• 08.21 8/22(火)19:00~ローチケ追加販売(先着)実施決定!
  • 07.27 7/28(金)10:00~ローチケ2次先行受付開始!
  • 06.27 TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR 来日公演特設サイトオープン! ローチケ先行(抽選)は6/27(火)10:00~受付開始!


  • [SOLD OUT!] -->2024年2月7日(水) 東京ドーム 開場 16:00 / 開演 18:00
  • [SOLD OUT!] -->2024年2月8日(木) 東京ドーム 開場 16:00 / 開演 18:00
  • 2024年2月9日(金) 東京ドーム 開場 16:00 / 開演 18:00
  • [SOLD OUT!] -->2024年2月10日(土) 東京ドーム 開場 16:00 / 開演 18:00
  • ※開場/開演時間は変更になる場合がございます。
  • ※新型コロナウイルス感染症の感染状況により、ワクチン・検査パッケージなどを適用する場合がございます。

■<ローチケ先行>プレリクエスト追加販売(先着): 8/22(火)19:00~

■For customers from overseas Lawson Ticket General On Sale: Aug 22 (Tue) 7:00PM -

Application Closed

※VIPパッケージ・BOX SEATを除き、ご購入いただいたチケット(SS席 / S席 / A席 / ステージサイド席 / U-20席)は、後日公式リセールサービスを行う予定です。 ※Purchased tickets except "VIP PACKAGE" , "BOX SEAT" will be made available for official resale service at a later date.

  • ※ステージの全体/演出の一部が見えづらいお席となります。
  • ※STAGE SIDE SEAT (with obstructed view)
  • With an obstructed view which means you'll be unable to see the entire stage and performance from those seats.

同行者も含めて20歳以下の方限定のお席となります。 ステージの全体/演出の一部が見えづらいお席となります。当日年齢を確認できる身分証明書をお持ちください。 チケットをご購入された方のみでなく、同行者様も当日入場時に年齢を確認させていただきますので下記身分証のいずれかを忘れずにお持ちください。 ・運転免許証 ・学生証 ・パスポート ・身体障害者手帳 ・マイナンバーカード(通知カード不可) ・在留カード ・特別永住者証明書 ・住民基本台帳カード ・外国人登録証明書

  • ※年齢は各公演当日の年齢となります。
  • ※年齢確認ができない場合は、入場をお断りさせていただきます。
  • ※期限の切れたものは無効となります。また、公的に発行された状態のままお持ちください。(コピーは不可)
  • ※学生証・マイナンバーカード・住民基本台帳カードは写真と本人の現住所が確認できるもののみ有効です。

These seats are strictly for 20 years old or younger. Some seats may have limited visibility of the entire stage or certain parts of the production. Please bring an ID card to verify your age on the day of the event. We will be verifying the age of not only the ticket holder, but also of those who would be accompanying as well. Please remember to bring either of the following types of ID with you.

(Driver’s License, Student ID, Passport, Physical Disability Recordbook / Certificate, MyNumber Card(Notification card not accepted), Residents Card, Special Permanent, Resident Certificate, Basic Resident Registration Card, Alien registration card)

  • ※Age is based on how old the ticket holder is on the day of each performance.
  • ※If age cannot be verified, admission will be denied.
  • ※Expired IDs will be invalid. Also, please bring the certificate in its officially issued state. (Photocopies are not acceptable.)
  • ※Student ID, MyNumber Card, and Basic Resident Registration Card are valid only if the photo and the applicant’s current address can be verified.


SS席1枚(SS席の中でも、最も各ステージ/花道に近いエリア) テイラー・スウィフト プリントポスター4枚セット テイラー・スウィフトVIP限定グッズ – The Eras Tour記念トートバッグ – ピンバッジ、ステッカー、ポストカードセット、コレクター用コンサートピクチャーチケット – VIP専用ツアーラミネートパス&ストラップ

  • ※座席レイアウトと各VIPパッケージの座席位置は都市、公演によって異なる場合があります。

One Unforgettable Top Price Reserved Seated Floor Ticket Special Set of Four (4) Taylor Swift Prints Exclusive Taylor Swift VIP Merchandise • Commemorative Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour VIP Tote Bag • Collectible Taylor Swift Pin, Sticker & Postcard Set + Souvenir Concert Ticket • Special VIP Tour Laminate & Matching Lanyard

  • ※Venue seating configurations and package locations can vary by city. See your show date for specific details.

SS席1枚(通常のSS席よりも各ステージ/花道に近いエリア) テイラー・スウィフト プリントポスター4枚セット テイラー・スウィフトVIP限定グッズ – The Eras Tour記念トートバッグ – ピンバッジ、ステッカー、ポストカードセット、コレクター用コンサートピクチャーチケット – VIP専用ツアーラミネートパス&ストラップ

One Phenomenal Top Price Reserved Seated Floor Ticket Special Set of Four (4) Taylor Swift Prints Exclusive Taylor Swift VIP Merchandise • Commemorative Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour VIP Tote Bag • Collectible Taylor Swift Pin, Sticker & Postcard Set + Souvenir Concert Ticket • Special VIP Tour Laminate & Matching Lanyard

S席1枚(1階スタンド) テイラー・スウィフト プリントポスター4枚セット テイラー・スウィフトVIP限定グッズ – The Eras Tour記念トートバッグ – ピンバッジ、ステッカー、ポストカードセット、コレクター用コンサートピクチャーチケット – VIP専用ツアーラミネートパス&ストラップ

One Incredible Second Price Reserved Seated Ticket Special Set of Four (4) Taylor Swift Prints Exclusive Taylor Swift VIP Merchandise • Commemorative Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour VIP Tote Bag • Collectible Taylor Swift Pin, Sticker & Postcard Set + Souvenir Concert Ticket • Special VIP Tour Laminate & Matching Lanyard

VIP パッケージ注釈

  • ・購入後のキャンセル・変更・払い戻しは一切できません。
  • ・すべてのVIPパッケージとその特典内容は、譲渡できません。
  • ・アーティスト、主催者、チケット販売会社、その他の関係者は、理由の如何を問わず、いかなる注文もキャンセルする権利を有します。
  • ・すべてのVIP特典は、チケットに記載の公演日当日、会場にてお渡しとなります。受け取りに関する詳細は、公演日の約1週間前にご購入者様へご連絡させていただきます。事前または後日郵送等でのお渡しはいたしません。
  • ・アーティスト、主催者、チケット販売会社、その他公演関係者は、チケット購入時に購入者が提供した情報が古かったり不正確であったりした場合により、特典内容が受け取れない等のトラブルに対し一切の責任を負いません。
  • ・購入時に提供された情報(氏名、電話番号、住所)は、必要に応じて主催者がお客様に連絡するために利用させていただく場合がございます。必ず正しい情報をご入力ください。
  • All sales are final. There are no refunds or exchanges under any circumstances. All packages and package contents are non-transferable. The artist, show and venue reserve the right to cancel any order for any reason. All VIP merchandise will be distributed on-site at the show or at an alternative local location. CUSTOMERS WILL BE CONTACTED APPROXIMATELY ONE (1) WEEK PRIOR TO THE SHOW DATE WITH ADDITIONAL MERCHANDISE COLLECTION DETAILS.
  • VIP Merchandise will not be shipped (posted) under any circumstances. VIP merchandise is not required for venue entry. The artist, tour, promoter, ticketing company, venue or any other affiliated parties are not responsible for outdated or inaccurate information provided by the consumer at the time of purchase. The information provided by the consumer at the time of purchase, is the same information that will be utilized for contacting customers if required.

■1組 4枚/5枚/6枚/7枚/8枚/9枚/10枚のセット販売になります。

【10⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 10枚 【9⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 9枚 【8⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 8枚 【7⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 7枚 【6⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 6枚 【5⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 5枚 【4⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 4枚

※クレジット決済のみでの販売になります。 ※グループでお楽しみ頂ける半個室になります。 ※⼀部演出やステージが⾒えにくい場合がございますので、あらかじめご了承の上お買い求めください。

■Only sold as group tickets of 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10.

【Capacity 10 people】¥50,000 per ticket x 10 tickets 【Capacity 9 people】¥50,000 per ticket x 9 tickets 【Capacity 8 people】¥50,000 per ticket x 8 tickets 【Capacity 7 people】¥50,000 per ticket x 7 tickets 【Capacity 6 people】¥50,000 per ticket x 6 tickets 【Capacity 5 people】¥50,000 per ticket x 5 tickets 【Capacity 4 people】¥50,000 per ticket x 4 tickets

※Credit card payment only. ※Semi-private room for group. ※Please note that there may be some parts of the performance or stage that might be difficult to see, so please kindly understand this before making your purchase.

■1組 4枚のセット販売になります。

【4⼈定員】1⼈ ¥40,000 x 4枚

※クレジットカード決済のみでの販売になります。 ※グループでお楽しみ頂けるボックスシートになります。 ※⼀部演出やステージが⾒えにくい場合がございますので、あらかじめご了承の上お買い求めください。

■Only sold as group tickets.

【Capacity 4 people】¥40,000 per ticket x 4 tickets

※Credit card payment only. ※Box seat for group. ※Please note that there may be some parts of the performance or stage that might be difficult to see, so please kindly understand this before making your purchase.

STAGE MAP(ステージマップ)


  • 2023年7月21日現在のレイアウト・イメージとなります。 現況と異なる場合がございますが、その場合は現況を優先いたします。
  • Layout and images as July 21,2023. Actual stage layout may differ, in which case priority will be given to the stage on the day of the shows.


  • 開場・開演時間は変更になる場合がございます。
  • チケットは、公式ページに記載のチケットプレイガイドよりご購入ください。
  • 正規販売ルート以外(個人間売買・オークションサイト・金券ショップ等)で購入されたチケットに関しては、その有効性を一切保証されておりません。
  • 第三者への譲渡禁止 / 営利目的の転売禁止 / オークションへの出品禁止
  • 先行販売で規定枚数に達し次第、受付を終了させていただきます。その場合、一般発売はございませんのであらかじめご了承ください。
  • 一部演出が見えにくい座席がございます。
  • 座席によっては一部着席でのご鑑賞になりますのであらかじめご了承ください。
  • 複数枚ご購入の場合、お連れの方との座席や立ち位置が必ずしも隣同士にならない場合がございますので、ご了承の上お買い求めください。
  • お客様の都合による、チケット購入後のキャンセル・変更・払い戻しは一切できません。
  • 車椅子をご利用の方は、安全上ハンディキャップエリアをご利用いただく必要があります。車椅子での観覧をご希望のお客様は、S席のチケットをご購入お願いいたします。ハンディキャップエリアへの付き添いは1名様までです。付き添いの方もチケットが必要なります。また、スペースに限りがございますのであらかじめご了承ください。車椅子でご来場のお客様は、チケットご購入後に TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR 来日公演事務局までご連絡をお願いいたします。
  • 会場内にクロークはございません。また、会場内ロッカーは数に限りがございます。ご来場いただく前に会場周辺のコインロッカーをご利用ください。尚、会場内ロッカーの決済方法は、交通系ICカード(Suica、PASMO等)のみとなります。
  • 入場時に手荷物検査を行います。ご協力いただけない方は、入場をお断りする場合がございますのであらかじめご了承ください。
  • カン・ビン・ペットボトル類の持ち込みは出来ません。移し替え用のプラカップもご用意いたしませんので、入場口で廃棄いただきます。危険物や他のお客様のご迷惑と判断されるものは一切お断りいたします。
  • 危険物や他のお客様のご迷惑と判断されるものは一切お断りいたします。
  • ペット類の同伴入場は不可となります。但し、盲導犬等の補助犬についてはご入場可能です。補助犬同伴でご来場の場合、事前に TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR 来日公演事務局までご連絡をいただけますとスムーズにご案内出来ます。
  • 場内外いずれにおいても、お客様同士のトラブル等については、お客様同士で解決をお願いいたします。
  • 過度な飲酒状態の方、他のお客様のご迷惑となるような行為が確認された方、係員の指示にしたがっていただけない方には、退場していただく場合がございます。その場合のチケット代金等の払い戻しは行いません。
  • 会場内では係員の指示に従ってください。係員の指示に従わず事故・怪我などをされた場合は出演者・主催者、及び会場側は一切責任を負いません。
  • ステージへ物を投げ込んだり、駆け寄ったりする危険行為は絶対におやめください。公演中はご指定の席・エリア以外での観覧は禁止とさせていただきます。
  • 公共の交通機関をご利用いただきますようお願いいたします。
  • 終演時は規制退場になります。係員の誘導に従ってお進みください。
  • 万が一公演中止となった場合、本公演の中止・遅延に伴う、会場までの旅費・宿泊費等(キャンセル料を含む)の補償はいたしません。
  • 近隣住民の方々、および施設の多大なご協力とご理解のもと開催しております。皆様のご協力をお願いいたします。
  • Ticket availability is limited. Tickets will be sold during the pre-sale lotteries while currently available inventory lasts. Ticket sales will be closed when the number of tickets sold reaches the limit of currently available inventory. In that case, tickets will not be available for general on sale.
  • Your ticket purchase constitutes a personal, revocable license and, at all times, remains the property of the event organizer.
  • Your ticket(s) are sold by the event organizer directly to you the consumer. Any tickets purchased by businesses or traders in breach of the terms and conditions of ticket sale may be cancelled. By accepting these terms and conditions you confirm that you are a consumer.
  • Preschool-aged children are not allowed entry.
  • The door and show times are subject to change.
  • Please purchase tickets from the official ticket agencies stated on the official page.
  • Tickets purchased through channels other than official sales routes (such as individual sales, auction sites, ticket shops, etc.) are not guaranteed to be valid.
  • Transferring tickets to third parties is prohibited. Reselling for profit and listing on auctions is also prohibited.
  • Purchase Limit: 4 per transaction per show
  • Reserved Seat Only.
  • View from some seats may be obstructed.
  • Please note that some seats may require you to be seated during the show.
  • If you purchase multiple tickets, please be aware that the seats or standing positions for accompanying individuals may not be adjacent.
  • Cancellations, changes, and refunds after ticket purchase due to customer circumstances are not permitted.
  • If you require a wheelchair, you must use the designated wheelchair area for safety reasons. If you wish to attend in a wheelchair, please purchase S-seats. Accompanying individuals are limited to one person. The accompanying person will also require a ticket. Please note that space is limited. If you plan to attend in a wheelchair, please contact the TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR Japan Tour Office after purchasing your ticket.
  • There is no cloakroom available at the venue. Also, the number of lockers inside the venue is limited. Please use the coin lockers outside the venue before arriving. Note that the payment method for the lockers inside the venue is limited to transportation IC cards (such as Suica, PASMO, etc.).
  • Bag inspections will be conducted upon entry. If you cannot cooperate with the inspection, you may be denied entry. Please be aware of this in advance.
  • Cans, bottles, and PET bottles are not allowed. We do not provide plastic cups for transfer, so please dispose of them at the entrance. We do not accept dangerous goods or anything that is judged to be a nuisance to other customers.
  • Items deemed dangerous or causing inconvenience to other customers are strictly prohibited.
  • Pets are not allowed to accompany you into the venue. However, guide dogs and other assistance dogs are permitted. If you plan to attend with an assistance dog, please contact the TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR Japan Tour Office in advance for smooth guidance.
  • For any conflicts or disputes between customers within or outside the venue, please resolve them peacefully amongst yourselves.
  • Persons in a state of excessive alcohol consumption, engaging in behavior that causes inconvenience to other customers, or refusing to follow staff instructions may be asked to leave. No refunds will be provided in such cases.
  • Please follow the instructions of the staff inside the venue. The performers, organizers, and venue will not be held responsible for any accidents, injuries, or incidents resulting from failure to comply with staff instructions.
  • Please refrain from throwing objects onto the stage or rushing towards the stage, as it poses a safety risk. Viewing outside of your designated seat or area during the performance is strictly prohibited.
  • We kindly ask you to use public transportation.
  • After the performance, please follow the guidance of the staff for exit instructions.
  • In the event of a cancellation, we will not compensate for travel expenses, accommodation fees, etc. (including cancellation fees) to the venue.
  • We are holding this event with the cooperation and understanding of the local residents and facility. We appreciate your cooperation.

※本公演のチケットはスマートフォン専用アプリ「AnyPASS(電子チケット) https://anypass.jp/ 」となります。

  • チケットのお受け取り、公演日当日ご入場の際にはスマートフォン専用アプリ「AnyPASS」対応のスマートフォンが必要となります。
  • お申込み時のお客様情報の携帯電話番号(AnyPASS発券)欄にご登録の携帯電話番号の端末のみ、チケットのお受け取りが可能になります。(チケット情報は購入時の携帯電話番号に紐づきます。) 他の携帯電話番号の端末ではチケットのお受け取りが出来ませんので公演日まで携帯電話番号の変更/解約をしないようお願いいたします。同じ電話番号での機種変更は問題ございません。
  • 本公演は、お一人様1枚チケットをお持ちいただきご入場いただきますので、同行者の方には、AnyPASSを利用しチケットを分配してください。 お申込者の分のチケットは、他の方に分配・譲渡出来ませんのでご注意ください。 同行者の方が、チケットをお受け取りいただく際、同行者の方もAnyPASSをダウンロード、利用登録(無料)をしていただく必要がございます。 お申込みの際は、必ず本公演の参加者全員が下記、対応OSを搭載し、SMS認証が利用可能なスマートフォンをお持ちかをご確認の上、お申込みください。 プリントアウト、スクリーンショットをしたものをご提示いただきましても入場は出来ません。
  • 未分配のままご来場されますと、ご入場までにお時間がかかる場合がございます。 必ずご来場までにチケットの分配、同行者のAnyPASSのご登録・チケット受取をお済ませください。
  • 同一日時の公演のチケットを同一電話番号で複数回ご購入いただいた場合、必ず1枚ずつご購入者様分のチケットとして手元に残ります。 手元に残ったチケットはご購入者様のみ使用可能です。別の方がご使用・ご入場いただくことは出来ませんのでご注意ください。
  • 同行者の方が未成年者で対応のスマートフォンをお持ちでない場合に限り、公演日当日、身分証明書のご提示、氏名・連絡先等の情報をご提供いただいた上でご入場いただきます。 お申込者と同行者全員がお揃いになってからのご入場となります。 身分証明書のご提示がない場合、未成年でない場合はご入場出来ない場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 詳細は発券開始時に改めてご購入者様へご案内いたします。
  • AnyPASSの言語表示は日本語・英語への切り替えが可能です。


スマートフォン専用アプリ「AnyPASS」は以下よりダウンロードをお願いします。 【iPhoneをご使用の場合】 App Store https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/id1509651539 【Androidをご使用の場合】 Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.anypass.android

■対応OS iPhone:iOS12以降 Android:Android7.0以降 (※一部機種を除く)

AnyPASSの詳細・操作方法については、AnyPASSオフィシャルサイト「 https://anypass.jp/ 」及びAnyPASS公式動画「 https://www.youtube.com/@anypass5611 」をご確認ください。

■転売行為の禁止について■ 本受付にて購入されたチケットは、理由を問わず第三者に転売する行為は一切禁止されています。また、転売の為に第三者に提供する行為も禁止されています。 公演日当日に会場周辺で不当な金額で販売する行為や、インターネット等を通じて不特定多数に向けて販売する行為は、取引金額や理由に関わらず転売行為とみなします。 したがって、オフィシャルホームページなどに掲載されている公式チケット販売サイト以外でご購入されたチケットに関しては、入場をお断りいたします。 尚、それに伴うチケット代金等の払い戻しなどは行いませんのでご注意ください。

■チケット公式リセールについて■ ※ご購入いただいたチケットは、公式リセールサービス対象となります。(※VIP Packageはリセールサービス対象外となりますのでご注意ください。) 公式リセールサービスではイベントに行けなくなった人がチケットを手放せ、行きたい人がそのチケットを定価で購入出来る仕組みをご利用いただけます。 公式リセールサービスの実施時期等の詳細は後日改めてご案内いたします。 尚、公式リセールサービスのご利用は、こちら「 https://www.zengin-net.jp/zengin_system/member/ 」に記載の金融機関、かつ日本国内の支店の口座をお待ちいただいている方のみが対象となります。

※The tickets for this performance will be available only through the smartphone app “AnyPASS” (electronic tickets) at https://anypass.jp/ .

  • To receive the tickets and enter the venue on the day of the performance, you will need a smartphone compatible with the “AnyPASS” app.
  • Only the device with the mobile phone number registered in the “Mobile Phone Number (AnyPASS Issuance)” field of the customer information at the time of application will be able to receive the tickets. (Ticket information is linked to the mobile phone number at the time of purchase.) Tickets cannot be received on a device with a different mobile phone number, so please do not change or cancel your mobile phone number until the day of the performance. Changing the device with the same phone number is acceptable.
  • We will inform you about the E-ticket issue date, seat numbers, and other details as soon as they are determined on the official website.
  • For this performance, each person must have one ticket for entry. Please use AnyPASS to distribute tickets to your companions. Please note that the tickets allocated to the applicant cannot be distributed or transferred to others. When your companion receives the ticket, they also need to download the AnyPASS app and register for it (free of charge). When applying, please make sure that all participants of this performance have smartphones with the following compatible operating systems and SMS authentication available before proceeding with the application. Printouts or screenshots of the tickets will not be accepted for entry.
  • If you come to the venue without distributing the tickets, it may take time to enter. Please make sure to distribute the tickets and register and receive the tickets for your companions through AnyPASS before coming to the venue.
  • If you purchase tickets for the same date and time multiple times with the same phone number, each set of tickets will remain as individual tickets for the respective purchaser. The tickets that remain with the purchaser can only be used by the purchaser. Please note that they cannot be used or accessed by others.
  • If your companion is a minor and does not have a compatible smartphone, they will be allowed entry on the day of the performance by presenting identification and providing their name, contact information, etc. Entry will only be permitted when all applicants and their companions are present together. If identification cannot be provided and the person is not a minor, entry may be denied. Please be aware of this in advance. Further details will be provided to purchasers at the time of ticket issuance.
  • AnyPASS language display can be switched between Japanese and English.

Please note that those who do not meet the above requirements will not be able to enter. Please understand this in advance.

Please download the smartphone-exclusive app “AnyPASS” from the following links: 【For iPhone users】 App Store https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/id1509651539 【For Android users】 Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.anypass.android

■Supported Operating Systems■ iPhone: iOS 12 or later Android: Android 7.0 or later (excluding some models)

For more information and instructions on how to use AnyPASS, please visit the official AnyPASS website at “https://anypass.jp/” and the official AnyPASS videos on YouTube at“ https://www.youtube.com/@anypass5611 “.

■Policy Against Illegal Ticket Resale■ Your ticket(s) will IMMEDIATELY BECOME INVALID if resold OR OFFERED FOR SALE. Tickets sold via third parties and other unauthorized outlets, including online auction sites, are not valid for admission. The resale of a ticket renders it invalid and may lead to refusal of entry.

■Official Ticket Resale ■ ※The tickets you have purchased are eligible for the official ticket resale service. (※Please note that VIP Packages are not eligible for the resale service.) Through the official ticket resale service, individuals who are unable to attend the event can sell their tickets, and those who wish to attend can purchase them at face value. This system allows for a fair exchange of tickets. Details regarding the timing of the official ticket resale service will be provided at a later date. Please note that the use of the official ticket resale service is limited to individuals who hold an account at the financial institutions listed here: “ https://www.zengin-net.jp/zengin_system/member/ ” and have a branch located within Japan.

【公演に関するお問い合わせ】 TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR 来日公演事務局


Taylor Swift - Lavender Haze (Official Music Video)

Taylor Swift - Anti-Hero (Official Music Video)

Taylor Swift - Bejeweled (Official Music Video)





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Taylor Swift comes to Tokyo in 2024

Are you, or someone you know, a Swiftie? Then you’ve probably already heard that Taylor Swift and The Eras Tour are coming to Tokyo. Here’s everything we know so far, including how to (maybe) get tickets for Tay Tay at Tokyo Dome in 2024.

tl;dr: If you want to go to any of the February 2024 shows, enter the lottery before July 10, 2023 . Read on for more details.

Taylor Swift at Tokyo Dome

T-Swift is bringing The Eras Tour to Tokyo Dome (T-Dome?) for four nights in early February 2024 , playing Wednesday through Saturday.

Taylor Swift Tokyo concert dates

  • February 7, 2024
  • February 8, 2024
  • February 9, 2024
  • February 10, 2024

The Eras Tour begins its global, uh, era this August in Mexico City. It will stop at just two cities in Asia: Tokyo and Singapore. Tay will play six days in early March at Singapore's National Stadium . Other stops in Asia-Pacific: Melbourne and Sydney — not bad options when you consider the weather in Tokyo in February.

While Sabrina Carpenter has been announced as the opening act for shows in Singapore, Melbourne, Sydney, and other locations, no opening act has been announced yet for Tokyo.

How much are tickets?

Tickets cost ¥ 18,000 – ¥ 30,000 depending on the seat tier. There is also a U-20 ticket, for people aged 20 and younger, that costs ¥ 8,800 and, if you want to pay a lot more, VIP packages.

Taylor Swift ticket prices

  • SS seat: ¥ 30,000
  • S seat: ¥ 22,800
  • A seat: ¥ 18,800
  • U-20 seat: ¥ 8,800

T-Swift Tokyo Dome U-20 ticket

The fine print notes that U-20 seats may have limited views. Also: valid photo ID will be required as proof of age. No children under pre-school age will be allowed.

How to get tickets for Eras Tour at Tokyo Dome

The most important thing you need to know about getting tickets is that there is a pre-sale lottery . This is the best — and probably the only — way to get tickets.

Taylor Swift pre-sale lottery

  • Entry period: June 27, 2023 to July 10, 2023
  • Draw announcement: July 25, 2023

You can enter the lottery anytime before midnight JST on July 10 . There’s no rush to be first, but probably don’t wait until the last minute, in case everyone else does, too.

If there are any tickets remaining after the lottery, there will be a general admission sale. However, don’t expect there to be any remaining tickets: Japanese concert tickets routinely sell out at the lottery stage — and this is Taylor.

How to enter the pre-sale lottery

The Eras Tour pre-sale lottery is exclusively through Lawson Ticket, so you’ll need to set up an account with them. For the lottery, you can choose the seat tier (including U-20) and the concert date, and rank up to three preferences. You can also apply for up to four tickets.

When the results are announced, you will either be offered one of your preferences — or nothing. There is A LOT of fine print.

And that’s all we know so far. We will update if/when we learn more. Good luck Swifties!

Thinking of coming to Tokyo for the show? Then maybe you want to check out our Tokyo accommodation guide , which is full of practical tips.

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Taylor Swift ‘Eras Tour’ Tokyo, Japan dates: Shop for cheapest tickets here

  • Updated: Jan. 30, 2024, 8:47 a.m. |
  • Published: Jan. 30, 2024, 8:46 a.m.

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift performs onstage during "Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour" at Allianz Parque on November 24, 2023 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Buda Mendes/TAS23/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management

The “ Eras Tour ” is kicking off the 2024 tour dates in Japan starting Wednesday, Feb. 7.

Taylor Swift announced four international dates in Japan following her 52-date, 17-state-wide U.S. tour . The Japan tour dates will wrap up on Feb. 10.

  • New customers who purchase tickets through VividSeats can get $20 off a $200+ ticket order by using the promo code MassLive20 at checkout.

The tour features songs from her recent 10th studio album, “Midnights,” which launched back on Oct. 21 of 2022. It also will span a wide variety of her discography, including her country roots in “Fearless,” electropop beats from “Reputation,” slow ballads from sister albums “Evermore” and “Folklore” and everything in between.

Those who hope to see the Grammy Award-winning artist can still shop tickets at VividSeats and StubHub for her upcoming shows in Tokyo.

Below you can find the cheapest concert tickets for the Tokyo Dome shows as of Tuesday, Jan. 30:

  • Feb. 7, 2024: Tokyo, Japan Tokyo Dome - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • Feb. 8, 2024: Tokyo, Japan Tokyo Dome - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • Feb. 9, 2024: Tokyo, Japan Tokyo Dome - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • Feb. 10, 2024: Tokyo, Japan Tokyo Dome - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats

The rest of Swift’s international tour dates of 2024:

  • Feb. 16, 2024: Melbourne, Australia MCG - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • Feb. 17, 2024: Melbourne, Australia MCG - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • Feb. 23, 2023: Sydney, Australia Accor Stadium - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • Feb. 24, 2024: Sydney, Australia Accor Stadium - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • Feb. 25, 2024: Sydney, Australia Accor Stadium - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • March 2, 2024: Singapore National Stadium - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • March 3, 2024: Singapore National Stadium - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • March 4, 2024: Singapore National Stadium - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • May 9, 2024: Paris, France Paris La Defense Arena - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • May 10, 2024: Paris, France Paris La Defense Arena - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • May 17, 2024: Stockholm, Sweden Friends Arena - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • May 24, 2024: Lisbon, Portugal Estadio Da Luz - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • May 30, 2024: Madrid, Spain Estadio Santiago Bernabeu - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • June 7, 2024: Edinburgh, United Kingdom BT Murrayfield Stadium - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • June 8, 2024: Edinburgh, United Kingdom BT Murrayfield Stadium - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • June 14, 2024: Liverpool, United Kingdom Anfield Stadium - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • June 15, 2024: Liverpool, United Kingdom Anfield Stadium - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • June 18, 2024: Cardiff, United Kingdom Principality Stadium - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • June 21, 2024: London, United Kingdom Wembley Stadium - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • June 22, 2024: London, United Kingdom Wembley Stadium - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • June 28, 2024: Dublin, Ireland Aviva Stadium - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • June 29, 2024: Dublin, Ireland Aviva Stadium - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • July 5, 2024: Amsterdam, Netherlands Johan Cruijff Arena - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • July 6, 2024: Amsterdam, Netherlands Johan Cruijff Arena - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • July 9, 2024: Zurich, Switzerland Stadion Letzigrund Zurich - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • July 13, 2024: Milan, Italy San Siro Stadium - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • July 18, 2024: Gelsenkirchen, Germany Veltins Arena - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • July 23, 2024: Hamburg, Germany Volksparkstadion - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • July 27, 2024: Munich, Germany Olympiastadion - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • Aug. 2, 2024: Warsaw Poland PGE Narodowy - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • Aug. 9, 2024: Vienna, Austria Ernst-Happel-Stadion - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • Aug. 16, 2024: London, United Kingdom Wembley Stadium - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • Aug. 17, 2024: London, United Kingdom Wembley Stadium - Buy tickets at StubHub and VividSeats
  • Oct. 18, 2024: Hard Rock Stadium in Miami, Florida — Buy tickets at VividSeats , StubHub
  • Oct. 19, 2024: Hard Rock Stadium in Miami, Florida — Buy tickets at VividSeats , StubHub
  • Oct. 20, 2024: Hard Rock Stadium in Miami, Florida — Buy tickets at VividSeats , StubHub
  • Oct. 25, 2024: Caesars Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana — Buy tickets at VividSeats , StubHub
  • Oct. 26, 2024: Caesars Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana — Buy tickets at VividSeats , StubHub
  • Oct. 27, 2024: Caesars Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana — Buy tickets at VividSeats , StubHub
  • Nov. 1, 2024: Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana — Buy tickets at VividSeats , StubHub
  • Nov. 2, 2024: Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana — Buy tickets at VividSeats , StubHub
  • Nov. 3, 2024: Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana — Buy tickets at VividSeats , StubHub
  • Nov. 14, 2024: Rogers Centre in Toronto, Canada — Buy tickets at VividSeats , StubHub
  • Nov. 15, 2024: Rogers Centre in Toronto, Canada — Buy tickets at VividSeats , StubHub
  • Nov. 16, 2024: Rogers Centre in Toronto, Canada — Buy tickets at VividSeats , StubHub
  • Nov. 21, 2024: Rogers Centre in Toronto, Canada — Buy tickets at VividSeats , StubHub
  • Nov. 22, 2024: Rogers Centre in Toronto, Canada — Buy tickets at VividSeats , StubHub
  • Nov. 23, 2024: Rogers Centre in Toronto, Canada — Buy tickets at VividSeats , StubHub
  • Dec. 6, 2024: BC Place in Vancouver, Canada — Buy tickets at VividSeats , StubHub
  • Dec. 7, 2024: BC Place in Vancouver, Canada — Buy tickets at VividSeats , StubHub
  • Dec. 8, 2024: BC Place in Vancouver, Canada — Buy tickets at VividSeats , StubHub

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Taylor Swift wearing Etro on her  Eras Tour in Arizona, USA

Taylor Swift is bringing The Eras Tour to Tokyo in February 2024

And there will be four shows, held at Tokyo Dome

Lim Chee Wah

Taylor Swift’s much-hyped Eras Tour is one of the year’s hottest concerts, with tickets selling out almost the moment they become available. Yet, Asian cities have been conspicuously absent from her tour schedule – until now.

The Anti-Hero and Karma hit-maker has announced that she will be playing four consecutive dates in Tokyo next year from February 7 to 10. This is her first Tokyo performance in five years – her last Tokyo show was in 2018.

Taylor Swift Eras Tour 2024 Tokyo

Tickets start from ¥8,800 and top out at ¥30,000. Mid-tier seats are ¥18,800 and ¥22,800. 

Pre-sale tickets will be available exclusively for American Express cardholders on Friday June 23 at 2pm. The official advance sale, which is a lottery system via Lawson Tickets, will open at 10am on Tuesday June 27 . For more information, check The Eras Tour website . 

Beyonce, it’s your turn now to bring the Renaissance World Tour to Tokyo. (In the meantime, check out the other international artists who have confirmed their Tokyo dates  here .)

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Want to be the first to know what’s cool in Tokyo?  Sign up to our newsletter  for the latest updates from Tokyo and Japan.

  • Lim Chee Wah Editor-in-Chief, Time Out Tokyo

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Taylor Swift Is Heading Back on the Road Soon: Here’s How to Get Tickets to The Eras Tour

Here's everything you need to know about securing tickets to Taylor Swift's The Eras Tour in Japan, Australia, the U.S. and more.

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Taylor Swift

All products and services featured are independently chosen by editors. However, Billboard may receive a commission on orders placed through its retail links, and the retailer may receive certain auditable data for accounting purposes.

Taylor Swift ‘s The Eras Tour is headed to Japan ! After releasing the Eras Tour movie on Prime Video on and other streaming platforms last month, finishing up the Latin American leg of her heavily anticipated tour in November, the singer will be back on stage soon.

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Her first tour stop of 2024 will kick off at the Tokyo Dome in Tokyo, Japan on Feb. 7.

Swiftie Forever: The Cutest Taylor-Swift Inspired Necklaces Available on Amazon  

The Eras Tour , Swift’s first tour in five years, was announced in November 2022. Presale tickets to the tour went on sale via Ticketmaster that month. Another batch of presale tickets for her 2024 tour stops in Vancouver and new tickets for Australia and Sweden went on sale late last year.

Swift partnered with Capital One on exclusive tickets available for Capital One cardholders. As can be expected, passes to see Swift live remain one of the hottest concert tickets on the market, so we’re breaking down what you need to know so you can secure a seat.

See below for information on how to get last-minute tickets to France, Singapore and other international stops on Swift’s Eras Tour. Check out the new list of tour dates here .

How Much Do Last-Minute Eras Tour Tickets Cost?

Resale tickets for The Eras Tour are currently available online for concerts in Japan, Australia, France, Germany, Singapore and other locations.

How much are last-minute tickets? There’s more than one way to score Eras Tour tickets, but expect to spend a few hundred bucks on a ticket, depending on the seats and date of the show.

Fans can find last-minute tickets to The Eras Tour at StubHub and Viagogo . Prices range from approximately $700 to more than $1,400 for her concert in Japan on Feb. 7 . You’ll find cheaper tickets for later dates on the tour such as shows in Australia (tickets are available at StubHub for as low as $160 for select dates).

Tickets for next year’s North American leg are currently available at StubHub , Vivid Seats and Seat Geek , although pricing range from around $660 and up, most of the tickets are around $900+. (Save $10 off at Seat Geek . Offer applies to eligible purchases of $250+ with code BILLBOARD10. Valid on first purchase only.)

Looking for the cheapest tickets ? Searching different sites will give you a better chance of landing tickets at a lower price point, but we did some of the digging for you.

At press time, tickets to the shows in Japan start at around $500 , although most are priced in the $700 range at StubHub , which is around the same prices that you might find on sites such as Ticketsmarter .

The Eras Tour is a celebration of all 10 of the studio albums Swift has released since 2006. In 2022, Swift shared a poster advertising the tour’s initial 27-date U.S. leg on Instagram featuring a collage of photos of herself through the years, from the time of her self-titled debut to  Midnights , which dropped less than two weeks prior to the tour news.

“I wanted to tell you something that I’ve been so excited about for a really long time. I’ve been planning for ages and I finally get to tell you: I’m going back on tour,” Swift said on  GMA , announcing the news. “The tour is called the Eras tour and it’s a journey through all of the musical eras of my career.”

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Taylor Swift Eras Tour

The popular tour hits Tokyo for four days in February 2024

Grammy-winning singer-songwriter Taylor Swift has captivated countless fans in the United States with her Eras Tour, which is quite literally described as a journey in music form throughout the eras of her career. The tour is set to visit various corners of the globe until mid 2024, and Japan has lucked out with four shows scheduled at Tokyo Dome.

The Tokyo leg of the Eras Tour will run from Wednesday, February 7th until Saturday, February 10th inclusive, and more information on ticket sales can be found online here – English can be selected at the bottom of the page. Ticket prices begin at ¥8800.

Getting there

Tokyo Dome is located in easy access from several train stations, including Suidobashi Station (JR Chuo Sobu Line and the Mita Subway Line, 3 minutes on foot), Korakuen Station (Marunouchi and Namboku Subway Lines, 3 minutes on foot), and Kasuga Station (Toei Oedo Line and Mita Line, 5 minutes on foot).

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Japan Travel Staff

Taylor Swift Eras Tour


The Eras Tour

February 7th - February 10th 2024

1 Chome-3-61 Koraku, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 112-0004, Japan ( Map ) ( Directions )


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japan eras tour sale

Taylor Swift resumes the Eras Tour as she hits the stage in Tokyo

Taylor Swift is back!

Fresh off her historic Grammy-winning weekend, the global superstar hit the stage Wednesday to resume her sold-out Eras Tour in Tokyo, Japan.

The “Cruel Summer” hitmaker appeared in good spirits as she kicked off her four-night Tokyo stint filling up the 55,000-seat Tokyo Dome Stadium.

The performance marks the start of month-long sold-out gigs in Asia, including a quick intermission that will see her make a mad dash back to Vegas to attend her boyfriend Travis Kelce’s Super Bowl game on Feb. 11.

Ahead of Wednesday’s Tokyo gig, excited fans lined up in the chilly weather hours before the concert’s start time.

Swift’s Eras Tour had its first show in March 2023, and will run through Dec. 2024.

It’s expected that Kelce will attend several of her shows after he wraps up his football season.

Page Six revealed that  Swift will attend the Super Bowl  at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas as she resumes the international leg of her blockbuster Eras Tour.

Swift has performances scheduled in Tokyo through Feb. 10 — one day before Super Bowl LVIII gets underway, but there is time to fly back and arrive in Sin City on Saturday night.

The Kansas City Chiefs will take on the San Francisco 49ers in Las Vegas.

The pop star will be on tour for much of 2024, taking the Eras Tour to Australia, Singapore, and Europe in the first half of the year, before heading to Canada in the fall.

Over the weekend, Swift became a 14-time Grammy winner and  the first-ever artist to win four Album of the Year awards  after her historic win for “Midnights” at the 66th Annual Awards.

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Swift, who has been nominated for 52 Grammys in her career, received six nominations this year for her album “Midnights,” which was nominated for Best Pop Vocal Album and Album of the Year.

Her lead track “Anti-Hero” was nominated for Song of the Year, Record of the Year, and Best Pop Solo Performance.

She was also nominated in the Best Pop Duo/Group Performance category for her song “Karma.”

Swift also sent fans into overdrive after  announcing her new album, “Tortured Poets Department.”

The singer’s 11th studio album, which features 17 tracks, will be out on April 19.

Taylor Swift resumes the Eras Tour as she hits the stage in Tokyo

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Taylor Swift slays her Tokyo era

Pop superstar Taylor Swift delighted fans at her sold-out Tokyo Dome show on Wednesday by confidently telling the audience, “Eras Tour e yokōso!” (“Welcome to The Eras Tour!”)

If you thought your week was busy, get a load of Taylor Swift’s.

Hours before the venue opened its doors, fans (known as Swifties) gathered outside to admire each other’s outfits — ranging from sparkly fringe dresses to pastel business suits — swap friendship bracelets and brave the formidable queue for tour merch. Bejeweled and ready to dance to bops from throughout the singer-songwriter’s 20-year music career, the excitement of the crowd was palpable.

With Monday’s snow replaced by clear blue skies, the show — the first of four this week at Tokyo Dome — wasted no time in getting underway. The house lights dropped seconds before 6 p.m., and the performance kicked off without an opening act. Why so early? Swift may be on top of the world, but Tokyo’s strict evening noise curfew still rules — one of the many quirks in staging major concerts at the Dome, affectionately referred to as “ The Big Egg .”

As The Eras Tour’s only stop in East Asia, Taylor Swift’s Tokyo show on Wednesday carried a distinctly international flair as fans squealed with glee in Thai, Chinese and English (to name a few).

From the outset of the opening “Lover” act, it was clear Swift’s vocal talents and sound setup, including four supplementary light and sound standards on the floor of the Dome, would be more than capable of handling the venue’s notoriously tricky acoustics . Indeed, across the different levels of the venue — a cavernous 55,000-seat stadium that doubles as home to baseball’s Yomiuri Giants — the sound came across tack sharp.

Not that less-than-perfect acoustics would have deterred the crowd in attendance from showing their love for the singer, given their own strong backing vocals that rang through the venue for the entirety of the show.

As The Eras Tour’s only stop in East Asia, the Tokyo show carried a distinctly international flair as fans squealed with glee in Thai, Chinese and English (to name a few). A significant number of fans from far afield flew into Japan to take in the performance, not only drawn by the limited number of shows in Asia but also the low yen, the country’s strict ticket resale laws and plentiful affordable hotel options around Tokyo that can result in significant savings over a Stateside show.

And those fans helped provide an economic shot in the arm for Tokyo, with the four-day concert series expected to generate ¥34.1 billion for the Japanese capital — a continuation of Swift’s impact on local economies .

While not everyone in the crowd was a Japanese speaker, they nonetheless responded in unison to the occasional snippet of Japanese from Swift, particularly her confident welcome of “Eras Tour e yokōso! ”

Swift, for her part, appeared to enjoy her return to Japan — her first in over four years. Sitting in front of a moss-covered piano during the show’s “Evermore” section, she reminisced about her “pretty crazy night” at the Grammys on Feb. 4, where she made history by winning her fourth album of the year award with “Midnights” (surpassing Frank Sinatra, Paul Simon and Stevie Wonder, who each won the prize three times) and announced her next album, “The Tortured Poets Department.” The news about the upcoming release came as a surprise to fans who expected the star’s next album drop to be a “Taylor’s Version” rerecording of “Reputation.”

Before her audience in Japan, Swift thanked her fans for their support and revealed fresh details on how the upcoming album came about.

"I've been working on ‘Tortured Poets’ since right after I turned in 'Midnights,'” she said. “I kept working on it throughout the U.S. tour. And when it was perfect, in my opinion, when it was good enough for you, I finished it.”

Before launching into “Champagne Problems,” the singer mentioned that in the event of an awards shutout on Sunday night, her album announcement would have come on opening night at the Tokyo Dome, much to the delight of the audience.

The show itself moved through its heroic three-plus-hour length with well-practiced precision, and Swift’s vocals showed no signs of being rusty after the tour’s two-month hiatus, nor the ill effects from a long flight to Japan. And aside from one near-miss with a chair during her “Vigilante Shit” set, she appeared to be in peak physical shape as she ably kept pace with her enthusiastic team of dancers during the more energetic numbers.

Eagle-eyed Swifties may have noticed that opening night at the Tokyo Dome had its own unique touches. Apart from being the only stop on the tour without a scheduled opening act, the show’s pyrotechnics were modified, such as during a spirited rendering of “Bad Blood,” or left out entirely to accommodate Tokyo Dome’s air membrane roof above.

Taylor Swift appeared to be in peak physical shape as she ably kept pace with her enthusiastic team of dancers during the more energetic numbers.

On that front, Swift was not the only one with a busy week. The Tokyo Dome, perhaps better known for baseball than bass lines, hosted Ed Sheeran on Jan. 31, leaving little wiggle room for turnover in time for the opening of The Eras Tour.

How are such tight turnarounds achieved? “Effort, ingenuity and awareness,” a Tokyo Dome spokesperson told The Japan Times in an email. The spokesman further explained that the Dome staff works closely with promoters to, where possible, share layouts or even stage materials between acts to reduce turnaround times, and has a section dedicated to handling non-baseball events.

But back to the show, the musical highlight of the evening came during the “ surprise songs ” portion of the concert. An acoustic performance of a “Midnights” special track, “Dear Reader,” was played live for the first time by the singer. The song was delivered with a depth of feeling and musicality that one suspects it could — nay, should — become a staple of Swift tours in the future.

Wrapping up the final segment of the Eras show with “Karma” — sans fireworks — Swift gave the audience a playful “ daisuki ” (“I love you”) before disappearing offstage; the show wrapped up at 9:18 p.m., followed by a 10-minute credit sequence on the stage videoboard profiling the tour’s dancers and musicians.

In sum, across the spectrum — from musicianship to production — opening night 2024 was a glittering spectacle befitting the Dome and the woman at the top of the bill.

japan eras tour sale

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Taylor Swift resumes her international leg of 'Eras Tour.' Here's the full list of show dates

Taylor Swift is back on the road for the international leg of her "Eras Tour" journey.

On Feb. 7, Swift took to the stage to do her first show of four at the Tokyo Dome in Japan. This week marks her "Eras Tour" return since she last performed at Allianz Parque in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on Nov. 26.

Taylor Swift

Swift will have her last show in Tokyo on Feb. 10 and then will head to Australia, followed by Singapore and a string of European countries. Eventually, the international portion of Swift's tour will end in London, where she will perform five shows at Wembley Stadium between Aug. 15 and Aug. 20.

Last June, Swift announced a total of 50 international dates on social media and on her website .

“EXCUSE ME HI I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY,” she penned on Twitter and Instagram June 20. “I can’t wait to see so many of you on The Eras Tour next year at these new international dates! Visit TaylorSwift.com/tour for more information on your registrations, pre-sales and on-sales!!”

Swift kicked off her international leg of the tour on Aug. 24 in Mexico City and as of right now, is scheduled to end Aug. 20, 2024, in London before heading to the U.S. and Canada .

Paramore, who is the opening act for Swift’s international shows starting May 9 through the end of August, announced in November that two new London shows taking place on Aug. 19 and Aug. 20, 2024, had been added to the roster.

“A limited number of fans who previously registered for shows in London will be selected for access to the sale and will receive notifications via email starting today,” the band posted in a Nov. 14 message on X , formerly known as Twitter, which has since been deleted.

Here are all her remaining international tour dates.

Taylor Swift's international 'Eras Tour' dates

Feb. 9: Tokyo, Japan — Tokyo Dome

Feb. 10: Tokyo, Japan — Tokyo Dome

Feb. 16: Melbourne, Australia — MCG

Feb. 17: Melbourne, Australia — MCG

Feb. 18: Melbourne, Australia — MCG

Feb. 23: Sydney, Australia — Accor Stadium

Feb. 24: Sydney, Australia — Accor Stadium

Feb. 25: Sydney, Australia — Accor Stadium

Feb. 26: Sydney, Australia — Accor Stadium

March 2: Singapore — National Stadium

March 3: Singapore — National Stadium

March 4: Singapore — National Stadium

March 7: Singapore — National Stadium

March 8: Singapore — National Stadium

March 9: Singapore — National Stadium

May 9: Paris, France — Paris La Defense Arena

May 10: Paris, France — Paris La Defense Arena

May 11: Paris, France — Paris La Defense Arena

May 12: Paris, France — Paris La Defense Arena

May 17: Stockholm, Sweden — Friends Arena

May 18: Stockholm, Sweden — Friends Arena

May 19: Stockholm, Sweden — Friends Arena

May 24: Lisbon, Portugal — Estadio Da Luz

May 25: Lisbon, Portugal — Estadio Da Luz

May 30: Madrid, Spain — Estadio Santiago Bernabeu

June 2: Lyon, France — Groupama Stadium

June 3: Lyon, France — Groupama Stadium

June 7: Edinburgh, United Kingdom — Scottish Gas Murrayfield Stadium

June 8: Edinburgh, United Kingdom — Scottish Gas Murrayfield Stadium

June 9: Edinburgh, United Kingdom — Scottish Gas Murrayfield Stadium

June 13: Liverpool, United Kingdom — Anfield Stadium

June 14: Liverpool, United Kingdom — Anfield Stadium

June 15: Liverpool, United Kingdom — Anfield Stadium

June 18: Cardiff, United Kingdom — Principality Stadium

June 21: London, United Kingdom — Wembley Stadium

June 22: London, United Kingdom — Wembley Stadium

June 23: London, United Kingdom — Wembley Stadium

June 28: Dublin, Ireland — Aviva Stadium

June 29: Dublin, Ireland — Aviva Stadium

June 30: Dublin, Ireland — Aviva Stadium

July 4: Amsterdam, Netherlands — Johan Cruijff Arena

July 5: Amsterdam, Netherlands — Johan Cruijff Arena

July 6: Amsterdam, Netherlands — Johan Cruijff Arena

July 9: Zurich, Switzerland — Stadion Letzigrund Zurich

July 10: Zurich, Switzerland — Stadion Letzigrund Zurich

July 13: Milan, Italy — San Siro Stadium

July 14: Milan, Italy — San Siro Stadium

July 17: Gelsenkirchen, Germany — Veltins-Arena

July 18: Gelsenkirchen, Germany — Veltins-Arena

July 19: Gelsenkirchen, Germany — Veltins-Arena

July 23: Hamburg, Germany — Volksparkstadion

July 24: Hamburg, Germany — Volksparkstadion

July 27: Munich, Germany — Olympiastadion

July 28: Munich, Germany — Olympiastadion

Aug. 1: Warsaw Poland — PGE Narodowy

Aug. 2: Warsaw Poland — PGE Narodowy

Aug. 3: Warsaw Poland — PGE Narodowy

Aug. 8: Vienna, Austria — Ernst-Happel-Stadion

Aug. 9: Vienna, Austria — Ernst-Happel-Stadion

Aug. 10: Vienna, Austria — Ernst-Happel-Stadion

Aug. 15: London, United Kingdom — Wembley Stadium

Aug. 16: London, United Kingdom — Wembley Stadium

Aug. 17: London, United Kingdom — Wembley Stadium

Aug. 19: London, United Kingdom — Wembley Stadium

Aug. 20: London, United Kingdom — Wembley Stadium

How to get tickets to international shows on Taylor Swift’s 'Eras Tour'

The “Shake It Off” singer’s fan base infamously crashed Ticketmaster when they overcrowded the system while trying to buy tickets when they went live on Nov. 15, 2022. Since then, the platform has employed a new ticket purchasing process that has kept crashes at bay, so far.

The new purchasing multi-step process first requires pre-registration in order to be eligible for pre-sales and regular sales. However, pre-sales and registration are closed for all current international tour dates.

Fans who are interested in attending an international show can try purchasing tickets on reseller sites such as Stubhub and SeatGeek.

japan eras tour sale

Randi Richardson is a reporter for NBC News' TODAY.com based in Brooklyn.

japan eras tour sale

Nicoletta Richardson is the trending editor for TODAY Digital and is based around the New York City area.

japan eras tour sale


2024.1.26(金)18:00 ~ mu-mo ticket追加販売(先着), 2024.1.26(fri)18:00 ~ mu-mo ticket general on sale.


※With an obstructed view which means you’ll be unable to see the entire stage and performance from those seats.

同行者も含めて20歳以下の方限定のお席となります。 ステージの全体/演出の一部が見えづらいお席となります。当日年齢を確認できる身分証明書をお持ちください。 チケットをご購入された方のみでなく、同行者様も当日入場時に年齢を確認させていただきますので下記身分証のいずれかを忘れずにお持ちください。


※年齢は各公演当日の年齢となります。 ※年齢確認ができない場合は、入場をお断りさせていただきます。 ※期限の切れたものは無効となります。また、公的に発行された状態のままお持ちください。(コピーは不可) ※学生証・マイナンバーカード・住民基本台帳カードは写真と本人の現住所が確認できるもののみ有効です。

These seats are strictly for 20 years old or younger. Some seats may have limited visibility of the entire stage or certain parts of the production. Please bring an ID card to verify your age on the day of the event. We will be verifying the age of not only the ticket holder, but also of those who would be accompanying as well. Please remember to bring either of the following types of ID with you.

(Driver’s License, Student ID, Passport, Physical Disability Recordbook / Certificate, MyNumber Card(Notification card not accepted), Residents Card, Special Permanent, Resident Certificate, Basic Resident Registration Card, Alien registration card)

※Age is based on how old the ticket holder is on the day of each performance. ※If age cannot be verified, admission will be denied. ※Expired IDs will be invalid. Also, please bring the certificate in its officially issued state. (Photocopies are not acceptable.) ※Student ID, MyNumber Card, and Basic Resident Registration Card are valid only if the photo and the applicant’s current address can be verified.

  • SS席1枚(SS席の中でも、最も各ステージ/花道に近いエリア)
  • テイラー・スウィフト プリントポスター4枚セット
  • テイラー・スウィフトVIP限定グッズ – The Eras Tour記念トートバッグ – ピンバッジ、ステッカー、ポストカードセット、コレクター用コンサートピクチャーチケット – VIP専用ツアーラミネートパス&ストラップ


  • One Unforgettable Top Price Reserved Seated Floor Ticket
  • Special Set of Four (4) Taylor Swift Prints
  • Exclusive Taylor Swift VIP Merchandise – Commemorative Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour VIP Tote Bag – Collectible Taylor Swift Pin, Sticker & Postcard Set + Souvenir Concert Ticket – Special VIP Tour Laminate & Matching Lanyard

※Venue seating configurations and package locations can vary by city. See your show date for specific details.

  • SS席1枚(通常のSS席よりも各ステージ/花道に近いエリア)
  • One Phenomenal Top Price Reserved Seated Floor Ticket
  • S席1枚(1階スタンド)
  • One Incredible Second Price Reserved Seated Ticket
  • Exclusive Taylor Swift VIP Merchandise – Commemorative Taylor Swift | The Eras  Tour VIP Tote Bag – Collectible Taylor Swift Pin, Sticker & Postcard Set + Souvenir Concert Ticket – Special VIP Tour Laminate & Matching Lanyard


  • 購入後のキャンセル・変更・払い戻しは一切できません。
  • すべてのVIPパッケージとその特典内容は、譲渡できません。
  • アーティスト、主催者、チケット販売会社、その他の関係者は、理由の如何を問わず、いかなる注文もキャンセルする権利を有します。
  • すべてのVIP特典は、チケットに記載の公演日当日、会場にてお渡しとなります。受け取りに関する詳細は、公演日の約1週間前にご購入者様へご連絡させていただきます。事前または後日郵送等でのお渡しはいたしません。
  • アーティスト、主催者、チケット販売会社、その他公演関係者は、チケット購入時に購入者が提供した情報が古かったり不正確であったりした場合により、特典内容が受け取れない等のトラブルに対し一切の責任を負いません。
  • 購入時に提供された情報(氏名、電話番号、住所)は、必要に応じて主催者がお客様に連絡するために利用させていただく場合がございます。必ず正しい情報をご入力ください。
  • All sales are final. There are no refunds or exchanges under any circumstances.
  • All packages and package contents are non-transferable.
  • The artist, show and venue reserve the right to cancel any order for any reason.
  • All VIP merchandise will be distributed on-site at the show or at an alternative local location. CUSTOMERS WILL BE CONTACTED APPROXIMATELY ONE (1) WEEK PRIOR TO THE SHOW DATE WITH ADDITIONAL MERCHANDISE COLLECTION DETAILS.
  • VIP Merchandise will not be shipped (posted) under any circumstances.
  • VIP merchandise is not required for venue entry.
  • The artist, tour, promoter, ticketing company, venue or any other affiliated parties are not responsible for outdated or inaccurate information provided by the consumer at the time of purchase.
  • The information provided by the consumer at the time of purchase, is the same information that will be utilized for contacting customers if required.
  • 1組 4枚/5枚/6枚/7枚/8枚/9枚/10枚のセット販売になります。 【10⼈定員】1⼈  ¥50,000 × 10枚 【9⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 9枚 【8⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 8枚 【7⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 7枚 【6⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 6枚 【5⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 5枚 【4⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 4枚

※クレジットカード決済のみでの販売になります。 ※グループでお楽しみ頂ける半個室になります。 ※⼀部演出やステージが⾒えにくい場合がございますので、あらかじめご了承の上お買い求めください。

  • Only sold as group tickets of 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10. 【Capacity 10 people】¥50,000 per ticket × 10 tickets 【Capacity 9 people】¥50,000 per ticket × 9 tickets 【Capacity 8 people】¥50,000 per ticket × 8 tickets 【Capacity 7 people】¥50,000 per ticket × 7 tickets 【Capacity 6 people】¥50,000 per ticket × 6 tickets 【Capacity 5 people】¥50,000 per ticket × 5 tickets 【Capacity 4 people】¥50,000 per ticket × 4 tickets

※Credit card payment only. ※Semi-private room for group. ※Please note that there may be some parts of the performance or stage that might be difficult to see, so please kindly understand this before making your purchase.

  • 1組 4枚のセット販売になります。 【4⼈定員】1⼈ ¥40,000 × 4枚

※クレジットカード決済のみでの販売になります。 ※グループでお楽しみ頂けるボックスシートになります。 ※⼀部演出やステージが⾒えにくい場合がございますので、あらかじめご了承の上お買い求めください。

  • Only sold as group tickets. 【Capacity 4 people】¥40,000 per ticket × 4 tickets

※Credit card payment only. ※Box seat for group. ※Please note that there may be some parts of the performance or stage that might be difficult to see, so please kindly understand this before making your purchase.

2023.6.23(金)14:00 テイラー・スウィフト アメックス 先行販売開始(抽選)

2023.6.23(fri)14:00 taylor swift amex pre-sale(lottery), 2023.6.27(火)10:00 ローソンチケット独占先行受付開始(抽選), 2023.6.27(tue)10:00 lawson ticket exclusive pre-sale(lottery), 2023.7.28(金)10:00 ローソンチケット2次先行受付開始(抽選), 2023.7.28(fri)10:00 lawson ticket second pre-sale(lottery), 2023.8.22(火)19:00 ~ ローソンチケット追加販売(先着), 2023.8.22(tue)19:00 ~ lawson ticket general on sale.

japan eras tour sale

チケットをお申し込みの前に必ずお読みください Please Note

  • 開場・開演時間は変更になる場合がございます。
  • チケットは、公式ページに記載のチケットプレイガイドよりご購入ください。
  • 正規販売ルート以外(個人間売買・オークションサイト・金券ショップ等)で購入されたチケットに関しては、その有効性を一切保証されておりません。
  • 第三者への譲渡禁止 / 営利目的の転売禁止 / オークションへの出品禁止
  • 先行販売で規定枚数に達し次第、受付を終了させていただきます。その場合、一般発売はございませんのであらかじめご了承ください。
  • 一部演出が見えにくい座席がございます。
  • 座席によっては一部着席でのご鑑賞になりますのであらかじめご了承ください。
  • 複数枚ご購入の場合、お連れの方との座席や立ち位置が必ずしも隣同士にならない場合がございますので、ご了承の上お買い求めください。
  • お客様の都合による、チケット購入後のキャンセル・変更・払い戻しは一切できません。
  • 車椅子をご利用の方は、安全上ハンディキャップエリアをご利用いただく必要があります。車椅子での観覧をご希望のお客様は、S席のチケットをご購入お願いいたします。ハンディキャップエリアへの付き添いは1名様までです。付き添いの方もチケットが必要となります。また、スペースに限りがございますのであらかじめご了承ください。車椅子でご来場のお客様は、チケットご購入後に TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR 来日公演事務局までご連絡をお願いいたします。
  • 会場内にクロークはございません。また、会場内ロッカーは数に限りがございます。ご来場いただく前に会場周辺のコインロッカーをご利用ください。尚、会場内ロッカーの決済方法は、交通系ICカード(Suica、PASMO等)のみとなります。
  • 入場時に手荷物検査を行います。ご協力いただけない方は、入場をお断りする場合がございますのであらかじめご了承ください。
  • カン・ビン・ペットボトル類の持ち込みは出来ません。移し替え用のプラカップもご用意いたしませんので、入場口で廃棄いただきます。危険物や他のお客様のご迷惑と判断されるものは一切お断りいたします。
  • ペット類の同伴入場は不可となります。但し、盲導犬等の補助犬についてはご入場可能です。補助犬同伴でご来場の場合、事前に TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR 来日公演事務局までご連絡をいただけますとスムーズにご案内出来ます。
  • 場内外いずれにおいても、お客様同士のトラブル等については、お客様同士で解決をお願いいたします。
  • 過度な飲酒状態の方、他のお客様のご迷惑となるような行為が確認された方、係員の指示にしたがっていただけない方には、退場していただく場合がございます。その場合のチケット代金等の払い戻しは行いません。
  • 会場内では係員の指示に従ってください。係員の指示に従わず事故・怪我などをされた場合は出演者・主催者、及び会場側は一切責任を負いません。
  • ステージへ物を投げ込んだり、駆け寄ったりする危険行為は絶対におやめください。公演中はご指定の席・エリア以外での観覧は禁止とさせていただきます。
  • 公共の交通機関をご利用いただきますようお願いいたします。
  • 終演時は規制退場になります。係員の誘導に従ってお進みください。
  • 万が一公演中止となった場合、本公演の中止・遅延に伴う、会場までの旅費・宿泊費等(キャンセル料を含む)の補償はいたしません。
  • 近隣住民の方々、および施設の多大なご協力とご理解のもと開催しております。皆様のご協力をお願いいたします。
  • Ticket availability is limited. Tickets will be sold during the pre-sale lotteries while currently available inventory lasts. Ticket sales will be closed when the number of tickets sold reaches the limit of currently available inventory. In that case, tickets will not be available for general on sale.
  • Your ticket purchase constitutes a personal, revocable license and, at all times, remains the property of the event organizer.
  • Your ticket(s) are sold by the event organizer directly to you the consumer. Any tickets purchased by businesses or traders in breach of the terms and conditions of ticket sale may be cancelled. By accepting these terms and conditions you confirm that you are a consumer.
  • Preschool-aged children are not allowed entry.
  • The door and show times are subject to change.
  • Please purchase tickets from the official ticket agencies stated on the official page.
  • Tickets purchased through channels other than official sales routes (such as individual sales, auction sites, ticket shops, etc.) are not guaranteed to be valid.
  • Transferring tickets to third parties is prohibited. Reselling for profit and listing on auctions is also prohibited.
  • Purchase Limit: 4 per transaction per show
  • Reserved Seat Only.
  • View from some seats may be obstructed.
  • Please note that some seats may require you to be seated during the show.
  • If you purchase multiple tickets, please be aware that the seats or standing positions for accompanying individuals may not be adjacent.
  • Cancellations, changes, and refunds after ticket purchase due to customer circumstances are not permitted.
  • If you require a wheelchair, you must use the designated wheelchair area for safety reasons. If you wish to attend in a wheelchair, please purchase S-seats. Accompanying individuals are limited to one person. The accompanying person will also require a ticket. Please note that space is limited. If you plan to attend in a wheelchair, please contact the TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR Japan Tour Office after purchasing your ticket.
  • There is no cloakroom available at the venue. Also, the number of lockers inside the venue is limited. Please use the coin lockers outside the venue before arriving. Note that the payment method for the lockers inside the venue is limited to transportation IC cards (such as Suica, PASMO, etc.).
  • Bag inspections will be conducted upon entry. If you cannot cooperate with the inspection, you may be denied entry. Please be aware of this in advance.
  • Bringing cans and glass bottles, and plastic bottles are not allowed. We do not provide alternative containers, so please dispose of them at the entrance.
  • Items deemed dangerous or causing inconvenience to other customers are strictly prohibited.
  • Pets are not allowed to accompany you into the venue. However, guide dogs and other assistance dogs are permitted. If you plan to attend with an assistance dog, please contact the TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR Japan Tour Office in advance for smooth guidance.
  • For any conflicts or disputes between customers within or outside the venue, please resolve them peacefully amongst yourselves.
  • Persons in a state of excessive alcohol consumption, engaging in behavior that causes inconvenience to other customers, or refusing to follow staff instructions may be asked to leave. No refunds will be provided in such cases.
  • Please follow the instructions of the staff inside the venue. The performers, organizers, and venue will not be held responsible for any accidents, injuries, or incidents resulting from failure to comply with staff instructions.
  • Please refrain from throwing objects onto the stage or rushing towards the stage, as it poses a safety risk. Viewing outside of your designated seat or area during the performance is strictly prohibited.
  • We kindly ask you to use public transportation.
  • After the performance, please follow the guidance of the staff for exit instructions.
  • In the event of a cancellation, we will not compensate for travel expenses, accommodation fees, etc. (including cancellation fees) to the venue.
  • We are holding this event with the cooperation and understanding of the local residents and facility. We appreciate your cooperation.

チケットについて Mobile Ticketing & Entry Process

  • 本公演のチケットはスマートフォン専用アプリ「AnyPASS(電子チケット) https://anypass.jp/ 」となります。
  • チケットのお受け取り、公演日当日ご入場の際にはスマートフォン専用アプリ「AnyPASS」対応のスマートフォンが必要となります。
  • お申込み時のお客様情報の携帯電話番号(AnyPASS発券)欄にご登録の携帯電話番号の端末のみ、チケットのお受け取りが可能になります。(チケット情報は購入時の携帯電話番号に紐づきます。) 他の携帯電話番号の端末ではチケットのお受け取りが出来ませんので公演日まで携帯電話番号の変更/解約をしないようお願いいたします。同じ電話番号での機種変更は問題ございません。
  • 発券開始日・席番表示開始日等は決まり次第オフィシャルサイトにてご案内させていただきます。
  • 本公演は、お一人様1枚チケットをお持ちいただきご入場いただきますので、同行者の方には、AnyPASSを利用しチケットを分配してください。 お申込者の分のチケットは、他の方に分配・譲渡出来ませんのでご注意ください。 同行者の方が、チケットをお受け取りいただく際、同行者の方もAnyPASSをダウンロード、利用登録(無料)をしていただく必要がございます。 お申込みの際は、必ず本公演の参加者全員が下記、対応OSを搭載し、SMS認証が利用可能なスマートフォンをお持ちかをご確認の上、お申込みください。 プリントアウト、スクリーンショットをしたものをご提示いただきましても入場は出来ません。
  • 未分配のままご来場されますと、ご入場までにお時間がかかる場合がございます。必ずご来場までにチケットの分配、同行者のAnyPASSのご登録・チケット受取をお済ませください。
  • 同一日時の公演のチケットを同一電話番号で複数回ご購入いただいた場合、必ず1枚ずつご購入者様分のチケットとして手元に残ります。 手元に残ったチケットはご購入者様のみ使用可能です。別の方がご使用・ご入場いただくことは出来ませんのでご注意ください。
  • 同行者の方が未成年者で対応のスマートフォンをお持ちでない場合に限り、公演日当日、身分証明書のご提示、氏名・連絡先等の情報をご提供いただいた上でご入場いただきます。 お申込者と同行者全員がお揃いになってからのご入場となります。 身分証明書のご提示がない場合、未成年でない場合はご入場出来ない場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 詳細は発券開始時に改めてご購入者様へご案内いたします。




【iPhoneをご使用の場合】App Store https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/id1509651539 【Androidをご使用の場合】Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.anypass.android

■対応OS iPhone:iOS14以降 Android:Android9.0以降 (※一部機種を除く)

AnyPASSの詳細・操作方法については、 AnyPASSオフィシャルサイト「 https://anypass.jp/ 」及び AnyPASS公式動画「 https://www.youtube.com/@anypass5611 」をご確認ください。

■転売行為の禁止について■ 本受付にて購入されたチケットは、理由を問わず第三者に転売する行為は一切禁止されています。また、転売の為に第三者に提供する行為も禁止されています。 公演日当日に会場周辺で不当な金額で販売する行為や、インターネット等を通じて不特定多数に向けて販売する行為は、取引金額や理由に関わらず転売行為とみなします。 したがって、オフィシャルホームページなどに掲載されている公式チケット販売サイト以外でご購入されたチケットに関しては、入場をお断り致します。 尚、それに伴うチケット代金等の払い戻しなどは行いませんのでご注意ください。

■チケット公式リセールについて■ ※ご購入いただいたチケットは、公式リセールサービス対象となります。(※VIP Package ・ BOX SEAT はリセールサービス対象外となりますのでご注意ください。) 公式リセールサービスではイベントに行けなくなった人がチケットを手放せ、行きたい人がそのチケットを定価で購入出来る仕組みをご利用いただけます。 詳細は公式リセールサービスのご案内をご確認ください。 尚、公式リセールサービスのご利用は、こちら「 https://www.zengin-net.jp/zengin_system/member/ 」に記載の金融機関、かつ日本国内の支店の口座をお待ちいただいている方のみが対象となります。

  • The tickets for this performance will be available only through the smartphone app “AnyPASS” (electronic tickets) at https://anypass.jp/ .
  • To receive the tickets and enter the venue on the day of the performance, you will need a smartphone compatible with the “AnyPASS” app.
  • Only the device with the mobile phone number registered in the “Mobile Phone Number (AnyPASS Issuance)” field of the customer information at the time of application will be able to receive the tickets. (Ticket information is linked to the mobile phone number at the time of purchase.) Tickets cannot be received on a device with a different mobile phone number, so please do not change or cancel your mobile phone number until the day of the performance. Changing the device with the same phone number is acceptable.
  • We will inform you about the E-ticket issue date, seat numbers, and other details as soon as they are determined on the official website.
  • For this performance, each person must have one ticket for entry. Please use AnyPASS to distribute tickets to your companions. Please note that the tickets allocated to the applicant cannot be distributed or transferred to others. When your companion receives the ticket, they also need to download the AnyPASS app and register for it (free of charge). When applying, please make sure that all participants of this performance have smartphones with the following compatible operating systems and SMS authentication available before proceeding with the application. Printouts or screenshots of the tickets will not be accepted for entry.
  • If you come to the venue without distributing the tickets, it may take time to enter. Please make sure to distribute the tickets and register and receive the tickets for your companions through AnyPASS before coming to the venue.
  • If you purchase tickets for the same date and time multiple times with the same phone number, each set of tickets will remain as individual tickets for the respective purchaser. The tickets that remain with the purchaser can only be used by the purchaser. Please note that they cannot be used or accessed by others.
  • If your companion is a minor and does not have a compatible smartphone, they will be allowed entry on the day of the performance by presenting identification and providing their name, contact information, etc. Entry will only be permitted when all applicants and their companions are present together. If identification cannot be provided and the person is not a minor, entry may be denied. Please be aware of this in advance. Further details will be provided to purchasers at the time of ticket issuance.

※AnyPASS language display can be switched between Japanese and English.

Please note that those who do not meet the above requirements will not be able to enter. Please understand this in advance.

■Please download the smartphone-exclusive app “AnyPASS” from the following links:

【For iPhone users】 App Store https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/id1509651539 【For Android users】 Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.anypass.android

■ Supported Operating Systems■ iPhone: iOS 14 or later Android: Android 9.0 or later (excluding some models)

For more information and instructions on how to use AnyPASS, please visit the official AnyPASS website at “ https://anypass.jp/ ” and the official AnyPASS videos on YouTube at “ https://www.youtube.com/@anypass5611 “.

■Policy Against Illegal Ticket Resale■ Your ticket(s) will IMMEDIATELY BECOME INVALID if resold OR OFFERED FOR SALE. Tickets sold via third parties and other unauthorized outlets, including online auction sites, are not valid for admission. The resale of a ticket renders it invalid and may lead to refusal of entry.

■ Official Ticket Resale ■ ※The tickets you have purchased are eligible for the official ticket resale service. (※Please note that VIP Packages and BOX SEAT are not eligible for the resale service.) Through the official ticket resale service, individuals who are unable to attend the event can sell their tickets, and those who wish to attend can purchase them at face value. This system allows for a fair exchange of tickets. For more information, please check the official resale service. Please note that the use of the official ticket resale service is limited to individuals who hold an account at the financial institutions listed here: “ https://www.zengin-net.jp/zengin_system/member/ ” and have a branch located within Japan.

公式リセールサービスのご案内 Official Resale Service

公式リセールサービスはイベントに行けなくなった人がチケットを手放せ、行きたい人がそのチケットを定価で購入できる仕組みとなります。 本公演の公式リセールは、「AnyPASS STORE」を利用します。

【出品方法】 ※出品しても必ず成立するとは限りません。 ※相手を指定してのリセール出品はできません。 リセールにて販売されるチケットの「お客様情報」は非公開となり、出品者・購入者が知ることはできません。 ※リセールが成立しなかった場合は、各公演「リセール終了後の毎時0分」に自動的に出品いただいたお客様にチケットが戻ります。 また、同時刻にメールでもお知らせいたします。 通知設定やドメイン指定の問題でメールが未着の場合でもチケットは返却されておりますのでアプリにてご確認をお願いいたします。 チケット代はご返金できませんので、あらかじめご了承ください。 ※該当のチケットの手続き状況により、返却されたチケットが「マイイベント」に反映されるまでにお時間をいただく場合がございます。

(1)「AnyPASS」にて対象のチケットを受け取る チケットの発券方法は下記をご参照ください。 https://anypass.jp/beginner/event.html

(2)チケットを分配する(購入者様本人分を出品する場合) 同行者様のチケットをリセールする場合は、出品後も分配可能ですが、購入者様本人の都合がつかず出品する場合は、先にすべてのチケットを同行者様に分配してください。

※購入者様分のリセール成立後、分配済みチケットをお待ちの同行者様がそのチケットを購入者様に返却した場合、返却したチケットは購入者様分のチケットとなり手元に残ります。 手元に残ったチケットは、同行者様への再度のチケット分配が出来なくなりますのでご注意ください。 ※リセール期間中であれば、再度リセールへの出品は可能です。 ※チケットを分配する場合、「マイイベント」チケット一覧画面に表示される画面上部のチケットから順番に分配してください。 間をあけて分配すると連席にならなくなりますのでご注意ください。

(3)チケットを出品する 「マイイベント」チケット一覧画面から[出品する]ボタンを押下 ※リセールが可能なチケットには、出品可能期間になると、チケット一覧画面に「出品する」ボタンが表示されます。 ※「出品する」ボタンが表示されていない場合、出品ができないチケットとなります。


(5)チケット出品画面にて販売枚数と条件を設定し[出品する]ボタンを押下 ※出品枚数はご購入枚数内で1枚単位で設定できます。 ※出品が完了すると「マイイベント」チケット一覧画面の対象チケットに「出品中です」と表示されます。

(6)リセールが成立したチケット代金の振込先をご登録ください。登録方法はこちらをご参照ください。 https://faq.anypass.jp/anypass/detail?site=VB91N06U&category=7&id=52

※「金融機関」と「支店名」は、必ず、候補として表示された項目から選択いただく必要がございます。 ※ご利用の「金融機関・支店名」をご入力いただいても候補が表示されない場合は、ご利用いただけない口座情報となります。 ※ご登録の口座番号などに誤りがあり振込不能となった場合、再送金時に再送金手数料(550円)を差し引いた金額でのご入金となりますので、お間違えのないようご注意ください。 ※出品は購入者様本人のみ可能です。分配された方で都合がつかなくなった場合は、購入者様にチケットを返却の上、出品してください。 ※リセール成立前のチケットはキャンセル可能です。キャンセル方法はこちらをご参照ください。 ※「購入手続き中」となったチケットの「出品キャンセル」はできません。 https://faq.anypass.jp/anypass/detail?site=VB91N06U&category=7&id=53

その他、出品に関する詳細はこちらもご確認ください。 https://faq.anypass.jp/anypass/list?site=VB91N06U&category=7

【購入方法】 (1)スマートフォンアプリ「AnyPASS」をダウンロード及び利用登録をする 「AnyPASS STORE」でリセールされているチケットを購入するためには、「AnyPASS」の利用登録が必要となります。 ご利用のスマートフォンにスマートフォンアプリ「AnyPASS」をダウンロードの上、利用登録を行ってください。 ※ダウンロード及び利用登録方法は下記をご参照ください。 https://anypass.jp/beginner/config.html

〈AnyPASS 電子チケットに必要な環境〉

  • スマートフォン専用アプリ「AnyPASS」のインストールが必要です。
  • iOS端末は、「SMSサービス」または「音声通話」が利用可能なスマートフォンが必要です。
  • Android端末は、「音声通話」が利用可能なスマートフォンが必要です。
  • 電話番号が050などから始まるIP電話を使った利用登録はできません。 ※日本国内で契約の携帯電話をご利用の場合は、070、080、090で始まる携帯電話からお試しください。
  • ご入場者お1人様につき1台必要です。
  • 対応OS:iPhone→iOS14以降、Android→Android9.0以降(一部機種を除く) ※フィーチャーフォン(ガラケー)・パソコン・ガラホ・WindowsPhone・BlackBerry・らくらくフォンやキッズスマホなど、アプリのダウンロードに制限がある端末ではご利用いただくことができません。 また、ご利用にあたっては電話番号取得済みのSIMカード及びインターネットへの接続が必要です。

(2)「AnyPASS STORE」にて購入したいチケットを探す 利用登録後、スマートフォン・パソコンにて「AnyPASS STORE」でリセールされているチケットの購入が可能となります。 ※チケットの購入はパソコンからも可能です。パソコンにて「AnyPASS STORE」をご利用いただく場合は、AnyPASSの利用登録時に設定いただいた、“メールアドレス”と“パスワード”でのログインが必要です。 ※アプリ内「リセール」より参照される場合は、「AnyPASS STOREを確認する」ボタンを押下の上、ご確認ください。 各リセール期間より出品されたチケットがある場合はこちらからご購入いただけます。 ■「AnyPASS STORE」(リセール会場) https://store.anypass.jp/resale-list

(3)チケットを購入する ご希望のチケットがあった場合は対象チケットを選択しお支払い ※お支払いはクレジットカードのみとなります。

(4)購入完了 購入が完了すると「マイイベント」チケット一覧画面に対象チケットが表示されます。 複数枚ご購入いただいた方は同行者様へ分配してください。 ※リセールで購入いただいたチケットも期間内であれば再度リセール可能です。 ※座席の表示は各公演日1日前の15:00を予定しております。

購入方法に関する詳細はこちらもご確認ください。 https://faq.anypass.jp/anypass/list?site=VB91N06U&category=8

(5)チケットの分配方法は下記をご参照ください。 https://anypass.jp/beginner/share.html ※2枚以上購入のお客様は同行者様へチケットの分配をお願いします。

▼その他注意事項 ※来日公演オフィシャルサイト< https://taylorswift-theerastour.jp/ >をご確認ください。

We are pleased to provide you with comprehensive details about the Official Resale Service for the upcoming event. The Official Resale Service allows those who can no longer attend the event to give up their tickets for resale, while those still interested in attending can purchase them at a fixed price through the “AnyPASS STORE.”

How to Sell Tickets for Resale: Notes: ・ Listing does not guarantee a successful resale. ・ You can not select a particular individual as resale buyer. The customer information of tickets sold through resale platforms will remain confidential, and neither the seller nor the buyer will have access to this information. ・ If the resale is unsuccessful, the tickets automatically return to the customers who listed them after the resale ends for each performance. We will also notify you by email at the same time. Even if you do not receive the email due to notification settings or domain issues, please check the app, as the tickets have been returned. Please note that ticket fees are non-refundable. Depending on the processing status of the relevant tickets, it may take some time for the returned tickets to be reflected in “My Events.”

1.Receive the applicable ticket at “AnyPASS. Please refer to the following link, to acces your ticket: https://anypass.jp/beginner/event.html

2.Distribute tickets for the purchaser’s own tickets to be displayed. If you are reselling tickets for accompanying guests, you can distribute them even after listing. However, if you are listing because the purchaser cannot attend, please distribute all tickets to accompanying guests first. If a companion returns tickets to the original purchaser after original purchaser successfully reselling the ticket, the returned tickets become the purchaser’s tickets again. However, please note that tickets retained by the purchaser cannot be redistributed to accompanying persons. During the resale period, it is possible to list the ticket for resale again if desired. If you distribute tickets, please distribute them in order from the tickets displayed at the top of the “My Events” ticket list screen. Please be careful not to leave gaps when distributing, as it may result in non-adjacent seats.

3. Exhibit tickets by clicking the “Exhibit” button on the “My Events” ticket list screen. Tickets eligible for resale will display a “List for Resale” button on the ticket list screen when the resale period begins. If the “List for Resale” button is not displayed, the ticket cannot be available for resale.

4.Set the number of tickets to be sold and conditions, and click “List Tickets for Sale.” The number of tickets for sale can be set in units of one within the purchased quantity. When the listing is complete, the ticket for the specific event on the “My Events” ticket list screen will show “Listing” status.

5. Please register the account details for the resale of the ticket amount for successful resale. Refer to the following for registration instructions. https://faq.anypass.jp/anypass/detail?site=VB91N06U&category=7&id=52 When entering “Financial Institution” and “Branch Name,” you must select from the options presented. If the suggested options do not appear, the account information provided is not valid. If there is an error in the registered account number, making it impossible to transfer funds, the deposit will be made at the amount minus the retransfer fee (550 JPY) during the retransfer, so please be careful not to make any errors. Listing is only possible for the purchaser. If someone who received a distributed ticket cannot attend, please return the ticket to the purchaser and then list it.

Tickets before successful resale can be canceled. Refer to the following for cancellation instructions. Tickets that are “In the process of purchase” cannot be canceled for resale. https://faq.anypass.jp/anypass/detail?site=VB91N06U&category=7&id=53

For further details on listing, please also check here: https://faq.anypass.jp/anypass/list?site=VB91N06U&category=7

How to Purchase Resale Tickets: 1. Download and register the “AnyPASS” smartphone application. To purchase tickets on the “AnyPASS STORE,” registration on the “AnyPASS” app is required. Download the “AnyPASS” app on your smartphone and complete the registration. For download and registration instructions, please refer to: https://anypass.jp/beginner/config.html

【Requirements for AnyPASS Electronic Tickets】

  • Installation of the “AnyPASS” smartphone application is necessary.
  • For iOS devices, a smartphone capable of using “SMS service” or “voice calls” is required.
  • For Android devices, a smartphone capable of using “voice calls” is required.
  • Registration using IP phones starting with numbers like 050 is not possible.
  • If using a mobile phone contracted in Japan, please try using numbers starting with 070, 080, or 090.
  • One device is required per attendee.
  • Compatible OS: iPhone → iOS 14 or later, Android → Android 9.0 or later (excluding some models)
  • Devices with download restrictions for apps, such as feature phones (garake), PCs, GaraHo, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, easy-to-use phones, and kids’ smartphones, cannot use the app. Additionally, a SIM card with a registered phone number and internet connectivity are necessary for use.

2. Find the ticket you want to purchase on “AnyPASS STORE”. After registration, you can purchase resale tickets on the “AnyPASS STORE” using your smartphone or computer. ・ Purchasing tickets is also possible from a computer. If using “AnyPASS STORE” on a computer, log in with the “email address” and “password” set during AnyPASS registration. If referenced from the app’s “Resale” section, press the “Check AnyPASS STORE” button to confirm. You can purchase tickets here if there are any available during the resale period. ■“AnyPASS STORE” (Resale Venue) https://store.anypass.jp/resale-list

3. Purchase the tickets If you find the desired tickets, select the relevant ticket and proceed with the payment. ・ Payments are accepted only via credit card.

4. Completion of purchase Upon completion, the purchased tickets will be displayed in the “My Events” ticket list. If you’ve purchased multiple tickets, distribute them to your accompanying guests. ・ Tickets purchased through resale can be resold again within the specified period. ・ Seat information will be displayed around 15:00 on the day before each event. For detailed purchase instructions, please also refer to: https://faq.anypass.jp/anypass/list?site=VB91N06U&category=8

5. Refer to the following for distribution instructions: https://anypass.jp/beginner/share.html ・ If you’ve purchased more than two tickets, distribute them to your accompanying guests.

Other Notes: For more information and details, visit the official website. https://taylorswift-theerastour.jp/

Movie / Music

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japan eras tour sale

Taylor Swift Eras Tour

The popular tour hits tokyo for four days in february 2024.

Grammy-winning singer-songwriter Taylor Swift has captivated countless fans in the United States with her Eras Tour, which is quite literally described as a journey in music form throughout the eras of her career. The tour is set to visit various corners of the globe until mid 2024, and Japan has lucked out with four shows scheduled at Tokyo Dome.

The Tokyo leg of the Eras Tour will run from Wednesday, February 7th until Saturday, February 10th inclusive, and more information on ticket sales can be found online here – English can be selected at the bottom of the page. Ticket prices begin at ¥8800.

Getting there

Tokyo Dome is located in easy access from several train stations, including Suidobashi Station (JR Chuo Sobu Line and the Mita Subway Line, 3 minutes on foot), Korakuen Station (Marunouchi and Namboku Subway Lines, 3 minutes on foot), and Kasuga Station (Toei Oedo Line and Mita Line, 5 minutes on foot).


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1 Chome-3-61 Koraku, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 112-0004, Japan ( Directions )


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Taylor Swift's Eras Tour estimated to boost Japanese economy by $228 million

japan eras tour sale

TOKYO — Cheaper tickets may be bringing world travelers to the Tokyo Dome to watch the Eras Tour, but it's also bringing a surplus of funds for Japan.

According to a report by Economic Impact.NET , Taylor Swift's massive concert will pump $228 million (¥34.1 billion) into the country with $162.7 million (¥24.3 billion) going directly to Tokyo.

"The ripple effect will be even greater," said Mitsumasa Etou, the report's author and a part-time lecturer at Tokyo City University, "if consumers from all over Japan, who come to the Tokyo Dome to see Taylor Swift, engage in sightseeing activities in addition to lodging and transportation expenses."

Swift has brought three world tours to the Tokyo Dome. She opened the 1989 World Tour there on May 5, 2015, and concluded her Reputation Stadium Tour on November 21, 2018.

“It’s been awhile since I’ve gotten to see you,” Swift said on Thursday inside the Tokyo Dome. “It’s been over four years, and I’m so happy to be back with you here tonight at the Eras Tour. Thank you to anyone who traveled."

The arena sold 220,000 seats (55,000 each night) for four nights of the Eras Tour. Standard tickets ranged from $59 to $201 (¥8,800-¥30,000) and VIP packages were priced $354 to $823 (¥52,800-¥122,800), according to the Japanese Eras Tour website .

It's been four years and counting

Zachary Travis, 31, bought a $1,300 ticket on StubHub.com to see the show. He booked a flight from Phoenix, but when he arrived in Japan on Wednesday morning, he got a call from the ticket resale site.

"The seller on StubHub had not sent the ticket," he said, "either they wanted to hold onto it or they didn't have it. I was devastated, but I don't accept defeat."

Travis met a woman in his hotel who told him to go directly to the Eras Tour website, because sometimes it refreshes with new tickets.

"Thankfully they released more," he said, "and I was able to get floor tickets for every single one of the four shows. I ended up spending less money on all four nights than I did on that one ticket from StubHub."

The price tag: $804 (¥120,000).

"I actually ended up spending more on merchandise so thank God I brought a duffle so I can take everything home," he said, smiling.

Swift has four tour stops in the Asia-Pacific including Tokyo (four shows); Melbourne, Australia (three shows); Sydney, Australia (four shows) and Singapore (six shows). Fans from the region traveled to Japan’s capital. Three thousand fans came from China.

“I got here two days ago,” said Maxine Tan, who flew with her mom from Manilla, Philippines. “It was totally worth it.”

More: Haven't made it to Taylor Swift's Eras Tour yet? International dates may offer savings

Tan said the price tag was not an issue because of the impact the singer has made on her life. Outside the stadium doors, Tan was excited to show off her glittery green jacket, a replica of Swift’s 2018 Reputation Stadium Tour coat, that her friend made.

“(Swift) is my childhood and adulthood hero,” Tan said. “I hope I get to meet her one day. I want to thank her for changing my life.”

Follow Bryan West, the USA TODAY Network's Taylor Swift reporter, on  Instagram ,  TikTok  and  X as @BryanWestTV .

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Taylor swift's 'the eras tour' offers more tickets for fans in japan. see when and where.

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Fans eager to attend Taylor Swift's 'The Eras Tour' in Japan can try their luck as more tickets will be sold on August 22. Lawson Ticket, the ticket vendor, will initiate ticket sales at 7 p.m. JST (6 p.m. Manila time). Interested buyers can access the purchase link through Lawson Ticket's website.

Taylor Swift's 'The Eras Tour' offers more tickets for fans in Japan. See when and where

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japan eras tour sale

More tickets for Taylor Swift's 'The Eras Tour' in Japan to go on sale on Aug. 22

By NICK GARCIA Published Aug 22, 2023 2:16 pm Updated Aug 22, 2023 6:27 pm

Swifties who want tickets to Taylor Swift's The Eras Tour in Japan may try their chances, as additional tickets will be sold on Tuesday, Aug. 22.

On its website , Lawson Ticket said tickets will go on sale at 7 p.m. JST (6 p.m. Manila time). Lawson Ticket also shared a link where the reception takes place.

"Due to popular demand, we have decided to sell a few additional copies (first come, first served)," it said. "Please don’t miss this opportunity!"

Swift will hold her concert at the 55,000-capacity Tokyo Dome in the Japanese capital from Feb. 7 to 10 in 2024.

Swift announced  The Eras Tour in November last year, describing it as a journey through the musical eras of her career thus far. The  first leg of the tour happened from March 18 to Aug. 5 at stadiums across the United States. It's set to conclude in August 2024.

Aside from Japan, Singapore is the only other Asian country where The Eras Tour will take place. It wil lbe held at the 55,000-capacity National Stadium on March 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 9 in 2024.

TAGS: music Japan taylor swift concert The Eras Tour


Nick writes about politics, law, health, entertainment, and pop culture, among others. Outside work, he's a wannabe musician and cook. Email him at [email protected] .

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Taylor Swift in Japan for Overseas Fans: A Step-by-Step Guide to Apply for the Ticket Lottery

  • Posted on Jul 7, 2023 Jul 28, 2023
  • 4 minute read
  • Meryl Medel

Jul 7, 2023   •   Meryl Medel

Didn’t get an access code for the ticket selling of the Singapore shows of The Eras Tour? We’re here to guide you through the step-by-step process of the Lawson Ticket Exclusive Pre-Sale so you can finally see Taylor Swift in Japan!

We previously made a guide regarding the Japan ticket lottery system , which was exclusive to Japan residents, but the newest round of lottery is actually open to overseas fans. Here’s how:

Choose your ticket tier according to your budget.

Aside from the VIP packages, there are four ticket tiers available. There are additional fees on top of the ticket price: JPY 960 service charge per ticket, JPY 220 system usage fee per ticket, and JPY 330 electronic ticket service fee. So the total price per ticket are as follows:

  • It’s Been A Long Time Coming VIP Package – JPY 122,800 + 960 service charge + 220 system usage fee + 330 electronic ticket service fee = JPY 124,310 (about PHP 48,900)
  • Karma Is My Boyfriend VIP Package – JPY 72,800 + 960 service charge + 220 system usage fee + 330 electronic ticket service fee = JPY 74,310 (about PHP 29,200)
  • I Remember It All Too Well VIP Package – JPY 52,800 + 960 service charge + 220 system usage fee + 330 electronic ticket service fee + 330 electronic ticket service fee = JPY 54,310 (about PHP 21,400)
  • SS SEAT – JPY 30,000 + 960 service charge + 220 system usage fee + 330 electronic ticket service fee = JPY 31,510 (about PHP 12,400)
  • S SEAT – JPY 22,800 + 960 service charge + 220 system usage fee + 330 electronic ticket service fee = JPY 24,310 (about PHP 9,600)
  • A SEAT – JPY 18,800 + 960 service charge + 220 system usage fee + 330 electronic ticket service fee = JPY 20,310 (about PHP 8,000)
  • U-20 SEAT – JPY 8,800 + 960 service charge + 220 system usage fee + 330 electronic ticket service fee = JPY 10,310 (about PHP 4,100) (Note: This ticket tier is exclusive to fans 20 years and younger, which needs to be proven with a valid ID on the day of the concert)

Download the AnyPASS application.

You can get it on the App Store for iOS and on Google Play for Android. Make sure your smartphone is compatible with the app!

Taylor Swift in Japan

Go to taylorswift-theerastour.jp

Taylor Swift in Japan

Click the “Entry” or “Apply” button on your chosen ticket tier.

Taylor Swift in Japan

Select your desired date, seat type, ticket type, and number of tickets.

Taylor Swift in Japan

Input your information.

Taylor Swift in Japan

Read the questionnaire carefully and tick the “Agree” box on each one.

Taylor Swift in Japan

Input your payment details.

Taylor Swift in Japan

Since credit card is the only option for overseas fans, you really do need to do this. We get you might be skeptical about this, but this is the Japanese ticketing system. The fans who registered for the exclusive AMEX Presale also submitted their card details, and those who won automatically had the ticket prices deducted from their cards.

Check your email inbox.

Taylor Swift in Japan

When will results be released?

Ticket lottery application will close on Monday, 10 July 2023, 23:59 JST (which is 22:59 PHT). Meanwhile, results will be announced on Saturday, 15 July 2023, 12:00 JST (which is 11:00 PHT).

Whether you win or lose, you will receive an email confirming the results of your lottery application. If you win, you may also receive an email notifying you about the ticket payment from your card and from Lawson.

Will there be other lotteries?

So far, there have only been two lotteries announced for Taylor Swift’s shows in Japan.

But for other artists, they held several lotteries across a period of time, so there may be some chance for The Eras Tour, too. Just keep an eye on the tour website to keep yourself updated!

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Here are all the benefits you can get from using your Capital One credit card at concerts, including Taylor Swift’s ‘Eras Tour’

  • Updated: Mar. 30, 2024, 1:00 p.m. |
  • Published: Mar. 30, 2024, 1:00 p.m.

Capital One cardholder benefits

Capital One cardholders get exclusive access to Taylor Swift tickets before they go on sale to the general public. Getty Images for TAS Rights Mana

  • Nicole Iuzzolino | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com

Capital One credit cardholders have a lot more benefits than they may realize to see some of the biggest stars in the industry and make their ticket-buying experience a whole lot easier.

Those who have this credit card can purchase several concert and live performance tickets through Capital One Presales website and Capital One Entertainment.

The Capital One presales gives cardholders an added chance to get highly coveted concert tickets that are generally at risk of selling out quickly, like Taylor Swift’s “Eras Tour.”

In addition to the presale options, Capital One Entertainment offers VIP ticket packages, cardmember exclusive tickets to special events, games and concerts, and perks at specific venues, such as meet and greets, complimentary food and beverages, and food festivals.

Here is everything you need to know about the Capital One credit card has when it comes to concerts and live events.

What Capital One cards can I use to get benefits when making concert purchases?

Something that is important to note is that the presale website is not part of Capital One Entertainment website .

Ticketmaster powers Capital One presales. They are available to all Capital One cardholders with Visa and Mastercard credit cards, Capital One debit cards and co-brand partner credit cards.

However, Capital One private label retail credit cards are not eligible for presale.

Capital One debit cards, private label retail credit cards and co-brand partner cards are also not eligible.

Here are three of Capital One’s most popular credit cards :

Platinum Mastercard: This card has zero annual fees, and you can be automatically considered for a higher credit line in six months.

Venture Rewards: You can earn this one-time bonus when you spend $4,000 within the first three months. Plus, when you travel, there are no foreign transaction fees and no blackout dates.

Quicksilver Rewards: Cardholders can earn 1.5% on every purchase, and the rewards never expire. You’ll also earn a one-time bonus of $200 once you spend $500 within the first three months.

Vivid Seats powers the Capital One Entertainment website . It is available to Capital One cardholders with eligible rewards credit cards that are in good standing.

The cardholder has to be at least 18 years old and is the primary account holder or manager of the consumer or small business credit card.

Additional perks of using a Capital One credit card include:

  • Artist and athlete meet-and-greets
  • Premium seats
  • Exclusive sound checks
  • Complimentary food and beverages
  • Exclusive merchandise and take home gifts
  • Music festivals
  • Broadway shows
  • Charity events and dinners
  • Food festivals
  • Dinners featuring collaborations from chefs of Michelin-starred restaurants
  • Major League Baseball tickets and experiences
  • MLB.TV subscription discount
  • MLBShop.com discount for 20% off with code CAPITALONE
  • Jackie Robinson Museum admission discount for 20% off with code CAPITALONE

How can I access Capital One Cardholder Pre-Sale?

A limited number of tickets are set aside exclusively for Capital One debit and credit card holders from two to seven days before they go on sale to general public.

Here’s how you can access these tickets:

  • Go to the Capital One presale website, which directs you to Ticketmaster .
  • Then, follow the instructions for each presale event to access tickets.
  • Click the “Unlock” button, and enter the first six digits of your Capital One debit or credit card in the required section.
  • Finally, use your rewards, your credit card or both to purchase tickets.

How can I purchase Capital One Entertainment tickets for VIP packages and exclusive events?

To purchase VIP packages for certain concerts and live events, cardholders can use the Capital One mobile app, the Capital One website or the Capital One Entertainment login website .

To get VIP tickets all you need to do is log in with your Capital One account username and password and follow the instructions for each event to buy tickets at checkout on Vivid Seats .

Cardholders can use rewards, their credit card or both to purchase tickets for most events.

What are Capital One Cardholder Exclusive Tickets?

A limited number of tickets set aside exclusively for Capital One credit members during the general public sale on Vivid Seats. They are available on a first come, first served basis.

You can use rewards, a credit card or both to purchase tickets for most events.

You have to look up the tickets you want to purchase on the Capital One Entertainment website , follow the instructions to then get redirected to Vivid Seats and enter your credit card information to purchase tickets.

You can find more details about Capital One cardholder benefits at concerts and events here .

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Nicole Iuzzolino can be reached at [email protected] . Have a tip? Tell us at nj.com/tips .

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    Tickets will be sold during the pre-sale lotteries while currently available inventory lasts. Ticket sales will be closed when the number of tickets sold reaches the limit of currently available inventory. ... THE ERAS TOUR Japan Tour Office in advance for smooth guidance. For any conflicts or disputes between customers within or outside the ...

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    USA TODAY NETWORK. 0:00. 1:15. TOKYO — Cheaper tickets may be bringing world travelers to the Tokyo Dome to watch the Eras Tour, but it's also bringing a surplus of funds for Japan. According to ...

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    Fans eager to attend Taylor Swift's 'The Eras Tour' in Japan can try their luck as more tickets will be sold on August 22. Lawson Ticket, the ticket vendor, will initiate ticket sales at 7 p.m. JST (6 p.m. Manila time). Interested buyers can access the purchase link through Lawson Ticket's website.

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  21. More tickets for Taylor Swift's 'The Eras Tour' in Japan to go on sale

    Swifties who want tickets to Taylor Swift's The Eras Tour in Japan may try their chances, as additional tickets will be sold on Tuesday, Aug. 22.. On its website, Lawson Ticket said tickets will go on sale at 7 p.m. JST (6 p.m. Manila time).Lawson Ticket also shared a link where the reception takes place. "Due to popular demand, we have decided to sell a few additional copies (first come ...

  22. Taylor Swift in Japan: How to Get Tickets for Overseas Fans

    A SEAT - JPY 18,800 + 960 service charge + 220 system usage fee + 330 electronic ticket service fee = JPY 20,310 (about PHP 8,000) U-20 SEAT - JPY 8,800 + 960 service charge + 220 system usage fee + 330 electronic ticket service fee = JPY 10,310 (about PHP 4,100) (Note: This ticket tier is exclusive to fans 20 years and younger, which needs ...

  23. Tour

    Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour International Dates. Thu, May 09, 2024 PARIS LA DÉFENSE ARENA. with with Paramore. International Paris, France more info RSVP VIP. Fri, May 10, 2024 PARIS LA DÉFENSE ARENA. with with Paramore. International. Paris, France more info RSVP VIP. Sat, May 11, 2024 PARIS LA DÉFENSE ARENA.

  24. How can I access Capital One Cardholder Pre-Sale?

    Here are all the benefits you can get from using your Capital One credit card at concerts, including Taylor Swift's 'Eras Tour' Updated: Mar. 30, 2024, 1:00 p.m. | Published: Mar. 30, 2024 ...