
...at margotbean.com

Created by:  Kheops Studio Published by:  The Adventure Company TM Alternate Titles:  Jules Verne's Voyage, Journey to the Moon, Journey to the Center of the Moon Official Site:   http://www.journey-to-the-moon.com

If you've read my review , you know that I found this gem in a bargain-bin for $6. But, it didn't come with a manual. If you're in the same boat, I'll give you the basics.

Inventory Menu

Once you're in the game, right-click to bring up the inventory menu, from which you can access the main menu (the Esc key doesn't work). The inventory menu has an "Auto" button on the right, which will quickly place your accumulated items into inventory slots. On the left, there are five buttons:

  • Your personal Log
  • Puttering About - this gives a visual list of the object combinations you've made
  • A list of the lunar Ideograms you've deciphered
  • Your progress in the initial Investigation into where you are and what's happened to you

General Notes

You can't die in the game, but it can freeze - especially when loading cutscenes...so save often . You can also take the CD out of the tray and put it away, because you don't need it once you install the game.

It was difficult to write this walkthrough, because the game is so non-linear. I've tried to use descriptive section headings so you can find the section where you're currently having trouble. Good luck!

Initial Investigation

After the opening cutscene you land in some sort of metal room. Take note of the rich red velvet upholstery and drool. Right-click to bring up inventory, and take the time to familiarize yourself with all its features. There's a lot going on there.

Close inventory by right-clicking, then click forward once. Automatically see Part I of the Investigation solution. (If you like, open inventory and click on the "Investigation" button to see it again.)

Click on Barbicane. Pan up and right and click on the newspaper article on the wall. See Part II of the Investigation. Pan down and right and click on the other man to see Part III of the Investigation. (Marvel at his horribly-rendered hair!)

Pan up and left of the newspaper article, and click on the strap holding the wrench to the wall. The "short strap" goes in inventory, and the wrench falls to the floor. Pick it up. Open inventory, and click on the "Auto" button. Re-sort the items in a more logical manner, if you like.

Close inventory, turn around, pan down, and use the wrench on the bolts holding the window plate to the window. (To "use" the wrench, right-click to open inventory, left-click on the wrench, right-click to close inventory, then left-click on the bolts.) See Parts IV and V of the Investigation.

Note:   If you have a problem with the game freezing up when trying to load a cutscene here, then start a new game and click on the newspaper article after clicking on the bolts.

Click forward once, toward Barbicane. Wonder at the strangely and suddenly calm tone of Michel's voice as he declares "I've got to understand just what happened." Pick up the key that's fallen from Barbicane's pocket to the floor. Click on the letter in Barbicane's hand. See Part VI of the Investigation. Click on his breast pocket and read the letter from Diana Moon. See Part VII of the Investigation. Click on Barbicane's hat as well. Resist the urge to put the hat back on his head. Click on the hat in inventory - the lining is "strangely misshapen." Use the knife on the hat. Read another letter from Diana. See more of the Investigation. (If you've already played past this point, and never took the hat, it's perfectly all right, you'll gather the info. in another way.)

Oxygen Issues

At some point you will have received notice that you are suffocating. You need to open the cabinet over Barbicane's body with the little key that fell out of his pocket. For now, take the green journal on the left (a monograph of lunar ideograms - what a horrible time to give us something to read!), and the bag of chlorate of potash behind it.

Go towards the other end of the capsule, to the sink and the contraption with the flame under it. Click on the contraption over the flame once to pull it towards you. Now you can either let yourself die first (which I highly recommend, as it will put a cutscene in your Picture Gallery) or skip that and put chlorate of potash in the tray, then click the tray to put it back over the flame.

If you want to see the windows fog up, then click on the wheel below the flame once to turn it up. You become giddy from too much oxygen. You have to wait a bit for the windows to fog, but you can't die from this experiment. If you want to see frost form on the windows, turn the flame down to low and wait.

If you like, pan down from the potash-burner and click on the metal can with the funnel, click on the funnel, and click on the metal can to the left of can with the funnel. If not, you can collect the can and funnel later.

Go back and take everything you can out of the cabinet, including three cans of food and three bunches of raffia. (Three is the magic number for inventory - you can carry up to three of each item you find.) Be sure you click on the bottle with the red "CN" on the front, and on both wine glasses to see more of the investigation.

Turn and click on Nicholl. See Parts XIII and XV of the Investigation. Take the rifle. Click on Nicholl's breast pocket and read another love letter from Diana Moon. Click on Nicholl's mouth...more "bitter almond" odor.

Save Game here, there's a cutscene coming up. Enjoy Michel's antics on the savegame screen. (Remember glass monitors?)

Turn around and notice a rooster on the floor. Go over to him and hover the mouse over him. See a cutscene. Pick up the burnt piece of paper from under the seat and see Part XIV of the Investigation. (If you turn the flame up or down after discovering the rooster, he will either "be suffocating" or "awfully gay." Go ahead and laugh out loud at Michel's quaint nature.)

Turn to the gas burner and turn it down to the lowest flame. Click the burnt paper on the flame. Solve the investigation.

Note:   If the flame's too high, you will destroy the paper. Then, you will definitely have to find and unplug the Belbaab conch to solve the Investigation.


Sometime soon you will experience weightlessness. If you haven't collected the metal can and funnel, do so while they're floating around. You need to combine the can and funnel in inventory, then use it to collect the bubbles. The bubble-meter on the right will gauge your progress and tell you if you have bubbles left, because some of those bubbles are awfully hard to see. (If you like, collect a bubble with your bare hand to hear Michel say they burn. You can also collect a bubble with the can and no funnel to hear Michel say it's not very efficient. The can and funnel are only a bit better, as you don't have to click - just pass the tip of the cursor over the bubble.)

Dispose of the Bodies

When you've collected all the bubbles, there's another cutscene. Now is a good time to dispose of your friends. Click on the blanket below each of their bodies. Use raffia from the cupboard on the blankets. Click on the bundled bodies to take them into inventory (very weird!) If you select them in inventory, it says that you can put them back on their benches if you want to. If you do, tie them back up, because we've got to get rid of them before we land.

Be sure to take the can opener from Nicholl's bench. Open three cans of food, and go grab three more cans from the cupboard. (Click an opened can of food on Michel in inventory, and he says it would be better cooked. You may be able to put it in the frying pan and cook it on the gas burner. "Quite tasty.")

Open the floor window and throw Barbicane's and Nicholl's bodies out - right-click to open inventory, left-click to select one of them, right-click to close inventory, left-click on the hatch latch (on the right), then left-click on the opening. Repeat for the other one.

Moon Landing

Very soon you will notice the temperature has dropped. There may be frost on the windows. Go over and turn up the flame to high.

Eventually you will see a cutscene that begins your descent to the lunar surface. You need to ignite your retrorockets in order to land. The red one is loaded, but the blue is spent. You can either...

  • Smash the barrel from the cupboard with the wrench, or
  • Break open the rifle cartridges with the knife.

I recommend breaking open the rifle cartridges, because you can sell the barrel later for more money than the cartridges. If you've clicked the cartridges on the rifle in inventory, you know that the rifle is unusable as a weapon anyway. Either way, you get explosive powder. In inventory, combine it with the blue retrorocket.

Go to the hatch in the floor, and click on the metal circles inside the blue and red circles. The retrorocket hole covers slide open. Put the blue one in the red hole and the red one in the blue hole. (Just kidding.)

Save your game.

Push the silver button below the flashing green light. Allow yourself to crash-land at high speed so you can see that cutscene. Afterwards, you will automatically be put back to the point before you hit the silver button.

Now we have to lighten the capsule's load. Turn left, and go to the window. Click the wrench on the bolts at one corner of the window. The protective cover falls away. Do the same to the other two windows, the one at the right of the capsule, and the one in the ceiling.

Go back to the hatch in the floor. If you hit the silver button again, you will discover that the capsule's still too heavy, and you need to throw more items out. Or, you can take my word for it.

When you have control again, the capsule is on its side. The oxygenating system is twisted, but not ruined. Open the cabinet (to your right) and have a glass of wine. You will experience the "drunken effect" - there are several different ones. My favorite is the one where you hiccup every 10 seconds or so. Click the wine glass on the dripping sink to fill it with water, then click the glass on Michel Ardan in inventory to sober him up. Grab another glass of wine to take with you.

Click on the rooster. He doesn't seem very happy to have been kidnapped and taken so far from home.

Load up on raffia and exit the cabin through the floor-hatch. (If you wait too long, Michel will say that he has to open it to get some oxygen, and it will open automatically.)

"Hooray, the moon is mine!"

When you have control again, click on the sculpted stone wedged against your capsule. "It'd take a lever to remove it." Click on the red plant.

Turn left from the red plant and click ONCE on the green fruit. (Clicking a second time will cost you the joy of Michel's comments.) Once Michel's done talking, take two more fruit. If you like, you can click one on Michel in inventory to hear his comments. Take another then, and turn left.

Click forward once and learn that you weigh six times less than on earth. Turn around and take the yellow fruit. Don't bother eating it; Michel says the exact same thing as when you eat the green fruit. Then turn back and pan right or left until you see the green "leap meter." The game tells you that you have to leap when the pointer is in the green. Take your first leap. If you like, leap long or short on purpose to see the cutscene. Enjoy the crazy sound effects upon successfully completing your first leap.

From your landing spot, turn and look down at the plants. Click down once, then click on each plant. Hostile! I recommend going around the crater and doing this for all colors of plants. The purple stinger-plant is especially enjoyable. Luckily, it has terrible aim.

Leap back to the capsule to see the green plant has grown up and commandeered your vessel. Click on it a couple of times. Click on the capsule door a couple of times.

Jump back to the crater, then jump to the middle of it. Pick up the bent aluminum plate.

If you're tempted to make all possible leaps now, go for it. But, some of the more difficult ones will be easier later...

From the center of the crater, click towards one of the small pools of water. Both have some kind of control panel, but we only know three ideograms so far.

Next to each pool is a large curved metal structure. Check them both out. The one by the red plants is broken. Pick up the lunar coin from the ground. You now have 2...cents? The structure by the yellow plants is working. Click on the slot above the glowing lunar symbols on its base. You now have only 1¢, but you've gained knowledge of your next destination. When you exit the closeup, Michel discovers the meaning of the unknown ideogram on the telescope - coin or money. It is placed in your "ideograms" journal.

Before you leave, spin around and grab three blue lunar reeds.

Go towards the spikes sticking up from the crater between the pools of water. Spin around and go down the steps. Pick up two more yellow fruits.

Pan up and click on the top of the large semicircular structure. "It's stuck! It needs some grease or oil."

Turn around and go to the right once. Pan down and right. "Shells!" Click on the dirtpile ONCE and wait for Michel to comment before picking up two more bunches of soil-in-a-shell. Pan right and pick up three pieces of blue lunar raffia. Pick up the dead branch from the ground to the right of the raffia pile.

Go back up to the very top of the crater. Leap to the structure between the blue and yellow plants. Jump once more, to the orange arches in the rocks. (Yes, this one is a real pain.)

As you land, Michel deciphers the ideogram for water. (If not, then move the mouse slightly down and hover over the ideogram with the wavy lines.) Hover over the ideogram on the metal tank to the left and Michel deciphers the ideogram for fire.

Pan left and pick up the lunar coins to the left of the small pool of fire. Click on the small patch of dirt to the left of the fire pool. Michel wants to "try some planting."

"Do Some Planting"

Whenever you have the potted plant from the capsule in inventory, you can "do some planting." If you threw the plant out the window of the capsule to lighten your load, then you will do this part later.

You need a blue fruit. You can grab one floating up past the alcove with the small dirt patch and water/fire tanks, or you can ascend the broken staircase and find a patch of them on the ground. To ascend the staircase, face the water tank, then turn right. Look up. Leap. Turn around 180°, look up, and leap again. Pan down and pick up three blue fruits. Turn around and leap back down to the alcove.

In inventory, combine blue fruit + soil-in-a-shell from the organ area. Create a blue seedling. Combine blue seedling + potted earth plant + raffia (either earth raffia from the capsule or blue lunar raffia from the organ area). Create a plant hybrid. You need to click this hybrid on the small patch of soil in the alcove. A lunar/earth plant hybrid grapevine grows. You can climb up and down it, saving yourself the trouble of leaping around on the broken staircase. Pick three bunches of grapes from the grapevine.

While we're in the alcove with ready access to cooking fire, combine yellow + green fruit + frying pan, then click the "pot of mixed fruit" on the fire. (Perhaps the game designers initially intended the frying pan to be a pot, but changed their minds.) Make green/yellow compote. In inventory, click the compote on Michel. He "feels splendid!" Note the icon (in inventory) below Michel that looks a bit like a tadpole. Hover over it and see that your jumping will now be easier. It's the perfect time to try those extra-difficult leaps, if you like.

Back at the alcove, combine yellow + blue fruit + frying pan, then click the frypan on the fire. Make a blue/yellow compote. If you like, eat it yourself. "I feel weird!" And how! Make another compote to take with you.

Top of the Mountain

If you've planted the grapevine, click on it to ascend to a landing near the top of the mountain complex. If not, you will have to take the stairs. While standing in the alcove, face the water tank, and turn right. Look up. Leap. Turn around 180°, look up, and leap again. Repeat until you are at the landing with the small altar. (Michel's log describes the structure as an "altar"...I think it looks like something else entirely....)

Colored Gears

Turn to the "altar" and click on the wheel. The colors change. Match the colors on the wheel to the colors of the plants on the crater. Click on the colored gear to take it into inventory. Notice the blue light lit to the lower left of the wheel. There's another light to the right, unlit. Try to repeat the color combination, and Michel will comment that there's another solution. (This game is all about the color combinations!) Since I don't think it makes any particular logical sense, I'll spare you any musings and just give you the solution: reverse the direction of the colors. In other words, start at any point with purple, then red to the left (counter-clockwise), then blue, then yellow, then green. Take the second wheel. Make four more colored wheels and take them now.

Turn around and go up the steps. "Damn", he spit at us. Pan down and click on the viscous secretion. "Yikes!" If you like, repeatedly click on the creature to be thrown down to the altar area. Go back up and feed him a green fruit. He doesn't like that. Try a blue and yellow fruit. He likes them, but not enough to calm down. Give him the blue/yellow compote. He loves it. He'll be busy eating like that for a while.

Click on the viscous secretion three times to take it into inventory. Pan left and look at the glowing pictures on the rock. That thing on the ground looks like something we ought to be able to take into inventory, but it isn't. Perhaps it's just something to draw our eye to the pictures....

Pan right and go forward towards the closed door. Turn left and place a colored gear (either kind) on the panel. Turn the handle on the panel. The door opens, and the gear disappears. Go in. Listen to Michel's thoughts about the pictures on the wall.

Enter the Necropolis

The gate opens. Go on in. Now you can clearly see the ideograms.... Listen to Michel's thoughts on finding a necropolis dedicated to earth-worship.

Go forward (as far as you can) and turn left. Click on the sarcophagus. Click the can opener on the sarcophagus. "Damn," the can opener breaks. Take the iron bar, selenite key, lunar tool, and leakproof globe. Click on the inscription at the bottom of the sarcophagus. Open your "Log" from inventory and look at the inscriptions. You seem to have a recipe for glue, and the basics of a number system. A dot represents 1 and a bar represents 5.

Turn left and go forward. Turn left. Use the iron bar on the sarcophagus. Take the damaged mechanical arm, damaged flute, and gold necklace.

Exit the Necropolis - First Time

Note:   Mistakes won't cost you any IQ points, don't worry.

Hint:   If you consume red/blue compote, the Selenite numbers will show up on the shapes.

Exit the necropolis and turn right. Go to the door. Place a colored wheel in the panel on the left, then turn the handle to open the door. Go down the steps.

Turn left, and explore if you like. You can't get the machine in the observation room working yet, though.

Back to the stairs, facing the open shaft with the death symbol, click on the death symbol to enter the elevator shaft. Enjoy the cutscene. Recover, and press the button on the right to call the elevator.

Once inside, check out the map in front of you. There's a passage between the crater and this mountain complex. Wonderful!

Turn right and use the Selenite key in the slot with the square symbol. (This is the same symbol you have in inventory, on the big red "empty" button.) Press the button with the "to see/to know" symbol on it - the lowest one that's lit up.

Office of Selenite Dignitary

You descend to the office of some Selenite dignitary. Enjoy the conversation. They really have a poor opinion of us earthlings. When you regain control, I suggest you exhaust all dialogs, though none are necessary for game completion. Later on when you have some money, you can pay the dignitary for information...but not yet.

Click on the seashell-contraption to your right. Exhaust all dialogs that you can. Turn right and click on the metal button in the middle of the machine there. So, that's how you can make money. Excellent!

Turn around 180° and click on the button in the middle of the machine. Spoken language test...I hope you are not hearing-impaired. (If you are, you can still complete the game, though you will be unable to gain maximum points.)

Ideogram Test

Turn right and click the button just above the floor in front of the Selenite dignitary. It's an ideogram test. Save your game then try it. If you make a mistake, reload your saved game and start over, or you won't gain maximum lunar IQ points. If you want to cheat, click here for the list of ideograms and their meanings. (You can also wait until you've discovered the meanings of more ideograms on your own, since ideograms that are already in Michel's log won't be on the test.)

Spoken Language Test

Turn left and click on the spoken language test machine. This one's not too fun the first time, but it can be done. Unfortunately, it's random, so I can't give you the answers. Here are my best tips:

  • Save your game before you start.
  • Calm down and focus. If you want to run around and explore more, then go do that instead and come back here later.
  • You need to hit a button on the left, then its match on the right. You can hit several buttons on the right before attempting a match, and you can also hit several buttons on the left before attempting a match. Play around with the sounds on the right until you find one you think you can identify. Then hit buttons on the left until you think you have it. Hit the button on the left, then its match on the right.
  • The sound for "Coin/Money" is particularly sharp, and may be the easiest to start with.
  • The sound for "Moon/Supreme Lunar Ruler" at the top right is also a bit cacophonous; it may be a good second choice.
  • Air/Breathing
  • Life/Relief/Friendship
  • Save four notes for last: Fire, To Go/Come/Enter, Gloom/Secret, and Light/Truth/Lumen. The first two are ridiculously similar, as are the last two. I find I have to play them over and over before I can hear any difference.
  • Turn the sound on your pc up! I can usually identify some sounds by the way they make my left or right eardrum vibrate.

If you're hearing impaired, you've got to brute-force this test...meaning hit the top-left button on the left panel, then hit every key on the right till you find a match. Then repeat for the next key on the left, and so on, until you're done. You'll miss out on earning the IQ points, but you will be able to proceed in the game. (There's a bug in v.1.04 that will allow you to make up the points in another way, though.)

You can earn up to 40 lunar IQ points for this test. The first time through, you can make unlimited mistakes. If you make more than 30, though, you'll forever forfeit 10 of those points. You can take the test any number of times.

You earn 10 points for 16 to 30 mistakes, 10 points for 2 to 15 mistakes, and 20 points for zero mistakes. Normally, you have to do one perfect test to get those last 20 points, but if you make only one mistake on your first try, you'll get all 40 points right away. Similarly, if you make only 2 - 15 mistakes on your first try, you'll get 20 points right away.

When you're done with the spoken language test, head to the elevator, and go up one floor (hit the button with the "Food" symbol on it). When you arrive, take your key and exit the elevator. Turn right and click forward once.

Turn left and hover over the ideograms at the top of the vat. Michel interprets them as "Food Conquers Hunger." They go in your ideograms journal. If you haven't taken the ideogram test yet, there will be two fewer symbols on it now.

Pan down and hover over the vat. Michel says "I must be in a kitchen."

Turn left and pick up the cogged cylinder in the wall alcove to the right of the pile of red fruit.

Turn left and load up on fruit of every color. Take the shovel at the left of the yellow fruit bin.

Turn to the fire and make a green + yellow compote, then click it on Michel in inventory. Reload your yellow and green fruit inventory.

There's a Selenite at the other end of the hall, past the elevator, but you can't converse with him yet. So, it's time to leave this floor.

Collect Exploding Mushroom

Go to the elevator and go up one floor (hit the second button from the top). Take your key, and exit the elevator.

Turn left, and see the exploding mushrooms. Go forward, turn right, and click on one to take it into inventory. (This is muuuuuch easier after consuming yellow/green compote.) Quickly open inventory and click the leakproof globe on the mushroom (or vice-versa). It explodes in the globe, and Michel says "I'll be able to recover the spores."

Open the Launch Chamber

When the panel cover opens, click to turn the lever and open the door to the launch chamber. Go in and turn left. Pull the lever on the floor on the left, then the one on the right. Go in the chamber and turn right. Listen to Michel's comments. Turn around and click on the table - "This is where I have to put the explosives." Pan up and click on the black circle (keyslot) - "This locks the ignition device."

That's it for now; leave the launch chamber.

Access the Crater Forest

Get back in the elevator and go up to the top level. Exit, then leave the mountain complex, and go back to the center of the crater. (To save time later, you can stop at the alcove and make a green/purple compote to take with you.)

Go down to the patch of shells and soil near the organ. In inventory, combine all colors of fruit (except lunar grapes) with soil-in-a-shell to get five seedlings. Repeat. Combine green seedling + yellow seedling + raffia (lunar or earth variety) to get a hybrid seedling. Then combine green seedling + blue seedling + raffia and listen to Michel's comments. Now, combine every remaining color of seedling with every other + raffia. When done, you will have five successfully hybridized seedlings. (You ought not to have to go and reload your fruit inventory, but if you do, you have my sympathy!)

Go up to the stone spike between the purple and green forest plants. Turn toward the plants, then go down/forward once. Click the red/blue hybrid from your inventory on each plant to scare them. Go forward once and witness the lunar creature spitting viscous substance at you. Look down and restock your inventory of green and purple fruit.

If you don't have a green/purple compote with you, you'll have to go back to the alcove and cook one up. Then return and feed it to the creature. When he's subdued, go forward and collect some items thrown from your capsule before landing. (At most, you will find Barbicane's hat, the funnel, the wrench, a protective shield for the capsule window, and a plugged-up conch shell).

Now that you know the procedure, go around the crater and scare all the plants. You have one more lunar creature to subdue, and he likes red/purple compote, since he's in the red/purple forest. Collect all your thrown items , then jump to the alcove to make a blue/red compote.

Now turn to the panel with 6 buttons on it. Look at the symbols on the buttons. Across the top there is "1", "3", and "5." At the bottom, the first button is for all even numbers - "2", "4", "6", and "8." The second button is "7" and the last is "9."

Make Some Money

At any point, you can sell items to the Selenite dignitary for cash. Click here for a list of prices. Generally, the buy-back price is 10 more than the selling price. So, if you accidentally sell a needed item, your game isn't hopelessly lost.

You can unload three hybrids, once you've scared all the forest plants. Keep the purple/red and green/purple hybrids for now, though. (If you sell them, you'll have to go through the trouble of making more later.)

Buy the mechanical hand and mechanical elbow for 40 lunars each. You should have enough left to buy information from the Selenite dignitary, if you like.

(Later, you may want to have about 200 lunars to buy info. from another Selenite. Go ahead and sell anything you can replace easily - viscous substance, seedlings, lunar grapes, colored wheels, etc.)

Selenite Key - Level 1

You need a level 1 key to proceed. If you don't have 200 IQ points, then you need to take the ideogram and spoken language tests now! Then hit the button on the left in front of the dignitary to request your key. He begrudgingly gives it to you.

Go up to the kitchen and make a green/yellow compote. Dump it in the food vat, then go back to the elevator. Plug in your new Level 1 key and hit the button with the "Lumen" symbol.

Lumen-Production Room

Exit the elevator and turn right. Go forward and note that the Selenite is too busy to notice you. (That's because you spiked his food with a caffeine-like kick.) Turn right and click on the panel to open it. Take the belt, globe, handle, cogged cylinder, and ax.

Turn around and take the shovel on the ground. Take three bunches of blue ore from the bin. Then click your "empty can" on the yellow liquid to fill it with Azotic Acid. In inventory, combine can-with-Azotic-Acid + plugged-up-Belbaab-conch. You now have the ability to understand all living creatures.

Exit the room and turn right. Look down and note the symbol for "22" on the ground. Click on the panel in the wall for a closeup. Similar to the panel outside the launch chamber, you need to add 22 to the given number, enter the result, then hit the "enter" button. Unlike the panel outside the launch chamber, you'll definitely have to "carry over" twenties this time.

In my game, I believe I always get 18 or 19 as the rightmost digit, so, I always enter either "0" or "1" in the rightmost column (22 + 18 = 40,  22 + 19 = 41). Then, I just need to carry over 40 to the left column (add 4 to whatever's there).

Don't be afraid to bust out a pencil and paper. When you have it right, the insect spy congratulates you.

Click on the lever to open the door to the laboratory. Turn left, and go in. Turn right, look down, and place a shovel on the center hotspot. Pan up and place the empty globe to the left of the existing globe. Pan down and right, and place the strap (either the one you just picked up in the lumen-production room, or the short + longs straps from the capsule) between the wheels. The purifier will be functional now.

In inventory, click the lunar tool (from the Selenite's sarcophagus) on the damaged mechanical arm (from the human's sarcophagus) to disassemble it. Combine the mechanical forearm and mechanical upper arm, then add the mechanical hand and elbow you bought from the distributor in the Selenite dignitary's office. Create a working mechanical arm.

This might be a good time to save your game.

Look at the inscriptions to the right and left of the purifier. They go into your log.

Make Grease

Make (and use) glue, make prulmis's explosive mixture, make xuldakir's star, make oxygen powder - step 1, make klipso's lightening paint - step 1.

We've done all we can do in the purifier room. Stock up on raffia and soil, then go to the elevator.

Meet Scurvy the Insomniac

Go up to the level with the "food" ideogram. Exit the elevator and turn right. Go to the food vat, then pan to the right of it. Find the hotspot over the lever, and click on it. You've neutralized the "caffeine effect" from the yellow/green compote, and you'll be able to talk to the Selenites now.

Go to the other end of the hall and Save Your Game . Click on the Selenite standing there. Exhaust all dialogs. When Scurvy proposes that you take a logic quiz, respond "Agreed." The answers are: (first set of questions) 1, 1, 2, 2, 1; (second set of questions) 1, 3, 3, 1, 1.   Click here for more detail.

If you want maximum IQ points, then don't make any mistakes.

When done, listen to his instructions (if he has any). When you ask for more detail, he responds curtly and doesn't help you. If you like, you can pour some wine from the capsule or a blue/lunar grape compote into the food supply, then come back and query Scurvy. He'll add a bit more info.

Get the Organ Working

Return to the center of the crater. Jump down the steps and click forward towards the doors. Click on them. Turn left and go to the organ. Click on it a couple of times. It "needs both air and water to function." Turn right and go up the stairs.

Pan down and click on the lever on the right. Hear water run, then silence.

Turn around and go forward. Look at the picture with the selenite face on it. Turn right and click on the panel. It has a small door in front with arrow-like handles. Click on the handles in correct sequence to open the panel. The sequence is: Left, left, right, right, left, right, right. The panel opens. Click on the lever to open a hatch. "Aaaah, air."

Go back to the other side of the room and click on the left lever. If you haven't taken the ideogram test yet, you will now understand the air ideogram.

Turn right and go forward, then up the newly opened hatch. Turn right or left and notice the pipes running from the pools of water to the room you just left.

Go to one of the panels in front of the pools of water. The panels are basically sudoku puzzles. You need to click one "water" button in each row and column, in any order, to open the panel. The one near the red plants is easier, because none of its symbols are smeared.

The panels open. Both handles need to direct water towards the center of the crater. The handle next to the broken telescope needs to send water running to the right, and the panel near the lunar reeds needs to send water running to the left.

Return down the opened air-hatch to the organ control room. Make sure the water lever is turned vertically. Return to the organ and press a key to verify that it works.

Gather the Wild Selenites

You need to play specific melodies to call the wild Selenites. You start with the first two keys, then add one each time you repeat the melody. In my mind, the complete melodies go like this:

  • Green purple gives life, life gives purple green
  • Purple red gives life, life gives red purple
  • Blue yellow gives life, life gives yellow blue.

"Gives" is the ideogram for "To go/come/enter", and "life" is the ideogram for "Life/relief/friendship." Note that you can hit the "gives" key at either end of the organ - they're both the same. You can also completely ignore the bottom row of keys.

So start by hitting the green key, then the purple one. Wait for the creature to repeat the melody; he also adds two keys. Repeat his melody (green purple gives life)...wait for him, then play "green purple gives life, life"...then "green purple gives life, life gives" and so on.

When he arrives, pause to hover over him and listen to Michel's comments. Then turn back to the organ and press the purple and red keys. ...When that melody is done, press the blue and yellow keys to start the call to the last creature.

Since the scale over by the entrance is stuck on "3" (the third red circle from the left), you'll have to gather all three Selenites on the scale before the door will open. After they go through the door, Michel pauses and says "The doors have stayed open. Should I take advantage of that to go through them?" (He says this every time, right up to the end of the game.)

Instead of going through the doors, go over to the scale and grease the pointer. Now you can move it to the first red circle on the left - the setting for "1." The doors will open anytime one creature stands on them, including you.

Note:   If you're hearing-impaired (or just frustrated with this puzzle), you're probably going to have to wait until you have the level 2 key before attempting to call the wild Selenites. Put the key in the black circular keyhole to the left of the organ, and the correct keys will be highlighted for you. All you'll have to do is start the melody, then follow along.

Meet the Engineer

Use your Level 1 key in the elevator and go back to the lumen-production/laboratory level ("Lumen" button). Exit, turn right, and go forward. Click on the Selenite to have a conversation. When he offers to sell you information, refuse. You can get him drunk (by placing wine from your capsule or blue/lunar grape compote in the food supply) and pay less than he's asking now.

Selenite Key - Level 2

Now that you have 300 IQ points, return, via the elevator, to the Selenite dignitary's office. Request your level 2 key. The Supreme Lunar Ruler grants your request, but demands that you return the items you stole from the necropolis. (Of course, you only have to return the items you stole from the Selenite's sarcophagus....) If you haven't solved the Initial Investigation yet, he will also demand you do that.

Return to Scurvy the Insomniac. Use your new level 2 key in the wall to Scurvy's right. The panel opens, revealing a bust of the Supreme Lunar Ruler.

Click on the bust - it falls and breaks. Scurvy chastises you. Pick up the bust. In inventory, smash it with a heavy tool (iron bar, lunar tool, mechanical arm...) to get salt. Note:    if you already have 3 pinches of salt, simply click one on the portrait of Michel in inventory to eat it. Now you will be able to smash the bust.

Combine the bust dust with glue. Michel says "This lunar glue is frightfully effective!" Return the bust to its niche.

Hall of Secret Antiquities

Use your new level 2 key in the elevator, and hit the bottom button (the one with the "gloom/secret" ideogram) to go to the Hall of Secret Antiquities. When you arrive, exit the elevator, then pan right and down. Find the hotspot, then click on the little doorway.

Turn back to the large machine with the star-shaped indentation at the center. Click on Xuldakir's Star in inventory, then click on the indentation. Enjoy the cutscenes.

Note:   If you find yourself short on IQ points at the end of the game, you can come back here and put stars in the machine repeatedly to gain 10 points each time. (At least, in Voyage version 1.04, you can...)

Once you are through the doorway, pull the lever to the left of the door to open it. Turn around from the doorway and go forward.

Turn left, and collect the items in the alcoves (mechanical hand and elbow, painting, and broken parabolic mirror). Click on the inscription between the alcoves - it goes in your log.

Turn around 180° and look at the machine. The insect spy tells you it's Klipsaggt's decanter-measure.

There are 5 levers on the machine. The two at the bottom with the "empty/zero" ideogram do just that - empty the tanks. At least, the working one on the right empties the tank. The one in the middle directs flow of pink liquid from one tank to another. The two at the top fill the lower tanks with liquid.

Place your "empty can" on the left side of the machine. Click the lever above your can to fill it with Essence of Klipsaggt. Click on the lever in the center. "It's stuck." Open inventory, click on Zubdssik's greasy amalgam, then click on the lever in the center. Put the grease back in inventory, then click on the lever to move it to the right. Click on the button above the lever to empty the can into the tank on the right. Repeat twice more, and you have a can with three measures of Essence of Klipsaggt. Take the can.

In inventory, combine the can with the blue fruit + Brozlyss concentrate mix you created at the purifier, to get Klipso's Lightening Paint.

Move Your Capsule

Return to your capsule. Now that you can understand all living creatures, click on the green and red plants to see that they are singing "Threatening Songs." Scare the green plant with a red seedling (or the red/purple hybrid, or the blue/red hybrid). Scare the red plant with the blue seedling (or the blue/red hybrid, or the blue/yellow hybrid). Click on them to see that they now sing "Songs of Terror."

You need to paint your capsule with Klipso's Lightening Paint. Check it in inventory. If it's dried up, go inside the capsule and click it on the gas-burner's flame to restore it. Then click it on the outside of your capsule. Enjoy the cutscene.

Click the iron bar from the necropolis (or the rifle) on the sculpted stone that's holding your capsule in place to free it. Enjoy the cutscenes.

You arrive at the launch chamber. Enter the capsule, and turn to the rooster. Since you've unplugged the Belbaab conch, you can understand him when he talks! He's not at all happy to have been kidnapped, and wants to return home.

Solve the Investigation - Alternate Method

Note:   If you never used the knife on Barbicane's hat, or if you accidentally destroyed the burnt paper (etc.), and you've unplugged the Belbaab conch, the rooster will fill you in on the missing pieces of the Investigation now. I believe you get full IQ points for solving the Investigation this way.

Make Chlorate of Potash

Exit the capsule, and turn right. Click the panel on the wall to open the door. Exit the launch chamber. While you are on this level, go out past the elevator to the other end of the hall. Turn left and see "burning smoke" blocking the way. Click an empty globe on the gas to collect chlorine. Combine it with potassium (from burning a plant or dead branch or raffia) to get Chlorate of Potash.


You need Azotic Acid for the next part. Return to the kitchen, put green/yellow compote in the food supply, then go to the lumen-production room and get some Azotic Acid.

Go back up the elevator to the top level. Exit and go forward once. Pan up and look at the inscriptions. Pan down to the golden figures. Click on their elbows and knees to see that you can move them.

The panel below the golden figures shows how they must look when complete. You can only see one block at a time, and it's not in order. (If you use the Level 2 key in the black keyslot, all blocks will be revealed at once. If you use the Level 3 key, they will be put in order.)

Turn left and go forward. Pan left and down and pick up the hopper and the ax. In inventory, combine the ax with a cogged cylinder, then add a colored wheel to make a crushing roller.

Place the crushing roller between the other two at the left of the machine. Place the hopper below the three crushing rollers. Place the funnel on the end of the l-shaped pipe above the crushing rollers. Click the can with Azotic Acid on the funnel to pour the acid into the fuel tank. Click blue ore on the hopper to fill it.

Turn slightly right, and pan up. Find the hotspot that makes Michel say "It's stuck" and grease it. Find the hotspot that makes Michel say "I've got to plug the hole in this tube" and glue it. Pan right and find the hotspot with the handle-shaped indentation. Place a handle in it. (You picked up a handle in the lumen-production room, or perhaps you bought one.) Click on the handle. "It works!"

Place the bent protective cover from inventory under the moving piston that's between the handle and the fuel tank to straighten it out.

Click the empty can on the lumen-well just below the handle to get lumen. In inventory, combine it with the blue fruit + Klipsgaal's light isotope mix you made at the purifier to get Brozludjak's oxygenizing preparation.

Go pick up your supplies!

If you requested a second item, it will be in the blue/yellow forest. You will need to use the can opener to open the outer "box." (Funny, if you requested an extra can opener, you won't be able to get to it until you glue the first one back together.)

The earth plants will be in the blue/red forest. Only one variety of cotton survives. Pick up three bunches of lunar cotton.

Note:   You can combine lunar cotton + Azotic Acid to get guncotton. You can also combine cotton + Essence of Klipsaggt + painting from Hall of Secret Antiquities to reveal a more valuable painting below the first.

Exit the Necropolis - Second Time

Enter the necropolis by clicking on the panel to the left of the gates. Return the iron bar, empty globe, lunar tool, and Level 0 key to the Selenite's sarcophagus. Click on the exit panel for a closeup. This time, you have to do subtraction.

Add up the sides of the shapes with green lights, then subtract the sides of the shapes with red lights. Do it 4 times correctly and exit the necropolis.

Selenite Key - Level 3

Now that the investigation is solved, and you've returned the items you stole from the necropolis, you can obtain a level 3 key. (You also need 500 IQ points.) Go to the office of the Selenite dignitary and request one. When you are given a choice of response to the Supreme Lunar Ruler, pick either one, the result is the same: "This audience is over, earthling!"

Return the Selenites to the Forest

Go back to the center of the crater. Make sure the water is feeding the organ (water near lunar reeds needs to flow to the left; water near broken telescope needs to flow to the right). Go to the organ. Plug your level 2 (or 3) key into the black keyslot to the left of the organ - the keys you need to play will now be highlighted.

Play the same songs as before - start with the blue/yellow, purple/red, and green/purple keys. This time, just follow the highlight. (Blue yellow gives life, life gives yellow blue....purple red gives life, life gives red purple....green purple gives life, life gives green purple).

Depending on the setting of the scale on the launch-chamber level, you may release one Selenite right away, or you may have to gather two or three them together on the scale before the door opens. (If for some reason the scale is on "2", you'll have to release two Selenites, then go put the scale on "1", then come back to the organ and release the last Selenite. If you don't change the scale, the last Selenite will be stuck there, and you won't achieve maximum IQ points!) Release all three of them, and the insect spy congratulates you for putting things back the way you found them.

Exit the Necropolis - Third Time

This is necessary only if you want to achieve maximum IQ points . This time, you'll have to do multiplication and division. Multiply the sides of the shapes with blue lights, then divide by the sides of shapes with orange/yellow lights. Do this four times correctly, and the gate opens.

Exit the Necropolis - Fourth Time

This is necessary only if you want to achieve maximum IQ points . This time, you'll have to do more complicated multiplication and division. As before, multiply the sides of the shapes with blue lights, then divide by the sides of shapes with orange/yellow lights. Don't be afraid to bust out the pencil and paper here.

Hint:   remember that the result will be a number from 3 to 12...and you don't have to do all the multiplications before you do the divisions - you can break them up into simpler equations, whose results are smaller numbers.

Solve the equations four times correctly, and the gate opens. Congratulate yourself; from now on the exit panel will open the gate automatically - no arithmetic required!

By the way, you can steal back the items from the Selenite's sarcophagus with no ill effect.

Leave the Moon

You should have chlorate of potash and oxygenizing preparation in your inventory - one of each is enough. You need three explosives - either guncotton or Prulmis's explosive mixture. (Or, you can use the explosive powder from the barrel or rifle shells if you still have it.) Two are for the retrorockets and one is for the table in the launch chamber. You also need "bolts" (which are actually nuts) and a protective cover for the window. You need the wrench to tighten them.

When you have your needed supplies, go to the launch chamber. Place an explosive on the table and plug the level 3 key into the black keyslot. Enter the capsule. Place the protective cover on the window glass of the open exit-hatch. Place the "bolts" on one corner, then use the wrench to tighten them. Exit the capsule, turn left, and go forward.

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Voyage: Inspired by Jules Verne: Game Walkthrough and Guide

By Jonny Gamer

Voyage: Inspired by Jules Verne: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Unfold and look down. We take a canister and funnel. You can immediately apply canister on a funnel. Deploy and go ahead, to bodies, md… We immediately unfolds to the left body – this is Barbikein, the President of the Cannon Club, neatly wrapped in a sheet. Deploy to another body, OP, this is Captain Nikoll, also carefully wrapped (see one hand pelenali). Turn to the left, to the stairs. We see a wrench and newspaper clipping. Take the first and read the second. Aristocratic manners are probably not allowed to use both two hands at the same time, so we hold only the belt on which the key hung, and he falls. Do not matter, pick up with the floor. Unfold and look under your feet. We see two circles, red and blue. I propose to open right away. We climb on the stairs, try to turn the handle… and not coming out, the tales. We look up. We take a wrench and turn the hatch bolts. Oops, the lid sailed… stars… the beauty… Go down. Unscrew the bolts at the left and right cover. Better do it now in order not to run quickly. Now unscrew the last bolts at the bottom cover. Luke falls, and the lid opens… Damn, but we are in space!!! What a fool former opened?! Well, that closes itself. By the way, in the game to die – spit. But not fatal, return to the previous action. Memory begins to clear up, the shell with travelers shot out of the gun on the moon… Well, everyone lost consciousness from overload. Okay, we will not physics here, at the time of Jules, the rocket is still not invented in the present form, so we will assume that it is a prototype rocket. Deploy and look at the devices… oh, somehow oxygen is less and less… There was no left in the cup. Go to Barbikein’s body. We see blood on it. The key drops out of the hands. Take it and open the locker. Take everything that takes. Glass, knife, cartridges, pan, belt, two retrors, three tin cans, three raffia, grape vines (and it looks like a cactus), barrels with gunpowder and carbon dioxide chlorate that oxygen highlights. Wine until you pour into a glass. By the way, on the right ticks time, if we do not have time to do. So quickly run to the device, open the plate and smear the potash chlorate there. Close. Alive? Then go on. Now again to the bodies. Barbikena take a hat (some kind of laddering), yeah, something there is something in it! And read a note on the body. It turns out that these two came to themselves before you, and between them, as you know, was a hostile. Yes, by the way, the hat. The mode of its knife. And get acquainted with the document that there was also a woman between them. But not everything is so simple, she rejected them both. Now look at Nikol. Yeah. It turns out he shot a barbicane. (Clear, they drank superflore, judging by the pictures). But we will not judge early. Take rifle. By the way, practically useless. We look at the head of Nikol and learn that he was poisoned by cyanium potassium. Strange somehow, drinks cyanide, shoots, wraps the dead man and wures his herself. Rasputin, straight, and poison did not immediately take him. At the same time we read the diary of Nikoll in his chest pocket. Take raffia and tie both bodies. The gun is broken, therefore the cartridges we have nothing to do, there are more aesthetic ways to commit suicide, here and the potassium cyanide is, a knife, and even thunder in space is even more original. So boldly pick up the knife. We look at our rockets and see that one empty. Pay her gunpowder. And here, perhaps, we will feel easy malaise. Damn, oxygen a lot… and hot as in the sauna. It turns out, we stopped with heated. Reduce gas. It became easier. Return to the hatch. Insert retrors to seats near the hatch. Let’s hope that a scrupting of the porch will stop the shell.

And here… There is weightlessness (maybe now, maybe later, maybe earlier). According to the plot, we at the point of equilibrium of the forces of attraction of the Earth and the Moon. We assume that the last stage of the rocket separated. And, here’s a dyatvah technology not provided that the absorber of carbon dioxide in weightlessness does not want to sit in the bank and split on the projectile… We collect, the benefit of Kanister with a pre-inserted funnel at hand. On droplets. Collected?

And then the weight loss ends sharply, it seems like the moon attraction (forget about physics again). Let’s look at the devices, damn, now it’s cold and a little oxygen. Urgently increase heated. At the same time in a glass of water you can pour. You can drink (drink, eat – drink, food – on our hero).

Here we flock to the moon. Damn, the laptop from the center of flights was mistaken by the trajectory, and we rotate around the moon. Here when flashing meteor… Good meteor, however, to light up the moon!, In my opinion, it was at least a meteorite and decent sizes! Because our hero saw the structure! Yes, even a bad meteor (IT) changed the explosion to our trajectory and fall on the moon. Time remains little. Now, we are still in a close bank and deceased somehow unhygienically. Let’s throw them into the hatch. T.E. first take the body, open the hatch and both there. Wow, and under Niclong we find the opening. At the same time, a rifle, a wrench, canister, can and can. Because it is necessary to get rid of heavy things. Only here the vine does not need to throw out, she will be useful for you. What else is visible?! Rooster! In the middle of the room! Materialized on the sublepletie. Let’s suit him. By the way, I hope that the button next to retroets has not yet been pressed? Right, early yet. Next to the rooster – a bedrid paper. It turns out that a piece of scrap barbikein, which has suffered an evil fate. Cock, bastard, frightened shot and broke a note, part of which burned. Well, now we are ready to land. Brave person, we do not think about returning. Press the button! Time went! If the shooter is not on yellow, then it’s bad, too big mass. See you not all threw. Check that all hatches are reset, the bodies too… Yellow? Then soft landing. With parlor!

Now forget everything that we studied on astronomy at school (and God forbid, at the university, and it will score a hysterical!) We are on the moon. And at the light of the day there is air! So. According to the logic of things, we have only 14 terrestrial days, while there is air, it is not clear what will happen to us, the devices are broken down! And potassium chloride is also not. Look around. Rooster, scratch, sits proudly. Knows what happened but silent. Well, okay, then interrogate. Take from the closet everything that can be (we raphiy two pieces spent). By the way, all items can be taken up to three copies. I advise you to dial to maximum always. And score retroquettes. Although it is not necessary to go anywhere. Gained air more and come out out.

Some insect stuck to us… There is some kind of thoughts, red and green plants. Go on red – it makes a sound, clearly unfriendly. What does say – incomprehensible. Translator on vacation. We do without it. By the way, remember the book that they got in the closet? Look into it, so there are ideograms. In the game there will be many. Yes, and what it is green, a bunch, a bit like? Fruit of strange. We take (do not forget everything in three copies). Our projectile is undercut the stone, but we cannot move, the lever is required. We go towards a strange color structure. Path one. So far. Caution, abyss! Let’s still unfold and under your feet will see another yellow-color fruit – Mephia. Unfortunately, only one. There is nothing more interesting here.

We will do acrobatics. Signed? Well, if not, it is not scary, here it is necessary to record it periodically only in case of hanging (it was a couple of times, but this is my local problem, apparently) and in case of selection of combinations (about that later). Let’s see first. Left horn, right horn. Where, in principle, now anyway. Let’s go right. Not so simple? Click on the button it is necessary when the arrow on green. Not from the first, so with the second attempt.

Overall? I would not dare so with the go. Stay. Before us, the field falling by some plants, for some reason growing strictly in segments. Why – it becomes clear later. Yellow and green. Yeah, yes this is Mephitius and Stragulik. Let’s try to approach them. Oops. One pumps gas, the second waves with leaves. They need to calm something (Eh, where my machete?! Now I would bother everything!). Well, we are in the Green Peace society, and can not be so cruel. So it’s so far. Raise back.

From here we can get back to the projectile, well, there we have nothing to do. We can jump on all the horns of this plateau. But if we take a look, in the middle something is glowing bright. Let’s go there for a start!

Fit? OK. In, damn, multicolored plants, but somehow we grow strangely with segments, like in beds. Oh, and under your feet our iron seats from the hatch, the drowned, though. So plants. Yellow, Green, Purple, Red and Blue. I will postpone in memory. Looking around. We go to the left water body. Oh, we found two moon coins! Yes Yes. Economy is in stock. Sorry to credit cards did not think. And here is a slot for coins… Broken. HM. And what is the reservoir? You can, of course, choose a combination, but so far it is not necessary. Let’s postpone this mystery. Buttons on the remote control on the left of the reservoir are not pressed, probably due to the first mystery. Looking around. Go to the second reservoir. Again a mystery, and even part of the ideograd. And at the same time, what we know? Nothing. Life, Food… Few. And what’s left? Looks like a telescope. And gap (for coins) and two ideograms. Tick I… Well came. Lunatic (Selinitis). Our hero is already breaking to meet. And at the same time, and learn two ideograms – to see and money. What else is there? Yeah, lunar cane. Blue one. Let’s take.

We go towards sticking spikes, a little down. We see below the strange mechanism. Go down to it. Religious – the tales need lubrication. Well, did not take with you the oil on the moon, you will have to somehow do without it. Oh, and a number of measures of Mephia. We gain. We go to the grotto. On the left, the machine brings. By the way, you do not come to your ear in childhood? If so, then one mystery will be just sadism. But this is later. On the right we see something on the floor… Moonlight, Moonl Rafia and Dead Branch. Look at her carefully. This is clearly artificial. Hybrid of two plants. Yeah. Maybe immediately begin the experiment? What we have? Our two plants. Mephia and Stragulika. At each other? And if you put in the soil? Wow! Seeds of Mafitia and Stragliki. And type us will not touch, because they remember who landed them. So what we are before? And hybrids! And what if we mix? Yeah. It remains to tie lunar raffia and… Voila, Hybrid Mafitia and Stragliki! By the way, I recommend to twist and collect three varieties of every living nature. Sad, but need. No longer remind of fees. What else we see in the grotto? Ladder. I go. MDA… Two cranes. Turn. Still nothing happens. Well, face brains. Left ideogram should mark water. Then you need to establish water supply. Postpatch. What else is visible? Fan. Maybe the second is air? Well, the air is clear, the air is needed, but the water is on Coy?! What else is – picture and apparatus. We look at it. Mystery? Nonsense! I have l p p l p p. Drech for the lever. OP, still staircase! And the fan twisted. So, here while nothing to do. Climb on a new staircase. We again from above.

Now proceed to the study of the plateau. We go to the luminous field. You can only jump from him. As we understood, on each ledge we will be waited for plants with aggressive behavior that need to be pacified. Do not know how. Looking around. See double horns? It’s between yellow and blue. Jump… Alive? Fine. See through the abyss of the cave in the mountain? Here we are there. We are just somewhere there at the top seen local aborigine at the gate when they looked at the telescope. Jumped? We look, look around… Go to ideograms. Oh, two more signs found out – water and fire! Indeed, in the grotto we saw them and guess right. And what is it next to the left? Coins. And place for landing. Class. And what can we plant? Well, it is clear that local plants seem to us. And we have grape vines! Trying. Did not work out. Recall the dead branch – it was a hybrid, and we have already learned the hybrids to do. Let’s try to make a grape hybrid with something else… Nothing? And what is this ball blue flew? Let’s catch! Spruce fruit – carnivorous plant, brrr… A, and with himself does not want, and if it is germinated? Spot + Earth. We get spontaneous seeds. And to grapes. Hooray. Now a little raffia and we got something… Let’s plan. Khrushchev with corn resting! For a few seconds, the moon grapes rose, and with fruits! Learn, breeders! Let’s break and grapes to be.

Let’s summarize the presentation of vegetation. We have fruit yellow, blue and green. Grape. Yellow-green hybrid. While leave. Stay. On the right wall drawing with ideograms. Let’s face convolutions. Some kind of “drank” attacks “needles”. And we see some plants. You can of course try to draw and identify, but we will not hurry. We have two alternatives. Jump up the rocks to the right of the drawing or climb through the vine. I recommend climb. On the rocks it is more convenient to descend (despite the fact that usually, at least, on the sinful earth, on the contrary). But we are on the moon.

We see the staircase (somewhere in the sky), a strange circle, a great view of color plateau and drawings. What in Figure? Some “pod” attacks the “saw”. “Pod” looks like a mushroom with hands. “Saw” for something with balls. And here it is, on the left grows in the background, it is clear, “Saw” is a spontaneity – blue fruits! Now pay attention to the circle. Oh, buttons are pressed, the colors change. Buddle before your eyes – color plateau. We draw the same and get in the hands of a circle. We read annotation to him. See the goods needed in the farm. What, you can still? We recruit I… does not work. What a combination can be? Turn? Non-A. Mirror? Yes! And get another circle in the reverse order! And so in a circle. The greed is not sprawling. Scored? Now let’s go upstairs, get acquainted with aborigine. Some kind of dissatisfied, fists squeezed, and still spat in our direction. Well, in general, the culture is absent tightly! Pay attention – it sits green and purple plant. Hmm, interesting, take a look at the circle. These two colors lie near! In theory, neighboring colors live together. Let’s pick up. Yeah, we were kicked out. Never, let’s go. To the left of the circle we see concessions. Let’s jump on him.

What on the wall? Little “spike” attacks the “pod”. By the way, apparently, the icon in the midst – “attack”. Jump further down. But the spontaneous growing can be collected yet… On the wall… EEE… I do not even know, the “guitar” attacks “Schip”. “Guitar” looks like some mushroom borovik. Jump on. “Needles” attack “Guitar”. Recall the aborigine and the purple nastiness sat on the left shoulder. Seeing “needles” – a purple plant attacks Mushroom Borovik. Jump further. 123

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Voyage Century/Walkthrough

  • Voyage Century

Table of Contents

  • Walkthrough
  • Booth/Stall
  • Compound Material
  • General Information
  • Attaining Wealth
  • Repairing Equipment
  • Stunt Points
  • Materials (Mediterranean and Europe)
  • Materials (Africa and Asia)
  • Authenticators
  • Cities Goods
  • Cloth sewing
  • Figureheads
  • Noble Titles
  • Opening New Sea Route: Dagama's Wish (Lisbon)
  • The Scar of War (Madeira)
  • Scimitar Pirate (Stockholm)

Once you complete the basic training, you will start in either Alexandria or Athens.

Start by finding the 4 NPC guilds:

  • Ares Warrior Alliance
  • Adventure Alliance
  • Master of Alliance
  • Merchant Guild

Join all of them and start with your quests.

  • 1.1 Important places
  • 1.2 Important character
  • 2.1 Important Character
  • 2.2 Important Character

Starting in Alexandria [ edit ]

Important places [ edit ].

  • Dock  :
  • Pyramids  : Don't go in the Pyramids unless you are strong in a weapon skill (around level 15) if not you will die before you can come back.
  • Suburb  :
  • Taverne  : (-8.4 , 38.9)
  • Town  : (86.9 , 95.7) When you are in the dock area

Important character [ edit ]

  • Black Smith  : (-15.7 , 14.4)
  • Docker  : (141.0 , 53.5)
  • Guild Manager  : (17.5 , -24.4)
  • Skill Tutor : (30.2 , -21.8)
  • Trader  : (36.2 , 23.6)
  • Warehouse manager : (12.2 , 27.4)

Suburb [ edit ]

  • Trees : Level 1, 2, 3. They are in the timber district.
  • Rock : Level 1, 2, 3. There's many place in Alexander where you can mine. The best place is the mining district.

Starting in Athens [ edit ]

Important character [ edit ].

  • Docker  :
  • Skill Tutor :
  • Warehouse manager :

Navigation menu

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How to find the treasure - The Voyage walkthrough and puzzle guide (Part 1)

Marley's Marbles! Wooden Shapes! Sequence Device! Treasure Hunting! More!

How to find the treasure - The Voyage walkthrough and puzzle guide (Part 1)

So, you're after Velvet Marley's treasure, are you? But you're stuck on a tricky riddle and need a solution. Well it's good job you found us, then, isn't it?

We're putting together a full guide to piratical puzzle adventure The Voyage , which is the new puzzle compendium from The Curse developer Mojo Bones.

For the most part, the puzzles are randomly generated, so we can only provide advice and emotional support.

For the puzzles that have set solutions, though, you'll find videos and screenshots below so you don't need to waste money on hint coins.

Part 1 covers the first ten types of puzzle you'll come across. We'll follow up with solutions for the other 19 types of puzzle soon.


Rules: "Remove all gems from the board. Tap connected gems to remove them from the board. Single gems cannot be tapped. Continue to remove germs until all are removed. The puzzle will fail if there are no moves left."

The layout of the gemstones is randomly generated, so we can't provide an exact guide of where to tap. However, here's some general advice.

Don't leave behind single gems. It's a good idea to work from the bottom to make single gems fall down and join with groups of gems of the same colour.

You can't have empty columns, so the gems will automatically shunt over to fill in empty sections. Use this to your advantage.

Marleys Marbles

Rules: "Leave only one marble on the board. Tap and drag a marble to roll it. Hit other marbles to knock them off the board. Chain actions can also be used. Work until only one marble remains."

Follow the instructions in the six videos below to complete these puzzles:

Marley's Marbles 1 (Page 2) Solution:


Marley's Marbles 2 (Page 29) Solution:


Marley's Marbles 3 (Page 46) Solution:


Marley's Marbles 4 (Page 67) Solution:


Marley's Marbles 5 (Page 85) Solution:


Marley's Marbles 6 (Page 99) Solution:


Rules: "Depress all buttons before the time expires. Tap a button to activate it. Buttons will stay depressed if the correct sequence is entered. Discover the sequence within the time to complete the puzzle."

The button sequences are randomised, so we can't tell you exactly which ones to hit. But just hit random buttons until you find one that depresses (now you know this is button one).

Then, hit another random button. If it doesn't depress, start again with button one. If it depresses, it's button two. Keep repeating this, and memorising the positions of the buttons in order until all are depressed.

Treasure Hunting

Rules: "Match the position of the buried treasure markers. Memorise the treasure marker positions until they disappear. Then place the statues on their corresponding markers and tap the 'End' button to reveal them. Match all to win."

This is a puzzle for your memory. But if you get stuck, you can always take a photo of the screen with another device and use that as reference. Who said cheaters never prosper?

Spark and Fuse

Rules: "Extinguish the spark at the designated time. Tap the start button to ignite the spark. Use your internal clock to keep track of time and press the stop button when you feel the target is reached."

There are many ways to help you count in seconds. For example, saying the word 'Mississippi' between numbers makes you count in roughly second-long steps.

If you get stuck, use a stopwatch (or the Clock app on an iOS device) to know the exact number of seconds that have passed since you hit start.

Laundry Line

Rules: "Study the clothing and look for the odd one out. Look at the clothing as it scrolls across the screen. There will be one unique piece that look slightly different to the others. Tap the chosen item to select it."

The placement and even the specific unique properties of the clothing changes randomly when you play, so we can't give exact details.

So, try to quickly scan the three new items as they appear on the left side of the screen to narrow your search. That should help you focus more intently on the subtle changes.


Rules: "Guide the marble to the exit zone. Tap the screen when you are ready and then slowly tilt the carefully roll the marble. Avoid the holes and reach the exit to win."

We can't really help with these. The only advice we can offer is to hold your phone perfectly flat before tapping the screen so the calibration is perfect. Other than that - be careful, take it slowly, and plan your route before you start rolling.

Wooden Shapes

Rules: "Fit the shapes within the silhouette. Drag a wooden shape to move it and tap to rotate it. The shapes will automatically snap together if the correct layout is closely matched."

Just follow the answers seen in the screenshots below to solve these puzzles:

Wooden Shapes

Wooden Shapes 1 (Page 8) / Wooden Shapes 2 (Page 22)

Wooden Shapes

Wooden Shapes 3 (Page 34) / Wooden Shapes 4 (Page 50)

Wooden Shapes

Wooden Shapes 5 (Page 70)

Water Blocks

Rules: "Guide to the water towards the joke. The water will begin flowing when the statue stops flashing. Tap the blocks to create a path for the water. If the water gets blocked the puzzle will fail."

These maps are randomly generated, so you're on your own. Here's some advice, though...

Sometimes, because of the random layout of the tiles, you can actually make a very short route that ignores half of the screen. So, don't feel an obligation to use every tile on display, as they aren't always needed.

If you find the solution early, you can press 'End' to instantly send the water to the exit.

Sequence Device

Rules: "Identify the correct sequence. The six symbols all have a logical sequence , when read from top left the bottom right. Study them and decipher the correct order. Drag a reel up/down to make your choice."

Here are the answers to these six puzzles:

Sequence Device

Sequence Device 1 (Page 10) / Sequence Device 2 (Page 33)

Sequence Device

Sequence Device (Page 47) / Sequence Device (Page 66)

Sequence Device

Sequence Device (Page 84) / Sequence Device (Page 98)

Part 2 - Cannon Fire, Glowing Firefly, Sand & Pearls, Matching Trinkets, Lockpicking, Battle Plan, The Forgotten Seal, Sliding Gems, Titan's Triangle, Pieces of Eight. (Coming soon)

Part 3 - Safe Cracking, Torchlight, Sliding Numbers, Numbers Machine, Aztec Blocks, Path Over, Mechanical Symbols, Hexagon Conundrum, String of Pearls. (Coming soon)

voyage game walkthrough

  • Voyage Achievements
  • Voyage News
  • Walkthrough

Voyage Walkthrough

Big Fish Games

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic Walkthrough

Walkthrough menu, general tips, chapter 1: april 10th, 1912 (8:45 am).

  • Chapter 2: April 10th, 1912 (12 Noon)

Chapter 3: Five Minutes Later

  • Chapter 4: April 10th, 1912 (1:20PM)

Chapter 5: April 10th, 1912 (3:15PM)

Chapter 6: april 10th, 1912 (6:00 pm).

  • Chapter 7: April 14TH, 1912 (11:40 PM)

Chapter 8: April 15th, 1912 (12:00 AM)

Chapter 9: april 15th, 1912 (12:38 am), chapter 10: april 15th, 1912 (12:38 am), chapter 11: one minute later, chapter 12: april 15th, 1912 (1:00 am), chapter 13: april 15th, 1912 (1:15 am), chapter 14: april 15th, 1912 (1:30 am), chapter 15: april 15th, 1912 (1:45 am), chapter 16: april 15th, 1912 (2:00 am) - robert, chapter 17: april 15th, 1912 (2:00 am) - emma, bonus level: 97 years later.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • The game has 16 chapters, alternate endings and a bonus level. The bonus level will be available in the main menu once you complete the game.
  • Listen to what the characters are saying in the game because they may give you some good clues as to what to do next.
  • Click on the blueprint icon in the upper left to access the map. Use the map to travel from one spot to the other.
  • Use the magnifying glass icon in the upper right to obtain a hint. The hint can let you know if there is anything else left to do in a scene or it will show you where to place an inventory item.
  • Click on the sparkling areas to access Hidden Object Scenes.
  • You can skip puzzles or Hidden Object Scenes by clicking on the life ring icon in the upper right once it is recharged.
  • Your inventory items will be stored above your screen. Grab them and place them in the spots you would like to use them in.

1st Class Boarding

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Talk to the men in the scene and go through the conversation.
  • Click on the blueprint icon in the upper left.
  • Go to the 2nd and 3rd Class Boarding location on the map.
  • Margie talks to her mother and her companions. Go through all the conversations.
  • Go to the Baggage location in the map.
  • Click on the crate and rope marked in yellow.
  • Talk to the little boy George.
  • Go to Ashley’s Car location in the map.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Talk to George in the car.
  • Pick up the CRANK HANDLE in front of the car to add it to inventory.
  • Zoom into the toolbox in the lower right to trigger a Hidden Object Scene.
  • Pick up the UTILITY KNIFE marked in red in the toolbox.
  • Go to the Baggage location on the map.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Use the CRANK HANDLE on the crankcase attached to the pole on the right.
  • Click on the crank handle to raise the box on the left.
  • Cut the rope attached to the raised crate with the KNIFE in inventory. The crate falls on the ground.
  • Click on the broken crate to trigger a Hidden Object Scene.
  • Pick up the 10 COLLECTIBLE CARDS in the scene.
  • Go back to Ashley’s Car.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Give the COLLECTIBLE CARDS to George.
  • Go back to the 2nd and 3rd Class Boarding.
  • Talk to Emma and she will hand you the BOARDING PASS at the end of the conversation.
  • Go to 1st Class Boarding.
  • Give the BOARDING PASS to the ship’s officer to end the chapter.

Chapter 2: April 10th, 1912 (12:00 Noon.)

Margaret’s stateroom.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Go to Margaret’s Stateroom after the conversation ends.
  • Zoom into the boxes on the left.
  • Click on the knob marked in white to open the box and pick up the TWEEZERS inside.
  • Click on the knob marked in white to close the box.
  • Place the TWEEZERS in hole marked in yellow.
  • Click on the knob marked in white to open the box and pick up the LIPSTICK inside the box.
  • Go to the Parisian Café.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Open the Hidden Object Scene on the left.
  • Pick up the SALT SHAKER marked in red.
  • Go to the Galley.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Open the Hidden Object Scene on the right and pick up the SPOON on the lower left.
  • Click on the POT on the stove for a closer look.
  • Place the SALT in the water and use the SPOON to pick up a BOILED EGG.
  • Go back to Robert’s Stateroom.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Zoom into the EAGLE marked in red.
  • Click on the eagle’s left leg to raise it.
  • Place the LIPSTICK on its left leg.
  • Click on the eagle’s right leg to obtain the BRONZE EAGLE. Zoom out of that view.
  • Zoom into the nest marked in green on the right.
  • Place the EAGLE on the branch.
  • Place the BOILED EGG on the nest to end the chapter.

Shipwright’s Sanctum.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Go through the conversation with Dean.
  • Pick up the 2 PIPE SEGMENTS marked in yellow.
  • Click below the bed to trigger a Hidden Object Scene and pick up the 10 MATCHES marked in yellow.
  • Click on the area marked in green in the first screenshot to enter the maze.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Click on the areas you want your character to move to. You can also use the arrow buttons on your keyboard to navigate the maze.
  • Follow the path marked in the screenshot to exit the maze.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Pick up the PIPE SEGMENT marked in yellow.
  • Click on the mirror.
  • Click on the VALVE marked in red to open it.
  • Place the PIPE SEGMENT marked in green into the section marked in green.
  • Click on the entryway marked in orange to enter the maze again.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Follow the path marked in the screenshot to enter the Baggage Hold.
  • Take the 2 PIPE SEGMENT marked in green.
  • Grab the PIPE SEGMENT marked in yellow and place it below the air duct.
  • Click on the VENT marked in white to close it.
  • Go back to the Shipwright’s Sanctum.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Use the PIPE SEGMENT marked in green in the section shown on the screenshot.
  • Use the PIPE SEGMENT marked in yellow in the section shown on the screenshot.
  • Click on the VALVE marked in white to open it.
  • Click on the VENT marked in red to close it.
  • Go to the Overlook.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Place the PIPE SEGMENT marked in red according to the arrow on the screenshot.
  • The steam fogged up the mirror.
  • Click on the fogged mirror and pay attention to the clues in the conversation.
  • Click on the VENT to close it.
  • Go to the Baggage Hold.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Click on the crate marked in white.
  • Click on the numbers on the lock in the following order: 1-6-0-7-6-7 to unlock it.
  • Pick up the SHROUD inside the crate and place it on the VENTILATION SHAFT marked in red which sets off an alarm.
  • Go back to the Overlook and click on the mirror to end the chapter.

Chapter 4: April 10th, 1912 (1:30 PM)

1st class lounge.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Talk to the Odette (the woman in the chair) and go through all the conversation to make the card game pop-up.
  • The goal in this card game is to move the cards to their appropriate slots according to the numbers on the clock.
  • The minute hand points to one of the 4 Kings.
  • The hour hand shows you the card number you need to play.
  • The red hand shows you where you need to position the cards; it wil point up or down only.
  • The solution to this puzzle is random. In our game the clock pointed to 7:30, so the minute hand is pointing to the King of Hearts and the hour hand is on the number 7. Place the 7 of Hearts on top.
  • Our second step gives us the 2 o’clock time and the red hand is pointing downwards. Take the 2 of clubs and place it on the bottom pile.
  • If the clock points towards the number 11, use the Jack card. For the number one, use the Ace card.
  • Keep placing cards until you’ve filled in all the top and bottom slots.
  • Zoom into the plate on the table and pick up the TEACAKE on the plate.
  • Go to the 1st Class Promenade.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Click on the Hidden Object Scene on the upper center.
  • Pick up the BOOK: CHARLIE GOES ABROAD in the upper right.
  • Go to the Reading and Writing Room.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Give George the book.
  • Zoom into the bookcase.
  • Place the books on the shelf so they all fit in the space provided. Please look at the screenshot for the solution.
  • The LIBRARY CARD will be added to inventory.
  • Go back to the 1st Class Lounge.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Zoom into the plate on the table.
  • Place the LIBRARY CARD on the spot on the side of the bowl to collect the POWDERED SUGAR.
  • Go to the Elevator.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Talk to the attendant.
  • Pick up the COAT CHECK CHIT inside the elevator.
  • Go to the Coat Closet.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Zoom into the doorknob and click on it to find out you don’t have the code.
  • Place the POWDERED SUGAR on the keypad.
  • Give the COAT CHECK CHIT to Thomas.
  • Go back to the Coat Closet.
  • Zoom into the doorknob and click on the buttons marked in yellow only.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Pick up the 10 PIECES OF WOMEN’S CLOTHING marked in red.
  • Select a new outfit to disguise Margaret. Just click on the articles of clothing to place them on Margaret.
  • To select a new item just click on the item in the closet you want her to wear.
  • Please click on the items shown in the screenshot to disguise Margaret.
  • Go back to the 1st Class Promenade.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Place the OUTFIT on the tub.
  • Place the TEACAKE on the outfit and the birds will come pick at the outfit.
  • The TATTERED OUTFIT goes into inventory.
  • Go back to the Elevator to end the chapter.

3rd Class Bunks

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Talk to George. He tells you that he lost his game.
  • Click on the Hidden Object Scene on the right and pick up the SANDWICH WRAPPER marked in red.
  • Go to the Equipment Storage.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Pick up the GOLF CLUB in the lower left.
  • Go to the Swimming Baths.
  • Zoom into the heater in the back and use the GOLF CLUB on the grate to obtain the PIECE OF COAL.
  • Go back to the Equipment Storage.
  • Open the drawer marked in white and click on it for a closer look.
  • Place the SANDWICH WRAPPER on the writing surface.
  • Place the COAL on top of the wrapper.
  • The numbers 21-15-3 appear on the paper. Exit out of that view.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Zoom into the lock on the locker and use the numbers you just uncovered to open the lock.
  • Move the left and right arrow to spin the dial. Please move the dial in this manner to solve the puzzle:LEFT to 21 RIGHT to 15 LEFT to 3
  • Click inside the locker to grab the FISHING POLE inside.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Place the FISHING POLE on George’s Ball Game in the pool to trigger a mini-game.
  • Aim the fishing pole and then click the mouse button to cast the line. Please look at the screenshot for the right spot to aim.
  • The BALL GAME goes into inventory.
  • Go back to the 3rd Class Bunks.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Give the BALL GAME to George to trigger a puzzle.
  • Your goal is to place the ball in the hole above the clown’s face.
  • Solve the ball game by clicking on the arrows in the following manner:RIGHT-UP-LEFT-DOWN-LEFT-UP RIGHT-UP-LEFT-UP-RIGHT-DOWN-RIGHT
  • The chapter ends after the puzzle has been completed.

1st Class Dining Room

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Zoom into the table to trigger a Hidden Object Scene and pick up the GLASS OF WATER on the table.
  • Go to the Cold Storage.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Pick up the BUTCHER’S HOOK marked in red.
  • Place the GLASS OF WATER on the space marked in green.
  • Go to the Open Deck.
  • Talk to the OFFICER.
  • Go back to the Cold Storage.
  • Pick up the ICE DISC in the same spot as you placed the glass of water.
  • Go to the Shuffleboard Courts.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Click on the attendant and talk to him twice.
  • Place the ICE DISC on the court to trigger a puzzle. Place it on the piece shown in the screenshot.
  • Aim the cue and then click on the mouse to shoot. Please look at the screenshot for the right aiming spot.
  • Go to the Open Deck and talk to the attendant on the ground.
  • Go to the Hospital.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Talk to the doctor 2 times and take the Sphygmomanometer marked in red on the bed once the doctor walks away.
  • Click on the closet and place the Sphygmomanometer on the door’s handle.
  • Click on the Sphygmomanometer’s pump on the handle.
  • Place the BUTCHER’S HOOK on the side of the door to trigger a Hidden Object Scene.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Pick up the 10 MOTION SICKNESS PILLS marked in green in the screenshot.
  • Go back to the 1st Class Dining Room.
  • Give the MOTION SICKNESS PILLS to Robert to end the chapter.

Chapter 7: April 14th, 1912 (11:40 PM)

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Zoom into the left window and click on the CRANK HANDLE to enter it into inventory.
  • Go to Robert’s Stateroom and click on the door.
  • Go to the Montague’s Stateroom and talk to Montague.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Go to the Galley and pick up the 10 SARDINES marked in red.
  • Go to the Musician’s Storage to enter a Hidden Object Scene.
  • Pick up the BELLED COLLAR in the upper right.
  • Go to the Montague’s Stateroom.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Give the SARDINES to the cat under the couch.
  • Place the BELLED COLLAR on the cat on the carpet. The BELLED BEXLEY goes into inventory.
  • Click on the window and place the CRANK HANDLE on the space marked in white.
  • Click on the crank to open the window.
  • Place the BELLED BEXLEY on the right window. The cat goes in the room and wakes up Robert.
  • Go to Robert’s Stateroom and click on the door. Talk to Robert to end the chapter.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Talk to the Captain.
  • Grab the LIFE RING marked in yellow.
  • Go to the Captain’s Sitting Room.
  • Click on the coffee table to view a diagram. You will need this diagram to solve a future puzzle.
  • Click on the desk on the left to trigger a Hidden Object Scene.
  • Pick up the MORSE CODE BOOK on the floor.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Place the LIFE RING on the swinging rope above the pole for it to appear at the bottom of the screen.
  • Position the LIFE RING in the lower center of the scene and click on your mouse to toss it.
  • Once you get the LIFE RING on the pole, click on the Life Ring to set off the whistle.
  • Go to the Marconi Transmitting Room.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Click on the device on the desk for a closer look and pick up the 5 VACUUM TUBES marked in the screenshot.
  • Go to the Marconi Receiving Room.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Click on the receiver to trigger a puzzle.
  • You have to adjust the controls according to the diagram in the Captain’s Sitting Room.
  • Please look at the screenshot for the solution.
  • Place the MORSE CODE BOOK on the paper coming out of the machine on the left side of the desk to obtain the DECODED MESSAGE.

Shipwright’s Sanctum

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Go through the conversations at the beginning of the chapter. Mr. Tavalouris will tell you which areas to check.
  • Try to click on the Squash Court section of the map but you will not be able to access it because it is flooded.
  • Go to the Turkish Bath.
  • Click on the Hidden Object Scene on the right and pick up the SQUARE LEVER.
  • Go to the 3RD Class Showers.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Pick up the ROUND LEVER on the floor.
  • Go to the Shipwright’s Sanctum.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Talk to the Mr. Tavalouris.
  • Click on the table to trigger a Hidden Object Scene.
  • Pick up the 10 PING PONG BALLS marked in red.
  • Go to the Bilge Pump Room.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Zoom into the control panel in the lower left.
  • Put the SQUARE LEVER in the square slot in the upper left.
  • Put the ROUND LEVER in the round slot in the lower center.
  • Your goal is to set the levers to their proper levels.
  • The levers have been marked A, B, or C on the screenshot. Click on the levers in this order to solve the puzzle:A - RIGHT B - RIGHT C - LEFT
  • Go to the Squash Court.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Take the Squash Racquet and go to the Engine Room.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Use the PING PONG BALLS on the engine to trigger a puzzle.
  • Your goal is to hit the balls into each of the 3 pipes in the scene.
  • Place the center of your racquet in the path of the pipe you’re targeting.
  • Go to the Shipwright’s Sanctum and talk to Mr. Tavalouris to end the chapter.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Go through Margie’s and Robert’s conversation in the lounge. Robert wants a Bermuda Highball.
  • Go to the Starboard Loading Dock.
  • Click on the Hidden Object Scene on the left to obtain the LETTER OPENER.
  • Go to the Port Loading Dock.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Click on the burlap bags and use the LETTER OPENER to obtain the LIMES from the bag.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Click on the crane in the upper left and take the CRANE KEY from the ignition.
  • Go back to the Port Loading Dock.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Zoom onto the crane on the right.
  • Place the CRANE KEY (1) on the ignition.
  • Click on the knob on the right and place it on the STARBOARD (2) section.
  • Move the lever (3) on the left to the “Reel Out” position shown in the screenshot.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Click on the spot shown in the screenshot.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Zoom into the upper right.
  • Move the REEL LEVER to place it in the “Reel In” position.
  • Go to the 1st Class Lounge.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Click on the bar in the far left to trigger a puzzle.
  • Click on the bottles in the following order to make the Bermuda Highball for Robert:Brandy Vermouth Gin Place the LIMES on the glass.
  • Give the BERMUDA HIGHBALL to Robert. If you hand Robert the wrong drink you will have to start over.
  • Go to the Elevator to end the chapter.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Pick up the PIECE OF RAILING marked in green.
  • Place the PIECE OF RAILING on the hatch on the ceiling and go through the hatch.
  • Click on the white door once you go through the hatch and the doors will close behind you.
  • Go to the Grand Staircase.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Pick up the WELCOME PINEAPPLE on the left banister.
  • Zoom into the statue on the steps.
  • Zoom into the clock in the back of the room.
  • Move the hands to reflect 3 o’clock.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Place the WELCOME PINEAPPLE on the doorknob to unlock the door.
  • Click on the shelves to trigger a Hidden Object Scene and pick up the COTTON BALL on the counter.
  • Click on the closet on the left.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Place the COTTON BALL on the Hartshorn bottle marked in green,
  • Go to the elevator.
  • Give the HARTSHORN MEDICATED COTTON BALL to Robert to end the chapter.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • The doctor asks you to fetch certain items.
  • Click on the closet and take the DUST PAN and the EMPTY BUCKET.
  • Go to the Equipment Locker.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Zoom into the lower right drawer and pick up the LINIMENT inside.
  • Click on the desk to trigger a Hidden Object Scene and pick up the HANDFUL OF JACKS marked in yellow.
  • Go to the Staircase.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Click on the first aid kit on the left side of the wall to trigger a Hidden Object Scene and pick up the UNLIT FLARE.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Place the HANDFUL OF JACKS on the broken fuse box in the center to trigger a puzzle.
  • Your goal is to place the jacks in the correct spots to complete the electrical circuit.
  • The jacks will be automatically attached to your cursor, click on the areas in which you want to place them.
  • To remove a jack, click on it and place it in a different spot.
  • Please look at the screenshot for the solution. The jacks have to be placed in the exact spots or you will not solve it. Pay attention to the colored pipes running through the puzzle.
  • Place the UNLIT FLARE on the sparks above the fuse box to obtain the LIT FLARE.
  • Go to the Boiler Room.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Place the EMPTY BUCKET on the water to obtain a BUCKET OF WATER.
  • Zoom into the coal cart on the right and place the DUSTPAN on the coal to obtain the PILE OF COAL.
  • Zoom into the boiler and place the PILE OF COAL in the boiler.
  • Place the LIT FLARE on the coal.
  • Place the BUCKET OF WATER on the pile of coal.
  • Zoom out of the close-up and return to it immediately.
  • Pick up the BUCKET OF HOT WATER.
  • Go to the 3rd Class Bunks.
  • Give the LINIMENT and the BUCKET OF HOT WATER to the doctor to end the chapter.

Baggage Hold

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Zoom into the crate to trigger a Hidden Object Scene and take the PHIAL INVULNERABLE.
  • Go to the Potato Kitchen.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Click on the barrels on the far left to trigger a Hidden Object Scene and pick up the POTATOES marked in red.
  • Go up the steps.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Grab the SERRATED KNIFE in the lower left.
  • Place the POTATOES on the pot on the right and click on the pot to obtain the POT OF POTATOES.
  • Go back to the Baggage hold.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Cut the rope in the back of the scene with the SERRATED KNIFE to obtain the LENGTH OF ROPE.
  • Go back to the Potato Kitchen.
  • Zoom into the dumbwaiter on the far left.
  • Place the LENGTH OF ROPE in the top center.
  • Click on the rope on the right to raise the dumbwaiter.
  • Place the PHIAL INVULNERABLE in the spot marked with the green arrow.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Place the POT OF POTATOES on the dumbwaiter.
  • Press the LEVER.
  • Go back downstairs.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Zoom into the dumbwaiter on the left.
  • Click on the BROKEN PHIAL to trigger a puzzle.
  • Solve the cube puzzle by connecting all the matching colors without any colors overlapping.
  • Click on the color you want to fill in and drag it over all the empty cubes to fill them in with colors.
  • Click on the starting point of the color you want to delete so you can start over.
  • The gray squares cannot be filled in.
  • Pick up the PARCHMENT in the debris of the broken phial.
  • Go back to the Baggage Hold.
  • Give the PARCHMENT to Odette to end the chapter.

Wine Cellar

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Talk to Montague and Odette.
  • Go to the Hospital and speak to Janeck.
  • Go to the Wine Cellar.
  • Pick up the COLLAPSED WINE RACK on the right.
  • Pick up the FAKE IVY wrapped around the columns.
  • Click on the crates to trigger a Hidden Object Scene and pick up the BUNCH OF CORKS marked in green.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Click on the wine bottles on the counter to trigger a puzzle.
  • Your goal is to place the bottles in the correct order, from emptiest to fullest.
  • Click on any 2 bottles to swap their position.
  • Please look at the screenshot for the solution. The BOTTLE OF VINEGAR will go into inventory.
  • Go to the Typesetter’s Office.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Pick up the BLANK PAPER marked in red.
  • Zoom into the lower left side of the desk to trigger a Hidden Object Scene and pick up the METER STICK.
  • Click on the desk to trigger a puzzle.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Grab the INK ROLLER on the lower left.
  • Place the INK ROLLER on all 3 trays.
  • Place the BLANK PAPER on all 3 trays to receive partial messages. The final message says:”I AM AVAILABLE TO YOU FROM NOON TO THREE AND FROM NINE TILL MIDNIGHT.”

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Place the BOTTLE OF VINEGAR and the BUNCH OF CORKS on the jar.
  • Pick up the BAKING SODA and place it on the jar to obtain the MAKESHIFT FIRE EXTINGUISHER.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Place the MAKESHIFT FIRE EXTINGUISHER on the fire.
  • Click on Janeck for a closer look at his leg.
  • Place the METER STICK, the COLLAPSED WINE RACK and the FAKE IVY on Janeck’s leg.
  • Go to the 2nd Class Staircase.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Zoom into the mirror and click on the buttons in the order marked in the screenshot to unlock the door.
  • Mr. Tavalouris will give you the GATE KEY after you talk to him behind the mirror.
  • Click on the “Back Button” in the lower right to go back to the 2nd Class Staircase.
  • Place the GATE KEY on the gate to end the chapter.

1ST Class Promenade

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Talk to the Vincent and go to the 1st Class Promenade.
  • Pick up the BURLAP SACK in the lower right.
  • Go to the Gymnasium and talk to George.
  • Go to the Wheel Room.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Talk to Thomas 2 times and zoom into the desk once he disappears.
  • Zoom into the desk and find the BUNCH OF KEYS marked in yellow.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Zoom into the pegboard below the light on the right.
  • Put the keys into the appropriate pegs.
  • Please look at the screenshot for the solution. The KEY TO CAPTAIN’S SITTING ROOM will be added to inventory.
  • Zoom into the switches on the back wall.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • You have to click on the switches in the correct order.
  • Click on the 4 switches on the left from top to bottom. Please look at the screenshot for the solution.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Place the CAPTAIN’S SITTING ROOM KEY on the doorknob. Go inside and talk to Robert and the Captain.
  • Go to the Gymnasium.
  • Click on the punching bag.
  • Place the BURLAP SACK on the sand to obtain the BAG OF SAND.
  • Place the BAG OF SAND on the oil and the talk to Emma until she leaves the scene.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Margie has to choose who she wants to go with.
  • For the purposes of the guide we chose to go with Robert, Margie’s husband.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • NOTE: If you chose to go with Emma in the previous chapter, please scroll down to the next section for that part of the walkthrough.
  • Go to the Lifeboats and talk to Thomas and he will give you the GALLEY KEY.
  • Place the GALLEY KEY on the door.
  • Click on the Hidden Object scene and pick up the CLEAVER.
  • Go to the Hallway Fire Station.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Click on the Red Valve on the back wall to loosen the hose.
  • Place the CLEAVER on the nozzle to obtain the METAL NOZZLE.
  • Go to the Lifeboats.
  • Pick up the CHUNK OF ICE in the lower center.
  • Go back to the Hallway Fire Station.
  • Place the CHUNK OF ICE on the glass case to break it. Pick up the FIRE AXE inside the case.
  • Go to Robert’s Stateroom.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Place the FIRE AXE on the door and click on the door to enter.
  • Use the METAL NOZZLE on the leaking pipe in the ceiling.
  • Click on the fireplace and pick up the POKER.
  • Use the POKER on the lockbox above the mantle to trigger a Hidden Object Scene.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Pick up the 10 BANKNOTES marked in red.
  • Give the Banknotes to Robert to end the chapter.
  • Click on the BONUS button in the main menu to access a bonus level.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Click on the rowing seat in the lower left to trigger a Hidden Object Scene and pick up the WHEELED ROWING SEAT.
  • Place the WHEELED ROWING SEAT on the medicine ball in front of the mirror.
  • Click on the MEDICINE BALL 2 times so it can break the mirror.
  • Click on the broken mirror to enter the tunnel.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Click on the tunnels from left to right as shown in the screenshot and you will end up in the 2nd Class Staircase.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Pick up the CHUNK OF ICE on the ground.
  • Place the CHUNK OF ICE on the glass case to break it.
  • Pick up the FIRE AXE inside the case.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Place the FIRE AXE on the side of the medicine cabinet.
  • Take the NITROGLYCERIN PILLS from the cabinet.
  • Give the PILLS to Emma behind the gate.
  • Go to the Lifeboats to end the chapter.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Pick up the GLOVE in the upper left.
  • Pick up the LEVER in the lower left.
  • Place the GLOVE on the eel marked in red.
  • Grab the rod that was below the eel.
  • Place the ROD and the LEVER on the accelerator.
  • Click on the lever.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Zoom into the Hidden Object Scene on the left and pick up the BUNCH OF PINS in the scene.
  • Place the BUNCH OF PINS on the map on the back wall to trigger a puzzle.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • You must chart a new course for the Titanic by placing the push pins in the right spots.
  • Start with the push pin in the upper right. Click on one of the dots to place your pin.
  • As you place each pin, new dots will appear, keep placing pins until you complete the course.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Click on the Marconi Device.
  • Pick up the 10 TORN PIECES OF PAPER in the scene and the MESSAGE will be added to inventory.
  • Place the MESSAGE on the chute on the upper right.

Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic

  • Pick up the ACETYLENE TORCH in the lower right.
  • Zoom into the crate on the lower left and find the 10 RIVETS marked in red.
  • Place the RIVETS on the hull.
  • Place the ACETYLENE TORCH on the hull.
  • Congratulations! You’ve completed Hidden Mysteries Titanic: Secrets of the Fateful Voyage!

Created at: 2010-03-29

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voyage game walkthrough

Voyage Game

Players make decisions, solve problems and deal with conflicts on a perilous journey across the globe.

This year is 1830. You’re the Surgeon Superintendent aboard a convict vessel transporting its human cargo from Britain to the far reaches of the known world – Van Diemen’s Land. You’re charged with delivering several hundred convicts to the colony in the shortest time with minimum loss of life. This is the way to make money and further your reputation and position. Are you up to the task?

The Voyage is an online game based on real convict voyages. Sign on for your voyage here!

voyage game walkthrough


Voyage Cheats for PC

Voyage for PC

  • Developer: Venturous
  • Publisher: Venturous
  • Genre: Adventure
  • Release: Feb 19, 2021
  • Platform: PC
  • ESRB: Everyone


Steam achievements.

To unlock the following, you have to play the game and collect/Earn achievements. You can find those earned achievements in your Game-Main menu or you can view them if you signup at one of the Steam communities.

Game Walkthroughs

Full Walkthrough (PC) - Voyage

Full Walkthrough (PC)

  • Walkthrough Part 1
  • From: GameMaster

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Voyage - Gameplay Video for PC

Voyage - Gameplay Video

  • Added on: Feb 21, 2021

Voyage - Gameplay Video 2 for PC

Voyage - Gameplay Video 2

  • Added on: Mar 23, 2021

Corruption Town for PC

  • PlayStation 3
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Game Basics

Whale's voyage  — guide and walkthrough (cd32).


Guide and Walkthrough (CD32) by whowasphone404

Version: 1.0 | Updated: 09/14/2022

  • Previous: Character Creation

Table of Contents

  • Next: Trade Routes
  • Introduction
  • Character Creation
  • Trade Routes
  • Walkthrough

CD32 Controls

D Pad – Move the cursor / walk (tank controls) Coloured Buttons - Confirm your selected option

Keyboard Controls This game is a complete chore to play due to a lack of mouse support. You have to hold down the fire button/space and push down on the keyboard/joystick in order to access the menu buttons at the bottom of the screen in order to use items / talk / ect.

Arrow keys / Joystick - Move the cursor / walk Space bar / Fire - Confirm your selected option On the trading screen in The Whale you can press Escape to access another menu

S - Save the game L - Load a game Q - Quit C - Continue

The trading screen onboard The Whale

After you have finished character creation this is the first screen you will see. When you are onboard The Whale you can be attacked by other space craft, but characters from the planets cannot follow you onboard after you beam up. You can also save and load the game from this screen. You have six buttons from left to right

  • Buy goods - Check out the trading section of this guide
  • Ship supplies - Buy fuel and upgrades or repair parts
  • Travel to a different planet - Check the amount of fuel needed
  • Launch a scout craft or beam down
  • Call an NPC

The ship upgrades and fuel prices vary from planet to planet. Fuel consumption depends on how far the destination is but also how much cargo you are carrying. You can save fuel by carrying less cargo. BE WARNED, NOT ALL PLANETS SELL FUEL!

When traveling to a new planet you may encounter space pirates. In that case the screen will switch to the Space Battle display. The Whale always starts in the middle of the screen. Every action you take per turn costs "movement points". Depending on what items you have equipped to The Whale movement point costs may change, for example a Booster Drive will reduce the movement cost from 3 to 2 per turn.

The only ways to leave a battle are to destroy all of the enemy craft, GIVE your entire cargo to the pirates, or if a green arrow is displayed at the left or right hand side, you can escape by hitting that edge of the screen. If the pirates destroy The Whale you will get an instant game over, so make sure you save often.

There are 10 action icons displayed on this screen, from left to right they are

  • Move one square ahead
  • Turn to port
  • Turn to starboard
  • Lightening - Attack
  • Brackets - Turn shields on for one turn (must be purchased)
  • World - Turn the holographic decoy projector on (must be purchased)
  • Ball - Cloaking device on for one turn (must be purchased)
  • Question mark - Identify enemy ship, shows their weapons and cargo (must be purchased)
  • Flag - Give up and surrender all your cargo to the pirates in return for your life
  • Fast forward arrows Skip your turn

The 3D Screen

When you beam down on a planet the following screen will be displayed and you will be able to move around in the pseudo3D environment.

voyage game walkthrough

  • The auto map that fills in as you explore, below this are 2 units for extra devices
  • This is part of the special context sensitive buttons bar. This icon allows you to beam back up to The Whale
  • This is part of the special context sensitive buttons bar. This icon means a medical center is nearby
  • Your four crew members and their assigned Duty Icons, use these bars to look, select talk ect
  • Look at you skills
  • Look at your experience points
  • The green bar is your health and the blue is your psi points, you can click on the character portrait to talk to them.
  • A picture of the current planet, above this are are a temperature and oxygen gauge

Hold down and press the fire button to access the character names (4) you can then press fire to choose a character. This will open the action menu for that character. The colour of the icons shows the type of item you will interact with. For example, weapons are red, general objects are blue and guiding icons are yellow or green.

If a character dies you can resurrect them using a psi skill if you have it. Or you can pay a large sum to resurrect them at a Healing Device.

You can set your party members to specific roles which are shown next to their name (number 4 above). Set you soldier to targeter, and also make sure you have a closer and a scout.

  • L - Leader, goes ahead so they may walk into traps.
  • S - Scout - Look out for traps.
  • C - Closer - closes doors behind the group slowing down any pursuers.
  • T – Targeter – Aims at people meaning you do not have to use the "select" menu button before you attack.
  • J - Joker - Tells jokes to keep up moral so you are not intimidated in battle. I think this role is useless because the intimidation system is broken.
  • M – Merchant – Displays how many credits you have.
  • W - Weigher - Displays how much each character is carrying.
  • U - User - Displays the oxygen and temperature gauges. Useless I think.
  • D - This character is dead and needs to be resurrected.

Game Quirks

If you put guns down on the over world the character will automatically take the ammo out. So when you pick the gun up again you will have to reload it.

There are no ammo types. All ammo fits all weapons. All guns bought from shops will be empty.

If you are playing on authentic hardware you can copy the save floppy in order to save more times. If you are playing on a real CD32 it is highly likely that the console only supports one save file at a time due to the low amount of rewritable ram in the console.

Overburdening a character causes them to rapidly lose health. The only way you can tell how much they can carry is to load them up, and then check if they are dying by looking at their character portrait.

voyage game walkthrough

No Man's Sky Logo

Galactic Atlas

Explore the No Man's Sky galaxy

voyage game walkthrough

Twitch Drops

Earn rewards by watching Twitch

Expedition Thirteen: Adrift

Hello Everyone!

A lot has changed in the years since No Man’s Sky released. There’s so much we love about the game now, but there was something unique at release in how alone you felt in the universe. Going further back I have great memories of early unreleased versions of No Man’s Sky where there were no NPCs, no shops, no help… just you the player as a tiny dot lost in the infinite.

For our next update we wanted to allow players to experience an alternative universe. We are calling it Adrift , and for the first time players can be truly alone in No Man’s Sky. We think it’s a special feeling.

Removing other lifeforms means no shops, no trading, no shortcuts and no help, providing a very different survival experience.

This alternative universe is more dangerous too, with sandworms now roaming free and fiend eggs spreading across planets.

Buildings are broken and rusted, the few remaining landmarks the graves of lost Travellers. In space, a new ghostly frigate beckons, allowing players to recruit a piece of this lonely universe.

voyage game walkthrough

To help provide safe haven is a new bulky Hauler starship, called the Iron Vulture . Since we added ship customisation in our last update, we’re also seeding the game with lots of new customisation options in Adrift.

Adrift was supposed to be our next expedition, which it is, but it’s ballooned out into an update filled with improvements, new unique gameplay content and rewards.

voyage game walkthrough

We’re already two huge updates into the year, with the release of OMEGA – where we invited everyone to try the game for free! – and ORBITAL , which overhauled space stations and introduced a long-requested feature: ship customisation . We are grateful to have such an incredible community; it has been exciting and fascinating to see you all hunting , salvaging and documenting the hundreds of starship components available to assemble your dream ships.

We have much, much more planned for 2024 – and today, we are launching the thirteenth No Man’s Sky community expedition: Adrift .

voyage game walkthrough

  Adrift Expedition

Step into an empty universe , where you will find yourself surrounded by other Travellers… yet somehow still alone . The galaxy has been abandoned . There is no life to be seen anywhere – no aliens, no operational space stations , none of the usual network of shops and buildings.

Though everyone will awaken on the desolate, worm-infested planet Iapezuk , you will not be together in the usual sense. The boundaries between realities have thickened. Communication is consumed by static. Even the usually-bustling Space Anomaly is eerily silent .

voyage game walkthrough

In this forsaken universe, deprived of support from merchants and traders, self-reliance is more critical than ever. Survive a spread of repair, exploration, and combat challenges – and meditate upon the darkness of deep space.

Completing this lonely journey will award an exclusive range of collectibles , including the gnawing scuttler companion, a supply of starship stealth paint , a ghostly frigate , and the unique Iron Vulture starship .

voyage game walkthrough

Begin the Adrift expedition from the Expedition Terminus aboard the Space Anomaly – or from a fresh new save , which may later be converted to a Normal Mode save.

All the exclusive rewards earned from completing the expedition phases may be redeemed across all save games , courtesy of the Space Anomaly’s Quicksilver Synthesis Companion.

Adrift begins today, and will run for approximately seven weeks .

voyage game walkthrough

  Adrift Expedition Rewards

Meditation, Alone in the Dark, and Isolation Posters

Contemplate your journey through Adrift with posters that recall the empty endless void of space and the scale of that infinite, black expanse…

voyage game walkthrough

Stealth Paint

An exclusive starship customisation option , creating a unique low-radar-signature look for your ship.

Starship Wreckage Base Parts

Create a scrapyard aesthetic in habitable bases with these shattered remains of a crashed starship.

voyage game walkthrough

Gnawing Scuttler Companion

A vile and nightmarish creature , extracted from the derelict shell of a once-glorious freighter. Despite its dark origins, this companion is trained to suppress violent urges towards its assigned master.

voyage game walkthrough

Ship of the Damned

The remains of a long-abandoned frigate . Despite its ruined condition, with no apparent crew, it sails on through the stars…

voyage game walkthrough

Iron Vulture

Transport vast quantities of cargo across the galaxy in this stylish high-capacity Hauler , featuring a unique silhouette and industrial metal finish .

The ironclad metal finish may be applied to any newly-constructed starships in the Fabricator. Additionally, the Iron Vulture can be scrapped , and its components utilised in the manufacture of a new hauler.

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Community Research

Traveller efforts in completing multiplayer missions at the Space Anomaly Nexus have recently unlocked a new set of dazzling ice sculptures in the form of a majestic diplo, Atlas station, and the iconic Alpha Vector starship.

voyage game walkthrough

The Quicksilver Synthesis Companion is now creating blueprints for a new set of Pawprints , To the Stars and Awakenings decals. Contribute to the process by submitting data via Nexus missions!

voyage game walkthrough

Community Spotlight

voyage game walkthrough

voyage game walkthrough

Development Update

Today’s 4.70 update for No Man’s Sky includes the Adrift expedition, alongside a number of stability and gameplay fixes.

Our journey continues.

4.70 Patch Notes

  • Expedition Thirteen, Adrift, will begin shortly and run for approximately seven weeks.
  • During the expedition, every star system has become abandoned, removing all NPCs, all active starships, and destroying system economies.
  • A number of other gameplay changes have been made to reflect the strange nature of this universe, including to gameplay events, to player communications, and to the distribution of various hostile entities.
  • Rewards include new posters, decals and titles; a set of starship wreckage base building parts; a vile and gnawing companion; a unique cursed frigate; several new starship customisation options; and the exclusive Iron Vulture hauler.
  • Introduced a number of significant memory usage optimisations.
  • Fixed an issue that caused base parts to pop in after loading.
  • Improved the speech audio of the Assembled Construct on the Space Anomaly..
  • Improved the audio for planetary titan worms.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the Space Anomaly from playing its warp-in effects.
  • Significantly improved the visual effects around the Space Anomaly’s Prime Terminal.
  • Fixed an issue that caused distorted Travellers to pop in when interacting with Unknown Graves.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the crafting page to use incorrect text when attempting to build an object while lacking sufficient resources.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed markers belonging to separate resources to be merged together when part of the same clump.
  • Fixed a rare issue that could allow damaged technology to appear in the list of refinable items.
  • Planets with synthetic or robotic creatures will now report this information in the “Fauna” category of their data readout.
  • The purchase UI screen has been tweaked to improve clarity when the current item is unaffordable.
  • Fixed a number of rare issues where incorrect rewards were listed in the UI or in the interaction prompt.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Atlas Path from appearing in the Collected Knowledge section of the catalogue.
  • Fixed some misleading mission instructions in the They Who Returned mission while in an uninhabitable star system.
  • Fixed a number of rare mission blockers that could occur while reloading a save in the middle of space combat.
  • Fixed a number of rare blockers in A Trace Metal related to Tethys’ interactions.
  • Added a catalogue guidance mission for Atlantideum.
  • Improved mission text clarity in the event that a player travels a significant distance away from their current mission target.
  • Fixed a rare issue that could add an “ON PLANET” label to the Atlas Station’s marker.
  • Fixed a number of minor text issues.


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  2. The Voyage

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  3. Voyage Full Game Walkthrough Gameplay (No Commentary)

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  4. Voyage Full Game Gameplay Walkthrough No Commentary (PS5)

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  5. The Voyage Game

    voyage game walkthrough

  6. Voyage (Journey to the Moon) Walkthrough part 5

    voyage game walkthrough


  1. THE INCREDIBLES (PS2) ► All Bosses & Ending (4K 60FPS)

  2. #voyage game over! Escova carvão contato elétrico:(


  4. A Fantastic Voyage


  6. Cooking Voyage Level 57 Cooking Games


  1. Voyage Walkthrough

    Voyage: A Journey Beyond Reality. by Kheops Studio. Walkthrough by MaGtRo & Dennis Lepine August 2005 version 1.2 . Gameplay: This point and click game is played with no CD on the drive after installation.The main menu has New game, Save game, Load game, Credits, Options and Quit.

  2. Voyage: Inspired by Jules Verne

    top left handle to fill the can up all the way. Grease the handle in the middle. and push the button to empty the contents to the right side. Refill the can as. before, empty to the right, refill once more time and then empty as much as is. possible to the right side. Take the can with the correct amount and leave by.

  3. Voyage (Journey to the Moon) Walkthrough part 1

    Voyage is a point and click game Developed by Kheops Studio and published by The Adventure Company for the PC in 2005. Voyage is loosely based on the novels ...

  4. Voyage Walkthrough at margotbean.com

    In inventory, combine the ax with a cogged cylinder, then add a colored wheel to make a crushing roller. Place the crushing roller between the other two at the left of the machine. Place the hopper below the three crushing rollers. Place the funnel on the end of the l-shaped pipe above the crushing rollers.

  5. Voyage FULL GAME Gameplay Walkthrough No Commentary (PC)

    Voyage Gameplay Walkthrough No Commentary PC Full Game. Showcasing all missions, the full story, upgrades, ending and more.ENEBA.com - great place to buy gam...

  6. Voyage: Inspired by Jules Verne: Game Walkthrough and Guide

    Voyage: Inspired by Jules Verne: Passage So, we wake up inside the tin can, we begin to find out where we are and how they got here (well still, remember as our name, - Michel Ardan!)The interface has practically not changed from the previous game "Kheops" ("Return to the Mysterious Island"): click right-handled mouse button […]

  7. Voyage

    Voyage - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 3: Caring - 2022 Nintendo Switch game (1080p 60fps)Voyage is a hand-drawn adventure game, and is released on August 12th o...

  8. Voyage Full Game Walkthrough

    A beautiful game where you play as two survivors on a journey through dreamlike landscapes.My Voyage mini review: ''Once in a while there is a little gem tha...

  9. Voyage: Inspired by Jules Verne

    You can write and submit your own guide for this game using either our full-featured online editor or our basic text editor. We also accept maps and charts as well. For Voyage: Inspired by Jules Verne on the PC, GameFAQs has 2 guides and walkthroughs.

  10. Setup Guide (Getting the game to launch) & Walkthrough :: Voyage

    Voyage: Journey to the Moon > General Discussions > Topic Details. Cyan. Dec 15, 2014 @ 5:04am Setup Guide (Getting the game to launch) & Walkthrough ... There's also a big walkthrough of the game, but please note the game is non-linear, you can solve the puzzles in pretty much any order you want, and some puzzles are randomised so I cannot ...

  11. Voyage: Inspired by Jules Verne

    Ardan jumps across the surface of the Moon in a minigame. Voyage: Inspired by Jules Verne (known as Journey to the Moon in the United Kingdom and Australia) is a point-and-click adventure game with pre-rendered graphics, developed by Kheops Studio and published by The Adventure Company for the PC in 2005. The game's story focuses on a French adventurer's journey to the Moon in the 19th century ...

  12. Voyage of Despair Walkthrough

    The Complete Voyage of Despair Easter Egg Walkthrough. After days of searching, the community has finally cracked the Easter Egg for Voyage of Despair. Much like every other typical Zombies Easter ...

  13. Voyage Century/Walkthrough

    Gameplay. Walkthrough. Once you complete the basic training, you will start in either Alexandria or Athens. Start by finding the 4 NPC guilds: Ares Warrior Alliance. Adventure Alliance. Master of Alliance. Merchant Guild. Join all of them and start with your quests.

  14. Voyage Hints from UHS

    We give you as much detail as any walkthrough, to help you finish. But unlike ordinary walkthroughs or cheats, we show you just the hints you need, so your game is never spoiled. Select the area where you're stuck and then keep clicking "Show Another Hint" to get the right level of help -- anything from a small nudge to a full answer.

  15. The Voyage walkthrough and puzzle guide (Part 1)

    Tap the start button to ignite the spark. Use your internal clock to keep track of time and press the stop button when you feel the target is reached." There are many ways to help you count in seconds. For example, saying the word 'Mississippi' between numbers makes you count in roughly second-long steps.

  16. Whale's Voyage Walkthrough & Guide

    Released for DOS, Amiga computers and the CD32 in February 1993, Whale's Voyage is a scifi dungeon crawler RPG made by a team of 5 people from NEO Software Productions in Austria. The game was published in Europe by Flair. A sequel called Whale's Voyage II: Die Übermacht was released in 1995. In 2018 it was finally translated into English by ...

  17. Voyage Walkthrough

    This full game walkthrough for Voyage is currently in progress. If you would like to help us write this walkthrough, please post in here.

  18. Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage

    This document contains a complete Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay! We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.

  19. Voyage Game

    Voyage Game. Players make decisions, solve problems and deal with conflicts on a perilous journey across the globe. This year is 1830. You're the Surgeon Superintendent aboard a convict vessel transporting its human cargo from Britain to the far reaches of the known world - Van Diemen's Land.

  20. Voyage Full Game Gameplay Walkthrough No Commentary (PS5)

    Voyage is a cinematic adventure game capturing the essence of shared exploration. Whether you decide to play by yourself or cooperatively, the journey will r...

  21. Voyage Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC

    Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Voyage on the PC, with a game help system for those that are stuck Thu, 18 Aug 2022 08:24:48 Cheats, Hints & Walkthroughs 3DS

  22. Game Basics

    This game is a complete chore to play due to a lack of mouse support. You have to hold down the fire button/space and push down on the keyboard/joystick in order to access the menu buttons at the bottom of the screen in order to use items / talk / ect. Arrow keys / Joystick - Move the cursor / walk. Space bar / Fire - Confirm your selected option.

  23. Voyage

    Voyage - Complete Gameplay Walkthrough - 2022 Nintendo Switch game (1080p 60fps)Voyage is a hand-drawn adventure game, and is released on August 12th on Nint...

  24. Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage

    This walkthrough includes tips and tricks, helpful hints, and a strategy guide to complete Hidden Mysteries: The Fateful Voyage - Titanic. April 10th, 1912 (8:45am) In this tutorial level ...

  25. Expedition Thirteen: Adrift

    Adrift Expedition. Step into an empty universe, where you will find yourself surrounded by other Travellers… yet somehow still alone. The galaxy has been abandoned. There is no life to be seen anywhere - no aliens, no operational space stations, none of the usual network of shops and buildings. Though everyone will awaken on the desolate ...