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The AA vs RAC – comparing these 2 popular breakdown cover brands to see which is best

If you’re looking for breakdown cover then there are lots of companies out there to consider, but 2 brands have emerged as the biggest and most trusted names in this space - the AA and the RAC.

We thought it would be useful to compare the AA and RAC to see which is better for breakdown cover. We’ll be looking at a number of factors including price and quality of service. Let’s get into it:

What do the companies say are the main differences?

Typically when we do our comparison guides, we have to conduct lots of our own research to see what the key differences are between the 2 brands that we’re comparing. But what’s really interesting about the AA and RAC is that both companies have a page on their websites which make comparisons between the offerings of the 2 companies, so we thought it would be interesting to look at what the AA thinks makes them better than RAC, and vice versa.

AA vs RAC comparison table

We noticed that the comparison page on the RAC website which compares RAC to the AA makes some very different claims which contradict some of what we read on the AA website. For example, RAC claims that both the AA and RAC have a "large fleet of uniformed patrols and vans", but on the AA website, it gives specifics in terms of numbers, with the AA website claiming that the AA has 2500 patrols, whereas RAC only has 1600. This is quite a significant difference as it means that the AA has almost twice as many patrols out there at any one time, meaning it should generally be quicker for AA customers to be reached by a support team versus an RAC customer to be reached by an RAC support team.

RAC also claims that they'll fix 4 out 5 breakdowns on the side of the road, with repairs carried out in less than 30 minutes on average. But the funny thing is that the AA claims exactly the same - 4 out of 5 repairs at the side of the road under 30 minutes on average - elsewhere on the AA website, despite RAC not listing that in its table.

There are a couple of points in the AA comparison which we think are a little misleading - for example, the AA states that its service includes a tow to the nearest garage, and states that this is the same as what RAC provides. But RAC actually goes a step further than the AA and provides a 20 mile taxi from the garage so you can get home, something the AA doesn't provide.

What do we find are the main differences between the AA and RAC?

Although we'd say that most of the differences between the 2 companies in terms of the services provided are quite insignificant, we'd definitely say that there are a couple of differences which are worth noting. For example, the AA has been voted as the Which? recommended breakdown services provider every year since 2018, whereas RAC has never had a Which? award.

When it comes to electric vehicles, there is very little to separate the AA and RAC. The AA claims that all of its patrols have received training in electric vehicles, but doesn't really specify how well trained they are and what issues they could realistically deal with at the roadside. Whereas RAC does specify that not only are all of its patrols trained to deal with electric vehicles, but the company also has a number of other tools and extras to effectively deal with EVs. For example, if your battery is flat then the RAC EV vans can immediately give you a 10-mile charge so you can reach the nearest garage or get home. The RAC also states that its patrols are "highly trained" when it comes to EVs, whereas the AA states just that the patrols are trained. RAC also claims that its the number 1 breakdown cover company when it comes to electric vehicles due to the company having more rescue vans equipped with 3.5kw+ Electric car charging capability compared to the AA and Green Flag.

What is the difference in price between the AA and RAC?

There are different tiers of memberships for both the AA and RAC, so it can be a little bit complicated to compare the services on price, but we'll try our best.

The Basic plan from RAC is £6.95 per month, whereas the AA starts at £12 per month, although sales are often held which brings the AA price down to just £6 per month. Both of the starter plans from RAC and the AA include roadside assistance, but it's the number of callouts which is really worth paying attention to - the RAC basic plan only includes 5 callouts per year, whereas you get unlimited call-outs with the AA basic plan, as long as it's not for a recurring problem with your vehicle. Both the AA and RAC will come out 24/7, which is great to see.

It's also interesting to note that the Basic plan from both companies states that if they can't provide roadside assistance then they'll take you to the nearest garage, but the RAC will only do this if you're within 10 miles of a garage, whereas it seems that there is no limit with the AA.

The next step up from the most basic plan costs £11.50 per month with RAC and £17 per month with the AA. At this price, you still only get 5 callouts per year from RAC, despite paying almost twice as much per month as you do with the Basic plan. The AA offers unlimited callouts again, which is impressive. At this 2nd tier, both companies offer a National Recovery option, which means that instead of just towing you to the nearest garage, both the AA and RAC will tow you and your passengers to any garage or destination in the UK. An important point here is that the AA specifies that they will tow up to 7 passengers, whereas RAC will actually tow you and up to 8 passengers, so it could be argued that the 2nd tier membership with RAC is actually better value than the 2nd tier membership from the AA.

The most expensive plan with RAC costs £16.50 per month, whereas the most expensive plan with the AA is £21. We'd say this is probably the price point where you start to notice the biggest differences between the 2 offerings - for starters, at this price point you get everything that we've already covered from both RAC and the AA. On top of this, you get 'At Home' assistance from both companies too - this is where you'll get assistance even if you're at home or within ¼ mile of your home. The main difference between the 2 companies at this level of membership is that the AA offers something called 'Onward Travel'. This is a really impressive benefit which means that If you break down and need repairs that completely stop your journey, the AA will help you arrange and pay for something like a taxi, a hire car, or even an overnight stay somewhere. You'll be given 3 options to choose from if you need to use the Onward Travel feature - 72 hours' car hire, an overnight stay in a hotel, or money towards public transport. Onward Travel covers you and up to 7 passengers, so everyone will get sorted.

It's also worth noting that both the AA and RAC cover electric and hybrid vehicles at no extra cost and that the prices we've shown might be higher at renewal - these prices are for new customers only.

What do third-party reviews say?

We love to refer to third-party reviews when doing our comparison posts, and we're delighted to see that both the AA and RAC are using Trustpilot, our most trusted third-party review platform. RAC is currently sitting with a rating of 3.9 out of 5 on Trustpilot , whereas the AA is sitting with a rating of 4.1 out of 5 . So although both companies have very similar ratings, the AA is rated marginally better. However, it's also worth noting that RAC has almost twice as many reviews on Trustpilot compared to the AA.

Overall, reviewers seem pretty happy with both the AA and RAC, with reviews on both Trustpilot profiles full of very happy customers. People seem especially happy with the quality of service from both companies in terms of the patrols which are providing roadside assistance. However, one thing we did notice on the RAC profile is that some reviewers were not happy with how long it took for the assistance vehicles to turn up, with some customers claiming that it took as long as 24 hours which seems very long to wait.

Anything else to mention?

Aside from breakdown cover, it's also worth mentioning that with the AA you get a number of additional membership benefits that you won't get with RAC - for example, your AA membership can get you discounts at nice restaurants and on lots of travel, including flights overseas. You get some benefits with RAC breakdown cover such as free coffees and discounts on gym memberships, but generally, the extras seem to be better with the AA.

Final thoughts - which is better for breakdown cover, the AA or RAC?

So in conclusion, we'd say that the AA is a better option than RAC when it comes to overall breakdown cover for most types of cars. The AA has almost twice as many patrols as RAC, and it's also a cheaper service if you sign up during a sale. On top of this, your AA membership gets you some really nice extras that you don't get with RAC.

However, if you have an electric vehicle then you might actually be better off going with RAC, as the company seems much better prepared for providing roadside assistance for EVs compared to the AA.

Let us know what you think of these 2 breakdown cover brands and if you have any other thoughts on our comparison!

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Finn is the editor of You Well and has been writing about travel, health, and more for over 10 years.

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RAC roadside assistance

Rac breakdown cover.

The RAC is one the biggest the most recognised brands in the UK. It is a premium level breakdown service. The RAC is the UK’s longest running breakdown service provider started in 1897 and has the second largest number of members and the second largest dedicated patrol fleet. The top two competitors in the breakdown market are the AA and the RAC when someone mentions a breakdown the usual response of who you think of coming to your rescue is AA or RAC patrol man. This doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a premium price. Its prices are very competitive but it service is excellent. It’s rated five-star by defaqto for all that breakdown service.

The Price of Joining

As previously statist teh royal automobile club are very competitive pricing when compared to of a breakdown recovery service providers. Below you will find a table above that shows the price of the R.A.C. with the current online discounts. Slightly level of cover that is appropriate to your needs and click apply.

Do you need breakdown cover? I’m sure everybody who gone to buy breakdown cover asked himself this question. If you don’t need to spend money on something you don’t want to. Lets face it Car Breakdown cover can be quite expensive. Typically it’s going to be over a hundred pounds and can reach up to a couple hundred pounds. No one wants to spend that kind of money if it’s not necessary. The other option is to not take any kind of breakdown cover all. If you’ve ever been in a situation where your car fails to work you will know that this isn’t a terribly sensible option. Cars are brilliant especially when they are working and moving in during this time you probably don’t think about what you would actually do if you breakdown. But a car that is broken down and doesn’t work is not fun all. Breaking down on a road that isn’t busy isn't a particually nice experience. But breaking down the road are motorway and not been able to get your car out the way is horrible. Even new cars breakdown. Any piece of equipment that is mechanical moving parts will eventually fail. If you happen to be in a breakdown situation and you don’t actually have any cover then you can have to pay an extra fee to join in the breakdown situation and this going to cost a lot. A lot of breakdown companies charge you per mile if you need to be toured home with out breakdown cover but if you are an RAC member that will not be the case. It will cost you an awful own money if you are in a breakdown situation you don’t have any cover. Once you know they say been a breakdown situation it’s eyes have peace of mind if you don’t have cover. If you know you covered then you have nothing to worry about and you can even be a second thought. That for most people is not at least the basic level cover. The RAC have been providing breakdown cover from hundred years and are firmly established as one the best in the business.

RAC recovery services The RAC has over 1650 dedicated uniform patrols serving its members throughout the UK so if you’re unfortunate enough to breakdown you will be greeted by a fully uniformed RAC patrol man. Their patrol men also use state of the art satellite technology to find you and cutting edge diagnostics equipment as well as their experience to find the problem and get you started again, they fix around 8 in 10 cars at the side of the road. RAC recovery service try to make it as simple as possible feast pick the right breakdown cover for yourself.

Roadside Rescue The option of Roadside rescue is the most basic level of cover that the RAC offer. It Is there basic level cover and you will receive this and you will receive this in a matter what level of cover your after. With roadside rescue if your vehicle breaks down the RAC will come out to your location and attempt to repair your car and get you moving right away. If the highly trained patrolman cant fix your vehicle at the roadside you will then tow you in your passengers to a local safe destination. This typically is within 10 miles. More details on exactly what you get the roadside rescue please follow this link

RAC Recovery the RAC recovery option isn’t additional level of cover that you can have with roadside assistance. This extends the tour local tour anywhere within mainland UK. So if you’re hundred miles away from home you can get towed home or anywhere else in the UK. This includes you and up to 7 passengers. More information on the RAC recovery option click here .

Home Rescue  as the title implies this means you will receive recovery systems at your home address. A lot people might of look this and assume that they automatically receive assistance at home. This is not the case with just roadside rescue need to more than quarter of a mile away from home. So if you would like to receive assistance at home you will need at home rescue. More information on at home rescue read this

Onward Travel onward travel is only available if you take out the recovery option breakdown cover. Onward travel means that in the event that your car can’t be repaired at the roadside and stick to the garage you will be given a courtesy car or Hotel accommodation are alternative travel arrangements for you are not seven passengers. It is an additional cost it doesn’t free with recovery you need to add extras you premium to get onward travel. To find out more about the RAC, onward travel click here

Who can be covered? You have a few options to explore one who is actually covered with the R.A.C. You can choose between two types of cover what is personal and they want his vehicle-based cover. Personal cover will cover the person the matter what vehicle they are in. Whereas vehicle cover covers the vehicle. Depending on your situation you should definitely have a preference. There are also economic implications when choosing who was covered. For example if you want personal-based cover for two people in the same home save money game a joint account rather than two single accounts. If you want to read more about personal RAC breakdown assistance cover and your options read this. However if you think that vehicle-based cover would be better value click here to find out more

Additional RAC assistance extras You can enhance your RAC breakdown cover service by choosing from the other additional extras for your breakdown cover.

Garage parts and labour you can extend your breakdown cover to have parts and labour cover. This means if your vehicle needs to go to the garage and be repaired there RAC will cover the cost of repairs to your vehicle. This does not cover every single component within the car things such as tyres and other things such as you clutch that naturally wear down are not covered. You get the full list of terms and conditions on the RAC website.

RAC Key replacement have you seen the cost of replacement key.? Nowadays with the type of data encrypted keys that cars use replacement he can easily cost £200. For around £15 to your cover you can get covered for losing keys and get them replaced.

Battery cover One in five breakdowns are related to batteries. In 2013 the RAC attended nearly half 1 million breakdowns relate to batteries but so were frozen the day. The average price of replacement batteries are hundred pounds but fired £20 a year they will cover the cost of replacing the battery.

European breakdown cover Quite self-descriptive you can get cover on the continent. This gives breakdown assistance if you are in mainland Europe

RAC History This organisation si one the most modern equipped breakdown recovery services. The use expensive and complicated diagnostic equipment that can communicate with your on-board computer to determine what is the cause of the breakdown for your car. They also use excellent GPS tracking equipment to try and accurately locate where you broken down. They also well-known for using a priority system to determine who should be rescued first. If you and a more dangerous situation they make you a higher priority. They also have the largest number of patrols per member than any of a breakdown service. In theory this means it should receive assistance faster than any other breakdown cover provider.

RAC Offers The RAC frequently run promotions and offers to try and drive the most competitive price that they can. Most people’s price range. The best way to guarantee that you going to get the best price from the RAC is to buy online. You can get RAC breakdown cover by clicking here and you will receive online discount. Of course if you are after the best deal you should always compare breakdown cover

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Onward Travel - Breakdown Cover Explained

Broken Down Car

We know that breakdown cover can be a dreary subject at the best of times, but here at CBC, we want to attempt to make it that little bit easier to understand. We’ve put together a whole host of articles explaining breakdown cover in a way that’s easy to understand in the hope that customers everywhere can be that bit better informed about the wonderful world of breakdown cover.

This one’s all about onward travel options, so settle in, grab a brew and prepare to be enlightened.

What is Onward Travel?

Onward travel is a benefit in your breakdown policy that allows you to be transported to a location of your choosing; this can be either your final destination, temporary accommodation such as a hotel or back to your home, generally this is done on a reimbursement basis. So you’ll pay the cost of the travel and your policy will pay you back the money after your claim.

It’s important to note that this specific benefit only applies when you are a certain distance from your home address, so you need to check your policy cover for the exact distance.

How Does it Work?

When you make a claim on your breakdown policy and your car has to be recovered to a garage and repairs aren’t easy or quick, if you have onward travel included in your policy, you may be offered the option of onward travel if your car can’t be fixed by the end of the working day.

It’s at this point that you’ll have a few options:

Public Transport

You can take buses, coaches, trains or equivalents to your desired location and be reimbursed the cost (up to a certain amount of money) of that journey. If public transport isn’t readily available, you may also take a taxi.

If you’d rather hire a car to continue your journey, then the onward travel cover in your policy will reimburse the cost (up to a certain amount) of hiring a car to get you to where you want to go.

On some policies the cost of returning and collect your vehicle when repaired is covered too.

  • Alternative Accommodation

Whilst not technically, onward travel, alternative accommodation does fall into the category of onward travel. Your policy will cover the cost of reaching a nearby hotel and the price of a room per passenger up to a certain amount. Always check your policy to find out the exact amounts that you’ll be covered for.

Winter Road

Is Onward Travel Included in Every Breakdown Policy?

Onward travel is not always available in every breakdown policy. Just because you have breakdown cover, never assume you’re covered for onward travel too.

It’s really important you look through your policy carefully (including the policy wording) before you purchase, so you know exactly what you’re getting for your money and what you’ll be covered for in the event you require onward travel.

Is there a Difference Between Onward Travel in UK and EU policies?

In truth, onward travel operates almost exactly the same, wherever you are. One major difference though between the UK and European policies is that more often than not the cost of onward travel is higher in Europe, simply because it’s likely you’ll have further to go. So, you’ll usually find that you’re afforded a higher reimbursement amount if you require onward travel in Europe than you would in the UK.

Check the policy wording of your breakdown cover before you buy to find out exactly how much you’ll be covered for.

Find Out More About Breakdown Cover

Want to learn more about breakdown cover and the different types of policy benefits you could be entitled to? We’ve put together a load of pages to help educate our customers and people looking for great breakdown cover, but who may not understand the ins and outs of insurance, take a look at some of our other “Breakdown Cover Explained” pages:

  • Roadside Assistance
  • Roadside Recovery
  • Misfuelling Cover
  • Puncture Cover
  • Flat Battery Cover
  • Motorway Fees

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RAC Breakdown Cover

At Stellanits &You UK we have you covered in the unlikely event your things go wrong or stop working with your car. We have partnered with RAC to offer you roadside assistance, recovery at home and RAC onward travel. 

Stellantis &You assistance

If your vehicle breaks down on the roadside and is immobilised, we will send out an RAC patrol or appointed agent to get you back on the road. If the RAC are unable to repair your vehicle at the roadside, we will set you up with RAC onward travel. This includes either a replacement hire car, alternative transport or hotel accomodation until your vehicle is back up and running.

If your vehicle breaksdown at your home, the RAC will bring their roadside assistance to your doorstep to try and get you back on the road. If the team are unable to fix the issue, they will transport your vehicle to the nearest Stellantis &You workshop. 

Enquire now by completing the form below and a customer advisor will be in touch shortly

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what is rac onward travel

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what is rac onward travel

Manchester Airport resumes flights after cancellation chaos at two terminals

M anchester Airport has started resuming operations after cancelling all fights from two of its three terminals due to a power cut this morning.

Passengers departing from Terminals 1 and 2 had been told to stay away until further notice after a power outage impacted ‘important systems’.

Now the airport is starting to resume flights this afternoon, but it advised passengers to check with their airlines before travelling to the airport.

The process of resuming operations will continue into the evening, according to the airport, which expects tomorrow’s flights to run as normal.

In a statement, Manchester Airport said: ‘Following the power outage earlier today that caused disruption to Terminals 1 and 2, we are now in the process of resuming operations and expect flights to restart during the remainder of this afternoon and evening.

‘It remains important that passengers check with their airlines before travelling to the airport.

‘We are also working closely with airlines to reschedule cancelled flights in the coming days.

‘Flights scheduled for tomorrow should be unaffected and passengers due to travel should plan to come to the airport as usual.

‘We thank passengers for their patience and our resilience team and customer service colleagues for their hard work.’

Find out what your rights are if your flight is delayed or cancelled here .

What’s happened at Manchester Airport?

Today’s power outage affected the processing of boarding cards and baggage screening, leading to long queues, a backlog at Border Control, and luggage piled up in the airport.

Manchester Airport had initially advised passengers to check with airlines before arriving.

But, despite power being restored, it later urged them to stay away until further notice as only flights for which passengers were already checked-in would be departing.

Some flights arriving at Terminals 1 and 2 have also been diverted due to the chaos caused by the power outage.

But a backlog meant some passengers flew off without their luggage as it had not made it to the planes.

Airlines will organise any onward journey for those whose flights are cancelled.

Terminal 3 has remained running, but passengers flying from there have been warned they might still face delays.

Announcing the cancellation of flights earlier, the airport said: ‘Manchester Airport was affected by a significant power cut in the early hours of this morning.

‘Power has been restored but the outage affected important systems, including the processing of boarding cards and baggage screening, which has caused significant delays, particularly in Terminals 1 and 2.

‘ All flights from Terminals 1 and 2 are being cancelled until further notice and passengers due to travel from those terminals are advised not to come to the airport and to stay in touch with their airlines.

‘Passengers due to fly from Terminal 3 should come to the airport as normal unless advised otherwise by their airline but could be affected by delays. 

‘Flights for those passengers already checked-in are departing but are subject to delays. The disruption means some baggage may not be on those flights.

‘We will work with airlines and handling partners to reunite affected passengers with their luggage as soon as possible.

‘Some arriving flights are being diverted to other airports meaning people due to pick passengers up from the airport should check before setting out. 

‘We thank passengers for their patience and our resilience team and customer service colleagues for their hard work.

‘We apologise for the inconvenience and are working hard to restore normal service as soon as possible.’

Which airlines have had flights from Manchester Airport cancelled?

All airlines that fly from Terminals 1 and 2:

  • Aegean Airlines
  • Air Transat
  • Austrian Airlines
  • Balkan Holidays
  • Biman Bangladesh
  • Brussels Airlines
  • Cathay Pacific
  • Ethiopian Airlines
  • Hainan Airlines
  • Maleth Aero
  • Pegasus Airlines
  • Qatar Airways
  • Royal Jordanian
  • SAS Scandinavian
  • Singapore Airlines
  • TAP Air Portugal
  • Turkish Air
  • Virgin Atlantic

easyJet, which operates flights from terminal one, said there are ‘very long queues’ for security and disruption to hold bag processing, meaning passengers can only board flights with cabin luggage.

It said: ‘Although outside of our control, we would like to apologise for any inconvenience experienced as a result.

‘We are doing all we can and working closely with the airport team to minimise the disruption.’

The disruption comes at the start of the busy summer holiday season at the UK’s third-busiest airport.

This is a developing news story, more to follow soon… Check back shortly for further updates.

Got a story? Get in touch with our news team by emailing us at [email protected] . Or you can submit your videos and pictures here .

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Flyers from Manchester Airport have been told that there will be huge delays due to the power cut (Picture: REUTERS)

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Hungary forward Barnabás Varga in stable condition after serious-looking injury against Scotland

Associated Press

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved

Players hold a blanket as medical personnel treat Hungary's Barnabas Varga during a Group A match between Scotland and Hungary at the Euro 2024 soccer tournament in Stuttgart, Germany, Sunday, June 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)

STUTTGART – Hungary forward Barnabás Varga was in hospital in stable condition after a serious-looking injury at his team's final group match at the European Championship on Sunday.

Varga will likely undergo surgery after fracturing several bones in his face. The 29-year-old also has concussion and will take no part in the rest of Euro 2024 should Hungary advance to the round of 16 as one of the four best third-place teams.

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The Group A game against Scotland was halted for nearly 10 minutes so Varga could get treatment after colliding with opposing goalkeeper Angus Gunn midway through the second half.

Varga's teammates held up blankets to shield the player as he was tended to by medical staff, while everyone looked on in concern.

Both sets of fans applauded when Varga was stretchered off.

“Several bones in Barnabás Varga’s face were broken during the collision during the match, and he also suffered a concussion,” the Hungarian soccer federation wrote on X, formerly Twitter, after the match.

“The Ferencváros striker is most likely to undergo surgery. He spends the night in the hospital in Stuttgart. The whole team is rooting for him!”

Hungary snatched a 1-0 win , with a dramatic stoppage-time goal from substitute Kevin Csoboth.

“It was terrible. Was a terrible moment to see Barnabás like that,” Hungary midfielder Roland Sallai said.

“Of course, we were fighting for him in the remaining 15-20 minutes, and we would have liked to win for him and we were very happy we could achieve that. And yes, this we dedicate to him.”

As Varga was getting treatment, no one in the stadium and watching on television had any real idea of what was happening and the extent of his injury — just that he was being treated by medics, who had been frantically called onto the field by his teammates.

The scenes in Stuttgart had echoes of an even more serious incident at the last European Championship, when Denmark midfielder Christian Eriksen collapsed on the field at Parken Stadium in Copenhagen after suffering a cardiac arrest while playing in his team's opener against Finland.

AP Euro 2024:

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.


  1. Onward Travel Breakdown Cover

    what is rac onward travel

  2. Onward Travel Breakdown Cover

    what is rac onward travel

  3. Onward Ticket: Get Verified Proof Of Onward Travel To Enter A Country

    what is rac onward travel

  4. Ultimate Guide to Onward Travel Requirements

    what is rac onward travel

  5. Five Procedures to Avoid Problems with a One-Way Ticket for Proof of

    what is rac onward travel

  6. Ultimate Guide to Onward Travel Requirements

    what is rac onward travel


  1. Denied onward travel to Rohtang Pass due to weather, but what a view!

  2. Proof of Onward Travel: Don't Make This Common Mistake!

  3. ਵਾਈਫ ਡਰ ਗਈ ਸਾਡੀ ਅਲੱਗ ਅਲੱਗ ਫਲਾਈਟ Istanbul Turkey Airport to Delhi airport Indigo & gulf airline

  4. Travelling Taking It’s Toll 🤬‼️ #travelshorts #airasia #philippines #backpacking #travelvlog

  5. What Does An OBR Take Onboard?



  1. Onward Travel Breakdown Cover

    Onward Travel is usually an add-on for your breakdown cover. It helps you stay mobile if your vehicle needs a repair in a garage after a breakdown. Onward Travel is available to buy as an add-on with all our cover levels. When upgrading, we'll provide you with a hire car for up to 3 days (age and licence restrictions apply).

  2. The Complete Guide To Breakdown Cover

    With the RAC, Onward Travel is available to buy as an add-on. The RAC's levels of breakdown cover. At the RAC, we offer 3 different levels of breakdown cover. Compare car breakdown cover options with the RAC. Basic includes Roadside Assistance.

  3. Compare RAC Breakdown Cover

    If your vehicles in the garage after a breakdown, RAC's Onward Travel helps you keep moving. We'll pay for hire care for up to 3 days, overnight accommodations or alternative transport. Find out more. Vehicle breakdown cover. Vehicle breakdown cover is a type of cover that applies to a specific vehicle. If you have vehicle cover, your ...

  4. The AA vs RAC

    The Basic plan from RAC is £6.95 per month, whereas the AA starts at £12 per month, although sales are often held which brings the AA price down to just £6 per month. Both of the starter plans from RAC and the AA include roadside assistance, but it's the number of callouts which is really worth paying attention to - the RAC basic plan only ...

  5. Onward Travel Breakdown Cover

    What is onward travel breakdown cover? Breaking down can put a real spanner in the works. But if the repairs are complicated and will take some time, onward travel cover can help you continue your journey. It can cover the cost of car hire, replacement travel, and overnight accommodation, to help get your plans back on track.

  6. Breakdown

    Onward travel. RAC Motability Assist will do one of these to help you get to where you're going: Take up to eight people to a single location; Give you a replacement vehicle; Arrange overnight accommodation or onward travel costs up to £100 per person or £300 per party, whichever is the lower amount

  7. RAC breakdown cover prices and services

    Onward Travel onward travel is only available if you take out the recovery option breakdown cover. Onward travel means that in the event that your car can't be repaired at the roadside and stick to the garage you will be given a courtesy car or Hotel accommodation are alternative travel arrangements for you are not seven passengers.

  8. Vehicle Breakdown Cover from just £6.75 a month

    With the RAC, you can cover up to 3 on the same policy. It costs at least £3 a month to add an extra vehicle to your breakdown policy, depending on the level of cover you have. And each one gets the same level of cover. ... Onward Travel. If your vehicles in the garage after a breakdown, RAC's Onward Travel helps you keep moving. We'll pay ...

  9. Breakdown Cover with car hire

    It's an add-on to Roadside Assistance that helps keep you on your journey if you break down. You can make 3 Onward Travel claims within each Membership year. If you claim, we'll cover the cost of either: Alternative travel, like hiring a courtesy car or taking public transport. Overnight accommodation, including breakfast.

  10. Different Types of Breakdown Cover

    There are five main categories of breakdown cover, ranging from a helping hand at the roadside to full onward journey protection. Home start. Roadside assistance. National recovery. Onward travel. European cover. We'll explain the different types of breakdown cover so you can understand which policy is right for you.

  11. PDF Motor Breakdown Cover Roadside, Recovery, At Home ...

    your choice, up to 10 miles, if the RAC cannot repair the vehicle. Recovery Help to transport the vehicle, you and up to seven passengers to a destination of your choice, within the UK, if the RAC cannot repair the vehicle. Onward Travel A replacement hire car for two consecutive days or £150 per person and £500 in

  12. What is breakdown cover

    Onward travel: In case your vehicle breaks down, this cover might include a courtesy vehicle, accommodation, or alternative travel arrangements. Adding the extras. For those looking for more comprehensive coverage, there are optional extras that can be included: Key replacement: Handy if your keys are lost, damaged, or stolen.

  13. Home Start & At Home Breakdown Cover

    Lines open 24/7. If at home cover is included in your policy, we'll send a patrol to you. They'll try to get you moving again or arrange a tow to a garage. If you've already broken down at home with no cover, do not buy breakdown cover online. Call us on 0330 159 8743 to arrange instant cover.

  14. Breakdown cover guide

    Onward Travel - Stay Mobile. Onward Travel has the same services as Roadside Assistance, but it also includes: Help to continue your journey, so a breakdown doesn't leave you stranded. A choice of a hire car, costs for public transport or an overnight hotel. Imagine you're on your way to a special event, like a wedding, when your car breaks down.

  15. AA or RAC?

    The AA is the biggest direct breakdown cover provider in the UK 1, followed by RAC. Below, we compare the breakdown cover options provided by the AA and RAC to help you decide which one is right for you. We've got more expert patrols in more places, and we've also been rated the best breakdown service against all other major breakdown providers ...

  16. Onward travel

    Onward travel is a benefit in your breakdown policy that allows you to be transported to a location of your choosing; this can be either your final destination, temporary accommodation such as a hotel or back to your home, generally this is done on a reimbursement basis. So you'll pay the cost of the travel and your policy will pay you back ...

  17. RAC Breakdown cover review

    RAC was founded in 1897 and has been at the forefront of providing motor services ever since. RAC now offers a range of motoring services to over 12.7 million personal and business members principally offering breakdown assistance and insurance products. In 2020, the RAC breakdown service attended around 2.2m million breakdowns.

  18. What does RAC Breakdown cover include?

    Roadside, Recovery, At Home, Onward Travel & European. This provides everything included above, plus we'll provide you with breakdown assistance in Europe for trips of up to 90 days. You can add on breakdown cover by following the steps below: Log into your My account (opens in a new window). Scroll down to "My policies" section

  19. RAC Breakdown Cover

    RAC Breakdown Cover. At Stellanits &You UK we have you covered in the unlikely event your things go wrong or stop working with your car. We have partnered with RAC to offer you roadside assistance, recovery at home and RAC onward travel. Enquire Now Discuss via live chat.

  20. RAC Breakdown Cover UK Policy Booklet

    Onward Travel RAC Insurance Limited Courtesy Car Battery Replace Tyre Replace Key Replace 2. Arrangement and Administration Contract This is a contract for services between you and RAC Financial Services Limited. It covers the management and arrangement of your breakdown policy and is set out in Part 2 of this booklet.

  21. Breakdown Cover

    Breakdown cover is a type of insurance which provides help if your vehicle breaks down. It can help you get moving again for a number of vehicle problems like clutch issues, a flat battery or other engine problems. Plus if your vehicle can't be fixed at the roadside we will make sure you and your passengers get to your destination.

  22. Massive power cut at UK airport causes travel chaos

    An issue with the power supply in the local area has affected the airport and several other buildings, it has been reported. Terminals 1 and 2 are severely affected, while Terminal 3 is running.

  23. Hungary forward Barnabás Varga stretchered off after ...

    If you need help with the Public File, call (407) 291-6000. At WKMG, we are committed to informing and delighting our audience. In our commitment to covering our communities with innovation and ...

  24. National Recovery

    If your vehicles in the garage after a breakdown, RAC's Onward Travel helps you keep moving. We'll pay for hire care for up to 3 days, overnight accommodations or alternative transport. Find out more. Vehicle breakdown cover. Vehicle breakdown cover is a type of cover that applies to a specific vehicle. If you have vehicle cover, your ...

  25. Multi-Car Breakdown Cover

    Multi-car breakdown cover lets you cover more than one vehicle under the same policy. It can be a good option for friends or families with multiple cars registered to the same address, as it can save you time and money compared to taking out separate policies for each vehicle. With the RAC you can cover up to 3 vehicles on a single multicar ...