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road trip meaning long

25 Practical Tips for Long Road Trips

Picture of Jason Barnette

By Jason Barnette | Travel writer and photographer with 15+ years of road tripping experience

  • Last Updated on May 26, 2023
  • Published on July 7, 2021

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road trip meaning long

You’re finally ready to embark on that epic road trip that will take you across the country from sea to shining sea. The gas tank is full, you’ve checked off every item on the packing list, and you’re ready to hit the road. But are you actually ready for a long road trip?

The longer a road trip, the more complicated it can get. I didn’t say would get, but it certainly can get complicated. Have you packed enough clothing for the entire trip, or will you need to do laundry along the way? Are you ready for chilly nights, rain, and unexpected adventures? Unfortunately, these are the kinds of questions many people don’t consider until the road trip is underway – and it’s too late to make many changes.

These 25 practical tips for long road trips will help you get prepared long before you leave home, save money along the way, and help you spend more time enjoying the road trip and less time dealing with those pesky complications.

road trip meaning long

Buy food at grocery stores instead of gas stations

Road trip snacks are almost as necessary as gasoline for the car – they even perform similar functions. But one of the worst things a person can do on a road trip is to buy the snacks spontaneously at random gas stations along the way.

Save money and time with those snacks at grocery stores or bulk purchase stores. Stock up on all the snacks, drinks, and coffee at a fraction of the price of buying it along the way. The more you save, the longer you can drive.

road trip meaning long

Get your car inspected

Before leaving home, get your car inspected. Most national chain auto repair shops offer free inspections because they want your business when they find something wrong with the car.

But it’s an excellent way to get all the fluids topped off, tires rotated and balanced, and the hundreds of moving parts of a car inspected before you leave. Spur of the moment auto repairs during a road trip can be prohibitively expensive – not to mention you might have to shack up at a roadside motel for a few days while the work is done.

road trip meaning long

Keep your car maintained

Did you know properly inflated tires can lead to better gas mileage? Under-inflated tires cause a drop of 0.2% miles per gallon for every 1 PSI of all tires. That may not seem like much, but it can add up on long road trips.

Consider a 5,000-mile road trip in a vehicle that gets 30 miles per gallon. This would require 167 gallons of gas to complete the trip. However, if all four tires are underinflated by an average of 4 PSI, that means the vehicle is only achieving 27.6 miles per gallon. This would require 182 gallons to complete the trip – an increase of 15 gallons.

Beyond tire pressure, be sure to maintain fluids for the radiator, brakes, and engine oil to prevent damage to the engine. Replaced burned out headlights and taillights immediately. Keep up with oil changes and tire rotations for trips longer than 5,000 miles.

20 Essential Travel Apps for Awesome Road Trips

Set a reasonable daily mileage goal

The point of a road trip is to enjoy the journey as much as the destination. Driving 500 miles per day on the interstate highways doesn’t make for a very enjoyable road trip adventure. Driving that far on two-lane roads is incredibly tedious and exhausting.

By the time you stop at a couple roadside attractions, go for a hike in a state park, sit down for lunch, and take a short detour, the number of miles you’ll be able to cover in a single day will be limited at best. But that’s the point of the road trip! Set a limited number of miles to drive each day, giving yourself plenty of time to enjoy everything you’ll discover along the way.

Avoid rush hour traffic and peak dinner times

Sitting in congested traffic and waiting for food are two of the biggest examples of losing time on a long road trip. In fact, those are the biggest time wasters for just about any kind of travel. But there is a simple way to avoid losing time: avoid rush hour and peak dinner times.

Eat breakfast after 9 a.m., get lunch around 2 p.m., and consider dinner either early at 4 p.m. or wait until 7 p.m. During those time frames, you’ll get seated faster, and food served quicker. Also, when driving around town or between destinations, avoid the rush hours of 7-9 a.m. and 4-6 p.m.

As an added bonus, use a navigation app or dedicated GPS device in your car that includes traffic information – this information will help you spot potential traffic jams from congestion, construction, or accidents and usually includes optional detours. Using an app like OpenTable ( iOs | Android ) will allow you to make reservations at many restaurants – cutting down the time spent waiting for a table to open.

Road Trip to the 8 Presidential Sites Throughout Northern Ohio

road trip meaning long

A void Small Town Travel on Sundays and Mondays

Roll into almost any small town with a population of less than 20,000 on a Sunday or Monday, and you’re likely to find every restaurant, museum, and attraction closed. It’s not from the owners’ lack of business sense but rather because the owners often work in their businesses, and they want a couple of days off each week.

Sundays and Mondays tend to be the most common days these local businesses are closed. However, it may also include mid-weekdays like Tuesday and Wednesday. Instead of visiting the small towns, consider spending the night in state or national parks, driving scenic routes, or just taking a couple of days to relax.

Pack everything – including the kitchen sink

I own six rain jackets, four sets of trekking poles, and two pairs of Crocs Swiftwater shoes . It’s not because I want a particular color combination for each day of the week, but instead because I kept leaving the items behind, thinking I wouldn’t need them.

Pack everything you can possibly fit into your vehicle for a long road trip. Go beyond your tentative itinerary and think about things you enjoy doing that you might want to do along the way. Take those golf clubs or stunt kites, pack the fleece hoodie, and bring more than two pairs of shoes. Although it’s impossible to prepare for every eventuality, every little bit helps save money in the budget.

road trip meaning long

Fill the gas tank on Monday

GasBuddy ( iOS | Android ) conducted a survey a few years ago to determine the best and worst times for gas prices. Interestingly, Mondays were the cheapest day of the week to get gas on average, with the best time coming around 10 a.m.

Also, interesting – though not surprising – was that the worst day to get gas was Friday or the day before a major holiday. During those days, gas prices tended to spike first thing in the morning.

18 Essential Items That Belong on Every Road Trip Packing List

Don’t rely on cellular service

One universal constant of any long road trip is the eventuality of running into a cellular dead zone. Rural areas in the Midwest, rugged terrain in the Rockies, and sporadically throughout the Southeastern United States are areas in between cellular towers that will leave your cellphone or tablet as useful as screen doors for submarines.

Be prepared to eventually lose cellular service during your long road trip. Download Google Maps ( iOS | Android ) for offline use, make sure all your apps are up to date, and download movies for entertainment. Doing as much of this as possible while connected to WIFI will prevent you from breaching a monthly data limit.

Plan to do laundry on the road

Depending on the length of the road trip, the activities you plan to enjoy along the way, and your fashion style, it just might not be possible to pack a new outfit for every single day. So rather than pack five suitcases stuffed with every stitch of clothing you own, consider doing laundry somewhere along the way.

As a rule of thumb, pack at least five of each type of clothing. Shorts, pants, tees, polos or blouses, underwear, and socks. On top of that, pack something for chilly nights and rain. This will give you about a week of clothing – but you’ll need to get used to wearing those shorts and that shirt more than once in between washing.

Buy a laundry bag and take it with you on the road trip. However, do not buy laundry detergent ahead of time. The heat and humidity will ruin most detergents and leave your car with an overwhelming smell. When you finally decide to do laundry, be sure to take enough quarters to complete your load, never leave your laundry unattended, and always use a laundromat during daylight hours.

Get organized

Organizing all your clothing, gear, food, and accessories is a crucial and often overlooked aspect of any long road trip. But, after two, three, or four weeks of restacking bags, hunting for that small item, and shifting cargo around every curve of the road, you’ll be on the edge of losing it.

Buy stuff sacks or use gallon-sized Ziplock bags to organize smaller items. Buy midsized duffel bags or plastic totes for organizing smaller bags. Stackable totes that can lock together are best for keeping the totes from sliding around in the vehicle. Label everything and always leave the most frequently used items on top.

road trip meaning long

Get plenty of sleep

The first few days of a long road trip, you’ll likely feel energized by the excitement and tempted to stay up 18 hours a day. I can typically keep that level of stamina going for about the first three weeks of constant travel – but eventually, everyone slows down.

Getting plenty of sleep is important to maintaining your mental and physical health, not to mention keeping morale high. Spending too much time traveling and not enough sleeping will eventually lead to exhaustion, depression, and moodiness.

On a long road trip, plan to take one or two days a week off from travel. Find a nice roadside motel, splurge on a super nice hotel with a free hot breakfast, or settle into a campground for two nights. Avoid the temptation to go out and explore the area – just focus on rest and relaxation.

Road Trip Along the Scenic Route from Gatlinburg to Asheville

road trip meaning long

Keep the car clean (inside and out)

The day before any road trip begins, I always find one of those really nice car washes with the conveyor belt that pulls the vehicle through a wash cycle. Then, after getting the exterior cleaned – included RainX and a tire shine – I visit the vacuum cleaners. There is no greater feeling than starting a long road trip with a squeaky-clean vehicle.

On long road trips, it will probably be necessary to do a little cleaning along the way. Car washes are easy enough. Instead of relying on their vacuum cleaners – or paying for them – consider buying the THISWORX Car Vacuum Cleaner . It uses 12v power with a removable collection bin and comes with a nice travel bag.

For an added touch, the Little Trees Vent Wrap Car Air Freshner’s “new car smell” will make your vehicle smell brand new after getting it clean.

Join a roadside rescue plan

Most auto insurance companies and cellular providers offer some sort of roadside assistance rescue plan. If you don’t have the option for either of those, consider buying a AAA membership to access their roadside rescue plan.

At the very least, roadside rescue plans will unlock a vehicle, tow your vehicle to safety, and provide gas in case you run out. Better plans will include longer towing distances and more gas. It’s the one thing you never think about until you need it – so this time, plan ahead.

Road Trip on the Scenic North Carolina Waterfall Byway

Keep up with monthly bills

Only about 40% of Americans use auto pay for monthly bills like utilities and credit card payments – I’m not one of them. One of the biggest mistakes with long road trips that last more than a month is forgetting to take care of those bills before you hit the road or somewhere during the trip.

It’s easy to pay those bills with the home computer with your login information saved, but could you pay those bills on the road with a cellphone or tablet? Be sure to take your login information with you and keep it in a safe location like a locked glovebox or portable security case. Add the due date for any bills to your travel itinerary – and remember that cellular service is not a guarantee everywhere.

Life Pro Trip: Many credit card companies and certain utilities allow you to choose a due date for your monthly bill. Aligning all these bills for the same due date makes it easier to keep up with – especially while you’re traveling.  

Leave room for souvenirs

I know I said “pack everything – including the kitchen sink” earlier, but don’t go overboard and fill the entire vehicle before you hit the road. More than likely, you will want to buy some souvenirs along the way.

Smaller souvenirs like clothing, décor, and Christmas ornaments – my favorite type of souvenir to buy – are easy enough to pack into a bag or tote in the vehicle. But if you buy more oversized items like artwork, glassware, or large gift items, ask the retailer if they can ship them to your home or a relative’s home for safekeeping. Often, the shipping is included, especially in areas of high tourism where they expect the buyers to be non-locals.

Insider Tip: An easy way to keep up with souvenirs on a long road trip is to mail them to a friend or relative. The Flat Rate boxes at the United States Postal Service come in several sizes and are indeed a single flat rate – ranging from about $5-$15 per box – no matter where you ship it in the continental U.S.

Bring your favorite ___________

Do you have a favorite coffee mug? Slippers? Or what about a television series you love to watch? Just because you’re going on a road trip doesn’t mean you can’t bring some of those with you.

Bringing your favorite items with you on a long road trip can help you feel more at home and relaxed. Instead of missing that perfect coffee mug or comfortable slippers, you’ll feel much better having them with you.

Have an itinerary but leave room for spontaneity

It’s always good to have a travel itinerary. It’s essential to know the business hours of museums, restaurants, and attractions, so you don’t arrive too late or on a day when they are typically closed. Building an itinerary can help you avoid those frustrations.

However, leave room for spontaneous detours that will inevitably come along during a long road trip. Be prepared for entire destinations to change as your route progresses. Take advice from locals and be willing to give something new a try!

Road Trip on the Blue Ridge Parkway

Fill all prescriptions and bring extra

For three years, I worked as a certified pharmacy technician at CVS/Pharmacy in Emerald Isle, North Carolina. During the hectic – sometimes chaotic – summer months, we would sometimes fill thousands of prescriptions in a single day. The most common type of prescription was for someone who had left the medication at home.

If you have any kind of regular medication, be sure to pack that for your trip. But for long road trips that last more than 30 days, you might run out while on the road. Make sure your prescription has refills on file with your pharmacy or take a new prescription with you – as long as it is not a controlled substance. If your insurance allows, consider getting two or three months’ worth filled at one time for your long road trip.

Watch out for 140-degree heat in the car

On sunny days during the summer months, vehicles’ internal temperatures can rise 30-40 degrees higher than the outside temperature. When I was a kid, I remember going for a walk to the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse during a family vacation. When we returned, my mom opened the back of the car to make snacks – only to discover the Cheese Whiz had exploded all over the car!

The high internal temperatures of vehicles can ruin more than just pressurized cans of food. Contact lenses, prescriptions, electronics, and coolers are all susceptible to damage from temperatures over 100 degrees.

You can reduce those internal temperatures by using a windshield sunshade. Close the sunshade on the moonroof. You may even consider buying curtains for the side windows – it’s not as silly as you might think.

Set a daily and final budget

My first road trip adventure of 2021 was a spontaneous, itinerary-free adventure along the Gulf Coast from Gulf Shores, Alabama, across Florida to Vero Beach. After a week exploring that area of Florida, I was considering heading south to Key West for what would have been my first visit. But when I looked at my bank account, my heart hit the floor when I realized my travel budget was at an end.

I’ve never been good at creating or keeping to a travel budget, and that resulted in a road trip cut short. So the better method is to create a daily budget and stick to it. But also give yourself leeway for those rare opportunities to do something awesome and set a final budget for the entire trip.

The advantage of a long road trip is that if you’re on the road long enough, you might just get an extra paycheck while you’re traveling. So how many vacation days do you have saved up for your long road trip?

road trip meaning long

Only travel by day

Some people only travel at night to avoid any traffic congestion at all – and that’s a good idea. But driving on unfamiliar roads at night poses some safety issues – not to mention what would happen if your vehicle broke down at 3 a.m.

The safest and surest way is to only travel by day. It will be much easier to keep aware of the unfamiliar road ahead, and you’re certain to get roadside assistance faster during normal business hours.

The Ultimate Road Trip on the Skyline Drive Through Shenandoah National Park

Choose the best road trip route

My #1 Rule for Road Trips is no interstate highways. There is just no reason to take a road trip route onto the interstate – you’ll miss everything along the way.

But what is the best road trip route? National scenic byways are a good start – there are dozens across the country. But sometimes, the most scenic or exciting road trip route is just a simple country road connecting interesting destinations. The best way to find those is to ask the locals – they always know the best route.

Document the trip

After returning home from an epic long road trip, it might be difficult to remember precisely where you found that amazing cheeseburger or savory salted caramel ice cream cone or watched that stunning sunset. It can be downright frustrating when you realize you don’t have a single photo to share or any clue where to find the name of that restaurant.

But what exactly does it mean to document the trip? I am not advocating for ten thousand photos plus an additional five thousand selfies from your long road trip. Don’t become one of those people who jump out of the car on the Blue Ridge Parkway just long enough for a selfie and then leave just as quickly.

It starts with the photos. Capture an exterior photo of every restaurant, museum, and attraction you visit – and be sure to include the name of the business. Capture an interior photo and then one or two photos of every meal or activity.

Take a journal. Jot down notes of the places you visit. Feelings. Smells. Sights. Take note of the business name, details of the food you eat, and reaction to museums. Draw pictures and maps, create word maps, put any word to paper that comes to mind. It will all be wonderful to see all the photos and notes again when your long road trip is finished.

Keep in touch with regular updates

One of the most important safety measures you can take during a long road trip is to let someone know where you are and where you are going by the end of the day. Particularly in places where cellular reception could be spotty, it’s good to tell someone that by nightfall, you should be at a particular destination and able to call them again.

That way, if your vehicle breaks down while in a cellular dead zone with little traffic, at least someone knows the route you were driving to send rescue your direction.

Picture of Jason Barnette

5 Responses

Great tips. Do you have a good app that we can use to track how our car is doing. So like we put in the mileage and it does the calculations for us of how many miles to gallon and stuff like that?

The best app I know about is called Mile IQ. It’s meant for contractors who have to keep up with their mileage for bookkeeping, but it works for road trippers as well. Give that a look and let me know if it works~!

Wrote down some of the tips that I want to remember before the trip. Changed the idea of minimizing clothing to being sure to cover (see what I did there) all bases. Like having a warm hoodie even though I am planning a trip, late June, to the South. Having something & not needing it is so much more logical that getting something I already have but not bringing it. Thank you for your tips.

Thank you very much for taking the time to put these tips together! Very helpful!

Great tips, thank you! My son is traveling the month of May on a solo road trip for the first time so wanted to pass these tips on to him!

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How Long Is Considered A Road Trip

Published: November 26, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Daphene Moxley

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Embarking on a road trip is an exciting and adventurous way to explore new destinations and create lasting memories. Whether you’re planning a weekend getaway or a cross-country expedition, road trips offer the freedom to set your own pace, discover hidden gems, and experience the beauty of the open road. But how long is considered a road trip? The answer depends on various factors such as your destination, available time, and personal preferences.

For some, a road trip may be a short journey spanning a few hours, while for others it could be a multi-day or even weeks-long adventure. The length of your road trip ultimately comes down to the time you have available and the distance you want to cover. In this article, we’ll explore the factors that determine the length of a road trip, popular road trip destinations and their average duration, tips for planning a long road trip, how to stay entertained during the journey, and safety measures to consider along the way.

So, whether you’re a seasoned road trip enthusiast or planning your first road trip experience, buckle up and let’s dive into the world of road trips!

Factors that Determine the Length of a Road Trip

Several factors come into play when determining the length of a road trip. Understanding these factors will help you plan your journey more effectively and make the most out of your time on the road. Here are some key considerations:

  • Destination: The distance to your destination is a crucial factor in determining the length of your road trip. If you’re traveling to a nearby city or town, your road trip may be relatively short, lasting only a few hours. However, if you’re venturing across the country or exploring multiple states, your road trip could span several days or even weeks.
  • Time constraints: The amount of time you have available for your road trip will significantly impact its duration. If you only have a weekend, you’ll need to choose a destination within a reasonable driving distance. However, if you have more time at your disposal, you can plan a more extensive and leisurely road trip.
  • Route and stops: Consider the route you plan to take and the number of stops you want to make along the way. If you prefer a direct route with minimal detours, your road trip will likely be shorter. On the other hand, if you enjoy exploring scenic routes and stopping at various attractions, your journey might take longer.
  • Driving abilities: Your comfort level with driving long distances also plays a role in determining the length of your road trip. If you’re a seasoned road tripper and don’t mind spending several hours behind the wheel each day, you can cover more ground in a shorter period. However, if you prefer taking frequent breaks or sharing driving responsibilities with others, your trip may take longer.
  • Weather conditions: Consider the weather conditions along your intended route. Inclement weather, such as heavy rain or snowstorms, can lead to slower driving speeds and potentially cause delays. It’s essential to factor in these conditions when estimating the duration of your road trip.

By considering these factors, you can determine the ideal length for your road trip and plan accordingly. Remember, road trips are meant to be a fun and immersive experience, so allow yourself enough time to enjoy the journey and make unplanned stops along the way.

Popular Road Trip Destinations and Their Average Duration

When it comes to road trips, the world is your playground. From stunning coastlines to majestic mountain ranges and vibrant cities, there are endless options for exciting road trip destinations. Here are a few popular destinations and their average durations:

  • California Coast (Highway 1): Driving along the iconic Pacific Coast Highway in California offers breathtaking views of the coastline, charming beach towns, and incredible natural landmarks like Big Sur. Depending on your starting point and the number of stops you make, the average duration for a California Coast road trip can range from 3 to 7 days.
  • Route 66, USA: Stretching across eight states from Illinois to California, Route 66 is a legendary road trip route that embodies the spirit of American adventure. Traveling the entire route can take approximately 2 to 3 weeks, allowing you to experience classic diners, quirky roadside attractions, and historic landmarks.
  • The Great Ocean Road, Australia: This scenic road trip in Victoria, Australia, offers stunning views of the coastline, lush rainforests, and iconic landmarks like the Twelve Apostles. The average duration for a Great Ocean Road trip is around 2 to 3 days, but you can extend it to explore more of the region’s beauty.
  • Ring Road, Iceland: Iceland’s Ring Road takes you on a mesmerizing journey around the entire island, showcasing its dramatic landscapes of waterfalls, volcanoes, glaciers, and hot springs. Depending on the number of stops and side trips you make, a complete Ring Road trip can last anywhere from 7 to 10 days.
  • South Island, New Zealand: New Zealand’s South Island is a paradise for road trips, offering diverse landscapes, including fjords, mountains, lakes, and vineyards. A popular itinerary covers the key highlights in approximately 10 to 14 days, allowing you to explore famous locations like Milford Sound, Queenstown, and Mount Cook.

These are just a few examples of popular road trip destinations, each offering a unique experience along with its own recommended duration. However, keep in mind that the duration mentioned here is merely an average, and you can always tailor your road trip to fit your preferences and available time. Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, or cultural immersion, there’s a road trip destination out there waiting for you.

Tips for Planning a Long Road Trip

A long road trip requires careful planning to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey. Here are some essential tips to consider when planning your adventure:

  • Plan your route: Decide on the route you want to take and research the attractions, scenic spots, and rest areas along the way. Use online maps or GPS devices to map out your journey and estimate driving times.
  • Set a flexible itinerary: While it’s important to have a rough itinerary, allow for flexibility in case you come across unexpected detours or hidden gems you want to explore further.
  • Check your vehicle: Ensure your vehicle is in good condition before hitting the road. Check tire pressure, oil levels, brakes, and any other essential maintenance tasks. It’s also a good idea to have an emergency kit with basic tools, a spare tire, and a first aid kit.
  • Pack smart: Pack light and only bring essential items. Make sure to include snacks, water, and entertainment options to keep everyone comfortable during the journey. Don’t forget important documents like driver’s license, insurance, and registration.
  • Book accommodations in advance: If you’re planning to stay overnight at hotels or campsites, make advance reservations, especially during peak travel seasons. This ensures you have a place to rest when you reach your destination.
  • Budget for expenses: Calculate your expected expenses, including fuel, accommodations, meals, and attractions. Having a budget in place will help you stay on track and avoid overspending during your road trip.
  • Stay connected: Consider investing in a portable Wi-Fi hotspot or ensure you have a reliable data plan on your mobile device. This will allow you to stay connected, access navigation apps, and research information about your destination on the go.
  • Take breaks: Long hours on the road can be tiring, so schedule regular breaks to stretch your legs, grab a bite to eat, and rest. Take advantage of scenic stops and attractions along the way to break up the journey.
  • Enjoy the journey: Remember that a road trip is not just about reaching the destination—it’s about the journey itself. Embrace the freedom, enjoy the scenic views, and make spontaneous stops. Take time to connect with the places and people you encounter along the way.

By following these tips, you’ll be well-prepared to embark on a long road trip adventure. Remember to prioritize safety, have fun, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

How to Stay Entertained During a Road Trip

Long hours on the road can sometimes become monotonous, but there are plenty of ways to stay entertained and make the most of your road trip experience. Here are some suggestions:

  • Create a road trip playlist: Compile a list of your favorite songs and create a road trip playlist to keep you entertained. Sing along, dance in your seat, and enjoy the music.
  • Listen to audiobooks or podcasts: Engage your mind with audiobooks or podcasts to make the time pass quickly. Choose genres that interest you, whether it’s fiction, self-help, true crime, or educational podcasts.
  • Play road trip games: Classic road trip games like “I Spy,” the “License Plate Game,” or “20 Questions” can be a fun way to engage with your travel companions and pass the time.
  • Tell stories: Share stories or take turns telling interesting anecdotes. Use your imagination to create captivating narratives to entertain everyone in the car.
  • Capture memories: Document your road trip by taking photos or shooting videos along the way. You can also keep a journal to jot down your thoughts, experiences, and memorable moments.
  • Download movies or TV shows: If you have a tablet or laptop, download movies or TV shows to watch during the journey. This can be a great way to relax and entertain yourself during long stretches of driving.
  • Play car games: Apart from traditional road trip games, there are plenty of car-friendly games you can play, such as the “Alphabet Game,” where you look for words on road signs or license plates starting with each letter of the alphabet.
  • Enjoy the scenery: Appreciate the landscapes that unfold before you. Take in the beauty of nature, snap photos of scenic viewpoints, and enjoy the serenity of the open road.
  • Bring travel-friendly hobbies: Pack travel-friendly hobbies such as drawing supplies, knitting, or a portable musical instrument to indulge in during rest stops or leisurely moments.
  • Engage in conversation: Take this opportunity to connect with your travel companions. Engage in deep conversations, share interesting facts or opinions, and learn more about each other.

Remember, the key to staying entertained during a road trip is to find a balance between activities that engage your mind, enhance the journey, and allow for meaningful connections with your fellow travelers.

Safety Measures to Consider During a Road Trip

While road trips offer excitement and adventure, it’s crucial to prioritize safety during your journey. Keep these safety measures in mind to ensure a safe and smooth road trip:

  • Maintain your vehicle: Before setting off, ensure your vehicle is in good condition. Check the tires, brakes, lights, and fluid levels. It’s also wise to have a spare tire, a jack, and the necessary tools in case of a breakdown.
  • Wear your seatbelt: Always wear your seatbelt, and make sure all passengers do as well. Seatbelts save lives and help to prevent serious injuries in the event of an accident.
  • Follow traffic laws: Obey all traffic laws and regulations, including speed limits, traffic signals, and road signs. Be mindful of other drivers and practice defensive driving techniques.
  • Stay alert and avoid distractions: Pay attention to the road at all times. Avoid distractions like using your phone, eating, or engaging in activities that take your eyes off the road.
  • Take regular breaks: Driver fatigue can impair your judgment and reaction time. Take regular breaks to rest, stretch, and freshen up. Consider rotating drivers if you have companions.
  • Stay updated on weather conditions: Check the weather forecast before and during your road trip. Be prepared for inclement weather and adjust your driving accordingly. Avoid driving in hazardous conditions if possible.
  • Keep emergency supplies: Pack an emergency kit that includes a first aid kit, flashlight, blankets, bottled water, non-perishable snacks, and a roadside assistance contact number.
  • Stay connected: Have a charged mobile phone and make sure you have a car charger available. This will allow you to call for help in case of an emergency.
  • Be cautious of unfamiliar areas: If you’re traveling through unfamiliar areas, research the route beforehand and be aware of any potential risks. Stick to well-lit, populated areas if you need to stop.
  • Share your itinerary: Inform a trusted friend or family member about your road trip plans, including your route and estimated arrival times. Check-in with them periodically to ensure your safety.

By following these safety measures, you can minimize the risk of accidents and ensure a safe and enjoyable road trip for yourself and your travel companions.

Road trips offer a unique and exciting way to explore the world around us. Whether you’re embarking on a short weekend getaway or a cross-country adventure, the length of a road trip depends on various factors such as the destination, available time, and personal preferences. By considering these factors, you can tailor your journey to fit your desired duration and make the most out of the experience.

Planning is crucial for a successful road trip. Consider factors like the route, accommodations, and budget to ensure a smooth journey. Don’t forget to prioritize safety by checking your vehicle, wearing seatbelts, and following traffic laws. Staying entertained during long drives is essential, so create a road trip playlist, listen to audiobooks, play car games, and enjoy the scenic views. Remember to take breaks, capture memories, and embrace the freedom and flexibility that road trips offer.

Lastly, don’t forget to stay safe during your road trip adventure. Maintain your vehicle, wear seatbelts, and avoid distractions. Stay updated on weather conditions and have emergency supplies readily available. Share your itinerary with someone close to you and stay connected in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

Whether you’re exploring the winding coastal roads of California, the historic Route 66, or the breathtaking landscapes of Iceland, a road trip is an opportunity for adventure, discovery, and connection. So, buckle up, embrace the journey, and create unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime on your next road trip.


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Is Going on a Road Trip Right For You?

road trip meaning long

The idea of hopping in a car and setting off into the horizon on a Kerouacian adventure is a timeless notion for the ultimate vacation: exploring the rugged scenery, visiting pristine landscapes, and sleeping in a new place every night. The reality of a road trip is that it actually requires a significant amount of planning , especially for long trips that span several days and cover hundreds—if not thousands—of miles.

Traveling by car has a lot of unique benefits, but you also have to consider the drawbacks before deciding if a road trip is the right vacation for you. Cost and time are two of the most important factors but are by no means the only ones. Weight out these considerations before you set off.

Reasons to Go on a Road Trip

You are in charge.

You control your departure time, arrival time, itinerary, and stops along the way . You don't have to pay attention to train schedules or airline routes as you plan your trip. If you see something interesting on the side of the road, you can stop and take a look. This freedom and flexibility of traveling by car is perhaps the biggest perk of a road trip, and its value can't be overstated.

You Can Change Your Mind

If you don't like a particular place, you can just drive away. There's no waiting for the next flight or hassling over train schedules. Last-minute decisions are easy to make and they don't have to throw off your entire trip. In the same vein, it's just as easy to stay somewhere you're really enjoying. Maybe what was supposed to be a quick pitstop ends up being a place with a lot of potential that you want to explore more. No problem, just stay.

You Can See the Real World

Taking a road trip allows you to get off the beaten path and see actual communities and natural wonders, not just a train track or a view from 36,000 feet. Meandering through the countryside is a great way to relax and find out what it's really like to live in a particular area. Farmers' markets, local festivals, and state parks are yours to explore.

You Can Pack Anything That Fits Into Your Trunk

You can use the back seat, too. You don't have to pay extra to bring the items you need, either. If you plan to bring camping gear or sports equipment, packing it in a car is easier than transporting it by bus or train. Just make sure you have a safe way to lock up valuable items. A car that appears to be overflowing with goods can be an easy target for theft.

You Can Save Money

Even when you factor in wear and tear on your car, going on a road trip can be a frugal way to travel, especially if you're traveling with a group. Taking four people somewhere by car is usually less expensive than buying four round-trip airplane, bus, or train tickets. You can split the costs for gas and hotel rooms, or if you're camping it could be even cheaper. Since you have the freedom to stop and eat wherever you like, you can choose affordable restaurants or pick-up items in a local grocery store to eat in the car.

Reasons to Think Twice About a Road Trip

Driving takes time.

Driving is one of the slowest ways to travel between two points, especially between large cities with good rail and airline service. If you are planning a city-to-city trip, you can save a lot of time by taking the train or flying to your destination.

You Have to Do All the Work

From route planning and prepping your car to navigation and spending hours behind the wheel, it's all up to you. Trip planning is always a big task, but road trip planning requires even more forethought and organization. Sometimes it is easier to let someone else do the planning—and the driving. It's exhausting to be behind the wheel for hours at a time, especially if you'll be on the road for days. Having multiple drivers in the car helps to alleviate that, so share the responsibilities if you can.

You Have to Park the Car

In some cities, finding parking can be very difficult. High city parking rates are not fun to deal with, either, and can quickly eat up any cost savings you've gained by taking the car. If you're planning to be in smaller towns or natural areas, you shouldn't have as much of a problem. But if any one of your pitstops is a big city, plan ahead and research the cheapest and safest parking options for your car.

Traveling by Car Can Be Expensive

For solo travelers, in particular, taking a road trip might not save you money, especially when you factor in gas , tolls , parking, meals, and lodging along the way. In fact, depending on the length of the trip and where you stay, it can end up being much more costly than having taken another form of transportation. Even if you make a strict budget, unexpected costs such as a hapless breakdown can really throw a wrench at you.

Wear and Tear on Your Car Costs Money

You don't have to only worry about breakdowns, but also general wear and tear on your car. Long trips can really do damage to a vehicle, especially if it's an older model. If your car isn't up to the journey, you might be better off renting a vehicle instead.

You Have to Get Back

Planning your big road trip sounds fantastic and fun, but don't forget you have to get back to where you started. Unless you're in a situation where you can leave your car at the destination, you'll have to drive back to the starting point as well. Make sure you're mentally prepared not only for the initial journey but also for repeating it almost immediately after. However, you can make this easier by taking a different route home to shake things up.

Making Your Road Trip Decision

It is always a good idea to break out your trusty calculator and add up your travel costs before deciding how to get to your destination. Traveling by car is not necessarily the cheapest or easiest way to go. You may decide that time is more important than money. In this case, flying might be your best option. Taking the train might be a better choice for city-to-city travel, especially if you will not need a car at your destination.

In the end, the most important consideration is the type of trip that you're looking for. Faster transports are for those who want the destination city to be the vacation. But if you care more about the journey, then driving is the best way to truly experience not just point A and point B, but the infinite number of places between them. Even if it takes more time or ends up costing more, perhaps it's worth it.

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What is a road trip?

You regularly hear about it in travellers’ stories, in movies, and even in the songs you like. But do you know exactly what a road trip is? What defines it, what are the essential elements, and how to prepare it? Don’t wait any longer, come and find all the answers to your questions in our article dedicated to road trip. So, are you ready for the adventure?

Road trip definition

The expression contains two important words: “road”, and “trip”. We could therefore say that it simply means a journey that takes place mainly on the road. This is true, but it is also much more than that.

The duration

When we talk about road trips, there’s a notion of a fairly long duration. Indeed, leaving Paris to go to the sea for 2 days is not a road trip. There is no precise time, but let’s say that you still have to drive a long distance and see the landscape. Moreover, the road trip is often associated with the crossing of the United States by the mythical Route 66. This is an excellent example that shows the changes of settings, the long hours of driving in the monotonous plains, and all the adventures that this can bring.

In fact, road trips existe since the construction of the first roads. In those days, they were called pilgrimages, but they were a form of travel on the road. Nowadays, most people prefer to talk about “road trip” when a crossing is made with a motor vehicle. Long distances travelled by bicycle, on the other hand, are more properly classified as bicycle tourism. But since there is no precise definition, everyone is free to have his or her own opinion.

On the other hand, people agree on the style of the trip. Indeed, road trippers like to travel in an alternative way, away from organised tours and all-inclusive hotels. They don’t always know where they will sleep, what they will see, or even when they will stop. But one thing is for sure: they all love the feeling of freedom provided by the noise of the engine on the asphalt, and the unexpected events that will punctuate the journey. Because the goal of the road trip is not the destination, but the journey itself.

The essential elements of a road trip

For a good road trip, you need a road. It’s up to you to see if you like it winding, snowy, straight, foreign, far away… Anything is possible. The world is strewn with roads of all kinds, so do your research and go for it!

The vehicle

You will also need a vehicle. Here again, there are many possibilities. The purists will of course take a van fitted out like the mythical Volkswagen Combi. But there’s no shame in driving a simpler vehicle, such as your own car, or a rental car. If you can afford it, the motor-home is also a very practical solution, very popular with older people for the comfort it provides. Finally, thrill-seekers can of course opt for a motorcycle. It’s not the easiest vehicle, as there’s little storage space and the weather has a big influence on driving, but the motorcycle is definitely the most exhilarating.

The itinerary

Now that you have the main road and the vehicle, you need to prepare your trip to a minimum by establishing stopping points and places to sleep. With a converted van or a motor-home, the answer is more obvious, but you will still need to find authorised parking spaces or campsites. With a car or a motorcycle, you will need to anticipate your nights according to the weather conditions. If the weather is nice and warm, a hammock or a tent is enough to sleep under the stars. On the other hand, when it starts to get cold and wet, it is better to have a reliable place to stay, such as a motel or youth hostel.

All you need to do now is grab a bag with a few things in it, and that’s it! A road trip is above all a simple trip, during which you hit the road just for the pleasure of getting away. So don’t think too much, and let the road trip take you away.

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road trip noun

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What does the noun road trip mean?

There are two meanings listed in OED's entry for the noun road trip . See ‘Meaning & use’ for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence.

road trip has developed meanings and uses in subjects including

How common is the noun road trip ?

How is the noun road trip pronounced, british english, u.s. english, where does the noun road trip come from.

Earliest known use

The earliest known use of the noun road trip is in the 1860s.

OED's earliest evidence for road trip is from 1865, in the Leeds Mercury .

road trip is formed within English, by compounding.

Etymons: road n. , trip n. 1

Nearby entries

  • roadstone, n. 1630–
  • road stud, n. 1890–
  • road sulky, n. 1845–
  • road sweeper, n. 1832–
  • road test, n. 1890–
  • road-test, v. 1909–
  • road tester, n. 1882–
  • road toll, n. 1762–
  • road tour, n. 1896–
  • road train, n. 1848–
  • road trip, n. 1865–
  • road-trip, v. 1980–
  • road tripper, n. 1930–
  • road tunnel, n. 1837–
  • road-upper, n. 1928–
  • road warrior, n. 1918–
  • road washing, n. 1845–
  • roadway, n. 1600–
  • road-weary, adj. Old English–
  • road weed, n. 1848–
  • road-woodcock, n. 1826

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Meaning & use

Pronunciation, compounds & derived words, entry history for road trip, n..

road trip, n. was first published in June 2010.

road trip, n. was last modified in July 2023. is a living text, updated every three months. Modifications may include:

  • further revisions to definitions, pronunciation, etymology, headwords, variant spellings, quotations, and dates;
  • new senses, phrases, and quotations.

Revisions and additions of this kind were last incorporated into road trip, n. in July 2023.

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41 road trip essentials: what you need on your next road trip.

Add these items to your road trip packing list to help you travel more comfortably.

Road Trip Essentials

Road trip

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A road trip is a great way to see the country. Consider stocking up on these accessories before you go.

If you're planning a road trip, you're going to have a lot of work to do before you pack the car and head out of town. You'll need to map out a general itinerary, plan your overnight stops and create a list of must-see sights along the way. And don't forget about all the stuff you need to pack to ensure your family is safe, comfortable and entertained.

While you don't necessarily need a lot of things to make a road trip a success, U.S. News searched far and wide to find the best gadgets and gear that will make your time in the car the highlight of your trip. These are all items you'll want to consider adding to your road trip packing list.

As you pack your bags and get ready for an epic road trip, here are a few last-minute road trip essentials you might want to add to your arsenal, organized by category.

Personal care and hygiene

Entertainment, comfort and convenience.

The booster cables and discharged battery, cold winter day

Keeping a reliable flashlight stored in your car is a good rule of thumb for all drivers heading out on a road trip. In roadside emergencies, the Anker Rechargeable Bolder LC90 LED Flashlight can illuminate a distance of nearly 1,000 feet with a battery life of up to six hours. Its durable design makes it ideal for use in inclement weather, and its five settings include an SOS signal and a strobe light. Meanwhile, the Black Diamond Spot 400 Headlamp – which features a 400-lumen beam and red LED night vision – is ideal for when you find yourself changing a tire in the middle of the night. Both products earn rave reviews from consumers for their powerful light.

Portable power bank

Goal Zero's Sherpa 100AC power bank is a portable power bank you can use to recharge tablets, phones, cameras and laptops on the go. It features two USB ports, plus four cables are included and it's lightweight at just 2 pounds. Recent customers loved the power bank's versatility, but recommend charging it every two to three days for the best results.

Jumper cables

Jumper cables from AUTOGEN can easily fit in your trunk and could save the day if your battery dies and you're unable to start your car while out on the road. Many travelers also say you can't go wrong with these heavy-duty cables from Energizer. These 25-foot-long cables are perfect for any car type and come with a travel bag for easy storage – they're a must for any road trip packing list.

Portable tire inflator

A portable tire inflator can be a lifesaver if you find your tires have a slow leak during your trip. The AstroAl Air Compressor Tire Inflator is compact, so it won't take up much space among the other gear in your trunk, and it includes an LED flashlight with independent switch control. It is programmed to stop automatically once it hits the preset tire pressure and it comes with a 36-month warranty. Other travelers prefer the ViAir 88P - 00088 Portable Compressor Kit , noting it works well with a wide variety of vehicles. In addition to a 12-foot air hose and 9-foot power cord, the kit comes with alligator clamps that power your air compressor by attaching to your car's battery.

Jump starter

Picture this: You're having the time of your life on your road trip when your car battery dies in the middle of nowhere. Luckily, a high-quality jump starter is all you need to avoid this disastrous scenario. In addition to being water-resistant and compact, the NOCO Boost Plus GB40 comes with a built-in flashlight and a USB port for charging devices like smartphones and tablets. The Hulkman Alpha 85 2000A Jump Starter also comes highly recommended by travelers thanks to its easy-to-use design and powerful battery life (a single charge can hold up to 60 jump starts).

Waking up in the morning to an icy windshield isn't a pretty sight. Prestone AS244 Windshield De-Icer instantly melts ice upon contact, so you don't have to worry about waiting for your car to defrost when you're in a rush. As an added bonus, the can comes with a built-in scraper tool for easy ice removal. Recent customers have called this product a lifesaver during harsh winters.

Bringing a trusty multi-tool on your road trip is a simple way to make sure you're prepared no matter what situation you run into. Leatherman products impress consumers time and time again thanks to the company's high-quality and lightweight multi-tool designs. Customer-favorites include the Leatherman Bond and the Leatherman Wave+ , which offers 18 powerful tools like pliers and wire cutters.

Car charger

Frequent car travelers recommend always staying connected with the TECKNET USB Car Charger . Featuring four fast-charging ports, this adaptor can be used to charge smartphones, tablets and more. If you're hitting the road with the whole family in tow, or you simply want to charge more than one device at a time, travelers say this powerful charging adaptor is a must-buy. Pair it with an extra-long charging cable that can easily reach everyone in the back seat.

Dashboard phone mount

Keep your eyes on the road by installing a dashboard phone mount before your journey starts. The iOttie Easy One Touch 5 comes with a telescopic arm, a magnetic cord organizer and a strong-hold suction cup. Plus, its easy one-touch lock-and-release mechanism (a feature that is much appreciated among recent customers) makes taking your phone on and off the holder a breeze. If you don't like the rigidity of traditional dashboard phone mounts, consider choosing a phone mount with a flexible arm instead.

Document holder

Whenever you're hitting the open road, you want to prepare for the worst. In the event that you get into a car accident or are pulled over by the police, having easy access to your car's registration, insurance information and owner's manual is crucial. Recent travelers say that this Samsill car registration holder is great for keeping all your important documents organized.

Roadside emergency kit

To give yourself peace of mind while you're on the road, travelers recommend this STDY car roadside emergency kit from Amazon. Equipped with a tire pressure gauge, a utility knife, safety gloves, cable ties, a tow rope, tire repair tools, a raincoat and more, this compact kit has everything you need when life throws you an unexpected curve ball.

Group of mixed ethnic teens packing up a car ready to go on a road trip together. The camera is placed in the boot of the car. They are at holy island in the North East of England.

Extra-large body wipes

Extra-large body wipes from Busy Co make it easy to wash up when you can't take a shower. Cloths are suitable for dry, oily and combination skin types, and address a variety of skincare needs, including clarifying, toning, soothing and nourishing. Recent customers appreciated the large size of the wipes and said using them made them feel refreshed while traveling.

Lysol wipes

Disinfecting Lysol wipes are a must-have on your travel packing list. These cleaning wipes kill 99.9% of viruses and bacteria, so you can feel protected while on the road.

Disposable toilet seat covers

Disposable toilet seat covers from Amazon will help you avoid germs and stay clean when you stop for restroom breaks at gas stations, port-a-potties and campgrounds.

First-aid kit

A comprehensive first-aid kit can't be overlooked when packing up the car for your next road trip. Recent customers say this 298-piece kit from Amazon will get you the most bang for your buck, with bandages, antibiotic ointment, gauze, Band-Aids, pain reliever and much more. Although this will arm you with the basics of what you may need in a medical emergency, it's always a good idea to personalize your kit according to your needs.

Nausea Relief

Long hours in the car might sound daunting to anyone prone to motion sickness. In those cases, having preventative nausea medicine like Dramamine can be a lifesaver. If you prefer a drug-free alternative, Sea-Bands are anti-nausea wristbands that use acupuncture as a natural remedy to reduce motion sickness. Travelers say these bands are highly effective at reducing nausea.

Hand sanitizer

From gas pumps to ATMs, you never know what germs you may encounter on a road trip. Protect yourself against viruses like the cold and flu by adding a travel-size hand sanitizer to your road trip packing list and keeping it in the car during your trip.

If you'll be spending long hours in the car, it's important to remember to wear sunscreen. Sun Bum's SPF 50 Sunscreen Spray is broad spectrum, moisturizing and water-resistant for up to 80 minutes. And if you'll be heading for the ocean on your trip, make sure you pack a reef-safe sunscreen like this one from Reef Repair to protect marine life and coral reefs from harmful chemicals. Although some customers reported a white cast upon application (due to the zinc oxide), many reviewers thought the trade-off was worth it to maintain healthy ocean environments.

Toiletry bag

This chic Sonia Kashuk Weekender Makeup Bag features two zipper compartments, a center organizer and carrying handles that make it perfect for transport. Customers particularly love that the bag is compact without sacrificing storage space. For durable, leak-proof travel bottles, check out this Getaway Travel Kit from . It comes with four pearlescent bottles, two jars, a spatula, a funnel and a zippered pouch for storage. Plus, it includes a fun set of sticker labels so you can organize your toiletries in style.

[Read:  The Top Travel Toiletry Bags .]

Young women singing and having fun on road trip with convertible car.

Sitting in the car for hours can be painfully boring at times, but there are plenty of ways you can enjoy your time while road tripping. With the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite , you have access to thousands of books at your fingertips. The device boasts up to 10 weeks of battery life, adjustable warm light and a glare-free display, which recent reviewers said made marathon reading sessions a breeze. Meanwhile, kids can enjoy the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Kids , which offers a special font for children with dyslexia and comes with a two-year warranty.

Carefully curated Spotify playlist

Whether you prefer jamming out to tunes or listening to thought-provoking podcasts, having a Spotify playlist ready to go before you get on the road is a must. Take some time before your trip to curate a playlist or two so you can keep your eyes on the road and your hands off your phone while road tripping.

Audible subscription

Long drives call for catching up on all those books you've been saying you were going to read this year. With an Audible subscription, you can make the most out of traffic jams by enjoying some words by your favorite authors.

Vehicle fully packed for a hiking and camping trip. Dog bowl included.  Fishing rod and rifle included.

Choose a reliable duffel bag like the Eagle Creek Migrate Duffel for your next road trip. This bag is water-resistant, strength-bearing and perfect for when you need your luggage to fit in a small space. It also comes with lockable zippers and can be worn as a backpack or carried as a tote, a top feature according to recent reviewers. And if you're planning on hiking during your trip, travelers say the Daylite Duffel 30 from Osprey can fit everything you need with room to spare. This bag can be worn comfortably all day long and comes with a mesh water bottle pocket and functional harness straps.

[Read: The Top Rolling Duffel Bags .]

This YETI Hopper Soft Sided Backpack Cooler makes it easy to bring drinks anywhere without worrying about leaks. The cooler, which comes with a dryhide shell and a magnetic closure, can hold up to 18 cans (or 26 pounds of ice), and comes highly recommended by travelers thanks to its durable design. It's ideal for road trippers who plan to get out and explore, and need to stay hydrated or keep food fresh.

Rooftop Cargo Carrier

Save some space inside your vehicle by opting for a car roof cargo carrier. With an anti-slip mat and reinforced adjustable straps, the waterproof FIVKLEMNZ 15 Cubic Car Roof Bag Cargo Carrier from Amazon is suitable for any car type. Recent customers say that they had no problem getting it to stay in place even on high-speed roads.

Car organizer

A car seatback organizer lets you arrange road trip essentials on the back of the driver's or passenger's side seat, where they're within reach of small hands. Many buyers said this seatback organizer from took some of the stress out of traveling with kids, thanks to its multipurpose storage compartments, including a place for a tablet and plenty of other spots to store key items for your trip. You can also maximize your space by stashing your essentials in a trunk organizer. This one from Drive Auto comes with multiple storage compartments, waterproof lining and tie-down straps to keep items in place while you're driving.

Car trash can

There's no doubt about it – road trips can generate a lot of trash. Keep your car clean on your next adventure with this Hotor car trash can from Amazon. Complete with an adjustable strap, mesh side panels for storage and a leak-proof interior lining, this useful accessory comes highly recommended by travelers who find themselves frequently on the road.

Reusable bags

Whether you're stopping for snacks at a gas station or running into the grocery store for those last-minute essentials, a reusable bag is an easy way to reduce your plastic consumption. Recent reviewers said these versatile and water-resistant reusable bags can even be used as laundry bags, garbage bags or beach bags in a pinch.

A young elementary-age girl takes a nap in the back seat of the car on a long road trip. She is snuggled up with a blanket and a stuffed animal giraffe. Her brother is in a booster seat next to her watching a game on a tablet.

Electric car blankets

Electric car blankets allow you to stay warm on the road no matter the temperature outside. This Stalwart electric car blanket takes up very little space, is surprisingly lightweight and plugs into any vehicle with a 96-inch-long cord. While some travelers noted that this blanket alone won't be enough to keep you warm in extremely cold weather, many say it was a welcome addition nonetheless.

SleepPhones soft headband headphones let you enjoy the open road while listening to music, audiobooks, meditation, white noise or talk radio. These headphones are expertly padded, which reviewers say makes them more comfortable for long-term wear than earbuds. You can buy the classic version or a wireless version at

Travel pillow

Pick up an ergonomic travel pillow from Cabeau if you need extra neck and shoulder support when you ride in the passenger seat. The pillow features supportive memory foam, a front clasp to ensure it stays put and a removable cover that you can wash. Recent customers also loved that the pillow comes with straps that can be attached to any headrest, making sure you don't fall forward while catching some shut-eye. For kids, this Cloudz plush animal neck pillow comes in a variety of colorful animal options, such as a unicorn, a ladybug, a dinosaur and more.

[Read:  The Top Travel Neck Pillows .]

A battery-operated mini fan from SkyGenius can help you stay cool and comfortable. This fan comes with a rechargeable and replaceable battery, and is ideal for the car and for camping. For even more cooling capacity, opt for a fan with dual heads like the XOOL Electric Car Fan from Amazon. Both mini fans earn glowing reviews from travelers thanks to their powerful airflow capabilities.

Shield your eyes from the sun by picking up a good pair of sunglasses before your trip. Choose sunglasses that protect against the sun's UVA and UVB rays, and are polarized to block glare. Travelers love that these Ray-Ban Aviator Classic sunglasses come in a variety of tints and can even be customized to fit your needs. For a more budget-friendly option, check out these SUNGAIT Ultra Lightweight Rectangular Polarized Sunglasses from Amazon, which recent customers say are very comfortable and perfect for road tripping.

Window shade

The sun beating down on your car all day can heat it up quickly. To keep your car cool, travelers recommend the EcoNour Car Windshield Sun Shade , which protects your vehicle from UV rays and helps maintain your car's interior temperature at a comfortable level. Pair it with these car window shades to protect your backseat drivers from UVA and UVB rays while you're on the road. The shades come in two different sizes and transparency levels, and previous buyers say they are very easy to install.

Travel towel

A travel towel is one of the most versatile accessories you can bring on a road trip. Whether you are cleaning up a spill or want to go for an impromptu beach day, having a spare towel on hand is always a good idea. This odor-resistant and quick-drying 4Monster travel towel from Amazon comes in several sizes and includes a compact EVA box, which recent reviewers say makes it perfect for travel.

Reusable water bottles

Skip the plastic bottles and opt for a high-quality reusable water bottle on your next trip. This 40-ounce bottle from Hydro Flask keeps drinks hot for 12 hours and cold for a full day. It also comes with a lid with a built-in straw, which consumers say makes it convenient for driving. For kids, a durable water bottle like this 12-ounce YETI rambler fits the bill – its stainless steel bottle is dishwasher safe and shatter-resistant, a feature that parents love.

Smiling girl enjoy reading book while sitting in car safety seat.

Cubcoats are two-in-one stuffed animals that transform into hoodies. Your child's furry friend (think bunnies, sloths and puppies) doubles as a soft, zip-up sweatshirt, and you get to save some space in your suitcase.

Inflatable car booster seat

If you're flying to another destination to pick up a rental car for your road trip, consider bringing inflatable car booster seats along. This BubbleBum backless inflatable booster is suitable for kids 4 to 11, and comes with a seat belt positioning clip for optimal comfort and safety. Recent buyers said it was portable and extremely easy to use.

Kids travel journal

A kids travel journal makes it easy for your child to document their road trip and all the fun things they see and do. This one from Peter Pauper Press includes world maps, puzzles, fun facts and more, and many parents said it made their kids' time in the car fly by.

Activity books

A family road trip means long hours in the car, and bored children are every parent's worst nightmare. Activity books can keep your kids occupied for long periods of time while you catch up on some much-needed quiet time.

Backseat travel tray for kids

If your co-pilot is constantly turning around to pick up toys or pass out snacks, a backseat travel tray is in order. The LUSSO Gear Kids Travel Tray comes with a safety strap that can be secured to any car seat, and includes a dry erase board table, a cup holder, a storage compartment for toys and a no-drop tablet viewing stand. Reviewers loved the tray's whiteboard area and said it was a great way to keep kids entertained on long car rides.

Detail of hand filling the fuel tank of the passenger car

Shop in bulk

Check out for specially curated bulk items that are perfect for road trips and other types of travel. From sunscreen, hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes to Fruit Roll-Ups and snack-size packs of Pringles, is a convenient site to order bulk hygiene and snack items in one place.

Bring spare cash

Debit cards, credit cards and mobile phone payments may be the way of the world nowadays, but you may still run into a few places on your journey that are cash-only (for example, some national and state park entrance fees must be paid in cash). Be on the safe side by keeping some spare cash on hand in case of emergencies.

Save on gas

It's no secret that sky-high gas prices can put a damper on your vacation. Save some money on fuel by using apps like GasBuddy , which will show you the cheapest gas prices in your area. Go the extra mile by signing up for a gas rewards credit card to get the most bang for your buck.

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What Is a Road Trip? The American Tradition 

  • Date: August 3, 2022
  • Time to read: 7 min.

Definition of a Road Trip 

A road trip is any trip that requires at least one stop for bathroom, snacks, and/or gas AND involves spending at least one night somewhere else.  

Naturally, people have a variety of opinions, but there are some simple reasons for this definition.  If you don’t have to stop in the middle, it’s not a road trip.  It’s a commute.  If you return home within the same day, it’s a day trip, not a road trip. 

Road trips take long enough to require a driving break and last long enough to require travelers to spend a night away from home.  

The ideal road trip lasts between 2 and 7 nights.

What is a road trip? with an image of a jeep on a dirt road driving away in the mountains.

Road Trip Traditions

Road trips are America’s way of making memories together.  Whether you’re planning a family reunion, solitude time in nature, or a bachelorette party, the road trip is the means of making it happen.  

Part of the reason road trips are so memorable is that they allow people to experience the joys and the struggles of the journey together.   Spending time together driving gives everyone time together and shared memories. 

Road trip memories occur both at the destination and the journey to get there .

For every time the toddler asks “Are we there yet?” is a time your best friend reveals a huge part of her story or a time your high schooler opens his eyes in wonder at the magnificence of nature. 

In 2007, four of my friends piled into my Honda Civic as we drove to a retreat for our campus ministry.  This was eight years before I had a smartphone, which meant my navigation was entirely based on previously received directions and the occasional, turning into frequent, phone call along the way.  

Fifteen years later, I don’t remember much about the retreat itself.  I remember the road trip to get there very well.  What should have been a 90-minute drive turned into 4.5 hours of 7 u-turns, 90’s Disney music sing-a-longs, an emergency bathroom stop after a giant milkshake, and dodging raccoons. 

These kinds of road trips support the idea that the journey is more important than the destination.  

Road Trip Food

The most popular road trip snacks are beef jerky, trail mix and twizzlers, but some travelers prefer veggies and hummus, anchovies and sandwiches. 

You can check out this list of 200 of the most popular road trip snacks for more ideas. 

People typically think of junk food when they think of the stereotypical road trip.  

If your health-conscious, you obviously don’t have to follow those patterns.  And you also don’t have to settle with just trail mix as a kind of compromise between nutrition and sugar.  

With a little planning, you can prep or find convenient, creative, and healthy protein, carbs, and fiber for a road trip.

You can even cook on a road trip! We love to use the Hot Logic portable oven to make food from scratch while traveling .  

You can find more detailed content about healthy road trip ideas to combat road trip hunger cravings here in one of our other posts. 

Summer Road Trips

Road trips are most popular in the summer because of the long break from school. 

The classic road trip typically involves the whole family, making summer the ideal season for road trips because kids are typically out of school. 

The weather is generally nicer across the country, making any destination at least accessible and in many cases attractive .  

Snow makes traveling dangerous in some parts of the country in winter months. North Dakota in February? No road trips for you unless you plan on traveling in a snow plow.

Montana in July? Much better. 

Of course, in many southern states, the pattern is reversed, while the beaches are still very popular the heat makes it difficult to enjoy the outdoors. Try Georgia in the winter instead of the brutal heat and humidity of August.   

Florida in August is brutal.  The whole state is a sauna. 

But if you go in December, the temperature and humidity are much less oppressive.

Family Road Trips

Road trips are often a family vacation because it can be much cheaper than flying with a larger group. It is a great way to have a budget vacation. 

A family drive to the beach or National Park is a memorable low cost trip. 

A family road trip can also be a drive to visit family. I know I grew up traveling 12 hours every year to visit my grandparents. 

For some families, a road trip may mean driving five hours to the beach to see grandparents.  For other families, a road trip means embracing adventure by always exploring somewhere new. 

National Park Road Trips 

National parks are excellent road trip destinations for the families that love exploration.  A few years ago, my dad took a sabbatical from work and really enjoyed some of the national parks in the midwest.  

National Parks offer educational experiences and programs the whole family can enjoy and incredible places, hike, kayak, stargaze or camp. 

National Parks have a program for kids called The Jr. Ranger Program that allows kids to collect badges and do activities at most of the parks. 

National Parks are popular destinations for Americans and visiting tourists. These are often bucket list items. 

You can very easily find a national park in your state if you prefer a shorter road trip instead of a gas-sucking marathon.  The National Park Service lets you search for parks by state, and every state has multiple .  

What Do You Call A Road Trip?

The definition I typically use for a road trip is any trip that requires at least one stop for bathroom, snacks, and/or gas AND involves spending at least one night somewhere else.  If you don’t have to stop, it’s not a road trip.  It’s a commute.  If you return within the same day, it’s a day trip, not a road trip. 

Naturally, people have a variety of opinions on this one, but you’ll find that most people tend to agree on some common themes in road trips, typically about stops, destinations, and time spent both on the road or away from home.

How Long Is a Road Trip?

The length of the road trip is probably the most divisive.  People tend to agree about needing to spend at least one night away from home to avoid it being called a day trip, but that still leaves a lot of gray area.  

One strategy is to distinguish the “technical” minimum for a road trip from the ideal road trip.

A road trip that lasts a weekend could meet the definition of a road trip, but people might easily refer to the experience colloquially as a weekend trip.  

So, a road trip can be as short as two days, but an ideal road trip would last three or more . 

Are Road Trips An American Thing?

Road trips are an American thing.  Europeans travel as much if not more than Americans, but gas (they call it petrol) is more expensive in Europe, and many European cities are not designed for heavy car traffic.  As such, Europeans tend to use interrail (what Americans would call a train) much more often for leisure travel and sightseeing.

A common rugged example would be a European hopping on the interrail and spending a week or two sightseeing in different countries, staying at backpacker hostels along the way.  

By contrast, American road trips involve people driving themselves to their destinations , meaning that train travel or any other public transportation use would not meet that definition.

Vehicles in America are also often larger and designed for long drives and multiple occupants. These large vehicles are less common outside the US. 

That doesn’t mean Europeans can’t take road trips, of course, but many of the conversations on reddit, for example, about road trips in Europe are often being planned by people coming from outside Europe.  

Why Are Road Trips So Popular?

Road trips embody our yearning to connect with each other, ourselves, and the environment by exploring something new.   

That exploration could be as organic as spending time in nature or culture-based in meeting new people.  

American movies from multiple genres hit on many of these points.  Road trip movies range from the coming of age film Almost Famous in 2000, across character transformations in Rain Man from 1988, all the way to the delightfully stupid Dumb and Dumber in 1994.  

None of these movies, good or bad, have to be your basis for evaluating the joy of your road trip obviously.  With the right food, people, music, and destination, your road trip can be a meaningful and memorable experience.  

You can find some tips and tricks for road trip planning here .

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How to Take a Stress-Free EV Road Trip in the U.S.

It’s easier than ever to take an electric vehicle on a long road trip, if you bear a few things in mind before you depart..

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A Tesla Model S on an Interstate road.

The U.S. boasts thousands of miles of roads that can be reached within a single EV charge.

Photo by sladkozaponi/Shutterstock

EV road-tripping probably conjures one of two images for you: an eco-friendly, quiet, emissions-free ride from the future—or a fraught nightmare of battery-range anxiety and roadside assistance. The truth is, it can be fully the former if you keep a few things in mind. I’ve driven a Polestar 2 some 300 miles from L.A. to Las Vegas and taken a multigenerational road trip to San Diego in a Rivian R1S. Both journeys were smooth, much cheaper by the mile, and infinitely kinder to the environment. Here’s a primer on taking an EV road trip of your own.

How range and recharging work

There are three main things to know when driving an EV on a road trip: how far the car can go on a full charge (known as its range), how long it takes to recharge the battery, and where to find charging stations (and what kind).

Ranges differ. Most modern EVs offer between 200 and 400 miles. Charging infrastructure likewise is not created equal. California leads the way , with New York, Florida, and Texas on its heels. Other states have made great progress; Colorado has been working on adding charging capabilities to its scenic byways for several years. The recent federal infrastructure bill is channeling $7.5 billion toward half a million more chargers by 2030. Finally, charging time also varies. A fast charger will get you back on the road within 30 minutes. Slower plugs can take as long as humans to recharge overnight. (The type of car you have and the size of its battery are also factors.)

An EVgo charging station fills up a Hertz rental car.

Hertz and EVgo have teamed up to make borrowing an electric vehicle easier.

Courtesy of EVgo

Renting an EV

Car rental companies are a great place to take a test drive into the inevitable EV world. Hertz, for example, says it has tens of thousands of EVs at more than 2,000 sites in 44 states, and it’s building a fleet at a range of price points (although it has been in the news lately for selling off some of its fleet). The company has a quick guide to renting an EV on , with notes on charging and braking, and primers on different car models, as well as a partnership offering discounts with charging network EVgo.

The peer-to-peer car-sharing app Turo, meanwhile, launched an EV hub in April. It showcases three curated EV collections (budget, SUV, and luxury) and has tips on driving electric vehicles. The app offers 1,500 makes and models; EVs made up 9 percent of its listings at the end of 2023.

How to find an EV charger

ChargePoint offers the most locations in the United States, with more than 31,000 locations. Electrify America and EVGo are two other popular networks, with more than 900 and 950 charging stations, respectively. Electrify America has an explainer on topping up , including a note on the “charging curve” (charging accelerates in the middle of the session) and other considerations like compatibility. (There are a couple of different plugs , but most modern cars can connect with any of them). Added bonus? The network’s energy is 100 percent renewable via solar farms and renewable energy certificates.

When you plan your route, look for pit stops with at least four outlets, says Joel Levin, executive director of EV advocacy nonprofit Plug In America . That way you’re less likely to find them all in use. “Road-tripping in an EV can be a lot of fun, but it takes a little planning and a different way of thinking about your trip,” he adds.

Use maps and apps

There are two keys to a stress-free trip: maps and apps. Waze added EV charging stations in 2023. Google Maps updated its offering for Earth Day 2024, with more specific location information, forecasted energy consumption for trips, and more . And for EVs with Google Maps built in, including Polestar, Volvo, and Renault vehicles, the software will automatically suggest charging stops when you plan a trip. It also shows charging options at other businesses such as grocery stores.

The charging networks have their own apps, too, allowing you to add payment methods, find available stations, and monitor progress if you leave your vehicle for a while. PlugShare , meanwhile, is a free community-based app that shows nearby chargers and reviews from users.

Book a hotel with an EV charger

Another pro tip: Find hotels with plentiful plugs. With the right combination of high range, shorter distances, and overnight charging, you may not need to stop during your daily drives. The Hilton chain lets you filter your search by hotels with charging facilities (and displays more than 1,200 results in the United States alone). Marriott offers a similar filter; I found 1,172 hotels on a recent search. IHG Hotels & Resorts, meanwhile, has facilities at almost 1,200 hotels in the United States. Some 30 percent of Relais & Chateaux’s North American hotels have chargers.

“Booking a hotel without an EV charger adds a level of stress and uncertainty that is no longer necessary,” says Bruce Becker, owner of the net-zero Hotel Marcel in Connecticut and an EV owner since 2011. “EV drivers actually have an advantage over drivers with gas cars because you’ll wake up in the morning with a full charge, ready to hit the road.”

Becker, who is chairman of the state’s Electric Vehicle Owners Club, has plenty of recommendations for your first EV road trip. In the summer, he vouches for Cape Cod (“there are plenty of fast chargers along [Highways] 95 and 91”); in the fall, he suggests a foliage trip from Hotel Marcel to Woodstock, Vermont, or to Maine. In fact, most of the country can be road-tripped in an EV with a little preparation, making it fairly easy to take your foot off the gas.

A view of stone walls and lakes over Sky Road in Galway County

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  • The team won three of five games on its road trip .

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The 12 Best Beginner Motorcycles For Long Road Trips

I t's easy to romanticize the idea of setting off on a long road trip, especially when it concerns doing it on two wheels . It's a chance to revel in the freedom the open roads give you, explore, and, quite importantly, get to know the vehicle enabling this experience. Given that, though, it's critical to get the right kind of machine along for this trip.


Road trips, in general, can be tough if you don't have the right motorcycle along for the ride, especially if you are a novice rider. Given that, we have updated this list to include a few more entries of motorcycles perfectly suited for the job.

This is especially true if you're a rider devoid of a lot of seat time. The last thing you want to do is bring someone's sportbike along because while it may have a lot of power and consume miles rapidly, it's something you'll tire of rather quickly because of the compromised riding triangle. Luckily, this list should help you get through that selection process. It features beginner-friendly motorcycles you can legitimately rely on for long road trips by the likes of Suzuki , Harley-Davidson , Yamaha , and even Ducati, among others.

How we got our model selections: To compile this list, HotCars made a list of all the appropriate motorcycles on offer that enable long trips. While power was considered a criterion to narrow the list down, the motorcycles also needed to be beginner-friendly, meaning priority was given to motorcycles with comfortable ergonomics, impressive fuel tank capacity, and easy-to-handle curb weight figures. It should be noted that this list is a mix of motorcycles currently in production and those that have been discontinued but can be readily found in the used market. Also, the motorcycles have been organized in increasing order of the current market values.

Top 10 Beginner Motorcycles Under 500cc

Suzuki boulevard s40, used price range: $2,000-$6,000.

Suzuki's cheapest Boulevard doesn't leave you wanting for much. The 652cc engine is strong but not too strong for the bike's weight. It's not quite as long as other cruisers, which is nice for a beginner, and it's got a fairly affordable used price range, too. The seating is relaxed, with handles a little closer to you.

The newer ones come in a cool street-color gray and a classic blue. The way it features less chrome with a blacked-out engine and black finish on the wheels makes it look sporty and simple. A single speedometer over the gas tank is analog, and it has plates on the sides for saddlebags if you need cargo space.

2019 Suzuki Boulevard S40 Specs

(Specs sourced from Motorcycle Specs )

Harley-Davidson Iron 883

Used price range: $2,000-$10,000.

This Harley-Davidson gets 833 America-made ccs of power and goes for well under $10k in the used market. It's one of the best Harleys to start with, and you won't get kicked out of a biker bar for owning one. The Iron 883 has a V-Twin engine. If you don't know, this is a cool thing to have if you wear a leather jacket with patches unironically.

Admittedly, you don't get quite as much for your investment as an Indian Scout Sixty, and both will always be less reliable than a Honda or Kawasaki, but there are some things that just don't compare, like the trademark Harley rumble! Plus, with motorcycles, there's always less to fix than with cars so that you can do a lot of the work yourself.

2008 Harley-Davidson Iron 883 Specs

Yamaha v star 250, starting msrp: $4,699.

The Yamaha V-Star 250 is one of the very best for uneasy beginners looking to road trip . A new one costs just $4,699, and it gets 78 MPG. That means 195 miles between stops, which is pretty decent for a motorcycle. If you haven't figured it out, most of the time, the numbers by the name represent the ccs in a bike, so this has 249 (thus, 250). That means it's a very comfortable beginner's bike that won't scare you but can still get up to cruising speed faster than most cars. It also means the bike is lighter and easier to control.

It has a decent rear seat for passengers and a good base for saddlebags and packs. The speedometer is analog, and the styling is classic, so you might get confused if you park by any V-Star from the past 40 years. Despite the timeless look, the bike holds up to aging well and won't feel rough or uncomfortable on a long trip.

2024 Yamaha V-Star 250 Specs

(Specs sourced from WebBikeWorld )

These Are The Best Cheap Beginner Motorcycles From Japan

Ducati scrambler sixty2, used price range: $5,000-$7,000.

The Scrambler Sixty2 is a 399cc sportbike marketed more towards women. It weighs less than any on this list at just 403 lbs, which is great for people worried about laying it down on accident. It may look like a "naked" (a sportbike with no fairings or extra body covers), but this bike gets just shy of 250 miles of range, and even though the seat is a little more aggressive and won't hug your buns, the way it's shaped actually is relaxing and won't rub your behind the wrong way like a dirt bike (for men and women).

This bike won't be able to hold saddlebags, but the Sixty2 makes a great road trip bike for someone who won't spend more than three days riding in a row and wants a good in-town motorcycle the rest of the time. Surprisingly, for its size (but not for Ducati's standards), it can go up to 100 mph, so you'll never be left wanting more power on the freeway.

2018 Ducati Scrambler Sixty2 Specs

Bmw g 310 gs, starting msrp: $5,890.

The BMW G 310 GS is an adventure bike , meaning with some knobby tires, it makes a decent dirt bike for trails as well. With an adventure bike, you get way more travel (7.5 inches) for smoother rides, a more comfortable seat than a dirt bike, and a more upright seating position than dirt or bullet bikes. The 310 GS is one of the cheapest Beamers you can buy new for just $5,890. That being said, it is a Beamer. This won't win any awards for reliability.

The 310 GS makes a comfortable 313cc that won't get you up any hill climbs but will easily take you up to 90 miles per hour. With 71 MPG, it has a range of 213 miles. The digital display shows gas, gear, and speed in bold fashion, and the LED light makes for a great off-road light in bright mode.

2024 BMW G 310 GS Specs

Honda rebel 500, starting msrp: $6,499.

The Rebel 500 is an affordable and comfortable bike that will last you your whole life. It has 471ccs, which won't let you do any wheelies but does get you up to cruising speed sooner than you need. To keep yourself from locking up your brakes (a significant factor in motorcycle crashes), you can and should get the ABS option. The blacked-out bike may mimic a Harley, but the low seat height makes it ideal for women and the height-challenged. It is also surprisingly fitting for full-height people.

The Rebel has been around for years, so used ones aren't hard to find, and a new one will run for just $6,499. The digital cluster is simple and includes a fuel gauge (not included on all motorcycles). Honda’s slip/assist clutch makes shifting easy for the uninitiated, but sadly, this doesn't come with an automatic transmission. The manual is very forgiving, easy to learn, and worth it, in our opinion. This bike is ideal for beginners who don't plan on switching bikes for years to come.

2024 Honda Rebel 500 Specs

These are the best beginner motorcycles money can buy, kawasaki vulcan s, starting msrp: $7,349.

According to their official website, Kawasaki advertises the Vulcan as being able to fit a wide range of people. The 649cc engine has a good kick at low to mid-range for city stops, but it can also get up to 100 mph. For $7,349, it will feel sportier and quicker than other bikes, but it's also reportedly fun to sit on on the freeway! It has one of the most natural seating positions of any bike under $10,000, probably because it's adjustable.

It may look nothing like a beginner's bike, but it is what Kawasaki offers as their entry-level cruiser . If you're not worried about the bike weighing a little more, it is a very forgiving and comfortable ride. ABS is available, features like a windshield and back support are easy to add, and they are a massive plus on long rides.

2024 Kawasaki Vulcan S Specs

Honda nc750x, starting msrp: $9,499.

If there were a contender for the bike on this list that you could buy with your eyes closed, the Honda NC750X would be right up there at the top of that list.

It's easy on the eyes, great for beginners in terms of the riding ergonomics, is affordable enough, has a great ride, and the DCT on it is the cherry on the icing. It even includes riding modes, a windshield, and a low seat height. That the NC750X often gets discounted is a puzzle.

2024 Honda NC750X Specs

Triumph tiger 660, starting msrp: $9,695.

The star of the show here is, of course, Triumph's lovely 3-cylinder engine, but the Tiger 660 is no one-trick pony. This is about as close to ideal for beginners to get on and go on a long trip .

Tack on luggage and load it up, and the excellent tractability of the motor will still pull you along comfortably. You can even add optional extras that will make the journey more comfortable, like additional lighting and heated grips. Hard to fault the Tiger 660, really.

2023 Triumph Tiger 660 Specs

10 best beginner motorcycles money can buy, bmw f 750 gs.

BMW's GS motorcycle lineup is legendary . The F 750 GS is a natural at completing longer journeys in absolute comfort. One of the most important factors is, of course, the seat, and the F 750 GS makes do with one that's ideally suited to road trips.

At 32.1 inches, it's much lower than you'd expect for a bike this size, but if that's not enough, BMW will also sell you a suspension lowering kit and soft seat, bringing the seat height down further to 30.3 inches. In addition to that, it also gets dynamic traction control, ride modes, and adjustable brake and clutch levers, among others. For the money, it's quite a deal.

2023 BMW F 750 GS Specs

Indian scout sixty, starting msrp: $11,749.

The Indian Scout Sixty is one "beginner" bike that will earn you a lot of respect . It starts at $11,749 and is pretty long and wide but isn't necessarily heavy. The wider handlebars give you better in-city control around corners, and ABS is an option. The engine is 1000ccs, the most of any on this list, but not something an average-fit person couldn't handle easily.

While this is more of a luxury option, it allows for things like a windshield (don't discount how useful one of these is after just two hours of 60+ mph wind in your face) and genuine leather saddlebags. The seat is wide, which benefits the narrow-waisted as well as larger people.

2024 Indian Scout Sixty Specs

Energica eva esseesse9+, starting msrp: $16,110.

This electric bike warrants some cautionary tales: First, do not listen to music until you are comfortable with traffic flow and riding defensively! Cars cannot hear you at all, and they can't see you too well either. Also, its range is 143 miles combined, which is not the best for long trips but is still passable with some planning.

With that out of the way, you get an 80% charge in 40 minutes with a fast charge! All you need to do is stop for a meal by a power station, and you're as well off as any ICE bike. The EsseEsse9 has a nice, upright position , but you're also working with a lot of torque, so make sure you take it slow, or you can pop a wheelie. Otherwise, unlike combustion bikes, it's small and simple and won't have any mechanical issues to stump you. The gauge is simple and can tell the range so you won't be left without power.

2020 Energica EVA EsseEsse9+ Specs

(Specs sourced from Bikez )

  • Source for features: Respective manufacturers' websites
  • Source for technical specifications: Motorcycle Specs, Bikez, WebBikeWorld
  • Source for used prices: Cycle Trader

The 12 Best Beginner Motorcycles For Long Road Trips

road trip meaning long

Texas Rangers vs. Kansas City Royals Preview: How To Watch, Listen, Pitching Probables

The Texas Rangers begin another long road trip with a three-game set at the Kansas City Royals which starts on Friday.  

  • Author: Matt Postins

In this story:

The Texas Rangers head back on the road for a 10-game, 10-day trip that starts with a three-game series with the Kansas City Royals.   

The Rangers (17-15) wrapped up their homestand with a 5-4 record, winning series with both the Cincinnati Reds and the Washington Nationals. That gives the Rangers a little bit of momentum as they hit the road.

Texas will be tracking starting pitcher Nathan Eovaldi, who tweaked his groin during Thursday’s start. The Rangers are hopeful he won’t miss his turn in the rotation.  

The Rangers have not faced Kansas City (19-13) yet this season, but the Royals are off to a terrific start after an offseason in which they remade their starting rotation and signed shortstop Bobby Witt Jr. to a long-term extension.

The Royals’ American League Central Division features four teams that are within three games of the division lead, paced by the Cleveland Guardians, who have at times had the best record in baseball.

Here is the preview for the game, with probable pitchers, how to watch, listen and more.

How to Watch, Listen to Rangers vs. Royals

Where: Kauffman Stadium, Kansas City, Mo.

Friday’s Game

Time: 6:40 p.m. CT

Television: TXA 21. Radio: 105.3 The Fan, KFLC 1270. Watch on .

Probable pitchers

Texas Rangers: RHP Michael Lorenzen (2-1, 4.24)

Kansas City Royals: RHP Brady Singer (2-1, 2.62)

Saturday’s Game

Time: 6:10 p.m. CT

Television: Bally Sports Southwest. Radio: 105.3 The Fan, KFLC 1270.

Texas Rangers: RHP Dane Dunning (3-2, 4.13)

Kansas City Royals: RHP Michael Wacha (1-3, 4.24)

Sunday’s Game

Time: 1:10 p.m. CT

Texas Rangers: RHP Jon Gray (1-1, 2.48)

Kansas City Royals: TBA

Rest Of Road Trip

May 6-8: at Oakland Athletics

May 10-12: at Colorado Rockies

Scores | Schedule | Injuries | Transactions | Standings | Odds | Futures

Latest Rangers News

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Your Road Trip Close to Home adventure guide for May 3

Here's a look at all the great spots to hit from this week's episode of road trip close to home..

Brian Heyman

May 2, 2024, 8:00 AM

Updated yesterday

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Your Road Trip Close to Home adventure guide for May 3

  • 307 Main St. | Huntington, New York 11743
  • Open 3-11 p.m. Monday-Friday, 12-11 p.m. Saturday and 12-9 p.m. Sunday.
  • 71 Hamilton St. | New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901
  • Open 12-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Wednesday, 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Thursday and 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday.
  • Open daily 6 a.m. - 1 a.m. Playgrounds close at 9 p.m., Parade Groun closes at 10 p.m. Varying hours of other park attractions.
  • NYC Parks website
  • Prospect Park Alliance website
  • 635 S Broadway | Tarrytown, New York 10591
  • Open 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. from April through December.
  • Maple and Liberty streets | Paterson, New Jersey 07502

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Dodgers hit stride during nine-game road trip, begin to live up to expectations

road trip meaning long

PHOENIX − They departed for their three-city, two-country, 5,400-mile, no day-off, bee-hived road trip with anxieties, questions and fears about whether this international star-studded team may be nothing more than a tease.

Well, 11 days later, the Los Angeles Dodgers returned home early Thursday morning proving once again they are the class of the National League West, and perhaps the most dangerous team in the land.

The Dodgers, after losing three consecutive series to sub-.500 teams in their last homestand, lived up to every bit of their preseason hype. They stopped in the nation’s capital in Washington, D.C., grabbed their passports for Toronto and returned to Phoenix where their season died a year ago. They not only won seven of nine games, but pummeled the opposition by a combined score of 53-19.

So, what’s wrong with the Dodgers?

Absolutely nothing.

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“People expect us to win every game,’’ Dodgers sensation Mookie Betts told USA TODAY Sports. “They expect us to hit homers every at-bat. It’s like we’re not humans.

“It’s a silly game. You’re going to have ups and downs no matter who you are. It’s inevitable. Remember, this game is based off failure, not success. It’s good to have those expectations though. The guys we have in here, the coaches, we have a lot of confidence.

“But we got to go play.’’

The Dodgers were relentless on their magical mystery tour where Shohei Ohtani was booed for snubbing Toronto, Yoshinobu Yamamoto was questioned whether he seriously considered signing in New York, and a beehive relentlessly awaited to attack their mojo until a Phoenix beekeeper came to the rescue .

The Dodgers’ bats exploded at the top of the order, while the middle and even the bottom of the order proved to be just as lethal. Rookie outfielder Andy Pages, starting every game of the trip, hit .364 with five extra-base hits and seven RBI in his last eight games. He was joined by Miguel Rojas and Enrique Hernandez, who started six of the nine games, with the bottom-of-the-order trio hitting .333 with a .386 on-base percentage.

“The whole lineup,’’ said catcher Austin Barnes, “just kind of took off.’’

The Dodgers scored at least eight runs in four of their games, and for the first time in 18 years went one entire game without striking out.

“Andy’s a big part of that [success],’’ Roberts said. “Once he got called up, the bottom part of the order solidified and became more productive. I think you look at these nine games and the production the bottom half of the lineup has given us, that narrative should be silenced a little bit. It’s been big, really big for us.’’

The Dodgers rotation yielded a 2.45 ERA on the trip, including the resurgence of Yamamoto. The same guy who was hammered for five earned runs in one inning in his major league debut in South Korea against the San Diego Padres pitched six shutout innings Wednesday and is now 3-0 with a 1.64 ERA and 0.97 WHIP since his debut.

“I think I’m being able to keep myself very calm,’’ Yamamoto said, “and that’s one of the biggest reasons I’m being able to execute my pitches. There are some differences between here and Japan such as the PitchCom, pitch clock. I think I’m getting myself used to it, and I’m feeling more comfortable.’’

The bullpen, which lost setup man Ryan Brasier with a strained calf Monday, was lights out on the trip, yielding a 1.11 ERA.

And of course, there is Betts, who had five multiple-hit games on the trip with a .512 on-base percentage. He’s the runaway MVP one month into the season, hitting a league-leading .377 with a .481 on-base percentage, 1.104 OPS, 49 hits, 29 runs and 26 walks.

“He just conducts professional at-bats,’’ Roberts says, “and that’s a perfect recipe for an MVP-type season.’’

Oh, and about all the concern and apprehension whether he could handle being an everyday shortstop after not playing the position regularly since high school?

The dude looks like he’s played there his whole life, and will continue being their everyday shortstop for the foreseeable future while Rojas slides to second base along with Gavin Lux.

“To his credit,’’ Roberts says, “he really raised his level of play. Certainly, right now, he’s an above-average shortstop. I grade him out as a solid B-plus. It’s hard to imagine that given where he started. It’s really, really impressive."

When the Dodgers step on the field to play Atlanta for a three-game series Friday at Dodger Stadium, their fans may not even recognize this juggernaut.

Certainly, it hardly resembles the team that stunk up the joint up the last time they were in town.

“There’s an expectation when you come to the Dodgers,’’ veteran reliever Daniel Hudson says, “that you should win 60 to 70 percent of your games. The boo-birds come out, and it’s justified. I’d probably boo if I were a fan, too. We lost three straight series at home, seven of 10 games, and we played like [expletive].

“The expectations this organization has brought upon a good fan base. They expect us to win almost every game. When we don’t, we go on a little run where we lose seven of 10 games, everyone is surprised by it, including us.

“But this group is just so professional that we all knew we would turn it around at some point.’’

And somewhere along the way, on a road trip they thought would never end, it happened.

They jelled into the team they envisioned all along.

“You look back 11 days ago and we’re in a tough spot,’’ Roberts said. “We weren’t playing good baseball. To go on the road with an East Coast trip, to go north of the border, and then come back here and play a divisional rival and end up 7-2, it was a nice feat. Offensively, we were really good the entire road trip, and then the pitching, the defense, has been the best we’ve had all year. …

“Everybody likes playing at home, but sometimes it’s nice to get on the road, and it’s just the guys coming together.’’

The Dodgers, 20-13, suddenly have a bulging 4 ½-game lead in the NL West, with no one else in the division having a winning record.

“The Dodgers,’’ Diamondbacks manager Torey Lovullo says, “are just an unbelievable team.’’

The scary part is that they’re going to even get better. Walker Buehler, one of the finest talents in the game, is scheduled to start for them Monday for the first time since June 2022. Starter Bobby Miller and veteran reliever Blake Treinen are expected to be activated later this month. Three-time Cy Young winner Clayton Kershaw is scheduled to return after the All-Star break and starter Dustin May could potentially come back before the season’s conclusion.

“This team, we don’t let the external factors get to us,’’ said Dodgers closer Evan Phillips, who has eight saves and a 0.77 ERA. “We know we’re a good team. We know we have the talent. We’re not going to let anything get in our way.’’

It helps having that $700 million man hitting second in the order, too, with Shohei Ohtani.

Ohtani hit .250 on the trip with two homers and six RBI while striking out eight times and grounding into three double plays. He was out of the starting lineup Wednesday after striking out three times the previous night.

Yet, even when Ohtani proves to be human, and slumps like everyone else, his sheer presence is a huge factor.

“I’m not saying that Ohani is Barry [Bonds],’’ Roberts said, “but when I played against Barry, it was like he was always looming. Ohtani is just like that. I can’t imagine the stress it puts on opposing teams knowing that he’s looming. He’s always there. It’s got to be stressful.’’

The same goes for the Dodgers.

They are always looming, winning the NL West title 10 of the last 11 years, and already given a 99% chance to be playing in October again.

“On paper, people might think we’re going to go 162-0,’’ Hernandez said. “But in baseball, there’s a bunch of ups and downs and it’s all about figuring out a way to make the downs as short as possible.

“It took us a little second there to get going again, but we’re rolling right now.

“I don’t think we have even reached our best yet, but once that happens, look out, this team is going to be special.’’

Follow Nightengale on X: @Bnightengale


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    ROAD TRIP definition: 1. a long trip or holiday taken by car: 2. a trip taken by a sports team to play games against…. Learn more.

  2. ROAD TRIP Definition & Meaning

    Road trip definition: a long journey, especially one that is recreational or spontaneous, taken in an automobile. See examples of ROAD TRIP used in a sentence.

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  4. Road trip Definition & Meaning

    road trip: [noun] a trip taken by a sports team to play one or more away games.

  5. road trip

    road trip. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English ˈroad trip noun [ countable] American English a long trip that you take in a car, usually with friends Examples from the Corpus road trip • Maybe it has taken the girls this long to fully recover from the demoralizing Arizona road trip. • My fiancee, Tricia, reluctantly agreed to ...

  6. Road trip Definition & Meaning

    road trip noun. plural road trips. Britannica Dictionary definition of ROAD TRIP. [count] US. 1. : a long trip in a car, truck, etc. a cross-country road trip. 2. : a trip that is taken by a sports team in order to play one or more games.

  7. Road trip

    a long journey made by car, train, or bus

  8. road trip noun

    Definition of road trip noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. ... a trip made in a car over a long distance Topics Holidays b1, Transport by car or lorry b1. Definitions on the go. Look up any word in the dictionary offline, ...

  9. road trip noun

    Definition of road trip noun in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. ... a trip made in a car over a long distance. Join us. Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford University Press! See road trip in the ...

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    a simplified version of English used by non-native speakers , consisting of the most common words and phrases only. SEE FULL DEFINITION. SEE PREVIOUS WORDS. Road trip definition: A trip is a journey that you make to a particular place. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.

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    Road Trip definition: A usually lengthy trip taken in a motor vehicle, especially for pleasure.

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  14. ROAD TRIP definition and meaning

    ROAD TRIP definition | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

  15. ROAD TRIP Definition & Usage Examples

    Road trip definition: a long journey, especially one that is recreational or spontaneous, taken in an automobile. See examples of ROAD TRIP used in a sentence.

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    Road trip definition. The expression contains two important words: "road", and "trip". We could therefore say that it simply means a journey that takes place mainly on the road. This is true, but it is also much more than that. The duration. When we talk about road trips, there's a notion of a fairly long duration.

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    There are two meanings listed in OED's entry for the noun road trip. See 'Meaning & use' for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence. road trip has developed meanings and uses in subjects including . railways (1860s) sport (1900s) See meaning & use. How common is the noun road ...

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    Reusable water bottles. Skip the plastic bottles and opt for a high-quality reusable water bottle on your next trip. This 40-ounce bottle from Hydro Flask keeps drinks hot for 12 hours and cold ...

  20. road trip noun

    Definition of road trip noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. road trip noun /ˈrəʊd trɪp/ /ˈrəʊd trɪp/ (especially North American English, informal) jump to other results a trip made in a car over a long distance Topics Holidays b1, Transport by car or lorry b1. Join us. Join our community to access the latest language ...

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  24. Examples of 'Road trip' in a Sentence

    noun. Definition of road trip. Synonyms for road trip. The team won three of five games on its road trip. That game is the first of a two-game road trip on the West Coast. Peter Rauterkus, Dallas News , 29 July 2023. Prince William kicked off the work week with a road trip! Janine Henni, Peoplemag , 10 July 2023.

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  28. Dodgers hit stride during nine-game road trip, begin to live up to

    The bullpen, which lost setup man Ryan Brasier with a strained calf Monday, was lights out on the trip, yielding a 1.11 ERA. And of course, there is Betts, who had five multiple-hit games on the ...

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