. We laughed, we explored, and we made unforgettable memories that we will cherish for years to come. Traveling with family is truly a special experience that I will always treasure.

Short Essay on Trip With Family in 200-500 Words

Going on a trip with family is always a special experience. It is a time to bond, create lasting memories, and explore new places together. Recently, my family and I went on a trip to the mountains for a weekend getaway, and it was an unforgettable experience.

The trip started with an early morning drive to the mountains. As we drove through winding roads and lush green forests, we were all filled with excitement and anticipation for the adventures that awaited us. The scenic views along the way were breathtaking, and we couldn’t help but stop at various viewpoints to take in the beauty of nature.

Upon reaching our destination, we checked into a cozy cabin nestled in the heart of the mountains. The cabin was spacious and well-equipped, providing us with all the comforts of home. We spent the first evening relaxing by the fireplace, playing board games, and enjoying each other’s company. It was a simple yet joyful time spent together as a family.

The next day, we set out to explore the surrounding area. We went on a hike through the forest, following a trail that led us to a stunning waterfall. The sound of rushing water and the sight of the cascading falls left us in awe of nature’s beauty. We spent hours exploring the area, taking photos, and enjoying a picnic lunch by the waterfall.

In the afternoon, we visited a local village market where we sampled delicious homemade treats and shopped for souvenirs. The vibrant colors, lively atmosphere, and friendly locals made the experience even more enjoyable. We tried local delicacies, bought handmade crafts, and learned about the culture and traditions of the region.

As the day came to a close, we returned to our cabin for a cozy evening by the fire. We cooked a delicious meal together, shared stories and laughter, and reflected on the day’s adventures. It was a time of togetherness and connection that brought us closer as a family.

On the final day of our trip, we visited a nearby wildlife sanctuary where we had the opportunity to see various species of animals up close. We marveled at the beauty of the creatures and learned about the importance of conservation efforts. It was a humbling experience that reminded us of the wonders of the natural world.

As we packed our bags and prepared to leave, we were filled with a sense of gratitude for the time spent together as a family. The trip had been a perfect blend of adventure, relaxation, and bonding moments that we would cherish forever. It was a reminder of the importance of family and the joy that comes from exploring new places together.

Essay on Trip With Family in 1000-1500 Words

A family trip is always a special and memorable experience. It is a time when loved ones come together to create lasting memories and bond over shared experiences. Recently, my family and I embarked on a trip to the beautiful city of Paris, France. This trip was not only a chance to explore a new destination but also an opportunity to spend quality time together and strengthen our family bonds.

The planning for our trip began months in advance. We researched the best places to visit, the most delicious foods to try, and the most convenient modes of transportation. We booked our flights, accommodations, and tours well ahead of time to ensure a smooth and stress-free trip. As the departure date approached, excitement and anticipation grew among all family members.

Finally, the day arrived when we set off on our journey to Paris. The flight was long but comfortable, and we were all eager to land and start exploring the city. As we stepped out of the airport, the cool breeze and the bustling streets of Paris welcomed us. We checked into our hotel, which was conveniently located near the Eiffel Tower, one of the most iconic landmarks in the city.

Our first day in Paris was dedicated to exploring the Eiffel Tower. We took a leisurely stroll along the Seine River, admiring the beautiful architecture and charming cafes along the way. As we approached the Eiffel Tower, its towering presence took our breath away. We decided to take the elevator to the top to get a bird’s eye view of the city. The panoramic views of Paris from the top of the Eiffel Tower were simply breathtaking. We spent hours taking in the sights and capturing memories through photographs.

The next few days were filled with visits to famous landmarks such as the Louvre Museum, Notre Dame Cathedral, and the Palace of Versailles. We marveled at the stunning art collections, intricate architecture, and rich history of these iconic sites. Each day brought new adventures and discoveries, and we were grateful to experience them together as a family.

One of the highlights of our trip was a day trip to the charming village of Montmartre. We wandered through the cobblestone streets, visited the famous Sacre-Coeur Basilica, and enjoyed delicious crepes at a local cafe. The quaint atmosphere of Montmartre was a welcome change from the bustling city life of Paris, and we cherished the peaceful moments we spent together in this picturesque village.

Another memorable experience was a boat cruise along the Seine River. As we glided past the historic buildings and landmarks of Paris, we were mesmerized by the beauty of the city. The gentle sway of the boat, the soft music playing in the background, and the laughter of my family members created a sense of peace and contentment that I will always cherish.

Throughout our trip, we indulged in the delicious French cuisine, from buttery croissants and flaky pastries to savory crepes and rich cheeses. We dined at cozy bistros, elegant restaurants, and charming cafes, savoring each bite and relishing the flavors of France. Food has always been a central part of our family gatherings, and sharing meals together in Paris brought us even closer as a family.

As our trip came to an end, we reflected on the memories we had created and the experiences we had shared. From the awe-inspiring sights of the Eiffel Tower to the peaceful moments in Montmartre, each day had been filled with laughter, love, and togetherness. Our family trip to Paris had brought us closer together, strengthened our bonds, and created memories that we will cherish for a lifetime.

In conclusion, a family trip is a precious opportunity to create lasting memories, strengthen bonds, and experience new adventures together. Our trip to Paris was a magical journey that brought us closer as a family and allowed us to explore the beauty and charm of one of the most iconic cities in the world. I am grateful for the time we spent together, the laughter we shared, and the memories we created on this unforgettable trip with my family.

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English Compositions

Essay on Travel Experience [200, 500 Words] With PDF

Travelling plays an important role in our lives as it enriches our experience. In this lesson, you will learn to write essays in three different sets on the importance of libraries. It will help you in articulating your thoughts in the upcoming exams.

Table of Contents

Essay on travel experience in 200 words, essay on travel experience in 500 words.

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We travel to get away from the monotony of our daily lives. It’s a refreshing diversion from the monotony of everyday life. It allows our minds to relax and gives our inner child the opportunity to play. Some trip memories are nostalgic and melancholy, while others are daring and exhilarating. A trip to the graveyard, the poet’s corner in London, or one’s ancestral house, for example, is a voyage to nostalgia.

These travels allow them to relive memories and treasure golden memories from a bygone era. People who go on these journeys are frequently depressed and artistically inclined. Travelling instils a sense of adventure and encourages us to make the most of every opportunity. Some people prefer to travel in groups, whereas others prefer to travel alone.

Trips to amusement parks with massive roller coasters or a deeply wooded forest could be exciting. It’s important to remember that Columbus discovered America due to his travels. The journey becomes much more memorable when things don’t go as planned. For example, if a car tyre blows out on the highway and it begins to rain heavily, the trip will turn into an adventure, even though it was not intended to be such. A visit to a museum or a gothic structure, on the other hand, is sure to be exciting.

Essay on Travel Experience Example

We travel to get a break from the mundane and robust lifestyle. It is a welcome change from the monotonous routine existence. It helps our minds rest and gives the inner child within us to have a good time.

Not all travelling experiences are adventurous and exciting, and some are nostalgic and melancholic. For instance, a trip to the cemetery or the poet’s corner in London or one’s ancestral home will be a nostalgia trip. Such trips help them re-live the moments and cherish the golden memories of bygone times. People who undertake such trips are often melancholic and have an artistic sensibility.

Travelling experiences bring enthusiasm and teach us to make the best of every moment. While some enjoy travelling in groups, some people love to travel solo. Adventurous trips could be to amusement parks with giant roller coasters or a deep, dense forest. One must not forget that travelling led Columbus to discover America. When things don’t go as planned, the trip becomes more memorable. For instance, if the car tyre gets punctured on the highway and starts raining heavily, the trip, even if not intended to be adventurous, shall become one. A trip to a museum or gothic architecture shall be thrilling. 

Last Christmas, my trip to Goa with my friends was an enriching one. The golden sun-soaked beaches offered a refuge from the humdrum city life of Kolkata. The cool breeze, the rising and setting sun, and the chilly wind all transported me to heaven. It was paradisal and divine. The cuisine was exquisite. The Portuguese culture and the museums offer various historical insights.

Although it was the peak season and most crowded places, people were civilised and cultured. The melodious music was in the air in every nook and corner, and the happy vibes were contagious. I danced, sang, played and had a great time. I tried sky diving, and it was a thrilling experience.

Besides fun and frolic, I found the independent spirit of people commendable. We spent three days in North Goa and two days in South Goa. We stayed at a guest house as most hotels were expensive and very occupied. We booked scooters to travel far and near. We also went on the cruise for the casino night.

My favourite spot was Thalassa, where we enjoyed the spectacular belly dance performance by males and females. We spent Christmas at Curlies witnessing the waxing moon at midnight. The lap of nature enriches one travelling experience and soothes their soul. The chirping of birds, the sound of the waterfall, the waves of a beach or the snow-covered mountain uplifts the traveller’s spirit.

One must not restrict oneself to a specific type of travelling experience. Life, after all, is a long journey that offers us different durations of vacations to make us laugh and learn at the same time. As Francis Bacon puts it, “Travel in the younger sort is a part of education, in the elder, a part of the experience.”

Hopefully, after going through this lesson, you have a holistic idea of the importance of travelling in our lives. I have tried to cover every aspect of a traveller’s experience within limited words. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, kindly let me know through the comment section below. To read more such essays on many important topics, keep browsing our website. 

Join us on Telegram to get the latest updates on our upcoming sessions. Thank you, see you again soon.

I went on my first cruise with 3 generations of my family, and it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life

  • I recently went on my first cruise with my parents, sister, and grandmother. 
  • I'd never been on a cruise before and was surprised that there were things for all of us to enjoy.
  • We all had a good time and I'll treasure the memories we made together. 

Insider Today

Until last month, I had never been on a cruise. Neither had my parents or my sister, but my grandmother — my nan — often travels by cruise ship, so we decided to join her on a cruise .

We decided on a trip to the Norwegian fjords, which we all wanted to see, and traveled on the 5,206-capacity Iona — the UK's largest cruise ship until 2022.

It was the first time we'd all gone on vacation as a family of five. My 16-year-old sister, me at 25, my parents — both 50 — and my nan, who is 72 — were there.

The environment took some adjusting

The cruise took us a couple of days to get used to. The idea of being at sea felt almost claustrophobic when compared to the pedestrian-friendly city vacations I'm used to, and my nan didn't adjust to the sheer number of children (and the noise) on board at first, because she's used to going on cruises when children are at school.

But we gradually found a rhythm. My family are early risers, but I don't usually eat breakfast, so I'd wake up with them, have a coffee in bed, and then head to the gym while they went to get food. If we were spending a day in a port, we'd enjoy a few hours exploring, probably getting a coffee or some lunch, before heading back on the ship for the rest of the day.

There were plenty of places on the ship where I could spend some time by myself, too. There was an adults-only area on one of the top decks, so as we were blessed with surprisingly good weather, I'd go up there, order a beer or a cocktail, and read my book in the sun. I also enjoyed spending time in one of the quieter bars on the ship. I bought the WiFi package largely so I could keep in touch with my girlfriend and keep an eye on emails, but it also allowed me to kill some time scrolling social media or checking the soccer news.

It was good to spend more time with my family

I was a little nervous about spending so much time with my family. Apart from a short trip to Madrid with my dad last year, it was the first trip I'd taken with my parents and sister in two years, and the first with my nan since 2015.

It wasn't always easy to go without the space I'm used to — and to go longer than usual without seeing my girlfriend — but the trade-off of seeing more of my family was worth it. The trip was only for a week, and it was good to spend time with both of my parents, as well as my sister, who, at 16, is getting older and looking toward university. I liked spending more time with my nan , too, particularly now that she's in her 70s and is still in good health.

Now that we're back, I find myself missing the trip. While there are aspects of being on a cruise that I don't necessarily love — the bars and restaurants can start to feel a bit samey after a while, for example — there was a lot that I enjoyed.

The places we visited were unforgettable, too. From riding the Skylift in the village of Loen and taking in the picturesque surroundings to visiting the coolest coffee shop in Stavanger, one of Norway's biggest cities, there were some great destinations I probably would never have visited had we not decided to go for the cruise.

I always associated cruises with retired couples and families with young children, but I found plenty to do as someone in their 20s, particularly because I wanted a relaxing vacation. And being able to spend time with my family made it all the more memorable.

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Essay on Road Trip in English for Children and Students

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Essay on Road Trip: Road trip is one of the best ways to freshen the mind and enjoy every moments with nature. It is a best way to uplift the mood and capture the happiest moments into the album of good memories for future. People who love travelling mostly prefer road trips as they offer a completely different experience. Whether one is going out with family or friends – road trips are considered to be the best way to enjoy the vacation to the fullest.

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They are entertaining, joyful and could also be informative. As you cover mile after miles, you discover new horizons, moving further with every passing minute. New faces, new places make the whole experience a memory to reckon with. Road trip could range from a couple of miles to over fifty miles or so; nevertheless, they are always taken to escape boredom and elevate the mood. Moreover, it’s never disappointing barring some exceptional change of events.

Long and Short Essay on Road Trip in English

Here we have provided short and long essay on Road Trip of varying lengths in English to help you with the topic in your exam.

The Road Trip essay are written effectively to give you experience of a real road trip and its joys.

You can select any of the Road Trip Essay given below as per your need and interest and use it in essay writing, speech recitation or other competitions in your school or college.

Short Essay on Road Trip in India – Essay 1 (200 words)

India encompasses numerous tourist spots located in different parts throughout the country. So, it doesn’t matter which part of the country one lives in there is always an option of planning a short road trip in India. Most people prefer short road trips of around six-seven hours as they are more comfortable. However, many people even go for longer ones spread across days. They halt at different places during the journey to take rest and explore the place.

I had been on many road trips with my family. My father loves driving and is also fond of travelling. So, we always travel by car. We have planned road trips to several places including Jaipur, Nainital, Haridwar, Rishikesh, Shimla and Vrindavan.

My favourite among these was our trip to Nanital. We went there with our extended family. My uncle, aunt and cousins accompanied us on this trip. My uncle, aunt and parents travelled by one car while I and my cousins travelled by another. We had a lot of fun during this trip. We stopped at two places on our way to have food.

As we drove by, we saw the beautiful mountains and green valleys. The view was absolutely spectacular. We saw various lakes, enjoyed boating and indulged in a lot of shopping on our trip. It was a great experience.

Essay on My Journey by Road – Essay 2 (300 words)


Road journeys have always fascinated me. I had been on many road trips with my family. On such journeys, I always took the window seat to have a view of the trees, green fields, roads and other interesting things that came along the way. I loved the fact that these journeys gave me the chance to be with my family and chat with them for hours.

My First Solo Road Journey

We went to my maternal grandparents’ place in Chandigarh during our summer vacations each year. I went there with my brother and mother. When I was in my tenth standard, my vacations commenced just after the final exams in the month of March. My brother was in the seventh grade at that time and he still had to wait till the mid of May for the vacations to start. So, we couldn’t plan anything together anytime soon.

After a year of hard work and rigorous study sessions, I really needed a break to rejuvenate. It was then that I took permission from my parents to travel alone to visit my grandparents and cousins in Chandigarh.

I was excited yet nervous about this first ever solo road journey of mine. I took the window seat in a bus and enjoyed the view outside. After around 2 hours, the bus stopped at a restaurant. I stepped out of the bus to grab a cup of tea and sandwich. Sitting all by myself, exploring new things was a unique experience for me.

As we moved further on our journey, I spoke to the lady sitting beside me. She was also travelling alone. She told me that she travels alone quite frequently for business as well as leisure trips. She shared many interesting incidents. I enjoyed talking to her and before I could realize this beautiful road journey came to an end.

I believe road journeys are the best. I simply love them. I love travelling with my family and also enjoy travelling alone. I learned a lot during my solo road journey. It was a different experience all together.

Essay on Road Trip with Family – A Short Story – Essay 3 (400 words)

Road trips are fun. I always look forward to road trip with family. We are all so busy with our daily chores that we hardly spend any time with each other. It is during such trips that we get to spend quality time with one another. I had been on quite a few road trips with family. The best among these was our trip to the beautiful Indian town, Dalhousie.

Road Trip to Dalhousie

During my last summer vacations, we all suggested different places for road trip and finally decided to go to Dalhousie. Dalhousie is around ten hours away from our place so we decided to go for a night journey. We booked a six-seater cab to accommodate our family of five – Me, my mother, father, brother and sister.

My father chose not to drive as it was a night journey and he wanted to wake up fresh the next morning. The driver who accompanied us was not only skilled at driving in hilly areas but was also aware about the various site-seeing places in Dalhousie as he had been there few times.

We played antakshari and dumb charades and chatted with each other until late night. Next morning, we woke up as the driver stopped the car and announced we have reached our destination. The place was beautiful and the weather was amazing.

Exploring Dalhousie

Our rooms were cosy and comfortable and the view outside was mesmerizing. I could see the beautiful mountains and greenery all around. We had our breakfast, got ready and went for site-seeing. Punch Pula was the first tourist attraction we visited. It was a beautiful waterfall that offered a scenic view. We roamed around the place for some time and sat there enjoying the beauty of the nature.

Next, we went to Dainkund Peak. The view from the peak was just amazing. We then headed back to our hotel. We had dinner on the way and dosed off to sleep almost as soon as we reached our room as it had been an extremely tiring day.

Over the next two days, we saw several breathtaking places including Chamera Lake, Sach Pass, St. John’s Church, Bara Patthar Temple and Khajjar Lake. The experience was awesome. Dalhousie is a beautiful place that encompasses several spectacular tourist attractions. The best part is that it is tranquil unlike many other hill stations that are overcrowded most of the times.

Road trips with family strengthen the familial bond. Many of the fun things we indulge in during these trips are missed out in the routine life. It is these little things that bring us closer. I will always cherish the moments we spent on my road trip to Dalhousie.

Essay on Road Trip with Friends – Essay 4 (500 words)

I am lucky to have been blessed with some very good friends who are super fun to be around. I had always longed to go on a road trip with them and my wish was finally fulfilled when I reached the ninth grade. We went on a road trip to Manali. The experience was amazing.

Seeking Permission for Road Trip with Friends

Ever since we entered the sixth standard, we wanted to go for a road trip however our parents always denied permission as they thought we were too young to take good care of ourselves. Seeking permission from them was a big challenge for us. However, we did the best we could to convince them for a trip to Manali as we entered the ninth standard and at last they agreed.

Trip Organised by School

This was a trip organised by our school. We were lucky that we were being accompanied by our favourite teachers. Sine this was a school trip, we just had to pay the amount and enjoy. Every little detail of the trip was taken care of by the school management. We were all super excited about the journey and made ourselves comfortable as we boarded the bus. I took the window seat and my best friend sat next to me.

On the Way to Manali

Manali is around 12 hours away from our city. So, overnight journey was planned for the trip. We couldn’t stop giggling as we sat in the bus. The atmosphere was all cheerful. We played antakshari, cracked jokes and laughed to make the most of this time together. Soon, we were tired and dosed off to sleep. As I woke up in the morning, I saw the breathtaking view of mountains from the window. We were about to reach our destination. I opened the window to feel the fresh air on my face. It was a great start of the day.

The bus stopped at a road side dhaba where we freshened up and had breakfast. We had piping hot Maggi along with a cup of coffee for breakfast. After having this delicious food we headed further.

Site-Seeing at Manali

After relaxing for a while in the hotel, we got dressed and headed to the Hidimba Temple which is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Manali. The temple was beautiful and serene. After spending some time there we went to the mall road. We spent our evening roaming on the mall road viewing the beauty of the place.

Next day, we went to Rohtang pass which was located at a great height. The place was colder than Manali and we had our jackets on even in the month of June. The cool breeze, fresh air and scenic view of the place were a perfect recipe for rejuvenation.

The next day we shopped at the local market. I bought souvenirs for friends and family. I also brought a shawl for my mother, a watch for my sister and a woollen cap for my father. We had our dinner at a popular restaurant in Manali and then headed back home. We sat with our close pals in the bus and chatted until late at night before we dosed off to sleep.

We came back with several memories that we shall cherish forever. I look forward to many more such road trips with friends.

Essay on Road Trip – a Memorable Trip – Essay 5 (600 words)

Road trips are special. They give us the much needed break from our daily routine and bring us closer to our family members and friends. I have gone on many road trips with my family. These trips give us a chance to spend quality time with our loved ones which we miss during our routine days. One of the most memorable trips I have been on with my family was our road trip to Jaipur.

Our Road Journey to Jaipur

It was the month of December and we had our Christmas holidays. It had been long that we had planned a family trip. We decided to make the most of these holidays. So, we planned a road trip to Jaipur. The weather was perfect to roam around in the beautiful Pink City.

We started from our place at around 5 in the morning and reached Jaipur at around 2 in the afternoon. We stopped by at two places during our journey. Our first halt was at a road side dhaba which is famous for its scrumptious paranthas. We relished the paranthas with curd. We then relaxed for a while and started our journey further. Next, we stopped to have tea and stretch a bit after sitting for hours in the car.

Site Seeing in Jaipur

The weather in Jaipur was pleasant. We checked into our hotel, rested for some time and then set out for site seeing. On the first day, we saw Jal Mahal and Hawa Mahal. I was mesmerized looking at the beauty of these edifices. After this long tiring day, the scrumptious Rajasthani thali served to us for dinner was just what we needed.

The next day, we went to Nahargarh Fort. The fort was located at a hill and it took a while to reach there. The fort was spectacular and so was the view from there. Next, we went to Amer Fort which was equally beautiful. Having spent the evening in and around Amer Fort, we headed to a famous restaurant to have our dinner. I simply love Rajasthani food and the one served at this restaurant was just outstanding.

On the third day of the trip, we decided to explore the local market. Jaipur is famous for its beautiful handicraft items, bandhani suits and Jaipuri print bed sheets. There is so much to shop from. We roamed around the market eating the delicious street food and indulging in a lot of shopping. We went back to the hotel and had our dinner in the room as we had been extremely exhausted.

Visit to Chokhi Dhani

On the fourth day (which was the last day of the trip), we decided to visit Chokhi Dhani which is a beautiful place that gives a true picture of the Rajasthani culture. The place hosts numerous cultural events, displays Rajasthani art and serves scrumptious Rajasthani food. From camel rides to puppet shows, from village games to Rajasthani folk dances – this place gives the feeling of being in the heart of Rajasthan.

The place is beautifully decorated and looks all the more spectacular when it is all lit up at night. We roamed around the place, indulged in various activities and enjoyed ourselves to the chore. We also bought sovereigns from this place. After spending around four-five hours at this place, we headed back to Delhi. We took just one halt on our way back.

This was one of the best road trips with my family. I enjoyed every bit of it. Jaipur is a beautiful place that encompasses architectural marvels. The food served there is equally amazing. The company of my family members made it all the more special. We came back with numerous beautiful memories that I will cherish forever. I wish to visit this place again.

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Mark Kelly and Gabby Giffords on Their IVF Journey: 'Freedom to Start a Family Is Under Threat' (Exclusive)

In an exclusive essay for PEOPLE, the married Arizona lawmakers share how a gunman stole their dreams of having a child together — and why they fear politicians will do the same to other families

Our lives changed forever on January 8th, 2011, when a gunman opened fire at a "Congress on Your Corner" event in Tucson. Six lives were lost , many more were injured, and Gabby was shot in the head . Of everything that changed that day — both of us halting our careers, the beginning of a long, difficult road to recovery — we also lost something we wanted very much: the opportunity to have a child together.

The shooting happened on a Saturday morning. Two days later, we were supposed to have an appointment at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Washington, where Gabby had been receiving fertility treatments, to have our embryos implanted to try to begin a pregnancy. Like a lot of folks, we got married a little later in our lives. One of us had two beautiful daughters from a previous marriage; one of us had never had kids. We wanted to grow our family together and were fortunate enough to be able to pursue the only option for us: in vitro fertilization, or IVF. Gabby never made it to that appointment.

Office of Senator Mark Kelly

These past few months, as we’ve seen reproductive freedoms increasingly under attack in the absence of the protections of  Roe v. Wade ,  our hearts break for the couples who, all of a sudden, can’t decide for themselves how and when to start their family.

The IVF process is extensive and expensive. In order to create a viable embryo, women must inject hormonal medication to increase egg production and then have those eggs retrieved. It’s invasive, and many women experience pain and uncomfortable changes in their bodies. Still, for many couples who struggle to become parents, IVF is the safest — or in some cases only — option to achieve their hope of becoming pregnant.

Kevin Dietsch/Getty

With everything the shooting forced us to leave behind, we weren’t ready to let go of our dream of having a child together. But eventually, we had to. That loss was its own agony.

We don’t dwell on what could have been. Gabby’s philosophy is “Move ahead,” and that’s what we did to rebuild our lives and find our purpose after what happened to our family. We have a vibrant family we love, including a granddaughter who brings us so much joy.

Make no mistake: The freedom to start a family with IVF is under threat. In Alabama, a decision from the state Supreme Court made IVF virtually impossible for a period of time. In Arizona, the state legislature passed a law that would have threatened access to IVF in our state if it hadn’t been for a veto by Gov. Katie Hobbs . In Washington, the majority of House Republicans are cosponsors of a fetal personhood bill that, if signed into law, would endanger access to IVF for every American.

Our dream of having a child together was taken away by a gunman. The dreams of Americans to have a child together could be taken away by politicians.

This isn’t happening by chance. It’s the result of years of anti-choice efforts and the appointment of judges by governors and presidents like Donald Trump who are hostile to reproductive rights. Donald Trump said himself that he “broke”  Roe v. Wade ,  which set off a series of attacks on reproductive freedoms.

Twenty states now have abortion bans, including Arizona , where our state has been in turmoil between two abortion bans, both of which endanger women’s health and threaten doctors with jail time.

And it doesn’t stop there. Last week, the Supreme Court threw out a case attempting to rein in approval of abortion medication also used to treat miscarriages. But this won’t be the end. Other states could and will again challenge mifepristone, just as state abortion bans are threatening to undo a federal law that requires emergency care for pregnant women when their lives are in danger, including abortion care if necessary. The right to birth control could very well be the next target.

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Despite this real threat, Republicans in Congress have multiple times in recent weeks blocked legislation that would protect access to IVF and contraception for all Americans. The truth is there is a real danger of our country moving backwards — even further than we already have.

Growing a family is never simple, even in the best of circumstances. We know that. When and how to do it is among the most personal decisions anyone makes. We know that, too. The government, whether its politicians or judges, has no business making those decisions for you. They should be yours alone.

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Essay on My Travel Experience

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Travel Experience in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Travel Experience

Introduction to travel.

Travel is like a book with many chapters, each telling a different story. My travel stories are full of colors, sounds, and tastes from new places.

Meeting New People

When I travel, I meet people with lives very different from mine. They share their stories and I learn new things. It’s like making friends in a playground.

Seeing Nature’s Beauty

Nature is a great painter. In my travels, I’ve seen mountains like giant guards and oceans whispering with waves. Each place shows me a new picture of the world.

Learning About Cultures

Every place has its own way of living, like a unique game everyone plays. I’ve seen dances, clothes, and foods that are special to each place.

Traveling is a joyful adventure. It’s like jumping into a book where every page is a surprise. I can’t wait to see where my next trip takes me.

250 Words Essay on My Travel Experience

My first trip.

My first trip was to a beautiful beach town. The sun was bright and the waves were gentle. I went there with my family during summer break. We packed our bags with clothes, snacks, and games.

We started our journey in our car early in the morning. The roads were not busy and the trip felt quick. We played songs and I looked out the window at the trees and hills passing by.

When we arrived, the first thing I saw was the vast blue sea. It was amazing! The beach had soft sand and I could hear the sound of the waves. We built sandcastles and collected pretty shells.

Trying New Food

We ate at a small restaurant near the beach. I tried seafood for the first time. It was different but tasty. We also had ice cream which was perfect in the warm weather.

Fun Activities

We did many fun things like swimming and playing beach volleyball. I also took a boat ride with my dad. It was exciting to see the water around us and feel the breeze.

Coming Back Home

After three days, it was time to go back home. I was sad but happy with all the new memories. The trip made me love traveling and I can’t wait to go on another adventure.

500 Words Essay on My Travel Experience

Introduction to my journey.

Traveling is like opening a book with pages filled with new pictures, words, and stories. I have been lucky to experience this joy through my travels. I want to share my travel experience, which was both fun and educational, in a way that is easy for everyone to understand.

Planning the Trip

Before going on any trip, planning is very important. I remember sitting with my family and deciding where to go. We looked at maps, read about places on the internet, and talked about what we wanted to see. We chose a place that had both mountains and a beach. Then, we made a list of things to take with us, like clothes, snacks, and a camera to capture our memories.

The Journey Begins

The day we left for our trip was filled with excitement. We woke up early, packed our car, and started our adventure. As we drove, I watched the trees and buildings pass by my window. I played games with my siblings and listened to music. The journey was long, but it was also a chance to see new places outside my usual surroundings.

Exploring New Places

When we reached our destination, I was amazed by the new sights. The mountains were tall and covered with green trees, and the sea was a beautiful blue. We went hiking in the mountains, and I felt like an explorer discovering a new land. On the beach, I built sandcastles and collected shells. Every place we visited had its own story and people who lived there, and I learned a lot just by looking around and talking to them.

One of the best parts of traveling is trying food that you don’t get at home. I tasted new fruits that grew in the mountains and ate seafood that was caught in the sea that same day. Some foods were strange at first, but I found that it’s fun to try new things.

Making Memories

Every day of our trip, I took pictures and wrote in a journal. I wanted to remember everything: the sights, the sounds, and how I felt. When I look back at those photos and read my notes, I can relive the trip all over again. These memories are like treasures that I will keep forever.

Learning Through Travel

Traveling taught me so much. I learned about nature, different cultures, and history. I also learned to be patient during long journeys and to be open to new experiences. Seeing new places made me curious about the world and eager to learn more.

My travel experience was more than just a holiday. It was a chance to see the world with my own eyes and learn things that books and school could not teach me. I made memories that will last a lifetime and found out that every place has its own magic. I can’t wait to go on my next trip and discover more about our amazing world.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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    Editor's Note: We know that many of you are looking for help writing travel experience essays for school or simply writing about a trip for your friends or family. To inspire you and help you ...

  4. Essay on Vacation With Family

    The Essence of Vacationing with Family. Vacationing with family is an experience that transcends the boundaries of mere enjoyment. It is a time of bonding, understanding, and creating memories that last a lifetime. It is an opportunity to escape the monotony of daily life, to explore new places, and to immerse ourselves in diverse cultures and ...

  5. Essay on Travelling With Family

    There are numerous benefits to travelling with family. First and foremost, it allows families to spend quality time together and create lasting memories. Travelling together provides a unique opportunity to bond and connect in a way that is not possible in everyday life. It also exposes children to new cultures, experiences, and perspectives ...

  6. Sun, Sand, and Memories: A Trip to the Beach Trip with Family

    This essay recounts the joy and significance of a beach trip, whether it's spent with family or friends, and the cherished memories that emerge from these shared moments. A Family Retreat. ... Regardless of whether the beach trip is with family or friends, the experiences shared hold immeasurable value. The salt-kissed air, the sound of ...

  7. Bali Island in Family Trip Experience

    This descriptive essay is going to capture the central role that Bali Island has played in bringing together my family (Herbst, 1997). We chose it as our number one vacation destination and it did pay dividends. The time we spent together as a family unit made us closer than ever before. Get a custom Essay on Bali Island in Family Trip Experience.

  8. Travelling with family: What are the benefits?

    4. Travelling with family is life enriching. Travel teaches children the importance of making memories and enjoying experiences, rather than wanting possessions. Family adventures promote independence, self-confidence and interpersonal skills. Days spent hiking through the mountains and swimming in the sea, promote an active lifestyle and ...

  9. Short Essay: My Adventurous Trip

    My Adventurous Trip Essay Example #2. My adventurous trip was an experience of a lifetime. It was a chance for me to step out of my comfort zone and explore the great outdoors. The trip was filled with activities such as hiking, camping, and kayaking. The beautiful scenery and wildlife sightings made the trip memorable.

  10. My First International Trip: [Essay Example], 675 words

    The experience of navigating unfamiliar territory, engaging with diverse cultures, and embracing the unknown instilled within me a sense of resilience, empathy, and openness. ... The Importance of Travelling During College Essay "Just to travel is rather boring, but to travel with a purpose is educational and exciting" - Sargent Shriver. ...

  11. Travels: Personal Experience

    Travel involves visiting new places and meeting new people and having varied experiences. I come originally from Romania and have travelled to UK and US. I remember the quote by Samuel Johnson: "All travel has its advantages. If the passenger visits better countries, he may learn to improve his own.

  12. Personal Essay: My Family Trip

    Traveling with your kids is a fabulous experience, rewarding as ever. Travel is a way to strengthen family ties while exploring the world. Whether you are going to France or abroad, be sure that these trips will leave an unforgettable memory for your children! But this can quickly turn into a nightmare without a minimum of preparation.

  13. My Transformational Traveling Experience: Embracing the Unknown: [Essay

    My first significant travel experience was a family trip to Europe. At the time, I was a teenager, and I had never been outside of the United States before. ... Adventure tourism has emerged as a popular and thriving sector within the broader travel industry. This essay delves into the dynamics of adventure tourism, exploring its appeal ...

  14. How To Write a Good Travel Essay

    8 tips for an outstanding essay on travelling. Here are 8 tips that you can cash on to produce a winning travelling essay: Be specific with the destination. Before you choose a topic for your travel essay, keep the time spent in the location in mind. If your trip is just for a couple of days, then do not make the mistake of writing about an ...

  15. Essay on Trip With Family

    Significance of Family Trips. Family trips serve as a platform to foster deeper connections. The shared experiences, from planning the journey to overcoming travel mishaps, contribute to building trust and understanding. They also provide an avenue for parents to impart valuable life lessons to their children in a practical, engaging setting.

  16. Travel: Personal Experience: [Essay Example], 519 words

    Travel: Personal Experience. Travel is more than just a journey from one place to another; it is an opportunity for personal growth, cultural understanding, and the creation of lasting memories. In this essay, we will explore the transformative power of personal travel experiences and how they impact personal development, foster cross-cultural ...

  17. How To Write a Good Travel Essay

    The primary purpose of writing a traveling essay is to entertain your readers. So, there's no need to show off by using literary words or highly academic structure. Instead, use an active voice, try to be friendly, and bring readers closer to your story. In this kind of essay, your writing intelligence depends on your ability to amuse people ...

  18. Essay on Trip With Family

    Essay on Trip With Family: Traveling with family can be a wonderful experience filled with laughter, bonding, and unforgettable memories. Whether it's a road trip to a nearby destination or a grand adventure to a far-off land, the time spent exploring new places and creating shared experiences can strengthen the bonds between family members.

  19. Essay on Travel Experience [200, 500 Words] With PDF

    Essay on Travel Experience in 200 words. We travel to get away from the monotony of our daily lives. It's a refreshing diversion from the monotony of everyday life. It allows our minds to relax and gives our inner child the opportunity to play. Some trip memories are nostalgic and melancholy, while others are daring and exhilarating.

  20. I Went on a Cruise Vacation With 3 Generations of My Family

    I went on my first cruise with 3 generations of my family, and it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life Essay by Adam England 2024-06-23T08:51:01Z

  21. Summer Vacation with My Family

    Essay, Pages 2 (437 words) Views. 2952. It such a great vacation to have my family during vacation days. I know that everybody is always looking for a class to end even a school year just started, because this is the time that I unwind from the stress that I get during the class hours. During summer vacation I always tend to be lazy like ...

  22. Essay on My First Travel Experience

    It was about spending quality time with family, trying new things, and making memories. Truly, my first travel experience was unforgettable. 250 Words Essay on My First Travel Experience Introduction. My first travel experience was a profound journey that enriched my understanding of the world and myself. It was not merely a physical relocation ...

  23. (Essay on Road Trip) in English for Children and Students

    I believe road journeys are the best. I simply love them. I love travelling with my family and also enjoy travelling alone. I learned a lot during my solo road journey. It was a different experience all together. Essay on Road Trip with Family - A Short Story - Essay 3 (400 words) Introduction. Road trips are fun.

  24. Persuasive Essay (docx)

    In my experience, I found that it was very hard for me to book online by myself or research information through many travel magazines, travel websites, and online bookings, and some advice from my family and my friend who already spent their honeymoons before. For example, I planned to travel to Thailand, and I was not familiar with the Internet, and there was a lot of misinformation while ...

  25. Sen. Mark Kelly and Gabby Giffords Share Their Fears for IVF: Exclusive

    Mark Kelly and Gabby Giffords on Their IVF Journey: 'Freedom to Start a Family Is Under Threat' (Exclusive) In an exclusive essay for PEOPLE, the married Arizona lawmakers share how a gunman stole ...

  26. Cisco Provider Connectivity Assurance

    Provider Connectivity Assurance provides cloud-native service assurance with AI-native performance analytics and end-user experience solutions.

  27. Essay on My Travel Experience

    500 Words Essay on My Travel Experience Introduction to My Journey. Traveling is like opening a book with pages filled with new pictures, words, and stories. I have been lucky to experience this joy through my travels. I want to share my travel experience, which was both fun and educational, in a way that is easy for everyone to understand.

  28. Biden announces new executive action protecting some undocumented

    The Biden administration on Tuesday announced an executive action allowing certain undocumented spouses and children of US citizens to apply for lawful permanent residency without leaving the ...