patagonia photo tour

Divided between Chile and Argentina, one step away from the end of the land, and two from the peninsula of Antarctica, Patagonia is a primeval land, which evokes a literary image of courageous expeditions, majestic landscapes and unspoiled nature.

Exploring Patagonia means immersing yourself in a rugged, untamed, yet majestic landscape where solitude becomes an experience! Endless expanses, turquoise lagoons, spectacular mountain peaks, and gigantic glacier panoramas describe the wild beauty of this region.

Our journey begins in Chile – at the border of Tierra del Fuego – and takes us through the Patagonian desert along Ruta-40 to El Chaltén in Argentina.

Join us in conquering the legendary Argentinean National Park Los Glaciares, photograph the surreal ice formations of the mighty Perito Moreno Glacier, the famous Fitz Roy Massif, or let yourself be amazed by the majestic peaks in the Torres del Paine National Park in Chile.

Our internationally renowned landscape photographer & coach – Marco Bottigelli – will guid

Day 1 : Punta Arenas

Your individual journey to Patagonia typically includes two layovers: in Madrid and Santiago de Chile. If you wish, there’s an opportunity to meet up with the group at both airports and continue the journey together.

Upon arrival in Chile, specifically in Punta Arenas – the southernmost city in the world and the furthest point south of our trip – we head to our nearby hotel. Here, you’ll have ample time to settle in and recover from the long journey. In the evening, we’ll get to know each other better over a communal dinner in this vibrant southern Chilean city, setting the tone for the days ahead.

patagonia photo tour

Day 2 : Torres del Paine National Park

Our journey heads north the following morning, with our eagerly anticipated destination being the Torres del Paine National Park. This park is not only one of the most famous among Chile’s 36 national parks, but it also boasts one of South America’s most spectacular mountain groups: the Cordillera del Paine. Its three needle-like granite peaks, reaching up to 3,000 meters high, form the unmistakable and simultaneously overwhelming landmark of the region. The breathtaking mountain landscape is not the only charm of the park. Gigantic glaciers, tranquil fjords, crystal-clear lakes, enchanted swamps, fairy-tale-like cypress forests – the southernmost in the world – and fresh grasslands with colorful orchids will leave you in awe. And that’s not all: the vast national park is home to shy pumas, lively nandus, majestic Andean condors, and the pretty guanacos. You’ll notice: the diversity of this landscape is almost limitless, particularly due to its unique location between the Magellanic subpolar forest and the Patagonian steppe.

As our anticipation grows immeasurably, we take a short break in Puerto Natales – the last town before entering the national park – after about a three-hour drive. We enjoy a leisurely lunch there, calmly refuel for the upcoming tour, and make the final preparations for the next few days. Then we immerse ourselves in the impressive world of the Torres del Paine National Park. We reach our cozy hotel, which offers an unforgettable view of the surrounding mountain landscape, in the afternoon. From a viewpoint near the hotel, we get our first fantastic view of the sharp granite towers of the Paine Massif and look forward to photographing this mountain landscape from various locations and at different times of the day in the coming days. We enjoy a delicious Chilean dinner at the hotel and recover from today’s journey.

patagonia photo tour

Day 3-5 : Torres del Paine National Park

Over the next three days, we will explore the spectacular landscape of the Torres del Paine National Park together. Mighty granite rocks, bubbling waterfalls, and turquoise lakes create a mesmerizing scenario that fulfills every photographer’s dream. Our days start with a delicious breakfast. Early in the morning, we leave the hotel together to capture the nearby landscape in the most beautiful light at sunrise. We will spend the subsequent mornings in the Torres del Paine National Park exploring and enjoying Lake Pehoe and its surroundings. The lake is known for its radiant, turquoise glacier water. Many travelers report never having seen such an intense water color before. Imagine green peninsulas in the lake and the gigantic mountain rocks of the Paine Massif with its vertical granite needles, icy peaks, and steeply layered rock blocks as a background motif: an almost endless abundance of photo motifs! The spots carefully selected by our photographer promise changing perspectives and exciting views of this fascinating panorama. Afterwards, we return to the hotel for a break and lunch.

In the afternoon, we continue to explore the national park, refreshed and strengthened, until sunset. We also head to more distant destinations. For example, the gigantic Lake Grey with its rugged ice sculptures in the water awaits us. The lake is located at the foot of the massive glacier of the same name, the Grey Glacier, whose white-blue end of the glacier tongue can be easily recognized and photographed from a distance. Smaller ice blocks repeatedly split off from the gigantic ice mass: wonderful photo motifs that gradually glide onto the water surface and present themselves to us. We admire the roaring Salto Grande waterfall, which powerfully thrusts its blue shimmering masses of water into the Rio Paine, making it – along with playful rapids in the river – an attractive photo motif for us. On our tours, we also come across enchanted, beautifully blue-green sparkling lagoons, which we will dedicate ourselves to photographically in peace. Especially in calm weather, we can capture impressive reflections of the mountains in the water. Of course, during our tours through the park, we always keep an eye out for animal companions such as guanaco herds, which we are very likely to see. And perhaps our photographic luck is even so great that we can spot a puma in its natural habitat and capture it with our cameras. In the evening, we strengthen ourselves with a communal meal at the hotel and then discuss both your photo results from the Torres del Paine National Park and upcoming questions about photography in Patagonia.

patagonia photo tour

Day 6 : Drive through the patagonian desert

Today we drive to the northernmost point of our joint photo tour: to El Chaltén, an idyllic Argentinian mountain village with a tranquil hippie character in Los Glacieres National Park. The small town gained worldwide fame in 2012, when the Austrian mountaineer David Lama managed to free climb the almost vertical granite face of Cerro Torre for the first time. We don’t want to go that high, but El Chaltén’s exposed location – in the middle of one of the most impressive mountain massifs in Patagonia – also makes it an ideal starting point for us to explore the region with our cameras. To get there, We cross the border into Argentina and travel about 400 kilometers through the Patagonian desert via the well-known Ruta-40 – the South American Route 66. During the panoramic drive, you can look forward to endless expanses of steppe, alternating plateaus and small river valleys and gorges. There is enough time to stop and unpack the camera, for example to photograph passing guanacos for eternity. Once the unmistakable peaks of Mount Fitz Roy, some 12,000 feet high, and the three spiers of Cerro Torres, 10,000 feet high, appear on the horizon, we know our destination is not far off. The two high The steep, smooth granite mountains of the Argentinian-Chilean Andes are only about four kilometers apart as the crow flies, giving a unique overall picture. After arriving at our hotel in El Chaltén, we recover from the long drive and enjoy a delicious dinner together.

patagonia photo tour

Day 7-9 : El Chalten, Fitz Roy and Cherro Torre

Over the next three days, we’ll seek the best photographic angles for the distinctive granite towers of Fitz Roy and Cerro Torre, which stretch high into the Patagonian sky. We’ll capture iconic scenes, such as the straight road leading to El Chaltén with the breathtaking mountain panorama in the background. To reach the most spectacular viewpoints at the foot of the mountain panorama, we’ll undertake varied hikes to both Fitz Roy and Cerro Torre. We’ll set off in the dark to capture the beautiful morning light, covering approximately 20 kilometers each time. With only about 300 meters of elevation to overcome, these hikes are manageable with moderate fitness.

Our hike at the foot of the Fitz Roy Massif takes us along the untamed Las Vueltas mountain river, pausing frequently to capture the imposing panorama. We’ll admire the 20-meter-high Chorillo del Salto waterfall, capturing its unique beauty with flowing long exposures. We’ll also visit a hidden waterfall, a real insider tip from our photographer!

We’ll pass the sparkling Laguna Capri, offering crystal clear water and a beautiful natural panorama with a view of the mountains. We’ll focus particularly on the 3,000-meter-high Aguja Poincenot mountain, part of the massif, named in memory of the famous French mountaineer Jacques Poincenot.

The hike to the foot of Cerro Torre offers many unique natural spectacles. We’ll traverse enchanting valleys and mystical forests, leading to the highlight of this tour: the glittering glacier lake Laguna Torre. Nestled in untouched nature, with the glacier tongue of Torres and the gigantic high mountain Cerro Solo, the turquoise lagoon appears like a precious jewel, gently cradling small and large ice sculptures.

In the evenings, we’ll share the many impressions we’ve gathered during the day over dinner in the cozy and relaxed atmosphere of the hotel.

patagonia photo tour

Day 10-11 : Perito Moreno glacier

After bidding farewell to El Chaltén and casting a final glance at the peaks of the mountain massif, we head south on Ruta-40 to the town of El Calafate. Located close to the Patagonian ice field, it’s the perfect base for exploring the icy Perito Moreno Glacier. This fascinating ice giant impresses with its unusual appearance: its five-kilometer-long front rises up to 60 meters out of the water. With a total area of about 250 square kilometers, it surpasses the size of Argentina’s capital, Buenos Aires, making it the largest inland glacier beyond the poles and a truly extraordinary spectacle. Witness the awe-inspiring spectacle of house-sized glacier chunks crashing into the water, creating massive waves. This spectacle occurs frequently, as the glacier front of the Perito Moreno Glacier sheds smaller and larger ice blocks several times an hour. Interestingly, despite global warming, this glacier is one of the few worldwide that continues to grow, thanks in part to the climatic conditions prevailing in the national park.

After a comfortable night in our hotel and a delicious dinner, we look forward to an impressive day ahead. The next morning, after breakfast, we start our tour to Patagonia’s most prominent glacier. From a distance, you’ll hardly believe your eyes at the sight of the towering, blue shimmering ice mass. Feel the raw power of nature as you stand on one of the many viewing platforms in front of the imposing ice wall of the Perito Moreno Glacier. Enhance this experience by joining us on a breathtaking guided glacier hike and subsequently approaching the massive glacier tongue even closer by boat. This tour guarantees the best perspectives on this almost surreal natural spectacle. With countless impressions and full memory cards, we return to the hotel in the evening, share our experiences, and enjoy a delicious communal dinner.

patagonia photo tour

Day 12 : On the way back

After many eventful days in one of the most original and wildest landscapes on earth, we are now returning to Punta Arenas. During the approximately seven-hour drive, we cross the Chilean border again and drive along the coast on the Strait of Magellan. There will be time for some last shots of the desolated landscapes which exhaustively accompany the feeling of being at the end of the World.

patagonia photo tour

Day 13 : Transfer to the airport

After an unforgettable photo trip through Patagonia, it is unfortunately time to say goodbye to this beautiful region of South America. Together we make our way to the airport to start our journey home.

Note: We reserve the right to adjust the exact daily program on site at short notice, if necessary, in order to be able to respond to the respective weather and lighting conditions. With sunrise around 8:30 am, sunset around 8:15 pm and many kilometers of driving, it will be a busy schedule. In order to make the journey less stressful, we will ensure that you can take sufficient breaks.

Dates: 05.04.24

Price € : 5990, single room surcharge: 1490 €, language: english, tour leader: marco bottigelli.

To book this tour send an email to [email protected] or fill the form below

Tour Operator: Brockmann Photo & Travel

Included in the price

  • Constant assistance and tutoring by professional photographer Marco Bottigelli
  • Second English/German speaking assistant
  • Comfortable accommodations in 3 and 4 stars hotels (double room shared)
  • 4×4 cars and fuel
  • Entrance fees
  • Basic insurance

Excluded from the price

  • Flights to/from Punta Arenas
  • Visa, fees and flight taxes, excess baggage costs
  • Meals not included
  • Glacier hike fee
  • Single room occupancy
  • Personal expenses 
  • Extra insurances such as travel cancellation insurance etc.
  • Whatever not listed in “Included in the price”

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Photo Tours FAQ

Here, you'll find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about our photo tours. our tours are designed to cater to photographers of all skill levels, and are led by experienced photographers with profound knowledge of the locations we visit. read on to learn more about our tours and how to book..

Photo tours are an ideal way to enhance your photography skills and capture stunning photographs in breathtaking locations. As an experienced tour leader with profound knowledge of the destinations we visit, we can provide you with the expertise you need to take your photography to the next level.

Our photo tours are designed to offer unique opportunities for photographers of all skill levels to take breathtaking shots in picturesque locations. By joining our tours, you’ll have access to top-quality photography gear, as well as expert guidance and invaluable tips and techniques from experienced photographers.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced photographer, our photo tours are an excellent way to explore new locations, meet like-minded individuals, and create lasting memories.

Our photo tours take you to some of the most spectacular locations in the world, carefully selected by our experienced photographers who are location specialists. Our tours include destinations such as Patagonia, Namibia, Japan, Iceland, Madeira, Ireland, Italy, Norway, and many others.

Each of these destinations has been chosen for its stunning and unique landscape, perfect for capturing breathtaking photos. Our experienced photographers have profound knowledge of these locations, and will guide you through the best photography spots, provide tips and techniques, and help you capture unforgettable memories.

Yes, beginners are welcome on our photo tours! Our tours are designed to cater to photographers of all skill levels, and we provide expert guidance and tips to help beginners improve their skills and capture stunning photographs.

Our experienced photographers will be with you every step of the way, providing guidance on camera settings, composition, and other techniques to help you capture amazing shots. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced photographer, our photo tours offer a unique opportunity to learn from the best and capture stunning photographs.

Join us on one of our tours and let us help you take your photography skills to the next level, regardless of your skill leve

We recommend using a DSLR or mirrorless camera for our photo tours, as they offer greater flexibility and control for capturing stunning photographs. While the specific equipment required can vary depending on the destination, we generally recommend bringing a range of lenses from wide-angle to telephoto to capture a variety of perspectives.

In addition to your camera and lenses, we also recommend bringing filters to enhance your shots, such as polarizers or neutral density filters, as well as a sturdy tripod to ensure stability and sharpness in your shots. Our experienced photographers can provide guidance on equipment and settings, so don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have.

Ultimately, the equipment you bring will depend on your personal preferences and the specific destination. We recommend checking our website or contacting us for more information on the equipment needed for each tour.

Our photo tours are designed to provide a personalized and exclusive experience, so we limit the group size to a maximum of seven participants. This ensures that our experienced photographers can provide individual attention and guidance to each participant, helping them to capture the best possible shots and improve their photography skills.

With a smaller group size, we can also explore more off-the-beaten-path locations and provide a more intimate and immersive experience. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced photographer, our small group sizes ensure that you get the most out of your photography tour.

Join us on one of our photo tours and discover the benefits of exclusive, small group travel. With our experienced photographers as your guide, you’ll capture stunning photographs and create unforgettable memories.

When preparing for a photo tour, it’s important to bring the right gear and accessories to help you capture the best possible shots. Beyond your camera and lenses, we recommend bringing comfortable clothing and sturdy footwear suitable for outdoor activities and adventure travel.

We also suggest bringing a sense of adventure and a willingness to chase the best possible conditions for photography. Our tours are designed to take you to the most picturesque locations, often in remote or hard-to-reach areas, so a spirit of adventure and flexibility is key.

In addition, we recommend bringing any accessories that may be useful for your specific destination, such as a rain cover for your camera or hiking poles for challenging terrain. Our experienced photographers can provide additional guidance on what to bring for each tour, so don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have.

Our photo tours are designed to provide a comprehensive and immersive experience of each destination, while also allowing ample time for photography and exploration. The duration of each tour varies depending on the destination, but our tours typically range from 8 to 13 days, providing ample time to explore and capture stunning photographs.

Our experienced photographers will guide you through each location, providing expert advice on composition, lighting, and technique to help you capture the best possible shots. We also provide opportunities for image reviews and feedback sessions to help you improve your skills and techniques.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced photographer, our tours provide a unique and rewarding experience that combines photography, adventure, and cultural immersion.

Yes, we offer private photo tours for individuals or small groups who are looking for a more personalized and exclusive experience. Our private tours provide a flexible itinerary that can be customized to your specific interests and needs, allowing you to explore your preferred destinations at your own pace.

Our experienced photographers will work closely with you to create a tailored itinerary that matches your photography goals and preferences, providing expert guidance and support throughout the tour. You’ll have exclusive access to our photographers’ knowledge and expertise, ensuring that you capture stunning photographs and create lasting memories.

Our private tours are available for individuals or groups of up to 7 people, and can be scheduled at your convenience. Join us on a private photo tour and discover the beauty of the world’s most spectacular destinations in a personalized and exclusive way.

Our photo tours are unique in that we not only provide an immersive experience in some of the world’s most stunning destinations, but we also prioritize teaching our participants how to improve their photography skills.

What sets our tours apart is our focus on small group sizes, with a maximum of 7 participants per tour. This allows us to provide a more personalized and exclusive experience, ensuring that each participant receives ample guidance and attention from our experienced photographers.

Our photo tours are designed to help participants improve their photography skills in a supportive and immersive environment, allowing them to grow as photographers and capture unforgettable images. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced photographer, we welcome you to join us on one of our photo tours and discover the beauty of the world’s most spectacular destinations while enhancing your photography skills.

Booking a photo tour with us is easy! Simply fill out the contact form on our website to get in touch with Marco. Alternatively, you can follow the link provided on the tour page to reach out to the agency handling the ground services for the tour you’re interested in.

Our team will be happy to provide you with additional information on tour availability, itinerary details, pricing, and any other questions you may have. Once you’ve decided on a tour and are ready to book, we’ll guide you through the booking process and ensure that you have all the information you need to prepare for your adventure.

Join us on a photo tour and capture breathtaking images of some of the world’s most spectacular destinations while learning new photography skills and making unforgettable memories. Contact us today to book your next adventure!

We partner with trusted tour agencies that specialize in each of our destinations to handle the logistics of our photo tours. These agencies are carefully selected for their expertise and experience in providing high-quality travel services, including transportation, accommodations, and activities.

Our team of experienced photographers lead the tours and provide photography guidance and instruction throughout the tour. We work closely with our tour agency partners to create a flexible itinerary that allows for plenty of time for photography while also experiencing the culture and natural beauty of each destination.

Our tour agency partners also provide important services such as travel insurance and emergency assistance, so you can rest assured that you are well taken care of during your trip. If you have any additional questions about how our tours are organized, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Hey there! Leave your email to not miss any update about my photography and trips

© Marco Bottigelli 2024.  No part of this site may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the copyright owner.

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6-Day Patagonia Photography Tour in Torres del Paine: Capture the Wild Beauty


Discover the Untamed Beauty of Patagonia Through Your Lens

  • Welcome to a unique photographic adventure, where you’ll capture the wild spirit of Patagonia through your lens. Our 6-day private Photography Tour in Patagonia offers awe-inspiring landscapes, remarkable wildlife encounters, and the guidance of an experienced local guide and nature photographer.

Capture the Essence of Patagonia

  • Immerse yourself in the stunning landscapes of Torres del Paine National Park as you photograph the vibrant colors of spring in this remote corner of the world. From sunrise moments with the iconic Cuernos del Paine to the tranquility of Lake Pehoe, each frame tells a unique story of Patagonia’s pristine wilderness.

Exclusive Experiences Await

  • Embark on exclusive excursions to Laguna Sofia, Laguna Amarga, and more. Witness Condor sightings, explore the Cuernos del Paine viewpoint, and navigate Glacier Grey Lake. Enjoy the comfort of private tours tailored to your photography passions.

Unveiling Patagonia’s Biodiversity

  • Dive into the extraordinary biodiversity of Patagonia, capturing the region’s unique native wildlife in your photographs. Each snapshot celebrates nature’s diversity, revealing the wonders of this unspoiled land.

Unforgettable Moments in Every Frame

  • Under the Patagonian sky, you’ll have a rare opportunity to photograph the celestial beauty of the Milky Way against the backdrop of Torres del Paine’s peaks. Every moment is a chance to create lasting memories.

Join Us on This Remarkable Journey

  • Let your camera narrate the tale of Patagonia’s untamed beauty. Welcome to the Patagonia Photography Tour, where every click is a masterpiece waiting to be captured.

Join us to Explore, Learn, and Capture the Magic of Spring in Torres del Paine

  • Immerse yourself in the enchanting beauty of spring in Torres del Paine alongside an experienced local guide and nature photographer.
  • Access our complimentary digital guides, providing insights into the rich biodiversity of Patagonia and Antarctica.
  • Awaken to breathtaking sunrises against the iconic backdrop of the Paine Massif and the majestic Cuernos del Paine in the heart of the national park.
  • The splendid Lake Pehoe, recognized as one of the world’s top 10 most beautiful lakes.
  • Don’t miss the opportunity to witness and photograph the center of the Milky Way during the new moon in Patagonia, framed by the peaks of Torres del Paine.
  • Explore the extraordinary biodiversity of Patagonia as we guide you through encounters with native wildlife in Torres del Paine.
  • During our expedition, delve into the vast Southern Ice Fields of Patagonia and savor a delightful Pisco Calafate Sour during your excursion.

Essential Equipment

  • Bring your DSLR or Mirrorless camera to capture the beauty of Patagonia.
  • Don’t forget to pack a reliable tripod and a suitable camera bag.
  • Lenses are crucial for the best shots; make sure to bring 14mm, 24-70mm, and 70-200mm lenses.
  • Carry filters, extra batteries, and chargers to keep your equipment in working order.
  • Dress appropriately with thermal clothing, layered clothing, polar jackets, waterproof jackets, quick-dry pants, hats, gloves, and waterproof, snow-resistant footwear. Patagonia’s weather can be extreme, so be well-prepared.

Our Comprehensive Expedition Package

  • Your journey begins with convenient airport transfers.
  • Enjoy a comfortable 3-night stay at Hotel Vendaval in Puerto Natales (Double Room basis).
  • Experience 2 nights at Hostería Pehoe in Torres del Paine (Double Room basis).
  • Savor a warm welcome with a barbecue lunch.
  • Enhance your photography skills and appreciation for nature with our Photography and Nature workshop.
  • Embark on four exclusive excursions to capture the essence of Patagonia.
  • Glide across the mesmerizing Glacier Grey Lake during a scenic navigation.
  • All your transportation, park transfers, and entry fees within the national park are included.
  • Expertly guided excursions led by certified guides.
  • Access to valuable digital materials on Patagonia’s unique biodiversity.
  • Delight in full-board meals, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner, ensuring you’re well-fueled for your adventure.

Departure/Return Location

What to wear, not included, from our gallery.

Embrace the wild beauty of Patagonia through our seven-day expedition.

Torres del Paine Photo Tour

Day 1 - Welcome in Puerto Natales

Day 2 - excursion: capturing condors and coastal beauty, day 3 - exploring laguna amarga and cuernos del paine, day 4 - sunrise at lake pehoe and wildlife safari, day 5 - exploring the wonders of glaciar grey, day 6 - farewell and departure, tour location.

Experience the mesmerizing beauty of Puerto Natales and Torres del Paine on this 6-day expedition, traversing five iconic locations that define this wild region.

patagonia photo tour

Marco Grassi Photography

Patagonia Photo Tour

Hiking in Patagonia, Cerro Torre in the background

01-10 April  2023

Join an unforgettable adventure in one of the most photogenic places in the world. During this Patagonia Photo Tour we will have plenty of opportunities to photograph majestic mountains, rivers, waterfalls, lakes, trees, autumn colors, glaciers and much more. We will have access to some secret locations and get the best out of every condition.


Our Patagonia photo tour officially begins! After picking everyone up at El Calafate Airport or hotel nearby, it’s time to drive towards El Chalten. We’ll drop off our luggages in a safe storage and start hiking in the early afternoon.

An easy hike (4km approx, 1.30h, uphill + flat) will lead us to our camping spot. We will set up our tents and get ready with our cameras. After sunset we will go back to the campsite for dinner and some rest.

Ready to leave early in the morning to reach our sunrise location, again very close to our campsite. Then it’s time to pack our tents and continue towards the next campsite (4km approx 1h hike, flat). Here we will spend a total of two nights.

We’ll have plenty of time to scout around, then we’ll reach our sunset location and come back for dinner.

patagonia, photo tour, fitz roy, marcograssiphotography, marco grassi,

On the third day of our Patagonia photo tour we’ll get up early and have a quick breakfast! Afterward we will hike up to our sunrise location, an incredible lake right below Mount Fitz Roy. The hike is 2km uphill and takes approx 1.30h.  In the afternoon we will scout some more and take pictures of some beautiful locations in the area.

After our sunset shooting it’s time to have dinner and recharge for the next day.

On day 4 we move to our next campsite, where we’ll spend two nights. This camp is located in a different valley and very close to “Laguna Torre”. Here we’ll have plenty of opportunities to photograph the incredible Cerro Torre. Hiking time is approx 3.30h (9km), mostly flat.

After lunch, we scout around before reaching our sunset location.

Rainbow clouds during the Patagonia photo tour with Marco Grassi Photography

DAY 5 & 6

Sunrise will be very close to our campsite, there are different compositions to choose from. These include river, trees and a lake right below the mountains.

In the afternoon everyone is free to explore on his own or join the group for some more scouting. Sunset will be in the same area.

On day 6 we hike back to El Chalten (9km approx 3h, mostly flat) after sunrise. We will then check in in the hotel and have a post-processing class.

DAY 7 & 8

On day 7, after our sunrise shooting, we drive to our next destination. We will have access to an incredible place. The hike takes approx. 3 hours and this secret spot has it all: view on the mountains, valley, river. Here you will also be able to fly your drone for some crazy aerial views over Mt. Fitz Roy. We will spend two nights camping here.

DAY 9 & 10

After our sunrise shooting, we’re ready to begin our hike back down. We will drive to our hotel in El Chalten and have some time to relax before leaving again for sunset.

On day 10 after breakfast, it’s time to drive back to El Calafate, where the tour ends.

The tab below points out the approx distances we will cover everyday to reach our campsite or final destination (doesn’t include short daily hikes). Please note that it is however subject to changes, depending on the weather conditions.

Distance: 4km

Elevation gain: 400mt

Time: 1h 30min

Elevation gain: –

Distance:  2km one way

Elevation gain: 450mt

Time:  1h 20min one way

and then back

Distance:  9km

Elevation gain:  –

Time:  3h 30min

Distance: 9km

Elevation gain: 54mt

Time: 3h 30min

Distance: 6.5km

Elevation gain: 600mt

Afternoon hike

Elevation loss: 600mt

Sunset hike

Distance:  2.5km one way

Elevation gain: 50mt

Time:  1h one way

Sunset during the Patagonia photo tour with Marco Grassi Photography

Professional photo guide + co-guide + mountain guide

NP Entry Fees and special accesses

2 Nights Lodging in Hotel (shared room) + Campsites


Breakfast everyday

Lunch, Dinner when camping

All transfers included

Personal Processing Instructions

Flights & Travel Insurance

Snacks, alcohol and beverages

Lunch, Dinner at hotels

Anything not mentioned in the “included” list


Marco Grassi Photography traveling in California

Marco Grassi (Photographer)

Born and raised in Italy, Marco Grassi is a self-taught and award-winning photographer focused on landscape photography. At the young age of 23 Marco has completed his round-the-world trip and today, several countries later, he defines himself as a true travel addict. Marco’s work has been published and rewarded extensively worldwide in a large variety of media outlets, such as the National Geographic and GEO Magazine. Among some of his clients we can find “Nisi Filters” and “Hilleberg – The Tentmaker” .

His workshops have been designed with the central idea of putting you in the right place at the perfect time and give you plenty of amazing photo opportunities whilst creating a life-changing experience. He will assist you and advise you with valuable photography tips during the whole trip and show you the best photo locations of each destination.


Jessica Lancia (Head of operations & Co-guide)

Jessica has completed a round-the-world trip at the age of 22 and it’s during this trip that she has quickly grown her love for nature and, most of all, mountain landscapes. After returning from this journey, together with Marco she started working on the idea of guiding photography workshops and they now lead together in many different locations such as Patagonia, Dolomites, Norway and Faroe Islands.

Jessica is the logistical mastermind who develops the visual and written content of and takes care of all organization aspects of the trips with an accurate attention for all the details.

Jessica will assist you during this photo tour and she’ll make sure to help you with anything you might need and with any questions/doubts you might have before and during the trip.


Patagonia is famous for its dramatic mountain peaks, shimmering rivers, abundance of glaciers, incredible cloud formations. in autumn, the forest comes to life and adds a touch of yellow, red and orange to the trees below the mountains. during this patagonia photo tour, we will have plenty of time to explore multiple locations and make the best out of every possible condition..

patagonia photo tour

Location: Patagonia, Argentina

Tour Length: 10 Days, April 01-10th 2023

Pick up/Drop off:  El Calafate Airport (FTE)

 Accommodation:  campsites + hotels

Physical Difficulty: Medium

Number of Participants : Max. 8

Important note about shared room: if you opted for “shared room” (no extra cost), it might happen that you have to share with a participant of opposite sex (remote, but possible scenario). We will check with each of you if you are fine with this. If one of you is not comfortable, then you will both need to upgrade to a single room (price varies depending on tour).

Tour’s price: 41 00€

Single room supplement:  200€, non-refundable deposit required:  700€, payment in full: 12 0 days before starting date.

*Discounts available if joining the Patagonia photo tour as a group (2+ people) and for returning customers. Enquire at [email protected]


By booking this tour you agree to our  Terms&Conditions .


MGP SRL | REA: 226432 | VAT: IT01526750110 | Via Variante Aurelia 159, 19038 Sarzana - Italy | © [2017-2023] — All rights reserved to MGP SRL | Contact us at [email protected] | Privacy Policy / Disclaimer / Terms&Conditions

patagonia photography tour elephant seal

Loved by non-photographers too, our photo tour holidays offer the ultimate, small-group travel experience to the world's most wonderful and unique places - with special access away from the crowds. I love to travel, but I hate being stuck with loads of other people (especially when we've got nothing in common), being taken to the regular, over-crowded tourist attractions or wasting hours in an amazing country just relaxing by some pool. I want to get the most out of my holidays - I want to see as many different animals as I can, I want to travel through different landscapes and be shown hidden gems off the beaten path, I want to experience the culture, taste the food, meet new friends with similar interests, enjoy some luxury and importantly, I want to have the time to take some beautiful and unique photos of it all. This is what we strive for with our photography tours and workshops. It's not enough for me to spot a distant lion, tick it off and move on - I want to have the option to try and get closer, on the correct side for best lighting and even wait for him to lift his head and stare directly down the barrel of my camera lens for a great photo - or to move on when I'm done - I want flexibility. I want the inside tips for the best photo location to be ready when the sun rises over the horizon and spills across the bay onto those boulders - and if I can't quite get my photo to work, it'd be awesome to have a friendly pro-photographer right there to offer advice (not one who'll stand in front of me to get the best shot themselves!). If there's a seal colony out on an island nearby, then I'd want to charter a boat tour out there just with my friends onboard so we can spend as long or as short as we want to get the photos without being crowded on a regular sight-seeing tour. If the seal colony was a bit of a tourist attraction on a local beach then I'd want to wait for the crowds to leave, and go down onto the beach after hours - just us as a small group, and a private ranger guide to photograph them at our leisure in beautiful evening lighting. You don't even need to be a photographer to love this style of holiday - who wouldn't like a bit of luxury and a bit of extra patience from their tour leaders, or to be given the opportunity to fly over lakes covered in pink flamingos in Africa in a doors-off plane or over a beautiful coastline in a doors-off helicopter for some epic views? Stay on a private island, learn some new skills with your photography, make some new friends and have an unforgettable, unique holiday - all at the same time! Sound good? Well, there's a reason more than half of our guests come back again, and again on our photo tours!

Absolutely not! We have many non-photographers (and partners of photographers) enjoy our tours! As one guest said "It didn’t matter that I’m not a photographer - I used my iPhone. Just experiencing all these amazing locations at a relaxed pace, in comfort and without the crowds was wonderful!" . The expert photography tuition is a bonus - the incredible access to experience the best places in a tiny group is the main thing! If you're traveling to take photos, or just as a holiday - in the end, it's all about seeing as many of the amazing animals as possible, experiencing the local food and culture, admiring the landscapes, breathing the fresh air and enjoying the whole unforgettable experience with a small group of friends. Whether or not you put a camera in front of your face doesn't really change this. We've had many non-photographers come on our tour, enjoying just spotting animals, identifying them, or watching their behaviour and by the end of the trip many of them do start picking up a camera (or borrowing one of ours) and start getting excited about photography too! Some have later gone on to become full-on photographers, to the delight of their partners! Either way, they have a ball and often come away with us again and again. Most photography guests are beginner to keen-enthusiast level - so no need to stress that your photography may not be good enough - the whole point is to improve your photography, no matter what your level! Our tours are enjoyed by everyone from non-photographers, iPhone and happy-snap photographers right up to serious professionals. We start each tour with a quick photography crash-course, and our expert photography guides are there to help you throughout the whole tour. There is no better way to improve your photography than spending a solid week or two practicing, surrounded by amazingly inspiring subjects, with a small, friendly group of like-minded people. You will be amazed how much your photography will improve. We're there to offer as much or as little assistance as you'd like, at whatever level of complexity you're ready for.

The level of physical activity varies for each of our tours (check the dropdown for each specific tour), however none involve strenuous hiking or anything like that. In Kenya, for example, the hardest thing you'll have to do is walk to and from your tour vehicle mostly, other destinations involve things like optional snorkelling, or may include short walks or humid conditions. We've had 83 year old guests, guests with bad knees and even heart-conditions do even what we consider our most strenuous tours, so rest assured the tour you're looking at is very likely achievable. If you're concerned, just ask us. The tour information booklet we provide for each tour gives a clearer indication of what's involved for each destination. We're very mindful of the abilities of our guests and can always provide less demanding alternatives for those wishing a break.

For each of our tours, we've carefully prepared a detailed information booklet covering everything including our recommendations for what kind of clothes to bring, what type of power plug, what currency, what the climate is like, language tips and plenty of other information to help answer all your questions! We'll send you a copy of this information booklet when you book, or you can email us for one in advance. As for what kind of camera gear is best, whatever you have is fine, but if you've got too much and need help deciding what to bring and what to leave behind, or if you have a bit of money you could spend on getting something really perfect for the trip, please just contact us and we can certainly help you out with what's ideal for each particular tour!

Fear not - more than half of our tour guests travel solo. To help you make friends before you even leave and to be reassured and aided by the advice of your fellow-travellers (and those who have gone before you), we've created an interactive Facebook group for our CBP Voyager Club members (that's anyone who's been on, or is going on any of our tours, which also gives them 5-10% OFF any future tours!). You can find out who's coming from your area, perhaps even meet up beforehand or fly together. This is a great resource and we encourage you to make the most of it if you're on Facebook! Anyone can read the CBP Voyager Club Facebook page , but you can only interact once you've paid your deposit. And do not worry that most accommodation is twin-share - we're good at pairing you up with a roomie who you'll get along with - it has been the start of long-term friendships for many! We can't guarantee that we'll always be able to have you sharing with someone of the same sex - it depends on the gender split, but we do our best. You can request to purchase a single supplement (a room to yourself) if you really need to (subject to availability) though keep in mind that you're usually only in your rooms to sleep as we fill your waking hours with plenty to do, and the couple of occasions we have had guests request rooms to themselves, they end up regretting it when they see the amazing friendships that form between the other roomies.

Of course we can - even in places like Kenya we've successfully catered for vegan, gluten-free, lactose-intolerant and vegetarian guests, and all have had a wonderful tour.

Rest assured that we do not travel through any of the major danger hot-spots like those highly warned against in travel advisory boards etc. For example, in Kenya, we do not even pass through downtown Nairobi and we operate completely away from the coast / Mombasa region and the Somali border. The fact that we like to take you to the more tranquil, less-touristy places on our tours conveniently means we only ever spend minimal time in busy, built up areas or large tourist attractions where thieves or terrorists might target - most of the places we stay at are quite rural and private, and you'll quickly feel right at home & safe.

Our cancelation policies are in line with other leading tourism operators, and you can read all about them here in our Booking Terms and Conditions . We are proud to employ industry best-practices.

The Voyager Club is our photo tour loyalty program! As our photo tours apparently can be very addictive (we've had guests come to more than half a dozen of our tours!), we created the Chris Bray Photography Voyager Club, giving repeat guests 5% OFF future tours with automatic Silver Membership , and then 10% OFF as Gold Members after their fifth tour with us.

Either click the 'Book Now' button above and fill in your details, or simply contact us and let us know which tour you're keen to join us on, and we'll send you a deposit invoice to secure your spot, along with the tour information booklet and our Booking Terms and Conditions .

Starting in the picturesque town of Trelew in Southern Argentina, we'll head in our private mini coach two hours to Puerto Piramides, which will be our base for the next week. Puerto Piramides is a UNESCO world heritage site, recognised not only as the best whale-watching place on Earth, but also for its wider marine life, birdlife and other wildlife. Featured in BBC and National Geographic documentary films, this rich area also boasts Magellanic penguins, dolphins, sea lions and southern elephant seals. Our accommodation for the next week is at the luxurious, waterfront Las Restingas Hotel De Mar . After settling in and a quick meet & greet and photography crash course (and perhaps spotting some whales playing through your panoramic, beachfront windows), we'll head to dinner.

Part whale watching, part shore-based, this week will blow you away. When the weather's good, we'll charter a large, private RIB (zodiac boat) with plenty of room and the best captain who knows exactly what we want in terms of lighting and backgrounds to get the best photos. This time of year, the whole bay is packed with southern right whales, including mothers and calves, and curiosity will bring these gentle giants (up to 15m long!) right alongside - so close you'll need your wide-angle lens and a lens-cloth to wipe off the whale-breath! Each encounter is captivatingly different, and with a bit of luck we'll experience everything from breaching, tail lobbing against the sunset, resting calves - even mating! We have the boat all day, but typically we'll go out early for the morning lighting for a few hours, come back for breaky, head back out again to try our luck in another area, come back for lunch, enjoy a few hours off to go through your photos or look for fossilised sharks teeth on the shore before then heading back out again in the late afternoon, staying out until the magical golden glow of sunset - long after regular tourists have to return to shore. Our special permits also allow us to explore wherever we want along the dramatic coastline, head out to find dolphins, sea lion colonies, outcrops of rock covered in terns, cormorants, kelp-gulls, giant petrels and 180 other species of birds! We'll only be doing this marine photography for part of this week however, as whenever the weather's not great - or if we want a chance of scene - we'll head inland on various different day tours, exploring the local Peninsula Valdez. We've organised private access with a ranger right down onto the gravely beach (below the cliff-top viewing platform) where the huge Elephant Seals hang out. We'll photograph the enormous bull ‘Beach Masters' hopefully rearing up to fight for dominance and territory, the adorable big-eyed pups suckling, and try to freeze the moment when these seals flip arcs of sand over the top of themselves to keep cool. If we're lucky, we might even see orca as they patrol the shore. Patagonian foxes also hang around, as well as mara (like a hare crossed with a tailless Kangaroo), Darwin's lesser rhea (giant flightless bird similar to an emu), guanako (A type of Llama), armadillos, skunks and of course plenty more birds like crested tinamou, turkey vultures and more! This first week is jam-packed, but any ‘spare time' you manage to find, there's plenty to do in this area from fascinating information centers to lovely little cafes, and you'll have plenty of photos to go through anyway, with us on hand to teach you some new tricks!

Today we’ll depart from Trelew (Argentina) and catch a short flight to El Calafate, arriving in time to explore the village this afternoon before transferring to our accommodation (the Posada Los Almos Hotel) for the next two nights. Tonight we’ll have dinner at one of the favourite restaurants in town, La Couzina.

This morning we’ve arranged a private tour to the Perito Moreno Glacier, a glacier located in Los Glaciares National Park in southwest Santa Cruz Province. It’s an amazing glacier, 250 square kilometres and is the world’s third largest reserve of fresh water. It’s also one of the few glaciers that is still advancing, rather than retreating, and an incredible site to photograph. Tonight we’ll return to the Mirador Del Lago in El Calafate to get ready for the adventure to continue in Chile tomorrow!

Today we’ll drive to Torres del Paine National Park, another UNESCO world heritage site, also home to an abundance of wildlife including guanacos and possibly even the elusive Puma. It boasts a huge diversity of birds including eagles, hawks, lesser reheas, buzzards, flamingo and South American condors that have returned from the brink of extinction. In fact, en route, near the border of Chile, we’ll stop at a Condor viewpoint to photograph these majestic birds! The real draw card to this area is its incredible landscapes. The Torres del Paine igneous granite rock spires are millions of years old and dominate the views of South America’s first National Park. Surrounded by photogenic azure lakes, emerald forests, raging rivers and radiant blue glaciers, you’re in the middle of a picture-perfect postcard. We'll be staying at the comfortable Hosteria Tercera Barranca for the next 5 nights, so spread out and make your self at home!

To give us the best possible chance of spotting the elusive Puma we have allocated 4 full days here and are being accompanied by one of the best Puma spotters in the business. In fact, our guide is so good and so well known in this area that we have had to hire our own undercover ‘hire' cars, as if we used his car we would be frequently stopped and followed by others seeking the same prize of the Puma. Every day we will be trying our luck at photographing the puma and will hopefully also come across other animals too like the grey and red fox, hairy armadillo, hog-nosed skunk, Chilean flamingo, Magellanic woodpecker, austral parakeet, austral pygmy owl, ringed kingfisher, black-chested bussard eagle, crested caracara and more! We'll also have time to explore some of the hidden gems within the national park so we can photograph the dramatic landscapes from various different angles – without having to walk too far! There'll be waterfalls, glaciers, iceberg, forests, mountains, black sand beaches, azure lakes and more Part of the beauty of travelling with a small group of like-minded photographers is that we have the flexibility to spend just as long or short as we want at each location, free to stop to get out and photograph whenever we see something interesting.

That's it I'm afraid! This morning we'll drive back to Punta Arenas where we'll drop you at your hotel or at the airport for your flight home any time after 2PM. Where did those 14 days weeks just go? Well, I guarantee you'll have thousands of amazing photos to flick back through to remind yourself, forever, of one of the best journeys of your life! When we say that after Punta Arenas we all fly home – Chris Bray Photography actually start their very next tour, their incredible ‘ Galapagos, Amazon and Hummingbirds ' tour straight after, so perhaps while you're already in South America some of you'd like to join our team for the double-whammy?!

IMPORTANT - Ensure you have read our Tour Booking Conditions prior to booking. The document covers everything from your rights, inclusions and payment schedule, to our cancellation policy and extent of liability. All our photo tours are subject to minimum numbers. Please ensure you have read our tour Booking Conditions for our cancellation policy. Sea Sickness - There are many boat trips on this photo tour and while the water is usually protected and calm, anyone who suffers from seasickness should bring appropriate medication. All meals are provided but beverages must be purchased at your own expense. Level of fitness - Moderate. You do need to be able to get in and out of boats, clamber down sand dunes onto the coastline for the elephant seals, and wander around for a morning or afternoon with your camera bag on your back to photograph the pumas. The price includes internal flights (from Trelew, Argentina to Punta Arenas, Chile but does NOT include flights from your hometown to Trelew, Argentina),nor your return flight back home from Punta Arenas, Chile. The price does NOT include visas or reciprocity fee's for entering Argentina or Chile. We do not loan out our own camera equipment for this trip so be prepared to be self sufficient regarding your camera gear.

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Far South Expeditions

Patagonia Photo Expedition

Patagonia photo tours at the end of the world, next departures: dec 10-16, 2024 • march 18-24, 2025, 7-day trip from punta arenas, chile | maximum group size: 7 participants.

Patagonia photo tours. Landscape and wildlife photography tour to Patagonia led by resident nature photographers. Discover the best of Patagonia on this exclusively-designed, photo-oriented journey; stay at great lodges and historic guest houses, learn on nature photography during our photo workshops, enjoy and document the best wildlife encounters, learn from thorough natural history interpretation, and experience the comfort of traveling in a small group, with a maximum group size of 7 participants .

Our Patagonia Photography Expedition is a nature and wildlife photo-oriented tour, led by local nature photographers. Our program has been designed for photo enthusiasts with different skill levels, willing to travel in a small group with a maximum of 7 participants, and wishing to exploit the possibilities of landscape and wildlife photography alike. Patagonia photo tours

This itinerary features 4 days in Patagonia’s premier wildlife destination, Torres del Paine National Park, boat trips to Grey Glacier, an impressive ice tongue that flows over a lake in the fringes of the Southern Patagonia Ice Field, Tierra del Fuego Island for the King Penguin rookery, as well as Magdalena Island to see a Magellanic Penguin colony and Mylodon Cave Natural Monument, a fascinating Patagonian paleontological site. Patagonia photo tours

torres del paine trips

How and where to buy tickets to visit Torres del Paine

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New integrated booking system for Torres del Paine National Park

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Buy tickets online to enter Torres del Paine National Park 2020 / 2021 Official CONAF URL

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Following Puma's Fingerprints Winter 2018

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Photographing Torres del Paine at Winter 2018

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Patagonia Photo Tour

  • Visit the spectacular Torres del Paine National Park
  • Photograph the giant peaks of the Fitzroy massif looming on the horizon
  • View Perito Moreno Glacier spilling chunks of ice into Lago Argentina
  • Visit South America’s only King Penguin colony

Tour Overview

Patagonia: home to some of the world’s most picturesque landscapes. The southern reaches of Chile and Argentina offer a diverse and spectacular array of photo opportunities, from the windswept pampas to towering granite peaks. With these as backdrops we’ll be guaranteed to observe and photograph wildlife such as guanacos, rheas, condors and more, in their natural settings.

The wild ambience of Patagonia ensures that close encounters are possible around every corner. Stunning Torres del Paine national park plays host to the most accessible wild puma viewing anywhere in the world!

We’ll travel through southern Chile and Argentina visiting some five-star South American attractions: Torres del Paine National Park, the Fitzroy massif, and the Perito Moreno Glacier. Aside from these we’ll traverse less traveled but equally stunning areas, each adding variety to our portfolio of trip images.

Our expert bilingual guide will be on hand every step of the way, offering tips and guidance for beginners, and getting advanced photographers in the optimum location. Our itinerary will cater to all ability levels and types of equipment. Even without a camera, this is a high-quality wildlife tour. In mid-April the fall colours will be firing.

During this journey we’ll enjoy the charming culture of Chile and the local cuisine that puts Argentina on the map. Although we’ll brave the elements that make this part of the world so stark and beautiful, we’ll also relax with the comforts and modern amenities that both of these countries offer.

Dates & Prices

Dates & prices.

Patagonia Photo Tour

Tour dates are TBD. Join our list to be the first to know when this tour is open for bookings.

What's Included

Tour price includes.

  • All accommodations
  • Guides: 1 guide with 4 - 8 participants, 2 guides with 9 - 12
  • Ground transportation
  • Park entry/ tour fees
  • Gratuities to local guides and drivers

Tour Price Does Not Include

  • Flights to and from start/end
  • Travel Insurance
  • Items of a personal nature

patagonia photo tour

Day 1: Arrival in Punta Arenas, Chile

Our Patagonia photo tour begins in Punta Arenas, a lively city in the far south of Chile, accessible by domestic flight from Santiago. We will meet in the evening for a hearty dinner and discuss the upcoming trip. Night in Punta Arenas.

Day 2: Magellan Straight and Penguin Colony

This morning we cross on a long ferry ride across the Straight of Magellan. It’s an exciting opportunity to view Black-browed Albatross, Southern Giant Petrel and marine mammals such as Dusky and Commerson’s Dolphins.

Upon arrival on the grand isle of Tierra del Fuego, we’ll stop at roadside salt lakes to find Chilean Flamingos. The main destination for today is stopping at South America’s only mainland colony of King Penguins. Here, around one hundred adults and some juveniles wait for us on the other side of a handy viewing blind. Night in Cerro Sombrero.

Day 3: Pali Aike

We keep moving and again cross the windy Magellan Straight staying on the lookout for dolphins and Magellanic Penguins in their marine environment. We have seen Leopard Seals on this crossing! We’ll stop on the other side to look for the endemic Ruddy-headed Goose and perhaps a Humboldt’s Hog-nosed Skunk.

The main focus of today is to venture into the remote Pali Aike National Park where terrestrial wildlife abounds. This is the guanaco’s domain, where herds roam freely and frequently on the slow-going roads within the park. We’ll literally rub shoulders with dozens of them. Where there are guanacos there are pumas, and we’ll be on the watch for these elusive cats.

Several caves in the park present interesting archaeological history and we can enter one of them. On the roads in Pali Aike we can see some photogenic birds such as Tawny-throated Dotterel, Chocolate-vented Tyrant and Crested Caracara. Some species have already flown north to their wintering grounds. After a lengthy afternoon drive we spend the night in Puerto Natales on the shores of the Pacific, our second ocean of the day. Anywhere along the way we can get out for some scenic landscapes. The “coiron” grass on the pampas is quite a nice foreground subject! Night in Puerto Natales.

Day 4: Serrano Glacier

Today we’ve scheduled a boat trip to a very scenic, less-accessible destination west of Puerto Natales in the Chilean Fiords region. Aboard a large boat serving coffee, tea and snacks, we’ll traverse near the base of cascading waterfalls with nesting condors before arriving at a short hike that takes us to the base of a tumbling glacier. On the way back we stop for lunch at an historic farm. Night in Puerto Natales.

Days 5-7: Torres del Paine

A restful morning may include a sleep-in and/or photographing Black-necked Swans in front of the hotel. After this we pack up and head north toward the jaw-dropping Torres del Paine, on the lookout for another large black-and-white bird, the Andean Condor.

We shouldn’t have any problem seeing these majestic birds soaring along the roadside cliffs. The drive will present other “pull over!” moments because the scenery is outstanding all around us. It only takes a bit of patience to frame some of it with a soaring condor in the foreground.

Arguably the single most scenic location in all of South America, Torres del Paine is a photographer’s dream. We’ll spend three days here to get our fill of incredible landscapes and wildlife, combining the two when possible. It is here we’ll have our best chance at photographing a puma, however many other subjects will beckon, including a sudden proliferation of condors, guanacos and rheas on the protected pampas.

We’ll enjoy some short hikes, one or more waterfall sessions and a trip to Lago Grey with its icebergs and forest of Southern Beech. Magellanic Woodpeckers are found in these gnarled woods, and if lucky, a roosting owl. An endangered ungulate, the Huemul, is possible I this area. Pleasant walks lead to lakes, glaciers, and stunning sunrises on these days in the park. We’ll employ a local puma guide, and be out early to help us get into position for the most dramatic photos possible. Nights in Torres del Paine.

Day 8: Argentina

Depending on our previous success, we’ll have one last drive along the slow backroads of Torres del Paine, which could finish with a bonus puma sighting. Then we’ll leave the park and cross into Argentina at a small border crossing.

Several hours of scenic driving brings us to El Calafate, where we’ll settle in and have some time to shop, rest and edit. If the weather cooperates it’s possible to see the Southern Patagonian Icecap from town. A steak dinner awaits, if that is your thing! Night in El Calafate.

Day 9: Perito Moreno

Perito Moreno glacier, one of Argentina’s top attractions is located in Los Glaciares National Park about forty-five minutes from town. We get amazing views of this behemoth spilling chunks of ice into Lago Argentina, while fall colours reveal themselves at treeline above.

We have plenty of time here to capture the majesty of this gigantic glacier as it advances toward the elaborate viewing platforms. Austral Parakeets, Fiery-eyed Diucons and Thorn-tailed Rayaditos might dictate keeping the long lenses in hand. After we’ve had our fill we return to Calafate and continue onward to the towering spires of Fitzroy and Cerro Torre. Night in El Chalten.

Day 10: El Chalten

Sunrise on the Fitzroy massif is our pre-breakfast target this morning. With luck, we’ll frame pampas, colourful lenga trees and towering spires not far from roadside and with coffees in hand.

On site we’ll discuss the use of filters and lens techniques to capture images as crisp as the autumn air. This scene of Cerro Fitzroy (or “Chalten”) and Cerro Torre epitomizes the stark landscape of Patagonia. These peaks are truly impressive sights.

After breakfast we’ll roam this northern section of Los Glaciares for more images, including a stunning waterfall that provides more scenic opportunities if there’s any more room on our memory cards. For the long lens the area hosts Chilean Flickers, Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle and both Spectacled and Torrent Ducks. The backdrop of Fitzroy is not to be missed, and we’ll hope for clear vistas that so often materialize at this time of year. Night in El Chalten.

Day 11: Transfer to El Calafate

In the morning we will fine-tune our Fitzroy imagery before heading to El Calafate. We’ll drive past the turquoise Lagos Viedma and stop whenever something exciting shows up! Night in El Calafate.

Day 12: Departure from El Calafate

You can depart anytime today. If you are joining our Patagonia Photo Tour Extension you can fly to Puerto Madryn.

What to Expect

• Some longer drives • Shorter days mean better light and more time in the evenings to review images and go over editing techniques • Some early mornings • Accommodation ranges from good to very good • Food ranges from simple Chilean to the best steak you’ve ever eaten across the border • We could encounter inclement weather including snow or rain; wind is a certainty but fair weather is also likely at this time of year (autumn) • Equipment list and recommendations will be discussed before the trip

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patagonia photo tour

  • 14-day base tour, Shared room Room to be shared with other tour participants
  • 14-day base tour, Single room *Depending on availability
  • Extended trip 20 days, Shared room/shared tents Room/room to be shared with other trip participants
  • Extended tour 20 days, Single room/tent *Depending on availability

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+34 625 01 44 81

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Patagonia photo tour details.

This Patagonia Photo Tour , from April 17 to 30 , 2025 (optional extension from April 30 to May 6, 2025) , is one of our more successful trips. Since spring 2022, we have been offering this amazing yearly Patagonia Photo Tour to photograph this beautiful area in Argentina and Chile. There is no doubt that we are talking about one of our most rewarding trips. A land of impressive peaks and mountains , beautiful lakes , magical glaciers and surreal panoramic views , Patagonia is one of the most spectacular destinations on the planet . In fact, it is a dream destination for any landscape photography enthusiast. The area offers us so many photographic possibilities, that we’ll get back home with hundreds of fantastic images .

During the Patagonia Photo Tour, we will explore the most photogenic locations throughout the area , including both the Chilean and Argentine sides . While many of the places we will visit will be easily accessible, we will also include an optional extension with more challenging hikes , that will allow us to reach some of the most stunning locations . On the other hand, as usual, we will pay special attention to the best moments of  light  every day, such as sunrise and sunset . This way, we will have the best chances to experience unique moments , and capture them with our cameras .

All this, at the best time of the year to photograph the area , during the  fall . The Patagonia Photo Tourwill be carried out in a small group , accompanied by one or two of our guides and photography instructors , from whom you will receive continuous attention and constant photography instruction . As a result, you will enjoy the best possible photo experience ,  and achieve exceptional photographs . Undoubtedly, you are facing an unparalleled opportunity. If you are passionate about landscape photography , do not miss this Patagonia Photo Tour .

What to photograph during this Patagonia Photo Tour?

Our Patagonia Photo Tour is fully focused on landscape photography as we visit one of the most beautiful areas on the planet . Stunning peaks and mountain views , beautifully colored lakes , creeks , waterfalls and glaciers, are some of the natural phenomena that we will be photographing in Patagonia. Places like Torres del Paine in Chile or Fitz Roy in Argentina, are the dream of any landscape photographer , and this is your chance to make that dream true.

In addition, we will photograph the most beautiful lakes of Patagonia , such as Pehoe , Nordenskjold , Grey , Argentino Lakes , or the  Blue Lagoon , among others. On this lakes, we’ll be able to capture beautiful views of the landscapes around us, with the fabulous Patagonian peaks in the background . If lucky, we’ll get the change to capture their precious reflections on the water of these lakes.

On the other hand, we will also have opportunities to photograph the wildlife of Patagonia , as the guanaco or the condor , but also the huemul , the Darwin fox , or even the puma / mountain lion . Not all of these species are easy to find, but we will have plenty of opportunities to photograph some, such as the guanaco.

Finally, this Patagonia Photo Tour also includes several night photography sessions , especially in the optional extension part (after the base Patagonia Photo Tour). On this part, we will camp in the most spectacular areas, and if conditions allow, we’ll get to photograph the Milky Way over the stunning Fitz Roy massif and the beautiful lakes below it, such as Dirty , Capri , or Los Tres Lagoons . Without any doubt, a golden opportunity to learn and improve your night photography technique , as well as to capture extraordinary images .

Why doing this Patagonia Photo Tour during this time of the year?

Our Patagonia Photo Tour takes place in the second half of April because it is usually the best time to capture the peak of autumn colors in the area. Our goal is to photograph the beautiful autumn colors in the bushes and trees of the locations, which dye Patagonia in that fantastic reddish tone so special for photography. This is probably the best time of the year to practice landscape photography .

At the same time, autumn in Patagonia usually offers very good photographic conditions , with great possibilities of capturing spectacular sunrises and sunsets. It is quite common, at this time of the year, the presence of the typical lenticular clouds , which usually means magical moments of light . In addition, at this time of the year, it starts to get colder, so we avoid most of the tourists , who usually prefer the summer months. This will facilitate our field work in the locations, allowing us to enjoy our adventure even more.

Finally, it is still a good time for night photography , since we will try to carry out several sessions in which we will be able to capture the Milky Way , as we said before. The mere possibility of photographing the unmistakable landscapes of Patagonia under the night sky makes the Patagonia Photo Tour worthwhile.

Who is this Patagonia Photo Tour for?

We can classify this Patagonia Photo Tour as medium difficulty , especially for those who choose to make the trip that includes the optional extension (for a total of 18 days ). This is because, in this second part of the Patagonia Photo Tour, we will do several hikes of moderate difficulty and length.

However, the initial Patagonia Photo Tour , of 13 days , can be considered easy, and that is why we have decided to split this tour into two consecutive and complementary parts . Thus, those who are not willing or able to do the most demanding part of the Patagonia Photo Tour , can still join just to the initial part . Meanwhile, if you are a trekking lover , and would like to camp next to breathtaking places, you can also join the extension part.

Regarding ages, it is a tour suitable for any age , as long as you are in reasonably good health. For the extension part, regardless the age, we believe it is necessary to be in reasonably good shape, being used to hikes of medium length and level.

Finally, this Patagonia Photo Tour is for all photography levels , regardless of previous experience or knowledge. Regardless of your level , you will be able to make the most of the tour and achieve excellent results , since you will be advised by two photographic guides/instructors during the whole Patagonia Photo Tour. They will provide personalized attention adapted to the level of each participant, so that everyone can take full advantage of the tour.

Likewise, there is no minimum equipment required , although you can find below a list of the ideal photographic gear for the Patagonia Photo Tour . With any DSLR or mirrorless camera you can take advantage of the tour, and even, sometimes, some clients travel taking pictures just with a compact camera or a smartphone.

In short, you have the opportunity to join one of the most special photographic trips you can take . A tour to a unique destination, to a land whose landscapes you will never forget, and where you will be able to capture some of your best photographs. Patagonia’s landscapes are probably among the 5 most beautiful areas in the whole planet, so the photographic possibilities are nearly endless.

A Patagonia Photo Tour like this one, besides providing you with the possibility of taking extraordinary images , gives you the chance to learn and progress in your photographic knowledge and techniques , with the constant help and advice of our photographic guides and instructors. Our photographic guides and instructors, with extensive experience in the organization and development of photographic tours and workshops , will be in charge of giving you ideas and composition tips , as well as teaching you all kinds of techniques.

Furthermore, all this in a very small group in which you will share your hobby and experience with other photography lovers. No doubt, we are talking about a fantastic trip to a magical destination , where you can enjoy photography to the fullest. Do not miss this opportunity and join us to immortalize some of the most incredible landscapes you can visit.

Patagonia Photo Tour | Workshops Photo Tours

What to expect from this Patagonia Photo Tour?

  • Capture the most incredible landscapes of the amazing Patagonia.
  • Photograph several of the fabulous glacial lakes in the area.
  • Visit the most photogenic sceneries of the Argentine Patagonia, as well as the Chilean Patagonia.
  • Photographing the imposing Perito Moreno, one of the most beautiful glaciers in the world
  • Enjoy spectacular views of the Torres del Paine and the Fitz Roy Massif.
  • Immortalize some of Patagonia's animal species, such as the picturesque guanaco.
  • Understand and learn the use of neutral density filters in landscape photography.
  • Practice and learn panoramic photography techniques in incredible locations.
  • Get advice and instruction, as well as learn and practice various photographic techniques.
  • Learning the importance of including the human figure in landscape photography


Day 1 | patagonia photo tour: beginning the adventure in patagonia.

Our Patagonia Photo Tour will begin with the group meeting at the airport in El Calafate, Argentina , at a time to be determined. From here, we will travel in our vehicles to Torres del Paine National Park , in the Chilean part of Patagonia.

During the trip to our destination, we will make some photographic stopovers to capture some of the beautiful landscapes through which we will travel . Among them, we highlight the ones we will make in the spectacular Lake Pehoe , one of the most beautiful in Patagonia. Here, we will visit the surroundings of an island located near the shore of the lake, an area from which we will have fantastic compositions . Not surprisingly, this will be our choice for the first sunset of the tour , in search of the magical lights that, with some frequency, take place in Patagonia.

In addition, we will remain in the surroundings until it gets completely dark, so that we can photograph the scenery during the blue hour . At this time, we will be able to capture the beautiful contrast between the blue tones of the sky and the warm tones of the light bulbs of a lodge located in the area. Definitely a good start for a great tour like this one.

After our session, we will continue to our lodging , to rest after the long journey to Patagonia.

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Today we will get up early to photograph our first sunrise of the Patagonia Photo Tour , for which we will visit a location near our lodging, next to the beautiful meanders formed by the Serrano River . From here, we will have another wonderful panoramic view of the Torres del Paine , which will make it easy to get fantastic photos.

After breakfast, we will move a few miles north to visit the Salto Grande area, where we can photograph three beautiful waterfalls , including the Paine River . Here we will be able to practice with neutral density filters , to get longer exposures , which will help us to achieve dynamic effects and fantastic textures in our images.

Then, starting from this same area, we will take a gentle hike to the nearby Skottsberg Lake , from where we will have another breathtaking view of the Torres del Paine . If conditions are good, we will remain here until sunset , looking to capture the peaks in the magical light of the end of the day. Alternatively, we will photograph the sunset on the shores of the incredible Nordenskjold Lake.

After dark, we will head back to our accommodation to rest, although we will consider the possibility of a night photography session if the conditions are suitable for it.

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Again, we will get up early to photograph the sunrise . This time, we will head back to Lake Pehoe, not far from our lodging. Once in the area, we will go to photograph several of the most spectacular locations on the shore of the lake, looking for the warm golden light of the sunrise.

As we said before, the Pehoe is one of the most beautiful lakes in Patagonia , offering us endless compositions and photographic possibilities. For this reason, we will spend most of this day exploring the most outstanding points of the lake. The color of the lake’s waters, an incredible turquoise tone , will help us to get excellent images.

Among the locations we will visit, one of the best panoramic views of the lake will be the one we will get from the Mirador del Condor. From this viewpoint, located very close to the road, we will have an extraordinary view of the lake and the Torres del Paine. Depending on the light conditions, we will photograph the sunset from here , or from another location on the shores of Lake Pehoe.

Finally, at night, we will head back to our lodging to rest.

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Today we will get up early again, to move to the surroundings of Grey Lake this time, the spot where we will photograph the sunrise. From here we will also be able to capture views of the Grey Glacier, from which the lake was formed.

After our session, we will take a boat ride on the lake , which will take us to the shores of the glacier. From here, we will be able to take extraordinary images of the imposing Grey Glacier, with its huge blocks of blue ice. Anyone who has seen a glacier up close knows the impression produced by being in front of a phenomenon of such magnitude. Photographing it, without a doubt, is something you will never forget.

After the glacier excursion, we will continue photographing the park’s surroundings , now visiting the Laguna Amarga area. From there, we will be able to capture different views of the Torres del Paine, surrounded by amazing landscapes.

For sunset , we will move to Nordenskjold Lake , where we will photograph the towers from one of its most photogenic views. This lake is probably one of the most beautiful in all of Chilean Patagonia , along with the Pehoe . If we are lucky, we may be able to photograph the frequent lenticular clouds that usually appear at sunset at this time of the year. Once it gets dark, we will come back to sleep in our lodging.

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Once again, we will get up early to photograph the sunrise . This time we will visit Lake Nordenskjold again, to capture the beautiful views from its shore under different light conditions. As the light changes, we will move between various locations along the lake. In the area there are several ponds and lagoons, each with better panoramic views of the majestic Torres del Paine.

After photographing several of these locations, we will move on to Lake Sarmiento, to photograph its beautiful surroundings. In addition, it is quite possible that in the area we will have the opportunity to photograph the mythical guanacos , the most famous animals of Patagonia.

After that, we will move on to Laguna Azul, where we will stay for the rest of the day. Here we will photograph the sunset, enjoying different views of the Torres del Paine. At the same time, depending on the conditions, it is possible that we will stay a while in the surroundings to take night photos , with the impressive backdrop. Once our session is over, we will return to the lodge to rest.

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Today we will photograph the first light of day from another of the most scenic locations of Lake Pehoe. As we have already mentioned, we consider this to be one of the most beautiful of all the lakes we will visit on our tour, so we will make the most of these last few opportunities to photograph it.

After breakfast, we will return to photograph the meandering Serrano River , after which we will head south , leaving the Torres del Paine National Park. Our route will take us towards Puerto Natales, but before we will visit several locations with great photographic potential, such as the Toro Lake , the Milodon Cave , as well as the rock formation known as Silla del Diablo.

We will photograph the sunset in the area, before moving on to Puerto Natales , where we will go to our lodging to rest.

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We will get up early to head to the port, from where we will take a boat cruise to the Serrano Glacier . On this full day excursion, we will have another chance to photograph a glacier, but also a great opportunity to photograph the wildlife of the area . Among this, it is quite possible that we will be able to photograph colonies of cormorants and the majestic sea lions .

At sunset , we will visit the beautiful Sofia Lagoon , where we will have fantastic photo opportunities before returning to Puerto Natales to rest.

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We will photograph the sunrise from an old pier in Puerto Natales , where we will have extraordinary views of the lake and the mountains in the background. At the same time, we may be able to photograph birds in the surroundings, so we will have our telephoto lenses ready.

After breakfast, we will spend some time exploring Puerto Natales, and then we will take the road to our next destination in Argentina, El Calafate. Along the way, we will make several stops to photograph the locations around us. Depending on our timing, we will photograph the sunset at our destination, or along the way.

Once in El Calafate , we will go to our lodging to rest after a long and intense day.

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Our first sunrise in El Calafate will be spent photographing the views from the Puerto Bandera area . Next, we will go to photograph one of the most emblematic and spectacular locations of the entire Patagonia Photo Tour , the impressive Perito Moreno , one of the most beautiful and famous glaciers on the planet.

The Perito Moreno, located in the Glacier National Park of Argentina , is a glacier that is in an advancing phase. Its tongue, more than 5 kilometers long , has a height of about 70 meters above Lake Argentino . At its end, it is common to find fabulous ice caves that, hopefully, we will be able to photograph from our boat, as well as its vast expanses of ice.

In the glacier, we will make an expedition by boat to get to make a guided trekking on the ice , in which we will be able to capture fantastic details of the textures and tones of the ice. A simply unforgettable experience, which will allow us to take unrepeatable photos.

After our visit, we will return to the shore, staying in the surroundings until sunset . We will photograph the last lights of the day from some viewpoints and platforms that are in the area, capturing the magnificent panoramic view of this magical natural phenomenon. Once it is dark, we will go back to our lodging in El Calafate.

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Today we will photograph the sunrise from the shores of Lake Argentino , whose waters, of a beautiful turquoise tone , will allow us to get fantastic pictures.

After breakfast, we will take the road to our next destination, the area of El Chaltén , at the base of the Fitz Roy Massif. Without a doubt, we are talking about another of the top locations of our Patagonia Photo Tour.

The journey to El Chaltén will take us almost four hours, but we will stop a few times along the way. The first ones will take place in the eastern part of Lake Argentino , but we will dedicate more time on another beautiful lake, Lake Viedma . From the latter, we will have the opportunity to photograph views of the glacier of the same name , as well as to capture, from a distance, the first images of Fitz Roy. We will also have the opportunity to photograph the petrified forest of La Leona.

Before reaching El Chaltén, we will stop to photograph the famous views of the road with the Fitz Roy in the background. Facing the sunset , we will stay at one of these impressive views, from where we will be able to capture unique images. We will then continue on to the village, where we will rest after the long day’s ride.

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For our first sunrise in the area of El Chaltén, we will travel the first miles of route 23 to the south, to capture the first light of the day with the views of Fitz Roy in the background.

After that, we will return to the village to have breakfast and then photograph a waterfall located in the surroundings, the Chorrillo del Salto . Here we will be able to use neutral density filters again, trying to get exposures that bring dynamism to our photographs.

Afterwards, we will take a simple hike to the Mirador de los Condores , from where it is common to sight the majestic condor, the second largest flying bird species in the world (after the wandering albatross), and another of the symbols of Patagonia . This formidable bird has a wingspan of up to 3.5 meters, which gives an idea of its extraordinary size. From this point, it is quite likely that we will be able to spot and photograph several condors, so we will have our telephoto lenses ready. At the same time, depending on our time and energy, we will consider doing another trekking of about 30 minutes, to the nearby Mirador de las Águilas.

For the last part of the day, we will head towards the area of the Fitz Roy River, an area where we will have extraordinary views of Cerro Fitz Roy. Here we will photograph the sunset, which often provides moments of incredible light.

After we have made the most of the last lights of the day, we will return to our lodging to rest.

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Today we will return to the surroundings of the Fitz Roy River to photograph the sunrise , in search of different lights from the previous day’s sunset. The area will look spectacular, with the reddish autumn color predominating in the bushes. Thanks to this, we will be able to capture beautiful photographs.

We will spend a good part of the morning photographing the river environment, where we will have plenty of close-ups to compose our images . Afterwards, we will go to El Chaltén , where we will have time to visit the town.

In the afternoon, we will go to the area of Las Vueltas River , where we will reach a viewpoint with a fabulous panoramic view of the surroundings. Here we will photograph the sunset, with the mountains in the background, in a simply unforgettable picture. After that, we will return to our lodging to sleep.

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This will be the last full day of the first part of our Patagonia Photo Tour (base tour), so we will try to make the most of every last minute of it. We will start early and head north towards Lago del Desierto , about an hour north of El Chaltén. We will photograph the sunrise at a stopover along the route, next to the Río Eléctrico , from where we will have exceptional views of the mountains.

We will then continue our route to Lago del Desierto, making several stops to photograph some of the waterfalls that abound in the area. Once again, we will be able to practice with the use of filters, looking for more silky and/or dynamic effects in the water.

Once at the lake, we will photograph different views of the lake as we walk along its southern shore. In addition, we will also be able to photograph part of the beautiful forests of the area , covered by the autumn colors, as well as walk some of the trails that start from there.

In the afternoon, we will consider the possibility of a gentle trekking, which will take us to the beautiful Huemul Glacier, as well as to the glacial lagoon located at its foot. This would be the point from which to photograph the sunset of this last day of the base tour, without a doubt an extraordinary location , as well as the perfect finishing touch to a tour like this. Alternatively, we will photograph the sunset on the way back to El Chaltén, with the beautiful views of the Río Eléctrico and Río Las Vueltas , and the peaks of Fitz Roy in the background.

After dark, we will head back to our lodging to rest.

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Today we will get up early to capture the last sunrise from El Chaltén , for which we will visit a different location in the surroundings of the Fitz Roy River. From there, we will once again enjoy the magnificent views of Fitz Roy in front of us.

After breakfast, participants who do not take the optional extension to this Patagonia Photo Tour will be transferred to the El Calafate airport , where the Patagonia Photo Tour will end. Travelers who continue with the Patagonia Photo Tour Extension will remain in El Chaltén with the guides to get ready to begin the second part of this photographic adventure .

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Once the first part of our Patagonia Photo Tour is finished, we have prepared an optional 6-night complementary extension to it. This extension is designed to enjoy the most spectacular locations of the Argentine Patagonia, in the best moments of light, sunrise and sunset . Since, in order to reach these locations, it is necessary to make routes of longer duration and medium difficulty, the only rational way to organize it in a safe way, is to spend the night in tents near these locations.

Therefore, those participants who like trekking , and are used to do routes of longer duration and medium difficulty, will have in this extension the perfect opportunity to photograph those dream places. Among these, we highlight the Laguna Torre , Laguna Capri, the Mirador del Fitz Roy , or the Laguna de Los Tres . In any case, it will not be necessary to be in excellent physical shape or be a professional athlete; it is enough to have an average physical level. The longest hikes will be around 5 or 6 miles, but we will have more than enough time to do them comfortably.

In addition, this extension is scheduled to take place during the new moon and the nights close to it, so it will be a perfect opportunity to photograph the Milky Way from these magical locations.

In short, if you want to make the most of all the possibilities of a Patagonia Photo Tour , you are in front of an unbeatable opportunity.


This first day of the extension, once we say goodbye to our colleagues who do not make the extension trip, we will prepare the equipment to start the first of our routes.

Once everything is ready, we will begin our hike to Laguna Torre, one of those magical locations. This hike is about 5.5 miles long and has a medium difficulty level. However, along the route we will make several stops to be able to photograph the impressive scenery around us.

Before reaching the lagoon, we will set up our camp. After that, we will continue the last mile that separates us from the lake, where we will spend the rest of the day. From here, the view of Cerro Torre is simply breathtaking. With luck, in addition to the autumn colors, it is possible that we can enjoy the presence of an iceberg in the lake , detached from the glacier.

We will photograph the sunset at Laguna Torre , but also, if the conditions are right, we will be able to do a night photography session in this place before returning to our tents to rest.

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Today we will get up early to return to Laguna Torre , this time to capture the sunrise lights from its shore. We will arrive at the shore before the first lights illuminate the peaks, to try to capture all the beauty of the landscape around us.

Afterwards, and after dismantling our camp, we will head to the next point of our route, the Capri Lagoon . This route will take us a good part of the morning, although it is not too difficult. Once at the lake, we will set up our camp again, and we will get ready to take pictures of the surroundings . We will spend the rest of the afternoon in the surroundings, photographing both the shores of the lake and the area of the Fitz Roy viewpoint , where we will find several small lagoons , as well as a variety of elements to achieve extraordinary compositions.

After sunset, we will rest for a while in our tents, and then go out again to take night photos , if the conditions are right.

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Before sunrise , we will go out again to photograph Laguna Capri under different light conditions. On this occasion, the first light of day will illuminate the imposing peaks of Fitz Roy , while the golden hour advances. If we are lucky, we will be able to experience a truly unforgettable scene.

Afterwards, we will pack up the campsite to start our way back to El Chaltén . However, we will stop again in the surroundings of the Mirador del Fitz Roy , in search of new images of the surroundings under a different light than in the afternoon. We will spend enough time here to take advantage of the many photographic possibilities of this area, before continuing our route.

Once we arrive in El Chaltén , we will go directly to our lodging, where we will wash up and rest after our photographic adventure in nature.

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Today we will set out on the second route of this extension of the Patagonia Photo Tour. After having rested enough, we will start our hike, which on this occasion will take us to the area of Laguna de los Tres and Laguna Sucia . This route, with no stops, could take us about four hours. However, we will do it quietly , making several stops to take pictures of the beautiful surroundings.

The goal is to arrive at the destination to photograph the sunset , although before that we will stop to set up our tents in the camp. Therefore, we will have enough time to do this hike with no rush. In addition, this time we will spend two nights at the camp , so the next day will be spent entirely in the area.

For the sunset, we will go to the lakes area, from where we will be able to photograph probably the most spectacular view of Patagonia. Having the opportunity to witness a sunset in a place like this will make the efforts of the route more than worthwhile. Also, if we have favorable conditions, we will do a night photography session from this same area, trying to capture the Milky Way above us.

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As we are close to the lakes, we will get up early to photograph the sunrise , in this case from Laguna Sucia . Again, if we are lucky, we will have the chance to capture the beautiful lights of the first hours of the day over this incredible landscape. On this occasion, the light of the sunrise will be tinging everything with the beautiful golden tones that we photographers look forward to so much.

After spending some time photographing the surroundings, we will head back to our campsite to rest for a while. Not long after, we will make another route , quite simple and short, this time, to the nearby Laguna de Piedras Blancas, under the glacier of the same name. From here, we will be lucky enough to photograph another extraordinary view. The turquoise waters of the lagoon will contrast with the golden lights of the sunset, if we are lucky with the conditions. In any case, this is a dream location , one of those places that one never forgets.

After sunset, we will wait by the shore to take night pictures of a place as magical as this, before returning to rest in the tents.

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Today we will go back to our lodging in El Chaltén , but not before getting up early to capture a new sunrise . Depending on the level of strength after such an exhausting tour, we will decide whether to photograph the dawn lights from Laguna Los Tres or Laguna de Piedras Blancas. The first, closer to the camp, implies a route with a steeper slope, about 400 meters, while the second, about one mile away, has hardly any slope.

In any case, we will make the most of this last session near Fitz Roy to capture, once again, the infinite beauty of the surrounding landscapes. Undoubtedly, if the weather allows us, this extension will provide us with hundreds of fabulous photographs . Certainly, we will be enjoying some of the most impressive views of the entire planet.

After our session, we will return to the camp, where we will pick up our tents, and start the route back to El Chaltén . We will take it easy on the way back, making several photo stops along the way.

After photographing the sunset from near the village , we will return to our lodging to have a shower, pack our luggage, and rest.

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Depending on time and energy, we will value a last session at dawn, from the road south of town.

After breakfast, we will start our route to El Calafate airport, where our Patagonia Photo Tour will come to an end.



Pricing and bookings.

The price of this extraordinary Patagonia Photo Tour (Chilean and Argentinean parts) , of 14 days (13 nights at the destination), is $5,750€ per person, based on double, triple or quadruple occupancy, shared with other participant/s in the tour, according to the planned itinerary.

Price based on a minimum participation of 6 travelers. If this minimum group is not reached, we will offer the possibility of continuing with the trip for an additional price supplement.

Single room supplement: $1,400, subject to availability at the time of request.

The price of the optional 7-day extension (6 nights at destination), is $2,550, with shared room accommodation for 2 nights, and tented accommodation for another 4 nights. The price of the supplement for single accommodation during this extension is $500.

To book your spot for this photo tour, you can send us an email to [email protected], or call us at (+34) 625 01 44 81 (also available by WhatsApp). You can also book your spot with the form located at the top right area of this page.

Price per person is subject to the minimum group size of 6 participants.

Accommodations in hotels, lodges or cabins shared with other participants in the trip.

Supplement of $1,400 per stay in single room (plus $500 extra in case of participating also in the optional extension choosing to stay in single room). Prices subject to availability at the time of booking.

General Considerations

This Patagonia Photo Tour is organized by the Official Travel Agency ‘Viajes Fotográficos – Dream Photo Expeditions’ ( hereinafter referred to as ‘the travel agency’).

The travel agency carefully studies and designs all the trips that we offer, always trying to adapt them to our travelers needs. All our itineraries and activities are chosen from a photographic point of view. However, the itinerary shown here is just an idea of some of the places that we will be visiting, not being contractual information about what we’ll do during the trip. The tour leaders, photo guides, other guides and/or the travel agency and organizers of the tour, reserve always the right to do any kind of changes to the itinerary and the tour, both before and during the trip.

In this sense, it will be up to the photographer/s guide/s or to the travel agency, the decision of changing any of the programmed activities, places to visit, and shooting sessions for each day, depending on factors as weather, security or light conditions, but not limited to these. We will always be in search of the best possible experiences and moments of light for the customers of this trip. However, sometimes we may decide to change plans depending on some factors. The program may also be changed in case of emergency, injury of illness of any of the participants or main photographers.

At the same time, both the photographers and the travel agency reserves the right of changing the tour leader/s, in case it’s necessary. Some of the reasons might include injuries, illness or hospitalization, severe health problems, accidents, (both of themselves as well as first grade relatives too), etc. In those cases, the agency will bring another photographer able to guide the group in the same destination.


Each traveler is responsible of having all the documentation needed for the trip, as well as for entering the destination/s. To enter Argentina and Chile in the case of Spanish or European Union citizens, a valid passport is sufficient, with a minimum of 6 months validity from the date of return of the trip. In addition, depending on the country of residence, it may be necessary to obtain an additional visa or travel authorization.

For citizens traveling from countries other than Spain, please check with the local authorities in your country. Each traveler is responsible for complying with the necessary documentation and requirements to access the destination country.

The travel agency or the photographers accompanying the group have no responsibility for the client’s admission to the destination country, as well as for the documentation and formalities that each client needs to complete.

Travel Insurance

This tour includes a basic assistance insurance. If the client wishes, he/she can extend the coverage by paying the corresponding difference, or take out a different travel insurance at his/her own expense.

It is always recommended to have an insurance with the highest possible coverage of medical expenses, which can even be unlimited.

In case you wish, Workshops Photo Tours will provide the necessary information to arrange a policy with the coverage and conditions appropriate to the client and the contracted trip.

Personal Counseling

The travel agency will give personal counseling and advice to travelers when purchasing their trip. Customers will receive a list with everything that they might need for the route, tips about how to prepare a medical kit for the travel, recommendations about the photography gear for the place, etc… At the same time, our staff will be happy to help and solve any doubt that the clients could have while they are preparing their trip.


We are completely sure that the Patagonia Photo Tour (Chilean and Argentinean parts) will be an unforgettable experience for travelers. Workshops Photo Tours considers that it is its responsibility as a tourist agent to promote values such as respect (cultural, social and environmental). These values must prevail in all its trips. Likewise, Workshops Photo Tours must ensure that the impact of its trips will in no case be negative for the country and its population.

The travel agency or the photographers accompanying the group have no responsibility for any accident, damage, loss or theft that the client may suffer during the trip.

Each customer declares that he or she accepts all the conditions on this trip at the time he or she is doing a reservation request and/or payment for it.

At the time of confirmation of purchase by the customer, he/she must pay $1,000 of total cost of the trip.

The payment of the final part shall be made no later than 90 days before the start of the trip. The agency may terminate the contract and apply the rules established for withdrawal before departure if the consumer does not make any of the payments provided for in the preceding paragraphs within the corresponding period.

The benefits that make up the package travel contract result from the information provided to the consumer in the brochure or program, as well as the indications relating to this information that have been made to confirm the reservation.


In case the agency doesn’t complete the minimum group needed to confirm the trip, customers will have the choice between doing the trip paying an extra supplement, or being issued a full refund.

However if the client doesn’t show or cancels the trip, the following cancellation policies will be applied:

– Up to 90 days before the trip: US$1,000 (plus any extra amount paid in case they had chosen single room basis). – Less than 90 days before the trip: 100% of the cost of the trip.

For these cases, the client is recommended to contract an extended insurance that covers some cancellation assumptions.

Prices are based on the currency exchange rate in effect on March 14, 2024. The currency may be updated up to 21 days prior to departure in accordance with the Combined Travel Act, applying the corresponding supplement / discount.

Once the reservation is done by the client, and the services and their prices are confirmed by us, these prices only could be revised until 20 calendar days prior to the departure dates, only in case there are variations in the transportation costs (including the fuel prices), in accommodations, in rates and taxes referring to certain services (such as landing, boarding in ports and airports), or in monetary exchange rates applied to the trip.



patagonia photo tour


Starting/ending location.

International Airport El Calafate, Argentina ( Google Maps )

  • Accommodation during the 12 nights of the Patagonia Photo Tour, in shared rooms, as well as the 6 nights of the optional extension, if booked (2 in hotels and 4 in tents).
  • Transportation and transfers during the entire trip, plus all expenses derived from it.
  • Entrance fees to National Parks and natural areas where necessary.
  • Boat excursions to the Grey and Serrano glaciers, as well as trekking and boat excursion on the Perito Moreno.
  • Photographic guide/s specialized in the destination.
  • Personalized instruction and assistance.
  • Basic travel insurance.
  • A minimum of two photo editing videos made by our photographers.
  • Online group photo editing session to process and edit some of the photos taken during the trip.
  • Organization and services of an official travel agency with more than 5 years and 45 photo tours of experience, meeting all legal requirements and regulations in Europe regarding travel.

Not included

  • Flights and/or transportation to and from Patagonia.
  • Meals (breakfast, lunch or dinner), snacks or beverages.
  • Visas, if required.
  • Personal expenses.
  • Anything not included in the “Included” section.


We recommend you to bring a DSLR or Mirrorless system camera with interchangeable lenses, but you can join the photo tour bringing any kind of camera, including compact ones, or even a smartphone.

Wide Angle Lens

A wide angle lens will be really useful to capture the amazing Patagonia landscapes, allowing us to capture beautiful images, along with stunning close-ups.

Standard Zoom

An standard zoom, like a 24-70mm, or a 24-105mm, will be very useful on this trip. With that focal length range, you will be able to capture a great variety of the scenes we’ll find.


A 70-200mm or even 100-400mm telephoto lens will allow us to get amazing images of the peaks from a distance, focusing on their details.


These kind of lenses are not really essential, if you already have a fast wide angle. However, if you already have a lens like a 14mm 1’8 or a 20mm 1’4, it would be perfect for the night sessions.

A tripod will be needed for our low light photography sessions, such as the sunrise, sunset and night photography ones. We recommend you bringing a really sturdy one, so it’s not easily moved by the wind.


We recommend you bringing ND filters for long exposure photography, as well as graduated ND filter for sunrises and sunsets. A polarizer filter will be very useful too, to add saturation or avoid reflections.


Bringing a remote or an intervalometer will be a great idea, because they will be very useful in low light sessions, avoiding the need to touch the camera, and therefore minimizing the risk of moved images.

Bringing enough extra batteries is essential for a trip like this. Given the cold temperatures, batteries will run much faster than usual. Therefore, you should bring enough batteries to avoid running out of energies.


We also recommend you bringing enough memory cards so you can store all the pictures you will take during the trip, or even doing security copies. Given their low price, it’s better to carry extra cards.

PRactical Information

Is there a minimal physical level to join this patagonia photo tour.

This Patagonia Photo Tour is a two-part tour. Since the area includes both locations very easy to visit, and others of more difficult access, we have thought it convenient to make a first base tour of easy level, and to include the most difficult part in an optional extension after that.

In this way, we have that the base trip, of 13 days of duration, is for those who have a simple/medium physical level, and we can say that it is suitable for all the public, as long as they are in a reasonable state of health. Meanwhile, the extension is for those who have an intermediate level, so it is already recommended for people who are in a good physical condition, and used to intermediate level and duration trekking and hiking. We are talking about hikes of between 5 and 6 miles, with no great elevation gain, except for some very specific sections, such as the final part to reach the Laguna Los Tres.

On the other hand, there is no age limit, as long as the physical requirements for each part are taken into account, as we have previously mentioned.

Do I need a minimal photography level to join the Patagonia Photo Tour?

There is no need of a minimal photography level to join this Patagonia Photo Tour. You don’t need to be a professional photographer to come to this trip, nor even having a lot of experience with your camera. All our photo tours are open to all levels, even for beginners, or unexperienced photography users. Sometimes, we even have people just taking shots with their smartphones.

One of our highlights is providing customized attention, so we will help you to get the best possible images, regardless your previous level. We’ll be there to help you becoming a better photographer!

What kind of weather can I expect during this Patagonia Photo Tour?

This Patagonia Photo Tour takes place in the middle of autumn in the Southern Hemisphere, trying to photograph the spectacular colors of this time of the year. For this reason, and being in mountainous areas, we can expect cold temperatures, being possible to reach 0ºC (32ºF), or even a little less, at night. Likewise, we may encounter some rain and wind, the latter being frequent in Patagonia.

For this reason, we recommend dressing in layers, being ideal for this purpose technical mountain clothing. We recommend wearing a medium or thick fleece, as well as a down jacket or a medium synthetic coat, necessary for the nights. It is also highly recommended to bring a waterproof jacket such as Gore Tex or similar, to protect against rain and wind. In any case, when you confirm your trip reservation, you will receive our recommended equipment guide for more information and details.

Are meals included on this Patagonia Photo Tour?

Our Patagonia Photo Tour does not include meals (breakfast, lunch or dinner). This will allow us to have maximum flexibility during the trip, to focus as much time as possible on what matters most to us, photography.

We will usually have breakfast at the lodges or in cafeterias after our sunrise sessions. Then, we will have some of the lunches and dinners as picnics, with products bought in supermarkets (sandwiches, fruit, snacks, etc), while in other occasions we will go to restaurants, or to the hotels themselves. In any case, we will have plenty of time to enjoy the extraordinary cuisine of the area, where meat stands out (almost essential to try the grilled lamb), and sweets such as alfajor.

Which payment options do you offer?

Currently, the main payment option we have is the bank transfer. However, if you prefer it, we also have other payment options, such as credit or debit card, PayPal or Transferwise. Please notice that these other payment options may apply a commission fee. You can ask us about these different payment options. 

What kind of accommodations will we have?

In this Patagonia Photo Tour, we will stay in medium/tourist category hotels, lodges, apartments or cabins, on a room only basis, and in double, triple or quadruple rooms, to be shared with other participants in the trip, with private bathroom.

For the part of the optional extension of 7 additional days after the trip, we will alternate 2 nights in hotels with 4 nights in tents, which we will spend in campsites located in the most impressive areas of the Glacier National Park in Argentina.

If you come with someone else to the Patagonia Photo Tour , you can share a room, but if not, we will assign you a roommate, always of the same gender. In any case, there is the possibility of hiring accommodation in a single room for an additional supplement.

Can I join this photo tour regardless my country of residence?

Anyone can join this Patagonia Photo Tour, regardless of the country where they live. Although our office is located in Santander, Spain, our trips are open to participation from anywhere on the planet, so we have clients from countries all over the world. However, Spanish will always be the language used during the Patagonia Photo Tour (sometimes together with English).

Our Patagonia Photo Tour will start at the International Airport in El Calafate, Argentina. All participants will have to be at that meeting point during the starting day of the trip, at a time to be determined by us, where they will have to arrive from their place of origin. Therefore, it is not necessary to pass through Spain before the start of the Patagonia Photo Tour.

What else should I bring to the tour?

After booking this Patagonia Photo Tour, you will receive our travel guide and equipment recommendation to take with you on the Patagonia Photo Tour . This recommendation refers not only to the clothes, accessories and necessary items to take on the Patagonia Photo Tour , but also to the photographic equipment. In short, you will not have to worry about anything, as our experts will inform you of everything you need to bring to make the most of this  Patagonia Photo Tour .

A first tip for the tour is to bring a coat or parka in bright colors, such as red, orange, light green or yellow, which will make it easier for us to take fantastic portraits of you in some of the most incredible locations on the island!


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2025 Patagonia Non-Hiking Photo Tour

El chaltén & torres del paine in the fall.

Patagonia is one of the most beautiful regions on Earth . Its massive glaciers, towering peaks, turquoise lakes, and pristine Patagonian forests make for some of the most awe-inspiring landscapes to photograph. Additionally, it’s home to stunning wildlife like pumas, guanacos, condors, the Magellanic woodpecker, and more!

Join us to photograph all of these highlights while we explore Chile and Argentina together. If you’ve ever wanted to photograph the wonders of Patagonia without having to do strenuous hikes , this photography tour will be right down your alley.

We are running this Chilean and Argentine Patagonia photo tour in April   2025, during the best time of year to photograph the spectacular Patagonia forests’ fall colors and when the parks are less crowded.

Road to El Chalten Patagonia

  • Drop-off at El Calafate Airport (FTE)
  • Transportation during the trip in a private bus with ample space
  • Fuel and parking fees
  • Border crossing fees
  • Accomodation in hotels in shared rooms with private bathrooms
  • Entrance ticket to Torres del Paine National Park
  • Entrance ticket to Glaciar Perito Moreno
  • Local guides in Argentina and Chile
  • Puma tracking tour
  • Photography instruction from two professional landscape photographers
  • Access to the Capture the Atlas Academy (more info below)

Not Included

  • Flights to/from El Calafate Airport
  • Private room - Extra $1,200 (*subject to availability)
  • Meals, except breakfast at the hotel
  • Health/travel insurance
  • Telephone, personal expenses, tips, etc. Any other service not mentioned in the "INCLUDED" section.

Hal Masover

During this 10-day Patagonia photo adventure , we will visit the most photogenic locations around the picturesque village of El Chaltén in Argentina’s Glariares National Park , as well as the most iconic spots in Torres del Paine National Park in Chile, including one full day at the famous Perito Moreno Glacier.

This Patagonia photo tour is mainly focused on enjoying and capturing the best moments of light that the Southern Andean range has to offer, from epic sunrises over Mount Fitz Roy to dramatic lenticular clouds and unforgettable photography sessions at Los Cuernos in Torres del Paine. We will stay in some of the best hotels in the area and close to the best locations so we can eat and sleep comfortably while being able to shoot the main  photography locations in Patagonia .

We will personally help you capture the best possible images and show you the best techniques to shoot any subject in different light conditions: sunrise, sunset, midday, twilight, night, etc.

patagonia photo tour


  • Photo tours in April 2025
  • Group size: 12 participants + 2 instructors + 1 local guide.
  • Main topics: landscape, mountains, forests, wildlife.
  • Main areas : El Chaltén , Perito Moreno Glacier , and Torres del Paine .
  • Accommodation is included in top hotels close to the best locations.
  • Transportation included in a comfortable bus. All participants get a window and an extra seat.
  • All entrance fees to national parks are included.
  • Puma tracking in the Chilean Patagonia.

Download the official Patagonia Non-hiking Photo Tour brochure

patagonia photo tour

Is this Patagonia Photo Tour the Right Trip for me?

If you’ve ever dreamed of visiting Patagonia, but were set back because of the challenging hikes and camping in the cold, we created this trip to give you the best experience without compromising on the beauty. Patagonia is a common bucket list destination for most photographers because of it’s breathtaking landscapes. In the past, visiting this area meant hiking and camping; and while some iconic spots are only accessible through hikes, there are plenty more that have become accessible by car or short walks.

However, we’ll be visiting and photographing many locations, some of which require walking on uneven paths; we’ve also scheduled some short optional hikes to reach a couple of incredible viewpoints. Additionally, we’ll also spend a significant amount of time driving from one location to another, which can also be exhausting. Even without the camping and long hikes, being in good physical shape is fundamental so that you can enjoy the experience.

Photography tour in Patagonia, Argentina, Chile


The itinerary for our Patagonia photo tour can be flexible . Here, the weather is very changeable and we can experience all four seasons in one day. However, the weather is also one of the best things about Patagonia, since it creates the most dramatic conditions you’ll ever see in the wilderness.

As we know the area very well, our goal will be to photograph the Patagonian landscapes in the best possible conditions, depending on the weather forecast.

We will try to make the most of the light, especially during the sunrises, when the light creates a feast for the eyes by turning the peaks red and orange.

DAY 1: Argentine Patagonia Photo Tour

This Patagonia photo tour will begin at El Calafate in Argentina, where we’ll meet with the rest of the group.

During this first day, we’ll do the welcome speech and briefing. We’ll also do a gear review to make sure we are familiar with our cameras and have the right settings. You’ll then have time to rest from the trip, before going out for our first group dinner.

It’s important to be well-rested because the remaining days will be filled with activities!

El Calafate in the fall season

DAY 2: Patagonia Photo Tour

On the second day of our Patagonia photography tour , after breakfast, we will leave El Calafate and drive to our first photography spot: Perito Moreno Glacier!

This spectacular mass of ice spreads along 121 square miles and it’s one of the few glaciers in the world in an equilibrium state, with no major changes in its size during the past centuries.

This massive glacier towers above the turquoise waters of an enormous lagoon in Los Glaciares National Park , a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and it’s one of the most impressive glaciers in the world. We will spend the morning shooting this gigantic sharp ice field under the fall colors from different viewpoints.

After our Perito Moreno photo excursion , we will then drive to El Chalten to begin the next part of our journey.

The drive takes about 4.5 hours to the world-famous village of El Chaltén . Just an hour before we arrive in El Chaltén, we’ll be able to catch a glimpse of the iconic peaks of Fitz Roy and Cerro Torre in the distance; these two peaks will be our main photography backgrounds for the next three days.

Perito Moreno Glacier Photography tour

DAY 3: Patagonia Photo Tour with Camping

On the third day of our Patagonia photography tour , we will wake up early to capture the sunrise at a location near the village. After a short 5-minute walk, we’ll reach our photography spot, from where we’ll be able to see the iconic Fitz Roy and Cerro Torre with the beautiful morning light.

After breakfast at the hotel, we will embark on another adventure to Lago del Desierto . This beautiful lake is located right outside the national park and offers a unique view of the Fitz Roy massif. We’ll take a boat tour to explore the lake and enjoy its views.

On the way to the lake, we’ll make multiple stops to take photos. Once we exit the national park, we’ll be able to fly drones as this area is outside the National Park. The aerial views from this area are just stunning.

To end the day, we’ll make a final stop at a couple of little waterfalls to shoot the last light of the day before returning to our hotel.

patagonia photo tour

DAY 4: Patagonia Photo Tour 

On the fourth day of our Patagonia non-hiking photo tour , we’ll photograph the sunrise at the beautiful Mirador de los Cóndores , very close to town. After a moderate optional walk, we’ll reach this beautiful spot overlooking the town of El Chalten with the breathtaking peaks in the background.

After the morning session, we’ll drive to Puerto Bahía del Túnel to take some daytime images with little icebergs coming from Viedma glacier, with Fitz Roy and Cerro Torre in the background. We’ll also take this time to scout for some night photos in case the sky is clear. This spot is one of the best for night photography in the area, thanks to the hills that block the light pollution coming from the town.

After returning to the hotel and getting some rest, we’ll head to the next photo location, where we’ll photograph the last lights of the day: Chorrillo del Salto . This beautiful waterfall close to El Chalten can be reached after a 10 minute walk on flat terrain. Here we’ll use the foliage to frame this stunning subject.

If the sky is clear, we’ll do a short astrophotography session back in Puerto Bahía del Túnel to end the day.

patagonia photo tour

DAY 5: Patagonia Photo Tour

On the fifth day of our Patagonia photo tour , we’ll say goodbye to the charming town of El Chalten and start to make our way to the Chilean part of this trip.

Before we leave Argentina, we’ll make one final stop at the Cañón del Río de las Vueltas to take in the last view of the majestic peaks of Cerro Torre and Fitz Roy, which have been part of our backgrounds for the last few days.

On the way to Torres del Paine National Park in Chile, we’ll see wildlife such as guanacos and rheas. The drive will be long, and it includes a border crossing, but we’ll make a couple of stops for lunch and to use the bathroom.

The closer we get to our final destination, the more impressive the scenery will become. We will stay at one of the best hotels in Torres del Paine , with stunning views of the incredible Los Cuernos mountains . We can even take amazing pictures from the hotel’s doorstep!

A few minutes before arriving at the hotel, we’ll stop at the Mirador de Río Serrano to take the first images of this area’s stunning mountains.

A guanaco in the Patagonian pampa with mountains in the background

DAYS 6-9: Chilean Patagonia Photo Tour

During the next three days , we’ll have the flexibility to shoot in different locations across Torres del Paine National Park during the best light according to the weather forecast, which we will check daily. We’ll access our photo spots via small drives and short walks.

There are endless possibilities to shoot here: beautiful reflections of Los Cuernos , Laguna Amarga , Laguna Azul , the Dead Forest , turquoise lakes, waterfalls, many panoramic views of the mountains, colorful autumn foliage, and even seascapes.

2-week photography tour in Patagonia

During this trip, we will try to capture some blue hour and night images if conditions allow. We’ll always keep an eye on the conditions for any possible night photography session.

Enjoy Photography in Torres del Paine, Chile

Also, we’ll spend one of the days doing a Patagonia Puma tracking Photo Tour . Pumas are elusive animals and it’s not guaranteed that we’ll see them, but with the help of our professional puma tracker who knows their habitat and understand their behavior, we’ll have higher chances of seeing them. This area in the Patagonia is the best place in the world to witness this beautiful feline. In addition, we’ll probably see other animals, such as guanacos, condors, rheas, armadillos, foxes, and many species of birds.

On our 9th day of the trip, after our last sunrise at Mirador de Los Cuernos , we’ll head back to El Calafate in Argentina, where we’ll spend our last night.

Puma tracking photography tour

DAY 10: Patagonia Photo Tour

After breakfast, we will pack up and drive you to El Calafate Airport, where we will wrap up this photo adventure across Patagonia . We’ll do one drop-off in the morning and another one in the afternoon, but you can also take a private taxi to the airport if you need to catch your flight earlier or later.

patagonia photo tour

PRICE: $6,900 USD

Deposit: $2,000 USD

A $2,000 USD deposit is required to reserve your spot for this workshop. You can also pay in full at any time. The remaining balance is due 120 days before the start of the photo tour. If the remaining balance is not paid in full by the due date, you will lose your spot.


Drop-off  at El Calafate Airport (FTE).

Transportation included in a bus with 2 seats guaranteed per person.

Fuel and  parking   fees .

Border crossing fees.

Accommodation in hotels in shared rooms with private bathrooms.

Entrance ticket to Torres del Paine National Park.

Entrance ticket to Glaciar Perito Moreno .

Local guides in Los Glaciares NP and Torres del Paine NP.

Patagonia Puma tracking tour.

  • Access to Dan Zafra’s full  Capture the Milky Way Course  (valued at $299).
  • Access to the recorded material during the expedition.
  • Access to David Aguilar’s  Moody Landscapes course .


  • Flights to/from El Calafate Airport .
  • Private room – Extra $1,200 (*Subject to availability).
  • Meals, except breakfasts in the hotels.
  • Health/travel insurance (We can help you purchase the best travel insurance according to your needs).
  • Telephone, personal expenses, tips, etc., and any other service not mentioned in the “INCLUDED” section.

Patagonia Photography trip with professional guide

  • 08 Apr. 2024
  • 20 Apr. 2024
  • Prince Berkoh


Upcoming Patagonia Photo Tours 

  • 1 April 2025
  • 10 April 2025
  • Unai Larraya

patagonia photo tour

  • 11 April 2025
  • 20 April 2025

What will I learn during this Patagonia photo Tour?

This trip is focused on landscape & wildlife photography, mainly shooting mountains, forests, and waterfalls. We’ll also do some blue hour/night  photography when conditions align.

What you learn during the workshop will vary according to your goals and skills. Your instructors are professional photographers with extensive experience who will help you take your photography to the next level.

During the tour you’ll have the opportunity to learn:

Basic Photography Techniques

  • Getting comfortable shooting different types of landscapes and wildlife in manual mode.
  • Adjusting to the best camera settings in each situation.
  • Planning your sunset and landscape images.
  • Shooting long exposures using ND filters .
  • Enhancing your composition with the best techniques.
  • Basics of wildlife photography .
  • Designing your own shooting workflow to be more efficient in the field.

Advanced photography Techniques

  • Creating powerful compositions  that tell a story and engage the viewer.
  • Building a  connection between your photography and your vision .
  • Becoming a  master of light : learn how to enhance it and keep it under control.
  • Advanced landscape techniques  like bracketing, focus stacking, or focal length blending.
  • Advanced night photography techniques,  if conditions allow.
  • Advanced wildlife settings and shooting techniques.

Post-processing Techniques

Some of the  post-processing techniques  that you can learn with the included tutorials are:

  • Basics of Lightroom and Photoshop .
  • Preparing your images  in Lightroom/Adobe Camera Raw.
  • Stitching of panoramas  using different software like Lightroom or PTGui Pro.
  • Reducing the noise  in your images with Denoise AI.
  • Sharpening your photos  with Sharpen AI.
  • All types of Blendings  (exposure, focal length, focus, etc.).
  • Light shaping and Dodge & Burn  in your landscape & night images.
  • Post-processing of  moody and atmospheric landscapes .
  • Advanced night photography post-processing  techniques.

Your Instructors on this Patagonia Photo Tour

patagonia photo tour

Prince Berkoh will be the tour leader, and he’ll ensure that you capture the best possible images during the trip.

Prince is a landscape and night photographer based in Northern Spain. His passion for photography has taken him to some of the most spectacular landscape photography destinations in Europe and South America, where he has gained experience and knowledge about Patagonia.

He loves educating and teaching others about photography, and he’s given presentations on night photography over the years. He also has extensive experience, having led numerous tours in Patagonia and many Nordic countries such as Iceland, the Faroe Islands, the Lofoten Islands, and more. In addition, he leads other photo tours in Europe and South America.

Prince will show you the best methods for capturing the landscapes of Patagonia, from the basics to advanced techniques like bracketing, focus stacking, panoramas, and other photography tips.

patagonia photo tour

Unai Larraya will be the co-leader on this Patagonia photo tour. He is an expert landscape photographer who will make sure you end up with the best possible images.

Unai is an experienced landscape and wildlife photographer based in Northern Spain. He has refined his photography skills while traveling around the world over the past few years and has taught many other photographers along the way. He runs tours for Capture the Atlas in other destinations such as Iceland, the Dolomites, the Alps, Finland, etc.

Since Unai started his photography journey, he has won multiple awards in recognition of his outstanding photography and editing skills.

With Unai, you’ll learn about composition, shaping light, color theory, focus stacking, and more. He will also show you how to implement all these techniques into your workflow to take your photography to the next level!

You’ve probably seen Capture the Atlas in…

patagonia photo tour


We will send you a complete list of everything we recommend bringing on this tour before the trip. Below is a summary of things you might need:


  • DSLR/mirrorless camera and a sturdy tripod .
  • A wide-angle lens , such as a 14-24 mm lens.
  • A medium zoom lens , such as a 24-70 mm lens.
  • A telephoto lens , like a 100-400 mm lens.
  • A camera bag to transport all your photography equipment and some other items.
  • A  6-stop ND filter to shoot waterfalls and rivers.
  • A CPL (circular polarizer filter).
  • A headlamp for the night shoots

Travel and photograph Patagonia, Capture the Atlas


The average temperature in Patagonia in April is between 50ºF to 23°F (10° C to -5ºC) , and it’s especially cold in the mornings. You should come prepared for all kinds of weather and bring warm clothing. Rain and strong winds are very common in Patagonia. Some of the things that we recommend bringing on this fall Patagonia photo tour are:

  • A system of top layers to wear (base layer, fleece, windproof layer, shell).
  • A system of bottom layers to wear (hiking pants, fleece pants for cold nights, overpants for rain).
  • A good pair of breathable boots to keep your feet warm and protect your ankles while walking.
  • Warm and breathable socks .
  • A wool hat , neck gaiter, and gloves.
  • Light water bottle .

Some optional items that are recommended are:

  • Hiking poles for better balance in the walks
  • A cap or sun hat.
  • Sunglasses.

You will find more items and details on the official list of recommendations that we provide upon registration.

Photography trip to Argentina and Chile Patagonia region

The currency in Argentina is the Argentine peso (ARS) , and in Chile, it’s the Chilean peso (CLP) . We highly recommend getting Chilean pesos in your home country. Credit and debit cards are accepted in most places in Patagonia, but there are still many businesses that only take cash.

For Argentina , most business take credit cards. We still recommend having a small amount like $100-200 in cash. Local banks in foreign countries don’t usually offer ARS, so we recommend exchaning this amount once you are in El Calafate (our hotel offers ARS in exchange of USD and EUR).


People from most countries, including the Americas, Europe, Eastern Asia, Israel, Australia, and New Zealand, don’t need a tourist visa to visit Argentina and Chile for trips that are shorter than 90 days.

Please check if you need a visa to visit Argentina and Chile if you live outside those areas. We can help you with this process.


The accommodation on this Patagonia Photo Tour is double occupancy in shared bedrooms with two individual beds and a private bathroom . We also offer single occupancy rooms in all hotels on the trip for an extra $1,200. If you are interested in this, please let us know on the signup form below, since the single occupancy rooms are subject to availability.

In Argentina, we are staying in top-rated hotels close to the best locations, where you can see marvelous views of the Patagonian Mountains.

  • In El Calafate we’ll stay in Hotel Kau Kaleshen, at a one-minute walk to the main street, where you can find shops and restaurants.
  • On the nights in El Chalten , we’ll stay in the Chalten Suites Hotel, the best hotel in town, where we’ll be able to rest after our photography sessions.
  • Finally, in Torres del Paine, we’ll stay at Morrena Lodge; a beautiful rustic hotel, embedded in nature, right on the border of the national park.


This is not a hiking photo tour; however, most of the locations require short walks on uneven terrain to reach the best views.

There are only two locations that require a short hike. Mirador de los Cóndores in El Chaltén is 1.5 miles in distance (round trip) and around a 300-ft elevation gain, and Mirador de los Cuernos in Chile which is a 3.5 mile hike and 200 ft elevation gain. Both of these hikes are optional .

Days can be long depending on the weather conditions. On good days, we might spend most of the day out photographing different locations.

Being in good physical shape is fundamental to enjoying this experience to the fullest. Consider bringing hiking poles to help with your balance. 


All the local guides in both the Argentine and Chilean parts of this Patagonia photo tour are included.

We have also included the entrance fees for Perito Moreno and Torres del Paine National Park.

Wildlife photography adventure


You should book your flight to El Calafate International Airport (FTE).

Airline ticket prices will depend on the airport you are flying from, but round-trip flights from the USA cost around $1,400 – $1,800, and from Europe around $1,100 – $1,300.

Meals are not included, except for breakfast at the hotels.

Most days, we will have breakfast at our accommodation and a nice dinner in a local restaurant. In Torres del Paine, we will have dinner in the hotel’s restaurant, and during the day, we’ll order box lunches.

We recommend preparing to spend about $40-$70 USD on food per day.


All transportation and fuel are included during the tour. We’ll be traveling in a private 29-seat bus for the duration of the trip. This will give us ample room to be comfortable during drives and more than enough space for luggage and camera gear. Everybody will have a window seat and an extra seat to keep their camera gear handy.

The bus also has a few amenities, such as USB chargers and a small fridge if you want to store some food.


What makes this Patagonia Photo Tour unique?

Unforgettable, frequent questions about our patagonia photo tour, what level of photography knowledge should i have to attend this photo tour to patagonia.

Whether you are experienced or just starting out in photography, you are welcome to join us, and I am convinced that you will progress very fast. Together, we will get you back home with a greater and deeper knowledge of many photography topics.

Once you sign up for the workshop, we will discuss your skills and goals for this tour, and I’ll organize a teaching plan so you can make the most of this experience. You’ll also receive access to Dan’s Capture the Milky Way course so you can start preparing your astrophotography before the trip.


This is not a hiking photo tour; however, most of the locations require short walks on uneven terrain to reach the best views. Additionally, days can be long depending on the weather conditions. On good days we might spend most of the day out photographing different locations.

Being in good physical shape is fundamental to enjoy this experience to the fullest. Consider bringing hiking poles to help with your balance.


There is no age limit to join this Patagonia photo tour.

We do recommend that participants older than 70 years old do a physical examination with a primary care provider (PCP) to make sure that they are physically prepared for this experience.


Non-photographer companions are welcome to join the tour, and they need to book a spot under the same price and conditions as any other participant. (We don’t allow non-participant companions tagging along with the group). We have had plenty of non-photographer companions over the years and all of them enjoyed an amazing experience. As long as they enjoy nature, beautiful landscapes, and are a bit patient with the schedules of a photo tour, joining the trip can be a great experience regardless of the shooting.


Unfortunately, flying drones is not allowed in any of the national parks that we will visit; however, we will also visit some spots outside the national parks which could provide a good opportunity for some aerial photography.

Both of your guides are experienced drone photographers and will assist you with your drone photography; however, we are not responsible for any accidental damage or fines if you fly it in restricted areas.

Our Happy Students!

I’ve had the opportunity to work with and help countless photographers over the last years:


Join the expedition

Terms and conditions.

This tour is governed by these Terms and Conditions.

Patagonia is one of the most spectacular and photogenic mountain regions in the world for good reason; here, you can see everything from towering peaks and enormous glaciers to glittering rivers and waterfalls, and some of the most dramatic light in the Andes.

During the fall, the forests feature a unique display of colors, which adds the perfect touch to any landscape photo. Here, you can also expect to see some of the darkest skies in South America when the wind blows away the clouds.

We have crafted this Patagonia photo tour so you can visit, explore, and photograph all the best locations in this magical region during the best moments of light. All our guides and team will focus on you and your photography during this special trip.

Are you ready for this adventure?!

patagonia photo tour

Patagonia Behind the Scenes and Gallery

Similar photo tours you might be interested in.

patagonia photo tour

Patagonia Photography Tour

Patagonia Photography Tour & Workshop

Patagonia is and will always be special. It’s one of the wildest, most photogenic places on the entire planet.  For photographers, it’s an absolute joy to explore.  And sure, the weather can be a bit volatile, but the photographs that come out of a week in Patagonia are worth a lifetime nearly anywhere else.  It’s beautiful. So we hope you’ll join us on one of our Patagonia photography tours in 2024 or beyond!

Dates = April 10-21, 2024 Cost = €4,550 Fitness Level = A/C Tour Type = Classic

Start City =Punta Arenas, Chile End City = El Calafate, Argentina or Punta Arenas, Chile

Day 1 : Arrival in Punta Arenas, Chile Day 2 : Puerto Natales Day 3 : Torres del Paine Day 4 : Torres del Paine Day 5 : Torres del Paine Day 6 : Ruta 40 to El Chalten, Argentina Day 7 : El Chalten – Rio de Cascadas Day 8 : El Chalten – Laguna Torre or Laguna Capri Day 9 : El Chalten – Salto del Chorillo and Fitz Roy Views Day 10 : To El Calafate Day 11 : Perito Moreno Glacier Day 12 : Departure from El Calafate, Argentina / Or Catch a ride back to Punta Arenas, Chile

**Note: this Patagonia photography workshop is now sold out. If you would like to join the waiting list, please send me an email to brendanvanson at gmail dot com.

Or, if you’d like information on future photography tours to places like Patagonia, please sign up for the newsletter at the bottom of this page.

To secure your space, please book your deposit below. Please read the terms and conditions of booking before you do so.

What’s Included?

  • Airport transfers to/from local airport at the start/end of the trip.
  • All ground transport on tour dates.
  • All accommodation on tour dates.
  • Local guiding services in National Parks.
  • Photography instruction by team leaders.
  • All park entrance fees and permits.
  • Breakfast on all tour dates except for arrival day.

What’s Not Included

  • Transport to/from the start/end point of the trip.
  • Lunch and Dinner.
  • Visas ( if required )

Single Supplement?

The price of the trip is based on double occupancy which means that if you’re travelling solo, you’ll be matched up with a roommate of the same gender.

If you wish to have your own private accommodation for the duration of the trip, you may purchase a single supplement. The cost of that supplement on this particular trip is €1600.

patagonia photo tour

Brendan van Son

Brendan has been a professional travel photography for a decade. He’s visited over 100 countries and worked for clients such as Travel Alberta, Turkish Airlines, The Toronto Star, and The Guardian.

Brendan is fluent in English, French, and Spanish, and speaks basic Portuguese.

Neil Arthur

Neil is an Irish photographer who focuses mostly on landscapes photography but also specializes in food and product photography.

Photos of Patagonia

Below are some of the photos taken by Brendan van Son on past photography workshops in Patagonia. Of course, the photo potential is endless down at the end of the world. This is but a snapshot of what you’ll be able to capture. There are just so many incredible photo spots in Patagonia ; it’s unreal.

patagonia photo tour

Can’t Join This One?

If you can’t join this Patagonia photo trip but you’d like to stay in touch regarding future tours, please fill out the form below. We’ll keep you in the loop regarding our future workshops around the world including places beyond Patagonia such as Namibia , Iceland , and Norway .

Or, you can see all the tours we have on offer here .

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Tom Bol Photo Workshops

Landscapes, Travel, Wildlife and People

patagonia photo tour

Patagonia Photo Tour

patagonia photo tour

Dates: November 29-December 10, 2026 – 9 Spaces Available

Location: Calafate, Argentina, Torres del Paine in Chile                                                  

Cost: $9699 , single supplement is $1440

Thirty years ago Tom and I pushed our sea kayaks off a rocky beach into the pristine waters of Seno Aysen in Patagonia.  We began a two month sea kayak journey deep into remote fjords and rainforest rarely visited by anyone.  We encountered exotic wildlife, rolled our kayaks while penguins swam past, and read Darwin journey entries about the areas we were visiting.  We were so far off the grid that we couldn’t find accurate tide charts for the fjords we were exploring.   After 62 days of paddling, we were spellbound by Patagonia.  We’ve been returning ever since to this spectacular area.

Patagonia is a region defined by jaw-dropping landscapes, abundant wildlife and rich gaucho culture.  We’ve been working with the same guide for over 20 years, and have specifically designed this photo tour to experience the best Patagonia has to offer in both Argentina and Chile. For the first time this year we have adjusted our schedule to spend more time in Torres del Paine National Park. If you have been with us before, consider coming back again for more mountains, more guanacos, more icebergs and more fun!

What you will learn:

  • How to photograph dramatic landscapes
  • How to photograph waterfalls, clouds and stormy lakes using ND filters
  • Photograph wildlife in motion like guanacos, rheas, foxes, flamingos and more
  • Travel photography techniques
  • Tips for Editing Images in Lightroom and PhotoShop

Lodging: Our group will be staying at a number of hotels while touring through Patagonia. These include the incredibly scenic Hosteria Pehoe (below) in Chile and the Hotel Los Cerros in Argentina.

patagonia photo tour

Closest Airport:   El Calafate International Airport FTE in Calafate, Argentina – Schedule your flight to arrive in time for the welcome dinner the evening of November 29. On December 10 we will transfer to the airport of flight from Calafate to Buenos Aires and on to the US. Help is available for booking extra nights, domestic flights and/or transfers between the airports in Buenos Aires.

Recommended camera gear:

  • 1-2 camera bodies (back up body recommended)
  • Lenses ranging from wide angle 24mm to 70-200mm
  • Wildlife telephoto lens – 400mm or more (200-500mm or similar works great)
  • Polarizing and ND filters
  • Laptop for editing and critique
  • Photo Backpack (with extra room)

Included in the fee:

  • All lodging during the workshop dates
  • Photography instruction with Tom and Cree Bol
  • Local guide from Patagonia, Marcelo
  • Transportation in comfortable mini bus
  • Transfer to and from airport in Calafate
  • Some breakfast, lunches and dinners while on tour
  • Boat rides on Lago Gray and to the Perito Moreno Glacier
  • Copy of Tom’s ebook Create Better Photographs

Participants will provide their own:

  • Round trip transportation to Calafate FTE
  • Some meals while on tour
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Gratuity for staff and guides – recommend $30 per day

Know Before You Go : Rated Moderate. This trip involves walking from 1-3 miles per day in uneven terrain and getting in and out of vehicles frequently. A wildlife lens is recommended.

patagonia photo tour

Deposit Patagonia in Spring 2026

patagonia photo tour

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Ready for a unique experience?

Fotoreise Patagonien

Landscapes and pumas

Photo tour patagonia.

  • Information


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Patagonia photo tour.

Patagonia enchants with wild and fantastic landscapes and is also famous for its population of pumas. This extraordinary Patagonia photo tour takes you to selected highlights in the Argentinean and Chilean part of Patagonia. Massive glaciers, idyllic lakes, rugged mountain peaks and the endless expanses of the pampas contribute to the diversity of photo motifs in southern Chile and Argentina.

You will visit El Calafate and the powerful Perito Moreno Glacier, take pictures in the region of El Chaltén and visit the impressive Torres del Paine National Park with your camera. Besides photographing the landscapes, you will go puma tracking next to the Torres del Paine National Park. On this trip, you will also experience the traditional life of the gauchos and, with a bit of luck, photograph an Andean condor in flight. Great wildlife pictures require time, which we will take on this tour. In each location we stay for several nights.

As on all our photo tours, also in Patagonia we work together with an exceptionally good local partner. This Patagonia photo tour is accompanied by a renowned Chilean photographer with a long experience in photo travel in the region. She has previously worked as a guide in the Torres del Paine National Park and as a puma tracker. Benefit from the knowledge about the best spots, the weather and the behaviour of the pumas that only locals can have.

On this tour we will take you to the most beautiful photo spots in Patagonia in order that you can take great photos of the unique landscape and wildlife.

Fotoreise Patagonien

20 April - 03 May 2025 (filling fast)

22 April - 05 May 2026 (get notified)

14 days / 13 nights from El Calafate to Punta Arenas

El Calafate - El Chaltén - Torres del Paine National Park – Puma Tracking – Punta Arenas

English- / Spanish- and German speaking photo guides

This Patagonia Photo Tour offers extraordinary highlights!

  • Unique opportunity to observe and photograph pumas in the wild. Wildlife photography at its best. We spend three full days tracking and photographing pumas. This is longer than on other photo trips, because good wildlife pictures take time. You have a great chance of taking home some exceptional images.
  • Fantastic landscape photography featuring the impressive Perito Moreno Glaciar, El Chaltén, Los Glaciares National Park and the iconic Torres del Paine National Park.
  • The impressive landscape of Patagonia with its steep mountain peaks, emerald green lakes and lagoons is considered by us to be one of the most beautiful places in the world for landscape photography. This fantastic region is definitely an Eldorado for photographers.
  • You photograph the traditional life of the gauchos on an estancia.
  • With a bit of luck, you will succeed in taking fascinating photos of the mighty Andean condors.
  • The travel time was deliberately set for the autumn of the southern hemisphere. The autumn colours are beautiful and perhaps the mountain peaks are already sugared with the first snow.
  • On this trip you will be individually guided in a small group by two professional photographers. You will discover Patagonia together with the renowned Chilean professional photographer Cristina Harboe and Amazing Views managing director and nature photographer Thomas Brühlmann.
  • You will bring home dream images from Argentina and Chile!

Fotoreise Patagonien

Photo Guides

Cristina Harboe T.

Cristina Harboe T.

Local Photo Guide

Thomas Brühlmann

Thomas Brühlmann

Amazing Views Photo Guide

Fitness Level for this Patagonia Photo Tour

You enjoy being out in nature and walking over uneven terrain with your photographic equipment. You will photograph intensively and will be out and about at times with the best light conditions.

You are fit enough to take part in 3 – 4-hour hikes and carry your photographic equipment. We follow the pumas over uneven and hilly terrain. Depending on the movements of the pumas, we cover distances of 2 – 5 kilometres. We usually spend the whole day outside.

The exact program will be determined flexibly on site according to the current weather conditions.

20 April – 03 May 2025

CHF 13’900.- | Price per person sharing (double occupancy) CHF 15’380.-  | Price per person in a single room

22 April – 05 May 2026

coming soon | Price per person sharing (double occupancy) coming soon  | Price per person in a single room

Included in the Price

Guiding by two professional photographers (1 local photographer & 1 photographer from Amazing Views)

Accompanied by local guides, naturalists, and puma trackers

Languages: German, English & Spanish

All transfers from El Calafate to Punta Arenas

13 nights in comfortable hotels

Excursion including boat trip to the glacier front of Perito Moreno

Boat trip on Lago Grey

Entrances to parks in El Calafate, El Chaltén & Torres del Paine

3 days puma tracking

Activities and game drives as per itinerary

Full board (except 4 dinners)

Snacks incl. coffee and tea

Intensive photographic support and instruction by professional photographers

Extensive travel documents

Not included in the Price

Individual arrival and return to El Calafate and from Punta Arenas

Any extra nights before or after the trip

Transfer from/to the airport in case of arrival/departure other than recommended by us

Dinner in El Calafate, El Chaltén and Punta Arenas

Personal expenses, tips etc.

Laundry service

Any airport taxes and fees

Cancellation costs insurance, travel insurance

Book today!

Any questions left.

Contact us!

What our clients say

We had to wait a long time before we could finally travel to Patagonia. But it was worth it in every respect. What an incredible 10 days we experienced in this unique landscape! Perfectly guided by Thomas Brühlmann, Cristina Harboe and the other local guides, we were able to let off steam photographically. But the highlight was definitely the 3 days of puma tracking. Here we were able to benefit from Rodrigo Moraga's many years of knowledge and photograph the animals at almost arm's length. I would love to go there again right away!

Photo Tour Patagonia, April 2023

  • Destination Chile
  • Departure 20.04.2024
  • Return Time 30.04.2024

From our gallery

The most beautiful impressions from Chile.

Fotoreise Patagonien

Day 1 - Arrival in El Calafate

Day 2 - perito moreno glacier.

Fotoreise Patagonien

Day 3 - 4 – El Chaltén

Fotoreise Patagonien

Day 5 – On the road to Chile

Day 6 - 8 – landscape photography in torres del paine national park, day 9 - life of the gauchos.

patagonia photo tour

Day 10 to 12 - Puma tracking in Torres del Paine

patagonia photo tour

Day 13: Photographing Andean condors

Day 14: end of the photo tour, hotel in el calafate, hotel in el chaltén, hotel in torres del paine national park, hotel for the puma tracking, hotel in punta arenas.

Fotoreise Patagonien

Fitness Level

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  • Yes, I/we confirm I/we have read and understand the General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy of Amazing Views Photo & Adventure Tours as well as other conditions which are listed in the description of the respective trips.

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Ultimate Guide to Photography in Patagonia

Ultimate Guide to Photography in Patagonia

Leonardo Papèra

Where is Patagonia?

When to visit patagonia, what to pack, non-photographic equipment, photography equipment, other accessories, top photography locations of patagonia, torres del paine national park, los glaciares national park, useful tips for travelling in patagonia, car documentation, money and currency, wifi and internet.

Ultimate Guide to Patagonia

“Patagonia! She is a hard mistress. She casts her spell. An enchantress! She folds you in her arms and never lets go.”

  • Discover  The Ultimate Guide to Animals in Antarctica
  • Check out this article on  Understanding Metadata | EXIF for Landscape Photography

In this way, Bruce Chatwin describes one of the most beautiful and incredible regions of this Earth, Patagonia. 

See our popular Patagonia Photography Tours & Workshops

Immersive 9-day patagonia photo workshop in autumn with expert guides, 10 day puna de atacama photography tour.

I would like to tell you how it feels like to walk in the prairies between cute guanacos and fleeting pumas, among speedy hawks of all kinds and colourful mountain peaks, among the crafty foxes of Patagonia and the majestic condors, all at the foot of the Andes, but I can't. I can't put all of this into words, nor can I even come close to narrating what it really feels like to be there. 

Even if I can’t convey to you the same emotions that I felt while I was exploring those places, I’ll try to help you as much as I possibly can to plan your trip of a lifetime down there, at the southern end of this world. In this article, you'll learn all about the boundaries of Patagonia, when and where it is recommended to go there, what to pack and a few of its most beautiful locations for photography.

  • See also:  Why Iceland is the Perfect Place for Midnight Sun Photography

Ultimate Guide to Patagonia

First things first: where is “Patagonia”? Is it a province, a country or a town? Well, the answer is none of these.

When someone talks about Patagonia, they are referring to a specific region of South America which lies between two countries: Chile and Argentina. The boundaries of this region are naturally created by the Andes in the west and the south, deserts and grasslands in the east, extending north to the Rio Negro and Neuquèn provinces of Argentina as well as the Palena province in the Los Lagos region of Chile.

Ultimate Guide to Patagonia

As you can see, the area that we are talking about is quite huge; you could probably spend a lifetime roaming around there without even seeing half of the region. Luckily, the area we are interested in for photography is much smaller than that. All of the most popular and famous photographic locations of Patagonia (we’ll talk about them later) lie within a range of 400-500km, so if pictures are all you are after, you won’t have to drive for thousands of kilometres between Argentina and Chile. 

  • See also:    Patagonia Hiking Photo Adventure

Ultimate Guide to Patagonia

Regardless of the time of the year you’ll be there, Patagonia will always offer you breathtaking views. There are some periods though that are slightly better than others for photography. In this chapter, I'll talk about what each season of the year has to offer and when is the best to visit. 

Okay, I’ll make it quick. Autumn is the best time of the year to visit Patagonia for photography. Temperatures are still not too rigid, you'll have plenty of light to hike during the day and last but not least, you’ll catch the wonderful autumn foliage in all of the locations. Trust me, the vibrancy of the colours that you'll witness down in Patagonia are unique. It's going to be hard to find those colours elsewhere in the world.

Ultimate Guide to Patagonia

Meanwhile, all of the hotels, campsites and restaurants will still be open. There will be far fewer tourists around, since generally, the hiking season is summer. As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to elect autumn as the best season to visit Patagonia!

Winter is beautiful too, with high chances of catching some snow in many locations but you should be prepared to face the harshness of the cold season in Patagonia, since that’s not a joke! 

Ultimate Guide to Patagonia

You should be aware that in winter, most of the huts, campsites, hotels and restaurants will be closed; temperatures can be really low and strong winds should always be taken into consideration. Many trails will become dangerous and it is recommended that only expert hikers or mountaineers attempt them. 

While you can take some incredibly beautiful photos during winter in Patagonia, the effort required to take those shots will be very high, much higher than the other seasons! 

This is probably the least considered season when people think about traveling in Patagonia. In early spring, everything will still be closed for the winter season and you may find melting snow in many locations. Temperatures will be similar to winter, warming as the season progresses. In late spring, the kick-off of the hiking season begins and tourists will start to flow in.

I recommend visiting Patagonia in late spring, if that’s the only time of the year that you can travel, so that you won’t have any problems with campsites, accommodation and trails; oh, and you’ll have more daylight too! 

If you are into hiking and exploring as much as you are into photography, then this may be the best time of the year for you to visit Patagonia. With long days you’ll have enough time to do not just photography but also other activities, visit more places and take longer trails to explore the wilderness of the area. The temperature will be warmer and you can easily sleep under the stars in some of the many campsites that will be open during the season.

  • See also:    Patagonia Summer Photography Tour in Torres del Paine

Ultimate Guide to Patagonia

Planning what to bring on an adventure like a Patagonia trip is not an easy thing to do. Let's go through all the necessary stuff that I recommend you bring on this trip, in terms of photography as well as other much-needed gear.

At most of the photography locations that you’ll visit, you’ll need the kind of clothes that you would use in any other mountainous place around the world: fleece meshes, thermal meshes and waterproof pants are some of the suggested items that you bring.

Obviously, the amount of clothing that you'll need to pack will depend on the season you are planning to travel in. During winter, you’ll need more – and likely heavier – clothing than in summer, when breathable t-shirts may be a valid option if you plan to hike a lot. 

Camping Gear

Patagonia is one of the best places on Earth to go on a camping trip; not the kind of camping that requires an RV but the kind of camping that requires a tent and a sleeping bag (as well as many other things). I've decided to include this section because I think that 90% of you who are reading this article will probably spend at least a few nights under the starry sky of Patagonia.

Let’s start from the tent: if you plan to stay out in the wilderness for a few nights, then this is the first thing that you should think about. In Patagonia, the wind is one of the biggest problems when camping. As such, you should choose a tent that will protect you from strong winds as well as rain and hail.

Personally, I use a Camp Minima 3 SL (or 1 SL, depending on the length of the hike), and it has been great even in the worst possible conditions. The 1 SL can be too small for many people, so I recommend going for at least the 2 SL if you want some space. By the way, I’m not sponsored, nor do I have any collaboration with the manufacturer. This is just my honest opinion. 

The next piece of gear that you should think about when camping is your sleeping bag. When choosing a sleeping bag, be sure to keep a wide margin on the lowest comfort temperature. For example, let’s say that the minimum predicted temperatures in Patagonia will be around 3°C. You should choose a sleeping bag with a minimum comfort temperature lower than that by a few degrees at least, so that you won’t be too cold during the night. When you're out in the elements, it's easy to get cold but it’s far harder to warm yourself up, so remember this general tip when you are in the selection process. 

Other important pieces of gear that I would recommend you put in your backpack are a sleeping mat for more comfort and a camping stove to cook something hot to eat at the end of the day.

  • See also:    Antarctica Photography Expedition with Daniel Kordan - 2020

Now, let’s talk about the important stuff: what kind of gear do you need for taking photos in Patagonia?

Let’s start by saying that the weather will be exactly what you would expect at the southernmost end of the world: atrocious. It’s common to catch a few days of continuous storms and your equipment should be ready to work under those kinds of weather conditions, unless you want to be stuck in your tent or hotel for many days in a row. As such, a weather-sealed camera and lenses are highly recommended!

There are not many things to say about the camera apart from that it needs to be weather-sealed. Aside from that, any DSLR or mirrorless model will do the job. I recommend bringing along a full-frame camera if you plan to shoot landscapes more than wildlife , as they have an overall better image quality especially at low ISOs. A high-end APS-C camera will also work well if you are travelling in Patagonia for its incredible wildlife, since the quality will still be excellent and you can take advantage of the 1.5x crop factor. 

  • See also:    The Top Cameras for Landscape Photography in 2020

My personal recommendation here is to never leave for a Patagonia trip without being covered across all of the most important focal lengths. You’ll probably end up using all of them! 

Wide Angle Lens

If you mainly shoot landscapes, then this is going to be your workhorse for the whole trip. There are endless foregrounds to include in your pictures in Patagonia and the mountains work perfectly with a wide angle lens (from 14mm to 24mm).

Standard Zoom Lens

Even if personally I love to shoot mountainscapes with a wide angle lens, at the end of each trip I have noticed that a good 40% of the photos were taken with my standard zoom lens (24-120mm in my case). The point is to never leave your standard zoom at home. Never. You are going to need it!

Telephoto Lens

It goes without saying that if you are a wildlife photographer , then this should be the first lens you put in your bag. Even if you are not strictly a wildlife photographer though, a telephoto lens can be useful in many cases. Check out the shot below. Without my 150-600mm, I could never have taken a shot like that. 

Ultimate Guide to Patagonia

I’ll never get tired of writing how fundamental it is to have a good, sturdy tripod with you when travelling in places like Patagonia. You’ll focus a lot more on the composition and you’ll be able to use an array of techniques that you simply can't do without a tripod, such as HDR , multiple exposures, bracketing and  long exposures . Even if you don’t care about compositions or these types of photography techniques , a tripod will give you a steady support for your camera. For me, it's definitely a must-have when visiting Patagonia!

Sometimes they can be quite useless, sometimes they turn a boring photo into an incredible shot: overall, my tip is to bring at least a set of neutral density (ND) filters with you to Patagonia.

You are going to shoot moving subjects (water, clouds, trees, etc) quite a lot down there and if you want to capture the movement of those subjects, the only way to do it is by mounting an ND filter on your lens. Long exposures can result in some incredible effects, so you’ll probably want to play with them at least a few times during the trip!

  • See also:    A Guide to Using Neutral Density Filters for Landscape Photography

Torch / Headlamp / Flashlight

A source of light can be really useful if you plan to hike in the darkness (before sunrise or after sunset), so be sure to always a torch, headlamp or flashlight in your bag. 

Spare Batteries

One battery is never enough. Remember that you’ll be out in the wilderness, perhaps for a night, maybe for a week, but you’ll need a few spare batteries in any case. If you don’t want to bring a lot of them, you can bring a powerbank with you to charge the ones that you have. 

Remote Control

A remote trigger release can be useful for long exposures or in general when shooting in Bulb mode. You can choose between a more complicated intervalometer with a screen and many features or a simple cable / bluetooth remote with just the shutter button. Since I like simple things, I went for the latter but feel free to choose the one you prefer the most! 

Ultimate Guide to Patagonia

See our popular South America Photo Tours and Workshops

There are two main areas in Patagonia where the majority of the photos you see online have been taken: the Torres del Paine National Park in Chile and the Los Glaciares National Park in Argentina. Let’s talk more about these two fabulous locations for photography. 

Ultimate Guide to Patagonia

If you are looking to book a Patagonia trip, then chances are high that you have already heard about the Torres del Paine National Park. It is one of the most incredible spots for photography in the entire region. The park is famous for its unique shaped mountains, blue icebergs calved from the nearby glaciers and the “pampas”, which are the classic Patagonian steppe. 

Your options for visiting the park and how much time you spend there are endless:

There are many multi-day hiking options (the most famous trail is the 'W circuit') with pre-arranged campsites along the trails. There is no wild-camping in the park and you must camp in the designed campsites. 

You can stay in one of the few campsites along the main road that crosses the park: I suggest 'Camping Tahoe;, which will allow you to sleep near the famous Tahoe lake. This is one of the most popular photography spots and it’s not expensive at all. 

You can stay in one of the hotels inside the park, though obviously this will be the most expensive option. 

In terms of photography, you’ll have to decide whether you want to catch the sunrise in the Lake Tahoe area, go photo-hunting for the beautiful puma, or hike on a trail to catch the sunset behind the Cuernos del Paine with dead trees in the foreground. Well, I guess these are the kind of choices that everybody would love to have in their life, right?

Small tip: If you aim to shoot the Cuernos from up close with some of the famous dead trees in the foreground, then you should take the Mirador Cuernos trail, which will take you through the famous 'dead forests' until the Nordenskjold lake. Please remain on the trail in this area as the vegetation there is really fragile.

Ultimate Guide to Patagonia

See our popular USA Photography Tours & Workshops

To visit the Los Glaciares National Park, you’ll have to cross the Argentine border, so be sure to have your passport with us as well as the car documentation for border-crossing in case you are driving. I'll give you some information now about the three main locations where you should absolutely go for photography when visiting this park: the Perito Moreno glacier, Mount Fitz Roy and the Cerro Torre. 

Perito Moreno

Ultimate Guide to Patagonia

The Perito Moreno is one of the few growing glaciers in the world and it’s nothing short of incredible! The size of this glacier will leave you speechless when you stand in front of it. You should know that the glacier is part of the park and has opening hours and an entrance fee. You can check on the official website of the park for this information, as it may vary depending on the season you’ll be there. 

You’ll find the Perito Moreno approximately 80km from El Calafate, which is also the nearest town. 

Fitz Roy Mountain

Ultimate Guide to Patagonia

I bet you were looking forward to this, eh? The Fitz Roy is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful mountains of Patagonia, if not the whole planet. Those rugged peaks are one of the main reasons so many photographers want to travel to the end of the world. 

To visit the Fitz Roy, you should head to El Chalten, a small town in the Santa Cruz province of Argentina. From El Chalten, take the 8-mile trail that leads to the Campamento Poincenot. You can either choose to stay at the basecamp for a few nights so that you don’t have to hike back and forth every day, or stay in a hotel downtown. My tip is to choose the first option: you’ll enjoy more of the wilderness and you’ll be closer to all the photography locations. Many of the photo spots are really close to the campsite, though you’ll have to walk a little bit more to reach a few of the others, including Laguna Sucia (in the photo below) and Laguna de los Tres. Regarding Laguna Sucia, you should advise the local rangers that you will be going to hike there, since the official trail is closed and it’s considered quite dangerous. 

Ultimate Guide to Patagonia

Cerro Torre

The spikes of Cerro Torre are another incredible view that only a place like Patagonia can offer. To visit what is widely-considered to be the most photogenic mountain of the world, you will need to start your adventure from El Chalten. This time though, instead of taking the Campamento Poincenot trail, you should head instead to the Campamento Agostini. This hike is slightly easier and shorter than the hike to Fitz Roy but it will still take you around three hours to reach the campsite. 

The two campsites are connected by a trail, so you can plan to camp for a few nights at the Poincenot campsite and then move to the Agostini (or viceversa) without returning to town.

As for the Fitz Roy, most of the photo locations can be found easily around the Agostini campsite, with the river flowing close by and the Laguna Torre just 10 minutes away! 

  • See also:    12 Day Greenland Photo Expedition

Ultimate Guide to Patagonia

Let’s start by clearing this up: one of the trickiest things to do during the whole trip will probably be the border-crossing if you have rented your own car. There are some strict regulations between Chile and Argentina, especially about food, so be prepared to have your car examined scrupulously when you arrive at the border. The car also needs to have specific documentation for border-crossing at the ready, so you should warn the car rental company beforehand if you've chosen to drive between Chile and Argentina. Many car rental companies do not offer the possibility to cross borders, so ask before you book! 

  • See also:    5-Day Summer Photo Tour | Black Sand Beaches, Waterfalls & Glacier Lagoons

The official language, both for Chile and Argentina, is Spanish. In big cities, most people will understand and speak in English but you may have some difficulties communcating in the most remote places or in the parks. 

Chile and Argentina have two different currencies: the first one has the Chilean Peso, while the latter uses the Argentine Peso. Credit or debit cards are accepted in cities and towns but it’s always a good idea to bring some cash with you, as electronic payments may not always work. 

Ultimate Guide to Patagonia

  • See also:    12 Day Kyrgyzstan Photo Tour | Mountains, Lakes & Canyons

Patagonia will be a nice way to unplug a little bit from everyday’s life, as WiFi and/or Internet connections are often not available in many locations.

In cities and towns, you won’t have any problems with Internet connection or WiFi, which are both available in most hotels and restaurants. 

In Torres del Paine, you probably won’t have phone signal while at hotels and campsites, the WiFi may be really slow.

In Argentina, especially at the Campamento Poincenot and Agostini, you won’t have any WiFi or Internet connection at all, so be prepared to be off the grid for a few days!

Ultimate Guide to Patagonia

  • See also:    Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula | 15 Day Photo Tour

In conclusion, I'd like to say that Patagonia has some of the most raw and astonishing views I’ve ever witnessed in my own life: driving through the pampas, seeing those imposing mountains growing on the horizon, observing the condors flying high above the Andes.. I could go on forever. The number of visual memories that I have from my Patagonian trips is huge; the only way you can really understand what I mean when I say that to travel at the end of the world is a once in a lifetime experience is, well.. to go there and witness it all with your own eyes!

About the author:  Leonardo Papèra is a landscape photographer based in Italy. You can find more of his work on his  website  or by following him on Instagram .

Practice your HDR photography skills in-field on this  8 Day Summer Photography Workshop in Iceland !   Learn from the best photography guides as you explore new boundaries.

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patagonia photo tour


By booking this Patagonia Photo Tour you contribute to environmental conservation in Patagonia through the association Amigos del Parque Nacional Los Glaciares ZN

Landscape, Wildlife

22 to 28 April 2024 (Camp Trek)

Price on request

Min 6 - Max 9

The Magic of Autumn in Patagonia

Patagonia is the dream of every photographer and in autumn it is painted with the vivid red and yellow colors of the “Nothofagus Pumilio”, a South American native plant. A very special time to visit this place.

With the guidance of the Photo Tour Leader, you will be able to discover and photograph the incredible places in Los Glaciares National Park during the best light hours of the day, obtaining breathtaking images. It will be a unique opportunity to improve your technique, from shooting to post-production and live a great travel experience together with other enthusiasts like you.

Our exclusive Autumn in Patagonia Photo Tour itinerary connects the iconic glacial lakes at the foot of Fitz Roy/ Chaltén and Cerro Torre. Join us on this adventure, where we’ll camp under the stars to photograph these rock giants during the Magic Hours of light.

Take a look at the itinerary of the journey and find out more details about our Patagonia Photo Tour.

trek in chalten

To book flights , please consult schedules! We suggest flights arriving in Calafate early in the morning and returning after 9 pm.

patagonia photo tour

For flights out of this time range, we cannot be responsible for missed services. The suggested schedule is indicative, it is always preferable to check the schedule with us before booking flights.

We will meet the group at our hotel in Chaltén around noon.

The Lead Photographer will give an introductory talk about our photographic workshop in Patagonia, together with the association Amigos del Parque Nacional Los Glaciares ZN.

Short trek to the Mirador del Cordón de los Condores (2km) where we will photograph the sunset from a panoramic point, with a view over the illuminated town and the mountains.

Night in Chaltén.

Transfer from El Chalten to the viewpoint on the road, at the entrance of the village, to take pictures of the sunrise.

Breakfast, transfer to Hostería El Pilar and trekking to Poincenot Camp (12 km).

After settling in, we will have the possibility of taking sunset photographs from Laguna Sucia and/or the beginning of the Madre & Hija trail. As a backdrop for our images, the majestic Mount Fitz Roy.

Overnight in Poincenot.

We will leave Poincenot before sunrise towards Laguna de Los Tres to appreciate and photograph the awakening of the day from a unique place (Trekking 2 km / 400mts of elevation difference).

Then we will return to El Chaltén, taking the opportunity to take pictures from the path and banks / waterfalls of Chorrillo River (10 km trekking).

After breakfast we will have time to rest from the trekking to the Fitz Roy.

Late in the morning we will see together the photos taken during the first days of the workshop and talk about how to process the images in Lightroom.

Around 6 pm we will take a private transfer to Cañadon del Rio de las Vueltas to photograph the sunset with a view over the mountains.

After breakfast, we will leave for Laguna Torre (11 km trekking), along a beautiful trail through a forest of lenga trees painted with vivid autumn colors.

We will practice sunset and night photography from the Fitz Roy River or Laguna Torre.

Overnight at Thorwood Camp.

We will enjoy the sunrise from Laguna Torre and Mirador Maestri.

We will return by the same trail of the previous day (11 km trekking), with more possibilities to photograph Cerro Torre from other points of view.

After having a rich breakfast, we will see together the photos taken.

We say goodbye until the next adventure!

What's included?

  • Professional Photographer
  • Certified Mountain Guide
  • Small Group Size
  • Analysis of the Work Done
  • Accommodation for 6 Nights
  • All Excursions and Photography Activities
  • All Breakfasts
  • 4 lunches + 2 dinners
  • Tent, Insulation, Kitchenware
  • Private Transfer in Chaltén
  • Transfer Calafate - Chaltén with Regular Bus

What's not!

  • Transport from your origin point to Calafate
  • Meals not indicated in the itinerary
  • Entrance fees to National Parks
  • Clothing, Footwear, Sleeping Bag
  • Travel & Medical Insurance
  • Personal Expenses

patagonia photo tour

CUIT 33-71517729-9 | Legacy 16666

For the logistical organization of this Autumn in Patagonia Photo Tour we rely on Volando Viajes, a certified agency with great experience in the field.


Please note that these are only suggestions given by our experience. It is not necessary to have all the equipment reported, everyone prepares for the journey according to their needs .

For example, some people may only want to take pictures with a smartphone while others will want to take a drone with them. But it is our duty to guide you to a better choice.

Although you can participate with any type of photographic device, we recommend a reflex or mirrorless camera, which allow much more freedom and creativity.

The workshop is mainly aimed at landscape photography. It is therefore essential to bring a good wide angle lens, generally between 10 and 35 mm. Beware that with very short focal lengths you will generate more distortion. 

For wildlife photography we suggest a super-tele lens, generally from 100 to 800mm. 

Since the prime lenses are very expensive and generally heavy, most photographers who are not only dedicated to this type of photography opt for zoom lenses, that allow to cover different focal lengths, saving space in the backpack and in the wallet.

More specifically, depending on the brand you use, different zoom lenses are available. Here are some possibilities: a 24-70 mm or 24-105 mm will cover the most common focal distances (from landscape to portrait), a wide angle 16-35 mm will be useful especially for landscapes or architecture and a 100-400 mm or 170-500 mm are good for details of mountains and fauna.

Consider also buying a tele converter to increase the focal length of the lens: 1.4x or 2x. Even if with loss of luminosity.

Finally, choosing the right set of lenses is not easy. If you encounter difficulties and need some suggestions do not hesitate to contact us.

The most important feature of a tripod is its stability. Since it is a trip that involves some trekking we will have to take into account also the weight.

We suggest a good carbon tripod that maintains a good balance between weight and stability, that can easily change from one height to another and that locks in little space.

Aluminum is also fine, as carbon is generally much more expensive. We know that choosing a tripod is not easy and we are available to help you choose the right model for you.

We always recommend a UV protective filter for each lens and a Polarizer, to saturate colors, increase contrast and especially reduce reflections.

Most important for this kind of workshop are the ND (Neutral Density) and GND (Graduated Neutral Density) filters, which allow you to remove luminosity stops from the lens and use longer exposure times, for example to create the famous “silk effect” in the water and compensate for different exposure lengths within the frame.

Finding the right photo backpack can be a difficult challenge. We recommend you to rely on a brand with quality and experience in the market. 

The type of backpack clearly depends on your equipment. But what really matters is that you feel comfortable with it and possibly fitted with a rain cover.

You can’t miss in your backpack: a cleaning kit for the lenses, a remote control to shoot without touching the camera, hood for the lenses (to avoid flare) and a robust / comfortable camera strap.

It is also important to take spare batteries with you, as they tend to discharge faster with low mountain temperatures. 

If you are interested in POST-PRODUCTION we suggest bringing your laptop with some editing software already installed. The Lead Photographer, at the end of the day, will answer your questions.


The landscape around El Calafate and El Chalten consists of forests, mountains, and rivers, where different species of animals live.

Among them: the Andean Condor ( Vultur Gryphus ), the Guanaco ( Lama Guanicoe ), the South Andean Deer  (Hippocamelus Bisculus), the Chilean Flamingo ( Phoenicopterus Chilensis ), the Cougar (Puma Concolor), the Aguila Mora ( Black Chested Eagle ), the Cachaña ( Austral Parakeet ), the Woodpecker ( Magellanic Woodpecker ), the Rhea ( Rhea pennata ), Caburé Grande ( Austral Pygmy Owl ), the Torrent Duck ( Merganetta Armata ), the Cauquén ( Upland Goose ), the Black Neck Swan ( Cygnus Melanocoryphus ), the Loica ( Long-Tailed Meadowlark ), the Patagonian Piche ( Pichi ), the Patagonian Skunk ( Conepatus Humboldtii ), the Carpintero Pitío ( Chilean Flicker ).etc..

April is among the best months to visit this area. According to historical averages, the temperatures are as follows:

El Calafate – Minimum Temperature 3 °C / 37 °F , Maximum Temperature 12 ° C / 54 °F, with an average monthly rainfall of 26 mm.

El Chalten – Minimum Temperature 4 °C / 39 °F , Maximum Temperature 13° C / 55 °F, with an average monthly rainfall of 91 mm.

Our planned hikes on the trails of Los Glaciares NP are of medium difficulty and require only a few hours of hiking and moderate physical condition.

Always leaving the beautiful town of El Chaltén we head into the forest towards the mountains on clear and well marked trails that regularly gain altitude allowing us to have incredible views of the Río de las Vueltas Valley.

With a moderate effort but with the wonderful reward of seeing these magnificent mountains we will arrive after a few hours of hiking to Laguna Torre and Laguna de Los Tres.

During the days of hiking to Laguna de Los 3 and Laguna Cerro Torre, we will be accompanied by a Certified Mountain Guide.

Here is a list of recommended clothing for the Patagonia Workshop:

  • Waterproof Hiking Boots
  • Comfortable Trainers
  • Thermal Clothes (T-shirt and underpants)
  • Lightweight and breathable long-sleeved shirt and T-shirt for UV protection
  • Sunglasses for UV Protection
  • Sleeping Bag (it is possible to rent it in Chaltén)
  • Hat, gloves and neck cover
  • Windproof and rainproof jacket and trousers
  • Hiking stick (it is possible to rent it in Chaltén)

The round trip between your city of origin and El Calafate is not included in the price.

However, we can coordinate it with the Tour Operator.

Join this Adventure!

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patagonia photo tour

Patagonia Photography Workshop Adventure

Come join us on this incredible Patagonia photography workshop adventure down in this wild and beautiful region of South America. Set in the heart of the Andean mountain range in southern Chile & Argentina during fall colors , you will get to experience first hand the geologic wonder of both Torres del Paine National Park and Los Glaciares National Park . It is here you will photograph incredible locations such as Lago Pahoe at the base of the Cuernos del Paine , the dream-like reflections of Laguna Amarga , the calving ice of the Perito Moreno Glacier, the spires of Cerro Torre and the crown of Argentina, Mt. Fitz Roy …to name a few. We have been running tours down here in Patagonia for close to a decade , giving our leaders substantially more experience on the ground than nearly any other workshops in the region. This is the bucket list of all bucket list locations for landscape and outdoor adventure photographers .

April 1st – 10th, 2025 

Tuition Costs

Difficulty level.

Easy to Moderate Hiking

Enjoy a Cerro Torre Sunrise at the Patagonia Photography Workshop Adventure with Colby Brown

Patagonia is one of the most sought after destinations for outdoor and landscape photographers worldwide. Its breathtaking vistas, incredible mountains, glacier feed lakes and unique wildlife help make it so special. On this trip of a lifetime, we will spend time in both the Chilean and Argentinian regions of Patagonia. Torres del Paine and Los Glaciares National Parks will become our new temporary homes throughout the course of this workshop. Because we will be jumping across the border between Chile and Argentina, you will need to make sure you secure visas before you arrive, if a visa is required based on the passport you currently carry.

In addition to staying in comfortable hotels with breathtaking views, this adventure focused photography tour will take you beyond what most photographers offer in Patagonia. Instead of simply driving you from distant view-point to distant viewpoint, we will offer optional sunrise hikes around some of the most incredibly scenic areas in the world, focusing our efforts around Mt. Fitz Roy and Cerro Torre in Argentina. For more info about the hikes, check out the F.A.Q. section at the bottom of this page. This will provide you with a solid mix of photographic opportunities throughout our time in Patagonia. When the weather is less forgiving, we will spend time focusing on post-processing and image editing using a variety of different applications. The bottom  line is that we will help you get to the best locations at the best time of day with the best light possible.

patagonia photo tour

What is Included?

  • All Ground Transportation
  • All Hotel Accommodations
  • All Necessary Permits
  • Camera Icon All Photo Education

What is Not Included?

  • All Flights
  • Meal Icon 2 Meals & Snacks
  • Travel Insurance
  • Passport Icon Visa Fees

With two photo instructors present for the duration of the workshop, you will have plenty of opportunity for one on one instruction to further the skills that you feel you need to work on. If the workshop is full and you wanted to be added to the waiting list, click HERE .

* please read the workshop F.A.Q. section on this page to learn more about visiting Patagonia.

All Workshop Deposits Are Transferable to Other Workshops if Something Comes Up... *See our Cancellation Policy for more info...

A beautiful sunrise over the Torres del Paine National Park in Chile with Colby Brown's Patagonia Photography Workshop Adventure

Areas to Explore Patagonia Photography Workshop Adventure

  • Torres del Paine National Park
  • Salto Grande Waterfall
  • Laguna Amarga
  • Perito Moreno Glacier
  • Town of El Chalten
  • Cerro Torre & Lago Torre
  • Mt. Fitz Roy
  • Laguna Capri
  • and much more...

Looking for Pumas in the Torres del Paine National Park in Chile with Colby Brown's Patagonia Photography Workshop

Join the Workshop Waitlist to learn more about any upcoming adventures...

Absolutely! Although I might be a bit biased 😉 While there are a number of photography workshops being offered in places like Patagonia, none of them offer a similar experience. Not only have I been working as a photo workshop instructor for 18 years, which included time leading trips for National Geographic, but I have spent over 10 years exploring the Southern Patagonian region of South America. I work hard to make sure I meet each of my clients at their own level, providing ample 1 on 1 time while we are out in the field. This helps to make sure that you get everything possible out of this workshop experience!

This workshop  starts on April 1st, 2025 at 10am in Puerto Natales, Chile (PNT airport code). To get there from Santiago, Chile you will want to look at flights from Sky Airlines. You might find alternative flights to Punta Arenas, Chile (PUQ airport code), but flying in there would require an additional shuttle option to Puerto Natales that we can help you arrange. You most likely will want to arrive a day early to help you deal with any jetlag from your travels. On April 10th, 2025, the workshop ends at 3pm in in El Calafate, Argentina (FTE airport code).

You will fly in and fly out of different airports between Chile & Argentina for this workshop.

** Before you purchase any flights, please double check with us to make sure the flight times line up with our schedule.

Depending on which country you are from, you might need VISAS to enter either Chile or Argentina or both. While we start in one country, we will cross over into the other via a land border, so please make sure you have your VISAS sorted out well in advance of the workshop!

When it comes to spending money down in Chile & Argentina, you mostly just have to worry about lunches, dinners, gifts, and tips for local guides.

In Chile, you can use a CC just about anywhere, but you will need some cash for tips for our guide around Torres del Paine National Park. I recommend $10 – $20 a day per person and you can pay in USD.

For Argentina, it is a little more complicated because of the state of the Argentine Peso. You can use a CC in many (but not all restaurants), but if you bring $100 USD bills, you will get a MUCH better exchange rate than you will with your CC (at times it can be almost twice as good). Additionally, you will have a local guide around Los Glaciares Naitonal Park, so the same $10 to $20 recommended tip rate applies here as well.

Reach out if you have any other questions about this…

There is a possibiliy that we might offer an extension to both Bolivia and Easter Island before and after the  workshop. To learn more about costs and ask questions about these workshops, please send us an EMAIL .

While this trip is mostly focused on landscape photography, we should have a wide variety of wildlife photographic opportunities that could include; Guanaco, Patagonian Fox, Andean Condor, Caracara, Rhea, and possibly Puma (specifically in Torres del Paine National Park.

Patagonia is known to have some of the most fierce weather in the world. It is not uncommon to experience 80-100 mph winds on a trip to this region of the world. In addition, Patagonia is home to a massive number of glaciers, which help create their own weather systems. While this combination can make for some challenging situations, it is also why this region of the world is so popular with photographers. Dramatic weather means dramatic light which can provide incredible photographic opportunities along the way.

In Torres del Paine, the hikes we go on are very easy with gentle grades. In Argentina, once we get to El Chalten, the hikes do get a little more challenging. Every morning (weather permitting) we will do optional sunrise hikes up to the best viewing points for either Mt. Fitz Roy or Cerro Torre. These can vary in length from 5k to 9k each way, with some elevation gain. We leave early in the morning, giving our group plenty of time to not be in a rush up the trails. We work together as a group, making sure everyone makes it up to the best possible views. While these hikes are not easy, they are not overly difficult either. Being optional, you are free to partake in each morning’s hike, just 1 or anything in between.

For more information about the hikes, check out the following links…

Los Glaciares National Park Laguna Capri (Views of Mt. Fitz Roy) Mirador de Cerro Torre (First views of Cerro Torre)  Laguna Torre (Best Views of Cerro Torre)

Torres del Paine National Park Condor Lookout (Easy day hike near our hotel) Cuernos Lookout (Closer views of the Paine Massif)

The workshop tuition listed above is based on double occupancy (shared rooms). If there is availability for a single room for the workshop, the cost is $1200 USD extra. This is a first come first serve basis and is based on room availability at our hotels in both Chile & Argentina.

With a focus on landscape photography, you will want the lens mm length equivalent from 16- 200mm. This can include a 16-35 for wide-angle landscapes, a 24-70 (0r 24-105) as a walk-around lens, and a 70-200 to allow you to zoom in on distant mountains for some more intimate scenes. If you are also interested in wildlife photography, you might want to bring something like a 100-400 or 200-600 to help you fill much more of your frame with your subject.

In Colby’s gear bag you will find the following…

Sony a1 (2) Sony 14mm f/1.8 (For Astro) Sony 16-35 f/2.8 GM (For Landscapes) Sony 24-105 f/4 (All-Around) Sony 100-400 f/4.5-5.6 GM or 200-600 f/5.6-6.3 G (For Wildlife)

Please make sure that you bring a sturdy tripod! Please don’t bring the Peak Design tripod, as they tend to fail in environments like this more than any other tripod we see on our workshops.

Meet Your Instructors & Guides

Pedro Kin is one of the Workshop Manager & Photo Instructors. Pedro is a Portuguese landscape photographer based in Slovakia but you’ll often find him in the most scenic mountains, forests, and fjords of Europe.

Workshop Manager/Photo Instructor

Pedro is a Portuguese landscape photographer based in Slovakia but you’ll often find him in the most scenic mountains, forests, and fjords of Europe. He is fluent in English & Portuguese as well as conversational in Spanish. He has held the title of Workshop Manager and photo instructor with Colby Brown Photography for the past 6 years. Favoring the cold landscapes and the unspoiled nature of northern Europe, the higher latitudes do not stop him from going after the perfect shot. When not traveling the world with his camera, you can find him back home teaching workshops, testing new gear, and experimenting with photography.

patagonia photo tour

Mario Valkenborg

Photographer/photo instructor.

Mario is a landscape photographer based in Belgium. He is fluent in English & Dutch. Started as a general nature photographer with a lot of wildlife, bird, macro and travel photography but specialized in landscapes. Travels the world in search of the most epic landscapes, but also appreciates the local scenery. Yet he prefers regions with mountains, rivers and waterfalls and also has a soft spot for woodlands. Outside photography there is also the passion to teach. A great satisfaction to transfer knowledge in an understandable way. In Belgium he also gives photo workshops and gives extensive courses on finding and refining compositions. His work has also been published several times.


patagonia photo tour

I signed up this workshop in March 2020. While I got everything ready, the entire trip was postponed due to the Pandemic. Finally, Colby notified us that the workshop would be held in March 2022. After waiting for 2 years, I couldn't wait any longer! (...)

patagonia photo tour

This was a trip originally booked for April 2020 visiting Patagonia from both Chile and Argentina. Due to ongoing difficulties in crossing the border the trip was reoriented around Chile and the Torres del Paine National Park. This gave us the opportunity to (...)

patagonia photo tour

This was my second workshop with Colby. I had done the Dolomites workshop last year and had a great time. Patagonia exceeded my expectations! From the workshop start in Punta Arenas to the time in Torres del Paine National Park, Colby had all the best locations (...)

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Cancellation & refund policy.

No one wants to miss out on a trip of a life time…but things do happen. In those situations, the following applies…

The first thing to note is that deposits are not refundable , but they are transferable .  In addition, all cancellations are subject to a minimum of a $150 service charge to cover PayPal transaction fees. In most situations, we ask for the remaining balance of a workshop is to be paid 120 days from the start of the workshop in question. If you wish to cancel within 120 days from the start of a workshop and we find someone to fill your spot, you would be entitled to receive a refund (minus your deposit and the $150 processing fee) or transfer to another workshop with no penalties or fees .

If we don’t find someone to fill your spot, what does your refund window actually look like?

120 Days or More...

Your deposit will be transferable to another Colby Brown Photography Workshop without issue.

90 to 120 Days

You will receive a refund of 50% of the full tuition fees minus the non-refundable deposit.

Less Than 90 Days...

If you wish to cancel within 90 days of your workshop starting, you are not entitled to a refund.

Puffin Iceland Colby Brown Photography

Passing Thru Travel

Passing Thru Travel

15 Best Places in Patagonia To Visit in 2024

Posted: February 24, 2024 | Last updated: February 24, 2024

<p><strong>Patagonia, a region shared by Argentina and Chile, is a land of awe-inspiring natural beauty. Known for its rugged landscapes, towering mountains, and pristine glaciers, Patagonia is a haven for adventurers and nature lovers alike. This guide takes you through the most breathtaking destinations in Patagonia, each offering a unique experience of this wild and untamed region. Patagonia’s diverse landscapes promise an unforgettable journey from the iconic Torres del Paine to the remote Tierra del Fuego.</strong></p>

Patagonia, a region shared by Argentina and Chile, is a land of awe-inspiring natural beauty. Known for its rugged landscapes, towering mountains, and pristine glaciers, Patagonia is a haven for adventurers and nature lovers alike. This guide takes you through the most breathtaking destinations in Patagonia, each offering a unique experience of this wild and untamed region. Patagonia’s diverse landscapes promise an unforgettable journey from the iconic Torres del Paine to the remote Tierra del Fuego.

<p><span>Torres del Paine National Park, a highlight of Chilean Patagonia, is renowned for its dramatic peaks, bright blue icebergs, and vast pampas. The park’s network of trails, including the famous W Trek and the O Circuit, offers some of the world’s best trekking experiences. Hikers are treated to stunning views of the park’s namesake towers, the Paine Massif, and the Grey Glacier. The diverse ecosystems within the park, from steppe to subpolar forests, are home to an array of wildlife, including guanacos and condors.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Book refugios or campsites well in advance if you plan to trek.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>The best time to visit is during the Southern Hemisphere’s summer, from November to early March.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Fly to Punta Arenas in Chile and then take a bus or a rented car to the park.</span></p>

1. Torres del Paine National Park, Chile

Torres del Paine National Park, a highlight of Chilean Patagonia, is renowned for its dramatic peaks, bright blue icebergs, and vast pampas. The park’s network of trails, including the famous W Trek and the O Circuit, offers some of the world’s best trekking experiences. Hikers are treated to stunning views of the park’s namesake towers, the Paine Massif, and the Grey Glacier. The diverse ecosystems within the park, from steppe to subpolar forests, are home to an array of wildlife, including guanacos and condors.

Insider’s Tip: Book refugios or campsites well in advance if you plan to trek.

When To Travel: The best time to visit is during the Southern Hemisphere’s summer, from November to early March.

How To Get There: Fly to Punta Arenas in Chile and then take a bus or a rented car to the park.

<p><span>The Perito Moreno Glacier, part of Argentina’s Los Glaciares National Park, is one of the most accessible and dynamic glaciers on the planet. Visitors can witness the awe-inspiring sight of ice calving from the glacier into Lake Argentino. The park offers various viewing platforms and boat tours for different perspectives of this natural wonder. Unlike many other glaciers worldwide, Perito Moreno is one of the few still growing, making it a particularly fascinating site for glaciology enthusiasts.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Take a guided glacier walk on the ice for a memorable experience.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Visit between October and April for milder weather.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Fly to El Calafate in Argentina, and then it’s a short drive to the glacier.</span></p>

2. Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina

The Perito Moreno Glacier, part of Argentina’s Los Glaciares National Park, is one of the most accessible and dynamic glaciers on the planet. Visitors can witness the awe-inspiring sight of ice calving from the glacier into Lake Argentino. The park offers various viewing platforms and boat tours for different perspectives of this natural wonder. Unlike many other glaciers worldwide, Perito Moreno is one of the few still growing, making it a particularly fascinating site for glaciology enthusiasts.

Insider’s Tip: Take a guided glacier walk on the ice for a memorable experience.

When To Travel: Visit between October and April for milder weather.

How To Get There: Fly to El Calafate in Argentina, and then it’s a short drive to the glacier.

<p><span>Fitz Roy Mountain, near the small town of El Chaltén, is a paradise for experienced hikers and climbers. The mountain’s iconic jagged peaks present one of the world’s most challenging and rewarding climbs. For those seeking less strenuous activities, numerous trails like Laguna de los Tres offer breathtaking views of Fitz Roy and the surrounding Patagonian landscape. The town of El Chaltén itself is a charming base for exploring the region, with cozy accommodations and local eateries.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Start your hike early in the morning to avoid crowds and enjoy the best views.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Trekking season runs from November to April.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Fly to El Calafate and then take a bus to El Chaltén.</span></p>

3. Fitz Roy Mountain, Argentina

Fitz Roy Mountain, near the small town of El Chaltén, is a paradise for experienced hikers and climbers. The mountain’s iconic jagged peaks present one of the world’s most challenging and rewarding climbs. For those seeking less strenuous activities, numerous trails like Laguna de los Tres offer breathtaking views of Fitz Roy and the surrounding Patagonian landscape. The town of El Chaltén itself is a charming base for exploring the region, with cozy accommodations and local eateries.

Insider’s Tip: Start your hike early in the morning to avoid crowds and enjoy the best views.

When To Travel: Trekking season runs from November to April.

How To Get There: Fly to El Calafate and then take a bus to El Chaltén.

<p><span>Tierra del Fuego, an archipelago off the southern tip of South America, is a land of stark contrasts and extreme beauty. Ushuaia, the world’s southernmost city, is the gateway to this remote region. Here, visitors can explore the Tierra del Fuego National Park, take boat trips along the Beagle Channel, or embark on expeditions to Antarctica. The region’s unique flora and fauna, including Magellanic penguins and Andean foxes, make it a fascinating destination for wildlife enthusiasts.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Visit the End of the World Museum in Ushuaia to glimpse the area’s history.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>The best time is during the Southern Hemisphere’s summer, from December to March.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Fly to Ushuaia from major cities in Argentina or Chile.</span></p>

4. Tierra del Fuego, Argentina and Chile

Tierra del Fuego, an archipelago off the southern tip of South America, is a land of stark contrasts and extreme beauty. Ushuaia, the world’s southernmost city, is the gateway to this remote region. Here, visitors can explore the Tierra del Fuego National Park, take boat trips along the Beagle Channel, or embark on expeditions to Antarctica. The region’s unique flora and fauna, including Magellanic penguins and Andean foxes, make it a fascinating destination for wildlife enthusiasts.

Insider’s Tip: Visit the End of the World Museum in Ushuaia to glimpse the area’s history.

When To Travel: The best time is during the Southern Hemisphere’s summer, from December to March.

How To Get There: Fly to Ushuaia from major cities in Argentina or Chile.

<p><span>The Marble Caves on Lake General Carrera are a breathtaking natural formation. Millennia of waves washing against calcium carbonate have sculpted these caves into stunning formations. The caves’ walls, with their swirling patterns of blue and grey, are a photographer’s dream, especially when reflected in the lake’s azure waters. Accessible only by boat, the caves offer a serene and otherworldly experience.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Take a boat or kayak tour for the best views of the caves.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Visit between September and February for the best weather.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Fly to Balmaceda, then drive to Puerto Río Tranquilo, where tours to the caves are available.</span></p>

5. Marble Caves, Chile

The Marble Caves on Lake General Carrera are a breathtaking natural formation. Millennia of waves washing against calcium carbonate have sculpted these caves into stunning formations. The caves’ walls, with their swirling patterns of blue and grey, are a photographer’s dream, especially when reflected in the lake’s azure waters. Accessible only by boat, the caves offer a serene and otherworldly experience.

Insider’s Tip: Take a boat or kayak tour for the best views of the caves.

When To Travel: Visit between September and February for the best weather.

How To Get There: Fly to Balmaceda, then drive to Puerto Río Tranquilo, where tours to the caves are available.

<p>Image Credit: Shutterstock / Natalia Di Marco<span>The Valdés Peninsula is a UNESCO World Heritage Site celebrated for its unique marine wildlife and rugged coastline. It’s one of the best places in the world to see Southern Right Whales, which come close to shore between June and December. The peninsula also hosts large colonies of sea lions, elephant seals, and various bird species. Its steppe-like interior and dramatic coastline offer stunning landscapes and excellent wildlife viewing opportunities.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Take a whale-watching tour between June and December to see Southern Right Whales.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Wildlife viewing is best from September to March.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Fly to Puerto Madryn or Trelew, then drive to the peninsula.</span></p>

6. Valdés Peninsula, Argentina

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Natalia Di Marco The Valdés Peninsula is a UNESCO World Heritage Site celebrated for its unique marine wildlife and rugged coastline. It’s one of the best places in the world to see Southern Right Whales, which come close to shore between June and December. The peninsula also hosts large colonies of sea lions, elephant seals, and various bird species. Its steppe-like interior and dramatic coastline offer stunning landscapes and excellent wildlife viewing opportunities.

Insider’s Tip: Take a whale-watching tour between June and December to see Southern Right Whales.

When To Travel: Wildlife viewing is best from September to March.

How To Get There: Fly to Puerto Madryn or Trelew, then drive to the peninsula.

<p><span>Cerro Castillo, less crowded than Torres del Paine, offers equally stunning scenery for those willing to venture off the beaten path. The trek around Cerro Castillo takes you through diverse landscapes, including forests, alpine meadows, and high mountain passes, with the castle-like peaks of Cerro Castillo as a constant backdrop. The trek is challenging but rewards hikers with incredible views of glaciers, turquoise lakes, and the Patagonian wilderness.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Pack for all weather conditions, as the weather can change rapidly.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>The trekking season is from November to April.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Fly to Balmaceda and then drive or take a bus to Villa Cerro Castillo.</span></p>

7. Cerro Castillo, Chile

Cerro Castillo, less crowded than Torres del Paine, offers equally stunning scenery for those willing to venture off the beaten path. The trek around Cerro Castillo takes you through diverse landscapes, including forests, alpine meadows, and high mountain passes, with the castle-like peaks of Cerro Castillo as a constant backdrop. The trek is challenging but rewards hikers with incredible views of glaciers, turquoise lakes, and the Patagonian wilderness.

Insider’s Tip: Pack for all weather conditions, as the weather can change rapidly.

When To Travel: The trekking season is from November to April.

How To Get There: Fly to Balmaceda and then drive or take a bus to Villa Cerro Castillo.

<p><span>At the southernmost tip of the South American continent, Cape Horn is a legendary location known for its challenging sailing conditions and rich maritime history. Cruises to this remote area offer a unique opportunity to experience the wild beauty of the southern seas and the sense of adventure that comes with reaching the “end of the world.” The area is also significant for its unique flora and fauna adapted to harsh conditions.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Choose a cruise that includes lectures on the region’s history and wildlife.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Cruises run during the Southern Hemisphere’s summer, from December to March.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Cruises to Cape Horn typically depart from Ushuaia.</span></p>

8. Cape Horn, Chile

At the southernmost tip of the South American continent, Cape Horn is a legendary location known for its challenging sailing conditions and rich maritime history. Cruises to this remote area offer a unique opportunity to experience the wild beauty of the southern seas and the sense of adventure that comes with reaching the “end of the world.” The area is also significant for its unique flora and fauna adapted to harsh conditions.

Insider’s Tip: Choose a cruise that includes lectures on the region’s history and wildlife.

When To Travel: Cruises run during the Southern Hemisphere’s summer, from December to March.

How To Get There: Cruises to Cape Horn typically depart from Ushuaia.

<p><span>Los Alerces National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Argentina, is known for its ancient Alerces trees, some of which are over 3,000 years old. The park’s lakes, rivers, and forests offer a serene setting for hiking, kayaking, and fishing. The park is a testament to Argentina’s commitment to conservation, with well-maintained trails and minimal-impact tourism practices. The park’s diverse ecosystems are home to various wildlife, including deer, pumas, and several bird species.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Explore the Arrayanes Forest for a magical walk among unique cinnamon-colored trees.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Visit from October to April for the best weather.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Fly to Esquel and then drive to the park.</span></p>

9. Los Alerces National Park, Argentina

Los Alerces National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Argentina, is known for its ancient Alerces trees, some of which are over 3,000 years old. The park’s lakes, rivers, and forests offer a serene setting for hiking, kayaking, and fishing. The park is a testament to Argentina’s commitment to conservation, with well-maintained trails and minimal-impact tourism practices. The park’s diverse ecosystems are home to various wildlife, including deer, pumas, and several bird species.

Insider’s Tip: Explore the Arrayanes Forest for a magical walk among unique cinnamon-colored trees.

When To Travel: Visit from October to April for the best weather.

How To Get There: Fly to Esquel and then drive to the park.

<p><span>Pumalín Park, one of the largest private parks in the world, is a testament to conservation efforts in Chilean Patagonia. Created by conservationist Douglas Tompkins, the park spans over 400,000 hectares of temperate rainforests, fjords, and waterfalls. Visitors can hike through pristine forests, kayak along untouched fjords, and witness the park’s commitment to environmental preservation firsthand. The park’s infrastructure, including trails and campgrounds, is designed to minimize human impact on the environment.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Visit the park’s environmental information centers to learn about its conservation efforts.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>The best time to visit is from December to March.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Fly to Puerto Montt, then drive or take a ferry to the park.</span></p>

10. Pumalín Park, Chile

Pumalín Park, one of the largest private parks in the world, is a testament to conservation efforts in Chilean Patagonia. Created by conservationist Douglas Tompkins, the park spans over 400,000 hectares of temperate rainforests, fjords, and waterfalls. Visitors can hike through pristine forests, kayak along untouched fjords, and witness the park’s commitment to environmental preservation firsthand. The park’s infrastructure, including trails and campgrounds, is designed to minimize human impact on the environment.

Insider’s Tip: Visit the park’s environmental information centers to learn about its conservation efforts.

When To Travel: The best time to visit is from December to March.

How To Get There: Fly to Puerto Montt, then drive or take a ferry to the park.

<p><span>El Chaltén, often called Argentina’s trekking capital, is the gateway to some of Patagonia’s most iconic trails. The town offers a range of trekking options, from easy day hikes to challenging multi-day expeditions. The surrounding landscapes of glaciers, lakes, and mountains provide a stunning backdrop for outdoor activities. In addition to trekking, visitors can enjoy rock climbing, horseback riding, and fishing.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Visit the Los Condores viewpoint for a stunning panoramic view of the town and surrounding peaks.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Trekking season is from October to April.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Fly to El Calafate and then take a bus to El Chaltén.</span></p>

11. El Chaltén, Argentina

El Chaltén, often called Argentina’s trekking capital, is the gateway to some of Patagonia’s most iconic trails. The town offers a range of trekking options, from easy day hikes to challenging multi-day expeditions. The surrounding landscapes of glaciers, lakes, and mountains provide a stunning backdrop for outdoor activities. In addition to trekking, visitors can enjoy rock climbing, horseback riding, and fishing.

Insider’s Tip: Visit the Los Condores viewpoint for a stunning panoramic view of the town and surrounding peaks.

When To Travel: Trekking season is from October to April.

<p><span>Laguna San Rafael National Park is home to the San Rafael Glacier, one of the largest and most actively calving glaciers in the Chilean Patagonia. The park offers boat tours that provide close-up views of the glacier and the icebergs in the lagoon. The park’s remote location and stunning ice landscapes make it a must-visit for adventure seekers and nature enthusiasts. Visitors can also explore the surrounding rainforests and spot wildlife such as sea lions and dolphins.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Take a boat tour that includes visiting the hot springs at Quitralco Fjord.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>The best time for boat tours is from October to April.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Access is mainly by boat or plane from Coyhaique or Puerto Chacabuco.</span></p>

12. Laguna San Rafael National Park, Chile

Laguna San Rafael National Park is home to the San Rafael Glacier, one of the largest and most actively calving glaciers in the Chilean Patagonia. The park offers boat tours that provide close-up views of the glacier and the icebergs in the lagoon. The park’s remote location and stunning ice landscapes make it a must-visit for adventure seekers and nature enthusiasts. Visitors can also explore the surrounding rainforests and spot wildlife such as sea lions and dolphins.

Insider’s Tip: Take a boat tour that includes visiting the hot springs at Quitralco Fjord.

When To Travel: The best time for boat tours is from October to April.

How To Get There: Access is mainly by boat or plane from Coyhaique or Puerto Chacabuco.

<p><span>The King Penguin Colony on the Chilean side of Tierra del Fuego offers a unique opportunity to observe these majestic birds. Located at Parque Pingüino Rey, the colony is one of the few places outside Antarctica where you can see king penguins in their natural habitat. The park provides a respectful and sustainable way to observe the penguins, with designated viewing areas to minimize disturbance.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Respect the penguins’ space and observe them from a distance to avoid disturbing them.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Penguins can be seen year-round, but the best time is during the breeding season, from September to March.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Fly to Punta Arenas, take a ferry and drive to the park.</span></p>

13. King Penguin Colony, Tierra del Fuego, Chile

The King Penguin Colony on the Chilean side of Tierra del Fuego offers a unique opportunity to observe these majestic birds. Located at Parque Pingüino Rey, the colony is one of the few places outside Antarctica where you can see king penguins in their natural habitat. The park provides a respectful and sustainable way to observe the penguins, with designated viewing areas to minimize disturbance.

Insider’s Tip: Respect the penguins’ space and observe them from a distance to avoid disturbing them.

When To Travel: Penguins can be seen year-round, but the best time is during the breeding season, from September to March.

How To Get There: Fly to Punta Arenas, take a ferry and drive to the park.

<p><span>San Carlos de Bariloche, known simply as Bariloche, offers a unique combination of stunning natural landscapes and a lively city atmosphere. Bariloche is located in Argentina’s Lake District, a hub for outdoor activities like hiking, kayaking, and mountain biking. The city’s Swiss-style architecture and renowned chocolate shops add to its charm, making it a popular destination year-round. In winter, Bariloche transforms into a ski resort, while the summer months are perfect for exploring the surrounding lakes and mountains.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Take the cable car to Cerro Campanario for one of the best views in the region.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Visit from December to March for outdoor activities and pleasant weather.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Fly to Bariloche Airport, with regular flights from Buenos Aires.</span></p>

14. Bariloche, Argentina

San Carlos de Bariloche, known simply as Bariloche, offers a unique combination of stunning natural landscapes and a lively city atmosphere. Bariloche is located in Argentina’s Lake District, a hub for outdoor activities like hiking, kayaking, and mountain biking. The city’s Swiss-style architecture and renowned chocolate shops add to its charm, making it a popular destination year-round. In winter, Bariloche transforms into a ski resort, while the summer months are perfect for exploring the surrounding lakes and mountains.

Insider’s Tip: Take the cable car to Cerro Campanario for one of the best views in the region.

When To Travel: Visit from December to March for outdoor activities and pleasant weather.

How To Get There: Fly to Bariloche Airport, with regular flights from Buenos Aires.

<p><span>The Aysén Region in Chilean Patagonia is a secluded paradise for adventurers. Less crowded and largely untouched, it offers a wilderness experience that includes the Northern Patagonian Ice Field and numerous fjords. The Carretera Austral, a scenic route through the region, leads to remote beauty spots ideal for hiking, kayaking, and fishing. Aysén’s rugged terrain and pristine landscapes are perfect for those seeking an immersive nature experience away from tourist trails.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Plan a road trip along the Carretera Austral for a unique way to explore the region’s diverse landscapes.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>The best time to visit is during the Southern Hemisphere’s summer, from December to March.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Fly to Balmaceda Airport and rent a car for the best exploration experience.</span></p>

15. Aysén Region, Chile

The Aysén Region in Chilean Patagonia is a secluded paradise for adventurers. Less crowded and largely untouched, it offers a wilderness experience that includes the Northern Patagonian Ice Field and numerous fjords. The Carretera Austral, a scenic route through the region, leads to remote beauty spots ideal for hiking, kayaking, and fishing. Aysén’s rugged terrain and pristine landscapes are perfect for those seeking an immersive nature experience away from tourist trails.

Insider’s Tip: Plan a road trip along the Carretera Austral for a unique way to explore the region’s diverse landscapes.

When To Travel: The best time to visit is during the Southern Hemisphere’s summer, from December to March.

How To Get There: Fly to Balmaceda Airport and rent a car for the best exploration experience.

<p><span>Patagonia is a land of endless natural wonders, offering experiences that range from witnessing colossal glaciers to trekking through pristine forests. Each destination in this vast region presents an opportunity to connect with nature and witness the raw beauty of one of the world’s most spectacular landscapes. As you plan your journey through Patagonia, remember that the true essence of this place lies in its wild and untamed spirit, inviting you to explore and discover its many treasures.</span></p> <p><span>More Articles Like This…</span></p> <p><a href=""><span>Barcelona: Discover the Top 10 Beach Clubs</span></a></p> <p><a href=""><span>2024 Global City Travel Guide – Your Passport to the World’s Top Destination Cities</span></a></p> <p><a href=""><span>Exploring Khao Yai 2024 – A Hidden Gem of Thailand</span></a></p> <p><span>The post <a href="">15 Best Places in Patagonia To Visit in 2024</a> republished on </span><a href=""><span>Passing Thru</span></a><span> with permission from </span><a href=""><span>The Green Voyage</span></a><span>.</span></p> <p><span>Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Olga Danylenko.</span></p> <p><span>For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.</span></p>

The Bottom Line

Patagonia is a land of endless natural wonders, offering experiences that range from witnessing colossal glaciers to trekking through pristine forests. Each destination in this vast region presents an opportunity to connect with nature and witness the raw beauty of one of the world’s most spectacular landscapes. As you plan your journey through Patagonia, remember that the true essence of this place lies in its wild and untamed spirit, inviting you to explore and discover its many treasures.

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The post 15 Best Places in Patagonia To Visit in 2024 republished on Passing Thru with permission from The Green Voyage .

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Olga Danylenko.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.

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  7. Patagonia Photography Tour

    Patagonia Photography Tour. A unique combination of two UNESCO world heritage locations, each boasting some of the world's most dramatic scenery and amazing wildlife! Our incredible photography permits let you stay surrounded by curious Southern Right whales throughout the golden hour aboard our exclusive boat charters and access bull elephant ...

  8. Patagonia photo tours

    Patagonia photo tours. Landscape and wildlife photography tour to Patagonia led by resident nature photographers. Discover the best of Patagonia on this exclusively-designed, photo-oriented journey; stay at great lodges and historic guest houses, learn on nature photography during our photo workshops, enjoy and document the best wildlife encounters, learn from thorough natural history ...

  9. The Patagonia Group

    Itinerary: 4 days, 3 nights The new photographic safari seeks. Early Bird! $ 2,100.00 $ 1,684.00.

  10. Patagonia Photography Tour

    Day 1: Arrival in Punta Arenas, Chile. Our Patagonia photo tour begins in Punta Arenas, a lively city in the far south of Chile, accessible by domestic flight from Santiago. We will meet in the evening for a hearty dinner and discuss the upcoming trip. Night in Punta Arenas.

  11. Patagonia Photography Tours and Workshops at the peak of Autumn

    Autumn in Patagonia Photo Safari. April 13 to 28, 2024 (16-days) (*Due to a recent cancellation we now have 2 spots available for the 2024 tour). We are also now taking reservations for next year's tour April 8-23, 2025. Mountain scenics, Fall colors, unique wildlife and gauchos! Our most popular tour!

  12. Patagonia Photo Tour 2024

    This Patagonia Photo Tour, from April 17 to 30, 2025 (optional extension from April 30 to May 6, 2025), is one of our more successful trips.Since spring 2022, we have been offering this amazing yearly Patagonia Photo Tour to photograph this beautiful area in Argentina and Chile. There is no doubt that we are talking about one of our most rewarding trips.

  13. 2025 Patagonia Non-Hiking Photo Tour

    During this 10-day Patagonia photo adventure, we will visit the most photogenic locations around the picturesque village of El Chaltén in Argentina's Glariares National Park, as well as the most iconic spots in Torres del Paine National Park in Chile, including one full day at the famous Perito Moreno Glacier.. This Patagonia photo tour is mainly focused on enjoying and capturing the best ...

  14. Patagonia Photography Tour & Workshop

    So we hope you'll join us on one of our Patagonia photography tours in 2024 or beyond! Dates = April 10-21, 2024. Cost = €4,550. Fitness Level = A/C. Tour Type = Classic. Start City =Punta Arenas, Chile. End City = El Calafate, Argentina or Punta Arenas, Chile.

  15. Patagonia: Torres del Paine & Pumas Photo Workshop

    Another highlight of our Patagonia: Torres del Paine & Pumas photography workshop is the opportunity to observe and photograph one of the most elusive and awe-inspiring predators in the world: the puma. Patagonia is home to one of the densest populations of pumas in South America, and our workshop is designed to give you the best chance of ...

  16. Patagonia Photo Tour

    Patagonia is a region defined by jaw-dropping landscapes, abundant wildlife and rich gaucho culture. We've been working with the same guide for over 20 years, and have specifically designed this photo tour to experience the best Patagonia has to offer in both Argentina and Chile. For the first time this year we have adjusted our schedule to spend more time in Torres del Paine National Park.

  17. Patagonia Photo Tour

    On this tour we will take you to the most beautiful photo spots in Patagonia in order that you can take great photos of the unique landscape and wildlife. 20 April - 03 May 2025 (filling fast) 14 days / 13 nights from El Calafate to Punta Arenas. 6-8 guests.

  18. Ultimate Guide to Photography in Patagonia

    The Fitz Roy is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful mountains of Patagonia, if not the whole planet. Those rugged peaks are one of the main reasons so many photographers want to travel to the end of the world. To visit the Fitz Roy, you should head to El Chalten, a small town in the Santa Cruz province of Argentina.

  19. Puma Photography Tours and Workshops in Patagonia

    Our Photography Tours Contact The Pumas of Torres del Paine . Dec 14-20, 2024. Slide 1 Slide 1 (current slide) Slide 2 Slide 2 (current slide) Slide 3 Slide 3 (current ... Autumn in Patagonia Photo Safari. April 13-28, 2024 (16-days). *2 spots available!

  20. Autumn in Patagonia Photo Tour 2024

    Our exclusive Autumn in Patagonia Photo Tour itinerary connects the iconic glacial lakes at the foot of Fitz Roy/ Chaltén and Cerro Torre. Join us on this adventure, where we'll camp under the stars to photograph these rock giants during the Magic Hours of light. Take a look at the itinerary of the journey and find out more details about our ...

  21. Patagonia Photography Workshop Adventure

    Dolomites Photography Workshop. October 19th - 26th, 2024. Come join us on an adventure of a lifetime to the amazing Italian Dolomites. We will photograph and explore incredible mountain peaks, beautiful reflected lakes and gorgeous fall colors as we move throughout one of the most impressive mountain ranges in the world.

  22. South Georgia and The Antarctic Peninsula

    Join for a spectacular 23-day photographic journey by small ship to the South Georgia Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula - October 19 to November 10, 2023. This is truly a wildlife lover's dream trip and If you only plan on seeing Antarctica once in your lifetime, this is the t.

  23. 15 Best Places in Patagonia To Visit in 2024

    1. Torres del Paine National Park, Chile. Torres del Paine National Park, a highlight of Chilean Patagonia, is renowned for its dramatic peaks, bright blue icebergs, and vast pampas. The park's ...

  24. 86 Stoddard Way, Patagonia, AZ 85624

    Rio Rico. 85624. 86 Stoddard Way. Zillow has 50 photos of this $599,000 3 beds, 2 baths, 1,920 Square Feet single family home located at 86 Stoddard Way, Patagonia, AZ 85624 built in 2022. MLS #22231411.