Civilization Wiki

Tourism (Civ6)

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  • 1.1 Tourism lens
  • 2.1 Cultural dominance
  • 3.1.1 Great Works of Art
  • 3.1.2 Artifacts
  • 3.1.3 Relics
  • 3.2 Districts, buildings and Wonders
  • 3.3 Tile Improvements
  • 3.4 The Flight technology
  • 3.5 Rock Bands in Gathering Storm
  • 4.1 National Modifiers
  • 4.2 International Modifiers
  • 4.3.1 Base game penalty
  • 4.3.2 Gathering Storm penalty
  • 4.4 Example
  • 5.1.1 Yields
  • 5.1.2 Arts versus archaeology
  • 5.1.3 Reaching Humanism
  • 5.1.4 Yield maximization and the Hermitage
  • 6 References

Mechanics [ ]


The two types behave differently in the game world. While Religious Tourism is potentially much stronger in the first half of world history, it is nevertheless based on ideas (and items) which are later negated and become less effective. General tourism sources, on the other hand, have a broad rational appeal which retains its strength through the ages.

Even so, certain actions like constructing the Cristo Redentor or picking the Reliquaries belief can help sustain your Relics' cultural importance through the ages.

Tourism lens [ ]

Domestic tourists and visiting (foreign) tourists [ ].

There are two different kinds of tourists which are important to understand when it comes to a Cultural Victory. You can track their numbers in the Cultural Victory tab of the Victory screen.

Each civilization is designated with numbers for domestic tourists and foreign tourists. To win a Cultural Victory your civilization must attract a higher number of total visiting tourists than the highest of any other civilization's domestic tourists.

The number of domestic tourists a civilization attracts is calculated as follows:


The number of visiting (foreign) tourists your civilization can attract from another is calculated as follows:

Note that in Rise and Fall the modifier was increased from 150 to 200.

The total foreign tourists of your civilization is the sum of foreign tourists from every other civilization. When your total foreign tourists is greater than the number of domestic tourists of another civilization, your civilization is culturally dominant over that civilization.

An immediate effect of the way foreign tourists are accumulated from all civilizations is that: the tourists attracted from one civilization to your civilization contributes to your progress towards cultural dominance over a third civilization. In turn, that means an increase in the number of civilizations can make defense against cultural dominance more difficult, since the tourists attracted from relatively open civilizations can outweigh the lack of tourists from a few heavily 'defended' civilization.

Cultural dominance [ ]

(This section applies only to the Gathering Storm ruleset.)

As stated above, in order to win a Cultural Victory, you need to attract a total number of visiting tourists larger than any other civilizations' number of domestic tourists. On your way to defeat the civilization with the highest number of domestic tourists, you will step by step become culturally dominant over other lesser cultures. Having cultural dominance over a civilization provides you with these benefits:

Trade Route

  • Spy missions in their cities are 50% faster to complete.
  • Your citizens exert 25% more Loyalty pressure on their cities.

Sources of Tourism [ ]

Great works [ ].

Great Works are items of exceptional cultural quality which are important enough to contribute to world culture in general. There are three types of Great Works:

Great Works of Art [ ]

They are produced by the Great Artists , Great Writers , and Great Musicians attracted to your civilization, and all of them create General Tourism.

Great Work of Writing

Artifacts [ ]


Districts, buildings and Wonders [ ]


Tile Improvements [ ]


The Flight technology [ ]


Rock Bands in Gathering Storm [ ]

Tourism modifiers [ ], national modifiers [ ], international modifiers [ ].

  • +25% for Open Borders .
  • +100% in American cities with a Film Studio against civilizations that have researched at least one Modern Era technology or civic.
  • -50% (Religious Tourism only) for Different Religions. Note that this penalty doesn't apply if you haven't founded a religion.
  • -50% (Religious Tourism only) if the foreign civilization has The Enlightenment. Note that constructing Cristo Redentor eliminates the negative impact of The Enlightenment.
  • c. -3% to -40% for Different Governments . The penalty is variable, and depends on the combination of differing government types and game ruleset.

Different government penalty [ ]

There are two XML parameters involved in the formula for this penalty:

  • "OtherGovernmentIntolerance" (Governments.xml or Expansion2_Governments.xml)

These parameters have changed once between vanilla Civilization VI and the Gathering Storm expansion.

  • (Your OtherGovernmentIntolerance + Foreign OtherGovernmentIntolerance) x TOURISM_CONFLICTING_GOVERNMENT_MULTIPLIER

Base game penalty [ ]

Values for OtherGovernmentIntolerance (BASE GAME):

  • (0) Chiefdom
  • (2) Autocracy
  • (2) Oligarchy
  • (1) Classical Republic
  • (3) Monarchy
  • (4) Theocracy
  • (2) Merchant Republic
  • (5) Fascism
  • (6) Communism
  • (3) Democracy


Base game examples:

  • Chiefdom vs. Classical Republic = (0 + 1) * 3 = -3%
  • Autocracy vs. Oligarchy = (2 + 2) * 3 = -12%
  • Oligarchy vs. Theocracy = (2 + 4) * 3 = -18%
  • Merchant Republic vs. Democracy = (2 + 3) * 3 = -15%
  • Fascism vs. Communism = (5 + 6) * 3 = -33%
  • Communism vs. Communism = no penalty, same government

Gathering Storm penalty [ ]

Values for OtherGovernmentIntolerance (GATHERING STORM):

  • (0) Autocracy
  • (0) Oligarchy
  • (0) Classical Republic
  • (0) Monarchy
  • (0) Theocracy
  • (0) Merchant Republic
  • (20) Fascism
  • (20) Communism
  • (20) Democracy
  • (20) Corporate Libertarianism
  • (20) Digital Democracy
  • (20) Synthetic Technocracy


Gathering Storm examples:

  • Chiefdom vs. Classical Republic = (0 + 0) * 1 = -0%
  • Autocracy vs. Oligarchy = (0 + 0) * 1 = -0%
  • Oligarchy vs. Theocracy = (0 + 0) * 1 = -0%
  • Merchant Republic vs. Democracy = (0 + 20) * 1 = -20%
  • Fascism vs. Communism = (20 + 20) * 1 = -40%
  • Democracy vs. Digital Democracy = (20 + 20) * 1 = -40%

Example [ ]

The National Output is calculated from compounded modifiers:

The International Output is calculated from summed modifiers:

  • +25% for having Open Borders.
  • -40% for having different governments.

Strategy [ ]

Maximizing tourism from great works of art [ ].

Much of the information here is originally from a CivFanatics info page by Victoria, and has been updated and expounded upon by editors of this wiki. [1]

There are a total of 4 types of Great Works of Art:


Two Art Museums. The one on the left has three works by the same Artist; the one on the right has works by three different Artists.

Heritage Tourism yield comparison (Civ6)

Two Art Museums with Heritage Tourism. The one on the right has Pingala with the Curator title assigned to its city.

The base yields of Great Works of Art can be further modified by the following:

  • The Curator title ( Reyna in Rise and Fall and Pingala in Gathering Storm )

Arts versus archaeology [ ]


Reaching Humanism [ ]

Great Writer

Yield maximization and the Hermitage [ ]

Hermitage yield comparison (Civ6)

The Hermitage showing identical yields when filled with a Landscape and three Sculptures by different Artists (left), three pieces of Religious Art by one Artist and one piece of Religious Art by another (center), and four pieces of Religious Art by four different Artists (right).

References [ ]

  • ↑


See also [ ]

  • Tourism in other games
  • Civilization
  • 1 Civilizations (Civ6)
  • 2 Leaders (Civ6)
  • 3 Civilization VI

Civilization 6 Culture Victory explained - how to earn Foreign Tourists, Domestic Tourists, and Tourism in Civ 6

A deep dive into everything Culture and Tourism in Civ 6.

The Civilization 6 Culture Victory is not a simple one. At least not on the surface. There's been a great deal of confusion how exactly it works right from the get go with Civ 6 - in fact even with Civ 5 it was something developer Firaxis had to wrestle with.

Thanks to some good old fashioned mathematics from the community however, there is now, at last, enough information to put together a proper guide on how to win the Culture Victory , how to earn Foreign and Domestic Tourists , plus explaining how Tourism works , and how Culture affects it .

We've assembled this guide based on a combination of in-game info, our own testing, and conversations we've held with Firaxis confirming some of the details. It's also worth noting the work done by the community, particularly CivFanatics forum user Victoria, found here . You can also find any of the formula mentioned in the game's .exe files - although we recommend you don't go fiddling around in there unless you know what you're doing!

Cover image for YouTube video

If you're looking for more resource-focused Civ 6 guides, meanwhile, we also have pages on how to earn Gold , how to earn Faith , and how to earn Science in Civ 6 , too.

A quick note: we've refreshed out Civ 6 guides for the game's launch on Nintendo Switch, but just be aware that they contain information regarding the Rise and Fall DLC as well as the base game, which means some things only apply if you have that DLC! Otherwise... crack on!

how does tourism work civ 6

How does Culture Work and how do you earn a Culture Victory?

First things first, here's the exact definition of a Civ 6 Culture Victory:

  • To win a Culture Victory, you must have more visiting Foreign Tourists than any other Civ has Domestic Tourists of their own.

With that in mind, we need to know how to earn Foreign Tourists, but also how to earn Domestic Tourists - both so we can stop other Civs from earning them and make our lives easier, and so we can 'defend' against other Civs going for the Culture Victory with a large amount of Domestic Tourists of our own. How do we do that? We'll dive into the specifics further down, but for now all you need to know is you do it by earning Culture.

Culture, as you'll probably know, is the pink stuff. Indicated with a pink/purple musical symbol (a Treble clef, as it's known), Culture works much the same as Science: there's a gauge tracking how much you're earning per turn in the top left corner of the screen, a series of buildings, Great People, and modifiers which help you earn it; and there's now a new Civics tree, which works just like Science's Tech tree, that unlocks Civics as you earn Culture and progress through the game. We've summarised them below, but skip ahead past that big list if it's Tourism you're after!

List of ways to earn Culture:

Alright, so we know how to earn Culture, but how does that impact on Domestic and Foreign Tourism, seeing as it's those that we need to win?

how does tourism work civ 6

How Domestic Tourists and Culture work in Civilization 6

Now that we know what's needed to win a Culture Victory - more visiting Foreign Tourists than any other Civ's own Domestic Tourists - it's time to dive a little deeper, starting with Domestic Tourists and Tourism.

Domestic Tourists are your means of defending against another Civ winning the Culture Victory - the more you have, the more Foreign Tourists another Civ must earn to win - so it's important to know how Domestic Tourism works - not to mention the fact it also allows you to target other Civs' sources of Domestic Tourism to make your Culture Victory easier, too.

You can view the Domestic Tourists of a given Civ by looking at the Culture Victory panel from the Victory screen found in the top right. Domestic Tourists for a Civ are indicated by the number under their Civ's name, next to the colour-corresponding suitcase. Frustratingly hidden, until uncovered from the game's files by the community (which we've since checked with Firaxis), here's how to find it:

Domestic Tourism formula:

  • Domestic Tourists = (Total Culture + Total Civic Inspiration Culture) / 100

To clarify those terms a little, the Total Culture is the total amount you've accrued over the course of your game, whilst Total Civic Inspiration Culture is the total amount of Culture you've earned through the Inspiration boosts to your Civic Tree progress.

You don't actually need to know the specific figures for either of those elements (you can work them out if you really need to, by totalling up all the Culture costs of boosted Civics, found in the Civic Tree - Inspirations unlock 50% (or 60% for China) of a Civic's required Culture - and then working backwards for your Total Culture). Basically, the two of them together make your 'real' total Culture as Inspirations are basically free Culture towards unlocking a specific Civic), and so Domestic Tourism is basically all the Culture you've earned, divided by 100.

What this helps you with though is knowing that, if you want to stop other Civs from accruing a large amount of Domestic Tourists themselves, you need to hit their Culture income and, if possible, prevent them from unlocking too many Civic Inspiration boosts. Likewise, if you want to guard against another Civ winning the Culture Victory, you need to generate large amounts of Culture and unlock large numbers of Civic Inspiration boosts yourself.

How Foreign Tourists, Tourism, and Culture work in Civilization 6

Here's where things get a little more complicated - but also much more interesting.

Winning the Culture Victory, as we know, is all about earning large numbers of visiting Foreign Tourists - but how do you earn Foreign Tourists, and how do the figures found in game for your Tourism and Culture factor into that?

how does tourism work civ 6

What we already know is that the number of Foreign Tourists visiting from a given Civ is shown as the number next to the brown suitcase in the Culture Victory panel, in the row of that Civ (image on the right makes this a little clearer). All the numbers in that column totalled up, then, makes your total Foreign Tourists, and you can see how close you are to your target in the number in the top right of that panel.

Your goal, then, is to increase your visiting Foreign Tourists to the point where you have that required amount for victory (in the image, I have 247 out of the required 350 Foreign Tourists). How do we do that? Well, Foreign Tourists are best explained with an analogy.

Foreign Tourists work a lot like Great People: each turn you earn a certain amount of Great People Points. When you hit a certain threshold, say 1,000 Great People Points, you'll earn a Great Person. You want to earn lots of Great People over the course of a game. Foreign Tourists work in the same way except the problem is that threshold, unlike the one for Great People, is hidden, so up until now it's been very hard to see how you can earn Foreign Tourists and gauge how well you're doing at earning them in your game.

Now however, we know that the further past the hidden Total Tourism Threshold our Tourism from a Civ is, the more Foreign Tourists that Civ sends. Again, following some checks with Firaxis and tests of our own, we also now know the exact formula for figuring out that the Threshold, which in fact depends on how many civilizations there are in the game.

Hidden Total Tourism Threshold formula:

  • Hidden Total Tourism Threshold = Number of Civilizations in the game x 150

Foreign Tourists formula:

  • Foreign Tourists sent from a given Civ = Total Lifetime Tourism from that Civ / Hidden Total Tourism Threshold

Let's define those terms again one more time for some clarity:

  • Total Lifetime Tourism - The total amount of Tourism (not Tourists, it's a separate measure altogether) earned from a Civilization. This can be found by hovering over a Civ's name in the Culture Victory panel. Tourism works in a similar way to Great Person Points.
  • Hidden Total Tourism Threshold - The amount of Tourism required to earn another Foreign Tourist from that Civ.

Time for an example! This should hopefully clarify any residual confusion here, as it definitely took us a little time to get our heads around:

how does tourism work civ 6

In this particular game, I'm playing as America. There are eight Civilizations in the game, including me, and one of the foreign Civs is Greece. Let's do the sums with the figures from that game:

  • Hidden Total Tourism Threshold: 8 x 150 = 1,200
  • Lifetime Tourism from Greece: 54,176
  • Foreign Tourists sent from Greece: 54,176 / 1,200 = 45

So in this game of 8 Civs, for every 1,200 Total Lifetime Tourism I get from Greece, I get one Tourist. I've earned 45 Tourists so far (note that the figures for Foreign Tourists are always rounded down to the nearest whole number), and can figure out that I'll need to hit 55,200 Liftime Tourism from Greece to earn another Foreign Tourism from that Civ.

Okay, so I've got to earn a lot of Tourism from Greece then if I want to hit my Total Foreign Tourists target of 350 (again, see top right of image). Fortunately, they're just one of the eight Civs in the game. But how do I find out how much Tourism-per-turn I'm earning from a Civ, and how can I earn more, faster, to get those precious Foreign Tourists?

Well, Tourism-per-turn from a given Civ comes from two things:

  • Tourist Attractions (our name) - Certain objects in game, from Wonders to Great Works, that provide you with raw Tourism-per-turn. These are listed further below.
  • Tourism Modifiers - Things which multiply your Tourism-per-turn by a certain amount, such as certain Civics, Policies, or Great People. Again, much more on these below.

Tourist Attractions are unfortunately not listed in full anywhere in-game. You can use the Tourism Map Lens and hover over each bubble to get a bit of an idea, but this is cumbersome. We list them in full below for you to try and clear this up.

how does tourism work civ 6

Tourism Modifiers, again, are hard to find in full in-game. You can see some of them in hover-over menus of the Tourism Map Lens, and others hovering over the browns suitcases in the Culture Victory panel. As with Attractions, we list these in full in the next section.

Tourism-per-turn, from an individual Civ, is available to view in-game but somewhat obscured. It's the number just above Lifetime Tourism, which is also shown from hovering over a Civ's brown suitcase in the Culture Victory panel. This is shown as "Tourism (current)" in-game, but represents how much you get each turn from that Civ.

Importantly, this is not the figure shown at the top of your screen, which is described as "Tourism per turn" in-game. That number is your raw, pre-modifier Tourism-per-turn calculated before any of the game's various Tourism Modifiers are applied, and so can be confusing - you could increase that number at the top of your screen, for instance, but have negative modifiers that actually mean you're still earning fewer Tourists-per-turn from each Civ.

Going back to the example game then, at 428 Tourism-per-turn then (see the same image above), I'll get another Foreign Tourist from Greece in three turns.

how does tourism work civ 6

Tourist Attractions, Tourism Modifiers, and how to earn Foreign Tourists in Civilization 6

Finally, we can get down to a bit of strategy!

We now know that to win the game we need lots of Foreign Tourists. To get Foreign Tourists, we need lots of Tourism-per-turn, and to get lots of Tourism-per-turn, we need Tourist Attractions and Tourism Modifiers. With that in mind, here's the important stuff:

List of ways to earn Tourism:

  • Wonders: 2 Tourism-per-turn, + 1 Tourism-per-turn per era after they were available.
  • Holy City (city where your Religion is founded): 8 Tourism-per-turn (Religious)
  • Religious Relics: 8 Tourism-per-turn (Religious)
  • Great Works of Writing: 4 Tourism-per-turn
  • Great Works of Music: 3 Tourism-per-turn
  • Great Works of Art: 2 Tourism-per-turn, doubled when themed
  • Archeological Artifact: 3 Tourism-per-turn, doubled when themed
  • Seaside Resorts: Tourism-per-turn = 1 x Tile Appeal
  • National Parks: Tourism-per-turn = 1 x each Tile's Appeal in the Park
  • Campuses: 10 Tourism-per-turn only if you use the Great Merchant Jamsetji Tata
  • Industrial Zones: 10 Tourism-per-turn only if you use the Great Merchant Masaru Ibuka
  • Flight: generates same amount of Tourism-per-turn as Culture-per-turn earned from tile improvements.

how does tourism work civ 6

On top of these there are Modifiers. Modifiers multiply the Tourism-per-turn earned from certain Tourism Attractions by a percentage. A quick note on Religious Tourism - anything marked "Tourism-per-turn (Religious)" below is a Modifier which only affects sources of Religious Tourism. These are Holy Cities and Relics, which are also marked in the list above with (Religious) so you know what's affected. Another note: not all Modifiers are shown in-game. There's no indication, for example, that a 75% boost to Tourism from Trade Routes is actually the 25% standard, plus the 50% from Online Communities; likewise, Leader or Civ-specific bonuses, like that of the Film Studio, are only shown in the Tourism Lens after hovering over a district. Basically, it's easier to use the list below if you want to get an idea of what's causing a boost to what:

List of Tourism Modifiers:

  • Civ Bonus - America: Film Studio provides +100% Tourism-per-turn from any Civ that reaches the Modern Era.
  • Civ Bonus - France: +100% Tourism-per-turn from Wonders.
  • Trade Routes: +25% Tourism-per-turn from Civs you have a Trade Route with.
  • Open Borders : +25% Tourism-per-turn from from Civs you have Open Borders with.
  • Policy - Online Communities: +50% Tourism-per-turn from Civs you have a Trade Route with.
  • Policy - Satellite Broadcasts: +100% Tourism-per-turn from Great Works of Music.
  • Tech - Printing: +100% Tourism-per-turn from Great Works of Writing.
  • Tech - Computers: +100% Tourism-per-turn.
  • Civic - Enlightenment: -50% Tourism-per-turn (Religious) from any Civ that has unlocked this Civic.
  • Religious Belief - Reliquaries: +200% Tourism-per-turn (Religious) from Relics.
  • Great Person - Sara Breedlove (Merchant): +25% Tourism-per-turn from other Civs you have a Trade Route to.
  • Great Person - Melitta Bentz (Merchant): +25% Tourism-per-turn from other Civs you have a Trade Route to.
  • Great Person - Mary Leakery (Scientist): +200% Tourism from Artifacts.
  • Differing Religion: Relics earn -50% Tourism-per-turn (Religious) from Civs with a different Religion to you.
  • Differing Governments: Explained below.

The Differing Governments modifier requires another list of its own, thanks to the fact that each Government type (Oligarchy, Fascism, etc.) has a hidden number of its own that factors in to how much of a negative modifier you'll get for a differing Government.

Here's how to work it out, followed by a list of Governments and their hidden numbers, for finding out how much of a negative impact having different Governments will give you:

Different Government Modifier Formula and stats:

  • Differing Government Modifier = (GovA + GovB) x 3
  • Chieftain: 0
  • Autocracy: -2
  • Oligarchy: -2
  • Classical Republic: -2
  • Monarchy: -3
  • Theocracy: -4
  • Merchant Republic: -2
  • Fascism: -5
  • Communism: -6
  • Democracy: -3

So for example, if I were a Democracy and another Civ was Fascist, that would be (-5 + -6) x 3 = -24% Tourism-per-turn. So I'm losing almost a quarter of my Tourism-per-turn from that Fascist Civ because of our Government types!

If your lust for Civilization 6 knowledge is still going strong, expansion owners should take a look at our Civ 6 Rise and Fall guide hub which takes you through the basics of everything new, whilst we have dedicated pages on Governors and Loyalty , along with how to earn Golden Ages, Era Points and Era Score through Historic Moments , and a full list of new Civs in Civ 6 Rise and Fall and other DLC. Otherwise, our Civilization 6 guide, tips and tricks covers the essentials before you master early game, mid-game and late-game strategies . We also have tips on the new Districts feature, a Leaders list with their Traits and Agendas , plus the best ways to get Gold , Science , and Faith , how to win by Religious Victory , and how to earn the elusive Science Victory and Military domination victory . Finally, here's the Culture Victory, Foreign Tourism, and Domestic Tourism explained in depth.

The best way to earn a Culture Victory in Civilization 6

To conclude all of this, then, here's a nice summary of our advice for earning yourself a Culture Victory:

  • Your main objective - Create Tourist Attractions, and manage Tourism Modifiers, to earn lots of Tourism-per-turn, which will earn you the Foreign Tourists that are needed for victory.
  • Build large amounts of Culture and earn as many Civic Tree Inspiration boosts as possible - to build up high Domestic Tourism and thus prevent other Civs from winning a Culture Victory.
  • Manage your progress - In the Culture Victory screen, hover over the brown suitcase by each Civ to see your Tourism-per-turn from them, your Total Tourism from them, and some of the Modifiers affecting it. Use the figure by the brown suitcase at the top of your screen, next to your Gold income, to check how much raw, pre-Modifier Tourism-per-turn you're earning for a more general idea.
  • Manage your pre-Modifier Tourism-per-turn by creating Tourist Attractions - to create a large amount of Tourism-per-turn, which in turn increases your Foreign Tourists.
  • Manage your Tourism-per-turn from each Civ by using Modifiers - think about opening your borders and getting out trade routes as soon as you can, to as many Civs as possible. You can also unlock The Enlightenment Civic to slow down another Civ's Tourism from you if they're focusing on Tourism from Religious Relics.
  • Think about your choice of Government - this could give you a pretty brutal negative modifier to your Tourism-per-turn (if you have Fascism, and another Civ has Communism, that's -33% Tourism-per-turn to both of you). The path of least resistance is Chieftain - Classical Republic - Merchant Republic - Democracy, but that's only if you don't know what other Governments there are. It might be beneficial to switch to another if it's the dominant Government-type in the game.
  • Consider a Religious Rush - a Religious Tourism strategy is one of the fastest ways to earn a Culture Victory, thanks to the massive boost to Tourism-per-turn from the Reliquaries Belief. If you can get lots of Relics early on, spread your Religion well to avoid Differing Religion Modifiers, and unlock that Belief quickly, this is a potentially brilliant way to rush a Culture Victory. To counter it spread a Religion of your own, beat rivals to the Reliquaries Belief, amass Culture quickly for Domestic Tourists, close borders and trade to that Civ, or unlock The Enlightenment Civic as soon as possible!
  • Attack other Civs' source of Culture - this will lower the speed at which they generate Domestic Tourists, and allow you to catch up in the race. Hit Theatre Districts and Archeological Museums with military attacks, buy, steal, or trade for their works of art to prevent theming bonuses, or reduce their Religion's influence if they're using it to acquire Culture!

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How To Boost Tourism And Get A Culture Victory In Civilization 6

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Victory comes in many forms in Civilization 6, and one of the best ways is the non-violent way. This will require you to have a strong cultural influence that envelopes tourists into making it a world culture. If you want to learn how to get tourists and win a culture victory in Civilization 6 you will need to read the rest of this guide.

How To Bring Visitors And Get A Culture Victory In Civilization 6

Each and every player has multiple ways of playing Civilization 6 and while you can be a religious zealot and take over the world, or have a strong army that decimates everything in the path a non-violent way makes sure that there is no life lost.

To get a cultural victory in Civilization 6, you will need to build up tourism so that people come and visit and take your culture back with them, spreading it for you without you needing to do anything.

To have a place pouring with a culture you will require Great Works, things that are made by people who are looked up to and revered. Like Great Writers, Great Artists, Great Musicians, Archaeologists, and Martyrs.

Showing off their creations will ramp up the tourism and coast you towards a cultural victory in Civilization 6. Acquiring Great People that will create works of art for you can be done with the normal method.

But once you put them on the field, they will require a place where they can show off their works, these works of art will provoke tourism and get more footfalls. You will need to build art museums, amphitheaters, and broadcast stations.

Building all of these things will get people interested and come to seek out knowledge and wisdom. A trick that really comes in handy when placing these works of art is to arrange them according to a theme.

This helps create a beautiful personality for each region of your city, if you want archaeologists to find artifacts, you will need to build an archaeological museum in their theater square.

After doing this you can train your archeologists to find artifacts and then arrange according to your theme. You can do the same as an art museum and build a theme for added effect.

Once you research conservation, you will be able to purchase naturalists and these units will build national parks which also contributes towards tourism. Higher leveled walls too bring in tourism after researching conservation.

Radio research will get you to build seaside resorts and these become the highest visited site of the tile.

Finally, if an apostle who happens to be with the martyr promotion dies while in theological combat they will leave behind a relic that can generate tourism too. Make sure that you have the Cristo Redentor wonder to increase tourism in this scenario.

These are some of the best ways to generate tourism and doing so will, sure enough, get you a cultural victory in Civilization 6.

Also, check out how to win wars early on in Civilization 6 only on GamerTweak.

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Prasad is a crazy writer, lazy gamer, usually depends on the time of the day for it to be in that order. Aside from indulging in excessive movie-binge sessions and gaming, he uploads reviews and impressions of the latest in film and gaming. You can Connect me at [email protected]

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  • View history

Icon notification my dominant culture

Tourists and domestic tourists [ | ]

Tourists are visiting people from other civilizations, however your own civilization also has a pool of citizens Domestic Tourists which may prefer to stay local rather than be tourists in other civilizations.

Generating tourism [ | ]

Tourists may be drawn to your civilization in a number of ways:

  • Trade Routes
  • Shared (or conflicting) late game Governments
  • Open Borders
  • Great Works housed in your civilization.

Icon Relic

  • National Parks in your territory (the higher the Appeal , the more tourism)

Icon notification discover artifact

  • All tourism yields are doubled once the Computers Tech has been researched.
  • The Themed Museums also provide a culture bonus.

See also [ | ]

  • Culture victory
  • 1 How To Play Guide for Civ 6
  • 2 Amenities
  • 3 Science victory

Civilization 6: How To Get A Culture Victory


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Out of the many victory conditions in Civilization 6 , the Culture Victory is generally the least understood by new players. It can take some getting used to, since it relies on a mechanic that doesn't appear until the mid-to-late game, but you need to lay a strong foundation before that point in order to be successful.

Civilization 6: Tips For Playing As Ramses

Ramses is a Culture-focused leader in Civilization 6 who is perfect for beginners and experts alike!

If you love building around getting Culture, Great Works, and Tourism, but have trouble turning them into a win, never fear! This guide has everything you need to know about a Culture Victory, plus some great tips for making it happen.

What Is Tourism?

WInning a Culture Victory means generating as much Tourism as possible throughout the game, though the vast majority of it will be produced from the Modern Era forward. Tourism is generated by Wonders, Great Works, and tile improvements such as Ski Resorts .

Holy Cities and Relics also generate Tourism, but the amount is negligible in the long run without a very specific build.

Tourism doesn't do anything on its own; instead, the game tracks how much Tourism you've created over the course of the entire game. Getting a head start with early Relics, Great Works of Writing, and Wonders can help you edge out the competition in the late game.

Foreign And Domestic Tourists

The in-game metric for determining a Culture Victory is the number of Tourists visiting a civilization ; specifically, Foreign Tourists coming from elsewhere. To win, you need to have a higher number of Foreign Tourists than any single opponent's count of Domestic Tourists.

Domestic Tourists are earned simply by generating Culture over the course of the game. Every 100 Culture that a player produces, including Culture earned through Civic Boosts, creates a Domestic Tourist.

Foreign Tourists are calculated from each opponent individually. Each point of Tourism that you generate in a turn gives you progress toward Foreign Tourists with each civilization that you've met . Getting a single Foreign Tourist requires, at base value, 200 Tourism for each player in the game , including yourself.

This means that on larger maps with more players, you'll need more Tourism overall to get Foreign Tourists, but you should get more when you reach the threshold because you'll be getting visitors from more civilizations.

Your progress toward a Foreign Tourist from a specific civilization can be modified by factors like trade routes and open borders. Having lots of Traders and good relations with as many players as possible can dramatically speed up the rate at which you attract Foreign Tourists.

Since Domestic Tourists are generated by Culture and Foreign Tourists are generated by Tourism, it's easiest to think of Culture as your "defense" against another player's Culture Victory , while Tourism is your "attack."

Civilization 6: Ways To Become The Richest Empire

Civilization 6 features quite a few ways to amass gold. Here are some methods to become the richest empire.

Early-Game Strategy For A Culture Victory

If you know right from the start that you're going for a Culture Victory, laying the groundwork early can be a huge advantage. Luckily, many of the things that you need to do during the Ancient, Classical, and Medieval Eras are great ideas for multiple victory types, so you don't need to have a laser-focused strategy just yet.

Start a Religion if you can, ideally with the Choral Music Belief. Reliquaries can be very powerful, but you'll need to make sure you build Mont St. Michel and Cristo Redentor if you decide to go that route.

Start by exploring as much as you can , training at least two Scouts (and two Galleys, if you have a coastal start) to explore as much as possible. Not only does this increase your chances of finding a Natural Wonder for that all-important Astrology boost, but it also means you'll meet other civilizations faster and start generating Tourism against them.

Build an early Wonder to get the boost for Drama And Poetry, then start building Theater Squares with the best adjacency bonuses you can get. Try building your Wonder(s) near the border of two of your cities so that you can place multiple Theater Squares next to them and maximize their bonuses.

Throughout the game, look for opportunities to get Civic Boosts from Inspirations. Building six Farms for Feudalism and clearing a Barbarian Outpost for Military Tradition are fairly easy to accomplish in the early game.

Mid-Game Strategy For A Culture Victory

Once you have Amphitheaters, start expanding your economy with Commercial Hubs and Harbors. You'll want to have lots of trade routes, and you can put the extra Gold income toward hurrying buildings or buying Great Works from other players.

If you find yourself in a war, try to take cities that have Theater Squares and/or Wonders . These will give you more Tourism, and lower the other player's overall Culture output - thus reducing their pool of Domestic Tourists.

Continue to expand your Holy Sites, even if you aren't actively seeking to convert cities. Having a healthy Faith output will let you recruit Rock Bands and Naturalists later, and in the meantime, you can use extra Faith to snatch up Great Writers and Artists.

By the end of the Industrial Era, you'll want to have multiple Museums with the full Theming Bonus; for Art Museums, that means three Great Works of the same type but by different artists , and for Archaeological Museums, that means three Artifacts from the same Era but different civilizations.

Pay attention to tile Appeal when placing Mines, Quarries, and other industrial improvements. Tiles with high Appeal can help you get Tourism in the late game, and if you can identify a site for a National Park early you need to make sure it remains pristine until a Naturalist can get to it.

Civilization 6: Complete Guide To Diplomacy

Learn to manage your diplomatic relations with other empires in Civilization 6.

Late Game Strategy For A Culture Victory

The final Eras of the game should be focused solely on outpacing your opponents with Tourism. Build Seaside Resorts, Ski Resorts , and Wonders on any tile that they'll fit, and adopt Policies that increase Tourism at the expense of every other priority.

When you reach the Modern Era, check to make sure that you have open borders and at least one trade route with every player possible. This is also the time to end any wars that you're fighting , unless a complete victory or major city conquest is within immediate reach.

If the Gathering Storm expansion is enabled, put every single point of Faith that you generate into recruiting Rock Bands. Send them to play shows based on their promotions, prioritizing civilizations with a high Culture yield.

At this point, it's all about creating a snowball effect, generating more and more Tourism until you win the game. The good news is, since you're essentially on a waiting game, you can dedicate more resources to disrupting other players' win conditions than you would normally be able to! Spies are great for this, especially if you can level them up to specialize in Disrupt Rocketry, Great Work Heist , and Recruit Partisans.

Best Wonders For A Culture Victory

Any and all Wonders generate Tourism, but you should prioritize these to help ensure a win.

Next: Civilization 6: How To Get A Science Victory

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What does tourism do for you in Civ 6?


Tourism in Civilization VI is a crucial aspect of achieving a Cultural Victory. It represents the influence of your civilization’s culture on other civilizations, and as your tourism increases, you can attract foreign tourists from other civilizations.

Here are the answers to 22 questions related to tourism in Civ 6:

1. What are the benefits of culture in Civ 6?

Culture in Civilization VI is an important statistic that represents a civilization’s progress in the arts and crafts. It not only fuels border expansion at the city level but also helps in researching developments in the civics tree, which is essential for advancing your civilization.

2. What is the benefit of tourism in Civ 5?

Tourism in Civilization V spreads the fame of your civilization’s culture to other civilizations. By meeting all civilizations as early as possible, you can attract tourists and increase your chances of achieving a Cultural Victory.

3. What is the most important thing in Civ 6?

In Civilization VI, one of the most important things is the map. Understanding and exploring your surroundings is crucial. Look for resources, sources of water, ideal city spots, mountains, rainforest tiles for district bonuses, and explore the seas for new settlements.

4. Does open borders increase tourism Civ 6?

In Civ 6, having open borders with other civilizations can increase tourism. It grants a +25% tourism-per-turn from civilizations you have open borders with, which can significantly contribute to achieving a Cultural Victory.

5. How does tourism work in Civ 6?

Tourism in Civilization VI is the measure of a civilization’s cultural influence on other civilizations. As your civilization’s tourism increases, you can attract foreign tourists from other civilizations, which is essential for achieving a Cultural Victory.

6. How do you win Tourism in civ 6?

To win a Tourism victory in Civ 6, you need to have more foreign tourists than the number of domestic tourists of the civilization that has the most domestic tourists. This means attracting more tourists from other civilizations through your cultural influence and cultural attractions.

7. What increases Tourism in civ 6?

Several things can increase tourism in Civ 6, including:

  • Trade Routes: Having a Trade Route with a civilization grants a +25% tourism-per-turn boost with them.
  • Open Borders: Having open borders with a civilization grants a +25% tourism-per-turn boost with them.
  • Policy – Online Communities: This policy grants a +50% tourism-per-turn boost with civilizations you have a Trade Route with.
  • Great Works: Displaying Great Works created by Great Writers, Great Artists, Great Musicians, Archaeologists, and Martyrs can significantly increase tourism.

8. Who is the richest leader in Civ 6?

Mansa Musa, the leader of Mali, is arguably the richest leader in Civilization VI. His unique abilities and traits make Mali a suitable civilization for generating vast amounts of wealth and gold.

9. What not to do in Civ 6?

Here are some things not to do in Civilization VI:

  • Don’t try to be a jack of all trades.
  • Don’t focus too much on the ocean.
  • Don’t expand too early.
  • Don’t move friendly units near other civilizations.
  • Don’t attempt to conquer city-states.
  • Don’t buy units too early.

10. Who is the best civ for money in Civ 6?

When it comes to generating a significant amount of gold in Civilization VI, Mansa Musa of Mali is considered the best leader. His abilities and unique attributes make them highly suitable for amassing wealth and achieving gold-related objectives.

11. Should you accept embassy Civ 6?

Accepting embassies in Civilization VI is generally a good idea, as it can provide valuable information about other civilizations’ locations and land. It can also establish diplomatic relations and pave the way for future interactions and potential trade routes.

12. Should I give open borders Civ 6?

Granting open borders in Civilization VI can be advantageous, especially if you are pursuing a Cultural Victory. It grants a +25% tourism-per-turn boost from civilizations you have open borders with, allowing your culture to spread more effectively to other civilizations.

13. Are wonders important in Civ 6?

Wonders play a significant role in Civilization VI and can provide various bonuses and benefits. However, not all wonders are created equal, and some may be more valuable than others. It is essential to prioritize wonders that align with your civilization’s goals and strategies.

14. How much tourism do you need to win in Civ 6?

In Civilization VI, to achieve a Cultural Victory, you need to have more foreign tourists than the number of domestic tourists of the civilization that has the most domestic tourists. The exact amount of tourism required may vary depending on game settings and other factors.

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how does tourism work civ 6

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

how does tourism work civ 6

Originally posted by Argentius : Yeah, it's kind of disappointing England's Civ bonus doesn't help much unless you're pursuing Culture. France to a lesser extent but at least they get a bonus to building early Wonders.

how does tourism work civ 6

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Civilization 6: How to Get and Use Archaeologists


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Players that are looking to increase their Tourism in Civilization 6 , may want to enlist the help of Archaeologists. Indeed, these civilian units are capable of bringing Artifacts to a civilization, and these will in turn put fans one step closer to obtaining a Cultural victory in  Civ 6 . However, not every player will know exactly how to get Archaeologists in  Civilization 6 , and this guide is here to help those fans.

The first step to building one of  Civilization 6 's Archaeologists is to construct an Archaeological Museum. This is a multi-part process that begins with researching the Drama and Poetry Civic and unlocking the Theater Square specialty district. When that is done, players will then need to build a Theater Square and construct an Amphitheater within it.

RELATED:  How to Use the Battering Ram in Civilization 6

With these prerequisites met, the stage is now set for an Archaeological Museum, but Civilization 6  fans will need to unlock the ability to construct one first. That is done by researching the Humanism Civic found further up the tree, and once that research is complete players can place the Archaeological Museum inside of their Theater Square. Then all that is left is to get an Archaeologist in  Civ 6 and fill that new Museum with Artifacts.

Very simply, Archaeologists are unlocked by researching the Natural History Civic, and fortunately this research is boosted by the construction of an Archaeological Museum. Then all a player must do is produce an Archaeologist and send it out to find the Artifacts that are located at Antiquity Sites, which appear on Civilization 6  map after discovering the Natural History Civic, and Shipwrecks, which appear on the map after discovering the Cultural Heritage Civic.

For full clarity, the process for recovering Artifacts in  Civ 6 is to send an   Archaeologist to a tile with one of the aforementioned sites and then activate it. Players will then be able to assign the recovered Artifact to their Archaeological Museums, and it is advisable to display Artifacts from the same era in the same Museum. Indeed, this can lead to a significant Theme Bonus that players will not want to miss, as it doubles the Museum's overall Tourism output.

Civilization 6  is available for iOS, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

MORE:  Civilization 6: Best Leader for Beginners

How to Use a Naturalist to Make a National Park

Civ 6: complete guide, how to use the industry tile improvement (new frontier pass).

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How does tourism from wonders work, exactly?

  • Thread starter iammaxhailme
  • Start date Dec 15, 2016



  • Dec 15, 2016

In civ 5, I belive you only got tourism from wonders if you made a hotel and the wonder gave culture. In a recent civ 6 game I was playing a war-heavy game. I never made any great works. The only wonders I made were military and economic ones. None of them gave culture per turn. But eventually I had some tourism. I assume it was from the wonders... do all wonders now just give some tourism eventually?  

No clue sorry. I suppose it's part of the guessing game.  


iammaxhailme said: In civ 5, I belive you only got tourism from wonders if you made a hotel and the wonder gave culture. In a recent civ 6 game I was playing a war-heavy game. I never made any great works. The only wonders I made were military and economic ones. None of them gave culture per turn. But eventually I had some tourism. I assume it was from the wonders... do all wonders now just give some tourism eventually? Click to expand...


Ah yes, I miss the days when this kind of information would be conveyed clearly and obviously to the player... Anyways, it seems to work as follows: a wonder generates a small amount of tourism by default, but it generates more tourism for every age "past" the wonder's age you've reached. So an ancient wonder in the renaissance era is generating a lot more tourism than a renaissance wonder in the same era. The numbers... I'll try to deduce them real quick. You'd think this would be the kind of information the game would give you somewhere obvious, like the Wonder tooltip or in the Civilopedia as well, but alas. Edit: My best guess is that each wonder starts with 2 Tourism to start, and gets +1 Tourism for every age past it. In my example, the Pyramids are generating 6 Tourism per turn, the Colosseum is generating 5, and the Venetian Arsenal is generating 3 per turn, my civ is currently in the Industrial Era.  

  • Dec 16, 2016

how does tourism work civ 6


  • Mar 23, 2018

@Victoria do you know if wonders give additional tourism per era past the era in which they become available or past the era they are built in?  


I'm pretty sure it's 'since built'. Similar to the way Taj Mahal or Dar-e Mehr work, which both gain +1 of their respective bonuses per era since construction. It seems to be a running theme. For wonders it makes sense, since people flock from around the world to see the Colosseum, but are not as enthusiastic of say.. the Sjanghai Tower.  


KyivanRusCivPlease said: @Victoria do you know if wonders give additional tourism per era past the era in which they become available or past the era they are built in? Click to expand...


Magil said: Ah yes, I miss the days when this kind of information would be conveyed clearly and obviously to the player... Click to expand...

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Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Release date: October 2016

Like other entries in the award-winning Civilization series before it, Sid Meier's Civilization VI challenges you to build an empire to stand the test of time. Playing as one of 20 leaders in the base game with different perks and abilities, you guide your chosen civilization from the Stone Age to the Information Age. Research new technologies, conduct diplomacy, and wage war as you pursue one of five possible victory conditions.

If you played previous games in the series, you need to learn some new tricks if you want to achieve a Science or Culture victory in Civilization VI . Winning with Science now involves landing on the Moon and later establishing a Martian Colony, while Culture victories are earned via Tourism. Domination and Score victories are largely unchanged. Religious victories are a new addition to the series, and challenge you to spread your Religion to other civilizations using things like Apostle and Missionary units. When your Religion becomes predominant in every civilization on the map, you win. 

Regardless of which victory condition you pursue, Civilization VI offers new ways to engage with your world: cities now physically expand across the local terrain, active research in Culture as well as in Technology unlocks new potentials for growth, and competing leaders pursue their own agendas based on their historical traits. Interactions with those leaders now evolve with the passage of time, from primitive first interactions where conflict is a fact of life, to the strategic nuances of late-game alliances and negotiations.

Civilization VI eases new players in with tutorial systems that introduce them to the game's underlying concepts, and provides a plethora of ways for veterans to build and tune their civilizations for success. In the months and years following the game's launch, several DLC packs as well as the two full expansions—all detailed below—added something for everyone, including new leaders, new civilizations, and even a new victory condition.


While you wait to hear more about Sid Meier’s Civilization® VII, discover the franchise or rekindle your love for it with huge savings on Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI for PC via Steam!

From now until June 21, 2024 at 10AM PT, get Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI on Steam for 95% off, along with discounts on its expansive collection of add-on content.*

*Discount based on 2K’s SRP. Digital Only. Offer Ends: June 21, 2024 at 10am PT. Terms apply.


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The ultimate entry point to one of the greatest strategy games series of all time, the Civilization VI Anthology includes the base game along with the Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm expansions, six New Frontier Pass DLC packs, six Leader Pass DLC packs, and all additional leader / scenario DLC packs. More details on the included contents below.

Civilization VI

Return to rule with the Civilization VI: Leader Pass and build the greatest empire in history with a huge roster of new and familiar faces. The Leader Pass introduces 12 new leaders to Civilization VI alongside six new takes on classic Civilization leaders. Civilization VI is required to play add-on content, and some features of the Leader Pass require the Gathering Storm expansion, Rise and Fall expansion, New Frontier Pass , Byzantium & Gaul Pack , or Persia & Macedon Scenario Pack to play. The six included DLC packs were originally released between November 2022 and March 2023.

Civilization VI: Leader Pass

Continue your quest to build your greatest empire with the Civilization VI: New Frontier Pass , featuring eight new civilizations and nine new leaders, and a variety of new gameplay content, including six new game modes. Civilization VI is required to play add-on content, and some features of the New Frontier Pass require either the Gathering Storm or Rise and Fall expansion to work. The six included DLC packs were originally released on a bimonthly basis from May 2020 to March 2021.

Civilization VI: New Frontier Pass

Civilization VI: Gathering Storm introduces an active planet where climate and tectonics present unique new challenges. Floods, droughts, and powerful storms force you to adapt to a changing environment, and the choices you make have a lasting impact on the world's temperature, potentially causing ice caps to melt and sea levels to rise.

The second Civ VI expansion also extends the Technology and Civics trees with a future era, adds scenarios based on the Black Death pandemic and the outset of World War I, introduces eight new civilizations and nine new leaders, and so much more.

Civilization VI: Gathering Storm

The first expansion for Civilization VI debuts new Loyalty and Governors systems, and expands on the existing Diplomacy and Government features. Genghis Khan's Mongolia and Robert the Bruce's Scotland enter the fray along with six other new civilizations, bringing with them a variety of new units, districts, tile improvements, buildings, and wonders.

Rise and Fall also presents challenges specific to the Dark Ages and Golden Ages that your civilization inevitably experiences. Can you lead your people into a Golden Age of prosperity? Or will your empire face the challenges of a Dark Age? Should you rise triumphantly from a Dark Age, your next Golden Age will be even stronger: a Heroic Age, which earns you additional Dedication bonuses.

Civilization VI: Rise and Fall

Other Civilization VI Add-ons

The following add-ons for Civilization VI were released independent of those detailed above, and are all included in the Civilization VI Anthology :

  • Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack
  • Khmer and Indonesia Civilization & Scenario Pack
  • Nubia Civilization & Scenario Pack
  • Persia and Macedon Civilization & Scenario Pack
  • Poland Civilization & Scenario Pack
  • Vikings Scenario Pack

Civilization VI: Nubia


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Link your new or existing 2K Account to the platform you use to play Sid Meier's Civilization VI to add Julius Caesar to your Leader roster and unlock the Scout Cat cosmetic skin! For more information read here .

*Requires an internet connection, and a 2K Account linked to the account of the same platform used to play Sid Meier's Civilization VI. 2K Accounts are free. One per account. Void where prohibited. Terms apply.


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  1. Tourism (Civ6)

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  2. Can someone explain how tourism works in Civ 6? : r/civ

    Here's how it works: every civ generates domestic tourists by gaining culture in any way (including stuff like Gorgo kill procs and inspirations!), domestic tourists is proportional to lifetime culture. To win tourism victory you need to generate more tourism than the highest domestic tourists of all the civs, in other words, your tourism ...

  3. How does tourism work? (Civ 6) : r/civ

    After 120 turns you'd have 3,600 tourism. Now know the number you need to generate one tourist. It's 150x (number of civs). So in an 8 person game it's 8 *150 = 1,200 tourism per tourist. So you'd have 3 tourists per civ without any modifiers.... There's the modifiers for things like: Having a trade route with someone (25%) Open borders: 25% ...

  4. Civilization 6 Culture Victory explained

    The Civilization 6 Culture Victory is not a simple one. At least not on the surface. There's been a great deal of confusion how exactly it works right from the get go with Civ 6 - in fact even ...

  5. How to Get Visiting Tourists and Win a Culture Victory in Civilization 6

    In order to get a cultural victory in Civilization 6, players have to build up enough tourism that it forces the cultures of other countries to be replaced. There are many ways to approach this ...

  6. Civilization VI

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  7. Civilization VI In-Depth: Tourism and Culture Victories

    Purchase Civ VI and it's DLC while supporting the channel here! https://saxygamer.chrono.ggEdit: I did miss one of the tourism modifiers. Reyna's tier 3 a...

  8. Culture victory

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  10. Tourism

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    What are the tourism sources in Civilization 6 Gathering Storm? Download infographics: Subscribe:

  13. Civilization Strategy

    For example, in civ 5 if you have a runaway with a great deal of culture, you might want to change to his government type so you rack up tourism against him more quickly. In civ 6, it doesn't matter where you get the tourists from and you get the same amount of tourists from a civ with one city producing 25 culture per turn as you do from a 30 ...

  14. How To Win A Culture Victory In Civilization 6

    To win, you need to have a higher number of Foreign Tourists than any single opponent's count of Domestic Tourists. Domestic Tourists are earned simply by generating Culture over the course of the game. Every 100 Culture that a player produces, including Culture earned through Civic Boosts, creates a Domestic Tourist.

  15. What does tourism do for you in Civ 6?

    4. Does open borders increase tourism Civ 6? In Civ 6, having open borders with other civilizations can increase tourism. It grants a +25% tourism-per-turn from civilizations you have open borders with, which can significantly contribute to achieving a Cultural Victory. 5. How does tourism work in Civ 6? Tourism in Civilization VI is the ...

  16. civilization 6

    4. When shooting for a culture victory, I keep reading that you need to set up international trade routes to help improve tourism. However only some civs seem to show the +25% tourism bonus after I setup a trade route with them. Even when looking at available routes it says that I will have a +25% tourism bonus on some, but then after the route ...

  17. Does tourism do anything? :: Sid Meier's Civilization VI General

    Civ A's capital has a +5 amenity modifier, and Civ B's city has a -2 amenity modifier. When the emmigration check triggers (say once every 10 turns), there is a 70% chance a pop from Civ B's city, due to a difference of 7 amenities between the cities, relocates to Civ A's city. This check will only happen if Civ A's tourism is greater than Civ B's.

  18. Civilization 6: How to Get and Use Archaeologists

    The first step to building one of Civilization 6 's Archaeologists is to construct an Archaeological Museum. This is a multi-part process that begins with researching the Drama and Poetry Civic ...

  19. Need help understanding tourism in civ6 : r/civ

    National Parks will provide tourism per turn equal to the total appeal of the tiles (so four 4 appeal tiles is 16 tourism) and a few amenities. Seaside resorts provide tourism per turn and gold on the tile per turn equal to the appeal of the tile. Hope this helps. So tile for tile they provide the same tourism, but one provides gold, the other ...

  20. How does tourism from wonders work, exactly?

    1,999. Dec 15, 2016. #1. In civ 5, I belive you only got tourism from wonders if you made a hotel and the wonder gave culture. In a recent civ 6 game I was playing a war-heavy game. I never made any great works. The only wonders I made were military and economic ones. None of them gave culture per turn. But eventually I had some tourism.

  21. Sid Meier's Civilization VI

    Continue your quest to build your greatest empire with the Civilization VI: New Frontier Pass, featuring eight new civilizations and nine new leaders, and a variety of new gameplay content, including six new game modes.Civilization VI is required to play add-on content, and some features of the New Frontier Pass require either the Gathering Storm or Rise and Fall expansion to work.

  22. Ok what's the deal with tourism and culture victories? : r/civ

    Each civ generates one tourist for every 100 culture it accumulates. By default, a newly generated tourist gets added to the domestic tourist pile, and other civs can steal from this pile to add to their foreign tourist pile by generating tourism against that civ at a rate of C / (200 * N), where C is the tourism generated against the particular civ and N is the total number of civs at the ...

  23. A Study on the Coupling Coordination of Urban Resilience and the ...

    The high-quality economic growth of tourism is intimately related to a city's overall strength, and urban resilience is an important index to measure the comprehensive strength of a city. Therefore, determining how to enhance the construction of urban resilience, improve the quality of tourism development, and promote the coupling coordination of these two systems has attracted academic ...

  24. Noob question regarding Religious Tourism (CIV VI) : r/civ

    Religious tourism is just a specific subtype of tourism, that is generated by: For the most part, it's a more tricky/inferior type of tourism, because it can be subject to various penalties, and very few bonuses. For example, with a civ with a different religion, or with a civ that has reached the Enlightenment civic, you get a -50% religious ...

  25. So... how is tourism really working in Civilization 6? : r/civ

    A subreddit dedicated to Sid Meier's Civilization, the popular turn-based series. ... It is hard to understand that it is so difficult to find detailed information on this subject. So, domestic tourism is one percent of your culture - or is it? Wonders generate tourism, but how much? Please, where are all the details available?