Hama user manuals

Hama RC 150 manual

Hama RC 150

user manual Hama RC 150

hama travel alarm clock rc 150

Wo rld Travel Alarm Clock


View the manual for the Hama RC 150 here, for free. This manual comes under the category clock radio and has been rated by 2 people with an average of a 6.9. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have a question about the Hama RC 150 or do you need help?  Ask your question here

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Question and answer

Hama RC 150 #1

Packaging data

Can't find the answer to your question in the manual? You may find the answer to your question in the FAQs about the Hama RC 150 below.

What is the difference between FM and AM?

FM stands for Frequency Modulation and AM stands for Amplitude Modulation. The biggest difference between FM radio stations compared to AM radio stations is the sound quality.

What is bluetooth?

Bluetooth is a way of exchanging data wirelessly between electronic devices via radio waves. The distance between the two devices that exchange data can in most cases be no more than ten metres.

Is the manual of the Hama RC 150 available in English?

Yes, the manual of the Hama RC 150 is available in English .

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  1. Hama RC 150 user manual (English

    View the Hama RC 150 manual for free or ask your question to other Hama RC 150 owners. ... RC 150 Wo rld Travel Alarm Clock ... Integrated clock: Yes: Number of alarm ...

  2. Hama 00123189 "RC 150" World Travel Alarm Clock Owner Manual

    Package Contents • RC 150 global travel alarm clock • 2 AAA batteries • These operating instructions B Display icons 1. Time 2. AM/PM (12-hour format) 3. Day 4. Month 5. Day of the week 6. Temperature 7. Signal strength 8. Summer time 9. Time zone map (US) 10. Alarm time 11. AM/PM (12-hour format) 12. Alarm clock icon 13. Alarm clock ...