Grace and Prayers

8 Powerful Prayers for Safe Travel for Loved Ones

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Want safe travel for your loved ones?  Searching for the right prayer to pray?  Here are eight powerful prayers you can pray for your family when they travel.  These are representative of the loved ones in your life.  You can add to any of the prayers to suit your situation or family relationship.

Whether it’s by vehicle , train, boat, or plane, travel can bring up concerns regarding safety.  When the travel involves people in our family we love, the concern can increase dramatically. It doesn’t matter if our loved ones are behind the wheel or if there’s a pilot or other professional, the experience is still stressful. Knowing that you can lift them up in prayer can be a comforting practice, as you realize that God is present with them:

“ The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” ( Deuteronomy 31.8, NIV ).

While we know that accidents do happen , we still want to continue in hope and faith that God can, and will, keep our family safe and secure when they travel.  It doesn’t matter whether a loved one is going down the street to the store, across the state to school, or to the other side of the planet for vacation, we want them to return to us in one piece.

You may find peace and assurance as you read scripture and pray for them.  A favorite of mine has always been:

“ If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast” ( Psalm 139.9-10, NIV ).

It doesn’t matter where we go, God is already there with us.  There is no place we can go, or our loved ones can travel to, that God is not present.  Isn’t that a wonderful piece of truth to grab hold of as you pray for your family?

Make these prayers a regular habit in your family.  And feel free to write your prayer requests at the end of this article.

Prayer for Safe Travel for Mother

Dear God, I pray for my mother today.  She is set to fly from her home to come see us and she hasn’t been on an airplane in several years.  I pray for her safety at each point in her journey .  She usually has someone with her but this time she’s traveling solo.

Keep watch over her as she drives to the airport and goes through security.  Guide the plane safely here and enable the pilots to focus well as they takeoff and land.  I pray for me to be attentive as I drive to pick her up and bring her to our house.

I look forward to her visit and so I pray for her safe travel in the name of Jesus, Amen.

safe travel prayer for your mother pin

Prayer for Safe Travel for Father

Lord, my dad has to travel across the country for a business meeting this week.  I ask you to keep him safe throughout the whole travel experience.  I know there’s nothing to fear and so I place him in your hands of protection.

I pray he gets the rest he needs so when he’s driving during the week, he remains focused on the traffic.  I pray for his airplane to get him there safely and return him home safely .  Strengthen his immune system as he will be around many large groups of people during this trip.

I pray for his safety in the strong name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for Safe Travel for Son

My son has his first spring break trip in a couple of days, Lord, and I’m concerned for his safety.  He’s old enough to travel on his own, but I ask that you keep watch over him when I cannot be there.

He has to grow up and accept responsibility for himself and I have to grow in my trust of his decision-making ability.  I pray he will remember all the things we’ve taught him about how to act in public and around other people.  Keep him safe from harm due to the actions of others.

Guide my son and his group as they drive down there and throughout the week.  I pray this, trusting in the God who saves us through Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for Safe Travel for Daughter

Lord Jesus, can you watch over my daughter this week?  She’s going to visit our extended family for a couple of weeks, all by herself.  It’s a nonstop flight so I’m thankful that she will not have to navigate changing planes or anything.  I just want her to arrive safe and enjoy time with the family.

I pray for her to use good judgment as she navigates the concourse here, and then the subway when she arrives there.  I ask that you surround her with your protective hand, and keep her aware of her surroundings at all times.

I ask these things through Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer for Safe Travel for Brother

I’m so happy Lord!  My brother is coming so see us!  He hasn’t seen my family in almost three years so we are looking forward to having him here.  He’s driving all the way, so I ask that keep him safe on all the roads he travels.

It’s a 15-hour trip that he says he’s going to make in one day.  Grant him refreshing sleep so he is fully attentive every hour he drives.  Keep errant vehicles away from him and may his journey be accident-free.  We just want to see him here safe and sound.

I pray for all of this through Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer for Safe Travel for Sister

Dear God, my sister is traveling tomorrow to see her boyfriend (and we think, soon-to-be fiance).  I lift her to you, that you hold her safely in your hand through each point of her trip.  She has a layover and has to change plans, so I pray there be no delays at all.

I ask that you keep her mind alert and her body relaxed so that when she arrives she is in good spirits to see (name).  Let them have a safe visit together and then return her to us with no obstacles.  I pray for my sister’s safe travel in the name of Jesus our Lord, Amen.

Prayer for Safe Travel for Husband

Lord, I know my husband has to travel from time to time, but I always get nervous when he has to be away for several days.  I pray to you now, trusting that you will keep him secure wherever he goes this time.  I pray he encounters no illness or danger.

I know as I pray that you are already present with him and watching over him and that brings me peace, Lord. Thank you for hearing my prayer, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for Safe Travel for Wife

Father in heaven, as my wife travels this week to see her parents, I ask that you hold her in your mighty hand of protection.  I don’t like that she’s driving alone but there was no other way for her to make the trip happen.

Please keep her safe at every meal and bathroom stop, and at every gas station where she fills up the car.  Let there be no delays for her and no accidents in her midst.  I can’t imagine what I’d do if something happened to her Lord, so I pray this prayer in the name of the Mighty One, Lord Jesus, Amen.

safe travel prayers for loved ones

Final Thoughts

We want to not have anything happen to our loved ones, whether it’s when they are traveling , or working, or vacationing.  We don’t have to be bound up in fear or worry that something might happen.  We can lay our burdens and safety concerns at the foot of God.  We can trust that God is guiding us (and them) at every step:

” I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you” ( Psalm 32.8, NIV ).

Back in ancient times, when the Hebrew people traveled regularly to Jerusalem for the different festivals, they would ordinarily sing songs along the way.  Some of those are found in the Psalms (which means songs).  A portion of one of them is worth saying and praying for.  You may wish to memorize it as your “travel prayer.”

“ The Lord will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life;  the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore” ( Psalm 121.7-8, NIV ).

As you pray these prayers for safe travel, may your heart fill with peace, your mind be calmed, and your spirit remain at rest.  Please share these prayers with your family.  You may wish to all pray the same prayer at the same time each day when someone is traveling.  The person traveling can be filled with confidence that they are literally surrounded by prayers.

You may find that your own personal prayer requests come to mind as you pray. Please share them below in the comments section.

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7 Persistent Prayers For Safe Travel For A Loved One

These seven beautiful and uplifting prayers for safe travel for a loved one will ask the Almighty Father to watch over and protect those that are dear to you as they go on their different journeys. God is our light in this world we travel through and he looks out for all of his children. Pray for safe travel for your loved ones and trust in the Lord.

A Prayer for Safe Travel for Your Family

Dear Lord in Heaven, please keep my family under your watchful eye while we are traveling. Take us into your caring and loving embrace and hold us close as we take this journey together.

I pray that you will keep my family safe from any disease or physical harm on our trip. Please protect us from any harm or danger and keep away those that would do us harm. Support us with your strength and help us be mindful of your love when we are tired and weary. Help us reach our destination safely.

It comforts me to know that you will walk this journey with us and be there watching over us. I place myself and my family in your care, knowing that you and your angels will be there for us always.

In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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A Prayer for Safe Travel for Your Daughter

Oh, God, our heavenly Father, I pray that you will surround my daughter with love and care and protect her on her travels. Make sure that no harm befalls her from any danger, and bring her home safely at her journey’s end.

I pray that on her travels you will guide her footsteps and make her reach her destination in peace and happiness. I am comforted knowing that my daughter is safe with you and that she does not travel alone. You are with her always, encircling her life and protecting her from harm. I pray that you will keep her safe.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

A Prayer for Safe Travel for Your Son

Almighty Father in Heaven, your holy presence is everywhere we go and your light shines across the world. I pray that you will lead my son safely as he goes on this trip. Be his shield from danger and harm.

Protect him from others that would seek to hurt him or rob him. I wish him the best on his journey, but I am afraid that something bad will happen to him on his trip. Please, Dear Lord, give me the strength to let him go on his trip and watch over him when I cannot. Give him guidance and wisdom to make good choices while he is away. I pray that you will send your angels to keep him safe and bring him back home to me unharmed.

In your name, I pray. Amen.

Bible Verse for Safe Travel of a Loved One

A Prayer for Your Husband to Have a Safe Flight

Dear Lord, I am grateful that you have blessed me with my kind and faithful husband. I am truly lucky that you have given him to me and that we can walk this world together in your shadow.

I pray that you watch over him on his flight tonight. Please send your angels to guide the plane through any harm. Please, Almighty Father, protect him as he travels through the sky for work and guide the plane down for a safe landing. Bless the pilot so that he can do his job and responsibilities to ensure my husband’s flight is shielded from any danger.

I pray that you bring him back to me safely. Amen.

A Prayer for Safe Travel in a Car

Dear Lord, I pray that you will watch over me and my family today as we travel by car. I pray that you will keep the roads clear and free from any harm to us. Help us to navigate to our destination without any incidents.

I pray that you will send your angels to shield us from any accidents that may happen. Please make sure that our car is blessed and does not succumb to any mechanical faults that may hinder or lengthen our journey. Watch over us until we arrive safely at the end of our journey.

A Prayer for Safe Travel in a Car

A Prayer for Safe Travel for a Friend

Oh, Holy Father in Heaven, I pray that you will bestow your mercy on those who love you and are near to you. Protect and guide my friend as they embark on their trip across the ocean to another country.

I pray that they can walk through their journey without stumbling from your righteous path. I know that you will not leave them or forsake them; walk beside them on their trip and be always in their heart. I pray, Dear Lord, that you will watch over them and guide them safely on their journey. Keep them from danger and harm and protect them from those that would seek to do them harm.

A Prayer for Your Child to be Safe at Camp

Oh, Holy Father, you have blessed me with my wonderful child who will be leaving for Summer Camp tomorrow. I love my child dearly, and I pray that you will watch over them as they travel to camp.

Give them safety and security as they embark on this solo journey. Please, Lord, protect my child during their time away from me. While they won’t be in my arms, they will be in yours Dear Lord, and I pray that you will keep them safe. Send your angels to look out for them and keep them from harm. Give me the strength to be without them; it comforts me to know that you will be with them always and can watch over them while they are on this exciting journey.

I pray, Lord, that you will bring my child back to me safely. Amen.

Have Your Prayer Submitted

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Jeremiah 29:12

Then, you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

There is no doubt our heavenly father the Lord God listens to our prayer. You are one step away from having your prayer submitted to Churches, shrines, prayer groups and prayer chains all around the world.

That's a lot of people around the world offering your prayer to God.

Bible Verses for Safe Travel of a Loved One

He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; he is a shield to those who walk in integrity guarding the paths of justice. – Proverbs 3:21-23

Prayers for safe travel are used for all sorts of reasons. Whether a short day trip or just a daily commute. If a loved one is setting off on a journey, it’s only natural you want them to travel safely and arrive at their destination.

The Bible verse from Proverbs 3:21-23 speaks to this desire, asking God to store up sound wisdom for the upright and be a shield to those who walk in integrity.

In other words, we can ask God to protect our loved ones as they travel and help them to avoid any harm. This verse also reminds us of the importance of living a righteous life, as those who do are more likely to receive God’s protection. As we entrust our loved ones to God’s care, we can have confidence that He will watch over them and guide them on their journey and bring them home safely.

For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. – Psalm 91:11

Whether praying for a friend or praying for your children’s protection , God sends his angels out before them. Angels are His messengers, and He will send them to guide and guard our loved ones on their journey.

This verse reminds us that we can have confidence in God’s care for those we love. He is always with them, even when we can’t be. We can rest assured that He will keep them safe and bring them back to us in His perfect time.

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Prayers For Safe Travel

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10 Powerful Prayers for Safe Travel 

  • Carrie Lowrance Crosswalk Contributor
  • Updated Oct 06, 2023

10 Powerful Prayers for Safe Travel 

Whether it's the holiday season or a warm vacation planned, many are turning to the roads and skies to travel toward friends and family. It can be so easy to worry about things when you travel like safety, missed flights, lost luggage, etc. Not to mention the changing of the weather, from blizzards to hurricanes. What should be a fun and relaxing time can turn into a time of constant stress and worry. How do we overcome this turmoil of emotions? Saying a prayer for safe travel before starting your trip will help you trust in His protection.

Before you leave for your next trip, use the following prayers for safe travel to ask the Lord for protection and guidance for your specific traveling situation. God can keep you and your loved ones safe and give you peace of mind as you travel. Through prayer, you can let go and enjoy your trip! Let these prayers for safe travel calm your worries and fears and fill you with joy and you embark on your journey! 

A Prayer for Safe Car Travel

A prayer for protection from accidents.

Dear Lord, I pray for all those out on the roads today. I pray that they will be more cautious and less distracted. Help us to navigate the jam-packed roads on our way to our destination. I pray you will release your angels around every vehicle on the road and that no accidents will occur. I ask that all those traveling will reach their destination safely. In your name, I pray. Amen.

A Prayer for God's Protection

Father God, I humbly ask for Your divine protection, guidance, and favor during this journey. Please watch over me and my loved ones, whether we are on the road, in the air, or at sea. Surround us with Your presence and shield us from harm. I pray for safe travels, free from accidents, delays, and any unforeseen obstacles. 

As we explore new places and meet new people, I pray for your protection in our discernment and wisdom. Help us make wise choices and stay away from situations that may jeopardize our safety or well-being. Above all, I place my trust in You, knowing that You are our ultimate protector. Your love and grace are a shield around us, and I am reassured by Your promise to be with us wherever we go. May this journey be a time of joy, growth, and memorable experiences. I commit it into Your hands, trusting that Your divine protection will accompany us every step of the way.

In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen

A Prayer for Safe Airplane Travel

Dear Lord, I pray over the trip we are about to take on this plane. I pray that no mechanical errors or emergencies will occur. I pray for our pilot, that he or she be alert, have sharp eyes, and steady hands during this flight. I pray for our flight attendants that they will be friendly, alert, and adequately prepared for our trip. I also pray for my fellow passengers, that everyone will be in good spirits and in good health. I pray that everyone will be able to make it where they need to go safely. In your name, I pray. Amen.

A Prayer to Trust God

A prayer for good weather.

Dear Lord, I pray for our upcoming trip and for good weather. Things have been crazy lately with blizzards, rain and floods, and wildfires all over our country. I pray that the weather will be good as we embark on our trip all the way through to our final destination. I also pray that it will be good when we return. I ask that you will lift all inclement weather across our great country so that everyone traveling can make it and be with their loved ones. In your name, I pray. Amen.

A Prayer for Families Traveling with Kids

Dear Lord, I pray for our upcoming trip with the kids. I ask that you will guard their bodies so that no sickness will occur while we are gone. I pray that they will be in good spirits and will cause very little distraction on the way to our destination. Help me to discern when they need a break or some rest during this trip yet help us have a wonderful time. In your name, I pray. Amen.

A Prayer for Making the Most of a Moment

Dear God, May this time be marked by laughter, joy, and shared memories. Help us to cherish one another, for we know that time is a fleeting gift. Help us to be fully present, to cherish each moment, and to create lasting memories that will strengthen the bonds between us. Guide our interactions, that they may be filled with grace, kindness, and appreciation for one another. May Your love and joy flow through us, making this time together a beautiful reflection of your blessings and may we create memories that last a lifetime. Amen.

A Prayer for Good Health While Traveling

Dear God, As I begin this trip I pray that you would protect my body from sickness and illness. Keep me in good health so that I able able to enjoy every moment of this trip that you've blessed me with. Thank you for all the plans that have come together to make this trip happen. Please grant me strength throughout the day and peaceful rest at night. Amen.

For a Friend or Loved One Traveling

Bible verses about god's protection.

Traveling for the holidays can bring a lot of worry and anxiety. What if we break down? What if we get a flat tire? What if we get stranded outside of nowhere? What if we get lost? Even with all our modern conveniences like cell phones, GPS and services like Onstar, anxiety can still set in. Still, we need to trust above all else, that the Lord will keep us safe. Here are some verses to keep in mind when the worry and anxiety of traveling get to be too much.

My God is my rock. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. He is my refuge, my savior, the one who saves me from violence.  2 Samuel 22:3 (NLT)

He led me to a place of safety, he rescued me because he delights in me. 2 Samuel 22:20 (NLT)

Is it not my family that God has chosen? Yes, he has made an everlasting covenant with me. His agreement is arranged and guaranteed in every detail. He will ensure my safety and success. 2 Samuel 23:5 (NLT)

Having hope will give you courage. You will be protected and rest in safety.  Job 11:8 (NLT)

So the Lord provided someone to rescue the Israelites from the Arameans. Then Israel lived in safety again, as they had in former days. 2 Kings 13:5 (NLT)

We shall start out on our road trips like we do any other journey in life, trusting the Lord to lead us, guide us, and keep us safe. With him, we can never be lost, and we’ll always find our way back home.

Carrie Lowrance is a writer and author. She has been published on Huffington Post, The Penny Hoarder, and ParentMap. She is also the author of two children’s books, Don’t Eat Your Boogers (You’ll Turn Green) and Brock’s Bad Temper (And The Time Machine). You can find out more about her on her website,

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/pixdeluxe

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prayer for safe travel with family

Prayers for Travel - Pray For a Safe and Joyful Trip

Trust in the Lord and pray for safe travel and a joyful trip. Before you leave on your next journey, use the following prayers to ask the Lord for safety and guidance for your particular travel situation.

Prayers for Travel - Pray For a Safe and Joyful Trip

Traveling can be a daunting experience, whether you're on a business trip, vacation, or simply traveling for personal reasons. That's why it's common for many people to offer prayers for divine protection, guidance, and blessings during their journeys. Prayers for travel have been a longstanding tradition in various cultures and religions worldwide. In this article, we'll delve into the significance of travel prayers and share some powerful and comforting options to consider.

Prayers for Travel

The Traveler's Psalm ( Psalm 121 ) :  "I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth."

Prayer for a Safe Journey : "Heavenly Father, be with us as we embark on this journey. Watch over us, guide our steps, and keep us safe from harm. Amen"

Quick Travel Prayer

Dear Lord, Please keep my family in Your vigilant care while we are traveling abound. Keep us safely shielded in Your everlasting arms. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayer for God's Protection ~ Psalm 91

My Refuge and My Fortress -  He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, "My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked. Because you have made the LORD your dwelling place-- the Most High, who is my refuge-- no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the adder; the young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot. "Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation."

A Prayer for Families Traveling with Kids

Dear Lord, I pray for our upcoming trip with the kids. I ask that you will guard their bodies so that no sickness will occur while we are gone. I pray that they will be in good spirits and will cause very little distraction on the way to our destination. Help me to discern when their needs during this trip and help us to have a wonderful time, praising You in all things. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for a Friend Before Traveling

O God, you always bestow your mercy on those who love you, and are near those who serve you. Direct the way of your servant in your will. Protect and guide them, that they may walk without stumbling in the paths of righteousness, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Source: Gallican Sacramentary, 8th century

Prayer For a Safe Voyage

Blessed are all your saints, my God and King, who have traveled over the tempestuous sea of mortality, and have at last made the desired port of peace and happiness. Be gracious to us who are still in our dangerous voyage. Remember and help us in our distress, and remember those who are exposed to the rough storms of troubles and temptations.

Strengthen our weakness so that we may fight valiantly in this spiritual war. Help us fight against our own negligence and cowardice, and defend us from the treachery of our unfaithful hearts. We are very frail and unable to carry out any virtuous and gallant undertaking. Grant, O Lord, we may bring our vessel safely to shore, to our desired haven. Amen. ~  Augustine of Hippo

8 Powerful Bible Verses to Help You Overcome Anxiety

8 Powerful Bible Verses to Help You Overcome Anxiety

travel prayers, prayer for safe travel, bible verses for travel, scripture for safe travel

10 Bible Verses for Safe Travel

"The LORD will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore." ~ Psalm 121:7-8

"For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways." ~ Psalm 91:11

"My son, do not lose sight of these-- keep sound wisdom and discretion, and they will be life for your soul and adornment for your neck. Then you will walk on your way securely, and your foot will not stumble." ~ Proverbs 3:21-23

"No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall confute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, declares the Lord.” ~ Isaiah 54:17

"But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one." ~ 2 Thessalonians 3:3

"To the choirmaster. Of the Sons of Korah. According to Alamoth. A Song. God is our refuge and strength , a very present help in trouble." ~ Psalm 46:1

"Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” ~ Deuteronomy 31:6

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." ~ Isaiah 41:10

"The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them." ~ Psalm 34:7

"You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance. Selah" ~ Psalm 32:7

5 Short Prayers for Safe Travels This Season -

A Collection of Prayers -

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10 Protection Prayers for Safe Travel for a Loved One

Say these safe travel prayers for family or for a friend.

preview for 10 U.S. Destinations for Every Traveler’s Bucket List

You can trust God with your travel plans. Under His watchful eye, He’ll keep you and your loved ones safe and protected , so you’ll have peace of mind during your getaway. God wants you to enjoy life and He has given you a great big world of possibilities to explore. So, whether you’re planning an epic overseas vacation to the ruins of ancient Rome or driving to the family reunion to finally catch up with cherished relatives , let these prayers and verses for safe travel calm your fears and inspire the journey. Because adventure awaits — and you don’t want to miss a moment of it.

A Prayer for Safe Travel

prayer for safe travel unknown

O God, our heavenly Father, whose glory fills the whole creation, and whose presence we find wherever we go: preserve those who travel; surround them with your loving care; protect them from every danger; and bring them in safety to their journey's end; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A Prayer to Trust God

prayer for safe travel melissa tumino

Lord, thank you for the opportunity to be able to travel in this season. You have sustained me and my loved ones, and I am grateful. You say in Psalm 121:8 that you shall preserve my going out and coming in from this time forth and forevermore. Preserve my life and get me to my destination and back home safely. I may not see the dangers along the way, but I ask that you keep me away from them. Watch over my steps Lord. My life is in your hands, and I trust that you will keep me safe.

In the mighty name of Jesus, amen and amen.

— Melissa Tumino

A Prayer for a Friend to Travel Safely

prayer for safe travel shannon jacobs

Heavenly Father, This prayer of safe travel is for my friends for them to have their safe trip. Oh God, who hast commissioned thy angels, allow very little distraction to come my friends’ way and allow them to reach their final destination. Keep them away from any danger and let them not worry; condition their minds to have the unison goal of returning safely. I ask these in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

— Shannon Jacobs

A Prayer to Protect Your Journey

prayer for safe travel psalm 121 7 8

The Lord will protect you from all evil; God will protect your very life. The Lord will protect you on your journeys whether going or coming from now until forever from now.

— Psalm 121:7-8

A Prayer for Safe Travel by Plane

prayer for safe travel like a bubbling brook

Father, I pray over the trip I’m taking on this plane. I’m trusting you that no mechanical issues or emergencies will happen during this flight. May our pilot be alert and make wise decisions. I pray for each flight attendant here today, that they will be kind, patient, and prepared. Help my fellow passengers be in good spirits and have good health. Deliver us to our destination safely. In Jesus name, amen.

— Like a Bubbling Brook

A Prayer for Safe Travel by Car

prayer for safe travel unknown

Dear Lord, I pray for safe travel in our car today. Please keep us safe on these crowded roads as well as the others we are sharing it with. As the driver, give me the discernment as to when to take breaks so that I do not push myself to the limit. Release your angels to surround us and protect us until we get to our final destination. In your name, I pray. Amen.

A Prayer for Protection

prayer for safe travel fritz chery

Lord I go with you, I am safe with you. I do not travel alone, For your hand is upon me, Your protection is divine. Besides, in front and behind You encircle my life, For I am yours, and you are mine. — Fritz Chery

A Prayer for Traveling With Kids

prayer for safe travel carrie lowrance

Dear Lord, I pray for our upcoming trip with the kids. I ask that you will guard their bodies so that no sickness will occur while we are gone. I pray that they will be in good spirits and will cause very little distraction on the way to our destination. Help me to discern when they need a break or some rest during this trip yet help us have a wonderful time. In your name, I pray. Amen.

— Carrie Lowrance

A Prayer to Make Memories Together

prayer for safe travel unknown

Dear Heavenly Father, please protect us on the journey we're about to take. Support us with Your strength and grace when we're weary. Help us to be mindful of Your presence and love in times of stress and guide us to make our time together meaningful and memorable. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

A Prayer to Protect From Sickness

prayer for safe travel shannon jacobs

Dear God, I bow before you, asking for your blessing and praying that you allow no destruction to come my way as I travel from one place to another. Grant my prayers, that I may not acquire sickness as I interact with other people. As I traverse to different places, Let the road rise and allow me to see you in unfamiliar places and experience your love in the faces of other people.

Headshot of Connie Rowland

Connie Rowland is an artist and writer who helps overwhelmed Christians see God’s hand in their life so they can feel closer to Him and be encouraged by His presence every day. Her artwork Master’s Hand Collection uses American Sign Language to represent God’s hand lifting us up and helping us through the toughest of times. Plus, she is the author of the Amazon #1 Bestseller, Seeing God’s Hand, a devotional that pairs her bestselling works of art with Biblical truth and inspiration for daily Christian living. You can find her at . 

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8 Powerful Prayers for Safe Travels

Powerful Prayers for Safe Travels

Are you looking for some powerful prayers for safe travels for yourself or for a loved one embarking on a journey away from home?

Traveling is something we all do.  Whether walking to a neighbor’s or taking an air flight to a new country, rarely does a day go by that we do not travel.

Sometimes our travels are for happy celebrations such as a sibling’s wedding, and at other times for somber occasions such as a parents’ passing.

Sometimes, we travel for business purposes.

Like all prayers, when we pray for safe travels, we pray as God calls us to.  We can praise God and petition Him on our behalf and others.

God asks us to pray for all things, for all circumstances, and to come to Him for all our needs.

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How Do You Pray for Those Who Are Traveling

We know that prayer is powerful and we should pray for all things (without ceasing). But what are some ways to pray for a safe trip for yourself or a loved one?

We can pray for our own safe travel. And we can pray for the safe travel of others.

When we pray for safe travels, we are not just asking for physical protection, but also for guidance, clarity, and a smooth path ahead.

It’s an acknowledgment of the uncertainties and challenges that can arise during travel and a humble request for a shield against those potential adversities.

This act of reaching out in prayer can provide a sense of comfort, reducing anxiety and instilling a feeling of being cared for by a benevolent force.

Pray for your own safe travels to bring God into your travel plans. Praise Him for the gifts of travel and petition Him for a safe journey. Pray that He will guide you on every step of your journey.

If you are new to prayer and not sure exactly how to get started, here are some creative but powerful prayer methods .

Pray for Safe Travel Bible Verses

No matter the circumstance, we can always find wisdom, guidance, and comfort in the Word of God. 

If you are looking for a couple of verses of scripture to meditate on while you are praying for your own or someone else’s travel plans, here are 3 that I would recommend:

  • the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. Psalm 121:8 NIV
  • For it is written: “He will command his angels concerning you to guard you carefully; Luke 4:10 NIV
  • The Lord is the one who will go before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or abandon you. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV

In praying for someone who is traveling, we want to ask God to wrap His full armor around them during every step of the way to their destination.

Here are just a few example prayers that you can pray for either your own travels or for the upcoming travels plans of a loved one.

Prayers for Safe Travels

Prayers for Safe Travel and Protection

In any endeavor we embark upon in life, we want God to protect us from any dangers that may come our way.

When traveling, these dangers can be anything from dangerous road conditions and storms, to mechanical malfunctions of the vehicle (or plane).

Pray this prayer to ask for God’s protection and watchful eye while you are traveling.

Dear God,  As I embark on this journey, I come before you with a heart full of gratitude for the opportunities that lie ahead. I ask for your watchful care and protection as I travel near and far.

Guide my footsteps, whether on the road, in the air, or across the seas. Surround me with your shield of safety, shielding me from harm and leading me away from any dangers that may arise.

Grant me clarity of mind, wisdom in decision-making, and a calm spirit to navigate any challenges that may come my way. Keep the paths clear, the skies calm, and the waters serene as I journey forward.

I also remember those who await my safe return, and I ask for your comfort to be with them in my absence. Bless them with peace and assurance that I am held in your loving embrace.

May this journey be marked by memorable experiences, personal growth, and the joy of new discoveries. Thank you for your protection, guidance, and the opportunity to travel.

In your name, I pray for safe travel and protection. In Jesus’ name,  Amen.

Prayers for Safe Travels

Prayer for Safe Travel of a Loved One

Pray for a loved one’s safe travels to show God’s care for them through your intercession.

Pray for God’s guidance on their journey and for those responsible for their safety such as pilots or bus drivers. Pray that He will watch over them on every step of their journey.

When a friend or loved one is traveling, the biggest act of love we can give them is to pray for them!

Pray for their individual safety and protection. Pray for the safety of the vehicle they are traveling in (cars, planes, etc). And pray for anyone who may impact their travel security such as the plane pilots.

Dear God, I come before you with a heart full of love and concern for my dear [loved one’s name] as they set out on their journey. I ask for your loving protection and guidance to surround them as they travel.

Please watch over their path, whether by road, sky, or sea. Keep them safe from harm and shield them from any unforeseen difficulties or obstacles.

Grant them a calm spirit and clear mind as they navigate the adventure before them. Be with them every step of the way, guiding their decisions and ensuring their safe arrival.

Thank you for your love, care, and the blessing of our loved ones. In your name, I offer this prayer for the safe travel of [loved one’s name]. Amen.

Prayers for Safe Travels

Prayer for Safe Travels For a Friend

Do you have a friend that is traveling? The best way to assure their safety during a trip is to pray for them!

When we pray for a friend who is traveling, we are asking God to cover them in His full armor of protection.

Use this prayer to ask God to ensure the safe travels of a friend:

Dear Heavenly Father,  I come before you with a request close to my heart. My dear friend is setting out on a journey, and I ask for your watchful care and protection over them.

Guide their footsteps, both on the road and in life. Shield them from harm and keep them safe from accidents and adversities. Please grant them a path free from obstacles, clear skies, and steady hands at the wheel.

Surround them with your love and peace, soothing any anxieties or uncertainties they may feel. Be their companion along the way, offering comfort and guidance as they navigate the journey ahead.

May this trip be filled with joy, wonderful experiences, and safe return. Bless their travels, and let them know that they are cherished and loved, not only by me but by the benevolent presence that watches over us all.

In your name, I pray for safe travels for my friend. In the name of Jesus Christ,  Amen.

Prayers for Safe Travels

Thank You Prayer for Safe Travel

In addition to simply asking God to protect us and our loved ones during our travels, we should also be thanking Him.

God relishes in our thanks to Him.

Thank Him for who He is and all He has already done in your life . But also, thank Him, in advance, for the blessing of safe travels He is going to provide!

Dear Gracious Provider,

With a heart filled with gratitude, I offer my sincere thanks for the safe travels that have brought me to this moment. You have guided me through the journey, protecting me from harm and leading me to my destination.

I am thankful for the smooth roads, the clear skies, and the steady hands that guided me along the way. Your watchful care has surrounded me, keeping me safe from the uncertainties that can arise during travel.

I also thank you for the experiences and memories gained during this journey, for the opportunities to learn, explore, and connect with others.

As I pause to reflect on this safe return, I am humbled by your blessings and the presence of loved ones who supported me from afar. Please continue to watch over me in all my future journeys, be they near or far.

Thank you, dear Lord, for your protection, your love, and the safe travels I have experienced. In your name, I offer my heartfelt gratitude.  Amen.

Prayer for Safe Travels for a Business Trip

Traveling for a business trip can bring about much anxiety and frustration . 

By saying a simple business travel prayer, you can ask God to give you thoughts of peace so you are fully prepared for your business dealings at your final destination.

Dear Heavenly Father, 

As I prepare for this business trip, I come before you with a heart full of gratitude for the opportunities that lie ahead. I ask for your guidance and protection as I embark on this journey, seeking safe travels and successful outcomes.

Please watch over the path I’ll tread, whether by air, land, or sea. Bless the transportation, the routes, and the decisions made along the way. Grant me clarity of mind, wisdom, and the ability to navigate any challenges that may arise.

As I represent my work and interact with colleagues, clients, and partners, may my actions reflect professionalism, integrity, and respect. I pray for open doors for productive meetings, clear communication, and positive collaboration.

Thank you, O God, for the opportunities this business trip presents, for growth, and for the chance to make a meaningful impact.

May this journey be smooth, productive, and filled with the positive energy of your presence. In your name, I pray for safe travels and successful endeavors. Amen.

Powerful Prayers for Safe Travels

Prayers for a Safe Flight

When we pray for a safe flight, we not only seek physical safety but also mental and emotional reassurance.

The act of reaching out in prayer helps calm the nerves and anxieties that often accompany the anticipation of a flight.

It’s a reminder that we’re not alone in the air, that there’s an invisible protection guiding us through the skies.

Use this short prayer to pray for a safe flight and ask God for His divine protection during the trip.

Lord Jesus, As we embark on this journey through the skies, we humbly come before you, seeking your guidance and protection. Watch over us and our fellow passengers with your loving care, and surround this aircraft and its passengers with your shield of safety.

We place our trust in your hands, knowing that you are the ultimate source of comfort and strength.

Please guide the pilot flight attendants with wisdom, skill, and a steady hand. Grant them clarity and focus, ensuring that every decision made is in the best interest of a smooth and secure flight.

In this moment, we unite our hopes and intentions, asking for your presence to be with us throughout this journey. 

Let the skies be calm, the path be clear, and the landing be gentle. May this flight be a testament to the power of faith, love, and your watchful care. In your name, we pray. Amen.

Prayer for Safe Travel by Car

Praying for a safe journey by car is a way to ask for God’s protection and guidance.

We acknowledge the inherent risks of travel, such as unexpected road conditions, traffic, or the actions of other drivers, and seek the watchful care of our Merciful God to shield us from harm.

When we put God in charge of the trip, it can give us the peace of mind we need to simply enjoy the journey. 

Dear Lord, As I embark on this journey by car, I come before you with a grateful heart for the opportunities that lie ahead and the experiences that await. I ask for your guiding hand to be upon me, guiding me safely along the roads and highways.

Please watch over this vehicle, keep it in good working order, and protect it from any harm or malfunctions. I pray for the skill and attentiveness of the driver, that they may navigate the journey with care and responsibility.

Grant me clarity and focus, that I may be aware of my surroundings, make wise decisions, and stay vigilant to ensure the safety of all passengers and fellow travelers on the road.

May this trip be smooth, without incident, and may it bring us closer to our destination and the people we seek to be with. Thank you for your guidance, your love, and the opportunity to travel. In your name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for Safe Travel with Children

Praying before taking a trip with family members than include children is a beautiful and meaningful practice that brings comfort, intention, and a sense of unity to the family.

This special moment of prayer allows parents, caregivers, and the children themselves to acknowledge the excitement and potential challenges of the journey ahead, seeking blessings for a safe and enjoyable experience.

Dear Heavenly Father, As we embark on this journey with our precious children, we come before you with hearts full of love and gratitude for the gift of family and the adventures that lie ahead. We ask for your special protection and guidance for each member of our family.

Guide our hands as we drive, so that every decision is made with caution and care, always mindful of the little ones in our care.

Traveling with children can be trying and exhausting. Please help us to have a smooth journey and that everyone is at peace during the trip. 

In moments of restlessness or boredom, may we find creative ways to engage and connect with our children, fostering a sense of togetherness and cherished memories.

May this journey be filled with laughter, learning, and a deepening of our family bonds. We thank you for the opportunity to travel with our children and for the adventures that await us. In your name, we pray. Amen.

Are you looking for some tools and tips to boost your prayer life? If so, be sure to visit our Prayer Resources Library where you’ll find everything you need to become a powerful prayer warrior!

I hope these travel prayers can help you find true peace on your next journey! 

Remembering God’s promise that He hears all our prayers, we can pray with boldness and assurance that He is listening.

Praying for safe travels for ourselves and others brings steadiness to our minds and shows God’s care for others. When you  pray for safe travels  may God’s peace fill your heart!

The power of prayer is real, even if we do not always see the results. One of the most loving things you can do is pray for others as well as for yourself. God wants to hear our prayers!

Lynn J Simpson

Lynn J Simpson is a Certified Professional Life Coach, author, and landscape photographer who is also rarely without her camera in hand capturing God’s beauty in nature.

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Holy Prayers

46 Christian Prayers & Bible Verses for Safe Travel

Before embarking on their journeys, many Christians turn to the power of prayer for guidance and protection. A prayer for safe travel serves as a faithful companion, offering comfort and seeking divine safety for those who are about to traverse unknown paths. They believe that through these heartfelt invocations, God watches over them, making their passage secure and their arrival certain.

Prayers for Safe Travel

Morning prayer for safe travel.

Oh Jesus, my Guardian and Guide,

As I step out into the world this morning, I humbly ask for Your divine protection. Encircle me with Your loving arms and keep me safe as I travel.

Grant me the wisdom to navigate my journey with care, and the discernment to avoid the paths of harm. Shield me from the perils that lurk on the roads and in the skies.

May Your angels travel with me and stand guard, keeping me safe from accidents, and guiding every driver, pilot, and fellow traveler I encounter.

Bless my going out and my coming in. Let Your presence be a comforting whisper in my heart, reminding me that I am never alone. Keep me in the joy and peace of Your love, as I undertake this day’s journey.

In the confidence of Your unfailing love, I entrust my safety to You. Thank You for Your promise of protection. I step forward in faith, knowing You are with me.

John 5:14 And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.

prayer point for safe travel

Evening Prayer For Travel Protection

Saintly Jesus, sovereign guardian of the wayfarer, I stand before You in humble awe, my heart alight with the splendor of Your love. As the dusk wraps the day in a tranquil embrace, I seek Your mighty hand of protection on my journey ahead.

Mighty Creator, whose love knows no bounds, You sculpt the path before me with a celestial brush. Transform my travels with Your divine grace; let each mile bear witness to the miracle of Your care.

O Merciful Savior, cast Your gaze upon this humble traveler. Enfold me in the sanctuary of Your wings. Through the valleys and over the peaks, let Your presence be a fortress, impenetrable and steadfast.

In the quiet of this evening, with stars as my witnesses, I breathe in Your transformative love. May it shield me, guide me, uplift me. Let not the shadows of uncertainty touch me, for Your light is an eternal safeguard.

Jesus, my compass and my companion, I embark with a spirit fortified by Your sacred promise. Let the roads rise up to meet me, and the winds be ever at my back, under the watchful eyes of Your angels.


Corinthians 4:6 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness, has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

prayer point for safe travel

Family Prayer For Journey Mercies

My Father, my Protector, and my ever-present Guide!

I come before You with a heart bursting with excitement and anticipation, for You have blessed us with the opportunity to embark on this journey. Together as a family, we step out in faith, knowing that Your hand is upon us.

Lord, You are our Pilot and our Navigator. As the wheels roll and the landscapes change, blanket us with Your loving protection. Be the unseen seatbelt that holds us tight, the compass that leads us true.

We declare in the mighty name of Jesus that every mile we cover is under Your watchful eye. No harm will come near us, no trouble will meet us, for Your angels encamp around those who love You.

Father, Your word says, “The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” We believe it! We receive it! Our journey is safe, our path is secured, and our arrival is certain.

Thank you for surrounding us with Your favor as with a shield. We rejoice in Your promise of journey mercies. We lift our voices in gratefulness, for we know—yes, we know—this prayer is already answered.

In the joyous name of Jesus, we pray. Amen!

Corinthians 1:24 Not that we lord it over your faith, but we work with you for your joy, for you stand firm in your faith.

prayer point for safe travel

Prayer For Safe Flight

My Lord, my Protector,

As I embark upon this journey through the skies,

I am filled with Your peace, knowing Your love carries me aloft.

Your hands, mighty and tender, hold my flight in Your care.

My God, my Guide,

With each mile we traverse, I see the wonders of Your creation,

And I am reminded of the boundless expanse of Your grace.

In You, I find the courage to soar to new heights, unafraid.

My Savior, my Comfort,

I trust in Your transformative love to dispel any turbulence.

Within the vessel of Your blessings, I am secure and serene.

Your promises are my safety, Your faithfulness my shield.

My Father, my Peace,

In this vessel of humanity, bound for distant shores,

May Your presence be as close as the air I breathe.

Thank You for the gift of journeying, for the adventure that awaits.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

John 1:8 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

safe travel prayer point

Traveler’s Prayer For Road Trips

Dear Father,

As I set out on this road, I lift my heart in gratitude for the journey ahead. Thank You for the opportunity to explore Your magnificent creation.

Clothe me, Lord, with the full armor of God as I travel. Gird my waist with truth, that I may navigate with integrity. Shield my heart with righteousness, so that it beats in tune with Your love.

May Your gospel of peace be the shoes upon my feet, guiding each step I take with purpose and calm assurance. Help me wield the shield of faith to deflect any adversity, trusting in Your sovereign protection.

Equip me with the helmet of salvation, keeping my mind focused on the joy of Your presence. And let the sword of the Spirit, which is Your Word, be my compass and guide, cutting through confusion with divine wisdom.

Bless this journey, O Lord, and keep me safe. May Your angels be my companions, and Your grace my fuel. Let every mile bring me closer to You and the wonders of Your world.

In Jesus’ name, I embark with joy, confidence, and a spirit of adventure. Amen.

Corinthians 3:18 And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.

prayer point for safe travel

Prayer For Calm Seas

My Father, who art in Heaven, hear my humble plea as I embark upon this vast and restless sea. Your Word, in Psalm 107:29, tells of how You stilled the storm to a whisper and hushed the waves of the sea. In Your mighty power, You have commanded the raging waters, and they have obeyed.

Lord of all creation, I implore You now, grant us calm seas on our journey. Let Your peace reign over the deep, as You calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee. Be our steadfast Captain and Navigator, guiding us safely through the paths You have set before us.

In every surge and swell, may Your calming presence be felt aboard our vessel. I trust in Your sovereignty over all nature, that You would speak “Peace, be still,” and grant us a tranquil passage.

Protect us, O God, from the perils that lurk beneath the waves. Keep our hearts anchored in faith, not in fear, knowing that You are with us through every crest and trough. Let Your Spirit be the wind in our sails and Your wisdom the compass by which we steer.

As we journey, may we reflect on the journey of life and the path You have charted for us. May this voyage be a testament to Your enduring love and power, a reminder that with You, we will reach our destination safely.

In the name of Jesus, our Savior and the calmer of storms, I pray. Amen.

Corinthians 13:10 But when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away.

safe travel bible verse

Prayer Against Travel Delays

My Father, who guides me through every path,

In Your sovereign grace, I request smooth passage.

For it is written, “The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” (Psalm 121:8)

Lord, clear the way as I embark on this journey.

Keep the roads open, the skies clear, and the vessels steadfast.

As the wheels turn and the distances close, let Your hand prevent delays.

My Father, align the moments of my departure and arrival.

May Your divine timing reign over each segment of my travel.

With every ticket, reservation, and schedule, Your punctuality prevails.

Grant, O Lord, that Your peace envelops all transit.

May Your unseen angels guard against the disruption of plans.

In the comings and goings, Your presence is the constant assurance.

In faith, I trust in Your perfect order.

My journey is in Your hands, and there I find rest.

No obstacle too great, no delay too long, for You are with me.

Romans 15:30 I appeal to you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in your prayers to God on my behalf,

prayer for safe travel

Prayer For Safe Return

Holy Father,

In Your majestic creation, I stand small and humble, embarking on this journey ahead. Your wonders stretch beyond the horizons, Your watchfulness exceeds the skies.

I place my trust in You, Almighty Guide, for You chart the path of the stars and direct the courses of the rivers. With every step I take, let Your presence be the compass that steers me, Your wisdom the map that leads me.

Lord of the Wayfarers, I surrender to Your divine protection. As I venture into the unknown, wrap me in Your invisible cloak, shield me from harm, and steer me from the snares unseen.

Grant me safe passage through valleys and hills, over waters deep and vast. Let Your angels encamp around me, their celestial vigil a fortress of peace.

May Your grace be the tailwind that hastens my return and Your love the anchor that secures my soul. In every goodbye and every reunion, be the constant thread that binds my heart to home.

In Your hands, O Keeper of my days, I lay this journey. Carry me back to the warmth of my dwelling, to the embrace of my loved ones, under the canopy of Your assured safety.

In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray,

Corinthians 13:12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.

prayers for safe travel

Bible Verses for Safe Travel

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

prayer for safe travel

Corinthians 15:3

For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures,

prayer about safe travel

And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

prayer for safe travel

His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence,

prayer about safe travel

Corinthians 14:37

If anyone thinks that he is a prophet, or spiritual, he should acknowledge that the things I am writing to you are a command of the Lord.

prayer for safe travel

Romans 14:17

For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

prayers for safe travel

Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

prayer about safe travel

Prayer Points for Safe Travel

  • 1. Pray that your journey starts and ends with safety, keeping you free from harm or accident as you travel.
  • 2. Pray for your protection against any unforeseen dangers or delays that may arise on your path.
  • 3. Pray that your mode of transportation is reliable and secure, ensuring a smooth passage to your destination.
  • 4. Pray for the wisdom and alertness of all those who are involved in your travel, including drivers, pilots, and safety personnel.
  • 5. Pray that you remain calm and at peace throughout your travels, trusting that you are under divine protection.
  • 6. Pray for the weather conditions to be favorable, and for clear visibility and manageable roads as you make your way to your destination.

Your Prayer Submission

Let us share a safe travel prayer on your behalf.

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The Pray Warrior

15 Great Prayers for Safe Travel and Protection

15 Great Prayers for Safe Travel and Protection

Prayers for safe travel and protection are very important. We do not see the unknown, and cannot tell what will happen a few seconds from when we leave home till we get to our destination.

People sometimes leave home and never plan it, but something bad happens to them. The Bible encourages us to trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not onto our own understanding.

We can commit our travels into God’s hands, and here are 15 powerful great prayers for Safe Travel and Protection you can say for traveling mercies.

1. prayer for traveling mercies, grace and protection ..

You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. –Psalm 91:5-6

Lord Jesus, I thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for always guarding and protecting me. Thank you for always keeping me safe. Thank you, Lord, for wrapping me in your arms always.

Lord, I ask for your travelling mercies even as I am about to leave home. I ask that you will continue to watch over me as you always do in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Please shield and protect my family as I am leaving them behind. I leave them in your gentle hands. Be merciful unto me and keep me from harm’s way in Jesus’ mighty name.

Thank you, almighty Father, for answered prayers in Jesus’ name, Amen.

2. Prayer for Travel protection Against Accidents.

Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. –Psalm91:3

Heavenly Father, I come before you today to pray for travel protection against any accidents. Lord, I ask that this travel will be smooth and accident-free in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I pray that my car will be sound and in good condition. Lord, help me to determine any faults in my car even before the Journey begins. O God, I pray that nothing bad will happen to me.

I ask, that even if there is a fault with my vehicle, please keep me safe in Jesus’ mighty name.

3. Safe Travel Prayer for Family.

The  Lord  will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. –Psalm 121:8

Dear Lord Jesus, I am here today before your throne of grace and I want to firstly thank you for the family you have blessed me with.

Lord, I want to ask that even as we are traveling together as a family, please take us to our travel location and bring us back safely.

Father, please keep us in one piece. Save us from any evil wind and any evil turbulence that decides to blow against us, and at the end of the day, we will give you all the glory honor and adoration, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

4. Prayer for Protection for Road Travel.

Because he loves me,” says the  Lord , “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. –Psalm91:14

Lord Jesus, thank you so much for the gift of life and for how you have kept me. Lord, as I embark on this journey you will keep me safe from any accident and harm.

I pray Lord and ask that you will bless the road and the path I take. I pray Lord that no vehicle will crash into ours. I also ask for a smooth journey Lord.

I pray Lord that nothing will go wrong on this trip in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please keep me safe throughout this journey and keep me under the shadow of your wings in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

5. Prayer for Air Travel Protection.

He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. –Psalm 4:39

Father Lord, I commit my journey into your hands. I am here to ask for your protection and your guidance. Please keep me safe on my flight O God.

I pray against any turbulence and any storm that will decide to rage against us through this journey. I declare and speak to the storms; Peace be still in Jesus’ name.

I pray against any failures and complications even as we fly to our destination in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

6. Prayer For Safety During Sea Travel.

Because he loves me,” says the  Lord , “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. –Psalm 91:14

Lord Jesus, I am committing my travel over the sea into your hands. Abba, I ask for your protection against raging storms and raging seas.

I ask the lord that nothing will by any means harm me and those I am travelling with. Lord, please keep us safe and bring us back home safely in Jesus’ mighty name.

Thank you, Abba, for your protection in Jesus’ name, Amen!

7. Prayer for Angelic Protection.

For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.

They will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone . –Psalm 91:11-12

Dear Lord Jesus, I am grateful that you always keep me safe. I am thankful that you send your angels to always keep charge over me.

I have come to ask that as I embark on this travel/trip, please send your Holy angels to keep me safe and protect me.

Let them keep charge over me Lord so that I will not dash my foot against a stone in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

8. Prayer for Travel Protection .

The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you.

No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt. –Exodus 12:13

Heavenly Father, I come before you today to pray for my travel. Lord, I come against any demonic plot to frustrate this trip.

I ask Lord that I will be covered and marked by the blood of Jesus. That when they see the blood they will pass over me. I come against any plot of the enemy in the name of Jesus.

I counteract every demonic plan with the word of the Lord, that a thousand will fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but they will not come near me.

I declare that I am protected and covered by the most high God, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

Also Related: Prayers for Traveling Mercies: 15 Powerful .

9. Prayer of Safety for Travelers .

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. –Psalm 16:6

Lord Jesus, I come before you today and ask for your protection whilst I am at my travel location. I pray dear God that you will cause the lines to fall to me in pleasant places in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I ask Lord for your protection, your covering, and shielding. Please send kind and genuine people my way, and I ask Lord, that you will keep me in good health whilst I embark on this trip, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

10. Prayer of Protection for My Children.

The  Lord  will keep you from all harm, he will watch over your life. –Psalm 121:7

Most high and everlasting Father, I thank you so much for the gift of children and for blessing me with my children. I commit their travel today into your hands dear Lord, I ask heavenly Father, that you will wrap them in your gentle hands.

You said in your word, that we would commit our ways in your hands, so I commit their travel into your hands. Lord, please protect them, and watch jealously over them. Keep them away from danger and from dangerous people in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

11. Prayer for Protection over My Husband.

He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings, you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. –Psalm 91:4

Dear God, I pray today for my dear husband who is about to embark on travel. I ask dear God, please protect him and shield him o dear Father. Lord, I pray that you will keep him in good health.

I pray for a sound mind, peace, and your safety round about him. My dear God, please keep my husband safe, and let the purpose of his travel be fruitful in Jesus’ name, Amen!

12. Prayer for Travel Protection for My Wife.

I will say of the  Lord , “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” –Psalm 91:2

Most high and everlasting Father, thank you for the life of my precious wife and the way you have taken care of her. Father, please let her be safe as she embarks on this Journey.

Father, I ask that you keep her under your wings’ shadow. Please be her refuge. Lord, I pray sudden incidents and happenings out of her way in Jesus’ mighty name. Let her journey be smooth and peaceful in Jesus’ name, Amen!

13. Safe Travel Prayer for a Friend.

See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared. –Exodus 23:20

Lord Jesus, I pray today lifting the trip I have planned with my friends into your hands. I ask heavenly Father that as we go together on this trip, let your Holy angels shield and protect us.

Lord, keep us safe in your arms and order our steps every inch of the way. Grant us the discernment we need, to know when not to make specific moves or take specific steps, so that we will arrive home safely to the glory of your name, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

14. Prayer for Traveling Grace.

A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. –Psalm 91:7-8

Lord Jesus, I thank you for the opportunity you have given me to travel. I ask dear Lord to protect me from dangerous and deceptive people as I go through this journey.

I ask Lord that you will shield me from people that are going to harm me whilst I am out on this journey. Please remove bad seeds in the form of people away from me on this journey, and plant good seeds my way in Jesus’ name, Amen!

15. Prayer for Traveling Protection for My Siblings.

If you say, “The  Lord  is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. – Psalm91:9-10

Dear Lord, I pray today and ask Father for travelling mercies for my siblings. Lord, please keep my sibling safe as she travels.

Lord, I ask that you will be with her throughout this journey. Please keep her protected and safe and let the enemy have no access to her as she goes on this Journey.

Father, I pray that she will not feel alone on this journey. I ask that she will not be scared, but rather, she will always have the assurance of your protection in Jesus’ mighty name.

Lord, you are the only refuge and hiding place we know as a family, so please keep her safe. May nothing scare her in Jesus mighty amen, Amen!


Our most high Father is always ever ready to offer His protection, and that is why we can count on Him for travel protection. Our God is more than able to keep us safe.

It is always a good thing to commit our ways into his hands. The world seems to be crazy these days, and only Abba can keep us safe from harm’s way.

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prayer for safe travel with family

10 Good Prayers for Safe Travels

Before starting on a new journey, it is best to pray for safe travels to and from your destination. Whether it is by car, plane, train or boat, these prayers for safe travels will surely bring you comfort and security. Pray these at any time before or during your journey.

Family Traveling Together Prayer Dear Lord, I pray for our family trip. Please cover each one of us with the blood of your Son, Jesus. Protect our children from sickness, accidents and harm from predators. Let this trip be enjoyable and a great bonding experience for us as a family. Help us build memories that will fill our hearts and last a lifetime. Be a wall of fire around us as we drive to and from our destination. Let your glory be within us, and shine through us onto others we meet, during this journey. Help our actions be a reflection of the goodness of your love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Car Travel Prayer Lord Jesus, as I drive from this place to my final destination, I ask you to shield my family and me from any danger. Give me strength and divine health so that I can drive safely and focus on the road. Protect us from careless and drunk motorists. Keep me alert and in tune with your guidance so that I do not miss anything that you show or tell me to do. Father, I thank you and adore you for enabling us to reach our destination safely. In the holy name of Jesus, Amen.

Plane Travel Prayer O Lord, God almighty, as I head to the airport to take a plane to my destination, I ask you for protection. Father, I am full of anxiety because of the possibility of an airplane crash with another airplane in the crowded skies, or an airplane malfunction. Within my heart, I know that you are the one that is in charge of my life. I know that you will protect me from danger. Let your righteous right hand be on the pilot and the entire crew. We are safe when we leave, and we will be safe when we land at our final destination. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Protection against Accidents Prayer Dear God, as I start this journey today, I ask for protection against any accidents that the enemy has planned for me. I take refuge under your wings. Your faithfulness is my shield and rampart. Lord, protect me and my fellow travelers against any and all dangers we might encounter. Send your angels before us to go and crush any harm that the enemy has planned in our path. Take control of the pilots and drivers so that everyone follows the rules and pays attention while they are in charge of the vehicle. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Good Weather Prayer Father, you are the maker of everything in heaven, on earth, and under the earth.  As we start this journey today, Lord, give us good weather.  May the weather be clear from our starting place to our destination, and may it continue being good even when we come back. Lift away every strong wind, storm, heavy rain, flood, and any other adverse weather element not just in this place but across the world so that every traveler can have a safe journey. The sun will not harm us by day, nor the moon by night as we travel. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Stress-Free Travel Prayer Dear God, traveling comes with a lot of challenges, from encounters with careless motorists to losing luggage. But Father, as I leave this home, I declare and decree that I will have a stress-free journey. Let this journey be an opportunity for me to appreciate the things that you have given us freely. Keep me safe, and calm any thought that will cause me to be anxious or fearful. Help me to find joy in nature, the people I meet, and the different things I see along the way. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Uncertainties Prayer My Father, I am setting off this journey, going to a new place, and I am full of fear and uncertainty about the trip and because I have never been to this place before. Lord, go before me and make everything work out for my good. I place my confidence in you because I know you are watching over me, and you never slumber. You are keeping me and everyone that is traveling from harm. Thank you, Father, for protecting me on my trip, and also when I return. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Traveling Anxieties Prayer Dear Father, I present my request for safe travels to you today. I am full of anxiety because I am about to embark on a long journey. But I refuse to let anxiety rob me of this chance you have given to me to explore the world and its beauty. Instead of fear, fill me with peace. As I go to different places in the world, let me find serenity in your beautiful creations. Holy Spirit, please always remind me that Jesus is with me everywhere I go. Let me find favor with the people I am traveling with, and those with whom I will be interacting during my journey. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Loved Ones Who Are Traveling Prayer Dear Lord, I want to thank you for my family and friends that have taken time out of their busy schedules to come and visit me. Lord, as I wait eagerly for them to arrive, I pray that you watch over them. I cover the cars and planes they are using to reach this me with the precious blood of Jesus. Lord, take charge of every means of transportation that they are using to come to visit me. May your angels guard them against danger or anxiety.  When they arrive safely, we will gather together and glorify your holy name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Your Plans, Not Mine Prayer Father God, thank you for enabling me to see this day. I have been looking forward to it, and it is finally here. Lord, there are so many things I have planned for this journey, I have taken all the necessary precautions, but you are the only one that establishes our steps. Establish my steps from the time I leave this place to when I reach my final destination. Let your word be a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Let this journey bring me closer to you. May grace and mercy be upon other travelers and me so that we may reach our final destinations safely. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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prayer for safe travel

Jet plane in the sky with dramatic clouds

"Suppose I had wings like the dawning day and flew across the ocean. Even then your powerful arm would guide and protect me." (Psalm 139:9-10, CEV)

what's on this page?

• prayer for safe travel

• prayer for safe flight

• irish prayer of protection

• short prayer for travel

• quotes about protection in travel from the bible

a beautiful prayer that reminds us of God's love and protection as we travel:-

prayer for safe travel with family

(a prayer for safe travel)

"Traveller's Prayer" by Julie Palmer

Quote from Phil 4:6-7 on the peace of God

follow this link to read prayers for inner peace

(excerpt from the ancient Irish prayer of protection "St Patrick's Breastplate")

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"This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection." (Psalm 91:2-4, NLT)

"The eternal God is our hiding place; he carries us in his arms." (Deuteronomy 33:27, CEV)

"You'll travel safely, you'll neither tire nor trip. You'll take afternoon naps without a worry, you'll enjoy a good night's sleep." (Proverbs 3:23-24, MSG)


further reading

prayer for peace of mind

a prayer to be led into God's still streams and receive his heavenly peace. With restful music and relaxing images of birds flying around a lake. About 2.30 minutes long:-

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Gathered Again

Safe Journey Prayer: A Prayer for Family Protection When Traveling

Pray for a safe travel, pray for a stress-free travel, pray to ease your travel-related anxieties, pray for a blessed trip, pray for those traveling with kids, pray for those left at home, prayer for anxiety-free traveling, prayer for traveling safe, prayer for traveling with kids, prayer for those left at home, prayer for family protection when traveling, final thoughts.

Ask yourself these questions:  “Why do I pray?”  and  “When do I pray?”  Some people pray for thanksgiving, some ask for forgiveness, while others pray for guidance, safekeeping, and protection. It may occur daily, often, or every once in a blue moon. Regardless of how frequent it is, prayer is a bridge for us to converse with God—to talk to Him, to ask for His grace and for our personal intentions. 

Oftentimes, we pray when we need something, and we wish something for ourselves. But, as we talk to God, let us also include others in our prayers.  Pray for and pray with the family . It’s one of the best and valuable gifts we could ever give to a person.

There are times when we need to go on a long journey or to travel for work or for school. And, when we pray for our safety, it gives us comfort. It is highly recommended for each and everyone to start their journey with a prayer. Ask for the Lord’s guidance and protection upon departing, and give praise and thanksgiving when you arrive at your destination. 

Prayer helps us ease and calm our minds because God is with us. As said in 1 John 5:4, “Faith can overcome anything.”

Converse with God through This Prayer Points for Traveling

“Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” —Philippians 4:6 

Start your conversation with God with these prayer points, asking for His blessing, grace, and protection when traveling.

This is usually our intention when we pray—for us to be safe. We pray that our drivers or captains will drive us safely and protect us from any travel harm. For sure, God has heard your prayer through this Bible verse from Luke 4:10, “He will command His angels concerning you to guard you carefully.” 

Dear God, We come to You in prayer today to pray for a safe trip. Please ensure we have a smooth journey and a safe flight. I pray for nothing but a wonderful time filled with happy memories. I pray for the airplane captain, the flight attendant, and our fellow passengers journeying with us. I pray it is a beautiful journey as we bask in Your invisible protection. We pray these things in Jesus’ name, amen!

Let us also pray that the travel you are about to embark on would be smooth and stress-free. Pray that everything will be according to plan and God’s will. “You will travel safely, you will neither tire nor trip… because God will be right there with you. He will keep you safe and sound” (Proverbs 3:23, 26)

Dear Heavenly Father, I ask that You guide every single step of the journey we are about to embark upon. We are about to go on a road trip, and I pray that You keep each of us from harm. Please bless the roads we travel upon and the other drivers we drive around. I pray for safe driving from everyone and that everyone is paying close attention on this upcoming trip. I pray You to help us have a lovely time and make unforgettable memories on our trip. Thank You Lord for Your divine protection and grace. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Whenever you feel uneasy, worried, and anxious before or during traveling, always cling to God, and ask for His guidance and grace. Doing so can calm your mind and soul, ensuring that everything will be alright. 

Remember what was written in Deuteronomy 31:8 “The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged.”

Dear God, You know my heart and the anxiety that I have about traveling. I pray for this journey to be a beautiful experience with a safe return. I pray that every single moment is a great memory and that my mind not dwell on what could happen. I pray for a safe arrival, and I place all my trust in you as I know you are in absolute control. I ask these things in Jesus’ name, amen.

As you embark on a new trip, may God bless you fervently. May this Bible verse help you compose a prayer, asking His blessing for this trip,   “The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord makes his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lifts up his countenance upon you and gives you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)

Dear God, I pray that You bless this wonderful journey we embark upon. I pray that it be a beautiful trip and an amazing time for everyone coming. I pray for an alert mind and the trust that you hold us in your arm of safety. Please allow us to focus on this memorable journey you have blessed us with, and that we have a safe and beautiful arrival at our destination. We pray these things in Jesus’ name, amen.

There are times when we travel with our kids and family. Remember that the Lord will keep you from all harm. As said in Psalm 121:7-8, “He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” He will watch over you and your kids, and He will keep you in His loving arms and protect you all from evil.

Let us also not forget our loved ones who are left at home when we travel. May they be healthy and safe while we are away. Let us pray for God’s blessing and grace to calm their minds and ease their worries away as we leave our homes without them. May they be protected and guarded by our guardian angels sent by the Lord.

Sample Prayers for a Safe Journey

Have a meaningful and solemn conversation with God through these sample prayers, asking for His protection, guidance, and grace for a safe journey ahead with each prayer point enumerated above:

“Heavenly Father, as I start my journey today, please keep me safe and free from any harm. Embrace me with Your Spirit to calm and ease my anxious mind and heart. I am worried of the various uncertainties that lie ahead, Lord God. May this journey be filled with peace and serenity. Please lead the way, Lord, and I will follow what You have written for me. May I make most out of this trip, and offer all of these things to You, Lord. Amen.”
“Almighty Father, we thank you for blessing and providing us a trip that binds us together. As we come to You in this prayer, O Lord, we ask that this may be a blessed trip, for You are with us on this journey.  Please keep us safe all the time, Lord. May we enjoy the presence of one another, and cherish Your wonderful creation on this vacation. Please guide us on our way and back to our homes safely. We ask these through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.”
Lord God, thank you for this opportunity to have a family trip with my kids . As we go along on this journey, I wish nothing but the best for my kids; may they be healthy enough for this trip. I pray that they will enjoy and be happy all throughout this journey.  Enlighten me, Lord, to keep an eye on my kids’ well-being. May I be sensitive enough if they are tired, so that we can pause or rest. I genuinely pray for their utmost happiness, safety, and best of health.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
“Dear God, as I leave my home and family, I pray for our safety. Please protect me, as well as my family. I leave them up to you, Lord. Please watch over them, and may they be free from harm. Bless their minds and souls to not worry for me, as You are with me on this journey. With You, I know we will all be safe. Amen.”
“Heavenly Father, we come to you in prayer to give thanks for this day and the opportunity to travel. We ask for your grace and protection on our journey.  Please keep us safe, Lord. Calm our minds and ease our worries and anxieties, and give us the peace that this will be a fruitful and blessed trip. Send us your Holy Spirit to guide us in everything we do.  Please bless and protect my family whom I left at home. May they be safe, too, Lord. We ask these through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.”

Most of the time, prayer is the strongest weapon in our everyday battles. It can be worrisome and often stressful, causing us to panic or have anxieties when traveling or when family members travel. Indeed, prayer is a good kickstart to lessen our worries, and trust we’re traveling safe. When we have God with us, for sure, we will never be lost. Instead, He will always lead us to the right path.

prayer for safe travel with family

Jennifer Taylor

Jennifer Taylor brings a vibrant flair for storytelling to the Gathered Again team, having joined us in 2023. With a profound love for writing and a knack for capturing the essence of family moments, Jennifer crafts content that inspires and connects, making every reader feel right at home.

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Faith Inspires

Catholic Prayers for Safe Travel (Full List & Guide)

Catholicism is one of the oldest and most widespread religions in the world. With millions of followers across the globe, it is no surprise that there are many Catholic prayers for safe travel.

These prayers are intended to provide comfort and protection to those who are embarking on a journey, whether it be by car, plane, or any other means of transportation.

The Catholic Church has a long tradition of praying for protection during travel. Many of these prayers have been passed down through generations and are still recited today.

The prayers are meant to invoke the protection of God and his angels, asking for safe passage and protection from harm.

Some of the most popular Catholic prayers for safe travel include the Prayer for Safe Travel, the Prayer for a Safe Journey, and the Prayer to St. Christopher, the patron saint of travelers.

These prayers can be recited by anyone, regardless of their religious beliefs, and are a powerful way to bring peace and comfort during times of uncertainty.

Popular Catholic Prayers For Safe Travel

When it comes to traveling, many Catholics turn to prayer for protection and guidance.

Here are some of the most popular Catholic prayers for safe travel:

The Traveler’s Prayer

The Traveler’s Prayer, also known as Psalm 121, is a popular prayer among Catholics. It is a prayer for protection and guidance during a journey. The prayer asks God to watch over the traveler and keep them safe from harm.

Here is the prayer:

I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord watches over you— the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

Prayer to St. Christopher

St. Christopher is the patron saint of travelers. Catholics often pray to him for protection during a journey.

Here is a prayer to St. Christopher:

Dear Saint Christopher, protect me today in all my travels along the road’s way. Give your warning sign if danger is near so that I may stop while the path is clear. Be at my window and direct me through when the vision blurs From out of the blue. Carry me safely to my destined place, like you carried Christ in your close embrace. Amen.

Guardian Angel Prayer For Travel

Catholics believe that every person has a guardian angel who watches over them. The Guardian Angel Prayer For Travel is a prayer for protection during a journey.

Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

These are just a few of the many Catholic prayers for safe travel. Catholics believe that prayer can bring comfort and protection during a journey, and many turn to these prayers for guidance and support.

How to Pray for Safe Travel

Praying for safe travel is a common practice among Catholics, and it can bring comfort and reassurance to those embarking on a journey.

Here are some tips on how to pray for safe travel:

1. Start with a Grateful Heart

Begin your prayer by expressing gratitude for the opportunity to travel and for the blessings in your life. This can help you focus on the positive aspects of the journey and set the tone for a peaceful and safe trip.

2. Ask for Protection

Ask God to protect you and your fellow travelers from harm and accidents. You can also ask for protection against any negative energies or influences that may come your way.

3. Pray for Guidance

Ask for guidance and direction as you travel, both physically and spiritually. Pray for wisdom to make good decisions and for discernment to avoid any dangers or pitfalls.

4. Seek Comfort and Peace

Pray for comfort and peace during your journey, especially during times of stress or uncertainty. Ask for the grace to remain calm and centered, and for the strength to overcome any challenges that may arise.

5. Close with Faith and Trust

End your prayer with a statement of faith and trust in God’s plan for your journey. Express confidence in His protection and guidance, and thank Him for His love and care.

Remember that there is no one “right” way to pray for safe travel. The most important thing is to approach your prayer with sincerity and an open heart, trusting that God will hear and answer your request.

Incorporating Travel Prayers into Your Journey

Incorporating travel prayers into your journey can help ease your worries and provide comfort during your travels. Here are some tips for incorporating travel prayers into your journey:

1. Research and Choose the Right Prayer

There are many Catholic prayers for safe travels. Research and choose the prayer that resonates with you the most. Some popular prayers include the Guardian Angel Prayer, the St. Christopher Prayer, and the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel.

2. Print or Write the Prayer

Once you have chosen the prayer, print or write it down on a small piece of paper. You can also save it on your phone or tablet for easy access.

3. Say the Prayer Before and During Your Journey

Before you embark on your journey, say the prayer and ask for protection and guidance. You can also say the prayer during your journey, especially during moments of turbulence or anxiety.

4. Share the Prayer with Your Travel Companions

If you are traveling with others, share the prayer with them. You can say the prayer together before your journey or during moments of stress or worry.

5. Trust in the Power of Prayer

Remember that prayer is a powerful tool for comfort and protection. Trust in the power of prayer and have faith that you will be guided and protected during your travels.

Incorporating travel prayers into your journey can bring peace and comfort during moments of stress and anxiety.

Choose the right prayer, say it before and during your journey, share it with your travel companions, and trust in the power of prayer.

Prayers for Others’ Safe Travel

It’s not just yourself that you want to keep safe while traveling, but also your loved ones and friends.

Here are some Catholic prayers that you can say for others’ safe travel:

  • Prayer for Family and Friends: “Lord, please watch over (name of person/people) as they travel. Keep them safe from harm and bring them back to us soon. Amen.” This simple prayer can be said for anyone you care about who is traveling.
  • Prayer for a Spouse: “Dear God, please protect my spouse (name) as they travel. Keep them safe from harm and bring them back to me soon. Amen.” This prayer is a great way to show your love and concern for your significant other while they are away.
  • Prayer for Children: “Heavenly Father, please watch over my children (names) as they travel. Keep them safe from harm and bring them back to me soon. Amen.” As a parent, it’s natural to worry about your children’s safety while they are away from you. This prayer can help ease your mind and remind you that God is watching over them.
  • Prayer for a Group: “Lord, please protect all members of (name of group) as they travel. Keep them safe from harm and bring them back to us soon. Amen.” This prayer can be said for any group of people who are traveling together, such as a sports team or a church group.
  • Prayer for Military Personnel: “Dear God, please watch over our military personnel as they travel to serve our country. Keep them safe from harm and bring them back to us soon. Amen.” This prayer is a great way to show your support and gratitude for the men and women who serve in the military.

Remember, these prayers are just a few examples of what you can say for others’ safe travel. Feel free to personalize them or come up with your own prayers that are meaningful to you.

Understanding Travel Prayers in Catholicism

Catholicism is a religion that places great importance on prayer. Catholics pray for various reasons, and one of them is for safe travel.

Traveling can be dangerous, and it is important to seek divine protection when embarking on a journey.

Travel prayers in Catholicism are prayers that are said before, during, and after a journey. These prayers are meant to invoke divine protection and guidance for the traveler.

They are also meant to give the traveler peace of mind and comfort during the journey.

Catholic travel prayers can be said by individuals or groups of people. They can be said in private or in public, and they can be said in any language. The most important thing is that the prayer comes from the heart and is sincere.

There are many different travel prayers in Catholicism, and they can be found in prayer books, online, or taught by family members or priests.

Some of the most common travel prayers include the Guardian Angel Prayer, the St. Christopher Prayer, and the Prayer for Safe Travel.

Catholics believe that prayer is a powerful tool that can bring about change and protection. By praying for safe travel, Catholics believe that they are inviting God’s protection and guidance on their journey.

The Importance of Safe Travel Prayers

For many Catholics, traveling is an essential part of their daily lives, whether it’s for business, leisure, or pilgrimage.

However, traveling can also be dangerous, and accidents can happen unexpectedly. That’s why many Catholics turn to prayer for protection during their travels.

Safe travel prayers are an essential part of Catholic tradition, and they are believed to provide spiritual protection to travelers.

These prayers ask for God’s guidance, protection, and mercy to keep travelers safe from harm. They are a way to acknowledge God’s presence in all aspects of life, including travel.

Prayer is a powerful tool that can provide comfort, strength, and guidance during difficult times. Safe travel prayers are no exception.

They can help travelers feel more at ease during their journey and provide a sense of security knowing that they are under God’s protection.

Moreover, safe travel prayers can help travelers remain mindful of their surroundings and make wise decisions.

By asking for God’s guidance, travelers can be more aware of potential dangers and avoid risky situations.

Safe travel prayers can also help travelers stay patient and calm during unexpected delays or difficulties.

In conclusion, safe travel prayers are an essential aspect of Catholic tradition and can provide spiritual protection to travelers.

They can help travelers feel more at ease during their journey, stay mindful of their surroundings, and make wise decisions.

By asking for God’s guidance, travelers can be assured that they are under God’s protection, no matter where their journey takes them.

Conclusion: Embracing the Journey with Faith

In conclusion, Catholic prayers for safe travels are an essential part of the faith for many Catholics.

These prayers provide comfort and peace of mind and serve as a reminder of the presence of God during journeys.

By offering prayers for safe travels, Catholics seek divine intervention and protection during their journeys.

Through these prayers, Catholics can embrace the journey with faith and trust in God’s protection.

By acknowledging the risks involved in traveling and asking for God’s guidance, Catholics can approach their journeys with confidence and peace of mind.

Whether traveling around the world or taking a short trip, Catholic prayers for safe travels can help individuals stay grounded in their faith and trust in God’s protection.

By offering these prayers, individuals can embrace the journey with faith and find comfort in the knowledge that God is with them every step of the way.

Overall, Catholic prayers for safe travels are a powerful reminder of the importance of faith and spirituality in everyday life.

By embracing these prayers and seeking divine protection during their journeys, Catholics can stay connected to their faith and find peace in the midst of uncertainty.

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prayer for safe travel with family

Think About Such Things

8 Powerful Prayers for Safe Travel for Your Next Trip

Categories Featured , Prayer , Written Prayers

prayers for safe travel

In this post we will go over 8  powerful prayers for safe travel. These will cover for a safe flight, safe driving, safety during the holidays and any other kind of journey you may take. So, let’s get started… 

Travel is a big part of our lives. We go on vacations, travel during the holidays, go on business trips, and so many more! It’s even said that Americans take 2.29 Billion domestic trips each year. ( Source ) That’s a LOT of traveling!

The one thing we have in common no matter the trip is the desire for it be safe. We want to arrive there well, enjoy out time at the location and arrive home safe and sound! 

prayers for safe travels

And as a woman of faith I believe praying for ourselves and loved ones during travel is a powerful thing we can do. Prayer invites God into our lives, and He ensures that we are safe and sound, and that no harm will come upon us. You can read more about the power of prayer on my page, Prayer & Intercession.

So, below are 8 prayers for when you travel to ensure your safety and that of your loved ones. You can use the table of content below to hop to the travel prayer that you feel meets your needs. 

Prayers for Safe Travel

prayer for a safe trip

Below you will find short prayers for traveling for all kinds of trips or journeys. They each have bible verses with them. I encourage you to use these prayers like a diving board. A place to spring off of and let your heart speak to the Lord about your trip. 

Prayer for God to Protect You While You Travel

The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in. From this time forth, and even forevermore. – Psalm 121:8 NKJV

Lord, thank you for the opportunity to be able to travel in this season. You have sustained me and my loved ones, and I am grateful. You say in Psalm 121:8 that you shall preserve my going out and coming in from this time forth and forevermore. 

Preserve my life, and get me to my destination and back home safely. I may not see the dangers along the way but I ask that you keep me away from them. Watch over my steps Lord. My life is in your hands, and I trust that you will keep me safe. 

In the mighty name of Jesus, amen and amen.

Prayer Asking For Angels To Help as You Travel

For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways. – Psalm 91:11 NKJV

Lord, you never leave me without help, and I thank you for that. You always send your angels to help your children, and you deliver them from any trouble. 

You have promised me in Psalm 91:11 that you shall give your angels charge over me to keep me in all my ways. May your angels guard me and my family as we travel, and keep us out of any unforeseen danger. 

May your angels encamp around me throughout my trip, and deliver me from any harm that may be on my way. 

I also ask Lord that you would send your angels ahead of me. That they would make my trip smooth and full of your peace.

Prayer for God’s Presence on Your Journey

Prayer for travellers

Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” – Deuteronomy 31:6 NKJV

Lord, you say in Deuteronomy 31:6 that I should be strong and courageous because you go with me wherever I go, and will never leave nor forsake me. May your presence be with me as I take this journey. 

I know that when you are with me I can rest because I am safe. Your presence gives me peace as I patiently wait to get to my destination. 

When the Israelites were in the wilderness for forty years, they never made a move unless they were sure that you were leading the way. Lead me as I travel, and let me experience the joy of being in your presence. 

Prayer for Wisdom and Protection While Driving

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. – James 1:5

Lord, I praise you for your divine wisdom that is superior to my human wisdom. You have instructed me to ask you for wisdom in James 1:5 with the promise that you will give it to me. Today I ask that you give me the wisdom I need as I drive on my trip. 

Help me drive safely, to keep focus, and to avoid any dangers that could happen on the road.  Show me which routes to avoid, and how to navigate any traffic along the way. 

I also, ask that you would protect my car Heavenly Father. That I would have no issues with my vehicle while driving and you would give me wisdom when and where I should stop to rest and get gas.

Prayer for a Safe Flight

prayer for safe flight

Keep me as the apple of Your eye; Hide me under the shadow of Your wings, – Psalm 17:8 NKJV

Heavenly Father, I ask that you would be with me as I go on this flight. I pray that you would protect me and everyone on the airplane. I ask for a peaceful flight with no weather issues or turbulence. 

Lord give me peace throughout the duration of the flight and help to put my trust in You. Hide me beneath your wing where no enemy can find me. (Psalm 17:8)

Prayer for Straightening Your Path During Travel

Every valley shall be exalted, And every mountain and hill brought low; The crooked places shall be made straight, And the rough places smooth – Isaiah 40:4

Lord, you know all the obstacles, dangers, detours, and delays along the path I will take to my destination. 

I ask that you straighten my path so that I may have a smooth journey. Raise every valley, make every mountain low, straighten all crooked places, and make the rough places smooth (Isaiah 40:4).

Redirect me if I need to use another route, and remove any obstacles before I get there. Keep me from trouble! Go ahead of me and clear the way so that I will arrive in good time. 

Prayer for Blessing for Safe Travel

Blessed is every one who fears the Lord, Who walks in His ways – Psalm 128:1 NKJV

Lord, as you watch over me during my time of travel, I ask that you would bless this trip. That every where I go, every person I interact would be a blessing to me and I would be blessing to them.  I thank you for your help during my journey.  

Prayers for Protect of Sickness While Traveling

You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day, Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you. – psalm 91:5-7 NKJV

Lord, as I set out to travel I ask for your protection over my body. Protect me from any form of sickness that would try to attack me and cause me harm. I pray that you would strengthen my immune system and help me avoid any food that could hurt me. 

I ask for your blood to cover me, Jesus that no type of infection, virus, or physical accident would come near me. That your hedge of protection would be round about me. Thank you Lord, that I don’t have to fear and that nothing shall come near me. (Psalm 91:7)

Bonus Travel Prayer: Prayer for Safe Travel for a Loved One (Prayer for Traveling Mercies)

*This prayer can be used for a family member or friend. 

traveling mercies prayer

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, – 1 Timothy 2:1 NKJV

Heavenly Father, I lift up (insert name) today. I ask for them to have a safe trip and that you would protect them as they travel. Set your angels to go before them and with them as they go. Let no harm come near them and give them the grace they need.

Lord, I also ask that they would seek you while they travel and that they would experience your presence during this time. Draw them close to you and give them peace.

Praying as you travel will give you the assurance of the Lord’s protection. Regardless of your mode of transport…airplane, boat, car, etc…  prayer is very important as you travel. 

You don’t know what dangers that could be ahead that you need God’s help to overcome. God always protects us even from dangers we don’t know about. He is a good God!

I encourage you to pray the Word of God because it is powerful in the spirit realm. Trust that God will always be with you along the way, because He is. He has a purpose for your life, and wants you to fulfill and complete the assignment He has set for you on earth. 

And remember when you arrive safely, thank Him for watching over you every step of the way.  He desevers the praise! 

If these prayers for safe travel have blessed you please comment below! I love to hear from you and know where your next trip is! 

Picture of Melissa Tumino

Melissa is a passionate minister, speaker and an ongoing learner of the Bible. She has been involved in church and vocational ministry for over 18 years. And is the founder of Think About Such Things. She has the heart to equip the saints by helping them get into the Word of God and fall more in love with Jesus. She also enjoys family, cooking, and reading.

She has spoken in churches in California, Oregon, Texas, and Mexico and has been featured in Guidepost Magazine and All Recipes Magazine.  Read More…

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Nwamara Chinyere

Wednesday 26th of January 2022

May his name be bless

Melanie Cabiling

Friday 21st of January 2022

Thank you so much for these powerful prayers .These will put my heart in Peace and cast away all my overthinking.

Thursday 2nd of December 2021

Safety is the most important aspect that comes first when we think about travel, our help comes from God. At valiant Safaris we have learnt to pray for our every traveler so that every trip can go on successfully and safely.

prayer for safe travel with family

100 Short Prayer For Safe Travel And Protection For Family, Loved One

Embarking on a journey is often filled with excitement and anticipation, but it also comes with an innate desire for safety and protection. In the midst of the unknown paths and unpredictable circumstances, the power of prayer becomes a source of solace and strength.

Join us in this contemplative space as we delve into the essence of ‘Prayer for Safe Travel and Protection.’ In these heartfelt words, we seek not only divine guidance but also a sense of peace that transcends the challenges of the road.

Let us express our hopes, wishes, and faith in the power of prayer for the safety and protection of our loved ones and ourselves during every journey life presents.

Prayers And Blessings For Safe Travels

Prayer for safe travel and protection, safe travel prayer for family, have a safe journey wishes, prayer for safe travel for a loved one, bible prayer for safe travel, safe trip prayer messages, safe journey wishes to my love, safe journey wishes for sister / brother.

1. Heavenly Father, we lift up our loved ones embarking on a journey. May Your guiding hand be upon them, leading them safely to their destination. Guard their paths, shield them from harm, and grant them a smooth and uneventful journey. Amen.

2. Lord of all, as our dear ones travel near and far, we pray for protection over their every step. Surround them with Your angels, and may Your peace be their constant companion throughout their journey. Bless their travels with safety, and bring them back to us unharmed. Amen.

3. Gracious God, we entrust those we love into Your loving care as they embark on their journey. Watch over them as a shepherd guards his flock. Guide them through unfamiliar roads, protect them from accidents, and grant them a safe arrival. In Your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.

4. Merciful Savior, we humbly ask for Your watchful eye to be upon our friends and family as they travel. Shield them from unexpected dangers, provide them with safe passage, and grant them the joy of reaching their destination in good health. In Your name, we pray. Amen.

5. God of all journeys, we seek Your blessings for those setting out on the road. May their travels be marked by Your presence, and may Your light shine upon their path. Keep them safe from all harm and grant them the joy of a secure return. Amen.

6. Compassionate Lord, we pray for the safety of our loved ones as they embark on their journey. Be their constant companion, guiding them through every twist and turn. Surround them with Your love, and bring them safely back to us, filled with stories of Your grace. Amen.

7. Loving Creator, we ask for Your protection over those traveling by air, land, or sea. Safeguard their modes of transportation, grant wisdom to those who navigate, and cover them with Your wings of safety. May their journey be smooth, and may they arrive at their destination unharmed. Amen.

8. Divine Guardian, we place our trust in Your hands as our friends and family travel. Be the shield that guards them from accidents and mishaps. Grant them a journey free from worry, and may they experience the joy of safe arrival. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

9. Lord of Peace, we seek Your calming presence for those on the move. Quell any anxieties, smooth the path before them, and grant them a journey filled with Your tranquility. Protect them from harm, and lead them safely to their destination. Amen.

10. Almighty God, as our loved ones venture forth, we pray for Your grace to accompany them. Bless the roads they tread, the skies they traverse, and the waters they navigate. May Your hand guide them safely, and may they return to us with hearts full of gratitude for Your watchful care. Amen.

Here are some short prayers for safe travel and protection that you can pray for yourself or loved ones embarking on a journey, either by plane, train, road, or sea.

1. Almighty and merciful God, we humbly come before you, seeking your divine protection as we embark on our journey. Guard us against all dangers on the road and grant us a safe arrival to our destination.

2. Heavenly Father, be our guiding light as we travel through unknown paths. Shield us from accidents, unseen perils, and any harm that may come our way. Keep us under the shelter of your loving wings.

3. Lord, we entrust our journey into your hands, asking for your watchful eye to be upon us. Protect us from the forces of nature and the unpredictability of the road. Grant us safe passage to our journey’s end.

4. Gracious God, surround us with your angels as we travel. May your presence go before us, beside us, and behind us, ensuring that every step we take is secure and free from harm.

5. O Lord, we seek your favor and protection for everyone traveling with us. Keep us united in safety, and let your peace reign in our hearts, dispelling any fear or anxiety that may arise.

6. Merciful Savior, grant wisdom to those who operate the vehicles we travel in. Guide their hands and minds, that they may navigate the roads with skill and prudence. Protect us all from the perils of the journey.

7. Loving God, we place our trust in you and ask for your divine intervention in times of uncertainty. Be our refuge in storms, our comfort in fatigue, and our strength when faced with challenges. Keep us safe and secure in your boundless love.

8. Lord Jesus, we acknowledge your authority over all creation. Speak peace to the storms, calm our fears, and guide us safely to our destination. May your grace be our constant companion on this journey.

9. Holy Spirit, be the wind in our sails, guiding us through the currents of life. Protect us from unexpected detours and obstacles, ensuring a smooth and secure journey to our intended place.

10. Heavenly Guardian, we place our travel plans in your hands, knowing that your love and protection go with us. Grant us a sense of assurance and confidence, knowing that you are with us every step of the way. Amen.

1. Heavenly Father, I come before you with a heart full of love and concern for my family as they embark on their journey. Cover them with Your protective hand and guide them safely to their destination. May Your peace be their constant companion.

2. Lord, I lift up my family members who are traveling. Surround them with Your angels, keeping them safe from accidents, harm, and any unforeseen dangers. Grant them a journey filled with Your presence and protection.

3. Gracious God, watch over each member of my family as they travel together. Be the unifying force that binds them in love and safety throughout their journey. May their travels be smooth and filled with joy.

4. Almighty Protector, I entrust the safety of my family into Your hands. Guard their steps, shield them from any adversity, and ensure a secure passage to their destination. May Your peace reign in their hearts.

5. Lord Jesus, be the unseen passenger in the vehicle of my family’s journey. Speak calmness to any storms they may face, and guide them with Your wisdom. May Your presence be felt, comforting and protecting them.

6. Holy Spirit, go ahead of my family and clear their path of any obstacles or dangers. Guide them in every decision and prompt them to make choices that lead to safety. Surround them with Your peace throughout their travels.

7. Merciful God, bless the roads or skies that my family treads upon. Keep them safe from accidents and delays. May Your grace be a shield around them, ensuring a secure and pleasant journey.

8. Loving Father, unite my family in safety and joy as they travel. Let Your love be a bond that overcomes any challenges they may encounter. May they return home safely, having experienced Your protective care.

9. Lord, grant my family members traveling mercies. Protect them from the uncertainties of the journey and bring them safely to their destination. May the love within our family be a source of strength and security.

10. Heavenly Guardian, I commit my family into Your hands as they travel. Watch over them, guide them, and bring them back to our home safely. May Your peace surround them and Your love accompany them on every step of the way. In Your name, I pray. Amen.

More Resources: Protection Prayer For Family

1. Safe travels, dear friend! May your journey be filled with smooth roads, breathtaking sights, and joyful moments. Wishing you a safe and pleasant trip.

2. Bon voyage! May your travels be free from turbulence and delays, and may you arrive at your destination refreshed and full of wonderful memories.

3. As you embark on this new adventure, may the path ahead be filled with positivity, excitement, and safe passages. Have a safe journey, and enjoy every moment!

4. Wishing you a journey filled with serenity and peace. May your travels be as delightful as the destination itself. Safe journey, and may you return with a heart full of cherished experiences.

5. Safe journey, dear [Name]! May your road be paved with good company, laughter, and beautiful discoveries. Take in every moment, and arrive safely at your destination.

6. Godspeed on your journey! May you be surrounded by a cloak of protection and guided by the light of positivity. Have a safe and pleasant trip.

7. Safe travels, and may each mile bring you closer to the warmth of your destination. May your journey be as delightful as the anticipation that led you to it.

8. Wishing you a smooth and secure journey ahead! May the universe conspire to make every leg of your trip safe, enjoyable, and filled with wonderful surprises.

9. As you set forth on this adventure, may the winds of fortune guide you, and may your journey be filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable moments. Safe travels!

10. Safe journey, [Name]! May your travel experiences be as bright and beautiful as the sunsets you witness along the way. Here’s to a safe and enriching journey ahead!

1. Heavenly Father, I lift up my loved one who is embarking on a journey. Surround them with Your divine protection. Guard their every step and keep them safe from harm. May Your angels encamp around them, guiding them on their way.

2. Lord, I entrust my dear one into Your loving care as they travel. Shield them from accidents, unforeseen dangers, and any harm that may come their way. Grant them a safe journey, and may Your peace reign in their hearts.

3. Merciful God, watch over my loved one as they navigate the roads and skies. Be their constant companion, guiding them through every turn and twist of their journey. Protect them from all evils, seen and unseen.

4. Almighty God, grant wisdom and discernment to those who operate the means of transportation. Guide their hands and minds, that they may navigate safely and responsibly. Keep my loved one secure in Your loving embrace.

5. Lord Jesus, be the captain of the ship or the pilot of the plane, guiding my loved one through the journey. Speak peace to any storms that may arise and ensure a safe arrival at their destination.

6. Gracious God, cover my loved one with Your protective wings. Shield them from accidents, delays, and any unexpected challenges. May they experience Your peace that surpasses all understanding throughout their travels.

7. Loving Father, go before my loved one and make every path straight. Remove any obstacles that may hinder their journey, and grant them a safe arrival. May Your presence be tangible in every moment of their trip.

8. Holy Spirit, be the GPS of my loved one’s journey, guiding them on the right path and alerting them to any potential dangers. Surround them with Your comforting presence and ensure a safe return home.

9. Heavenly Guardian, I place my loved one’s travel plans in Your hands. May Your grace go with them, providing safety and security at every step. Calm any anxieties and bring them back safely to the embrace of their loved ones.

10. Lord, I commit my loved one to Your care as they travel. May Your peace envelop them, Your angels watch over them, and Your love guide them safely to their destination and back home. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

More Resources: Protection Prayer For Husband

1. Psalm 91:11–12 (NIV): “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.”

2. Proverbs 3:23–24 (NIV): “Then you will go on your way in safety, and your foot will not stumble. When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.”

3. Isaiah 41:10 (NIV): “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

4. Psalm 121:7-8 (NIV): “The Lord will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”

5. Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV): “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

6. Psalm 19:14 (NIV): “May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.”

7. Numbers 6:24-26 (NIV): “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

8. Psalm 121:1-2 (NIV): “I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

9. Philippians 4:7 (NIV): “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

10. Psalm 23:4 (NIV): “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

1. “As you embark on this journey, may God’s grace pave your way with safety and His love guide you through every mile. Wishing you a safe and pleasant trip!”

2. “May angels accompany you on your travels, and may God’s protective hand be upon you. Have a safe and wonderful trip, dear friend!”

3. “Wishing you a journey filled with joy, laughter, and safe travels. May God’s blessings surround you wherever you go. Bon voyage!”

4. “May God’s peace go with you and His protection be a shield around you. Have a safe trip, and may your adventures be as delightful as the destination itself.”

5. “May the Lord watch over you as you travel, ensuring a safe arrival and a memorable journey. Godspeed and enjoy every moment of your trip!”

6. “In the arms of God’s love, find comfort and assurance as you travel. May your trip be safe, and may you return with a heart full of beautiful memories.”

7. “As you set out on this adventure, may God’s light shine on your path, dispelling any darkness. Wishing you a safe and blessed trip, filled with unforgettable experiences.”

8. “May the peace of God go before you, the love of God surround you, and the safety of God be your constant companion on this journey. Have a safe and enjoyable trip!”

9. “Dear [Name], may God’s favor be upon you as you travel. May He guide you safely and bring you back home with a heart full of gratitude. Safe trip!”

10. “Sending prayers for your safe travels. May God’s hand be upon you, steering you away from harm and leading you to a journey filled with His goodness. Bon voyage!”

1. “My love, as you embark on this journey, my heart goes with you. May each step be guided by angels, and may your path be paved with safety and joy. I’ll be counting the moments until your safe return.”

2. “Wishing my dearest [Name] a journey filled with love, adventure, and absolute safety. May the road rise to meet you, and may the winds be always at your back. Travel safely, and know that you are dearly missed.”

3. “To the one who holds my heart, may your journey be as beautiful as the love we share. May God’s protective hand be upon you, and may you return to me safely. Bon voyage, my love!”

4. “As you set out on this adventure, my love, may your travels be filled with amazing discoveries and safe passages. My thoughts and prayers accompany you, and I eagerly await your safe return into my arms.”

5. “Safe travels, my love! May each moment away from me be filled with anticipation for the joyful reunion that awaits us. Wishing you a journey as wonderful and secure as the love we share.”

6. “In every step you take, my love, may you find assurance in the love that surrounds you. Here’s to a safe journey filled with exciting experiences and the promise of our sweet reunion.”

7. “To the one who brightens my days, may your journey be as bright and beautiful as the love that binds us. Travel safely, and may you return with a heart full of cherished memories. I’ll be waiting for you.”

8. “As you travel, know that my love and prayers are with you. May the roads be smooth, the skies clear, and your every moment be touched by the grace of safety. Take care, my love.”

9. “Safe journey, my love. May the distance between us only serve to strengthen our love, and may your path be illuminated by the light of protection. Looking forward to your safe return.”

10. “Wishing my beloved [Name] a journey filled with excitement, safe travels, and the joy of new experiences. Until you return, my heart will be patiently counting the days. Travel safely, my love.”

1. “Dear [Sister/Brother], as you embark on this journey, may you be surrounded by the warmth of love and protected by God’s guiding hand. Wishing you a safe and wonderful trip filled with joy and new discoveries.”

2. “Safe travels, dear sister/brother! May your journey be smooth, your experiences be enriching, and may you return home safely with a heart full of beautiful memories. Take care, and see you soon!”

3. “To my dearest sibling, may your travels be as amazing as the bond we share. May God watch over you, guide your path, and bring you back safely. Have a fantastic journey!”

4. “Wishing my sister/brother a safe journey filled with exciting adventures and pleasant surprises. May each step be secure, and may you return home with stories that warm our hearts. Take care, and enjoy every moment.”

5. “Safe travels, my dear sibling! May the road ahead be clear, the skies above be bright, and may your journey be surrounded by the protection of love. Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures.”

6. “As you set out on this journey, my sister/brother, may the path be filled with blessings and the destination be everything you hope for. Travel safely, and may you return with a heart full of joy.”

7. “To my beloved sister/brother, may your journey be safe and your experiences be memorable. May you find joy in every moment and return home with a heart full of gratitude. Take care, and see you soon!”

8. “Safe journey, dear sibling! May God’s grace be your constant companion, guiding you through every step of your adventure. Looking forward to your safe return and the stories you’ll share.”

9. “Wishing my sister/brother a safe and pleasant journey. May your path be lined with blessings, and may you encounter only goodness along the way. Take care, and come back home safely.”

10. “Safe travels, my dear sibling! May your journey be filled with laughter, love, and exciting discoveries. May you be protected from all harm, and may you return home safely with a heart full of wonderful memories.”

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15 Catholic Prayers For Safe Travel

15 Catholic Prayers For Safe Travel

Published: July 5, 2024

Written by: Andy Reece

Discover 15 powerful Catholic prayers for safe travel. Find peace and protection on your journeys with these heartfelt prayers.

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Traveling can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. Whether you're heading out on a road trip, flying across the globe, or even just commuting to work, safety is always a top concern. For many, turning to faith provides comfort and reassurance. Catholic prayers for safe travel have been a source of solace for countless believers over the centuries. These prayers not only seek protection but also invite a sense of peace and trust in God's guidance. In this post, we'll share 15 heartfelt prayers to help ensure your journeys are safe and blessed.

1. Prayer for Safe Travels by Car

Dear Lord, as we embark on this journey, we ask for Your protection. Guide our hands on the wheel and keep us alert. Shield us from any harm, accidents, or mechanical failures. Bless our trip with safety and peace. May Your angels surround our vehicle, ensuring we reach our destination without incident. Grant us patience with traffic and other drivers. Help us remain calm and focused. Thank You for Your constant care and guidance. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Read more : 15 Catholic Prayers For The Sick

2. Prayer for Air Travel Safety

Heavenly Father, we lift our hearts to You as we prepare to fly. Bless the pilots, crew, and all passengers with safety. Calm any fears or anxieties we may have. Ensure the plane operates smoothly and lands safely. Watch over our luggage and belongings. May our journey be free from turbulence and delays. Thank You for the marvel of flight and the opportunity to travel. Keep us under Your watchful eye. In Christ's name, we pray. Amen.

3. Prayer for Protection on the Road

Lord Jesus, we ask for Your protection as we travel by road. Keep us safe from accidents, breakdowns, and any unforeseen dangers. Guide us through traffic and road conditions. Bless our vehicle with reliability. May we arrive at our destination safely and on time. Grant us patience and wisdom in our travels. Thank You for Your constant presence and care. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

4. Prayer for a Safe Journey by Sea

Almighty God, as we set sail, we seek Your protection. Calm the seas and guide our vessel. Keep us safe from storms, accidents, and any dangers of the deep. Bless the crew and all passengers with safety and peace. May our journey be smooth and uneventful. Thank You for the beauty of the ocean and the opportunity to travel. Watch over us and bring us safely to our destination. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

5. Prayer for Traveling Mercies

Dear God, grant us traveling mercies as we embark on this journey. Protect us from harm, accidents, and delays. Guide our steps and decisions. Bless our mode of transportation and those we encounter along the way. May we reach our destination safely and without incident. Thank You for Your constant care and protection. In Your loving name, we pray. Amen.

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6. Prayer for Safe Return

Heavenly Father, as we prepare to return home, we ask for Your protection. Keep us safe from accidents, delays, and any unforeseen dangers. Guide our steps and decisions. Bless our journey with safety and peace. Thank You for the experiences and memories we've gained. Watch over us and bring us safely back to our loved ones. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

7. Prayer for Pilgrimage Safety

Lord, as we embark on this pilgrimage, we seek Your protection. Guide our steps and keep us safe from harm. Bless our journey with spiritual growth and enlightenment. Protect us from accidents, illness, and any unforeseen dangers. May we return home safely, enriched by our experiences. Thank You for the opportunity to draw closer to You. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

8. Prayer for Safe Travels for Loved Ones

Dear God, we lift our loved ones to You as they travel. Protect them from harm, accidents, and delays. Guide their steps and decisions. Bless their journey with safety and peace. May they reach their destination without incident. Thank You for Your constant care and protection. In Your loving name, we pray. Amen.

9. Prayer for Business Travel Safety

Heavenly Father, as we embark on this business trip, we ask for Your protection. Keep us safe from harm, accidents, and delays. Guide our steps and decisions. Bless our work and interactions. May our journey be productive and safe. Thank You for the opportunity to grow and succeed. Watch over us and bring us safely home. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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10. Prayer for Safe Travels During Holidays

Lord Jesus, as we travel during this holiday season, we seek Your protection. Keep us safe from accidents, delays, and any unforeseen dangers. Guide our steps and decisions. Bless our journey with joy and peace. May we reach our destination safely and enjoy our time with loved ones. Thank You for the gift of travel and the opportunity to celebrate. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

11. Prayer for Safe Travels in Bad Weather

Almighty God, as we travel in bad weather, we ask for Your protection. Keep us safe from accidents, delays, and any dangers of the elements. Guide our steps and decisions. Bless our journey with safety and peace. May we reach our destination without incident. Thank You for Your constant care and protection. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

12. Prayer for Safe Travels Abroad

Dear Lord, as we travel abroad, we seek Your protection. Keep us safe from harm, accidents, and delays. Guide our steps and decisions. Bless our journey with safety and peace. May we navigate foreign lands with ease and return home safely. Thank You for the opportunity to explore new places. In Your loving name, we pray. Amen.

13. Prayer for Safe Travels for Missionaries

Heavenly Father, we lift our missionaries to You as they travel. Protect them from harm, accidents, and delays. Guide their steps and decisions. Bless their journey with safety and success. May they spread Your word and love without incident. Thank You for their dedication and service. Watch over them and bring them safely home. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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14. Prayer for Safe Travels for Students

Lord, as our students travel, we seek Your protection. Keep them safe from harm, accidents, and delays. Guide their steps and decisions. Bless their journey with safety and peace. May they reach their destination without incident and gain knowledge and experience. Thank You for the opportunity to learn and grow. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

15. Prayer for Safe Travels for Families

Dear God, we lift our family to You as we travel. Protect us from harm, accidents, and delays. Guide our steps and decisions. Bless our journey with safety and peace. May we reach our destination without incident and enjoy our time together. Thank You for the gift of family and the opportunity to create memories. In Your loving name, we pray. Amen.

Safe Travels and Blessed Journeys

Praying for safe travel connects us with God's protection and guidance . These Catholic prayers offer comfort, reassurance, and a sense of divine presence during our journeys. Whether embarking on a long trip or a short commute, invoking these prayers can bring peace and confidence . Remember, prayer isn't just about asking for safety; it's also about expressing gratitude for the journey and those we meet along the way. Keep these prayers close, and let them be a source of strength. Each trip becomes more than just a physical journey; it becomes a spiritual one, filled with faith and trust in God's plan. Safe travels, and may your paths be blessed with protection , joy , and peace .

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Best Traveler’s Prayers for Safety

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Travel is a big part of our lives. We go on vacations, travel during the holidays, and go on business trips.

Having been cooped up for months on end due to COVID-19, we're desperately looking forward to getting out and exploring the world again. However, travel isn't without risks and anxieties. Even though the pandemic seems to be slowing down, it seems it won't go away anytime soon.

But there are also plenty of other worries and fears on our minds regarding travel.

In this article, we will discuss the best way to pray for safety during a trip to ease your worries.

Why should we pray?

As Christians, we pray because it's our way of communicating with God. 

While it may feel silly asking this elementary question, even Jesus' disciples had to ask how to pray:

“Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray as John taught his disciples” ( Luke 11:1 ).

A person's ability to pray is the most important skill they can have. In prayer, we learn how to communicate with God, understand him, connect with him, and reveal ourselves to him.

But we can also use prayer to help protect ourselves in all situations. We want to keep ourselves and those we love safe in every aspect of our lives. 

When traveling to new and exciting places, it’s important to pray for protection. Life can be really scary, especially when we’re in an unfamiliar place. 

a woman leaning against a wall and praying

We all have an instinctual desire to protect the things in our lives that we cherish most, and fortunately for us, we have extra protection to guarantee that they remain safe. 

Although we may not realize it, our Lord is always watching over us. God stays with us, even when we're on the road. 

There are different prayers for safe travel that you can read, say, and meditate on when you want that feeling of extra safety or just a bit of satisfaction knowing God is listening every step of the way. You can pray for yourself or for a loved one.

When we know God is always with us, prayer can ease any stress or anxiety that traveling may cause us. 

The Lord knows precisely what we need at precisely the right time. No matter what you're praying for, whether it's for protection for yourself, your family, or your children or simply for safety during your travels, know that God is always there, listening.

Tales of Jesus’ travels

The life Jesus lived in his time was full of great travel, and he was well aware of the importance of prayer. The Gospels claim that Jesus visited numerous sites across modern-day Israel, Palestine, Egypt, and Lebanon.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem but spent most of his childhood in Nazareth, in northern Israel. Archaeological research indicates that in the first century A.D., Nazareth was a Jewish settlement, and its inhabitants resisted Roman culture.

In several Gospel stories, Jesus appears beside or near the Sea of Galilee (also called Yam Kinneret in Hebrew). The story of Jesus walking on water took place near the Sea of Galilee, and some of Jesus' followers worked as fishermen there.

A man walking along a mountainside

The Bible also says that Jesus spent some time in Capernaum, a town located near the Sea of Galilee. 

The Gospels claim that Christ’s miracles there included healing the paralyzed servant of a centurion (a Roman military officer). During his time in Capernaum, Jesus taught in the synagogue as well.

The Temple Mount in Jerusalem was another place Jesus visited during His lifetime. The Temple Mount was the location of the Second Temple, which was the holiest spot for Jewish devotees during Jesus' time. 

Matthew records that Jesus was furious when he saw money changers (those who exchange coins) on the Temple Mount. He threw over their tables, declaring that they were turning a house of prayer into a den of robbers.

During his visit to Jericho, Jesus performed a miracle by restoring a man 's sight. 

There were large crowds roaming the city as Jesus stayed in the house of Zacchaeus, a tax collector who was so eager to see Jesus that he climbed a tree to spot him over the crowd. 

While Jericho was destroyed several times, it was always rebuilt and continues to be inhabited today.

Prayers for safe travel

You can pray for a safe and enjoyable trip and trust that the Lord will call forth a guardian angel to protect you. Use the following four powerful prayers for protection to ask the Lord for safety and guidance as you prepare for your next journey.

Prayer for a safe flight

“Dear Lord, I pray over the trip we're about to take on this plane. I pray that no mechanical errors or emergencies will occur. I pray for our pilot that he or she be alert, have sharp eyes, and have steady hands during this flight. I pray for our flight attendants that they'll be friendly, alert, and adequately prepared for our trip. I also pray for my fellow passengers that everyone will be in good spirits and in good health. I pray that everyone will be able to make it where they need to go safely. In Your name, I pray. Amen.”

Short prayer for safe driving

“O Lord, here is my prayer for protection in our car on our road trip today. I ask that no unexpected mechanical or tire issues will occur. Please keep us safe on these crowded roads, as well as the others we are sharing it with. As the driver, give me the discernment as to when to take breaks so that I don't push myself to the limit. Release Your angels to surround us and protect us until we get to our destination. In Your name, I pray. Amen.”

Prayer for a safe journey

“O God, I come before You and confess my fears about traveling. I give You the concerns I have about my safety and security and my anxieties in making this journey. I come to You and lay all these worries down at Your feet. Lord, I choose to put my trust in You. I proclaim that my faith will be restored in the light of Your hope, for You have always kept me safe. I declare that my love will be renewed in Your love for me, for You'll hold me firm and steady. I confess that my mind will be filled with Your peace, one that surpasses all my troubles. Thank You for being with me now, dear God. Amen.”

Prayer for a safe vacation

“Dear Heavenly Father, please protect us on the journey we're about to take. Support us with Your strength and grace when we're weary. Help us to be mindful of Your presence and love in times of stress and guide us to make our time together meaningful and memorable. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”

Silhouette of a person praying outside

Happy trails to you

There can be a lot to worry about when traveling, like your safety, missed flights, lost luggage, and changing weather. 

A holiday that should be fun and relaxing can quickly become stressful and worrying.

We all want to have a safe trip, no matter where we go. It's important that we get to the destination safely, enjoy our time there, and head home without incident.

Therefore, our prayers for ourselves and our loved ones during travel can be incredibly powerful. When we pray, the Holy Spirit enters our lives and makes sure we stay safe and healthy no matter where we are in life. 

Try saying a prayer for safe travel in order to protect yourself and connect with the Lord.

For more on prayer, download the app in the iOS App Store or Google Play . 

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5 Prayers for Safe Travel

  • Sabra Ciancanelli

Whether you are going on family vacation or commuting to work, these prayers for safe travel will help with your travel anxiety.

Whether it’s holiday travel or a busy workday, many people are traveling every day. By car, plane, train or subway, people venture out into the world to get to work, run errands, go on vacations or to visit their friends and loved ones.

Travel Anxiety

Traveling far from home can be a beautiful, eye-opening experience. Unfortunately, travel anxiety can make trips more stressful than enjoyable. The good news is that if you experience travel anxiety you are not alone , and you don’t have to stay trapped in an endless cycle of worry. There are techniques and tips to stay calm while traveling.

READ MORE: 5 Comforting Bible Verses for Safe Travel

Helpful Travel Anxiety Tips:

1. exercise before you leave.

It’s no secret that exercise can be a powerful antidote to anxiety. This is because cardiovascular activity releases endorphins, which can reduce feelings of stress. Even a ten-minute walk before your leave for your journey can be enough to release these feel-good chemicals and ensure you start your trip on the right foot.

2. Plan Ahead

Lack of knowledge is a surefire way exacerbate travel stress. Plan ahead as much as possible to minimize in-the-moment panic. Make sure you leave yourself plenty of time to get to the airport or bus station, and do research ahead of time to know what to expect about checking in and finding your gate. Knowing where you are going will eliminate unnecessary anxiety.

3. Pack Smart

Make sure you have everything you need to ensure smooth travels. For flying, an eye mask, calming essential oil and laptops might be helpful. For road trips, healthy snacks or an audio book might be just what you need to stay calm. Make a list and pack early to keep your journey worry free.

4. Practice Relaxation Techniques

When travel anxiety strikes, it can send your brain into overdrive. Relaxation exercises can be helpful to lower your heart rate and return your breathing to normal. Guideposts blogger Holly Lebowitz Rossi recommends a five-finger breathing exercise to help you calm down.

“Make a fist. As you inhale through your nose, slowly uncurl your thumb and index fingers,” Rossi writes. “As you exhale through your mouth, slowly open your middle, ring, and pinky fingers.”

The key is to exhale longer than you inhale, which will put you into a parasympathetic stat, where your muscles relax and your heart slows down.

5. Keep Your Mind Busy

The worst thing you can do for travel anxiety is stew. If you find yourself getting worried on the road, take immediate action to distract yourself. Read a book , listen to a podcast or take a walk during a layover. Occupying your brain will help distract you from your travel worries.

5 Prayers for Safe Travel:

Two kayakers on the water saying prayers for safe travel

1 of 6 Prayer for a Stress-Free Family Trip

The LORD will keep you from all harm— He will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. Psalm 121:7-8

Please protect us on the journey we are about to take. Support us with Your strength and grace when we are weary. Help us to be mindful of Your presence and love in times of stress and guide us to make our time together meaningful and memorable. Amen.

A family on the beach at sunset saying prayer for safe travel

2 of 6 Safe Travel Prayer for Family

How priceless is Your unfailing love!  Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of Your wings.  (Psalm 36:7)

Dear Lord, Please keep my family in Your watchful care while we are away from home. Keep us safely protected in Your sheltering arms. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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A family in the car on a road trip saying prayers for safe travel

3 of 6 Prayer for Travel By Car

A plane taking off the runway with prayers for safe travel

4 of 6 Prayer for Safe Flight

I will help you, I will uphold you with My victorious right hand.  (Isaiah 41:10)

God, sometimes flying makes me nervous. I know airplanes are safe, but still I worry. Please give me Your peace Help me remember that You are watching over the plane. Bless the men and women in the cockpit. Bless the flight attendants and all the passengers. Remind me that flight is a miraculous gift from You, and that when this plane speeds through the air, it is obeying the physical laws of the world You created. As I look at the sky above and the earth below, I praise You for the beauty of Your creation. I place myself confidently in Your care, knowing that, just as You guide me on the ground, so Your loving arms protect me in the air. Amen.

A car driving on the road at sunset with prayers for safe travel

5 of 6 Prayer for Travel Protection

1  Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 2  I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”

3  Surely He will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. 4  He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. 5  You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, 6  nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. 7  A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. 8  You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.

9  If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, 10  no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. 11  For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; 12  they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. 13  You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

14  “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges My name. 15  He will call on Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. 16  With long life I will satisfy him and show him My salvation.”

A family taking a selfie on vacation in Venice while saying prayers for safe travel

6 of 6 Prayer for a Safe Vacation

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Colossians 3:15

Heavenly Father,

Please bless our vacation. Help our family to have patience and understanding. Guide us to be mindful of this gift of time together. Help us to make compromises when necessary and handle any chaos that comes our way with Your love and grace. Open our eyes to truly see the beauty of the memories we are creating that will last a lifetime. Amen.

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15 Prayer For Safe Travel For My Daughter

  • by Solomon Samuel
  • 5 minute read

15 Prayer For Safe Travel For My Daughter

Key Highlights Hide

1. a prayer for god’s protective hand, 2. a prayer for safe and smooth journeys, 3. a prayer for angels to watch over, 4. a prayer for safe arrivals, 5. a prayer for alertness and wisdom, 6. a prayer for calmness and peace, 7. a prayer for protection from natural elements, 8. a prayer for safety for travel companions, 9. a prayer for god’s guidance, 10. a prayer for avoiding potential dangers, 11. a prayer for open roads and clear paths, 12. a prayer for timely departures and arrivals, 13. a prayer for peace of mind, 14. a prayer of gratitude for safe travel, 15. a prayer for safe travel for my daughter.

The journey of a loved one embarking on a voyage brings forth a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

Among the most heartfelt wishes that arise during such moments is the desire for their safety and well-being.

In the realm of prayers, a special category is dedicated to seeking protection and guidance for those traveling afar.

Within this collection of 15 prayers for safe travel for a cherished daughter, we delve into the depths of parental love and concern.

Prayer for Safe Travel for My Daughter

Each prayer encapsulates a fervent plea for divine watchfulness, a shield against unforeseen challenges, and a pathway illuminated by grace.

As we explore these heartfelt invocations, we witness the universal thread of hope that binds all parents in their wish for a secure journey for their daughters.

A Prayer for God's Protective Hand

Loving Father, as my daughter embarks on her journey, I humbly ask for Your protective hand to cover her path.

Shield her from accidents and harm, guiding her steps with Your divine presence.

May her travels be enveloped in Your grace, and may she return safely to our arms, unscathed and blessed by Your watchful care.

A Prayer for Safe and Smooth Journeys

Merciful God, I entrust my daughter’s journey into Your hands.

From the moment she departs to the moment she arrives, may every step of her journey be safe and smooth.

Guide her through unfamiliar roads or skies, and lead her safely to her destination.

May her travels be a testimony to Your guidance and protection.

A Prayer for Angels to Watch Over

Heavenly Father, I beseech You to assign angels to watch over my daughter as she travels.

Let these celestial beings be her constant companions, guiding her away from harm and illuminating her path.

May she find comfort in their presence, knowing that Your divine companionship is always by her side.

A Prayer for Safe Arrivals

Gracious God, with each destination my daughter visits, I implore Your grace to ensure her safe arrival.

May her journeys be free from turbulence and danger, and may Your protective hand guide her safely to her chosen stops.

Grant her the assurance of Your care as she touches down in new places.

A Prayer for Alertness and Wisdom

Eternal Wisdom, as my daughter embarks on her journey, bestows upon her the gift of alertness and discernment.

Guide her decisions and keep her mind sharp, enabling her to navigate unfamiliar territories with wisdom and clarity.

May her choices be guided by Your light.

Prince of Peace, amid travel-related stress, I ask for Your calming presence to soothe my daughter’s heart.

Grant her the serenity to endure the busyness of the journey with grace.

May Your peace envelop her, reminding her that Your providence is constant even in the midst of chaos.

Divine Shelter, in the face of inclement weather and natural elements, I seek Your protective care over my daughter .

Shield her from harm and discomfort, guiding her through adverse conditions.

May she find solace in Your presence, knowing that even amid challenges, Your love is her refuge.

Loving Creator, I lift my daughter and her travel companions to Your watchful gaze.

Keep them safe and united throughout their journey.

Guide their steps, protect their path, and let Your light shine upon the entire group.

May their travels be a testament to Your guardianship.

Guiding Light, as my daughter navigates unfamiliar places, I beseech Your divine guidance.

Illuminate her path with Your wisdom and grace.

Lead her away from confusion and uncertainty, and help her make choices that align with Your purpose for her journey.

Merciful Guardian, I humbly ask for Your providence to shield my daughter from potential dangers.

Steer her away from harm’s way and direct her steps to safe passages.

May Your loving hand guide her away from any peril that may cross her path.

Divine Navigator, I pray for open roads and clear paths throughout my daughter’s journey.

Remove obstacles that could hinder her travels, both physically and metaphorically.

May her way be unobstructed, and her journey be marked by Your favor and grace.

Timekeeper of the Universe, I entrust the timing of my daughter’s journey into Your hands.

Grant her timely departures and punctual arrivals, aligning her path with Your divine schedule.

May her journey unfold seamlessly, orchestrated by Your providential hand.

Giver of Comfort, as my daughter embarks on her travels, grant me and our loved ones peace of mind.

Ease our worries and anxieties, replacing them with trust in Your protection.

May our hearts find solace in the knowledge that she is under Your watchful care.

Heavenly Father, with heartfelt gratitude, I thank You for the safe travels of my daughter.

Your watchful care has guided her journey, and Your protection has shielded her from harm.

May our hearts overflow with thanksgiving for Your unwavering love and safeguarding grace.

Heavenly Father, As my daughter embarks on her journey, I humbly come before You with a heart full of concern and hope.

I entrust her into Your loving hands, O Lord, Seeking Your divine protection and guidance every step of the way.

Wrap her in Your comforting embrace, dear God, Shield her from accidents, harm, and unforeseen challenges.

Guide her path with Your guiding light, illuminating her way, And keep her safe from the perils that may cross her journey.

The assortment of 15 prayers for the safe travel of a beloved daughter encapsulates the profound emotions of a parent’s heart.

In the face of the unknown, these prayers represent an outpouring of love, faith, and hope .

As parents entrust their daughters to the vast expanse of the world, these prayers stand as a testament to the enduring bond that transcends distance.

May these heartfelt words resonate with all who share in the journey of watching a daughter embark on her voyage, reminding us that even across the miles, our love and wishes for her safety remain steadfast and unwavering.

  • prayer for safe travel for a loved one
  • prayer for safe travel for my son

Solomon Samuel

Solomon is a content creator, blogger, minister of the gospel, and husband whose mission is to help Christians shift their perspective of faith in God through prayers.He believes that prayer is the most powerful tool we have as humans because it allows us to tap into the power of God and connect with Him on a personal level.Solomon's goal is to help Christians learn how to pray effectively by providing them with practical tips and information they can use on a daily basis.He also wants to encourage believers to take time out of their busy schedules to focus on what matters most: spending time with God through prayer.

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JD Vance says the media twisted his remarks on abortion and domestic violence. We looked closer.

At the rnc, vance took questions from sean hannity and addressed criticism about his previous comments.

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During the Republican National Convention’s opening night, Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio, spoke to Fox News for his first interview as former President Donald Trump’s vice presidential nominee.

Sitting in the Fiserv Forum, the convention’s Milwaukee venue, Vance took questions from host Sean Hannity and addressed criticism about his previous comments on domestic violence, abortion and his 2016 disapproval of Trump.

A couple of times, Vance accused the media of twisting controversial comments about violent marriages and abortion exemptions. We took a closer look at four of his claims.

Vance mischaracterizes Biden’s stance on abortion

Vance addressed his own and Trump’s position on abortion. He described Trump’s position “to let voters in states” decide abortion laws as “reasonable,” contrasting it with Biden’s.

“Donald Trump is running against a Joe Biden president who wants taxpayer-funded abortions up until the moment of birth,” Vance said.

This is  False  and misleads about how rarely abortions are performed later in pregnancy.

The vast majority  of abortions in the U.S. — about 91% — occur in the first trimester. About 1% take place after 21 weeks, and far less than 1% occur in the third trimester and typically involve emergencies such as fatal fetal anomalies or life-threatening medical emergencies affecting the pregnant woman.

Biden has said he supported Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion and was overturned in June 2022, and wants  federally protected  abortion access.

Roe didn’t provide unrestricted access to abortion. It legalized abortion federally but also enabled the states to restrict or ban abortions once a fetus is viable, typically around 24 weeks into pregnancy. Exceptions to that time frame typically were allowed when the pregnant woman’s life or health was at risk.

The Democratic-led  Women’s Health Protection Act  of 2021, which failed to pass the Senate, would have effectively codified a right to abortion while allowing for similar postviability restrictions as Roe.

During the 2020 presidential campaign, Biden  promised  to repeal the Hyde Amendment, which says federal funds can’t be used to pay for abortions, except in cases of rape, incest or to save the woman’s life. However, the amendment has continued to be included in congressional spending bills.

Vance’s comments about women in violent marriages

Hannity asked Vance to explain controversial 2021 comments about women staying in violent marriages.

“Both me and my mom actually were victims of domestic violence,” Vance told Hannity. “So, to say ‘Vance has supported women staying in violent marriages,’ I think it’s shameful for them to take a guy with my history and my background and say that that’s what I believe. It’s not what I believe. It’s not what I said.”

The comments in question came from a 2021  event  Vance participated in at Pacifica Christian High School in California. In a conversation about his 2016 memoir “Hillbilly Elegy,” the  event  moderator asked Vance about his experience being raised by his grandparents, following his mother’s divorces and struggles with drug addiction.

“What is causing one generation to give up on fatherhood when the other one was so doggedly determined to stick it out even in tough times?” the moderator asked.

Vance talked about the economic effect of men losing manufacturing jobs then discussed his grandparents’ marriage.

In his memoir, Vance detailed his grandparents’ relationship and told a story about Vance’s grandmother pouring lighter fluid on his grandfather and striking a match after he came home drunk. She had previously threatened to kill her husband if he came home drunk again, according to a 2016  review  of the book in The Washington Post.

Vance commended his grandparents for staying together, comparing it with younger generations.

“This is one of the great tricks that I think the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace, which is the idea that like, ‘Well, OK, these marriages were fundamentally, you know, they were maybe even violent, but certainly they were unhappy. And so getting rid of them and making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear, that’s going to make people happier in the long term.’

“And maybe it worked out for the moms and dads, though I’m skeptical. But it really didn’t work out for the kids of those marriages.”

In response to a 2022  Vice News story  highlighting the comments, Jai Chabria, a strategist for Vance,  said  the media missed Vance’s point.

“This is a comment that he made where he’s talking about how it’s important that couples stay together for the kids, that we actually have good kids first,” he said. “All he is saying is that it is far too often the case where couples get divorced, they split up and they don’t take the kids’ needs into consideration.”

Vance’s comments about  rape, abortion and ‘inconvenience’

Hannity asked Vance to discuss his position on abortion, allowing the senator to address his past comments that have been criticized.

“Let me go back to the issue of abortion,” Hannity said. “And there was this article that said ‘Oh, J.D. Vance said it’s inconvenient.”

Vance told Hannity, “The Democrats have completely twisted my words. What I did say is that we sometimes in this society see babies as inconveniences, and I absolutely want us to change that.”

We  looked  into comments Vance made on abortion while he was running for Senate in 2022 and his opponent claimed Vance had said that rape was inconvenient. We found that’s not directly what Vance said.

In a 2021  interview  Vance was asked whether laws should allow women to get abortions if they were victims of rape or incest. He said society should not view a pregnancy or birth resulting from rape or incest as “inconvenient.”

“My view on this has been very clear and I think the question betrays a certain presumption that is wrong,” Vance said in 2021. “It’s not whether a woman should be forced to bring a child to term, it’s whether a child should be allowed to live, even though the circumstances of that child’s birth are somehow inconvenient or a problem to the society. The question really, to me, is about the baby.”

Vance on Biden’s opposition to busing to integrate schools

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Vance  criticized  Trump. Hannity asked Vance about his comments before bringing up Vice President Kamala Harris’ disagreements with Biden during the 2019 Democratic primary.

Hannity pointed to Harris’ contentious moment during a debate with Biden in which she criticized Biden’s opposition to busing students to integrate schools.

“There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school every day. That little girl was me,” Harris said.

“What she was referring to is the fact that Joe Biden had partnered with a former Klansman and tried to stop the integration of public schools,” Hannity said. “In Joe Biden’s words, he didn’t want those schools to become racial jungles.”

Vance reiterated Hannity’s comments.

“Kamala Harris basically said, ‘Joe Biden wouldn’t want a little black girl like me to live in her neighborhood.’ He also palled around with Klansmen,” Vance said. “She said this months before she joined his ticket Sean, I said some bad things about Donald Trump 10 years ago.”

We previously rated a similar claim  Half True . In  a 1977 congressional hearing , Biden, then a senator from Delaware, described his opposition to federally mandated busing.

During the hearing he said, “Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions built so high that it is going to explode at some point.”

Biden advocated for “orderly integration,” specifically of housing, and he supported many other aspects of desegregation and civil rights. But, as  The New York Times  reported, Biden also pushed an “anti-busing agenda into the early 1980s.”

It’s unclear what Vance was referring to when he said Biden “palled around with Klansmen.” We have previously  fact-checked  a 2008 photo of Biden with former West Virginia Democrat Sen. Robert Byrd.

Byrd was once a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Byrd renounced his views and publicly expressed his regret and shame over his involvement in the group.

This article was originally published by PolitiFact , which is part of the Poynter Institute.

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2024 Republican National Convention begins today on heels of Trump assassination attempt. Here's what to know.

By Caitlin Yilek

Updated on: July 15, 2024 / 5:23 PM EDT / CBS News

Washington — Former President Donald Trump will officially become the GOP nominee for president at this week's Republican National Convention, days after surviving an assassination attempt .

The four-day event kicks off on Monday, just two days after a gunman opened fire at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania, grazing Trump's ear. Rally attendee Corey Comperatore, 50, was killed, and two others, identified as 57-year-old David Dutch and 74-year-old James Copenhaver, were wounded. The shooter, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, was killed by a Secret Service sniper.

The attack has put federal, state and local law enforcement officials on even higher alert heading into the convention . Changes to the security measures were being planned after Trump was wounded at the Pennsylvania campaign rally. 

What security measures are in place for the RNC?

Multiple law enforcement officials told CBS News that planning is underway to expand the perimeter at the RNC and create buffer zones around the events. The gunman at Saturday's rally opened fire with an AR-style rifle outside the security perimeter set up by Secret Service, law enforcement sources said.

The FBI, Secret Service and local law enforcement agencies sent a joint threat assessment to law enforcement officials in anticipation of the convention calling for heightened awareness. No credible or specific threat was identified in the assessment, a law enforcement source told CBS News. 

What happens at the RNC and how does it work?

About 2,400 delegates from around the country will come together to officially nominate Trump during a roll call vote Monday.

States announce how many delegates they will be delivering to each candidate. State party rules affect how delegates may vote during the convention. Typically, a candidate's home state delegation will push him or her across the threshold to officially secure the nomination. In Trump's case, it would be Florida. 

But the vote is considered a formality because Trump clinched the nomination in March, amassing the 1,215, delegates needed to become the presumptive nominee. Trump earned 2,243 delegates by the end of the primary process, according to CBS News' estimate. 

Trump is expected to officially accept the nomination for the third time since 2016 in a speech on Thursday night.

Besides the pageantry, the Republican Party will adopt a new platform that softens its language on abortion and says the issue should be determined by individual states. The platform also proposes building a missile defense shield over the U.S. and promises tax cuts and mass deportations of people who are in the U.S. illegally. 

Where is the Republican convention taking place?

This year's convention is in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, at the Fiserv Forum arena. 

Milwaukee is considered a Democratic stronghold, but hosting the convention in Wisconsin, a battleground state, puts the Republican Party's message in front of key voters. 

Republicans selected the location in 2022 after former President Donald Trump narrowly won Wisconsin in 2016 before losing it to President Biden in 2020 by a similar margin. 

When does the RNC start and end?

The convention begins Monday and ends Thursday. The first official session is scheduled to begin Monday at 12:45 p.m. local time. The marquee speeches will be delivered in the evening on each day. 

Who will speak at the 2024 RNC?

The RNC and the Trump campaign released a list of speakers for this week's convention on Saturday, which is made up of lawmakers, television personalities and members of the former president's family, among others. 

Names like Tucker Carlson, Vivek Ramaswamy and House Speaker Mike Johnson are on the list, which also includes a number of Republican senators, Senate candidates and representatives. 

Trump's wife, Melania Trump, is not among the speakers, nor is his daughter Ivanka Trump. The former president's two older sons are slated to speak, along with his son Donald Jr.'s fiancée Kimberly Guilfoyle, and Lara Trump, who is married to Eric Trump.

Lara Trump , who is also co-chair of the Republican National Committee, teased the lineup earlier this week, saying there will be "unlikely people, celebrities who maybe you've never heard from, who support Donald Trump and support conservative values and the Republican Party." Among the list are country music stars Lee Greenwood and Chris Janson, along with rapper Amber Rose.

Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton and Florida Rep. Byron Donalds will have prime-time spots, a source with knowledge of the convention's planning told CBS News. 

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will also give a speech. DeSantis, once considered Trump's most daunting challenger for the nomination, dropped out of the primary in January and quickly endorsed the former president. 

Nikki Haley, another Trump primary rival, has also accepted an invitation to speak at the convention, two sources familiar with the planning told CBS News. The development was a reversal from an earlier statement from her spokesperson, who said "she was not invited, and she's fine with that." Before the convention, Haley released the several dozen delegates she won in the primaries and encouraged them to vote for Trump, in the interest of party unity.

Of course, remarks from Trump and his vice presidential pick are the most anticipated. Trump announced Ohio Sen. JD Vance as his running mate on Monday.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott and North Dakota Gov.  Burgum, who were  on the shortlist  to be Trump's running mate, are also slated to speak at the convention. 

When is Trump speaking at the RNC?

Typically, the vice presidential nominee speaks Wednesday, and the presidential nominee addresses the convention on Thursday, the last night of the convention. Trump said in a social media post Sunday that after the assassination attempt, he considered delaying his travel to the RNC by two days but instead "decided that I cannot allow a 'shooter,' or potential assassin, to force change to scheduling, or anything else."

He arrived in Milwaukee late Sunday afternoon and may speak on more than one occasion during the convention.

How to watch the 2024 RNC with cable

CBS television stations will have coverage beginning at 10 p.m. Eastern during the four days. Find your  local CBS station here .

How to watch the 2024 RNC without cable

CBS News 24/7 will have coverage of the convention throughout the day and will stream each night's keynote speeches, and can also be viewed on your  mobile or streaming device .

Fin Gómez, Major Garrett and Caitlin Huey-Burns contributed reporting. 

  • Republican National Convention
  • Republican National Committee
  • Donald Trump
  • Republican Party
  • 2024 Elections

Caitlin Yilek is a politics reporter at, based in Washington, D.C. She previously worked for the Washington Examiner and The Hill, and was a member of the 2022 Paul Miller Washington Reporting Fellowship with the National Press Foundation.

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The FBI named 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pa., as the suspect in what they described as the assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump. The attack at the Butler, Pa., rally left one spectator dead and critically injured two others. In a post on Truth Social, Trump said he was “shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear.”

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Election 2024

Catch up on key takeaways from the final day of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, where Donald Trump dramatically recounted the assassination attempt at his rally.

Biden pressure: President Biden is facing the most concerted effort yet by leading Democrats seeking to force him out of the presidential race amid concerns over his advanced age and sluggish poll numbers. Here’s what would happen next if Biden dropped out .

Trump VP pick: Trump has chosen Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio as his running mate , selecting a rising star in the party and previously outspoken Trump critic who in recent years has closely aligned himself with the former president.

Presidential election polls: Check out The Post’s presidential polling averages of the seven battleground states most likely to determine the outcome of the election.

Key dates and events: Voters in all states and U.S. territories have been choosing their party’s nominee for president ahead of the summer conventions. Here are key dates and events on the 2024 election calendar .

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    A Prayer for Safe Travel in a Car. Dear Lord, I pray that you will watch over me and my family today as we travel by car. I pray that you will keep the roads clear and free from any harm to us. Help us to navigate to our destination without any incidents. I pray that you will send your angels to shield us from any accidents that may happen.

  4. 10 Powerful Prayers for Safe Travel

    Help me to remember that even in the midst of new experiences and unfamiliar surroundings, I am never alone, for You are with me. Lord, help me to embrace this trip as an opportunity to deepen my ...

  5. 7 Prayers for Traveling: Pray for a Safe Journey

    Prayer for a Safe Journey: "Heavenly Father, be with us as we embark on this journey. Watch over us, guide our steps, and keep us safe from harm. Amen" Quick Travel Prayer. Dear Lord, Please keep my family in Your vigilant care while we are traveling abound. Keep us safely shielded in Your everlasting arms. In Jesus' name. Amen.

  6. 10 Prayers for Safe Travel

    Preserve my life and get me to my destination and back home safely. I may not see the dangers along the way, but I ask that you keep me away from them. Watch over my steps Lord. My life is in your ...

  7. 8 Powerful Prayers for Safe Travels

    Prayer for Safe Travel with Children. Praying before taking a trip with family members than include children is a beautiful and meaningful practice that brings comfort, intention, and a sense of unity to the family. This special moment of prayer allows parents, caregivers, and the children themselves to acknowledge the excitement and potential ...

  8. 46 Christian Prayers & Bible Verses for Safe Travel

    1. Pray that your journey starts and ends with safety, keeping you free from harm or accident as you travel. 2. Pray for your protection against any unforeseen dangers or delays that may arise on your path. 3. Pray that your mode of transportation is reliable and secure, ensuring a smooth passage to your destination.

  9. 15 Prayers for Safe Travel

    Keep us safe from accidents, breakdowns, and any harm. Bless our time together with joy, laughter, and meaningful conversations. Help us to be patient with each other and enjoy the journey as much as the destination. May Your presence be with us in every mile we travel. In Jesus' name, Amen.

  10. Prayers & Blessings for Safe Travels

    Whether heading out on your daily commute, a business trip, vacation, or a visit with loved ones, it's important to always pray before traveling to ask for God's blessing and for spiritual protection—especially through the intercession of our Guardian Angels and St. Christopher, patron saint of travelers—against anything that may harm us. Below is a collection of prayers ...

  11. 15 Great Prayers for Safe Travel and Protection

    I leave them in your gentle hands. Be merciful unto me and keep me from harm's way in Jesus' mighty name. Thank you, almighty Father, for answered prayers in Jesus' name, Amen. 2. Prayer for Travel protection Against Accidents. Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence. -Psalm91:3.

  12. 10 Good Prayers for Safe Travels

    Whether it is by car, plane, train or boat, these prayers for safe travels will surely bring you comfort and security. Pray these at any time before or during your journey. Dear Lord, I pray for our family trip. Please cover each one of us with the blood of your Son, Jesus. Protect our children from sickness, accidents and harm from predators.

  13. 6 Short Prayers for Safe Travel

    Christ when I arise". May The Road Rise Up To Meet You. (An ancient Celtic blessing suitable for giving to a loved one for their safe travel and return) May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields.

  14. Safe Journey Prayer: A Prayer for Family Protection When Traveling

    Prayer for Anxiety-Free Traveling. "Heavenly Father, as I start my journey today, please keep me safe and free from any harm. Embrace me with Your Spirit to calm and ease my anxious mind and heart. I am worried of the various uncertainties that lie ahead, Lord God. May this journey be filled with peace and serenity.

  15. Catholic Prayers for Safe Travel (Full List & Guide)

    Here are some Catholic prayers that you can say for others' safe travel: Prayer for Family and Friends: "Lord, please watch over (name of person/people) as they travel. Keep them safe from harm and bring them back to us soon. Amen.". This simple prayer can be said for anyone you care about who is traveling.

  16. 8 Powerful Prayers for Safe Travel for Your Next Trip

    Prayer for a Safe Flight. Keep me as the apple of Your eye; Hide me under the shadow of Your wings, - Psalm 17:8 NKJV. Heavenly Father, I ask that you would be with me as I go on this flight. I pray that you would protect me and everyone on the airplane. I ask for a peaceful flight with no weather issues or turbulence.

  17. 100 Short Prayer For Safe Travel And Protection For Family, Loved One

    4. "May God's peace go with you and His protection be a shield around you. Have a safe trip, and may your adventures be as delightful as the destination itself.". 5. "May the Lord watch over you as you travel, ensuring a safe arrival and a memorable journey. Godspeed and enjoy every moment of your trip!".

  18. 15 Catholic Prayers for Safe Travel

    Grant us patience with traffic and other drivers. Help us remain calm and focused. Thank You for Your constant care and guidance. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen. Read more: 15 Catholic Prayers For Strength. 2. Prayer for Air Travel Safety. Heavenly Father, we lift our hearts to You as we prepare to fly.

  19. Prayer For Safe Travels [w/ Bible Verses]

    God, as we prepare for this road trip, we pray for safe driving for ourselves and also those around us. Grant us steady hands on the wheel and watchful eyes on the road. I pray for your protection in front of us, behind us, and alongside us. Take the wheel, Lord, and bring us home safely again. In Jesus name, amen.

  20. Best traveler's prayers for safety

    Prayer for a safe journey. "O God, I come before You and confess my fears about traveling. I give You the concerns I have about my safety and security and my anxieties in making this journey. I come to You and lay all these worries down at Your feet. Lord, I choose to put my trust in You.

  21. 5 Prayers for Safe Travel

    5 of 6 Prayer for Travel Protection. 1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High. will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.". 3 Surely He will save you. from the fowler's snare. and from the deadly pestilence.

  22. 15 Powerful Prayer For Safe Travel For A Loved One

    Prayer for Thankfulness and Gratitude. 13. Prayer for Guidance and Wisdom. 14. Prayer for Unwavering Faith. 15. Prayer for Courage and Confidence. There's a special bond that connects us to our loved ones, family, and friends. As they embark on journeys, whether near or far, our hearts brim with a mixture of excitement and concern.

  23. 15 Heartfelt Prayer For Safe Travel For My Daughter

    Amen. 15. A Prayer for Safe Travel for My Daughter. Heavenly Father, As my daughter embarks on her journey, I humbly come before You with a heart full of concern and hope. I entrust her into Your loving hands, O Lord, Seeking Your divine protection and guidance every step of the way.

  24. Tracking the Trump rally gunman's movements leading up to his attack

    A shooting range, a gun store, and a ladder purchase: Tracking the Trump rally gunman's movements leading up to his attack

  25. JD Vance says the media twisted his remarks on abortion and ...

    During the Republican National Convention's opening night, Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio, spoke to Fox News for his first interview as former President Donald Trump's vice presidential nominee ...

  26. Shooter in Trump assassination attempt identified; spectator killed in

    Latest news and live updates after Trump injured in shooting at Pennsylvania rally. One spectator is dead, two are critically injured and a shooter is dead, Secret Service said.

  27. Secret Service chief says she won't resign after Trump rally shooting

    The FBI has accessed the data on the cellphone of gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks, but investigators are still searching for a motive.

  28. 2024 Republican National Convention begins today on heels of Trump

    Washington — Former President Donald Trump will officially become the GOP nominee for president at this week's Republican National Convention, days after surviving an assassination attempt. The ...

  29. Trump says he was shot in ear during Pennsylvania rally shooting

    The FBI named Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, as the suspected shooter at the Butler, Pa., rally, which left one spectator dead and critically injured two others. Former president Donald Trump said he ...