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International trade in travel and tourism services: Economic impact and policy responses during the COVID-19 crisis

In this paper, we investigate tourism-related policy approaches that WTO member countries adopted in the early weeks of the COVID-19 crisis. We highlight the need for stakeholders to coordinate their responses in order to mitigate the negative crisis effects and better prepare the sector for the future. In doing so, we explore the economic impact of potential tourism scenarios, underlining both the demand and supply side effects of the crisis.

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By compiling and organising information from a range of sources based on information available at the time, the paper provides a systematic approach to map and analyse tourism-related policies for 59 WTO Members across all continents. Our findings confirm that: (i) almost 90% of the countries analysed focused their tourism policy responses on economic stimulus measures to mitigate the negative impacts of COVID-19 and facilitate a strong recovery; (ii) more than half of the examined countries have taken financial measures to support the sector through loans, tax deferrals etc.; (iii) less than a third of the analysed countries enacted social and employment measures.

No:  ERSD-2020-11

Authors: Panagiotis Barkas, Dale Honeck, Ester Rubio Colomer

Manuscript date: August 2020

Travel, tourism, services trade, COVID-19, economic policy, monitoring, economic impact.

JEL classification numbers:

F13, L83, O14


This is a working paper, and hence it represents research in progress. The opinions expressed in this paper are those of its author. They are not intended to represent the positions or opinions of the WTO or its members and are without prejudice to members' rights and obligations under the WTO. Any errors are attributable to the author.

Download paper in pdf format (43 pages, 713KB; opens in a new window)

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UNWTO Strengthens Cooperation Around Tourism Investments

  • All Regions
  • 13 Apr 2023

UNWTO has further advanced its focus on investments in a more resilient and sustainable tourism by strengthening its cooperation with both the international community and with the private sector.

In this context, UNWTO has joined the World Investment for Development Alliance (WIDA) . As part of the Alliance, UNWTO will work to enhance both the level and effectiveness of investment in the sector with the aim of supporting and accelerating the implementation of the Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals.

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili says: “Investment is all too often the missing ingredient for turning our shared plans for a more sustainable, inclusive and resilient tourism sector into reality. UNWTO is proud to join the World Investment for Development Alliance and we look forward to working together to re-think and transform investments into tourism.”

UNWTO is proud to join the World Investment for Development Alliance and we look forward to working together to re-think and transform investments into tourism

WIDA Chair James Zhan adds: “WIDA fully recognizes that UNWTO has been playing a leading role in promoting investment in tourism for sustainable development and inclusive growth. It believes that UNWTO shares the same values as WIDA and can make a significant contribution to our common causes.”

Boosting post-pandemic investments

UNWTO data shows that, as a result of the pandemic, levels of investment into tourism dropped dramatically. The United Nations Specialized Agency will hold this year’s World Tourism Day (27 September) around the theme of ‘Green Investments’ and, according to Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili, enhanced cooperation with private sector stakeholders will be vital for both boosting investment levels and for directing funding to projects centred around sustainability.

“For this reason, I am happy UNWTO has confirmed our new agreement with the Annual Investment Meeting (AIM),” Mr Pololikashvili says. “We consider this collaboration as mutually beneficial, as we recognize the significant contributions that can be made by the private sector to our organization’s strategic objectives.”

In line with the two Organizations’ commitment to cooperate in the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding, UNWTO will spearhead the “ Tourism Investment Segment ”, an official side event of the upcoming Annual Investment Meeting, to be held on 8-10 May in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

AIM President Dawood Al Shezawi said: “It has been AIM’s mission to provide an interactive platform where investment opportunities can be formed, thereby not only strengthening economic relations among nations but also addressing issues that have profound effects on a global scale. We also want to provide a platform where the brightest minds, from all sectors, can converge to find solutions and scale up development ideas. We welcome this great chance to cooperate with the UNWTO and we are certain that this collaboration will be fruitful.”

The World Investment for Development Alliance (WIDA) is a global platform dedicated to promoting investment for sustainable development. Promote sustainable and inclusive investment through an open and structured network of multiple organizations drawn from the investment-for-development community. WIDA pursues this overarching objective by creating synergies and maximizing impact through joint advocacy, joint organization and joint actions among participating organizations.

The Annual Investment Meeting (AIM) is an initiative of the AIM Foundation, an independent international organization fully committed to empower the world’s economy by boosting effective promotion strategies and facilitating opportunities for economic productivity and expansion. The Foundation also undertakes the operation and management of the AIM Global Investment Network and its 15 affiliated Business Groups, including the supervision of the Annual Investment Meeting Global and Regional Chapters.

Related links:

  • Download the News Release in PDF
  • Innovation, Education and Investments
  • The World Investment for Development Alliance (WIDA)
  • Annual Investment Meeting (AIM)

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Emergency Response Planning   //

​Aviation provides the only worldwide rapid transportation network to move passengers and cargo around the world. It connects people, cultures and businesses across continents and generates economic growth, creates jobs and facilitates international trade and tourism. It has weathered crises and has become an indispensable means of transport enabling global economies and societies to thrive. 

Aviation is a sensitive industry, which requires careful and meticulous planned operations, because any direct or indirect disruption could have significant and far-reaching adverse impacts. Such disruptions can stem from an aircraft, airport and air navigations emergencies, natural disasters or other causes, including public health crises, and the impacts include significant financial, environmental, social and/or material damage, which may have a spill-over effect to inter-connected industries such as tourism and trade.

Appropriate immediate and coordinated actions in response to emergencies and disruptions can significantly mitigate the severity of their impacts. It is therefore critical that stakeholders involved in air transport operations have in place emergency response and contingency plans (ERP) to ensure a rapid response and swift restoration and return to operations. An ERP is a comprehensive, operational-level document outlining specific roles,  set of actions and timeframes to respond to unexpected situations, disruptions or potential disruptions.

In addition to emergency response and contingency plans, operators are encouraged to develop business continuity plans (BCP), which go beyond the immediate mitigation plans for unplanned incidents. The objective of BCPs is to build and improve organizational resilience and the capability to recover quickly and effectively from any local, regional or global disruption.

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), in its capacity to develop Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) for the safety, efficiency and regularity of international civil aviation, has published specific SARPs to address the necessity and importance of emergency response planning and coordination for various stakeholders of the aviation system. Other international organizations, including Airports Council International (ACI), International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO), have also published documents and manuals with guidance and best practices to support their respective stakeholders in establishing emergency response and contingency plans. 

facilitates international trade and tourism

Jamaica: Pioneering trade facilitation improvements in the Caribbean

People in Kingston walking down the street and shopping during trade days

People in Kingston walking down the street and shopping during trade days. Credit: delaflow/Shutterstock.


  • With support from the World Bank Group, Jamaica is improving trade facilitation with a new trade information portal aimed at generating more trade and investment.
  • The Jamaica trade information portal makes it easier and less costly for the private sector to move goods across borders.
  • Jamaica is moving towards full compliance with the World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement to make trade-related information accessible to the private sector.

KINGSTON, May 16, 2019 –  The Jamaican government has ambitious objectives: to become a world class logistics hub and to stimulate economic growth through trade. To achieve these goals, the country has embarked on a bold trade facilitation agenda to tackle trade obstacles, with support from the World Bank Group.

Jamaica's current trade environment is characterized by complicated and inefficient procedures that lead to high costs and delays. Jamaica continues to lag behind the rest of the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region when it comes to trading across borders (ranking 27 of 32 economies in LAC and 134 out of 190 economies in the  World Bank’s Doing Business Report for 2019 ). Furthermore, Jamaica  exports far fewer goods and services  (35.1% of GDP) than other countries in the region, such as Aruba (70.8%) and Grenada (55.8%).

The high cost of trade and delays in Jamaica can be attributed to several factors: high levels of physical inspections, high and multiple taxes and fees, lack of coordination among agencies, multiplicity of licenses, permits and certificates, absence of an integrated and harmonized framework for border agencies, prevalence of manual processes, and low capacity at the firm level to implement international requirements. The additional time and expense incurred as a result of these issues ultimately impact the final cost and quality competitiveness of a product or sector. 

Trade facilitation brings predictability, simplicity, transparency and uniformity to the process of border clearance. This translates to economic gains for developing countries, whose traders experience lower costs and fewer delays. 

According to the OECD, trade facilitation improvements can reduce trade costs by up to 13% for middle income countries such as Jamaica . The OECD further predicts that, for every 1 percent reduction in global trade costs, global income goes up by $40 billion . For the private sector, delays at the border can result in lost sales, delayed production and demurrage charges. For the public sector, complicated processes and procedures and over regulation creates inefficiencies and discourages compliance.

“When I engage with business owners, I find that they have a difficult time navigating their way through the complex processes involving cross-border trade,” said Michelle Chong , CEO Honey Bun Limited (the fastest growing wholesale bakery in Jamaica) and former President of the Jamaica Exporters Association.

View overlooking the Kingston Port in Jamaica

View overlooking the Kingston Port in Jamaica, September 2017. Credit: Craig F Scott/Shutterstock.

Over the last three years, the World Bank Group’s Trade Facilitation Support Program has supported Jamaica’s progress toward its trade facilitation goals in several ways:

  • Helping the country comply with the World Trade Organization’s Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA);
  • Modernizing the national trading environment;
  • Increasing coordination among border agencies;
  • Increasing the use of risk management in border clearance; and
  • Integrating the border regulatory agencies into ASYCUDA World – the globally-recognized system for managing customs data.

Jamaica’s trade facilitation reforms are spearheaded by a multi-agency National Trade Facilitation Taskforce , which includes representatives from both the public and private sector. The taskforce has developed the national trade facilitation roadmap, which was endorsed by Cabinet in 2016.

Collaboration with the World Bank Group has yielded some results – with the introduction of ASYCUDA World, Jamaica reduced the time to complete documentary requirement for exports by a 24% and for imports by 28%. The government has also eliminated the requirement for some import and export licenses .

“Trade is an engine of growth that creates jobs, reduces poverty and increases economic opportunity. The World Bank Group is committed to helping Jamaica streamline its trade environment. In Jamaica, the aim is a trading system that allows for faster, fairer, more predictable and more transparent processing and connects to the global economy at the lowest costs to traders,” said Judith Green, Principal Investment Officer, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), English-speaking Caribbean.

The most recent reform supported by the Bank Group is the launch of the  Jamaica Trade Information Portal . The portal makes it easier for traders and investors to comply with regulatory requirements associated with the import and export of goods. Access to information and understanding of the required regulatory procedures to import and export are major barriers to the private sector, especially for smaller firms and new market entrants.

“The trade information portal will help improve the predictability and transparency of Jamaica’s trade procedures, giving the business community quick access to the country’s trade rules. The initiative is the latest government effort to improve the ease of doing business and facilitate trade for the private sector,” said Jamaica’s Honorable Minister of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, Audley Shaw.

The trade portal is a web-based system, which makes all cross-border trade regulatory information available at the stroke of a key. By publishing more than 530 procedures and forms available online, the portal makes it easier for traders and investors to comply with regulatory requirements associated with the import and export of goods. Thanks to the trade portal, trade-related regulations are more predictable and transparent, which lowers the cost of doing business.

For Jamaica’s more than 300,000 small businesses, these small improvements stand to make a difference. “The portal will be a game-changer for the business community as both importers and exporters will be able to save time and money by having critical information at their fingertips,” said Danville Walker , Chairman of Trade Board Limited.

Jamaica’s trade information portal project was supported by the World Bank Group’s Trade Facilitation Support Program , a global program that provides support for countries seeking assistance in aligning their trade practices with the WTO TFA. The program is funded by nine donor partners, including Australia, Canada, the European Commission, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United States, and the United Kingdom. More than 60 countries have requested assistance for since its launch in 2014, with implementation support beginning in more than 34 countries, including Jamaica

TradeTech is revolutionizing global trade

An aerial picture of a cargo at a port: TradeTech can boost global trade by making it more efficient.

TradeTech can boost global trade by making it more efficient. Image:  Unsplash/Timelab

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.chakra .wef-9dduvl{margin-top:16px;margin-bottom:16px;line-height:1.388;font-size:1.25rem;}@media screen and (min-width:56.5rem){.chakra .wef-9dduvl{font-size:1.125rem;}} Explore and monitor how .chakra .wef-15eoq1r{margin-top:16px;margin-bottom:16px;line-height:1.388;font-size:1.25rem;color:#F7DB5E;}@media screen and (min-width:56.5rem){.chakra .wef-15eoq1r{font-size:1.125rem;}} Trade and Investment is affecting economies, industries and global issues

Stay up to date:, trade and investment.

  • TradeTech aims to ensure the efficient global exchange of goods.
  • Over 400 global trade and technology leaders came together in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, at the TradeTech Forum in February 2024.
  • The World Economic Forum’s TradeTech initiative encourages trade facilitation by improving transparency, fostering inter-agency cooperation and enabling data sharing for more effective risk management.

Technology driving impact on trade.

Technology is playing a pivotal role in reducing trade friction. During COVID-19, technological advances – such as e-commerce, digital payments, cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G – significantly disrupted international commerce. Artificial intelligence (AI) is already being integrated into various trade-related processes, while robotics, virtual reality and 3D printing are expected to become more integral to trade in the medium term.

Recognizing the potential of these technologies to enhance the efficiency and inclusivity of international trade, the World Economic Forum, with the Ministry of Economy of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development, launched the TradeTech Initiative .

Over 400 global trade and technology leaders convened in Abu Dhabi at the TradeTech Forum in February 2024 on the sidelines of the World Trade Organization’s ministerial conference MC13 . The agenda featured topics such as forging the future of trade finance, green trade, logistics, supply chains and trade facilitation, with an overall focus on accelerating the deployment of technologically driven solutions into global supply chains.

Leaders contributing to the discussion included Pamela Coke-Hamilton, Executive Director of the International Trade Centre (TC); José Viñals, Group Chairman of Standard Chartered; Sonsoles Garcia, Minister of Production, Foreign Trade, Investments and Fisheries of Ecuador; Mahmood Al Bastaki, Chief Operating Officer of Digital Technologies of DP World; and Tarek Sultan, Vice-Chairman of the Board at Agility.

During the TradeTech Forum the UAE-based IOTA Ecosystem DLT Foundation committed $10 million to support early-stage startups and ventures focusing on TradeTech, trade finance, and tokenization solutions. This funding aims to bolster a digital TradeTech ecosystem in the UAE, Africa and other places around the world by advancing the roll-out of digital trade and finance solutions. The initiative builds on a recent collaboration agreement for the establishment of the Trade Logistics Information Pipeline (TLIP) organization.

Shaping the rules of the digital economy is an ambitious journey that requires a collaborative effort. Your role as [chief executive officers] and industry leaders is indispensable. We need you to share your experiences and insights into the challenges and opportunities presented by digital technologies.

—Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General, World Trade Organization

Challenges to digitalizing global trade.

In a world facing multiple crises, trade is essential for enhancing economic growth in developing countries. Some of the most severe risks impacting the next decade include rapid technological change, economic uncertainty, a warming planet and conflict.

Have you read?

.chakra .wef-1c7l3mo{-webkit-transition:all 0.15s ease-out;transition:all 0.15s ease-out;cursor:pointer;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;outline:none;color:inherit;}.chakra .wef-1c7l3mo:hover,.chakra .wef-1c7l3mo[data-hover]{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.chakra .wef-1c7l3mo:focus,.chakra .wef-1c7l3mo[data-focus]{box-shadow:0 0 0 3px rgba(168,203,251,0.5);} global risks report 2024, these are the top 10 emerging technologies of 2023: here's how they can impact the world.

Much of international trade continues to rely heavily on paper-based transactions. The manual processes involved with verifying paperwork increase the time and cost of doing business. Data from the Asian Development Bank shows that the global trade finance gap reached an estimated $2.5 trillion in 2022, affecting mostly small and medium-sized enterprises. Rejected trade finance is often due to a lack of business relationships with financial institutions, documentation issues and compliance issues. These challenges especially impact perishable goods such as food and medical supplies from reaching markets.

We need to go from a “beggar-thy-neighbour” approach to a “prosper-thy-neighbour” approach. Using technology to facilitate trade can result in efficiency and sustainable gains and thus prosperity.

—Børge Brende, President, World Economic Forum

Our approach to overcoming friction to trade.

By bringing leading stakeholders together, the TradeTech initiative encourages trade facilitation by improving transparency, fostering inter-agency cooperation and enabling data sharing for more effective risk management.

Technology can facilitate the implementation of electronic certifications in a more efficient, secure and trust ed manner. Greater visibility into supply chains can supp ort the design and administration of trade rules, which could help avoid the discretionary application of trade rules, ignited by geopolitical tensions. For example, AI can be used to revolutionize HS Code classification of goods for customs declaration, risk management systems, non-intrusive inspection processes and audits.

By removing obstacles in the supply chain, trade can become an engine for growth in countries that need it most. Digitalization plays a pivotal role by establishing risk management solutions to reduce physical inspections, computerizing the process of managing customs advance rulings, converting paper-based cross-border certificates into electronic documents transiting through electronic data interchange platforms and establishing electronic payment protocols.

TradeTech is going to completely transform global trade. The UAE is determined to be a global leader in [the] development and deployment of TradeTech.

—Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Minister of State for Foreign Trade of the United Arab Emirates

Get involved.

Corporate partners in emerging markets who are well-placed to bring a solutions-oriented approach to driving the future of trade are invited to get involved with the TradeTech initiative. The initiative is part of the Forum’s Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics , which brings over 130 leading global companies together with policy-makers for action-oriented exchange on building resilient, sustainable and inclusive trade and investment.

The Agenda Weekly

A weekly update of the most important issues driving the global agenda

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facilitates international trade and tourism

Here is how trade facilitation has led to inclusive development

January 5, 2024

facilitates international trade and tourism

Towards a new global agreement to facilitate investment for development

January 20, 2023

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ITC’s annual flagship event on trade and development, featuring strategies to connect businesses to new markets. 

The World Export Development Forum, the International Trade Centre’s annual flagship event, is the ideal platform to discuss the latest issues around trade and development and strategies to connect businesses to new markets. It supports inclusive, sustainable and prosperous economies.

Participants are from all over the world, including business leaders, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and representatives of international organizations, business support organizations and the media.

Date: 26-29 June 2023 Location: Ulaan Bataar, Mongolia Partners: Co-host: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Mongolia

High-level panels, practical workshops and business-to-business meetings aimed to boost innovation and forge business deals. Expanding trade opportunities for women entrepreneurs and youth received special focus.

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Past events

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - 18-22 November 2019   Trade and Invest in One Africa

Lusaka, Zambia - 11-12 September 2018     Scaling up through trade: Skill - Innovate - Connect    

Budapest, Hungary - 25-26 October 2017 Trade – A force for good: Include, Innovate, Integrate   

Colombo, Sri Lanka- 12-13 October 2016   Trade for Success: Connect, Compete, Change

See videos from the event

Doha, Qatar - 20-21 October 2015   Sustainable Trade: Innovate, invest, internationalize

Kigali, Rwanda - 15-17 September 2014   SMEs: Creating jobs through trade 

Jakarta, Indonesia - 15-17 October 2012   Linking growth markets: New dynamics in global trade 

Istanbul, Turkey - 10-11 May 2011 Private sector engagement with LDCs for tourism-led growth and inclusive sustainable development 

Chongqing, China - 9-12 September 2010  

Adapting to post-crisis world trade patterns, and lessons for export development 

Montreux, Switzerland - 8-11 October 2008: Consumer Conscience: How Environment and Ethics are Influencing Exports 

Montreux, Switzerland - 8-11 October 2007:   Bringing Down the Barriers - Charting a Dynamic Export Development Agenda

Berlin, Germany - 27-30 September 2006: Export Development and Poverty Reduction: Linkages and Implications for Export Strategy-Makers 

Montreux, Switzerland - 5-8 October 2005: Export of Services: Hype or High Potential? - Implications for Strategy-Makers 

Montreux, Switzerland - 26-29 September 2004: Competitiveness through Public–Private Partnership: Successes and Lessons Learned 

Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago - 18-21 January 2004:   Regional debate 

Cancun, Mexico - 6-9 September 2003:   Business for Development: Implications for Strategy Maker 

Santa Cruz, Bolivia - 11-14 June 2003:   Regional debate 

Sofia, Bulgaria - 12-15 November 2003:   Regional debate   

Montreux, Switzerland - 25-28 September 2002:   Managing Competitive Advantage: The Values of National Strategy  

Muldersdrift, South Africa - 25-27 November 2002:   Regional debate 

Montreux, Switzerland - 26-29 September 2001:   Is Your Trade Support Network Working?  

Nairobi, Kenya - 26-28 November 2001:   Regional debate 

Montreux, Switzerland - 27-30 September 2000:   Export Development and the Digital Economy  

Annecy, France - 26-29 September 1999:   Redefining Trade Promotion - The Need for a Strategic Response 

Photo gallery

Woman speaking at WEDF 2018 in Lusaka

Opening Ceremony - WEDF 2023

Opening Ceremony - WEDF 2023

Paths to Diversification: Business Cases

Paths to Diversification: Business Cases

B2Bs meetings - WEDF 2023

B2Bs meetings - WEDF 2023

Youth Ecopreneur Awards: Green Pitch Competition

Youth Ecopreneur Awards: Green Pitch Competition

In Conversation: Trade Trends

In Conversation: Trade Trends

Powering Digital Transformation with Local Innovation

Powering Digital Transformation with Local Innovation

Closing Ceremony & Ecopreneur winners

Closing Ceremony & Ecopreneur winners

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ITC contact

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Saudi Arabia Travel and Tourism Neom Project Opportunities

Announced in 2017, NEOM is the largest master planned project in the region, and possibly the world, with an estimated value of $1.5 trillion. It is a crucial component of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 economic diversification plan, aimed at building a diversified economy with robust non-petroleum sectors.

The massive project will span several regions, including:  The Line: A megacity housed in a linear structure designed to accommodate 9 million people, stretching 105 miles, and composed of 135 modules, with a transit system capable of transporting people from one end to the other in 20 minutes. Oxagon : A floating industrial complex that will serve as a fully automated port and logistics hub for shipping routes through the Red Sea. Trojena : A sustainable mountain tourism destination with six districts, including a man-made lake, ski resort, and luxury village. Sindalah : A high-end island destination connected to Mediterranean sailing routes, featuring a marina, village, hotels, and a golf course. Gulf of Aqaba : A 74-miles-long coastal strip that includes Neom Bay, Neom Bay Airport, and Neom Industrial City, as well as a range of planned luxury hotels and cultural assets.

All of Neom’s planned developments will be powered by 100% renewable energy for a zero-emission ecosystem, with 95% of Neom’s total area set aside for conservation. The development will prioritize convenience and walkability, with a pedestrian-centric approach, with all amenities within a five-minute walk.

Saudi Arabia aims to position Neom as a hub for business, research and innovation. The project will span 14 sectors, which include: Design & Construction, Education, Research & Innovation, Financial Services, Entertainment & Culture, Manufacturing, Food, Media, Technology & Digital, Health, Well-being & Biotech, Mobility, Sport, Water and Tourism.

Significant opportunities exist for U.S. companies within these sectors. Those interested in becoming Neom suppliers must register in Neom Procurement Portal: Registration to Become Neom Supplier

U.S. Foreign Commercial Service in Saudi Arabia will organize an infrastructure working group to showcase U.S. companies in related sectors and facilitate connections to this and other opportunities in Saudi Arabia.

For more information, please contact Anwar Shaqhan, Senior Commercial Specialist at [email protected]  

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Qatar is welcoming 102 countries visa-free, check your visa status  here .

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Qatar Tourism to demonstrate latest developments at ITB China

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Qatar Tourism participated in ITB China 2024 this month from May 27 to 29 in Shanghai, to highlight the new offerings, to promote Qatar as a leading tourist destination, and to attract investment in the travel and tourism sectors. Qatar Tourism spearheaded a delegation of 16 hospitality and travel partners. ITB China is a B2B-exclusive trade show that focuses on the Chinese Travel Market, bringing together leading professionals in the trade industry from around the world. With discussions, fruitful exchanges, and networking events, ITB China facilitates discourses between figures and institutions to maximize business opportunities. This year, ITB China took place at Shanghai World Expo and Exhibition Center.


Commenting on this occasion, Mr. Omar Al Jaber, Acting Chief of the Tourism Development Sector at Qatar Tourism, said: “Through its participation at ITB China 2024, Qatar Tourism showcased the country’s recent developments, achievements, and advancements in travel and tourism sectors to industry leaders from around the world. Qatar Tourism is dedicated to improving visitors’ tourism experience. Exhibitions such as ITB China provide a platform for Qatar Tourism to attract investors and highlight Qatar’s best touristic offerings.”

ITB China serves as a platform to highlight Chinese travel market trends to investors and stakeholders from around the world to further enhance the Chinese tourism market in the upcoming years. China is one of the 15 priority source markets for Qatar Tourism, making ITB China an important event to showcase Qatar’s offerings in the Chinese and international market.

Earlier this year in March, Qatar Tourism participated at ITB Berlin 2024 where they discussed the launch of the ‘Double the Discovery’ initiative in collaboration with Saudi Tourism Authority, to provide visitors the chance to explore cultural landmarks and historical sites in the State of Qatar and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in one single trip. Qatar Tourism also discussed the Stopover Packages, in partnership with Qatar Airways, for visitors who have limited time to visit Qatar.  

For media-related inquiries, please contact Qatar Tourism’s Press Office on:

+974 3392 4466 |  

  • About Qatar Tourism

Qatar Tourism, the regulatory body of the tourism sector in Qatar. Qatar Tourism’s mission is to promote and expand tourism in Qatar by cultivating its rich culture, develop thrilling attractions, and luxury experiences. With a clear vision to strengthen Qatar's position as a premier family-tourism destination distinguished by service excellence, to achieve diverse and innovative economic growth. Qatar Tourism will regulate and develop the tourism industry, encouraging investment from the private sector. It set the strategy for the tourism sector, reviewing it periodically and overseeing its implementation, with the aim of diversifying tourism offerings in the country and increasing visitor spend. Qatar Tourism is expanding Qatar’s presence globally and enhancing the tourism sector.


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  27. Qatar Tourism to demonstrate latest developments at ITB China

    Qatar Tourism participated in ITB China 2024 this month from May 27 to 29 in Shanghai, to highlight the new offerings, to promote Qatar as a leading tourist destination, and to attract investment in the travel and tourism sectors. Qatar Tourism spearheaded a delegation of 16 hospitality and travel partners. ITB China is a B2B-exclusive trade show that focuses on the Chinese Travel Market ...


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