Château des Granges



        Serti par ses douves et par les saules sous lesquels courent les eaux du Nohain, le Château des Granges offre l'image de ce que pouvait être dans ce cadre agreste, la douceur de vivre à l'époque de la Renaissance. Château du XVI et XVIIème siècle classé à l'inventaire des monuments historiques.

Le château des Granges est l’un des trois châteaux, avec ceux de la Motte-Josserand et de Vergers, qui, sur la rive droite du Nohain, constituaient une ligne de défense. 

Tous trois furent bâtis dans le marais à partir d’une motte encercle par les eaux.

Des documents d’archives nous apprennent qu’en 1333 le fief des Granges appartenait à Bureau de La Rivière II, l’un des marmousets de Charles V, puis Charles VI ont préféré aux barons de haut lignage. Il fut Chambellan et premier Conseiller des deux Rois. 

En 1400, il fut inhumé au pied de Charles V en la basilique de Saint-Denis comme l’avait voulu son royal ami. Son fils Charles, dont le parrain avait été Charles V, fut en 1428 institué Grand Maitre et Réformateur des Eaux et Forêts de France. 

Le château féodal a probablement été construit par l’un des membres de cette famille. 

Le château actuel édifié à l’emplacement même de celle-ci date de la Renaissance.

Dans la seconde moitié du XVème siècle, le fief se trouve aux mains de Jean Thiart puis passe à Jean de Laporte, Lieutenant criminel a la prévôté de Paris.

En 1523, le fief des Granges était passe à la famille du Broc, originaire des Pays-Bas ; au début XVIème siècle, Edmond du Broc, magistrat au baillage d’Auxerre, est à la fois seigneur du Nozet et des Granges.

François, l’aine des fils de ce dernier, hérita du Nozet tandis que Guillaume, Lieutenant général criminel au baillage d’Auxerre (Conseiller du Roi), reçut les Granges. 

Les du Broc entreprirent la reconstruction du château ; celle-ci fut interrompue, semble-t-il, par la guerre de Religions.

En 1591, les héritiers de Guillaume du Broc vendirent Les Granges à Jacques de Forgues, contre une rente foncière ‘plus profitable qu’une terre en ces temps de troubles.’  

En effet, toute la région avait beaucoup souffert des guerres pendant lesquelles Henri IV était aux prises avec la Ligue.

Après l’Édit de Nantes (1598), la paix revenue, Jacques de Forgues, alors Secrétaire de la Chambre du Roi, poursuivit les travaux.

La date de 1605, inscrite a plusieurs endroits du château, indique la fin du chantier.

Quelques années après, Claude de Forgues, fille de Jacques, fit entrer Les Granges dans une puissante famille nivernaise en épousant Louis de La Chassaigne, baron de Givry, seigneur de Rosemont et d’Uxeloup, Procureur général du duc du Nivernais.

Les Granges appartinrent aux La Chassaigne une grande partie du XVIIème siècle et au début du XVIIIème siècle.

En 1719, la veuve de Louis-Balthazar de La Chassaigne, Jeanne de Lespinasse, vendait la propriété à Joseph Grassin et à Marie-Agathe Angenoust, son épouse. 

Les Granges passèrent ensuite à Charles de Percy, ancien capitaine de cavalerie. 

Au moment de la Révolution, en 1792, château et terres furent acquis par Guillaume Jacques Francois Guillerault de Villeroc, originaire de Pouilly-sur-Loire, notaire en cette ville, l’un des administrateurs du département de la Nièvre.

Dans la première moitié du XIXeme siècle, Joseph Amédée Guitard de Riberolle, l’un des mousquetaires de la Garde du Roi Louis XVIII, hérita, par alliance des Granges. 

Son fils Francois Léon, marie à Marie Delamalle, fut maire de Suilly La Tour de 1871 à 1881 ; il décéda au château des Granges en 1897. 

Louise, leur fille (née en 1855, décédée en 1929, devenue par son mariage comtesse de Dormy), n’ayant par héritier, légua le château a son cousin Charles de Lesseps, fils de Ferdinand, le constructeur du Canal de Suez. 

Pierre de Lesseps (1908-1981) en hérita, mais victime d’un grave accident et sans descendant, s’en dessaisit par vente en 1978 au profit d’une société immobilière. 

Trois ans plus tard, en 1981, M. et Mme Christian Meissirel s’en portaient acquéreurs. 

Les nouveaux propriétaires entreprirent alors d’importants travaux de restauration, tant au château que dans les communs, redonnant ainsi à l’ensemble architectural et à son environnement toute sa beauté.  

Wedding Table Setting

Plus d'informations

Bon à savoir


Itinéraire :

- La gare la plus proche   (de Paris-Gare de Bercy) est   Cosne-sur-Loire.

- Autoroute A6>A77 : sortie 24 pour   Sancerre et   Suilly-la-Tour, suivre les panneaux Suilly-la-Tour pour   12   kilomètres et   à l'entrée du village vous verrez un panneau sur la gauche pour   ' Château des Granges.'

Aéroport le plus proche : Orly (à 2h de Suilly-la-Tour)

Entreprises de restauration   :  

-   John Verdie r   - Bué -    09 67 19 39 62

-   Elan Traiteur   - Sancerre -    02 48 54 35 80  

-   Hostellerie De La Poste   - Clamecy -  (Maximum 100 personnes) - 03 86 27 01 55

Photographe :  

- Nicole Gevrey - 06 70 37 54 52 - Sancerre

- Amanda Moritz ( langue = anglais)   - +46 76 347 20 02 - International  

-   Studio le photographe - 09 53 89 63 28 - Cosne-sur-Loire


- Coiffure Angelique - Suilly-la-Tour

-   Sonorisation HD   (Xavier Hussenot)

- 06 07 49 14 29 -

Organisateur de mariage :

-   Colloque   ( Lydie & Antoine   Meyronnet)

Décoration :  ​

- Charles Design - Sancerre

Fleuriste :  

- Léa Fleurs - Pouilly-sur-Loire

- Things to Bloom  - Cosne-sur-Loire 

- Creatis - Cosne-sur-Loire

Gâteaux :  

-   Maison Eric ROY   - Auxerre  

-   Boulangerie Seutin   - Narcy

-   Boulangerie Bourgeois   - Cosne-sur-Loire  

Feux d'artifice sur mesure:

- Ody ​​sseo Artifice - 06 25 19 61 93 

Hébergement :  

Le Château des Granges étant proche de la Loire, de nombreux hôtels, chambres d'hôtes et gîtes ruraux sont à proximité.

Les villes de   Donzy,   Pouilly-sur-Loire,   Charité-sur-Loire,   Sancerre,   Cosne-sur-Loire   sont tous environ à 15 minutes   du château.

Concernant les hôtels,   vous pouvez contacter le guide Michelin   et les offices de tourisme des cinq villes mentionnées ci-dessus.

Pour les chambres d'hôtes   en France, vous pouvez aller sur le site :

Nous recommandons en particulier :  

- Pour de belle chambres en bord de Loire, nous vous proposons   Le Prieuré Saint-Agnan   ( )   à Cosne-sur-Loire, à 13 minutes de Suilly-la-Tour.

- Pour des chambres spacieuses et confortables   A 12 minutes du Château des Granges nous vous conseillons   La Chancelière   ( )   à Saint-Satur   sur les bords de la Loire.

- Pour des chambres modernes et spacieuses au cœur de la ville de Sancerre, le boutique hôtel   Le Panoramique   vous séduira par sa vue exceptionnelle sur les vignobles de Sancerre et son bar à vin et sa piscine chauffée.

- Pour une charmante maison de village,   Les Hirondelles   (   avec   piscine chauffée et   le jardin est   idéal pour un couple.   Situé à Narcy, à 11 minutes du Château des Granges.

- Quelques maisons de campagne charmantes:

Quelques chambres d'hôtes ou gites à Suilly-la-tour :  

- La begererie (4 personnes)  

- Le jardin de Patricia (5 personnes)   - La maison de Marie-Lou (8 personnes)  

Restauration :

-   Le Ship , un    bistrot décontracté   surplombant   La Loire   (Saint-Satur).

-   La Tour   est un délice culinaire et   Restaurant étoilé Michelin à   le centre de Sancerre avec un menu déjeuner très raisonnable (Sancerre).

-   L'Ardoise du Marché    est un   merveilleux restaurant contemporain   étoilé Michelin (Boulleret).

-   La Gaieté   Léerenne   est un autre favori   (Léré).

-   Sacripanti   est une   pizzeria  délicieuse  avec une   terrasse dans une rue calme juste à côté de la place principale   (Sancerre).

-   Café Vélo   pour ceux qui cherchent à explorer la Loire à vélo.  Q uiche, sandwich au porc,  c afé et gâteau à volonté ! Dirigé par un ancien journaliste du Daily Telegraph.

-   L e Chat   (Cosne-sur-Loire). - Bistrot d'Anatole   (Cosne-sur-Loire).

- Crêperie Bonus (Donzy)

- l'Auberge de l'Accotin & Le Bar des Carrières (Suilly-la-Tour)

- L e Bord de Loire (Saint-Satur)

- L'Auberge de Saint-Thibault  (Saint-Satur)

- Le Laurier    (Saint-Satur)

- L 'Auberge de l' écurie (Sancerre)

Activités :  

- Kayak   (Loire Nature et Découverte).

- Châteaux & Jardins   ( Château de Bazoche, Château d'Apremont, Château Corbelin).

- Château   Saint-Fargeau  -  spectacle de nuit.

- Château de Gu é delon 

- Vignobles :   Château de Favray, Château de Tracy, Cave Nerot, Château de la Doucette.

- Rafting :   Morvan.

- Golf : Sancerre

- Calèche : Les Traits du Val-du-Loire (Boulleret)

- Montgolfière   au-dessus   Sancerre (Domaine Raimbault-Pineau).

Musée de la Chasse et de la Faïence   (Gien).

suilly la tour chateau

Liste de prix

La Location des salles Renaissance et des Blasons

La location comprend les deux salles nommées : Salle Renaissance et Salle des Blasons, ainsi que l'utilisation de l'espace devant le manoir pour votre cocktail et votre réception. Cependant, pour des raisons de sécurité, les deux salles pour un diner assis ne peuvent être utilisées simultanément. 

En revanche, elles peuvent être utilisées séparément : l'une pour un diner assis et l'autre pour un cocktail ou une soirée dansante. 

Vous pouvez organiser, dans la cour d'honneur devant le château, la réception qui précède votre dîner.

Si vous désirez faire un événement de plus de 140 personnes assises, nous vous proposons une tente face au chateau éclairé avec une structure de 20 m sur 10 m (200m2) avec plancher, toit blanc, éclairage et fenêtres cristal.

Dans le forfait sera compris le montage, le démontage, le transport,  les blocs d'ambiance et les issues de secours.

Le prix sera selon la structure entre 3000 et 4700 euros. 

Aménagement possible, contactez, s'il vous plait, la maison Choubard : 03  86 74 60 39 et mail : [email protected]

La location démarre du jeudi pour préparer votre événement jusqu'au dimanche 17h pour profiter d'un éventuel déjeuner.

Tables rectangulaires ou rondes, chaises et fauteuils sont à votre disposition gratuitement.

Nous avons également organisé le transport pour que vos invités puissent rentrer à leur hôtel, le soir de votre mariage, pour un forfait de 10 euros.

Ensuite, nous n'imposons pas de traiteur. (En revanche, nous pouvons vous conseiller sur les différents traiteurs, gîtes, hôtels de la Nièvre et du Cher.) ​

Nous pouvons mette à votre disposition deux espaces de vie pour vous aider à organiser une meilleur organisation de votre mariage.

Prix : 2800 euros pour les deux salles pour les 4 jours.

Si vous souhaitez plus d'informations, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.  

Thierry 03 86 26 39 23 :  et [email protected]


Merci d'avoir soumis !

Suilly-la-Tour tourism and travel guide

Photo of Suilly-la-Tour in Nievre

Photo is of Sancerre at 17 km from Suilly-la-Tour

Visit Suilly-la-Tour: highlights and tourist information

Suilly-la-Tour is situated in the Nievre department and Burgundy-Franche-Comté region.

Below you can see some of the places that we have visited and reviewed and can recommend when you are sightseeing close to Suilly-la-Tour in Burgundy-Franche-Comté.

Popular places to visit nearby include Sancerre at 17 km and La Charite-sur-Loire at 18 km.

Suilly-la-Tour, France: places to visit and attractions

Note that all distances below are 'direct' and real driving distances will be greater!


La Charite-sur-Loire






... or see ALL recommended places to visit in Nievre

Arrange a visit to Suilly-la-Tour

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Hotels in Suilly-la-Tour best prices

See Suilly-la-Tour hotels

suilly la tour chateau

Reserve excursions

Map of places to visit near suilly-la-tour, markets in and near suilly-la-tour.

  • Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire: market Wednesday & Sunday & Friday (14km)
  • Saint-Satur: market Thursday (16km)
  • Beaulieu-sur-Loire: market Wednesday (30km)
  • Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye: market Wednesday (33km)
  • Saint-Fargeau: market Friday (34km)
  • Vailly-sur-Sauldre: market Friday (34km)
  • Fourchambault: market Sunday (36km)
  • Clamecy: market Saturday (37km)
  • Chatillon-sur-Loire: market Thursday (37km)
  • Baugy: market Friday (38km)

More information about Suilly-la-Tour, Burgundy

Tourist attractions near suilly-la-tour, france.

What to do at Suilly-la-Tour? Some places with official tourist classifications and other places of interest to visit nearby that should provide inspiration if you are visiting Suilly-la-Tour.

Heritage sites

  • Abbatiale Notre-Dame de La Charité-sur-Loire (monuments on French pilgrim routes) (18km)

Recommended detour towns (fr: plus beau détour)

  • Sancerre (17km)

Churches and religious monuments

  • Eglise de Notre-Dame-du-Pré (Donzy) (5km)
  • Prieuré de Saint Révérien (Saint-Reverien) (36km)
  • Eglise de Saint André (Jussy-Champagne) (50km)

Remarkable gardens

  • Forgeneuve (38km)
  • Parc et jardin du château du Chatillon en Bazois (55km)

Protected historical centre (fr: secteur sauvegardé)

(see also historical French towns )

  • Clamecy (37km)

Towns of Art and history

  • Nevers (39km)

Villages d'etape

(recommended place to break a long journey)

  • Pougues-les-Eaux (29km)

Villages in bloom 4* (fr: ville fleurie)

  • Briare (43km)

Geography and distances

Suilly-la-Tour is in the eastern-center of France at 39 kilometres from Nevers, the department capital (general information: Suilly-la-Tour is 177 kilometres from Paris).

Geographical Information

Commune: Suilly-la-Tour

Canton: Pouilly-sur-Loire

Arrondissement: Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire

Department: Nievre

Region: Burgundy

New region: Burgundy-Franche-Comté

Postcode: 58150

Distance to Suilly-la-Tour

from Nevers (prefecture): 39 km

from Paris: 177 km

from Calais: 411 km

from Nice: 520 km

from Bordeaux: 395 km

from Strasbourg: 375 km

Getting here

Most visitors fly into one of the Paris airports and hire a car or drive from a channel ferry port, operhaps Calais or Dunkirk at about 5 - 6 hours. For driving distances to Suilly-la-Tour from anywhere in France see driving distances and route planner .

We have 4 other places listed as being close (less than kilometres from ): Donzy , Pougny , Saint-Quentin-sur-Nohain and Sainte-Colombe-Des-Bois .

This page in French: Visiter Suilly-la-Tour

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suilly la tour chateau

Visits et prices

During your visit, you will come across 19 rooms all different from one another. Large spaces in the keep; containing the great lower hall, the room of honour, the king’s room and the more private spaces of the “Petit Château;” the visitor will be amazed by the dimensions of the building and the richness of the furniture.

Vue du château de Sully avec ses grilles d'entrée

Guided tour 11 a.m. July 10 canceled

Due to the passing of the Olympic flame between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. on July 10 in the castle grounds, and due to the strong measures planned to secure the area, we are not able to guarantee the 11 a.m. guided tour of the castle. It is unfortunately canceled.

The guided tours at 2:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. remain in place.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding.

The new currency of Paris has arrived!

The new version of the Paris currency “Château de Sully-sur-Loire” has arrived. It bears the image of Joan of Arc for 2024 !

suilly la tour chateau

Work is underway in the front park of the castle

We draw your attention to the fact that at the moment and until the beginning of September, work is underway in the front park.  Indeed, the wooden bridge spanning the Sange river had to be removed because it was in danger of collapsing. We are in the process of changing it to allow visitors to have direct access to the town of Sully-sur-Loire without going all the way around our moats. This does not cause any inconvenience to access to the castle and all our rooms are open.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.  Thank you for your understanding

Individual visit

Open the doors of Sully-sur-Loire Castle to discover what is hidden behind these high towers and its keep

All of France’s history is revealed to visitors because a good number of famous historical, military, political and artistic people have set foot on our soils. From Philippe-Auguste to Louis XIV, from Joan of Arc to Mac Mahon, from Voltaire to La Fayette; Sully-sur-Loire Castle is known for being the setting of many encounters which are told to you today by our guides and facilitators.

For self-guided tours, a map will be provided to you at reception so that you will not lose your bearings and so that you can discover the entire site. You will also be able to rely on our 12 minute introductory film, our room information sheets and our explanatory boards in each room to educate you on the rooms and our furniture.

A more dynamic option is using the Baludik application which allows for a fun and independent exploration of the building whilst looking for hidden details. The application can be downloaded on your mobile phone. (Android/version; possibility of being lent a smartphone with the application at the reception of the castle).

Young people, do not forget to request your activity booklet at reception, a precious visit companion containing riddles and challenges that await you.

To go further, grab your ticket for a guided trip to the heart of the castle: this involves an hour and a half of discovering all the anecdotes of this place, from the most important ones to the quirkiest ones.

In addition, the guidebook (available in French and English), which costs €5.10 and was updated in 2020, will be your best ally.

Do not forget our rich and varied programme allowing you to keep our young visitors occupied through creative workshops, attend a concert or show, admire our sword fights, understand the medieval universe through encounters with artists and craftsmen, perfect your skills in different activities, like photography, through the workshops etc... In short, a wide range of activities for everyone.

► WARNING: Unfortunately, pets are not allowed in the castle (including the reception area). Only guide dogs are allowed.  

Guided visit for individuals

Whether you are coming alone, as a couple, as a family or as a group of friends, guided visits will be provided every day and all year.

In July and August, we are offering you three guided tour slots per day, at 11:00, 14:30 and 16:00 (on Sundays, for the 14:30 tour, the guide will be dressed up so that you can become more involved in the history of the castle). In May, June and September, guided visits will take place from Tuesdays to Sundays at 14:30 and 16:00. In February, March, April, October, November and December, our low season, guided visits will take place from Tuesdays to Sundays at 15:00. * In short, an hour and a half tour which will let you discover all the aspects of our site and during which the guide will be happy to answer all your questions.

* except April 6 and 7, 2024 due to the free “Les Loirétains” weekend (free access to the castle upon presentation of proof of address).

► REMINDER: - You will face 235 steps during your visit including ascending and descending ones. - There are seats in each room, feel free to use them. - No reservation in advance required. - Number of spaces limited to 20 people maximum for the sake of a comfortable visit. - Word of advice, come a bit early so that you can get a space on the tour. - An 12-minute introductory film about the castle’s history will allow you to wait patiently before the tour starts.  

Family visit

Self-guided tour: Colouring booklets for children aged 4-6 and booklets for children aged 7-12 can be collected at the reception area of the castle. Géomotifs: With the Baludik application, search for 15 ornaments hidden in the castle.  Will you be able to find them? Possibility of being lent a smartphone in exchange for proof of ID

Guided visit or workshop: In July and August, every Sunday at 14:30, a guide in costume tells you the history of the castle through many anecdotes. Creative workshops (reservation required) are offered on Tuesdays during the school holidays. A different theme is offered for each period.

Birthdays: Come and celebrate your birthday in the castle in the afternoon (for children aged 6-10). Only on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Reservation required. The service includes: - Reception by a costumed guide - Guided visit of the medieval keep - Making a medieval drink - Drinks - Possibility of the children dressing up for the visit The service does not include: - The birthday cake and the candles Prices: Wednesday and Saturday: €75 + €5 per participant Sunday:  €90 + €5 per participant For 14 children maximum + 2 chaperones  

Guided visit for groups

Companies, tour operators, tourist information offices, clubs etc..., you are a group and wish to go on a private tour to discover our castle, so go for the group visit. For an hour and a half, the guide will be the best person to tell you the entire history of this site i.e you will be told the castle’s 600-year old history starting from its foundation.

In short, the guided visit lasts an hour and a half. Reservation is required, you will be able to speak to our go-to group for a more personalised experience which will meet your expectations and our restrictions. If the guide is available, the visit is available in different foreign languages: French, English, Dutch, German, Spanish and Portuguese. 

Person to contact

► Arlène Lenormand :  Heritage Officer - Cultural Facilitator - Head of Reservations & Quality Tourism - Telephone: 02 38 36 79 44 - E-mail: [email protected] - Address: Sully-sur-Loire Castle Chemin de la salle verte - 45600 Sully-sur-Loire

Map of the castle

Prices for individuals.

To visit Sully-sur-Loire Castle, the full price to pay for entry is €8 and the reduced price is €5. 

ALL OUR PRICES SUMMARISED: Self-guided tour full price: €8 Self-guided tour reduced price: €5 Guided tour full price: €10 Guided tour reduced price: €6 Our reduced prices apply to students up to the age of 25, young people aged 6 to 17, disabled people with a disability card and their chaperone, job seekers, holders of a CNAS (National Social Action Committee) card, those entitled to government-guaranteed minimums (RSA (Department of Social Security), ASS (Special Solidarity Grant), AAH (Disabled Adults Allowance), ATA (Temporary Homeless Allowance), AER (Early Retirement Pension), holders of a large family card, school group chaperones, and holders of a full price ticket from any of our partner companies (Gien Castle-Museum, Lorris Museum, Chamerolles Castle and Loire Marine Museum in Châteauneuf/Loire).  

Free entry applies to children under 6, people who are wheelchair bound, holders of a tour guide card, museum staff (ICOM card, OCIM (Museum Cooperation and Information Office) card), tourist information office staff, members of the French Federation of Licensed Tour Guides and holders of a press card.  For families, ask for our family rate which applies to 2 paying adults and 2 paying children: €22 

If you wish to come to the castle several times per year, grab an annual pass. Valid for one year, from date to date, you will be able to come as many times as you want for only €18.  

Prices for groups

If you are a group of at least 20 people, to access the castle, a ticket will only cost €5 per person (regardless of the time of the year) for a self-guided visit. If you go for the guided tour, a price of €75 per group will be applied (Mondays to Saturdays) or €90 (Sundays and public holidays).

► IN SHORT: The guided visit lasts an hour and a half. Reservation is required, you will be able to speak to our go-to group for a more personalised experience which will meet your expectations and our restrictions. If the guide is available, the visit is available in different foreign languages; French, English, Dutch, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.

► Arlène Lenormand :  Heritage Officer - Cultural Facilitator - Head of Reservations & Quality Tourism

Telephone: 02 38 36 79 44 E-mail: [email protected] Address: Sully-sur-Loire Castle Chemin de la salle verte - 45600 Sully-sur-Loire  

All our events of 2024

Are you curious about everything that happens at the Château de Sully-sur-Loire?

So don't waste a moment and click on the document just below... and presto, you will discover all our events planned for the year 2024. Our nuggets are just waiting for you. Book the desired event quickly by contacting us on 02 38 36 36 86.

Documents to download

  • Our programmation 2024 -->, pdf (1.85 MB)

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suilly la tour chateau

Château des Granges

Château des 15ème et 16ème siècles : construit en 1605, le château des Granges porte sur ses murs les traces des extensions et remaniements qui se sont succédés au cours des siècles. Entourés de douves, le pavillon central, ses dépendances et la chapelle cubique s'harmonisent au sein d'un parc et de communs restaurés récemment. Le parc, les salles des blasons et de la turbine sont en accès libre au public, du 20 juillet au 31 août (le château ne se visite pas).

  • 03 86 26 30 71
  • Animaux bienvenus
  • Location de salle

Du 20/07/24 au 31/08/24

  • Tarif spécial (Tarif par personne. Une boite à coté de la grille d'entrée du parc est disponible pour l'encaissement, uniquement en espèces.)  : 2€

Château des Granges

Brochure Bourgogne Tourisme

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The Top 11 Attractions around Suilly-La-Tour

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suilly la tour chateau

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Bike Touring Highlight ( Segment )

In the heart of the Loire Valley nature reserve, this part of the "Loire à Vélo" is very quiet, without a car, the roadway is wide enough and the surface is of high quality.

suilly la tour chateau

html.ReactModal__Html--open{overflow:hidden;}html.ReactModal__Html--open:not(.fullsize){scrollbar-gutter:stable;}html.ReactModal__Html--open.ReactModal__Html--panel #pageMountNode:before{content:'';position:fixed;width:100%;height:100%;} Eurovelo 6 - La Charité Sur Loire

Eurovélo 6, along the Loire between Nièvre and Cher. A small portion of Eurovelo 6 is not signposted, follow this must to avoid a segment of the departmental road not great.

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html.ReactModal__Html--open{overflow:hidden;}html.ReactModal__Html--open:not(.fullsize){scrollbar-gutter:stable;}html.ReactModal__Html--open.ReactModal__Html--panel #pageMountNode:before{content:'';position:fixed;width:100%;height:100%;} Ferme restaurant des Barreaux

Bike Touring Highlight

The Ferme des Barreaux is located in a rural setting, along the "Loire à Vélo" cycle path, between the wine-growing villages of Sancerre and Pouilly-Sur-Loire. Possibility to visit the farm … read more

html.ReactModal__Html--open{overflow:hidden;}html.ReactModal__Html--open:not(.fullsize){scrollbar-gutter:stable;}html.ReactModal__Html--open.ReactModal__Html--panel #pageMountNode:before{content:'';position:fixed;width:100%;height:100%;} Wild Loire banks

Nice flat cycle path that runs along the river (although the river is not visible from here all the time but you are in its valley). The road is of relatively good quality and suitable for any touring bike.

suilly la tour chateau

html.ReactModal__Html--open{overflow:hidden;}html.ReactModal__Html--open:not(.fullsize){scrollbar-gutter:stable;}html.ReactModal__Html--open.ReactModal__Html--panel #pageMountNode:before{content:'';position:fixed;width:100%;height:100%;} Château des Granges

The Château des Granges was built in the 16th century. It has been greatly altered over the centuries but its moats have survived and they are still fed by the … read more

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Still not found the Highlight you’re looking for? See guides of the top attractions in other regions:

  • Pouilly-Sur-Loire
  • Saint-Andelain
  • Saint-Martin-Sur-Nohain
  • Tracy-Sur-Loire
  • Mesves-Sur-Loire
  • La Charité-Sur-Loire
  • Varennes-Lès-Narcy
  • Neuvy-Sur-Loire
  • Saint-Amand-En-Puisaye
  • Saint-Laurent-L'Abbaye
  • Saint-Aubin-Les-Forges
  • Saint-Quentin-Sur-Nohain
  • Dampierre-Sous-Bouhy
  • La Celle-Sur-Loire
  • Beaumont-La-Ferrière
  • Saint-Vérain
  • Alligny-Cosne
  • Lurcy-Le-Bourg
  • Châteauneuf-Val-De-Bargis
  • Montenoison
  • Sainte-Colombe-Des-Bois

Château des Granges

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Château des granges

  • Suilly-la-Tour

Château à  Suilly-la-Tour (58150)

Château des granges

Château des granges

Salle renaissance

Château des Granges

Soirée gala

Château des Granges

Dès 1200.00 €

Serti par ses douves et par les saules sous lesquels courent les eaux du Nohain, le Château des Granges offre l'image de ce que pouvez être dans ce cadre agreste, la douceur de vivre à l'époque de la Renaissance. Château du XVI et XVIIème siècle classé à l'inventaire des monuments historiques.

Dans le Château de Forgues les Granges, nous disposons de deux salles , l'une pouvant contenir 140 personnes assises qui porte le nom de salle Renaissance , décorée de souvenirs historiques et de tableaux, l'autre salle voutée pouvant contenir 100 personnes assises qui porte le nom de Salle des blasons . Les deux salles se trouvent dans le même édifice.

Vous pouvez organiser, dans la cour d'honneur devant le château, la réception qui précède votre dîner. Les tables et les chaises sont prêtées gracieusement. Vous pourrez en disposer du samedi matin au dimanche à 18h.Nos salles sont modulables, vous pouvez les installez avec des tables rondes, ovales ou rectangulaires. (disponibles sur place).

Les deux salles ne peuvent être louées à deux groupes indépendants pour préserver la quiétude du premier locataire dans le cas où celui ci ne prendrait que la salle Renaissance ou la salle des blasons

Singularités :

Espaces (2)

Salle Renaissance

Salle Renaissance

200 m² - 200 personnes

Salle de réception

Salle des Blasons

100 m² - 100 personnes

Capacités des espaces


Tarif par personne

Tarif salle vide

Gamme tarifaire

Location salle

Renaissance du samedi matin au dimanche 18 heures : 1500€ TTC.

Location de la salle des Blasons : 1200€ TTC.

Location des deux salles pour le week-end : 2000€ TTC.

Tables et chaises prêtées gracieusement dans chaque cas.

Location salles vides


Restauration non imposée

Traiteur non imposé

Nos traiteurs : -Elan Traiteur Sancerre-Tel : - Mail : -Absolue Renaissance, Magny cours , tel - Le relais du Morvan, Saint Amand en Puissaye, tel : - Le Jardin de Saint Thibault, Saint Satur, tel : - Auberge des sept écluses, Rogny les sept écluses, tel : - Eric et Karie Gressin, Sancerre, tel : - Le grand Monarque, Donzy, tel : -Les Aix D'Angillon, Monsieur Langeron, tel : ou - Beaulieu sur Loire, le Relais des Sources tel : - Madame Brun, Pouilly sur Loire, te


L'établissement ne propose pas d'hébergement sur place.

Devis gratuit

Accès au château des granges.

Les Granges 58150 Suilly-la-Tour

Accès en voiture

A77sortie Sancerre Bourges Suilly la Tour suivre les panneaux, une douzaine de km a l'entrée du village pancarte Chateau des Granges

Parking sur place

Plus d'informations sur le Château des Granges

Disponibilité du service commercial.

Tous les jours

Questions fréquentes (FAQ) sur le Château des Granges

Château des Granges est un château , mais également une salle de concert, une salle de réception et une demeure de caractère à Suilly-la-Tour , dans la Nièvre (58), à 57 km de Bourges, 106 km de Orléans et à 131 km de Troyes.

Lieux similaires au Château des Granges

Domaine des Médards

Domaine des Médards


Château de Courcelles Le Roy

Château de Courcelles Le Roy

Château de Villemenant

Château de Villemenant

Photos du Château des Granges

Contacter le lieu.

Château des Granges

Château des Granges - Salle Renaissance

Informations sur l'espace

Événements acceptés

Privés et professionnels

Dispose d'une scène

Piste de danse

Lumière naturelle


Accès handicapé

Manifestations dansantes

Disponibilité de l'espace

Capacité de l'espace


Tarif de l’espace : Dès 1500€

Conditions de paiement

Pas de caution demandée

Pas d'acompte demandé

Tarif de l’espace : Dès 1200€

Manifestation casher

Autres caractéristiques

Possibilité d’apporter de la nourriture

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Chateau de Sully Sur Loire

Château de Sully sur Loire – All You Need to Know Before Visiting

Last Modified: August 23, 2023 //  by  Anda //   14 Comments

The impressive Chateau de Sully sur Loire sits at the confluence of the Loire and the River Sange. The castle was built on a group of three small islands: the main keep sits on the northern island; the Inner Courtyard is on the southern island, and the Outer Courtyard takes up the eastern island. 

Château de Sully may not share the fame of the iconic Chenonceau , or Amboise , but it’s equally beautiful. Just when you think you’ve seen the most stunning castle in Loire Valley , here comes another one to take your breath away!

Château de Sully-sur-Loire

Table of Contents

A Brief History of the Chateau de Sully sur Loire

The gardens, inside the château, getting to château de sully, admission fees.

The first traces of the château date back to the 1100s. At the time this was just defense post for the “royal” river. The actual Château de Sully was built much later, in 1567, for the Maréchal Gaspard de Saulx who was an important figure at the court of King Henri II of France.  

In 1602, Maximilien de Béthune, a famous French minster and counselor of King Henry IV, acquired the castle and began an extensive work of restoration. 

Château de Sully Sur Loire

He strengthened the exterior walls to protect the town from occasional flooding, built an artillery tower equipped with walls and cannons and created the gardens. 

Over the course of history, the château has suffered many trials and tribulations: the French Revolution in 1789, a devastating fire in 1918, and the bombardments of World War II.

For four centuries, this imposing fortress remained the property of the Duke of Sully family and their descendants.

In 1962 the Département du Loiret acquired the Château de Sully-sur-Loire and declared it a Historic Monument. They made substantial repairs to the castle, bringing it to its old glory and splendor.

During its history, the castle has welcomed the visits of many celebrities. Although Henri IV never came here, King Louis XIV, Voltaire, Joan of Arc, Mazarin and Anne of Austria, all paid visits to the château.

Château de Sully-sur-Loire

Visiting the Château de Sully Sur Loire

The castle layout that you see today is different from the original construction. From the 18 th  century onwards, the Château of Sully-sur-Loire underwent numerous demolition and re-construction projects which gradually changed its appearance.

Château de Sully sur Loire is an impressive medieval fortress, complete with towers, strongholds, rampart walks and surrounded by a romantic moat filled with water. The castle has four prominent cylindrical towers that emerge high above its roof.

Château de Sully-sur-Loire

To the east of the Outer Courtyard is a 25-hectare garden that you can reach via a stone bridge. The reflections of the castle in the water make for some great pics! 

In the garden there is a number of canals that were dug in order to help protect the castle against possible floods. The area is now almost completely occupied by trees. Only the pathways indicate the original layout of the garden.

water canals in the courtyard of the chateau

In the Outer Courtyard there is a life-size statue of white Carrara marble representing the first Duke of Sully, Maximilien de Béthune. 

The interior of the château has some very nice elements. You will find the usual array of tapestries, paintings, sculptures and French period furniture. The Louis XV wing has rooms decorated in a 17th century style to view.

One thing not to miss when visiting the château is the barrel-vaulted ceiling, which is a true masterpiece. The ceiling which dates back to the 14th century is part of the original construction. Considering its old age, the ceiling looks remarkably well and its sheer size and its beauty are quite stunning!

Barrel vaulted ceiling at Chateau de Sully Sur Loire

Also remarkably beautiful are Sully’s private apartments. The bedroom walls contain six tapestries recounting the story of Psyche. They date back to the early 17th century and are part of a prestigious series made for François I. 

Various rooms at the chateau

Visiting the château is quite a voyage through history, from the Middle Ages through to the 19th century. The tour will take you into the lives of the Béthune family.

You will learn about their history and family anecdotes,which makes the visit very attractive.  The Sully apartments and their collections of paintings, tapestries and period furniture are really beautiful.

View of the Chateau

Château de Sully-sur-Loire is one of the favorite venues for the music festivals in the Loire Valley.

Practical Information for Visiting the Château

Depending on the time of the year, there is at least one guided tour (only in French) each day lasting approximately 1.5 hrs. However, you can take a self guided tour of the castle at any time. There are audioguides and maps of the château available in French, English, German, Dutch, Italian and Spanish.

By car: Château de Sully is only 70 miles away from Blois, which is a great base for exploring the Loire Valley castles. The easiest and most direct way to get to Sully is by car (1 hour and 15 minutes drive).

For driving directions for the Château de Sully, click on the map below

By train/bus : the next convenient way is to use a combination of train and bus, by hoping on the train in Blois and then changing to a bus on Orleans. This will take about 2 hours and 45 minutes.

By bus : this is the least convenient option as there is no direct bus from Blois to Château de Sully-sur-Loire. There are bus services departing from Blois and arriving at Sully sur Loire – Porte de Sologne via Bourie Rouge and Orléans – Gare Routière. The journey, including transfers, takes approximately 3h 30m.

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Chateau de Sully Sur Loire

Anda is an award winning travel writer, avid globetrotter and passionate photographer. She is the voice behind "Travel Notes & Beyond," a collection of stories and travel impressions from her wanderings around the world. When she is not busy writing, traveling, or editing photographs, you can find her hiking in the foothills behind her house together with her husband and their dog.

Chateau de Chenonceau

Reader Interactions

February 22, 2016 at 4:35 pm

Wow. Just wow. You captured some stunning images, Anda. I really regret not being able to visit Loire valley as we had planned. Perhaps we’ll get there another time; I certainly hope so because I would adore exploring all those chateaux. Oh – and of course the nearby vineyards as well!

Anda Galffy

February 22, 2016 at 11:16 pm

Yea, I hear they have excellent wines in the region, but I didn’t go to any wine tasting while there.

February 21, 2016 at 11:36 am

Luxury and elegance, great gardens and fabulous pictures, Anda. Thank you for sharing this post with us. I am sorry that I had so little time to enjoy this beautiful castle.

Mama Herself

February 21, 2016 at 10:46 am

What a lovely solid looking fairy tale castle. I like it. And its amazingly blue bedroom. Great colours in your interior pictures.

Ruth - Tanama Tales

February 20, 2016 at 10:10 am

What a beauty! I would love to visit the Loire Valley. I will need several days since there are so many chateau (not sure how to do the plural) to see.

February 20, 2016 at 7:14 pm

The plural for ‘chateau’ is ‘chateaux,’ but don’t worry about it. If you didn’t study French, you couldn’t have known. You need at least a week if you want to see at least the most famous one and more importantly, you need to rent a car. If you go by tour bus, you won’t see much because they just let you off for 30-40 minutes at each castle.

February 20, 2016 at 1:21 am

You are right! Who can resist a gorgeous French castle?! I love, love, love your photos Anda!

Rhonda Albom

February 19, 2016 at 9:11 pm

Wow Anda, these photos are so wonderful. I love the look of traditional castles that match the storybook image in my head. Fantastic.

February 20, 2016 at 7:21 pm

The Loire Valley is so beautiful, you won’t believe it, Rhonda. Really worth a visit.

Tanja (the Red phone box travels)

February 19, 2016 at 2:35 pm

You seem to have visited all of the castles in Loire region:) another gorgeous castle, so jealous!:)

February 21, 2016 at 9:19 am

Not a lot, just some of them. There are so many, it’s impossible to visit them all in a visit.

Lydia C. Lee

February 19, 2016 at 1:23 pm

That is so beautiful! I’ve never been but would love to!

Mary (The World Is A Book)

February 19, 2016 at 1:13 pm

Wow! Your pictures of the exterior are simply stunning! You had a great day too. The Loire Valley is on my long travel wish list. It’s always a bonus to see the interior.

February 20, 2016 at 8:05 am

Yea, I agree. At least they let you take pictures of the interior there, unlike in Germany.

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suilly la tour chateau


Guide tourisme, vacances & week-end dans la nièvre.

Suilly-la-Tour - Guide tourisme, vacances & week-end dans la Nièvre

Informations géographiques

Villes & villages les plus proches, à voir, à faire, lieux d'intérêt, évènements et festivités.

  • Du 20 juillet au 31 août 2024
  • Château des Granges, Parc du Château des Granges
  • Château construit en 1605, le château des Granges porte sur ses murs les traces des extensions et remaniements qui se sont succédés au cours des siècles. Entourés de douves, le pavillon central, ses dépendances et la chapelle cubique s'harmonisent au sein d'un parc et de communs restaurés récemment. Le parc, les salles des blasons et de la turbine sont en accès libre au public, du 20 juillet au 31 août (le château, quant à lui, ne se visite pas).

La commune

Visites, loisirs et activités aux alentours

Activités de loisirs.

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suilly la tour chateau

Chambres d'hôtes

suilly la tour chateau

Locations de vacances

suilly la tour chateau

Articles connexes Suilly-la-Tour

          Château des Granges          

Mariage & Event


Château des Granges

Suilly-la-Tour 58150

The Renaissance Room

The cost of arms room.

The rental includes the two rooms named: Renaissance Room and Coat of Arms Room, as well as the use of the space in front of the building for your cocktail party and reception.

The rental starts from Thursday to prepare your event until Sunday 5 p.m. to take advantage of a possible lunch.

Rectangular or round tables, chairs and armchairs are at your disposal free of charge.

On-site accommodation may be available for a maximum of 8 people.

We have also organized transport so that your guests can return to their hotel, the night of your wedding, for a flat rate of 10 euros.

You can dance until the early hours if you wish inside the Manor! We are isolated so that is not a problem!

Then, we do not impose the caterer. (On the other hand, we can advise you on the various caterers, cottages, hotels in the Nièvre and the Cher.)

We provide two houses (8 beds), 200 euros each from Thursday to Sunday 5 p.m. (sheets and towels not provided).

Price: 2200 euros for the two rooms for the 4 days.

If you want more information, do not hesitate.

suilly la tour chateau

Good to Know


Directions :

Closest train station (from Paris-Gare de Bercy) is Cosne-sur-Loire.

Motorway A6>A77: exit 24 for Sancerre and Suilly-la-Tour, follow the signs for Suilly-la-Tour for 12 kilometers and at the entrance of the village you will see a sign on the left for Château des Granges.

Closest airport: Orly (2 hrs from Suilly-la-Tour)

Catering companies : 

- John Verdier - Bue-  09 67 19 39 62

- Elan Traiteur - Sancerre-  02 48 54 35 80 

-  Hostellerie De La Poste - Clamecy- (Max 100 personnes) - 03 86 27 01 55

- HD Sonorisation  ( Xavier Hussenot)

- 06 06 49 14 29 -

Wedding Planner :

- Symposion ( Lydia & Antoine Meyronnet)

Photograph :

Cakes :  

- Maison Eric ROY - Auxerre 

- Boulangerie Seutin - Narcy

- Boulangerie Bourgeois - Cosne-sur- Loire 

Accommodation : 

Since the Château des Granges is close to the Loire, many hotels, guest rooms and rural lodgings are nearby.

The towns of Donzy, Pouilly-sur-Loire, Charité-sur-Loire, Sancerre, Cosne-sur-Loire are all less than 15 minutes from the castle.

For hotels you can contact the Michelin guide and the tourist offices of the five cities mentioned above.

For bed and breakfasts in France, you can visit:

In particular we recommend: 

For cosy bedrooms next to la Loire, we suggest Le Prieuré Saint-Agnan ( ) in Cosne-sur-Loire, 13 minutes from Suilly-la-Tour.

For spacious and comfortable guest rooms 12 minutes from the Château des Granges we recommend La Chancelière ( ) in Saint-Satur on the banks of the Loire.

For modern and spacious rooms in the heart of the city of Sancerre, the boutique hotel Le Panoramic will seduce you with its exceptional view of Sancerre's vineyards and its wine bar and heated swimming pool.

For a charming village house, Les Hirondelles ( with  heated swimming pool and garden is ideal for a couple. Located in Narcy, 11 minutes from the Château des Granges.

For some charming countryside houses:

Restaurants :

- The Ship , a casual bistro and terrace overlooking La Loire (Saint Satur).

- La Tour   is a culinary delight and Michelin star restaurant in the centre of Sancerre with a very reasonable lunch menu (Sancerre).

- L'Ardoise du March é  is a wonderful cosy and contemporary Michelin star restaurant (Boulleret).

- La Gaieté Léerenne  is another local favourite (Léré).

- Sacripanti  is a simple but delicious pizzeria with a terasse on a quiet side street just off the main square (Sancerre).

- Cafe Vélo  for those looking to explore the Lorie by bicycle and in need of a pitstop for a delicious quiche, pulled pork sandwich, coffee and cake. Run by a former journalist for the Daily Telegraph (Nevers).

- Le Chat  (Cosne-sur-Loire). Bistrot d'Anatole (Cosne-sur-Loire).


- Kayak (Loire Nature et Découverte).

- Castles & Gardens ( Château de Bazoche, Château d'Apremont, Château Corbelin).

- Château Saint Fargeau night show.

- Vineyards: Château de Favray, Château de Tracy, Cave Nerot, Château de la Doucette.

Rafting: Morvan.

Hot Air Balloon rides above Sancerre (Domaine Raimbault-Pineau).

Musee de la Chasse & Faience (Gien).


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Offbeat Escapades DIY Travels and Van Adventures

Château de Sully-sur-Loire: Full Guide to the Best Castle in Val de la Loire

Château de Sully-sur-Loire - Offbeat Escapades -

France is known for its magnificent castles spread out across various departments. The most famous one in Loiret located in Val de la Loire, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is Château de Sully-sur-Loire . This stunning castle is 2 hours away from Paris and features high towers, medieval architecture, and a vast moat along the River Loire. Without a doubt, Château de Sully-sur-Loire is a must-see and feels like stepping into a Disney movie.

This guide will go through the essential points of how to visit Château de Sully-sur-Loire in Loiret, France.

Château de Sully-sur-Loire - Offbeat Escapades - Pin 5

Contents hide History of Château de Sully-sur-Loire How to Get to Château de Sully-sur-Loire Admission Fees to Château de Sully-sur-Loire Things to do in Château de Sully-sur-Loire Hotels near Château de Sully-sur-Loire Final Thoughts on Château de Sully-sur-Loire

History of Château de Sully-sur-Loire

Château de Sully-sur-Loire formerly belonged to the Dukes of Trémouille until the end of the 20th century. It was an important symbol in the town of Sully-Sur-Loire .

Georges de la Trémoille, the original owner of the castle, had actually imprisoned Joan of Arc in the castle when she failed to liberate Paris in 1430. Later, in the sixteenth century this incredible estate became the seat of the first Duke of Sully, also known for being the grand minister of King Henri IV.

For the next four centuries the family of the Duke of Sully inhabited these grounds, welcoming esteemed guests like King Louis XIV, Voltaire, Mazarin, and Anne of Austria. Visiting Château de Sully-sur-Loire gives you a look into the family’s history from the the gallery to the Hall of  Honor, and the tomb of the Duke and his wife.

It was during the time of the French Revolution that the walls of Château Sully-sur-Loire’s were destroyed and went through vast damage. It was left to deteriorate for many years before the state stepped in and did some renovation work.

Château Sully-sur-Loire was subsequently purchased by the Loiret Department in 1962, and in 2006, the castle went through major restoration work before reopening to the public in 2007.

Château de Sully-sur-Loire - Offbeat Escapades - 9

How to Get to Château de Sully-sur-Loire

Travel from paris to sully-sur-loire.

There is unfortunately no direct train or bus between Paris and Sully-sur-Loire. The nearest jump-off point, if you can only take public transportation, would be to take the bus from the city of Orleans.

There are TER or Intercites trains from Paris to Orleans that takes about 59 minutes. From Orleans you can take Bus No. 3 to Sully-sur-Loire which also takes another hour. However, take note that there is usually only one bus per day.

Once you arrive, the town of Sully-sur-Loire is small enough to walk to Château Sully-sur-Loire.

Travel to Sully-sur-Loire by Car

The best way to get to Château Sully-sur-Loire is by car. It’s convenient and well-connected to all major highways. If you are coming from Paris, it takes about 1 hour and 45 minutes. If you are coming from Orleans, it takes about 30 to 40 minutes. 

Even better is if you have a campervan – there is an Aire de Service provided by the municipality right next to the Château Sully-sur-Loire. The spots are limited but well-marked. We went in May and there were already a lot of camping cars around so we imagine that in the high season, it is even fuller. 

Nonetheless, it was a great spot to park. We spent the day taking walks around the town, discovering the castle, and relaxing by the river. 

There are also hotels in the surrounding areas, which we discuss later on in this post.

Château de Sully-sur-Loire - Offbeat Escapades - 1

Admission Fees to Château de Sully-sur-Loire

Entrance fee to château de sully-sur-loire.

Here is a breakdown of the admissions fees to Château de Sully-sur-Loire , updated as of July 2021:

Regular Admission Fees to Château de Sully-sur-Loire:

  • €11 for adults from ages 18 years old and above
  • €6  for children from ages 6 to 17 years old
  • €6 for students under 26 years old
  • Free for children under 6 

Guided Admission Fees to Château de Sully-sur-Loire:

  • €12 for adults from ages 18 years old and above
  • €7 for children from ages 6 to 17 years old
  • €7 for students under 26 years old
  • Free for children under 6

Special Family Rate to Château de Sully-sur-Loire:

  • €25 for 2 adults and 2 children over 6 years old

Things to do in Château de Sully-sur-Loire

Walk the gardens of château de sully-sur-loire.

What better way to see the landscapes and overall structure of the castle than by walking through its gardens. A walk through the grounds allows you to witness a more far-sighted view of the castle. 

The gardens span far into lush greenery, featuring fauna, stonework, and intricately designed fountains.

Château de Sully-sur-Loire - Offbeat Escapades - 2

Marvel at the interiors of Château de Sully-sur-Loire

From the barrel-vaulted ceiling, the family gallery, the Hall of Honor, the Sully apartments, and the tombs of the Duke and his wife, the interiors of Château de Sully-sur-Loire are truly impressive. 

Walking into the hallways and rooms feels like a trip back into time. You get to really witness the history and personal experiences of the families that inhabited this enchanting castle.

Discover the town of Sully-sur-Loire

The town of Sully-sur-Loire is a small, albeit beautiful one. Filled with cafes, medieval architecture, and cobble-stoned streets, you can tour the town on foot and find yourself amazed by its charm.

The river is also a great place to visit. During the summer, it is a popular beach and swimming spot for locals.

suilly la tour chateau

Hotels near Château de Sully-sur-Loire

Below we have compiled a few hotels near Château de Sully-sur-Loire. They are all within walking distance to the castle and have a variety of room options from couples to families to big groups.

  • Hotel La Tour – Room rates start from 55 euros per night .
  • Hostellerie du Château – Room rates start from 80 euros per night .
  • Hotel Henri IV – Room rates start from 65 euros per night . 
  • Hôtel Burgevin – Room rates start from 110 euros per night .
  • Relais Maximilien – Room rates start from 35 euros per night .

Final Thoughts on Château de Sully-sur-Loire

So there you have it! We hope this helps you figure out how to visit Château de Sully-sur-Loire. This gorgeous estate is what your fairytale dreams are made of. We definitely recommend visiting especially if you’ll have a car to drive around in.

Have you ever been to  Château de Sully-sur-Loire? What was your experience like? Did you feel like you entered a storybook from the beauty of this medieval castle? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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suilly la tour chateau

Suilly-la-Tour Travel Guide

Things to do in suilly-la-tour.

Bourges Cathedral

Bourges Cathedral

Circuit Nevers Magny Cours

Circuit Nevers Magny Cours

Vézelay Abbey

Vézelay Abbey

Castle of Saint-Fargeau

Castle of Saint-Fargeau

Cinéma Méga CGR

Cinéma Méga CGR

Palais Jacques-Coeur

Palais Jacques-Coeur

Parc Roger Salengro

Parc Roger Salengro

Pont Canal de Briare

Pont Canal de Briare

botanic Varennes-Vauzelles

botanic Varennes-Vauzelles

Happy Ferme

Happy Ferme

Where to stay, hotel ibis budget cosne sur loire, hôtel le verseau, o refuge di vin, hotel de la loire, le panoramic, la chancelière, le prieuré saint agnan, chambres d'hôtes l'orée des vignes, motel les broussailles, hotel restaurant le grand monarque, les insolites de la pouillyzotte, hotel la buissonniere, what to eat.

Auberge de l'Acotin

Auberge de l'Acotin



Auberge Joseph Mellot

Auberge Joseph Mellot

Hotel du Rempart

Hotel du Rempart

Comptoir St-Sebastien

Comptoir St-Sebastien

Le Cocktail de Clémentine

Le Cocktail de Clémentine

Hostellerie de la Poste

Hostellerie de la Poste

Bistro Ma Bourgogne

Bistro Ma Bourgogne

Absolue Renaissance

Absolue Renaissance

"Le restaurant" Campanile Nevers - Varennes-Vauzelles

"Le restaurant" Campanile Nevers - Varennes-Vauzelles

Bistro l'Olivier

Bistro l'Olivier

Farine Etc

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Château de Sully in Burgundy

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Welcome to the Château de Sully, in the heart of Burgundy, France 

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Castle of Sully in Burgundy, 71360

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Photo "Donzy" by Chau7 (page does not exist) (CC BY-SA) / Cropped from original

  • Places of interest
  • Medieval Site of Guedelon
  • Saint-Fargeau Castle
  • The House of Colette
  • Chateau de Ratilly
  • Lac du Bourdon
  • Domaine Vacheron
  • Maison de Sancerre
  • Henri Bourgeois
  • Tour du Pouilly Fume
  • Alphonse Mellot
  • House Mill of the Island
  • Chateau de Tracy
  • Sancerrois Golf
  • Cave Eric Louis - Vins de Sancerre
  • Eglise Notre-Dame de La Charité-sur-Loire
  • Pascal and Nicolas Reverdy
  • Belleville sur Loire Aquatic Garden
  • Domaine Robert et Francois Crochet
  • Domaine Etienne et Sebastien Riffault
  • Belleville-sur-Loire Sports Complex


  1. Château des Granges de Suilly La Tour un beau patrimoine

    suilly la tour chateau

  2. Château des Granges à Suilly-la-Tour

    suilly la tour chateau

  3. Château des Granges

    suilly la tour chateau

  4. Fichier:Suilly la Tour chateau des Vergers.jpg

    suilly la tour chateau

  5. Les châteaux

    suilly la tour chateau

  6. Suilly-la-Tour

    suilly la tour chateau


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  4. 24 de junho de 2024

  5. 6 de julho de 2024

  6. #baby#cring 😞😞😞😞😞😞


  1. Mariage Évènement Sancerre

    - Motorway A6>A77: exit 24 for Sancerre and Suilly-la-Tour, follow the signs for Suilly-la-Tour for 12 kilometers and at the entrance of the village you will see a sign on the left for Château des Granges. Closest airport: Orly (2 hrs from Suilly-la-Tour) Catering companies : - John Verdie r - Bue- 09 67 19 39 62


    Le Château des Granges, entouré de douves, a été reconstruit dans la seconde moitié du XVI e siècle sur l'emplacement de l'ancienne forteresse féodale qui datait du XIV e siècle. Achevés vers 1605, date apparaissant sur le fronton du portail édifié à l'entrée du parc, le domaine et le château entrent dans une des plus puissantes familles nivernaises par le mariage de Claude de ...

  3. Mariage Évènement Sancerre

    NOS LIEUX PRÉFÉRÉS Itinéraire: - La gare la plus proche (de Paris-Gare de Bercy) est Cosne-sur-Loire. - Autoroute A6>A77 : sortie 24 pour Sancerre et Suilly-la-Tour, suivre les panneaux Suilly-la-Tour pour 12 kilomètres et à l'entrée du village vous verrez un panneau sur la gauche pour ' Château des Granges.'. Aéroport le plus proche : Orly (à 2h de Suilly-la-Tour)

  4. Suilly-la-Tour tourism and travel guide

    Suilly-la-Tour is situated in the Nievre department and Burgundy-Franche-Comté region. Below you can see some of the places that we have visited and reviewed and can recommend when you are sightseeing close to Suilly-la-Tour in Burgundy-Franche-Comté. Popular places to visit nearby include Sancerre at 17 km and La Charite-sur-Loire at 18 km.

  5. Suilly-la-Tour

    Suilly-la-Tour est situé en région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. La superficie de la commune est de 3 691 hectares, dont 272 hectares de bois. Son altitude varie entre 158 et 237 mètres 1. Elle compte 597 habitants en 2018.

  6. Visits et prices

    Visits et prices. During your visit, you will come across 19 rooms all different from one another. Large spaces in the keep; containing the great lower hall, the room of honour, the king's room and the more private spaces of the "Petit Château;" the visitor will be amazed by the dimensions of the building and the richness of the furniture.

  7. Château des Granges

    Château des Granges. Château des 15ème et 16ème siècles : construit en 1605, le château des Granges porte sur ses murs les traces des extensions et remaniements qui se sont succédés au cours des siècles. Entourés de douves, le pavillon central, ses dépendances et la chapelle cubique s'harmonisent au sein d'un parc et de communs ...

  8. Suilly-la-Tour

    Suilly-la-Tour (French pronunciation: [sɥiji la tuʁ]) is a commune in the Nièvre department in central France. Demographics. On 1 January 2019, the estimated population was 596. See also. Communes of the Nièvre department; References This page was last edited on 4 August ...

  9. Top 8 Hikes and Walks around Suilly-La-Tour

    Hiking around Suilly-La-Tour is one of the best ways to experience more of the landscape, although finding the right route is not always easy. To help, here are the top 8 hikes and walks around Suilly-La-Tour — so you can just get out and go. ... Château de la Motte-Josserand - Château de la Motte-Josserand loop from Perroy. 02:46. 10.7 ...

  10. Suilly-la-Tour

    270 € to 430 € per week. Book on the banks of the Loire for your next spring and summer holidays - For rent apartment of 65 m² for 2 adults and two children or 4 adults, with direct view of the Loire and the vineyards, comprising: 1 kitchen equipped with a fridge-freezer,…. Located 10.2 km from Suilly-la-Tour. Favourite.

  11. Attractions and Places To See around Suilly-La-Tour

    Whether you love hiking or cycling, Suilly-La-Tour is a region where 10 hidden gems are waiting to be explored and visited. Check the top places to visit in the region and plan your next adventure today. 1. La Loire à vélo de Pouilly-Sur-Loire à Sancerre. 2.

  12. Château des Granges

    Château à Suilly-la-Tour (Nièvre) à louer pour des événements professionnels et privés rassemblant entre 4 et 300 personnes. Serti par ses douves et par les saules sous lesquels courent les eaux du Nohain, le Château des Granges offre l'image de ce que pouvez être dans ce cadre agreste, la douceur de vivre à l'époque de...

  13. Château de Sully sur Loire

    Château de Sully-sur-Loire is one of the favorite venues for the music festivals in the Loire Valley. Practical Information for Visiting the Château. Depending on the time of the year, there is at least one guided tour (only in French) each day lasting approximately 1.5 hrs. However, you can take a self guided tour of the castle at any time.

  14. Suilly-la-Tour

    Suilly-la-Tour is a commune in the Nièvre department in central France. Mapcarta, the open map. Europe. France. Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. Suilly-la-Tour Suilly-la-Tour is ... Château des Granges. Castle Photo: Thesupermat, CC BY-SA 3.0. Église Saint Symphorien de Suilly-la-Tour.

  15. Suilly-la-Tour

    Reservez en bord de loire pour vos prochaines vacances de printemps et d'ete - A louer appartement de 65 m² pour 2 adultes et deux enfants ou 4 adultes, avec vue directe sur la Loire et les vignes, comprenant : 1 cuisine équipée d'un réfrigérateur-congélateur,…. Situé à 10.2 km de Suilly-la-Tour. Favori. Gîte Loire et Vignoble.

  16. More Info

    Motorway A6>A77: exit 24 for Sancerre and Suilly-la-Tour, follow the signs for Suilly-la-Tour for 12 kilometers and at the entrance of the village you will see a sign on the left for Château des Granges. Closest airport: Orly (2 hrs from Suilly-la-Tour) Catering companies : - John Verdier - Bue- 09 67 19 39 62.

  17. Château de Sully-sur-Loire: Full Guide to the Best Castle in Val de la

    Below we have compiled a few hotels near Château de Sully-sur-Loire. They are all within walking distance to the castle and have a variety of room options from couples to families to big groups. Hotel La Tour - Room rates start from 55 euros per night. Hostellerie du Château - Room rates start from 80 euros per night.

  18. Things to Do in Suilly-la-Tour in 2024

    Suilly-la-Tour is a city in Bourgogne-Franche-Comte, France. It has many popular attractions, including Happy Ferme, Château de La Grange (Suilly-La-Tour), Paroisse, perfect for a trip!

  19. Suilly-la-Tour Map

    Suilly-la-Tour is a locality in Suilly-la-Tour, Arrondissement of Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and has about 596 residents. Suilly-la-Tour is situated close to the localities Presle and Suillizeau .

  20. Château de Sully en Bourgogne

    Le Château de Sully est un des plus beaux châteaux privés de France et est habité tout au long de l'année. Les magnifiques intérieurs entièrement meublés peuvent être découverts dans le cadre de visites guidées, aux dates et horaires figurant dans le calendrier de réservation de ce site internet. Réservez vos places >.

  21. Chateau de Sully

    Château de Sully, 71360 Sully, France ;Phone +33 (0)3 85 82 09 86 [email protected].

  22. Château de Sully-sur-Loire

    The Château de Sully's Petit Chateau to the left and Keep on the right. The Château de Sully-sur-Loire (French pronunciation: [ʃɑto də syli syʁ lwaʁ]; English: Castle of Sully-sur-Loire) is a castle, converted to a palatial seigneurial residence, situated in the commune of Sully-sur-Loire, Centre-Val de Loire, France.. The château was the seat of the Duke de Sully, King Henry IV of ...

  23. Visit Suilly-la-Tour: 2024 Travel Guide for Suilly-la-Tour, Bourgogne

    Stay at this 3-star business-friendly hotel in Pougues-les-Eaux. Enjoy free WiFi, free parking, and breakfast (surcharge). Popular attraction Casino Tranchant ...