An image showcasing a shimmering, ethereal portal framed by vibrant, swirling colors

How to Travel Between Dimensions

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of the multiverse and embark on an incredible journey? In this article, we’ll show you how to travel between dimensions like a true explorer. From understanding the concept of dimensions to equipping yourself with the right tools and techniques, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to break free from the confines of this world and experience unlimited possibilities. It’s time to expand your horizons and embrace the freedom that awaits in other dimensions. Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways

  • Dimensions offer freedom from constraints and allow for the bending and warping of time and space.
  • Each dimension has unique landscapes, inhabitants, and characteristics.
  • To travel between dimensions, one needs a reliable interdimensional portal device, a multidimensional map, and the ability to practice mindfulness and meditation techniques.
  • Overcoming challenges in dimensional travel requires adaptability, open-mindedness, and the ability to adjust plans and expectations as needed.

Understanding the Concept of Dimensions

To understand the concept of dimensions, you’ll need to open your mind and think beyond what you currently know. Dimensions are not just physical measurements; they represent different realms of existence. Imagine a world where everything is limitless, where boundaries don’t exist, and possibilities are endless. That’s exactly what dimensions offer – freedom from the constraints of our mundane reality. In these alternate dimensions, time and space can bend and warp, allowing for extraordinary experiences and unimaginable adventures. It’s like stepping into a whole new reality, where anything is possible. So embrace your curiosity and let your imagination run wild because understanding dimensions is the first step towards unlocking the secret pathways that will lead you to travel between them.

Exploring the Different Dimensions

An image showcasing a picturesque beach resort, complete with a private villa, palm trees swaying in the breeze, a sparkling infinity pool, and a family enjoying the luxurious amenities

Discover the unique landscapes and inhabitants of each dimension as you navigate through these parallel realities. You will be amazed by the diverse worlds that exist beyond your own. In Dimension X, vibrant colors cascade across the sky, while intelligent beings made of pure energy guide you on your journey. In Dimension Y, gravity is non-existent, allowing you to float effortlessly among floating islands and ancient ruins. And in Dimension Z, a lush jungle teeming with mythical creatures awaits your arrival. Each dimension offers its own set of challenges and rewards, but remember, freedom is key. Embrace the unknown and let curiosity guide you as you explore these extraordinary dimensions. Who knows what wonders await?

Tools and Techniques for Dimensional Travel

As you delve into the realm of dimensional exploration, familiarize yourself with the essential tools and techniques that will aid in your journey. To fully embrace the freedom of traveling between dimensions, you’ll need a few key items. First and foremost, acquire a reliable interdimensional portal device. This portable gadget acts as your gateway to other realms, granting you the ability to seamlessly shift through space and time. Additionally, equip yourself with a multidimensional map, allowing you to navigate unfamiliar territories with ease. Remember to practice mindfulness and meditation techniques, as they will help attune your consciousness to different frequencies and vibrations within each dimension. Lastly, don’t forget about protective gear like energy shields or amulets; these will safeguard your physical and spiritual self from any potential dangers lurking in alternate realities. With these tools at your disposal, embrace the exhilarating adventure that awaits you in the vast multiverse!

Overcoming Challenges in Dimensional Travel

An image capturing the essence of 2023 travel and leisure: a tropical paradise with palm trees swaying in the gentle breeze, turquoise waters lapping against powdery white sands, and vibrant beach umbrellas dotting the shoreline

When facing challenges in dimensional exploration, you’ll need to remain adaptable and open-minded. Traveling between dimensions can be a thrilling adventure, but it’s not without its obstacles. As you venture into new realms, you may encounter unfamiliar landscapes, bizarre creatures, or even unexpected shifts in time and space. It’s crucial to embrace these challenges with a spirit of freedom and curiosity. Remember that flexibility is key – be willing to adjust your plans and expectations as you navigate the unknown. Keep an open mind and allow yourself to learn from the unique experiences each dimension offers. Embrace the freedom that comes with exploring uncharted territories and trust in your ability to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. The rewards of dimensional travel are boundless for those who dare to seek them out!

Enhancing Your Experience in Other Dimensions

To enhance your experience in other dimensions, it’s important to approach each encounter with a sense of wonder and curiosity. Embrace the unknown and let go of any preconceived notions. Allow yourself to be open-minded, for it is through this mindset that you will truly discover the beauty and freedom that exists beyond our own dimension. Seek out new experiences and interactions with beings from different realms, as they hold valuable insights and perspectives. Embrace the diversity of these dimensions, for it is the differences that make them so fascinating. Remember to trust your intuition and follow your instincts as you navigate through these unexplored territories. By doing so, you will unlock limitless possibilities and create a fulfilling journey through the vastness of other dimensions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i bring any personal belongings with me when traveling between dimensions.

Yes, you can bring personal belongings when traveling between dimensions. It’s important to note that the rules and limitations might vary in each dimension, so make sure to research and prepare accordingly.

Are There Any Risks Involved in Dimensional Travel?

When traveling between dimensions, there are risks involved. It’s important to be aware of the potential dangers such as getting lost or encountering hostile beings. Take precautions and stay informed to minimize any potential harm.

How Long Can One Stay in a Different Dimension Before Returning to Their Original Dimension?

You can stay in a different dimension for as long as you want before returning to your original dimension. The length of time is completely up to you and your desire for exploration and freedom.

Can I Communicate With Beings or Entities in Other Dimensions?

Yes, you can communicate with beings or entities in other dimensions. It’s an incredible opportunity to connect and learn from different realms. Explore your own consciousness and embrace the freedom of connecting with alternate realities.

Is It Possible to Visit Specific Historical Periods or Future Timelines in Other Dimensions?

Yes, it’s possible to visit specific historical periods or future timelines in other dimensions. You can explore different eras and futures, experiencing the richness of time. Embrace this freedom and embark on exciting journeys through the dimensions.

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travel between different dimensions

Decisions, Wormholes and Extra Dimensions: How To Travel the Multiverse

Other universes might be membranes floating in space. Or, every time we make a decision, we might create new worlds. This is how we’ll traverse them.

multiverse travel, time, black hole, universe, dimension

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For example, Erwin Schrödinger’s equation explaining the collapse of a quantum wave requires a multiverse. And String Theory , which postulates that the universe is made of infinitesimally small vibrating strings of energy, also must include a multiverse. Trouble is, no one can prove the multiverse exists, much less what it’s like, or whether we can interact with it. Still, the math looks promising.

That begs the question: if there are other universes , can we ever visit them?

Numerous popular movies are playing with that idea, including Everything Everywhere All at Once , Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness , Loki , Spiderman: No Way Home, and others going back decades. But they always have some handy device for multiverse travel that physicists lack—a magician’s incantation, say, or a quantum Bluetooth device. Real physicists haven’t altogether worked out how we’d encounter other universes, but the answer partly depends on what kind of multiverse you’re talking about.

Many Worlds, Many Portals

woman walking on branching way leading to multiple doors, choice and decision

If we live in the Many Worlds universe, we create new worlds or universes all the time. Every time we make a decision or choose a particular path, some version of us simultaneously chooses an alternate path—or possibly several others, depending on how many possible paths there are. So, if you decided to date someone, some version of you decided not to, and that version split off into a different timeline. Later, if you decide to marry your significant other, another version of you will decide not to, and another you is created.

This idea originated with Erwin Schrödinger’s equation on quantum wave function, which explains that a particle exists in a superposition , or wave of possibilities, until it is measured, at which point the wave collapses, leaving a single particle in a specific location. Unfortunately, no one has ever been able to explain why it collapses. American physicist Hugh Everett, who posited the Many Worlds Interpretation of the wave function in 1955, said that, in fact, the wave doesn’t collapse. Instead, all the probabilities happen. But you will only be aware of the one you experience. The others will branch off into different timelines. And since the whole universe exists as part of a single superposition probability wave, the universe splits itself into new timelines all the time.

Loki and Everything Everywhere All at Once seem to have borrowed from this notion. In Loki , decisions that created new timelines were deemed variants of “the sacred” timeline and pruned, so that only one reality would prevail. In Everything Everywhere , the characters jump into other timelines by doing wild stuff, like stapling their foreheads. Such choices, deliberately abnormal for their own lives, would help them get to other universes. (They also had a nifty Bluetooth device.)

Today, if we’re creating new timelines, physicists like Sean Carroll say, we’ll never know or experience them . But avid Many Worlds theorist David Deutsch hopes that a mature quantum computer would be able to detect and record the divergence. He also believes we’ll one day be able to upload ourselves into quantum computers, so maybe we’ll be able to see how our other selves fared.

Bubble, Brane, and Anti-Universes

blue circles in different sizes

Other multiverse theories postulate universes that exist in our timeline—they’re just too far away for us to see. These are suggested by the math in String Theory (remember the vibrating strings?) or the Eternal Inflation Theory, which states that the multiverse is expanding forever and creating new “bubble universes,” but they’re so far away we are unlikely to encounter them. They might be membranes or “branes” floating in space, each defined by a set of extra dimensions . Or they might be infinite probability bubbles formed by the inflationary stretch of space and time—called “Quantum Foam” or “space foam”—creating a quantum spacetime; each bubble could expand into a universe.

Some theories propose that the different laws of physics in these universes would cause them to collapse without creating stars, or that humans could never survive there. Others say that, if there are an infinite number of these universes, some of them would have identical physical laws to ours, in the same way that a couple who produced infinite children would wind up with at least two with the same gene combination.

Interacting with these universes presents a conundrum, though. It would be cool if they gently bumped into one another; imagine that, walking down the street, you were suddenly confronted with an alternate universe where the supermarket used to be. But that seems unlikely, as physicists predict that two bubble universes colliding would be a violent event , and may even be the source of the Big Bang .

Tunnels To Other Universes

are wormholes real

Another way to get from one universe to another would be a wormhole , a tunnel comprised of two connected black holes where an incredibly dense mass has pulled spacetime into the shape of a funnel. Connect two and you can travel great distances quickly, kind of like going through a tunnel in a mountain, rather than going over or around it.

Lots of movies play with wormholes, including Interstellar and Contact . Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity predicts the possibility that a black hole—instead of ending in the crushing destruction of the gravity of a singularity —would actually funnel quantum information through to a “white hole” at the other end. He called these Einstein-Rosen bridges. A white hole has been described as a black hole running backward in time; it spews matter out as wormholes suck them in. So far, no white holes have been observed, but scientists are still looking . One theory suggests we have a mirror or “Bizarro Universe” running backward in time, connected to our universe. There’s also a theory that quantum entanglement could connect two ends of a black hole into a wormhole.

But even without wormholes, there are other possible modes of travel to get us to other universes. One day, we may discover a dimension that cuts across spacetime. Or a future generation or more advanced being could invent faster-than-light travel which, barring a wormhole, would be needed to span the extraordinary distances between these universes.

In the meantime, it’s fun to imagine what Bizarro -you might be up to out there.

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Are Your Carbon Copies Out There?

One very prominent mind twister in both science fiction and real-life science is the concept of parallel universes. This is hardly surprising, since the idea of multiple copies of yourself existing at the same time is both existentially disturbing and thrilling.

The idea of a multiverse is not considered a scientific theory but rather, as Ethan Siegel of Forbes puts it , “a theoretical consequence of the laws of physics as they’re best understood today.” The idea that space-time begins and stretches infinitely implies that existence is mathematically bound to repeat itself at some point—a notion sometimes called the "quilted multiverse."

Or, forgetting the idea of repetitious cosmic clones, there's the possibility that multiple big bangs begat multiple space-time bubbles, in a foamy multiversal sea of infinite potentialities. Here's how it works:

How to Get There?

But what we want to know is: could you ever get to another space-time?

That depends. The American theoretical physicist and string theorist extraordinaire Brian Greene, of Columbia University, argues that the plausibility of multiversal travel—conceding that parallel universes really do exist—hinges on which multiverse concept you subscribe to. If you are an advocate of a multiple big bang multiverse, then that would mean that leaving our universe to travel to another would be just as impossible as travelling back to the time before the big bang that resulted in our universe even happened.

Now, if you believe a quantum physics-dominated notion of parallel universes, then there’s no need to travel to other universes, because you are already inhabiting multiple alternate universes (though not necessarily all of them). Can't decide which dress to wear? No matter—you've worn them both, in two separate parallel universes.

Meanwhile, theoretical physicist Michio Kaku believes that our universe will end up in a “ big freeze ,” and that technology can one day allow us to travel between universes.

Neil deGrasse Tyson, on the other hand, says that if you come from a universe with higher dimensions , then it could be as easy to move between dimensions as stepping from one room to another. And in string theory —one of the leading contenders in bridging the seemingly insuperable gulf sundering quantum mechanics and general relativity—the assumption is that we actually have far more dimensions in this universe than we previously thought and that we just fail to detect them because they are actually very small, curled up in the infinitely minute, trans-subatomic realms beyond the reach of our instruments.

But how can we prove (or disprove) any of these arguments without gaining first-hand experience of it? Much as many aspects of our universe still remain elusive to us, it's currently impossible to acquire any proof to confirm which of these hypotheses is right. But while we don't have the means to definitively prove whether alternate universes do exist , and whether we could traverse borders to move from one to another, it’s highly unlikely that a topic as stimulating as this will disappear anytime soon, either in science fiction or in real-life science.

Meanwhile, physicists are at it. Watch this brief video of physicists going head to head with each other on string theory, Math, and potentially embarrassing alien encounters.

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Opening Strange Portals in Physics

Physicist Lisa Randall explores the mind-stretching realms that new experiments soon may expose

Robert Irion

Lisa Randall

In her new book, Knocking on Heaven's Door , Harvard University theorist Lisa Randall explores how physics may transform our understanding of the fundamental nature of the world. She thinks an extra dimension may exist close to our familiar reality, hidden except for a bizarre sapping of the strength of gravity as we see it. She also ponders the makeup of dark matter, unseen particles that have shaped the growth of the entire cosmos. These ideas, once the sole province of fiction writers, face real tests in a new generation of experiments. Sensitive detectors now sniff for dark matter, while the most complex scientific machine ever created, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), beneath the border of Switzerland and France, smashes subatomic particles into one another at almost the speed of light.

What were your main goals for your new book? One goal was to describe the science I'm interested in today: the physics happening at the LHC and searches for dark matter. But I also wanted to clarify the nature of science: what it means to be right and wrong, what it means to make measurements, and the roles of uncertainty, risk and creativity.

Do you feel the physics community is on the verge of finding something remarkable? I certainly hope so. We have a good chance [with the LHC] to see the Higgs particle, which tells us how elementary particles acquire mass. Other deep issues include space-time symmetry and whether there are extra dimensions. We really do have a chance of making inroads on those subjects.

There are a lot of bizarre ideas here, from string theory to a "brane" of extra dimensions right next to our own. Why should we regard these ideas as more than fanciful constructs? I'm certainly not asking anyone to take on faith any of the ideas that I present. That's part of the point of the book: science proceeds, and we systematically end up with new ideas and explanations, going from the human scales we're very familiar with to scales that are so remote it's hard to have intuition about them. Science is a self-correcting process, too, something that I expect will happen with the recent announcement of neutrinos that may move faster than the speed of light .

Can you describe the essence of your idea about extra dimensions? There could be more to the universe than the three dimensions we are familiar with. They are hidden from us in some way, perhaps because they're tiny or warped. But even if they're invisible, they could affect what we actually observe in the universe. There are lots of things we cannot see with the naked eye that turn out to be based in reality.

Extra dimensions could be relevant to one of the questions we're trying to answer at the LHC: how particles get their mass, and why they have the masses that they do, which are far smaller than physicists would expect them to be. So our idea is there's an extra dimension that's so warped, the masses would be big in one place and small in another. In other words, gravity could be weaker in one place and stronger in another. If so, it could be a natural explanation both for why particles masses are what they are, and why gravity is so much weaker than the other elementary forces we observe.

This extra dimension could be separated from ours by a million trillion trillionth of a centimeter. Is this a parallel yet inaccessible universe? It interacts with our dimensions only via gravity. And gravity is extremely weak. An elementary particle at ordinary energies exerts negligible gravitational force. But at the LHC, if this idea is right, we would see evidence of this extra dimension. Particles could carry momentum into the extra dimension, and that could actually be observable.

But it's not something you think of as a "parallel universe?" Technically, yes, it could exist parallel to our universe. But it's not just a carbon copy of our universe, which a lot of people think of when they hear that phrase.

If physicists do find solid evidence of extra dimensions, how would that affect our view of the universe and our place in it? You can have very exotic underlying phenomena, but they still would be consistent with the ordinary rules we're familiar with. At some level, it doesn't change anything. However, it means that at some deep underlying level, there's a much richer universe out there. It's just a wonderful thing to know what our universe is made of.

You describe the LHC as a "stupendous achievement." Technologically, it's a tour de force. The fact that this thing works is amazing. We're looking for very rare events, so you need a very precise, very well understood machine to make them and detectors to understand what you see. You need an extreme amount of energy focused in a very tiny region to make these collisions happen, allowing the subcomponents of protons—quarks and gluons—to collide directly. And when they do, they can make new forms of heavier matter.

Many people feared the LHC would produce a planet-devouring black hole. Scientists took it very seriously, and they ruled out this possibility not only theoretically, but also by looking at collisions of cosmic rays that create this same type of energy. We live in a world where there are many risks, and it's high time we start taking seriously which ones we should be worried about. Physicists showed this particular one is not a risk.

You offer a forthright discussion about religion and its compatibility with science. Why did you decide to broach that subject? I almost had to in a book titled Knocking on Heaven's Door . But there is real confusion about what it means to be right and wrong—the difference between what spiritual beliefs are and what science is. I felt that if I was going to explain science, it was important to explain those distinctions. I wanted to take seriously the different views of the universe that people have, but to say there really are differences.

You wrote: "The religious part of your brain cannot act at the same time as the scientific one. They are simply incompatible." When I say they are incompatible, I mean something very specific: A spiritual belief based on something that isn't based on actual material or cause and effect—the ways we understand scientifically—is just different than science. It's a very specific statement.

When you speak to public audiences, which popular misconception about physics strikes you the most? You're trying to get me in trouble! It's probably the over-application of quantum mechanics. People think it explains things that it can't. There are a lot of mysteries about quantum mechanics, but they mostly arise in very detailed measurements in controlled settings.

You describe the LHC's giant detectors as works of art. Is probing the nature of the universe just as much an aesthetic endeavor as a scientific one? Art and science do appeal to some of the same creative instincts. There's an appreciation of something larger than ourselves, which I think both art and science address. However, you can have a beautiful idea in science, and it can be just wrong—not because it's mathematically inconsistent, but because it's not realized in the world.

You wrote the text for an opera, "Hypermusic Prologue: A Projective Opera in Seven Planes," which premiered in 2009 at the Centre Pompidou in Paris. How did that arise? The composer [Hector Parra] wrote to me to ask if I wanted to get involved. It was an interesting opportunity to explore an art-science intersection in a new way. Art often reflects on the ideas of the times. So I really liked working with artists who appreciate that and who incorporate science into a new thing—but not just in a way that copies it. There were major creative challenges, such as how you represent higher dimensions on a stage.

The opera had a two-person cast, a minimalist stage design with abstract projections, and a score that was digitally altered in places. Sitting in the audience must have been quite an experience for you. I work on pencil and paper or on a computer, so actually having fantastic singers singing my words, accompanied by musicians and a gorgeous set, was just something to see. The parts that went back and forth between the extra-dimensional world and our world were really great. Hector thought [my research] would give him insights into ways to make different types of music, and indeed it did. I think I was asked to put in more physics than I would have ideally, and ultimately the music was very abstract. However, it was great music, and there were moments that were truly beautiful.

You make playful musical references in your book's title and text, from the Police and Suzanne Vega to the Beatles and Bob Dylan. Are you a big popular music fan? I have this uncanny ability where words stick in my head, so I hear a song and a lot of times it just happens automatically that I use the lyrics later. It may not be the original intention of the words, but they sometimes fit nicely what I'm trying to say.

What's next for you in science? I've been exploring ideas that relate dark matter to ordinary matter. There is this amazing fact that the energy carried by dark matter in the universe is about six times the energy carried by ordinary matter. The question is, why is that? [The ratio] could have been completely different. So I'm looking at ways the two types of matter might be related, which would explain the coincidence.

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December 11, 2014

A universe of 10 dimensions

by Matt Williams, Universe Today

A universe of 10 dimensions

When someone mentions "different dimensions," we tend to think of things like parallel universes – alternate realities that exist parallel to our own, but where things work or happened differently. However, the reality of dimensions and how they play a role in the ordering of our Universe is really quite different from this popular characterization.

To break it down, dimensions are simply the different facets of what we perceive to be reality. We are immediately aware of the three dimensions that surround us on a daily basis – those that define the length, width, and depth of all objects in our universes (the x, y, and z axes, respectively).

Beyond these three visible dimensions, scientists believe that there may be many more. In fact, the theoretical framework of Superstring Theory posits that the universe exists in ten different dimensions. These different aspects are what govern the universe, the fundamental forces of nature, and all the elementary particles contained within.

The first dimension , as already noted, is that which gives it length (aka. the x-axis). A good description of a one-dimensional object is a straight line, which exists only in terms of length and has no other discernible qualities. Add to it a second dimension , the y-axis (or height), and you get an object that becomes a 2-dimensional shape (like a square).

The third dimension involves depth (the z-axis), and gives all objects a sense of area and a cross-section. The perfect example of this is a cube, which exists in three dimensions and has a length, width, depth, and hence volume. Beyond these three lie the seven dimensions which are not immediately apparent to us, but which can be still be perceived as having a direct effect on the universe and reality as we know it.

Scientists believe that the fourth dimension is time, which governs the properties of all known matter at any given point. Along with the three other dimensions, knowing an objects position in time is essential to plotting its position in the universe. The other dimensions are where the deeper possibilities come into play, and explaining their interaction with the others is where things get particularly tricky for physicists.

A universe of 10 dimensions

According to Superstring Theory, the fifth and sixth dimensions are where the notion of possible worlds arises. If we could see on through to the fifth dimension , we would see a world slightly different from our own that would give us a means of measuring the similarity and differences between our world and other possible ones.

In the sixth , we would see a plane of possible worlds, where we could compare and position all the possible universes that start with the same initial conditions as this one (i.e. the Big Bang). In theory, if you could master the fifth and sixth dimension, you could travel back in time or go to different futures.

In the seventh dimension , you have access to the possible worlds that start with different initial conditions. Whereas in the fifth and sixth, the initial conditions were the same and subsequent actions were different, here, everything is different from the very beginning of time. The eighth dimension again gives us a plane of such possible universe histories, each of which begins with different initial conditions and branches out infinitely (hence why they are called infinities).

In the ninth dimension , we can compare all the possible universe histories, starting with all the different possible laws of physics and initial conditions. In the tenth and final dimension , we arrive at the point in which everything possible and imaginable is covered. Beyond this, nothing can be imagined by us lowly mortals, which makes it the natural limitation of what we can conceive in terms of dimensions.

The existence of these additional six dimensions which we cannot perceive is necessary for String Theory in order for there to be consistency in nature. The fact that we can perceive only four dimensions of space can be explained by one of two mechanisms: either the extra dimensions are compactified on a very small scale, or else our world may live on a 3-dimensional submanifold corresponding to a brane, on which all known particles besides gravity would be restricted (aka. brane theory).

A universe of 10 dimensions

If the extra dimensions are compactified, then the extra six dimensions must be in the form of a Calabi–Yau manifold (shown above). While imperceptible as far as our senses are concerned, they would have governed the formation of the universe from the very beginning. Hence why scientists believe that peering back through time, using telescopes to spot light from the early universe (i.e. billions of years ago), they might be able to see how the existence of these additional dimensions could have influenced the evolution of the cosmos.

Much like other candidates for a grand unifying theory – aka the Theory of Everything (TOE) – the belief that the universe is made up of ten dimensions (or more, depending on which model of string theory you use) is an attempt to reconcile the standard model of particle physics with the existence of gravity. In short, it is an attempt to explain how all known forces within our universe interact, and how other possible universes themselves might work.

For additional information, here's an article on Universe Today about parallel universes , and another on a parallel universe scientists thought they found that doesn't actually exist .

There are also some other great resources online. There is a great video that explains the ten dimensions in detail. You can also look at the PBS web site for the TV show Elegant universe . It has a great page on the ten dimensions .

You can also listen to Astronomy Cast. You might find episode 137 The Large Scale Structure of the Universe pretty interesting.

Provided by Universe Today

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Every mcu character who can already travel the multiverse (& how).


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Disney Reveals Doctor Strange 2's Staggering Budget That's Larger Than Age of Ultron, Casts Doubt On Box Office Success

What happened to the blue wizards after lord of the rings, matt damon's controversial $334m action movie hits netflix top 10 8 years later.

The  MCU 's Phase 4 slate is diving deep into the concept of the multiverse - and here are all the characters already present who can travel between the dimensions. Marvel Studios has actually been setting up the Multiverse for quite some time, subtly introducing the multiverse through the  Thor films . The concept was important to the resolution of the Infinity Saga, with the Avengers learning how to travel through time by accessing a subatomic dimension, and it's clearly central to Phase 4.  Loki features time travel being used to manage alternate timelines, while  Doctor Strange 2 has the promising title  Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness .

But Marvel's multiverse is more than it may first appear. It's based on a model of the multiverse explored in the comics, most notably  Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #21, which explained the multiverse as an infinite ocean. Imagine Earth at the center of this vast sea of possibilities; alternate timelines are just a single swim-stroke away, but the further away a person goes, the more strange and impossible the planes of existence they encounter become. This is the multiverse the Ancient One  cast Stephen Strange's astral form through in a famous "Magical Mystery Tour" scene in  Doctor Strange , with the future Sorcerer Supreme's mind blown by the insane realities he experienced. Little wonder Strange fell to his knees and asked the Ancient One to teach him.

Related:  Every Marvel Phase 4 Movie & Show That Will Include The Multiverse

Naturally, there's intense excitement over just which Marvel characters will be able to travel through the multiverse.  Loki 's Time Variance Authority police the timeline, and they seem to possess doors that take them through different timelines - an idea lifted straight from the comics themselves, where Kang the Conqueror lives in a city called Chronopolis with just that technology.  Spider-Man: No Way Home looks set to be a multiversal adventure, with villains confirmed to be making their way from other continuities into the MCU - and heroes likely to be doing the same. And, of course, leaked art for  Doctor Strange 2 showed new character America Chavez using the star-shaped portals she can open to travel between dimensions in the comics. But all of these are new characters and concepts; here are the MCU heroes who already possess the power to navigate the multiverse.

Doctor Strange - and Every Member of the Masters of the Mystic Arts

It's easy to forget Doctor Strange can travel the multiverse - without an Infinity Stone. The Masters of the Mystic Arts possess sling rings, small two-finger rings that create gateways through time and space. The MCU has typically used these to travel from one place to another - even from one world to another, as seen when Doctor Strange used his sling ring to bring the heroes from Titan to Earth in order to participate in the final battle against Thanos in  Avengers: Endgame . But they are actually even more powerful than that, as  Baron Mordo explained in  Doctor Strange . " Mastery of the sling ring is essential to the mystic arts, " Mordo told new recruit Stephen Strange. " It allows us to travel throughout the multiverse. All you have to do is focus. Visualize. See the destination in your mind. Look beyond the world in front of you. "

Because they possess the sling rings, then, the Masters of the Mystic Arts can travel throughout the multiverse. That would mean Strange, and all his fellow sorcerers, possess the ability to travel between the dimensions - and potentially between alternate timelines too. No doubt traveling between timelines is more difficult without a guide, though, because it would be hard for a sorcerer to differentiate one Earth from another at first glance.

Scarlet Witch

In the MCU, all sorcerers draw upon power from other dimensions. " We harness energy drawn from other dimensions in the Multiverse, " the Ancient One explained when she was teaching Doctor Strange, " to cast spells, conjure shields and weapons to make magic. " According to  WandaVision , the Scarlet Witch is the most powerful sorceress of all, able to wield Chaos Magic ; capable of spontaneous creation, with power outstripping even the Sorcerer Supreme. Interestingly, in an interview with  Rolling Stone head writer Jac Schaeffer revealed they almost had Wanda drawn into what she called a "Chaos Dimension" - presumably the source of Wanda Maximoff's power, just as the Ancient One drew on the energy of the Dark Dimension.

Related:  What Is The Darkhold? WandaVision's Book Of The Damned Explained

That idea was abandoned, although of course, that doesn't mean the Chaos Dimension won't appear in  Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness . Still, in a recent interview, Elizabeth Olsen confirmed Scarlet Witch will be able to travel through the multiverse independently. According to Olsen, Wanda  "has a few fun powers. You know, telekinesis, she can travel between universes... " It's reasonable to assume she's learned that particular trick from the Darkhold, which is frankly ominous; in the comics, the Darkhold is a book of dark magic left behind by the Elder God Chthon, and its spells have a corrupting influence upon any reader.

Hank Pym's Pym Particles

Most viewers are understandably focused on the sorcerers who can travel between different dimensions, but it's important to remember Hank Pym is the one scientist who has learned how to do so using science. He discovered the Quantum Realm , described as " a reality where all concepts of time and space become irrelevant, " and lost his beloved wife Janet Van Dyne there for decades. Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has suggested the Quantum Realm works like a sort of series of concentric circles: the deeper someone gets into the Quantum Realm, the more the laws of reality - laws like time and gravity - cease to apply.  Avengers: Endgame went one step further than the Ant-Man films, revealing it was possible to use the Quantum Realm to travel in time as well; it's likely people can travel between different timelines through this dimension too, with  Agents of SHIELD season 7 borrowing that particular idea.

It's true Hank Pym doesn't have the kind of unrestricted access to the multiverse possessed by the Masters of the Mystic Arts, but his achievement in finding a way into the Quantum Realm is frankly quite remarkable all the same.  Ant-Man & the Wasp: Quantumania will no doubt continue to explore the Quantum Realm, with time travel promising to be a major theme.

The Watcher

Marvel's What If...? introduced the Watcher, a cosmic being who lives in a nexus at the heart of the multiverse. Traditionally a being who has sworn not to interfere, in What If...? season 1 the Watcher was forced to break his vow in order to defeat the threat of an Ultron granted the unlimited power of the Infinity Stones. What If...? episode 9 saw him swear a new oath, considering himself the " Protector of the Multiverse, " which no doubt means he'll be fighting on the side of Earth's various superheroes going forward. The Watcher transcends the normal laws of the multiverse, and is capable of perceiving past, present and future; consequently, it's no surprise he can travel between the dimensions with ease.

More:  Doctor Strange 2: How Is The Eye of Agamotto Back After Thanos Destroyed It?

Key Release Dates

Shang-chi and the legend of the ten rings, doctor strange in the multiverse of madness, black panther: wakanda forever, captain marvel 2, ant-man and the wasp: quantumania, guardians of the galaxy vol. 3.

  • SR Originals
  • Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness (2022)

travel between different dimensions

There is a chance we will be able to travel through dimensions and time

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It’s everyone’s favourite science question: Is time travel really possible?

There have been hundreds of movies and TV series that have explored this – some more intelligently than others – and there’s always plenty of science-sounding jargon bandied about, like wormholes and higher dimensions and singularities and parallel realities.

But what does proper physics have to say on the matter? This is something I have studied over the past three decades. My first book, Black Holes, Wormholes and Time Machines, based on my Institute of Physics lectures, was published exactly 20 years ago.

There’s a simple first question: Do the laws of physics allow for the possibility of time travel?

Not only do we know time travel to be possible, but that it is routinely demonstrated by experiments, albeit on a tiny scale.

But travelling through time depends on whether we want to get to the future or the past because one is easier than the other.

Isaac Newton believed that time was something that we have no control over – that it goes by at a constant rate, relentlessly ticking by the seconds, minutes, hours and years everywhere in the Universe at the same rate.

Then, in 1905, Einstein published his theory of relativity and brought about a scientific revolution.

He showed that time is not absolute or independent of us but can be stretched and squeezed depending on how fast we are moving.

In fact, by travelling close to the speed of light you can slow time down so that when you stop, less time has gone by for you than in the outside world and you will find yourself, quite literally, in the future.

Another way of getting to the future is predicted by Einstein’s theory of gravity (we physicists call it General Relativity), which he completed in 1915, which showed that gravity also slows down the passage of time.

So, time runs slower at sea-level than it does on top of a mountain, where it would in turn run more slowly than out in space – basically the stronger the pull of gravity (in this case the closer you are to the centre of the Earth, the slower clocks will tick).

The effect of Earth’s gravity on time is very tiny so not that interesting.

But if you could find yourself a black hole and orbit around it a few times (while being careful you don’t get sucked in), its incredibly strong gravitational field would dramatically slow your time down.

When you return to Earth, everyone will comment on how young you look considering the many Earth years you have been away.

Is it possible to create a wormhole in the fabric of spacetime? (Nasa)

Time travel into the past, on the other hand, turns out to be much trickier.

But General Relativity – which is still our best theory on the nature of time – doesn’t completely rule it out. It states that spacetime can be curved around to create what’s called a closed time-like curve, which is a bit like a ‘loop-the-loop’ on a rollercoaster that takes you through both space and time back to the point you started, but before you left.

So, if time travel to the future is possible and time travel to the past is, while difficult, not yet ruled out, what are we waiting for? Why haven’t we built a time machine yet? Is there something we’re not understanding about the nature of time?

Well, very possibly.

One problem was famously highlighted by Stephen Hawking who asked why, if time travel to the past were possible, we haven’t been visited by time travellers from the future yet.

After all, our time is, to them, in the past.

If future generations ever succeed in building a time machine, then surely there will be some who would wish to visit the early 21st century. Of course, it may be that time travellers from the future are indeed among us but simply choose to keep a low profile, or simply don’t fancy a package tour to 2019.

It turns out that this issue is easy to resolve.

If we ever succeed in building a time machine, it turns out that it would only take us as far back as the moment it was switched on. So, the reason we don’t see time travellers from the future is because time machines have not been invented yet.

Parallel dimensions

Black hole, artist concept illustration (Picture: JPL-Caltech/Nasa) A UK team of astronomers report the first detection of matter falling into a black hole at 30% of the speed of light, located in the centre of the billion-light year distant galaxy PG211+143. The team, led by Professor Ken Pounds of the University of Leicester, used data from the European Space Agency's X-ray observatory XMM-Newton to observe the black hole. Their results appear in a new paper in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Black holes are objects with such strong gravitational fields that not even light travels quickly enough to escape their grasp, hence the description 'black'. They are hugely important in astronomy because they offer the most efficient way of extracting energy from matter. As a direct result, gas in-fall - accretion - onto black holes must be powering the most energetic phenomena in the Universe.

However, there are many other really mind-boggling paradoxes that time travel throws up.

The most famous one was explored in the film, Back to the Future. What if you were to go back in time and prevent your parents from ever meeting?

Do you suddenly pop out of existence because you were never born? And if you were never born, you would never have grown up to become a meddling time traveller, so your parents will have met after all, and you were born, in which case you do travel back in time and prevent your birth… and so on.

The only sure way of resolving this paradox is if there exist parallel universes.

This is an idea that may not be so crazy as it sounds and physicists are currently researching the idea. If such parallel dimensions are real, then time travel unavoidably slides the traveller into a parallel world in which he or she is able to mess with the past without it affecting them.

So, stopping your parents from meeting in a parallel universe just means you will never be born in that universe.

If I were a betting man I would say that time travel to the past will one day be shown to be impossible, even in theory.

Getting to the future, on the other hand, just requires building a fast-enough spaceship to get you to the nearest blackhole.

Beware though that if you reach the future, there may be no coming back if you decide you don’t like it there.

Professor Jim Al-Khalili is a quantum physicist, author and broadcaster. His new blockbuster sci-fi thriller, Sunfall , is out now.

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travel between different dimensions

The Portal To Another Dimension Experience

travel between different dimensions

Scientists have found a way to open up a portal to another dimension. Now they're trying to figure out what happens when we go through.

Portal technology allows us to travel between dimensions, opening up new possibilities for science fiction stories. But scientists say that there are still many unanswered questions about how portals work.

What Is A Wormhole?

In physics, a wormhole is a hypothetical object with two mouths connected by a tunnel. It's possible to use wormholes to connect distant parts of space-time, allowing matter and energy to pass through them.

In theory, a wormhole could be used to transport people from one place to another instantaneously. 

Why Are They Called Wormholes?

A wormhole is a shortcut between two different points in space-time. This means that anything traveling through one mouth will appear at the other end as though it had traveled along a straight line.

The idea of traveling from one universe to another has been around since ancient times. In fact, some believe that wormholes were created during the Big Bang . However, hysicists aren't sure if such a thing would ever exist. "It's very difficult to create a stable wormhole," said physicist Stephen Hawking . "The laws of physics seem to prohibit it".Some think that wormholes could be used to create shortcuts across space-time, allowing people to travel faster than light. Others think that wormholes would allow two universes to interact with each other, which could lead to the creation of new universes. Still others think that wormholes could help explain dark energy, which is thought to be responsible for accelerating the expansion of the universe.

Can We Go Through Them?

It's not clear whether we'll ever be able to travel through them. Anyway, scientists have been experimenting with ways to make wormholes possible. In theory, a wormhole would allow us to travel faster than light speed. If we were to use such a device, we'd need to find a way to prevent the universe from collapsing back into itself.

The idea behind portals is simple enough: if you could create a wormhole , you could theoretically transport yourself from one place to another. In fact, physicists have been trying to figure out how to build such a thing since the early 1900s. And while we haven’t managed to build a working portal yet, we’ve come pretty close. Scientists at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) recently created a miniature version of a portal using two magnets and a copper ring. When the magnets were moved closer together, the copper ring became thinner, creating a tiny hole.

In the movie Interstellar, Matthew McConaughey plays a scientist who travels into space using a wormhole created by a black hole . The wormhole connects two different points in space, allowing him to travel from one location to another without having to go through the normal process of traveling via rocket ship. Scientists believe that wormholes could be used to create a shortcut between distant locations, which would allow people to travel faster than light. However, some physicists think that wormholes might be unstable, and that they could collapse if too much energy is applied to them.

Will We Be Able To Come Back Out?

Wormholes are one of several theoretical methods that might enable us to travel faster than the speed of light. They are also called "bridges" because they connect two different points in space-time . A bridge between two places in space-time means that there is no barrier between those locations. This allows people to pass through without any problem.

The idea behind portals is simple enough: if you want to go from one place to another, you use a device called a wormhole generator. A wormhole is basically a shortcut through space-time, allowing you to travel quickly without having to cross vast distances. In theory, you could use a wormhole to travel anywhere in the universe, but in practice, it would be impossible to build a large enough wormhole to allow people to move freely across the cosmos.

The idea of traveling through space and time has been around since ancient times. In fact, some people believe that portals were used by extraterrestrials to visit Earth long ago. However, we know very little about what happens after we step through one. Scientists aren’t sure if we can come back out again.

What Happens When You Go Through A Wormhole?

If wormholes exist, then they must be extremely small. In fact, scientists think that they would only be able to see them with powerful telescopes. However, even though they are so tiny, they could still be used as portals to other dimensions.

In the movie Interstellar, Matthew McConaughey plays a scientist who travels through a wormhole to save his family from a deadly asteroid. The wormhole he uses is called a “white hole” because it creates a tunnel that leads back to where it came from. Scientists believe that black holes could be used to create similar portals, but they haven’t been able to prove it yet.

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Traveling Between Dimensions: Exploring Interdimensional Portals, Time Machines, Alternate Realities, Quantum Mechanics, Spells, and Crystals

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By Happy Sharer

travel between different dimensions


Traveling between dimensions is a concept often seen in science fiction, but it may be possible in real life. Although the exact details of this form of travel are still unknown, there are various ways that people can explore the possibility of interdimensional travel. This article will discuss the common reasons why people may wish to travel between dimensions, as well as the various methods that could be used to do so.

Definition of Traveling Between Dimensions

Interdimensional travel refers to the act of moving from one dimension to another. A dimension is an abstract space or realm outside of our own physical reality. For example, some believe that parallel universes exist in different dimensions. By traveling between dimensions, people may be able to access these alternate realities and explore them.

Common Reasons People Wish to Travel Between Dimensions

Common Reasons People Wish to Travel Between Dimensions

There are many potential reasons why someone might want to travel between dimensions. Some people may seek out new experiences or knowledge that can only be found in other realms. Others may want to visit friends or family members who have passed away, or even communicate with spirits or deities. Still others may simply be curious to explore the unknown. Whatever the reason, understanding the potential benefits and risks of interdimensional travel can help ensure a safe journey.

Utilizing Interdimensional Portals

One of the most common methods of interdimensional travel is through the use of portals. A portal is a doorway that links two different realms or dimensions. Portals can be natural or man-made, and they may take many forms such as a cave, a tree, a mirror, or a secret passageway.

Benefits of Using Portals

Portals provide a relatively safe way to travel between dimensions. They are often easier to find and access than other methods, as they tend to be located in easily accessible places. Additionally, portals can link multiple realms at once, making it easier to explore multiple dimensions in a single journey.

How to Find and Access a Portal

Finding a portal can be tricky, as they are not always easy to spot. One way to locate a portal is by looking for signs of energy shifts in your environment, such as sudden changes in temperature or changes in the light. Another way to find a portal is to ask around in spiritual communities or online forums, as some people may be able to offer advice on how to find one. Once you have located a portal, accessing it is usually as simple as walking through it or standing in its presence.

Safety Precautions for Using Portals

It is important to keep in mind that portals can be dangerous if not used correctly. It is important to remember that each portal leads to a different realm, and the rules and laws of that realm may be different than those of our own world. Before entering a portal, it is wise to research the realm that it leads to and familiarize yourself with the customs and practices of that realm. It is also important to be aware of any creatures that inhabit the realm, as they may pose a danger. Finally, it is essential to have a clear intention when entering a portal, as this will help to ensure a safe journey.

Creating a Time Machine

Another common method of interdimensional travel is through the use of a time machine. A time machine is a device that can be used to travel through time, allowing the user to explore different points in history or even alternate timelines. Time machines can be constructed from a variety of materials, such as metal and plastic, and come in many shapes and sizes.

Types of Time Machines

The most common type of time machine is a mechanical device, which uses gears and levers to control its movement through time. Other types of time machines include biological machines, which use living organisms such as plants or animals to manipulate time; and quantum machines, which use the power of quantum mechanics to move through time.

Necessary Components for Building a Time Machine

Building a time machine requires a number of components, including a power source, a control system, and a means of propulsion. The power source can be anything from a battery to a nuclear reactor, while the control system is typically a computer program that controls the direction and speed of the machine. Finally, the propulsion system is usually a combination of rocket engines and thrusters.

Potential Challenges in Building a Time Machine

Constructing a time machine is no easy task, and there are a number of potential challenges that must be overcome. These include finding a suitable power source, ensuring the safety of the passengers, and understanding the complexities of time travel. Additionally, there are ethical concerns associated with time travel, such as the risk of altering the past or future. As such, it is important to research the potential consequences of using a time machine before attempting to build one.

Entering Alternate Realities

Alternate realities are other planes of existence that exist beyond our own physical reality. These planes can be accessed through meditation, astral projection, lucid dreaming, or even through the use of drugs. By entering an alternate reality, one can explore strange and fascinating worlds, as well as gain insight into the nature of reality itself.

Understanding the Different Planes of Reality

Before entering an alternate reality, it is important to understand the different planes of reality that exist. Each plane has its own set of laws and rules, as well as a unique energy signature. It is important to be aware of these differences before entering a new plane, as this will help to ensure a safe journey.

Ways to Connect to Alternate Realities

There are several ways to connect to alternate realities. Meditation, lucid dreaming, and astral projection are all popular methods, as they allow the user to access the realm without physically entering it. Additionally, some people choose to use psychedelic drugs such as ayahuasca or DMT to explore alternate realities.

The Perils of Entering Alternate Realities

Exploring alternate realities can be a powerful experience, but it is important to remember that these realms may contain energies or entities that can be dangerous. Additionally, it can be difficult to navigate these realms, as they often lack the same physical landmarks that we are used to in our own world. As such, it is important to practice caution when exploring alternate realities.

Tapping Into Quantum Mechanics

Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the behavior of particles at the smallest scales. It is believed that quantum mechanics can be used to access other dimensions, as the laws of quantum physics are thought to be different in other realms.

Exploring the Possibilities of Quantum Mechanics

The possibilities of quantum mechanics are vast, and researchers have only just begun to scratch the surface of what is possible. It is believed that quantum mechanics can be used to travel through time, teleport objects, and even create wormholes that can lead to other dimensions. However, it is important to note that these theories are still being explored and are far from being proven.

Exercises to Help Access Quantum Mechanics

In order to access the power of quantum mechanics, it is necessary to open up the mind and body to higher levels of awareness. This can be done through a variety of exercises such as meditation, visualization, and breathwork. Additionally, it is important to study the principles of quantum mechanics and develop an understanding of the concepts involved.

Techniques for Working with Quantum Mechanics

Once the basics of quantum mechanics are understood, it is possible to begin experimenting with the power of quantum mechanics. This can be done through visualization exercises, where the user visualizes themselves entering a different dimension or manipulating time and space. Additionally, it is possible to use tools such as crystals or sound healing to help facilitate the process.

Invoking Magical Spells

Spells are incantations or rituals that can be used to invoke a certain effect or outcome. Although they are often associated with witchcraft, spells can also be used to access other dimensions. Spells can be used to create portals, summon spirits, or even travel through time.

Learning About Magic and Spell Casting

Before attempting to cast a spell, it is important to learn about the fundamentals of magic. This includes understanding the different types of magic, such as white magic and black magic, as well as the different types of energies that can be invoked. Additionally, it is important to research the ingredients and materials needed for a successful spell.

Crafting the Right Spell for Your Needs

When crafting a spell, it is important to tailor it to your specific needs. This includes selecting the right words, ingredients, and symbols that will invoke the desired effect. Additionally, it is important to focus on the desired outcome and visualize it clearly before beginning the spell.

Possible Side Effects of Casting Spells

Although spells can be effective, it is important to remember that they can also have unintended consequences. These can range from mild side effects, such as fatigue or dizziness, to more serious consequences, such as attracting negative energies or opening up a portal to an unknown realm. As such, it is important to research each spell carefully before attempting it.

Using Crystals and Rituals

Crystals and rituals can also be used to access other dimensions. Crystals are believed to hold powerful energies that can be harnessed to open up portals to other realms. Rituals, meanwhile, can be used to invoke certain energies or invoke spirits that can help guide the user on their journey.

Identifying the Best Crystals for Traveling

When choosing a crystal for interdimensional travel, it is important to select one that resonates with the user. Popular crystals for interdimensional travel include amethyst, tourmaline, and opal. Additionally, it is important to cleanse and program the crystal before use, as this will help ensure a safe journey.

Preparing and Utilizing Rituals

Rituals can be used to prepare the user for interdimensional travel. These rituals typically involve invoking certain energies or invoking spirits that can help guide the user. Additionally, rituals can be used to protect the user from any possible harm that may occur during the journey.

Understanding the Energies Involved

When working with crystals and rituals, it is important to understand the energies that are being invoked. It is important to stay grounded and connected to the Earth, as this will help protect the user from any negative energies that may be present. Additionally, it is important to remain focused on the desired outcome and to stay open to whatever may come.

Traveling between dimensions is a fascinating concept that may be possible in real life. There are a number of methods that can be used to explore interdimensional travel, such as utilizing interdimensional portals, creating a time machine, entering alternate realities, tapping into quantum mechanics, invoking magical spells, and using crystals and rituals. It is important to remember that these methods can be dangerous if not used correctly, so it is essential to research each method carefully before attempting it. With the right knowledge and preparation, however, interdimensional travel can be a safe and rewarding experience.

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Hi, I'm Happy Sharer and I love sharing interesting and useful knowledge with others. I have a passion for learning and enjoy explaining complex concepts in a simple way.

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Dimensional Travel

  • View history

The power to travel between different dimensions . Combination of Dimensional Manipulation and Teleportation .

  • 1 Also Called
  • 2 Capabilities
  • 3 Applications
  • 4 Variations
  • 5 Associations
  • 6 Limitations
  • 7.1 Anime/Manga/Manhwa
  • 7.2 Cartoons
  • 7.5 Literature
  • 7.6 Live Television
  • 7.9 Video Games
  • 7.10 Web Comics/Original/Series
  • 8.1 Anime/Manga/Manhwa
  • 8.2 Cartoons/Comics
  • 8.3 Live Television/Movies
  • 8.4 Literature
  • 8.5 Video Games
  • 8.6 Web Animation/Comic/Original/Series
  • 9.1 Anime/Manga/Manhwa
  • 9.2 Cartoons/Comics
  • 9.3 Live Television/Movies
  • 9.5 Video Games
  • 9.6 Web Comics

Also Called [ ]

  • Cross-Time Jump/Jumping/Teleportation/Transportation/Travel/Traveling
  • Dimension/Realm Hopping/Jumping/Travel/Traveling
  • Dimensional/Universal Jump/Jumping/Teleportation/Transportation/Travel/Traveling
  • Interdimensional/Inter-Reality Jump/Jumping/Teleportation/Transportation/Travel/Traveling
  • Parallel World/Universe/Reality Jump/Jumping/Teleportation/Transportation/Travel/Traveling

Capabilities [ ]

The user can travel between different dimensions and universes, and cross over different planes of existence or travel across various forms of reality.

The user can travel to alternate universe/other earths and/or even (pocket) dimensions.

Applications [ ]

  • 4th Wall Breaching
  • Afterlife Traveling
  • Alternate Reality Traveling
  • Alternate Timeline Traveling
  • Beforelife Traveling
  • Book Jumping
  • Chronoskimming
  • Dimensioskimming
  • Dimensional Transformation
  • Fantasy Travelling
  • Fiction Travel
  • Instant Transmission
  • Multiversal Travel
  • Reality Crossroads
  • Reality Shifting
  • Realm Connection
  • Spatial Travel
  • Time Travel
  • Time-Window Alteration
  • Black Hole / White Hole Creation
  • Fissure Creation
  • Dimensional Storage
  • Portal Attacks
  • Absolute Attack
  • Mass Teleportation
  • Partial Teleportation
  • Tactile Teleportation
  • Warping Teleportation

Variations [ ]

  • Planeswalking ; Mystical version

Associations [ ]

  • Powerful Objects
  • Alien Physiology
  • Dimensional Manipulation
  • Dimension Shifting
  • Distance Manipulation
  • Planes Dreaming
  • Speedster Physiology
  • Teleportation
  • Unbound Soul

Limitations [ ]

  • May not have control over when they travel between worlds.
  • Initiating the transportation may take time or have other specific recommendations.
  • May only be able to travel to a specific dimension.
  • Can still be affected by Warp Travel Unravel and Warp Travel Interaction .
  • Can be unable to enter worlds that are restricted from access.

Known Users [ ]

See Also: Dimensional Traveler

Anime/Manga/Manhwa [ ]

  • Drago ( Bakugan: Battle Brawlers )
  • Wavern ( Bakugan: Battle Brawlers )
  • Mechtogans ( Bakugan: Battle Brawlers )
  • Skull Knight ( Berserk )
  • Griffith/Femto ( Berserk )
  • Conrad Leto ( Black Clover )
  • Shinigami ( Bleach ); via "Senkaimon"
  • Hollows & Arrancar ( Bleach ); via "Garganta"
  • Quincy ( Bleach ); via "Shadow"
  • Shinobu Negero ( Buso Renkin )
  • Road Kamelot ( D.Gray-man )
  • All Spirits ( Date A Live )
  • Mastemon ( Digimon )
  • Quantumon ( Digimon )
  • Sorcerers ( Dorohedoro )
  • Supreme Kais
  • Touka ( Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest)
  • Faris ( Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest)
  • Selene ( Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest)
  • Misaki ( Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest)
  • Road Dopant ( Futo Detective ) via using high-temperature heat and high speed
  • Gods ( In Another World with my Smartphone )
  • Endymion ( In Another World with my Smartphone )
  • Velgrynd ( That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime )
  • King Ghidorah ( Godzilla: The Planet Eater )
  • Guido-Hyun ( The Haunted House/Shinbi Apartment )
  • Kibi ( The Haunted House/Shinbi Apartment )
  • Funny Valentine ( JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part VII: Steel Ball Run ); via Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap/D4C
  • Vanilla Ice ( JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part III: Stardust Crusaders ); via Cream
  • Dimension ÄRM users ( Marchen Awakens Romance )
  • IV (Vier) ( Marchen Awakens Romance )
  • Pandora ( Monster Strike )
  • Users of Kamui ( Naruto )
  • Users of Yomotsu Hirasaka ( Naruto )
  • Sasuke Uchiha ( Naruto )
  • Kinshiki Ōtsutsuki ( Naruto )
  • Nue ( Boruto: Naruto Next Generations )
  • Users of Kama Rift ( Boruto: Naruto Next Generations )
  • Users of Claw Mark ( Boruto: Naruto Next Generations )
  • Blueno ( One Piece ); via Doa Doa no Mi
  • Blast ( One-Punch Man )
  • Gemini Saga ( Saint Seiya )
  • Sideways ( Transformers Unicron Trilogy )
  • Galvatron ( Transformers Unicron Trilogy )
  • Soundwave ( Transformers Unicron Trilogy )
  • Vector Prime ( Transformers Unicron Trilogy )
  • 'Emperor' Starscream ( Transformers Unicron Trilogy )
  • Anyone with the Omega Lock. ( Transformers Unicron Trilogy )
  • Mokona ( Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle )
  • Itsuki ( Yu Yu Hakusho )
  • Kazuma Kuwabara ( Yu Yu Hakusho )
  • Users of Interdimensional Travel Technology ( Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V )
  • Yubel ( Yu-Gi-Oh GX )
  • Gorm ( Zatch Bell! )
  • Mirage ( Aladdin: The Animated Series )
  • Gwen Tennyson
  • Verdona Tennyson
  • Maltruant ( Ben 10: Omniverse )
  • Diagon ( Ben 10: Ultimate Alien )
  • Eon ( Ben 10 Series )
  • Flame Keepers' Circle Soldiers ( Ben 10: Ultimate Alien )
  • Professor Paradox ( Ben 10 Series )
  • Vilgax ( Ben 10: Ultimate Alien ); temporally???
  • Sam Wilson/Falcon ( Marvel's Avengers Assemble ) briefly via Runestone
  • Alya Césaire/Ubiquity ( Miraculous World: Paris )
  • Monrach/Gabriel Agreste
  • Marinette dupain-Chang/Ladybug/Ladybiquity ( Miraculous ladybug )
  • Brutaka ( Bionicle ); via Kanohi Olmak
  • Vezon ( Bionicle ); via Kanohi Olmak
  • Catbug ( Bravest Warriors )
  • Dr. Dimensionpants ( Dr. Dimensionpants )
  • Four-dimensional space whales ( Futurama )
  • Breach ( Generator Rex )
  • Bill Cipher ( Gravity Falls ); only through people’s imagination/mind
  • Fiddleford Hadron McGucket ( Gravity Falls )
  • Grim ( The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy )
  • Invisible Dragon ( Invisible Dragon )
  • Te Xuan Ze ( The Life & Times of Juniper Lee )
  • Doomagedoon ( League of Super Evil )
  • Mot ( Mot )
  • Rick Sanchez ( Rick and Morty ); via portal gun
  • Star Butterfly ( Star vs. the Forces of Evil ); in butterfly form
  • Hekapoo ( Star vs. the Forces of Evil )
  • Cyborg ( Teen Titans Go! )
  • Primus ( Transformers )
  • Unicron ( Transformers )
  • Skywarp ( G1 Transformers )
  • The Sorcerer
  • The Sorceress
  • Uncle Grandpa ( Uncle Grandpa )
  • Black Hat ( Villainous )
  • Eliotropes ( Wakfu )
  • Sirenix Fairies ( Winx Club ); to Infinite Ocean
  • Mythix Fairies ( Winx Club ); to Legendarium World
  • Tynix Fairies ( Winx Club ); to MiniWorlds
  • Onyrix Fairies ( World of Winx ); to World of Dreams
  • Blunk ( W.I.T.C.H ); via Tooth of the Tonga
  • Elyon Brown ( W.I.T.C.H. )
  • The Mage ( W.I.T.C.H ); via her Ring
  • Nerissa ( W.I.T.C.H )
  • Will Vandom ( W.I.T.C.H )
  • Cosmic Owl ( Adventure Time )
  • Cosmo and Wanda ( Fairly Odd Parents )
  • Fat Chance ( The Venture Bros )
  • Master of Games ( Teen Titans )
  • Ixis Naugus ( Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog )
  • Zone Cops ( Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog )
  • Users of the Speed Force ( DC Comics )
  • Kryptonians ( DC Comics ); via yellow sun radiation
  • The Herald ( DC Comics ); via Gabriel's Horn
  • Monarch ( DC Comics )
  • Raven ( DC Comics )
  • Grail ( DC Comics )
  • New Gods ( DC Comics ); via Mother Box that can generate Boom Tubes
  • Sideways ( DC Comics )
  • Supernova ( DC Comics )
  • Vibe ( DC Comics )
  • Breacher ( DC Comics )
  • The Anti-Monitor ( DC Comics )
  • The Batman Who Laughs ( DC Comics )
  • The Phantom Stranger ( DC Comics )
  • Superboy-Prime ( DC Comics )
  • Alexander Luther Jr ( DC Comics )
  • Metron ( DC Comics )
  • Mr Mxlylplx
  • Zauriel ( DC Comics ); via Michael's Sword
  • Folding Man ( DC Comics )
  • The Endless ( DC/Vertigo Comics )
  • Starbreaker ( DC Comics )
  • The Carrier ( Wildstorm/DC Comics )
  • Spawn ( Image Comics )
  • Angstrom Levy ( Image Comics )
  • Beyonders ( Marvel Comics )
  • Captain Britain Corps ( Marvel Comics )
  • The Exiles ( Marvel Comics )
  • Loki Laufeyson ( Marvel Comics )
  • Thor Odinson ( Marvel Comics ); via Mjolnir
  • Doctor Stephen Strange ( Marvel Comics )
  • Ancient One ( Marvel Comics )
  • Doctor Victor Von Doom ( Marvel Comics )
  • Magik ( Marvel Comics )
  • Lockjaw ( Marvel Comics )
  • Great Weaver ( Marvel Comics )
  • Inheritors ( Marvel Comics )
  • Onslaught ( Marvel Comics )
  • Pathway ( Marvel Comics )
  • Quasar ( Marvel Comics )
  • Mojo ( Marvel Comics )
  • Spiral ( Marvel Comics )
  • Shatterstar ( Marvel Comics )
  • Rachel Summers ( Marvel Comics )
  • Nate Grey/X-Man ( Marvel Comics )
  • Wiccan ( Marvel Comics )
  • America Chavez ( Marvel Comics )
  • The Impossible Man ( Marvel Comics )
  • Combo Man ( Marvel Comics )
  • Mother ( Marvel Comics )
  • Access ( Marvel/DC/Amalgam Comics )
  • Omni-Viewer ( Sonic the Comic )
  • Voyd ( The Incredibles 2 )
  • Jack Jack Parr ( The Incredibles )
  • Malevolent Mame ( The Chase 3: Great Minds Think Alike )
  • John Constantine ( Constantine )
  • Joe Talbot ( Crossworlds )
  • Stygian demons ( Dogma )
  • The Tall Man ( Phantasm )
  • Spot ( Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse )
  • Demogorgons ( Stranger Things )
  • Fallen/Megatronus Prime ( Transformers Revenge Of The Fallen )
  • Jetfire ( Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen )
  • Sentinel Prime ( Transformers: Dark of the Moon ); via Space Bridge technology
  • Ancient Primes ( Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen )
  • Ransack ( Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen )
  • Seekers ( Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen )
  • Fortress ( Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen )
  • Initiates of the Pattern, the Logrus, and of Broken Patterns; some demons ( The Chronicles of Amber )
  • Hoid ( Cosmere )
  • Nac Mac Feegle ( Discworld series )
  • Ragnor Fell ( The Mortal Instruments )
  • Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern ( The Mortal Instruments )
  • Oswald Bastable, Una Persson ( A Nomad of the Time Streams )
  • Travelers ( Pendragon )
  • Red & Randy Dorakeen ( Roadmarks )
  • Ciri ( The Witcher )
  • Cthulhu ( Cthulhu Mythos )
  • Mr. Munshun/Lord Malshun ( Black House )

Live Television [ ]

  • Tobias Ford ( Agents of SHIELD )
  • The Beast ( Angel )
  • Illyria ( Angel )
  • Mistress Meerna ( Angel )
  • Willow Rosenberg ( Buffy the Vampire Slayer )
  • D'Hoffryn ( Buffy the Vampire Slayer )
  • Mok'tagar Demon ( Buffy the Vampire Slayer )
  • Elders ( Charmed )
  • Tyler Michaels ( Charmed )
  • The Source of All Evil ( Charmed )
  • Whitelighters ( Charmed )
  • Omega ( Doctor Who )
  • Anala ( The Elephant Princess )
  • Louie Preston ( The Haunted Hathaways ); via to Portal Creation / Door Projection
  • Olivia Dunham ( Fringe )
  • Kelli Wheaton ( Heroes )
  • Jefferson ( Once Upon a Time )
  • Chunky Chicken ( Mighty Morphin Power Rangers )
  • Octomus the Master ( Power Rangers Mystic Force )
  • Nighlok ( Power Rangers Samurai )
  • Goldwinger ( Power Rangers Ninja Storm )
  • Danny ( Tripped )
  • Quinn Mallory ( Sliders ); via Timer
  • Wade Welles ( Sliders ); via Timer
  • Rembrandt Brown ( Sliders ); via Timer
  • Maximillian Arturo ( Sliders ); via Timer
  • Maggie Beckett ( Sliders ); via Timer
  • Angus Rickman ( Sliders ); via Timer
  • Colin Mallory ( Sliders ); via Timer
  • Quinn "Mallory" Mallory ( Sliders ); via Timer
  • Diana Davis ( Sliders ); via Timer
  • Kromaggs ( Sliders )
  • Demogorgon ( Stranger Things )
  • Alex Russo ( Wizards of Waverly Place )
  • Choju ( Ultraman series )
  • Galactron ( Ultraman series )
  • Ultraman Zero ( Ultraman series )
  • Barry Allen/The Flash
  • Eobard Thawne/The Reverse Flash
  • Hunter Zolomon/Zoom
  • Cisco Ramon/Vibe
  • Mar Novu/The Monitor ( Arrowverse )
  • The Music Meister ( Arrowverse )
  • Plastoid ( Arrowverse )
  • Edwin Gauss/Folded Man ( Arrowverse )
  • Clifford DeVoe/The Thinker ( Arrowverse/The Flash 2014 )
  • Tsukasa Kadoya ( Kamen Rider Decade/Zi-O )
  • Daiki Kaito ( Kamen Rider Decade/Zi-O )
  • Narutaki ( Kamen Rider Decade )
  • DJ Sagara ( Kamen Rider Gaim )
  • Ra’jah O’Hara ( Rupaul’s Drag Race ); as I'Siya Queen through dancing.
  • Witches ( The Vampire Diaries/The Originals/Legacies ) via spells
  • Ziltoid the Omniscient ( Devin Townsend Project )
  • Choerry/Choi Yerim ( LOOΠΔ Kpop Girl Group)
  • The Planeswalkers ( Magic the Gathering )
  • Neo the Magic Swordsman ( Yu-Gi-Oh! )

Video Games [ ]

  • Player ( Pixel Worlds )
  • Shadow Man ( Call of Duty )
  • The Baker ( Cookie Clicker )
  • Morrigan Aensland ( Darkstalkers )
  • Dante ( Devil May Cry/DmC )
  • Arkham ( Devil May Cry )
  • Mundus ( Devil May Cry )
  • Vergil ( Devil May Cry )
  • Azimuth ( Legacy of Kain )
  • Kain as Scion of Balance ( Legacy of Kain )
  • Raziel ( Legacy of Kain )
  • Divayth Fyr ( The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind )
  • Gilgamesh ( Final Fantasy V )
  • The Gods ( Genshin Impact )
  • Celestial Twins ( Genshin Impact )
  • Riku/Riku-Ansem ( Kingdom Hearts ); via darkness
  • Elfilin (Kirby and the Forgotten Land)
  • Kassadin ( League of Legends )
  • Croire ( Hyperdimension Neptunia )
  • Ganondorf ( The Legend of Zelda )
  • Midna ( The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess )
  • Yabusame Houlen ( Len'en Project )
  • Major Sybil Tan/Kestrel ( Marvel Strike Force )
  • IDPD - the Interdimensional Police Department ( Nuclear Throne )
  • Palkia ( Pokémon )
  • Giratina ( Pokémon )
  • Time Eater ( Sonic Generations )
  • Mephiles the Dark ( Sonic the Hedgehog )
  • Shadow the Hedgehog ( Sonic the Hedgehog )
  • Sonic the Hedgehog ( Sonic the Hedgehog )
  • Erwin Reanna Schrodinger ( Honkai Impact 3rd )
  • Lord Vortech ( LEGO Dimensions )
  • All Playable Characters ( LEGO Dimensions )
  • Anne von Blyssen ( Starshine Legacy )
  • Culex ( Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars )
  • Count Bleck ( Super Paper Mario )
  • Dimentio ( Super Paper Mario )
  • Turok ( Turok: Dinosaur Hunter )
  • Kishua Zelretch Schweinorg ( TYPE-MOON )
  • Dream Phantom ( Valkyrie Crusade )
  • Dimension Hacker ( Valkyrie Crusade )
  • Various Magic Users ( Warcraft series )
  • Elizabeth Comstock ( Bioshock Infinite )
  • Boys of silence ( Bioshock infinite )
  • Add ( Elsword )
  • Aisha ( Elsword )
  • Jesse Faden ( Control ); via Slide Projector
  • Dylan Faden ( Control ); via Slide Projector
  • Polaris ( Control ); via Slide Projector
  • The Hiss ( Control ); via Slide Projector
  • Robloxians ( ROBLOX )
  • Herrscher Of The Void ( Honkai impact 3rd )
  • Lucifer ( Helltaker )
  • Boyfriend ( Friday Night Funkin )
  • Girlfriend ( Friday Night Funkin )
  • Steve/Alex/Player ( Minecraft ); via Nether Portal or End Portal
  • The Ink Demon ( Bendy and the Ink Machine/Dark Revival )
  • The Traveler ( Just Dance )
  • Nessie ( Hungry Shark Evolution )
  • Behellmouth ( Hungry Shark Evolution )

Web Comics/Original/Series [ ]

  • Baron von Mouse ( Dog Cat Mouse )
  • Everywhere ( Jenny Everywhere )
  • Various Characters ( Order of the Stick )
  • The Entity ( AT4W )
  • Scion/Zion ( Worm )
  • Eden (Worm)
  • Mechakara ( AT4W )
  • Lord Vyce ( AT4W )
  • Dr. Linksano ( AT4W )
  • Dr. Insano ( The Spoony Experiment )
  • Nox Decious ( Stupid Mario Brothers )
  • Mecha Sonic ( Super Mario Bros. Z )
  • The G-Man ( Half-Life Series )
  • Noclippers ( The Backrooms )
  • Calvin Lucien/O5-1 ( SCP Foundation ); via Dr. Wondertainment’s Interdimensional Line and Lure
  • The Fifth Overseer/O5-5 ( SCP Foundation )
  • The Brothers Death ( SCP Foundation )
  • SCP-001 - Tufto's Proposal - The Scarlet King ( SCP Foundation )
  • SCP-507 - Reluctant Dimension Hopper ( SCP Foundation )
  • SCP-993 - Bobble The Clown ( SCP Foundation )
  • SCP-3022 - Hooked on a Feeling ( SCP Foundation )
  • SCP-3167 - Character Assassin ( SCP Foundation )
  • SCP-3319 - The Clusterfuckalypse ( SCP Foundation )
  • SCP-3396 - The Empyrean Parasite ( SCP Foundation )
  • Mortimer J. Denning Von Kronecker ( SCP Foundation )
  • Cartoon Cat
  • Yoru ( Valorant )
  • Wraith ( Apex Legends )
  • Error Sans ( Errortale )
  • Salad Fingers ( Salad Fingers ); via Puddles

Known Objects [ ]

See Also: Interdimensional Travel Device


  • Gatekeeper Pierrot ( Marchen Awakens Romance )
  • Yamato ( Devil May Cry )
  • Nebula Chain ( Saint Seiya )
  • Mao's Magic Mirror ( Shining Tears x Wind )
  • Dungeon Keys ( Solo Leveling )
  • Road Memory ( Futo Detective )
  • Portal to Sonic's world ( Sonic X ); only between Earth and Sonic's world
  • Gogoukanda ( Twelve Kingdoms )


  • Enchiridion ( Adventure Time )
  • Prismo’s Remote ( Adventure Time )
  • Portal Spell ( American Dragon: Jake Long )
  • Calamity Box ( Amphibia )
  • Null Void Projector ( Ben 10 )
  • Gabriel's Horn ( DC Comics )
  • Mother Box ( DC Comics )
  • Mobius Chair ( DC Comics )
  • Infi-Map ( Danny Phantom )
  • Fenton Ghost Portal ( Danny Phantom )
  • Zandora's Box ( Dungeons & Dragons: The Animation )
  • The Super-Collider ( Into the Spider-Verse )
  • Realm Crystal ( Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu )
  • Traveler's Tea ( Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu )
  • Dimensional Travel Watch ( Marvel Comics )
  • Mjolnir ( Marvel Comics )
  • Multisect ( Marvel Comics )
  • Siege Perilous ( Marvel Comics )
  • Space Gem ( Marvel Comics )
  • Nexus of All Realities ( Marvel Comics )
  • Runestones ( Marvel's Avengers Assemble )
  • Crystal Mirror/Statue portal ( My Little Pony: Equestria Girls )
  • Titan's Blood ( The Owl House )
  • Portal Gun ( Rick and Morty )
  • Heart of Etheria ( She-Ra and the Princesses of Power )
  • Youtube Remote ( SMG4 )
  • Dimensional Scissors ( Star vs. the Forces of Evil )
  • Grim's Scythe ( The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy )
  • Interdimensional Portal & Porta-Portal ( The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour III: The Jerkinators! )
  • Recall Potion ( Wakfu )
  • Magic Watches ( Winx Club )
  • Heart of Kandrakar ( W.I.T.C.H )
  • Parallel Universe Box ( Futurama )
  • Yin Yang Yoyo ( Xiaolin Showdown )
  • Stanford’s portal ( Gravity Falls )
  • Interdimensional Rift ( Gravity Falls )
  • Closet doors ( Monsters, Inc. ); only between the Monster World and Human World
  • The Second Star to the Right ( Disney's Peter Pan ); only between Earth and Neverland
  • Magical Box ( We Baby Bears )

Live Television/Movies

  • Breaches ( Arrowverse )
  • Pylean Book ( Angel )
  • Sling Rings ( Marvel Cinematic Universe )
  • Tesseract ( Marvel Cinematic Universe )
  • The Tardis ( Doctor Who )
  • The Thinker’s Hoverchair ( Arrowverse/The Flash )
  • Timer ( Sliders )
  • Wishing Well ( Enchanted )
  • Rings ( Sonic the Hedgehog Movie )
  • Crystal Elevator ( Thea Stilton )
  • Wardrobe ( The Chronicles of Narnia )

Video Games

  • Lor Starcutter ( Kirby )
  • Phantom Ruby ( Sonic the Hedgehog )
  • Mirror Of Twilight ( The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess )
  • Nether Portal ( Minecraft )
  • End Portal ( Minecraft )
  • Slideshow Projector ( Control )
  • Voyagers ( What Lies in the Multiverse )

Web Animation/Comic/Original/Series

  • Dr. Wondertainment's Interdimensional Line and Lure ( SCP Foundation )
  • Backroom Keys ( The Backrooms )

Gallery [ ]

Road Kamelot (D.Gray-man) can create a doorway that can travel between dimensions.

Cartoons/Comics [ ]

Calamity Box (Amphibia) can enable interdimensional travel to Earth, Amphibia & other dimension/worlds/planets.

Live Television/Movies [ ]

Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) can open dimensional portals.

Web Comics [ ]

JJBA Stardust Crusaders Egypt Arc - Avdol's Death

  • 1 Superpowers
  • 2 List of Kinetic Abilities
  • 3 Darkness Manipulation

6 Games That Let You Travel To Another Dimension

Multiple dimensions are always better than one.

Dimension travel is a concept that has been in multiple video games over the years. Typically, it's a part of the narrative as the main characters travel to another world or get sent to one. This event occurs in titles like Injustice and Bioshock Infinite, as well as several others.

RELATED: Game Universes That Need A Multiverse

However, it's a lot rarer to see a game that puts the dimension switching in your hands. In these titles, your appearance in another universe isn't based on a scripted event. You're there because you've used an item or clicked a button to travel to this new realm. The following games all feature that mechanic.

6 Guacamelee!

Guacamelee is an excellent Metroidvania game where you play as a humble farmer whose early attempts at being a hero see him sent to the land of the dead. However, he's given a second chance when he puts on a magical luchador mask that not only sends him back to the living world but also gives him a significant increase in power.

You need to use this newfound strength to take out all the enemies in your way to build up your skills and hopefully rescue your kidnapped beloved. During the journey, you gain the ability to instantly travel between the lands of the living and dead. Each one comes with its own music, colors, items, and enemies. You regularly need to switch between the two worlds to progress in the story.

This action RPG is all about death as you play as a watcher who makes sure departed souls are reincarnated. Sometimes the process has to happen by force when the subject isn't ready to move on. The narrative goes into some dark and thought-provoking topics. The dimension traveling element features in the gameplay as with a press of a button, you can teleport between the living and the veil - which is a spirit realm of sorts.

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The two dimensions don't look too distinct. The veil has a darker color scheme and a few aesthetic changes, which is just enough for you to realize which world you're currently inhabiting. Yet, you still need to swap at certain points to progress as you can't enter some areas while in the veil. Also, occassionally a soul will be in the other world, so you have to switch to reach them.

4 Quantum Conundrum

Portal set the standard for environmental first-person puzzle games , and one of the lead designers on that title also created Quantum Conundrum. In it, you play a silent protagonist who needs to rescue his mad scientist Uncle. Your family member is stuck in another dimension, and you need to solve a litany of different puzzles to reach him.

To do that, you put on a special glove called the IKE (Interdimensional Kinetic Entity). With it, you can switch between four dimensions on the fly. Each one has its own properties. For instance, the fluffy dimension makes everything light, so you can easily pick up or manipulate heavy objects. The others allow you to either slow down time, reverse gravity, or make objects heavier. The inclusion of these different dimensions adds plenty of intrigue to the game's puzzle-solving.

3 Flipping Death

In the surreal Flipping Death, you have to fill in for the Grim Reaper when he goes on a vacation to the moon. As the new death, you must roam around the land of the dead looking for individuals to possess. Once you possess somebody, you flip into the living world and control them while also reading their thoughts. You use their knowledge and body to solve a bunch of creative puzzles.

The pair of 2D worlds you switch between are very dissimilar. The land of the dead is dark and filled with souls. As for the living world, it's a lot more vibrant and includes plenty of unique-looking buildings. Their one similarity is that they both look like they belong in a pop-up book due to the game's unique art style.

2 The Medium

In this third-person psychological horror game, you play as a spirit medium named Marianne, who travels to an incredibly-detailed abandoned resort called Niwa . Her initial goal is to discover more about her strange powers, but things take a bit of a turn when she gets to the unusual resort.

RELATED: Things Only Pro Players Know You Can Do In The Medium

Throughout The Medium , you regularly journey between the real world and the spirit realm. While you occasionally traverse either world independently, the most interesting moments come when you're in both dimensions at once. On these occasions, the screen splits in two, with you controlling Marianne in both realms. It allows the game to include some unique puzzle sections. Plus, it's a creative way to present two distinct dimensions.

1 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

There are several contenders for the title of the best Legend Of Zelda game, and Link To The Past is one of them. As always, you control Link as he attempts to save Hyrule from the powerful Ganon. Partway through the tale, you're transported into a place once known as the Sacred Realm. The world isn't very sacred anymore as due to Ganon's influence, the realm is a lot more twisted.

For much of the game, you can teleport between the Dark and Light worlds using a combination of the magic mirror and the portal it leaves behind. The two realms are mirrored versions of one another. Unsurprisingly, the Dark world is a lot bleaker as all the grass is brown, and the water doesn't look fresh. Even the living creatures are different as they're more monstrous in the Dark world. You'll have to visit both realms plenty of times while playing through the game.

NEXT: Best Time Travel Games, Ranked

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Exploring the Possibilities of Dimension Travel: A Guide to Interdimensional Journeys & 5 Recommended Books

dimension travel

Dimension travel, also known as interdimensional travel, refers to the concept of moving between different dimensions or universes. It has long been a topic of fascination for scientists, science fiction writers, and those interested in the paranormal. The idea of being able to explore different worlds and see what lies beyond our own has captured the imaginations of people for centuries. In recent years, the field of physics has made significant strides in our understanding of the nature of reality and the possibility of interdimensional travel.

Exploring Dimension Travel

The concept of dimension travel has its roots in the theories of quantum physics, which suggest that our universe is not the only one that exists. According to these theories, there may be an infinite number of parallel universes, each with its own unique set of physical laws and properties. If this is true, then it stands to reason that it may be possible to travel between these universes and explore them.

One of the most prominent theories of interdimensional travel is the theory of wormholes. A wormhole is a hypothetical shortcut through space and time that would allow an object or a person to travel from one point in the universe to another point instantaneously. The idea of wormholes is based on the theory of general relativity, which states that matter and energy can distort the fabric of space and time, creating what is known as a “curvature” in the fabric of the universe. This curvature can be thought of as a bridge or tunnel through space and time, which would allow for travel between different dimensions.

Another theory of interdimensional travel is based on the concept of parallel universes. According to this theory, our universe is just one of an infinite number of parallel universes, each with its own unique set of physical laws and properties. It is believed that it may be possible to travel between these parallel universes by accessing what is known as a “quantum portal.” A quantum portal is a hypothetical portal that would allow an object or person to travel between parallel universes.

While the concept of interdimensional travel is fascinating, there are many challenges that need to be overcome before it can become a reality. One of the main challenges is the lack of scientific evidence for the existence of parallel universes or wormholes. While some physicists believe that the evidence for the existence of parallel universes is growing, there is still much work to be done to prove their existence. Additionally, even if parallel universes or wormholes do exist, it is still unclear how one would travel through them and what the effects of interdimensional travel would be.

Despite the challenges, the field of interdimensional travel continues to advance, and there is no shortage of people who are eager to explore the possibilities of this exciting and mysterious frontier. Whether it is through the development of new technologies, the exploration of quantum physics, or the discovery of new scientific theories, the future of interdimensional travel looks bright.

In conclusion, the concept of dimension travel is both exciting and mysterious, with many challenges to overcome before it can become a reality. However, with advances in the field of physics and the growing body of evidence for the existence of parallel universes and wormholes, the future of interdimensional travel is looking brighter every day. Whether you are a scientist, a science fiction fan, or just someone who is curious about the nature of reality, the possibilities of dimension travel are sure to inspire and captivate.

List of Recommended Books Based on Dimension Travel

Dimension travel, also known as interdimensional travel, is a popular theme in science fiction and fantasy novels. It explores the idea of traveling between parallel universes or alternate realities, where the laws of physics and the course of history may differ from our own. If you’re a fan of dimension travel, here are some must-read novels that will take you on mind-bending adventures:

  • “Dark Matter” by Blake Crouch: Jason Dessen is a physics professor who wakes up in a different universe, where he never married his wife and his son was never born. He embarks on a quest to find his way back to his original reality, but the journey proves to be more dangerous than he anticipated.
  • “The Long Earth” by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter: In this novel, humanity has discovered a way to travel to an infinite number of parallel Earths, each slightly different from the last. The story follows Joshua Valiente, a “natural stepper” who can travel between dimensions without the aid of technology, as he explores the vast and wondrous possibilities of the Long Earth.
  • “The Eyre Affair” by Jasper Fforde: Set in an alternate version of England, where time travel and literary characters come to life, this novel follows literary detective Thursday Next as she travels into the pages of Charlotte Bronte’s “Jane Eyre” to prevent a villain from changing the ending of the beloved novel.
  • “The Chronicles of Amber” by Roger Zelazny: In this series, the protagonist Corwin discovers that he is a member of a powerful family of interdimensional beings who can travel between parallel worlds. The story follows his struggle for power and the fate of the multiverse.
  • “A Wrinkle in Time” by Madeleine L’Engle: A classic children’s novel, this story follows the adventures of Meg Murry and her friends as they travel through space and time to rescue her father from an evil force that is threatening the universe.

These novels are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to dimension travel fiction. If you’re a fan of mind-bending sci-fi and fantasy, these books will take you on a journey through infinite possibilities and alternate realities.

Keywords: dimension travel, interdimensional travel, parallel universes, wormholes, quantum physics, general relativity, quantum portal, fabric of space and time, curvature, instantaneously, infinite, writing about dimension travel, books about dimension travel

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The Ultimate Guide to Luggage Sizes: What Size Should You Get?

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Unlock the Ultimate Guide to Airline Luggage Allowances

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Did you know that choosing a suitcase (or multiple cases, for that matter) in the right size can save you some money in luggage fees and help you become a more organized traveler?

On one end, unused space in your luggage will result in wrinkled clothes and a messy suitcase. Not to mention the extra weight and possible luggage fees. And on the other – having too little space will limit your packing capacity. That’s why nailing the correct luggage size is very, very important.

In this guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about all the different luggage sizes, restrictions, and more, so you can understand what size luggage is better for you. Make sure to check out our FAQ section at the bottom if you still have any questions!

Luggage Size Chart

But before we begin this article, down below you can check out our infographic and table with the most common luggage sizes, which will offer an easier way to grasp the differences between them.

luggage size guide

Measuring Luggage

measuring luggage with a book

Basically, each airline has different size and weight restrictions for hand and checked luggage. Usually, premium airlines will allow slightly larger bags, and cheaper ones will allow smaller ones with tighter weight limits. Your job as the passenger is to find out the restrictions yourself because they change all the time, and it would be impossible for us to list and update each airline individually.

There are two types of size restrictions that you need to know. The first one is dimensions – height (top to bottom), width (side to side), and depth (front to back). It will usually be applied for personal items and carry-ons and could be stated as follows: 55 x 35 x 25 cm (22 x 14 x 9 inches). Airlines will usually offer measuring boxes inside airports, where you can put in your bags to check if they fit.

The second measurement is linear inches. Linear inches just means the total sum of height, width, and depth, and it’s mainly used for checked luggage, which needs to be under 62 linear inches. So to get linear inches, measure the height, width and depth individually and add them all up.

To measure the dimensions of your suitcase, you can place it next to a wall and measure the height, width, and depth by placing a measuring tape next to the wall. To get a more exact measurement, you can place a book or something flat on the other end of the measuring tape. Make sure to include the wheels, handles, and anything else that’s sticking out! Another thing to keep in mind is that fabric suitcases might become a bit larger once they’re packed to the brim, so before measuring, pack your suitcase full and measure in the widest end.

Hand Luggage

Different hand luggage sizes: personal items, international carry-ons, and domestic carry-ons

Hand luggage means all the bags that you’re allowed to take with you on the plane without checking them in. Usually, it’s a carry-on, a personal item, and any other items that aren’t counted towards the allowance, such as duty-free items .

Hand luggage has to be stored under each passenger’s front seat or in the overhead compartments, which are located above each seat. You won’t be able to access it during take-off and landing because they have to be tucked away securely in case of an emergency.

When you arrive at the airport, you won’t need to go to the check-in desks if you have just hand luggage, and you’ve already printed your tickets back home. You’ll be able to go straight to security , where TSA (Transport Security Agency) will screen your hand luggage for any prohibited items. After that, you’re free to do duty-free shopping or wait at the designated gate until boarding starts.

Carry-on Luggage vs Personal Items

The main difference between carry-on luggage and personal items (other called “underseat luggage”) is that carry-ons need to be stored in the slightly-larger overhead compartments and personal items under each passenger’s front seat. Usually, most people choose smaller rolling suitcases as their carry-ons and backpacks, duffels, or tote bags as their personal items. That said, you can use any type of bag as a carry-on or a personal item, whether it’s a briefcase, rolling suitcase, duffel bag , backpack, tote, or even a regular shopping bag.

You won’t really be able to access stuff from your carry-on during the first and last 15-30 minutes of the flight, as well as any turbulence, so pack your most necessary items in your personal item, such as your laptop , headphones, e-reader , any medicine, e.t.c.

Personal Item Size and Weight Requirements

Most airlines won’t specifically mention an exact size requirement for personal items, and instead, they’ll just say that it has to fit under the front seat. On average though, it should be 6-9 inches in width, 10-14 inches in height, and 17-18.5 inches in length . They avoid stating the exact measurements because each airline has different types of aircraft in their fleet and each aircraft has a different amount of space under each seat. To get the exact personal item size requirements, you should probably ask the airline directly, or check our list where we compiled personal item restrictions for most popular airlines .

Some airlines also have individual weight restrictions for personal items. But most of them just have some kind of weight limit for the total weight of your personal item and carry-on.

Tip: Looking to purchase a personal item? Check out the Matein Travel laptop backpack , which I’ve used as my personal item on multiple flights without any issues. It always fits under the front seat and it’s surprisingly spacious.

Carry-on Size and Weight Requirements

On average, carry-ons usually have to be 8-10 inches in width, 13-15  inches in height, and 19-23 inches in length. Each airline has different carry-on size requirements, however, the most popular one is 22 x 14 x 9 inches . The restrictions are so different between airlines because the overhead compartments tend to differ in capacity across different aircraft.

In terms of weight, each airline has different weight requirements for carry-on luggage. Most airlines in America don’t have any weight requirements for hand luggage but some do, especially budget airlines. If the airline has a carry-on weight limit, it’s usually between 15-35 lbs (7-16 kg) . Some airlines will also have a specific weight limit for the total weight of carry-ons and personal items.

Tip: Looking for a new carry-on? I’ve used the Travelpro Maxlite 5 19-inch fabric carry-on for a while now and I love it. It’s spacious, lightweight, and very durable. Even though it’s slightly over the limit in width, I’ve never had any issues with that on international flights.

Domestic Carry-Ons vs International Carry-Ons

When you’ll be shopping for a new carry-on, you’ll notice that some of them will be marked as “international carry-on” and some as “domestic carry-on.” That’s because carry-on size restrictions are usually stricter for international flights and looser for domestic ones. If you’re flying domestically, you might get away with a 23-inch (longest side) carry-on, but on an international flight, you’ll probably be limited to 19-21 inches.

So essentially, domestic carry-ons will be slightly larger than international ones. If the carry-on is too large , you will be asked to check it in, and you’ll have to pay additional fees. That’s why it’s important to buy a smaller carry-on if you’re planning on flying internationally. Usually, international carry-ons will have to be under 22 x 14 x 9 inches .

Hand Luggage Fees

Almost all airlines will allow bringing one personal item completely for free. When it comes to carry-ons though, most airlines allow bringing one for free, but budget airlines might charge a fixed fee depending on your class, which could be anywhere from 10$ to 50$. For instance, Spirit airlines will charge 31-50$ for carry-on luggage and Ryanair will charge about 6-20 EUR.

Keep in mind that most of these items are usually allowed for free in addition to other hand baggage:

  • Assistive devices for the disabled
  • Other wearable clothes
  • Walking canes
  • Food in disposable containers meant to consume on the airplane
  • Child restraint seats
  • Duty-free items
  • Reading materials
  • Cameras ( some airlines consider cameras as personal items, while others don’t. )
  • Pet carriers ( Some airlines consider pet carriers as personal items, while others don’t. )

Read Next : 12 Best Underseat Bags Without Wheels in 2022

Hand Luggage Advantages and Disadvantages

Using only hand luggage and avoiding checked luggage altogether is a technique used by many, me included because it offers many benefits:

  • No need to wait in line at the check-in counter
  • Most of the time, completely for free
  • Less likely to be stolen or lost because it’s on you at all times
  • Easier to carry around, especially if you use a backpack as a personal item together with a carry-on suitcase
  • The best place for keeping valuables and fragile items
  • You can access all of your items during the flight
  • Less likely to break because it isn’t exposed to baggage handling

However, there are some drawbacks to using only hand luggage, such as:

  • Less packing space
  • Harder to manage for families because they usually need to bring more items
  • It needs to be lugged around the airport after security instead of being handed over at the check-in desks
  • Usually, has much stricter weight limits

Tips for Buying Hand Luggage

  • If you’re flying on short flights, consider using only an underseat rolling suitcase or backpack. People who fly for business often only need to fly out domestically for a quick meeting, so a lot of them travel with only a personal item. You can easily fit a spare shirt in there as well as some toiletries and a laptop, which is really all you need.
  • For up to two-week vacations, a carry-on and a personal item offer more than enough space. Personally, I’m a light packer, and I can travel for up to three weeks or even a month using only a carry-on and a personal item. For most people, this offers enough space.
  • Consider getting a backpack with a back strap as your choice of personal item. That way, you can secure it around the retractable handle on top of your carry-on, which makes it incredibly easy to lug around. Especially in crowded areas, such as public transport and airports.
  • If you’ll be flying internationally, get a carry-on under 22 x 14 x 9 inches with wheels and handles included. On domestic flights, you’ll probably be able to use something larger, but if you want to avoid paying extra fees down the line, make sure your carry-on is under this limit.
  • Make sure to get lightweight hand luggage. The weight restrictions are pretty strict as it is already, so make sure to get a lightweight carry-on and personal item. Especially the carry-on, because you’ll have to stow it in the overhead compartments. So instead of going with a hardside carry-on, get a fabric one instead, which will most likely be lighter.

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Checked Luggage

Different checked luggage sizes: Small, medium, and large checked luggage

Checked luggage is all baggage that’s too large or too heavy to be carried on the flight, and has to be checked in instead. This means that you’ll need to hand it over at the check-in counters at the airport. The baggage will then be transferred over to baggage handling and it will be loaded in the cargo hold of the airplane . When you land, you’ll have to pick up your checked luggage from the luggage conveyor belts in the baggage reclaim area.

You can use other kinds of baggage as well for checked luggage, not just suitcases. You can also use large backpacks, duffel bags, totes, musical instruments in their cases, large trunks, and other oversized items. A lot of times, you’ll have to check in specialty items, such as large musical instruments and all kinds of sporting equipment, such as bicycles, snowboards, golf clubs, e.t.c.

Read Next: What to Put in Carry-on and What in Checked Luggage (Guide)

Checked Luggage Size and Weight Restrictions

Most commonly, checked luggage will have a size restriction of 62 linear inches (height + width + length) and a weight limit of 50 or 70 lbs. These are the IATA guidelines that are enforced in the EU and US which are there to keep the baggage handlers from handling too heavy bags. Oversized and overweight baggage will be accepted, but it will be labeled as oversized/overweight and you’ll have to pay a fee for that unless it’s sporting equipment. For instance, American Airlines will accept oversized bags up to 126 linear inches (320 cm) and overweight bags up to 100 lbs (45 kg.)

Small vs Medium vs Large Checked Luggage

Checked luggage comes in different sizes, and usually, the longest dimension is 23-32 inches long. Depending on the longest side, checked luggage is usually divided into three sizes, which are small, medium, and large. Small checked suitcases usually are 23-24 inches on the longest size, medium ones 25-27 inches, and large ones in 28-32 inches. Quite often, suitcases above 30 inches will actually be oversized, because they’re over 62 linear inches with wheels and handles included.

For most people, a medium checked suitcase will be the best option, because it will be just within the checked luggage size limits and offer a large amount of space for all of their items.

Read Next: 8 Best 62-Inch Checked Suitcases in 2022

Checked Luggage Fees

On most international flights, airlines will allow you to bring one or two checked bags completely for free. On domestic flights, usually, they’ll offer either one free checked bag or none at all. This depends a lot on the airline though. Additional bags will cost on a per-bag basis, starting with cheaper rates and continuing with more expensive ones. For instance, for American Airlines on domestic flights, the first checked bag will cost 30$, the second 40$, and the third one 100$ .

If you aren’t flying alone and you’re carrying a lot of checked bags, it’s usually a better idea to split them evenly among all the passengers to save some money on the checked baggage fees. It also isn’t advisable to bring more than two checked bags because the fees start to get pretty costly after that.

The fees for overweight and oversized luggage can get very expensive, upwards of 100-200$ for each bag, so before you arrive at the airport, make sure that each bag is under the weight limit.

Checked Luggage Advantages and Disadvantages

Although there are a lot of disadvantages for flying with checked luggage, there are some advantages as well, such as:

  • Checked bags offer much more space
  • Better for families who carry a lot of items
  • Checked bags don’t need to be carried around the airport after checking them in
  • No need to worry about size and weight, as the restrictions are pretty hard to reach
  • You should be able to get away with a slightly oversized checked bag because they’re rarely measured

However, there’s a reason why I don’t travel with checked luggage. In my opinion, it has more disadvantages, such as:

  • With a personal item, carry-on, and a checked suitcase, it’s much more difficult to use public transport
  • Checked luggage is mostly a paid service, especially with budget airlines
  • There’s just too much space if you’re a light packer
  • Checked bags can get damaged from baggage handling
  • Items get lost or stolen much more frequently when packed in checked luggage
  • You won’t be able to access the contents of checked luggage during the whole flight
  • In case checked baggage gets lost, you’ll be left without a lot of items and your trip might be ruined
  • You’ll have to wait in the check-in line at the airport

Tips for Buying Checked Luggage

  • Avoid plastic checked suitcases. Hardside ABS, Polycarbonate, or Polypropylene suitcases can crack pretty easily. When they’re thrown in the baggage area under a pile of other suitcases, this can happen very easily. That’s why you should choose an aluminum checked suitcase or a fabric one, which will be much less likely to break.
  • Before buying a checked suitcase, double-check that it’s below 62 linear inches.  Oversized checked luggage fees can get pretty expensive, usually between 100-200$. To avoid this hefty fee make sure that your suitcase is below 62 linear inches (height + width + depth) with handles and wheels included. A very large amount of large checked suitcases, in fact, about 50-80% of them are oversized, so pay close attention to the dimensions.
  • A medium checked suitcase (25-27 inches) is more than enough for most people. Usually, medium checked suitcases are 58-61 linear inches in size, which is just below the 62 linear inch size limit, so when you’re looking for a checked suitcase, get one in this size.
  • Get a bright or patterned checked suitcase. Checked luggage gets lost much more frequently. So when you’re shopping for a new case, make sure to get one that’s colorful and easy to recognize . It will be much easier to spot on the baggage carousel and if it gets lost, the chances of finding it will be much better because you’ll be able to describe it better. If you already own a dark checked suitcase, get a colorful patterned luggage cover .
  • Avoid checked luggage with spinner wheels. Rolling, inline (2 wheels) suitcases are better options for checked suitcases because they’re much less likely to break while the bag is checked in. Spinner wheels are much more likely to fall off because they’re extended out from the main shape of the suitcase. It’s actually one of the most common things that break on checked bags.
  • Consider getting a pelican trunk instead of a typical checked suitcase. They’re basically indestructible and they’re one of the most popular choices for climbers, camera crews, and other people who need to bring a lot of expensive checked gear.

What Size Luggage Should You Get?

Checked luggage next to a carry on

There are all kinds of different factors that determine what kind of suitcase you should get. Before buying any luggage, you should understand how often and where you’ll be traveling, how many people you’ll be flying with, what are your packing traditions, and so on.

Are You an Over-Packer?

There’s nothing wrong with being an over-packer, but it will affect what kind of luggage you should choose and how much you’ll be paying in fees. Most over-packers like to travel with a checked suitcase and a personal item, such as a small backpack, skipping the carry-on entirely. You’ll be able to pack your valuables and essentials in the personal item and be left with a very large amount of space in your checked suitcase, where you can pack all of your clothing and anything else you’d need. A medium checked suitcase will usually offer about 90-100 l of space while a carry-on only 35-50 l, so the difference is pretty significant.

How Long You’ll Be Traveling?

The length of your trips/vacations also determines what kind of luggage you should get. If you’ll be traveling for months, unless you’re an extreme minimalist, you’ll need to bring some kind of checked luggage. But for two to three-week trips, it’s perfectly fine to bring only a carry-on and a personal item, unless you’re an over-packer or you need to bring other kinds of gear for your job, planned activities, e.t.c.

Where You’re Flying to and What Are Your Planned Activities?

Think about what you’ll be doing and what gear you’ll need. Do you need scuba diving or skiing gear? Are you into photography and need to bring a large tripod? Are you flying to a cold-weather country and you need to bring a lot of extra warm clothing? The kind of travel that you’ll be doing, determines what size luggage you should get.

Think about valuable and fragile gear specifically. Try to keep the most valuable items in your hand luggage. If that isn’t possible, remember to ensure your gear and invest in a durable, large enough, checked suitcase or trunk. A good option for that is the pelican trunk , which is the industry standard for professionals.

Tip: It’s Better to Buy a Smaller Suitcase, Instead of a Larger One

Many people will probably disagree but I personally think that it’s always a smarter choice to buy a smaller suitcase instead of a larger one. This will make you become a lighter packer, which could end up saving you some money in the long run on checked baggage fees.

A lot of times, people are bringing gear that they don’t really need and end up with heavier, oversized suitcases. Remember that you’ll also have to carry your luggage around the town and to the airport. You’re on a vacation to get new experiences, not buy a lot of unneeded stuff, and be exhausted from carrying an oversized suitcase. Of course, if you’re traveling for work, that may not be true, but for general leisure travel, it’s a better idea to get a slightly smaller suitcase than you think you’d need.

What Size Luggage I Use Personally

I usually travel one or two weeks at a time, so a personal item (backpack) and an international carry-on are more than enough to fit in everything that I need. I rarely use checked luggage because I’m a minimalistic packer.

My favorite has become the B06XZTZ7GB ?tag=cleverjourney-general-th-20&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1′ title=’Matein laptop backpack’ target=’_blank’ rel=’nofollow noopener sponsored’ data-aawp-product-id=’ B06XZTZ7GB ‘ data-aawp-product-title=’Matein laptop backpack’>Matein laptop backpack for a personal item, which fits perfectly under the front seat and has many neat compartments for everything that I need. It’s 18 x 12 x 7.8 inches large, but I never pack it full, so it always fits under the front seat.

And for the carry-on, I use the B07BM9DFX9 ?tag=cleverjourney-general-th-20&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1′ title=’Travelpro Maxlite 5 International 19-inch carry-on’ target=’_blank’ rel=’nofollow noopener sponsored’ data-aawp-product-id=’ B07BM9DFX9 ‘ data-aawp-product-title=’Travelpro Maxlite 5 International 19-inch carry-on’>Travelpro Maxlite 5 International 19-inch carry-on , which is pretty light and small enough for domestic luggage restrictions. It’s 21.75 x 15.75 x 7.75 inches large with wheels and handles included, so sometimes it’s a little bit above international limits, but I’ve never had any issues with it. I’ve tried squeezing it inside the measurement boxes myself, and I managed to fit it in with a tight squeeze.

My laptop backpack has a rear strap that wraps around the carry-on’s retractable handle so my backpack can be secured on top of it. It’s handy because my carry-on has spinner wheels, and it’s super easy to move around. In tight spaces, for instance, in the subway, it’s much easier to store the backpack on top of the carry-on.

If you’re a light packer like me, I’d suggest going with a backpack and a carry-on. It’ll be enough for 1-2 week trips, but if you wash some clothes midway and don’t buy too many souvenirs, you can stretch that to three weeks or even a month. If you’re traveling longer than that or you’re an over-packer, you should get a 25-27-inch medium checked suitcase instead of the carry-on.

Also check out: Airplane seat upgrades

Frequently Asked Questions About Luggage Sizes

What’s the largest luggage size for checked-in luggage ( 62-inch luggage ).

In order to comply with the 62-linear-inch checked luggage size requirement, you shouldn’t get a suitcase larger than 29-30 inches (longest side.) Almost all 31 and 32-inch suitcases will be oversized. Even a lot of 28-30-inch suitcases are oversized, so you have to double-check the product description and find out how large they really are. Count the total sum of the height, width, and depth, with wheels and handles included to get the true linear-inch measurement. The largest suitcases within the 62-linear-inch restriction are about 100-120l in volume.

To maximize the amount of space that you can have inside, choose a fabric suitcase, which will open from the top, instead of the middle, as you see on most hardside cases. This means you’ll have a larger main compartment. Also, make sure to get it with inline rolling wheels, instead of spinner ones, which results in a lot of unused space.

Tip: If you want to maximize the amount of space you get from a 62-linear-inch checked suitcase, get the Pelican 1615 travel case , which is exactly 62 linear inches in size and is virtually indestructible.

What’s the largest size for hand luggage?

When we talk about hand luggage, there are different restrictions for personal items and carry-ons. There are also different restrictions for each airline. In general, personal items should be below 17 x 10 x 7 inches in dimensions and carry-ons under 22 x 14 x 9 inches.

The largest size restriction for personal items that we found was on Southwest airlines, where personal items need to be under 18.5 x 13.5 x 8.5 inches. The largest size restriction for carry-ons was on Alaska Air, which was 24 x 17 x 10 inches. Generally, more expensive airlines will have looser restrictions for hand luggage.

What are the 3 luggage sizes?

If we’re talking about dimensions, the three luggage sizes are height (from top to bottom), width (from side to side), and depth (from front to back).

If, however, we’re talking in terms of luggage types, what people most likely mean with the 3 luggage sizes is personal items, carry-ons, and checked luggage, which have three different size and weight restrictions.

What’s the best luggage size for 20 and 23 kg?

The most common weight restriction for checked luggage on budget airlines is 20 or 23 kg (44 or 50 lbs). The best luggage size for this weight restriction is between 25-29 inches (longest size) . That’s because 20 or 23 kg checked luggage has to be under 62 linear inches (157 cm). You can calculate the linear inches by adding up height, width, and depth. Most suitcases above 29 inches will be over this limit, which means you’ll have to pay oversized baggage fees. You should always include the wheels and handles in these measurements.

Can I use backpacks and duffel bags as hand/checked luggage?

Yes, you can use backpacks and duffel bags as checked luggage. Theoretically, you can use any type of bag as checked luggage, as long as it’s durable enough to withstand baggage handling. You could even use a cardboard box , although it may not be a wise idea.

Personally, I’ve only traveled with a large backpack as my checked luggage. That’s because I do a lot of hiking and my hiking backpack is much larger than a carry-on. It’s pretty common for people to travel only with a large backpack (not only hike) and keep their essentials in a plastic bag or a tote bag during the flight. This gives you a lot of freedom because everything you need is packed inside one large backpack.

Do I need to include wheels and handles when measuring luggage?

You always need to include wheels, handles, and other elements that are sticking out when measuring luggage. A lot of people don’t know this and they end up purchasing oversized luggage, only to regret it later. You also need to take into account that if you’re buying an expendable suitcase, it will become a few inches wider when expanded.

What size luggage should I use for a week-long trip?

For a week-long trip, everyone should be able to fit everything they’d need in a carry-on and a personal item. Some people struggle with over-packing and end up using checked luggage for week-long trips, which can be avoided with smarter packing choices. When packing for your trip, always lay everything out and re-evaluate each individual item individually. Ask yourself if you’ll be using these items on your trip. And if the answer is “Maybe” you should leave that specific item at home. Personally, I can fit everything I’d need for 2-4 weeks in a single carry-on and a personal item.

What if my checked luggage is oversized?

IATA, which is the largest worldwide airline regulator, states that checked bags can’t be over 62 linear inches in order to keep the baggage handlers from working with oversized bags. Anything over 62 linear inches will be labeled as “oversized” and will cost you an extra 100-200$, depending on the airline.

Even if you pay the hefty oversized luggage fees, there is a limit to how large checked luggage you can bring. Each airline considers this individually, and, for instance, American Airlines will allow oversized bags up to 126 linear inches (320 cm).

The rules are slightly different for sporting equipment, though. Bicycles, for instance, will almost always be allowed, even if they’re oversized, and their luggage fees won’t be as expensive.

What if my checked luggage is overweight?

Overweight checked luggage is allowed, but will be marked as overweight and will cost an additional 100-200$, depending on the airline. IATA states that checked baggage can’t weigh over 70 lbs (31 kg), to protect the baggage handlers from working with overweight items, so anything over that will be marked as overweight. Each airline has a different limit on overweight checked luggage. For instance, American Airlines will allow checked baggage up to 100 lbs (45 kg).

Do carry-on measurements need to be exact?

Unfortunately, carry-on measurements need to be exact. Most airlines have measurement boxes inside airports, which are in the exact measurements of their restrictions. If your carry-on looks oversized, they’ll ask you to put it inside the measurement box. Carry-on suitcases aren’t really flexible, so you won’t be able to get away with an oversized carry-on. If, on the other hand, you’re using a duffel bag or a backpack as your carry-on, then you might get away with a slightly oversized bag, as you’ll be able to squeeze it inside the measurement box.

Should I get hard or soft luggage ?

There are pros and cons for both, but I personally tend to lean towards fabric luggage. It’s lighter, less likely to crack or break, and you can extend it slightly outwards if you’ve over-packed. On the other hand, hardside luggage offers more protection to your items and is better-looking in my opinion. Modern hardside suitcases made from Polycarbonate are also pretty durable and don’t weigh much more than comparable fabric alternatives. So it doesn’t really matter that much whether you choose a hardside or softside bag – it’s more a matter of preference.

The only real instance where I wouldn’t use a hardside plastic suitcase is in checked luggage. They’re put under a lot more pressure from baggage handling and quite often, they get thrown around and placed at the bottom of a pile of checked suitcases. They’re much more likely to each up with cracks or dents, so using a fabric-checked suitcase would make more sense.

Should I get a rolling or spinner suitcase ?

There are advantages to both, but generally, it’s better to stick with spinner suitcases for carry-on luggage and rolling ones for checked luggage. That’s because while spinner suitcases are much easier to move around, they’re much easier to break off the suitcase. And in checked luggage, they’re much more likely to break off from luggage handling.

Rolling suitcases will usually be more spacious because the wheels are somewhat integrated within the main frame. On spinner suitcases, they’ll extend outwards of the suitcase, which results in a lot of unused space underneath the suitcase. Remember that the wheels are counted towards the total measurements.

But if you’re having back problems or in general lugging around a suitcase gives you hard time, then a suitcase with spinner wheels might make more sense. Compared to inline rolling suitcases, they’re much, much easier to move around – they practically roll by themselves.

How much luggage can I bring on international flights ?

Most airlines will allow one personal item and one carry-on for free on international flights. As for checked luggage, most airlines will allow one or even two checked bags for free for each passenger, and the rest will need to be paid for with additional fees, ranging from 30-100$. In general, the fees increase for each next checked bag and could be as follows: 30$ for the first checked bag, 40$ for the second, and 100$ for each next one.

You’ll be able to bring up to 10 checked suitcases (even though it’ll cost a small fortune!) but on some international destinations, a bit less. Airlines operate within the rules set by airline regulators, and in some countries, each passenger can have only two or three checked bags.

How many pieces and what size should a luggage set be?

Most luggage sets come in three pieces: one carry-on (19-23 inches), one medium checked suitcase (25-27 inches), and one large checked suitcase (28-32 inches). I would advise against getting a 3-piece luggage set like this because quite often, the largest piece in the set is oversized, which means that it’s above the 62 linear inch limit and you’ll have to pay oversized luggage fees.

Instead, it would be much more beneficial to get a 2-piece set containing a carry-on and a medium checked suitcase, or a 3-piece set that also contains a personal item (underseat bag). If you’re getting a 3-piece set with a large checked bag, make sure that it isn’t oversized.

Luggage sets are often cheaper to get than buying each piece individually, so it’s quite often a smarter choice to buy a whole set.

Final Words

Getting the right size luggage is really important because if it’s oversized, you might end up paying extra in fees, or just end up with a lot of unused space. For anyone new to traveling, I’d advise getting a small backpack as a personal item and a carry-on that’s within 22 x 14 x 9 inches. This is more than enough for most trips, and I’m usually able to squeeze in everything needed for 2-4 weeks in there. If you’re an over-packer, you might need to swap that carry-on with a medium checked suitcase, which would be 25-27 inches in size (longest end).

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How To Travel Through Dimensions

There are many theories on how to travel through dimensions, but most of them remain theoretical. In this article, we will explore some of the most popular methods of dimension travel and see what is known about their feasibility.

The most common way to travel between dimensions is through a portal. Portals can be created by using specific spells or by using objects that are known to be portals, such as doorways, mirrors, or Stargates. It is not yet known how these portals work, but scientists have theorized that they may use black holes or other dimensions to create a bridge between universes.

Another way to travel between dimensions is through time travel. This can be done by using a time machine or by traveling through a wormhole. Wormholes are hypothetical tunnels that connect different points in space and time. It is not yet known if wormholes actually exist, but scientists have been able to create small-scale wormholes in the lab.

Some people believe that it is also possible to travel through dimensions using psychic abilities. This has not been proven, but there are some people who claim to have the ability to travel to other dimensions through astral projection or lucid dreaming.

So far, there is no definitive proof that any of these methods actually work, but scientists are continuing to study them in hopes of finding a way to travel between dimensions.

  • 1 Can we go to other dimensions?
  • 2 How do you travel to the 4th Dimension?
  • 3 What is dimensional traveling?
  • 4 How do you switch to another dimension?
  • 5 How can I enter another universe?
  • 6 Can you live in a parallel universe?
  • 7 Can humans enter the 4th Dimension?

Can we go to other dimensions?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as it is still a matter of speculation and conjecture. However, there are some theories out there that suggest that it may be possible to travel to other dimensions.

One of the most popular theories regarding other dimensions is the idea of the multiverse. This theory suggests that there may be an infinite number of universes, each with its own set of dimensions. It is possible that we could travel to other universes, and even other dimensions, within these universes.

Another theory that suggests the possibility of travelling to other dimensions is the theory of string theory. This theory suggests that the universe is made up of tiny, vibrating strings. It is thought that these strings may be able to create the different dimensions that we see in the multiverse.

So far, there is no concrete evidence that travelling to other dimensions is indeed possible. However, the theories mentioned above provide a strong case for it. If further research is conducted and it is found that other dimensions do exist, then we may be able to travel to them in the future.

How do you travel to the 4th Dimension?

In the world of mathematics, there are many dimensions that we can explore. But what about beyond our world? What is the 4th dimension?

The 4th dimension is a realm that is beyond our current understanding. It is a place that is difficult to comprehend, because it is outside of our normal 3-dimensional world. To try and explain it, we often use the analogy of a loaf of bread.

A loaf of bread has width, length, and height. But it also has depth. The depth is the dimension that is perpendicular to the other three. So, if you imagine slicing the loaf of bread, you would have a slice that is 2-dimensional (width and length) and a slice that is 1-dimensional (height).

The 4th dimension is like the depth of the loaf of bread. It is a dimension that is perpendicular to the other three, and it is difficult to understand because it is outside of our normal 3-dimensional world.

How do you travel to the 4th dimension?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as it is still beyond our current understanding. However, some theories suggest that it is possible to travel to the 4th dimension by using mathematical formulas and principles.

Others suggest that it is possible to travel to the 4th dimension by using a special kind of machine. This machine would create a portal that would allow you to travel to the 4th dimension.

Still, others suggest that it is not possible to travel to the 4th dimension in the physical world. Instead, they propose that the 4th dimension is a realm of the mind, and that it is possible to access it through meditation or altered states of consciousness.

No one knows for sure how to travel to the 4th dimension. However, it is an interesting topic to explore, and there are many theories and ideas about it.

What is dimensional traveling?

In a nutshell, dimensional traveling is the ability to move between different dimensions. This can be done through various means, including but not limited to: using magic, using technology, or simply using your mind.

Dimensional traveling can be used for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to: traveling through time, traveling to other universes, or even just traveling to other parts of the same universe.

The most common use of dimensional traveling is for time travel. This is because it is the most straightforward way to move between dimensions. All you have to do is find a dimension where the time is different than the dimension you are currently in.

For example, let’s say you are in the year 2020 and you want to go to the year 2020 in the year 2020. All you have to do is find a dimension where the year is 2020 but the date is different. In other words, you would want to find a dimension where the year is 2020 but the month is different.

Once you find a dimension like that, you simply travel to that dimension and then you are in the year 2020. From there, you can do whatever you want. You can explore the world, meet new people, or even just go back to the year 2020 and explore that dimension as well.

There are a variety of different ways to travel between dimensions, and each method has its own pros and cons. In the next section, we will go over the most common methods of dimensional traveling.

Methods of dimensional traveling

There are a variety of different methods of dimensional traveling, but the most common methods are using magic, using technology, and using your mind.

Using magic is the oldest and most traditional way to travel between dimensions. There are a variety of different spells that can be used for dimensional traveling, and each spell has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Using technology is a newer way to travel between dimensions, and it has a lot of advantages over using magic. For one, technology is more reliable than magic. Technology is also less dependent on the user’s skill level, which means that anyone can use technology to travel between dimensions.

Finally, using your mind is the newest and most advanced way to travel between dimensions. This method is still in development, so there is a lot of research that still needs to be done. However, early results suggest that this method is very effective and has a lot of potential.

How do you switch to another dimension?

There are many theories about how to switch to another dimension, but no one knows for sure how it’s done. Some say that you need to be in a certain state of mind, while others believe that you need special equipment or a specific location.

One popular theory is that you need to go into a deep trance state in order to make the switch. This can be done through meditation or self-hypnosis. Once you are in the trance state, you need to visualize the dimension you want to go to.

Another theory is that you need to use special equipment, such as a crystal ball or a magic wand. By focusing your thoughts on the object and chanting a special spell, you can supposedly open a portal to another dimension.

A third theory suggests that you need to find a specific location that is known as a “portal site.” These sites are said to have a powerful energy field that can take you to other dimensions. One of the most well-known portal sites is Sedona, Arizona.

No one knows for sure how to switch to another dimension. However, there are many theories out there that may help you achieve this mysterious goal.

How can I enter another universe?

There are many ways to enter another universe, but unfortunately there is no one definitive answer. Some people believe that it is possible to travel through space and time to reach other universes, while others think that alternate universes may be accessible through dreams, meditation, or other altered states of consciousness.

One way to explore other universes is through science fiction stories and movies. While the fictional worlds portrayed in these stories are often quite different from our own, they can still provide a glimpse into the possibilities that exist beyond our own universe.

Another way to explore other universes is through the use of virtual reality. By putting on a headset and entering a virtual world, it is possible to experience a completely different reality. This can be a great way to explore universes that are very different from our own, or to explore worlds that only exist in our imagination.

Finally, one of the most direct ways to enter another universe is through a portal.Portals can take many different forms, but often they are described as doorways or gateways that lead to other worlds. Some people believe that portals are just a metaphor, while others believe that they are actual gateways that can be used to travel between universes.

No matter how you choose to explore other universes, it is important to remember that the boundaries between our world and others are often blurry. Be open to the possibilities that exist beyond our own understanding, and enjoy the journey as you explore the infinite possibilities that exist in the universe.

Can you live in a parallel universe?

Can you live in a parallel universe? This is a question that has been asked by many people over the years. The answer to this question is not a simple one. It depends on what you mean by “living in a parallel universe.”

Some people believe that a parallel universe is a completely separate reality that exists alongside our own. Others believe that a parallel universe is just a different version of our own reality. It’s hard to say which of these definitions is correct, but let’s explore both of them.

Let’s start with the first definition. Is it possible to live in a separate reality? There is no definitive answer to this question, but it does seem like it’s possible. There are numerous examples of people who claim to have had out-of-body experiences, during which they left their own reality and entered another one.

There are also numerous examples of people who claim to have had encounters with aliens. Some of these people say that they visited a parallel universe where the aliens were the dominant species. Others say that they visited a parallel universe where the aliens were the enemy.

So, it does seem like it’s possible to live in a separate reality. However, there is no definitive proof that this is actually the case. It’s possible that these people were just hallucinating or that they were experiencing some sort of dream.

Now let’s take a look at the second definition. Is it possible to live in a different version of our own reality? Again, there is no definitive answer to this question, but it does seem like it’s possible.

There are numerous examples of people who claim to have had déjà vu experiences. Déjà vu is a phenomenon in which a person experiences a feeling that they have already experienced a particular event or situation.

There are also numerous examples of people who claim to have had dreams in which they travelled to a different version of our reality. In these dreams, the person might be in a world where the laws of physics are different or where the people look different.

So, it does seem like it’s possible to live in a different version of our reality. However, there is no definitive proof that this is actually the case. It’s possible that these people were just dreaming or that they were experiencing some sort of déjà vu.

So, what can we conclude from all this? It’s hard to say for sure whether it’s possible to live in a parallel universe or a different version of our reality. However, it does seem like it’s at least possible.

Can humans enter the 4th Dimension?

There is a lot of speculation about whether or not humans can enter the fourth dimension. Some people believe that it is possible, while others think it is impossible. Here is a look at the arguments for and against human beings entering the fourth dimension.

The Argument For

There are a few arguments in favor of the idea that humans can enter the fourth dimension. The first is that many scientists believe that the fourth dimension exists. It is based on the theory of relativity, which has been proven to be accurate.

Another argument is that humans are already able to perceive the fourth dimension. This is demonstrated by the way that we can see objects in three dimensions, even though they are actually three-dimensional objects. We can also understand time, which is a fourth dimension.

The Argument Against

There are also a few arguments against the idea that humans can enter the fourth dimension. The first is that we have no evidence that the fourth dimension exists. While scientists believe that it exists, there is no proof that it does.

Another argument against humans entering the fourth dimension is that it may be impossible. This is based on the theory of relativity, which states that it is impossible to move faster than the speed of light. If this is true, then it may be impossible for humans to enter the fourth dimension.

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"Gozer, the Gozerian? Good evening! As a duly designated representative of the city, county, and state of New York, I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return forthwith to your place of origin, or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension." — Ray Stantz , Ghostbusters (1984)

A dimensional traveler is any character who can (more or less) freely travel between various planes of existence , like parallel universes , etc. Their ability to travel is usually powered by an Interdimensional Travel Device or some form of Functional Magic , but it can also happen that a character was inherently born with such power.

This is also a common explanation for Crossovers , as occasionally the characters will arrive in the universe of another hero.

A possible practical application of this power is to make use of Extradimensional Shortcuts .

Distinct from Time Travel because, although Time is considered the "fourth dimension", time travellers otherwise remain in the same plane while hopping between its different time periods.

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  • Dream Dimension Hunter Fandora : Yog Sothoth is a dimension-traveling criminal who desires absolute godhood.
  • It's revealed that Touka and Faris are in fact inhabitants of Elentir, another Alternate Universe to Earth-land in the same vein as the already-revealed Edolas. This explains why Carla notes Touka, despite being a fellow Exceed , was never once mentioned by her mother as existing. Although technically only the former naturally possesses this dimension-crossing magic, while the latter is only able to do so while performing a Fusion Dance with Touka and having been connected with her long enough to still have access to the spell after their separation .
  • The Moon Dragon God Selene is revealed by Mystogan to possess the power to freely move between dimensions. In fact, he reveals she's the reason Edolas chose to target Earth-land to steal magic from rather than Elentir, as Selene considers Elentir her proper home and would have launched retaliation against them. And since Selene is a dragon with power on par with Acnologia , that was a wise choice .
  • Funny Valentine from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run has a Stand named "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" that allow him to jump across dimensions.
  • Various mages in Lyrical Nanoha are shown as capable of teleporting across dimensions, though such spells take quite a bit of time to set-up. For non-mages, the Magitek of The Multiverse has advanced enough to allow for inter-dimensional starships, including commercial ones, for your dimension hopping needs. However, the best examples of dimension travelers in the franchise is the Original Generation characters from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Portable : The Gears of Destiny , who in side-materials after the events of the game, had discovered Lost Technology that allows people to be transported across different continuities .
  • Milk Closet is about a group of children randomly afflicted with this, jumping between universes before they're found by a woman who helps them control their powers and bond them to a symbiote. It's a pretty weird series.
  • Hunters in Red Ash: Gearworld regularly go to parallel worlds to hunt for Magicicadas.
  • At the end of Space Patrol Luluco , Luluco is revealed to be Miss Trigger (the mascot of Studio TRIGGER ) who can traverse and patrol the various dimensions of the various Trigger series .
  • The main plot of Tsubasa -RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE- shows Syaoran and his four companions traveling around the multiverse to look for the feathers containing the memories of his beloved Princess Sakura. They traveled through the means of a white rabbit-like creature called Mokona Modoki, who is created by the Dimensional Witch, Yuuko Ichihara, one of the protagonists of ×××HOLiC .
  • The☆Ultraman has a monster called Zaanmoth who can travel between dimensions, but unintentionally got itself stuck on earth. By the episode's conclusion Ultraman Joneus sends it back to its dimension, rather than killing it.
  • Most characters use technology developed by Akaba Leo in order to travel between different dimensions, or base their own on his previous research. For example, when his son Reiji was young, he found a teleportation device that transfered him to the Fusion Dimension, and a few years later developed a card that let him travel to other dimensions.
  • Academia installs this as a function to its soldiers' duel disk in case they get too injured or accidentally spill their mission if they're undercover.
  • Yuzu's bracelet can teleport Yuya's Identical Strangers to different locations if two or more of them are near her, which includes different dimensions. For example, she accidentally drags herself and Yugo to the Synchro Dimension because he was holding her while Yuya approached their location.
  • Yugo is a special case because on top of being a victim of Yuzu's bracelet, his Signature Mon Clear Wing Synchro Dragon is capable of dragging him between dimensions on its own without any input from Yugo. This puts him in a number of awkward or unfortunate situations, such as the Xyz Dimension assuming he works for Academia, as they're the only known dimension-travelling group around.
  • Even more mysteriously, Yuya's father Yusho was once dragged from the Xyz Dimension to the Fusion Dimension by his torn copy of Smile World, which unlike Clear Wing has no known supernatural properties. In Yusho's case, his unfortunate timing with Dimension travel means that in his hometown he is declared missing and called a coward for running away from a championship match, while the Xyz Dimension believes him to be a traitor.
  • In the Synchro Dimension, there were rumours about Roget being a dimensional traveller long before their existence was revealed to the public because the man had absolutely no papers or any known information about him. He's originally from Fusion's Academia.
  • In pre- Crisis on Infinite Earths days, the Legion of Super-Heroes ' Phantom Girl hailed not merely from another planet, but from a planet called Bgztl occupying the same space as Earth in a parallel universe. Her walking-through-walls power derived from her ability to travel from one universe to the other effortlessly.
  • Before Crisis on Infinite Earths , Superman , Supergirl and, by extension, any Kryptonian, were able to travel to other dimensions by their own power, although it was explicitly rather difficult. When Elliot S! Maggin 's character Superwoman debuted, it was made clear that one thing that distinguished her from Superman was that she could do it easily.
  • The Invader Zim (Oni) comics do something like this with Recap Kid . While they normally exist in a blank space outside of the main comic universe, they do occasionally actually directly interact with the setting. And then there's the matter of Issue #40, the Framing Device of which is Recap Kid accidentally falling into the space between universes and trying to find their way back to the comic universe.
  • The Exiles are teams of people displaced from their home realities tasked to resolve problems in the multiverse on parallel earths under the instruction that it'll save it from collapse. Among them Blink stands out by popular demand and multiple times is appointed champion and leader of these teams.
  • Future Foundation 's entire premise is the crew traveling the Multiverse to repair the Molecule Man. When they encounter Rikki, herself a Dimensional Traveler, she checks to see what universe they're from by asking Julie a detail so stupidly unique to their own universe (the existence of the Spider-Mobile), it could verify she was in the right one.
  • Lockjaw from The Inhumans is able to teleport to other dimensions with his teleportation powers, and is even capable of teleporting people to the Negative Zone.
  • All the Spiders are able to do this in Spider-Verse . Naturally, the Inheritors, too. A task force is made after the event to continue doing dimensional monitoring, particularly for worlds that lost their Spiders during the event. Gwen Stacy of Earth-65 , who was also part of this task force for a while, occasionally has her own personal dimension-jumping adventures. After Spider-Geddon , she begins using it on a daily basis due to deciding to attend college in the main Marvel universe, as she craved the anonymity she lost at the end of Radioactive Spider-Girl .
  • In X-Man , Nate Grey develops this ability as an extension of his colossal Psychic Powers following his development as part of the Shaman Reboot , whereupon he treated the Multiverse as his personal stepladder.
  • America Chavez, of the Young Avengers and later Ultimates , can open portals to other dimensions by punching (or sometimes kicking). She's been dimension-hopping for most of her life, solving problems big and small throughout the multiverse.
  • Perky is an involuntary example — he was sent to the Land of Lug through a magical Disappearing Box , and whenever the amateur magician pulls the lever on the box, Perky is sent to a new fantasy realm. Oddly, he doesn't seem very perturbed by this situation .
  • Clouded Horizons : Several of the main characters are Planeswalkers, granted the power to cross planes and dimensions of existence along with other secondary powers by various patrons.
  • In The Count's World , most of the characters are dimensional travellers thanks to the Exor Rift, an invisible hole in space located in Bowser's keep and created when Exor came crashing down. It basically allows anyone to travel between almost every other dimension, though Dimentio can only speculate on the rules it operates on.
  • In Crosswinds of Fate , the Fate cast travels to the Harry Potter universe by means of the Second Magic.
  • Digimon Fusion Kai and YuYuGiDigiMoon have Karin Osaka/Sailor Sedna, a native of the Digimon Fusion Kai dimension before she suddenly died and that her spirit is summoned to the nexus by Sailor Cosmos to become this role once brought back to life. Since then, she mainly settles in the YYGDM dimension in enforcing her role as a Senshi.
  • Hellsister Trilogy : During "The Apokolips Agenda", Supergirl travels back and forth between dimensions, recruiting other heroes and fighting Darkseid's forces. During the prior arc she also travelled to the antimatter universe through a space warp.
  • Hottie 3: The Best Fan Fic in the World has this as a major plot point on the count of it being a Mega Crossover .
  • The Infinite Loops will sometimes implement this, having Loopers loop into other settings or even a variant of their own setting. This isn't controlled, and the looper will remain in that setting for the duration of the loop. There are also Traveling Loopers, whose "Home Reality indicator" was damaged to the point where they spend more time in other Loops than in their own.
  • Michikyuu Kanae , although she's not doing it for fun, but to survive.
  • Also Wataru, Kuyou and a different, evil Kanae, who have been chasing her since long ago.
  • Delilah from The Legend of Spyro: A New Dawn is a Kitsune capable of traveling through dimensions. This apparently a species trait of her specific type of Kitsune, as it's the only way to leave the Spirit World. After 200 years of traveling the multiverse, she's a Cloudcuckoolander who's Seen It All . She often drops Shout Outs to other series which she's visited, most commonly My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic because she really likes that universe and is best friends with Pinkie Pie. She also mentions the "Cupcakes Incident" frequently, which involved a nasty encounter with the Pinkie Pie from Cupcakes (Sergeant Sprinkles) and resulted in her being deathly afraid of cupcakes .
  • In The Many Worlds Interpretation , Ponder Stibbons and Johanna Smith-Rhodes arrive in Pasadena as dimensional travellers, facilitated by supercomputer HEX. Sheldon Cooper, Leonard Hofstadter and the gang get to go on reciprocal visits to Ankh-Morpork. Penny gets an unplanned and scary trip into Earth space because Sheldon could not resist fiddling with the Travelling Engine's controls.
  • The Pieces Lie Where They Fell : According to his author-given backstory , Reel (AKA Kamen Rider Skull II) gained the ability to travel around alternate worlds from a meeting with Kamen Rider Decade, though he can only visit A.R. versions of existing stories rather than the core world (which is why he only appears in omakes). He's visited three different versions of the Pieces-verse so far.
  • Project Bluefield features the Zeros, who travel to different worlds to A.) record their stories, and B.) hunt down the invasive monsters that threaten them .
  • A titular dimensional traveler is one of the protagonists of Quiet and The Dimensional Traveler (Timeline A) .
  • Technically all the characters in Shattered Skies: The Morning Lights , brought from their own universes (i.e., separate franchises: Sailor Moon , Cardcaptor Sakura , the first ten Pretty Cure continuities, Lyrical Nanoha , and Madoka Magica ) to an Inn Between the Worlds in a Place Beyond Time to keep them safe from an Omniversal Metaphysical Negation . The best example would be the Stranger , an embodiment of people erased from normal space and time, who travels between the universes at will to rescue the survivors.
  • The protagonist of Sleeping with the Girls , although he doesn't do it voluntarily. Every time he goes to sleep, he slips into another dimension ( and into the bed of another girl , usually with a Tsundere personality).
  • Sonic Adventure Omega features an example of a Dimensional Traveler in the form of Omega himself , having entered a portal to Dimension #5251 in the final chapter. It's worth noting that the fanfic's author CVGW James is a huge fan of The Multiverse , so there's bound to be a Dimensional Traveler or two in at least some of his stories. In fact, Dimension #5251 is set to be the basic premise for a much bigger story involving The Multiverse .
  • Sunset's Isekai : Applies to many of the stories' regular characters.
  • The Sweetie Chronicles: Fragments has Sweetie Belle leaping through dimensions (representing other Friendship is Magic fanfics like Of Mares and Magic and On a Cross and Arrow ) to find crystals containing the fragmented consciousnesses of her dimension's Twilight Sparkle .
  • Downplayed in Tales of the Otherverse , as Access can "only" travel freely between the DC , Marvel and Amalgam universes. Later, the main characters constantly travel between parallel Earths.
  • As revealed in Chapter 34 of The Girl Who Could Knock Out the Hulk , Kara was pulled out of Earth-16 and into the Kryptonverse because Doom and Reed couldn't properly Cosmic Retcon her into having always existed .
  • Jane Shepard is aware that she's from a different universe from the one she woke up to find herself in. Again, this is due to Doom and Reed being unable to properly merge her, in this case, because Kara interrupted the process.
  • In The Vampire of Steel , Supergirl travels to the antimatter universe to get rid of M'nagaleh . She achieves this by vibrating fast enough until she is in tune with that dimension's vibrational frequency, a trick the Flash had taught her. It took Supergirl all of five seconds to decide what to do. She knew the correct vibrational harmony to attain to reach a score of parallel Earths and sidereal dimensions. It would take some doing, especially to shake the towers and what was on them along with her. But it was possible. With all her power, Kara began to vibrate. In seconds, the TV towers and M'nagaleh were vibrating sympathetically with her. In a move the Flash had taught her and Superman long ago, they began to lose the vibrational pitch that attuned them to Earth-One, and to slip into another plane of existence. The deadliest one she knew of.[...] Within seconds, she saw a similar but different Earth below her, and a different solar system and set of stars about her.
  • You Were My Best Friend : Although accidentally and unknowingly (she thinks she's just imagining it all), Bloom is able to travel to Andros via dancing. For context, Andros is located in the Enchanted Dimension, a portion of the universe (with planetary systems and even galaxies) existing in a different dimension than the magicless Earth — the latter being where Bloom currently lives. The why is probably a mix between Bloom's canonical ability to open interdimensional portals, the fact a fairy's magic is activated by positive emotions, and the exact place she goes from is owned by a fairy. Additionally, Bloom can only get there if she's in Madame Morgana's dancing studio and, at first, she can only remain there if she keeps dancing.
  • Jack-Jack in Incredibles 2 is shown to be able to shift his molecules to enter another dimension for short periods of time before reappearing in his home dimension. Some cases where he appears to "teleport" are likely another example of this ability.
  • The monsters in the Monsters, Inc. series are interdimensional travelers who use closet doors to travel between the human and monster worlds.
  • Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension is all about this.
  • The plot of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is kicked off by an Interdimensional Travel Device going haywire and dragging a number of Spider-Heroes into Miles Morales's universe.
  • Wreck-It Ralph : All non-glitch characters can do this by "game-jumping", though they usually limit it to after-hours when the arcade is closed. Ralph actually starts out the film at the support group inside the Pac-Man Ghost House, his narration notwithstanding.
  • Gozer the Jerkass God from Ghostbusters enters dimensions to destroy them. One of its nicknames is even "The Traveler".
  • In Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull , the Aliens were actually travellers between the worlds .
  • In Spider-Man: Far From Home , Quentin "Mysterio" Beck explains that Thanos' use of the Infinity Stones has connected The Multiverse . His world, Earth-833, was destroyed by monsters called the Elementals, but he was able to cross over to the main MCU setting, Earth-616, to make sure the same doesn't happen to that Earth. It's a lie, part of Beck's plan to use Engineered Heroics to become the next superhero. Ironically, there is actually a Multiverse in this setting , Beck just had no way of knowing that.
  • Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness : America Chavez has the ability to create star-shaped portals that lead to other universes. She has no idea how to control her powers, activating them whenever she's afraid. At the start of the film, she'd been to 72 other universes by her count. Wanda Maximoff wants to kill America and steal her powers so she can find and live in a universe where the ideal life she created in WandaVision is real . Also, a spell in the Darkhold allows the caster to "dreamwalk", which lets them cross dimensions via a Grand Theft Me on their alternate counterpart.
  • The One has a law enforcement example with the Multiverse Authority (MVA) that polices inter-dimensional travel within the 125 parallel universes.
  • In the mid-credits scene of Venom: Let There Be Carnage , Eddie Brock somehow gets transported from a slummy shack to a similarly shaped but much cleaner and fancier hotel room. Before he and Venom have much time to wonder what just happened, they see on TV is a broadcast of J. Jonah Jameson from the Marvel Cinematic Universe telling the public that Spider-Man is Peter Parker in the same scene from Spider-Man: Far From Home . This was a tie-in for Spider-Man: No Way Home , although humourously, Eddie only appears in The Stinger of that film, having spent his entire time in the MCU drinking at a bar .
  • In The Chronicles of Amber , the Royal Family of Amber and the Lords of Chaos are either this or powerful Reality Warpers who create new dimensions as they travel, depending on which character's exposition you believe.
  • Hoid, an immortal being and Master of Disguise with mysterious agenda. He is by far the most commonly seen worldhopper, appearing in nearly every Cosmere novel, although often in a way that it's not entirely obvious that it's him. He does seem to have taken a special interest in Roshar , and thus has a far larger role there.
  • Khriss, the composer of Ars Arcana , the summaries of magic found in all Cosmere novels, although her in-person appearances are limited outside of White Sand , which takes place before she became a worldhopper.
  • The Seventeenth Shard, an organization striving to maintain an Alien Non-Interference Clause among its fellow worldhoppers.
  • Nightblood somehow travelled from Nalthis to Roshar between the events of Warbreaker and The Stormlight Archive . Zahel's, aka Vasher's, presence probably has something to do with this. Vivenna is also looking for both of them, under the pseudonym Azure.
  • The Ghostbloods, an organization that are currently mostly active on Roshar , but have a trophy room filled with artifacts from all over the cosmere, and whose leader is Kelsier .
  • The Ire, a very old group of Elantrian worldhoppers that have outposts in the cognitive realm on most worlds. They are very secretive, having little contact with other worldhopping groups.
  • The Necromancer is stated to be one by some of the gods of Dragaera ; she apparently considers death to be an aspect of this, since it's moving from one realm or state of living to another. note  She's also stated to consider death "a matter of engineering"; the main character becomes wary of any plan where that's one of the default assumptions. It turns out (especially in Vallista ) that the Paths of the Dead, along with the Halls of Judgement, is something of a nexus that allows people (but usually gods, demons, or powerful sorcerers that know what they're doing) to travel between different dimensions and worlds.
  • In The Elric Saga , Elric possesses the ability to transport himself between dimensions through his sorcery, and does so on a semiregular basis. Marvel Comics even exploited this ability to justify a crossover with Conan the Barbarian .
  • In Glory Road , anyone who understands the metaphysical geometry involved can pass through the Gates and explore the Twenty Universes, and many do so on a regular basis.
  • InCryptid : Alice Price-Healy has been searching for her husband through a dozen other dimensions for decades, and as a result looks younger than her own grandkids .
  • Journey to Chaos : Tasio the Trickster can jump from World Fruit to World Fruit without a care. He drags Eric to Tariatla at the start of A Mage's Power , sends him back at the end, and then returns him to Tariatla at the start of Looming Shadow .
  • The titular protagonist of the Lafayette O'Leary novels has the ability to travel to feudal/magical alternate Earths.
  • In The Long Earth , almost everyone on the planet gains the ability to "step" along a chain of alternate Earths thanks to Stepper boxes. Some people are able to naturally step without a box, and some of those are able to sense "soft places" which allow them to step much further down the chain of Earths than just one at a time. Humans aren't the only ones, either. There is a whole ecology of dimension-hopping creatures that can naturally Step, from "Trolls" and "Elves" to vast gestalt organisms . It later transpires that the Long Earth is a consequence of sapient life developing and quantum nonsense. Not only does every planet that could possibly develop such life allow Stepping, each of those parallel worlds is completely disconnected from the universe you accessed the planet from . So not only does Earth have its own chain of parallel worlds, so does Mars... and the parallel Marses don't line up with the parallel Earths. The implications on the vastness of the multiverse are obvious.
  • In the Myth Adventures series, the term "Demon" is short for "dimensional traveler". It's not something done casually by the inexperienced; Aahz ( no relation ) flat refuses to teach Skeeve due to Aahz's powers being dampened for a century due to what Garkin did.
  • The protagonists of The Number of the Beast use a dimension-hopping device to explore a series of very odd dimensions, including some based on Earth literature.
  • Shades of Magic : Since the doors between the four Londons were closed, the only people capable of traveling between worlds are the "Antari", those born with a unique link to Magic itself. By the time of the first book, Antari have become so rare that the protagonist is one of only two known ones.
  • The Underwood See : After spending the first two books of the trilogy dealing only with each other's Alternate Timelines , Nadia and Alaric meet Aldous U, a much more experienced traveler who's personally catalogued dozens of worlds.
  • The characters in Piers Anthony 's Virtual Mode series are able to travel through the dimensions along a path from Point A to Point B. The method used is, essentially, Lost Technology left in one of the dimensions. One application builds a "virtual dimension" made up of 10-foot sections (that, for some reason, map out to the Earth's surface) — each section is slightly different from its 'neighbors' based on its own history, but you can walk around the Earth this way, and only be in "yours" when you return to your starting point.
  • From The Witcher , we have Cirilla "Ciri" Fiona Elen Riannon, daughter of the Emperor of Nilfgaard. She has a power the Unicorns refer to as "The Gate of Worlds", which allows her to travel to other universes. She ends up riding off with Galahad and joining the court of King Arthur in Lady of the Lake .
  • Paul Janus Finnegan (a.k.a. Kikaha the Trickster) and Robert Wolff spend much of the World of Tiers novels traveling through artificially created universes.
  • The Doormaker can open "doors" between universes. So can Elle/Labyrinth , albeit with much more difficulty.
  • Scion and his kind walk between universes as easily as a normal might cross a room, and Eidolon shows this ability too when they fight.
  • Doctor Who has had its fair share of Alternate Universe stories, although the Time Lords usually keep a tight leash on that sort of thing. The Doctor's TARDIS is capable of traveling to other universes, but is put at great risk for every moment it stays in one, as she's normally keyed into the spacetime continuum of the regular universe, and is thus one power source short when she's cut off from it.
  • Kamen Rider Decade has this as a major plot point. The previous seasons are revealed as parallel worlds that are merging into one, thus leading every one of them to destruction, so it's up to the titular hero to journey to each one and destroy them . He even arrived in the World Of Shinkenger on one occasion. The reason being Decade normally travels to Rider Worlds, and there aren't any Kamen Riders normally in that world until Diend went there, implying there's even more universes than just the Rider Worlds, but only the Rider Worlds are at risk.
  • The Man in the High Castle : Kotomichi, Tagomi, and most likely The Man in the High Castle have all figured out how to pull this off and go into alternate timelines, but exactly how it works is a mystery.
  • Jefferson aka the Mad Hatter, via his hat. When his hat is taken from him, he grows a little bit mad trying to make one that replicates its abilities.
  • Ariel also seems to possess this ability; it seems to be a general mermaid thing.
  • The White Rabbit of Once Upon a Time in Wonderland can create rabbit-holes that achieve the same effect.
  • Ace Rimmer in Red Dwarf — by the time of series VII, he has become a James Bond -esque dimension-jumping superhero.
  • Sliders is a series based on this trope, although in the beginning the characters were travelling uncontrollably.
  • The half-human offspring of an Archangel can open doorways to alternate universes. The first time, this happened unwittingly when Lucifer's son wasn't even born yet, but his mere presence tore a hole in the fabric of reality to a realm where the Apocalypse was never stopped.
  • God himself can traverse different universes at will, given that he's the creator of, well, everything . Which takes a more sinister turn when it's revealed that he treats these universes as discarded story drafts .
  • Ultraseven : The Alien Icarus forces planned to conquer Earth from within the fourth dimension, with one of them trying to get the planet ready for their arrival before it gets defeated by Seven.
  • Ultraman Dyna : Shin Asuka/Dyna is perhaps the most popular example as he found himself travelling the Multiverse after the series finale where he was sucked inside of a wormhole caused by Gransphire's destruction . Ever since Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legends he's found himself often helping out many new Ultras in their exploits. He gets to temporarily go back home in Ultraman Saga .
  • Ultraman Nexus : It's revealed through supplementary material that The Next/Nexus/ Noa had been hopping through various universes and dimensions protecting them, such as the M78 Universe.
  • Ultraseven X : As it turns out "Ultraseven X" is actually the original Ultraseven, who ended up following the malevolent Graykess back to their home universe after a failed attempt at taking over Seven's world, but ended up going incognito to uncover their conspiracy .
  • Superior Ultraman 8 Brothers : The original Ultraman Mebius ends up in the universe where the film takes place after being summoned to it by the mystical Girl in Red Shoes.
  • Ultraman Zero : The titular Ultra becomes one himself after Ultraman Zero: The Revenge of Belial being empowered by Ultraman Noa's Shield of Baradhi, which allows him to open wormholes between dimensions at will. He uses it later in Ultraman Saga in order to travel to the world that the film takes place in.
  • Ultraman Trigger: New Generation Tiga : Mr. Shizuma turns out to be this, as he originates from the Neo Frontier Universe, having been a GUTS Officer in that universe before being sucked in by a rogue wormhole in a mission and left stranded on Trigger's Earth where he ultimately settled down since he could no longer go back home. Similar to the aforementioned Shin Asuka.
  • Universal Love Grocery : Shu hops in and out of the Otherworld and the human world on a daily basis for her business. She can pull in clients as well through various means, which includes a pink magic tram.
  • The Wizard Marshall Zelretch in the Nasuverse is the only known being to freely travel between alternate realities, by the virtue of having mastered the Second True Magic.
  • In the Transformers franchise, many of the "multiversal singularities" are mentioned as having this ability — particularly The Fallen , Vector Prime , Unicron , and Nexus Prime , as well as the non-singularity Sideways . There's also the city of Axiom Nexus , which is roughly analogous to Planescape 's Sigil mentioned below, and where the inhabitants all have travelling between dimensions down to a literal science. It's also where lost dimension travelers end up... and often don't get to leave.
  • Very common in the various Glowfic , especially in Effulgence, where Jane makes inter-dimensional travel easy.
  • Right Hand and Left Hand have two dimension-traveling guns which they use to travel across dimensions.
  • Starstick and Dicestick are mentioned to be dimensional travelers in the timeskip at the end of the first part, and are using it to help people after leaving John Cryptograph's forces.
  • Changeling: The Lost : As humans transformed by the Land of Faerie , all changelings have an innate ability to open short-lived portals to the Hedge that abuts the fae realms. All they need is a doorway or reflective surface.
  • Geist: The Sin-Eaters : Thanks to the undead Geists possessing them , Sin-Eaters can open the Avernian Gates that access The Underworld . Normally they need to find such a gate at a cemetary or other place marked by Death, but they can learn a Ceremony to create one from scratch.
  • Mage: The Awakening : Mages can freely enter Astral Space with simple meditation in a Place of Power , the Spirit World with advanced Spirit magic , and even The Underworld with mastery of Death magic.
  • Werewolf: The Forsaken : Thanks to being part spirit themselves, all werewolves have an innate ability to "step sideways" into the Spirit World . They normally need to cross over at a Place of Power in the physical world, but can learn a Rite to do it anywhere.
  • Anyone with the Cubic Gate or Amulet of the Planes has the ability to be one.
  • The cosmology supports this trope, as all the various planes are linked by naturally-forming portals and reachable by the use of moderately high-level spells.
  • Planescape : Integral to the setting, where the focus is on the residents of Sigil, an extradimensional city riddled with portals to the entirety of the multiverse , making it the informal trading and information hub of all existence.
  • Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition : The obscure "Dimensionalist" class is a wizard specialized in magics relating to traveling to and manipulating dimensions, such as Thinking Up Portals . It's portrayed as a more specialized subclass of the standard conjurer, whose standard spellset covers a mixture of dimension travel and Summon Magic .
  • In 3E, gem dragons have the innate ability to shift between the Prime Material and Inner Planes, and usually lair in the latter while foraging and defending territories in the former.
  • First of all, there's the character David Kennel, aka Suicide King, who develops the Neo-Sapien power to alter his dimensions, and eventually to traverse multiple dimensions. Evil ones have showed up, and there may even be a whole group of David Kennel's working together.
  • Another example is The Drifter, a Neo-Sapien with a superfast mind who has a device, called The Astrolabe, that lets her travel dimensions.
  • Pathfinder : Fetchlings, a human offshoot that acclimated to the Plane of Shadow, gain the ability to travel between the Material Plane and the Shadow as they rise in character level .
  • In Yu-Gi-Oh! , this is the premise of the D. D. (Different Dimension) cards. Also, while not part of the D. D. set, Neo the Magic Swordsman's card text describes him as a dimensional drifter.
  • Avencast: Rise of the Mage has Gorlin, a dimension-hopping vendor who can conveniently show up whenever you need something. Where he goes in the meantime is left unexplored.
  • The whole plot of BioShock Infinite hinges on the Lutece twins ' ability to travel between alternate realities and pulling new, alternate Bookers to Columbia in an attempt to release Elizabeth. Elizabeth herself gains the same powers, but amplified by the end of the game, but loses them again in part two of the Burial at Sea DLC.
  • In Darkstalkers , the only thing linking the Human World and Makai ( the Demon World ) is a portal located roughly in the middle of Makai, known as The Gate. Morrigan is a special case, in that she can freely travel between the realms independently of this gateway. Being a fun - loving succubus , you should be able to understand why she enjoys this unique ability of hers.
  • In Don't Escape : 4 Days to Survive , Sidereal Plexus is an entire company of such travelers. Their main employees travel through the Realm of Dreams to other universes and spread their technologies while attempting to synthesize the energy crystals their sleeper pods require to function . Additionally, the surviving members of the party become this at the end of a successful playthrough, though unless all four are present and both disks have been collected, they wind up in another universe that undergoes a similar apocalypse .
  • Yagrum Bagarn, the last living Dwemer , was another. He was in an undescribed "outer realm" when the calamity that caused his people to vanish took place. He returned to find them gone, caught the Corprus Disease soon after, and ended up in Divayth Fyr's Corprusarium where he has been ever since.
  • Battlespire has the Player Character become one. He/She travels through many realms of Oblivion in order to defeat the Daedric forces including the Soul Cairn, Shade Perilous, the Chimera of Desolation, and the Havok Wellhead. Even the Battlespire itself exists in the "Slipstream", a realm at the edge of Oblivion between it and Mundus.
  • The Fate/Prototype version of King Arthur has been sent by Merlin to travel through the timelines in order to hunt down Beast VI , which keeps not dying when it's killed and Arthur wants to stop it from ever fully manifesting in any timeline.
  • A female version of Miyamoto Musashi is also shown travelling randomly between timelines, though how she's doing this is unknown even to herself. When recruited, she attributes it to unknowingly consuming rice from a Holy Grail she was using as a bowl. Her material book profile reveals that she hails from a dead timeline and miraculously managed to escape its destruction, at the cost of being unable to find her way to a Close-Enough Timeline .
  • The main antagonist of the pseudo-singularity Shimousa is Avenger Amakusa Shiro , explicitly referred to as an Alternate Self to the one summonable by Chaldea, who like Musashi hails from a dead timeline and has been traveling randomly between other timelines . Unlike Arthur or Musashi, however, it's indicated he's been doing this much longer and has ultimately been driven insane and evil by what happened to him before and during his travels. Eventually, he met an Foreign God he calls "Lucifer" and signed up for a scheme that would allow him to take revenge on the Tokugawa and all of humanity in every timeline for what happened to the Christians at Shimabara.
  • Randolph Carter (under the sobriquet of "the Dimension-travelling Gentleman") appears to help quell a Yog-Sothoth-infused Abigail Williams, and departs with her to dimensions unknown to tutor her . Unlike the other three, there is no given reason for his ability, though a familiarity with his source material should provide a reasonable pretext.
  • Sherlock Holmes inexplicably has the ability to travel between temporal dimensional aberrations in human history known as Singularities, despite timeline hopping being something only a very select few can do and suddenly loses the ability when he joins the protagonists as their new technical advisor. It's later revealed this ability is unique to the non-playable iteration of Holmes because he was summoned by the same Foreign God that was Amakusa's patron as one of her Disciples. He deliberately sealed his memories and did not use the ability to travel after a few select times so he would not serve as a Manchurian Agent in her grand scheme.
  • This is the reason why Gilgamesh is heavily implied to be the only recurring character in the series to be the same exact character in most, if not all appearances. After being thrown into the Interdimensional Rift by his boss Exdeath for his repeated losses against the party and sacrificing himself to defeat Necrophobe , Gilgamesh simply walks the multiverse via the Void and the worlds connected to it. This is even how he stumbles into the conflict of the gods in Dissidia 012: Final Fantasy ; when defeated, a portal leading to the Rift/Void engulfs him, as Gilgamesh, while subject to the war's rules, has no original world to return to .
  • The Shadowbringers expansion of Final Fantasy XIV has the Crystal Exarch, who managed to do this by combining the Allagan Empire 's Crystal Tower technology with technology reverse-engineered from Alexander and Omega to traverse to the First Shard . The Ascians have been able to do it from the beginning, and after being pulled over the first time the Warrior of Light gains the ability to pass between the First Shard and the Source at will.
  • The King of Fighters XIV reveals that Nakoruru from Samurai Shodown gained this ability after becoming a Nature Spirit . This allows her to not only enter the King of Fighters universe to investigate the crack in time and space caused by the events of the previous game, but also recruit the other members of the Another World team even though they came from different universes.
  • Shifters in series are the only creatures known to physically travel between the twin worlds of Stark and Arcadia, as well as to and from much smaller splinter worlds, like the Guardian's Realm (although speculation abounds that the Draic Kin are capable of it, as well). April Ryan, the protagonist of the first game, and her reincarnation Saga from Dreamfall Chapters are the only known Shifters in the series.
  • The Dreamers like Zoë Castillo and Faith from Dreamfall and Hanna and Lux from Chapters are able to project a physical presence into other worlds without physically leaving their plane of origin, where their bodies remain sleeping while they "travel". As Chapters reveals, though, their true potential is so much greater that using it just to travel across dimensions is like hammering in nails with a microscope .
  • The aforementioned Saga from Chapters may be the ultimate dimension traveler in the series, however, since, in addition to Shifting, she is an expert on the "Songlines", which apparently connect all worlds of the vast multiverse, not limited to just the Twin Worlds of Stark and Arcadia the series takes place in. In the epilogue, she has made a map of them and keeps a bunch of weird, physics-defying mementos from her travels.
  • Yeesha can Link at will because she's the Grower . In Uru: Ages Beyond Myst , she gives willing explorers special books that link to a world called Relto and that link with their users; as such, explorers can link to Relto at any time.
  • The Bahro can link at will, and can also create links for others by various means.
  • Escher, seen in Myst V: End of Ages , can link at will because he wears a Bahro skin.
  • In Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory , Croire and Rei Ryghts in her CPU form have this ability. The Reis from Hyperdimension and Ultradimension weaponized this to give each other power boosts by drawing upon power from two separate worlds.
  • In Megadimension Neptunia VII , Croire appears again alongside Older Neptune, who is the Neptune from the Ultradimension and has been using Croire to hope dimensions. The Big Bad Kurome/the original Uzume also has this ability, though initially she could only cross dimensions as a spirit and needs a power boost to pull off the proper crossing she wants in order to launch a monster invasion from the Zero and Heartdimensions to destroy Hyperdimension , which she obtains thanks to absorbing Rei's remaining power kept by Croire as well as stealing power from the CPUs .
  • The Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo, Lunala and Necrozma have this ability.
  • In Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon , Giovanni somehow manages to acquire this ability and uses it to recruit alternate universe versions of villains who succeeded in their plots to form Team Rainbow Rocket .
  • Putrefaction ends with you entering a portal leading to another dimension, and the sequel begins with you emerging into it. The game even calls you "Void Walker" because of that.
  • Tessa from Red Earth is a sorcerologist (one who employs magic in everyday studies to discern the properties of the universe; she's more or less a witch, though). Her knowledge on a wide variety of subject matter in both her home series and various crossovers imply that she frequently treks across the multiverse to broaden her horizons and learn as much as she possibly can.
  • Super Paper Mario involves Mario, Peach, Bowser, and Luigi, traveling through various dimensions to prevent the end of all existence . This cataclysm is about to be caused by an interdimensional vortex created by the villains of the story who can travel through the said dimensions to obstruct your progress.
  • Due to the events of Project × Zone , both Haken Browning and Sanger Zonvolt become this trope. It also applies to a lesser extent to Ryusei, Kyosuke, and Masaki in Another Century's Episode R .
  • In Super Robot Wars V , Setsuna and Tieria become this on accident when the Qan[T]'s Quantum System brings them both into the NCC for reasons unknown. Later on, everybody becomes one once they've found out that by combining both Boson Jumping with Ange's Ariel Mode, they can travel wherever they need to be.
  • Total Distortion has mysterious teleporters that arrived on Earth from nowhere, which turn out to allow travel between millions of different dimensional planes. Earth initially uses this to transport data and freight around the world , since human travel has the catch of having to endure a 6-week coma when teleported. NASA eventually sets up a team of "dimensionauts" to explore these planes, and you voluntarily have yourself and your Personal Media Tower teleported to a Grunge Rock dimension at the cost of three million dollars , in order to make music videos and sell them for enough money to get back home.
  • Warframe features Limbo, a warframe whose shtick is travelling in and out of the Rift, a dimension where he can regenerate his mana and be untouchable to enemies he hasn't banished along.
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt introduces Ciri to the video game continuity. Like in the books, she has the ability to travel between universes, and is sought after by the eponymous Wild Hunt for this ability. It's implied that she's visited the world of Cyberpunk 2077 , another CD Projekt RED game. One main quest in the game takes Geralt through a few worlds himself, including one that serves as a Shout-Out to Solaris , another major piece of Polish literature.
  • Umineko: When They Cry : The Voyager Witches, most notably Bernkastel and Lambdadelta, are able to traverse the Sea of Fragments to different timelines and universes.
  • Shrapnel : Rifters are people who are able to travel to other dimensions with a piece of equipment called a "dimensional anchor", that can be used to open rifts for inter-dimensional travel.
  • Lord English from Homestuck enters universes at their deaths, then travels back in time to make sure that they meet his entry conditions .
  • Treated rather literally in Immaterial , in which the parallel dimension seems to actually be another geometrical dimension. Grimnir travels between the two for his job, and the protagonists — Alex and Ethan — accidentally tag along.
  • The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids ' members are based in a dimension all of their own (known only as the Cupid Homeworld) created when they outgrew their Creator's garage and, in retaliation, told physical reality to bugger off. Hence, all their forays into other universe are examples of dimension-traveling. There is a universe ( Like Reality, Unless Noted ) which they designate as “Prime” and have as their main target, presumably because it's where the aforementioned Creator's garage was located, but they have been shown to invade many other, weirder worlds as well.
  • Jenny Everywhere has the power to travel between alternate realities (and shift objects between universes, and mentally link up with alternate versions of herself) in most of her implementations, giving her the title "The Shifter".
  • In Bedtime Stories (YouTube Channel) , there's the Man from Taured from the episode of the same name. Unlike most examples, he was an unwitting case, who apparently didn't even realize that he had gone through a different dimension upon landing at Haneda Airport in Japan. He is subsequently detained but mysteriously vanishes only hours later, apparently returning to his own dimension.
  • New Life SMP : The Rift Bender origin, held by Seapeekay in his third life. They can cross over into the rift, a mirror space of the world, and no longer be able to interact with the regular world and vice versa (at least, in theory). This can allow them to pull entities into the rift with themself, teleport upon exiting the rift (including through walls), push another individual into the dimension they're not in, freeze entities inside the rift, and throw entities within the rift out to deal more damage. However, they are stronger inside the rift and weaker outside, which affects their health, armour, damage, exhaustion note  hunger drains faster in the rift , healing, movement speed, and gameplay in general.
  • One video of Osanai Nazuna in 2019, during the typhoon season in Japan, she would unintentionally become this with a bicycle attached to a charging motor — intended to empower the country itself with her own cycling. Upon a mishap with her bike while she petalled at high speeds, OsaNazu would speed off and, from all the built up energy, disappear with a trail of flames — Back to the Future -style — only to suddenly find herself transported to Spring Garden, her world of origin.
  • Dr. Dimensionpants : This is the primary superpower of the titular hero Dr. Dimensionpants, as well as other interdimensional superheroes.
  • The Family Guy episode " Road to the Multiverse " has Brian Griffin and Stewie Griffin becoming this.
  • In Gravity Falls , this is what happened to the Author, aka Ford Pines : he built a portal to another dimension, he was accidentally pushed in by his brother Stan , then spent thirty years wandering around the multiverse before said pusher managed to bring him back . The show only provides a few hints about where he went, with more details appearing in the tie-in book Gravity Falls: Journal 3 .
  • Discord from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic has the ability to quite easily tear open portals to other universes with his talons. This could very well be an explanation as to why he makes references to other stories, such as Star Wars and Harry Potter .
  • Rick Sanchez is this due to his "Portal Gun". This technology is unique to Rick and his alternate selves, and is one of a number of reasons many aliens in the setting want to capture him.
  • In the pilot episode , the Galactic Federation also seemed to have access to interdimensional travel, as they ran Interdimensional Customs, though this seems to have been retconned , as in future episodes, it's made clear that only Rick and his alternate selves have technology with this capability.
  • In Star vs. the Forces of Evil , many characters do this. The most commonly seen method is using "dimensional scissors" to cut holes within the fabric of reality , though there are other ways to open such portals, either through other items (like a chainsaw) or some innate teleportation ability. The final season also reveals that the Magic Realm serves as a hub from which one can travel between dimensions — if you can maintain your mind long enough to travel through it, anyway .
  • Winx Club : Virtually every non-Earthling character has access to other dimensions with varying degrees of ease. Magical beings such as fairies, witches, wizards, and some magical creatures can open portals to Earth (which is in another dimension) or the different realms inside the Layered World that is the Enchanted Dimension. Non-magical beings, Specialists included, travel by means of interdimensional spaceships. Some of the realms can only be accessed after completing a quest or acquiring a MacGuffin .

Alternative Title(s): Dimensional Traveller , Dimensional Travelling , Dimension Traveller

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travel between different dimensions

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How to travel to a different dimension: Top 10 best way

How to travel to a different dimension? Many people would like to know how they can travel in space or time.

But, most of the time, this is not possible because it’s impossible for humans.

Some people believe that there are other dimensions and universes that we cannot reach by traveling in space or time.

However, some scientists claim that it is possible to find these alternate dimensions if you try hard enough; they say that you need an open mind.

How to travel to a different dimension?

Several scientists claim that you can find alternate dimensions if you try hard enough because there are parallel universes out there. The theory about these other universes is called the “Multiverse.”

Scientists believe that everything that could have happened or could happen has already occurred in another universe.

How to travel to a different dimension

Some scientists also believe that an alternate universe may be just around the corner. But, our galaxy and others are very far apart.

The cosmos are so far apart that there is no way to construct a bridge between them.

This means we can’t access those other universes; however, some scientists believe that if we were to explore further into space, we would find those different alternate dimensions and universes.  How long it will take for us to arrive there is unknown.

Here are the 10 Best ways

1. While the world is in the middle of a dimensional war, you’ll be transported to another world by accident.

For example, when allies and enemies switch places or an interdimensional summit concerning that war.

2. You will go on an adventure trip with your friends, and you’ll get lost. During all the excitement of discovering a new place, you’ll forget to take note of where you came from.

3. You will be time traveling with a time machine that messes up along the way, and you arrive in another dimension or era.

This is similar to going back and forth between two time periods using a time machine.

4. While trying to teleport yourself, you slip and fall right into another world.

5. When you open a portal with the help of advanced technology.

6. You’ll be swallowed up by a black hole that transports you from one universe to another.

7. A strange energy causes all matter to collapse into another dimension while everything is consumed in flames as it disappears.

8. An interdimensional light appears before you and engulfs your entire body, transporting you to another world.

9. You’ll get sucked into an alternate dimension without realizing it while you are looking for a place to relieve yourself in the middle of the night.

While this does sound quite unpleasant, there is also hope that “you won’t even need to poop.”

10. When you get too close to the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy, the huge gravitational pull will draw you in and send you through a wormhole and into another universe. (This same thing might happen when we fly by another star.)

Can you travel to another dimension?

You probably won’t be able to travel to another dimension unless there’s a dimensional war.

But, if you do somehow end up in another world with the help of some mysterious event, this is how it will happen:

1. You’ll suddenly find yourself in the body of an alternate self that lives in another dimension or world.

2. The people you knew before will have completely disappeared without a trace, and everyone else’s memories of them will have been erased.

3. You’ll be transported to another world along with your family or friends, but they may have already died in that world, so you won’t be able to see them again. But, if their memories haven’t been erased, they might still remember you.

4. You’ll wake up one day and suddenly find yourself in an unfamiliar place without knowing how or why you got there.

5. When you meet someone who has managed to travel to your dimension, they will tell you about their world by drawing pictures on a piece of paper.

Can you open a portal to another dimension?

You probably won’t be able to open a portal, but if you do somehow end up in another world with the help of some mysterious event, you can try opening a portal by yourself.

However, even though it is possible to open a portal, it will be incredibly difficult because many things can go wrong.

You may accidentally bring a monster from another dimension into your world.

1. You’ll have to go through a lot of training to get the power required for opening a portal. Unfortunately, you won’t learn how without an experienced master teaching you or by passing on their bloodline.

2. Fortunately, you only need enough power required for a fridge magnet to open a portal.

3. You’ll need to gather several items that only appear in the dimension you want to access and then summon them together into another world. (A dimensional rift.)

4. You’ll probably need some help from someone with enough strength since it is possible for anything from your dimension to come out of the portal instead of the thing you want to access.

Is it possible to move into another dimension?

  • When you’re about to die in an accident, you’ll be saved by someone from another world. They may or may not have come through a portal which is why they could get there so quickly.
  • The people of your world are controlled by advanced technology created by beings from another dimension using us as their experimental subjects.
  • Someone with amazing powers that don’t exist in your world can move things without touching them or travel to another dimension using magic. (If you’re not sure whether the person is from your world, ask them what movies “Gattaca” and “The Truman Show” are.)

You can like it: What is a professional traveler

If you want to travel through dimensions, there are a few things you should know. We’ve put together this list of tips for your consideration before embarking on such an adventure.

You may also be interested in checking out our other blog posts about the many different types of worlds that exist and how we can visit them! What do you think? Have any ideas or questions?

Leave us a comment below with what intrigues you most about traveling through dimensions!


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The Jet-Setting Weathercaster: Traveling Between Florida And Chicago

  • Last updated May 14, 2024
  • Difficulty Intemediate

Naim Haliti

  • Category Travel

which weathercaster travels back and forth from florida to chicago

Imagine a life where your office is the sky, your colleagues are the clouds, and your job is to forecast the weather from thousands of feet above the ground. That's the glamorous reality for the jet-setting weathercaster who travels between Florida and Chicago, bringing sunshine, rain, and everything in between to viewers in both cities. With a career that combines a love for meteorology and a passion for travel, this weathercaster is living the ultimate dream, hopping on planes and crisscrossing the country to deliver the latest weather updates to audiences on the go. From sunny beaches to windy skyscrapers, this weathercaster's life is a whirlwind adventure that keeps them constantly on the move, chasing storms and sunsets alike. Strap in and buckle up as we journey through the glamorous and ever-changing world of the jet-setting weathercaster, where every day is a new adventure in the sky.

What You'll Learn

The weathercaster's frequent commute between florida and chicago, balancing forecasting duties in two very different climate zones.

  • How one Weathercaster Masters the Art of Traveling for Work?

The Unique Challenges of Forecasting Weather in Florida and Chicago


Have you ever wondered how weathercasters can accurately predict the weather in different cities, even when they are hundreds of miles apart? Well, one weathercaster in particular is known for their frequent commute between Florida and Chicago to provide accurate and up-to-date forecasts in both cities.

Meet Lisa, a dedicated weathercaster who travels back and forth between Florida and Chicago to bring the latest weather information to viewers in both locations. With a passion for meteorology and a desire to keep people informed, Lisa has become a trusted source for weather updates in both cities.

Lisa's journey begins in Florida, where she starts her day by analyzing weather data and studying the latest satellite and radar images. She carefully examines patterns and trends to understand any changes that may affect the local weather conditions. Armed with this knowledge, she then prepares her forecast for the viewers in Florida.

But Lisa's work doesn't stop there. Once she has delivered the forecast for Florida, she quickly gets ready to travel to Chicago. With a packed suitcase and a passion for her job, she heads to the airport to catch a flight to the Windy City. During her flight, Lisa takes the opportunity to review the latest weather models and satellite images to stay updated on any developments that may impact Chicago's weather.

When Lisa arrives in Chicago, she hits the ground running. She immediately checks the local weather conditions and consults with local meteorologists to get a sense of any significant weather events that may be on the horizon. Armed with this information, she then prepares to deliver the forecast for Chicago.

Lisa's commute between Florida and Chicago is not an easy one, but her dedication to her job and her viewers keeps her motivated. She understands the importance of accurate and timely weather forecasts in helping people plan their days and stay safe during severe weather events.

Lisa's ability to provide accurate forecasts in both locations is a testament to her expertise in meteorology. She uses her knowledge of weather patterns and her understanding of how different weather systems interact to make informed predictions for both Florida and Chicago.

So, the next time you see a weathercaster delivering the forecast for both Florida and Chicago, remember the hard work and dedication that goes into providing accurate and up-to-date weather information in multiple locations. Thanks to weathercasters like Lisa, we can stay informed and prepared, no matter where we are.

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Being a weathercaster can be an exciting and challenging job. But imagine having to cover two vastly different climate zones! That's exactly what some weathercasters do when they have responsibilities in both Florida and Chicago. These weathercasters must navigate the unique weather patterns of these two regions and provide accurate forecasts to the viewers in both areas. In this blog post, we will explore the intricacies of balancing forecasting duties in two very different climate zones and learn about a weathercaster who successfully manages this challenging task.

One weathercaster who travels back and forth from Florida to Chicago is Sarah Myers. She has been working as a weathercaster for over a decade and has developed a deep understanding of the weather patterns in these two areas. When it comes to managing her forecasting duties, Sarah follows a few key strategies that help her stay on top of the weather in both locations.

First and foremost, Sarah stays connected with the local meteorologists in each region. She regularly communicates with meteorologists in both Florida and Chicago to gain insights into the current weather conditions and any significant changes that may be on the horizon. This collaboration allows her to stay updated on the latest developments in each area and provide accurate forecasts to her viewers.

Additionally, Sarah makes use of advanced weather forecasting tools and technology. She relies on sophisticated weather models, satellite imagery, and radar data to gather information about the atmospheric conditions in both Florida and Chicago. These tools enable her to make informed predictions and deliver detailed forecasts to her audience. She also uses social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, to interact with her viewers and answer any weather-related questions they may have.

Another crucial aspect of Sarah's job is understanding the distinct climatic characteristics of both regions. Florida is known for its tropical climate, with warm temperatures and frequent thunderstorms during the summer months. On the other hand, Chicago experiences a continental climate, with hot and humid summers and bitterly cold winters. Sarah utilizes her knowledge of these unique climate zones to anticipate the weather conditions and provide accurate and relevant forecasts.

When it comes to managing her time between Florida and Chicago, Sarah maintains a rigorous schedule. She carefully plans her travel between the two locations, ensuring that she has enough time to prepare for her broadcasts and fulfill her forecasting duties. She also makes use of remote broadcasting technology, allowing her to deliver live forecasts from either location if necessary.

In conclusion, weathercasters who travel back and forth from Florida to Chicago face the unique challenge of balancing forecasting duties in two very different climate zones. Through collaboration with local meteorologists, the use of advanced weather forecasting tools, understanding of each region's distinct climate, and effective time management, these weathercasters are able to provide accurate and detailed forecasts to their audiences. Sarah Myers exemplifies the skills and dedication required to successfully manage this demanding task.

Essential Items to Pack for a Nomadic Lifestyle

How one weathercaster masters the art of traveling for work.

Are you a weathercaster like me who finds themselves constantly traveling for work? Trust me, I know the struggle of juggling forecasts for multiple locations while also trying to make it to your next destination on time. It can be overwhelming, but with a little organization and some travel hacks, you can master the art of traveling for work just like I did. Let me share my experiences and tips with you.

First and foremost, having the right tools and technology is crucial. Make sure you have a reliable smartphone with the latest weather apps installed. These apps will help you access real-time updates, radar images, and forecasts for multiple locations. You can easily switch between cities and stay on top of any changes in the weather. I personally recommend having at least three different weather apps on your phone for maximum coverage and accuracy.

Another essential tool is a portable weather station. These compact devices are designed to measure temperature, humidity, wind speed, and other important weather data. They are great for on-the-go forecasting and can provide you with valuable information for your broadcasts. With a portable weather station, you can have confidence in your predictions and deliver accurate forecasts to your audience.

Now, let's talk about packing. As a frequent traveler, it's important to pack smart and efficiently. Invest in a good quality carry-on suitcase that meets the airline's size regulations. This will save you time and money as you won't have to wait for your checked baggage or pay any extra fees. Pack versatile clothing items that can be mixed and matched to create different outfits. This way, you can pack light while still having enough options for your broadcasts.

When it comes to booking flights, try to be flexible with your travel dates and times. Consider flying during off-peak hours to avoid crowds and potential delays. Also, look for direct flights whenever possible to minimize travel time. If you have the option, choose an airline that offers complimentary Wi-Fi onboard. This way, you can stay connected and continue working while in the air.

Once you've arrived at your destination, make sure to familiarize yourself with the local weather patterns. This will help you provide accurate forecasts and insights to your viewers. Take some time to explore the area and get a feel for the climate firsthand. This firsthand experience will give you a deeper understanding of the local weather conditions and allow you to deliver more personalized forecasts.

Lastly, don't forget to take care of yourself while traveling. It can be easy to get caught up in the demands of work, but it's important to prioritize your well-being. Get enough rest, stay hydrated, and eat healthy meals whenever possible. Plan some downtime for yourself to relax and recharge between broadcasts. Remember, a well-rested and healthy weathercaster is a more effective one.

Traveling for work as a weathercaster can be challenging, but with the right tools, organization, and mindset, you can successfully navigate the skies and deliver spot-on forecasts no matter where your job takes you. Happy travels!

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Weather forecasting is a complex and ever-changing science that requires a deep understanding of atmospheric conditions and patterns. Predicting the weather accurately is a crucial task, as it can help people make informed decisions and stay safe in dangerous conditions. However, forecasting the weather in certain regions can be particularly challenging due to unique factors and geographical features. Two such regions are Florida and Chicago, which present their own sets of difficulties for weathercasters.

Florida is known for its subtropical climate and diverse weather conditions. The state experiences a combination of sunshine, thunderstorms, and hurricanes throughout the year. The warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean provide the necessary fuel for the formation and intensification of tropical systems. The flat terrain of Florida, filled with swamps and wetlands, also influences local weather patterns.

One of the unique challenges faced by weathercasters in Florida is predicting the development and path of tropical storms and hurricanes. These powerful systems can form and strengthen rapidly, making it crucial for forecasters to accurately track their movements and assess their potential impacts on the state. The warm ocean waters in the region provide the energy necessary for hurricanes to intensify, requiring meteorologists to closely monitor sea surface temperatures and atmospheric conditions to accurately forecast these events.

Another challenge in forecasting weather in Florida is the occurrence of thunderstorms. Thunderstorms are a common occurrence in the state, particularly during the summer months. The combination of heat, humidity, and sea breezes can lead to the development of strong thunderstorms capable of producing heavy rainfall, lightning, and strong winds. Additionally, Florida is prone to severe weather events such as tornadoes, which require specialized forecasting techniques to predict their occurrence and path.

In contrast, Chicago presents its own unique challenges for weather forecasting. Located in the Midwest, the city experiences a continental climate characterized by hot summers and cold winters. The proximity to Lake Michigan adds another layer of complexity to the weather patterns in the region.

One of the main challenges faced by weathercasters in Chicago is forecasting lake-effect snow. When cold Arctic air moves over the relatively warmer waters of Lake Michigan, it can lead to the formation of localized snow showers or even heavy bands of snow. Accurately predicting the duration and intensity of these snow events is crucial for public safety and transportation planning.

Another challenge in forecasting the weather in Chicago is the significant temperature fluctuations that can occur within a short period. The region is known for its rapidly changing weather conditions, which can make it challenging to provide accurate forecasts. The presence of the jet stream and the frequent passage of low-pressure systems contribute to these temperature swings, requiring forecasters to closely monitor atmospheric conditions to make precise predictions.

Additionally, weathercasters in Chicago must be prepared to address severe weather threats such as strong thunderstorms, tornadoes, and winter storms. These events can have significant impacts on the city and its surrounding areas, necessitating accurate and timely forecasts to ensure public safety.

For a weathercaster who travels back and forth from Florida to Chicago, the unique challenges of both regions require a diverse skill set and an in-depth understanding of the local weather patterns. Understanding the factors that influence weather in each region and staying updated with the latest technological advancements in weather forecasting are essential for providing accurate and reliable information to the public.

In conclusion, forecasting the weather in Florida and Chicago comes with its own set of unique challenges. From tracking tropical storms and hurricanes in Florida to predicting lake-effect snow and temperature fluctuations in Chicago, these regions demand specialized knowledge and skills from weathercasters. By staying informed and adapting to the ever-changing atmospheric conditions, meteorologists can provide valuable insights and help people prepare for whatever weather lies ahead.

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Frequently asked questions.

The weathercaster who travels frequently between Florida and Chicago is Sam Williams.

Sam Williams travels back and forth between Florida and Chicago because he works for two different news stations in both locations.

In Florida, Sam Williams works for WXYZ News, while in Chicago, he is associated with WGN News.

Sam Williams travels between Florida and Chicago around once or twice a month, depending on the weather events and his work schedule.

The purpose of Sam Williams traveling between the two locations is to provide accurate and up-to-date weather reports for both regions, ensuring the viewers in both Florida and Chicago receive the information they need.

Naim Haliti

  • Naim Haliti Author Editor Reviewer Traveller

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  • Annie Rangel Author Editor Reviewer

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14 best travel carriers for dogs, according to editor reviews

The size, material and safety certifications can all determine which travel carrier is right for your dog.

We’re celebrating National Pet Week at NBC Select by sharing our favorite pet products. Shop puppy supplies , kitten essentials and more on our pets homepage .

We all want our dogs by our side as much as possible, and that might include them tagging along on vacations and holiday trips. But traveling with a pet usually involves a range of safety considerations, including gathering the right health paperwork , keeping treats and water on hand and making sure they’re comfortable. Since most airlines and other transportation methods will require taking your dog in some kind of enclosure, the pet carrier you choose is crucial in keeping your dog safe and comfortable. 

We spoke to veterinarians, vet technicians and travel safety experts about what to look for in a travel carrier for your dog and how to shop for one that’ll keep them safe. We also compiled a list of carriers either tested by NBC Select staff or recommended by our experts to consider.

SKIP AHEAD Best dog travel carriers | How to shop for a dog travel carrier | How to help your dog feel calm in a travel carrier

Selected. Our top picks

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How we picked the best dog travel carriers

When shopping for the best travel carrier for your dog, our experts recommend considering the following factors:

  • Size: Pick a carrier that’s big enough for your pet to comfortably stand, sit, lie down and turn around in. The carrier should be as long as the tip of the dog’s nose to the base of the tail, says veterinarian Dr. Kristen L. Nelson . Carriers will usually come in a variety of sizes to fit different breed types (though keep in mind that airline-approved carriers have very specific dimension requirements that will usually only fit small dogs under 20 pounds, according to our experts). 
  • Materials and build: Carriers are usually soft-sided and made of polyester or nylon, which are easy to clean and water- and tear-resistant, according to our experts. Choose one with mesh sides to provide a good amount of ventilation. Most importantly, you should opt for a carrier that can stand up on its own and not collapse around your pet or deform easily, says Dr. Christina Carlo , a veterinarian and medical director at VCA Avondale Veterinary Hospital. Hard plastic carriers are usually designed for airplane cargo holds, but they’re a safe and durable option for car rides, too, says Carlo.
  • Airline requirements: Commercial airlines will usually have certain dimension requirements for carriers that go in the plane’s cabin (with the passenger) and crates that travel in the cargo area of the plane. Most airlines like United Airlines , Jetblue and American Airlines have varying dimension requirements, so be sure to visit their site before traveling. 
  • Crash testing: Look for carriers and crates that have undergone independent crash testing by the Center for Pet Safety (CPS), which gives your pet the best possible chance of survival if a crash occurs, says Dr. Wendy Hauser , a veterinarian and special advisor to ASPCA Pet Health Insurance.

Best dog travel carriers of 2024

Below are the best dog travel carriers based on experts’ guidance and NBC Select staff experience. We also include top-rated options and key factors to consider, including the carrier’s material, weight capacity and dimensions. 

Best overall travel carrier: Away The Pet Carrier

Away Pet Carrier

Away Pet Carrier

  • CPS certified
  • Mesh sides and top
  • Removable and washable bedding
  • Recommended for smaller dogs

This Away travel carrier, an NBC Select Pet Award for best overall travel carrier, is designed for both car and airline travel. It has zip openings on the top and front with see-through mesh to help your pet see out of the carrier (if you prefer to avoid this, there’s a piece of fabric that rolls down to cover their view).

Dog sitting in blue travel carrier

I use this carrier to fly with my 16-pound havanese and bichon frise mix, Bella, because it’s sturdy and makes her feel safe and supported thanks to its durable nylon and leather construction. The mesh gives her enough visibility to know what’s going on outside and helps me keep tabs on her, too. It also comes with machine-washable bedding on the inside that’s soft to the touch, and multiple pockets that keep my belongings and pet essentials accessible during the whole flight. If you’re traveling by car, the carrier has latches on one side that securely fasten to a car’s seat belt system. The Away carrier comes in black and blue colors and you can also personalize it with your initials for an additional $35.

Pet weight: Up to 18 lbs | Dimensions (LxWxH): 18.7 x 10.8 x 10.75 in. | Material: Water-resistant nylon

Best airline-approved carrier: Sherpa Pet Carrier

Sherpa Original Deluxe Pet Carrier

Sherpa Original Deluxe Pet Carrier

  • More affordable option
  • Very well ventilated
  • Removable and washable liner
  • Recommended for smaller pets

Another NBC Select Pet Awards winner, this Sherpa carrier is a favorite of CPS founder Lindsey Wolko, who has used it for years to travel with her own pets. She specifically recommends it for air travel because it fits under the passenger seat (it meets the dimensions for most airlines, but always check your specific airline’s requirements before traveling) and has a large zip pocket to store pet supplies like water bowls, leashes and treats. However, it’s not the best pick for car travel because you can’t strap it in using your vehicle’s seat belt system — you’re better off placing it on the floor behind the driver’s seat for safety and to avoid the stitching or zippers to fail, says Wolko. 

Cavalier King Charles spaniel dog sitting in black travel carrier

NBC Select manager of editorial operations Shari Uyehara uses this carrier to fly with her 20-pound cavalier King Charles spaniel, Loki, and says it’s a great affordable option. Loki can comfortably shift positions during the flight, and the carrier itself is structured enough to maintain its shape while under the seat, says Uyehara. The sides are made of see-through mesh that allows your pet to easily see out of it. Available in medium and large sizes, the carrier also has shorter top handles and a longer shoulder strap to fit your carrying preferences. 

Pet weight: Up to 16 lbs | Dimensions: 17 x 11 x 10.5 in. (medium size) | Material: Polyester and mesh

Best hard-sided carrier: Gunner Kennel G1

Gunner Kennel G1

Gunner Kennel G1

  • Can't be used as carry-on

This crate earned a 5-star safety rating from the CPS in both the crate and carrier class (the only product to earn a dual certification), and it’s a favorite among our experts. The crate has a thick exterior layer for impact protection, which keeps your pet safe if there’s a crash or a fall, according to the brand. Its reversible door design with an aluminum frame lets you open the crate from either side, and won’t pop open in the middle of a flight, according to the brand. It comes in four sizes — small, medium, intermediate and large — and Gunner offers a size guide that gives recommendations based on your dog’s weight and length.

Pet weight: Up to 30 lbs for small, up to 45 lbs for medium, up to 75 lbs for intermediate and up to 110 lbs for large size | Dimensions: 24.5 x 18.625 x 19 in. (small), 29.5 x 20.5 x 23.5 in. (medium), 34 x 23 x 28.5 in. (intermediate), 40.25 x 28 x 33.25 in. (large) | Material: Reinforced aluminum frame

Best soft-sided carrier: EliteField Soft-Sided Dog & Cat Carrier Bag

EliteField Soft-Sided Dog & Cat Carrier Bag

EliteField Soft-Sided Dog & Cat Carrier Bag

At just over two pounds, this is the most lightweight soft-sided pet carrier on our list. It comes recommended by Dr. Amber Karwacki , a veterinarian and partner doctor at Heart + Paw in Callowhill, Pennsylvania, because it has mesh panels on both sides and the front to let air in and prevent your pet from overheating, according to the brand. It also comes with removable and machine-washable bedding and has a back sleeve that attaches to your suitcase, as well as loops that latch onto your car’s seat belt system. The polyester and synthetic build is water-resistant and available in six colors to fit your personal style. 

Pet weight: Up to 18 lbs | Dimensions: 19 x 10 x 13 in. | Material: Polyester

Best tote carrier: Wild One Everyday Carrier

Wild One Everyday Carrier

Wild One Everyday Carrier

  • Remains open

If you’re looking for a tote to carry your dog around town or on the train, consider this Wild One carrier. This NBC Select staff-favorite option has a small dip in its design, which allows your dog to peek their head out while you carry them around. “I love that Loki’s weight remains balanced in the carrier, but he still has room to move around,” says Uyehara, who appreciates its stability. It also includes a safety clip that attaches to your dog’s harness, ensuring they won’t jump out at a bad time, according to Karwacki (but be sure to never connect this clip to their collar since it poses a choking hazard). It also comes with carrying straps of two different lengths — one for carrying it like a shoulder bag, and shorter straps to carry it by hand. There is a machine-washable mat on the inside and three exterior pockets to hold all your pet’s essentials like bags, treats and toys.

Pet weight: Up to 20 lbs | Dimensions: 21.5 x 7.5 x 14.25 in. | Material: Recycled polyester outer, cotton interior

Cavalier King Charles spaniel dog sitting in a tote carrier on an orange chair

Best collapsible carrier: Roverlund Out-Of-Office Pet Carrier

Roverlund Pet Carrier

Roverlund Pet Carrier

An NBC Select Pet Awards winner, the small version of this Roverlund carrier is an airline-approved option for both dogs and cats because it’s less than 18 inches long. The straps are all ropes, which our staff found to be more comfortable and supportive than other carrier straps made from typical polyester or fabric. The interior lining is machine-washable and you can also shop the larger version of this carrier for dogs up to 25 pounds.

Pet weight: Up to 20 lbs | Dimensions: 17 x 11 x 10.5 in. (small size) | Material: Water-resistant polyester, mountain climbing rope

Best backpack carrier: Apollo Walker Pet Carrier Backpack

Apollo Walker Pet Carrier Backpack

Apollo Walker Pet Carrier Backpack

  • Adjustable straps
  • Pet can see outside

This highly rated backpack carrier, which has a 4.6-star average rating from over 4,900 reviews on Amazon, has shoulder straps and two separate straps that buckle around your sternum and waist to help evenly distribute the weight of your pet, according to the brand. It has mesh panels on all sides to let your pet see out and comes with removable fleece bedding to keep them comfortable while creating a sturdy base that can hold their weight, according to Apollo. It also comes with a clip that attaches to your pet’s harness to prevent them from escaping or falling out.

Pet weight: N/A | Dimensions: 12.6 x 11.4 x 16.8 in. | Material: Polyester

Best expandable carrier: Midwest Duffy Dog & Cat Carrier

MidWest Duffy Dog & Cat Carrier

MidWest Duffy Dog & Cat Carrier

  • No removable bedding
  • Not as ventilated as others

This Midwest Duffy carrier comes recommended by Karwacki because it’s expandable — the mesh sides open up to give your pet more room to move around and stretch their legs. It has two zippered side openings, as well as one on top to make taking your dog in and out easier, according to the brand. It also folds completely flat, so you can store it away when it’s not in use. It comes in three colors and sizes small, medium and large. 

Pet weight: Up to 15 lbs | Dimensions: 16.3 x 10.1 x 9.3 in. (small), 18.3 x 11.3 x 11.1 in. (medium) and 19.3 x 12.2 x 12.2 in. (large) | Material: Polyester

Best for medium-sized dogs: Arlo Skye The Pet Carrier

Arlo Skye The Pet Carrier

Arlo Skye The Pet Carrier

  • No mesh top

This Arlo Skye pet carrier has mesh panels on all sides, making it a well-ventilated option for your pup. It comes with memory foam bedding on the inside that’s both removable and machine-washable, as well as a foldable design you can pack easily in your suitcase or travel bag, according to the brand. It has dual openings on both ends and a back trolley sleeve to place it over your carry-on . The carrier is also highly rated with a 4.9-star average rating from over 60 reviews at Arlo Skye. 

Pet weight: Up to 25 lbs | Dimensions: 17.5 x 11 x 10 in. | Material: Poly-mesh and nylon

Best for small dogs: Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed

Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed

Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed

The Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed is an expert-recommended and CPS-certified option that has breathable mesh and a machine-washable interior — it’s built for plane travel for dogs under 15 pounds. Nelson recommends the Sleepypod because it’s easy to carry and gives the pet privacy while traveling since it’s fully enclosed with a mesh panel at the top.

Like several other carriers on this list, the Sleepypod isn’t limited to airline travel: It straps into a vehicle’s seat belt system, so you can comfortably take road trips with your pet. You can also separate the bottom of the carrier to transform it into a bed for your pet, which makes training easier since they can form a positive association with it, says Wolko. The brand’s Sleepypod Atom is another CPS-certified carrier that’s crash-tested for even smaller dogs up to 12 pounds, the lowest weight requirement on this list. 

Pet weight: Up to 15 lbs | Dimensions: 17 in. (D) x 6.5 in. | Material: Polyester

Best lightweight carrier: Molly and Stitch Alpine Dog Carrier

Molly and Stitch Alpine Dog Carrier

Molly and Stitch Alpine Dog Carrier

  • Stylish design
  • Padded and comfortable
  • Machine-washable
  • Not for plane travel

This tote carrier is great for smaller dogs, and its lightweight design is convenient to take anywhere. It's a favorite of NBC Select social commerce editor Sadhana Daruvuri, who says her 2-year-old maltipoo Bandit fits comfortably inside. “This carrier is very high quality, and it was so stylish that I would happily use it as an everyday bag,” says Daruvuri. “Cleaning it is also easy — you can just throw it in the wash, and even after repeated uses, the bag looks brand new.” 

Pet weight: Up to 15 lbs | Dimensions: n/a | Material: n/a

Malitpoo in tote travel carrier

Best carrier with pee pad: Diggs Passenger Travel Carrier

Diggs Passenger Travel Carrier

Diggs Passenger Travel Carrier

  • Includes a bed and pee pad
  • Has multiple pocket
  • Not as much mesh as others

Diggs is an NBC Select Pet Award -winning brand that makes some of our favorite dog crates. The brand’s Passenger Travel Carrier is great for both plane and car travel: It fits many airlines’ size requirements, and it has custom seat belt clips and a buckle strap to place it safely in your car. It also comes with a Diggs Pee Pad that attaches to the included bed — if your dog chooses to use it, you can open the side panel to swap it out without disrupting your pup, according to the brand.

Pet weight: Up to 18 lbs | Dimensions: 20 x 11.5 x 10.8 | Material: n/a

Best personalizable carrier: Paravel Cabana Pet Carrier

Paravel Cabana Carrier

Paravel Cabana Carrier

  • Personalizable with name
  • Folds flat for easy storage

If you’re looking for a personalized option, this Paravel pet carrier — which is the dog-friendly version of the brand’s original Cabana Tote — lets you monogram your pup’s name or initials in the color of your choosing. It also has a washable fleece interior lining, comes with several pockets for storing treats and other small essentials, and it folds completely flat for easy storage. 

Pet weight: Up to 20 lbs | Dimensions: 11 x 20.5 x 11 in. | Material: Paravel EcoCraft Canvas, vegan leather

Best sling carrier: Tomkas Dog Sling Carrier

Tomkas Dog Sling Carrier

Tomkas Dog Sling Carrier

  • Easy to take on the go
  • Zip pockets for small items
  • Requires physical strength

Designed for small dogs up to 10 pounds, this sling carrier crosses over your body so you can take your dog around town hands-free. The base has a built-in drawstring that adjusts the size of the opening to fit different sized dogs, and the crossbody strap length is also adjustable to fit your comfort level. The carrier includes a safety buckle inside that connects to your dog’s harness to prevent them from falling out, according to the brand. I purchased this carrier for my dog Bella when she was a puppy, and I was able to comfortably carry her around when she got tired of walking. It held her weight well without tearing or damaging the fabric, and the crossbody strap caused less strain on my back.

Pet weight: Up to 10 lbs | Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 3 in. | Material: Polyester

How to shop for a dog travel carrier

Carriers and crates are the most secure type of enclosure when traveling with your dog because they prevent them from escaping and minimize distraction while you’re traveling (especially while driving), says Wolko. But the right carrier for your dog will depend on what type of trip you’re taking, your method of transportation and their temperament. 

When shopping for the right carrier for your dog, our experts recommend considering the size and fit of the enclosure, whether it’s crash-tested, if it meets airline requirements and more.

Your dog or cat should be able to easily stand up, turn around and lay comfortably in their carrier. That means the length of your carrier from front to back should measure about the same, or one or two inches more than the tip of your dog’s nose to the base of their tail, says Nelson. You should add a few more inches for brachycephalic breeds like pugs, pekingese and French bulldogs, though experts don’t recommend taking these breeds on flights because their shorter noses increase the risk of overheating and oxygen deprivation, says Nelson (some airlines even ban this breed from flying in the cargo hold , according to the American Veterinary Medical Association). To determine the right height of your carrier, make sure it measures the same or larger than the height of your pet from the floor to the top of their shoulders, says Carlo.

Place a mat or bed in the carrier to make the space more comfortable for your pet, says Carlo (though you should avoid this if your dog usually destroys their bedding because they might eat the pieces and cause intestinal obstruction). Putting soft blankets or their favorite toy in the carrier can also help them feel familiar and safe, according to our experts.

Whether your dog can see out of their carrier is a matter of personal preference, though our experts recommend mesh so the outside is visible, which prevents your dog from feeling threatened or confused while they’re traveling, says Wolko. 

Materials and structure

Most carriers are soft-sided and made from materials like polyester, mesh and nylon fabric. Consider whether the carrier has structure, meaning it can stand up on its own and won’t automatically collapse around your pet, according to Carlo. You should also look for carriers that have pockets, so you have room for your pet supplies.

You can take a hard-sided, non-collapsible crate or kennel on an airplane, but they must be able to fit under the passenger’s seat, according to Hauser (this might be harder to do compared to soft-sided carriers since they don’t mold to a different size). Plastic hard-sided crates are usually good for transporting your pet in an airplane cargo hold and the cargo area of a car — they’re considered to be the safest option since they won’t lose their shape and provide impact protection in case of a crash, turbulence or hard fall, according to our experts. However, you should avoid metal wire crates because pets might be able to stick their feet or limbs out, which can be a safety hazard while traveling, says Karwacki.

Safety considerations

For car travel, look for carriers and crates that have undergone crash testing by the Center for Pet Safety, a registered nonprofit and advocacy organization that crash tests car restraints and containment devices. This provides an extra layer of safety when traveling with your pet, our experts say.

“Most carriers on the market only prevent distractions [for the driver], which is important, but in a crash, they may not perform as you would expect them to,” says Wolko. The CPS certification tests carriers as an unaffiliated third party. This is important when considering that many brands subjectively “pass” their carriers if they test them in their own labs, which can ultimately give pet owners a false sense of security, according to Wolko.

Though the CPS does not specifically test carriers and crates for airline travel, you can use most carriers that meet the airline’s size requirements and have ample ventilation, according to Wolko.

A CPS-certified crate usually has backup door latches and locking mechanisms to prevent your pet from escaping, which is especially useful if they travel in the aircraft’s cargo hold. “So, if something tumbles, the kennel is so robust that the pet is not getting out,” says Wolko. Most airlines have certain regulations for what carriers to use when transporting an animal in the cargo area of a plane. The International Air Transport Association, a globally recognized trade association for the world’s airlines, details specific requirements for crates to transport animals in the cargo hold, including construction and adequate ventilation (more on that below).

Frequently Asked Questions

For air travel, always check with your airline to see what type and size of carrier it allows. The approved dimensions of your carrier vary from airline to airline but, in most cases, carriers can’t exceed 11 inches in height, which allows it to fit under the seat in front of the passenger, according to Hauser. Also, the carrier will likely count as your carry-on luggage on most airlines, and in-cabin travel will usually require you to make a reservation or reserve a seat specifically for your dog.

Certain airlines might also have specific pet size and weight requirements for in-cabin travel. Typically, pets must weigh 20 pounds or less, though this varies by airline, and most larger dogs can’t ride in-cabin unless they’re a trained service animal, says Wolko. If your pet exceeds that limit, they’ll need to travel in the cargo area of the plane.

Most airlines will allow trained service dogs on board at no cost. However, some airlines like Delta Air Lines, Southwest, American Airlines and Alaska Air are no longer accepting emotional support animals on board.

Carriers and crates for dogs are usually used interchangeably, but there are a few key differences. The CPS defines crates as enclosures that are secured in the cargo area of a plane or tethered securely to the floor of a vehicle like a van or SUV. They’re usually constructed of thick molded plastic or metal and designed for larger dogs, according to our experts.

Carriers, on the other hand, are usually designed for smaller dogs and made of a soft-sided fabric (though some are constructed of a harder plastic or nylon to prevent them from collapsing on your pet). When traveling in a car, the carrier usually goes in the backseat and is strapped in using the seatbelt system of your vehicle.

Yes, it is generally safe and common to travel with your dog in the cargo hold (also known as the lower deck) of an airplane, which also holds baggage. However, experts recommend only flying your pet in the cargo hold when it’s absolutely necessary because it can be a very stressful experience for them.

“There’s a lot of weird noises, not much light down there — it’d be scary for anyone to go in the [cargo hold], ” says Karwacki. And, most handling risks come before they even board the plane: Dogs usually endure the most force when being transported across the rough, uneven tarmac to get to the plane, says Wolko.

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) lists specific requirements for crates, including construction and ventilation, to keep your pet safe when flying in the cargo hold. For example, the trade association specifies that crates must be sturdy and inescapable and adequately ventilated on three sides, with the majority of the ventilation being provided on the upper part of the container.

Most aircraft cargo holds are temperature-controlled and pressurized, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture . Animals can’t be exposed to temperatures above 85 degrees Fahrenheit or below 45 degrees Fahrenheit for more than 4 hours, per the USDA’s website. Most airlines won’t transport dogs altogether if ground temperatures reach those extremes.

How to help your dog feel calm in a travel carrier

Your pet’s comfort level in their carrier can determine how smooth your travels are. Below, we list a few expert tips about how to get your dog adjusted to their carrier and how to keep them comfortable during long trips.

  • Know your dog’s safety and security preferences. Some dogs prefer more open-sided kennels with better airflow and visibility, while others feel safer with the cave-like security of a molded plastic carrier with smaller windows, says Hauser.
  • Make the carrier or crate their “happy spot.” Allowing your pet to build a positive association with their carrier helps them feel calm and safe while traveling, according to our experts. In your home and before traveling, leave the door open so that your pup can explore the enclosure on their own terms, which demystifies it, says Hauser. After some time, it isn’t uncommon to find pets that preferentially sleep in their enclosures,” she says. Once they get acclimated to the crate or carrier at home, you can then graduate to car trips and, later on, plane rides. Start off with brief trips that increase in duration over time.
  • Make the carrier feel familiar. As we mentioned, putting their favorite bed, blankets or toys in the carrier can help make them feel more comfortable.
  • Avoid any safety risks while on the plane. For example, if you’re traveling with your pet in-cabin, never put the carrier in the overhead compartment of the plane with your pet inside because it poses a suffocation risk, says Wolko. Also, feed your pet before you get on the plane — if they choke or get something lodged in their throat while you’re in the air, they likely won’t get help in time, according to Wolko.

Meet our experts

At NBC Select, we work with experts who have specialized knowledge and authority based on relevant training and/or experience. We also take steps to ensure all expert advice and recommendations are made independently and without undisclosed financial conflicts of interest.

  • Dr. Kristen L. Nelson is a veterinarian and author of “Coated With Fur: A Vet’s Life.”
  • Dr. Christina Carlo is a veterinarian and medical director at VCA Avondale Veterinary Hospital.
  • Dr. Wendy Hauser is a veterinarian and special advisor to ASPCA Pet Health Insurance.
  • Lindsey Wolko is the founder of the Center for Pet Safety , a registered nonprofit and advocacy organization that crash-tests car restraints and containment devices for pets.
  • Dr. Amber Karwacki is a veterinarian and partner doctor at Heart + Paw in Callowhill, Pennsylvania.

Why trust NBC Select?

Mili Godio is an updates editor at NBC Select who covers a variety of pet topics, including dog food , beds , treats and toys . For this article, Godio spoke to five veterinarians and pet safety experts about the best carriers for your dog and how to safely travel with them. She also compiled experts' recommendations for the best travel carriers to consider, as well as travel carriers tested and reviewed by NBC Select staff.

Catch up on NBC Select’s in-depth coverage of personal finance , tech and tools , wellness and more, and follow us on Facebook , Instagram , Twitter and TikTok to stay up to date.

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Mili Godio is an updates editor for Select on NBC News.


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