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Safari Disco Club

Lyrics submitted by DDmmYY

Safari Disco Club Lyrics as written by Julie Budet Jean Francois Perrier

Lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc.

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yelle safari disco club lyrics

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Can you see me flying away, flying? I see you down low, sleeping, sleeping, Hold onto me, it’s crazy, crazy, What we’ll see here, I promise you, promise,

The animals dance in the Safari Disco Club The animals dance in the Safari Disco Club The animals dance in the Safari Disco Club The animals dance in the Safari Disco Club

I want to taste everything, I want to taste, to taste, To know the taste of sin, sin, To eat into your poisoned apple, poisoned, I faint, with helium, I got it!

Note: "Je tombe dans les pommes" is literally "I fall in the apples" but apparently it's a French saying meaning to faint or to pass out.

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  • C'est Pas Une Vie
  • Comme Un Enfant
  • Chimie Physique
  • Bouquet Final
  • Dire Qu'on Va Tous Mourir
  • Jeune Fille Garnement
  • Je Veux Te Voir
  • A Cause Des Garcons

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Safari Disco Club

yelle safari disco club lyrics

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Yelle is a French band founded by lead singer and namesake Yelle (Julie Budet) and GrandMarnier (Jean-François Perrier). A third member, Tepr (Tanguy Destable), joined the band before the recording of its debut album. Budet and GrandMarnier began working on music together in 2000. The band came to prominence when it posted an early version of the song "Je veux te voir" on MySpace in September 2005, which later reached the top five in France. The success of the song on MySpace attracted the attention of a record label, which set them to work on its debut album, Pop Up, which was released in 2007. The group's second album, Safari Disco Club was released in 2011. more »

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yelle safari disco club lyrics

  • #1 Safari Disco Club
  • #2 Que Veux-Tu
  • #3 C'est Pas Une Vie
  • #4 Comme Un Enfant
  • #5 Chimie Physique
  • #6 La Musique
  • #7 Mon Pays
  • #9 Le Grand Saut
  • #10 Unillusion
  • #11 S'eteint le Soleil


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Dschinghis Khan Lyrics "Moscow"

Nightlife City Guide

Moscow nightlife beautiful girls

Moscow: nightlife and clubs

Moscow nightlife: despite the freezing weather, the Russian capital gets hot as the sun goes down. Between discos, luxury, exaggerated parties and beautiful Russian girls, the Moscow nightlife offers everything you need for memorable nights.

Moscow nightlife

The city of Moscow is definitely one of the most interesting European cities: the stories about underground lines and secret bunkers, the architecture of its buildings, from the Kremlin to St. Basil's Cathedral, up to the Soviet style of the Seven Sisters and modern skyscrapers, make the Russian capital is a unique and fascinating city.

Moscow nightlife by night

One of the many things that Moscow is famous for is its wild nightlife . Moscow never sleeps. If there is anything true about Russians, it is that they love to party! Despite its freezing weather, Moscow turns out to be a hot city with endless fun, hip nightclubs, extreme luxury, beautiful Russian girls and lots of booze when night falls!

Moscow Russian girls nightlife

In fact, in recent years, the Russian capital has definitively abandoned the gray period of communism and its inhabitants have given vent to their desire for fun. As you might expect in a city of over 12 million people, Moscow has an amazing array of nightlife options and a huge choice for all tastes, whether you are a jazz fan, hardcore clubbers or just plain old alcoholics. The nightlife in Moscow winds through a multitude of alternative and transgressive nightclubs where the watchword is to meet new people and spend a night of unbridled and uninhibited fun . In addition to the numerous discos, in the Russian capital there are also 20 casinos open until dawn. For those who want a break of intriguing relaxation, in the city of Moscow there are also numerous massage salons .

Moscow nightlife

Most of Moscow's nightclubs contain a restaurant, a bar area and a nightclub (the larger ones also have bowling alleys, billiards and a casino!). Perhaps because Moscow is such a large metropolis with very cold temperatures and taxis are so expensive that the owners of the bars and clubs want to offer their customers an all in one place for night entertainment.

So, in other words, Moscow is not the best city in the world for bar-crawling, especially bearing in mind that these multipurpose venues often charge entrance, but rather it is better to carefully choose the club where to spend the night.

For a quieter and more sober evening, head for an evening stroll along the Via Arbat or the Red Square to be fascinated by the lights of the city and the grandeur of the buildings, and admire the shops and street artists. An alternative to experience Moscow's nightlife is to spend an evening of lyric, ballet or opera. The Russian capital is home to around sixty theaters, the most famous of which is the world-renowned Bolshoi Theater (Theater Square, 1, Moscow).

Moscow nightlife Bolshoi Theater

Moscow nightlife districts

Moscow's nightlife is not concentrated in a single district but is scattered throughout the city. However, there are areas with a greater concentration of bars and nightclubs .

The Krasnij Oktjabr (Russian for "Red October") complex, a red brick building located on the island in the center of the Moscow River that once housed a chocolate factory, is dotted with numerous trendy nightclubs and offers spectacular views of the river and the symbolic places of the Russian capital. This is where the most glamorous parties in Moscow take place, there are numerous bars, restaurants and art galleries.

Nightlife Moscow Red October Krasnij Oktjabr

Other neighborhoods with good nightlife are the old manufactory area near the Russian government building which houses some bars, the area around the Trubnaya metro and around Kuznetsky Most , while the Kurskaya groups the clubs with electronic music. We can also mention the area of ​​the Patriarch's ponds, an area that is teeming with quiet bars.

Moscow patriarch ponds nightlife

Clubs and discos in Moscow


The crowd is very mixed. Students, young professionals, techno lovers, tourists all gather at Propaganda. Everyone comes to enjoy the music and have fun. It is one of the few clubs where the dancefloor dominates and there are hardly any tables, apart from a few that overlook the entire space. Propaganda is a restaurant until midnight. You can come earlier for dinner and stay for dancing. After midnight, the staff clears the tables from the dance floor and the whole place turns into a club. The place is different from the usual Moscow restaurant / club hybrids, however, because the atmosphere changes completely from "relaxed restaurant" to "underground electro club". Not to be missed.

Moscow Nightlife Propaganda

There are more areas with different music. In the first area, expect a mix of traditional music and Russian pop songs. In the second, slightly larger area, there is live Russian pop music until 2am. After that it is mostly some kind of electronic music. The club is frequented by beautiful Russian girls around 18-25 years old, stunning students or models, and of course there is a good deal of young Russians, middle-aged men and foreign tourists trying their luck! Unlike many other nightclubs, the Icon is a pure nightclub and not a club turned into a restaurant. In any case, if you like to party in a big club and want to savor the typical Moscow nightlife , this is the perfect solution.

Moscow Icon Club nightlife

The crowd is the same as in other high-end Moscow clubs. Men are rarely under the age of 35 and are committed to giving the impression that money is not an issue. The women are amazing even by Moscow nightlife - if you want to meet Moscow's super models, this is the place! Ideal if you want to toast with the Moscow elite.

Moscow Siberia nightlife

The club is located on two floors. The lower floor is mainly frequented by people hanging out at the bar and is good for conversation. The narrow stairs that perfectly fit the student atmosphere of the club take you to the main floor where the real party takes place, complete with a bedlam and girls dancing on the bar counter. In the summer months there is also an outdoor terrace. The place is always crowded and bouncers unnecessarily queue people - having a table or someone inside can be the key to skipping the queue. Otherwise, you might end up waiting half an hour or more. Come early or come back late if you want to avoid the crowds.

Moscow nightlife Rolling Stone Bar

The crowd that frequents this club is quite mixed. People are less trendy and more underground. The place is suitable for afterhours, so most people arrive from 3am onwards.

Moscow Gazgolder nightlife

Immediately upon entering, you will have the feeling that you have come to the local high school graduation prom instead of a real Moscow nightclub. There is no real interior design, but basically just a large hall with a stage and a bar. The crowd is almost entirely made up of teenagers and young people. Not many of the teens speak English, but it probably doesn't matter after all the alcohol. The music ranges from Russian pop and hip-hop to the most famous international hits. Perfect if you want to party and drink alcohol in one of the cheapest clubs in Moscow .

Moscow Tipsy nightlife

Here too, it's full of beautiful girls and it's also a great place to hit them off, as those who come here are notoriously more approachable. The advice is to be very firm with the girls who approach and to make your intentions clear. If you want to be 100% sure to get in, come at 2am when the club is still uncrowded.

Moscow nightlife Miks Afterparty

Oblaka plays a mix of Russian and international pop music. Occasionally, as in many other clubs, there are performances by Russian pop singers. As is often the case in these types of clubs, the music and DJ are not the best but the guests don't seem to care.

Moscow Oblaka nightlife

Moscow's bars and pubs

The bar looks similar but still distinctly different than regular Moscow posh clubs. Most of the people who frequent this place are over 25, and you can find everything from young professionals to creative types to self-proclaimed models. Great if you want to see the "real Muscovites" celebrate without the overblown flashes of wealth. The proposed music is a strange mix of old and new commercial songs and Russian pop.

Moscow nightlife Bar Klava

Downstairs is a large open space that opens its doors wide in the summer. The interior is rustic, yet elegant, with wooden furnishings and plenty of seating. The interior combined with Ugolek's popularity creates a crowded yet intimate atmosphere, especially on weekends. People come to chat, drink and eat. The upstairs bar has a more welcoming atmosphere. It is smaller, with soft lighting and armchairs to be able to relax. On weekends there is a DJ who mixes electronic music and transforms the bar into a relaxed place, ideal for the pre-party.

Moscow Ugolek nightlife

Map of clubs, pubs and bars in Moscow

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The travel guide for nocturnal animals


  1. Yelle

    yelle safari disco club lyrics

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  3. Yelle

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  4. Yelle

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  5. [RHR] Safari Disco Club

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  6. YELLE

    yelle safari disco club lyrics


  1. Yelle

  2. Clip-S'éteint le soleil Yelle


  4. Unillusion

  5. Yelle

  6. Kylie Minogue


  1. Yelle

    Safari Disco Club Lyrics. [Couplet 1] Peux-tu me voir m'envoler-voler? Je te vois en bas, somnoler-noler. Accroche-toi à moi, c'est fêlé, fêlé. Ce qu'on voit de là, je te promets, promets ...

  2. Yelle

    Safari Disco Club. Can you see me flying away ? From up there, I can see you dozing off. Hang on to me, it's crazy. What we see from here, I promise you. Animals are dancing in the Safari Disco Club. Animals are dancing in the Safari Disco Club. Animals are dancing in the Safari Disco Club. Animals are dancing in the Safari Disco Club.

  3. Yelle

    Safari Disco Club. Can you see me take flight, take flight? I see you down there, drowsing, drowsing. Hold on to me, it's crazy, crazy. What we see from up here, I promise, I promise. The animals dance in the Safari Disco Club. The animals dance in the Safari Disco Club. The animals dance in the Safari Disco Club.

  4. Yelle

    Safari Disco Club Lyrics by Yelle from the Germany's Next Top Model: The Best Catwalk Hits 2011 album- including song video, artist biography, translations and more: Peux-tu me voir m'envoler Je te vois en bas, somnoler Accroche-toi à moi, c'est fêlé Ce qu'on voit de là, je te p…

  5. YELLE

    Stream YELLE latest album "L'Ère du Verseau" on Get your vinyl and CD on

  6. Yelle

    English translation of lyrics for Safari Disco Club by Yelle. Peux-tu me voir m′envoler-voler Je te vois en bas, somnoler-noler Accroche-toi à moi, c'es...

  7. Yelle

    Safari Disco Club Yelle. Released March 14, 2011. ... Safari Disco Club Lyrics. 2. Que Veux-Tu Lyrics. 3. C'est Pas Une Vie Lyrics. 4. Comme Un Enfant Lyrics. 5. Chimie Physique ...

  8. Yelle

    Can you see me flying away, flying? I see you down low, sleeping, sleeping, Hold onto me, it's crazy, crazy, What we'll see here, I promise you, promise, The animals dance in the Safari Disco Club The animals dance in the Safari Disco Club The animals dance in the Safari Disco Club The animals dance in the Safari Disco Club I want to taste everything, I want to taste, to taste, To know the ...

  9. Safari Disco Club lyrics & translation

    Safari Disco Club. Can you see me flying away ? From up there, I can see you dozing off Hang on to me, it's crazy What we see from here, I promise you. Animals are dancing in the Safari Disco Club Animals are dancing in the Safari Disco Club Animals are dancing in the Safari Disco Club Animals are dancing in the Safari Disco Club. I want to try everything, I want to taste, Know how sinning ...

  10. Yelle

    Translation of 'Safari Disco Club' by Yelle from French to English (Version #4) ... The animals dance in the Safari Disco Club . ... Submitted by [email protected] on 2012-03-01. Original lyrics. Safari Disco Club . Click to see the original lyrics (French) Add new translation; Request a translation; Yelle: Top 3. 1. À cause des garçons: 2 ...

  11. Yelle

    Go on YELLE.FR now! New single and title track from their forthcoming album! Safari Disco Club! You can get it on iTunes today!Also, visit OH-YELLE.COM for m...

  12. Safari Disco Club lyrics by Yelle with meaning. Safari Disco Club

    Original lyrics of Safari Disco Club song by Yelle. 1 user explained Safari Disco Club meaning. Find more of Yelle lyrics. Watch official video, print or download text in PDF. Comment and share your favourite lyrics.

  13. Yelle

    Safari Disco Club Lyrics by Yelle from the Safari Disco Club album - including song video, artist biography, translations and more: Peux-tu me voir m'envoler Je te vois en bas, somnoler Accroche-toi à moi, c'est fêlé Ce qu'on voit de là, je te p…

  14. Yelle

    Translation of 'Safari Disco Club' by Yelle from French to English (Version #2) ... Safari Disco Club (singable English translation) Click to see the original lyrics (French) ... - the world's largest repository of lyrics translations. Join us! It's free, you can add and request translations, and see no ads.

  15. Safari Disco Club

    Safari Disco Club by YELLE, released 14 April 2011 1. Safari Disco Club 2. Que Veux-Tu 3. C'est Pas Une Vie 4. Comme Un Enfant 5. Chimie Physique 6. La Musique 7. Mon Pays 8. J'ai Bu 9. Le Grand Saut 10. Unillusion 11. S'éteint Le Soleil

  16. Safari Disco Club

    Promotion. The first single, "Safari Disco Club", was released on 10 January 2011, with a music video directed by Jérémie Saindon following on 1 March 2011. Tour. Yelle supported Katy Perry on the UK leg of her California Dreams Tour, beginning on 17 March 2011. Yelle also toured Europe, North America, South American, Asia and Oceania in support of Safari Disco Club.

  17. Yelle Lyrics, Songs, and Albums

    Yelle were discovered on MySpace in 2005 and found mainstream success in the U.S. and Canada, as well as in their home country. ... Safari Disco Club. 2011 Pop Up. 2007

  18. YELLE

    Stream YELLE latest album "L'Ère du Verseau" on Get your vinyl and CD on

  19. Moscow Lyrics

    Oh every night, night, night there is love, And every night, night, night there is laughter. Here's to you brother hey brother ho. Hey, hey, hey. Moscow, Moscow, Throw your glasses at the wall, And good fortune to us all, ho, ho, ho, hey. Moscow, Moscow, join us for a casatchok. We'll be dancing 'round the clock ha, ha, ha hey.

  20. Yelle

    LT → French → Yelle → Safari Disco Club. Yelle. Safari Disco Club • Safari Disco Club (2011) 6 translations. English #1 +5 more, #2, #3, #4, Finnish, Turkish Original lyrics. 6 translations. Safari Disco Club lyrics. Peux-tu me voir m'envoler-voler ? Je te vois en bas, somnoler-noler. Accroche-toi à moi, c'est fêlé, fêlé ...

  21. Moscow: nightlife and clubs

    The Garage Club is one of the oldest night clubs in Moscow. Small and quite inexpensive, this club can be considered a true institution of the Moscow nightlife with regards to black music and hip-hop music. as well as techno music and after parties. The club has two distinct areas: upstairs you can relax in the bar or on one of the many sofas ...

  22. Dschinghis Khan

    Moscow, Moscow, throw your glasses at the wall. And good fortune to us all. Ho ho ho ho ho - hey! Moscow, Moscow, join us for a kazadchok. We'll go dancing round the clock. Ha ha ha ha ha - hey ...

  23. "MOSCOW" LYRICS by DSCHINGHIS KHAN: Moscow, Queen of the...

    Moscow, Queen of the Russian land. Built like a rock to stand. Proud and divine. Moscow, your golden towers glow, Even through ice and snow. Sparkling, they shine. And every night, night, night there is music Oh every night, night, night there is love, And every night, night, night there is laughter. Here's to you, brother, hey, brother ho. Hey, hey, hey Moscow, Moscow, Throw your glasses at ...