Costa Brava Tourist Guide


Empuriabrava (Ampuriabrava in Spanish) is one of the most unusual towns along the Costa Brava.

Sporting nearly 24 kilometers (15 miles) 1 of canals, and 5,000 private jetties, Empuriabrava is the largest residential marina in the world.

For most of us that means it provides ample opportunity to gawk at how the rich and richer spend their money: in this case on expensive houses and yachts.

A typical canal in Empuriabrava – Image used under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license .

If you’re into the type of town where you can have a romantic stroll along picturesque streets, or enjoy tapas at an old bar where you mingle with the locals, this is probably not your cup of tea. There’re almost nothing authentically Catalan about the place (which, after all, is only about 40 years old ).

Those are the primary reasons why we ourselves would not consider vacationing here — even though we have visited the place several times, usually while on our way back from Cadaqués.

That said, reminiscent of Venice or Miami Beach, Empuriabrava is a major, upmarket tourist destination. It is particularly popular with Germans and the French, and — to a much lesser extent — Dutch and British visitors as well.

As you might expect, there’s a vibrant nightlife scene with bars, discos, and a range of restaurants — the latter mostly aimed at foreigners eager to enjoy familiar food.

Normally home to 7800 local residents, at the height of the summer season the town’s population swells to nearly 80,000 people.

It also is a sought-after location for Catalan and other Spanish vacationers and homeowners. Lately many Russians have been buying properties here as well (as they have being doing in places up and down the coast).

What Empuriabrava has to offer

The city’s main draws, aside from providing a playground for rich yacht owners, are

  • A great beach : Platja Empuriabrava : 1.5 kilometers long and 90 to 100(!) meters wide
  • A scala of watersports : sailing, surfing, windsurfing, water-skiing, para-skiing, fishing, diving and so on
  • Fantastic skydiving : just north of the town is Europe’s most famous skydiving school, considered to be among the three best in the world

Platja Empuriabrava — the very wide, main beach with in the distance the suburbs of Roses

Many tourists and day-trippers rent sailboats or motorized boats, or at the very least take a canal boat tour.

The city also provides an ideal base from which to explore the Parc Natural dels Aiguamolls de l’Empordà , a beautiful nature reserve that pretty much surrounds it. Lots of tourists come specifically to enjoy the bicycle and hiking routes.

And while Empuriabrava itself doesn’t have much history or, for that matter, charm, the old cities of Figueres (15km), Girona (55 km) and Cadaqués (23km) are nearby. The French border is, at 40km, close as well.

Center to center, Roses is only a 9km drive, proviving ample restaurants and bars.

Like we said, no building in the place is over 40 years old — but if you do need to see old buildings in a setting that still evokes that old Catalonia feeling, you can always visit the small, medieval city of Castelló d’Empúries — of which Empuriabrava actually is a suburb.

While they’re only 2km apart, the contrast between the former — which dates back to the ninth century — and the latter couldn’t be greater.

Hotels, Apartments, Villas and Holiday Homes

There are only 13 or so hotels in Empuriabrava , but most tourists stay in apartments, holiday homes or villas, as well as on camping sites in the immediate area.

Many property owners rent out their second homes for part of the year — some during the height of the summer season, and others in the off-season.

Like the vacation homes the self-catering apartments also meet high standards of luxury.

Check all accommodations in Empuriabrava by clicking this button:

Map of Empuriabrava

The yellow line represents the main beach: Platja Empuriabrava. To the north and south there are beaches as well.

Weather in Empuriabrava

Empuriabrava has a warm, temperate climate. The summers are hot — but mid-summer temperatures seldom top 28° Celcius (82° Fahrenheit).

Expect daytime highs of 25°C/82°F in July and September, and 28°C/82°F in July and August.

You can count on night-time lows of 17°C/63°F in June and September, and 19°C/66°F in July and August.

In this part of the Costa Brava, there’s a wind condition called the Tramontana . The name means “on or coming from the other side of the mountain.”

This is a cool and dry, northern or north-easterly wind that is quite common in the north-east Catalonia, the south-east of France, and as far east as Italy.

Tramontana winds can be quite strong, but because they blow away any clouds they are associated with good, clear and sunny weather. Photographers like it because the intensely blue skies make for postcard-perfect photos.

When they pick up, these winds can last for a few days at a time.

Built on a swamp

Get this: barely 40 years ago, all you would see at this spot was a wide expanse of swampy coastal land with, to the North, the town of Roses overlooking the bay .

The land — interspersed with salt marshes, lagoons and wetlands — was shared by five large farms and some smaller ones.

In the 19th century this area was an important source of wheat, corn and alfalfa.

During much of the 20th century, the focus shifted to cattle farming — providing meat for markets up and down the coast, as well as livestock for what was then an important cattle market at nearby Castelló d’Empuries.

We’ll take a closer look at Castelló d’Empúries in a separate entry. For now, just note that the much larger Empuriabrava actually is a suburb of this small town (population: 4.000).

How Empuriabrava came into being

In December, 1964, a company named Eurobrava SA (later Empuriabrava SA) came up with a plan to create an international flying club, along with a residential community. The company was run by three businessmen, including the owner of four of the five large farms.

The plan was formally presented to the town hall of Castelló d’Empuries in June, 1965, and immediately met with the vocal opposition of most owners of the smaller farms in the area.

Mind you, this was a different era — in which planning committees, zoning maps and environmental protection laws played little to no role.

Imagine this: the plan actually called for the building of ‘tall, separate structures’ designed to break up the ‘horizontal monotony’ of the Gulf of Roses. 2

No developer in his right mind would say that kind of thing nowadays, but even back then the plan was very controversial.

Small wonder that there was no love lost between the town hall and the developers, particularly when it turned out that — just three months after submitting their plans — the latter had already commenced, illegally, with the construction of roads and canals.

That the plan was nevertheless approved, in June 1967, is largely due to the fact that during the 1960s Spain was experiencing its first tourism boom.

The development company, now named Empuriabrava SA, had cleverly launched an intensive marketing campaign aimed at tourists in Germany, France, Belgium and The Netherlands.

Whereas officials and others initially thought their district had nothing much to offer to tourists, the enthusiastic response to this ad campaign opened their eyes to manifold financial opportunities.

The second phase of the project started in 1975, but by then the company faced two major problems:

  • Increasing pressure from nascent environmental groups, which only gained even more power during Spain’s transition to a democracy 3
  • The death of Dictator Franco in November 1975 coincided with a quadrupling of oil prices that played havoc with Spain’s already poor economy 4

As a result, the developers were forced to scale down their plans. For instance, the planned construction of a canal to Figueres — 18 kilometers (11 miles) inland — was scrapped.

Nevertheless, in 1980 the project was in crisis, and in June that year control of Empuriabrava passed from the developers to the town hall of Castelló d’Empuries.

The town immediately took steps to improve services and infrastructure, and gave a new impulse to the suburb’s development.

  • We’ve seen guidebooks and website that talk about 40km of canals, and beach that is 300 meters deep. We don’t know where those numbers come from; they’re incorrect. ↩
  • Nowadays the remaining nature areas north and south of Empuriabrava are protected as, together, the Parc Natural dels Aiguamolls de l’Empordà (4,824 hectares / 48.24 km 2 ) — a nature preserve established in 1983. ↩
  • Spanish transition back to democracy , Wikipedia ↩
  • See Spain-The Post-Franco Period, 1975-1980s ↩

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The Greco-Roman Site and Museum of Ampurias

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Author: timetravelrome /

Michel Gybels for Time Travel Rome

The Costa Brava on the Mediterranean coast in Spanish Catalunia is best known for its seaside resorts and nightlife and attracts crowds of tourists every summer. Less well known, however, is that there are also interesting archaeological sites and museums to visit there. In the region of Girona, this includes the Greco-Roman site and museum of Ampurias, located near l’Escala on the coast.

A Resort rich in History

Ampurias (in Catalan Empúries ; from Ancient Greek Ἐμπόριον , meaning “market”, “port of trade”; in Latin Emporiae) ; was a Greek and Roman city located in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, in the Girona region of Alt Empordà. It was founded in 575 BC by settlers from Phocis as a trading enclave in the western Mediterranean. The Ampurias outlet to the sea was open to all. The reason was that the Iberians, ignorant of navigation, were happy to trade and wanted to buy foreign goods that the ships carried, and to sell the products of their harvests. The interest in trade made the Iberian city accessible to the Greeks. It was later occupied by the Romans, but the city was abandoned in the High Medieval Ages, except for the nucleus of Sant’Marti d’Ampurias which is still populated today. It was presented in 2002 as a candidate for Unesco Heritage World Status.

The archaeological sites of Ampurias are located on the Gulf of Rosas, in the municipality of l’Escala (Girona) and are some of the most important Greek remains in Spain. The area is made up of a sunken plain through which the rivers Ter and Fluvia flow. It is not a single nucleus but three distinct ones: Palaiápolis , Neapolis and the Roman city .

Palaiapolis (Greek παλαιάπολις, “ancient city”) is mentioned by Strabo as the foundation of the Phocians of Massalia (actual Marseille in France), who worshipped the goddess Artemis of Ephesus.   This first colony was established on an island off the coast, which today would be Sant’Marti d’Ampurias.

The term Neapolis (Greek νεάπολις, “new city”) is the term commonly used by the Greeks for the growth area of a city, and was given in this case to designate the settlement located to the south of the Paliapolis, already inland. This settlement was born as a result of the demographic growth that the old city could not support.

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View on the Greek part of the ancient city . By Enric – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0.

The Roman City is an ancient fortress (praesidium), located on a promontory further west of Neapolis. It is a rectangle of 750 x 350 metres enclosed by a wall that contains an urban system developed around several thistles and decumani.

Greek Emporion

In 575 BC, the last wave of colonisation Greek arrived on the peninsula, that of the Phocians, aimed at long-distance trade. The Phocians did not set up settlement colonies, but their aim was primarily commercial. The metropolis itself, Phocis, was built for this purpose.

Palaiapolis , the “ ancient city “, was established as a mere island trading port to call at the mouth of the river Fluvia. With the arrival of the Greeks, the natives became producers of consumer goods which they exchanged with the Hellenes for more valuable goods such as wine. At first it depended on Massalia (actual Marseille in France), as can be seen in the large number of Massalian amphorae found from that period.

In 550 BC, according to Strabo, a second foundation was established, this one on the mainland, to the detriment of Palaiapolis , which underwent great urban development. Strabo’s words are recorded in his Geography :

“The Emporitans used to inhabit a small island off the coast which is now called Palaiapolis, but today they live on the mainland. Emporion is a double city, being divided by a wall, having before, as neighbours, some Indiketes (…). But in the course of time they were united into a single state, composed of barbarian and Greek laws, as is also the case in many other cities”.

Strabo, Geographia, III. 4, 8.

After the conquest of Phocaea by Cyrus II, Emperor of Persia in 546 BC, the Phocaeans fled to the new colony of Alalia in Corsica. However, their presence eventually annoyed the Carthaginians, who formed a coalition with the Etruscans to wipe them out. The Battle of Alalia took place in 535. The Phocians fled again, this time taking refuge in Massalia and Emporion. The population of the city was considerably increased by refugees.

The 5th century BC saw a period of great prosperity based mainly on Greek trade, especially with Athenian supplies. Political and commercial agreements were established with the indigenous population (who founded the city of Indika nearby). Due to its location on the trade route between Massalia and Tartessos, the city became a major economic and commercial centre as well as the largest Greek on the Iberian peninsula.

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Remains of the Greek Agora . By Enric – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0.

From the 4th century BC onwards the city grew considerably and became known as Emporion, Ἐμπόριον. There was still a lot of Greek trade with the peninsula and the first coins began to be minted, anepigraphic (without inscription) at first, and later with the legend EM. At the end of this century drachmes were issued with the type of the standing horse, according to the Punic model, and later with the characteristic Pegasus on the reverse and the head of Arethusa on the obverse.

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Emporion. Circa 241-218 BC. AR Drachm. Head of Arethusa right; three dolphins around / Pegasos flying right. Source: . Used by permission of CNG.

The period of splendour continues until the arrival of the Barcids. Competition creates a recession in the Emporitan economy. The Emporitans send an embassy to Rome asking for help. Rome conclude the Treaty of the Ebro with Ashdrubalte in 226 BC, according to which the Punics could not cross the river. With the Second Punic War, Ampurias became a loyal ally of Rome. In 218 BC, the Romans sent an army, which landed in Ampurias, with the mission of cutting off the supplies of Hannibal, who was ravaging Italy. This fact is quoted by Titus Livy:

“While these things were going on in Italy, Cn. Cornelius Scipio, sent to Hispania with a squadron and an army, sailed from the mouths of the Rhone and, rounding the Pyrenees mountains, landed at Ampurias. He landed his army there, and starting with the Lacetans, he subdued Rome along the whole coast as far as the Ebro, sometimes renewing alliances, sometimes establishing them.”

Titus Livy, Ab Urbe condita libri , XXI. 60, 1-3.

Ampurias under Roman Rule

The first Roman presence in Ampurias meant the construction of a stable Roman army camp, where the Roman city is today, although the existence of this camp did not mean the submission of the Greek city to the Republic, but rather that both were equal. This happened with the arrival in Hispania of the consul Marcus Portius Cato. After landing at Rosas, his army (estimated at between 52,000 and 70,000 men) headed for Ampurias. Titus Livy refers to this fact in describing the city:

“Ampurias consisted of two cities separated by a wall. One city was inhabited by Greeks from Phocis, like the Massaliotes, and the other by Hispanics. The Greek city, close to the sea, was surrounded by a wall of less than 400 paces. The Hispanic city, further from the coast, had a wall with a perimeter of 3,000 paces (…) The part of the wall facing the land, well fortified, had only one gate guarded by a magistrate in turn. At night a third of the citizens stood guard on the ramparts (…)”.

Titus Livy, Ab urbe condita, XXXIV, 9.

Around 100 BC, a new Roman city was built, which coexisted on an equal footing with the old Phocaean colony. Over time, the presence of Rome so influenced the small Greek nucleus that the Greeks themselves became Romanised, until during the reign of Augustus were granted Roman citizenship, which meant that the Greek and Roman nuclei were physically united.

We also know, thanks to some passages in Strabo and Titus Livy, about an indigenous Indika nucleus being part of the complex. They explain that the Greco-Roman community and the indigenous community lived separated by a wall.

The city maintained its institutions until the civil war between Pompey and Julius Caesar when the Pompeian party won the city, which meant, after Caesar’s victory, the annulment of its independence and the establishment of a colony of veterans alongside it.

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Remains of the Roman Baths. Photo by Michel Gybels. Used by the permission of the author.

From the 1st century AD, after the total conquest of Iberia by Rome, Ampurias fell into decline, overshadowed by the power of Tarraco and Barsina (actual Tarragona and Barcelona)  which became the capital, caused the ancient Roman cities of Republican origin to enter a process of decadence. At the end of the 1st century AD, Ampurias began to be abandoned.

Ampurias during Late Antiquity

In the 3 rd century AD the population moved to the ancient Palaiapolis , which was better fortified. The Greek town became a cemetery, while the Roman town survived as a settlement until the Norman invasion in the 9th century. The continued importance of this small town was demonstrated by the fact that, after the reconquest of northern Catalonia by Charlemagne in 785, Ampurias was the capital of the Carolingian county of the same name, a condition that the old town maintained until the progressive transfer of the counts in the 11th century to the nearby town of Castellón d’Ampuries.This move began as a result of the warning that the destruction to which Ampurias was subjected in the year 935 at the hands of an Arab squadron chartered and sent from Almería by Abderraman III was a threat to its security.

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Paleochristian Basilica . By Enric – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0.

Archaeological Research

  • Ripoll’s leadership (1965-1981)

From 1965 onwards, prehistorian Eduardo Ripoll (between 1965 and 1981), a student of Almagro’s, took over the direction of the site. From 1961-1981, he carried out stratigraphic excavations in the area of the forum and surrounding areas. Excavations were carried out outside the walls in order to find the indigenous indiketa settlement. The Greek city was not touched and, as for the Roman city, only a Roman military installation from the second quarter of the 2nd century BC was found.

  • Reinterpretation of the sanctuaries and excavation in the forum (1990-2018)

From 1981 until recently, the director of the excavation has been Enric Sanmartí. Over the last two decades, thanks to the increase in human and economic resources, the information on the Roman city and the Neapolis has increased considerably, and in the latter case we have been able to learn much of the evolution of the site since the 5th century BC. Archaeological research at the site, which is one of the sites of the Archaeological Museum of Catalunya, is currently being carried out by a team made up of Pere Castanyer, Marta Santos, Quim Tremoleda and Xavier Aquilué.

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Ancient water filtration pipes at Ampurias. Photo by Michel Gybels. Used by the permission of the author.

  • The Palaiápolis

The island where Palaiápolis was located is nowadays joined to the mainland. On this island is the medieval village of Sant Marti d’Ampuries, while the part that was formerly the port and was buried by sediment is covered with vegetable gardens. This area has hardly been excavated because it has been inhabited since ancient times. It seems that after the foundation of Neapolis, the Palaiapolis was used as an acropolis (fortress and temple). Strabo spoke of a temple dedicated to Artemis located on this island.

  • The Neapolis

In this section we will comment on the most representative buildings of the Neapolis, which was apparently founded in 550 B.C. It should be noted that almost everything that can be seen with the naked eye corresponds to the Republican and Imperial periods, and even to the beginning of the early Middle Ages. Therefore, what is strictly Greek, both from the Archaic and Classical periods and from the Hellenistic period, is found in the subsoil and is only visible in certain excavations carried out before 1939, and in the areas excavated from the 1980s onwards, especially in the southern part of the city.

  • Walls and defensive constructions

The Neapolis consisted of a walled enclosure forming a highly irregular rectangle measuring 200 m by 130 m, with the port to the north. The south of the Neapolis is enclosed by a cyclopean wall built in the second half of the 2nd century BC. A large part of the limestone blocks that make up the wall come from an earlier Greek wall dating from the 4th century BC, the remains of which have been found. The remains of this wall have been found some 25 metres inland from the city. When the wall was moved, its stones were used, as mentioned above, to build the outer wall, while what was left was buried under a large amount of earth that raised the level of the city considerably.

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Ampurias Walls and entrance into the Greek part of the city. Photo by Michel Gybels. Used by the permission of the author.

The wall was moved in the 2 nd century BC, probably to make room for a new temple complex because of the need to gain space to build a complex of new temples. The new wall, dating from the 2nd century BC, is flanked by two quadrangular towers. The new 2nd-century BC wall is flanked by two quadrangular towers and the southwestern corner was protected by an important bastion. Although the existence of a wall dating from the 4th century BC and another from the 2nd century BC have been mentioned, it is not known whether the wall was built in the 4th century BC or in the 2nd century BC. Several archaeological excavations have revealed the existence of a parapet or Proteichism from the second half of the 3rd century BC, which is now located in the south-west corner of the city,  below the Serapis enclosure, which would have prevented the war machine from coming closer to the wall than was desirable.

As for the wall that enclosed the Neapolis to the west, the existence of a large watchtower has been documented, which has been dated to the 5th century BC; this fortification and a tower from the same century found in the southern part of the city must have formed part of a defensive complex prior to the construction of the wall in the 4th century BC. This fortification and the tower from the same century found in the southern part of the city must have formed part of a defensive complex prior to the construction of the city wall in the 4th century BC. Finally, the western wall separated Neapolis from the Iberian city of Indika .

  • The Asclepius enclosure

In the space gained by the extension of the city wall to the south of the city in the 2nd century BC, various religious buildings were built. With the extension of the wall, the original Asclepius enclosure, dating from the 4th century BC, was completely altered and was now built within the city walls. The Asklepieion was completely modified and now stands within the city walls. It was a therapeutic and religious centre dedicated to the god of medicine, Asclepius.

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Statue of Asclepius at Ampurias. Photo by Michel Gybels. Used by the permission of the author.

The enclosure seems to have consisted of the three temples to the west of the complex, together with some cisterns, a well, and finally a porticoed building or αβατον (abaton), a building where the sick experienced the sacred sleep from which the priests established the therapeutic treatment to be followed. As for the cisterns, they were the place where the water necessary to carry out the purification rites to which the sick person had to submit was stored, and the open well perhaps housed the snakes consecrated to the god.

  • The Serapis enclosure

In the middle of the 2nd century BC the Serapis enclosure was built, at the same time as the outer city wall was being built and the Greek wall of the 4th century was demolished. It was decided to build a porticoed square in Ampurias in the space gained by moving the wall. Later, probably in the first half of the 1st century BC, it underwent major alterations, the square underwent a major transformation when a Doric tetrastyle temple with lateral stairways was built in the western part of the square, probably dedicated to the divinity of Serapis. The existence of this enclosure to Serapis presupposes the importance that the cults from the eastern Mediterranean had in Ampurias in the Hellenistic and Republican periods, probably due to the effect that the arrival of merchants and traders from the East had on the city, who took advantage of the existence of a port city, open to the outside world, to establish themselves there and transform it in the 2nd and 1st centuries BC into a commercial and cultural emporium of great influence.

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Serapeion at Empurias . By LeZibou – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0.

  • Civic buildings

Excavations have brought to light a Hellenistic urban centre consisting of an agora, a stoa and a market, buildings located in the central area of the Neapolis, where the two main roads of the city meet. These buildings were constructed in the mid-2nd century BC. To do so, part of the existing neighbourhood in that area had to be destroyed. The buildings together occupy half a hectare and are situated around an arcaded square measuring 52 x 40 metres.

The Roman City

The Roman city has not yet been fully studied (only 20 % of the excavations have been completed). The construction of the Roman city took place around 100 BC, with the construction of a new city with an orthogonal urban layout, which during the 1st century and until the time of Augustus, remained independent of the Greek city, until during the reign of Augustus, after first the natives and then the Greeks obtained Roman citizenship, they merged into a single municipality known from then on as emporiae, and made up of people of Italic, Iberian and Greek lineage. It should be noted that the Roman city roughly occupies a rectangle measuring approximately 700 x 300 metres.

  • Domestic architecture

Our knowledge of the Roman houses in the Roman city is limited to three large domus, located on the eastern side of the city, above the port. They are large mansions following the Italic pattern of the atrium house complete with peristyle and hortus. Like the city itself, they date back to the Republican period and were built when the first inhabitants received their plots of land on which to build their dwellings, which, especially in the Imperial period, underwent major extensions. The houses have numerous outbuildings, gardens and are decorated with black-and-white mosaics and wall paintings. A mosaic depicting the sacrifice of Iphigenia is preserved in good condition in one of them.

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Roman residential area – remains of the mosaic floors. Photo by Michel Gybels. Used by the permission of the author.

Of the Roman wall, built at the end of the 2nd century BC, the best-preserved section is that of the southern enclosure, where we find a straight wall, without towers, consisting of two sections: the inner section, made of polygonal limestone ashlars, and the upper section of opus caementicium, a concrete made of lime, sand and stone. The gate located in this section of the wall, whose lintel still shows the ruts of the wagons, is particularly noteworthy. The function of this wall was not defensive, but to delimit the city enclosure and differentiate it from the surrounding agricultural territory, the ager. The reasons for this are its low height, about 3 metres, the absence of towers, and unfortified entrances.

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Roman Wall. Link: wikimedia.commons . CC BY 2.0.

It consisted of a public square around which were distributed the main buildings of the city, whose functions were religious, administrative and commercial. One of the most important buildings was a large temple, built in the Republican period, with a south-facing façade. The temple was prostyle and tetrastyle, and stood on a podium which has now practically disappeared, and was dedicated to the Roman triad: Jupiter, Juno and Minerva.

The temple was surrounded by a large portico with three naves, in the shape of an inverted U, raised on a cryptoportico. This complex was accompanied by thirteen tabernae open to the north. Also to the east was a civil basilica and a curia, buildings constructed during the reign of EmperorAugustus. Finally, it should be noted that with the construction of the forum, the importance of the agora square in the Greek city began to decline, as religious and administrative functions were transferred to this area.

  • The amphitheatre and the palaestra

An amphitheatre and a palaestra were built outside the city enclosure at the end of the 1st century AD. The amphitheatre is a building constructed of low-quality materials, and its stands were almost certainly made of wood. As for the dimensions of the building, its axes measure 93 x 44 metres, and it is surrounded by a portico. To this day it is the only public building used for performances, as it has not yet been possible to document the existence of a theatre.

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Remains of the ancient amphitheater . By Enric – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0.

The necropolis of Ampurias lasted more than a thousand years, from the 7th century BC to the Middle Ages. Many of its tombs were plundered in antiquity. The historian Almagro produced two volumes that contain all the data on most of the cemeteries in the area. There are four types: Greco-Indigenous, Late Republican, High-Imperial and Low-Imperial.

Late Republican (2 nd century BC – 1 st century BC)

We find an ancient group that will continue to use the ancient inhuming/incinerating necropolises, possibly the Greeks and indigenous people of the Neapolis . Another group will be predominantly incinerators and will have their necropolis on a hill where an ancient indigenous settlement, Paralli, was previously located. The oldest documented necropolis is the one on the northern slope of the neighbouring Les Corts hill, located to the southwest of the city. This necropolis functioned mainly during the 2nd and 1st centuries BC, where we find small square-shaped tumuli built with ashlars in the centre of which are the remains of cremation.

High-Imperial (1 st c. BC – 2 nd c. AD)

There is no clear record of burials from the second quarter of the 1st century BC until the time of Augustus, some 35 years. From then onwards, burials (only cremations, no inhumations) are found on the hillside on which the Roman city is built. Burial began to be imposed in the 2 nd century.

Low-Imperial (3 rd c. AD – 6 th c. AD)

It is not easy to talk about this period, nor is it easy to give precise chronologies due to the lack of grave goods in the tombs. The whole area of the ancient Greek city was full of burials, perhaps related to the cult of the early Christian basilica (or Cella Memoria, a chapel with relics of a martyr) located there. Burials also continue in many of the ancient necropolises from earlier times (such as Bonjoan, in use for a thousand years since the first Greek colonisation) and some completely new ones. Perhaps these were related to the Roman villae or country houses located near them. The funerary monument of El Castellet and the tombs around it are particularly noteworthy.

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Remains of Necropolis at Ampurias. Photo by Michel Gybels. Used by the permission of the author.

The headquarters of the Archaeology Museum of Catalonia in Empúries (MAC-Empúries) aims to offer visitors an exciting and enriching experience, in direct contact with the archaeological remains. The visit to the Greek city and the Roman city is complemented by a visit to the museum, where you can see objects representative of the history of the site, discovered during the more than 100 years of excavations in Empúries.

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Ancient ceramics found in the area of the Greek necropolis. Photo by Michel Gybels. Used by the permission of the author.

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Statue of Asclepius in the museum of Ampurias. Photo by Michel Gybels. Used by the permission of the author.

Ampurias on TimeTravelRome

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Source: Xavier Aquilué e.a.,  Empúries  (2000)

Home: Costa Brava Lifestyle > Alt Empordà > Empuriabrava

Guide to Empuriabrava

With an extensive canal network for leisure boats, Empuriabrava is one of the largest residential marinas in the world.

Empuriabrava's beach

Empuriabrava’s beach. Photo by  Cliché Online .

Empuriabrava is located in the bay of Roses and consists of a 22 kilometre network of canals making it one of the largest marinas in the world. The Costa Brava town (known as Ampuriabrava in Castilian) was built on swampland during the 1960s and ’70s and in the summer sees its population swell from less than 8,000 to 80,000.

More info on Empuriabrava


There are some hotels but holiday accommodation mainly consists of privately owned villas and apartments, many of which overlook the canal network. There are a number of campsites serving the town too.

While Empuriabrava may not be for everyone, it has a lot to offer for those seeking a relaxing beach holiday or an active outdoor adventure. The best reason for visiting Empuriabrava is to explore the canal network either on a boat tour or renting a boat and exploring for yourself. And while the town lacks the picture postcard looks of many Costa Brava towns, Empuriabrava does have a long, deep beach which can comfortably accommodate many visitors.

The town is located within easy reach of several other attractions, such as the Dali Museum in Figueres , the medieval town of Girona, and numerous beaches including those at Roses, Sant Pere Pescador and L’Escala .

For those who love outdoor activities, Empuriabrava has plenty to offer. The town is a popular destination for water sports enthusiasts, with a range of activities available including windsurfing, kitesurfing, and sailing. There are also plenty of opportunities for hiking and cycling, with many scenic routes available.

Although 20th century development Empuriabrava has no real history to speak of, in the 11th century the nearby Castelló d’Empúries became capital of what today is the Empordà. In the early part of the 14th century the town underwent expansion until, in 1385, it came under Aragon crown.

Although Empuriabrava may lack the charm of the old Costa Brava fishing villages found along the coast, it does at least boast 1.6 kilometres of sand beach. The beach is bounded by the entrance to the marina in the north and the mouth of the river Muga in the south and can be accessed from the promenade.

The beach is wide and spacious, with plenty of room for visitors to spread out and relax. The beach is also equipped with a range of facilities, including showers, changing rooms, and sun loungers. During the summer months, the beach can get busy, but it’s still possible to find a quiet spot to soak up the sun.

But that’s not the only beach available to anyone staying in Empuriabrava as there are a couple of beaches within protected areas surrounded by nature. North of the marina entrance is Platja de la Rubina , another long sandy beach backed by dunes that extends up to the Santa Margarita, a smaller scale version of Empuriabrava. The beach is part of the Aiguamolls de l’Empordà Natural Park and it remains completely undeveloped with no facilities. Dogs and kitesurfing are allowed on the area closest to Santa Margarida but you do need to keep to the paths as the dunes the ecosystems they support are protected.

Another popular beach in Empuriabrava is Platja de Can Comes . It’s nearly 4 kilometres of sand that that runs from the mouth of the river Muga down to the Fluvià and completely undeveloped without any facilities. The area behind the beach is the protected Aiguamolls d’Empordà nature reserve and some species nest in the dunes. You should avoid these areas.

Where to stay

Empuriabrava offers a large selection of accommodation options for visitors, most of which is privately owned apartments and houses within the marina’s large network of canals. There are a number of hotels, aparthotels and hostals, but if you’re looking for more variety then Roses is probably a better choice – see our page on hotels in Empuriabrava . The town is also home to a number of campsites for those who prefer to stay closer to nature.

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Some of the popular hotels in Empuriabrava include the 4-star Port Salins Hotel (Avinguda Fages de Climent, 10-15), 3-star Hotel Portofino (Carrer Portofino, 1) and Ampuria Inn Hotel (Avinguda Tramuntana). These hotels offer a range of facilities, including swimming pools, restaurants, and bars. The first two are close to the beach with Ampuria Inn being ideally situated for Skydive Empuriabrava.

For those who prefer self-catering accommodation, there are plenty of apartments and rental villas available in Empuriabrava. Some of the popular options include Holiday Home Empuriabrava with Pool, Apartament Marina 1605, and Apartment Port Grec. These accommodations offer a range of amenities, including kitchenettes, living areas, and private balconies or terraces.

Empuriabrava also has several campsites on the edge of town with facilities that include swimming pools, restaurants, sports facilities, and children’s entertainment. Depending on which you choose you may have direct access to the beach too.

Overall, there are plenty of accommodation options available in Empuriabrava to suit all tastes and budgets. Whether visitors prefer the luxury of a hotel, the flexibility of a rental property, or the simplicity of a camping trip, there is something for everyone here.

Eating in and eating out

Empuriabrava has the usual assortment of restaurants serving Catalan and international cuisine aimed at the tourist market. Many restaurants are canal side but given that the town dates back just a few decades you should head for Castelló d’Empúries if you are looking for something more authentic and Roses also offers a range of excellent restaurants. As in all Spanish towns, look out for the menú del día , two or three courses generally for an exceptionally good price and often inclusive of drinks.

When it comes to self-catering, Empuriabrava has several supermarkets and grocery stores where visitors can stock up on provisions. Some of the popular options in the town include Esclat, Spar and Lidl and you’ll find Mercadona and Carrefour supermarkets on the road towards Roses.

There is also a weekly market on Passeig marítim every Friday morning between 8:30 am and 1:30 pm. However, for more specialized items or a wider selection of products, it may be necessary to visit larger nearby towns such as Figueres or Roses.

What to see and do

Empuriabrava offers a range of activities and attractions for visitors to enjoy, beyond its beautiful beaches. The town is home to one of the three largest skydiving centres in the world. Founded in 1985, more than a million jumps have taken place at Skydive Empuriabrava , and so if you have ever wanted to try your hand at parachuting then this is your chance.

With the network of canals, boats are everywhere and probably the best reason to stay in Empuriabrava. Sailing is in the town’s DNA but visitors can enjoy a range of other water sports, including windsurfing, paddle boarding, and jet skiing.

Empuriabrava marina

Empuriabrava provides an impressive 5,000 moorings and is the largest residential marina in Europe. It is also one of the biggest residential marinas in the world.

The town lies in a privileged position next to the protected marshland of Aiguamolls d’Empordà in the wide open Gulf of Roses. It’s also close to Girona-Costa Brava airport and to Figueres. Barcelona is a couple of hours away by car.

Empuriabrava marina

Empuriabrava marina. Photo by levirus .

Beyond the town of Roses is the peninsula of Cap de Creus. It’s an area of outstanding natural beauty that has been protected since 1998 and where construction is completely banned. With small, rocky coves it makes an ideal destination for a day’s sailing.

The idea to build a residential marina an area of marshland near Castelló d’Empúries dates back to the mid 1960s, with construction commencing a few years later. The original project was completed in 1975.

Within an area of eight square kilometres Empuriabrava now has a total of 23 kilometres of navigable waterways. While most moorings are privately owned, some 700 are available for visiting boats of up to 26 metres in length.

The marina is easily seen from a distance with high rise buildings standing out from afar. One of these is the control tower, which is seven wide and nearly 50 metres high. It can be seen from wherever you are in the bay and is illuminated at night.

As you’d expect from Europe’s largest residential marina, Empuriabrava port is equipped with up to date facilities and modern equipment. To support the huge number of boats there are no less than 15 marine service companies catering for all your nautical needs.

There are also boats available to rent, including small vessels not requiring a licence. In these boats you can explore the many kilometres of canal in Empuriabrava marina.

The port area also has more than 50 restaurants and as you’d expect in a town with a summer population of 80,000 there are taxis, banks, car hire, doctors, hairdressers, cleaners and vets. There are also estate agents for buying property in Empuriabrava and for holiday rentals.

Empuriabrava marina also hosts the biggest second-hand boat market in Spain. Every year at Easter some 400 pre-owned boats are on sale at the market.

Empuriabrava is ideally located to sail to the nearby Cap de Creus. The southern side of the peninsula is located just the other side of Roses and around 3 nautical miles way but Llançà, on the far side of the peninsula, is around 20 nautical miles.

Cap de Creus is stark but beautiful and largely unspoilt. You’ll find there the picturesque towns of Cadaqués and Port de la Selva. In between are dozens of small coves, many of which are difficult to access by land.

The dark rock typically has bubbles within it, something that can be seen in many works by the surrealist Salvador Dalí. He was born in Figueres, where you can visit the museum dedicated to him, but had a house in Portlligat, near Cadaqués. Today his old house is also a museum and decorated with some typical Dalí flourishes.

For those interested in nature, the nearby natural park of Aiguamolls d’Empordà is a must-visit. This protected area covers over 4,000 hectares of wetlands and is home to a variety of bird species, making it a great destination for birdwatching with more than 300 species of wildlife.

Those looking for a little history should head for nearby Castello d’Empúries, which today is rather eclipsed by Empuriabrava in scale. Figueres is 20 minutes by car and Girona can easily be done as a day trip, while the Cap de Creus and towns such as Cadaqués should make a welcome change from the marina.

Visitors can also enjoy biking along numerous bike trails and routes, ranging from coastal paths to inland countryside routes. The town’s weekly market is another attraction, where visitors can browse local goods and handicrafts.

Finally, the town offers a vibrant nightlife scene, with a range of bars, clubs, and live music venues to choose from. Overall, Empuriabrava has something to offer anyone from thrill seekers to those looking for a more relaxed holiday experience.

How to get to Empuriabrava

Getting to Empuriabrava is relatively straightforward, and there are several options for travellers. By car, the town can be accessed via the AP-7 motorway from the French border, which takes approximately 40 minutes. From Barcelona, the drive is just under 2 hours via the same motorway. There are also several scenic coastal routes that offer a slower, but more picturesque drive.

For those using public transport, the nearest airports to Empuriabrava are Barcelona-El Prat and Girona-Costa Brava . From Barcelona, visitors can take a direct bus from the airport to Figueres, which takes around 2 hours, and then transfer to a local bus or taxi to reach Empuriabrava. Alternatively, visitors can take a train from Barcelona to Figueres and then take a bus or taxi to Empuriabrava.

Girona-Costa Brava airport is 45 minutes away, while Figueres is 20 minutes in the car. Buses to Figueres run about once per hour, and with the train service from Barcelona makes a fairly painless trip from the Catalan capital. There are also options for car hire and taxi services from both airports.

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Empuriabrava Costa Brava: Quick Essential Tourist Guide From Locals

Enjoy our quick guide to Empuriabrava, a popular tourist destination located within the municipality of Castello d’Empuries in Spain’s Alt Emporda.

Formerly built on a swamp, Empuriabrava now boasts of over 40 km of canals and a population that reaches up to 80,000 during the summer season.

In the northern part of the town, you can find the so-called Skydive Empuriabrava which offers a number of air sports that caters to all levels of skydiving enthusiasts.


Below we feature an expat interview with Pascal Messelier of Immo Plaza Spain who covers the Empuriabrava area.

Specifically, we asked Pascal on the advantages of choosing Empuriabrava as a place to live and the value for money that one can get if you decide to stay permanently in the area.

Pascal, thanks for helping our readers. I guess we should start off by asking what would you say would be the advantages to living in Empuriabrava compared to other Costa Brava towns?

Pascal Messelier

Would the area not suit certain types of people, i.e. are there any possible downsides ?

This area, the “Bay of Roses” (called out in 2012 by National Geographic to be one of the most beautiful days of the world) only has advantages. Clean air (no industry), good reachability (car, highspeed train, flights from Girona and Perignan, 45-minute drive from Empuriabrava) and close to the French border. Only 1.5-hour drive from the first ski resort.

What proportion of the local population are Spanish?

Twenty percent, I think. You better check this through another person or website or give a call to the town hall itself: castellocat.

What are your favourite things to do in the area?

Everything! Culture, gastronomics (specialty of combining mountain and sea ingredients), sports, all kinds possible!

Can you give us some insider tips to the best bars or restaurants?

Of course. What kind of restaurants and bars? Restaurant Compartir in Cadaques for example. Typical Spanish bar is Rincun Cubano in Empuriabrava. I’ve got more if you want…

Are there many facilities such as doctors and dentists, shops etc?

Yes. There are enough and they all stay open on a yearly basis except from a few shops (typical summer clothing shops).


Are there smaller villages nearby that you might also recommend?

Figueres (Dali Museum); Rosas (biggest and most important fisherman’s village once passed the French border); Escala and Sant Marti D’Empuries with its ruins; and Escala known for its anchovies.

What are the nearest international schools and how good are they?

In Rosas and Figueres I think. Better look it up via Google. No idea. Do not have kids.

Coming onto buying property, what is the market like now in terms of prices going up, or down or staying the same?

Prices of properties are more or less very fluctuant. It depends on the area and the owners (most of them are foreigners). It also depends on whether they need to sell their property soon or they are not in a hurry. Other factors that can affect the price include whether they are coast properties or inland properties; whether they are old foreigners who are selling (mostly coastal properties) or new foreigners who are selling (mostly coastal properties although these are bought in the high times, before the crisis); and whether they are locals or Catalan people who are selling. Moreover, only people with a good network (like our company) know when these homeowners are selling. So it’s difficult to get the right idea as a buyer to get a sort of price by m2. Negotiable? Yes! That’s for sure.


Is this a good time to buy and are there any repossessions or very cheap properties still available to buy?

Depends what the client is looking for. Of course as every where there are bargains. But this area is not fully constructed as in Costa Blanca or Costa Del Sol . So the offer is much smaller and the demand always the same. Costa Brava has always been a more expensive area to buy. We do not have sun, sea, beer destinations here as in the south.

How much are the typical property prices in Empuriabrava for apartments, villas etc?

There is no value or rate possible to give you as Empuriabrava will be exiting 50 years next year. And there are properties that need renovation. Some are renovated and some newly built. You can get an idea if you google Fotocasa and check out the average price of properties for Empuriabrava.

Any tips and advice to people looking to buy in Empuriabrava or surrounding area?

Yes! Come to us. We work with a wide range of collaborators who are all connected to API (Asocacion Professional Immobiliaria). And we also work on command – Mandato De Busca.

As an official realtor I have found my home in the very versatile Catalonia, Costa Brava, also called “Wild Coast.” I am Flemish and I have 28 years of experience in this sector with my native language and I also speak French, English, Spanish and German. For me it is a pleasure to help you and “gladly” find good property for the right people. We especially help people who want to enjoy the Spanish sun and culture, and they therefore are looking for a home, whether it is for a vacation or to live.

The buying and selling of real estate are transactions in which I exercise due care. It is this that every penny is well spent. However, I don’t have a unilateral approach in the aspect of finance. A house is designed to enhance the enjoyment of one’s life and that’s what we go for!

Before establishing Immo Plaza Spain, I worked for eight years with three colleagues in this region, and I got to know the market well. My license can be found in the official records of the API ( and AICAT (

Pascal, thank you so much for taking the time to help our readers with your experiences in Spain. If you want to contact him, you can find his details below.

Immo Plaza Spain

Avenida Europa, Edificio Bahia III 17487 Empuriabrava Costa Brava, Girona, Spain Tel. +34 872 222 420 Email: [email protected] Website:

Here is an interesting tourist video on Empuriabrava.

Contact us to be featured – we want more expat interviews for our newsletter and website. You don’t need to be an estate agent, we want to hear from anyone who lives in Spain whether you are working or retired.

About the Author

Mark Eastwood

Mark Eastwood

Main author and owner of which was started in 2004 when I first moved to Spain.

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As well as my own articles we have many contributions from professionally qualified experts in varied occupations in Spain.

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Empuriabrava ( Ampuriabrava in Spanish) is a tourist area of 42.258222 3.074669 1 Castelló d'Empúries town approximately 120 km northeast of Barcelona on the coast of Girona in Catalonia . The town is home to one of the world's largest man-made marinas with channels cutting through the whole northern part of the urban area.

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The town consists mostly of tourist accommodations creating great seasonal changes with an estimated population of 80,000 in the summer dropping to just a few thousands in winter.

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From Europe : Crossing the French border by motorway AP-7 or state road N-II. The exit of the motorway is the nº 3. State road C-260, direction Figueres. The road to Empuriabrava is the C-260, taking the Figueres-Roses exit, direction Roses.

From Barcelona or Girona : By motorway AP-7 or state road N-II. The exit of the motorway is the nº 4. State road C-260, direction France. The road to Empuriabrava is the C-260, taking the Figueres-Roses exit, direction Roses.

From the Pyrenees : State road N-260, direction Figueres. After Navata, turn right, the road C-26 direction Castelló d'Empúries. Then, the state road N-II direction France. The road to Empuriabrava is the C-260, taking the Figueres-Roses exit, direction Roses.

Buses from Barcelona, and Girona.

The nearest train station (RENFE) is in Figueres, 15 km from Empuriabrava. From there, bus towards Castelló d'Empúries and Empuriabrava.

AVE and TGV trains arrive at the Figueres-Vilafant railway station. From there, there are buses back to the bus station in Figueres, and from the Bus Station, there are buses to Castelló d'Empúries and Empuriabrava.

  • Girona Airport : The nearest airport is Girona-Costa Brava, an important base for Ryanair. During the summer season, a bus to the town is available.
  • The major international airport at Barcelona-El Prat is 160 km to the south, around two hours by car. There is a bus from Barcelona Airport to Figueres, and then take a second bus to Empuriabrava.

Empuriabrava is a huge marina with many private docking places. There is a public port also.

  • 42.2478 3.127946 1 Marina D’Empuriabrava , Sector Club Nàutic Edf. Capitania s/n , ☏ +34 972 451 239 , [email protected] . ( updated Sep 2023 )

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Since Empuriabrava is a town mainly consisting of tourism, it is not hard finding something interesting to do. Sailing around the marina in a rented boat is one of the most popular things to do. Also the beach is a great place to spend your day. The sandy beach is about 90 m wide, and the water is at great temperatures during the summer. However, it is recommended that you use the beach primarily in the morning before noon as the sun reaches very powerful levels around noon and the heat builds up until late afternoon.

  • Skydive Empuriabrava is based at the airfield north side of town.

There are many routes around the city. The GR 92 long-distance walking route crosses near thecity.

The Pirinexus and the EuroVelo EV8 long distance bike routes cross Castello d'Empuries connected to Empuriabrava by route CN-M.

  • 42.26395 3.11114 2 Karting Cross Empuriabrava , ☏ +34 722 16 97 70 . ( updated Oct 2023 )
  • 42.26029 3.11202 3 Karting Empuriabrava , ☏ +34972 19 98 91 . ( updated Oct 2023 )
  • 42.266607 3.127025 1 La llar , C-260 road, km40,5 , ☏ +34 972 25 53 68 . 1 Michelin star .  

There is a great number of cafés and restaurants located all over the city, especially concentrated around the main shopping boulevard Carrer Port Salins and Carrer Salins 1 Linea at the beachside.

As of Jan 2024, Empuriabrava and its approach highways have 5G from all Spanish carriers.

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Seeing a map or an aerial photograph of Empuriabrava is more than enough to understand its enormous uniqueness. Empuriabrava is a residential centre criss-crossed by navigable canals and built according to the Venetian urban model. It currently has 24 kilometres of navigable inland canals, a true natural paradise for nautical enthusiasts.

Due to its nature, Empuriabrava is a very touristic town where you will find a wide range of holiday homes to buy or rent from Inmobiliaria Montse . Fans of adventure sports also have in Empuriabrava a reference to take into account, as this Alt Empordà town has a sports aerodrome with a wind tunnel where you can go skydiving.

Weekly market

Every Saturday.

Time: from 09:00 to 14:00h.

Location: Promenade.



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Our goal is to provide the highest quality services to make your clients fall in love with Russia.

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Whether you are looking to get the most out of a tight budget or prefer premium luxury when discovering Russia, Olta Travel will be your perfect partner.

Let us make your tour to Russia a memorable experience, so you can enjoy a worry-free journey!

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How to Visit Russia as an American

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 Luxy Images / Getty Images

While U.S. citizens are welcomed with visas on arrival to 184 countries around the world, Russia isn’t one of them. American citizens need to obtain a Russian tourist visa before they’re allowed to depart for the country. 

There is one loophole, at least for now: cruise passengers are allowed to visit Russia without a tourist visa for up to 72 hours, presuming they follow a rigid set of rules. 

If you’re an American looking to plan a trip to Russia, here are your travel options.

How to Get a Russian Tourist Visa

Americans looking to visit Russia on tourist visas have two options, a single-entry visa for $113 or a multiple entry visa for $273 dollars. It’s recommended to apply for Russia travel visas 30 to 90 days before departure, but procrastinators can typically pay extra to have visa applications expedited.

The first step in getting a visa to visit Russia is securing a formal invitation. This is easier than it sounds. The Petr Hotel in St. Petersburg, Russia , for example, offers guests visa invitation letters instantly online for a $16 fee. Many hotels, tour operators and travel agents provide similar services.

Once you’ve got your invitation letter, you’ll need to fill out an online Russia tourist visa application , but prepare yourself. The application asks for a detailed log of your past decade of travel abroad as well as for information about your schooling, parents, occupation, and involvement with professional or other organizations. If you’re an avid traveler it might take you awhile.

After completing your application, you'll need to submit it through a visa processing company and pay the required fees. Travisa , CIBT Visas , and Allied Passport & Visa are among the companies you can use. For Travisa, processing fees start at $164, but that’s in addition to the visa fee itself. 

You will need to send in your physical passport and two passport size photos as part of the process. If approved, your passport will be returned to you with a full-page Russian tourist visa. 

Getting a visa to visit Russia can be a good way to avoid the crowds that often accompany large cruise ships and to have more time and freedom to explore on your terms. Lines at the Hermitage Museum and other sites are noticeably shorter once the cruise ships have pulled out of town, leaving a more authentic feeling in St. Petersburg. If you’re looking to visit Moscow and St. Petersburg , you’ll want more than 72 hours and will be best served by having a Russian tourist visa.

Take a Visa-Free Cruise to Russia

Passengers visiting Russia on cruise ships or via ferry services are allowed to stay in the country for up to 72 hours without a visa. This option limits both your time and independence in Russia.

If you’re on a major cruise line that’s making a stop in St. Petersburg, you’ll need to buy a shore excursion from the operator or book a city tour with a local company. You will need to remain with your tour group the entire time you’re on land, so kiss that casual wandering goodbye.

If you opt for the St. Peter Line ferry from Helsinki, you’ll have a little more freedom but not much. You’ll have to either sleep on the ferry or at one of a number of pre-approved hotels. You’ll also need to take the company’s sightseeing bus tour, something that’ll eat into the precious little time you’ll actually have on land.

And while you won’t need a tourist visa, you’ll still have to go through Russian customs, which can be an experience.

It’s worth keeping in mind the St. Peter Line ferry is no luxury cruise ship. Rooms are small and basic, with the most budget-friendly options coming in at around $230, not including extras like the required shore tour, an extra $30 per person. There are restaurants, bars, and a dance club on board, but ships sailing this route look like they’re straight out of the 1990s.

This option will save you visa fees and the hassle of applying for a Russia travel visa, but there is a cost. Ferry schedules typically have passengers arriving in St. Petersburg around 9 a.m. after an overnight journey from Helsinki and departing two days later around 7 p.m., giving visitors a scant 58 hours to explore a sprawling metropolitan area that was Russia's imperial capital for two centuries and remains its cultural capital.

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Russia Travel Advisory

Travel advisory september 5, 2023, russia - level 4: do not travel.

Updated to remove COVID-specific information and the kidnapping risk indicator as well as updates to security risks.

Do not travel to Russia due to the unpredictable consequences of the  unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian military forces , the potential for  harassment and the singling out of U.S. citizens for detention by Russian government security officials , the  arbitrary enforcement of local law ,  limited flights into and out of Russia , the  Embassy’s limited ability to assist U.S. citizens in Russia , and the possibility of  terrorism .  U.S. citizens residing or travelling in Russia should depart immediately.  Exercise increased caution due to  the risk of wrongful detentions.

The U.S. government’s ability to provide routine or emergency services to U.S. citizens in Russia is severely limited, particularly in areas far from the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, due to Russian government limitations on travel for embassy personnel and staffing, and the ongoing suspension of operations, including consular services, at U.S. consulates.

There have been numerous reports of drone attacks, explosions, and fires in areas in Western and Southern Russia, particularly near the Russian border with Ukraine, as well as in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the event of an emergency, U.S. citizens should follow instructions from local authorities and seek shelter immediately.

In September 2022, the Russian government mobilized citizens to the armed forces in support of its invasion of Ukraine. Russia may refuse to acknowledge dual nationals’ U.S. citizenship, deny their access to U.S. consular assistance, subject them to mobilization, prevent their departure from Russia, and/or conscript them. 

U.S. citizens should note that U.S. credit and debit cards no longer work in Russia, and options to electronically transfer funds from the United States are extremely limited due to sanctions imposed on Russian banks. There are reports of cash shortages within Russia.

Commercial flight options are extremely limited and are often unavailable on short notice. If you wish to depart Russia, you should make independent arrangements as soon as possible. The U.S. Embassy has severe limitations on its ability to assist U.S. citizens to depart the country and transportation options may suddenly become even more limited. Click  here  for Information for U.S. Citizens Seeking to Depart Russia.

U.S. Embassy personnel are generally not permitted to travel on Russian air carriers due to safety concerns.  The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) downgraded the air safety rating for Russia from Category 1 to Category 2 on April 21, 2022, due to Russia’s Federal Agency for Air Transport noncompliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) safety standards.  The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued a Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM) prohibiting U.S. aviation operations into, out of, within, or over those areas of the Moscow Flight Information Region (FIR), the Samara FIR (UWWW) and the Rostov-na-Donu (URRV) FIR within 160NM of the boundaries of the Dnipro (UKDV) Flight Information Regions. For more information, U.S. citizens should consult the  Federal Aviation Administration’s Prohibitions, Restrictions, and Notices .

The right of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression are not consistently protected in Russia. U.S. citizens should avoid all political or social protests and not photograph security personnel at these events. Russian authorities have arrested U.S. citizens who have participated in demonstrations and there are numerous reports Russian nationals have been detained for social media activity. 

Country Summary:

U.S. citizens, including former and current U.S. government and military personnel and private citizens engaged in business who are visiting or residing in Russia, have been interrogated without cause and threatened by Russian officials, and may become victims of harassment, mistreatment, and extortion. 

Russian security services may fail to notify the U.S. Embassy of the detention of a U.S. citizen and unreasonably delay U.S. consular assistance. Russian security services are increasing the arbitrary enforcement of local laws to target foreign and international organizations they consider “undesirable.”

Russian security services have arrested U.S. citizens on spurious charges, singled out U.S. citizens in Russia for detention and harassment, denied them fair and transparent treatment, and convicted them in secret trials or without presenting credible evidence. Furthermore, Russian authorities arbitrarily enforce local laws against U.S. citizen religious workers and have opened questionable criminal investigations against U.S. citizens engaged in religious activity. U.S. citizens should avoid travel to Russia to perform work for or volunteer with non-governmental organizations or religious organizations.

There have been multiple security incidents in southwestern Russia related to Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Ukraine. The Russian government declared martial law in Russia’s regions bordering Ukraine (Bryansk, Kursk, Belgorod, Voronezh, Rostov, Krasnodar) on October 20, 2022. The martial law regime allows the rapid introduction of restrictive measures such as curfew, seizure of private property, restriction of entry/exit and freedom of movement, internment of foreigners, forced relocation of local residents, and restrictions on public gatherings. U.S. citizens should avoid all travel to these areas.

Recent legislation has expanded the ability of Russian authorities to detain, question, and arrest individuals suspected of acting against Russia’s interests, including posts on personal social media accounts, engaging with foreign and international entities, discrediting the Russian state or military, as well as advocating for the rights of LGBTQI+ persons.

Terrorist groups, both transnational and local terrorist organizations, and individuals inspired by extremist ideology continue plotting possible attacks in Russia. Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs and systems, markets/shopping malls, local government facilities, hotels, clubs, restaurants, places of worship, parks, major sporting and cultural events, educational institutions, airports, and other public areas. Travel to the North Caucasus (including Chechnya and Mt. Elbrus) is prohibited for U.S. government employees and strongly discouraged for U.S. citizens.

The international community, including the United States and Ukraine, does not recognize Russia’s purported annexation of Crimea as well as four other Ukrainian oblasts – Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhya – that Russia has purported to annex more recently. There is extensive Russian Federation military presence in these areas. Russia staged its further invasion of Ukraine, in part, from occupied Crimea, and Russia is likely to take further military actions in Crimea, and the four other Ukrainian oblasts are the subject of intensive fighting. There are continuing abuses against foreigners and the local population by the occupation authorities in these regions, particularly against those who are seen as challenging Russia’s authority.

The U.S. Embassy in Kyiv continues to provide consular services to U.S. citizens in Crimea as well as four other Ukrainian oblasts partially occupied by Russia – Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhya, although the ongoing conflict severely restricts the Embassy’s ability to provide services in these areas.

Read the  country information page  for additional information on travel to Russia.

If you decide to travel to Russia:

  • Familiarize yourself with the information on  what the U.S. government can and cannot do to assist you in a crisis overseas .
  • Have a contingency plan in place that does not rely on U.S. government assistance. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .
  • Monitor local and international media for breaking events and adjust your contingency plans based on the new information.
  • Ensure travel documents are valid and easily accessible.
  • Visit our website for  Travel to High-Risk Areas .
  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter .
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for Russia.
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest  Travel Health Information  related to your travel.

Travel Advisory Levels

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Ampuria Inn

Ampuria Inn

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based on 3,851 reviews

About Ampuria Inn

  • Hotel Room You’ll have a private room with all the hotel’s amenities
  • Freebies This stay includes Wi-Fi and Parking for free

Photos of Ampuria Inn

Latest deals for ampuria inn, amenities at ampuria inn.

  • Outdoor pool
  • Fitness center
  • Coffee shop
  • Free parking
  • Wi-Fi available in all areas
  • Flat-screen TV
  • Cable or satellite TV
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Free toiletries
  • Smoke alarms
  • Air-conditioned

Accessibility and suitability

  • Pets allowed on request. Charges may apply.
  • Accessible by elevator
  • Non-feather pillow
  • Upper floors accessible by elevator
  • Designated smoking area
  • Toilet paper
  • Private bathroom

Pool and spa

Services and conveniences

  • Wake-up service
  • Safety deposit box
  • Meeting/Banquet facilities
  • Key card access
  • Express check-out
  • 24hr front desk

Media and entertainment

  • Shared lounge/TV area
  • Family rooms
  • Tile/marble floor
  • Storage available
  • Terrace/Patio
  • Refrigerator

Parking and transportation

  • Private parking
  • Socket near the bed
  • Wardrobe or closet

Health and safety

  • Daily housekeeping

Things to do

Family friendly

  • Cribs available

Reviews of Ampuria Inn

All reviews are collected from real users with a verified booking made with KAYAK or one of our trusted external partners.

Learn how KAYAK collects reviews.

  • Staff is very friendly ! (in 22 reviews)
  • Good location and very friendly staff. (in 6 reviews)
  • The room was very clean. (in 13 reviews)
  • Free parking on the grounds. (in 2 reviews)
  • Bad smell in the room! (in 3 reviews)
  • Air conditioning made us both Ill. (in 3 reviews)

What's nearby

  • Minigolf Carmanso 1.2 mi
  • Parc Natural dels Aiguamolls de l'Emporda 2.7 mi

Essential information about Ampuria Inn

When to book a room at ampuria inn, top tips for your stay at ampuria inn.

  • If you’re after a cheap room at Ampuria Inn, then you should consider staying during the low season. The cheapest deals can generally be found in November and December.
  • Prices can also vary depending on which day of the week you stay. For the best room deals at Ampuria Inn, plan to stay on a Wednesday or Friday. The most expensive day is usually Sunday.
  • The cheapest price a room at Ampuria Inn was booked for on KAYAK in the last 2 weeks was $73, while the most expensive was $73.
  • How long should you stay at Ampuria Inn? KAYAK users usually book their rooms here for 3 days.

FAQs when booking at Ampuria Inn

Where is ampuria inn located.

Ampuria Inn is located at Av Tramuntana- Puigmal, 5, 1.5 miles from the center of Empuriabrava. Minigolf Carmanso is the closest landmark to Ampuria Inn.

When is check-in time and check-out time at Ampuria Inn?

Check-in time is 2:00 PM and check-out time is 12:00 PM at Ampuria Inn.

Does Ampuria Inn offer free Wi-Fi?

Yes, Ampuria Inn offers free Wi-Fi.

Does Ampuria Inn offer free parking?

Yes, Ampuria Inn offers free parking.

How far is Ampuria Inn from the airport?

Ampuria Inn is 30.5 miles from Girona Costa Brava. Ampuria Inn is 35.2 miles from Perpignan Llabanere.

Does Ampuria Inn have a pool?

Yes, Ampuria Inn has a pool onsite.

How does KAYAK find such great Ampuria Inn hotel deals?

KAYAK scours the web for all room deals available at Ampuria Inn in Empuriabrava and lets you compare them to find the best rate for your stay. Many different travel sites will offer discounts or deals at different times for rooms at Ampuria Inn and KAYAK will provide you with prices from a huge range of travel sites. That means that you can always find a great deal for Ampuria Inn.

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Is it possible to visit Russia as a tourist right now? (Q&A)

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Who can enter Russia as a tourist?

At present, people from 80 countries can enter Russia. There are two main conditions: first, one must be a citizen of that country or have a permanent residence permit; and second - one needs to enter Russia by plane. The primary document that regulates entry during the coronavirus pandemic is Order no. 635-r (March 16, 2020), which is regularly updated. 

Some of the countries on the list include the United States, Britain, Greece, Germany, Tunisia, Israel, Japan, Armenia, Qatar, Portugal, Mexico, Croatia, Belgium, China, France, Denmark, New Zealand, Iran, Peru, Norway and Argentina. Click here for the full list. 

In the meantime, any country with which Russia currently has a travel agreement can serve as the port of departure (however, the transit country must be on the above list).

What type of visa is required?

Those who already have a valid Russian visa - and citizens of the above countries - can enter Russia using that visa. Those who do require a visa can submit their documents at the Russian consulate in their home country.

ampuria travel

What is still not possible at this point is obtaining a unified electronic visa (a type of visa that is valid for up to 16 days, takes only four days to process and does not require submitting any documents relating to the purpose of visit). Therefore, in order to receive a regular tourist visa (valid up to six months) it is necessary to have a confirmed accommodation booking or an agreement with a travel agency.

Is a COVID test required?

Yes, PCR tests must be performed no earlier than 48 hours before arriving in Russia. The results must be printed in Russian or English (this is required even if you received a Sputnik-V vaccine shot). If you’re flying with children, they, too, must obtain a test, irrespective of age. And a form for arrivals must be filled in before entering the country.

Who is not affected by the rules? 

These restrictions don’t apply to foreigners with a valid Russian residence permit or those with close relatives. They can enter Russia from any country using any means of transportation, including by land.

ampuria travel

They also do not apply to partially recognized republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, as well as citizens of Belarus (or those with Belarusian permanent residence permits), Kazakhstan and citizens of the Donetsk and Lugansk national republics. Entering by land is also possible when traveling from Mongolia or China. 

Furthermore, if Eurasian Economic Union citizens cross over by land, they don’t have to submit a coronavirus test or fill out the arrivals form. 

Is vaccination required? 

No. The QR codes required for visiting public gatherings before spring (including cafes, bars, hotels, etc.) are no longer required in the majority of regions. The same goes for various other COVID restrictions: regions have the final say, but almost all have been lifted.

What about masks?

ampuria travel

Masks are also no longer a requirement. However, some regions still require people to wear masks in some places, including stores, pharmacies, shopping malls, movie theaters and so on. In Moscow, the rule on masks has been completely lifted, while, for example, in Kaliningrad, some places still enforce them. 

Are there any quarantine regulations in place?

No, you will not be required to quarantine on arrival to Russia. However, if you get sick in Russia, you will have to be quarantined for a period of seven days at your own expense. Those who have come in contact with infected people do not require quarantining (provided they did not contract the coronavirus). 

Important! In many countries, there are still restrictions on LEAVING for the purpose of tourism, so having a Russian visa does not guarantee you will get permission to leave your country. This must be clarified before making any trips.

The information listed here is valid as of June 1, 2022. 

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    Avenida Europa, Edificio Bahia III. 17487 Empuriabrava. Costa Brava, Girona, Spain. Tel. +34 872 222 420. Email: [email protected]. Website: Here is an interesting tourist video on Empuriabrava. Contact us to be featured - we want more expat interviews for our newsletter and website.

  9. Empuriabrava

    Empuriabrava ( Ampuriabrava in Spanish) is a tourist area of 1 Castelló d'Empúries town approximately 120 km northeast of Barcelona on the coast of Girona in Catalonia. The town is home to one of the world's largest man-made marinas with channels cutting through the whole northern part of the urban area. The beach.


    AMPURIA TRAVEL: Tipul agentiei de turism: INTERMEDIARA Data emiterii licentei de turism: 30.01.2019 Site web: Adresa: STR ARCASILOR, NR 8, AP 2, CORBEANCA, ILFOV Denumire firma: AMPURIA TRAVEL SRL CUI: 32060884 Registrul comertului: J23/383/2018

  11. The 15 Best Things to Do in Empuriabrava

    Karting Empuriabrava. 23. Game & Entertainment Centers. The best Karting (GoKarts) of the Costa Brava. 800 m of track with 8 m wide. A safe and fun track. To come with friends and family. 8. Mini Golf Magic Green. 14.

  12. Travel Support

    Call Apria's Travel Department at 1.844.235.2738 at least 4 to 6 weeks before you plan on leaving (or as soon as possible). The time is needed to allow us to make arrangements, including ensuring that Apria branches are prepared to meet your specific needs. Weekday vs. Weekend Travel. Apria's weekend hours vary by location.

  13. Amiri Travel

    I'd highly recommend Amiri Travel to anyone. PETER DOUST. We provide tour packages to exciting new destinations for you to experience new people, cultures and traditions. Each tour is tailor-made after in-depth destination research and include: luxury escapes, honeymoon specials, safari holidays and special 'hot-deals', among others. ...

  14. 16 Best Hotels in Empuriabrava. Hotels from $67/night

    Discover the best prices and deals for you by selecting your travel dates. Choose your dates. Most recommended Empuriabrava hotels. Show all. Ampuria Inn. 8.1 Very good. $120+ $120+ Parking. Free Wi-Fi. Pool. Pet friendly. Xon's Platja HA. ... while popular hotels with free parking in Empuriabrava include Ampuria Inn and Aparthotel Giuliano.

  15. American Express Travel: Book Flights, Hotels, Cars, Cruises & More

    Eligible travel purchases are limited to: (i) purchases of air tickets on scheduled flights, of up to $500,000 in charges per calendar year, booked directly with passenger airlines or through American Express Travel (by calling 1-800-525-3355 or through; (ii) purchases of prepaid hotel reservations booked through American ...

  16. Empuriabrava

    Empuriabrava is a residential centre criss-crossed by navigable canals and built according to the Venetian urban model. It currently has 24 kilometres of navigable inland canals, a true natural paradise for nautical enthusiasts. Due to its nature, Empuriabrava is a very touristic town where you will find a wide range of holiday homes to buy or ...


    AMPURIA TRAVEL SRL. Presentation. Activitati ale agentiilor turistice. General info. Fiscal Identification Code: 32060884 Registry of Commerce Number: J23/383/2018 NACE CODE: (7911) Travel agency activities. Contact. Address: Strada Arcasilor Nr. 8, CORBEANCA, ILFOV; External links.

  18. OLTA Travel

    Our goal is to provide the highest quality services to make your clients fall in love with Russia. OLTA Travel is a leading Russian DMC with offices in Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Irkutsk (Lake Baikal). Tour operators, travel agencies, and other businesses from more than 53 countries have selected us to experience an unforgettable Eurasian ...


    Now £60 on Tripadvisor: Ampuria Inn Hotel, Empuriabrava. See 189 traveller reviews, 74 candid photos, and great deals for Ampuria Inn Hotel, ranked #6 of 10 hotels in Empuriabrava and rated 3 of 5 at Tripadvisor. Prices are calculated as of 19/05/2024 based on a check-in date of 26/05/2024.

  20. How to Visit Russia as an American

    This option will save you visa fees and the hassle of applying for a Russia travel visa, but there is a cost. Ferry schedules typically have passengers arriving in St. Petersburg around 9 a.m. after an overnight journey from Helsinki and departing two days later around 7 p.m., giving visitors a scant 58 hours to explore a sprawling metropolitan area that was Russia's imperial capital for two ...

  21. Russia Travel Advisory

    Travel Advisory. September 5, 2023. Russia - Level 4: Do Not Travel. O D U T. Updated to remove COVID-specific information and the kidnapping risk indicator as well as updates to security risks. Do not travel to Russia due to the unpredictable consequences of the unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian military forces, the ...

  22. Ampuria Inn from $60. Empuriabrava Hotel Deals & Reviews

    Search for Ampuria Inn discounts in Empuriabrava with KAYAK. Search for the cheapest hotel deal for Ampuria Inn in Empuriabrava. KAYAK searches hundreds of travel sites to help you find and book the hotel deal at Ampuria Inn that suits you best. $77 per night (Latest starting price for this hotel).

  23. Is it possible to visit Russia as a tourist right now? (Q&A)

    Yes, PCR tests must be performed no earlier than 48 hours before arriving in Russia. The results must be printed in Russian or English (this is required even if you received a Sputnik-V vaccine ...