Cigarette eyed as cause of cruise blaze

The blackened outside of the Star Princess shows that the fire covered several floors of the cruise ship.

A fire apparently started by a cigarette broke out aboard a giant cruise ship early Thursday as it sailed through the moonlit Caribbean, leaving one passenger dead, 11 people injured and at least 100 rooms scorched.

The Star Princess, carrying 2,690 passengers and 1,123 crew members, bore evidence of the nighttime drama as it pulled into Montego Bay’s port. About 85 exterior cabins were blackened from the fire, a stark contrast to the otherwise gleaming white exterior of the ship. Metal was twisted, evidence of the heat of the blaze.

“We consider ourselves very lucky,” Klemens Fass, of Toronto, Canada, told The Associated Press after he and his wife were evacuated with other some passengers. “When we got out of our stateroom ... there was someone lying in the hallway passed out. He was being attended to but it was very, very scary.”

A smoldering cigarette is suspected as the cause of the blaze, said Horace Peterkin, president of the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association, who toured the ship after it docked here.

According to’s Susan Lim, who was vacationing on the Star Princess, passengers were told late Thursday afternoon that the cruise had been terminated.

Full fare to be reimbursed Lim also reported that Princess Cruises had sent letters to passengers stating that full cruise fares and air transportation will be reimbursed. Passengers who booked air transportation separately were advised to fill out a form and state their destination cities. Princess will arrange flights for Friday and Saturday, Lim reported.

Also, two charter flights have been arranged for Friday morning, with 138 seats from Montego Bay to Fort Lauderdale, and an additional 250 seats for passengers traveling from Montego Bay to Atlanta. People living in those areas will likely be assigned to those flights.

Passengers grabbed life jackets and raced to “muster stations” after the fire started about 3 a.m., said Julie Benson, spokeswoman for Princess Cruises, which is owned by Miami-based Carnival Corp. The crew put out the fire, then did a cabin-by-cabin search to check for victims and make sure everyone else was safe, she said.

Richard Liffidge, 75, of Georgia, collapsed and died on deck, said Karl Angell, communications director for the Jamaican police. Benson said the passenger died after suffering cardiac arrest. But Peterkin said an autopsy would be performed to determine the cause of death.

Liffidge’s wife was taken to a hospital in Montego Bay, Angell said. There was no immediate word on what she was being treated for or her condition.

A company statement said two passengers suffered “significant smoke inhalation injuries” and nine others had “minor complications.”

Benson said the company has reached no conclusions about the cause of the blaze.

She said about 100 cabins were affected by the fire, though Peterkin put the number at around 150.

The Star Princess was sailing from Grand Cayman to Jamaica when the blaze started. Reportedly built at a cost of over $430 million, it has four swimming pools, a half-dozen restaurants and dining rooms, a casino, two theaters, and several nightclubs. It stretches about three football fields long.

Running out in nightgowns Zach Bramlage, 19, of Columbus, Ohio, was having a late-night meal when word spread that there was a fire.

“Some people just ran in where we were eating and told us the ship is on fire and we got our life vests real quick and headed downstairs,” Bramlage said. “I was pretty scared initially but the captain came over the (intercom) and told us everything was going to be all right.”

Hours after the ship arrived in Montego Bay before noon, passengers boarded buses that took them to hotels in the nearby resort towns of Negril and Ocho Rios. Other passengers remained on board.

David Haltom was on his honeymoon when he and his bride awoke in their cabin, smelling smoke and hearing people running in the halls yelling fire.

“Everybody ran. There were people in nightgowns and robes because it happened so fast,” Haltom said by phone from his Negril hotel. The crew lowered lifeboats to the ship deck and instructed passengers to grab their life vests, he said.

After the blaze was extinguished, passengers were allowed to retrieve belongings from their cabins, some blackened from smoke.

“You saw people bringing out clothes in bags and they were black, their hands and their faces were black,” he said.

The fire melted locks on some of the cabins and burned some passengers’ luggage, Lim reported from the ship.

Investigation in progress The U.S. Coast Guard dispatched investigators and fire engineers to help determine the fire’s cause and whether the ship was seaworthy, Coast Guard Petty Officer James Judge said in Miami. Teams were expected to arrive Thursday afternoon.

“Our No. 1 concern right now is safety,” Judge said.

The ship was not seriously damaged and would sail back to Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on Friday, Peterkin said. There was no immediate confirmation from officials at the cruise line.

The Star Princess sailed from Fort Lauderdale on March 19.

Emma Cruises

Star Princess Fire (2006) – Pictures, Cause, and Safety Improvements

In March of 2006, the Star Princess was sailing just off the coast of Jamaica. She had 3813 people on board in total and as far as everybody was concerned, this was a totally normal cruise. 

What Caused The 2006 Fire on The Star Princess?

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch concluded that the cause of the fire of the Star Princess in 2006 was mostly likely a cigarette butt drops from a balcony. The cigarette butt set fire to the balcony furniture, partitions, and flooring causing the fire to spread rapidly.

At the time, smoking on a balcony was allowed but throwing cigarette butts obviously wasn’t. Guests were told to put their cigarettes out in an ashtray.

Maybe the person dropped it, or intentionally threw it, nobody knows. 

Leaving Personal Items on The Balcony is Always Against The Rules

The cigarette butt didn’t immediately burst into flames but it smoldered for around 20 minutes on the balcony. It isn’t clear if there were other items on the balcony but there may have been. 

Cruise lines do tell guests not to leave anything on the balcony but often people will leave clothes on here to dry or they may just forget to bring things in when they come in from sitting on the balcony.

In this situation, a book or a towel could cause a BIG problem, as the ship was sailing near Jamaica the temperature was 25c (77f) and the humidity was 92%.

If this had happened somewhere cold, the cigarette may never have caught fire in the way that it did. 

On most cruise ships now if you leave things on your balcony your cabin attendant will bring them back into the cabin for you. That’s just one of the things that has changed in recent years.

The First Report of a Possible Fire Happened on Deck 14

It was just before 3 AM that a crew member smelt burning on deck 14. The area was checked and they didn’t find a fire.

A little later a guest staying in cabin B2541 set off the fire alarm after they saw the glow of the fire from their balcony. 

star princess deck plan of fire 2006

The fire started on a balcony on deck 10 but because of the high winds once the fire took hold it spread very fast. It spread along the ship and also up to decks 11 and 12. 

A little after 3 AM the captain decided to slow the ship down and to change course slightly in order to reduce the winds.

At 03:20 the general emergency alarm was sounded.

On every cruise ship it is a legal requirement that all guests complete an emergency drill when they embark. the ship. Thanks to this the guests knew what they needed to do when they heard the alarm. The guests grabbed their life jackets and went to their muster stations. 

To learn more about what happens at a muster drill, and how these have changed since the Coronavirus pandemic, check out this post: Muster Drills Have Changed For The Better (REVIEW of New After Covid Process)

The lifeboats and liferafts were prepared as a precaution. 

The below shows where the fire started and where it spread to.

star princess map of fire spread

The Guests Attended Their Muster Stations as Instructed

A person who was on board at the time said the following:

“When we reached the 11th floor, we saw someone come through the closed fire door on the port side of the ship, when the door opened, a floor-to-ceiling THICK BLACK cloud of smoke came pouring out and down the hall.”

The guest goes on to say that:

“As we headed down to our muster station, we noticed that crew members were ALREADY STATIONED on all the floors at the stairwells to guide passengers down. The speed at which these crew members reached their assigned “posts” was phenomenal.”

I think it’s important to mention just how highly the guests praised the crew of the ship for dealing with this situation.

The crew guided to guests to safety, entertained them, fed them, and generally made sure that everybody was okay.

I’m sure they were also scared but the guests onboard reported how calm and organised everything was. 

Balcony Doors Shattered

The heat from the fire on the balconies was so hot that it shattered the glass in some of the balcony doors and the fire spread into the cabins.

It was later determined that the balcony cabin doors weren’t the self-closing type and this is something that should have been in place and is now on.

The passengers in cabins 316 and 322 on deck C were in their rooms when the glass smashed, I can’t even imagine how scary how must have been.

The glass used in the balcony doors was double glazed with a thickness of 25mm which had been impact tested but was not fire rated.

The cabins are built in big metal boxes so thankfully the spread of the fire was limited when it came to the inside of the ship. The cruise line also stopped the ventilation inside the cabins to slow down the fire. 

star princess 2006 fire balconies burnt

The Smoke Was The Biggest Problem

Although the fire didn’t spread, the smoke still did, the smoke was the biggest problem for the guests trying to evacuate, and the crew trying to make sure everybody was out of the area.

The balcony partitions and balcony furniture were burning and creating a cloud of thick smoke. The partitions were built of ​​polycarbonate and the tiles on the floor were made of polyurethane. 

The balconies were classified as ‘outside spaces’ so they had slightly different requirements when it came to fire safety. The partitions and tiles wouldn’t have been able to be used inside the ship because of the smoke they make when they are burnt.

The idea of a fire starting on the balcony wasn’t really something that cruise lines had thought too much about.

On cruise ships, the crew have to complete fire safety drills and have plans in place but there wasn’t a ‘fire on the balcony’ drill that was carried out.

star princess smoke damage inside ship after 2006 fire

Do Cruise Ships Have Fire Crews and Fire Equipment onboard?

All modern cruise ships are equipped with fire safety gear and crew members whose job it is to tackle the fire. The equipment includes multiple sets of safety clothing, breathing apparatus, and hoses used to put out the fires.a

These will be crew members who have other jobs onboard, they don’t keep a full fire brigade on board just in case but they have had a lot of training and I think they deserve a lot of praise for how they dealt with this fire. 

Don’t Cruise Ships Have Spinklers?

If you have cruised on a modern cruise ship you might be wondering why the balcony sprinklers didn’t go off.

Most new cruise ships will have fire detection devices and sprinklers on the balconies in the case of a fire like this happening.

Back in 2006, this wasn’t standard on cruise ships and the Star Princess didn’t have any on the balconies. There were mist systems inside the ship but they didn’t really work as planned. 

Sprinklers and detectors were added to the Star Princess’s balconies before she set sail again making her safer than ever before. 

What Changes Were Made After The Accident?

After the fire Carnival Corporation who own Princess Cruises made changes to all of their ships, removing the flammable partitions and tiles as well as adding new sprinklers.

This happened on 81 ships in total which is 26,400 balconies. 

Although it’s sad that this tragedy happened, the improvements to cruise ship safety that came, as a result, may have saved many more lives.

The Fire Burnt For Over an Hour

The fire spread for 1.5 hours and in total 297 cabins were damaged or destroyed.

The Star Princess had 1298 cabins in total meaning that 23% of the ship’s cabins were damaged. 

The ship’s crew used 7 rigged hoses to fight the fire, due to the location this was difficult as the partitions on the balconies were still in place.

The fire was mostly fought from the inside of the cabins and the broken parts of the balconies. 

One passenger who was found unconscious died of smoke inhalation and 13 others had to be treated for the effects of the smoke. It was around 4.30 that the fire was declared as being officially out.

close up of balconies burnt on the sky princess in the 2006 fire

Following the disaster, a number of safety improvements were made to the ship and cruise ships of the future. The aim was to make sure that the balconies were held to the same high fireproof standards as the rest of the ship was. 

If the balconies were of the same fire safety quality as the internal areas of the ship it’s very unlikely that this fire would have caused the damage that it did. 

After The Event, Princess Created Mock Balcony Fires (In Controlled Enviroments)

After the accident, the Princess did some tests.

They set up a pretend balcony and wanted to see how fast a fire would spread on the current materials.

They set fire to a towel on the back of a chair and it only took 2 minutes 22 seconds for the privacy panel between the balconies to be on fire and 3 minutes before the floor was on fire. 

If a fire like this were to happen again it’s likely that the balcony fire detectors would notice the fire very quickly, the sprinklers would be activated and the fire wouldn’t ever spread beyond the single balcony.

Changes have been made since the accident about the materials that the dividers and balcony furniture can be made of. 

The Next Morning The Ship Docked

It was around 10 am in the morning that the ship arrived in Montego Bay, Jamaica.

The guests were at this point allowed to return to their cabins if they were on the starboard side of the ship. Amazingly when the guests were allowed to leave the muster station the crew had made sure that breakfast was ready for them. 

The guests whose rooms had been damaged by the fire were disembarked and taken to a hotel.

star princess 2006 fire balconies burnt side view

Guests Were Well Compensated

All passengers were given a full refund for the cruise and had their airfare paid for to get them home, they were also given 25% of their cruise fare as a credit to use on another cruise. 

Temporary repairs were made before the ship headed over to Germany to be prepared properly. 

Smoking Was Later Banned on Princess Ships

In 2012 Princess banned smoking on balconies completely. The majority of other cruise lines did the same around this time but Costa Cruises, AIDA Cruises, TUI Cruises, and Fred Olsen cruises still allow guests to smoke on their balconies.

To learn more about the smoking policies of the above cruise lines, check out this post: Cruise Line Balcony Smoking Policies – On These 4 Lines You Can

Whenever I talk about smoking being allowed on cruise ship balconies some people will always that it’s ‘disgusting’ or that it’d put them off cruising with a cruise line but despite what feels like the majority wanting smokeless balconies, there are a few very determined, and vocal people who want to be able to smoke on their balconies. 

Smoking on Balconies is Still a Debated Issue

Some people argue that ships should have smoking balconies, and non-smoking balconies but that really only deals with the problem of secondhand smoke.

Which although not nice, it isn’t as big a problem as the fire risk.

It could be argued that it wasn’t the smoking on the balcony that caused the fire but the fact that the smoker threw their cigarette butt overboard.

The thing is though, if you take away the cigarettes from the balconies, they are far less likely to end up starting a fire in this way. 

I don’t smoke and never have but I would hope that most people would agree that reducing the risk of something like this happening is always a good idea. 

When the cruise line was analysing the accident they talked to other passengers and found that many said that discarded cigarette ends had also landed on their balconies. It’s unlikely that this was an isolated event, it was just the first time it had gone this wrong.

As far as I can see, the person who started the fire was never found.

The starting point of the fire wasn’t ever conclusively found but all analysis of the accident decided that in the absence of any other evidence, it was probably a cigarette butt dropped from a higher deck.

princess cruise balcony fire

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  • Onboard Experience

Get answers to everything from the Best Wi-Fi at Sea and onboard atmosphere to crew appreciation and stateroom services.

Crew Appreciation

What is “Crew Appreciation”? Crew appreciation is a daily amount for each guest that will be automatically added to a guest’s onboard account. The amount of the Crew Incentive will be based on stateroom category, as set out below:

Amounts shown above are in USD. For ships operating in AUD, guests will pay the equivalent of the USD amounts above.

Guests have complete discretion to adjust these crew appreciation while onboard; however, crew appreciation may only be adjusted prior to disembarking the ship and not refundable post cruise.

Crew appreciation can be prepaid using Manage Booking.

What if I purchased Princess Plus® or Princess Premier®? * If you pre-paid the Crew Appreciation and/or Service Charge as part of an all-inclusive or other applicable package:

  • the payments are bundled into your fare
  • the payments are nonrefundable from the time of purchase, except as part of the cruise fare, which refund shall be provided in accordance with our cancelation policy
  • no additional amount will be added to your onboard account for the Crew Incentive or for those Service Charges covered by such package

* Find our complete terms & conditions here .

What if I am not satisfied and don’t want to pay the Crew Appreciation? We are committed to meeting and exceeding guest expectations and pride ourselves in delivering excellent guest satisfaction and our onboard team is available to immediately address any concerns you may have about your cruise. We strive to resolve any issues promptly. In the unlikely event you are dissatisfied for any reason, the Crew Appreciation is subject to adjustment, at your discretion, at any time during the cruise up to the time you settle your onboard account prior to disembarkation.

To learn more, see our  Crew Appreciation and Service Charge Policy .

MedallionNet® – Best Wi-Fi at Sea

All ships have been upgraded with MedallionNet® Wi-Fi, allowing guests to stay connected to the web like never before. You can text, post photos, video chat and stream your favorite shows, movies, music and sports with ease. All ships in the Princess® fleet are MedallionNet enabled.  To learn more, visit the MedallionNet page .

Guests can choose to bundle unlimited Wi-Fi (along with other perks) with their cruise with Princess Plus fares. MedallionNet Wi-Fi is also available for purchase in the MedallionClass® app starting at $24.99 USD pre-cruise for a single-device. Platinum and Elite Captain’s Circle members receive a 50% discount on their MedallionNet purchase.

Princess reserves the right to filter content accessed via the ship's internet services. Please note high bandwidth consuming applications such as voice over IP telephony, peer-to-peer file sharing and streaming media may be restricted on board select Princess vessels.

Onboard Atmosphere

Everyone at Princess is committed to ensuring you have a great time on your cruise. So, to preserve a relaxed and friendly atmosphere onboard, we ask that you observe a couple guidelines.

  • Should you wish to videotape onboard during your cruise, please feel free to do so. However, videotaping the onboard entertainment performances is not allowed for copyright reasons.
  • To reflect the suggested dress code, dinner wear such as pool or beach attire, gym shorts, ball caps and casual jeans (with fraying and/or holes), is not welcomed in the dining rooms. Shoes must be worn.

Stateroom Services

The little extras you find in the best hotels — fresh fruit (by request), available evening bed turn-down, complimentary shampoo, conditioner and body lotion — are provided in every stateroom. Waffle weave cloth bathrobes are available upon request from your stateroom steward for your comfort and convenience.

For those of you who wish to enjoy a relaxing drink in the privacy of your stateroom, bottles of liquor and stateroom bar packages are available for purchase pre-cruise in Manage Booking at non-duty-free prices through room service. The stateroom directory available on your stateroom television lists a complete menu of offerings.

Mini-suites include a welcome glass of sparkling wine, two televisions, a sitting area and a spacious closet, while full suites offer all of these premiums plus complimentary laundry, and use of the Lotus Spa® Thermal Suite (on select ships, excluding Discovery Princess℠, Sky Princess®, Enchanted Princess®, Royal Princess®, Regal Princess®, Majestic Princess®, and Grand Princess®), one-time free mini-bar setup and use of our Disembarkation Lounge.

Each stateroom has other luxuries for your convenience, such as a private safe and refrigerator. In addition, each room is equipped with a 110-volt, 60-cycle alternating current (AC) with standard U.S. plug fittings. Please ask your stateroom steward to check your appliances for suitability before use if you have any questions. All ships are equipped with an electric hair dryer in every stateroom.

Stateroom configuration Staterooms with 3 and 4 berths can be a bunk bed, murphy bed, sofa bed or a rollaway bed. The specific configuration can be confirmed directly through Princess Reservations or your travel agent. Photos, floor plan diagrams, and amenities represent typical arrangements and may vary by ship.

Shopping On Board

The Shops of Princess offer more than just accessories and sundries you may have left at home. Shop on board and benefit from incredible tax-and duty-free savings off suggested U.S. retail prices on fragrances, cosmetics, jewelry and gifts, apparel and liquor.

In addition to our everyday savings, we bring you special promotions throughout the cruise. Once on board, please check for times and locations of these exciting events by accessing  JourneyView™ on your mobile device.

Plus, Elite Captain’s Circle members receive an extra 10% discount in the Shops of Princess– no exclusions!

Special Occasions

Princess makes your birthday, wedding, honeymoon, anniversary or renewal of vows even more memorable. When you’re onboard a cruise with Princess, you’re surrounded by warm, caring people dedicated to making each day a celebration. And for those times in your life that are special, we’ve created a collection of memorable celebration experiences to help you savor those moments for years and years to come.

If you or your travel agent advise us of any occasions of particular importance at least 45 days prior to your departure, we’ll set our “special occasion” staff in motion to spotlight your special event in the dining room or with our special packages and fabulous “extra mile” service. You can advise us of your special occasion directly through the MedallionClass® app.

Choose from a selection of our  Celebration offerings , with extra touches like flowers, wine and champagne. To order a gift or to plan a special event, review our selections and complete the order form.

Smoking Policy

Keeping the comfort of our guests a priority, and in consideration of consumer studies which show smokers are a small minority of guests, Princess has implemented the following smoking policy:

Designated Smoking Areas Clearly marked “Designated Smoking Areas” are available on board and include a sufficient number of ashtrays that are emptied regularly. Generally, these areas include cigar lounges, a section of the nightclub, as well as a portion of the open decks. The Casino and Casino Bar are non-smoking areas on board, with the exception of designated slot machines where guests are permitted to smoke only while playing at those machines. All table games are non-smoking. Show lounges, dining rooms and all food services areas on board all Princess ships are non-smoking. As a safety precaution, guests are reminded to properly dispose of cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco, which are never to be thrown overboard as this may be sucked back into the ship and cause fires.

Stateroom Smoking Policy Princess Cruises prohibits smoking or vaping of all types, including e-cigarettes, in guest staterooms and balconies. This reflects the preferences of a vast majority of our guests who value having their primary living space (both stateroom and balcony) smoke-free. As balconies are a hallmark of Princess Cruises, we believe it is important to keep this peaceful space clear of smoke. Violations to this policy will result in a $250 fine for each occurrence, which will be charged to the guest’s stateroom account. Keeping with the global trend toward more restrictive smoking policies and honoring the wishes of our guests, we feel this enhances our onboard experience.

Alcohol Policy

As provided in the Passage Contract, on the day of embarkation, guests are permitted to bring one 750ml bottle of wine or champagne on board per voyage, which will not be subject to a corkage fee if consumed in your stateroom. Additional wine or champagne bottles are welcome, but will incur a US$20/AU$30 (depending on shipboard currency) corkage fee each, irrespective of where they are intended to be consumed. Liquor, spirits, or beers are not permitted. Please remember that luggage will be scanned and alcohol outside of our policy will be removed and discarded.*

Alcoholic beverages that are purchased duty free from The Shops of Princess, or at ports of call, will be collected for safekeeping and delivered to the guest's stateroom on the last day of the cruise. A member of the ship's staff will be at the gangway to assist guests with the storage of their shoreside alcoholic purchases while The Shops of Princess staff will assist guests with shipboard alcoholic purchases.

*Princess is not responsible for any alcoholic beverages removed and discarded by shoreside security staff. Such items are not eligible for monetary refund or replacement. Guests found with prohibited items, including alcohol outside of the policy, may need to collect their luggage at a security checkpoint on board.

Age Restrictions on Drinking and Gambling

The age for gambling on Princess ships is 18 years old. The age for drinking on Princess ships is 21 years old*. Guests under the age of 18 will not be permitted in the Casino.

*For cruises between Australia/New Zealand, China, Europe, Singapore and South America ports, the drinking age will be 18 years old. For cruises between Japan ports, the drinking age will be 20 years old.

Security Guide


Princess has zero tolerance for crime on board its ships. This guide is designed to offer information to all guests on proper response procedures and available law enforcement processes in the event that an incident occurs.   

Guests should immediately report missing persons and criminal activity to ship’s personnel so appropriate action may be taken to ensure the safety and security of all persons on board. Timely reporting of an incident is also imperative so that necessary law enforcement notifications can be made as expeditiously as possible. Incidents may be reported at any time by dialing the Purser’s Desk. Missing persons or criminal activity may also be reported to the on board Security Department by dialing the Purser’s Desk. Any situations requiring medical assistance can be reported to the Medical Department at any time by dialing 911 or through the Purser’s Desk.

Princess reports all missing persons and serious criminal incidents such as homicide, suspicious death, kidnapping, assault with serious bodily injury, sexual assaults as defined by existing laws, firing or tampering with the vessel, or theft of money or property in excess of $10,000 to appropriate law enforcement authorities.  In addition to our own reporting policies and other legal requirements, on international voyages that embark or disembark in the United States, U.S. federal law requires Princess to report missing U.S. nationals and the above felonies to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) by telephone as soon as possible, to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security electronically, and to the U.S. Coast Guard in writing.  These U.S. requirements apply to all such incidents that occur on board in U.S. territorial waters, or at sea or in another country’s territorial waters if the individuals involved are U.S. nationals.  The U.S. FBI may assert criminal jurisdiction in all of these circumstances.  Each of the countries visited, as well as the ship’s country of registry (Bermuda), may also assert jurisdiction and impose additional reporting requirements.  

For missing persons or serious criminal incidents that occur within countries visited or their territorial waters, and for incidents within U.S. states, you may independently contact local law enforcement authorities. You may also contact the U.S. FBI or U.S. Coast Guard for incidents that arise at any time during the voyage. Princess encourages all guests to learn as much as you can about the local laws and customs of the places you will visit. Good resources are your library, your travel agents, and the embassies, consulates or tourist bureaus of the countries you will visit. In addition, keep track of what is being reported in the media about recent developments in those countries. Contact information for the FBI, U.S. Coast Guard and the National Sexual Assault Hotline is listed below. Locations of U.S. Embassies or Consulates in the ports visited and contact information for local law enforcement in these ports is listed on your stateroom's TV.

U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Headquarters, Washington DC (202) 324-3000 Visit FBI website

U.S. Coast Guard National Command Center (800) 323-7233 Visit United States Coast Guard website

National Sexual Assault Hotline Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (800) 656-4673 Visit RAINN website

Staying Healthy

The health and well-being of our guests and crew is our highest priority. And there are several measures that meet or exceed standards set by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which are currently in place to prevent and contain illnesses on our ships.

The simplest way for you to stay healthy is to frequently and thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water, especially before eating and after using the toilet. You'll also find hand sanitizers located throughout the ship for your use after washing your hands.

If you feel ill during your voyage, please immediately report to the medical center. All of our onboard medical facilities meet or exceed the standards established by the American College of Emergency Physicians. Our onboard medical facilities are staffed by full-time registered doctors and nurses. In addition to twice-daily office hours, they are available 24 hours a day in the event of an emergency.

Charges for medical services will be added to your shipboard account, and you will be provided with an itemized account to submit to your insurance company. Important: Princess ships are registered in Bermuda. Verify with your insurer if your coverage applies outside the United States, or purchase appropriate travel insurance.

In the event of unexpected travel delays and emergencies, please remember to bring additional prescription medication for at least 2 weeks beyond the length of the cruise. Also bring a list of the names, strengths and dosages of all medications in case refills are required.

Medical Assistance

Our medical centers are primarily intended to provide acute care for illness and accidents that may occur while on vacation and are not intended to provide long term care for patients with chronic illnesses or as a substitute for regular health care.

Our intention is to:

  • Provide quality maritime medical care for guests and crew members aboard our ships.
  • Initiate appropriate stabilization, diagnostic and therapeutic maneuvers for critically ill or medically unstable patients.
  • Support, comfort and care for patients onboard.
  • Facilitate the timely medical evacuation of patients, if appropriate.

All of our onboard medical facilities meet or exceed the standards established by the American College of Emergency Physicians. Our onboard medical facilities are staffed by full-time registered doctors and nurses. In addition to twice-daily office hours, they are available 24 hours a day in the event of an emergency.

Laundry Services

Take advantage of our onboard laundry, press-only and professional cleaning service for a nominal fee. All laundry is returned within 48 hours, or on the same day with our express service.

Full suite guests and Elite Captain’s Circle members also enjoy complimentary laundry and professional cleaning service, except for same day service, which carries a charge.

Launderette services may be impacted to adhere to the Health and Safety protocols set by the CDC.

For your convenience, Princess vessels have self-service launderettes where washers, dryers and laundry products are available for a negligible charge. You can conveniently purchase tokens with your Medallion. Please note that irons/ironing boards are available in the self-service laundry rooms. Ironing and using personal clothes steamers are not permitted in any stateroom. Although rare, on certain itineraries environmental regulations relating to the consumption of water may impact the operating hours of the launderettes.

Onboard Currency

Unless noted, onboard currency is in U.S. dollars. However, on select Australian-based itineraries, the onboard currency is in Australian dollars.

By providing your credit card in advance, you are automatically registered for Express Check-Out. There is no need to visit Guest Services to settle your account. We accept U.S. dollars and other major foreign currencies. American Express/Optima®, Diners Club/Carte Blanche®, Discover® Network, the JCB Card®, MasterCard® and Visa® are also accepted. Those paying by traveler's checks or cash will be required to leave a cash deposit with the Guest Services staff at the beginning of the cruise.

For your convenience, Automated Teller Machines for the exchange of foreign currencies are available on vessels sailing out of European ports and on selected exotic itineraries. Use of such machines may involve transaction fees that are subject to change without notice. Please visit the Guest Services staff for more information.

Religious Services

We respect our guests' religious beliefs and invite them to practice on their own or with their fellow guests. Guests who wish to lead religious services may volunteer by contacting Guest Services or a member of the Cruise Staff. In some cases, our shipboard staff will lead services. However, Princess does not place clergy on board our vessels.

Clergy traveling as Guests onboard our vessels are welcome to conduct services while sailing. They should leave their name, cabin number, and services offered at Guest Services and they will be contacted by a member of the Cruise Director's Staff. Approval of services will be made based on schedule suitability, appropriate onboard supplies, etc. Please bring your Letter of Celebret or Letter of Good Standing with you to provide to the onboard staff.

Please note that during Passover, there will be a Seder service (including Passover meal) held onboard. For Hanukkah, services are available and will be guest-led with wine, Challah bread, prayers and an electric Menorah (no candles or live flames) provided by Princess. Supplies are present and available for anyone who wants to lead the service at 5:30 PM on Friday evenings.

If you would like to bring on your own Menorah, you may. However, since candles are prohibited onboard all Princess ships, it must be electric (no live flame).

 Ashes at Sea Ceremony

Princess Cruises offers private shipboard ceremonies for those guests who want to honor their loved ones by resting their ashes at sea. This service must be arranged prior to sailing and approved in advance.

For additional information or to request approval for this service, please contact [email protected] .

Ship Deck Plans

We make it easy for you to get to know your ship, so that you can start your vacation on the right foot. With interactive deck plans and virtual tours, you’ll be able to see your ship before you board.

Television Programming

Getting away from it all doesn't mean being out of touch. Every stateroom on Princess ships has its own TV set featuring our state of the art video on demand OceanView® system.*

We offer live satellite reception of many popular networks. Channel line ups availability may vary between trades based on availability. A wide array of movies and tv programs are also available on demand to watch at your convenience. A large number of live sporting and entertainment events are available across our fleet. For more information on what might be available on your specific voyage, please feel free to contact Princess Guest Services prior to your voyage, or Guest Services once onboard. Princess offers closed-captioning whenever available from our media providers. Please be advised that some international channels do not offer this feature even though it is standard for US channels. Onboard theaters are equipped with assistive listening devices and they can be provided on request. Please check with Guest Services for more information.

*Ship television programming is not guaranteed at all times due to the nature of satellite communications, which are subject to itinerary and possible disruption from weather patterns and various obstructions. Also, Internet access via satellite is significantly slower than high-speed connections on shore.

Cruising with Family & Kids

Leave your worries behind as you set sail on an adventure the whole family will love.

Preparing for Your Cruise

What is the minimum age to cruise?

Minimum age requirements:

Guests must be at least 6 months of age at the time of embarkation and at least 12 months of age for trans-atlantic crossings and remote itineraries.

Cruisetours: The minimum age for escorted cruisetours is 5 years.

Guests under the age of 21 need to travel in a stateroom with a guest 21 years or older who will assume responsibility for them during the cruise. For family groups booking multiple staterooms, the minimum age for each guest is 16, provided they are traveling with a parent or legal guardian. Unfortunately we are unable to accept group reservations for student or youth groups that do not meet our minimum age requirements.

What travel documents do I need to bring for my child?

Passport requirements: Travel document requirements For U.S. and Canadian citizens


Documents for guests under the age of 18:

Several countries require special documentation for children traveling with only one parent or with neither parent, and these requirements can change without notice. Many foreign countries require a single parent or guardian to bring a permission slip for the minor to travel abroad. It’s your responsibility to ensure you have the proper documents for all of the countries you’ll visit. Please verify requirements with the consulates of these countries prior to your cruise.

What other supplies should I bring for my children?

Here are some recommendations:

Travel documents

  • Child's airline tickets or e-tickets
  • Child's passport, visa and other proof of citizenship
  • Notarized statements from spouse/ex-spouse if traveling alone with kids under 18
  • Notarized forms if traveling with grandchildren/kids under 18 who aren't your own
  • Pediatrician's name and phone numbers (daytime and emergency)
  • Child’s ID card (optional)

Medicines & sundries

  • Child's prescription drugs or other important medication (in carry-on bag)
  • Children’s Benadryl
  • Antibiotic cream
  • Anti-itch cream
  • Children's anti-diarrhea medication
  • Children's Tylenol, Advil, Aleve and/or aspirin
  • Sun protection – sunscreen, sunburn gel, hat
  • Antibacterial hand sanitizer
  • Children's insect repellant
  • Infant/child's thermometer
  • Drops/antibiotics for eye and ear infections

Baby/toddler items

  • Diapers (Parents are given special waste bags for diapers, which are removed daily from cabins.)
  • Diaper rash ointment
  • Ziploc bags (many for diapers and other messes)
  • Sippy cups and plastic bottles (keep one in your carry-on)
  • Baby formula
  • Portable crib if needed
  • Stroller: umbrella strollers are most convenient

Other handy items

  • Small flashlight
  • Favorite stuffed animals, toys and travel games
  • Inflatable swim aids

Onboard Activities

What is there for kids and teens to do with and without supervision on board?

Our Camp Discovery Youth Program for kids ages 3-12 will keep little ones entertained all day and evening. To participate independently, children must be age 3+ and potty trained. Our youth centers are operated by experienced staff, dedicated to keeping our youngest guests safe and happy. Our Beach House Teen Lounge is available for teens ages 13-17, with fun activities hosted by our staff.

Family activities include festivals, entertainment, Discovery at SEA experiences such as Stargazing, dining events and, of course, Movies Under the Stars®. Each cruise may have slightly different programs. Please contact us with any questions or reservations for specific childcare and family activities.

What movies are shown? I’m selective about what movies my kids watch.

In the Camp Discovery Youth Program, we show G and PG-rated movies. At the Beach House, teens view G, PG and PG 13 rated movies. Stateroom TVs feature several categories, including a family/kids section. Movies Under the Stars offers family-friendly options throughout your cruise. Check the JourneyView® planner for viewing times.

Will my family like cruising?

Princess offers something for everyone. Taking a cruise is an adventure for family members of all ages: The range of onboard activities is sure to please your toddler, teenager and mother-in-law alike. There are activities and dining options for the most adventurous and the simplest eater in your household. You can choose to be as active or relaxed as you feel like that day. And there’s entertainment for everyone, from Movies Under the Stars® to Broadway-caliber musical productions. On a cruise with Princess you have experiences to share as well as the opportunity and space to do your own thing.

What about “me time” for adults?

We want parents to enjoy their vacations too. Drop off your kids in Camp Discovery during the day (it's free!) so you can explore ashore, visit the Lotus Spa® or read a book in The Sanctuary. Want a date night, perhaps taking in a movie or playing in the casino? For a small fee, we offer babysitting in the evening hours.

Can my kids go on shore excursions with me?

Absolutely. Discovery™ and Animal Planet™ tours are good places to start. Every excursion designates appropriate age ranges, as well as the level of activity to be expected. If you’d rather explore on your own, your child can stay on board at Camp Discovery with our youth staff while in port. Our Beach House Teen Lounge will also be open so your teen can hang out with us should they decide not to go ashore.

How do I coordinate with others in our travel party if we’ve booked separately?

Friends and family often travel together, so this is a common concern. The first thing to do is to call 1-800-PRINCESS or your travel consultant to link your group’s reservations. Secondly, be sure to use our Princess@Sea app to communicate on board via text messaging for supreme convenience. For MedallionClass® ships, you’ll be able to locate your group anywhere on the ship using your personal device through our OceanCompass™ app.

How can I plan a birthday (or another celebration) on board?

Let us know about your special occasions in Manage Booking, and we’ll prepare a festive welcome aboard note. You can also order celebration packages there, everything from fun gifts to unique experiences on board. If the celebration is for one of your children, notify the Youth Staff, and they’ll be happy to collaborate with ideas.

Age-Appropriate Customized Programs

Is there a dedicated space for kids?

The Princess Youth and Teen Programs feature onboard clubs, each with activities designed for their specific age range:

Camp Discovery – Ages 3-12

  • The Treehouse – 3 to 7 years old (formerly Pelicans)
  • The Lodge – 8 to 12 years old
  • The Beach House – 13 to 17 years old (formerly Remix)

Registered participants are required to participate in the program designated for their age.

In partnership with Discovery Communications, Princess has developed engaging youth programming and wonder-filled center designs for cruises ages 3 to 17.

Camp Discovery

  • The Treehouse – 3 to 7 years old

This bright, whimsical, forest-themed center for children features hands-on activities and programs surrounded by captivating creatures.

At the Treehouse they'll design Klutz art projects like paper airplanes and charm bracelets, learn how to protect furry creatures through Animal Planet and our Endangered Species program, and uncover their inner buccaneer on Pirate Night.

Inspired by the great outdoor, this cozy center is filled with sports activities and comfortable places for kids to explore, hang out and lounge.

While visiting the Lodge, they will engage their minds and muscles while building rockets, experimenting through MythBusters challenges, taking part in Miniature Olympics, and diving into destinations with programs like Shark Hunters, an interactive scavenger hunt to uncover the mystery of sharks living in the Caribbean.

*Children must be at least 3 years old and toilet trained to participate independently. Children ages 3-7 must be signed in and out by a parent or person authorized by the parent(s). Children ages 8-12 may sign themselves in and out with parent approval.

Just for Teens

  • The Beach House – 13 to 17 years old

This contemporary beach-themed lounge is "the" place for teens to hang out, socialize and connect.

There are plenty of options to enjoy – video game tournaments, movie nights, skeeball fun, dance classes, a VIP party complete with red carpet, or (a teen favorite) just hanging out.

Camp Discovery reimagines out youth centers, formerly known as The Fun Zone, while The Beach House refreshes our teen lounges. These new spaces build on our already existing family activities, providing more opportunities for guests to create moments they will always remember. In addition to the new changes, families can sign their crew up for trivia and talent shows, try new regional foods together during dinnertime, play games at carnival in the Piazza, and head to Movies Under the Stars for Family Movie Night. With Camp Discovery, The Beach House, and our enriching programs and entertainment, Princess makes family-friendly sailing easy.

*Teens can come and go from the center as they please, with no sign in/out required. However, parents can restrict this privilege for their child at anytime.

Who operates the youth centers?

Our team of experienced youth staff undergo stringent background checks and must be recently certified in CPR and basic first aid. In case of a true medical emergency, onboard medical staff are just a phone call away.

Can adults visit the youth centers?

We’re happy for parents and others to join in the fun. In fact, we offer an open house event on embarkation day for loved ones to take a peek at all the fun. For the safety and security of our young guests, we only allow adults in our centers who have children participating in the program. If the center is full, we may ask parents to come back at another time.

How do I register my child for the youth program?

It’s simple. Register through Manage Booking, or you can come directly to the youth center to meet the team. We look forward to showing you around and telling you about our program. FYI: Participation in our program cannot be guaranteed, especially on cruises with lots of families, but we’ll make every effort to include everyone we can. Hours of operation are subject to change.

Where can I find a schedule of activities for kids?

You can find this information in JourneyView®. Get the Patter and schedule of events in the centers from the Youth Staff.

It’s Our Pleasure to Accommodate You

What if I've forgotten something?

Of course! We’re happy to accommodate special arrangements before you embark or while on board the ship. If you want to request certain items, i.e. a portable crib, please call 1-800-774-6237 (1-800-PRINCESS) or visit Manage Booking in advance. Many items, such as high chairs and boosters, can be requested once on board by calling the Guest Services Desk. (Quantities are limited.)

Can I purchase baby supplies on board?

We recommend buying baby supplies before embarking on your voyage.  Only some ships have diapers/wipes on board for purchase.  Jarred baby food, Stages 1 & 2, can be requested in advance through Manage Booking. Fresh pureed fruits and vegetables can also be requested in the main dining rooms.

Who should I inform if my child has special needs?

Simply go to the MedallionClass® app. Under your OceanProfile® click on the “ accessibility & dietary requirements ” tab. Dietary restrictions and food allergies can be added in the MedallionClass® app or sent to  [email protected] .

When registering for our Camp Discovery Youth and Teen Programs, please add any information you feel would assist our staff in accommodating your child. As part of the registration, there is a section to complete regarding allergies, special needs, medical conditions and more. Our team is happy to provide accommodations to ensure your child has a great experience in our youth centers.

Who should I inform about my child’s allergies or medical condition?

Also in the MedallionClass® app, under your OceanProfile® click on “ accessibility & dietary requirements ". These notations will notify all restaurants on the ship about food allergies, and special accommodations will be made to keep your family safe. For your added peace of mind, our onboard medical facilities are staffed by full-time registered doctors and nurses. In addition to twice-daily office hours, they are available 24 hours a day in case of an emergency.

How do I reserve a portable crib?

Call 1-800-PRINCESS to reserve ahead of time, or request one from your cabin steward once on board. Cribs are provided on a first-come, first-serve basis. You are always welcome to bring your own travel crib.

Seeking a Babysitter?

Is there babysitting available on board? Yes. Camp Discovery and Beach House Teen Lounge is open during the day and evening for your convenience, on sea days and port days. From 10PM – 1AM, we offer group babysitting in the centers for kids ages 3-11 for $5 per child per hour.

Do you have childcare while the ship is in port?  We do, and it’s complimentary! Just drop the kids off, and we’ll take care of them. The Beach House is also open for teens while in port. Early/late excursion? No problem; we’ll open early or stay late to accommodate you.

Dining Options for Families

Where can families eat together on the ship?

There are plenty of casual dining options in the World Fresh Marketplace, The Eatery, Horizon Court, International Café, and at our top deck grill, pizzeria and ice cream bar. More formal options are also available any time in the main dining room. If you are in a hurry and are eating in the main dining room, please mention this to your waiter and they will accommodate a ‘quick service’ request.

Are there children’s menus or other foods for children?

Children’s menus are offered in main dining rooms and by request at specialty restaurants. Kids eat for half price in our specialty restaurants. Pizza, burgers, hot dogs and ice cream can be found at various dining locations. Complimentary jarred stage 1 & 2 baby food is available, if requested in advance via Manage Booking. Additionally, pureed fruits or veggies can be requested in the main dining room.

Beverages on us:

  • Main dining room and World Fresh Marketplace/Horizon Court at  breakfast  only: apple, orange, cranberry, pineapple, tomato and prune juices (excludes freshly squeezed orange juice)
  • All-day offerings: lemonade, milk and chocolate milk
  • Complimentary on ships in Alaska in the main dining room and Horizon Court/World Fresh Marketplace: hot chocolate

Get a booster chair and/or high chair:

  • Request on board with restaurant staff.
  • High chairs and booster seats are available in the main dining room, specialty dining restaurants and Horizon Court/World Fresh Marketplace on all ships. Quantities are determined by ship size and dining capacity and are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • Neither high chairs nor booster seats may be reserved ahead of time.

Children with Special Needs

Go to the MedallionClass® app, and under your OceanProfile select the “ accessibility & dietary requirements ” tab. Dietary restrictions and food allergies can be added here or sent to  [email protected] .

When registering for our Camp Discovery youth and teen programs, let our youth staff know of any medical, special needs and/or allergies, and we will make every effort to accommodate them. Please be advised that youth staff may not offer one-on-one supervision or administer medication. Our team is happy to provide accommodations to ensure your child has a great experience in our youth centers.

Please be advised that filling out the Mobility Questionnaire is to ensure that our Access Office can properly assist you with your accessibility and mobility needs. It is not an approval or confirmation of any request, nor does it guarantee being booked into or moved to an accessible cabin. Please ensure that you discuss your cabin needs with your Travel Advisor or our Reservations department.

Safety First (and Second and Third)

What if there’s an emergency at sea?

Rest easy: Your crew is fully trained to respond to emergencies, following strict protocols. If the issue is medical, there’s a fully operational clinic on board, equipped to treat more than just seasickness. Youth staff members are certified in CPR and basic first aid and have experience accommodating everything from allergies to special needs.

Do onboard pools have age or height restrictions?

Parents must supervise their children at all times when using the pools, as there are no lifeguards on duty. Because of U.S. public health restrictions, children in diapers, even swim diapers, may not use the pools.

Do you have safety floatation devices for the children who are unable to swim?

No, but parents are welcome to bring their own inflatable safety floating devices appropriate for their child’s age and weight.

How can I communicate with my kids on board?

On Princess MedallionClass® ships, we offer tracking that lets you know where your child is at any time, thanks to the complimentary, wearable device known as the OceanMedallion™. Also through the MedallionClass® app, you can chat/text with your kids, anywhere on board.

Are there age restrictions in general on the ship?

Yes, children must be accompanied by an adult when:

  • They’re under 18 and want to use the spa, sauna or steam room
  • They’re under 16 and want to use the fitness centers

Guests must be at least 18 to:

  • Receive body treatments in the spa. (Other services are okay, if a parent accompanies them).
  • Play in our casinos
  • Visit the night club after 11 p.m.

Take note, we’re mindful of the drinking age for the places we sail, which is:

  • 21+ in the U.S.
  • 20+ in Japan
  • 18+ in Europe, Australia, China and Singapore
  • Dining & Nightlife

Experience a variety of dining options and nightlife on board a Princess cruise.

Formal Nights

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to know what to pack and what to wear when you’re dining onboard.

Dress code: When formal nights are held, please observe the dress code in the dining venues for the enjoyment of all our guests.

  • Evening gown, cocktail dress or elegant pant suit for women
  • Tuxedo, dark suit or dinner jacket and slacks for men

See below for an example of formal night schedules based on the length of your cruise.

Onboard Entertainment

Fill every day with a wide variety of exciting onboard activities from basketball to table tennis to trivia. Watch a culinary demonstration, enjoy wine tasting, or join in games by the pool. Our ships have all the amenities you need for a real vacation, one where you can recharge and reconnect with loved ones.

Or opt for an exciting array of stage shows, most of which are written, costumed and choreographed exclusively by Princess. Curtain times vary; Just check JourneyView® activities timeline in the MedallionClass® app for show times.

Don't forget to bring along your dancing shoes, because Princess has several dance venues and live entertainment to get you into the swing of things. We start early and finish late. Just check JourneyView® activities timeline in the MedallionClass® app for show times and places to give your partner a whirl.

Every cruise also features a great selection of recent hit feature films for your viewing pleasure. On all ships, guests can also experience Movies Under the Stars®, our 300-square-foot outdoor movie screen and watch the latest films, sporting events and concert videos - all from a comfortable deck chair. Movies Under the Stars lights up your life - day and night.

Casino Games

Our casinos offer the most popular table games, including blackjack, roulette, Caribbean stud poker and craps. We also feature a full range of exciting slot and video poker machines, as well as regular Snowball Jackpot Bingo sessions held throughout the cruise.

Complimentary gaming lessons for slots and table games are held on each cruise, along with exciting tournaments. Plus, if you want to surprise your friends with a lucky side bet, you can choose a $25, $50, or $100 credit, redeemable in the shipboard casino.

Take the fun of casino games wherever you go. With Ocean® Casino you can wager on portals around the ship or play wherever you please – stateroom, poolside, spa, anywhere! – through the MedallionClass® app. Our practice mode uses virtual money so you can get to know our casino games on board when the ship’s casino is closed. Raise the stakes and even place wagers on sporting events with the Ocean® Sportsbook feature.

Persons under the age of 18 are not permitted to gamble or remain in the casino. For those guests interested in playing at our higher limit tables, please contact our Casino Department at 1-800-5CASINO (1-800-522-7466) for more details.

Which forms of payment can you use at the Princess Casino? Credit cards are not accepted in the casino; all activity is charged to the guest’s stateroom account, which must then be settled prior to disembarking from the ship. Cash or traveler’s checks may be exchanged for casino chips.

What are the Casino’s hours of operation? Hours vary from ship to ship, depending on the itinerary. We recommend guests check the MedallionClass® app for casino operating hours. We offer 24-hour* slots while the ship is at sea.

What are the rules on cameras? Guests are allowed to take still photographs in the casino but video recording and cellphones are not allowed. Guests are asked to respect the privacy of other guests as they use their cameras.

Is smoking allowed? Guests may smoke in designated areas when the casino is operating.

*Not offered on Australian controlled ships.

1st Day Dining

Shortly after we welcome you on board your spectacular Princess ship, you're invited to relax and dine at the World Fresh Marketplace at Horizon Court (varies by ship). The ship's multiple main dining rooms are also available.

Open from 5 am to 11 pm (12 am on select itineraries), World Fresh Marketplace at Horizon Court offer a wide selection of quick meals and snacks.

Or join us in one of our main dining rooms for lunch served up by a staff – from chefs to waiters – dedicated to making your dining experience something special.

Together, Princess' unique combination of gracious dining staff, fine continental cuisine and new friends make every meal on board a memorable occasion.

Personalized Dining

Dine when and how you want with this new offering that lets you customize every aspect of mealtime. Make reservations for the main dining room or specialty restaurants at your preferred time each day. Fit in a formal dinner before a show, or order food and drinks to your poolside perch with OceanNow®. The choice really is up to you.

Specialty Restaurants

Variety is the spice of life, especially when it comes to evenings when you want an extra memorable dining experience. That's why Princess offers several specialty restaurant options for you to choose from on every ship.

Our distinctive restaurants provide intimate dining in an upscale atmosphere. Reservations are suggested at these popular venues. And because our restaurants at sea are truly a unique treat, a specialty restaurant cover charge will apply per person.

Specialty restaurants vary on a ship basis.

Casual Dining Venues

When a casual mood calls, you have plenty of choices – even on formal nights, you’re able to choose how you dine with us.

Room Service

Guests may call for room service delivery or order through OceanNow® in the Princess® MedallionClass® app at any time of the day or night. Guests with the latest Princess Plus and Princess Premier packages enjoy OceanNow® and room service delivery with no charge. Otherwise, a one-time access fee of $14.99 USD per person per voyage will apply for OceanNow® delivery and a $5 USD room service fee will apply for each order placed by stateroom phone. To order, guests can press the "Room Service" button on their stateroom phone, or order through OceanNow®.

Limitations, restrictions and conditions apply.

Dietary Restrictions and Requirements

Princess is happy to meet your request for low-sodium, low-fat, low-sugar and vegetarian diets. Visit Manage Booking to indicate your dietary preferences.

In addition, Kosher and Halal meals are available upon advance written request. Baby foods are also available upon advance written request. Any other special diet requests must be authorized in advance by the Princess corporate office. Any special dining requests (name brands, daily food order requests, sample menus, etc.) not related to medical or allergy requirements should be directed to the onboard dining staff and is not handled by our Dietary Office.


  • You or your travel consultant must advise Princess in writing of any special diet, allergies or medical needs.
  • Requests must be received no later than 35 days prior to departure for cruises to Alaska, Canada/New England, Caribbean, Hawaii, Mexico, Panama Canal and Coastal Getaways. For all other cruises, requests must be received no later than 65 days prior to departure.
  • Once onboard, please check with the Restaurant Manager or Director of Restaurant Operations through the stateroom Dine Line to confirm and obtain specific information about your dietary request.

Wi-Fi & Phone Communication

To provide greater peace of mind, we make it easy to stay in touch.

MedallionNet® Wi-Fi

Cell phones at sea.

Every Princess ship is equipped with an advanced cellular communications network. This network allows you to send as well as receive voice calls, text messages and data services on your personal mobile device. Mobile device service is available for use when the ship is at sea, in international waters and in other areas where such use is permitted. All charges will be conveniently billed to you by your mobile device provider.

Your wireless provider must have a roaming agreement with Wireless Maritime Services (WMS) in order for you to use your mobile phone with this service. Your mobile device must be able to roam internationally, and international roaming must be enabled on your device. If you have a prepaid device, please confirm with your wireless carrier if you are able to use it at sea; not all prepaid devices are supported.

Rates for cellular service at sea are determined by your wireless carrier.  For questions about your service while cruising, including cruise packages offered, pricing or billing, please contact your wireless provider's customer service department.

For additional information and tips on using your cellular while cruising visit

Contact Phone Numbers

To provide greater peace of mind while you're away from home, give friends and relatives the following information on how to telephone you. Contact your phone company directly for rates, your phone company will charge you directly for calls made to the ship. When calling, please include guest name and stateroom number to ensure quick delivery.

Guests may use their personal mobile devices onboard while at sea in international waters and in other areas where such use is permitted. A compatible mobile device and a service plan capable of roaming internationally with Maritime Communications Partners AS is required. Please contact your wireless service provider for availability and rates. 

For calls originating outside of the US and Canada, the following numbers should be used, preceded by your country's International Direct Dialing (IDD) code. Please contact your long distance service provider for pricing. For example, if you would like to call the Diamond Princess from the United States, dial +1 661 593 6070.

En Route Delays

If you encounter unforeseen flight or weather-related delays on sailing day, we suggest you immediately advise an airline representative at the airport that you are a cruise guest destined for sailing that day. Typically, airlines are able to arrange alternative flights at the airline counter for passengers to continue with their travel to the point of embarkation. It is the airline’s responsibility to make alternate flight arrangements resulting from a delay or cancellation.

In the event costs are incurred, you are responsible for out of pocket expenses. If you have purchased travel protection, costs incurred as a result of trip delay are likely to be covered by Trip Delay protection. Please ensure to keep all receipts for submission and contact your travel plan administrator for assistance and clarification.

If your delay involves missing the ship in the port of embarkation, you must immediately contact the En Route Desk to confirm that you will be permitted to join the vessel at the next port of call. In certain instance, you will not be permitted to join the vessel at the next port, if the late embarkation will result in a violation of the Passenger Vessel Services Act (PVSA).

Upon learning your new flight arrangements, we ask that you immediately contact Princess with your new flight information for our records. You may call us toll-free at 800-545-0008. This special number is operational only in the United States and Canada.

Outside of the United States and Canada you may reach us at 661-284-4410. Within Australia, use 13 24 88. Princess representatives are available to answer this emergency en route line from  5 a.m. - 8 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday, and 5 a.m. - 5 p.m. Pacific Time, Saturday and Sunday.

After hours support is available in the event of “en route” delays. These calls will be routed to our customer service centers in Australia or the United Kingdom, subject to the time of call. Our representatives will record your new flight information into your booking record.

If your checked baggage is delayed or misdirected by a common carrier, immediately report this to the carrier. Once you arrive onboard, report this delay to the Passenger Services Desk, providing the claim number and bag description.

As a courtesy, the onboard staff will assist in following up with the airline; however, any costs incurred in forwarding the luggage to the ship is at the guest’s expense. Guests who have purchased travel protection should verify with their policy carrier regarding Baggage Protection, which may include baggage delay coverage. Please keep all receipts for submission and contact your travel plan administrator for assistance.

If you have purchased Princess Vacation Protection (PVP) and Princess EZair® and experience a delay reaching your cruise or land package, and you require assistance booking flights, accommodations, and transfers, please contact On Call International toll-free at 866-509-7712, or from outside the U.S. or Canada call collect at 603-894-9386. Payment is required up front for these arrangements, but can be submitted to the plan administrator for reimbursement of eligible expenses after your trip. Once your new arrangements are confirmed, the representative at On Call International will contact the En Route Desk to provide us with the details.

IMPORTANT:  The En Route numbers provided above are for unforeseen delays. If you have any other questions, please contact your travel consultant. Princess is not responsible for any airline delays regarding Baggage Protection, which may include baggage delay coverage. Please ensure to keep all receipts for submission and contact your travel plan administrator for assistance.

More Frequently Asked Questions

  • Prepare for Your Cruise
  • Before You Leave for Your Cruise
  • What To Pack for a Cruise
  • Travel & Transportation
  • Shore Excursions
  • Cruising with Family & Kids
  • Keeping in Touch
  • Disembarkation
  • Report a Lost Item or Luggage
  • Onboard Stateroom Account
  • Alaska Cruisetours
  • Asia Cruisetours
  • Australia Cruisetours
  • Canada & New England Cruisetours
  • Europe Cruisetours
  • South America Cruisetours

Common questions and topics

The OceanReady® Process

Princess MedallionClass® FAQ

Dress Code and What to Pack for a Cruise

Cancellation Policy

Future Cruise Credits (FCC)

Travel Documents

Prohibited Items

You may also like

  • Princess Vacation Protection
  • Princess EZair®
  • Cruise Tips, Advice and Information
  • Military Cruise Benefit Program
  • Princess® Rewards Visa® Card
  • Onboard Gifts & Services

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Cruise Ship Fire

March 24, 2006 / 3:55 PM EST / CBS News


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Deadly cruise blaze blamed on cigarette, plastic partitions.

A discarded cigarette butt probably caused the fire that charred one side of the cruise ship Star Princess in March and led to the death of a passenger, the British safety agency investigating the incident said on Monday.In a final report, the Marine Accident Investigations Branch also said the fire spread quickly because of its […]

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NTSB Notes Action on Star Princess Investigation


October 23, 2006

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Star Princess Cruise Ship Profile

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Princess Fleet

Caribbean Princess (2004) Coral Princess (2002) Crown Princess (2006) Diamond Princess (2004) Discovery Princess (2021) Emerald Princess (2007) Enchanted Princess (2020) Grand Princess (1998) Island Princess (2003) Majestic Princess (2017) Pacific Princess (1999) Regal Princess (2014) Royal Princess (2013) Ruby Princess (2008) Sapphire Princess (2004) Sea Princess (1998) Sky Princess (2019) Star Princess (2002) Sun Princess (1995)

Star Princess News

Star princess turned away at ushuaia port.

Tensions rising as the 30th Anniversary of Falklands War Nears

According to a report by the BBC , the Adonia and the Star Princess were turned away at the Port of Ushuaia today after Argentinian authorities learned the two ships had visited the Falklands before arriving in Argentina. 

Controversy exists over the Falklands' original discovery and subsequent colonization by Europeans. At various times there have been French, British, Spanish, and Argentine settlements. Britain re-established its rule in 1833, yet the islands continue to be claimed by Argentina.

Fire on Star Princess leaves one passenger dead

On March 23, 2006 while sailing from Grand Cayman, a fire tore through passenger cabins on Aloha deck after a stateroom balcony caught fire and spread quickly along the length of the ship. The ship was en route to Montego Bay when a fire broke out in the passenger accommodations and spread to adjacent cabins. About 150 cabins were damaged by the fire. One passenger died following a cardiac arrest, two passengers had significant smoke inhalation injuries and nine passengers had minor complications resulting from smoke inhalation. Read the full investigative findings, including photos in the Maritime Safety Report

Star Princess sails various worldwide itineraries from the West Coast. Iineraries include  Alaska, Hawaii, and Mexico.

Visit Princess Cruises for a complete schedule.

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Sky Deck 17

Skywalkers, Sports Court

Sport Deck 16

Basketball court, jogging track, golf simulators, Oasis Spa and Pool, Off Limits Teen Center and Fun Zone kids area (top deck), The Sanctuary

Sun Deck 15

Lotus Spa, and Fitness Center, Tradewinds bar, Princess Links, The Conservatory, Fun Zone kids area, Off Limits Teen Center, Lap Pool, Wedding Chapel

Lido Deck 14

Calypso Reef & pool, Horizon Court, Trident Grill, Mermaid's Tail, Prego Pizzeria, Sundaes Ice Cream bar, Calypso Reef & pool, Outrigger bar

Aloha Deck 12

Passenger Staterooms and the Terrace Pool (aft) adults only

Baja Deck11

Passenger Staterooms

Caribe Deck 10

Dolphin deck 9, emerald deck 8.

Passenger staterooms

Promenade Deck 7

Princess Theater upper level, Tequila's, Internet Cafe, Duty free shops, Explorer's Lounge, Photo Gallery, Wheelhouse bar, Vista Lounge, Sabatini's

Fiesta Deck 6

Princess Theater lower level, Grand Casino, Shooters, Purser's desk, Duty free shops, Portofino dining room, Amalfi dining room, Calypso Cove

Plaza Deck 5

Piazza Atrium, International Cafe, Vines, Internet Cafe, Capri dining room

Gala Deck 4

Medical Center

Adults Only

Perfect place to take a break and indulge in a private getaway with a plush, outdoor spa-inspired setting, complete with massage cabanas, signature beverages, light meals, attentive service and personal entertainment. Serenity Stewards are on hand to provide everything from a chilled face towel and Evian water atomizers, to a menu of healthy beverages and fare. Half-day passes for The Sanctuary are available for $10 per person, for 8 am to 12:30 pm or 1 pm to 5 pm.

The Sanctuary features two outdoor private cabanas where guests can also take advantage of the exclusive Lotus Spa Services at The Sanctuary. (additional fee).

* Prices subject to change.

Ships > princess > star, star princess.

Featuring all of Princess Cruises signature features, this ship is truly a shining star of the Princess fleet. Features include The Sanctuary ® , the Piazza-style atrium and Movies Under the Stars ® . Her Wheelhouse Bar offers a complimentary British-style pub lunch menu on sea days for a treat.


Ship Class: Grand

Launched: 2002

Refurbished: 2006

GRT: 109,000

Length: 951 ft.

Speed: 21 Knots

Passengers: 2,600

Wedding Cam        Star Princess Bridge Ca m


Standard stateroom amenities.

Fresh fruit (by request), evening bed turn-down, chocolates on your pillow, complimentary shampoo, conditioner and body lotion, Waffle weave cloth bathrobes (available upon request from your stateroom steward), bottles of liquor and stateroom bar packages available for purchase at non-duty-free prices through room service or from designated bar locations, private safe and refrigerator, 110-volt, 60-cycle alternating current (AC) with standard U.S. plug fittings, and electric hair dryer.

Stateroom sizes

Interior staterooms come standard with twin beds that convert to a queen, private bathroom with shower, hair dryer, safe, desk, and refrigerator. Some staterooms include pullman beds for extra passengers.

These staterooms come standard with twin beds that convert to a queen, private bathroom with shower, hair dryer, safe, desk, and refrigerator. Some staterooms include pullman beds for extra passengers. Most staterooms will have a picture window, although a few may be port holes.

Balcony staterooms come standard with twin beds that convert to a queen, private bathroom with shower, hair dryer, safe, desk, refrigerator, and balcony with patio furniture. Some staterooms include pullman beds for extra passengers. Premium balconies are larger and some are rear-facing staterooms.


In addition to standard amenities, mini-suite passengers receive a welcome glass of champagne, two televisions, a sitting area with a sofabed, two flat-panel televisions, and a spacious closet. Some mini-suites have a pullman for a fourth passenger.

Suite Amenities:

In addition to standard amenities, suite passengers receive a DVD/CD player and free access to a DVD library, complimentary web access in the Internet Café, laundry and dry cleaning, use of the Lotus Spa Thermal Suite (select ships), one-time free mini-bar setup, walk-in closet with a safe, soundstation with dock for iPod, two flat-panel televisions, upgraded bathroom amenities , and use of the Disembarkation Lounge. In suites with a balcony, the patio furniture accommodates up to four people.

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Dining Venues

($) = Specialty restaurant, surcharges apply

Main Dining Rooms

The Amalfi Dining Room offers fixed seating and the Portofino Dining Room and Capri Dining Room offer anytime dining.

Horizon Court

At the forefront of 24-hour dining, the Horizon Court offers a round-the-clock venue for buffet meals or snacks. In addition, the restaurant operates a late-night bistro with a set menu and sit-down service from 10 pm to 4 am.

International Café

The Piazza Atrium features the International Café for pastries, grilled panini sandwiches, salads, fresh-baked cookies and a variety of coffee drinks.

Trident Grill

Burgers, hot dogs and more located on Lido Deck.

Prego’s Pizzeria

Pizza by the slice located on Lido Deck.

Ice Cream Bar

Self-serve soft ice cream.

Afternoon Tea

Indulge in afternoon tea with finger sandwiches, pastries, scones, cookies, music and white-glove service. Enjoy a wide selection of premium teas — from Earl Grey to herbal infusions.

Crown Grill ($)

Featuring premium aged beef and fresh seafood items, the Crown Grill offers a truly special dining experience with an open, theater-style kitchen where chefs custom-prepare fresh seafood, such as lobster, scallops, clams and mussels, and cooked-to-order steaks. * $25.00 surcharge per person.

Sabatini's ($)

With a menu specializing in Italian cuisine and premium seafood, Sabatini's offers a refined yet casual atmosphere that includes extensive personal attention from the ship's top European waiters and perhaps even a song from the pizza chef as he creates Princess' famous pies. * $20 cover charge. Suite passengers aboard Ruby Princess will have the opportunity to enjoy an exclusive breakfast in Sabatini's. 7:30 to 10:30 a.m.

In addition to serving more than 30 wines by the glass and seafood appetizers that have made Vines a passenger favorite. The atrium-area bar features a selection of domestic and imported artisan cheeses. 

Ultimate Balcony Dining ($)

Ultimate Balcony Dining features a hosted cocktail party, fresh flowers, champagne and a deluxe four-course meal featuring delicate sweet lobster tail or juicy steak among many available delicacies. Or, opt for a breakfast which includes specialty pastries, fresh fruits, quiche, smoked salmon and other special treats served with a half bottle of French champagne.

Room Service

Princess provides 24-hour room service, enabling passengers to enjoy breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in the privacy of their own staterooms or enjoying the view from their balconies. In addition to the always-available room service menu, passengers can also enjoy items from the day's main menu in their staterooms, as well as special room service-only offerings, such as a special Champagne Balcony Breakfast (*$28 per couple) and an elegant four-course Caribbean Lobster Balcony Dinner available on Caribbean Princess, featuring delicate sweet lobster tails plus a full evening of special touches (cover charge applies).

* Prices subject to change

Notable Rooms

Princess theater.

Main show lounge featuring Broadway and Vegas-style productions.

Explorer's Lounge

Featuring nightclub-style performances.

Vista Lounge

A venue for comedy acts, movies and more.

Grand Casino

A full service casino with slots, cards, roulette and more.

Cigar Bar and one of the designated smoking areas on the ship.

An observation area by day and dance club at night.

Wheelhouse Bar

Nautical themed lounge serving a British-style Pub lunch with fish 'n' chips or a Ploughman's Lunch.

Outdoor Features

Movies under the stars.

Watch first-run feature-length films at the Poolside HD theater.

Calypso Pool and Neptune's Pool

Two pools flank a tropical island that offers pool seating by day, and by night becomes an outdoor dance club, complete with a dazzling water and light show. 

Terrace Pool

Intimate pool area and sun deck space located on Riviera Deck (aft).

Sports Deck

Basketball Court, Jogging Track, Golf Simulators, Oasis Pool and Spa.

Lotus Pool and Lotus Spa

Located on Sun Deck (forward).

Please note: To participate in the Youth Program, children must be at least 3 years old and potty trained. However, children under 3 are welcome to join in the fun if supervised by a parent at all times.

Princess Pelicans ( Ages 3-12)

Kids-only dance parties, movies and cartoons, ice cream and pizza parties, t-shirt coloring, pajama parties, fun fairs, and art projects.

Shockwaves ( Ages 8-12)

Kids-only dinners, dance parties, movies, video games, scavenger hunts, karaoke and talent shows, sports tournaments, California Science Center workshops, Jr. CHEF @Sea, Klutz®projects, and theme nights.

Remix Teen Lounge ( Ages 13-17)

Teens-only dance parties, late-night movies, sports tournaments, casino night, talent shows, formal dinners, DJ workshops, PlayStation® and Wii® equipment, foosball tables and more.

No signing in or out of the club required.

Passenger Questions

Q. We are confirmed on STAR Princess for Alaskan cruise beginning June 8. What are the laundry/dry cleaning facilities available? A. Thank you for your question. The last time we were aboard the Star Princess  in 2004, a laundry room was located on every passenger deck, open 24-hours and equipped with a few coin-operated washers and dryers. A coin-operated detergent dispenser along with an iron and ironing board were also available. The laundry was busy during the hours of 8 am – 7 pm, especially on sea days towards the end of the cruise. Folks tend to forget about their clothes making folks wait hours to use the machines. Sometime passengers took clothes out of the machines and tossed them aside. Our group did laundry two times during our 2-week cruise and found the laundry room fairly quiet during the dinner and show times. Just don’t leave your clothes unattended for long during the peak times.

Dry cleaning services are available. Contact your cabin steward for information after you board the ship.

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TRID the TRIS and ITRD database

Scratching Beyond the Surface

Cruise ship balcony fire safety came under scrutiny after a March 2006 external fire on the Star Princess, a Bermuda flag passenger ship. Deemed the result of a discarded cigarette igniting combustible balcony materials, the fire resulted in one passenger death and four crew member and thirteen passenger smoke inhalation injuries. The author examines the investigation into the Star Princess fire, which was led by the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) of the United Kingdom Department of Transport on behalf of the Bermuda Maritime Administration. Teams from the United States Coast Guard's headquarters, Marine Safety Center, and Sector Miami assisted MAIB with the investigation and fully supported investigation results.

  • Find a library where document is available. Order URL:
  • Forbes, Diana
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Media Type: Print
  • Features: Figures;
  • Pagination: pp 53-60
  • Proceedings of the Marine Safety & Security Council
  • Issue Number: 2
  • Publisher: U.S Coast Guard Headquarters
  • ISSN: 1547-9676

Subject/Index Terms

  • TRT Terms: Crash investigation ; Cruise ships ; Fire ; Safety
  • Subject Areas: Marine Transportation; Safety and Human Factors;

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01109995
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Aug 31 2008 8:10AM

What not to do on a cruise ship balcony

Erica Silverstein

Editor's Note

You're super excited to be cruising in a cabin with a private balcony. You're daydreaming of kicking back with a book and a cocktail, watching the waves roll by and the sun sink over the horizon. The last thing you want to do is be concerned about a bunch of rules.

The truth is there are several things you're not allowed to do on your cruise balcony — and a few more that are not technically banned but that you shouldn't do anyway. Some are safety issues, while others are about being a good neighbor.

Trust me — you will enjoy having a balcony cabin for its access to sunlight, sea breezes and vacation-time relaxation without the crowds. But you'll have a better time if you do not do the following things on your private veranda.

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princess cruise balcony fire

Smoke a cigarette or cigar

Costa Cruises is the only cruise line I know of that lets you smoke on your personal balcony. That's because cigarettes on a balcony are a fire hazard.

Just search online for photos of the 2006 fire on Princess Cruises ' Star Princess, and you'll see how much damage a discarded lit cigarette can do to a cruise ship. Cruise lines wised up after that and banned smoking on cruise ship balconies . Don't take this rule lightly. In addition to the safety risk you're creating, you will get fined hundreds of dollars and risk disembarkation if caught.

If you're going to get an all-over tan or sunbathe topless, your balcony is a better bet for privacy than the bustling pool deck. Just be aware that your balcony is still visible from several viewpoints.

Folks above you might be able to look down onto your balcony if it juts out beyond the higher decks. Security cameras might capture your naturist moment for posterity, and people on the ship docked across from you or on the pier below might have a direct line of sight into your veranda.

If this doesn't bother you, carry on. However, know that it might make others uncomfortable. (Consider booking a nude cruise if you want to enjoy a clothing-optional cruise vacation.)

While we're on the clothing-optional theme, the same commonsense rule applies to getting frisky with your travel companion on your balcony. Your shipmates and others might be able to both see and hear you if you choose to have an amorous encounter on your balcony.

While you might figure out a way to get some privacy on your expansive suite balcony, I have to think that having sex on a tiny standard-size balcony with sea-sprayed, highly trafficked flooring and metal upright chairs sounds as comfortable as getting romantic in your car. Be careful about up-against-the-railing interactions for the reasons we'll outline below.

Related: 6 reasons you'll want to book a balcony cabin on your next cruise

Climb on balcony furniture and railings

princess cruise balcony fire

Hey, hey, all you monkeys. Stick to your cruise ship's rock wall if you need to get a climbing fix. Please do not climb onto balcony furniture, sit on the railings with your feet dangling or — and yes, this has been attempted — climb from one balcony to the next. If you have little ones sharing your cabin, read them the riot act that their feet are not to leave the floor (unless their butt is in a chair) while on the balcony.

Losing your balance when climbing on your balcony is a prime way to fall overboard , and no one wants to make that kind of splash on their vacation.

Throw stuff overboard

In addition to your person, the other thing you don't want to go overboard is, well, everything. Do not throw items overboard, whether it be messages in plastic bottles, food or trash. It all goes into the ocean, where it does not belong and could harm sea life.

Not every well-meant message gets found, meaning your bottle could be clogging the seas with plastic for years to come. Your cruise cabin has a trash can by the desk; use it to dispose of garbage.

Related: The best cruise ship balcony cabins for your vacation at sea

Leave little kids unattended

Because your children might have trouble remembering the preceding two rules on their own, make it a family rule that little kids are not to go out on your balcony without an adult. You can stop them when the temptation to climb or throw things becomes too great. The balcony is great for an alfresco breakfast, but it's not a good hiding spot for a cabinwide game of hide and seek.

Tell secrets

princess cruise balcony fire

I've had many heart-to-heart talks with friends out on a cruise ship balcony, and your personal onboard space is a better place to share secrets than the ship's coffee shop. If you plan to divulge any juicy details, know that sound does carry, and your neighbor planning to enjoy a nap on the adjacent veranda might have given up their snooze to eavesdrop on all your hot gossip.

Turn up the volume

On the "sound carries" theme, your neighbor might be less than pleased when you're having loud, late-night conversations on your balcony or blasting music. Your balcony might be private, but you're part of a cruise ship community. The passengers next to, above and below you might not share your taste in tunes or have a different sleep schedule. Be considerate and keep the volume low, especially during morning and evening hours.

Dry your swimsuits

I'll be honest — everyone does this. You return from the beach and drape your wet swimsuit over the back of the chair on your balcony. This is fine … until the ship sets sail. Then your favorite bikini or trunks get doused with salty sea spray or blown about by the wind, either onto that not-the-cleanest balcony floor or, worse, out to sea. Your cabin shower should have a pull-out cord to use as a clothesline; dry your clothes there, especially when the ship is moving.

Related: Cruise ship cabin hacks that will transform your voyage

Leave the lights on and the doors open

princess cruise balcony fire

You might not be paying the utility bills for your cruise ship, but that's no reason not to be considerate. Turn your balcony light off when you're not sitting out there after dark. Not only does it save electricity, but the light won't bother your neighbors who are trying to sleep.

Leave the balcony door open, and it will create a wind tunnel when someone opens the cabin door. If you must sleep with the door propped open for fresh air, at least turn your room's air conditioning system off so you're not overworking it. Note that on some ships, the air conditioning goes off automatically when you open your balcony door.

Bring cabin bedding outside

I didn't know this was a trend until recently, but it's one that needs to stop. Some cruisers looking for the ultimate cruise ship snooze have been bringing the balcony furniture into their cabin each evening and lugging their mattress and bedding outside for an alfresco night's sleep.

You might love the glamping, but the cruise ship bedding is not designed to be exposed to moist, salty sea air. Your bedding will not only get dirty but might mildew, which is just plain gross. Future passengers might unknowingly be sleeping on less-than-pristine mattresses, and the cruise line will have to replace its bedding more frequently (passing that extra cost along to you in higher cruise fares). Do us all a favor and sleep indoors where you're supposed to. Reserve your outdoor naptime for days on the pool deck or beach.

Bottom line

What should you do when you're cruising in a balcony room? Order room service at least once, and enjoy it with views of the port or the open ocean. Spend a peaceful moment reading a book in the sun without the noise and splashing of the pool deck. Lean against the railing and watch the ship sail into or out of port, or catch the sun rising or setting.

But for the reasons spelled out above, do not do anything on your cruise balcony that is dangerous, embarrassing or inconsiderate of your neighbors or the environment. Your cruise will be better, not worse, for playing by those rules.

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MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- A fire broke out Thursday on the Jamaica-bound Star Princess cruise ship, and one person died of a heart attack, according to cruise line officials.

Two people suffered significant smoke inhalation and nine others had "minor complications from smoke inhalation," said a statement from Princess Cruises, which is owned by Carnival Corp.

The Star Princess, with 3,813 passengers and crew, was en route to Montego Bay, Jamaica, after departing Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on Sunday, Princess said.

"We are currently completing a full passenger check to account for all passengers and crew," the statement said.

The fire began around 3:10 a.m. in the passenger accommodations, according to the cruise line. ( Watch the damage done by the fire -- :42 )

Princess: Flames extinguished

The flames were extinguished but smoke lingers, Princess said, and the cause of the fire is not yet known.

Officials said the vessel was carrying 2,690 passengers and 1,123 crew.

The blaze affected passenger decks 9 through 12, about 100 cabins, said Coast Guard Petty Officer Ryan Doss.

The Princess statement said, "Passengers were immediately notified of the fire using the public address system and requested to report to their muster stations."

Family members of passengers can call 1-800-693-7222 for information.

The Coast Guard said it is sending a fire protection engineer, an inspector and an investigating officer to Montego Bay to begin an investigation into the incident.

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Safety warning after fire starts and spreads via balconies on passenger cruise ship with loss of 1 life

Urgent recommendations issued to Maritime Administration of the UK, Flag States, Cruise lines and operators/managers of passenger vessels.

Safety Bulletin 1/2006

Star Princess - Safety Bulletin.pdf (1,296.43 kb)

Fire on board the Bermuda registered passenger cruise ship Star Princess on 23 March 2006.

Issued: 27 April 2006

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  • Princess Cruises

Fire Door Question

By tiger_lilyyy , October 30, 2015 in Princess Cruises

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Cool Cruiser


I'll be taking my first cruise this summer for my honeymoon on Coral Princess to Alaska. I'm looking to reserve a room on the Caribe deck port side mid aft. I'm wondering if being next to the fire door effects the room in any way? I've read that you cannot connect balconies with the room next door because of a fire wall?, but that is fine as it will just be me and my fiance on the trip. However, does being in this location cause any obstruction of the view or have any other impact on the room? My biggest concern with picking a balcony room is the view. We are thinking of booking C528. Thank you for any advice.

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This door is located on the hallway. It does not affect the view out on the balcony at all. To my knowledge, this will not affect the size of the room either.

Thank you for this information. :)

Pam in CA

There are two effects. One is that the door in the balcony divider between your balcony and the one next door can't be opened. As you mentioned, this shouldn't be a problem for you.

The doors are hidden in the walls. The biggest issue and it's really not that big is that there's a metal plate on the floor where the door would close and any steward's or room service cart rattles as it goes over the metal plate. This doesn't bother most people but you should be aware of it.

500+ Club


As Pam mentions, expect to hear clack, clack every time a cart goes in the hallway outside your door.

250+ Club

I was in a room on Caribe deck (Crown) by the fire door, this past June. I don't recall ever hearing any noise, or at least none I noticed.have a wonderful cruise.

Also off the Crown immediately by the fire door. If anything, it will make sure that there will be no noise transfer between your stateroom and next door. The fire stop properties extend beyond the corridor.

5,000+ Club

As this posts notes, the comments about balcony doors here are

usually wrong. I suggest you check the deck plans.


As this posts notes, the comments about balcony doors here are usually wrong. I suggest you check the deck plans.
Interesting. While the dividers between cabins at fire partitions may be capable of being opened (ease of maintenance), I would be surprised if they are allowed to be opened, particularly on Princess, whose ship fire caused the regulation changes that extended the fire boundaries out to the balconies in the first place.
My family is sharing two cabins adjoining each other next year with a fire door between them on the Star Princess, and I've been assured by different cabin stewards that the divider between these two balconies can be opened. We'll be very disappointed if that's not true.

I hope you can come back, and post your personal experience.

I will, Pablo, or at least I'll remember if the question ever comes up again.

I have attached an example from Sun.

I took a look at Ruby deck plans, and did not find the same situation.

Hopefully, someone who often posts about this restriction will provide

a link to helpful princess information.


They said they don't NEED a connecting cabin...just the two of them!!

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princess cruise balcony fire

princess cruise balcony fire

Carnival Freedom cruise ship catches fire near Bahamas

TAMPA, Fla. ( WFLA ) — A Carnival Cruise ship’s funnel caught on fire during their voyage near the Bahamas on Saturday.

Carnival said that at 3:15 p.m., the Carnival Freedom reported a fire on the port side from the ship’s exhaust funnel.

In a statement from Carnival, the team said, “The ship’s fire response team was quickly activated, and the ship’s captain also turned the vessel towards the heavy rain in the area to maximize the efforts to put out the flames. Eyewitnesses reported the possibility of a lightning strike and that is being investigated but cannot yet be confirmed.”

A portion of the funnel on the port side fell onto Deck 10.

Crews were able to extinguish the fire at 5:20 p.m. All aboard were asked to stay away from balconies and open decks for their safety.

Two crew members fighting the fire were treat for minor smoke inhalation, according to Carnival. As of this report, there are no reported injuries for guests.

The U.S. Coast Guard was alerted and has activated their response team. The cruise is expected to continue sailing to Freeport and arrive on Sunday morning.

The ship was around 20 miles from Eleuthera Island in the Bahamas, heading to Freeport. The ship departed from Port Canaveral on Thursday for a four-day trip.

On May 26, 2022, the same ship caught on fire while docked in Grand Turk . The inside of the Freedom’s funnel erupted in smoke and flames. The trip that was scheduled following the voyage had to be canceled.

The cruise does not expect the fire to impact the next voyage scheduled for Monday.

For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to FOX40.

Carnival Freedom cruise ship catches fire near Bahamas

  • Princess Cruises

Balcony or closed?


By OuiOnboard , June 26, 2006 in Princess Cruises

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1,000+ Club

I have been told by other pax that propping the balcony door open for extended periods can reduce the effectiveness of the AC in neighbouring staterooms by upsetting the air flow/pressure balance within the cooling system. Operating from a position of ignorance in these engineering related matters, we keep the door closed despite missing out on the wonderfully soothing ocean sounds when sleeping. Does anyone know/ been told such with regard to Princess ships?

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Our balcony door is left open every night with no ill effects to our AC or our neighbors.

Cathy p

We kept ours open at night on our Hal cruise last year and never heard anyone complain. Hope to do it on on CB cruise July 8th.

50+ Club

That's one of the best things about having a balcony, leaving the door open and listening to the ocean. Yeah it makes the AC work harder in the tropics but I don't think it harms anyone.

Pam in CA

They request that you not keep the door open while the A/C is on but if it's cool enough for you to enjoy the door open, it shouldn't affect the A/C too much.

As an FYI... Princess balcony doors are sliding doors. No need to "prop" open. :)


Just make sure you don't open the entrance door while the balcony door is open. All of your patters and papers will go flying...:D

Regal Princess has hinged balcony doors, not sliders, and she hasn't left the fleet yet.

And for you historians and/or doubters, two prior announcements re her transfer were rescinded, so perhaps there is still hope she may remain.



I found it much too uncomfortable (humid and muggy) to leave our door open to the balcony on the CB. But if you feel that you would like to do that, why overwork the air conditioner to begin with? Turn it off, and open your door.
...As an FYI... Princess balcony doors are sliding doors. No need to "prop" open. :)

Never say never!! Most times those doors have enough friction that they hold their position even when not fully opened. The very well lubricated door on our Golden MSuite last summer was indeed, "a slider" much so that ,after opening, a "prop" was needed to keep the door from doing "the electric slide" totally unpredictably...once when a plate of food occupied my hands. No foul up..but surely got my attention.

The Best Part Of Having A Balcony Is Keeping The Door Open At Night. The Sounds And Breezes From The Ocean Are Marvelous. We Have Done It On Numerous Cruises And Have Never Had A Complaint From Surrounding Cabins. Enjoy


I have to agree - it's way too humid. I'm also thinking that there might be a fire issue with leaving the door open.

We're in a "mini" on EVERY cruise and leave the door open. If u feel guilty u can adjust your a/c thermostat (atleast on every one of the ships I've been on)

Tom O.

If it is a cool evening (outside the tropics), then by opening the balcony door you will be helping the a/c system work less.

On my next trip to Hawaii, there should be plenty of those cool nights and we will be sung to sleep by the sound of the bow wake.

20,000+ Club

The last time we tried leaving the balcony door open, we were visited by a small bird and had a devil of a time getting it back outside. Since then my wife has been adamant about keeping the door closed at night. When we have opened it in the evening in the Caribbean, we, very often, did find it too humid for real comfort.

ON some cruises the AC is shut off at night in all the cabins. On the Diamond I woke up to cool the room off and found that the AC control was not lit and nothing happened when I tried to lower the temp. I noticed that every night from about mid-night to 5AM or so was the same thing; AC control is disabled. So it doesn't matter if the door is open or not.


Again, I marvel at you people. Ask this question on the HAL board and you will come back missing not only your fingers for even asking if this ok, but also they will patrol your hall at night to listen to see if you have your balcony open and boy, will you be in trouble. LOLOL

You people are the greatest. I'm so glad I decided to try Princess. I know, just from reading everyone's posts that I will enjoy my cruise because the people on this line are so polite, not at all rude.


While I would have liked to have had our balcony door open to hear the peaceful sounds of the sea, I was glad we didn't. We woke up nearly every morning to our balcony and balcony door being wet. We had no rain the whole trip.


Well, cruiserjanet, I almost hate to ask, but... do you have any idea about why it was wet? Let's hope it was some form of H2O!

We're off to Alaska in 32 days and have a caribe balcony. I plan to LIVE there, and, since it's partially covered, even a little rain won't stop us from keeping that door open!


Don't know exactly where to locate the link, and the search function on this site has never worked for me, but...

I seem to recall that Princess would begin discouraging balcony doors being left open at night following the fire on the Star.

I'm guessing that this comment and/or link was on one of several threads that evolved following the unfortunate incident.

TIA to anyone who can find the thread/link.

Colo Cruiser

Colo Cruiser

Not true, if you press the thermostat the lighted buttons will come back on. The system is on 24/7. :)

Regal Princess has hinged balcony doors, not sliders, and she hasn't left the fleet yet.   And for you historians and/or doubters, two prior announcements re her transfer were rescinded, so perhaps there is still hope she may remain.
Well, cruiserjanet, I almost hate to ask, but... do you have any idea about why it was wet? Let's hope it was some form of H2O! We're off to Alaska in 32 days and have a caribe balcony. I plan to LIVE there, and, since it's partially covered, even a little rain won't stop us from keeping that door open!

We have a balcony on the Sea Princess on our upcoming cruise in July. I know it's gonna be very hot in the Med but I'm also hoping to be able to use it as much as possible.

250+ Club

The water you find on the balcony and balcony door in the morning likely is caused by cleaning of decks or windows. I have been "nailed" a few times on my balcony.

Same here. We used to leave the door fully opened but now just open it a few inches to still hear the ship's waves off the bow and sides. If a early morning cleaning unit comes by we're ok...:cool:

The am dampness is also from the humidity and condensation.

This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.

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princess cruise balcony fire


  1. Cigarette eyed as cause of cruise blaze

    The blackened outside of the Star Princess shows that the fire covered several floors of the cruise ship. Nbc News March 23, 2006, 3:41 PM UTC / Source : staff and news service reports

  2. Star Princess Fire (2006)

    The Marine Accident Investigation Branch concluded that the cause of the fire of the Star Princess in 2006 was mostly likely a cigarette butt drops from a balcony. The cigarette butt set fire to the balcony furniture, partitions, and flooring causing the fire to spread rapidly. At the time, smoking on a balcony was allowed but throwing ...

  3. Star Princess Balcony Fire

    It has small diameter pipes filled with fresh water, with large banks of huge pumps. It delivers an extremely fine water mist that both rapidly cools and starves the fire of Oxygen. Most importantly, unlike CO2, it is a liveable atmosphere for the fire fighters. Basically, it knocks fire down in seconds.

  4. Fire starts and spreads via balconies of passenger cruise ship Star

    Fire starts and spreads via balconies of passenger cruise ship Star Princess with loss of 1 life ... Report on the investigation of the fire on board Star Princess off Jamaica on 23 March 2006.

  5. FAQ: Onboard Experience

    As balconies are a hallmark of Princess Cruises, we believe it is important to keep this peaceful space clear of smoke. Violations to this policy will result in a $250 fine for each occurrence, which will be charged to the guest's stateroom account. Keeping with the global trend toward more restrictive smoking policies and honoring the wishes ...

  6. Cruise Ship Fire

    A Caribbean cruise vacation for more than 2,600 people ended abruptly on March 23, 2006, after a fire ignited aboard the gigantic cruise ship Star Princess, charring some 150 rooms and injuring 11 ...

  7. U.K. MAIB: Cigarette 'probably' caused fire on Star Princess

    The U.K. Marine Accident Investigation Branch on Oct. 23 published its report on the March 23 fire on the Star Princess, ... rules for cruise ship balconies will be considered by the International ...

  8. Deadly Cruise Blaze Blamed on Cigarette, Plastic Partitions

    A discarded cigarette butt probably caused the fire that charred one side of the cruise ship Star Princess in March and led to the death of a passenger, the British safety agency investigating the ...

  9. NTSB Notes Action On Star Princess Investigation

    On the Star Princess a fire on the outside cabin balconies was able jump across the fire boundaries that protect the inside of the ship. Only rapid response and professional firefighting by the ...

  10. Princess to implement precautions to prevent balcony fires

    Princess Cruises confirmed April 14 that last months fire aboard the Star Princess started on one of the ships balconies.. The fire started during a cruise from Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, to ...

  11. 2006X01 Safety Notice

    31 Dec 2006 MARS. A safety notice issued by the International Council of Cruise Lines (ICCL), April 2006. The purpose of this safety notice is to inform ICCL members and, to the extent feasible, other passenger vessel operators, of some of the preliminary indications from the recent balcony fire on the cruise ship Star Princess. Additionally ...

  12. About the Star Princess Cruise Ship

    Fire on Star Princess leaves one passenger dead. On March 23, 2006 while sailing from Grand Cayman, a fire tore through passenger cabins on Aloha deck after a stateroom balcony caught fire and spread quickly along the length of the ship.

  13. Ten Years of Cruise Ship Fires

    Real tragedy struck passengers on Princess' Star Princess cruise ship in 2006. A fire began on a balcony and quickly destroyed several hundred cabins and killed a passenger, Richard Liffridge of Georgia. ... The cause of the fire was a cigarette being flicked over an upper balcony. Some of the Princess cruise ships are designed with the ...

  14. Scratching Beyond the Surface

    Scratching Beyond the Surface. Cruise ship balcony fire safety came under scrutiny after a March 2006 external fire on the Star Princess, a Bermuda flag passenger ship. Deemed the result of a discarded cigarette igniting combustible balcony materials, the fire resulted in one passenger death and four crew member and thirteen passenger smoke ...

  15. Update on Star Princess Fire

    Update on Star Princess Fire. Princess Cruises said that although no definitive cause of the fire on Star Princess last month has been determined, the fire did start on one of the ship's balconies ...

  16. PDF Star Princess Publication

    At 0309 (UTC+5) on 23 March 2006, a fire was detected on board the cruise ship Star Princess. The ship was on passage from Grand Cayman to Montego Bay, Jamaica, with ... balconies in fire zones 3 and 4 within 6 minutes. After a further 24 minutes, it had spread to zone 5. The fire also spread into the staterooms as the heat of the fire ...

  17. Fire safety on Emerald Princess

    We are going on a Med cruise on Emerald Princess end of May. Having read about the Star Princess fire last year, caused by a fire which started in a stateroom balcony, causing a death due to the lack of fire extinguishers, sprinklers, exit lights in corridors, smoke detectors on ship external are...

  18. Balcony camera??

    3.7k. February 21, 2016. Melbourne (Land of OZ) #9. Posted February 19, 2019. I know that on aft suite balcony on the Golden Princess there is a camera on the balcony. See attached photo the thing in red circle looking at it closed it looks alike a camera to me. After looking through a few found this one.

  19. What not to do on a cruise ship balcony

    Cruise ship balcony. FOTOMAX/GETTY IMAGES Smoke a cigarette or cigar. Costa Cruises is the only cruise line I know of that lets you smoke on your personal balcony. That's because cigarettes on a balcony are a fire hazard. Just search online for photos of the 2006 fire on Princess Cruises' Star Princess, and you'll see how much damage a discarded lit cigarette can do to a cruise ship.

  20. Fire breaks out aboard cruise ship; one dead

    MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- A fire broke out Thursday on the Jamaica-bound Star Princess cruise ship, and one person died of a heart attack, according to cruise line officials. The Star Princess, with ...

  21. Safety warning after fire starts and spreads via balconies on passenger

    Safety warning after fire starts and spreads via balconies on passenger cruise ship with loss of 1 life ... Fire on board the Bermuda registered passenger cruise ship Star Princess on 23 March ...

  22. PDF of the recent fire on the cruise ship STAR PRINCESS

    In the interim, having met with the investigative authorities concerned, ICCL offers the following safety guidance to the cruise line industry: 2111 Wilson Boulevard 8th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 (USA) TEL (703) 522-8463 FAX (703) 533-3811 WEB

  23. Fire Door Question

    Interesting. While the dividers between cabins at fire partitions may be capable of being opened (ease of maintenance), I would be surprised if they are allowed to be opened, particularly on Princess, whose ship fire caused the regulation changes that extended the fire boundaries out to the balconies in the first place.

  24. Carnival Freedom cruise ship catches fire near Bahamas

    Crews were able to extinguish the fire at 5:20 p.m. All aboard were asked to stay away from balconies and open decks for their safety. Two crew members fighting the fire were treat for minor smoke ...

  25. Balcony or closed?

    Posted June 26, 2006. I have been told by other pax that propping the balcony door open for extended periods can reduce the effectiveness of the AC in neighbouring staterooms by upsetting the air flow/pressure balance within the cooling system. Operating from a position of ignorance in these engineering related matters, we keep the door closed ...