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A Lifestyle Blog & Fertility Journey

The Ultimate Memory-Making Bucket List of Things to Do Before You Turn 30

Updated: February 1, 2023    by: Deze   |   Leave a comment

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Here you go, friend! A list of 75 epic ideas to add to your Before 30 Bucket List.

girl in her 20s on adventure - before 30 bucket list ideas

If there’s one thing I have learned over the past week, it’s that no matter how young or healthy you are, tomorrow isn’t promised and every day of life should be cherished.

So if you’re headed towards 30 years of life, the most heartfelt of congratulations to you!

And if you’re looking to make the most of your every minute, why don’t you create a “before 30 bucket list” that will remind and motivate you to live life to the fullest.

Create the Ultimate 30th Birthday Bucket List

For many people, turning 30 is a major milestone.

Many of us spend our 20s in school, working towards careers and generally figuring out what adulthood is all about. Because of that, our 30s are seen as the years where we should finally “have it all figured out”.

I know, I know, that’s an unfair expectation . A lot of us are still figuring out life well into our 30s and even longer after. Even still, that mindset is out there.

Because of that, many people use the years leading up to their 30s as an opportunity to become their best self! To overcome fears, seek out the unknown and discover new layers of themselves.

And so, they create a bucket list! Not sure what that is? Well, a classic bucket list is a list of goal activities that you would like to do before you “kick the bucket” aka leave this earth. In this case, a Before 30 Bucket List is a list of activities that you would like to do before you turn 30.

If you’re asking yourself “ what should I do before I turn 30 “? This is the post for you! Whether you choose to do a formal 30 before 30 challenge, or casually looking for things to do before your 30th birthday, I’ve got a lot of juicy ideas for you.

To make it easier for you to find ideas for every personality-type and walk of life, this list is broken down into the following sections:

  • “Crazy” Things To Do Before 30
  • The Wanderlust Bucket List
  • Financial Goals
  • “Just To Say You Did” Activities
  • Health & Wellness Goals

Self Improvement Activities

  • “Before 30” Women’s Edition
  • “Before 30” Men’s Edition

Just keep in mind that these are just examples to inspire you. You can definitely get creative. If it excites you, if you dream about it and if it sounds fun or meaningful, it has a place on your before 30 bucket list!

related : 52 Festive Activities For Your Christmas Bucket List

“Crazy” Things To Do Before 30 

A lot of the times when people hear ‘bucket list’, they immediately think about super risky, adrenaline pumping, unusual activities. Even though there is much more to it than that, I can see why people think this way.

These types of activities can help you conquer fear and make you feel “alive”. They make you step outside of your comfort zone which in turn, leads you to grow and transform into a more edgy version of yourself. I totally get it! If you’re looking to add some intense activities to your turning 30 bucket list, here are some ideas:

  • See At Least One Wonder of the World (here’s the list)
  • Swim with Sharks or Dolphins
  • Go White Water Rafting
  • Climb a Mountain
  • Ride on a Hot Air Balloon
  • Go Bungee Jumping or Skydiving
  • Attempt to Break a World Record (check out the Guinness’ world record database here)
  • Go Skinny-Dipping

The Wanderlust Bucket List 

There is a reason why making a travel bucket list before 30 is a popular thing to do. Traveling expands your understanding of the world, which is a valuable gift to have as you get older and interact with more and more people. Traveling also has a way of putting things into perspective because it takes you out of your familiar cocoon and shows you just how big that life is.

The bucket list items below all have to do with exploration and travel. While traveling abroad gets most of the attention, remember that there are plenty of adventures to be had in your own neck of the woods.

  • Take a Cross-Country Road Trip
  • Visit Disneyland or Disney World
  • Take a Solo Trip
  • Go on a Cruise
  • See a Broadway Performance
  • Spend the Night on a Beach
  • Fly First-Class
  • Explore a Foreign Country or Better Yet – A Different Continent 
  • Hike in a National Park

Organize Your Financial Life Before Age 30

Getting your finances in order should be on everyone’s list of things to do before 30 . It might seem weird to start thinking about financial freedom and even retirement this early on in life but financial gurus seem to agree that it’s never too early to start.

That being said, take a hard look at your money habits and think about what you can improve. Adding a few of these financial goals to your bucket list is something that you won’t regret.

  • Start Investing
  • Clear Your Student Loans
  • Clear Your Credit Card Debt
  • Create a Passive Source of Income
  • Create a Budget and Stick to It
  • Open a Retirement Account
  • Start an Emergency Fund
  • Build Your Savings Account to a Set Amount of Money (that you decide on)

“Just to Say You Did” Activities 

While I don’t believe in “keeping up with the Joneses”, I have to admit that there are some activities that are considered “standard” or “expected” for your 30th birthday bucket list . Does that mean you need to add them to your list? Of course not! But, I’d be remiss if I didn’t include the following activities which you can choose to add to your list.

  • Sing Karaoke in Public
  • Go Wine Tasting
  • Take a Cooking Class
  • Learn How to Play an Instrument
  • Meet Your Favorite Celebrity
  • Attend a Musical Concert
  • Have a Solo Photoshoot
  • Eat a Once-in-a-Lifetime Meal at a Famous Restaurant
  • Host a Party
  • Learn to Swim or Do a Water Activity (e.g. kayaking, surfing, diving)

Make Health & Wellness a Priority

At age 30, it’s time to take your health seriously. And I’m not just talking about your physical health; that would include your mental health, emotional health and spiritual health as well.

Your 20s are the perfect time to rid yourself of harmful habits that are detrimental to your wellness. By the time you reach 30, taking good care of yourself will feel like second nature. Start today by adding some of the following to your bucket list-

  • Grow Your Own Food in a Garden
  • Try 30 days of a Diet that Is Different From Your Usual
  • Start an Exercise Program
  • Quit an Addiction
  • Schedule & Complete a Therapy Session
  • Run a 5K, 10K, Half-Marathon or Marathon
  • Get a Massage
  • Go on a Spiritual Retreat
  • Get a Full Medical Checkup
  • Start a Journal

Your 20s are a wonderful time to heavily invest in yourself. Most likely, at this point in life, you have minimal responsibilities or health limitations. Take advantage of that!

Adding self improvement activities to your bucket list is a way to help you focus on becoming the best you while you actually can! Here are some ideas:

  • Take a MasterClass (classes from the world best icons!)
  • Pick a Cause To Be Passionate About
  • Learn a New Language
  • Read 30 New Books
  • Join a Yoga Class
  • Forgive a Longstanding Grudge From Your Past
  • Go After Your Dream Career
  • Negotiate a Raise
  • Donate Blood
  • Take a Self Defense Class

related : Married Couple Bucket List

“Before 30” Women’s Edition 

There’s nothing really gender-specific about making a bucket list, but perhaps you are creating this list during a girls night in or a vision board party with your girlfriends. If so, you might choose to draw inspiration from this following section. Making this a group activity is an awesome way to accomplish these bucket list ideas before 30.

  • Take a Girls Trip
  • Buy the Perfect Black Dress
  • Knit a Scarf
  • Get a Totally Different Hair Cut  (or Hair Color!)
  • Start a Business
  • Get a Complete Makeover
  • Take a Makeup Class
  • Create A Scrapbook
  • Purchase a Luxurious Gift for Yourself

“Before 30” Men’s Edition  

Respectively, the fellas (and really anyone else) can draw inspiration from this section.

This is the opportunity to create the you that you wish to be and discover new things about yourself. It’s important to never take that for granted!

  • Take Flying Lessons
  • Test-Drive Your Dream Car
  • Complete a 24-Hour Movie Marathon
  • Buy Yourself an Expensive Watch
  • Hire a Stylist to Start Dressing Well
  • Take a Dance Class
  • Get a Mentor
  • Start a Collection
  • Join a Community Group or Club
  • Attend a Major Sports Event

And there ya go! All the inspiration you need to create your ultimate bucket list before 30.

Remember that the point isn’t to stress yourself out trying to accomplish absolutely everything on your list.

If you don’t get to all of them by the time you turn 30, roll these ideas right onto your “before 40 bucket list”, your “before 50 bucket list”, so on and so forth.

The point is to have something that reminds you to live your best life at every age .

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Adventurous 30 Things Before 30 Bucket List (Travel Edition)

Looking for a bucket list of things to do before you turn 30 check out this list of 30 things to do before 30.

When you turn 30, you want to be able to look back and say that you’ve done a lot. You’ve seen the world, tried new things, and experienced some of the best things in your 20s.

Once you have a list of things to do before your 30th birthday, you’ll also find that you need to step out of your comfort zone to have some of these new experiences.

Creating a travel bucket list will help you make sure that you cross everything off before your big 3-0 arrives.

Let’s jump into an amazing travel bucket list of things to do before 30!

Pafoua and 2 sisters standing on a bridge in Amsterdam

30 Things Before 30 Bucket List

1. go on a big trip..

Whether it’s an epic backpacking adventure through Europe or eating your way through Maui , plan a big trip spanning more than 7 days. One of the coolest parts of planning a big trip is that you can spend as much time as you need exploring all the places you find yourself in.

I believe the best way to explore the world is with a trusted friend, however, you can travel in groups with your partner, or even take a solo trip.

Completed: backpacked through Europe ( London , Rome , Paris, Dublin)

2. Learn a new skill.

Learning a new skill is something that you should definitely add to your travel bucket list of things to do before you turn 30. This can be an exciting way to explore a particular place or just broaden your horizons in general.

There was a year in my 20s when I dedicated every month to learning a different skill. I covered everything from gardening and bullet journaling to jewelry making.

In terms of traveling, one of the greatest skills I’ve learned is travel hacking, which is a way of traveling with points or rewards for free.

Download my list of 10 ways to travel hack your way to free flights or hotel rooms.

3. Visit a new country.

There are so many incredible places in the world to visit, and adding new countries to your bucket list of things to do should be one of your top priorities.

This can be a great way to experience new cultures and traditions, as well as take some amazing photos that you’ll always cherish.

By visiting new countries, you’ll also learn how to get your passport (if you’ve never done that before) and know about all the different visas needed to visit each country.

It’s even better if you can group all the countries you want to visit on one continent so you can go to many new countries in one big trip.

Completed: I have been to a total of 19 countries all in my 20s

Pafoua in the middle of a sunflower field

4. Travel solo.

If you’ve never traveled solo before, adding it to your travel bucket list is a great way to challenge yourself and push your boundaries. Traveling alone can be both exciting and nerve-wracking, but the rewards are well worth it.

My first solo trip was in China where it was hard to communicate and I almost got lost. But I did make it to my destination and had such a great time connecting with the local Chinese people and making new friends!

5. Try new foods.

Whether you’re sampling street food in Thailand or fine dining in France , trying new foods is one of the best parts of traveling. Be adventurous and open-minded when it comes to trying new cuisine, and you might just find your new favorite dish.

You can also be brave and try some of the local delicacies . I walked down the night market in Beijing and tried the scorpion. I’m not sure if I would do that again, but now I can say that I have!

Completed: Tried scorpion in Beijing

6. Go on an adventure.

If you’re looking for a little bit of an adrenaline rush, add an adventure to your travel bucket list. This can be anything from bungee jumping off a bridge to white water rafting in a jungle.

No matter what you choose, it’s sure to be an unforgettable experience.

Completed: White water rafting in Yangshuo, China

7. Take a road trip.

Road trips are the perfect way to see more of your own country or even venture into new ones.

Whether you’re driving cross-country or taking a scenic route through the mountains , there’s nothing quite like the freedom and excitement of a road trip.

Completed: 10-day road trip in New England and drove through France

8. See a wonder of the world.

Add some major bucket list items to your list by seeing a wonder of the world. These iconic landmarks are sure to leave a lasting impression on you and are definitely worth adding to your list.

The Great Wall of China, Machu Picchu, the Taj Mahal, and the Colosseum are just a few of these incredible wonders of the world that you can add to your travel bucket list to do before 30!

Completed: Visited the Great Wall of China and the Colosseum

Pafoua, N, and her two sisters posing with Mickey

9. Visit Disneyland for the first time.

If you’ve never been to Disneyland before, add it to your travel bucket list . This magical place is a must-see for anyone who loves amusement parks and Disney movies.

You’ll experience all of your favorite characters and rides in one place, and the park is guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

If you’ve already visited a Disneyland Park and you still want to use this as an item to check off your 30 before 30 list, you could visit Disneyland in a different country. There’s one in Paris, Tokyo, and Shanghai.

Completed: Visited Disneyland in California

10. Go camping in a new location.

Camping is a great way to get away from it all and connect with nature. If you’ve never been camping before, add it to your travel bucket list so that you can experience this unique form of travel.

If you have been camping before, change it up and go to a new place. You could even try glamping (like in Montana because that’s beautiful) and see a new horizon.

There are so many beautiful places to go camping, so find one that looks perfect for you and start planning your trip.

Completed: Camping in Colorado

11. See the Northern Lights.

The Aurora Borealis is one of the most incredible natural phenomena in the world, and it’s something that everyone should see at least once in their lifetime. If you’re lucky enough to catch a glimpse of these magical lights, it’s sure to be an unforgettable experience.

See the Northern Lights like in Norway . You could even go camping under the Northern Lights and cross off 2 bucket list of things to do before 30!

tail of a whale in the ocean

12. Go whale watching.

Whale watching is an amazing way to get up close and personal with these massive creatures. If you’re lucky, you might even be able to see a baby whale or two. This is definitely an experience that you won’t want to miss before you turn 30.

Completed: Whale watching in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary

Read Next: 10-day New England Road Trip Itinerary [Portland to Boston]

13. Swim with dolphins.

Swimming with dolphins is a truly incredible experience, and it should definitely be added to your travel bucket list. These gentle creatures never fail to steal our hearts, and it’s amazing to be able to get so close to them in their natural habitat.

One of the coolest places to swim with the dolphins is in Fiji where you can swim with wild dolphins in the ocean with professional tour guides.

14. Splurge on a trip.

Consider splurging on a trip to one of the world’s most luxurious destinations. You can wine and dine your way through Italy, book an overwater bungalow in the Maldives, or explore the stunning scenery of Switzerland.

Completed: Splurged on our honeymoon to Maui

summit of mount bierstadt

15. Hike a 14er in Colorado.

If you’re looking for a challenging and rewarding experience, try hiking one of the various 14ers in Colorado.

These peaks are some of the tallest in the country, but with enough planning and preparation, they are totally doable. Add this adventure to your travel bucket list now so that you can cross it off before 30!

Completed: Hiked Mount Bierstadt in Colorado

Read Next: 17 Day Hikes in Denver

16. Fly first class.

Flying first class is an experience that everyone should have at least once in their life. With its comfortable seats, delicious food, and excellent service, it’s no wonder that first class is so popular.

If you can afford it, add this to your travel bucket list so that you can enjoy the luxury for yourself.

Completed: Flew first class on our honeymoon trip to Maui

17. Go on a cruise.

Cruises are a great way to see multiple destinations without having to worry about the logistics of planning each individual trip. There are so many different cruises to choose from, so find one that looks perfect for you and get ready to set sail.

If getting a boat for a week or more doesn’t appeal to you, you can also book shorter 1-2 hour cruises in different locations, such as a Thames River Cruise in London, The Seine River Cruise in Paris, or the Douro River in Portugal .

Completed: Water cruises in the Seine, Douro River

view of Seattle space needle

18. Add some states to your count.

If you’ve never been west of the Mississippi or on the east coast of the states, there’s no time like the present to start exploring. The United States is a big country with a lot to offer.

Personally, I had wanted to visit 30 states before 30, which didn’t fully happen. But visiting 30 states, and hopefully, all 50 states one day, is still on my travel bucket list.

Currently trying to complete: I have been to 26 U.S. States

19. Run (or walk) a 5k.

Running a 5k will take strategizing and training, so you can definitely walk a 5k which is the equivalent of 3 miles. People of all ages and fitness levels can participate in these fun runs, so take one step at a time and start training now.

What can be even cooler is if you plan to do a 5k in each state or country you visit! If you’re feeling competitive or want to extend yourself, you could even plan for a half marathon, which is 13 miles!

Completed: Walked/Ran the Color Run and Black Light Run

20. Learn how to cook an authentic dish from another country.

If you love trying new foods when you travel, why not learn how to cook one yourself? Add this to your travel bucket list so that you can try cooking an authentic dish from another country.

Maybe you’ll even be able to impress some of your friends with your new culinary skills!

There are many ways to learn a new dish. If you are not planning on traveling soon, find a recipe online that you would be interested in learning, get the ingredients, and follow a youtube video.

If you are traveling abroad, then you can book a cooking class and even walk out with those recipes to recreate them at home.

Completed: Took a cooking class in Hanoi and Bangkok

Pafoua and 3 friends in Acadia National Park

21. Visit 3 U.S. national parks.

There are so many stunning national parks in the United States, and they are all well worth a visit. Whether you choose to go hiking through Yosemite or just spend some time admiring the Grand Canyon, these parks have something for everyone.

Add visiting at least 3 of them to your travel bucket list before you turn 30.

Completed: Visited Rocky Mountain National Park , Acadia National Park , Yosemite National Park

22. Take a trip with your best friends.

Traveling with your best friends is an experience that you’ll never forget. laughing until you cry, and making memories that will last a lifetime. So start planning your trip with some fun activities, and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime.

Side note: It could be difficult to plan a trip if various travelers have different traveling styles. So make sure you take personalities into consideration when planning a trip so that everyone can have a great time!

If needed, you can even plan multiple trips with a few of your friends at a time so that everyone can enjoy the trip.

Completed: We have traveled all over Asia

23. Go to a music festival.

If you’re a fan of live music, then going to a music festival should definitely be on your travel bucket list. These events are always a blast, and you’ll get to see some of your favorite music bands all in one place.

Make sure to add this to your list so that you can enjoy the experience before you turn 30.

Some cool music festivals include Lollapalooza in Chicago, Coachella in California, and Glastonbury in the UK! If these don’t appeal to you, you could always find a music festival featuring some of your favorite artists, too!

Pafoua and roommate getting ready to watch Wicked

24. See a broadway show.

Whether you love musicals or plays, checking out a Broadway show is always an unforgettable experience. New York City, San Francisco, London, or any other big city is bound to have great shows playing at any given time.

Start planning your trip now and get ready for a night of entertainment.

My favorite was getting to watch Wicked in London in the West End – what a great city to see my first Broadway show!

Completed: Watched Wicked and Dream Girls in the West End in London

25. Attend a sporting event.

Attending a sporting event is an unforgettable experience. No matter what season it is, there are bound to be many professional and college sporting events in your area.

If you are like me and haven’t been to a live sporting event, but you have been to a country-wide party, then you can also cross this off your list.

Completed: Berlin – I joined many people in the city who came together to watch as their team played for the 2018 FIFA world cup

26. Go on an African safari.

If you’ve always wanted to see lions, elephants, and giraffes in their natural habitat, then going on an African safari is a must. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that you won’t want to miss, so add it to your travel bucket list now and start planning your trip before 30.

One of the best places to go on an African Safari is Hluhluwe Umfolozi Game Park in South Africa.

Half-completed: I have been on a safari in California , but not a true safari in Africa

Read Next: 17 Fun Things to do in Santa Rosa, California

collection of stamps

27. Start a collection.

Whether you collect stamps, coins, or something else entirely, starting a collection is a fun way to pass the time on your travels.

It’s also a great way to remember your trip whenever you go to a new city, state, or country. So find something that interests you and start your collection today.

Completed: I have collected postcards, foreign currency, and magnets

28. Get a tattoo.

If you’ve been thinking about getting a tattoo, there’s no better time than now. Getting inked is a popular way to commemorate a trip, so add this to your travel bucket list and start browsing through some designs.

29. Ride a hot air balloon.

There’s nothing quite like floating through the sky in a hot air balloon. If you’ve always wanted to try this, add it to your travel bucket list and start planning your trip. You’ll be able to see some amazing views and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Half-completed: I have not ridden a hot air balloon, but I have seen many hot air balloons being launched

Pafoua with a Chinese friends

30. Learn a Foreign language.

Learning a new language can be a great way to connect with people when you travel. It can also be a useful skill to have, so add this to your list of things and start learning now. There are many different ways to learn a new language, so find one that works best for you.

A couple of my favorite apps for language learning are Duolingo and Babbel . If you have the opportunity to live in a country where the primary language isn’t your first language, then immersion is an even better way to learn a new language!

Completed: When landing my first job, I moved to China and learned how to speak Mandarin

Bonus Thing to do: Take care of your finances

Although taking care of your finances doesn’t have to do directly with adventures or exploring new places, you’ll want to make sure that you have enough money to fund your travels.

You can start investing your money, create a savings fund, plan for your retirement, pay off student loan debt (like me), and much more.

So make sure to take care of your finances before you turn 30 so that you can enjoy all of the other fun things on your travel bucket list!

Overall, there are many amazing experiences waiting for you on your travel bucket list so you’ll want to be financially prepared!

Final thoughts: 30 Things Before 30 Bucket List (Travel Edition)

Now that you have seen my list of 30 things to do before you turn 30, it’s time for you to create your own. This is a great way to get excited about traveling and make sure that you check off all the items before you enter into a new decade.

After completing these items, you’ll also become a world traveler and can start another list of different things to complete!

Brainstorm now and get ready for an amazing adventure! Check out more travel resources!

  • 33 Travel Traditions to Start Today
  • The Ultimate Travel Bucket List [Over 100 ideas]
  • 10 Reasons to Hop on a Plane Today
  • 101 Inspirational Quotes

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My favorite travel tips + resources.

Here is a quick glance at all my go-to travel tips and resources that I use to plan every trip! For more information, check out my travel resources page .

  • Booking flights: I use Google Flights to check all routes and find the best flights. Then I compare Skyscanner (for the lowest prices) before I book.
  • For hotels, I go through Booking.com or book directly with Marriott (for points + rewards).
  • When I travel internationally, I’ll book through Hostelworld for very budget-friendly stays.
  • For vacation rentals, use Vrbo or Marriott Homes & Villas .
  • Expedia also has some great bundles for hotels, flights, and car rentals altogether.
  • Car Rentals: I love renting cars through Discover Cars . They have been consistent and provide the best customer service.
  • Trains in Asia: Trip.com has the best options!
  • Trains in Europe: Trainline or Omio .
  • Visa Application: For a hassle-free process, apply for your visa from iVisa .
  • Travel Credit Card: I book all my travel (flights, hotels, car rentals) through Chase Sapphire .
  • Vaccines and Medications: Check the CDC website for updates on necessary vaccines to enter a country, including updates on Covid-19 and recommended places to visit. I recommend getting all the vaccines you need before you go!
  • Tours + Experiences: I absolutely love my tours! Everything from eerie walking ghost tours to food tours, I’ll usually book something every trip either through Viator or GetYourGuide .
  • Entertainment: Looking for entertainment like sporting events, theater shows, or concerts? Book with Ticket Squeeze !
  • Tech : Keep your internet browsing safe, secure, and fast with ExpressVPN
  • Language Learning: The best place to learn a new language is through Babbel as you travel to countries you don’t know the language.
  • What to Pack: I almost always travel by backpack . For products I like, check out my packing guide page for all the things I take with me on different trips.

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Pafoua is the author and creator of Her Wanderful World. Pafoua writes from her numerous excursions about all things travel, from fun itineraries to creating memorable experiences on the road. When she’s not traveling, Pafoua loves a fun board game night with her friends or is snuggled up reading a good book. You can find her on Instagram @herwanderfulworld.

The Discoveries Of

The Ultimate Travel Bucket List: 100 Things To Do Before You Die

The world is full of wonder and if you’re anything like me, you want to go out and explore! Check out my ultimate travel bucket list – 100 unmissable places to visit before you die. How many can you tick off?

By Julianna Barnaby and Sophie Ritchie

There are so many incredible places to see on this planet… but sometimes a bit of extra inspiration doesn’t hurt.

From incredible landscapes that make your eyes pop and your jaws drop, to incredible architecture – here is the ultimate travel bucket list. 100 places to see before you die.

After all, nothing says it better than this cool travel quote from Ray Bradbury.

“Stuff your eyes with wonder, live as if you’d drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It’s more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories.”

The Ultimate Travel Bucket List

1. grand canyon, usa.

Grand Canyon - South Rim Trail Monument Creek Vista

They don’t call it Grand for nothing. The Grand Canyon is a huge, steep canyon, located in Arizona , carved by the Colorado River.

Let’s talk measurements for a second so you can get an idea of the scale of this natural wonder. 446km long and 29km wide.

I’m guessing that it’s already on your list of things to see before you die. If you’re up for the challenge, you can go and hike the whole thing … or simply see the scale of its beauty from one of the many lookouts.

These are especially beautiful to watch the sunrise and sunset from, so make sure you check the times before you go!

2. See The Northern Lights

Northern Lights Rovaniemi

The Northern Lights are one of nature’s most incredible wonders.

A series of dancing lights that charge the night sky in pinks, greens, yellows and purples – seeing the Aurora Borealis is the ultimate travel bucket list item.

Cool northern lights-spotting destinations include Iceland , Norway , Alaska and northern Canada.

How to See the Northern Lights in Iceland

3. Giant’s Causeway, United Kingdom

Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.

he Giant’s Causeway is a stone formation made up of 40,000 basalt columns, located just off the coast of Antrim in Northern Ireland.

While scientists say that the formations were the result of a volcanic eruption, legend has it that the columns were a causeway built by a giant so that Scottish and Irish giants could meet and fight. I’m going to go with the latter – much more believable.

4. Bryce Canyon, USA

Sunrise Point, Bryce Canyon

One of the US’s best-known national parks, Bryce Canyon is a collection of giant natural amphitheatres in southern Utah and one of the most beautiful natural landmarks I’ve ever had the pleasure of visiting. 

Designated a National Park in 1928, Bryce Canyon now receives nearly 2.5 million annual visitors to marvel at its red, orange and white rock formations.

5. Antelope Canyon, USA

Upper Canyon Antelope Canyon Page Arizona

Walking through the weird curved formations of Antelope Canyon , it’s difficult to believe that it’s not man made.

It’s not. Antelope Canyon is a slot canyon, located in Page, Arizona. Formed by the erosion of sandstone from the flash floods that occur in the area, it’s a must for any avid traveller. 

Photographers come from far and wide to get a glimpse of this beautiful orange, red and yellow canyon and the magical light filtered through the canyon’s shaped walls.

6. Reynisdrangar Basalt Columns, Iceland

Reynisdrangar columns Iceland

The striking Reynisdrangar basalt columns on the world-famous Reynisfjara black sand beach are one of Iceland’s most impressive natural wonders (they have tough competition).

The columns were formed by volcanic activity – the same kind that created the Giant’s Causeway mentioned above.

Legend has it that they are three trolls, frozen in time by the sun’s rays. Sound familiar? That’s because Tolkien used the legend in his world-famous story The Hobbit.

7. Yosemite National Park, USA

California Road Trip - Yosemite

Yosemite National Park is just incredible. Located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the northeast of California it’s well-known as one of America’s most beautiful travel destinations.

Want to know where to travel before you die? Start with Yosemite.

Granite cliffs, clear streams, waterfalls, mountains and glaciers – it’s no wonder that the famous photographer Ansel Adams loved it – and I bet you will too.

8. The Dead Sea, Israel / West Bank / Jordan

The Dead Sea.

We all know that you can float on The Dead Sea. This curious natural wonder is 9.6 times saltier than the ocean. It’s not actually a sea, despite its name, it’s a lake on the borders of Israel, the West Bank and Jordan .

The banks of the Dead Sea are over 400m below sea level, making them the lowest point in the world on dry land.

The easiest way to visit The Dead Sea is by taking a short-ish bus journey from Tel Aviv or Jerusalem, alternatively you can rent a car and drive, though booking onto a tour makes things even easier.

9. Ha Long Bay, Vietnam

Ha Long Bay

Ha Long Bay is no secret. Another place that’s arguably being loved to death, it’s enduringly beautiful.

The bay, which is located in Northeast Vietnam, stretches over 1500 square kilometres and is scattered with over 1600 islands and islets.

Ha Long Bay is known for its emerald waters and rainforest-topped islands and a favourite among beauty-seekers.

10. Jeita Grotto, Lebanon

When it comes to bucket list places to visit, The Jeita Grotto is often forgotten about. It’s a set of two separate but interconnected limestone caves, located in the Nahr al-Kalb Valley in Lebanon. 

It can only be entered by boat as it channels an underground river, but once inside, visitors can see the incredible rock formations, and beautiful stalactites and stalagmites.

11. Acropolis, Greece

must visit places before 30

The Acropolis in Athens is an ancient citadel located on the top of a hill in Athens, which contains many ancient (and remains of) buildings, such as the Parthenon, the Propylaea and the Temple of Athena Nike.

Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987, the Acropolis is a greatly important symbol of Greek history, architecture and spirit and visiting it should have a prime spot on your travel bucket list.

12. Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Take whatever you’ve heard about Angkor Wat, times it by 100 and yet it will still blow you away. Sunrise at Angkor Wat is just straight up incredible. 

Angkor Wat is a mystical complex of temples in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992, Angkor Wat also happens to be the largest religious monument in the world at 400 square kilometres – it’s made up of hundreds of incredible and awe inspiring temples and ruins.

If you need any more reason to believe you need to visit this special place, it even features on the country’s flag!

13. Chichén Itzá, Mexico

Chichen Itza

Chichén Itzá is one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. Sounds like something that deserves a place on your bucket list right? Right.

But what exactly is Chichen Itza? Well only the biggest archaeological city of the pre-Columbian Mayan civilisation, located in the Yucatán State, Mexico .

Its huge pyramid, El Castillo, is the centre of the ancient city. Both were designated as UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1988.

14. Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu at Sunrise

Sure, everybody raves about it… but you know what? That’s because it is incredible. Machu Picchu is the old Inca City, located on top of a 2500m mountain in the Cusco region of Peru, just above the Sacred Valley.

Forgotten by the Western world for centuries, it was rediscovered by intrepid explorer Hiram Bingham. Machu Picchu was crowned as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site (of course).

IMHO Machu Picchu is the best archaeological site in the South American continent, and definitely deserves to be at the top of your South America bucket list .

15. Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

Camels Pyramids of Giza Cairo, Egypt

Who hasn’t dreamt of jetting off to see the mysterious Pyramids of Giza ?

The Pyramids of Giza are located on the outskirts of Cairo Egypt. The complex contains 3 pyramids, a Great Sphinx Sculpture and several cemeteries. Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979, Egypt’s world-famous pyramids were built as a tomb for the pharaohs and their queens.

Now they’re one of the most recognisable (and photographed) structures in the world –  I fell head over heels for them after a recent visit to the country.

16. Stonehenge, United Kingdom


Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument, located in Wiltshire, England. I’ll be completely honest, I’ve never really got why everyone goes so nuts about them… but I can never resist a cheeky detour when I’m on my way to Glastonbury Festival.

The 4 metre high collection of stones were constructed over time between 2500 and 5000 years ago, and are now one of the seven Wonders of the World. Druids and Pagans still use the site to celebrate important occasions such as the summer solstice.

17. The Colosseum, Italy


How about adding the largest amphitheatre ever built to your list of 100 places to see before you die? Yep, thought so.

The Colosseum is an old amphitheatre in the middle of Rome – it was built to hold up to 80,000 spectators.

Although over the years it has been partially ruined by earthquakes, the Colosseum is still an iconic symbol of Rome, recognisable from around the world.

18. Bagan, Myanmar

Bagan Myanmar

Catapulted from a place very few people had heard of to one of the recent year’s travel hotspots, Bagan is a beautiful place. The ancient city in Myanmar is nicknamed the temple town, as it is home to 2,229 remaining temples and pagodas.

Most of these have been restored or preserved by UNESCO, and many contain incredible statues and carvings of Buddha – worth a visit in themselves. 

Head to the site early in the morning in the evening – you’ll see the most incredible Bagan sunrises and sunsets – preferably by hot air balloon.

19. Taj Mahal, India

Taj Mahal

Is it the most photographed building in the world? It’s certainly the best-known mausoleum.

The Taj Maha l is a white marble mausoleum, built in 1648 at the command of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan, to remember his late wife.

Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983, the ornate Taj Mahal is a beautiful symbol of India and needs to be on any bucket list 100.

20. The Great Wall of China, China

Great Wall of China

China’s most famous landmark, The Great Wall of China is testament to the incredible building skills of civilisations past.

The “Great Wall” is actually a number of walls that run along the historical Northern borders of China, that were built to protect the Chinese against invasions from Eurasia.

Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987, it is the longest wall in the world – it’s even visible from space.

21. London, United Kingdom


London needs no introduction. This cosmopolitan capital is crammed with cool things to do and places to see and deserves a spot on your travel bucket list.

Dating back to Roman times, London is now home to a whopping nearly 9 million people… including the Royal Family.

Head here to see some of the world’s most famed attractions – Big Ben, the London Eye, Buckingham Palace and so many other pretty places to see in London , not to mention some of the most striking street art in the world and a plethora of brilliant restaurants.

Aside from tourist hot spots, London is filled with cool neighbourhoods well worth taking the time to explore – take Hackney, Shoreditch, Croydon, and Clapham, for example.

22. Paris, France

Paris Eiffel

The City of Love – there’s a lot more to Paris than snuggling up for a cosy tete a tete with your other half.

Famed for its culture, art, cuisine and fashion, Paris has something for everyone – which explains why it’s on pretty much every bucket list 100 out there.

Whizz around between beautiful spots like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and the Arc de Triomphe. Treat yourself to some fancy accommodation and enjoy one of Europe’s most opulent cities.

23. Florence, Italy

Florence Cathedral

Another one of Europe’s cultural hotspots, Florence is well-known for being the birthplace of beautiful Renaissance art and architecture.

Art lovers will rejoice in Florence, with magnificent works by Michaelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci on display at the Uffizi Gallery. 

But that’s not all there is to this dreamy Italian spot – the food is impeccable, the city is filled with family-run trattorias and gelato hotspots. Prepare to spend half your time eating, and the other half snapping photos.

Planning a trip? Check out the many world-famous Italian landmarks Florence boasts, such as Ponte Vecchio, Florence Cathedral and its ‘Duomo’, the Palazzo Vecchio, and Boboli Gardens. Then hop in a car to discover the rest of Tuscany on a road trip.

24. Rome, Italy

Les Étoiles

Ahh Rome , what a city. Every time you think you have seen it all, Rome comes up with something else to surprise you.

Full of architecture, art and ancient ruins, it’s known worldwide for its fashion and designer boutiques. Head to the Colosseum for some history, the Vatican for some culture and the Trevi Fountain to make a wish.

Don’t even get me started on the sheer number of brilliant eateries either…

25. Vienna, Austria


The capital of Austria, Vienna is a dream. This gorgeous city is known across Europe for its baroque art and architecture, and its musical and intellectual legacy. 

Some of Vienna’s most well known attractions are the Schönbrunn Palace, St. Stephen’s Cathedral and the Hofburg, a complex of palaces.

Viennese cafe culture is also one of the best in Europe, so much so that UNESCO popped it on their intangible cultural heritage list. Head into one of Vienna’s very many cafes for a Viennese coffee and a slice of schokotorte.

26. Oxford, United Kingdom

Aerial view of Oxford

Oxford is one of the UK’s most famous cities, thanks to its prestigious university (I studied there and it was just as incredible as you would imagine).

With the university dating back to the 11th century, Oxford is full of so many things to do – old architecture, beautiful scenery and tasty cuisine.

Head to Oxford to see the Museum of Natural History, the Oxford Botanic Gardens, and of course its prestigious university and its colleges.

27. Havana, Cuba


Cuba’s evocative capital is an unforgettable experience – there’s no way I’d leave it out of my pick of top 100 bucket list destinations. It’s been a while since I’ve visited but the sights and sounds of the city will always stay with me.

Gorgeous 16th-century architecture and vintage American cars , music and dance – not forgetting the delicious cuisine and daiquiris!

When you’re here, head to the Revolution Museum, Morro Castle and Old Havana, to see the best bits. It’s no wonder that Hemingway loved it – pop into El Floridita , his favourite bar.

28. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Rio Sugar Loaf Mountain

Rio de Janeiro may NOT be Brazil’s capital but it makes up for it with culture, looks and fun.

The first time I visited Rio, I was fresh-faced and 18 – several (and I mean several) years later, I’m just as in love with Rio as when I first clapped eyes on it.

This vibrant capital city is best known for its architecture, forest topped mountains and golden beaches. Some of Rio’s best sights are the Christ the Redeemer statue, Copacabana and Sugar Loaf Mountain.

29. Venice, Italy

Venice at Sunset

Venice might be sinking but we still love it. In truth, it’s difficult to leave Venice out of any list of must-see travel spots, BUT it is suffering from serious overtourism, so you might want to skip it in favour of somewhere quieter.

Full of Renaissance and Gothic architecture, there are very few roads in Venice, mostly canals, with boats and gondolas to transport people. The best places to see are the Piazza San Marco, Saint Mark’s Basilica and the Rialto Bridge – just magical!

30. Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Amsterdam is more than relaxed marijuana laws and chilled out coffee shops. Home to an impressive array of world-class museums, beautiful canals, gorgeous architecture and history.

Start by visiting the Van Gogh Museum and the Rijksmuseum, walk along the canals and spend some time exploring the city by bike.

Dutch food might not be much to write home about, but they sure know a thing or two about sweet things – make it your mission to scoff as many poffertjes and stroopwafel as possible. A bucket list travel must.

31. Iguazu Falls, Brazil

must visit places before 30

The Iguazu Falls are waterfalls on the Iguazu River that border Misiones, the Argentinian province, Paraná, the Brazilian state and Paraguay. At 82 metres high and the chain of falls nearly 3km long, they are the largest waterfalls system in the world.

Think the view can’t be better? Wait until you hear their astoundingly loud roar – sight and sound – it’s almost deafening, and an absolute thrill.

32. Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe / Zambia

must visit places before 30

Victoria Falls is a waterfall located on the Zambezi River on the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia, in southern Africa. 

Described by CNN as one of the seven natural wonders of the world, the water at the Victoria Falls drops a staggering 108m, and is the largest curtain of water in the world.

The easiest way to visit is to fly to Livingstone, the nearest airport – from there it’s around 11km to the falls via a taxi.

Or, if you would really like to treat yourself (I approve), view the falls from above during a helicopter flight over the natural landmark. Truly a once in a lifetime experience.

33. Niagara Falls, Canada / USA

Niagara Falls 

The Niagara Falls are a set of three impressive waterfalls that border Ontario, Canada, and New York State in the US. The three waterfalls, the Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls and the Bridal Veil Falls, all fall at the southern end of the Niagara gorge, and have a total height of 51m.

As the most famous falls in the world, Niagara is something that you’ve got to see. If you’re feeling brave, jump on one of the boat tours which take you up close and personal to the falls.

34. Ban Gioc-Detian Falls, China / Vietnam

The Ban Gioc–Detian Falls are a set of two waterfalls on the Quây Sơn River, on the border of China and Vietnam.

The main waterfall is the Detian waterfall, and the other waterfall is the Ban Gioc Waterfall, with the cumulative drop being a whopping 60m.

You can hop on a boat, which will take you on a river tour close to the falls for an extra-special experience.

35. Palouse Falls, USA

The Palouse Falls is a waterfall on the Palouse River, 6km up from the meeting with the Snake River, in southeast Washington in the United States.

The falls consist of an upper falls and a lower falls, which are drops of 6.1m and 60m respectively. Bring your hiking boots and set off on one of the numerous trails around the top and the bottom of the falls.

36. Shoshone Falls, USA

Shoshone Falls

Shoshone Falls is a waterfall on the Snake River in Southern Idaho. Known as the ‘Niagara of the West’, the falls are 65m high (which is actually higher than Niagara) and flow over a 300m wide rim.

Formed over 14,000 years ago, the Shoshone Falls attract up to 300,000 vehicles per year, and are definitely worth a spot on your ultimate bucket list. Bring a picnic and grab a spot in one of the designated areas for a fabulous day out.

37. Blue Nile Falls, Ethiopia

Blue Nile Falls is a waterfall on the Blue Nile River, located in the north of Ethiopia. Known as ’Tis Abay’ in Amharic, meaning ‘great smoke’, the Falls are approximately 40 metres high, consisting of four streams.

This beautiful waterfall is one of Ethiopia’s top tourist attractions – just get ready for a hike to get the best views of the falls.

38. Gullfoss, Iceland


It’s hard to pick one waterfall from Iceland for our list, but Gullfoss can’t be missed. Gullfoss, meaning ‘Golden Waterfall’ is a waterfall located in the Olfusa River canyon, in Southwest Iceland.

The name comes from the golden colour of the waterfall in certain light – the result of sediment in the water.

The total height of Gullfoss is 32 metres and the longest drop is 21 metres. The beautiful waterfall offers brilliant views and we recommend going to see it on a sunny day, as there’s a big chance of seeing a rainbow shimmering over the falls.

Otherwise it’s a spectacular place to see the Northern Lights in the winter.

Visiting Gullfoss Waterfall in Iceland

39. McWay Falls, USA

Julia Pfeiffer beach, Big Sur, California, USA

The McWay Falls are a waterfall that flows from McWay Creek in picture-perfect Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park onto a beach in Big Sur on the west coast of California.

The image of the 24m McWay Falls cascading onto the beach is one of Big Sur’s most iconic and something you can’t miss. The hike to the falls is rather easy and boasts some of Big Sur’s best views.

40. The Maldives


The Maldives are a set of South Asian islands, located in the Indian ocean. Made up of 26 atolls, ring shaped coral reefs together containing over 1000 coral islands.

People come from far and wide for The Maldives’ beautiful islands, luxury accommodation, azure waters, and colourful marine life.

If you love beaches, watersports or simply soaking up the views of one of the most beautiful places on this planet, the Maldives should be on your list.

41. Vava’u Islands

The Vava’u islands are a set of islands, one large and 40 small, located in Tonga in the South Pacific. Neiafu, the capital of these islands, is a gorgeous destination well worth exploring – make sure to visit the striking St Joseph’s Cathedral.

Looking for spectacular things to do before you die?

This tropical paradise has crystal clear waters, white sand beaches and beautiful sea life, including tropical fish, sea turtles, spinner dolphins and Humpback whales – a wildlife lover’s paradise!

42. Santorini, Greece

Sunset in Oia

Santorini is a Greek Island in the Southern Aegean Sea.

Known as the ‘supermodel’ of the Greek Islands, it is instantly recognisable by its whitewashed buildings with blue roofs, multicoloured cliffs, beautiful sunsets and dazzlingly sapphire coloured waters.

There’s so much to do in Santorini including exploring Akrotiri’s ruins and chilling on Kamari’s black sand beach. You might have to battle the crowds, but it’s totally worth it.

43. Bora Bora, French Polynesia

Bora Bora

Bora Bora is a small island in the South Pacific, Northwest of Tahiti in French Polynesia.

Being Tahiti’s most famous island, it is popular with the luxury crowd thanks to its fabulous hotels.

Bora Bora is surrounded by a turquoise lagoon protected by a coral reef, which is fabulous for swimming, snorkelling and diving.

44. Bali, Indonesia


Bali is an island and province of Indonesia, popular among backpackers travelling Southeast Asia but also with a luxury side, full of beautiful beaches, incredible food , culture scenery and wildlife.

Known for its surfing, yoga , diving and great resorts, the ‘essence of Bali’, and its traditions have stolen the hearts of many visitors.

45. Fernando de Noronha, Brazil

Fernando de Noronha

An archipelago in Brazil, Fernando de Noronha is known as both a beach lover’s shangri-la and an eco-wonderland. Built on volcanic rock, the coastline is as ragged as it is beautiful.

Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2001, this paradise is full of pristine beaches, beautiful landscapes and stunning wildlife. Apparently, even the sharks are friendly.

46. Maui, USA


Maui is an island which is part of the state of Hawaii, known for its natural beauty. It is Hawaii’s second-largest island, at 1,883 square kilometres. 

Known as the ‘Valley Isle’, Maui is famed for its world-famous beaches, the Iao Valley, humpback whales, and the marvellous sunset and sunrise from Haleakala. 

There are so many things to do in Maui with kids , as there are for a couple travelling alone.

47. Big Sur, USA

Big Sur - West Coast USA

Big Sur is a stretch of California’s central coast. Forever linked with beat writers such as Jack Kerouac, Big Sur tops the list of many literary lovers’ travel bucket lists – but there’s more to its appeal than that.

Driving through Big Sur on a Highway 1 road trip is very popular, with beautiful places to stop and look out, such as Bixby Bridge and the Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park, where the picturesque McWay Falls (see our pick of top 10 waterfalls for your bucket list) meets the sandy shore and drifts into the Ocean.

48. Ko Samui, Thailand

Koh Samui island, Thailand

Ko Samui is Thailand’s second largest island, located off the East Coast in the Gulf of Thailand. 

Ko Samui is home to lush rainforest, coconut palms and some of the most spectacular beaches in Thailand, such as Bang Por, Choeng Mon and Taling Nam, which is incredible for watching the sunset on.

49. Krabi, Thailand

Railay Beach Viewpoin t

Krabi is a province of Thailand in the Andaman Sea. It is home to some of the best beaches and islands in Southeast Asia, such as Railay Beach , with incredible rock formations making it a climbers paradise, and the Phi Phi Islands, where Leonardo DiCaprio’s ‘The Beach’ was filmed.

With white sand beaches, crystal clear waters and stunning coral reefs, it’s no wonder that Krabi is at the top of most visitors’ lists of things to see when they’re in Thailand.

50. Atacama Desert, Chile

Atacama Basin, Atacama Desert, Chile-7

The Atacama Desert is a desert located in Chile , South America and is one of the most surreal places on the planet.

The desert covers a 1000 square km area of land and is one of the driest places on Earth. Mars-like valleys, brightly coloured lakes, swarms of flamingos and the Southern hemisphere’s largest geyser field – if you’re heading to the Atacama desert, you’d better prepare to have your mind blown.

Check out my guide to road-tripping in the Atacama Desert.

51. Bolivia Salt Flats

3-Days Tour to the Uyuni Salt Flat and Coloured Lagoons and Sunset

The Bolivia Salt Flats (Salar de Uyuni) are located in the Potosí province in the southwest of Bolivia – not far from the Atacama Desert.

At 10,582 square km and placed 3,656m above sea level, they are the largest salt flats in the world. This incredible natural wonder was originally caused by the transformations of several prehistoric lakes, which are now covered by a few metres of salt crust.

52. Torres del Paine, Chile

Los Cuernos

Torres del Paine National Park is located in Patagonia, Chile. It is known for its beautiful mountains, blue icebergs and glaciers, and lush vegetation.

If you’re fit enough to take on the challenge, hiking the five day W trail should be on your list of things to do before you die – feeling even more adventurous? The 8-day O trek is for you.

The stunning Torres, after which the park is named, is the main attraction of the park, and over 250,000 visitors come to marvel at them every year. It’s honestly one of the most incredible places I’ve visited and well worth the hype.

53. Lake District, UK

Walking in the Lake District

The Lake District i s a mountainous area in Cumbria, in the north west of England, whose mountains, lakes and forests stretch over a huge 2,362 square km.

Boasting plenty of hikes and ways to reconnect with nature, this is a popular holiday destination for British tourists. 

Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its beautiful scenery, the Lake District is also home to Scafell Pike, the highest mountain in England, and also the deepest and longest bodies of water in England – most definitely worth a trip.

54. Mù Cang Chả, Vietnam

Mù Cang Chả is a rural district located at the bottom of the Hoang Lien Son mountain range in the northwest of Vietnam, in the Yên Bái Province.

It is home to incredible landscapes and perfectly-landscaped rice paddies – the Mù Cang Chả Rice Terrace has been recognised as one of the most unique landscapes in Vietnam, stretching across 22 square km of the mountainside.

Seeing the bright green paddies in real life is guaranteed to be one of the highlights of any trip to Vietnam.

55. Namib-Naukluft National Park, Namibia

Namibia, Sossusvlei

The Namib-Naukluft National Park is located in Namibia, and encompasses part of the Namib Desert.

The Namib Desert is the world’s oldest desert, and Namib-Naukluft is the fourth-largest game park in the world. Wonderful creatures such as snakes, hyenas and geckos reside in the stunning signature red and orange sand.

56. Paro Valley, Bhutan

Paro Taktsang (Tiger Nest) in Upper Paro Valley, Bhutan

The Paro Valley is a lush valley located in western Bhutan. The historic town is full of culture, history and sacred sites, and the wide and richly vegetated Valley is one of Bhutan’s must-see sights. 

If you’re visiting the valley, you have to make a stop at Paro Taktsang which is tucked into the side of a cliff. It’s nicknamed the Tiger’s Nest Buddhist Temple and known one of the most sacred sites in Bhutan.

57. Tuscany, Italy

Julianna Barnaby in Volterra

Tuscany is a region in central Italy. Full of beautiful old Italian villas, farms, wineries and lush vegetation, it’s a beautiful location to visit. As I’ve already mentioned, Florence, the capital of the region, is filled with so many things for art-lovers to do.

Though it’s the gently rolling hills and green vineyards that make up a stunning landscape worthy of a postcard and a spot on your bucket list. Other must-visit towns include Montepulciano, Greve in Chianti, Montalcino and San Gimignano.

Travels Through Tuscany – the Ultimate Road Trip

59. Uluru, Australia

Uluru Ayers Rock, Australia

Uluru (previously known as Ayers Rock) is a large sandstone rock formation, located in the north central region of Australia, that rises 350 metres up away from its surrounding land.

Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987, Uluru is home to beautiful waterholes, springs and rock caves.

One of Australia’s indigenous tribes most sacred sites, you can no longer hike onto the rock itself, but can still soak up its spiritual presence from up close.

60. Cinque Terre, Italy


Cinque Terre is a string of five seaside villages, Riomaggiore, Corniglia, Vernazza, Manarola, and Monterosso, located in the region of Liguria in Italy. Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997, the area is full of colourful houses and vineyards and a beautiful blue harbour.

I’m betting it’s one of the most photographed places in Italy, but once you go, you can easily see why. Gorgeous views, even better wine, and a chilled-out pace of life – what’s not to love?

61. Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa, Pisa Tuscany-6

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is the free-standing bell tower of Italy’s Pisa Cathedral. Built in 1372 at 56 metres tall, the tower is famed for its unintended tilt – the result of the soft ground on which it was built.

Head to the tower, take the obligatory selfie (or three – don’t miss the one where you pretend to push it over!) but don’t forget to explore the rest of this charming city, which is surprisingly quiet once you get away from the big sights.

62. Golden Gate Bridge, USA

Golden Gate Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge is a 1,280m suspension bridge that links San Francisco with Marin County in Western California. Built in 1937 for a huge $35 million, since opening it has become an icon of San Francisco and the most photographed bridge in the world.

Hike through the spectacular Golden Gate Bridge Park to the bottom of the bridge for a different view of this iconic bridge.

63. Eiffel Tower , Paris

Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is a wrought iron lattice tower, located on the Champ de Mars, in Paris, France. The engineer Gustave Eiffel, designed the tower and then his company built it in 1889.

With a total height of 324m, the instantly recognisable Eiffel Tower is synonymous with the city of love. Head up to the top for amazing views out over the city.

64. Christ the Redeemer , Rio de Janeiro

Christ The Redeemer

The Christ the Redeemer Statue is located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil . Built in 1931 by four men, Landowski, da Silva Costa, Caquor and Leonida, the 30 metre symbol of Rio sits atop of the Corcovado Mountain, looking over the city.

You can access the statue via a tough hike through the Tijuca rainforest, or via a tram or collectivo.

Whichever way you get there, the view of the city spread out below and of the statue itself is one of Rio’s real highlights.

65. The Palm Jumeirah, United Arab Emirates

The Palm Jumeirah is an artificial group of islands in Dubai , United Arab Emirates, located on the Jumeirah coast. It might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about things to do before you die, but it’s well worth the trip.

Taking 5 years to build from 2001 to 2006, the Palm is now full of luxury hotels, restaurants and residences. In keeping with Dubai’s reputation for glitz and glamour, a trip to The Palm Jumeirah is one for the luxury-lovers among you.

The island is also home to arguably the best water park in Dubai – spend a day cooling off and seeking thrills at the Atlantis Aquaventure.

66. St Basil’s Cathedral, Russia

St Basil Cathedral Red Square

St Basil’s Cathedral is located in Red Square, Moscow, Russia. Built in 1561, this world-famous and colourful landmark was inspired by the flame from a bonfire rising into the sky.

Officially called ‘The Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin by the Moat’, this 48m high building is a totally bonkers but beautiful creation that’s guaranteed to make a lasting impression.

67. Sydney Opera House, Australia

What to See in Sydney, Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Opera House is an arts venue, located at Bennelong Point in the middle of the Sydney Harbour, Australia. Built in 1973, the Opera House became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2007.

The picturesque sail design of the house with the Sydney Harbour Bridge behind it is the iconic image of Sydney and a must-do on your Australia bucket list.

68. Statue of Liberty, USA

Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty is a sculpture of ‘Lady Liberty’, located on Liberty Island in the harbour in New York City.

The statue shows Lady Liberty holding a torch and a book with roman numerals of the date of the US Declaration of Independence.

Designed by Bartholdi and built by Gustave Eiffel, the statue was dedicated to the US people from France in 1886.

The statue used to be the first sight of New York for those sailing into the city in days gone by, the boat trip to see  the statue is no less striking today.There is so much to enjoy in New York with various attractions, shopping and rooftop restaurants in New York .

69. Big Ben, United Kingdom


Big Ben (a nickname for the clock on the Elizabeth Tower), is a tower at the end of the Palace of Westminster in London, England.

Ever since it was built in 1859, it has been a British cultural icon, and is the most prominent symbol of London and the United Kingdom.

Big Ben is currently undergoing renovation works, but you can still take a peek at the Houses of Parliament below.

Want an extra-special view? Take one of the numerous boat cruises that float down the Thames for picture opps without the crowds.

70. Empire State Building, USA

Empire State Building

The Empire State Building is a skyscraper, located on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, New York City (between West 33rd and 34th streets to be precise).

The 102 storey building is not only a work office, but also has a viewing deck at the top where visitors can see the whole of the city.

The Empire State Building is a symbol of New York City, and was designated the status of a National Historic Landmark in 1986. Book your ticket and get whisked up to the top for spectacular views out over the city.

71. Mount Everest, China / Nepal


Mount Everest, located in the Mahalangur range of the Himalayas, is the highest mountain on Earth at 8,848 m, with the border between China and Nepal running across its summit.

Since it was first climbed in 1953, Mount Everest has attracted keen climbers from all over, with two main climbing routes, one starting in southeast Nepal and the other in the north of Tibet in China – do you dare to rise to the challenge?

Just how tough is it to climb Mount Everest?

72. Rainbow Mountain Peru

Rainbow Mountain Peru

Mount Vinicunca, also known as Rainbow Mountain , is a mountain in the Andes in Cusco, Peru.  

With its highest peak at 5,200m, Vinicunca is full of desert landscapes, snow-capped peaks and lots of alpacas!

Though South America isn’t short on a hike or two, this one comes with close-up views of the multi-coloured mountains and its picturesque surroundings.

73. Matterhorn, Switzerland


The Matterhorn is located in the Swiss Alps. At 4,478 m, it is one of the largest mountains in Europe and the Alps. Surrounded by glaciers, the Matterhorn is an incredibly beautiful site, with an almost symmetrical peak.

Skilled mountaineers can climb to the top of the mountain, but even if that’s not you, we pretty much guarantee you’ll be blown away by views of the mountain up close.

74. Fitz Roy, Argentina / Chile


Mount Fitz Roy is a mountain in Patagonia, located in the Southern Patagonian Ice Field near El Chaltén on the border of Argentina and Chile .

First climbed in 1952, today it still remains one of the most challenging climbs on Earth with its highest point at 3,405 m.

Not quite up to the challenge? You can hike to the base of the mountain from El Chalten without too much difficulty.

75. K2, China / Pakistan

K2, also known as Mount Godwin Austen, is the second highest mountain in the world, at 8611 metres high, located on the border between China and Pakistan.

Not many dare to climb K2 as it is so dangerous. K2 is sometimes called the ‘Savage Mountain’, with a terrifying one out of four climbers never making it back.

76. Table Mountain, South Africa

Hiking Table Mountain, Cape Town

Table Mountain is a flat-topped mountain overlooking Cape Town in South Africa . The mountain is just over 1,085 metres tall and 3km from either side.

Visitors either hike up to the top or get the cable-car up (hint: do the hike, it’s awesome). Once at the top, the sweeping views of the city are incredible.

Cape Town is often chosen as one of the most spectacular cities in the world, and the views from Table Mountain give you a good idea why.

77. Banff National Park, Canada


Banff National Park is Canada’s national playground. Forming part of the Rockies National Park, Canada’s first national park, Banff’s highest peak is Bonnet Peak at 3,235 m.

The beautiful snow capped mountains surrounded by lush green forests and charming lakes are too tempting not to explore – doing so should be on your list of things to do before you die.

78. Mount Huangshan, China

Mount Huangshan is a mountain range is the Anhui Province in Eastern China, with its top height reaching 1,864 metres. Mount Huangshan and its surrounding area is well known for its scenery, sunsets, lush vegetation and incredible views.

Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1990, Mount Huangshan is known as ‘the loveliest mountain in China’. Even more reason to see it with your own eyes.

79. Atlas Mountains, Morocco

Atlas Mountains Photo Essay

The Atlas Mountains are a mountain range in north west Africa. Their highest peak is Jebel Toubkal at 4,167 metres high and located in Morocco.

Its lush valleys, snow-capped peaks and traditional Berber villages make trekking in the Atlas Mountains a fantastic experience.

The Atlas Mountains are a relatively short trip from Marrakech and well deserving of a detour from the charming city.

80. Mont Blanc, France

Mont Blanc

Mont Blanc (meaning ‘White Mountain) is located in the Graian Alps, which run between France and Italy.

Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in the Alps and in Europe at 4,808m, and is very popular for hiking, mountaineering, snowboarding and skiing.

Seasoned skiers and snowboarders can hike up and ski or board down in the summer months – beware, the hike up is pretty tough.

81. Yellowstone SuperVolcano, USA

Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone Super Volcano is located in the ethereal Yellowstone National Park , in the northwest of Wyoming, US.

Known for its super-volcanoes, crazily coloured lakes and ever-faithful geysers, Yellowstone might well be the US national park highest on your list of things to do before you die (though maybe Yosemite beats it to the first spot).

82. Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico

Popocatépetl Volcano is an active volcano located in the Mexico, Puebla and Morelos states in Central Mexico.

At 5,426m high, it is the second-tallest peak in Mexico. You can visit the park surrounding the volcano from Mexico City – bear in mind that it is an active volcano, so you should check before you set out.

83. Mount Vesuvius, Italy


Mount Vesuvius is a volcano located in Naples, in Campania, Italy. The 1,280m volcano is best known for its eruption in 79AD that destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum, and being the most densely populated volcanic region in the world.

However, despite the risk, the sight of the beautiful volcano standing tall over the city of Naples is truly amazing. You can undertake the hike to the top independently, or go on a guided hike to take advantage of the local knowledge.

84. Mount Etna, Italy

Mount Etna is a volcano between Messina and Cantania, in Sicily, Italy. At 3,330m high, it is Europe’s tallest active volcano, and Italy’s highest peak south of the Alps. Although it is one of the world’s most active volcano sites, in 2013 it was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its beauty.

It’s a tough trek to the top, but the views once you get there are worth the sweat.

85. Mount Fuji, Japan

Mount Fuji, Japan.

Mount Fuji is an active volcano located on Honshu Island, in the Southwest of Japan. At 3,770 metres tall, it is the highest mountain in Japan.

The mountain is one of Japan’s sacred sites – it’s not unusual for people to make a pilgrimage trek to the top.

Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2013, UNESCO has also recognised 25 locations within the Mount Fuji locality to be sites of cultural interest – meaning there’s plenty for you to do when you tick this one off your bucket list.

86. Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano with three volcanic cones, located in the Kilimanjaro National Park in East Tanzania, Africa.

At 5,895 metres above sea level, it is the highest mountain in Africa. Kilimanjaro is one of Africa’s best-known adventure spots and the hike to the top is a once in a lifetime experience.

87. Mauna Loa, USA

Mauna Loa is an active volcano located in Hawaii, United States. It’s considered to be the Earth’s largest volcano with an impressive 75,000 cubed km volume.

Although Mauna Loa has been erupting for at least 700,000 years and still erupts today, the eruptions are very fluid and tend to be non-explosive, so it is a very safe area to visit.

It’s a tough hike, even by Hawaiian standards, but when else will you get to climb the world’s largest volcano?

88. Mount Bromo, Indonesia

Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo is an active volcano located in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park in East Java, Indonesia, and is part of the Tengger massif, a volcano complex.

Sitting in the middle of a plain of sand, the beautiful 2300m volcano provides visitors with unparalleled views, which can be reached by taking a 2 hour walk to the top. Head up at night to catch sunrise at the top – an unforgettable experience.

89. Thrihnukagigur Volcano, Iceland

Thrihnukagigur Volcano is a dormant volcano near Reykjavík, Iceland, that covers 3,270 square metres and is 213m deep.

Opening to tourists in 2012, it is the only volcano in the world where you can take a lift down into the magma chamber. Such an incredible sight is totally deserving of a spot on your bucket list.

90. Mount Helen, USA

MOunt Helen

Mount Helen is an active volcano located in Skamania County in Washington State, United States – less than 100 miles away from Seattle. Mount St Helens is well known for its ash explosions and flows of gas and volcanic matter, especially during the notorious 1980 eruption.

The huge volcano is located in the Cascade Range which is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, a group of 452 active volcanoes dotted around the rim of the Pacific, all prone to eruption.

There are more than 200 miles of trails in the surrounding area – allowing you to see a different side of the volcano on two feet.

91. Masai Mara, Kenya

Masai Mara

The Masai Mara National Reserve is a game reserve in Narok County in Kenya, Africa, that neighbours the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania.

It is famous for its wonderful animals and wildlife, including African leopards and Kenyan cheetahs, Masai lions, zebra, wildebeest, Thomson’s gazelle and over 470 species of bird. It is perfect for the animal lover.

Heading on a safari into the Masai Mara is one of the most popular travel bucket list ideas – when are you going to tick it off yours?

92. Amazon Rainforest, South America

Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon Rainforest is a rainforest that expands over Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana, in South America.

The whole thing encompasses a huge 7 million square kilometres, and is home to 16,000 species of 390 billion trees, 2.5 million insect species and 2,000 mammal and bird species.

Eco-friendly luxury lodges, steamer boat cruises, incredible hikes – the only problem you’ll have when it comes to planning your trip to the Amazon is how much you can fit into the time you have.

93. The Serengeti, Tanzania / Kenya

Serengeti National Park

The Serengeti is a region in Africa, expanding over northern Tanzania and in the south of Kenya, over 30,000 square kilometres.

The Serengeti is renowned for its large lion population, including 70 large mammal species, such as buffalos and gazelles, and 500 bird species, as well as a range of surroundings with everything from swamps to grasslands.

Book a safari for an unforgettable once-in-a-lifetime experience.

94. Galápagos Islands, Ecuador

Penguin in the Galapagos Islands

The Galápagos Islands are an archipelago of islands located in the Pacific Ocean over the Equator, such that the islands are in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere.

The islands are well known for their wildlife that are unique to just them, including giant tortoises, Galapagos finches and penguins, Galapagos hawks, fur seals and blue-footed boobies.

Walk in the footsteps of Charles Darwin and see the islands in their full glory on a several-day boat tour.

95. The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Great Barrier Reef, Australia 

The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef system, located in the Coral Sea, just off the coast in Queensland, Australia.

The reef system, which stretches over a nearly 350,000 square kilometre area, comprises over 2900 individual reefs and 900 islands.

Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1982, this colourful place is home to millions of creatures, including dolphins, whales, fish, turtles and birds. 

On a sourer note, the Great Barrier Reef is being destroyed due to climate change, so who knows how much longer it will be around for? This beautiful place deserves a top spot on your list of things to do before you die.

96. Komodo Island, Indonesia

Komodo islands, Flores, Indonesia

Komodo Island is a 390 square kilometre island, located in the middle of the Flores Sea and part of the Republic of Indonesia.

Named as one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature, this beautiful island is home to many species, including Javan deer, water buffalo and the 3km long Komodo dragon, the largest lizard on Earth.

Komodo Dragons are notoriously dangerous but spying them in their natural habitat is a memorable experience.

97. Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa

Elephant in Addo Game Reserve

Addo Elephant National Park might not be South Africa’s best-known safari destination (that title has to go to Kruger), but it’s the one I loved the most.

Tucked away in the beautiful Addo region in the Eastern Cape, the Elephant National Park is the only place in the world where you can see the Big Seven (the big five plus Southern Whales and Great White Sharks) thanks to its ocean territory.

Safari in Addo Elephant National Park

98. The Danum Valley, Malaysia

Orangutan Borneo4

The Danum Valley is located in Sabah Forest, Borneo, Malaysia . The 438 square kilometre Conservation Area is known for its Bornean orangutans, gibbons, 270 species of bird and the rare East Sumatran rhinos.

People come from all over to see these special creatures, and it is definitely worth a spot on your bucket list.

99. Kangaroo Island, Australia

Kangaroo Island is an island off the coast of South Australia. The island is home to hundreds of species of wildlife including the Kangaroo Island Kangaroo, the Tammar Wallaby and Rosenberg’s Sand Goanna, which are all native to the island, as well as non-native creatures such as sea lions and koalas.

Visit the island to experience its wild and rugged beauty and wildlife spotting opportunities galore.

100. Kalahari Desert

The Kalahari Desert is a savanna in Southern Africa that extends for over 900,000 square kilometres over Botswana, Namibia and South Africa.

The Kalahari Desert is home to hundreds of exotic species of animals including brown hyenas, meerkats, the Kalahari lion, and many species of reptiles and birds.

A trip to the Kalahari is like stepping into another universe – one that will provide you will snaps (and memories) you’ll never forget.

There we are, 100 places for your travel bucket list. How many have you ticked off?

Looking For More Ideas for Your Bucket List?

  • 100 Places to Visit in Europe You Shouldn’t Miss
  • 100 Places to Visit in South America – The South America Bucket List
  • UK Bucket List Ideas 

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The Ultimate Travel Bucket List: 100 Things To Do Before You Die

I’m Julianna Barnaby - a professional travel writer and geek extraordinaire. I started The Discoveries Of to help you to discover the best of new destinations from around the world.

Discovering new places is a thrill - whether it’s close to home, a new country or continent, I write to help you explore more and explore differently.

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I alway love these kinds of lists. But “100” is an arbitrary number. Better to list the top things and get a list as long or short as it turns out to be. A few conspicuous omissions from the list: Antarctica; Madagascar’s Spiny Forest; slave forts of Ghana; underground stone-carved churches of Lalibela in Ethiopia; the palace complex and surrounds in Bangkok; and maybe the floating islands on Lake Titicaca. List should include a section on tribal people and unique cultures such as the tribes of the Omo Valley in SE Ethiopia and the Inuit of Canada, etc.; famous scenic train trips; best rivers & fjords to navigate. Nevertheless, a fun list! Have seen 61 of these, plan to see 15 still on my list. 23 others are nice but I don’t plan to see. 4 of them I have no interest in. (Been to a number of the countries the items are in, but not to see the listed items.)

Thanks for the suggestions – some really interesting ones there – if we update the piece, we’ll be sure to take your additions on board.

Colosseum is in Italy, not Greece (number 19), though it does mention Rome.

Great spot – obviously a typo slipped in there. Clearly meant to say Italy as I reference Rome 4 times in the para.

Um. Yosemite, then out to Hwy 395 in the Eastern Sierra of CA.

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Travel Bucket List: 30 Places to Visit Before You Turn 30 By Emily Mertens

From renowned capitals to hushed hidden gems, it’s about time you take a look at our ultimate bucket list travel adventures . Whether you’re planning an extravagant solo-trip or wanting to jet-hop with your best friend, make sure these destinations are ticked off if they haven’t been already. Here’s our top 30 places to visit before you turn 30:

1/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Paris, France

places to visit before you turn 30, travel bucket list, travel bucket list adventures, travel bucket list 2019, places to visit bucket list

Paris is an absolute must destination to experience before you turn 30. Ditch the crowded attractions (the Eiffel Tower looks much better from a distance anyway) and instead head to the array of trendy coffee shops littered around the capital to truly feel like a local. An obvious yet popular choice – it’s safe to say most people have the City of Love on their bucket list.

Fly from London: In 1 hour 15 minutes.  

2/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Rome, Italy

places to visit before you turn 30, travel bucket list, travel bucket list adventures, travel bucket list 2019, places to visit bucket list

Let your inner-Lizzie McGuire loose (but don’t get your hopes up – you probably won’t get whisked away on a motorbike by a handsome stranger like in the film) and toss a coin into the Trevi Fountain’s ice-cold waters. The Colosseum, Spanish steps and range of museums are just a few reasons as to why Rome has made it onto our top places to visit before you turn 30 list. Discover 5 of the best things you need to eat in Rome right here.

Fly from London: In 2 hours 30 minutes.

3/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Venice, Italy

places to visit before you turn 30, travel bucket list, travel bucket list adventures, travel bucket list 2019, places to visit bucket list

With its singing gondoliers, famed cuisine and winding cobbled streets, Venice is another must-visit destination in Europe. Avoid the crowds and visit during May when the warmer weather is just starting to make an appearance. Make the most of the lack of transport and spend hours getting lost between churches and chapels – we’re almost certain you’ll stumble across many camouflaged gems.

Fly from London: In just over 2 hours.  

4/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: New York , USA

places to visit before you turn 30, travel bucket list, travel bucket list adventures, travel bucket list 2019, places to visit bucket list

The Big Apple, The City That Never Sleeps, The City of Dreams. Famed for its towering skyline and engaging atmosphere, immerse yourself in the hustle and bustle of this unique city. Take a jog along Central Park like Rachel and Phoebe from Friends, visit the must-see landmark that is the Statue of Liberty, and, of course, enjoy the huge variety of foods on offer. Discover the best things to do in New York on the official site here.

Fly from London: In just over 8 hours.

5/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Prague, Czech Republic

places to visit before you turn 30, travel bucket list, travel bucket list adventures, travel bucket list 2019, places to visit bucket list

A small capital, Prague acts as the perfect weekend-break destination. Although a popular choice for stag dos, Prague can also host an intimate escape with a loved one – take a picturesque evening cruise and watch as the gleaming lights engulf the city. From architectural castles to the historic Charles Bridge, Prague is a city break that must be done.

Fly from London: In 2 hours.

6/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Budapest, Hungary

places to visit before you turn 30, travel bucket list, travel bucket list adventures, travel bucket list 2019, places to visit bucket list

Number six on our places to visit before you turn 30 list is Budapest, a capital steeped in decades of history. Visitors may feel as if they have travelled back in time with its impressive monuments and historical landmarks. Relax in the Széchenyi thermal baths and cross the Danube bridge that connects Buda and Pest.

7/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Florence , Italy

places to visit before you turn 30, travel bucket list, travel bucket list adventures, travel bucket list 2019, places to visit bucket list

A quintessentially beautiful city, Florence has captured the hearts of many art-enthusiasts with masterpieces dotted all around the Tuscan capital. A must visit before your thirties, make sure to have the Uffizi Gallery, the Gucci Garden, and Giotto’s Bell Tower on your to-do list. Oh, and don’t forget about all of the pasta you can eat. Discover how to spend the perfect 48-hours in Florence in this guide.

Fly from London: In just over two hours.

8/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Copenhagen, Denmark

places to visit before you turn 30, travel bucket list, travel bucket list adventures, travel bucket list 2019, places to visit bucket list

With calming canals, packed harbours and brightly-coloured buildings (very reminiscent of CBeebies show Balamory), Copenhagen is a unique escape in Europe, making it number eight on our places to visit before you turn 30 list. Visit the Amalienborg, a stunning building housing the Danish royal family spanning four prestigious palaces. Head to the Tivoli Gardens for a thrilling range of amusements, concerts and picture-worthy gardens.

Fly from London: In just under two hours.  

9/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Lisbon, Portugal

places to visit before you turn 30, travel bucket list, travel bucket list adventures, travel bucket list 2019, places to visit bucket list

Known for its rich culture and world-class cuisine, Lisbon is a hotspot for foodies and those who enjoy a party. With a range of cool, chic bars scattered across the city, mix in with the locals to get a true feel for this capital. For Instagrammable brunches, go to Nicolau Lisbona and burger-fanatics can indulge in succulent Black Angus beef at Ground Burger – an absolute must.

Fly from London: In 2 hours 40 minutes.  

10/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Berlin, Germany

places to visit before you turn 30, travel bucket list, travel bucket list adventures, travel bucket list 2019, places to visit bucket list

A capital smothered in history and dictated into our history books at school, Berlin is a must for those who wish to know more. From Jewish memorials to a Berlin Wall memorial, take yourself out of the books and into the reality of where it all took place. For those unaffiliated with the history, instead enjoy the array of lush-green parks Berlin has on offer with an intimate picnic or take a look at the Bathing lakes for picture-worthy views.

Fly from London: In under two hours.

11/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Sydney, Australia

places to visit before you turn 30, travel bucket list, travel bucket list adventures, travel bucket list 2019, places to visit bucket list

Sun, sand and sea, Sydney has all the s’s us Brits adore. Catch a memorable performance at the artistic Sydney Opera House, take a stroll along the scenic Harbour Bridge, or get your tan on at Bondi Beach – make sure to get a snap on the beach’s Instagrammable ‘Iceberg Pool’.  

Fly from London: In under 22 hours plus 1 stop over

12/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Bali , Indonesia

places to visit before you turn 30, travel bucket list, travel bucket list adventures, travel bucket list 2019, places to visit bucket list

A tropical paradise, Bali is a millennial favourite boasting pristine beaches, historic temples, colossal mountains and much more. Adrenaline junkies will thrive at the climb up Mount Batur’s active volcano, whereas animal-lovers can immerse themselves in the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary. Every turn is as stunning as the next, with crystal-clear seas, outdoor tubs with boho vibes and hidden waterfalls. If we had to give just one tip it would be bring a camera.

Fly from London: In 15 hours and 30 minutes.

13/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Tokyo, Japan

places to visit before you turn 30, travel bucket list, travel bucket list adventures, travel bucket list 2019, places to visit bucket list

Whether it’s to gaze at the beauty of cherry blossom season or to simply experience the most populated city in the world, Tokyo is steeped in culture. For luscious landscapes, head to the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden spanned over 144-acres of beautifully maintained greenery. Ginza Six is a must for shopaholics – the new complex boasts intricate design as well as 241 shops to wonder into. Also, set to host the Rugby World Cup 2019 and Olympics 2022, sports-fans should book their tickets quicker than ever.  

Fly from London: In under 12 hours.

14/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Dublin, Ireland

places to visit before you turn 30, travel bucket list, travel bucket list adventures, travel bucket list 2019, places to visit bucket list

With one of the friendliest atmospheres in Europe, Dublin has made it onto our top places to visit before you turn 30 list – and for good reason. From energetic and traditional Irish music performed live across Temple Bar, to incredible burgers at Bunsen, Dublin acts as the perfect weekend escape. For a tour like no other, set sail on the Viking Splash Tour and get ready to ARRGH your way through the cities’ landmarks.

Fly from London: In 1 hour and 20 minutes.

15/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Barcelona , Spain

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The Spanish capital combines a beach retreat with a sight-seeing spectacle. From the La Sagrada Familia to the colourful mosaics at Park Guell, there are many reasons why Barcelona should be on your bucket list.

Fly from London: In just over 2 hours.

16/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Reykjavik, Iceland

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Iceland’s coastal capital is the home to many gems. Take a dip in the wondrous geothermal Blue Lagoon, stay at The Retreat Hotel and enjoy your very own, private, slice of the blue spa. Always keep your eyes peeled, as the astonishing natural auroras that light up the sky could happen at any moment with good weather conditions.

Fly from London: In just over 3 hours.

17/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Auckland, New Zealand

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Swamped in pure natural beauty, New Zealand makes it onto our list purely for the mesmerising views it offers. In awe of its’ range of beautiful islands, make sure to visit Waiheke for its hidden beaches, Great Barrier for its scenic views and Rotora for the nature reserves.

Fly from London: In under 24 hours, including 1 stop over.  

18/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Ibiza , Spain

places to visit before you turn 30, travel bucket list, travel bucket list adventures, travel bucket list 2019, places to visit bucket list

A stylish island filled with trendy bars, luxurious beach clubs and Instagrammable hotels. But, Ibiza is more than just a party destination. Make a visit to the natural cave, Cova de Can Marca, or take a short trip to Es Verda, a picturesque uninhabited limestone island.  And boasting more than many captivating beachfronts, such as San Antonio, Cala Salda and Cala d’Hort, getting a tan won’t be a problem. Discover the “other” side of Ibiza in this 48-hour guide.

Fly from London: In under 2 hours and 30 minutes.

19/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Dubrovnik, Croatia

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You may recognise Dubrovnik as the setting of Kings Landing for HBO’s thrilling Game of Thrones series, or you may even remember The Old Town as part of the filming location for Star Wars: The Last Jedi. For those not visiting for its’ film history, instead enjoy monuments and clocktowers, or simply soak up the sun on a beach looking out towards the panoramic sea views.

Fly from London: In 2 hours and 45 minutes.

20/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Las Vegas , USA

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Some get married, some lose thousands of dollars, some call it the Disneyland for adults. Las Vegas is a city like no other, a playground if you will. From the Fountains of Bellagio, the captivating Grand Canyon, Gordon Ramsey’s infamous Hell’s Kitchen set, array of themed hotels and extravagant shows, as well as exactly 104 casinos, a trip to Las Vegas will be an unforgettable one to say the least.

Fly from London: In under 11 hours.

21/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Koh Samui, Thailand

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Statues, temples and markets decorate this popular island, as well as its fine share of luxurious resorts and spas, deep rainforests and palm-fringed beaches. Find yourself a hidden away waterfall, visit the famous Big Buddha and board a boat across the Ang Thong Marine Park for some seriously-serene views.  

Fly from London: In over 15 hours and 30 minutes, as well as 1 stop over.

22/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Santorini, Greece

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Wake up to the striking sunrise across Santorini, a paradise for romantics. With a crisp white and blue-hue palette, this stylish Island will leave your Instagram feed looking bright and modern. From open air cinemas to hot springs, there’s much more to this Greek island than just pretty buildings.

Fly from London: In just under 4 hours.

23/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Malta

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A small country plonked in-between Sicily and the North African coast, Malta is known for its beautiful lagoons and historic landmarks. To truly take in all of its charm, pick from the Comino lagoon, Azure Window or Blue Lagoon to part-take in snorkelling and scuba diving. For more sight-seeing, jump on a cruise to explore nearby caves, or for more in-land activities, visit the 16 th -century St. John’s Cathedral.   

Fly from London: In 3 hours and 20 minutes.  

24/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Amsterdam, Netherlands

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Having large amounts of tourists flock to the city over the last couple of years, it’s no surprise that Amsterdam has made its way onto our 30 places to visit before you turn 30 list. From the whimsical canals, architecturally alluring buildings and the famed Red-Light District, Amsterdam is the perfect place to go to with partners or friends alike.

Fly from London: In 1 hour.  

25/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Newquay, Cornwall

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Newquay, the perfect coastal escape for those wanting to flee the hustle and bustle of city life. Renowned for the tranquil beaches and British cuisine hotspots, a peaceful weekend couldn’t be more appropriate at Newquay. From Pirates Quest to cocktail bars, this English hidden gem in definitely on our bucket list.

Fly from London: In just over 1 hour.

26/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Val d’Isere, France

places to visit before you turn 30, travel bucket list, travel bucket list adventures, travel bucket list 2019, places to visit bucket list

Apart from the exceptional ski resorts, luxurious chalets and mountains of snow, Val d’Isere can host a great getaway for non-skiers, from the Vanoise National Park to dog sledding. With the panoramic French Alps as a backdrop, it’s fair to say Val d’Isere can act as a calming trip away before your thirties.  

Fly from London: In 1 hour 30 minutes.  

27/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Cancun, Mexico

places to visit before you turn 30, travel bucket list, travel bucket list adventures, travel bucket list 2019, places to visit bucket list

An indulgent beach retreat, Cancun boasts some of the most exceptional sea views in the world. Clear-as-day turquois sea, soft-to-the-touch white sands, trendy hotels, what more could you ask for? Well, also being renowned for its nightlife, underground rivers and thrilling watersports, Cancun is a touristic haven.

Fly from London: In under 11 hours.  

28/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Krakow, Poland

places to visit before you turn 30, travel bucket list, travel bucket list adventures, travel bucket list 2019, places to visit bucket list

Markets, parks, a Salt Mine and cathedrals adorn this Polish city, boasting Gothic buildings and exciting cuisine. Make this uniquely quite city next on your European trip.

29/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: The Maldives

places to visit before you turn 30, travel bucket list, travel bucket list adventures, travel bucket list 2019, places to visit bucket list

This luxurious country boasts almost 2,000 individual islands, some uninhabited. No matter which island you choose, expect to be stunned. With eye-catching resorts propped up above the gleaming Indian Ocean, the luxury on this island is paramount, with intimate privacy, over-the-sea hammocks and personal butlers. This trip that is a must-experience for all.

Fly from London: In just over 10 hours.

30/30 Places to visit before you turn 30: Giza, Egypt

places to visit before you turn 30, travel bucket list, travel bucket list adventures, travel bucket list 2019, places to visit bucket list

This Egyptian city is home to the iconic pyramids and King Khufu’s historic tomb. Must-visits include The Great Sphinx, The Solar Boat Museum and Cairo Citadel. Swamped in desserts and heat, a trip to Giza will be very unique to any other on this ultimate bucket list.

Fly from London: In under 5 hours.

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Emily mertens.

Magazine journalism graduate, design, lifestyle, & travel. Writer for ExquisiteEssex & ExqEscapes .

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30 Places to Visit Before You're 30

Image may contain Art Sculpture Freddy Maertens Statue Church Architecture Altar Building Human and Person

Florence, Italy

"At the Uffizi, you’ll actually have the energy to spend the whole day enjoying the world’s best collection of Renaissance art." — Paul Brady

Image may contain Urban Town Downtown Building City Human Person Architecture Town Square Plaza and Monument

Buenos Aires, Argentina

"One of my favorite spots that I visited in my twenties was Buenos Aires. Although the flight was a bit pricey, Buenos Aires itself is fairly easy to get around and has a conversion rate that favors U.S. dollars. There are good, inexpensive empanadas on almost every corner, and even the cheapest Argentine red wine is still delicious. The weekly San Telmo flea market is the perfect spot for unexpected jewelry, art, and clothing finds." — Lilit Marcus

Image may contain Nature Mountain Outdoors Mountain Range Countryside Valley and Scenery

The "Banana Pancake Trail" in Southeast Asia

"The backpacker trail through Southeast Asia (or the 'Banana Pancake Trail' as it’s sometimes known, named for the delicious banana pancakes that are a ubiquitous breakfast/snack in all the cheap boarding houses) is probably the single best trip one can do before the big 3-0 hits. At 30 baht to 1 USD in Thailand, you get a lot of bang for your buck, and a delicious meal from any street cart will not run you more than 100 baht." — Calder Quinn

This image may contain Transportation Vehicle Automobile Car Advertisement City Town Urban Building and Metropolis

Nashville, Tennessee

"Dive bar crawls and karaoke are best enjoyed in the earlier decades, and Nashville is a great place to do it. Plus, the town’s own twentysomethings are cultivating a scene that far exceeds that honkey-tonk haunts of yesteryear—head to East Nashville for cafés, speakeasies, and, of course, great music." — Laura Carroll

Image may contain Field Outdoors Grassland Nature Vegetation and Plant

India (Yes, All Of It)

"When it comes to India, start young. Because once you go you'll want to return again and again. This beautiful subcontinent is so vast and diverse that each region is like visiting a different country." — Stephen Orr

Image may contain Vehicle Transportation Bike Bicycle Wheel Machine Tire and Spoke

"Hikes, dives, and sizable swells are the stuff Costa Rica is made of. While the Caribbean-Pacific paradise can be enjoyed at any pace—from resort stays to road trips—the spunk (and scrappiness) of your twenties make it a memorable adventure." — Laura Carroll

Image may contain Nature Mountain Outdoors Valley and Canyon

Antelope Canyon, Arizona

"If a road trip across the USA is your thing, you can’t pass through the Southwest without making a stop at Antelope Canyon, this stunning slot canyon in Arizona." — Hadley Keller

Read more: 15 Places You Won't Believe Exist

Image may contain Building Dome Architecture Human Person and Mosque

The Middle East

"The radical difference in culture and society is a great way to help younger American folks learn to check their privilege....and show them that we are merely a part of the world's neighborhood, not the center of it." — Nicole Kolbe

Image may contain Building Architecture Tower Spire Steeple and Clock Tower

Paris, France

"Paris is always a good idea (especially when you're young). And even though you'll probably never be able to avoid the crowds at the Eiffel Tower, the view from the top is unlike anything you'll ever see." — Rachel Coleman

Read more: 18 Beautiful Photos That Will Make You Want to Visit Paris

Image may contain Outdoors Nature Scenery Landscape Mountain Range Mountain Aerial View and Peak

Machu Picchu, Peru

"Walking the road to the ancient Inca city is physically and spiritually the most magical experience you will never forget." — Jenny van Tiggelhoven-Hu

Image may contain City Downtown Urban Town Building Road Metropolis Landscape Outdoors Nature and Intersection

Rome, Italy

"Like many of the great world capitals, Rome is one of those cities where you can't see everything in one trip—all the more reason to visit it when you’re young." — Rachel Coleman

Read more: Top 10 Cities in Europe

Image may contain Building Dome Architecture Vacation and Tourist

The Taj Mahal, India

"Everyone should stand in awe of the Taj Mahal at least once in their life (just remember to be on-site by daybreak before the huge crowds arrive)." — Hanya Yanagihara

Read more: 50 Things to Do in Asia Before You Die

Image may contain Building Architecture Spire Steeple Tower and Window

Barcelona, Spain

"In Barcelona, you don’t feel like a degenerate for being out until 8 a.m., and eating breakfast at 2 p.m. It’s just normal." — Maeve Nicholson

Image may contain Audience Human Crowd Person Teodor Currentzis Sunglasses Accessories Accessory and Festival

The World Cup

"I had such a great experience (at South Africa's FIFA World Cup in 2010) that I made a promise to myself to attend the next FIFA World Cup—and again I was fortunate enough to attend the FIFA World Cup in Brazil this past summer at the age of 30." — Kelly Ponce

Image may contain Outdoors Nature Land Ocean Sea Water Shoreline Coast and Island

Galápagos Islands, Ecuador

"In the Galápagos Islands, there's so much wildlife and purity—and a lot of activities available that become more difficult with age." — Angie Cole

Image may contain Landscape Outdoors Nature Scenery and Aerial View

Salzburg, Austria

"Besides the mountain views and Baroque splendor, Salzburg is also home to one of the best breweries in the world, the Augustiner Bräu." — Calder Quinn

Image may contain Nature Mountain Outdoors Mountain Range Adventure Leisure Activities Peak Ice and Snow

The Himalayas

"Trek the Himalayan Mountains in Nepal! They're glorious at any age." — Rusty Brown

Read more: A Photographer’s Journey to Mt. Everest

Image may contain Promontory Nature Outdoors Shoreline Water Cliff Ocean Sea Coast Bridge and Building

Pacific Coast Highway, California

"There’s so much history, so much beauty, and so many pop culture references worth seeing in person while you’re young enough to appreciate a long drive." — Dara Pettinelli

Read more: 10 Iconic American Road Trips Worth the Gas Money

Image may contain Nature Scenery Outdoors Mountain Landscape Mountain Range Peak Slope Wilderness Land and Ice

New Zealand

"It's just so breathtakingly beautiful and untouched. I'd love to visit and do some extreme trekking while there as well. It's the adventure capital of the world for a reason!" — Bailey Wallace

Image may contain Nature Outdoors Night and Aurora

"The Northern Lights plus whales plus limitless nature...anything more to say?" — Maria Chiara

This image may contain Human Person Architecture Building Outdoors Scenery Nature and Ruins

Palenque, Mexico

"It has these awesome jungle hostels and a funky backpacker vibe. Plus climbing around the ruins is hard work." — Maeve Nicholson

This image may contain Field Animal Wildlife Mammal Rhino Outdoors and Grassland

South Africa

"South Africa is an incredibly diverse country worthy of a visit in your youth so you can see endangered rhinos, elephants, etc. before they disappear from this planet forever." — Jaime Steffen Lutz

This image may contain Parachute

Black Rock City, Nevada

"The inspiring pop-up city houses over 60,000 open-minded humans for one week (for the annual Burning Man event) in a surreal, desert terrain, then is returned to its lifeless state in a matter of months. Like magic." — Brooke Johnson

Image may contain Nature Outdoors Mountain Building Architecture Mesa Castle and Mountain Range

Great Wall of China

"Make yourself wake up early to walk the Great Wall —without all the tourists." — Rachel Coleman

This image may contain Mountain Outdoors Nature Ice Snow Glacier Human Sport Sports Piste and Person

Whistler Mountain, Canada

"Because you need to still be young and dumb enough to not worry about skiing or snowboarding as fast as you possibly can." — Maeve Nicholson

Image may contain River Water Outdoors Nature and Waterfall

Victoria Falls, Zambia and Zimbabwe

"Victoria Falls is the adrenaline capital of the world! I have been there twice and loved every moment of it." — Mick Pletcher

Image may contain Nature Mountain Outdoors Mountain Range Ice Land Snow and Glacier

"Many people see Alaska as a place to visit after they are retired, but it's worth going when you are a little more active so you can enjoy the many activities available. And it's an awesome place." — Jesus Andujar

Image may contain Restaurant Human Person Food Food Court Daggubati Venkatesh Furniture Chair and Cafeteria

Singapore’s Hawker Centers

"When you're young and on a budget—i.e. you have $5 for dinner—there's nothing better than a Singapore hawker center. These open-air food courts have served up some of the best cheap meals of my life. I still think about the katsu curry, the clay pot chicken, the pad see ew, the murtabak, the roti prata... maybe I should just go back."— Laura Dannen Redman

Read more: How to Navigate a Singapore Hawker Center our guide .

Image may contain Urban Town Downtown Building City Architecture Human Person Festival and Crowd

The Ganges River, India and Bangladesh

"Varanasi is the Hindu holy city, and to bathe in the Ganges here, even just ceremonially, is to purify yourself." — Hanya Yanagihara

Image may contain Light Flare Sunlight Nature Outdoors Sky Red Sky Dusk Sunset Dawn Office Building and Building

New York, New York

"I may be biased, but I don't think there's a better place in the world to spend your twenties than New York City. There truly is no other place so full of life, excitement, and delicious food. If you haven't visited before age 30, you're missing out." — Rachel Coleman

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You Must Visit These 30 Places Before You Turn 30

There's no better time to start that global education than when you're young. (When else will you be able to take off for a month to hike Southeast Asia?) Condé Nast Traveler asked its editors and Facebook fans to tell us the ONE place they would tell their younger selves to visit before age 30. How many have you already crossed off your list?

Image may contain City Town Urban Downtown Building Architecture Human Person Plaza Town Square and Monument

Buenos Aires, Argentina

"One of my favorite spots that I visited in my twenties was Buenos Aires. Although the flight was a bit pricey, Buenos Aires itself is fairly easy to get around and has a conversion rate that favors U.S. dollars. There are good, inexpensive empanadas on almost every corner, and even the cheapest Argentine red wine is still delicious. The weekly San Telmo flea market is the perfect spot for unexpected jewelry, art, and clothing finds." —Lilit Marcus

Image may contain Art Sculpture Building Statue Architecture Human Person Cicero Church and Altar

Florence, Italy

"At the Uffizi, you'll actually have the energy to spend the whole day enjoying the world's best collection of Renaissance art." —Paul Brady

Image may contain Mountain Outdoors Nature Scenery Mountain Range Valley Countryside Landscape and Slope

The "Banana Pancake Trail" in Southeast Asia

"The backpacker trail through Southeast Asia (or the 'Banana Pancake Trail' as it's sometimes known, named for the delicious banana pancakes that are a ubiquitous breakfast/snack in all the cheap boarding houses) is probably the single best trip one can do before the big 3-0 hits. At 30 baht to 1 USD in Thailand, you get a lot of bang for your buck, and a delicious meal from any street cart will not run you more than 100 baht." —Calder Quinn

Image may contain Car Vehicle Transportation Automobile Road Urban Light and Traffic Light

Nashville, Tennessee

"Dive-bar crawls and karaoke are best enjoyed in the earlier decades, and Nashville is a great place to do both. Plus, the town's own twentysomethings are cultivating a scene that far exceeds that honkey-tonk haunts of yesteryear—head to East Nashville for cafés, speakeasies, and, of course, great music." —Laura Carroll

Image may contain Building Dome Architecture Nature Outdoors and Weather

India (Yes, All Of It)

"When it comes to India, start young. Because once you go you'll want to return again and again. This beautiful subcontinent is so vast and diverse that each region is like visiting a different country." —Stephen Orr

Image may contain Nature Human Person Mountain Outdoors and Cave

Antelope Canyon, Arizona

"If a road trip across the USA is your thing, you can't pass through the Southwest without making a stop at Antelope Canyon, this stunning slot canyon in Arizona." —Hadley Keller

Image may contain Wheel Machine Vehicle Transportation Bike and Bicycle

"Hikes, dives, and sizable swells are the stuff Costa Rica is made of. While the Caribbean-Pacific paradise can be enjoyed at any pace—from resort stays to road trips—the spunk (and scrappiness) of your twenties make it a memorable adventure." —Laura Carroll

Image may contain Building Dome Architecture Human Person and Mosque

The Middle East

"The radical difference in culture and society is a great way to help younger American folks learn to check their privilege—and show them that we are merely a part of the world's neighborhood, not the center of it." — Nicole Kolbe

Image may contain Building Tower Architecture Spire Steeple Clock Tower City Town Urban and Metropolis

Paris, France

"Paris is always a good idea (especially when you're young). And even though you'll probably never be able to avoid the crowds at the Eiffel Tower, the view from the top is unlike anything you'll ever see." —Rachel Coleman

Image may contain Outdoors Nature Scenery Landscape Mountain Mountain Range Peak Panoramic and Aerial View

Machu Picchu, Peru

"Walking the road to the ancient Inca city is physically and spiritually the most magical experience you will never forget." — Jenny van Tiggelhoven-Hu

To see the remaining destinations visit Condé Nast Traveler .

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The Gold List: The Best Hotels in the World as Chosen by Travel Editors

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30 countries before 30: how you can conquer the 30 before 30 challenge.

December 6, 2015 by Joslyn 22 Comments

30 Countries Before 30 #travelingabroad

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel 30 countries? How about 30 countries before 30? That is something I wasn’t able to do, as now I am a bit over 30 and since I started a family young it wasn’t in the cards for me. But, don’t let that stop you. Also, just because Chantel did 30 countries under 30 doesn’t mean this is only for those under the age of 30.

Go for the gusto, travel at any age, and check out Chantel’s journey below. Chantel is going to share with you how she traveled 30 countries before 30 and how you can too. Get your step-by-step guide to conquering 30 countries by 30 challenge.

Disclosure – This post contains affiliate links .

30 Countries Before 30 – How You Can Conquer the 30 Before 30 Challenge

At the age of 29, I challenged myself to visit 30 countries before I turned 30. And I freaking did it (finishing one week before my birthday). So, I’m sharing the story of how I conquered 30 before 30 and how you can too – if you plan ahead and prioritize your goals.

Don’t worry if you are already older than 30 – that’s just an arbitrary number. Your goal can be whatever you want it to be! Whether it’s visiting all 50 US states or every town in your region.

This is my challenge to you – create a goal, target date, budget, and plan using the resources below.

Setting the Goal – 30 Countries Before 30

At the age of 29, I decided to do something extraordinary. I wanted to mark the end of a decade and start a new chapter with an achievement worth celebrating. Then while flipping through a magazine, I saw an article about the 30 countries by 30 challenge and became instantly obsessed!

I knew it would be particularly tough as I had less than a year and my current country count was only 16. Nevertheless, I decided to go after my travel dreams! To prepare for the challenge, I began researching the “rules” and choosing my 30 before 30 countries.

World Map 30 Countries Before 30 Adoration 4 Adventure

Rules – 30 Countries Before 30

There are no official rules for achieving 30 before 30. It should be pretty straightforward anyway, right? Just visit 30 countries before you reach your 30th birthday. But there are two points here that should be clarified when you are setting your goals, “what counts as visiting a country” and “what counts as a country”.

Country counting is a pretty highly debated topic, some people say that you need to spend a certain amount of time in that country before it can be counted. While others consider a layover in the airport being sufficient. My personal rule is that I spent a day there (outside of the airport). Although I would love to spend more time in every place I visit, it is not always possible.

The second point is a little trickier and even authoritative sources will give a different answer. For example, the United Nations recognizes 240 countries and territories, however, the United States only recognizes 196 . For the sake of consistency and simplicity, I decided to use the list of countries in the Been app.

There is are no real 30 countries before 30 rules. And at the end of the day, your quest to is your own and you can make your own rules.

Planning to travel to 30 countries by 30

I put a plan in place to achieve my goal of visiting 30 countries before the deadline of 4 August (my 30th birthday!). The first step was cutting back on my expenses and putting money aside for travel.

I already planned to apply for a Canadian working holiday visa and move to Vancouver at the end of the year. So, I started the visa process in February. I decided that I would finish my current job in April, then take a few months in between to travel before moving to Vancouver in September (after my 30th birthday). Obviously, not everyone can or should quit their job in order to travel. Also, not all nationalities are eligible to apply for working holiday visa programs.

If it is possible, I would recommend living and working abroad. Some countries will even let you work whilst on a student visa. Not only is the experience culturally enriching, but it can also give you access to a totally different region of the world that is far away from your home country.

Strategically Choosing 30 Countries

When choosing what countries to visit for the 30 countries by 30 challenge, I decided to backpack to Southeast Asia , Europe , and Central America. If you also want to travel through Europe, it’s usually more economical to stick to the east. Fortunately, I was able to save money by staying with friends and using Couchsurfing .

By focusing on one region, you can cover more ground in a shorter amount of time. It could also be more cost-effective and environmentally friendly because reducing the number of international flights. However, if you have less time than money (or just can’t leave your job for too long) then search for nearby destinations that are still relatively affordable. I took quick trips to New Zealand and Bali (from Brisbane, QLD, Australia), as well as Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and the Caribbean (from Dallas, TX, U.S.A.).

30 Countries in 5 Trips

In the end, I managed to visit my 30th country just four days before my 30th birthday! The majority of the 30 countries I visited were within four months and on five separate trips.

  • 32-day camping tour of Europe (June – July 2009)
  • 1-month backpacking around South East Asia (January 2015)
  • 1-week Caribbean cruise (May 2015)
  • 5-week solo backpacking around Europe (June – July 2015)
  • 1-week solo backpacking in Central America (July 2015).

List of 30 Countries Before 30

Here is the list of my 30 before 30 countries, including the cities I stopped in. Some of these destinations I have visited on more than one occasion, however, I have included only the most recent or relevant visits.

June to July 2009 – Group tour of Europe

1. France:  Paris, St Emilion, Arles, and Nice.

3. Austria: Vienna.

4. Liechtenstein

5. Switzerland:  Jungfraujoch Mountain and Lucerne.

6. Netherlands:  Amsterdam.

7. Indonesia:  One week vacation with friends in May 2010 to Bali and Gili Trawangan.

8. United States of America: Lived in New York City, NY from September 2011 to September 2012, Wilmington, DE from October to December 2013, and Dallas, TX from May to September 2015.

9. Brazil: Lived in Sao Paulo from September 2012 to March 2013.

January 2015 – Backpacking South East Asia

10. Thailand:   Bangkok , Chang Mai , and Krabi.

11. Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur .

12. Cambodia:  Siem Reap, Phnom Penh, and Sihanoukville.

13. Laos: Vientiane .

14. Singapore: Singapore.

15. New Zealand:  Four-day road trip to Auckland, Rotorua, and Waitomo in March 2015.

May 2015 – Cruise of the Caribbean

16.  Jamaica:  Montego Bay.

17. Cayman Islands: Grand Cayman. Visit Cayman Islands .

18. Mexico:  Cozumel.

June to July 2015 – Backpacking in Europe

19. Scotland:  Edinburgh and Glen Coe.

20. England:  London, Salisbury, and Bath.

21. Belgium:  Antwerp.

22. Germany:  Cologne, Hamburg, and Berlin.

23. Poland:  Warsaw.

24. Czech Republic:  Prague.

25. Hungary:  Budapest.

26. Slovenia: Ljubljana.

27. Italy:  Udine and Venice .

28: Spain: Madrid.

July 2015 – Backpacking in Central America

29. Nicaragua: July 2015 – Granada and Managua.

30. Costa Rica: July 2015 – Liberia.

30 before 30 challenge

Now it’s over to you! I challenge you to come up with a goal and set a deadline to reach it. The number isn’t important, whether it’s 50 US States before 50, or taking your first solo trip by the end of the year.

Not everyone will have the same resources or dreams. But by using these resources, you can create a goal, target date, budget, and plan that will help you conquer your chosen challenge!

Travel the Globe #traveltips

Originally published in 2016, updated in February 2018.

What are your travel goals? Tell us about it below!

And if you liked the post – share it with your friends on social media.

About Joslyn

Female Travel Blogger Sharing Travel Tips, Work and Travel Tips, Budget Travel Tips and general daily life from a travel chicks point of view!

Reader Interactions

December 6, 2015 at 2:58 pm

Amazing post! Question-how did you manage to live in the states??? I have been dreaming of that forever! So bloody jealous!

Chantell Collins says

December 6, 2015 at 5:48 pm

Hi Toni, thanks for the comments :). The first time I lived in the USA was on a J1 working visa, sponsored by Grow USA. That was back in 2011 and at that time you need to be currently studying or a recent graduate.

December 6, 2015 at 8:58 pm

Great post! Very inspirational I’m 29 in January…perhaps I should trya a 30 before 30 list too! I’m currently at 22 countries, and I’m leaving New Zealand in a month to travel back to the UK through Asia…It’s definitely do-able, so watch this space! 🙂

December 6, 2015 at 9:51 pm

Hi Gemma, awesome! It is definitely doable in that amount of time and SE Asia is a great place to travel as it so cheap and easy to get from one country to another. Go for it! 🙂

nannymookay says

December 9, 2015 at 1:40 am

Beautiful written Chan ,,,,Living yr dream ,,,Lots of love xxxx

December 9, 2015 at 2:22 am

Thanks Nanny! That’s so nice of you to say. Love you too xxx

Rosiescapes says

December 9, 2015 at 12:32 pm

cool article. mine is 50 by age 50.

December 9, 2015 at 12:49 pm

Great goal! Definitely let us know how you go 🙂

annastraveltribute says

January 1, 2016 at 11:46 am

Wow! That’s a dream! 🙂

January 1, 2016 at 11:47 am

Thanks Anna! It’s definitely achievable for anyone 🙂

Pam @ Skinny chick travelling says

January 9, 2016 at 9:01 am

Can’t believe you were so close and didn’t come to Croatia 😛

January 9, 2016 at 9:45 am

I know! I was actually planning to but I ran out of time. We will most likely be based in Europe from September, so will have plenty opportunities to explore the beautiful Croatia!

Anita H. E. says

January 18, 2016 at 5:13 am

Guess I’ll have to try for 50 countries before 50 🙂 That leaves me a few years to complete as I’ve just turned 39 and so far I’ve visited 21 countries but I’ve barely travelled the last decade due to different cirumstances. I hope to travel a lot more the comming decade!

January 18, 2016 at 9:26 am

Hi Anita! It is totally possible – you should definitely go for it :). You could either go one huge trip, a few big ones or many smaller ones but it’s definitely doable if you break it down and plan it out. So exciting! Let us know how you get on 🙂

Shayan Naveed says

June 28, 2016 at 10:13 am

Wow, that is amazing! Almost 15 countries in just 1 year! I’m 31 and I haven’t even hit double digits yet!!! Biggest mistake not covering more when I was younger or going on trips with parents (like US and countries in Europe).

I guess I’ll have to aim for 40 by 40. I’m at 9, 10 soon.

But it’s not easy for me…for many reasons: being Pakistani and having a full time job (I could never quit a job even if I could)

June 30, 2016 at 12:03 am

Hi Shayan, thanks for the comment! I know that everyone’s situation is different and it doesn’t necessarily have to a specific number by a specific birthday (e.g. 30 before 30). There are many, many people who traveled to more countries than I did before they were 30. And that’s okay, we are all on different paths. I didn’t start traveling until I was 23 and since then have been lucky that I was able to take the time off work and move internationally. Not everyone will have the same opportunities. I think that the most important thing is having a goal that means something to you. A goal that is attainable but still challenging. Like visiting certain places by a certain date or exploring a particular area e.g. visit Paris in the next two years (or whatever it is that you are dreaming of!). 🙂

Mike Clegg from TravelAndDestinations says

January 11, 2018 at 5:38 pm

Congratulations on visiting 30 countries before 30! That’s awesome! It definitely helps when you visit Europe and Asia as it’s quite cheap and easy to travel between countries and knock of a good handful in one go! Good luck with the next 30 ?

January 12, 2018 at 5:49 pm

Thanks Mike! That’s so nice. Actually I think I am up to about 56 now at 32 and most of the recent ones were from spending a year based in Europe and traveling around. Europe is great because it has so many countries, cultures, and languages all close together and is easy to travel around.

Rachel says

September 1, 2021 at 8:40 pm

This is so cool! I’m turning 33 this month, and I will finally hit my 30th country next month. My goal before 30 was to go to every continent. I hit 6 of the 7 (not Antartica because I refuse to go in debt over traveling) by the time I was 29 which was extremely cool. Keep on traveling!

Sheila Thomas says

September 2, 2021 at 8:12 am

Happy Birthday 🙂 I turn 50 on Sept 9th, and haven’t done all these countries. I am Sheila, I imported all these amazing posts about world travel from a site I took over from a woman named Chantell. She was living her best life for sure. Glad you like it. I know a gal who’s husband took her to Antartica.. and for a 2 week trip I think they spent over $10k – That would be lots of smaller trips for me. hahaha

[…] someone who has traveled frequently for the past six years and to over 60 countries, I am always looking for ways to save money. Thanks to these travel hacks, I rarely ever pay the […]

[…] how I traveled to 30 countries before turning 30 and how you can […]

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The Ultimate 30 Before 30 Bucket List

You should have a list of fun things to do on your birthday for every single year, but turning the BIG 3-0 is a milestone for a lot of people. It’s a time when most have settled down into a career, marriage, and maybe even have a child or two. Before that you need to fine tune and complete your 30 Before 30 Bucket List. Whether you want to travel solo, go skydiving, or just learn a new skill, I have got the best bucket list ideas to do before 30.

The Best 30 Before 30 Bucket List Ideas

The Best 30 Before 30 Bucket List Ideas

1. travel solo.

If you’re waiting for the perfect travel companion— don’t ! Every year thousands of people safely travel solo to their dream destinations and make huge checkmarks off their travel bucket list.

Traveling solo can be great for a bunch of reasons. First, it allows you to move at your own pace and see all the things that you want to see without having to wait on someone else. Additionally, it gives you the opportunity to meet new people and make friends from all over the world. Finally, solo travel can help you to learn more about yourself. With no one else to rely on, you’ll be forced to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. As a result, you may return home feeling more confident and independent.

Sometimes not wanting to travel solo isn’t about having a companion, but about fear. It could be related to the embarrassment of just going somewhere public alone or believing that other destinations are unsafe. If this is the case these article can help: Overcoming Anxiety to Live Your Dream: 8 Tips to Facing Your Fears Eating Out Alone: Tips for Dining Solo at a Restaurant

Travel Solo

2. Learn How to Make Your Signature Cocktail

Become your own mixologist by concocting the perfect cocktail that reflects you personal taste. The best part about this 30 Before 30 Bucket List idea i s that you will have to do a lot of sampling before coming up with your own perfect harmony of flavors. Practice makes perfect!

A great place to start is by thinking about your favorite flavors. Do you like citrusy drinks? Spicy cocktails? Sweet and fruity beverages? But, if you’re not the best at creating drinkable concoctions, you can check these 10 tips on how to make a great cocktail . Or base your drink off one of the Great Classic Cocktails .

After many trials and errors, my signature cocktail creation was a Lemon-Basil Fizz made with prosecco, coconut rum, raspberries, basil and lemon sorbet!

Learn How to Make Your Signature Cocktail

3. Get Settled Into Your Career

It can be tough to figure out what you want to do with your life, but before the end of your thirties you may want to consider focusing your energy on building up a successful career. Not only can it be a fulfilling achievement, but it will also give you time to build a stable financial foundation and save up for your future.

If you don’t know how what direction to take your career read Coursera’s article How to Choose a Career If you decide to go the blogging route read our article:  Become a Blogger: How to Start a Successful Blog in 6 Easy Steps

4. Face a Fear

It’s natural to feel a little scared when faced with something new or challenging—after all, our brain is hardwired to protect us from danger. However, it’s important to remember that sometimes the only way to achieve our goals is to push through our fears and take a leap of faith. If we let our fears hold us back, we’ll never really know what we’re capable of achieving.

To push your comfort zone to the ultimate limit get some crazy ideas, from our adventure bucket list .

Face a Fear

5. Buy a House

You’ll never forget the feeling of buying your first home—I certainly haven’t, it’s one of the proudest moments! Buying a house is a bucket list goal for many people. To begin this dream, start saving money ( our article 75+ Simple Ways to Save Money for Your Bucket List can help) for a down payment and then get your house hunt going. For help you can check out websites like Zillow, Realtor.com, and Trulia.

6. Donate Blood

Most people are familiar with blood donation, but many people don’t realize why donating blood is so important. Every day, patients in hospitals across the country receive transfusions of donated blood—this gift helps to save lives.

For a little inspiration you can read about my experience of  Giving Blood and also get more information for teen donors on the Red Cross website .

7. Get a Meaningful Tattoo

Putting permanent ink on your body shouldn’t be done on a whim—it’s important to choose a design that has meaning to you and that you won’t regret it five years down the road. But, it is also a great way to show your personality and make a statement.

Don’t know what tattoo to get? Pinterest has plenty of cool ideas, but if you are a traveler like me check out these 27 Beautiful Tattoos That Tell Their Own Travel Stories for inspiration.

If you’re not committed to a forever tattoo just yet, then check out Etsy’s temporary tattoos to test one out, (I personally LOVE WearFINK’s simple mountain range .

Get a Meaningful Tattoo

8. Go On an Epic Getaway With Your BFFs

Going on a trip with your best friends is not only fun, but one of the most incredible ways to bond. You’ll get to create special memories together, share new experiences and have a great time in each other’s company as you check off your travel bucket list.

Go On an Epic Getaway With Your BFFs

9. Host a Dinner Party

Whether you’re hosting a casual get together or a more formal affair, there nothing like a dinner party to bring people together. Though there are a few things to keep in mind to make your experience a success.

First, consider your guest list carefully—you’ll want to invite people who will get along and have common interests. Second, plan your menu well in advance so you are not stressed out on the day of the party. And third, don’t forget the table setting details.

Host a Dinner Party

10. Learn a New Language

You can learn a new skill at any age, so why not learn a new language before you turn 30? It can be a fun and interactive experience for the whole family. Maybe you can learn the language of a dream destination where you hope to go on a vacation someday? Or the language connected to your family heritage? One of the great things about learning a new language is that it can open up new opportunities for you.

Rosetta Stone and Duolingo are two great programs to get you started.

11. Create a Financial Plan

Becoming financially stable is probably something most people are striving for, and it is best to start when you are younger. Start by creating a financial plan that includes savings and investing goals, but strategies for dealing with debt. You may also want to consider taking out life insurance or creating a will.

Legal Zoom is highly rated for doing wills and living trusts or will, and our article 75+ Simple Ways to Save Money can give you some great financial tips!

12. Volunteer Your Time

Like the old adage says, it’s better to give than to receive. Walking dogs at the shelter, reading to children at the library, giving blood or spending an afternoon feeding families at the soup kitchen? Determine what’s close to your heart and then make a decision to make a difference today.

Don’t know where to start? Visit VolunteerMatch who has opportunities in many major cities or check the United Way website.

13. Run a Marathon (or a Half Marathon)

Preparing and completing a 26-mile marathon takes a lot of training, time and determination. Aside from a standard marathon, there are also fun themed ones like the Walt Disney World Marathon (you can wear a costume!) or the Rock ‘n’ Roll San Diego Marathon. Some local organizations also hold marathons for a cause (like California’s Big Sur International Marathon), so you can join one to support them.

To find some marathons near you, see race-find.com .

Run a Marathon

14. Learn to Meditate

Meditation is an age-old practice that has many benefits, like easing anxiety, improving sleep quality and overall well-being. In its simplest form, meditation is the act of focusing your attention on a single point of reference, such as your breath.

Don’t know where to start? These articles will help:

  • How to Meditate by Lions Roar
  • How to Meditate When You Have No Idea Where to Start by Self

Or, take the Mindfulness and Meditation MasterClass by Jon Kabat-Zinn

Learn to Meditate

15. Prioritize Your Health

As an advocate for your own health, it is important to prioritize your wellness in order to maintain your quality of life. Eating healthy, being active, taking vitamins, and reducing stress are just a few things you can do to start your healthy lifestyle journey. If you smoke or drink, you might want to consider asking for help quitting first, as these will affect your health.

16. Fine Tune Your Style

Just like many things on this 30 Before 30 Bucket List , figuring out your personal fashion style can seem daunting at first. But once you take the time to find out what looks good on you and what you feel comfortable wearing, it’ll all start to fall into place. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Take a look at your closet and make a note of the items that you wear most often. What do they have in common? Do they tend to be casual or dressy? Comfortable or structured? Bright or muted?
  • Pay attention to the fashion trends that appeal to you. What do you like and why?
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment! Trying new things is part of the fun of fashion. So go ahead and try that bold color or edgy silhouette that you’ve been eyeing. The worst that can happen is that it doesn’t work out—and then you’ll know for sure not to wear it again.

Fine Tune Your Style

17. Take a Road Trip

There’s just something about hitting the open road that’s really freeing. Maybe it’s the sense of adventure or the feeling of independence. Or maybe it’s simply the opportunity to unplug from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

You road trip might take some planning to work out the perfect route, or just pack up your bags, take time off work and hit the road with choosing your destinations on the fly. It doesn’t even have to be a long trip, it could just be for a day or two, but make sure you have plenty of entertainment along the way.

Take a Road Trip

18. Live in Another Country

When you live in a different country you get to experience a new culture and an entirely different way of life. You may want to choose a country by where you could secure an overseas job or one that is a part of your family’s history. Or one that you just fall in love with (it would be Portugal for me!)

19. See a Broadway Show

Seeing live theater is one of the most breath-taking activities you can participate in, so getting tickets to see one of the best Broadway musical shows will be a night you won’t forget. It will be easy to get swept up in the elaborate sets, the costumes, and the music.

20. Fly First Class

Just imagine yourself on a long flight in the lap of luxury, with your legs stretched out and a glass of bubbly in your hand before takeoff. While flying first class is by no means cheap, the convenience and comfort it offers will ensure that you are well-rested and looking forward to the journey ahead once you arrive at your destination.

Fly First Class

21. Read The Top Classics

A good classic book will take you off to a place you’ve never been or even a time different from your own. That’s the thing about books—they let you travel somewhere without moving your feet.

For a list of must-read classics, see our list of the Best Classic Books to Read . Lucky for you, many of them are free (or close to free) on Kindle, so this list will be cheap to complete.

Read The Top Classics

22. Learn to Love Your Body!

With seeing beautiful models in the pages of magazines and the seemingly perfect bodies of celebrities, it’s easy to be insecure about our bodies. But, it’s important to remember that your body is a temple, and we are all uniquely beautiful. Learn to love it and treat it well not because you want it to be perfect, but because you want to be healthy for many years to come.

Learn to Love Your Body

23. Treat Yourself to an Extravagant Item

Whether it is the latest Louis Vuitton bag or Hermes scarf, it’s not uncommon to feel like you deserve a little something special for a milestone birthday, achieving a big accomplishment, or just because. As long as you can afford it, and hopefully you will be able to by the age of thirty, there’s nothing wrong with splurging on a little something that will make you feel good.

24. Become Wine Literate

A restaurant wine list can be a daunting thing to look at if you’re not familiar with all of the different types of wines available, or what you even like. However, with a little bit of knowledge you can easily navigate it to find a varietal that is perfect for your meal (and possibly impress your dining companions too!).

There’s plenty of books to read to further your wine education, like Wine Simple , or you could tour a few wineries that include a wine tasting at the end (they’re a wealth of information). With just a little bit of effort, you’ll be ordering wine like a pro in no time.

Become Wine Literate

25. Learn Self Defense

Learning self-defense is not just about being able to defend yourself, it also instills a sense of confidence and empowerment. It’s a bonus that self-defense classes can also provide a much-needed outlet for stress and anxiety.

26. Visit a New Country

Traveling to a new place within your home country is great, but traveling to a different country brings the whole experience up a notch. Plus, getting to experience new things is a big plus!

Being in a different country helps you become more open-minded about your cultural differences. It also opens you to unique adventures and attractions, like having edible bugs in Thailand, staying in a Bedouin camp in Jordan’s Wadi Rum Desert or hiking the classic Inca trail to Machu Picchu .

27. Adopt a Pet

There are so many incredible benefits to adopting a pet . They’ll enrich your life in numerous ways, from helping you to destress to getting you more active to being a loyal companion. And in turn, you’ll give an innocent animal a loving home they absolutely deserve. Just make sure your ready for the long-term commitment!

There are so many fur babies out there just waiting to be adopted by you and your partner. You can start your search at Petfinder .

Adopt a Pet

28. Go Skydiving

Why not add something that takes you way out of your comfort zone to your list of 30 Before 30 Bucket List ideas, like skydiving?

Yes, it can be a thrilling (and frightening) experience, especially if it’s your first time. But once you’re out of the plane, you will feel a rush of adrenaline as you freefall through the air. And once the parachute deploys, the view from above is simply breathtaking and rewarding.

Go Skydiving

29. Attend a Cool Music Festival

Whether it’s Coachella , Tomorrowland or another fun music event, there’s just something about being surrounded by great tunes and good vibes that makes the experience truly special. So, snag some tickets, make a plan and grab your group of best friends for a fun event.

Attend a Cool Music Festival

30. Plan the Ultimate 30th Birthday Party

As anyone who has ever planned a birthday party knows, there are a lot of factors to consider. Who will you invite? What kind of cake do you want? What activities do they want to do? But with a little planning and creativity, you can easily create an epic birthday party that your friends will be talking about for years to come. You could plan a treasure hunt, a karaoke party, or even a movie marathon. For more ideas see your Things to Do on Your Birthday Bucket List.

From big adventures like skydiving to simple pleasure like reading a classic book in a hammock, there’s no wrong way to approach your 30 Before 30 Bucket List, and I hope these ideas will help.

This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through my links, I earn a commission that helps to keep this blog running—at no extra cost to you. For more information read my full disclosure .

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Melissa Jane Lee

LIFE · June 18, 2023

41 Things To Do Before You Turn 30: The Ultimate List

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Last updated: April 18, 2024

Welcome to a pivotal stage of life—the exhilarating years of your 20s! It’s a time filled with opportunities, discoveries, and a sense of freedom. 

Your 20s are a precious chapter of your life where you can explore, experiment, and redefine yourself. It’s a decade brimming with energy and boundless potential. 

Starting your own business is an empowering thing that many aim to accomplish before turning 30. If New York is where your dreams are steering you, learn how to file an llc in New York to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey in the heart of the business world. From navigating regulations to filing the necessary documents, this resource can guide you through every step.

While everyone’s journey is unique, there are certain experiences that can shape your personal growth and set you on a fulfilling path. However, it’s crucial to strike a balance between cherishing the present and looking ahead to establish a strong foundation for your future.

As you approach your 30th birthday, it’s essential to plan for the next phase of life. Time has a way of sneaking up on us, and while living in the moment is important, having a sense of direction and purpose can help navigate the challenges and seize opportunities that lie ahead. 

There are so many things to experience, learn, and accomplish before turning 30, encompassing areas like personal growth, travel, hobbies, relationships, career development, and financial planning.

To give you a helping hand at hitting some essential milestones, here are 41 things to do before 30. These before 30 bucket list items aren’t essentials for a great life but they can really help your character grow before the big three-oh and enable you to transition into your 30s with plenty of life experience, fun memories and a stable foundation under your belt. 

Travel to a foreign country

Most of us will have jumped on a plane somewhere before turning 30 but if you’ve never been to a different country, make sure you tick that off your bucket list. Experiencing a different culture is a great way to broaden your perspective, foster empathy, and deepen your understanding of the world. If teaching interests you, you might want to become an ESL teacher  to combine work with travel.

Learn a new language

Learning a new language in your 20s opens doors to new opportunities, enhances cognitive abilities, and fosters cultural understanding and communication.

If you didn’t pay attention in high school to foreign language classes, see if you can pick one up again at a night school as it’s a skill that will last a lifetime and potentially open new doors for you in your career too. Employers love candidates who can speak different languages. 

Volunteer for a cause you care about

Volunteering in your 20s allows you to make a positive impact on your community, gain valuable skills and experiences, expand your network, and cultivate a sense of empathy and social responsibility.

Pick a cause that’s important to you. You may want to volunteer at an animal sanctuary, a homeless shelter or in a thrift shop. 

Start a savings account

If you have a bad habit of spending everything you earn at once, you’re not alone. It’s so tempting to blow all your wages every month exploring new experiences, socializing, establishing independence, and succumbing to societal pressure. The worst case scenario of this is ending up in a lot of debt which can take a long time to get out of.

Focus instead of starting the practise of saving money as this will give you some financial stability. 

Read a classic novel

There are some books that you really must read. They are stories that will stick with you for the rest of your life, and reading classic novels offers a multitude of benefits.

These include cultural insights, intellectual stimulation, historical context, and personal enrichment. They have the power to broaden your perspective, ignite your imagination, and connect you with the rich tapestry of human storytelling across the ages.

woman reading a classic novel

Here’s some ideas for your next read:

  • Pride and Prejudice  by Jane Austen
  • To Kill a Mockingbird  by Harper Lee
  • 1984  by George Orwell
  • Moby-Dick  by Herman Melville
  • The Great Gatsby  by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • Bleak House  by Charles Dickens
  • Jane Eyre  by Charlotte Bronte
  • War and Peace  by Leo Tolstoy
  • Mrs. Dalloway  by Virginia Woolf
  • The Catcher in the Rye  by J.D. Salinger

Learn to cook a signature dish

One of the things to do before you turn 30 is to nail that signature dish in the kitchen. Even if cooking is not your strongpoint, having a good meal that you can whip up with your eyes closed when you need it is a great skill to have.

You never know when close friends are going to pop round or family members unexpectedly show up, and you can impress them with a delicious meal. 

Here’s a list of five signature dishes from different cuisines:

  • Spaghetti Bolognese (Italian)
  • Chicken Tikka Masala (Indian)
  • Sushi (Japanese)
  • Beef Bourguignon (French)
  • Tacos al Pastor (Mexican)

Take a road trip with friends

Road trips are a lot of fun especially when you’re traveling with your very best friends. Before you get to 30 you usually have the freedom to just hit the road and explore so make the most of it!

Road trips combine the thrill of the open road, the freedom to explore new destinations, and the unforgettable experiences and memories created along the way with your BFFs. 

woman on road trip with her friends

Your 20s is the perfect time go out of town to a different city or state to just explore, hang about, sightsee and just have the best time as a young person. 

Try a new adventurous sport

Even if you’re not a sporty person, this is one of the things to do before you’re 30 that really has so many benefits. Trying a new adventure sport offers the important chance to step out of your comfort zone, connect with nature, build new skills, enhance your health and fitness, and escape everyday stress.

Not to mention they can be a lot of fun too. 

Here are four easy-to-learn adventure sports that you can try:

  • Stand-Up Paddleboarding (SUP)
  • Rock Climbing
  • Mountain Biking

Attend a music festival

Going to one of the big music festivals can be an eye-opening experience. You get to discover a wide variety of music and explore genres you may have never heard before.

It’s a chance to step outside your musical comfort zone and be pleasantly surprised. Plus, the festival atmosphere is something else! You’re surrounded by like-minded music lovers, all enjoying the same experience. 

Some of the biggest music festivals in the world include:

  • Coachella (United States)
  • Glastonbury Festival (United Kingdom)
  • Tomorrowland (Belgium)
  • Rock in Rio (Brazil)
  • Summerfest (United States)
  • Roskilde Festival (Denmark)
  • Sziget Festival (Hungary)
  • Lollapalooza (United States)

These festivals are known for their massive attendance, impressive lineups, and unforgettable experiences that celebrate the power of music and bring people together from all walks of life.

Learn to play a musical instrument

Learning to play a musical instrument is rewarding because it provides a creative outlet, cultivates self-discipline, enhances cognitive abilities, and allows for personal expression and connection with others through the language of music.

Take a dance class

Dance classes are a lot of fun, allow you to meet new people and are a workout too. Look for local classes in a dance style that interests you. For example, ballroom, line dancing or even street dancing. It’s a good way to keep fit! 

woman dancing

Start a blog

There are so many reasons to start a personal blog. It’s an outlet for you to express yourself, share your stories and ideas with others, connect with people who share your interests, and even have the potential to earn money through monetization strategies like ads or sponsored content.

Honestly, there are many  advantages of blogging , and the earlier you get started the better.  

Learn to code

Bear me with on this one. You might wonder why on earth you would want to do this before you turn 30, but it’s a great skill to have and here’s why.

Learning to code equips you with a valuable skill set that can benefit you both personally and professionally in our increasingly digital world.

With coding skills, you can create your own games, build interactive websites, develop mobile apps, experiment with robotics, design digital art, automate daily tasks, contribute to open-source projects, explore data visualization, build a personal website or portfolio, and participate in coding challenges and competitions. 

To start learning how to code, begin by selecting a beginner-friendly programming language, like Python, and explore online tutorials or introductory courses to grasp fundamental concepts and syntax.

Take a public speaking course

This might not seem a fun option on a before 30 bucket list but spending some time on this skill really will go a long way in your future. Public speaking is a skill you can learn, and it’s amazing for building confidence which can often be lacking when you’re in your 20s.

By breaking out of this self-confidence rut you will sail in to your 30s without fear of ever being called up to speak in public, which does sometimes happen in life whether you like it or not! 

Go camping in the wilderness

In some parts of the world camping is a rite of passage that many people do with their families every year.

camping in the wilderness

If camping out in the wild has never been part of your upbringing it’s time to get out there and give it a go! Camping in the wilderness is an incredible escapade that lets you break free from the daily grind, immerse yourself in nature’s playground, and create unforgettable memories with your friends in your 20s. 

Complete a physical challenge

Setting a physical challenge as a goal and then completing it is an amazing achievement that you will forever be proud of.

While you’re in your physical peak in your 20s, get yourself signed up to do something tougher than just a simple run around the block. It won’t be easy but you’ll never regret doing it. 

Here’s some examples of physical challenges to attempt in your 20s:

  • Complete a challenging hiking or backpacking trip in a scenic mountain range.
  • Participate in a marathon or half marathon race.
  • Try rock climbing or bouldering to test your strength and agility.
  • Learn a new water sport, such as surfing, kayaking, or paddleboarding.
  • Take part in a multi-day cycling tour or challenge.
  • Engage in a challenging obstacle course race like a Tough Mudder or Spartan Race.
  • Learn and practice a martial art or self-defense discipline.
  • Attempt a long-distance swimming challenge, such as swimming across a lake or participating in an open-water race.
  • Explore the thrill of skydiving or bungee jumping for an adrenaline rush.

Visit a famous art gallery

When was the last time you spent the afternoon looking at an incredible work of art? If it’s not something you generally do in your free time, schedule a visit to a famous gallery near you and take in the classic artwork.

Looking at works of art nourishes the soul by stirring emotions, igniting imagination, and offering a profound connection to the beauty and depth of human expression.

Learn to meditate

This bucket list of things to do before you’re 30 wouldn’t be complete without some mention of self-care. Life can be stressful at any age, and before 30 you can experience anxiety and depression. Through meditation, you can learn to cultivate mindfulness, inner calm, and gain a deeper understanding of your thoughts and emotions.

Once you learn how to do it, you can tap in to this source of inner peace any time you need it and it’s such a useful tool to have for your mental health.

Take a photography course

Photography is an awesome skill to have in your 20s because it lets you capture unforgettable moments, unleash your creativity, share stories through visuals, evoke emotions, and see the world from a unique and artistic perspective.

woman with camera

You can use your photographic skills to enhance your blog posts and social media accounts too. 

Start a small business

If you have dreams of running your own business, you can have a small business at any stage in your life. However before 30 is a particularly great time to do it because you have the energy to build your own business up from the ground while most likely working a full time job at the same time. If you have a good idea for a new business get going with it! The sooner the better. 

Write a letter to your future self

This is a really awesome thing to do before you turn 30. By writing a letter to your future self, you give yourself the gift of self-reflection and self-discovery. It offers an opportunity to document your hopes, fears, and lessons learned, providing a valuable benchmark to compare with your future self.

When you eventually read the letter, it can bring a flood of memories and serve as a reminder of who you were and how far you’ve come. It’s a beautiful way to reconnect with your past, gain perspective, and inspire personal growth.

Take a yoga retreat

Before you hit 30 your life can be a bit of a whirlwind. A yoga retreat provides a break from the fast-paced life, allowing you to disconnect from daily responsibilities and immerse yourself in a serene environment. They often incorporate meditation, healthy meals, and workshops on wellness, providing a holistic approach to self-care.

It’s a valuable chance to prioritize self-care, cultivate inner peace, and embark on a transformative journey during this formative period of your life. 

Learn to perform CPR and basic first aid

A sad fact of life is that you never know when you’ll need to perform first aid or even CPR on someone. Be prepared for this by learning how to perform CPR and basic first aid so you can potentially save a life. If you’re ever faced with this type of situation you’ll be so glad you took the time to learn how to do such a good thing for someone else. 

Build a solid workout routine

Taking good care of your body is an important step to start taking when you’re coming up to your thirties. People in their 20s are often binge drinkers and social smokers, who love house parties and going out to clubs. Often when you’re younger, your long term health is the last thing on your mind (I’m speaking from personal experience here!).

Maintaining good health throughout your life is so important and you really can start caring for your physical health at a young age. Building a workout routine that you learn to stick to as a habit is a really good way to help you get to a ripe old age. 

Go on a solo trip

Sole travel might seem intimidating but it’s a really effective way to gain self-confidence. Taking a solo trip allows you to embrace independence, self-discovery, and new experiences.

Examples of solo trips include backpacking through Europe, exploring vibrant cities like Tokyo or New York alone, or embarking on a solo adventure in nature, like hiking the Appalachian Trail or camping in the Grand Canyon.

But it doesn’t have to be something epic like that. Small-scale solo trips, such as weekend getaways to nearby towns, solo camping adventures, short beach retreats and wellness retreats also offer opportunities for independence, self-discovery, and memorable experiences on your own terms.

Attend a major sports event

In my 20s I went to a cricket test match in Barbados. Despite knowing nothing about cricket whatsoever, it still stands out as one of the best memories from my 20s just because of the incredible atmosphere at this large sporting event. 

Attending a major sporting event in your 20s is an absolute blast!

The atmosphere is off the charts, you’ll be surrounded by passionate fans your age, and the epic performances will leave you with jaw-dropping memories that you’ll talk about for years.

Learn to drive a manual transmission car

This is one of those ‘oh yeah, I can do that’ skills that just comes in handy at the least expected moment.

manual transmission gear stick

If you learn how to use a stick when you drive you’ll find it much easier to travel to new places, as a lot of countries (for example, the UK) usually have manual cars. It just makes life easier, and the earlier you learn how to drive like this, the better. 

Learn to do basic electrical repairs

With age and independence comes responsibility, and by the time you’re 30 you may well be living in your own place. Calling out professionals for small repairs can be very expensive so it’s wise to spend a little time learning how to do the basics yourself. 

Of course, electricity is no joke so make sure you learn from a qualified electrician. Here’s a list of basic electrical repairs that anyone can learn how to do:

  • Changing a light bulb or fluorescent tube.
  • Replacing a broken light switch or outlet.
  • Installing a new ceiling fan or light fixture.
  • Fixing a loose electrical connection.
  • Repairing or replacing a damaged electrical cord or plug.
  • Resetting a tripped circuit breaker or replacing a blown fuse.

Start a book club with friends

This is such a fun idea that brings people together through the joy of reading. It’s also a perfect way to keep friends committed to regular meet ups. As everyone’s lives move on as they approach 30, such as getting married, perhaps having a baby, and getting busy with careers, it becomes harder to find the time to meet up with old friends.

A book club is a really good excuse to get together for a chat and a cheeky wine or two. You choose the first book collectively or take turns selecting books for subsequent meetings. 

Get a professional mentor

I cannot overstate the value of having someone in your 20s who guides you professionally through your chosen career path.

They can also help you to choose a career in the first place. I have had mentors in the past who did a huge amount for me professionally, by helping me recognize my skills and achievements and build on those as I moved on to new things in my career. 

To find a professional mentor, reach out to your network, attend industry events, and leverage online platforms like LinkedIn to connect with experienced professionals who share your career interests.

Learn basic self-defense moves

As well as all the fun things to do before 30 on this list, there are a few that aren’t as much fun but are just as important.

Learning self-defense empowers you with the skills to protect yourself, boost confidence, and promote personal safety. You can find self-defense classes through local martial arts studios, community centers, or online platforms that offer virtual training.

Attend a TED Talk

Going to a TED Talk is an amazing experience that opens doors to a world of new knowledge and inspiration.

You’ll hear captivating speakers share innovative ideas, broaden your horizons, connect with awesome people who share your interests, and come away feeling motivated and ready to grow both personally and professionally.

Learn to invest in the stock market

Even if you don’t have enough money to actually invest in your 20s (not many people do) it’s worthwhile learning about how the stock market works so when you start earning better money as you get into your 30s and beyond you know how to use it. 

It requires understanding concepts like stock trading, investment strategies, financial analysis, and market trends. However, there are numerous educational materials, online courses, and communities available to help simplify and guide the learning process. 

Learning about the stock market provides valuable insights into the world of finance, enhances financial literacy, and opens up opportunities to potentially grow wealth through informed investment decisions.

As you embark on this journey, you might ask yourself, “ What are the best beginner stocks ?” Exploring this question can lead to discovering suitable options to kickstart your investment portfolio.

Take a wilderness survival course

Sadly many people have made the huge mistake of going out into the wilderness on hikes or camping trips, and are never to be seen again.

Taking a survival course is the best thing you can do to prepare for impromptu trips with friends, vacations in new states and doing other cool stuff outdoors. You just never know and you don’t want to get caught out if something goes wrong and you get lost. 

On a wilderness survival course, you learn essential skills such as shelter building, fire-making, navigation using a map and compass, foraging, and first aid, equipping you with the knowledge to thrive and survive in the great outdoors.

See the Northern Lights

Getting to see the Northern Lights for the first time is an unforgettable and awe-inspiring experience that you just have to tick off your bucket list as soon as possible. 

The Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis, can be witnessed in several breathtaking locations around the world.

the northern lights

One popular destination is Tromsø, Norway, located within the Arctic Circle, offering optimal viewing opportunities. Fairbanks, Alaska, is another fantastic location, known for its clear skies and frequent auroral activity. In Iceland, the small town of Reykjahlíð, near Lake Mývatn, provides an excellent vantage point.

Yellowknife in Canada’s Northwest Territories is renowned for its dark skies and vibrant displays. Additionally, Abisko National Park in Sweden and Rovaniemi in Finnish Lapland are known for their Northern Lights visibility. 

Throw a dinner party

Dinner parties are adulting to the max but the good news is that they don’t have to be as daunting as they sound. 

If you haven’t yet mastered your signature dish, throwing a dinner party can be a breeze by hosting a potluck-style gathering where everyone brings a dish to share.

This way you don’t have to worry about cooking several courses at once and you can have more fun with your friends rather than spending all your time in the kitchen. 

Learn to do basic car maintenance

Cars are awesome until something goes wrong with them. 

One of the most useful things to do before you’re 30 is to learn how to do basic car repairs like changing a flat tire, replacing a dead battery, checking and changing the engine oil, and replacing worn-out windshield wiper blades.

Trust me, you’ll be glad you did because a flat tire, for example, can strike at any time and you don’t want to get stuck on the side of the road helpless. 

Learn how to grow your own food

Even if your ultimate goal in life is not to have a smallholding or homestead, learning how to grow your own food is a really valuable skill that can help you out in so many ways. 

For example, it’s often cheaper than buying fresh fruit and vegetables. It’s also a way of supporting yourself when food shortages happen, as they have done several times in the past few years after the Covid-19 pandemic and supply chain issues left some supermarket shelves bare. 

Learning more about becoming self-sufficient and gaining the new skill of growing vegetables and other foods gives you a small safety net, and is a really relaxing hobby to have too. 

Go scuba diving or snorkeling

If you’ve not tried either of these yet try to do them before you turn 30. Scuba diving or snorkeling is like stepping into a mesmerizing underwater wonderland, where you’re surrounded by captivating marine life, vibrant coral reefs, and a sense of tranquility that feels truly magical.

woman snorkeling in the sea

There’s no other feeling like it, and you can truly forget any worries you have for a while as you just lose yourself in the underwater world. 

Take a personal finance course

Financial freedom is an incredible goal to have before you turn 30. Financial freedom is the ability to live life on your own terms, without being constrained by financial constraints or worries, and having the freedom to pursue your passions, goals, and dreams.

If you struggle with credit card debt, student loans, overspending and general mismanagement of your finances, take the time to enrol in a course that teaches you how to deal with your money properly. A lot of people have the same problems and the sooner you can get to grips with money management, the easier and less stressful life becomes. 

30th birthday party with bunting

Learn to sew

This is one of those things to do before 30 that seems pretty pointless and a waste of time at first glance, but I can’t tell you how many times I wish I’ve had sewing skills to my name. It is such a useful thing to know how to do. 

Learning sewing skills is important as it empowers you to create, mend, and customize clothing and other fabric items, fostering creativity, self-sufficiency, and the ability to express your unique style. You can hem your own drapes, make your own cushions, alter your own clothing, and add buttons, zippers, and other fasteners. 

This list of things to do before you turn 30 isn’t exhaustive and is in no particular order, but should give you some great ideas for that before 30 bucket list you’re planning. 

So go ahead and live your best life in your 20s with one eye on enjoying yourself in the present and the other looking to the near future and planning the amazing skills and experiences you’ll have by the time your 30th birthday party comes around. 

Frequently asked questions

Absolutely! Turning 30 can be an exciting and meaningful moment in one’s life. It’s a time to reflect on personal growth, embrace new opportunities, and embark on the adventures that come with entering a new decade of adulthood.

No, 30 is definitely not too old to start over. Life is full of opportunities and changes, and it’s never too late to pursue new paths, redefine goals, and embrace fresh beginnings at any age.

Your 30s are seriously awesome! It’s like a time of self-discovery and rock-solid confidence, where you start to figure out what truly makes you happy and go after it with a kick-ass attitude. Plus, you’ve got that perfect balance of youthful energy and wisdom to tackle life’s adventures head-on.

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30 incredible places every woman should visit before she turns 30

must visit places before 30

Travel inspiration is one of the things currently living rent-free in our heads (along with The Tinder Swindler and Robert Pattinson with bleach-blonde hair ). Now that the world is opening up again, planning that dream holiday (or three) has become a very real and very exciting possibility.

But the world is a pretty big place. How on earth – literally – are we supposed to narrow it down? We spoke to Kristin Addis (AKA Be My Travel Muse ), solo female travel expert and author of Conquering Mountains: How to Solo Travel the World Fearlessly , for her top 30 destinations every woman must visit before she turns 30. '90s babies, best get booking…

1. Berlin, Germany

Truly the city that never sleeps, Berlin is a gritty, artsy city that is like an onion; you can peel back layers forever and keep discovering new things.

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2. Torres del Paine National Park, Chile

It’s the crown jewel of Patagonia and if you hike the O circuit you’ll get 8 days of beauty.

3. Machu Picchu, Peru 

This is one of those ancient wonders that really does live up to the hype. I recommend hiking in on the Inca trail.

4. Lombok, Indonesia

My favourite alternative to Bali, Lombok is the island right next door but with far fewer tourists.

5. Provence's Lavender Fields, France

It’s hard to think of a better place to experience golden hour than the pleasingly symmetrical lavender fields. 

6. Raja Ampat, Indonesia 

For those who love diving and Robinson Crusoe-like islands, this is some of the best of the world has to offer.

7. Koh Yao Noi, Thailand

Known as the note for wrong Island, you won’t find nearly as many tourists in this gorgeous part of Thailand. 

8. Sossusvlei, Namibia

This area is famous for the huge orange dunes and skeleton acacia trees. The sunrise here is like nothing on earth.

9. Victoria Falls, Zambia 

One of the natural wonders of the world, this giant waterfall is a sight to behold.

10. Tokyo, Japan

 One of the most unique cities on earth, you’ve got to see, and eat, your way through Tokyo!

Image may contain Outdoors Nature Mountain Mountain Range City Town Urban Building Scenery and Metropolis

11. Tübingen's chocolART Christmas Market, Germany

It’s a Christmas market dedicated entirely to chocolate, I need I say more? 

12. Coron, Palawan, Philippines

Beautiful lagoons and dramatic cliffs are unparalleled. Take a boat tour to see it all.

13. Havasu Falls, Arizona

This isn’t Photoshop, these falls really are baby blue! You've got to earn this one with a long hike in and back out.

14. Grand Canyon, Arizona

If you’re stopping by Havasu Falls, you’ve got to see the Grand Canyon as well! It earns its name and is best seen around sunset and is one of my favourite places in the US to travel alone .

15. Amalfi Coast, Italy

For gorgeous views, delicious food, and a constant leg workout from all those stairs, look no further than the Amalfi Coast.

16. Poros, Greece

For a less touristy but equally enchanting part of Greece, head to Poros. Extra points for renting a boat with friends and sailing there.

17. Parc Omega, Quebec 

Spend the night with wolves in their wild cabin.

18. Churchill, Manitoba

In the summer you can kayak with Beluga whales, in the autumn see polar bears, and in the winter enjoy the Aurora Borealis.

19. Jacobshorn, Davos, Switzerland

This ski hut at the top of the mountain is a ski-in party spot, inclusive of a hot tub!

20. Nile Cruise, Egypt

The temples hold an incredible energy. Marvel at the way they’ve stood the test of time. 

Dakota Johnson gave us a lesson in the perfect vintage summer updo

21. Vilanculos, Mozambique

The way the aqua-coloured tides make the white sand bars come out will blow your mind.

22. Wrangell St. Elias National Park, Alaska

It’s the largest national park in the US, but hardly anyone goes there. Marvel at the glacier and maybe spot some bears.

23. Iguazu Falls, Argentina

Split between Argentina and Brazil, these falls are so large they take days to explore.

24. Lavertezzo, Switzerland

In the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland, you’d be hard pressed to find clearer roadside swimming in the world. 

25. Lapland, Finland

Imagine ice hotels, reindeer, sauna culture, and the northern lights. It’s all waiting for you in the wintery Finnish Lapland. 

26. Wanaka, New Zealand

A hiker’s paradise, check out Isthmus Peak and Roy’s Peak for a glute-burner with a gorgeous view.

27. Ala-kol, Kyrgyzstan

This is one of the most unexpected and impressive hiking circuits in the world, with this lake as the crown jewel. 

This little island is so easy to explore, I’ve gone there solo twice now! 

29. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda

Trekking to the gorillas of Uganda is one of the most incredible animal encounters this world has to offer. Volcanoes Safaris offer incredible guided excursions.

30. Wild Atlantic Way Road Trip, Ireland 

Ireland is so green, full of friendly people, and worth visiting multiple times! 

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30 Epic Places You Absolutely Must Visit Before You're 30

Lifestyle Editor, HuffPost

Traveling young is important because it shapes your worldview . When you travel young, you realize who you are and what you believe in before it’s time to make the big-kid decisions (career, marriage, and all that scary stuff) that will impact the rest of your life.

If you were to visit each of these places before turning 30, you would be pretty darn well in touch with yourself and pretty equipped to take on real, adult existence.

Check out -- and check off! -- our ultimate soul-searching bucket list.


20. Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia The world’s largest salt flat is miles of flat, zen, abandoned bliss.


CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story indicated that the Berlin Wall was built by Nazi Germany. In fact, it was built by the Communists during the Cold War.

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30 Under 30: 30 Places You Need To Visit Before You Turn 30

30 Under 30: 30 Places You Need To Visit Before You Turn 30

Isn’t it amazing to know and visit some of the best places in the world? Of course, it is! Travelling is remarkably powerful and there is nothing more exhilarating than exploring new destinations across the globe. However, travelling means different things to different people. While some love taking wildlife safaris, some opt for surreal desert scapes. Some dream to relax on sandy beaches while for some, vibrant cities with blazing skyscrapers seal the deal.

So, to help you with your inspiration to do a round-the-world trip, we have curated a list of 30 places you need to visit before you turn 30. Please tag along!

1. Seoul, South Korea

The vibrant Seoul in South Korea is a melange of ancient history and modernity. With bustling skyscrapers and modern subways, Seoul is one of the most frequently visited tourist places in South Korea. The lush green parks and Seoul’s many museums make the city more interesting.

places visit world before you turn 30

The city is filled with a wide range of major attractions. One can explore the Bukchon Hanok Traditional Village or bask in the beauty of Cherry blossoms in front of N Seoul Tower. A trip to Seoul is incomplete without witnessing the grand Gyeongbokgung Palace built during the powerful Joseon dynasty. Taking long walks along Cheonggyecheon isn’t a bad idea either!

2. Kashmir, India

The enchanting Kashmir makes for one of the most beautiful places to visit in the World. With its picturesque vistas of chinar trees and criss-cross wooden bridges, Kashmir is every traveller’s dream. And you need to experience it at least once before you turn 30.

places visit world

Nestled high in the Himalayas, Kashmir in India has a lot to offer. Its quaint hamlets, frozen rivers, native bazaars, Sufi shrines, alpine vales, and historic forts will keep you excited throughout your trip. However, a Kashmir visit is incomplete without taking a Shikara ride in Dal lake and enjoying a Heritage Walk to Old Srinagar!

3. Sri Lanka

The ‘pearl of the Indian Ocean’, Sri Lanka, with its tropical jungles and mountain towns, is one of the most popular travel destinations in the World. So if you are someone who loves exploring ancient World Heritage sites and going on safaris, Sri Lanka is a perfect location to visit.

places visit world

Places of interest in Sri Lanka include the ancient city of Anuradhapura, home of Sigiriya Rock Palace known as the “Eighth Wonder of the World”. Tourists also visit Wilpattu National Park, and Monkey Kingdom, and go for whale watching tours in Mirissa.

4. Maldives

The tropical paradise Maldives, with its clear waters, gorgeous palm trees, and white-sand beaches, houses almost 1200 of the world’s most scintillating islands. The island country is a perfect place to plan your idyllic beach getaway.

places visit world

The Maldives is also one of the best places in the World for adventurous souls. Jet-skiing in the Arabian sea is a must here! Tourists can further visit places like Male city, Como Cocoa Island, Addu Atoll, and Maafushi in the Maldives.

Turkey, located in Southeastern Europe and Southwestern Asia, is rich in cultural heritage. It is one of the places in the World which is replete with beautiful coastlines and charming villages. Imagine being able to witness the beauty of the numerous chimneys and Turkish landscapes. Truly, magical!

places visit world before you turn 30

Among the most attractive interests of Turkey are Istanbul, Bosphorus, Cappadocia, Holden Horn, and Eyup Sultan Mosque. You can also visit the glorious Topkapi Palace, and the Anatolian plateau.

6. Paris, France

All you romantics at heart, how do you feel about travelling to one of the most romantic places in Europe? The French capital Paris is the perfect place for people who crave mornings with buttery croissants and dream of boating down the Seine. Also, let’s not forget the Insta-worthy pictures you will get with the idyllic Eiffel Tower backdrop.

Visit Paris before you turn 30

Paris is also the cultural hub in Europe and a trip to the city lets tourists indulge in arts, music, and its many museums. The Louvre Museum In Paris, one of the most famous art museums in the world, is a must-visit here. There’s also the Palace of Versailles for all the history lovers! And all the Disney fans, don’t miss out on Disneyland!

7. Sardinia, Italy

It’s a dream for many to visit Sardinia, the Second-largest Island In The Mediterranean Sea. This Italian island spreads over nearly 2,000km of coastline. The calm beaches and hiking trails make Sardinia an attractive global tourist destination. It’s one of the most stunning places in Italy and deserves to be on every traveller’s bucket list.

Visit before you turn 30

Also read: Travel Destinations Visited By Priyanka Chopra That Deserve To Be On Your Bucket List

A trip to Sardinia offers Sella del Diavolo, dolphin sightings, and visits to the Costa Smeralda, Alghero, and Nuraghe Losa. Tourists can also explore the World famous Museo Archeologico Nazionale which displays Punic, Greek, and Roman artifacts.

If there is one word that can describe London the best, it’s ‘Charming’. With pretty stately parks, emerald grass vistas, and bustling towns, London has its own charm! They say when you leave London, a simple image or a random smell is enough to transport you back to the metropolis. And that it is a city you must visit before you turn 30!

places visit world

London is full of attractive touristy places. One can sit and enjoy the views of Kensington Gardens or take lazy evening strolls in Hyde Park. The London countrysides and Rutland sunsets let you explore cozy chocolate-box villages and warm country houses. One can also bask in some pride and love in the World famous G-A-Y bar in Soho.

9. Birmingham, UK

Birmingham in the UK is a city that takes pride in its history and mystery! With pretty canal-side venues, museums, and bars, Birmingham is one of the most unique cities in the World. After the 2022 Commonwealth Games, the city is seeing a huge influx of tourists.

places visit world

You can explore a lot of places in Birmingham, starting from Roundhouse Birmingham. The secret canal to the Jewellery Quarter, National Sea Life Birmingham, and the Lego 4D cinema in Birmingham are other major attractions of the city.

10. Aizawl, North East

Craving for a getaway amidst nature? Well, Aizawl in Mizoram is abundantly blessed with lush green hills and serene natural beauty. This stunning hill station lies at a height of 1132 above sea level and is one of the most beautiful places in the North East.

places visit world

For tourists interested in exploring nature and Mizo culture, Aizawl has a lot to offer! Visit the main handicrafts market, Bara Bazar, buy local garments at Zion Street and indulge in history with the Mizoram State Museum in Zarkawt. You can also visit the famous family of Pu Ziona, the largest existing family in the World. Just head to the Baktawng Village in Aizawl.

11. Sarbal, Kashmir, India

Sarbal in Kashmir is a lesser-known tiny hamlet that boasts in its rich culture. Sarbal is full of scenic meadows, cozy huts, and adorable people. Sarbal is known as Kashmir’s last hamlet and is nestled in the foothills of the Great Himalayas.

must visit places before 30

A trip to Sarbal will offer you blooms of Canopies, glacial lakes, and alpine vales. Trekking trails start from Sarbal village. Adventurous souls can also visit Durinar and Barafsar. These peaks will give you the best views of Kashmir.

12. Busan, South Korea

If you thought South Korea was all about Seoul, then let us take you through the country’s second-largest city. Busan lures in travellers from across the globe with its majestic temples, scintillating beaches, and busy local markets. The street food in Busan will leave you speechless!

places visit world before you turn 30

A few major attractions of Busan include Beomeosa temple, Lantern Festival at Samgwangsa, Seokbulsa, Haeundae Beach, Taejongdae Resort Park, and Oryukdo Skywalk.

13. Guwau Village, Taebaek, South Korea

Another place you must visit before you turn 30! Guwau village in Taebaek, South Korea, is that rare Instagram-worthy tourist spot that most travel enthusiasts crave to find! The village is home to a vast field of around 300 species of wildflowers. So, travel bloggers, this is your chance to make your ‘Gram’ game strong.

Visit before you turn 30

Gangwon Province is South Korea’s largest sunflower patch. So when you take your wanderlust to the country, make sure you don’t miss out on one of its most beautiful places! The best time to visit the vast spread of sunflowers is in August. You can also enjoy the annual Taebaek Sunflower Festival usually here and it’s usually held between July to August.

14. Arizona, United States

Arizona, known for its lively cities, sports warm weather all year around. With its famous red rocks, hiking trails, and natural wonders, Arizona totally deserves to be on your bucket list. The state is also home to one of the seven natural wonders of the world, the Grand Canyon.

places visit world

One of the most attractive places of interest in Arizona is the majestic natural wonder, the Grand Canyon. After exploring the pride of the state, tourists can go hiking in the North Rim. They can also raft the Colorado River and explore the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument. Nature lovers can visit the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. The museum spreads over an area of 98-acre and you might spot native animals like coyotes and prairie dogs while on an outing there.

15. Majuli, Assam, India

Majuli is the second largest freshwater river island in the world and the largest in Asia. This serene river island on the Brahmaputra River in Assam is around 352 sq km. Tourists from all over the globe flock to indulge in the sublime beauty of Majuli.

must visit places before 30

Majuli is one of the cultural hubs in Assam and has a lot of major attractions. One can explore the Shri Shri Dakhinpat Satra, witness the Water hyacinths ride on the wooden boats, take lazy strolls in the Mishing village, and relax in Sunset point.

16. Lapland, Finland

Ever dreamt of visiting Santa Claus at his home and singing jingles amidst the northern lights? If yes, then a trip to Finland’s Lapland is what you need to make your dream a reality. From the Northern Lights and the Nordic woodland to the midnight sun in summer, Lapland is where magic happens.

Visit before you turn 30

A trip to this fairytale land is incomplete without experiencing nature’s greatest spectacle, Aurora Borealis. A few other places of interest include Lapland’s main town, Rovaniemi, Inari village and Ranu Zoo. You can also visit Halti, the highest peak in Lapland. After all, walking uphill to discover hidden trails is never a bad idea!

Also read: 5 Underrated Destinations In Thailand Indians Must Visit

17. Zanzibar, Tanzania

The Indian Ocean archipelago Zanzibar is home to several islands lying off the coast of East Africa. This gem of Tanzania is nestled between Pemba and Mafia and is World famous for its white-sand beaches, fun nightlife and remarkable cultural history. Zanzibar is also one of the major administrative districts of Mjini Magharibi Region in Tanzania.

Visit before you turn 30

A list of places to experience the best of Zanzibar include the laid-back beach bar in Kendwa, Forodhani Market, Stone Town, Nungwi, Paje, Jozaniforest, Jambiani and Unesco World Heritage site, the House of Wonders.

A vacation in Spain is all about jaw-dropping museums and stunning natural features. With a sunny climate and vibrant culture, Spain is every traveller’s dream destination. So bookmark it right away! The gorgeous landscapes and world-famous mountain ranges are totally a treat to the eyes.

places visit world

When in Spain, you can go swimming in the deep blues of Costa Brava, visit Pueblos Blancos – the white-washed villages of Andalucia, explore the famous Moco Museum and one of the masterpieces of Spain, Casa Battlo Gaudi in Barcelona, designed by the legendary Antoni Gaudi.

19. Chadar, Leh, India

Ever wondered about trekking on thin ice? Well, the most dangerous trekking trail in India, Chadar, takes you through a frozen River, and is an experience like no other!

Visit before you turn 30

The Chadar trail which starts at Leh at an altitude of 11,400 ft, is going to take you through the Zanskar River. This frozen river is the only link between the outside world and the Zanskar village. The trail’s unparalleled beauty is one of the reasons why trekkers from across the globe are tempted by Chadar.

20. Mumbai, India

Aamchi Mumbai also is a place you must visit before you turn 30! Mumbai, the Indian city of stars and dreams, is the 14th best city in the world according to the Time Out 2022 list. This capital city of Maharashtra is located on the west coast of the Indian peninsula.

must visit places before 30

From iconic landmarks to glorious nightlife, Mumbai has a lot to offer to tourists. The best way to identify with Mumbai is to visit the majestic tall arch, the Gateway of India. Tourists can also visit places like Nariman Point, the Manhattan of Mumbai, Flora Fountain, Jehangir Art Gallery, Marine Drive, and the very famous Dabbawalas.

21. Bangkok, Thailand

Want to enjoy a calming dawn by the riverside? Head to the ‘City of Angels’, Bangkok. The capital city of Thailand with its quiet klongs, hip clubs, and glorious temples will leave you speechless with its jaw-dropping beauty.

must visit places before 30

There’s a lot to explore in Bangkok. Take a tour of the Floating market, visit the Temple of Dawn, enjoy the Chao Phraya River Boat Cruise and maybe swim with Sharks at the Siam Ocean World!

22. Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh, India

Wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to take a walk amidst the clouds before you turn 30? Well, a visit to Pasighat will offer you that and so much more. It’s one of the oldest towns in Arunachal Pradesh and sits in the eastern Siang district bordering Assam in Northeast India.

must visit places before 30

There are numerous places of interest for backpackers in Pasighat. One can trek to the Sirki waterfall, visit Kekar Monying, explore Yagrung Village and enjoy the Bodak View Point. However, nothing can beat the feeling of witnessing the sunrise standing amidst cottony white clouds!

23. Iceland

Iceland is one of the world’s top travel destinations and is most popular amongst adventurer seekers and nature lovers. If you are all in to witness black sand beaches, active volcanoes, hot springs, glaciers, ice fields, and fjords, Iceland is the perfect destination for you!

must visit places before 30

A trip to this Nordic island nation is incomplete without whale watching in Reykjavik, exploring the Blue Lagoon in Grindavík, and the Northern Lights in Aurora Borealis.

24. Hampi, Karnataka, India

Hippie Island, Hampi is one of the best places in India where you can relax and unwind. Hampi is all about meeting hippie backpackers, taking part in drum circles, exploring history, and relishing amazing food.

must visit places before 30

Tourist spots in Hampi that attract a lot of travellers include its many temples like the Vijaya Vittala temple and Lakshmi Narasimha temple, the Queen’s bath, Hampi Bazaar, Narasimha statue, and the serene Tungabhadra river.

25. Osaka, Japan

Osaka is one of the cities in Japan that lets tourists indulge in history and culture. The ‘Venice Of The East’ is popular because of its lit nightlife, history and culture, and delectable cuisine. Osaka is also a major financial center, and is recognized as one of the most multicultural and cosmopolitan cities in Japan.

must visit places before 30

Osaka is one of Japan’s largest cities and offers numerous tourist attractions such as Osaka Castle, Universal Studios Japan, Tennoji, Bunraku Theatre, Osaka Aquarium, Museum Of History, Minoo Park, Umeda Sky Building, and the Bay Area among many others.

26. Dubai, UAE

Dubai in UAE is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The city, with its skyscrapers, nightlife and architectural marvels like the Jumeirah Palm, attracts huge numbers of tourists across the globe almost every year.

must visit places before 30

There’s always a lot to explore in Dubai. Visit the Burj Khalifa, take a Yacht tour in Dubai Marina, enjoy lazy strolls in Old Town, and gorge on yummy street food. Places like the Fountain at the Dubai Mall and the Dubai creek add to the greatness of the City. You absolutely should visit here before you turn 30!

27. Maui, Hawaii

The geographically diverse Hawaiian island Maui is all about hidden ocean coves and lofty mountain ridges. With an abundance of natural beauty to explore, Maui is a paradise for all nature lovers.

Visit before you turn 30

There are numerous places to experience the best of this Hawaiian island. One can visit the beautiful Wailea, explore the wilderness in Haleakala National Park and witness the rainforests in the West Maui Mountains. However, it’s the underwater submarine adventure in Kahana that attracts a lot of tourists to Maui.

28. New Zealand

Described by locals as Godsown, New Zealand is one of the most beautiful places in the world – one that you should totally visit before you turn 30! With rolling green hills, gorgeous mountains, and breathtaking landscapes, New Zealand is pure magic.

must visit places before 30

Tekapo is a must-visit in New Zealand. It’s one of the places that offer some of the world’s darkest skies and purest stargazing opportunities. A few other tourist attractions of New Zealand include the Bay of Islands, Castlepoint, The Coromandel, and Aoraki Mount Cook.

29. Zagreb, Croatia

The capital city of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb, is ‘made’ of 2 hills, Gradec and Kaptol. This beautiful city with a rich history and numerous places to explore is also the largest cultural hub of Croatia.

must visit places before 30

To savor the best of Zagreb, tourists can visit St. Mark’s Church, explore the Museum Of Broken Relationships, bask in the beauty of Stone Gate, and witness the fire-a-cannon ceremony in the Lotrscak Tower.

30. Amazon Rainforest, Brazil

Who wouldn’t want to visit the largest tropical rainforest on Earth before turning 30 right? Famed for its biodiversity, Amazon Rainforest in Brazil houses more than 40,000 species of plants, thousands of species of birds, more than 400 mammals, and millions of species of insects.

Visit before you turn 30

A trip to the Rainforest will allow you to explore Manaus and witness the glory of the Amazon River. Tourists also go for various nature and wildlife tours and water tours while in the Rainforest. The beauty of this ecosystem which spans eight countries is unparalleled.

So, now that you know enough travel destinations across the globe, we hope some of these stunning places make it to your travel bucket list sooner or later!

Feature Image Courtesy – Unsplash

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30 Things To Do Before 30: A Realistic 30 Before 30 List (2022)

Have you been thinking about things to do before 30? Check out this 30 things to do before 30 checklist of ideas to try out before your 30th birthday.

It’s funny to see this 30 things to do before 30 list because I officially turned 30 this year! I originally wrote this post when I was 28 and had big hopes for this list… then the pandemic hit – oof.

So I may not have been able to accomplish everything here, but with the world slowly returning to a more normal place, I’ve updated this post for those of you who still have their 30th birthday on the horizon.

Even at 30 years old, I can’t help but think about where my life is currently vs. where I had expected things to be, especially after the previous year and a half. Some things I’ve hit the target on, and others I feel like I’ve missed out on.

This has me thinking about where I would like life to be by the time I turn 31 and beyond, and I know I can’t be the only one thinking about this. I feel like the past few years didn’t count, so I’ll be trying to make some of these up soon!

Turning 30 is a huge milestone in everyone’s life. 

When you come across these types of milestones, it’s natural to reflect on life so far and what you’ve accomplished so far. It can become inspiring to think about other things you can achieve.

Why not get started now, and see how much of the 30 before 30 manage to squeeze in?

Of course, this post is not limited to those who are 29 and under. If any of these ideas stand out to you, definitely try them out! No age requirements here!

Enjoy this realistic 30 before 30 list of bucket list birthday ideas!

30 Things to Do Before 30

Do something that scares you.

Doing something that scares you, usually helps you grow as a person. 

I’m not just talking about things like sky diving, bungee jumping etc. Although if that’s your jam, then definitely go ahead and live your best life! 

When I’m mentioning to do something that scares you, I’m also talking about something likely a bit safer. Tell someone how you feel about them, go to a movie alone, hold a spider. 

Doing something out of your comfort zone and seeing that you can do it and survive is a great feeling!

Forgive and Let Go of the Past

Forgiveness is so healing, and what better time to clear out emotional garbage than when you’re heading into a new decade. 

When you hold grudges, you’re the only one truly affected by it. The person you hold a grudge against will have no idea that you’re harbouring these negative feelings towards them, and you’re the one that ends up suffering in the end. Take this time to stop holding grudges, and finally allow yourself the space to move on.

Releasing past grievances will leave you feeling so much lighter, especially if you find that you’re still holding onto a situation that happened years ago.

Put an end to it, and choose to forgive them. You’re doing it for yourself.

Begin Investing

Money can be confusing and overwhelming, but once you start making money, it’s a really good idea to begin investing some of that hard earned cash. Learn about different methods of investing, and choose the one that suits you best.

Do One Good Deed for Someone Daily

Being kind is cool! 

Think of the last time someone did something nice for you just because. It made you feel pretty darn good right? Aim to make someone feel that way every day! It doesn’t take much to make someone’s day!

Learn a New Language

Learning a new language is a lot of work, but it’s so much fun. 

When you learn languages it actually improves your brain overall too, so that’s a pretty sweet bonus! 

Choose a language that you think you would love to take a lot of time practicing, and preferably one that you can use somewhere you’d like to travel! Imagine going somewhere you already love, or somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit and being able to communicate with the locals!

Trees blooming in front of colorful old buildings.

If you haven’t gone camping in nature yet, what are you waiting for? 

Camping is a fun adventure and a great way to connect with yourself and disconnect from electronics for a bit, as well as get a break from city living. 

With fun things to do like hiking, canoeing, and swimming, what can be better than spending the weekend under the stars? Just make sure you remember to bring your bug spray!

Go on a Road Trip

This can be a long distance, cross country type of trip, or it can be just driving an hour away to explore a new town. 

Get in the car with a couple of great friends, blast the tunes, and go exploring! You’ll see so much that you would have otherwise missed it you were traveling by train or plane!

A cross country road trip is a great way to get to see the nooks and crannies of your own backyard.

Take a city break to a fun city like San Francisco, or experience some magical wonders of nature like the northern lights, or take a walk around the Grand Canyon National Park.

Be Financially Independent

Your 20’s can be a bit of a financial mess since finances aren’t often taught in school. 

Try to clean things up as much as you can before hitting your 30’s. Pay off your credit card debt and loans, start working on your student loans, start saving, and start an emergency fund! 

Bonus points if you also have a retirement fund in place. It feels great to have that feeling of financial freedom, and what better way to feel like a proper adult than that!

Get after those financial goals! When you turn 30, your credit score will thank you!

Travel to a Place Where You Don’t Know the Language

There’s something exciting and terrifying being in a place where you can’t rely on speaking English. Get your adrenaline pumping by trying out places in a different country.

Trying to get by with minimal words you memorized ahead of time, and a little game of charades with some locals is an experience that you won’t soon forget!

You grow when you’re out of your comfort zone!

Woman holding a small colorful globe.

Go to a Concert

Even if you’ve already been to a concert in the past, planning to see a concert before you turn 30 gives you something fun to look forward to. Maybe even plan your 30th birthday party to coincide with a fun concert night!

Find out if any of your favorite artists are going to be performing near you and grab some tickets (you might want to look a fair bit ahead of time if they’re prone to selling out venues). 

Or if you live in a more secluded area, you could travel to where your fave singer will be performing. You could also go to a local concert to find some new talent!

Get a Tattoo

Tattoos aren’t your thing? No worries, feel free to skip this one (you don’t want to begin this new decade feeling like you made a huge mistake). But if you’ve been wanting a tattoo for a while now, or want to add to your current collection, find a fun or meaningful tattoo to commemorate the once in a lifetime event of entering your 30s!

Join a Club

Finding a club with people who are into the same thing as you is a great way to make some friends and spend some time engaging with something you enjoy! 

Maybe join book clubs as an excuse to make time to read more books this year!

You could also try out clubs that can help you expand your knowledge in a hobby that you currently enjoy. Make a point to go out and meet new friends with the options in your city.

Woman holding a coffee mug and reading a book that is resting on her lap.

Train for and Run a Half Marathon

If you’re not a runner, this may be out of your comfort zone, but that’s what makes it such an exciting prospect! 

Have a look online for when a marathon or a half marathon will be happening near you for a cause that you feel passionate about, and begin training for it. 

The feeling of accomplishment, once you reach the finish line in a half marathon, will be completely worth it.

Learn How to Cook in a Cooking Class

If you don’t know how to cook yet, this could be a good time to begin. You don’t want to go through your 30’s living on takeout and grilled cheese sandwiches. 

Sign up for a cooking class to learn how to prepare a few healthy meals for yourself that you can meal prep ahead of time so you have something tasty to look forward to during the week when dinner time comes around.

You could even challenge yourself to create a signature dish and invite a few people over to throw a dinner party to show off all of your new skills learned in your cooking class!

Woman cutting vegetables from above.

See a Show on Broadway

There’s nothing quite like the big bright lights of the city. Take some time in the city and check out a musical while you’re at it. 

There are so many shows to choose from these days so you shouldn’t have a problem finding something that you’ll enjoy. It’s quite the experience to see people performing their hearts out with so much passion and talent.

Work in a Retail or Service Job

As someone who spent my first working years in retail, I can say it can be very obvious to see someone who hasn’t worked in the retail or service industries (obviously not the case for everyone). 

However, if you happen to be looking for a bit more money through the week, try picking up a job in a restaurant or a mall. 

Even spending a few months in a job like this will give you a completely new appreciation for other people in these roles. It’s definitely a character building experience.

Read Next: What Does it Mean When You See an Owl: Spiritual Meaning

Woman traveling through old city streets alone.

Travel Solo

Want to be a world traveler? Traveling solo is a must at least once in a lifetime! It helps you to build independence and confidence. 

Traveling just feels different when you know everything relies on yourself. 

It’s a great experience to not have to compromise with others on how to spend your time, but it’s also exhilarating to know that you’re 100% responsible. It’s also a great way to get to know yourself since you’re experiencing so much time on your own. 

You’ll learn so much about yourself and you will grow as a person very quickly. The confidence you’ll feel when coming home from your first solo trip is unmatched.

Go to Disney World

Disney World is certainly not just for kids! If you haven’t gone yet, or if you’ve already been and loved it, why not check it out again before the big 3-0? Or even better, maybe plan to celebrate your 30th living out your childhood.

Eat at a Restaurant Alone

This seems to be something that a lot of people find scary to think of. 

Being in your own company is a great way to connect with yourself, and why not do that while taking yourself on a dinner date? 

It’s not at all as scary as you may think, and even if the idea of dining alone does make you nervous, that just makes it an even better thing to try! 

Remember tip number one? Do something that scares you!

Get a Productive Morning Routine

As a night owl by nature, I can say that even though waking up earlier than needed at first might be hard, and frankly a pain in the ass, it is so worth it when you realize how much you’re able to get done with that time. 

Is there something in your life you wish you had more time for? Try waking up earlier in the day to fit it into your daily routine. 

Working out, reading a book, and practicing self care are some of the countless ways you can spend the extra time you will have in your day.

Putting a morning routine into your day is a great way to show yourself some self love, and show up as your best self!

Woman looking out over the water. 30 Things To Do Before 30: A Realistic 30 Before 30 List

Show Your Loved Ones How Much You Love Them Daily

This is so underrated, and something we should all do more of. Make sure that every day your family, friends, pets all know how much they mean to you. 

You don’t have to be all mushy and profess your love to them, but just be kind, and show love in your actions.

Woman sitting on the couch with a young child.

Start a Hobby that will Challenge You

Finding new hobbies as an adult isn’t something we do as frequently as we did when we were younger. 

If you’ve always wanted to dance, why not try now? 

Learn to draw, learn how to code websites, try horseback riding. The options are endless. 

Try something out that you’ve always wanted to try, and enjoy the learning process.

Learn How to Budget

Learning how to budget is key for keeping your finances in a healthy state. 

By the time you turn 30, learning how to budget and save is important for the things you want to do in your future, like buying a house (if you haven’t already) or retiring! 

Work at not going above your budget on frivolous things, and hopefully, it will lead you to a life of financial health.

Binge Watch a Show You’ve Always Wanted to See

We all have a show or two that we were interested to watch but never quite made the time to sit and see. 

Why not take the time with all of the current streaming services at our fingertips and spend a weekend with some good snacks and knock it off of your bucket list and see what all the fuss was about?

Move Abroad

This is likely the biggest idea on the list and I’m sure it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but if moving abroad is something you’ve always wanted to do, why not see if you can make it work now? 

There are an increasing amount of jobs where you can now work remotely, so why not see if you can pick up something like that, or see if your current placement would allow for that situation. 

Try to find an amazing job offer in your country of choice and get out of your comfort zones.

There are other options, such as working as an au pair, bar tending, and hospitality that could help you work outside of your own country.

See what you can find around the world somewhere that is one of your bucket list destinations!

Start Your Dream Business or Job

Your 20’s are the best time to take career related risks before you have too many life and financial responsibilities on your plate that you have to consider. 

Have you always wanted to start your own business? Or maybe there’s a specific position at a specific company that you’ve long had your eye on. Figure out what you can do to land the career of your dreams, and work your hardest to reach your goals.

Maybe you cant to do a complete career change! Learn a new skill and see if you can turn that into a new business!

Woman in a yellow dress working at a desk writing in a notebook. Start your dream business 30 before 30

Volunteer for a Cause You Care About

When you find something that you feel passionate about and you want to find a way to help, volunteering is always a great way to participate in making a difference. Plus it’s good to take some time from your life to dedicate to thinking about others and helping others.

Learn to Drive

If you haven’t mastered the skill of driving yet, why not take some lessons to improve, or to begin if it’s new to you. 

The feeling when you get comfortable driving is very fulfilling and a confidence booster. Plus as you get older you’ll likely find that being able to drive yourself or your family around is a lot more convenient than using public transit, ride shares, or waiting for someone else to drive you around. 

Start small and take your time until you’re comfortable, you’ll get there!

Enjoy a Meal at a Michelin Starred Restaurant

Going out to eat is a favorite pastime for many, but why not take it to the next level and go out with some loved ones and enjoy an amazing meal at a  Michelin starred restaurant ? Pick out your favourite items on the menu, and this will be a meal you’ll be remembering for years to come.

I’m not a big foodie, but I’d also love to experience the cooking at a Michelin star restaurant, so I’ll likely begin looking into that too! Keep in mind, age is nothing but a number! Keep living your best life at every age!

Watch a Live Comedy Show

Enter your 30’s with a belly full of laughter by checking out a live comedy show in your city, or if you have a favourite comedian, find out their tour schedule and travel to see them on the road! 

Watching a really good comedy routine feels healing to the soul. This could be another great way to celebrate hitting your 3rd decade milestone with some of the best memories!

Bucket List Before 30

If you plan on trying any of these ideas out in the near future, let me know in the comments which ones you’ll be trying! Personally, I’m currently trying to learn French, but have also started back up with trying to learn Danish!

Spend time leading up to your thirties to end some of your bad habits, and begin to live the life you’ve been dreaming of.

Reflect over the last decade, as you celebrate entering the next.

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29 tips on how to raise your vibration for a happier life.

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Before 30 Bucket List: Epic Ways To Thrive Into Adulthood

If you are looking for things to add to your before 30 bucket list, look no further. This comprehensive list covers everything up until you turn 30! While this list is not in any order, you will find stuff from your younger years, high school, college, and adulthood.

Your before 30 bucket list is a list of things to do the first 29 years of your life. Granted, as a child you aren’t really thinking about this, but as a teenager you start to. It is never too late to make a bucket list about your future and what you want to do.

Before 30 Bucket List: 100+ things to add to your list

1. go to prom.

A rite of passage on your high school bucket list , this should not be missed. You get an opportunity to get dressed up all fancy with your friends for one last celebration before you all go off to college or into careers.

2. Get into your dream college

Your before 30 bucket list should include not only getting into your dream college but majoring in your first choice and thriving afterwards.

3. Sleepovers with friends

Whether you are a teenager or an adult, sleepovers are the best way to bond with friends. They get better with age too. Once you hit 21, add some wine to these nights and throw in a pillow fight. You’ll be glad you added this to your best friend bucket list .

4. Drive your dream car

You might not be ready to purchase your dream car today, but nothing is stopping you from test driving it.

5. Learn to cook

If your family is big on cooking, learn to cook early on and continue that tradition as you age. By the time you turn 30 you should be able to host a dinner party to some degree. We aren’t asking you to be Julia Child, but some delicious cooking is doable. Plus, you need to survive on your own.

6. Get your drivers license

You can get your license around the time you turn 16. You should absolutely have it before turning 30 or how else will you be able to go on epic USA bucket list road trips or drive your dream car?

7. Go to summer camp

As a teenager, this is a great way to spend time away from your family and get to know new people. Who knows, you might even find a summer romance!

8. Get your first cell phone

What with the age of social media and constant need to know where everyone is and for safety measures, surely you will get your first phone before 30. Question is: are you team iPhone or Android?

9. Spend a crazy weekend in Las Vegas

Your before 30 bucket list will not be complete without a weekend bender in sunny Las Vegas. The city wasn’t dubbed “Sin City” for its angelic behavior. Gamble the night away, drink until 4 am, ride the Highroller, visit Fremont Street, see one of the many epic shows available, and don’t forget all the free activities along the strip, like the fountains at the Bellagio.

10. Graduate high school

One of the most monumental things you will do in your life is graduate high school. You survived about 13 years of full-time schooling and are now an adult. Celebrate that!

11. Have your first kiss

While your first kiss might not be your last kiss or even best kiss, it will certainly be your most memorable, because it was your first. Your before 30 bucket list should absolutely include this, but no pressure, do it in your own time.

12. Befriend someone outside your circle

Friend cliques can get brutal, especially in high school. Don’t be afraid to make friends with someone not in your crowd. Everyone has a unique story and background, plus you never know when you will meet your friend soulmate.

13. Go to crazy college party

If your college bucket list doesn’t include attending at least one crazy party, we need to reassess the list. Whether it is a part of the Greek systems of parties, a toga party or even a house party. Go to at least one so you can see what they are all about. Guaranteed you will have crazy stories to tell for years to come.

14. Get a credit card and start building credit

When you turn 18 and are well appraised of financial responsibilities, you should get a credit card and start building credit.

The best and easiest way to get a push in good credit is to get your parents to add you onto one of their existing accounts as an authorized user. It will backdate your credit score for the length of the card. You could end up with a 700+ score before 19, which will make getting a car, house or anything with a line of credit super easy and with great interest rates.

15. Buy your first car

If its the junker you saved $300 bucks for or your first graduated college and have a big kid paycheck car, just make sure to buy your own first car.

16. Find your soulmate

This doesn’t necessarily come in the form of a lover, but it is “your person.” A lot of best friends are soulmates. Just make sure to find that person who you can tell anything to and thrive with.

17. Spend a day or 20 at Disney

Disney is great at any age, just get there before you turn 30! Make sure to eat all the food, ride all the rides and come dressed up!

18. Graduate from college

Atop you before 30 bucket list, put graduate from college. Then go start an epic career and do adult things, whatever those may be to you.

19. Adopt a pet

There will always be animals that need a home. If you have a home and safe space, adopt one. They will love you unconditionally!

20. Self acceptance

Don’t wait until you are 30 to decide to love yourself … because you won’t have that time to convince anyone else to. Radical self acceptance is one of the best things you can do for yourself and you will love yourself for all your perceived flaws.

21. See the cherry blossoms

Whether you visit Washington, D.C. or head to Japan to cross off an epic Asia bucket list and travel bucket list item, this is a must! Seeing the cherry blossoms fill the trees and air is a magical sight to behold. Also a great photo opportunity you won’t want to miss.

22. Learn a new language

If you start learning a new language in high school and continue through college and even a study abroad program, that is probably the best route to go. However, with recent technology, you can learn a new language by using apps on your phone and little to no effort.

23. Live in another country

This can be done many ways and can have high rewards. Living somewhere completely foreign to yourself and figuring things out can be liberating. Not only that, you really evolve as a person and experience life entirely new.

24. Start a journal

At any stage in life you can start a journal. The younger you start, the better writer you become and have memories to look back on. Maybe on your 30th birthday you can pull out some old journals read some entries to remember what life was like on those days.

25. See the Northern Lights

The world offers some of the most magical experiences and seeing the Northern Lights is one of them. You will have to travel to see them unless you are lucky that you live in an area that is bursting with color. Some of the best places to view are : Alaska, Finland, Norway, and Iceland.

26. Get your dream job

Sometimes you get lucky and land your dream job right away and other times you have to work your way up, but you got this! Make sure your resume is always updated and ready to be sent out.

27. Join a book club

Reading is such a great escape from work, life and electronics. The benefit of joining a book club is that you get to discuss the book and see how everyone else perceived it.

28. Pizza nights

One simply doesn’t make it to their 30’s without hosting epic pizza nights! Get out all the ingredients and dough and have those friends over and enjoy your pies. Maybe throw in a game of ‘Cards Against Humanity’ for added laughs.

29. Backpack through Europe

Right after college or even before or during, take this trip. This will enlighten you in so many ways and give you the opportunity to see places you have only read about it. The people you will meet along the way, the cultures, experiences, and maybe even some new friends, will be unforgettable.

30. Kiss in the rain

We have all seen it in a movie or TV show and wondered why we would want to get wet and why it looks so romantic. DO IT FOR YOURSELF. You know, research!

31. Have a one night stand

Obviously this isn’t for everyone, so no pressure at all. Only do it if you feel comfortable and trust the person. Random hook-ups can be fun and with no strings attached, even better.

32. Start a savings account

You have to start saving money before you turn 30. In fact, you should have enough savings to carry you six or more months should something happen. You can have your fun and be a responsible adult. You will thank us for this tip later.

33. Take a road trip

If your before 30 bucket list does not include a road trip, it is time to fix that. You don’t even have to go far, just make it memorable. Grab your best friend, the snacks and hit the road. Bonus points if you do something epic like the Road to Hana in Maui, Hawaii. That drive is incredibly beautiful and also insane.

34. Make an incredible resume

Everyone typically learns to make a resume/CV in a Word document, but there are so many more ways to do it. For example, in Canva, which is free, you can make a stunning standout resume that will capture attention and keep you at the top of the list. Dare to be better and get that job.

35. Get a post-graduate degree (if you want)

Grad school isn’t everyone’s path but maybe after you work for a few years you decide you want to advance your career, change careers or just get another degree for fun. Be open to the idea.

36. Have your own ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ moment in Bali

Take a solo trip to Bali. Go do yoga, eat delicious food, visit the temples, see the amazing sunsets, do it all. Your Bali bucket list is just waiting for you to arrive. This can be one of the most life changing experiences if you let it and are open for it.

37. Skydive

Read to get your heart racing? Jump out of a plane. It will be the most terrifying and equally exciting experience ever. You will feel weightless over the world and see it from a new perspective.

38. Fly in first class

Looking for a way to cash in on airline or credit miles or just blow a ton of cash? Use it to fly international first class! You will be blown away by some of the offerings on planes – you can even get an apartment on Etihad as your seat. But throw caution to the wind .. you may never be able to fly coach again after this over the top experience.

39. Go to a festival

Festivals are not limited to music but they seem to catch all the attention. You could go to the Renaissance festival if you wanted. Just go to a festival, get dressed up and have the time of your life.

40. Practice yoga and/or meditation

Life is stressful and can continue to get more stressful as you take on more responsibilities. yoga and/or meditation can help you stay grounded and give you the moments of zen that you really need.

41. Plan for retirement

This sounds so boring, especially between the ages of 18-29 but these are crucial years to start saving. The earlier you start saving the more you will have in the long run. A lot of people never save or start too late which leads to having to work forever. Set yourself up for a livable life when you do retire.

42. Start a business

This could be a passion project, social media, sales, writing books, self help, coaching, and so on. Whether it is a full-time gig or just something on the side, nothing will challenge you more than opening and operating a business. Plus, the extra money is nice.

43. Throw an epic house party

We are not thinking ‘Project X’ style house party, but just big enough to be cool. you know? Everyone will remember it and you will have a story to tell for years to come.

44. Go on a hot air balloon ride

This is a bit less daredevil than skydiving, but even my bucket list had a hot air balloon ride on it. If you want to take this experience up a notch, do it over an epic landscape, like Cappadocia, Turkey. The fairy chimneys look out of this world.

45. Do local staycations in your area

If you love traveling but don’t want to go far, try experiencing new things in your own backyard. Stay at local hotels, see everything there is to see, attend local events. There is a wealth of things happening around you, you do not have to go to Paris to have a great time.

46. Network your butt off

They say it’s not what you know, but who you know. Start developing strong communication skills and staying in touch with people at a young age. You never know when you can help someone or vice versa. A great way to network in college is by joining the Greek system. You will have a ton of new friends you can build bonds with and make connections.

When you start your career, don’t pass up networking events and happy hours. These connections will come in handy at some point in your life or career.

47. Fall in love

Please fall in love before you turn 30. Whether it is one person or a ton of people. Allow yourself to be completely in love with someone even if they break your heart in the end or it ends up in marriage, you need to feel that.

48. Start a skincare routine

You are in fact, not getting any younger. However, you can slow the look of aging by taking care of your skin. Don’t be afraid to see a dermatologist to learn about your skin and find the right products to use on your face.

49. Live alone

To truly feel that sense of freedom and standing on your own two feet, live alone. Even if it is just for six months or a year, give it a go. You need to thrive on your own and have this experience.

50. Try global foods

Don’t be afraid of the unknown. Many people travel for food alone and that is because food around the world is just as amazing as it is at home. You just need to be open to the cultural differences and ways of doing things.

If you don’t plan to travel (but we hope you do) you can find plenty of restaurants with authentic food to their cultures or even grocery stores dedicated to a certain culture. You can find recipes on Pinterest and just dive right in.

51. Celebrate your 21st birthday in STYLE

You will only turn 21 once and in the USA that means = legal drinking age. Go all out! Bars, clubs, house party, whatever it is, make it memorable. Just make sure you have a designated driver and stay safe.

52. Start a gratitude journal

It doesn’t matter where you are in your life. Top of the world or lowest of lows. There is always something to be grateful for. Having a gratitude journal can help your mentality and see things in a positive light or show you your abundance of blessings. Either way, this is a powerful writing tool.

53. Learn how to balance a checkbook

Writing checks may be a little outdated but many people don’t know how to balance a checkbook. This would be a great class to teach in high school since 18 is the year most people open checking accounts. Balancing a checkbook is not hard, you just need to stay on top of it so you know where you are financially.

54. Learn the art of not living beyond your means

Social media can really be a burden in many cases but one of the top things is the overflowing accounts of people living lavish lifestyles, which in turn, makes you feel like you need to live the same way, even if you don’t have the funds.

If you don’t have the cash in the bank to cover it today, don’t buy it. Save up for whatever it is. We promise, you will feel far better about the purchase and it will be more rewarding than putting it on credit. Debt for lavish things is a burden and it leads to stress. Don’t do that to yourself.

55. Spend an entire day at the beach

We always say we will do this, but do we? Pack the cooler, grab the sunblock, a towel, good book, water toys, snacks, whatever – just bring it all and go. Take your friends or family and just enjoy this relatively free activity.

56. See a sunrise and sunset in one day

Often times we can make it to see either a sunset or sunrise because if schedules, but make it a point to see both in one day. You can start on a good note and end the day on a pretty one.

57. See fall foliage

If your fall bucket list doesn’t include leaf peeping, you are missing out! Fall is one of the best times of the year. When the leaves change color and the weather gets crisper, it is a good feeling.

58. Stay in a cozy cabin

So many hotels and Airbnb rentals now have cozy cabins you can rent to stay in. Go during the fall or winter (you can check off a Christmas bucket list item) and crank up the fireplace, pour some cocoa or wine and enjoy it.

59. Learn to make your own ice cream

In theory is sounds hard, but it is actually quite easy. There are so many recipes to choose from, some only three ingredients. Just go out there and make your own and then eat it.

60. Volunteer

Even if you only have one spare hour a week or even a month, you will be very much appreciated. Time is valuable and there are a lot of organizations that need help. Find something you are passionate about and volunteer to help.

61. Write an e-book

Have in depth knowledge on a topic? Write an e-book and self publish on Amazon. Boom! Add ‘Author’ to your resume.

62. Tackle your biggest fear

Don’t feel pressure at all, but sometimes getting over that fear can be rewarding. You should include this in your before 30 bucket list. Don’t let it hang in the balance.

63. Visit a Holiday market

The Christmas markets should be on the top of your Europe bucket list ! Drink mulled wine, shop for gifts, take in the lights and environment, and eat the food. It’s rather magical.

64. Celebrate your family with frequent visits and meals

You don’t technically need a reason to celebrate but just enjoy the company of your friends and family often. Unfortunately we won’t live forever, so spend the time you do have with the ones you love.

65. Take new fitness classes

Sometimes you don’t know what you like until you try it. Challenge yourself to try new classes, maybe get some friends to join.

66. Train your body to drink plenty of water

Water makes up most of our bodies and its good health to drink plenty of it. You should aim for about eight glasses a day. Stay hydrated.

67. Take a cruise

Your before 30 bucket list should include a cruise. Caribbean, Mediterranean, river cruise in Europe, heck, even Antarctica. Just go. Cruises are a great way to meet people, eat food and visit new destinations all while sleeping int he same place every night and not having to drive.

68. Dine at a Michelin Star restaurant

Foodie or not, make it a goal to try at least one Michelin Star restaurant so you can see what the hype is all about. The food tends to be sensational and the plating styles are works of art.

69. Get a tattoo

Big or small, just get one. If you don’t want anyone to see it, do not get it on your neck. Put it in a place that can easily be covered up.

70. Visit a strip club

If you are in Las Vegas, this may be the most perfect opportunity. There is no shortage of them and they have some of the best dancers in the country.

71. Attend a wedding

If you have been networking for years or joined the Greek system in college, you will surely be in attendance at many, if not part of the wedding. Enjoy wedding seasons, they only last so long.

72. Color your hair some crazy color

A great time to do this is when you don’t have a boss to answer to (unless they are cool like that). Go all out. We have all dreamed of some crazy color before. And hey, if you don’t like it, dye it back.

73. Spend a day in bed doing absolutely nothing

You DESERVE this simple bucket list idea. Just do nothing all day and stay cozy.

74. Binge watch your favorite show over and over

Every year or so, re-watch your favorite show from start to finish. Sure you remember all the big items from the show, but its all the small moments of laughter. banter and sadness we forget.

75. Visit some place new once a year

You can go globally or locally, just go. You will never regret having seen the sunset in new areas.

76. Completely renovate a room, in your house

This will take time, money and knowledge, but you can do this. You can do anything with enough patience and desire to learn.

77. Join a club

The number of clubs available to join is endless. It could be walking, running, chess, bad-mitten, poker, pole dancing, ice hockey, and so on.

78. Go speed dating

You have to put speed dating on your before 30 bucket list because it is wild. This is a crazy way to meet a ton of single people in short bursts to see if you made an instant connection.

79. Read all the Harry Potter books

This iconic set of books, Harry Potter is beloved by millions around the globe.

80. Furnish your home

You do not have to have everything day one. Take your time and find pieces you love and that you want to have for a long time. If you are short on cash, check out the Facebook marketplace or Craigslist.

81. Go skinny dipping

if you happen to have your own pool, this will be easy. But where is the adventure in getting caught?

82. Make healthy habits

You have exactly one body, so it is your choice what you do with it. If you start early habits at a younger age, you tend to carry them with you. However, it is never too late to start.

83. Name a star for someone you love

One of the easiest and most thoughtful gifts you can give someone is to name a star in the solar system for them.

84. Host a holiday in your home

Holidays are crazy and hosting is even crazier, but this gives you a chance to show off your cooking skills and your place.

85. Find new ways to love the same person over and over

Relationships can get boring at times and seem repetitive. Find new ways to keep being in love with your significant other. Keep doing things together and learning.

86. Host a cookie party at your home during the holidays

Ready to destroy your kitchen and have the best time doing it? Invite the friends/family over and bake all the cookies. Make sure to split them up so you can all share.

87. Throw a friend a baby shower

Inevitably one or more of your friends will get pregnant before you turn 30. Ne host to throwing or help throwing a baby shower.

88. Do something you don’t want to do

We say ‘no’ to a lot of things. Change your mindset and start saying ‘yes’ as you never know what could come from it.

90. Call old friends and reconnect

Not that one person from first grade you only spoke to for a second to say sorry .. the friends you lost touch with through college that you were besties with. Or the ones who moves away. Stay in touch! Don’t let class reunions. weddings and funerals be the only reason you keep up. You guys got each other through some tough times.

91. Try new restaurants in your city

Your before 3 bucket list should include eating at new restaurants. We know you love the same five places, but make a plan to venture out.

92. Take a trip by train

It doesn’t matter where you go, just go! Bonus points if it has a sleeper car and you live aboard.

93. Sing karaoke

A rite of passage is to embarrass yourself completely singing your favorite song.

94. Attend a high school reunion

You may have fallen out of touch with a lot of people, but a high school reunion will make you feel like no time has passed. Go see everyone and see what they are up to.

95. Get out of debt

Whether it is college loans, credit cards, a car, or even a personal loan. Make it a goal to pay it off and keep it at the top of your before 30 bucket list! You can then enter your 30’s thriving financially and ready to tackle what’s next.

96. Do a food tour

Find one locally or around the globe. Just make sure to try new foods. This is a great way to find out if you love other things and expand your horizon.

97. Get a photo shoot done

Solo, family, best friends, holiday, whatever – just get some photos done professionally to have.

98. Get a piercing

There are a lot of things to pierce, with the ears being the easiest. Go as easy or as wild as you want.

99. Let go of toxic relationships

While you may love certain friends and lovers, the toxic ones have to go. If not for you, for them. You cannot thrive wholly with negativity in your life constantly. It will wear you down in every way imaginable. Close doors to these people and make room for healthy relationships.

100. Adopt a family in need for a holiday

The holidays can be particularly tough for those in need. If you have extra resources, consider helping a family. They will truly appreciate it.

101. Self pampering with spa days

TREAT YOURSELF! You deserve to sit back with a face or foot mask, put your feet up and pamper. You work so hard, take care of you.

102. Cross off your number one bucket list item

Has it always been your dream to visit Bora Bora? Book the ticket and go! Your before 30 bucket list should include your biggest bucket list item!

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  • Bucket List

50 Things To Cross of Your Bucket List Before You Turn 30

Updated 04/25/2024

Published 11/21/2019

Sam Tetrault, BA in English

Sam Tetrault, BA in English

Contributing writer

Discover activities, adventures, goals, and other things you should try to do before you turn 30 years old.

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A bucket list is a list of things you want to do before you die. The term itself comes from the phrase “to kick the bucket,” or to die. What you put on your bucket list is completely up to you, but sometimes it can be hard to get started.  Why wait until your golden years to make real progress? 

Here are 50 things to cross of your bucket list before you turn 30. Use these as inspiration for your own list of things you want to do. 

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Fun things to do before you turn 30, things to do to get your finances and life in order, things to do for personal growth, share your final wishes, just in case..

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Fun activities are both rewarding and challenging, so don’t overlook any of these ideas below. It’s all about making memories and connections that last a lifetime. 

1. Go skydiving or bungee jumping

Taking a risk by skydiving or bungee jumping is one of the most popular bucket list items. For people who tend to play it safe, taking a literal “leap” of faith is exhilarating. 

2. Take a road trip

See the world beyond your backyard! There’s something magical about an old-fashioned road trip. It really is about the journey, not the destination. 

3. See your favorite music artist

The bands and artists you love won’t be around forever. Take that trip to go see them live while you still can! You’ll never regret it. 

4. Get a tattoo

Doing something permanent is intimidating. That’s why a tattoo is such a good challenge. If you’re not into tattoos, get a new piercing or a temporary tattoo. 

5. Go camping

If the great outdoors feel far away, why not become one with nature? Going camping challenges yourself to see the wilderness in a new way. 

6. Try new cuisines

When was the last time you stepped outside of your culinary comfort zone? Try a new cuisine from an exotic part of the world. You might love it! 

7. Go wine tasting

Your 20s aren’t always known for the finer things in life. Taste something a bit more luxurious by going on a wine tasting tour. 

8. Learn a new sport

Staying active isn’t always easy. Learning a new sport or activity gets your body moving while introducing you to something new. 

9. Send snail mail

The art of letter writing is slowly slipping away. Taking the time to write letters to the ones you love gives you a chance to tell them how you feel. 

10. Make new friends

You should never stop making new friends! After college, it’s hard to form new friendships. Vow to put yourself out there. 

12. Fly first class

Sure, it might be a bit of a splurge, but it’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Look for travel discounts or rewards cards to score savings. 

13. Travel solo

Traveling alone is a huge challenge and one that everyone should take at least once. You can even make it a mini-trip to a nearby town to get a feel for it. 

14. Visit a huge city

If you live in a suburb or rural location, take a trip to a big city like New York or Los Angeles. 

15. Go hiking

If you’re used to city life, find the nearest hiking trail. Let yourself enjoy the solitude of nature. 

16. Do karaoke

Putting yourself out there by getting on stage is a huge leap of faith. Grab some friends and make it a night to remember. 

The years leading up to your 20s won’t be all fun and games. There are a few financial and life decisions to get in order before you turn 30. 

17. Start your 401(k)

While retirement is usually the last thing on your mind before you turn 30, it’s never too early to start planning. The sooner you start saving, the more time you’ll have to grow your money. 

18. Pay off your credit card debt

Starting off your 30s without worrying about lingering credit card debt will be a financial relief. 

19. Start investing

Investing is intimidating, especially if you don’t know where to begin. Learning some investment basics or working with a financial advisor sets you off on the right foot. 

20. Save for emergencies

Not having to rely on credit cards or family members when things get tough is key to building a strong future. Create your own emergency fund with a few months of your living expenses saved. 

21. Make a budget

Aside from your emergency fund, learn how to make a budget. Setting a realistic budget is a skill you’ll use all of your life. 

22. Pay off your student loans

Student loans are notoriously hard to get out from under. Making big strides to pay off your loans while still in your 20s is a great achievement.

23. Think about your medical care

Even if you’re still young and healthy, think about what type of medical care you might need in the future. Reviewing your health care needs through an advance directive prepares you for anything. 

24. Donate your old things

While it’s good to keep things that matter to you, don’t hoard more than you need. Donating old clothes and goods when you no longer need them gives your space a refresh. 

25. Splurge on something

Don’t be afraid to treat yourself! As long as you save responsible, a big splurge is a shining achievement. 

26. End of life planning

We never know what’s around the corner. Reviewing an end-of-life planning checklist now is a smart move. 

27. Buy a house

While it might not be an option for everyone, buying a house is a great investment. 

28. Learn about credit

Do you understand how credit scores work? Now is the time to really learn about the credit system and how to build credit. 

29. Stop impulse spending

It’s easy to swipe your cards without thinking. Learning how to control your impulse spending is the perfect skill to master in your 20s. 

30. Ask for a raise

Asking for more money from your boss can be intimidating. It might be time to stand up for yourself and know your worth. 

31. Set financial and life goals

Where do you want to be in five years? What about a decade? Set goals now, even if you change them later.  

32. Buy insurance

Insurance isn’t just an extra expense. It’s protecting against the things we can’t control in life. Things like life insurance , health insurance, renter’s insurance, and so on will only help you. 

33. Start a side hustle

What you love might make you some extra cash! Investing time in a side hustle can help you achieve your financial goals. 

Finally, spend some time before you’re 30 developing yourself as a person. These things are what make life worth living. 

34. Travel somewhere you don’t know the language

While traveling on its own is a great way to step outside your comfort zone, take it a step further. Go somewhere where you don’t speak the language. Communicating in new ways is an eye-opening experience. 

35. Develop your political opinion

In this day and age, your political opinion matters more than ever. Educating yourself about what you believe in and what you stand for is necessary. 

36. Start a collection

What are you passionate about? While you shouldn’t go overboard, collecting something that matters to you is a great way to explore your hobby. 

37. Let go of an old grudge

Whatever you’re holding onto, it’s time to let it go. Past grievances hold us down. You don’t need any of that lingering when you turn 30. 

38. Create a reading list

What books do you want to read in the next year? What about in your next lifetime? You’ll never regret your time spent reading. Check out our picks for the best books about grief or pet loss books to get started.

39. Run a marathon

Pushing your body to its limits is a great way to learn what you can accomplish. Whether you run a marathon, half marathon, or just a 5k, put yourself out there. 

40. Forgive yourself

If you’ve made a huge mistake in your life, don’t let it define you. Learn to forgive yourself. 

41. Learn cooking skills

Your 20s is the perfect time to master a few dishes. You don’t need to be the next Julia Child, but know how to throw together a few dinners you love. 

42. Give to charity

Pay it forward. If you’ve ever been offered help in a tough time, now is the time to give back. You can volunteer, donate, or just help someone in need. 

43. Conquer a fear

As we get older, the fears we held before shouldn’t get in the way. Make a vow to conquer at least one fear in your 20s. 

44. Write a book

Have you always dreamed of finishing a novel or memoir? Now’s the time. 

45. Do a social media cleanse

Staying away from social media for a weekend, a week, or even a month could be just what you need. Clear your mind of all that clutter! 

46. Buy a piece of art

Find a work of art you love from an artist you respect and make a purchase. Supporting the arts is a great way to give back. 

47. Live alone

Living alone lets you really learn who you are for the first time. 

48. Get a degree

Whether you get a traditional 4-year university degree or a trade certificate, earn a degree in something you’re passionate about. 

49. Learn your family history

Do you know your family’s history? Now is the time to talk to your parents and grandparents about their stories. You can even try an at-home DNA test kit and get your results analyzed.

50. Make your next bucket list

Finally, make your next bucket list. What do you hope to accomplish by age 40? It’s never too early to look ahead. 

What Can You Cross Off?

Odds are you can already cross some of these things off your own bucket list. What have you accomplished? How do you want to be remembered? It’s okay if you can’t do everything by the time you’re 30. Having clear goals is a part of life. 

The sooner you learn how to challenge yourself, the better prepared you’ll be for the future. Life is best when it’s lived to its fullest. Start your own bucket list today to see where it takes you. 


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  • 101 Places To Visit In India Before You Turn 30 in 2024

08 Feb 2024

Travel while you’re still young. Lose yourself to find your own self. Live like there’s no tomorrow. And whatever you’ll explore today will last a lifetime with you. So, here’s a list of 101 amazing places to visit in India you must visit before you turn 30. These are not just destinations but fun places that will offer you some crazy experiences of a lifetime. What are you waiting for? It’s time to pack your bags and set on a journey to scratch off a few destinations from your bucket list. It’s time to visit these best tourist places in India to explore yourself on a journey.

Best Places To Visit In India

Here is a list of the 101 most beautiful places in India before you turn 30. These places in India are known for their magnificence and overall beauty. They are also considered havens for solo travellers. Take a look:

Goa- Best Places To Visit In India

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Unarguably, Goa has to be amongst the first few famous places in India  in your twenties. Young and energetic! Amazing nightlife, a variety of booze, beach shacks, and dirt cheap prices – Goa is one of the best holiday destinations in India that makes your trip memorable. If you are thinking about the best things to do in Goa , you can take a cruise from Mumbai to Goa to enjoy your trip in its best way.

Best time to visit : November to February How to reach:

  • By air : Dabolim International Airport is the major airport in Goa.
  • By rail : Madgaon Railway Station and Thivim Railway Station are the main railway heads of Goa.
  • By road: Margao Bus Terminal, Kadamba Bus Terminal, and Mapusa Bus Terminal are the best-connected bus terminals in Goa. However, many people prefer taking a car/bike ride from Mumbai and Pune.
  • By Sea: You can also opt for ferry services which is an excellent way of commuting. You can take a ferry from Mumbai to Panaji and easily reach Goa.

Places to visit : Beaches like Vagator, Calangute, Anjuna, Colva, & Benaulim, Fort Aguada, Church of Mae De Deus,  Temple of Bodgeshwar, Dudhsagar Waterfalls, St Xavier’s Church, Grand Island (for watersports), Deltin Royale Casino and clubs like Cafe Mambos, Titos, LPK (Love Passion Karma), SinQ, & Club Cubana. Things To Do : Take the famous cruise from Mumbai to Goa. Events: Sunburn Festival in December Water Sports At Baga and Calangute Beaches: Kneeboarding, Kayaking, Wakeboarding, Windsurfing, Scuba Diving, White Water Rafting Famous Markets: Anjuna Flea Market, Panjim Market, Mackie’s Night Bazaar, Saturday Market Best Resorts Near Baga Beach: Estrela Do Mar Beach Resort, Resort Rio

Must Read: 55 Best Places To Visit In Goa

2. Mcleodganj

Mcleodganj- Best Places To Visit In India

The majestic mountains can call tourists to experience the best of what nature has to offer at Mcleodganj – one of the most beautiful places to visit in India . Triund offers a spectacular view of the Dhauladhar ranges. Experience bliss while camping under billions of stars with your friends in Triund. This is among the loveliest Indian destinations for camping , regardless of which season you’re coming in.

Best time to visit : September to June How to reach:

  • By air : Gaggal Airport (18 km away) is the nearest airport.
  • By rail: The nearest railhead is Pathankot Railway Station (89 km away)
  • By road: Numerous state government & private buses ply between Mcleodganj and various cities of north India like Delhi, Chandigarh, Dharamshala, etc. on a regular basis. Passengers can take a bus to the Mcleodganj bus stand and then hire a taxi.

Places to visit : Kangra Fort, Bhagsunath Temple, Bhagsu Falls, Namgyal Monastery, Dalai Lama Temple complex, HPCA Stadium, tea plantations of Kangra valley, and Triund trek

Must-Visit Restaurants: Nick’s Italian Kitchen, Lung-Ta Japanese Restaurant

3. Srinagar

Srinagar- Best Places To Visit In India

If you’re in your twenties, it’s time to add Kashmir to your list of beautiful places in India to visit. If there is heaven on earth, this it is! Experience its charismatic charm before the natural hits and turmoil spoil it all. And when would be a better time to explore flood-hit, terror-stricken heaven on earth if not now?! Explore the restaurants in Srinagar if you are a real foodie. While being one of the best tourism places in India,  Kashmir lets you enjoy a tranquil vacation.

Best time to visit : April to October How to reach:

  • By air: Srinagar has its own airport.
  • By rail: The Srinagar Railway Station is under construction. Till then, passengers can take a train to Udhampur Railway Station(229 km from Srinagar)
  • By road: Unless you are travelling from the city of Jammu & Kashmir, the road is not a preferred way to reach Srinagar.

Places to visit : Dal Lake (boating in shikaras & night stays in houseboats), Nishat Bagh, Shalimar Bagh, Tomb of Zin-ul-Abidin, Jama Masjid, Hazratbal Mosque, and Shankaracharya Hill, Pari mahal, Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden Restaurants In Srinagar: Mughal Darbar, Cafe De Linz Famous Lakes : Nagin lake, Dal lake

Suggested Read: 38 Best Places To Visit In Srinagar

Andaman- Best Places To Visit In India

Scared of water? Never swam? Maybe it’s time to beat the fear out of you and dive into the deep sea and overcome the fear of water and depths, ZNMD Style. Trust us, you’d be delighted at the sites underwater and it will keep you coming back for more. For aqua lovers, these best tourist places in India which feel no less than a paradise!

Best time to visit : November to mid-May How to reach:

  • By air: Vir Savarkar Airport in Port Blair is the archipelago’s major airport.
  • By sea: Ships ply between Haddo Wharf Port in Port Blair and cities of Chennai, Kolkata and Visakhapatnam.

Places to visit : Cellular Jail National Memorial, Radhanagar Beach , Rajiv Gandhi Water Sports Complex in Port Blair, Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park, Chidiya Tapu, and watersports like scuba diving, snorkeling, & parasailing Water activities : Banana boat rides, snorkeling, parasailing, jet-skiing, undersea walking, speed boating, scuba diving, and sport fishing Andaman Cruises: You can board a cruise to Andaman from Chennai, Vizag and Kolkata Average Temperature: 24 degrees Celsius (Min.) and 37 degrees (Max.) Beaches of Andaman : famous beaches include, Radhanagar beach, Corbyn’s Cove, Wandoor Beach and Merk Bay Beach

5. Leh-Ladakh

Leh-Ladakh- Best Places To Visit In India

Undoubtedly, Leh – Ladakh is on every travel enthusiast’s list of famous tourist   places to visit in India before they turn 30. Ride on the crazy winding roads, get stuck in the middle of nowhere, sleep with the locals, go trekking in Ladakh , and learn to be independent in the desert mountains as you undertake this adventurous journey in one of the best places in India.

Best time to visit : April to mid-May and mid-September to mid-October How to reach:

  • By air: Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport in Leh is the airport connecting the region to other places by air.
  • By rail: Jammu Tawi Railway Station (700 km from Ladakh) is the nearest railhead. From here, one can hire a cab or board a JKSRTC bus to Ladakh.
  • By road: The most popular means of reaching Ladakh remains to be the road. Travelers can go on a bike/jeep ride to the destination. Bike trips from Delhi, Chandigarh, and Manali are the most popular.

Places to visit : Zanskar Valley, Pangong Tso Lake, Khardung-La Pass, Spituk Gompa, and Hemis National Park Rental bikes: You can rent a bike in Ladakh and it costs upto INR 2000 per day Average temperature: 15 degree celsius (Min.) and 28 degree celsius (Max.) Nearest Fuel stations: Nagbal, Ganderbal, Kargil and Khalsi are four fuel stations on the route of Srinagar Leh. Accommodation : Stok Palace Heritage hotel and Shakti Himalaya are some of the accommodations you can stay at in Ladakh

Suggested Read: 40 Best Things To Do In Ladakh

Binsar- Best Places To Visit In India

Peace, jungles, heights, chills, and wildlife, Binsat is a heavenly abode for adventure seekers. All you wildlife enthusiasts out there head to Binsar – one of the rising tourist destinations in India located in the heart of Kumaoni region of Almora for an incredible trip of your lifetime.

Best time to visit : October to November How to reach:

  • By air: There’s a domestic airport in Pantnagar, 152 km from Binsar.
  • By rail: Kathgodam Railway Station, 119 km from Binsar, is the nearest railway head.
  • By road: Buses connect the town with all major neighbouring areas.

Places to visit : Zero Point, Pariyadeva Pashan, Mary Budden Estate, Binsar Wildlife Sanctuary, Bineshwar Mahadev Temple, and more. Wildlife: Barking deer, Himalayan bear, leopard, flying squirrel, chital and porcupine are some of the species of animals found here Average Temperature: 19.8 degree celsius (Max.) and 6.5-degree celsius (Min.) Places to eat: Baba cake and Dolma Restaurant are some of the places you can dine at in Binsar Camping: there are many camping sites available in this area and you are required to book in advance as they’re full during peak seasons like the month of June and January Jeep safari: There are many companies offering jeep safaris of Binsar Wildlife Sanctuary that you can book in advance and surely worth trying

Coorg- Best Places To Visit In India

Coorg simply cannot be skipped from the list of best and safe places to visit in India . A quick getaway for many from Bangalore , this mesmerizing hill station in Karnataka is breathtakingly beautiful. It’s one of the top 10 places to visit in India and a visit here sure would heal you and energize you!

Best time to visit : October to March How to reach:

  • By air: The nearest domestic airport is in Mangalore, 156 km away. The nearest international airport is the Kempegowda International Airport in Bengaluru, 285 kilometres away.
  • By rail: Mysore Junction, 106 km away, is the nearest railhead.
  • By road: The 238 km long road trip from Bangalore (Bengaluru) takes 5 hours 30 minutes.

Places to visit : Abbey Falls, Nalknad Palace, Barapole River, Brahmagiri Peak, Iruppu Falls, Namdroling Monastery, Nagarhole National Park, Microlight flight at Chelavara, ziplining, and angling in River Kaveri Average Temperature:  29-degree celsius Restaurants:  Coorg cuisine, Raintree restaurant

Suggested Read: 35 Places To Visit In Coorg

Kerala- Best Places To Visit In India

To all the nature lovers out there. A trip to God’s own country is a must in your twenties for its enchanting wilderness. Luscious green trees, pristine water, crazy wildlife experience – visit Kerala for more such wonderful delights.

Best time to visit : November to January and June to August How to reach:

  • By air: Kerala has three main airports – Calicut International Airport, Cochin International Airport, and Trivandrum International Airport. These airports connect Kerala with different cities across the world, such as Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Muscat, and Dubai.
  • By rail: Thiruvananthapuram Central railway station, Ernakulam Junction railway station, and Kollam Junction railway station are three major railheads of Kerala. These stations connect the state with cities and towns across India.

Places to visit : Alappuzha Beach, Krishnapuram Palace, Kumarakom bird sanctuary , Marari Beach , Revi Karunakaran Museum, Punnamada Lake, Pathiramanal, and Sri Krishna Temple in Ambalappuzha Average Temperature:  28-degree celsius Restaurants : The Riceboat, Paragon restaurant

Kanatal- Best Places To Visit In India

With this rising adventure spot that offers endless opportunities to enjoy thrilling activities clubbed with one of the best camping experiences, weekends will no more be boring at escapes like Kanatal. Considered to be one of the best holiday destinations in India for all travellers, camping in Kanatal is one experience that no one should miss out on. This is undoubtedly one of the best places to visit in India.

Best time to visit: April to June How to reach:

  • By air: Located at a distance of 92 km, Jolly Grant Airport is the nearest airstrip to Kanatal.
  • By rail: Located at a distance of 75 km, Rishikesh railway station is the nearest railhead to Kanatal.

Places to visit : Kodia Jungle, Tehri Lake, Surkanda Devi temple, New Tehri Dam, and more. Average Temperature:  25-degree celsius Restaurants: Brothers cafe and restaurant, Chacha Sip & Dine

Suggested Read: 10 Camps In Kanatal

Kasol- Best Places To Visit In India

Here’s why every man should travel solo at least once in his life – Not only will you discover a new you and find a direction for yourself, but you’d return with experiences of a lifetime. And there’s no better place than Kasol, one of the most beautiful places in India . The destination offers you to enjoy in the lap of nature.

Best time to visit : October to June How to reach:

  • By air: Bhuntar Domestic Airport (31 km away) is the nearest flight connection.
  • By rail: Pathankot (296 km away) is the nearest railhead.
  • By road: HRTC (Himachal Road Transport Corporation) runs regular buses from Delhi, Haryana, & Punjab and other Himachal cities like Pathankot, Shimla, Kangra, Solan, & Dharamsala.

Places to visit : Kheerganga peak, Malana village, Parvati River, Manikaran Sahib Gurudwara, Jari, Bhuntar, and more. Average Temperature: 16.8-degree celsius Restaurants:  The Evergreen, Moon Dance Cafe

Kutch- Best Places To Visit In India

Kutch is a must-visit place in India before you turn 30. Travel to the no man’s land, the seasonal salt marsh amidst the famous Thar Desert during the kite festival where the sky comes alive with vibrant and oversized kites at one of the top 25 tourist places in India .

  • By air: Bhuj Airport, 69 km away, is the nearest air connection.
  • By rail: Bhuj Railway Station is 50 km away from Kutch.

Places to visit : Prag Mahal, Kalo Dungar, Kutch Museum, Archaeological Museum, Mandvi Beach, White Desert, Aina Mahal, and more. Average Temperature: 26.3-degree celsius Restaurants:  Noorani restaurant, Annapurna restaurant

Suggested Read: 38 Most Colorful Places In India

12. Bir Billing

Bir Billing- Best Places To Visit In India

Rising to fame post hosting the first-ever paragliding world cup, Bir Billing soon caught the attention of adventure enthusiasts across the country. Comprising of more than ten paragliding spots, Bir Billing is one of those top 10 places to visit in India that has truly lived up to its name of paragliding capital of India .

  • By air: Kangra airport in Gaggal happens to be the nearest airport located at a distance of about 67 kilometers from Bir.
  • By rail: Pathankot is the nearest railway station to Bir Billing located at a distance of about 140 kilometres.
  • By road: Located in the heart of Himachal, Bir Billing is accessible by road as many state-run and private buses run from the nearby cities of Delhi, Chandigarh, Manali, Shimla, and more.

Places to visit: Baijnath Shiv Temple, Billing Valley, Chamunda Devi Temple, Shiva Shrine, Ahju Fort, and more. Average Temperature:  16.8-degree celsius Restaurants:  Zenwich restaurant, Glider’s Pizzeria

Assam- Best Places To Visit In India

Stay set to be overwhelmed by the sceneries, flora, and fauna of the Dibru Saikhowa National Park. And this wildlife expedition is not the same as any jeep safari. Instead, activities like jungle walks and boat rides are conducted during the months of November to April. Cruise along the Brahmaputra river to witness the animals in their most natural habitats. The surreal surroundings of this place make Assam one of the best tourist places in India .

Best time to visit: October to April How to reach:

  • By air: Mohanbari in Dibrugarh, 40 km away, is the nearest domestic airport. Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport at Guwahati is 510 km away.
  • By rail: New Tinsukia Railway Station is 12 km away.

Places to visit : Kaziranga National Park, Manas National Park, Kamakhya Temple, Srimanta Sankardev Kalakshetra, Assam State Museum, and more. Average Temperature:  23.2-degree celsius Restaurants:  Khorikaa, Paradise restaurant

Suggested Read: 18 Places You Need To Visit For The Best Wildlife Experience In India

14. Rishikesh

Rishikesh- Best Places To Visit In India

With bursting energy and enthusiasm, the twenties is the best time to enjoy thrill and adventure, especially with your friends. This is certainly one of the best places to visit in India. Travel to the adventure capital of India, Rishikesh, and ride on the mystical but fierce fast-flowing waters of Ganges. Rishikesh is a must-visit place in India if you haven’t yet crossed the age bar.

Best time to visit : September to November and February to June How to reach:

  • By air: Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun, 20 km from Rishikesh, is the nearest air connection.
  • By rail: Haridwar Junction, 21 km from Rishikesh, is the nearest railhead.
  • By road: It is well-connected by road to major cities, including Haridwar (21 km away) and Delhi (229 km away).

Places to visit : Rajaji National Park, Lakshman Jhula, Neelkanth Mahadev Temple, Parmarth Niketan, Ram Jhula, Shivpuri River Rafting Point, and more. Average Temperature:  20-degree celsius Restaurants : Bistro Nirvana, The Sitting Elephant

Shimla- Best Places To Visit In India

Revisit childhood by hopping on the colourful toy train from Kalka to Shimla as it makes way through the pine forests and verdant valleys. Experiencing this exceptionally elating toy train experience is a must for everyone on their trip to this best tourist place in India at least once in a lifetime.

Best time to visit : March to June How to reach:

  • By air: Located at a distance of 25 km, Jubbarhatti is the nearest airport from Shimla.
  • By rail: The toy train from Kalka to Shimla is the most convenient railway line that connects Shimla to other nearby towns.
  • By road: Many state-run and private buses run from the nearby cities of Delhi, Chandigarh, Manali, and Kullu that are well connected to Shimla via road.

Places to visit : Kufri, Mall Road, Chadwick Falls, Jakhu Temple, Annandale, Christ Church, Scandal Point, and more. Average Temperature: 22-degree celsius Restaurants:  Cafe Sol, 45 The Central

Suggested Read: Shimla In Winter

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16. Tirthan Valley

Tirthan Valley- Best Places To Visit In India

Striking a perfect balance between peace and adventure, Tirthan Valley is one tourist place in India that has off-lately gained much popularity among travellers across the world. Located in the district of Kullu, Tirthan has something to offer to everyone. When it comes to the verdant grandeurs of the valley, it is counted among the best places to visit in India.

Best time to visit: March to June and October to November How to reach:

  • By air: Bhuntar airport is the nearest airport to Tirthan Valley at a distance of about 48 km.
  • By rail: Ambala railway station happens to be the nearest railway station to Tirthan Valley at a distance of about 188 km.
  • By road: One can easily embark on a scenic road trip from the nearby states of Delhi, Punjab and Haryana till Tirthan Valley via a car or a bus.

Places to visit : Great Himalayan National Park, Jalori Pass, Raghupur Fort, Saryolsar, Gushaini, Sojha, and more. Average Temperature:  25-degree celsius Restaurants:  Sunshine Himalayan camp, Kaith Mud

17. Jim Corbett

Jim Corbett- Best Places To Visit In India

One of the best national parks in India , Jim Corbett is famous for Indian tiger sightings. The wilderness here becomes hospitable with the luxurious jungle resorts that allow you to stay closer to nature while enjoying the best of comfort. If you’re a photography-enthusiast, Corbett will never leave you disappointed.

Best time to visit: The best time to visit Jim Corbett and experience the safari at its best depends on the kind of experience you’re looking for. Summer is considered the best time for tiger sighting. However, November to February is the best time to visit Jim Corbett. How to reach:

  • By air: Pantnagar Airport is the nearest airport to Jim Corbett National Park
  • By rail: Ramnagar Railway station is located merely 12 km away from the national park
  • By road: The national park is well connected by roads to various destinations like Delhi and Dehradun.

Places to visit : Garjiya Devi Temple, Jim Corbett Museum, Corbett Falls, Corbett Tiger Reserve, Ramganga Dam, and more. Average Temperature: 27-degree celsius Restaurants:  Safari Cafe & Homestay, Doaba’s Punjabi Dhaba

Suggested Read: 12 Wallet-Friendly Resorts And Hotels In Jim Corbett National Park

Manali- Best Places To Visit In India

The most famous resort town nestled amidst the snow-capped mountains, Manali is the popular gem in the heart of Himachal Pradesh. A mesmerizing combination of nature, peace, and adventure, Manali is one of the best holiday destinations in India for all travellers.

Best time to visit : October to February How to reach:

  • By air: Located at a distance of about 52 km, Kullu-Manali airport is the nearest airport to Manali.
  • By rail: Joginder Nagar is the nearest railway station to Manali located at a distance of about 160 km.
  • By road: Manali can be easily reached by road via private cabs, cars, and state-run or private buses from the nearby cities of New Delhi, Chandigarh, Pathankot, Ambala, and so on.

Places to visit : Bhrigu Lake, Rohtang Pass, Solang Valley, Hidimba Devi Temple, Manu Temple, Great Himalayan National Park, Jogini Falls, and Tibetan Monastery. Average Temperature: 15.1-degree celsius Restaurants : Johnson’s cafe and hotel, Chopsticks restaurant

19. Udaipur

Udaipur- Best Places To Visit In India

Udaipur is called the Venice of the East, but the different Rajasthani hues of the city surely make it stand out. The City of Lakes has to be on your list of best places to travel in India . Even though Udaipur boasts of having some of the most gracious luxury heritage hotels, it will embrace you with all the warmth even if you’re looking for budget stays. Boating, trekking, sightseeing are just some activities you may indulge during your visit to the city.

Best time to visit : September to March How to reach:

  • By air: Udaipur has its own airport, which indeed is well connected to different parts of the country.
  • By rail: The city’s railway station is actually among the most well-connected railheads in the city
  • By road: One can easily find buses for reaching the city by road, from cities like Jaisalmer, Jaipur and Delhi.

Places to visit : Lake Pichola, Jagdish Temple, City Palace, Jag Mandir, Gangaur Ghat, and Bagore ki Haweli Average Temperature: 30-degree celsius Restaurants : Khamma Ghani restaurant, Raaj Bagh restaurant

Suggested Read: 38 Exhilarating Things To Do In Udaipur

Auli- Best Places To Visit In India

The Skiing Capital of India, Auli is one of the most beautiful places to travel in India even if you’re not into skiing. This is the land of beautiful sunsets, and captivating views of the Himalayas, which you will never have enough of! If you’re not visiting Auli in winters for skiing, step foot here any time during the year, and you’ll witness the charm of every season at its best at one of the best places in India.

Best time to visit : Auli Uttarakhand is best visited anytime during the year. However, since this destination is well-known for skiing, then it’s suggested you don’t miss Auli during the winter season (December to February). How to reach:

  • By air: Jolly Grant Airport of Dehradun is the nearest airport from Jolly Grant Airport.
  • By rail: If you are planning to visit Auli by train, then deboard at Haridwar railway station which is the nearest railway head from Auli.
  • By road: For travellers coming via road, you can take buses heading towards Joshimath, as this place is well connected to many towns and cities of Uttarakhand. From here, you can easily get a taxi or bus for Auli.

Places to visit : Kuari Pass Trek, Vishnuprayag, Kalpeshwar, Sri Hemkunt Sahib, Gorson Bugyal, Pangarchulla Peak, and more. Average Temperature:  4.3-degree celsius Restaurants:  Indra lodge and Inderlok, Saradeswari restaurant

Mysore- Best Places To Visit In India

Comprising a bit of the old and new, Mysore has risen from the status of a royal city (which it still is) to be a hardcore IT hub. Renowned across the world for its gorgeous silk sarees, do not forget to treat your sweet tooth to some mouthwatering Mysore Pak on your next trip. This is undoubtedly among the best places to visit in India.

Best time to visit : Throughout the year. However, October to March is the most pleasant to explore the city of Mysore. How to reach:

  • By air: Mysore city has its own domestic airport that is well connected to the metropolitan cities of New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru, and Kolkata.
  • By rail: Travelers can deboard at the Mysore Railway Station which is located in the city centre.
  • By road: Mysore has very good road connectivity with the nearby cities of Bangalore, Chennai, Madurai, Coimbatore, and so on.

Places to visit : Mysore Palace, Somnathpur, Brindavan Gardens, Mysore Zoo, Chamundeshwari Temple, Karanji Lake, St. Philomena’s Church, and GRS Fantasy Park. Average Temperature:  25-degree celsius Restaurants : Gufha restaurant, Oyster Bay

Suggested Read: 35 Best Places To Visit In Mysore

22. Valley Of Flowers

Trek view at one of the most famous places to visit in India

The Valley of Flowers in Uttarakhand is carpeted with over 300 flower species, making it among paradisiacal places to travel in India. This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, located at an altitude of 3,858 meters above sea level. Today, this heavenly hideout is on the bucket list of avid travellers, and trekkers too; owing to its treacherous yet fascinating route. The Valley of Flowers trek is taken by both beginners and professionals and is awaited through the year.

Best time to visit: July to September How to reach:

  • By air: Nearest Airport to Valley of Flowers is Jolly Grant Airport, Dehradun This airport is connected to major cities like Delhi.
  • By rail : Haridwar Junction Railway Station is the nearest railway station from Valley of Flowers
  • By road : The Valley of Flowers if majorly accessed via roads and trekking routes. Govindghat on Badrinath Highway serves as a base camp for trekkers coming here.

Attractions: Govindghat, the National Park, Hemkund Sahib, Nanda Devi National Park , and Pushpawati River. Average Temperature:  16 to 18 degree celsius Restaurants:  Bhavishay Kedar, Ghangaria, Hemkund Sahib

23. Jaisalmer

Jaisalmer- Best Places To Visit In India

The Golden City of Rajasthan, Jaisalmer is surely one of the best cities to visit in India . This part of Rajasthan lies in the Thar Desert region, exhibiting the magic of velvet sand dunes meshed with the ever-colourful culture of the state. Jaisalmer is where you can spend your time indulging in exciting activities such as dune bashing, camel safari, and desert camping. Yes! Desert camping in Jaisalmer makes for an experiential stay, with all the luxury you could wish for.

  • By air : Jodhpur Airport is the nearest airport from Jaisalmer. Cities like Delhi, Mumbai, and Udaipur are connected to this airport.
  • By rail: Jaisalmer has its own railway station which is indeed connected widely across North India, with cities like Jaipur and Delhi.
  • By road: One can easily reach Jaisalmer by road via buses or cabs.

Places to visit : Jaisalmer Fort, Bada Bagh, Folklore Museum, Sam Sand Dunes, and Desert Cultural Centre. Average Temperature:  30-degree celsius Restaurants :  Restaurant Romany, Milan restaurant, Cafe the Kaku

Suggested Read: 35 Best Things To Do In Jaisalmer

24. Jodhpur

Jodhpur- Best Places To Visit In India

Jodhpur, or the Blue City of Rajasthan, will lure you with its massive hill fort called the Mehrangarh Fort . Right from this point, you get to behold the city’s landscape washed in blue. The interiors will transfer you back to the olden era. The cobbled pavements of this city exhibit the essence of Rajasthan in all its glory. This is one of the most interesting places to visit in India.

  • By air : The city has its own domestic airport, which is connected to major cities like Udaipur, Delhi, Jaipur and Mumbai.
  • By rail: Jodhpur Railway Station indeed is among widely connection railheads in Rajasthan.
  • By road: Similar to airways and railways, roadways to are smooth and easily accessible in this city

Places to visit : Umaid Bhavan Palace , Jaswant Thada, Mehrangarh Fort, Mandore Garden, and Balsamand Lake. Average Temperature:  25-degree celsius Restaurants : Indique restaurant, Kalinga restaurant

25. Prashar Lake

Prashar Lake- Best Places To Visit In India

Located at a distance of about 49 kilometers towards the north of Mandi district, Prashar Lake is one of the rising trekking hotspots in Himachal Pradesh . Offering scintillating views of the Dhauladhar range, it is indeed one of the beautiful places in India .

Best time to visit: April to July and September to November How to reach:

  • By air: Kullu Manali airport is the nearest airstrip which is 73 km away from Mandi which further happens to be the closest city to Prashar Lake located at a distance of about 49 km.
  • By rail: Joginder Nagar is the nearest railway station to Mandi which is set at a distance of about 50 kilometers, and then one can take a cab from there and trek to Prashar Lake.

Attractions: Mandi, Prashar Lake Trek, Three-tiered temple, Bhutnath Temple, and Barot. Average Temperature:  20 to 25-degree celsius Restaurants:  Wazir Thakur restaurant

Suggested Read: Snow Camping Near Prashar Lake

26. Mukteshwar

Mukteshwar- Best Places To Visit In India

A quaint little town in the state of Uttarakhand, Mukteshwar is one of the famous tourist places in India that is a must-visit destination for all. Other than the lush meadows and dense forests, Mukteshwar is quite popular among adventure enthusiasts for outdoor sports such as rappelling, rock climbing, and more, making it an ideal abode for adventure seekers. Moreover, it is one of the best places to visit in India with family in December.

Best time to visit: October to June How to reach:

  • By air: Dehradun airport is the nearest airstrip located at a distance of 183 km from Mukteshwar.
  • By rail: Kathgodam railway station is the nearest railhead located at a distance of just 70 km away.
  • By road: One can also reach the Mukteshwar easily by road from the neighboring cities of Delhi, Chandigarh, Shimla, and Manali.

Things to do :   Rock Climbing, and Shopping At Kilmora Shop Average Temperature:  16-degree celsius Restaurants:  Alankar restaurant, Chirping tales cafe

27. Dhanaulti

Dhanaulti- Best Places To Visit In India

Located at an elevation of about 2200 meters with Mussourie and Chamba as its bordering cities, Dhanaulti has off-lately emerged as one of the most offbeat destinations in India . For those who like to experience life at their own pace be it fast or slow, this is the perfect place to be.

Best time to visit: September to June How to reach:

  • By air: Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun is the nearest airstrip to Dhanaulti located just 82 km away.
  • By rail: The Dehradun railway station is the nearest railhead located just 25 kms away from Dhanaulti.
  • By road: One can also reach the town of Dhanaulti easily via road from the nearby cities of Shimla, Delhi, Shimla, Chandigarh, and Manali.

Places To Visit : The Eco Park, Thangdhar Camp, Surkanda Devi Temple, and Potato Farm Average Temperature:  20-degree celsius Restaurants:  Hill view restaurant, Snowlake restaurant

Suggested Read: 10 Eco Huts In Dhanaulti

28. Varanasi

Varanasi- Best Places To Visit In India

Varanasi may not be on the list of places to visit in India before you turn 30, but the beautiful ghats, the aartis, and prayers, a boat ride along the calm banks could change this picture forever. The historical encounters and vibrant surroundings makes Kashi one of the best places to visit in India.

Best time to visit: October to February How to reach:

  • By air: Lal Bahadur Shastri Airport of Varanasi is well-connected to Delhi and Mumbai.
  • By rail: Kashi Railway Station and Varanasi Junction are the two major railheads of the city.
  • By road: State-run and private buses regularly ply between Varanasi and the nearby cities.

Places to visit : Assi Ghat, Dashashwamedh Ghat, Manmandir Ghat, Manikarnika Ghat, Kashi Vishwanath Temple, and Durga Temple Average Temperature:  30-degree celsius Restaurants : Canton Royale Restaurant, Varanasi cafe & restaurant

Mumbai- Best Places To Visit In India

The city that lets you live a carefree life and the one that never sleeps. Mumbai is about its people, the spirit of enjoying the nightclubs and of course Bollywood. Live like a Mumbaikar, bite into the vada pav and sip a chai on your way to the locals. This is among the best places to visit in India.

  • By air: Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport lies 30 km north of the city. Santa Cruz Domestic Airport lies 26 km north of the city.
  • By rail: Trains from Central, East, and West India arrive at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (erstwhile VT). Trains from the North arrive at Bombay Central Station.
  • By road: Most of the inter-Maharashtra buses arrive at Mumbai Central Bus Station. But the ones from Pune and Nasik arrive at the ASIAD bus stand near Dadar railway station.

Places to visit : Gateway of India, Haji Ali Dargah, Elephanta Caves & island, Siddhivinayak Temple, Essel World, Kanheri Caves, Rajabai Clock Tower, Kamala Nehru Park, Dr Bhau Daji Lad Museum, Nehru Planetarium, Worli Fort, and Marine Drive Average Temperature:  25-degree celsius Restaurants:  The table, Khyber restaurant, Yauatcha restaurant

Suggested Read: Top 38 Weekend Getaways From Mumbai

30. Kolkata

Kolkata- Best Places To Visit In India

The only time when the entire city gathers together to celebrate the much-lauded and divine festival of Durga Puja is the time when one gets to experience the culture of Bengal in its true form. Enjoy the festival with sweets, Bengali delicacies, themed pandal hoppings, and grand aartis.

Best time to visit: November to February How to reach:

  • By air: Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport is situated at Dumdum, 15 km from the main city.
  • By rail: Howrah and Sealdah are the two main railway junctions in Kolkata that connect the city to several major cities in the country.

Places to visit : Victoria Memorial, Howrah Bridge, Indian Museum, Dakshineswar Kali Temple, Eden Gardens Cricket Stadium, Kalighat Kali Temple, Birla Industrial & Technological Museum, Birla Planetarium, and St. Paul’s Cathedral Average Temperature:  25-degree celsius Restaurants:  India restaurant, Arsalan restaurant

Delhi- Best Places To Visit In India

Enjoy your gateway to the city of Ghalib, Dilli. While you’re still young, explore the cultures of your magnificent country in the heart of its capital. From the architectural marvels from the time of the Mughal Dynasty, to the iconic Rashtrapati Bhavan which is the seat of the President of India, Delhi is filled with some of the most beautiful places in India . A stop at Hazrat Nizamuddin’s Dargah for a live Qawwali session will leave you mesmerized.

  • By air: Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International airport is very well connected to cities across India and the world.
  • By rail: Delhi has an extensive railway network with major railway stations like New Delhi Railway Station, Old Delhi Railway Station, Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station, Sarai Rohila, and Old Sabzi Mandi
  • By road: Delhi is well connected by bus to cities like Jaipur, Agra, Alwar, Chandigarh, Amritsar, Shimla, Manali, Dharamsala, Dehradun, and even Kathmandu. Commuters can get buses from Interstate Bus Terminals at Kashmiri Gate, Anand Vihar, & Sarai Kale Khan, and other spots like Majnu ka Tila & Bikaner House.

Places to visit : The Red Fort, Qutub Minar, Jama Masjid, Lotus Temple, Akshardham, Rashtrapati Bhavan, and Humayun’s Tomb. Average Temperature:  25 to 34-degree celsius

Suggested Read: 55 Hill Stations Near Delhi

32. Meghalaya

Meghalaya- Best Places To Visit In India

Much famed as the Scotland of the East, Meghalaya is one of the refreshing holiday destinations in India . Comprising reviving greens and mighty mountains, Meghalaya is a must to be explored once in a lifetime. Also, if you aren’t afraid of heights, insects, darkness and tight spaces, caving would prove to be a great adventure in Meghalaya for you! And if you are, what better time to beat your fears in the deepest and longest caves of entire South Asia? What if you return as the next Bruce Wayne, err?

Best time to visit: March to July How to reach:

  • By air: Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport at Guwahati in Assam (118 km from Shillong, the capital of Meghalaya) is the nearest international airport. Umroi Airport at Umroi, 30 km from Shillong, is the nearest domestic airport.
  • By rail: Mendipathar railway station is located in Resubelpara Municipal Board Jurisdiction of Meghalaya at a distance of 225 km from Shillong. However, the Guwahati Junction in Assam is the nearest railhead with good connectivity to other cities in India.

Places to visit : Umiam Lake, Nohkalikai Falls, Elephant Falls, Seven Sisters Falls, Shillong View Point, Spread Eagle Falls, Wah Umngot River, Nohwet Living Root Bridge, Kynrem falls, Khasi Hills, Khoh Ramhah or Motrop (Giant conical rock), and Garo Hills Average Temperature:  17.1-degree celsius

Sikkim- Places To Visit In India

Life is not all about exploring the world. Feel the mystical essence of Buddhism around you, visit places in Sikkim and its host of monasteries. And if you happen to like them, maybe, volunteer with the monks and master the art of giving at one of the best places in India!

Best time to visit : March to June and September to December How to reach:

  • By air: Bagdogra Airport in West Bengal (124 km from Gangtok) is the nearest airport. A 20 minutes’ helicopter ride from Bagdogra will take you further on to Gangtok, the capital of Sikkim.
  • By rail: New Jalpaiguri Railway Station in Siliguri (148 km from Gangtok) is the nearest railhead.
  • By road: The cities of Sikkim are well-connected to Darjeeling (West Bengal) by good quality roads.

Places to visit : Nathu La, Hanuman Tok, Rumtek Monastery, Khecheopalri Lake, Tsomgo Lake, Phodong Monastery, & Teesta River in Gangtok, Yumthang Valley, Buddha Park of Ravangla, Kanchenjunga Falls, Lingdum Monastery, and Singshore Bridge Average Temperature:  18-degree celsius

Suggested Read: 31 Reasons Why You Should Never Visit Northeast India

Agra- Places To Visit In India

Tourists across the world visit India just to witness the spectacular symbol of love. The majestic monument has to be on your bucket list for it’s the cultural epitome of India. The majestic heritage sites of Agra makes it one of the best places to visit in India.

Best time to visit: April to October How to reach:

  • By air: Kheria airport, 13 km away from Agra, is a seasonal commercial airport and is connected only by Air India flights from New Delhi.
  • By rail: Agra Cantt Station (the main station), Agra Fort Railway Station, Raja ki Mandi, Agra City, and Idgah Railway Station are well-connected by a network of trains to cities like Delhi, Jaipur, Gwalior, Jhansi, Kolkata, Mumbai, and Chennai.
  • By road: Agra has two major interstate bus terminals called Idgah Bus Stand and ISBT that connect it to cities like Delhi, Jaipur, Gwalior, Lucknow, & Kanpur.

Places to visit : Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, Tomb of I’timād-ud-Daulah, Mehtab Bagh, Jama Masjid, Guru ka Tal, Tomb of Akbar the Great, Chini Ka Rauza, Moti Masjid, Fatehpur Sikri, Dilli Gate, Great gate (Darwaza i rauza), Amar Singh Gate, Kaanch Mahal, and Sikandra Average Temperature:  24 to 34-degree celsius

35. Cherrapunji

Cherrapunji- Places To Visit In India

Cherrapunji is a great sight for those who want to experience something surreal and out of the blue. Much famed for being the land of many waterfalls, the living root bridges are something that will leave you awestruck for sure. If you love spending days amid impeccable surroundings, Cherrapunji is undoubtedly one of the best places to visit in India.

Best time to visit: November to May How to reach:

  • By air: Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport in Guwahati (163 km away) is the nearest air connect.
  • By rail: Guwahati is the nearest railhead to Cherrapunji.

Places to visit : Nohkalikai Falls, Daiñthlen Falls, Thangkharang Park, Kynrem Falls, Mawsmai Cave, Seven Sisters Falls, and more. Average Temperature:  17 to 24-degree celsius

Suggested Read: 11 Reasons To Visit Cherrapunji

36. Dalhousie

Dalhousie- Places To Visit In India

Other than the refreshing greens, magnificent views of the mountains, gushing rivers, and the mesmerizing beauty of the nature, Dalhousie is also considered to be famous for its Victorian architecture. Once a summer capital of the British, Dalhousie is also one of the best holiday destinations in India .

  • By air: Pathankot is the nearest airport to Dalhousie which is just 85 km away.
  • By rail: Pathankot also happens to be the nearest railhead to Dalhousie which again is just 85 km away.
  • By road: Dalhousie is well-connected to the neighbouring cities via road and many state-run and private buses and cabs have good connectivity to this hill station.

Places to visit : Panch Pulla, Kalatop Wildlife Sanctuary, Satdhara Falls, Daikund Peak, Subhash Baoli, St. John’s Church, and Chamunda Devi Temple. Average Temperature:  15-degree celsius

Hampi- Places To Visit In India

Hampi’s world heritage site is amongst the must-visit tourist places in India . Known for its old monumental and architectural beauty, Hampi place will dispose of you to a world of aesthetics. PS: Don’t plan a trip to Hampi in summers.

  • By air: Hubli Airport (144 km away) and Belgaum Airport (215 km away) are two major domestic airports near Hampi.
  • By rail: Hospet Junction, the nearest railway station to Hampi, is about 13 km away.
  • By road: Hampi is one of the weekend getaways from Bangalore and is well connected to Hospet, Hassan, Mysore, and other nearby cities by road.

Places to visit : Virupaksha Temple, Vijaya Vittala Temple, Matanga Hill, Hemakuta Hill Temple, Hazara Rama Temple, and Achyutaraya Temple. Average Temperature:  27.3-degree celsius

Suggested Read: 26 Most Riveting Places To Visit In Hampi

38. Jabalpur

Jabalpur- Places To Visit In India

Jabalpur may not be on your list of best tourist places to see in India before you turn 30, but a trip to these stunning white waterfalls which emanate a mist of smoke will leave you spellbound.

Best time to visit : August to March How to reach:

  • By air: Dumna domestic airport in Jabalpur is the nearest airport.
  • By rail: Jabalpur Junction is the nearest railway head.

Places to visit : Dhuandhar Falls, Marble Rocks, Rani Durgavati Museum, Madan Mahal, Dumna Nature Reserve Park, and Bhawartal Garden. Average Temperature: 23 to 31-degree celsius

39. Mathura

Mathura- Places To Visit In India

Allow your spirit to soak in the raas-leela of Vrindavan. The place that celebrates Krishna’s living philosophy. The festival is ecstatic, to say the least and celebration of colours here would the best you’d experience ever in your life.

Best time to visit: November to March How to reach:

  • By air: Kheria airport in Agra, located at a distance of 49 km from Mathura, is the nearest air connect.
  • By rail: Mathura has its own railway station.
  • By road: Mathura is well-connected to Agra (49 km away), Delhi (182 km away), Vrindavan (14 km away), and other cities of North India.

Places to visit : Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi, Prem Mandir Vrindavan, Government Museum, Krishna Balaram Mandir, Vishram Ghat, Kans Quila, and Jama Mosque. Average Temperature :  34.7 degree celsius

Suggested Read: 15 Picturesque Places In India That Will Glam Up Your Instagram Profile

40. Hyderabad

Hyderabad- Places To Visit In India

Hyderabad is to India what New York is to USA. Owing much of its popularity to the royal culture of Nizams, fast-paced lifestyle, buzzing cafes, and growing population, Hyderabad is one of the best places to visit where travellers can look forward to having a great time.

  • By air: Hyderabad has its own Rajiv Gandhi International Airport which is located at a distance of 22 kms from the city centre.
  • By rail: The city of Nizams also has a well-connected railway network which connected Hyderabad to all the major cities in the country.
  • By road: Many state-run and private buses run from nearby cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, and Chennai to Hyderabad on daily basis.

Places to visit : Charminar, Golconda, Ramoji Film City, Chowmahalla Palace, Salar Jung Museum, Makkah Masjid, and Purani Haveli. Average Temperature:  22 to 31 degree celsius

41. Amritsar

Amritsar- Places To Visit In India

Before you turn 30, it is a must-visit this spiritual and historical getaway that promises the nourishment of the soul. Spend some time revisiting the significant history of Amritsar while making sure that you do not miss out on visiting the famous Golden Temple as well. The experience is simply worth it.

  • By air: Sri Guru Ram Dass Jee International Airport in Amritsar is well-connected to other cities.
  • By rail: Amritsar Junction Railway Station has an extensive network of trains.

Places to visit : Golden Temple, Jallianwala Bagh, Durgiana Temple, Akal Takht, Maharaja Ranjit Singh Museum, Partition Museum, and Central Sikh Museum. Average Temperature: 23.3-degree celsius

Suggested Read: Taj Mahal vs Golden Temple

Orissa- Places To Visit In India

Travel to the historical land which serves as a home to many age-old Hindu temples. Situated by the sea, Konark Temple in Orissa is one of the famous temples that tells you many interesting stories about the origin of human sexuality. Also, for those who have enough time, beautiful highways in Orissa lead to some exceptionally picturesque attractions that are yet to be explored.

  • By air: Bhubaneswar airport, 62 km from Konark, is connected by frequent flights to numerous major cities India including Chennai, Kolkata, Delhi, and Hyderabad.
  • By rail: Puri Railway Station, 36 km away, is connected to all major cities.

Places to visit : Konark Sun Temple, Chilika Lake, Nandankanan Zoological Park, Puri Beach, Simlipal National Park, and Lingaraja Temple. Average Temperature: 27.4-degree celsius

43. Mahabalipuram

Mahabalipuram- Places To Visit In India

A quaint little town that lies on a stretch of land between the Great Salt Lake, and the Bay of Bengal, Mahabalipuram is also much famed as Mamallapuram by the locals. Famous for the monuments and temples that date back to the 7th century, Mahabalipuram is a living witness to the great works of the Pallava dynasty.

  • By air: Chennai airport is the nearest airport to Mahabalipuram at a distance of about 40 km.
  • By rail: Egmore railway station is the nearest railhead to Mahabalipuram at a distance of just 55 km.
  • By road: Mahabalipuram is well connected to the nearby cities of Chennai, Bangalore, Coimbatore, Trichy, and Madurai via roadways.

Places to visit : Mahabalipuram Beach, Shore Temple, Five Rathas, Arjuna’s Penance, Alamparai Fort, Tiger’s Caves, Sadras, and the Crocodile Bank. Average Temperature: 28.4-degree celsius

Suggested Read: 50 Best Tourist Places In Tamil Nadu

44. Visakhapatnam

Visakhapatnam- Places To Visit In India

From the famous beaches like that of Ramakrishna, Rushikonda, and Yarada beach to the thrilling cable car ride that takes the travelers atop the picturesque Kailasagiri Hill, there’s a lot more to the hidden gem of Visakhapatnam than what meets the eyes. Exhibiting a range of attractions like that of pristine beaches, hill stations, conserved submarine, temples, museums, caves, and wildlife sanctuaries, Visakhapatnam is undoubtedly one beautiful places in India to watch out for in future.

Best time to visit: September to March How to reach:

  • By air: The city has its own Visakhapatnam International Airport that is well connected to major cities in India.
  • By rail: Visakhapatnam is well connected to the cities of Hyderabad, New Delhi, Chennai, and Kolkata by a good network of railway.
  • One can board regular buses that run from the neighbouring cities of Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Tirupati, Chennai, and Bhubaneswar.

Places to visit : Kailasagiri Hill Park, INS Kursura in Submarine Museum, Indira Gandhi Zoological Park, Visakha Museum, Ramakrishna Mission Beach, Rushikonda Beach, Varaha Lakshmi Narasimha Temple, Yarada Beach, Tenneti Park, Ross Hill, and Lawsons Bay Beach Park. Average Temperature: 27.8 degree celsius

Ooty- Places To Visit In India

Much famed as Udhagamandalam amongst the locals, Ooty is one of the most popular and frequented holiday destinations in India . Home to mighty rock mountains, the thrilling Nilgiri Mountain Railway, refreshing gardens, and dangerous hair-pin bends, Ooty never fails to charm the travelers with its magic.

  • By air: Coimbatore International Airport is the nearest airport to Ooty located at a distance of just 88 km.
  • By rail: Coimbatore Junction is also the nearest railhead to Coimbatore at a distance of just 88 km.
  • By road: Ooty has regular bus services from the nearby cities and towns of Coonoor, Mettupalayam, Coimbatore, Trichy, and Chennai.

Places to visit : Ooty Botanical Garden, Rose Garden, Ooty Lake, Ride the toy train, Doddabetta Peak, Dolphin’s Nose, Thread Garden, Kalhatti Falls, Emerald Lake, and Kamaraj Sagar Dam. Average Temperature: 14.4-degree celsius

Suggested Read: 54 Places To Visit In Ooty

46. Kodaikanal

Kodaikanal- Places To Visit In India

Literally translating into “the gift of the forests”, Kodaikanal is one of the richest blessings of nature that the state of Tamil Nadu has received. Lush forests encircled by the hills, and filled with cascading waterfalls and pillar formations, Kodaikanal is undoubtedly one of the best places to visit in India before you die .

Best time to visit : September to May How to reach:

  • By air: Located at a distance of about 120 km, Madurai airport is the nearest airstrip to Kodaikanal.
  • By rail: The railway station of Kodai Road is the nearest railhead to Kodaikanal at a distance of 100 km.
  • By road: Kodaikanal has frequent bus services from the nearby cities Ooty, Coimbatore, Madurai, Trichy, Bangalore, Chennai, and Kochi.

Places to visit : Pillars Rocks, Kodai Lake, Coakers Walk, Green Valley View, Bear Shola Falls, Devil’s Kitchen, Dolphin’s Nose, Bryant Park, and Berijam Lake. Average Temperature: 16.3-degree celsius

47. Pondicherry

Pondicherry- Places To Visit In India

Much famed to be the French Riviera of the East, Pondicherry or Puducherry happens to be one of the famous tourist places in India for those who are looking forward to a laid-back beach vacation. Witness the beautiful culture of this quaint little French town and savouring the delicious seafood is a must when in Pondy.

Best time to visit: October to March How to reach:

  • By air: Chennai airport is the nearest airport to Pondicherry which is located at a distance of 125 km when travelled via the East Coast Road (ECR).
  • By rail: Villupuram Railway Junction is the closest railhead to Pondicherry located at a distance of just 37 km.
  • By road: Pondicherry is the most accessible via the ECR road from the neighbouring cities of Chennai, Coimbatore, Bangalore, Madurai, Trichy, and Egmore.

Places to visit : The Seaside Promenade, Paradise Beach, Auroville Ashram, Chunnambar Boat House, Basilica of Sacred Heart of Jesus, and Sri Manakula Vinayagar Temple. Average Temperature: 28.3-degree celsius

Suggested Read: 42 Best Places To Visit In Pondicherry

48. Mahabaleshwar

Mahabaleshwar- Places To Visit In India

Considered to be one of the most picturesque tourist destinations in India , Mahabaleshwar is one of the refreshing retreats that Western Ghats has to offer to the travellers. From the cascading waterfalls to the lush green ghats, your visit to Mahabaleshwar will be wrapped in mist and guided by the clouds.

  • By air: New Pune International Airport is the nearest airport to Mahabaleshwar located at a distance of just 136 km.
  • By rail: Wathar is the nearest railway station located to Mahabaleshwar at a distance of about 60 km.
  • By road: There are regular buses that run from the common places in Mumbai like that of Vashi, Dadar East, and Sion till Mahabaleshwar.

Places to visit : Elephant’s Head Point, Chinaman’s Fall, Dhobi Waterfalls, Arthur’s seat, Panchgani, Venna Lake, Mahabaleshwar Temple, and Wilson Point. Average Temperature: 24.4-degree celsius

49. Darjeeling

Darjeeling- Places To Visit In India

Considered to be the most frequented tourist destinations in India , Darjeeling is a common name in the houses of those who love chai more than anything else. Renowned across the world for its varieties of tea, Darjeeling effortlessly charms everyone with its refreshing greens and soothing blues.

Best time to visit : February to March and September to December How to reach:

  • By air: Bagdogra Airport is the nearest airport to Darjeeling which is 38 km away.
  • By rail: New Jalpaiguri is the nearest railhead to Darjeeling at a distance of just 62 km.
  • By road: One can board one of the regular buses that run from Siliguri to Darjeeling on daily basis. However, there are many buses that frequently travel to Darjeeling from nearby cities of Kurseong, Kalimpong, and more.

Places to visit : Tiger Hill, Batasia Loop, Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, The Japanese Peace Pagoda, the Rock Garden, Nightingale Park, and Sandakphu Peak. Average Temperature: 17.8-degree celsius.

Suggested Read: New Forest Trail In Darjeeling

Ziro- Places To Visit In India

Silent, serene, and splendid is what Ziro is synonymous with. Though this picturesque town is popular across the world for its famous Ziro Festival , most of the destination still remains unexplored to a large extent. From the rice fields to the misty mountains, Ziro is indeed one of the must-visit Indian tourist places .

Best time to visit: Throughout the year. How to reach:

  • By air: Jorhat Airport is the nearest airport to Ziro which is located at a distance of about 98 km.
  • By rail: Naharlagun is the nearest railway station to Ziro which is located at a distance of about 100 km.
  • By road: The best option by road is to hire a cab or taxi from Jorhat or Guwahati. The journey takes about 7 hours to reach Ziro from there. However, one can also board the state-run buses from the capital city of Itanagar.

Places to visit : Talley Valley Wildlife Sanctuary, Kile Pakho, Tarin Fish Farm, Shiv Linga, Pine Grove, Meghna Cave Temple, and Dolo Mando. Average Temperature: 16.8-degree celsius

51. Khajjiar

Khajjiar- Places To Visit In India

Khajjiar is a small hill town in Himachal Pradesh which is blessed with an abundance of scenic beauty. Situated at an altitude of 6,500 feet, this place features vast dense forests, lakes and wide pasture lands. The town is known for the picturesque Khajjiar Lake, which is surrounded by forests of cedar trees. Another popular pilgrimage and tourist spot in Khajjiar is the Khajji Nag Temple, a 12th-century shrine that worships a serpent deity. There are some really interesting adventure activities including paragliding, zorbing and horse-riding that you can enjoy in Khajjiar.

Best time to visit: Throughout the year, especially summer (April-June). January and February may see heavy rainfall and snowfall. How to reach:

  • By air: The nearest airport is Gaggal airport (120 km) in Dharamshala
  • By rail: Pathankot (118 km) is the nearest railway station and can be reached via trains from Delhi, Chandigarh and Bhatinda. Taxis are available from the station to Khajjiar.
  • By road: Khajjiar is easily accessible by road, from the major towns of Himachal Pradesh

Places to visit : Kalatop Wildlife Sanctuary, Lord Shiva Statue, Golden Devi Temple, HP State Handicrafts Center Average Temperature: 15.3-degree celsius

Suggested Read: Khajjiar In December

52. Mount Abu

Mount Abu- Places To Visit In India

Mount Abu is the only hill station in Rajasthan . This climate here is cool due to its location on the Aravali Range. In fact, the highest peak of the Aravallis fall within Mount Abu. The hill station rests on a plateau surrounded by lush green forest and offers great views of the plains below. There are many specific viewpoints including Honeymoon Point and Sunset Point, to enjoy these picturesque sights. Nakki Lake is a popular spot to enjoy boating in Mount Abu.

Best time to visit : July – February How to reach:

  • By air: The nearest airport is in Udaipur (185 km) and but the Ahmedabad airport (221 km) has higher connectivity.
  • By rail: The nearest railway station is Abu Road, which is well connected to major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur and Ahmedabad
  • By road: The nearest NH to Mount Abu is NH14 and is well connected with major cities of India.

Places to visit : Mount Abu Wildlife Sanctuary, Nakki Lake, Dilwara Temple, Toad Rock, Guru Shikhar, Achalgarh Village, Guru Shikhar Average Temperature: 20.9-degree celsius

53. Nainital

Nainital- Places To Visit In India

Located at an elevation of 2,000m, Nainital is a resort town in the Kumaon Hills of Uttarakhand. The place gets its name from a lake called ‘Naini Lake’ around which the whole town is established. The lake is popular for boating scenes and has an ancient Devi Hindu Temple on its northern shore. Nainital has a pleasant climate throughout the year. Surrounded by many snow-capped hills and having a number of lakes in its boundary, there are a plethora of beautiful sights that you can enjoy here.

  • By air: Pantnagar Airport (72 km) is the nearest airport to Nainital.
  • By rail: The nearest railway station is Kathgodham Railway Station (34 km), connecting Nainital to Delhi, Dehradun, Lucknow, Kolkata and Agra. You can hire a taxi from the station.
  • By road: Nainital is well connected to several big and small cities through road and overnight bus services are available

Places to visit : Naina Peak, Tiffin Top, Snow View Point, Sariyatal Lake, Bhimtal Lake, Khurpatal Lake, Eco Cave Gardens, The Mall Road Average Temperature: 13.0 degree Celsius.

Suggested Read: The First Moss Garden In India

54. Lakshadweep

Lakshadweep- Places To Visit In India

The Indian islands, Lakshadweep is an archipelago (group) of 36 islands which consists of 12 atolls, 3 reefs and 5 submerged banks. This is one of the most popular tropical island destinations and the smallest Union Territory in India. Only some islands of this archipelago are inhabited and just a few are open to the visitors. But the pristine beaches, azure waters, beach resorts and water adventure sports make Lakshadweep a travel-must. Kavaratti is one of the most developed islands and is popular for beautifully decorated mosques.

Best time to visit: September to May How to reach:

  • By air: The Cochin International Airport connects Lakshadweep to the mainland
  • By sea: There are 7 passenger-ship services available from Cochin to Lakshadweep

Places to visit : Minicoy Island, Agatti Islands, Bangaram Island, Kalpeni Islands Average Temperature: 22 degrees to 33-degree celsius.

Chopta- Places To Visit In India

Chopta is a small but significant region in Uttarakhand. The place is covered with alpine and grassy meadows and forests making this a peaceful getaway into the laps of nature. The Chopta Valley is surrounded by many mighty mountain peaks that create a breathtaking backdrop. A part of the Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary, Chopta is also a base for trekking to Tungnath, one of the Panch Kedar. The best way to explore this place is through trekking and visiting the local tourist spots on the way.

Best time to visit: March to June How to reach:

  • By air: Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun (97 km) is the nearest airport
  • By rail: Rishikesh railway station (100 km) is the nearest railway head. From there you can take a minibus or cab to Chopta
  • By road: Chopta can be reached by taking the NH58

Places to visit : Tungnath Temple, Deori Tal, Kanchula Korak Musk Deer Sanctuary, Ukhimath Average Temperature: Night temperature will go around 3 degree celsius and the day temperature is around 15 degrees

Suggested Read: 20 Romantic Places To Visit In Singapore For Honeymoon

Spiti- Places To Visit In India

Located at an altitude of 12,500 feet above the sea level, Spiti Valley is one of the most sought after travel destinations in Himachal Pradesh. ‘Spiti’ means ‘the middle land’. The region is characterized by winding roads, wide valleys, arid deserts and snow-capped mountains. The clear and open sky in Spiti will leave you spellbound while you stargaze in the night. The valley has some of the oldest monasteries that you that add to the charm of this mystic region. Spiti is also a trekking hotspot popular among the adventure enthusiasts.

Best time to visit : Mid May to Mid October How to reach:

  • By air: The nearest airport to Spiti Valley is in Bhuntar (245 km) near Kullu.
  • By rail: The nearest broad gauge railway station with good connectivity is in Chandigarh.
  • By road: There are direct buses available from Chandigarh, Shimla, Kullu Manali and few other parts of North India.

Places to visit : Chandratal Lake, Key Monastery, Kunzum Pass, Pin Valley National Park, Suraj Tal Lake, Dhankar Monastery, Tabo Monastery Average Temperature: The range is between 10 degrees to 30-degree celsius.

57. Sonamarg

Sonamarg- Places To Visit In India

Sonamarg is a serene hill town in Ganderbal district of Jammu and Kashmir. The sight of snow-capped mountains, blooming-fields lush green valleys and pristine lakes is simply mesmerizing. The term ‘Sonamarg’ means ‘the land of gold’. Sonamark features a number of beautiful mountain lakes, including Gangabal and Satsar. Krishnasar is one of the most popular lakes and a hotspot for fishing. Sonmarg is also a historically significant places as it was a gateway to the ancient Silk Route.

Best time to visit: May to October How to reach:

  • By air: The nearest airport is in Srinagar (70 km)
  • By rail: The nearest railway station is Jammu Tawi Railway Station in Jammu
  • By road: You can either drive or board one of the regular buses that run from Jammu and Srinagar to Sonamarg

Places to visit : Thajiwas Glacier, Zoji-La Pass, Vishansar Lake, Nilagrad River, Baltal Valley, Krishnasar Lake. Average Temperature: 6.5 degree celsius

Almora- Places To Visit In India

Almora is a hill town in Uttarakhand, shaped like a horse-shoe. The mighty Himalayan ranges and rare wildlife make this place every nature lovers dream destination. The two major rivers, Koshi and Suyal, flowing through this town add to the beauty of this place. In fact, the beauty and the pleasant climate of Almora had won the heart of Mahatma Gandhi too, who compared Almora with Europe. Rich in cultural heritage, the town is also famous for handicrafts and traditional cuisines.

Best time to visit : Throughout the year How to reach:

  • By air: Pantnagar (115 km) is the nearest airport.
  • By rail: Kathgodam is the nearest railway station
  • By road: Almora is well connected with major North Indian cities by road

Places to visit : Zero Point, Jageshwar, Katarmal Sun Temple, Kasar Devi Temple, Chitai Temple, Deer Park, Dunagiri, Jalna, Bright End Corner. Average Temperature: 23.5 degree celsius

Orchha- Best Places To Visit In India

Located in the Tikamgarh district of Madhya Pradesh, Orchha is a town known for its grand historical structures including palaces, temples and forts. Set on the banks of Betwa river, the medieval architectural heritage of this place attracts tourists from around the world. Orchha is also popular for its frescos and classical murals paintings. There are many beautiful temples in this town. Chaturbhuj Temple is one of the most popular temple which was built by the queen of Orchha, Ganeshi Bai.

Best time to visit: July to March How to reach:

  • By air: Gwalior Airport (140 km) is the nearest airport
  • By rail: Jhansi railway station (18 km) is the nearest railway station.
  • By road: Jhansi (16 km) is the nearest bus stop. There is no direct connectivity by road to Orchha.

Places to visit : Jahangir Mahal, Raja Mahal, Orchha Fort , Ram Raja Temple, Chattris, Chaturbhuj Temple, Phool Baag. Average Temperature: 26.3-degree celsius

Suggested Read: 6 Adventure Sports In Kochi

60. Gwalior – A Majestic Fort City

Historical site at one of the best places to visit in India

Gwalior is a historic city in Madhya Pradesh founded by Surajesan. It is known for its grand forts, palaces, rock temples and statues that reflect the heritage of the city. The spectacular Gwalior Fort , built in the 8th century is a major attraction and gives a panoramic view of the entire city. Being the birthplace of the great Indian musician, Tansen, Gwalior also hosts a 4-day Tansen Musical Fest to celebrate various forms of classical music.

  • By air: Gwalior airport is a major airport in the region
  • By rail: Gwalior is well connected to major parts of the country through railways
  • By road: NH3, NH75 and NH92 are the national highways that connect Gwalior with other major cities of India.

Places to visit : Gwalior Fort, Jai Vilas Palace, Gujari Mahal, Man Mandir Palace, Tomb of Tansen, Teli Ka Mandir, Saas Bahu Temple, Scindia Museum. Average Temperature: 25.7-degree celcius

61. Gokarna

Gokarna- Best Places To Visit In India

Gokarna is a town on the Arabian Sea, located in Karnataka. It is a Hindu pilgrimage destination, with a number of sacred sites including the Mahabaleshwara Temple and Koti Teertha. Gokarna is often metaphorized as a ‘crowd-less Goa’. The places has many amazing beaches where you can spend some time relaxing in peace.

Best time to visit: Throughout the year How to reach:

  • By air: The nearest airport is Dabolim in Goa, from where you can take a taxi or train to Gokarna
  • By rail: The nearest railway station is the Gokarna Road (8 km from the main city)
  • By road: Gokarna is well-connected by road to other major cities of India.

Places to visit : Om Beach, Mahabaleshwara Temple, Kudle Beach, Gokarna Beach, Yaana, Half Moon Beach, Koti Tirtha, Paradise Beach. Average Temperature: 27.1-degree celsius

Suggested Read: 27 Best Honeymoon Places In India

62. Pahalgam

Pahalgam- Best Places To Visit In India

A hill station in Jammu And Kashmir, Pahalgam is a nature’s paradise. Small houses, saffron farms, green fields, and lush valleys with the mighty Himalayan ranges forming the backdrop, Pahalgam is one of the most picturesque destinations of North India . The Overa Aru Wildlife Sanctuary located here is a habitat for many Himalayan species of fauna and flora including the musk deer and brown bears. There are many fast-flowing rivers in Pahalgam which makes it a perfect river rafting site too.

  • By air: Nearest airport is Srinagar Airport (91.1 km)
  • By rail: You can reach Pahalgam by road through regular bus services, taxi or cab
  • By road: N/A

Places to visit : Aru Valley, Betaab Valley, Lidder River, Kolahoi Glacier, Chandanwari, Mamleshwar Temple, Lolab Valley. Average Temperature: Average high temperature is 20-degree Celsius and average low temperature is 10-degree celsius

63. Landsdowne

Landsdowne- Best Places To Visit In India

Lansdowne, the quaint hillside of Uttarakhand is gradually becoming a popular tourist attraction, especially because of its old-world charm and lush green mountainscape decorated with deodar and pine groves. Dating back to 1895, St. Mary Church still flaunts that old world charm in its every corner and is considered one of the best places to visit in Lansdowne .

Best time to visit: April to June

How to reach:

  • By air: Nearest airport from Lansdowne is Jolly Grant, located 150 km away. The airport is connected to Delhi via frequent flights.
  • By rail: For those wanting to reach Lansdowne by train, the nearest railway station from Lansdowne is Kotdwar, at a distance of 40 km. Kotdwar Station is well-connected to various cities and towns of North India.
  • By road: You can board a bus for Kotdwar or Dugadda from Kashmiri Gate.

Places to visit: Tip N Top, Bhulla Lake, War Memorial, Tarkeshwar Mahadev Temple, Darwan Singh Museum. Average Temperature: 15.6-degree celsius

Suggested Read: 10 Guest Houses In Nainital

64. Joshimath

Joshimath- Best Places To Visit In India

Joshimath, in northern the tip of the Indian subcontinent on the Himalayas, is one of the major tourist attractions in Northern India. Joshimath is one of the most beautiful tourist attractions in the state of Uttarakhand, which attracts tourists who are always in pursuit of a peaceful vacation. While one can visit the hills throughout the year, the best time to visit Joshimath is during summers, as it offers excellent relief from the sizzling summer heat.

  • By air: Jolly Grant Airport lies at 270 km from Joshimath.
  • By rail: Rishikesh, which is the closest railway station, is around 250 km from Joshimath.
  • By road: If you are starting from Delhi, you should reach Rishikesh first. Rishikesh is also well connected via road to different parts of the nation.

Places to visit : Ghangaria, Auli ropeway, Nanda Devi National Park, Tapovan, Narsingh Temple, Vishnuprayag river, Govindghat. Average Temperature: 14.5-degree celsius

Tawang- Best Places To Visit In India

Tawang’s landscape is adorned with massive rocky yet green mountains, group of Buddhist monasteries, and ethnicity of Monpa hamlets. Its iconic 17th-century monastery has always been a boss at stealing hearts. The warm hospitality and pleasant weather are two primary reasons Tawang is counted among one of the best places to visit in India before you turn 30.

Best time to visit: April to June, September to October How to reach:

  • By air: The nearest airport from Tawang is Salonibari Airport, at a distance of 315 km.
  • By rail: The nearest railhead is Tezpur Railway Station, 385 km away.
  • By road: Tawang is 1404 km away from Kolkata, a nearest major city from Tawang. Make sure you make sufficient stops enroute.

Places to visit : Tawang Monastery, Nuranang Waterfall, Tawang War Memorial Average Temperature: 10.0 degree  celsius

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66. Manikaran

Manikaran- Best Places To Visit In India

A pilgrimage centre for Hindus and Sikhs, Manikaran is most popular for its hot springs. With religious tourists pouring-in in large numbers, it has become quite crowded. Manikaran is located 90 km from Manali. Descend on this area of worship and seek the blessings of Gods. It is considered one of the best places to visit in India before you turn 30.

  • By air: Bhuntar airport is 24 km away from Manikaran.
  • By rail: The nearest railhead is Summer Hill Railway Station, 106 km away.
  • By road: The best way to reach Manikaran from Pathankot is to go on a bus to Bhuntar and then take a local bus.

Places to visit : Grahan Street, Chalal Trek Trail, Gurudwara Shri Manikaran Sahib. Average Temperature: 28.6-degree celsius

67. Shimoga

Shimoga- Best Places To Visit In India

An offbeat and picturesque hill station, Shimoga is the true gem of Karnataka. Bestowed with verdant hills, valleys, thick forests, and wildlife, Shimoga speaks of nothing but surreal and scenic beauty. With a pleasant climate and mesmerizing sceneries, you will have the time of your life here. It is considered as one of the most offbeat places to visit in India before you turn 30.

  • By air: The nearest International Airport is Mangalore Airport, Mangalore, roughly 195 kms from Shimoga.
  • By rail: Shimoga has its own Railway Station named as Shimoga Nagar Railway station.
  • By road: Shimoga is well-connected to Bhadravathi, Kadur, Banavara, Tumkur, Bangalore and Goa. You can take the Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation buses.

Places to visit : Jog falls, Kodachadri, Dabbe falls, Agumbe, Gudavi bird sanctuary Average Temperature:  18-25 degrees Celsius

Suggested Read: 18 Remarkable Places Near Udupi

68. Madikeri

Madikeri- Best Places To Visit In India

Madikeri is one of the most visited hill stations in Karnataka. Encircled by the Western Ghats, it is known for its scenic beauty, misty hills, wildlife, local cuisines, and coffee plantations. Staying in the lap of nature is nothing less than stepping into heaven. You will have a blast here. We suggest you take this trip solo. You can also take this trip with friends or family, however.

  • By air: The town of Madikeri doesn’t have an airport of its own. The airport in Mangalore can be used to reach Madikeri.
  • By rail: The nearest railhead is Kannur, which is 113 km from Madikeri.
  • By road: To reach Madikeri from Mysore, you can take any government or private bus.

Places to visit : Raja’s Seat, Madikeri Fort, Raja’s Tomb, Sree Kanchi Kamakshi Temple Average Temperature: 23.0-degree celsius

69. Ranikhet

Ranikhet-  Best Places To Visit In India

A lovely cantonment hill-town in Uttarakhand, Ranikhet is also known as Queen’s Meadow. It is believed to be the resident of Queen Padmini of Kumaon. Revered shrines, a 9-hole golf course, rich orchards, and breathtaking nature in Ranikhet are the reasons why it is one of the best summer tourist places in India . It is considered as one of the most offbeat places to visit in India before you turn 30.

Best time to visit: September to February How to reach:

  • By air: The nearest airport from Ranikhet is Pantnagar Airport, at a distance of 110 km.
  • By rail: Kathgodam Railway Station is the nearest major railhead near Ranikhet. Both are located 75 km away from each other.
  • By road: Nearest major city from Ranikhet is Delhi, 355 km away from each other.

Places to visit : Jhula Devi Temple, Mankameshwar Temple, Bhalu Dam Average Temperature: 14. 8 degree celsius

Suggested Read: 12 Most Popular Places To Visit In Dimapur

70. Kausani

Kausani- Best Places To Visit In India

Located in the Bageshwar district of Uttarakhand, Kausani is a perfect getaway away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Kausani is famous for its 300 km wide scenic views of some of the tallest peaks of the Himalayas like Nanda Devi and Panchachuli. Kausani weather is mild and hovers around 9 to 26 degrees. It is considered as one of the best places to visit in India before you turn 30.

  • By air: The nearest airport to Kausani is Pantnagar (177 km).
  • By rail: One can take a train from anywhere in India to Kathgodam near Nainital, and further take a short bus ride of 4 hours (136km) to reach Kausani.
  • By road: You can hire a cab from New Delhi or your drive your own car to cover the 401 km distance which will take up to 10 hours.

Places to visit : Gandhi Ashram, Rudradhari Falls and Caves, Baijnath Temple Average Temperature:  25 – 35 degrees Celsius

Agumbe- Best Places To Visit In India

Known for its scenic beauty and biodiversity, Agumbe is a settlement situated in Karnataka. The lush rainforest also has many popular waterfalls such as Bakarna, Onake Abbi, and Jogi Gundi falls. There is a sunset viewpoint as well where you can enjoy the evening. If you are a wildlife enthusiast, you will be excited to know that there are some wild species that you can spot here like leopards and tigers.

By air: The nearest airport is Mangaluru Airport located about 95 km away from Agumbe village. By rail: The closest railway stations is Udupi Railway Station (about 50 km away). By road: You can directly take a bus from Bangalore going to Thirthahalli and then another bus from there to Agumbe. Places to visit : Enchanting waterfalls, sunset viewpoint, Sri Venugopala Krishna Swamy Temple Average Temperature: 23.5 degree Celsius

Suggested Read: 14 Places To Visit In Kufri

Munnar- Best Places To Visit In India

Munnar is a place which is known for its beautiful tea gardens, lakes and pretty hill stations. Located at the Western Ghats, this is one of the best places to visit in India with friends and family. This beautiful hill station is the commercial centre for some of the biggest tea estates of the world. In addition to this the hill station is considered to be one of the most protected areas where some of the endemic and endangered species live.

Best time to visit : September To November, January To March How to reach:

By air: The nearest airport is the Cochin International Airport located 125 kms away By rail : The nearest railway station is Kochi and Ernakulam By road: One can take a cab or bus from Kochi, Aluva or Ernakulam

Places to visit : Eravikulam National Park, Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary, Tea Plantations Average Temperature: 19.4 degree celsius Restaurants: Copper Castle, SN Restaurant, Sree Mahaveer Bhojanalaya Restaurant

73. Gangtok

Gangtok- Best Places To Visit In India

With the spectacular view of the Mt. Kanchenjunga in the backdrop and the alluring clouds covering the peaks, Gangtok appears to be an intact painted picture. This beautiful hill station is located amidst the mountains and clouds. And alongside that it is also a base for many trekkers who hike up to the Himalayan ranges. It is one of the most beautiful hill stations which has a blend of traditions and urbanisation.

Best time to visit : Late September to November and March to June How to reach:

By air: The nearest airport is Bagdogra, West Bengal which is 124 kilometres away By train: The nearest rail head is New Jalpaiguri which is 148 kilometres away By road: Take a car

Places to visit : Nathu La Pass, Rumtek Monastery, MG Road Average Temperature: 22 degree celsius Restaurants: OSM Restro & Lounge, Taste Of Tibet

Suggested Read: 16 Places To Visit In Lucknow

74. New Delhi

New Delhi- Best Places To Visit In India

The capital of India, Delhi brims with all the hustle bustle for the entire day. This metropolitan city reflects a beautiful blend of history and modernity with its monuments and fancy shopping places. Alongside that, the place is also famous for its incredible Delhi University which is renowned worldwide. There is a beautiful blend of culture and traditions which makes this city one of the top 25 tourist places in India.

Best time to visit: October To March How to reach: By air: The nearest airport is Indira Gandhi International Airport By train: There are 4 major railway junctions – Puraani Dilli, New Delhi, Hazrat Nizamuddin and Anand Vihar By road: The major bus terminals in Delhi are Kashmere Gate ISBT, Sarai Kale Khan ISBT, Anand Vihar ISBT, Mandi House and Majnu Ka Tila

Places to visit : Humayun’s Tomb, Qutub Minar, Red Fort, Akshardham Temple Average Temperature: 7 Degree Celsius Restaurants: Smokehouse Grill, Bikanervala Angan, Paranthe Wali Gali, All American Diner

75. Kanha National Park

Kanha National Park- Best Places To Visit In India

Situated at the central region of Madhya Pradesh, the Kanha National Park is quite a famous place to visit. This is known as one of the best parks in Asia which shelters around 22 species of large mammals. Alongside that this place is also one of the well-known tiger reserves. Established in 1955, people visit this park to enjoy an exciting wildlife safari.

Best time to visit: Mid-October to June How to reach: By air: There is no direct flight connectivity, The nearest is the Jabalpur airport which is located around 120 km away from Kanha National Park. By train: There is no direct train connectivity. Jabalpur Railway Station is the closest which is around 130 kms away from the national park. By road: Buses are available at short intervals from the nearest city Mandla. Average Temperature: 14 Degree Celsius Restaurants: Mogli Resorts, Kanha Resort, Kanha Jungle Lodge

Suggested Read: 12 Homestays In Dharamshala

76. Mussoorie

Mussoorie- Best Places To Visit In India

Mussoorie is considered to be one of the best places to visit in India with friends in Uttarakhand. Resting at the foothills of the Garhwal Himalayan ranges, this place is also known as the “Queen of Hills”. Located at a height of 7000 feet above sea level, this place has so much to offer beyond the pleasant climate and natural beauty of the hills.

Best time to visit : September To June How to reach: By air: The nearest airport from Mussoorie is the Jolly Grant Airport which is located 30 kms away By road: The hill station is well-connected with the major cities by the roadways and one can also hire a taxi from Dehradun or New Delhi to Mussoorie. Places to visit : Lal Tibba, Kempty Falls, Gun Hill Average Temperature: 4 Degree Celsius Restaurants: Tavern, Neelam, Casa Mia Bakery, Emily’s, Tip Top Tea Shop

77. Tirupati

Tirupati- Best Places To Visit In India

Located at the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, Tirupati is famous for its majestic Venkateshwara Temple which is one of the most famous pilgrimage centres in India. Tirupati is believed to be one of the oldest cities which is mentioned in the ancient scriptures. And alongside that, people can see devotees rushing to the temple to take one glimpse of the 8-feet tall idol of Lord Venkateshwara. The religious place is counted as one of the best places to visit in India for believers.

Best time to visit : September To February How to reach: By air: The nearest airport is the Tirupati airport which is located at a distance of 15 kms from the main city. By train: There are 3 railway stations to reach Tirupati which includes Tirupati Main, Renigunta and Anantharajupet. By road: There are regular buses which run from nearby cities like Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu

Places to visit : Sri Venkateswara Temple, Swami Pushkarini Lake, City Shopping, Vedadri Narasimha Swamy Temple Average Temperature: 20 Degree Celsius Restaurants: Rainbow At Fortune Select Grand Ridge, Maurya, Andhra Spice, Hyderabad House

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78. Vaishno Devi

Vaishno Devi- Best Places To Visit In India

Vaishno Devi is a holy cave that holds major importance in India and every year experience a vast number of devotees coming there. This place is located close to the Trikuta Hills, which is 13 kms away from Katra. This Holy Shrine was incepted in 1986 and since then the devotees come to this place to seek the blessings. This is one of the most famous places in India which must be visited at least once in a lifetime.

Best time to visit: March To October How to reach: By air: The nearest airport from Katra is Jammu Airport or Sarwari Airport By train: The nearest railhead is Katra and connects the major cities By road: Buses run from Delhi, Amritsar, Jammu Tawi at affordable prices Places to visit : Ardh Kuwari Cave, Bhairavnath Temple, Dera Baba Banda, Katra Average Temperature: 11 Degree Celsius Restaurants: Sagar Ratna Restaurant, Mahduban, Prem Vaishno Dhaba

79. Alleppey

Alleppey- Best Places To Visit In India

Also called Alappuzha, Alleppey is a beautiful city located in the South Indian State of Kerala and surrounded by the Laccadive Sea. Enclosed by the green paddy fields and the surreal avifauna, Alleppey is a place which is worth visiting. Counted as one of the dream places to visit in India , Alleppey is a home to backwaters, beaches and beautiful lagoons.

Best time to visit : October and February How to reach: By air: There are no direct flights from Alleppey. To reach the place the nearest airport is Kochi which is located at a distance of 60kms. By train: Alappuzha railway station is the nearest station to reach Alleppey. By road: Buses run at very short intervals from places like Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi and many other neighbouring places. Places to visit : Alappuzha Beach, Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary, Vembanad Lake, Nehru Trophy Boat Race Average Temperature: 30 Degree Celsius Restaurants: Vembanad Restaurant, Harbour Restaurant, Mushroom

Suggested Read: 17 Places To Visit In Thanjavur

80. Bangalore

Bangalore- Best Places To Visit In India

Popularly called the Silicon Valley of India, Bangalore is one of the finest cities which is also considered to be one of the safe places to visit in India . Known for its amazing weather and majestic architectures surrounded by lush-green parks. The city has modern malls fancy cafes and restaurants and also Botanical gardens which is perfect to take a stroll.

Best time to visit : November – February How to reach: By air: KempeGowda International Airport is the only airport which connects with 10 domestic and 21 international airlines. By train: There are 2 rail terminals in Bangalore – Bangalore City and Yeshwantpur Junction By road: Government and Private buses run from Mumbai, Goa, Chennai and Hyderabad Places to visit : Bangalore Palace, Cubbon Park, MG Road, Lal Bagh and UB City Mall Average Temperature: 27 Degree Celsius Restaurants: Only Place, Olive Beach, Fava, Sue’s Food Place

Jaipur- Best Places To Visit In India

Jaipur is the capital city of Rajasthan which is also called the Pink City. This place is known for its rich culture and heritage which is formed since many centuries. Jaipur city comes under the Golden Triangle and makes one of the most famous places in India to visit. From the magnificent palaces to the vibrant markets, there is a lot to explore. The vibrant Pink City is one of the best places to visit in India.

Best time to visit : November-March How to reach: By air: The nearest airport is the Sanganer airport which is well connected with all the major cities By train: Shatabdi Express connects Jaipur to all the major cities By road: There are buses by RSRTC which runs on frequent intervals and connects to major cities Places to visit : Amer Fort, City Palace, Nahargarh Fort, Hawa Mahal Average Temperature: 20 Degree Celsius Restaurants: Choki Dhani, Four Seasons, Copper Chimney OM Revolving Restaurant

Suggested Read: 12 Bakeries In Dehradun

82. Chandigarh

Chandigarh- Best Places To Visit In India

Image Credit: Owais for Wikimedia

Chandigarh is one of the famous places to visit in India. It is India’s first planned cities and is one of the famous weekend road trip destinations. Some of the prominent attractions which attracts tourists to Chandigarh are Sukhna Lake, Rock Garde, Rose Garden, the Lesiure Valley and Capitol Complex.

Best time to visit : August-March How to reach: By air: Chandigarh airport is well connected with all the major cities By train: Chandigarh railway station has frequent trains plying from New Delhi By road: Excellent road connectivity with other neighbouring cities Places to visit : Rose Garden, Rock Garden, Sukhna Lake Average Temperature: 29 Degree Celsius Restaurants: Barbecue Nation, Pirates of Grill, Swagath Restaurant and Bar

83. Lonavala

Lonavala- Best Places To Visit In India

Image Credit: Sharmagourav27 for Wikimedia

Another popular tourist places to visit in India during Monsoon is Lonavala. It is the most visited hill station in Maharashtra and is a popular destination for camping, trekking and other thrilling sports. It allures tourists with its beauty. Surrounding by gorgeous waterfalls and forests, it is a must-visit place for all nature lovers.

Best time to visit : Throughout the year How to reach: By air: Lohegaon airport is the nearest airport which is well connected with all the major cities By train: Lonavala has its own railway station and trains to and fro are available on a regular basis By road: Regular state and private buses operate regularly to Lonavala Places to visit : Tiger’s Leap, Imagica, Karla Caves Average Temperature: 24 Degree Celsius Restaurants: Cafe 24, Lonavala Foods, Della Villa Bistro

Suggested Read: 15 Fascinating Places Near Lonavala

84. Coonoor

Coonoor- Best Places To Visit In India

Coonoor is a serene hill station located in Tamil Nadu that is known for its tea estates. Being surrounded by Nilgiri Hills, the place attracts nature lovers from across the country. Roses, eucalyptus trees, and rhododendrons are in abundance, especially at Sim’s Park. The steam Nilgiri Mountain Railway passes through Coonoor and offers the spellbinding views of lush green Nilgiri Hills.

Things to do : Go for sightseeing, visit tea estates, indulge in shopping as the place offer a variety of tea and coffee Best time to visit : October to February Nearest Airport: Coimbatore International Airport

How to reach: By flight: The Coimbatore International Airport is situated in Coimbatore which is about 110kms from the city. By road: Government and private buses both are accessible to & from major cities. By train: The Mettupalayam Railway Station is the major rail head which is nearly 45 km from coonoor. You can board a bus or taxi from there to reach Coonoor Average Temperature: 17-degree Celsius

Ajmer- Best Places To Visit In India

Ajmer, the mystic home to Dargah Ajmer Sharif, attracts visitors from across the globe. The dargah was the place where Muslim Sufi Saint Khwaja Garib Nawaz resided and imparted his teachings. The site is truly unique as you will see travelers and pilgrims of different religions bowing under the same roof with the same respect. The place also hosts yearly Sufi music festivals where Qalams by popular Sufi saints are performed. Ajmer also features prominent historical sites that were commissioned by Mughals and exhibits Indo-Saracenic style of architecture. This is one of the best places to visit in India.

Things to do : Take a sightseeing tour, attend Sufi festivals, enjoy local food esp. For non-vegetarians Best time to visit : September to June Nearest Airport: Jaipur International Airport

How to reach: By flight: the Jaipur International Airport in Jaipur is the closest Airport which is nearly 132 km. From there you can hire a cab and reach Ajmer. By road: There are numerous buses running between Delhi and Jaipur and most of them halts at Ajmer By train: Ajmer Junction is a popular railway station and welcomes trains from the major cities Average Temperature: 24.7-degree Celsius

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86. Varkala

Varkala- Best Places To Visit In India

Varkala is the hidden treasure of Kerala which is known for the unique 15m high Northern Cliff that is associated with the Arabian Sea. The hippie culture here is world-known, the cliffs serve amazing seafood & play global music. The place is also known for Janardhana Swami Temple, also known as Dakshin Kashi.

Things to do : enjoy the beaches, visit the Janardhana Swami temple Best time to visit: October to February Nearest Airport: Thiruvananthapuram

How to reach: By flight: there is no direct flight connected to Varkala, so the nearest airport is Thiruvananthapuram around 40km away from the same. By road: constant bus services ply to and fro from the city of Varkala. They operate on a regular basis from Kochi, Alappuzha, Thiruvananthapuram, etc. By train: Varkala is connected to the rest of the country by railways, through its Varkala Sivagiri Railway Station. Average Temperature: 27-degree Celsius

Poovar- Best Places To Visit In India

A small rustic town located 27 km from Thiruvananthapuram with the least explored golden sand beaches and beautiful backwaters of Kerala. Also popular as a fishing village, Poovar Island is found between the Neyyar River and the Arabian Sea. When here hire a boat ( specifically during the sunset) and it will give you a backwater tour of the mangrove forest which is a must-visit activity. The serenity of Poovar make it one of the best places to visit in India in Deember.

Things To Do : see the Vizhinjam harbor, explore the Neyyar dam & Neyyar wildlife sanctuary. Best time to visit: November – February Nearest Airport: Trivandrum International Airport

How to reach: By airport: Nearest airport to Poovar is the Trivandrum International Airport, which is 38km away and has regular flights from the major cities in the country. Taxis & local state transport buses are easily available. By road: To reach Poovar by road you have to first reach Thiruvananthapuram by bus. From there you can only approach the town by water. Boats & houseboats are available from Trivandrum. By train: the closest railway station to Poovar is Parassala Railway Station which is located at a distance of 11 km. From the station, you can hire a boat to reach Poovar. Average Temperature: 26-degree Celsius

Suggested Read: 57 Best Places To Visit In Kerala

88. Kanyakumari

Kanyakumari- Best Places To Visit In India

The southernmost tip of the Indian Peninsula, environed by the three seas- Indian, Arabian, and the Bay of Bengal. Kanyakumari was earlier known as Cape Comorin. The place is a mountainous terrain amid three seas, with tall & bold coconut trees, hills & dotted with paddy fields. Apart from this, Kanyakumari is also the only place in the country where you can observe the sunrise and sunset at the same beach. It is among the best places to visit in India which makes the travelers spell bounded from its splendid beauty.

Things to do : Vivekananda rock memorial, visit Triveni Sangam, explore Vattakottara fort. Best time to visit: October to February Nearest Airport: Trivandrum International

How to reach: By flight: the closest airport to Kanyakumari is Trivandrum International Airport, which is located 67kms away from Kanyakumari. From here you can take buses or cabs to reach Kanyakumari. By road: Kanyakumari is well associated with the major South Indian cities by road. If you are commuting from any of the South Indian places you can opt for self-drive. By train: Kanyakumari has its own railway station which is well associated with most of the Indian cities. Average Temperature: 31-degree Celsius

89. Khajuraho

Khajuraho- Best Places To Visit In India

A UNESCO World Heritage Site situated in Madhya Pradesh. The site is popular across the world for its marvelous temples adorned with sensuous and attractive carvings. The architecture of this place aims to depict the erotic forms of love, the illustrations on the wall portray passion in the most aesthetic and appealing ways. Built during 950 to 1050 AD the carvings show a paradox with the conventional Indian ideals that leave the visitors spellbound. The archaeological marvels of Khajurao make it one of the best places to visit in North India.

Things to do  : tour the temples, visit the nature & Panna national park Best time to visit : October to February Nearest Airport: Khajuraho Airport

How to reach: By flight: The nearest airport is the Khajuraho Airport that connects Khajuraho to the rest of the country’s major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bhopal, etc. By road: daily bus services ply to and from here. Majorly from Delhi, Bhopal, Indore the buses are easily available. Average Temperature: 25.8-degree Celsius

Suggested Read: 8 Places To Visit Near Khajuraho

90. Pushkar

Pushkar- Best Places To Visit In India

Pushkar, a lively town bordering the Thar Desert is a prominent religious site and being a proud home to the world-famous Pushkar Mela , welcomes tourists from across the world during the festival. This is one of the best places to visit in India. The town is nestled along the Pushkar Lake which comprises 52 ghats (stone staircase) where pilgrims perform rituals and take holy dips. There are over hundreds of temples at Pushkar, however, Jagatpita Brahma Mandir is the most popular amongst them. The temple was constructed in the 14th century and exhibits exclusive architecture.

Things to do : Visit temples, attend festivals, spend time at Pushkar Lake Best time to visit : September to April Nearest Airport: Sanganer Airport

How to reach: By flights: Sanganer Airport in Jaipur is nearly 140 km from Pushkar and you can board a bus or hire a taxi to reach By road: You can hire a taxi or board a state transport bus from any nearby city By train: Pushkar railway station is well-connected and has connectivity with major cities of Rajasthan Average Temperature: 24.8-degree Celsius

91. Wayanad

Wayanad- Best Places To Visit In India

Known as Nature’s Abode, Wayanad houses archaic historical caves, welcoming resorts, magical waterfalls & amazing homestays. The place is also famous for its spice plantations and wildlife. When here tour the spice plantations and trek at the prehistoric caves. This is one of the best places to visit in India.

Things to do : Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, Kuruva Island, Edakkal caves Best time to visit : throughout the year

How to reach: By flight: the nearest airport to Wayanad is Calicut International Airport which is 93 km away from Wayanad. From here, you can either hire a cab or take a bus to Wayanad. By road: Wayanad is well associated with the nearby South Indian cities such as Bangalore, Coimbatore, Kozhikode. You can catch a public bus or hire your own cab to Wayanad. By train: the nearest railway station to Wayanad is Nilambur railway station in Kerala. It is situated at a ditay of 90 km from Wayanad. From here you can take a bus or hire a cab to Wayanad. Average Temperature: 25.6-degree Celsius

Suggested Read: 7 Surreal Hill Stations Near Wayanad

92. Gulmarg

Gulmarg- Best Places To Visit In India

If you are fond of winters & love to play with snow then Gulmarg should definitely be on your list of must visit places in India  before you turn 31. Situated at an altitude of 2730 m above sea level, the place is a famous skiing destination in Pir Panjal Range of Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir. Dotted by snow-covered lofty Himalayas, lush green valleys, bloomed flowers, and deep ravined, Gulmarg possesses the world’s second-highest Gondola ride.

Things to do : Go skiing, play with the snow, go snowboarding Best time to visit : March to June Nearest Airport: Srinagar International Airport

How to reach: By flight: the closest airport to Gulmarg is Srinagar Airport which is well-connected to all the major airports of the country. By road: direct buses are available from Delhi to Gulmarg. Both government and private deluxe buses run on the common route. By train: the closest railway station to Gulmarg is 290 km away from Gulmarg. You can catch a bus from Jammy or hire a taxi directly to Gulmarg. Average Temperature: 7.6-degree Celsius

Shirdi- Best Places To Visit In India

Called the Land of Sai Baba, Shirdi is a religious site close to Nasik with multiple temples & few historical places. Situated in Ahmednagar district the place holds strong significance as holy and pilgrim place for the devotees of Sai Baba. This small town is brimming with religious spots & things which will soothe the tourist in India . The aura is fresh and carries chants lingering with spirituality.

Things to do : Explore the temples, Sai Teerth Theme Park, Sai Heritage Village Best time to visit : June to February Nearest Airport: Aurangabad Airport

How to reach: By flights: the Aurangabad airport is the nearest to Shirdi. Post arriving at the airport you can take a bus to Shirdi. By road: interstate and intrastate regularly operate here. Bus journeys are easier & convenient. By train: the nearest railway station to Shirdi is Sainagar Shirdi Railway Station which is well connected to most major cities in the country. Average Temperature: 25.7-degree Celsius

Suggested Read: Beaches Near Shirdi

94. Madurai

Madurai- Best Places To Visit In India

The cultural capital of Tamil Nadu, this is the oldest continuously-inhabited most beautiful city of India . Built-in the shape of a lotus, thus known as ‘The Lotus City’. Visit the place and explore the Meenakshi Amman temple with your family here, and seek some positivity. This ancient city is among the best places to go in India.

Things to do : Meenakshi temple, Saint Mary’s Cathedral, Abodes of Lord Murugan Best time to visit: October to March Nearest Airport: Madurai Airport

How to reach: By flight: flights are very convenient as the airport is just 10 I’m from the main city. By road: there are bus services from most of the major cities in South India. Bus journeys are also a feasible & convenient option to reach Madurai. By train: there are many train services that run across the year. But, advance booking is recommended Average Temperature: 28.8-degree Celsius

95. Bodh Gaya

Bodh Gaya- Best Places To Visit In India

Now the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Bodh Gaya is famous for the Mahabodhi Temple . It was here under the Bodhi tree that Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment. Thus the place is also known as the Land of Nirvana. Undoubtedly, this is among the best places to visit in India.

Things To Do: Bodhi tree temple, Great Buddha Statue, Dungeswari Hills Best time to visit: October to March Nearest Airport: Bodh Gaya

How to reach: By flight: The closest airport is 17 km from Gaya, but it is suggested to travel via Patna Airport which is 135 km away. You can hire a taxi from the destination and drive to Bodh Gaya. By road: you can take a cab from Patna to Bodh Gaya however the roads are narrow & it’s quite dangerous. It takes about 3 hours to travel from Patna to Gaya. By train: the Gaya Railway Station is located at a distance of 16km from Bodh Gaya. One can take a cab from the railway station. Average Temperature: 26.5-degree Celsius

Suggested Read: Visit These 5 Temples In Bihar

Ranchi- Best Places To Visit In India

For all those who love waterfalls, the city is surrounded with dense forests, beautiful river Subarnekha and houses the most beautiful waterfalls. There are hardly any sightseeing spots in Ranchi, but because of better flight connectivity the natural surroundings of Ranchi have become quite famous among the holidaymakers.

Things To Do: Johna Falls, Picnic at Tagore hills, tour the Birsa Zoological Park Best time to visit: November to February Nearest Airport: Birsa Munda Airport

How to reach: By flight: The closest airport is Birsa Munda Airport, it connects Patna, Mumbai, New Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata via regular flights. By road: located between NH23 and NH32, Ranchi is directly connected to nearby cities like Kolkata, Patna via buses. By train: the Ranchi Junction connects Ranchi to various cities in the country via railways. Average Temperature: 23.7-degree Celsius

97. Bokaro Steel City

must visit places before 30

Explore the city of beautiful parks, lush greenery and beautiful makes with your best people. The place is perfect for all those looking to relax & enjoy a peaceful time with their loved ones. Apart from being the nucleus of India’s Industrial revolution back in 1960s and 70s Bokaro has gained recognition for itself as one of the most well-planned cities in the country and counted in the best places to visit in India.

Things To Do: See the Garga Dam, Jagannath Temple, City park Best time to visit: September to February Nearest Airport: Birsa Munda Airport How to reach: By flight: the nearest airport to Bokaro is 120 kms away, at Ranchi. One can easily hire a cab from the airport and reach Bokaro. By road: situated right at the meeting point of NH32 and NH23, it connects it to cities like Ranchi and Jamshedpur. By train: Rajdhani Express connected it to New Delhi while Ranchi and Kolkata are connected by Shatabdi. The train journey is easier & hassle free. Average Temperature: 26.2-degree Celsius

Suggested Read: 5 Exotic Villas In Madurai

98. Deoghar

Deoghar- Best Places To Visit In India

Many tourists visit this place to perform the holy ritual of Rudrabhishek (the holy bath) in the holy month. While exploring the places to visit in India before you turn 30 you can visit this place if you wish to seek some spiritual vibes & positivity. This is one of the best places to visit in India in low budget.

Things To Do: Nandan Pahar, Baba Baidyanath temple Best time to visit: October until March Nearest Airport: Bodh Gaya – 175 kms from Deoghar

How to reach: By flight: there is no direct connectivity via flight to Deoghar. By road: regular buses ply to and fro this city. They operate on a daily basis, through a well-connected roadways network. By train: the place is well connected to the other parts of India via railways. Regular trains operate for passengers. Average Temperature: 25.4-degree Celsius

99. Bankura

Bankura- Best Places To Visit In India

With much historical significance, Bankura is a town known for its hills and quaint temples. The place is great for adventure enthusiasts especially those who love hiking and trekking. Apart from that, Bankura holds a significant history and is a temple city. The terracotta temples attract most of the tourists from all over the world.

Things To Do: Joypur Jungle, Susunia Hill, Siddhesvara Temple Best time to visit: October to March

How to reach: By flight: the nearest Airport to Bankura is in Kolkata. From there, you can take a bus to Bankura. By road: regular buses are available from nearby cities and towns. By train: Bankura has its own railway station which is connected to the city of Bhubaneswar. From there you can take a bus or can to Bankura. Average Temperature: 26-degree Celsius

Suggested Read: 9 Ideal Places To Visit In West Bengal In June

100. Nalanda

Nalanda- Best Places To Visit In India

Wrapped in the spiritual aura, Nalanda is a significant Buddhist seat of academic excellence. It is also a well established pilgrim centre. Other than that, the place continues to be an equally soothing destination. It offers a beautiful fusion of spirituality, history, beauty, culture & tourism. This is one of the best places to visit in India for history lovers.

Things To Do: Jal Mandir, Stupa of Sariputra, Black Buddha Temple Best time to visit: October to March Nearest Airport: Patna Airport

How to reach: By flight: the closest airport is Lok Nayak Jayaprakash International Airport in Patna which is 75km away. From there you can take a cab and reach your destination. By road: Nalanda is well associated with the nearby cities like Bodhgaya, Patna etc and has a good road network. You can move easily to and from from these cities. By train: the nearest railway station is Nalanda Railway Station which is well-connected with the major cities of India. Average Temperature: 26.3-degree Celsius

101. Hazaribagh

Hazaribagh- Best Places To Visit In India

Situated in the Chhota Nagpur, Hazaribagh is a stunning place with dense forests and natural formations. The dense forests in Hazaribagh are the least explored and are in the purest form all loaded with greenery. Visit this stunning place & have a soothing holiday touring the beautiful lakes with your dearies. This is one of the best places to visit in India.

Things To Do: Hazaribagh National Park, Canary Hills, Hazaribagh Jheel Best time to visit: November to February Nearest Airport: Birsa Munda Airport

How to reach: By flight: the nearest domestic airport is Birsa Munda Airport which is 96.5 km away from Hazaribagh. By road: the roads are all connected to Ranchi, Patna, and other cities of Bengal. The nearest city is Ranchi which is at a distance of 96 km. By train: the nearest railway station is Kodarma which is 50 km away. You can board a bus or hire a cab here. Average Temperature: 23.7-degree Celsius

Further Read: 13 Best Places To Visit In India With Family

Travel to some of these places to visit in India before you turn 30 with friends, family, beloved or solo and explore the popular tourist attractions in India by booking a trip to India because the time is now! Do not linger, jet off to these splendid places and have the time of your life jaunting in these beautiful cities and towns.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Places To Visit In India

What are the top 5 tourist destinations in india.

Some of the top-rated tourist destinations in India are The Taj Mahal, Agra. The Holy City of Varanasi. Harmandir Sahib, The Golden City: Jaisalmer, The Red Fort, New Delhi, Mumbai: The Gateway of India, Mecca Masjid, Hyderabad, Amer Fort, Jaipur and many more.

Which is the most beautiful place in India?

There is no dearth of beautiful places to explore in India and it is difficult to choose one from many. But some of the most beautiful places that one must explore at least once in a lifetime are Khajjiar, Munnar, Coorg, Ziro, Valley of Flowers, Pithoragarh, Chail, and Leh among others.

Where should I travel for a 3-day vacation in India?

The above mentioned list of places to visit in India before you turn 30 should be considered for a 3 day vacation in India. But if the list is a little overwhelming then you can visit the following places: Delhi has remarkable hotels and all the hotels are following proper safety guidelines. Here is the list of the best hotels in Delhi where you can stay during the pandemic! 1. Jaipur 2. Udaipur 3. Ooty 4. Wayanad 5. Gangtok

Where do most foreigners visit in India?

Most of the foreigners are fond of visiting the quaint places that usually house the spectacular forts, temples & offer stunning views. These are found in Jaipur, Udaipur, Lonavala, and Kerala.

Which place is best for tourism?

Kerala is one of the best places for tourism. You can explore the place with your family and friends both & cherish some beautiful memories for life.

What is the most visited place in India?

The most visited place in India is the Jal Mahal in Jaipur as of the current data. This is so because this grand mahal is directly in contrast to the lively vibes of Jaipur city in Rajasthan. Offering serenity and peace at its best, this palace is located right in the middle of the charming Man Sagar Lake in Jaipur.

Where can I relax in India?

When exploring different places in India, you’ll come across a number of tourist locations where you can unwind yourself and relax. Some of them are mentioned in the list below: 1. Kasol, Himachal Pradesh 2. Rishikesh, Uttarakhand 3. Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 4. Gokarna, Karnataka 5. Hampi, Karnataka 6. Wayanad, Kerala

Which is the most peaceful place in India?

If anyone is looking for a peaceful retreat in India then one must consider these places – Auroville (Puducherry), Pangong Tso (Ladakh), Tosh (Himachal Pradesh), Lansdowne (Uttarakhand), Dzukou Valley (Nagaland), and Champawat (Uttarakhand).

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must visit places before 30

51 Places to Visit in India Before You Turn 30

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Quick Jumplinks to Navigate

Here is a fun bucket list of the best places to visit in India before you turn thirty. They are not just destinations but also crazy experiences that will go down the book of your memory lane. From treading on Living Root Bridges in Cherrapunji to a bike ride through Ladakh, trekking through the valley of flowers in Himalayas to surfing in Orissa, here are some insane experiences.

1. Chadar – The Frozen River Trek

must visit places before 30

How often does one boast about walking on a frozen river in a dreamlike destination? Stamped as one of the most thrilling experiences for an adventure aficionado, the Chadar trek route connects villages in the Zanskar valley deep in the mountains with Chilling and the frozen Zanskar River.

Bringing back the vigor of younger days, the once-in-a-lifetime experience will make you come across breathtaking sights. It also gives you the much-needed nudge to be physically fit before you even get there.

Book this Package Now! : Chadar Trek Frozen River Zanskar Trek

Flights:   Since Manali to Leh road remains closed in winter, you can get the flight to Leh as low as Rs.3000 if booked in advance.

Packages: Leh Ladakh Tour Packages

Bike Tours: Manali To Leh Bike Trip and  Leh Ladakh Bike Tours

Know more about the “Land of High Passes”!

Planning a Trek To Chadar Check out the Thrillophilia Reviews

2. Camping in The Arid Desert of Rajasthan

must visit places before 30

Twenties is the time to step out of your comfort zone and do something exciting like staying in a desert in Jaisalmer . Challenge yourself by camping among the endless stretches of sand. As you camp in the rustic tents, on the horizon is nothing but the unbridled view of sand and sky.

Night brings in its own allure as perched on the royal divan, you relish in Rajasthani cuisine under the twinkling starts and revel in the entertainment provided by the local people.

Things to do: Things to Do in Jaisalmer

Attractions: Places to visit in Jaisalmer Places to stay: Best Resorts of Jaisalmer

Tours: Desert Safari Packages in Jaisalmer

How to reach:  Jaisalmer is very well conected from Jaipur and you will find lots of flights to Jaipur for Rs.1000.

Planning a trip to Rajasthan Check out the Thrillophilia Reviews

3. Trek to Dudhsagar Falls

must visit places before 30

Instead of taking the normal route to Dudhsagar Falls, how about trekking up to it? This trail brings along some exciting adventures. Depending upon your fitness levels you can walk on the railway tracks (where you have to be weary of the trains passing by and make sure you are not hit by one), cross the Mondovi River or tread through bountiful jungles.

The entire journey is rewarded with the breath-taking sight of Dudhsagar Falls. As the name suggests you will get to witness the sea of milk gushing through the rocks. On days of no rain, you can also take a dip in the pool below, but at your own peril.

Recommended Tour:   Trip To Dudhsagar Waterfalls, Goa

How to reach: There are lot of  flights to the Dabolim Airport in Panjim under Rs.1,500. From Panjim, you can hire a taxi to Dudhsagar falls.

Planning a trip to Goa Check out Thrillophilia Reviews

4. Rafting and Camping in Rishikesh

must visit places before 30

With bursting of vitality and eagerness, twenties is the best time to indulge in adventure sports. Ride the mystical waters of Ganges with rafting in Rishikesh . It is the most famous place to play this sport. For, you get to raft upon fierce frothing water pouring through rocky terrains and green stretches. If you are looking for something thrilling, you can go for bungee jumping in Rishikesh . To experience the landscape of this mysterious place you can also go camping and undertake other adventure sports and visit some scenic places of Rishikesh

Things to do:  Best Things to do in Rishikesh

Best Places to stay:   Best Resorts in Rishikesh

Tours of Rishikesh:   Best tour packages in Rishikesh

Places to visit: Best Places to visit in Rishikesh

Planning a trip to Rishikesh Check out the Thrillophilia Reviews

5. Manali to Leh on Bike

must visit places before 30

Take on a riveting but equally challenging bike expedition from Manali to Leh . The journey is a paradise for true blue bikers. Offering one of the best routes to ride in the world, this magnetic highway stretches over 475 kms and is a must experience before your thirties.

As it is here you get away from the craziness of life and reflect within. Admire the beauty of nature as you get the serene views of snow-capped mountains, untamed roads, barren brown terrains, sparkling turquoise lake, cascading streams and breath-taking landscapes.

Tours: Manali to Leh – Bike, Bicycle, Jeep Expedition Packages

Checkout:   Manali-Leh-Manali Jeep Safari

Planning a trip to Ladakh Check out the Thrillophilia Reviews

6. Visit Coorg, Scotland of India

must visit places before 30

It is said that man truly comes of his own when among pristine nature. For this, head to Coorg, known as the Scotland of India. It is at this cool hill station that you get the unbridled sight of green stretches and experience serenity. Topping the experience is the intoxicating aroma of the coffee plantations permeating the air.

Things to do:  Amazing Things to Do in Coorg

Places to See: Sightseeing Attractions in Coorg

Places to Stay:  Best Resorts and Places to Stay in Coorg

Best Tours: Best tour Packages in Coorg

How to reach: Best way to reach Coorg is to take a flight to Bangalore which will cost you around Rs.2,000 and then take a taxi or public transport.

Must Read: A Trek To Everest Base Camp

7. Trek to Markha Valley

must visit places before 30

View unsurpassed sights of the Himalayas with the ambitious trek to the enchanting Markha Valley. Since the altitude here is quite high, it takes some days to acclimatise to the climate and you need to be your fittest. Popularly called the ‘tea house trek’, it is here you tread through one of the highest peopled plateaus and get great views of the Ladakh and Zanskar ranges. Along the way, get inspired by interacting with nomadic clans and experience serenity by touring a quaint monastery.

Most Recommended Tour:   Markha Valley Trekking Adventure

8. Go for a Scuba Diving Tour in Andaman

must visit places before 30

There is a reason why Scuba Diving has become so popular among youngsters in Andaman . As you plunge into eleven to fifteen feet deep into the turquoise beach, you are transported to a hidden water kingdom. Swim along the diverse vibrant fishes and witness the breath-taking sponges and coral life that you never knew existed.

Check out these amazing offers on hotels in Andaman and Nicoba r and let yourself relax in cozy and secure spaces.

Things to do: Best Things to do in Andaman

Best package:  Scuba Diving In Andaman

Places to visit: Places to visit in Andaman Nicobar Islands

How to reach : Best way to go Andaman is to take flight from Chennai which will cost you around Rs.4,000.

Best Honeymoon Package: Here are the perfect Andaman Honeymoon Packages

9. Roopkund Trek, Himalayas

must visit places before 30

Become one with nature and experience serenity with the Roopkund trek, Himalayas. This trail provides an all-encompassing experience and visions of snow, ice, gushing streams, untouched forests, delightful stretches of meadows and scenic camping places. Need we say more?

How to reach:  There are just domestic flight in Uttarakhand. So you can take a flight to Dehradun which will cost you Rs.1,000 if booked in advance. From there you can take a cab or a local bus.

10. Wildlife Adventure Trip at Corbett

must visit places before 30

For a crazy, daring wildlife experience head to Corbett , Uttarakhand. It is a home to many endangered tigers. You can drive through the thick jungles by a jeep safaris. For the gustier, exclusive elephant safaris are available too.

Places to Stay: Best Resorts in Corbett National Park

Tours: Best tours in Jim Corbett National Park

11. Trek to Kudremukh

must visit places before 30

Test your fitness levels by trekking to Kudremukh , Karnataka. The rewards of this hikes are many. Fitness apart, it is the sights that make you want to climb higher. With steep hills and valleys, depending upon where the sunlight falls, the landscape turns a different green. When you reach the top and are embraced by the fog spreading on the mountain peaks, you feel that you have reached heaven indeed.

12. Trek to Valley of Flowers

must visit places before 30

Still hung over with fairy tales of childhood? Take a trek to the Valley of Flowers . It located in Himalayas of the Uttaranchal and is just that, vast stretches of vibrant flowers such as Brahmakamal, Blue Poppy and the Cobra Lily spread across the valley. Such is the divine beauty of this place that it seems to have popped straight out of a fairy tale story. And yes, this hike requires you have a great deal of stamina too.

Tours: Trekking Guide to Valley of Flowers

How to reach:  Take a flight to Dehradun which will cost you Rs.1,000 if booked in advance. From there you can take a cab or a local bus.

13. Sandakphu Trek

must visit places before 30

Sandakphu Trek, the highest point of West Bengal. It is from here that you get the view and experience of the all-embracing nature. However, trek to the top is quite a tedious one and requires you to be in the pink of health.

Best Tour: Trekking Adventure to Sandakphu

14. Paragliding in Solang

must visit places before 30

Best age to experience crazy adventure, head to Solang for Paragliding . Experience the bursting thrill as you breeze by and get the panoramic sight of green mountains, valleys, expansive sky and snow-capped ranges. paragliding here is a must do activity in Kullu valley .

How to reach:  The nearest airport to Solang Valley is the town of Kullu , you will get lots of cheap flights to Kullu if booked in advance. As Solang is very well connected with the Kullu you can easily take a bus or a cab.

Explore more activities at kullu namely:

  • Camping in the Kullu region!
  • Heart throbbing river rafting in Kullu!

15. Srinagar to Leh Bus/Truck Ride

must visit places before 30

Twenties is the age where you have the enthusiasm and patience for bus or truck ride. To get a feel of the rustic enrapturing sights that Srinagar and Leh offer , it kind of would heighten your experience if you took a rustic wagon like a bus or a truck. Trust us, you will have a whole different impression of this place altogether.

16. Quad Bike Expedition in Goa

must visit places before 30

There is a lot more to Goa than basking by the lazy shores. Take a ride on the adventurous side with a like-minded group. Through the Quad Bike expedition, explore the rugged terrains, wilderness of the forests and other landscape delights that this place has to offer.

Things to do: Best Activities to do in Goa

Places to See: Best Places to Visit in Goa

Places to stay: Best Goa Resorts to chill out

Tours:  Best tours in Goa

17. Munnar, Periyar and Thekkady wildlife Trip

must visit places before 30

As you have the energy go on endless destinations, how about touring three fascinating wildlife places? Nestled in ‘God’s own country’ of Kerala are three breath-taking places of Munnar, Periyar and Thekkady. A wildlife trip to these best places to visit in India is a must, for it is here that you are overwhelmed with the remarkable sceneries and fauna of the land.

Tours: Best tours in Munnar

18. Boat Trip to Andaman

must visit places before 30

Andaman is a heaven for beach lovers with its silver sand and turquoise waters unlike any place else in India. For those who have the stomach for it (which is normally when you are younger), a boating trip to this place from Kolkata or Chennai is quite an experience in itself. For two or three days you will feel like a voyager on an expedition, riding the pristine waters.

Tours: Best tours in Andaman

19. Sikkim Sightseeing Trip

must visit places before 30

Find peace in the spectacular sights that nature and man can provide at a younger age. For Sikkim is a paradise of beauty . From intricate and aesthetic monasteries in Gangtok to the lush Chopta Valley, the mesmerizing Lachung to Himalayan Zoological Park, the delightful places to visit in Sikkim are innumerable.

Tours:  Sikkim Tour Packages at Thrillophilia.

How to reach:  You can take a flight to the Bagdogra Airport of West Bengal which will cost you around Rs.3,000. You can take a cab or a local bus from there to Sikkim

For  Best Places to visit in Gangtok, Click here

Explore the scenic beauty of North East India with the most awe-inspiring activities and  tourist attractions with Gangtok Tour Packages

20. Visit Cherrapunji, Tread on Living Root Bridges

must visit places before 30

What seems like a vision belonging to the movie ‘The Lord of the Rings’, the Living Root Bridges at Cherrapunji is simply surreal. And yes, this bridge is actually made out of live living roots branching out from gigantic trees.

As you cross over, you are overwhelmed with the sight of thick winding roots, beautiful gathering of rocks and clear water below, all amidst a mushroom of overarching and towering trees. Appreciate the marvels of nature before you turn thirty.

21. Drive Through Forest of Bandipur

must visit places before 30

Take a drive through wilderness, through the heart of the jungle of the dense Bandipur forest . Open only during specific hours of the day, this would be an unforgettable experience in your twenties. As, while go along narrow, winding roads, you might just spot elephants, monkeys and deer and if lucky, a wild cat on the way. Also, get spooked by the plenty snake holes around.

Places to stay: Best resorts in Bandipur

Safari:  Bandipur Wildlife Safari In Chamarajanagar

22. Experience Sunburn in Goa

must visit places before 30

Twenties is the time when you can let loose and party endlessly for days and nights. Go where the finest musicians and DJs converge to one of the hippest places in India. Experience the crazy Sunburn festival in Goa that is heralded as the biggest electronic dance music festival in Asia.

Under the open skies, and amidst scenic surroundings of Candolim Beach, grove endlessly to heart-thumping music along with thousands of youths across the globe.

How to reach: There are lot of flights to the Dabolim Airport in Panjim under Rs.1,500.

Checkout : Best Things to do in Goa

23. Witness an Airshow

must visit places before 30

Loved the insane air stunts in the movie Top Gun? Witness something very similar at the Aero Show that takes place in Yelahanka, near Bangalore that has close to twenty seven countries participating. Cheer among the huge crowds as the as the exclusive range and aircrafts take-off, plummet, summersault and do a whole lot of awesome areal tricks.

24. Experience Konkan Railways

must visit places before 30

What is so great about the Konkan Railways? It is the enrapturing sights that you get to see along the way. Through this journey you get to see the grand mountains of the Western Ghats, the several waterfalls that trickle through, limpid rivers and green stretches. Also, relive childhood and screech as you pass through the innumerable pitch black tunnels. Something that is better done before your thirties. age source.

25. Experience Rann of Kutch and Gir Forest

must visit places before 30

Do visit during the kite festival where the skies come alive with vibrant and oversized kites. The biking tours to this place are quite popular too. Once in Gujarat, do not miss the Gir Forest either which is the house to fierce lions and diverse flora and fauna.

How to reach: You can take a flight to Ahmedabad which will cost you around Rs.1,500. You can take a cab or a local bus from there.

26. Cycling in Nilgiris

must visit places before 30

Embark upon the rather adventurous cycling tour of Nilgiris, one of the longest and largest tour. Not an easy expedition, you have to be bursting with energy and need months to build your stamina for this.

Hence, it is best undertaken before your thirties. Push the boundaries of your fitness levels and cycle along fellow enthusiasts for around eight days in the month of December. The ride too is quite a pleasant one with pristine land of thick verdant stretches.

27. Visit a Haunted place

must visit places before 30

You really think that you cannot get spooked? Instead of watching a scary movie, how about living the horror by going to a haunted place ? Bhangarh Fort is known as one of the scariest places to visit in India. According to folklore, an entire town of people seemed to have been obliterated in a day.

Supernatural activities are said to occur at night and no one is allowed here post sunset. The closer you get here, you are overcome with a queasy feeling. It is also said that those who have ventured post sunset have never been found.

How to reach: Bhangarh is 85kms from Jaipur.   Take a flight to Jaipur which can be as low as Rs. 1,000. From Jaipur take a cab to the India’s most haunted place.

How to reach:  take a flight from delhi to jaipur

28. Backpack Across Northeast

must visit places before 30

Yes, we have all thought about backpacking across Europe sometime or the other, but how about exploring the exotic destinations that our own country provides?  Budget-friendly apart, backpacking is the best way to experience the mesmerising sights of the Seven Sisters States of the Northeast .

For once you step in here, you are in a place unlike any other with nature retained from acres of green fields to haunting caves, the largest river island to bridges made of roots, cascading waterfalls to a lot more. Just make sure that you pack along oodles of energy too, as this can get gruelling. Hence, before you turn 30 is the best time to do it on your next tour to Northeast India .

29. Eat at Chokhi Dhani and Take an Elephant Safari in Jaipur

must visit places before 30

Jaipur is a mystical land appeases youngsters as well. On one hand, you can sink your teeth deep into the delectable local cuisines at Chokhi Dhani. While you are there, you can also learn to appreciate and immerse yourself with the vibrant culture that abounds. Another must do is the elephant safari. Perched high on an elephant you feel like a king overlooking the majestic landscapes of Jaipur.

  Things to do:   Offbeat Things to Do in Jaipur

Places to visit:   Must Visit places in Jaipur

Places to Stay: Best Resorts in Jaipur

Places to see : Sightseeing attraction places 

How to reach: Jaipur is very well connected with all the metro cities and flight will cost you Rs.1000 if booked in advance.

30. Kolkata Trip

must visit places before 30

Called as the cultural capital of India, and often written about in novels, Kolkata is a place that is best experienced in your twenties as there are so many things to do here. Shop at the quaint and bustling narrow bazaars, tour the iconic Victoria Memorial Hall, pray at the Dakshineswar Kali Temple, stroll along the famous Park Street, relish in the local street food…the list is endless.

31. Dhuandhar Falls, Jabalpur

must visit places before 30

Get a celestial-like feel before your thirties. Flanked by greenery, are the spectacular sights of Dhuandhar Falls in Bhedaghat, Jabalpur. The mysticism of this place mainly lies in the cascading frothing white waterfalls that appear to emanate a mist of smoke, giving it an ethereal quality.

32. Vaishno Devi Temple

must visit places before 30

Experience a spiritual journey with Vaishno Devi Temple nestled in the Trikuta Mountains, Jammu and Kashmir. Perched on a height of 5300 feet, it is one of the most revered religious places to visit in India . The path to get here is a challenge and will test your fitness along the way. However, the sights offered on the path and when you reach there are simply remarkable.

How to reach: Take a flight to Srinagar which will cost you as low as Rs.1,700 and from there you can hire a taxi.

33. Wagah Border

must visit places before 30

Get a feel of patriotism and nationality at a younger age. Head to Wagah Border which is on the only crossing road border of Punjab and Pakistan. Celebrate along with thousands the extravagant ceremony that occurs here every day before the sun sets.

34. Holi at Vrindavan

must visit places before 30

Vrindavan, the land where Lord Krishna spent his childhood, is the place to be during Holi. For, it is here that the festival is celebrated with much gusto and revelry. Thousands around the world and country flock to this place to get embraced by the burst of colours.

The entire town is painted in myriad hues this day. Entrainment troupes perform Holi songs as well. As this place can get chaotic and crowded, it is best to experience this when you have the energy and enthusiasm.

35. Orissa Konark Temple & Surfing Lessons

must visit places before 30

Witness the magnificence of Indian architecture at the Orissa Konark Temple. This iconic and revered shrine makes a pretty picture with ancient and intricate stone carvings. While at Orissa learn to ride the wonder waves by taking surfing lessons. The earlier you learn this sport the better. It is something that will come handy during later years across the world too!

How to reach: There are a lot of flights to Bhubaneswar which will cost you around Rs,3,300.

36. Go to Gokarna and Do Nothing

must visit places before 30

Twenties is the time where you can get away by doing nothing. Head to Gokarna, a more toned down version of Goa. It is here that you get to reel in the hippy vibe sans the commercialisation and onslaught of people. Relax by the lazy beaches, absorb the scenery of rocky terrains and pristine waters and enjoy by doing just about nothing. A holiday well spent indeed!

Places to Stay: Resorts in Gokarna to Unwind

Flights:  The nearest airport to Gokarna is Dabolim Airport in Panjim and flight will cost you less than Rs.2000.

37. Jodhpur to Jaisalmer on Truck/Tractor trip

must visit places before 30

Jodhpur and Jaisalmer are the lands of opulent palaces, colourful culture and forts that retain the magnificence of the kings. They are also places that have retained the rusticity of nature. Leave the regular mode of transport for the elders. For an off-beat experience, explore on a truck or tractor trip.

What to do in Jodhpur: Things to do in Jodhpur

38. Experience Local Trains, Mumbai

must visit places before 30

The life line of the bustling Mumbai city are the local trains that are constantly brimming with people. If you think that you have it in you to nudge your way across a sea of people then, this is a must experience at least once in your twenties.

Sightseeing: What to see in Mumbai

39. Visit Temples and Boulders at Hampi

must visit places before 30

Experience a slice of history before your thirties by visiting the ancient temples in Hampi. Get marvelled by the architecture and intricate stone carvings that tell a thousand stories. Also, here are natural wonders such as the boulders. These gigantic stones seem to defy gravity and are spread across the land ornately.

40. Sunderbans Boat Ride

must visit places before 30

Experience the untamed nature of Sunderbans with a boat ride. Given the accolade of the largest mangrove ecosystem in the world, this place offers one of a kind views. Through the boat cruise you can witness the fisherman’s cove, a three hundred year old temple, crocodile’s den, deer rehabilitation centre and a lot more.

How to reach:  There are no direct flights to Sunderbans, so catch a flight to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport in Kolkata. From there you can take a cab or public transport.

41. Visit Varanasi to Experience Chaos 

must visit places before 30

Experience chaos in your twenties to appreciate the quiet in later years. Head to Varanasi, one of the oldest cities in the world. While the antique edifices and spiritual aura of the place lends a mystical charm, the sheer number of people thronging through the really narrow roads add to the chaos.

What to do: Must do Activities in Varanasi

42. Yak Safari in Ladakh

must visit places before 30

Okay, so you may have gotten used to the idea of a horse or elephant safari. For an offbeat experience how about something as unique as a yak safari in Ladakh? The largest animal of this icy desert, these woolly creatures offer a comfortable ride. Explore green meadows, gushing brooks and glacial valleys on this safari.

Planning a honeymoon trip to the Maldives, check out our Maldives Honeymoon Package

43. Bombay to Goa road Trips

must visit places before 30

We are not eluding to the cheesy movie renditions a gang of friends taking a Bombay to Goa road trip. But the truth of the matter is, this is a fun experience to have with your mob of friends who are so important at this age. The scenic views and bonding with your crazy friends along the drive will help you make that transition from the bustling Bombay to the laid back Goa.

44. Finish at Least 5 day Treks Around Your City

must visit places before 30

Twenties is the time to explore, discover and test your fitness level. Be it Bangalore, Mumbai or Delhi, they all offer alluring trekking trails . Avail of this and finish at least five day treks  around the city. By the end of it you would have explored more, discovered new best places to visit in India, raised your fitness levels and also lost some weight too!

45. Chandni Chowk Street Food Tour

must visit places before 30

Benefit from your voracious appetite and metabolism during your teens and twenties. Indulge your taste buds with the delectable street food of Chadani Chok. It offers spicy chaats, mouth-watering kachoris, sweet jalebis, addictive confectionaries and rich North Indian food. Spend the whole day sinking your teeth in the aromatic flavours of this place.

Other Places to Explore: Checkout list of other places to visit in Delhi

46. Dasara in Mysore

must visit places before 30

It would help if you understand the significance of festivals and learn to enjoy them at a younger age. The ideal place to celebrate the grandeur of Dasara is the majestic Mysore. For at this time, the city is beautifully lit up and the entire city partakes in the merry making. A must see is the elaborately adorned elephants on a royal walk.

How to reach: Best way to reach Mysore is to take a flight to Bangalore which will cost you around Rs.3,000 and then drive to Mysore.

What to See: Places to visit in Mysore

Where to Stay:   Best Places to Stay in Mysore

47. Skiing Coaching in Auli

must visit places before 30

Learning to ski in your younger days comes along with a lot of advantages. Auli is a sought after skiing destination in the snow crusted Himalayan Mountains of Uttaranchal. Providing an all-encompassing view of Mana Parwat, Beethartoli, Nilkanth, Hathi Parbat, Ghori Parbat and Nar Parbat and covered with conifers and oak forest, it is here that you get to ski on a blanket of inviting snow.

Recommended Package:   Auli Skiing Tour, Uttarakhand

What to See: Best Places to visit in Auli

48. Travel in a Toy Train

must visit places before 30

Revisit childhood by hopping on a narrow gauged toy train. Cheer away as these colourful boogies make their way through winding trails, colourful landscapes, verdant hillocks and emerald stretches. Darjeeling, Matheran, Ooty and Shimla are some of the place that you can experience this.

Planning to travel Maldives, checkout our Maldives Tour Package

49. Spiti Valley Trip

must visit places before 30

Another place that you have to go to appreciate the marvels of nature is the super scenic Spiti Valley, perched high on the ethereal Himalayan Mountains. Since the high altitude here the trip is not suitable for all. Get enamoured by the unique landscapes, quaint and vibrant monasteries along with unique wildlife of snow leopard, wolf, ibex and blue sheep.

Recommended Tour: Spiti Valley Adventure Activities and Tour packages

How to reach:  The nearest airport to Spiti is Kullu, you will get lots of cheap flights to Kullu if booked in  advance. From Kullu, you can hire a taxi for Spiti Valley.

Checkout:   Spiti Valley Multi Adventure Group Tour

50. Visit Golden Temple in Amritsar

must visit places before 30

Learn to appreciate brotherhood and religion before you hit thirty. A golden marvel shining brightly and casting its shimmering reflection upon the waters is the Golden Temple in Amritsar. A Gurdwara of Sikhs, it is here that people across all religions come and wait in endless lines to pay homage.

If you are planning a trip to Bhutan , Here are the  popular tourist places to visit in Bhutan .

Here are the  handpicked  Bhutan Tour Packages for you .

51. Rajasthan Trip on Bullet

must visit places before 30

Do something different and adventurous. Instead of the same old means, take a trip to Rajasthan on a bullet. Ride along the rugged deserts and the rustic roads of this place, absorbing the expansive landscape that abounds around you.

  What to do: Best tours in Rajasthan

What to see: Complete list of tourist destination in Rajasthan

Where to stay:   Best Resorts in Rajasthan

How to reach:  Take a flight to Jaipur which can be as low as Rs. 1,000. From Jaipur, you can begin your bike trip.

Here is our list of 51 things to do before you turn 30. How many of these have you experienced? Also, if you feel that there are more places to visit before turning thirty, do comment below.

You can also check out the most alluring places in Meghalaya in our best packages of Meghalaya on Thrillophilia.

Exciting Offer: Get Upto 50% Off on Maldives Resorts

Best Selling Domestic Tour Packages

Best selling north india tour packages, best selling himalayan treks.

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Things To Do Around The World

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My motivation to travel the world is to find the meaning of life. The best part of my search is I come across some of the most beautiful people from many amazing places from all over the world. You can find me on Google+ .


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Ujjwal John

For a moment of thrill : 45 : Paragliding, but not Tande like a tourist, but do a S1/S2 solo Paragliding course.

For wholesome experience, take a month’s vacation and do #47 and #9 together. Start from Delhi/Shimla/ on bike and do the Shimla-Sangla-Spiti Lahul Valley (including Chandra Taal), cross Gramphoo below Rohtang pass and ride till Leh, covering the Pangong/Tsokar/Tso Moriri lakes and Nubra Valley. finish the Ride riding from Leh to Srinagar/Jammu crossing Kargil/Drass and Zojila pass overlooking Amarnath route.

#30 Roopkund / Kashmir Great Lake trek or Bike ride through North-East and Bhutan is next on my list. Infact Indian adventure destination cannot be covered in a list of 50 or even 100 such places. There are many other on my llist

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That’s a great start. Where are you planning to go next?

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Only 10 down! 40 to go! miles to go before I sleep…. The most comprehensive & interesting India travel list.

That’s a good start. 48 in 8 years is quite possible:) Where are planning to next?

Thanks for the suggestion. We will include in our next list. Where are planning to go next.

Thanks for the suggestions. We will include them in our next list.

Thanks a ton:) We will keep coming up with these kinds of lists.

These are good suggestions. We will include them in our next list.

Thanks. Which all places you have been to and where are you going next?

27! That’s awesome. 23 in 2 years is quite possible and as we say at Thrillophilia you are not 30 until you finished these 50.

Bodh Gaya and Nalanda are beautiful places. Thanks for the suggestions. We will include them in our next list.

That’s awesome. Why only 35?

Good suggestions. We will include them in our next list.

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Madhya Pradesh? Other than Jabalpur, of course. What about Pench, Panna for the tiger reserves, Sanchi for the stupas and chambal ghats of the Sholay fame!

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I’ve done 9. Plans are there for 10 – 12 more within next two year.i wanna do totally 35 out of this and I’ve 6 more years to 30. Other than this I’ve a plan for a bike ride to north east. May i i can combine it with backpacking. Also wanna do a road trip through Gujarat. And also a railway based wandering through central India ( read Bihar mp up jharkand )

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I do appreciate your list but i believe leaving a beautiful place like Bodh Gaya and Nalanda ,one of the most important Buddhist seat in the world is absolutely disheartning .

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Anshul Tewari

Damn! Gotta do this fast. Just a few years to go :-/ But the places are beautiful!

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I think this list can have the following places included: 1. Gandhi Ashram in Ahmedabad (A place full of spirituality where Mahatma Gandhiji had spent many years of his lifw) 2. Gir Forest in Junagadh (Home of Asiatic Lion) 3. Sundar Van in Bengal (Home of Bengal Tiger)

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udit maheshwari

done 22…but feel u hv missed Tamilnadu…ooty kanya kumari…..also TAJMAHAL is not that bad…..

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Akhil Nambiar

Anyone willing to complete these…? If so can I accompany you…?

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Pramod Kumar

Nice list of places to visit, I also agree these places to be visited before 30 to enjoy and have fun alongwith the friends. Had visited some of these (Goa, Konkan Railway, Kolkata, Chandni Chowk), enjoyed Goa a lot.

Would like to add Mahabaleshwar also, one of the must see place in Maharashtra, India.

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Shruti Sharma

Oh lord! Only ChandniChowk and ChowkiDhani covered so far! and I am already 22 :O Miles to go before I sleep 😛 One day I’ll cover all of this 🙂

Thanks for the suggestion. We will include it in our next list.

Thanks for the suggestion. We will include in our next list.

Thanks for the suggestion we will include them in our next list. How many out of these have you covered?

19 is awesome! Where are you planning to go next?

Maybe you choose the wrong night;) Where are you planning to go next.

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You can’t miss a trip to Malana via Kasaul…the 2 hour long Trek to one of the remotest, strangest place, to experience a culture and life so different.

18? that’s awesome! Out of these which one was most exciting? What’s next on your list?

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shaharyar zaidi

how can you miss bungee jumping in hrishikesh and skydiving in mysore?

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Kailash Pareek

Hi, All is well but the one thing that people who went after sunset in Bhangarh was never found, Thats a rumour.. I have been there and stayed in night. Its scary like hell but I dint observe any paranormal activities.

We are glad that you like it.

We are glad that you like it. 20 down that sounds great.

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19 checks. I like the places.

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How could you not include – ‘Getting lost in the lanes of Benaras’??

We are glad that you like it and as we say at Thrillophilia you are not 30 till you finished these 50.

That’s awesome.

18 down, that is awesome.

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HI, really nice collection… i think you missed Kolleru river….Badrachalam to Rajamundry ship tour

Like we say at Thrillophilia you are not 30 till you finished these 50.

Off roading at Sakeleshpur hills sounds exciting. We will include it in our next list.

Thanks for the suggestion. We will include Chadar trek in our next list.

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16 down.. but you’ll have to improvise a lot of these. Specially instead of Konkan railways and the ride from Bombay to Goa it should be, ride on the entire west coast, covering all the sexy places on the way.

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here’s my Bombay contribution to #41 – http://bombaychuddies.blogspot.in/2010/12/pu-guide.html#links

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4 Down…. 46 remaining…. Less time and lots of places to visit.

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sameer phal

This is an awesome! post

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Chader Trek- Trekking on the frozen Zanskar river in Ladakh in the months of January- February when temperatures go down to -30

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anil kothari

anybody ever heard of off roading at sakeleshpur hills….once in a life time…

I Think the age limit is just another number. Most people who have commented have done 10-15 of the experiences (me included). It totally depends on how much KEEDA you have to finish the balance, even if that means doing it till you are 40 or 50. Travel is life, best experienced on a motorcycle.

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nice list ..:) 18 down…32 more to go !!

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12 Done.. suprising how many of us are at the same number 🙂 I turn 30 in 3 months time.. Will look to do 2-3 of these every year so I’m done with at least 30 by the time I turn 35 🙂

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Nithin Haridas

For 1) : I would so like to live in a dessert. Chocolate ice cream would be the best.

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Regarding the Golden Temple, Amritsar, anybody is free to go, have free meals, relax, meditate and do soul-searching without any ticket or entry or any sort of hidden charges, unlike many other places. I am sorry to say, but there is no “wait in endless lines ” @ Golden Temple, if you know what I mean. But of-course at common times, the devotees are expected to be more than other times, as visitors’ cabs or buses would reach at certain relaxed hours of morning or evening. There is only a fast entry in case someone is really old or cannot walk due to some disability, not MONEY queues. The queue is well managed, (no different queue even if someone insists to pay money) and there are fans and coolers every 10 feet, plus the surrounding Sarovar (Pond) brings in the cool winds. Its just surreal.

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Hey guys to my surprise I have covered 24 out of this list….

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Abhinay Madasu

Mussoorie to dhanaulti 30km road trip in the clouds.. must experience.

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Shrinidhi Hande

Good list. I’ve done only 6 out of these 50 and am turning 30 in 2 weeks…

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Visit Hyderabad during the holy month of ramadan. Haleem and biryani is must.

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20 down 30 more to go! The clock’s ticking! This is a pretty fantastic and comprehensive list!

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Hitesh Mulani

A lot of places from South are missing. Meenakshi Temple, Madurai. Rameshwaram, Kochi, Big temple of Tanjavur etc. Also, Mcleod Ganj, Dharamshala, though I would prefer Dharamkot. A few places from Bihar like Bodh Gaya.

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Life would be so much fun if we set ourselves such beautiful targets.

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Adhiraj Bandyopadhyay

Though you have mentioned Kolkata in your list, but I would like to add that one will see a different city if visited during Durga Puja days which are full of exuberance.

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Vishnu Krishnan

16/50 done! 7 more years in stock!!

Thanks for the suggestions. We’ll include them in our next list:)

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list can not be completed without places like Nathula Border,Gangtok and Tawang… so many other places are missing

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Surya Bhattacharya

6.5 down, too many to go. Time to hurry up!! 😛

Comments are closed.

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