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Translation of "virtual" into Urdu

اصلی, مجازی, حقیقی are the top translations of "virtual" into Urdu. Sample translated sentence: You'd be entering a virtual world with a virtual language. ↔ آپ ایک مجازی دنیا میں داخل ہو جائیں گے ایک قیاسی زبان کے ساتھ۔۔

In effect or essence, if not in fact or reality; imitated, simulated. [..]

English-Urdu dictionary

Of or pertaining to a device or service that appears to the user as something it actually is not or that does not physically exist.

You'd be entering a virtual world with a virtual language.

آپ ایک مجازی دنیا میں داخل ہو جائیں گے ایک قیاسی زبان کے ساتھ۔۔

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Automatic translations of " virtual " into Urdu

Images with "virtual", phrases similar to "virtual" with translations into urdu.

  • virtual private network مجازی نجی نیٹ ورک
  • Headphone Virtualization mode ہیڈ فون مجازیت موڈ
  • virtual directory اصلی ڈائرکٹری
  • Virtualization Mode مجازیت موڈ
  • virtual address مجازی پتہ
  • virtual machine علامتی مشین
  • virtual memory مجازی حافظہ

Translations of "virtual" into Urdu in sentences, translation memory


معنوی ۔ واقعی ۔ فی الواقع ۔ اصلی ۔

اصلی، فل واقع، حقیقی، معنوی

Virtual definitions in Urdu

  • ان نکات سے متعلق جب پچھڑے پیدا ہوتے ہیں تو کرنیں ملتی ہیں
  • انتہائی مختصر زندگی گزارنے اور (غیر یقینی صورتحال کی بناء پر) غیر یقینی طور پر بڑی توانائیاں رکھنے والے ذرات یا تعامل کی نشاندہی کرنا ، جو کچھ عمل میں انٹرمیڈیٹ کی حیثیت سے مرتب کی جاتی ہے
  • تقریبا or یا تقریبا as جیسا کہ بیان کیا گیا ہے ، لیکن مکمل طور پر یا سخت تعریف کے مطابق نہیں
  • تقریبا ہر لحاظ سے حقیقت میں ایسا ہونا
  • جسمانی طور پر اس طرح کے طور پر موجود نہیں ہے لیکن ایسا کرتے دکھائی دینے کیلئے سافٹ ویئر کے ذریعہ بنایا گیا ہے
  • جوہر یا اثر میں موجودہ اگرچہ حقیقت میں نہیں ہے
  • خاص طور پر کسی نیٹ ورک کے ذریعہ ، کمپیوٹر کے ذریعہ انجام پایا ، اس تک رسائی حاصل کی یا اس کو ذخیرہ کیا

Virtual meaning in English

  • Denoting particles or interactions with extremely short lifetimes and (owing to the uncertainty principle) indefinitely great energies, postulated as intermediates in some processes
  • Relating to the points at which rays would meet if produced backward
  • Not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so
  • Almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition
  • existing in essence or effect though not in actual fact "a virtual dependence on charity" "a virtual revolution" "virtual reality"
  • being actually such in almost every respect "a practical failure" "the once elegant temple lay in virtual ruin"

Virtual Synonyms and Antonyms

practical realistic

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Translation of virtually – English–Urdu dictionary

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virtually adverb ( ALMOST )

  • By midnight I was virtually comatose.
  • We can catch the vast majority of people , but hunting down every last tax dodger is virtually impossible .
  • Torn apart by war , its economy virtually destroyed , this country now faces a very uncertain future .
  • A generation ago, home computers were virtually unknown .
  • The hospital had virtually given her up for dead , but she eventually recovered .

virtually adverb ( BY COMPUTER )

(Translation of virtually from the Cambridge English–Urdu Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

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virtual meaning in Urdu

For Urdu-speaking persons who want to learn English from Urdu , the virtual meaning in Urdu,  its use in sentences, and its synonyms with Urdu translation, are presented here.   Also, see the meaning of virtually in Urdu and its use in sentences.

virtual meaning in Urdu

virtual definition in Urdu

کوئی چیز جو جسمانی طور پر موجود نہ ہو لیکن کسی اور طریقے سے تقریباً ویسی ہی بنا دی گئی ہو  جیسے کوئی تخیلاتی  عکس تو اسے انگلش میں virtual   کہا جاتا ہے۔   جیسے آج کل کمپیوٹر یا موبائیل کے ذریعے کوئی میٹنگ جس میں لوگ  جسمانی طور پر موجود نہ ہوں لیکن  اسکرین پر ایک دوسرے کو دیکھ رہے ہوں اور بات چیت کر رہے ہوں تو اسے  virtual meeting  کہا جاتا ہے۔ کوئی چیز جو  online  ہو رہی ہو کے لئیے   virtual  کا لفظ استعمال کیا جاتا ہے۔  کچھ جگہوں پر  virtual assistant  رکھے جاتے ہیں جو جسمانی طور پر کسی اور جگہ پر ہوتے ہیں لیکن  online   دوسری جگہوں پرمختلف کام سر انجام دیتے ہیں۔

virtual  اِن معنوں میں بھی استعمال ہوتا ہے: حقیقی،  در حقیقت،  اصلی،  واقعی

لفظ   virtual ایک  adjective  ہے۔ اس  کا جملوں میں استعمال  دیکھیں:۔

virtual” used in sentences"

"synonyms of “virtual, :other related word, virtually meaning in urdu.

virtually meaning in Urdu

virtually" used in sentences"

انگلش کے دیگر اہم الفاظ کے معنی اور ان کا جملوں میں استعمال دیکھنے کے لئیے اس ویب سائیٹ  کے اس سیکشن کو وزٹ کریں

انگلش سیکھنے یا اپنی انگلش بہتر کرنے کے لئیے ہمارے یہ صفحات دیکھیں:ـ

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Definitions and Meaning of virtual in English

Virtual adjective.

  • "a virtual dependence on charity"
  • "a virtual revolution"
  • "virtual reality"
  • "a practical failure"
  • "the once elegant temple lay in virtual ruin"

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Virtual Meaning in Urdu

Definition & synonyms.

existing in essence or effect though not in actual fact

Effective , Essential , factual , implicit, implied , Potential , Practical , proper, Real , True , veritable

Virtual Meaning With Definition in Urdu

Virtual meaning in urdu is خٰالی - khiyaali, it is a english word used in various contexts. Virtual meaning is accurately described in both English and Urdu here. This reliable online English to Urdu dictionary offers synonyms and multiple meanings of each word. It's a convenient tool for expanding your vocabulary. Unlock the essence of "Virtual meaning in Urdu" with our comprehensive exploration and don't hesitate to search for other words and their meanings using this reliable resource.

What is mean by Virtual in Urdu?

Virtual meaning in Urdu is خٰالی - khiyaali.

What is the synonym of Virtual

Synonym of Virtual is Effective , Essential , factual , implicit, implied , Potential , Practical , proper, Real , True , veritable .

What is the definition of Virtual.

Definition of Virtual is existing in essence or effect though not in actual fact.

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Virtual Meaning In Urdu

Virtual Meaning In Urdu


In the Urdu Language , the Virtual Meaning is “Khiyaali خیالی”. It refers to something that does not exist in reality but is only imagined or a thing that is in digital form.

Virtual Meaning In Urdu

Synonyms of Virtual

  • Computer-generated
  • Internet-based

Antonyms of Virtual

  • Substantial

Antonyms of Virtual

Virtual Meaning is, “Khiyaali خیالی”. A thing that does not exist in reality is called imaginary or artificial. Such things do not exist in the real state and these things exist only up to the computer screen. In today’s modern age, there are many things that we take for granted but they are just illusions. We are surrounded by many virtual things that are not real but they play an important role in our lives such as software, and data on computer screens and cell phone screens.

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Virtual Meaning In Urdu

سادہ مثالوں اور تعریفوں کے ساتھ virtual کا حقیقی معنی جانیں۔, definitions of virtual.

1 . تقریباً یا تقریباً جیسا کہ بیان کیا گیا ہے، لیکن مکمل یا سختی سے بیان نہیں کیا گیا ہے۔

1 . almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition.

2 . یہ جسمانی طور پر اس طرح موجود نہیں ہے لیکن ایسا کرنے کے لیے سافٹ ویئر کے ذریعے تخلیق کیا گیا ہے۔

2 . not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so.

3 . ان پوائنٹس سے متعلق جہاں شعاعیں مخالف سمت میں پیدا ہونے پر ملیں گی۔

3 . relating to the points at which rays would meet if produced backwards.

4 . کسی نظام میں کسی نقطہ کی لامحدود نقل مکانی سے متعلق یا اس کی نشاندہی کرنا۔

4 . relating to or denoting infinitesimal displacements of a point in a system.

5 . انتہائی مختصر زندگی کے ساتھ ذرات یا تعاملات کی نشاندہی کرنا اور (غیر یقینی کے اصول کی وجہ سے) غیر معینہ مدت تک بڑی توانائیاں، جو کچھ عملوں میں درمیانی کے طور پر وضع کی جاتی ہیں۔

5 . denoting particles or interactions with extremely short lifetimes and (owing to the uncertainty principle) indefinitely great energies, postulated as intermediates in some processes.

Examples of Virtual :

1 . دیکھیں ورچوئل مشین کیا ہے؟ اس پر مزید کے لیے۔

1 . See What Is a Virtual Machine? for more on this.

2 . ورچوئل اور بڑھا ہوا حقیقت۔

2 . virtual and augmented reality.

3 . رویے کی سائنس اور کمپیوٹر سائنس کے درمیان تعلق تقریباً غیر موجود تھا۔

3 . the intersection between behavioral science and computer science was virtual ly nonexistent.

4 . نہ صرف یہ کہ پودینے کے ٹوتھ پیسٹ کا ذائقہ عملی طور پر کسی بھی کھانے سے ٹکراتا ہے، بلکہ برش کرنے سے پاولووین ردعمل بھی پیدا ہو سکتا ہے جو آپ کے دماغ کو بتاتا ہے کہ کچن بند ہے۔

4 . that minty toothpaste flavor not only clashes with virtual ly every food, brushing may also trigger a pavlovian response that tells your brain the kitchen's closed.

5 . ورچوئل مشینوں کا بیک اپ لینا۔

5 . backing up virtual machines.

6 . پھر بین الثقافتی ٹیمیں بھی ورچوئل ٹیمیں ہیں۔

6 . Then intercultural teams are also virtual teams.

7 . ان کی تعداد اربوں میں ہوسکتی ہے، اور ان سب کے پاس ایک ورچوئل ڈوپل گینگر ہوگا۔

7 . Their number could be in the billions, and they all would have a virtual doppelganger.

8 . ورچوئل امیج حیرت انگیز ہے۔

8 . Virtual -image is amazing

9 . ورچوئل امیج میرا فرار ہے۔

9 . Virtual -image is my escape

10 . مجازی دنیا کا خزانہ!

10 . trove- virtual worlds land!

11 . ورچوئل امیج مستقبل ہے۔

11 . Virtual -image is the future

12 . یہ ورچوئل رئیلٹی کا مستند سال ہے۔

12 . is the bonafide year of virtual reality.

13 . کیا لیبرا ای منی ہے یا ایک ورچوئل کرنسی ہے؟

13 . Is Libra e-money or rather a virtual currency?

14 . کچھ ممالک ورچوئل پرائیویٹ نیٹ ورکس پر پابندی کیوں لگاتے ہیں؟

14 . Why Some Countries Ban Virtual Private Networks?

15 . صارفین کے لیے واضح حل ورچوئل بیٹریاں ہیں۔

15 . The obvious solution for prosumers are virtual batteries.

16 . اگر مقامی فوڈ بینک بہت زیادہ محسوس کرتا ہے، تو عملی طور پر رضاکارانہ طور پر کام کریں۔

16 . If the local food bank feels like too much, volunteer virtual ly.

17 . تو یہ ایک قسم کی ورچوئل I کے بارے میں ہے یا ہم اسے اپنی الٹر ایگو بھی کہہ سکتے ہیں۔

17 . So it is about a kind of virtual I or we could also call it our alter ego.

18 . انہوئی اور یونان میں خواتین سماجی بہبود کے بہت سے فوائد سے عملی طور پر غیر محفوظ تھیں۔

18 . Women in Anhui and Yunnan were virtual ly unprotected by many social welfare benefits.

19 . وہ عملی طور پر مرکزی بینکوں کی بیلنس شیٹ میں موجود ہیں، حقیقی دنیا میں نہیں۔

19 . They exist virtual ly, in the balance sheets of central banks, not in the real world.”

20 . "ورچوئل پی بی ایکس کی کامیابی دو کمپنیوں کے درمیان قریبی تعاون کا نتیجہ ہے۔

20 . "The success of Virtual PBX is the result of close cooperation between two companies.


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Virtual reality.

  • فی الواقع حقیقت، شبیہہ یا ماحول جسے کمپیوٹر کے سافٹ وئیر نے تخلیق کیا ہو اور استعمال کنندہ، بعض ضروری چیزیں پہن کر، اس سے حقیقی تعلق قائم کر سکتا ہے جیسے آہنی ٹوپ مع اسکرین، مماس دار دستانے۔.

Urdu words for virtual reality

ˌvɜː.tju.əl riˈæl.ɪ.ti, virtual reality के उर्दू अर्थ.

  • फ़िलवाक़े हक़ीक़त, शबीहा या माहौल जिसे कम्पयूटर के सॉफ्टवेर ने तख़लीक़ क्या हो और इस्तिमाल कनुंदा, बाअज़ ज़रूरी चीज़ें पहन कर, इस से हक़ीक़ी ताल्लुक़ क़ायम कर सकता है जैसे आहनी टोप मा स्क्रीन, मुमासदार दस्ताने।

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Visit meaning in Urdu

Visit sentences, visit synonyms, visit definitions.

1 of 5) Visit : کہیں جانا : (noun) the act of going to see some person or place or thing for a short time.

He dropped by for a visit.

2 of 5) Visit , Inspect : سرکاری طور پر معائنہ کرنا : (verb) come to see in an official or professional capacity.

The governor visited the prison. The grant administrator visited the laboratory.

3 of 5) Visit , Sojourn : کسی جگہ عارضی طور پر کچھ عرصہ رہنا : (noun) a temporary stay (e.g., as a guest).

4 of 5) Visit , Bring Down , Impose , Inflict : غصہ اتارنا , نزلہ گرانا : (verb) impose something unpleasant.

The principal visited his rage on the students.

5 of 5) Visit , Chaffer , Chat , Chatter , Chew The Fat , Chit-Chat , Chitchat , Claver , Confab , Confabulate , Gossip , Jaw , Natter , Shoot The Breeze : گپ شپ کرنا : (verb) talk socially without exchanging too much information.

Useful Words

Visiting The Sick : بیمار کی خیریت دریافت کرنا , Revisit : دوبارہ جانا , Come By : آتے جاتے رہنا , Adrian : رومی بادشاہ , Blink Of An Eye : لمحہ , Acts : کتاب اعمال عہدنامہ جدید , Examine : جانچنا , Jinx : منحوس , Bring In : لانا , Peripatetic : چہل قدمی کرنے والا , Kingmaker : سیاست میں کسی کو اقتدار میں لانے والا , Wee : تہوڑا سا وقت , Barely : مشکل سے , Shortly : جلد ہی , Briefly : مختصراً , Awhile : کچھ وقت کے لیے , In No Time : کم وقت میں , Transiently : عارضی طور پر , Arrest Warrant : عدالتی وارنٹ , Transient : دو دن کا مہمان , Bit : پل , Ephemeral : عارضی , Event : واقع , Cat Sleep : ذرا دیر سونا , Temporariness : عارضیت , Ephemerality : کم حیاتی , Custody : حراست , Faddish : فیشن سے متعلق , Yesterday : ماضی قریب , Adjournment : التوا , Civilisation : تہذیب

Useful Words Definitions

Visiting The Sick: visit a person who is sick and not feeling well and ask about his or her health .

Revisit: visit again.

Come By: visit informally and spontaneously.

Adrian: Roman Emperor who was the adoptive son of Trajan; travelled throughout his empire to strengthen its frontiers and encourage learning and architecture; on a visit to Britain in 122 he ordered the construction of Hadrian`s Wall (76-138).

Blink Of An Eye: a very short time (as the time it takes the eye to blink or the heart to beat).

Acts: a New Testament book describing the development of the early church from Christ`s Ascension to Paul`s sojourn at Rome.

Examine: observe, check out, and look over carefully or inspect.

Jinx: a person believed to bring bad luck to those around him.

Bring In: bring in a new person or object into a familiar environment.

Peripatetic: a person who walks from place to place.

Kingmaker: an important person who can bring leaders to power through the exercise of political influence.

Wee: a short time.

Barely: only a very short time before.

Shortly: for a short time.

Briefly: for a short time.

Awhile: for a short time.

In No Time: in a relatively short time.

Transiently: for a very short time.

Arrest Warrant: a warrant authorizing law enforcement officials to apprehend an offender and bring that person to court.

Transient: one who stays for only a short time.

Bit: an indefinitely short time.

Ephemeral: lasting a very short time.

Event: something that happens at a given place and time.

Cat Sleep: sleeping for a short period of time (usually not in bed).

Temporariness: the property of lasting only a short time.

Ephemerality: the property of lasting for a very short time.

Custody: a state of being confined (usually for a short time).

Faddish: intensely fashionable for a short time.

Yesterday: in the recent past; only a short time ago.

Adjournment: the act of postponing to another time or place.

Civilisation: a particular society at a particular time and place.

Related Words

Stay : رہنا , Coming Together : ملاقات , Communicate : سمجھانا , Dictate : حکم جاری کرنا , Intrude : خلل ڈالنا , Give : سزا دینا , Foist : بوج دوسرے پر ڈالنا , Converse : گفتگو کرنا

Next of Visit

Visitant : someone who visits.

Previous of Visit

Viscous : having the sticky properties of an adhesive.

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It helps you understand the word Visit with comprehensive detail, no other web page in our knowledge can explain Visit better than this page. The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Visit but also gives extensive definition in English language. The definition of Visit is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Visit. All of this may seem less if you are unable to learn exact pronunciation of Visit, so we have embedded mp3 recording of native Englishman, simply click on speaker icon and listen how English speaking people pronounce Visit. We hope this page has helped you understand Visit in detail, if you find any mistake on this page, please keep in mind that no human being can be perfect.

Urdu Dictionary

Meaning of Virtual in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of Virtual in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Short Information in Urdu, Related, Definition, Wikipedia Reference, Synonyms, Antonyms,

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  2. virtual

    The Rekhta Dictionary is a significant initiative of Rekhta Foundation towards preservation and promotion of Urdu language. A dedicated team is continuously working to make you get authentic meanings of Urdu words with ease and speed. Kindly donate to help us sustain our efforts towards building the best trilingual Urdu dictionary for all.

  3. virtual

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  4. Virtual Meaning In Urdu

    There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Virtual in Urdu is اصلی, and in roman we write it Asli. The other meanings are Zaati, Haqeeqi, Asli, Khayali, Fi Al Waqea, Baatini, Qiyaasi and Majazi. Virtual is an adjective according to parts of speech. It finds its origins in Late Middle English (also in the ...

  5. VISIT

    VISIT translate: جانا, دیکھنا(کسی سے ملنے جانا), انٹرنیٹ پر ویب سائٹ دیکھنا, جائزہ لینا, دورہ, کسی جگہ یا کسی شخص سے…. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Urdu Dictionary.

  6. virtual in Urdu

    Translation of "virtual" into Urdu. اصلی, مجازی, حقیقی are the top translations of "virtual" into Urdu. Sample translated sentence: You'd be entering a virtual world with a virtual language. ↔ آپ ایک مجازی دنیا میں داخل ہو جائیں گے ایک قیاسی زبان کے ساتھ۔۔. virtual adjective noun ...

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    virtual definition: Denoting particles or interactions with extremely short lifetimes and owing to the uncertainty principle indefinitely great energies postulated as intermediates in some processes Relating to the poin

  8. virtually

    virtually translate: تقریباً, تقریباً حقیقی (کمپیوٹر کے ذریعہ). Learn more in the Cambridge English-Urdu Dictionary.

  9. Virtual meaning in Urdu

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  11. virtual meaning in Urdu

    For Urdu-speaking persons who want to learn English from Urdu, the virtual meaning in Urdu, its use in sentences, and its synonyms with Urdu translation, are presented here. ... The web app provides a virtual tour of the stadium.

  12. virtual Urdu Meanings

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  13. virtual meaning in Urdu

    The word or phrase virtual refers to existing in essence or effect though not in actual fact, or being actually such in almost every respect. See virtual meaning in Urdu, virtual definition, translation and meaning of virtual in Urdu. Find virtual similar words, virtual synonyms. Learn and practice the pronunciation of virtual.

  14. virtually

    virtually کے اردو معانی. پوشیدہ. اَصْل میں. فی الْحَقِیقَت. فی الواقع. Disclaimer: This is Beta version of Rekhta Dictionary undergoing final testing before its official release. In case of any discrepancy, please write to us at [email protected]. or Critique us.

  15. Virtual Translation in Urdu » Virtual Meaning in Urdu

    You are seeing Virtual translation in Urdu. You can find other words matching your search Virtual also. "Virtual" Meaning in Urdu is "معنوی، واقعی، فی الواقع، اصلی". We are showing all the meanings of word " Virtual" even if it is noun, verb or adjective. If you want sentence or paragraph translation online then please ...

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    Virtual meaning in urdu is خٰالی - khiyaali, it is a english word used in various contexts. Virtual meaning is accurately described in both English and Urdu here. This reliable online English to Urdu dictionary offers synonyms and multiple meanings of each word. It's a convenient tool for expanding your vocabulary.

  17. Virtual Meaning In Urdu

    Virtual Meaning In Urdu. Virtual Meaning is, "Khiyaali خیالی". A thing that does not exist in reality is called imaginary or artificial. Such things do not exist in the real state and these things exist only up to the computer screen. In today's modern age, there are many things that we take for granted but they are just illusions.

  18. Visit Meaning In Urdu

    Definitions of Visit. n. The act of visiting, or going to see a person or thing; a brief stay of business, friendship, ceremony, curiosity, or the like, usually longer than a call. n. The act of going to view or inspect; an official or formal inspection; examination; visitation. intransitive v.

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  20. Virtually Meaning In Urdu

    There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Virtually in Urdu is اصل میں, and in roman we write it Asal Mein. The other meanings are Asal Mein and Fi Al Waqea. Virtually is an adverb according to parts of speech. There are also several similar words to Virtually in our dictionary, which are Around ...

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    virtual reality کے اردو معانی. پوشیدہ. اسم. فی الواقع حقیقت، شبیہہ یا ماحول جسے کمپیوٹر کے سافٹ وئیر نے تخلیق کیا ہو اور استعمال کنندہ، بعض ضروری چیزیں پہن کر، اس سے حقیقی تعلق قائم کر سکتا ہے جیسے ...

  22. Visit Urdu Meaning with 5 Definitions and Sentence(s)

    Visit Definitions. 1 of 5) Visit : کہیں جانا : (noun) the act of going to see some person or place or thing for a short time. He dropped by for a visit. 2 of 5) Visit, Inspect : سرکاری طور پر معائنہ کرنا : (verb) come to see in an official or professional capacity. The governor visited the prison.

  23. Meaning of Virtual in Urdu

    Meaning and Translation of Virtual in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Short Information in Urdu, Related, Definition, Wikipedia Reference, Synonyms, Antonyms, Urdu Meaning or Translation. virtual: khayali: خيالي ...