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Confusing words: travel, a journey, a trip, a voyage

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The words travel , journey , trip and voyage can easily be confused by learners of English.

I suppose it’s a good time of year to look at these words, as the spring and summer holiday seasons will soon be starting for many people.

Travel (noun)

The noun travel is a general word, meaning to move from place to place, usually over long distances.

We can say: air travel , food and travel , space travel , business travel , a travel agency .

  • Air travel is getting more expensive.
  • The magazine is a food and travel guide.

We can also say travels , which is a plural noun:

  • Where did you go on your travels?
  • Jack Kerouac wrote many books about his travels.

Travel is also a verb:

  • I travel 20 km to work every day.

Journey (noun) 

A journey means moving from one place to another, especially in a vehicle. It is a single piece of travel. A journey can also be a regular thing.

Here is an example. Let’s say we go from London to Leeds then back again. That is two journeys (London to Leeds is the first journey, Leeds to London is the second journey).

We can say: a bus journey , a train journey , the journey to school , my journey to work .

Be careful with the plural: journeys NOT journies .

  • How long does your journey to work take?
  • Did you have a good journey?
  • Did you have a good travel?

Trip (noun)

A trip describes the whole process of going somewhere and coming back. (It is more than one journey.)

Once again, let’s go from London to Leeds then back again. As I said above, that is  two journeys, but it is one trip.

Some examples: a day trip , a round trip , a round-the-world trip, a boat trip and a business trip . We say go on a trip .

  • We went on a three-week trip to Scotland.
  • He’s gone on a business trip to Germany.
  • Let’s go on a trip to the mountains this summer!
  • The trip there took three hours. The journey there took three hours.

Voyage (noun)

Voyages are less common nowadays. A voyage is a very long trip, usually at sea or in space:

  • At the age of twenty-three, Sir Francis Drake made his first voyage to the New World.
  • A voyage around the world often took four or five years.

The French Bon voyage! translates into English as Have a good trip! or Have a good journey!

I hope that’s clear. Here’s a quick exercise for you to test your understanding:

journey travel trip voyage vocabulary exercises


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sareh - April 16, 2012, 11:28 pm Reply

that was so helpful thank you

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Amelia - February 20, 2013, 1:07 pm Reply

The explanation is very nice but I could not find the “quick exercise” you mention at the end. Thanks.

journey travel trip voyage vocabulary exercises

Stuart Cook - February 20, 2013, 7:05 pm Reply

Thanks, Amelia. Some users have told me that the exercises are not visible in certain browsers (older versions of Internet Explorer, for instance). They’ll definitely work if you use the Chrome browser.

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MARIA DEL MAR - May 31, 2013, 8:53 pm Reply

hello,…. Your website is really usefull, now I can understand some differents thing … I hope it will be more successful than before.. and I wish improve my english too. 🙂

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Allabergan - September 1, 2013, 11:01 pm Reply

I really liked this website. Thx . But what about <>???? Please, explain it also?! thx in advance

Allabergan - September 1, 2013, 11:02 pm Reply

I asked about ” tour”.

Stuart Cook - January 21, 2014, 7:44 am Reply

A tour is when we visit several different places on a long trip and is usually for pleasure. A tour can also be an official visit to inspect a place, e.g. They gave the Prime Minister a tour of the new factory.

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Wen Dodge - August 14, 2021, 8:51 am Reply

How can I get more helpful info?

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Blanca - January 20, 2014, 10:31 am Reply

Le agradecería me aclarara si es un error en la página o es que estaba yo confundida, porque aprendi que no se dice ‘Travel is much faster and cheaper nowadays…’ como se indica en la pagina como correcto, sino: ‘TRAVELLING is much fuster and cheaper …’ Por favor ¿puede confirmármelo? Muchas gracias por adelantado po su amable respuesta.

Blanca - January 20, 2014, 10:40 am Reply

Excuse me, I put the question in Spanish without realising where you could be located. I put it again in English,excuse me.

I learnt that the correct sentence would be: ‘TRAVELLING is much faster and cheaper..’ but in the site here the answer that appear as correct is ‘TRAVEL is much faster and cheaper..’

Could you please be so kind to confirm me if it is a mistake of the system or if I was wrong and in fact in this case is more correct to say travel than travelling?

Thank you very much in advance for your reply.

Stuart Cook - January 20, 2014, 11:03 am Reply

Blanca, It’s also possible to say Travelling is much faster and cheaper . The reason travelling was not given as an option in the multiple choice quiz is that we are looking at the differences between the nouns journey, trip and travel here. I see that this may be a bit confusing, so I have changed the last question in the exercise to air travel .

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Luisa - January 21, 2014, 1:51 am Reply

Hi! I don´t find the question number 10 that you mentioned in your comment. Could you tell me if the exercise is incomplete? Thanks a lot.

Stuart Cook - January 21, 2014, 7:49 am Reply

Hi, Luisa The travel / journey / trip exercise has seven questions, not ten. You can see it at the end of the article above.

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Rogerio - March 20, 2014, 5:35 pm Reply

Thank you for your help and congratulations for the iniciative of keeping this site in the web.

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azam - May 7, 2014, 6:04 am Reply

Hi thank you very much. could you tell me how I can speak better please? When I speak English, I wanna get nervous and forget everything. my teacher told me ” don’t be shy” but he didn’t tell me how. please teach some exercises.

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Alexandre Spindola - May 12, 2014, 5:41 am Reply

Dear Mr. Stuart Cook,

I’d like to thank you very very very very much for this explanation!!! I am Brazilian, and I have never had the opportunity to learn the difference among these confusing words. Now, thank you, I finally know that. I’m so happy and satisfied, thank you!!!

Best Regards,

Alexandre Spindola

Stuart Cook - May 12, 2014, 7:07 am Reply

Hi, Alexandre

I’m really glad you like the site and find it helpful. Good luck with your studies!

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Pouya keikavous - May 26, 2014, 10:08 am Reply

Lots of thanks for explanation

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regor ngavouka - September 9, 2014, 2:34 am Reply

Hi, i’m a congolese i’m so happy to have discovered the real and clear explanations of them. Thank you for having brought more light on the confusion that seemed to be as tough as a stone. But now thanks to you,

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Aristia - September 25, 2014, 11:32 am Reply

Brilliant work! Thank you

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Heine - February 23, 2015, 11:34 am Reply

thank you. this is very helpful.

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Tiago_Dos_Santos - April 8, 2015, 11:41 am Reply

Extremely helpful! Thank you! 🙂

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Venya Gangwani - October 11, 2016, 5:18 am Reply

This is a very good page but I need to ask that : A voyage is for pleasure or for business?

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Aurélio Loiola - November 2, 2016, 10:56 pm Reply

This time I shall learn the differences between travel, journey, trip and voyage. On my future trip, I’ll take three flights because I’ll go to three different cities. In the middle, I got confused to say if I scheduled my journey to Recife or if I scheduled my travel to Recife on 28. I know I could only say I scheduled my flight from Fortaleza do Recife. But considering journey and travel which is right? Thanks a lot.

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Fariba - February 10, 2017, 2:48 am Reply

Hi That was so useful & helpful. Thanks. Can we say: “go on a travel” ?

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Pro Inglis - March 28, 2017, 9:34 pm Reply

Very Helpfull! Can you include Crossing and Fight??

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Anonymous - May 25, 2017, 10:33 pm Reply

Thank you for your explanation, It really helped me understand the context in which I can use them.

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Nassimah Reynolds - October 17, 2017, 7:28 pm Reply

Great work, Stuart Cook! I’m an English teacher myself and have to explain these words very often. But your explanation is very clear and concise, and illustrates the wonders of the English language : ) Thanks!

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Nouran - December 2, 2017, 9:34 pm Reply

Thank you for this wonderful site . It helped me alot.

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Dinuka - September 20, 2019, 3:40 am Reply

It very useful to me. Thanks

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jennifer - July 1, 2020, 10:28 am Reply

wonderful and very useful information.

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FreeAgent - January 22, 2021, 11:10 am Reply

I don’t know how to thank you enough, but this is the best insightful explanation ever on the Internet.

I really understood the subtle differences and proper usages of them.

You are evidently a great teacher.

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it.

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Martine - May 16, 2021, 9:45 am Reply

Which noun do we use when we talk about travelling around the world? A … around the world? A world …?

Stuart Cook - May 16, 2021, 10:05 am Reply

We call it a round-the-world trip . A musician would do a world tour .

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Travel Words: Trip, Journey, Cruise, Tour, Voyage…

Published by my lingua academy on 19 sep 2022 19 sep 2022.

Hi English learners! Do you like travelling? In today’s lesson, we are going to talk about travelling and travel words such as trip, journey, cruise, voyage, tour, city break, outing, holiday, excursion.

A trip is a short journey where you go to a place and come back. You can go on a business trip or trip for pleasure. We say that we go on a trip or take a trip.

  • Mira went on a trip to Scotland last week. She had a great time.
  • I’d like to go on a shopping trip to Istanbul. 
  • Employees in our company make about 10 business trips a year.

In most cases, when we say journey we mean a trip between two distant places. It can be by plane, by train, etc.

  • The journey from my flat in Poland to the beach hotel in Spain takes 4 hours, door to door.
  • Last year, we went on a long journey to China. It was long and tiring but it was worth it.
  • We broke our journey in Frankfurt and flew to London the next day.

A cruise is a journey by sea. It is connected to tourism because we people usually go on a cruise on a large ship which stops at the coastal places for sightseeing. 

  • We went on a cruise along the Mediterranean coast last summer. It was marvellous!
  • I’d love to go on a cruise around the world but it’s very expensive. 

 Travel Words: Trip, Journey, Cruise, Tour, Voyage…

A voyage is a long journey, especially by sea, or even to space.

  • After a two-year voyage by the Indian Ocean, Marco Polo landed in India.
  • Isn’t it sad that the Titanic sank on its first voyage ? (you can also say maiden voyage )
  • NASA scientists are preparing to go on a voyage to Mars soon.

A trip during which you visit a town, a city or an area to look around it.

  • We went on a guided tour of Athens and we saw so many interesting places there.
  • Sara won a 3-day tour of France. 
  • When we were in the USA last year, we went on a cycling tour of the Grand Canyon.

 If you go on a city break, you visit a big city for a few days for sightseeing or shopping.

  • Celia and I are going on a city break to Barcelona for the weekend. I can’t wait.
  • City breaks are becoming more and more popular among tourists.
  • If you’re stuck in your relationship a romantic city break to Venice could be a game changer.

Travel Words: Trip, Journey, Cruise, Tour, Voyage…

An outing is a short, usually daily trip.

  • The children are going on an outing to the Zoo on Sunday.
  • We went on a family outing to Bath. We had a great time!
  • It is going to be hot tomorrow so we’ll probably go on an outing to the beach.

You probably know what a holiday is. It is a time we spend resting from school or work; it can be shorter or longer. 

  • We like to book our summer holiday in February because it’s cheaper then.
  • Employees in that company have 25 days of paid holiday a year.
  • I’m looking forward Christmas holidays.

An excursion is an organized trip for a group of people who are travelling for pleasure.

  • Our class is going on an excursion to Bournemouth next month. I can’t wait.
  • Included in your holiday is an excursion to the mountain.
  • We’ll go cycling for an excursion and then stay at a campsite.

Remember to always use the prepositional phrase go on (not go to) with the travel words:

go on a trip, go on a journey, go on a tour, go on a cruise, go on a holiday, etc.

Travel Words: Trip, Journey, Cruise, Tour, Voyage…

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Sam · 26 Feb 2024 at 5:39 am

What about ( picnic)?

15 Phrasal Verbs Related to Summer - My Lingua Academy · 16 Jun 2024 at 7:11 pm

[…] Check this link to find out about the meanings of travel words such as travel, trip, journey, voyage… […]

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Travel, Journey, Trip and Voyage

Travel means ‘traveling in general’.

I am interested in travel. (= I am interested in traveling in general.)

Travel is usually uncountable. It is sometimes used in the plural and then it means a long tour in which several places are visited.

Who is the author of ‘Travels with a Donkey’? I have met many interesting people on my travels. Is he back from his travels yet?

To travel is to make long journeys.

Light travels faster than sound.

Journey is usually countable. A journey is one piece of traveling.

Wish you a good journey . (NOT Wish you a good travel.)

A trip is a return journey. It also refers to the activity which is the reason for the journey.

He is on a business trip.

Did you have a good journey ? ‘No, the train broke down.’ How was your trip ? ‘Successful.’

The noun trip is not usually used to refer to expeditions which have a very serious purpose or which take a long time.

Amundsen made his path-breaking journey to the South Pole in 1911. (More natural than ‘Amundsen made his path-breaking trip to the South Pole in 1911.)

A voyage is a long sea journey.

journey travel trip voyage vocabulary exercises

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 English Vocabulary for learners 

TRAVEL WORDS with their meaning.

Definition of travel words and examples of use, travel, trip, journey, voyage, tour, outing, trek, hike, crossing, cruise, excursion, expedition, flight..

Travel words that are sometimes misused or misunderstood by learners, with their definition and examples of use.

  • A journey across water, for example a ferry crossing. "The crossing from Naples to Capri takes about an hour."
  • A vacation/holiday spent on a ship that sails the ocean, periodically stopping at a number of ports for sightseeing. "Our neighbours have just set off on a round-the-world cruise ."
  • A short visit to a place, usually by a group of people. "When we were in Italy we went on an excurion to the island of Capri."
  • A long carefully-planned trip, especially to an unfamiliar and sometimes dangerous place. "Scott led an expedition to the South Pole."
  • A journey by air, on a plane. "How long is the flight to London?"
  • The distance covered between two places. A journey can be long or short. "The journey to work generally takes around 30 minutes." "Our journey to Singapore was long and tiring."
  • A short trip (no longer than one day) away from your home or school, made by a group of people for pleasure or education. "The teacher organized an outing to the zoo."
  • A journey during which several places are visited. "Last year we took our family on a tour of Italy during the summer holidays."
  • A verb or uncountable noun meaning the general activity of moving from one place to another. Note: We cannot say ‘ a travel ’. "We always try to travel light." " Travel has become cheaper over the years."
  • The plural form ‘travels’ are journeys to many different places. "On his travels , the writer visited Egypt and South Africa."
  • A long difficult walk across hills, mountains or forests… "We spent two days trekking/hiking across the hills."
  • A short journey to a particular place for business or pleasure, not something you do regularly. "Our tour of Europe included a trip to Paris."
  • -A lengthy trip or holiday in a motor vehicle. -A trip taken by a sports team to play against other teams, or by a business person for business reasons. "Next year we're going on a road trip around Australia."
  • A long journey to a distant place by sea or in space. "Columbus set out on his voyage across the ocean."

Travel vocabulary

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  • 1. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt I hope to have very good memories of our ………………………… to Paris trip travel journey voyage
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  • 3. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt What about making a day ……………………… to Ordesa? trip travel journey voyage
  • 4. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt She got a job in a …………………………… agency trip travel journey voyage
  • 5. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt We have to plan the …………………………… carefully so as not to get lost or miss any train trip journey travel voyage
  • 6. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt The ……………………… company will inform you of any alteration in the time of departure trip journey travel voyage
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  • 10. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt When I was 15, I went on a school … to the Netherlands.  trip travel  journey voyage
  • 11. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt I won't be coming to school tomorrow, I'm taking my year 3 students on a … to Albarracín.  trip  travel journey voyage

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