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6. Fallout: New Vegas Honest Hearts walkthrough

Honest hearts walkthrough.

This DLC is very straight forward. There are 5 achievements, all story related, and none missable as long as you make a save near the end to do the two different endings. Choose the quest Happy Trails Expedition in your quest log. Head to your loot stash location (for me Doc's house one of the metal boxes). Unload everything but your Armor, Stimpacks, Bobby Pins, and favorite weapon (a Tri-Beam Laser for me), as well as plenty of ammo for it. I went through around 500 MF Cells with my tri-beam during this DLC.

Get your inventory down to below 75lbs. There are a few speech checks you can make at the beginning of the DLC that allow you to increase your weight limit to 100, but you might as well unload everything so you don't have to bother with them. Fast travel to the Northern Passage (or the nearest location you've discovered) and enter the cave. Once inside you can either talk to Ricky for a check to get your limit increased to 100, or just talk to Jed if you have less than 75lbs. There is a perk check (Strong Back) or Survival check with Jed to increase the weight limit too, but like I said there's really no reason to take extra gear. You just need Stimpacks, one strong gun, ammo, armor, and a couple bobby pins.

Talking to Jed and choosing to start the expedition will pop the obligatory gimme achievement during the cutscene.

Arrived at Zion.

When We Remembered Zion

Once again there's no need for hand holding. If you somehow manage to get yourself lost, check the Fallout: NV wiki for a detailed walkthrough of this DLC. Just follow the markers and complete the quests, and along the way you will these:

Resupplied Daniel and the Sorrows.

Restore Our Fortunes

Scouted the Zion Valley for signs of the White Legs.

In a Foreign Land

For the two ending achievements, when you talk to Daniel after completing the quests The Grand Staircase, The Advance Scouts, The Treacherous Road, and River Monsters, save your game before you talk to him. Talking to him presents you with two options: evacuate the Sorrows from Zion, or deal with the Whitelegs. Make sure you back out of the conversation and save before making a choice if you didn't already.

For the Evacuation option, you're given 4 quests but all you have to do is complete the Flight from Zion one and the achievement will be yours.

Evacuated Zion.

May my Hand Forget its Skill

For the one where you deal with the Whitelegs, you'll travel to their camp and lay waste to their entire organization. At the end you're presented with a humane/ruthless choice when confronted with their leader, but it doesn't matter what option you pick. As soon as you pick one and he's dealt with, you will get this DLC's other ending achievement.

Crushed the White Legs.

O Daughter of Babylon

Congratulations on completing this rather short, moderately enjoyable DLC. The visuals certainly were nicer than some of the more drab-looking Mojave Wasteland areas.

  • Create account
  • Armor case (Wastelanders)
  • BOS camo paint
  • Drone (Mothership Zeta)
  • Raider scavenger
  • Amateur inventor's paint
  • Beggar's mat

Fallout Wiki

  • Honest Hearts

French flag.png

Honest Hearts is the second add-on for Fallout: New Vegas , developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Bethesda Softworks .

  • 1 Narration
  • 4 Characters
  • 5 Creatures
  • 7.1 Ammunition
  • 7.2 Apparel
  • 7.3 Consumables
  • 7.4 Weapons
  • 7.5 Weapon mods
  • 7.6 Other items
  • 7.7 World objects
  • 8 Locations
  • 10.1 Regular perks
  • 10.2 Companion perks
  • 11 Achievements/Trophies
  • 12 Challenges
  • 14.1 Developer quotes
  • 18 References

But then the Legion appeared in Arizona . I reckon you know all about them. Turns out Caesar's first war chief, the Malpais Legate , was a New Canaanite. Joshua Graham. Legend goes that Graham was the meanest, toughest son of a bitch in the whole damned Legion. The New Canaanites wouldn't talk about him. They were ashamed. Guess I can't blame 'em. Well at Hoover Dam , the Malpais Legate finally met his match . Hanlon and Oliver kicked his New Canaanite butt right back over the river . Caesar had to make an example for the others, to show them that even at the highest level, failure wouldn't be tolerated. He had Graham covered in pitch, lit on fire, and thrown into the Grand Canyon . People say he didn't even scream on the way down. Not long after, some of the slaves and tribals started to talk. Said Graham wasn't dead. Shouldn't have been any surprise.


After the First Battle of Hoover Dam , Caesar sent Ulysses to the Great Salt Lake to rally the White Legs to destroy New Canaan . With his help, the White Legs found a large supply of weapons. The White Legs then destroyed New Canaan , sending Joshua Graham (also known as "The Burned Man"), and the New Canaanites to Zion Canyon , where the Dead Horses stand with them against Caesar. The Courier then arrives in the Zion Canyon and meets the Burned Man, Joshua Graham, who is surprised that it is a different Courier than Ulysses that came to him, as he had figured Ulysses would come to murder him. This sparks the beginning of Honest Hearts .

Honest Hearts takes you on an expedition to the unspoiled wilderness of Utah's Zion National Park . Things go horribly wrong when your caravan is ambushed by a White Legs raiding band. As you try to find a way back to the Mojave , the Courier becomes embroiled in a war between tribes and a conflict between a New Canaanite missionary and the mysterious Burned Man . The decisions the player character makes will determine the fate of Zion.

The Honest Hearts add-on adds new crafting recipes to the game that make use of the Survival skill. Unlike recipes added by the previous add-on Dead Money , most recipes added by Honest Hearts do not require add-on-specific items or perks. Most recipes are available from the start of the game, provided the player has the necessary skill level and ingredients.

Notable new recipes include a method of turning one Fission Battery and 5 Drained Small Energy Cells into 25 Energy Cells , as well as being able to make homebrewed Nuka-Cola and homebrewed Sunset Sarsaparilla at a Campfire using the appropriate ingredients ( Nevada Agave Fruit and barrel cactus fruit for the Nuka-Cola, and Nevada Agave Fruit together with a Xander Root for the Sunset Sarsaparilla).

There are four new gecko-based armor types that may be crafted. They require Tanned Green Gecko Hides . Green Gecko Hides are only available in Zion. Honest Hearts also adds the most effective poison resistance chem in the game with Blood Shield , which may be crafted with components available in the Mojave Wasteland and very commonly available in Zion Canyon.

The add-on also introduces two new ways of crafting Scrap Metal . You can create 1 scrap metal at a Workbench by either combining a metal cooking pan , metal cooking pot , and pot , or by combining a Butter Knife , Metal Spoon , fork , and Tin Plate . The recipes are listed in the crafting menu as "Cookery-to-metal" and "Meals-to-metal", respectively.


Weapon mods, other items, world objects.

Zion worldmap 01.jpg

The XP that is rewarded for quests is variable depending upon your level when the quests are completed. The total XP split between the main storyline quests is approximately 3000 XP at levels 1-4 and 22000 XP at levels 45–50, the secondary quest XP ranges from 75 XP per quest to 550 XP per quest.

Regular perks

Companion perks, achievements/trophies.

  • Honest Hearts is the only DLC that does not have a warning screen before visiting the new area. The only warnings you receive are through dialogue with Jed.
  • Installing Honest Hearts will remove the ability to use the campfire during combat. This is due to the implementation of the Home on the Range perk.
  • Skill books are only found as random loot in Honest Hearts . See Fallout: New Vegas skill books for details.
  • Like Dead Money , you are not allowed to take companions with you into Zion. However, unlike Dead Money , Honest Hearts does not force them out of your party; you must do this yourself if you wish to proceed.
  • Honest Hearts , like all add-ons, raises the level cap by 5.
  • Equipment is not taken from the player at the beginning of the add-on; however, the maximum weight limit is decreased due to the length of the journey. 100 pounds of equipment can be taken if you have the Strong Back or Pack Rat perks, or have a minimal Survival skill of 50, or pass the Speech check when talking to Jed Masterson , or pass the Speech check of 50 when talking to Ricky . Without these perks/skill levels, you will have a weight limit of 75.
  • The player can return to Zion after completing the add-on, but followers still cannot accompany you. They also cannot be left waiting at the northern passage, and instead will return to their home (ED-E back to Primm, etc.).
  • Travel takes 14 days to Zion.
  • Honest Hearts features weather, adding rain and overcast skies to the game.
  • When the add-on is completed, you can purchase the new weapons from the add-on, such as the Tomahawk , the Fire Bomb , the War Club , the Yao Guai Gauntlet , the .45 Auto Pistol , the .45 Auto Submachine Gun and their respective mods, and the ammunition , from shops around the Mojave Wasteland .
  • If you choose to defeat the White Legs and allow the Dead Horses and Sorrows tribes to remain in Zion, after the main quest is finished, Dead Horses and Sorrows tribe members will still be at their respective camps and will be peaceful to the Courier.
  • After the main quest is finished, Dead Horses and Sorrows tribe members can be killed for loot without receiving negative Karma. If you are seen attacking a Dead Horse, the entire tribe becomes permanently hostile.
  • The only major merchant in Honest Hearts is Joshua Graham ; passing a speech check will allow you to purchase medical supplies from Daniel, but his Caps and items are limited.
  • None of the vehicles in Zion explode.
  • It is possible to pickpocket any main character, such as Joshua Graham , Daniel , or Follows-Chalk , while they are asleep. However, you cannot pickpocket their unique weapons and apparel.
  • Loading Honest Hearts does not change the spore plants or spore carriers in Vault 22 ; they are still "empty" when searched.
  • Tribal apparel brought back to the Mojave from Zion is not considered 'faction' by followers. That is, they will carry/wear it.
  • After completing the Honest Hearts main story, you will be unable to start or finish any remaining side quests for the add-on.
  • The Vault Boy/Girl is mirrored when selecting apparel from this DLC — they look to the right instead of the left.

Behind the scenes

Honesthearts display.png

  • Honest Hearts was first hinted at via in-game graffiti in the game files, and ZeniMax Media's trademark of the name "Honest Hearts." [Ext 1]
  • Joshua Graham and New Canaan were included in design documents for Van Buren . [Doc 1] [Doc 2]
  • Joshua Sawyer quoted Brigham Young , "Honest hearts produce honest actions," when referencing the add-on. [Dev 1]
  • J.E. Sawyer also revealed that the story of Honest Hearts drew inspiration from the Utah War and Mountain Meadows Massacre . [Dev 2]
  • Pilot Studio worked on cover art for the add-on. [Ext 2]
  • Sawyer commented on the challenges the development team faced with depicting ethnicities of the tribes in Zion within the limitations of the game engine. [Dev 3]

Developer quotes

We do use them to experiment with themes and gameplay elements on a small scale, yes. For example, in Honest Hearts, I wanted to deal with post-apocalyptic religious characters. Religion isn't dealt with very much in video games, or it's only touched on superficially, or it is done through a proxy/fake religion as a joke.

In contrast to Dead Money, where Chris created a number of nasty, vice-driven folks, I wanted Honest Hearts to feature characters primarily motivated (at least ostensibly) by a desire to do good. That is, I wanted the player to be choosing between virtues instead of choosing between vices. This is also (to a lesser extent) different from the core game, where the major factions are all various shades of scumbag and players are often thinking about which group sucks least.

Yes. I’ve said this since Honest Hearts came out, but the tribes in that DLC were not meant to actually “look” ethnically Native American. They were supposed to be descendants of a broad cross-section of Americans of different ethnic backgrounds (including Native American) and European tourists (in my own trips through the American Southwest, I’ve encountered many French, Swiss, Dutch, and German tourists). We had prepared different skin colors to show that breadth, but we found out that when it was combined with the body art (which was intentionally not based on existing NA body art designs), we blew up the texture memory, which was already really limited on the PS3. The solution was to have just one skin tone, a mid-tone, which had the obvious, unfortunate side effect of just making them all look kind of Native American.

I think the naming and speech patterns could use another pass to avoid falling into negative tropes.

I’ve also said before that Daniel was supposed to be Asian, but for whatever weird reason, somehow his data was switched over to Caucasian (which, in that engine, automatically flips a bunch of face and skin data). This was again done to avoid having it be “two white guys saving Native Americans”. But that’s exactly what it looked like in execution.

The core plot of Honest Hearts was based on Lawrence of Arabia and The Mission. I think it cleaves too tightly to the inspirational material in making the outsiders be the main drivers of the native groups’ destinies. As a result, the native groups feel sidelined in importance/voice.

Finally, I think involving Native American consultants, especially from the American SW, at some stage would have been a good idea.

I take responsibility for the bad representation in HH. I think we did a better job in Deadfire because we did ask Asian devs within the studio to look at the Huana and Rauatai characters and their representation, but we should have also hired some Māori consultants specifically to look at the Huana. The Huana aren’t really Māori (just like the Rauatai aren’t really Japanese), but even a fictional culture that’s only “inspired by” a mix of real world cultures can still get into uncomfortable or outright bad territory.

Lawrence of Arabia was another inspiration for Honest Hearts because it's another example of a colonizer stepping in and trying to "help", but a difference between LoA and The Mission is that LoA has Sherif Ali (played by Omar Sharif) as a full participant in / objector to what's happening. The Mission and Mississippi Burning and, unfortunately, Honest Hearts all feature a pair of outsiders wrestling with moral quandaries to figure out what to do while the locals go, "Hmm, if you say so," quietly in the background.

Even the pidgin languages the tribes speak in Honest Hearts were just an attempt to keep costs down. All of the DLCs feature very few speaking characters because Fallout games have localized text and VO. That includes background characters and their reactive barks, so we made pidgin languages for the tribes so they wouldn't need to be re-recorded. Of course, the tribes were also supposed to be multi-ethnic, so you'd see white Dead Horses, black Dead Horses, etc. And again, Daniel was supposed to be Asian. It was incredibly frustrating to get halfway through production only to discover that making ethnic variants for every tribe would completely blow the already limited in-game memory limit. It wasn't a problem of "Ah, this will take more work," but, "The game will crash as soon as this area loads."

honest hearts travel time

Joshua Graham

honest hearts travel time


honest hearts travel time

White Legs tribal

honest hearts travel time

A giant spore plant

honest hearts travel time

The Eastern Virgin entrance

honest hearts travel time

Some tribal paintings on a canyon wall

honest hearts travel time

Zion National Park

honest hearts travel time

A painting of the Burned Man in Zion

honest hearts travel time

Steam banner

  • ↑ Burham Springs design document
  • ↑ New Canaan design document
  • ↑ Question: "I heard you went to Zion National Park? Did you find any Honest Hearts there? " Sawyer: "Honest hearts produce honest actions." Sawyer on Formspring (Archived)
  • ↑ J.E. Sawyer on Formspring (Archived) : "The Utah War/Mountain Meadows Massacre provide some inspiration, but not with analogue parties like you're suggesting. "
  • ↑ Joshua Sawyer : "How the DLC shipped was not how it was planned. The tribes in Zion are descendants of a mix of North American native people as well as other American citizens and European (of various non-native ethnicities) tourists/campers. This survives in the language of the Dead Horses, for example, who use a large number of German-derived words. In the first design docs for HH, every tribe was supposed to have members from all of the F3/FNV ethnic groups. However, there was a complicating factor: body art. The various tattoos and body paints we needed to texture the bodies multiplied the number of required textures. They couldn’t simply be layered on (as they can in F4), but were entirely new body textures that dramatically increased the amount of texture memory being used. For that reason, each tribe wound up having only one body texture per sex. This compressed their ethnicities into homogenized blends, with Dead Horses being a darker tan, Sorrows a light tan, and White Legs (under the body paint) fairly pale. As a minor point, Daniel was specifically supposed to be (and was, in data, for most of development) Asian. I don’t know when, how, or why he was switched to Caucasian, but that’s how he shipped. It’s frustrating, because those changes slot Joshua and Daniel as white guys among (mostly) brown folk when 1) they weren’t supposed to be white guys and 2) the tribes were specifically called out as ethnically and culturally mixed without any real-world analogues. Regarding the “natives as aesthetic” criticism, the patterns we used for the three tribes’ body art are not based on any current or historical native American body art (AFAIK). There are in-fiction explanations for each tribe’s specific choices. The White Legs initially colored themselves white to blend into the Great Salt Lake (where they are from) and they dread their hair out of reverence for Ulysses. The Sorrows use the river pattern to reflect their suffering and their connection to the Virgin River in Zion. The Dead Horses mark various accomplishments on their skin and decorate their clubs with .45 shells out of their respect for Joshua Graham." Josh Sawyer on Frog Helms Fan Club (Archived)
  • ↑ Honest Hearts - trademark by ZeniMax Media Inc. Rockville, MD - Serial Number: 85198870
  • ↑ Rising Out of the Ashes (Archived)
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Fallout Wiki

One completionist's list of things to do in Honest Hearts


  • 2 Challenges
  • 4 Armor and Clothing
  • 5 Other Collections
  • Crush the White Legs
  • Prisoners of War , Sanctity of the Dead , Retake the Bridge and Flight from Zion
  • Chaos in Zion (Don't choose this one for maximum challenge/achievement completion)

Challenges [ ]

  • Choose O Daughter of Babylon or May my Hand Forget its Skill

Weapons [ ]

  • A Light Shining in Darkness
  • Compliance Regulator
  • Salt-Upon-Wounds' power fist
  • She's Embrace
  • Survivalist's Rifle
  • .45 Auto pistol (2 mods)
  • .45 Auto submachine gun (2 mods)
  • War club (2 mods)

Armor and Clothing [ ]

  • Chalk's headdress
  • Daniel's hat
  • Daniel's outfit
  • Dead Horses stalker armor
  • Desert Ranger combat armor
  • Desert Ranger combat helmet
  • Gecko-backed leather armor
  • Gecko-backed leather armor, reinforced
  • Gecko-backed metal armor
  • Gecko-backed metal armor, reinforced
  • Joshua Graham's armor
  • Park ranger hat
  • Salt-Upon-Wounds' helmet
  • Sorrows adorned outfit
  • Sorrows outfit
  • White Legs hide armor
  • White Legs outfit

Other Collections [ ]

  • Gain the Perception bonus from Follows-Chalk 's companion perk Well-Stacked Cairns at all six summits in Zion
  • Snow globe - Zion National Park

After completing both endings on different saves, all Steam/Xbox Live/PS3 achievements will be achieved along the way.

I will add to this list as things occur to me. Feel free to suggest more additions in the comments below.

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Honest Hearts

Gametitle-FNV HH

Zion may not be lost to us, after all...

Honest Hearts is the second add-on for Fallout: New Vegas , developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Bethesda Softworks .

  • 1 Release and availability
  • 3 Characters
  • 4 Creatures
  • 6.1 Ammunition
  • 6.2 Armor and clothing
  • 6.3 Consumables
  • 6.4 Weapons
  • 6.5 Weapon mods
  • 6.6 Other items
  • 7 World objects
  • 8 Locations
  • 10.1 Regular perks
  • 10.2 Companion perks
  • 11 Achievements/Trophies
  • 13 Behind the scenes
  • 17 References

Release and availability [ ]

Honest Hearts was released on May 17, 2011 for Xbox Live and May 18, 2011 for PC and later on June 2, 2011 for PlayStation Store due to the store being hacked in May. It costs $9.99.

Like all add-ons, Honest Hearts is included in the Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition , released on February 7, 2012 for all platforms.

Overview [ ]

Honest Hearts takes you on an expedition to the unspoiled wilderness of Utah's Zion National Park . Things go horribly wrong when your caravan is ambushed by a tribal raiding band. As you try to find a way back to the Mojave , you become embroiled in a war between tribes and a conflict between a New Canaanite missionary and the mysterious Burned Man . The decisions you make will determine the fate of Zion National Park itself.

Zion National Park is an expansive and diverse natural area filled with slot canyons cut by rivers and tributaries as well as numerous caves that dot the hillsides. As wild plants and animals (and a couple mutated ones, as well) thrive in the park, so too does the Courier with dozens of new crafting recipes, including new edibles, medicines and even new armors that can be created from searching the park for ingredients.

Characters [ ]

  • Dancing Flame


  • Jed Masterson

Joshua Graham

  • Randall Clark
  • Salt-Upon-Wounds
  • Two-Bears-High-Fiving
  • Waking Cloud

Creatures [ ]

  • Giant cazador
  • Young green gecko
  • Giant green gecko
  • Giant spore plant
  • Spore carrier beast
  • Large White Leg mongrel
  • Giant yao guai
  • Yao guai cub
  • Zion mantis nymph
  • Giant Zion mantis

Factions [ ]

  • Happy Trails Trading Company
  • New Canaanites
  • The Dead Horses
  • The Sorrows
  • The White Legs

Ammunition [ ]

Armor and clothing [ ].

  • Chalk's headdress
  • Daniel's hat
  • Daniel's outfit
  • Dead Horses stalker armor
  • Desert Ranger combat armor
  • Desert Ranger combat helmet
  • Gecko-backed leather armor
  • Gecko-backed leather armor, reinforced
  • Gecko-backed metal armor
  • Gecko-backed metal armor, reinforced
  • Joshua Graham's armor
  • Park Ranger hat
  • Salt-Upon-Wounds' helmet
  • Sorrows adorned outfit
  • Sorrows outfit
  • White Legs hide armor
  • White Legs outfit

Consumables [ ]

  • Black coffee
  • Blood shield
  • Cave fungus
  • Dark datura
  • Datura antivenom
  • Datura hide
  • Healing poultice
  • Homebrewed Nuka-Cola
  • Homebrewed Sunset Sarsaparilla
  • Large wasteland tequila
  • Sacred datura root
  • Spore carrier sap
  • Spore plant pods
  • Wasteland tequila
  • Weapon binding ritual
  • Yao guai meat

Weapons [ ]

  • .45 Auto pistol
  • .45 Auto submachine gun
  • A Light Shining in Darkness
  • Compliance Regulator
  • Follows-Chalk's .45 Auto pistol
  • Follows-Chalk's war club
  • Joshua's Pistol Whippin' .45
  • Salt-Upon-Wounds' power fist
  • She's Embrace
  • Survivalist's rifle
  • Waking Cloud's yao guai gauntlet
  • Yao guai gauntlet

Weapon mods [ ]

  • .45 AP silencer
  • .45 AP HD slide
  • .45 Auto SMG comp.
  • .45 Auto SMG drums
  • War club casings
  • War club honors

Other items [ ]

Icon cut

  • Case, .45 Auto
  • Compass sensor module
  • Ghost of She's paw
  • Green gecko egg
  • Green gecko hide
  • Li'l Scout lunchbox
  • Medical supply kit
  • Mining detonator
  • Tanned green gecko hide
  • Walkie-Talkie
  • Zion National Park snow globe

World objects [ ]

  • Workbench crate
  • Campfire sack
  • Survivalist hidden cache
  • Wooden crate

Locations [ ]

  • Bighorn Bluff
  • Burial mounds
  • Caterpillar's Mound
  • Clear Water Docks
  • Crashed scout bus
  • Court Fork Overlook
  • Crossroad Cavern
  • Cueva Guarache
  • Dagger's Point
  • Dead Horses camp
  • East Fork Bridge
  • Eastern Virgin
  • Fallen Rock Cave
  • General store
  • Glass Chime Cave
  • Half Mouse Cave
  • Morning Glory Cave
  • Northern Passage
  • North Fork Bridge
  • North Fork Campground
  • Old Rockville bridge
  • Patriarchs' Campground
  • Pine Creek Tunnel
  • Ranger substation Eagle
  • Ranger substation Osprey
  • Ranger substation Peregrine
  • Red Rapids Docks
  • Sorrows camp
  • Sorrows Fork Campground
  • Southern passage
  • Stone Bones Cave
  • Sun Sentinels
  • Sweet Flower Cave
  • The Bend Bridge
  • The Narrows
  • Three Marys
  • Two Skies Cave
  • Vault 22 dwellers' guard camp
  • Virgin River
  • Virgin Fork Campground
  • White Bird's cave
  • Wind Wall Docks
  • Yao guai cave (Honest Hearts)
  • Zion Canyon
  • Zion fishing lodge
  • Zion Ranger Station
  • Zion Valley Welcome Booth

Regular perks [ ]

Companion perks [ ], achievements/trophies [ ].

  • Honest Hearts , like all add-ons, raises the level cap by 5.
  • Honest Hearts features weather, adding rain/overcast to the game.
  • After completing the add-on's main story, you will be unable to start or finish the side quests as most of the main characters will have left Zion.
  • Installing Honest Hearts will remove the ability to use the campfire during combat. This is due to the implementation of the Home on the Range perk.
  • Skill books are only found as random loot in Honest Hearts . See Fallout: New Vegas skill books for details.
  • Like Dead Money , you are not allowed to take companions with you in Honest Hearts . However, unlike Dead Money , Honest Hearts does not force them out of your party, you must do this yourself if you wish to proceed.
  • Equipment is not taken from the player at the beginning of the add-on, but the maximum weight limit is decreased due to the length of the journey. 100 pounds of equipment can be taken if you have the Strong Back or Pack Rat perks, and have a minimal Survival skill of 50, or pass the Speech check when talking to Jed Masterson , or Ricky . Without these perks/skill levels, you will have a weight limit of 75.
  • The player is able to return to Zion after completing the add-on, but followers still cannot accompany you. They also cannot be left waiting at the Northern passage, and instead will return to their home (ED-E back to Primm, etc.). This is due to the 14 day length of the trip into Zion.
  • When the add-on is completed, you can purchase the new weapons from the add-on such as, the tomahawk , the fire bomb , the war club , the yao guai gauntlet , the .45 Auto pistol and the .45 Auto submachine gun and their respective mods, as well as the ammunition from shops around the Mojave Wasteland .
  • The only merchant in Honest Hearts is Joshua Graham (passing a Speech check will allow you to purchase medical supplies from Daniel, however his caps and items are limited).

Behind the scenes [ ]

Religion is a topic, I think, that often gets not a great treatment in video games. It was important for me for a long time to try and see religion portrayed (specifically, Christianity) in a realistic and interesting way in a setting. In Fallout I got a chance to do it with Honest Hearts. I'm not religious, I believe that there aren't any gods, but that doesn't really matter. The point is that the topic I thought was interesting, I thought it was worth exploring, and I had a fair amount of knowledge of Christianity from college, from studying it on my own, talking to people about it, debating the topic with people.

And then Mormonism. I learned a lot more about from studying its history and talking with Mormons to get a more in-depth understanding of it. Before I did Honest Hearts I went out into Zion and I read the Pearl of Great Price by Joseph Smith. It was all just to get a good understanding of it, just to present something that made some sense. I didn't get everything right and, you know, you can never get everything absolutely right (or it would be very hard to). The point is, you try to approach it seriously and take it seriously. And if you're going to break rules about something, you kind of have to know what these rules are before you can really break them in a way that's interesting or justifiable, otherwise you're just kind of making stuff up. Which, you know, you can make stuff up, but I think that if you try to deal with a real world subject, you should probably know something about it.

Honesthearts display

Fallout: New Vegas texture that first hinted to Honest Hearts .

  • Honest Hearts was first hinted at via in-game graffiti, [1] sparking speculation that it would be the next add-on. This speculation was seemingly confirmed when ZeniMax registered " Honest Hearts " as a trademark. [2] The graffiti hinting at Honest Hearts refers to Joshua Graham , and New Canaan , which were originally to appear in Van Buren , Black Isle's canceled Fallout 3 project. [3] [4]
  • Honest Hearts was again hinted at in the game files of the Dead Money add-on , with the inclusion of an unused snowglobe for Zion National Park , and further suggesting it would be the next DLC in line for release after Dead Money . [5]
  • J.E. Sawyer has indicated that the title of this add-on is a reference to Brigham Young 's aphorism, "Honest hearts produce honest actions". [6]
  • J.E. Sawyer also revealed that the story of Honest Hearts drew inspiration from the Utah War and Mountain Meadows Massacre . [7]
  • All titles for Honest Hearts achievements/trophies are taken from Psalm 126 and Psalm 137 in the Bible.
  • Honest Hearts had the shortest development cycle of all New Vegas DLCs (sans Gun Runner's Arsenal and Courier's Stash ). [8]

Dead Money had a deferred PS3/PC release, so yes. HH having the cycle it did relative to DM and (especially) OWB and LR was not engineered that way from the start. After HH finished testing, there were overall F:NV game stability issues that needed to be fixed via patch, which is why HH was pushed, and OWB and LR with it. When the push happened, HH was already out of testing, but work/testing on OWB and LR continued.

Icon pc

  • The bonus pack add-ons disrupt the installation. Uninstall the Classic Pack and download/reinstall the Canadian version (which says French but is actually in English). The file is called " Fallout: New Vegas - (CA)". Honest Hearts will appear as well as everything else that may have disappeared (i.e. Dead Money).
  • After installing Honest Hearts , the radio signal for Northern Passage may not appear if "ED-E My Love" has not been completed. The only fix is reverting to a previous save file.
  • Some cliffs in Zion may not be properly structured, causing the player to fall through and render the player's movement to a standstill. A possible location is the yao guai cave. To the right of the entrance, a small cliff overlooks the canyon (confirmed once on the PS3).

Gallery [ ]

Pre-release screen shot

Pre-release screen shot

Pre-release screen shot

White Legs soldier

A giant spore plant

A giant spore plant

The Eastern Virgin entrance

The Eastern Virgin entrance

Some tribal paintings on a canyon wall

Some tribal paintings on a canyon wall

Zion National Park

Zion National Park

A painting of the Burned Man in Zion.

A painting of the Burned Man in Zion.

Steam banner

Steam banner

  • ↑ The in-game graffiti in question can be found in the game's " nvdlcgraffiti " folder, sharing the filename "nvgraffitihonesthearts". They read: "Where's New Canaan, anyway?" "The Burned Man Walks!" "Joshua Graham Lives!"
  • ↑ Honest Hearts - trademark by ZeniMax Media Inc. Rockville, MD - Serial Number: 85198870
  • ↑ Burham Springs design document
  • ↑ New Canaan design document
  • ↑ Unused snowglobe model found in the Dead Money game file under the folder named "FNVDLC02"
  • ↑ I heard you went to Zion National Park? Did you find any Honest Hearts there? @ Formspring
  • ↑ Formspring
  • ↑ J.E. Sawyer

honest hearts travel time

Fallout: New Vegas

honest hearts travel time

Originally posted by talgaby : 2. If you cannot comprehend by the time you get to Zion that New Vegas is not CoD, try to restrain yourself for that 30 seconds you cross the starting canyon, otherwise you kill a plot-critical NPC while you keep blindly shooting at everything that moves out of sheer habit.


Originally posted by talgaby : TL;DR: 2. If you cannot comprehend by the time you get to Zion that New Vegas is not CoD, try to restrain yourself for that 30 seconds you cross the starting canyon, otherwise you kill a plot-critical NPC while you keep blindly shooting at everything that moves out of sheer habit.
Originally posted by talgaby : TL;DR: 1. The cliffs, like in most games with such simple geometry, are slippery with few invisible walls to protect you. 2. If you cannot comprehend by the time you get to Zion that New Vegas is not CoD, try to restrain yourself for that 30 seconds you cross the starting canyon, otherwise you kill a plot-critical NPC while you keep blindly shooting at everything that moves out of sheer habit.

honest hearts travel time

Originally posted by Miles to go before I sleep... : Originally posted by talgaby : TL;DR: 1. The cliffs, like in most games with such simple geometry, are slippery with few invisible walls to protect you. 2. If you cannot comprehend by the time you get to Zion that New Vegas is not CoD, try to restrain yourself for that 30 seconds you cross the starting canyon, otherwise you kill a plot-critical NPC while you keep blindly shooting at everything that moves out of sheer habit.

honest hearts travel time

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Fallout: New Vegas - Honest Hearts Walkthrough - Finding All the Survivalist's Caches

Fallout: New Vegas - Honest Hearts Walkthrough - Finding All the Survivalist's Caches

Fallen Rock Cave

You can find this cave on the path into the Dead Horses camp. You’ll need to be very careful once you get inside. Start by walking forward and disarming the tripwire. You can then safely walk into the front of the room. Disable the rigged shotguns if you want some extra loot, then move to the back of the cave. There are a few mines on the ground, so move forward carefully. You should have time to disarm them, since they’re just basic frag mines. They also stand out against the ground fairly well though.

Move forward and watch for more tripwires as you move down into the cave. There are a few mines along the path too. On the bright side, there is a ton of cave fungus growing along the path. This is basically a wonder food, which reduces hunger, provides a fair amount of healing and even takes down your radiation. You’ll want to turn to the right and swing down after watching for another tripwire, and the nasty trap of a mine next to an oxygen tank. Disarm the mine or shoot the tank from a distance to keep yourself alive.

There actually shouldn’t be any enemies along the path, so just watch the ground and move at your own rate. At the end of the path, you should see it open up into a room with a number of beds. The entrance is guarded with several rigged shotguns, so pick out the tripwire from the darkness, and pick up the final frag mines at the start.

If you aren’t playing on hardcore, there’s a bed back here that you can use to heal up. The main highlights are in the back left corner though. There’s a unique energy weapon called the “Compliance Regulator” lying on the ground in the back corner along with some spent microfusion cells. There’s also more spent cells on the desk.

The army bag by the bed is the first of 6 survivalist caches, so inspect it for a whole lot of ammo and gear. Remember that you can dump some things on your companion, if you wish. Look at the computer too, to get the first two entries of the survivalist’s guide. Once you’re done reading through them, you can also use the reloading bench and the workbench. I strongly suggest taking the time to turn those drained cells into useable charges. Even if you don’t need them, you can trade them.

The other path to the left is just another exit.

Just go out the back, in the exit behind Joshua Graham, and walk to the left. The bag is lying under a handprint on the left wall.

Two Skies Cave

Two Skies Cave - The Locked Door Inside

You can enter this cave by looking for it on the river, just to the left of the Old Rockville Bridge. Like the others, it’s marked with footprints.

Go inside and watch for the tripwire at the bottom of the first slope. The rigged shotgun is well hidden behind the brush. Follow the path and make your choice of entrance.

If you have 50 points in Repair, go straight. There’s an electrified door here. You can either hack the terminal with 50 in Science or use 50 in Repair to break the power box.

If you don’t mind swimming then cut to the right. You’ll find a bunch of water in this flooded cavern. Just swim quickly through the tunnel and you’ll be able to make it to the other side and get a breath of air, then make it out to the main cavern.

Swim for the land on the right side and you’ll find two plasma mines under the brush. Look carefully for them and disarm both. The door to the hidden room requires 50 in Lockpick to open. Pop it open and you’ll be able to loot another survivalist cache.

The survivalist cache is in the shack to the left. Take what you want, and then look for the computers in back for another 3 journal entries. There is also another reloading bench, and a few lockers and crates of explosives.

You can just take the easy path out, if you didn’t shut down the door earlier. Either shoot the generator or use 50 points in Melee or Unarmed to break it and clear the way.

Cueva Guarache

Cueva Guarache - The Spore Carriers in the Cave

You can go here by following the road north of the North Fork Bridge. This is a bit of an easier cave, since you can either risk a few bear traps and shotguns through the the brush covered path, and pick the lock on the door, or just fight through the chamber. To do that, just go inside and walk along the path until you get to a side room. You’ll find a spore plant and a small spore carrier inside. Just headshot the runt and then put a few rounds into the spore plant.

Move forward into the central room to encounter a few spore plants and a number of spore carriers. If you can, just get some height on one of the roots and cover your companion. They’ll be able to do a lot of damage, since they can usually track them better. Engage the spore plants if they start spitting at you, but otherwise just watch for the carriers and take them out as you go.

Move through the tunnel to reach the upper level with the explosives crates. Loot them and then open the gate. Disable the plasma mine on the ground, and then go inside the survivalist’s home. You can get another survivalist’s cache from the shack and another piece of the story.

Leave through either path.

Morning Glory Cave

You always get this one naturally during the quest for the Grand Staircase. Just follow the marker and kill the spore plants inside with Waking Clouds help. This is basically just Cueva Guarache, but easier.

Stone Bones Cave

Finding the Desert Ranger Combat Armor

This is one of the only tricky ones to reach. It’s inside the Sorrows Camp, but you’ll need to get up on a ride to get to it. I found one surefire way was to walk up the path and past White Bird’s cave. You can then find Crossroads Cavern. Just go inside and kill a few coyotes and White Legs to punch through to a second exit. You can then go through and make it across a bridge to find the Glass Chimes Cave. Don’t go in, just look off of the ledge. You should be able to see the footprints marking the Stone Bones Cave below. Drop down to it.

Inside of going in the heavily trapped entrance, I also suggest that you quicksave and try to jump across to the other entrance marked with footprints. This is the back entrance which only has a single tripwire protecting it. If you go this way, you can just waltz right in and find the cache by a rock in the corner. The main draw is next to the footlocker though. There’s a full set of Desert Ranger Armor lying next to it, which is really good medium armor. It also looks cool, if that matters.

Feel free to go out the heavily trapped entrance. There’s a bunch of bear traps, tripwires and plasma mines hidden behind things, so keep your eyes down.

The Red Gate

This isn’t actually one of the

Finding The Red Gate and the Survivialist’s Rifle

official survivalist caches. This unmarked seventh cache may be the best though, and it’s the last journal entry for his story.

Walk over to Bighorner Bluff on the western side of the map. You’ll have to go this way for “The Advance Scouts.” If you walk to the edge of the shore, you should be able to find a rotten dock. If you look up, you should see a very pristine looking cliff to the side. You want to get to the top of that. Follow the coastline until you see a steep slope, then just walk up it. You’ll be stopped right before the top by some rocks, but you can just jump on top of them and reach the top of the mountain.

Just look on the rocks for a skeleton to find the last survivialist cache. Inside, you’ll get the “Survivalist’s Rifle” and the final holotape.

Note that a number of people have reported the Survialist’s Rifle as being missing or found on a random White Leg. Apparently some random NPCs have a tendency to loot the bag. Just kill the White Legs in the area and it should turn up.

All screenshots from Fallout: New Vegas - Honest Hearts DLC

This post is part of the series: Fallout: New Vegas - Honest Hearts Side Quests

There are a few side quests that you can do for extra gear and loot in Honest Hearts. If you feel like doing a little hunting in Zion, or you just want to find all of the Survivalist’s Caches, then just look here. I’ll tell you how to see and do it all in Zion Memorial Park.

  • Fallout: New Vegas - Honest Hearts - The Survivalist Caches
  • Fallout: New Vegas - Honest Hearts - Rite of Passage
  • Fallout: New Vegas - Honest Hearts - River Monsters
  • Fallout: New Vegas - Honest Hearts - Bighorners of the Eastern Virgin

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Cash Warren ‘Blown Away’ by Jessica Alba’s Return to Acting After The Honest Company Exit

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If Cash Warren is being honest, he’s more than proud of what his wife, Jessica Alba , built with The Honest Company.

“What she was able to accomplish with The Honest Company is amazing and she's still involved. She’s still on the board,” Warren, 45, exclusively told Us Weekly while celebrating 10 years of his own company, Pair of Thieves . “We’re, obviously, still an Honest household. When she stepped down , she’d been at it for 12 or 13 years and she found a great CEO and it was just time.”

Although Alba, 43, still provides strategic advice to the company she helped create in 2011, she’s now able to pursue other things like acting.

“What I'm absolutely blown away by is she jumped back into acting and her first movie that just came out was called Trigger Warning on Netflix and it was the No. 1 movie in 84 countries and had over a billion streams in its first weekend,” Warren shared. “I've just been blown away that she was able to so elegantly step down from her role with Honest and jump back into acting and immediately find success like that.”

Jessica Alba and Cash Warren’s Most Honest Quotes About Their Relationship: ‘You Become Roommates’

“It's mind-blowing to me,” he added. “I'm just like, ‘How do you do that?!’”

The couple — who share Honor, 16, Haven, 12, and Hayes, 6 — have been married for 16 years and together for nearly two decades.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Cash Warren (@cash_warren)

When it’s time to turn off the computer and step away from work , the pair love getting out of the house and enjoying private date nights.

“Unplugging is big,” Warren shared. “We love taking walks. We love chatting. We love eating good food together. We have so many of the same interests that we enjoy. What's awesome is that we're also still willing to participate. Jessica is on an awesome spiritual journey right now. I'll do sound baths with her. I'll learn about crystals. I'll get my charts read. I'll learn about it alongside her and she's always opening me up to new things.”

Before the couple enjoys a summer vacation to Europe, Warren is celebrating 10 years of Pair of Thieves with his cofounders Alan Stuart and David Ehrenberg . To celebrate the milestone, the leading men’s basics company created an initiative called The Power of 10, where Pair of Thieves will donate 10,000 pairs of socks to ten charities in need.

Jessica Alba’s Honest Company’s Ups and Downs Over the Years

“As we were building this brand, it was critical for us to make it a reflection of us and things that we held near and dear to our hearts and helping others has always been part of who we are,” Warren — who cites the quick dry underwear and the bowo neutrals socks as his favorite products — explained. “It only made sense to layer that into Pair of Thieves.”

As for why the brand has lasted nearly a decade, Warren has a theory.

“I think that Pair of Thieves ultimately is delivering products that the consumer wants and the consumer needs, and we're meeting them where they are and are providing them quick, great quality basics at an affordable price,” he said. “We’ve been fortunate to work with great retail partners and our loyal consumers have helped us get to this point.”

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honest hearts travel time

Hearts vs Tottenham: Prediction, kick-off time today, TV, live stream, team news, h2h results

Tottenham today travel to Hearts in the first of their pre-season friendlies.

Ange Postecoglou ’s squad already have one run out under their belts after beating Cambridge United in a behind-closed-doors game on the weekend, but the midweek trip to Scotland will be their first match proper of the summer.


Many of Spurs ’ first-team squad are expected to be on show, apart from those still on international duty, as Postecoglou heads north of the border for the first time since leaving Celtic for pastures new in N17.

Hearts are a week ahead of Spurs in pre-season preparations, so should prove a decent first test for Heung-min Son & Co.

Date, kick-off time and venue

Hearts vs Tottenham is scheduled for a 7pm BST kick-off today on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.

The match will take place at Tynecastle Stadium.

Where to watch Hearts vs Tottenham

TV channel and live stream : In the UK, live coverage of the match can be found on SPURSPLAY and Hearts TV .

Tottenham’s video streaming service. costs £45 for an annual subscription. The price then drops to £35 for season-ticket holders and One Hotspur Members.

The game will also be broadcast on Hearts TV, which costs £12.99 for a game pass.

Live blog: You can follow all the action via Standard Sport ’s live blog!

Hearts vs Tottenham team news

Hearts will be looking to give new signings Hearts have signed Yan Dhanda, Blair Spittal, James Penrice, Daniel Oyegoke, Musa Drammeh and Ryan Fulton more minutes. The Scottish side are a week ahead of Spurs in their pre-season preparations.

Spurs gave plenty of players their first minutes of pre-season in a win over Cambridge on Saturday, including run outs for summer signings Archie Gray and Lucas Bergvall.

Ange Postecoglou will have most of his first-team squad available, with just defensive trio Cristian Romero, Micky van de Ven and Radu Dragusin on international duty.- It remains to be seen if the likes of out-of-favour players Djed Spence and Sergio Reguilon will join the travelling party.

Hearts vs Tottenham prediction

The score is never important in these games, especially for a first run out of the summer, but can usually provide plenty of goals. It should be an entertaining game at Tynecastle Stadium, with many players getting minutes under their belts.

Tottenham to win, 4-2.

Head to head (h2h) history and results

Hearts wins: 0

Tottenham wins: 1

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Advice | Miss Manners: I don’t want to spend time with…

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Advice | Miss Manners: I don’t want to spend time with them. Should I be honest, or ghost them?

Plus, don’t leftovers brought by guests actually belong to the host.

Miss Manners Judith Martin

Some have become lifelong friends, and some were just close during similar ages/stages of raising our children. This is all fine and expected in life!

But what about the friends I just don’t enjoy spending time with after getting to know them better over time? What do I say, if anything? How mannerly is it to be honest?

I want to end these friendships for their sakes, too! I’d be so embarrassed and hurt to learn someone doesn’t enjoy being with me, but felt obligated.

I know I can decline and say I’m busy, but we all make time for what we want to make time for.

To be clear, there’s no toxic behavior; they’re nice, good people overall. Maybe our personalities just aren’t a great fit or we don’t have much in common.

Life is busy, and I’d like to spend my free time with those I enjoy being with.

GENTLE READER : Disappearing from a friendship without explanation is now known as ghosting, and is considered bad form. It leaves the deserted person floundering, not sure what is happening or why.

So the standard recommendation is: Just be honest.

But that is even more painful. Losing a friend is bound to hurt, but Miss Manners cannot condone doing it with an insult. And telling people that you don’t enjoy their company, however true, is insulting. Saying you have nothing in common implies that they lack interest. Declaring your personalities a “bad fit” means that you dislike theirs.

Hence the euphemism of being busy. Life is busy, as you say, so the excuse is initially plausible; but eventually, as you also point out, there is the realization that people make time for what they really want.

Miss Manners admits that this is not an ideal solution, just slightly better than the alternatives. But then, breaking off a friendship is not an ideal situation.

DEAR MISS MANNERS : My wife and I have friends of 20+ years who have what I consider a bad habit: When they come over for dinner, they take home anything of theirs that remains after the meal — any wine left in the bottle, for example.

Most recently, they took home the remaining premium ice cream and locally made hot fudge.

Am I wrong to think this behavior is rude?

GENTLE READER : It depends on what you mean in describing what is “theirs.” Miss Manners presumes this does not involve voluntary presents they brought, but contributions to the meal that you approved, or even solicited.

And this is among friends, who have just spent a convivial evening together.

She is not going to take sides in this unseemly altercation. If it makes you feel better, you should accept the pattern and take home your own leftover contributions when visiting these friends.

Please send your questions to Miss Manners at her website, www.missmanners.com; to her email, [email protected]; or through postal mail to Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.

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Pastor: Overcoming a divided nation will take prayer, love and seeing, hearing Jesus

As I write this article we are two days removed from the assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life. By the time you read it, we will be closer to a week removed.

The events of that day remind us of how divided we are as a nation, though to be honest, I believe that the divide is magnified in the media and on social media. Most know how to be good neighbors even if they vote differently from each other. But it does raise the question, how should we, especially Christians, handle or conduct ourselves in such times?

First, since we are talking of political divide, we need to remember our call to pray for those in leadership. “First of all, then I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” (1 Timothy 2:1-2, ESV).

We are called to pray for those in leadership regardless of whether or not we voted for them. So pray for those who are running for office, on both sides of the ballot. Pray God will convict them of what is right and wrong, that God will grant them wisdom. Pray our lawmakers will be just in making laws rather than partisan. But notice as well that we are to pray for them that we may live peaceful and quiet lives that are godly.

It is the church's job to proclaim the gospel message

I fear that too often we get things mixed up. Too often we look to government to make people righteous. We look to them to pass laws that will change people’s hearts, but that is impossible. What is possible is that the government acts justly and for the most part leaves people who are doing right alone. It is the church’s job to proclaim the gospel message and lead others to Christ Jesus, because it is only Jesus Christ who is able to cleanse the heart and mind and bring about righteousness in the lives of people.

While we want our government to do what is right, in reality, it is only Jesus who can heal and unite a land. Which brings me to the second point of what we can do as Christians. Love. Love our neighbors as ourselves. Love even our enemies. As Jesus said, if someone strikes us on the cheek, turn to him the other. Overcome evil with good and do it with love.

If we want healing to come to our nation, let it start with us. Let us pray for our nation, and pray for those in leadership positions, from the president all the way down to our local leaders. And let us choose to show love to others, instead of hate, so that they can see and hear Jesus through us.

Scot Myers is the minister at Ashland Christian Church.

Zhukovsky International Airport

Zhukovsky International Airport, formerly known as Ramenskoye Airport or Zhukovsky Airfield - international airport, located in Moscow Oblast, Russia 36 km southeast of central Moscow, in the town of Zhukovsky, a few kilometers southeast of the old Bykovo Airport. After its reconstruction in 2014–2016, Zhukovsky International Airport was officially opened on 30 May 2016. The declared capacity of the new airport was 4 million passengers per year.

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Fallout: New Vegas - Honest Hearts – Guide and Walkthrough

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Guide and Walkthrough (X360) by AbsoluteSteve

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  • The time in Elektrostal is 8 hours ahead of the time in New York when New York is on standard time, and 7 hours ahead of the time in New York when New York is on daylight saving time.
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  • The IANA time zone identifier for Elektrostal is Europe/Moscow.

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Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for elektrostal.

  • Sunrise: 04:09AM
  • Sunset: 08:56PM
  • Day length: 16h 48m
  • Solar noon: 12:33PM
  • The current local time in Elektrostal is 33 minutes ahead of apparent solar time.

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  • Latitude: 55.79. Longitude: 38.46
  • Population: 144,000

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Pops, screams and then blood: On the scene at the Trump rally shooting

A view from the press riser of the chaos surrounding what authorities are investigating as an assassination attempt against Donald Trump.

BUTLER, Pa. — The gunshots were high-pitched pops, slight and hollow in the open air.

Donald Trump , the former president set to accept the Republican nomination in five days, was less than 10 minutes into his speech here to a crowd of tens of thousands. A miles-long line of cars crawled for hours to pass through metal detectors and bag inspections, just like any Trump event, until these green fairgrounds became a sea of red hats.

Trump was almost an hour late, and his supporters waited impatiently under the blazing sun and thumping music. In the middle of the crowd, opposite the stage, a platform of TV cameras pointed at the stage, with reporters huddled underneath for shade.

Finally Trump walked out, as usual, to chants of “USA” and marveled: “This is a big crowd. This is a big, big, beautiful crowd.” A bright red MAGA cap shaded his eyes, and his white shirt was open-collared in the heat as he leaned his arms on the lectern.

He launched into his stump speech but quickly got bored with the prepared script. He offered to invite the Republican Senate candidate, Dave McCormick, to speak, but McCormick wasn’t ready.

2024 presidential election

honest hearts travel time

“You don’t mind if I go off teleprompter, do you?” Trump teased. “Because these teleprompters are so damn boring.” He asked to show “that chart that I love so much,” showing border crossings across his and Joe Biden’s presidencies, and acted amazed that his producers obliged, projecting it onto the giant screens to either side. “Wow, you guys are getting better with time.”

He was pointing to one of the screens, narrating the increase in immigration since he left office in 2021. “Look what happened to our country!”

The pops came in pairs, a burst of five or six total. Trump swatted his ear, as if he heard a mosquito. Then he hunched his shoulders and ducked.

honest hearts travel time

Podcast episode

“Get down, get down, get down!” Secret Service agents shouted as they rushed up onto the stage and surrounded him. The crowd screamed. Another burst of popping noises. More screaming. The people in the bleachers behind Trump shuffled, unsure about where to go. The people in chairs or standing crouched or fell to the ground. A dense cloud of smoke hung to the right of the stage, then dispersed quickly.

One more solitary shot.

More suited Secret Service agents rushed the stage, then black-clad men wearing body armor and helmets, and carrying assault rifles. The crowd shouted in confusion.

“Are we good?” one of the officers said, audible from the podium microphone.

“Shooter’s down,” another answered.

“We’re good to move.”

“Are we clear?”

“We’re clear!”

“Let me get my shoes on,” Trump said, as the agents lifted him.

“I got you, sir.”

“Hold on, your head is bloody.”

“Let me get my shoes on,” he said again, as the agents formed a ring around him.

The crowd, seeing him standing, started to cheer.

Photos from the Trump rally shooting

honest hearts travel time

“Wait,” Trump said, and thrust up a fist. “Fight!” he said. “Fight!”

Then the people roared and chanted again: “USA!”

“We gotta move,” an agent said. Leaning on the agents for assistance, Trump kept his fist raised as he hobbled off the stage, down the stairs and into his black SUV. One black dress shoe remained on the red-carpeted stage.

Officers — Secret Service, county sheriff’s deputies, state troopers, U.S. Department of Homeland Security — started telling the crowd to evacuate, calling the site an active crime scene. The rallygoers walked out, calling and texting family and friends and recording videos. People were shocked but calm.

As people passed the press risers elevating the cameras, some took out their anger on the media.

“You’re not safe. It’s your fault.”

“You wanted political violence, now you got it. Hope you’re all f---ing happy.”

“The shot heard ’round the world.”

“The liberal media is responsible!”

“Every f---ing one of y’all!”

Others sought out the cameras to offer eyewitness accounts, but they were jumbled and sometimes contradictory amid the panic.

The crowd trudged glumly to the parking lot, a few stopping for a last-minute hot dog or snow cone.

A man with a cane cowered behind the bathrooms, vomiting.

They walked to their cars past Trump flags streaming in the wind over a long row of vendors selling MAGA hats and mug shot T-shirts and Trump keychains and vulgar bumper stickers and Trump visors topped with bright orange fake hair.

A man with a bullhorn wearing a homemade “JAN 6 SURVIVOR” shirt called on people to march on Main Street, “peacefully and patriotically,” echoing Trump’s speech on the Ellipse on Jan. 6 , 2021. Most everyone ignored him. One young man accused him of being an undercover federal agent and told him to shut up.

They left behind a field strewn with empty plastic water bottles. A giant American flag hoisted from two cranes flapped high above the empty white bleachers bordered with red, white and blue bunting.

Election 2024

Catch up on key takeaways from the final day of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, where Donald Trump dramatically recounted the assassination attempt at his rally.

Biden pressure: President Biden is facing the most concerted effort yet by leading Democrats seeking to force him out of the presidential race amid concerns over his advanced age and sluggish poll numbers. Here’s what would happen next if Biden dropped out .

Trump VP pick: Trump has chosen Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio as his running mate , selecting a rising star in the party and previously outspoken Trump critic who in recent years has closely aligned himself with the former president.

Presidential election polls: Check out The Post’s presidential polling averages of the seven battleground states most likely to determine the outcome of the election.

Key dates and events: Voters in all states and U.S. territories have been choosing their party’s nominee for president ahead of the summer conventions. Here are key dates and events on the 2024 election calendar .

honest hearts travel time


  1. Honest Hearts

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  2. Fallout New Vegas Honest Hearts DLC Walkthrough Part 1: Gameplay

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  3. Honest Hearts Arrival at Fallout New Vegas

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  4. Honest Hearts (@hhapparel)

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  5. Photo "Honest Hearts Screenshot" in the album "DLC & Other" by Brother None

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  6. Honest Hearts DLC (Part 21)

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  3. Inky Fingers, Happy Hearts: Travel with ARFA #food #foodvlog #outing #car #travelvlog

  4. Fallout New Vegas Honest Hearts River Monsters

  5. Return to Fallout New Vegas Walkthrough with Commentary Part 2

  6. True poetry #poetry #allamaiqbalbestpoetryinurdu #urdupoetry #sad


  1. Fallout: New Vegas

    Welcome to my strategy guide for the Honest Hearts DLC of Fallout: New Vegas! In this guide, you'll find a complete, beginning-to-end walkthrough, ripe with pictures of maps and hard-to-find spots. The walkthrough is separated by quest for easy navigation. In addition, I have put the optional quests and side quests in separate sections, as well.

  2. Fallout: New Vegas

    Welcome to my strategy guide for the Dead Money DLC of Fallout: New Vegas! In this guide, you'll find a complete, beginning-to-end walkthrough, ripe with pictures of maps and hard-to-find spots. The walkthrough is separated by quest for easy navigation. I have also included a basics section that goes over all things unique to the Sierra Madre ...

  3. Honest Hearts

    Honest Hearts is the second add-on for Fallout: New Vegas, developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Bethesda Softworks. After the First Battle of Hoover Dam, and during preparation for the Second, Caesar reached out to the Great Salt Lake and the White Legs tribe to rally them into destroying New Canaan and its people. Through the guidance of one of his frumentarii, the White Legs ...

  4. Guide for Fallout: New Vegas

    6. Fallout: New Vegas Honest Hearts walkthrough. This DLC is very straight forward. There are 5 achievements, all story related, and none missable as long as you make a save near the end to do the ...

  5. Honest Hearts

    Notes. Honest Hearts is the only DLC that does not have a warning screen before visiting the new area. The only warnings you receive are through dialogue with Jed. Installing Honest Hearts will remove the ability to use the campfire during combat. This is due to the implementation of the Home on the Range perk.; Skill books are only found as random loot in Honest Hearts.

  6. Honest Hearts

    The second add-on for Fallout: New Vegas, Honest Hearts sends you to the beautiful landscapes of Zion National Park. Enjoy the enthralling vistas! Overthrow a bloodthirsty war lord! Take drugs ...

  7. Fallout: New Vegas

    ) Honest Hearts DLC increases your maximum level by 5, like the other 3 DLC's. ) You cannot take Companions into the DLC. Dismiss your companions ahead of time. ) You cannot leave the DLC until the main quest is completed. Afterwards you can travel back and forth from the DLC from the Northern Passage, but you still cannot take companions.

  8. Honest Hearts Walkthrough

    This Fallout: New Vegas - Honest Hearts walkthrough will help you start out the DLC. I'll cover some packing tips for your trip with the Happy Trails Caravan Company into Zion Valley, including how to best use your weight limit and deal with Ricky's lies. After that, I'll explain how to meet Follows-Chalk and Joshua Graham and start out with your quests with the Dead Horses.

  9. Fallout: New Vegas

    In Honest Hearts you will travel to the Zion National Park in Utah with the Happy Trails Trading Group. Things seem rosy at first on your journey, but unfortunately for your companions, they're killed within the first few minutes of arriving at Zion. ... Only this time, in such a scenic, beautiful landscape full of canyons and rivers. Plus ...

  10. Arrival at Zion

    Arrival at Zion is a main quest in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts. Shortly after the completion of Happy Trails Expedition and the Courier's initial arrival in Zion, a group of White Legs will ambush the caravan, killing everyone but the Courier. There is no way to save the caravan members, as their deaths are scripted, and they will die even if all but one ambusher is killed ...

  11. One completionist's list of things to do in Honest Hearts

    Quests []. Complete all Honest Hearts quests, except choose one of the three endings: . Crush the White Legs; Prisoners of War, Sanctity of the Dead, Retake the Bridge and Flight from Zion; Chaos in Zion (Don't choose this one for maximum challenge/achievement completion); Challenges []. Complete 6 of 7 Honest Hearts challenges. Choose O Daughter of Babylon or May my Hand Forget its Skill

  12. Honest Hearts

    Honest Hearts is the second add-on for Fallout: New Vegas, developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Bethesda Softworks. Honest Hearts was released on May 17, 2011 for Xbox Live and May 18, 2011 for PC and later on June 2, 2011 for PlayStation Store due to the store being hacked in May. It costs $9.99. Like all add-ons, Honest Hearts is included in the Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate ...

  13. Things to know before starting the Honest Hearts DLC

    2. If you cannot comprehend by the time you get to Zion that New Vegas is not CoD, try to restrain yourself for that 30 seconds you cross the starting canyon, otherwise you kill a plot-critical NPC while you keep blindly shooting at everything that moves out of sheer habit. #2. PenguinBystandah Nov 26, 2017 @ 5:07am.

  14. Fallout: New Vegas

    In this Fallout: New Vegas - Honest Hearts walkthrough, I'll tell you how to find all 6 of the official Survivalist's Caches. This includes guides for Angel Cave, Two Skies Cave, Fallen Rock Cave, Stone Bones Cave, Morning Glory Cave and Cueva Guarache. I'll also cover how to get the survivalist's rifle at The Red Gate. If you need help finding all of the survivalist's stashes, then just ...

  15. I'm playing through Honest Hearts for the first time, and I'm ...

    tl;dr I'm enjoying Honest Hearts (especially the survivalist caves) and I'm curious whether this was the general reaction, as I could imagine the lore could be inaccurate without the right character build . I didn't know what to expect heading into this DLC, but I'd completed Point Lookout in Fallout 3 a couple of times. The tribal faction and its lore in that add-on was fun, but not super ...

  16. Honest Hearts 08

    Subscribe!: http://oxhorn.it/youtube-subscribe-to-oxhornSupport on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/oxhornGet an Oxhorn T-shirt: http://oxhorn.it/oxhorn-shir...

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    When it's time to turn off the computer and step away from work, the pair love getting out of the house and enjoying private date nights. "Unplugging is big," Warren shared. "We love ...

  18. Fallout: New Vegas

    Afterwards you can travel back and forth from the DLC with the BIG MOUNTAIN TRANSPORTALPONDER but you still cannot take companions. )You can take items into the DLC so load up ahead of time. )In settings turn your Actor-fade to maximum for best spotting of targets, and turn off travel auto-saves to cut down on fast travel lockups and bad travel ...

  19. 'Risk taker' Joe Savage leaves Hearts: Reasons revealed for exit as

    Sporting director decides now is the right time to leave Tynecastle Hearts sporting director Joe Savage has stepped down from his role at Tynecastle, with the Jambos saying the 40-year-old is ...

  20. Hearts vs Tottenham: Prediction, kick-off time today, TV, live ...

    Date, kick-off time and venue. Hearts vs Tottenham is scheduled for a 7pm BST kick-off today on Wednesday, July 17, 2024. The match will take place at Tynecastle Stadium.

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    By the time you read it, we will be closer to a week removed. The events of that day remind us of how divided we are as a nation, though to be honest, I believe that the divide is magnified in the ...

  23. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal is linked by Elektrichka suburban electric trains to Moscow's Kursky Rail Terminal with a travel time of 1 hour and 20 minutes. Long distance buses link Elektrostal to Noginsk, Moscow and other nearby towns. Local public transport includes buses. Sports

  24. Fallout: New Vegas

    Honest Hearts also raises the level cap by 5 so players already at max level can continue to level. There are a lot less skill checks than the first DLC, but it will be really helpful for you if ...

  25. Zhukovsky International Airport

    Zhukovsky International Airport, formerly known as Ramenskoye Airport or Zhukovsky Airfield - international airport, located in Moscow Oblast, Russia 36 km southeast of central Moscow, in the town of Zhukovsky, a few kilometers southeast of the old Bykovo Airport. After its reconstruction in 2014-2016, Zhukovsky International Airport was officially opened on 30 May 2016.

  26. Fallout: New Vegas

    Head back to the Mojave Wasteland by the nearby ladder, then fast travel to Novac. From here, travel west/southwest to find a scavenger in a radiation suit. He holds the [ISOTOPE- 239 IGNITING AGENT] and the [MR. RADICAL's JOURNAL]. Fast travel back to the REPCONN Test Site and report back to Chris (use the manhole ladder as shortcut).

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    Our honest review of Poppi prebiotic soda, plus where to buy it, what it tastes like and how apple cider vinegar-based gut health beverages work. Raise a glass with Billie Eilish & Kylie Jenner in ...

  28. Elektrostal' , Russia Moscow Oblast

    What time is it in Elektrostal'? Russia (Moscow Oblast): Current local time in & Next time change in Elektrostal', Time Zone Europe/Moscow (UTC+3). Population: 144,387 People

  29. Time in Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia now

    Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for Elektrostal. Sunrise: 03:43AM. Sunset: 09:07PM. Day length: 17h 24m. Solar noon: 12:25PM. The current local time in Elektrostal is 25 minutes ahead of apparent solar time.

  30. When gunshots erupted at the Trump rally, there were pops, screams and

    "Wait," Trump said, and thrust up a fist. "Fight!" he said. "Fight!" Then the people roared and chanted again: "USA!" "We gotta move," an agent said. Leaning on the agents for ...