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Which browser is best for battery life: We test Edge vs. Chrome vs. Opera vs. Firefox

Lots of claims are made about which browser is better or worse for a device’s battery life. Can a browser really make that much of a difference? Yes indeed, but determining just how much of a difference and whether it even matters to your individual use case is the difficult part.

I began testing the question of different web browsers’ impact on battery life about two months ago, and what I’ve concluded is that there’s a lot of work to be done here.

What’s generally wrong with browsing tests

I’ve read about people using browsing as a rundown test for laptops but I have concerns about how that’s done. As you know, the internet is a dynamic living organism. What I get when I point my browser at PCWorld.com at 2:14 a.m. EDT on August 29, is going to be different than what I get on 8 a.m. on January 1.

Even trying to browse with the same laptop just minutes apart could yield quite a different experience in terms of Flash ads, embedded videos, and other dynamic elements.

That’s not even mentioning that the route the packets take to reach your screen could differ considerably moment to moment. These and other uncontrollable variables are enough to scare me off of running comparative tests using the live internet.

Enter EMBC BrowsingBench

EMBC is a small benchmarking outfit that claims its BrowsingBench test removes the variability in testing browsers. The benchmark runs on Linux from a USB key. You boot into Ubuntu on a laptop that’s connected via ethernet to a wireless router, and then connect your test laptop to that router’s Wi-Fi.

screenshot 1

With EMBC’s BrowsingBench, you can test browsers in a controlled environment.

You select between page types, how long you want the test to dwell on a page, and even set the bandwidth you want simulated. The pages are stored and served by the benchmark, which means every single page and every single Flash ad is the same.

I configured BrowsingBench with a rather long “dwell” time on each page, rather than just jamming through a bunch of pages. I figured people don’t browse that way so what’s the value of it.

If you were to watch the benchmark run, it would look like a person went to a site, scrolled down maybe a third of the page, paused, scrolled another third, paused, and so on.

screenshot 8

EMBC’s BrowsingBench lets you vary how long the page stays on the screen, so I tried to simulate what I thought was a realistic portrayal of browsing.

It’s so not perfect

As much as I think EMBC’s BrowsingBench is pretty nifty, it’s far from perfect. The test is actually designed to scale to phones, tablets, and even set-top boxes. It includes webpages that are pure mobile sites as well as the desktop versions (I selected only the desktop versions), but the pages are clearly very light workloads for a PC.

The test is also designed for single-tab browsing. That’s just not realistic today. EMBC officials tell me they’re working on heavier page loads for the next version of BrowsingBench, but you have to go with the benchmark you have, not the one you want.

That doesn’t discount the results I’ll show you here today, but you should know that they reflect a light-duty-browsing scenario.  

toshiba satellite radius 12

I used a Toshiba Radius 12 for the bulk of my testing.

The hardware

I used the same Toshiba Radius 12 that I used for my media-player shootout . This laptop has a Core i7 Skylake CPU, 8GB of RAM, an M.2 SSD, and an Ultra HD 4K panel with 10-point touch. With its 41-watt battery, battery life is a little underwhelming. That’s to be expected though, as both 4K resolution and touch can be draining. I ran all of my tests at 155 nits, which is a reasonable brightness for an office environment where you are trying to save power.

The laptop was running Windows 10 Home with the latest updates installed prior to starting the tests. Once I updated the laptop, it stayed off the Internet to keep the OS at a consistent state.

To test the accuracy of the benchmark, I ran repeated tests in Chrome (each of which took several hours) and the results were within four minutes of each other. I used a LInksys 802.11n router for the tests, which was about two feet from the test laptop.

The browsers

Remember, I began my testing about two months ago so the browser versions are what was current at that time. For example, this was started prior to Opera pushing out its power-saving-mode version. The browsers I tested include: Chrome 50, Firefox 46, Edge 13.1, Opera 37, and Internet Explorer 11. (I did try a beta of Opera 39 with its power-saving mode switched on much later but ran into an issue where pages would not load correctly.)

As Firefox and Opera do not include Flash support by default, I installed the Adobe Flash plugin for both. All the browsers were running Flash 21.0.0. The only 64-bit browser was Microsoft’s Edge. The rest were all the 32-bit versions, which is the default browser of choice even if you’re running a 64-bit OS.

The results

This is a lot of lead up to something that’s a little  anticlimactic . My testing with a “light” browser load shows that Microsoft makes the most power-efficient browser, and the most power-inefficient one. 

Yes, Microsoft’s Edge 13.1 browser was clearly the winner here. I hit 385 minutes with the Edge browser, which is almost an hour more than Internet Explorer 11 lasted in browsing. 

Google’s much-maligned Chrome (which has a reputation for being a power hog) pulled into second place with about half an hour less battery life than Edge. Firefox was just about as bad as Internet Explorer, and Opera was on par with Chrome.

browser life 155 nits tosh 4k i7 embc pcw load

Under a light browsing load with some Flash content, Microsoft offers the best and the worst browser for battery life.


The thing is, you were probably expecting far more dramatic results. Kinda like Microsoft’s own test that it released this week . If you didn’t catch it, Microsoft testers  browsed various websites (on the open Internet apparently) while looking at the power consumption  so the testers could measure power consumption. Microsoft’s tests—conducted on the open internet apparently, and using a special instrumented Surface Book—showed from 36 percent to 53 percent better battery life over the competition when browsing in Edge. In a video test, Edge edged out Opera’s new power-saving mode by 17 percent, bested Firefox by 43 percent, and Chrome by a whopping 70 percent.

The company also showed all four browsers running a streamed video until they tapped out with Edge again taking the lead.

Microsoft further showed telemetry from “millions” of Windows 10 machines that it has captured, which supports its results (umm, does anyone else think it’s creepy that your OS is dutifully reporting anonymous telemetry data to be used for marketing purposes?).

I don’t actually doubt Microsoft’s numbers. In fact, they reinforce my own personal experience using various browsers. Chrome “seems” to cause the battery to plummet, while Edge “seems” to sip power during use.

But that’s just my anecdotal experience and without the ability to measure it reliably, I’ll just leave it at that. And to be perfectly honest, I still use Chrome, except when I’m really trying to maximize battery life. Then I switch to Edge.

browser power consumption telemetry

Microsoft Edge is more power efficient according to millions of Windows 10 machines, the company says.

So here’s the thing. My own tests shows Edge has a clear power advantage in light browsing chores; it’s just not as dramatic as Microsoft’s own tests. But the truth is actually more complicated because our browsing habits are so different, and can change from day to day.  If you play a game or use Outlook all day, you can make a pretty good guess about how each will impact battery life. A browser though is a window to the unlimited and ever-changing Internet and no one uses it the same way.

Do you sit with 10 tabs of Flash- and video-heavy webpages open all day? Or do you sit in Google Docs for eight hours? Do you park your browser on YouTube or some shady streaming website for long stretches? All three of those use cases will likely have very different effects on battery life and going by anyone’s generic “browser battery-life” figures doesn’t make much sense.

Are browser benchmarks still valuable? Yes, but only to the extent that you understand the scenario being tested. For example, after doing my tests, I’m pretty confident telling you that if you’re just doing very light web browsing with the screen brightness at a medium-to-dim 150 nits, Edge is the most power-efficient choice, but the other’s ain’t so bad either.

You are using an outdated browser. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience.

Compared: Safari vs. Chrome vs. Firefox vs. Edge on macOS in 2022

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Safari vs. Chrome vs. Firefox vs. Edge on macOS, compared.

safari vs chrome vs firefox battery life

The truth is, the perfect browser doesn't exist. Each of the four most popular macOS browsers has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, just based on the engine that's used for web rendering, and what the developers of the big-four have prioritized.

While the best browser for the individual varies on use case, and which websites behave the best on any given browser, there are a series of benchmarking tools that can measure performance on synthetic tasks.

Browser benchmarks

We tested each browser on three different testing platforms: JetStream 2, Speedometer, and MotionMark.

JetStream 2 is a JavaScript-benchmark that scores browsers based on how quickly they can start and execute code, which translates to faster JavaScript performance. Since JavaScript is used on most web browsers, it's a good test of snappiness for code-intensive sites.

MotionMark is a graphical browser testing suite that measures the ability to render complex web pages. Think a page that has complicated graphics and animations. A higher score results in smoother transitions and animations.

Speedometer 2.0 determines the responsiveness of a browser when running web applications. Among the three, it's the truest option for testing real-world performance across many popular websites and online services. A good example is adding tasks to a to-do list in a web app.

JetStream 2 browser benchmarks

Chrome came out on top in JetStream 2 testing, while Safari took second place.

MotionMark browser benchmarks

Safari was the fastest in MotionMark benchmark testing.

Speedometer browser benchmarks

Speedometer testing showed off interesting results, with Firefox and Edge coming in first and second, and Safari in last place.

Different testing platforms result in different scores, so your own mileage may vary. Safari was the best for graphical performance, for example, but its responsiveness lagged behind others. Choose what specific metrics are most important to you.

For Mac users, Safari is an institution. It's the default browser on Apple platforms and is generally lightweight and efficient. As you'd expect for an Apple product, Safari also emphasizing privacy while you browser online.

From the very first boot on a new Mac, Safari is instantly available and configured for easy, private browsing. That makes it the best choice for the most non-technical among us, since you won't need to download and install anything. Safari "just works" out of the box.

It also features the tighest integration across Apple's other devices and systems. You can use Continuity to easy hand-off your browsing between your Mac and any iPhone or iPad you have around. If you need to buy something with Apple Pay , you can authenticate purchases with Face ID or Touch ID.

Apple Safari

Safari also features some strong privacy protections, including mechanisms aimed at mitigating cross-site tracking and ad targeting. It features a built-in password manager that allows you to save and store passwords — with easy autofill options — across your Apple devices.

As an Apple-made product, Safari is the most convenient option on this list for Mac users — particularly those who own multiple Apple devices. It's also a good choice for the privacy conscious, though it isn't the fastest and it doesn't yet have a strong extension marketplace.

  • Default Mac browser with effortless setup
  • Strong privacy protections
  • Integration with other Apple products
  • Not the fastest or most responsive browser in some testing
  • Lackluster support for add-ons and extensions

Google Chrome

Google Chrome is a massively popular browser, and a particular favorite of those who routinely use extensions to customize their web experience. It's the most-used web browser in the world, and it's faster and more RAM-efficient than it used to be. Chrome is even currently speedier than Safari on macOS.

The browser also has one of the world's most extensive list of add-ons, plug-ins, and extensions. From plugins focused on online privacy or to video content downloaders, there are around 190,000 extensions in total to choose from. You can also choose from a number of different themes and customization options.

Google Chrome

Intelligent Google-made features include automatic site translations and deep integration with the company's online tools and services — so it's great for those who rely on Gmail, Google Docs, or another Google service. Syncing between Google apps on different devices is also top-notch.

However, Google is a data company that relies on collecting information about its users. While the company has taken steps to bolster its privacy reputation, it's still a company that makes money on harvesting data. Those who are particularly privacy-conscious will probably want to look elsewhere.

It's hard to go wrong with the world's most popular web browser, particularly with its seamless workflow features and customization options. However, if you are even slightly concerned about online privacy, you may want to go with another option.

  • Simple to learn, fastest option in some cases
  • Syncs your Google account across other devices
  • Extensive list of extensions and add-ons
  • It's Google — so not that private
  • Is a RAM and CPU hog

Mozilla Firefox is one of the only popular and mainstream browsers to have started life as an open source project. It's still a free and open source browser with a hefty focus on privacy and security, which could make it a good fit for those who want a Google Chrome alternative.

Because of its open source nature, users are free to explore Firefox's code — and they do. The browser doesn't have any hidden secrets or data-harvesters. It also features some excellent built-in privacy and security protections, including Enhanced Tracking Protection and an extensive list of customizable permissions.

Mozilla Firefox

Firefox was also the first browser to actually offer third-party extensions and add-ons. Although it might not have as many extensions as Google Chrome, you'll still find a hefty list of options ranging from privacy add-ons to customizable themes for your browser.

Although Firefox has some cross-platform integration between its app and built-in Pocket support, it isn't as seamless as Chrome or Safari. If speed if your primary concern, it's also important to note that Firefox isn't the fastest browser by most metrics.

Users who want an open source browser or are committed to Mozilla's mission of keeping the internet open and free will find a browser after their own hearts here. For the average user, however, another browser on this list might be a better fit.

  • Completely free and open source
  • Extremely customizable with extensions, themes, etc.
  • The best option for hardcore privacy
  • Not the fastest or most RAM efficient
  • Synchronicity isn't as robust

Microsoft Edge is the spiritual successor to Internet Explorer that was first released in 2015. Originally HTML-based, Microsoft overhauled the browser to be based on Chromium, which is the same underlying software used to make Google Chrome.

As such, Microsoft Edge is now much more competitive than it used to be. It's far from a Google Chrome clone, but you should expect a similar level of performance from it. Some users believe that Microsoft Edge even feels snappier than Chrome on a Mac.

Microsoft Edge

Because it's Chromium-based, Microsoft Edge also has a list of extensions similar to Chrome. It also sports a number of unique features, such as a "Collections" ability that lets you save information like text or webpages to a built-in notebook. There's also a vertical tab bar, a built-in read aloud feature, and an easy native screenshot tool.

It's a solid option for anyone that doesn't like Safari and wants an alternative to Google Chrome because of privacy reasons. If you use a Microsoft account like some use a Google account, then Edge might also be a solid option.

  • Snappy, lower RAM and CPU usage
  • Unique features like Read Aloud and Collections
  • Good performance in most metrics
  • Can be slower than Chrome in terms of pure performance
  • Syncing isn't as strong as Safari or Chrome

The perfect browser doesn't exist, but you can pick and choose what you need

There's no clear answer for what the "best" browser on macOS is. However, some browsers are better suited to specific tasks than others.

When it comes to smooth JavaScript execution, Chrome is in the top spot with Safari a close second. Safari, according to the MotionMark testing, handles complex web pages better than any other browser.

Firefox, interestingly enough, may be the fastest when it comes to general everyday web apps.

Of course, there's also the issues of extension support, privacy, and synchronization across other devices. Many of the browsers are evenly matched on these metrics, but some excel in specific areas like privacy or cross-platform integration.

But, unlike on iOS, you aren't effectively stuck with one browser core technology. These four browsers, and several more, are available on macOS, and can be run in parallel.

While we don't recommend running all four unless you're a web developer or unit case tester, two or three different browsers can be run at-will, if any given browser doesn't handle your work case well.

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The best web browsers for 2024

All web browsers have the same basic function, and yet, the choice between them has always been one of the most contentious in tech history. You have more options these days than ever before, whether you’re looking for the best web browser for privacy , the best for speed, or perhaps something a bit more adventurous.

To help you decide on the best web browser, we grabbed the latest browsers and put them through their paces. Even if some could use a complete overhaul, these options are your best chance for a great online experience.

The best web browser: Google Chrome

Chrome is ubiquitous — and for good reason. With a robust feature set, full Google Account integration, a thriving extension ecosystem (available through the Chrome Web Store), and a reliable suite of mobile apps, it’s easy to see why Chrome is the most popular and the best web browser.

Chrome boasts some of the most extensive mobile integration available. Served up on every major platform, keeping data in sync is easy, making browsing between multiple devices a breeze. Sign in to your Google account on one device, and all Chrome bookmarks, saved data, and preferences come right along. Even active extensions stay synchronized across devices.

Chrome’s Password Manager can automatically generate and recommend strong passwords when a user creates a new account on a webpage. Managing saved passwords and adding notes to passwords is even easier. The search bar, or Omnibox, provides “rich results” comprised of useful answers, and it now supports generative AI capabilities. Favorites are more accessible as well, and they’re manageable on the New Tab page. And it’s now easier to mute tabs to avoid unwanted sounds.

Other updates have included a Dark Mode for Windows and macOS , better New Tab customization and tab group creation, tab hover cards, and an in-browser warning if your password was discovered in a data breach. There’s a price tracking feature that can help locate the best deals. Android users will appreciate the Phone Hub for linking and monitoring their phones. There’s also the ability to quiet notifications, so websites don’t bombard you with requests to enable in-browser notifications.

What’s the bottom line? The Google Chrome browser is fast, free, and even better looking than before. With a thriving extension ecosystem, it’s as fully featured or as pared-down as you want it to be. Everything is right where it belongs, privacy and security controls are laid out in plain English, and the browser just gets out of your way. While it can be a little RAM-hungry at times , Google is working to make it more efficient — like Microsoft’s Edge, Google can now hibernate tabs in the background to stop them from using too many resources.

Overall, Chrome remains the best web browser download for the average user.

And, things are looking to get even better. Google announced some significant upgrades to the browser that haven’t gone live yet, to celebrate Chrome’s 15th birthday . A Material You design language will allow users to customize Chrome’s look and feel and attach themes to profiles to make it easy to tell them apart. The menu system will be revamped to provide easier access to a variety of settings and features including Extensions, Password Manager, Translate, and others. The Chrome Web Store will be redesigned using Material You to be easier to use, and AI will help identify useful extensions. And finally, Safe Browsing will now work in real time to protect against threats.

The best Chrome alternative: Microsoft Edge

In response to the market’s rejection of its original home-grown Edge browser, Microsoft rewrote Edge using the open-source Chromium web browser engine. The new Edge launched on February 5, 2020 , as a separate, stand-alone browser that replaced the integrated version. It became part of Windows 10 with the May 2020 update, although you can still download it for Windows 10 builds prior to version 2004. Of course, it’s the default web browser for Windows 11.

At first glance, the new Edge browser looks and feels like Google Chrome. It prompts you to import Chrome’s bookmarks toolbar and other settings. This is great if you hated the old Edge browser and want to give Microsoft’s new browser another shot. It also supports Chrome extensions , though the browser leads you to the Microsoft Store for add-ons. You must manually load the Chrome Web Store to install anything not listed in Microsoft’s repository.

However, it’s not Chrome with a Windows 11 theme. Microsoft reportedly disabled many features, including Google’s Safe Browsing API, ad blocking, speech input, Google-centric services, and more. In return, the company worked to optimize Edge and reduce its footprint while continuing to add new, Microsoft-oriented features. As of January 2023, Edge is the most efficient browser in terms of memory usage. It also allows sleeping tabs, to let tabs release their resources when they haven’t been used for some time.

Features launched since its release have included the new Edge Sidebar that provides easy access to various tools, more flexibility in managing how Edge starts up, Citations to make it easier for students to cite sources, and various other updates to make the browser more productive. Edge Workspaces lets users organize tasks into dedicated windows, and Microsoft has continuously tweaked various features, like the Edge Sidebar, to make them more user-friendly.

Microsoft Edge also provides simpler privacy settings and security updates. Microsoft Edge uses a graphically friendly interface that displays three security levels: Basic, Balanced, and Strict. With Balanced set as the default, many sites request you to disable your pop-up blocker even though one isn’t manually installed. All in all, we’re very optimistic that Edge is on its way to challenging Chrome as the best web browser.

The best Chromium alternative: Mozilla Firefox

Firefox is the best browser that’s not based on the Chromium browser engine. Mozilla has taken real strides to make its browser a truly modern way to surf from site to site, thanks to efforts like its upgrade to Firefox Quantum , its VR alternative Firefox Reality , and password-free browsing .

It wasn’t too long ago that Mozilla rebuilt the browser’s interface, offering a cleaner, more modern take on what a web browser should be. The changes weren’t just skin-deep, however. There’s some impressive engineering going on behind the scenes.

For example, Firefox Quantum is designed to leverage multicore processors in ways that its competitors just aren’t doing. It was not designed to make a huge difference in your day-to-day browsing, but Mozilla hopes this design will give Firefox Quantum an edge moving forward. By engineering for the future now, Firefox Quantum is in a better position to take advantage of quicker processors as they emerge.

Some Firefox strengths include privacy protections with SmartBlock anti-tracker support, improved password syncing across devices, enhanced readability, integrated breach alerts, and a Protections Dashboard that provides a summary of how Firefox protects your privacy behind the scenes. WebRender improves the graphics performance on Windows PCs with Intel and AMD CPUs.

Recent updates include easier download management, captions, and subtitle support on YouTube, Prime Video, and Netflix videos watched in picture-in-picture mode, HDR support in macOS, and the ability to edit PDFs with text, drawings, and signatures. Firefox can also recognize text from an image, which is copied to the clipboard when selected. Finally, Firefox Colorways provides new options for optimizing how Firefox looks on-screen.

Beneath those changes, Firefox remains a comfortable, familiar standby. It’s a capable browser with a deep catalog of extensions and user interface customization. While managing settings across platforms isn’t as seamless as Google Chrome , the mobile browser app lets you share bookmarks between devices when using a free Firefox account.

There’s a bit of a fringe benefit, too. Since it’s been around longer than Chrome, some older web apps — the likes of which you might encounter at your university or workplace — work better on Firefox than they do on Chrome. For that reason, it never hurts to keep it around.

Overall, Firefox is more privacy-centric than Chrome and comparably fast, but its feature set isn’t quite as expansive elsewhere. If you like the sound of this, download the Firefox browser today.

The most innovative web browser: Opera

Another venerable browser and popular alternative, the Opera browser shares much of Chrome’s DNA and deserves its place as one of the best web browsers. Like both Edge and Chrome, Opera is built on Google’s open-source Chromium engine and, as a result, they all have a very similar user experience. Both feature a hybrid URL/search bar, and both are relatively light and fast.

The differences appear when you look at Opera’s built-in features. Where Chrome relies on an extension ecosystem to provide functionality users might want, Opera has a few more features baked right into the browser itself. It introduced a predictive website preload ability, and an Instant Search feature isolates search results in their separate window while the current page fades into the background, letting users more easily focus on the research task at hand.

You can install extensions from the Opera Add-ons store , which are just like Chrome extensions. Similar to Google’s browser, you’ll find useful tools like Giphy, Amazon Assistant, Avast Online Security, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and more. If Chrome’s wide variety of extensions is important to you, then Opera becomes an intriguing alternative. It might just be one of the best browsers for quickly navigating web pages.

Opera also features a built-in “Stash” for saving pages to read later. There’s no need to sign up for a Pocket or Evernote account to save a page for later reading. Similarly, Opera features a speed-dial menu that puts all your most frequently visited pages in one place. Google Chrome also does this, but only on a blank new tab. Finally, Opera has a built-in unlimited VPN service, making it a more secure browser option.

The biggest changes came with Opera 60 and Reborn 3, a complete revamp that brought a new borderless design, Web 3 support, and a Crypto Wallet, allowing users to prepare for blockchain-based sites. With version 69, Opera became the first browser with a built-in Twitter tool, and the company has added others as well including Instagram and TikTok. Just click the icon on the toolbar, log in to your account, and tweet away right from within the slide-out menu.

Other recent advancements include Lucid Mode, which sharpens video playing on a variety of platforms, supports emojis instead of web links, and other enhancements. The Opera Sidebar adds new functionality much like Edge’s Sidebar, allowing quick access to various Opera features. And Opera Aria adds new generative AI capabilities built right into the browser.

You can see that we’re well into hair-splitting territory, which is why it’s important to remember that your choice of browser is, more than any other service or app you use each day, entirely dependent on your personal preferences — what feels most right for you. The Opera web browser has a unique look and feel, and it combines some of the best features of Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

Alternative browsers

While the preceding browsers will meet most users’ needs, other alternatives exist for anyone looking for something different. This section is for those who have a more niche preference in web browsers  or want to try something new.

Apple Safari

If you use Apple devices exclusively, Safari is already your default browser. It’s also significantly faster than in the past, surpassing Chrome in its quickness. It’s integrated into iOS, iPadOS, and macOS, and you’ll likely get better battery life thanks to Apple’s in-house optimizations and the underlying hardware.

Safari also focuses a great deal on privacy and security. If you want to minimize how you’re tracked and whether Big Brother is looking over your shoulder, then Safari is a good choice. If you also use an iPhone and/or an iPad, then using Safari on your Mac will make for the most seamless transition between platforms. Open websites on an iPad or iPhone are carried over to macOS.

Safari is not offered outside the Apple ecosystem.

Vivaldi Browser

The Vivaldi browser is truly unique. No two Vivaldi users will have the same setup. When you run it for the first time, you’re guided through a setup process that lays out your browser in a way that makes sense for you. You choose where your tabs and address bar go and whether you want browser tabs displayed at the top of the page or in a separate side panel. This is a browser built from the ground up to deliver a unique user experience, and for the most part, it succeeds. Vivaldi 2.0 enhanced the customization features and made them easier to access.

This browser excels at customization, and you can choose from a variety of tasteful themes that don’t feel dated or out of place on a modern PC, in addition to the aforementioned UI choices. It also has some standout privacy-enhancing features, like its team-up with DuckDuckGo to make the non-tracking search tool the default option when in privacy mode.

Finally, recent updates added more powerful tab management, enhancements like Web Panels that make for smarter browsing, and (as mentioned) even more powerful customization options. Other new updates include a built-in ad blocker, a built-in tracker blocker, a clock in the Status Bar, a new Notes Manager, and a Break Mode for pausing the internet while keeping the browser open.

Brave Browser

One of the most unusual browsers around is Brave — or, perhaps, it’s Brave’s business model that’s the strangest. Brave blocks all ads on all web pages by default, which makes it arguably the fastest browser around. Ads are a huge portion of how many websites make money — block these ads, and suddenly the most important web financial tool is eliminated.

That’s where the Brave Rewards program comes in. Users receive Basic Attention Tokens (BATs) when they view alternative ads that Brave places in the browsing stream. Users can pass along a portion of their tokens to publishers. As of January 2021, there were over 70,000 websites that supported BAT-based transactions through the Brave browser, including Wikipedia, The Guardian, WikiHow, MacRumors, and more.

What’s in it for users? Simply put, if you’re not waiting for ads to download along with website content, then your web experience will feel much faster. Brave performs no user tracking, making it ideal for private browsing as well.

Tor Browser

The Tor Browser is a version of Firefox that serves one very specific purpose: A simple entry point for The Onion Router, or Tor .

Tor is software combined with an open network aimed at making you invisible by routing your traffic through several anonymous servers. While it’s not foolproof, it’s very difficult for someone to identify you when you’re properly configured and using something like the Tor Browser to surf the web — especially if combined with a VPN .

There are many legitimate uses of the Tor Browser and the Tor network. It’s a good choice for people who live in countries with repressive governments, as well as journalists and activists. The dark web is also one of the destinations for people using Tor, which includes many nefarious and illegal sites.

In any event, if you want to remain completely anonymous while surfing the web, the Tor Browser and network are for you. If you want a more mainstream alternative, Opera includes a VPN component, but it’s far less private.

Avast Secure Browser

Avast Secure Browser first arrived as the Opera-based Avast Safezone Browser in 2016 as part of the Avast Antivirus paid bundle. It was revised and rebranded in 2018 as a free stand-alone product based on Chromium. Originally the “SafeZone” aspect kicked in when users visited websites to make purchases or manage money.

Avast Secure Browser provides several built-in tools to protect your data and privacy. These include an anti-phishing module, fingerprinting and online tracking prevention, an ad blocker, and a Webcam Guard tool to control which websites can access your camera. The Hack Check tool will determine if your info was leaked in a data breach.

Avast Secure Browser is a stand-alone download for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. The desktop version doesn’t include an integrated VPN but instead directs users to download the company’s separate SecureLine VPN software. The listed Bank Mode — part of the Avast Free Antivirus client — flips on when users load a banking website.

Best web browser features — what to look for

Benchmark tests.

Notice we don’t include Safari in our main comparison. Apple’s Safari web browser is unavailable on Windows, Android, or Chrome OS, so we removed it from our primary list.

Most browsers are compatible with web standards and handle performance with relative ease. A casual user probably won’t notice a difference in the rendering speed between today’s modern browsers, as all six are much faster and leaner than those of a few years ago.

We ran the following benchmarks on a desktop with an AMD Ryzen 7 5800X processor, 32GB of RAM, a 1TB M.2 PCIe NVMe solid-state drive, and Windows 11. All browsers were clean installs of the most current production versions as of January 2023, and all were run at their default settings.

First, JetStream 2 is a JavaScript and WebAssembly benchmark. It tests how quickly a web browser can start and execute code, and how smoothly it runs. Higher numbers are better.

Notice how all three Chromium-based browsers outperform Firefox. In fact, there’s very little difference between them, while Firefox’s performance is quite poor by comparison.

The next test we ran was Speedometer 2.0 . It measures how responsive a browser is to web applications by repeatedly adding a large number of items to a to-do list. Higher numbers are better.

Here, Opera led the pack, with Chrome and Edge running nearly neck to neck. Firefox came in last here with a relatively low score.

Finally, we tested how much RAM each browser uses, both with no tabs open and then with 10 tabs open accessing the same popular sites. We made sure that each browser had no extensions running, and we let each browser settle in before looking at its memory use. For the test with 10 tabs open, we averaged memory use when all the tabs were opened and then five minutes later to account for any variability.

It’s not a scientific test, but it should be sound enough to give you an idea of which browsers are the most and least efficient in terms of taking up your RAM. We found Opera to use the least amount of RAM when first opened, barely ahead of Edge, while Chrome used the most. Edge used the least with all 10 tabs loaded by a significant margin, a third or less than the other browsers. Chrome used the most with all 10 tabs open, and Firefox and Opera weren’t far behind.

Security and privacy

The most valuable tool for secure and private browsing is user discretion, especially when you consider that every web browser has encountered security breaches in the past. In particular, Internet Explorer and Chrome’s reputations for protecting users’ security and privacy credentials are spotty at best.

Chrome, Safari, Vivaldi, Opera, and Firefox all rely on Google’s Safe Browsing API to detect potentially dangerous sites. Thanks to constant updates, Mozilla, Chrome, and Opera all make constant security improvements. Microsoft disabled this API in Edge.

All browsers offer a private session option, too. Private sessions prevent the storage of browsing history, temporary internet files, and cookies. Browser support for Do Not Track remains spotty.

Mozilla made some strides in differentiating itself from others with a real focus on privacy in recent years. It even debuted a Facebook Container  in 2018 to make it harder for the social network to harvest user information.

Frequently asked questions

Do you need to use a VPN when browsing the web? 

You do not have to use a VPN when browsing the internet. However, a VPN can be a good tool to use as it protects your privacy and data by creating a secure and encrypted data tunnel between your browser and a VPN server. In turn, that server creates a secure and encrypted connection between it and the target website.

As a result, the website can’t identify you personally, nor can it see your true geological location or internet address. Not even your ISP knows where you’re surfing or the device you use with a VPN enabled. Some VPN services are free while others require a subscription. We have a list of the current best VPN services .

Which browser is most used in the world? 

Google Chrome leads the web browser market with a 64.68% share, according to Statcounter . Apple Safari follows with 18.29%, Edge at 4.23%, Mozilla Firefox at 3.01%%, and Opera at 2.25%. Internet Explorer is still in use with 0.81%, while Microsoft Edge “Legacy” is fading out at 0.32%.

What are the best ad blockers to use for your browser? 

We have a guide on the best ad blockers for Google Chrome , but here’s a short list:

  • AdBlock and AdBlock Plus
  • AdGuard (Chrome only)
  • CyberSec by NordVPN
  • Poper Blocker (Chrome only)
  • Stands Fair AdBlocker (Chrome only)
  • uBlock Origin (Chrome and Firefox only)

What is browser fingerprinting and how can you prevent it? 

Websites want to know everything about you: Your tastes, your habits, and where you like to surf. When you load a website, it quietly runs scripts in the background that collect information about you and your device. The operating system, the web browser, all installed extensions, your time zone — all of this information is strung together to create a “fingerprint,” which in turn can be used to trace you across the internet via cross-site tracking.

Avast provides a detailed explanation and outlines various forms of fingerprinting. For example, the “canvas” method forces the browser to draw an image or text in the background, without the user knowing, to determine the operating system, web browser, graphics card, installed drivers, and the current font style. Device fingerprinting determines all internal and external device components.

As your fingerprint is tracked across the internet, this “profile” can be sold to data brokers, who then resell the data to advertisers. It’s a more silent means of gathering information about you versus using cookies that require your consent. The problem is, browser fingerprinting is still perfectly legal.

The best way to prevent browser fingerprinting is by randomizing and generalizing data. Third-party software like Avast AntiTrack does this by inserting “fake” data when website scripts try to collect your information. However, this tool allows scripts to continue running in the background so the website doesn’t “break.”

Many browsers offer some type of anti-fingerprinting protection. These include Avast Secure Browser (see above), Brave Browser (randomization), Mozilla Firefox (blocks fingerprinting scripts), and Tor Browser (generalization).

Editors’ Recommendations

  • The best antivirus software for Chromebooks in 2024
  • The 5 best laptops for browsing the web in 2024
  • The best PDF editors for 2024
  • Best Products
  • Google Chrome

Mark Coppock

Mark has been a geek since MS-DOS gave way to Windows and the PalmPilot was a thing. He’s translated his love for technology into a marketing, consulting, and freelance writing career aimed at helping people use technology to enhance their lives. At Digital Trends, he reviews laptops and desktops, including the latest from HP, Dell, Lenovo, Apple, and more, and writes news and easy to understand how-to articles about the computing industry as a whole.

When he’s not writing, you’ll find him reading and watching science fiction, taking photos with his family, and obsessing over Indiana University basketball.

Laptop Reviews

Best Budget Laptops Best 2-in-1 Laptops Best Business Laptops Best Laptops Under $1,000

Google is making some serious changes to digital certificate security on the web, the company announced on its Security blog. The big news is that Google will no longer trust certificates from two large security firms -- Entrust or AffirmTrust -- due to repeated security lapses.

According to Google, the companies, which are Certificate Authorities (CA), have demonstrated patterns of unmet improvement commitments, compliance failures, and no measurable progress in how fast the company responds to publicly disclosed incident reports.

As mentioned in a blog post on its Help Center, Slack is changing its free accounts in one important way.

Starting August 26, 2024, Slack is erasing messages and files older than a year for users of its free app. However, free account users will retain most of their 90 days of history but must upgrade to a paid plan to access the remaining 275 days. If a free Slack account user erases files and texts after the deadline, they cannot recover them even if they upgrade to a paid plan.

You might not have heard of Character.ai, but it's quietly become one of the most popular AI chatbots since its launch. Don't believe me? The startup company behind the service was most recently valued at an estimate of $1 billion in late 2023.

It was the first major chatbot to take a primarily creative and entertainment-based spin on the AI space, and it's particularly popular with younger generations. What's it all about? Well -- you've come to the right place. What is Character.ai? The premise of Character.ai is simple. You can communicate one-on-one with characters that may be based on notable people, fictional characters from books, video games, TV shows or movies, or a conceptual person like a teacher, therapist, or coach. Similarly, you can create and train a character, giving them a humanlike personality and introducing them to the Character.ai community. Other features allow you to share your conversations publicly within the community and allow the fictional characters to communicate with each other.

We review products independently , but we may earn affiliate commissions from buying links on this page. Terms of use .

Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, or Safari: Which Browser Is Best for 2024?

Don't take your browser for granted we help you narrow your options by comparing the best web browsers on speed, privacy, and other important features..

Michael Muchmore

Most people browse the web using Google Chrome without really thinking about their options. Gmail or YouTube or some other site once suggested they use Chrome, and perhaps they never questioned it. The truth is you do have options when it comes to your web browser, and you may find another that serves your needs better. Browsers offer varying levels of privacy, security , performance, and power efficiency. They differ even more when it comes to unique and helpful features beyond merely displaying websites.

Here we examine the top five browsers in the US, in order of popularity. That criterion rules out  Brave  and  Vivaldi , with usage rates hovering near or below 1%, even though they are both first-class browsers. If you're interested in those two, check out our article on the  best alternative web browsers . Or, if your utmost concern is security, see what makes the best private browsers different.

Below are short reviews of the top five browsers. After that, keep reading for more information about the browser landscape, additional details about our testing, and advice on what you should take into consideration when choosing a web browser.

Google Chrome

safari vs chrome vs firefox battery life

Google Chrome Web Browser

Most people need no introduction to the search behemoth's browser, Google Chrome. It’s attractively designed and quick at loading pages. Most website codes now target Chrome, so compatibility is seldom an issue. Chrome is available for all major platforms, and the mobile version offers syncing of bookmarks, passwords, and settings.

Chrome doesn't have many unique browsing features, however, and it's the only browser included here that you won't find in the desktop app stores for macOS and Windows. There’s no built-in VPN, no cryptocurrency locker, no note feature, and no screenshot tool. Google has announced a feeble gesture towards adding a reading mode; feeble because it will only be in a sidebar, with the full, noisy distracting page still displaying in the main central browser window. The lack of a true reading mode makes sense for a company that earns its keep through web ads since reading modes hide them. All the other browsers here have full-page reading modes.

Chrome allows multiple user profiles, meaning different users of the same computer can have their own browser settings, history, and favorites. The browser also finally caught up with others by adding a Share icon to the address bar that eases sending sites via social media or email.

A few years ago, Google controversially announced it would be removing the API function that allowed ad-blocker software to fully block ads. As of now, it seems ad blockers may be limited starting at some point in 2024. Some Chrome development, though, has centered around security and privacy, notably among them a plan to kill off tracking cookies in favor of Google's tracking mechanisms. The company's Privacy Sandbox initiative (in development) tries to cater to both  ad targeting and user privacy . Some worry both of these developments will only result in more consolidation of the company's grip on web advertising and user profiling.

Apple Safari

safari vs chrome vs firefox battery life

Apple Safari 5

The default Mac and iOS browser is a strong choice, though its interface has some nonstandard elements. Safari was a forerunner in several areas of browser features. For example, it was the first with a Reading mode, which cleared unnecessary clutter like ads and videos from web articles you want to read. That feature debuted in 2010 and has made its way into all other browsers except for Chrome.

Apple has brought up the topic of fingerprinting protection—preventing web trackers from identifying you by your system specs. Unfortunately, the EFF's Cover Your Tracks test site only shows partial protection from trackers in Safari, while several competitors get a result of Strong protection. Other benefits include Apple Pay support and a "Sign in with Apple" feature to replace Facebook and Google as web account authorizers.

In macOS Monterey, the browser gained a compact tab bar with floating tabs like Firefox's and Tab Groups that live in a convenient sidebar, and with Ventura , they become shareable and pinnable. Safari also supports Apple's proprietary Shared with You feature in its proprietary iMessage system. For iCloud+ subscribers, a Private Relay obscures your IP address, similar to a VPN.

If you use an iPhone and a Mac, Safari integration makes a lot of sense, since Apple’s Handoff feature lets you continue your browsing session between devices. Safari trails other browsers on support for emerging HTML features, but we haven’t run into or heard of any major site incompatibilities with it.

Microsoft Edge

safari vs chrome vs firefox battery life

Microsoft Edge Web Browser

The latest version of Microsoft Edge uses Chrome’s webpage-rendering code, Chromium, guaranteeing site compatibility and freeing up its developers to add unique features. You won’t run into the site incompatibilities users of the previous incarnation of Edge occasionally encountered, and the browser performs snappily. Edge now runs on Apple macOS and Windows 11 and earlier. Mobile versions for Android and iPhone let you sync history, favorites, and passwords.

Edge is a leader in performance, thrifty memory management, and disk usage. Startup Boost technology reduces the time it takes to open the browser, and sleeping tabs save memory on tabs you're not viewing. Edge's Efficiency mode can extend laptop battery life. The initial focuses for the browser were privacy, the customizable start page, and the intriguing Collections feature for web research. For enterprise customers who still rely on Internet Explorer to run legacy programs, Edge offers an IE Mode .

The Collections feature uses a sidebar onto which you can drag webpages and images, write notes, and then share the whole assemblage to Excel, OneNote, or Word. It's a great organization and planning tool . Edge's Immersive Reader mode not only offers distraction-free web reading, stripping out ads and nonessential eye candy, but it can also read webpage text aloud using lifelike Neural Voices. It's worth trying because it reads with sentence intonation, rather than simply word by word, as we’ve come to expect text-to-speech audio.

Other notable Edge options include built-in web sharing, tabs down the side rather than across the top, a built-in screenshot tool, automatic coupons for shopping sites, and timely themes to dress up your browser. Recent additions include a side panel that integrates the new Bing AI chat search , game controller haptic feedback, and a multitasking side toolbar that lets you access first- and third-party services for social networking, search, messaging, search, and productivity.

Mozilla Firefox

safari vs chrome vs firefox battery life

Firefox Web Browser

Firefox, an open-source project from the nonprofit Mozilla Foundation, has long been a PCMag favorite. The browser has pioneered many web capabilities and the organization that develops it has been a strong advocate for online privacy. It’s also notable for its wealth of available extensions. The unique Multi-Account Containers extension lets you sequester multiple logins to the same site on different tabs. Without it, you'd have to open a private browsing window or another browser to sign out of all your web accounts and start a fresh session.

Mozilla’s browser is in the vanguard of supporting new HTML and CSS capabilities, and the company is working on open-source AR and speech synthesis standards. The organization now offers a full password management service called Lockwise, which can generate complex passwords, sync them between devices, and secure everything under a strong master password. That and the organization's VPN offering are paid extras.

The mobile Firefox apps offer excellent interfaces, and you can send a webpage tab from any device to any others that are logged into your syncing account. That’s right: You can be reading a webpage on your desktop PC, and have it instantly open on your iPhone or vice versa. It's a slick and useful feature.

If that’s not enough, Firefox has a Pocket button in the address bar, letting you save a page for later viewing anywhere with one click. The Reader View button declutters a webpage loaded with ads, promos, and videos, so you can peruse it with no distractions. PiP video supports closed captions and HDR and AV1 video formats. The browser is ultra customizable, letting you select and arrange buttons on the toolbar to taste, as well as select from a large number of Theme add-ons that change window border patterns and colors.

Recent additions include PDF editing and the Firefox View feature, basically a pinned tab of recent sites that syncs between the desktop and mobile versions of the browser.

safari vs chrome vs firefox battery life

Opera Web Browser

Perennially hovering around the 2% usage level, the Opera browser has long been a pioneer in the segment, inventing basic browser innovations like tabs, CSS, and the built-in search box. Opera can make a bigger privacy claim than the other browsers here—if you’re a believer in VPNs. It includes a built-in VPN (actually an encrypted proxy server) that protects and reroutes traffic from Opera to cloak your IP address. Opera uses the Chromium page-rendering engine, so you'll rarely run into site incompatibilities, and performance is fast. It's available for all major platforms, and the Opera Touch mobile browser is a beautifully designed app that connects (via quick QR scan) to your desktop.

Beyond the VPN, another unique feature in Opera is its built-in ad blocker, which also blocks crypto-mining scripts and trackers. Ad blocking also means less data consumed, especially of interest to those using metered connections or mobile plans with data caps.

More unique features in Opera include its Speed Dial start and New Tab page, as well as its quick-access sidebar of frequently needed services like WhatsApp or Spotify. My Flow lets you send webpages and notes between devices easily. The browser also includes a video pop-out window, a Pinboard feature similar to Edge's Collections, and a Workspaces feature that lets you create function-based tab views. Opera uniquely offers a cryptocurrency wallet as an option, which supports most popular tokens.

Opera offers a gaming version called Opera GX , and the company recently bought a gaming engine , moving into that specialty even further. The company also offers a futuristic secure Crypto Browser for navigating Web3 . And like Edge, Opera is adding AI ChatGPT capabilities to the browser , starting with a summarizer tool for text you highlight or even full sites.

More Inside PCMag.com

  • Stop Trackers Dead: The Best Private Browsers for 2024
  • Go Beyond Google: The Best Alternative Search Engines
  • Has Chrome Lost Its Shine? These Are the Best Alternative Web Browsers

About Michael Muchmore

PC hardware is nice, but it’s not much use without innovative software. I’ve been reviewing software for PCMag since 2008, and I still get a kick out of seeing what's new in video and photo editing software, and how operating systems change over time. I was privileged to byline the cover story of the last print issue of PC Magazine , the Windows 7 review, and I’ve witnessed every Microsoft win and misstep up to the latest Windows 11.

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  • Apple Final Cut Pro
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safari vs chrome vs firefox battery life

How-To Geek

The best web browsers for speed, battery life, and customization.


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The 10 best android widgets i can't live without, today's nyt connections hints and answer for june 30 (#385), quick links, the best overall for most people: google chrome, the best for battery life: microsoft edge (windows) and apple safari (mac), the best for customization: mozilla firefox, benchmarked: which browsers are the fastest, raw benchmark scores: windows 10 anniversary update, raw benchmark scores: macos sierra.

Let's be honest: Modern web browsers are all pretty solid. Even Microsoft Edge is much better than older versions of Internet Explorer. But we believe Google Chrome is still the best web browser for most people.

Overall, we prefer Google Chrome . To start, it just feels snappier than other browsers like Firefox and Edge, although Edge has improved somewhat since Windows 10's release. Google owns Chrome and uses it as a platform to improve and advance the web in general, so Chrome often gets new features before other browsers. It also has some unique features---you can only cast to a Chromecast from the Chrome browser, for example.

Chrome generally comes out on top in benchmarks, showing it's the speediest browser as well (see the last section of this article). Microsoft Edge is catching up with Chrome and may top it in a benchmark or two, but Edge isn't nearly as feature-filled.

If Chrome doesn't have a feature you want, well, you're in luck: it has built up a massive catalog of extensions  over the last few years, so any feature you want to add, you probably can. Chrome is also available for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android---in addition to Chromebooks, of course. This means you can synchronize your bookmarks, saved tabs, and even passwords across all your devices to access them from anywhere.

Related: Why It's Good That Your Computer's RAM Is Full

Chrome certainly isn't perfect, of course. It isn't the most battery-efficient browser for laptops or the most customizable tool for power users. In addition, it uses an awful lot of RAM, which may make it feel slow on older computers. But, that RAM usage is generally used for useful features and speed improvements on modern computers (remember, used RAM is good ), so this isn't as much of a con as most people would have you believe. It's mostly only a problem on older or low-powered machines.

Plus, Google is getting pretty good at stripping unnecessary cruft from Chrome. They've trashed little-used features like the Chrome app launcher , notification center , and Chrome apps . Google seems like it's taking Chrome in the right direction, simplifying it and focusing on  battery life improvements while continuing to add powerful features for developers. No matter who you are, Chrome will probably serve you well.

While Chrome has its strengths, long battery life is not one of them. If find yourself struggling to keep your laptop alive between charges, you might be able to do better.

Microsoft and Apple, as the companies that make Windows and macOS, respectively, really want to boast high battery life estimates for their computers. All these numbers are measured using Edge  on Windows and Safari  on macOS. Edge and Safari are just more optimized for battery life.

On a Windows PC, the Microsoft Edge web browser offers noticeably longer battery life than Chrome. On a Mac, Apple's Safari browser offers hours more. Chrome has made some strides recently---and it's good to see Google making an effort---but Edge and Safari are still ahead.

This doesn't mean all laptop users should automatically pick Edge or Safari. Rather, it means they're worth a try if you don't need advanced features, and really need every hour of battery you can get in that moment. Edge and Safari still don't measure up to Chrome in terms of features.

For example, both Edge and Safari offer far fewer extensions . They also can't sync to the same amount of platforms---Edge can only sync between Windows 10 and Windows Mobile 10, while Safari can only sync between macOS and iOS. Chrome also runs on older versions of Windows and macOS, where you can't run Microsoft Edge or the latest version of Safari.

Edge can also be a little flaky because it's based on Windows 10's new Universal Windows Platform (UWP) . Microsoft still has work to do on UWP. Edge isn't as bad as it was when Windows 10 was released, but the interface still sometimes seems oddly slow.

Mozilla positions Firefox  as the only browser not controlled by a major corporation; one that's responsive to the needs of its users rather than the needs of a big company that wants to lock you into its platform. That's a compelling narrative, but some of Firefox's moves---like the choice of Yahoo! as its default search engine, and the forced integration of the Pocket read-it-later service---undermine it. We like Pocket, and we understand that Mozilla needs to make money to stay alive, but these forced changes end up being annoying. People shouldn't be  forced to use about:config if they want to disable them.

Unfortunately, Firefox is still behind Chrome, Edge, and Safari in critical ways. It doesn't offer the same multi-process architecture and security sandboxing features other browsers offer. The long-delayed Electrolysis project , which will add multi-process features, is still unfinished. This makes the browser less responsive, especially on CPUs with multiple cores, and means Firefox is less protected against security vulnerabilities. Firefox is also consistently the slowest browser in benchmarks.

That said, Firefox is still the most customizable of the lot. Its add-on framework is the most powerful. For example, you can't easily get tree-style tabs in a vertical sidebar on Chrome, Edge, or Safari---but you can do this on Firefox by quickly installing an add-on. If there's something you can't do with a Chrome extension, you can probably do it with a Firefox add-on. Though a lot of options are available in about:config, so in some cases, you may not even need an add-on. Of course, most people don't need these powerful customization options. But if you do, Firefox is the place to get them.

Mozilla is currently working on a new add-on framework for Firefox that will be more Chrome-like , so it remains to be seen if Firefox will stay this customizable. Mozilla does promise that it will extend the add-on framework to allow popular add-ons to continue to function, even if they couldn't on Chrome. There's reason for some optimism here, but we wouldn't use Firefox ourselves until Electrolysis is done.

We know people like seeing raw benchmarks, so we chose to benchmark the latest browsers on both Windows 10's Anniversary Update and macOS Sierra .

Just keep in mind: Benchmarks don't tell the entire story.  Modern browsers are all within spitting distance of each other, and a browser might underperform on benchmarks but perform better in day-to-day use. Features like Google Instant or Chrome's pre-rendering will make a browser faster in day-to-day use, but won't show up in benchmarks, for example. So we don't recommend choosing your browser based on benchmarks alone.

On Windows 10, Chrome appears to be the fastest browser with Edge in second place. Edge does pull ahead of Chrome on the Octane 2.0 benchmark, however. Firefox is consistently in last place.

Jetstream 1.1  (Bigger Scores Are Better)

  • Chrome 53: 207.81
  • Microsoft Edge 38: 201.14
  • Firefox 49: 167.10

Kraken 1.1  (Smaller Times Are Better)

  • Chrome 53: 861.9ms
  • Microsoft Edge 38: 1082.6ms
  • Firefox 49: 1174.9ms

Octane 2.0  (Bigger Scores Are Better)

  • Microsoft Edge 38: 35326
  • Chrome 53: 34107
  • Firefox 49: 30987

On macOS Sierra, Chrome appears to be the fastest browser with Safari in second place. Firefox is consistently in last place.

  • Chrome 53: 135.47
  • Safari 10: 99.407
  • Firefox 49: 95.411
  • Chrome 53: 1297.6ms
  • Safari 10: 1299.6ms
  • Firefox 49: 1534.6ms
  • Chrome 53: 22978
  • Safari 10: 22084
  • Firefox 49: 21643

No one browser will be on top forever. The browser wars will continue, and competition is constantly making every browser better. Competition is forcing Google to improve Chrome's battery life, Mozilla to make Firefox multi-process, and Microsoft and Apple to keep improving their browsers with new features.

Online Security

  • Safari vs Chrome in 2024: Performance, Speed and Features Compared

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safari vs chrome vs firefox battery life

Safari and Chrome are two of the biggest players in the browser world. While Safari comes ready-to-go on Apple devices, that doesn’t mean it’s the best option — especially as Chrome is often touted as the best browser out there. See who wins in our Safari vs Chrome comparison.

Hannah Pisani

Last Updated: 01 Feb'24 2024-02-01T09:54:22+00:00

All our content is written fully by humans; we do not publish AI writing. Learn more here.

It’s that time of year again where we put two of the most famous browsers in our virtual boxing ring for the battle of Safari vs Chrome. All Mac users will be familiar with Safari; it’s the default browser for Mac devices and iPhones. 

However, just because Safari comes pre-installed by default, that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily the best. With applications available for the Google Chrome browser on both Apple desktops and iOS, you might be wondering if you should make the switch.

Key Takeaways:

  • While Safari and Chrome are both decent browsers, Chrome’s vast library of extensions and customization capabilities means it’s a slightly better choice
  • In the battle of performance, Chrome also comes up tops, offering better speed and graphics execution
  • The only round where Chrome lags a little is privacy and browsing data collection, which is why we advise using this browser in conjunction with a VPN

To help you decide, we’ve done a bit of research for you, comparing Safari and Google Chrome across Mac and iOS to see which one is better. If you’re not a Mac user, then this article won’t be one for you, so we suggest you check out our Microsoft Edge vs Chrome review for Windows devices instead.

Cloudwards completed a fresh comparison of Safari vs Chrome. Since our last review, Chrome and Safari have remained relatively unchanged, making for a neck-and-neck race. 

Safari vs Chrome: Rounds & Criteria

Our showdown between Safari and Google Chrome will take the form of five rounds, each focused on a different strength: features, ease of use, performance, security and privacy.

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At the end of each round, one browser will come up tops and earn a point. Whichever of the two browsers scores three points overall will be the final winner. Is Chrome better than Safari? Let’s find out. 

Logo: Safari

1. Features

First up in our Google Chrome vs Safari showdown, we’ll explore each of the browser’s features. It’s fair to say that Safari and Google both cover the basics of a good browsing experience pretty well but, in this day and age, most of us want more than basic functionality. Native tools, customization and extensions were all things we considered in this round.


Safari is pretty minimalist in design and functionality. While you can customize the look and feel of the browser on Mac, your options are limited. For example, you can change the background of the Safari home screen, but not the overarching color and theme of the desktop.

By contrast, Google Chrome gives you a lot more options. You can choose from over 24 color themes, or even customize your background with an image of your choice. It’s a similar story over on the mobile applications for both.

Safari’s home screen feels minimalist and static, while the Google Chrome mobile device app offers higher levels of customization. You can, for example, set your homepage to show you the latest trending news from Google News.

Safari home

Google Extensions vs the Apple Ecosystem

Google Chrome also leads when it comes to extensions. Like Firefox, the Chrome extensions library is huge, varied and offers lots of applications for free. Read our Chrome vs Firefox review here . 

Safari’s library of extensions, in comparison, feels relatively limited. While you can access big names like Honey and 1Password, you’ll also find that a lot of applications aren’t compatible with Safari.

This is especially true for VPNs. Right now, none of the top VPN providers offer a browser extension for the latest version of Safari, but they do for Google Chrome. In essence, Chrome offers much more expandability and customization than Safari. 



Both web browsers offer solid syncing features. We like how Safari works in conjunction with a range of Apple features to offer a seamless browsing experience across all Apple products.

Combined with iCloud sync and Apple’s iCloud keychain software, you can move from your iPhone to your iPad to your Mac laptop without your browsing experience being interrupted, and your browsing history will also save automatically. Here’s the lowdown on how to get started with iCloud .

Safari also integrates into Mac’s other applications by default. So, if you use Mac apps like Apple Mail, Apple Calendar and iMessage, you’ll experience excellent continuity. We also like how, with compatible websites, you can use Apple Pay to pay for online shopping.

apple pay mac

Google Chrome, though, also performs well on the continuity front. If you have a Google account, you can also sync your browsing experience across your other devices. While Google Chrome doesn’t enable Apple Pay, it has its own option — Google Pay — which you can enable for a faster payment experience.

So, Google Chrome and Safari are pretty much neck and neck when it comes to features but, with its greater levels of customization and vast library of web extensions, Google Chrome takes the lead in this round.

2. Ease of Use

Both Safari and Google Chrome are straightforward to use on desktop and mobile devices, so in this round, we analyzed which user interface felt more pleasant to use. Across iPhone and Mac, Chrome takes a slight lead here. 

Safari’s user interface is minimalist and easy to get your head around. The search bar is at the top of the screen on both desktop and mobile. The home screen is then decorated with widgets showing frequently visited websites, favorite websites and suggested reading based on your browsing experience. 

Safari start

The experience is satisfactory and we also like how, if you open multiple tabs, you can click the four-square icon in the top right-hand corner of the browser to zoom out of all your open web pages, so it’s easy to find what you need.

Chrome is also really easy to use. The homepage — unless you change it — features the famous Google search bar, along with frequently visited websites below it. There’s also widgets in the top right-hand corner of the page, which give you quick access to Google applications like Gmail, Google Drive, Google Photos, Google Translate and YouTube. 

Google start

In terms of finding bookmarks, Google Chrome’s bookmarks are more seamlessly integrated into the browser, showing as small widgets below the search bar at the top of the page. To show bookmarks in Safari, you have to either manually click the bookmark tab in the control panel or enable the bookmark pane, which is quite big and invasive. 

Safari bookmarks

Overall, while both are easy to use, the Google Chrome browser feels a bit more dynamic and user-friendly than Apple’s browser. 

3. Performance

We’ve come to what is arguably the most important round: the Safari vs Chrome speed test. We performed a benchmark test using Speedometer 2.0, JetStream 2 and MotionMark to compare Safari vs Chrome performance. 

We used a MacBook Pro with 16GB of RAM and an Intel Core i5 CPU running at 2 GHz to run these tests. 

Benchmark Test Results

When it comes to speed, Chrome is the clear winner, reading 122.5 compared to 113.8 on Safari. While both are respectable scores, Chrome is undoubtedly the faster option. 

On JetStream, the tables turned. Safari’s reading was 125.705, putting it in the lead as Chrome’s score was 118.675. JetStream tests a browser’s ability to deal with complex JavaScript workloads. This indicates that Safari will perform better when executing complex applications — but only marginally. 

The last test we performed was MotionMark, which analyzes how the browser handles complex graphics. Chrome really shone in this test, coming in at 403.6 to Safari’s 356.31. This means that Chrome’s user experience and responsiveness outperforms Safari. 

Task manager

One thing worth noting is that Safari is a more lightweight browser than Chrome. While it might not be as quick, Safari is more economical for iOS and Mac performance than Chrome in terms of battery life, especially with multiple tabs open. 

Despite this, with Chrome winning on two out of three of these mini rounds in the Safari vs Chrome benchmark test, it’s fair to say that Chrome is the overall winner when it comes to performance. 

4. Security

Both Safari and Chrome use Google’s Safe Browsing database to keep users safe from phishing and malware. They also both offer password management functionality.

If you use Google’s password manager or Safari’s iCloud keychain, you’ll also benefit from dark web monitoring, a feature that uses data analytics to alert you to the exposure of your passwords and email addresses in data leaks and breaches. 

chrome security 

Despite these similarities, Chrome slightly takes the lead in terms of security features. We like that Google sends out frequent browser updates for Chrome, ensuring regular patching from potential vulnerabilities. Safari’s updates, by contrast, are much more infrequent. 

Over the last few years, Google has gotten in trouble with data privacy regulators numerous times for its use of cookies and improper collection of personal data. Apple, by contrast, has managed to stay out of the headlines for these reasons. 

We’ve taken an in-depth look at the best browsers for your privacy , which you can take a look at here. 

Privacy controls

While Google appears to have learned from its mistakes and is taking steps to bolster user privacy, Apple takes the lead in this round. We like that Safari features a dedicated “privacy report” feature, which shows how the browser is protecting you from online profiling and cross-site tracking through its intelligent tracking prevention software.

Chrome also offers a “privacy checkup” function, but it’s far less granular than Safari. Also, by default, your privacy isn’t prioritized. Google automatically enables personalized ads, as opposed to blocking them. Incognito mode, as always, doesn’t do much do actually protect your privacy.

safari privacy

This makes sense, as advertising is such a huge part of Google’s business model, but it means that you should probably use a VPN in conjunction with Chrome. For this reason, Safari wins this round. 

The Verdict

Ultimately, Safari and Chrome are both solid browser choices. For iPhone, iPad and Mac users looking for simplicity and deep integration across the Apple ecosystem, Safari is a good choice — and comes ready to go. 

However, it’s also well worth downloading Chrome and setting up a Google account if you haven’t already. Chrome is a leading browser for a reason. It’s fast, easy to use and comes with unparalleled customization options. 

Because of this, Chrome is our ultimate winner, but we do recommend you use it in conjunction with a VPN to ensure your online privacy. 

What are your thoughts on the battle between Chrome vs Safari? Do you agree that Chrome is the better browser overall, and why or why not? Let us know in the comments. Thanks for reading! 

Both Safari and Chrome are good browser choices for Apple users. However, Chrome takes the lead over Safari in terms of performance, ease of use and customization, making it a better all-round browser choice.

Safari and Chrome are both secure, and Safari actually uses Google’s Safe Browsing database. They are pretty much neck and neck when it comes to privacy and security, but if you’re concerned about your online privacy, we’d advise using a VPN.

Probably not. If you’re using Chrome, then Safari won’t offer you anything that you haven’t got already.

Great comparison, and I agree chrome wins in most everything. Review is missing a critical comparison, power consumption.

You mean on mobile?

I have win but I haven’t received any thing

I am pretty sure he means you didn’t include power consumption for desktop and mobile.

I use Safari because of the battery life and performance being pretty good. It does lack a robust extension store and isn’t cross platform outside of Apple’s OS ecosystem. Chrome has a significant market share on Mac OS because its cross platform and updates better if security is a priority for you. Safari lags in updates due to being tied to OS updates. WebKit is open sourced but mostly developed by Apple and is a fork of Chromium/Blink which Google and most other browsers use. Firefox is an option as well, but its always been slow and battery hungry as well.

Blink is actually a fork of WebKit, not the other way around.

fyi chrome uses safari’s rendering engine on iOS (as they’re not allowed to do otherwise) so speed is the same on iOS.

Firefox is much better nowadays in terms of performance and battery consumption (on MacBooks).

I Think Chrome is the browser with more day to day security and updates, for years I was a fan of Google Apps, but the fact that all of its apps are so resources’ hungry is annoying, I recently upgraded to 12GB RAM on my MacBook and the more RAM I add to my system the more RAM it uses, it’s incredibly annoying, when Safari handles everything faster with its simpler yet powerful and tidy design, using about 1/4 or less of the RAM used by Chrome, using the same websites, and the same amount of tabs open at the same time. Once I finish transferring my files from Google Drive I’ll switch everything to iCloud, it’s the way to go on a MacOS System.

Antonio, Please explain your like of Icloud. It’s the biggest annoyance.

It’s syncs seamlessly across all your devices – you can access them anywhere you can connect to the internet. It’s smart and even anticipates your needs, based on your file/folder usage behaviour.

If you’re finding it a massive annoyance then I imagine you’re *expecting* it to behave like Dropbox or Google Drive when that’s not what it was ever designed for.

Most people who find it frustrating do so because they don’t understand its purpose – I admit I fell in this camp for several years myself!

Took me years to realise that if you’re a Mac user, it’s pointless paying for eg 2TB of iCloud storage, if you don’t have 2TB of storage locally on your Mac. It’s not a storage extender like an external HD. It essentially replicates what’s on your Mac.

Not an ad, and am no way connected to him, but the ‘MacMost’ YT channel is an excellent free resource for both newcomers to Mac and experienced hands. Gary, the chap who runs it, has been around forever and watching his tutorial videos is like being taught by a friendly uncle. He has a rich, searchable back catalogue (with several on understanding iCloud!)

Regarding Chrome, I still love it – chiefly because of the vast library of extensions. I have 105 installed, but I’ve become far stricter about not keeping them all switched on all the time. I generally have about 12-15 on constantly; the rest I toggle on and off just when I need them. Seems the best of both worlds to me.

Chrome on iOS is more performant by safari. That is because, if you can choose safari, you have iOS. On iOS, chrome is always faster because it uses the same browser engine, webkit, with its own code to make it faster.

If you are on an Android phone with Google sync all across Google & Android products, Chrome is the winner!

The security on safari seems a little more liable other wise both are best but customisation wise chrome is a bit good

Liable to whom, and for what exactly? Or do you mean reliable? I’m unsure… Liable means legally responsible – do you mean Safari is run in a more legally compliant way? Please can you elaborate? Thanks

I reverted to Safari after I found that I couldn’t get a reader mode with Chrome for my iPhone and iPad.

Can’t use chrome extensions on iPad. It’s dumb.

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Battle of the Browsers: Chrome vs. Firefox vs. Safari

If you’re in search of the most efficient web browser, you’ve landed on the right page. We’re here to offer a comprehensive comparison of the top web browsers, dissecting their speed, security, and unique features. Our goal is to assist you in making an informed choice that perfectly suits your browsing needs. 

Web browsers are more than just a tool for accessing the internet. They’re the gateway to the vast and diverse world of the web. Whether you’re into online gaming, shopping, reading, or working, it’s the quality and performance of your browser that can make all the difference. Hence, choosing the right one matters more than you think.

Introduction: The Battle Begins

Welcome to the battlefield of web browsers, where speed, security, and unique features determine who rides to glory and who bites the dust. If you’ve ever pondered over which browser to use or wondered how they stack up against each other, you’re in the right place. Let us dive deep into this exciting duel, comparing the top contenders and laying out the nitty-gritty, one detail at a time. 

The Need for Speed 

When you’re navigating through the vast realm of the internet, a few extra milliseconds can feel like an agonizing stretch. That’s why fast browsing speed is paramount. We’ve taken the leading web browsers through rigorous speed tests to find the crème de la crème for you. 

In this corner, we’ve got Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge, to name a few. Our tests showed significant differences between them. Google Chrome, known for its zippy speed and reliability, stood out in terms of raw browsing speed. Firefox followed close behind, displaying impressive consistency and speed in loading high-data websites, while Safari scored top marks for quick load times on Apple devices. Last but not least, Microsoft Edge demonstrated admirable speed, slightly lagging behind the pack. 

Security: Your Shield against the Dark (Net) 

Avoiding the perils of the internet requires a strong shield — robust security features. Each browser we reviewed has its unique approach to ensure your digital wellbeing. 

Google Chrome has the Safe Browsing feature, which displays warnings about potentially dangerous sites and downloads. Firefox, on the other hand, counters threats with its Enhanced Tracking Protection, blocking third-party tracking cookies by default. Safari offers robust protection against harmful sites and phishing attempts, while Microsoft Edge employs Microsoft Defender SmartScreen for real-time protection against security threats. 

The Feature-Rich Battlefield 

Amid the clamor of speed and security, let’s not forget the unique features that might tip the scale for you. 

  • Google Chrome’s vast collection of browser extensions enhances its utility.
  • Firefox’s privacy-focused browsing mode gives you control over your data.
  • Safari’s Reading List feature lets you save webpages for offline reading, a boon for data conservation.
  • Microsoft Edge’s ‘Read Aloud’ tool, built to improve accessibility, can narrate webpages aloud, making it easier for visually impaired users.

The battlefield of web browsers is vast and dynamic. As technologies advance, so do these titans. Stay tuned as we continue to monitor their evolution, ensuring you have the latest intel to make an informed decision. After all, knowledge is power!

Chrome: The Lightning Fast Giant

Roaring through the internet, Google Chrome holds the coveted position as the world’s most popular web browser. It’s speedy, armed with a robust feature set, and baked into the ecosystem of Google-powered devices. This racing giant of a browser is renowned for its rapid page load times, vast library of extensions, and strong support for progressive web apps. However, let’s dig deeper into what makes this browser stand out. 

Speed and Performance 

Chrome’s most significant selling point lies in its speed. Known for its swift startup time and quick page loading, it offers users a smooth browsing experience. Whether you’re flicking through social media or delving into research, speed isn’t an issue for Chrome. Thanks to the browser’s V8 JavaScript engine, even content-heavy websites load briskly. 

Feature-Packed and Customizable 

The browser also shines when it comes to functionality and customizability. With a deep reservoir of extensions available on Chrome Web Store, users can customize their browsing experience to fit their unique needs. From ad-blockers to productivity tools, the possibilities are almost endless. Plus, Chrome’s simplistic design and clean layout make the customization process straightforward and user-friendly. 

Sync and Compatibility 

Another notable advantage of Chrome is its compatibility. Regardless of the device you’re using – whether it’s a PC, a smartphone, or a tablet – Chrome delivers a consistent and seamless browsing experience. Add to this, the ability to sync your bookmarks, history, and preferences across all devices by simply logging into your Google account is a blessing for tech multi-taskers. 

Resources and Security 

However, Chrome isn’t without its drawbacks. The browser is known for its high resource usage, which can significantly slow down your device if you have multiple tabs or extensions running. On the other hand, Chrome continually receives security updates which makes it one of the most secure browsers available today. It’s built-in malware and phishing protection offers additional security layers while you browse. 

  • Chrome is known for its speedy performance and quick startup times
  • The browser offers a vast array of customizable features and extensions
  • Across different devices, Chrome provides a seamless browsing experience
  • An added benefit is the browser’s compatibility; it works equally well on different platforms
  • Chrome receives frequent security updates and has built-in malware protection

Safari: Apple’s Streamlined and Resource-Friendly Choice

Are you an Apple aficionado? If so, you’ll enjoy their proprietary browser, Safari. Built into every device Apple makes, from iPhones to iMacs, it is elegantly streamlined and designed for low resource use. But that doesn’t mean it skimps on features or quality. Let’s dive in and see what it brings to the table. 

Efficiency and Speed 

Safari is well loved for its sleek performance. Many users testify that it feels significantly faster than other browsers when used on Apple devices. This is due in large part to its unique Nitro JavaScript engine, which radically speeds up browsing. Furthermore, Safari also does a fantastic job when it comes to battery life. It’s designed to be incredibly power-efficient, letting you browse longer without recharging. 

Security and Privacy 

In terms of security, Safari is a reliable choice. It automatically identifies and blocks suspicious and harmful websites, ensuring your browsing experience remains secure. As for privacy, the Intelligent Tracking Prevention feature helps limit trackers from profiling your behavior. Plus, with Safari, you can easily access privacy reports to see just who’s been blocked from tracking you. 

Ease of Use and Features 

One of the key strengths of Safari is its user-friendly interface. The start page can be easily customized to include your favorite websites, and there’s a handy sidebar for reading lists and bookmarks. Furthermore, the browser boasts a range of useful built-in features. From Apple Pay, making online shopping a breeze, to seamless integration with other Apple devices via iCloud, Safari takes convenience to another level. 

However, one potential downside is that it lacks the vast selection of extensions found in other browsers like Chrome or Firefox. That might limit its appeal if you’re a power user who likes to tailor their browsing experience with specific tools and add-ons.

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Firefox: The Versatile and Secure Choice

When it comes to versatility and robust security, Firefox often springs to mind. This Mozilla-created browser has built a name for itself on user privacy and a collection of tools designed to keep you secure as you browse the internet. Firefox is not only a sturdy choice for security, but its variety of features and customization options also make it a truly appealing choice for numerous internet users. 

Security Features Superior 

Firefox takes your online protection seriously. As the internet becomes a more dangerous place, replete with hackers and malware, Firefox stands as a bulwark against these nefarious elements. For example, Firefox offers automatic updates to ensure you’re using the latest, most secure version. It also has a robust pop-up blocker to stop annoying or potentially harmful pop-up windows and ads, and it regularly updates its phishing and malware protection to guard against the latest threats. 

Customizable to Your Heart’s Content 

No two internet users are alike, and Firefox understands this. Through its extensive personalization features, you can tailor your browsing experience to your own individual needs and preferences. For example, you can customize your toolbar to have the features you use the most, organize your bookmarks, and tweak a multitude of settings to fine-tune your browsing experience. Plus, Firefox boasts a plethora of extensions and add-ons, so you can augment your browser with the functions and features you find most useful. 

Dedicated to Privacy 

In an era where personal data becomes increasingly valuable, Firefox adopts a hardline stance on privacy. Unlike some browsers that sell your data to advertisers or third parties, Firefox keeps your information private. They also include features like ‘Tracking Protection’ to avoid ad trackers, and a private browsing mode that doesn’t store history or cookies. 

Cross-Platform Delight 

Whether you prefer the comfort of home with a desktop computer or the portability of a smartphone, Firefox has got you covered. The browser’s cross-platform compatibility ensures you can browse safely and seamlessly on any device of your choice. It also offers syncing capabilities, allowing you to access your bookmarks, history, and tabs from any device. This makes Firefox an excellent choice for those juggling their online activities across multiple devices.

Safari: Apple’s Sleek and Efficient Option

Imagine a web browser that’s clean, efficient, and designed to operate seamlessly within the Apple ecosystem. That’s Safari for you — Apple’s sleek and snappy browser that integrates effortlessly with your other Apple devices. Bundled with various unique features, superior performance, and a high concern for security, it’s a browser choice you might want to consider. Let’s dive in further to find out more about Safari. 

Sleek Design and User-Friendly Interface 

Safari grants an intuitive browsing experience with its uncluttered and streamlined design. Its top bar has been optimized to maximize screen space and minimize distractions. Moreover, the browser interface adapts color dynamically to match the site being visited, giving an immersive web experience. In addition, Safari encompasses functions like the sidebar, featuring bookmarks, Reading List, and Shared Links to add to the user’s convenience and enhance productivity. 

Performance that Matches Apple’s Reputation 

Given that Safari is tuned to work best with Apple hardware, it exhibits extraordinary performance. Safari’s JavaScript engine — ‘Nitro’ — aids rapid page loading, making it faster than most other browsers on Mac. Besides, the energy-saving technology integrated into Safari ensures your browsing doesn’t drain your battery life, assuring longer browsing sessions without needing a power source. 

Security Features and Privacy 

Safari leads the pack in terms of security and privacy protection. It blocks third-party cookies by default, and grants options to control which sites can access your device location, camera, microphone, etc. Safari’s cross-site tracking prevention feature extends its commitment to privacy. Additionally, it offers a unique privacy report, providing visibility into how websites treat your privacy, and how Safari protects you. 

Device Sync and Ecosystem Integration 

With Safari, your browsing experience flows smoothly across all your Apple devices. Thanks to the iCloud integration, bookmarks, history, open tabs — everything is synced across your Apple devices, making your browsing consistent and seamless. Moreover, the handoff feature allows you to commence your browsing on one device, and continue on the other effortlessly. 

  • Safari has an elegant, uncluttered design for easy navigation.
  • Nitro engine enables fast page loading and efficient battery usage.
  • Security features include third-party cookie blocking and cross-site tracking prevention.
  • iCloud syncing and the handoff feature supports continuation of browsing across devices.

Speed Test: Which Browser Comes Out on Top?

Hold on tight, because we’re shifting gears into a full-throttle speed comparison of your favored web browsers. In a world that craves snappy responses and instant gratification, the fleet-footedness of your browser can make all the difference to your online experience. So, which one comes out on top in the cyber relay race? Let’s find out! 

Sprinting Through The Start Line: Initial Load Time 

Initial load time matters, it’s the first impression your browser makes. In these early milliseconds, Chrome sprints ahead delightfully, followed closely by Firefox. Unfortunately, Safari has a difficult time catching up due to more stringent system requirements and slower startup times.

Lappind Pages: Tab Load Speeds 

When it comes to handling multiple tabs, again, Chrome shines with its rapid-fire tab loading, offering a seamless multitasking environment. Firefox also performs admirably here, demonstrating intricate resource management skills. Safari, while a tad slower, still offers an optimized, efficient multitasking experience for Mac users. 

Under The Hood: JavaScript Performance 

The engine driving a large part of your browsing operation is JavaScript. In terms of raw computational JavaScript power, Chrome steals the limelight again, though Firefox’s commendable performance should not be overlooked. Safari, despite its streamlined approach, lags slightly behind in this technical head-to-head. 

  • Chrome takes the lead due to its high-speed V8 JavaScript Engine.
  • Firefox is hot on Chrome’s tail, employing its SpiderMonkey Engine to keep up the pace.
  • Safari, with its Nitro JavaScript engine, does a decent job, but it’s not quite at the forefront of this race.

Speed tests are close races, with no clear ‘one-size-fits-all’ winner. Chrome might seem like the frontrunner, but don’t discount Firefox’s robust performance and Safari’s resource-efficient approach. It’s all a matter of where you place your priorities.

Security Features: Protecting Your Online Experience

Navigating the curious world of the internet safely calls for vital defence mechanisms to counteract lurking threats. These threats can range from potent viruses to the omnipresent specter of digital spying. This is where the role of security features in web browsers comes into play. They are the knights that preserve your online expedition from the risky underbelly of the digital universe.

SSL/TLS Protocol Protection 

These are cryptographic protocols that provide communication security over networks, such as the internet. While SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the predecessor, most modern web browsers now primarily use TLS (Transport Layer Security) for more robust security. Both Chrome and Firefox are equipped to ensure website communications are secure and tamper-free by warning the user when a website’s SSL certificate is not trusted.

Sandboxing: Staying Ahead of Threats 

Sandboxing is a technique that isolates applications, preventing malicious or malfunctioning programs from damaging or snooping into your system. For example, Google Chrome is well reputed for its effective sandboxing technique. Each tab in Chrome operates as a separate process on your operating system. These individual processes are confined to their sandboxes so they can’t interact directly with your operating system or other processes.

Phishing and Malware Protection 

Phishing protection is fundamental to browser security as it helps to shield your personal and financial information from prying eyes. Web browsers, particularly Chrome and Firefox, employ real-time phishing detection. They check websites against a frequently updated list of phishing and malware sites, and present warnings if these sites are encountered.

Private Browsing and Tracking Protection 

While not a defence against external threats, privacy measures do protect your data from being harvested by companies. Private browsing, for example, allows you to explore the internet without storing local data that could be retrieved at a later date. Firefox’s ‘Enhanced Tracking Protection’ blocks many common forms of trackers right out of the box, offering a level of privacy not usually found in other browsers.

  • Google Chrome: Chrome’s Incognito Mode allows users to browse privately, leaving no trace of the browsing experience on their device.
  • Firefox: In addition to its private browsing mode, Firefox offers a comprehensive ‘Privacy and Security’ settings page, which lets you control your data and privacy in more detail.
  • Safari: Apple’s browser also includes a private browsing feature and intelligent tracking prevention to protect users from invasive ad tracking.

Privacy Matters: How Each Browser Handles Your Data

The online world is a treasure trove of information, but with this wealth of data comes the ever-growing concern of privacy. Each web browser has its unique approach to handling your personal information, and understanding these can greatly influence your choice of which to use. How a browser respects your privacy could potentially be a defining factor in determining the most suitable one for you.

Google Chrome: Observing Your Habits 

Google Chrome is notorious for its extensive data collection practices. It monitors your habits and uses this data to inform its algorithms, often leading to highly personalized ad experiences. While this can feel invasive, it can also streamline your browsing. There are options to limit data collection, but this may affect the browser’s functionality. 

  • Collects extensive data on user habits
  • Uses data to inform ad generation
  • Options to limit data collection are available

Safari: Prioritizing User Privacy 

Safari, under Apple’s jurisdiction, prioritizes user privacy. It blocks cross-site tracking by default and encrypts your data to prevent unauthorized access. This secure environment, however, comes at the expense of strict third-party cookie policies and limited customization options. 

  • Blocks cross-site tracking by default
  • Encrypts data for added security
  • Enforces strict third-party cookie policies

Firefox: The Privacy-Centric Choice 

Firefox is a popular choice for privacy enthusiasts. The browser’s Enhanced Tracking Protection offers a high-level of defense against tracking cookies. It doesn’t sell user data and allows comprehensive control over your privacy settings. Its advanced features, however, may seem overwhelming to casual users. 

  • Offers Enhanced Tracking Protection
  • Doesn’t sell any user data
  • Provides comprehensive controls over privacy settings

User Interface: Aesthetics and Navigation

A compelling user interface is the gateway to a pleasant web browsing experience. The interplay of aesthetics and navigation can profoundly shape the overall usability and accessibility of a browser. We’ll delve deep into how Chrome, Safari, and Firefox present their user interfaces, focusing on their visual design, arrangement of features, and navigational ease.

Visually Pleasing: The Aesthetics at Play 

When it comes to design, each browser has a unique approach. Chrome’s modern and minimalist approach emphasizes a neat, clutter-free space. Safari, synonymous with Apple’s sleek aesthetic vision, adopts an elegant, sophisticated look. Firefox, while maintaining simplicity, favors a more colorful and lively interface that’s visually appealing. 

The Blueprint: Arrangement of Features 

The organization of browser options, menus, and tabs can significantly impact users’ browsing efficiency. Chrome’s layout is straightforward, featuring a prominent URL bar and easily accessible features. Safari organizes its favorite websites elegantly and offers an easy-to-access reading list. Firefox sorts its features and settings in one easily accessible dropdown menu, ensuring smooth navigation. 

A Smooth Sail: Navigation Ease 

Intuitive and easy navigation is just as crucial for a great browser experience. Chrome offers easy switching between incognito and regular tabs and effortless bookmark management. Safari integrates its search and URL bar for simpler use and provides an eye-catching display of your most visited sites. Firefox boasts efficient tab management with a visual overview of all open tabs and a quick search feature. 

Customizability: Making it Your Own 

Lastly, the ability to personalize your browser enhances usability. Chrome stands out with its extensive theme library and customizable toolbar. Safari allows users to personalize their start page and integrate Siri suggestions. Firefox outshines with its flexible toolbar and wide range of unique themes.

Extensions and Add-Ons: Enhancing Your Browsing Experience

One of the distinguishing features that dramatically affect your browsing experience are the nifty extensions and add-ons. They’re like little software programs which improve the standard functionalities, giving you the ability to tailor and enhance your browser according to your needs. Whether you need an ad-blocker, password manager, language translator, or an extension for quick access to your notes — there’s something out there for everybody. But remember, the efficacy and range of these tools can vary greatly across different browsers. 

Enhancing capabilities: The role of extensions and add-ons  

Imagine having miniature software right inside your browser, enhancing its capabilities, and making your online sessions more efficient. That’s exactly the purpose of extensions and add-ons. They bring new features and improve existing ones, making most mundane tasks quicker and more straightforward. For instance, save articles for later reading with Pocket, or manage multiple tasks with the Todoist extension. The options are virtually endless. 

Comparison: Which browser offers better extensions? 

In the world of browsers, quantity and quality of available extensions can significantly influence your choice. Chrome boasts a vast library, characterized by Google’s intensive vetting process that ensures safer, reliable tools. Firefox, on the other hand, is known for its open-source extensions, offering many unique options not found elsewhere. Safari’s extensions are primarily geared towards Apple-users, with the added benefit of seamless integration with iOS applications. 

Proceed with caution: Security implications 

While there’s no denying the convenience and benefits of extensions, it’s still crucial to recognize the potential risks. Malicious extensions can expose you to threats such as data theft, privacy invasion, or worse. Always verify the source and reputation of any extension before installing to ensure it’s secure and reliable. Furthermore, too many active extensions can also affect your browser’s speed and overall performance. 

  • Before downloading an extension, check user reviews and ratings for additional insight.
  • Regularly update your add-ons, as old versions might contain security vulnerabilities.
  • Be aware of the permissions requested by extensions. If they exceed what’s required for its function, you may want to give it a miss.
  • Use a reputable security tool to regularly scan your installed extensions and ensure they haven’t turned malicious.

Customization: Tailoring Your Browser to Fit Your Needs

When it comes to your internet experience, personal preferences play a big role. That’s why customization capabilities of a web browser turn out to be a significant factor for many users. After all, you want a space that feels like your own, right? Do you prefer a minimalist design or like to have all your tools at your fingertips? Let’s delve into how these top browsers cater to your tastes and needs.

The Palette: Theme and Appearance Customization 

Whether you like it dark, vibrant, or neutral, the manner in which these browsers allow you to tweak their appearance varies substantially. Google Chrome provides a plethora of themes available for download via its web store, allowing you to completely alter its look. Safari, restricted to Apple’s design aesthetic, offers fewer options, but you can still switch between light and dark modes. Firefox, on the other hand, gives you a balanced mix – easy to use theme settings with options for light, dark, and auto modes, and a considerable selection of downloadable themes.

Functionality: Prioritizing Your Tools 

Customizing your tools and their arrangement significantly impacts how smoothly your browsing experience goes. Chrome excels in this department, supplying a detailed settings menu, easy access to extensions, rearrangement capability for the bookmarks bar, and more.

Apple’s Safari keeps it simple with options to customize the toolbar and manage extensions but lacks more detailed functionality adjustments. Similarly, Firefox offers extensive toolbar customization, preferences arrangements, a significant number of add-ons, resulting in a highly personalized experience.

The Flow: Configuring the Browsing 

As we continue our comparison, let’s consider how these browsers handle the overall flow of your browsing experience. Whether it’s the way they manage tabs and windows, how they handle downloads, or even the way you navigate their settings, this element plays an integral role in making your online ventures as smooth as possible. So, we’ll examine how effectively Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox manage this aspect.

Tab Management: 

Chrome, Safari, and Firefox all provide tabbed browsing, but with different approaches and features. Chrome offers a compact and straightforward tab system. You can group tabs, and even mute individual ones. Safari goes a step further, providing a unique ‘Tab Exposé’ view, showing a preview of all open tabs, which is especially handy when you have multiple tabs open. Firefox reigns superior in terms of control over your tabs. Not only can you pin and mute tabs, but you can also reopen closed ones or quickly search within your open tabs. 

Download Handling: 

When it comes to managing downloads, Chrome provides a simplistic interface outlining the download progress, where you can pause, cancel, or resume downloads directly. Safari offers a similar streamlined experience, automatically organizing downloads by date in its dedicated downloads list. Firefox, once again, provides finer control. You can adjust download actions for different file types, setting an automatic destination, or choosing a specific action for each downloaded file. 

Settings Navigation: 

Google Chrome offers a simplistic, clean menu with a built-in search function, making it easy to find the setting you need. Safari once again focuses on simplicity, providing its settings within a unified preferences window, while its extensive suite of advanced options is tucked away in a separate menu. Firefox’s settings menu is both simple and comprehensive. With a built-in search function and category tabs, finding and adjusting preferences is indeed a breeze.

Cross-Platform Compatibility: Which Browser Works Best on All Devices?

In today’s digital landscape, the ability to switch between devices seamlessly while maintaining the same browsing experience is a critical aspect. Web browsers need to perform consistently and smoothly across multiple platforms, whether you’re using a Windows laptop, an Android smartphone, a macOS desktop, or an iOS tablet. A cross-platform browser offers consistency, convenience, and robust functionality, all of which are important factors when evaluating the top web browsers. Let’s dig deeper into how each browser fares in terms of cross-platform compatibility. 

Google Chrome: A Universal Choice 

Google Chrome stands out as a truly cross-platform browser. It operates on a multitude of devices, such as Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. Being linked to a Google account, Chrome allows for a synchronized browsing experience across all your devices. Change your theme or add a bookmark on one device, and it instantly reflects on all others. 

Safari: Limited to Apple Devices 

Safari, designed by Apple, is essentially tied to Apple’s ecosystem. It runs quite seamlessly on macOS and iOS devices. However, a significant disadvantage of Safari is its unavailability on non-Apple devices, limiting its cross-compatibility. 

Firefox: Flexibility at its Core 

Firefox, like Chrome, is another browser offering a consistent experience across various platforms, including Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. One of its unique features is Firefox Sync, which seamlessly synchronizes your bookmarks, history, tabs, and passwords across all your devices. 

Cross-Platform Extensions and Add-ons 

Extensions and add-ons are vital to personalizing your browsing experience. Chrome and Firefox support a vast array of extensions across various platforms. However, Safari users might find their options to be somewhat limited, especially when using iOS devices. 

Consistency in User Interface 

The user interface plays an essential role in creating an intuitive and unified browsing experience. Chrome and Firefox maintain a consistent look and feel across all platforms, making it easier for users to switch devices without the need to adapt. On the other hand, Safari’s user interface changes slightly between macOS and iOS.

Mobile Browsing: How Do They Perform on Smartphones and Tablets?

In today’s digital age, your mobile device is just as important as your computer for browsing the web. This raises the question: how do these top web browsers perform on your smartphones and tablets? Just as you’d expect, this part of our comparison considers how Chrome, Safari, and Firefox hold up when they’re not on a desktop or laptop. 

Mobile Adaptability: How Well Do They Transition? 

It’s crucial that a browser can adapt to the smaller screen sizes and different user interface of a mobile device while maintaining functionality. Chrome consistently provides a seamless experience across devices, with some features even specifically designed for mobile. Safari, while limited to Apple devices, is well-matched to the iOS interface. Firefox, with its focus on customization, allow users to create a mobile browsing experience suited to their preferences. 

Mobile Speed: Does It Mirror the Desktop? 

Speed continues to be a critical factor for any device. How quickly a browser can load pages on a mobile device can significantly impact the user’s browsing experience. Chrome, known for its speed, maintains reputation in the mobile platform as well, while Safari provides a smooth and efficient browsing environment on iOS devices. Firefox also ensures quick loading times, even on mobile devices. 

Mobile Security Features: Are They on Par? 

The security features of a browser should not be compromised just because it’s on a mobile device. Chrome, Safari, and Firefox all take mobile security seriously, offering the same robust features as their desktop versions. 

Mobile Features and Plugins: How Many Made the Leap? 

The range of features and plugins available on a browser’s mobile version often differs from the desktop version. While Chrome offers a significant range of Google services on mobile, Safari tends to focus more on user-friendliness on its mobile platform. Firefox offers most of its desktop plugins on its mobile version as well, maintaining its feature-rich reputation.

The quest to find the best web browser often boils down to personal preference. Things such as performance, aesthetics, security, and a plethora of other factors can influence this decision. In the end, Chrome, Safari, and Firefox all have their strengths and weaknesses. This comprehensive breakdown equips you with the knowledge needed to pick the browser that’s right for your needs. 

Whether you prioritize speed and efficiency, a vast array of features, privacy protection, or a seamlessly integrated ecosystem, there’s a browser out there for you. So, take this knowledge, choose wisely, and enhance your browsing experience!

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If you care about battery life, use Safari instead of Chrome

safari vs chrome vs firefox battery life

There have been numerous reports, including our own anecdotal ones, about how much better Safari is than Chrome when it comes to battery life on MacBooks. Here's another on, this time from Battery Box:

Averaging data from all websites tested, Safari won first place with 6 hours 21 minutes of total usage, Firefox second with 5 hours 29 minutes of usage, and Chrome last with 5 hours 8 minutes of usage.Basically, if you simply switch to using Safari instead of Chrome, on average you could get an extra 1 hour of usage from your battery life.

Not innovating anymore, WebKit's ass .

Via: The Loop

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Rene Ritchie is one of the most respected Apple analysts in the business, reaching a combined audience of over 40 million readers a month. His YouTube channel, Vector, has over 90 thousand subscribers and 14 million views and his podcasts, including Debug, have been downloaded over 20 million times. He also regularly co-hosts MacBreak Weekly for the TWiT network and co-hosted CES Live! and Talk Mobile. Based in Montreal, Rene is a former director of product marketing, web developer, and graphic designer. He's authored several books and appeared on numerous television and radio segments to discuss Apple and the technology industry. When not working, he likes to cook, grapple, and spend time with his friends and family.

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safari vs chrome vs firefox battery life

Safari Offers Longer Battery Life than Chrome or Firefox

Using Safari on a MacBook will give you longer battery life, according to tests run by the BatteryBox Blog . The company tested Apple's Safari, Google's Chrome, and Firefox on video sites, music streaming sites, webmail sites, news sites, and more, and found that Safari used less power than the other browsers, giving users 52 more minutes of battery life.

"If you’re a MacBook user," the company wrote, "you're losing an average of 1 hour of total battery life by using Chrome. Firefox is a little better, but Safari is the clear winner. You’ll want to use Safari if you want to get the most battery out of your laptop."

Chart Showing Average Battery Life in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari Tests

Average Battery Life in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari Tests Source: BatteryBox

BatteryBox sells a device called BatteryBox, a portable battery for Apple's MacBook, iPhone, and iPad. The company's blog follows battery-related issues, and this test didn't involve the company's products.

The company said it conducted the tests using power consumption measuring devices and testing each site for one hour. The data captured from that test was then run through Matlab to extrapolate battery life.

As the world goes mobile, battery life matters more and more. None of the companies or organizations that makes a browser has yet to make battery life a competitive issue, but it's something that some folks do notice.

In fact, BatteryBox's blog post said the company decided to run the tests after the sole Safari user in its office was seen to be getting consistently longer battery life than his compatriots.

"Being the geeks we are," the blog post said, "it had to be investigated."

We included the averages chart above, but BatteryBox offered charts breaking down specific functions. Check out the blog post for more details.

  • Bryan Chaffin
  • tmo-article

safari vs chrome vs firefox battery life


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    Chrome maintains its longtime lead on this test with a score of 528. Edge, Opera, and other Chromium-based browsers hew closely to Chrome. Firefox and Safari bring up the rear, at 515 and 468 ...

  2. Which browsers are best for your laptop's battery life in Windows 11?

    ASUS ZenBook 14X UM5401Q. Both laptops are new devices that have been used only for testing purposes for about two weeks. On both, I installed Windows 11 and the latest versions of all the major web browsers available at the time of testing: Microsoft Edge 103, Mozilla Firefox 102, Opera 88, and Google Chrome 103.

  3. Which browser is best for battery life: We test Edge vs. Chrome vs

    Google's much-maligned Chrome (which has a reputation for being a power hog) pulled into second place with about half an hour less battery life than Edge. Firefox was just about as bad as ...

  4. Safari vs. Chrome vs. Firefox vs. Edge on macOS in 2022

    Chrome came out on top in JetStream 2 testing, while Safari took second place. MotionMark browser benchmarks. Safari was the fastest in MotionMark benchmark testing. Speedometer browser benchmarks ...

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    1783MB. Firefox. 3.1 - 4%. 847MB. As you can see, Firefox uses 3.1 to 4% of the CPU, and 847MB of RAM, thus clearly taking the lead when it comes to resource consumption. Chrome uses 5 to 13% of the CPU in the test and a whopping 1783MB of RAM, making it too resource-intensive if your goal is to save battery. So, if you've been looking for ...

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    3.0 Good. The default Mac and iOS browser is a strong choice, though its interface has some nonstandard elements. Safari was a forerunner in several areas of browser features. For example, it was ...

  8. Optimized M1 Chrome vs. Safari Battery Consumption : r/macbook

    safari - 10 hours 25 mins. chrome - 10 hours 10 mins. safari does perform around 2.5% better on battery, although chrome also has a energy saver which can boost battery (I turned it off for the testing) (I think chrome is performing so well because of the adblock extension, whereas safari Adguard is not really good)

  9. Google Chrome vs Firefox vs Safari: Browser Battery Consumption

    Buy me a beer if you are too rich.https://www.buymeacoffee.com/yoyosanSo a few weeks back I did a simple test on the battery consumption of two browsers on m...

  10. The Best Web Browsers for Speed, Battery Life, and Customization

    Edge and Safari are just more optimized for battery life. On a Windows PC, the Microsoft Edge web browser offers noticeably longer battery life than Chrome. On a Mac, Apple's Safari browser offers hours more. Chrome has made some strides recently---and it's good to see Google making an effort---but Edge and Safari are still ahead.

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    2. Firefox. Pros. ⛔ Cons. Mozilla's classic browser is available for iOS and it includes its famous anti-ad tracking technology. The tracking tech reduces the amount of system resources needed to generate web pages, so it helps conserve battery power.

  12. Safari vs Chrome [Which is Best for iPhone, iPad & Mac 2024 ]

    Read our Chrome vs Firefox review here. Safari's library of extensions, in comparison, feels relatively limited. ... I use Safari because of the battery life and performance being pretty good ...

  13. Battle of the Browsers: Chrome vs. Firefox vs. Safari

    Lastly, the ability to personalize your browser enhances usability. Chrome stands out with its extensive theme library and customizable toolbar. Safari allows users to personalize their start page and integrate Siri suggestions. Firefox outshines with its flexible toolbar and wide range of unique themes.

  14. Am I crazy or does Edge run better than Safari on the M1 Mac?

    Based on your comment now, your first comment doesn't make sense. You compare Chrome to Safari and than argue Edge might perform bad on ram and battery life too? You clearly confused Chromium with Chrome. That's all I was saying. And fun fact, Chromium uses Blink, a fork from WebKit so they aren't that different after all.

  15. Firefox vs Safari when it comes to battery/energy efficiency ...

    Safari is always going to be better on any apple hardware. The same goes for pretty much all software. Apple's version, if there is one, is usually the best choice on a Mac. Chrome is a nightmare on macOS. The main battery hog in my case was video and it was fixed by setting.

  16. If you care about battery life, use Safari instead of Chrome

    Averaging data from all websites tested, Safari won first place with 6 hours 21 minutes of total usage, Firefox second with 5 hours 29 minutes of usage, and Chrome last with 5 hours 8 minutes of usage.Basically, if you simply switch to using Safari instead of Chrome, on average you could get an extra 1 hour of usage from your battery life.

  17. Safari Offers Longer Battery Life than Chrome or Firefox

    Jul 30th, 2015 4:51 PM EDT. Using Safari on a MacBook will give you longer battery life, according to tests run by the BatteryBox Blog. The company tested Apple's Safari, Google's Chrome, and ...

  18. Web Browser Showdown: Safari vs Chrome vs Brave vs Edge vs Firefox

    The versions tested are as follows: Safari 17.5. Chrome 125. Brave 1.66 (Chromium 125) Edge 125. Firefox 126. First, I will test the supported features of HTML5 using the html5test.co website and summarize the differences. Differences in features that have been rejected or replaced by more modern ones will be ignored.

  19. Daring Fireball: Safari vs. Chrome: Power Consumption

    Averaging data from all websites tested, Safari won first place with 6 hours 21 minutes of total usage, Firefox second with 5 hours 29 minutes of usage, and Chrome last with 5 hours 8 minutes of usage. Basically, if you simply switch to using Safari instead of Chrome, on average you could get an extra 1 hour of usage from your battery life.

  20. Safari battery life vs Chrome after recent optimization : r/MacOS

    Safari battery life vs Chrome after recent optimization. In Feb'23 I saw an article on TechCrunch that Google made some improvements that make it less of a battery hog on Macs. "Google noted that the Chrome team made changes to iframes (an element that loads an HTML page within a page). It also stopped the browser from redrawing UI elements ...

  21. Safari vs Firefox vs Chrome power consumption compared : r/apple

    Safari vs Firefox vs Chrome power consumption compared. Outside of power consumption, another thing I've noticed about using Chrome on my MBP, particularly when watching video is that my machine gets incredibly hot. I watch a lot of web dev tutorials and with Safari, my machine cruises along at about 120-125F, not much hotter than when I'm ...

  22. Wipr vs. AdGuard 2024: Which is the Best Blocker?

    AdGuard Free is available as a browser extension for Chrome, FireFox, Safari, and more. AdGuard's paid plans include apps for desktop and mobile. Wipr was created for Apple, so you can get it for your iOS or macOS devices. ... as well as other annoyances. By doing so, Wipr saves you time and battery life for a cleaner browsing experience ...

  23. Safari vs Chrome vs Firefox : r/macbook

    Firefox. Yeah Safari will get you a little better battery life, and yeah chrome performs a bit faster and has a bit better addon support. But Firefox is a nice balance of the two, and is very privacy oriented unlike chrome. Safari's addons suck ass, and chrome doesn't get good battery life, and spies on you.

  24. Firefox battery life vs Safari? : r/firefox

    I use Firefox when I'm plugged in, or want to test their latest updates to see if the energy usage has gotten better, but even with about:config tweaks like enabling browser.tabs.20FpsThrobber or gfx.compositor.glcontext.opaque, Firefox uses more energy than Safari or Chrome-based browsers like Brave.